The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, June 10, 1874, Image 3

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The Somerset Herald.
. . June 1H.IS7.
VI. lOIST I'M! .l'."AI.
, July 7tli, 13. traiun wll
, n vim
i:.T0 . in.
10:15 a. m.
. ikt n. in.
t Jcu'rl. Supt.
f. K H. 15-
11:36 l. m.
b 'il a. m.
12:02 . m.
4:W p. m.
,il E
u.iil W'crt
Pittsburgh & Connellsville
. Sunday. May Huh, 114.
' r -, will I'Trl and Arrive lmra Hqiot,
'. ":,h Mail " "
m a.ul.
. ... . U iv v Jo !'"
MiKccsport Ac-
:2' i
W. N. wton Ac
corn '2 nm-
Through Ex.. 45 a.m.
Conticllsville Ac
,.! woo a.m.
. .i 35 p.ra.
- m
i.3S pi"-
V, 'hrt"T
lcKocs'rt Ac
rt Ac
12. m.
M'Kiwiwrt Ac
I Yt"U
10 p.m.'
" ": ' !"
rt A.-
.Mi-lYCer-i!. .
cm 4 SO p.m.
Vnioutown Ac
r.nn 10 p in.
M'KwPiKrt Ar- 70 a.m.
Tl.P'U'-'li Mail. 2ip.m.
WeM wtn
Church tram lo 5 a.m.
i' twsin.n Ac- '
. - lloo p.m.1
i :.ur. ii 'i r:iui 12:4.'. p.m.
am AsDiMlatiOu Trams mi exceDt
m..iii itnitt
IWl tipss mills uany.
Ga. SED't Gca. Pass, kil
ral Ticket ollice, 1:1 ;-tli Avenue
ii m
K. hi. .mtnlUc.
r 1 Kooser, Soinci t HuroiiL'h. Chair-
jail.' -f- I- S ,l!1 '"'r"li-'11- S,, ,( '
,.lis..n Samuel A. Dean.
"ni'zK'iiv-AIc:inder are.
nerlin Fr iuW Porncj .
l!roiiieivai;ey-Fr.ui. Knepp, r.
(.imnmiik'h Aaron Mi dt. r
Mi urs,lale-Um. A Iml. r.
klkhck r.enrL'i- I.OU1V.
(,ieiliMll b'tlM
.IdTcr-m .bilm ' i'' '-'
.tenner .1- W. IU
Lirinier-Wm. H N '"1 , . TnrktAt..l-letH'l. r .ie,.1a.
M'ddl.H-reik l'hiep M'Mic.
Vdford Charles A- ''! r.
, v ( enterville Nine:. 1 II. Dull.
Northampton J. i I wmaii
Paint John Hoffman
Oiiemalioiiini-' Jolui r"
Mlibiiry S.mniel Mu r.
s.i1;l,,.M:iriin V. S.rber
N.miT-et Imrouiih JoM.di Ki d if
Nuiier-. t tp Charles Meiin-r.
Si'itliaiilptoli C. C Lejihir
Sl li HTn k Jacob A ili Jr.
StiiWown Joseph 15 ielcr.
iiiiniii! Coi nelius Mioi in:ik r.
I .)K rTurkiy foot Win. Caldwell.
I Win" 11 lb rirer
Willcrsburg Mu ha I L-ni."
( .iiitlue:ies!.Ii.n.iiL .11 Fralitz.
Vw Balliinon - bhn Uii.rgc.
The Hepu'jlican Primary Election will
.H behl on Saturday June iTtli, 1T4.
TlieP iiretwoeaiididates t.iln nominated
!..r the Legislature, but no voter shall i
i allowed his two votes for any one j
Iho following resolu ions looted at
:!,,. held on M :,.v 4'h, 1 ' ; "
.tulinfoK-d an- published for the in-
miction ot .hos, th.- cl-iti. -ns.
; .. ... , . .i
1st. 1 hat hi l.olis IK-o K-neii omy :o i
lie iiciial jilat i of holding t -h ft ions lived
" I Hal U U. lu.i tan v.... ,s . .
l.-i.w-i s l... t tln-ir men. r ol the
' . .,
I ot;im t oniniuue ami me i
timial otliceis to hold the primary Llec,
tii m.
:.,b Th:tt w lit it thev were not elected at
tli' previous tlec'ion. the committee
iuii lor cuh biroii.h and township, shall
sleet the two ot In r persons to iis.sist in
iii.nling the primary eld lion in their res
;ti,e iliftrict. and the comiuitti-e-man
Mia!! -ut as judge and make the return of
.ei imn.
4th. That the ( ommittec-man be requir-i-'l
t"i make a list of the Kcpuhlican voters
nf the borough or tow nship in which he
lives, and have the same present at the
diction, and designate thereon ever per
Nin voting; and if any person not named
thereon lie judged entitled to a vote, his
name lie added to said list and the fact
Uled, and the said list lie produced liefore
'.lie return iudires when they meet.
Tith. flint nil HeniiMieans lie red ni red to
Fittslurli, Wastliitoii & Baltimore
mu-in tln-ir jirojier districts. Bikiks. Sabbath S IhhiI Libraries made
foil. That no jicrson lie allowed to vote : up at i.ublishers discounts. SuiK-rili-tinli
known to have voted with the He-1 teudents of country Sunday Schools are
I'ltMiian nartv. or who can produce satis-i requested to call and examine. Amos
fai-tnrv evideiii-e of that fact.
J. I. Sri.i.. F. .1. KOOSEU,
Sc. Ch'ni. Co. Com.
Ici water.
No circus yet.
Candidates are numerous.
Sn'( klcd Uaut'ns freckled girls.
Cherries are likely to U- abfyndaiit.
Tin- apple prospects arc vcry'jiromising.
T lie sl giitherer, u nh his littjle hatchet,
is ubliKul.
Sxiiw ki.aki; Flour alwavson hand, and
lor sale at Cook i Becrits'."
'. V. limiAiiKs & Bito. have the largest
an ! U si assortuu-iit of (J rotx-ries in town.
"ne laiiU K worth a hundred groans, as
a promoter nf ;jeiuiine ginnl health.
Stixe crocks Jai?, Pitchers and Jugs,
t"r Mle at Cook A: lleerit's.
' St 1 1. .J I.l !: it vt M will pay the luurkct piice ;:.r wool.
''I'aiiiMit.-rctiltural exhibition" is the
n w name for fushionable Jiartics.
AJi.Aia.K a-s irtnient of Classware just
received at C. i ti. llolderbaum's.
Cooki Bki.imts will trade Fish. Salt,
wnl torn, fort lats. Potatoes and Bacon.
Mu. 11 HNKT Pick i no iserectinga nuni
1k r of out Iiiium-s on his premises on I'nion
st leel.
A l.Aia.K lot of Stum. Jars Pitchers and
J in" lor sale at
ItuoAlis A: Buo's.
bin -li.nilil ni it
bum otir in f'hl,r
- If.
Unrow the Hkkai.d
-ubseribe for it vour-
NoTleK. I
'lie old place,
anlin.' and Fulling (lone at
by Joseph W. Daniels.
Aimim. Beam.
. A "toliMtn bug'' isthe latest iest. which
t i said i.s play in i; sad havoc with the to-1
tui-cocrop. j
and While River Hour :
Xow KI.Akl:
on han I, and of the Ust quality at ;
' 1 lthoads A: tiro's. !
- H. F. CociutAMi has sold Ids inter-'
l"' the. Mi. I'i,.s..,i ( ... j-
A. f.
Haverstii k ' ' j
1 t-t it,., l..., i . i .-.,..
" t the Ik st Mackeral, Shad, I
ilia" ! rriii" CI ., ii t i
L ITlll, ilkc HiTrillfr A-,. iri In
C. tV: (i. 1Ioi.i:i.ui:ai v.
'I.AH V1,. E.. . r ...
for if l.ou.
"" ' mi seis tu tiiassware
I uiiihlcrsoiilv 75ctspi rdozin,
Havis A Pro.
ut W.
iiriIkU.'?'M,, r i,i' hM W 'VO'y Sat
niorui pa(t. musl K.
""wrj and leed store ofC.K.k i, Becrits.
Muslh" Li ,,'l,'a, ami i"'''-'"'
li'H ' t- ,i ,:HVC ,i,",'a ,,'-' "ibuii
't'"-'". all and be convinced.
Patton &, Ui iist.
oluin, a c ur.v'"H Crackers at P.
t't'Ztr ' C,-'I''Cr.-vry,
. liitici; ! r.1,1.
Fire lilt :08M",U- Jiuildintr Brick,
IK i if good theer, there iMlifi-Hiid health
tor you cl. S those that have taken
M iiimoiis' Liver Kegulutor attest.
