JU I lie Somerset Herald. i nib -r H IS." 7inr. r tit i.k. . r,-iT 'i.n-p. -. J n'y ! '""A ,r '" ,v';1' THE B p.- :IJ a. n. ,.. 1.1. 1:4.'. p. r.u e.1.1 p. ni. ALTFAlit.'K. l.-n'rl. Snpi. BALTIMORE BUTTER COMMISSION HOUSE. 15. BROOKE, XYCE & Co. S4 South St. Baltimore, Fv,1d. . C it mil Hi- ir ;.,',-, t'iiiiiii. tl'l ..I., i.fiVr 11:34 i. tn. 6:21 a. m. VIM p. m. 4 50 p. m. ..,nai'i",'ri1"''" ',., is nhvay vlnttM'r than , ' in at In urn', Iiut sli.mltl nut uli.mUUii-' tuht in our lllslr:lt coiiijkiUou. :. ,,'.fi- l ... 1 ,.Y..r li.-lil in llic m w I.utlisr- ,.a iiih'T t"sl- r.t iws:if tl wi.l lie .u- llil.l III mi!' :MI J.;:.,-. fully ivj ('arils "'ir I'Snnr rnlr.mc tl.,. I ..,,.: ... ., : r. .... .... .. - ... .M.i r-ii n i- mr uie Nile Ol i:r Lin- fX'-irieticf-warrant; t-.s in savin- tlj.it we i-oiiini.itHl tinequultxl l'i;t in- it tn tin- li,t i.sf,;l,lc ailvant.irrr- nn.l us up m:ilr. l!i,ti : - ' - - iin n 0 j- ..i.v.- n-dlmi-c!m-lo intt-if.-re with its rureful liamlliDj. i' !i'.ati,n ror,.I1,mj,llie.ssiHWll wtaUishciJ. and from tW who l.are not jet U-n.-iit -f tlio many advantages we jml-ss, we solicit a trial, and will use all mire Mit inaction. ladovJu-nd.-si rod. nndal". leUi-uut inqtiiry iiromptly i.d iln-tr-lU-s)H.- tt'uHj, Ac. 15. lmOGlCE, NYCE&Co. can Ik: olnaincl at the Ext.rcss ..nice and Railroad Dei. 'n to ir.ivr t 1 advances : .li.-d t.. 'I'm; Daufortli House, one of the hioli tonrd hotels of Pithola liir in ji. i,nl?v was sold last wr k for a ten-dollar da , VK'I ...vl'n of tli hour. AVhatilo SE V ... . v.... I iiiiBlitUtKin ,.. J until Saturday cvi-ninp;; -.:i',:i Tim Mt. I'li-asaml Journal inau appar ently sjH-nils niueli ol his time, propound i - ! -I . llltt ciiimilirtltlo: lili 10 luc l.f ..11,. ft , Ust week was rauu-r iizm. -...-.v. ... ..... ..... v........ '. hy slitnilil Hit-corisrreation ot the J.u ,. ::."" dd Fellow Wires iii jtlierau tdiurch at SiYnu'rwt he cxcei-dincly iviiha nicmiiriiuip oi ..-; sharp? lieeatmc their pustor is a Wiet- Tiir law requires the puhlic sehwls to he kept oj-n at least five mouths iu the year. .Many liersons. and even mini- Tin: building originally cost j "-l'l directors, supjiost: that this U only icwiry iu oruer lo secure the State ap propriation, and that by forfeiting the ap propriation the schools may be kept open only four months. This is an error. The law is jH-reniptory. The school board which neglects or refuses to assess the uec csary amount of tax to keep the schools open lor five months is liable to lie indirtcd for a misdemeanor and expelled from oilice. This feature of the school law is not optional, but as inncrative as nnv other clause in the code It is, therefore, lolly to try to evade the plain letter of the law upon that subject, unless directors wish to invoke the penalty of the uct in question, for the " fun of the thing." riiii Ijrms. The general health of I' riii:t anil vicini ty is good. Mr. Fredrick Yonnliin is very Li "lun-; lever." I Xi-ir A1 ml!"' I'ifi. .. sali: 01' riMii .stki.s' .s.id. 1)1- i. I"'. : .. ' ' . -(i-v,-,, u ,;ynr.u.i n"w. , it,rt f s-.mur.-i is.i 1'... K.mx.l- l""'. t.i ! '.mrt r sniucrmit omimv. r..nine bkwm i-- . , .:'-.,, , . .......i ....... lr. Cranq ton has sold his l)raS Store 1 '''" 'h.taI1 ' LT' ' W Wu" h K-'f I t.. iil.iu n;m-liall liili:- n.-st i o.'i.ic r.'-.- . . , MMluiii-r Ian I of Jiim- J'.-irw. Wvfh-J j Mv.t h n'.(s r. h!. i Ul . i:h:i .m.y ..I S.twr-.:. V.'. LMvi-i. Wi-ilrrsba.-s k Wert .-.ri.n J'l.wk ' th.-t'.fr.p: nuke known i. ii-l tl.tc fmni i W....1 ii.i.l ...hi r l.mil ..1 l..ri-i.Ml. uilililillinsf i " "" hi. . i.rs ..I . -.it. I v..U!i'y "1 I I KKAJ. KJSTATK. X. ir A.l'-i '.. ACTION iT.or ..1 ! .1 1 ul- "Wiiiiain. S-M.tHKl. I lie flirnilnro .1. c- . , . i.i. ..ii i..pt .o, IHMt brought less than ninety dollars. I'ic.snsvlvama'k annual production ol minerals nearly ecpials that of all other States and Territories nut together. In the last year rrjxirtcd bv the census her iiiincs L-lded $;c,2i).S'j(i worthof minrr nls, and all the rest of the country 70,-worth. Ur.i. h!! r.iiu-K ! ! !-25i.()tW 1- ),v Sr.iiv.iel ShalVer. Snnersct i -AM tux., has been npjiointcd . f'ri!i'. by Sheriff James J.ynu of . i'ii:-.!l!y Md. ,, w W. M.-lCaiA. Son.. Cum for price list of leu different y'liVmi: Stoves. - iri. in and see those nice lian.; ml llowcr t at the Live , User's block. I'ol.NTS OK OVK DKMAMm ON Sl'Al.N. Tllf. f.ktliiuit.iv a.. c..iA ... 1. .i.. ....:. ..r I 111 II e- Li. soc.t. Iiqj .rut .........1 I.. . . . ....... .... ... ., ., ..j, a peremptory demand presented by our nei-hbonn? town. A hired p.rl employ- Government to the Spanish Cabin.t: cd in a l.muly there, while lmkinK cakes Tli formal delivery of the Yir tie other niorn.n- stcpH-d back waul to a ginius to o!lki-rs of our tlovtrnment in a chair on which n iiosed the batter and de-1 jM,rt of the I'niled States lil.erat. ly Kit down in the pan As she j l he releaie and restoration U suiis-qaenlly refus-d to ..t on the s-ore. j our prolection iff the survivin? captives. the b.ckfast WM limshed w.th bread. . VilrrfA llutnrT indemnity to the heirs j ot all taken from atH.ard the irginius and I put to death. J Fourth The trial and punishment of ueneral Jiurntl and ad other responsible The !:ncrl of Join.s t.Kik pl.ice on the 5th inst. The "Home Campmeeliii''" iu C'nolluence on Saturday last. Of n town is petting more new p:ie ments; cause-rain and mud. We notice quite a number of travelers are putiuj; up at the Ik-nford House. We have heard that gentlemen in the city have made thu assertion lk:it I'rsitm has the best hotel in the county. Hey. N. U. Lichlitc-r has been holdin a protracted meeting iu the quiet village ol Oraketown, quite a number have profess ed religion and united with the church. Mr K.mli Soli has made quite a listing improvement mi his IhiII. mi land, Iviii-r i.i the vicinity of laurel Hill t'leen. .We are pleased to notice that some of our farmers are taking example by Mr. Scolt. Our few "red eyed red nosed Un;;le footed. ever drink and never quil local op tion fellows, arc compelled to replenish tlieir whiskey jugs by going to I'ontltieucc and generally return under the Uillueiice. Yours hearlllv 31m. In ait o.-mi:v. the fiillowinie UkwHici v.iiiih:.!.' riK.I Mtf. l it-: fin ir..i-r.y ol Hum -I It- nlcr. , Ule uf I' m- in :iul. i.iwnflilii. .Ii-eenf.-1 1, 1.) wit: Cllll'.meil.rd ,... I. A c:-rlnm lot ut itrouni l:u:im In (lie I Uenof I):ivi.fvillc, c..nt:ilni!ii hik.iu our -.!!: n . I i.l nn at-r i. a.lj .liilug UiuiN uf I 'ntharhiu 'u.tr luirs. Ink N. '1 iui'1 the mala nirrct i. .n I t.mu, U:iii on tlie ivect fis of ul.l Hin-ut. u l known on tho (ji-ncr-il plan of ml. I town ns lot No. 1 Tliere u tliriro m.-ry triimc house ou the prem- No. i. A eerlain lot of ijrjuti J aliustc In the s.ime town, K.lj..li.in- lot ol Au' oslua K-blT, I ! No. 1. Muiu struct .ml an ill ley, eouuinliej alH.iu ono U.-irt'r ol an uctq nn.l Known on the uciienil plan ol s.ii.1 town as lot No. 11. Thore i ai.ncaloiy luiilJiug iitsl a a ealilm-t simp a:nt ollo-rouiliulliiinson tlia pri-mtsss. Alio veml cli'.ico trull t rcc tlu ri'tiii. No. 3. A rcrti.tu lot of rouml aituatc In tl.a Mine town. ailjoininf lauoa ol' Ilauiel Nollman, I'ath.'irinu I'lisu-r a lioirs. ei.ntalnlnn almut one half acre. Tin-re Is fram.'.nnl'lo en:oN.l on this l..t: also .1 lot of .hol.i- fruit trc-s on tlia.pr.'mi'es. '1 i:i:;im. fine tlilr.l in hnnl nn tlir lt ilay o April. A. II. 1S74. at whirl! liiii' tin- rtec.l will Ln iiiHien. H.sefsio!i pivi-u nf tlic prtnniwr. The l.alant'e in three ciiial annii il imlalliuenta lliere uttcr. to lie s;:curi-i hy jul)rmcnt homla on tho pri-inijte; ton p.rent oi Inepun-ha nioney to be pai l on the ilay of ali whii-h will lio drlluctcl from llr im.viiieni, Tiie willow's (Inner in the prem:?ei lots iieen rrlcns'il. HANI HI. W. l)()KIH:i;. dorp) Tnirtte. A. tJ. H i'!: . I l ie- I- -. a.i i.- p. it ali.v ilf.ll, pr. ' i ... 11 SO II. I.v-t J M' i:riKK KLKCTJO.V. li.,i .?ui'.At M he 'n hand a anil lojs .-.iNii.es in. u rcatlv redu.-i'ii prices. l.:..ii: Vii!!-; i. half a u.irii ."..IK- Mil lint, iiiii'.a rcli'ierr.i. .:, T..I! SH'l 'i''1" '!fr 11111 s:X of the halt a V , .;.!;: r of our paper we i.wu i,.n ofthr.t thrilling nara- 1 ..-'illl'.l.'il. ,.' Kaable vs. rittsbiiruh A . l m , ,!, the plaintiff was ,-.'::, the sum of !.n; the wicked walk in ;!:: n verily tho inhabitants n were h ijh'.tullv T ick- We notice by Rome of our exchanges that Uev. A. J. Endsley a member of the 1'ittsburgh t'onterence is about to quit the miiiisttry, and take charge of the I'auloii (Ol ItrpubUfun nial Jicpositari. Mr. E., is said to be a god writer, but if he keeps ! the !., ii. htp. up to what it is now, he j v, ill likewise l.e the possessor ol a good dc.ii uf executive al.ilitv anil business tact. ! Tin: Ed.-nsuiirg Frteiiom says We ; learn that another member of l:ie McYey ; family, recently of Alleghany township, i bill ho are now, what is leit f them, i residing in (ialiilen township, die.! a tew j days ago from an atUtck of diphtlieria mak i iug the eigth in that houshold that has ; fallen a victim lo that ten ibie liiseas in icss than six t eeks. Fifth. Theimmeuiite ami uncondition al aoolilion of slavery in t'uba as the source of all pending difficulties and complaints. , -ah the trials nt hie . thicken, and the tl reams of other ilas lade one by one, in the vistas of disappointed hope, the heart grow s weary of Hit- strugle, and we begin lo realize our iiisignirii-ar.ee. Those, who have climlied to the piuical ot fame, or revel in luxury and wealth, go lo the grave at Inst with tho poor mendicant who legs bv the wavside, and like him are km in forgotten. Generation after ireueration. Tin-: vear is almost finished ; December i t&vs an eloquent writer, have lell us we ' formerly the tenth, but now the twelfth : feel, and their fellows are as active in life and last month, has come; w inter has us ours arc now. They pnsscu away sis a spread his snowy man; U- over the face of. veir, while nature wort the same aspect naiuie, ami tue slmrl ilavs are carrying us ol ocautv as when the C reator commanded H'K . I.Er-:." at 1-ar.k yrxr: ... .i:.- : i:i their ,-.!.!. .. mill lurni.-h t n',1 and see fr.-sh them. rapidly onward to the end When i.-i-les inuiij by the wall. Anu In.-k tin-Mo pher ! Mown his liaii, An. I Tom l.i-ars Uluto the tiulL, An.l niiik i-i.iiii rri.eii home in pail." are requested to Th Uli L the age of horse ; Thrice tin- aire ot :i ;1 this i-iic of the H Elt ami we issue . man ; i ., i.;i. .ill..ivc n. 1 li: n-e the iu . si 'plenu m. in. '- - . 1 L 11 . . .. -.1. .1... ... ,,..1 l .Wr .1111 LllC .IU" . a dog is that of a of a of 11 lmrsc is our rea.lers : cfr.