The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, January 01, 1873, Image 1

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    iVnx of Publication.
Xhs Ssasrsst Hsiali j
. riMiii Xavu at fS '
-' . , , aa '
ji ia Mmre - i
Haw a flMl l.e-Ir mm Kr-er.
Xrfter, - taltkatr j
s7T7i, af iaa !
s,TBer$et Printing Company.
Batiste Sturi.
Hard vc re.
INaifkl Man far (kc Djin Tear.
Ail pr-
ai t
e : .
:a -
jirf e 5. .mm ii pi a-- j
, TL i
0 O"
1. -
-- aT-fViaWV AT.
ja a1 - -
ea-.raa.ea " J
th Jul i
Jchzx P. Eljnyer
Hu R-epr&e4 Uf Run a
jaa.L t.
Few Doors Above the Old Stand,
We n-n Draft aeraiatA la all pan af tke t "
tad Smim and t'ni in Bad Fareta-a nuuln.
Bar cKd. aad ta 1 1 iaa i ill ka III
titra market pnea. k-aa aavy aa inmn
ecvrRr. 1mA aa4 feLB atan tt
1 ad. Jirj rcK3id 4uNtjaTUaianBaB4
Interest f fA rl f &x prremt. pr
T b. ar. ukhuo.
'L Oar year if TTViXn Ji,
A ad Li rrc a al Uanrf!
IieaUi. aa raat5 kaa4 aad eaM.
Itaf tae aU sua f ta beare.
Tfc laaea an bSinc &Uaat,
1.3 r
ir-w wa "
eOrrf t. ftlf ranur, aa4 frtcads a full liaa '
puui at lac wftj kwa 4iaet, ,
Errrnkisz ia Ux lUning Liac renin aar i
ar Ef4 aiiatam. j
TkaLakfal u er trod l lawiwmri far tlirfr !
past nanoaare. f nobnt a enatmaaafa af ia
aiaw. aad trnrtu atarra arfca aax kataea ai ar .
h- rMt ha llArdTare of Every DecriDac,.to,MWlt"5t"
. t ' - - - -ia!:tiaiotiiTaniiitniTnirara
- J iu m r- rain 1 ear an !
Dr. r.
M. BElCaLYS, j
. . . t
V : , , aT!. fa. fu. araom ai
' ' . ,-aiu mmm. Ail
or tna pan af jail. a tcaira. ,
1 f ;
Yt'fMMlfB War
mai u. aii laanneia j
A ad mriVatg axavcartnf; ia Laaia Iratc
1 j a.J auraJ
" mi lvMt-h:T. Ol f ta Cn
; Hoase. jaa. U-d.
' . .hit. kxii.Mihf taa.
. , v ui t-Tar ai a;t
JoH-N H U.
Vi--. "J r" F-T ats-amat
-. Li. s.-ma jy-
" ' : aaii aaa fn-Jomuli af
" 'TaifetYtarBra-na. hWrtaMa i aaj
fit caac at rtijei f at aurr.j tara. 1
f All KlMa, U m parciraliiij raaaaranata. ia Um aabari-g
j otaaplustJi;
COYPLAryr. EE EC if A T1X,
i 1
i CIECVI.AT10X.kc.
ia acr aWraajnawai af ta Kaatf. Ia aii aMataM
prraUar crauit It it a ran aa4 Sawrrfa aa-;
la aaorv it a trmtrlf antra; tbraasli tiw
! Cirraia-'taa tar D4 a ail the lrv--r; a: ur- j
j ran aa-i f satnrV taa li ul (art ii-:
aauai any rarabtt aacaac
Fur lr VETEKS a A.VAVTALT. Brriia. I
Pa aad ij imtrt a tanly Kljsaa rrtry
L, :
Table Knitei and Fork,
r- I
Cav! caa: Uteiwkf air f li'.iay,
It b a aaaaj f aae,
Ti.-jah woeat aaj ata puar
Tar aiscA, actarau, ruil;
TbtT ar ehaaiisx aaJro aami.
Kiarfeix; "-Vnj f tii jw waL
fray, fray V
Ami Vt bW dnafUL iiVr frtirt,
. Tl their bead la irsaf raia.
AW aaa tlMtr aWcial arayen;
Bat laeir poyaa an all ia raia,
AH ia raia'
Taer ka Kaaasia Uw lual acallMr.
TVc fabUra. ttavl (ttd Teat.
OraaaaJ vita aui ftvaara.aai aitk
- acaxlMT.
Like weak. teptrl !.
Tla raii t waarr yr 4ay.
BdftlwaMawa r-2! '
Htr joy: Utlaatt O. Ual4 bu pf
Iria taat eirr at riare,
GeaUe aad Mr. .
To Uk erhaaw aoadf ae aaitk.
To Uw vatce ga.U aa4 -a
Of Uw auft air. likf a tlaagiiler'i brtaia.
- Praj ci; b swtk aw o!
Im 8(4 barb ai Bwr
Aal ac-a the faeei day k 3ad ;
Cuil ia bit xnu it 0r;
K Kaai fraoi iu fcreaib if fva2
trrr lar r!aary acica.
Xa am r liti.: .
Tata, tao, Ue Oil Tear diet i.
Aad tae (ureatt atter an.uta.
LiLt t Taacv W (e aerar:ji
la Lbe tiTal akat.
Xtx a II? t r
Ttca CMat a ilk aa aaiai ruu.
Glt-mi;r aad Kaiiaj; tsa.
Tae rurs-aiad trcta Lairad-r,
Tie aiad EarariydtaL
Tae rorariad!
Hai! bwal ! aal Iruta tae hecK '
Srp th red fearta aaay '.
tCvli. lb; sua Uat tatai aab.rrt.
O &al : aU L1.M ueeay,
Aad b- -; aaay :
thiMh dorsot pek mq?rlfuS, I'll Well, wbea I'd tlne mj eupi-er I , reJetaa, wita inm rrr w'Je-tLe
smite tbee ia the ear-hole. " It's well j weretatea into tbc yooni lady's rooai i wL:rkT and a Butkriaa eje, toot ( (- uee
to sUad oa tout dirnitr wrhh tLoeiad I be? aa tbe job. I took it uotiur card, aad eonrteouslr aeeorded .date
u btr:j tie la.-t
lerrTd.:ed tbiluit-a-s.
A r-r?-'ii !;r'I-!- 'irM i i I'ror".-
; d'a er;-.l-l a r'-c7-- wckb
IfaJiedto rvu.e to Land. ' i". ij!a"&t
! u kiade io iW jn-t fXw-r. a tbr
; was poVtts.-f -. i!,t tise k-tu r -n-
tsinlcr tl rrirnitsw- bad l--i Lj;-
'edln!- f.rn -rj ,vi ijid-.
bt t' tr -fff'Tt. 6d f- Jrf-msHT a!
