t iVn? 01 PnWi'-irinn. r, aM ' e-TM K 2-.- Printing Carrjuny :-:' l s- vll. i ;-:--- AT LAW 1... : 1. -.j. T' kVSV . . t- r-z j 5.MT AT LAW. TT 'i'i:T lTLl i.lW ;W a. LTh A;li- A X.A - . -Nil AT LA ; LI- ATT' i.E1 AT .. '.-:-: v ..-i- '-p ' j :c t . .--- . i - & : -i : v-r . - . - -i. ' i 1 . i: J r LTIV.' .-UNHAM AMIS RUSSELL CO., a:td cijaes. 222 Market Street. r:,7HtA. -ISOM) HOTEL r-f- -. r - rrrsBtrRGH. 1 -. Ai. tketh:: J. I . Yl'TZY. i( 1: X T I S T .z"": jt lit ' Art L ' t m V '.(TJ. ? r .Hi Cofrroth V Co 30 Baltimore St, PLTIMORE. MD. 4 '- H.OUK MILL - I IVNL-.A" KILL." . fc .: , i p-w Ai-iVT:5lkiT. rn 1 The VOL. XXI. HARDWARE. Few Doors At eve the Old Stand. 31 AO'. Hirdware cf Zvtrv IT.".. .!.7' 0 Udeii Mare of ill Kiad. CO A L OIL LA MTS. ii'ALnlL. CHIMNEYS. AIiiiL. pa:vt : :l am. : r.Y. ati PAIMEKS GOIDS IN GENERAL. Table Knife and FrL. rr. 2 p J HOP.NF.I: Buggy, Carriage LIGHT WAGON M AhUFACTUBER, SOMERSET i - f j w LLi'iH a.-.. T tr..: i-ie-a v ible rriee. Fin-t CTav- Carriage. KflST WORKJIEX :.l-( 3: tr ' -..T ' . -X . 7 t I -- H :l ire oi;.e,'4aniri i. A . fc s- J rryrt- I:EI -AiniNi AND I'AINTINO H '.rr-ti V - t.. u -1 et M a 1 fXiSiiK S J W.CX Ml .TiW- Iv J E"i.ti- wm. boose &co r-rrv-r,-. r 10-, SALISBURY. : : i'XrA.. CASTINGS k 3IAC1ILNER Y "ejrrt ru- pr.yt-T 1-1. A -iT- w X f E a . .0. SJ-. COk P Sr7t fw. Fi- QROUSE A SHIKES. sti r ite pa. mar1 Mcc-jrl rf L. K. JtirttA fXJf'.'XS a on. -tutu 9bU:l Toliaeco and K; 40- lariet tret. AWe Frta. phllillph:a M-K H Va.-:1 t-r .i r. Pv T1 53 G iKEAt IXl't CEMENTS. irte-rUM Frt:; Iwt. Viui ut I -a HAUNEI'SVILLE. r ;--Aj Aia il ktr -! Vt t X WAKE TIN ANM SHEET IKON WAKE. brtzjr. frii ttw i4 i Hne raraUklBs fIa Ma'ce Cambria County BANK, m. KEIMitCO., JOHNSTOWN.PA., 1 OmtxI Raaiiar Bi- TrarMf W. John 1'iuKr.T i co.. No. MAIN STREET. J u II NTO w X . I E X X A W if i rraru vrx-:i- is :r pan ? ti Jm,wi w s'.f fr 2"r.ji Z L i. r frirci' J ii rx-rmm 1.T : ,r 1 J jH Miii-LT k OA J"IIX.-T:V SAVINGS DANK. la CLINTON STKEET. CHARTERED SEPT.. lHV-- tbe carriare ,ad-ji:ery.- :ne: f f. the tp.ansactt -n F ElINr FE3. U l-TI. F 4K "FLV I :LT T5l" V I A V I.1P. al- -v wl:-vI'ay 4M'it- LEAN'S E. UP. EI 3V rNI AND ! -:-:t; a-t i - real estate r.'.r. i.r ovarastled. 1 imwr. tv-.;- e rc tx .-t iir" til T. J v.- KElii. c Ul LLI-t-i- s-.viac r. I---AZt'OFTit'STLI. Jia'c ; Iai.i t-. r- 0-ey Fr.-t. A. J l-w-. F '. Kf J J. Ursil. Itifi X -L;x- J3 W ;- HrtJ. LsT t -:l. " B I-a P.-. . -:. V .-tri Slfsr. I T MUA .'.IJIr-.llIl. J it err Pr--ii.- treli t r. u.c K' EIM A LIVENGOOI", 11 A X K K K S . SALISBURY- LLKLICK, '. t. nri ii si unruia ti! --, Ju JT -3 crTJsa? Q o o R E C E I V E D za O .O AT 1 3 t ic I TTT 171TTlTlTi'nTi,n n O 2 O i O GOODS,! ou p NOTIONS, 2 .' sGROGERIES, Br bj t& rzD. axr! oa ; Cj J. u urn r b usj irLvAr krp Ike , 3 ; C - oFpfeirrr u- svOMFRSirr IIOIM Ja.jtr . 5Ef FFJJ. s ol rim WITH A. EL Franciscus & Co COTTON VAKNS. BATTS. WICK. ; Twine and Ropes, Fi3LAjij. exocac. FAsrraAtAE Woodei acd WUTow Wire, 4c CARPETIXG, r C e OIL CLOTHS, MATTING. RUGS m M--t ym art ii Cum 01 Kress. Philadelphia. 00 niei SOMEIISET, THCKH. . TI 4 lK!l! UAli MKT 1 f. iTi IVai u lis 1 ra;i ii ruti ! Aa Ktsiiau cfcti r. -xjt. ' Be rrisjr. Tmj crjassi. X.tlrr.xi !ts!u;na titwi iti. CViit is i !s.ii- DIVORCES. SPEECH 'F Ha fa J. EAiS cf Svr, .1 Delivered March 13, 1S73. lbe L ai: iar ua i-.r c-, :ae Cotian:t ri...r i o f r-a Lri-:-J---a. Mr. :Le fnijirir.' ar..rad- ir.y Is- i? jv-i-d eai to rraa: a uivorre. a a.er.t. e:z: " N--r si.;; a p. '-riaz e.-r; rt.;-i.:, n tins ;h. .r aar ca-? i.:- s a v. :a wt:-:a aa.eaiai'. ws : Mr Bajl M- Cbairaiaa : I ri.- i;h irreit d,f.i-ao to defea-i tie aa iaeat j :-t c Jer-L I ka-w tbit it is ra ii.-a!. b.t f.--oad-! :a tr.tb aai ;a-;...e : aai I by-Iieve tbit a-: w tie tis:e aai here tie t ize to iatr.-iice :t : lutl a-i CTrawe-i v the (-. a-s-;: :a-ae tba: I am wb.iy uaiV? jo d jati'-e to tie &a? j-et. Taat :be prt--"t.03. ia tbepreat state . f .r-:e:y. will no: oaiv mex with laiob fivr. Ij: wo-aM'j f :e Wrlr zi-'-r-y ;Lia biaise' f ,1 :wa aa as. I;d I S t. t: native da:y : iaaate 'rc-f.