y . ' - Established 1850. J. G. HARVEY & CO., BUTTER COMMISSION" HOITSB, 75 EXCHANGE PLACE, BALTIMORE, MD. Solicit oonstirnments ol Hotter and Produce generally. Hed rd for marking kegs can beliad at -;i .in, i.! t.iri in the n.untv tir will lnrr,l.l h mail OB application. rp Keimard & Oudesluys, 11) ... .1 .iL-.j CO MMISSION 'MERCHANTS NO. 83 EXCHANGE PLACE, b ATyriMomi:, md. WE HAVE A LARGE TRADE KOH GLADES BUTTER, AND AM. FIXP IT TO THEIR INTEREST TO SHIP TOT'S. WE PROMISE RETIENS W1TH 'HKs'k ASSiMtN AS THE BfTTEtt IS SOLD, AND WILL MAKE LIHLKAL Al VAM'KS lN ALLNHlPMKNTS. CAKHS CAN BE OBTAINED AT EXPRESS OFF1CKS. X'iV The Somerset Herald. WEDNESDAY. - - - - flctol-er 1. 1874. TIME TABI.M. BOMKRKKT A XlilKIUL POIKT KAILKOAD. On, and after Monday, July 7th, 1B7S, trains wil run as follows : LEA VK. ABIUVE. Mail East.. Mall Wet.. ..10.15 a.m. 12m, .S 00 p. In. 6 30 p. in. F. ALTFATHER. Geu'rl. Suj-t. r. W. A. B. It. It. PASS KIMiKAL POIST. Kx press Kast. . Ki press West. Mull East Mail West .11:35 p. to. . 1 21 a. m. .12:02 p. m. . 440 p. m. Pittsburgh & Connellsville RAILEOAD. PittstaiVWasMiiBoii & Baltimore "SHORT IHNTE." ALTERATION OF TI3IE. On and after Sunday, Jlay 10th, 1874, Trains on this Road will Depart and Arrive From Depot, orner Grant and Water streets, as follows: OK.rAKT. riTTBBI R(iH TIIIE. AltlUTE. Ijocal Malt 510 a.m. ! McKeesport Ae- Through Mail.:0 a.m.: com e 40 a.m. Mned Way... :30 a.in. : McKeesport Ae- M KeesporiAr- i com cm 11:00 a.m. W. Newton Ac- Mcketrfisirt Ac- eoin S-20a.m. coin :ar p.m. l nrouitn r.x. . a.m. ouiiellsillc Ac- lonncuvviuc a i cm 10:00 a.m. 'McKecscrt Ae- I com 12: m. ;M'Keei.rt Ac- eom 2.00 p.m. JIckccsiori Ac tum 4:!i0 p.m. VnioiiUiwn Ae i cm 10 p.m. M'Keesport Ae- com 7:40 a.m. Tli rough Mail..K:25 p.m. West Newum t'hurch Train.lo Oi a.m. coin 3 35 p.m. MelvtH'iK-.i. Ac- i com 4:30 p.m. W. Newwn Av j pom 5:10 p.m.i MeKec-sport Ac- roui e:2p.in, 1 hroujrh Ex... .:ou p.m. MeKeport Ac- ! n.m .11:00 p.m. Went Newlon I CliurchTralu. 12:45 p.m.' i Mill '1 AwjuIE jlatiSl TmiBs lailj, ncjt iTOCO Tmibc iliitv tt'-uvJ liiUkl LJUJ. E. I, BYKEJIiN, SAM'L C. HODGH, Ga. scsl Gel Pass. As! (JencnU Ticket office, 43 5th Avenue, IS it t tor Wan lot! BY KEMAED & OUDESLUYS ' It is now time for shipping GI.AII" IH'TTKK and we advise all the dairymen to kike advantage of every cold day "to ship their butter down to us as rap idly as possible. We have a very artire rail now, for cood dairies and can readily sell from 1,000 to 2.0IH) keys every week, at highest market price. Butler merchants trom the South and coaft citw-a are now be ginning to lay in their fall and winter slocks of butter, and we aJvise dairymen to ship their butter promptly so as to get the advantage of this very desirable trade. We w ill use every effort to sell at HIGH EST PRICES, and as soon as the butter is sold w ill send sales and check. We will also ni-ike lileral advances on ship ments. Hoping to receive lilterul siiipmcnts promptly. Iusjieclfully if,, KKXXAKD & OlDESLUY S. S3 Exchange Place, Baltimore. MJ. A LARCK lot ot S. le Ibis, I-e Jhrrut Sin dcr All kinds of j..l priming executed at the Hekai.i ofhec. A LARGE lot of Paint Brushes bv E. H. Marshall t Co. . lor sale , , ,. . Pure Colors of every discretion for sale iy t ll. AiarMiai lot 1.-0. - A iiF.AVTivt l fit of teeth for $3. Dr. Win. Collins. Somerset Pa. New Goods. A full stx-k ot Boots and Shoe?, now open at Snyder & Ulil's. f.000 rb Btrictl v pure White Lead for sale at E.;if. Marshall & (.Vs. Stone crocks. Jars. Pitcher and Jugs, for sale at Cook & Betrit's. C00K& Beerits will trade Fish, Salt, and Corn, for Oats, Potatoes and Bacon. lryou wsnt Carjienters Tools, po to Blymyer's Hardware Store ; a full stock of all kinds. Four. Six and Eight Pictures at Wcl fley's Photograph Gallery in the Mam moth building. Glass Ware. Full seta of Glassware for 1,00. Tumblers only 75 cts per dozen at W. W. Davis & Bro. Snow-flake and White River Flour tor sale at Cook & lk-erit's Grocery and Feed Store, at reduced prices. be ex- r. Po- A large lot ot barrel Salt w in thanged for Butter, Apple Butter, catocs, &c. . W. W. Davi & Bko. Attention is called to the latter part of the Election proclamation. Jo to Blymyer's lr Hardware of every description. The formal opening of the Buffalo Val ley Railroad will bike place on the 21st of this month. ' If you want to buy the lcst Apple Tarcr made, at so cents, go :o wymyre s nara ware Store. Fall snd winter lmts of the newest styles, the most nobby and recherche in Somerset, at Steck's. Wall Paper and window paper, shad ing cloth nnd window shades in great va riety and prices at the lowest in town at Steck's. A FLionT skiff of snow fell in this neigh borhood on Tuesday morning, liequestu to publish the "Beautiful Snow" are in order. DKsriTE the potato bug, drouth and the many othertliings unfavorable to the growth of the potato the yield will be considerably above the average. Collars, Gloves, Hose &c, will be opened ut "Fashion Bazar," latter part of this week, on w hich wc offer special induce ments. Mrs. Jas. B. Tkedwell. No. 6. Mammoth Block. Ar.mcrLTURAL Meeting. The Somer- set County Agricultural Society at the oflice of F. J. Kooscr c will meet on i' nday evening October ICth, 174. By order of V. J. KOOSKK " I). IICSBAXD. Sec. Pret At "Fashion Bazar" all the latest nov elties in Indies' Jet Trimming, Jet Lace, .let Fringe, Jet Buttons, Jet Gimp, Jet Trimmed Belts. Jet Veils, Jet Ornaments nnd Jet Beads for Trimming by the oz. If you want to le in sryle use Jet and plenty ot it. Mrs. Jas. B. Tredwell, No. (1, Mammoth Blixk. Ouk rriend Johnny llarucll has a gos ling, w hich, at the age of six weeks, weigh fourteen pounds, fan any of our jXMiitry- ralsers hold a candle to this bird T hat will it weigh when it arrives at the age ot a pooee? Twenty years puts cet-se in ilicir prime. "Anteret non ftfclUrunt,' etc John F. Blymyre has succeeded in get tin? a lot ol the celebrated Dry Bidsre Red llanios; these Humes are always difli cult to get. Call soon at the Hardware Store. The following kindly notice of Colonel l utzv is from the Bedford Inquirer : Col. E. D. utzv. the man who is to rvi r.sent us in the State Senate next winter, has been on hand during the Fair, making the acquaintance of the sturdy yeomanry of Bedford county. Evcryliody is pleased w ith hint and all agree that he will make a lirst class Senator. Foil Knives and Forks, Spoons and Shears, or anything in the Hardware line, go to Blymyre's. . TnERE is an Ethiopian damsel In our town that Madam Rumor credits with an ailinityin thel ountv olCamnna; we never thought, however, that the dusky damsel was Easly's sweetheart until we saw the following in the Johnstown Tribune : Tlii( in the reply of a Someiet Ctrl to a Dote asking w!m.'d we altould call to esuurl her to a eou cert : 'llecr CaaL (Vuu t a tpastato. 'Sarati." Yak Lace plain or licaded and French Horn Buttons, two of the latest things lor Ladies Dreises. at "Fashion Bazar." Miu. Jas. B. Tredwell. No. C Mammoth Block. Goxe West. We regret to learn tint our friend Joseph Hunter and fam'.ly ot Somerset Township ha-e started westwa.d seeking a home in Iowa or Nebraska. Joseph is not like Joseph of old, hated by his brethren, but is held iu universal es-tx-m, and the community loses one ot its Ik-sI citizens bv his reicoval. Ready Trimmed Hats, Fall and Win ter styles. Velvet, Straw, and Felt, cheaper than we have ever lecn able to oiler tliein, at "fashion Bazar." Mrs. Jas. B. Tredwell, Xo, C, Mammoth Block. A new lot of Gents Undorware, Tic, A COW7MCATIOX from Casselman wm : received at this oifice one day of last week. As it had been avrittcn w ith a lead pencil it was illegible. Correspondents are airain warned that thev must write with a pen and on but one side of the iper if they exiect their articles to appear. Y e will be pleased to hear from the gentleman again. Special Notice. Persons having loiig- standing accounts on our books and all others, are kindly asked to call and settle by the 20i h of this month, aud save them selves Dd us further trouble, in order that wc can do justice to oyr own creditors. Mrs. Jas. B. Tkedwell. No. 6, Mammoth Block. hile the congressional conference wai in session at the Summit House, Cambria County, the ball ol the engineers of the western division ofthc Pennsylvania Rail road took pla-e there. 