The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, February 04, 1874, Image 3

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    LJ L
fhe Somerset Herald.
Fcbrmrv 4, 1ST!.
r M-n '?. J"1)' '. i.ii. tr.i.n? in
,-ff :
. ; r..-
. i;n: vi.
. ..n-.r. . r. i:p.
.4 p. m. I1
Ix tlm case tl John TU-slv, on lri;t for
tiie niunlcr ot I.lnvil .. C'hrv, editor ol
tiie Ctiuiler';imi Timrn, the? jury rendered
u verdict l' not piilty. The verdict was
trrictrd willi cliccrs, mid the prisoner was
(iu i ii:i sri .i :iti.i escort ri home in triuniii
j W'v. under: tiindtliat several post masters
i in c unit v have l een collci-tine; pevUse
, at i-:ite of ribtv cents a vear." Twen-tT.x-itlsperimuner.
I'nder the new-spa
j per law, the ixistatre is but twenty cents a
! year. r live rent n nnortor (inr cut.....!
Mi'dlnl free tlial tliov
1 tlian lliis amount.
are not taxed
tlen'rl. Supt.
H. R. K. TAn mssiitai. r.iixT.
!.... -
ors are busy.
A 1
i evil'
,-rsin lie-lils IikiU s;le tul'iil.
lot of Red Sole Leather,
i l id s.
2 O.Y.I school districts in this
I John II. I'm, .f Somerset l'a, has a
1 lare farm near Hianksville, rontainintr
j 2mi ac res. Two houses, a lar?e bank liaru
" Mier oull.uildiii'rs thereon ercctetl.
which he ofierx for Bale. There aro about
Kill acres cleared, the 1 tula lice has pine
timber ujxin it, Fuflit-irnt, w hen cut, to pay
or the tarm. A Jarre orchard ol ainle
w P- ,n- j mill lear trees, .' aeien in meadow. Farm-
, j cr4 Tvihhipr t() j)llv R ti(.tir!t',e prnjcrty
j will call on liim ut his oflite in Nwiersct.
; If it is doiretl he w ill ;ro ujon the premi
j ses to hhow the lines ie., and will sell as a
whole or in pieces to suit jmehasers.
...11:31 p. in.
... :5l a. m.
...12:03 p. m.
r.n-'ir. nrc
s,,::.:i:il 1".:'' schools.
.eraae sal
is li '.! jkt month.
Till larjesl 'l tnu-nt of Iiools,
j :ai!ers at Snyder Si l id's.
T iM-r i-e sjilaries of femal
Tiis: iieiuoriiicn w ill make fr!r-nuou.s ef
' fats to have the Local Iptinii law rejK-al-
ed IhisM-ssionof the Legislature. I'ctitions
1 have alrt-iulv 1 i.i ..n.v,.iit,..i r..r tie r,
lines oi maie leanu is sotneot tl.rm iVom nm;.. ei...e -..iJi ....
local option. The liijuor men express them
selves as confident that w In n the matter is
fairly brought before the Legislature,
there w id be no trouble in aeitiii!; the local
'option law reix-aled. '1 hey claim tjiat
I their only desire is a oul "and uniform
i license law, and assert that the present
j local option laws only -atch the inn :eent,
jand make them victims, w hile the iricat
; iiia: s of real oll'cnders cscae.
in iU4 if.' per inonth.
,'. Stilt i'
!sr :,-wirtmi nt of I.uft'alo Holies on ex
: j,.n -Hid for side, ut the Live Grocery,
j-. i;i...'.s & ir..
i r.AkrK ha! p really added tothe
: of his iro;KTtv bv the addition
in.- l:;.m'nf outbuddinps.
H. (Jaithlr, was acinntteii
, in the several courts of Alle-
, o'Uii'.v, .Mil., on .Monday dan. uui.
ii . ! n rr.;v:s iniur aLrain no more. For
1 . i
it n ut o:u t i i.
rv a:i i i
i m i.h in lid er of our Ju.-ticc cf the
!ii. r
,i iirad
j l-'oi y s C'Ai:r.oi.ic 1"i:kiii:s. Anions;
i the iii ions remedies for Coiclm none en
; joy a hiu-her rcputMtion than Kdev'sCar
jboiie Trmhes. This tact l!accs them
'above the ordinary Ji.-t of medical iirenara-
1 ... f 1 1.1. t ..I t
I wl v '-'i oio, .iMiuiia, ami
I a a (iiinfeciiiiit and preventive airainst
for ftih. c to the ; coiitaiioiis disease thev are a siiccilie. In-
1 store of C'o k v; Ueerits. j valuable to singers and public speakers.
N'M everywhere. John I . Henry, fur
ran A; Co., Proprietors, S a:id 9 t'olle 'e
Place, New Vork-
1'rotnn Item.
Col. II I). Vutzj-, has lx.'eii quite un
well for some days past. AVc hope
to see the Co). O. K.'iu a very tdiort time.
Kev. Wni. Davis, of (he Church of God,
is holding a protracted meeting at this
A little step-son of Mr. Utellua Davis of
Addison Tp., while on liis way to school,
in attempting to jump 1mm a heavily load
ed w atron tell under it, one wheel pass'intr
over Ins Wnly, he islyinjj in a very critical
Messrs Uatzer & Co., are turning out
larpe quantities of lime from their kilns,
wliich meets w ith ready side lor building
and fertilizing purposes.
We mentioned some time since, the fact
of Mr. Chauncy Tressler, of Addison Tp.,
having his hand man sled terribly by the
accidental discharge of his gun, while out
hunting w ith a party of gentleman from
Pittsburgh. It was 'feared' at the time that
his hand would have to be amputated, but
it is healing nicely w ith the loss of one
finger. Mac.
American Cyrlopcdin.
e have examined the sample paces of
the alxvc work, and also a complete vol
ume of the same. This is a new edition,
revised, improved and illustrated. We
have no hesitation in sayin; that this work
has no equal as a work of reference or as
ae omplcle library on all subjects. Vol. 4
is now out, and there will be a volume
every sixty days until the work is comple
ted. Every man in our country should
own this most valuable work; you can do
so at an exiH-use of SJ cents per day; who
is there among us who could not save
that amount lor such a library as the
Cyclopedia. Six first-class canvassers
wanted for this work. Call on or address
theticnl. Atrt, J. P.. Stewart,
New Castle. Pa.
. .. I. . . .. ... I- I.-.L- il.,.
j ll1 V'ie ill tow II lil-l nn iiu uiv
'.'j, ,, cilice, us required by the New Con-
i li: ir Oiinl's II "port sh-iwi
ot c.iii.-i lence. Mnvi uilMiown
:i r.!;i!ii;d as taxesdiie the Com-
.::-. .lack. L ing Si Co., have rciiuv
ir r.iu.-ie store to lhe room lormerly
.vi ii a law ollice by tiailiitT A: tia'uh
:iie Mauimoth lilink.
,'ti:i.n sipsied by over ..iH leual v -i
. -tcr county in lavor ot the r.'
:' :!ie local option law. has been pr.--;
i.i the luu-e at Ilarrisl'ur :.
Wk have been inloriucd that on one
;.!:! ol la-t week, several hundred j ouni is
nl i;;ic. .n were t-loien from the premiM s ol
Mr Iv.iward Mutiima, of Stonycre k.
!r will be noticed by relercnce tocui ad
cr :-:c-' eoiiinins that Mr. V. II, Piiking
v.iil -r ii the "Glade House lot" at public
M-eott Saiurday, February Stli.
i!:iii k : 1!i;;k!! Hitict;
- i i
: a;
Vi. l.i is it j.rosNorks. liuilding lrit-K,
Fire iJiick, Pavement Prick, Circular,
We'L'e. and Cornice Drick.
(i. V. I5i:nfuki will sell mens' and boys
ii .iliinp ut 10 ier cent, jirotit, lor t ish
eti':'-. A lot of overcoats at cirt. Kemeni
inr'llie place, oppisitc the Somerset I loue.
1.kIsIh(Itc Itc-iinloii.--lS71.
The following circular may be of i:iter-
est to some of our readers:
II ARisnrno, Pa., Jan. 2:5. lT-l.
The undersigned committee, on the 10th
iiiit., sent out a circular inviting all old
members of the Legislative and Executive
Departments of the State Government,
prior to is."i(, tore-assemble on the lMh of
January, for a sociable re-union. The
committee and a lew old mcmK'rs met last
evening to make linal arrangements.
Our chairman rejiorted that he had already
ascertained the names ol one hundred
and sixty -two who were members prior t:
l?ri, believed to bo still alive. Of these
some forty-two, or tbur to each year, were
in the decade from lJII to lt-lt, and about
one hundred and twenty, or twelve to each
year, in the decade from IS 11) to 1m"0.
Several letters had been received suggest
ing an adjournment to February in
order to enable inure to attend. After a
full interchange of opinion, your committee
were instructed to issue a new circular,
stating an adjournment to February 2'.j -Jd
being Sunday.