! D-'jrtrta, fn lrbov th- I. itT bid
ibeen ff a:!.--l. w- fxiavjr:rd tbai a
; tix fi bad '-ft-a t-rptritfd iocwbfr'
jta route. lie srot out special aeat
( aui detecUTta, iut no purpose. A
j rear elapsed aad a aew aet wa. ap-
" ifwrstcd, aad on bU r-t rUit t Pror-
Vri on jen? w keJ I'y make d:'':2D:
N J, Z3, j irwairr to dijrtr iae dew to the
! k-t letter.- Tb ?nTt trar-'-jrted bis
otber boiae5. aad went v rail up-oa
duk iA
ebapa, you w. j bv bit, wa-Led it ia pj;rits of wine,
. OlC I beg roar pardoa," says tbe combed it out hair br Lair, aad fa I
man. more Tesertful aat will too went on boar tr hour. Tbere was
aep iato tbe hoaekeeper' room ?
Aad vitl tbatl Cell off the bi-b
h.r? I Lad U-ea rid in r ; for to tell
ron tbe truth, I were tbiakin? fr a
naajbt r it bat paiieace and work.
Sbe seemed to doze a bit, poor
erer aad agaia ; bat work as trendy
as I woald, it mut bave givea ber a
deal of paia. Sbe'd tigb a little now
and theB, aad fire a little Kf moaa
fometimes; buttb! be hn it all.
ti-e aaraware cjercxjat to uqajre u
theT li(t WirA ,iTt!i-r(i tt'rr
cf Kaccleaeh narriel tbe iTber bad t,u ana wbile dij-ru-in?
Seep i uaujriittr aaa ite:ref oi u-e ieiuike,it sr:azT::ar aapptaraac-e, a revere
en. 'of Moatasrue. All tiat aobkaiaa's ! raia aad w:A "torn cane ot. and
pTfa!kin, provided I would
out of tbe war of the nrortmen.-
"Yon bad better p to tbe t"p fiM property tbna pa&e-I to Lis oaa-i wbea te left to sn t tbe depot tbe
aid be. St. I ftartel fr tb t jp, , law, aad waa settled on his ecood ; asreat gladly accept -1 tbe loaa of aa
dimbin? a dark j;ral ftairfa- aad son, bat on bis dyia witboat a fojcid orercoat f-aad Laaring in tbe
Keitatins: at each turn for fr-ar of it reverted to bis male heir, tbe duke jclet ia the bard a tre ?, aad aa
pitching off into pace, r walklas ; of Baecleuch. The presat dike has ; cajbrrlla : a pcr?er aeTr paaied hla
into tbe jaws of raacbinery. There thus beconie tbe chief landed pro-' t the &rfA to l-'liig Latk tbe horrow
was a roh an-i a roar that of jr;r ia tbeUniutI Kingdom. He . eI an;cl. TakJa off tbe OTeat
N'iarara, tbe n'Ms beia? produ'ed, as has, besides hi Lvwa hoat ahje attjie depot, tbe arent's bind felt
ber wearinoi acd paTa, f.T all the I afterward di-rorere; sooa a y :-at fjar ia Kazlaad, which came )-jfnetbiT in '.he jwkr-t, aisdknowiaz
sufcrinr aid trouble ttat were in her jeres aoeriinffiodated tbefn.ehes to the to bim frsa tfco duke id" MooUrue, j it wa a rfare coat belocjria? to tbe
t;e t-vre :t Lie aa anel 'rem dim l5?bt, hv tbe oV?cent of fao , aaa are ia N-ytiitil f wtM-b oac. 1 Lirtiwar ti're. aaa its ec-pioTee? 23
as for a a
The oM wvujaa tat beside Ijream of phot Into a p-eat tank of j Dratalaarijr. a princely place.
hour, till Le got sj alee py j water at the bottom ef
tbe tower. from the duke of U aot ashenr, wbibn
that rbe c'aldat keep her eyes open. 1 The iBt "ras tiresome, the ; the reft are Baccleach property
aad then tbe U-ckoa to the raaid tollM.foa. feet, bat tbe top was SnaEr j Within the 1ai twelve years the
come and ?;t ia her plaoe. aad j--he rr-bed. and the firrl ajre of hoi(&aa.e thin g baa occarred ia the ca
goes off to ber comfortable bed, Isjr- ajajtin? was an ciea book. There -of the diiies of Iievoa-hire and
po; and by-ni-ty the maid gpri.) a fernaee, three kettles of raolte
fa?t asleep, aad everytbiag- eeiaedi psd. asd two griray workrsea ladlis
Ilea J Xonhiimberland. The earld'ia of "dressed, the cyitery was at last ei-
whiie I were perfeap rigbtfal pen of
j a lord as had been stolen ia bis vooih.
j aad that they were takia? me home
j to tbe ball of aiy fathers, and happen
!were pAag to marry me to tbedac;rb
ter of tbe nsorper to make all square."
man." Sot but what tbe fiesb 5s
treacherous, and happen I'd change
my mind wbea I"d teen the yoong
one. But, however, all that was
kaocked on the bead when I beard
the flunky tell me to go the house
kepr"e room. It were only a dres
in? job, after aC I
Well, before I'd pot weU iawde
tbe door, an old chap dressed ia black
catches bold of me by tbe elbow.
" Creecber says be ; Creecher V
- Veri, I'm Creecber." ays I.
" What's your pleasaree ?"
" Oh, you're to come this way
And away be went along parsages,
and on stairs and down Ftair aad
I presently we eaiie t J a broad corn-' ?ays the, "you're k
1 J W.. TT a . 1 . 1 J 1 1 m a - - ' a m ,
iour oeiuuiuiij csrjseu, au id cae vous a;ii:az icr I x a baa- : In the two streams wfcicn 01 pr'periv re.-aiu.
maa tapped at adoor, a&4 a yooag drtd guinea ' HuM tbr toce." a desceadia are ptl'.ets of all The late 1 iwoatos Palcpr
woman rivs, "Yes.' 'C&me la," the 1 1 savs.- ' It's no auch thin' It's anrl tbe twrta? is dese after ' was the te.-t of ber raw. Bth
1 said ; -ray lady wtil fpeak to yon di- ber mother doics, says I ' If tbe sbot are taken oat c-f tbe tank. brothers. fo?csiTt!
jrect.y, aadl went into a Lttie room jbe bet mother, Ler breasts are as Lrd : xfitr falling ia tbe taak tbe shot are j boerne, died chnd'es. Co
; as was beautifully faintrbed with as adamaat But it were no ue. taVpn nn br" a contrivance simi'ar to their vart prr-rlT cent
j eay chairs and sofeys, and til the Coac:eace has at me again. "Josh- ja vrifa elevators, and are pass- grtsd-oa. Earl Cowper. whose Eota-
j Jaxunes 0! txe rasrfn.
