The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, June 11, 1873, Image 2

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    TKe SMerselrHefalcl.1;fl
June II.
Hon. John A. jsingham, late .m.
C from Ohio, Las been appointed by
the President, Minister plcnip.rtcntia
tv to J apan.
Goveknok Straw, of Connecticut,
was inanguratcd on Thursday last.
In his inaugural speech Le took occa
sion to strongly endorse tin Local
Option law.
pftfl 1mshel: Illinois, .Minnesota,
iseonin r.iiil l.wa nv-pectivcly
ranged next t C;ilir..i i-nging
from 22,liM.(M)ii to 2I.T"'."0t'
els. The total i-rotlm li
Northwestern Slates named
ui it waiiixtox i.r-rrrR.
i the
was bushels, a id increase
tr 2G.230.000 bushels over the crop
of 1S71 in the same States. Secreta
ry Lnnrdon.of the Chamber of Com
im-ree, is authority for the statement
. . ..-iott. .-ii1,i 1... . - C tt-lmnt In
itial 4,'', ' hipiii i.? .-i tint..... n-j
'hidiuir flour, had been receiv
Milwaukee and Chicago and oilier
Moke emigrants have arrived (point up to May 31st last, from the
within the three last months, tnau
during the entire year 18T2, and it is
alleged that one third of those coining
this year are pot yet here.
Hon. Epuar Cowan, of Westmore
land Co., has liecu selected by the
delegates at large a niemln r of the
Constitutional Convention, to fill the
vacancy occasioned by the resigna
tion of IIos. Francis B. flow l.
The Tublie Debt statement for
31ay, shows a reduction for that
month of $3,52o,2S2,50. And this,
notwithstanding the fact that it was
intended the revenue for this year
tihouldonly meet the interest falling
The Constitutional Convention
Las adopted an article establishing
the ono term principle for Governor,
and porviding for a Lieut. Governor
who shall be President of the Sen
ate, but have no vote, except on a
crop of 18T2. In the four great
wheat producing States of the North
west, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa and
Minnesota, which together with the
estimated amounts for food and seed
i in these States, leaves an available
surplus still to come forward lictween
the first of dune and the incoming of
the next largest of K.,722.000 Lu- h
els in wheat and Hour.
TnE Commissioners of Internal
Revenue has decided that persons
wiling tobacco and cigars on Rail
road trains, must purchase a special
tax stamp, as dealers in manufactur
ed tobacco, the same as if doing bus
iness elsewhere. lie has instructed
all collectors to euforce the law, and
require all such persons, whether mi
nors or otherwise to pay the special
tax provided therefor.
The Missouri editors' at their late
convention formally resolved that a
man has the same right to walk into
a grocery store and order a barrel of
sugar and a sack of coffee, or into a
law office and demand a legal opinion
of its occupant, or into an undertak
er's and request a coffin, without e.v
jiecting to pay for their respective
w ares or services, as into a newspa
(er office and demand the use of its
brains and mnscle and type, without
a thought of recompense.
The Supreme Court of this State
Las just decided that. Express Com-
anies must make personal delivery
of goods carried by them, to the res
idence or place of business of the jer
son to wnom directed, ror, savs
Justice Read, who delivered the
opinion, "as to all common carriers,
there is no obligation after the goods
reach their appointed destination, but
to put them safely iu warehouses. It
was mainly to remedy this defect in
railway transportation of parcels of
great value in small compass, that
express companies were first started
i a America.
Tnt Xew York Commercial A-
vertiaer takes down the Democratic
and Liberal press gabble about divi
sions and dissensions in the Republi
can party in this way: "But if there
is a Republican secession, no advan
tage will come to the Democrats.
They have sounded the shallows of
that device already, and as the Mo
bile Register well says, 'Pit Grant
against the malcontents of his own
party, and he will beat them every
lime-' This is even so, and the Re
publican party will outnumber the
malcontents plus the Democracy for
these many years, and until its lead
ers lose the confidence of the people
So long as its principls and its acts
meet the general approval, it will
have a lease of power."
folio W-
of the
Bayard Taylor in a letter
Vienna, May If., gives ns lin
ing additional information in
to the attractions and effect
principal Yankee whisky shop erect
ed on the Exposition grounds :
"The American wigwam, hereto
fore described, an Indian lodge iu
the woods of the Prater, where thirs
ty Americans arc served by the
blackest of colored waiters in the
whitest of jackets, with 'cocktails,'
'juleps,' 'smashes' and 'straights,' and
other enticing American beverages,
is always thronged by citizens of the
republic. The Europeans of all na
tions look upon this wigwam and the
ferocious figures daubed upon it in
red and yellow paint, with an air of
timid curiosity. They give it a wide
berth, gazing upon it from a safe dis
tance in the outskirts of the woods.
They no doubt believe the amiable
darkeys to be North American sava
ges tamed for the occasion, who
might relapse into their old habits
nml make a rush for their sralps if
thev ventured too near."
A Wl!-Knon Anthor Shot ami Kill
rdby Ilia fcoii Explanatory Ktntr
mrntof tbe Mnreloror.
From an article on the cattle trade
in the Korth American wc learu
something of the immense number of
cattle raised in Texas, Kansas, Colo
rado, and New Mexico. From New
Mexico alone will be sent out this
season 50,000 head of beef cattle and
100,000 head of stock cattle; while
from Texas we learn that twenty
Lerds of W-ef cattle, averaging 1250
each, started from one county since
March 8, and that Claiborne, Texas,
will this season drive 12,000 head to
Kansas. Fifteen thousand head of cat
tle crossed the Colorado of Texas in
one day. All these cattle arc driven
north to Kansas to be pastured on
the plains, and thence shipped east
by the Kansas Pacific Railroad as oc
casion offers.
The knotty question of what shall
be done with the captured Modocs,
which has been giving the press so
much trouble is likely to be very eas
ily solved. The Governor of Orc
goa has, or will make a requisition
for such of them as committed mur
der and other crimes in that State,
and they will be tried by the civil!
courts and sentenced in accordance
with their crimes. Therefore the
nice qustion raised by casuists, that
having surrendered as prisoners of
war, by the laws of war they cannot
e hung, will in all probability have
do chance of being further discussed
or pressed. At all events Captain
Jack; and those of his followers who
participated in the slaughter of Can
st aad Thomas in violation of a flag
of troee dearly forfeited their lives,'
lefore any court, Civil or Martial
New York, June 3. Frank II
Walworth aged nineteen, shot and
killed his father. Mansfield T. Wal
worth, in the Sturtevant House this
morning. Decreased was an author,
and boarded at the Sturtevant House,
awav from his familv. Domestic
trouble is assigned as the cause of
the tragedy. Young Walworth, who
lives at Saratoga, directly after the
shooting went to the Twenty-ninth
precinct police station end surrender
ed himself.
Young Walworth makes the fol
lowing explanation of the cause which
led to the shooting : "I reside with
my mother in Saratoga, my father
having parted from her some years
ago; my father is an author. I have
been studying law. I think my fath
er is about forty-one years old, but
do not know where he was born.
My father has not lived with my
mother since he left hr, three years
ago, but he has repeatedly sent us
threatening and insulting letters: it
is only a short time since he threat
ened to shoot my mother and myself.
I shot him because of this. Not long
ago I met him on the street in Sara
toga, and then I told him that if he
did not keep away from us, or insult
ed my mother any more, I would
shoot him. I told him that there
were 1-ounds which I would not al
low any man to go lieyond with im
punity, and especially when my
mother was licing insulted.
"I went to his house yesterday
and left a note for him to call on me.
which he did this morning; when he
came in the room, I drew a revolver,
and told him to promise me that he
would not threaten or insult ns any
more, winch lie promised. Shortly
afterwards he began sjn aking of fam
ily matters and lie used some very
insulting language and put his hand
in Ins pocket as though to draw out
a pistol, when I shot him; he then
came towards me, and I lired three
other shots at him; when I fired the
last shot at him he had me by the
collar. I onlv regret this on account
of the effect it will have on tnv family.
