The Somerset Herald, j AVk fm 1 f.r Rile ut W. W. Davis & Bro. 10. WW clinic citrnrs Rt litis inutile prices. iptm!r IS. !T 3,000 KECS Of Butter Wanted. Cosi-MPTivE'. Consider 'Let us ad ti yoa by every consideration ilmt is apt to have force and weight with men, hy all mcaDs, ii von have any ol a cou Pon't fail t') p to W. VT. Davis & Tiro., it I :. ... . .C IT. .K.I. ...J,. Tl l..r 311 kiil'W '" ""'y I Slllllllliv .n;!......- Itnm..iilii f'.t.rrli nr u ..- iuara, Asthma, to try a liotUeor twoof lliat worltl- i renowned uiiilrcini-, known under the have rvrn tiling afford. ... ..c Ttnlt.r til eim. ..rc in want ''" ,' , .l.-nands of our immediate trade. 5''V, all fcrnu-ni who will hip to lts e ..nil' e;in pi fr - I" ;irlv thanks for former patronage, nm .-.,..r lilieral shipments. u.rrr:fuly,i:c.. B. BROOKE NYCE&CO., 54 SOtXTH STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. ( sr,i, can I had at all the Mores. pi r.E ci'',r vine-par at I1;,vis Kros . ,u overeat at Pisel'fi for f 7. v ... your Iloiiday goods at Man-hairs. TEH, ut) tt'nu a can, rcij O. 1. O. at V. W. Davis A: Bro. A choice variety of Cocas nuts, lemons, and in short all kinds of nice and good things for Christmas. The Holiday Season. Mrs. Jas. B. Trrdwe!l has removed her stock of poods to her new rooms, Xo. 0 Mammoth Block, fnd will ltftV, An nlnimut . mj ,t-f nw-n t iif all ! ihe pNkls in her line? especially those suit able lor the Holidays, ojicn in a lew days. Don't purchase until you pay her a visit! Aartlost! Aartioa!! I will 'D at auction, on Saturday the 21st and Saturday 2Hth day of December, 1S72, the largest stock of glass ware, toys, canned fruits, soaps, notions Arc., ever of fered in the liomnjili of Somerset Terms Cash. Samuel Shaffer. 1YI.-H 0V . a W T 7 I U 1 h'li'l H M irninUtl. ai , 4 tui, buckets, baskets, roje & t,- mnlieim-s prepared ly Marshall 1 nr.. a sure cure. ,,rse uir-- an;ed for cah. at Cook &. lieer- ..iiicrsei. i a. s presents cull a! A. W. E. n. Marshall having just returned from the City, informs us that he will open out in his new room the last of this week, one of the finest stocks of Fancy and Iloii day poods ever brought to this Market. Don't buy until you see his stock, as it will be very fine. i-re. . for tli'-11 iif i'11' r,,,1(:ir,tiiu' ' . ... ... O... .1... -I1K irom -o i ems wj vf v vt it it::'' lm? M-re. ,.,he; i,..a" .., - Marshall's and hear the music Ad ( u.L a! vKv'iler.!. (' r.l' f;i ..J.;' s. steri'osf opes, fine views 5--c., . Di-u;: Store." ... l,n,l a Viprr cilTtlkll tf ....jV'l.Sanks and judgment notes. I o u'.y 1-irus and ca?es for sale at "lVo ,,. j lVui Store." Tut '". Jolinstown has cuspended. ; ,v a, it was a good par. izin lor sale ax -reopie s L Shot Himself. On Friday l ist, a son of Patrict Oliver, of Cumlierfand Valley. living with Mr. Herliert Shoemaker, of Colerain, shot himself w ith a pistol, from the effects of which he died in about four hours afterwards. So one was near at the time of the occurrence, and all that could lie eotten out of the boy was, "I shot my self.' Utdford Gazrttt. An exchange says : Last week a cow of depraved taste, that resides in Newtown, ate ntiy pounds ot sausages, which, after beinsr nicely wrapped up iu corn-husk, in pound iwkaes, had leen put in the yard to cool. It is rumored that the cow went up to these sausages she had known the pig from which they had lieen constructed from the time he was a shoat and lefore commencing her feast, said : "Pork, you pine to Ik: eaten, and as I would not think of eating porcupine, I shall eat yon." As we say, tiiis remark of the cow is merely a rumor. name of Dr. Keyser's Lung Cure. It will cure the first stages of Consumption with out fail : it will often cure it in its last stag es. It has arrested Consumption hundreds of times in its incipiency. It is sold at the Doctor'i great medicins emporium and office for the cure of Chron ic and Lang diseases, at 1G7 Liberty street, Pittsburg, Pa. Price- $1.50 per bottle. An easay on Chronic and Lung diseases, sent free on application. Mi" . .ri l,;i-1n l of coal at Stutzman s bank ";, i.r cents per bushel for tine. v,-'nii.'s Coigh arc . ' 1 1 H, .n. F. Jordan, has our thanks for a ,-,'v el ill-' Convention Manual. U-E Marshall's Cough Lozengers for your :,:-irranted to cure. V-WAYsfll vour coal oil lamp in the .Viinir. Man v tcrri'.ile accidents are pre '. Vn'lT.v M-rving this procaution.- SKVKr.Ai, C'xhI turkeys will be received y. ihi ii'liif,' U tore Christmas, onsubscrip-ratiiiuts. liui i:i;:v flour barrels for sale ;t the ,.,rv ;;i:U f,-tl store of Cook A: B-erits, iii (. 'riist st., Nmicrset, l a.. F, u a Christmas present, nothing is nicer :!3 Har.ling Album, for sale at the '-Peo-,lcVln:g Store." KaM'.it hunters must remember that tin : v :i mt allowed to continue the slaugh ter "al'ler the first of January. :.l at Stutzman's lank. 1- Hi': r : llull-li ti&l. - - - t:ni enul, - - - - 4 cents. C cents. 8 cents Berf Liiiiiiy fiour. corn meal. outs, chop, -mil s'liOVJ orn for cashonly at Co..k A: lk-i riit :vir :ind feed store. Wjit-sMiut voa see a man chtwias "., i... H'Vi-s. vou JW" ie sure uc is inni-n- 3'.i!eI temiH-ranwi man. Vi.NTEr even- jwrson to cill at the ?tki!" Drug Store," they will find it to thrtt antage : Mammoth Block, corner iiiOeBfl- St(E'tsof tuilid jewelry can In- had at A. V. Knepju-r'n. ipimsite the Somerset Hmw. Tl.ev will make nice lir;stmas A Xkw ni- livl coinage is to bs adorned -itirij a h'kene of the late Thadden Stev en?. Ki K The highest market price jwid iacvii 1. rall kinds of native furs, at the A '-iu Fij'ress office . J. H. Zimmerman. F'.k s nice Christmas gift toa young lady i-rson, go and buy a bible or hymn . Forsuleat "SiiiHTM-lXews Dejiot," T-Iiethe Numrset Hi mot. V. V. Davis A: Iluo., have thi day .Y,!ncs.!ay i removed to their new ro.n, n the corner oecup'uil by them liefore the Y.UW. W. W. Davis A: Bno., have jum titrii tj a very large and choice stock K iTuerU. Uiys candies, tVc, Arc, which th. y o.utim!i- to st ll ut juoderatc juitx s. S"iEif the finivt and iheaiicst bibles tit lr,iiiL-ht to town, are for al at the ':ik-rset'Xcws Di'ivrt," in A. V, Kncp-f'-r ..r.irc, oppHite "Somerset Houiw." Siii"i. Bewarhm. IJewards of Merit a: a'.l liinds of luniks at Miller's Drug iad fc .k Store, also gold j-ns and a full i i ( liristnias goods. S llillil. IkMIKS ! SclUHtl. BlHIKS ! ! A Ml a-M-niii. nt at liller's Drrnr it Book re. Alxiliil.l.s, 1 h um Books and all ! i:u. i' iliaiik Jiiioks. Mu. Jonathan I'kitts. of Brnthers- v ti'Wiiship. kiih-d a heifer iglitccfl M thai weighed limr hundred and The Retnoi.ds Stathe. The bronze statue of Gen. John F. Reynolds who fell Rt the ojicning of the Battle of Gettysburg, July 1, 180:$, was placed on the granite pe destal in the National Cemetery, on Wednesday last. It is eight feet high, weighs 1300 pounds and cost f lO.OoO, the money being raised by the First Army Corps", which Geo. Reynolds commanded at the time of his death. The statue was modeled by Mr. Ward, of New York, and was cast by Messrs. Wood, of Philadelphia, from condemned cannon furnished by the State of Pennsylvania. It will lie an ad ditional attraction to the National Ceme tery. Gfttytburg Star. Owing to the severe cold weather of last week, our Railroad was compelled to sus pend operations for twenty -four hours It aiare that the pleasant eicrience of last winter when the engine was froze np again and again, was not a sufficient lesson for the managers of the road. We hope the lesson" of this winter will make a stronger impression, and that the engine may lie hereafter warmly housed and not exjxieed to inclemency of the weather. The road . is now in ;eration, trains arrive and de part on time. Painfi l Accident. Yesterday morn ing, while engaged in regulating his train, Mr. John J. Reynolds brakeman on the Confluence Accommodation, P. W. & B. R. R., had the middle linger of his right hand bauly mashed by getting it caught lietween the coupling pin and the "'dead wood." Ia a railroad experience of more than twenty years, this is the liirt accident J that has hapeued tu Jlr. Reynolds. Al-1 though th.- injury is quite painful, Mr. R. will stick to his brake. Cumberland Xt if. A Xlw Remedy. Children "plating horse" pay great attention to details. A few weeks ao. a doting father, up town, ! presented his lit!:e three-year old w ith a hobby horse, said horse having a fur coat and a" hair tail. Some davs alter the fath er surprised the young sjiort by an ubrupt entrance into Ins presence, and found the youngster enthusiastically treating his "trotter" for the epizootic A plate of but ter w hich he had confiscated furnished the remedy, and the jewels and neck of the supiMtsed patient fairly "recked" w ilh the balm. A air of scissors had previously abridged the tail and the animal is on a fair way of recovery. Moral : Don't talk "horse" in the presence tf children. Chai:ibrtbvrg Publir. Opinion. Mr. Moses Baird.of Luzerne township, on the 27th day of November, sold a four year old steer to Mr. James Weltner, for the sum of $168 17. The animttt weighed 2, 170 pounds and was shifted to the east ern market by Mr. Weltner. Mr. Baird raised six steers from one cow, of w hich the aliove is one Five of these Bold re spectively for fl8 17, $10B40, $9t 00, f 113 20. 82 50, and lias one on hand, two years old, valued at $(K 00. The cow was a descendant from the Cunningham stock of South Branch, and was sired by the cel ebrated bull "White Sam," owned by Mr. Baird. Mr. Weltner, at the same time, purchased twelve other head of cattle from Mr. Baird and son, that averaged 1,418 pounds. Price paid cents per pound. If there are any stock dealers in Western Pennsylvania that can lieat this we want to hear from them. So, come along. Uniontotrn Standard. eternal suffering, and, as the preacher de clared that Christ suffered for Wour guilt. The epizootic is m longer considered a joke in this vicinity; a iiiim'ier of rases would U not logically follow that all sin- are rejiorted in ami around towa. Should ners would be free from suffering the guilt ; the disi-a; in.