UL L LnsofPiiblication.! Ins S:n:r:ct Herald i m nuui t : &j ' "' in wtkarwi r.r.i . fi i.tif :inoel uiitilallar. '''''' . INirtmaier ntiile-tin t - a si'1 Uk " ,l,CiT 1 L,-i Hal ' l)" " ' Jt iwt na e P-'B.-e I- - Ine So 1 (L U set era LL O rvti. J " i he name the , ! t-r. .arc. Adtrvk" ESTABLISHED, 183 7. -.jmerset Printing Company. jhun i. scvll, :u1.i. M-tr-ar. VOL. XXI. SOMERSET, PA., WEDNESDAY, DECEMI5EU ll, 1872. Hardware. UicUnneou. i i M . L '' s;lue l-racl ' ' and mro-unlm; 1 r':i' oic" i.S !r" I I A i )VA (K I TOHX DIBERT CO . ,. k,..r- ATTORNEY AT I i lAV V l a "ill eive l""l "-: .. .-a J,-J t. biMtaiirr- ii i-tl. ii i v KK tcn-'-m w I"""-- m- Ur- ''.T..-'llKnuMft . , -It. iViln-ih tut Jchn P. Blyxayer Ha re-.teued bis Mure a - Few Doors Above the Old Stand, lair in Nitwnxi u , li in t! Kw-urUcr utuce. , I. a. ATTii- r-l a i ItdKC iu re.i-nee vi an:. U-ly. AnJ offer to bi mtx.mcn an l frkiKlf a full Un M frk.i at tlic rrv ttjwevt itrkvA, Hardware of Every Description, nY TTHKXEY AT LAW ,u " i , u.ru-ul to bt ore witfc . . ... 'u-'1" auz. llv. uij f'' 'J- , , "UK. ATTOHNKYS AT Lv ;!,:ToJu1;:. ah !! kIv atuu i-i XO. 24 ) MAIN STREET, ! J (HI N S T O W X. P E X X A . l n il IiraRnrcutlalle In all jrtofth t'nl , tf.1 SItc aikl Caiuulan. ami In Forrtirn ontrt?. ! Hot tfciM. CVMinma and tiintt UkU at I hucta-M luarcrt prim. Ivaa nvwr on amTrtl urtty. Inn and CImk L na cthrr tanks fa n ! rL Mooey rwi txl on dcU -a rUt oa dvmaail ! IntereM at the rate of Si per cent, per Annum hi! on Tune Dt poit. ! KvrrrtMne la th. Itanklni Line rearircf our mmiift aiientlua. Thankful tu our frimlf nl cntmT fur thflr uit patnoure, ullett a wotinaanr. m the A!n. ani tiivit tfthcrs wan hare lw!ni in uvr Iiik tu rlrt a a IrUL anirinr mil. that we hll at all timet lo all v can to irie entire utif lacti. Feb a Te JOHN 1'lUKbT fc Ct l. mux. XAILS l.tXTIST. T."!,1li!Ii..'-. 'l t "J lrvoreJ to do : '. h .!. hliuie. r.-coiatina-.ei- n mi .- wl tvtb .:i" i-rti.-: All n-rati Jar june 7, "Tw- . i -tti i:N KY AT L V V. S M ! a. " "' '.. ' ...l. .we.l cllt-ctim ..a MainrtlveU TTUNKV AT LAV. l t.. allt'Uiw eo--t an-1 'lt"ni "" itMi-.v. av in;irl l.-t.. IV u ly. JA7 0 LASS, Mootloii Ware of All ItindM, COAL OIL LAMPS, COAL OIL, t CIIIMXKYS. AB'l eri rj thing l ki-iii(C to the Lamp tra.!e. M. BEACH LY'S, t'LLKBaATtD BLOOD JrXJ3 Oli ! Thi Krmri ha -n in n.e over firrafe yeari. i and ha cureJthiNinuf rf eaM. eunMiierwl lnra ' raMe by tbe rlemi.. It lia o. failed in a ia- jfle eaue to ive relM if n4 entirely eure. ! It It 4tlirol.-.rly rnmroWl in the follow in , tlotiii.Uuiu: filfK HEADACHE. r.lWlTATIOX OFTnE HEART. LIVER COXPLAIXT. RHEUM A TI.X, FKIX DISK A SE. LA XG I ID CntCULATJOX, I f.. ,11 TPKXKY ATLA. '."nll. J.n.ll-t. AT LAW. WHITE LEAD. LINSEED OIL, wll kn'wn ii"-i m hi? i:iuuii-,n i i illicivenatlfiinti"1 1 VAKN1S1I1-S t : . u ii lmrsiirx. In anr di-ran-rment of the Bl9od. la all dt preuiiar to KnuUt it i a rare aaJ &rrrm?a Hem- ! In H.Tt. It hrtnK a krmtiy amine tlin-osh tbe ( irrJuftm Mr Mood tm all tbe imunrtant or mni and emuw-tortrt ul the lly. It a ill cure al Ba4 any eurai4e tlbeaje. J Foralebr MEYERS It AN A WALT. Berlta. ' Ia and by dealer in Family JtfeJirtnra erery- ' aht-re. rBEKIE5ini XE.VC i 4. itertoGrrat Britain, -when Wasuixuto.v, I). C, DcwmWr 2. To the Senate and Ilmse of Rrprc xrHlaticet : In transmitting to you tLis, my fourth annual message, it is with tliankfulucss to the Giver of all (rood, that as a nation wc hare been blessed for the past year with peace at home, leace abroad, and a general prosperi ty, vouchsafed