The dwelling houses of W. J. P.aer nnd
V. 15. CoH'roth have Ihi-ii greatly lieauti
ftcil hy the applinitiiin of a "til of fresh
Lvi kv rural resident outfit to KiiWrilic
for his county paper to cover up their
plants with ou ltosty itihto. If for nothing
A i.auci! lot ot barrel Suit will be ex
changed for IJiiltcr, Apple Mutter, Po
tatoes, &c.
W. W. Davis & lino.
A JoIinstown "Hacc Hall C'luU.," as
their Secretary spells it, have challenged
the Sulisideos of this place to play a match
game on the 4tli or July.
A ( i;iin: to a new law every person
1 i ii jr on premises where it is or has been
forbidden by noliee in the new: papclsis li
able to a line of $'.
It is said that the fumes of sugar snuffed
up the nose will cure ordinary cases of
neuralgia. Put a small quantity of sugar
on a hot shovel and try as directed.
The Commissioners liave luui the stone
with which to make a sidewalk along the
side of the public grounds taring on Main
Cross street, quarried and delivered.
Somkrody lias written a book cn the art
of making people happy without money.
Local editors, as a class, would be good
subjects to experiment on.
Ai.L-rAPEKs. window shades, in all
styles and qualities, at the new Hook Store.
Amos Stkck,
No. 3 Mammoth Dlock.
H. F. Cochrane editor, and C. E. Meade
and a Mr. Cilluly employees ot the Mt.
Pleasant Journal,
called bt our ollice m
Friday last. Come again gentlemen.
TiiKliKare several youths hereabouts,
who apparently have forgotten that the
law attaches a heavy penally to the killing
of birds or the robbing ol their nests.
Laiiiks if you want lnaterial for ft white
dress, called Patton - Hurst's and examine
their assortment of Piques, Cambrics, Vic.
J Lawns, .laekonets, Nainsooks and Swisses.
By an act of the late legislature the Dis
trict Attorneys of the State can apiint
t. ith the approval ol the Courts, special
deti lives to assist in obtaining evidence in
crimimil rases.
Sati kd ay, nearly closed out the ele
gant assort mint ot Ladies and Misses
Tiinuned and Plain Hats sit Patton &
Hurst's. A fresh invoice on the way for
next Saturday.
Tin: Altoona Rnlital states that the
train fields of Blair county tlo not promise
much of n yield, as a great jH.rtioinif the
irnin in the ground has the appearance cf
lx-uig froen out.
; Ami now it isbetoiiiincr fashionable for
-the girls to part their hair at the side. Oh.
tlon C no, jiUasc don't! It's worse than
! voting men parting their s in the middle,
if that were jmssible.
It will no doubt be L'ood news to those
our citizens who tliink that lcanlini ss
is next to godlim ss." tokiv.u that the bath
at Lint's mill U In-ing fitted up in a neat
i and tomlorta'ile iiiaiincr.
Tnr. mi ay whistle of Mr. Frederick
YYcinitris nn more beiid from the old
! blacksmith shop on Patriot street. The
reason f,,i tliis K Mr. AVeiim r now occti-
; pies a larger and lietter shop on the site
"1 the oMoiie.
Tin. many inquiring friends of Major
AVx. Stutzman are lcspccltully informed
that be need laying brick on his
new house at precisely 15 minutes past ten
o'clock on Monday morning last.
; , WhusIAY ,.vcning last. Elder
Dorse y of Bradd-Kks Field, pica, bed to
,,)n,,r,Lration. Mr. j,(,rsey
,i(,e ,)0
'wcllnleased to lie once more under the
sound of bis voice.
A former sold a small load of hay in J-.rie
on his way to unload it
' ' ... ' ... , i . . ..
another man offered him f 11. which he ae-
, . i. ,.,.. '-... irt f..iriv
IVj'lUt HIIH .."111' . -- j
.roixuted him. and it cost linn jiisi i.iriv
I .I. . lbi r to ii:iv the damages and costs.
Thk President on Monday of last week
sent Ihe name of Geo. T. Swank, to
the Senate for confirmation as Post
Master of Johnstown, the commission to
date from the expiration of the term of ser
vice of the present ineumlicnt . The nom
ination was confirmed by the Senate on
Faumeus will please remember
Cook it Becrits have for sale
Oroimd Alumn Salt - - - 2 )
Ashton "....5 (Ml
McKecsport ".--.:! (Kt Bb
and will trade the same for oats and po
t a Iocs.
I Steck, attends to all correspondence with
j promptness nnd pleasure, at o. J Alam-
moth Block. Snnerset Pa.
Some one writing to the Beaver Timet
says: "Please let the readers ofyourval
I uablc pajwr know that il they put a lew
grains of buckwheat in every hill of jKita
i tiK's, it will save their crops liom the jMita-
to bug. Try it and you w ill lie surprised
to see What a jierlect remedy it is.
A family in town secured the services
i of a domestic onviturday. The bead of the
house had driven some twenty miles lor
her, and kept repeating 1o bis wife "now
Kate you have a good girl and can rest
i yourself. Sunday morning on going to
the kitchen nodomistic was to be found
an examination discovered the fact that
like the Aral she Had silent stolen awav
llAMiu ito Laces, Edging, inserting in
Sw iss Jaconet and Cambrics, 5 cts to $100
lcryard. Ladies can have the pleasure ol
examining the liest assortment ever offered
in town.
Patton & Hi iist
Op. New Ev. Luth. Church.
Kr.v. II. N. Weaver will preach to the
Friedensburg charge as follows :
Hoffman Church June Pith, at lOoclock
A. M.
Homers Church June Pllh, at 2;:.0 r. if.
Stoyst own June 14th, at 10 a. M.
Friedensburg June 14th at Jr. m.
W ill's Church, June 151 h 10 a m.
Two speculators from Baltimore, hav
ing liccn informed that, Bridgeport, Bed
ford co., was a very likely town, with a
Mipulation of 17-fx, landed there the other
day with Ihe intention of starting up in
business. When last seen they were in
Bedford, hunting a map of the State, and
inquiring for another Bridgcjmri in the
county. Inquirer.
Cotton auks for Men and Boys. We have
one kind that we warrant to wear six years
or the money refunded. We will give
enouirh of it for nothing to make a lair of
pantaloons to any man who will liar
assundcr a piece of it one and oiif-fotirth
"" l,R Xi'hW- 1 l,ilM1 :l" '" nd S.m.p-
Patton & Hoist.
1 non Ain.v no tine disease is the cause of
so much lxMlily misery and mental uuliap
piness, (and the disease is almot-t universal
among the American jicople) ns, dysjiep-i-tn.
its causes are many and various, ly
ing chiefly in the habits of our jicople; the
remetly is simple and effectual. I'se Dr.
W Chart's (Sreat American Dysjiepsia Pills.
Thev never fail to cure.
Fkom the Peoi'i.e. There is mi case
of DysK'isia that Green's August tloweis
will not ci re. Come to the Drug Stores of
BenfordiV Kiiiimel, Snnerset, and llilzoil
Si Fht k, Conlliienee, and inquire uliout it.
If you sulfe.- from Coslit encss, Nick Head
ache, Sour Stomach. Indigestion, Liver
Complaint, or deraiigiincnl of tint system,
try it. Two or three doses will relieve
Bost'hcc'g (erman Syrup is now sold in
every town and city in the United Slates.
We have not less than five hundred letters
from Druggists, saying it is fht! Ul medi
cine they ever sold for Consumption,
Throat or Lung disease. Sample bottles
of each, 10 cts. Ilegular pize 75 els. O.
CI. Green, Woodbury, N. J.
I'mu ii the new constitution and the
election law passed by the last Ijcgislaturt
of lfi-l, there are no longer nny ten day
ass'Ksments to lie made. 1 he rccistration
of voters is to c finished sixty days lieforc
the election and U returned to the. com
missioners, nnd taxes must U; paid thirty
days before the election. There are sev
eral other changes in regard to icgistialioii
and voting.
Slvlhai. cases of trichina, caused by
eating iork, have occurred at llarnsuurg
a uitc recently. Heretofore cases of trichi
na have been confined to the West. Dis
eased pork Is sent all over the country, and
nothing but a microscopic examination
will several the presence of trichina.
Thorough cooking it is paid will destroy
these dangerous parasite, l'c careful not
to eat iork raw or in a half cooked slate.
Ehky'h C.vnnoi.ic Timkiies. Among
the various remedies for Coughs none en
joy a higher reputation than Edcy's Car
I nil it; Troches. This laet places them
above the ordinary list of medical prepara
tions. For Coughs, Colds, Asthma, and
as a disinfectant ami preventive against
contagious disease they arc a specific. In
valuable to singers and public sjicakers.
Sold everywhere. John F. Henry, Cur-
ran A: Co., I'roprietors, 8 and College
Place, New York.