-re d-a it aa Ira- . v aa i . aad a cca- oi-aess taat .Ie datT he: I vouid f4n to d ?. if I faHe-i cr E V r Z. lected t urre seb ae-.dae: bei.evrd woaid tea l to tie tsasi we.!are I e of tae tae. ar faaiitr.eatal aai wou.d aake ca law eaaireiv- asistea with the rrcat aad eternal p r'acip'es which under-ie ill rjveraaeat. I woe'd h .Id ray peace f.r -;t is hard to kick araiast the pricks." Ba; havi-r ia-trc-laeed the aaeaJaoeLt earir ia ca-ses-ioa. aai fadiar that it La'i f;aad ao favr ia Cvaisalttee, I aa eos:peiI--ed to offer it here whore I aav rive sacb reav.as as I cia f.r the faith that is ia tae. aad establish if possible that it is at leas: worthy cf c'csider ati a Tbe priac'p'.e involved ia tbe ataen iraeat i-. tbit aarrisre. which "r.Sb ad foaa iatioa of s'-ci- pr:s? ail tbe V3T ' aad fcipp:aes cf aaasral. aa i npa w hich are ba.se! the hopes aad we!I- i.-e.ar ol a aavx-a. t a cr V''r' ' Tr-r' ?rf . . , - e nt'jr' t-r rr-y: est w fatlr de- a ; ;v c ia case-iaence o: wca: 1 deea a Ia. sentiaeat of this and prerjon are. create'i by tbos who. tbirb tier sarcee-ied in aoai-iin public seati- 11 so ia virtne cf tae.? k!.1TWAl ?r. T.TT-r-affcA 1.--: .-, rt oa t&e plaia priaclpte pjaaa prtac'.pje of cc-aaoa sense, as f an 1 dwellinr ;n tbe aver- d r? i ! y aa ovtrwhriiaiar ni: ritv facied pria.e oririaal states cf uan. rtKalei lav GoJ. that tbe re-; tbiak, shown that acithc-r s-"ety cr ruach as tie iasiitatioa is not by coa-i-- ''TI " t." 3 ! of the eievtor of tkt :f sabas".:-' a"c-ieat to aii socie'T aad inde- i striction araiast tbe aaiiLar of a . marriare are creatares of c a tract, tract, it caaaot. like a co-atrv.n, i Tl'Vl t" Ti"." l- ; te d to tbeia. I cave n dosU. But I f j Iatretl-i- f BJaa , xBarriar fey rrexeat of lt f4--.ie, bat tla: they re institat.'oru arisiar 'fee rescaade-i by tie parties X-y'C'pslVS' '" Vti , f-ar I sbai be uaabie to win Rjrjth fa-' ":C' - Search tbe traditions of er-j is aa oawiiiiar reccyaitioa by tie . out of raaa's catare. it is neeessarr the tsarriare ; for that oaiv taar be ! It" v li-r.-CT"1" ., 7" vcr f-. it ia tbisC-Mivention, aad wZi .- 1 -iy4; exaaaire all mcrJ, v j Sute. tbat marriare is ot m re;to rofarther bef:Te we cwa deterriiae re-e va-ecan .0 (iVT nwlh rrrfrhizi .'rl aad profaae. a4 wer d-xirrl WrC.bah ta .iw5 ex.-taacethe'qaestion at issc-. ; b-r corapetea; piartiei. I X --T' ' EiA2" i dictka cad-by ot of oar cseraVrs fi ti,e vide ace of sath a state ?, s aa iastitativa of tie law of nature, Froa the preai.-s established,' " 31 As it Is tberefjre part of tbe ! ''X r ar!y ia tbe sessioa. wbeatbe qae- Writers oa ebntia ethics may well j which law iaseif pwlija tbat aay bow far can tie civil cr ratta-Vipa!1 law : mad as. aader car :a.rT of - T.';' t"""'- ' tioa of pi.Ii-h:ar the delates "was ia the historical rec disolutk-a ct tie raarriare b:n-i, ei-, law ro ia ea!arr-iar cr res-trainiar the r-veraaeat. no law. ia w hoie or prt. i-",f. ,ii! -Tx'! aairrr disCus-Iva. tbat it wosii be o'dstfiie wb-'.e world there is no cert f.r tie ca.-e or a.i'J,;rj, is not orlriaal iastitatioa aav t aaaaHed or rep-aiei excep-tj "! " "tt'. 1"--?i- S ; are haaaa a'n 1, aad as spiled to tfr natnre of aaa's !e."rr and his re Q Iatioa to God. bat ca sv-we fancied theory cf tie trltte original sure cf W j aaa aatecedeat to a I society. nd in C5 ; dependent of the law of bis leTnr. 2. ' or of bis re-iatioa to that jrvi; aad O iio!v le'sr wb: created aaa ia b: own iaare . and that, therefore. V-th ? The two tbe-i-ries indicated raise tbe wfc.-.Je qnestioa involved. And sp . , oa the Adoption of either depend tbe tmth'ulaes r untmthfilr:es. the vice or the virtne cf the pr'acipk ealrace-i In the aa-a iaooat. If on tbc-crri a i::e4R.T aaen iaent is i - -r - , tse iintrt i it. naveu,ti03. i 'fccnieJoa the eternal pria-ples f t ea yoa and tsa ia warrant the as-. fjri4k? hrs tHde. Nay. whHe tbe B-' For ea exaaoiaa; cf the true . spxl aad UaciBf poa tie jois v.. te Q4X fcr 4 t : truth. c-w?xtenslve with aaa biaself, v..ue 'Tf-V f;oae nurtures? and cares for toe. ??lr;; Aad esse ace cf oaaicpal !. cvusoeaces v. M wem. iae pf.- fTti.whcie Lfe lt it s ta" Aciwlib fclQ raat staal And ia m" sarrvaiered part ol bis be a?' TOB3, aes ia tfee dea. tbe aoble fi-'we find tbat tie ksks wr of a c:P'e avcived ia the Aaendaent ss - , nt' .v,. ! order tdteraia- the question iatel- ntiie a.