I would like .Indue Barbour to know
Saratoga, June 3. Frank Wal
worth, who is reported to have shot
his father in New York City, left here
yesterday morning without informing
his mother of his intention. Mrs.
Walworth had lately received a num
ber of threatening letters from her
late husband, Mansfield Tracy Wal
worth, and it is supposed that young
Yt alworth Las intercepted similar
letters to her from his father, as she
has found in her son's room two
empty envclojics to her own address
since he left home. The mother
thinks her son had also received
threatening letters from his father.
Mrs. Walworth was divorced from
her husband about two years a:ro.
Bolero Cmlr.
Memi-iiis, June 4. For the past
ten days a disease pronounced by
physicians to be cholera morbus, or
malarial fever, has prevailed here,'
but no alarm was fe lt until yesterday,
when physicians generally agreed
that it was cholera, some classing it
sporadic and others Asiatic. Thus
far its ravages have Ix-en chiefly con
fined to negroes and labori ng class
es, and in the absence of an organ
ized Board of Health, it is difficult to
estimate the number who have died.
The doctors say the disease if
promptly attended to, yields readily
to treatment. Among the hist vic
tims was George Moon1, of tLo Mem
phis and Louisville Transfer Compa
ny, who died last nichL During the
war he was Provost Marshal of the city,
under the Federals, and was highly
esteemed. Rcjtorts from '.he towns
below here on the river say the dis
ease prevails there also. Thcro is
but little excitement lu re in rejrard
to it.
Yonna-Ijwly Killed by Lightning; at
T,xnetUf, Ohio.
i Zanesyim.E, O., June 4. During
- j a thunder storm here tins evening,
The Commissioner of the Depart-' Miss Maggie Neff, while washing
went of Agriculture, Hon. F. Watts dhe, was instantly killed by light
Wuraished a eery interesting tabu- 'n A fcouscin of erection
. . . . ,! near by was struck and cnticrlv de-
ir MuirmeKi, knowing iuc iiwuwr oi molished
bushels of wheat raised in each
State of the Union in each of the
past two years. The total estimated
production of wheat in the United
States in 1372 was 249,997,000 bush
els; showing an increase of 12,725,000
"bushels compared with the crop of
Railroad AcrMrat la Canada.
Hamilton, Ontario, June 3. A
night express train on the Great
Western Railroad ran off the track at
a switch at Capetown at two oVloek
Wasiiincton, D. C, June ,", 1873
We have not as yet hail hot rights,
but through the day the mercury
rises to between SO and I'O degrees,
and iu consequence there is a general
stampede North. Every train is
filled to its capacity, so mimcrou
arc the Saratoga trunks, the baggage
cars are hardly sufficient to hold j
them. It is a most easy matter to1
rent good and comfortable houses:
with all modern improvements at a j
...i .. very low nrice through the summer.
co hi ' - . , ,. , . . .,,.
mouths, tiooa rciiaoic. i,iinn
sought after by owners of valuable
residences, to occupy and take care
..f their moiicrtv with rent free.
i 1 .i.lciit li.ftt-n hern to-mor-
i m a . v - - - ----- -
row for Long Branch, where he hopes
to remain uninterrupted for at least a
month The Louisiana and the Ore
gon Modocs having yielded to the
powers that be, there is every reason
to believe bemav feel free toenjov his
usual summer recreation
Only eighteen hours more and Tom
Wright, the murderer of the peddler
Hogerski some live mouths since,
will le executed. Your correspond
ent has just come from the jnil where
this right is confined, and learned
that Wright is still impenitent nl
though Father Wiggett is making the
greatest effort to make him feel Ins
situation. Wright has behaved him
self so badly that Gen. Crocker, the
Warden, has been compelled to not
onlv shackle his ankles, but he has
caused his hands to be tied to those
shackles. This Tom is in a pitiful
condition, but his stubborness is so
great that nil join in this apparent
cruelty in order to insure the people
the carrying out properly the execu
tion of the law.
In the Legislature of the District of
Columbia the proposition for a new
loan ot $4,000,000 has been defeated.
The Board of Public Works will then
be compelled lo restrict its operations
to the completion of the contracts al
ready issued. There was something
wild in the projected plan of opera
tions considering the resource at hand.
It is estimated that 25 millions would
be required to complete the work al
ready projected. Congress is now
looked to for relief. It is thought
that the national government will be
induced to expend a larger sum in
the improvements of the capitoj than
! it has hitherto done.
The report of the Bureau of Statis
tics of tbe Treasury, just issued, shows
the final footings of our foreign com
merce for 1 872. Our total imports
amounted to $155,002,595 in mer
chandise, an increase of S3 millions.
Our Sccie imports amounted to 21
millions against If millions in 1871.
Our total domestic export amounted
to $544,000,000,' an increase of 31
millions. Our foreign exports amount
ed to 25 millions, a decrease of I mil
lion. Of precious metals was export
ed 100 millions against 77 millions in
1871. During the later months of
1872 and the earlier months of 1873,
there is shown a tendency to equali
zation between the import? and ex
ports, a tendency which will give
relief to our financial pressure in more
ways than one.
The determination of the Presi
dent to postpone the appointment of
a Chief Justice to succeed Salmon P.
Chase, is generally approved. The
office so important to the stability
and general working of our political
system has had but few occupants
since the inauguration of our national
constitution. Oliver Ellsworth held
it five years from 179t ; John Mar
shall, thirty-five years ; Roger B.
Taney, twenty-eight years; Salmon
P. Chase, eight years. Marchajl held
it during the formative period of
our history and signalized his
great abilities as well as his m
corruptable patriotism by his clear
enunciation of true principles of po
litical trcedom. i aney was a re
actionist and attempted, especially in
the Dred Scott case, to poison the
very springs of the law so as to sanc
tion slavery. Chase was a disap
pointed politician who accepted the
Chief Justiceship merely as a step
ping stone to the Presidency. The
next occupant should !o devoid of
political aspirations.
The reports of the condition of
cotton sent by correspondents from
this city, were not sent by authority
of the Department of Agriculture,
though in some cases it is probably
so estimated. The first reports of the
coming crop arc now being collected
and the results will be given in the
forthcoming June report which will
appear before the close of the month
in order to take advantage of the
erpiring moments of the franking
privilege. Reports received so far
are not very decisive out show con
siderable backwardness in many lo
calities. They would be sufficient,
however, for the cotton exchange
gamblers to loose a few millions on.
In the absence of Mr. Dodge, the
Statistician in Europe, they will be
touched very ginge rly in the gener
al estimates of the report.
The Agricultural Department has
received advices from the Salt Lake
region in Iah to the effect that tie
spring raius of JS73 arc more copious
than were ever lii'fore known. Ear
ly sown grain, it is thought, v;ll be
harvested without irrigation. The
level of Salt Lake has been reported:
as rising for a number of years end it !
has been predicted that it will ulti-j
mately decide the permanency of
Mormanisni by drowning out its
head quarters. This is one of the re
markable effects of civilization and
cultivation upon arid regions, increas
ing their rain-fall, and consequently
improving tldr productive power.
Returns from the Northwest indi
cate a serious conflict of thfl fillers
with the allied force of their insect
enemies. The army worm is bhow
ing itself in large uumbers, eating up
the meadows and pastures, la oth
er loc alities the ant worm is in the
corn and wheat. Potato bugs are
waiting for potatoes to grow. Cat
erpillars are in the fruit. From the
reports already received at the Agri
cultural Department it looks as
though the losses from these various
insects will be serious. These indi
cations poist Jo imperfect culture in
the part and dciuocttVaU; the neces
sity of placing agriculture fcon a
more scientific basis.