The committee, therefore, now invite all
the old memliers of the Legislative and
Executive Departments of Pennsylvania,
prior to JS50, their clerks and other olli
ccrs, to re-asemble in the Hail of the
House ol Representatives, (which we hope
will lie tendered us, ) at three o'clock P.
to animals umlcr the law, at ieasi is consul i iiursday, retiruary .o. ii is anriei
erei! -uch bv every riulit minded individual, i paled that a supper in the eveninn of that
This m -cures !aiiy in our town. e den t
think hitehhi-.- posts were crcted for any
The : Lock Haven Ea1erprir gics Cue
i loilow ing expcrieiiee ol, we suppo.-e, one
! -f its -lali :
! A ttory is told of an editor who
idie-1 and weut to heaven, but was
lde!ii"d uduiittalicr, lest he should nifet
! s ime delinquent subscribers, and bad
leeliiigs be engendered in that peaceful
clime. Having to go somewhere, the
editr next apiwar-d i:i the regions ol dark
ness, but was p -.;;.. -ely refusc-d admittance
i. the t!ace was mi ot delinquent suberih
ers. Wearily the editor turned back to
the celcs'.ial city, and was met by tiie
watchnr in a! the jxirtals w i'h annile, who
said : !
there is
was mwtaiien ; you
not a deiiiititieut
can en'.ei
To " IK a lull to a hitching
let toe animal stand in the rain
six no'.'.i s at a time
ale yii-
post, rind
f.'r live c r
while tii owner or
takes in an assorted cargo of bcrr,
benzin:-, if not considered cruelty
day at one of lhe Ilarrisburg hotels, w ill
constitute a part 1 the arrangements.
indivicual to mono;niiize them lor hours at 1 he o'jject is a ciel ;t vmon, trrcne-
a time. I'tinng itic proc ess oi jiuiiig up jji. c- oj jh;ki or prr hi i'h,u-,ii ,ixiri,iiioii.
i w ith tanlet' ot. owm-rs or drivers should i Any ot the older member too infirm to
be compelled ! put their animals in a sta- j join us are invited to send the committees
'. l ie, and expend ten or liftecn cents in pur j leltertolic read We alsojinvite a response,
cha'-intr a bundle of liav. in order that the c ne week in advance, from ail who expect
hore mi -bt Jiave a 5 it lie re!reliincnt as i to atteud, so that we mav conform our
WiicT is a more cxhliarating sigl
a Vcrmoiit paiier, than to cec c:
well :.s bis master.
Marvi s and ill tw s his
! rule than the a:ii!o::I
t-. a liatulMMue girls sailing oown inn on
ia c sieu: ".Mneu-eu, Siusiueripe
el editor of the Uostoil i'c-sf.
i"i r.s am) Skins. The highest cash
piers will be paid by me for all kinds cf
t ur and bkins.
rNiliierset, l'a.
H ii iw; is filled with i ighte.HK lii.l..'
Ii.iliou. lie says that licit fellow w ho
s: ut us his marriage notice tor publication
ali i promised to 'm-I up' the osleis, lii.n t
s-Kiii 'conic u to time' there will ! tiie
i;' .-ii to ay.
Wi: undervund that Mr. C.
lii.s nterc-d into iKii tiieis lip, in
caiii.le business, wilUJoliuW.
.Missrs. Pitt ton A; llutst started
Monday last to purchase a new
O. Hurst
the liiur
The driver who
bors is more of a
he drive-. 1
Wr. learn that on Saturday Jan. 2-Sth,
the f Mr. Lamiiert of
! Stonvcreek Tp-, was entirely destroyed by
tire. The lire was communicated tothe
fl-KiriaT ot the second story from the stove
ipijie. Althougii Mr. Laiidn-rt ami four
: oilier gentlemen were in the house at lhe
lin.e tin y were unab'e to oiiten the flames
orsae a'nv -i 'the coio.-iits. No insurance.
I Mr. l.iiinbeil h i.i ail I. is deeds and title
! papers ill the- house at the time of the fire,
i and by examination v.e find that none of
i these "are entered in the Docket. This
; should be a warning to our t.innrrs to have
j tin lilies cf their property record d, or
! like Mr. Lambt-r!. tin -y may awake to the
! fact that they have no title to their lauds
, w hatever.
arrangements thereto.' No old member
is to lie excluded because our committee
may have overlooked him.
TlTOM S. J. IllollAM,
A L. Pol V.K IiT,
John M. Pomukoy.
J you fee, arc almut equal to those of a rab-
ini tieiiig tiruc-K ny iigiiinimr. ijiu my uu-jec-t
at tiie oulset was to tell you of a very
pleasant evening I spent this week. On
Tuesday evening last the Stoystown F.rass j
P.and, by invitation, visited Cajit. Win.
Maurer of (lemahoning Tp., and with your
permission I will say a tew words in re
gard to the pleasant time wc had, and the
manner in which wc were entertained.
The Captain met us w ith his usual smiting
countenance nnd conduc ted us tothe parlor,
where the best of cider and apples were
handed round by that prince ot good fel
lows, Alex. A very pleasant hour was
then passed, the company being entertain
ed by the. joTial Captain and an occasional
tune by the Kind; we were then inTited
to the dining room to a supcrthat vould
have graced any mctroiwlitan table. Eve
ry thing that the season could afford was
there in profusion, prepared as only a
skillful hand like Mrs. Ma.trer's could pre
pare. The excellence of the viamis, was
fully attested by the manner in which
they were disposed of by the members of
the band, and also by ""Sam," and "Ike."
After supper, the evening being a ph as
ant one, came a smoke and a moonlight
stroll in the beautiful grounds adjoining
the residence ol the Captain, which, by
the way, is one of the finest in the north
of the county. When the company re as
sembled in the parlor, the Captain's
daughter. Miss Laura, favored us with
some excellent music, on one of Smith's
American organ?. A little daughter only
seven vears ol age, bxik her place at the
organ, nnd discoursed exc ellent musie, to i
the astonishment of all. Her music is per
JWio Aih'rrfirciiictit.
TIio Honai-SiuM Pimaeca,
E'niHilj Liniment
Is the remedy In the worM for the following
ewtiliilnf. vii: 'rni In the Llmln ami Stom
ach, I'n la in tno NluHmch, Howcls. orSido, Khtum
hllym in nil tin forum, lillliom Colic, Neuraticl.n,
C'holim, Uj-wutorr,, Freeh woinvls, liurnr.
Sum Tlinm. tiplnsl Oimpl.tiiiiK, Sprulm anl
Itnii.irs. ttliitls an I Kcver. l or Jntcnial an;l Ex
tcrnitt ur.
lis opLTition l nnt. Mily to rlt-vo Hip n.itieiit,
lull eiitin ly rrn.ovcs trio criu nf the. coiiiil:itnl.
It iK-ni'trate ml jirrviulce lli whi sv-i-m. re
diurlnic ht-nltliy actli.D to all lia paraa l quick
ening tlio llool.
Tliu Huub-cliolJ panacea U iiurely Vi-cetiil le anj
All Healing.
Prepared bv
No. 215 Fulton Street, New York.
I'ur sale ty all UrUKlfista. july 0
Tliirty learn' Kxpcrieiice of
an oiuurs.
Mm. Windsiow'a Haottilnx Syrup la
tlio iircwrliiilon of ono if tiie bem I'rnule I'livsl.
leians aii'l Xurws in the t 'nilrilSutri. mvi has
l in nf:-il for thirty vi-irs with never failinic safe
ty mti-1 fiicccsn hy niihlonsof Mothers ami cliihiri n,
from I tic fcchle infaut ol one weekol.i to the ailuit.
li eorrocti acMlly of the stomach, relieves wlml
colic, ri-ifuluu-s Hie liowcla. and icivis nut, hcallh
ami eoiiiiort to mother nn i child. We iK-licve it
tote the Jlcft nn1 !iiri licmciiy in the WorM
in all cases or I ) Y S C T L R Y and IlIAKKIICKA
IN ClllLIiKKX. whether it arises fnnu Tcelbinn
or Irnrn any other cau.. KU directions for using
R ill a -ci'iiipai.y each l.t!le. None Oennino un
hpa the litc-Fiiuile efl'fltTIS K PKH It INS is
in tlio outside wrapper. S'A by nil Meiliclne
Ik-iilirs. julyt
1 Vi" . ! Irrrt incitt rt .-t.
Xew AJrvrthaiK'nl.
icOR TPIE Y I'lAU 187K.
Noah Roberts, Treasurer of tie Somerset county Toor Ifou.-c, in cecount
with the count j for the year ending January 8, 18T4.
Nt'io AdwrtUemriit.
2iew AdcKrttArmenU.
County of Somerset, Penn'a.,
From January 11th, 1873 to January 12th, 1874.
I).:. !r.twn from t!tr io. TrvtffA
nry on tniT No. 7, lucJ by t lie V
I ini!iniii9l'rtirt
' '' !
li ny tliolottowlns ilisliuncrneiiis onorii-r'.
i i.ueit by the Pour Hoiimj Director: '
- liM H J!v pal-l f'-r i.njrlnkms. lncln-lin(
l Noah Itohcrtu, Trcasnrcr of Somerset, in account
I of Somerset.
rith the County
hoof hcoil. veal. wi. Kill, rve. fcc. . 1TM TU
I!v amount pall f- r p rne rif mil m-lw; M7S tio
i, i. ..n - i v:. m
C3iH!reu often look Pale and
forilicil with a distinctness anil precision of from na other c:wm than having worms In the
whic h oiiicr iwnormtr3 iiiil'iii wen i c "
will destroy Worms wi!h,.ut Iniurv to the child,
Ih-iii ixnectly WHITI- mi l tree'frnm ail color
ing or other injurious ingredients uiually "u-ed
iri iTji-iii preparations.
I'I Kl'lS HKOWN. I'mprl-tor.'.
No. 21ft r'ultnn Mre:t. New York.