- sere :atwe tfeAt were ja3t 0f forest roaas At Urre ia StAte which estAb-lhes And crdAlas f-oaded m trath. and has been est a b- tronr a it L"aav Wdi vei Ilrentlvand c rrcctlv we should ex-! L a Wb" r'-tf 18 lL faa-i quest of foc-i fed" tbis roval famiiT. i i-aualclp: law, Ls ia its sovereiratr, , I ladepeadcnt of tbe laws c. fca f .j a.,Vi: h- Aairy Vrb tbere and ee wlich is EAtural stAte cou.d aaa p-si-j Aoj w.w rival who. At abt : nni:e-i bT the Iaw cf natare aa4 the : 't. Molest, mean, ia.it in'mocs and trae. v"y have Lai that were 3 eoia-; t eBtfr bis paradise no-5 revealed Uw of God. wbica Are cot And I an bold enocrb to as.ert, 'drTad:-' Te'ast rias2--i of aH ' -.t IIJ tfc . ft.l ' -T--3r L:s r.zlU ia society . : inThed. UoIt superior Uws. bet are tbe aiti- that ao matter Low CI ricaliy and 1 -- ZV,'.' ' . . i lj are reair to proc:a-ai iaw a fo- eace, aad tbe coo-CKa law the perfec- is-xj ot auaaa reason, to nse ci to v. v- t a t . ... a . r - - i - tie fall staadard of their prciessional n tsriJ tT f4Vs C."J o a te ever beard of diraitT, an-I meetiar this qaesti-a P44 i B: t res-r.ctci r.y payiar JAise to bu bnd. sv-n nr'M - i-i'tm t't.or pwer And Ability ! sorely kc was' ilAa oalr descends Io Ttsl-l ur r-cit'hi-'imtii, st Euiiaii It At aot could . scale as that. lathe a tioa exreptioaal cosequeace and ''n B aiivs k..y ;au,eac 01 tae iart 01 ciarr.nte sutatorr esactiaeBU of were kuAiaa'4'3 EJt Lisorj of the world, ! mAiinr ia p-a'irs ia aaa aad. beast oriria 'ro back to the source aad ' 3d tl Laaaa rAce, prove, eoa- froca Ariist days. is. a coocinsiTe foantAia of oe?eT nrriv Lef clastTelr prove. iLu EiAa only fee-ir-roof, thAt the iastitutioa is one of whole field of laws.'kiiaa and di-: vine, and ee wtetter. ia all pr :pcr-! tioti. iii k.ws of aarriare and d r-i -.v c. . i . IWK - LU O-J t m fci 5. Li L .CS. , .which are eternal aad enderbe -v:.l . . y j j t- ... kfijta . e riLU uu?imC ail f sound law ' aset F.ST.A HLISHED, 18-2 PA.. WEDNESDAY, Aa J I call up o thirty-two Jay j zed nits ia society, will satisfy Aay i.nibtr of llli b-.ij.xo exiaia thjC.a3 tbt s-x-icir ea'.irz?-. develvj. qa-st; a iavo'.reJ, cartfailr ad pja- rur aa-1 dfD.la:L nLLiof ca; r-r;ra:f vurly frt frai all fre;tidiirei : aaJ tbt aas taurrr, nbltery, thth. or nr:ct i ni. ario? from tilsUzz' Wizz, v.a?t f.r;L i&rnare laJ ccstoas c-r fitin? !aw. bat ia tie liLt cf re.3 and tb- well-besB of I a c-rdk-r fa.T'v to dicui aad ua dvriual the Jerth and lradifa aad) di-f.-.ii f tl oueti a inTtd. it ! tt-o-rs.irr t zi lfk ta.tbe ber"a- i. tbiar to tiedarj wtea iaaa c.-ti apjieireu ua ree siare. - . .-1 aa-3 ana:a t: a tb-a. w Li! was hs eoadi Tbtre are tbv?. aa-i ja Tai aaa- Ve. wbo :ea-:h aad beSIewe. nbat sv'cai. aal if tie ctr .r r'.nue f a social : ri-l to its Jlai";-. taij-Lt be aaauiied eaija.n. aad tbat prior t4 tbe forma- Lr ao ra-e a: :Le cir-r piaarc aad lion f tbis s-x-ial ?:a:e maa wa : will of the paries. For it a pria f .-r. jiaa ;s-e cf nature, wboa. a. ; rit-a' cf law aa I coiiiK.a seae, iLe Krt sJTi, i , tbat tber wbo caa make a roatract Err uii aotn IrK aix" Tbatia tbosedajs an apjieare-1 up...a tbe eanb as d.s tbe bru:e or tie Uist of Sril rior Lere. aa I i J.--Z a- be woal-i eiiuar as a ialiridaL iadeieiicat of a'i o;b- r a.ea Lavia z aytlizz to but u eat aad Uriak. aad do wbatertr bis beart r.irvedbisi do. ia wbkb sta:e of; ail ire ;Lt.c wereao Lttsaadi a w;vts a-ji property ao taaiiiy- iO aa::oa ao nts ao roars ao X'otbiar but tb iadiridaa! aja oa iLc ssa.e piaae wi;b the be-. .,f tie trll. Tbit ! '.ii ti aad ii3 H-i stpnrai. Tby w.. ii! Lave y ja believe fro a tbis sa:e catare cea caae v.sa tiri.'y t-.-retber aai orastiuited socie ty by e - raj-a t. eah reaouaeiaz a Tb :Li :ry, I aai sttt to say. is a I ,.ea dirtet'y or iadirer Jy, by a rea.; k4.- .f ia&Liad. wbo wvid c:-asii.;r i: a vrry sreit iaait to be csiied aaytLia eise tbaa cbrstiaa. Aa ::Ler tleory. a--t cxre beatbea to a.v ciad. tbaa tbat just Eieaiioa- d. a- s. -".'hi a: erst nwa eraar- f t ear.b a iv aid c- a-t T'.Tjis. which tiT Ceve.ow - d tr . ai a , , wer to erta-.ia. aai ia a birber vr i-r of cae time a-rarei tpoa tae .-tare as Urates aa l daaib aaiaais. f ritir.r. at frst. n'.tL Ssts; -d scra;.:h:r with taii f.r acorns; aai will traits, aad SaaiiT witb arias' that aeees-ty ia vested ; their mde rrifs they rra 'aaiiy f.-naed into ar - tica. - .ei iiarasre; aad Laea Baiv;ar ; rra .ai y a-rendei ia the soale of, ieisr. aai haria assaaje-1 aa erect i f -rai tby ciae torttber; by iaeaas ' -ftbeir craie laaraare tbey raade a. - liai e.-a; pact, which ec-c-nitcted . aad faadaaeaul law aad ia . j-. .-. jt -.- i ,i.r. B:; what evidence. I sk, tiists aaywbtre tbat sastaia either of tbes se ipa.t." I: aai :he;ry. aad has ao f.-aadativn ia the orieat aad rt the aaa. and teu ae bow voa; hiai there! In tie f.re: Teii tae. d jes he with totbitr but r.aai as a r- -e. .a tae capacr.v of :ad:r:d-a. n:aa. or a" a be;ar p- sesse! cf rea.s.n. aad ia so:IetT Yc.r aaswtr caa oaiy If : We ! fad tuaa. wherever he is kan-i even ia tie fewest zaab.