I -Well, my dear,'' says I
came sreaeral. acd to no one a rrucu:ar.
he pot his hand ia aad drew out ser
eral nnopenI letter?, aad anon?
tbenj the one so loor aoofht. Ke
tarnicff at once to the hardware
eLaat to hcai the letters were ad-
Buri.Zigtoa was conferred on a voca- piiined. Oae of the na recollected
asleep bat me aal tbe Iaie. There ! it oat of the ketllt s. and pooring ii , ger branch of thf Cavea i.-h famiiy, ' rcceirlug tie aiail aixat the time he
wasn't a soaad bat tbe wiad s-ugh-j t,at into tin caps st in fryin? pans, a bat the late dake of iKrvonrbire 'had expected the icafrtaatk:tteT,and
ia; araan tbe trees outside, aad tbe 'rwrtmn t,f tbe metal beicr allowed to dv;n childless and brotbeness. bis that whea be wished to rid bis let-
. .4 , 1 . v iir ' n,n fiver jr, ni i iit" run iuiu m. iau - , v. xu. m ' u 1 1 : uuar. . . . a .. ivuiu k.. -4 wtuv in ia. ur
id tbe! portion of the metal beicg allowed to dying cbvlikss and bnu
mnrnjnr ot tLe river failing over tbe ' TOa ever from tbe ecrn into tbe pans i coa:n L-r-rd Bar'ia stun lcaice duke.
weir. 1 1 5 each ressel was filled tbe metal : sj that tbe immense estates of the .a'.i rt meniljred that be bad at
ir.1! , t r v ? .-11 . . 1 . 1 1.1. . ' . t. - :
n v j, iuc w cui on, aaa sua as ; rjg gecn to sics away, so taat oy lae 'iwo uijes were niergeo. 1 rectseiy
it went oa tie lassie seemed to row'tinie the workmen got another ladle -the same thing happened ia the case
weaker and weaker, aad thea a big ifu'i read r to t3ar ia, the enp aad : of the earl of Beverir, who succetd-
awiui tear came iato eit ifcroat
'ters be coald nd none of them.
tiriie wora that Terr overcoat.
Tmm er af Carelaeaaioav.
was dving under luv hand?
Coascieare savs to n
l3 ' ran were nearly emptr, the bottom ; ed. on tbe death of his coasin, to tbe j
ousea-jia ci .-Ncrtcnnioenaaa, aaa
anda. i 0f f.u aad paas being perforated ; dakedot
e, "J cij-baa ! liie f-kves. Tbe global f rcsed ia the pre?
a-:ng t
eat pet-r haria? married aa
.rooirh the sieve are uniform heiress, a still f2rtbr agcl' ra'-ratK-a
ft ffli ai.l (.f Thr.rcaa ar t-'rfTf
i that be cocM take cp aay given num
ber of k-ad pt-aciLs witboat wantissr.
'A celebrated traor-er os:-e a-sored us
t that be coald" tell how many balls he
' ja 1 had ia his baliet ifaeh I.t Hacia? his
. -d, iANa auu-4 . A iCii LiJ;
r J:-' aamUr of bullets
ca ! she feays, ' it's voa who are kill-" wt int a Hrrnlar reTolvinar tu?e, rr er bein? brotber'es s. left Lha tbe hi
to tie j ing the poor lassie. If voa were iivt at Vor.r heated l v steam f r the pur- ?T-t b-u ia the eaatrr and a com-
I j maid, "and, so your missis is going the job, they could gtt noxdy else'nce of drrin?. After otic? dried ' menarate reveaue; there are manv
stopj-:ag as yo a
a word
: . . 1 1 . i. 1 , a . 1 . .- . . .... . . . .
it "e aeu-Biin w u-jii. ju;Mi: lnrow lav cocju .kor . r. Hvi m a revciviHT iron ; s:m.iar ea-.-s -Li vii-: M-niim'
home btfore sbe gets aad scb-sors iato tbe re. ' barrel, a little emerr Wicjat in'
j "A in dommed if I t'da't, too !" ! eaca barrel fall, fr tbe purpose ;
! -Ilasb: slie sjys. patting ber fca-issys I, qo;te sadden like, and I !,f jrinartin a relish. The next ba-
j gvr to her lips: and thea I began to j pitches my things into the Ireplae j iarS5 on band is the assorting of sizes. !
think it was a death job I had got oa j with a clatter as I thocght'd wake cp te? sre coaTeved to a series of
to the balL
I time to go
i there."
A Girl wank Bafiai.
I band. I'd had sch jobs af.-re ijw' j the maid ; but sbe slept too s.aad.
T. rt:F.PinHiiial ruatin. fttia.
I- V- a r i- ir( utnwa ta aii tun I
. - -i t. cm. OAfa ae
0- K a-' aaaaeaa aerapaM i
1- i- ;t.
M tke :
0 i
."1 '
R A G. MILLER, after twelve J
:ie praetJca ia Sautmua aaa ;
, i-uit.; kwairs at yanm J 1
. 1 im tia aacc ftaaMrl
be cma we frja-ai
aai Ticauty. J FO&CXLAIX
! O
LlSIOi KETTLES, a, -r , Q
Fur :Srr raail nat a nightirr iua.
Titer be a darker tlay ;
Aad tbe Ran trim irfarra uvmaH.
Lite red karw 1 r-; n: T
Kyrie. eieyw '
i when the corpse has teea yjag, and
( with Ijeautifal bast Ah. and many
j times my Engt-rsitrbc-d. for, says I to
3 mvself. it'e a pit sneh a sibt of
iachiae?: loc-k:ng something like
There roes a hundred raineas."! , r.h renter's cabinet
says I. But now you shoabi ha sees ) eich rack coataiaiag a
the !.k4 that crept ever tbe lassie's cVves reDrestntinr " tbe
face when sbe saw what I were r,f tbe sb..t These ratks
ST'cH:-; it. Souther W
a.-ca.-tcmed t tak ia tbe ?nbstan:e
of a book ia turai-ig the leaves ov r
coatiaa-.'cs.'y, glancia down th
psges. Iloadan. tbe magiciaa. train
ed himself to quickness of perception,
when a bov. bv rannln:? rat a show
There is a faniEr livin? ia Jones window at fall speed, aad then trying
eountv, Georzia. coasistia'of a r?a-! w teI1 wJlit 1r5i ia -tlemaaaadhLs
wife, both" verrV.d IEa:l t-'5iJ w"
aad inlirm. and a maiden daarhtert ansus ng t-.mseit r..y gosa trc m pas-
ei.r!a if te iaHi:.y is entirely
a caaial boat
iselfby gr'ir-
1 ,i i.i.r ,. n: .r.,t
a reMecaJiie ------- 1 --c -- ""'"5
one. but tLe t-frtans ot war and 1 K l ik uv i.aa a
other adverse circumstaaces have re-
a bere
lVM call fr cti'
m. A .i-ty-
a um aa i iwaanj atleai-
; Tvetbrr afeb aaaay artMea tK aaarrra ta Bxav
tfm a aa aiwwi 1 it He ia a. u 1 muil ta
I a-ii at la rare kaea inrra. Gre A a rail,
t aueia-TT '
t- a- a-rpared ta aB ktad af piaaatc a
auajacana ( aaiiaraa ataiomav
wiwpow a poob rKAJiTCS.