Keystone Liohimxc. Rod Co. All
persons desirous of having their buildings
well protected, Simula have the nest ol
rxls erected. The undersigned have
secured one of the finest Copper Hods ever
mtioduced here. As they arc at home
here and lioth are responsible and trust
worthy, the public may rely upon satisfac
tion being given. All work done in the
best manner and warranted.
Khoaos & Fleck.
Hkru is a eood thing on the "later
bugs ;" Three men comparing notes :
One says, "there arc two bugs to every
stalk." A second says, "they cut down
my early crop, and are sitting on the fence
waiting lor the late crop to come up."
"Pshaw !" said the third, "you don't
know anything altout it. I passed a seed
store the other day, and the bugs were
looking over the books to sec who had pur
chased seed potatoes."
It is alxmt time that a stop was put to
the young men's dress parades that are
held" in front of our church doors twice
every Sunday. It is very unpleasant for
ladies to pass along this line and be the ob
ject at which a hundred pairs of eyes are
levelled. If it can be stopped in no other
way let our ellieient policemen take the
matter in hand and have some of the fes
tive youths pay ."four dollars and costs"
tor the pleasure of seeing and being seen.
Bees. In many portions of the country
the raising of bees is given much attention,
and where the management is judicious
the rewards in a pecuniary sense are gen
erally satisfactory. It would hardly be
thought that any resident of Washington
county had ever produced in a single sea
son a ton of honey, yet such is the case.
Mr. Warren B. Kusii, of Sinqison's store,
raised more than the amount named in
lfs72. He has given gnat attention o the
Hihject and has established a regular api
ary. Washington litporttr.
15. L. II. Da mis, the celebrated Photo
grapher, No. 4G Sixtn street, Pittsburgh,
iias introduced an entirely new picture ful
fil Portrait Glace, is much more lieautilul
than the Porcelain picture, perfectly dura
hlc,'jfh cheaper, One of the most
iuqiortaut requisites in getting a good pic
lure is to have a gKd and natural jmsition,
and in giving such Mr. Dablis excels any
one ve know, and that is likely the reason
of hi doing the largest business of the kind
in the cily.
Wm. Ai:noi.d Cannon disappeared on
Wednesday night, the 20lh lilt., nnd has
m it since been heard from. He w as aged
alxmt seventten years, rather small lor his
age, with red hair, light complexion and
ofa bashful disposition. He wore a drab
coat, dark pants and a chip hat when he
disappeared. Any information as to his
win real Knits will Ik? thankfully received
by his parents. Address Matthew Cannon,
Ccnterville, Mercer couDty, Pa.
The ''National Conference of Dunk
arils" as the telegraphic reports have it,
met at tirard. Illinois, on Tuesday, May
21th, and 10,000 persons were estimated to
have been present. An immense tent, ca
llable of holding 500 persons, was erected,
but was found too small, and religious ser
vices were held at different points under
the trees. Over 2.000 delegates were ex
cctcd to lie in attendance. The dining
hall had a capacity of seating nine hun
dred jMTsons at one time, and over tour
thousand ate dinner on the first day.
Every week turns tip to our knowledge
some instance of the value of advertising.
It is not an uncommon thing for persons
to spend two dollars in judicious adverti
sing and reap one hundred. It should lie
done how ever in good faith and no attempt
to deceive and bamtioozlc the public.
Goixl gotnls, good wares always bear lilier
al advertising, There are always people
wanting to buy, and the tradesman who
first tells aliout his goods generally isthe
bird that catches the worm.
On Monday morning the 25th ult., while
a young lady was engaged in milking a
cow in the liirm yard of Mr. Brown, aliout
a mib''listant lroin New Florence, when
the lightning struck somewhere in her im
mediate vicinity, and the electric shock
completely prostrated her. She was con
veyed to the house, a physician summoned,
and after administering the proer restora
tives, she gradually came to, and is now in
a fairway of recovery. Ureetmburn lhr
aid. A i..i:r,E log barn on the farm of J. W.
Bayman of Stonycreek tp., was burned
with its entire contents on Thursday night
last. It is not known how the fire origi
nated, but the most probable surmise ap
pears to be that it was caused by incendi
arism. The tire was discovered aliout 9
r. m., but was soon licyond control. Mr.
Bavman's loss is estimated at 1.000 on
which there was an insurance ofsjsoo.
Mr. Cyrus I Civilian also lost :ilout $100
worth'tif farm inplenients.
A Yoi N'ti gentleman who a few necks
ago put some trout in w ith a chub w sur
prised to see part of the former dead in
short time, while the others he failed to
seeat all. He still kept the chub, and one
day last week put a lizard in with it to keep
nun company, aim soon aiterwnrd loutnl
the chub dead with the lizard hanging on
to na wimipqie. i ne gentleman is now
trying to find some pet to put in with the
li.anl. .Jvhhtvirn J ribuxe.
A itisnti.E incident occurred at the 1st
I lef. church, on Sunday last. While the
pastor (Dr. N. P. Hacke) was holding ser
i : i - i , .
ni", a iiuiiiiiuiiK-oirti was unserved, ly a
lew with wandering eyes, Nvinging its
way around among the fairer worshipiers,
alighting on an apparently I resh plucked
rose, ail imoiisc rhcil liy the possessor,
plunged its slender bill into the nectariuin;
but it yielded not. It then tried another
and another, with the same result, when
away it Hew in ostensible disgust, for more
Irmtfiil fields. "All is iii(r)anity saith the
iiumming-ljiril. Oretnuburg Jhmo
The old students of the State Normal
school at Miliersville, Lancaster county, in
this vicinity, w ill lie pleased to learn that
the managers of the institution will nn-
cetfcl with as little delay as jNissible to erect
an extcntivc chiqit l building of eighty by
one hundred and twenty feet, and three
stories high, to Ik; located between the two
main buildings so as to unite them all the
space to lie filled by the new building. It
will also contain twelve a Id it ion a) recita
tion rooms, and enable the school to ac
commodate one hundred more students.
The style of the chaM-l will corresjKmd
with that of the existing buildings. The
school is in a very flourishing condition,
having at this time aliout six hundred and
fifty students.
On last Wednesday a fatal accident oc
curred lielow Garrett v which a railroad
employee named Madden was so badlv in
jured that death occurred in a few hours.
It npiM-ars thai idmut 4 P. M.. a train
passed through without the usual signal
Hag, from which Madden and four other
employees inferred that it w as the last train,
and Blurted on their hand car up the road,
when they were struck by an engine
that should have been llagged all escaping
but Matlen, who w as ho 'seriously injurretl
that death shortly released hint from his
suth rings. Madden was aliout fifty years
of age and rather feeble. As a matter of
course no farther notice will be taken, the
generous (!) company will pay the funer
al exqienses and the whole business soon
be forgotten. Valley IruUjxndent.
Vr did not wish to convey the idea by
an item in last wetkn llKUAI-l), that the
editors of the Independent hud announced
Mr. AVellley af a candidate for the Legisln
turc without any authority, but we U'lievc
some iM'oiile were so unkind or foolish as
to put that construction on it.
Thk Buigetfi and Town Council will
meel in siccial session, on Monday Juno
loth 174, for the purpose of hearing and
detei mining appeals in relation to the as
sessment of the of taxes by them made for
the year 18 d.
Sec'y. Burgess.
AVooi, Wanted. Wm. S. Morgan
wishes to remind the farmers of Somerset
County that his gotxls arc licttcr and pri
ces lower than ever before. Mr. J. J.
Baldwin will, during the season, visit all
old customers and ns many new ones as
possible. Highest prices paid for wool.
P. O. Stanton s Mills, Pa.
Tiii'itsDAV afternoon Col. K. D. Yuty,
ol I'rsina, w bile coming to this city on the
Pittsburg & Connellsville Bailroad, was
standing on one of the passcnger-car plat-
lorms with Jus hands crossed behind his
back and his back to the car door. Sud
denly the car gave a lurch and, CoL
iutywns thrown backwards the door
opening behind him. 1 he car then lurch
ed back, the door shut, and caught one ot
the Colonel s hands as in a vise. 1 he re
sult was that the Colonel had one finger
cut almost entirley oil', being left hanging by
a piece of skin. He came on to the city
and had Dr. FundcnlK-rg dress the wound,
an effort being made to re-unite the dis
severed finger. Last night the Colonel
was suffering a good deal of pain, but as
he Is full of wounds one or two more won't
make much difference. Cumberland
Kem arkaule Case. The Conneiiut-
ville L'uurkr records the following: Near
ly two months since, we made mention
that II. J. Coojier, Esq., of this place, was
lying at the point of death, with no hope
ol recovery. From that time until his
death on Saturday, he has lieen literally
dying by inches from starvation, his dis
ease, cancerous tumor of the outlet of the
stomach, preventing the digestion of fond.
