The Somerset Herald. Mil l . 1 1i r ri l-miiy mm mm .1 irT -n nn rr n OI R WAKIIIXUTOX LETTER. . DcocmV-r IS, 1S72, TnE law abolishing the offices of Internal Revenue Assessors and As sistant Apsepsor, vvbich passed tbe lower House of CongTcss ten days since has also passed the Senate, and only requires the President's signa ture to Income a law. liovEitxo Geaby has issued a proclamation setting forth that the Commissioners of the Sinkinpr Fund, Francis Jobdax, John F. IIart raxit and Robert W. Mackey, re port and certify, that during the year commencing Ioc., lft IiS 1 and end ing Nov. 30th, 182. Tteo millions four hundred an J teventy-fiijr thoug and two hundred and thirteen dollar and fifty ceidg ($2,4:C,213,50) of the State debt has been paid and extin guished. A few more years of Re publican rule will entirely wipe out our State debt, and with it all taxa tion for State purposes, leaving the people of this Commonwealth, the! most prosperous and the least taxed of any State in the Union. Our readers w ill remember that after the October election the Democ racy were quite liberal in their charg es that the Hon. L. D. Shoemaker and other leading Republicans of Luzerne county had resorted to brib ery to make votes for tbe Republican State ticket Mr. Shoemaker and the other Republicans thus charged, de manded a legal investigation of their acts, which has just been had, and which fully exculpates them from all the charges brought against them The prosecution was not able to sus tain a single point in this allegation and the acnuital of Mr. Shoemaker and his associate was complete. The same result would attend similar charges made against Republicans in other parts of the State, if brought to a legal trial. The future of the Xtw York Tri bune is just now a subject of interest and of much speculation among jour nalists as well as the public general ly. That the Tribune fell away from its high estate during the late campaign, under the editorial man agement of Mr. Whitelaw Reid is an undeniable fact, and its loss of caste and influence, we candidly be lieve, did much to hasten the sad and tragic death of its original founder. It is a very valuable property, de pendent however upon public good will and confidence, and its proprie tors, like sensible business men, are casting about for a fitting successor to its dead editor-in-chief. A number of prominent newspaper men have loen spoken of as Mr. Greeley's probable successor, but it appears to be a settled fact that tbe position has been offered to Vice President Col fax, and that he is now in negotia tion with the stockholders. Mr. Col fax is an experienced journalist and a vigorous writer, and while not pos sessing the ability of Mr. Greeley, his connection with the paper would do much towards restoring it to pub lic conGdencc and at the same time prove the shrewd business tact of its managers, for of course Mr. Colfax would not identify himself with it, unless it resumed its former position within the fold of the Republican party. We presume that a few days will decide the matter, as it is under stood that with the usual new year prospectus the future editorial man agement and proposed policy of the journal will be announced. Senator Pomeroy Las introduced a bijl looking to the suppression of the traffic in ardent spirits in the District of Columbia and the Nation al Territories' over which Congress has power. The movement is said to originate with the National Temper ance Society and contemplates the most stringent measures against the traffic in intoxicating liquors. The bill provides : First. That no persou shall be, al lowed to manufacture, import, sell, exchange, barter, give, or dispose of any intoxicating liquors, to be used as a beverage in the Territories of the United States or 5n the District of Columbia. Second. That regularly licensed druggists niay sell for medicinal and scientiGc purposes and mechanic arts only : provided, that they shall label and mark distinctly, as other poisons and medicines, and keep a book of registry, showing the name of person to whom delivered, the quantity, da:e of sale, and on whose order or pre scription the sale was made, and s rich registry to be submitted as re quired to the inspection of the Roard of Police in this district, or before any comrt in a trial at law. Third. That any licensed drug gists or other persons, violating the provisions of this act, shall be subject to a fine f not less than $500, and to an imprisonment of three months, and, in default of payment of the fine, to three months additional imprisonment, and to be also liable for all damages occuring from the sale or illegal disposal of intoxicating liquors as a beverage. ry hours. Prayer and preaching in the churches, temperance societies in the salAialh schools, and jftitions to the Constitutional Conve t.on to insert a prohibitory e!use in the forthcoming constitution were recom mended, and this shambling, limp ing, half-scared resolution, on the sub ject of the fast approaching contest invited and insisted upon by them selves, was passed : Resolved, That the Legislature, according to the praver of many thousands of petitioners, havinggiven the opportunity to vote upon the question of licenses, in the counties and cities of the Commonwealth, on the third Friday of March, 1873 next, this Convention holding that the result of such a vote cannot be accept ed by the friends of Temperance as a test of the sentiments of the people on the questions involved, and doubt ing the efficiency of the measure to accomplish the suppression of the liq uor trade, but hopeful that the effort will tend to that end. and knowing that enemies will interpret non-action to mean opposition do nevertheless recommend the embracing of the oc casion to vote against the longer con tinuance of the legality of a business so baneful in its influence and so in jurious to the religious, social, indus trial and pecuniary interests of the people as the liquor traffic in all the past has proven to be. What is there practical in all this ? Is the public car to bo forever vexed with this constant, unremitting daw dle about an evil which all sane men admit, and which moral suasion has signally failed to remedy f If it can be suppressed only by law, then vote for tbe law, and use your best efforts to induce others so to do. If busi ncss is meant then organize for it, and fight at the polls fur your convic tions. Don't give up the fight in ad vance, and admit coming defeat by a half-hearted resolution trying to break your fall. Such moral cowardice is contemptible. This is not a religious cause, and the attempt to make it so only weakens it. Thousands of men counted irreligious, and over whom the churches have no influence, will vote for local option. It is a great social reform in its broadest sense, looking to the good of the entire State, and cannot be dwarfed nor limited by petty associations nor en forced by mouthing declaratious. The opportunity is waiting, the hour is ripe fur action. The cause should be presented to the people, and worked for at the polls, as any other cause is worked for, on its mer its. And vet this State Convention,as- suniing to have charge of the subject, shows the white feather in the only resolution it passed referring to the decision, which it invited, at the bal lot box. What