II T1 ill. IT Ml. riit. ide e as- ft I law"1' fiie Somerset Herald. ,: lir. i;.! rsii.'.' ! . " ::.!. i. or t;. n". 2i.s "iVo- its :tn 1 lor .-? in Ins brick At ia is.x Ilr A- i2..r-. . . ...il at Sv.t:' "j !; 11k f. T C.;-h at rr, i:;- to ..a' h.s al i lies, at W VT. lil'l iHCl'l- sand i t wiil i. r- oi i.i.d oi.t in their - .1: 1 ..i i lie ol ir:.ii:i blintTV II--!.: l.liAl M- 4 c-Iits. j cell!-. S 11 1 , 1 i i. t' vT'K'K- i.l jii.s. at liiiLi'i.ni.At u. i i. ;;-r.e 1 t f prepared -. French !.:vi vt Uro. . an are l r -. ;1 ( . le ni i 'U r. are tos.l : ; : i n up -.- ast - , tli- a lie -sT : LlV. b-wt; by le t ;ji'-'e a l itl tills I . 'a. h iv Mil-lied ? Hild .!. M. ;i OiiV-i and li s.iiiil 1; a;.i i: s it, i 1 L-.a:is V. N AVISiis ijANk i ll-t vt. sc ''.rity, an ! .i.d Judiii. i:"s uj-.;i i- f.ivor.l.'.- to i . -r "in.vK !::ii-i.T. lint's r.i! ili- -.z to death. - ben so bit .r tanner" ." le ili tie- i.a i iloelliiiki-r. 1. i'il li... ;:ct. I.ii.t .-..n-ii.i7.ar.'' M.1-. t; .M..;.iii,o:l, r Vi.! !. r 'ii - tin- has pi, Win do r'r; n i 1 -a ranee. I w i.l .when :!i here. Tr.-l-Ae'l': In r iiotise a pi. -!.:.:-. : .-in know weathe." v an. t.ie the ,ir '.l'-li - 1 . .i a v . in-: .: .dv. ;.f o: . b- L.-v tt. it . w.. o air, s'l. to ISOW r.-evit otntl. K-k of i.e.' h.i.e v. t bad ti.eir patrons. tn-iit of hirts, X"..:i..;.s A.'-.. I. Ii.r.iii-. by rk'-n. . r.i .ill. Utl -..ill. p.ill ti 1 uti.i r c-i tie -kin n..i.ie is' li Jt Met. ii --vi ii, iPward i ! 'in to fet the J.. are luaiiy Wurth-i- c. tar. 1' y v. : : 1 Hardware s 1.: colors for i out-ide th.t i.;r liie tS.p bl.t tbi'V U!e o' Ltad IIII 1 A!-. U liile are! U-M-l I I.l to cal', 'oil IVv ;rV:,r.i; i.it; if Ji. .nVjivin ,;,.N..j; t . 1 I uy u 1- x f i'.i -i iri..s!v:; Limp 1 ' -a I.r oi ;i,e v..-ii i '. I . i. nt i.;r ii iVloJ-lue0, ':,k- l'l. ..- ire ia ' ' li' ii.i) Ulld r.-orr:.-! (r:,.;, ---Oi'.liii Ii i.f uel J iit to ti.it. p ;..-,- are ..rl' rin." ;.t 1 o i- c. ri-. in--, .i, ''-viy l.tsetl rraiie '- itiurnte.. isv'is. and .iuai,. li, V:.ri. . 1 H'' ool ; 1 a-AALTA.isliA1UHl ;!:: r.iut K : : W. W. I.tvfs A; Bin , ve for sale at their yard or dtlivircl, l.ri k. , KI 0 pT.'KF. F"K aii.-usion nI' In:; "ALT.. We w.v,;'d -a'.l ijst ;i!id iithels, ttish. in," to buy a lull, r half interest in a First . ; i- Iru2 and rr.-x-ription More, ir-id! i - i-tcd au.l doin2 a 2xd I i :-in---. toacard i.i our ajvrriivu 2 columns. iKTl.K!KX are rei.-iessej to call at the "!aaiun Laar" and 1 U. at the aseorl lacnt -f cane and timhre):fts just received. In wit weal her Von want to keep dry. and in fine weather" t- wnik pmrcfully you wm;t one hand ii-.p'oyd in i:a; a h-iiul ::: cane. I.kfr ' rn-h :-t J. lir-t da.'. ..; 1 f-:".i.- i ream tv i ii-. c liiiu V -itl. r,L i: : : lli-irsl'l A crcat II. IM-l's. -.: !".t;!n sold the Call ar .mil and I my a bottle of n 1 ecr, i; will d you fro.!. Ice ii Ire r: hand iu a short time, a cd- 1 he .!! try and please lN'-t(KA-i: ok rK!.-.OX. I'llder the re- ; 1 l'.-iir-i-in Act. a;'jn;ve-! M.irr h:l 17;;, il i pr.. iiK-d !l: it the r.si.-n of Widows -h.n'i i- i:i n-:ix-.! from and after Julv '.'"i. 1 -!. ; t (!;r- rate ir r lMo.-itii for ench child i-.:;iui f ye,.rs.f:i-e. of the hii-Kmd on iini:i.t ;" wlii-y- (ii .ith the I'eii-ion w.i raiit.-.i. In t-is-- ol'd;i;h or ui.irriase of 1 he widow, the same i!ii-n-ae is allowed i.r e i' h hil I under 1 years of ne. Wi: have lat !y Oj-cCed a new and fidl .-: 1 k of la dii-' tiirned and untrimed Hatfs l.c-i-s i'. a :-. Tic-. S(-u;'-. S!:aw!s A..-., vVc. A lare i.-vini.n nt of Iaiiics In '. while -i' .?-. Laces r'rinics. I!ut v.c. A nice as-irt;ii-nl nf fniilt-':i-.-tw r.ir. AVvil m..' i:aw h its. IJ. t. r.n I.i.'.ie- Jailer-and Morrf- lm:. Three i Sn.i-r-i t Jh'i.s'. . vV t. ll'!.: Kl.i'.Al 1. A Mii.lT.vitV UK j asw-ii the Iyc-i-Iature j rovi,;ii;' f .r a ii.ni- of lo.o-n iIlt Ii tn le i.i-. i.iisi inio cor.ipauii s. lla h com pitiv to ! (vui iiot out of the Mat. i rea;iry. 1 he new a t aN.lishes the jht capita! t: x -t r.dy c. nis ln-retif.iri- itnposisl ou a!i able U!i-vl !:i u wh- do not i nnr-i-t t!u tiiv 've. u j;h m-Iii.iry ompaiii.-s. In i-'lcT Word, tiir- a!):n,y:r.; loiiilia tax wili be a-kcii tor n ntwre until t';- law is ai'ain chaii.-isl. F. ill. !-..-s:rii 1 iii.:t 1'ie S.inervt Foun dry hf. a.'aisi ch.njcd partmrs. Mr. No.i'il Ki-M h:iss.;.i liis inlercst to M:ij. Ah x S;at!ii:i!i. V e are srry that Mr. Ki-iii has -. i-ii,'raw n from the business, a- h- w i- i I u.ir.t ss man and ph-.;-ant 15 it Mai. M'ilman beinj the .li ol. .est 1IIJ.1--1 ,::d by f..r l!.- !-.! founvirvmaii ever I ill that ! : si:n -s i;i thi- co'.'.uty, 1 creatly t the l-Mslne. iuu n -ts ol r.-adv ii'.t r;-l L-ill'Z h:l'I ilourisliii!-: Not 1 1 ss.lil i.l l'..-l' ti-en.-. r f tli.it w ITti'TAMiINo til. , as yet. U'ls'lc (ir.r;s of the I'nittd Mates tno; .the M.'i.x- mvii.'-s tr;n their i-i in tile 1 :v i Ireils.an.i the s'.all.ht- :.;teii.'..tl t!i- hist attack on tin-ni, v-- at tie Fasiiii.n Ikir.ir."' ; Mrs.il" I'-. 1 fi lw el:'. . b:i- li' -t olllv Ui.n 111- I t. .t t.-.t .-,. rt.e 1. - -.-"..rriv.-it i.fi I-" Jas. ii:Tt : spris Tl:- - 'cell increased tell toil'. and Mi-.. Livem r lie 1 a D.itlki li Isolllr- fctvle, !. ...ii) i Oi.in.-i : L ive 1' r..--- in It.tie t. ity, in r.t inj on ot the f.i:--i .- siin'y. Th ir safe . :'t. rlre a:. 1 burglar ! .ii.r. aii-1 s-etl chat.l- "l!t ''.''O,. k.ikIs s had a 1 ire cxperl i:i alts" urv. Grants 1 1-. -Ah. re. " Mr. iin- ti-i'ier.if'le eXl-rielce private banker. 15-'ill ,n. w -il known to tn 1: : ;;!-.!. ' d ro.,;;is in -' ;ie of Hall s. N' p.-..f Siifi s. with .'i tn rs it we:;h !.-. Liveni-v.! !. elice a- S. l:ier.'!:;.;.! 1 vlll.-. Dale ( itv ate I'.-r has til had . : as a merchant ati 1 ' ar'- , ,- , r .-'-ir -'-i:. . s.-;:i!ii;i:;itv. and w i !e..;n-.-. .1 v, ar.'" V.l.M":!i vt. !'AY Th. strew ir. jof f. w - 1, vi r th- jr.id 11..- late w ar w th. a:i ! the i-rv ;. .. h after tie- depart.-.! . -rv - :;r 0:1 FtH.ty. May .1 w ii! 1 e c.l. si in d iiiiiiiiii r of the l.i-t "i.l :-r. 1 ti A. V.. Ibinislde. r ii. -ii.i' ! '-f 'i.e 'ira.id Army e.ii.Iic. I m- i.su.-d an order re- ii.l!: the .:i. si! iriiiiz arraimcmen's f Mem rria! I lay, ie - take suc h afti .li as r.iil -n f t!ie clcrjry itlZ greater effect to ihvy i.y preaching a !) '.he .K-r-.i n on tie" tor tn - 1.: 1 i-arttn; f. rv..:e e .!.! p Wl.i Si of th. ire the (s; s.iiritrv in the t e non r. is's oi ; appropriate "AiiiliANKs. M .ii-E i Co. '1 11'- Well in e-tii'ill-hiii. lit. v. hi h lets l-.-v.nsit;:-1 tor a number ot -ar- on ."second Avc--. has in r -ii r. :ii ved to Xo. 4s Vk1 kn ate lilie street. U m.n'.ioiis of tli. il t'leir iilll h ud of ai tin y Lave scouri d i.Kirecorn- :- f '.- 'heexhii itionali-lssde ia'--.'. .- :.l- s. 1 hesesa:e-.. by lin lii-lHC, have taken the all o:h--r. and are now kn-wu in ail !.. ( i iliit ': w,.r!d. Sian lar.lsi-.de. I' : a!. k:ii-:- !iivi:ii on li.in.I. Uaaife i:.r: .i. -. Varei,o',si- Truck-, Improved Moti.v l:,iwers. etd. Sales rejiair.-d pro;..; liy. i fri- in -1 i.iti.ij l'it'..-!.ur.'h. -hotil.i i-- :re and iriv e tiii. t.rm a call, it ".iiv to admire tb.-ir Iian."-..:iie s..-ai.'S. See .-.d. i r:r- ;ie tit In another cobiii.n. M vJiT i: T"t:tl.s. S; eaklii .! tbe iisiport- ' a-.ceofiiiaii i!aetori-s to a to a u . an exchangee i remarks : "Otie Manntaetorj-employ .'n?a I hundred in-si ;!i k. ;!.;-, it a:: addition n d 1 i- !' bar l.a'ion ; live l.i'.mlrecl pi.p;t J lie-at !r-vl fimiii.