-a tin-' matte: !i. lira in. Feed, line, at F.mie ( ..ii;i- mid si-e. r.nd all other gimls I'rice. For cash Tl eagle ; Thri. oak tie.: ice the : ge of a deer the aire of an eag! thi-.t of a man is that s that ol an is that of an isiK & lli-'Klins 1 1 li:.vi- l.i A1.T0.1NA, a small village near Holli '.avsbnrir. must be equal to ihc ancient i r. .'l ' . .. i..c , .f s,. wtiini nil I .iniiiit-fi iiiiln-ino-from rei-nvrii ana opene.i a iuu ' .--7; '1 and Winter grods for the response to a call made to the citizens to convene at me 1 pcra iionse in '.ake ac tive measures to relieve the suffering KMir. I.o ! and behold, when the day and hour arriTed. 'here were j:-t as many enthusi astic citizens and rijl.tous men responded to the call us there were rigiilcous men found iu the other t .v- irreat citie. not one. .a ,.!' our iiumeroi'.s ciistoincr: 1'. . Hui.m:i:iiai m. . .. . 1. . .,r f.iitatv is trying 10 iw 11111..1111 inns in the divorce imsineas. s I'.iviii.-es having been granted rMiie tii-st ot the year. ; her to be. The heavens will be as bright over our graves as they are now around our path; the world has the wmc attrac tions for ofl.-aiings yet unlKirn, that bhe -once has for ourselves, and that she has now lor our children. The Litti.u Cokpoiial comes to us this month w ith a table of contents as choice and rich a Sanui Claus' I'ack at Christ mastime. o parent can invest a dollar and a half, as a Christmas present to his children, to better advantage, than to give them this beautiful magazine to read for a hole year. The Chromo "Whitish to IVapa;" which is given free to every subscriber, is s alune worth double the sutiscription price ol the magazine. New subscribers for next year receiTe the November and Deccmlitr numlieis of this year free if they subscribe now. Terms l,5o a yesr and achroiuo Irec. Address J. ills E. Mil. 1. 1.11, Publisher, ( hicaoo. 111. Hoinersct Township Kerns. Mr. Souiuen StFihi, some lime moved his steam saw-mill on Mr. W. Slahl's farm and commenced sawing week. We understand that Mr. Stnhl intends to build a large and commodious barn next summer, Mr. Staid has employed Mr. Cieorgc U. I5i;tncr to do the carpenter work. Mr. Samuel Weller is also making prep arations for building a new barn next summer. Jacob linker killed two large deer last week, George Swank one, Jos. Show man one, John tiieer one, and Abraham Shau lis two. Eli Haker while out hunting last w eek found in Michae4 Shaffer's woods a pair of hand-cull's. How they got there isa myste ry, unless some prisoner that mailt- his escape lrom some prison took them oil' there. 15y all appearances they hi-.d I. ecu lying there a long time. In the last weeks 1!li;ai.i we saw- that you had been requested to say, that in the Somes-set township items a mistake occur red in regard lo Win. F. Welier's barn. There was nothing said in the Somerset township items in regard to Win. F. Wel ler's barn, it was William S. W eller and not Wm. F. Amis. 1 ht- st.n-kliol.il-! of the Soniersut an j Ho.llur l Turnpike Company will take notice that an elec tion will he helil at the house of i. A. Kimiuel, iu Allegheny township, an the&th day of January next, to elect one I'rvsl'lent. six Managers anil a Treasurer to conduct the adiilrs ofsai.l romp it. r the en-uiuir year. J Kl-'K KIMM KL., rresi.ieiit. Il..-.ll.ir.l Impiirer please epy an 1 ehurne eoui paiiy. ilcelii. .VAitiii:i. KIIODES. GASH AW. On the L'n.l inst. by Rct. John Tomlinsofl, Mr. Ma misses IthiH'.es to Mrs. Eurinda Gashaw, both of Somerset county. liec to th ..U-.-i.irs "I .-. I.l . ..u:'' y nt s-.m -r-:. ti tt-.-n-a uii I Y. iH-reues, airict niiM"ii'c. ncariy r.u , -' .n'.i " .' " toured ami h-iieisl: a two tor ilwelltu lioufn I lhlr.l lu. a.l iy. thn 1 1 r li ilay of t. - i:i;..-r i.-ti. at .L 1, .... -j.. I ..ilw.r Lull, ih. u nr ibeniun 1 tl." srvi-rul i ieeli-.n 'is ri-l toi-r-m: i-l t h llm- rr.-.Nl- a. ir.m.1 sorinir ol Hcn-r-tailinz waur.au ! tli-y willv-.'e h.rlhe a.!, .plion or r- t orcliar.l eoiivi-nl. nt nn.l aeverai acrea in uieuoow tl;:- .01 p 01 a: 1 :i t. !. ' t ilr I V 1 1 "I r ' No. Situate In the township ami county afore. ! -J In the loilnuiuir oriMiiniiieof rut I.l, adjoining Welli.-rshtirir it West Newton hl hy tiie Secn-turvi.t tlo-C. ii.aoi sal I'iaiik Uoail, John Ilieka an.i .laoii i. I'uraon. eon-1 t:ihiliis ntli-cn acres, mrk-t mi-.-sure. all cleared ) nil I liiie-tat; living water thercou; nlioi.t hull in ; iiii-:nloiT atij Ijaiauce iu a ij.ioil siaic ol t-uitivalh-n. ; No. 3. A IrcL of lan.t idtn.ite in I he township , an-liMuni y nloi-:s:ii.J. aij vinfiic imd of John b. li.xldv. J,.mcs l'ui-son, J. M. H .I h ih.iu.ii and . Saimiol l!. Livelihood. contiihiliiL' acres and H ' perches, strict muanure: alioiii It acres thereof M well liinlicn-il; llvlna; water thereon: the huhiiu-o ht-liix in a slnto I'.r enll Ivatimi, the whohj licln-jf ; . IVCll. I Tlje n tm o ih sc il.i. tair- tr ji t i ;. " nil ri!ui!e-l ..no half looti.; mile weal ol S iucrs..t. no I will he s. .1.1 at lie? hit-: r.-i-id'-nco of ip-rc-li-nt onSiitur ilay. thaSTth ilay of lK-eetuher, 1S73, at one o'cloeic on said day. Au.l on the tolluiwiiir Monday, the J.iih cl DisVinla-r, at 1 o'. lock, I win s- ll the'un.li. vidcl lnil.' oi the J--i!-"liiii hiial.-:. : ilualc in .Mil lord lown.hip. S.iincr-ct i'n.. at llic ri 4i Icn'-e ol .loliu Meyers, in said townsl-lp. to wit: No. 4. Tiie undivided hull ol a tni'-t of L..u-1 sitiiiitc I:i Miir.ir-I towioil.fp, r'iiinTi..i Co., i'n.. adjoining; l:imi of l'elcr Hull, John- Kii.z. un.i niticrs. conUiiiiino; 1.1 a-;re-) and 11 1 p.-r-ui .1: a tuo story frame hotixe and fiaine ham and otherhullJ ins tliereou erected: a goo.1 tn-iiarJ tiieret.n: 4 acres in lucaaow airi Valaii.-e in a good state ot i-nliiv.uii-n. No. 5. The 11:1 liviJc I h.ilf ol a tr.n.-t of land situate in the township and connty iil.ires-.ild, ad joiniiitr lands of .1. Sbot1, 1). Miolt. C. I'. .Sclipiek and others, coulainin:; 'J4 to-rcs and fi-J pen-li- s. partly cleared and the whole under fence. The aforcr-ald tw. tracts are situat'-d ahoHt one mite distant Iroui li.-l.harlsou.- and New Centreline, and will he soli r.t oie: o'clock 0:1 i'ai.1 day. ind ntlhesain? time hy an nrnmu''-int-nt with John il. Meyeri', the owner id the other half of the ahove iracls, Ids iotri-t tlo-t-cin wiil lie sol. 1 so that the piu-clu scrs can have .ill., to the whole, liU inlercsL to hi- s.'td on the feaute terms as the in terest of .lei--. -oil Meyers, dt coaie-d. Tkiim.s (iirb.i.E.-;aiic-l!iir.l la I: and on the 1st of April. 174, and lite hftiulice in three equal an nual payments hilling due 1st April, lsTi, ls'saii'l 177 redpeeiivei)-, to he secured hy judgment Isiuds: M per ci-at of the purchase uii.ncy to I e paid or se cured when each property is sold'and to oe deduct ed out ol tho hand lutaiey. AVssosMon to lie irivcn 111 the 1st of April n -vt, wlien them-jd w ill he de livered. SAJII 1X1'. I.IVI .N.itMU), lei-3 Trttstce. 1--II ot l'o.r New Ci astitii'l iu. Iu 111 umr atU !-' " pre rio- 11, i on. r. i!.- oliwiiil-'h: AN liTHiri IXl'K .1 :-..: Is1 JOTICK. dii:d. EOVi'MAX. On the Colli of November, Mrs. Sarah Ann Eowm.in. aged (it; vents, months and 13 davs. SOMKKSLT Ttt Altlil l, (V-crected weekly ty A. J. I'ASnuia.:: 4. Co. Jit IllV.'.iiV "I Mill an.! SiiiouidiT Shaw r'.-, i'.itluio Skirt ins. Felt Out-: ::t llni.'erbaiim's L: and double s. Shawls 11111! i. Wilier proof i-es, At., just i A I. LA!! s A -t:K, Fi. inipi. ;-t!i. V: tried 1 now, -cur 11 c '.it:!e girls were c i'.np ti ing pr.i- 1 1 acehism study. I Have got 10 1. "slid one; "How tar have you -Me? o. I iu way bcvon.t re. temp--, . , .1 sii.l uie un ci. i-.u'is of Casting's and Wrought ,:k made at McKaig's Foundry are.! Miop, hr twenty five per cent. ,D vmi linve mill paying- i:::e 11'. ill this palKT. o ,;ir-iii;.t was made to burg!ail.e .mil Irug Store" on last Saturilay William wasn t c.iuglit napping 'j. and the would be Unci m I not it in cite, ting an entrance. ir.il-.M i; JsaI.E. ) sillier wve.coa's uioccl out ut 5.(K) a ldt cc. ;0 l.ine.i , 1.1 an immense stock of Oress at pn-ally reduced prices at lifttl. viV liro s v mining aim ii innvsici -if.i.iishiuent." J the col.l ur I.iwT e.l ;iiu' dot' t Givk the Johnstown Tribune credit for these two items. They have a queer way ) j of doing things in Westmoreland County. 1 Ueccn'Jv a man from Iitrobe was sent to Our junior editor has ' juil twelve days 'or selling liquor on Suii iiator and is taking il I 'l;,.v- Alter serving his lime he returned il invaluable to him as a ! l.alrolie, anil was met at Uie train l.y a . ...1, .,..,1 le -ulilor otilame crowd of his fellow citizens, who lie; the bow els. Articles of diel thai he dared not indulge iu beibre taking your Liver Medicine, he can now eat with impunity. Very truly, DviiKS 5c Sl'AKIIAV. K. Editors Fi.uidian. lis:. 1 I.m.i. ai'irn-.'s most ciiiiml'iss and iui il. iu his arnest which he fat Journal of lit tilth, ly against cold bed savs imperil health cm-.. lied him to his domicil in the ttyle with which conquering heroi-s were re ceived in times past after a scries of suc cessful conquests. Ik some smart little boy will work out a solution of the following, and call on us w ith the answer about 5 o'clock on Christ mas morning he will receive a valuable present: A. and 11. ar widowers, each having a daughter. A marries li s daugh ter, and 15. marries A's. daughter. What would be the relation of the children of A. and 11. utter the marriage? 1 diseases. 1 o this giving a contrast of mmc liny degrees between the temperature of the lungs and the air of the r.Kiiii the w riter describes frequent and f.t.tl attack of inll.-imation of tin -f tins', and concludes willi the assertion, w hich will startle some, that il is even safer to sleep in a bad air all night w ith a temper- . there is any harm in reading novels. This attire over fifty than in pure air w ish a is generally a mooted question between temperature under lorlv; for the bad air ! parents and children, but now the weight Wk Irc-queutly hear the expression made bv young jieoiilc that they don't think o-ii you. Put cannot Kin you; wnue air "can and .Iocs kill very often. iH.ki.11 i' Claim : A novel claim. i-. n-icUct laaik containing four auioiinlingto several million tloilars, lias "... . . . ... . , . . I . .. 1. . 'I' I 1...... .! oeeii sjiiiiic.; upnii 111c niii.-'ii; i" i".o ment. Ill . IMi'l, Gen. liurneiile ordered the impressment of eight thousand slaves in Kentucky for mili ary, road and similar work. Tie' few loyi.l owners were paid at the tune -f lue impressment, llx-ciaims of the remainder having gone into a few hands, are to-day prosed upon the Gov ernment for settlement. All the cx slave owners now claim lo 1 e loyal and entitled to back pay li-r their Ibriuer battels. 'I I. est: are but samples oi millions 11 1 1011 millions ot dollars of claims that are la-ing exhumed and pressed tip.iii the Govern lie nl. .. . , . I. . ..e- . .... ill. l-'.li.ir ot tllC.1 UHOll l IJHin-irnn 11- srs It - rveil him liaht. hat business sneJi:...