The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, December 11, 1872, Image 3
Somerset Herald. 3 Iiiii iif.iT U. 1172. -.juY. f Batter Wanted. (.!ir Hi!'", ua-i. !,.. wi'! sl.ijiMil. s ill's :;i fi l Jir'nv.. ' .,r f.irm.T juiron:'.?'. liT:ll l-il-UK Jlls. r;:,.ilv. -V'-. t:i:i:i" :t V".:! TIItlOKE, MD. T !;:ol : i'll '.he stores. .n at Dais i ilros. .,; i;,.rs for . 1 I a: Vis"'l"s. V.Z lrr. ..:i ..u liiecl lias a i-ol.l. i,i::!h of l-.-apyear. The -iris ;i:ii.k .iit and J. ,l :islcts. r &0. :r.-d by Mar-hall : sure i llie. , 1 i VI " at C l'a. .V Heer- try Morrison like a charm. a fearful snow 1 Monday hist. : e l by ;h! aiiJ s Oe 11- 1 ui l ;(;n-co ).v i''.,;:'.l : leiii'l a 1 . ;,! iilil-ine ,irLC s i;';1 it notes. ii..' i lo youii'i la-ty !.nv a l iiile or hymn s v.i. i si t News DejH.t." ! :il'!'e' li.r s:ile at the of Cix.k A: I'eelilS N liitTset. I'll., i:'..l cni:iii:e their ti;le . iii-1-ils leit reeolil) d, ..nil'. )' ::i i.m- ii lmal, ..shollly o.i's. chop, at t'o-.kiV .I ;;!! 1, lids of lininii id on on ; Iro"s linimelit pajM-rs. 1. . iM. of : Aid (':c cam this place, lias j v. it h the tank ai. to-n. D. S. .ml im hut a heiping .: i.-i.i.A in- n.r v. ) i , w ill ple.isc accept aihnire greatly Mid take e h:;!!i'some iron cornice V. .). Peer's l.irge thn-e lain str -et. ,i::v ; price p:: furs, ;:1 : II. 7.1-, !'e:i-V !.I !l.:'d d to no l :1.1: i r :u:- Vi.- 1 iisi;: : i::ilh. and mine . ;" horsi s hac MiH'.i ientiy III the epir.o.itie to be of miieli .- :: ii lise.;r.i nco the ( v.) s!:) l i-rt, and ne is very lin ky if - i iiuieli i:s a cart load hauied. tingdiin thieics uboslnie Pi7 : r w ine lIiiilhs:l;ro.ili:irrei!el. .I ::tii.n :iL':d::si each other, en ai :c:-!i il, and will in I 5 ; go t!e in nili ntiaiy. ;-..M i 1 which are llemocnit-1 lice. II. liiiblii an and two cluim ! .ii. i bv iy. bit week, a pair aiiiiine who n-joici1 i Ijoin1. It was n:ei-t .i. -- - ! winter. in, i ' h Iii. i months anil V i.n.l lour month m. !ci:rv eople f bathing 'pliie the out look for a pleasant i '.ays. One of the neecssa ler ssiighin ptiriies is l'ikmI :ei.'. present indications thev lv to r,-'-o er snilicictit to be of :'.t,. I :e !i'i:' be', ni: i ni: to Captain Si-.lp Level a few :i't the pizootie that captain is too happy to i.iislbrti'iie. '.-pe. ially Mi r. .?- I r aiid il v. T. 'Ii: "il !l.i;ralie I ',;i,Vc( of li'!'.;;i i n the lto;. 1 , islONS.- biiy :: n.i ii :.. t.. v. . w. " I'f I'mir. I.Avr Pow- A'-N t''i'- ttmaliv ol the world ! It .i' !v pri-itiit yo'.ir lamps from ! ;ii:r lamp biime y from Hi i.K A r.-:;-ctable .ii ! l.e:,l:h wants a i-omfi.ria-"i". w-'h i'.re and plain board, at ' " N.ut.e i!:i- price )f Iriiaid a "';-ii" ; . I!etetnee given if ' rite :,:; ., -.'.iatel v to S. Mere '': i v. Pa. ' 2t.. III! v iv V. hnjve ii'ir friends r' ' t to :h' .-, u ill not iliii to Mentliin-.r of interet whh'h lli 'I'ill.ll!eii;t. lil-illborllOiHl. ! "ii . mer and we now ieire to r iii!e.'e;ii..j; to inir reader ':';t i!(-c ,,f u l i.K' ll aim hl'iarv Y'"H ol a ii. s t, wi.stlel'tiiitelv. '"r !-reii,i.p,ri!v, setlh iiim re lie ""i:g in. ii j..:t :,,. liuiitlnd ami ' neighlKira, increlv 'T aljint tiu lve inehes of Ullage nhii-li tliev l'.;.! cut ili'-l lo '-!ivI hoi:.).. Hat her' li.:.t ' i.X.,-. f. Sill rle ', i"e;:gb skin, pim nil. hi: ', other II- , am! the l-Vin nccle ing the Ji Ml l..; itiM-ll, llazald iV iain lo get the Jan many Morlh h cni.i;i,n:i tar. '.' IV ( . I!e l er , i. ! I.i re ' V- 'I- .Si. ' :t it Aa: P.! ,! lli'els, ( K iii ver s ( 'tillers ;d Be.k 1'orl.s, i.i y-.. 'I' i.a.'l, :.') II.. ' aiiv !t. i'-lskl 1. Shovels. Cutters. r Ki:.- mb.' ' i;. s' irm; : ' I.iill s. IIoim: s;ci.hi;,p,.i- li Hollers, Siap Tiii. Poieibiin ,:- Sl.Htgcs, A ire Ste;i I.-'f'.di rs in ' I',.-; la, , I'tivtbiii ."to 1.1. ;!! in the . Store for '. er siir' i n, Aitisiie and :''?"-ti I.,, -'e al.,j II- ), :.n,l l.)l I, ui ii..- ni.imieo! U I " tae l i.aini.nil. i,ii '"r to che le!t, me low 1 J'l'ompliy attend to the f ion in i;il i.s vari.fiis ir i r ii work gr.rtanieil to live ' ''" mid cl. Tin-: wlmlr of ili first nmi l.mttli verV fiiloil wii'.i t!i' rrcsHicnt s um miccni-ftm-nt. JIkn nn.! Ims' olo' up tduirs in the M:i:hiiii'1i lil.n"k. I waul to ilisjiosa of my entire w.l'l tin- if .Jiuumrv. Hil l ill n'll Kt vi rv 1"W rules ; us i have Veil ('.iKipi'ii:i''i! jrc-ttiu. in my roms,aiii' l;it in;r a liir.ii! tiK-k of winlvri-lalliiii.ninl Ri':iso;i Cir lM'llt, will sell Ihclll -ht-li), recti chcxp. nithiT tlinn Imlil litem for i,:i'illicr wason. Those in ni'iii will tl.i well to ttivc me a call. . J. II. Pl:-i:i.. Tiikkf. is so much said and so little un derstood iilKiut the f-'w of nails, that the filljwirnr statement will lie inten-stin, r in ' tlie leni'h in ini-ties fiir each num- la-r !min il.n e ni nnv to t v.entv iHnnv. 13 H.nnv, 1 iuch: 4' penny, lj inches; 5 r.tnnv, p inches; 0 penny, i incnes; i tnnv, 2i indies; 8 pennv. 2 wt lies; 10 1 oeticr even innn was expectM. AlUigelU ! pennv 3 inches 12 penny, 3 inches: 20 j er the Company employ thred hundred ! pciin'v! 8 inches. ' land fifty workmen, and hope soon to in- Lsst Tue-lay evening as a party of j voiiti? et'iitleinen iKianims hi tuu "iaie i "House." were starting awav in a sled, the .. . llarrre XewfonndlaniV do-:, owned by Mr. ! Nauirle, the proprietor, ran alter them, j sprang t'.on the sled, and seized one of the i !i iiilemen, Mr. Ion'dorf, bv the lesr, in- flii-tinx a severe ami very ii!;lr wound Pr. lieaehley was summoned and dressed the wound. Ihtlr Citi lU(rd. . At a meet im: of the stoekhohh r.s of the Pittsburgh and Cinnellsvillc HailnxiJ held! in Pittsburgh on Monday last the tollowinzi named pentlemi n were' cleeti-d Directors for the ensuring vear : AVin. S. llissi l, t. L. Fetterman, ri'itts!urgh ; Cyrus Mey-: vr ot Somerset : lluirh Sisson. II. O. ii kerv, Wm. II. Perkins, Israel Cohen, John lonni!l Smith, Vim. Kevscr.t liaiies Wied, Wm. ISaMwin and (ieorge It. Ien - n: of Maryland. At a met ting of the new Boanl, Mr. Wm. Keyser was re-elected President ; Mr. K. K. Ilyndman, Ceneral SuiK rintendent, r.n.l Mr. C. Donnelly. Treasurer. -- - Damf.i. . HautM n, of Oley town isliip, Berks county, exhibited, at the office jof the Reading ni'ji Tim, one day last w eek, a red nbbit, w hich he t-hot in Earl ! township. The animal ib entirely dilfer ient Iroiu the grey species, having a beauti i tul yellow coat i f fur boiderimr on red, w ith w hite belly and breast. The hair is ! much finer and softer thau the ordinary ! rabbit, and the animal much handsomer, i though a'x.uf the fame size. Mr. II. states ', that there is a brood of rabbits in that vi i iuity of the same kind, that they are wild 1 er than the ordinary rabbit, run like a fox, 'and make a splendid chase, outstripping the fleetest dogs. Mr. llartman intends (in- m-)-ii-. vej;. .'ii. jiuiiuiiiii tiin mi j i stiiTmn: the specimen be has obtained, as ! ; a curiosity, and on aciiHint its beauty. " Two men were sei-n by the railroad cm- I A scnscKiuKit asks the New York Jour- j plovecs to run up the hill into the woods !;,( f Commerce tlie question : "Is a j unii disapH'iir. It hassin,ebeenasccrtain ' note written in p-ncil, aiid signed in i tlint thi-se men were using the car with j cil. letalr" The Jotiriml answers in 1lio tlic intention of throwing it off the track I afiirmative. Story on Promissory notes, (one j when the train came in sight, but were of our highest ai!horiiiis,)in his lirst itra-; unable to do so and In cline so frightened ! graph touching the requisiti-s of I he form ; that they fled the s;ot. Fortunately no ; of ol ligation, declares that n promissory i injury was done other than the destruction I note must be in writing, cither in ink or 0f the truck, but it was only a chance shot ! pencil ; that is to say, the signature of the ! ti,a ti10 (M,r was nt thrown" from the track promisor must l.e so ; the body of the note dow n the embankment and all on Ixiard may U- prinled." This is conclusive ; but killed or injured. Boys cannot be too the courts in a gfcat many cases, and with-! careful how they travel on the railroad on! a dissenting judgment, have continued : track. i this rule. A note promising to pay a cer-: ' amount of money is merely an evidence of j s ,.u ,,f n fainiei' club at which to : indiMiiIness. and a note wilhotit Ihesinna-; diuss the licst methinls of fanning, of tme is giKKl, if there is evidence that the producing the most grain to the acre, and j promisor intended to exivute it, that isioj,e ii,iisanil and one topics on w hich so i siv, wiji the ailditioiial evidiine mention- much information is to lie derived, we pro- el. 