1 , ? ! .-..1 rl 1 ! HI 1 t i i t 1 1: v-. 1 1 1 r f i MARK TWAIS AT SGI. Kesrae Wrwk-Thrilling Sicrle- mic Narrative RM-Onm Mre-ae Sine Meat Rsved la a tslaa fee. Mark Twain came over from Eng land last week, and like Snmner, tells Lib experience on the "wide, wide sea." Preserving a RTavity of style, as fitting the theme, be marts out for midably : Ox Board the Steamer Batavia,) At Sea, November 20, 1872. To the lioyal Humane Society; Gentlemen Batavia sailed from Liverpool on Tuesday, November 12. On Sunday night a strong west wind began to blow, and not long after midnight it increased to gale. By 4 o'clock the sea was running very bigb ; at 7:30 onr starboard bulwarks were 6tore in, and the water entered the main saloons; at a late hour the gangway on the port side came in with a crath. and the sea followed, flooding many of the state rooms on that siue. At the same time a sea crossed the roof of the vessel and carried awav one of our boats, splin tering it to pieces, and taking one of the davits with it At 9:30 the glas was down to 23:55, and the gale was blowing with a severity which the officers say is not experienced oftener than once in five or ten years. The storm continued during the dav and all nieht. and also all day yesterdav.but with moderate violence. At 4 p. M. a dismasted vessel was sighted. A furious squall had just broken upon us, and the sea was run ning mountains high, to use the pop ular expression, Nevertheless, Cap tain .Mouland immediately bore up for the wreck, (which was making signals of distress,) ordered out a life boat and called rbr volunteers. To" a landsman, it seemed like deliberate suicide to eo out in such a storm. But our third and fourth officers and cisrbt men answered to the call with a promptness that compelled a cheer. Two of the men lost heart at the last moment, but the others stood fast and were started on their generous enter irise. with another cheer. They car ried a lone line with them, several live bnovs, and a lighted lantern, for the atmosphere was murky with the storm, and sunset was not far off. The wreck, a bark, was in a pitiable condition. Her mainmast was naked, her mizzenrnast and bowsprit were mne. and her foremast was but a stump, wreathed and cumbered with a ruin of sails and cordage from the fallen foretop and foretop gallant masts and yards. We could see nine men clinging to the rigging. The stern of the vessel was gone, the sea made a clean breach over her, pour ing in a cataract out of the broken stern and spouting through the part ed planks of her bows. Our boat pulled 300 yards and ap proaeed the wreck on the lec side. Then it had a hard fight, for the waves and the wind beat it constantly back. I do not know when anything has al ternately so stirred me through and throujrh and then disheartened me, as it did to see the boat every little while get almost close enough and then be burled three lengths away again by a prodigious wave. And the darkness settling down all the time. But at last they got the line and buoy aboard, and after that we could make out nothing more. But presently we discovered the boat ap proaching us, and found she had sav ed every soul nine men. They bad to drag those men, one at a time, through the sea to the life boat with the line and buoy for of course they did not dare to touch the plunging vessel with the boat The peril in creased now, for every time the boat got close to our lee our ship rolled over on her from sight But onr peo ple managed to haul the party aboard one at a time, witnont losing a man though I said they would lose every single one of them I am, therefore, but a poor success as a prophet. As the fury of the squall diminished, am as the sea was so heavy, it was fear ed we might lose some men if we tried to hoist the life boat aboard, so she was turned adrift by the captain's order, poor thing, after helping in such a gallant deed. But we have plenty more boats, and very few passengers. "THE WATER WRATH WAS SnRI.VK.IXO.' To speak bv the log; and be accur ate, Capt. Mouland gave his order to chancre our ship's course and bear down toward the wreck at 4:18 p. m.; at 5:15 our ship was uutljr way again with those nine poor devils on board That is to say, this admirable thing was done in a tremendous sea and in the face of a hurricane, in sixty ruin utes by the watch and if your hon orable society should be moved to give to Captain Mouland and his boat's crew that reward which a sailor prizes and covets above all other distinctions, the Roval humane society's medal the parties whose names are signed to this paper will feci as grateful as if they were themselves the recipients ot this great honor. loose who know him say that Captain Mouland Las risked his life many times' to res- . cue sbip-wreckcd men in the days whenjio occupied a subordinate po sition and we hopefully trust that the seed sown then is about to ripen to its harvest now. The wrecked barqe was the Charles Ward, Cap tain Bell, bound from Quebec to Scotr land with lumber. , The vessel went over on her beam ends at 9 o'clock, Monday morning, and eleven men were washed overboard and lost Captain Bell and eight men remain ed, and those our boat saved, iney Lad been on the main rigging some thirty-one hours, without food or wa ter, and were so frozen andexnaustea that when we got them aboard they could hardly speak, and the minds of several of them were wandering. 1 he wreck was out of the ordinary track of vessels, and was 1,500 miles from land. She was in the center of the Atlantic. Our little boat crew of volunteers consisted of the following: I). Gillies, third officer: II. Kyle, fourth ditto; Thomas nenry,seaman; John Park, ditto; Nicholas Foley, quartermaster; Henry Foley, NatLan Clark, ditto ; Thomas Henry, seaman; John Park, ditto ; Richard Brennan, ditto. The officers tell me that those two quartermasters, the Foley broth ers, may be regarded as a sort of per manent volunteers they stand al- "ways ready for any splendid deed of daring. John 1'ark is a sturdy young sailor, but young as he is 1 overheard him say, "Well, that's the third time I have been out in that kind of an expedition."; And then he added, with a kindly faith in his species that did him no discredit, "But it's all right, I'll be in a close place like that myself some day, and then somebody will do as much for me, I reckon." When our lifo boat first started away on Ler mission it was snch a galknt sight when she pinnacled her self on the fleecy crest of the first giant wave, that our party of passen gers, grouped together on deck, with one impulse broke out into cheer upon cheer. Officer Gillies said afterwards that about that time the thought of Lis wife and children had come upon Liin and his heart was sinking a bit, but the cheers were strong brandy and water to him, and his heart nev er "went back on him" any more. We would have cheered their heads off, only it interrupted the orders so much. Really and truly, tl;ese men while on their enterprise were safo at no time except when in the open sea between the vessels ; all the time that they were near either the wreck or our own ship their lives were in great peril. If I have been of any service to ward rescuing these nine shipwrecked human beings by standing around the deck in a furious storm, without any umbrella, keeping an eye on things and seeing that they were done right, and yelling whenever a cheer seemed to be the important thing, I am so glad, and I am satisfied. I ask no reward. I would do ii. again un der like circumstances. But what I do plead for, earnestly and sincerely, is that the Royal Humane Society will remember our captain and our life boat crew ; and, in remembering them, increase the high honor and es teem in which the Society is held all over the civilized world. In this ap peal our passengers all join