-rs. n.etner in : ".T.e: ietV ; t cr oecideni. in tbe state of( aa toa paster tae invest;-; it'oa st;; farther, vco are coar- f.T-. r ae cf ns veo.-.o . sj-.a a sta.e vr suca a f tiv iruas t-.iL.;e w-ct. out coii, ; I te acsaowJeired d-.t."aae cr taj bv tae sarreae wer. aad as tae . . . , - " " c .j.a. t. 1. ex:sts oa'T ;n tc;i-:a ; -iaaciich as fcv ;t aiiartisuce ao . Mate ;s: Tilt s-arere:zr.tT. cr tie soverc:ratT of tL.s ?tite :s ca.v .a-, e-i to knwiedre that aan eater? ;beinr . p-: ssessed of Gi-d-Iike facnlties. soc::y as a atai.r of a family. 13i show ae where is the evidence cf Adaa aad Eve are the trn rnIe aadi:he iastitatiia of aarriare as a mere feaale aaa we have any record of. s.iI contrart? Who were the Srst i aey are tae nrce roo-t 01 a.i tir - -! aaa 6e:nrs. if the rec-oris are trae. rec--rds are trae. and theT frst at-i-arance isia!e-j :y.-- -ale aad female aade the rr.an.";.hv fact, fcr direct proof "or bv everr s:fse3irnt Lutiiaa If iar into s-xietv. But if roa will n:t ccn-?de the Adtaic orir'a of. aaa. aad deny the truth of the state-; aent. Willi: lI'.ow that apa tbe j .ii...e '.a.a. ,u- rwtrse i , !i ; provea ; Let US sy; Take ae to any place u.-.j - z. i-e.e ...n - -, j. where fr.ra aes-s of country faalne. war, j-es-U- -caw, co.i..'.-a c-r n oa- iv oae faa.iv :s ' ..-an 1. I caa yoa . stow ae can ia .t independent ore aa i doiar as he will ? No, yoa aano-t : for.wbether y3 r to the ) o" i or the new world to deaonstrate : voiir tbevrr. evervwhere r&a wrjll be" o: afrcnte-i by the presence of aaa as; aaeaWrof sic-iety. Wherever fee his first bea seen be has been fosad 33 ad thoarh tou aav ad a -tv.t on eartti. remote enoara :ra ' all other r-Iaccs.acd I DIa it A ha-' aaa w-;nr at "one faaiir. a a. ii ... -e -ei; aaa and i!e: .'.,., r,,T c:al o'raa.zation. waicn i at once a ; a nitioa ia eabrvo. aadl. charch. And the head of K, at once a :atir .tae a:ar aaa u.e pnest S w i;h no evidence of oriria ; And Tea i .1 - 3-1. feat tou therebT know it traiy, tbat this orraaizatioo is cva5?;aA;, a foaad from wboa" les- w itn tsiaa. As5ii.ifir. bow, tbat yoa ! ai lb i taese reiationsei:si;ar. bum tfcea do voa Sa i maa ? Ioes the eond "s t a aaa ta society tea tbous-. - a savare never drcaaed J i ' j". ik v . l .. -. . nr m inn 1 -tr inutaj a.9 lif uwm voaes p-jwerful ia svjeitty. and that ; lt birber a nalioa Atuias ia tbe scale; of intellireace and civulzatioa ti . more rwerfal it bee rae ? I . i .. . . . . v:, -i e, ucir c-tiAf uimn ui uot fancied state cf aatare. And at civili- vUi-1 7. MAY 7. 1S73. ; aad ait crises, isvri i irer? pri-ae or'eisa" ai:-ril r'rtts, L Las f 5rreaCere-i non. aai ti.i leature - ' ia the c:a1 &y&ttt tLeorr fi.A. If this tie rj were tme ; ifi:ert based oa iarja:rj7t-rt:'le fat. aot aiacA-! but proTed; tbea iadted ! wocid ?eie:T atoead c,xa eoatrart, 1 - i r - s aao rirr ire oe aa .zi iv.a oi - 'ttr ; ai l tbe oa-.-.jua w.d e ir- iresis-.a'. V tbi: .arr.a ;s a civil ea- tra-.t. aid luar be ai-Ii-d f-r aaj ar ' jiei'. was ear- -sa a.s-o usraiie it. as w ix eea or lie fjli-wia? daitii-a uf ac.-a:rict : - e.-a:raci is a e-:aT-B;iva or arreaitc: by Licb two a uore per - Kas c-.af:at to f.rai bvtweea ibcai - se;v s- oie !awf! aad biadia? azree- taea: or to rescia l or m ;-i.fr it." prec-re-.iii? ote Are y-a reidy cja:ra'rt tLr.ry. faa-ilr. uadtrii-i: to eau.. rse ti.s esvu aal destroy tbe e s-xiety. deraje 1 out cf the iaar- pabl: c racra.s. a: i riare K ad raake a mere rr of saad? L oa-e-jueaces t! : a t w o ai d nr.rera r ii t fvii.w. Nay. ro-i wuli not : bat, as tea. yoa tbrow y-.urseif back cpoa tbe ?:a:, aad cvasoi- y-arself witb tbe s..Ia.:aj e.as..uiiva. tbat as tbe S:a:e ai:pti :b Lrfrsy. yoar skirts are tiear. Bit. sir. to-day. aad sow. tbis body represats tbe S:a:e. aa i ia tbe fa tare tie Su:e wii! ju-: bat tbis br-lr mikes it to be. aad f-.-r ail iai-f- cities bicb eryst.i-.ized Sieata! law, kajwiaziy. iato tbe fuadarie tbis Lijdy is resp.asibie. Tbe ?:a.e t'Ti-.-iiiras ti aje a civil evatraet. B bb.Id tbe v- ertiz-rtv cf tbe S ::. a::e v;oia:ei tbe verT aatire t Eaa's be- re a civil i iar b-T prociaiajia taa; - cjL.trar;. r-n.zz to a Cjisoraaie sal-terfjre to shield be seif froa tbe d master wb:cbi sare tj i-.ow tie ra:as;rjis beresv, br a priacr-al of . aa i deeiare- ti; a eoairaet betweea tbe parties to a narr.are. to ana a! tae saiae a: plea a: i is arai .- - f. sr aav caase waaterer. st public p-i-Iicy. aad therefore vo;d. Why aria?t wbv void Let p-a.'