- with that amount of 'those -r. i;i.::,;:( d millions of currency r lb- lived a nili- assortment of lii hschibnnd Handle 1'arasol, a 'lois. Funs. Lace ami culls tuns Hat Apples, .Iric.t. jft II. Apj.lehulter, l gal liutler, y Kuckwheat. W bushel ik-eswax, y 1 tac m. shoulders, V It " sides, ' hams, " Corn. 41 tiushel Corn meal Ik Calf skins. V Kpirs, H doz Klour, hhl Flaxseed M hu., (it! B.) Uird. V lrfialiier, red sole, )t 1, M'lr kip. lata, t bu i'ouitues, y nn l'caehes. dried, W ft J(y i hu Hans. W ft, Salt, No. bid l hu " Asht.m. Su;rar, yellow 1 ft white Tallow V lb Wool, y ft, Dr. J. Walkor's California Yin- Pilar Killers arc a ptncly Ycget;iblo ):i'p.'i:atio:i, in;idc chielly f;-oiii the na tive Iit-! l)3 found 011 tho lower ranges of tl:c .Siena Nevadu mountains of Califor i.ia, t';e medicinal properties of which are extracted tlien-IVotn without the use of Alcohol. T!:-? qr.estioti is almost daily aslo-d. Vi ii.it i.s tin: cause of tho titiparaileie.l jn.p-ce.-s of Vixkuai: llrr Ti:i:.sf' C:ir aiis - c;' i:;. tout, '.hey remove t!:c cause of lii.-cii-e, ami tin; patient rc covers lii-5 hca!;1!. They are the great l.'.ocd p::: itier iiao a li.'e-giviag principle, a ; -l ici t l.'eaovatc;- a;.d I:r. igoiator i f 1'. e M'sieiu. Never before i;i Ihc :.:-:.': -. i f t..o wuri.l in.i a ic.eilieii:.; been -t.i:-:..'iim.h'.l t.-rs. ing tho reuiarkr.Liu i: :.i..;ies of Vl.MtiiAU lllTTKUS ill heaiiiig tho Mtk i f every di. ea e man i heir to. They a:'.: a geaiiu l''.::'-auve a.? well a? a Tuuic. r-iievi:: C'o::t!e.:io:i or Iallaiumation of t:.y l.o.-r aa.l i-cend Orcans ia Uiiious The sale of Itiu real ( st..'.e of l.i vi lt.-i k. v. ,le- eoivcl. id Jutiucr t. wnsiiip. h.is h. .-n ics.pone,l until Saturday. December '.Mil!. l 2 ..'.inl;. if not o:d to be ri nl. !. I.V.rUiKlKKI'l It. de.-3 .A , I u: :i. i: r:t t.-r. LOCK STITCH. The- jiroior(ios cf Dr.. AValkeu's V.'.vit'.A 1: i;n": :ats are Apcrieut, Diaphoretic, (.'a:::. inatoe. Nutritious, Laxative. Diuretic, .'-.-.iativi'. Cotir.ter-I.-riuiit gtidcritic, Altera-t.vi-, atal Aali-Diiiuui. Grateful Tliousamls proclaim Vix. kgar Bitteks tho most wonderful In vigoraat that ever sustained th sinking system. No Person enn take tliese Kitters accoii .tig to (liifctiotis, ami remain long uinve". provided tlieir bones aro not de strovt I by mineral poison or other mean.-, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Ki.ious, Ki'inittont and Inter mittent Fevers, which are so preva lent in the valleys oi" our great livers throughout the I'mted States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois. Tennessee, Cumberland. Ai kan- 4oM.-je ! S!lSj ;,,,! (jolotatlo. Hrazos, l.'io Grande, I'eat l, Alabama, Mobne, Savannah. Ko atioke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea- 40i-4tiU tfjc tl w 30C Sc s- l'Je uo 3c tl 'Ji -Joe lt) ! 60 Vi' ot-Hlllic 7oe. MK- &0c 5oe VJ'-e 1 Co 3c Ui) to 3 l.'i l 24 is) 10l(l italic Se X i 1'L,.i!jV1AM-M1 Th A Y". tit U oidailltd tit? i'oa . 0 ihe 1jir,o-iirri,l;h of , 1. rc r; - ai.; - IKI i- : I i;ft..!ftVltti!.'!.r ! rhlliMMf 'Hiiyh'.i.ti 1 utio.-t 1- j 1 'I'll i -.1. .in- a I . '.-...,' i-ti, i -0 i.i- t!"i.: t.'oi.vi-iiiioi:. l-c fti'nait-e.i to the j.!.iii:i,.d com tors of the t.'otiiin,in,.v.-.-iltli lor lle-ir :i-lop:i ,11 --r rc p'cti.'n. .-it nn il.-.-ti-.n to he ht i I 011 rle-tlih- IT'm--- j iliivol D-ci-mlicr n-t ; cr-i-pt us I ct-.-.o.-: .'lcr or. d.-n- i sin I i'i,v-tr I. .-. i 1 , I i .ii til 1... I j an I ,i.ri In -:i-l bv lie- r-mi! ir i!.e;l.it 1 iti,-r. ia tl!--.-t- '-r.i! i'!"i-!i. n dis:ii. :.--till". -iih-. lit tie. I'.iii:- 1 i.e.tiv.cal:!.. no Icr ::;1 1:1.1 i-.-u .! iiioii-. .-tn I pr.i--i-.t.-i ol c.Ti.J: iie '-, v. l.-'l-iti' ti .atl-il ci ti.,iu: :.ti ! tie: -.i.-.-i:l.-i ..: t le-. . i-ilc- leiih - -!. .il irivc at l--ii.-: I a 1 1 ' v .i.-;. 11 ,: i. c -.1 1 1 : U--. i..n I y pr. I.tni.ri. 11. 'i. Ttie si cct-c tn ry ol tiie ( '.nim aiw.'j!: li -deii!. :tt leas; tw.-niy tiiiv-i bt-fore tin-said eh-cuoit, ttiriti.-h to th -('"minls-loni n of each er.tinty. a stirli'-ient ntuulH-r oi profierly prepared clrcuhirs of In-druc-tiotis. The ConiuiJs-ti.iiiTi i-f the scvural c.unti.-s slmlt an-'e to be prilitc-l at loiee, thrre times as many ballots of a.';ir:.i"tive votes as tlielc art: Voters In eai-ti .titinty and tiie same number d le- irive roll s: an I t lie- s-ild commissioners shall, nt l.-a.-t live days b-i.Te said i-b-.-tion. cansclo oc biirly t!is tril nleil to the sevee-.il elecilon disirl.-'s in Ihclrre ppci-tive etrttntics, tiie said hailot.-.. tally-lisls, rci turns, eii-.-ulars ot instructions, and sit -!i other book and piijrf.rsasiiiiiv-bru.'ii-.s:iry. Tie ball. as shall la- printed or written iu t he b'lli.e.-iii form: ( In the out side the words -NewContititti"n." in the in side lor all persons sivin-nltirinativv votes t he words 'l'erthe Nciv C.,te':.ul:i.:i." and lor all persons iriiinar ncativ-c "votes the w.:i-,!s Airiiiitst the Ni w t 'onstimtion.'' If ft shall appear Ihat a mae.ri'v of the v'.es I 01' a- - ! -' - r -' - ' :i io 1 le- ill -111 -I lo nM- h Ii ! ,.-: ; i. rap ri . : :.: i.:;i-t p -- -01-., 1;.. ' .1 n. '.. I: i'-ii v i a- .-'-' :,:! 1 ! 1 , t. m - - :'.'- i. r pur ly v. -li:- 11 and pirtlv i t:i..-ls -!utt..i l.v f un, -.vl.l.-li adi -le ! '-Icurlv whi r-:-the r-sln n -e i-. id 11 ; -l.iititiii to bi-.-t v..t:-r: a:t I lie- r.i tl.o riolo 1,. .-.., .,..,11 i. . , .l t . wrlli.-n or p.irny w. atnn nod t. r priati .1 : I vi'. "tatinjf. to til. bi-.'t id hi., in- - ! ; - a a i ! wlo-i c :i:i,i w lo ii h- w.i" !: 11 : 1 h : I..- , - Id III.- t'',!lllt,,-.9...iiin d P'-MISI :i lr.i:t. :...i : I liilcd st:i..-: ilia: be h-t- n-.i l-l io the Ci a:-iiioi-.w.-alllioi.-.-ji-.ir. or lib iin. rlv .1 .-i-ica th,.r.-. . in and leu rcM..,-l ile-rcli.-ifi. th,,i ;, . ( ,. r--ldi-l ; tte-li ill i-i-v Inolill'-I-l.-.-.-.-ii-:- -!-.-1 i- tiT i',.-i. i he litis n-.t .ilol'e.l into t he 1'. 1.' ri,-!. l- r t:.c pin p-s:, -a v .tiatr then-in; ll.:tt iie has p.i 1 n s-.tt-i or.. : I ''.tijtty tax n i.hin tr,:ycrJ. -.vol - ri v.-:. , -,- .1 ; it 11 1! Ik f- r-.-Siil-I '-ic-Mi.'ii; toi i. i, 11 .: :ir-. li.. .1 i: t.' ti .-!. ;!! ai. -. .l.i: c wl. ,1. v. I. r.- :n. ' l.y rtl,:-.: I coii-l be w.i.-i tell araliii-- 1. eld rli 1 1! :u:v -!,:- .' ie j liii: c, r.'ih.i.ite or 1. .11 iirali,:-itio!i hir .-x..:i.i:i;i: i.-o: j that saiil .il.'i.Ia-, t slisii ittso sl.i-' e i,.-,i ..ti i v. :.:!.! I :!.e tax clitlinc-l to l;ep:.i. bv tl.t- alien it as . . J J -b I 1. :: a. w o- r - t ,1 - : 1 u'-oi 1 , 1: .-1 -i th-!,! r-1 i;:l lit -r- !'!'" "ti-il! !-. . in -c t ( ev aln:!i- : j- -II. Illile.--- till' il :i, I ill Mi li I s: ii.- i.l h j a te-di-l it lii.it i! h.li- 1 i " ei- it ,-i : '. ,.i t.-li-l i ' 111 vr re-, iv.-d i.-n-. : bur i! th.- -r;-- ,:i , 1 1 Lt . : i..jr tin rilit I . .'!.- -l.ail i t k a.,-: - te - 1 :' :: :: tn- l.-v-t. that he Is !! ll.ttiv. bi tii , ,: ! l . I 'i,il. .1 siiiii --. ir i( li.-rn rit-t r, I.i re. .-.1 all .' o -- !:' .,i- f io hi ,-illid.n it. and i'ltall pridll'-c i.i.!iii,- l':..t .,. lei- Iso'ii iiiitiirniiz.-d. or t!.:it he I-. cdi: :-.l 1.. f-i:i-cii.-hip by real ,n of his lather's not ifao.i: I. -a:) and li:ill Inrt in r state in liis at'ld.ti i! li !( ':-. at the iii. ic of tiikinx lite adi 'aiir. I.--. ; . . -ii ti.' ilircsol twenty one and tivcar--; .: ,1 i.; tf.iit te hus n--l-b d in tin-s.ii-i-..in; . jr. -11: i ia tie- e'.-. :i-.n di'lri- l tr n.inv.-. next pin-i-l'-ctioii. he shall be cnli. led t I. : - r ----!: li lt 11 ..I ! -tl -II.- " 's v ,: i-r S o, 01-o. .., ,' ol li," . ,).., . oi 1'. '1 11. 1 v. ir-i . ..1:11.- 1.1 :, 1- i r 1 iiia in t a i r r. .l- r - .' II .1 ! It I- tl'-W ii"-. ITll te 1 , th- Kb-.-i n '.' .il.--l:lii-ii: ilc.-i.rl., I r.it. t :,..nn 1,1.01 villi.-. r..d en. '.nstiiiiti- oil I r til it-'it-.. ini-i. 1 1, vt :.ai! a.: l-TioTIv .'1 ci mi,.-, 1 , .'.,,- I 4in,.' t 'o.-ini i-e e.."-. 1 r:t! ;f.-. , if e ; . .,.i,'t-l i,f '.u.n'i . I: i' .-r.-f, C'.e Kii'.-'iii' ii Ane-e-'ntrti ,,r t;-... c.u a f .t: i' l!.e I. Iiio-d SL.-.l- -' is as ..le,jr-: :.- I. T'i.e ri-ht id cttuciis ijf th I nit- -'. l-i V',M b:,il ll"t 11 lieiiii-il or fi bri I t. I i:::.-d s-ii.ti r i y any ,s;:ife ncr, un' ,--. r. -l- pri-vi-.in c-.ieii:i,.n ef .- r-. i: n t.-. 1 . '.. T:. .f '..iii-r. ,Js sle.Ji h.ne poii- rfo::: . arti-i- l.y a;.: ropri.-it-! i ;: Is: i.-n. '. - - -.. ia: i ' .n--r. t ,- t t - mi :': :.-t esyi-l lar' ll. Hi',1. j ;i.-. ; ;ii ' i ' ' ; d'i i .j .rvf. tUe. ri'jt.u "J r.' - '.'it' li:thU Statft lo m'g i," l'if j, I-,'.-.- .-' If.'. I ..lun nudfnr ,.;,. r foi.e, 1 1,- i - ; '-,r... ot '- ! -.: (-!.. : I. Iw tl ::''',! ht, lir ;,.r Is a -; . ' ; ;.,,-.-- ,4 ..;':,-' I ,..u ,t '.l- . It -.., r.i .,HVi . n il : . :l.- 'd i-. s.tiiii n.t biive pin-; tax--: tie.- s.:i : .i:t pi l-sol.s liiiikiii su--h einit:... und tie t he witu.-ss. -s I". th'-ir n .-i.e-n t..:ii by I be fit-el ion board, nil-1 SI tit" .-,.y,. ti ,n tli;-v siiall lie eii'-i"io-1 irit ii ti.c K-: t tally l'ts and other paper- r- ,-.:: I l.v I tib-d l.y tin- lietiirii Jii..'es wit ii tfii- l'r- : a:. I -It, :P remain on bio : leu t ' l'r clu oilice. Mil,!.- t !, e Y.l Mill ill II. ;: ol io-r el p: is tire: i: the el-: :i,,ii otlici r. - liall Had iippt!;-:!iit or nppti.-ai.ts . . ' i lb,-;, hum: ion ot vo;i-r be or tie--. ,!..-!l b, ih cic,--1 n i: !. u -i l io Isviv :' a'l 'I: invits of pr. rv- I flci'. mie-,1 ,tn: i,ir . io: i.i-w iinsii. nil, ii. iie-ii u eo,i 1 1 iie : j j, (1j ( , i l,i, j, , ; . ,.,. ; nc . -on-'. n n ion in t lii-i out iieiu ,v :i i i ii oi i i nn - j i- i ,.t H -- j,,.i,rr in",, v ' t r I rania on and after the lm-t .!-ty ef .lurtii-iry. in lb-- , ;1 . tl,. ',,,,1 . year ef our l.nl one ti.on'aiia i it.ht bniion-.l attd t,', v',,.j tiirV; tin: .- itii'e'n. n re iiv-iottr: utii ii u anti.i 1. 1.:-.- i r I n;ii a iiiajorn v . ,.1,.. , o, j, .... n , ill 1 'run ti i.-- -i t , t a .- ;,... a b .-a p i it tn i. u.ti- d I i ti.-; ...r I to f Ihc votes filled were liuaiiist the mov Coiislii n. tiiiil. then it shall b-j r.-iccte I and be ruilt and void. 4. Five Commissioners ol l-.icetl- ii.ii: fiwiri 11. t'itb-r. Filw.-ird lirowniti-.'. John 1'. Vcrr-e, II. lay S. Ifai-rt. and John ( . Ji.in.-s. -o-.- hcr.-bv apjiointe.l by t Ids Conv-m ion. who i.-til b:,c d'i rcc'ii.nol the i-lc-ti.,n npin litis n.n-l.-.i Cit-ib till ion in the city ot I'liiladelpliia T.e .-.ii i 'uni-iiti.--.-lotn-rs sieiM lie dt.lv swor.i or i.tbno to p, r! rtn tin Ir.intii s Willi itiipiiriiiibly no I ti I. li:y. '1 bey shall also Jem- povi-rto Ittl Vio-aiii-i. bi t'l.-ir-v.-i iiiiiiiIht. It shall it-: tin- duly ol said t.'om.tii-Jion. crs, or a majority of th-m. ,-i-;d i to-y .datil have a a -thority to ir.jike'.'i r.-tri-d.-ation if v-.t-i .-r tiie si'vcri. I election divisions ., I s,itd i-i'y. arid : lur liiJ!i the II.