It mem preiared ta aaaataeram ail kiad U
Be via ala praasy atSead ta
' S3
J 1
JCAcTratOwBRKT t ATRS1 atui a
' Ai e'aae ia tbe tasea? aad atuat a
! i
aretaaaS aad aee. aad ae tnai lau-
enjorins itself aV-p c-f some other
j Toung woman'ehcad ch, aad I could
itell yoo a tale or two about that
I had jast Harshed putting up my j Bat it wasn't a job of that kind. I
j ; sbntters : it was getticz rataer lite j four: I, as I heard sontiLody moving
'nearly tea o'clock for I'd bad a j in tie next room, and each a s-aft lit
1 o ; h'd day's work of it ; and no wen-j tie noan, a it weat to my heart to
' folder, for it was the eight of tbe lord-j hear it, ay. lad. tAod then obi
: O lieatensat's ball. We thir.k a g.d j body came oat a tall, s lcadid lady,
in 1' lorddieatenant d jwn in j dressed ia Waek satin as fcsughiy as
9p j YorL-Lire ; aad when we get np a Lit j a qnccn.
3 I in the world, aad get asked to bis j - Creecber, he savs "are Ton
- a t f . I ' . 1 . 1 1 T ' a a. v . a " a a a.
fi'hiWjJ.ips tai. wetn;r.K a ct-a; 01 our-i.reecter lontfpeaK. out jis'.cb
1 beaatifal hair sLocli go down to tbe ; about Her great eyes softened aad cboTed viok ntlv forward and back bv
worms, it migai oe
oa i mk'd with tears, end sbe put ber lit-' tt,e fteam
tie white fcand cat of tbe wraps, and
I took it ia mine, and says I : "My
dear, d voa care so much abut
dueed their means of subsisteaee
's fo'rcra? the snialler i.owa to possession of a m-vderate
vour hair that rou'dl-jse tbe beautiful
bHe tbe fine bird shot,
.'life (rod Almizhty's givea you, andi
i q1 selves; and my word ! some Wks are j to what I tell yt-i. A lady bas
! iHf j bit proud. Yes ; that ve ry day I j an accident has been severely I
' O had ires---d the Misses MilUkia'sicd. Ilemedies hare been appli
g hair for tbe ball 1retty early, taiad j plat-tcrs, wh
Jyoa. for I wouldn't pat my old custo-j . I Badtr
the sweet bright days that may PA-
'ow . i charre stops the machine,
. S . 1 mm a 1 . I a.
-ua, oci s,e says, -motner : xhe draws, two at a time
"Mother be .' Eb, Pin Jean. I 'their contents iato the b:
sa:a a oaa wora twre. -io . yo t,r tbetn Tbe next or-er;
e takes out roouia cave 5
' and empties nP Ut. 31 tbL '
prepared "a- arlT oc i r-' whom b
oWation is ! re I r PPt-
I hlia leflre, ca such a iraia. ia such a
; h-tel. ia such a -tree:, riviag Cite
'. aad place to people wrta whom he
tad never exchanged a wor This
training of the faculties ia particular
directions is carried t a marveioas
.old wile aad their one daughter Ia "trerae ty t-wooma, trappers.
ana men wno gaess tee wesgtt of aa-
werc growiB? worse wnb Lim, aad rwuiiw me Cii rtiiiii-ue
be saw that he should have to rive ' -asta-ices are tae marters who leap
without 'r'-7n ,v? ' ''-'i? i; the moath of a
je eoa'd I'-m, staad'ag oa the log, aadtraas-
atiar iastaat:T aa old mark iato a
shot throurb the var.oas r.evc-s. ite r ,
, - ,. ,t ! old man tried to maaa-e and cultivate
larger are ..-'..i ... . - . v- - -.-.. .j r
; ,ni'tr.:,-. --.t-T.rr M t"-r
I1.' .v 1. 4 r,J.- a-.."t this he failed, aad year bv vear affairs
am--M3nt of shaking the workman
care ? savs I, v. just like that "Do 1
yov care " s ay 8 I.
i A , viT..i. v .. t. . i tr-..n
)!iai-u up liijr m?r! aa.u, aiij in a reason
at not. Her tair
nndcrytaad. nr ladv : von want
. .fit. r . " I t v a ... , ... --j
(5 . mers oui oi ice w j kt aai ij u ur rr.e to rase it oa. i n oo u ia ajiay,
upstart people, seeing a I've dressed J if you li lend me of Us lordship's
2.hbe lair of all tbe rt fcmiUts in i rasorfof 4 was that lwirwJ rk I
erj. i .,.-.,., . i
; whereof no man kaoweth to the
aad tbe workman, expert by
of Vjuz irsrtice. scootis out
Darc-giay au tLe Deaotilai tair was lyiagiWE1 be thinks will be enocgn anl
ijievied g ad. a taere an tu awiiy anirlta kejt ler
it 1.
.'i.; a n
cia- Ire r ot rav scissors and comb, my
trarv. ow iLulilcin Las drawn mei uv savs 1, pu"'0g tbem outr " be-
.many a glli of ale in the days wbn j cause as gx-d luck would Lave it, I'd
H4 he kept tbe tap up Newsman's Yard, j just cut a chap's hair a. was going
Ci and has borrowed ruanT a sixpence, w febt next "
iHr e-aeraZy aard la aoaaa baili- j TjrSTJTiE TOUTS LEF1 TS THE
7riaatto. ' 'TT
good a JOTES. j 014 ErtaIite4 aac EeliaUe
a I "
aims Lin -simKE cuin)
SBEXET, la.'
r . .t...t..a f t T 1 . . i a
I Oi me uvi ui ivat ae aas acj- - ?-i;eiice . - sue r-ays, .reecoer.
come to toem. as 1 toil tiis loraaip; lookinz at me quite di.-gnsted ; and
tae gin, me savs.
Sr cKora-J ar.-t tLrriar
j kin and such like as I trouble to tell ! iroin? to ke a good et of, so I
10 ea "ani 10 Ele f1" my vote j beekuaing to
jtjfor the tfwa council. But that's "Take the Si
Susacl Caster, Proprietor.
' a story alouL It was pat nine, as j claps Via into my pocket, and bnt-
The if i him af tae 'estime af Saarrart aal
a I. mum ei laaiiia ia reamnfailr ianted la U
rnbt Vvs brum! sr.k a larve rian af pat. 1 , j jlmt vfcx-a tke iamai iie laaaraare Outav
-mrr m tat para, aafca tta a eaeuaaaacaF tae i aaay af f toavleifkla prrerat aa ta-iT euBa.eara
Kja aaili'n ar are km etaaa. ta . aad lalnaai i U m varaitarir a reaarneaau
Mt Waal iaruraad at an uaar vttk tae ti j (Muut a fciaan t'iaaa aai karaiaay ea
jm mint. a eMa. Gau eaa be mmaniil- i ye iie eanaoeawe af tae prtt t ike ea'ure
r. k. a uaf rJ r WaramtT aad aa naaa , State, At rata la rffl tke r I epaaare ia
k - trrsa. Ua i an krtar i.iaay la aiaaye tke l'ahe rAuua. aad aaa an inmaaai aa eavard
rajrr u twrae f iranare faiws aja. aad ' aa-rme ill lark aaariy a iaater af a erstary.
kAtil ELClIES. : taanpt paaeat af aii "ta iiaauaa Ian tfcar-1
... Pa Iateatnt.1. USL j avlmw um iauy frjaa itt krat aarMiwaifcai. i
tail larce tmd m rark cartlai. aeariy tar mni- j
laaaa af djua af aw aaaalal iid aaarta. aader Ike '
1 1 told yoa, and I was patting up the j tons up my coat, and says I. "Now
.shutters pretty smart, not being a i voor ladvship." And i-he savs.