For over six weeks he look no sustenance
of any consequence, and for twenty-four
days nothing whatever passed his lips savs
one or two tcaspoonsfiil of milk and the
same of water each day. A singular feat
ure of the case was "the fact that while
wasting slowly awaj by starvation, his
sull'erings were not intense, a dull pain in
the stomach being the only sensation com
plained of. He retained his senses until
the night before bis death and passed away
without a struggle.
B.vitN Blkned. On Friday at about
half past five o'clock in the afternoon, the
barn of Mr. Abia Akers, of Monroe town
ship, a half mile from Cherry Grove, was
struck by lightning nnd almost instantly
enveloped in llames. It struck on the west
end, knocking off the greater jxirtion of
the weatherboarding, and when Mr. Akers
got outsitle of his house the llames were
already bursting through the roof. There
were five horses in the stable, which were
removed with considerable trouble. A
spring wagon pulled out by Mrs. Akers
was on tire but w as saved without serious
damage. Aliout one hundred and fifty
iiushcls of grain, a threshing machine, t
lot of hay and straw, and all his harness,
saddles and bridles and a considerable
quantity ot hams and bacon were burned
with the buildimr. The loss will not fall
short of $2,000 and may reach $2,500,
w ithout any insurance. The barn was a
40x70 ami aliout as good as new. The
loss falls heavily on Mr. Akers. who is an
industrious and hard working farmer, nnd
illy prepared to replace his loss. Bedford
1 rt.
An altercation resulting in the death of a
young man named I honias Gilbert, oc
curred on last Saturday evening a week,
in Southampton township, near what is
called Mainsvile. From what we can
learn of the affair. Gilbert and another
young man named Martin Mooncr, had
been on unfriendly terms for some time
past, and at the time mentioned, they came
together, when Gilliert attacked Mooncy
with a knife, ami as Moonev alleges, be
lieving that his life was in danger, he re
sorted to the only means of defense at
hand, seized a stone and threw it at Gilbert
striking him on the head w ith such force
as to fracture tiie skull, from the effects of
which death ensued on last Thursday.
Moore since then placed himself in the
hands of an oflicer, and has lieen lodged
in jail at this place. As the case will
come up at our next court, we refrain
from any comments, but give the facts as
alxive suited. It is said that both were un
der the influence of liquor at the time of
the fight. Chambereburg Opinion.
The lied ford Inquirer is credited with
the following : "They had a lively little
scene in 'Squire Fockler's oflice at Saxton
the other day. It was all aliout a three
dollar load of coal. The coal had been
consumed a long time ago, but the ques
tion arose as to whether it had been paid
for. The jmrty of the first part, the plain
tiff, a heavy built man of'240 pounds avoir
dujxiis, declared that the bill had never
been paid, and the parlies of the second
lirt, a tall, slim, sickly looking man, and
a buxom woman, whose specific gravity
is 190 pounds, his wife, declared that they
had paid the bill, and so they met at the
'Squires to have the matter adjusted.
During the course of the debate theplain
litr by way of emphasis went for the male
delendent's necktie, but he had hardly
reached that individual's jugular when the
lady laid hold of pill's long bushy beard
with a force of 14 stone H and brought him
to grass. The 'Squire took dow n a full
rejiort of the arguments on lioth sides ami
calmly awaited the result The lady paid
the bill and everybody is happy.
One Prof. Millar, with the accent on
the second syllable, and who claims f-.t
have traveled; all over the world, anil to
have exhibited his wonderful prcslidign
torial feats liefore the "upper crust" of all
lands and climes, held forth in the l'itt
street Ojiera 1 louse last week. It was the
initiatory entertainment in the new hall.
When we say that in flaming posters the
professor announced that a large number
of handsom presents were to lie given
away, one, as a matter of course, would that the ball would lie crowded.
It was announced that he would show two
nights only. The first night he hail an
audience of aliout till-, fully twenty-five
of which were dead heads. The second
night he didn't have a corporal's guard,
nor a show either, for he ianncd out be
fore the second bell ceased wringing, and
left the town in digust. Bedford In
quirer. '
The Prof, put in an appearance here on
Tuesday night, he had an audience of
aliout a bakers dozen, (not including tlead
heads,) and did not jaieket enough Jof the
root of nil evil,, to pay "four dollars and
A match game ol base ball was played
between the Social club of Mt. Pleasant
and a "scrub" nine ot this place ou Friday
last. Mr. L. ('. Collxirn was chosen Um
pire, and Mr. Gilluly of the Socials and
J. I. Scull were scorers. The Socials
were neatly uniformed and scared the
Snnerset nine out of a half years growth
by their mtwcular and lithe appearance.
During the 5th, Cth, and 7th innings the
game was close and decidedly interesting.
Nunc of the plays were very good and
others very poor, on both sides. The
Sicials won the toss and took the field. At
the close of the game the wore Hi tod us
Carroll c.
verholt Christ, p.
Overboil Charles, s. s.
Overboil .1. (.'., 1st. b.
F.icher, k'nd b.
Meade, :!rd. b.
Overholt V., I. f.
Milbee, c. f.
Overboil G. W., r. f.
Koowr, r.
Snyder p.
Moore, s. s.
Walter, lstb.
Ilenford, 2nd b.
Hurst, 3rd. b.
Ilelllcy, 1. f.
Davis, c. f.
Stumer, r. f.
The score on the innings standing
1 2 i!
fl 4
3 4
The result of the game may be summed
up as follows ; Carroll, now flattened,
Walter, thumb out of place, several minor
bruises, all tired.
a kkm AiiKABi.K coinciiience exist.' in
relation to the name, location, etc., of a
groggerry in Erie county and of a similar
place a! km it. a milt; lielow this town, or
else, the Meadville lhmorrnt has subi-titu
ted Erie for Mercer county in its item
which is as Inflows : The proprietor of the
State Line House in the webtern part of
Lne trimly has the "crusaders a little
on the hip. His "sample room" is evenly
balanced on the bin: dividing Ohio ami
Pennsylvania, consequently when a thirs
ty Jiuckeyc comes in and calls lor a little
"old rye," the worthy bonifaca invites
him over into Pennsylvania to drink, and
vice ttrm. when a Pcnnsylvanian from
the local option side ot the house intimates
that he 11 tike something for the stomach
sake. Thai "sample room" is as handy as
a pocket in a shirt, with a pocket flask in
it. Sharon Herald.
Corrected weekly by A. J. Caskbkkb & t!t.
ApplfK, drtcl, ft ii
Apptt'liultcr, Tfl Kl
Butter, V t
-. 'ISA
1 UO
1 !tt
$7 00
tl 50
1 00
.... 00 to S 15
l !
fl 00
Hm-kit heat, W bunbel
Hues wax, ft 4.
Uuoin, slu.ulilera, t I.
mill's, -
hnnn. " j....
Corn, ft IiukIioI
Corn uiual 9) ft
Call nldns, t
Clover Si-oil Miiull
Clover Socd large
Knirs, W tint.
Flour, f) 1
FlaxiwcU V bu., (50 .)..
Ldtftl, HI
Leather, red sole, ft Ei...
" upper " ...
kip, " ...
PnUiiiH'ii, t bu
Peni'hen, ilriixl, ft l
Kbks, f) l
Salt, No. 1, bid
" " ft bu
" Anhtoii, "
Suar, yellow ft B
whito "
Tallow fl B
Wool, ft t
Centaur Liniment.
There Is no pain which the
Centaur Liniments will not re
lieve, no swelling they will not
sutxlue, and no lameness which
thev will not cure. This is
strong language, but it la true.
They have produced more cures
of rheumatism, neuralgia, lock
jaw palfy, sprains, swellings, eaked-breasts, scalds,
burns, galt-rhcuin, car-ache, &c, uNin the human
frame, and of strains, spavin, galls, lie., upon an
imals In one year than have all other pretended
rcmeillesslncetheworlil began. They are counter-
irritant, an all healing pain reliever. Cripples
throw away their crutches, tho lame walk, poison
ous l.ltcs arc rendered harmless, and tho wounded
are healed without a scar. It Is no humbug. The
recli Is published around each bottle. They sell
as no article ever before sold, and they sell be
cause It doesjust what tboy pretend to do. Those
who now suffer from rheumatism, pain or swelling
deserve to suffer If they will not use Centaur Lin
iment. More than 1,000 certificates of remarkable
cures, Including frozen limbs, chronic rheumatism,
gout, running tumors, (us., have been received. We
will send circular containing certificates, the
recipe, he., gratis, to any one requesting It. One
bottle of the yellow wrapper Centaur Liniment Is
worth one hundred dollars for spavined or swccnled
horses and mules, or for screw worm In sheep.
Stock owners-thcscllulmcntsare worth your atten
tion. No family should 1 without them. " W hlte
wrapper for family use;" Yellow wrapper for an
Imals. Sold by all Druggists. 60c per bottle;
large twittlesJH 00. J. Ii. KOSE & CO., 53 Broad
way, New rk.