-o so ntiide t-i the cl'-etl-n .-;!'.' e: - i i cju-ii prcctt. rt or ilivl-dvH! lo dj-itribnto the tickers lr stl I city piiivi-t I for by this or-iiriiii.oo to be usd at the ifb-crt'-- .oapp-da a ta-ta.- an I t.vo ia-rit-c- sons v A if -e.l tbii of the pr..ior :.i ,t,i. -i,li-i..-:i( us i- t.oi . h ,-b th,-; :-n- at ,-u that in s---iiv,n otii o it !:ii ;i b- lav. iul (oi ii-tri ;, notuiih"!:-!! d v-ibT i-: -i, taiic-d t-. ch.ii;, i.-c ib- ti t!ie -aiiii- pr-f I .t t lain- I i.i . sit - d 1 s-.i I A-i iiny .(it. il'- "1: n lb - !i- :' I I.V tic- 1 iic li-..- oi p,-. . it i- pr vi i-iil- I ci-U-.l : ..ii:,e ..I !!t r. or previous coti-ir i,,n .,; ...r, ,.,., . , .. ., n. !: eatom. u.-aio . r r-znittwn '-'! ii "r I' -rrit'ir-.- ur by or ur, .. -.- , . .... ... . ..' it r ry r w ii iisriinaieir. ' ' .1 ti' itt-:flfr citili-fi. 'I "..it .. , an: a , i-v -I tho isie-fttu-'..u ,.r -. i r -1 laws iiny 'i crrtti-ry. snv . . . ' :'. i;tiir. .1 to I - .toae as p-ri'-ri-otii-.i,, i- n 1-r votlnu. an. I by su-ii e..ns:ittnc n r - li-- r -.-lh- T-, ..re or sie: ii fii iiar- i w. i- a nn ; .--- of duties in Pirni-hiii-- to i ii;, ,; i uiii:y to j.-ra-rtti sn-ti prer"-piiitis. t-r i . ,n. I t , vote, u ,;,,a ),,. tit-d.'irv -: 0 p-t -;. at:-.! olti.-cr -.to t ivi-iiil -irir-i,'s . i ! .-..::, i ta,.- s tni- it itd vu.ii opjMirtiinj: -,- i! -:'.! r- J i-ptt-ir. S a.'.d 1: Ik-i-. Ili-ipj.. til,'- w ti i- nt ;!is: ue-i ion ,f race. civr. -r t-r ii, ion ! - -rvitade: an I il anv s:ieU p, r- .-r -bs ,i r -tii-c or knnwi..";ly Jrnit to -ii ... to tie- -.-.-ion In: -a--a. lor cccrv m n of. ' i: i.:i-l iiy i.'e- snni t I. . e bu i.iri-l dot per- in a --r,.-, i r h-ret ,v. to n n-.-,.v.-r-"" -a : . e -:: ' -. w it b laii -vi. moi I b-.-s tis ti.ecoTirr vli i l a...... it.-:, tit-1 -h.il! i.i - .. :,,r. -very sic a ..t!-ico. i. .ii.,.,,". stl. f. a n-1 ia:i.. ,-ic. nvi--i- t b -s ti ni t,-,,. bu:.i!r.-d i ti. t i -s 'h in i re ni.-ntli o-i.--I - . : a ini , f. b- In, i" Irapri : t!i .a ., 't. ,. 1- . t! I ir.-l 1 . I - I 'll I. r tir, o 1 I i ti );- .-l-.r.: v ..'llcrs t- . I v.li-ia t be e! - :t lit -t'-.'. end to ho eb tb-ll iil'i-i-i' the eb - lion , ; -r- -a sl;:ili ! I be .ii-iii'lb : :!..- N-w en. the el -i, !l ia it:.--i i.e.' '.-r:i- I- d av n ;,-1 to o"i: :! tot'- i.i rv PBICE S40.00. "yri-''' have i;i;aI'V ci i; nkw Homo Sowing Machine, Anl want every 'erais w hm'sI ( n ii;;n !iir, !u H'lftrecH n nt m', a our rein: arc UtvcniNlf. ami miK-liiu !unrrf'. tix l-lcr :it-n! '. We hNh ofitr iijc Jmprovfl JlM.il H SiirriXK. wlilth the above t-iit r(ircit -ni-. Ajrontfl wnt'ii cry wiin d rilie hU.vo rl.iiu M. rjniii in irh Injii lo i. tvt. If out ;f rmplt-yEiit'iit, '-r m m-l (t u iiiin-hin,1' f n hU h will tic iiii rrprvsoiitfl i;r miiv rltm!e.l.) nil'tri-i s.'iioi i;u (ten. iVnn juf-!uie. t'siturh. !';. I V VOl" WANT TO I'rnlanr l.lniinc-ul. There is no puin woieh (lie (tentaur Linlinenta w ill not re lieve, no swelling, they will not suixlne, and no lameness which they will not cure. This is Btronfj lar.uae, but it Is ttae. They have produced more cures of rheumatism. neuralgia, l.iek- jaw palsy, sprains, swclllnif.cake,bbrcas:s, scab's, bonis, salt rlieum, ear-ache, Ac, upon the human frame, and of strains, siiavln. s-jlls. unon an imals in one year than Lave all other pretended I is Do cathartic for the purpose equal to remedies since the world hcjrnn. Theyarccunter-1 Pit. J. Wa t.K Kll's VlXKt'.AIt IlllTKUS, irritant, an all healing pain reliever. Cripples '. ;US they will speedily remove lilt' tiai k throw away tlieir cratclies, the Utne walk, s.is.ai-! colored viscid lliatter with which tliC ou bites are rendered luirmlcss, and tiie wounded bowels al e loaded, at the .s;Ui;e tilllO aro healed withouta scar. It Is no humbug. The stimulating the Secretions of tile liver, recipe is published arouinl each lxittlc. They sell ivIlll m in-inlly restoring the healthy as no article ever lief.. sold, and lin y sell I-; functions of the digestive organ.';, cause It docs just what they pretend to do. Those j KtirlilV lllf lioil V Jl":lillsl lli'sCIlse bv purifying ail its Ihiid.s with Vini:;ai: sons of iiimsual heat and dryness, arc invariably accompanied by extensive de ; rangcnu-iits of the stomach ami liver, . and other abdominal viscera. In tlieir I treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow erful inlluciice upon these various or- :ans, is essentially necessary, there si mi sy an t. IN GOOD SECURITIES, GOO ID I'.M Inc y.u a INTEKEST, il o.i or a b:rt - s tors for ci' o-.-tmn d ti.-n th--- .. shall be l.el ! ,i:.-t -itlvt- -t: iieeessary liis-rir.-ii--' lo ce: - .ar iin their lot!-- ... li-; and in making r-tnrii-. rb-:-- -I. serve as an eleo'it.iioibe-i- s.'i.i v;. He! nn IerS.-.-l, n l.i. .r i- !,: s. stiluiion. Tiie ir-r.er.ti r. -eiii i the said city slciil be i-',' -tei. .,-... li.-d N.fi. re tb- . '.anaii-.-i ,,',' i.-. a: provitl which approval sbub b- r 'turn, 't'hry r.n.ll nink.-j n- r: rrci-l.;. n: of ihi.-t C- nvra; i -r-. ot ti.-n und-r Ibis or-ttti'ine- at:--, c.-iic-ieieu dtl-t of i in- ,-i.i i fb-cii.-n wi'biii ti.e ..-.i i-: . r The Jo a'S a.-i-i lu.t-.-ti ni,,.--..:i m duct lac i-icctloi. in :.:! r 1- coMi-re.,.! ir- acriil cb rioii : ,v.s-,t till- ('eitM-t.'-e it; wirii like powers a-,-! d.iti-- lo t!n-s- .-, , ei, -'.loa oli:r,-rs. l-ii" i: lie; - . :. r Mia;, :t; ia: ,,i:-ch-rk lo assist the lline! in :'.: -.--i loret in.-'- -d' i s dlllb'S. nod ilil the eil-cttill oil.-, t- l.-i.lii be ittiiy sworn or it:lirn:cd accor-iii. t- bn-. ..a 1 si; .!) p. s-sc.-s alt the oti.'iiili.-atloi.s r-.:ii:--d liyl iw ol i-l.-i-. tion oir.i-.-rs fa this I 'ouinitili.i eiiitii. At said election any duly .jii:ilitiNl ei-,-or who shall be ii.:r.'xitert-'(. idiail le K-ro;i'ted to vole tlp-n inakiti pr-.ot ,. his libt to the i i lion olii curs, ac,-nrii:i to the irenei-nl ele--iion in i f tlii Cointnofiwcii it h. Kilai-ii Jiispe.-li,rs a'i.1 tb. ir ch-rks and tin hointy .-.-nrit ..1 tbc vot.----'.-ill lc dis-;h-i sed wiOi.btCov .rsci.-r.-ol -!--ct:on i:eiy bc !i-ei-c I lor any pr.-.-ia-i by s .i I Hici-ion C-tai-ii.-.-i.-n-cr-t. whose dntirs n th 1 por.ers sbiiit be tin- sain- as those ot liVi-r.-eers 'if cii Tiioii in said ,-i'y under f;X istini; biws ttpp.i.-abie thereto. IP turns of tb. clcctioii -diiill le: nrnrfe ia said city as in the c.-t sc of eb-,;t:.n lor t iovcroor. but a tripii.iitc fta rai r.' turn bT Siil-l .-i:y s!i:iil be nmde out and for-vari'i'! to the T'rcsi.ietit ot this Ceincation at liarrt-burir. as i.- ii.-i-i ir.:i f:-r proviib-d in . ii-:.- .l c-r-iiy re-nriis. 5. Ill each ef these ceonti'-S I.!' the C, llipl ,11- weaith, (except i'bil vicipiiiii.) the returns, of tbe c!c-li.-n .-hail he made as in the es-e ef at: idei-ii.,n fiir.rovcrnor. but the rr-'.uin ttidaes in tacit coun ty shall make out a ti ipii - lie county r..-l iirn au I transmit tiie saiae. wi:bin live dc.i attcr t!te e! tion. directed totlie rr'.-sieea: id this Convention, at llarri-iloir. Ii'ne in Convention tbisTI ir-l day ef N. i t i.tU-i-in the yi ar of our fy.rd, on': 1 it 'u-n-t ciii ht I, an drc! an-t scveiiiv-tliiec. .INC. It. W.U.iC Mb i'i-.-;,'e nt. 1). K I.Mii;iKNT. rk A tra-i -ipv rl i,i'':iiiiti-.-.- i ! i:i r.:b-l M. S. IU A'i . S : rctiirv oi :i,c . ':.a::i:-oivi nii ii. I on bv i-c,l ,,r ri-i'-cti v -"-is -n c i.l i II : -li.ill In- r. per -I I. till-iite .it I':.- . I,-,--b.- I -. b , I, , ?, :i :h;- ib-tri-t ia wbi- Vote o -tl- !i je-rsoli U-li:-; r- - . i , c. . tiiny oi tie: e. c:i .a . d:. .-r-- v ; : Mi-i. ci ir-.ri -no- t:,-. - .ri ..t, ., .i mi I j'.ir: :t:i 1 il :u..,- ii h 'il i "" i, . a " ' -ii l' v i'c mi t, ... v.r u- oi . ii- -a :.t- -pr. ii.- t :c. -:. -- ar- en; i:b-d Pi v-:- by vi:-t : ! : ;.. ol ti.cir !:. t iii i .'. Ibey and t h- je - b T k'.t-ii Si-'-..tl'l VOl -. Il-nr, t.-.'ir- L'teii v ol biirli mis jc'tie te.-r. an-tli.-rc.-h b - Iiut-1 or iuipii'-titNi. or i eretb-ii ..I th- ..'t.nri: but :lic !:,-.--1 bund r.-.i .1, iiu is in iiii-b c:i,-.-,i..,r t i aiora :ii-,Ti ,,ac y- :r: t be iik- puat fiillltcl oa i-.;ivi.-ti-ia on tt.e ..;., ivitosil.tii neolect or r.-llise : ro .l.i it-tl..- etch r- in- nt r. -,1:11. i . sit'1 n.tliiri'iz.iti ,11 .-er: id. AI. tint in s lion ti 01 - iid A- - -il'b.ii: iv i.r. ! I en I h. : i- -: - i io- . II I it Ol -;, I . t'lotl 1. 01 tiie Lev. ..; II, I-In m ijr.u. aw of tb- bind, or Ian - ol tiii,- b.i.l I lit'- U-j 11 v.-1 t ' - v.hi, li il bl. til- l :i ' i e . ' iiis:itiiii.,n it:tiei tar- oi 11,;. 1 -or-T,;,,... '" I April. A. il. l-7'i. pa ; "i-i'l- '-"!.f to ti:c a-t p ; I'b.jr imiioi.weilf!:,- lt:,.. , ., . - 1.- !o,!. tn:i-?i of .-vrry .t. t "f -r,.,. wlii;,.. Ir- 1 1 i-ti st;si 1 -- r- ot- rr- I ij v..r, r ,,r a iv ! :.. Ml or ;.-: ,! , leeiioi, ' 11.1 , '..-' same i !.-r,-bv s.t.-r to! ir.-.-nt. a. w i-b. u. of cp;. ij..:i :Iri j r-'o.srcr 1 .-oi ;... . ..-!; ,,, Ul,. iy t A :,rii. 1.;.. en-it le. b. ii -r - 1 r it la ..til 11,'i c i:.i; r sot 1 l-i Hi- ;il : o- '- n:::.' .t - -b: -t r. iativ- il .'i, : i- v-'" at a: nan i- ,ic 10 lux, I; e- : it; ti. 1 i it:.- c--; .a - - u. 1 1 . ,!r." 1:1 ;' 1- r- itare stt-di ero-.t ol ITeS Tie, d l.y ilUs inw 1 a -.nppl-ta: at. ironi r. r. w iio.-e iia:i:c b- i;,,i "h. riiit to io;c is . voii rsi r. s.-ui. nod s:.;..! wa li'.ut r-i,iiir,!t su.-l ! itdina .-':...!!. tij..-n ' 1 lui-'itaileau. -,, s! -it' ll oli.-n.--. to pay a 11;,.- ; drtel dolinrs. or to un-b-ti:-. it.-iie tb;in.-ac vear. i.r 1 111.. ei.-l bin ..r th- c, in'. Aio, tb.it In s.'.-ti- 11 ,0 -that Ibc .lilti-i ;:!,.- and nai. vry spe.-l:: i,;ei-:. 11. iiu i ;,t l.i r..i!--h or war ( 1 i li.-n. i,i ni ircm ra! eb . t ion in ( ). ioi r. Alt. iliiit in section y ( f,ii 1 that the ro-p-c-; Ivc a-in of ti.e cl-c: ion s hail cii-h inf. iiiii::-ter oa; be iisscsi-d to mix n-:,cr . I is. ' ' i.l V Nil -Wie-.i ' o; v-.-r- I. ;: . i:?i I , ilv-r- ,:.!!- i I - .lliCi'- 'er' oi ii:ir:-t:i 1 1 IiiW- Iiii., 1 ! ; :v.: :sat tl't 'TS 1 11. r. i. :i:-i ti: !.' ; r.-;::- 1. ny ;ir 1 h. ;-.- I- Vi-Ml s-i-i t- J.-v and o::-:i;a; .... .,1 It-'. 1.1 i : r ot t . 1: i lb.: p-r. A-t. it N i r:M ef nti'..,i.-i an 1 i.-.jti.;-i: I t.. pa' -i-n f.nt i.i:.. li -n r ' n-xt . :,-:t-: b. rcian-... c.ie, i,-, i a: ion;. , .,,.... e rr, --. :,nd a-i .a 1 b-1., , i,i:li r... : the s.-ia... iiny . kri-wa. iv,-.tt-i .- cii 1 -n.r-. r. i, -i-i -o ,:,..,,. - :t:i I oib.r- an 1 ;!, : .. ri-iit - :i an .f.iii'i-i tier, ia may urt-d t- .- l-l tt.e I'.-lol;. ,iw-al::. t-3'ltl..-.i Ut it..- i- v i.s to any per-ai 1 tsia.in-.' lie r :!:,- rixl.t 01 i-aiir... . ..i-1 lati'ii-r or i.'ii:: r' -i'-.ir- 1 t i-:i Ip: a ur.i at :v bar, ! ni 1 ; : -!; ur-'. lie.- be j r iv .-.i a I. x LUTHER S. KATOM, Broker. 96 Fourth Ave., ITiTSlH'lUil!, P.. I a!