would be thought and said of a political convention that would thus act, on the eve of an imiorant campaign ? The truth is this Pittsbnrgh Convention was a dead failure, and our conviction is, not intending to be personal, that its leading members were so wrapped up in their own individuality, that they overlooked the practical object of their assemblage ; or they fear, and have no stomach for the battle they invoked. letter from Jwdg-e ! Annoanrlnr HI RniKMliM- Action of the Court. Washington, Dec. 12, 1ST2. I'VULIC lands and education. The President's measure regarding the proceeds of sales of public lands lor common school puqoses, has pass ed the House, and will come up in the Senate in a few days. It should be put through without delay as a meas ure of necessity and justice to the millions or youth who at present are deprived of a common school educa tion, cspeciallr in the feouthcrn states. The stability of Republican govern ment mar depend on the success of the bill, "its terms provide for the distribution of the fund among all the States, for the first five years, in pro portion to their illiteracy as shown by the census; and after five years, the distribution is to be according to proportionate school attendance in the several states, in the southern states, the effect of the operation of the law must be a sure and early return to fra ternal relations with the other states. The impulse of the measure in that direction is stated by Mr. Scars, the manager of the Pcabody fund, as very important and beneficial to the peace of the country. The fact that Con gress and the President show a prae tical and substantial interest in the education and prosperity of the South ern people by proposing such liberal ity in lifting from their shoulders the burden of ignorance on the part of tbe white and black masses, can not fail of appreciation by their influential cit izens. After five vcars of successful working of common scLools in those states, the terrorism of ignorance will no longer threaten the peace of the country as it now does. 1 ho masses will know their rights, and knowing, dare maintain them against such dem agogues ns now presume to lead them only to bring government and order into chaos. So far as the public lands arc con cerned, if monopolies or individuals desire them under the proposed law, they can be secured upon payment of the value a3 heretofore, except that the giving away of the lands to mon opolists for private emolument and without a consideration will be pre vented in future. The proceeds of the sale of lands during the past fiscal year amounted to $2,500,000, and this will be likely to be maintained during the next generation, at the end of which period there will bo no excuse for any man born or reared in the country wanting a respectable educa tion. There appears to be nothing so important now before the country as the prompt passage of this bill into a law. For an utterly impracticable body, commend us' to an assemblage of 'Ministers of the Gospel.' As a gener al rule, these gentlemen have such an abiding faith in the efficacy of exhor tation and prayer that they almost totally ignore any other method of at taining an end, and Lence arc con stantly outwitted by "men of the world'' who promptly act, while they are theorising. We are led to these remarks by having just read the pro ceedings of the State Temperance Convention which was in session last week at Pittsburgh. J udging from the number of icverends that figured throughout the record, they were in a large majority in the Convention, or else, as the moot fluent talkers they "run the machine." Address after address was made on the evil of in temperance, and the sure calamities, social, moral, political and ccuniary following in its train. Personal rem iniscences, htale anecdotes and cum bersome statistics, consumed the wea- Wasiiixutox, December 10. In the Supreme Court of the Lnited States the Chief Justice yesterday made the following announcement: The court has received through the Chief Justice a letter from Justice Xelson announcina: his resignation of his office as one of the Associate Jus tices. I have transmitted to bun a letter expressing their feelings on flic .i .11.. occasion, ana oirect uom letters to uc ntered on Uic minutes. The letters are as follows : LETTER Or JIDUB XELSON. Cooi-ERSTowx, November 2S, 1872. Mv Dear Chief Justice : The mail that carries these lines to you carries my resignation of the office of Asso ciate Justice of the Supreme Court. I fart from my brethren with regret, and retire from an occupation which has been the bight of my ambition for much the largest part of my life, not from choice, but for the reason that age and infirmity have disabled me from the jK-rformancc of a full share of its duties. Please communi cate this to our associates, and believe me j Sincerely your friend, J h. Nelsox. REn.Y OF THE COURT. Sitreme Court of the United States' Washixc.tox, December I). Dear Rrother: We have received with deep sensibility your letter an nouncing your resignation of the post you have so long anJ so worthily filled. We greatly regret that we are no more to have the benefit of your long experience, mature wisdom and large learning in conference, and that the profession and country must lose the fruits of them in decisions of the court. You carry with you in your retirement a reverent and uni versal affection given to few men.: The bar are unanimous in their eulo gies, and we, your brethren of the bcuch, arc not behind the bar in our, sense of your great services, your sterling integrity and your constant lfnevolence. May our Father in Heaven give you many days in which to enjoy the affections of family, friends and countrymen which cluster around you. Signed by the Chief Justice and Associate Justices. ' LOUISIANA RAMPANT. The reckless conduct of parties in Louisiana has brought on a collision of authority between two factions who claim to control the state gov ernment armouth, who so outrag ed common sense and common decen cv bv fixing up a political counting machine wherewith to trillc with the popular vote, has been impeached by the alleged legislature, while he in turn has issued a proclamation out lawing all who oppose him. The ex act merits of the controversy are so involved in fog and doubt, that little is known here as to the legal status of the respective parties. It is now thought that the President will refer the whole matter to Congress in a few days. Alabama is little better con trolled, and the course pursued bv politicians in these two States is a, sad commentary on the want of education and consequent inability for self-erov- crnment existing iu sonic portions of the bouth. CONGlESSIOXAL ROW. The House 3-esterday was the the atre of quite a tempest of spleen on the part of several opposition mem bers, directed against Mr. Townsend, of Pennsylvania, who opposed the soldiers' and sailors' bounty land bill, and presented a protest from the Grand Army of the Republic of Pennsylva nia. He was denounced as no soldier by Hon. Sam. Randall, whose servi ces for thirty days a-soldiering in and around Harrisburg, was made a point of. His military career had been known heretofore, and his party made all the capital that could be madcut of this valor of the redoubtable head of the Democratic congressional com mittee, shown as a private in the home guards. A Terrible Accident. Gaspe Ray, Quebec, Friday, De cember 5. 