The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, May 27, 1874, Image 3

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    iiiw h iniilimi i mil ii ii in ww iiih nur i in n 1 1 i i niiii"i rrr ,i,
The Somerset Herald.
!,X!'AV. - - " "
t in: Tii:i.i:s.
May 27, IS74.
ttkWSKIWf"1" K.MI.i:OAl.
, Ht v. .,: lay. July UTS. ,rilil "
A ltu.L fixing tin- inv of County Cotn-
niisMiuifnt at ir day has lieen finally
! (.usscd hy the Legislature.
j Hooka, Stationery, Wall Paper, W'in
j lw Shades, in great variety at the Xew
i-e.ore 01 Ainos ciecK s.
; 1. -'
; We-i-
pel:, a. in.
: in p. in.
12 UI,
p. hi.
F. ALTFAT llr.ii.
iK-n'rl. Supt.
r. W
; v.'i
U ii. It. r.""' MIM-"1-rIKT.
M M p. m.
" ' t.-.'l . m.
12:02 i. m.
I M p. ui.
9. fVvi ri rill thrill fl
;knt' bats for notiiino. ration
.V Hurst have CO Cent's Summer 1 hits at
50 cts. earh, worth 1,50 to 2,00.
F. K. Colborn & Co., have enlarged
their store. room, hv the addition ot the
! room formerly occupied hy Ilenford's
: riot lung store.
I We understand that preparation are
' iK'itig made to play a match game of Base
1 l ii ... . 1 ... . ..... .1... .-M...I-.,
I mi nuiuriiiiy next
and Stilisideos.
lieiwccn the Glades
FilistgiL WasMitoii & Baltimore
A!;n:KATI()X OF TI31E.
Wall Ylt x ', Window Shakes. A
large lot just received at Amos Stock's
New Store, No. 3 Mammoth Block, Som
erset, Fa.
Tin: Cainhria Aunty children who
veil- at the Cassville Soldiers' Orphan
School have been sent lo the Pliili'whurg,
Heaver rountv, school.
;.:;.r Sunday, ?
i-I w ill lb-part mi
and Witter sin
ill TiMli
y Mill. 1174. Train
Arrive lrotu l'ejiot,
is. its billows:
(! loves. Hosiery,
tilings, Hamhurg Kd
Laces, l'utton Ao Hurst
sortinciil in town.
Hibbons and Triin
ings. Inserting and
have the best as-
.ri l'i ii. m.
.T 'i a.m.
.. a.m.
M. Kecsp .rt Ae-
6i a.m.
.M.-Ki-.-fjKirt Ac-
i- -in 7:2". a.m.
W. N Wii Ac-
iv u i ti:2n a.m.
Thr-uah Ki.. .s.4i a.m.
.". an. .!.- illc Ae-
.m .10:00 a.m.
M,.'K.ccsport Ae-
; cm 12: m.
M Ki-.sH.rt Ac
cm 2:00 p.m.
M.'hcs...rt A-
c.nii 4:50 p.m.
t :ii ntovvii Ac-
c-m ti ll) p.m.
M'K.csptrt Ac-
cum 7 W a.m.
Thr .unh Mail. .s.:2i p ut.
Wol Newton
( 'liun-li Tr:iin.l"u." a.m.
i A-;-32;ii!irjn Trains flaiif, eispt
Ecres Trains iailF.
iriViV'S. SAil LC. ROUGH,
Gil C:D"t. Gas. Pass. Lit
Ti'i;e! uai.-. i l "lll AvcilUP.
i m.
. p.m.
,.piil:li( nn 'oiiUty 'iiii-.
; . SunrrM't lritiL,i, Chair-
.'. I. :- -i!. l'-'i"i:uli, Secretary.
S.H -S.ltl.5J.-l A. 1'.II1.
, -.l.-v.:i.tcr Ware.
., i'r.suU Forney.
Fraiii-i- Ksi' jijH r.
'iii:i-;jh .:.rt'ii SI. alii r.
Ndah Wm. A. li c-.lcr.
i ;, i, !. i...w rv.
,n"i;;,..l,i, ! M. Vi'ity.
V". K. alil.
'.'."in. !I. Sulail.
1 m '. I""l Alexander Nicola.
', i'l.ili;. K. M v.
A. W.ilt.-r.
rvP.U Samuel II. i nil.
. ti. llowp.ian.
:i 1 1 :.!: i:i II.
.lulin .'. JS.iw man.
- .mini Micr.
: iia ". S.-rin r.
i.-.i-h l.-:ali Kellar
i ( l;ar!.-; Meii-:-r.
.a ('. ('.'.'u'.
, U ....-,,!, Wi.'lc .lr.
.i I.... ;.li IJ.-u-ii-r.
- i.rii.-iiii h m i n ik.-r.
i.ri. !."'. Win. ( '.i!.'.'.cll.
V. m.' II.!!. T.vr
.:.;;-,- Michael I.on-
i lonntlnin Fran'..
:i;u..i. .I' l.ii (icor-jc.
h. in Fiimary F'.ei lion will
v.v.r.i.iv Juno T t ! t . 1x74.
Fattox & IlntST ill convince all w ho Kf.vhtonk Hon Co All
call at their store, that Ihev have the best ! persons desii-ous of having their buildings
I and cheapest goods in town. well protected, should have the Wst ol
rods erected. l ne umiersignea nave
sorured one of the finest I'opjvr Hods ever
intio.luccl here. As they are at home
here and Inith are resjionsible and trust
worthy, the public may rely ni'ii satisfac
tion lteing civen. All work done in the
liest manner and warranteil.
The tlermantown Tekyraih, which, by
the way, is reliable authority, says : " We
look lor ward to a great fruit croji this year,
including all the principal varcies of ap
ple. jK-ar, peach, grains, and the smaller
fruits. They rould not promise b-tter.
Croakers may go ahead and enjoy them
selves to their hearts' content, but we ad
here to what wc predict.
A good way to clean paint Is to smear it
over with whiting, mixed to the consisten
cy of common paste in warm water. Hub
the surface to be cleaned briskly, and
wash oir with pure cold water. Urease
spots will, in this way, le instantly re
moved, as well as other marks, and the
paint will retain its beauty and brilinncy
IKm'sb HriiXKn. The house of James
Love, in Fairlield township, was entirely
destroyed by lire, on Wednesday afternoon
the lilli iust. The fire caught from a
spark lroin the tine fulling on the rNif.
Fart of the household goods were saved.
Mr. Love's loss is about two thousand dol
lars, partially covered by insurance in the
Westmorelaud Company. Urt'cuxbiirg
Cautios. Win. Schrock is exclusive
agent lor Smersct county for the justly
celebrated Krie Wots I l'unips, anil any
person or jMTsons representing that they
arc selling the same punis arc a fraud,
and the public is cautioned against all
such representations. All orders address
ed to agent at'Somerset will be promptly at-
. ... 1." ... . !
iciHicu io. xiciy lump m i.iuicti.
Evehv State should have one. 15ut it
hajipened to lie a town in Kentucky that at
this writing claims to lie honored by the
citizenship of a lady who makes il her
boast that she has had but one new bon
net in forty years, has made but two calls
on neighbors in eighteen years, and h;is
taken but one meal away from home in
all that time ; and yet she has health.
wealth and no physical disability of any
Tkiuiiiti.K iii u.MMi. James Derby
fireman ot the Jiyalhaiuiuh ewal winks,
a short distance east of Lutrolie, was tear
fully burnt on last Saturday, lie went
down into the shall to oil the pump, and
while pouring in the oil, having a lamp in
his hand, the pump and lamp and every
thing having oil about it, took lire, and
burnt the clothing all oil' Mr. Derby, and
also his IxMly until il was almost a perfect
crisp. He is still living, bill little hope is
entertained of his recovery. iMlf-tn- Ad
en ure.
Iul tenth annual convention ot the
Fenusylvania Mate Nihballi-N Ii.mi1 Asso
ciation will be held in the first l'resbyteri
an church on Washington Avenue, in the
ciivof Scranton, on 'I Hes-.l iv. Wednesday
anil Thursday. June ti, 10 and 11, :
Knlerluiumeiit will be provided for all dele
gates who will notily -William llad.L-ii,
s.i.. Chairman of Comniitti--.-,
Scranton, one or liefore .June first
Till-: old gentleman who spent a fortune
in endeavoring to hatch colts from horse
chestnuts is now cultivating the egg plant
with a view to raising chickens from h.
A Fiu liYTKKiAX church was organized
at Everett, liedtord county, on the 0th
inst.. and Kev. It. F. Wilson, or the lied
ford charge, chosen pastor.
Tiik largest raft that ever tloated the Al
legheny, passed dowu the river last week.