."? by Drungittt and hrmistt, and Utalert in I
Mrtiicinri at 1 ivENTV-FiVE Cents a Hox. jty 1
proud. She distilavs mtisical talent far bv.
yond licr years, and will uinloulitciily l:e
conie a brilliant performer. Whrn u'.iot'.t
to leave, Mrs. Maurer presented herself,
with a large haskct ot hickory nuts, snd in
vited us to fill our pockets. Ttie t'aptaiii
produced his wallet nnd presented the
Treasurer .f theband with a ' William" of
very cheering denouiinatiiiti, which was
received hy the hand with many thanks.
Altogether, our visit to the Captain's was
a very pleasant nlHiir and will Inn:; he re
mcinhcrcd by all the partleipanls. Vint
la Viijitniii.
Paiison UlNtif.
I 11 i .... cut, .
i - " ' out tniir pnpera -
ii u me. Ileal services S.
S. Goo.1 bnl. f.r lSTi - - - im no
! Hv amount pal I for medical scn lces A. (r.
I Miller in nurt forl&73
:Hy amount paid for tinware
ii cr
!;;;. DiTNf', 1'a., Jii
31st '74.
-llH I
. of
How shall a woman t'.isti n her Mm-kinps
F.KlTiHi IIi.hai.d: In the Somerset
Ikiuoeru: of Jan Cth, there is a very in
teresting rrimrl of what the editor calls,
"An intcrc-htinicnse." It must have 1k-cii
intcrcstm; to the editor ofthf Lhiuvrnt,
lor he traveled twculv miles on u cold
stormy day, and over very rough loads,
to act a.s reirtcr for one hide of the case.
It is very evident, to those- w ho know
anything about the history or f.u ts in the
case, that the report given in the lhumrrnt
is given for the Ix-nclil of and in the inter
est of but one of the parlies.
The lleporter tor the Jktnorrat niys :
It appears that over a vrar ago, the counc il
of said churc h met and in Mirsuanee of
so as not to interfere with the circulation -' i their charter, obtained from the Courts of
l tin- s.iapc oi ine ic n i. . Uip ,.(,UIltv ,,asM., ;l i,y-law, assessing each
Tut Cambria Iron Company, Johtis
t .w ii. iealKut to resume paying their
i iii lovees in money. As they are indebt
ed to their men pretty largely, not having
; aid lor several months, the "last le w pay
1;. tills ill amount to considerable.
A nil.l. h:is lieea introduced iu the Ohio
I.-.'-iisiature. to rcipiirc prisoners in county
jaiis to work out liieir lines antl crosls. J.x
A law like wouldn't hurt lVtins
v ..uia a bit.
I.ooii out fur prowlers. It
ki.'il Linking case stager'uig
oa M-e a
itljoiil oiir
IiIihuI, or sjK)
sec- of the loin H'il ',:tt i,nuly j-(Ui
After lhe most careful nvcan h, iis far as
our limited facilities would allow, we arise
from our humMc explorations, and hum
bly ti nder tin- fnllowiiiir suggestions :
Vv'ear them short and let the tops bubble
over the shoe in the !o:ni ol lace, t ! i beer
mug. It yi.u l ave 'cm long put itiiiciiagc inside
anil stick em to you.
Have tin in lung enoii'. h to tie alxmt the
waist, nnd U:-e the top lor a punier.
Kdge the tors w ilh stee l and li.sti-ii a
load- tone to vour corsets. .
Fiistt-n a strati to each stocking, extern
them graccjuliy u each side of the body
and atlach, with blue riMmns to the ear
p i iiiiscs, ajipareuliy druiiK, Keep, linn i j
e.i souhuu. llcisusuallv clrunli w lulu
i:i iiiiil ol 'the hoiTse au.l s io-r as utcii
a- he i -u-ie-s tlio back vard.
in s'Hiie arlii-i
ile vicinity.
now we nr.'
1 ol clothing iu
doim: this for
LaI :it; r; a- iei by a f.iua 1 if he
(lid not spend too lunch in advertising.
"V, ' was the reply, "ad c-rtiscaieuts are
kli-i'mtly iieeessary. liven divine Worship
- i)',it Jii u ) needs to be advertised, l.l.-e is the meaning of church U-lis.V"
i .i iii. liiken iii the place of
iI.;t-;- ot anv kind; lhe dose is
i: virtue uuuou'.itej. It
cht-ajH-r and better than any other reii.e
Kir l.iat purjaise, and also as a general I'lafc-t.itii-u
and 1'uniily Meoii ine Sninnns'
l.iver l'egiiliilor hi.s no superior.
YV. ). IkxuiAKT, 1-. h.;s l.'-.'ii c.i . -a
J're.-ii'.cnt of the Grand Kapios and Indiana
Kidioiiii cine ol the biles under the
iiiiiliagelneiit cif ll.e I'eiiiisy Ivi.nij, t aupa
ny. .Mr. llu0l.iiil wiil liave charge ol
vx liiiiiiiied loiitii of lailroiitl ami wid
liht i l.a c his licr.dcjUailc-ls nt CliicttL'a.
N in mi. children who read the ueuspa
p is ate lound to Ih? lic-tter ae-piaiuteil w ith sii kii.'. s.
"''graphy, Selliiig, and the ineaning ol j
wnnis, graniniar. and arc inoie Koiicrllv
in'.eiii jent than lho.c whodoliot. Tins i
u siiiitieuiit hut lindoiibled liiet. '1 he re
nt tliclli
the iinuiedi
I Hold sti
vour oi n
l":i-.;en Ibcm toa nail and 'o ba; looted.
Attach a small bnlli.oa to ci,ch stocking.
Make them out of material ill it will draw
jf yoii are thirty-iive and niiniarried,
make a hoie near lhe t"p of eac h st-K-king
and biltti II it to vour kn-e c-ali.
! Tbee are ail the !:. 1!im!.- that sugL'cst
(.uiiiiiie or ; jcii.jves t us ut present, am! of lhe
s:nall, an I I n,ll,IT some one or more mav be deemed
wiil be found I . ... v ,,f o.looliou. We have taken a
sudden and lively interest in this matter;
iitid sh.dl not rc-s't until the needed relorni
is 1 rouiht about. Woman's litul s shall
lK.t 1 c hampered, and knotted and de
t iriiii-d, if we have eii-nili inventive Kie
ultv to bring almut new and healthful
wiivs of v, earner the st'K-king, and we
thiiik we have. We shall continue our in-vesli-.ati
-us into this subject, even at the
risk nl getting our neck into the matrimo
nial niM.s -. What the women of thiscouu
trv inos' need is not suffrage, but symetry;
but rationality ; not a place in
halls but a place tu fasten their
j not right
'"! let our children lead the liewspa
city, :
Iralh of.llr. i:ii.t .Stall 1.
A VerMi i.i.'v upbiaiiic-d an admirer lor
iii- l'i.t .'.ioiisdu: ing a 1 ng al-seniv. " on
are too bad to be pardoned," she said;
"bi.t l! I discard you I shall punish myself
hi"t. mid so 1 will i-Miore what is past,
ii.i 1 1 i.ji.y your soc iety ns mm h as 1 can i
wlii;e I i'nV. lor when I die I shall never)
any ln.iie 1 am going to heav
1ami.s I'll ill. its, of I.iawisHi. Delaware)
c .iiiitv, has in his possession a I'ible,
wliii li lie c iaims to' l-e the oldest book iu I
'i"' I lilted States. It was translated by I
iiiuin Tvndall. and published iu I.VjI. I
'J'l.e Umk was brought to this country in I
1'-', and has U-en in lhe Thillips lamily i
ever since. It i" printctl ia larjre. size old ;
'-"g'isl tyiK-, and is in a good state
I -l-i-v-i V;,tii,n.
I'.iias S'.ahl, an old resilient of the
ad one who entoyed the ies ct of
the community, breathed h:s last at live
o'clock Tuesday morning. The 1'itnttt
ijrai.l had already sjMikeu cf his illness,
whic'.i was o:-c -j-io:ied by congestion of the
brain, mid a latal termination ol which
had lieeti feared for some days. Mr. Stahl
was a native of Seliierset county, l'a.,
where he was Imrti in lTll. Iu lsi'J he mov
ed lo Illinois from Pennsylvania and settled
in r.iisiiniiig'on, and has resided here
ever since. Before leaving Pennsylvania
he had married Miss Mary Morton. His
wife is still living. Sinec e.irly manhood
the dec-eased was a incuiU-r ol lhe Prcsby-
tei iiin Church. He was one of the origi
nal liicinlirrs of the Second Presbyterian
Church of IJloominirtoii. Mr. Stahl leaves
five shim who are all well known in this
cite. Hlovminjton in. 1 tintiijrti;it.
I mute iiipiniii-r S ' DO mul i:u-li female mem-
Iht ifl.lHi, toward the support of a pastor
ami defraying the necessary exjiensesot the
The charter referred lo was obtained
Dec-. 1st X. and had U-en in im:-sessi,n
of the church for over fifteen years, and
no such meeting was ever had in pursu
ance of it, nor was this meeting held in
pursuance thereof. Wc would like to
know w hat the Jtt moenil alls a by-law.
The c hurch council met Jan. 11th, 1ST:!,
and passed a resolution taxing caclj male
. j liiemlx r 1,IMI and each female -0 cents;
1 i . ... 1 1... ooi 1. ,, 1. ,,...,- 1si::C flirt rwiuneil
again met ami reconsidered the resolution
of the 11 Ih of Jan., ami amended it so ns
to tax the males ?0 and the lemales $1.
