The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, June 11, 1873, Image 1

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    f k.
i- TD.-.l-.'li'.-j'a T1iT. I
nriiDr dpt.
I i
Ths S:acrset Herald i
every Wedcetia) -'"
r ...-'v., chanre-1.
w:u t Uiojci:iiHi j - -
Id np.;aTe trerle-iiri to
: roVk-rihen Jo ! takeout their
lia'de for the rebWdatioti.
'!ll"-t remeviD. MwP"""
sit.J ,;,e of th. oatue if t
'"rtl''""' AdJre-a
Somerset Printing Company.
Jt'ilX I. SCI LL,
Uulu M Manager.
8 o
ra.'. 1. B UitEEK.
k OAITltrK. ATT.miiii--.
tvna'a. AU miw'i'Ol :u.'1""
'.',:lto. trrh.w in-Mamniotn lt...a.
... v H. Marshall drus store.
S. D. UWGuv:
J. x. ourorr
gOL niL,
(Br reqiie?.
pi- W. W.
, .re-"
;t - - -
- " K MIIJ-EK has permanently .-a!e.l
t ' Tthe pral"e 11V"" -
' jj.'r:e 't:rl krtiMniter f ore.
J---' u 'kimvLL.
IP 1 -, .ad tender, tu Vr.iel.l
I ' ' : . t.i vrceret il arnnulr
-. :v: '. .i - tew -t
K ATIK S IX. ; ws a p,Kr bov
wav up, Le attracted tLc Judge s at-
' Fifteen hundred dollars. That teiition, and Le Ufr.'ended tie lad In
don t mom so vcrv much; ilos it,
Fra-iu au Indiaijapoli;. paper j
Oftbc distiiiriirh'vi armr ciaifrs
a ho attended tie f iiitral of General
Caaby in t'&Lo c;rv, Lia:aant-OeEcr-l'hi',
iLw.J-iu wifc probably ulf.
"trvI v.i:h the ruot curiitT. Hi
. enrct-r Is not only very brilliant, but
tlTi I. so ra'n !i ff persona! magEt-i-r.'t
uiut t!i- man tht tl eys of
'S'". la r-')rial appear ft noe he
i.-t U low m-iiim "tatw, sLort, broa-J-
' shouMT'd, with a Leal and face fill
lof pluck, Cre, and ltU-rniined charac
XO. .J.'tfT. If there LjajivtLiag ia aaytLio
t ia pLysiunomy or physiology, every
- : bmiip on Li-s h' d and every Jiae oa
IIar ': f i i ! bis face show the soi' ana tr.e niaa
I... ... ... f TT T - . . . . n . . n
i.i.ihart. lie Iia-I fjucir.I hr jrirl-.oi nerve, nc lm -U
-.niv la-fur,- !,.-!. f: nu l,: ' hr?e ajrw-sive no.'p, heavy t i.r-
! i-.,i,--.'.r. .) l.,r '.vir', ti.u ' cut :swj. a Lirticafi witn an
. f"c:l'.in cf S.nrt mr..i ti in-
Jcki F. Blynysr
Ha? re !n-ceU hi; t :r a
I iwLMnnnn v ni i.vII'l. u . . ... .. umu i i- m ... in.mi, .i-sii. u luiiiuirr ino i:ittr r.-i-f-r urn.t iif n. nrii rii.-'i:iri-.i Mr w;: i
"'WVJ 6i viJllX UiWj i with ranrtt, Foem !--bii an-i.r'-in'u that it ; Siie ?' said KatK rc.-tiRu' bcr flat-iroa -turlicd in bis i,fV... i.! i!ii',itt..,l i,. 'rnm..-? InrinT r-!rl In- lad I.'amof! iuous amount of brains behind tie
! "Ti a -V'lj'l.-I? i . . . '7i!J.K:...r.h?r;n!a moswnt on its stand, nnd lkin- the bar. and !.,,, t I -.,t I.- J f iVv,' nr,,! 'f,n,l !... f.iint t bat, ear, aad altozetb.-r a ma of tre-
..w-..i.-w. x AaAAUAOVUw w-'rn.remtin,usrasiuM. -crtrf. : Rrn.. tlie wide, pl.'a-ai.t kit'dion, ready to practice, Dame r..rt;nst s-id-! ima- wa
office. Dale H , ln.
j Tfaftt nrrifcM Ka-ian-i West. Irf :
kl t c..Urrtj.i.v Mvry relvwi ..n .'.-' ( (Ml (.N 1 .. Iif, LA I I . i it K
vi r rro;H lral it:ui: m rtiall TrVIrK Dnfj KODP?.
r ' " ' 7
uurmn! t Kire fti-;...-.i.. f.i r lrixit
i LIVi:"il'Dkl'I.IXOF.H.
..,t of tht jiar- pew Doors Above the Old Stand, 1
jan. SI. . ,
a 1 . -
Aii 1 f!-r cct.!tDeni anJ lricr. l? full line
Cambria County
Wooden and Willow Ware, &c,
- '. .-.;:s ati.
A Tt-A;;-;H. .vttj, u. Hardware of Every Description, 1. AN'. KJSll cV: CO.,;3 M.rk s-t .n-i
Ac-. .
: L a 1
1 '1.5" '1
t. I'i
NO. S Nl" KTRr.RT,
In Henry SchuMc'r lirick rail iir.i.
Jane 14-lL
J i ..v'a''.vnn' J ":ii"0
:ts Main wwt
! A ticueral Hanainr IIuincs Transacted.
" . ..
" ,.- c:;:ru?:i tu ti carr w::h
:. au.
U liAl-K. "attwkxeys at
y,;. i 1 m"
Vur:"-? A t-u; n
...!y a.It!iJei t".
a it
O.LLIXS- DtXTIST S ..ra-r.t.
- lr .o: jart vt jail- oi' t:f
..T" vt r f. uni i.mrvd t..-!-
.. i- ncl t-t!i.J UkiC-:. it! t
t.-,-i:.-rv.-l. AU .-r!H
. .. V'vtL ATTt'KXKY AT LAW.
I rV .U kUeiki t" a.1 bu-iDv. fc-
TO":anJ aJ.m-r-u r an-
' .'",",..!t:rt ol'e im'--iirt
,.. - ,,.v, l. -nv.
T T a-ty7s. -K I-LL ATTCEN EY AT LA r .
.1.V7) GLASS,
rMMlcn Hare of All Kiudn.
cm mm: vs.
An-1 cv-n:t.ij. lT-i'-i..r. t il ? Lia:. !ri-!e.
I'r.R ar.l ;-.lJ an l S;!rer lunM an 1
i C.:irt.f ma ) in all jar! cf ti e f nitt Si!at-
an 1 i' uiteret mik.wetl at thenktevfaix
ITWiil. i rBr.iium. If U-!t fx ni-i'lt t I-Kieer.
i-ial arrarir. iiients ma.! wi'h uanilin)' uiJ
other win- u4tr in tru.ct.
ai-nl 1S-TT.
s2 n rv
i H H i 1 1 1 1 I 1
Excelis all others in excellence of
J O II X S T 0 W N . P E X X A
Mechanism, Purity cf Tone.
Promptness of Response.
t '! -i.'Ti art 1
State Agent.
t ... ' :
itun:i.-ri T"
LtXSEI.H ( n
W fell lrar: ni"tf.t;.i!i in all art f the Vcl- !
lir li-.l.l. V..n a.i c..vernu:rUt K-n.!. at IIS SmithfiOld STeCt, Pltburgh Pa.