1872. The Jane Merri man. a fishinc schooner, arrived here last niirht from Caie Whittle, Labra dor, having touched at East Cape, on the Island of Anticosta, curing violent storm which prevailed near that coast on November 26. The Jane.Merriman lost the most useful portion of ber forward rigging, an her main-mast was badly sprung. O reaching East Cape she was safely harbored. Ihc few families who in habit that desolate island were found bv Captain liar, of the schooner, to be in state of utter consternation owing to a terrible disaster which had taken place on the previous night The highest and principal light house of Anticosta had been dashed into heap of ruins by the terrific hurri cane which raged on the coast Not even the wall near the base of the pile was left. All was destroyed, and nothing was left on the tall and soli tary pile but a huge heap of bricks, stones, iron work and mortar. Hard br the ill fated light house stood snug dwelling, the home of one Ed mund Barter, and his family, consist ing of a wife and 6ix children. The ounce snujr dwelling was all but as complete a ruin as the light house, and of Edmund liarter and his wife and six children, eight bruised and almost unrecognizable corpses were all that were left The few lonesome inhabitants of East Cape seemed, by their tenderness toward and sorrow for the dead, to have entertained vcrv genial feelings for poor Darter and his family while they lived. I he bodies were conveyed to the house of a resident who generally performed such religious rites as were practised bv the solitary inhabitants. Several small boats were driven ashore at East Cape, and the people there de scribe tho hurricane as most terrible and destructive. Tbe Jane Merriman got away on the morning of the 27th ult, and brought ber load of herring, cod and salmon safe homo to Gaspe Lay. limeg. MaaMM-tiUHCtlft. Boston, Dec. 11. In the Massachusetts House to day Mr. Hovt, of Athol, offered the following preamble and resolution, which were referred to the Committee on Federal Relations : Wiereas, Hon. Charles Sumner, a Senator from Massachusetts, has pro posed on the floor of the Lnited States Senate to erase from the flags of the Republic and from the register of the army all inscriptions, mcmen toes, and tokens of battles anu vic tories of the Uniou arms in the late war of the rebellion : Resolved, That this attempt to de grade the loyal soldiers of the nation and their grand achievements meets with our unqualified condemnation, and merits the disapproval of the people of this Commonwealth thus misrepresented. Kndtlcn Death of Edwin Forrest. Philadelphia, December 12. Edwin Forrest, the tragedian, fell dead this morning while dressing at his residence on North Broad street. Forrest's servants repaired to his room before ten o'clock this morning, as it was later than his usual hour for cominff down. They found him lying on the bed apparently suffering from apoplexy. Forrest had been ex ercising with dumb bells, and had cv idently partly completed dressing, having been adjusting bis necktie when overpowered. He died In about half an hour after being dis covered. He leaves no immediate relations, his only sister having died several years since. "Don't von remember the next word in your lesson ? It's the word after cheese. What comc3 after cheese ?" . "Mouse," triumphantly exclaimed tbe puzzled pupil. The Boston Pilot, which has twice been burned out, says: "We are just about tired of this phoenix busi ness. We don't want to 'rise nouiy from our ashes any more." The hunters of the oppossum in The Set York Horror. New York, December 12. Mary Ann Fnjran, one of the victims of the Fifth Avenue Hotel fire, died in great agony at Bcllvuo Hospital yesterday. The lire originated, according to tho ' .i n- f I I evidence ixiore me 1 ire .tiarMiui, in a servant's room on the third floor. One of the proprietors says, however, that the origin of the fire is not at all known. Another of the pro- T Adeertixements, SALE ! AVw Advertisement. ! ' i !,v made wph ourN.i-ri'-iiaiei k y- OF UKAIiiMiV'V-V4, --i I .:'. -:r uUr. ;.- MM.--- S.-liTi .-l 1 I? ' O. I .-. I. ------- - - ' ' . 1 1.1 1 Gordon county, Ga., are warned that pnetors says tie oracrca tne a.urni 10 all those animals marked with the to be given after the discovery of the letter K belong to a gentleman living in that county, ibe old gentleman spells caught with a K. John Hay talks of starting a new cvenins paper in ft. liouis. . inc Chicaso Post thinks that, unless he fire. Both are of tho opinion that the poor girl met her death from suf focation. The loss on the building will be only ten thousand dollars. The furniture was damaged to the extent of eighty thousand dollars, An eve witness savs there is 110 doubt . 1 has two or three greenoacK lactones that jf an aarm i)aj )et. 80nnded in that lo- to draw upon, there is liKciy to oe ... ,t, ,1 tlf , iir ,,.;. U some badly pressed Hay calitv. would have been rescued, the gen eral impression is that tho hotel pro- Duriiur the Vienna Exposition pnetors, in their anxiety to save American sleeping cars will be seen, their furniture and carpets, wanted to for the first time in Europe, between put the fire out themselves. The loud Paris and Vienna. Hitherto sleeping and piercing screeches of the girls cars of any sort have been unknown were distinctly heard in the base- on the continental railways, though most of the travel is by the night ex presses. A New Hampshire man has just had a tumor successfully removed trom the under sidoot his tongue as large as an orange, and weighing four and a half ounces. It had been grow ing for twenty years, and crowded his tongue under the roof of his niotith so as to make it difficult for him to breathe or talk. ment. At this tune the fire had made irreat headway. But even the hotel- employees, whose attention was di rectcd to the great glare, said : "Oh, it's nothinjr:" and ajain, "These girls will scare the guests, if they go on in that way." Gen. Shaler, the lire ollicial, says that the alarm was not given soon enough. Chief Engineer Perlev says that the location of the fire was first telegraphed to him at eighteen min utes past eleven o clock, and that the Ihc Austrian exhibition Gazette firemen were on the ground live nun calls attention to a new and linpor- utes later, lie thinks there was un- tant industry, viz., tho incorporation accountable delay at the hotel in giv- of rabbits' hair with wool and cotton ing the alarm. The tortuous ways n weaving textile fabrics, the short- of the interior of the building pie- cr hairs, which arc incapable of being vented the firemen doing very effec- woven. are readily purchased by felt- tivc service. The. foreman of one or hat manufacturers at $3 a pound, the companies savs that at first he When properly prepared the hair was refused admission at the hotel, affords a good strong yarn, which is with the excuse that they did not said to be in nq way inferior to wool, wish a panic among their guests, and that ho finally insisted upon entering, The Fire Marshal says that nothing like sufficient precaution had been taken to guard against the loss of life in the event of fire at the hotel, and that he finds no effort was made The Titusville Press says: "An in toxicated printer in East St Louis wandered into a shoo shop in a fit of mental alerration and set up several sticksful of shoo pegs, and took a before he realized his awful condi- f .tl? to7e tion. r""?" .. ."r:r" were so couccnieu uwuv mu wiij;uu A Misfortune has happened to of tho the guests that the human live? a . . . . some of the .Tananese silk worm etrtr were forgotten, besides, tho work- merchants. No less than twenty- men were looking after the baggage seven of them have been arrested in instead of attempting to rescue tuc Innornd nconli! An eiimlovee -"'"t " --5-- - . - 1 nnnnri n , n-rrnrt T,-r r--r-rr. a fraudulently selling spurious cards, says he ineffectually endeavored to WV H . N N M It is said that more than SOO.OOO of tear off the screws of the windows I LUUIl0 ElilxlUO, Oib, the cards have been sold in the mark- where the girls were confined. et the necessary iroverument stamps Twenty-five thousand persons went bavins: been obtained through the to the .Morgue yesterday, inesigms Mtl'STKE'S KSTATK.