01 course the candidates and their conferees attended. One is almost excusable for smiling as he thinks ofthc senior Ot this naner ami nnr festive Piotnonotary and Sheriff tripping liglitly through the Lancers or whirling rapidly around in the nddy waltz. Trnrhrr'a Wanted. The School Board of Somerset Tp., will meet on Saturday the 10th day of October, is;4, at John Hill's, for the purpose of em ploying teachers to teach the schools, com mencing October 19th. Wage for first cIh teachers 128, second class 24. The citizens of the district ari ronliallr .iavped to attend, and any objections they "ay have to urge against any of the teachers employed will be heard. J. 1SAEFIL P. HKFF1.ET. President. Secretary. Day Books. Ledgers, Cash Books, Rec ords. Mioute Books. Blank Books, Pass Books. Memorandums, open and tuck, a l&rzeaaanitmtint at Amos Steck's, fto. 8, Mam moth Block, Somerset. I'a. VTe are requested to make a note of the fact that, a small boy, abont twelve years old, who bad evidently run away Irom home came to the house of Mr. Henry sh.iilis of Jefferaon tp. a short time since. The boy refuses to talk but little, speaking only in German. ben- lie came to Air. Shaulus he was in his bare-feet, had on rray pants and round-about. Has dark hair and blue eyes. Msss' Fall and Winter underwear. light, medium and heavy, while grey and red, at the lowest prices, at Steck's. Somer- stt, J 'a. The Pittsburgh Synod of the Reformed Church will meet at Berlin next Thursday eveninir. and continue in session for five or six data. The onenine sermon will be preached by the retiring President, Ker, J. U. SSwancler 01 Latrooe. A large turn out of members is expected. The meet- inni will be open to all who may desire to attend, School Books. School Books School Books, at the lowest publishers' prices, at Steck s new store, INo. 8, Alanimotn jbiqck, Somerset, Pa. Phof. Robert Kidd, author of "KiJd'a Elocution." will eive an elocutionary en tertainment in the Melhobist Church at- Mcyersdale on Wednesday evening next Prof. Kidd stands very high as an elocu tionist not only in this state but throughout the country. e hope to ree Itini welt patronized. BOO bushels of po a toes wanted, for which we agree to pay the highest market price. Ruoads Bito'a. No. 4 Baer's Block. Wk w ish to call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of the Key stone Coal Company in another column This company are now employing a large number ol operatives, mining targe quan tities of coal of the first quality which they will furnish at leasonable rates. Rev. Jsorman B. Critchfield, of ML Pleasant, (formerly ot Middlecreektp.rthis county,) was severely burned by an explo sion ot oowder, on Jr nday morning rata. We hear that Mr. C. was smoking a segar and priming a gun with a powder-flask at the same time, wnen a spare dropped down and bis whiskers went up. and considera ble saltpetre and willow was deposited un dor the skin of his face. We arc sorry to hear of this accident, as our friend, the former chaplain of the 133d Pa. Regiment, is one of the best men in the world. Dr. Bi u baker reports the case M a painful but not serious one. We want all our friends in Addison and the Turkevfoots to see a new agricultural wonder, a guano machine, owned by our next Senator Yutzy, and now in the full tiJe of successtul operation, running night and day. The machine is in miniature, onlv rroducinz abouttwoqunrtsin twenty four hours. bu. at that rate, almost two bushels can be secured every month, Next year the Colonel's garden will be a rarer sight than now. The original inven- tor ot this institution is Thomas Hawk, of Somerset township, and it was brought to iis present state of perfection by Dick Thomas and Dennis Meyers. Call andsee it. centlemen : the Colonel is a candidate and I has" to show his property. Wonderful Success. Three years aso Dr. Boschee s German byrup was in tro.luced in the I'nilei States fioin Germany for the cure of Coughs, severe Uolds settled on the breast. Consumption and other dis ease of the Throat and Lungs. No medi cine ever had such a success, 300.000 sample bottles have been distributed every vear for three years ty uniggisis in an parts of the United States, and nearly 1000 letters from Druggists are now on our files, saying that no other preparation in their stores sells as well and gives such excellent satisfciction. All we ask is for vou to go to your Druggists, Benford & Kimmel or Hitzrot & Fleck at Confluence Pa., and cet a sample bottle for 10 cents and trvZil: regular size 75 cents. For sale by all Druggist in the Country. Sad accide-t. Mrs. Samuel Shaffer of this borough was severely injured by an accidental gunshot on Friday morning of last week. A young man named Johns, w ho boarded at Mr. Shaffer's, in capping a gun with which he was about to go pigeon hunting, by some mischance dis charged the weapon. Mrs. Shaffer was seated at the breakfast table in an adjoin ing room. The shot after passing through the door struck the lady in the lack on the left side a few inches below the heart The shot passed through a pine door an inch and a quarter thick, otherwise the shot must have proved instantaneously fatal. Mrs. Shaffer it was at first feared was mortally hurt, but we ee pleased to learn is improving. Hall's Veoktablk Sicilian JUim Re newer now stands among the first, and at the head of all articles for a similar pur pose. The testimony of our physicians is conclusive as to its value ; and we are personally acquainted with scores of cases where it has been used with the best of results. It will restore gray hair to its original coftr, and leaves it glossy, and in a healthy condition ; while, for heads troubled with dandruff, or any disease of the scalp, it acts like a charm in cleansing them. 1 ry it, and vou will not be dis appointed. LoutU Courier, May 2, 1803. The second best, and the most striking building in Louisville Ky., is that occu pied by the Public Library It was paid f, r by three Gitt Concerts, managed by a "Joaril headed by ex-Governor Thomas E. wram'ettc. The Board is authorized by the Legislature of the State to give five of these Concerts. The Fifth takes place in November next, and the profits, after dis tributing f 2,500,000 to the ticket-holders, are to be used in perfecting the Librarv, and furnishing the blind of the State with looks in raised letters. This is rather a large thing for Kcntuckey. Governor B ramie tie has given three years to this Librarv. and he is making it the best in the country. Books are bought fo this Library in fmlers ol f J0.000 at a tune, and an cnormov amount has been paid tor paint ings, statuary, and other works of art. The next drawing in aid of the Library, in whk h the capital prize is 1250,000. takes place, as wc stated, in November next. ixwitivcly. Game is very abundant at present in our forests, and occasionally birds and squirrels grow very neighborly and pay a visit to "dcr stadu' On Friday evening covey of forty partridges flew into the centre ot our borough, alighting on the houses of Major Enable and General Cof frolh. Some dozen were seen immedi.ite- lyin front of this oflice. Mr. Tredwell caught a pheasant in his smoke hou i a few davs since. Mr. II. Cunningham kill ed a grav squirref in the lower church- jyard. These visitations are said by the oid folks to prognosticate a very severe winter, but we think this would be rath er hard to prove as similar events tr .uj4.Le every autumn. Mr. C. I). Hess had at least twci.ly gray squirrel tills the other d.iy; he also had their belies. Charley Hurst and Frank Wright have bagged pheasants by the score, in two days bringing in thirty-four and some woodcocks. Many other gen tlemen have been quite successful, whose names escape us now. We are tired pub' lishing pigeon returns; that biped is a drug in the market Tbk Combench The Conference of the 1 tli Congressional District met at the Summit House in Cambria Countv on Tuesday the (ith inst J. K. Bowles Esq., appointed for Mr. Cessna In place of Mr. Mower, C. FRoberts for Mr. Barker, in place of Mr. Davif, and F. J. looser Esq., lor Mr. Koontz in place of Mr. Beachy. The Conference held two session the same dav, three on Wednesday and two on Thursday w ithout uiakiug a nomination. M41I at 7 J o'clock r. M., and immediately proceeded tolhe'277th ballot when 8 votes were cast for S. S. Blair, which being a majority of all the votes cast, Mr. Blair was declared the nominee of the conference. The nomination was then made unani mous. The candidates then appeared be fore the Conference. Mr. Blair in a short addresa thanked the conference for the honor which they they had conferred upon him, accepting of the nomina ion tendered loin with expressions of the necessity of the administration remaining in the hands of the Republican party. The other candi dates then pledged themselves to heartily support the nominee. R. A- McMURTRIE, President. E. M. SHROCK, Secretary. The