: t:tt mrkrt i.ri. lcia nucrT no amir-Ted j . , ,. . . .
uriry. LraftT-anU h-k-w Uui cafh-, OflI Tor I!ln.tmtCt C lf.
' e.1. M''7 n--hl r,n.l. ;.-.i; ti.rj( lci n Ueraan l o(C.
,Iiiirft 'thf yaft- of p:r e-nt. ycr ; -irij.t.n.
A a mint jtiml
, ia. f--''
:.-k t
:.f..rm t! e 1
ic htfi :n the :
,:n:ti -n to ke-p
Table Kniie nnd I'ork.
Evryihinz 1.) the iUr.kiez IJnr reri'-i" .ur
J,r..mpt KII-Il!l-fl.
Tl.Lk'u: o .ur fricn lf an 1 ctit..r;eri
ra i-atp-Tiar. te ?vl:c:: a c!tlr.uan"e
l:n t. give a' a trial. a"ar;r.s all. thit wr f hail at
a!! ti:n- aii we ean Ut rle entsf .i!iar!i.n.
Vh Te J"HX I'IKl-hT k. OJ.
I - C. KEZH. J. I. LIVX.Ne.xa.
IS A X K E It .
sp IXS.
- ;"'I
i jr7'7-i.v a- .schkeox.
som.iw.T, IM.
r-J '"- x -j-
P;: A i MII.Lhn. i'htHvi :ve
j --.i- :.:.' S-'ir:, n-t fi.r the irif-
AXT' Si'ISi iHS.
T- cc;l.r mvh tanr ani i-f t.- r.nni-r j lrtien
ti 'ti in an a.lrvnt-gient. 1I detenuic'! to
f-il at tl.e rvr.. 1 ,a.-t jTi'-r. lint him a
; 'ur.v li 'TJ.
.- r " -. -ay'-'--
- J
i.r -! a. - r-
S.iii-r-ct jlI rWrr.f
rn.t-r.y ''i - ' v '- A.
he .-J.:ej ::. hw.
l.w -i.--rt. i1 i'r..l
-.1 ..-ri'.e.' a'ni lilftu'..!
:.M.Y AT L V.
.j; la..
.. tj.:
.1 IIop.xki:.
Buggy, Carriage
.5.17..?.t7?r F.LKLICK' 7
1 Lrft? l-.nirht an-! zA C-.I-ecti-.n ia-'e on '
' a!i -t of the country. ' i
lnlrvt ah"el oc l:n .leiref's. ,
S;--:al arrjr.zmet-tfr with iii:r.ij!.i r.-I .-tlu-rs
ihj h H moneys in tmt. Jad IT T-
Pound Butter Case.!
1 I'-'
r'uirA very large Stock
CA.IR3? IE T S ,
oil e'loihs. a
iu:' k;n-!.
:i. i
l '"re ai C
-re i
I- f
. ... -v. h. n; ni
A.. i--.a-- eutriitefj to th
-otr 4 Mthere .
. E:rj.n -e fr ta luai. 1. 1.
' k l!i:'.fti!l jctiaa- th- fr.-ti .
: x 'e-t lixt aU at u ;ri.e':.f ...e r
an be ! :. jr.y :. r i:. : .- '..v.
: -.etfc lor f: a louMe vt :.t;t'. A !
t "jr. .
a jfrt-r-" . t ii.j:.u . -".ure , r fcr . ivry c
i-i :
!:'. lr
M -.oils
! Lii 11.
SiKlN'i W Ai"rjNS.
H A K-.
k ..
. ...: -;..! :::. -: . r . n 1 at t:
l.ouci Iorille I'ri-..
r I . i
i. ,.,- - . - a-- i
A A- - ". : T"
r- n k t" .
M. H
Wholesale and Retail.
Henry McCallum,
1 l'i;'l'i Aii tint.
( W.-.i -r...-.:
I'lTTsnrnau. pa.
Tiiar.tft:. f.-r j.j-
Jy ; Reaper & Mower.
Motive Power,
.A.'J.rnrwkr.i.. STurrw !. Ha. J.
t. A. .MILJlr K. MFPY H
ir-je. cam mrrml w rui
nl. airvi rsa-t ir-a t-w.
I a. ut;:k;i- irv :r
FiiM C'hts Carriage. LIFE INSURANCE
..'Ti.'ii.l rr, r T'-Ar ir; : a.4 unrtv.- irv :r..i -
Wnrnir.te-l the m.t j-r.'. ;::-.;-. e- rn;ct an
!uratir . in u.-: -ail- ban -le.! anl l:zht.-t .
( .iratt. irurz"3:;5zi
the machine i w-.rn
1 k--.. a
t eijTr-
n a:i 1
1 I in z.jl n .i;i-.u L.n
lt: no m.jT Tm nT. ne ( x-
an-i .liay. ar.n.-vuii'--. ...
".rr. i u: c il v-ufuv
r lilii'l LY k . ..
IX' HAN-. E I'LACi:. RALTIM' d'.E.
' ' l'a.. K
:.t. :u f uy ai; :
r ;..-'! . " .:e
; a- rani X a- a -i.
. A i
; ti-
, r.-i
SLjiucI Cugtcr, Propnc-tor.
'aii an"' 1 eAic:ne t .f rai. .N-u I at tt v-rry t,r
mii-nji ul u-t m tLv laar.ufjici ure
Ar t i . ! ir. -t.iL'i-n.-f nr. h m
j i: fxi- T.n -r i. i -r t "-ti' -r in the
hUm Hf n. thT' ! IT. erutblW a IPTTl uUt
Hr-t-i,! vl i( !. U.'.h tn mt M tnatT!Hl aiul
A"; -rk; .rTn:e ! t-- l i r-j re-
ff. i T !";n r. !:!'. . : H-1 " i "O
!:i:r.iKiN; and tain i in;
IfcT i ; a iK-.'.t an ' B1-:an:jl in 2TB r. an ! a; th '
in u h a n.rn.-r. ? n-i t mi -h j n- 4 :o
Tt.aW- if T- trita.-, , ; frrvil'T I' jarr -T;1Z
him. "a!l ait 1 xr.v. iiiv wt.-rii rt.-rf jmr t a-
--nv I. J. H'PaNKK.
IncorTK'rati-d 1'0. t lurltr Prptnal.
31,403,435 69.
' Every ma- hir.e ;
.Tr.o ."jle.
i ,l.-ct Lrv
F.rj-.c iv
l. S -If y, n t z:
-r i! it i li.- re
it i
H.-irre-:. r until v- u J.av
WrfiFK k K..KXEY. lkri.:!. Pa
t . t.-.i
h r...r t..
f. A. S.
Sin,(T.'t. l'a.
V -riii" n;.n Real Eute
i -iL ".".! 00 i
Real E-'nif Jirl (inun.l Kent1" Me A3 -t-t
Lan ." '.lateral anit'iy -etire-l . 74-! T
Pr-ir::am Ne Se--nrei t r ol!.ei.- . i.v j .
t-' -f. h in.'t of Itf.n'. S.- ..iril 4
s.254 si ; Miru'.t,,i''n ,,r"Bj
i dii jt-w ii . '.-.
i. i. iioyi.i:, r In tin?
Watcher Jcwclrj. ( lucks A: Siivi rjr.
Pii'i-ixrii. P...