- 1 h" ii'rkT.-l'jii'-'!. !y illr.vtton f tho Omli m Ouurtor fvitncisot iv.unly, will stil at public sulo ON TUESDAY, tho or DtX;i:M HEK, 1S72, lit one oVIuck I'. M., n 111? prwinlarg or No. 1. In Orwnvllltt t'wii."liii, l!m r- il rut-on of .i!nul ll'irlist: -ili r. itoiwMiJ, containing a fulhw: Xu. 1. Tho b'rtiie plarr, iiuliiiiii? !27l H'-ri atumt M iutph tlir, lxnl 30 Mm in mea b.w, with dwelling hnut, bank bam, kiw mill, Willi pine ant uik Umber, two It-unnt boil , i(h xla l.lo. ir hartl in the uuf, a'ljolnlntr iami "f J iot Lint, A. O. Ileal, liani-l Sliiiii, Ju-ph Mt Kinzie nnJ uthcrri. ,. !. A tract of lan'l eimtaluinif 215 arc, I ail mht may wri:e. about I V) arrei clear, aiiout 'Ju acre in mealuw, i aon, J. wltn dwelling hotifle and bank barn tlo-reon erec ted, with an r. li.ird un the ume. This ini'-t l well limbered with pine and nak, and adjoins Fred erick .Swerman, Daniel Shulu, fcdwln I it-n I. K.., Keyslune t hrnipttny and other, and i near tu riw niHla. Both tract are near to achool hoiuc, uiilii and store. Tkkjis: One-thirl, after de-lprtinjr expense! of partition and sale, to remain a lien, the interest tln-rcol to he paid lo the widow annually durine her (lie. and at uer death thepnnclial to lm equal ly divided among therhildren and lezal repK'scn-tatlvi-a ol H:ild ilereaKed. one-third in hand on the 1st of April, 187.1, balance In three eual annual ' "l "f'''- Uisuiiiinenia witnoni imerrxi, lo ue murw on in premises; ID p r cent of the band money to be paid on day of sale. JOKL.M. YVTZY. dec4 Trustee. WANTKU AG1.N !S, fcMU dollars r-t m.:if li lo sell tho Improved American Family kiii'Miiit .Ma chine. Tho simpl t and bct in Hie world. Ail drt'M American Kni' :inir .MacliiTiel 'o.. ? I'-j Wat h la 'toa itrol, lioatiiii 3U, " LOOkf FREE TO ALL ! 0 per week M Acn. n'lB or Tcm ile. To all who will wrlt4 S r nnaircncy we will s nd a e.p or that -W..nteror Wonder" the II. LI STHA TK1 HOJiN OF I'Lfc.vrv. 1c cwains over nf- l beauil.'ul illusir.Klons. and will be sent free to Adunaa L Oarjlie, I'atter- cannjt do betrer than a-rnre an iK -n y f ,r T. r. Arthur's NOTICE. t'aine trsiaKsiiiir on the im mi.-w-s of the sub scriber, In Elklick lowiuddp, about the 1st of i Kv tober, a two year obi steer, black, with a white back and short dMopinir horns. The owner will pleS) come forward, prove proierty, pay eharies, and take him away or he will be ild aecor linir to law. l'tlfcK aiAi.vr. dee 4 DMINl 1 1 ST K ATO Il'S N OTIUE. L 'Iters of admliiiatrallun ha' intr been irrnnted by the proper authority, to theundendtrned. on Ihc estate of Samuel Will, deceased, all pcnvaia in debted to su id estate are hereby notllicd to m:ike immediate parincnt. and those having claims will present them duly authenticated lor settlement awl allowance. GEORGE SPAXGLF.K. iio;ll A.!mlt)ialr:i!or. Agents Wautett for Cobbla'sj Child's Commentator Htn (he BIBLE forlhe IIOtfE I1U LE. 1.200 p.iir s, 2S0 Eiii-ravin;rs. Tha beat enterprise ol the. hr agents. Kvvry family will have it. Nothing like it now published. For circulars ad dress U.S. GooDfpEEOJtt;o.,37 1'urk.liuw. N". Y. VO F.XTS WANTED. We iruarantee employ ment lor all, either sex. at i a dav, or tCouo or more a year. iSew works by Airs. It. U. Stowe an lot hers. Superb premiums iriven awar. Mon- made rapidlv and easily at work lor us Write and see. i'e:kulars Iree. WUiiTHl.NO- TO.V, Pl'STIJI t I'D., Hartford, Ct, 1 frk C")ll Ir day! Ascents wauled! All Y v V eiassea of workinz ueoidc. of cith-r sex. younir or old. make more money at work lor us in their spare moments oraii the time than at aiivthintr, else. Particulars tree. Address G. STI-NSOM it l O., Portland, Maine. AGENTS great work, Throa Years in a Its-Trap, a companion tc the f '.inocs ten .-;.;irrs i.t a bar iioom. Nearly 30.0'iQeople h ive been ."d 1; an I i. pop ularity I still oil Ihv Increase. One pilule aif-nt has s.dd upward of l.tsitl copies. S rcur territory atom-e. J. L STODDAKT St l'.. Publishers, Philadelphia. Agents it Sells Quick Amone all elanes. Obi people, th? middle-.- cl, th'iee who are just enterlnir iile, and youth of both il-xc! buy ami read with tbe greatest prom. MY IcLLY FRIEND'S SECRET. DID LEWIS' Ijfi and best book. It I-m din with the jtreatt-Kl sueeess; and there's MtlXtJ iu It. Sen I for our circulars, etc.. which are i -nt free. GED. MACLEAN. Phil:. AOEVTS WANTED Fl tl THE Light Id flu East The most e,uipri'b-nsive and Taiuulde rolitrfoos work ever pwbii.4he i: also, (.r our le w ilbunrated Fiunllv Pi'd-'. conti'inlnit nearly ! line m ripture iil'iair.i'loiis, ar. 1 l.r. Smith's complete 1)1 tionary of the llitde. .Sen I for prrxpectm and eip-ularx, and we will show y-.u wliat aiccnta s;iy ol this, the best and cheapen F.imiiy Ulble. and how tl tby are if. Address NATIONAL PITILISII ING CD., Phidelplila, Pa. f'ATILD IV MISr-HIKF -.,,, with the E tk EEKLY (t.oi:rviiula'eii lor fct io Ihe-e Chroinoa ari ah. , . of -Wide Aw.,ke an v..', '" StiterHTsftirTilh fr, wiihtheirtJIir,,,,,,, 14 CHROMo? MiRfiirf-F NI FLOW f;n ' v,i :''f.E tic VvV'::"' K . ni(i.snAv ArKrV . ' t. IDOHSFT hcan'i.'iK'pf) au'i lr:.- hUil !itii-u WELLS' CAEEOLIC ACCIDENTS. Insure in the TR A VF. I.F.OS of Hartford, Ct. "ILITSCirs IMPERIAL Kl'SSIAN MI S TAKU Wholesale tothe I sent, jostpald. on receipt of il. J TAHU Wholesale tothe traile. Simrle cans W. I1EKMAN T. FKl'EAl FF, Reading. Pa. Erery clerk and H.GOI LD1NG 11KYANT, Butlalo, N. Y. lOOK KEEPING madeeasv. I merchant can P-arn nt oo-e. Hook mailed. lhnt, ujc only TO mt the nly fr'h-ntihc pr-utntti'-n of t'liriaOir ArM or Iu;. nVtt-n liiiiitally 'mlHiM'"! wiih witter w;ll kt)"u rt-iiK-.tit h. hh in Jiifiw TMatn. mil all f'inicJ vru cauit.iiL"l aic.iint ainifny In all .isff 'fIrri,,'ti'nof th miK-ni? nuiifl'mnc f Txi b't 'IhmUI Ik fmly u;il, thir cl"n. J'.f w.inihl. uvr iifAlet s fol.l. if In easily enr ef in itf ti!rif eu: j:jtf. wli-n l KfiHiir- -"lintDic thenre i f x-ctiii'ly c!iiThIi, u-m? U vlW 1'ar Ixilic Tablf-f; n: a ?j---i!ir. JUll. U. tisLUHl. 13 ri:itt St.. X. Y. S.ile aifi-nt ! r the 1'. S. Price C5 ccnta Nor. Stu4 t.