to but few people tbe con-i been dulr wodaimed. ! struction now pronounced unfounded i was Gist advanced, aad m the ajent and representative of the Govcrniiieat to pres4nt the case and to receive the award, he has leen Associated with the question in all of .its phases, and at every Btaire has manifested a patri otic zeal aim earncsule in tbe main tenance of tbe tlainv of tbe United States ; he is cnt.Ucd'to much credit for the success which has attended Congress, at I recognition of right, and was bailed lU last nession, having matte an ap- jas tucn and exiiibited a barniony propriation to defrav the cxpeascs of; with the sentiments of humanity and the Commissioners on. the part of the justice, and a sympathy with the United States to the International jotherpowers of the Christian an civil Statistical Congress at SL Peters-.ized world. Withhi the last few ll'JiL al . l! ll . 1 v an u.e ccepuon oi ine receni ue- j , Lt. suumiS!,ion. , vasiaung ure, wntt n swept irom i no . Aftor a partia, inre3ttgatioa of the earth with a lirpnth aa it uvre tiiill-; . r .l J .r t . .. , -- tease, anu oi me siawmenis oi cacn ions of accumulated wealth in the j partr Hu MaJesty tfce Emperor, on City of Loston, there has been no . da f October last, 9irncd overshadowing calamitv to record. It is gratifying to note, how like their fellow citizens of the City of Chicago, under similar circumstances a year earlier, the citizens of Boston are rallying under their misfortunes, and me prospect mat incir e ucrgy ana cbannei U m0!5t in accordance H?rse rrauce win oereoiue ail yiia- cles and i-tiow the same his award in writing: decreeing that the claim of the Government of the United Slates, that the boundary line between the territories of Her Bri- Uaaic Majestv and tbe United States I should be drawn through the Haro with I the true interpretation of the Treatv prosperity : ....l.,,!.,.! ti. tsj, 0r j ivci . i . . 1 1,1. i ' ' hwb iuui iney ivouiu, uao uo uu-asier ( oi.jWtfa tx'lalleu them, otherwise wc have the Governments of Her ttrittntiir faioctir aitI f tfi ITiiiti1 i t r. ...,,:i V - . ueeii tree iroiu jH-Miieiieu, n ur jiju ; a(f.jj ; ral:iniilic with fiften nvertaVn im-i Ot'I FT tions, and, as far as human judgmeut j cau ienetrate tlie luture. no cause POSSESSION OF TEBBITOBY THE DISPCTBD t:. seems to exist to threaten our pres ent jieaec THE A LA DA MA AWARD. When Congress adjourned, in June last, a question had been raised Copies of the case were presented ou behalf of each government, and of the statement on the reply of each, and a translation of the award, are transmitted herewith. This award confirms the United States in their :'.u ibrir ra-t"ln- JiiHX H 'LL. PAINTS IN OIL AND DKY. AND vv-HS TTfKNEV Al LAW., t ir r:T- in ,. , t ui. tr.nt. vi- u,l. J.V- -j t. a- L I'YX. l'i-i- i lif A. , t1 ivntift. Il-rlin. i attention t all ra- , d..r "'e ..-.uide-lben-bdoreby PAINTERS' GOODS IN GENERAL j ifi! A lante k I 3 JUST o o u wii ai Diimiii, nun MU.'iut-n K im-, 1 i r , . , , ' . . ,' - claim to the important archipelago of ing, which fur a time senouslv im- , , , . , ., X .r it i.i ... a i r it islands lying between tbe Continent perilled th settlement bv fnendlv ar- , ' . , . , . . . , I . . . , i and aneouver s Island, which for bttration of the grave differences N--; , ,., ' . . ... ft . , . . more than twenty-Lx vears, ever tween this Government and that of . ,:r , ; i u - u- t. i t. since the ratiucation of the treatv her Bnttanic Majestv. which, bv tbe I ... . . , , . - . .. i- i ii with Great Britain, has been coutes Treatv of ashington. had L-cwn re- , , , , B,,,,- , , ,- .. a , , , , .. tea, and leaves us, for the nrst time in ferrcd to the Tribunal of Arbitration j thc'Li,torv of ,be'rnied States, as a wh.eh had met at Geneva, in Sw.tz-, . wiih of disputetl erland. The arbitrators, however u mJ disposed of tbe question, which hati., . - . . ,. . 