It contained OtKl.lKKt fe-t of lumber and
:i,txH) feet of lath. I'itViniting Free
1 V.
It is said that th
Milltlcd up the nose
cases of neuralgia.
ol sugar on a hot
: l'uiiii:s of sugar
will cure ordinary
l'ut a small quantity
hovel and try as dircc-
A little (laughter ol ShcrilTKnepitcr's,
while engaged in playing liall, the other
evening was aceidrntiy struck nlsive the
eye with a bat, inflicting an ugly wound. '
jV'" Ail rrytixr mr ns.
I 11EKSCH tn tl.e 11 inst., Mr. John
' Ilersch, of Ilerklev's Mills. Somi-rset Co..
SMF.youugscnmH rang the Lutheran i nt'1 57 years 4 months and fi days.
I luirch lx-11, about 12 o cl(K-k on Monday
night. Omte a numU-r of persons think
ing that the town was on tire, made their
appearance on the streets, excitedly inipiij
ring as to the wherabouts of the fire. N'ow.
as deing wakened up at 13 o'clock at night,
by a false alarm of lire, is not the most
pleasant thing immaginable, our citizens
are justly indignant and intend seeing
what can be done to discover nnd punish
the perpetrators of the hoax.
A xtw lot of wall Fapkk, Ceiling
Fa per, Side light, Farlor. IScdroom, Din
ing Kooin and Kitchen l'ax rs, at lowest
city prices at the New Store of Amos
A cow lH-longingtoG. C. Lint was. Killed
by the mail east, a short distauce south of
tow n, on Tuesday last. This was a valua
ble animal and is a heavy loss to Mr. Lint.
Ya'hy Jndjitnut'nt.
Hats. Caj, Collars, Ties, Shirts, Sus
penders, Handkerchiefs, Culls, Sinks, eve
rything in the way of Gents Furnishing
GikKls at Amos Stocks New Store, No. 3
Mammoth lllock, Somerset, Fa.,
Ax act authorizing justices of the ttcace,
with a jury of six, to hear and determine
civil ciiscs in sums not exceeding lm has
passed the House. It applies to counties
with less than I.iO.OiX) inhabitants.
'"I V
i impl
Tux topular question just now is:
"How many did you catch?" and the jMip
ular answer with those who have been
there will convince unprejudiced ieople
! that there is a reat deal of depravity stiil
existing in the world.
nr.iudi'l.ites to be Humiliated
-! i.iniv, U;t no voter shall
. hi-1 voles for any one
'u:-.' resolutions, adopted at
!. ! 1 i n May 4lh, 17(1, are
;-i are published f t the in
h - !.o:.!-ii' the elections,
p. ! Is he opened only Jit
esol' hohiing elei tions fixed
the i:e;.:;eoe.
I! eh ct tiieir
:,i!ii:tlee and
Mho'd ll..
;i v.
rs ot each
,'x r of the
iwo aildi
n: irv Elec-
u lien
iri. t.
l!i.-y w e
cti.-n. '
iu!i and
her p.-i'M
: not
he c.
to v. n-
.!ls 1')
elected iit
i.ip, shall
assist in
,- election in tl.eir res
id the eonimiitee-man
make the return ol
1.1 lg.- i:el
h. ,t l!.e eoitiiiiittee-man be reiiuir-
i. .- a ii-t ol the Uepul.liiati voters
imijiiir township in which he
.1 have the same present lit the
::ii l designate thereon ever pcr-:.-.lid
it iii'.V lM-rsoli Hot named
1 . 1 1 'eel i-lltilie.l to a
.!. and the
1 .
I ll I 1 !
d to said list and the fact
dd list be produced before
- w ll.-It they lll -e!.
That all ll.'iiublieans be re.piire.l to
ii- proper iitMricts.
'.. 1 hat no p. r.-on be allowed to vote
Known to have voted with th" Ke
'.. an party, or who can pi.-diiic satis
rv i i.'.eiice of that fact.
. t ii. F. .1. KOOSEK,
s. , . Ch'in. Co. Com.
A W.INos ;ae ..II the
. 111. pi.
. A
hats is ol interest to
Wiiiitk tJoons. At No. 4, Haer's
ldoek. Fat ton A: Hurst's New Store, l'lain,
Corded and Striied Fiipie, Cloths Nau
sooks, Cambricks, Sweeps, Sackonets,
llishop's Lawns. Victoria Ijw ns, Ac.
Tins is no ajiology for whiskey drink
ing ; it is a medicine thatcaiinot be used to
intoxicate ; it produces a tonic effect, as
well a acts as a cathartic. Ill l.ict Sim
iit'M s Liver Kegulalor is pronounced an
unexceptionable medicine.
We knew there were some jsior farms
in this county, mighty poor ! While on
an excursion to the mountains last week
we heard a man say, -I'll tie il l
would'nt stand a law suit before he would
let them give him that farm." j
Tiik Supreme Court of Fenusylvania
has ruled that a demand for payment ot a
note must lie made at a reasonable tiuie ol
day not at an hour when it may be pre
sumed that the family is in bed ; and if at
a place of business w ithin business hours.
JistkI-s Blaxks. Ihinlaps Forms,
Ilimis Justice, Graydons Forms, Justices
Dockets and Hecord Books, at the New
Hook Store. All orders by mail prompt
ly attended to bv Amos Stcck, Somerset
Tiik Lamp in front of the Lutheran
church w as the source of much disappoint
meiit to our local reiKirterSunday evening.
The w ick had lieeli turned up too high and
our rciMirtcr waited around there for three
hours lor the -tarnal" thing to explode.
The Editor of the Odd Filiate ( Boons
borough i says "now is the tune to cremate
caterpillars. Take them while the nests
are small, and the whole family at home.
Voti will find plenty if you take the
trouble to examine your trees.
Sad Affaiu. Three children of John
Nicely, went out one day last week, to
gather sweet myrrh, but mistook w ild par
snip for myrrh, "and ate ot it. They were
all seriously ill therefrom. The two eld
est however, recovered, but the youngest
died. (rrteimfiurg Herald.
pi. in. i
bed bt:i:s
( ail on or nd-
fc.-4'.uirf iitwiif-c
IV.U..II A fl III ..I'M.
.( Xf nt
j lii.K.lii.Y. the wretch who murdered a
j slt Kiiiiiker by the name of Kerr last win
I ter, and whose trial for the crime has tak
en up several days of the present session
I of (ourt at Greensburg, was found guilty
of murder in the lirst degree on Monday
! last.
-. ave
- t-ie
v W.
I.', ki: Fl-iur i;h:tson baiid. and
i I5 ivs are already running around bare- ed and holding up two fingers to each
other. 1 he latter means to go and freeze
iing himself ! themselves to dentil in therr.c'i. If they
j recover to go home and swear that they
liavn t been in swimming since last summer.
potato liims is sweep
i il
id 1
1:1.11 .
win !,..ue
.'el. ill
-.1 l,V
h Sa.t. j
i.e. iji. !
!d li.iss !
Tiik church. yesterday were all very
i well i.ltein'ed. This may be nscriU-d to
: tl.e line weather or to the piety of those
1 who put ill in iij ar:;l.ce at the reslH-ctive
; ( hurl lies. The weather ixcaMi.liiillv has
something to do with religion us well us
sow ii.g sei il.
Notu e All -rius knowing tln-niscl-M-s
inilebled to me for grinding flour V.c.,
I will please cull uiid sltleut onee. Thirly
da s lime w ill le given on all Ilnsik :ie-
.iiuts mill sixty i!as on all the notes.
Noah H. Shafi kic.
SiK-sville Fa.
A Timki.v Scookstion. Ivpially
prompt with the leaves and buds are the
worms that mlest our lruit trees. T hey
have already begun to form their nests and
to feed on the young foliage. With a little
attention now they can easily be found and
destroyed, and we beg of every jsissessor
of a fruit tree to declare a war of exter
mination iiMin the jiests without delay.
The surest way to kill them is to crush
nests anil worms with the baud, protected
by a glove or mitten, in the morning or
evening, when ail are in the nest : hut
when on limbs that cannot be reached in
this way, better cut oil' the limb entirely
than to suffer the worms to remain and in
crease. We repeat il attlend to the worm
nuisance at once, when a good deal in the
way of destruction can be accomplished
with comparatively little ellort.
IH'FFAi.o Vallev H. II. This branch
road from Garrett, on the F. & C. It. it.,
to lierliu in Somerset county, is to be fin
ished at last. Track laying commenced
on Wednesday of las week. This road
has lieen graded for several years, und all
the ties scattered along the line. Owing
to some tinancial cmhurrussiiicnts the road
has remained in an unfinished condition up
to this lime. The friends of the road
always had faith in the completion of the
road, and the energetic and wide-awake
Fresident. S. l'hilson, Esq., left no stone
unturned to finish a project w hich his en
terprising spirit had given .birth to. The
IH'oplc of Berlin are under lasting obliga
tions to him for his untiring dibi ts to in
augurate and push to completion a high
way which will place them in railroad
communication wilh the balance of the
world. It is expected that the new road
will lie opened for travel by tin 4th ot July
next. Jirdford Vmzttte.