'i he note is prima facie evidence of in- ,HSe on and alter the lirsl of January, 1S73. ' de'-tediiesp. i devote lit h'.ist three columns' of the I --- v j Hkkalu to iigr'cultural and horticultural , A DK.i.iiiin i i I. Srnrisisi:. Ijuhes i wimse laces are clouded by superficial dis- j 0f Simerset county to discuss these inqiort ico'ionit ions and ho have resolved to try ! ant su,jects throiidi our columns, so that ' l!agiin"s Magnolia Bulm sis a remedy, have ,le o.mmunity at' large may thereby be : no idea of the wcVome surprise, they will j htnelitted. We shall Ik- pleased to receive ! riirive from thi ir minors alter a few up-1 aniclcs at once, original ones. preferred, but ; plications of that healthful purifier of the jf anv f vou U.K any article that you think complexion, if at ail excitable, they will j y,-iiU) interest and benefit our readers you ; scream villi nipt ure. on beholding the ! will confer a favor bv sending us the same ; change. Whether the bleuiish it is ' Tor publication. ! eil to remi ve, the s;i'.i-,vui s,bli,ti lies, pin;-j '-hc various modes of enriching and iples. freckles, roughness, or an unnatural cultivating the soil, ot rearing horsia, cat-Jp-illor, it islniund t. ilisapjK-ar nmU-r the tie and fcheep, of manufacturing butter, ! tonic operation of this wonderful agent. MIe.r ad molasses, of clearing land, mak j To say liiat the blemish ilisapiH'ars. d.s j ,;, Ftone. rail or anv variety of fence, and I ii i'.. however, iniivcy any idea of the ef- i,l!n,!red kindred topic c-an be discussed j I'-ct pr.-ilueed by this celebrated benutiiier. 1 w itli prolit and pleasure. The unsightly tinge, whether ditluse-l over i j)(Il t pe uflaia to tell other men what the wlMile countenance or in sHts, or i vo!l, j,mnv n u,,, nubjiH-ts, but write patclK-s, is rejil..-eil i.y a mutorm, jiearly j .-.' s iji irts eight weekly, to which no description can do j m' -p.'. .".i :. 11 subjects and lieu-j TitE Watei: Woisks. The recent fold j Locke's National Monthly is the ti- I snap has interfered with the progress of j tie of a new Literary Magazine published ; ditching and laving pijN'H for our new wa- by IM-ke & Jones, Toledo, Ohio. The ee, r have been found i.cad j (,.,. W(KS. J Jilt for this we cu!d rcasona- j first number, dated Dei-emlier, 1872, has i.i il.:- wemijy, tiiiised. it is ; ,.. j,.ivc expected that the ililchin; would j been received. It is a neat and handsome tiie same i'i-e;.,e that has l;lve bei n almost if not altogether com- j magazine, of 48 pages mailed to subscrib " ' :i.:l'V;!" ''.,;,,,-S "!! !,i( w,'s" i pleted by this lime. As we intimated some ' ersnt 1.00 er annum, and sold in the cars -'. , ! iii) j.ror,l. a;ri) tjl( w.,ter coiiimi.-ioners wereal j and in the lmnk stores for ten cents a nnm- most at the end of the stung (or want of f funds to carry on the work. Sim-e then. ! however, William Hart'v, Ksii., has tken i leu thousand tl illat's oi the water bonds. : . .... i .....i in.iut j and aiil over tlie money, wliiin iniin-s, '."..' e r. .i.i. j t ue completion ot Hie work. It there lie ; anv thimr like reasonable weather for out 1 oei l.ooK . 'door work, the Water otumissiouers are j N mm:. jud.Ks . . : dclermined to run the water into the pres-1 i . hi at .'inier s Drug iV l.ooK I ent resi rvoir on Crave! Hill, licfore ihe : llvnm Books and all j Holidays, which, v. hen done, will give us I a I l 111 ul supply .f w ater for the coming .Next Spring the water will la; :i: st.irieil onVMoni.ay ei.nveved to different parts of the town V.'ot. i n 1'ciiitcniiaiy : through new pijas larger than the present emeu senieiiced to cm- (me.-. (iiizitit. :ibr;hment Cutln-nter! - , I Thk t'o'lowing from the Coliimot.-i Sjiif j hi:s lite lu.ii so s.jiiai'ly on the head that we can't retrain Isnin giving il to our read ,ers: The pi-bliei ,,rii-.;',ii.!;s, stx-ictiesund as . sociatiiMis. generally have a funny notion a!ut pi inters, 'l hey think we ought to print, pull and punlish all for nothing that is, free gratis. In other words, Uiey '.-rim astonished if we ask half price only liir publishing an obituary notice, ard of thanks, tribute of respect, a K-rsonal com munication, or anything else that only in terests a few 'rsons, and not the general riiiiVr. They think it -sis nothing io advertise, pull", ct.'. They forget that it tnkcs money to pay the -iinaisitoii to buy pjk, type and paper and, lastly, they lorgci. even. t' thank you for working for n-.tliiirr, by gratuitously pidllng theirl'iisi ness ni sen in r the public. Did you ecr hear of tinylttaly or any corora1ioi) thank ing au editor for what he had done ! liliese not. Wii. Cat one of the fir i in ;ai:i:i:t Corsvv "II ' -t dai's of the win k, Mr. Ed. Tiiggart ami another ginth limn of Swan-; ion were i.ui iiiir.inig, nitviiig wun mem Mr. 1 . s little bull dog, a ginal hunting an- imal Alter lii ing out some time w ithout j mii'ting w i:h mui h success, the dog who had been "six n'ing" around for some dis, i-.tme running past them at full sjci.-il and I atily terrified. Titc cause of this fright explained in a second by the sudden appearance of four wild cats in ! i:liiil ot the do. The gentlemen at n::ir liii-w ui llieir rilles iind shot two of the uufiviiictt felines ill nil ; the other two iscapci! la ltue the dose of ivili r und lead : i-ouiil lie tciiiiend them, ihe Oog was so ! badly scaled that he did not return to his j m ;si r until called ami whistled for rcjicat- i edly. He h;:d sevclal M-ralchis on his j back from the claws of one of the cats.! Mr. Taggart mid his companion carried ' loHiishitt. Jt ..! a their slriiiige game home to show to their , in. I not to con vert into ' steaks mid suPWs ! It isn't every hunter who run have the li'.ck to shisit a in ild mt, and it is not every one tithcr that cares laut meeting these tialigerous laaulies of the forest. Timt. Sai and Srii)i:.N Dkath. Our neigh lairin? rommuiiily of Clear Ilidge was startletl on Tuesday morning bv the Intel-' tl ligemx of the sudden death of Jason Mc-j Daniel, under very iHi-iiliarcircumslaiii-cs. I The arlictilnrs,' as nrar as we can get ! ihem. ure as follows : Mr. M Daniel lu:d : bun away from home with the tesm on I Momluy. " At u'io!;f 4 o'clock in the after-' noon he passed by Chi rry Crove, on his,1 rt tiirn, he stoiped for a short time at the j store, made some purchases and seemed in I hi.s usual good health aiid spirits. At fun-1 rise on Tuesday morning bin team was! found standing by the roadside within ! about three fourths of a mile from his I home, the wagon being caught last to a ! tree, ami the lody of Mf. Mc Daniel h ing j in the wagon, stiffened by the cold and uu-! onseious. He whs conveved to his home i !idlr. E. .J. Miller quicklv summoned. I .Jt he win, beyond the reach of medical ski'.l, and life became extinct at 11 o'clock litl i llestlav l-veliimr tin, j vi-nt. ,,l'l,il ' '"i; 1 ennui e;I V ecu Ii rei,.:iinu ,i .re II.. ....o hale, i us " . - . ,,, , ,-, , , , , IV , UB very ,.. t an , peaianci s, u hearty man. His j mid- w ile was h ing i-U k at the time, and though i ii'iguiem J at ins imusal r.l sebee, t-Iie could F ii 11, pnxxss awarded lor delendant. itU get out to give the alarm. Mr. McDiin-i Com. vs, Alex Shultz and others Iro lcl w as a young man of not over 2H ycais, ! cess awarded for prosecutor and defendant, a good citiA ii and a realoiw Cbribtian. lie ! Com. vs. John T. Haney, A & IL pro leaves a wile and three small children to ! cess awarded for iirosccutorand defendant. rpi-s rioueratc. j mourn his B.tialfvr1 (luzitte. Sciwoi. Kkwauds. Ki-wartts of Merit and nil kimls of 1hmI;k, at Miller's Drtiu ami BiHik Store. also jiens ami a full (Uh-. of I'liiistiiius 'pirnls. OoAl.of an excellent quality can bo luul at Siiitziiiun's lunik, a short iliilanee south east of the lxirouiili. II. Housefelt. will atteml to the measurement, and is authoriz ed to receive money therefor. From and alter the 11th Dercmlter, persons taking eiil in leas .quantities than twenty l.ushcls will Ik- required to pay cash, unless by special arrangement. . (iixty Chinamen arrived at Heaver Falls on Saturday, tlirectly from China, under the supervssioa of Ah Chuck. These make the numlier at present erurmrcd in : the Heaver Falls Cutlery Works one bun ! "red a lid sixty. The experiment is alreadd iiuim.muh:to a suitvss, mc v. iiiiiamen uuing tuu XlUllimT. Ail'IISlC laillUKD have been put up for their use near the cutlery w-orks, and the vcllow-baked clay John Chinamen are said to be contented ! ' happj- Radical. A MoitTflAOE to cover four millions of IkmkIs, piven by the State Line and Juniata liailroad couiiiany, has lMi-n entered oij i record in the Kecorder s otllce in this place I Mr. Swic informs u that the paper has ; already Ihi-d reinrded in the counties of ! Huntingdon. Fulton, Frankliu and Cum- Krland, and will Ik; hi all the counties throuch w hich the road is to pas. It is : siirned by (Jeorgw Scott. President, and ("has. M. Siter, Treasurer. lrt