1 ,- . A, 1 i , , . . i the possessions of Great lritain on jeoiiardized the whole of the treatv 1 . . . . r 1 1 . i ii i.- oiuuiieui. 11 1. in v r.iu.-iui uud Mil I.KK. after twelve . , ..ri.-o.-e in Siianknille. na "; . Ji.1 at SK-n--t b the I-rar- rl,, ,.i s.ert '' Tabic Kiiive anl I'orlaH. j ltH. KI.T KNIVES, SIT NS. RKCEIYED'e SHEAUS V rin t -nulted at all tiun-s ' u...v e.-ifaife-i. .i-rii-:!y an-" acred. AND SflSSKKS. ATT KN EY . . .-y-. 1- I ITV .rr I a. . ...i ..i;.ilrd act on-."".' . Itii:cELAIN IJNED KETTLES, a.c, at,; 11 c3 AT Iff. OMR'S1 J ' MiroKNEY AT LAW T.ttlHT a ith many artk-lef tu nBtnT to men- j Ii -n In an aJvertiMiarou He U drtnuined to n-ll at the rrrv kw-tl rit. Hive biia a ealL i June li-Ti " CO Ul o B o p ! ! e o S.H-rrt. Pclini. I Vi USKT PLAX I NG-M I LI fcoOD & JONES, LIFE INSURANCE i T.-urv'. to un t-'-ja -jl t-ulMin: nil Lin.i-f lAanlf.it nJ trail-rial. ' For Business Men. f ! la ; ft, GOODS,! NOTIONS, p S3 Pa O -I o Tbe Reserve Fund Policy." ih'.N-' .Tiitii-UOALDINU, iH ANPIKS- j w:ik iw a imou-FKAMis. V EX ETI AN SIUTTEKS. UKAfKETS. fce. j . ... .,. neratly ! ' 1 ,,ilJ-! . : .rk.l"t lo.dT. iS.GROCEEIESg ISSt'KD BY THE' BERKSHIRE IS I lie mrv to eall ami iwe. and be cticvine- -U ; aJ- a there are tijo many an fc le ke (ur and threatened to involve the two na-! tions in the most unhappy relations toward each other, in a manner en tirelv satisfactory to this Government, to acknowledge the prompt and s-tontaticoiis action of Her Majesty's Government in givmg effect to the burg, the persons appointed in that character proceeded to their destina tion and attended the sessions of the Congress. Their report shall in due weeks the regulations for carrying out the law of emancipation have been announced, giving evidence of the sincerity of the intention of the j hire of teamsters, Ac, A.. $'J2I,".V j. " A Unit t:th)U' lure been -,!-j let t;d from sifithern r.tilroiuL, during ;the year, hi tin ilnmt i I.immmioi Mill dm-. The iiartf-rriia.-.i-r has examined land transmitted to th accotiting ofWr, T..r 'tt!eiietit $.J'7,I72 J2 of taiiu-i l,v loyal eiti.i-ns fr nrter- ina rs' vtorles takf n during tb war. i Subr-iftenii aii suj'-ilie- to tfie ; aiitoiiut .f -(MH 12 hre N-en i i.stied to i h; Indian.-. Th annual ' average main strength of the armv nas i,ll white, itn.l coloreil soldiers. The total deaths for the ; year reported were thirty-six white Y( cytf and Gfty-four colored. "The distri- ' """'btition of the ui.-.liral BBawaaBBBBBBaa ! surgical history of the ami war vet to , , ci , i'"' ordered bv Congress. v , ' . . , ; There exists an absolute neci-ssitv auinoruy anu appropriation a.-Kcu - f. tor to be grantea, care will to carrv the tjeneficcncc wuiramw.i. a """""I firty-nii.e vacancies, and the numlxr essanly or unworthilv liestowe.1. . of tuceCl4lifuI candidates rarelv ex- expesii- ceeus cignt or ten in anv one vear. . . , -i luere exisis an aososuie neeessuv ,.t",n 7l'a j for a medical corps of the r.ill number ill be Uken frtaUillMld br act of CaoimM of of Congress :Ju, tbefc U()W TBEASrRY season be laid before you. This Con-: present government to carry into tf gress meets at intervals of about feet the law of 1870. I have not three years, and has held its session