WINECOKF On the 14 inst., .Mrs.
Mary E. Winecoir, of Berlin, Somerset
Co., Fa., age i."J years 8 months and 1 1
WALK Ell On the 17 inst., Mr.
Jonathan Walker, of Finehill, Somerset
Co., Fa. aged 5!) years 10 months and !
KNEITElt On the 20 inst., Mrs.
Adaline Kncpper, of Berlin, Somerset Co.,
Fa., aged OH years 10 months and 20 jays.
LONG On tho 17th of May, Mrs.
Catharine lx-ng, w ifo ol Abraham Long
of'Millord tp., aged 40 years, 0 months
and 13 days.
KNEFFFlt On the 20th of May, ut
her residence in Berlin, Adaline, Wife of
Feter Knepjier deceased, uged 03 years,
10 months and 20 days.
At the age of fourteen, w hile attending
a course of catechetical lectures by Itcv.
Crigler, she was convinced of her sinful
ness in the sight of God. On returning
from one of the weekly meetings, she fell
upou her knees and earnestly besought
her heavenly father to pardon her sins.
She was soon enahbd to arise and tell those
! around her, that God for Jesus' sake had
caused a new and heavenly light to beam
upon her, and tliat from thenceforth her
all should lie devoted to the cause of the
Iteedemer. She united with the Ev.
Lutheran Church, and ever after remained
a faithful and consistant member. Only a
few hours before she died she sang, "I am
going home to die no more," and "How
happy are they who their Saviour obey
Mie talked much ol the comforts ot religion,
and expressed iierfect resignation to the
w ill ol God. "Blessed are the dead who
die in the Lord."
Y I M I M S'l I : A T( M l S X OT ICE
hM;.m -l VrU . i k Km H-rr, Ihiv ! rllii !--r ,
IM-tal Of flitilllllirtrMt iifl tltr rft:it i
having torn m.iHt'l to lin'iiii'l T-iy;u"'(, no'i" H
li:r.'ly ilvtn in ttn.o i!i!M t to it to mak'-im-iwij
ite nymtitt. mi l tho. ? U: ii i hiim
'jyin.'-t It, to pres-nt tiii'iu fluly ti!h-iitit;ili'i
lr f-Mt ! im nt i the uU n-.-i i n- ol it I (!m-;i-"
on Tliui Jliy, Julv 'J, 1S74.
inj-27 A-iruinir-.Mi-r.
A(ir(i: i:tn. Hill I
tui-filf i-xt-.-pli!. i,
An lll'.r, I , r yii.i h
niil Lo I urn: ila-l
r P
....( f ;
II. .If.
R()rl -S ill! (1 Shoe
l ieli ' 1. 'I I -
Ki.iiile i.f
Take a Fapeii. Nothing jiresenls a
sadder coinnn-iitary iijhui the present con
dition of society than thr large number of
families, both in town and country, but
more especially the latter, that do not stili
scrilie lor uakpajx-r ot any kind. How
many families are thus grow ing up utterly
ignorant of what is going on in the country
around them ignorant of the mighty
events oft he day. But who can tell of the
injury inflicted tiftou the rising generations;
those w ho are to take our places at no dis
tant day growing up without any knowl
edge of the present or study of the past ;
this ignorance, too, being imbued into
them by the sanction ot those who should.
and doubtless do no better' did they only
think ot the injurious riled of their Insane
course. Let t he head of the family think
ot this, and place in the hands ol those for
w hom he is responsible, the means of ac
quiring some knowledge of the moving
panorama in w hich we ad our different
id (me,
'11 -led.
HI. are
in ;..u ii. ( all Mid 1 e eon
e!- .ilo's. !
'. !;. iii" the iron on the ;
!e:ii!',;il. i progressing j
1 .' he'd iii ;,il I he ( lilll chcs
nihiy !::-t. Ail were well
i p isiniisiresvs in Fenn-T'-
has never '..ceil u female
iii.ii r.
in i:. finding and Fulliii'i done at
Weston, the great pedestrian, Stop el
in his w alk in New York, having accom
plished 4:KI miles of the 5(H) he had count
ed umhi, in six days. Even Ibis distance
marks him as the greatest destrUtn of the
age. The fust day he walked 115 miles iii
-':! hours and 51 minutes,
Hronsix: Wilson is the style of alms
lie- like and energetic firm, engaged in
the manufacture ot plain and ornamental
t HiiliSlones at Mt Fleasant, Fenna. AH
their work sent into this county has given
perfect satisfaction. They do their work
lioth cheap and well.
.- i ; 1
'I'm: Gin-el
'i ...l!,p!ele
h W. Daniels.
Ai i.m. Beam.
is ulwajs full
I'Uarautced lit
'il. Il'.iii.i. has added lunch to the a
' ! i f his ho.ise, l.v placing a vei'nll
''' Uire l.-n-il, , !' the tn.nt.
il i mi come no more. For
; at p.-r btirrel, for e.iJi. go to the
'""ry mil Feed More of Cook ii lieerits.
Fakmeks will please remember
Cook A: lieerits have for suit
Ground Alumn Salt - - - 2 00 Sk.
Ashton " - - - 5 X
McKeesport .... 3 i Bb
und w ill trade the same for ouls and )
IIexky's Cakiiolic Salve is so well
known that it is only necessary to caution
against imitations. It requires a enrcful
admixture ot the carbolic acid with other
ingredients to produce a salve that may
be relied iimn. The genuine only guar
anteed. Sec that il hears the signature and
private proprietary stamp of John F. Hen
ry. Sild by all Druggists and Dealers.
John F. IIenuy, f i khan ii Co.. Fro
prictors, 8 and 1 College Flare, New
Aboi t Notaries Fcnt.ic. A bill has
passed Isith branches of the Legislature
authorizing notaries public in appoint dep
uties in certain cases. It provides that
w here there is but one notary public in any
Is ui rough of the State, every such notary
shall have power to ap-mint a deputy to
act in his stead during Ids absence, and the
acts of such deputy shall lie as valid as
done by tlie principal. II? is required to
give the same amount ot security, ami lo
all intents at.d pnp.-cs his functions are
. .1-
lliose oi a notary puiinc.
Somebody, who had evidently a level
head w rote long ugo. that unless a man
during his life planted a tree, built a house
or or married a woman, tell short ot fulfill
ing his mission on earth. We are glad to
be able to i ay that most of the Somerset co
pie have iieiibrmcd one or other of the du
ties spoken of by the ancient writer, and
some of them have gone through his whole
list. Those, however, who are so thriftless
as t ) h ive done neither ought to bestir
themselves and do something for jiosterty
befoie they grow much older. Marriage
notices in the 'Uekai.ii gratis.
M. Hay, Esq., of Salisbury, on Tues
day last shiped 4 car loads of jxitatocs to
Fittsburg, w hich w ith previous shipments,
make ei;ht car loads in all .or over three
thousand bushels. I'pon this last (.ecu-ion
Esqui.'C Hay was compelled to load the
cars himself which hj did upon un early
krrakfast, and no dinner ; alter supper he
made his apie irancc in bi "best clothes,,
looking none the worse for the hard da'ys
work ; wh'.-n we stated that lie is 04 years
of age younger men than he will agree that
the feat is hard to excel. !' y Jink
jiendaht. It is a great mistake to permit shade
trees to stand so near together that none
have room for proper development.--
Young trees may lie placed near each oth
er to prevent awkward paps, but us they
increase in size, the superfluous ones w ill
soon show that they are gainers. A cele
brated fruit grower said it took him thirty
years lo acquire the moral courage neces
sary to thin out his fruit buds proH-rly. A
still higher degree of courage is required
to lay the axe to a thrifty, handsome
shade tree, though we know its neighbors
will be dwarfed if it is allowed to remain.
Folicil'lNE Kil.LEP. A few days since
two young men, while passing along a
place near Mcvcrsdale, Fenusylvania, es
pied a good-sized and rather peculiar look
in? animal hiirh un on a lari-e oak tree.
One of them w ent to Mr. J. .1. Stoilerand i form lilting services so that the grave of no
informed him of what they had seen, itnd I deceased so
. .. . i . .. . i i.
I lie at once piori-i oe.i in uie simi nu ,
his rille. Il was a long range, but Mr.