-s or fee hun-lrd pc..p!e anuiiiv iii-!nirs . on an a vera -e. the im ul -i-irn htindr.il and f.ftv dollars a i .... ve ail I .t-i:i-. an J twuttx. as well a. the o:c.. -r s...tii;..r f-"i;';..:i oi our isij-ie. liuuii n and c-ianirv. are r.iV.ils: the tab- j ,ti:. ;o day and i:::ht. J T e n ii I iti, i v. or seven! v nvc tnoiis- h iiM s ot a i-tt'T it iv. an-i tlieretoie is : :.; - j -i!:r ni ti.e acrc j.e. 1 hi- money . iviur.d.nr awav like seven hundred. L-ir l a t! id Ik- .'.raw n into the t-.w n f.- .ui the out-i 4 llr fri-n-1. Jos.jh, is cb-anini up or- u' "' r-rt"' ;e- V -le w re inan.-ifa.lur.il pr-!ue;s are cn-; ;,ar 1r various farmers in this 'vicinity. lTr ' " ..,d. Th- interest of this w-vei.tr -five ! . ,. .. r,. ,..1 i bn t :.('.- ;n ! f.ve h in ' lii-.'i wi-h l-liars wiSH-e seven t!e.us.tn.l - d dollar-, at t-i, -r v n. A a wi.-ien held. proviibid it s III ! '.e til" 1 '.' an-'tlun ' b'tt cotton ..!. wul eee -1 in-- it.-.. res. Tin: .':';. '. t ilh..:.- ol I'r-in.i wa- tbtown l.i'c ; eXCIt'Til'Tlt on A e.liie--!i-tw.-'k. It w lissi t-red ! rre! t i.-torv and drv house i- ni.! it ti.e t il. orjim to lie ti. ri v of i'iws. ti::."-r that w tn-r -a I'll tin- fr ireiv .1- -trov.d lie.",-!.. Ar'.. ehtn-.-ry . f tl..- : .-'in I'tcl lit t i:i7-ns );! ; tinin . "-h. were on tire. Aii j " i-l ;';. dry boils,' f.l. fr .iiij li!" the vlilie Wi! Also a l ie... ntim'u-r e'!nr witii ail the . rri ! :.ii-...ry. I n l e-s -i.:t -7.o covere-i listiran." w n. but t air p c.-v b. Th.- i-.iu-e of the fire is itn e ilr. Im;:i- t t.k ftre from l--.i ''... tntn the Ctdory to lb.- beat w :.s so irit.-n-e tue !il-n we bi-ky : .1 or lie it) i' e to r tit t tie ! r-in.i that it was a ir i II li.'. t. A i.i.il AN.) t c.-l VPI ON 1 lie ;:p ..f ii i.farrii. or Ha v tr-.:ii the liiiin. ot ti.e n e--. to drive it it'i t!-e bin r ! jsi.t. Tie- drv in-.' upof.kl i ; r; -. i . r it is aUiiirst i-r some, il oi. cacs ; . it. ha. to I the siiitie e-r-ct. I h- pur.- con tit :.n of j I.Jiaa! f .riiids cither of th in to exit in b'liii .ii lee'y ; lo ii -.', the rirht w.-.v is ire t.,. n.an, sQdttiecai.irrb or im skin 11! il.s.it iv ar with the ninoval o! lin- 'i.'ise. We have ott Il set 11 tin- ix- iir in .-a.- . .f .-:s-,iiriia. as an eruption iipK rs i.p..n the skiu the asthma leaves, l'hysi ri .ns pr Kbiise cr.iptions by ointments fir thi- . iy re.1sr.11. I h se w ho vt ill use I)r. II. mn Ltinz Cure for a sufficient lcnrh t ,' time, wiil cure any of thes-" di-as-. r -not ate tiie system, and r.-ix w ' s life. A pami'liiet ies rir.tion of it sent free. Ur K'- s'Ts ottuv. Iu, i.i'rertv street. Fit:, p. r I .i.r.'ii, l a. I'riee oi I.ilii2 C ure. I..u Pie, or 7 ";') in r Li'.f U.7.v:i. Tin. treat World s Kxi'tion it YicD- l.iv now , . t) Ii a ilL.et riVal'll bV the lii-i made at Mrs Tred'-Vell s No (i M.itiii.iotli IU n k. This cstiii.iish-iti'-ut . en., to iii-ike it a study to furnish i -atro:is with i-vcrjthin-r useful and in-.eitilu!. t-s;'ciaiiv such artici.s ns are D -t kept b a.'id what !. 's re s . tbe re.'ui.ir dry -rtsvls trade, i- siiii in ire iiiixir.ant, these 1 ! itl pri.i so r.-a-s ouaiile as lo . . - . . r . .11. ! 'ac.' tlum in lire f,-,( H o) Uie t.irt--l Hn-1 ; i li'.ii'ii -si. If a a.ly watitea MW nl ptPS or a l.i.e s-iatt j. a ir;..s'le of a t oi jew el ry, a w lad.-Wine rr a Trench lla a colLr or a silk i'r.-.. a j ..ir of l'Iovi s or Ihm, a ! ' '' ri:----ti ..; t i.lir.rilery. in f..t, any ti:, 112. ',!.. r.- to p t it. o-iil.e- nii ii ui. ti riii.in I Hi'U antthinz fnnii a pap.-r 11 .i..r lo a iiu.-n "Itin. idso ail kinds ot .. ats' t n e rr-ar- f T Miminer, e . h a. ..v .'j- s:., :;e, JjB.-a and muslin 't.w's. in.-,- vi, I tin, 1 tn-;.)--, nek ti. .. collars, c u f -n i shir, Utsoms, vdin.-n al. I p'.J-.T.i hie. )ite". jewelry UtT :en lit -tin a, feuch to- it jds. sm-. ve buttons, nil Lr buttons, l.reswt pins. Hart rin2s watth chains Jx., ;c. IlIE SIt.AT THROlc;nUT THE i ntkt I lie Asr'uural IHitartintnt at asinninon r Ports the condition r,r.rt tli- mn.l:ii..n winter jrruin es Hollow Wheat on the northern licit is pencrally exempt from winter injury, la the Middle States a trn-at improvement ;.u the show 1115 last .ri!.T i every here oom-elel. e--;eeL!!y i.i New .lersev, I V nnv lvauia and Mar-- land. 1 he S,u.hern Sat.-a are 1, luvor- a le than lai year. 'I110 inut-s l.,r more ...voral.le returns than last rear. Ken - tn. kv. an untavora'.le c-.i-t, hh indi.a- lionJofUtureiinj-Mvementastli- weather t-eooine settled. In In diana and IllinoU the unfavorable r.-ti:rns oiitnumU-red the roseoloml. The drv autumn retarded seclins and -( ni.ioaiin- and l.-ft the plant t... weak v.nd s!i-d:--ncd to en- dure well the vJ.st of w later cliaa of teinireratur.-. similar e.us. .-HUt the ni-ratiire. J-uiiilar causes effect the eonditinn of wheat in Mi-uri. !n;t a sr.Kt i:iip!ii ;in-i:t over l.-t Mtir i-npoi!id. and a siii! iuo;e f.ioi:iMc condition exists in Kansas. In Wi-ons-n. MmuesoUi, Iowa, and Xthraskii, us is known, very little wheat is produced. iMit full refmrtj. are piven of st; h ex riiiieuts. The indi cations from California all xint to another year of great almn-lance, scarcely a comity ri-riing an nnfavi.rahh- condition. Asa w hide, the w heat prxssjwi t at the c'osp of the int -r is more taoral i.- thin at the stiiie ilate in l'-T. AVk h am from the WayiuslHtro 7.V that Mrs, lien. Krick narrowly escaped drowning, on Wednolav, the KUh inst. le w as rctarnin.f: from ' Kin the :ol(i in a. bujy. and h-tr.,-e iTos-rinj tre-.tia near t;oo.i's Fadorv. she i'eeii:c 1 it prudent to tret one ot the in- n at .Mr. roo-ts to drive the horse over the s'n:n;i. an 1 a-corJiizlv uis-Mlch-.d the hiM to his pi.ice tor that purpc. After she had "tared the horse !-,n e unman a;. ! ie and npsc-t tiie bujy, drjiritiutT it ;wi:!i Mrs. F. into ihe stii-ani. which was ui'.i' h saiOUn o inj in hea v an 1 protract e l rain siiowi is. .-vnni- eiii'dri u !ii ir l.v j pave the alarui, aad Mr. ti. and hi son ctablishineiits flour barrel factory, "an i Alien were soon on the s;ot. She had be- j oil ivarrel tiittory, tiu mw iiiillis a planin.' j come :is.-n:aed from the Vehicle and had i in:'', a tirj-lnkk limn ul'a; lory with a ca ! lovlie ! under a willow tree w hich projected p.-.i-jty of 4.h i-riiks per dieiu. a common over the creek with only her face out of the .brickyard, etc. At the U.nvl factories, .water. Thfy at once made an et'ort to niaves are workcii tii ilailv A nmi- rescue tl-laiy the lady. bt:t tu.-t' iied to tlie iier snllls were so rm-ts of the tree as to prevent t'.;u doln? t until a third party, .dr. Lewis A. Konbr ike. went to j lime-kilns, now in construction, will Le in their help, and she wss only then released i openaion in a mouth. The limestone is atter forcibly tearing her chuhin.'. Vh n j obtained on the top of the mountains. Ia taken out the was in tic It exhausted and for jrontrtK-iiuD, also, there ate now one Imn a time insensible us t what had taken ' dred coke ovtr.s, which number wiil le j'lace. II.nl the gentleim-n ret. rrcd to ' increased as fast a it is found practicable reached the scene ot the mishap a liti'e : to uiauuCictnre and ship at this iH.int. The later fat..! c.i,se.'picricc mu-t have U-en j coal work e-i is six teet in thickness, an.l the result. In his .-trufrgles the horse had ; has been thoroughly tested lorcokin? pur broken the and ia a .less ' i-osc, w ith the m nit salisfactorv results. sio.-a-ion with onlr his out of water. ! The Connanv orComiani.-s. 'for t.bev xre Me vas t::ial!y r.-s, ned but Mrioiislv wounueil. In oiib place pi.-rc-.l with the brek.-n sb of rive or six in- h-.-s. he tins lit t.' the found oepth VNei';s OK HiK I'l NNsYLVAMA I.AV.'. It is ii:.urtant th.it the ( .-op of tliis tate !v luliy informed in regard to the pr... i-ions of the law jct a.