True Tkmorrut. ! We understand that this road, nn aceount of which we published in the Iltn.u.l) of two weeks ago, is to lie extenctea to tne ' conl fields of o'.tr cwiinty. j i CossrxirTiTEs. IIf.wake ! The person w10 is continuiillv fading away, and when an the functions of the lwdy are impaired, !aml a harassing cough iscohtinually wear- ! inn away human energy and human life. That wonderful medicine of Dr. Keyser's, known as Dr. Keysor's Lung Cure, will lie sure to arrest the disease and carry it out of the system. We care not whether the Lunis. the Hronchia, or any other of respiration are affected : it is equally cura tive. Its principles of action arc fully dis cussed in an essay of thirty-two pages, is sued from Dr. Keyser's oilice, 1!7 Lilierty street, Pittsburgh," which will lie sent by ma!!, free, to all w ho desire it. Ox last Saturday morning, as the train on our branch road was wending its way to Mineral Point, while turning a short curve UWIUl WlrCC I1I1ICB 1111B Mile, lliu fu- rrj,,,. ran jnio a truck car thnt was standing on the track anil RnocKM it to piei-es. pursuits and cordially invite the tanners vmr ei.nvictions from exix-rience in the icst way you can, and if they need any coi nit ions we will make them. her. I he table of contenta takes a wide ranire of tonic and cives the reader irrcat variety in story, sketch, essay, poem and eititorial coiiiiueiit. .Mr 1). K. lyixke coiilinues a two page ixM'tn. "1H'u-1"i 1, touching the war tier id of the Nation's life, and a story in his best vein. "The Misiuthmiic." The reader w ill also recognize the humor and sniril i haractiTmn"- l!ie bitter in nliier nr. tides. The longer stori.ts, "The Story of a Love that was not Blighted," by Cconre Wainwright. "A Woman's Face, or, The Emotional Kx'iiciiceof a loung Artist, bv W. II, Frankinstene and the "Phantom Ship," are exciting, are fresh and are out of the common line, i our pages are c.e voted to "Humor ol the I'av, ami two paves to "Editorial Notes." The new monthly is, in shorl. a first class, high toned. Literary Magazine, fully uh to the stamiiinl ot the lour ilollar month lies. Specimen copies w ill lie sent by the publishers on receipt of ten cents. The monthly stalls oil' with a list of ten thou sand subscriliers, and promises to lie great success. Court Proceeding KIKST WF.KK. Court lulled on Monday at linlf past one o'clock. Hon. Wm. M. Hall presided dur ing Ihe week. ChamlMTS Huston, ot Som erset, was designated us foreman of the Grand Jury. in the lol lowing cases ine it rami Jury returned a "tme ill : vs. ii. r. Winner, bnr'glarv, on information of Alex Walker. t orn. vs. W. llctiry I lark, liurglary, on ; information of S. P. Philippi. j Com. vs. W. Henry Clark, burglary, on ttilitnii'if ion or .losj'Oll lliirllllnn I'oni vu Jtj.ili Demiisev. siHltii'tion. all(j v & yt n information of Sarah Fount. (,. vs. John Fidh-r, assault and bat .. ii,.,,i i v,ii,,it a nur im infor .,.,: f David Yonnkin Com. vs. ( has. Lewis, assault and Lat tery with intent tocommit murder, on in formation of John Fidlcr. Com. vs. Ceo. Curley. malicious mis chief, on information of David Voiinkin. Com. s. W. F. Carpenter, raj, on in formution of Uhiala Emery. Com. vs. John T. Mcllarrcy, A & B, on liiformation ot Henry Valelitiue. The following inses were tried t:,. vs. J. H. Dewees, conspiracy, oil information of Win. Bowman, verdict not itVr Illul prosecutor and defendant each Ji, Jmlf the costs: om. vs. Samuel II. Wiimer, burglary, m.i irniin- ( om vs. jl,.nrv Clark,, ...r.liw mtillv in laith (elindanl senieiiced to Kinieiitwry lor 2 years and 4 months. Com. vs. John t idler, A & li with in tent tocommit rape, verdict guilty of A & B, defendant sentenced to pay a f.ue of f-1 mid costs. Com. vs. Charles Lewis, A & B with in tent to commit rape, verdict guilty of A A: B, defendant sentenced to ikiv a tine of and costs. Com. vs. W. F. Carpenter, ruie, verdict guilty of A & B with intent tocommit niie, and defendant sentenced to penitcn- tiary for 1 year and six months. In the following cases the District Altor- ney.l.y leave of court, entered a A'uLPro: i'0111. vs. W. 11. Wilton, Ai B,.on in- formation of Jaiinett Manning. ' Com. vs. Dan'l I'ugh, A A; B on infor- mat ion of Joseph II Voder. Com. vs. Jas. Lyons, fraudulent voting, on infuiination of J. P. Miller. ( nm. vs. Lot Hush, A & B, on informa- lion of P. Ii. Beach. Com. s. Sain'l Nichola and heirs, false arrest, on information of Mary Wheeler, by leave of court, defendant discharged. Coin. vs. Joanna Ncvil. surety, on in - I r formation of Alice Mullen, case heard and delendant bound over to keep the peace, Com. vs. He U-tii C'oleman. 2 cases, pro- awarded for the uroseciitrix. Dorah IJriskev. Com", vs. Joseph Deiniisey, seduition.and Com. vs. Amos Fritr, A & 11, process awarded for prosei-utor and defendant. Honoiu fall fust and thick upon Colonel Com. vs. Silas Lyon and others. A & H, John A. Lemon, of Holidayshurg. lie process awardeil for prosecutor and II. 'sides laiving lieen elected State Senator Coleman. j from that district, he has just been atiiioia- Com. vs. Anna Dorah All miller, selling liquor to those intoxicated, recognizance forfeited. The balance of the cases on the list were continued. nviii.wT. In the following cases the plaintiir took a nonsuit : A. W. Walter vs. Margaret Shultz. Henry Thomas Weld vs. John Xeffand others. Dan'l Moslollerrs. Harrison Caselieer. State Hank v. John Enfield, trktl and verdict for defendant. (ieo. Ncvil vs. Wm. Morgan, tried and verdict for plaintiff for 0:1. John Boucher ts. DetrichTriimx-v. con tinued at cost of defendant. John Holland vs. Jones Shanlev & Co.. Same 1 P. Snyder vs. Leopold Bros. The ImliMicc-of tho cases on the list were ! continued generally. SECOND WEEK. Jas. Kinunel vs. Dan'l Mostoller, tried and verdict for plaintiff for $12 82. A. Shearer vs. Roddy & Findlev, tried and verdict for plaintiff for 143 60." A. Shearer vs. Roddy k Findley, tried and verdict tor plaintiff for $825 97. Jont. Emerick vs. Rixldy & Findley, tried and verdifi for plaintiff for $:557$ art. Samuel Fox's use vs. L. A. Turncr.lried and verdict for plaintiff for $427 OS. Wm. Trent vs. Dunham & Fox, tried and verdict for plaintiff for $UWI 71. Wm. McCnrty vs. Riley ifc Herrington, plaintiff takes a nonsttit. Adam Shaffer vs. Riley & Herrington, plaintiff takes a nonsuit. Michael Sullivan vs. Riley & Herrington. plaintiff takes a nonsuit. Jacob Prevere vs. Win. Hoblitzel.defen dant confessed judgment for $:J3 8:tJ. Jlicob Prevere vs. Bruce Hoblitzel, de fendant confessed judgment for 33 83 j. The balance of the cases on the list were continued. Court adjourned on Thursday of the first week anil Wednesday of the second week. All the cases ready for trial having been disposed of. To tlie Tcitcbera, Kcbaol Dirrrtont, and Frienala mt Induration in Somerset 'ounljr t The Somerset County Teachers' Insti tute for 172, ill be held in the Court House, in Somerset, commencing Monday, the 21 of December at 2 o'clock and clos ing Friday, 27th, at 11 a. m. These institutes are now permanently es tablished by law, for the purpose of afford ing teachers an opnrtunity of receiving instruction and manifesting their zeal in the profession. All the actual teachers of the County should be present, whether they are granted the time or not. It Ls suggested that in the future, that the time spent at the County Institute, by teachers, be taken into consideration in making cer- tiliciitts in the Practice and Theory of teaching. School Directors, inasmuch as the com pensation paid to our teachers, is not equiv alent to that paid by our neighlioiingcoiin- ties do grant your teachers the week or at least a portion of the time; they will return to their laNir stimulated and encouraged, and will do vou better service. IMIOOP.AMME. Organization ; election of oflicers ; ad dress of welcome L. C. Colliom ; re- siunse by meml-crs of the Institute. IlKl'tMtT.s. The following teachers wiippreiare re jiorts on subjects of their own selection : E.J. Miller. Ceo. Countryman, W. II. Itink, J. O. Griffith, John M. Weakland, II. K. Musser, D. A. Berkev. J. S. Snv der, F. K. Collairn, A. F. Swank, F. D. Bruckman, J. C. Kendall. Frank Kiauitz, J. E. Mason. William IiifieliL C. B. Cotk, Decatur Wellley. kssavs. The following lady teachers are npjioint ed essayists, selecting their own subjects : Emilia J. Fisher, Mary Schcll. Annie Stutzman, Hattie Krissinger, Lizzie Kx8 er, Ellen Snyder, Tula Boyd, Orcelia Fer ner, Hose Huston, Binnie Sinison, Kate Snyder, Kate Shombcr. The follow ing assignments are made : Orthography in our common schools Charles Elricli. Non attentlance at school Fred Grof. Incitement of curiosity as a means of ed ucation J. 1). Meese. Unconscious teaching J. B. Whipkey. Calisthenics Lillic