Moller's nerve is steady, bis aim unerring.
and wiihonl inking rest a Lull tVom his I 'll.ri
trusty lilie bro'.ijlit down : he aliiuij! dead. C
Il prov.-! ti i- .. i...' .e r .!p:ne, having i
quilis lour iui lies i.. ii.-. Our tiiloiiiianl j
sends us two ol I lie ipinis. whiih can be j
set II ut this olbce. i
Mr. Sloth-r was foriiieily a resident ol
Allegheny county, and is wed known to
Smun s ArriliENT. Mr John Bear
and hi-J grandson, ot Manor, were coming
to ireenSurg on Monday forenoon, in a
Ivvo-hoise buggy, and shortly after they
had crossed the Itailroad, east of Kode
baugh's tunnel, the horses became fril I n
(d and one of the bridle bits breaking, they
became unmanageable and ran off, when
they reached the turnpike, at Joseph Klin
geiismitlis, they upset the buggy and
threw father and Ik.v out. breaking both
arms and one leg of the old gentleman, and
bruising if not breaking his skull, and
seriously injuring the young man's head.
The team continued to run, leaving the
buggy-top near where the muu were
throw n out, and took up the old turnpike,
in the rear ol Ludw ick. scattering the run
ning gears of the buggy all along the road.
They were caught on the Smth Wc-l
Bailroad near the Steam Mill, at the south
ol town. Both Mr. Bearand his grandson
are slill living, but they are bolh seriously
il not fatally injuinl rtt nbi rj Her
ald. Is there any significance in the tele
graphic di-patch from low a as follows?
"ltit lire nt i.i.lifi-wav. on Sattir.liiv evening
ii-!.ir.iyi'l tho entire vilhmc. with tlie cju-eptioii ..I
one lin.-k t.uil.liii'. Iti-lwceii tliirtv au.l l..rty latn-
ilu-p arc h.iiueL.
Here was a town, not so large as ours to
lie sup', totally destroyed, only one build
ing left niter the fire had done its work.
It is needless to jHiint to instances nearer
home, our citizens are familliar w ith them,
and yet wc have no fire organization of
any kind, not even a hook and lad
der company to stop the progress of a tire
by leveling buildings in its track. Is it
not possible that wc shall awake some day
to the necessity of a fire department, of
some kind, when it is too late? Somerset
purchased a steam fire engine ifUr the
town had been destroyed. I'hiliphn rg
Clearfield is " in the same boat" with
Fhilipsburg. Clenrjirld Journal.
Siinersct has got "nary" engine yet,
and we claim an interest in that old fogy
Ik al
OrrccteJ weekly by A. J. Caskbeku X Co.
Apple?, Urle.l. y 1,
Appk-liuttrr, l gal
Hull.r. t H,
ltU. kwIlilll. 5U bU!llt-
l(-.'swax, B.
fine-on, fli..ul.lcri, if? t
" hnuin,
(lorn, V l.unhet
( 'orn lii. al l U.
Call fUlif. .
( 'lover See.l Mnull
Clover Seel larj(o
F.itx. V "
Flour, V l.l.l
Flaxsreil l hu., (SO I.)....
Lar.1. V B.
Lent her, re. I dole, Tfi
" upwr "
Outs, V t.u
Potatoes, y tiu
I'eai-li.-s, drieil, 5ft ft
liyo yiiu
riair. l ft
halt, N.i. 1, 1.1.1
" V t.u
" Aslit '
Su:r:ir, yi-ll.nT y ft
" white
TuIIow 5ft ft
Wix.l, y ft
7 oo
1 M
! 00
........... -liC
"oo to'i is
tl i!
CruiKiir I.lnlmrnl.
There I no pain w.iK-li Hie
Centaur Liniments will ut re
lieve, n.i swelling they will not
fu.Klue, an.l no lamonens wlikh
they will Dot cure. Tills In
strong lannuaire, but it U true.
They have pnxluceil more cure
ot rlii'um.niiiin, neuralgia. Lick
jaw p:il!y, fljiralnii. wc!lltirF. ike.l-lireaft,,
burn., salt rlicum, rur-ache, A.C, U.n the human
Irainc. ftniln'. rjiavin, K:Uf, kr., ujion un-
liualfl In one year than have all other preten.le.1
reme.lle??inoetheworl.I began. They are counter
Irritant, an all healliiir iain reliever. Cripple
throw away their crutt licj, the tame walk, poison
ous l.ites are rendered harmless, an.l the wounded
are healed without a scar. Il Is no humbug. The
rccit Is published around each bottle. They sell
as no article ever sold, and they cell bc
canio It docsjunt wliatthey pretend to do. Those
wlw now sutler fp'iu rheumatism, pain or swelling
li-Kerve to sutler If they will not Use Centaur Lin
iment. More than l,0u0 certificates of remarkable
cures, iin lu.llng froicn limbs, chronic rheumatism,
guut, runniux tumors, kc, hare been receirc.1. We
will send a circular containing certificates, the
reclie, lie., gratis, to any one requesting it. One
bottle of the yellow wrapier Centaur Liniment is
worth one hundred dollars Tor spavined or swecnled
horses and mulea, or for acrew worm In sheep.
Slock owners-theseliulmentsare worth your atten
tion. No family should be without them. "White
wrapier for family use;" Yellow wrapper for an
imals. Sold by all Druggists. 0c per bottle:
large t.ttl.-sl 00. J. B. K(SE a CO., 13 Broad
ways New ork.
Cahtouia Is more than a substitute for Casto
Oil. It Is the only tat article in existence which
is certain to assimilate the food, regulate the bow
els. cure wind-colic and produce natural sleep. It
contains neither minerals, morphine or alcohol.
an.l Is pleasant to take. Children need not cry
and mothers may rest. aprlli.
Department of Fa., No. 1408
Chestnlt St. Fiiil'a., May i, 1S74. J
Ge.NEIIAL OlillEltS, No. :J.
Saturday May, ilOih, has fc-cn designated
by the Itulesand Itegulutions and by Cus
tom, as the day upon which all members
of the (rand Army ofjthc Republic shall
assemble to pay their annual floral tribute
to the memory of their dead comrades.
Ix:t the obscrvcance of this lieautiful and
touching memorial ceremony be marked
by the usual solemnity and remitting Cora
time your cares and lulxirs reverently ded
icate the day to doing honor to the silent
Army of the dead witlFw hose Hosts w e our
selves must soon be marshalled, and in
making acknowledgement to the Supreme
Ituler lor preserving to us the blessings of
tree government.
It is earnestly hoped that Civic and
Military associations, churches and Sun
day Schools will participate in this cere
mony and that wherever no Fosts of the
Grand Army exist, the citizens will ikt-
dier may be neglected.
Bv order of
Com ii landing Depart men I.
t. Aitj?. Gene:
i Four I i six Uiiiles of Dr. Fictc:'s
! Golden Medical Discovery are warranted
i to cure S ill Kheuiiil or tetter and the
wi.rst kind of l'imples on the face. T'.vo
lo fiiitr bottles are warranted to clear the
svslem of Boils Carbuncles and Sores.
I :ir to six bottles are warranted to cure
the worst kind of Erysipelas and Blotches
among the hair. Six to ten bottles are
warnmUtl to cure Running of the Ears
and corrupt or Running I'lcers. Eight to
ten Ixitthw 'are warranted to cure Sciofu
lous Sores and Swellings. Two to six bot
tles are warranted to cure Li.-er Com
many ol our readers. Cumin i lnnd AVir.
THE IIuHtinydun Monitor My : -This
is how Judge 1 lean "goes for" the liqimi
sellers, without license, in Blair county :
Simon ltepjogle, three indictments for sell
ing w itotil license $.' fine and i0 days
in jail ; John WiskIs, same charge 100
costs ; Fliilip Fudle, same charge und line ;
William Dougherty lined $00 and costs
Isaac Cromer frit) in. . 1 tK) davs in jail:
Jacob and Margaret l-antz. $gt0 and im.
prisonmeut tor 0 days; Charles Haid
if 150 and i!0 days in jail; Barbara Whit
iner $150 and 00 days in jail ; Thomas
Gartland, and W. J. and Malin la Owens,
all dead guilty to the charge of selling
without license, and were sentenced to pay
a tine o $100 and the costs. The aggre
gate of tines fo..ts up fl,:J10.
Thirty Yean Kx per fence
an oiu.Mirite.
Mm. Wlndalw' NftothljiaT Kyron is
the prescrij.tion of one of the liest Female Flivsi
eians and Nurses in the United Suites, and lias
been used for thirty years with never fulling sale
ty and success by millinnsol mothers and children,
trotn the feeble iutaiit of one week old to the adult.
It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind
colic, n-gulates the bowels, an.l gives rest, health
an.l comlort to mother and child. We lielleve It
to be the Best and Surest Kemedr In the World
in all cases or HYSK.NTKliY and fUAHKHlE A
I. CHILDKKN, whether It arises from Teething
or from any other cause. Fit directions for using
will acconipatir each bottle. None (tennine un
less the lac-siinlle urci'KTIS & PKKKINS is
on the outside wrapper. Sold by all Medicine
Dealers. julyw
Children often look Pale and
from no other cause ttian having worms In the
will destroy Worms without Injury to the child,
being iertectly WHITE, and Iree from ail color
ing r other Injurious: Ingredients usually U"c.l
iu worm preparations.