-ed cont ra- uZ tue sirie o.'.s. ami w e ilii-n-for? ! !' i s. ;,! h-re. a syr.opsjs ,, its 1 adin;.' I. it f.r' ids the -.ile i f any j.i-.Kl-.it t p oieilin to le used in lamps tor burn in,', of j a lower tire test than 1PI debtees. This ; completely shuts out all t!ie patent llui.ls. ! M.::. !e fr iia I.cnyir.i ctr .-..niirii- i-eeie ii fir a. they are Us.Vt in tint manutketure of ia-. .-.ni! ttn.il !l.rctt;.'h pipe's likcord'uinry II !t provide- tiiat ..11 ..ii S.-1.1 fr us- in thi, t.,tt- -.'..al! U- iii-i. ted l.v a rcitiUrlr .iiii. d iasi.-.ior. ..nd th-.t'evcrv barrel o'r pa. ka.'.- shall U- biainl.-d ;.s Vdl.w: ' . "STITr 111' I'lXVsMVlMl l:ie TlsT ot: m'MiKHi AM) ti.. iii:..!:i-;Ks.'' withj ' the li ilie. of tin- ins, ect'T. Il however, the , : : i.... - iio :. . c., -i i . . .... -i. i i i.mii i i -, i. -ii.i.i iiv iii-invci, III. All bi-.rti Is v. lii.ii have foiltainej oil. iiiu-t have the i:i.-;n-rt-.r.. brand re ti. .v. ' U-fi.r,. th.-v are -.,: ! or r.-hiled. IV. Any oil t" -.;!! 1 i:i the han-is ol a retail ii--ah-r. whi.'ii ii.i-l ivn fra .duientlv -r!irni-sl. or lias been a:nlt. raitd ti.li. up b the test of 1p i- , Or li'rt j lia' le to i s. i'ire. j V. Any vio'. itii.ji of il.".. law i- followed by a tin.- of not less than two hundred and i riit;. il-ili ir-. or iiiiptis .uiiiei.t n .t 1. - than on. year, or Imtii. Ati.' j. r.-ori s'ls-iilniiiir 1 .l iii..iL'e to proj-erty or p rs-m by rens .11 1 1 1 . ... .,1 no, ti, , . ie t.i;, c..i:-.--t upa:, c- the party w ,,- -.!.! the . . . i It ill be seen tiiat tie MS.OliS Oi ..lis I Ait are v. ry strict and i's jx-n.ilties very severe. It is to U- Lo-vd that every dealer will a-e his U-.t endeavor to h ive t'.e i-ajv f;l!v crifoictd. Kln2exHt Ilem. li..ve noticed in i!e-s- iieii thai the author ha. failed m-ct stati iiient of thin.'s. lore cntiu ie si" item. snot Ion ' i, t;' I ' - . - Y, :).T'. iiTe ..re pleased to si-.- that o.ii emu u.i . I never Ih-.-ii know n to Ij- in a in re prosper- ( j '--is ci.ndii'.jii than at present. Our fanners are a', nit through siwin; : oat., hoping to reap a cr.-p nsxl fail, j 11 v. M. I). Lichliter. n-epntly from l'r j sina, I'a., h is located i:i this pLcc. j Dr. II. li. .Mitr hell, is doins very well. Inn I iia all prM-ctso! doinr K-tter in the Ifiture. Aith'-.tjii tic spline ha-le-t n bn kward, our carpenters have i-ouinn iiced work in earnest. Barns are 1-t-in.r built for Mes-rs. Kre-ar ii Vounkin. w ith several other im provement, in tow n an 1 h ii'.ity. w hit h of course w ili --'ne for the time lK-inp.ail d aiin.-s in watch'-, tlira-hin tu k hiii. s. i ' rh '"al Riot ions. Horse raiies etc. (urshm- makers, C ross. n i S,n . are very iiiteiii.-ent. and sc-m to sitcc.-evl well in their kind of buslur s. ur i orthv blaeksinith, Llias. i "n rood r . . . . ' liij lor nis kiw in.. I w ii 11 i in luieniioii in j I iinz a i.HJ dav V work, "i-v lh i.Ki s I i -i .. i. i ' i.. . i.. i.. j t " ' - " j lii.e ii n.i. W.. ...I, ... .1 . nli . l,n -ssi.r, W . II. l'lileimn, .r th gr.-at m-' - wi.ue - ifov. nieot :aa-h- l.v him in sinpn at this Tail .w -p . ' " : w.-.i. -f a, Fka.nk Cow a's I'afm: of April tsotli, ititain. a till f "lain hiell we 1 c.c lis..' ; iptive to n-en-htir-. f i;ion in.:: i.f a tri h. from il.ind ae.e the ki.Ys NE JfNC7 '! '. . is tl.. a mile or s i f ; . . s : i San Ji'iice of any spct ial In i atci cet lb-re Sir.' 1 tt-l tue very txtctisive t:l:.- t ri: k vi rks 'd .!. J. Mobii'.zell 4: Co., leased to them by! tlie Keysii.ne ( nu! an.i Minin-r Coinjuny. i 1 he i-ipm it. of these Work is I'i.'sW per j liiciii. li.i' l -. in ireov- r, to supply the; tie.iii.n i for liit ir s iji ri t in tn'ii.ie!";re, the works are uov. le.-ti: 2 largely increased j At "his j oiiit. a's. , is the tern.ji.t.s of the K ;. -l !! Narrow ..!. 1'a.ii'M.i, lead-' in iroia ti.e co .l n.ii.. ' on the ( iisss-lln.aii Uiv-r. Hear a i-. u:.. i.is.i hi aii .s.,1 field. This rmd is. iive an-! hilt mili-s in length, v. iiii a ihri-e-ii.t .'.iiie, and laid ith a thirty pound rail, and l wrk'il ! v I'MitU" tive imwer. 'i he n-ad conn.ils vt it It the ii.ii.cs l.y means ol t a sell a. tliii inclined pl.i.ie. nine hundred ! f .1 Ion 2. and two hundred feet elevation. 1 lie coal worked is the lar'e veiil of the j but v owl field. el-t en li-t thick. It .-aos.,111, ,,m t-.. ..l. I"l .'" "..L.t-u. l - Ur.--.,.-ri..I..,r'...iir.l is id.-iitifiikl With tlie N 2 or fourteen f't!t .... . , , . , tetn ... nit-vitruocirr rvWJ region, i n.se nnm are uow relf UJ tut n out Iron, two to tbree hundred tons daily. - MEIEIW' MIL! A- thirty Kvea md fioiL, CuwberLnJ, u th, next place oj tnit.irt:.n. e on tlie imetif the F. W. fc IJ. Railra.d, ut;d one whose iiit - tirtanoc will be vsstlv increa.! at no ili s- o,nt ilar IT tbt .k-reJ.rtu).nl of the ItiiiC-1 nific - nt isali-burr Coul CelJ in the ueti;ht. T ' In..!. ThctOr.C.HtatnnoW from ei?b hun - lred to a thou-tiul tiersn-. anl is well ; suj'piiel with mw mids ami planin mills-1 u,.,l .a!,,. --iri-.'.f ir.orli An evfi-lictre ! (Kitiery ia kit-J iu operation at this point. j A branch of the loiuU r trade r.f U. 1-i-Ke t- i. ..vi,l,.n.srt l.v tin- litlVfT Stikk ufsll.Kjks! piled at the elation. A fire bri. k cssoih-! itshiiient i' in txiiitcmi lation. There is al- i so at tuis iiiaa railroail. cra'tcl trotu Lie l U' A- ft railroStl to Sili-.dirv whTvll. it ! .. T .. ttl 1... I.. ....1 11,1 IM .,. 1 .. :-i . 1. :. ..i ,.,1 ; 1. l-Vj-a'.-'i. tin i- in- -r tTatloli. I Ite llttHMTe arsl CMiiO Iiinao wiil Jurnieh the ro!!ti2 stock. N'one t-r- ,' , . ' f.j,-,:al,,i,n1.cm,Hl, sons tinnlC 1xi.tt Iht branch runs north- vvurd Iroru Sttiisitttrr, th.it it t a mistake, alt! will not toy aa w.-ll a' li tl nail l-a .1 toward K ' stone. A c nr.inuatlon ol this n..r.h-astwarti line, however, ' made at no distant day, w hen it . found u lead in the riid.t ilirxt tion. 1. 1.-1- 1 -t ill . t -.-r- .ia!'.- ri .udi th Sails- ; cast t rn market, to ctt.lc with it.sk.ii.ired t Cunilieliau.I cm1. by way en nay . vania t entral. a t uniiieriar.-ii coai iint.avu. m . -u.u .t-or. ,m i. evefiiiiallv foLiiivl it wav eastward bv the I ... ... . - A -.- . . t,l7...r. tv-irecion -An.l when Vatl tTO ! - , 1 to Mcyt-rs Mill, gentle render, become ac-1 quainU.1 wi:U tbe MeVlTS Lrothcrs. if ckr it, courteous, centleinen are siilt to our of i,.t. of la.ti- Meyers' MU'taJikeotheraraUtiuiss towns dissatisfied with its hoincsiwn disn.ition. h is clwn2ed it nvme, and now p!mn-s it self in euphonious. sweet Bfi-aiv.nl D.ile : (it v" reu. raunls iiseir in J.rint in the DtiU Ci'tg Jleeord j m ixeual wist.- , . ., , ... 1 f":-?,na !"" frw, Cam!-landdMTr.- ! s,1;t . "'.'"? not votttU with ! tbe ,U,ZZV1K 1 r,lc- 11 bisi3 of a saw mid, t ?,jr u -mi I-l'uiati.u of ne I J,unJre1.?" thereahoat-s l.nt ' fcaU! ls the junction of the S.tm-rset ! 1Jr-Jnc,, railroad nine nuh-s in len-th. :- au' " R.U Uhklf butter trorn one V"J !" ll!c f uT,r :!at tUroagh the i 1'.i"1,.'s ut ,hc V:,Uu'',0fe lM r"1'1 "iio tlte lap ol the 1 'etinsylvauial entr.il. It is j talm'.ons the urio;int"..f' ImiIUt tiiai u shij i ped IV0U1 thi.-llii:- to raitilis.iie. !'.'.: w iu-re hiitter Us iki n of liy the lomcl or at nior-t uy tno lirain or ke-r, tmt hen- John ! how it will make a oourdini-hou-; hash-eater's mouth water t; hear it 1 il is a common thing in the Fall to hear of but ter, not only hy the ton, l ut by the car lo;l, yea even by the train load ! And what is inore reuuirknl-le, col J wholesale, to Hair. , more r.icnhain- at K-ss rati-s, after dcdiiit i cxpressae, than ould I- obtained '. from nny nicr liiint in the cn.intv. Km lo j 'iid butter to Baltituore 1 to j-f is f u-h- j ionable, st no matter the loss. i VKS'NA, I ! Mxty-lour ndles fnnu Ciimbcrlacd. and fif- ty-f t:r f.