.Je P'"y tie ctaaap c: tae civ.I c -aarat lbe-:ry aaswer. Sir. I as-sen itis araiiit pabiic j - jI - icv. becase it is araiast tbe law of catare aai the law of aaa's beiar ls u.u, aw in.x k .s ara.ast j iv-iUic p-iicv. bat lecaise it is ia coa- i a ct :tb tte laws of ftj.tj-e. iras.orta.ity no j a'.s, or s;-.etv c-a r;-ar to ai.vi lastii or ex- ; cased." Go back as far as historica. research will carry yoa. exaalae tie lives, tbe h:st;-rv. tie cavas aad habits of all . aati-jts, cotsasaities aai people. -1 trjia tae ac-st civu-ze-j. rtaaea and w a to ti- bai laroa aad savare. Ave! ro back. view aaa as he ea- errs oat or caa.s. at tae sat c-t j,-. mio.'.y icer. or as be rra-iaallv de- Te pes :roa a creeping in:ar in tie r.T,-.nA cf 11 t --t int Ma? to it ; where was n c-nsaaa- ; e.l aid -y . -. : -r-.i teras; Fa"":-, r to addace anr evidence o! cation. d;a't i-k inteliireat aea to l;ve it ca cere bold asserJ:: s. or deduction from premises as- iC330d fer an iaadel pLIIos-h v. The fact that aarriare is fk ad ex- uqt frca eari.st oats, and aaonr Istiar froa earliest days, and aaonz a" nations and rcples, airds no pre- siaptioa that its institatioa was feT rT,ctrict As weu arat toj ass as tf presaae, tbatbecaase the beasts, of f sl the trates of the fell aad v. Jrd of tbe air. tboa'a des-Ita: ! ' 0f reason .and lAekinr a.i tbeeieaenu tract, do nevenheless aate aad ia coaIes arree. sacb aatlar is based ujott eotttrAct. As h coaaoa inteUircnce f aaa East revolt at sach a coaclasioa, I ask, sir, t- what conciasloa doe it raerriar'T point: I answer ;t avself. feecaase it is the voice of the Are, tn .-.siiAtl na?are d- so m: ia,l -..Vi a --w .r slrta rJ m. 0f tbeir fear, and not bv Tinae of a And lions to ire. is onlte ,n.i :a eonr.es - ,,k a part of their catare lar ti jt 1 fvr ti,r3 w rrowl aad fghv i n :r .v.. K'i.-rv foraisbed us feT has an t tmtb. miar aa-' natara.st s,n cf datT and CdelitT alrbt well k i,- j hr nan t-v . i: . v . t l. 1 U i J -I . -A . W 1,1 W.r . .lii. tk- fUn,! I.Jr,! it anAi t-u n 4aj i:;ead to the family datle At Lome, her aate is ct ia utu v i i.-si , - tbe pecileraaa bird ta tbe . 4 nrni,i rx m -s .11 :rxn u.c t .Avr- aature And not of ccairact. jf tT coaafcit there aa.t bATe been a thne wbea man aad wooaaa m.. t.;. -; X UWt"J K kfl .l. . ..- i.- r v. uic tuvjcss ivu v vi v. aad -a;rht aakcnr r.rh; ae wouid .16 : seae ca every woraia io I s wit tbere bciag- "bo e:nl fieiw" cf titinr?, ai iaa bh iej Lr iasiitet. ai tbe balaae cf acii3Je4 sa'.are, , and naUo to jsWut ifc ;,.h n K alwars Ua L LLiTofT. wvuM c;ake (tLe life of woajaa iatvMrraUe. Si u at tie BMrrej, not oajTcf ' caaa. Lut of a Iwrbold Lr ia ti daj of jeata- . ti-ia tb tir? of &rturitja tbe . civatbs of acnitioa, wak, but lorelj bow is to be protected frai tbe f - r - terj pa;oas 01 niea. r.aaj:az wire. and coin' a b pk-ael ? ilis sbe v be nurtsred wbea dar of trar a'J are srrr ? Cv'ild Le. Lie tbe tea. ma eiari;a?. oer brood fui.owiar ber :ib tbe sbeil jet oa tbeir tcks? Oh! tbe deep daiaaed iafaaiy tbat would re-t tbe focadatioa of society oa such a beil--ora bAsis ! Mop lor oae t&oa:eat: aaau! wi:b aa ucaa jv.-teat aat, aj saws Lanaa aad Diviae res.Ive -it:j ia;o tie . oririaal e!t-aieats of ial: idiil snaa 1 aal iaiirid ja! Wviaaa. iad p-cdrat 'of aay Laturai aad rtra:-I liv : it Ij-.-se tbe reias of ra-ska aa i iw: svertte u-jajesue aad Ura.y te; tara 1-x-st- tbe li-jertices aad laseivi oas devils. wb bot wait to lay b,Id of tbe drt virtuous aa 1 beaaifa woEi aa tin pass tbeir way: aai a x.re of tbeia iiL araiast b-r wilL kaow ber in an boar. Like tbe waa-. Cr-naf , ste e-ivi tare day n- r aiaL Ir"iae ail laws at : res-a.i reraoved aai sot aside ia ibis ci Y wbo evuli eoatrEpiate : Is it aav siae a. a . j U-I-ve su-ih a state (Ti r ei '.Till yaa stiil iasLst tbit sach a state as we fai tbe other aai.iais ljw exist ia. iay at one tiav have f list. i f.-r aiaa ? l tni yon. s;r. a.i astare z-.res it tbe Ii. F-.