j thing I often do myself, but it so hap-j" Amelia, throw somethln? over the
! r-erwd that nirht: and ia another rain-. wr trb. And with ibat Ani lia
A. H. FrailCiSCllS & CO..;at I should have been off to tbe brvu?ht a white gown with sleeves.
put to bed. right aad tight
I giTes her a kiss, Tes. bv
I. Jotiira CVrrrfcer,
Felicia Felixstowe,
Mess her, as if I been
-'bat cf weighing aad Uggg the; - c-Wto re for each cf a brmdred
shot. The sca!e set at twenty-eve .v-.T ;, ,k-.
li - , , i.t- saw uiat ter lat&cr was too wi to - " v6
I K , ) 1 i : ; . mi-ii I iJT a j tiuau. - . - . . " .... ....
longer contend witn toe worM for te
means of subsistence Her mother
- . . a . i - li. 1 Tl
Scrcvaloas ! "-0 aa E01 l'ie 10 seM
, Lt.piag nana ; ana sie caew tna; i:
cjiiie to tbem it
Kt f,r jtsfist come through her. She thought
TU workman wb j m"r '". JP"1 1
her mind that her old rar-
not sj.T.t for anything; - ror Tf.jri .k. marmnt f
After a 1 t2f sfc td tb -n! 1bt,r mals between this wtiEtrr aad Ea?-
lortnem. . 'in-i.u.ivitn ,t v;. . ,.r
on tee coor . ana tne pocr ceaa was r-cr? into tbe scale
drefr-d with feoft dressing'. and I'd uoma tn tVp rn' in
,v- m,;.i .t t a i,, -,;iaMi . " i .i-la'' relief were to
a Am.. iti"- - -a aa a .- 1 litf ifT Ui U."t LTtC I Art i v U 1 a
tnd lbea gre poaads not
o'L : hair more orloid.
the we:
, aussea tte Laar a,.,-, th. .hnt naal r-aeses witn-
an.4 I un fut : r -'1. -nA , made Bp
- - - . . in a it: a i-uvu wi iw. " -" ,
-' - - " - ; iuctt a. . it mn-r 1. .
ia tte tame taat it Coats its ieegta.
i It is said that Tbreaa kaew the re
lative order of flowering of all tie
plants in the Concord woods, aad
knew the note c-f every bird, aad a
' thousand out-of-tae-waTtbiars besides
Aaaerieaa Slark.
sbe called me as I was g3ing awav, , tK beam is on even poise
h can it i !itt trhiwr "Ira' n. .rt,a aro fi'l.1 vl - - Ian.I WA. l:Tr.;fvl tf t
trot no moner : take the hair. ong comes another workman with a ' 110 d EP , beef and prk hea.e, aad tbe purchase
The maid let me oat br tbe Uck ' gailmaker's needle, lrt sews cp the!"1, Le wect '" -th j of tborasb-bred stock there. This
staircase, without anvbodr beariaff k end with a-tonlrhingdexteritr. . manly energy bat n t ia a woman s exchange bas received a significant
ns: and awar I went'riebt over hill : tsd the shot are readv for markeL ' ! he 4;d not go to the school ; cb;ci ia tie of American
and dale, as tired and as" bappr as a ( boo'?r 1 0 rwra- nor i short horns ia England, where a bull
maa could be. But I were 'sorry eriaaie aaui .r tke chi.eae. , to a minery estab.iLment. but she ; t.i ;a yew- ytrk; not 0IjT received
uiw t-uk i-ri i.aiiu j.h,e t:lest rnce at tie sale, but the
nuccna aaa - " ta
White Horse to meet one or two good j as smelt beautiful as a nosegay, and
e rratiemaea af aaataaMad iatetrrt- I LOOKIIG CLASCES. CLOCXa. PAfT 1SFT
i t. aad aeil ana a tkraaaacat riaaijlraata. tae
i Aaamnaa Ld laaaraaerUa. riant ar win ta aoae I
j ia tke I aued fetatea. j
Tf U. Tl.
Oaeva-aW.EiaL Pradeat.O XajrraL "tre
Piaataa-jt. J aaa K w ijram. Serrttar ajri Tpraa-
arrr. Airx W tuiuxa. .kiraiaa OuaL a Kiaaaara.
1 A" Srtcn. PiTTrkracn, Pa,
larVri af Qaeewware aa4 Xaaafae-
tarm af Qawaare.
aoaka ar nrrta.
-a PeOKk. Ex. Our. of Pa
j fellows who were ia the hab tof hav-: the w raps ate np ia it, and 1 caught
I bavin? a rlas or two together of a sibt of mvself in a 2"!as. and thinks
' rOTTOV t lYi T t TTC ITIPf ! rl.. f -t. . c - . . ,
;wvj-, 4 n c, ua 1 1 o, n i. n, i mmi ; wi u i was ktc in"- op tne i. Toa muTi-i take me ior some per-
mmm J O bar of tbe shatters, what ebould I e j son wlea he's agate at the seven
WinC Slid KODCSa -drawing up to my door hot a splen- commandments.
carnage ana two i-eactuu. norses. . " .Now, ' sbe saTS, " t reecLer Lcld
of a lather with sweat! Well J vanr ton?Tie and llsttn to me AVhat-
Wooden 2nd Willow Wart, Ac-, j that put me aliout a bit, to think what lever happens, she mast not lose ber
asrrrTtviA joaanaar j a carnage snouid lie doing at my door bair ; you understand, it must be
gt m TjTipTTA'f1 fat this time of night; but I hadn't ' saved at aS hazards. Nowcxmeaad
w--wll. Llll m9 ; jtj3 0 wcuJex fa a :rave, tall, sol-' do vour datv.
Ttf t tt i vr; rrr. ? emn-lot-king chap comes up to mv Eh. bat it were pitiful to see the
M aij
trpmri ii prrpamd la I
ar-r rr aaai a kWt tt aietr ad leaat
cau aad ai. 4 .at af i
Baaw I raraKhlac OaWa j
m k Sar. ICWp aae daor at f 1
""" a. Jaua trwt r ai rai 1. t. j
" -""T XjAH C AALEEEK- j
twvc' rft " R. Vi J. Kjnr Ttoa.a Pr4-
j drat Peaarylraaia JL k. Caapaay. Aiorrt C
kl4 linm. Eieeeaak aa lae Jm. - ila
Pkii- H. 3iKi4Tt Hcrrkaat. .Va. M Market iM.. I
Pkua Km. Aicx. Q. t'kauea. V. S .iaale. ;
nrkaac E W tur Ptuitv, laac HaaM-aam, j
Atarary at Law. W ja tt aiaat ami. Piuia
Juka Waaaiaaker. alt aal a fWtacxat Si. j
aad orarr a-.k aad Jdartct Siia Pkiiau. Hmrr j
k. BraawU. Xeerkaat. Pkua JiaM L. 1 tT
hora. Pnaeat Oaanrui NaL Haak. Pktia
L 3d. Wkiifciea. Xrrckaat. .Wai &alk
fnal St. Pbiia.