Sunday School boy of the Cham - bersburg Opinion has been at it again. Here is his last : A six weeks' fast. More than six weeks ago, Mr. Lightner, residing near Middle town, Md., missed three of his hoes, and opto Friday last, he heard nothing of their whereabouts. On leaving home that morning, he directed his sons to make search lor the lost swine in the straw stack, and obeying these order his sons went to work, removing the pile oi straw, a an their finally brought to light the lng lost hoes somewhat thin and emacui. jd, but still alive. It seems almost incredible, that they could live sir weeks in the straw bank without food or water, yet it la true they did. They weie found on the oppo site side of the stack from where they en teral having worked their way around in search of a place of ecit. Tnx following from the Cumberland Timet mar prove interesting and instruc tive to some of our readers : We have, in our possession a five dollar note issued by T. Davis, President, and Geo. Spiccr, Secretary of the United Slates Cotton Mills of Mauch Chunk, Pa., which proposes to pay the bearer five dollars on every f 100 worth or goods purchased oi said nulls.. Ibe note is well engravea ana ith the exception of the deviations neces sary for the advertisement might be readi lv taken for eenuine. This note was pass ed upon a Baltimore street man yesterday but after some little arrangement in the magistrate's court the affair was settled, as uo charire to attempt to pass counterfeit money could be sustained and the party redeeming the note, no further prosecution too place. Justice Blocher placed the note in our hand, saying that we had better call the attention of the public to the fact that these notes so closly resembling United States Currency are afloat, and advise them to be caretul in the examination of money pas ung through their hands. Passisq by a cider press the other day we were a good deal amused to see seveial sturdy, bright-eyed, rosy-cheeked boys, each with a straw in bis tnoutn, sucKin cider from a barrel, through the bunghole. It seemed strange that these children should resort to this method of obtaining the cider 'when by taking the tin cup which was lying near by and holding it under the flow of the mill they could ob tain all they desired. The little fellows sat astride of the barrels loooking the very picture of happiness and contentment, while such expressions as "by golly it good," and "this 'is bully Joe, ain't itf escaped from their lips at intervals. The horse walked round in the ring. The old beam creaked and groaned, "G up and "co lour sounded from th driver. All-in all it was truly rural scene such as may be vi-jwed on many a farm. As we gazed upon it we thought of the davs when we were a boy and sat thus astride of a cider barrel : of the old mill. the steady old horse and his hunchback driver ; f the men and women who were lads and lassies then : of the difference be tween thl free, open-heart edness of child hood, w hen we not only believed in but acted on the principle that all men were equal, when all joys and sorrows were held in common, when hearts were light as the thistle down we scattered to many a breeze : when songs were as mer ry as the birds in the top ot thc!trees 'neath whose shade we sported ; wnen the bright side of the picture of life alone was show and its sins, sorrows and penalties kept deeply hid in the background by kind friends and loving parents; when earth was nil sunshine and life was play, and now, wnen "Life It real, lira UearneM," when he who would maintain himself must struggle early and late : now, instead of the bright side of the picture, the .crime. the vagabondage and the treacherousness of man are the prominent features ; now each strives for place and power in order that he may lord it over his tellow man. As we passed on, memory busy with the happy days of childhood, we thought were it possible to go back we would give but who can live ule over. We do hot know that Somerset can be said to be the wickedest Iowa in the State or even in the County, nor do we think we have a man among us Tho can equal, or is desirous of rivalling, or even imitating tne notorious John Allen, let. notwiUi standing the above facts, there was a fight between a cat and hawk on jlain Cross street, Saturdajr. Quite a large crowd col Jected, among tuera bankers, tradesmen, mechanics and - ministers, all of whom watched the affair with absorbed interest The beast was put into the bird's cage, a wire institution about a yard in length and height, and all stood breathless, awaiting the combat. The old cat ripped and she snorted, the old hawk flew and cavorted the cat made a spring, right op through the thing, and the cat and hawk were thus parted. Some proclaimed old boreal is victor, but he would have escaped to his mansion in the sun as rapidly as 'fulis did to hers if the bars ot the cage bad permit ted. AO body without wings ever anniht lated space like the released cat. Flying Uhilders would nave been distanced. grayhound, with a tin-cup tied to his tail, would have apiearcd as in a gentle gallop. Nothing that we ever heard of approached this race in swiftness unless it was old Sut Lovengood's famous shirt-tail flight, the time he tried to hear what the taffy-pulling party were saying, and eaves dropped in earnest right into the pans of boiling mo lasses vb'.ch the girls had placed out to cool. 1 hat was calculated to make a body run, but Sut had only two legs. All bets have been declared off. Some of the ' Itoys" of our town paid a visit to a pigeon-roost one night last week. The roost is situated about two miles from Christ Jencke's, a mile the other side of the "Barren Felsen," bevond the Red Ridge. Most of our readers will at once recognize the spot Provided with Ian terns, a party of half a dozen boldly march. ed up the Rattlesnake Road, piloted by a jolly Dutchman, and reached the neigh borbood ot the pigeons some hours after night-fall. The sound as of mighty rush. ing waters, caused by the flapping of the turds wings, bad lor a king distance guided them in the right direction. It was really worth the loss ot a night's sleep and the pain or a fearful walk through laurel and over jagged rocks to stand in the presence of millions of feathered creatures. Our feelings were akin to those of the young man who first hears the loud murmurs of the ocean. It must be remembered in this connection that our local was one of the party in this ever-to-be-remembered and never-to-be-forgotten expedition. But few pigeons were taken, as most of the visitors had not the conscience to murder the sleeping beauties, and those that, were astir were too devilish high up and too wide awake to be knocked oa by our poles, though some of our bold lads were pro vided with as long articles of that sort as Captain Scott used when he brought down the tremendous shower of persimmons. The lights burning low, we began to fear that we would be forced to roost with the pigeons, and turned our steps homeward. In this we were none too soon, as our lit tle band rapidly underwent disintegration. Thea occurred the 'pleasant' part ot the whole business. As light after light was extinguished, some gentlemen got scared, of which we are proud to say the editor was not one ; we mean, tliat though there U no dispute about our gentility, we were not in the least frightened ; we confess, however, to feeling uncomfortable, as did several others, who have "esscd up" to day. One shouted "murder," another "help," in such heartrending tones that an immediate attack of wild beasts, with which the woods, in the parts so clearly de scribed above, are said to abound, was ap prehended. A young mas was actually. (according to his ideas at the time,) brought to a stand-still by a "panter, which, with glaring eye-balls and ferocious growls, intently watched him. ready tor a spring, from the limb of a tree not so high as the poles aforesaid. One of the party, more used to country sports than the you lit men tioned, distinctly heard this conversation : "To whit I tbwhoot! whool" "O.I'm gone ; don't shoot ; I'm 31 r. Miller, for me' ly of Baltimore." An unmannerly screech-owl had put up a job on Frank. He is better now ; so is the entire party. Not one of us has since taken any stock in that dove-like bird which is called by the slightly learned pietione. Berlin Item. Arrangements have been made for the delivery of the rolling stock for the Bulfa Valley Railroad on. the 21st inst Excursion rates will be granted from Garrett to Berlin over the Buffalo Valley Hailroad dunng the meeting of the Luther an Conference