Established 1850. J. G. HARVEY btjtte: COMMISSION' KCOTJSE, 75 EXCHANGE PLAGE, BALTIMORE, MD. , ic marking kegs can be had ill S.JU-1M consignments o! Butter and I'p. uw generally Bw.'Jptlon. all the rin-iial ktorrs in me couniy or win in iw.uu Keimard & C O IYI M I S S 1 O N MERCHANTS, M). 83 EXCHANGE PLACE, BALTIMORE, MX)., WE HAVE ALAEdETItADE FOU GLADES BUTTER, DaI oiVTlfAr EXntKSS OFK.CUS. The Somerset Herald. xvi;.f.usJA7. it, 1ST 4. time r.tBi.i;s. e.,MEasicT ii miseral ro.NT bailboab. On, .! ur M.,n.t.iy, July 7tl., 1873, trains wil ril a fnlloWS 1 Wail Mall Wrat.. . .lu:a. iu. 2 li p. iu. p. m. WVF. ALTFATHKIi, Gen'ri. feupt. W. it B. K. R- " K1TSERAL POIKT. 11:36 p. ra. '" S:21 a. m. 12:C2 p. m. " 4:S0 p. m. Eipri-M EaJt KxpreM Wert...- Mall nt Mall West Pittsburgh Coxmellsvills RAILKOAD. , T, ,,. Pilfcilfasilti & BalliiEore . o VLTE11ATI0N OF TIME. On and rter Sunday, May loth, ls74. Trains on this Road will Depart and Arrive from Depot, orner Grant and Water streets, as follows: OKrABT. rlTTBBrROH TIME. AKKIVB. IxalMail 6:10 a m.l McKeeSlrt Ac- Through Mail.7 a.m. c.m . ...... .6.40 M I xed War ... 3D -m. .nt'r" - M K?wrt Ae eom 11:00 a.m. c,m ,:.. W. Newton Ac- McKeesport Ae- ! ",m-V".:" n n m Throuirn r.x. srxua.m. 8:4o a.m. Fonnellrille Ae- I Connelly .lie Ae .m p.. 00 m- McKee.ic.t Ac- j MrKeeit Ae r()m 4:S0p.m.;l eora LI. n. w: Newton Ae- ;aTKeport Ac cra e:10p.m. n .iBOp.m- McKeesiH.rt Ac 1 1 McKeesport root com ..juy.iu. Throujih Ex., .8 oo p.m. Unioiitowo AC- McKeesport Ac- eora 11:09 p.m. West Newton Church Train . 12:45 p.m. com... ...... .0:10 p.m. M'KeetTXirt Ac- rom. 7 40 a.m. Through Mail..8:2i p.m. West Newton . I , Church a.m. J?i! arl ArnmTla 1M TffiES CSllT. EUi'l .UVL UWHOtUMSiris-." ' - ' Simiays. Eir.3 Trues mil. SAM'L C EODGfl, . E. I. mm. 6a. sal GsiPass. il"t. (General Ticket office. 43 5th Avenue. 15 is t ier V a n 1 o I BY limm & 0UDE8LDYS It is now time Sir shipping CL.s8 lirTTr.H and we advise all the dairymen to take advantage of every cold dnv to ship their buller dow n to us as rap idly as possible. We have a very art. mil now, lor cootl dairies and ecu readily M-U from l.OOUto 2.1HK1 kegs every week, nt hi-best market price. Buller merchants Innn'tlie South nd cimst titi.-s arc now be cinmugto lav in their fall ami winter M.ks or butter, and we advise dairymen to ship their butter promptly so as to get the advantage of this very desirable trm e. We will use every etrortto sell at JlK.fl EST PHH'MS. and as stain us the butter is wild will send sales and check. Me ill also make liberal advances m shij ments. Hoping to receive bber.d shij, merits promptly. ResptHtfully See., EEXXARD & OUDF.SLirs. t:J EXCHASOK Pi At K. Baltimore. M.l. I'd tour plants. Brir.g out your oveitieils. Frost is the sworn enemy of the tomatoe. Adam was the fir! victim of nnripe fruit. It often happens that nothings are not worth a darn. Tuk school mar uis of this countv insti tuted at Meycrsdale last week' Prm: Colors of every discretion for sa'c by E. II. Marr hal li Co. Xew Goods. A full stock of Boois and Shoes, now open at Snyder & Uhl's. 5000 lb strictly pure White Lead for sale at E..H. Marshall & Co s. Stone crocks. Jars, Pitchers and Jugs, for sale at Cook & Bceril's. r Cook& Beeiiits will trade Fish, Suit, and Corn, for Oats, Potatoes and Bacon. Iryou wnnt Oarja-nters' Tools go to Blymyer's Hardware Siorc ; a lull stock of all kinds. Fora, Six and Eight Tit-lures at Wul fiey'f. Photograph Gallery In the Mam moth building. Glass Ware. Full 6ct of Ghtsbware for 1,00. Tumblers only 75 cts per dozen, atW. W. Davis & Bra A la ice. e lot ot barrel Salt w ill he? ex l hanged for Butter, Apple Butler, Po catoes, &c. W. W. Dayw & Bno. CO., "j Oudesluys The Public Sehowl of this borough will open on Monday next. t ii:i:k Int of Sisle Iicathur at Snyder A. Uhl's, All kinds of j.,b printing executel at the llEKALD office. A la roe lot of "Paint Brushes lor sale bv E. H. Marshall Co. BKAVTiFrL set of teeth for 8. Dr. Vm. Collins. Somerset Pa. t A very nice lot of Coys and Children's Hats, Caps and Turbans at Amos Stock's Go to Blymyer's for Hardware of every description Books, Stationary, AVali Paper, Win dow Shades. &c, at Amos Steck's. A kew house is being built on Ilace street adjoining the property of Mr. Andrew lloupt. Svow-flake and V.'hite lliver-Flour at Cook & P.eerit's Grocery Feed Store, at reduced prices. . Pekson-s at a distance nm.ui -"sssr&r " John F. Blymyre has succeeded in get- t;nlr a jtjl ot the celeliraieu ury unmc iiames. tiiese Humes are always diili mttogct. -Callsooa at the Hardware rtnn l.ns.h ls of -to atocs wanted, for which w e agree to pay the highest market iiricc. Ruoads Bno s. No. 4 Baer's Block. Cook fc Bbekits have put up a large house near the depot for the purpose ol koepinff ptitatocs. They buy them at the highest cash prices. - Lost. A ladies.small gold neck chain, in or near the Lutheran Cemetery. 'Ihe. linder will be well rewarded by returning the same to this Oflicc. Attention the change iu the ..c,v e,,n,ra,.t Minoml Point tuns uiuic fciiv , . . . ifctiiroaa. to ue lounu at iue uwu u. ui Local Columns. Mrs. Botkd has improved lie apnar anceand cajiacity of her dwelling on the corner '.' Patriot and East Streets by the addition oTa half story. t'ctiooL opens neit Monday and the children arepntiing in the few remaining Jays of vacatUn romping through the wood? ia search of nuts and berries. Orntown is spreading out in all direc lions, and will there is plenty of roam for her to spread. Mu. Isaac JoAs, we learn, killed 21 shot a few daysaeo. A pot pie at a single shot Who can lieat it. Rambling in Hie woods, was never mor delightful than now. 1 hough a lime cany tor nut gathering, tbis is just the season to gather lichens, ferns, U-rrics ami vines for winter use. s. reliiise of the moon will take 1 1 ice oa the :24th and 2uth days of (Mil tier nexL It w ill commence at 11:4:5 on the night of tbe 14th and end at 4:43 on the morning of the 2oth. An observing man has discovered a simiiaiitv between a young ladies' seinina rv and a sugar bouse, ss both refine what is already sweet. Somf. man in P.iston publishes a paper called tbe Kingdom of Utarcn, for sev . niv-live e. nl8 a veur. Ot ourse it is a tw.g'us aflair. The genuine Kingdom of Heaven can be had without money anu w ithout price. . - A cram aoN of Prof. Wise, the aero naut, mude a line baloon ascension from Ihe fair grounds at Indians, Pa., on Wednesday afternoon. The young gen tleman meandered heaven-waul at 13 summers, and is ruUaJ as the youngest liulounist in ihe world. For the Boys Schools aud teachers sire good in their way. bul ihe j oung man must not dejieud wholly uponLUew. even tvlicrc he can command" the test ot both. You cannot dispense with self culture. There is much to be done that no one can do for you. Our greatest men are Kit- made men; and, whatever may be yourj COIKllilOu iu me, Jim uiuM, w a 1 lent, mate your$tif, or never be made. Always acknowledge all courtesies in a kindly spirit. Throw a bouquet and a card ot thnhks to a serentuluig rty. ! rot pre ared to invite them in. If you haven't a bouquet or a card at hand, throw a bootjack, or a brick, or anything of that sort, just to show vour appreciation ot the kindness intendetf. Our friend Mr. J. G. Harvey oflhdti lnorc, is on a visit 10 bis many friends and jtrons in this county. The merits of ihe firm of J. G. Harvey Sc Co., Commission Merchants, are too well known to our many readers to need any praise from us. The new bi.iiding erected bv Gen. Cof froth nnd Jacob Xetf, Jr., on Main Cross street, ia rapidlv ncaring completion ; part of it is already occupied. The Good Templars Lodge occupying one half ot the second floor and Dr. Bills the other, while Gen Corl'roths ofljit and a 61 ore--room occu py the first floor. Is going dpwn street the other day I called in to see Bcvins & Cran tier's house, one square above the depot. Mr. Cranger built it lie is a young man, bul a tine workman, and has done himself and our tow u an honor ia buildu... ouch a bouse. It is to tie an eating aud lodging house. here persons can procure boarding by the liieul, day. or week. Citizen. All lovers of Mince Pies should call at ihe Cheajiside Grocery of F. K. Colborn & Co., and get some of their delicious Mince Meat, all ready prepared with the finest condituenls teir baking into pits and only 15 cents per pound, try it and you will want more. & Tnn largest an J best lot ot undei ware fur men, ot the lowest prices can be bad at Steck'a. v ' . iwiinT inointu. l'nu h!- "'."ui t'u" jfDuej 'jihij oio'x J" wi8 a?"! ou.1 ti A out) pirt bars : "I ain't that turd of ft hair pin," and Fislierofthe Gazelle cxuliingly "trots" it before tbe public as a specimen of Bedford's vocabuiry. All the School IltxiUs to bo exchanged in Somerset Tp., are to 1 bad at. Amos Sleeks, at introducing prices, lor a limited time. 5 T'axtf.d ! ! 5O0 bushels of potatoes immediately, at F. K. Colhorn & Co's Grocery, "for ahich tbe highest cash, price market will lie paid. Ilringthem aloasr. S 30K SOUIV l" Al-M.ICA 3tl0.l3 pu.xls:is 'siJl 'S4"uoj sdV) SXYH Kev. D. 15. Ernst of Sagestown P., . former Pastor iu Somerset, -viK preach in hue liclnnncd (.'liurch nt Somerset on next lord's Day in tbe morning, ami at Levans ville in tie ofiernoon at 2 o'clock. A man styling himself Jacob Peck was arrcsti'il nn.I rommitcd to iail on Sunday l.if r.n i.o fl,r"n (sf horse stejilin. Tbe ' boree in his possession is supposed to be ,l,m,-nrlrrfl). 