The Treasury Department has re
ceived a telegram from Mr. Cattal,
Special fiscal agent of the Depart
ment for the marketing of our 5 per
cent bonds, that the demand for our
national securities, in Europe u rap
idly rising. A further call of eiK peri
cent, outstanding, for redemption, will
be made very shortly. The ultimate I
disposal of our lower rate securities
id but a question of time. We are
creating large surpluses of capital
and soon will lie able to call in all
these bonds held abroad and substi
tute them with securities held by the
The late returns of immigration
show a rapid increase of the Russian
elemeut. Since the emancipation of
jtre nt lilwrty t I Id to the varioii
influences of self-develop.nent which
quicken the spiritual and immortal el
ement within. This enlargement of
sclavic population will add greatly
tc our power of rapidly filling up our
northern areas especially in Alaska.
Hero is the class of people that is lo
Tapple with the difficulties of this
, broad region. LIr h.
His Entire Band are Capturel
The Jlmlor.
San Francisco, Jnne 4. The fol
lowing dispatch has ln-cn received :
Boyle's Cami-, Tule Luke Penin
sula, June 2, 7 1". M. The- captives
and captors remained at Applegate's
ranche. Before night Captain Jack
and Schonchiu were bound together
aud placed with other warriors in a
small building adjoining Applegate's
house, under guard. Neither Jack
nor Schonchiu spoke h word ; not a
nni.iclu of Jack's face moved. Scar
faced Charley protested against the
indiguity iu behalf of his fellow cap
tives, and said none of them intended
escape, even if opportunity offered.
He obtained little satisfaction and
retired in disgust.
Efforts to Christianize the Warm
Springs have been eminently success
ful, for most of them are members of
the Me thodist church.
All the military force of the expedi
tion will be united at this point. The
cord to (Jen. Canby'a hat was found
in Jack's satchel. Col. Green's cap
ture was made in Oregon ; Col. Per
ry's in California.
Fairciiild's Ranche, June 3, 7 v.
M. To-day we paid a visit to "Old
Sheepy," on ono of the small islands
of Klamath Lake. The old Indian
told me he had five Modocs on the
island, and would surrender them to
John Fairchild, as soon as he return
ed from Clear Lake. We saw one of
the Indians, Leehee Back. He was
badly woundod, and will probably
die. Fairchild has just returned,
and to-morrow we will go for the hist
of the Modocs.
San Francisco, Cal., June 2,
The Icdlowinsr has Im-cii received, dat
ed Langell's Valley, Lost River, Or
egon, Green's Camp, May 31 : Af
ter a thorough examination of the
Modoc captures gathered in' dining
the present scout under Colonel
Green, it is ascertained the lot num
bers thirty-four men, women and chil
dren, tLi'rtccn of them being able
bodied warriors, sixteen rifles of va
rious patterns, 113 cartridges, and
several lean and hungry ponies. Bus
tyii Charley and Slionchin are anx
ious ah.. ut the disposition to he made
of them. The former murdered Dr.
Thomas and tho latter mutilated
Meacham. Boston Charley and
Slionchin look like desncradous. Each
A If Uvonrl TrMfeif.
St. I.oi is, June 5. The i' k.-t-aii
has a special from Booneville de
tailing a tragedy which occurred at
Billingsville, a few miles distant
from Bonneville, on Saturday last.
It opjK-ars that Putt MeNamara, a
squad boss in a stone quarry near by,
discharged three men, named Tom
Grancy, Joe Mason and PatMurdhy.
These men were immediately hired
by another boss named O'Ncil, whic h
fact was reported by MeNamara t' ,
the chief engineer of the works, and j
the three men wci- dismissed on ;
Saturday evening. O'Ncil and thej
l:-. I ....1 ....! M..Y..,.,.ir,i !
disc iiiii ueo men ,. ...... .
and heat him badly. In the
MeNamara shot ami kill
; While Mrs. Oborn-, residing at
; Carpenter's station, near Pitfburg,
was engaged at ln.u-e cleaning hit
I hursday m:c iial occasion to remove
from the bed in her room a gun which
her husband had left lying there. In
raising the gun the trigger was
caught by the bed clothing and forc
ed buck far enough to cxplodt: the
cap on its return to place. The con
tents of the barrel entered Mrs. Os
borne's left breast, and she died iu
an hour.
X' V A'li'i-rliyemfnf:
if r (-jivritril I
AVie Ad(etlUr
The aid solicited from tin- various
State Legislatures to place, moiiu-j
ments on the battle-licld at Getty S-j
i hurt', to mdiCHte the position . armv
l I "
melee , .,,! (ii.r ilcciivc events of,
1 (iraneV ' .1,., ctrn.'.r'e bavin ' failed, the. (i"t-!
iftj. lull- .,1 .'. li , I ny i, ,
Ix-tlcnt ut a1 minis, ration An tticui-.w ir'.iif Imv
ln t?n nnil.i to ihrun.lorr-ixii.-l. -.f i'-c l litrr
l.jr k""'" ihe l i uiali'' iiumwlinU' .:
tiient, an l i!).,.- hv,iir rlim.n uxuii.t i: iil ,r--nt
ItM-tn, .hiljf nu'li.-nii'iti.'.l I' r n : m. nl i-n
Sutur hiy. th folh iiy .I.i'.y IS".'., nl li..:li "T
I tin Hu'lcr.-i jiicC. hi itl-l i.'wii-i,:..
SAJ!i I I. W'AI.ii t il.
JU'" Ail:u!iii tr..lnr.
14VmiTEFTTir animal r-t-.rt ..f the
iC 'i.ilnty .Muotul Klin liiHiiraiiceC .tri. inv !
llic yrarn,!li;g.Maj Ctfi, 1;.:.
IJy I,jiI. In rri!ttnry. ita r l:t-t !nu:i! r-
i.rt. MayOli. KJ s It
liy -ft'li rwi-i:.l fit li' ll. i l-'u.-i
thin ynr 1UH it
lly rash r.H'.-hfl ai r.-newai lMi y.ur .. l:i
llv nh r,.'..l -.( ,fi :i'--i,iiir im-nt
.No. -alii' yi.r Jij r
Ckeap Farms Ir Sale Kif
,1 1
t from i t, lu , ' o,i run -vr
; 1 u . .
tH-n T,li ffitt .. '1 - ' ?Ut,
Ifiii on. i
i il -. D'.w ni.,.- . in
ii.l 4 i.r m,,r- telnir .,."....'?;;
.l i:tT Jal- '1. Hj-,
and mortally wounded Mason. Ale- tysburg Company have decided to
Namarj gave himself up, and w!raiso niont-v ly issuing lomls f.r this
discharged on the ground of justilia- j ,llrM) They he to etf.-. t this by
ble homicide. jibe sale of 1.00,imm in bonds,
Nu. 1. Wfcl Hash M. Wrrti rr mil
..r I"-" i.v lire IW
Si i. 2. l'ai,r:',,llui,oiin MiM
i'-r .I:m.m. l-y (jr.- 2 "'
X 1 ': 1 1 ,f,...iab Kr.nJ e i lull
,,r I.,!"" Iv In-
l-n .Inn ..I tli' ?rr:, .,, "' a
..I IIiiCAunilm i-mui!!) ik. '",'
Ulalrlrt. MI.I JUitlrrof lh.("l
miwr n, Ot-iwral Jail l-iT .
kil rxnltnl au.i .!hr,Hn.i, i .
n, Ijcari A. Tr, n. J,! ' M L-'
mliP-1.. JlHiot lhC V,i,r,f7" J!..,,.-"
f fhrC'ur!.f (.r.T'?'("'
Ait Ohio Kiiruum Wanli lorCupl,
I.ili Million.