-om fJrivr.siiurvi. a town of pr-:it : entemrise and aetirit v. :;nd cunsi-nr.en-iv of con-khrtiile iinnort:ii..i-. Mr. Aniirrw Lvon. of oil fame and tt.rtunc. i.- th im.-at mmivc i.-iwer. llie rjx.Tai.ous at th p.ace W i.i n,i'iri.;n?lY m-cii'-v CJUsi iera l.l.'spaexr. First ant be ni-ntioni.il tin l'rin.i Norh F.Tk H"ailn.td, the ndles in length. In. lit mJepondeiitlV of the I. W A: 15. ltvilrfid. Next, the I'iltsbur;h A: ' Haliimore ( oal fn'.c nnJ In.-i '..n. , . .... , liar feature of these v.orki U the emi-lov- ' nn nt ot a hiivra oil tank, caouble o' hoi iir.tr ' 2'X),0 K) staves, for a drLni room. Fixe ! one. onlv actiair under two natiK-s to "com. I - ply with the letter ot the law own at this 1 place ti ooit acres ot coal land. ! The tow n ot I'rsina has a pi-pulalion of aijotit nve liumlreil, h is a cleanly, thrifty appearance, lnoa.-u. of four :'oxl "stores, ail t ir pint hole!, and other necessary reijuire-m-nts of a first els sk town. j Tlie Unina & Xor.h K ranch Rtilroud ; lK-kp forw ard to a connection. at no tli I 1 iant day, w ith the propo-ed Johtistowu & , ssnner.-! lLn'rnad at a point a;ut twelve . miles layond Siner--t, where an o'lt'ct to the Nor.h Fork c-m ! obtaiue.1. con km t.f ;;, two mil.ij nt-srer treenhnrj. a ii'-w i.r.vn with a roil 3til of about fot;r hundred t s-.na, W'li-n this town was laid ottt. tlie tini- birtiored topofrranhicel title ot "Tur- '. '7 hof,t '"t'AvuJ-""-;. "'r 1 1':" ''-,1""";n. c,,3' n.l soft-sotii.dm.r. I '"-h l"U1 ' soni1uc-a..f substituted. 1 he l.-rls of tue city were then sounded :r iti.l nir irii.!.l,....u 1... ... .1... I-.., ..... r. " .u i-ii ... iu is.iv......n I lot. wii i i,,r six and eiu'ht hundred tioliars ' apiece but Ur-iua was laid out two miles i airove. business was there, the t it v of Con- i . ., , , ,. . -, ,. i i.aeiux-.-oiiajrxM. aau noiiiiii j is kii ot ii I to- lay save a respectable town, a dinin ; lioti l lT w ay-farers by rail, and an appro ; pri ate si-n of the city consjiicuoiisly dis j played at the sta'iou in a buie w ind iiiill, n- tt H.tlia-lav's patent. IIKI :-'-.-.! COOK At Si At.ril. lt-;.. J.-ie ilersrt. Oil tile '.'.ill of dait-lhterof J. M. .V L S. Cook, a.-d r montlii and 27 ilav- FLICK. On tbe 25th ihv C Fchraarv , ( a, iu-a n;n. Calif. .rai;,. VUrl Flick, ttTluY 4 lvan.ril... S.,.-rM-t count v I'a., ace 'il yearF. Mr. Fiiik left tU s , - r,-.. it'UAl'.lt. lb'-'i 111 S)!ner.t! County, I. X. father John Co!iaut;U aj-d i si) years. 1 miutu an'l 2. flay. j Father 'o!.ati2;h was lorn in Cambria j ! Co., in 17" 7 and when fifteen vtars of aze i he came so S.merset eountr, where hm i .-, ,- , i row d ItM death. In 1-1 1 be wm niiirri.il to UeU-CCil lio! and lived in hoiv i,,...,;.,,.-.- Vi . .in I,., n.. tl. ...ti.r .Ir ,.' - , I-,. i t ; i 2 children. t irrand children and ntimtwr i ni creai Uiaii.i ciiimreii. an ai.'.ti c-Jiu lanion ireal COilliianion I i Tand Son to ' f : . , . ' taiiL.uI Uieta ) X-iation and a j n lie wis r, l havinir preitih-d him and on ! tie Sp.rit orid he was a !-er ot tiie l.vaiijr-iical Association ami a libera! sti;'irter of the same. He was an honest faniierand accuniti'ated sum wealth ! ut did it houe-tlv not like inanv do in the world, by releavim: the -or. Thi:s i e:i !el the lite of one w ho w loved by a!! I iu the community in which he lived. SOMERSET MARKET rrci-iej w.ekiy t.y A. J. ('AstutEB i t'o. Aps-l-- 'Iri. V Al.!.ii-irUO-T. V1 irl ..4c ... ft ou aire St- se l'Je ...1 VI 3. ....1 'JO I .. 1' i) ... ,1 ;i ....l'J'rf ..ae-i-sie i'JC s.ie sr - ....1:. . . . 1 V) .V . . . ti ) . . . 1 Zi ... tz i . lfilJe . i jl V Se "."3 . .! X- llUti.T, SJ ti I In- ka-!r. L, V liu-bel I1-. ti ji. y I ll.ie.1. iiii.iui 5.-ni. 8. ' t::i!l,s. " Cr.rn. V t- l-iK-l I'r.r.l Ilie-it V '.-lit eklllE. I, Kara. ? i t ... ... i i:.iXi.let ii t u fe-.tiin, J,;ed, j( t . . . Kye t-n V 1 Sait. No. 1. J W4 ft tiQ A l:t j 4 rntaur I.lnirae nt. ! Th.-re is n pain w. left lha 0 :ia.nr Li:.i.c. ar i wi.i not rr-Ii-ti. im weiiic it wi!i o-.t su'-iu--, anj - tx tain' n. wlii.li il wiil n-4 enrr. Thi5 if Ftrontf , Lu.z'ii'.e. t ut it is trae. Wliere the p..r'. a-e out ic ne. it . ?;-t-i aremirrci'M. Il hj w..1oee. j in-jre rm- t-f riieuiiatiTi-. Lcuxaiyfia. ljck-jaw, : lut-y. -jiraias. ew.-iiir.zs. eaktk-l-,.rcas:, cal!?, i liuni'. salt-rheum, e.ir-a'bf. .e., nje a tin- hun-an ; frame, aa-i oi fiXitiris. .-pavin. liali-. Av.., viu an. jiia.il.- iu niie year than liave ail ..tber preteD-ted reine.iie- sin--" the w-.rl-l tijtac. 1: is ; irrilaat. an ail lieiifEn p-iiii r-lievir. f.u:it-r- Ciii'j'l' S .....-. , .....1.. '. L- 1 "" s-'s" '"- "v 1 i-r rr . ett '-it. ur- ret:ert 4 haneie-. an-1 ! w .nn ie-1 ' . as- t.-i.-'. Ki.ii .ut 3 .-..r. It i.-nu i.tiTnl-ii. Tt.e j j ij.- i 1.11' i:-iiv I lt uu '. 1 ri.-ir '.-'ei.'. liis.'-'il-J i..ir n - -o- I-1-- en r Set..re - ia. an 1 ii s-i: j it vi.e-s ;ti-. wi.i.t it pr -. i: ' t i Tft'-f.' ; , w :. n -u.'ir ir ei rirentn-v :.-, pIa -a - a- iai. . j i.- r. HoaT-r if liieT wid a : 11-e O.it isr Lin- I iuient. Ai.rre .tiaii 1 ve- eer:itl--aleii of r m irkaMc j rorr f. iu -ia inu' frvt-n l.ac . Lnioie raevmijiina. J z-u;, rut;nir.i; turn rs. It-.. Kavttrt-. o reeeive-i. Wei wiil .-a 1 a in ular coataiiiias evrtiSat. i.. the rerijie. 1.-.. itTa'iii to any nrie r.sfu. ;iDit It. One! I-iCle of the yelli.w wrapper (Vatanr Liuiioent i I . . . . I re-i an-i iruiee. -r inr a.-rrw w.,nn in ynn-p. S.k umnvrhit Iill1m.,nt w,f.h r,.ur,tn. N family el, UJ be .ith -nt ttaur Lini. !,. rrks.. Ursb.iletl J. It. littSE it CO., . , , a nriwar. Ne- York. ! - " i Castocia is ok than a ut--,lttito tjrlat. 'Oil - It i the only ar.ide in ei.ftsrwe whieh 1 artaia to assimilate the fwrl, rrtrntate the trow cit. cure win.l -cue and pruiaee natural leep. It e - wtain n. itl.er mineral', mohiiie or absdnJ, aal it pieman i iai.e. ccii :r:a Dee-t Dot CTT i n. anl matbern may rest. apriti I . ' WAGES -..., ... ! V'f'K ALL W HO ARK W ILLINl TO WORK, i Anr l--re.r-L oi-l ..r voanir. ofeiiber aex. can make fr,m '.n lo . te-r wr-k. at b-tnr dr or eninir. Wantd bv all. Smrjl-le t.. eiile rttlr "rC. - aairr. and any il aa-Jlol lira year. Tbtsuta '1 P'niiit'T M tl r-r-c 1 psn-""'. r-r im-r w no are oui Ol wora an! 1,1,4 m -aey. lo make aa In lepe l-nt livinir. No ripltal Ireir.rj is-oiiire.1. oar pamphlet. -IoW itomakl a li imj. (nru.ir full iuatrn--tiM.a. J wem . iwipt of W eenta. A.Wis-m A. HI 1UUN j ktv, M.KTi.vnl-i. WeKto-be-i-r C... X. Y. j KV. - r"" 7". t.'i:.. I HJoJ.j) In!i..j t irlUl. tulh trKrt Manutve- i t.inn? Company. tjp lirooriway. New of It. TI1K P.tKLUK COHI'AMUV. 'S. .Xre one s.,. n jf.i o. ten cena. A-Mrmi L. F. HYDE ; "'".V! . rveni oa rare 111 01 u c-m-. .ukjik i rm-.mt iMs-.. -j. , put-Hablng lianae, SM Vesey Street, New Yerk. 1 all anoeerne t ma7 ' I The Rorkntlli i l'rUilr Inioil) ? . irini; u.. f, .--:.,, t reetioiis. Bciko . Ui ... r..'ichj.. Hri rtr-vy. K. Y, ' Tltt l.LAkllO Tlll-KM. in patii: -: ir. ;-uff-ii. H nu::; i!ie I!i:jiiure st !l iOH-ri. cii I iiArlnr tlw aariiH-.rn im-r.r r-v--rt-ft iiwia. i; 1 rti wi'b wn, oat li k-js nurrfi mi-! -v. eH -fn a p-rMiiB-jjt isrt luaf.o r..l l I .. V. . . I kir ! i ju-ieil. ciix-ut-r in-r. rvn ,-.r.U-r t I--T )u-r f,l lulac lj-ru: Irw N. 1 Hrrn'rir. . Y. Amoa f-bly. V. Uh it e'...mr ntun UbO". l. r i-irli. rir-5- J.n. inririuiiiju-v euusl. ttn, ii ,r krwvrfi lirr!.(f--. l.tkt i,( imwvrr. ai4i HECHANICAL ClIOilTT.iNo. 33 SmitMeM i iiusji arura- llnnouii K tba..-. Forkx Vrfiipi-tieo worrii flu m-i!l I I rj. ativ ki.rcarui iiu- a rvr-r. in turn I-"-.l.'U- .SO. i CJ! -blKUI. 