:ri'.a i W.-t-r.f
; uo..r a ve Stuith:
I-frre.1 smi-annu.l an.1 uuarterlr
i I'reniium (etinatertj l.TO.'v (".
r.h no hn-i an-i in Ihank- i-l.-V.T 4
A- .-me.; r.:er--.i t.. January 1 JC
,,v - ! w!,h a lnTTt ar' ..f f it-a-.
f.-r a rr.TitiUn.e of x'.ir
nj'te. at "?i a- rr"T ri. ttt
.-r.-i a: s!! tire- wi'hTtn
' . rO' t-o ---"trT!fc a:-
x "J r-r'!iL.r aiI r--a-'n-
: . . u-c N .r.ff r :!.
- : . mt: ai r -! j !
a i rn:.
WM. BOOSE & Co., a
7 (;
Till ST ELS.
J ,;!N V. II. SON - SON,
WMoi.iMi.i; .ItO Kits.
'TiriciAi. teeth::
J. (. YJTZY.
- . Wr. -.r x-' t.. ..f ?-e v.-r t
f'- ar a-u-TiKic r-ti-l to the tt--b
' -e ttfh. Tn wihu.r.
y4" U V.e-
x "
i..ikiR V.'. H ::
Lt. Vh:i.i.!:.
H"V. JaUW rt.I K.
ALBLT .. KT.KrtTr.
Ph:l:p H. 1 ixr.j t.
li. x A:ex. 'r ' .TTh:
I a Ha7F-i.m car.
.1 Olr I "I UHOIiJC.
IttXRY K. IttXtTT.
I r.ler hy rr-aii jimr.y atteri-le-!
AJ '..'e WM. IM X."SE fc I.,
S iiifbarT. LTkU'-k P. . Siejx-t eo.. Pa.
ft. li.
Atrf-'lofi tn kT2ia-iT akM f Jo.ler.
ir.lerr fc.lKt:ei i V E. H. Mar-laill. JniiCiifl.
S- iu--r. t. Pa. .
L. .M. WlliM.ri
it'.f iKOF W. HILL. rri.tnt.
JE"KOE XT'OEXT. Vif-e Pr.Ti ient.
JKHVC.S1VS. Aetaarr.
Ji 'HX S. WHILSOX. Se. h ! Trea.
Somerset, Pa.
HhI l.. I'KI t KIPTI"N
ill is j Ti l;E rery ei.iral.,y nnu;ol in A.ieniicET ("ir v.
.! ir.a a if ! yjyiuz i-osiwr. if .:lere.l for "..i '
; tern.. T he (.wn-r n-i.Mnif n. r----
; tire tr. in ac'.t. t h::-inef. or u ui-i j.rvh-r h.r. n
li.inl to :'ioB -.I rr-. rt ai-l
h.. eouiU ie it their li'e xtteu ioii. An . p-;--un!:y
..- t!rt kin-i : i-t it.;., a z '
i 'i-in' wrh null -a-.i..; -i - r,. !..:-.. n .-tir.-V
t lunvr j.-.r i-tiijr. .'-! I. V. 'Hit
i-are ir. IL- if. l Wai.i:; t-.r, A-.eci:e.
i;r- l'a- !;.. 7'
A. Growall & Son.
!"!"( 'XS k ("n .
We are n w .rviara-1 tn all kl:i i- P!
an-1 ManGlanitrira: 1 hnii-'ir-s
A 'S
; gj I amm; I'ikv; j j:am.
Oj In h- rt arivhii .- z -r.eriiir n-.- i ii, h -t;s-' c.i l-
Hen 1'lmriuiJU take n.y br&ecle!".
The !earltli a jrtirplc .taia
.My artui : faro ver n:y I.illowt--
They art hot here I have laiu
( ;n lha lattl.-e wi !er.
A jtaeateo. my 1iooqi thn.-
Anl let meiiiuale the oJ .rs
That over the garJen uiuw
I Creamed I wis with tuy AnU
AuJ In his arm I lay ;
Ah me 1 t'je v'..-i..u baa vaai.Jhei
An-1 it." tniayie hae died away
The llame aad the iwrfnica hav taai'r.c 1
Af this ijiieed aromatic pastille
Tx-jkl w aumi tbe lue of in olor
I? n-iw tat an ashy hill
S":ter aiji me r lea.ef,
They cool me after mj fietp
A it. I with aan-ll oiorf fan uie
Tiil Into my Tcln tbey cree
liech dorn the la;a anJ i-iay u. ?
A uirianrholy lace.
T rhyme vith the ureuui that i- v'::i-!."-l
An 1 the :iimherir.i aflarn .n
Tr-ers lr?i'.r.2 ia x.l-i-.n yuuilitht.
I..i:er the 1 .ir sm.i!h Xile.
Thro" lien-ler i yrL that encr
i he fieei'lnft er.'.-iiie
The l. tuf 1 jiif on the Wkter
An 1 (.pen? it heart of O-.l 1
Aiel over 111 braa-i leaked j.a .-ment
Xevera ripple L rile-i
The twtiph t rteze t.fc Iji.v
Tbofe feathery pains' to n-
An 1 yn little e'.ouJ if tti.iviilt--1
A " a -tone a rave.
Ah iije thi UXcle..- catar:
i '; ;.re-ef heirt r. I I rain
h !." a f tcnu of th.itj ler
F-r lightning cg-I wtM here r:n.
I'iinirii-twa tlit iate. 1 lia'e i:
Take rather hi. i o kler ariO fw..rl
An I crash thei.i an-1 ciar h them tott-.-thrr
Till thif .!erj inx t rJd If 'tlrre I
Ha.-i 1 to my Ia iiau !&oty
My c.f katocreatn" an-I whi:e
With re m'.er itf featherf
That fiahe .:.-. the liui.t
!.k 1 Lulea ! a tmckwar.l a:. 1 h-rxar.!
To Li. h?o! of tp-i-l he ciiLa;"
How he tri'ml'ivf. withcre-t npUfte 1
An 1 -.hriekfar he ma-ily
i .h (n kato. hriek f. r Antony
"ry -etiflie my r.nie h Hi..-"
Shrink "Anbfiy. Antony. Antony"
Ti.! he hearyou even in ih io."
Thi.-re leave tae an-1 take from chatuVr wretrbed little siciie
With it? hriiebt Maek eyef -.
An-1 iU!ytrnklii:z bell
Take him my nerrcf he vexes
The thinjr wlthimt t'luel or brain
lr by the of 1U
l il fr.a hlf Ibia ct-iu tuaiu
Leave me to yaxe at the Lsnd-ai
V li'y ret.'hi-iT away
V ' re the afrn .t.'l!ine trens -r'
r the m-tttamf aiverinji play
T. Ithe C reer '.eii.i.Tof cur.t
P. ur froni the west It- fire
A -1 melte-l. af ir. a orueil le
T -elr earthly forte eij.ire
A n i the ! 1 Wear f kttil of the lert
With tflowir.; tn-r.Lalns i cr.wne.i
That an4ten jvaeif
t 'irvU iti temi'ti ir.-an I
1 will li- ai.-l drvaui -jf the :iin-
Ae. .-f th.rfttrh: away
An-1 thrm-h the jnnsrle of memory
Lrtfi my faaey to play
W hen s agi.tora ao-1 Vtivety thr r
Ki'-tvl with ytliiwau-lblj. k
S'tj.tue an I cahi-.n f-Xe-I
1 wan.'-ere-!. u here never the ira-k
( '. a hun-.iner-tare ha t ru-ile-7
The ,i-netf of mighty w..i?
.i 1 . roe ia a t rana- Uf ire.- I..;a.