Stutzman. Little Things P. 8. Fisher. The teacher's daily preparation J. C. Weller. We reap what we sow Jac. D. Miller. How teachers may help each other W. II. Hoffman. niscfssioss. " What are the prominent causes of failure in teaching 1 opened by ll. J. Voder. How can we licst secure parental co-op- cration? . or man .vtusselman. How can our schools lie made more cllr- cientt W. II. Banihart. Should a teacher keep a class record ? J. E. Herr. How shall we tmch History? Harrv M. Lichtv. Any other subjeils relating to education may be discussed, if presented by the Ex ecutive Committee. LECTtUKS. The following named lecturers and in structors are invited lo Ik- present : Prof. C. L. Ehltiifeld, of California Slate Normal School, Washington county ; Prof. II. I. Courier, of Pittsburgh. W. II. Fisher. Stipt. Bedford Co., iter. R. Smilh, Dr. D. P. Wellley, and others. F.LIUTTION. Miss Hose A. McCleary, of Pittsburgh, will give daily instructions in Elocution and Heading. She will also give a public entertainment on ettnestlay evening. MUSIC." The Somerset Academy "Glee Club" will furnish music for the Institute. OAI.ISTIIUMIH. Miss I. illie Stutzman will give a public class drill in Calisthenics, on Thursday evening prepared for the occasion. Teach ers u ill prolit by !tcnding. DIKFXTOIIS' IAY. Friday will lie Directors day, and sub jects of interest to I hem will be discussed. or questions regulating to their duties an swered." A general invitation is extended to teach ers, school oflicers, and the lriemls ol edu cation in every art of the County to lie present and help drive the wheel or pro gress. D W. Will. Ulaile, l'a. iSov. S2tl. I 'in. SupL Train ItentB. We had the pleasure of visiting the I'r- sina School, taught by our mutual friend M. D. Lichhter, and found the school un der the U-st id'llisciphne. W'e also found the Harnedsville Schisil taught by Deca tur Wellley, in the U-st of order. ItYv. Mitchel and 1'ev. Tridas are con. duiling a I'nion protracted meeting in the Lutheran eliurch in I rsin t. liev. jihtchel preached Friday evening- subjwt "Fray without ceasing. A fire, a few days since, occurred in the house of Mr. J. II. Frantum, near Pinker- ton tunnel, consuming liedtling and wear ing apparel to the amount of near $300, lie- fore the name could lie extinguished. The I. O. of . F. of I rsina. seem to be in a flourishing condition. We under stand our Brothers in Confluence will or ganize a Lixlgc at that place, on Thursday the l-'lli inst. ! are told that some or our voting friends contemplate matrimony sian. IIoie ye editor w ill be lavored with a slice of the cake.and that your correspondent will have to carve the turkev. We can't immaginewhy tlie busiiuss men of Ursina and Conllueiicc are in such a splendid humor unless thev have adver tised in the IIlkald. Making a hasty visit to our sfster town. Confluence, we found the citizens, despite the epizootic, in the lx-st of spirits. Our friemls M. A. ltoss & Son, O. A. Black and Mountain, all seem to lie as con tented as rats iu a granary. We found Mr. J. D. Vanhorn, as pleasant and agree able as of yore; -he says McUoozlcr still live. Our friends in Confluence who have not forgotten the school directors of Lower 'C... i. ....i...... ..i.: i... .i.:.. luinrjimii iwn iiemji, indite mm iai i l quest to the said board.siinply a "cruin irom the rich man's table." Will said directors hearken unto this last appeal in behalf of the educational interest T and purchase "that little shed," formerly known as the Union liailroad Station House to be used as riaiin No. 2 of the grade school. Haid building can be bought low tor cash. Call on the agent. Yours in the midst of the Epizootic, Mac. ted aid to t!ov. tteary, with the rank of Colonel. Well, nil we have to say about , the latter is, that the (iovernor never in- dulged in better Lemon aids since he join ed the tcmx;rance society. Even a "lly" in it would scarcely improve it. Ciimtriu Fret num. . 9IAKKI3:i. JOHNSON McAFEE. By Elder E. Bevins, at his resilience, on the 28th of November, 187.1, Mr. Koliert Johnson to Miss Maggie McAfee, lxrth of Smiersct Penn'a. FISIIKItSPAruV. UvC. A. Brant, J, P., John C. FUher to Callmrine Spaugy, of Somerset township. ' . DAVIS. Deecmlicr 5th, by B. jvncpixT, lieniamine iwvis to Anne Davis, lioth of Allegheny county, Md. Caption, Evorv sronutne Imx of Pr. McLAXE'S LIVER PILLS bears tlio signature of FLEMIXO IiltO.S., rittslmrIi, IV, ami their private United States Stamp. ' Take no other. "The market is full of iini a ti ii. rrvonit IebllHy. Willi lt Kluuray ntlrnitontj, luw piliiis.'fis i:n. inviluiitai'v .tulvluii9. Iuii uf noini'n. gucrttio. j ti.rrha, of tNinrcr, dlxzy tieu'l. loftfti,t iiipiius ry. sun inn-ait'iieii iw innn mi l nmieriuiv. nnl a Horrrriirn cure In Humphreys' Ilnaieojiathlc .-wiiic .. iwriiiy-r.iKiu. t;iinx.iea ul the ui'iAt vnluiilile mil. I ami Htent i 'unitlv, I hey Ktrike at one at thenml ol the nintUrr, lone m the Bysti'in, the diwharnes, ami liniart viur iiii.l i.ueri(.v, tile an.l riUilily tuthcrntirj uiiui. l hey have eurisl llinusuivlni.f caos. I'rler, &A vt Kii-k.itfe ill live lMOfcfl ami a lunfii rial, whirti in vi:ry iiniH.rtant in iiliiiiniitn ir ol.l cam1, orl tKr kiiikio ii)ix. :noiu iiv an iiru;ritistn. an. Dent t.v mail on mt-liit of nri-n. AililrrimHt'MPII l KYsi SPKlUFIU 111 M a H'ATH lO M EUll.'lN K ! ., iw- oniaiiwav, Aew 1 nrK. nnv. IX "Kir sale by K H. Marshall, .Soincraot, l'a. fcO.HI'.ItSKT MAKIilX IVrrwtoil wrckly Ly A. J. Caskheeb & Co. Apple, .tried. f lmlli.r. W t;al llnorr. V e ,4U.lfi.M 20c Huckuhral. biulit l yl Heefwax. V i : IM ,30c Bacon, iilHiuLlers, j' B, aiilia, " lmm, Cnni, ?t !iuin-I I'uni meal B Call tkliia. S Kiritu, V iini Kleur, V lil.l Hui.-v.-il y bu., (a ft) IjipI. ft L"al Iht, rwl ml, ) ft lll.KT " kls natj. ji i.u I'lilalia'S, V Im I'eiu-lic. urifil, V ft live f t'U K:nit. ft Sail, Ni. 1. Mil , tlitt " Afliti.ii., yollnw f ft wliiin Tallow, W ft W'lieut, p bu , Wool. V ft sc He 1 1 IX V 1 '.Mc I0 bu 1 SO 12'. ai :vr- ;nc .-hile 50C . ." &IIC lie 41 no .. :ic 2 VJ l 3 IW I&i-lic 1S411SC Ilk' --"10 iillirtKw AVf A(lrrrli.n-hiri)tx. OKPHAXS' COURT SA I VALl-AHI.K I!KAI. l'.STATIl Ai OF T.v virtue of an uriier isnuinout of the Orphans I'oiirt of Soinermit County, l'a., to as tiirccteil, we will wit at imlilic pale on SATl'KDAV, th OF JtlKCEMHER IVKXT on the premise', itH oVlurk p. m., the full. .whin prnHTty, late tlie eatata of John Whipkey. of Co per Ttirket fiiot town.liip. deci'a.e!. to wit: Trai't No. I. Situate III faiil townhiii. S.imtr- ! art eotitity, l'a., ailjolnitiK lamia of Hi nry V. hi- key. jNaiii-y Joluiiion. itlona I rosfen anil tract o. 'i. eniiUtinina; two tiumlnil anil tlllccn arrra ami l:K iMr lu'H. of whleh alaint 90 acre are clear ami about 10 in meaiiow; the balanee. if well timbcnil. The lintiroreinenta are a two-atory loir Uwellin house, one alory .lank tunant'house, a iloiible Iok barn, an apple on-hanl; there arc several atrfn(S on the ureintsea, anil tho whole tract la well watered ami believed toeontalnvaloahlc mla era la. Tniet "o. 2. Situate In anmc townFliipan I conn ty. aihoi.ta No. J. landa of l.-iaac Husbaml'i heirs and fjr.i id Schr:-k and contain' W aerea and si iH rrhor. about Vi aerea cleared auit fenced, the tmlanet- V'ini; well timbered. Teux.. One-third, alter deittictlnz eodii and exenai . to remain a lien on the rvmi.e, the in teren l. lie l.l annually to the widow, Catharine Wiiipk' y. for life, front 1st April, 1S73. one-third of the bal.iuce In hand and Ihe rcpldue In four eiual annual ayniinU. beicliinini; April 1. 1173; 2tAf thi' hand liioncy to l paid when the property ia sold to aot'urc cuinpliaiH-e with the conditiona of aale. J ACOH IrKKH A R T. HEMliWlIlPKKY, itei-11 Truateea. JJM 1 X ISTK ATOIl'S NOTICE. l ltera of adintiil'tratlon havlnir been granted hy the profier authority, to theunderatifncd. on tho eatate of Samuel Will, doccaned. all ts'inona In debted to aaid eatate are heret-y notified to make innuuitiitte pavnirnt, and thi ue having claiina will .n'til thviu liulyauthcmii'ated tor actileuicut and allowance. GEOIiUE SPANOLEH. ilecll Administrator. T HTKNP1KE ELECTION- The Stockholders of the Simeraet at Ilcdfnrd Tanidke Kimd Comtmny will take notice that an election will be held at the hiiUKiofU. A. Kim mi l. In Allea-'.ieny ti.nliip. on the Hint Monday of January next, to elect one President, aix Mana ger and a Treaaurer, to conduct the attain oi said Comininy for Ihe cuauins vear. , J Kr TKHSCIX KIMM EU decll President. (ite.llor.1 Inquirer cojiy and rhanre Company.) 0 10MM1SSI0XER-S NOTICE. Samuel II. Keploule, In the Court of Com mon i'leiia of Somerset va. H ., l'a.. No. To Nov. T., i7i Ai. Sub. for Marifimt Ann Keplole.j V)rce. And now to wit, 3d Decemlier. 