with hearty sinceritv, and in testimony thereof will sign their names. Begging that you will pardon me, a 6trangcr, for addressing your honored society with such confidence and such absence of ceremony, and trusting that my mo tive may redeem mv manner, I am, gentlemen, . l our obedient servant, Mark Twain, (Samuel L. Clemens,) Hartford, Connecticut. Choosing Orrapatloa SI ma. for a Tenor If a boy is constantly whittling sticks, fond parents 6ay that he has "marked constructive ability ;'' or if he can whistle one or two notes of an air correctly, he will bo a great musician," or if he can draw with reasonable accuracy, "that child is a born artist" If these presumed pr assumed evidences of genius are act ed upon, and those in authority seize arbitrarily upon the young man and force him into a trade or art, on the pround of their being better able to judge than he is for himself, the pos sibility, nay, the probability is that he will turn out a Harold SCimpole, of whose class the world has far too man' already. He sketches a little ; tinkers a little with tools; drums a little on a piano ; and in time falls into line with the rank and file of the noble army of incompetents and revi lers of fate. He may protest with all his strength in bis earlier years that he is not fitted for the occupation chosen for him ; he niav demand to be transferred into 6ome other calling that his soul hungers after ; it is all in vain if some one in authority, be the anic parent or guardian, says : " 1 our profession has been chosen for you and you must fullow it; your el ders have had more experience than you and can tell better, by reason of it, what you Deed ;" and so the young man is condemned for life. He goes moping all his days and refuses to be comforted, simply because his heart is not in what he is doing. He is out of his element ; he disturbs the ma chinery of the world ; be is as bad as a broken wheel on a train ; every thing with which he is connected gOes halting and bumping and jump ing because of him. If he does not reach the highest place in his profes sion, his elders, with astonishing in consistency, upbraid him and say that he has no ambition, no energy, no de sire to succeed ; when the simple fact is that he has no qualification to com mand success. "How can I know about a thing dunno nothing about?" exclaimed an exasperate and badgered witness in the box. "How can I have' inspiration to preach when I am always thinking of machinery; or paint, when 1 am always wishing to preach, when di vine truths fire my heart to go forth and turn men trom the error of their ways ?" A man out of his place says these things at heart if not in actual words, and Lis whole life is embitter ed by the blindness of his ciders who would not see. but claimed the right because they had the power, to squeeze a human heart into the corner they thought it should fill. For it is crush ing the heart out of the man to make the boy travel in a circuit he is un fitted for. All his energies and am bition reach forward to one goal ; all his nature is bent upon that one thing, and because you cannot see as he sees. oh parents or guardian ! because you are not Lim and do not love as Le loves it, you will destroy his future power. It is a serious responsibility to assume ; to direct the calling in life a young man shall follow, an ac tion to be taken upon great delibera tion. v hatever he undertakes he must stick to it. In the early years of Lis life, when the world expects but little of him. he must study or work hard to be qualified for the later ones, when it exerts a treat deal lie cannot have two youths; he must give bis young life, bis bright hopes, his aspirations to the work in hand What if his heart is far from it and he is longing with all his strength for that other calling which you have put out of Lis reach ? You niirrlt as well go out into the world when he is of age, as some foreign parents do. and select a wife for him. With equal consistency! you might say ve bad more experience in the world than you; you can live happier with this woman than one of your own choice," yet this is an action you would shrink from committing. Is not a man's profession the same in de gree as bis wife 7 Does ho not live by it a? with Ler ? Are not all hopes pn it centered, his happiness bound up in it r - Is not the contentment which springs from a congenial oc cupation in the same as connubial af fection 1 It certainly is : for unless a man love the work to which ho ap plies himself Lis labor is of no force, of little worth. He is Lalf hearted, simply because be lacks the inspira tion which enthusiasm lends to every occupation, even the humblest The shoemaker who likes to make shoes makes better ones than the convict enforced to do so, and the same is true of every work under the sun. Let every young man choose bis own occupation in life. In any event let him choose it If he has no par ticular Lias or bent, let Lim find some thing to do all the same. A parent or guardian may say : "Mv son, it appears to me that your walk in life lies this way," and point out the ad vantages likely to accrue or that can be absolutely given him, if he adopts the suggestions, but this is all that should be done. If he revolts or ob jects and says "I cannot,'.' do not re tort with "you shall, or you are no son of mine." You will live to re pent it You will wear sackcloth and ashes for it Humble yeurself a lit tle before you overthrow him. A boy has a right to Lis choice. He has an inalienable right yea, a constitution al right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Words mean something, and the choice of an occu pation embraces all these. How can you force a boy into a workshop to learn a trade when he has no aptness wbatercr for it, except that he Las been seen to make boats, or kites, things that a child naturally amnses himself by ? You cannot -j you have no right Consider the matter some what If he is a tractable, affection ate and docile bor, so much the worse, you use his natural affection as a ve hicle to work your will with him, not seeing that in after life he will be come a listless, moody, inefficient la borer in the vineyard, because you have trained him to a stake, or spread him on the wall, instead of allowing him to grow free and unfettered as he should. Consider thismattcr in some other light than your own inclinations. He will doubtless live many years after you arc gone. How shall be best perpetuate your name and fami ly J By following his own natural inclinations, or by trying to force his nature to run on a track too wide or too narrow gauge for him ? Think over it Scientific American. A Qaaker'a letter t) his Watch man. I Lerewith send thee my pocket clock, which standeth in need of thy friendly correction. The last time it was at thy friendly school, he was in no way reformed nor in the least ben efitted thcreby ; for I perceive by the index of his mind that he is a liar and the truth is not in him ; that his pulse is something slow, which betokeneth not an even temper ; at other times it waxcth sluggish, notwithstanding I frequently urge him ; when he should be on his duty, as thou knowest his hand denotctb, I find him slumbering, or, as the vanity of the human reason phrases it, I caught him napping. Examine him, therefore, and prove him, I beseech thee, thoroughly, that thou mayest, being well acquainted with his inward frame and disposition, draw him from the error of hi9 way, and show him the path wherein he should go. It grieves me to think, and when I ponder therein I am verily of the opinion that his body is foul, and the whole mass is corrupted. Cleanse him, therefore, with thy charming physic, from all pollution, that he may vibrate and circulate ac cording to the truth. I will place him for a few days under thy care, and pay for hi-; board