1 k:.t but the law vf my tn ... ii
Th- Elephant trnrci-tinr r.irte 1
When t e h-r! try f..jtiei- near
n 1 "he I ,-:.-a2ef C -1 wi U-!y
lua e;!- '.-...i! ( (ur
I ' i 1 iu th mi ..-ti le v.Len 1-t
. ri-ji al- vz the la-ie
( r yar.irt. ;..intin an ! -lr-,tti.i
lel in Tht t!i.tri-"lt flia.le
Till I hear.1 my will mite roririr z
A the .hJti ' nicht ratue on
T f rxl is the tree ttiek braaht
An 1 the fhj-l.-w i;ff!,j, wan xonc
Then I rocl in-1 r-are.! In annr.r
An-1 aufheatheu fr -m my ei-hi.teT f. e
My . anir,- .law, and ftretehe.1 me
Aii waaiere-1 my utaie to trreet
We b ye.1 ia the tnl ci :.).-!. :
! n the warn; Cat 'au-l
An-1 -tnii k at eieh othir
( iurmaive arrnf .
How iioweriul he was and grant!
HiyU!..w eye- Safhci !.er-ly
A he croa.. hei aad i'aei at me.
Ar. I iiii qah erinat tmi like a ft-re-M
T iieh.--!. .-"urv;:.'3T nerv. u-l
Th. a like a rtf rtn lie feiie-rme
Wl-h a will triumiAant frv
AdT we met a- iwo ei.c!- in h-'avvn
Whia the ihoa-lerf before th. m fiy
We ;t.-aj.rtl-.-.l an i truataie.l I x-th-r.
V r hit 1 ve like Ui rti;je wa ni le
An-1 t.l teeth Is the 'wel'.iita; f-! It of my n-vk
At time-. In ; ur j-Iay .Irw 1-I..-.1
toten another fuir r
For I ca liesi'. ao.i f..:r
FoUht for n. in the nvmi::r.
While 1 lay cr.'iu-hl&al there
Tiil hif bl...l i) .irai&e-l by t!,e ib.'ert
An 1 ruffi.-J wit t triurr.f h an i t-w. r.
li" li ke.1 loe ar..1 Uj be", le me
Ar..i bre3.-he. l.ita a vaft half h. ar.
Trien .km to t io t-vuniaia we l-.itere 1
Wiire the an'.el-'je eauic fo.irink
L;k ' a hit we j.raca: uja th -ra
E.-e thry 'oa : time to fhrir.k
We i.rank their hi v! anl era -I.e.! th -in
An.1 tore tlietn limb from limi.
An-! the hunrie.-t lion doubtl
Ere he flifHiu-.i with him
Tool a life to live for
No; this weak human life
With itf frivi l.if bb.vlle j.- -i .n
I; iT an.l petty Krife
i Vn; to my anrj my hero
The ha iowf of twilight grow
An.! the timers aaeiint fiereene-f
Ii. icy veins hezir.s to flow
'-ime m.t erintriny to sne me
Take me with triumph an1 p.-wer
As a rtorau a t-rtro-
I r.iil a-: brink Dro.wcr
I.", me as ya ea mr la the .If rt
I re we were w .at. n an! aim
When the tilers pa'SioOJ were In n-A-i.1
1.nre as Torn loved roe then.
LISA! I ftiLrC
C;.H. CoflVotli A Vo ToSmeoo :uiI
-'-'ALE I'E.
i mi
330 Baltimore St,
Iiwjp W.Mr H.ward,
Baltimore, md.
- 1 . -ar liiil l-oilt m the aite of the
OMrkft Stwt, Aboif Fnrth.
H. MarfhalL a;ent. Sotijers.t Pa.
S.-ars. il. II. MlUllajUlJ R
. 1M
Ue.-4 7
rj:i:TABLiUKi is i ,.
mth of Pomerset is
v t.. 1'- has ail tLe latn lanpruee
' ,yrI'"J ! tLelst kin4 ol w ,rk
if. '" i-f; jed f T aii kit. t .f rra.D.
- - " ALEXT1XI. HAY.
C.G. Hammer & Sons
Mar e'aeftjrrrs nf rine an l Melira Ft'UXI
H i every deeeriptk an-i pr-e. fcauid maule
ao-t ujrior In ryle an-1 finality than found in
Dvt . any other Kumiture H-e tht pule vi the
Ph..i!Tai l. an-1 Prl-eU; eiit appllea'li.
or when id trie etty d.ti't hwel the ; laee S :--a of
tlie Lirve ihA lea i hair.
,45r' iOSEVl-XTH AVEXt K.! Pittstinh. Pa.
O :
Jutt r.&(..f. it I St'.rd iiare.Ge. Frite $ rtt.
An finorotoa liosine.
i'ltt-burg- claim to Lave in proctj
of instruction a pair of n!r;ncs
wLkL will Ix- the most iiowerful ia
the worlJ. Kcu Jcin,? the capacity of
. suiue of the largest j'uiapin engines
! to a utiifjrai lilt of one foot hiurh in
Rcru.-s the wide, iilea-ant kit' Iien, reudv to nractief Hums r..rt:1. ml.l im-i u-.w It a...r. o!.!irernrc.l , rnrmioua enersrv ar.'J iycr!ect9eL-C0LiT-
where lior sitor v. a iK-ndinqr with . Urnly niniltol Ujon Mm, cml s.-nt Lii.i . aml in it r-tead was the- picture of ' dence Le i full of fire and magnet-in-iicd
clic ks over th" npr-n she ' over the st-a to net it. This va. -v. ! Kati-V lirnwn ev. with tb'-ir earn- i-m, quick as Hxbtniatr In hi peiwp-
wri-s fliitint'. , Tal years MoT?, ami it v. a.
It nnrlit i t-t n well lw firt. en . retura after ll-i travels. Th-
thoiian. I. ' re'ilic'l Sue, n t stoptiinir diffcuinir this tame fortn'ie thi.!..ti ?. ?,.-r .-i.-tv :i .erent .letil n.l : r( rare attractiveness and power.
flutin?. " Father sai.l !at Htirht that laornin?. and Allan wad r-avina- that. ' Li!':.- wa s-i -nr. .:-il,c t.rve that it I tiring hi stav Lere he was coa-
wa--. v. i Kati-s iriwn eveo. wit.'i ttK ir earn- -","."- ";"-a'ai:
!i--t 'e-. truthful sraz.V No on sus-.-ted tions', genial in Lis address lieir
'y w-rei thi-. no!, even Ka altLwifrh Le , conversation, and altoyetbef a n
! be had tneil the la-t plaee h could although he Lad enough to suppor
i think aliout. I eiipjwsf the old , himself in indleacss, as he LreatLed
: plaee ha-s ci t to po " j once more Lis native air, the old pir-
Katie lifted her in. ;i and went to j it or industry came hark. In the fa.!!