-riln uLtr. nor. '3, ACEPJTS can make hcft,.P with uathan with otter,. ' Au,tri. U. W. Al vs WHe'kinan ' Krrcct N. V. Men's, Youths ai ntJBoyj- f CLOTHUji I'Dit Fall ana Winter llarlnr Ifreatly lnci. tha past year, your approval -i now on-. ....... " "t-eti.,n n.;. '. ' ' '" faei;, Style. Workmanshli. .. S2eelaItyor -"'-rui. mmmmmm Fullv erinaL If tM.f ii..i... andfinisn, u, the bet orlerV! ' one-thini b-sa: but lor.ii -i... . mentswe have an extensive I ,... 'r.'" ,1 i-K ,t . " I": laixe lorce of nvat Artistic C.ri,-"1 CLOTHING Of Our Own Manuft Which we arnarantre ,.o... cheaper in Priw than any i Z"'?' ; convivaucc of two corrupt offieialrf. There is a storv ffoiiisr the rounds that M. Thiers' tailor pent him a ressinpr-irown some inches too lon'r. Madame Thiers, her sister, and a lady .! i .U- A : iiurniimniui irit tiu ere rrc.,e.H at tuc- irvmu, e(ls j a' ,enphty articIc and noted the number of inches , condemn the authorities HlLL.7nilI T l J rui n ( till V adies, Feverallv and unknown to each other, cfluctcd tho alteration, and when the head of the Mate next essayed it he found it nad reen im proved into a jacket. a .1 . Another aecision touching tne . m l riirhts ol passengers nas just oecn rendered at Bridireport, Ctnn. A Mr. Falkner purchased a ticket from were of the ghastliest character. Tho press of the city call for a thorough investigation. The Herald heads its leading editorial thus: Tho Fifth Avenue Holocaust It was criminal Was it murder?" and to of the hotel for their conduct Six bodies are yet nun cognized, thrco of theso cannot lm identified. Somo of the bodies look like mum mies, they are so bbekened. Three of the roasted victims are found in a room as though embracing each other. Great indignation is manifested to ward the authorities at their course in sending the corpses of the unfortu- Send for Illustrate I Catalogue to P.KADLEY fc Cl lililER, M k S IX y St., N. Terrible Casaalty. Loxdom, December 12. Intelli gence of a disaster, attended with ap- paling loss of life, has just reached this city. Tbe ship Franklin, which sailed from Hamburg several days ago for San Francisco, with a large number of emigrants on board, stranded on the coast of Vlicland, an island of the Netherlands, in the North sea, and went to pieces. Eighty persons are known to have perishetl. CTKRF.NT HOT EH. MISCELLANEOUS. The Indian appropriation bill lias passed the House by a large major ity, after a bitter attack made on the Indian peace policy. The vote stood 111 for, and 43 againrt the bill. . The Senate has concurred in the House resolution to adjourn Congress from Pccembcr 20th to January Cth, This is a day or two longer recess than usual. V. XI. The Dim on HwiMdlera. Arrival ! Aaotber Car-) af Dmtitote Itallaa Immigrant at New York. New York, Pccemlior 10. The Italy, from Liverpool, arrived yester day, bringing 8C2 immigrant passen gers, of which nearly 500 were Ital ians in an extreme state of destitution. The authorities at Castle Garden are in a quandary as to their disposition, and aver that they are as a general thing unable to earn anything after their arrival, and that at present they re without means of any kind. Sev eral of the immigrants have been sent io Ward's Island, where the' arc supported bv the city. Other vessels who is a resident of Harden arc now on their way here with larc ; Ky., has left the county of his resi nuinliors of Italian;. As nearly ns ' dence to avoid service of summons can be ascertained they arc led to em-! upon him, so conceals himself that Louisville, December 10. A sen sation was created this morning at Elizabethtown, Ky., forty-Gve miles from this city, by the commencement of a suit in behalf of u llliam M Lent, of San Francisco, against Philip Arnold, John Slack and other parties engaged in the recent diamond operations in Colorado, for $35,000. The safe at Arnold's residence, in Elizabethtown, and valuables held by 1 homas, 1'ark & Co., of that place, were attached upon an affidavit of Lent, through his counsel, alleging that the above Bum was obtained from him by Arnold and Slack by means, in the language of the affida vit, of fraudulent representations by them to the plaintiff in reference to diamonds, rubies and emeralds being found upon lands in certain districts of country, to wit : In Colorado Territory, which representations were in pursuance of a conspiracy between Arnold, Slack and others, for the pur pose of deceiving and misleading the plaintiff and the public gcncraliy in reference to the value of said lands, and by means of which Arnold and Slack fraudulently obtained from the plaintiff the consideration of sales by them to the plaintiff of information of the locality of said lands, and of said right of discovery of the locality of Faid precious stones. No such diamonds, rubies and emeralds were found upon or in any such land, but were scattered and planted therein and thereon by said Arnold aiid Slack and their confederates, for the purpose of deceiving and defrauding the plain tiff and public at large, by inducing the belief that said diamands and other precious stones were found upon and in said lands in their natural for mation and production. The plaintiff says the defendant, rhino Arnold, county, igrate to America by promises of agents of a so-called colonization society. The Italian government is also reported to be not unfavorable to the general exodus. A well-informed western paper says : "France is a tinder-box, and President Thiers is sitting on the safety valve." 1 summons cannot be served upon him ; has disposed or his property with fraudulent intent to cheat, hinder and delay his creditors, and is about to sell, convey and otherwise dispose of his property with the same intent. Among the eminent counsel engaged are Gen. B. N. Bristow, late United States Solicitor, and Hon. John M. Harlan. I The Cambria Iron Company are about erecting a foundry ana ma chine shop at uaysport. The new diet for babies in France is buttermilk, thickened with rice meal, on which" it is said they thrive and grow fat A California farmer recently pur chased a vessel for which he paid $52,000; prcferringto buy a ship out right than to pay an equivalent sum in the shape of freight. Seventy-two blast-furnaces, with a capacity of 400,000 tons, have been built or projected in the United States this year. A poor man who hanged himself, owing to domestic affliction occasion ed by his wife, is thus disposed of out west; ' Henry Layman, shoe maker, Terre Haute bedcord Jeal ously-" The reason an urchin gave for be ing late at school, on Monday, was that tbe boy in the next house was to have a dressing down with a bed cord, and he waited to hear him howl. Says the Lincoln (Neb) Journal: "Three years ago a singie stage coach carried all the travellers between Lin coin and the .Missouri river, and wa seldom overloaded. Now four differ ent lines of railroads run two trains a day, and all are well patronized. An unstamped letter, dropped in the Springfield post-office, was recent ly forwarded, as usual by the Young Men's Christian Association, and reached its destination. On being opened, it was found to contain the following: "Send me another barrel of that gin." A warning to literary men against over-work is afforded in tho remarka ble statement of Mr. Greeley to Rev. Mr. Talmage, ten days before his nomination at Cincinnati, "that he had not had a sound sleep in fifteen years." A proposition to call a convention to amend the State constitution of New Jersey is being discussed in the New Jersey papers. The Trenton Gazette thinks there are several par ticulars in which tbe constitution needs amending. Here is a good business-like epi taph : "Here lies Jane Smith, wife of Thomas Smith, marble cutter. This mounment was erected by her hus band as a tribute to her memory, and a sjiecimen of his work. Monuments of the same 6tylc $250." Keokuk, Iowa, claims to have a cow that can climb into a wagon, un tie a sack of eats or corn with her teeth, unlock a cellar-door and go down cellar and cat up the winter's stocK or cabbage, or climb a ladder into the hay mow, ' j A 15SAT KYEXT! We have derided todlio"i' of on r immense stork of Hllliarl Table s at price a little aiuire .st. First-cisssfuli) New Tables, complete, fclou.Seeond hand tables made over new. fji, .. &e. A preat variety to suit ai! I oyer'. S'.