CHiriS BROVN, Proprietors,
No. iii Fulton Street, New York.
Sold by D rugnittt mnd Chrmintt, mnd Vealeri in
Mr d it int $ at I wcmtv-Fivb Cet a Box. jly
in llcr'.-Ii, late of Summit tp
H-f II.
letters ol t es L :i iii. i.: nr y .,n the I'mve cst.iti
having l.e'n grant. -d to the ini'lerin.-.l, i,...i.-o
Is hereby given to tli...tfe iiiili'i.te.l to It to i.eil... iia
tue.iutu puytii'td. a'"' t J...r-e b.ii . lalei-i'iriiire t
it, to prcs.-ut theai duly iiutlii-nli. ute.l l-.r sc. ( 1.--inent
on Friday. July :ir.;. is;4, nt his late re-i-deme.
.iacoh i:ihvsi:i;.
w,.l. HEKsrii.
limy. Ext-tut..:'.-1.
llyvirtno of an or ler of sain I..-n.-.f out of tlir
(Irphana Court of Somerset, county, an 1 to in .:i-r.-cte.i.
I wili cxi.oso to puMie sal.-, on I'latrs.'iay,
June IS. 1K74, at 1 o'. bs-k p. in. of said day, on tne
Iiremi.Hcs, all the following des.'riiM'd real c.-taln,
ate the property of John liurkholdcr. .1" . i-.- i,
vli: A c-rtalu truct of bind silu itc iu Saiumli t;..
Somerset county, Pa., at"iniii l:in!ii ol .lii.-. b
W. B arly & ( 'o., John Sli.-rt and ( 'harlcs Kpi-a
containing 40 acres, more or l ss. There is a i l
house an.l barn on llio premises: also a iro..! op'Ii-an-h.
g.KMl water und a ir.ssi v ein ot c..ul ..p. ii.
TEK.MS. I liic-tliir.l In hand ..n delivery ol der.I
July 14: bahiiii-e in two e.ual annual paymt'iiU
with intera t, secure. by jti.lif mriit on the l:m 1.
A t same time a lot of )crs.,ii:il pr-cri v.
mavXT Fxvcuti.r.
;.v ii;i : s.
We are :ni! I...rt..'.l to iiniii.tiii' .
k'xntx. ol S'.tui'rsi t iKii.iUu i.. a i in
( 'oii'.'res.'., Punyri 1 1 tiie.l.'i Hli.n id I h.
v.. ter? at liaar iieuing primary ti'r'l
Wo are iiiiiliorlz.-d to :;r.:i..nreo ('
Yuizy, ol I r.-dna lir'.nit. ::.s m i
Slate S..-Iiator. st.l'I..-.-t l i (In- !. i
.u'l,.-in voi. rs:.! tlu-ir t-i.'-i.n.- pi
arc iimle.r."-'! t . ai.a un
rs. of If. rliti ll'-r ,11:: 'i ! .: eo
n ii i
m l t:. Ii.
I i l.-t l-.r
si .n ..i il I:.--
:!,:: rv ! li .11.
j & BBO;S.
No 253 Liberty St.,
ursr:h. 1'a.
Oi.e o
r.. j ; i : r : :'!:i:;g stoc
A f
r.iA-r y, u.
V.-tl l "ill III.
i fjl
.-t lo I lie
if ' u ii.u ;
I I"
,.! I 1
We are aulli-.r.'y
Mihurd town-hip. n
siii..'"l t' the deei: i
tl.-jir cui.ila pniiiar
Y'c are .'iniln ri 'd
l'T. of Mineral i'eitit. i
Piil.leet to I i.e ii- - i-i.'ll
th" ii' c-iiuln" pri.'ii.iry c,
I .T.'.iin oll -r myself to
c.ait: v as n 'ir.-'.l l it" for
t-i t.'ie .1.-. -is..-i ol the It' p'
arai'.eii' e,
. t-:iu ii-liit" !
.1 I In- li'-pi:' i.
nt. I .1.
I '- v A -
.:t. . !
a.'.lv. i
.-rs :il
Clio's, Mi CM i.m Mi Erjp', Yosfe'
and Gaiters,
!i Sir r. Ti.'ti'.' ttn
.'11 ltie,:ii i.le 1
i ily ,'i.lfle (..l.lils.
1 1 .-
v.. -
' l"ll.
aiiie-ii::'- .1- : i
' a fi e' r..r .'-.;
1 tl.e il pu .ii--.iii
-;i :i i -rifn tv '..'
S. ti'JO
Katutcof Wlllinm Fiftlu-r. Kite of r.-'
IjOtterw tntnmontnry on the :i!njvp ('!t;i!e Imvin
hwn iranlcil tothe uii!cr.4firucl ly the )pTu
thitrily, n'Hice I. In rt'hy Kivt-n t'.th'.-o inl-li;i il
to it to iimke iinintr(i;itc' . menr. anl th-. h;v
liiK cUiirifJ niahit it will pn-fciit Uk-mi lo the uu
dcrhlirnetl nt tht; rt'hh'ncc uf the iwcrutrix. I:i -".t
tovuahipon Krldar. July 3. 1s74.
ii S KA N X ( WSK lilT.H.
uiny'JT Kxvii:i i.
:ni;i; ri-' f :!;.'i-it.-
ui SnuitT.-ct t'Wii.-hijt. ; - ac;i..'!
My, mi! ; t tMiU-.l.-i-iM- .1 '.1
its at tiii-ir - iiiitr; i ry vU "i
Varc aui h- rizc I t aim iiuit
S.tmui l JJ. '.tijijf (m (i.irr !. ;t i
As-cikMv, shrit t'ftlifit'fiM'.:.
v-UrsaL tln ir ojih:; iritu..ry
We arc unth'.ri7el ;ir,r.' un- ;
ley, iti A'l'li- 'ii t un.-iii;. a .
scmitly, hU'tjt t ti, tl.e ilf-i.U'-n ft
Votrrs at thvir cuniiiiir M'L:in ry ' K
I .We arc :inTii.-ri: I t niinomic.-id'-riu:!!!.
(-1 .';;'( r twnsi.ii, as
Af.-eiiiMy, ut;' t t the lv. iion
V:ta V(.;'-i.- at tii-uinj; ii'iinai
We .ro kUtIi;riz-."l t ami n:r
ot II --ri i :i ! r jiiit ! 1. :n ctuij :.
?Uh'.-Ctt' tin-.if-i-j -u "t til" 1."
t h'nr f'.-iiiiii'. jriin: ry el- vi u.
0,,' i,
'll. 11.
iifiiler In
l.,r A'
iancy &
1 r i.,ii ...
i.t Hie l.v.
' . le.-i .11.'
: S.llll.1'1 F
C. l'T A---::
;Bry Goods,
Sibbons, Embroiders
1 1 T
(,'Uia iiU ;;s.
aiur.c liis SioHi.
' Main
ft to lr-1
'. ' IliS
1 i re ii:
1 ' - 1 . ,
1. i'l' h'ls ;i:H i ntroirs (
pie Notions,
Jjaces, &c.
ill and p.-
lioop.i Oil
rv.-t V
We ar' a;it h t i7' i to
Ilrot hersvaliey town -Kip,
ItlK-i'iTi'T. Su:'1: iT t- th-;
eai vnter at ti:t r t -1:1:1:
nfi :i e;t(iii.(:
.It '-..-i-.n -i i
r :r!
.1. 1;.;
aving licen apiviinte ! I.y tti' c.n:!
or Somerset ciunly. An lit-r. onm.ii'.n.I II. I.
.Schell. Esq.. to ascertain the bi irsol J:u b
di-ceased. and the advancement mad. , 1 will at
tend to my duties under said appointment a: my
orhee, in Somerset, on Saturday, the lij'.ii day ..I
June, ls74, at teno'el.s-k a. in.
W. If. l'(i.slLi:TiIV.ITE.
may-.ii) An lit. r.
Jlanurncturers iin l Ih-alcrsi'i
or ever writion : n!.-t. ;l nl !iML"'. ' t .
t'hrr. a.., Knif m vln v. at-'. Fine riitntt!
Hii-t 'i'-r Iakiiiy ( i-hi.-'.-es1 r:vt
I'kturf Krumcs a
SM0hllit v.