1S72. On motion of A. II. Colimth. t.. attorney of plidntill, the Court B lnt John It. I'jiie, Ij.. coinmisaionrr, to take tlie tealimony ami n rt the facta and an eplllll'll. Somerset I'ounly, a: l-.xtract Iroiu Ihe record certifies! "th Ileecmiicr, lS7i r.. m. st'iiuoc K, rr.i. Itiill attend to the duties of the above aptKdul mi nt at tlie Court llouae. in the Ixirouxh of Som. ersel.on 'l'huilnv, ldlh January. IsTa, at lOo'cloik in the forenoon. JOHN 11. KlilE. dccll Comiuiscioner. "The Oldest ami Itcst of the Kclecties." 1873. ECLECTIC MAGAZINE. SUUSCnilJE NOW! Wllh tlie ntimlH-r for Jannary, the H'LHTIL' enters umn Us Iwenty-iilnth year. It iilcans the choicest articles Iroiu Die entire held ol lurciifn pe- rhallcal literature, aud oilers The last SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES. The beat ESSAYS. The U-st KEVIEWS. The lsl CHITKTISMS. The Ust HHKiUAPIlIl ALSKETCIIKS. The la-st NOVELS. The best SlIOKT STltII-S. The la st POEMS. The la-st .11 ISC EI JAN 1 F-S. The liuest STEEL E.VtlRAVlXUS. The aim of the ECLECTIC Is to be Instrudive withimt being cTitll, ami entertaiuina: without tie In trivial. Iteailers who seek instruction as well as amusement should eive It a trial. Terms, i year; Single Coidcs, 4A cenls. Liberal terms to clubs. Tlie III'I.KlTIC will lie sent with any other Kriisiii-jl at lowest club rates. Address, K. K. rujiiw, Publisher, ilecll los Fulton Street, New York. rlTvUSTEK'S J. ESTATE- SALE OF HEAL' 1 he uudersiinietl, by direction of the (Indians' Court ol Somerset county, will sell at public sale OX TUESDAY, Iho !th of DECEMHEli, 1X72. at one o'clock P. .11.. on tho premises of No. 1. Iu Greenville township, the real estate of Samuel iiiN-nsieiii-r. ui-ceascii. eomaiuiuu' as loiiows: No. 1. Ihe home pltu'e, eontaiiiiuu; 71 acres. almut 1 M acres clear, als.ut SO acres in meadow. wun iiwciinii! nousc, iuiiik narn, saw mill, wllh .Ineand oak timlier, two tenant honses, with st- .... r, I Hi b-ijuiiiiii Minis m JA- cob Lint, A. O. Heal, Daniel Staulti, Joseph Jle Kintie and others. No. 2. A tract of land coutaininir 2-15 acrcS, about laO acres clear, aliout 'Jo acres in meaiiow, with dwelling house and lmnk barn thereon erec ted, with au on'hard on the same. This tract Is well limbered with plneand oak, ami adjoins Fred erick Swcrman, Daniel Shultx, Edwiu Deal, Esq., Keystone Company and others, and Ls nctur to saw mills, lioth tracts arc near to school houses, mills and stores. Tkhmm: One-third, after deita-tinu; expenscsof partiii.m anil sale, to remain alien, the Interest thereof to lie paid to the widow annually during her I t.V, and at her death the principal to be equal ly divided among the children and legal represen tatives ol said deceased, oue-lhird in hand on the 1st of April, 173, balance In three equal animal installments without interest, to lie secured on the premises; 10 ht cent of tho hand luouey to be paid on day ol sale. JOEL SI. YITZV, lec4 Trustee. E iTXKCUTOU'S NOTICE.- rjiotc of Georjte Mostoller, late of Stonycreek tp., ' deceased. Letters testamentary on the alio" estate havinir Is cn irranteil to the undersitmed by the pmier au. tliority, notice is hereby priven to tlioso Indented to il to make immediate payment, and those havitiir claims airainst It to present thciji duty authenti cated for settlement at the late residence ot the dceeaseil, on Saturday, January 11th, 1873. n i iii- ru a v kii, dw4 Exeeuior. DMIXISTKATOirS NOTICE. I j tuie. of Soliimuu P. Homer, late of Jcnnertp iliH.ease)l. Letters of adininisi ration on the alsjve estate hnr- init tieeu granted to theuiidersincd, notice, ls hero by xivea lo those Indebted to make immediate pay. incut, anil tliosa havintc claims against It will pre sent them, duly autheulicateil for settlement at the lale ri'sblenee of said deceased, on Friday, Janu ary 17th, IsT'i WM. p. MOKtlAX, AiiinluistraUir. PUBLIC SALE OF Valuable Real lly lii'.ue of an urlrr ufaiKt nm ie by t ! I lr ph.ina' Court ol S mii rsct iniinty. l'a., I.i in dl rec'e.l. wo nilladl liypull.'iutiTy,oiittieiremla...'f. !n Summit and LiriWr towtiK.'ilpa, mi Thursday, December, 26, '72, Tho following T.iliuhlo tvnl cal-ite. I itc the pO'l crty oi Saiuu.d lilttiivr, deecaaod, vit: INTO- 1. Tho limine pi ico will ho sold In two parts, if to Ihe IntereKI of the eatate, me parlof ljn aerc'?, on which are erected a lare two-storv itweilint; hnuae, new nriiia; hume- larri: burn, alable and olii.-roul t'lii: ilir;. ll:, acres il 'which rre clear..!, an I Ju airi-a in meadow; on the balance there is u-Nd lim'ier. with a larirn or iiur 1 of apple, lcmr. m-neh and cherry Ireea, that pnalneo ttiie fnib. The cl'-jrcl land la in the hiheat alate of cullivaiiou. Alaj, Stacrea, all clesroil, pari of hnuie pi. ice. isro. c. Containa 1W ai n-a. Inn of which are clear, la In meadow, ni. I the remainder well timliered with I I line and 0:1 k: haviim a lioac, bam and laheroat )ulldinv4 thereon erected. Tlcae two faruia arc aitualed In Summit townhip, S.tneiK;t comity, l'a., a'tjidnin binda of hmanucl Lichtv, Widow lh-aehly. John livrah, Pittsburgh & I ''.tiiiellavllle Knilriad Co., and others, within two milea of -Mey-en' Mills, the Brc-btivk- worWii. nil I tho lands of tiio Keystone Coal mid lrrn Compiny, now ladn worked. Thcae fnrnia are un.lcrl o 1 with coal, lire clay, Inmore and ilmcs'.oue. iu iju ililiili a, aa il is supposed. isro. s. Contains 4J9 nercs. ami ia Piiu ite 1 in I.irimcr bma-lilp, in a.ii I o.uiitv, adjoining of A. Itetll.-y. Kejatone l I Ilcr.-h s heirs, Pltta bnnrh it Coiniclisviil.. K.iiinad CiK and o: hers, (lute the pr.pi r.y .il Abs-iloia Pier.) i:i wrt a of which are ilcitr. 13 acres in in miI..w: the balance well'.l with pine, o ik mid cli -snmt; has tine fruit tn.".'S. un I is underl iid with hre-ilay, liincstoiie mi i ni her mini rata. It will be sold as a whole, cr In juris oi nin ut lift ! each, to suit purchasers. Thciie nro Vulti.tlile lor farmiii iiri a. an I fur Iho luim r ils tbey ci.n'ain. and are a pirt of Ihe vnstit min"ril tusinlnaud around illeycis- illilla. fer.,ns wishing to examine tliis tlno pnia-rty will Ci-11 tiii the iiii'lerrhrned, whose P. i. address is .'.leyerlalu, Somerset Count v. Pa. Title itl.lispuialde. f ine-tidni on coniirmallon of aale. 10 jx-r ei'Ul. of j won ,r io nv t.ii'i on nay oi; iue lut.ii)) in twuciiial annual laiynient Immdateol sale.wllh onl interest, to lij secured I.y judgment on the premisea. JUXASSAYIJIlt. JACOliS. lil t T.N Kit, dec Adm'rs and Trustees. Ciimo trrssiitssini; nn the Premises ol the suti. si-riber, in Klklh k lown.-hiji, alien! thelstofllr-tot-r, a two year old steer, black, with a white back and short i! horns. The owner will please come forward. jnve "broiaTte. pay chanres, and tal.e him awav or he will lie a dd aconili.g to law. PK'i'Kli .MAI Si. ilee 4 IN J0T1CK OF ArrEALS. Notice Is heniby iriven that from the as sessments ol 17:1 wiil lie held at tlie Commission er's nllicc, Somerset, lor the several liislricta of the county, aa billows: For Somerset township, Somerset bT.m:rh, Shule. Paint. Co!i"mniiirh and Jcnni ron Wclnes day, the 1st day of January, !iT i. Fori tueiiinluinitiu towns'liiii, Siojstownboronnh, Slonycnnk. Alleahcny. lli-rhu tHiroiizh. Hmtheni valley town-diip. I.-iriiuer lownsliip. Wellersburu; honiuh. Northampton, S.nithTtn.ptoii Hiidili'ren ville toKiishiMi un Thiirsiia.v, the 2 1 da.' ui Janu ary, if;:t. For Klkllck townshiK Salisbury lm:uj,h. Sum mit township. Utile City bomuhl Adiilsou, Lowi r Turkeyliait, t'vslna Uirouzh. I pjicr Turkevtis.t, MlddliiTeek, New Centrevillu horoutrh, M'llionl and Jellers m townships on the 3 I day ut v, 1173. attkst: JON. l;t il!At'I.I. Jacob Nch". efk. .1 At 'OH J. W A LT Kit, V AU J. MlLLhrf. CotuniiSFloner's oliiee, Dcl: 4. A I'M I X I .T R A TO R'S N OT I CE. Khittic of It;uic TLjup. of ItwtT Turktyfwt Tjl, iUeo;ii-.. letters of .lminL-lrai nm on thc;i!vcest;itHu.v- th'rlly. n.U'T Is hirely irivvn tothic iiulet-teil to It to make iminoiIiatL' haviiK-ttt. uii'l ihue Imrhiir c) a Intel naiti.