)i'("-I'r for their redemption the val- N-. 4. I'aW'M. f. Ntfi'f i r .'i
y the coiupa- ? h 11 k. 'lim.-r f
Ctoucml JitU itellmr. I... .. Tr
. . ... ... i,r i ..rtiuf - , , v
iwiml lheirm-enuaiwt t " v"v
In r n I '..urt ,.t I V ... " ''l" ,
t. rS l-iii..l t!- Ia nn'rV '"
uable prortrtv owned b
my consisting ot tlie liotc l niel ine
WAsniciToN, D. ('., June, li Aii i passenger railway. The indication
individual w rites to!ie stoues are to ho locatta ty ine uatiie-
(r. riii.'i lield Memorial Association, of which
irovernment from Tiffin, Ohii
Rent Far Loulwinna.
... .
carries his character in ins lace. I .- , fl i:(1...rill.r Ilnrtrai.ft s IVeid.-nt.
ton is about 'JHand Slionchin is 5t. j '".'' V VI ti;..r i luck!
The boldest, warrior of the band Z 'tndK '"lv A little son of Wi.liam 11. Holmes.
eiiriace(i t tiariev. nr. vuoaimessc, - - , (r i;rownsville. was ijiirne.i t oeat n
on the S inst., while playing w ith a
number of companions, each having
an old "wide-awake" lamp filled with
of Vreka the extract surgeon who k(-p Ja(.k
uiuugui i.ic- .o- . .. ...... r - ,, ..... I,;,,, t(, tl1(:
niorninr, after sleeping ai nigni in . . -,,.,
I - . -
veil ;
roveriimeiit at ;
their retreat savs of Captain Jack
that he 1. resents the most WOC-bcronc
apjiearance. The wily warrior sat
upon a rock in the centre of his little
lava bed, a few yards back Irom the
bluff, as lonely as his surroundings,
lie was wrapped in a faded army
blanket, and his head was buried in
his hands. His sister Mary captur
ed at Willow Cree k day be fore yes
terday, talked to him with tears in
her eves, and asked that he enter our San Francisco, June C A dis
camp" lie was sullen, and hud little patch from Boyle's states that (ien-
to :-ay. He did promise that lie oral Davis mtcnus to ereci a scaiiom ;
would surrender to-dav. In the night j and execute about one dozen of the'
he stole mvnv The Modocs sav that worst murderers in the tribe at connn
he iloes not commit suic ide, in w hich
case the government is to receive oiny
one thousand dollars per day for the
time he remains in the showman's
hands alive. It is proposed to pay
thirty thousand dollars upon the de
livery of Jack at Chicago, and the
remainder at the c lose of two months.
Ihr Holloci.
The prompt and decisive action of
the President in the? Louisiana nflair
has brought the result that was to
have been anticipated. Mr. McEnery,
after taking time to come to an un
derstanding with his associates, and
doubtless with their concurrence, ad
vises obedience to the requirements
of the President's proclamation. The
advice will be accepted. Mr. Mc
Encrv, and a few other leaders, have
long been the only persons' engaged
in active opposition to the Kellogg
government, and their course has
gradually lost them the approval or
sympathy of the great bodv of those
who were at first iucliueif to favor
them. There is no doubt that, un
less Congress thall open the case,
and interpose to order some change
in the State, Gor. Kellogg will from
this time hold peaceful possession of
the powers of his ofiice.
Who nalr-i film. Who Same Htro
and Whom Hp 1 Xfimrd Aftrr.
Mrs. Joseph Knott, an old lady
living in Portland, Oregon, nearly
seventy years of age, gives this ac
count of Captain Jack : In tho year
1S.1, while living at Canon ville,
Dousrlass county, an Indian boy came
to their house, and speaking the jar
gon, desired to live with them. He
was one of the Rogue River Indians,
and Indonged to the trile then located
on Cow Cree k. She noticed that he-
appeared to lie an active, keen,
shrewcl-Iooking boy, and, with the
eonse:nt of her husband, took him to
raisp, with whom he remained sev
eral vers. As soon as the boy was
assured that they i&tendpd to keen
him, he insisted on having a "iiostn"
name, as he called it, and wished to
be named after the best-looking of
Mrs. Kuott'at children. This being
appreciated by the mother, she de
cided to name him after her tou
their ages, apparently, In-ing about
the same aud this sou was.). Knott,
better known as Jack Knott, of
saloon fame.
The boys grew up together, and
many were the days they sient in
the sjiorts of the chase. On one oc
casion, after he had lieen with them
some time, he became offendeil be
cause he was told to leave the room,
aud loaded his rifle with the inten
tion of shootiiig Ijsv'i Knott, but was
discovered iu season to prevent his
designs. Thin circiimstauce ld to j delivered to the
his espul.iiou from the family, and egoij for trial.
from that until the present time I
has not been seen by them eijcept iu
Jack is insane. i
Ai-1-i.F.ciATK's Hoi-sk, Ci.karLakf, ;
Okkuon, June 3, via i
Sax Fkaxcikcci, June 2.
A series of prolonged yells and
cheers aroused the camp from a pleas-
ant ietit half an hour after the eh--!
partureof my last courier. General:
Davis, General heaton,
officers and all the:
and their
sunset to-morrow. He feels that
there is no need of delay. No doubt
of the guilt of the chosen victims can
exist. Justice demands speedy and
certain action. Even at this time he
is writing out a statement of the
offenses that will be read to the; con
demned. A later dispatch snys General
Davis, after having completed all the
on ot the;
carbon oil. By some means the- in
flammable fluid w as spilled over the
little fellows clothes and ignited, burn
ing him so badly that lie died within
four hours.
The Painesville O., Thiitiih re
ports the following from information
rece ived from a Chardon gentleman :
"A singular phenomenon in the pota
to bug line was witnessed at Char
don, oa I hursday alternoon of lust
week. Shortly after three o'clock a
cloud of potato bugs on the w ing en
tercel and passeel through the town
from the? east and living di-
iof them falling to the ground their
character was soon determine d.
' The tirtt swarm w as soon
ullowed by a 'feeoiid, third
: and fourth, and so on for the space
; of an hour and u half, much to the
'astonishment of all who beheld.
; The-y were estimated at tens of thou
, sanehj, rendering those; who witnessed
rriiiMna M:iik
fl. I'm i.I i i.'oip iu run' r ,-r !!
liii. mill .-ij.r. "J1
.... 7. I'ul'l V. S. Ilict. r fc-r t. ii
.iiir.' r-uril U.okun'1 i-sim-c. . .
N... . I'bM J..I111 I. S. ull .rl!i:ll,:;
blank fSi.m-r"t II-r:tMj
N. . Iai. llnnrv Ai k'Miinii i:i
lull ..r Iwt l i.r-
No. 10. FK!e .1. U;l, r i-.rt-str.t
.rt n nrri't
N... 11. I'ai'i KcVfllll, :;t:illl!-. u;. t .
-r..liT I. IT3
i.. 1-. I'ui.l at:i:n,i mi l
taili.n-ry. 1-n Iit lui'.' l.l'W li..k-.
.. l.i. I'ui'l .la.-..)-Ii. .lii.-rl"r.
Ira ?rr u i'r -i-l.-nl
N.. 14. ri.i.f i.lll.-e r. nl mi I l i.-l ,
N-.. 1.".. I 'it I, I uftir.; iui nituri. cr.iv
an-l i'. laf'l.- i.tiil rli.iir
N.. H. i'ai i J ,liii lli-kK ' ilary ..r
urn year ail b- ani In-nrt.
ll.iian.-p in iniiMiry lu ii'.l.-ti t in:r.-!i
un,t in haii-! ..I itifi'iit-.
Amount ol .r.'rniiiiii iii.t.'rt li.tM' to n--. -y-ni..-nl
on non.i,, junt! Mfh '
.re e ri y:-fi., ,K
1 hfli'iim'r an-1 e
!) no
1 1 -
aniiTof )rrvi. iii.11 it,.. h1
ih.-ir pr')--r ;--r,nv ,!, .('..