8. RicllC Of F tttU . ouuiy. . . N A national Suodav School Convention is to be held at Johnstown on the 27th of this month. As tbe Cam. ma County newsp'ier men are proverbial a3 bunuay School boys we expect to receive full re ports of tlie proceedings. The stone and brick work of the vault in the court bouse have been finished. Mr. Drum,, of Pittsburgh, the architect was here on Mouday, aud after thoroughly in specting the work, prououneed it one of the best jobs he ever saw. This is certainly very complimentary to Messrs Megahcn x Zorn and fully sustaining their reputation ns first workmen. 'What is head luck" asks an cx-chan-'c. In the oil region a man who eked out au existence on scrubby, stony hills, ate hoecake and sl.injack, fun on the river, went barehvtted nine months in the year, took his girl riding behind cxen, imd then sold out to some wisc(?) pccu- hitors for SJ.OOO.OOO cash, comes near rinHtgh to satisfy the ordinary mind. 'Then-tbe late Gen. Thomas was iff-k-vd for a furlouiili by a backwoods soldier, in nlrr that he midit visit his wile, to ivlun had been married but three months, he replied : "VUiy. my Otr lei low. 1 haven't seen my wife for three , i " The. lmekwoiRbsman stare J in- rriwllnnllv at the General for a moment. ...,.i fiw-n i.roUe out. "but vou sec me an mv wite ain't that kind. ' On; reni:d friend who is to lepieseni i;a Iiwtrirt in ihe Senate next winter naid us a short visit last week. Col. Vulzy is one of the stronget men in our county, with he and the other talented gentlemen of which our. ticket is composed, it cannot fail to meet with unWiunded;isin and a rousing vote from Somerset County's frosty sons. The Democratic organ of this county, fur w hich Mr. John II. Hoffmurr tarns the crank, is out ot tune; employces and sup porters "look down in the mouth"," evident ly labor under a heavy burden. The fact is the disastrous lire which visited this town on the memorable fllh of May 1872 was hard tin Poultry; among other gallina ceous fowls that perished were the Demo crat's roosters, and per consequence, they have no bird. to crow over Ohio. John Cobi.i.ns, an old soldier at the Soldier's Home, Dayton, Ohio, especially' desires to learn the address of Dr. P.. L. M'Kav, -".ho in lsGJ 'was a surgeon in charge of the hospital at Hampton, n. He writes to the postmaster at Easlon in quiring concerning Dr. M'Kay, whom be has reason to think is ia Pennsylvania somewhere. Our cotemporaries will be doing a kindly act to an old crippled sol dier by fjving" his request lor information as wide publicity as possible,. Eoey's Tikxhes. Among the various remedies for Coughs none en joy a hisher reputation thau Ldey s Car bolic troches. This fact places them above the ordinary list of medical prepara tions. For Coughs, Colds, Asthma, and as a disinfectant and preventive against contagious disease they are a s-iecific. ' In valuable to singers and public Sieakers. Sold everywhere. John F. Henry, Cur ran fc Co. Proprietors, 8 and 9 College Place, Xew Yo,t k. Old Bedford was always famous for big things, she has lbc biggest egg, the bigtwt woman, and the biggest imitator .f George Washington, but now she come to the front w itli the biggest farce in the shape of base ball Umpire that we have ever heard of. In the contest for the prize durins ihe fair, according to a Bedford ex change, after one club had seven innings and the other was at the bat for their seva enth with but one man out the Umpire called game The seventh inhing was counted. What set of regulations was used? It is really astonishing to walk around this sober and modest tiW city and note the number ot broken gates gates hang ing on but one hinge, and gates w ith no hinges at all. So long as such a large number of gates are regularly broken down each vear. there is no immediate danger that Johnstown wiii eventually be rid of the tormenting Small Boy. This is one way of doing things, and the one adopted bytbe Johnstown Tribune. Had the article pieared in the Herald there would have lieen no attempt to crim inate the Small Boy, but we would have said, the combined w eight of He aud She was more than the hinges could bear. Wellersblko, Oct 18th '74. Ma- EoiToit. Some of the reasons why the Welle-rsbiirg route, for liie Trans Alle gheny canal should be greatly preferred to the Wills Creek route are: 1. It would shorten the distance between six and ten miles. 2. It would not take over half the amount of tunneling. 3. It would run through the heart ot liie Weilcrsburg coal basin. 4. It would run through an inex haustible bed ot fireclay, of the best quali ty in lbc country. 5. It would also give nrw to anv amount of limestone and iron ore. these are come of the advantages of the Wellersburg route, anil I think are worth v of due consideration. ' B. K. i The Xew York Evening 7Vf earneslly advises every liody, now, l eat grapes. In a long editorial article on their value says : Emphatically we say that grapes are. a stroug food ; that in them we have not only naturally adapted sugar, culled by tlie'.ebemists graic sugar, infinitely supe rior to that chiefly exotic product, cane j sugar, lading more natural and more ueallnlui, especially ior seticuiitri iieiwin in temperate cilmates, but we htve. al.o. the healthful acids and a notable. amount of those nit: ojenous es-ntials whic'i are bl.xx'.-mnkers, not to speak of the v.u.ous salts which also liecome nccess-.y con stituents of the blood. Jcdoe Rowf., of Franklin county, last week rendered an imjiortaut decision, to the effect that it a voter has been register ed b'it ntt aetd, he cannot vote. The case grew out of a neglect of ihe assessor tii place opKite tho name of the jierson registered the aim-tint for which he was assessed. When the person went to pay his tax, 20 day bofore the election, he found no tax assessed against him. The question was, whether iLe assessor's ne glect could lie corrected. Judge Rowe decided that it could not, ;.s the assessment must have been made "wo months" be lore the clec i w. B10 Dept.. Harry Boyts. of SomersetJ lOWnMlip, SUIH a muguiui-cut mien, a. m- Ihtre Rocks, on last Thursday. John W. Pat ton secured the saddle, which, dress ed, weighed seventy-five pounds. He made a present of it lo a noted epicure of Baltimore, who intends lo Friervc 't.'? spirit?, as a si-jlit for the game-loving cili was of the .Monumental Citj'. Johnny thinks thJt this was the largest deer that ever ronmcd llicse mountains, but he is in error. Caidain Lambert, of Sluide tp., shot six ia one day, the lensl of which would overcome this in wei lit, but not in fatness and general good condition. Many recollect the story t the autlered monarch at which three citizens snapped their euus. He was big as a horse. Ik you want to buy tbe best Apple Parer matte, at r cents, go o lilymyre s Ilaru ware Store. Notice Ali tiersons iudeUed to us u ill j -lease cult and settle by Nov. Sth. Pota-; tot?, oats anil grain, taken in settlement o Recounts. SSVDEU AXD UttL. Tnt I-.- ..n toil i.rt iinnortaut matters . i... m,.,-.i ;a rno .r Hie nirions ! l till; J uiuim iu " -... . i things in nature. Tbe Firth concert in aid of the Public Library of Kentucky wi advertised to bike place July 3ISI. ti. .w-oiw An.ntst 1st. Gov. Br.imletle, ! i r.":;a,-;i! rn-iv-il over i uic nmnai:ei, r , ticKeta. U'C uiu iiif; Fn. - next, the dav atler the Concert, thousands of dollars wi'll be received, one ilay too late, for there will be not'urther iostpone mcnt. Tbis tnonry might jtibt S3 well have been sent a week before, as when it was. A full supply of Com, Oats, Bran. Corn Meal, Ac. always on lian.t, antl lor ss:e, , at the iJr.x-ery and Feci St Bicfits. ra Ol ..oofc o I DvfrEPSiA Dvspcpsia in the most eis couraging and distressing iiisca.e nmn is heir to. Americans arc panicuiuuy s-.- iect to this disease and its effects ; such as aoi.rsrtouiache. sick headache, habitual cost- u.,.n li.':irt-liurn. water bras.!, pn-jw n HU.J burning pains in the .pit of the f, niurl.n efltllillff UP of the fiXd, COiltCCl tongue, disagreeable Liste :n tbe inoutli, impure bhxd and all diseases. of the Stomache and. Liver. Two doses of Gkeex's AcorsT Flower will relieve vou at once, and there positively is not a J . .. r. ... o.... : wxni r.ttrn case in lue cnueo diuil-s u n If you doubt this go to your uruggisis Benford & Kimmel. Somerset, Pa., or IIit7.rotfc Fleck. Confluence, Pa. and get a sample bottle for 40 cents and try it. Regular size 75 cents. For side by ad Druggists in toe County. Fauueus will please remember that Cook & lieerits have for sale Ground Alaain Salt - - - AsLton . " .... 5 CO McKeesim; I ' - - " 00 Jib and will trr.ue the ?uuiu lor tiw ana j.o Pigeon Jhx-sT Item. The Baltimore Amcruan and oilier papers publish our account of the pigeon roost. We duln t know till lately that it was good. The number of pigeons npiears to be undiminished, notv.ithbtandiug the raft that thousands have been slaughtered. 