and the Reformed Synod or from the 12th to the 14th inst ' The Postofflce Department have instruc- j ted that the mails for Berlin be carried bv the Buffalo Valley Railroad on and after the ICth inst. A seam of iron ore has been discovered near Berlin, in close proximity to the branch railroad 23 inches thick, an analy zation will be had by the 20th inst, 1 ' Teachers IssTrrcTE. Pursuant to a call issued by the County Suiterintendjut, a number of teachers 11: et in the town hall of Meversdale at 2 r. x. Monday Oct. '5th, 1874. The assembly was called to order by the County Super intendent, Prof. D. W. Will, FreaJent ex officio. Mr. A M. Lichty was appoint ed Secretary pro icm. The President lltea announced thut there would be an election held to elect two Vice President, a Sec retary and two Assistant Secretaries and a Treasurer. It was decided by motion to elect each of the officers s?p.irte)y. J. J. Cook, M. L. Dively and J. S. Wagner were appointed tellers to conduct the elec tion which resulted as follows. Vice Pres idents, G. B. Masters and J. D. Meesc ; Secretary, . John S. Wagner ; Assistant Secretaries, Miss Edith C. Stutzman and J. J. Cook; Treasurer, W. II. Landis.. The President appointed H. M. Lichty, Miss Lizzie R. Poorbaugh and Miss Ellen S. Snyder as an Executive Committee to arrange a programme of the exercises for each meeting. Institute decided there should be no evening session. The exec utive committee was ordered to prepare a programme tor Tuesday. Tuesday Oct. CtA. An opening address was made by the County Sept., it aboun ded in practical remarks. An oration was deliveicd by G. B. McMasters. S. 8. Forney read a report on the "New De parture," This was an able defence of the course adopted bv our Cotnty Supt j in granting a limited number ot certifi cates. Prof. McCord, Principal of Curry Institute Pittsburgh was introduced and entertained the audience with a few gen eral remarks on the importance of earnest work at an Institute, he then gave an in teresting lecture on reading. Mr. M. J. Beachy read a report on ventilation. A poem from Harbaugh's Ilarfe, entitled "Das alt Schnlebaus on der krick," was recited by J. Wagner. IL Hevkman gave a report on arithmetic, (new departure,) ex plaining a new method for computing in terest. Prof. McCord delivered a lecture on Physical Geography. Female Educa tion was the subject 01 an essay read by Miss Lillia Dom. This essay was well written and rendered with effect. The subject of political geography was discussed iiy juesars. ucchiiiuu, .ciiieiv, uiptiey, Ted row, Meese, Culbertson, Trent and Prof. Will. Mr. Henderson having been introduced entertained the Institute with some interesting and practical remarks. On motion the following persons were elected honorary members, Dr. U. M. Beachly, D G. W. I. Brown, Dr. J. C. Yutzy, Dr. F. K. Hall, Dr. W. C. Hicks. Rev. J. W. Beer, 3Iessrs. Henderson, G L. Beachly and M. Hady. The evening session ot Institute opened with music A. D. Beachy delivered a declamation. subject, knowledge. Resolution, was the subject of a report by II. M. Lichty. An essay was read by Miss Lizzie Poorbaugh subject, education ot the senses, rrot. McCord delivered a lecture on emphasis. Conversation, was the subject of an essay read by Miss Rose Huston. S. U. Trent read a report on the power of expression and thought Wednesday. Oct, llh. Jacob S. Miller declaimed a piece entitled, "If you mean no. say no." The subject, Orthography and how to teach it, was opened iy D. ll Phtllippi, followed by Messrs. Trent, Baer, Elerick. Groff and Prof. Will. Mr. Heck man gave an exercise on cube root Indo lence, was the subject of an essay by Miss Ellen Snyder. J. B. Whipkey ready a re port on astronomy. Mr. Win. Tedrow recited "The Beautiful Snow." Prof. Mc Cord delivered a lecture on the methods ot teaching geography. An essay was read by Miss Christie Holshue entitled Beauties of Nature. A lecture on grainmer was delivered by Prof. McCord. J. D. Meese read a report, subject, teachers qualifica tions. The question, to what extent should politeness be taught in our common schools, was discussed by F. Groff, J. L. Pugh, Miss Lizzie Poorbaugh and Messrs. Lichty, Meese, Cook, Beal and Rev. Smith. In the eyening an entertainment was given by the members of the Institute. Pro gramme consisted of recitations, &c, a lecture by Prof. McCorJ, "our mother tongue and its abuses." Rev. Smith deliv ered an address. Thurtdau Oct., 8th. Institute opened Mith prayer by Rev Davis. j James L. f ugh Esq., gave the Institute a practical talk on grammar. The subject was thea discussed by Profs. McCord Whipkey, Groff and others. The question should Corporal punish ment be abolished in our common schools. was discussed by Messri. Elerick, Kendall Henderson, Mason, C. B. Cook and Lichty. rrof. McCord delivered a lecture on proofs of the rotundity of the earth. On motion the loilowing were added to the roll of honorary members. Rev. Mr. Davis, Kev. Mr. Sin lh, Kcv. James Quin ter. A-1. Beachy, Mr. Holiday and Kev. air. Ucrkiey. W ru. 1 edrow read a report- on the Teachers Responsibility. Mode3ty was the subject of an essay read by Miss Agnes Hall. 1 he question, what would you do the first day of school ; was discussed by Messrs. Kendall, rhillipt, liear, .blerick and W. H. Sanner. Institute then went into an election for members of the committee on permanent certificates. I he following were elected, J. B. Whipkey, J. D. Bear, Herman Walker and J. 8. Wagner. Mr. Groff lectured on Teaching as a Profession. Prof. McCord concluded his lecture on proofs of the rotundity of the earth. The President then appointed the following committees. On Resolution, Messrs. Elerick. J. D. Bear and Cal. B. Cook. On publication. Messrs. W agner, JLichty and Meese. Mr. Berkley read a selection entitled. Yankee in love. The Importance ot His tory as a study, was the subject of a report by J. 8. Wagner. Lochiels Warning was recited oy Dr. w. C. 1 licks. Mr. Groff lectured on text books. Miss Annie McKinlev recited a piece entitled, pamper- ! . , . " , , - . 1 1 - . ing uie oouy ana starving tne soul com. position was the subject of a report by air. juencK. rroi. Jicuoru delivered lectur on School Management, after which the Institute was addressed by W. II. Sanner. The committee on resolutions then re ported the following : Whereas the In stitute just closing has presented an oppor tunity for the teachers of Somerset county to associate and to give and receive in struction on topics relating to teaching, therefore be it resolved. 1st That the teachers who saw fit not to avail them selves of this opportunity have shown a want ot zeal in the cause of education which should expose them to the severest censure ot their emplovers. 2nd. That we bail with joy the gradual awakening ot the public mind to the imtoi-tance of popu lar education ol a higher standard and any improvement aiming at the accomplish ment of this desirable result haJhur warmest sympathy. 3rd. That we deem advisable for teacners to acquire a knowledge ot other branches in addition to the common school branches to render their Drimarv instructions more interesting and practical, also that they should reed some educational magazine. 4th. That the thanks of this Institute are due, and are hereby tendered to Frof. McCord, Princi pal of Curry Institute, Pittsburgh for his entertaining and instructive lectures, also to ex-Co., Supt Pugh. Rev. R. Smith, Mr. Henderson, and others lor instruction given. 0th. lliat our thanks be tendered to the school board f Meyersdalc for the use of the school building in a hich to hold our session. 0th. 1 hat we heartily thank the citizens of Meyersdale for their kindnets and hospitality, and also for the interest manifested in our exercises. 7th. That we endorse the course of our present 8upt. D. W. Will in all his official acts, and in his efforts to raise the standard of com mon school education. 