The l)e mvrrat says, fourteen of the mem
bers refused to pay this lax. Where does
he get Ibis information, it is not one fifth
of the nuiiiU-r, and we know whereof we
ailirm, w hen we say that a large majority
oi the entire church rt-luse to p-.iv it. It is
true that suits have been brought against
the fourteen only. The Ih iaoerul i r
IHJtter savs the c harter granted bv the
court to this church, authorizes such
assessments to be made, w ill the Ih murriit
publish lhe Section which confers this
power? That the lonnula of government
of the church retires the same. Will lhe
in iii'ia-itt publish that part of lhe formula
w h it-li requires it? so that his Lutheran
1-rethern at Friedetis and at other places
may be informed, lor if this be the law ol
the Lutheran church wc have never yet
know.i it, si..d it would seem a little strange
that it should have remained to Ls;jire
Grof, Gen. Cofl'roth, and their reporter, to
have discovered the Divine law of the
Lutheran church. The Cth Section, Chap
ter nd, part secjnd ol the formula reads
as follows, viz: "The jurisdiction of the
e hurt ii is purely spiritual ; it ought to
have no connection with the civil govern
ment, neither ought its decisions to he eu
f reed by the arm ol civil power." This
we presume is not the part of the formula
referred to, although it is the part which
r-fers ti) lhe r'u:ht and elutv of the chtirt h,
in reference to enforcing her decisions by
the civil jiower. We will not n.w inijuirc
into the regularity or irregularity of the
UusiXA, Jan.
Mi:. Lditoh : I noticed in your
issue, a communication Irani Diaketown,
the melroH)litan city ol Lower 'i'urkeyfoot,
and the most ancient in our region. This
is the first item I ever noticed from that
noted place in your paper, 1 v.'i.s indeed
surprised to find so much valuable infor
ination eotained in it. but was r. little pt:z
y.led on the Latin. I would suggest to
"Drakelown" that he have his Latin trans
lated the next time. I read and re-read and
contemplated in the extreme, the diabolical,
the cpiiiondrical, exagerated unction ot the
heteroge neons cuinpntttid, magnificence of
the aerial diagnocious of the heavenly
rcjuviratioii, and my miirl floated oil' into
that everlasting rcpugnstion, vliich when
revolutionized produces an exultation ol
the spirituality, w hich liuctuate.s with the
eternal tide of spasmodic rllluvia, but
finally returned and lit on "Drirketown."
1 would inform ' Draketown" that 1 have
passed through a theological :.nd historical
examination and have ;uy cranium in gimd
order lo make a reply. He t barges me
with casting relleetious upon the meeting
antl ministers. I wish to correct "Drake
town," for "Draketown" is very liable to
make mistakes and misrepresent things. I
did not, in my items, cast letlections upon
the meetingand ministers I have no doubt
but that the meeting was a food one, and
that the ministers preat hed the word of
God to their congregations, and that ail
were in earntst in the good wink, and that
many precious semis were? converted hope
they inay hold out faithfully and never
turn back to the liegiary elements of this
world become bright and shining lights
and that "Draketown" mav follow their
example, lie also charges me lor hashing
up the items ofot her com-si indent . w hit h
is a falsehood. Our itemier, "Mae, " it is
true, noticed the meeting some two weeks
prior to the notice w hich "Draketown" re
ferred to, hut '-Draketown" mutt remem
ber that we did not hash up his items.
Draketown will you put your spicks on
and apply the uiidcrs'.andiiig heart that
you may see and understand correctly. 1
should like to have a conversation with
"Draketown", hope h will call at my
oft'ee. No. 2, North IVrk street, w hen I
will iiifotm him that Draketown was
founded by J. Drake. Harnedsville, by S.
1 lamed. I'rsiiia, by W. J. Jhier Ksip, Ae.
So doubt it would be interesting to hear
him speak ol Columbus', Cortez, Montezu
ma and Jackson.
Yours with resjiect,
Tom I'miiv,
1 V T
:1. VB
pvoilt for !A?45J n!y.
i a.iir
! u
i ti i. i
ti t n
! a .
; , 4i
I 1 U "
: j U
li-u -
" ' (i
j i 4 I
l 44 ,44 44
4t 44
!:'- "
i . I .4 I
i.4 4. 44
! 41 41 14
! .1 44 44
, certs
toll ....
liro stock - i
lime -
sled - -mas-on
viui-iar -
Pimiture ... :
lire iiiiirunie - - - I
thrashing ...
fuel - !
f:wii! mcetiinc - !
humeri ...
leather ...
printlnif - - - I
watcen-makcr's bills - j
repairs ... i
I lai-k-mithins; fc caftili-'
coi.ieriii - - - i
lulior - - -
eanllnx and wearing .
removing paujiers
lumtx-r - - '
eon.lalIt'' D'l josli.esi
i'si M
1-JO !A
Kij no
JO i
W "tr
& IS
m on
irj tso
an oo
J)rl 0l
t 71)
o uo
ami on
11 M
SJ 7i
6i tW
w l
14 M
lsi U0
Yd 75
W l
hil .Ml
7 UO I
:m oo i
42 65
T cash reeelrol frr.m eoltt-trrs of SUlo and e'onct.v
1S72 and prerloas jraars. I
r.iii-a r.tvl i vies as Collcws, t:x: Ste taxed"
i Year.!
I l 'Jl
At Public Sale
I will oiler at Public .Sale, in the Korous'h of
Snineret. l'a. .on Nuiu.-.lay Fci.rury 'N;h, ls;4. at
ime o'clneit r. a. on tha premis s. Two lull of
i;roiin.l k:iiWii ui tie?
s House Hotfi Lets.
If not sold tnctiicr. will offer them in six psr.s.
'1 liree nt thctn Iruulin on Ma'n Slreet ocurthe
iMatR-md and tiiree on Paliii.t. The slr.e of each
lot will he til fe -l iruut liy 1-JJ tvti. ileci, w ith an
alley between them. The-ie iotsurc s: l locatuin.-.
and present a rare eh:mee for persons, who desire
to l.uil I plaeeii lor huine.9fr private residences.
Tie se lifts are the most itesiraKlo inthe place.
1 wiil otter al the sumelimetbrte lots of itrcnnd,
at the south cud of Main Cress Sireet, (Turkey
hut Mrccti) and aliout oue sijaare from tho Sum.
crsel 4. Mineral 1'oiiit li. U. HvpeU Sixe ol these
l"is, 4J hy 116 Ut. and the other one 1 16' n lt.
Tiicso I'jts are also very desirable for private reei-deie-cs.
tli.c tliird tj l.c pai I on 1st Julv U-74, balance in
tiiree ctiuai annual paymcnis. wi,h intervt. pay-ini-nis
to he sesured Vy Ihih-Is and reurijiirs on
leM. V . II. J'lt'KIX'l.
Kv nmnnnt mid for slioemakin:; -
4. .. liirector l salary Walter,
'! " 41 4. 4. SlIllT
. i 41 14 44 -4 4 SnWi'T
j .4 .. .. frich!h--d
i 1 in prt I
! Fy ain't paid f jt Director' Counsel, S: hell ,
j ' fc. Klmmcl I
I Bv amount paid for Steward's s.tlarr. Biant'
j ' ial. for ls7i I
' Bv amount pai.l for Steward's salary, So !cr
I In part tor 1S73
By amount paid Treasurer lioberts
XI Ti;. :a.: CS ..f ll.e al.
jHl-jd IS
; cxiiemlcJ lnrj, the a ': .aiis'.niion of ..'o. lirir.t. Ijie .StewaiJ.
W'v, the untlcrsitrncil Auditors of Somerset county, I; licr'-hv
Moteea Bittncr
Peter Statler
diaries C fuifh
IVniamin '. Soyd r....
Heury Yoankin
Johne letter ,
Wm. Suder
Moses bash
John Lentx
Oeornre J. rll-k
Frederick O. iSnir
(lillian H. Walter
Peter Shoemaker
Alexander Nickalo
John Putinan
John Trinipey
Wm. c. Horner
Iinvid T. Zimmerman. ..
John UreH
Kphraim Miller
Peter Kneeri-me
eieorKe W. Andersun... .
KIiah Wajne-r
Harrison Vounkin
Henry Wollhope
Iiavtd Dickey
Frederick Swoie
Titias Kiiutluian
eiillian C. Lint
Daniel Deucher
Peter' Brown
Adam S. MiahVr
eieore J. Fih
John Knepp
J'lhn Faidiey
Alexander Moore
Jonathan Khodce
John Steitf
Aaron Miller
Tobias iibui-h
Win. P. Iiiver
.. I Julias A. Mallei
Ce riHV lieraiiiu Suihl.
7t) 3i
44 V,
IN 77
M 00
'M U0
ii 00
!,i 00
0.M Co
240 00
40 0
that wo liave i-ettleil nml adjusted the account of Noah Hohcrt?, Trraurcr j ,m w.BeH,"::
of the Somerset f'ountv l'oor House for the vcar 1ST3, ami t!i:it tiie fore-i Samuel j.Lieiny...
. " Jeiiert-jn Kimmcl...
golllg 13 COrrCCt. Joseph ( able
In testimony wlierrof we Lave licreunto st our hands and .-c alrt this 8th ; ''aniei
.'oiiii ii. iruiiltl..,.
day of January, A. T. 1S74.
K MAS (' V X X IN'fi II A M.
J rimer Twnsii
Stoyn.twn T.r.'.'h ,
I kt Turkv; twijhji ,
'Aldi.-ion "
Jirultieinv.-tll'rjr ......
'onmaoh '
iKlitli. k "
Iiale City lwrriua h
Iarimer township
I-wtr Turli;vfit tuwoihip
MMIIrcrif-k " "
U"w-iJiiiii .....