'Oiir ornithological friend, .Mr. 15., has calculated that fifty thousand bushels of acorns and gr dn are required to fill their craws daily." Luckily the birds deal most ly in the fruit of the oak, or the owners of late buckwheat fields would find thcmstlvA sadly in the vocative. The Counsellor had fully made tip l.;s mind to pay the roost a visit on last Satur day afternoon. The successor of old Char ley was caparisoned for the trip, and the tart wis j tut being made, when an order for two hundred bushels of lime reached him. The trip was reluctantly postponed until next year. " Lime beats guano." The Subscriber actually niicmpieo io hike fiic 'census of the pigeons. Alone, without deputies, he tried it. Having been complimented oil his wonderlut suc cess at the Chicairo bridge, where, accord ing to veracious authority, be counted four millions of passing peo; le in seven hours, he fondly hoped to reckon anything short of the sands of the seashore.. From day- lioht ill ilm shades i eve were tailing ;e ' . . . . ....... n...., c. last he shoo!; a siicK at iiiein, i,uit; low he could easily do this,) and then only fifteen millions w ere dotted down to a cieuu certainty. He thought this number was nea:ly oue-sixtu ot me wuo.e amuum. Tun fullowinar lines from the icn of the author ol "Zomani." will not tail to attract iuc y the reader. Tbey were written especially with a. view to musical adaptation, anu iu . ""vr.'-,' f. rui will s.Hin e-iniear Iwloro the puoiie. Prol. Knakc is "to do" the music Pitlibum Ucdrr. . ' THE JEWELS I MUZE. Let the miserly h-mrd np their symixils of self Their eomier and silver acd gold, Their jewels anil gems, base mineral pelf, Inanimate, senseless, and cold. But to me give the trcasnres ofciile's liJal llood, Impasslonate, sentient, aSd warm. That burst Into being snd beauty with blood, Ih woifan, life's lovlk-st form '. Qlre me the'jcwels of mirth and delight, With whioh nothing earthly can vie, The diamonds that flaf h with a welcoming "Sht Aad glcs-.nln a fond woman's eye : To me give the jewel of gladness nnd blits. The heart" fondly-found treaeur -trove. The rubk-e that flush with passiouate kiss, ItesiKinsire, instinctive, to love : Afll the gelden metal, called precious, Is dross When compared with the golilm net That Nature has woven of li,-bt-nowing floss. And tut In tbt- stream ofllle set. Aa.i. -k ! tu be caught in this golden mesh, A fed ualed with Ive' deftest art T' t as tightens, the quivering flesli, A4 the bwt of a Usl-Llir.ibWni heart! Of course it is known to our readers that the author .of "Zomara " is Frank Cesan name not "to fortune and to fame unknown.' Well we hoi e the thing will be set to music, not only tor the piano, bul for the hand-oraii; then seventeen swarthy Italians, three Teutons, and eleven one legged soldiers may play it "neath the window- flf his sanctum daily. LostaI 1'olitica. Sebenade akd Speeches. Col. Yutzy, our candidate for State Senator, visited our town on Monday evening, remaining with us uutil Tuesday morning, when he left for a shoit canvas in Fulton county. He is accompanied by M. D. Barndollar, Esq.. and will stop with us again on his return. A larirc numlier of our citizens availed themselves of the privilege alford- ed by tbis short visit to make the Colonel s acquaintance, antl thiough the efforts ol our genial friend and uncompromising Republican and lellow citizen, Jas. 11. Long, Esq., the Everett Cornet Band ap peared in front of the Union Hotel and dis coursed some excellent music. Quite a re- soeclable crowd had gathered in the mean time and in consequence of the rain and storm, an impromptu meeting was organ ized in the reading-room of ihe Hotel by electing Capt N. C. Evans, chairman, and J. C. Long, secretary. The chairman in troduced Col. Yutzy, who responded in a short speech, simply acknowledging the compliment paid him by the people thus assembled. Gen. Ellioit was called out and restionded. in a few well-timed re marks. After a general handshaking and more music, the cro vd dispersed, well pleased with the affable nnd courteous bearing of a candidate whom they will give a hearty nnd cordial support on the third day of Xovcmber. Col. Vutzy makes a good impression upon all classes of peo ple, and we have his word that he will make an effort to see as many of our Re publican friends in thiscotinty as.thehort campaign will permit. jJeajorit county I'rem. Col. E. D. Yctzy. This gentleman arrived in this place on Taestlay evening last. He scummed in town all night ana the next morning with a party of friends lett to visit Fort Littleton and other por tions of the county. During his short stay here he made many triends among our jieople. He returns to Somerset coun ty about the last ol the weeK. 1 lie tieopie of Fulton county w ill give him a hearty ! support. Fallon Republican. Col. Yt'Tzr, late of Beaver county, now a citizen of Somerset coua!y. is the nominee of the Republican jmrty in that district for Senate, i he district is largely Republican and his election certain. Col. Yutzy 's many triends in Beaver congratu late him on his nomination. The district is also to lie congratulated in the selection of so good a man for that responsible po'' tton. Beater lutdicai. Col. Yutzt. well known to many of our citizens, has received the nomination in the Somerset Senatorial District His election, which is altogether probable, will cratity numerous friends in this county. Beater Time. The Congressional Conference, after a protracted contest has nominated Hon. S. S. Blair, of Blair Countv, who is in every wav acceptable as a candidate to the Re publican party ot this District. We would nave oeen wen saiis.ien i.u any one 01 the rcaliy able and distinguished genre men whose names were lieiorethe Confer ence, antl are cum 10 snow tu:n, no in feeling was engendered during the bailot iu" or bv its result, and that we shall have perfect harmony in the ranks of the party, and a vigorous and successful campaign. Mr. Blair was elected to Congress in 1839 and re-elected in IHoU He is a nmn . t.Iirh nlinriwn lite aii!'tt Tall! f ifl AW u h, i . ' - li-VfvV knowledged liy e ;ery one. i d h.8 fidelity .jO.0t)0 f.r . . .. -i .- n...t ihnn I'm l,nv-rn(ir i (titLm in ln-j r'iui UH.M wend lave bad to send this money lek. its cure the v. is-, and vij.-roas action o. b, t as tt CWrt wastned I Sg. ! tW ami the loarnmg and prae ,0th, it wa, all right wiU, tb-no. n mi ine liri: ttk n itwui-v. tui. ct.i m w to the Republican pattv and its principles i ty Pa., cotitainingeuoarrea, moreor less, adjoining cannot lie qea4ked. ' H is likely that the ! H-y Wpr. Charihejm and Henry Congress of which he Wllljbfl a member: tractofland situate in Larimer township. Somer Will have many important questions to ! set ouiHaining W acre, more or less. a!j.)ining riinsiilcr n,l at.all tVl tlial lhi ri-nrp tami if Jwiah Witt and William Tressler. wilh consKier, ana we snail leei mat tue r pre j,,,,,,,,,,,, Nn, s. boat lM iitaaU) Sen tative from our district, Will not only la the twn of oarretv Simerset County Pa-, more be able to altem. be able to also have t toils interests, but will and inGueace in national weigh! alTairs. Evtrytb1;!-; i:u";' JeteruiintUkm on the purtoi liie Ih-t w crtit y in tiiitke a gen end assault u tU s Tariil. la llieir btsite convention:; of tjis year, except in this State, tiiev have dared againt 1 rolec- . , , . t- c .. , .. tton, und in favor vf revenue or riee Trade, and it is most important Ioto that our inetuiscr ui v. be right :i tuts qacs.ion. tmt shouKl ul lie able (o advocate niteresls wiui in- ... , , Til . ,,-,. ., , :iiguuc. - aiii'--' . . Tribl-hc. A SUBSTITUTE 1 0P QUKKE. For TKirn tnfnR was retjunleit a the only peclne Ii malartoM dtffWKe.. an.1 Inimcnwf quati tuiea of the ilmn were annuai'y wniumftl throuKO--,,,'-.,r ncsiorn eenntry, more par I nlaily along tro, ....... ft(rul iKalkJ nko an epl.lcroiu tim.u ''i"1'i. and wti(jicO;sini:iaro 1"""'" I'.-ver. lbc i-Dlire wpuiu ...... i r..- , waa roifulariv n-ril to l.ut. wliile il tivaenlly fiieA to i a cure. It iuvariaMy H.ov'ct ti.e stomach. prluc in? nau sea, vc-rt i--t' mJ .. an ixlont rawu.hs eip5t ere ll.o system re-v.v.-r.-l fruia Us eilwts. 1'hesa objcetloni lo Kf nsr wre w n.arke.1, tliit tbe'iutrcxl action of MWli- lor's H""! latter was naiieu as a ir.umj.uiu f-lne l!t.u-.iicly mom certain In iubeneBcial ef fects thau uuiuibo. It powessed of the ileinor it of tbnt t.rux. lustea t uf nauseatiiii?. It tons anj invisor:tte'e the sttmaeti, anil white upeedlly exiielltiiK :henoxinm Uuutoni, increase! the aplw lit.aD.1 liM-iiitatestUsfsti.m, thna rendering ll.o srsteiu itrunv'.-r, and Letter titf-vi to reswt tuo at tarka of diMK. In fact, a la liciou um of 'i-iiler'B Herb Hitlers at tills seawmof the ear, w'll'l prevent the recurrence vi this .lipase, even ia tbusewlK. have never isel nn autumn tthont It. An expcrleuceof twenty yeim provet it to be the preatest ATi-PEaiooid known to medical W There are. perhaps, no ilisoases o lubject to eti niaticehaiitt'Osas allections of the Kidneys. Han drols of our f:irncr. meehanica, and laboring men, 111-00? and hardy in all other respects, uiier eon!iiiual iuonreniece, and oeeasiouaily excruei tinir pains in the back and across tU loins; exp ri-uee a frcauunt Ocfire to pass watar, pln durtu?; its pasfasru, and frwrnwil stcllKiijes in its flow. I hese are uionifet'-iiS resulting from some .i.w.rhravvua ftierhaw yesrs aao), and aa- frruvuted ly every ehanxe m ir.c Every srruviiieu ... - aWiileulJ nie direct to tills sue weak spot, and U promptly attended to the dtsvas fceeomcs etironic, and the once slron matw a miseratile nrcii. 3iiuicr iicroi. nu.i. - rt'tr.wly for this dass ' diseases, it has a pecul iar fndeney to tlie kidnevs, stimulates them to tlie I'lruiation d' l.rlik-!nM deposit, winch, it wr-ini- vd to eohtinne, will ly cirsion form gravel fou-. lieeessitatinn a. painful operatlra for its re moval. Many of the Inaredleuts cnterum into its exposition are universally ree.,Hnixo.l sicift"S fonljlcompl iintsof the ur.nity ontans. in L4v .. .it T ivsnc-itfta. all disorders of th l!owe!a,aiidaitect'ioi,sol tho Thr.sU and Lungs. 