8th. That a ab stract of the minutes ot the Institute be of fered for publication, in the County papers. J'rutaif Vet. via. institute opened with singing; there being no regular programme, some time was passed in a pleasant way discussing several interesting tomes. Remarks were made by Prof. McCord, Rev. Beer. Mr. Henderson, Prof. Will. Dr. W. C. Hicks and Dr. Hall. A closing address was made by Prof. WilL after which Institute adjourned tine die. J. b. w aos ek, II. M. LicriTT, Jso. D. Meese, Dr. Baker's Paijc Panacea, for Rheu matism, Neural da. Cramps, Colic, Diar rhoea, Cholera Morbus. -Cholera Infantum, Sprains, Burns, Scalds, Braises, Chilblains, Frost-bites, Swellings, Soreness of the Joints, and all painful affections of the body, external and internal- For Colds, Sore-throat Quinzy, and diseases of the throat and mucous membrane, it Is an in valuable remedy. John F. Hesry, Ccb- RAX it Co., Proprietors 8 and 9 College Place, New York. HARRIED. HUSTON MONO Married at the house of Geo. M. Col vin, Schellsburg, Bed ford County, by Rev. Able Thompson, W m. t. Huston of Somerset to Miss Mary n. Along of somerset County l a., on the 8th inst DIED. RHODES On the Oct. Sth, 1874, at his residence in Lower Turkeyfoot Tp., Israel Rhodes aged 60 years, C months and 4 day. PATTOX On the 1st inst, iu Elklicfc, Rotiert Fa'.ton, aied 78 years, 1 month and 2 days. Obituary. Iu yourobiluary column of lust week was found a record of the death of Mrs. Anna Mary Risinger, ag"J 94 years, 3 month and 17 days. Her worth as a devoted mother. & kind neighbor and a consistent christian, deserves at least a pass ing notice in the community. j Mrs. Rb-inger was born in Hanover, York County. Pa., in which place and Bedford Pa., she spent the early years of her long life. She spent about fifty years in our town where she has been favorably known, and held in high estimation as an unobtrusive neighbor, and a faithful friend, At the age of sixteen she united in church fellowship with the Evangelical Lutheran Church, f f which she proved herself a worthy member for 73 years. Her relig ion united her in syni;aihy and love to all i who love the Lord ; and many who sur vive her will cherish her memory with endearments such as entwined the hearts ot Ruth and Naomi : "Thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God." Trust ing in God she was patient in suffering and hopeful in death. She fell asleep in Jesus, September 26th 1874, leaving sad hearts to mourn her absence. -'Dearest Mother thou hut left us, Here thfloa we deeply feel. But 'tis God that hath bereft an, He can all oar sorrows heal. Yet ?in, we hope to meet thee, When the day of life is fled. Then, In heaven, with juy to greet Ihco Where no farewell tear is shed." SOMERSET MARKET Corrected weekly by A. J. Cabkhekr Si Uo. Apples, dried, f ft...... Applebutter, 1 gal Butter, V ft Buckwheat, W bushol.... Beeswax, 4 Buoon, thuulders, y ' aides, " .... " hama, .... Corn, ) bushel Corn meal V t Calf Sf.n, V Clover Seed small Clover Seed large EtOX, V dot Flour, W1 Flaxseed ft bu (M ft)... Lard, 4) ft 6c 40cjW xic 1 00 30e 8C 8C 12e w 3c 1 25 7 00 7 60 15c 41 60 l'!jc ." 30-Aic 70e sue 5oc 500 12' fi 1 0.) 'ie .3 00 to 3 16 1 25 tS 00 ltj!2e lijl.)C ! Leather, red sole, ft,.... upper kip, " Oat, fl bu Potatoes,) bu Penchei, dried, fl ft Kye ft ho Ktt(T8, W Salt, No. 1, W bbl " " $) bu " Ash ten, " . Sugar, yellow ft ft " whit " Tallow t! ft Wool, f) ft se 4Oii0C A MEDICINE CHEST IX MINIATURE. Mlshlcr's Herb Bitters Is not a beverage; bnta strictly medicinal preparation, more thoroughly adapted to the wanU of the general public than any other hi the market Unlike all other so-called Remedies, It is prepared under the direct per sonal supervision of an eminent Physician. S. B. Hart man, St. D., the senior proprietor, is a regular graduate of tha Jefferson Medical College of Phil adelphia, and a practicing phyeicinn of large ex perience and exu-nsive practice. In such hands the publie may rest assured that Jlishlcr'a Herb Bitten is eompouuded in strict aeeunianee with correct Pharmaceutical principles, and that none but the chuicest ingredient! enter into iis composi tion. Its immense sale alone I conclusive proof that it possesses merit of a high order. Merchants, bankers, clergymen, lawyers, clerks and others engaged in sedentary occupations, excrience its wonderful effects in relieving the depression caus ed hy severe mental labor: while the mechanic, farmer aud laborer, find their bodily vigor rt.su, r ed like magic by its use. At this aoa of the year, when Diarkikka, Cham ra. Colics and kindred disorders, caused by eating anripe fruits. Imprudent indulgence in cold drinks, etc, are prevalent, a certain. s(eedy and effectual remedy will be lound in.Miililer'a Herb Bitter. Tha depressing reeling of Languor or Debility, incident to tha "heated lenn." is at once removed, tha energies restored, and new lite and vigor im parted to the prostrated system, uy its use. Ix Dyspepsia, lavas Complaint and Arric tioss or tub Kidmbys it Invariably works like a ehann. It U not a drastic purge nor heady stimu lant, violent in its operations: but it is simply a natural remedy, thoroughly adapted to amst na ture. It supplies tone to the stomach. relnvKorats Win dlgeelive organs, stimulates tha secretions, and promuting a regular action of the bowels, en ables every oriran of the body to perform Its allot ted work regularly and without interruition. It is the unerring certainty of desired results at tendant on iu use, coupled with the fact that it is prepared by a physician of eminence in his profes sion, that has rendered Mlshlcr's Herb Bitters 90 popular, and as familiar as a household word. Tbocsaim or Mothirs all over the land have found it to be the safest ami best remedy for use in their families; they nut only give it with perfect safety to evea tha youngest child, but when ned with caution find it the safest means of ensuring faeir ns health and freedom from the wearv aches and pains Incident to their sex. Periectlv harmless, u is just the remedy needed by them (o enable Nature to perform her functions nalxrally, rtgulmrlr Hd without ineanvrnience. No ladv shocld BK without it if she would possess the clear, blooming complexion and cheerful splrits'in ar parable from sound health. It is sold hy all Drug gist ami Oeneral Dealers; is neatly put up in square glass bottles, enclosed in a yellow wrapper. It is not sold on Draught, being riry a mrd'd f preparation, aud as such is endorsed by many of the must eminent physicians of tho country. auglS t eatanr I.lnlment. Thera is no pain which the Centaur Liniments will not re lieve, no swelling they will not subdue, and no lameness which thy will not cure. This Is strong language, but It Is true". They have produced more cures fpffrpat ol rheumatism, neuralgia, lock jaw palsy, sprains, swellings, caked-breasts, scalds, burnt, salt-rheum, ear-ache, Ac, upon the human rame, and of strains, spavin, galls, k., upon an imals In one year than have all other pretended remedies since the world began. They arc counter irritant, an all healing pain reliever. Cripples throw away their crutches, the lame walk, poison ous bites are rendered harmless, and the wounded are beaded without a scar. It Is no humbug. The recipe Is published around each bottle. They sell u no article ever before sold, acd they sell be cause It doesjast what they pretend to do. Those who now suifer from rheumatism, pain or swelling deserve to suffer If they will not use Centaur Lin iment. More than 1,000 ccrtiUcatcj of remarkable cures, Including froxen limbs, chronic rheumatism, gout, running tumors, Ac, havt been received. We will send a circular containing certificates, the recipe, Ac, gratis, to any one requesting IL One bottle of the yellow wrapper Centaur Liniment is worth one hundred dollars for spavined or swecnic I horses and mules, or for screw worm in sheep. Stock owners-these liniments are worth your atten tion. Xo family should bewtthout them. "White wrapper for family use ; Tellow wrapper for an imals. Sold by all Druggists, ooe per bottle; large bottlesjtl 00. J. B. KOSEfc CO., 63 Broad way. New lork. CaBtobia la more than a substitute fur Cash) Oil. It I the only tafe article in existence which I certain to assimlUtte the food, regulate the how els, cure wlnd-eolle and produce natural sleep. It eontair neither mineralr morphine or alcohol, and la pleaaaut to take. billren need not cry and mother may rest. aprilZ aVftc Adi.'ertiaewent.i, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Lsutia of Thomas Llston. lato of Addison Twp., ueueasetl. Letters of administration on tha shove estate having been granted to the undersigned, notice it hereby given to those indebted to it to make imme diate payment, ami those havingclaims against it, to present them duly authenticated lor settlement, and allowance. ALFREDS. MITCHELL, JEREMIAH L1STCN. etlt Administrators. E XECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Samuel Croyie, late of Coocrcacgh Tp uoceasvu. Letter testamentary un the above estate having been gran tad to the nndersigned, notice la Hereby given lotnose lntletHett U Itio make imme diate payment, and those having claims airainst it to present them duly autlientiented for settlement on Saturday, th list dy of November, lt;-i, at the lata residence ol deceased. SUSAN CKOYLE, Executrix. JOSEPH CROYLE. octU Executor. ADAM MULL, ) In the Oonrt of Com men Pleas LEAH MCLL, ) Aug. T. Petition for divorce. And now tn wit. 3 Auirust. 