Pvtirara kaard aa kB ta aacat apprpret 4a4BL
Fr ar.kcr takaraaUaaa apply la
AtTat far faa tapy
Xajket Street aad Ou
I?l iilal el pi lia.
aaavrre Slrrxi.
prSrJA- tt- SCI2GE0X,
j A aKuaj-kaad
! 15 -Hori Fewer Stsam Engne
1 w
Wtk JVDSXiX GOTESJVCiat. kr an euapirtc
Addrraa W. W. lick A W k S-a.
Srpt. Jk Caamheriaad, Hi.
Tke eil aad wHi kanaa ara f Lnana k Wrtar,
at PITTSbV a'U H, Pa Maiartrer at
door and calls oot : ncir lassie, half sitlia? half lvinir, in
j Is Creecber here. j a thing atween an easy chair and a
j "That's me, says I. couch. All her face" was covered
j "Oh, then." says he, "jump in; over but her eyes, and they seemed
j pointing a ith his finger to it,e to get i to burn. Such sad, pitiful eyes I nev-
up tbe steps of the carriage, where Jea saw btfore or aince. She'd had
(there was a tall funky holding the) beautiful kng hair that camedown
! door open ir me. Well, that caried j to her knees almost ; Let th. it were
PlliC me still more. I had heard of things j in a tangle, all knotted and raveled
o i -I!. !.; "V .r s.. , . , j , i., - ;.k , ,
rm, . U.4ia4U I T 4V4J 444C
theyMemtothiLkadeal aad poultices aad all kinds of
barber chaps thaa they do in this j things they'd put upon ber head
country. Bat then this is a land ofiXo, there was wasn't a thread of it
freedom. Well, as I were saying, j any where that wasn't bound up and
this tAhr chap kept motioning of j twirled. Well, I locked at it, and I
me to tt into the carriage, but says 'shock my bead. , !
I, "Mister, where are yoa bound "" j " My lady," says I, "It would take
"I'd like to beautify myself a bit," j me twelve houre bard work, with
says I, "and I man tell tLe Bilijv'j out stopping, to untwist all that hair."
With that he took my hat that was! "Weil, then," the says to ine.j
Iving oa tbe counter, and banzs it on 1 "whr dun't too lgin ?
bead, and pa-bes me into the car-- " But. savs I 'Tour Ladrship-.
niBXaatSaeat. art 71
Hoe Sranrad ta
t t 1 XT" 1. t
ii i u i i i i i j- -a. v - : m
- - - -- - . tj r-I r " ft laV-ro
iVprnrnvummm i frostV ; and
Wkere tbry mmt laaetka te-aan imaS tr keaaekea.
about the hundred rroineas t..
"Well, it were about six months af
ter that, a tall, nice Wkia? voair
chap came into mv s
"Creecber, have too got a nice pi
of bair, real golden hair; as yea cocld j
sell a ladT as is ro;n? to court?
So, savs I. "Well. n-.
meant to sell the
The most remarkable evidence of:
a 1 - 1 M .ln . fal - I ar-v m ... a
ice niettiaiui fCitc-.T suu sui w ia iaa car oul m mr -sve-itLer I it U wu Vnnirn ftf f
- - . a. 4UV a. a -w V. aa-
teat aad eo.u. sue clang , crowers to crcs their best herds
imposed duty. Though floets with new blood. Bat in so do-
a aa I
to tae plow aa-l locsed not bact birbest eTer iai J for a shcrt-hora.
. . i a
,vshop..nd s.Vshe, prt tcW e.riy pwiodi, to be ; and fonL ta
"rn L t . : r,1a-t I fouad ia their sn upended bridges, the ; to her self-;
. w t - i - - . r i - j .v - i - . ...
u.voui'u " aj . u j - .- r-.iii,rwiut-a utra u;r till s aula a as t ..rt ir.n ;nn.(
Han dvnasty. Acrxrding to the c-sn-leaded, she wa tco weak and sore. 1 . fit-
current tcstimcnroi au ti cir nistoncai
er strtia : aad we iiftr that this
for I Eevc-ri. ;".-" w iw coue. effort was made, aad thTs acinowl-
hair astheTorjc?'Va?T3,,c r'irr-' " "r" r. . t-er conrage never lorsoot fcer; bat e-3geraeat rtadered ia England by
ladr rave me, never! jiwcvu.. v. u., SOe i-.uieu or. moota mourn, ua-; tLe great price paid at tbe sale re-
ixov, uir li.:- vi ilk 4ij, uaun ul DOW fte is rean:n? cer rewara m trra.) m TV f.t mrr? nnt w
voo haven't
"Well, but, says be
old it. have you?"
" bat business is it or roars:
says I. j
My dear, says he. running out to i
tbe ramare, ":t s gone.
"Ob, Creecber. bow could you !"
she says, looking out c-f the wiadow,
a little bit put out. but so Fweet. too.
bless ber pretty face! Ay, it were
Lady "Felicia herself, as bonny as a
"Why. yoar ladyship!" says I.
"Well. I'm pleased to see voa. Bless
a.-! through the moanUinoas
Shensi to the west of the cap
;s province of, ber parents,
he capital bv her was s
. . a m J I ai a a v--k k- M --- mm . aa aa MVk
ana compietea tte lormauon ot reacts making comfortable the last days of ;tte imporutk-a of Ea-ah catOe
: that are needed to improve the corn-
sold at one of the ware-' trfi--rV r r.-m. ;-,
iiitneno its iony c:.s aaa ceep vSi-. bouses ia Macon, a Tew days aro, aad maaT parts of tbe coaatrT withoat
levs had rendered communica-jon . if fcs market value had been ixed ae-; ..: w r - ,v-
difEcnlt and drcuitoos. With a body ! cordin? to the moral worth of the pro-' table or the p'ow or the dairr Bat
! of 10.000 laborers he cat passages j daeer, the product would have vieldcd 1 inmrovenat may progrt-ss more
over the mountains, throwing the re-: ber a competence for life. rai,jdlv, when it is ascertained that
; moved soil into tbe vaiieys, ami . Jlen may prate heroism upon the : soe i,f ocr herd not onlv eoaaL but
; where this was not saSr.ent to raise . barJefield or in time cf danger, but excel those of Endani The fact
tae rotvi tt tne reqa:rea nt-igti ne there is no heroism that surpasses the
ed bnages, which rested on ; heroism of this woman. All
constructed '
: mr Leao. ana iu
r:age, and away te wcl! ll-Xr: you ; yoa know wbat twelve boors is, .t
1 could say "Jack I;oriasa,"--and ting up with a man pulling away at
j away we went. Eh. but we did go j your tangk-d hairs ? Why, my lady,
a oark night, and savs I, "I dun't thing aa I could stand
we sc.n got tut of the tbe job, as aai hale and well ; and as j but he left a bit of ratieron mv conn- i r .