1. ... - 11., ,..Pi.,in nn,! etnc.ui,ious: while, as s remedy -for the complaints peculiar to the female sex it has no cquuL Radius, oi'i anuyoui.. ried snd single. In eve;-y eondilion of lite, will and this obkat nsL RK.ME1.Y prompt, tafe certain o.-.i reliablr. The tlc. sallow torn pier Ion is re i.l teed bv a Moominjf healtlilul eooutenaiicc, and ieoccu'ioal eualiks Nature to pcrlorm her functions ttKutLARLV asb wiTHot-T t'"va5,I ikncb. Sold only Iu bullies by all DrutwWj and gt m ral dealers, Oct. -L Centaur r.lulmcnl. There Is no pain w;.lch tte Centaur Liniments will not re lievo, no swelling tbey will not subdue, and no lameness- which they will not euro. This Is strong language, but tt Is true. ' They have produced more cures ol rheumatism, neuralgia, lock- iw palsy, spr3ins,swc-nings. caked-ttfeaste, scalds. burns, salt-rheuto, ear-ache, a.e., uixm tue liuu rame, an J of strains, spavin, gal?, Ac., np-jp an imals In one year than have all other pretended remediossince the world began. They are counter irritant, an ail heallcs pain rsllcver. Cripples throw away their crutches, the lamo walk, poison ous oilt-s are rendered hamUess, and the wounded are healed without a scar. It Is no humbug. The recipe is published around each bottle. They sell as no article ever before sc'.d, anil they sell be cause It doesjust what tbey pretend to do. Those who now suffer frotn rheumatism, pain or swelling deserve to sufier If they will not use Centaur Lin iment. 31ore than LGOO certificate of remsrkaWe cares, Inclndiajr frozen iimbs, chronic rheumatism, gout, running tumors, Ac.havct'ecn received. We will seed a circular eonlalning certificates, the recii-e, Ac., gratis, to any one requesting It, One battle of the yellow wrapper Centaur Liniment Is wr.ton bunured dollars for spavined or sweenlsl hetses and mulea, or for screw worm in sheep. Stock owncrs-tlicsclitdcientsare worth your atten tion. No family should be wit J.mttUem. "White wrapper for iainlly ueo:' Ycilow wrspper foran lmals. Sold by all Druggists. Me per bottle; nr hott'.c? 00. J. B. KOSE A CO., 63 Broad- ay, New ors. CUbtobia Is more'Uiaa a substitute for CastO Oil. It Is the.only f article in existence wnicn is certain to asslinildte the food, regulate the bow els, cure wind-eollc and produce natural sleep. It oontalos neitlicr mineratf morjiblnc or alcohol, an-kls pleasant to take. hlllren need not cry and mothers may rest. . aprill s lJEUIFF'S SALE.- iir vlrtueof Sundry wrltson'rnrfi.'ioaf Krponat and Fieri Facial issued out of tlie Courtol Common Picas oi Somerset county. P and to medirected. I will excise to sale by public ontery, at the ( 'ourt House iu Somerset, oir Friday the Sth day df No vember. 1KT4, at 2 o'clock p. m., the following de iCTib l real estate, vi: Ali ihe right, till, interest and claim ofOeorge Cook of, in and to the following described real es tate viz : A certain lot of ground situate in Wellersburg Borough, Somerset county. Pa., containing '4 acre more or less, wilh a Vt story frame dwelling house thereon erected, adjoining lotsof Alph Wii moih, C iaiiricl-l & Thomas and fronting on Turn pike, with the appnrtenanees. Taken m execution as the property ol Oeorge Cook at the suit of Jo seph Hilly.. ALStf. All tho right, title, interest and claim of (J. J. Boaehy of, in and to liie following described real est n to." vis: Eight certain lots of ground situate in Salisbury Borough. Somerset county. Pa., csntaining acres aud known in Beach Survey as lots ISos. li. 12, 13, 14. 4.',. 46, 47 and 4S, adjoining lands of John W. liinirlerand J. W. ii A. P. Boaehv. and Peter S. Lirengmsl, with a V4 story frame dwelling bouse and stable thereon erected, with tbe appurtenan ces, taken in execntu-n s t ne properly oi j. j Beachy at the suit of Wm. P. Huston et al. ALSO. AH the right, title, interest and claim of 5Ios-s and to the following described real estate, vlr : A certain tract of land situate in Somerset tp., Somerset County. Pa., containing lOi acres, more or less, of wlikh there are about 10 acres cleared aud three acres in mea'hiw with a l' siorv loir dwelling house, harn and other ont buihiimr there on erected, ad joining lands of Chris' iun 1 itikey, Jacob M. VVaiter and others, with the appurte nances. Taken In execution as the property of aloses Yodcr at the suit of Frederick Hoehthouse. ALSO. All the right, title, interest and claim orcharlcs Pliit of. in and to the following descrilied real eatata vis : A eertain lot of ground situate in tho town of Oarret. Somerset cunty. Pa., containing acres, with a two story frame dwelling house therouo erected and known an Ihe plan ol said town as lot No. 87, adjoining Layiaette street. Walker street, B.-i lire and Cherry alleys, and lot N0.-S6 with the spourtenances. Taken in execution asthe property ol Charles Plilt at the suit of Wm. It. Hay. ALSO. All tne right, title. Interest ami claim or Isaiah Holtiapple of, ia and to tbe lollowiug described real estate vis : A certain tract nf land situate in Paint in.. S.mcrset county,- Pa., containing 2u acres, more or less, of which there are about t aeres cleared. wilb a two story irame dwelling house ami barn thereon erected, ad mining lands of Josiah Custer. Charles Holttapple and olhars, with the appurte onsnce. Taken in exeeut ion as t he .property of Isaiah Holixapple at tlie suit of S. J. Cover. ALSO. All the right, title, interest and claim of James Staup of, in aud to the following described real estate vis : A certain lot of ground situate in We! lersburgh Borough, Somerset 'bounty Pa. Con taining 't acre more or less.- with a one and one- half suirv Irame dwelling Doue an-l ont buildings 1 hereon erected, adjoining lots of Ira Cantield k ('1. and others, with I e appurtenances. Taken in eiecuii-m as the property of James Slaupat the suit ol Henry Suhre. ALSO. Alt the right, title, interest and claim of John I), lioddv, of. In an I to the following descrilied realestatevii: All themincrals. metals. privilege, coat ores ami mineral substances, lying aud being under and cmtalneo wit nin a it tnat piece or parcel of land situate in Brothersrailey township Somer set t 'aiunty ra., wmcn is tuny ana particularly de scrilied bv meetf and bounds, couines ami distan ces in a doe. I from Benjamin Hay and Stisinnan Ins wile to tne said I), li 0,1,1 y, emtalais eigtity-thrce acr.s. strict measure, adjoining lands of P. Hay and others, with the appurtenances. Taken in execution a Ihe property of John il. Itoddy al the suit of Franklin Hay and Chsrles Q. VVal'ier. ad minis: raters of Benjamin ' Hay dee'J. ALSO. All the riirht. title. Interest an.! claim of A. W. Waiter, of. ia aad to the following described real estate, vis: The umiirided one-half of a jot of ground sltoate in Kingwol. t'pper Tnrgeyfoot township. Somerset County Pa., containing acres, with a store house thereon erected. aJioln ine lots of Joseph Hosteller. Lutheran Clinrth lot and others, with the appurtenances. Taken in ex eutk as the property of A. W, Walter at the suit of George liauger, et at ALSO. Ait the right', thle, interst an I claim or John D. Roddy, of, in and to the f., lowing describe,! real estate, vil : No. 1. A eertain tract ol land t Unite In Allegheny township, somerset Connty Pa., ei-ntainins 'i aeres. more or hMis. adjoltiing lands of Henry Miller, Starts Mill propertv and Hart man A Co.. with Ihe appurtenance. No. 2. A eer tiin tra -t of laud situate In Northampton township and C'.untv ao-l state aforesaid, containing bbO acres moreor less, of which twcntv-flTe acres are cleared, with a two story irnme dwelling house, barn and law sail I thtreoa etw.teil, suljoining lands of William Tressler. Josiah Witt and A. Wilmoth with the aiipurtcnanees. No. tin k,nl it0aie In Greenville township s eertain tract of Somerset conn- t- ru'tv described In a deed frjm John I. Ro.idy and ! wi.eto tUiartos Krne?t ,nd .Samuel 1(. Hv'yi, re- cried in dec-1 rerd Vol, 4 and pafce , tb the Jiv of John l. K.idv at the oii cf A. J. Cotton aLiitnMOf John J. fichell- - 8 t(i Ai. All 11 riirlit, title, icterest '" rian m jiirpi 1 H. Kaiitnerof. la and fc the foI.owia; itn-.-riuett j ya real estate vu : A certain tract of land sltnato in tiutm ikon tne towokip, Somerfet exmnty, l'-. siiaht:nr.7 arms tuoro or !es. tt etcarvrf. of which there aro afiouf li acres in bisskIuw with a 1'4 story hru a dwellh? t'lnsx, three ftcry frmc r:ltmt a woolen laetory. frame l:.lile and other ei;t ruihi inifs thr?..n crt-cleJ, adj.'irtiiiir lands of liavid Speeht, Knhort l"atter.u, 1. i rni't s.nd others, with the ammrtmancoj. Taken in axeeution ai- thepruiierty of Joseph H. KaJitstcr t the suit of j uourgs . Ufoorao, et, ai ALSO. All tiie ric hi, title, lntere.itand claim ol F Tt. Weilcr. o; !,iaod to the following aeseritwd real estate, viz : A certain lot. of ground situato in ".e K.-ronith of CouKwneif, Sotocrno; O.-unty I a said hunting 24s I'JO feet, runniii;r aloni? I.'Ctu street aad adjulnimr lota of Daniel Otnw, lr. Mrmritnit, n.i ntiwin. with tha a tnrte:in''es. Taken in nwntii.n aathe rtronertv of fc. li. W eller r at the suit of Win. H. X-K-nt Ally, tor tiiel. lu ll nence Iron Co. ALSO. All the riant, tltlu Intererst r.nd claim of J.n:ia. Wtirk-k, ol, in sn 1 to the loiiowias ir-rilx:d r;-l es ati vix : A eertain tract oflan.1 situate !r. Faint tp.. Som erset ctiunLr, Pa., containinir l.VJ acres, m ire less, ol which t hero are about 15 seres cicsreil an-1 Ktvinf A npml In Itlnii,(r t with a oflMiTf tox lilVei. linir house and loir bara thereon eTCed. niipiatns lands of John Rogers. Fiihrami Wentworlh nn-1 others, with thaaoiinrtenances. Tii:on in ex""ti- tion as 1 no property 01 jonas i l it. n, iKueu. itsn All tha'rWht title iatnreat and claim of S. J McKcnio. of. in aad to the follwinif deseribod i real estate vli:" I A certain lot of trromnl sittiatcl in Meyersiiaiei Sortmii, Somerset Couatv Fa., sal.! l"t beinit Six t 120 feci, aujolnar lots ol'O. S. ptirier,01ineer"hoirs j l(' and others. Taken in rxreutlnn as th lirowrty ol S. J. JlcfCeniieat the suit, of A. J. S:oner and others. Ten ier cent of the purchase money must he paid as sooj as the- property ia sold and the balance when deed is delivered. . 