- . in r. ''y iiiiikc k: :!.c places of hoidin-; tl tioii iti tin- s-icriil boron f!te eolltltv of S'.iiicr-ct i.i-e ss IVil, T lie eteeVrsof :ii- be..i,- ii r.nd tnwii wn and a i n l.o.i. - ll. it . alor. s-iid iieral -';-- 1 !,s and town hi:,- wii! in ! iJ. lo w it: j hip ..I S. :n- i iu a. i an I ..!! neirk-tabl-on CI i -.l. 11 IMS 1. IN and Jouvins Kid 1'ief Beans i!ce. (i. lbil.lr.i:i;i'. I.iii'-n luvcs, ii riiiontoivn (it nin savs tnat p. a Kisled no nriiiiad tow n, bcitrina i:ig insi-riplioii "look out for r 'i,. rti? It the law is not ptu in iliisKi-v It.-lls wnl be sil oa inc. ordani-p with the ills! nict li ns t-t.ii v .! tint oinotiiiiMcaitii. our (oiiitii--.oners unit- iia-i ihm-is 1..7 the si ecinl i lcctiali. : in- ..ti ti.e 1'it Ii 1H--T. 1 iti line lime. i '.tit II Thev wiil be Jii lt r-taiit! Unit Uie iK . i.lein nni. ii tjf Kimaic!, a short time atro. of -t tiii b-a ti'.te, was mure kt-iions at f.r tit.iMised. hii skllli having ii ' tided ill two pl.ic.-a. lie are "av, Uiut at lstst reoor;, 1W .ni'irt 'b' i!lliI'OVlIlg. ; Cnii.v Km. ai. Take two and a half I pints coi n meal, three eg.,, well beaten, one tabic s,ss. linn mi lieu outler, two ta ble-sjaa-riliils of sugar, and one quart of km eel iiiiik; mix thoroughly, then add one pint of whr-.l tiour, itml one ami a hull iiit-astiies of iiaum-r iJaking 1'owder, first mixing the 1'owder into llie r.our, antl pan iag bulb through a sieve. Kach can oi the Uauner linking 1'owder contain a small measure, to be used even lull, according to printed directions. If yflii cannot obtain this really valuable arti cle lrom your grocer, send twenty -live cents bv mail, undressed to liminer linking 1'owdcY, 1. O. Lock Jiox olT, Pittsburgh, " full J"u u''' rw''v'' linigc paid, a Jl ' iiuaricr iMiiui'l leiekat-'e, together with a deh. .id.-. i...t,'i.i,. ir,.,.;,,..? Oat Uul, " 1 Mdi-arniii: S'-it Moss Tarina. Selatine, i , n . ,. , , . . .... ,,, - iiitin i i ais - o.t.i."". -. 'v Sit. N 1 8 Dcsicated l..a-..nut, i ,,,, t:n,.B tliis ii.Btival KX-asi.ii. A Savior .!'U'l.l,,.s A,-., at the Live Or. cry , Uie Wi,rld njoices.in a Kedeemer. sefsl.iia-k. i Thitt wasa great gift to mankind and the anniversary oflhis due of giving so ire- ... . . i i i. ii ; . cious a gilt to l lie woiiu, is ever iieiu in memory by all Cliriatian jieople. It is fir this" reason that giving hriMinas olfer ings has Ik-coiiic tut general with all whocele briitethediiy. It is by giving and recieving tin sc tokens that this anniversary is ciin-m.-moi iitid. Pt ojile arc a!rca.ly thinking of what to give. The panic will not Mop this festive' invasion. Those who have moiicv, will, as ever, buy i:ifut if they can be had. Let l:s coinini morale Ch I i-dmim and U- happr. '-''(' F. klmads .V Pro.. ill'- next(t and freshest -fI'eiiil Wheat. Scotch i".!ie time to advertise f. r tl e IM V,- it j-einemU-red that this j"rjs'p!earr on the look out to. - dunes liv inin liusin2 w hert the W liiiui-eineni,, ,ir(. oifcietl. and they ! "uidv gi: where Ihey arc invit-1 1 word tu the is.. A-r- who now sutler froiu rhcuuiati.-'in. pain .r swclliutf ileserve to suffer If tli.-y will not uso Centaur Lin iment. Wore than 1,000 certificates of remarkable cures, including frozen liial, chronic rheumatism, (tout, rniiiilrur tumors, 4tC, have len ri-eelrcl. 'c will son-1 a circular coutaiiitug n-rtilicati-s, the reeie, Jie.. urntls, to any one mpies! inx It. One Isitlle of the yellow wrapper 1'entaur Uoiiii.-id Is wurlli one hundred dollars for spavined or swecuied of the oiiiuion of Mr. Anthony Trollojie is brought to Ix-ar in lavor of the latter. At a meeting of the Livcrmol Institute the other evening he stated that novels are usually gmal und heallhful reading, lie considerk ihem the sermon of the prew-nl day, or, at any, rale the sermons which are listened to with the most rapt attention. In short, he esteems Ihc novelist a prof.n For, m itli many pupils, who gives, on the hole, lessons on honor, honesty, and unscllishuess. Mr. Trdlope' idea'nf the novelist as reformer, moralist, and tea. her, will tic apt to astonish nomn very i-xccllrut orthodox iieople, but il is m-t on serious foundation. The inlluence of the novel grows with every year, and at a rate that is rather fr i li t In I hen it in reinemlnrisl how inui h ofm.Hlcrii fiction is mere . 1 ets. cure wind clie and pr'since natural sleep. neiisic;:! Iiash. l;ii"ri::;s. No epidemic can take hold f a system thus fore-armed. l.tK-i.i:i r llifJit'sli-H!, Head ache Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness uf the Chest. Dizziness, Sour I'.nictations t.f the Stomach. P.a.l Taste ill the .Mouth. Iliii.-iM Attacks. Pahiita- borsrs and mules, or for screw worm in sheep. tatioil of the Heart. Jallatlllliati.'a o! the Shirk ownars-thcscliiilmc'iitsare worth your atlcn- , Lungs, Pain ill the region of the KM Uon. No family should l-without thcio. "Wlilte j,oya ;md ;l lltllldicd otiic!' painful sviup- wrapper fi family ase :" Yelh w wrapper for an. imals. SolJ l.y all llruitalsts. :oe i-cr laittle; larire bottles 1 ou. J. It. li S K Jt CO., 13 llroad way. New York. A fiisia Stoi'ims.i Pi. Af t:. If any of our readers have occasion to visit Pitts burg, and f-hould desire accommodations in the way of boarding and lodging, wc would recommend them to the Voting Men's Home, situated on Puqncsne way, between Sth and Uth streets. It deserves the patronage of the public, not only lie cause it give! as gixal rooms and lmardiug for about one half the money of lirst -class hotels, but because it has an object in view that is coble and worthy. It has a dc parliuent connected with the main build ing, in which it gives lodging and lxiard ing to the destitute and homeless, and where Ihey are assisted into employment. Wc are informed by Key. AV. Long, the Superintendent, that over 5(MM free meals were disH-nscd each month, la-sides lodg ing was found lor hundreds. Tliecxpc-nscs of the institute are met by the profits of the Isiarding department. Wc hope that all our triends who have a desire lo help fallen and suffering humanity, w ill pat ronizs the Young Men's Home in Pitts- ! burgh, while in that city. On and look through the establishment at any rate ; it will limply repay the time. sH-nt ; la-nidcs you will find Pev. W. Ine, the Superin-j tendenl. an accommodating gentleman, and ever ready to give any desired information. :;"V I'i:ii:nts. Instead of buy- , '-Triio lien worthies Toys, Ac, for to Tots, .'.ircl,.iw ,ir them saiintt-; v.li !.!,.! .! ,;, , ,1a. Messrs ; ' ,U i I id, have a large aKNirtllieiit of , ' i de. l1P.t are br-atlliful n -'"-vi-iiible rail and buy a pair : ':'';:'-.:r.!iil,!r,-ii. " i (ir.-ciisbur J iv- '' s.'.ie l.:.s a-iiin in uie tio- ii. iiiity ol Plensant Iti- f j.i till to tf of ' te Mid i indent I'.nti : l'-:.r. Horse which -' ' s.i tie .i.w .m- ut ur I. :ive "" "o.li I lorn-. ' his wliol- at- ''f llitdwi.re i.iikinoa. lie "" ' r.i.i .i'i'.y Imiii the lualiu I '' ''.r -i ni- Inmi I'ito'.opi r ..!.. i.,f 1,i.i.I,i uill to lib nil IT lo gel tillew lo I-niIS tonis. are the ollsprings of I)spesia. One Istttlewill p:oe a better guarantee of its merits than a h-ngthy advertisement. Cantoria Is more than ft substitute for Casio 1 SlTOlllIil, iV KlIIS I'.Vll, White OU. It Is the only tuft artii le In existence, which ; .Suelliligs. Clcoi s. lOrystpelas, Swelled Neck, is certain lo assimilate the f.wd, r. jrulate the ls,w Goitre. St nil'iii.iiK Iiilliniiiiiiitioiis, Indolent It I jniiUllitliaiiuns, Jieri-in.ai .1 iieenous, I'm Soies, bitililii'iis ul the muii, Mire r.yus. eic. t.. ai...... . :.. ..n ..ii.,.- .tiiii. I ti:? , . , . . . , ,, 11 l.. .1 . . IU IOC'. IV III IIII "lull . iiioLiiiiiiiiniit ar,r- Hll tirnPiiiiv iP n . . iiikii. ii iiiiii i..,.,,,, and liiatliers may rest. njirili esattalns neither minerals, niorpblnc or alcohol. Thirty Y'ars Kxiericiuc of an oltl nrse. cares, Yl'.w.Kiiirs Vixkiiak ltrni-iibs have sluiv.n tlieir great curative powers in the most ubitinatii and intractable i-ases. Vky InS'iitHnialory iuk! ( liroiiic Mrs. i tt!.,......4:.... ..,,- t';t;..,o i.,,if YVlHdlow' Sooth I nC .Tnin is Jilliuiii.il ini, i.ot.i, .....".. ..cnii- the iireseriiiilouof one of the Ix-st Keinale l-hysi-; tent .'111.1 Intermittent V cVCI'S, I 'IseascS 01 eians antl Nurses in the I nited States, an n has lN-en usinI for thirty years' with never fnilltei sale tr and sueeess by millions of utothersand ehildn-n, from the tetrhle Infant of one week old to the adult. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind eolle, n-irulateB the bowels, anil irives rest, health and eomtort to mother and child. We la-lieve it to he the llest and Surest Keineilv in the World in all eases of IlYSK.VTKK Y and IH AKItlMKA IN CIIII.DKKN, whether it nrisi-s lioin lcclhinic orlromanv other cause. Kil directions (or usinx will accompany each bottle. None Oemilne on-1 less the lac-simile ofCL'KTIS tt 1'KK KINK Is ! on the on I side wraiH.-r. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. Jiiiya Stm ks. I 's ,ii Is. Mortsr.ws siN-tiritl.-j bon-bt and sold ONLY. IT you want to s-ll Alorlir -ises. Tank Sfs-k, In-siiraiu-v Stm ks, ltuilwnv Hoods. Comuier.-bil Pa-K-r.orany other .MAIiK'KTAUI.K .SKCI KITY. call en or ad'ln-ss mm:;; s. u u i ra w, w.nKi;.:, !c utrinu avinii:, n l a c;inr;ijit r i.i Tit. on tv. t.t ri prtf rtit V. c i'j:i tjv tho an I tT.fily worked rAjKTicnce of an WANTED Our B Jrrhl.e I'rirnl. nr :irty 11 jr ! .iin i akii ui tNts!. Tiie Uct nn oi.l nfiit i- not tui l'nl tu l e wc miirr cs.icnpuv.i a- iuji (ot.ur!.l Uunn j the i-ast twoytar.-) w.irkin ii r u. tl.uu any other huufc in AiiifrUa. nn! they ontimui to TVt rk riirht aK'i:f a;i! make UH fl.thirk-s. 'i'h.; secrut in th;it they oli-r the ii,oji!e hktikk iinlu'-onitntji. nn.l that wc ntteutl wort rra nni v to their rJer?. i:irrOY.ni;.T tor nil, nt y..ur tbiiiu'.-. (.r traveling foryunr leisure moments i r your en; ire time. Our roniMnation he.its the Worh!. Tho MOST fr llm money. VOL win make money. Pp.fiLihk', Jion.ir.il let eoiieui il. S; n-i yoiiniil dreP!) at rnrc ant a A our novt I iil.ins. Me:i etc.. trat jiarfiL-nlui!-, ten n. eteM ?(ntlVee. WATKIiS vn., ruhii.-h r-, rhl. nno. o'eti. erfet to inert Uie -;r; ii-.u i:i The ehttTs of the l.tWii-hin of ..iili,.r-l t.t iii.l at the house laU Iy e. iijii' i! Iy . -r'-ie Knnet. I. in toniisiiijt, Theehi't' i of the lxin.n-h of New 'en: rt ;'ie t.t tncf-t nt the SfhiJ i h tie in nai.l li:.ui-h. The eltH 'tirn i the tiw ol I ppn Tuik. v- foot tomeel ul the in-use o) J tJ.ii A. S!:ull iu ..t! township. The electors or tho t -no-hipof I.w er Turkey fo.t to meet :it the ?'!:, h1 h ii-o in X i-iiui l-.r.u !i in -.!M towiit)iip. The elector of th townsh: r AhUf..n t mM-t at tho hou.-ie if It i I'e.ui, i : I'eu-r?" ur.r. in t'.Biihip. Theeleetors of the t'.wnliip of MhhlhiTcek to me t at the house td iiietl I y Aan n JUekler tn sit ill township. The elect oi! of tV.f tv. ihi. of Klkli' k to no'et at the new sehotil le-r.