-rreaae, which Ls proimbie, a of sin. and that Christ, as he ttndertook t s:8;nn'i ni in business to a certain extent, suffer in the sinner's room ami Mead, wouM w ill l-e sure l follow. 1 he didl-rent forms, have to suffer eternally t However weM ! r.'mws prevention and cure, are being dai- i ne mmiiioii was received, I could not, n Iv ilihcus.-ed lv our prominent horsemen. XcM Ad ivrtii't'inrittn. A UDITOU'S XOTICE.. Peterson's Magazine for January, 1873, is already on our tabic. Never was there a handsomer or better nuiulier. In spite of competition "Peterson" more than holds his own. It is hard to tell which of its two steel engravings is the best, "Cher ry Ripe," or "The Initials on the Tree," they arc both so beautiful. There is a large-sized colored Berlin pattern for a sofa cushion, or foot -stool, in more than a dozen colors w hkh, at retail, would cost a dollar. The mammot it colored steel fash on plate is exquisite : "Peterson'' is now the only magazine that gives these colored steel plates. The stories as always, in this lady's book, are the very best. " Two powerful novelets are begun in this number. By all means subscribe to "Peterson's Magazine," that is after you have subscrib ed to vour local pajicr. The price is but Two Doi.laus a year, with lilieral deduc tions to cluls and a five dollar engraving to those getting up clul. Sjiecimens are j sent eratis. Address Chas. J. Peterson, ! 3(K Chestnut St., Philadelphia. he whole, receive it as sound doctrine Now, I look at it in this way : "Sin brought death into the world, and it (Kiss ed upon all men" as the penalty of the law ; and without redemption, the law of sin and death would have held men forever in this state. But Christ came and fulfilled the law by doing what the law required, which was to die. "lie poured out His soul unto death." His death was vicarious. He went just where the law had put the sinner, in a state devoid of life. Now, as the son of man, he died, but as the Son of God He, by His own power, took up his life again, and thus came forth as a Saviour who had died like all men had to die, then rose again as an object of faith ; and now, by virtue is hi vicarious death for all. all are placed on the same level, as tar as Christ's death Is concerned. He died for all, and when He comes "all that arc in their graves shall hear his voice and come forth." Here is redemption from the power of the grave for all, and thus restored in Christ the second Adam, what was lost in the first, viz: life. Here wc notice that universal redemption is not universal eter nal life. The unlieliever shall not see life. because, though he will be redeemed from the first death, yet he is sentenced to the second oeatti, irom wnicn tuere is no re demption. Thus in regard to death, which No little amusement is occasioned by a cer tain mean practiced by owner of stock to escape the epidemic. The bright illuminated sky in n nr.rtli east direction from town, which attracted the attention of our citizens on Monday evening, the 2d inst., proved to fie the resi dence of Josiah Miller in flames w hich was reduced to ashes in a tew minutes. From what we could learn, the family oc cupy the liasemcnt story of the house, and the fire originated, it is supposed, from a detective flue in one ot the upper stones and had gained such headway when dis covered, that it was utterly impossible to check the flames or even secure any of the contents of the house. A high wind was blowing at the tune, so that it was but the work of a moment to reduce the building to ashes, the inmates barely escaping with their lives. This was one of the finest dwellings in the township, Mr. Miller hav ing built it but a few years since ; and un der his own supervision had it well arrang ed for convenience and comfort. Loss . 000 iartly insured. i ii nn h-rslxiicii an !l!nr. Tri"lnr-1 liy tiir (Vurt of nnimm 1 lea ul S .niT't -un"y, t- 1 1st riiiuLo! In th !i.iml i.l ltie.Sh"nll rtsin irmn !ie Kile ol Hie ml estate of V. H. anion iIbwc ltjalty rat ill! Ilwrvci, will tuii-l toth iluile ui liii nhtbiiiufneuc l tU Cuuri Mtu In the lruuh of sfciiormot, u Thurlar, IU Vth )r fii-'jnl A'lrrrlirrmi if.t. Its tiik district court of! ! J. Hie rnllnl Sf.-itrn, ftirtti Wnrn Mirl--t of ; I Ivnr.ivlvanU. Henry J. Mlilrr. Mnknipi nn- j ilrr tin nt it! l.'uiiniwi f Mfin-k .1. Ii7, tuiriny j unplifl f"r a ftl.-eli.iiv from all hi ueMji. uni th-! . Cuort. n-itii i b'.reby iven Ui '. rrcliiin wim, ' have invei tlMlr ilelrtii auJ etbtr Lerju lutrri-iit. etl, tv atiimr uo tU luth day i4 Jnury, IhTS. ( N' Communicated. A FiuoHTFt i. Paxtuer Killed. On the 7lh Inst., Mr. Samuel Caster, residing in Paint township, near Scalp Level, dis- came into the world upon all by sin. Christ covering some of his sheep killed by a is a redeemer of all w ho comply w ith the large quadruped, similar to i bear, a conditions of redemption ; but in regard to !arty was xin in pursuit of the animal, eternal life. He is an object of faith, so that and following down the hill towards Stony all, yet only those w ho believe in him shall creek, they finally reached his habita not jierish in the second death, but shall be tion, and the monster with flashing eyes, rewarded with eternal life. Thus, all who sitting on a rock, near it and much resem were brought up in the pale of the christian I'ling a licar. They drove him out, one of church, the just and the unjust, will, by the party tired, wounding him, but not fa virtue of Christ's vicarious death, lie re- tally, ho soon entered the, rocks again, deemed from the power of death brought where they tried to smoke him out by put uixm men by our first mrcnts; but the ting in 5 lxmiuls of sulphur and fire, but wicked, by virtue of God's law against tin- the animal kept hU Jiosition. So after pen-bclievers"w-ill now be condemned to the ning him securely in, they left him until second death consistently with Christ's the next day. Then with the aid of sixty doctrine, that when He w ill redeem them men, after laboring until 4 o'clock in the from ilifith rnifl the mr tliou wlm haw eveninn. thev. to their surnrise. succeeded done good w ill come forth unto the resur in killing a farge male jianther, weighing rection of life, but those who have done one hundred and three pounds. evil, unto the resurrection of rondemna- January, lT3. tt Vi o'clurk In the fureowio of aM . w vi,-k a. m.. befcre S.xmart Rarpr. Km.. Ko JOU? K. t-Ult, lB Hankrnpny. at hln ome. jt'K J lJUmoud l Auimi.r. tteei, I'ltuharxh, ti tbow out. if any thy 1 ' ' - 1 " 1 hr. ihy k clilrfaArv mIumi 1,1 mpt it ... TOTICE. I till. takJ tinkmpc S. C. WeC AXfcCESS. St-uarate propoaul will b rwtive.t at the t.'ofn- mlei,iotr'i otH up to the luc day of January, 173, to fumbih the Court Huum ami Jail Willi sual, wool, and kimlllnir w.mhJ r.H-lhecmalDyear. eomuHDrinir on Hie 1st day of Janunry, 1",'J, ami cndinit on the lt day of January, 1X74. Hy orlt-r of tbe board of tVimuilwlnwr. J ACO U Ntt r. lcclS Clerk. At .'.' AJfflli.M'ltH'l'j. L. R. NORTON. Fianos and Organs, 118 SMITHFIELD ST., PITT3 3'Jil3!I ,Y f A'ti'',r'"'')ii'itl. PUBLIC 3 ALE OP aluable R c a IE ST -A-TIB I I A UDITOU'S NOTICK. Aiiintcl 1h the Orplians' Cvuit of Somerset euuuiy. uiiXinu of W. H. Km'iitx, 1.. auilltur to distribute the luml in the haU'l. of M.m .4. Koss. tq., admiuistraliir uf tue tatato of llorwe Irfi.liiiKtou, deceased to and amonirst thorn) enti tled thereto, I will ntund to said duty at the office of W. H. Konatx, Esq., on Friday, the loth day of January, 1173. W". II. POSTLETH WA1TE, duels Auditor. A1 DITOR'S NOTICE.- MAC HALE. Orphan Omrt of SVmiewt fiontv, tbe (miscrlijer, aiiminmirator ol .iidui l km, man. nnvuvi . win ih-ii m i.u.nif- wiirry f ne ' Sillowinir real esUte. at the bt I of John f hilliDi. at Mineral Point, on 1 SATVRUAY, JANl'AKYSilb. 1S73, j at 1 o'clock, p. m. A lit of Toan. vntainlnv : alwut ue-rih of aa aejv. with a two-stry ntw i frame house, stable an l other bulhlinK there, a ! erectr-l, aljoiiiiiiK Philip Wolferslienn-r an.1 oth-( era. Terms cash 1st April, 173, ten ir cent, of the amount to he pai-J or eroml day of sale. (iKOKUE SB'HLKK. dec 1 AdiuiniDtrator. STATE AO EXT FOR THE CELEBRATED JEWETL1 AND GOODMAN rytniAxs' coun liy Tirttw of an or.lerof T SALE. 1 ne un lorslsned auditor, appointed bytlie Court to dUlribute the fund in the hands ot John licl seeker, truntoe for the sale of the real estate of Henry Bet, deceased, will attend to the duties of his .aiJ apiwlntmcnt at his offiee In S iinerset, Pa.. onTbujsijay, the Bth .Liy of January, ls7S, at 10 Icy on theeast, alley on the mnllh, ami lot of Iran. oel.jck a. m.. when an l whera. all parue interest- i Jubnsoo and others on the west, upon whW-h Is s-tle bwiinz out of the Orphans' t'-rtirt of S-.m,Ti.,-t ciiinry. Pa., to mo ili- rerteii, i win at pniHK oninry. Ki ncriin r ir ouirh, on SATL KDAY, JAXL ARY IS. IS73. at 1 o'elnck, on the premises, the following real es tate. Tlx: The undivided one-half of two lot of irround situnte in Merlin Iiorouvh. rli W and 7. alj,.lninir North street on the north, al mm WW SEND FOH ILLl'STHATU CATALOGUE, nor. 20. ISSTITUTE CILUI1SERLAIS ASM FEMALE COLLECE. Iis N.). Raadolpu. rattaraaraa i'Maljr, H. Y, Tk. -. v.1 in,, h . II A.V (1.11 U ftjfV for oocujiancT. This liwrllnir -1kI fur both tezes ed eau attend. dec 18. J. K(M)SKH, Auditor. A UDITOU'S NOTICE. KEV tion. A IiOVER or Gospel Trvths. The Dale City (Myers Mills, Pa.) ? rord says : Alfred Whetesfone if Maryland has the honor of having brought dow n ihcjunthcr of w hich we sixike in a late issue. It was a full grown animal measuring eight and one-half feci from the tip of the ntise to the end of the tail. As dead panthers are much preferred in this community, Mr. W. has the thanks of the people, including the school children of our adjoining rural dis trict. 