-t U to itri'sriit tluin. tluly u( !nura- tttl, fr M'ttleitvnt to the aiilerltmt. ni tlw htiu.e4. ol A)irt'i . i iH-iUt?. in mi l on ?.aur!uy, Ja- naiy l?h s: JUllA K. 1 1 is I. fa, let. 4. Atltnit.iftirntur. A I M I X I ST R ATI R'S NOTICE. J mj.U' of Han? lfrhirifh Merle, late of u'Uin-I'tti-r of ailuiiuitmilon on tlie axve estate Ihh'D irntnttil to the unk'rsliKil. niitk-c ia ht-rel'V iriven l tlutiw iodeoted to it tt make iintue- dlatc iMiymeut, and tlufc having clatiii!' tiie:iiii.t it. tHtnf"nt thvtn. duly ant henth-attMl tor tU lciuen', tthe l:ito nvd.k'uce'ol taitideo';WK l,m Saturday, January n, iw. AAliO I5UH lili !h-4 Administrator. DIAMOND HOTEL, Samuel Custer, Proprietor. Ilavitnt ! favored wllh a larire share of pnt- ronairii In the past, asks for a eoni Ir.unni e ol the .inc. His accoiiim slaiions aro Krs: class, tin; tables lwinjr fnrnislied at nil times with the best tho market atlonls. Uuesls can heacci mwodat. ed at all times with koihI Isianlinir and on reason able terms. His house tiein roomy is always realty to rreeivo jileasurc ntrlies: also (rood and sillllilcnt slalillUK Ii r thirty heail ot horses. . n .,i i. r-i ti si r.iw. Stoystown, l'a., DcceiiilaT 4ih. l,s;i s '1AI.MOXS tt CO., H'lllI.r.SAI.E IH'.AI.KCS ; Tobaoco , :ind Solars, 40S Mrk t Street, Abore Fourth, PHILADELPHIA. i"K II. Marshall, aenl. Somerset, pa. dei-4'ia 8AXI kLltAlTill.ll. I' M L It. tiAlTIIL!:. (1A1THEK fc OAITHEK. Attorneys nt Law. I !aucrs)rt, l'enna. All pmlesslonal hnsim-ss promptly nttended to. I lilh-e iu 'iaminoth lllwk," one door north of E. H. Marshall's ilrut; store, dccii as Agent Wanted for 4'bbin'a Child's Commentator On Ihe BIBLE for tlie 1IOM E CIRCLE. 1.200 pages, 2i0 laigr.ivings. The N-st enterprise of the year lor agents. Every family will have it. Nothing like II now published. For circulars ad dress H. S. OiMinai-KKiiXCiO; Purkllow, N. Y. VO EXTS WANTED. We snarnntre cmplor uienl li.r all, either sex. nt t-'t a day. or ioo0 or more a year. New works by Mrs. II. It. Stowc and other.. Superb premiums giienaway. Mou ev made Mpbllv and easily at Work tor ns Write and see. i'artii Iree. WOKTlllNt.1. TON, DI S l'lX . CO., llarllor.l, Ct. i."i iT.Oil 1st ilavf Agenla wanleil ! All O' lM sp"" classts of working la-oiile, of either sex. young or old, make more money at work for us In their Sure moments urnll the time than at aiivihlng else. Parli. nlars Iree. Address Cl. STIN'SON A CO., Porilau.l, .Maine. ACCIDEITS. Insure In the TK.tVE I.F.I!.i or liartlor.l, Ct. '1L1TSC1CS IMPERIAL IU SSIAX Ml S- I TA UD. Wholesale tothe trade. Single cans scut. mstpaid. on rei-elpt of tl. W. HEH.ilAX T. Fl EAl FF, Keadiiig, Pa. nOOKKF.F.l'IXil made easy. Every clerk and merchant can learn at iai-e. ltiM.k inailil, ue. II.UOl LD1.MI lilcYAXT, Iiutialo, N. Y. raolTsMErBLfflBOt Sen. I fox Illustrated Calaloirue to HKADLEY k Cl It 111 Kit, 44 k M lhy St., X. Y. A dJKEAT EVOT! Xr hare ileid deil todistise of tair immense stock of Killtard Tables at prices a lilt le nlsive cost. r irst-clas axiu iew 1 allies, complete, aaou.seconu hand tabhs made over new. fjsi. -"-'. c'sj, ic. A grout variety to run all buyers, s-uu lor Cata logue. HATAA'Abll ct- rtl l KI K, Cr. t'sal and Center SIn.. X. Y. II Is unsuriiassetl bs a Pnmioter of the Growth of the Hair ami Whiskers. It Is neither sticky nor frreasy, yet it solictis and smoothes the Hair Inr tetter ihhI more iierniaucntlv tiian anv Oil or 1'iv made. I sc 1 as a Hair Dressing, I! products the most lieautiiul and lustrous gloss. Warranted per. lectly harmless. ItscxiUisiteierfnuieiso,uite un rivaled, laduo distilled Irom the Wiirld-rcnowneit lioses of Cashmere. Lnnra iNitth. only W cents. Address ASt H EN I! Al ii k it ILLEK, 400 N. 31 St., I'hlladi lphi.1. Pa. ONLY $1 A YEAR. 8 PAGES. The beat FbmiII j 1'aper. The beat AKrieullnraUer. The beat I'olitlrnl Paper. Tike beat Mory Paper. 1 he beat Fitablon Itcports. The beatCiitlle Market Keporta. 1 he beat Veneral Mairket Kcpnrla. The beat Pnper Everjr Hay, THE WEEKLY NEW YORK HVS. Ei-j;iit"iniaes, M columns. l a year, or less than 2 cents a number. Send your dollar. Address THE SUN. New York City. AGENTS WANTED! The uniiaralclle.l success of tho ''Victor Sewing; Machine. ' East and West, oa-ns a icisxl o.s.rtu nlty lor Sewimr Mai'liiiie nucnls and r:sKii:siblc men to take the nireoey for this eouniy. Forcireiilars,saindcsof work unJ ter;ns,a.ldress THE VICTOR 3 I- J. J MANA(iKH, 1227 CHESTNUT ST., I'lIILADELl'lUA. NO. ilif 4. Ni'i'i A:l;'irtiieniriif.. INSUIiE YOUK LIFE IN THE i i Old L'slabilshcd and Ki-Kuhie kWW Lire INoCMNCE C2iFAllYi OF I'll ! I.AI'KI.i'H I A. The attutition of the ctdo'na nf S-uiewt an I aitpdninur counltca Is rci'llnlly boned to the claims wnlch the AiiKrtcau l.hc Iusuramie Colo- ; pnnyol Phlliiilelphl.i presents lor liielr eoiili.lcti'-e and sitronae. it is peculiarly 1'ennsyliraula i Couiinny x noma i;ompny and has always cn-j joyeit tli eonndenne ot the people of tha entire State. It ranks ainootrsl tho oldest Companies in , tiio I idled States, awl h.ia maintaineii an oiiwaru pn aress thpiu-jh nearly a qn irter of century. l'ru iciico au i eeimoinv. sc. ure Investments, and pi-otnpt imyniciit of all'ila ol. Haul ions have char-o-teriieil this coiiiKiny trim its lirst orifaniialliai. i it li a lanre iill iu cali railial. nearly a ur inil lliaieof ilolbrs of acinimuUteil assets, under tht iiinmiuemctit of ireiitlemen ol undoubted intexri Iv. aim well known throughout Pennavlvaina, the Anii rlcnii Mle liisuraacoCu. siandas-N-oisi to male In I lie I 'nilesl S'aus. orricKiis. llenrje W.Hill. I'reMcn,Oc!nru "acnl. Vice President. Johns. W ilaon. Secretary and Treas urer, Alex IVIiill len, Ch:iiruianUom.ou Finances. IwiAnooK TKt'HTua. Hon. J-m.-s Pi lt.s-k, Kx. f lur. of Pa., now di rector oft'. S. Mint, J. hdsar Thomson. Presi dent l'eiir.-lv.)iil It. l:. I '.Hiip.iiiy. Alia-rt V. It.iU-rls. irer. Kb-vin'.li and Vine Sis. I'liila., Philip 11. ..liable. I'lendmiit, Mo. Mi .'.lurkul :t.. : Plill.i., Him. Alex. ii. Ciuiitil. I '. S. S-n ib.r. merdiant, 'il Water St., I'lnU.. Hazlehiiist, 1 Attorij.-v ai. Itw, Sk iH U alnut atrcei. I'lnla., : John W'lHi.itu.iker. No. 1 an I iOi Chrs'.nnt St. I and corner ut Cih aud Market Ms., Phila., Henry i K. lti'iinett, Jlen lmnt, Phila. , James l I'lajr-! hin-n. President Commercial Not. Kink. Plill ,., I U AI. Whilldcu, Mercliaiil, Noa. Uo and li! South Kront St. Plilla. Poli. lea lsu;sl on all the most approve I plans, for lurther iutoruiall.Hi apply lo NOAH CASEBEEK, Aftcut for Ihf Compnny nt Komcmet. doi-4 Kaslly m.nle with onrStenei! and key. Check (mtht. A-Circular free. Slullor.l .U'l if Co. W I'ulloii S' .N. I. WANTED AOKNTS. t-'oO liollars per tmiUlh to sell the Improved American Family knittiic? .Ma chine. The simplcut and la-st in the world. Ad dress American Kuittinir MackincCo., 34.V$ Wash ltrtoii si reel, Ho.itun Alas.i. LOOK! FREE TO ALL! 4.SJ per wo k to Airents. xna or female. To all who will wrile for au aucney we will s-ihI a ropy ol that "W ond-rof Woii.b ra,-' the 1LLI STK V TtU HlHiN OK PLUNTY. Il contains over lil tv hcautilul llliistrali.uis. and will bo si-nt fn-c to all who may wriie. Addixs. 1 ( irsl ie, Patter suii, N.J. UI lvyro cannot do better than secure j f I 1 O u acn-y i. r T. S. Arthur's , Un it work. Throo Years in a L-Trap, a eouiauion to lb- famous TEN N: liirS IX A UAU-KOOM. Nenrtv S") uu copies have bi.-en sol !: an I Its pi.p ularll v b ...III irtl the increase. One single ai(ent has s .'i upwards of l.wsi copies. Secure terriiiary at once. J. M. STOUUAKr t CO., I'ubllshers. Pblla.lcliihU. Agents it Sells (Jtilck" Aiming all classes. (Nil tieolde. the iiii.blle-aeil. tlcfe who are lust raterimr lile. and voutli ol ( j si-ii s buy and read with the proht. MY JOLLY FRIEND'S SECRET, IHOLKVVIS' last an 1 besi. IssiU. It is meeting with tne irrcutesi su..s: and tticre's MUX KY in it. Sen I for our circiil irs. etc.. which are s tit free. (J LO. JI At 'LKA N, I'hllit. AUKSTS WAXTKU FOlt THK Liglt Ib Hie East The int;it cointrrh,nr'ive and ralnuhle ndtioafl work vvr putdirhe!; alt, ltr our new illu-tratt'd Kxitiily Itildt. ctntair.iiiyr n(:ir!y jm fine tw-ripture ilhi!!riti'n!. and Ir. Smith's ctnplctf li t lm:ir of Ihe ItiMt. Snd IVr pnx'iH.-etUc iind eircular.-s and we will p!iw y.u witat h'UIh ?ay of thi. th Im-kI nmlchviipeirt Family KiMt, ami nm fnut thv an- ftciiinjr it. Aildiw N A "i V ALl'l "JiLlS 1 1 IMii'O.. rhUa ic!jhi:. Pa. IDOIsT'T lie ilecelvct, bnt f..r counln. colds, sore throat, lunirsenets and. brum hi:l diilieulilcs, nsc only WELLT CARBOLIC TABLED 'Worthless linltalions are on the market, but the only sctcniiiic preiriration of i'nrtdic Acid lor Liiti ilisi'iises is when chemhilly eomtdncl with other well known remedies, as in these Tablets, and ull parlies arc cautioned against Uilnifjhy ot her. In all cases ol irrllationofthe mucous minehrane these Tablet.- should lie freely used, their cleans ing anil healim; proerties are astonishing. lio warned, never neijitct a cold, it i.s easily cur ed in Us Incipient state, when it becomes clironic the cure Is exceedingly liimeult, use Wells' Car bolic Tablets as a fiiecinc. JOHN H. KIXLlKt. IS Piatt St.. N. Y. S. le airi.-nt for the V. S. Trlee 25 ccntsa box. Semi foriircular. I A EV1 C N D & RUBY FURNACES. POWERFCLand ECONO.MICAL HEAT EH S, James A. Liwson. Patentee, FI LLER. W'ARKEX fcC0..22W'aterst., X. Y elffeeder-! A S E tewariiJurner Improved. Turlvaled and rneqnnled. ISuriid any size coal. Ft LLI.Il, WA RREX A CO.. 234 Water St. N.Y A GREAT OFFER! will .lists.weof 100 PIANOS. AlElJlKOS. and OlitlAXS. of sixlirst class makers. Uwluilin Wa ters'. e rery low prices for cash, or imrt cash, and balance In sinall monthly installments. New-7-oc-tave first class l'liin.