1 W,:ri .l nil ViiUanIi) BlllU .11M Hllt 4IMUM. th'X y-nv- at i-ih.i- nierii-l tat-ih. in-r. I'm di :.' im, Jinri the nltirzr-. a:i:i bnmrt vf-.-r ipn'ii- ,i' . aia-l llli li Wl rtMT B j:. ix ivt---.i nve t-i-,aix: iUtt aatmL r.--h .. ' trry mi;.rU!.t in w ma!e or ln nuntorsl v r suiie :k,. Niil l y ali Uraerisis, uBi tvin I t omil n r-3t-iii m prir. A ls M I' f fll K :.Y s Sk'VA 'IKiC lit i U kJ JfAXiUC! Al tiiM !t, t r i.. ittt Xtw Ya- i - it - -. nr. 1.T.J : -l'..r Jt- J.v K L nrMia. Sa-aerwc . l a, .r ?- JJ'urfi.vatriiL.) TOl; 15KNT.. av. A li" "Ai r.nn-1. '.i. HO .iuiin ti.'i !h- ti:.'::ii- m .Ni:n ril iVail, S .inrr.-.t o;ulv, I'a.. en the Jine of tbe 1. W. i. E. n. K. T!,e f. -al:'.-r. i -au i.t hr la tlic e-juary ivr L..ici :ul ia?. Ki r luriU(-r lufiTuii'.i-o I .ijir; . i ti; un.ivr--iin- Mtncra! r in: V. SUiI 'U:l!p.v,Sin-trr- t r -ftLtv. but; ' MlTIZnsscvlT.- -V"JTirK Hariri I-Tn !,vxl Jului. .Ut. S th i I l:i a liir.-.-t.ir.,- lal.ia,-, uce karni. 4,a imy fork ! ni V 'K-" T' -J " - lwru..y n- - a (.imi t Ji-M. a tan-w Mi.aiivtv i-1-4k all J KK K MlAil I Al K i,U, in f.x 71. m k .:;. S. D. LIVItSOlKHU ' - i. M. C!.'.i;KB. LIVEiTCrOOS & OLINGER, ; UAXKURS, Alain Street, opposite (he I'oi ollie. Dale City, Ia. i We Jl lirafit n - rtinbte Ktt niyi Vw. I).-rir;s ' an i I 'iji-k-.in "i t.r-r tyiak .a-iirsl. Siijl a:ii-n- j ti.-n ji.ii.1 li. is il.-r ti.iii-. M'-ii.-y rvr ':-.r-1 Iii. Sraya'-ie nn b mii-t: iut-n st j-ai-t -.n t.:i:..- -if- Ir.jT. i-.v.-rytliiii in lie Itinki:. lir.r wi;i r---! c.-ivr- i.r i-r'-niet jror-. -imI aor-uti-.n: w--ii.-i'.t .io J aru-tn-.-t t irc t itirUcti-Ki to uar I. p 4iinr&i 0'l r-.HTi-I;riii il'S. tr .yT " I.IYE.VCt'Xip i t MVI Lit. s1 TATEMENT o( netUeatent lh Hi S-it r-f- r a;..l Tri-afur--r ef I'ui.ii - S -!: fun :f r.i -m lirriii-ivr i-.iw n.-iiii i.rr tie- y..-.-.r -n iiy.y A'.nl 14h.j.:a. jm ivC s-. i.r.r:.-.-n. T-.atn-.utit ut .lui-.i .,t.- t:; i i; liy kitmr mi ll r--.it e .ii- rj'.!. n " i-i.!iiuii--i.-n " am I (oi l i. H- rki v 11. lli.Mita. .. 1 :r. -i-i t; ... ..i a r...--. mas, ;.f .Iuill.-itc-.... :..i.i-.i ir- iu j.re ti-i:i: i-i.n. To ::ni u:,! j 15 11 lai-.r r n i- b i-.3ii,in:s-i'-n " ii i'.rjii.ai f-aiaa -o viae r... 1 . M 7 F.HVI.i Ii. JiM TT. T.-iAsi Kl.3 IMiU'l ! S. tllri - A X. tu !i. -al : T.ian.. tint - aj.i-r i-r .'i -ii 1T1 rn 1 la J!l 1 l..-t 1 liv crbr- ii' . x n-.rc i-ii r. pinil l ,n li-i:. - in tr- .-urv. . 4 :s ti -l."ri ;.-i u-!.ii. We. t!( , t-r-i-rn. -1 au.fit ir-i of nai ! I-r er.r-iiiy 1 t:.ii t. t. .t. ziv ! r:;sf v. s. AVKI NY, BHKKKV. Aii. r- 1 STAtAi:I s : i. 1 Of kiiv.s.- at-. (4 Ii:i-fir.i ire lUiP'WS. IVp h'-U" i nil r.s. lu:i,reTi-H! .Ni'-ri-.v Iir.iwers. lalrbmk., Morse A- i n.. 4 W-t flrr-t. Pitts'-ttrvh. r.-iijiii'-t j-cii-raritiy. i...iyT ;.'..i- ! 1). 1'. IKiVI.C, I IrealiT in (iOe j 'Watches, Jenclry, ( lo-ks -k Siln rwire, I h.- i ifth avi:ni i:. ! 2 vtuut alrvri'e Smitlitit-t-1 S:.. Pit-jirurii, pa. s?eial atntl irivia t.. r.-ioi-uii.' . ! 'A at. tm an i j.-wtirj. at io.m raw-e. mayi : ih:i g .stohi: foi: salk. . ,, ,- . . - I iA FIKST T.SS IiKl il a. Pi:..--' I.lPTi.lN s n. k v..rv viinM. niuittvd ,., .Jhr, , ,iT. I 1 .1 .mi a w uiini hiai-i.--.. i o-i. re-l ..r aa'. mi , . a i-.n.rij.-!.itii:if' ter:i;s. Tlie tutirrm-hnsbr-! nr.-ir--:n a--:iebo. -. .cwvruid frr aiiiie an ,., . ,..r.. ; i..r...,..-. .n.-: ttn.. .-..ail -..o.- it ili-ir wiroie uttenii- n. An..;.; p",!um,' "' ki!l1 " - i:,x" a "' P-.v-- ' t-.i-iitr..-we h .111:1:1 ei;.-.:l .1 . li t 'if -ti ."s-ur. unr .ri-ni.n ai;n-- Ik K. t M li. , ear-- It. H o-. i-'- V j-hi. -j: .u Av.noe. Ai.eis'nr-ny , It.--l'-t- "". i ADA1V1S' Pound Butter Cases. P.::.-r.tel m-r t. 1st., to 11. P. ADAMS, ."eerliin-i, thi. .. I Miller, DiPPey & CO., 0. A. tiutStr""t. Ph.;.-.:. Spt.Ia. Pa.. . A.i!t jT. M. EVANSiC). I sitiCi .Ali-rv.-iiaals. 1 aa I IT JTervinf Sirc-t. t'li-eCuinrriiF ' 'ievelti. I. Oi.i. ,""-K-J-a rrC4f -.e S Vi-i -.:i . .or- -l -jrj 3-s-ti:;2 -rr's':.-::'-S?..; We E-T to Iiainra.D tr, 1 Sl.!i tre.-' -of Put i.r t i.is 1 -wi; h env-i.-e--.-I thinwv.r.1. ti.e j tr- f arc raj.i iv ui...!v I y I r -.--iDa a - uu.i ,i Imii- . ler 11:1.. a Ll. li'.ii. in wl.kh i:..s lu-o pa.-ed tw. Vo- 1 ... ........... I. 1.1.1 ......... li... i......M 1 ii. -ve. . n -e-i isr .Il l HI.,' r--. 1 i,...--. in. u.i.' I. 1 thi- inak. a perfn-tly f. rrneii pa.k'e. wiiii a t.v- I er.tic 't i-u:It..i-6t r -ri-nifiti I., r-.-taiu ii slinpe u.i. i r jiy cir-.i;i' ;rr:V i"uru aTffaie I h;q trim-. :iJ .J'' rni a lutfro r unp ati ar, j r.-i. m 1 - s ia tbi. l.lt-f.-r Tiia--U lai.tSlirl la-ail: I i s are then su ke. i in an .u-.-reae. ma-it -iri-'iia -nd tiabi, le ir.if irne vnl aa I fiii)c-zed ami also h-irjKii .n-a-h ih1. y-15'1 iT-,-l tip wi:h ihI. an-i 1 arii 1; i-- ii.tm wna i nne a IM arr.!ni." d with hiazt-aaul I'''" '.-'s ...r ... rtiie'i-'e' ! a irait i.ir. tt.i i-mirelr t iuriinj tue 'Mi air. an-i. wi.l. the linn- ar. uii-itne:-uis-r. prrvr-ntii ii ir .in i.itir.i; -Ir iiiir.d Mr. Is 1 y 11111-. He ith. r or li-m-liii.tr. aa I vii i'l- arrival ia any market it i 11 iii-sss.irr t-. forn i 'i.i!.. .-a':i..i ai -rl-. tr : : c r; -i vv , ,,ii ki -w tli t ti. i.ri -.- r---I- ' i;il f t 1 utter enrtrs !y --'"rri'st t-y tr .-rs,ri-i- lius. itl wn ti u iirnr-s ... ui:i--. . ' .-ra-.-i:. : UrufJ in:ii; in Ks!-rn i . rK-i- nt titewit s ranse tr m iu 10 e -ir" p-rj- -oa : mr i- -. :nir 11.11 nrv ma-'e ine rin'r-ir-e is ui er :,r ej.-ri In ta.a-. but we n-'ii-e lie ere.o ie i us tfu.-taine-l I.r lMsr-r.fiia; rank an! ...sfltiii' -.n th w.iy :. market. We bare btt exje-n-u -v nl tl:i in ttiit.ni'. nis to us liunii thelas-. se in. .-in I it pr -vt-i. mat ttil m ade id p.'- kintfroiirlate all .lif ftealii. .-. and i ll-in irvi.t a lranta-cs. First, but ter mar ! i.at Oil in ilieseeaee l auy -aoi an-1 llsl ' .llS'.-.Ut ai.ip.red to ilis'..iut bebio Rli.rkirta. trr rxpTte-1 to .utn. ra and f'.r.'1-an mjr.et', amnnit in pirteci irr i.-ran l as rwet-t a when erst pot up. liie air keirt irtii and the brine in i. t he jrreat aeeret. la a-i.iiti.n. these -nni ran 1 oti'iiwie-l a ill w.mted without disturblc? the inlaner of the caw. whi h will b..M it"wn ty pUcicn tbe lid oa i..vcr taking a ry.otd cut. The cai-s .-ia le; asoj over an-1 over a4 olt'-a a you like without i-eisrjaiLr b-ul. as the butter i-i-s not r-.nie in o nuie; wna the outer r-as't the brine a! ke. pf the wvei fweci. ll.rwt-rer. the T.und exH.t witl naturaltj ftet l-rk en and krt. 1 hex? ean be r placed at a e. st of a ouarit-rof a n-ni l:rc-ai'h tiouud by .Tvieriiiic fioim : us at any time an may I needed. The .ii. rta-t I I. rw ..iM.,ir Hir ti T lit t le BlitfT- t hr.1. be 'l' ." ' N. B. la order U pack tlM-.-e poaaiU each pack. er niu-l hare a Bionid to bil tkear mall uuaod : eoaen. whieh ean i-e luraieocu as many aa wasted. I lo ret np the butter wilb ea ad alieiaeuotu Id pw. lv in eaact the wvi-.-lil iiuo these eaaes. tbey-i-ast.t Ui hare a xale asi ie wi.h each poaui k-jae. ly wet-rued full weiuut. at at w bate a cUua tbun weivtht. Tnea poe. the luo, !fcU0d ef l.utt.r lutit these w ...is. with tins ul-vl aavaitl ar ,nn i It to keep il suit bva a! tilouir u up. Mm. d and I iU)i lo pack,' . t tmu apiece. Implicate poua.l ciuea. 1 ??en'. a(.i-ce. Lmp y tjuier Casta. i - apiece. O. A. MILLF.R. HIPPY It CO.. lui Chestnut Sir.-et, Pkiladelptiia. P. S. hi the liilitlash, auJ MtU d May. them wiil be a! uV4(r3 ef the-ecasefh wnt.birr-nt of S-mere! -,.n-i'r al S. im.rs.-t. Wbea Mr. A.Iamn. 1 the pateutee. . tb.Kie dairrmea who piek their dalrl duric? the uoimt-r ll.-i they vjuu'.! afl.