-ud for Cata logue. HAT 1NA4; II fc nil kl K, for. ( aual and Center Ms N. Y. i A IV! O N D & RUBY FURNACES. WA Ki;Fl'L:il KCU.NO.HICAL HfcAiF.KS, Jitii-i .1. Liwi.,n. i'atcDtce. FTIXi:R, WAR U FX A t U..S Water sU. X. Y Q eir.f-ieder A S E PtewartDurner Improved. l'r.r!v!n anit Ineqnairil. Uiirr.p any size coal. fi li.i w . kx a c .. v:r s: For Boys of AH (ootI and very f hem- 1 OXE PKICE ! NO DEVIATION s. All Gffids Mir&i s t rij i FOLLANSBEE I 121 Wood St.. Cor. Fifth Ave ) .X.Y A HDL AT nLTUD I ' Water, n kh i liu i nwiwaj win ;.. .-e o; ,oo I t . OHUAS'S.of ;rn;i l. Oct. 30. Ml Ul taUUiUUUU liUUl i'Ji! Is unsurpassed as a Promoter Of tbe tirowth of the Jlair atel Wln.kira. It is neither nor (p-easy, yet It softens and siiMotnes ivttcr and more permanently than nnv t Ml or Po made. I scd as a Hair Dressing. It produces the nist beamilul an I lustrousifWs. Warranted per fectly harmless. Its exquisite perfume Is quite un rivaled. Iieim; distilled from tbe wrld-reniw'ei Koses of C.trttnnere. L-tryre lKitfle, cnly VI et4.te. i .tiiorcis a.-m nr.. HACU ill 11.1. t ii'J.N. SI ; C2. 1,1.11... . I. 1 1... - i tm , at in ry w p.- tv lirft ci. : I'l::rv if makers. !: 'u-iinif Wa- ! for r.i!h. it part (.!, an I liH!- irnprt'Vf-m.'iii, ftr OhUAN.thu m..t v;tUifci ;y nn I jv-rlV I 9 fi t tne St., rtill.-i'telphirt, Fit. Tito AVceklv Hun. 8 PAGES. t . tt i i . a - .i . i. . i. : i INCW x oru io iew iiaven, anu goi naies io ue t-iareu ui iu int-ir uui rmi OKLYS1AYE13 from the conductor a check to stop disfigurement at the Morgue, which ixhcteK. liaiiii over at lriugeport, out conciuaea to is intenuea only iqr tte reccuiioii oj aid to the relatives of the burned. stop over at Norwalk instead. Onen- unknown dead, Houitf thuritahly dcavonnz to nroceed with Jus storMiiipnoaeu cltlaona iiroposo to render over check he was put off with tho usual violence and brutality, and has recovered $500 dollars therefore. The indications are that the social gaieties in abington will com mence this winter much earlier than has usually been the practice. Here tofore the custom has been not to in- augurcte the social season until after ofGermany and tbrongh the the President's New Year s reception. Romab gtte3 aa epIl00otic of ; There is a man named Hicks liv ing at Brady's bend, Chautauqua county, who buried bis wile nine years ago. Like many another man, he married again. About two weeks ago he got into a disqute with his present wife, and, during the contro versy, he cast up to his other half that the dead wife had been the best looking woman of the two. The new wife denied it He insisted, anu final ly said his dca4 wife had a miniature of herself on her person, and he would dig up hor body and get it, so as to satisfy the doubter as to the truth of what he said. Accordingly ho got a pick and spade aud proceeded to the graveyard, and in a short time dis interred the body, found tho locket, and brought it forth. The Cincinnati Commercial was shown a rare curiosity, in the shape of an old almanac, printed iif Nurem berg, in the year 1800, in the Ger man language, edited by I. Mauritio Knauren, in which it is stated that at that time there w as raging in portions Holy horses and cattle. The good able then pro ceeds to predict that under the influ ence of the planet Mercury, which then reignctl,' there would be recur rences of this disease in the years 1872, 1879, 18S0, 1892 and 1000. New Adeertiscvient. A DiRif alt Beaultlnsr la Murder. Locisvillk,- December 10. Late last night a difficulty occurred at a grocery in the suburbs of this city in which Dennis Shea mortally wound ed James Ijonshten. ahea was ar rested, with tw companions, and lodged in the station-house. About three o'clock this morning Magis trates Lincoln and Miller went to the station-house and admitted' Shea to bail in $500, taking the murderer's brother as security. This morning Shea failed to put in an appearance at the city court, and forfeited his bond. It is believed he has abscond ed. There is much indignant comment at the conduct of the magistrates. simiA saniiBug cuKAHTtrs, 1IJ JIPHREYS I301St:O3MTfiJiC SPECIFICS T T AVE PROVED. FROM TI7F. MOST AMPLE J I entire nicest: Sipiple-Proiupt Edlcicnt nnd Iklinlil.;. Tiioy arc. the only Modi rinsa perfectly adapted to popular oe so simple (oat mistakes can not lie oxilo in nsin; them ; so b.irmless a to be five from ran jer, and so emcietit a i to be always reliabK Thcv have raised the hlnh- ei ciuninendatlou til, end. will always rcn. :ur satismctiou. 'i es Cent. Ke vers, Oc.Tv.jc'rtic'n, Inflammation. 15 " Worms, Worm Kever, Worm Colic. S3 " ry liis-Colic or Teething of Infants. S3 " liurrlnea, of Children or Adults.... 25 " Dysentery, (iripinir, liilious Colic 25 " t holcra-Morbua, omiting " ouirlis, Coldfi, Bronchitis " Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache... " tleailurhes, Sick Headache, Vertigo " Uyiprpalae liilions Stomach Suppressed, or Painful Periods.... AVIiitea, too Profnse Periods " t roap, Connh, Difficult Breathlnp... " Salt Kheum, ErTsipelas, Ernptioni " Khenmatlsm, Khenmatic Pains... " Krverand AfraeChiUFcTer,Aguea 50 " Pllei, blind or bleeding 50 " Ouhthalmr. and Sore orWeakEvei 50 Catarrh, acute or chronic, Influenza. 50 s a a mm aiuio wi vui vai rK'J uUMB w VhooplK-'ough,violi'ntcoUkrh GO --iisinma. oppreesea tsrcauting.. ... Ivor l)ichar(res, impaired hearloi;. " MerotHila,onl!red frlandu. Swelling! UenvraiDebility.PhysicalWeakneii! " Iropsy and scanty r-ecretions. . Tn rnty-4-licbt Ijwlen t'oal boats Sunk la a Vale. Kingston New. York, December 10. The steamer Norwich, to-day while passing through Warregat, West Highlands, with a tow of thir ty vessels, twenty-eight of which were coal ladtm canalboats owned by the Pennsylvania Coal Company, encountered a gale. The hawser to which the caual boats were attached parted and all of the twenty-eight boats sunk. Entire amount of coal lost is 3,500 tons, the value of which, together with that of the boats exceeds $25,000. 2a, 30, 33. 31, Tsra Cailtlr i Murdered Fatber. by Their Colchbiama, O., December 12. ErlK'n Porter, residing two miles east of here, this morning murdered his two little children, one and three years, with a hatchet with which ho had been crack ing hickory nuts. Porter left imme diately after committing the deed. lie was captured at Leetonia and confessed tho crime," but without giv ing any reason. v Incendlariam, Murder and Bo3berjr. Norfolk, Va., December 10. Fire was discovered this morniug is suing from tho cabin of a small sloop at the dock, at the foot of lloanoke street, John French, captain of the slcop ; was found ou the cabin floor with his face and hands horribly burned, and in his right breast a deep wound, supposed to have been made by a dirk knife. It Is thought the captain was murdered for bis money and the vessel fired to conceal the crime. ' Sea-.Sicknesa, sickness from riding tvMiney-msease, uravei ' Kerirona Uebillty, Seminal Emissions, involuntary Dis charges 1 00 Fir Boxes, with one II rial of Powder, very necessary in aerions cases 5 00 " Hare Month, Cancer. 