: lights cf the town, aad atlU the bors-; fr the poor young lady -there, why, Iter. It was a check for a hundred j ,or n4llr c
I es ralloTed od, and I ald s-e the bless Tour fceart it would kill her."" Iruiaeas. engineers. ci
17 fT "ROOSE &? Co.. ' rtArs twmkliBj overhead ; aad then Bat ber ladyslip took no notke of So I didat kte by tbe job. after i
JVWfcJJJ m gfmW ecJd-er all of a sudden, and me. "Well,fche says to the ToangaH And the carriase comes fcr roe j
i the windows of the carnage were cov-i lassie, "yoa hear what he says: are;every fortnight to take me to the i
J Holt to do tbe fca-.r of tbe roan?
holds irood cf some varieties of sheeD
honor i irjfl-!n tnrri n.- nrVne
i pillars or aJtnienis. in her. The earth ueht to ykid tbe Ut Socks, on the continent ;
vou! I've kept vour har f-r tou mv J'Y' - ' , mo-i gtnerousiy wnere chosen oy tne aa4 t;fcester swiae has a transatlantic
dear; and I've" done it all up in the f, ob-'rt of f U5Tfnd a? furrow of her plow. ;repatauoa and demand, and Morgan
most beautiful w. v. Come in. mv fm ot ; ' - trotting hors a ready sale wherever
. . - ... orf-r a ceen enasm. I nese orwses. . "
lord, savs I. .. , r , ,
iv. . ui . . . wkch are caked lT Chinese writers.
Oh. In ont a lord, says he; "I n : ... gri" iiM ,ri It is remarkable but nevertheless
only plain Jack Thompson, of the -"-' "' 1" true, that as a rule, flirts
Holt-" anai ciri l. "Ctw ,w I j - i - - , .
her to voa. mv I:ot. .; ,
- - i hat- Mnnr rata rraxtriiaii n n ruiiiT c a a
-Whr. hows that?" savs I. ? "- -v 1?. --."T. :r - comes enea? at eiirbtwn. and km ter across tie sea. taat it is well e.
c , t. uti r , v" r t aiarm.
ens i. ior i'wa a
eoort were wild tat Lave ber
, j . t i v ' ! mountain to mountain.
utc u da rarM .ut'iu iviuri. utri i , , mm . a . n
father for her the verr night she was "J .u, fir!-- does wed, as a gen.;
her bair, and waslikejy to be d;5g-i . . , , , . , ; wap, makes her hu-baad mieraMe, - -b-; (nr.-r Jrr c-?;. f.w ..t
-red, be cried off, else they'd have j . Vu;;! 1 ,r I and brines cd her children ladiv. i " V" " . T: etT
r..,t t,- i t..., ,t siue to proiecv iraveiera. it ijotw; Ti . ,. . , , .- - i.u.Su4ur, j.
ivnuru uri lifm inn uiit lum I ; .- . , f l. ? ti not TT UiiaCUil vo saa re- when hnter hp tha hst
. - i . i M j uiraun i -m. a a4aii coi- - . i -
fteppea ia ana carrieo ter away. . tj, ' sons wbv Cirts do act marrv. t-easi-
A- k a mm W - W - a i t:?if aaVBVk M-. k..jcai-nwa a o- w . . - a, - - a
d. say i. ana tnuca y-r i w-n ! v., - ' ' . ,,.. .t, . ! men admire :a a woman swrcet.:n
you. Colonel Ibonipn.7" sats . , ; besides a wettr face aad
"and hope yoo'U accept this hair, sir, i T, "' "a.., T",T1 .Za .17. ! maaners. Ther love
as a weddin? presenL
-t'i -:t t ,
r -
: knowledge ot speed is joined with
; taste to iL We are so much accus-
both male l0IDe1 to oaaerva-ae our progress ia
. , - , , ,1,., i tuu itrmiic, uu not duutt uu.ckit7. . . . t .. - .
sent dar are sometimes so oign tuat ( , ' anl ta snnw Tpm:o. u hr
;., " . , .a -;.k. The chances are that a r.rl who be- &na 10 suppose at is bet-
i , - . comes enraged at eiirb teen, aad roes
of Dover- '71 flet fr 1 hecomin enraged and disenrad, j csionally to correct tie notion, whea
r. nd tlHT f !JL ar JSTfa-i f ia tbe oom iCr airt to do; ultk the correction is made by fact.
.. mountain to mountain, over a cta.m . , t
' maieiv setues uown into a coanrmea 1 . . ,
ft St.
and the blame is laid on the cows.
Tl ,. aaa -.a .
iiM lact, is ine real name witn tne i owners themselves. I- tb Fkil
intellect. COia- mrhea frvrf mrr-M xl nintx faH
I UlU cur-it ij-viii wi iti.t-i, fluv a a- da - , , . , j- f
. i mine of them were made of iron, the i w '? au. """ , and wben warm teed is nee-ied ia tie
i. reecaer, , . . - . . . . ; wbich the Sirt does not possess. Tbe j mornm? and emmfnrtkb '
i HlUfc UJ T mm m W t V u a-M ,c u aa Vkka VAAV. r c . . a.,a. "
tractions br Earotaa "eciioas loiiebt. they are aHowed to shift lor
& trJt iir prrt. K -' . --.u v u. , Uiemse-lves, a t-.i:ing o2 m mt is tne
ne win not ieaa a maaio oei.eveM,e re, aili tb rerdict is that "the
: cares ior mm wnea sae aoes D-) sac a
5500,000 SAUSBCItr, :
The TeaJeaey ta Emteaaiaai la tike
Lar Eatate-a af raglaa
a ' a af mim at Um ma tkaa at '.
Feb. ak". ;
rWwBntctattuaf tke'
Depasitars seerfw j Wtil Estate
iirrstaieils riclfcsiTcIy.
j Haaatartarertac'kakiaCtef
j Order fcy anil prtaaptly atseaded ta.
' Addrna WJt BcxiSE k O0u
Saliteary, Ektk. P. jl Siaaenet oa, ra.
' at.--I a-tfk .iaa ?n at tt-, " rt r r d n.l ? fVn-1 ' -PAtwIr -t l-Ae- "
J ' ; - " C !, v - - -T i - U ev UiUI rtddwi t i.
pr..,- , seenaagbt bat tbe lnsiac, wLerelj And tbe laseie gave a iittie ga, a; people there; but tney come so fast appears to be tbe text which a very
' - d., wl, B-tiin? with tie sxranfre tuan. ' bt art-renderiny little kie-b. and sfce- that I r tbevll ovrmaitr ma H.-n ij rn-i;Kma
- - , f. - r , : - - . - - , iw - c UUUiW 4 v w , a... u " - u
cow wais ta -o drv." aad so she is
i thin? ; she will not flirt with hira jest fariWhed. Now, this is the faalt of
: for tbe sake of Sitting. : tfce owner ani the result of negHireare.
"UntoLim who hath shall be given"! She has a truer coaceotion of what Pati ar it- bamans t --.?Trra
And Le said never a wtvrd. But still says, in a little feeble voice, "Go oa.
"But," says I for I wanted to
OeC M.