-rl to 'ne with. .a: thla ; tUirrMii:;n 181:32001-11. aDl 11 p ssi'de one of the ' Orta t-r O. A. Miiler. Hij py A Co.. fr.tn Pbiia-iel- i ' .liit. I hi -re Mr. Adams' ai," ntt.) wiil also Ire at ' ' Sotn-ri;l in s.e and have a trl-D-itr talk with tli-ir i oil patron. We unre U ttiterese I to cutae to the . 1 h : -i-LZT --Tr-tL --a .-r.' - - -Vs.! r titn m I lea in aiutt l! rr.)Stalde an t Interesting. JI I Lanrott . trculai m In toe w.rrM, tar. w ! Tbii krraniceaieal wUl uretL Ul batter frim mair u5r;u"-. .u 1An? Pptr,jtire auiwribna i,"!" ..1T7. . VlZ.Z -Vr-rc A iicertisrmentK. in. i r.uit' il f-rr ib ww n t MartltDtr bwk. th DEVILS? 1 -rl .r.-.-l l-y ! mr. t-r the othr i "O,.! (n UiimratM t5 I)rr aixl t ji ir.--l ir.iw-nt liiiV'A. t. 11. ll,t-Al. I UD., mrv 0 way, a. i. j t I r lV.ii.1 Z1!.... insie ' female 11 Ul a ink iroaranteol. ;.T-tai.ii! t unrtnYim-nl at bonte. laT or CTtreliivf: 1 n 1 jj,i:..l rts-lu.-v.: fu la-tro.-lU'j n l Talartirte ( ' i-s . k ... --ii pi man. fitinrr-r. ;iu " n "'" M. lufXii h. 1 1 I 1TJ OreenwK'b, St., Xew Yurk. rhwnoand la Pre. Salt : am anr lo snii waulrsa twroar Iiviiitoiic Africa! H t 1!U. VUli biivsi., J'uUu, Saiisuin 1 Sewin? Machine Is the llest in the World.! I A jf'n wii.ttf.. vh'i f-T'-irroiar. .iiirr j ! -H.OiTJrSLWINO MM HIS K t'O..N. Y. ! Wanted AsentSS'lTbT; fea-u- a-ii-sie lit- IT. IH'i LEW IS O'W w.irk i so tnion-usi- -no- ee.-. Saua ni'.c-y. w..rry aul trt.-vi.ia health. an! fin. ns h..w f. live will aii.l zvm ut wi 1 a ri lot ..it, iri;.v n.t. it mpi ii:. MAt LEAN. Full., Fliiia. IsTEVER the tjiiu Ijsi.:i (.TijJ'urr l il -ju u-&. WELLS' GAEEOLIC TABLH3 area .urc.-j luratl ili-an-aul ttm tcpiralory Tirriat. I'reup. I i-.Jieri.. I "I !'l. " ' Asvbiai. fatarrri. li ars--i;t-. Drymsa of Hie 1 lif...tt. Win i.ir". or lie n liial Tu'i.ts an iail ii- I ?' 'u Ata ; TAI LITlsi h- uii trc j r-rinj. !' nu 1 tn-! u-t-1. Tbcv njaaliie ttie rirctiiate of tlw tiiao-l. utitl - uat Uie 6vcri:y i.t tii ui-j k, an ! mil. tu a icry ti.-.ri llnr-. r--t'r? fi-at-riy a. :i .n l-i t.'ic arlUil , orant. Vi 'li.-' ('..r' ii-- Ta.!-t are 1 at e .nty in Uut tZrtafxMTifnl'" t U,ltaalt-tit i V...1- 1. 1. . f..r,.r.l ii.. .:i l.v 7. :nr .....i u ilvi,;. ,ik.r.. 'S.AI "LJoH.y i. KKM-i 1. Ilatt V. Y. s In .-ir-r-nl turilM I'. Si. Fri.-2J i;;a t.iX. s.mii.1 i Teircuvor. 12,000,000 cres. ii. run! Ti.s ri. .11 . ; Lml la Mask-. -.IIC LV thr? UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO., t l. l!!'.llltr.AI t Ls 1 I 1 .ti.l- .J.GOfl.000 Aerf. iu central Nebraska. N. w i r i"j in t.-ir-it -f krty ai-r an-.l cirijg . id tvv i.ii i t'-ti year. itrr-.;i: ut t i-vr i.-.i.i. a-i-var;.- iie.r-r. -t re-iuir-sl. ilii.l ami hi-alil lul t iiuiI'-, irr:ilr vil. an a 83- ' -Ir. nr-r r. vr -"I w.ir I he i- ilark-t id far West. The rrra: a.in- ii:2 nir. V. v. aw. t -l .ra-l., I .a I., at.-. - Ne - .!. i.-imr tuptiiir.1 -y the timm m th I'iatte .vli- lij.j... j 1 The best Locations for Coionies. FiiEEHOMiS FUK ALU .Mil!ims of acrw i.r !-.;.-. ti .v. r.::.i-ul Liimls ..i-i; li-rt iUry ui:-ii-r tbe liene-titi 1 Iiw. n-ar thi- irtt-at K:ii!rr.i I. uh ic-r-l tcarkr-t an 1 al; tbe iMiVi--nienre -f au ... I -:-lr-.i i- tmrrv-. I Free .-iswt tu urrt;:i9rs nf Kailrr.-1 Iid-I. s-ti'.iial Al'.tr-. !... uiar lilt 1 iu i. a'.-s. ik-w t.Ii - ti-ri ot lM-ri!4ivr l'jn::i:li-i with new Mnt mill- e-i lr- t r wiirr--. AJ -tv . ". I'AVtS. Lirt t i'i,i,ii,i:.iiir'r f . P. K. K.. i .uialia, Nctr, ASerttt d fir kit,' faints Dinners 1 !- . 7IEtLEK i. MVt HVY. Itillt- Vs. As- iitr. warn. 1 l-.r itic j SELQPEB WEST: , UK THE , fivi: yi:ai:s ix TilRKlTOIiUX I5y J. II. ISeadle, ' -i.-n. ivrr;.. ii i.-nt C'av-iiiiinti f.:nmip-!.iL Tlie.ily is i.if.Wre tii-t.ry tiiat Tt ri-ri t---' iw.-.n tii Mi.-.-i n j aa i tiio 1'a. ia-: I. rirsmr : -s . ''in.-.ie. Ii.li.f-.raar-. VaO'.rsi "urivei' ie.. i-t.-., i with liie an.1 a.v.-i.tui-r oa Prairie. Mnmitain. f an-i t.'ir- ia'-itl.V.i-i. Ir. Il.ra.iie ha. rpr-iit I've ' yerr truv.-ltrirr tn the new S:i'e nn-t le-rti.rir-. llmikivatn ii-.ie isri! tiieir reisrs-. eto th-.n j any i.i tier n'.r. 1 tie l.ik is iiln.-trausl wi-.h "vit 2.' one e-uvrra v i ri 1 ..f tlie- r.-ir. trie. Itj is, .Mi-ir.. i'ci-i-ie. aii..'un.itirs.I tlie vireat We?, at. I i-Oie Ne-t .n.1 f..-te-r netlin len-k ever ..n. ...sl..l si.1 ia-;-.mi Mn-i at ri i-tn-Hhn . j-h t-rni-. AMre. NAlluNAL PI ISLlMi-! I.x.j co., rMUrleli.ttia. I'j. Uljr Sil tif "z3$3 j 3r I v' i"i4T5S!5 :(, r'Slt l-JiJSJtAl. tn. ..nvlfl t-y any sn-.wn nnje-iv. It will era.1- ! icar eitir;rnte an.1 th-.r-irtity de-rriT all .:iirr. j or.t -uU-t.-iiHsri. in tiie HWi. "ana will eTeet nallr . sti-;e'! all j.r.slij.-iii..n t-. t.,ii'.u ileraniremect. 1 It Ikrrr vrmut of a:i aa itvonr l.irrrand fnfrRl . T'n!- r-lievrs;l ut iKi--e. fie tl-j.r. lrt-ee-rae impure i I.r .lelerr-rrs.ri- vs-reti-.n. i.r-"!neinir s.t-.iu1..us t ' f.in di-eas-i. W..trt.e, Fil m. P-;B'ies. t'snker. j PlP.i'n . Ste.. k.s. I irtr-e yon c lve,ilir Voe-.Tr. ' t'n. ,ti-fiu tlr-n is .rmi.;iy ai.ieJ. !i.e y- em !. .Irl.ilitaMsJ 'h i- v.-iy . ithr- P.,...!. I'p.,...i.-.lTi.ieiire. I tj.-t.erai wt-aifDes. an-i iner.l:t. are ,o rnl.ri. of Me ir'.-nt t Y a are In "anir-r .-M lir.-uir- I iiarr-.u-ii. ..r itliBlatioa oi me nuwt... 1.-. . ., 1 ... .. .ni, r ...... - ...... v.. ....... vj , iiimm vt . r i Mary i Ontn: I Tti are ei;. st-l to ejtt -rina: in l:.ni,..-i! aicravali-vl urui. if ytu Af 'Ui. 'Trf-w;v. .tail. ?:tiiri-ti or -'o-pre-aed In spirit. wi:li head a. he. bjek he. (uitnl I..ii'ue an t t.n-1 to.-;. m .ulu? I'll errtaln rtti'lT f- rail t ituso .li-ea?e, weaknesses an-1 tr.4iMe- Lrr leaDsin an.1 rl fip. the ritaate-i Li -.i an 1 irr;riiiii vn.r to all the riul ..re. s: fur huil-iin-r o;. an-i n-'ii-rir j the w- ak-r-i-J c-euIituii.41 u?.- JURUBEBA, wiil 'li if .n-mnni rsJ It tke le-i tinv nwli al aa thenti. ..! L r..' :ti ;r, 1 Pans -: ii-c wri p..w.;j.u (liie an.1 alteratire Im-nm : the me.!ir-af wf.rt.1. This is im new ao-l oatri-sl uiscvery but haa been ..r;tc n-e-l br th? lei-iinrr phTi,-ian -A t,;l:.r cvan trie with w-.nri. rftil rrrviHi r-sutt-. IK n't weaken an.l imi air tUe ui-n'.ive trn-aa! f y cttliartiea ami rifcysie-. ther trivc en!y tempi ra ry r-tliel ln-liesiiin. natuleTK-y aa-1'.lrcpeirj.iA with fit. ari ! LiU'irvil viisri-ej ire rar ! futluii th.-ir K. h ; 1 h - 1 1 t A pare an I health Is a.-crrd. Jt 'IlN . KKI.l'e). is Pl.itt S'.. N'w Y'.'rt. S.ie An -wt li-rth t niieil Surra. Pne. thi Iuliar jkt 11 t tie. Scn-t t- r 'liv.-uiar. O f f r n f Q J V7 , U U U for 62!!! (JliAM) (iltT CONCERT w hetxasti m: licrart Asso-Jf. Of the City of Leavenworth, Kan. In :errhn-e with an a.it i,t the Leiri-Li.-iir ! unii'ieir .iri.-:" 01 ine. rTrtt!en. tlie I'e-rl Vr Tiers juin-in-e their Ur-t I .r:rv! t...r c-n.-ri an-l I'i-:ri' titi n bv 1. 1. i aic. i.a-t.'te Il.iva-hr.l.K'ri. if ( S332,53SI3NT CASH, . at LVINiis; HALL. L-avwiwort'i, n ttie-i-Vh f '? f Jai-. !.::;. h.r tiie l-aetu i.f v.n Ia..rary. : ..I MJCr-h ;,!-. ariimi-i-ir.i.-t.i sr.ii5v. I Ti:-.- tu. srji, t iurar.1 1. ihr ivr. n r. Se- r n a., .t at-, tu i. r ?..,;.. n-.-riai. h-ut o' I'a .lie tn.ril -il n. Trenr-e ia S.'. j-;c mt.K.at'.m kii o: L.iv-u .ri ;i.i-.ii I 1-i.r.rt It al- j 1 j - inin-n - men ..f S.-.t.-. an i Me ,.'t. ::iir. ef ;i. - i,ini,iaii! a ret nc- atir.iL .. adr.'i-!U- e 1. Is iui.v LU.ira:i I for 810. . itistrl' -uted t-W.ts-J I .-) i 3ka 1 I'll K ETH Ml II II. 3frS- M'-HKim" iirm uf fi.-h fifl - f. t. Jane iieJt. lS-li 1 rrtn ! cash iriii 1 uran I cash rriit 1 vrand esli -oil 1 ttr.in-. ra-h iiit 1 trran 1 cash itilt I irraa 1 c:is!i ut 1 icran-1 ea-h niit 1 irrand eaeh antt 1 trran-1 ts-h .;i 1 grand easti iiiit 1 rran-i ca-ti i)i: 1 trran.J e..