'e don't know Mr. Whetstone, but sup pose he is from Flintstoue, ami that he sharpened bi eyesight on a grimLstone lie fore he brought do n the vicious lieast w ilh a load stone. Time. '' putds. Mr. Henry """sutbiirhum t.s the 11. Stald's short sire ot the ani- X', t hiuiiiks liecume intcTiigent on all top !k1 learn to read, by reading a good I r.i st at r. It is us riml nsaschiiol. ' siimiid tver take his kical news- l"ir. ii,iiiu talculating on paying for i;. i: i-jmi.ii '; e printed fur nothing. yr loik-ovcr the advertising e-'iu.'iu... i 'your Ik-jiI jiajuT without tind ''" "aines of the must enterjirising men 3 ','r t '..iilw.r .-in -,.n l.w.t: i.litr 1 "i.n.iiu Miiim? (iii!i-tliin-' tlijit t: s. i you N.i V, "i:f. hxri.osio -C.o to V. W. und buy a box of PkoF. o hxi-MisivE La ui' run- i tr.e wonder ot the world! It!v Dri-n-nt vn:ir luii-.itq from f;Vin, an,i vour lan'm chimiievs from ,v CaswclL lie ci rtain to ect the ii J" S'-P. as there are manv worth ai'ttatKju,. made The Pittsburgh Comi.irrtial says : "Here is one of the soundest temperance arguments we ever cameaemtw. I heonlv buiiierancc railroad in the United State! indeed ia the world is said to lie the Ma rietta and ntM'unrh railroad, runninz from Marietta to Cambridge, a distance of titty-nine miles. Every ofliccr and em ployee of the road is a practical temper- ante man, and not a single latul accident has ever occurred on it since it was first ojiened. This is suggestive as lar as it goes, and it goes fifty-nine miles." tVe know of another "temticrante" rail road, at least it has a practical temperance man in the Suicnntenlent s oftice, and he sees to it that tut men ot intemperate hab its nave any responsible iofcitions on the road. We refer to K, It. Hyndman, Esq., SuiK-nntendent of the Pittsburg, Wash ington and Baltimore Ilailway (Connells ville route.) Kcfore he assumed his pres ent position accidents on that road were of almost daily occurrence now and since that time they are seldom heard of, and thtise that do hapjien are of the unvoidahle kind. This is suggestive as far as it goes, and it goes one hundred and fifty -two miles ! Cumberland Time. The People's Stamp of Valve. The Government endorsement, which legalizes the 6ale of Plantation IIitters, b not the only stamp allixed to that famous Veg etable Tonic. It bears, in addition to that official sanction, the still moke val uable stamp op public approbation. This inestimable vouciler of iu rare prop erties as a tonic, corrective and alter ative, is of much earlier date than the Government credentials : for millions of sick persons had pronHinced it the Grand Specific of the ace long before Con gress thought of taxing proprietary medi cines. It is unnecssary to repeat, in detail, the properties of this wonderful Vegetable Invigoraut. The best reference that can lie offered to tlinse w ho desire the full par ticulars of its virtues, is the General Pub lic. Ask tliorie who have tried it as a remedy for dysjiepsia, constipation, biliousness intermit lent fevers, nervous debility, rheumatism, sea sickness, low spirits, or loss of vital pow er, w hat Plan tation Hitters has done for them, and lie governed by the response they make to your inquiries. I. O. O. F. Confluence Lodge, No, 814 I. O. O. F. was regularly and duly institu ted at Confluence, Somerset county, Pa., DecemlMT 13th, 1872, by D. D. G. M. John II. Uhl, assisted by the following ofliccrs representatives ot the Grand Lixlge of the State of Pennsylvania : W. G. S. W.'Dr. W. S. Harrah, of Ursi- na Lodge ; W. G. M. Jacob Zorn, of Ber lin ; V. G. Scc.'y John W. Patton, of fvmers."t Lodge ; W.'G. As.'t Sec'y F. C. SamtiselL of Somerset Lodze ; W, G. T. Wm. H. Wagner, of Stovstown Lodtre; W. G. J. W. Wm. Mesahan.'of Dale City IxkIl'C ; W. G. C. J. G. Gardill, of Berlin IKl-e; W. G. J. G, J. X. Fichtner, of Berlin Lodge ; W. G. O. G. Geo. W. Woolv, of Ursina : W. G. Cliaplain, Hev. Wm. Friilv. if Kichlaml Iidi-e, Xo. 180, i State of Illinois ; W. G. P. G. Josiah Kel ler, of Somerset Lodge ; W. G. Supiiorters, K. E. Hons and Matthew Sjiear, of Hiawat ta Lodge w;is lnstltutetl. The following named Brothers were elected and duly in stalled by 1). D. G. M. John H. UhL in their resjiective offices. X. G. Frank U. Fht k ; V. G. Charles Strohm ; Sec'y James Baxter ; A. S. Wal ter S. Mountain ; Treasurer, Henry Valentine. liebbartaba rari Mr. Editor : We do not notice any correspondence in your paier from Mil ford, and, for fear of sinking intooblivion, I send you a few items to show that we are still alive and "kickin'." Of course, the epizootic is the leading topic of conversation here, as well as else where, and pedestrian, instead of equestri an exercise is the order of the day. Our schools are all in operation, and, ap parently, are doing unusually well. The school hoard deserve great praise for the manner in which they are conducting the educational affairs of Milford. Cur enterprising young friend. Banner Wilson, merchant at this place, is prer ing to open an extensive cheese factory here j;in the Spring. We hope he will succeed, tor it will, no doubt, prove a financial suc cess to himself as well as to the farmers of this vicinity. Work on the new Lutheran church at Ccntreville has been suspended until Spring. Connty superintendent Will is visiting schools on foot, thanks to the epidemic. Peter Weimer has just finished a splendid new house. His old one stood in Somerset township, and his barn in Miljord. He has built his new house in Milford, and consc quently is no longer a citizen of Somerset township. elcome, feter, to old Jliltord. Dec. 13, 72 Schliffeu, Report Of the sccon-t month's school, fir the month en. Unit December 141b, ltlT'J, In the L'ntoa School Huild ln : hole number of pupils enrolled during the month, 20; whole number in attendance during the mouth, 23; avenue atleudanm. 17a; perucni aue of attendance, 76 ; whole number that attend ed every day, 83. 4T.1 OBADS SCHOOL ELLSX S.XVnKB, TCAeHEH. , m r. t. Whole nuuilier enrolled during a . nth.... ii 70 W hole no. In attrmbtnee - ;tt 31 S3 Average attendance . " 24 a 44 Perc'ttpt of " '- .... 74 84 7U 3D O BATIK HDOL Bl X K IE SI M PSOX, TKACH ES. Whole number enMlled during m.,uth 24 44 S Wholeno.Inatten.uinee " ' 24393 Average attendance " " a) .10 50 Pere'lgeor " 87,79.80 2d cbadk a'-iiooL aosa hcstox, teachkr. Whole nnmberenrolled .luring ajnth....'31 28 SO Whole no. In attendance ....j.11 27:M Averaa attendance u " .... ! 193lt Perc'tKeof ' jMSiiW 1ST OHM SCHOOL L. C. COLBOBX, TEACBKB. Wbde number enrolled during mouth.... 29 23 52 Whole no in attendance - .... 27 22 49 Avcrnire attendance 2a 1 42 Per e'tifnof - u t, !77SK3 Those who attenJed every day, and who excelled In their classes in the fourth grade school are. Kus sclHearhy, Frank Slutiman, Frank Miller. Willie Klce. (leonre Knee, Kobert Collum. Kldio Dun ham. Emma Weimer. Minnie Huston. Mamie I'hL Those who attemled every day. and excelled In their classesjln the third grade scIi.miI are, ScLell Stutiraan. ftusscl Chi. Andrew Woolcv. Eddie Huston. IXulie Nen, Frank Cunntnirhatn. Jack Pile. Foster Dunham. Annie I'hl, Annie Fricdiine, Annie Sanner. Ellen Houpt. Fillth Nrhell. Mnr Weimer. Maggie Hill, Abide Scull. Mary Kimurl, Annie Knee. Kate Cunningham, Carrie t hi, Lll- 11c tiotiiernauin, Jennie nnowman. Krport of attendance and scholarship In tbe sec, ond grade school: Those that attentat everyday during the month sre. Carrie Schrock. Ella Schruck, Wary Stmfl.-r, Kmma Kooaer. Came rlruoaker, Kennie Kurk hart, S. san Huston. Melimla lightiiti, Minnie Cunningham, Harvey Mmpson. Huhna Conrad. George ilaer, Howard Dunham, Edward Slut man. The f .flowing are those who have excelled In reading: Altred Boyles, Howard Dunham. Carrie Hrubak -r. Emma Kooscr. Milton Pile, Kl .n nce Snyder. Harry I ul, Ida Uricker, F rank Hill, Ha rr Hol.'.Tbaum. Spelling: MaryKloln, Utile Pile. Mary Pisel, Noah Stahl, Frank Weimer. F'rank Hill. Arithmetic: Mary Klein, Herman Stahl. Frank weimer. Metin.ia leignton, ttecrge Showman, Lincoln Friedline. Willie Kaylor. tleograpny: Melln.ta Leighton, -Mary Klein, ilavlnsr lieen aoixilnUd BU,.'l.rf by the Orphans' . Court of S iincr.-a county, Pa., to distribute the 1 fund In the b-in li of tbe a Jmiui-'trahnr ol Samuel j D. Koontx. dcceaso.1. to an i among tb.ise legally entitled thereto. 1 will attend to the duties ol said apjHiintment at my otn-o in Somerset, Pa., on ednes.iay, the l .tn nay 01 January, isia. at iu oelock a. m when and where all penfins interest, ed may attend. All claims presented to the administrator or bis atteniey prior to the tfth of May last, were destroy ed by the hre in Somerset on that day, and nhouf l be presented, with the ppiper proofs, to the audi tor on the dav of hearing auuouuced above. F. J. KOOSER, lee 18 Auditor. erected a tannery and lis fixtures in pried condition, j " ' tu,PM 7T, 7... .ZTrZuX Terms made known AByEaKFFTjKT The Winter Te opens Dee. 3. C.tal.Ve. sent riecl Adm'r af Alex Hcffler. I o appuea;!on 10 $250 A MONTH, S25(K; WE WANT 10,000 AOEXTS, Male or Female, To mike the above amount s-lling BRIDE'S COMBIN ATION' NEEDLE CASEau-l POKTE- S. T. EDWARDS. A. M.. Principal. i WUSOI CDLLE6E FOH Y01I5B LiBIES. ! DITOIi'S NOTICE. lue nndcrslgneil, appointed hy the Orphans' ('art ol Somerset eouuly, to make and report a distribution of the funds in the ban, Is ot the ad ministrator of Uerge Tressler, deceased, to ami among those legally entitled thereto, hereby gives notlnethat he will attend to the duties of bis ap pointuicut at his othce in S-.rarrs t borough, on Friday, the loth day of January, 1S73, when anl where all p; Interested may "attend. 