IHu.ysiown ifflrnIi
'Siivl t;wnhip
l'plr iufk"yf(e; tuwost,!;.
eilerstur rv-r.r.ja ,
if'r. n ,
Alleichiiv "
Urol hpr-falky lvW!ifuii ,
KtIid bcrf.u-rh .
i -n-Dt:ii)trK tuwiihij ,
I;ii0'ity borough.... ,
KIklifk I'jwa.-'bi'
Ji rimer 4-
IywT TnrkcTr-: townshi;
3Ii'!.iI refk "
Nf.rtham j)t-n
IS'-w i'viiireviU-j bortili
I'uint town'hsp.
i4Qiah niui; tjwnh:T
IS'.a.hampt- u
Sum mil
ismtrt ,
Stoy..cswu !.cr"'ii!i
Son.' net "
Sronvrreek twn5hip ,
Shade ,
1"plr Torkryit t'-wfi-ship
i rm:i romuxn..
" t
(iKonr.r-: a. kimmel, ri s
Count v Auditor:.
;"harles Sleek WeliersUnrif ln,r uitll
. To amount of State ui for ls7i and previous years hpinirht down
" redemption mney rece-iveil on unseated lnn.s
i " " received lnm Sehrui k an 1 Waller
i " " " Cornelius B'rkW-v
' u " Adam Triral-le
I " u " " James A. Dud-m
" balance due eonnty at last settlement........
O TT T S rr JjT I 1ST Cr
tiiicl itiiir hy llic (olIeciorH of thi' Iiiii'reut Boron Kb
mid Towiisliijs RatCH and I.ovfow, ; follovtsi:
1 lie mi ll r.-inux! iil exjiuse lo sale en
: Vi l ltllAY FEBIUWHY 21, ls74,
ut 1 o. :-.-k. on tbs premises, the fuMnwir;; Ileal
Kstaf 'iiuate in the Uopiuifh "f Iterlin. late the
ppijiei y ol William liiitn.11 of said llopjueh.
dec d. : one lot of irrouml adoiniiir lot ot Peter
Nnyde;- on tiie Wcsi, hack Street on the North.
lii v i a the Kast. Mreet on the Ivoutli. bav-
I irii; 111 re, ill erected a oi.e-a:id-&-halr fetorv loiuse.
Willi kiiehen attiichcl:
l iiii-irt. tio.00 payable on the 1st day cf
A pill. I s74. with interest, to he securud ukhi the
premises, jlahuicc In c&sh after Confirmation of
Exocutora et Wm. liuhoif
KYE COLE )n tin- 2-",tli ol Dec., nt
t lit liousc ol Uie lmrel O't'oiiner, liv Levi
(iriflith Esq., Mr. WiUitmt It. Kyt; to Mis
Kosjinna Cole, both ol' Citinliriii county
fslIAFEU SIMPSON" On the iioih of
Dec. is?:!, liy Iter. Valentine; 1'Ihul'Ii. nt
his rc'.stlcncc.'Mr. E. D. Shafcr ot Mil ford
Station, to Miss Surali June1 Simpson ot
Jcnner Tj., both of isemicrsi t County I'u.
II EHI NC I'KITZ-On the 2rth of Jan.,
at Mineral l'oint. by De v. A. E. Tnixal,
Mr. Isrte-1 Hcrinsto Miss Emma l'ritz,
both of Sonicrsc-t county I'u.
Kl'STKK WEIM EL' n jhc 27th of
.Tanuarv, bv Kcv. A. E. TrtiMil, at the
Castor's Ilooni, Mr. Ii win (!. K lister to
Miss Elizabeth Weimar, both ol Sonicrsel
North Paci lie Bonds,
Call on or address
I.nllierS. IkiKiirmaci, IlroJter,
i Focnni Avexi'k,
let -4.
ZIMMEItMAX On thcl-llli i.i.-t.. Mrs.
Marpirt-t Zimine riiinii, apv 1 -l'J years, 'J
months niVl 11 il.iys
ih: vs.
UEAM On the il-t in-;.. Mrs.
Keaiii, ntreJ '' j'eurs, 1 month an. I '
Circul.irs tree. Write! ni and itetlliu ex
clusive sales ol t tie coumy. 4'rllt lo me, an 1
no either m:in will have Ine rihl to sell in v .ur
county. Write tome and. vuu can unkc ylso.
per week. M rit le iut and Secure the coun
ty yuti live in.
Address, K. LAW Y Fit, Patentee Xj. SS':Ii St.,
feU. I'tTTslifKiJIt. PA.,
Ilenrv Wolfhitpc
lnvi I Ih-key
liilliaii l.inl
ceterC. uruwn -Heme
1. I 11. -k
John Kn'pp
.Inhn Fai.lly -Alexander
Moore -A
ii run Miller -Tobias
Jacob J . IioHrOin
Win. P. Itiver
Herman Stahl -ltaniamin
Cieortre W. llcnlord
Sam. J. IJchty
JcUerson Kinetnel
Jos. Cahle
Chas. Steck
Jolin II. l'nfiril -M'nld
in lull
: Year.
Tax.' ,'
Si ite
M illi in
! Allegheny towushit
i iirotheravally
leile I'il v ii.'r.
tree-nvillc township -
I.irimer -
I Turkcvfiot "
Mi'ldlecreek u
. .ew Cenirevillo Ilor. -,
Paint township
lClnemahonin townsatp
iswimersct -
iSUiystown lior.
iSiirnersct l!"r.
ISalishury llor.
jStejuvervek townsiiip -'
j Wellenhunr llVir.
i t'rsica lior.
1h4 7 J
ln.1 7."i
V !7
74 7.V
zoo u
n !:
VI ae.
Z1 11
S4 72
fil 41
Sil (9
11 IS.
ii 41
Ui vi
7 IV
na 4i
9 we
14 fi2
0 Oil'
hi 12.
to ut;
13 41:
&4 01;
lit OO
il 71
2S j
il 3H
i, )
4.'. 13
11 40
x ":
8 t
W .'41
4 an
tiH, 00
12 7
4U 40
6 50
111 Kl
7 SS 11 4..S 'JS
Wc, the utiilcrsiirncel, Coniniiis'toncrs of iSonicrset county, in conformity
with the law, hare ordered the aeconipaninr account of the receipts and
expenditures of said county fur the year 187 !, to I;e published, nnd we
hereby certify that the foregoing fetatemcn of outstanding taxes due said
county ii correct according to the books in the Treasurer' nnd Commission
em o!liccs
Jacob Neff, Ciert. F. J. COUNTRYMAN,
Fcb4 Countv Commissioners.
By cash paid eia orders i'suvl hy the county Ct nimii.-i'jiit ra as loiiew J. vii:
Hy amount paid asaessnrs
" " for adjustiuj papers in Coiniis.-ioner otlice afterthe Bre.
" " . " auditors
" " for audititinst puL-lio accounts ,
-' aadiler's clerk
- for bridge huildina:
" ferconstahles returns
Pr eleetioo expenses
" ior fox and wild" cat scales
" " for foci
44 M . frrwDd jorors
traverse jorors
" " tipstaves
" " ' Jor stamps fur Trvaurer'
" ' " for stamps for Commis.-ioners' dec-is
- " " janiu-r
" " for doekets an J siatiennry
44 " money refunded ".
" ' ' for repairs
" for Cotuiiy Fair
" " for County Institute
" " for ro.ui and (ridze views
" " " Western Penitentiary
4. Jary Commbsioners." Wov an-1 Knahle ami ckrk
" " Lichty inl Li-hty
" forprintinir
" " House of Refuire
" " of eonnty script destriyed;
" ' paid for men-hadise
" " Commonwealth oets
" " " on unseated land oriie-rs fmai-l i
- .. (jchuoi)
" ot" redemptinn money paij out
' " paid for SherirTi fees
" - (or PreihonoUrya cue is
" r nitsceilaneous
" u Commissiooer Waiter balance for l7i
" " " " snlarv forl7il
" " ' Commissioner Miller balance lor lsT2
" " salary ir ls73
" ' Commissioner Imicbold balance for 1S72
" " - - salary for lsr.1
" ' " Countryman
Clerk NetT
" " Counsel Puatlethwait tnlanee 1D73
" " for sopportof Poer House
Fiy Treasurer's commission on S3u Sl'4 at 2'4j percent
" " l.V4o ai Vt per eeni
balance in ham's of Treasurer due the Coimtv
) lt3 jn
li -i
JT-4 ew
W )
. xy o i
. 22 'ii
7 oo
7ji 77i
. let
iUVl il
4 Ol
V3 00
15 O)
2T4iJ OO
14 W
1771 o
I -y. uo
777 M
S.s.-, 7.'.'.
Is 40
II in
M l
JM j i
9.'i -.
7T0 44
400 id
iTJ Jl
5 1
S7i W
I14M Hi
lee oo
S I ou
V3 oi
771 14
1S1 04
nn 7i
Mo s
at s i
1 ,M 2i
eoo oe
74 eo
tins 13
i i
.-7S4 on'.;
41S77 47 $ 4:077 47
Notice is hereby niven that Henry Kreiri-r an.l
II. Kreer i Sim made an assignment on the ih
day nf January 1174. to the uudersiarnrd lor the
iM-iirlit of their errdiiors. Ail iwrsons indebted to
the said Henry Kreer. or H. Krrsrr k. S"ii. will
please call at the ollice) of the uedersitrued in Som
erset, Pa., and make pavtueul without delav.