-ii iciii., 1 grand eaah uill . 30.UU.I tiA-OflO Ji.vai 1-S.tl liom lo.i) S-tltl V.UU . i o For halajre ot prize aead for eircnUr. ThL- evnevrt le an lerthe f ajicTV i.-krn an.1 uli-ee-ti -u ' the totlir-wiriir BOARD OF DIKECTORSt C. H. furf-e. Mereb't. W. . (run Li. ttltr Fiatr. 11. Lv Newman, liauker. P. t. lejwe. Capitalist, H. I. Rosh. Iaimher. V. K.Mnrehead. Merrh'L H. W. liilteit, Mer ii't, .1. L. W ever. il. II. O. . Prexi-tt. Ctu l. J. W. Fawii-h. Lutrrer. Jaa. B. avIlrbeB. Farner. Ik T.C'arr. rrhiteeL, C M.jller, CasU'r tier. !. JJ, OFFrCT.RSt E. H. Dnrr.e. Pre-'. H. L. Xewmtiri. Yi-e I- . tiits F. Pit s-.-ott, sr. Cwrl .M oiler. I Ten. Xae Will known eliarai-ier. if me I.ir-eior" of the Mvp-antife IJorary A--iath and 1 he eo ierse ment j-r aer.Usl. is a suitvlent Kuaran.ee to aii ah. sent tn ket-tmiilers that their interests wiJl t fully guiirleii and prtKeeied. Ail tv.rr.-sj.rfi-ien.-e strictly rxmudtiziioa1, a&J any person dram inn a prise need n it t ku-.HB uuieaa tlier xidefirw. ; Ti.-ket' -In. wit it .rixi( will tw cashed on tijjtit. - Tina b the crandet. aafest an-1 b.'sl enten.rlfie ver Keie-irjil w tlie 11 Iri le . iiii.-iai iisis 01 wiiiiim-r r.nmn-rs tiii ;i- .-.nv ti. - f a I .n. t.n F'or ir.r..m.i:I n an l tk-kecs a.lilrxt. HAMriKUOEStttl.. (i.-ueral Aa-nta. Liberty -tis-t. New .-rk. Tt kei aent C. 0. 1. t "uir eapeitse. Aicent a antt I. Liorral cttatwi.-sica pai-L Ula7 r r UT W tl I nFF H IR'H PAPER ..! .' -iters Canvar, ,Be nigral lenns. Ssend for cirralnr. J. It. FOK li k CX., New York. r. t .li!.i. 1 S.. - .. VVOI-A1AI.I1C. Ts. K.A m'i -- vicnirf-;- .r.iiJiHU Uf iu'- -TV. (irAIfir Llte HUIlirtirr; 1 t aaaErrS-ei-- A GREAT OFFER !! W will pay U iii'j 4) pr wli !-, m.h.wh will D-fa wiib oj &t wkt. Lrcrf lulug lurumti- - 1 j "ii ) m r fl-liirr-m A t.iit LIEK a. CO.. ntartutl, MI. h. I sVCHi n! tN( V. or M tl Lt H A C 1 IM ! 1 HmrktrnMrni ta-tiue kii I -riin 'Am unv nu a:i-HM ol any fKltuU tht rhiuse tn- 1 ' wantiy. Thl. cmnle mratxl luinniiiit ail'mn ' j (r-ttrr. by mail. 2-i -. tc.f h- Wi'h a i - 'mjrTUruh e. rrvrirr-m ,riMi. iirMmi uim.. flu 14 ie. W..;it.y Xiiflit Si.irt. A .in-r '. ""a. A:rsa 1. w UJ.l..n t o . j ,11.11-i,..r i fMUila. .lAt. I l.v its (r,:i. ? . . H. K WKTZ. j t-nitr. ,-ia 1 is F.ii:n rvct. New Y-.rfc. FIRE! FIRE I ! FIRE!!! FIGHTING FIRE! gfRts Wanted .1 -r iie ki.r !-i f rV- ;r. if n.i ; m ca mi i,t J in?-i.n.i ;uilil- . 'o-iueri!' i'.re l'n Vi aiir. t:eaia ami , taa: lnurr.nr 1 it rjfr-? Ir H'- I'.a- Mnimr-miQU II. ,w t-i Ii:utc k- is- the irr-.it Kirt-J i-i 11. ,!..:. Aen: cin-niara. Yoo will uc rrvtr:' if. s-u' fi ..;lllll i , s-ll-i 1-1- ". . j re? Iru-:iii, ijiiaiaa a. (.v.. lianr. nl. cu j AOEXTS vnnosl t!i- Xc H'lr . 1 iV'k , ill in tho 1IV n-kf i ymv wirti In iias-. Trn, i- r. i! 1 tv. -alllinz Kvirsi'irkin uvrairt X r"l,''. Kfl r.f incn-.t ai:-i peov. . .. V ATI !: ' t k III Tlr- I A . i f V Tr-ar. trllrw, W1I.KY, to.V, llartkKL, 't. Nt'MEROr.S TF.STS II V YK PEOY f li N. F. BURNHAM'S NEW TURSIKE! VATER WHEEL, To bo the best Ever Invented. . 1 PAMI'IILET FliKE. AM'U?S. Y' IiK. J'A i i -. i CAMPHORir-E. ; , '"! I'"ln! PailaJ !-Tf- ir-'.' ,!is-nr ! i rcn-t "I j.iia i a fir- .; . i::i.v '.'..le ! enre . Khcnraatram. ehfonte an, ) iti. It ban a lrl-rkiiAt aibl iv ire- , t will not irri-ae it fiain liir-ni -t i'.. 1.. , liKh aiakct It a liirnry In ..-ry famtly. 1'fi : ' Si n-rits trr-r l.niie. I'ur sale tv ail r'niiKti ; ' ItEVBEX IIOYT. Frt.i. :. r. U Y irk. , J-,'":,t '. AGENTS WANTED rK THE iHome of God's People, awu-W i r erarr!1: '.tft rr-rruT r;. w r-.;-. w be lite i.ucj-t il.-f-i.iisl surer-, r-.f -iiin w:tli 3-t..ni-' rat. ii:v. It eijirr- i'.i xieaT'.v Mfirtifi.s-nt K.nr-iT:r.cJ S;.i - i.i olifTtuui'.y P.r aireuti to ra;:k- tn-or-y. i f'in-iiiar. (srt-iii.ii fnti i irti'"':r- a-:: tr-.i-, -tn free. AUIrr- JttsTlN. OILMAN" fc . Hartf-rl. t. We Want an Agent! I ,a uu, t3,hii. to eama -f the new. 'tui." , : aol H. ;ll hv v jun , . ., J , . .. ... ! i ine science oi a new Lre. i Kisvimtni-n-livl ant en-t-.r-r-1 t-yr y.-.p.:. , 1 trrs. hyirlaB. reiiai-.u-aivt -r-ntrir y Otttr l.iS like U l u iilji ei. jyj 4 , , rs-rs". ., .s-k guar- i ani.--t. .o-it--- CWAN l1.. 13 EUhtli.it.. Xn. Yirk. Ciie3B Farms for Sa Near GtiGaQ : "i ; "I'l ' M HY OO Tl K'.XVS OK M:!;!7KA. wiiec vi.a can iMiy a., line lore.ir z lana at ttie un frfT ?h n :m. iini-r-re-i un l uuimi-n. at from u n .-r. rmiri in-m 4 ! f am., wiib in tr-m 1' oj wilr ir.m 1 hirsir'. in j fi-r-.r the Rn't tiain inr ri urrri-'?1 in A:ii-ri-a? . Vive r-.!r. '. rv w runuin fchpozh th.' o nnT. ! ' a.r..I 1 ttr h lni-r" iiruwr f -n -1 L vr-r.ii j ir xl ' lira : A M S ALL VAN'. i r-'.wn I Hi". L; k? . a:!' . m :u. AXXOf.VCEMLXTS. A!! r nn un-r'Uit-nkA must le crcn-i)ai.i-.! x. th-e cjiii. K:vp -i..iiar will t-fil:.ir-; ! -r v-v h an rrr u:k- Tii'-nt wjtfi th .X'r-'ron i : r,-f--r nu :i-t'-rwl Pot-rH-wJ! VirAjT. Ut whirl, trine i'-t- ASS EVILLY: I train sniK-nrt.'.' mvTffl viuMt. 1 b, nailer visny UllTTH-rJt--1. J. it. McXlLJ.S. TKLAnI ill.il. 1 a.iin i.r-T inyv.-if tf. K j.u'ui -n v r f the ruri Va)M)i fc-r sj i n-nfr. r-iurn tlruA ti tl IruiKif tut tiix --'utvu C.tlllir Trva-unr. Kei-aMiean ot't at i.i 'r r.iir.-: r':;:.;r.- el' v- ' tHJfi. I j tbe K. j ulii oti?; at ti: ciBia,; pnia-rv ti-x- ti.-n. it- N T Y C iMM ISSI IN KK. I air-ir. r.resmt rnyseif a- a ean-luiate f e anty f enmu--i rer. My IrieteS wij. j-i. :-.j..-i:;-' u.y tlianka fur past taii-. r UA.Mk J. C. ItMIl l li AX. ni' iii. i-.ai.r. . v. Mt Seer t.. !".e.e aurvn-see Wm. Tim-r. f L.riiu.-r Urwnsiiir.. a a '.-u...iraie ier 1 oa;y (V.ea-ini--i: ner. Mr. I--r;r-r h:t-a'.iy-' n a .-la'it.str hard wm-kirg; UepwM:stii. i.n-1 L- a a t elav j.:irtT uan. LALt-MKU. Mc. Svi u.-Piciee ann-:c-? J.nr.l.in i'aai Isiuid. t i. t'pper Turk-yr.s.t tr wn-hij.. a ean-iiJate lurCVuiv C"siiaii.-s.'iKT. MANY YriTr.KS. ItiClR HOt SE KIRElTfiR. AA'e are aaTh..ri-e.t to cnnounee Ja.Hj. frit- h-tiel-i. of M ui.-r 1 tewn-Lii.. a-a.-an.ii iaie ir l'--r H-.wse I-ire-trr. sniieet -i the ..f t rre 1.' (Kit.unui lot. rs al IDeir e. aiiru- pnniary eleeima. At'l'ITUK. I Igiln ..tT'.-r m -; lfl.i the Kecu'-ii -in x-rTi t , tt:e e.rttory aji a eaasii-iate fi-r C'-m,) A?i-i!'.'r. an-l i rmurn tnaiiks ui my irien.tii t -r tiitir irein-rxicr -uj-- r rt ar tr.e 1.0-t t.ritnarr e.-s-ti- n. jess: RIST. Jeuc.r tj KNABt: 4c. t 0.S PI I NO. II INIH BROS.' Pl t.WS. litO. A. F Bl ( E A I U.-tt OIK.A M. The three t-et an l re.-.; p-.puiiir inairumeri a- w , in the market, faiai.-irvir- an-l Pnee Li-r. e.n-' laicii.r tnil t-anieMlar-i tnaiierl tnany a !itrs--. I llaiiLi '1 I t. 1 I.l vi t.. Nov It) Sixth aveuoe. Pittshursrh, Pa. Skiie ar-ct i .r I rirne . C.'s I rTgats. aprilik LIlilliliMTK C1T71"m"rd tiPiPil '3 OJUXJ JLOa PLA5TS, PLANTS, TREES, TREES. Er!y Peaa. ISeani, t'rnt. T .tiiat r- s. tTii- n S.-U. j Pi-tate. and aitatlier st Tnt.irket -rvr-tn-.T-'. faniiijrs, w A lua of tweoiy Tarieut s ot Flower ssrees i.-r .Kie d'.iliir. i Sead war Bennett Pats'. fre. A.tilr.--. ! JAS. lil.NM.Tr. ss-eti-maii. -ji,. 1 s.mi.uiir'1'i 1 i-..siur.r. STATK.M INT of aeeernm nftbe Tr,:-nrer. r Sui-rviirH id s-.iM'rsvt Ij lor '.he vir eouir April it. is;j. 1 ir west CHrr.rr.Msc, Tnr.ArEt,n. To twlaar.t ha mi frtm la-r settt-r;eTt. ..' 11 ! ui.-ateU 11 or k r Id S J 1 ! Ey roehpai i t Au liti-rs f iorvK . . . - Tnt'lerk . It) 7 . Jl 'ilaa-es 6-1 tlrler .lu I..vi-1 Y-.i-i.ij ou svttienivnt - HeaTr Ymm.'' " ll.mia rsiaiurwo Jae-.t. M. TV 3.:(-r i r pi .nk Jt; - K 1 s. u; ir printing ISrra-h p.t t.iH...'1-.et f,., .Mti.rin. " - Je.,,. M.iiie ..77.... -' Pva (oajt.... i. l'i i l i 4.. ' u fiiTjr! Hiii '.a to aw uci f l'tit !i '.'e ,. 