11. L. KAER. declS Auditor. s TKAY.- MON.N A1K This f" an article of t,.tntc neces. sity with every bviy, ami pays a Urge pr .tl:. F'or Circular and teroM a blrei-s Pittsburgh Snpply Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. dec. IS. tasuMberebarx;. raw. By vu-tne . an orr of le tnk l7 'he Or plums' Court of Sofnenat euanty. Pa., i at xi racctt. wa wilisell by puoJIcomcr'.onitiepreuiuies. In Summit ant Lyuliner Wwmhlpi, oa Thursday, December, 26," 72, Tbe .il.,wing Taltr.ibte real estate. late tb prop erly ol Samuel ltittner, dneea.ert. vht: jNTO. 1. 1 The h-nw pTjca will 4 1 1 two p"rt- 'f j the tntem of he ewaio. one part of la am. on which are erected a large two-story dwelling boose. new spring house. Urge barn, stal.le ami ntner owt I boildings. Hi acres 01 which are cteand. and J acres in meadow: on the balance there is good ! timber, with a Urge orchard of apple, pear. ynrH ! and cherry trees, that produce One Iruit. The c!c-ircd land is in the highest state of euttirti-n. A Im, 34 seres, all Bleared, part of hotae plaee. ISTO. S. Contains 12 acres. 100 of which are clear. 10 In nvadow, ami the remainder well tlmlwred wita trine and oak: having a noose, bars and other oat buildings thereon erected. Tn two lanns ap sltuate-l in Summit township. Somerset county. Pa.. a.ijolning lamis of Emanuel Lkhtv. Wliirt Bcachly. John Hersh, Pittirgh a Connellevilla Kallroad Co.. at ethers, within two mile of Mey ers' Mills, the nre-i.rvg works, and the Und of the KeTstorm ial ami In Company, now being workeil. The farms are underlaid with eoaU Bra day. Iron ore anl limestone, in great nain'.ities. as It is a opposed. 2STO. a. Contains 42 acres, and U sltaated in Larimer township. In sal. I eonnty. adii.n:ng Uwls of A. Hefner, Keystone Coal Co.. Hersn'e heir. Pitta burgh h. Connellsrilln Railria-I Co.. and others, (Uta tbe property of Abaalora Baer.) 16o acres of which are clear. H acres In meailow: tbe balance well timbered with pine, oak and chestnut: has fine fruit trees, and is nnderUM with Ore -clay. mcsume ami otnerminerals. It will he s.d-1 as a or in parts of about 1)0 acres each, to sit j pur hsscrs. These lands are valuable (or tanrnr.g With ample Grounds and elegant Buildings, so fit- t are a part of tbe great mineral basin In and apiund i 1 l . I , . ' . ' X I . M . O . , . . . . .. i . , eeil up as to lie homelike and attractive, and well tquippeii lor tnonmgn cm. all ,uai work, win ofwn the hrst Term off the next Academic year Septem ber 4t b. Is72, For CinmUr?, apply to " Aug. f. Kcv. K. C. T.AJTE. GUIS AT OFFERS TO AGEXTS Are made by the Saturday Evening Post and the Lvl s Frko-.l. A beauufal Chnimoof the C1III.D-PUOPIIET "SAM IEI,," Worth fi, is given with the paper fnbcriptli4i price tX) or with the Magaiine) price 42 60). Do not full to examine into this oiler, it U A OREAT COMBIXATIO.V: Address f.r particulars, samples, fcc.. Dcaoon Jl Peterson. S19 Vk'alnut street. PliiialelpliU. dec IS A G EX TS WA X TED FO It ISoston "ii jDestriK'tioai. A full. ' Laill ami graphic ace, on t of the orizln, progr n. sullering. losses ami Incidents of the great connagratkin. A rare chance fir agents, as every c ame tresspassing tm tr.e premises or th siid- ; person want 10 Know tne lull particulars ol this scriber, in Paiut b.wnship, time in Id-tuber 1 great disaster. Sent br mail fir SO cents, last, a dark brindle bull. alut two and a half) ' WILLIAM FLINT. year old, without any marks on him. The owner Philadelphia, Pa., or Cincinnati, Ohm. win please come torwar!. pay cnarges, prove prop- uecis. erty. and take him away, or be will lie sold aceord- A Complete Pirtorlal History of tbe Tinea." "The beat, cheapest, aad moat ance easful 1'mxtliy Paper In tbe Harper's Weekly. SPLENDIDLY ILLCSTSATED. Mtyers' 31:11s. Pen wishing to examine this fine property will call upon the unlers1gne.I.wba P. O. address is Meyeniale. Somerset County, Pa. Ti'le imlL-fputabie. TEBMS: One-third on confirmation of sale, 10 per cent, of which is to be paid on day of sale; the balance ia twoe.Ual annual payments frum date of sale. wit n out huercst, to lie secured by ludgzcent 00 the premises. JWASSATLflR. JACOBS. BITTNER, deea A lm'rs and Trustees. j TXECUTOIl-S XOTICE. ing to law. ace Is A. W. LIVINGSTON. OrrtcB or BrrrALO Vallkt R. R. Co 1 liEKLls, Pa Dec. 14, '72. f TOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Hutfalo V alley K. it. Company will be held at the "Hralllcr House," in Merlin. I'a.. on the second Monday. (13th day of January next) fcir the pur port of electing a President and six Directors lor the ensuing year. C. A. M. KKISSINGER. dec 18 Sec'y ami Treasurer. New York Tribune. 173. Now, as heretofore. Tub Tni did b strive to be firt of all and pre-eminently a ncirs paper. France a Republic Englandand Germany gral ually crmeau-d with Republican ideas Spain swaying in the nervebrsa mrasn of a ruler too ir.jod j for a King and too weak tor a Republican, wiio is I unable to govern the great Island that bin ts tbe ! entrance to our Gulf ol Mexico, and equally una- St;miE8. On Tuesday of last week a man giving his name us John Miller, stop ped at the "Laird House," in this place, and represented himself as a blacksmith by trade. He tried to get work, but failed. He apjieared to lte in good spirits all even ing, and uutil he was shown to hisroom a'lout ten o'clock at night. Shortly after he had retired, some of the in nut ten heard a strange noise in his roota, and reported that fact to Mr. Horlin, the proprietor, who immediately went to the room occupiud bv Miller and found the door unlocked, and .' -B-w n.y IUm. face, roul. skin, pirn- i iliUcT 10 eonvulsums or spasms. He was ! rthL'a.irni, sait rheum, and other cu- siHtfliless. Mr. Ikirlin sent immediately kf?ecti,)n5 ured, and the tkin made ' ivT 1r- Lomwon, but In-fore the Doctor ar ''ifiJ His,th. by using the Jcsipf.k ' rivt' 1)0 wa deaJ- He mwl taken a small lia Sup. inadi. l.v M r a a, I vial full if prussic acid, a close sufllcicntto N'-w Yurt i'..'.-. .1... .,. I kill ten men in a few iiunntea He left a j written statement 10 tue enect mat ne Had aougiii wort and touna none ;tiiat ne could not beg. anil would not steal ; that he con cluded to end his existence ; that he was a mcmlier of Lodge No. 1UG, I. O. of O. F., liuffalo, X. V. ' C-orouer Biert-r held an Inquest on the body and found a verdict in accordance w ith tlse facts obove stated. On Wednestlay evening, the 4th instant. a young man named jfest, son of John ! t ith cfjmnion tar. I;A L!'T "f season able goods at P.lymye an- .-jire. 1 i,e best - -C BrM t.'' .'V,TT "-.w :.i-r a Meat Cutters Sa-iie Stutters. Ctwl Itnrk- low. ) 1'rr.J S1i.iv.1b FurLa Knives, Slaw Cutters. Horse Al- N-U of La,!,.,, Sleigh Bell !ur'-niM..p ,B.J Brush Holders, IT buckets and Tnl ! A Sikhitino Affkay occurred in.the yard at the rear if the City Hotel, lietween eleven and twelve o'chx'k yesterday morn ing, in which a colored man named Charles Duntmr, recently employed there as a jxir tcr, was shot by John V. Hhind, Estj., manager of the house. Three shots were fired Irom a revolver, each of w hich took effect in the negro's leg, none of the woumls lieing serious, however. The cause leading to the shooting originated on Monday in the refusal of Dunbar to take some lgg:ige from the hotel to the depot, w hen he was also very insolent in his lan guage and manner toward Mr. Khind. He was .informed that his wages would be withheld unless he performed the duty for h hick he was employed ; yet he flatly re fused to touch the baggage, and quit work. Mr. Khind afterwards sent the trunk to the depot hn omnibus. Yesterday morning about day break as Mr. Khind was splitting wood for fire in the yard, prejiaratory to butchering some hogs Dunliar entered the enclosure and walked around htm several times whistling, and swinging himself w ith an air of insolent bravado. As Mr. Khind took no notice of him he went away and did not again return until Ix-twcen eleven and twelve o'clock, w hen he came up to Mr. Khind, who was assisting the butcher, and asked him for his ty. On being told that there was not much coming to him, he contemptuously replied "Xo, there ain't much coming to me, if you charge me with what you paid the omnibus for taking the trunk." Mr. Khind asked him why he had refused to take the trunk in the first instance, when he replied "I didn't." "You had better tall me a liar" said Mr. Khind, when Dunliar again replied "Well, I didn't refute to take the trunk." At this Mr. Khind seized a stick and struck Dunliar w ith it, when the latter immedi ately grabbed it, and a strugslc ensued, during which Messrs. Dennis O'Neal and Kichard Mahoncv and two colored men in the yard separated the parties. Dtyibar then became more violent than liefore, and fell to cursing, brandishing his lists, daring Mr. Khind out in the street and making threats generally, when, in the excitement f the moment, Mr. Khind drew his revol ver and fired, with the result aliove given. He subsequently apiK-ared liefore Justice Flanagan and was held to bail in the sum of $21X1, ta answer at Court. The negro is a vicious looking man and has the repu tation of lieing a very desperate character, having, it is said, stabbed a man recently in GralVtn, from whence he last hails. Vvniberland Tin. Dale Oty Items. From the Record : Mr. Jacob Stacer, w ho fell into the cut just west of town, a few weeks ago, died on Saturday morning, from injuries receiv ed from the fall. Work m the large frame hotel to lie erected at the mineral Sprimrs, near Sum mit Mills, has commenced. It will be fin ished early in the spring. We learn from Mr. Bruce, the efficient superintendent of the Keystone Coke, Coal FraXKimmcCrUrJr Chi. KstTsmithT Amelia cc iron company, mat