' work : hut the crest teurs Uimled her j he should conuiieneeto practi'-e, if the
isothat she left the figt-ir-m rcrt a ) Judg- would take LiminT i part:i-r-1
momefit t'Hi i.;i one of her fatu-j ? hip.
crs l-r-st shirts, and left a yellow tbc Judge could reply, he
-ir it was , was snmnioneil into the outer othce.
mark; hnallv sne sanl
anyliody Inn the (reens wo nii'ht
I a 1 " . . I I.. I . .
uope i.,t a lime mercy ; out tney : out leaving the n .; a 1. tte.- ajur.
want the farm too lal fr that. I Katie Vaughn ro.-e treri hl'uz fr
onlv wish we could find some war to her chair as. Le appro.vl.t-d. for :
I . IV !!!. . r. . .11.1 t l . .
nu leiiiug' -kii.'.a to wait, lie ptissca tiiie .nnu'e ta- -aii
never entered li'-r i.eaa t!iat it was ' " " wuw
s!iji'!n? from Ler rrra't. jLU military experiences and cara-
Tii.-summer was over. n: thev paiS vlen be -aid : tUi tin; u.octh of September "There is a mighty tight ot to
was nearlv ir-rte i- f.,re :L.-v returned ' raanee and a great many interesting
to the eitv. " I; an then that Katie's I episodes connected with tbe war that
en?ar-ii;"nt eomnicrccl in the church, tbe bistorians never got bold of. For
anil .-he had the sati-faetioa of piael 1 instance, there Las been a ereat deal
in- ti.e first payment in the Lands of sa:d about the batt.e or
was over.
wa- in
ano t orke.i ii
V..1.. .t
disappoint them. Sue we jmi-t think -aw that he Ui.l i,ot re .'-nize her.
of some plan to save it." and fr the
irt time -re realize
Her si-ter shook her head. -It tature of her errand.
v ;t! e t',:ni,r-"
watehinrr her d -.-
a aJair in which 1 tad a tana.
;u; evtr tlien, ", u preuy wjumc Lj!ai,
jifj.l r heerfil- hut do you know that battle wa fought
at .-r.rne . ,r.e was on tbs strnzth of information which I
v : tliat jiii.- or:e. "!'.a,ueo i-'jm a young laoy ia tiie
was noble ar. ! t:
would belike all cur other plans ; willed ha bad rid come. Hi
alni'ist j ing t love her. aii l !
ii-'. was
n --in g to
ji-arn- 1 ,l-J XJl ' in-. ii'. , atu ii ive
.1, k . l 1 . , ,-.
l.ia.'e 1 a:j'.'ivij tuk nas .i i. l'j
; her w here life w .nia l.e -..ivissant end rne tliey would nave Hung ner in a
as we thiiik .lio mei.ticned her name, he irreeted eav. -miinit.-. 1 was very anxious to get
her so cordial: v. that she s.u bo. i L;!i v.-ent with him ..n av to iafirmatioa of the rebel strength and
is a l.ach.-!..r ' tame miite like" her.-eif. and ia r olv I hear L. r sin- and when she srr" the movements as to know jj?t when
now, I would trr anl captivate Iiim, . to Li-j kind iuouiri.-s about the ones lesiin-.-ioti . !' Li- fa- .- it- th" ex.juis-'
f 1 e hit tfrand- t Lome , she tol l her.-tor. Xot ia ; ite tone f-il on their . -r.. she re.:L-n-:
?uey la. I tlirou-ii just
th'-y are iiicelv fix. d."
If "Id Mr. Jrcon w
- e . . . .
II be 1- inl en.,ti Mi
miner, and . deal a- an addr.
Trouble wa- bani.-heil f..r a monn-rit
from Katie's heart as a vi-ion of the,
ohl gentleman r e tip 1 . f. re her,'
and she laughed -o heartily that her -mother
cr.:n to the dr.or. her pale
I've li-htin.-f a lifb' a! th-- -i.d.t of
Kate's merry one.
What is the matter irirJ- ?"
I'lai the sixtieth." cried Katie, '
she .
S lie '
the fine speech the hail planned
L'-r wav t! . .vn that inorninsr-
(II ! cd I 'p vt.-.- I.., l.e -
thatle.I ofbeii,- Allan Ti.
icxt tli: '
was all : -jrgotten. Hut I doubt not; TI
tliat ibe simple, earae-t wav in j wer- laden with i she told it, v. a- m re touching ; cei cd
than the prepared rj eech w..t:l 1 have - foui.sf -l"-en.
There was :o wild apii. al t whiN
his sviiioathv : .-lie t:v. .'l to treat it a-
: love.
l.:ld !
L td i !'-
h'- or-hard trees
--' rn-. Katie re
llujipv Kat'e. wh i
vt-d i.:::i all ti."
a matter of businei
tie ch'.kin; sob
-. rnd
ilia: W'jiin.
trotting up fr.r.i the lio ir. where
had d.-epped a moment Lef ire.
has b. en v"i-L;n:r Mr. Green wa-
a hen Le sp Ae of Ler
m'jtnt r. she
There was a
succeeded a.lmirab! v.
ept fvr,
! come i
:.e m
h.-r vo
iiiarried. so that she m;
him nnd save the pisee."
The niother.-milcd faintly. "I Live
no doubt he wmuM be a happier man.
I fancy his wife is the r.rime mover
:.t captivate then, that bruiiirht the moisture to the !
i in;
, I.
a.s'j the uti-
eves f.f tl,e Jud-e. and
seen li-TLer. who c.illil n-.-t h. 'o b'lt
Lear every word sh-- said. Tin :i in i
answer to a few more 'iHestioris, she 1
ci: .-i-triii
u h
in th;s enterpri-e. I:1 I tell you toll their plans for the r iruiiitr, and
ol artn..
tho'iuut. TLiiii'
duae ' .r no oth-
that she came over vesterdav while
you were away, and ljoke.1 all
through the hou-e ? She wanted t
see where thev could improve it.
The r! 1 wretch. I wi-b I could
have been here." and Katie's eves
" You would have .-aid soaiething
you would Lave been sorry fr. It
Won't do to snub such ior.Ie. I
iitr own p. an, that hitherto sr.e
had kept to Lerstif: Wait here a
moment and I will see what 1 can i
do for vou," said Le risiiiv; and goi.i?
ti.ttiifs are con-to:
into the inr.c-r crriee. clo.tiu ti.e d'Xr.
a-.i-e s-.'Ine
itLe.-lii Ulor
: il.u- l.O
and where to strike them, bat I did
not know ho-x to g"t it. Finally I
heard or a l nion young lady ia
Wim Lester wio could be relied upoa
if I could get word to Ler. Her
name was Miss Wright. I thick she
is in the Treasury Department at
Washington now. Dut the trouble
was to commuriicate with Ler. One
;3V I beard of aa old colored man.
living outside my liiae?, who Lad a
pass to go into Wine-Lester to sell
vegetables. I snt for the old man,
and on talking with him. found hirn
asi.,na::y struck with the !ovaj a3 al tije cojored folk?, were,
t.-ii'i. ii'. v to iiriii.jrmity TvU tnow. Finding be could keep a
secret, I a.-ked Lira if be would un
dertake to deliver a letter to a roair but ot Lumm !a,jv in Wiaebc-ster. TLc old fellow
said be would. So I wrote a letter
cn thin tissue paper, and rolled it np
ia tin foil It made a bail about as
LL- as thu ni of vour tbwiiab, and I
reaten Vnt.
ippose there are fe
w people
.le, Lave
to pr
a ;e ;a a manner
of h.imari action.
are iieing constantly
eai thlv reason than
because they have been done before ;
i . -
-aid simr.v be-
ople Lave ?-aid
Not that tLe mind is
told tie old maa to put
-Wu heard what
telling me."
' Every word."