.-olixfif.. xalniliatl4i. mi,l ,ji
'-r r......
i iii.we tiunirH wim h t,, th,.,. "'"iffy
... . . ... aa,, - 1
win i.n.m.-t.-uie airatntOi. '- :
i in
linatrcute ,ri(rwn., n 'Ar.,
n til jail ul .S'lluiT-rt i' .od' ".'
tr. to .KMnal aalijil (lm'k. 1
seirr e hith e. , hm.. i
J use M. t
ut tt.uuiy. I.ip-I.y iv n..u, ,k" ,
l (.iiltii,. ,- ...ih.!..,. lut&ri-.
I . """.'I'l'-n.r. . m,
irwt lHruuv)i. w Ttnir!aT. th,
r,: n.'.
:x h e:.
in r, i.wir
iaii-i wiii.-n nave n-.n p.ip-ii-wi
urrr ol ui.l e'..uuiy an.! h.i.
ol tl.e l.T.ll .lay or Marrn. ,y! 4:
tul act tlirruto of the -ju-h ii..'..
Ainoiiiit ot .a.H:il
V liol.? nuiiiM-r ol -I. i.--ut-:
Ml:-.' 'lofts ki.i i i:i rn: t:ik i.:.sriii
rectly west. At first they
taken for a swarm ot bees, but
trranircments for the cxecut
men rushed from j Modocs, received an order from Wash-; of the Rible accounts of the locusts in
fonf to in tin. : imrtiiit to ho 1.1 t ie l.iisoncrs. 1 ins ine eiavs en i naro. .o one w as anie
their houses and
- i . ... - ii
whole camp w as in commotion. , feeling in camp is one of profound
Down the level plain north of the ; disgust at the result. One of the
house was a grand cavalcade of: Oregon vedunte-ers just arrived at
mounted horsemen. The steeds camp .-ays the troops Lave captured
rushed forward nt once at a furious five warriors, four squaws ami five
rate, and soon neareel the croups of : children. Amonir the me n are the
sjiectators scattering about the premi-: notorious Ulack.Iim and Dave-,
ses. ' Captain Jack is captured." prisoners are at Linkville.
shoutcil a sturdy sergeant, -gain
the vallev echoed with shouts and
to solve the mystery of their coming
or going, but all were; glad that they
!:! not pitch their tents on the pota
hillsof Chardon. Perhaps they are
returning to Colorado to renew tln-ir
citizenship ami take a new start toward.-!
the rising sun."
.1. I. Mill, r
J..? I'. I...hi;
IT"1. .lo-..-l)h K nil.
It. a. I 'lin Hi.
I. n ir I Hum r. :
ol Ji -II. r I rouniy.
nri' k.ih i-.i.:..
Jar,,!, II. ;,!i;ii :
!.ir.'. 'i'r,- i-nr. r
l,r;::n i!,-arn. M. :Mtri-rinin,
. S.irioi.-l I.T.-,:!y. 1 '.in- Mey
M in. J. iia.T. e 'hr.-'i.n. K .lil-
,. S.,til'T-:? ,-',ll:iT. I'.i.. afj.l
I I '. y. o;' r, an-! li'-n ,11 S 111 11 fi
!;:, i-orTiii: KN-rio v:.t
. i'rf'i i, nl. .1, l.n lii k? S - r.-
'. i,-n. r.'l A.-iil.
. ; l.-rol llo- I!.,.t I.
.I'lHN Jll KS.
s ..i..iy.
Jit-man aiet Caiblir.
l'-i iii.,:ii,ir k:.-1.;! loth
1n.1v 'JI
I'ractii-al Dra.i:
Woik iloitt In tto
tra-k- an I in mo I. rn j..yi-.
"Stair Duildirg made a Specialty, jjj
Iitro:i;g4' Solieiteti.
S ,hldi't. I'.t.. -I :y
ii.i.r;5Si:.v rrv
Srirfli. tiolu'.ri tljml ktiix. wit h all joir.ti fft
itn'l CitifrH. f' li i,t-:,inii- h"t on -f-'irt ne l-.
W il.I.I .M l'K')-I.Is.
nir.n. TX e'.r. V -i-.-t. r Si. .V ' iraluui all.-y.
KXAIir. A- . X'lWCS.
II ilM.S BltOf. I-IAC)S.
.i:o. A. iki 1: .1 o.-soiti.ns.
Itriilsitlin for ill .HoIim-.
yells. The mounted command was
that of Perry. He returned from a
scout of thirteen hours, three miles
above the mouth of Willow Creek.
At half past ton o'clock this morn?
ing the Spring scouts struck a hot
trail, after a brief search the Modocs
were discovered.
rounded the Indian retreat. His men
wero bound to fight. Suddenly a
Modoe shot out from the rocks
with a white fine. He met a Warm
As had been anticipated, the Gov
ernor of Oregon has made a demand
upoij the Secretary ol War for the
captured Modocs, who are under in
dictments for murder in the Oregop
Courts, ami who are not liable to I.e.-
1 tried by mintarv e-oiirt martial.
1 r ii" ' icrrysur- po(.rcta-rT IWkn,p is noVy t We-t
Point, but it is not probable that there
will be any unneccessary de-lay in
acceding to the request. A tcb gram
,..iin .t..r(l.n." fi-difl C..-111-rill Sf.iill-
.spring and said Jack wanted to sur-i.j . that u,, of tl0
render, lhrce scouts were sent to ihv mm(U MMUns r,,tain
n.eet Jack. He came out cautiously, , ))( Uirn(li, ov,,r at ,.,. ,J, th).
glared about bun a niciuent and then, : Suu, auth ,ritits fr triul, ail, pun
as if giving up all hope, came for- . , , , ,(.1!lainil(.r
J placed in confinement at some safe
j place, e xpect the women and chil
jdren,who ar- recominended to be
! olaceel on a reservation. The tele-
WAsmxeiTON, D. C. June 4. It isi.ram jias M.,.n AU a.fort. the Pre i
said by the highest military authori-: ()ent a,i orders w ill no doubt be
ties that the Mococs could not sur- J s.M.,.,iilv issued as intimated above-,
render as prisoners of war, iu the '
sense known to nations, where war j nerne mt tttfl ieiuorr.ti- c.:..
ii eLclarvd in accordance with con-. miner.
SaMiI'skv, Miio, June 7. A te-r-:rib!e
collision on the Lake! Shore ami
Michigan Southern Railroad toe,k
place between a stuck train and gravel
' train this afte-rnoon at one o'clock.
- One man was injured w ho has since
died, five others m-re- or Jess injured.
. and the engineers and firenu-ti of both
! engines escaped unhurt. About te-n
j head of cattle were killed and one
hundred sheep killed and injured.
'The track is now obstructeil, but will
! be cleared by to-morrow morninir.
Th.- iLm 1--: a:, I
In t I.r in:ir...t. C.
ti:iniii lu:l I ... r ; i- l, .
x... i'.i s
S I.- .i nl ..r 1'riei-
.i,,.-; ("i.Lijr ina:ru.ii.-nr.H n,.w
'.lioii'- ari'l I-ri'-o 1.1:, i-.,n-
r- in:..;l t,,anv a-1-1 r. .
i ll XKIA'TI K'lll.l M 1..
rli av.-nii-. I'ltr-i-urh. -a.
o. e 'o.'. e 'r-.ii..
rnrnnrs notici;
Tlu- 1!ii..-i-'::.i ". Au-ilior. ai'i.lnti'.l l,y tfi
H.-n. th .lU'i- of i ii - -.loui-"' '..urt ,-f S-iinr-t
i-..h;iiv to i:iak- no. I r.--.-rt a .ii-;ril.n:i.n of
n ii ol tin. i-.'-ut'-rs ot John
iim: th.- l.-ual.y .-mitlJ
I,, th ,iiti,-9"t in-. Hpi-'ini-u-.
i ihr i-.r- nli ,1 S ,n:-
i - 7th i IV of .lull.- nrxr. at l'l
t "1 - i: t .:i V.