uc expeew to nave Pile. Cora kneppcr, Ada Kncpper. neiion ui siico'iance. ueuorimenu ami ecuoiar shin In tbe first grade school: Present every day: Jacob Cascbeer. Horace Casebcer, A. J. Colhorn. jr., CharleaGood, Chester Kncpper. liauiet ireni, t'aui tjonneuv, .Maine ltentord. Sidney Oocnellr. nnle Brollier. llbwl Good. Nora Cunningham, Laura Kncpper, Ida Knatile. I 'lara Schruck. The following is a list of studies and these who have-excelled in them: Spelling: Mary Miller. Clara Schrock, Emma Parker, Alpheu Davis. rreu wise, Austin rneuune. Reading: A Hie Patton. Jack Colhorn. Albert Conrad, Ida Knable, Herman Kooscr, HarnrCol- rsira, 1 lara scnrocK, Laura Kneppcr. Mary Hcn-, Annie orouier, Annie Jones txuuia rarxer. Lizzie Kncpper. Grammar: Laura Kncpper. Albert Conrad. An nie Jones, Ira Kinimel Chester Knepiier, Austin r riot I Hie. Fin ma Parker, Clara Schrock, Ida Kna ble. Marrie Hcnlord. Mental Arithmetic: Austin Fried line. Marrie rttnford. Laura Knepiier. Albert Conrad. Chester Knemier, itlaucb Good, Annie Jones. Nora Cun- the inclined plane finished in a tew days when he w ill commence the shipment of coal. The lanes and bv-roads leading to town are so blocked up w ith snow drifts that they are almost impassable. Mail carriers have the greatest difficulty in getting through at all. Last Manday an adopted son of 31 r. IJroucher, aged seven years, whilst run ning on the play ground at the Union School house, fell and fractured his leg. He was assisted into the school room by some of his play fellows and remained there until the afternoon session of school closed, not knowing that his leg was brok en. I he little fellow sutlered excruciattnt pain. However, and It was deemed advisa- ningham, lts Davis, Charle Weltner, Wesley viv uiiniiv u ran iu ir. iiicriuny nuoi'"'" soon ascertained the extent of the and reduced the fractured bone. injury. Favette Connty. On the night of the :Wth ult., the Falls City Hotel at Ohio Pyle Falls was destroy. ed by tire, with the total loss of goods and furniture. An unknown man was killed on the P. W. & B. K. K. at Brosulford, on the tith in staut. The epizooty has made it appearance all all over the country, though in a somew hat milder form. 1 he horses arc generally recovering. Mr. IIul'Ii (V Hutchinson has sold the iron ore underlying his farm, to the Cam, bria Iron Company. Hundreds of coke-ovens are being con structed in addition to the three thousand already in operation. Col. A. Stewart is reconstructing his steam saw-mill at Bear Hint. Mr. Cassidv, of this county, recently killed a black Ix-ar with an axe. Mr. CV was chopping wood in the forest : some dogs dwive Bruin into a cleft of a rock ; Mr. C. dealt lus bearship several powerful blows on the bead, ami soon reduced him to a dead certainty. iat. Written Arithmetic: Ma Enable. Clara Schrnck. Annie Jones. Annie Hnstoa. Austin Friedline. Alliert Conrad, Fred Swise, Nora Cunningham, llson Kncpper. Horace t asebeer. McNally's Geography : Jack Colhorn, Herman Kooscr, Jacob Casebcer, Rolwrt tiood, Annie 11 us- ton. HUnch Good. Marrie Hentonl. Ida knable. Clara Schiwk, Liura Kncpper, Frederick Swise, mbtj .nuier. Hiitory: Horace Casebcer. Minnie Craver. Ches ter Kncpper, Albert Conrad, Ida Knable, Jack 101 oorn. timtsjsitl'.n : Sidney Connelly. Clara Schrock Paul Council v. Marrie Benford. Deportment: James Parson, Jr., Horace Casc lieer, Wcaley Fricdiine, Hampbm MeGritf.Charlcs Kncpper. Sidney ConneUv.. In liuhllshin: this our second month's reoort. we uare given a correct report 01 tne attendance, scholarship and denortment of those that have ex celled in each. The progress of all the scholar is good. Again we extend a cordial invitation to all thuse interested In 00 r schools to vi?it us. Let all our eitUens set apart a half hour and visit the scnoois . 1 ti wu not only lie nerlonnlng vour flu ty as citixens, but will eucturage both upits and icacner. ;nme. Lizzie, L. C. Coi borh, AssisUnt. Principal. MARRIED. COLEMAN WELLER. At the rest dence of Mr. Smith, on the 12th of De- cemler, by the Kev. A. M. Strauss, Sol otnon Coleman to Mrs. M. Weller, both of Somerset Co.. Pa., MEXKMIEK HIXIXO. LVeemlier KHh by Joseph II. Pritts Esq.. Adolph Menkmier to Miss Louisa Hining, tioth of Somerset. Co., Pa., IV.- .' " kets and T (";,' ; 'r'm snds. Stone Sledtrcs, lis: "JWant anything at all Holders, Soap j near Iatrobe, after working ul. Porcelain at the shaft east of Latrtil, camo Sletlges VVin; the r vratn and took the 'rifle 1 Step Iiddcrs in W(.ni ut into the woixls, a short distance in me , f(imn the house, lay down with his feet to- rt li.ia, g0 u," Uivinver'a Store for Forth Hkcald. Mr. Editor: I am glad that you arc so religiously inclined as to publish now and then articles of a truly religious spirit As many readers of the worthy paper, the Herald, are religiously inclined, it will, at least to that part of the community, make the paper interesting in that direction. What I w ant to say is this : I beard a ser mon preached lately en the words, "Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us Irom all iniquity, in which the preach er very earnestly" contended that Christ all day , sutfercd for al', and tliat his death was vi- Lonie in carious, (that is, acting in the place of an- pun ana other one), and that lie had sutfered for all our gutK, and nence, that we ere redeem ed, ana sorrow and aighing have fled away. 'Hie discourse was delivered with a KaliabnrT 1 tens a. From the Independent : John Pile of tlie Foundry, struck the nail from the fore finger of his left hand last week. It was a nice job and as neatly done as though he had employed the sur geon's art. John is now PILE. Mrs. Dolly Pile, ploying his leisure in helping the rest of the boys on their I bateaux de hptgne. A delegation of the young masters of the grammar school wailed upon the burgess a tew days since and requested him to re move the absurd restriction against coast ing. Their request was freely granted and the boys are much pleased thereat. And now for the snow. The first fatal case of epizootic we have to record is a tine horse In-longing to Geo. Lowry, of Elk Lick. Wc are toll that there are quite a number of critical cases in the town and vrcinity. The present in tense cold has, doubtless much to do in in creasing the virulence of the disease. DIED. wife of David Pile, near Somerset, after an illness of 6 weeks, aged 52 years, 8 months and 18 days. "Though cast down, we're not forsaken, Though atllicted, not alone ; Thou ditlst give, and hast taken ; Blessed Lord 'Thy w ill be done.' " Caution, Every frenuine box of Dr. MeLAN'E'S L1VKK PILLS bears the signature of FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgh, Pa., aiid their private United States Stamp. "Take no other. "The market is full of imitation. A GREAT COMBINATION an 1 the very best business opporiunlty ever afford ed, u to be l-jund in an Agency lor taking subscrip tions to - HENRY WARD BEECHER'S Lie to give it up the German-speaking people agitated by a new Protestantism, separating from the See of Rome on the dogma of Papal Infalli bility and assamina: to recoauiie the -Old Catb, lies' tbe wholo continent pervaded by the intel lectual lenii-nl that comes of the conflict lietween old ideas, philosophical, t.h. J.tii-il, raiteriaL, and the advaneca ol Physical Science Russia and Great liritain running a race lor the final gain I that shall ilf-tcrmini Asiatic iii,n-in&vi hin. Great LITERARY, FAMILY NEWSPAPER, j eeming ready to abandon her advances ami re- ith which is given away the lanrt-st and best Premium Picture ever ottered, the new ami exqui site t!2.v0 FRENCH OLEOGRAPH called ''iVt'a Paradiw.." (Oleographs are the choicest clai-4 01 French Art-printing in oils the pertectbin of Oil-chroroo) We also give tne suiern 41a pair of genuine French otl Cnro mos. -vVIIiE Art AKE 'snd -FAST ASLEEP." subjects Llle-sixe charming fac similes of origi nal Oil Paintings. This paper has the largest cir culation in the word. It will next year be made better than ever. Serial talcs by worel-famus au thors. L. M. Aluott, Edward latirleston, Harriet Beecber Stowe, etc. New and brilliant contribu tors. Illustrated Holiday Number and back no, of Hies Ak-oti s story tree. The most taking "Combination!" The Urgent eommb.--kiu paid. One agent made fsu) In 3 m.mtha: another rt7 In 3b days; another (V4 40 In one week: one 17 00 in one day, and many others from la and f 10 to 40 per day. This year our olfer are even more prun ahle. No waiting for the premiums. The Subs.-rfhcr gets them when he pays his subscription. GOOD AGEXTS WANTED! Intelligent men and women wanted everywhere. To get good territory, exclusively assigned, send early fur circular and terms. J. H. Ft IK 1! A CO., new 1 orlt; lioston, Mass.; Chicago, 111 San ran- ciscu, l ai. kaTa agents wanted! Just oat! A splendid W W W Chart: "Christ blessing little chil dren." Immensesalef! iuu agents wanted for our Urge Map of the "l nited States" with immeuae -World" Map on reverse side, thir MaiMand Charts go like wild-fire. 1LAAS1S at LIHKH'HT. Etnutra Mao and Chart Esublishment, 107 Liberty street. New York. 890 made Dec. 3d by one agent selling HORACE CREELEY AND FAMILY, A fine engraving. 2!x2S In., sent by mail for $1 00. We also mall Hole an.1 Sewlnir Machine Thread Cutters, and Needle Threading Thimble. price 2a cents each. Circulars of various other Novelties mailed frequently to all obi and new agents, adorers AMERICAN NOVELTY CO., 3112 Broadway, Y. G EN TS. now is your chance! LIVIIBS TOSE II MD IE The only book on tbe subject that tells tbe whole s.ory. Don't be humbugged with any other. This has nearly aOO pages, a 9.70 full page Eugrav. ingi.