7 ... fVT I T.l i f 1 s: Is Jl i -4ie 4 '. s tic. 71i'. .!..::. I. H.-n.-r imnx 44 - e-n fjai Ik Hi-ipie ... R.-n:iniiii Stii xmtn ta .iut,-u:ii et lii e-.a nsrit 1'. ti lt. uie.... J. ISarr J. -Mac-ir."!. S'.m a t "h TneDtntr. . trf 71 I id 4 7 : i 717 t". David lieiple by work aarj mntiriil bridjres Kc - rash paid 15. Slutxmin " Saiarr .. . " Fi.irH-rati.iTi " ' eaeh Isiid 11. ?mm . . 7 i 0 2 Acini larrhTwikand ata-.erial forbrl'rs k-s nt I - cash pakt B. Muliliutn a " I " " - - it 71 . Sslarr 7 u Yj. nrnanf f TM Ifenrr Yonnsr br work bri le material lu'. i-V nl - - " Cash natd ti. Statiruaa 75 ! ' Salary.. .t... SJ " F;x T!tti.j 65 Benjamin Siut-aian. M w. rk. an-: niateTiat bri.li.-eitv. - 14 - " Salary eo to v J. neiraiiotw 07 - J us-.a-e kt mi.ia.ii m Sty UI - - " brrash tnlf J. l 'hl. frs.s 00 L7r4;i TuL..l Baianrw bautd.. SC Jtl 44 M.!sHAVFH. T;l f lerk. r0LUNT.l!V .tSSHSXMEXT. Jae-ib H. riaer, of Si-mm it t..nhip. Suneraet ol U'k'tf rail and perxai estate for the 6-neSrt t.f' Ma ere. liters to tr.e aieienune.! br det bc-trioi; ! 9 .VCU--.il. XH'P'lrJ datetbasth 4r ef Aprtl. l-CA ix.t"e Is her !. v rirea to ail pari e likieoLcsi ta aaid Jaevb K. iraer to rnxkc i.-nrni-sjiate pa.va.-iit an-1 tis-xs Untie-citiins a4Htet hint to prrvnt tbeta daly aa-tn-T-.iean.-d ler atiU-mrul lo lii un. -r-it;ii-.l, at his rerw-troe. in stummit ti-wn?Mp, im SiorJay. June H h. Isto, wata and where he wiil atu-nd ilr that pUTe. Wil. H. HAY. aprJS Assignee. BED LO U N G E Hanufact ir:. Heiii'v Jvxteasivc IPr.i Mr? ?"; O o J 2 : 2 o o xn A ' i rS- . i 1 1 HliW:' -'I. ? V- ;1WT 'n STALLIONS. 1873, J' . f "I-IIGIILAND FARM" 2 lies Ira of Somersel C-r- 'z-S "warn Fire BM PerciierGii Stallion SULTAH! ( i"j. :ii -rt r!" Trrv ri :. a:,-1 t::.- .! tip: Lpt trtv l an-i n,T:--ii:r. m!-! r'i -vy h-irtlr-rii i-.i.-v u 1 ;. : i,tr;v I b;i tj.i nrtl ' T'iiT-r. KamrT ! 't lT 'y lr.-jk to t jiv-.tk- tiuU V9 jo.-, frijit iit j Terms S25, Insurance. Terms 25, Instirance. Also, the Hambletonian Stallion A Vilw.. .ry ran yr- h.i- U i.i.-'i. i-t:;:. llii -. Fitod Mst H, lo. rot hr MWJwu. Urn 4 .ia I y Kraok Pi t., he I.r I-!iM I;K. k li.iwk; he t v Aa'dre Jarktua. Yoaca; Baha. br I:nj-re-i Omu.1 K-iiw Am.-uo. ..iesiiei.iwa l.y KtstTir't HamMet.fiian. 1st dam tr Amrrieaii y M-e. -mivl .1.1.1 t y l.r.-ine. r Iian: 1 1-:. nu-. I Mi-Kilr trrwa -w -'onit m -rautfe id!t. New ris-ai.iv.-'. '.ijil at - -. Hi. tr-.-nen. t rali-ze IV. N w Y-- .t-vMr. I r-: pi - T. I ek. "vee 'o!u7--t. I- t.t. ALHA.uilitA t's.k hr.- .- ...j.. ... ii .. i ... s.. fr..-t,i ltwj. vi.r---i .lesr-m-iani rv 3le-encer. he cao r ' tail to masc iii.-. aiark a a ?ir ef irrttr--. a he re w h .w-. wiih.-tu any re.niar trainlnr. WLtnirri-al r-.-i. Terms S50 -0- Te Se,e, tr,ir.'-!-ei A; -i! 1. sn-i a --inu? thn airtmot the Snnw-r. Thee hrTrs win at aTI tiia.-j t ii.oRd oa wiy i .rm. lartiiiK 1:ha mnr hef.-re .-ae i- in. -xn t.-t-a with (L krfi.iaan lasar-.r-'-e -.ne wh. n ai..rt-is ka..i4n i.. he j at .tn. t- r wlt. Ke- . ar" t.:k"r. i cr re. am -an I t.niy I.mii.-r st-i-oj 1 r'urti wy warmest ihaaksfi r ;h-ir sBj.s-,rt. (eeanat ernn-li-iit that a wilt be '.- i nr ir.ar-i i! he.. I- t" irr.pr-.ee tr.e ! r-e Snek 1.1 I aceril -ti 1 U;i ill - i H'.r--s t. t -ss-i fr"i. try 'aee.iai.-Ii'. iv. iarie I-rii-r- w re i Hi.-r; ear ie- n:ade : i ters at erje-h-it t . ene-in-ir-r !. f. r hr.-eii-rs. kn 1 halves am! the ert 01 brtr-siiri-; u. a lull t-l.-l rihr U.aa a hai'u ii a secwiarr tb.rht. whea it ia 1 l'-at i.-iif-'.i-..ii -.-ii : r :ii -nt v-se-Li.i tu, titan v,narter. I twSiere the "laT has rme bj whea ; aien of iotellivrec.-e wil: hree-j ... rr-T.i.--.: pn-t sernt-s. i In i.iienr.i tue er.'i--s .f my H Ti e to Hp ivrs ami St-.-k rai-e-a of the v. antT. I feel Btbej4tJuar ia ! "sryinir r):a' I v"'!-re mt h r- are ?.s,.,..i ... rv r,e in ili- Star. The atore hnn are.1 onlr t aV .-10 :.-apirreeiuie j. 1'arrre. i.s-:o.r e-H - hre! 1 nlJO. The enTerpri'' snd ( vl.t1 ''e ! bv I tetujtcd by any other farm, r in thi co-nn'iTtniTy. To him in a Terr great measure are I the iiiany i-to k raisers ithis cxntnty in.b-l.te.1 tor the srreat iniprove'mentaalreadT made i iu our stock of hors-s. It is a fact evident to evcrv one, that the advantages of breed- ....... ...1. e...iii . - .. i:1 - 10 i.ii.ii.i.i., nivi ut.rses ar immense, lert-atnrr no one wno Lad an eve to bn:nca will tor a nitntrte stand in his own i i W. W. McKAIG & SON, (cneral AjjjentM for t!iP GRIFFITH & WEDGE PATENT VERTICAL PORTABLE Eiimnos and Saw Mills. OTEK ri0 -ELXGIXES AT WORK. All say it is the liTliey Have 1 M OPtM'S PATENT SWAGE Is the best for Saw Mill Men in America. vSELLIT. Broolibank "s Head SIoekM are Second to IVone. TTE II4VE THE KIGItT TO X1KE tBSELLTIltl. TLeir Ctt Gear Hack aou Lcvtr Head DIocL. Wit's ILiikleuay's Patent Kidter Set. mske more i than tor ..rher 'in-ul-tr S iw M.U iu the a tuitrr. TtiKvlS LIHKItAL AND K SY. t irnjrv uiunr-iprn. i evmigiaii. asxt frte I Parties ownmir TiUllier Land and ei.e-r--n..U.. re-t. .n-1 with as. r L.M UN LS, JUIXS, a,.. iMmisiici . -a nbort nf.lee. A v. av. MeKAlo ?rrv. tebtN IXECrTOH'f? .otici:. Lsitfcf Joiia rtur .sl. Uie ef protbetsiraliy tp.. tteerased. letter of atttnlni'mtlon en te -iNre rt.-ite kartni len eranteii thetTOtrrMBTMstbr the pn.per auibonty. sxMl-e Ls hereby corn tj tb.'sr tn let led tn it tu make lmmtstiate i-ataient. an-i thuee har nvtf ekiima aatwinst U to prex-nt tiiewi n th auder ataned li x-nienient and allowance, at tbe late rea kleace of tali deceaxnl, on Mi.nrtar. .tone 1 I5-3. HLNKY'PLNkOK. f'ril- Fjecator. , n Sol I i.t 13 sia .'irft2(II., St., Pittsburgh, Pa. ' " - l't it . r (f) 2 c o I Waaat o -5 t,Pa. f 23 ten M te IijoetsJ BLACK ! rfe-ti.iO M4 a I'raft Hr-?. " ii as a sire. litlia esr ; rtV:i..n, as fr.-fwa Urn rail ac tbe Colt Li:-l- i n. :a S etl (.'mu ax4 rt ooe J- M hT i,!tit a:-js. sri,j h. S. kin. L4. hi.- sliv i Ttvir-'i-i tn Jaa. r-rhhrh be nn.4 t-i tnk" u ;han J ?jh Ka$, rioeiei aa St ijf- I- r hi irrTn'iim euK. a eomisa; ?mr I.L.C. naoa-r o( hit rK have beem fcinAtyht in;ni We-irti'TL-ir.'! t-Jthit''ODrtT. forocte oiwh:rtl v ha tn pe:!. and an offer vt IMdJsKd ir ao-'thcr. - v Auiallab. br Maantiriim. l. Imn si. T i.. at 1C 0. I-uraw-e. and nut tr. k-x.k. i r - niiatn a: Sr-ire Fair, in Is"-, a'.., fim pr-mioiai at - i! t'ake. iii,d .rthera. truttiBzin i-ac sn.1 h.,r...--. i 9 6 1 t 3 SJ CO LEICESTERSHIRE trremiuni .it Joi.D-ti.wa lair last f.i:!. t-einx the a-imraooo of ail ti Insurance. with t.s.1 1-...1 uen. ..m isj. . tat iir tr leeiilent.-. S-merwt I'. nn-r. wbieb is osseh De!el. Thw esrin-ati.ic. t ihefniT war that a deeMed impmra- Io.l f..r fii,i.'rM...i ' mtlir thn rrat K.if n.l .-tur- - .w:n - rthi.t Hr hn-arii tn a. fnll.fij m .h. the fouviwu-.z svlin at kail toe manri-rice. PETER HEFFLEY. Mr. lie ffier far surrassett anrthintr ever at- way b.cane of tbe difference in price. Ed. Best Engine Made. Saw Mill in Hartet an-t iru.-r I.m-w i.k r ti,..'. i..l. vi ui Lit rT7,;.he.t on arplleatloa .r.-. ni::. :u j ,. . 1. . . ,..,Uu,,wiiitii iiHu(tWnp . irsi-erai .tw ir tnc Unaat a. We-tea M'nafartttrW (i. CVMB-U-JXD,M1A ADMINISTRATOR'S xotice. Kftatc ef John C untt-Tmaa. laote r Somerset tp .. Letters of admintatrMioa oa tbw aNrrw Mtatw hanna: been Krante.1 to the adrt(raed. not lew la be reby riven to tbews uauVbted U H to make t-ns-tl late pay menu and tbuws hartnf clalBH antaat K, to present them, doir aatheetlcmred for settieoMtit, at tbe orttce of Jvka O. KiBaTMl est Frkta. ta St day of Junw. UTS. J. O. KIM MEL. Administrator wtik wiU snn-rtT-t il Si r .1 It i t ! 1 i d i v. it. r