00.21. 74. OLIVER KXEPPEK. Sheriif. I") EGISTKIVS XOTIC43. C Notice is hereby e-iven to alt persons cotr-erncl as tetratees. .mlitors or otherwtis that die h'llow- intntnn hare passe.! n -istcr and t! , wmbe;,rcset,d. snd lor Somerset conn: . on ihurwiay, ne u.ii day of November isT-t. when ail persons in tcrested may noon I if ther till; i pMjicr. Account of Wilihiia II. platl ruaruiau of Em ma S. Piatt. Aeconnt of Fredrick Fi. Wa! er guardbn ol Jnoa. F. Walker. Account of Michael Good, i !uiin!stratr ol Iiachel liaiert, dee'd. Account of J. H. Klchar lson sa ! H. Jilngter, admlnis trators ol Oeorgo Kingler t, ?il. Account ot S. J. Cover, adnirtit.i'.r.ttor and Tms-x-c of Jacob Crisscv, liireM. Acci4int of Jao. A. .Shatter ndi'iiaistrator nn 1 trustee oflanlel Malonc, det-'d. Account of Jona. Donuyer t! infctrator and trustee of Peter iHirmyer, decV. , , Amount ol Ueonro ami J. :. uor '.rators and trustees of Picnj. I.owry, dee'd. Account of Henry Penrnd executor of John Pcn r...!, tiee'd. XLi'UTORS NOTICE. Lbiato of Eobcrt Pattou, l-.itcof Kikli-. k sliip, deceased, letters te.itamcnt.iry on tho a'.wvo estate having been granted to the nnderslgncs', n-itlec is hereby given to those indebted to il to make im mediate pavment, and thosn having claims against iu to present them duly nu'Jienticalcd lor settlement at the oi tlie Uteeator on Saturday, Novembor ISth lb7i. MATTHEW PATTOX, Executor. GEO.A.lTtlNCE&CO. Organs & Mel The oldest, Largest, and Most Perfect Manufactory in the United States. Xow in use. 0 other Musical Instruments ever ai'ained the same Popularity. EU'Send for Price List Address JltF!' ALO, X, Y. "1AUTI0X. The puhlie arc hereby notified net to nircliase wft inrt-jwent exeaitition notes iriven bv tbe un- dersisned to Cyrus Coleman on thelth day of Sejt temper lb,, one caning ior ten uoium-.,, hub oir'-u months aflerdate, theotherfor twenty-hvedollars, parable six months after date, as I did not receive value tor themand will not pay tho same unless compelled by law. . 1 ...III, ftl. Y V D JCt. XA. . ira.Ut.r.u .t. ..... QUEIUFF'S SALES. TJy virl Be of sun-try writs ol Venditioni Expo- , . ami l'iW fariat issued out oi the Court of Common Pleas of Somerset County. Pa., and to medirected, 1 will expose to saio uj puime out cry, at the tiurt Mouse, in oomerset, ou r r. day, the mh of Oetulier, 1874. at two o'clock p. m., tne wioowiug ucs.-r.ouu re. os. All the right, title, interest and claim of Charles Earnest and Samuel 11. Delptof, in and to the fol lowing descrilied real estate vii: , The lol 24U part of the following six tracts ol land. No. I. A certain tract of land situate in Sum mit township, Somerset county. Pa., containing fto6' acres, more or k'SS, of which there are ahoul iM acres cleared nnd acres in meadow, with a two story frame dwelling bouse, bank barn and uthcr building thereon erected, adjoining lands warranted in the name of Lewis Meuiiuger, John Stein and others, known as the Peter P. H. Walk er tract, with the appurtenances. No, S. A certain tract of land situate in Sum mit township, Soilfcrset county. Pie, containing tifi acres, of which there are aloat 60 acrescicarcd and M acres in meadow, with a two suiry leg dwelling house an I a 1'4 story log dwelling licu-e thereon erected, warranted in the nnmeo! Lewis Jlcminger, ailjoining No. 1 and lands warranted in tho name of John S eia and others, with the ot,tinrtcftnees. No. 3. A certain tract'of bin 1 situate in Summif tewnshlp, Somerset county. Pa., surveyed on a warrant In name of John Stein, containing 3o acres and 1 uen-'nes. adKiining No. 1 and 'i aliire- said. ami lands warranted in the nimo of Peter lienmm and others, with the aimurlenanccs. No. 4 A tract of land situate in Milfi.rd town ship, Somerset Co Pa., containing 40 acres, war ranted in the -name of Charles .Maniuclaut, ad joining leads suncyesi and warranted in the name of Manin Dulibr-, Peter Benson aud No. 2 and 3 aforesaid, with tho appurtenances. . No. S. A tract of land situate In Mil lord town s!iii, Somcrsi t Co., Pa., surveyeit on a warrant to .Martin I'ubhs, c.intaiinng acres, of "hleh there are about low acres cleared am! 8 acres In meadow, with a two story log dwelling hi use ami barn thereon erected, adj'dni.-ig hinds warranty! in the name of Peter Benson, 1 nomas Wilson saw others, with the appurtenances. No. . A tract ol land situate in Milfonl town ship, Somerset Co., Pa., containing 4:s" acres, wr nnted In tlie name of Nathan Lu!Ilsroui:h, ad joining lands of Samuel Weimcr. Henry Baker anu otners, sun tue appurtenance. Also, the undivided one-hall of tho Rdowing 7 tract of land, to wit: No. 7. The southern Isirtlon of a tract of land surveyed on' a warrant in tbe name of Abraham Stein, situate in .Mi! lord and Broihersvalley town ships, Somerset Co.. P. , containing 21S acres and 2" lurches, adjoining la. Is warranted in Ihe name of John Stein, Peter t-nson and otliers, wltli the appurtenances. No. a. A tract of land warrante.1 in the name or Peter Benson, sitnato 1. Milfurd and Bnithtrs valley townships. Somerstiv Co., Pa., containing 4J8 acres, of which there are alout 10 acres clear ed, ailjoining land warranted in the name of Abra ham fstcle, John Sieiuand others, with the appur tenance. No. 9. A tract of land warranted in tho name of Wililam Johnson, situate in .Aliiford township, Somerset Co., Pa., containing 44 ncres. adjoining lands warranted in tho name of Ttiomes Wilson, Jac 1 lie-am ami o. hers, ty tli the appurtenances. No. 10. A tract ol land surveyed on a warrant to l'b,, mas Wilm.n, situate in Alillord township, Somerset Co., Pa., containing 4'J3 ai res, adjoining land warranted in the name of William Johnson Martin Duhbe anil ,thers, with the appurtenances No. 11. A tract of laud warranted in the name of George Burgher, situate in Aliiford township. Somerset Co.," Pa., containing :Vi acres ami 2, perches, adjoining lands warranted in the iiameot Jacob Beam, Thomas Wilson and others, wilh tlie appurtenance. No. li A tract of land warranted in the name f Henry Baker, sitnata in Milfurd township, Soui erset Co., ra., containing -ca acres alio a perches of which there are about 'ii acres cleared, and ix, acres in meadow, with a two story log dwelling house aud stable thereon erected, adjoining lamia warranted In the name ot Nathan Ludoorough and others, with the appurtenances. No. IX A tract of bin I situate in Summit Tp.. Somerset Co,, Pa., containing ftss acres and 1 S perches, and embracing two turveys, one thcreot 00 a warrant In the Game of Ka, lacl Tom. the other In the name of lunah Tom. ailjoining la nils warranted in ihe name of Henry Baker and others, sakltraet lying on the south bank of Cnfsclinah river, with tlie appurtenances. Taken in execution .as the property of Charles Earnest and Samuel 1. Ivlp at tne suit ol C. Beecher WoiC , ALSO. . All the right, title. Interest and claim of Cbnrlts Eearnesi and Samuel 11. Help, of, in and 10 the following tlescrltieil real estate, viz: The V4 20 part of the following six tracts of land: A eertain tract of land situate In Summit town ship. Somerset eoanty. P-. eoiiisiuirg tJ' aens. more or less, ol which there are about 'IM acres cleared and S acres in meadow, with a two s;ory frame dwelling bouse, bank bam and oilier build ings tucreoa erected, adjoining lands warranted in the name of Lewis Meminaer, Joiiu Steiu and others, known as the Peter P. 11. Waikertract, with the appurtenances No. 2. A certain tract of Iind situate in Sum mit township, Somerset Co., Pa., containing 4.72 acres, of which there are about 60 acres cleared ami 1- acres in meadow, with a two story beg dwelimg bouse ami a l'i story log dueling , oust thereon erected, warranted In the name 01 Lewis Aleminger, atijoiuing No. 1 and lands warrantel in ihe name ol Julia S ein aud others, with the apiiurtenauces. So. Z. A certain tract of land si. ante in Summit township. Somerset Co.. Pa., surveyed on a war rant in name ol John Stein, containing 4o ai res and 13 perches, adjoining Noa. 1 ana 2 alori-said, and lands warranted In the name of Peter Benson aa other, wilh tuo appurtenances. No. 4. A tract 01 land s uaic iu Mlllortl town ship, Somerset Co.. Pa., rooiaiolng 44o acres, war ranted iu tbe name of Charles ;Uar,iUe,lant, ad joining lands surveyed aad warraated in tbe name oi -Man l-i Hunts. 1'eier uensou anil .-s,aj:,J 2 aforesaid, with the appurtenante.. No. i. A tract of Sand situate In 3Ii.frJ b.wn sblp, Somerset eouuty. Pa., surrryed on a warrant in Martin Imbbs, Containing 4'Jl seres, of which there are aboa loO acre cleared and s az-res iu meadirw, with atwo story log dwelling house ami bwrn thereon erected, atljoining larels warranted in tbe name of Peter Benson. 