-. Price 1 M. The prospectus wiil sell it at sight. For first choice ol territory, address at once. D. ASHMEAD, 711 SansumsL I'hila.. Pa. AGENTS WANTED for the Foot Prints of Satan or the Devil In History; a new biadc; by Rev. H .llis Read, A. M., author of "God in History." Illustrated front lesions hy Dore, Nast of Harper Weekly and others. Nothing like it ever before seen or beard of, an.1 aid Is at sight. i 11. iittAl, fninisncr, tsa liroa!wnv, r. x. OUTFITS FREE1 Agents M'antd Eteryahere for The "Mothers' Guide. This U the best opportunity now offered toagenta to canvass for a lire liook. Everv Mother needa and wants II It tell rapidly. Eipcricoce.1 can vassers pronounce it the best selling book in the market. Send k.r circuUrs and sec our extra lib eral terms. Address Continental Publishing Cu 4 Bond St., N. Y.City. A1N, PA1H, PAIN, CAMPHORINE ! The great discovery for the relief of pain and a sure and immediate cure for Rheumatism Chron ic and Acute, Sprains, Sore Throat, Bruises. Chil blains, Pain in Chest, Hack or Limbs, Croup, Stiff Joints, Strains, Inflammation, Neuralgia, Burns anil Scalds, Hun bins. Frosted Fact, Catarrh, Ave. it has a pleasant and retreshlng odor and wilt not greaso or stain the most delicate fabric, which makes it a Luxury In every family. Price 26 cents per bottle, ror sale by all druggist. REUBEN HOYT, Prop., ISli Greenwich St., X. Y wards a stump, placed the butt of the gun i j against the stump, and, having pulled off ; great deal of earnestness, and seemed to '''d.of in ,,1(,.i .... ......i:,.. 1 . , I one of his shoes, lie phtced the muzzle to 1 have made a good impression on the minds -0.11T71. , . - 1 la ril,l. -n. I rn!!in tl, Irtfffflf u-itlt F tJink. a Khi.ll I l,inn..,.l. ...... ,-u.....n ... K,nil' ,j ""UKh. II. Houselclt wiil "'to r n""it,ur,'n'-eut. and is authoriz- -t tbVT i'!,"n('-T iUcTvUT- Fr"" nd ' ;i " Decemljei', persons takinz rii , " yanttttes than twenty bushels ! ,;,. ui 1 ray casa, '-"nsmsemcnL his ri bis foot, he shot himself through the head. killing himself instantly. Greenburg Tiute. of his hearers. But, after the sermon was over, I could compare it with nothing bet ter than if the house had lieen filled w ith a sweet-amelltng savour, giving a pleasant i smell just as long as it smokes, because, SoMEitxET, Pa.. Dec. 1G, 1872. ! however nice and pleasing it sounded to n . rr u t. : - .1.. .. . . - .1 . f 1 .- t ..1. : Unk-?vi bv i "r cnncu 11 is me ojuuion 01 tue , tue sinurr tuut .uiui a oeaiu as iljiwus, ' i w riter, that the iteiuizcr of the Salisbury in the stead of tlie sinner, and that He has I auVpi ndent (likely Mr, UhL himself) lays ! suffered for all hut sins, sinners and all v4-" and !' ,1 ,.1 ' . ,i,uta stress tin the energy of Mr. I hL left Hie house as much under the power of liEU'-i 1 1 1 , '"c constructotn of the "Mammoth death as ever, until Christ will come, and, iT ann- AKk ont'l ib c - l -f,w"e . i 1J,tKk-" Our Hj,le all take a great pride j and according to the tenor of the Bible, "-'H sell at v..,' 1 -"ou.j. im mu uuiiuing and think that the builder will 't'itnn-. suibc "giveniettlllL Iiave ; are well worthy of praise. But that Mr. receive all the praise, seems to I H.lnL- ,... II L- ,.1. ,11 II M-tnt, will nil them cheap. C. Beerita. E. 11. Mrvl.ll ..a 11 r.,r. tlian hold them r ii ru urn (.11 . . t. Jl .. . ' ""T " WI IUX Ul ilM UIUI U t w ' aojpraiseas Air. I hi, and to them certainly J. H. PifcKi. '.,m.i,i;i 1.1,. . I .UUVII VltUII IJV 4 O.iS. J,. iJ ' a" ; are wen wortli lut'hj e .'"ff w my r.Mms,and Uhl ebould rec -J teaayo t r ol wthhing.aii4 1 me unjust. I "T "B r1 .'n K'u U,cm !- -"nu. E. mLi.l. lllan. h,,ld tu fc froth, Esu rs.. IfSTIfE, "redeem them from the power of death and the grave," by dettroying "the last enemy, deatlu" In order to lie short, I ought to stop here, but in order to be rightly undersUmd. I must call the attention of the reader to some points mentioned above, concerning tlie sermon. If the guilt of sin requires JJenncr X HomIs. If we are to be governed by the indica tions of the weather tor the past two weeks, winter has really commenced in earnest. A. protracted or revival meeting com mences at this place, under the auspices of the Lnited Brethren, on Saturday evening. JJecember seth. We have heard of a couple of very fine deer being killed since the first fall of enow, and of one dear being awfully "tJceered. Christmas U rapidly approaching, though but little mentitt is made of it, further than the usual determination on the part of 1 oung America to glorify with gu.njgw der, &c The fire, noticed elsewhere, of Mr. Mil ler's residence, a few miles from town. should certainly awaken our citizens to use every precantion to prevent similar occur rences at tins season of the year. "Mail communication at this plate has been considerably interrupted in the past two weeks, on account of the "zootics." Quite an interesting revival meeting has been in progress at the Haynea' school house for the, last week or t 0. Kev. Eis enhower is conducting the same. We un derstand their labors have been crowned with a number of converts. From latest accounts the meeting is still progressing. "He smole a ghastly smile" and "wunk an awful w ink," then went olf and done it: John P. Ankeny was the lucky chap who joined into a life partnership with Miss M. Kicharda, of Bedford county. Long may they live, and may their joys be without number, and their pleasures be unlimited. Xervoas Debility. With its gloomy attendants, low spirit, depress ion, involuntary emissions, loss of semen, sperma torrhoea, loss of power, dixxy head, loss of memo ry, and threatened impotence and Imbecility, and a sovereign cure in Humphreys' Homeopathic aiieciuc ,o. iwenty-cagnu composed 01 tne must valuable mild and potent Curative, they strike at once at the root of the matter, tone up the system, arrest tbe discharges, and impart vigor and energy, life and vitality to the entire man. They have cured thousands of eases. Price. j per package of five boxes and a Urge $2 vUl, which is very important In obstinate or old eases, or 41 per smgia nox. jwjij ny au ursggists, and sety liy mall on receipt of brie. Address HUMPHREYS' SPIXJIFIO HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE CO., 662 Broadway, New York. nov. 13. f Fi,r sale by E. H. Marshall, Somerset, Pa. UU nraPiiiiisa U U i3Lim.l8Tl Double Elevated Oven, Warming Closet, Broiling Dor. Fender Gcard. Dumping h. Shaking Grate. Direct Draft. FILLER, WARREN Ct.,K Water Street, Nw York. SO(RNETIABKCT. Corrected weekly by A. J. Casebkec 4 Co. Apples, dried, ft A Applcbatter, V gal Butter, Buckwheat, V bushel..,... Beeswax, r Baeoo, shoulders, f tt " sides, " ham. " Cora, V bushel Corn meal V h Calf skins, V fc r-ggs. 1 F'tour. V WI Flaxseed f) bu., (MI.) Lard, ft ft Leather, red sole, f k upper . " klu. Oat, ft bu.... Potatoes, bu Peaches, dried, n ye ft ou , Rag. f Salt, No. L f bbl " St eu Ash ton. fc , Sugar, yellow f k - whits - Tallow, ft a Whest, V bu 0eM 2Uc d U0 30c 8e ...: I2e .l 00 V l 2i 20e I0 60 41 W ..- 12'e ;kc 70c toe 50s We lie 41 00 So $2 80 l....$l 25 2 00 121 16c I4lSe lot a ain W00L ft soeue AUENTsi WANTED. ACT AT ONCE. There U a PILE of money in it. Tbe people ev erywhere are EAGER to buy the jiuthenus his tory of Livingstone -T-StSSL and THRILLTNO ADVENTl RES during 29 years in A tries, witn account ol tneSlANLx-i I EXPEDITION. Over 600 pages, only tj to. Is; selliug beyond paratleL CAUTION. Beware of Inferior works. ThU is the only complete and reliable work. Send for circulars, and see proof and gr.-nt success agcuts are having. Address HVflBAKtl BROS- Pan-Phils. elose her half-o;ienel gates Japan alioliahlng ...u lu.lllll CHCI U CI 111 Ul HID Ui IT- radiats Western comiuerre to enrich her long-bidden empire such are phases of the news from abroad which the mails overall Continents and the wires under aU Seas are daily bearing to us. With ahle and trusted Correspondents In the leading capitals, and wherever great changes are in pro gress. Tux Tribi-si aims, at whatever cost, to Uy liefore its readers the most pptmpt, complete, and Kipular presentment of these diverse ami conflict ing movements. through all of which, as It fond ly trusts, the toiling masse are everywhere strug gling up toward larger recognition and a brighter (mure. At home tbe struggle Ibr Freedom seems over. The last slave has long been a eitixen; the but op. position to etnaneiiiation, enfranchisement, equal dvd rights, has been ti.rmally abandoned. Ne party. North or South, longer dispute the result of the War for tbe t nkm: all declare that these results roust never be an lone; and. with a whole people thus united on the grand platform of All Hiatus fur AIL whereto oar blou.1v struggle, and the prolonged civil contest that folfowen, have led us, lbs Republic closes tbs records of the bitter, natetul Past, and turns iieaeefully. hopelullv, to the less alarming because less vital problems ot the Future. To whatever may elucidate tbe zcneral discussion or action on these. The gives amplest spaes and most impartial record. What ever parties msy propose, wnatever political lead ers may say, whatever u Hirers mar do, is fairly set down, in Us columns, whether tnU news help or hinders it own views. Its readers have tbe riirhl J to sn honest statement of tbe facts; ami this they always gel. But as to its own political urincltdc. Thk Tbib. r SB is of coarse, berealter as heretofore, thecnam- filon of Equal itlgbts, irrespective of Race. Natlv ty, or Color. It stand inflexibly by the Amend ments for the permanent security of lhte Rights, which have been solemnly i'icurp.rratcd by the People, in the Constitution of the Vnitcd States, Independent of sil political parties, it endeavors to treat them all with judicial fairness. It Ulr to purity tbe administration of Government. Na tional. State, and Municipal, and whenever those In authority, whether ia Natiooal, State, or Mu nicipal anairs, lass tbe lea. in tats work. It