-s. n'n!ern Improvements, for W eash. Now ready a t'OXfKKTO PAKLOK tlii.N. Ihe un'. bcaulilul style an I iHTteel tone ever made. Illustrated calah sua mailed. Sheet limbic a nil music uerchanuise. Di O AGKNTS want atswiutely the best selling Issiks? Send forcircularsof Vent's rnabriilccd Illus. Family Mble. Over 1100 pnxt s 10 by il In. iw) a ires Bible Aids. ke. A r.iliesi iuciM.2a llilt lue. 1 clasj'. M.25 Full tliit. 'i clasps. $11.00. Heldln: the While t'hief." for winter evcninirs. 36lh l.o readv '-The American Fanm r's Horse lliik," The Standanl. 46ih l.ono remly. ?:pii le Treatments, ke. O. F. Vent, N. Y'. k (.'iuciuna tl. Vent k (iisalrli h, Chicago. AGENTS WANTED. Address, for the most lPieral terms ever ottered, THE IMSCOYEKEK DISCOVERED. UK. LIVINGSTONE IX AFIJICA-his adven tures. THE STANLEY-LIVINGSTONE EX PEDITION to Africa. Laiye octavo volume, just issued. Contains Incidents of the Wonderlul Ca reer of the Great Traveler, the country, animals, natives, htintiiur. ke. Full account of this most lntereslir.! imrt of the irlohe. Out lit sent b Address 1'N ION PI KLISHING C.. ChiiitN 111.; Philadelphia, Pa.; or Sprinliel l, .Mass. Ill iii. ii !i Is unequalleil by any known reniely. It will erad icate, rxllroate and tlsirouirlilv ilestrov all isii.son- ons sill stances In the Hlood. ami will elleetnally .11..1 ll ...11 l.l ... l.:lE .1 . o,.-lii i. ii j'icoirNiiiioii iu oiiiims iientuxeiuenu It there rant of action in four Liver nnd Spirt nl In less relieved at once, the blood becomes Impure hy delctcreous secretions, producing scrofulous or skin diseases. Blotches, Felons, Pustules, Canker, Pimples, ke., kc. Hare o Vyrpeplic Stomackt I'uless diges tion Is promptly aidoil, tho svstem Is debiliUletl with isiverty of the Miaul, Dropsical Trmlenry, General weakness and lnerlln. Hare o tcenkneu of Ik Inteetinei t Yon are In danger of Chronic Dmrrbora, or lullaiumation oi i ne taiweis. Jam Organs f you wraknett of Ike I briar or I'riaary 1 1 Y'ou are exjs.sed to sutfcrtii!; hi Its most airirravntnl ftinn. Are you dejected, drowsv, dull, sluintish or de pressed In spirits, with hea. ache. back, ache, coateil toniiue and bad tasltne moutnT For a certain remedy fur all ol these disca sis, weaknesses and troubles; for cleansing: and puri fying the vitiated bhaal and imparting vlor to all the vital forces; for building up aud restoring the weakened constitution use JURUBEBA, which Is pronounced by the lead Inn niedtcal au thorities of Lndon an I Parls '-the most powerful Ionic and alterative known to the medical world. ' Thisls no new and untried ilisi-ovcry but has been lorn use.l-Tiy lh leadimc phvsieians of other coun tries with woudcrfu! n'lueilial results. i lion't weaken and imoair tlie diiresilve onrans I by nithartics and physics, they jrive only tempora ry relief lu liircstioii. flatulency and dyspefisia with piles an 1 ki:i-lrcd iliscaccs are sure "to follow thi ir use. Keen the idoist pure and health Is assured. JOHN O.. KELUKiG. IS Piatt St.. New York Silo A Kent for the I niteil Stales. Price, fine Dollar per liottle. Send for Circular. rr------197. E 7STRAY NOTICE Came trcsspassinir on the pretnlsrs of the sub- scrllier. resiiiinir in Quemahonintr townsiiip, a yearling bull, brinule iu color. Willi white spots ou dllfcr-iit trts of the body; rlirht ear marlTcd, sup Msed to liavo been by a doK. The owner is requir ed to eomo forward, prove property, pay eha rues, and take it away, or It will be disposed' of occord iiiR to law. nov!17 CHRIST ENA LAMBERT. I-XKCUTOU'S NOTICE. Lslute of William Imhoff. late of Her! in boronxh deceased. Letters testamentary on the aliove estate having been granted to the uiidcrsi-.rned bv the tinnier au- thority, notice Is hereby yiven to those liidebteil to it ta make immediate av incut, and those havlnat j clulms acainat It to pn'aent theui duly attthenti- cmcti lor ai.tiieiiieiii ft) me ivsiui ui i'iiiici j. llruleiker. In Hrothersvallcy township, on Satur day, tlie 7th day of Heccmher, 1S7A DANIEL J. liKriiAKER. JOSEPH IMUOFF. oct Ejecutors, I aVci; A'li'i'r'-iu'iiiriil. L. R. NORTON. ns ana 118 SMITIIFJELD ST., riYTLBUEOn, STATE AO L.T j THE CELEBRATED, FOR r AND GOODMAN C1I AM It Kit LA IX JXS Tl Tl: TL AND FEMALE COLLECc, nanalolpb. 'nttnrnncusioantjr, X. Y. The new Itoiirdlmr-haH. (worrh aju.uiui Is ready i for.K-euawy. 't'hia Uoanilntr-school lor Isith aejtca has n amidii rii.lowmcnt, spacious buil linvs. ex- t.-usivi- irn unds. and abundant schis.l apiwralus. T!hi Winter Term opcua Catulonues i-iit ' tree on aiiidi.-ition to i KllV. S.T. I.I)VAI!IS. A. M.. ' Nov. 8. Principal. il IIU UdUl t'linmberabnrs. Pa., With ample (in an-ls and elegant Puildinir. sont eed upas to Im) homelike and attractive, and well btuipiod for tiioroua'h educational work, will often the hrst Term of the nest Academic year Septem ber 1. h, lbT, l or I'lreulars, aiply in Au 7. e. K. .'. LAX E. A omplete Pietoriul Illalory of th Time." 'TIe best, fhvapcut. and moot;l i'nmily Paper In the Inlen." Harper's Weekly. SPLLNMULV ILLl'ST H AT KT 1. Aoiers of Hie Prtit. TheAVei'kly lathe ablest au-l nHsit powerful 11- i Iutratcd s l I'sln al publisheil iu this country, lis j editorials are scholarly and convhicinz. ami carry much weight. Its lihul rations ol current events are luli aud Iresh, and are prciiml by our liest ile siirners. With a cirriilati'm ol IM.iiim, the Week ly is read hy at least iiall a million iierson. and hs influence as an onran of opinion is simply tre mendous. The Weekly maintains a positive pii tioii. anil exresses d'-idiled views ou isMiti.-al and social prol.dems. Louitrtlte Vuuri. r-Jourtiat. SUBSCRIPTIONS. Term3: -1S73. Hariier's Wecky, one year W sj An extra copy ol either the .Mauaioc. Weekly, or itaxar will lie supplied gratis lor every ciub of live subscriiiers at 4 oo eucn. Iu one remittance; or six copies lor i'J oo, without extra coj.y. SubsiTipthais to Harper's .Uag.uiue. Weekly, and liazar. toon; addrt ss lor ouc ye:ir. "Jo W: or. two of llarju-r's 1'crio.iicals. to ...tie avorcss l.-r one year, 7 on. iiuiuIdts can oe suppled at any lime. Tne annii.ll volumes oi Harper's Weekly, in neat cloth . hiding, will tn senl by rxpress, lr.-e of exjN'itse, Ior7 oo eaeli. A coincide s.'t. rouipris lltg sixten volumes, sent on reei-ipl ol e::lt ;! tile rale of a js.-r Toliitue, trei'bt at expense ol pur-chasi-r. The postage on Harjier's Weekly is 2 1 cent a year, hieh ions: be aid al t!;e su'bs.-rilier's jioat oltice. Address H AKPEU . HUOTIIEKS. New York. A Mepowitorjr of F ! Ion, Plensnre. and Inatrnetien.' Harper's Bazar. A'oicrt o the Prs. Th" llaisir inr-lUctl with a cmtrilmt ..-n of twt aii'l tlfut th;t sel lout Uni ia uny jounuil: anl the mrnal it.?.! U the unran u( the gival wcrlt of fu.-hiftn. Hottom TravtlUr. Thn liazdr cuiiiioemis itM-lf to ever nwinier,f J ! ictunsi, tothe ynunic Itniic-i byit! taslihin-iilalt-s n euiltTs variety, t'. the pnviifnt ui..lrn hy its patterns (or the children's clot be, to paterfnmUia hy iti tatetul designs for eu;hnitlfreHl li(iern aud luxurious (Irewiu-irown). hut the rranu nkit terofthe Buzar is uniCunniy oi irreat ?xctlU?nce. The ajer ha urquireti a wulc iuhtrity tor the brvi'itie enjoyment it affords. S. '. A. re .uny Post. STJESCBIPTIONS. Ternis: -1873. Hanier's Haiar. one year 4 04 An extra miiy of either the 3Iairaine. eeklv or Haiar will be supplied eratis lor every club of live suoseriDcrs im uu eocn, in one remittance; or six copies lor fja uo, witliont e.ttra copy. Subscriptitms to Harper's lavaviiie. Weekly, and Hazar. to one aildress tor one year. tlo oo: u'r. two of Harper's Peritslicals, to one address for one year, 7 00. Hack nniuliers can be supplied at anv time. The tiT volumes of Harper's f-ir the year 1WW, '6a. '7U, 71. '7i cleitamiy laiund (treen morocco cloth, will be scut by express, freight prepaid, for 7 00 each. The state on Hanier's Kazar is cents a year, which most be paid at the subscrtlier's piatt olhx. Adilress HAKPEU k HKOTHEKS. N'ew York. rnqumilanably (be bs-sl aaatnineil work of Ihe kind in Ihe World.' Harper's Magazine. Xolice of Ike Pret: The ever-lncreasinir circulation of this ex;-cllent miaithly t roves its continued odantalioa to tsinular desires and needs. Indeed, when wc think into how many homes it penetrates every Burnt h. we must consider it as one of the educators as well as entertainers of the public mind, tor its rust popu larity has been won by no appeal to stupid preju dices or depraved tajtcs. Batluii Uiobe. The character which this Mairaiino possesses for variety. enterriae, artistic wealth, ami litera rv rullnre that has kept pace with. If it has not led the times, should cause its conductors to n-inir I It with justihable complacency. It also entitles tin ui to a irrat claim upon the public gratitude. The Alaitaine has don srood and not evil ail the davs of its lile. Brooklyn ayle. SUBSCHIPTIONS. 