-e in tho In-n ivh if S.;hs- ; ttirv. i Tlic rUt'torF of tlte 1 -rouirli d'Nnv Ihitiniore j to meet nt the lion.e oi . . I 'i he eleetors "f the 1m ,ouh ot S-iHshiiry to im-et ; at tho new school Ik.h In k-iM l.-r-'ph. j The elo-tor!i of the towprii: of Sarnnii! to niei't at thr fch.l In. us;, in Pal. I'iiy N'P'imii. iu sai.l ' tnWTlSllip. j The ehvtorsof tiie Uu- uh of l..le ity to ui et at the iM-h-n't hfUe, iti ?ail IT.-ti-rh. The eli-'-tor' ot the tiwt.iiip of Greenville: to I ; r.i'.'t a. the S-'Iiool llor.se in i'.-crii.'-nUis. The rhv tt'r- of tho t-.'rou-;h of Ve!hT-Iiir.r t-t nnet iit th Mchot-l hoac iti t-ahl Usr-u!i. t Tlse elc-tt-rs it the township of S- .u: inpt-.i! to no'ot t the h'Hie f John "Sturt. in .-aii tov.nhip. The eh--:'rs ot tho t.n--hip of A' Vthanipton io n'.vt :t the h u5C -l John ronrhiLUL'li in .u 1 t-nwi-! hi;i. The hvt r L-f the township of T,:.,!mer U meet nt the h!tc iunnerly Ktu;iel ly Wm. Muy. in 'ai t town!ilp. The ehrtirs of the h in'ttnh of l'erlin tf meet nt the hono of An-hihah! t 'otnpton in : ht h.-runh. The elect -n of the (iwtiflnp f lir -ther?valh y to meet at UitlnerV hoi h ne in sai.i township. Tho electors of tho township of Stcnyctvek to i meet :it the hoiihoof .Tih Snti'-her. ! Jr.. nml now hy John Spolchcr in mH township. ! j The eloetors ol the Nhviil: h ot Stoyflov n to m.-et j i nt I lie hou.e formerly vu-iet hy Hmry J- Miller, ' In said bortiuuh. " j j The oleetoi of tho township of Cinema honing to ! met nt Ihe houo of Jaeoh Cn-tir. o Sotown. I he elect. -rs of the t.miiship of Altei-henv t or i!t.o:ii.! into hv uv.y oi :o-: ; ( any wiiilul !.- :'.v.' ia P-l.i'i..n t nnv m uter n wlii'-ji ti), y jhail" he hutu!!v ot -;it-t oth'-ers. ?h;i!l tn imni' A!sti'.it ins-rn-n 11 '..f : that on toe poti!;.;i o! aver i.-i ;.oui!iy. sfntin-r nn.'I'T otitii Ii-ve tha; IiMut i will hepr.t!. a!son; to! heM. in !,v .:ir-i I .!niy ot the ( ,urr tf :.-iiiai..:i I I ' it in srri. a- T ii 11 t a jti .-; t.u : npi ior iw ;u-!l -.u--. .. .i -or ,:i ' 11.- ol t h- ti UUT V I. :ft ;t fr j t': : fai.i ..wt' r-l:.!! h. rh ! pli:i. -ii r-irfii-f. mi to'r- (- ii i i v! .j.- t . ti,- -:ifl... .ai ,. . i- .!,-, Ii i. i ,k -t t..-si ; :i j p.irty : ai I . v !. r-h:i' h-.i ; j r- - ;.t .. U tho . .-erf f t:. i ;h- w ii-'tc ttme t!-- . 'i . jw-y It-'' rt :irti t:. .o! u; . , on:,- r- : ; k- a I proper: ihalh-ou ...v p-r- -r, i. .a; .i l ii.i a'(l him pap. -r pr--urei r:n. ii:,,: -r ti,: a-,.'.- p r-, i a,, .nil:: t :t- r ii.-. 1 A. t. ir is ir-a : ' J ri:.- I I li, in it 1 1. v I ut lb- . t ii i la i Al,ll,-. .1. 'i-.V V. i i H VI; I . -It r,i.- otlt-M- iii S-.f.,-:-t. ii-r. in i!n-.r?.r..f' nr Iv.ru r-i! an-1 sev-M-y-iii..,..,!!.. t t-.c Is:-!. ;.i it b ti-" i t tb" .'iMVI.i; ii.SU VV.H. S-ir:.-r. A Toll's '- i l i t of NOT ICK co-1 i: hi r-'irari t" to e ,.huo "( r ii-l. ej.- IIII t ' 'Of. A ' '.t v:ii.-r;r. .in I r ii; :i' n r i b .! .inn- ask;n:.!j;:;t. i, :i ,i,-c n ..ir-. I- el t x-rs s. ..-li-'. ntel :i,i ::, ! mi I l-i.-clti y n.r the ,;; -Iwra, : if sai l cK--ti.,:i eii:.-.-i-- id, ml .aersi i r-. t-. rc i-reeiit nn-l in r.-rm tb at- r. I. or it th. y -bail U- ,ir i , n a , ., i tt m : io j in. lis by l lob n.-.- or iiiiimi !.,ti, o. at! tt - '.. a, . i.. it edatsui-h elcclii ij di'-ricts Inhi be r :.- I by . any tribunal tr itii.' a c-iitct li.i i r s.ii I .-!. . i i t,': j l'r..vi.:.. That no tN-r" n sii-eii:"; ttie t-tiin I ' shall 1-e iifiiN-ititcd mi ..v.-rs, -i r. Also, that in sect;, n l:t ol ..ii ! a.-;, i. ;.r ! ;. i i that, any e ron whnonoirli i.r atbrni.ti n :n or j bet,. re ai;v Court in tins State, i r -l.i, er am 1,,-r;;- ; en toa triiini-:ere:!ti:s. shall prs-ure .1 -i r'.i.-i. iiic.i : naturalization. i,,r hiiii.-eli er auv oth r ,i rm. ; wiliuliy ili.-js'se il.-ciiirc or tubtm anv mailt r to in- i fact, knowing the snine to be laN,-. .ir b:ill in like j miinni rdeiiy u.iyuiatt.-r to In.- in,-t. ku..u ina; ti.c aineto be tine, shall he d-cri.ed 'tnliv ... i ;ni v: j and any ceriiticate ol natnr.iiiz.ttion isVned ia ,u'r .i:iiii .-. t any sii.-h dejH,.-it ion, de tarat -:i tr ii.- linnation. shall be nuil and v. i.l : and it shall ls j the duty id the court i--siiino: the s.iiiic. uj.n r.-,,! j beino- in. i, I,. eb.ro it tbut il w.ts t:-:ill.tn'ieiit Iv , A-. '- I .--II!- Ill .1.1.1 A OMINITiCATOi: : :e rs. in I. I.ai a.-i- r. di.il-.- , to rr,r on I n said lino-, !; I. t;::!.;., Nf 'TICK i r.-tl.r ititi ' -.iuinis:rati-n -n the al.vc i-ta-.e i- ' n -" iii e i to tb- art ter-i-io-1, nota-t. is :.hen l"ili"-t- iaec ;cd to it to nuke in-.tri"-i ai.-i r. and th.-'t. hiivii:"-.-lnnns siiin.-t it. ot tie ia :-aiy ,i nt li. aiii-.ue I ,.r s.-ulcini r.t. ay. '.o.i. .flu c.-:i! -r. 17.1, at bis ob'i -c i-i r- ii-'. v.". ti. k.iont:-:. Aiilnili.strator. I )aut.:::: 1 .i-ir- ii tb WANTED. i' rs -ti s.i c. ir.iiive a i i.-n and. laincil to take inim.-dliitc ln-aures ba the -.nee lor cancellation : and env e. j "hall vote, or litt-ittf.t to v-le, on ,mv I obtained, or w!:o ,-li.iil in any wav ai l 'i Jat. ir li.ie al:y n-eia-y v,bat-'.iT ia tle- cir. ubit i, i n or u-e ol any frail, it: I-nt naturali .eriiiic.iie. .-nan in; guilty ol a tn:-i,ei!:c:tii ,r on et.iivi ri. n tncn-oi. siiall uuderiro an i:p;iii-on-ua nt in the penitentiary for not 101 rc than two years, andj-ay a line, n'ot i.iere taim one tiiou sand lio'lars. for evei-v olb-n, ,-. or i i:b r t-r t,.,-.?), at the tiij-re:l-in ol the c-arf. Ai",-. that in Sec. U ol ;ii 1 Ad. ir i .-,-.,vi!-! tiiat. anyciiii:ens iu lids State t'.-loirariiy i:i the service ol the I'uitcd States irovei iina lit. Vn i it r-.i-.ilor othir duty, and wlt.i do n t v t- where thus enipioycil, siiall not be tlu n-i-y .iepriTcd of the riirhi to i'o;e in r lit-Ir s.-vr::I t ii-ii. ii t'i.--1 ic;s if ot hern ise duly .;uali:ie 1. Every person qntltrie.l as .. r s.i i.l. and v.im siiitll liliiko due l-i-,sd il r.ttt!li,i ot I:;.-ic-i-b e, -,-and layim-nt of tn xes af-ir-.-ai-l. stiitii t- adiuiite-i to vote in the township, ward or.iisi'iiit ia wlii.ii he shall ri siiie. :. ae-'.aif ir.'crt oT -ar t,t it,- liioi. miiiiriv.r. l'.i..t,i an i nt--pri-in-l'. reli a'de :n. in. The t .iil building is tn,, s-ori. - l.i.:,. 4".-0. .-.il'i witbia K'J feel . f u.e I'i'tsbur-. Wa-b-in--'t'-i! iliio'taor,- '.iaiir-a l. Tills r -a-l .l.'l-.M-sii: .-ii -r a-ivai-.'.-iaes f.-r ".i: jiir.a U.tti c:i-t iiii i B -st. Tiie linlliilo Va.b y K.iiin ad. no- ia c..,,r. J co.i-er:: -tion. and tit - Ivoi.-r's . i:ip !; liin a-i. t-iil K-tli aive n iiliti,,i:al tsi-iiitii s :-r shii'toi-.. livais r. l lie cliiiiie and nil ,, i iu; tna-hin-iv ori tirs: cia--.. A Uras brii k p.v.'i s;-n- kiln, w'itli :i di.-at ii-tract tbn-iish it I. r the i.e.r-,i,.v,-o! dr-.in-.. a :. ! bi tin- Ui.il. A , tw." '.-.i-.s i.llill-Cf. 40t::rl Kt i i. t t.i i-1 -in n s.i. or , atl on W. It. Sii AKf.i'. irr.it. S - mersetCi un y. I'. M How R rn'riTtfi' ,otUl Ci. A,! '''' fioiii ..or a.l,eP , i.'-.t lo 1.1,1; - lu-.te : J -4 1.,. " l' .;s , ' '.l-o, ' tr. ,i , ' t.li-1 In ' a,, at the . III nn t il llHrtlware t Mi, , F UlitjiitU it: Iliti.. IL Nl.( . t,.N., " "in in:- tuii.i-ir uii-iid ' '-,' "' "' I. ' laki n nikns- ' ic-, r """ '" 2. llai-r's nn.i' U- '":n.3 u U lw f ti,..: . '' 'I wlndi th.-v " liCalM-l A-I . I . 1 re!,,.,!, ud il, liv. ! m"t t..nfr.,,.mrgP. t l.i i-.iitT of S..HK IW I I'ni.'ii Si-lit-! f'r the i..:;tli -uliiir: Ih-r. 2.1, lxTa. l:..M M. 1 '- A. l-NVULIt. Nt!liil r lir..!l. fl. Males, ::j ; 1hi:iW, :;j ; t.itul C'i. Aviiajt; nttiiiilati. c Mali-", - ; '- nuil,-. ."s ; I'dal il- , . , .. 1 ut til f n!tn.laiiT. Mu.ts, .-; I - limit s, S'.' ; total 77. Ii.h.m Ml. I' iif MJtlK KiwtU. NiiiiiU-rc-niN.ll.-d. MalN .'ti; lVm:il-, ; l. '.al iti. Aviiai'i' Bli.-ii.laiifi'. ialr, 20; tc liialc, Ilil ; lidal ."i.'S. I'r-rtvnl ul" M'.t.-inl..ii' Male, 70; ft' in.-.!.-; . b7 ; l"lal M l...'iM Ml. ti MIKKltoeE IU'M'.iN. Nuiiiii-r nr..l!c-. Males, :U ; IViiuiIm, iii ; l..al (oi. Avi rae utteinlNiii i' Males. ; 1 c males, L"J ; total I'.-ri-i iit ..1' Httriiil:tiii-c .Mali:, M ; i -' iiiiil. K, !M ; total HI U.lilM Ml. 4 Mir I.I.Z1C ISAITUKU. Nun.l ir wir.ill.-il Milieu, oil; It-muli-, 31 ; total 7". Avi-r.ie n'.teinl.iiK c Males ! J-''" lllilleri, 'J'J ; l.ltill VJ. J'c-reellt ofutH-liiluiu-t' McleK, t-'i ; l'f Uialrit, 8 ; total 8-1. Whole iniiiiU-r enrolled in huilJing, 203. Avi-rato attcmlanc in Ltiil.linp, S!n?2. lVm nt of'ttttc-iulanfc in builJing, M. Children olUrn look Vale and Sivk from no otbir cause than having worms In tho stomach. JiKOW S V KIl M 1 U K I IM KITS will destroy Worms without iiiinry to the clnbl. Iwinir jN-rlcctly V. I1ITK, and tree fmrn all eolor Init or other injurious luKrotiieuts usually used in worm preparations. CCliTIS It HKOWK. Pntprletors. So. Hi r niton Streou Kew York. Sold bf Vrnrjqitlt end I'aeaiias, und healert i' Mtduinet mt 'i E.iTV-riVl Cutis llox. jlitt V'io Aih'crtitrHicnU Fii.iM the Hanover (V..rk nmiity) . tutor we plean the following liu-tnir,-rn-in a straiifre c-nseof ntiH-r!iliti.in thai ik--i-tirreJ n-eetitlv. The artirle r.rti.l n fol low : "We hiivc just lriirnetl of liiit rt-uiarkalile tJiw of iK-rstiti.)ii, which is ul in. ss-t hc-yond lK.-li.-f in lii ,luy of en-liht,-iiiiient un.I civilization. "" worthv the 'dark ilaya' of the Mklillc Ag. . It rerniH that reci-nlljr a family of the name of Kallrider, rcMiliiiR near Jacolw' Chnrcli, in the vicinity of Ji-ll'crii, in C'txloru :.. i ...... in;..i...i j tow n.sni, iiai: iis-vii r.ii.,j (.nil. tt.u i lit.:r.-iel I'V Bickncf, three of iiu niein- U rs, the faihttr, mother anil Having died with the typhoid fever within a lew day. of each other, and three others or the family King very ill itl the same diwase. Ily wdiie means or other the rest of the family iM-cume iminsed with the startling and iii-rsiitioun Ulicf or idea Hint if tho shroti.l around the orise of one of the re.Tiit!y interred ineniljers was atieking in the month of the iore, the remainder of those ill would hoon die unk-wi the remains were exhumed and the pari of the nhroud removed from Hie mouth. Accordingly, ou Wednesday ot lust week they repaired to the burial ground in which the remains were interred, and Uie body of the son was taken up. ln opening the collin il was .Uncovered that no iartotthc shroud adhered to the mouth of the corpse, and their superstitious fears being removed, .i... ,..,,o;r,u m,rf arniii lo w end into the 1110 iiumiM. - - . . , it i i antl rwiiiiiR tu lite , ... u.; o j. . grave and the tomb waled up. oiumtta j JtJ WtJ).r ol tlMJ Uu,ira ofjj,jj',j. TV The IleiiHehoId I'auaocn. AMI Faniili' I.iiiiiiiont Istlietiest remedy In the world for the foltowlim is, inplalnis, vli: Cramps In the l.llnl.s and Stom ach. I'ain In tne Stomach, llowels, or Side, liheuiu atisin in all Its forms, Hillh.us Colic. N"cumli?ia, Cholera, liyss-nterv, Csdds, Krcsh wounds. Hums, Sore 1'hroat. Spinal Csiniplaluts, Sprains niul liinises, Cliills and lever, for lnterual ami K.x-t.