failed to urge the consideration of the in several of the countries of Europe, j wisdom, the policy and the justiee of I submit to your consideration the j a more effective system for the aboli propriety of extending an invitation tion of the great evil which oppresses to the Congress to hold its next meet- a race, and continues a bloody de ing in the United States. Tbe cen- structive contest close to our border, tennial celebration to be held in 187C, as well as the expedience and the jus would afford an appropriate occasion tice of conceding reforms, tbe propri- for such a meeting. ic-tv of which is not questioned. lam deeply impressed with the conviction that the continuance of slavery is one of the most active causes of the continuance of the unhappy condi tion in Cuba. I regret to believe that the citizens of the Unifed States, or those claiming to be such, have THE VIENNA EXPOSITION. Preparations are making for the International Exposition to be held during the next year in Vienna, on a scale of very great magnitude. The tendency of these expositions is in the direction of advanced civilization and of the elevation of industry and of la bor, and of the increase of human happiness, as well as of greater inter course and good will between nations. As this Exposition is to be the first large bodies in Cuba of what is there claimed as property ami which is for bidden and denonnced by the laws of the United States. They are thus, in defiance of the spirit of our own laws, contributing to the continuance con- BECEIPTS AND TUBES. i RIVER AND IIARUOK IMPROVEMENTS The money received and conveyed ; have been carried on with energy and into the Treasury during the fiscal : economy. Though many are onlv year which ended June 3D, 172, i partially completed, the "results have were from custom.. $21 G.-liO.fi 77-! saved to commerce many times the From sales of public lands, $2,575,- J amount expended. The increase of l I'J. rrom internal revenue, irO.C42,177 72. From tax on na tional bank circulation, etc., $6,523, 396 39. From Pacific rail ay coni jwinies, $749,861 87. From customs, lines, etc.,$I, 136,442 34. From fees, consular, patent land etc., $2,234,035 92. From miscellaneous sources, $4,412,254 71. Total ordinary re ceipts, $364,694,229 91. From" pre mium on sales of coin. $94,412,637! Total net receipts, $374,106,867 commerce with greater depth of chan nels, greater security in navigation and the saving of time, adds millions to the wealth of the country and in creases the resources of the Govern ment. The bridge across the Mis sissippi Uiver at Hoc k Island has been completed, and the proper site has been determined upon for the bridge at Lacrosse. The able and exhaustive report ! madp hv thp rnnimuinn krirw-iintivi Balance in the Treasury. June;, ,ncJt;.t . ,, nnJ !.. w u w w. a- w a tuu Bk la va mi wu, uhj which will have been held in Last-; 0f this distre ssing and sickening ern Kurojie, it is believed that Amcr- test. In my last annual message I can inventors and manufacturers will i referred to this subject, and I aisrain wirnui i'j avail tiii.iii?vii ra oi luc 65. 64. ISth, 1871. $109,935,705 59, includ ing $ 1 8,225 35 received from unavail able sources. Total available cash, $44,042,573 15 been submitted to Congress. The observations and reports of the Signal Office have been continued. Stations have been maintained at l he net expenditures by warrants , ejK.n of tlC prim-ipa! hike, seaport during the same period were: for aa,i Tlvt,r citle!, Ten additional civil expenses, $16,lS9.059 20. For Nations have been established in the foreijrn intercourse. $1,839,369 14. I'nitwl Stta n.l Qreano.cma.nta j Indians, $7,061,72 82. Pension, haVe been made for an exchan?e of J2H.5.3.4()2 76. For ttiilitarv rstab.l..., ..:i. p i- i 1. , . , i ' ' . . i cirfi t.