as thou requirest I entreat tin . friend Jokn, to demean thyself on this occasion with, judg ment to the gift which is in thee, and prove thyself a workman ; and when thou layest thy correcting hand upon him, let it be without . passion, lest thou shouldest drive him to destruc tion. Do thou regulate his motion for a time to come by the motion of the light that ruleth the day, and when thou findest him converted from the error of Lis ways, and more con fomtable to the above mentioned rules, then thou send him home with a just bill of the charges drawn out in the spirit 'of moderation, and it shall be sent thee in the root of all evil. Xall Kobbc-r Sentenced. On the night of the 12th of last July, the mail stage or the Caynon City road when between Canyon City and Antelope Station, in that portion of the road known as Antelope Canyon, was stopped by three mask ed men. The men were all armed, and one of them demanded of the driver of the stage, Ad. Edgar, that he should give up to them the mail bags. The passengers in the stage consisting of two ladies 'and three gentlemen were told that they would not be in the least disturbed. The bags were given to the robbers and the coach allowed to proceed. Fou persons were arrested charged with the crime. After a deliberation of about fifteen minutes the jury return ed with a verdict of guilty against the four men on all the counts in the indictment The Judge reviewed the case as presented by the prosecution and defence, and stated that in his opinion the defendants had had a fair and impartial trial. The jurors thought that the chain of circum stances proved them guilty and so found. Two months had expired since their conviction, and if they were not the guilty parties ample time had been riven to produce them. No person had been arrested or even ac cused. He had one duty to perform and the law only gave him one sen tence to pronounce and he would now proceed to do bo. Each prisoner was called by his name and the sentence of the court was delivered. The sen tence was that they be each severally confined in such penitentiary as may be hereafter designated, at hard labor during the remainder of their lives. The only one manifesting any emotion as the sentence was passed, was F, Tompkins, who was designated dur ing the trial as the chief robber. The prisoners will be taken to their quar ters in a lew days, in their case there is no hjpc for pardon. Tke Bed (test. A writer in the London Air re marks that the Red Sea is rather no- ted for beinjr hot, but the createst beat is said to be in August and the early days of September. There are burning deserts on each side of the sea, and the hot air from them is most intense in this month, and must come by whatever wind may chance to blow. Sleeping on deck becomes the fashion, and every night increases the : nnm bcr of what seems corpses laid ont in rows. At last, as we get near the middle of the lied Sea, the ladies find it impossible to exist in the cab ins below, and they have their beds bronght on deck. Wiping the per spiration from the face and neck is the onlv possible occupation. If you try to write, great drops gather and come aown witn a spiasn on me paper as i . t i t . ' if trom a thunder cloud, ilea with bald heads seem always to have a crop of pearls coming up through the skin. All the pores of the body seem like perpetual fountains of water. The sight on the forecastle is very striking at night. There are the crew of Lascars, and the seedv Wallahs, or negroes, who do 'the stocking poor fellows, they come up from their fiery Gehenna gasping, at times fainting, in this climate. The stewards also take refujrc on the fore castle, and it is the only place for the second-class passengers, and anion? them there are two Chinese women, a Malay woman, and a group of ayahs from Ceylon, Madras, and Calcutta There are two Jewij from Singapore, an jugiisn groom in. charge ot a T ! I horse, and a few others, a different class, who cannot afford to pay first class fare. All come on the forecas tle, except a lady or two, who do not ike the thick crowding of the slee pers, for the whole place is a mass of bumau beings. The heat is far too great for fun, singing, or even conver sation. Everyone lays himself down to rest, and remains there absorbed with bis own sensations till sleep gives him complete repose. Whcrc evcr there is a spot where a man can put Lis body the place is soon filled. "Home is the place for boys." said Spinks to bis eldest pride and joy. "Yes," said the youngster, dutifully; "I like to stay at Lome all tLe time, but ma sends me to scLool." Misbellaneous. New York Tribune. 1873. Now, s heretofore. The TniBrirs strive to lx ftof sUaadpre-emineniiy ar" paper. V . u,,ul.ll Enaland and Oermany grad ually Iliermeated with Republican ideas-ispein warlne In the nerveless ftrasp of ruler too (rood for e kins ami too weak lor a Republican, who if unable to Kurern the great Inland that blocks the entrance to our Gulf ot Mexico, and equally una Ue to grtve It up be Oenaan-tpeakinc; people agitated rr a new riwmiuium, iriraiui imw i Sr se of ltotne on the dwnna of Papal Infalli bility and a "ruming to reoognise the "Old Cslbo- ihn w H..l MAilmml iurvajiet hv the Intel. lectnal ferment that comes of the conflict between old ltl can, philosophical, theological, material, and the advance of Physical Science Russia and Great lirtlain running race lor the final gain that ahaU determine Asiatic supremacy China seeming ready to abandon her advances and re ctos her half-opened grates Japan abolishing feudalism and inritlng Western civilisation to ir radiate Western commerce to enrich her long-hidden empire euch are phase of the news from abroad which the mails overall Continents and the wire under all Seas are daily bearing tons. With able and trusted Correspondents in the leading capital, and wherever great changes are in pro gress, Ta TaisTK aims, at whatever cost, to lay before its readers the most prompt, complete, and popular presentment of these diverse and conflict ing movements, through all of which, as it fond ly trasta, the toiling musses are every where strag gling up toward larjrer recognition and a brighter luture. " At home the struggle for Freedom seems over. The last slave has long been a citizen; the last op position to emancipation, eniranchiacinent, equul civil rights, has been formally abandoned. No partv, North or South, longer disputes the result of the War forth Union; aU declare thai these result must never be ondone; and, with a whulc people thus united on the grand plutlorm of All Uights tor All, whereto our bloody struggle, and the prolonged civil contests that folfowen. have led us. the Kcpublic closes the records of the bitter. hatetul Past, and turns peacefully, bopetully, to the lea alarming because less vital protuems 01 tne Future. To whatever niav elucidate the general discussion or action on three. The Tkibi hi! gives amplest space and most imartiai recoru. w nat ever parties may propose, whaUTJr political lead ers uiav sav. whatever officers may do, is fairly set down til Its columns, whether tlds news hell or hinders its own views. Its readers nave the right to an hinest statement of the facts; and this they always get. liut ai to Us own political principles, Tea Tain css is of course, hereuller as heretofore, thechani pioa of Equal Kigtita, lrreSicetive of Kaoa, Nativ ity, or Color. It stauds Inflexibly by the Amend ments for the permanent security of those Kights, which have been solemnly incorporated by the People, In the Constitution of the Vnilod Suttee, lndcuendt-nt of all political parlies, it endeavors to treat them all with ludiciul iairucss. It labors to purify the administration of Government, Na tional, State, and Munli-iial, and whenever those in authority, w net bor in iNationai, state, or