" I am glad vi.u did.
it is the truth, and I kn
it tfirl wa-
t rary
month ar.d deliver it too Miss Wright
or its natural inven-; ia Winchester. He went off anT in
is not -rn tL.' ah-rt : the con-!a!JQt tw-0 3V5 came bafi- wt:ll in
empLaticaoy the case jiiift answer rolled nr in the same niece
ad 111 truth it ; tLe VerV ac-l nf t?n f,.:l I fV.nnrl' I V.arl atntek a
I knov." that
iy n, .Lai
itv and re-lieace of i:-w tLougbts
..r Jav
think we mn.-t give up all hope of I cannot raise the m..nev fjr her to-
saving our home. Your father and dav. Thurston vou brought moaev I
ice t
Lr ows into special : carl-full r
of tin foil.
; mighty good load, and followed
f . .!!.:. ! . v n- 1- . t :. i. : . . i . . I -i
a Hr.c ia.a;jt u'.eiL mr m-ri msi iii'ine i. uu vou i'j untsl, letiiit-ua.e
night '
jthat amount to give Ler. and I assure I
h's from b -th the girls vou it will be raid. There is i,iore I
stoppe.l Mrs. Vaughn tiiere, anil each vim and energy in that girl than ail i
pretty head U-fore her sho k emphat- the other Vaughns put together. '
icallv af the thoughL " I know what -Can vou ask m- if I will after
you mean." said Sue. "a new farm hearing her ?
and hard work. It will m-ver do." ' ner with you,
Katie sat down in the door that money there,
opened out iu the orchard, and her . but what it i
mother I- k her place at the ironing summer boar ler:
board. There was a silence then ; will take me as
each heart was busy with its own I wa? just th
li.tter thoughts. Air-. augiin was
thinking of the Long years -he had
spent under this Lome.-tea 1 roof since
she came ti.ere a bride. Each room
l-s f
good t'laee tor
Theil there are
think we could
.i 1 got a. A tae Latjrma-
tendeacV tO Unifor-'ti.-.n T a-irf.l T. -Vl mv mo
of wLieii complaint is made. iracre irxr,nrtar.t information than I
ic.-iga and bring forward novel-i ?ot from'a:i source, and I planned
.iitiiiually ; i.ew tLe-iries of all the battle of Winchester almost ea--are
bating l-.i tue atmospbere ; t-rjr oa what I got frora ber. She
OUT tiClC, ail 1 troWUS Ot Men ir-oa a r-. r,-r n.l tma .a stao '
whose highest faculty is tLat of ready General "Sheridan's weight at the
rcct ptivUy, cat. h and consolidate rn nf tl war was 117 poaads.
- t ' tT - 1 . c
Take Ler Lome to din- " "' . 1 , ' -'r acceptance. After that be eommencad picking up
I will h ave the i " lJ'ViUi:'- .or iu most . rapidlv, and bis present weignt is I6o
i.eed not know U'YV-e are d-.iaed never to know ;
r f r i o 1 whether they are good or bad, he-
' -J. .. ..1. T.t .. .
cau.-e tuev lacs ii.e strt ngtu to stand
again.-t our prec jaceptious, and get
tru-Lcl under the tyrannous weight
of custom. The r,e-.v method or the.'
r.e'.v thought may i-e gjod mar be
the verv U-st : . but the old method
and t!.'- i ..1,1 ;L';ugLt are in io,-s,.s-!,-,n
an d ref.i-e to budge or be elbowed out Prn " 'h only time in twenty-
four hoars that th;s ablution takes
. I wn
tle4 Farrw.
nk'.ag it . ' u!d a
nV W.te Sh.l Li; :C.
I., I--.. ro-t..r. - I
a !
It is auruiaz and somewhat aca-
! sing fact that the majority of pev
' pe's faces are seldom cleaa. General
ly the habit of washing the face in the
niornin? rrvaiis. but with manv
So, Kittle dined with ti.e Harding's
of ti.e way. Is it
what anomalou-
wus dear .) her by its manv assoeia
lion-. ..f )..tiijov and sorrow. How , that day, and found Liilie. as -i,e e.-
1 - I .-rJ.. 1 f. I ... . t" r.. I t .,!'. .. . '.. 1
ni . ui.1. a .t seviite-i iv .e i.. ! u ir. it '.i. ii i asi. I'-'aa "ie vol... i'. . . ...
iroi". it. The thought vf the girls1 rather disposed to tiatronize Ler. u0 j 'h- gem ral mm i are so op.sed
were almut the same. The dear ohl was perfectly uiiiing to sj-n i the
home ; what would life hob! for them summer in the c.o.iiitry. when she
when tLev cuM no longer c.-me to found that Allan T!.urst"a was going.
Hot s'range ami some.
that- tie i-idivi.oiai place. With some women there ex-
a pre:uu;ee against wasnin?
in re.-iw r r t-i iiin'.v-aT;..r :hir s n Vv i&eir iatres at a.i, ir.ev t.ei.eve oatn-
' we are ea. li and all .-. broad anl in? and rubbing produce eruptions
i large-minded. o on to the force- of ' that the pki of lhe face Lar-J-
its sheiter ?
Katie sa: looking at the eld
that were literally weighed
with their garlands of bioss .ms.
and privately tried to make Katie ua-l
trees, der.-tau l that he was l...r particular
down friend. Katie, who ?
Her money that Lad :u.-t '
holding the:
l giv
he te; t a
WLat were?
Lome was
n she rtaeh-1
nd. look-!
sliC Stetl- 'i
luscious fruit. Then she thougLt of.ped on tbe porch, she saw the family!
the past. Why, it seemed but a little assembled ia th-1 sittiag room, and:
whiie since .-he and Liiiie Harding, with them. Mr. and Mrs. Green. She
gay girls of fifteen ciimbed those heard her father say, in his -low.
very trees. Hut it was five years J troubled way, "I thought there wrs
r.go since Liiiie spent the summer in j a week longer, neighbor Green : but ;
the country for her health. She was it mav be I was mistakoii."
a. gt..:ie.i.
viction. b:
so narrow
and readv
sorrier the less it is washed. Men re
turn frora business, and before entering
father Lad said the day before that ' cared but little about it.
there would lie a great many apples little sclHsh ju-t then,
that year, and a par.g had gone lovers to her? The old
through the hearts of those who saved. It was dusk wbt
h-ard, as they thought that other ed home the next evening,
bands than theirs would gather the ing through the windows .
to ae-i.t
Lat . rt-iratelv we
.id res,' r the "m..-t log:- drawing-room, retire to their dress-
ca: reason. ng nr.. sr . k V.. i mrw- ,a? aparrinents to a?n tteir canu
.aij-i,, . , ,, ,. -
... .vi .j v.ia oa'.i . l -
at, although the new idea is true.
.ave aa inner and unStittermff
ss that the truth of l.fe,
or v. hat is so t us, is so ooseiv cn-
twiae-J with the old id. a that we
have not the will or the heart to dis
sever them. It may pos.-iblv bo so.
.r Boot.
a fashionable voung ladv in New 1
up to n:
Judge Harding. Lillie's Mrs. Green, net giving ber
father, was very wealthy. She re-'a chance to reply. "If you've
memU-red their elegant home, for .-he ! the monev. all right ; if hot we
the piace
bring l
and iTush iceir bair. naconi-cious
that their faces are not clean. La- come home trora sioppicg. ex
cursion or a drive in the park, and
arang- their toilet without touchin?
their faces, except to dost them with
powder as the last act to tbe em
b IisLnient. We iavariably send the
children to Lave their faces washed
before diaaer, cr a tLszes times dai
ly ; but because we are raea and
women, and have no streaks of black
across cheeks or nose. we do not ques
tion tbe cleanliness of our fare It is
taken for cranted that the faces of
a are clean, unless it be
had returned Liiiie':
ter. Judge Hardin:
visit in the win-1 take niesures to Lave
was a plea.-ant to-morrow. It wo:.':
imm 'Oh 1" and she turned sudden- more than what v .'i: owe Us,
lv, L.-r
r ..
ice radiant
WOU! 1 Veil liiiUd Wot
save toe piace '."