-r ail aaiaaais. ei-p: asas. tbe ire ja id err it tee die M d or last. act. waa terr s trae aa i e astaat as tbe tbe t:-Ie. While n.aa bav- inz tbe ;rd-Lke faculties of reasn. kaowiar fi fr-jaa evi!, aai baviar tbep-jwerto tb. is a -t !e-i tr let. wtica b. ia bira. is verv we ac bat acts iadcp-ad-at of ia-rt:a aad wrtaoat Tfzxr! law cfbis beitr aay iraperat;re Aai while iastiact aa!s of tbe saaie always leads aria ciass aa i ceaus ia tioa. reas-ta. c pent: tbe saa.e diree- iad: v: ;a.s. eir.tes. ;r.s. noves aai diterraias each taia difereatiy ; aad a; tbe powers aad lasts cf tie Sesa are str oarer tbaa the pjwers cf tbe w;::. as -.e tistory cf raaa la.'y deraonstrate. he is led ly then, as t-vmjiK fi'iw. :at) a,. sv:rt cf excer raaa. are to-dar wha v.. ,1 ere ur.r:Li.: . -i cj. tee -ji'i a birber sriere tbaa tbat alrded bv iasiir.ct, a.oae feb. Har;ar. I The ackaowledr cr thu State is cr the iaher - e. tie sprae p-jwer cf the Sta: eat ia tbe pe:pie. If th al-s-:late sc-vereiraty is in if society was cririaaily aaa ia a state of aatare. ie peop.e ; f rtaed It ev were free and natraa. law t coaiar tcrether i.e!ei by aay aad fona.ar a cara-rt, taen ine .aws .c-ietv Aa i i deei, fee suprcae. I: sh-:i ta. s enact that aarder Is a vi iar naaest. ivtr;raoa:ra&.-. proa:sca- oas oncabiaare rirbt. aai aarriare a r.rti c-:, a tract. s taey wca:d f x-t-rs-r r-.v". f..",-,- And we to-iiay, beinr here by ex- press dele ration, r- pre-eati" everv haaaa t-efar ia tiis'State, W ja!d be. for the seciae j-rr-se cf fraalar a faadaaeatal ;aw. tie sapreae pow? r of the Mate. If we enacted sec- tioa. as it stands, it woaM t the law. If we rejected taat, and ad pted tie aaeniaent. it would fee the iaw- saa'ar. alwavs. that oar work would fee ratiaed by the purple. If there were no othr qt est;cn- or Id f,How principles involve-i. it ; taat whatever tt.s Lonvent-oa eaA.t- ; that whatever this Conven ei as law. wocld on the particalar whether saV'ect niatter fee the law ; i wise or unwise, beneacail c n;arl- - 00s to maa or society. B:t our ea- actaents cannot beccae aavti.ar 1 aore or stronrer than asaicipal law. which is "a rae cf c:vd condact pre- State, ccaaandiar what is rlrht aa i prohlbitinz wbii is wrorr; aai ; witila this rale is fviid another re- coralzeti p-rlariple, which declares , tba: aH rovemaents are foaaded ty tbe people and for the people, f.r the , partwse of proaotar the reaerai welfare And rreafes; happiness of tie rreatest naaber &2.Ht f J-V.il tv;- raeii J- has coae a froa the Ares, and is as aaca in Ax::a t day a at Any previot friL Oar enactaents cast, tier fv re. fee strict. ly ia accordance with pnbTe p-Iicy ; And if tiis were tie onJy Ilaitatioa cpon oir p-jwer we sbonl I content oarseives with the iaoairr : I.je the section, or the aaendaent, cr either or both, accord with the principles of public pclicT ? Eat we caa best . 1 . V - r 1 : . . . - r . .T. .' L,intT it ) therefore oar fandAaeatAl Iaw, waea we shall Lave doce with tt, will fee -ii prelum . ia w . uu lml ther, as it is ia baraoay and consist- ent witatfiepvtEcnpicsof puljJjc pel- jcr. the iaw of natare. aad the law ot ria rv.Mpn t a mr ai .wwi tv irjF ?a:-reae iaw. aaa ai otaer si rales are sabordlaate. tbe only ia-. qoiry aevsAry lor n to mAke is,; w our fEactnoean ia harmony aad 'coasisteat wisa this Soprenae law. for tie prineiples of pablic policy tbe a-' : selves are foaaded oa tbe saae rreat .- .n .v- nnt w -itW:i - - mi cr ii t,- h . . - - - - - ' coaxsteat wr.a tte preae uw, XO. 17. tin iu2 ;3 eabiULs i Lirra ..jj wita aH Ti;d ?Sri.:i itv What U ttL ! of ttv.irt Our brt aai ac:Lr dne it ti - "A law precri5l G vi t all laea. oot ty f:csal "fTonsu!a;i-nT a Uit diiCOTerabi It th l;?bt cf r?a- o it eooipTtte3d a!i the da'.ies wt ow tbrr to tb Saj-rfavs Biar. to ocr?ire r.r to otr B:7bbir - It is saperior V ail Kbr. b.a ilaz ia a. I oaatries and at a'J tise ; rblra are i . ai ias aa 1 eoajt.tatioa-i Talid deriT tbeir aa.br:T d.reetT fira it aad frsi the rerea.i law of God. (tte B.bie.) aad ail ia rkiat: of e;tuer. or bota. are voii So we read as lawyer?, aad o we profess to beiieve, Iks cr faitb aad pretlc aree Let iae s-uppose acas S3ppe a raa aal a won; An of foil arc, aad free from aay of tbe leaJbarscrre-traia: wbich woa'.d saaie ajree the tbat laarriije rold. csitaaJiT tbT riil a aaa:e a iaa aad wife, bat tba: tbe W.Z2 cf the ha--biid. fr tbe ia.-t purpose, sbail b? Li-rzei ia tbi of b's wife, aa i tbat aader ber proteetioa aa 1 cover he sbail perforra everr-.b ar Ia shor tbat tbe wife sLail be bead of tbe finely, aad tbe L-.shaa 1 l.'l le ttrn er.rTi. as ty tbe exisiiaz raie tbe wife is f'ms x-r. tbat sbe : sb-; aid be elotbed witb tie r:.-reraia? attribute cf tbe taia. aa i that tie bssbaad. ia tbe faaiiy. .-aoai i oVry tbe wif. Tbat. as part of a a-srriar-? eoatrart. taey iaa:aaiiy azree tbat tbe maa sbaii aot take tbe w .-- awar :iia tae ae:ra .-:rac: 1 cf br raotber wttaoat tbe c:ase: of tbe w:'. aad tbat tie taarriare w '!-enaiz'.-d by Lacorr:ra:Ia.r tiis a jree taeat ia tbe cereaj--ay. M tae a i-Tc-ate of tbe civ-I c-atra'.t tberv t'i ti:e whether tii c-atra'Tt i .r r-.tx-i. avi if r-. I i tr. tbe et-atrtet is vid. tat tbe ttarriaje is aeve E-e.ess va. aad ta s r.foaise ruarr ire i-a .t a civil ev-at.