aiu niripal aflairs, take the lead in this work, it will therein Kir them its cordial suiiport. But it can never be the servitor of any political party; nor will it surrender or even waive Its right to criticise and condemn what Is wnwg.and oouiincnd what is right in the action ol any parties or ol any public nun. Now, as always. The TntBrxE tabors with all Its heart for the iiromotlon ol the great material interests ui the country. The progress Inven. lion and of Labor-saving, the development of our resources, the preservation of our Land tor the landless and its rapid subjugation to human wants, the uliUtation of our vast underlying Ores, the ex tension of the facilities for bringing Producer and Consumer nearer, together, whatever lends to sweU the ranks. Increase the knowledge and belter the condition of those devoted to Productive In dustry finds mention aud encouragement in our columns. Tun Weeki.t Tbi bi ke, now more than thirty years old, ha endeavored to keep up with the pro- eas or tne age in improvement and in enterprise, devotes a larsre share of its columns to Agricul ture as the most essential and general of human pursuits. It employs the able and most success- ui cultivators to set wnn in nnei, ciear essays their nraclleal vfc-wsof tne Farmer s worn. It re. ports public disenssionswhich elucidate that work; gainers irom every source agricultural news, tne rt-orts of the latest extrrimenl, the stories ot the latest successes and lailures, and whatever may tend at once to better Agriculture, ami to commend it as the first and most important of progressive Arts, based on natural Science. There are hundreds of thousands engaged in di verse pursuits who own or rent a "place," and give some portion of their time 10 its culture and im- mwemeni. a he hkcklt i Kint-aa snows mem tow to make the most of their roods and their hours, both bv direction and example. No inform al ion equal in quality orquamity can be elsewhere obtained lor the price ol this journal. The Weekly 'i kibi Na appeals also to Teachers, Students, aud persons of luuuiring minda, by the character ol It Literary eoutenis, which include reviews of all the works proceeding innn tne mas ter minis of the Old or of the New World, with litieral extracts Irom those of esiecial interest, Imaginative literature also claims attention, nut in a subordinate degree, -nouie lutercsts are discussed weekly by a lady sjiecially qualified to nstrnct and interest her own sex, and the younger porthin of the other. No column is asore eagerly sought or perused with greater average profit than hers. The New o the Pay, elucidated by brief comments, is so condensed that no reader can deem it d ill use, while given sufficiently In detail to sat isfy the wants ol the average reader. Selection an rrwlarlv made from the extensive Correspond. . nf Tuu Daily Tribcme from every country. and its editorials of more permanent value are here reproduced. In short. The Weekly Tei bcke commends itself to millions by miuistering to their intellectual want more fully than they are met by anv other journal, while its regular reports of the Cattle, Country Produce, and other Mar kets, Will Ol tnemseives save tue mruirrnuo reu lnrlv mil Ml them tar more than his journal's price. For the family circle of the educated fanner or artisan. The Weekly Ttibi he has no suiwrlor, as is proved by the hundreds of thousands who, naving reau it irom rninwi, ,uumh.ii,iuwi joy it in the prima and on the down hilt of life... We respect fully urge those who know Its worth to commend The Weekly Teibpke to their friends and neighbors and we proifer It to clubs at prices uich barely the cost of paper and press- work. TEEMS OF THE WEEKLY TttlBUNE. TO WAIL SUBSCRIBERS. One copy, one year 62 Issue fa 00 Five copies, one year 42 Issue 7 so TO One address. ilQUlimvi rawrrmere. A It mi urn- PnsbifHne. I All at one Postofnee. 10 copies 25each. 10 copies U So each. aomnies 1 10 each. ,20 coide 1 20 earn Mlenolra 1 OOeach. SO eouie 10each. And an extra to each club1 And an extra to each club T-For elul of Fifty Tns Semi-Wekkly Tu El1 a E w ul be sent a an extra copy. NEW YOHK SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE is nuhlished every Tuesday and Friday, and. be- tmt printed twice a week, it contains nearly ail the inioortant New. Correspondence. Reviews, and Editorials of lb daily, including everything on the mihjeet of Agriculture, ami much interesting and valuable matter, lor wnicn mere is not huh cient room in The Weekly Tribi-ke. The Semi- Weekly Tkibi;e also gives, in the course of year, three or lour oi ma Best ahd Latest Potclab Novels, bv living authors. The eost of these alone, if bought in book form, would be from six to eight dollar. It price has been lately reduced, so tliat clubs can now secure it at little wore than I be cost, to slncle subscribers, of The Weebly. Nowhere else can so much current Intelligence and perms nrnt literary matter tie had at so cheap a rite as in The Semi-weekly tribche. TERMS OF THESEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. One copy, one year, lot numbers 3 00 Five copies, or over, (or each copy..... 2 VI Ten copiv (and one extra copy) tor.. 2i 00 TERMS OF THE DAILY TRIBUNE. To Mail Sub.Tlbers, 10 a year. The Tribune Almanac Tor 1873 will lie ready about New Year a. Price 20 cents; 7 tor L Alwav semPa draft on New York, or a Post office Money Order, if possible. W here neither of these can lie procured, send the money, but always n a Kegtstered leiu-r. i ne registration lee nas been reduced to fifteen cents, and tbe present reg 1st rat km system has been found by the postal au thorities to be nearly an absolute protection against losses tiy man. Address ' 1 The Tkibcse, New York A Rrpwttitorjr of Fswhloa, Plare, B1 lasts-action." Harper's Bazar, notice of Ike Press. Tbe Baaar is edited with a contribution of tact and talent that we seldom find in any journal; and the Journal itself Is the organ of the great world of fashion. Bolton Traveller. The Uaxar commends Itself to ever member of the boose ho hi to the children by droll and pretty 'ciurcs, to tne young lauies ny its lasniou-piaics in endless variety, to the provident matron lis patterns for the children clotbcs,topafrrasui ny its lasiciw i luxurious drcf Its tasteful design for embroidered slippers and us dressing-gown, nut tne read ha Baxsr is uniformly of great ex mat- tor of the Baxsr ence. The paper ha acq' he paper ha acquired s wide popularity for the fireside enjoyment it aflords. N. y. Evening Port. STJBSCKIPTIONS-1873. Terms: Harper Baxsr, one yi An extra copy of eith car U 00 or either ths Magastne, Weekly or Baxar will be supplied gratis lor every club of five snbscrlliers at si 00 each, in one remittance: or six copies lor sai w, witnout extra copy. runscnptions to Harper Alagaxtne. weekly, and Haxar. to one address lor on rear. S10 00: or. two of H arper'i Periodicals, to one address for on year, S7 ou. itacK numner can be supplied at any time. The five volumes of Harper's Baiar. for the years lfjcs, 08. -70k '71, Tl elegantly bound in green morocco cloth, will be sent by express, freight prepaid, lor si vw earn. Tne nostaze en Hamer'a Rasar is 20 eenta a year, which must be paid, at the subscriber's pt otnoc. Address HARPER k BROTHERS, New York. t-Bwaetlsmljr tke best sastalned Harper's Magazine. . . Xolicet of Ikt Prett. The ever-lncreasmc circulation of this excellent monthly proves Its continued adaptation to ptipular desires and needs. Indeed, when we think Into now many home it penetrate every month, we must consider it a one of tne educators as well as entertainers of the public mind, for it vast popu larity has been woa bv m anneal to stunid nreiu- dlces or depraved tastes. Bottom Globe. 