will therein give thein its cordial support. But it can never be the servitor of sny Domical party; nor wiil It surrender or even waive its right to criilcise anil condemn what Is wrung. and commend what ia right in the action of any parties or of any public men. Now, a always, Tac Tkibcxi labor with all it heart fT the promotion ol the arrest material interests of the country. The progress Inven tion and of L-tbor-Saving. tbe development of our resources, the preservation of our Land lor the Landless and it rapki subjugatkn to human wants, tbe utilixatlon of our vast umlerlying tires, the ex tension of the facilities for bringing Producer and Cvncumer nearer together, wltatevcr tend to swcU the ranks, increase the knowledge al better tbe condition ot those -devoted to Productive In dustry bnds mention anil encouragement in our columns. Thk Weiklt TaisctiK, now more than thirty years old. has endeavored to keep up with the pro gress of the age in improvement and in enterprise. It devotes s Urge share of it column to Agricul ture as the most essential and general of human pursuits. It employs the able and saost sueeess lul cultivators to set torth in brief, elear cssavs their practical views of the Farmer- work. It re port public discussions which elucidate that work; gathers from eiery source agricultural news, the reports of the latest experiments, the atoms of the latest successes and failures, aad w hatever nay tend at once to better Agriculturcand to commend It as the first and most important of progressive Arts, based on natural science. There sre hundreds of thousand enrared in di verse pursuit who ewn or rent a -place," and give sums portion of their time 10 its culture and im provement. The Wkeklv Tkisi sk shows them how lu make the most of their roods and their hours, both by direction ami example. No inform ation equal in quality or quantity can be elsewhere obtained for tbe price of this journal. Thk. Wi.kxi.y 1 aisisx appeals also to Teachers, Students, and persons of inquiring minds, by tb character of it Literary contents, which include reviews of all Lbs works proceeding from tbe mas ter mind of tbs Old er of tbe New W orld, with lilieral extracts from those of espeeUl Interest, Imaginative Literature also claims attention, but In a subordinate degree. -Home Interests" are disrnssed weekly by a lady specUUy qualified to nstruct anl interest her own sex, and the younger portion of the other. No column is more eagerly sought or perused with greater average profit than hers. Tbe News o the Day, elucidated by brie I comments, is so condensed that no reader can deem it dtfiuse, while given soihciently in detail to sat isfy tbe want ol the average reader. Selection are regularly mails front tbe extenatveCorrespond. enceot Thk Dah.v Twblne from every country, and it editorials of more permanent value are here reproduced. In short, Thk Weekly Tri bute commend itself b millions by ministering to their intellectual want more fully than they are met by any other jonrnuL while it regular report of the Cattle, Country Produce, and other Mar kets, will of themselves save the farmerwno resru- Urly notes them lar mure than his journal pries. Xoticei of lilt Freit. The Weekly I the ablest ami m,.st powerful il Iiis'rated periodical publUhed in this cmntry. Its editorials are scholarly and convincing, and carry much weight. Its Illustrations of current event are full and fresh, and are prepared by oar best de signer. With a elrcuUlion of l'ul.uoo, the Week ly is read hy at least hall a million persons, ami lis Influence a an organ of opinion bslmpiy tre mendous. The Weekly maintains a poi:ivc puei tl.m, and expresses decided views on political and tucUl problem. LouisrtUt CovrierVouraaf. SUBSCKIPTlbNS.-1873. Terms: Harper' Weekly, one year fcl 00 An extra copy of either the Magnifne. Weekly. or Baxar will lie supplied gratis lor every club of nve sunscrioers at 4 ou eacn. in one remittance; or six oipies for 420 01, without exf ra copy. Sutiscrtptions to Harper's Magaxine. Weekly, and Baxar, to one address tor one year. a 00; or. twoof Harper's Periodicals, to one address lor one year. 4f 00. Hack numbers can be u;r.led at any tltce. The annual volume 01 Harper Weekly, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of expense, lor 47 00 each. A complete set. compris ing sixteen volumes, sent on receipt of cash at th rate ot sa per volume, ireignt at expense ot pur chaser. The ruartage on Harper" Weekly Is It rents a year, which must be paid at the subscri'ier post office. Address HARPER k BROTHERS, New York. Estate of John Ranch, late of Brotbersvalley tp., decease.!. Letters tesamntary on the aNive esate having been granted to the undersigned by tbe proper a u thoritr. noti.-e Is hereby given p. tbue In lel te-1 to It to make immediate 'payment, ami those having claims against it will present them to the umier !:med f. r se'Tlemem at the late re"ilence of said dm-esscl, on Friilav, the 6th dav of December, 172. HENRY KAVCH. AARON F. BITTNER, oet. 30. Executors. "A Reponftory of Fahlon. PI cats a re, tad Instrnrtlon.e. Harper's Bazar. Kolieet of the P. r. The Baxar is editci with a contribution of tact and talent that we seldom nad in anv journal; and the journal itself Is the organ of the great world of fashion. Batton Travrllrr. The Baxar eomm.en.le Uxelf to ever memlier of the hoosehind to the children by drdl and pretty pictures, to the young ladies hy its tasbion-ptates in endless variety, to the provident matron hy its patterns for the children's clothe, to palrrfamUiat by it tasteful desurns for embroidered (Uppers and luxurious dressing-gowns. But tbe reading mat ter of the Baxar is uniformly of great excellence. The paper has acqnired a wide' popularity for tbe firteidc enjoyment it affords. .V. Y. Evening Pott. SUBSCBIPTIONS,-1373. Terms: Harper's Batar, one year ki 00 An extra copy or either the Mag-ixlne. Weekly or Baxar wiil be supplied gratis for every elub of five utcribers at 44 ui each. In one remittance; or six copies for 420 0U, without extra copv. Subscriptions to Harr' Magaiine. Weekly, and Buiar. to one address t.r one rear, no 00? or. twoof Harper's PerlxiicaU, to one address for one year, 47 00. Back number can be supplied at any time. Tbs five volume of Harjier's Baxar. for tbe year lsoft. , 'Tu, Tl. TA elegaatlv bound in green morocco doth, wul be sent bv express, freight prepaid, lor 47 00 each. Ike postage oa Harper's Itaxar Is 20 cent a year, which must be pal. I at the subscriber's pst- H ARPES it BROTH EES, New Tork. Demmler Brothers, Xo. 126 Smithfleld Street, PITTSBUPtG, Manufacturers of Tin. Cor per sr.d Sheet Iron ware, dealers In Stoves, Cl,hes Wrinsrcrs. Cut lery, Britannia and Tin Ware. Enameled H.diow Ware. Rerriirratrs. Ie Chests. W ater Coolers. Ice Cream Freexer. Bird Caves. Gas Stoves. snJ House F'nrnishing Goods generally, wholesale and reUlL Proprietors of the Patent AijistaMe Store SMies, The most ascfnl Invention of the age. Sole sgents for Spear's world-renowned snd unrivaled anthra cite coal Heating Srcves. S.le sgents fr tbs Tom Thumb Carb.n flil Cookir.g Stove. This lit tle Hove is the Wonder of the day, and the only ar ticle of tbe kind that will give y.jn entire satisfaction. Grocers' Goods a Specialty. Oct. 2. VALUABLE FARM At Private Sale. The n.lersiimed offershls fnrsa at private sale, situated fuur miles northeast of Liaier, ia Lig onier h.wnshlp. WestmoreUnd eondty. Pa., Conteining 108 Acres, About TO acres cleared. 2i acres ha gooi meadow, all well watered an.1 has tbs besf of timber on It. For further particulars call on CoL McFarUnd, Llgonier. or the undersigned on the premises oet-SMm. THOMAS McJLN KINS. "rnjnUaallT tbe rt aaststisiesl work f tke klsid 1st the World. Harper's Magazines Solicit of the Prett. The ever-Increasing ctrcuiatbsx of this excellent monibly proves Its continued adaptation to popuUr desire and need. Indeed, when we think into how many homes It penetrates every month, we must consider it as one of the educators ss weU ss entertainers of tbe public mind, f. r its vast popu larity has been wuu by no appeal to stupid preju dices or depraved tastes. Soiloa Globe. The character which this Magazine possesses A.r variety, enterprise, artistic wealth, and litera ry culture that has kept pace with, if it has not led the times, should cause it conductors to n gard it with justifiable complacency. It also entitles them to a great claim upon the public gratitude. The Magaiine ha dene gxsl and not evil all the days of its life. Brooklf East. SUESCHIPtT0NS.1873. Terms: Harper's Magaxine, one year 44 00 An Extra Copy of either the Magaiine. Week ly, or Baxar will be supplied rratis fur every Club ot five sutcribers at t no each, in one remittance; or six copies for 420 00. with.t extra copy. Subscriptions to Harper s Mairazine. Weekly, ami Baxar, toonesdop-ss Sr one year. 410 00; oir, two of Harper's Periodicals, to one address Ut one year. 47 00. Back Numbers can be supplied at any time. A complete set or Hartier Magaxine, now com prising 4a Volumes, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, freight at expense of purchaser, for 42 21 per volume. Single volumes, bv mail, ptpai.l, 43 00. Cloth cases, fer binding, ie cents, by mail, postpaid. The postage on Harrier's Mairaxlne is -il m'm year, which must be paid at the suLscriiwr' poet-otflce. Address Dov 27 CLAIM AGENCY Oldest la tke StsUe. B. F. BROWN Jl CO.. 116 Smithfield St, Pittsburgh, Pa. Collect Pensions. Bonntles. Prixe Money, kr. Spseaal attention paid to suspended and n-jertc claims. Appucatksis ty mail attended tu as t mads In person. srp. is. "DUBLIC SALE. "By virtue of an order ot sale issuing out ot ths Orphan's Court t Somerset count v. i'a., to me di rected. I will expose to sale by public outcrv. on the premises, the following