II. U HM'.ii.
soni Rsi;i mai:ki:t,
' i mum: ism Tin- barn ol Mr. .Taih
'' ': k, lleillnnl ciittlitv, saystlit; luquif
"". "f List wee k, toge the r w ilh Ihre-e bor-tlin-e
hc.,,1 (,(';,tt!e! mid a hirc lot of
r'-'iii, hay, Minw uud farm iini'li'iiirnts
,-rt-1 utile -lv elit-troye-el by- lire on Mnnday
t''!; 1js. t is sui'ms-iI tn be the
Vurk nt an inci mliary, ami lle-nry llctrit k.
I lo'le r i .InnWi, hiiK 1k-cii leliesti il nnd
'""htiln-d in t.
I any. juil, tit llir guilty
I Hum the elreeiislnil s Ar'jva:
r, i.t I'uitv Townsliiti, while
tsij in i to ma fcf talarrh.
Olistnie-liiin nf iius-.l piiss.-iu't-s, clise-hiir-.'c
fiilline; inln throitt, sciiietiincs profuse,
Wiiti-rv, nctiel. or Ihiik anil tenacious,
luiiciii'is. purulent, MueKly, putrid, fiffensive
etc-. I ii eiihersa uryness" ntiik or iiillanuil
eves, lin-jinsiii e:iis. eh alncss, ulcerations,
m ill s lioin ulcers, voiir alteaeel, l.asal
twit n . oll't-iisive brtatli, impaired smell
Hii'l liiste. Few only ol' aliove syiiiptoms
likely to be pri st nl in isny tit tit one
To cure take Dr. Tie-rce s (oldeii Mel
iial Oi-iivcry earnestly, to correct the
liliMul nnd svsicin, whirh lire always at
rnult, n'so to" net spei ilitiilly, :is it tloes,
upon the elisease jrlanils'liiinl- linintr incin
biane W the nose and its cidiiuiuiiicatinir
ehitinl i-s. The more I se e of Uiw -oilious
elisease, lhe more positive is my lielief that
ii' we would make tre-atuielits i r-W '
rrifn' ine uiiiii' It we miixt we rai,uiu
,;,ihi,rnt lo iitilliroilL'll tin- blood
"V em n ,o,-f ot lanil, the other day,
'"ieanlieil e-oniitle-Mi thousiimls of sil.-ili)
hit nml lvi. lv, tint all ready (or the
tinnier e-iinj.aiii. Jt La often lice n a
'-l.ieiC u.,,.',.!- to iioiiiv where the
' . i.eie' v. ri,i to in the lull. Tin- a!ivc ... , It ..c . u ami l i-nlillLT local -
i'i nlb.i.l the in rsijllie ient cnli-ilite miieiit, j piieatioii. Dr. r-a.c's ( atarih He-mcdy,
IreM, to ennlilc thein to rest easy on ; w i( w.,i wm-m' and ujioii "coninion
11 -'unietii-r iii the futu.-v. " ' ; M-nc," rat ii mul and seientiC.c principles,
l.y its' liiihl. siHithin-r and lu aliir pro r-
'i;s. IhiMiAs, wile of Henrv Hoiii-'iis. j lies, lo which the elise'asc gradually yields
"Miemeon linwiUiiV, wasbnillv l-utned 1 when the st stem lias 1-e-eii ptit iu is rfect
"'i"'" lhe Lnndti and fac e em " Monday , einh r hy the Use of the (ioklcn Medical
'"fid lnat by the exi losioii e,l a fluid lamp. I Discovi'iy. This is lhe only perfectly safe
At Die tin,,.,,!- . ..vnliiKi.iii ftlie w:i sur ' se ii-iiti::- iiinl Muecesstul tueslt
""iii li i ,v her fiuuilv ol live children and ' ukui and lu-alin-i it.
''r sister Mi. V-i.,-1- e:'.,.ie, i,,. tSo Micceshlul has ll.e above course of
. vi pr.wnt
'n- I), hi
cssc-ssment, or whether it wan neces-lary
or not.
'1 he Diiuvcrul siys the cotinsel for the
Delis, claimed that there could be no re
covery, because the pre weed injrs were in
violat'ion of Art. 1. Sec. ii, of the Ceuistitu
tion, which provides no mm shall be
compelled "to inuinuiii a ministry against
his consent." The counsel did rely not
only o:i the part of the constitution e iti d,
but" on the w hole ol Section "I Article 1.
This their reimrtcr says, - a.s answered by
I'laintill's counsel, first, that the section
was not aplicable to the case ; and second,
that Defendant had waived all rights by
connecting himself w ith the c hurch; and
in mnivort of his imsition, he cited a nuin-
berol authoiiti. s." ill the reor:er;pl.'ase
name some if the iiituierous aulhorities
cited ; and five u vol. and pafre, s i that
not only we unlearned Lutherans ot
Friceleiii, but that the leiTal fraternity
mav know, that the Otihliitition is not
made for the consciciicions upright cluis
tian man but for those w ho have no con
M'ieiices. who neither fear t'otl, or keep
his coiiininudmeiil. and that as sism as a
man forsakes his sins and turns unto Clod,
ami l-ome8 a uiciiiIkt of a Church, he
forfe its all his Constitutional rights, and is
subject to the arbitrary rule ami dictation
of the churc h coune ii, w ithout apjieal or
renlrcss either in the civil or eclcsiaslieal
courts. It seeinst'.i us that the alisurdity
of the proMibition is its sullicieut refutation.
Stovstown, Fa., Jaii.C 'lh, 1ST4. !
Corrected weekly by A. J. CAStiniit!: & Co.
Apples, dried. It. -'-c
Applcbutler. fl K-'l 40tr.S4
Hulter. B,
Huekwlieat, i bushel $1 ml
lieeswax. fl tl iliiC
liai-viii, shouiiit rs, 1 ft, He
sides, ne
" hams. ' Vic
C.-rn, tp bushel y'J
Corn meal V V Sr
Call skuin. ) a. il 'ia
Ktfu-s, V d '-I"
Flour, fi bid tlu
Fliixsee.l vltoi., (ii E.) Al iu
Iird. 'f rs lit'.
leaiher, nsl s-!e, f' f- wi'eiiiic
. " uiUH-r " 70c
" kii-, " SOc
Oats, bu Joe
Potatoes, Mn IKS-
Peaelies. oi i--i, jt It 1".M4:
l!ve V Im 1 00
ltaxs. V B. 'if
Salt, No. 1, 1 bid J 00 to 3 li
" " t bu l M
" Ashton. - J no
Stiar, yellow" p a Hl'Jc
wiiite l-'.-j'Kic
Tall .w V lb
tt Hoi, fl S 40H.'le
none of whom were injured. Ireatniciit proven that the proprietor o.icia
-.. t,.n..,-.. ;.. l ., ......... 4-.OII wujnl f,.r fuse lie can not cure.
nu.ii m final hnu, i.iii i4 . v"u - .
H l'.v to Mat,., i YalUy Jn- All the means sold by DriiL-gists. It. .
'l"l'Ht. I Fierce, M. I). Fmprk-teir. Uulfulo. N. .
V.iutok llF.RAi.n : I have been thinking
e.f writing somelhing for you, lrom this
part of the county for some time jm.-t. but
local items ot interest are so scarce, that I
fear if your l-s-.d euileir had his aliode
here, he wiudd lie compe lled lo fill his
columns with the ten commandments or
the maxims of iexir Kit-hard, eir crhaps.
say ia despair : "This space ia reserved
for l.ieals w hit h w ill Im published assxia
as I hey can !e had." No person seems
of acting Inclined to cemuiul suicide, horses are tle-
lermined to "go slow and not hurl any
Uxly ; the ice jicrsists in being unfit foT
skating, so that nobody gets their limbs
broken or their heads cracked, and the
small jKJi; and mcanlcs won't break out,
so the chances for getting good items,
Centnnr iir.rul.
There is no pain v.. ieh ttt
Centaur Liniments will not re
lieve, no swettins they will not
m'li iue. aiidtinlamcne." w hi'-li
they will not cure. This Is
strong liiiiUiiitc, l ilt It Is tiae.
Tliey have produced nmre cures
of rheumatism, neuralgia, lock
jaw palsy, sprains, swi.lllnirs,cakc-l-breasl. scalds,
burns, s ilt-rlieuui, ear-aclic, itc, ujion tiie human
frame, and or strains, spavin, frails, ite.. upon an
imals In one year than have all oflier pr.'tcndcd
remediessincelheworld began. Theyarccounter-irrlt-ant,
an all liealinir pain reliever. Cripples
throw away their crutches, the lame walk, poison
ous bites are rendered harmless, nnd the wounded
are healed without a sear. It is no humbug. The
rccljie is published around each bottle. They sell
as no article ever before sold, and they sell be
cause It docsjust what they pretend to do. Those
who now suHer from rheumatism, pain or swelling
deserve to suffer If they will not use Centaur Lin
iment. More than 1.000 ccrtiticates of rcmarknblo
cares. Including rrozen limbs, chronic rheumatism,
(rout, running tumors, iu;., have been received. We
will send a circular containing certificates, the
rcelie, tie., gratis, to any one requesting IL Ono
bottle of the yellow wrapiier Centaur Liniment Is
worth one hundred etollsirsforspaviuedor swecnh:r!
horses and mules, eir 6r screw worm in siicep.
Stock owners-thcselluliuontsare worth your atten
tion. No family should be without tbem. "White
wrapper for l&iuliy use;" Yellow wrapjicr for an.
iinals. S..1J by all llrugglsts. i"0c per bottle;
large lKitlle.41 01). J. II. HOSE CO., Mltroai.
way, New York.