1 ne enamour which this Msgailne possesses for variety, enterprise, artistic wealth, and litera ry culture that has kept pac with, if it has not led tbe times, should eaus Its conductor to regard It with Justlnahle complacency. It also entitles them to a great claim upon the public gratitude. The Msgasinehs dons mod and not evil aU the da vs of its life. Brooklyn Eagle. STJBSCBIPTIONS.1873. . . Terms: Harper' Magazine, ens year , 4 00 An Extrs Copy of either the Mairailne. Week ly. or Batar will be supplied gratis kir everv Club of Ave subscriber at St 00 each, m one remittance; or six conies for $20 0U, without extra copy. Sutiscriptlaw U Harper' Juagaxine, Weekly, and Baxar, to one address for one year, 10 00; or, two of Harper's Periodicals, to one address for one year. 7 00. jacK n nmoers can ds supplied at any time. A complete set of Harrier Magatlne. now com prising Volumes, in nest doth binding, will be sent by express, freight st expense of purchaser, for ta 2 per volume. Single volumes, by matt. postpaid, S3 00. Utath eases, lor binding, W cents. ny mau, postpaid. The posts ou Harrier's Mairailne is 24 cent a T"ar, which must be paid at ths subscriber's pust- oiDce. Address HARPER ft. BROTHERS, X. Y. nov V Mitcelfancovs. rHE SOMERSET FIRE PESTKOYED MAST OF Morgan' Blankets. The owner thereof should remember when they purchase a new supply thai Miiittf an a ULANKETS are the best In the market. i - He ha also a very large assortment of rLASKELS, '. SATISETS, CASSJMEBES, ' srocKisa yarh, CARPETS, COVERLIDS, Id short, any kind of WOOLEN GOODS that may be wanted. t Prices low and all goods warranted to be made In the best manner and Irom pure stuck. ' Examine hit good before purchasing your Win ter Clothing. Address W1I. S. MOHOAN, . Stastos'b Mills, Pa. Place of business 1 mile west.) Sept, 1, 72 Cook & Beerits' FAMILY GROCERY, Flour and Feed We would most respertfullv announce to our Mends and the ihllc gcneralfv. In the town and vicinity of (Somerset, that we nave opened out in our New Store on MAIN CROSS STREET, And in addition to o full Une of the best Confectioneries, Xotion,, TobaeeoH, Cigar, Ac, We will endeavor, at all times, to supply our cus tomers with the REST QUALITY OF . FAMILY FLOUR, CORN-MEAL, OA T,S" SHELLED CORN, OATS d- CORY CHOP, BRA N, MI DDL INGS, And everything pertaining to the Feed Depart meut, at tun LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. FOll CASH ONLY. Also, a well selected stock of Glassware; Stoneware, Woodenware, Brushes of al kinds, and STVTIOsTERY Which we will sell as cheap as the cheapest. Please call, examine our goods of all kinds, and be satisfied from your own judgment. Don't forget where we stay On MAIN CHOSS Street, Somerset, Pa. Oct. 2, 187i piIE BEST PUMP IN THE WORLD! THE AMERICAN SUBMERGED Doublc-Actlng, N'ou-Frectlng FORCE PUMP! The Simplest, Most Powerful. Effective. Dura ble, lie liable and Cheapest rump in use. It is made all of Iron, and of s few simple parts. It will not Freeze, as no water remain In the pipe when not in action. It has nc leather or gum picking, as the sucker and vaive are an 01 iron. It seldom, if ever, get out of order. It will force water from 40 to SO feet in tbe air, by attaching s few feet of buse. It is good for washing Buggte, Window, water ing uaruons, no. It furnlnhes the purest and coldest water, because i) is placed in tne bottom 01 tne well. Tebms; inch Pump, tit; pipe, He. f) foot. " OAe. 1 " VS; Larger sixea In proportion. WEYAND ft. PLATT, Sole Agent for Somerset County. Somerset, Pa., May 1st, 1H72. A, H, FRANCiSCUS & CO,, 513 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, We have opened tor tbe FALL TRADE, the lar gest anu nest assorted iocs 01 Philadelphia Carpets, Table, Stair ami Floor Oil Cloths, Window Shade and Paper, Carpet Chain, Cotton Yarn, Batting, Wadding, Twines, Wicks, Clock, Looking Olaases, Fa ivy Baskets, Brooms, Baskets, Backets, Brashes, Clothes Wringers, Wooden and Willow Ware, IS TH K PHITED STATES. Onr large Inrrease in business enables ns to sell at low price, and furnish the best quality of Goods. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE Celebrated American Washer. price, as so. The most Perfect and Successful Washer ever made. AGENTS WANTED FOU' THE AMERICAN WASHER, in all parts of the State. Sept, 25. CARPETING. Henry Mc Call urn, 51 Fifth Avenue, PITTSBURGH, PA. (Late McCallcm Bsos.) I keep on hands tbe largest assort meut to be found in anj city, of ALL GRADES Oil Cloths, Mattings, &c. Tbe smallest orders promptly at tended to. Carpet Ac, at Wholesale on the Most Seasonable Teno. IIEXRY McCALLUM. Sept. Speedily Cured. eases, at tbe old established Girard Medical Insti tute, No. 172 Second avenue, between SmithUcId and urant streets, Pittsburgh, Fa. KyphUis, Gonorrhea, Gleet, Stricture, Orchitis. Hernia, and all Urinary disease are cured is the shortest possible time that will insure permanent relief. Spermatorrhea, or Seminal weakness or lmpotency, a th result of self abuse in youth or excess In maturer vears. and which produce some ol tbe following eSeeta, as emissions, blotches, de bility, dtsrlnesa, nervousness, dimness of sight, eougti. Indigestion, const I pat km. despondency, eon- rasioQ meats, svenson 10 society, loss 01 memory and sexual power, and which unfits tne victim fur business or maniaare. and ultimately esaains- in sanity and consumption, are thoroughly and per manently eureil. Med trine supplied st the Insti tute. A metrical pamphlet relating to private dis ease sent In sealed envelope tor two stamps. No matter bow difficult or longstanding vowr ease may be, if curable, after a personal examina tion, uwy win rransiy ten you. itememnertney hava cored man v. cases gives, dp by other Dhvst- eians. Patients treated bv mall or exrress. but when possible it Is best to visit tbe city for pe r personal eon- solution; or address Girard Medical Institute, k - "So. 172 Second Avenue, PITTSBUBOH, PA. Oct a iIMMONS It CO., WHOLES.!.! DEALERS I Tobacco and Sonara. 408 Market Street, Ibore Fourth, '-.." PHILADELPHIA. - . J v H. Marshall, agent, Somerset, Ps. doot'12 Mticcthucous. Ft R Rs AD WAY'S READY "RELIEF t I KES THE WORST PAINS :.: i -on Oao t3 Twenty Minutes. MOT ONE HOUR ' :r?TiTUMtirtfl't''r1l,ncr,tr!M'daDyoiia bCKKER WITH PAIN. Ii.UiWAT'3 HKADTf KKLIEK 13 A CTRS FOB EVERY PAIS. It was Ilia ttnt and Is TI10 Only Pain ltemedy that Instantly i" ibsnvwt eicrsclsllnf pains, altars IiifL-ilumsl I'iih, and cvrs CongcAlooa, whether of the Lane, Stomach, ttowcis, or oUnr tandsarerxaas, by one aM-tkTal-m, 1.1 FHo.M O.VIC TO TWENTT MINUTES. Vo matter bw violent or xerucUlias ths pua tlx lUlLl'MATI''. lWJ-rld.l. liiArm, Crippled, Ner vous, Neuralgic, or oruetraU'il with dlseaas stay suffer, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WIl.l, AFFORD INSTANT IA!E. A 1N"FLAXIW VTloX TUB KIDNEYS. w INFLAMMATION F TIJF. BLADDER INFLAMMATION OK TUB BOWF.LH. rOXHKRTloM OP 1HK I-IXflS. BORE THHOAT, IUKFU'I LT BRKATHIN'I. I'Al.riTATIoN OF TUB UAUT. nTSTEKics, tKourfci.Ew viuExrA HEADACHE. TTHACUF, RHr;JATISM COI.D CHILLS, AIUF. CHILLS. The application of the Ready Keller to ths ntrt or part where the p-iiu or diOcuUy cuts will afford ca-ie and comfort. Twenty .trops In MTf a tnmMer nf wstr win In a few moment tare CRAMF8, nPAKMS, HOCK 8TOMACH. UEARTHCKN. blt'K IlKADAl.'UE, IHAItKHKA. DYfE.NTF.KT. COLH!.WINI IX '1IIK Ik) W ELS. and all INTERNAL PAINS. Tran-len aliouM always carry a bottle of Rad wav's Rradr Relief with them. A few drupe in v:uer wi.l prevent aickneea or pains from change or waiee. It Is b ler thaa French brandy or Ulltcrg as aallilAukt:!. Sa FEVER AN AGTE. FEVEil AN D Aol'E cured for llfly cents. Tliere l not a rciiKilial agent lu this world that will curs Fever a-iil Ague, and all other Malarious, Hilloul, ficirl. t. T t-nlioHl, Yi-ilow. and other ! erera (ildtg ny ItADWAVS PILLS) to quick as KADWAY'S READY KELIKF. Fifty