Castouia Is more than a substitute for Casto
Oil. It Is the only a article In existence which
Is certain to assimilate the food, regulate the bow
els. cure wlnd-eolic and produce natural sleep. It
contains neither minerals, morphine or alcohol,
and Is pleasant to take. Children need.not cry
and mothers may rest. npri!2.
Thirty Yours' jKxperieiiec of
au oldXurMC.
Mm. M Indttlow'n Nooltalnjr Nyrnn Is
the prescription ot one of the best Female Physi
cians and Nurses In the United States, and has
been nsed for thirty years with never railing safc
tv and success by millions of mothers and children,
tfoiu the feeble Intent of one week old to tho adult.
It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind
colic, regulates the bowels, and gives rest, health
and comtort to mother and child. We Iwlieve it
to be the Best and Surest Remedy In the World
In all cases ol DYSENTERY and DIAKKHtEA
IN CHILDREN, whether It arises from Teething
or from any other cause. FU directions lor using
will accoiniiany each bottle. None tjcnulnc un
less the lac-simile of CtRTIS PERKINS is
on the ouUildt) wrapiier. Sold by ail Medicine
Dealers. julytf
Children often look Pale and
from no other cause than having worms in the
will destroy Worms without injury to the child,
being jierleclly WHITE, and Iree Irom all color
ing or other injurious Ingredients usually used
In worm preparations.
IIK1 is il KKiinn, rmpneiors.
No. 5 Fulton Street, New York.
Sold by D ruggiitt tad Chrmitl: and Vraltrt in
Sleduinet at T wkxtv Fivk Cksits a Box. j1j
Why Will Yon
To all persons suf
fi ring from Rheum a
tlsm. Neuralgia
Cramps In the limb
or Stomach, Bilious
Colic, Pain In th e
hack, bowels or side.
,wo would say, thk
and Fahilt Liu-
miint is of all others
the remedy you want
lor Internal and ex
ternal use. Unas
cured the above com
plaints In thousands
of cases. There Is no
mistake about it. Try
It. bold by all Drug
gists. feblg
New Advert iemcnls
The Commissioners of Somerset county will of-
frr to let at nubile Outcry, to the lowest and liest
bidder, on the premises, on Friday, the 3.1 day of
jniy next, the i.niining oi a nriuae over iaurei
Hill creek. In Jetlersou townshin. ou lands of John
L. Uardner. The contractor will be required to
gire security for the performance of contract on
the day of sale. Kucciflcations will be exhibited
on mat uay. j acuu Att-,
jueio. LlerK.
Notice Is hereliv ftlven that the nnderslirncd
auditor, apUHUtad by the Orphans Court of '.m
ersvt county, "to ascertain the heirs and advance
ments ami make distribution of the land In the
nanus of Samuel C Livenguod. administrator and
trustee for the sale of the real estate of Joseph
Alcyers, deceased, to and among thoae legally en
titled thereto." will sit at his olttre. In the borough
of Somerset, on Tharsdar, June Isth, Ki fi the
purpose ol discharging the duties ol Ins a plaint
ment when and where all parties Interested may
Estate of Jonathan Walker, late ol Brothcrsvallcy
Twn.. deceased.
Letters of administration on the above estate
having been granted to the undersigned, notice Is
hereby given to those Indebted to it to make Imme
diate payment, and tnose navingciaims against it.
to present them duly authenticated lor settlement,
at the late residence if the deceased, on Saturday,
August 1, IB!.
juelO Administrators.
Estate; of Catharine Berkley, late of Brothers
rallev Tp.. deceased.
Letters of administration on the above estate
having been granted to the undersigned, notice is
hereby given to those Indebted to it to ma kit imme
diate payment, and thoae having claims against It,
to present them duly authenticated lor settlement,
at the residence ol Earn S. Berkley, In said town
1'x.jtux ur.i.kLr.1,
joeia AUuiinUlrator.
Com ox wealth or Pknssvlvama, 1
HAKRisurao, Pa., Junel, 1ST4. )
Wheiiear, In Hirsaanea of the application to
this Di iiartaii'Dt of the truttoet and contributors
to the Snath-western Normal College, la assoeia
tlon with sunilry citlsens ut this State exeeealing
thirteen, for the appointment of a committee to
examine theclaims of a school established by them
to recognition as the State Normal School of the
lenth District, according to the Drovlslonsof "An
Act to provide for the due training of teachers for
me uoimnon Schools or this state," approved
May 2oth, lsi7, the following gentlemen were ap-
pointed, vis: lion. John c Mennikcn, Hon. Ueo.
V. Lawrence, Hon. Dauiel Kaine, Hon. W. H
Sanncr, Hon. A. B. Y'oung to act as said commit
toe in conjunction with the State Superintendent
oi common scnoois, j. . uionons, county isuper
iuteniUint or the county or Fayette; T. J. Teal,"
county Superintendent of the county of Green; I,
W. IV ill, county Suiwriuteudent ol the county ol
Somerset; Wm. O. Fee, county Suerlnlenileiit of
tne county oi Washington: and
Whkucas. All the euiumlttee an annoluteil. ex
cept D. W. Will, county Superintendent ol the
county of Somerset, alter havlug on the 2dth day
of May, 8, visited and carefully Inspected said
school and made a careful exaniluatiou thereof of
Its by-laws, rules and regulations, anil its general
arrangements and facilities for study, reorted
unanimously that said school Is entitled to rocog
nitlon as a State Normal School, with all the priv
ileges ana Immunities enjoyed by other Institu
tions or a lilrb character In the Commonwealth;
tiow,lhmfrt, 1, State Superintendent of Com
mon Schools, do hereby srlvo notice as reouired l.
law, that I have recognised the school established
as aforesaid as the stato Normal School of the
Tenth District, eomposed of the counties of Fay
ette, Ureon, Somerset and Washington,
In testimony whereof I have hereunto let my
hand and attixed the seal of the Department of
C-ommon Schools at Harrisbargb the 1st day of
iiuu, to,.
New A d ocrlisemtmls.
118 SMITHFIELD STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa.
jpjrLHGJHi3 low.
Sviidfw Illustrated Cutalvjiic. Agents wanted in every L'wmty.
liy virtue nfanonler Issuing nut of the Orph
ans Court of Somerset count v. Pa., to me illrcct-
eu, i will sen at puhllc sale, oa
Saturday, the 11 Ih dtnj of Jum; IHH,
the followlna; real estate, late the estate of Petcr
iJurmaycr, ol omcrset township, ttit'caseil, to wit:
A certain tract or naruel of limit sltuaie in Sonu-r-
set townsliip, Somerset county. Pa., atljolnln
In nils ot Joiiiah Alcyers, Ell Illttncr and Jacob
Shaulis, containing Uto ourrs, more or less, with
the appurtenances. The iuiiirorcinents are a
dwelling nousc, and an apple orchard: tlie l.iml is
nearly all cleared. Said land will be sold furnish.
One-tlilril to Ik) paid when land is bid oil, and the
balan'-e on confirmation ol sale. Sale will lie hcl I
on the day named In Iront of too Iimikifijr House
Of Schcll St Runincll, in SoiiiOrset, Pa
JON Al HAN IX ti M A Y Ell,
JuclO Trustee.
ihe Commissioners f Snmorset Countv will of
fer to let at nuhlis outerv. to tho lowest an-1 best
bidder, on the premises, on Friday, the lmh dav
of June, at.l o'cleek. the coutraet for the buiiiling
of a bridge over Fiaugherty creek where tiie
from Geo. W arners' to tho station house at San 1
Patch tunnel crosses said stream in L.triue r twp.
Specllltalions will be exhibited at the time.
ii. H. WALTER,
F. J. t tiLN 1HYMAN,
.1. Nei p, Cl'k. Commissioners.
Jill 10
By virtue of a writ of Ivurht Facias, Issued
out of tho Court ol Common Pleas ol Somerset
County Pa., and to me directed. I wilt sell l.y pub
lic oat-cry at the Date House, In Mcyersdule llor ,
on Friday, the Mth day of June, ls;4. at i o'clock
p. m. of said day, the following ilcst-rlK-d real es
tate, via:
All the right, title. Interest nnd claim of Win.
B. llumliert, of, lu and to the lolluwing discribcd
real estate, viz:,
A certain tract of bind situate In Summit town
ship, Somerset county, I'a., containing 14 acres
and 1 j 6 1 1 perches, all cleared and in meadow,
with an u.ilinished hotel thereon erected, s.ii.l
building hal ing a'front of loo feet and a depth oi
40 feet, adjoining Units of Epliruiin.Millcr, ldow
Ferl auiUothers, with the appurtenances.
Taken In execution as tho pnierty of William
B. Humbert, at the suit of Collins & Shipley et al.
Ten per cent of the pun-huso money must tie
paid as soon as the ppiperty la sold and the bal
ance when deed Is delivered.
juclO Sheriff,
Directors of 1'pper Tnrkeyl.s.t towntbip lor
the year ending June 1, 1(74.