.i hn li.
Ih- iuni- in Hi-- li.
.u-l.i. .l.-.-ii--i.
thiTi-lo. iil arr, i, i
ni.-n: at t ii" e riirl li
i-rj.-t. ,n s-n.;r 'ay.
im I'.-L in til- I- r-'i! -
mi .14
An iiti.r.
Wantiitcci X'am-!..
Wright J.An
ALI-U-.-IKSV Ti.Tt.,
V-U. Jamr.
iil'f..n. John
I itoii. eif.,r
Ilan. John
IV.w--n. 'l'ii-,:it.i-
i o.vta.M on tiitiij.,
I-it.-n. Samu. 1
n.r..i:i, toa .,i r
Ininlav, John
eirirhili. John I
Hart. William
HimiN-rt, John
!..- itj. y. Thotna" .. ..
WerIK Jani-
)MKKirT TO j;1;.
II'.u .. Amlrt-w
, ot.z. Atm
Kf-i.-'-r. Jiiri.t.
JE5E towh:p
I'il.-h.-r. William
Iiehavpn. -.:t.'r
.".I, I 'arty. I.-aar
LOU-kB TCR:..T j '
Wt lij. John aia-1 I. Hr.wa
Whi!tlo-a.f. Jam-
Join-4. W illiam
SwlTHAiip-toN l.. a.
S-.-knlv. Tliumu"
J'liiliiji,i. John
SIiuw. Jain- '
Wnvniii:.. Sjniu.-i.
v.-.i:-. j,.!.u
siiAoe: ro-.y-,-;ti;.
J'.hn. Williim
e ninil!. tr-art
HTosicgeu.. TC'-5:r
Ini'-!. Ahrahai..
t i-i-KH n ak.vjmn ., v,j.
Ir ii , ! . I
JeeV.VI HAN M ill,
Attnt: J AeDH I mij -
.i.v . . Sr.rr. V ALt.MIN r. J n;-
!inyi4 ,a. IV
Miiniiin-iur.-r an-I hii-il. awl n '. nr
Xo. 6o Fnle-ral Si.. l i-; f,
rAU orUtrs jTi inptiy ni.i-J &. ,-k
'ittit-!. ii.
ward and held out his hand to his;
visitors. Then two of his warriors,
five seiuaws, and seven children dart-
eel forth ami joined iu the surrender, j
.g Laying been so
iiituti.'d form,
received, they arc not
consideration as prisoners
The e)rde;rs issued to the command- ternoou and agreed upon August
Ing (jeniral, directly after the assas
sination of (jcincral ('auby and Rev,
Dr. Thomas, were not to extermin
ate the Modocs, but it was said that
their conduct had been such that
their extermination would be justify
thus leaving tho matter to the
discretion of (iencrul Davin, there
fore, if he had ordered tho killing of
the Indians, he would not have been!
censured by superior authority. Asj
to their final disposition, no one epn-s-i
tions that they, will ultimately be j
government ofOr-
(.UUhje foi Rnii.APKi.i'iiiA, June 4. The li-m-
of var. jocrutip Ktatq' potiiniittee inet this uf-
d upon Auo;it 2 1
WileVsbarrt! H the j RTU,'," yHCT hrr cnin primary el. j
the State Conveil'i Wo ate .ullmneil to aniike Knntnual H.,w.
as tlie time am)
place for holding
tion. Hon Samuel Remlall presided
The ciairiian was directed to prop
erly express iij i,s uddrcss to the
people of the fstiite a swnsei of imlig
jiatioi) at the course pursued h)' the
administration in tic Loiiisiniia
.Veil' Advert ifvtnrnt.
All ftuiiminretnontH must le aritni;'.ia.i-l with
the f-ah. Kive dutlari" will Itcrharif vl h-r ra.-h an
ixiunrrtni tit with thr ii-rpii,in ! tlio-- t.-rau-li
t. vivil l-uor Hoiwe lirx-Uir, lor ftt-i.-h llm-e .1. 1
lart wilt t e-hnrxel.
I airnin annonm- mrwlf a a ranlhlate f -r A
iemhly. 1 am un.ler many obliin-um t.. my
frl.-nil for part hew ami ho;, th. y hre not M-i
J. K. JlcMII.I.KX.
I amln oSit myivir to tin- K. ia!.ll-an rot. r ol
the manly b lor onnty Treu.iirvr.
anil return thank to my Irienos for their irrovrou
upport at the Ut prima rr election.
Somerset horoQh.
We arc aeithorize.1 to announce Wllllnin II
Ph-kinir. of Sumervt ljriuh. ms a raiHil.Jate .,r
e'.,unly TreiTr, nut.jort to the det-L-ton of t he I
Miles irtli of Somerset Pa.
iuc woleot c
j Colored Coiio-i-essman Lvucl
Louisiana says his old master
j for him at the recent election.
I wo'ld moves.
lS'tft, the year in which he murdered ! pi.-iw Annunriurni ut it re-rniin
.Mrs. Harris, after which Jack went
! to the (joose Lake country. II is
mother was a full sister to Rogue
River John, who attempted to seu.e
the steamer Columbia while she lay
at anchor in the harbor of Orescent
City, and also a half sister lo the war
chief Sam, of the same tribe, and
Chief Joe, who received his appel
lation from having fought (Jeneral
Joe Lane.
All of these facts and many others
were recently confirmed by Judge
I'rim, of Kastern Oregon, who com
municated these particulars to Mrs.
Knott, stating that the great Modoc
clueftain, Captain Jack, was the boy
slu2 too, to raise in 1851.
t L'li. .
Asiatic kv.r-iij .
Lonpom, Jnne 3, 118. A aiw
patch from Shanghai giviug soiye
particulars of the capture by the
Imperial Chinese forces of tho city
Taili-Fu, capital of the MohamiiM-dan
State in the Province of Yunnan,
houtu-N est China, says the most
frightful scenes were witnessed in the
ceMqjtcred city upon the entry of the
hmpt-ro" army. The victorious
forces fell upon their captives and
massacred 30,000 o The
Sultan poisoned himself, prerripg
death by his own hands to falling in.
to the power of his enemies.
An low a justic e
fused to tiim a man
i irirl airoinst her will.
Sai.f.m, Orec;on. Jeite f. The fol-1 the lass came into
low ing dispatch was received by I obliged to hold on to
(low !rovcr to-day f; om Gen. J. K-! chair to keen from ki
lvoB-, of the Oregon militia: Thej self.
Modoc war was ended by Oregon . .
volunteers. At 12 o'clock Jat -night 1 here is a yoiiiw man in Luck
after a hard march of thre-e clays and hl. ilass., Hho has made the father
nights I.v forces under my eommaml, of his lady-love a present of a hue
the lat warrior be longing to Captain load of wood. ia compc;:olion for
Jail's mm! un broil vht nto carnn. i" lu 1 "
I he caritured number live men,
women anet three ctnicircn. I no
munlercr Rlaek Jim is one of the!
number. I will march the command
to Linkville to-day, place the war
riors in irons and wait your excellen-
man. ut t jarrvtt. Summit township, ai. a tan:ll.!ate
for County Treair.-r, Hil.HTt to the iIiti-i,ii i,
the Kepui.lican v.iter-e at the coming primary t-liv-
t hiu.
I ' !' XT Y rt I.M M ISS le IX KK.
I asaln IKi wiit m-.n.lf a a fan li Int.- for e-umi y
C-oniuiU..-iicr. M'y IrU-n.U flli pieu ac.-i.t u:y
thanki .,r piit l:n..r;.
t U:iU ! CHI X I KY.MAX.