50 " t'rlnary Weakness, wettingbctl. 50 '' Painful Periods, with Spasm! ... 50 Sufferings at change of life 1 00 " Kpllepsy, Spasms, St. Vitus' Dance.. 1 00 " liliilitUcrlo, ulcerated sore throat.. 50 r.43IILY CASES OT 35 Ijre tI1s, containing a specific lor every ordinary aiscase a family 1! sun tect to. with book of directions 10 Of 30 viala, with book. Morocco C . ft Veterinary Specifics (fluid), for cure of disease of all Domestic Animals, with. a Complete Case, with lursre Manual. 19 arHs Itosewooct f.ase or ou Tin is, coniatumsr an our Bpecincs. incttiains; v et- criuajy anu otuers not enumentteu aoovc. 39 VO?n'S EXTRACT I'urrs Darns. Uralses, LamrneUi 8ore aeaa. Sore Throat, Hpralna, Toothache. Earache, Neuralgia, IttienmallsiM, I.umtMkro, Piles, Bolls, ttunits, Nors Kycs, Blcedintr of the Iun(s, Nose, Stomach, or of Piles 1 Corns. V leers. Old Sores. Price, O si., SO cts.t Pints, $1 Q,narts, $1.75. , t? These Remedies, except rOND'8 EX TRACT, and single vials of Veterinary Medicine, are sent by the ra-e or singlo box, to any part ol the country, free of charge, on receipt of tte price. Addrcse, Humphreys' Specific Homeopathic Medicine Co. Office aud Depot, No. em Broadway, Kiw Yum, For Sale bjr all DrnggUts. 5Forsile by E. II. Marshall, Somtrsot, Pa. The A&rrlrnliaral Paper. The be Political Paper. The best Story Paper. Tbe best I'akhiott lie porta. The beaM'attleMarket Report. The brt General Harket Report. The best Paper Every Way. THE WEEKLY SEW TURK SIS. tiuht paires. 04 columns. SI a year, or lefs tliau i cents a number. S-nd Tour dollar. Add re sa THE St'X. New York. City. sasBssBBgBBanaBMMErgjUliigBjlt VIUiBB 8. C. KB' 21. j. J,. UVENOaiO. JEIM ifc L1VEN(;00I, 15 AXlii:55, SALlSJiUfl KLKUCK, J'. O. SOMER3CT COCSTV, PltSS'A. Drafts bought and sold, and eolrections ntule en an Kina 01 me country. Interest alioweil on time deposits. Special arranzmenta with Uuaniians and other who noiu moneys in trusL Jaa l ri I) Af IH v.:ir: ai..!ut.-lv the '.''ilH'i; t-''iis? S--ri 1 f:'rcir u.:irHt Vent's t i-ilri.!:. -I i:!u. Knmily ISiMe. tivf-r 111") p l-S 1J I'V li l. ill ::li I'.liile Ai ls. .Vc. An'a .l.2i Hilt rvlire, 1 elat ;i. .iri Vail (:lt. -i i-l;n , tne , tire t tiiet. t.r v iroer evenir.ifa. t--ilv "'1'ri.i Ainerie- K.irmer's Horse V'-'X, ur,!.ir.:. -lira !. r.-s:t. Kdi4 ! (: 1i.-Atri-.-nti', ic. V. F. Vent. X. Y. i'Sucinna I ti. Vent Ji Of.iiri 1;, i,1i-ii; 1. I . - j AOKNTS . AXI'KIl. A t-lre- .. t..r the mot j llt.t Ml tcrsu e.-cr .t.I, TilK lilsc IV LIIKU discovered. I'll. I.IVIJSTHXK TV fl ii ' A !,;. -.Ir-n. lures. Till; ST A.N L.KY-L.1 V l.VtiM lt. K KX hKl'lTlt IN' to A1'ri-i. Iirtre is-tAi iiuii.e. jut iVne.. '.u::-.i: I:i- i i. ntj of the Won iriul t'a r'er of the Oreat Tra N e. tne u.antrr, .-Mtlinals. nativi s. hunting, , -. r-ull aii uit o't this uhtO. iliten tiir' ii.ift of tle lir-rie. fm.iif sent fori. Acliln -.-i 1 SHIN 11 ilLlSHlMr rll..('liira'M. J'hlhKli tohL:, P11.; or Pi riiurtiel l. Mass. JpCOXUMY ISVPULTII To Ihp Ijuiic. TKY OXrj fiF Iinr,red Patent S.-K-H & Drriko' True Time for $1. HOLD. Mairnetle Time-Keener. Compass and Indicator. A perfect GKM for tho pocket of everv traveler, trader, boy, farmer, and tor KVKRY'1)I' deair. Inir a reliable time-keeper, and also a superior com pass. I'sual watch sixe, steel works, irlass crys tal, nil Ina neat UKOIDK case. WAKHANTKI) to denote correct time and to keep in order if fair ly ose l for two years. Nothinir. like It. This perfect triumph of mechanism will be sent in a n-Jl case, i.reiiaid to any addr sa f,)r onlv si: a for M. Circulars sent free. Tnr oi-. (ifler from themanura, VEK.MOXT NOVKLTY WORKS, Urattleboro, Vt. declS. Citv Cun Works. Just enlanre-l and reopened with a new an stipe, rlorslurkol Call or send for a price list. Simile Shot Guns, Z to 4a; Double Ilurrel Shot Juiis, A.stoTS. Breech Loaders, 35 to Alts); Kl tlei AW to 47a; BeVwlTcra, J to . Address. II, II. SCHULTE, . 350 Liberty it rcet I'lttshuriih, Pa. Nov. fl. QASSELMAN PLAKHTG MILL! no m l itsit l it i i:r, Zl'FALI PII1M.IFPI V o., Are now prepared to dn all kln.!s of t laninft nnd manulaeturiu;; BTHLDING MATERIALS, PLOORIITG, TOTHEREOAMK&, SASH AND DOORS. Winiow ani Boor Frames, BRACKETS, Sec, Or anything used in bniMing. Wg are also pre paretl to saw FRAME-TIM IJEli, KO AR DS, And any thin? in that line of business. All kinds of work done to order. . Orders promptly filled. ArOLFEItSIlKROKR. Zl'FAIXfc 1'TIIIX.II'VI. (', Somerset eo I'a., Jnlv 27. IS72. A (JESTS WASTED r7a ProF. FOWLER'S GREAT WORK Op MAXIIIIOT), VOMXHOOI, and their Mntnal lull r.rv!a:, i;s: It 'T.iws. Power. Ice. 8.-n I fiirspi-rlmeii paves and elrenbir. with terrcs. Addrets NATION At PCJIMSII 1N ').. i' I'a. JOHITSOIT'D IiiiECnATIcCGSOOSD, UTB ELCQD rUILIB'IEK. For the effrctnal cure of Kbeuma tism. liont, Ni r.ralia. Dvsrspia. aad is a blood l ui iCer, it has coequal-, for ill dixe uesarisitifv from an impure state of tho Wood. Ibe KBiniTn Com. rer:o reaches tho so-.:rce ot ail trnn:de, and caVctiiariy banishes the li.-rnse from the tystem by Itj in;. i.ieiUate lotion ou tho" btooil. ASK YOUf! SRUGOISTFOn rT palPMO av Ti. C. Sellers A Co. PITTSBURGH, TA. Pii, $1.00rertni2. U untH)uIled l y miv kro.wn remeilv. It will erad icate, eatlrpatean l thor. nirhly di'strorall poim ous snt siiiuei s in th" Hl..!. an-1 will effectually dieel all pmlisposition to bilious dt nimreau ut. fj thrre vranl ofatito. in your Liivrand Stiren I'iiIom relieved at op.-e, t'le olnl l-eoim s iiupure by ileleteeeoua s-cn-'i-riis. p.xlu inr s-rotulous or sWin dlsnises, Klotel.ts. Fei. ns, Fuiuli s. Canker 1 itoii. or., Ae. j ilare you Uytp'it S.'oisae t I'nless diges tion ia pMioptly aided, the system Is drl.ilitntetl I with j.v. r y of the HIisnI. Imr.isil iVm:enev. t General weakness awl Inertia. i lien yoa vane of the Uttitinrs t Yon are in dantrrofChroiii3 Iiiarrhoea, i r lnil.iiiimntion ol the Kowel8. Hurt you UYiutarxt 0 Ihf Vlerine or I rinary Oram at ou are eiiused to ruiferimr in its most airirravatejii nra Smoothing Irons T h kh is fa sL bo'.-i.min? a nnlrers 1 1 f v. ; -'4 -out tne country. ' This Ir .n ointrihutes i;s full awv.s.x, . oih in ooiiiL-s.ic lile, ao-1 ia well .t-;!i ;v tion of every DonsekeeiM-r. It i k.-au-.i ' a tire inside, like an oriinarv s:i. T . ditlerent sizes, wcurhinsr trom five to'eichVpi It saves oue-tnirl tue time anir.nirn; j much less tatia-ue no danger of fieai:i.: clothe, and wiicn iroo-le thev have a Uiii r finisli. " . It lends to the ironer a (treat dr-rr- ..f J siiK-e. by tiie use ol it. hi nn.ius are at.'-neT the ix-rson is not sutoected u the aimst ic. I ble heat of a stove or furn.K-e iu w:mn wn A sutlieient proof or tiie KL-I.ieli.fl .! illvcs, an.1 the favor with which it is rw.xl air-a!y hrfli awl still ln--reasinj 'lnv an 1 wi.i -h tells how fast it ia flu' Saw use throuiihi ut Hie e. untry. Not only are the vinues'of ta r.n a!'