" What a out sti-.n.
with a sudden ' we're going t" bid it in onr-rivi.-Mother.
Sui'. want to g.-t all moved and settle
iing reiil Lttrd t ' f re Marv Jane comes t vi-it.
She looked around, as if expe-.tlng
Kit," said Sue. : s?mc one to sneak. Katie felt fr the
it i a ii:t:o singular how we I a
: pair of l.of t- can be mad" ti fit at
snap tl I the store. You mav be able to
l :T-.i.'irt,l ! f-..t l-i.-ir C ot e.ri?T- ..-. n-. .1 .1- . .
..u.. vuu.-L .--. i-- 'i e.o . .'ail a. ..... ...ut twn
g ,eg at tr.e r.r.-t trial, tut is be- lhc;e of machinist.
w;.i . cause your stocking is sweaty, or you ' cr coal-heavers
so d hava t started right, and the shoema
iu h ker s!irv.t? that you start again and
ar.d i stand up to it. and he throws ia a
I little powder from apcpper-!ox to aid
1 i- 'yon. And so you stand np. sad
pound d"wn v.-oir To-"'t. and partlv
t.-in v.-iirself ijr. and vour eves stick
chininev sweeps
We are certain! v
impressed with the muddy complex
ion of Mr. Slovenly, and remark how
"sallow" Mrs. Slipshod has become,
but it does nt occur to us that their
faces are alwavs soiled. We meet
Miss Blank oa the promenade, who
has risen late and wahed her face
You" know we would precious Tiaekage. and. drawing it
do almost anything. Hut who, I ; forth, stepped forward into the light,
pray,. will give tis fifteen hundred do!-' and laid it on the table before them ;
lurs for a week's work 1'" and requested old Mr. Green to count and eve" the orcration as iitentl
out in aa unpleasant manner, and burridlv. leaving-the sleepv bus ia
every vain ia your bodv appears . th i r.f Ker - w Tef-..'n
a a- . - Ji j'. i v auswk w.T.r. - - v. -av - a w ua ,
Had Miss C!ar.k a clear skin, how
be on the point of bursting, and all
the while that dea.'er stands around nrettv -be would I " We should
Utlv as nnt lH-Poro it iraj rarflr- f:M Tdant"
"Just let rae go to -New rH to- the notes sMe field out her hand lor if the whole affair was perfectly new ; wa3 thorort-h'r wahed: that it
morrow, and I will almost promise, the mortgage, which Mas. Green re- and novel to him. When your foot . wa3 U5aaiiv covere'd with '-Oriental
you to return niiuu. mu rcmcm-' niciantiy gave np. glaring pi tcr a- nas rnailr struck bottom, there
i-r Judge Harding? Surely he will ! she did so as if si,
lend it to us. and take a mortgage no' nihilate her on
a er.n m" nj.A i?n wKieh Keirio Blfnt
would like to an- faint imrreion on vnr mind that ' -;.,, h.' f f..fB.-.r.i in ho
... - - iia a l .1 - . - ".j '
the -pot. Katie vou have steriwd intj aa onea stove. I,,.1.n;ni,"an.m fhsnsw th nirnral
the place. Then I shall ask him to J Vaughn. I must say I think you have 'but he removes it bv solemn! v ob- plir-v ofVhe skia. There is no por
interest himself iu us. enough to get; taken a great deal upon yourself, serving that he never "saw a boot fit ''ion of the dV that requires so
us summer boarder. There is where j Where did yon get that money ?" 1 ipiite so good as that. You mav sug- ranch, as to deadlines?, as the face,
the work will come in. Sac. New1 "Mrs. Green, I think you have gest that vour toe presses too hard '
Yorkers always spend the summer; taken full as much upon 'yourself.' It ; against the front, or that s.-me of the f Trit
somewhere, aud why not here. I is none of your business where I got ' liones in the side of the foot are too
There is the Lake, and ail sorts of: the money." Then, as the door -much smashed, but he savs this is al-' A J,)onS' maa l listlessly
charming places to go to, and " j closed on the baflled pair, she broke wavs Uie wav with a new boot, and washing some anglers on a bridge.
"And you have got a very crazy : down for the first time that day. and ! that the trouble will entirely disap- i 'I? wa3 Pr and dejected. At last,
i.-r.enio "in v.uir len.? " sr.i.l l.e'r ' elnn-e t.t tier m.-.thr nrrlnn- Mtl.! .1 .-.. TI I- !-.. aPPrOachiniT a basket Well filled with
- .. .... . ...... . . v... .- ......... .v . , x . .-..I.,- uj ft i.-i. uj... a i.v u via aa ac ti.- cvt "V
mother. ' ' er. mother, our home is saved !" : the old pair under vour arm "and start ' who!esome looking fish, he signed:
Id pa
Thi n.-vt r.Tv- m-.l ht.cvM t.i.) .,m,umi:u .v.ttapivT. I couIJ sell them at
... ....... -.. i . ...... i -i.. au-i .nil.:.. ii.e. ...euu. Liiai . .
i if t . . - ... . i "i - - i. -e , - . ... . . . tnC . . .. - r-. T hne t-i ir f,-..-wI find ..v. t n crs
uea.u -tr. kruv;i sat u- as ones at tue augua eoii'. i cere tne weri'i wi.i not loos bright and e--
to-morrow t.i buv goods." said 1 was much to be done before the ar- lmr...v to von n-n nir'l v.-i Kr--, "I will give you as many and as
1 rival of their citv guests. hen tr.ev , brained the shoemaker. You lira
" Ho vou thibk I will let vou go iu-
t o the eiiv alone V
I i
I know if I had those I would tie
good fish" said the owner, who
a i.e i are th Nature. Trraimeai tweciv-fotir hours, it is found that no. Think how battled the Greens ! furniture on h
.ii.- . . . ....
There, mother, you cannot say ; took an inventory of their stock of down town the next dav and smile chanced to overhearnis word?, it you
lZy at the Lehigh-Oiae Mines i will bo. I mist go:'
Jf ; Ity. aad tnmdiBienta iu MarrUce areaenUr: Nr- 'will lift 3,45l,O0OA'IW eallons ; the , cd up Stairs to make
O : v.:sne-. ( .cjxMi.fl. Ei.ib-ijr n-l Fits: Mn- . ., . , ' . .
hand, things did not : all the while with vour month while Jo me f tri!.'a? Tr'
ncouraging. 'Things roar eves look as if vou were walk- ;'And wkat i that.'
l. i i" . ar i- aT i . B. . "II ii ... ii' . rt . . ' .
tai aoJ phrsi-ai r-atart'v. n-fniiinz irm s- ir-. pa.r at the t. iiicago ater-workts, j Hinging ner magaiacent voice out in- it
at..u&tn I I'a.ItUTT J'f TX kt ltirt '.-
.1 I'W W"k" . 1 Hl' J. V ' La f .1 H J--'-s
aad she start-i look verv encoura:
preiara;ions. i look shabby the licst way you can fix ing over aa ovster lied barefoot.
said Sue, despondently, hut , When no one is looking vou kick
a. ft'-Jaa. Frait Trees.
r-eret CoOjty, p.
r,"" ' fci at lower than ol
I eh. 2 T1.
he ' H 1 '
FTaOUH tte.