CAHTor.ia is Dioro than a substitute for Casio
Oil. It Is the ily r article In existence whieh
Is certain to assimilate the food, rettulatc the bow
els, cure wind-eolic and produce natiual sleep. It
eintains neither minerals, menihliic or almhol,
atxl is pleasant to take Chil-tren needjiot cry
and mothers may rest. opriil
Ityviriue nf sundry writs of I'tndilioni Kxpo
f icre f tri.7 an-l J.eruri taciat issuclollt ol
Hie Court of C'lmmon Plas otfSomerset Count.
Pa., and to me Sireeie I, 1 will expi-se to sale b
public oulcry, at the Court Uous-, in Somerset,
i. a Saturday, the 14iJi day ot February. A. I.
ls;4. at i! o'elock p. ni., the following descriljvd
real eiate. vii:
Ail the right, title, interest nnd claim of Marlin
L. Slatlor, ed. iu uu I to the following described
real t-siate, vii:
A certain tract of land situate in Shade and
Sieiivereek townships. Somerset ecunlv, l'a.. con
taining -r40 acres. la-irc or less, of which tin-re are
almut 'iA acres cb-ared, aud niioul 60 acres in
meadow, with a larito two smry leg dwelling
iieue. two tenant Ileuses, bank iiarn and horse
si-el-le thereon e rected, aiijotnicg lands of Samuel
Statler. Andrew Slatlcr, Win. Koss, Wm. Kcal,
V in. Suuterand others, with tiie appurtenances.
Taken in en-cuiion as the prorty of Martin L.
Statli-r at the suit of James Spn-it et al.
A Use f
All tho right, title, interest nnd claim of Jolin
It. Itii-huriiseii, of, in and to the following dcserili-
ed real estate, vii:
A certain tract of land situate in Sha'le town-
shin. Somerset cuuty. Pa., cmtaiiiing 'Ji a-res.
more or le's. ol whieh there are almut l.-ei ai res
cle-iireti and fiU ai-res in meadow, with atwoslory
lei? dwel inir liouss an i bank barn thereon erect
ed. a-ioiiiing lands of Haniel Ssrber. Jots-ph Ivipe,
t'hri." mn lilirUL''.!, Daniel Wagner aud others.
wiih the appurtenances.
Taken iu exeeulien as the procrty of J. U.
liiciiardscii al the suit ol .loliu loust.
All the right, title, interest anJ claim or John
I. ltiHlily, ed, in an ! to the following described
real efate. vi:
All the minerals, mineral rlsbts and privileges.
Coal, niclals. ores, limestone, fossils and all other
mineral substances lying and being under an 1
coat allied wit it in tiie following dei-cribed l.w of
or land sitnato in iiroiiiersvaiiey lownsiup, som-e-rii.-t
Co.. Pa., beginning at a corner of land of J.
Walker, Hen. Hay. nml Sam.Hogcr, them e south
Z iiv glees. Fjisi tea pi'rehes: tlienee S-.ulh &tVj
degrees. West t7 perches: thence North itl1 de
grees, West ts) ie-relies: thence South &7S deitrees
West 10 icrehes; tbenee North 21 degrees, east
IVi 4-10 iK-rches: tlieuee north i4 degrees, east 131
pereiies to the plane ot beginning, eonliuniug
1HU acres, coal and limestone tor use ol farm for
domestic nnd agrii nliural purpeses as long as
coal remaims. t-nig reserveil ami exeepleel fur the
eiwner ol the surfai-e. tn-ing the s:ime minerals aad
mineral rights whieh Philip Hay anil wileniii
veved to lhe said J. 1. lo.rty, by deed of July
15." A. !., 14.
Taken in l.rv. Fa. ns the property of John I). at the suit of Philip Hay.
Ail the right, title, interest and claim oT John
I. Koddy and Hiram Fimllay, of, in and to the
following descrlliod real estate, vis:
A certain tract eif land situate in Sotilhampton
towr.slilp, Somerset county. Pa., containing M
acres and 1 perch, adjoining lands or Jacob Marts,
formerly land or Charles tlaumcr and Kirhard
and Henry Marti and others, together with all
and singular the rights, privileges and appurte
nances thereunto belonging.
Taken la execution as the property or John D.
Kiaiily and Hiram Findlay ct the suit or Jonathan
All the right title Interest and claim of Henry
Homer, of iu aud to the following drsoritied lieal
Fslate vir. :
A certain lot of ground situate In TTslna lhir-
ough, Somerset county. Pa., with a blacksmith
shop thereon ereeleel sul.l blacksmiln snop nav.
Ing a front of "iA feet, and In depth 1 feet. Ad-le-infng
Weyand Avenne en the North, and oppo
site the property owned by Lot Kusli, wi:h the
Taken in execution as the property of Henry
Ili.mcr, at the suit ol Hanson h. Llehiiter.
Jana Shcrilt.
Whi-h may be dene i.iih oae feurth the usual exjiense ! y using
Glines' Patent Slate Roofing Paint.
A roof may be eover-d with a very cheap shingle, and by appiicition or this state K; made In last
from ia to 'ii "years. Il 1 roolsean be patclic I au 1 coitel, lookiag mu.-h bcl'.er, and ias-.iier longer
tliau new shii:gK a witlieut the slate, for
One-third tlio Cost of ne-stiiiigiiii;.
The e.T'ne of slati-ig new siiingles is only abont the cost of simply laying them. Tho Paint is
Fil. K-Put KiF against sparks or Hying emliers, as may tie etisiiy tcste-1 by any oue, aud app-'ars from
the tan that lnsiir.iu -e c-i.s m ike nearly the
Saiiic Tiirilj'ust forSI;stc;I I J oofs.
Fur tin an I Iron it his no equal, as It expands by heat, contracts by eold. and never cricks nor
scan s, rot n-iices it is paniemariy aiiapteti. as it win not ee male in tne most extmaea places, wwis
ctivere-1 with Tar Sacrt'.hing Felt cau bu ma le water-tight at a email expense. The Slate Paint is
I'xtrcim'Iy ( heap.
Twog.ill-ins will cover a .liien lreds-iuare feet of shingle roof, or over four huaJrc.l of tia or irjo.
Price ready lor u?c is e-i e-nlspeT mi lion, with a liberal discount to the tr.ole.
o Ttir in usetl in this Couipssi(ion.
Therefore It docs m t affect the water from the roof, If turned off lrom the cistern before the first few
On dcciye.l shingles it Bits up the holes and pres. hardens thcra and gires a new substantial rsof
tn.'it will last Inr years. I 'urled or warjK'd shinnies it brings Ui their place and keeps thera mere. Jt
hils up ail holes in Tin or Fell riots, and stop the leaks, oue coat being equal lo ftve of ordinary paint.
Theciitored the slale when fcrst applied is dark purple, changing In aliout a month to a light Uni
term stale color, anil il is
To all intents and purpose, M;ii'.
The Paint has a very heavy lio'y, hut is easily put on, and although a slow dryer, raiu will not affect
it in tne icasi one neur alter applying.
Uoois examined, estimates given, aa t wh.-n riuirc l will ba th iw-jgti!y rcptiroi. Or lers respect
fully dieitcd.
It) iii. Can CHincs' i.ootiug Cement for large holes
and cracks gl 'ii
1 Oal. and Can, slate rooting paint (boxed). . 1 SO
t! " " " . . 2 S5
s 44 .. .. .4 ' . . 5 W
10 " and keg " 9 60
15 gal. and keg. slate roofiing Paint
..; barrel, 2) gallons
lno siiuare It. Sheathing FelMtnired paper).
PK) " (fclateil )..
13 ,V
ia) 00
1 00
1 )
Orders from tiartics uot koewn tons must beacecmpanietl withtheeashor satisfactory elty reference.
( inters for goods to lie sent hy express must be accomiiaiiicd with tiie money, for we cannot lake the
rtsK ni express cnatges iK-ing satisiactory.
All ciiiiiuuuicaliunii should lie addre.'sed.
Xo. Cedar NlrMt, X. Y., or
V. I,. IJOK.i:it, rainier.
jatr.S Somerset. la.
Trial List for 3rd Monday of Feb., 74.
I will sell at nublie tale, on 'ftaturdav. rthireh T.
174. two hits In the town of Lavausville. on the
soul h side ol the Turnpike road, adjoining lots of
John rhomfwon nnd Alex. Count rvman, owned by
Mary Herring. IXUAli HKUU1NO.
The nartnerhi lieretofere earrie-.l on In the
name oi Ooexl Jones, has this ilay been dissolv
ed by mutual rouse ti 1. The debts of the firm will
lie paid by 1. CI. Jones, who will carry on the busi
ness from this day. '
jan'JH , ! . otsju & ju. r.
' i .
I'.. Ilrn III Jt liuppel.
Kimmel it Collium.
Weyau I.
e'ollM.rn A F.di:'.
I loitKim t. Postiewail John l. leaker.
ijoiin iteulon.
Colirol h,
Colt roth.
Kimmel K Ov,!,
Kimmel Jt Ci.Ibom,
..I..I111 U ill, Hans,
i.IiihnO.Oar.llli, ICortrotti,
i Simon Yought. .t'.illiora,
lAlimham I.inli.--. It'hl,
.laeuh lioger's ad'nir Kimmel Sl tToilwrn,
.Freileriek Knepper, jllay and Koontx,
i mines n iinier i liners fccoiirotn
I Xaers k Colt ruth,
e N.finita,
I Kacrs,
1 Kimmel Jt Colborn,
Chi Jt Collroth,
I Koontx,
I Konnts.
Henry S. Duiges,
jM. A.Sanaer,
I Valentine L'pley,
Samuel Woll'ord,"
I Wm. Hnieiks,
Samuel O'Neal,
Wm. Bow man.