1374. on motion of V Hay, Esq . tha Court auiwint John H. I hl miasiooer to take tha ttvumony, report the Diets and aa opinion. Somerset County, as: Extract from the record, -wrt! fled 16ih Sept. 1874. E. JI. SCHKfX-'K. I'rothunotary. Take notice that I will meet all the parties inter ested at my office in Somerset, on Fridav. the 3uth of Uciober, 1"4. to attend to the duties of the above appointment. JUU.l li. L Ml ctl4 Cummisaioner. -pXECCT-OR S NOTICE. Eau!t of Joseph Miller, late of Mil ford Twp., deceased. Letters testamentary on the above estate having been granted to tha undersigned hy the proper au thority, notice I hereby given to those indebted to it to make Imumilat payment, aud those having el aims against it to present themdaly authenticat ed for settlementon Monday, November 34. l-74. at tk- Loose ol John Weller, at O.ohnrts, tn said to-rash ip. JOH WELLE K. t Xi Executor. New Advertittemrnli. U UT lUu A ATI (IX vVtifCKA. tJie It in .r.tMe W:u.ii M. II .i.r. Pres. dent the Si vi ral t'ourts ol ('..miiun Hens o, IlitfOjtln" I- s 'irtnp.irin tha M.-Ufiit'i Ju'.i.-hil Di-tri sn i .iu!(C' i f tho Oumy ol tj ; rai I Tt utiuer an I Ot-o-ra! Jail l'eUvr-, forth? trial ol ail ritpilnl :ial o:.iu'r oi;.jii.it-r-- la I lie 1 Ii;rit, aud IfciS A. Xi'kmkk and .Iomah Mowky, i'.n 'j'iirps. Juices ot the t'otirlaof Count u IMas.and .tati.'cs oflhcC'ourT? ! Ojert.n I 'lVnuincr. and General J.iil Delivery, lor lh trial of all cai ital and othro'fi-ii'icrs la ihclVunty of Somre'.hnve iial their precepts an-i to u;e directed. P-r hold log s Omrt ot tVm:n-iii vx. and tjcncral lnr ter Seysi.nn of th? i'eaee. and l rr.er-.il J ;01 Deliv ery and Courts of Uj tr and Tcnaiucr, at Somerset Oa Monday, 'ovcmler ICth, 1173, NoTICB t aireb ciivo t k11 the .lurffiecw of the Peace, the Coroner aud 1' HiM.tbi, s wUhtn the said County of .Somerset, that they he theu sn-i therein their proper perr-ms. with their roll., records, inqui sitions, examinations, and other remembrancer, to duthoye things which to their oalces and Iu that behalf appertain to be d iti": and also, they who win proee.iite ag-iiuur,e pnim nt that are or snaU he in the jail of Somerset t'ouniy. to be then and there, to pruroreute ayrainrrt them ns ahritl be jtirit Shkiiikp'4 llmenj UL.1V KB. k.NKPfi-.li, Sotuers-.it, Oct. 11 fSl-eriif. THE Keple Coal & Miniactiiri Co. are now prepare ! to deliver COAL tothe following points in Sonrersx-t county, at very rcasonab-e ratar. Uanvti, Mineral I'oiiiL ..'a;Sel- Orders Solicited. Their coil is especiallv recommended for domes tic use. Address Superintendent, Keystone J unc tion, Somerset Co., Pa. oeil4- A SSIGNEE'S SALE. ioe nn-lersirn-ed assign-23 ot Peter Phillippi will sell at public gala O i S'llurdaij, Vctohrr 31, IST-i, the following very valu.ihlc real estntn, vii: No. 1. A lann containing alut 3X1 acres, shu ttle InMIUord township, atx.ut I mile from .Mineral Point, adjoining lunos of Noah Scott, V Hay, Daniel I). Miller and others, krown as tha Haines farm, about 100 acres of which are cleared. 1 oero is a dwelling house, a bam and other out buildings on thepreinises. There is a good apple orchard on the pretnL-es: the land is of exeelleut quality. No. 2. Twelve acres of land, aittoinintr Jacob S. Phillippi. David F. Shatf ami others, with a frame house, stable and other out buildings thereon erec ted. No. S. The minerr-.l riirht of eiht acres ol lnn-1, the eurf.il of wuU.il has oecu sold to Patrick Grif fith. No.. Two ht in the town of Mineral IYint, being lots Nos. 91 and VI. having thereon erected a store housa, shop and other buildings. The salo of the lots will take place at Mineral Point at 1 o'clock a. bi. of said day. ati the hal aneo of the property will he sol i on the "Haines farm" at 1 p. m. of siil-1 dav. TERMS. ttie-thir l 1st January. lT.i. at which time deeds will bcnuide: ene-third lt April. Is75, and remainder 1st t eto er, 17;"., the two last pay ments to bear Interest from day ol saie and to te secured bv judgments on the premise!"; 10 per cent of the first payment to he pal-1 an soon as the pr-.-erty is knocked ilws. AAROX "WILL. octH Assignee. TEE PEOPLES' STORE, JIasonic Hail EiiMing, Flf.h Are., liUburs:u. We are now 5?Kwirirr nt th? lowest Caih Prirps, the largeft vaiiefy aud most Complete Stock in the City. We keep every d scrip: i- n o! IHarkanJ Colored Dress Ojods, from the cheai-ef to the tinest qual ities, but invite spreiul attention to our HUek Silks, all Wool Ca.-dimeres, and Alpaca Lustres. Shawls In immchiM! assortment fr-m l.'i to . on. The late-n styles in Cloaks ami Jaeke-s. Ladies' nvvle up Salts in hhtek and C-.il--red Materials. Rare Banraioriin Table. Ianin-k awl Towels. All kinds of Liners. Muslins. Blankets. Flann-K Cloths, Cassimeres nni Jeans: also all kinds of I'n-ier-wear. Hosiery, Gloves, forger?. KiblM-.ns, Laces and Trimmings in t-.K-t almost even t l ing known under the heruiing of Dry G.nrls an I Notions. As we have only tW 'frice. orders sent u.r witl be filled equal topers-n il selection. Samples sent by mail. mm sural i m 3?2iMiiic Iff.tll 15 iii hi ic?, FirTIJ AVE., octll VMM. Mil UU tt. Manufacturer of the Cclebrateil FAHXESTGCK PCRE WHITELEAD, v, men has sustained srtehnn enviat-ie reutati-in ft.-r o many years. Dealers and Con-mmers sh-mld he particular to use n-ne hut our Pnro White Lead, as there is so much inferior and adulterated Lead in the market. We not only claim for our Lead STR ICT PU RITY, but that It posessa ereater durability, ewers more surface lor same weixht. and is su-.-e-rinr in FIXEXKS ari l WHITENESS to any otner uran-i. ah orocrs snoui-i oe addressed to I'siliucstocU TYIiitc Load Co. OS B. L. FAHXESTI CEt CO., No. 78 Wood St., Pittsburgh. Pa, octH 0?TS, t'CT5SOK3, SilO.'ELS. LOCKS, 1 'r.:'s, lues, etc. C'acksrniih's, zr.di ) AGSiCULTURAL TOOLS, v V PiTTJavnait, V Cvi.i;Krty6: N VV Street JEOAL NOTICE. To Harriet Shaffer, widow. George Shaffer, wh.53 residence is unknown, Jacob Shatter, Elizabeth intermarried with John Anawalt, residing in Cambria Co.. Pa.: Adam Shsffer, Simon Shaf fer. Aaron Shatter. Xoah Shafier. Samuel Shaf fcr. residing in Somerset county. Pa.. Eliiaboth Shatter, widow ot Dnvnt Shafier, deceased, and issue unknown, the number, names and resi dence of the children are unknown: Levi J. Long. Locinda Rhoads, .Mary Shatter and Cath arine Long, (said Catharine being a minor) the last named lour are children of Xancy Shatter, who was intermarried with Levi Ling, but wh is now deceased. You are herenv notified that In pursuance of a writ of partition, issued out of the Orphans' Court of Somerset county. Pa.. I will hold an in-piest on the real estate of Jeremiah H. Shaller, deceased, in Jcnner Tp.. on Thurs-lny. the ith day of Xov., 17. on the following named tracts of land, vii: N'-v. 1. The home place, containing 21 aens. more or less, adjoining lauds of Henry V. Maurerand John Brooks: So.it. A trai-t of land containing acre, more or less, adjoining No. 1 and the Luth eran arsonago property with the appurtenance, when and where you can attend if you think prop er. OLIVER KNEPPEIi. oct3 Sheriff. "PXECCTORS NOTICE. LsU-te of William Slay, lite of Larimer Twp., dt'L-aa -d. s Ijetterstwiamentry on the al-ove estate baring been irrante! tothe ninltTiiened hy the ppKT au thority, notice iii hereby tciven to tin. in-Jehted to it to make immediate" payment, and thorse har Inareialins au;:iinft it will pfe. nt thvra t the nn rferniitrned. at hin otM(e, on Friday, the Cuthdar Octoier. 1874. No account will tere -i-ivet uulcfa duly amlAtn!ictd acTdiug to 1 iw. juun nrnu ep23 EiecuLur, .1,M I N I STIiATO R'S N OTI C E 1 Esiaie if Catherine Swank. Lite of S mersct tp.. '.H-eeased. Letters of a-Iin'.nis-.rati'-n on the above estate having heen granted to the undersigned, notice is hereby given to those Indebted to it to make imme diate payment, and th.-c having claims againm it. to present tntm eulv ati!hiitu-ateii lor settlement, at the resldtiK-e of ah S:-.:ik, on Satuniav, e. Uiber 24, 18"4. JOH.X KLINE. sepl6 A-lministrator. UPITOR S NOTICE. Having been ar.p-itel Au-lib-r bv the Court of Common Pleas of 5-mierset I 'ounty to distribute the fun-is in the hands of the Sherill. arising ou; of the sale of the property of Jonas Schrock. n--tiee I hereby given tnat 1 will attend to the auties of said appo hit men t, at my otiiee in Somerset jor oairh. on Fri iay Mober lo h 1-74. when nnd where all p irtiis iiiteri sti-l ciir attend. J. ii. MOLE. gepSD. Aaiiior. JJULE TO ACCEPT or REFUSE. lot'athcrine S.