SEEDS, SEEDS, 2 "'-"-"""
! Vl ei.cmera'.i i.
asked the
other eagerlv.
Oalv tend to this line till I come
a -,ni i i.ini ooo n-nil.tns tf.a ai'iaa i.,nii.ii .i..i,..i ......,........i f.-.m ea. ....i..!..,! ii,.i ti,.,'. i : .. . .7 " . Lac : I wi.-h to ?o on a short er-
M. IL, au:h of tr.e ir-en Jl.k. fce. , - - - , , , . f . - - ......... . , ..a,.-! vi souiir umri vos.i ue ,
The wriir-nowaed aaih.r. m tiosa-imiraMe, Haarlem, Holland, 1 0,000,000,000 j the occasion. The re was another , boardersj would not expect to find i tion and show a fondness for top- ran1-
lwf.Xr.yr:; ; while the new Tittsbury en-; plan in Katie's bead, that she did i elegance in a farm house, and if ping and resting against something ' T.Tb P'OP! was gfadly aecepted.
and i ,ioV -;n .-.,- .:.f r Ln : 1 ne old maa was srone so lonir tnat
mmTlkln.e-: ...i .. .t " .11 . 1' " I " 1, i.v' i'i .'CZ tV! "j. : ..' Vi I l't ...ii ' "in susu..i tuui uai.ut. " . - . .
i.jjfo , Baiiuii5. a uc uan in ni-.u. -v n uu uuu taken ies-1 1 uevi.ui. n nouiu i- .i lurv eon m v.,'i p-ot ti ttne at ro.rr,r won rro tor . J ? - - r
r.r . mITi 5.a T! "ul:T " 'i J7 1 weigh l.iOO tons, and will cost $123.- . sons of a fine master had v Darted rea.sonabiv expect. Tbe middle of thos ,dd Uw.ts with .i eagerness that tient- Meaawhi.e the hungry ten
. . 1 . . ... ..I, -. I. , .. . - . - ... . .. . ... . - . - - :
elf rheajily. erivately and ra heally. ij'J. The following dimensions Will to
menu, rinjr or oTdiaif. iK.insiiiz oat a ni.jdeof , -y,U'U.UUU gallon.-. loe pair Wlii tncn.
cure ax voce ccrxaia
saiferer. matti
mar rare hlme!i
tsSSr "IU ; serve to give s..rue idea of its niagni- that it was bv no means uncultured. 1 ton aad her daughter Nina. Mrs. 1 that vou make upon learning that ,nd the young maa lost his depres-
rienuBnJrTSeaLtnanya.Mre-.lnivI.Mn. seal- ' ('ranks. 9 tons : shaft. Lt ' A few more le.-sons maVfi i her ! Ilar.linr and I.illie. Allen Thnrst.n "-:-- 1, aJ ,l,w,s-..l e.f tt, ?ion in the excitement of pudmg
e-l envelop, oa the ree.-iM.rf.ix "." ' r ... T.i '. : i i ,........ '.i i.:. r.:.. I ,n...i ir. i. - . " " : .T ' i tli.m in ,n.l wben the owner of the
a:.. ir. t. niverweii s -Mar-. lous , ioui cauw m uie inu aiic inur nuunii, uuu stuiiiiier u'jaiut'i9Duii liis iiiruti vuauri iia.uen. W1UOW WOIilaU IU tue SUOUrtvs are ' . .
chambers. 120 tons; fly wheel, 70. could accomplish this. It was a very j The story of that summer cannot calculated to immediately depopulate ' Une retarney te .BaJ caofni- "s
tons. I he four plungers will weigh j hopclul srirl that louad her wav into ; be written. It meant work for some the earth of women and d:.,m.W number, uounwug uui k"viu
ujiward of 40U tons. Cylinder, 64jew ork the next dav. he was ; of the houhoId, while the others en- generally.
A cousin who had taken les-i cheerful, it would be a.l thev could vou get home at n'ght vou go
her all that she Lad learned, so '. June brought them all Mrs. Edger-; cannot be described, and the remarks PPed greed.lj at th? . bated no.
TNtase stamy.
rtaire liui.l;,'' priee au ernts. A.l-sa tbe Pub
li-bera. HAS. KLIXKfct'u..
127 IVwi-rv, New York. PoSt.rfti. i t-.x 4.V-3
as manv as was ia the basket, and
4 ; La.. a
.inches diameter; stroke, 14 fetL determined to succeed.
Jf ??1 P-fS'V'I S'?!' IMnn.ra.ea. -A inolltv. - 1 1 -f. utt '
.a nU. M .1 fc..y . O . I 1 . B -.' --"- . . . . O k ,
Guaranteed by a-lna: my
L.itnul Iie'iUf for (fit A'tliunt.
joyed only the pleasure. Katie found
i time while the rest were out roving.
presenting thera to the young man.
editorial etcher of the W.rWs. the old fisherman said :
stroke. This t.onderous niece of ma-. Judge Hardinr -at in bis innt-rotiice to practice and went t. tbe i-itvtwice town 7ci-n.o savs I nenl is "I fm SI ray promise? ironi tne nsa
chiuery will be used to raise water talking to a frieud. That friend, A - a week to take lessons. Her prog-, working wonders in some counties. : TOU 3ave c"u?bt' t0 teach yon that
E-riv Pea li-ai.f. T an.;,.. On!. Sets. . '
Potai.v. aud ail other I. market rarnera. I I
Um.iM f. k.'. A I..E of tw.i.-i van. -fi ut Flower i i3 i
te-l. Vt ote uoilar. , -T
, Sead I lltaav-il laul.e. h-e- AdUres. i pCa
JAS. hr.XNtTT. r-e-.imiaB.
ra. lSmithu.ld St., Pttutiartth. j
5.-iatIkT, ra.
: diateiy. and enaMina: the isaiient t-i he down and estimated it will raise 70,000,000 tour and was just makiny bis first j
O , i1 i-aSeriiviitorr. ati -rk ni tievp u Weil r pounfU of water fur each 100 pouad.-i call, ou returning to Lis native citr.
. tTyof coal consumed, the cost being at j on the Judge, who although older
CO j ask roar .draiKist ivt it. ; ie rate of one cent for every C000 1 than himself, was Lis firmest friend.
CHAs. B. UT KST, K-rhe-ter, Hrarer Co. , Pa. ,, J iv k f .1 in ti .
ieM-r gallons. 1 cars before, when Allan Thurston
into the Hiland-avenue reservoir in . laa Thurston, had just returned, i ress astonished her master, who In Danville it has raised tbe price of j whenever you seo otters earning
1 I la. at0-a . t 1 II .1 1 II . . l . w.t It-Kil1 nl'l TiaVkAil l" tTa 2r.l TI .1 1 1 Trial 1 Tt
It art. in-tantiT. the naroxystn imtne-i ittsourg, a De'.giit ui o.ji icci. it is iirovvced an.l ucarueu, irom a lorciga ; promhseu ner a situation in. a ccoir crackers to ten cents apiece, and the i J"- r . . ' " ' " ,.
in the fall, with a large salary, s-o. ; dealer bas such a large profit on them " isum. out cas. .o.
although obliged to work very hard that he throws a glass of whiskey ia- yourself."
through all the hot, weary summer i to the bargain. Notwithstanding ; . i j i i
days, she felt very happy. Allan . this exorbitant price, some Danvill- Oirls don't sit la the parlor whi!
Thurston had come back from Europe j iaa3 live on nothing bnt crackers. i yotir mother cleans the hotise.