141 WoodStroot,PITTS3URCH Pa.
Wcjiro niith'trlre-l t ; a;ic.( 'i:hp !iv
-.f KIk'.ifk t v;,-i!;i. i:S i ;i !! ii-l ; f c
M',;kt. i-iit.H'i-t ti t Me !';-; i.i
vitr nt liitir fii:iii inumiy ch-rii'
We ::rc :iu! !i'ri.i-.! txt ftnu ii'.t c A
cf v.'Mh.K a- a :; :il.:.
fi 'iifr. mi'it-et t llif 1 n ' t t'.i
"H r-' -a' V.. jit ("ti:iii ji .i.i.iry !.;.-. n
r W. H yf-r.
J..r I !i.i:ii-
Hardware, Iron,
i :,Ou.
DisTiirrv at t'.;:. .
ean-li I;,
at fie i
i i i r..-.PI.' i-"
1.: I..r le.inai :
'tii.i K- pni.ii
,.r Iii.
iiisii'.ii i a r i oil i
x a.
. 'iLK.
.i:.T.s m ati:i.
l'K) Ag. nts wanted to sell lo ...!ne?:i,. :ir:i-' les
which sell on slirht in every family. nr im i.l
are making Ip.ia j toilo per day, s.-lling our
g.n!s. S.-nd 2.1 cts. and p:.--t:i-" stan.p f-r samp!:-
and terms to :i' nt-1.
24. .Mb Avenu.'. Pitt
ma vUa
li- n 1 will 1-e a
S 'l:-.. l .-.:-t can:
li. i; ..iir v T. i-
' tl.'.--..u-.:'.a-p-
-I .it t!
II' pll'.ii. in pi
I. I'll J
.1- I'.
:v Ii
1 1.
JOHN U. 1 . 1 I j :.
..1 In-: r A: i
!. i'.Viiy .s
y '!'.':i:i
v i ik el
I nq
'i 1 i
!. !s, ii
ii :
.ff.- t (
f-.r :
s t ', , :
. (::
s. II:
-. i:
('..r;"'i.t' r
At Ii'i'.
S. CO.. ..... .,.!,..-;,, .. ,,, ...
liratl, I'n. il.iai.l S. ..ii.l.-r. ! S.,:..-.
l-.r All ll-.r. -ii' ;.rr ;,, tl;
pui-jii in v ,t t-i at 1 :."'r .'.n.i1
A, Sfrfclfc: ' Soith-.-- T t.i-.-!.:e. ::- ..
. : .I-.ea B..r; i: -. 1
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'-. i::;ik-
i.n.i T ;
i:rz .r.-. t!..-
St.;' !:. WLiv
;:: -!!, &'.!(.-!'..-.
Va!n;it tains,
TLelc,t r-.n!
ari'I co:r. rriss
ut SaT-. '
.-, t tp.
i ;:
' t,
v. : .
.'I li
Ifa;:. :,:,::-.
I'. isk. t-.
?. (':;
:-I:ns-. f.'nr
e vervtLlnr
: .V';.. &':!.
v. 1
. i.. v.
Nature's Great Remedy
It 15 the vit:.l princplc of the Pine Trer, oltair.rd
ty a peculur prtcs in the d.Millat.i n of the t.:r, by
which iu l.ighest mciliciual pn pcrtici are retained.
Tai even in in etude Male has been recommended by
;ra:nent phyicmnj of r-.try t.hool. It isc.nliucniiy
ilTcred to ihe afflicted forttic following simple r'-3.o:,3-
1. lrcURES, tc fy a'ruft.f thffir titr couck
but by dmolvuis the phlefui and ajiutixf nalurt lo
throw off the unhealthy matter cauin; the irritation.
In cues of iWa,wKi,.M n b.,th prol r. an.!
tenden lets liruenvimethc life of thr ufil.ctcilsilTcn.-.
, 1" healing principle acts upon the irnund sur.
face of the luni. firuetratint t., k .-v
relieving piin, aa5 luMuirg ix!l,i,m.i:Lm.
ly curing all humors, from the common riMr-LE rr
f ''I0" to the rvCTrst ca:s f Scrofula. Thousands
of affidavits could be produced from tho who have
felt the beneficial effects of Pix 1 hks Tar OiuntAt.
in Uie various diseases arising Irai ixruRiriu op
4. It imvieoralet the dl -esllz-e ...
tke affietttt.
All who have knou-n or tried Dr. L. O C V.
L-:ter- t.
U-.'ii lt...,i
er nil" h .n v
l.-t.t :-.t t . p'l
h iviie; .-1 .:-;
in !.'iiii' 1
s.ii t t..n ii-!ii
r.i :' 'J 1
ju.'t.v r. klymyi;::.
l H-i..::n- 1 ii t
:.-.l t., lb., i,., !.
noli i- h e-, '.
:n:iW I i:':io-:;.,r
:l ii Will
1! lie.' I:.-.' r -i
:. r:e ' :, .1
I Ti
a U II
ii II D
Wholesale E x c i i s i v e I y .
n TI 'A H n :.T 0 ii n
tJ ii 1. . J i -w. u u
i ii
ii u
l.i il" el" V...TLA 1
I I.I '.il!.'."
.1" '..-
1'tt'T t e.-l :l TIl'-Ti: 1 ry
I'.'ivi'iir !;.-.'ll ur:mte.l l" ll:e
h.-ret-y wivt'li to th,.s.' in.h !..'
tiiiie p:iynt"ii:. and th'"...' ii.i
to prcseni llictn duly all'. in-li
ai lie: ,:li v d i-x.'i ue-r, . :i
Ill ivJO
.t t
it i' 111 :k- iiiui:.
1W Gi Ei
loV-ll oil
-1 -r-'n 1 ,-t
' . ' 1 i i 1
Kil'S NOTK'i:
Nos. 239&2-11 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, ?j
w. r. si:
.1. ii. STF.I-HKNS" '
...uec is her.'l.v aiv.-n Il.'?;rv 1
I.t m:i-lc a v.iluniiiry ar-imiiiii-::: 1.. J,
the(.on. tit ..f his creddors. Ail pers
tli.-tuselves iu-iebt.-l t-i thcs.iid it-,
please call at oii 'e an 1 !:i..W" s.-t-.i.-iii.
ti.-ularlv on the ivuh d.iy Mav. v. r.
IK-'iirat the lions.' of tin' s ii I H. (.'. U ..
br the the purp .-c ,1 :u. ut.
.loiiv ui
111.'. 13 A
'. !f. .!'::.
dm 11...T t..r
'US kl. VVil!
,'l)t. :tt.-l pill".
hart's remedies require no references from us, but tho
names of thomands cured by them can be given tj
any one who doubts our statement. Dr. I., y. C .'
VAishart'l Great America VyspriA f'ut anj
Worm Sl-gar Drops hve newr hn ...-.11.1 . t-
tale by all Druggists and Storekeepers, and at
.Sr. L. Q. C. WISSABT'S Office,
So, S3Q X. Srcoiut ., rhilad'a.
87 Smithiioia Street, littsburo; IJ;i.
Boy's all-voo! School Suits S5,SO to
it i;yi v
.Merchant Tailors and Hne Clothiers,
list Hv.ilthilviil Kivvvt.
U 3 2
1 irjJLv,
2 Miles North cf Somerset Penn'a.
Why Will Yu
To all persons suf
nrln lroin Kiieuma
tism, N e u r a 1 ir 1 a
Cramp in the limb
or stomacn, mil. .us
Colic, Fain in th e
Lack, bowels ur Hide,
we would oar, tub
H0rsr.H0t.11 Pas aiba
and Family Li si
HIST i of all others
the remedy you want
Tor internal and ex
Iternal use. it h a
ieured the alHive otn
plalntii in thousands
,..f cases. There is no
mistake about P. Trv
it. Sold by nil Drug.
e Co.. ()., 1
20, 1S7X j
On Munility evening un il.l iimii stiijictl
ut Dunoviiii s halm ill. (111 1 Villi, avenue,
I hii.I itskeil lor K'riiiissii.ii to rest liiiusell".
j He slated that liis home whs in Somerset
! uiiiily, tttul tlnit he wits 011 Wis way Imck
from Knn mis, uiutlier lie liik.l lieen to- set
tle a soldier's claim. He t'tirther Mated
The lire that were raging ia the woodg
a t-liort ilistance muitli of tow n were extin-
i.'uish.-d l.y the rain on Friday night last: 1 t,.lt ,ry was exlmuMed an.l that he
i'l li wlm !;!lei,I to 1,,. j.',,vcllle(l 1)J-
- .iii.i vv in-ues, ni.'itit town are ajit
--t (v.iisi.l,.-i,ty 'fUM.J 11S to tiuie.
'J' i:i;.i:iiv liiimisofKev. A. M. Wliet
:i" ilolllitiess lie iikiiMtlto llearof
' retiuii home, nun h iiujiroved ill health.
vi:i tin, es (oine uulii 110 more."
'"i lsniii,!sf MarviiiaCntckcrs t F.
"-""niters (Ih-iiii Side (Jr.K-erv,
1 !.'. Lle-l , . 1.. :..