-hisler. wid-rw. Jlary Ann. Inter-marrle-1 with WliliamShcarer, of Chattanooga, Tenn.: Emellne, intermarric-1 With Kentauiia Hoover, of Palis City. Net-rsska, and Jnna. liv tcrmarricil witii freoTge Tiip, ol Somerset Co., P. Yeuaro hereby notitbil to a; par at an Orph ans' C-Kirt tn nc heli aa Somerset on Monnay. tho Ml) day or November, -74. lo accept orretiiseto take the real estate of Adam Sehb-ler. ileceased, at the arvpraiscd vniuatioa or show eaue why the same sh-.ul-l not he sold. OLIVES KXEPPER. oot3 Sbtrilf. UDITOR S NOTICE. The nn-iersigoCd an titor. ajirs-fntetl hy the Court of Common Pit-as of Somerset ctwnty id make a distribution ol the funds arising from the sales by the ' Knives and Forks, tf VAXES, SHOVELS. LCCKS.V STl FA 1 I "im-nv..,-' HI LJ-.I Sheriir ct the rers.ial prrrperty offmentof all their pn.rty an-l effect, to the un nrst and S nnu -I D. 1'P- ' ' derslgned In trust for the benefli of their rrtrditors. I 'har'es Earnest among those legally entltlcil thcrebi. hen by gives notice that he will attend to th- duties of ku-I p- pointment at his othce tn Somerset Nsroogh on Friday October the I6:h 1.--74, at 10 o'eloeg a. x. JAS. L. Pt OH. jp2j Auditor. Trial List for 3d Monday of Nov ,1874. ATTOUNEYS. I'L. IX -1KM. S:-hcU, .inu. .11 ... k. it - .ar - -ltd, SehelL V ns--: .horpvnning, Oatther. tv.nrutn. Hjgh lwiiMi.n", Liken K'MHita. !ylouiel.C -1KTU 4 B. , HoMi il St Co.. - K'oiiti, Kimmel k t-ulborn, O-liroth. M S .hel.x K-rel's ns-i. Hacr?, S bed. K-"mt, I hi. C. av R. kimmel & Cotfroih K immci at Odl.rn,' Kimmel 4 Ctdl-urn, H-itrs. K ooulx, Culburo, ! I'e r lie-ins, ; Hay. i 'harics Warner. i liat-rs, it. H. Vanhi-rn, ;Coiin.tu, jjaetd, N. ileal, Kaer. John Ranch' ex'trs., t'ol'.-.rn. iJt-jMe liauixi'tuau, .Chi. C. fit R., I.lesse Ilauichinan, !chl. Jacjb Kgoii. Knirn A V indie, is- H. Lehman, Second Week. jl.ar lire Beck, t'otTroth Jt Kanpel, ftmnifiham. AC. ,Ltwi 1 uifti. ic.ffn-t!i Kupi-el, ;irTO Sliunk, ; I 4HiglH-Hwir' use, ivttrotti tt Knpiwl, f.Iacol) 1 . Deal, J hn veller. ;Kimmeli Co:i-rnlHvi l : ounkm. Gross Wetrel. ,K.uii, Levi Si.vder, Mr m. M-.-ClulIy ttCo. k ,ti, Kd S u.l. xe , Koontx, Ihl. 1 hi, ! t,.rs, Kimmel It Colhorn, Kmimvl at. Coltorn, kunuicl IkdU-rn, kl?mii-l at. tillKrn, Coliroih.ii KuppeL Komts, K.-ont. Kitnmel fc CoPom, K immcl 9l C-:orn, k iinmel & Colliorn, Kimmel X Ctolooru, Chi, and C. tt it. Km-ntx. t 'ollrv.th tt nnppeL Cothoru. Colin-lb Rnppel, Co!lnth k Uuj.pcl, Koontx. Hit & Chi, t 'oil roth A Chi. Co fl roth fc Kupel, Cotlroth Kuppel, Cottroth k Rumpel, Cotlroth & KuppeL James H. Gait her, James B. Gail her, Baers, Coi'rorn, octu mr, :n.ooai, :. V - , V"ur"ln Kuppel, jt.ioult-A W-.r iell, . K.x-ntz. i R4anna Pritts, .t.'-.-rtroth k kupvl j I.ngi-a A Liven-rood, k'w-ntx, iJ-i.-in J. Bruce, " . Kw-ntx, ;Saine, 1 ' r .1 n tt Ru-p-.l, jSanic, kt-'nts, l.tlcx. Wa!ker. t'olborn, 'jstcub J. Pritis, i Kimmel it Col!.tn, J.ihn A. F-'Urif. kints, j Anne KuMf. Adm'r. kwuti, John f. lilyiuyer, Koontx, ame, ;Ko-intx. John H. Miller. A Vtlroth k Ku; pel, Harriet pritts' use, Coit-oru. 'tarin Zimmerman, Koonts, W. V. Davis k Bro. Galtht r 3t G;Uther, i K. H. Marshall, Koontr, S. Ge.i. ShepiK-rsnn. ikoonu. - Freidens I.ut ( hureh CoiboTi'k K'X-Elz, I Wm. B. Shatter, Hav, " I John M. Cnllen, Hav, jComelius Witt s h'rs t'otiroth A Euj-pel, i I'euis tt lAuix, xiie, B.Brooke Nyee & Co., BUTTER COMMISSION MERCANTS, 54 SOUTH SJREET, Rertjxcl fully 8 -licit consignments of BUTTER and general PRilDl'CE. The large snd regular tra-1 that we havo for Butter oliers si:)erijr iuiuccuicnls lor MERCHANTS AFJD DAlRYMEr. to ship to us, and willlie pleased to have their shipment? an I general famrs. We promise strti-t at tention to their interests an I to obtain HIGHEST MARKET PRICES for BITTER seut us, with pr-anpt sa'es atvi cheek f-r pmceeils. N. B. Shipjiing cards forwardo.1 by mail, or to be had at principal stores In the cxuity. epl8 RPIIANS' COURT SALE. By virtue of vvlrtueof an oMor Issuing cut of ttie lirpnans Court of Somerset Co., Pn., I will oiler at Public Sale, in the borough of Somerset, 0.1 Saturday, October IV.h, 1871, at 2 o'clock, the following real estate, late the prop erty of J'inna Neville, deceased. A certain lot of ground situate inSotr.erset hr-romrh, ad;oininir 1-tt of Wesley Davis m the west. Union sireetouthe north, lot of Fred. Lause on the east ami Main St. n the south, Laving two dwelling houses thereon erected. TERMS. Tho amount required in hand enough to pay the delM, about a oo: the .balance in two e-iual payments with interest, seeurol hy judgment ism-Is: 16 per cent of the purchase money t t-o paid when the property is kuockedd-jwa. PosieS-.-uon given 1st April, 1375. O. W.BEX FO an. ociTl A-iministrator. A f .M I NISTR AT0RT3 NOTICE. EUaie of Jonatlian Walker, lato of Summit tp.. . deceased. Lettersofadtninistration cntheabove estate hav ing been granted to the undersigned by the prop er authority, notice Is hereby given to thore in debted to it to tnaketmmediafe payment,and thoria having claims against it will pieseut them for settlement and allowance. DANIELP. WALKER, cp2J Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE LoLatc oi Samnel MoshoLler late of Brotiscrsvallj twp., dwease'l. Letters of fttlmini.-ir vtl'm on the atVv- p.tafo having been granted to the nn.leriirneil, uotur? is horely given to ttue inJeltel to it to make hnme--liate payment, anil thse having claim aura inst It. to present them duly authenticated lor ;ttle ment at late rcitleno of diseased, on Saturday, the 7th day of IS -rem her. l-74. Jonathan MosnoLnr.i:, HKXKY O. COLt.MAX. r i A d :n i n w t r u JEGAL NOTICf:. 1 he qualified rotors of SNinycnH'fe township nre hereby notiUed that hy a pn-eedin: in the CVurt of tiuarter wsaion?, ot S.merst County, the place of holding (feneral. pperiul, or township electi'mf b:s tf o chanireil to the Lhol honje et Shanksville, of which ull perw-ns iiiten.i!tt'd will p!ca5C take notice. OLJVER KNEPPKH. 9.-:-50 Sheriff. L' GAL NOTICE. 1 ne Qualified voti?r of Jcnucrrillo K'ronjfh arc hereby notihei that hy a pmeeedimr tn tne l urc t.f Quarter S-!ion5 of'siursiet C'-unty. the place ot holdini the general. ;ei f.ai, and Nirr-ujh ctec tion has leenehaniretl to the K-hool fcou.e in Jen- nc-rrille. of which all person intonated willpU.idO take nolkc. OLIVER KNEPPER. bcj Nheritl, JEO. VL NOTICE. Iiieoualirie-1 voters of Siatlnnit-ton township are h-rel.y notified that hy a pr-ceeling In tno Uu.ir.er Session of Somerset County, the Llace of hohilng the general. special ami township elections has heen changed to the hourie of Jaeib L. Kennel of which all persons interested will please U kj noth-e. OLIVER KEEPPER. scj Sheriff. TOTICK. fiie stockholder in the VVcilersi.nrg i. Weft Xewtcn Piani road Company nre hcreoy n uifie t that an election will be hel-1 at the Somerset Hou. in the horouirh of Somerset. Pa., on 7lon--lav."Novem!-.-r 4. 1"T4. to elect one President, eiio Treasurer and live managers to serve lor the en suing yeur. Attest? V.MI. PICKIXO, J. li ElJlE.Scc y. Prtsi-icot. oct7 fJOAL Having h AND LIME. le.iAC.l the coal bank and lime stone quarry ou the lann of James Kiratnel. near Stoyrv Uiwn. wc will keep on hand and tor sale, or will de liver coal, liuusiooe and lime on reas-wiaM- terms. oct7 iVblMLK & Ivl.u u r.L. SSIGNEES' SALE. 1 ie an ier?ineii nui vjlpjc jjiiit o.uc, On Wedm-sduy, O-lobrr 2?, 131 at M o'clock a. m., on the premises, the fol,wing plantation, the property ol Henry ;. ll - nsietier, situate in C-meinaugh township. Somerset count.. Pa., alwut 1 1 miles south of Johnstown, adjoining lands of Abraham Pl-mirh. Isaac Hoetntetlcr, I lan lei A. Wcavcrand others, containing two aen s. There is a Larxe orchard therein with choice frul- rees: a suthi-ient part thereof In meai--w ami a part that i well timt-ercil. and i. coosi-lereil one ol the best farms in theoiuuty. The improvements arc a first-rate hark bsrn, a gojil dwelling boui-e. an-1 all necessary buildings. Terms made known on day of sai Also at the same time and place, a lot of good work lHrses, Iiurhain cows and hellers, and some common t tic. hog. wazons. reain-r. threshing machine, ana a irreat variety ot farmluir utensils hi.us.-n- ..Id fumiture. ' JOHN OHEK. J.tah ShaTer. au- tl- ucer. As.