-rnal use. lis oieratliin is not only lo relieve the patient, hut entirely removes the cause of the complaint. It H-uetrates and pervades tiie whole system, re storing healthy action to ull its parts, and ifUick enitiK the bltHM'l. Hie Household panacea Is purely Vegetable ami All Hcalntir. J'reimreil l.v CLUTISkUHOVVN, No. '.15 Fulton Street, New York. For sale by all drua-gisu. July 9 tho Kltinil, Liver. Kidneys ai-i ItlmUIcr, these IJiti.-is have nn e.j't.-.l. Siteh Disfi-.-t-s are cnti.-a-il l y Vitiat-.! Itinotl. 31i'( i;;iiiii ;il Discsisi-s.- IVrsonson pnsc.l in I'aints tiitil Miiii-iiil-t, sitttli as ritmibers, Tyii'-seliei-:. tl.il.l l.e.iters, and Miners, as tli.-y a.lviiiii-e in lil'.-, :ir. subject to paralysis 'of tin: llnwels. Tn guard against this, take a t'l.-o of U'.u.Kiiii's Vix liii.vrt Itiri'ltK.s .ic.-a.-iiiiiailv. Tor Skin Itiwast's, Kruptiinw, Tct-! Asthma iuViJiJjl?"'?,:; ter. Salt-Klieiiiii, lilntehes. Spots, Pimples, I '."!.' ! !. SAMPLES Mltii:!! The Maiunlay K veiling Iost. Sill Wulnut Street, l'hilailelplila, (;ivesa lK-aiiii!iil liriii or large Steel F.ii",ritTlnj; t. every yearly stth scriber. SamtiU-s free. ,lec3 JOOK HiiUK. l-rof. le Kerry's Onuucnt j will lon e a luxuriant int.ih ot hear I in ironi 14 to Tl .days. Send 2.1 wnts U r one Imttie or W cents tor three. Address S. I.. CA l;S( l, I'ltts hurvh, l'ii. Terms to aa-cnls tree. dci-3 A .MOXTII. t'enls wanted. Seven In st selling art lelrs in tin-World. Saai Adiinss J. ilitDASti.N', Heitoii, Jlicbl- de-U V pie fre Kan. N 0TICK Seal.tl pniisisals arc Invited to Lc handed In ut the Somerset Cs.unty l'uor House on the hrst of January next to till the places lor one year lrom April 1st, &,3, of Poor House Stewart, l'uor House I'biaiiian au.l l'uor House atlorin-v. PKTKK Si ll KK. . JOHN 11. SNV liKR, JAt'bll MtHKtH HF.I.ll, ileelO l'uor House lliruetors. JkTOTlCK. Separate proposals will lie rcccivetl ul the Com missioners' otfiee up to the Tin ility ol January next to furnish the ( 'ourt llouseaml Jail with coal and wood ami kiudliiiK wixsl lor the comin)r year is; 4. eowmcuciiiK on the7lh .lay of January next. nil railing" on the 7tn day ol January, lriia. lerk. 1'iisttiles, llt'iN. tailtiiiitii--', luiisr-vnirms. St-alil-hoatl. Sure Kv.-s. i:rysit-las. Itch, Scurfs. Uisciilnriitioiis uf tin; Skin, Humors j anil Diseases i f the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally ilnti 'i ami carried out of the system in a' short time hy the use ! of these Itit'tt-rs. Tin, Tajx', ana otluT norms, lurkins in the system ol so many thousands, are enV-tnaHy destroyed and removed. No system of iiit-.iieine, "no vermifuges, no an-tiii-liiiinitics will lit e tint i-ysteiu lrom vvorins like these Hitters. Tor Female Comjilaiuls, in young or old. married or single, at the dnwu of wo manhood, or the turn ol lile, these- Tonic i Hitters ilisuiav so decided an influence that ! : ' .. '.. V ;i, iiuiiroveuieiiL is boon pinn-pnuic. Cleanse 1 lie Vitiatcil Ulood when ever von litid its impurities bursting through the tt'kiu in l'imples, Knijitions, or Sores; cleanse it wheu you iiud it obstructed and sluggish iu the veins; cleanse it when it ia foul ; vour feeling-! will tell you when. Keep tho blood pure, and the health of the Fystcm will follow. It. II. JIcDOXALD Ai CO.. Dnipflrts and t;en. Art.. Saa Francisco. California, and cor. of Wiishinctoii and Charlton Sts.. N. Y. Sum uy ail lruj;git .nu wr.icni pum.ic SALE. ify virtue of nil order issued out of the Ortiliana' (.'ourt f Soinsritctcouiily, 1'a., and lo me dircrtcl, there will be cxposa.1 to public sale, at the town ot Coiillueuce, nt the house of lhiulel Cams, on Fri day, licecmlM-r -JSth, 1ST3, the follow linr real es tate, late the proierty of Anno Idsltly, deceased, vie: A plantation ami tract of land situated in I'plwrTiirkcvl.Kil township. Somerset eounty.I'a., ciiialiilnir vil acri-s anil HU perches, strict ineas-un-. adjoining lands of John Friend's heirs, John Uebhiirt. Henry 11. Snyder and others; alsmt fJl acres of which are cleared, antl 30 In meadow; there are a two story dwelling house, a larre ham and other outbuilding" on the farm. The larm !s in a psid state of cultiviitlon, and well watered; the wooil- land Is well timbered. Tan us. "2.000 dollars, und the costs nml cx jnus -s of saio to Im) paid on eolitlrmation uf snie, Ihu t alanee of the purchase money tn remain a lien en tho premises, to lie secured by Diortrae, the Interest to lie paid annually tu Win. Untidy, F.ei., (luring his life, and at his death the princi pal sum to lie paid la the brothers and sisters f the laid Anno Hts.ldy, deceased. Five hundred dollars of the two thousand lu bo paid as soon ul the properly Is knocked down. Kale to Commence at 1 o'clock p. ni. of said clay. 3. li. M'MUsLEN, ileeS Xnic. inuiiir nam, i' SuperrluousIIair;';l;!r 'I'-inn Wfirm Wetnoveti 111 2 hours Circulars Atipi - Dill! ,riH. s c. v phiiiii, 1'hila. fa. MONEY-WAGES. To nil having ftpniv time i lo $12 a Hay; nnmc thin new; iileasant; liuiiitrnhle; i;ir jtrofit; nu ri.-k; Imme ur nhrad; ti;ty or evening; thoiitau!! uiakhir uusiiev. J'ttrlieuntr nn-l ?;nnj.le? (renlly worth 4) maileil frve. AtMre y, jm. jiLIhl, Ui) lhih "strv.-ei, New York. f ,.. j im et in in: ihuilt ('4 mni; . imvnitip. j Tho eleetfrr of tht tiwnhii f.f r"iifniani;h tn Hteet.it tht hntioe (! refer J'W In MUI fi wriship. The electors ol tle towuship ot Shatle to meet at tl-e hutive ol" J;ieh H'-lman in tt-wuship. Tiie eie-tirs if the twiK-hij. of 1'iihit to in ef nt h3 selionl liuu-'K erei-te,I u tho l.-uius' ut liei;ry Iterfci'V. in tr.Ul tiwr.-hip. Tiio (Uft.ir of tlw tuivn!'.M'f Jena?r to meet ntthe In !. uf Th ui:;.- tiilhrlier, :tt Jeuni rX o:uln i:i Mi l tnwiihij. The eiie;nrs ef the l.-wnltip of .Teih r-i'Tn t- r.:;v.t nt the h(u.-cu Shmi''n liakt r in :iitl ttwniiip. The eleetor ol the Utrm.h ot t'riiu i.-ett :;t the n-lnMil heiie iti s;ti twn nirli. The return pulses of th rfi'tfvo '.itri--!? in tiii.- tounty are reiinlreil t- meet at the 'our II. ne in the Nrinit;h ? Somerset, i n Friday, tiie 17 h lny of (i't.lH.r, then an t theix' to f erUirm tiie (iuties eiijttine'l on tiieiit ly law. Where a Jil ls, hy ?iekhe.-! or uiwvtjMitMe net I ilent. H uuahle tu uttenl .Ui h meeting i" ji Iy, then I hi ei n inert te of return shall in titki-n eh;.re t - r-o i "f on' c inseet'irfl tr elerk! of tin' etreti.in hiii l i' i 1)1 thetiinaiet. who shall .lo an.i pn.-nn ihtMittti 1 NoTli K IH liKUfc.HV tttVhX, Tl.llt i VfTV 'i'T?--Il cxrcptiin; Jur-riee tiftlie Peaee wh hall h. Id itv ofliee or pi intisewt ol pn.lit or tru.t uiolertt. I itiled Statef, r of this State. ir nny ei;y or o-r-jMirate l tlislrirl, whetlu ru e'!tmt'ruiie l til.ieeror tpthervrUe, a (uUriln:.te otlieer r airent who it fli.iil fx-emphveil umlfrtbu le!;.-.Iative, rxn Htive If an v nersim t'ifll T.rfviT . r -.ttt, m .t tn rtx. A. Kiiunu I in sa:;I j vent any oilitr ef nn cteuiioii. nit N r t'liAin ivmn iiei.iir pucIi eiv-etM n. or ue ;r Uin ai- n arty e lenec ti any ?i h ottie'r. nri'l s.rtil inreri nt ! -r Im pruporly interl.-re wi;h l iin in the ese- tiiit' n t.t tiuiy. s-iiall hl;n-W up e.r:t ttenipt T; i.ii k no ;'.t'vin il'vv ir avenue to anv v.iii 'i'W v. her: t!ie ,iine niriv .i:i-t ; t'ei.-f.r:. it ine) ul : I;iv .it:i,:i :li!. 1'itv rin". i in- ii'v l i - M:?iif.. :; rjeweHti. a i Ir.fi:lv rw.-i: i e.-'-,. ;n ra.i .i ! en re (tri im.i-SiM-riur-rnrrl.M-i .r Seieiii.;! Wr:Une.--.. v ' :liii:1 Ij w. lutfx.u-n y. lfi.$. t! l:i-:ip:o iry, linptliitTcp.-t t M r a!- -. I '"tiMiisp-it.ii. Ki ilc -v an I i".:-f. r !l i;.'!n:i n.-e.ir .-7.ui I err.. n e. lc lu-i'iLii. i-r snail n.vtuMy i:i-::l .:( pr.n U' h eler! ii'it, or siial! u?? tr prn,f .h:n:i.i'it llire:t:s. li rew or va-U-a wuli tiie.;tM;i tt i.n.u enee mululy or overawe any !e.tii, tr pn writ liiai tr.in Ttttiii'j, or to rf5;r:iip thf tr-e.!. !:i i t ehi -e. j yneli peri i:s vn eun. leth-n nail U Lie'.! in any fuin i lot eveeiiin:,' live hnnrlreti tli ll.:r. to I iiMpri-'ii- ; el ("nr any time iti c-9 ticm one n r imTie than twelve ri'-mti?. ant it U shailin.-sfi-iv.ri t. :he ti ur: ' where the trial t in-h Mm tl ! i h-.". t hat i the pi-r-n n- etJemlin wut n. 1 a r.-i ! nt ! tUe I eiry. wanl ordistrift where I lie stMu -n-ii.i-h.; ; t"iatni:tel. nn-l nt entitle I to :. tii.-n-'i. n - n- ; j v i t i-in, he rti:ll K seuir:e;-.i to j iy a in:- r.- t I- : than f;iu ht:;i-!rel r iit l!i-in :u th. i;-- in I -' 1- ' ii.nl Ik imniit ai I ik t K;!i;m . .x i!ie..'l.s ; ni-r m re tan tu j year--. If uny jer or i n "ha1.! in ike anv 1 vf t.r ! wair'T U!n the trfii it il .in e'evii. n wnhiailu. I Yiamnwe:il'h. or t ill o:l. r to nmLe unv swell ivt ' r want, ei: her hy rerl a! pnWain ilh.n I to n or ly aii wrilLen t print it a-lveraset.H tit, r u: ' any p--rs.n ur p. rv.u I" nuikf U'ft.rn .'- r. ' iiptn (vnviMii-ii ihi-ri'f lie r thev h( t--rf. it mil , pay litre timt the annum i; ut' -i!. i :ii.e ' I-et. An-1 the e!et: i iu t i ii : -.n irii e!4v':ope i nly ei-nc . Ti. - n h! ra! .. a;r h. r. in th;.- a-!tnir il l- : v I'virjy 1:1 in-ti . it:. !tt t.f ft tl irry yfar" iinf.t a! ;...i'j;i-e. fi.at ti.e ul.; ruia: ' eiai.'-e.iriVi- 1" : il v.-e ir-ay he ral.-.il!y enre-1 w,il-..;r -.1.. i. i rj;:.t: t. intnil nuiiU tne or the at i.i:-n ii-n ii;. kiiii-: p-i!i, , u; atiMT.,! ,1-1 Miee ;:ti,c. -cT.iiu i.n-i t!nn-il, v m'-:r w It 1 v : v "i: rit-rer. n-. mailer haL hi. - n h, -e ma v 1.". uy nirii- hitit-. :i 1 air1 pi A..--. Inapiy. ; 1 . in ti.e ha. n in the In;: !, in a piai.i !.,. I ' Marri 1" is, .r. r. h l. York, IV-!. -ii ( t v. ry :pt.j 1 it: 1:.. V4l .. diplo im: jl, AH'Ai;i'i:! i: y niK American Institute To J. W. KcKec shall In-eiiipli.yetl utvlt-rtno leir,sla-.ive, ertniilive -tni tne eteeti-.n !.r.ior tli't" i n ,:ti.,-r:ii:: rnr- , I- I li or judiciary liepariini nt of this State, or of anv thcr n.vidc th.,1 -iho li,..p.s-n.r-. J .e.u -s attl rt : '1 ' 1 T" t TT 1 ' eily. orol iiny in.s.ris.raied district, and also, tlt't ; clerks shall, U b. re critcin ..n : If dnii -s ..: ;!,.ir h r;p! Pilils" plW I) Itlltflflf KjPpnlPpP every metiilH.-r of C..ua ress and of the State Le-is-1 "thecs, S'-vcrally t.l,-.- and s.d -s rib.- the ,,;h er ni- : Xiiii'ii o..0llu UUli 1 itltlile, ITLil.i'j -li... ltit.ife.Bn.l of the select oreonimi.n omit il ef any i lirmari.in Iktiiiiii;. r iln.eic.l. wl.i. h .i.ali I .-ad-1 -I-is n-;eniu an-! wiil meet me wanr ,.i e- eity.or eoinmissjoiiers uf nuy inis.riKim. cd distiict, ' mil. ituTi-d to Ih.-in by soy .1 mi, -. A Woman's Best Friend. F.very Hdy should luve If.' Mine. De Costs' Selut.,n, eipresseil to nny nildrcss. Kjiehwui stump nml send lor circular. Address Ur. Le' liire, P. l. L K-k llt x 1.' l'ittsburli, I'a. dtcJ Farm for Sale. I will Hell nt prlr.it ale that rertaln Fann fit Mated Mix mile onthwert of Mt. riea.;uit. in Knit Iliintinniloii township. sf tnorelan) e'im(y, I'a., roiiUinin'.; a Ik. tit nn ut it is hy law ineapahle of hMini; or exen-isinz at tho ' Jmike M liie 1 i-mn: hut ii no sur.'t i..:: ire h.