. . ... v ii, .11 F 11 1 1 IL 1 ill IT a in
li' M u 1... ...1......1 1 r...
I tiu ul, tiaM.w.k l..irtiH- tl.,.r....C ....I i l'""-
' ue.M inn 01 (iiiii: Unite,
V Hiikk!! IIuk k ! ! ! at W.
'vis A- l;r.r V..rLi! li,;i.i:.,..i'.j-
Uriek, ravem. nt 'Krick, t'irculari
:c ami C'oruice Brick.
much valuaMe timlier was di.-Mroved.
Home feiiceti, luit no dwellings or barns.
The iieiirlilxini uHnisti-d each other in fight
i ri jr the flames aud in checking and turning
their advance. Valley Iitdejxndent.
intended to walk to Somerset, where he
had two children living. Three men,
Mike Powers, John Munn nnd James
Wmy, were in the saloon at the time, and
w hen the old man joined in a converKition
on. Ill' til, 'II. Imciiiiii mii nli.rrv in.
V(hi, Waxtkw. Win. S. Morgan .im..!- i.i... u o.rrii.i.. 1.1.. .e r.di;,,,. 1,;,,, 1,,
vi isheii to remind the t inner of Suiitmef j t,t. prouJ. The iinlortunalc liian was
County that Inn goods are U-lter and .ri- blind iu one eve and when he was
(rs lower than ever In-fore. Mr. J. i. from the floor it was found that the
I.aldwin will, during tlie season, visit all ' kight of the other had been destroyed,
old customers and ns many new ones as j mk.riK him totally blind. Dr. Steven-
Mlije. Iltgliesl jinees Jialil lor w(Ml. Mtn Wug KlfI,nonej and did what lie col Id,
. '--I
.'- Il:
Man ton s Mills, la. : i.llt si.i .i..., tilc t(WiS f t.ilut wa9 enlire.
"' ' '" ' 7 ' Iciutj' Mayor Irwin was apiirised of the
A iktikt IcKtss( ii, of limkdale '. (iccurrent and proceeding ntonr tl Doll
iu writing to YYibhart says : "M v ; ovhn's. 'ordert'd the r.rrivt' of Munn " nnT"
. . . . . "I ... ... .... t I . .. .41 HU 1 III! till ITU II1W1I11IP
Iirouounced incurable with con- W ray, the olher liarlV hiivtug g,iin nt, ,K r to my self and friends
v.- . ...1.' ...I . , ... . -. . .... -. .. --
sou was
1 stiinption. but hearing ot rouir Fine '1 reel W ray whs sent to the liM kimlor a hear
lT.rl'..r,Ml I...A..nrrl..,.,.illl..u,L.. 11... i .I..I....U ,.f t Olit I ...11 'I'l It
ties, und he coninietux'd using it, and j tuau having made au infortnation against,
from that day to this helms been getting: him after hearing his voice. J'itinlmrgh j
well." ' Commertial. '
Taxktow.v, Delaware Co.
Dit. It. V. Pieuce :
Your Discovery needs only a fair trial
and it will do all you recommend it to do
! and more to. When I was fifteen I caught
cohl and for twenty-eight yi-urs I have
lieen a jierlect wreck of diseases, nnd all
the medicine and doctois' bills have run up
at limes to two and three hundred dollars
and never any lietter but worse, when I
cave up all hope last spring ot living the
summer through. I received one of your
Account liooksand told my husband after
reading it that it was too late to try further,
but he said it was never too late, lie went
and iHiiiL'ht two bottles and I found it was
helping me very much. Since 18-11 I was
troubled wilh Cutarrh and Sore Throat,
nnd was utmost entirely deal in one cur,
and my voice was dull as could Ik. There
was constant pain in my head. Now my
head is as sound as a dollar, my voice is
clear, and I have used ten bottles of your
Discovery." It hiis cured me oi Catarrh,!
Sire Throat, Heart Disease, Spine Affec
tion and Torpid Liver. My Liver was
very bad. My skin was rough. When I
put my1 hiind on my body it was like fish
scales. Now it is fcinooth and soft as a
tliild'e. Iu coiif'hcijoii, 1 will say 1 have
t ix'cti we.i lor mree iimnm. uin a won-
1 his Is but an
Xrw Atltvrtite nwnU
I'ursuaut to an order of the Orphans' Court of
somerset county. I ., win soul at bulille sale.
on tlie premises, lo Shade township, iu said ( -o.,on
Tlnirtday, June IStK, 1874,
the following described rial estate, lateol Jacob
Cbrisey, deceased, to wit:
.No. 1.' A valuable traet of land situate In Shade
township, Somerset county, 1'a., containing SBi
nen s, adjoiiiiiiK lands uf David Kodicer. Conrad
Wollord. John WelRle. Jacob Ilerkeyblle, John
Fry, Aamn Flyshowerand others. The Improve
ments are a dwelling bouse, barn, urcbanl, tee.
Mo. 2. A tract of land situate in shade town
ship, Somerset county. Fa., eontalninu; M acres,
adjoining lands ol Jacob Fowell, JesseSlick, Jo
seph Lohr, John Keel. Fphralra Lohrand.thers.
The i.iprovcineuts are a dwelllna; house, stable,
urchanl, k.c
TtKMS. Ten per ceat tu he paid is soon as
the property is knocked down; one. third of the bal
ance when sale is continued, and the balance in
twoeqaul annual pay men Is, with Interest, tu be
secured by judgment bond on tlie premise. Sale
tu commence at I oclock p: m.
S. J. COVEll,
ma27 Trustee .
" -Ji. '' :iv...
Purs BlGOfl PercuBOii Stallion!
ltnovvji l.laclc ho:
tVom I .i'.lan.t.
I- .i .i.irk llri'i
i:ii , c'. '. 1:1."
l.l'O p.' lie:. I "
iivei ii ll:,. ev. ... v.-l.i
, ; w. ritil m--k. c!."s:
, l.'i-s v.ry br-.e- I, i.:-..
, h. "." 'r..;t.' :t:i ; I: 'i :
1 ir.-tn knee et t. ::.',-::
:y i:it.p..'
:It. vv- i"l
i:r.'.-t v.
:n: 1 .''.
vi. .1 rii
: i.eav v. .
-i-.ill. S tc.l li
ti.'f. r.n.i l!:.'
.i. e t int t.. b.
it .! 1.. Pre.
It, -,i
r 1:1.0
; r
bv' ) i.
: 1 t m in V-'t
'. !! 1:1 it'
I ! '.. i Kill;
i-i - '. Tv-i-i-i'.inT
T - ir li-tm'. a ti i .-
" 1;: - :ilrf:i('y alt.iii
'inn l iiTT-l .nu
at;. n-it-I
i it i -1 ii--
1- nr..
" l:ir
:i ?:ro. Iirt.-"1
iii:'-I ri"I'iit:i
liiiy, M-c-ui to
.i.-t 't r ecti' n.
ir i utty
wciu'iiiiii tp ia
If, ar-i J .
;iii l i-i fiLT".
9 9 3 1
rs aniuieiomnn
A I A M.itteu.n.y r..iy. i:.--; l.iu'i. v -h-h' i nn.:. .-. -ar i -. a. t ' v Mild!. t..tu. fii--t
)l ' '" l i. ,'.-.. Ik by L n-.- 1-1 .n I I::... . II: -.. u : t,.- bv Vn.'in w .I.t, k-. n.-a:is :.thaw. tie I r I.,,.
.'V I" rtedtrrat-.d 11.1.-: ., r.- An., .::-. ..i 1.1 . -, ! v i:-. ;. p, ... ;1. , ,:.,ml,v i.,:K ri.-:iu K.'iip-..-.
till .1:1111 t.v lit:..:., T. 11. :ll. i.i ". '.'. :ll '
I ti.Wll Slllll.Is ill Ol:.lue . ..Ulil v. .. -,v V'l.
. lit .',o"l. .111.1. ib-tell l.s.Si lll-e t l-,';:i,i ;,
. New Verii. ever fhiiilver. I..., I Hi U..-.-:
! 11 A.M UK A firs? pr.i.ii'ii.t a: .,:
J i-ilr illl't S..llret .-..liniy F;l:rs. lie l:;t
u.-li.'ll. A liitniiM-r c:in be se -it .-n tlie r'..r.
, any one nee.l I.m.U I.t. e.tti l.e .. 11 tu i,i .
t-.'ul.'.l t,. put him in ttMi'itim rthe i.ili
':. !: bv l 11.,
1 11 t 1 '.'I
;,r.i v, 1
r. I,.s i.i
lirs 1 re: :!:.
s. -.-n.i lias ,-ei
nl ..
. --'ill .r' :;-
' .lir .th in S,
i"--T-.r :.Il,.!le
tall !.-::. it. I ir.ltiii.'t 'e.