174 Feb. l74
Apr. lst)7
I U Fcb.!liW
1411 - UKO
143 May , 1S70
1 SepJm;
lU.Nov. li70
'JO, " ,li70
14! " .1870
2i " lS71
?12- " !l71
3H8 May lUT'J
3M " " ,lS7i
M Sep. '1S72
TO; " I1D72
lOSt " 1 1S72
Samuel Pllilsou,
; James Parson,
jjaeob Plelcher, .
i Wm. ltrant,
i Heiple Jt Ranch.
F. J. (Vuntryman,
S. JeM. r. H. Co.,
S. Jt M. P. K. Oo.,
IJames H. Howanl,
1. and J. Fike.
Cornelius Berkley,
Jacob Korns,
J. H. Kiehardson,
Ketin Jt HerTiugton,
'Henrv Habh,
Ve in. Tiober,
Wc, tie undersigned. Auditors of .Somerset County, do herein- et-rtiiv
that in pursuance of the 47th ncction of tiie act entitled "An Act "relating
to the counties and townships," Ac, passed the loth day of April. 1:U.
we met ia the Commissioners' office, in the lioroiiL'h of Somerset, oa tLo ,"t'a
day of January, 1874, and did audit, adjust and fettle the account of Noah
UolKTts, Esq., Treasurer of Somerset futility, with the countr, for the vcar
1873, and that said account as stated is corn et, and that we" Snd a balance
dno t-e said county from the said Treasurer of twelve thousand seen hun
dred and cicrhty-four dollars and six aud one half cents, ($12,734 0 ". j.
In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this loth
dav of Januarr, A. I. 174.
GEO. A. KIMMEL. l. s
Countr Auditors.
N0A1I U0DERTS, Treasurer of Somerset county, ia account with th
several School Iistricts.
To agicregate amount of Militia Fine t as
sessed tor U73 '51003 00
To amount ot outstanding Militia Finest
for 1S71 and IST1 410 00
Ev addi!i-naJ exonerations ailowc l col
lectors fur 171 and 172 $
By additional omini-siooj aliowed lmI f..r 1-71 and 1S7J
I I.y eiMneiratiocs allowed eoUeetcrs for
j '
! Fy rouimissions alloweil eol!ec:ors for
i- 173
j l'y amount of eutslandinir Snesfnr 17S. .
! by Treasurer's cemmission on 74 a:
I oneDercent
Ity bnlaiK-e in han-ls of Treasurer due
tne aeverni Sv liool Ihstric's
:i 44
31 S3
4. s 2
i4i3 05 ;
Addison township
lierlln borough
Itrothersvalley townshia
4'onemaagli "
lale city beirouxh -
F.lkliek township
OrenviUa "
Larimer "
Lewcr Turkey tliot township
MhIiIIi areek "township
Mil ford
$21 99 New Ccntrevilte borough
j 134 Northampton lowaship... ..
i i-ami
32 W7 Qnrma honing "
21 K.1, Salisbury bongli
14 04. Shade township
W 60 j tSomerse-t
10 6- Scmersi-t berough
14 47- Soathampton towahp
33 Hi Stonvcreek "
11 9H1 Stovsiown Imn ugh
: niiamii township
I 11 W I ppcr Turkcvtmi towushin...
I t7 W Vrina luipingh
Wellerslvrg borough t 51
573 1
t 3
11 we
2' 14
23 7 .1
10 l '.
25 6.S
i.S) 74
22 0 4
' 11 iet
; S3 el
11 .'i7
i V li
W tho undersiaed. Auditors cf Somerset Countv, i 1 the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, do certify that in pursuance of the 47th section of the act
entitled 'An Act relating tothe counties rud township. Ac, passed the
Ii)th day of April, I8J4, we met at the tunimissioners otliee, in the borough
of Somerset, on the 5th day of January, 1S74, anl did audit, adjust and set
tle the several accounts required of us bv law, agreeably to the several acts
of Assembly and supplements thereto, according to the best of our judg
ments and abilities.
In witness whereof we have hereunto set cur hands at the office aforesaid
this ICth day of January, A. D., 174.
Second Week.
Kimmel Jt,
Sehcll Jt Koontx,
I hl Jt Kisiiitx.
Ctfrolb Jiti.iithcr,
Cotlmtli t t hi,
Kimmel Jtoiliorn.
Kimmel Jt tilborn,
(iaither Jt Kt n'.r,
Colt rot It,
1 hi, an.l C. JtR.
Kimmel Jt Oillairo,
Kimmel Jt Cult mm,
Kimmel Jt Colborn,
Oailher Jt Galthtr,
t hi, V Jt II.
Jonas Lijhty, -Coffroth,
I'onllueiU'O S M Cm.,! Koontx,
Somerset Imruugh, j 'eitlroth Jt Koonz,
t rank allee.
eieeirge Kennel,
Hiram Fiiullay's us el. Fisher,
Wm. Mav,
i It. li. Yaiiliorn.
i Samuel liridcguin.
Samuel reriitegum,
C. JtO. Cooper Jt Co.
Phil. Wolfcrelierger.
Te-o. Kimmel s use,
Cieorge M oyster,
II. J. Picking,
John M irhael,
Jacob N. Ileal,
Jesse Kaughinan,
Jesse Itaughman,
John O'l'eiuner,
Wm. S. Mvelv,
Ciilllan Miller, nsa
Kelm Jt Wcudle,
U. Cas cil.i.
Kimmel Jt Colliorn,
.Coll roth.
1 1,1 jt Koontx,
jt 'off roth.
I Koontx and Kacrs,
;( 'off roth,
i Vil!roth,
I oil mill,
(lollrtli Jt Hay,
S. Jt H. It. It, Co., ! C7 Nor,
Jauies Itu.vter, Zji Sep.
Joseph Snyder et el.. '' "
Oenrge H. Suhre, 3171 "
; Kuildy Jt tiudlay, irl
eleorge Kennel. 1 121 i Not.
IN 1. Kelm A'o M Sep.
iS. M. . Insur. Co.;M-
1 1.72
Freileriek King,
I Jonas Miller.
I.l.ilin Itaker.
'fttutsman Jt Kelm.
Tin. mas Herroel,
I Win. S. Mvelv,
J helm Jt Lie hi y,
11. L liaer.
1 1172
Elias Ccnnixuuam,
Countr Auditors.
: " :
l-en. la. j g
9 'X i
r. j
24 i.: I '
41 r,l 74 t
40 7 12'
7 1! IV.
4.-, tin ri -y.
24 if.' M'J '
41 12 27 1
IH 30 fi ?
4") 7j t .
47 3-t --4 i7
11 21 41
4-t "I ;
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AVe Want Yon S
Advertlsir.i Mars snonnied on F.nghsh Cloth.
tty virtue of an orderof the Orphans' 4'vnrtof l"t complete Map of lhe I uue.1 Slates. We
Somerset county, we will sell at public sale the real B' Oiese maps away gralu and wid alt.iw y.iu
estate of Kaniel Meyers, deceased, late of Mil one dollar for every map ye a ilhitritiaie in eery
lord township, on Saturdiv. the 24th day of Janu- county awl State in the t nh.n. Male and Fesuilo
arv. 11.74, en the premlse at onee ehi-k p. ni.. Ag.Tis wanteel. Address iinme.1 lately, en. I. ..-on-eoiitalnlng
1!4 acres, mora or less, of whieh 100 oue dollar h-r outfit ol tiva Maps, lerruory, Cireu-
- -i - a.. i .....i.. i,K k.... larsand lull utitlenlars.
t.rintf twins, bum ,n,l iith.'V Imnnir 'muhla there- A l V LKTISINO MAP CO..
em ereeleel; a guod fruit orchard and a sugar oreh-
27 .Nor. 1173 ard of ..00 trees oa Ike nnr, abundance of lime
Laat Brady P. O..
Clarioa Co., Pa.
Pestlewalte Jt It-icrs, Itlixalieth Boucher, im
t hi, C. Ct li..
I in, e . St it.,
il'ottrtith Jt Ttuppcl,
hi, i;. at it.,
Wm. Mav. Sr..
Win. May Sr. Jt Jr.,
John CroVle,
James Kelly et al.,
John Fugle,
Wm. 1. Humbert,
P. Jt O. K. It. Co..
fc. M.SCUUOCK, Prolhonotary.
i la
'179 Feb. Is7
2Sl; " 173
JH2i ,1K7S
24 May U73
3I - 1 11171
4211 17J
474 ,lS7il
7 1J
1S72 and bituminous cool on the aliolning farm; ail
Ili7'i i joining landa of Tutdnsj Meyers, Free man lutield,
172 Jesse Hoover. M m. leaker, Samuel li. e Tiirnneiu
and others. I within half-snlle nf Mllfonl Sta
tion, ou the tSexnerset Hmoeh Railroad, ami is
convenient lo schools, mills and churches.
Tims-41 l In hand 1st April, 107. remain
der In payments of 000 annually, without inter
est; ten per cent or the hand money to Be paid on
Ilavhl Critchflelil ana wife, nf Milird tp..
Somerset Co. Pa., hy eleeil of Assignment, have
assigned all their estate real and nersmul. to the
undersigaed ia trast. forth benefit of their rr.Ml
...J ... ...i ,.iiii ui be su-uredi Itors. AU Dersotu iiidebieU to as id Jacob Crltch-
. ih. f.r.VmiT.r "eld will make Immediate payment and thew
wuiiiiioiiisi. ,r. iO HFVrDII h.iin lUIni alll nulla llM Mm knfSn
WJ. M. CKll'H FIELD, Uelay.