- ! thn. the otheeor aitH.intinent of Ju.le, liiJTeetor i l' ent. ene 1 th; in. ihi : r- t v t l. t i e :i -r.i I ort lefk of nny election ot this e.-imtnrtiwe iiih. ana 1 a-itti:: II ..I .... Ti .i. ... T.s I. .a ... n . i t. titHi. iti in-p i tin. jM-ikti; tu '"tin I'liiri f t.i Ml.'ll l eleetlen halt in elurii.le tolK then vi.te lur. - nn.ti:lle.i .-i.au u iiuuu.-urr tut mii n .-r ..!!;i:!i.iiua Ami tin sah I aet of Aemhly entitle t "an a -t re- ' to him. I.Uinii: toeleettotif of tils fomini'iiwenlih. paf j e;, jmy x. inw, lnnner provides ar luitnws. vn: Hint l!to insix'etor nnl JU'I. m shall meet al nisit-r Ihe 1..1IU or nthttnaii ai lo th- t tui r J li Hiiti insp. i-i-.r. un. I lien i ho ivM-i. r sot t try na;r-n in tiie Lin,. ri!..riu.i of ist. r. a. the resiwetive pl-iee ptMtnteit lor h'-Minir th eleelion in the ifi-triet ai whieli tl.ey respectively !'lonir. iH'fore 7 o'eloek in the monilny ot the SKl ONI) TL'KSDAY OK t M m HKK. an 1 eaeh n-ii I inspeetor ichall appoint em clt rkt who $Uull le a Unaliliet! vttterol mien dlftriet. "in ense the person who snail ur4ve reeriveii tne Ti.-L- inpeet-ir. r.u' an.i elerltS r',tiireii hvl '111' law lit Imhl the towni. u an l teiieral i-Kv:i..ns i Ular im shall t.ike and nti.ir.ie t!ieevi ial kii hi.i athnu- I w ' atioiis. reiiiir. d hy tne r;h. Jyi nml ils; svti-in i 'lu'rn - ot theaetot the 'M uay nt .lu.y. !.., c!iti;i-"l "An f I :ui ri'iaion; in ii;e uieeiiun.' oi I Hi- t "tliinoii- nejuii, w o 1 1 i t'tii as or amniiaii S .a a. 1 I'. Tillmsn, r.n ,e ;n i in -ri'iiiviis m ;.!-. i.tr K I 'le . ipi'ik.'itij' Set-v. ifluiie i as till twrt'il :iln! iiilfiiin.sternrl in thi m iunoi- t.r.-a -rl-,., I In the ls:h an t 'Jl swlions . th s ml net. and in addith n t- the pnwerei-nltrred hv the i s; li 5(i ;i. n ".villi? raaeh iri. and i. fa.-'t heef inin p"p n I uiit ! in liie p.iv it esp-ii-m. rci;t s Vi-rk he'n; inn -h more handsmie. re ; time aii'l n-t one tenth pirt the et- .N.i U-!v s Ivuit i. n-w rinplet wiE l;t)Ur A nn- !;;iu' wi;h i!!n.-irs:vd eip. ular and fn;i tl lli he ore- U"-' t'etis m-:u n rweipr ol c, ur IlBisliei tu sil- 120 A. C 1 1 Iiss thereon a jroo.1 frame Uwellinir hi, use. spiinr;, wissl and ctisl houses, a new Iraine brink bsrn, roru crii'S, bou; pens, and other out bnilniiips. A spring of Kih1 water nt the tloi r, also water la crery Held; over I highest iiiuulN-r id votes for li-sH-ct..r shall nut - r s.-ii:l ect, tlw ludae or eulirriT the insmvtois , .tt..n.l .. .1... if f.I.V oliN-tietl 1 1. 1 !. 1 ,r. , . . 1 ..... .... .... ..... . - t ...Him nini: ise.tta- io ueiuiriiyii-r iii'- uat.s ;.rcs.-n:i. son wno siiiiii uave n-ccivi-n uie m-couu innt.-i ,r, i,v , ; act toanv ei-.-rlmf a a- n-ril niimlN-rof voles I. r .Tiidsro at the licit irecee.lin.j l.l,t.!'in election shall itctasan Inspector in his nbice. And. , . " l..c,..,.lhciN.,.i.o!..,liiillhiieeriii-ivi..lIhelib-h-l . l"-lu.l..w.La rt.a.1 iW ttlf bdia t 1 in-t.i l.'i cr ill 'I' est nunilier of votes liir lusiicetor shall mit nttend, the person elected J ud 'xn sleill appoint an Inspec tor In his phiee; nnd in case the person clooteil a .lu.iife shall not attend, then the Inspector who received the hiirtiist nrtinlN-ri f votes shall iipisdnt i n Jtnlse in his plnoo: unit II any vacancy shsllinn- tinuc in t lie lion ru lor Hie ssieo tu one nssiritiier the time tixed bv law lor t be oneiilnaf cl the elee- is convenient to ehurtlies. Schools. Jlills, i.c. Is : tion theinmlilled inters of the townshiii, ward or witnin uve miles ol lir.mtl turd .Siatiiin. on the district for whieli pucn olllcersiiuit nave oeeii lei t Flttshursh It Csinueltsvillc rsllrwtl, ami within i ed, present at the place ol election, siiall eiett ona three miles of Scott's station at Fountain W Ills, and wiihln three miles of Stoiiervilli-." lielh thssa 200 Bearing Grafted Fruit Trees,! last nsmetl lihices nra on thft Sunt hivs.t. Pcnusvb vsnia linll Way. Price 75 per acre. Favint-nt (il.Oi'8 iii hand April 1, 1S7I, J-i.WHl April'l, 1KT1, 2.UO0 April 1, and tl.a hniuneo April 1, 1577, with interest on the wh.do to be paid vuarly. For further tiiloriiuttl-jn aiiitress AiurtlnN'. Slau.ter, J. F.. Ml. lieusaut. Westmoreland county. Fa., or cull on tho ruhScrirjcr i the premises. sep'Jl THUS. UAYC.DU. I district fur which such otlicerslinll have been -lec I ed, present at the place of election, siiall elet t or or tnelr numner to till suen vacancy. It siiall he the.luiy et the several assess. -ra rc-speelln-ly to attentl at tli" place of Iiobilnu; every irencnil. 'specliil or township election, tlutiuir t lie whole time such election is I'-pt open, ter the pur jniso of itivin information to tho Inspector niul Judire, when cnlleil on, in relation to the rluiit i.-f Thefioh.wli,;. '..a!l iirmatiiHi to be t:i ken hy rat-hinsj t-ter. i.r -I ( . li.) tlo tiiat 1 wiU iluiy atteii I lo tin- ensnicr eiivti-in dni ii.jr the cntinurince tliereot'. :ir tin in spect. -r and that 1 will not receii e any li. kett r o:e If.it.i any pers.iu.ol her thun-uehiis 1 sin.ll lirm ly tH-ticvo to Ik-, nccrdiiiyr to the provisions of th eoustiiiiii.iu anil tiie laws of this Ceintttenweaith. entitled t.-vote at such election, wilb.iut r.-iiitirinit such cvideiice of the riitht to vole as is t.irectetl by law, in-r will I vc.Xiitii.uly ib-bty or reliisv to re ceive any vote In.m any iers-n who I sluiil Kdlcve to lie eiitititsi to vote h aleresaiil. but i!im& I will in nil thinifs. truly, impart tally nn.i b.iiltie.iiy per form i.iy limy theVein. to the best ol my itidaitieiit un.I ubilirit-s. sod titut I mil nut uir.-ctly t,r indi rectly inu-restci in any l et or writer i-n tin- n suit I- b-r -J 7--. .V,,li-t s, .'. 1 1 i li :: JI A N i. F A t TI K I V( CI 1. . JiJ liroadway, New er. m ;k.n" i !-'.TS V WTI'Il CR. GARVaTS ELIXIR OF" TAR. Is ri-:. raincnib-d by rev;u',ar 31e.licnl tiraetiti.a-.t rs ami a -;.e -.ly cu.-e mianu.ieeil for Colds, l'i,ui.'lis. Cilia rrli. Asihina. lironriiitU. Spiitinir Hleo.1.1 ' -u-Min:j.ii a and all i'uiiiiennrv Ci.uiplainrs. Sciol u'et. Krysijiela?, liyspepsiis in.tiii.ut. IiTsentcrT. Cla-I-i -a -rnorbiiN. cii.,1. r.i and all iirerainl bni-: eirnphttiirs. Ki-ltit-y diseases nml nil alicelinis t l tlte I r, il.il tr:; ins crlcctiy harmless in- fp.i.i Mineral or Abelielb pr.p. rtic I'lca-iant t. tako iii.d i.,:vir known to fail lri.-o l ii per ho-th-. 1 nil parti-ulars Willi uietik-.il tcsiimonv an-l eer-tltloati-s sent on iipplica'ii ii. Ad,in-ss !. F. 11 V lit; il CO., 1'Xi tkvoiiih amine. New York.. Nerv.HSi-. I)bllly-. With Its zloomy atrea.biiits. low spirits, d.-press-it-n. iiiv.duiitar.i ciii.-sU.ns. it ss ol st-uieu. ?N.Tma-t'trrhtf-a. loss e: pt-w.-r. i.izy bea.t, I.-ss ot mi-riro-ry. and tlireatt'ieti iui.it-i.n and iineni-ilii. timl The folluwlntr sbalt I the oath or ail'irraati.-n of sovcR i-.n euro in liiiinp.'iici s Hum-ni ,-itbiii of tiiiil eleelion. any .-rson assessed l-v them to vote at such elec- each judae; viz.: '-1 ( A. H.) de that I wlllaa fietthr iweniy-t.iittit. i .,niNts.i ot the tion. ami on sacli nlhcr matters lu relation to the : judire duly allen.l the tnsiiinu election durlnit the 1 ,u "l valuable aula and otcnc uratise. t.iey ......,.,,i ,.r e..i.. . , t, ...ii . ...in ,,.ii..i,.. ti..r... i- ,.,,,1 i i , i, . i -. .. i ... . .7. , 1 sLrikc a t - ir-e at t be ns a; o : tic mat tr r. tono u i t No I either of them shsll Inan time to lime nipiire. .is-et..rs in eamiuir en the saint-: 'that I will not , yteni. nin-st toe msobiirjtes. and immrt nt-r I '-.No person shsll he permitted to vote at anv elm-- ive my consent that auv Vote or ticket simll bo re-1 a"'' encr-'y, .110:1:1.1 i,a,i: I tliti entire mn:,. I tion as aforesaid, than a while eitlien of the aire or I ceiveil Inan nnv pcr.-.m other than such m I tini-.'iv i rhl'-r hfcure. th.'ii-n..,. t eascs Frlee. .'. per i twentT-eiieorioore. who shall hno resided la this ; IN-Iieve to be neror-llnir to the pruvl.tinr.s ot tl eeen- f Mckn-je ot live boxes ami jHi.r-.so . vkiI. wh.cli m j Statu at least, one year, ami in tl.o election district j stii in inn anil laws of lids Comtiiointcalth, eniittcd very tail.riae. W " ""!,:''' "r W . otl per wncre no nncrs 111 vtiit. ten tinvs liinneiiiiiiciv ore- ' loioic ni such e ,-cii,,o witiietii t.... , ,iri. . .n.-it ci-. . ".", . ... . - . r-,,. i eetllna sucli eleelion. and within twoyenrs liiid a I iilciii-c ol tho rlirht to veto us Is .lirrs-tnl l.v law. i m.li'.' "'! "'.'''';','. '.'il.T.'.':' T ... - A.. ,1.. .1.,.. N.l.ilA hat-1,,N ' VI,.,.. ... ........... .t,I..I. .le.tl le.VN Inmmi i, ri.e.d. ,n,l II... 1 H:tt,,. t n . : , St r.t It.'- tl1 ' 'I T I ! ANClltll. npi miit-.iii.i J ...1 l,,..,-,".. h,,H ... ..tu V. e.Hl.l,' . A, ,! ..... w - ... - . ...... ...... . .. Mi , im cii. le.tt IN I" JI, ,,. , . ,,, . . , Xw l.een irrtiiited Iti the iinditrsii.ncd bv the liroiwr uu- i ml at It-iist ten tlnvs iK-furn the election. Iiut a eit- anv fraud, tlis-cll nr ol us.. In c .-i-viie. .,a lie- s.,:iic i -- l.roio.w it. .sew 1 tuorllv, mdioc Is hereby iiinn lu tlioss indebted, i ten of the 1 nitetl Sialeswho has prei iciisly Im-i-u i i by eiii.ieua ipiiiiitit'd lo vote, or uihets, a.il thai 1 to It to mike Iininesliate payuimit. aud those liar- j qualilied voter of this .State nn-l rc.ui.ve.l therclrtnii i will make n true an I p-rtii-t ri-lntii of the sit 1 clce Inir claims s-talnsl. it will prsent ihem to the un j und returned, and who shall have rejlded In the i tion, and will in all ibla truly, imporiinliy no I tiersiifiicu at tno omcv oi .luiiii n. i uu ivti., iu , eieetiou niNirit'i aim imm iiiai-9 nitircuiti'i. mi:iii ins , lauiiiuit v in-i it.1111 mv eu. v rcs.-ci-i ae- ine -tititi.- i jjx k c r t o n s x o t i r k. Fstatc uf licv. V. F. Hyer, Into of Somerset rlec'J. A b:rfSllt .Ml'H-.'l-.V' 'A I illC MKIi.ClXK Ci.. ak. iiev. 1.1. -Fi-r sal.-by t. 11. .Mar-iutl, S -iniri t, I'i. Souitrsut. ou SaiuriiiiT Iof. 27ili. A. M W M'KTsTON F, JHHX TUMLINSON, novltl Fxeiuturf, entitled to vote after residing In this Mintc si.t ! the best ol tnv judi:Li- nt nn-l abilities, inai tl.it 1 months. Provided. That t Jio while Ireemcii, eiti-1 aui not ilin-uW or iu lireetty iiiicn s; hi in nny U t lens of tho I'ni'ed Suite, between tho aires ol i ir wncr on the re.-u!; ot this eleeii n. ' twenty-one and tweuty-two yeiir ho liave rel 'el I The follow iuu shuil be the iurm of the enth er si'- The Iirrknlfli -m Porlnbla rnmitr Sr ia; Hai-hinc. i. :t l.n Trial ; inaity a-i-. antae ov, r nil. sniisiiicu-Ni srtt.t, ;.ti teetl, or o rNiunde.1. s. i.i ct.in(.t.-te. w ith lull -ii-rc-tiens. Ibcl,m.a S-. til .'-l e I iae K'y 'f linidw;iv. ,. V.