Urol hvrval ley tp.
SI a. Si I'LL. I'lenMe aim-'iino Win. Domer. of
t-iriiin-r torcnshhx an a' l,,r e 'ounty C 'om-uiiyi-nrr.
Mr. leoini-r ha; alayten a launrli
har.i worlinu- li'-pl-Ji-..n. aii1 i- a tirrt rla- ,artr
uiau, LA KIM hit.'
Mr. Si t f.i.. VI, -a-..- :iiin',.:ii-o Jonathan I um-!
Voted I haul. I. F.i- ol I r 1 urki Hoot tou.hip. a a j
: i-iiiuli lau-I'-r Counu C..t:it:!:.-iiri"r.
We nr.- aain atuhorizil t.ianuoun,-S. J. Ita.-r. ;
i nl HroehT,-all-y lowntiip. an a U r i
U'.mniy C..mnil-i..!n r, tC-.-.-t to the !erNi,.ii of I
peace re- ! the lr.-pulill-.-in .ti r.L Mr. liner lia. nlnavs l;en
kissill0" a : a ",aU!u'h Kepubiiean. I
u ,. , , . i I
COIIl t he Was . OiiUilwif. of H..!-ieret township, as 1
l..r l'.,r House HipMt, fltjnl to t.'i.. ,lfiii..n ol '
I he Kepuhiieau voters at tlwr uil primary j
! election. " j
j We are nuthorizi-,1 to announce Jacol. Criu-h- :
I ft.-l'l. of Mtlfor.l township, a aeau-11. late lor i'.MMri
Howi..' Director, .-oil'ii-ct to the lieeiMoii ol the Ke. j
I uiliiean ote4 ut ther conuiur prun iry el.-eiion. i
41-IUTe.H. I
Well tea Blaci te te
from Enilani
tho arm of his
;sinir her hiin-
I- :t k Ir.n i i r v. i?'reL i
4 yAiy till. Id1., hanlj hi-fi un! :tl rith tv h
a rat n i'!l U (k t w i-n ; !r - y. w i.i - It :wv l:t rjr antl
tx!trtsie : H-wtTiiil ntk. fhi-Jt -t 1 r:ih;i-;
j 'tt.n-. i;U:trt:IS VTV bfrM-!. ftlit the t-!T TS-
tn-l I, "u hrii .u i mw-Mi:. t:1 iy
I -iie-rt ir in tit-c f't I'-M. ii : uiait. u;tt Ut 1j:s and
1 tW.nv of Ar il i tn M.-.!. The ami
j xinm-tf f ! like tMinll-n ( "win, witb cpU-iKlM iu'
j tin an ! tht tnnp.-r. Kiinri'T nI i-nW
i re li tin t ' vm i:t''! :t':it ht- i:t-I ti:!t thv
Terms S25, Insurance.
nee-l ho -;ii i i hv ha. air-!v
lim n ft II v 1 vrar in Jun. 1 r wffc V t
to take l-srt than ?1 Jpti k.t-i
linir. A DuntiVr i'f hi vi'li tukov tfvk
lnm Wetmortrland ttbt i 'ont. fr
W ft iNrvn iai'K uqJ an v!!rr S-i'-'
Terms 25, Insurance
Also, the Hambletonian Stallion
Ami. UliKwIiat protra't04 visits t!i lat
UJLl'l ,
the re.uittv us a rBii'ij latc f.r unly A u liter. ;m.l
rvturit thunkn lu my Iricn fr tht ir !:it-riu
,i r.5t. e iu r. j .
Jrunor ti. ! Int
i kiivim-M ! U u.-, i.le nn I Ui.;ii.
.XKl'I'Tdirst HTirr n-n:.i: t..i;.ti.e I i. Mats ms
j - - . - - - ....... ........ ...
A Mii,--iny M-iy. i'4 hu liiah. w. ilij 11.'.' ft, frnfal Mar 54 ! ot he MhW' r
.lion h 'riii;)t I t-r -e he I y J.- ie -lnn,i Cim-k H:ik: he hv Amlr.-w Ja.k n. . v-; '
Itnp. rU' 1 t.t.mi Ibi-imw M eiili-ti pu I.. tUl)'Ke'i ltamhtrtMO, Jit dJS t "r.lf. I iIh;u i v l ll-'ltl.-. r li Itlil.i, l.-io in l. 'i.i..!U. 1.- M..,.rin.. ! . X"''
ill-; aim,!!-t.K n tiow j-aii.i 111 orange e . i:otv. N, V..i. i ii" .. tt,.nn.- a:..! hii .a "
ri;iTii,,,-.-iti;ill. ttl
Mt-Itleln t...ji tsrsl premium at Mat Fair, in -4 . ai ars ;
.,, i. , ,i .ii, -v , e., I oft.. otr .'.U:iLeer. ln,.l lloUe. in, ih.r. lr,tti!;LT
AI U I I IT' . . - . ; , ... . . ' "3
j ... iui.u.-. iu?l .n-niium in jrt,n.-toan lair lat tail.
U-inir tl. ain:i.-i -
. rieiily 1-ee.l, a diut .livielupt ui ji-jkm -.
:.d lieu,,. ?hoif(t. with.Hit atiy i.-ui:tr .r..ui-9 3 M
I'irc In Jefferaon Vnmty Pa.
The village of Corsica, a few miles
west of Urookville?, was partily ele
stropcel hy fire on Monday evening
last. Every hotel, store anel manu
factory in the town was burned.
Xefcrk all the sufferers hy the fire
Jiave lout rj'thing, not even hav
ing a change of Hottiflf, and would
have lieen conipclleel to pfr.sp iio
night in the streets had it not been
for the generosity of those whose
homes were not destroyed.
Trr-i!rr4. PoiUfta from holern at
this morning. TwcntV-flVe passcn. thi, : s.-f hv tlm lain inmerial lei.rr.
1 error ej U'nra n tn r1 VAfnnl n1. i . 1 . .
5R71 Th. l.n.ct n,,,..: r fcV " . jvv- tooa iU prccii impeuimeni 10 immigration
V e V 6 V, "uuvl nu oUlcr trams on t,,e,r journey and has been removed. Men are nolong
sfaglo buUs was California, 25,C0,-' eight are left here at the hotels. ler chained to the Poil like beasts but
Memphis, June (i.tlcrt: is but
little excitement ir. regard to choiers,
though there is little if any decrease
in mortality, u4 physicians say thus
far nearly icvery caj which was
promptly treated on tho first pppgr
nee of tbe diacasc has been eiicqessr
fully treated, though in some balan
ces death has ensued hi four or five
hours. The Apjteal says out of 307
deaths since May 21 to date only 23
are reported as from cholera by at
tending physicians.
cy's order.
John K. Hoss,
(Jeneral Commanding O. S. M.
The (governor sent the following
r,i'V.' l 'ou have any of the Lost
Jlivcr munjefs t(iniling indicted iu
the Circuit Court of '.facjeson county,
deliver them into the custody of fh"
Sheriff of suij county. Jleliyer all
other captiveMto tho couunaueliiig of
ficer of the United State forces in
the lake basin. Hcturn the voluu-
tters and muster them out. Assure
your oflicers
Terms 50 Insurance
.i n:-n.-.'i I, a.l y , imi)u. throughout tV SuinnitT T'.v-- h-
n i:i i urrthic i:ha hum ur' nr l k'mwn tn In with '. r -;- -
II tlliir. IS kit' WII to With U:tl. i i tulnrur f.T Cirfi)1 r
It lit UeV'Utltlir iii! V tT vK"ifnt .
-rft CilPt tilkrll. !!
at . 1 ... 1 1 it 1 r
A 1.0SIOII minor eicailT, riUCU lor . LkuhojI llanid Ki rn?, late f S,,uHiaui:iti n f.
violation of the lirohihitorv law, ap-j , eeeaa. ....