- . at home, i.ut t he true wort a of It is .. Kirent everyhere. that lh..u-an!sof ihtm ina sold to vari- tt forrixn eounrries. Such is the cmi-Unce of the ir..in5'jr. i the rzeelleney ol this iron, that thev ,t ' m-eds a tna I to prove itsell vaiuahle to'er k-eiar. an I we wnrranttiiiu to kivc m" - i. the directions are fully observed." -.Vo change of Iron U req-jirtd ' all that is necessary tor a family, as it ran - costantly hot while m use, ail. I ;,nly r 0:: Can Wsrtl'ef teal l:: a irzi "I would not be without thisir n forjai :- nol iret anotlier.-' is i!,e ci. lainati. a et :L- use : he litele won ler. j try it: try n ?-F nil direction! enclo-.ej ir. eah inn. J" For sale by FRANK II. STTALL. ; HV. DESSISi'T Ham'sisvi'ile, Soravrset a'liii:. t. . . Aiisnst CSih, li;i I ZREAD Oi l: 1iFFt R.x A UEACTIFIL $5 Chromo for Not -Fcry Morn" and "The l'oa-.y Fh-soit." t We will present one of io beau: .. -" nrne to each subserilivr to either el ti ,.- -; I'aiiers or .Magazines: j Harper's Weekly, 4; Frank Le?Vi. Uarnr. 4: Leslie's Ladies' MaeaJine.S: :J j Mainline, 4: Mistc's Kural -New Y .-iMt J lleanb an I Home, fl; alley's'j 3 . J the vital forces; for huihlina; up an 1 resit. ring the j vvwY'rlTl 7. :-o"v- V--.1 j unlay Xijht.:; Fhn-md.xrient J..nru:ii . ' eriean Votimteer, :: Fr.iirie Fanner, a S - i j American, is; I'eterson's Muyiiine, i ; Address all or lers. to . J. FITTSllCUGII SI PPI.Y CO.. r.-.iJm-.i'' tonic an t alterative kihiwa to the m.-."i-.l irorl.l " This is no n w and untrl -.1 dis:Mverv but has hven I lonu u-a-'l by the lmnilmr phisieLmsof other coud-i trb a with wonderlul remedial results. I iK'ii't weaken ami tuiimir theditn-vive or'.ins by eat hnrtirs and physu s. they sive wily ti n .ra- ' 1. min iirnui-s.ion. n aiuieney ail oy4n'sl:i fitn .n. a auu iimre-i oiseasea are sure .0 i iio tneir use. Are you dejected, tln.wsv. dull, siuira-ish or de pressed in spirits, with head aehe. bark ache, footed tonnne and lial tastinit m. utu? For a certain fc.r all 01' these diseases, weaknesses an-.l tisWiUes: for eh-nnsinsr and t uri- lyinir tne rl.l.itot bns-l nul impart to all le vitai loreis; lor nuilMIni ':ketud rastitution use JURUBEBA, thi"h Is proiH'iraee!l l y the U-r.olns nie-.ii al au thorities ol Ijin-ion tin ! lMris "tiie most lmwcrlnl kih'MB to the medienl 1 Keen the blov! nuraud hejti.h isassured. JOI1X H. Klild.tKit;. a pbut St.. .New Yert S.-le Airent tor the I uited States. 1'rlee. One Holier per Kettle. Send I. r Circular. KAY XOTK'i:.-, t ame tn ssttnss iiu oa the len.L of the rnitv. seriher. nei-iia; hi Hutualioi.i:iK tonnsblp, a yenrliii'j 1 ull, biin.ile hi cdT, with white etson diir- vs-nt 11 r.s o t.'- Nsiv; r!'j;ht ear marked, sup p d le have been by a -jj. The oaat r is requir ed to e--ir.e forwar.'.. t rove l.ri w-.-ri v. Iav rharies. and tnk-it away, ir 1: t!l 1:: f. t'.d aexrd- ir.toliK. U'T t'HKlSTEXA LA ML EST. i rHMMKi: i:li:0tk)x. i j JjVUSALE. Boilers, Siiiokc-StarIi.. All compli-to. Cheap for r.ish. Addn w w.w'.r.H'Kxiuts''1 . 13, TS-'.f. Cumberli. ' roi RICH P.XK.LKI wjlm t case o;;gay stop, j erfwtly new. Factory price. 17i numln-r of Second-hand Meloleon" at " ranirintr in pri.-e fr m ;:, ami npwarls. or f- at moderate pries. Call an.! examiae it sie rooms of I'll ARLOTTK FLI'S- ' X.. IS Sixth Avenue. I'iits' u-r '-' Sole . izvnl tut Prince X Co.'s ( inrans. ; V The AGENTS WANTED! Tho untaralelled ru'wss of tho "YL'tor Sowing Machine," Fjist and V est, nrmu a good opportu ne Rt.u kle.!.l; -s of the Somerset R-.l'or.l Tumi-Ike Uon.1 Cemisiny will take n tl.e that an 'IcefSoo wtu no h-n at the htcseoftV A Kim. im-1. In Allehenv township, m the titNt Mondav it iaiiuary neat, lode -tone FnssUa-. fix Main'. jt rsan-1 a I reasurer. to n.iu.n Ihc anaiir ol s.ti I Ci.miaitiy fir the en.uhir year. JtF EUSOX KIMMEU 'f"!. , , 1'reafcier-r. ( r 1 Iu'iatrercopy and charge Com(a:iy.) VirilANS' COVRT SALE V -VALI ALLE KEAL I STATE. liy vuiue of anurdtrtssmnzMi; ol the fVr:,hn:s" C'.airi f Somerset C, unly. I'a., tou 'ir -.ed, we wir! sell at puo'.h- sale on" SATfliDAY, h OF KECKMIIKH X EXT tha premls.'S. at 1 o'el.vk P. m.. the r-illowina 0 H rty, late the rsuite or John V hipkey, of I'p. pcr T11rkevfo.1t !ewnsbi. deceased, to ait: 1. sun. tie in sum township, Somer set comity. Pa., a.ljolnin lands of lli-i'iry Whip, k'-v, Xaney Jel iieen. Mona I'rwn and tract Xo. li cotit::ininir tw bnnilreil and hileen acres and ' IM pen-h. s.of which ahont M arcs are clear aixl t nKmt 10 in meadow: the l-nlaie-e is welltimixTml. ! The improvements are a two-st.nv It ir !wcllin; j honse, a in- story pUink tenant'hi'use, a douido ; I s bam. nn applu or-hant: tin-re are several springs en the pr.-tnlses, an I Hie whole tract is I well wuterc I ar. i relieved tocsit.ilur.iinable miu 1 erils. I Tract Xo. 3. Si:u.itc la same township an I eoun 1 ty. ad joins 1, lands of Is tie hush ano's heirs and Ihivi I Schrrk and eciitains s a'-r.-s and M ! perches, atx ut 13 arrs cleared aud b-nce.l, the : t- l.ini-e heitiK we'd tiinN-re I. Tkhms. One-thir !. alter de.!n:-tln;r csts ami cxpens-s, toretnain a li"n on t!,? pr-mises. tne In . tol pal I annually to the aidow, Catharine I W liit key. lor life, trom 1st April. lS7i. one-third of , me oaiaiH'o iu nan. i ami t ne riMOne in i. ur OF: if'-TJ L" Sa.r OlFTt tlT E RPBISE, i Th only Kcliahle tii.t liistru utun :a t- SUNN'S JMUNlaT-'-l GraM tonal Eisffii hull mm To be drawn Wednesday. Jaanirj ! $200,000 00 f IN VALUABLE Cffj 10,000 IN Su''; Five Prize Tea Friar . IN GEEENBACfi TH VICTOE KHHJ COMPAHY. NO. 1227 PHILADELPHIA. dee. m il i .1, ..a. ; aouoai i:iT-ii:eeis. oe'Xinilinif April 1. ISTa- SCINJf ! - cjian 01 ma. euro u- r ' the baud money to lo paid when the property is ' rlu'' ,'lT''r "ounted harn.- -soi l to s-Hitre uip!i..tae wi'h the e..niiiiluns of ! u"' "orses and buiruics. with s'''l' ' l''- J l 'I H 1 1 Kl: 11 K 1" I . worth t eaeti; live nae-uaw" , i IliiMtV WIUPKKY uoe. w.;h ou eaeh: 'Ji family '" '.'- ;. nlty lor Sewlnar Machine e-nts and resiini:d9 ,1(vl1 Tiumces. I w"rlh 1"0 ,h c" ''! ' i . ! men to t ike the agency for this cuntv. j d . . , i , Injr watches (lit all. w.tto tr. . j Fereireuiars.s.implts ot work an I U'ra,nli;r.-ss 10MM IrtMO.N KUS - O J ICE. i f'1'1 !irer. "JIIT'T"; 7UsileJ " , j Samuel B.i;..vl e. 1 '-; At! EXT WASTED TO "lTI, ) mon I leas of Som,-r-t , M si'1 - ! " M 'o., I'a.. X...7uX,.r. T., I ( whom Mbersl Pren" f : , . ,. , , I ''s:i A I. Sub. for lil- jw,,,! I ; .I::r;ir.'t Ann 1'; t .ole. . von. ! ,f . . i-vveniocr, i in motion : -er. 1 it"v I of A. 11. ColfMlh. Fs... attorney ..f i,.. i.V . ... Slnflle TlCKCt. S2, ' ... r-iivy.y y,-, . I .i .1"'l:.,t ' Im K' K,li"- -l- eor1in,ii..11er. VK I ICt USON, ! .lnieS. U',lUm,Uy n-P"rt the tuta .! MAM r' r.'l ! 'ni-rsei County, ss: ,.v. r.xtrarirrvin tiie r.-corl eer l i .1 ?i, i .tw.- CHESTNUT STi I will attend to th? duties of the a!.ye n'.lnt- iii Ilk (. ,ylTL Hi nuv n Ol. i i.l Si. n. I i.l.lK..u.l In erseuon 1 IIURUIV. llOh lanunrv 1ST! .t liOiVI.,li MIIMll'UrP UH-"' . i.i jue lorenw h JOHX K. F.DI F, - Wl W. Fiflk St. f Twelve Tickets $20: wv v J FIVe Tickets w I list , r Circulars containing a : irittlon of the uia lornittiK in rrtcrewe ' sent to any one or le: - s t WS?wv5 J r i deell CViucilssioner. j nov. 20, l 5