DR. Duplicate 164S 18
Exoneration M IJ
1DU3 1(7
Balance cf 1873 41 7d
Appropriation lis oo
Sale of house and lot . M 00
Militia bins ISO
Total tls36 )
CR. For teaelilng ;110 oo
Building and lot 304 00
For luel and repairs Ill Ot
For fees of collector and treasurer . . 75 00
For Secretary 00
117:10 es
i'.io 01
Balance due district.
11. a. CONN,
juelil Secretary.
tM.rt of the Somerset County Mutual Fire
insurance Company lor the year ending aiay
Bv hat. In Trias, us per last annual report
'May . Is73 570 Oi
By cash ree d ou new policies Issued this
year 878 4',
By cash received on renewals this cnr . 0! 7;
By casti received on acvouut ol assess
ment No. 2 this year 14S i!l
Jl.t) i
No. 1. Paid E. P. King on oecount
of loss t v fire 70S 7u
No. 2. Paid Joseph Sertnr in full
fur loss by tire ou
No. 3. Pail Michael Hogon in lull
for damages lv tiro C3 i6
No. 4. I'm I Cfiarles Huppart in
lull fordamattc bv tire Ul 00
No. 5. Paid Jonas llcmmin,ri.r iu
full for damage by nro
S 00
No. 6. Paid Wm. M. Hill lu lull lor
dumnire by tire
4 00
No. 7. Paid Sarah Smith In lull for
damage by tire
j OO
No. 8. Paid Henry D. Mock In full
lor uamiige ev nre
: oo
No. 9. Paid M. C. Miller fur extra
services as agent 40 00
No. lo. Paid Somerset Herald fur
blanks and annual retsirt 07 W
No. 11. Paid revenue and iwsiagc
Blames anustntionerv u
No. li Paid J. M. Forster, Insur
ance commissioner, fees 2j 00
No. 13. Paid Sec. of the Coin, for
coi.v of act of ineoriioration 3 50
No. 14. Paid Baers and Koouts,
Esiirs., Att'y tees 20 00
No. 15. Paid othce rent and fuel. . . oo
No. Id. Paid .Ino. Hicks salary for
one yearas Sec. and Trcas 400 00 1806 78
Hal. In Trcas. in notes at Int. and In hands
of agents jtfjn SI
Alu'L of Print, notes liable to assemcut. ..Mo-U oo
Amount of capital
Whole numticr of Policies issued 22ul.
A'U bl
Jacob D. Miller. Abram Beam. M. Zimmerman.
Joseph t). Liclity, Samuel Barclav. Tobias Mey
ers, Joseph Keim. Wm. J. Baer. C. U Sliller and
Jolin Hicks, of Somerset countv. Pa., and Leon
ant Bittner, M. C. Miller and" Oabricl Hull, of
Bediord county, Pa.
orrit-Eus elected rog the E.Nsri.tu veai:.
Jacob D. Miller, President: John Hicks. Secre
tary, Trcusurcrund tlenerui Agent.
By order of the lioar.1,
juclO Secretary.
The nndersignel, duly appointed auditor, to
distribute the binds In the hands of the assignee,
of David Phillippt ami Martha, bis wile, among
those legally t-ntiiled thereto, herebv gives notice
that be will attend to the duties of his appoint
ment on Friday, the loth day of Jun.'l at his .rtn-e
In Somerset borough, when and a here all persons
Interested may at lend.
II. L 11AF.K.
Iur3 Auditor.
A grist and saw mill, six acres of land, two
bourn s, one new. Will sell one-lotirth, one-hall or
whole of mills In N 1 order. Turbine wheels;
water the whole year. Fur lurther articulars,
address box 10, New Alexandria. Westmoreland
eoanty, I'a. AIi-o. a atili ami sixty acres of land
In Ligolrr township, on Four Mile Run. three
mlleslrom the town t f Ligonlcr. Address as
above. juelO
Estate of John Barronc, late of Somerset
Letters testamentary on the above estate hay
Ing been granted to the undersigned by the prop
er authority, notice Is hereby given to those In
debted to It to make Immediate payment, and those
having claims against It will present them to the
undersigned at the lute residence of deceased In
said township, on Tuesday June3oth. 1874.
mny'JO Executor.
Estate of Hannah Ludington, late of Addison tp.
Letters testamentary on the abovo estate
having lieen granted to the undersigned, notice is
hereby given to those Indebted to Itto make imme-
dlate payment, and those having claims against It T7X. EC UTOU'S N OTI CE.
to present them duly authenticated for settlement JFjJ
at the otticc of executor, on Saturday Juno 'Alth.
Nature's Great Remedy
It Is the yital principle of the Pine Tree, obtained
By a peculiar process in the distillation of the tar, by
which its l.iuhest aiedicuul properties are retained.
J at even in its etude state has been recommended by
rancnt physicians of every tclwoi. It is confidently
3flered to theafilicted for the ihllnwinv .Imrl.
mot if abruptly ttotfing ti cmtglt
but by dritolvuii? the phlegm and attUtimg naturt to
tnrov off the unhealthy matter causing the hrttation.
C,Jlt, of "'' coMsuxrTiow it both prolongs and
lender less burdensome the life of theafilicted suuerer.
- . Its healing principle acts upon the trritotcd sur.
tace of the lungs, (enetniting to each diseased fart,
relieving pain, and luiimmg inflammation
. lTfVKinillllfnKlft.lfUlm-ru.H,u.h T
'f curing; all humors, from the common nxrLS or
"'"J01 o the scTrercrt cases of Scrofula. Thousands
pf affidavits could be produced from those who ban
lelt the beneficial effects of I'imk itu T Cordiai,
i m"l psisiiur iron iHruaniBS oa
.it JVai ' Jvettivt trgamamt restores,
fne etwpettte.
. AM ho hae known or tried OrriT QTC." Wis.
hart's remedies reimire no references Irom Ul, but the
aames of thousands cured hy then ean be given to
"h dauts our statement. lhr. L. Q. C
WUharfs treat America. Dyetia Fill, ami
i V o" !or have never been equalled. For
ale by all lMtyuls and Storekeeper!, Md at
i2r..L Q. a WISSAfirS Office.
IS74. At. A. K ss,
may'JO Executor.
c'TATKMENTiil settlement of
the siim rt ;
li ul J'alnt township lor the jcar imlhi
13th, 1ST4.
Jonathan lVltilcr, Iir. to duplicate Oil os
Kxoncratiuu 1 05
I'i9 41
... 51
...1S 05
... 'J )
... 0 tl"
Ity latmr
" salary
" eoiuinission..
Peter Horkcypllc, Ilr.toduplicatc....
wnstnp orler..
.Jh received. ...
S 03
CK. By l.ilHir
e-'iaiiiissinn ..
cash pal l out.
.... -1 0
1 Hi.
4" 4
Peter II. Statler, Dr.. to duplicate.
.iC'.9 77
. u a:
J.4 40
Ci h..
I!y labor
" c mines; -n
. 4n 7i ;
. . m ;j
1C.-.4 4 i
'ETH.EMKVI'ol ll.eS.'h.s l Direi'to-snf Paint
township for the ) :ir in lin April 1.1, is; 4.
Duplicate ...
.l:V. 1E1 1
:a hi
lf.:w 41
l si ! i
171 60
6 0-1
Balance of 1S7?...
Aiir.i.ri ui-.n. . .
House rent ... .
1S41 W
Schist! teaching
Building '
Fuel and repair....
'JiO tut
7 6'.
1715 00
Balance in treasury
1H41 53
Eelaicoi Joctb lileugh, .Tr , late oT Jcnner tp.,
Letters of administration en the a1svc estate
having been granteil to tho undersigned, notice Is
hereby given to those indebted to it to make Imme
diate pa) ment, and tho.-e having claims against
it, to present them duly authenticated fur settle
ment at late residence of deceased, on Thursday
the 10th day ot Julr, 174.
jue'i! Administrator
Five tlollain will be char-'cl fur nil announce
mcnts excepting lor Pm.r House Dirii'tnr unit
Auditor, for whicti & will he ..'harccd. Tiekcis
will be furnished candi.iatis for one dollar pi-r
We arc authorize.! to announce William H.
Kis.ntz. ol Si incrsi't borough, as a candidate lor
Congress subject to the decision ot the Republican
voters .it then ensuing primary election.
Wc arc nuthorirc. 1 to announce Cob nel E. D.
Yutrv. of I i-iina Is-ronh. as n can iilate f-.r
State Senat .r sub'Cct t.- the decision et theRe
pu'jiuir. voters at their ensaing piiinarj elf iwn.
W" are autlu rizcd to ai noun. c Em inm 1 J.