"t It kaa aU tk iavat tactamee '
todt-tke mtm kaad f a art ;
ii Per Cent Liferent MiMM & WHIIJfflOlU
mr aa ) .-td9 An mrA rTd a aa-ewwl 1 .i '
t -i, kaat vi-a v - aa t- a --. a . i wit
I beard the
; river hard
i bot.fs. and we ovd a brvlre. I . itounds-
j think, fur we went up and down fur a "Oh," saya the, "thea
j moment a if wc hid been ia a swing, j ha ve a hundred guineas. .
! And tbe sou ad of hoofs died awav; That wrs a tennHation,
t mamar and da.-h of a i bare aa excuse to be off tbe job "Ij
by above the clatter of the . wouldn't do it under a hundred j
fear Ska are Hale.
take tvt their wills.
is ngbt acd possesses a great deal 0f babit. aad follow a coarse one
more common sense. She has deriv- Icu-d. eswiaIiT a bad one with
Tbere is an ex- j edher education from somethLag else sTjrprisiag pertiaacitr, and going dry
y to beqaeatb es-' thaa three volume novels and the so- caeof them. We have knowa
traordinarr tendencr
itaies to those who have them. Mcre-ieiety of the empty-paled.
She raa
rasing a lew oays since tnrouga ' over, oi late years ice enure exunc-! l taoroaztiv merrv ; bat sbe taows ealviar witioutdetriraent. but this
:. uus; , rmvEi , uu uvi liivjriurr ia i'i iai:uv5 ku j.-.t:--4 th-,4.v ill x tucrrr aum.'ni t-rius raw- tae CtBer extreme. oil WTek?
koaii : cieaniy nortnern pc-rtioo ot tne citv of; ornioss properties in tne naaos i one , ic. tLe mar attract less attenuon in i abcnt the ri'-ht time and mC
j - fitcn near tae river, j person, jais irocie ays ia one oi . a drawing room tnaa a Bin -ujes, i- 5bould be kept ot until that time.
yoa, I encountered a loftT stack of brick ! her novels that the fickleness f For-icause sbe is lessnoisvand obstrasivetitK- ... m't T
cows to be milked to the rerv daT of
fIt roflrotii & Co J
m smrs in m
pO Baltimore St,
A1 TlMAnr aar-.
Paid to (Levoaitcra aa tka warnarmaitint
lyjmaHw tt dii a m a ttm laliaaf aaa
ad.aa fmr -ntf-m-4mf rnttmrp
i aaa W dw ka m-mmH eaaaab, WXTBO n
. XinVuimcf aad Deakcila
Furmlvrt IhUt$ Svppiied at Lov
ed Woleat Etit.
. - t- 1 . f a. w m . ml . . . . - . i . . ! . - ... . . . 11 -"
iiiAw-.Dt-r Aa ii w were Trav-i:rif ia 1 fLio sj t&kui macn itr ntmi mArtr rkt.K i i ina eAmaf n takM tha tm -.r r 4k. v. writ u m mi - t
- F - C - - f- " I -ataa" kaaa f m.t. m VU V , A t- ' UU& S- AA . 13 kkX. J A J AV ta V w ; tVaafc, 1V1 Ait VAd l-tlt k. aawa , Jjjl.Jt Will CD U?T"T" CO CE C '"T t"?' 'IC
over soft tttff or gravel; and present- in the world, and hadn't ever had so certained to be the tower of the St peated strokes of luck ia the same 'sooner, and make her husband bet-1 ths last month and it is sa.V to mCk
Tbis would certaiay seem : ter and trarf wife. ; to .v .- Gentle treanaent.
been the trkk which she has; A true woman does not rare forthe j - .-.-, .-a ft.A in the raoniin-r
diikedom of Baccleucb, spoony young man, Sbe dislikes his ! m comfnlbie place to lie dowa
m in w at a . 1 - l .t . . a a
erne vt cnaries ii. tke , ippisnness, tne vapia ccinpiimeaw ne will make theai con tin ae to give
nytne carnage sroppea au i a sua-, tuuco as ten noanas ia bis pocket -at ' Ixkiis Snot orks. I bad often bad quarter.
den. A footmaa stoud at the door ; oace ia all his Inc. Bat I was scr-occasioa to use shot of rations de-itohave
J the silent man jumped out " Stay jry I took tbe job after alL nomination, ia the prcisecntioa of'plavedthe
j there ! be cried as he weat, with a " I man have my sapper, I says, small game, but knew nothing cf the j la the
an MkMiifaadnaA laa-nn.-l
VI UlCUUiav lair. l 'a uuu
fTcv-triM a-.r anlWitr r.ka tkyvA r
.kvvvwiv vi aiuvi rr 'j lutlIt; a
I Acd tbere I stayed, lor I were cowed j " Bmg Amelia," sbe says to the j varce idea that tbe molten lead was greatest heiress of her da v.
i Ji" wnh ng tamed off like tnat, ; maid, "and order up a tray." dropped from a beitrlt and in bedk aceordindr married to Charles I
. and didn't know if ray soul were my j And a bang-up supper 1 had in the eace to the la w of cohesive attraction ! favorite son br Lory Walters, wh married, it is to the flirt, and the hap-1 it is suadown. aad the little chickens
: -- " .m. w-4 -vui.u ;,muuc wuiog iviau, - Tuitam -nu assamea a siojencat iorm in tne oecame anerwara so wen known sa , py pair teaa ice toaiest cat-ano-aesr , aii go to rooi at uit time. ' tes.
a : voting coantess I iiuccieuca was tbe pavs ner, ana lis ecetninaev. lle ';-v
S-Le was quickJy finds tbis oat and leaves her ' i
IPs i in peace. Thus, if be untimatelv rets "Come, iro to bed, Eddie, yoa see
I thought to myself. The i champagne, and what they call a
j fjarriage mored oa a Lit, aad stopped cure-or-so, out of a brown jag; bat
Nr. ThlTti A VP Sia- ' 1 1 didn thing much 'o that, and I'd
11 U. AUU AJA11U -A.VC "Now, then, my lad !" savs the; sooner call st kill-r-o, if I were rir-
Oppatdte J. W. WtmlmmTt rtoahara
foounaa opesing the door. f leg it a came : for eh ! it did make
Pt I waraa't'Mi,. I,. I. rmm it it f t . . t X T. j T . a
about by such cattle as be. Says I. ! took about a gill fit, to see wbat i't
r. ai" j " I'm on thy master's business, and if I were like.
descent. It occurred to rue that this
was probably the best opportunity I
would ever have to acquire a knowl
edge f the shot business, and accor
dingly presented myself at the office
and aked for permission to look
through the establishment. The
Superintendent, a muscular looking
duke f Monmouth. The soa cf
Monmouth and the countess of
Daceleuch succeeded his mother, who
had been created duchess, as dake.
life imaginable.
Aa observer says that
are not so weir-bebaved
1 auarr.
but the old hea goes with
since the ! A ladr asked aa up-towa geatrf-
His descendant married a danrhter: mothers have taken to wearing lich- man, who was safferiag from in3aea-
f the duke f Queeasberry, and his j buttoned boots." This is supposed ia, "My dear sir. what do yoa as
marriage eventually brought that to be a jest oa the disuse of slippers -fur a cold" "Five handkerchiefs a
dukedom and aa immense estate into i for spaakiag purposes. ' day, Eudim-