"i tr..tb'.l in A L-
;ii (,u:nb-r:.ui.l. lire-ns-.
iii- - 1 -I.'.w ii,mi.'n-.i
-in. -r-Jef. us line a ti lt
:n :
.1 .; r .1 uly li!i. us it i
uiHirlect ttuU'iaeiit, hull' hits not Ik-cu
Yours with rcsect.
To Catharine Schlsler. Jlary Ann. luieriiiirrl. d
with Wm. Shearer, ol ( hal ten. s.f a, Teunessoe;
F.tnellne. Intermarrlo.1 with Uenjumiu Hisiver,
ul Falls City, Nebraska, and Julia Ann. inter
married with (JeorKe Tllp, of Garrett, Sotnersel
county. Fa.
You are hereby not IHek that In pursuance of a
writ of partition issued out of the Orphans' Court
ol Somerset county. Fa., I will hold an inuuest 10
the real estate or Adam Schlsler. decease.!, iu the
town ot Uarrett. Somerset count v. Fa. on the fol-
lowintc described lots, via: Nos. 1HX, lttll, lw) an.l
P.11. In.un.led by Fine alley and Madison street and
l.y Mulberry and Hickory alleys. Also lots Nos.
2u4 atid'Ju6 in the same place, on which are erected
a dwelling- house ami other oulbulldlnirs. beiuit
the late residence of said deceased, on Fridav, (he
11 1 day of July, ls.4, where vou can attend If you
think proper. (iLIVFIt KIN'fcl'FKR,
uiay-n SherilT,
Esuite or Hautul V. Meese, Ut. uf Elkflek twp.,
letter testamentary on the al-ove estate harlnit
beeu urauted tu the uiidersitmed by the proper au
thority, 1x4 Ice la hereby iriven to those indebted tu
it lo make Immediate payment, ami those having
claims airaiust it to present themdaly authentieat
e.1 finr settlement Satunlay, th. lllhdayol
J ane. 1S74, at t he late resilience of said deceased.
mnyJ7 Adiulnlstnitor.
Kranich, Bach & Go, Chickering,
Declver Bros. IPiaiioes.
simeot s cT.oucrii,
Esty, Mason & Hamlin, Smith's American,
Taylor & Farlay, and Shoninger's
Eureka Grand and Concerto.
Some ot'tlio Instruments IJrive
pronounced by the lirst musical talent, Hciniiiurics, the press, etc, t!:e
Pricea are reasonable, ami terms &s cay as cousisteut villi thotou.-rii vvi ik
nianship. All Instruments Warranted fro.n Five tolzn Years.
sr.xi roi: cntci;L.its.
Instruments Sold on Moderate Monthly Install
fay, 10, '74, usiiorset. Ia.
-.-,( I
The sens. .11 eoiiuiienees A
; 1'iiriu at nil times. l':ii-tiii
lTi-' o due vv l.en n;:ti-e :
1 .Vinres iretu a iiis;:iiiee will 1
ri. iiiii. nnd vs i:i .-..r
i-. i: il :i in.. re ..-'
k:i.,wn ee vvn !, :.,..).
v kepi u;'.nul 'j 1
;ie to
c t
Jiily i!..
'V .1 to i.t
e L. t-.-s vvi.l be f.-iind i n my
t".il. t.-rl-'irs inur:in.'e menev.
i-v ui.ta'.ii.ty t. ra.-ci lints.
l:r-L e.ire iiiUt-ni ti: :u
j To :::' lormer p.itr.nis I return :- ,- vi ..ri.i. si : u,'..- 1. r their e.; ;-Tt. fectimt cn:l.;ent that it will bo
to ..ui- muturil Pen.'ln to iiiipn-ve tlie ), r-eSov-k ol s.rier.-e; 1 ' 'vv.'.y. wh;.:i is s,. ntn.-ii needed. Tl:t
I s. lecii.'ti ot Full-lli.Ksl ilor.-.'s t. breed l:-"tn. in my es; :..:: 1. -n. is tiic'onlv wa v t'.int adeei-l.-.l lmt.rov.'
nu ttt be iini.le : c. i..-1-.p.n i-.tlv !. ;-., ri.-es w.-re p.i. 1 i.t lui;. ! ; -'. riitl.. i- ih.ia buv hull and'. uur
I ters nt tp-m one-hall to on. -pu.irti r te-s i,,r ! m.'.T.. Uti- vvi ns tlnit bv 1 rt.- iir.i to a lull M.s.i we a. t
i the luitves. un I the cost of I, n el n.i: 1.. a lull , r::!b. r a b.i.i is a s. larv th"Uu'ht. when
1 ... 1... 1 ......... . . . ... . , . . .
1, is k:i :i 1. -.. ..--:.. s .i i .- ii'-wii. o'lc-i.:::! in. t" .tuir!f.- nail tne wst (.1 raisin? l e'.
In oflVrt. -'tc s rvi 'cs ..; n.y I;, r-i s to r.r.-..'.'. r. ai.. Sleek R.ii-r ot'the e antr, I have no hesitan
cy in S'vytnit mat 1 'ndiev-e my If rs- are ec..n. to n..::e i:i tie.' S:,.te. Tl:e U.v.'' l.erses n..l..n!v be
seen to'ee.tpi rc. i:'tc.l. Fan ,,-s li.'.-;i:-c.'ltseti.i breed t lie 1. .;!.. it .-1 a.- .n ai the usual raits.
Parties i-oiiiiif.' from s .li.ate e oul l-c kept ever in-.-',: ire.-.
I will :tlve a tine rt.'.ie.i: s.i.bile i. r tin- Li s' cli ..l .-a. li m me a' horses art rcsardU-ss of ?ci Cat
t'.l in '. to t.e .ieei.'.'.i at etir I'f.t.ey 1,1 u- iu tlie :,::i ol ..a 'tie year.
On tin ml Tar siiwl Tiinns .ir?; l.y lli itlmts ANe. Impiirlsil
ilerHtlilrciiiiil t lutli r Vliile I'i.l'oi.nii!,! .Vheep). ar.Ml a can be loaad
; 111 tlie Mate
TI;." I't H?r season :i ii:i ajvi-.ri-achiii'r, I'li nn rs nnd others who arc anxious to iui
; prove the stock cf Iioihcs in tlii-i cutintv-. -will do wcil to consiiler the advantages ot'Vr
; c'.l iibove. It no t. innviiu'c mtr jH-onle ct'the superior Mood ol the
j hiiisi s lieiv adviil'i. ci!. lpiioi' tlie '.'me i.oi:i;s efliih hreedin.ciu their progeny. Every
, line li:.- hud ample opportuni' y il".'ei:i tin -e iv.urk.-t ot' iiiiiirnvcmeiit tleniont rated in
J tin.' supiTU'r tii'-p:'i:i'-r ol" tlu'-e I.i'isi . :;n 1 t!i;- eurior.imury prices which these colls
'command, ahoii.d liiitke il to tl;.' intf-e-l id'r.M to l.refd only from stock of this kind.
! Advantages like those oii'i red l.y .Mr. Ilelilry. can not he over!ixked or disregarded lvr
lie ciiiiir.niuity without i!i '.i iii:tr.t to itieU'iiin! the co'.mty at lnr;e.
"OLr.v r.vPvVAsitiN' si i:nt
.ln.-;Ua I . At-'ycTi nii'lw: p(ii ?v nn-rsi't tr.. N"i:nr
t't t-'iMity. la.. i y i! ...M,i;,t:i ::i -l.Ht il 7iU
April. 174. hrtve :i"-;:-.:n!'l tlit iv:t 1 a I ; --r - -:r.-. I
ctnient i.-!..! J li :. Iryrr- t li un !T jlu ti-
.i i-i in:t t .r t!: br:n-l!t .f fi-'.i-r-. All in
! rti ...ilv.'tvtl lit "..i l .I.iuii T. Vi".'r lir-n -i;!
: cil t i:i:::i''ui.iU' riym-iif. mA iu- l' t.aviii:
ci:ii:n. t.K1 -j.Iik hi!I .r i,a; liu-ni !. vi
J tlcmci.t nt th. n:ii't l t hr K.-irriHv". In :-.!u .f!
t r.i., on I'Lu. ' .i.v, liii -Aiv Jii: l-Tt.
Tv tnntll.:! r-.r-fi:T. A'l rT-'HH ili.U'iti'! t -ai.i
p.rni will pU1:!!' call &tA uuikf pmuiiiVst'itlfmnn;
i i tl;-ir;uc-i:i;,. I'll!.. J. STKl.
J 0? V. SHOW,
(tp;!tAcw-', ja 4, l.-T-l.
Thr' n:irVriiu''iii.. will cuutiuue tho nnvrv nn.
l iii' herniii ttUwiiH"M nt trm ul-t -tttiiitl. nut n Lo