1 houias W Us n ami others, with the annnnenancr. No. 6. A tract of land situate In Milfnrd towa- shin. Somerset Co.. Pa., containing 437 acres, war ranted in the name of Nathan Luhhoroogh. ad joining land of Samuel Weimer, lietirj Baker and others, with the apourtenanees. Also, the undivided wue-hall of the following T tracts of land, to wit: 54,000 T. Tin reou... , . .: ... .1 ..f a tract of land mrv yo-1 m a warrant in the ii one ot ' Almhain tjtei), 'liuifi la MdiPl and Hivtltcrsvivlier town j pere.b s, !! tonus warrarue-l ia the name j : of J. m S;em, J'eter U r u.n oira, t!,-1 !i,pi or fBSnee". ... . : j ;. g,- .v traot of tan 1 ltjmnipd In li.oname j 0f i'f tt-r lei,ii. innate in atsif.-m wt unonm. j lev townsliiis. -nurset eoanty. Fa.. -n;aln. i v, i' a-rcs. of lii' 'i there ary M.ot luacns adMininff lai. "i""!"'"! iu the names of Ahr.thaiu ftcm. Ji.n tur.-, wnn t:i , apptrowiawts". , ... I N v O. Atri.1 ofl:nv w irrin e ! ii !:; name 1 r n iii; ia l.,hn--.11. sii r.uc to luio.-u townKnus i S',merim t .. i'a.. c;m!a;nii.r t.,i:-t.ii,nun lanis warnue.iia the nanus ol Thomas Wilson, Ja -.!, lim aal otters, with the appurtenunc .v., TO a of ln:i,l siinwfl in a w.trriut to Thomas Wii.nn, situate in iltiforl r:li(. Komt rMit t.'o., 1-a.. cinth'.irii W s-.'t. i)otait.!r l.!n.iii WJtvran:ei la the ;iu:ncs u! W.iitia .1 -.ii.ij.-i, iiinin Du'uhs and oth.-rs, with theai-.j-urtenani-es. Jto. IL A tr.u . ot w.trni'. in the name ofli-eort-o Itiir-'.-rer.'Biinute , Mittonl WRablp, S-HWA-t '.. i":i.. (-t iii.ln ; . S 't.'i l': l--r lies, as.o:.ui:; Hr.,'s usrrtnti'd i ihr uiam .f,h i .int. lii'.nij. V. tlvn imd oiher.-', with the appt.r.t ;;:-t,cp.t. JNo. rj. A. tr-l'-l ot i.inti w-irr.Mctj in imc r.iii.m of Herjrv j'akcr. siiu v. ' in Mil'.oM township. Sotn- ersct i:.. i a.. rcat-iniii22o tu r.s ao-l J.1 imtc.k-.. of wM- !i tlierc are iitvmt 2 -teres cleared, and six acres in utead-iw. with a two story .. dweltix li,-ue nnd .ml'," th-re,.n ere-teJ, a.loi.iiitf lands w.irr.oit-vi in tlw nr.mes o; :ileia L.uiilr.ij-j;ii an ! oders with the apt-iirieasnivs. No. 13. A tr.!-t of l-.ii-i sia.! in Somnilt T Somerset t'.i. F;i.. oaiiaintcir SSJ acres mi l R pcn hi-s. Kiel emi.i.icm,' ln survey, one tlicp-ot on a w.irr.n.t In tho i -me i.f Ua. bSc. 1 e'tn, the oth-rin the name ot l unii Tun. a.!.iinlii)C in.t warninl--! i:i ilie names'-!' l -ii,y il.ikerand Hii,-rs. i siid trao5 lyinse en lh!Sn;a t-anxe-t Casscuuau riv, r. wnh tlie at:tmrtei tier-s. the pripi-riv of Charles Taken la i wuti n Fames' and S ii;:U'.-i 1. Deip ai uci i hty. the suit of ALSO .',1 tho ri-ht. tide, interot and claim of Charles t.-.,, a-i,'T Samuel I. 1 h io. of, la au 1 to the K,l- wi:i (U-st-rU-ed real estate, V:x: The SO 21U part of the loLowing fix trar.a oi Iurcis: No. 1. A ri!n tract of bin t sltoate in Suirint t-:wnslii. Somerset .k.. Pa., rvnuiniaar 6oS'4 ercs, more or le-s, of wl.leli tliero arc 2mi - rin clvare l an'! 6 acres in meadow, with a two 'torv frame dwelllni house, bank barn and other Lnii'ltnvs thereon ereoiH. adjotnins lands warran- ' el in tlnawesof Lewis Memimrer. 'and o-hcrs, known as the Peter P. H.Walker tr-t, with tlw .p.irtne Sowmit No.i Artaortra. t of I ..! , ltn.M In Snaiimt t""s!l,:;- riMt' Ws dwelling- house and a IS story big dwelling House therein erectc!. warranted in the name i iewis Memiage-r. adjoining No. 1 and lands warranted ia the names ot John Stem and others, with tlie appurtenances'. No. 3. Accr'ii in tract of land s'snate lo b wnshin. Sonierwt Co., Pa., surveyed on a war rant In 'ihe name ot John Suin, .nlnming 4tSo acres ami l'W port iics, rdjinin No. 1 ar.-.i 2 an,ro said, an 1 I-sn Is warrante l in tlie name of Peter Benson and o'.ticrs, wnli the ii' i urtciein'-es. - No. 4. A tract of ' oi't sit a te in Miiford towa ship, Somerset Co.. Pa., rynta'ning 440 acres. wai ranted I:i the name of entries aiar-'JO'Ianl. ad joining tin is surveyed nnd warnnied iu t'.ie names of Dul l s. Peter Benson au-1 Nu$. 2 aud 3 it"'-i--csaidf with tite aorttrten.inees. No. ',. A tract, of bind situate in Milfor ! t ; s,lp. S'ltiiers-'t i '. 1'a.. S'lrvcyed on a warrant lu Martin HuM". -naio!iig 4io a-res, of wiiieh liiere tiro ali-ut lf.f a-Tt-s eiinl anil S acre? in meido'v, with a two story log dwelling house and bare. tbT"tjn cre'-tc-l. tt,!j ini-ig bucis warr:itt-d huhe miM "f Peter nns'u, ThemB vVilsem and o'.bcrs, with t!te apt nrleimicv,. No. . A tract ci Ian ! situate in Wilfop! town ship. Semerset Co. Pa., rontatiiing 4'7 ai-rcs. war ranted -in the i:anie -f N;i' hnn Lu'tfireiieh, ail C dning 1 in :s of Samuel Weimer, Henry Hakvr and pi! er, w!:h the a pi airier, in-ej. Taken in exeeut bn its the pr ijry of Chtirles FjimcsJ and t- immd I). Help at tfte sai! of Wm. K:irn'.-.(. A LSI! ATI Ui riaUi, U.!, tnwrest an 1 claim i fC'aaries EarntSttuitl Samuel 1. JJvlu, of, iu aud to li.e III low ing dos-'ribud rcnl es.'ate, The part of the ioiloaiiig ilx tracts of land: No. 1. A certain tr.ic.c.f L.n I iitu.Oe in S.inimit township. Sarocrset cam y. -.,eti!iuiiiiii'( acres, more or less, of wi.icii there are a!,ut '-'.'o acres cleared add S acres in memiow. with a iwo story fraui8 dwedluig litiuse. Utnk barn and other buiidln'-' tbcrei-n ereetod. adjoining bunts tcd in li.e n.ttnes of Lewis rit'-minger, John Stein and o'i-ers, knrwn ns tlie Pe'cr I'. II. Walker trsof, with tho appurtenances. No. 2. A certain trai.t of land ?i:na:e ia Summit town --hip. S inier.set e'o.. Pa., containing 4i- aires, of which there are a!,at 6;i acres clcare-land 12 acres in mea-iow, with a tm story log dwelling house ami . 1 '4 story log dweiiing liouc t licreon erected, warranted hi the name of !.ew:s Mem lnger, a-i 'iumg No. 1 and lands warranted in the nttmo of John Steiu and. ethers, with the appnrte a.mecs. Nn. 3. A certain tract of I ;n ! sitnnte In Summit township. Sniuers'it Co., Pa., snrvej-'Ml on a war rant In tlie name of John Stein, containing 4i5 aers antl ICS perches. a'!j lining Nus. 1 and 2atore rfi, ar.illiiEi wurrtinred in tiie names,.! Peter Bcii--',n and others, with tiie appurtenances No. 4. A tract, ol I ind situato in town ship. S' mcrs-jt Co.. Pa., containing 440 aeres. war ranied In the name of Chnrle. .liapjuydant. ad joining lan-i snrveyc I and warranted iu the name of Martin I111! bs, i'eier Bcistn nud Nos. " and 3 aforesaid, with 1 be appurtenance. No. 5. A trier uf lam! situate in Miiford ttovn pftip. Sonfr-tt I V., Pa., surreycl t.n a warrant to Marrln I'n't.l s, eutaliiirg 4LJ acres, of wbi"b there are atiottt Psta-rcs cleared rind S a'-rcs In mcjolow. with a two story !cg dwclll::rt l:oe and barn thereon erected, sd joiiiing laeats warranicl In tbe ntmic oi' Peter Benson, Thorc.-ve Wiis-ia niy otli ers. wilh the appurtenances. No. i. A tract of land- situate In ViKor.!-. own. liip. Somerset Co . Pa., containing 4:7 acre, war- ran .M in the ciiuie ol tt t han Luttu,n uuh. ad jiii!iln:r binds of Samuel Weimcr. Henry B-ker an roibers. with the apfmrtenancf-s. Taken l:i execntic.n as tbe pp,pcrty ol Charles Kcanicst an t Sjroitc! D. Help at the suit of Wm. llimn'. ALSfl A!! the right, 1 1 :'., interest an i claim of Chnrlr F'irncst ami n.imuel D. lleiji, of, ia a id to tbe lowing descril-ed real estate, viz: A certain tract ot land situate lnNorthmnpton township. Somersot Co.. Pa., containing 2&i acres and t-apcrches, of which there aro aU,ut 5acres cleared and 10 acres in meadow, with a two story log dwcllirg house, frame barn and water power saw mlil thcrtxtn er";-,'lr.irig If. Hinemcyer, Jacob lins ks, C. llincicey-r and others, with'ihe aipnrtcranccs. Taken in eveutbm nsthe propertv ot Charles Eiimcsi a.i! SamuH H. Help at Ihe suit of F. M. Kinililf I. AUSO A'i liie right, title, interest mid claim cf John I'saw, nf. in audio ihe following descrilied real estate, viz: A certain tra of land situ ate in Jenner town ship, Somerset Co.. Pa., containing vzi acres. more or less, of which there are aNmt 7ii a-rcs cleared and a!out iu a.-rcs iu meadow, with three two story ilwelling houses, stable and other t-ur buikt ings thereon erected: also, one water power saw mill erected on the premises, adj. lining lands o J:ic4. Friedilne, .l.ttiatiian Gardner. .Mh hacl Sipc and others, with the appurtenancca. Taken in exeeulioti as tbe protcr:y of John saw at the suit ot tialtber A Gal; her et al. Ten per cent ol the purchase money must tie paid as sinin as the proTty is S.-1.1 and the bal ance wheu deed U dcliverctt. OLIVEK KNF-PPER. aug2 Sheriff, c Ol'HT PEOCLAMATION. vViIfc'!iKA3, the H' :h-.-;i!1l' Vill.a4 M. II.m.I- rn'S uf the cevfrai i.'t;iru A ' L'uuimuii hio-is iheOjuntiin (ouiitf iivjj iia fixV'fVAii Juiitial District, an-l .(u"ticc t the O urls nt'Oyi-rand Icr niintT anl rrnT:l Jail IkIirery. fr iiie trUl of all c;iital and cMfu,foJtt:n!'.i in trie caM lMiLri't, fcll'l I-sEWIS A. Tl'KN'KR H1 JoSIAH MftUMCV, t- 3tiire4. Juiif-4 "t the 0urisuf Cunimn I'tt a, and UKtitt-ft.of the ruiirtnof i)V4ranl Ttriiiiner, and Genur:tl J; iK ilverT. fir the lri:il f nii c.tjitnl ail uthf ri'llondtra iu the 4 'cunt y d S(incr5et, huve iued tliijlr ir 'iis and to liie directed, lor l.otd ic.'j a t'tinrt u( (.'oiinrp-u ri it. and (ieneral Quar U r SvM.Mim of the IV-ae". and OtMK-nvl J:ii leUv ery mid Cuuru oi lytr aud Tcnuiur, ai Smurrct On Koudnjr, SoffniVr I6th, IS7rt NtmrK it hereby given to all tho Juftk-pf of tbe Peaee. the (nmer and (.Jtm-'taMe? within the said Cuunfy ol Somerset, that they he. tiiea and 1 herein tnr.r (ut'iror per-nf. witn ineirruit. rccoru.iniini siti"ii, exaimiiatitiri. and o'her reincmUmnoe.. to dolhvjje tiiina whit h Lo tin ir uiiieej aud iu that helvilf appertain to ie don; and flip's they who will jntute ayrainsirhc pri.!KT! thatreoi sttal tte lu th;; ol S'-iucr-ft 'unty. to he ilif-n and there, to pr.'cute ut:aii:t tin in at shnU fe iit MiERiKy' UiVr4 K, tLlVtH KlNKFPt.K, Son.epct, tk-U H ( Sheriti. SSIGNKK'S SALE. 1 toe jn!crsigne! assign' o ol Peter Phiiiippi will sell at pui.liu sale . O.t S''htrJ-jy, (A-iVi. r 31, 1574, the following very valuable rial estate, viz: , N.e 1. A h;nn' containing al.iut i aep s. situ ate inMiUor l townsl.ii, al ut 1 tiiiie fpao .Mineral l'oini, adjoining lands of Noah Scott, V Hay, I.anlel le .Miller and others, known as tbe Ham-s h-.rui. aNmt lisi a..