cent per bottle. Sold by DiiWitf. iOLTH! BEAUTY I! STTtoxtt and rrrii? rich m.oon-ix- CltKASK OF FLESH AND WKfOIIT-CLEAR (.KIN AND IIF.AUXIFL'L CUMPLEXIO tok CUIIED TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT II AS M ADR THE MOST AHTONISII INOCCRERl frrQI-iCK. SO RAPID ARE TIIECHANOEJ mi? body rxnEitijoF.s. vnher the in- H,l!KN E OK THIS TELLY WO.NDKKFLI. MEHiCINE, THAT Every Day an Increase In Flesh and Weight is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Kvrrv drop of the 6AKSAI'ARI1.L1A.N KK !1LV EXT oimmnnlcatM through the Ulooil, Sweat, Urine, and other uulda and Jnlcta of th system ths riirorof life, for It repalit the wntti-a of the br.ly wlia luw and sound material. Scrofula, Syphili. Con. Mini;'Tion, GUiiiluljr dtca Cfepra In the Throat, Mouth, Tumors. Nodes in tne (ilanrt and other parts of the tA-9tr.ii, Soro Eve. rtniD.t.us Dlchfgra from the Ears, a-i; the worst frrnjt of Bkin dloeaaes. Eruptions, Fever 8rea, Bwid Head, King Worm. Suit Uheuin. Erysipelas, Acne, lsiaclt Fpota, W ornn in ths Fl-&h, Tuiriom, cancers in tne omo,an'i all weakiiius awl painful ilin-harre, Klght Sweats, Lim or .So--rm. ami all waw.s or me me. pnocioo- t re wilfiin the curative rai-je of tilt won. ler of .Mod ern Cnriuiatrv, and a few lnv' line iil rriire ta nnr K.-rin uvn it fur either uitucw ojrmaof diacanc 1. iKitent pna-er to cure them. N it mily d-K tin PiurABii.t.t BmoT.viTrr ft- el all known rmeHl asen'al.i iliecnreniVlirrmic. kT'ifu!iiu., l.'(i-tlltutii:i:U. auu tkm (iiacaaea; lint it U Ih. only nunitue cure f-.r Kiduey cV Bladder Complaints, I'rtMary, al tV'-mii ilm-am-, liniki-l, liiaiifti-4, lmnv. Kt-ilpi)tJ r-f Wntcr. Incontinence of I,'rne, Kriht's 1I-:lm, Albuminuria, ami In a!i caaet where, then- un; Urlc'-i'lust aVo-wila, or the water la tfilc caiu.lv, n.lxcd with aitfitauei-s like the white nf an csA ur ttirt-a-lj li.e waite wik, nr there ba ninrlii'l, dark, bitiotn unperiranr", and whHe hone-dust de N,iit. and when liu-re Is a i-rlckinit. hunihi "--tlim whei n:U!tlii water, aud tain In Hie Small cf tlie 11 u-k ami al-uiK thu Loins, l'rlcc, Sl-co. V O R M S .The or.lj- known and sure Remedy fT iiot-tt-J'tn, 1jjc, etc. Tumor or 12 t'earV GrowfL ' Cured fry Uuilniy'i Itcaolvent. UiTtr.iv. Mam., July le, Pa. Keirjiri-T If e k-i-l llrin Tumor la avirleu a:i4 heurulfc All lh lloctova aa;J -ihers wa ae If kit 11. I trW.1 every llii-ij thai wf rcoliiinud : Irut B.-lbirtt-elfw m. 1 ywir Bewlreal, hI tb-;i:M I wwuW try It; ant u a U.la la U, U.-a-4 f bad MDrrr4 fur twelie TlAr, ..t ris uti;J ol it TrOTlrenf, M ene box ef Kaduray't 1Mb, a-,J b- til.-, -t ywor Kra4r BrlMf; a4 larr U a-.l a ilu I r-t tu-it.tr 14 be tern or S-lt. and I trcl Wtlrr. metier, aw4 h;.it-e IV-n I bare f.-r Iwelie year.. Tne w-irrf In-rHir a 14 the Kit of the kewrlt, crr tfie (rota. I write uiii l rom f"T tfce lirurfil of othi-ra. tuacaa paUUa It u yoa caeua, HAN.NAH r. K.NAl'1'. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, r?rfcctlr U-t- ftrjrti.tly ctfci with iwet r:m niirr. irzul!!, wrffj ocau, art t trenittiH-tu itKt-rav' ftli f-T !! cum of ail rtiwrrU-rj 1 the H'smtch, Liver, BmvU, Km!!;, Blvihirr. NetTrnu lir.a?sv Hs..i:u. r-siistipatina, .'ort.vrftrM, In-liifrtlttn. l-i-: Ililtwt-nrs, Jtillr.iw Few, Iriltuatin-tlhi.i t trr iH.wt-u, en, and all lrmiir lutniH uf liw l:ittri.'.l Vic(;r. Wurraiitctl to effect a pni.uv.; cur.. P.r-.y VrtaHlf, eoulaiuhij do nief C jrv, r.iirKr..!, r .Kitprusus driv. C ff O rvrv ri followinc ym..orrja fcsc'.lrof fr jiu i crj of thfl lave Organs: rwtfi'issn, . sriH Flrt. Fn !! f tU BIno4 ta tW llnti, AfMi.lv of tnt St-vrrt h. Nails", HMrtUrs, I't-fnwt ,J .., Ki!l.i4 w Wtrir:i In lii Kfcvm-H.. bwor Enn-t-. Vrtt-A, jaiuk it? tr Mutts-nnf at Ih Ttt mttiw Ktonrk, S.m-mm- -4 ti ll.-al. H-STTf-i cn-i IhlrVt.lt Brvaihinsr, Klott jtlg 4 iS llrut. . htViMSf NillnrMinc HtmmW wWa Lti -2 r:lir, 1 Nrnt -.. ef Vlaitm, IU r Wtrba twfera tW ;sTtt. Fsrsrr and !rH P. r U H4, IHscry erf Ps7rt,ralt Vr.t.wts f IW bum! fc-vwss Pass m t'i rtttjl , LunU, aa I ouilJra FiiW f UeU, Efer&iaf Id Um f ifth A ftf tfcse of KADAVfl TILLS will 1W tt vstrtit fromuJI atwiiT.'.fian.M di'stinij-n. price, 35 c- iiM-T Un. SMJ H V IKTT(jUliST3. KKAI fcKAlK AMT:tl'E." Irn4 ! Mter inin fo RAI'WAY k CO.. No. 8? MisN.ro Iui, f-V'trt. iijnuatwu .'viiti thuVsKUiu Ll l il,.i--' jANDSANPUILI)IXa LOTS. BuUdlng ha lo the Borough of Somerset, ElliUy situated, ami lUi Mineral and. MerLaMs In various soctlnns of Somerset county, for Sale OX ACCOMMODATING TERMS. A portion of tiie land are Improved Farms, Othcri are aiiimpnrevl. LIME-STONE, FIRE-CLjAY, i - IRON-OKE and STONE-COAL, Are foanil on Home of them, of fair quality and quantity. Fur term?, to., rail on or adtlrefn U. WfcYANH, An-jrnatJT.'n-tt Soinereet, Pa. Suw CI Ii VEYIXCJ, C O X V E Y A X- INO, WLLECTHfO fcc. JAS. II. GAITIIER, DALECITT, : : : MEYERS' DALE P. O. AU baslneaf entra?tel to his care will be nroniDt- fyattenileit to. Tho Aenry fur the purchase or sale of mil kind1 of rval'cstate taken on modernte tenutt, julylO A. DUNHAM, Willi MOSKI.KY, JIKTZCJEIt A CO., V AHtrrACTt-EKttS A!lt JOBBERS Of BOOTS SHOES, No. 43i MAKKET ST., PHILADKJLPHIA. ALSO, NO. 47 WOOD ST PITTS BURQH, PA. July 10, 71. QTIOUSE & SHIRES, Mtinufiicturersof all grades of CIGARS, BEDFORD, PA. Attention psrtlrnlsrlr s.k-1 of Jolihrrs. SW-Onlrrs Bi4lcite.l brE.IL Marsliall.tlrairirlKt. Sumerset, 1'a. my. g. The olilest and most reliable Iualliutl-m forob- ainlnz s Mercnntlle blucation. )rl'ratical business men as Instructors. For information, write for a circular to P. DUFF . SONS, PltUhurgh, Ps. oci i. Purchasing Agency We will purchase snd forward any article MAX1FACTIKEH OR SOLI) In tb.s city at tbe lowest rates. Parties In the Country wishing to nnrrhase Pl anus. Orjrnns. Sewlnir Maeblnes, Uuns, Kirolvers, Nursery Stock. Jewelry, Furniture. Millinery, Man:wnre, Druira notions, Ifookm .stationery. Sad dlery, C'arpetliiKS, Dry Ooods, lie., fcc., will do well to send to us. All giaxls wlllheehosen with a view to economy, ssw.-ll astaste and fitness, and boxes orpackaa-n llirwanle.1 ry Express to any part of tne nmnirr. aii oniers pn mil illy aueivleu to, anu saiisiaciion p;uaranieeu. Atiiircss, PITTSBURGH SUPPLY CO. "T- PITTSDURGII. PA. BOVARD, JROSE & CO., Carpets, OrEj CLOTHS, MATTINCS, Stair Rods, &c., Sec. Full and Carefully Selected Stojk. BOVARD, ROSE & CO., a FIFTH AYETfUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. jun UW. rail SHADES 3IUrellunevwi. Vlaaaefa.s HlllaM arss tn Fan-aa, ranl. "v,nm n "sss avx 1 s, uiy ivm tjyitiim sss.ia isciubv litftttn, Aoctonyi. spiced, anti etrMfctKd lo plciae he tutc, c-.lled TonlCa,,, Appelnert," Restore ra," ftc, that lead the tippler on lo drunkenaeM and rain but are a true Medicine made from the native roots and herba of California, free from M Alcoholic Stimulant. They are the Great tilood Perifier and a UtVjgiving Pfinc.ple, a Perfect Retiorator aitd Invtgorater of the Svtem, carryinf off all poisonous matter and re coring tlit blood to a healthy csdi tion, enrichio it. refresh) og and tnvirf ating both mind and body. They are easy of administration, prompt in thir action, certain in their mmlta, nfe and reliable in all forms of disease. So Person ca.it take thee Bittern accord mc to directions, and remain long an well, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, ami the vital organs waited beyond the point 0 repair. Dyspepsia, or ludlarrst lou. Headache. Patn in the Shoulder", Coitg!.s, Tightness of the Chest, Dn ainess, Stttr Eructations of the Stomach, bad Taste in the Mouth, UU'Otis Attacks, Palpitation ef the Heart, Ij.lljmnMtion of the I-miRS Pain in the regions ol the Ktdnrvs and a lumdreif otlirr painful yinptom, are tle t4fprttijs of Lff. In these complaints it has no equal, and one bntte will prove a better guar antee of its mmts