-a-i-t. h-t i aa iastitatioa of tie law cf'aatare. ; which law caaa. t be ntcdift i by ' aay contract er c-:-cditi :3 whith a.ia ; aai wooiaa cr s-r'eiety caa raake 1 ; ass-crae now. froa a.i ttt tas fa esta Visaed, taat taarr.are ;s aa ;a-! stitatioa of the law of aatare. aa 1 as 1 saeh I assert it ear. sot aaan!'-t : j beeaase. 1st "Mirriar". as deSaei by the -Rjtaaa law. aa i tbe deiaitioa -very- i where aceepted. is ti aai-'.a of a? raaa aad a wociaa. coastitatiar aa aaitei habitaai ciarse of s::e. never to separate-i t a partaershrp of whole Lfe. a raataai siariar ia rirhts haraaa and I:viae ; - .I r ccmaaoa law roes firmer aai treats! tbera. f:r raaay pcr,ses. as oae t-:-r-1 SOIL iL i aurwr ueiik vi 11.-3 w..i-'.a id. Indetea-deat of this Gef aiti which accords with the natare of the ias:;tauoa nseJ!. it ls p.a.a taat icas - bTtne sarreae i-cwer. aad as tae soveroiraty of th;s State :s caiy -a- : preae w hen It acts ia haraoay with i the sataral and revealed law cf God. ' aal is to aj ia tents aad Troc-scs sao-; oribaate :o tha: law. and a.s the aa-! aaiaeat of aarriare wrald. t exteat. te eqaa! to aaialaeat peal of the law cf iitare. it '. that all contracts or laws havi taat re OW; f:r their aia tie graitiar of dlv which tie aarriar- b-:nd is are vol! as it w:ali ia?ec :rces. by aaaaled. ; l-e tie c.evtt.ar of a saborcnate pwer over tie sapreae : w?r Tie dec !aratioa cfH o'y Writ is therefore a: aere redex cf the law cf natare : ; "What God has joined t rether let no aaa p-i asaader." Is this a acre S racat of tie ia ariaauon ? Let a see. "A aaa aai , woaaa in aarr.ir tecoae one iesa. saar.: :a Cne of tie ends ot aarriare is to pro- create ctidrta aad p-roj-arate s- stCieS. A new era and new i.:e dawns sp-:-a thea the aaa beooaes father, the wife aotier : aa i this new relation is like the perret3al anion Itself: it mas tiroara tie whole Ii. Notaiar bat death de- stroy? tae re.at.on of ftter r er aay, not even the death cf the death c fTsnr.ar aota.ar snort of tie cf tbe father aad a tier tieaselves: fr once haviar feec-cae a aotier. thoarh her child die. aad th icrh her tasbaad desert ber. yet can sae not c-tapalal period, before the wont was opened. It ha feecxa a part of her natare. is exxuasixe w ith her life. Caa yoa dissolve the boad an i pat tie par.ies in the saae coa- diuca taey were bef.-re : If s-5 you woa.d tave soae reason f.r c.a.a-ar to deal with i; as a civil contract If yoa cannot, and who :s tiere tere IcC'I J enonr'a to aalatala saca a doc triae. then only caa yoa vet tir ngh violated law. Up to this point in the arraaeat I ( Lave endeavored, thoarh ia a dis jointed And raabiiar way, to prove tie trath of ay p-i'Sitioa. oatsiie and independent cf Holy Wa; 5-::r ia leral and '. whatever I cottM Sad . moral scieace, which fere wpoa the qnestioo. ia order, if possible, to con- r - - - . K , - , f .nr. - . r V not heOieve that tae xr.TXTn. r ! Z " - - V-r.' t-v,1 tie rreat tratii of tie Arraiaea: do sevtrtheless e-; tabiisa tbe fact that aarriare is an i j-. ..... v - - , . biads all pea whether they will be bouad ty or not. laoepeadeat ct any relirons belief; and tiAt aan, uiik. 1 r n a Lm:air. 11 i.r v" lj k : ni K.juie.iT ajirar? is perpetaaL tiat ooly oae woaan was bora for one maa. and oae maa for oae woman: thAt ha -baa I And wife are essentialiy one, that on tL , plain princip of cccaoa seas--, no ' ;bamaa power isstronr eaojrb to an-' tsnl it bT eorract cr lerissAtioa 1 And . . . -. , . . itit sbxi Too iEyOij sei'Ara.e tie . i - parties, tae u. - uj si.es .v--. ror.:.a-jr to ejj-t. aa ! tr-'? t -' tiie t x. Jsth cr a-:a!'rT Dut. rir I no: L'-p. tiat fr tLis Cvavat-:a, t"are i aa irrtsiAUr c-a'.i-sire jra.v. ia firor f c'r am-vix-i-a:. f.-a'l la :Lt Dxi cf W.ko it Urii,; w-.rd wLlca i tl .rtitx cf Jrb .Tiii Lo: sd L.'..a . v a-. 1 ill z.:Ti tl? j; rn: 'poiatisj c:t to t:j tb- wijof Kf at;'! LoMis? f.rJi ilk hr of Vi-rr. Ita u.:?rsa?5 are tLs wJ. tl.-? tra:ti aad th Lf o?yjtd It us aJ witii jt reisoaiar or deraoatraisoa . A'J clrioa-i reot;v it a- tie oraclr.4 of tie livlcj U1. aid to ui all i: Ls a :Li ?A::a ti? Ir i ,f II -t- Let ;: testiV ia tL:i ca Oa th! pi ia tt dark w kac ao rrjf -lis? : dlr-roTt-r ti or a of Eia TLe IUs:- rl p rei. id o: tie ilita da j ti cia: o-t of tL- L.rd U.