1S73. Terms: Harju-r's il iaailn", one year. 4 00 An Extra Copy of either the Mairiiine. Week ly, or Kazarwiil be supplied urali lor every Club ol five subacrtiiers at H ou each, in one remittance; or six copies for iw, without exir eopv. Subscriptions to Hanier's Alavazlne. "W eeklv, and llasar. to one oildress for one year. $10 00; or, two of Harjier's Prrtiallrals, to one address for one year, i" oo. r Hack Numbers ean be supplied at any time. A complete set of H; s lnirazine. now eem prisinx 45 Volumes. In neat cloth biielmi. will lie wnt by express, freiitht at exjiense of purciiaac r, for $2 2i per volume. Single volumes, bv nuiil, postpaid, 00. Cloth case, for binding, bi cents, by mail, postpaUI. The postage on Harper's Mairnzine Is -it cents a year, which must be paid at the suhscriliei's pi st ottiee. Adilress HAKPER k HKOTHEKS. N. Y. nov ij SELLERS' IMPERIAL Cougli Syrup HAS HOOO TMC TCST O 30 years, rem thi curc or COUGHS, GOLDS, DGA2SE5ISS. DlTLDEtZA, RsJirg Searition of the Tirsat VHOOPING COUGH, &c A.:; Torn hhiggist rou it. rvmniD oxlt bt E. SELLERS A CO. P.ttsbura.h. Pa. I FURNITURE. J. W. f OODWELL & MASCTAt-rrnEns or Parlor, Library. Chamber and Dining Room F U Tl 2ST I T U It K , OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Have on hand the Iarest a.-ssortmcnt of Plain and Fashionable furniture, which thev will sell as low as any reliable Honse In Ihe country. Call and see their extensive Ware Koouis, at 99 aal 101 fttt Atbb; PITTSBURGH, PA. OpuositC A AVIedcrhotd's I'pholster. nov. "J. AGENTS WANTED FOR "INSECTS AT HOME." Tuo wies; upwards of Too cuts; -'! lull paa n irravlnurs. '-Just the laiok for tntelllvent rural homes." "The ilrawlnira are faithful representa tion of Insect and Plant." Semi tiir Circular. Address Ueonte lins ivS, IVA North Seventh St., 1'hiladelphia. nov il "TOTK'E. All tirrsons are hereby not I lied sot to hsrls.t my son. W alter Kismto. or sell him auythinv on my account, ai I will uot he responsible. uot.W. HENKY KfKlNTA BrMsj ni vtl Vfl!.' II.f.CSTH ITKtl I'AT.IUK'il'H J i nor. a). I .Vc.'r A'l'Tl:.'ff,it .,!. AGElTS! A RARE CHANCE H will r'; r I! n f.v,! jr wt k In mii.iho will rnir:ii wiiJi id ;t -m-. Kvrvlltii.!: I sV IHmIANCY. ..r SOI HV ISH' I I M"f t-it her i m.iy t.iliijtt snl rum th-. j iiii'l urfi fiitmit A titty p-rm iltvy th ,. in. I Bl:in:Jy. Tlii.4 impl r nir n; tl n- jutrt ;u-nt nil '-in J Hiftrriiiir" yu'tt.v, Ktrvpr.i.n r:i' i kw.iufi Ilitil ; AtMriffl T. WiiLi.VM II t'tK, Tu.'., FliiJa-la. marrgii mm i "3 liouble Klev.-iled (hen. '.Vamtlna tl.wt, Krdll'.iu ll.sir I'inder tiilnrd. I'llmpitc; & Shaking lir.ile. IMr-et Iiratl. H IXKII, WAkKKX l-l.,S Watt-rSire-t, New York. 'I'll V. b. at scWnsondt lathe m:irkct ia the Jtrn 1 Kl-S f It is Illustrate 1 by THOMAS .VAST, the rreV. est of A:ii;ir:i.-an artists, and e-mtiiins an iiitrsiue tion by lion. Charles sunner. AcuU wanted i-.r this .net other poouWr'.'ioH.a. A-ldress I. N. Ki.-li-ai'.Ison k C.i, liisiton. Mass au-i S:. L'ui, Alo. TSto W) per mon'.Ii. wnwlw, m ilear. l fe mail-, to imronu -e lie tlKXl'INK IMI'KDVKI COMMON SK.NSK FAMILY MAVlMi M A- fH XK. Thi iua.-hme will s iti h. h: m. t-11. tncW. .iuil'. n.rd, bind, br.ii i and eiiil.rddcr In a m-st .uis-nor m. inm r. frice uniy ;:. t uny n ense.! and warr.mteil lor hve years. We wiil piy i.ij for anv machine tiiat will sew a .iphii;.t, more I hoiiutilul. or tnorecla-tic seam than irs. It umkes I the -Klastic L..-U Siit. h." Fvery second siii. h ; can be rut. nn.l still Ihe cloth eannot l pulled j apiirt without tearing It. V.'e pay atfeiits from Ti i to-'si per month au.i s. or a commission ! fniiu whie!i twii-e that amount t in be mule. A'i I dress SKCO.'.I Hit CO.. ltos-.n, li.-s.; l'itts!.Dr ! l'a.. Chid), IIU " t- Louis. Mo- ' Cheap Farms! Fr32 Homes! . i Oa the llner.rthe t.XION PVCIFIM KAU, j IiiAi. liiMl.issi asTirs l the best Farm in a; and i Jliie-ra! i. in America. j 3.U.O.O.J0 acres in Xebr .ska. In the IMat'e Valley, j now for sale. j MILD CLIMATE, 1 FUTILE SOIL, I f..r Urain arowins ami Stis k Ualsliiscuiomrpaare.1 ! by any in the l ni:cd Slates. j Cheais-r in Prh-e. more favorable terms iriven. ; and more convenient to market than ean be lourel i elsewhero i tree IIome-itcaiilM for Actual Nrttlerw The best location f r Cidonies Soldiers entitled to a Iloinettaeeai ef loacr.-a. Sin.i da-toe new Hex-ripllv PnmpMet. with new m;i i.ttblishcl iu l-aiIish. German. Swe! ish and iiiUiisti, mailed lr..-e evcrvwhere. Address. F. 1)AVIS. Imd Com'r V. P. K- II. Co.. Omaha, Xet. Vonnx Men. T'achers. Ladies or Minlter5! Agents wanieil ineverv cunty lir The Pe llc Standard Hiblr." i- lllntriions. 1 l.xtra ti'rms. lrosiectus Iree. Zieiler & Alcl'ur- dy. -74 Main St., Spriniilici.l. jiiass. nor. M. terEGialsl tj Act of LefMLiift CAPITAL, . IPJ7ILEGE, $100,000 $500,000 Depositors secured ty Seal Estate iuvestaents exclusively. Six Per Gent. Interest .raid to depositors cn the coropoundinjE principle. m-A!lenlli i i rfireefed to ti.m liberal pro ri ilons for xrilhilratciny money deporitrA. Jtean hefanein small eimunt.vf ITITIIOVI yvTicj; i Jtoir the duj-ositoh. Jit tomtnmieatiotm trVl rereir prompt rrply. JAMES T. BRADY, PretiJcnt. DAVID CAMPBELL, Treantrer. KN AB A CO.'H PIANOS. HAINES BROH.' PIANOS, ! EO. A. PRINCE dk (O. S ORGANS, The three best and mi st popul-ir Instruments now in the market. Catalogue and Price Li 'ts. con taining lull particulars, mailed to an; adores. CHARLOTTE BLI BE, 19 Slitk Awe. SOLE AGENT. nor. 20. JJXECUT01TS NOTICE. t-iate cT John R.iUih. late of Brothcrsvatlejr tp., ueceasol. Letters test amenta rr on the above estate having been eronted to the undersigned bv the proiierau- Hiority. notiiw is hereby oriven to those indebted to to make immediate payment, and those havinn claims amimst it will present tLnu to the under signed lor settlement at the late residence of said deceased, on Frida v. the 8t h da v of iK-eember. 1ST2. HENKY KAI'CH. AAliO.VF. KITTNER, 0 t. 30. Executors. Demmler Brothers, Xo. 12G Siuitlifleld StrcH, i3iTTSBtinc;, iv. ManufaPlurtr of T!n. Topir anl Sheet Wiinf. (li-aU'rn in Stovr. fitthe Wriniror. i'ut lr. HrifnaniA ant lil'sfk Tin Wnre, frjiumfltHl Hifliow Ware. Rt m.T.ilr-. rif-.l. Wafor h1T9, Le ream Frtfzer, linl 4"oin. Stovr. anil Htiiir Kumislun vuemily, whtileile and retail. turs i Ihe Patent AtaS Stove SWves, The iniist useful Invention of the aire. Sole airenti for Siiear's world rcnowne.1 and unrivaled anthra cite coal Heating Stoves. Sole aicents lor the Tom I hunth t anion I 111 Cooking Stove. This lit tle store is the w.mderof the day. and Ihe only ar ticle of the kind that will give vou entire satis faction. Grocers' Goods a Specialty. Oct. 2. VALUABLE FARM At Private Sale. The undersiimed offers Ms farm at private sale, shunted lour miles northeast of Lisonier, in Lig or.ier township. Westmoreland comity, l"a.. Containing 108 Acres, ANiut 70 seres cleareil, 25 acres In if"! meadow, all well watered ami lias the best l timber on it. Fur further particulars call en Col. McKarland, Llironier. or the undcrsiirncl on Ihe premises, oct. ii-3m. THOAI AS ill J IN KINS. Oldest la Ihe State. B. F.BROWN A CO., 116 Smithficld St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Collect Pension. P-nntiis. Prire Monev. Ac. : Secial attention paid to suspemiesl ami r-jecbyl I claims. AuIi:atious by mail attended to aa If made in pefm. eepi li priii. IC SALE.- Itv virtne of an order auld Issuinir out of the Orphan's Court of Somerset county. Pa., to mo d 1-rw-ti-d, I will expose to sulo I.y putdle outcry, on the premises, the followlra- valuable real estate, late the oa-rty of linvid Spanuier. deceased, ly ing In Slonvcretk towosliliv. on TUESDAY, THE 31st OF DECEMBER, 1K72, a certain messuage or tract of land situate In Sto-nvi-rcek tfnshi(v Somerset county. Pa., contain loir 10 acres, more or less, adioinms; lands of lhu vld Ross. Josiah Hrant, N mh Keiler. Ihvld Ray man, Jonathan Woy ami others, all cleared ami in a line state ot culiivation. with a one story honse anil stable thcreou erected, with the appur tenances. Trm: Four hundred dollars cash, on confirm ation of sale, ot which iluo shall lie paid when sold, the balance In one year from date of sale, to lie secured by iudirment note on the premises. Il" Sthcre is any part of the purchase money h-tt when the ilelits ami expenses are pafcl, tlie . i.e aurl ot the biilaooe shall reiuain a lien u(on the real es tate, the Interest to he paid annually to Ihe wid ow and at her death tlie principal to he paid to the heirs. dec4 FRAN KLIN SPANG LER. Administrator and Trustee. TH III I ' mm