... . '. . . IjCtteM teiliimetitarv no I.V alwve e.lute hiiTina
proaclifll till' clCl k Ot the COlll t, imI. l-en irruutwl totlieun-h-r.ltfnr,! '.v tho pmen-rau- The S-.i.n
. .. :.. .....I .;.-..!- ..,....1 thorilv. notice herul.y iriv-.-u to tho in.lel.te.1 to tiaie? te
. in mum, mm jrhiiiiiiuM ill,. n:iLeliiiiie,linte yiueiit, an.l th-e hnvitiK 1 in-ii. y. ii,Mir..i,.e
tit til to Httellll to his case at soon IIS ; t-Ialm.i iwiiil it toprewnt them iluly authetiti-' a .:. p.-r
i . i . . i l t i i a eniwi i.-r m-ioenieni. wiitioiu urinv, 10 .Miettael , ioi.iv torn:, r i.Loi, I rt-.-iiii ujv h irnieit ih-mL. f.,r i
iiossihle!. "because he bad left mifn,.,. i., -.i.,.i, ,. t.. Ur...,n,i inVm i .. .... "... " 'i ".T. "'T
! one at home to atte-nd bar. I J t'(8 KfiRN'S. i -i.vt,,n...r Fuii-Hin i; ri.itm,i,r,i!ii
. , ..... ...... u,.-,. ... , v..,, ln. i i,t. wi-iv phki i,,r iu;i. t,i. HMt. - rMir.erl.iHn
--..- - leaIoue!,,ii,,-.!.ir:.rl.-.l..r I n-ivler.. kn.atim rh:it h Sree,llnit to a fuiM
- P. E. WELLS. Aeent. i"1'1''-1"! Lh' r;,:: ",' tn n rn!h-f tii. i- "-'ry - ntt"- JT.
BU known ihat h.u! !. -ll ir nh-.n; i .1. .it more tlnn, r 1 Iwlirve the ,! fc--l w
I ta . ! nien ol liitelliji. tie.-will l r. i-,1 l" rn- tiuri 1 nn iu-rn!,
llCnCrUl tlOD " nnlCfa ! .'.""Vl"14 ".t' m''".''f mv ,,"r"'" l-m-.Iern.iS:,vkra:rol thaunty.lllw::i!'r
.rt. l.elli.j r--t.n i.-ni .w
k oi Somerwt Cuuiiit. whk-h i . nnii-O ,
, In my eeiitmitli-n. U the wily wny t .lt '
It is useless for physicians to argue j
against short-sleeved dresse s. The !
Constitution of the United
: ays that "the right to bear
shall o j i'lt'-rfearcd with.
Kentucky iijau jrcLsi' c, cof
liu fifteen year? ago so as to fuive ij
handy, aud the other day he wasbum.-
and men of my highest j 1,(1 "1 a limekiln, und the ce-ninwas
Spreciation of their lirilliaut con
ci. On behalf of the State I co'n
gTytiilflte you on your succcess.
u V. (iRovr.n,
foc-rajjrof Oregon.
-.- .
,i Mnrrterrr tf. Ix.- ttf Jff . 1oIh.
Sr. IiOi'in, Juqe 4. Joseph H.
Fore, who shot mid killei Jfunsan
lleach his brother-in-law In Augiiiit
1871, and was tried anl acquitted on
the ground of emotional insanity, re
turned here from Natchez on Mon
day last, and this afternoon made a
murderous assault upon his wife.
He accosted her on the street, ur her to live with him agaiu,
which r tee rjfjjs"d to do until he
would stop drinking. (iff foil wing
her some distance he sgaih approach
ed her and asked her to shake hands
with him as a final farewell. Sho
extended her hand, when he seized
it, drew her toward him, pulled a
hatchet from under his clothing, anil I(),r three heavy blows oh the
heaej. She &1J senseless on the
pavement. The niurehir:ir ran, but
was captured after a sharp" chasl;.
A imrtrical examination revealed
thr.e seycffj ghes on Mrs. Fore s
head, on; of jj-Li'ch W onld doubtless
have proved fatal but for thp tht'
mass of hair which she wore, hue
lies in a critical condition, but may
S3 Market Street.
(Haven's oil ;an.l.)
pcfja! attention irlven to mail upler.
:iln that I U-li.
, lo l-o appr'-fi ite.'.
a prii.v.
i irty in.i,n an -itul ti
nm in t!
I th-
l-l'.-.Kln';: m-as-n at hail :hr aiu!rr
$10 to $20,?,
ilav. Aaenti-waat.-.!
vwhere. l'nrtieu Iiim frtM A.
HI ilr fc. I'o.. M. l.up., Mn
e-u!rpus-j ami ;- xliilil-i-il tiv- Air tl. tll.-v . r i; rimM- ill tliS-
' ti-mnte-il bv unv other f.-irnn-r !n tlii r,,,t,ii,. r.. ;,. . , ..r .Ti-iit n;. r!t
! the many stoek raisers of this c-oiintv in.k-l.tnl tor the errat iininrte"tnrn:5!f
; ;n our sten-k of horses. It is a t'ai-t'evi.k-iit to every one, that the n.l in'
, irij: to Iftiitoui-'li, 1' liro.1 liorii.n are Iniiiioiise. (Vitaiiitv i; in ln hi 16
tiuini's tv ill tor a n.irvilei st:i:nj in hn ejw n ay h.fcuit: i t ti e- .? ; r.""i - P?"
Manufactured and Sold at HENRY BERGER'S Extensive Furniture Warehouse.
a dead loss.
A Western reporter who under
took to publish the names of such of
his townsmen as look upon the wmi?
when it is red, can't look upon it
himself now. Hi eyes have been
ioofluJjoistHy ornamented.
The bae-k hair of jouny JIn.!Ior j
lady recently married covt'liy. t
I uc tnap w'jo niarrnpa ne;r is won.
dering what he'll do when tsbn wants
to be re-thutclied, n he only geti $1
per week.
A young man in Louisville, e.xam-j
incd a keg of damaged powder with j
a red hot poker to see if it was good, j
It is believed by his friends that he i
has gone to Europe, although a man j
M lopnij some human hones and a
niJctt of it iJrt iv-iil" nihs
from Louisville. v ' "I
A negro porter culled at n drug;
store in Louisville the other day', j
u iitler some ailment, and was given" a j
Seidlitz cloweler in two gla.-.-es. The!
attention of the druggist being call-'
i.i) nvi-'ier Tup n tioini.-hiit I... t. ........ I !
round Jo CiiJ ibp man in a state of j iMV U" 1 1 llls Ml 'Mill IS SI IM'.UIOK TO AM. OTIJIH LOlAC.I
mental excitement ami i.hv;,.iaii I ih-vaiwuiii
emit ortiiin " Pi-Llrim ii"!.!....,.'! " Tn
iu tiea h Mirher np ort the ri;or tliaa lu any otnt r
rwt-VV' 'i Jit-5 iW-i,r Pr-Mi
ie X.itt nt of th khul h..ln. ik.,Mi.. i.. ....... ... .. - . , . er. - .irr M tf9 . -t
... , uiiiti'iv au iiii i -inn a inrr i ntpr i jiiii'i'n xii i iratni. a n- -
ei-JUOm Vitlll-i. 1 In. .!, . u. i f ; ' .f..i.ii,T H-rns nrn mn witti.flt rntnre. wl.Wh hr-.-.k m .-It In nil the other uw-
i i ! i -:; ..: ' ' v....-
stead of mixing the powders, ho hud
ssvijllowcej one after the 'other and
the effect
VH.XS. NTRF.IT. Pmlrntf-F
JFi'e 13 115 -9 as for any oi the old InYentions.
Meease call and see how it operatus,