-res of which are cicurcl. There is a dwelling house, a turn and o:hcr out buiidings on thepreiiii-cs. There is a gil aj.ple op-hanl ou the premises: tne lan i is "i ex'iicui quaiiiy. No. 2. Twelve acr.-s of Ian.,!, adjoining Jamb S. Phillippi. liavlti F. sHitift and otiier", witii a frame bouse, ataliie an 1 o.Uer oat Imil iings liicp.'.tn eree' t"'. j5w 1 The mineral right or eight acres ot land, ti.o urf.tcc ot abi-.h I::,s;.-c-.u s-.lii to PatrkkOril liih. No. 4 To lots in the town of ilinerai P' iat. being lots N. ill au i fA having thereon crc'-n! a s-.orc house, shop and oilier buildings. The sale or the lots will take place at Mineral Point at 1 i o'ebs k a. 111. of said day. ai! tlie hal. aure ot the pn-js-rty will be sold on the "Haines Lirm" at 1 p. in. of day. TERMS. One-third 1st January. 1S75. at which time deeds wiii be made: l-t April. Ki, and rtmaindcr 1st Octoin.-r. l;.i. the two last pay ments to itear in:ercs; from day ,,t sale and lot s-cure,! by judgments en the :ireTn;cs: piper cent of the lirst paym -u to t-c p-.i l as u,n as il.c pP'p try is knvtked di f n, ' A RON WILU octlt As.gnce. 7XECUTOR NOTICE. iie of WiiiUm ?Iav, lai Of L..ri:ucr Twp., Letters testamentary on tl.r above estate having .1........ .1 been granted to lbc on ien-tgiici by the pp,'T au - thoritv, r,oli-.e is hereby given to tlioee In febted to it to make i;r.m.v;iate" payment, and thse bar ing claims against it will present them to the uo dersigned. at his oteee, on Fri lay, ti.e 3o: day Octoiwr. Is74. No ac.t'Unt wiii to received unless duly autlirniieateu aa-ordiug to iaw. JUHNHVHL, ip23 Executor, R I LE TO ACCEI'T or KEFUSE. Ca'-ocriae S'h:icr. wi.lcw, Mary Ann, Inter married with WlliiamShearer, of Chattatinpga, T-no.: Emeliae, iiitermarrvd wilh Benjamin Hoover. f Fall City, NV raslta. and Julia, in termarried with tiers? Top, us 5. merset Cc, rs. You are hcrc'-r tMitlc 1 to apjitar at nn Orj.h stit' l:rt to be f.el l at Somerset on Monday, the Stbdayof N' vetu'HT, IS" I. to accept ern-leseto - : ,;.. "'."' "- at tne ntiorais. :t c-n it fi:.,w c.use wav um same shl-iiU u-t tc .M. OLI EE KNEFPER. ol Somersrt reunty. iiL.lLJ-0-13 Sberiir. Uhe real estate of Jeremiah H. h ' 7X . ' In Jenner Tu. Thiirauay. tbe Mh day of Nov.. . ii"-."" .Kri.iio-iiig named tracts of land, viz: JOSEni SHEETS & SON, . I."ailetl6kerj. Berlin Ta.. cnstaniy kop on band aad make to op It Cothns ol ail siyies and prices, en the sm-ru botk-e i'ible. Having a hearse o the uitest stvje in readiness, we re al ways re pared to take .eoffia auI brinx eorpe o the various eemete'ria. aprVii. -l t'. rtiSina i,!.-;. Trial List for 3d IVSonday of Nov., 1874. AfiTORHCYS. S"U.'il. Khonli, PLA 1NTIFFS. f.artm n u. iteits. ( ' :renrt 1 ,l, 'innin,'.tith-r smoM, t '-, K-wntx, K41t. Ktinnwl.C-lt.itTi k.B. li.rf ll . ;i m Ktniml a. ColLvns t', ' s--'ieU x Keel's a : I'e-,-,- H,-(ri, I. Hcrs, Hay. ! itaers, if,.:irnh. - it hvu. . 1 1 hi. . R i 'harlcs V arner, , It. II. Varirtorn, .1 icit. N. 3i-.ii. I Jmn li.-i'jeirse'irs. I.le-sws HHuhman, l.lesee lotuahuian, Jaw Eu-'if, kcim k W iodic, ,S. II. Lehawa, itunM. 'i II r. K iintuel C -t'rn. i n!. v. an., it. hi. c. a ii. vituinuia CclNim. Collroth it Eu;-pe!, kimmel H. t'oiborn, Keonis,, Second Knt2. t id, I id. !'. u-rs. ,.:iini I a. C..:',.rD, Kimtn.l 5x C'dN-rn, kiiuaici k. t'oiboriv, Kiaimcl t t'olirn, ( Kuppi-I. K'lonH, i i,i p,.,. !.-!. l-iuh. ' : 1. Couu'..- matr's' John W ell.-r. vires ii WelirL fN flmth St ttmPT, t V Untth At );'-ivl, ;K:inmt?lx fwlHTU, Win. MeClaily Co. Sime. Same, iCIiarle '.V'r lll, i.l..i li. icr, KeS.ll.lia Prdis, K,itx. Klnimel A CoiNirn, Kimtncl a t:,'IU.rn, Kiuiuiel &(Vitorn, k Immel a ColN.rn, L hi, and C. . li. K,.nti!, t'l-iimtu it KoppcL IVHutrn, Coffnrth tt Kuppel, C'.iilroth & Kup. I, K'K'ntB, liuv it I'hl, fidiroth k. riil, C'.tfnith a K-apel, Collroth fc Kupurl, Ci llroth it Kupi-1, Cottroth fc Rupiiel, James B. Oaitm-r, James ii. Uailhcr, ISaers, ijoii-irn, oetll -...nKii K'Mta, . k t.;j. ; lHtngl'S ic Iavng Hvl, i.Ioiiu J. liruee. Same, Same, 'Alex. Wa!k-r, Jacob J. !ritts, -John A. Ki.ust, Anne K" Wy, Adm 1 J.ihu . Hlymycr, Same, Ll-.t.n H. Mill-r. Harriet Pritts" nse. h - kHits, ;t 'oliu.rn. Kimmel ; K'Kjutl, , Knt, ; Kooiits, . K'-m. iCcltnth ( 'eli,ru. Martin Zimmerman, koonts. W. W. liavis a liro. (lalthtr A tiaither, K. H. Marshall, .K.ntr, Oew, Shepiwrsmi. 'K'stit. 1 V'reidens Lut. Church Cciboin'St Kjonti, jWin. K. Shafer, liar, John M. Oillcn. liav. Cornelius Witt's h'rs C- liroth L'cutx it lieutx, 'tiiie, 13. Brooke Nyce & Co., BUTTER COMMISSION MERCANTS, 54 SOUTH STREET, nos;ieet:ui!v s ti -it c--n;itrtiiiifr.;s of BCTTEIt and gencrtil PliOItt'CE. The Urge and regular trade tl.n'. dj have lor Butter t ilers superior Inducements lo MERCHANTS AMD DAIRYfwIEFJ io si.ip to us. and will be i-ira.-t-t 1 It. Iiaco their shiptnen- n 1 geperi! fivors. We promise strict st teniio'n 10 tli.:.r interesis and to ot.' HLillIlisr MAI!; El' PKVJLS for HI TThit sent as, with prompt sa'es and cheek for proceeds. " N. B. Shi j ping cinls lorwardct 1-y mall, or to he had at principal stop s In fie county. serll 0 RI'lIANS' COUHT SALE. Bv virtu of aiK.p !cr issuing .-at of thel)rpr.ins C -urt of Somerset Co., Pa..' I willultcrat Pubiid Sale, in tlie borough oi 'Somerset, On SaturJfti, ihU.Ur tVU, 174, t2o'cl.K-ic. tbs following real estate. late tbe r rop ertrol Joa.ui. Nevill, -li'.-eaic.l. A certii in lot of gn'und situate In Somerset l.r. ugli. ae;oiiiing l-'t of Wesley I w vis on llio ntst. In ion street on I lie Bon h, lot of I red. La use en tin- east an.i Jiain -St. on the souih, navi:ig two dwcliin-r tieuscstlieret-n ei-ect.-d. TEli.MS. The amount required in hand enough to pay the debts, aln-ut t isj: tho balance m t c pial payments will, interest, seenred by judgment botuis: Id per cent of tho purchase money t.r be ptld when the property is knocked. oowti. Posses sion given l-t Apr:!, l7i. G. W. HFNKlinil. oct-l Atlciuiistniu-r. A D.M I N LSI II A TO 51'S NOT ICE. Estate of J ma: ban Walker. late of Summit tp., deceased. Letters ofaeniiiiistratioc on tlie above estatehav Ir.g been granted b the undersigned by the prop er authority, notice is herct'yagivcn to those iu debted to it to niaUeiniuie.!iali-payment,a:ii liiose having claims against it will ptcsont them for settlement and allowance. BAXIELP. WALKER, s?l-23 Adminiatnitor. D.MIMSTIlATOIl.'.S NOTICE L.niie oi Samuel Mosliolder late of I"p-thervnUy ta-p., Letter nf administration on tlie-ai-(Vfc est. -to having Iteen granteil to the undersigned, notl.-eis hereby given lo those indebted to it tv make imme diate payment, an-l th. baring claims against it, to present them duly authenticated forsetiiu ment at late p-siilence of deceased, on Saturday, ihe .ih dav of NoTemiier. "1K74. JONATHAN MOSHOLDEJJ. 1IENKY G. 'COLEMAN, scplii. Aduunistratii-s. JElfAIj NOTICE. 1 ne qualSflcl Totem of St'nTrre lt tt.wnfhip aro hereby inHifid that by a prot-vedinir In the Court of tiuarier wsrionA, ot Snmerst-t i'ounty, the place of httldinif ifeneral, PfKMfiiI, or town.hifiit elwtions ha been chand to the u-ind taou.He at Shanksville. of which ail persons IntercjU- V'.t pieae take notice. - ei30 Mher;!. . JEGAL NOTICE. 1 lie qualified voters of Jennervllle liorn-.igli are hereby notified that by a ppaweding In the C. urt of eiuarter Session ufSnuicrset County, the place ol holding the general, special, an-l bopnigh tiee. twins has been change. I loibesch.s.t houe lu Jeu- nerviiie, of which all iierson interi-stcd will please take notice. tlWVEP.KNEri'Ki:, .',J). Miemi. iV:':-Ai' NOTICE. 1 'iieutulifldd voter of S .u.'.i . mno.n townnhlp are hereby uotitici that by a pnoeedfrig in the iuarter Se'siom of Somerset County, the place id hol'iing the gencnl.s?i-ial and townsliijieieetions has In-cn changed Mine house of Jacob L. Kennel of which all persons intcrcsit-l will please U, k'j notice. OLlVEIt KUEPPER. jep.HI. Siierilf. JOTICE. The stockholder In the Wellersbnrg St W est Newton i'bu k roa I 'omnv apj hereby n .tilled that an elrclb.n will Iks b id at tbe S ouierset House. In Ihe iMipingti ol Somerscl, P:i.. on M -n. day, N"ieiiiler a. Is74. to eleet one pr. i-lei.t, one Treasurer an 1 hi'j managers to serve lor the tn suing year. AU. -I- V.". it. PICK'N'r, J. K. EME.Siv'y. Pr'Mdud. oct 7 SSIGNEES' SALE. T he un lersigncJ will expoJO at public sale, Oa W'lnrbij, O'Uler 28, 1S74, at 10 o'clock a. m., on the premises, the following plantation, the property ot licury i . uncrown nr. situate iu C.aiemaugh township, Somerset rniinty. Pa.. aNmt 1" miics soii'h of Johnsl.m. adioiniug lands of Abraham Blough, Iiaa Uoehstetlcr. I'aniel A. Weaver and otb- rs. containing 'JBO acres. There i a larwe orchapl thcpM.n with chok-e (run treest a suliii-i'-nt part thereof In m-adow ami a part that Is well tiinlnd. and I" c.r,sldere.l une of the best farms in the county. The imprrvemenN arc a hrst-rale bam. a g"l dwelling house, and all nec-wary buildings. Terms made known on tiay of sale. Also tt the same time and place, a lot of g.i work bor-es. I. urban, row ami heirers. and tie. hogs, wag .ns. reacr. threshing mai iiine. and a great variety "I larming ntciis.i. an-, m"..