-tin oct A SSIONEE'S NOTICE. Joiia Selhcrt. having hy ileol of vuiun ar- us- eigument conveyeil and asrigncd (o me ail hrs u tate. real, pi-rrxiial and ntiie.1. intrust fc-r the bea elitoi ere-ti ors, notk-e k-hi rel.y given to all per son iu-iebte-l to cii-l Jona Seilirrt ir having c!aims airainst him t appear f-r settlement ou Saturday, tx-toU-r -I. I"". ! ' r -i-len- e -1 the a-ssi-m-r. S 'LiM'.t N SN YIEK. cpiS Assisr.ee. TOSEI'II SHEETS & SON, rm'.crtakrr. Hcrlin Pa., constancy 'keep . n hand and make to orlcr Cirrins ol all styles and prices, on the sh -rtcrn notice pos-ll-io. Having hearse oft he lateft styje in rca-lines. we are al wav repare-l to take "corlins to and bring ei-rpe-to (lie various cemeteries. upnl p.VUTION. I nc puojic are ncreov no iu-- e-. " i- ( lirm. pt exeinini.-n u.jte given by the un.ier-i-.rn-. with Vaie.ittr.e Muiler as bail, w Cyrus l .-le- tu. man on the .Mrii dav of Sepleu.l-cr. A. I. 1174, calling for one hundred dollar, payable foortn ,i .-. a.... I .ii.i not receive value for it. i . ' ..... nl "tl.. ntiM linler-s eompelle-i by U,, ' ' JONATHAN KHOAI'S. oct 7 A UPITOK S NOTICE. T.nn. norl haViE. ui a n-ionoi j Kimmel. !.. been .p-int.;! aud.lor to-it-tri-bute the fui in the hao-is of Aaron w ill. rl-. administrator of the estate 01 Peter Srahi. dec - . to and anK.ngtli.--o legally entiilcl tberet-N , wid attend to the .luties Impose!; hy sal-l ar-poin-men t at hlsomc in S-meret. Pa., on VI clncf lay. of Oeu-ber. 1S7A whea aad whereJuTpcrsocs m.or erted may attend. F.j.Koosm octT A SSIGNEE'S NOTICE. V Tl KnhrieiuJL. A. Smith, of Meyers- dale borousrh, having mode a voluntary asshm- notice is beret-y iven to bu prr-u ii-o--- ahi parties to make immcriate payment, aod th-ae having claim will present theia for settlement and auowaueo. J. O. METERS, scple Assigne. Arcio AJ:crf.ic nwnl. ATTORXEYS. lEl-KNtvtNTS. no .th .v Ku;.' in A. 1.: .t;. auk. it l"l Vt,. 1-7-1 la May M70 - il l & . : I : t an. n fc lir.th. r. i 1. StC. U. R. t o., I I 'Hlllel W eyan-J, Val. H.iy. 'I.H-hliti f it l-umminj, ! r redi-r;vk krii-x. l.liril-tli H-.o.-iir. 1" i art nt P,-rtuh, w. Mar. Sr.. C. tt ri. 1 laJt i.;v. Kimmel tt CoIUirn, v ru. h . Daer. Wm. t. HumhcrT, XoBroth it Ear-pel, ; M. A. Sanner, 47V i.'n May !? ! ( Sei-t.j :; i : I'M M i'.t " 4l' " j !Wm.ll Kc.ntx, M. A. S inner. l-.iwar': keim. Xe-irx.w k Lenhart, 4 4 " ! ,.s.' ; M. D. li-jr.ii-rt etal. 74 Xv. .1 -sepli Sehathier. 'l-' ' A. S ail, -W- " i ' M. A. s inner, ly - . - W. It k n I. l-.-o " kiirncsi, li.c. k Co., i.1 - , Saaie, . -vo . j ; li.-rir k Siw-neer. lt( F-'t. IV Fred, kn-ac-r. aa ut' -Jl ' - i 'yrus Xi-rr j a.1 .-ir ' -i ' - J-.,i!B koable. vz i - ;A. H. - ttroih, ; i. i. i J.-cph kinder, w : - ':.lae-t, J. Meyers ex' HI ' Pr--lyterian Chun-h I7:i fc j John ktmhle et at., 177 - i , Cyrus Meyers' ad air i-'-' f iJach Sny-ier, :oi ' Joseph t.'hristner, i:i M iy' Iianiel Iwry. J!r) - I Wavs A Cnningham. a- i Kennell's Mid C. Co. oyd E. M. SCilKi sLK, ITdh..n..t.-vry. JpXECUTOU'S NOTICE. tutc of Alex. Jonnw n, lata of Jt'iin-ir Twp, tlecii?Csl. letters tstamcnUiry m tfte hTt? fitrt5 bar Inif (t'-it ariintc-i U the uiKler'itrni by th prup tr auiih-rity, not ioe ia herrt-jr t to t in (iotVed U tt tom;ike imraevntciiaymt'iit. ani r Im ha vim claims against it will pn-fcnt ilimtorhn un-ler-i;r?iri lir aHfw:i!fr t th vttU-- of l.n:., min S. Flrk. at Jvnuvr X Jia!i, iniSatar Uy BFV. S. FLFrK. AN DUfc.'.V JOHNSON o;3 Exwutors. 0 0 11 1) I NANCE NO. !i;. Si-. 1. I!-.- it nrl.iln-1 b.r the Horge'S and C-'Uneil oftlio ljnuiL-n -f B,-r!iu. that tr.in aa-i all-rliie lt dav of :t-!r IS 1. it -i:i not b lawlul f--r any lieese to run at largo In . iilr--r-onuh. Any jfrson violating this orlinan--e hy leaving tlu-iri i-er r;a run at large.jh.iil tK- li ibie fine ol iVts for cet ry -(J nee t,..-gether with e-r--. s m suit. Enr.ete-I .nil -ii'.-ienlied toi.! -fill -lav of Sept. isrt. JAC. J. .KN. Chief burgess. A UIHTOR'S NOTICE. I ho undtTtimpd apm:,l nudttor to ili-tribn.'e the (andrt in f he bnad d Jiriti Kiiuuirl. a-inim-itnt'r uf Klir,i-nti and Jn-h Shank, nrir? n tire that he will arfnd to the duri3 ui hi a pdintment at his trtiii in Sinprt. '.. on Weil nf!y. h-tttKT-2s. ut 1 cJclc . in. when all pur tie3 iiii'Ttsteil can aiicr l. HKNRY F. SLUEUTa. ocl7 Auditor. JOHN" KILLS ) fn tl fn th 1'i.art ff Cimm n I'Umj t, i 'nam v . VM. COLLIN S ) 1 An:;u T duly appdi Terra lsT-4. iju-ty. The uni-r.'ii inttd hT the turt. ch.irfcce of the faivks of th ri l.irtntr t t he Mn"antf due. and p ?( irts of I hmi and the e ,(en.e7f ot the rx;i:e:vT siiip and -.r the lyahim e orer totheco-piirtnT-tip e'lu iiiy. iteni'T k't-p n-Ki'-? to all pernt m tkdited ti tiio Taid ? i:rtrierih!p t rail un or h.v fire tlte ii i tiny of Nv?inhr n;xt and muke st tlen:;?nt. If nut paid hetoro that time the hooks wiilfe pi.V'd i:i tho hands of K-jlrtrt Luught-'B K.-';;.. f;r coilrcti- n. ll. U HAER, Lr,::- LIMK. L1MIJ. ur.d Tfiirne! havlrnr erected lime kilns at M.irMe Hill, throe unit's wt of Vo!luen-". o tho IMtt.shuricIi At tountdlviilvj railroad, are now rady to hip to any pint either hurni !iu:e or raw limestone a may be rjuired. f!ii lime i- pmn i" 1 ir.-m tie Mar: hs rrn:iti n many feet hri.w the h-we-tcoal vein, and of very 5Ut'ri'r quality. UnlciNN-r iinif ' r r;;w ff-necan he s-nt to' n3a ence to Huirtid VVvtivr, or tojudie .Mclill-n. f New Liin-zt-'n. 'id. Juhn Welier. of ( J trt-fcarf. hnrif. Philip VfdtcrpnrvT, Jr., Mineral Point, (.?t.rzo Wi-ltpf. Mveri:i!c, I.Mao Huirnw, Siner M't. wv.A Waihif-e H. Walter. C-v:iiiidi&villet whit-h will K prompt it a;; n al t.. wt7 ItCtiUS & AVE HE XL J hn J. llcrk -y. "j In the Court of Common Pleas v j of S'jmemet Co., Pa., No ;rl Sarah Bcrk-y. Aug. T. 174. Peti:i..n for di J v-ree. A vinculo matiimonl. 'And n-iw to wit 4th Septemi,r 1H74, on motion of John H. I" hi. Es-p. the C- urt appoint Jas L. Pu:t h. E.., to and an-1 report the facts and an opinion."' I will attend to the ilutien of t!ie above appoint ment at my othce in S-anersct borouirti on Tnurs. day 't-;l)er t he lith li:t- at 10o'clk a. m. when and where ail parties intenut-l ran tend. cj--Sl JAS. L. PIOH. Ext: CUTOR'S SALE Tha undersigned executor of the lat will and tesiament ot J--ha Hirr-n-. late ot Somersc: Tp., dvrcca.--c.t, writ olk-r f--ssilj oa the prein.-es On Tlturidny, Od-jb'r 22, It74, n 1 ochok p. m.. the .ollwinir ral exrate, Tia; The homestead uf dereaise-l, rotit.unlm 'S'A r.n, ol whuh ahout 1 at-rvs are clar an 1 and it a tC'--l tare f cultivation; alxut 4j arr in mjal vw, with a lanro uwiiinif hoase, !)nn hou?. wod hou and hwnk harn thfrn erelvi, suifar orchard, apple. par and peaih unhap. inno n Hiifirry, and many fine tl-iwing ?pnn j' "f nov-r t.nlin-j wa'er. This f.inn t suait aSut fjur rniies norlhwe.-! of the htftu!. of S rn':r;t. a U j-.lninif lantJs of John C Barr'n, N'i.i llarront, VViiUata L. Youn, Peter Hc'Mt.7, J,d.u IL Vhi and others. TERMS. fine-third to rrn.iln a lffn afler pay. mont of expenses, of which the ini.':r? i viaa tl Ir u lo paid to the widow dunnx -r h; -n -t hir i on th: first of April, 137 aod Thr. iit rr ii iiTe einal annual payiaenrs. to W 'tjrl Oy ja iif mnt txjnd on tiia premi..-s. wito-ut mte-rv:-' : ia p.r et of the hx:i 1 in rn ir oii ( r t;w davof dile. JACOif N r'.KF, pl5 .xxutir. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Il wiJeir knrrwu ts one of tLe most tlTtftual remedies ever discovered jr -Ifanin lli sv s tern an-f ptirifvi'n tlie bhiOiL It fc.u) 7. $$")ff-;Z;' jeur. a con tS, wC'" tantlvrrowiri2n'p fc5S jt atiun. Laed o tl it intrin-ic virtues, an-I sustained ly iln re markalile cures. So mild as to be sale, and lenefieial to children, and ret so e.wLin' as to elli-ctuallv pure ont ibt? fjreat cor ntntiuns of the lluod, sncL as tLe scrofulous and philitic contaniination. Impurities, or IT.iea.-cs tliat Lave larked ia the system for year, seen yield to this powerful anti dote, and dL-appear. Hence it wonderful cure, many ot which are publicly known, of Scrofula, an-1 all scrofulous disi.'a.T., Ulcers, Urnption.s and enptiva dL onlers of the kia, Tumors ISlotclies, ISoils IimplH, Pustulerg, Sores St. Antbony- Fire, !:tM or trysipe las Tetter. Salt JUlieum, Seal lleail, iiinjrwonn, and internal Ul cerations of the Uterus Stomaeli, and Laver. It alo cure other com plaints, to which it won!d not tcera especi ally adapted, such a Droiwy, dyspep sia. Fits Xenralsia, Heart Disease. Female Weakness Debility, and Ueucorrbtxa, when they arc maiufejta- tion of the kttiIuIous poijons. It is an excellent restorer of health and strength, ia the Spring. Yy renewing the appetite an-1 vior of the diifrtive onrans it di?sipate3 the depression and listlcs lan gr.or of the sexwn. Even whore no disorder appears, people feel better, and live longer, for cleansin? the blood. Tho system more on with renewed vi-or and a new fcaso of life. J B K PJ sx o b r Dr. J. C. AYEB & CO., Lowell, Mass., practitmt md Anatyticml ChtmUU. SOLD BY ALL VSVGQ1ST3 ETXETWHITJIS i1