-i di-t cf tie ar.i cade He Lin ; eul azifc i!ec;vfe ;Hetieai. ilaa, a xaiie, wis one at fr-t ; bit wL-?a lit Ll G A sail i: is n.,t rl tia: nia th;a.'d t abae from Li? Ceb asd b-?E He made a parjstr f MtLia. ilaa wa tLeor iucrtAUa; aad of tbe b-:-ce c le-h aad bj tbeir to aiioc a-ls verv attar aa i crastitat :a raarritj'?: tbe oae fr tbe ciber. -Aa i to etar!Lb f.-r aii tirae tie eer.aiatTcf tbe d.viaity of tbe :a-ti-tatica of tbe aaioa of tbe aaa aad if tie wos-ia G si aiibi- bat ts-o, ice Eiia aad cae wcraio, ti:- cae fr tbe .brr as a zm-::j of tbeir crea t:"'a: t'r.e a:ia ojt cf tbe di?t. ti w-;a;aa "! of tb- ib aad tbe bone of tbe i.aa. j tbat tb itj centra Irat tbe lc-a aai tbe bcae cf tba iririaal r.aa. aai bar -.iitwowtrr, aai wre so Icii.eT.'.ae ir-ra.bea-re- r.a r-::: na. Miki: :a;ra oae iea. so iat a :- "i-rt rf eotre r. i i iat-r- veae ; tc.t: otbers if ei cf tbeir U:i Las'-aai aa tz eoai i d wita vat tie ar wva.i :Le very law Z ia;:e.-d ticir aa,a is There wa? ao f.ra;a!a asei ia tbat orrriai! raarrare. a-:r was tbre aay occisiia f r Aiara's sayiaz. "I taie yi. Ere. f-.r a;y as i-a ao we -a iive cr aTrre. . r r x-d aad f.r rs. ;a -.'.ia-i-s i : ;a aea.ta. 11 'i v a- port aa d f r piy. ' I tai . t " X.r a--i Ee r y : j. AiiD. a- say ia as '.s-z s.- we t-yta sai.I .v vl a jt e. f-.r re. i ,r f.r wcrre.ii ity aa iprri: a.ta. ? ,V-e 9r a: -.- as tu. A da r. s. 1 5-V. aa : ri v t-.a s.- other fa 'r d iae.' t-a: :t -s a ti.r .aap..caL--a. :r.aa i- -. 4 - r . . . . . .. .r -.. .. s t .. .it Aiia: i:-.kiir aurrii. . .v a--:-a f.e. aa: aai.aj : '.eaJ-..r"ii aa i i-.-r.y f:;r ;r. a i-itae : ar.i. d. : a-t jt air-, aza tae te l. t. j a. .-i- ra c-ra of c .,.uar ; L-a: j; i siair.e b-.aa :. r-saiar :. a-r :e "abri:Iar h-r. sij-. a-s ie hi: tie rirht to say : I a", - I - y-r z .--fif ao i ..arer a raja : I aai ociy tie rrtiter '-:.; --a of a ua ; I aii at- . .e . . - . A -a tie-:thi.-i-i.:-:.i I e I r I f cr-rti ' ? raia." Aaiaitre " Tie L,jT1 G-.-i. wj b -t if a scarEv. .ea I was ie ! a!l.s: as. v r. ' i rav asa. a f. ray doriiar Eve. V.air? art cf ray self tie frarai?r rae. as nia aitaiar ea- i , taica . . - - . .i.: vv bat teae 1 , '".' - " Jla l - .. . " - Ee-raase cf cr tij av; of hasbaai aad wife. a aia ;ia ier. aadsiiZ aa i ti"T tw-? leave h father aad a : be united cat? hi? wif shall l-e oae f-sh. Tie asarilt:e . t-arent aa i chili c!:se on i tea ir as it is. and far ex-?eHirir aay aer ex tract alllaa'e. shall t"? sr:Ter?ed?i t tae laaaite'T elc-ser an I direr, la tie relatioa of hasbaai and wife. S3 close! r aai tralv- s'-i" rain cleave aa i te aaiti to two e'T-e rife, that the- - a a son partakes r.f '-i fithtr aa: h's cotter ire lasep anile, aai ti a cf parent and e! cicsest ues iaariail-' wa:-:: ail tie rt .'Id cae cf tie : Tet th is far exceei oy taat njs-;is na: n of aas-ta j and wte ccae cae f rsh wicrebr tir te- tae :a-ar :a. ttea. a r-? cr which pr:-:ia:as: therefore jiae-i t -ain r-a: assaider."" aaaatara Wha: Gi ha: Net ia the least. I; fjilow lortci-Iy froa the rIiti:n established: f;r if has-baad aai wife are ca?e aid; cae fesa oae life then re thin z bat death caa destroy the relation. Ieati. aIva-. Is aa txuactlca cf Ii:e. lira-.. thoarh panies. yoa aay r:? the caeaess ccatiiaes- amen is pe: :af. a: i ha b-rcae a part cf tae.r natare. wh ar:ae caa chitre cr a-i.:y The S-rrptares tca:a ti; :;ca doata iist-An-: and wife are cae fesh. s- cae that, ly Christ law. a.tiiar tat death can disunite tiea. tne. -? that the nn-bt-IIevinr hasband or wi:e is SAirtj fed ty tae l-llevtr. Oae. a- Christ aad his charch arc - ae. Oat in a aysterloas aai:n. in-M-apreieasitle to as. feat tra. ecaase reva!..-i as a trata ia G i' holy w-ri St I'aal. in Era. v. says "'Wives sa; ait yoarseive anto y-ar own hasban-is. as unto the Lori. icr the hastnd is tie Lai cf tie wife, even as Christ Ls heal of tie charch. and he is tie Saviosr of tie body."" -So carht aea to Icve their w-lr-; as their owa body, f-r he that Ijt eth his w lie lovcta h.'aseif; for no aaa ever T-t bated his owa iesa."" Bit c---f as tie nnoca has- and wife, ticarn :eT hare f.'X This U plalniy asserted ia the aiae teentb charter f the G:sp-I cf St. Matthew :' "The rharl-es als-j tl-' i rTit'- t hi a. a 3-1 hla. is it Lawful far a -33 t put awaT his we for every t- 5Jj.t aatc tiea. Live 1. l r .1 w aale and Senate, aad jjud lor tiia eause shall a aaa leave father and ; ja.er At 1 cleave to Lis wife. And .v wala shall becra one fesh What therefore. God lath ?iaed t -r let ao aaa pat a.snder Ter ry a:.t() wfcf. Mej thea ..V-..J . !; r.f ci. L'.'k.-..'! I' fc.'t . - - ' 3 -- r . , - .... - . iti