Met f.ri. of Benin llorouuh. as a c:tniti ta'e tor As-
stiiil ly. ul.i-ct t" the ilecisi n of the ktpul lican
voters at ineir c ming -rimary en . ii- -n,
Wc a" authorized to innoui- e Allen S. Wilt f
Miiforl t wnship. as a findi Lite f r AHcmt ly.
sulije. t to the dei islon ...t i'io K i nl li an t iters at
their coming primary election.
Wc nre autb' rtrc-t to announn J .scpl, D Mil
ler. of Mineral P int. as a can ill tc I .r Assembly,
sul.jt'i-t I--tiie .l,.cisi,,ii ol Hi. K.iuMican v iii-rbat
Iheircoming primary election.
I again ttfer myclt to the pi pie of Somi rstt
county as a late tor the Lcgi'Uture. subject
to the dceisi ,n if the Repui lii at primary eleeti .n.
S. S titK)D,
We are authorized to nni. nr Iir. Wm. Collins,
of Somerset township, as a candidate tor Assem
bly, subject to the decision ot the Rcpul litan tot
ere at their coming primary election.
We are authorized to announce the name if!
Samuel B. Camp of Oarrrtt. as a candidate t-T
Assembly, subject tithe decision ul the Ripuhliotn
voters at their coining primary election.
We are authorized to announce Wiltlnin
lcy. of Addison township, as a candidate for As
scinhly. subecttothe decision of the R. publican
Voters at their coming primary election.
I ,We are onthnrizct to announce William Zim
merman, of Jenner township, as a candidate ..r
Assembly, subject to the division ot the Republi
can voters at their ensuing primary election.
We are authorized to announce Samuel Fcrrcll.
ot Berlin horoutrh, as a candidate br Assembly,
subject to tho decision of tho Republican Voters it
their coming primary election.
We aro authorized to announce Sol. J. Bacr, of
Brothcrsvallcy township, asa candidate tor Com
missioner, subject to the decision of the Republi
can voters at their coming primary election.
Wc are authorized to announce Oliver W. Buyer,
of Elklick township, as a candidate for Commis
sioner, subject to tho decision of the Republican
voters at their coming primary election.
We aro authorized to announce Jonathan
Khoads, of Miltord tp., as acandi.late for Commis
sioner, subject to the decision of the Republican
voters at their coming primary election.
Mr. Scri.r.. Please nnnnnnec that I will be a
candidate lor nomination for District Attorney
at the coming Republican primary eleetlon.
J. O. Ol cLE.
If nominated at the Republican primary clce
tlou I will be acandi.late Kr liistri. t Attoriiev.
Somerset county Republh-ans. I respcctfa!lv s.v
licit yourvirio ..r the ..tli.-e ot District Attorney
at the couiin prltn-irv clei-t i.i.
W." H. Pt is l'LET II W A IT E.
We nre authorized to announce the name of
Daniel s. Miller, or Somerset t p. as a candidate
for Auditor. subeet to the derision ol the Re
publican voters ut their coming prim try election.
We ore authorized to announce Invli Ankcnr.
of Somerset township, as a candidate for Poor
House Director, subieet to the decision of the Re
publican voters at their coming primary election.
We are authorized to announce Samuel Treat,
of Somerset township, as a candidate Sir Poor
House Director, subcct to the decision of the Re
publican voters at their coming primary election.
We are authorized to announce Henry L. Y'onng,
of Somerset township, us a candidate for Pis.r
House Director, subject to the decision of the lie
publican voters at their coming primary election.
Estate of John llcrsch, late
of Summit twp..
dec . .
Letters or testamentary on the above estate
having lieen granted to the undersigned, notice
is hereby given to those Indebted to It to make im
mediate puyment. and those having claimsugalnst
it, to present them duly authenticated for settle
ment on Friday, July 3rd, 1S74, at his late resi
may 27 Executor.
1'ot'atharine Schislcr. Mary Ann. inicnntirrieil
with tv m. hliearcr, .if Chattenootta. Tennessee:
Eineline, Intermarricl with lti iiianitn Hoover,
of Falls Citv. Nebraska, an.l .lull:. Ann. Inter
married with Oeurge Tilp, of Oarrutt, Somerset
county. Pa.
You are hereby notillek that in pursuance of a
writ of partition issue.) out of the Orphans' Court
or Somerset county. Pa., I will hold an inquest oa
the real estate of Adam Schislcr. deceased, in the
town of Oarrett. Somerset county. P.' on the fol
lowing described lots, yix: Ni.s. Ink, 1M, l'.sj and
lM, Isninileil hy Pine nllcy and Madison street and
hy Mullwrry and Hickory alleys. Also lots No.
2u4 and a5 in the same place, on which are erected
ailwcllintr house ami other oiitl.uMilimc. Ix init
the late residence of sal. I deceased, on Friday, the
3 1 day of July, 1ST4, where you can attend it you
bum punier. t n. wr
nyX . Slicrilf.
Notice is hereby iriren that Henry V. Hochstct-
ler maile a voluntary assignment to John Olivr tor I
.u ueii.-i.i oi oi.', erciuors. jn mtous Knowinif
tiiemscives iuiienic.1 lo tnesaht lliTliatet ler will
please call at once nnd make settlement, and par
ticularly on the 30th day ol Mar. when he will np-
.i . .no pittumi oi mr nai.i ri. v. llociistutlur,
for tho the purpose ul sctllcmcut.
ma) 13 Assiirnee.
Estate of Frederick Knepper, late of IJcrlln bor.
Letters of administration on tho above estate
having lieen granted to the nndersiitned, notice is
hereby K'veu to those Indebted to it to make Im
mediate payment, and those having; claims
atalnst it, to present them duly authenticated
for settlement at the late resideucof said deceased
on Thursday, July 2, 1S74.
OIXKR.'rvvpfVT. . ,
Nvro Alice
mu n
Ncto AJi'erliitementts.
Boots ij ii (1 S 1 1 o e ss ,
No 253 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, I'a.
One of the LAIMJ EST SPRING STOCKS ever brought to the Market. A full lin- of
f cin Misses' CMlfa's, Mart, W, Yoaihs
Brogans, Balmorals and Gaiters,
SiecUI Attention called .lfntlc- ;ool-. M IN l.I.'S- ANI MIM, II ANIS Minis
Cash and Sh'irt Time IIiiti'TS will v,n--iilt. tliclr own Interc-i y r-illirej' and ex iniinitf. N. li.
Kastl-rn llill.t Duplii atcd Orders IiMed ilh cure and lOlentioii.
Tlio ZSTcw Store oi'
Denier in
Dry Goods, Fancy
Ribbons. Embroidery, Laces, &c.
Vould be pleased to Lave Lis
TCj-k T w i4si a tin v- i
Main Street, opposite the 'JSarm't 1 1 on. so," Sumrret I'.i.
John r. uj.Y.MYEii,
Hardware, Iron, Nails, Glass, Paints,
OILS. &C, &C.
Tiie followino; i.s a part'al list of 'ti-i in St'-e'i; f rut
Planes. Saw, Hatchets, Hammer?, CLis-cl-, I'l tti- Iro'is, Ad. -Fttiitirs
(lOoi!?. Ibllows, Anvilj, Vice-. Vl. H iimm r, X
Hani ware, Tab Trees, Sadilles, I aim L! Iiin'?, II.
Table Knives and Fork?, Pocket Knives, Su-
I.irjrest Ftock ia Somerset f'ounty.
Lead, Colorcil Paint.s for iu.iiie ami
Varni.-b. TurDontiue. Flaxseed Oil,
I tl. M lliuutv uiasa vi uil uw
'Oil alwavson Land Our stock of
ycry elegant style?. lit?ton s Circular, .vu.'ey ami l ro-s ( ut fcaws. Mill
Saw Files of the best tjiiailty. Porcelain-lined KetUes. Hamiles of ail kiin:?
Mattocks, Grub Hoes, Picks, Scythe?, Snoath?. Sledges, Ma-n irammer,
Cast Steel, Step Ladders, Carriage and Tire Holts of all .ii ?. Loot-kin.'
Glasses, Wash Hoards, Clothes Wringers, Meal Sieve?, DoorM it?, lla.-kets,
Tubs, Wooden Duckets, Twine, Hope all sizt?, Hnv Pulley-, '.. tter Prints.
Mop Sticks, Traps, Steelyards, Meat Cutters and Stuifers. Tract s, C-nv
Chains, Halter Chains, Shoe, Dust and Scrub Hruslic?, Horse J Irtish?, Cur
ry Combs and Cards, Door Locks, Hinges, Screw?, Latches and evt ruLiug
iuthc Kuilders' line. Caps, Lead, Shot, Powder and Safety e.. -.