than a ientfthy adrertjsement. Wor Female Cotuplaluts m young or o!d, married or Single, at lite iiwn of womanlond, or tt turn of lite, tlwse Tonic Hitters display so decided an influence th.it a nuiked improvement is soon percep tibl-. Fr Inflsnimatsry nnl C'ttronle Rhevt matisut and Gut. Uvsftefisia or indiesiion, lithoos, Remitient aiul liaeistnileni Kever, Liseases of the liiood. Liver, K.ilncr and U'.iHiltr, these Bitters have been mmt sntxessful. Such Ili-toases are caused by Vitiated Itlond, nh ch is generally produced by derange merit of the D:geMve Organs. Tliejf are a (-eutle Pitrntltre aa well a Tonle isfwenstni also tlie pecuii ir merit of acting as a powerful azent in re-ieviiig t.'ongestion or Inltani m3tiin of the Liver and Vicer! Or3.11, and in Uuious Dise.tses. For Skits IUe , Ertt'.i.otis, Tlter, Salt Rlteiim, Hlmches S;oi, pimnien, I'mtules. .oils. Car hunc'.es, Kn5 wormw, Sca'd-Head, Sore Kyes Kry sijvelas. Itch, Scnrf, Iiscf!orations of tire Skin, Humors aud liseases of the Skin, of wh never name or nature, are literally dirj up and carried out of the system in a short time by the ue of these V.. tiers. One tiottlein atich cases will convince th: mn5t ittrehi!ons of tlteir cunnve eflect. t'leauee the Vltiatral Oloa.t whenever yon f:ml us iNijutritics hitrstiii throtiti the skin in Pimples, KnijirioTi-i, cr bores; cle-iue It wlien you hud 11 00-ttruci-tl 3 nl nl'.Rijtili in the reins ; cleanse it when it is ttHil ; oir lectms will te'l yoe wlien. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the sysieni n til PUow. tiralcfusthonannft proclaim Vimkgr Bit tcks the rooM wonderful luvig-xaiit tint ever suuatned the siiikint; system. Plu, Tape, aud other Woriu linking in the system v( so many thousari.h, are elfctua'ly de Si roved acid removed. Savs a didutzuished phvsioU osist : Thcr : i scarcely an individual uinm the Ciceof the earth wlm-sc U.i it csempt from the rcsence of worms. It is not u;vtt the he.ijliy elements of the body that worms cxii, h it upon the diseased humors and slimy deposits that bre-a theu living monsters ol disease. No system of Medicine, no venuit'iifr'ts, no anthelmin tic, will free the sjstem from worms liUe these Hit- ler. Mechanical Dleeneee. Persrsns enaed in Pitnis and Mm era. w. such as P!unIrs. Tvie setters. Gold beaters, and Miners, as tliey aivance in l:te, will be subject to jtara'vMS of the Bowels. To ftiard against this take a U..se of w a ..it a a s V iMKCAst Lit res once or twice a wecL as a Preventive. - Illllons Reiultteat atari latermltleat Fevere, whch are so prevalent in the vaileysof our prcat rivers thtunhout tJie United Slates, rvpeciany t!u-e of lite Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, liiinois. Ten ne?, Cnm!er!anfl, Arkatrsas. Red, Colorado, Rrazos, K'10 (irande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roan oke, James, and many others, with their vast tributa r:e. throughout our entire country during tlie Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so Airing seasons of nnnsTi il hc.it and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. There are always more Of lass obstr.iciions of the liver, a weakness and writable state of ths sinniwch, and great torpor of tlie bowals, being c!?;ed up with vitiated accumulation. In their treat ment, a purgative, exerting a powerful inBuenre upon tltese vaitous orrans, is exsantially necessary. There is no cathartic tor the ouriiose equal to Da. I. W a mail's. ViKKGAa Hitters as they wdl speedily remove the rt.uk eosorvvl vised matter with winch the bowels are loaded, atthe sane time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generaujr restoring tlie healthy I unctions of the digestive organs. Scrofula or Kli's Erll, White Sweinntrs, Ulcers, Erysipelas, S -veiled Neck, Goiter. Scroftiious Inflammations, Iido!ent Inflammations, Mercurial At fections. Old Sores, EriijHMHis of tlie Skin, Sore Eyes, etc, etc. Jn these, as in all other constitutional Dis eases, VAi.Kas V its kg . ni'TTaes have shown their great curative powers in ths most obi:nate and mtract able cases. Dr. Walker's California Vinegar Bit sere act on all these cases in a similar manner. By purifying the U(oo4 they remove tne cause, and by resolving away the ejects of the inflammation (the tubercular deposits) the alTected parts receive lieaUh, and a permaucut cure is enected. The prortlea of Da. TVai ksk's TiMCcaa IftTTmas are Aperient, Diaphoretic and Canamative Nutntious, Laxative, Uiuretic, Sedative, Counlcr-Irrv tint. Sudorific Alterative, and Anti-Ciltous. The Aperient and mild Laxative properties of Da. Walker s Vinrgak IHttbbs are the best safe guard in all cases of eruptions and malignant severs, their balsamic, heaitng, and soothing properties protect the humors ef tlie fauces. Their Sedative properties ai!ay pain m tne nervous system, etomacn, and beweis, either Irom mflammation, wind, colic, cramps, etc. Their Counter-irritant influence extends throughout tlie system. Their Diuretic properties act en the Kid neys, correcting and regulating the flow of urine. Their Anu-Bmous properties stimoiate tlie liver, in the secre tion ef bile, and its discharges through tlie biliary ducts, and are superior to all remedial agents, fur the cure ot Bilious r ever, r ever and Ague, etc Fortify the body aealaet dlnease trr puri fyuur all its fluids with Vineca BlTTaas. No epi demic can take hold of a system thus forearmed. The brer, the stomach, tle bowels, the kidneys, and the nerves are rendered disease -jwoof by uus great mvig- orant. Dtreeftlonev Take of the Bitters on going to bed at night from a half to one and one-half wine-glaastull. Eat good nourishing food, such aa beefsteak, mutton chop, venison, roast beef, and vegetables, and take out-door eserose. 1 bey are composed 01 purely veget able tngredienta, and conta:n no spmt. J. WALKER, Prop's. R.U. MeDOSlLD4C(K. Dregguts and Ceo. Agts San f nuscuco, uai.. and cor. of Washington and Charlton Sta., New York. SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS c-SwLiw SIZE m sv,mta os v ..'Msrrvii-' PELLETSA AV "C, Q O Or 8agarCoatd, Concentrated, nool and Herbal J alee, Anti. Dillons Grannies. THE "LITTLE GIANT" CATIIARTiC, or Irlaltam la Par to Physic. Tho norelty nf modern Medical, Chemical and rhsrmaciMUicai Science. No nss of any lonecr taking the Liryc, ri-palsive and nauseous, piiis, co:np-juJ of cUua?, crude, and bnlky Ingredients, when wo can by s careful application of chemical science, extract all too cathartic aud other medi cinal ir;criic from the most valuable rests and neros, a m couccninto iiicji into s luinnte uran iilo. wcareelr larsrr than o. aaiwstsrd soed , tliat ca i be ridily aw allowed by those of tho m.kt-n,itiTo stomaci and lastidiou tastes. l-eUctiiittU; Purcativo 1'cllrt n-prcrents, in s mi coucentriie 1 K1r.11. s- ninca catnarttc power as is e:u'odic.l ia any of tlu lanj pills found for sale in the dm s!iup. Fruui their wonderful ca- inanic poire:-, 111 pr-ionin:i 10 uieir size, people wh harn not trie I tiiera aro apt to roppota that th.