--.....,. lurmiure. J' Josiah Shau-r, au tb net r. A-i.n-(,. oct A SSI ON EE'S NOTICE. !... Sp art. having liv ueei oi vomniary as signment conveyed and assigned lo me all h.s es tate real, persoi-al ami mi zed, in trut for rtie l?n entof cp-.i, noti.-e is her by given to all per sons indcbte.1 K -said Jona Sel'.wrt or having cUiims against biin to appear for settlement on Saturdav, I a to'a r 21. HT4. at th- r-i l-nce of the a."nor. SOLO.MO.N SN YDKK. sepia Assignee. c AUTION. I l.c miiolo arc hcrubv not 1 lie I ll"t to Hrrts't ludgmi-ui exempt i"ti lute given by the under-i-'u-ed. wilh Valentine Mulicr as bail, to Cyrus Coo man on the Mih .lav of SeptemlH-r. A. I. Iv4, calling for one humlr -1 'o!iars. pnvablo fourteen rtavsV- -r dale, as I .ltd not nive vnlue for It. n.'s not l'V the ioe unless c.r,ij-llcl by 1 ' JONATHAN liitoAl s.. oct? A UDITOU'S NOTICE. i un.lcrsiiicl having, np. a motion or J. Kimmel. Eq,, been api-intc I aotliK ill'n bute the fnri . In the hands of Asp-b ill. r . administrator of the estate of peter Stahl. dec d. ; to and among those lerally' t iner-.o. w. att"n-l to the duties Im,."-1, ny - "to "ei I . Kla,.,r,M 1,. j of October. P74. when and wherv I! persons in! t'l S,-l,-nvl. I... oo .. , w,. 1 ested may attend. r. j. KOOSER. Auditor. c?l7 JQEGAL NOTICE. To Harriet Shaffer, wi low, Oe-rge Sim lf-r. wh- se l. notnown. Jacob sa a r!er, Kl:a.lh intermarried wr.n John Anawait. resnling in Adam Shatter. Simon Shaf Cambria Co.. P ii.. i.,n Shorter. N'h Shaffer. Sameel .Shaf c. n.u.liM in Somerset county. P.. t-lizaoei" ..( Ilsvi.l Iianvr. occeaseo. sua ankoown. the numlr. names an.1 r.i dnce ol tiie rblldrra ara unknown: Levi J. Long Lncirrla Khoad. Mary Shatter arel t a h arlne lng-"ld Catharine ntinr a minor tne Is "mauietT hair are chibin n of M'I SaHeT. w,o was intermarried wilh Levi L eg. but wl.e ; CZ'Z' v.. .amJ that in nwrsu iiw ri;..i' i -- , ,v ...r,.' ( ! wr! of partition. i-o?l v.. s Th home Dlace, ctlliaioiDK -1 wra, u. or I'ess. adjoining of Henry W. Jlaarej ijd John Brooks: No. 2. A tract of land containing acre nvrre or !'. adyiioing No. I and t Luih. eran parsonage property with the appurtenances, I when and where you """lnfl!mv' Sner iff. oct3 -Vi w A d r-ertitnrtmi V. - ATTORNEYS. i-'EITBSDANTS. Nu. T. x KukkI. .I .t.n a r r. tt t'oUi'ti;, lljfh Aiiic. l-CI JVM. - :r! tt .ui . :-i-l - l,i ' ' j:.1 2:1; " 2 8 May 174 J: 'iT4 is:i t'.n:lh,T, I'.kt'. K. It I'ani'-I W cvan.1, 1 Val. Hay, I.e-'th'er st '"-aouiiins Kc-di-ri lc Krinx. h!l,;'0cfl lUll-l.''r. lUttbl.-isPiK-r'.auili, ui. Ala v, iSr.. A'.yii May, :n. iiw. M. A. S;ninor, Week., I'unnintitin. A f. Siiuii', Jaci'l, I . lK'al. lliTkl fimiuu, 1 IjCvI Si . !cr, ' K i. Set. I. ; V.' ;n. li i,.n,2, 1 It. A. S nn-r. .w: M it S ij-t Sw.t - 4 j.'.TO; ' ;:'.,s' o !.(' 4 o tlo' -.4 .i i:. rlv?ai '. tm. r.t. . .lr ,w ,. Leiiiiir- 'V a. ua; p, !, M. 1. Htiiuc-rr et at .J.m.-pJ. s onrl-ler, K.i. S. iil. M. . s inner. W. li. ko- n t, Karnes'., U. C. A C'. Same, ii-s .i SK-n.Hr. Krci. Kreuiter, a- -n Cyrus Mrvvt sou ; :i J-,tin kortOlc. 1W ivt .1st) ;-mi -.-.'1 itw i Itaj pct, t jt Coll rn. i i-i at Feb. lTt A ilui-iw!. .. H. Cntirtnh Mosepb Kimer !.laC'fJ. .Meyers ex's 141' Presbyterian Church iTO. : John knabie et at., 17: i IVrns Vlcyn' ad'tur 1 aeob Snyder, Insct'h Cbristncr. 2 4 Hi " Ii-mi.-t Iwfv. :an. I " A Kunpel, I W'avs A Cnmngham, 5J , " , " ". 'KenVll's Mill C. Cs Ssi' " E. St. SC H Uta: K, Prothow a rj. CUTOITS NUTICE. l-ota'.tj ol of AiC.t. JijltPS n. la'o nf J Twp, (Licensed. Letters testamentary on the above estate hav ing been granted lo the untlersignnl bv the r,p,, er authority, notice ia hereby given to tin-in-debi-d to it to make immediate pav-mont, and tb. -n haring claims against it will prestnt tin-m to me uii.ler.-igne-l for nlluwanro at the otllee ,.f li.-ni.i "Mi.. rieeK. at Jcmier X K eids, t.S itur iay eirtoier .4, 1.4. 1.KV. S. FLECK. ANl.KfcW .liilivsnx " 1 Executors. A EDITOR'S NOTICE. 1 ii" nndersigned attint(sl auditor to d!.-trt!...iit the t:ind in 11.3 bands of Josiah kiminet, aiiinin Itttnttorof Kliabcth and Jacob Shar-.k. gives n, lit e tluit he will attend lo tlie dunes ol his'tnttnt athis ottice In Somerset, Pa., nn Wed nesday. October 28. at 1 o'ci.K-k p. in. wlo-n all par tic; interested can alfend. tlENUT F. SCHFJ.U oct7 Auutor. JOHN. BILLS 1 Ph the Court of Common ple: 4 vti oi s-.uicrs. t Connt v. I n. No WM. COLLINS l Align, t Term 1:4. K.ptitv. The uiiilersignci dulv atilW'itued t,v ihel'ot.ri' K 'coivcr. to taki' eburgo oi the t.H.ks ol tbe ..- Si'', rtii'Ts',"i.. cdlcet th,- Amounts due. and par tho i ot the hrin and the enoenses of the r'eiver- sl-.ip a i.l p-iy tlie balance over to the to-imrturrship equally. Hereby givt.-a notico to all 'persons in dented M tiie said copartnership to call on or be for the 2nd lay of N ivemiH-r n. xt and make s t-li.mi-nt. ii noi iai l bel.ire that lime tho bts-ks will lie placed In tha louids ol Holier L.iugiitoa Es. l,.r cii, rl-tifr. JL L. B V ER, "T'-t" Keeelvrr. I.MK. LI .ME." LIME: the uatctvigned htiring cn-etcl I n, . Viln Mitrt.le Hill, three miles west of Conttuea.'c rn tho Pittsburgh CoiiiK-llsvllle nilriud, are n'-ii ready to ship many point -either burnt !!umi or raw limestone as may lt p.iiireu ' This lime is.piaTifd from the Marl le format! n many feet licfow the btrest eoal veki, amluf a very sujs-rior quality. Order-tor linio.-rraw stone can he sjt.t tnConiln enccto H'tigv Wlr.r t Judgu .MeMlllc.,, .,r New L-t.:.o!,,:l ( v. John V idler, of eebh irt. burg. I'tti-'ip folft-rsperger, Jr., JTineral Point, ll.sirrfo W eu r, lcyerhile, Jsaae Hugos, Somer set, uud Wallace H. Wall.-r, ConneiliviUe, ahiih Will be pn-nnptty atten led to. "Vt7 HCtirSk WEBEK. JXKCL'TORVsALti The on lersiywd'cxecitior of the last will nnd l"tnni?iit ol John lttt.i ol S..ner Tp deceacd, will oil -t for sail oo the premiss. . On 27iuvo,'iy, (Jr-ljftt-r 22, at ) o'clock p. in., tho following real estate, viz: Tlio hoinesl.iad of dowa-.!, eotilaioing SIS a rej ol which ais.ui lti a rs aro clear and under at good state t culilvaiion: als.ut 45 acres in men I. ow, Willi a large dwelling house, sprite liottms, w ,! house and bank barn themm erected, sugar orchard, apple, pear and peach op-hapl, lime none quarry, au.1 many tiuo llowing springs ol never failing wu'er. This farm is simticl ai.iut u.ur miles northwest of the tiorougfiot Somerset, ad joining land of John C. Harroiie. Noali, VV I U in in I Young. Peter Hciltey, Jolin IU I hi and others, TKli.HS. One-thirl to remain a lien alter par-in.-ut of expenses, of which tlie mtcr4 bi annual ly to be paid to the widow dtisirj. W-r lite: one ihird on the first of April, ivrv and flu, balance In live equal annual payments, tolw 9-are l,i wlg iiient Isiudon the fis-juise. wj hout Intepu ; hi percent r.f the hand rataiey m.isr M p:tj, (,n the, day id sale, J Al OB N l.' Y, si'i'i . Fixator. A srsioxKirs notice. tieorge If. Suhr-.c ao.1 L. ,V- Smith. eJ Merers- dale Isipaigh. having miwlo Voluntary assign-m.-nt ol ail tiwlr pp.isiriy and eltwts. to the un. derstgiied in trust lor the bene! of their creditors, n.ucw Is hereby given to all p. rsons indebted to ssi.l parties to muke iimnedate narmeni, sn-l !h.s having claims will present Uiem f.r settlement and aliowaiice. J. O. MEYERS, sept Assignee. ' i ) m i nistTiatou's n o t i c i: L. ne uf CatharlaA Swunk. late tA SomenM t., deceased. lytrnrn of adm,m:rtti' oo th ahr eUI havinv teen ttrantjl to th nnden(iiriii, noti t henthy ifiven to thore intldted to It t mat itain diate pa'imnt, and thti-o? having hmn au-alriHi it, U) pnirwitt t Imtb (lut 7 aar ht-nt t I fi-r tot ' h-iuhtii, at Ihe re!idnee ot oaJf Svxaiioiijiaturiav', toAer:, H'4. JOH.X KLI.N K, i'p'9 . AdimitiiraL-.r. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is wideir known as one of tlie most ellee'tuttl n'luetlic . ever tliscoveretl tor cleansing tlie ays tern ami piirifyint; tba bloml. It h is S7.'.':- A 7Af stood tlie test of C;'')f5'V' year, wilh a con-w-. i staDtlyfowinrep tjf'.iZ - jtatiun, bawl on it. intrinsic virtues, am. sntainej by its re niark.tlile etire. So miM a to be aft; ami beneficial to children, and yet so searching as to cireetuaJIv ptir?e tmt tJie great eor niption of the Lluoh stieh as the scrofulous anJ svphilitic contamination. Impurities, or diseases that have lurked in the system for years, soon yield to this powerf'uj anti dote, and disappear. Hence it wonderful cures, manr of which are publicly known, of Scrofula, and all scrofulous diseases. I'.cers. KruDtioni. and enmtive dui- - ,i:. TlinlnN. Itlnt'!iMt. llli.ri t. wi ' --------- itoilse PiniDles. PustuloH. Mores, St. Anthonv's Fire, lUn or KryMpe liw. Tetter, Salt Iflieura, Sal(I Head, ItinsTTonii. and internal Ul ceration or the Uterus Stomach, and Liver. It also cures other com pt.iint.s to which it woiiM not seem especi ally a-laptc-I. stieh a Dropsy, Iryspep ai.u Fits Nenrnlffia, Heart I i.ea.f Female WeaknesH, Debility, and Lencorrhoea, when they are naaaicsta tion of the scrofulous poisons. It is an excellent restorer cf health and strenrrtb. in the Sprinjj. Uy renewing tho ajifictito and vijor ef the distirstive or;. it dissipates the depression and ut! ta ptKirof the season. Even where no-d-sonh arils-am. people fee! Utter. auJ Kve hnr. for eleansimj the I.ImL Tlie -'.v'tern raovea on with renewed sad a new leo-ic cf Jit'.:. he BT Dr.J.CAYEB&CO., Lowe If, Mass., rrvrtinl ,ml Analytic! ChemlsU. iOHi BY ALL EVEBTWTIErJ.