vain a Me real estate, late tbe property of David Spangler. deceased, lv. ing in Stonycrcek township, on TUESDAY, THE 31st OF DECEMBER. lgTi a certain nwssaage or tract of Und situate in Sts nycreek township, Somerset county. Pa., contain ing 10 acres, mure or less, adjoining lands of lm vid Rta. JoeUh Brant, Noah Keiter. Iiavkl Rav man. Jonathan Woy and others, all cleared and in a fine state of cultivation, with a one story house and stable there. ereele.1, with the a pi, ar te nances. Tkrxs: Four hundred dollars cash, sn confirm ation of sale, of which 4100 shall be paid whesj sold, the haUace- in one year from date of sale, t be secured by judgment note oa the premise, lr there is any part of the. purchase monev lea when the debts and expenses are paid, the one-third of the balance shall remain a lien upon the real es tate, the interest to be raid annuatrv to th wid ow ami at ker death the principal to be pah! to thai heir. FRANKLIN SPANGLER. ocv Administrator aad Trustee. HARPER BROTHERS, N. Y. FURNITURE. J. . WOODWELL 6 M.tSt'VACTl'KKHS OP 475 to tpM tier mouth, everywhere, mate snd fe male, to Introduce tbe GENITNE IMPROVED CO.M.VION Sr.NSfc FAMILY SEWING MA CHINE. This machine will stitch, hein, lull, tuck, quilt, cord, bind, braid and embroider in a most superior manner. Price only 41 i. Fully licensed and warranted for live years. We will pay 41,000 f,r any machine that will sew s stronger, more beaultluL, or moreeliutlc seam than ours. It make the -Elastic Lock Stitch. ' Every second stitch can be cut, and still the cloth cannot be pulled apart without tearing it. Ws psy agenU from 47i to 4250 per month and expense, or a eomnussion from which twice that amount can be made. Ad dress SECOMB a CO., Boston, Mass.; PitlsbB.if, Pa., Chicago 11L, or Su Louis Mo, Cheap Farms! Free Homes! Oa ths line of the UNION PACIFIC RAIL ROAD. 12.0uD.0O0 acre of the best Farminir and Mineral Land in America. 3.O0O.OUU acres in Nebraska, in the Platte Valley. bow for sale. MILD CLIMATE, FERTILE SOIL, for Grain growing snd Stork Raising snsurpasscd by any in th United Stale. Cheaper in Price, more favorable terms given, and more convenient to market than can be omntl elsewhere Free Homesteads far Actual Settler. Tbe best location for Colonies Soldiers entitled to Homestead of 100 acres. Send forth new Inscriptive Pamphlet, with Dew nu, published In English, German, Swed ish and Danish, mailed free everywhere. Address, O. F. DAYD3, Land Com'r U. P. B- R. Co, Omaha, J(ebr 97. S9 and 191 TbM km, PITTSBURGH, PA. Opposite Holtxnua a. Wicderbold' 1'pholjtery. nov. so. Parlor, Library. Chamber and Dining Room 1 U31 NT I T XJ R K, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Have on hand the Unrest assortment of Plain ami Fashionable fnrnitore. which they will sell a low as an n-HuMj. tl,,n in I K. nir, r. l-.ll ' "r lire wmiiT e.iviv ui uw ciunuti irnrmer or and See tneir extensive Vt are Hi.ima at artisan, Ths Weekly Ttisi se has no superior, I as is proven oy tue nuuureus oi tnossands woo, having read it from cbllbooil. Mill cherish and en joy it in tne prime ami on the down hill of life. tt 0 respectlclly nrge those woo know Its worth to commend Thk Weekly Tribi-bk to their friend and neighbors and we prolfer It to lut at price which barely pay tbe cost of paper and press- wora. TERMS OF THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE. TO HAIL SCBaCKlBKKa. One copy, one year W lssnes ....'. .42 00 Five copies, one year 42 issue T 44 To one address. .To names at sahscrihers. All at one Postothce. I All at on Puetothce. 10 copies 1 2 each. 10 copies 41 35 each. 20 copies.... 1 10 each. b copies 1 20 each. 30 copies 1 00 each.) JO copies 1 10 each. And an extra to each club And an extra to each clab sBT For clubs of Fifty Tt Sxwi-Wexkxy Tat ars x will be sent a an extra ovpy. NEW YORK SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE U published every Taesday aad Friday, and, be ing printed twiee a week, it contains nearly all the important News, Correspondence, Reviews, and Editorials of tbe daily, including everything 00 the subject of Agriculture, and much Interesting and valuable matter, fur which there is not rutb c(ent room in The W kuu.t TsiBrsK. TheSevi Wkkkly TginrsB also gives, iu tbe course ol a year, tores or fuur of ths Best aso Latest PorcLAR Novels, by living authors. The ct st of these alone, if bought in book fcrm, would be from lix to eight dollars. It price has been lately reduced, so mat club can now seefife it at little more than the cost, to single subscribers, of The Weekly. Nowhere else can so much current intelligence and perms Bent literary matter be hail at so cheap a rate a in The Semi-Weekly Tkjbcsx. TERMS OF THESEMI-WEJEKLY TRIBUNE. One copy, one year, lot numbers 43 00 Five copies, or over, for each copy t So Tea copies (and one extra copy) lor 2 on pXECUTOR'S XOTICE. Estate of Willi am Imhoff. lata cf Berlin borough deceased. Letters testamentary oa the above estate having been granted U th undersigned by the proper au thority, notice is hereby given to those Indebted to ll b make immediate navnaeat. and thuse having eUims airainst it to present them duly authenti cated (br settlement at the residence of Daniel J. Brubaker, la Brothersvalley township, on Sa tar day, the Ith day of Iiecember, 1S7X. DANIEL J. HRUBAKER. JOSEPH LaUOFF, ct 30. Executors. "The Oldest snd Best of the Er IweticsV 1873. ECLECTIC JIAQsAZINE. SUBSCRIBE X01V! AGENTS WANTED FOR "INSECTS AT HOME." TOO pages; upwards of Too cuts; 21 full psge en graving. "Jut the book for Intelligent rnr.1 bomes.T' "The drawing are faithful representa tions of Insect and Plant." Semi lor Circular A -Hires Ueorge Brooks, 134 North Seventh St., PhiUdelphla. dov XT With ths nnmber for January, ths ECLECTIC? enters upon Its twenty-ninth year. It gleans ths choicest articles from tbe entire field of foreign pe riodical literature, and offers The best SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES. The best ESSAYS. The best REVIEWS. Ths best CRITICISMS. The best BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHED. The best NOVELS. Ths best SHORT STORIES. Th best POEMS. The best MISCELLANIES. The finest STEEL ENQRATLVCS. Tbs aim of the ECLECTIC I to be hist rwet ire without being dull, snd entertaining without be ing trtvUL Readers who seek mstractioa as well a amusement should nn it a tnaL Terns, as m j year. Single Cop, AS cents. Liberal terms to j clubs. The FX'LECTIU will bo sent with any ; other periodical at lowest club rates. Address, I F. R. P ELTON. Publisher. dccll tut Fulloe Street, New York. TOTICE OF APPEALS. TERMS OF THE DAILY TRIBUNE. To Mall Subfvribers, $10 s year. , The Tribons Almanac or 1S7S will be about New Year's. Price 20 cents; T lor 4L AIwsvs send a draft ea Nw York, sr a Ptat- oflics Money Order, if possible. Where neither of tnese can oa procured, seat ins money, cat always In a Registered Letter. Tbs registration lea bat been reuueed to fltteea cents, and the present reg istration system ha been found by ths postal aa thoritie to b nearly an absolute protsclion a salust losses by mail. Addrea TttsTtiBCSs, Nw York Notice l hereby 1ve that amieaU from the as sessments of 18T3 will be held at the Commission er's omes, Somerset, fur ths several districts of the county, ss follow: For Somerset township, Somerset borough. Shads, Paint, Conexaaagb aad Jenner ua Wednes day, the 1st day of January, M73. For Claemanoning township, Stoystown borough, Stonycrcek, Allegheny, Berlin borough. Brothers valley township, Lsrimer township, Welleraburg borough, Northampton, Stsathamptoa and Green ville townships on Ibursday, the 2d day of Janu ary. 173. For Elklik township. Salisbury borough. Sum mit township. Dale City borough, Addlsoa, Lower Turkeyfoot. Ursina borough. Upper Turkeyfoot, Middlecrci-k, New Ccntreville burough, Milford ami Jefferson township 00 the 31 day of January 1873, attest: JON. DUMBAULD. jaeob Neff, el a. JACOB J. WALTER, VAL. J.MILLER. commissioner oince, Dec a. A DMIMSTPvATOK'S NOTICE. Estate of Isaac Tissue, of Lower Tarkeyfoot To., ueceaseu. Letters of administration on the above estate hav ing beea granted the undersigned by ths proper aa. thority. notice U hereby given to those Indebted la it to make Immediate navment. and those havtn eUims against it to present I hem. duly authentica ted, Sir settlement to ths undersigned, st the hoaso of Alfred N. Tlesns, t. said tp., sa Saturday, Jan uary urn, vti JOHN K. TlSSrE. dee. 4. A.tmlnlstrator. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. kstato at Hans Heinrich Merle, latssf Qae ma- boiling tp., deetssed. Letters of administration oa the above e stats bavins; been granted to the undersigned, not lew is hereby sivea to tbuse Indebted to it tu make imme diate payment, and these having tUima against It, to present them, duly authenticated for settlement, at the Ute residence of said deceased, oa Saturday, January It, 173. AARON B LOCO II dec4 Administrator. Estata of DMIMSTIIATOR'S NOTICE. "PXECUTOR S NOTICE Estats of Georg HosUiller, late of Stoaycroek tp., deceased. Letters Ustantentary on ths above estate having been granted to th undersigned by the proper au thority. Duties U hereby given to those Indebted lu it ta asaks lmmsdiata raimml .n.1 thiiM havtnw claims against it to present them duly authenif j ent them, duly authenticated for ettleneBt at taa ment at th Ute residence 01 in rciue-- ui am ueceasm, louaj, Soloaio. P. Homer, kussf JennsrtBv. usecasso. Letter of almlnlst ration on th above estate hav ing beso granted to the undersigned, notice is here by given to t hose Indebted to ataka Immed Ute pay ment, and those ha ring claims against U will pro rated Ibr settlement at deceased, oa Saturday. Jannarv Uth. 1S7S. PHILIP SHAVER, deal xrc.tur. ary llto, 13TJL trx S. VOBOAN, Admialstrator.