-y are M o,- dna'iic i:l effect, but such la set it nil :hc cse. tne differeDt active Medicinal prin ciple ol whic'.i they aro composed beias so har monized aud mrxlilkd, one by the others, as to pro:l:iro It nit earehlns; and tltor on ho it geutljaiul kindly opcrallns; raiUartie. $3:iO Reward Is hereby offered by the pro. privtor ol tlicse Pellets, to sny cbeiuirl who, upou ana!yax, will find m tbcu sny Calomel or other (onus cf mercury or any other mineral poison Being entirely vegetable, no Jenlar care is required while Batng them. They ope rate without disinrbsnco to tho sunstitotii n, diet, or occupation. For Jaundice, Headache, Constipation, Impure Blood, Pain in tho Shoulders, Ticutnes of the Chest, bixzlnesa, Sour troctationa ot tho Stomach, Bad taaco In month. Bilious nttaeka. Pain In region of Klducys, luternal Fewer, niontcd feellnsr about Kiomsth. Hash of Blood, to Head, High Col ored I'rine, Unsociability and Gloom Forebodings, take Dr. Pierre's Pleasant Purgative Pellets. In expluna: iou of the remedial power of my Pur Fitivo I'elluls over so Brest a variety of diseases, winh to say thst their netloa upou tho animal economy Is universal, nota gland or tiasao escaping their sana tive Impress. Age does not Impair them; their s ninr-coatln!? sua being enclosed ui (lass bottles preserve their virtues unimpaired for sny length of time, in any climate, so that they sra al ways fresh and rcliablo, which is sot ths cae with the pills found in ths drag- stores, pnt on in cheap wood or pate-board boxes. Recollect that for sll diseases where a Laxative, Altera tive or Pnrgatlvo is lad tensed. Urns liule Pellet will clve the most perfect tliacii n t all who nc them. They aro sold by all entrprUluc Dsuggista at i cent a bottle. Do not allow sny dnirrlsi ta Induce tn to take snythin? elae last L SMy aay is Wt food sa my relicts becsuao k snakes a U-c - S roflton that which hs twsoaunenda If tm r rotrlst cannot supply theat, eck so U ceu and roceiTs them by refers mail sm n.r riEKcc, jc j., BCFTAIO rf I WANTED American Button Hole And Ofenvf min Complete Sewing Machine, tj James Espy, Gen'l Agent. A s ' 'i nmnrn rcnnpT rania an rjiarnrn iiiiia J tiffloe, 17 IJIierty 'Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. - Liberal Inducements ottered to county sad o- nov. -JO. JkTOTICE. All prs, ns are hereby aotified not to harbor my on, Walter kismts, or sell him anything en mv account, as I will not be responsible. 1 "T a)- HtNRy KOONTZ, wi' a w Bool and Sltoe. JJOOTS A1SV SHOKS. Ilnrry C. Tleerlf Respwtrallr html Kb rltlins of S-mvrwt asl ths public goscrallr, l bat b baa )ust m.-lraisbeU bis NEW IIOE STORE, In the Ne Building on Main Cross Street, WITH A SPLENDID STOCK OF GOODS Bought In the Esstnra eitiesat lbs low rash nrli-es, anil is preiwred to lomlsh the uhlie with ererjr thinir pertainlbs; to his line of business, AT VERY LOW PRICES. lis will keep roru'nntlT on hand and Is prepar ed tu make to vnler en aburt nutiea, BOOTS SHOES FOR Men, Women and Children, Emhraclnir ewery line of first elass ;ols in mate rial and workmanship, fnm the tins liir to the brrsnlrst traad Lniiii ti,. 1...1... .n V ' r..i.. sdwith SLIPPEltS, OJiiERS, i-2 UOOTS, JJALMORAL, BtTSXIN OF CALF. MORROCCO. KID AND LASTING MATERIALS. And cf tbe most fashionable stylrw. YfS Will lltailP. . Trri . . . . I ..1 . 1 -r . i . all who may tfre him s eall. uewaisu trt-paml to furnish shoemaker with a complete a jui jt.tnl of S l.K LEATHER, KIP, CALF, a:;d moiikocco. ALKO, Last3 and Shoe Findings Of every kind, which will be sold at tbe loweat cash -AII kind of repairing done oa ihort n4lpe. He boTM-a h-lrM-T.i..M 1.. , . . sellisw at 1 k .' L. ..1. ""Lt7 ' "-'7 1 IT. , F"-"" pnpes. ana oy lair .Iraliuirs an. I jjm attention to business, to receive ft llnrml hat'. -,r il- i'"s kiBjiiuugr, spr. , ,04 H. t.. BEERITS. W DAVIS & BISO-S OH EJ.AJP Grocery and Confectionery, SOMERSET, I'A. -l?i '1'V'e", h,:"m " people of this eemma nity that purr based tbe Orueerv and Oin- Zrt "f -L r,-Jiavl"' "PP-lte tbe Itarnet H.iu.. -st bare made valunhle whlitions tothealread. la.sio. kof Ooods. We sell all the best brands o FLOl-R, AND MHL, TJaS, 5' IAKS, RICE, SYRVPS, 1IOLASSES, FISH, SALT, SPICES, APPLES, Fl.VuHI.NO EXTRACTS, DKIETi ANDCANXED FRC1TS. ALSO, COAL OIL, TOBACCO, CIGARS, SXVFF, EKOOMS, I3ICKETS, TtBS,kc All kluds French and nma CANDIES, NfTS, CRACKERS, FANCY CAKES, PEHFVMERT, AD TOILET ARTICLES, COMIJS, BRtilUES, SOAP, tu. ft -ikL D '"ort,,,'nt of Tuy ic-- ths little fectiooeiy liuc call at uroeery anu Con. Davis' Cheap Grocery, OPPOSITE THE BARNET HOCSE. nov. s-ly. Boots and Slioes, HATS AND CAPS, Leather and Shoe Findings. J. II. Zimmerman Take pleasure In call ins- the attention of the cit izens of Somerset and Tirinitv to tne fact that he has opened a -nore rn his residence on ("nkio street, where there will -niwsT be kept en hand a com plete assortment of Boots and Shoes, W TUxHtra and home raanuftketure, a larire and HATS AJsTD CAPS, And a great variety of aCcathcr and Shee Finding Of all kinds. There 1 also attached to tlie store a CUSTOM-MAPK BOOT & SHOE DEPARTMENT, With V n svTnvu .1 .. . .... ..... 1 mm niirr, wnm alone is a snHicient iruarantee that all work made up la tbe sbvp will not only fit the feet of custom ers bnl that auly the best material will be used and the Kest Workmen Will be employed. Th puhlle are respectfully Invited to call and examine his stork. cp. e, Tl. KTIFICIAL TEETH!! T. C. YITZY. DENTIST, DALE CITY, Somtrvt Co., Ta., Artificial T"-th, warranted to be oft ha quality. Life-like and Handsome, Insertnl in th leststle. Particular attention paid to the pres ervation of the natural teeth. Those wlshhia- to consult me by letter, caa do so bj rarkwins; stamp. .- jeia-ja Q.ARUETT Lumber Company, QABRETT, SOMERSET CO., PA. Earnest, Defp i Camp, PROPRIETORS, WHITE PINE, YELLOW PINE, OAK, HEMLOCK, AND CH rTNVT Lt'MBER, SAWED AND SH A V ED SHINGLES AND PLASTERING LATH. ' Building Lumber "Cut lo s bill" st short notice. Orders from lumber dealers promptly filled st wholesale prices. ,ug. a, "IIA.L JOHN WILSON" & SOX, WHOLESALE GROCERS 297 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH. ont at, Ta MltedLnemu C & G. Hiiij Hare sow ryr! A rpe and ConinM. Fall and WinterW JThey hare s e.,sipet, . i Xa!ir Fur?, Iro Ooods, I Felt .Skirls. BhsIIom, Glove, And Felt Over Sfct MEN AND iujvs- Clothing, Boots and She HATS AND CAPS, Uiidcrclothicj fur Men aa.! w A Urjre aw.rtmtiit of HARDWA1U AND QUEENSWARg, Carpets, Oil CIoHk i A Ure stwk of 6m and -,,,r SALT the ISarrel orSaJ Prices as Low as Possible. C. & G. II0L.DERB.ir Somerset, Pa. Oct. 30. KXCELSIOB " PUR EMPCT or. tsjljlcs i sntwn to JOHX FRKlpj TI Arrh .. . 1 11. ... . f sn.1 Bth Mreets, N.uth Side, Phioiria. ! IMPORTER AND MAXIT.U-1TK Tmi Tm lar Lanes' al oi'ss wholesale and B4tai HartlUF lmrsfSVtsa.1 Si sr. 1. , . Jmroi of all the different kiniinf fi''.. Drrt htHltR lti r'nrrns. ...I.l , . readers of this paprr to eall and eiam . As Misrepresentations to effect salr I IKS ALTERED AND K EPA TEE SRMIVmha. th. c. . . ... , r -- -'-ic, 1 in .ir D f X. S). Kill. W. W. KSABLB. N. G. KEIM & CO., SrcCESSOLS TO STt T2.MA. klZ ( In the I SOMERSET FOUKE V i Bc leave to say to Its Pstn ns an ! he Pa' f jjey will continue to supply whairr-rirar t i 1 nlunp- -iu-r9. -Him- wiiurai anu manaiactsrers ginersllr. STOVES FOR COOKING AND IIKATI ? Of the most desirable kinds, whfch bn-srs-i rat r.il 1 i ... .ti tu n,im enure suUsurlM. n a' r kept on band. PLOWS Of the various patterns best adapted tt of our Farmers, warranted to KiTe jaarje-f The lanre number alrea.lv In use thru and the ad h, In Ins; count k-'s. and a stra..' uk uemanu, are s sutbvient suanuin T merits. ! CAR WHEELS ForMInmir. Lsmhrrinr. Bilr,-,l nii-' -a-1- of the must apprnvedpattrms and ' m w unier ou snon notice. GRIST AND SAW MILL IF.1 SHAFTING, PULLEYS, HANGERS, liEVEL-WHE: M ILL-SPIN IL, SA'Jiil ANTI FRICTION KLUJ ANTI FRICTION K' LLU'S- I A1LINO. IAUTXK BK U'I IRON R : V Window and Door-24 J The "Rose" IHrect, sn.1 the -frker t Water-Wheelsj HOLLOW-WARE, STlVE PLOW-CASTINtJ I For all tbe different Plows scJ to ts S We are the authorised escn'-s fcrisr1 1 SPEAR'S ANTI-DI ST PAKU s' ; In this ev-unty. j Ws sell, st manufacturers' prta THE SPRAGUE MOWER. I tits THE RVSSEL REAPER A5P THE BEST STEEL FLO L THE BEST HORSE Bi3 And AsTieultural Implements ftnenX- W hope to merit a ewitlnuanes ."J so Uberally extended to this est"''' Our price will b fclr snd our t - 10, JO. HARVEY a. CO., J BITTER COMMISSI 5 B-r T-rrrr kVfiT? PLACE. B-U-1" V AAaliVsiaAAlU' Liberal cash sdvance returns promptly made.