The fact is, I keep everything that belongs to tiie Hardware trade- I tb-al
exclusively iu this kind of goods and give my whoio atttention f ;t Per
sons who are building, or any one in need of anything in my line. 'Il fud
itto their advantage to give me a call. I 'will always give a reasiiiabte
credit to responsible persons. I thank my old customers for their patronage,
and hope this season to make many new ones. Hon't forget the place
jSTo, 3, "BAJEirS ISLOClv."
April 8 '74. JOHN F. DLYMYEH
Wholesale Exclusively.
Offer a Complete New Stock
vrr lowest ivsTEiir ijiiicj:s.
New Goofe EecsiveJ Daily. Oilers FiM Pnjlly.
Nos. 239 & 241 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Merchant Tailors and Fine Clothiers,
How nid Block. 1 Ol SinithficM Sirvvt.
2 Miles North of Somerset Penn'a.
Pnre BlooJ Fercta Stallion
Is a dark Inm Orcy, Oliscun-Ir Ihi..I.M. s.m
Inif i year uhl. It)1, hiith. . ..-ik .il.-ut
l'.rnu i Hca.l shi.rt with (ri al :.l;h l
tween the eyes, which are laru ud.1 r .. .., :
l.wiTtul nei'k, chest wi.le n I c:,mu-i. u, .ittnr
tersery tin. I, ami the 11t rn-'-r-l up:
Ecks hn.a.1 n.l muscular. n l n--i-.-i-'T sh.-rt
Iruiu knee to fetlo-k : muiie .in. I till hi r,S
ncavr. tinir in nuo texture, .n.'wmu
(lescroilant nf A rattan ll.t. Tti Bit:.
sinurs leel like l.uixlles of wire, with tra.iM .-.
tl..n ami the best ol teitier. Kinn.n ..--1 . : v t. .
see hi in to tie oinvloce.1 that he is ju( at th y
ncoi tu tireol Irotu.
Insurniuc ... - "-.'".:
Also, Hambletonian Stallion
A ,Mah.,itany Hay hlith. weiah l'.'jt) pt.uml.e. S rears t.l.l. ir..t br Mi.Mlpti.wn tint .1 ini
hy Frank Pierce, he l.y 1. Islan.l Hlack Hawk : he by Ao-irew Jacks.,.,, VUB llashaw. l hV I,
p..rte.l Oran.1 Bashawf Arabian. Mi,l.llet..n bv Kys tyke s Hambletonian, I-t .lam bv Auieriraa K?Ti,'
Itranil I .lam by Enitineer. Hauibleteuian by AUIailali. he by Msmhrimi. by Imp. .Messenirer Mi.t lle-'"wnwan-l
in On.njre oiunty. New York, to insure a cit. his sire, li.vs.lj We Hambletonian.
at Mkl.llelnn t.nik hrst premium at State Pair in Ivi". al-otirst pn miutii at fc.shcn. I inneCo
ii. Jlo .,'.',,eIi,,lull,eer-lr''n "ukean.1 others, trottinif in i'JS. an.t has since tntcl ia i." C
HA.MKK A t.k hrst premium at two surt-csslve tairs at Johnstown, also, tirst at Cumb. rlan.1 tSre'ens
burir ami .Somerset county Pairs. He has pr..veU himself a successiul sire, as his colt show linin. n
action. A nuinlier can lie seen on the Farm, or hy cullimr on C n. Collrolh in S.,inerset. as tine a a
any one nee.1 for. can he seen in his slables. Alhain! ra will nut i in usealter Julv 4th. as it Is iu'
Tonim, v-.O
Tbe season Commences Atiritrith. anil will e..ntl,.A ,i Tt.. a-1.
farm at all liuie. Partina with a mare she
Insurame mare is known to he with (oat. Hest care takenbut do auiitability", -u-eHen'V
Mare Irom a. Iistance will be kept at reasonable tiures. ""jiir.Mi.iuu.,
iu iot lormer patrons l return my warmest thanks lor their support, hllnit cinfi.lcnt that It will t
t.. our mutual beneht to improve the Horse Stm-k ..I Somerset Countv which Is ?much nee.le.1 Th
selwtlon of. t ult-llhHHl Horses to brecl Inun. in my estimating Is the oulv way that a .1 "eXl im.r,Tv
ment can be ma. e : cnsciucnlty price were pahl for lullM,.,ls. rather than tuv hah am r
cr jtt Irom oue-half toone-puartcr less lor breclcrs. know! n that by breolin to . K,Tw,
the halve an. the e. of br.-e.lma to a fttll-bl.l nther than a ball is a secT.,,,1 ary tmiuKht ,h ,
m. lor about tinc-hal. mero than . garter ami the cost "ralLinsTs n"
lit otlcrlnir the sert lces ol my horses to litvctcr an.l St. k Raisers of the e..ntr. I hare no heslfa..
cy in saylua that I tHeve my horses are soeoml to none iu th. State. 1 h above horI nJ . It"J
seen to Iw appreciate.!. Parties l..nK colts can l.rce.l the fdluwiua i''U at liail the "uHHi
Parties cmlnir In.m a distance will he kept over niitht Irw. 1
I wilt Hive a liiieri.iiiiKaa.liHe for the best colt ol e;t-li ot tf.o ab.ive horses iret r n
ca In l7i, to he deeble.1 at our county lair in the fall ol sumo v" r K reirardless of eX UI.
U httad nnd tnr nle .wU by the) shots hordes Mho l,,ii.a
uTtk. s't l,"Mer 'bl, '-. -lt.W SLp. nj n,Vn ituni
n,rU ii:TjKit iii:sIa1:v.
(The piiper season agtunapppNU'hiiig, favimrs and others w lm are anxious to im
prove the stiK k ot horses iu this couuty, will do well to ctinsitler the advantages olft r
etlalKive. It ntftls no argument to convince mr people of the superior Mootl ot the
horses here ailvertisetl, nor of the line points of hish breetlins; in tlitir progtny Every
one hits hud ample opportunity of seeing iheso murks of improvement demonstrated Z
the superior olUpring tU- these Itorses, hu.1 tiie- extniordinarv prices wbith thee coin
commund, should make it to the interest of all to lireed onfv from stock of this kind
Advantages like those olftred hy Mr. Iletllcv, can not Ihj over'l.ioked ordNrvir-mled Lv
lte community without detriment to Itself and the county at lar-'e )
Josiah P. Meyers and wifeol Somerset In K.imr.
set county. Pa., by deed of assiiuiienl dated 7th
estate of said Josiah P. Meyer to the undersign-
e.1 111 trut for tho beneht of creditors. All p.r-
urn imii.tM.1 ... ..1.1 i..i..i. u , .....
,.., .-!, i.,b.v arc.ociii-,1 mu real ami H-rsiinni
ed to make imuiedlate payment, ami those having
einiuu -ainsi me same wm present thera lor set-
tlement at the ollice of the assignee. In Some ,
Pa., on Thurmlnv th.l.ih.l... . r i
V. H. KL'PHFh,
Ni.w A'lrrrt Uvemevl.
& Staple Notions,
Friends and Patrons call and r-
l. irtf aril -v.ifl i nrtt W t I niv .ti
, ii"
Kiai 1
t- ami Tim.Is.
or.s. Si.i.on-. ami Ka .r.. tin-
Painter'. - (Juml?. a full stm k. Wliiie
out.siil.- painting. Paiut-- in oil, all colors.
IJi usLe.-. Japan Irvcr. Walnut Staiud.
lu-a t ui .yj nuy cutiiv. uu ue.-t uai
Coal Oil Lamp is large and comprises
Well known llacU horse Imp
li-ojn 1 nj;lanl.
Stands 17 liiurh. weiahlnit al p..n.l'. ie
pi-r!e. ti..n as a lMratt li..rsc. an.t as a nre. lit 1 1st
ncv.l lc sai l he has alrea.iv attaiticl a re;.c.ft-ll.-n
in Wcstm. r-Ian.l an.l this evumv. secu.l to in .r.liuinir ci.itsi.l the highest rie. ti. n.
as all wiil .Limit who att.-n.icl ,.ur
I la-t tall : si.iiic ol his yearling i.i-e went hinic Irom
!""" i' j. . .M.-.nuicn w ..tlirel
t'V twoiliiicrent panics . u t.-r his an.l
Knur t. r his Pn-niiuio an.1 sav 7..i is
tiie h.wi-st witihiiv hiiu: au.l otht-r"
I'tWi raniting tn tu iljo t i-jisj. "
- !--.1,
is kn.,., t i, -i,Kr...i . ' "
Full Sjirintr Stock of beautiful Par
ra. tt rt-f
UU1 Ps
; -, lo lllc best.
- . ... ,-.n:,.i
' . v...T5iP. au pattern k.
fa per.
Xin , Tirl?? "Ahi'.,.!a 'hmK style..;
n n!nT ?, " "'"W', the best ol.-.
tiiuminaleu oor.Itix.tM.nit . . ...
TIP 'flfiifn
'.UL tlir.
& CO.,
1 1 0 TVood St