- nim suBtia, autj m similar , . r ' . . --a- . I ii.-iiun.uirt, iuciuuiuz loriiiicaiiou?, ; (.vphanov nf oh4rvt nn U ounoriunitv lor ine iiri'Si-ntainni oi lu ... . , "vi""r''""-i"'"u"i river ana naroor unprovments ana , nljtil with th- WW In.li their prouuctions. u eneourairea bv 1 irrinr it loxt m ii; '-7 Uaw.vu.K. , flrmallM w .-a.l -k k f l.ll ' I I TUT II 11 V SI I rontem- projeraia ana protection. At itio iat iea citizens from hoklin-? or dealm-f r.wti,KwiKn,nf4 vU fln.r becommexdations or the sccbetaet session of Conzres-s. autboritv waslin l;rf I; a . r Allam Ll 1 11 V I V Bil'l lllll'l U t lUt. ilt AL 1IU I : IVUbU given lor the appotntaient or one or iVar,t, i-iMiqmQi f..p n.i-L: . . " more agents to represent this Govern- xu i, " v; . ..iiTa. i . Tti j Tue avorable attention of Con- . c , . . , , i . . ., . , , i laneous, civil inciedmg public build . . .. . . , meut at the Exposition. The author- j It is gratifying to-annouce that thei ,;,it ho'usos anj CoHt.ctin the gre3d lnvite,, to t!e following rec ity thus given has been exercised, but ratification of the Convention, con- I .. i.,,Vomo t. . , omincndations of the Secretary of i.t. ....t.i: .V.i..' i i -.-v-jn, -. ' " ar , IUC LPUillC Ut Ul. fill ,'JJ t ,.Jt7 t Total exclusive of principal and pre- A discontinuance of the ap- in accordance with the vrews ana ; , .. . m , r. , ,. i i ', i a : frui'i this GovernmeBt : and that, Ix; the iKlicv which it had maintained. , ; k r:, ,k,, ,- i , , i .! fore the reception in the L niU d States i ue triouna. w men nan ruu.cun. -t , q g. by y Geneva m Decen.Wr concludea t ,1(r Majmv bad iMtruAion lalxnoas session on trie I4th dav of, r 4. ' m! 4, Mpten.ber last, on which day having; 8tatioaed there, and for the availed itself of Le discretionary tioa of M exerei or daim of poergneuxou n u,e im. , . juriction, l0 e,Ve the United aaru a sun. , pruss. u, u .i. u- b exclusive possession of ra nL.rohl' t WOf.lawl till- Glim fit K v.,. I'""-' the latelv disputed territory-. I am fifteen millions five homed thouMnd . . .Ue .nnocc that dollars ,n gold as the. f'" ? to le,- fop the.WIU0T., of thc paid by Great Britain to the i ni ted t have cwcuted aml that aMates, for the satisfaction of all the g . ftQ1 claims reft-rr to Us consideration q fc j auJ he l u.s ueetMou .,.,... - R)W -B ajJ0 eleculive I09. session of the United States. It now Ion? standini difference between the . k " i ; a:- iwo ,t,overnments, anu, .u - .-c -u u necessary to complete the w.th another award made by the I .qq German Emjjeror, under reference -f linc throUgh the toh.ni by the same treaty leaves Uro CLannelf upo wbidl theCom- thitcn ttfrt fli-.n! in montw Wit limit H i ..I. 1 J ' r-V- I vj a uaa. iit- r- . w ..U. ak- f.!a.JI.,l.liMlll"K(1011. which it is mv sincere hone may which determined tbe re maining part of thl'ne, wercnnable i - : .a. m Mun i romwur Ami rn nnninT. lorever remain eqnauy uneiou.ieu. - f Commi on 4Ct w- a. tminiraon. it is pariicuinriy uesi XLfejenort.of thent to the United j ff t ""-1 tbat nothin hould K kft ' ITointed torattend theTleneva , MajesVv for that purpose, nal accompanied by the pro- K dimJculties attendin the miuation boundarv of our admittetl and deter- line of ilOiilla JONES. it;ii. ll:F.KT,S0Mi:i:SET, I A ;.-:-i i.. maiiaU.-tare :ll Win.! '.VA'JtiNS. SLEIGHS. Ac ;TouiiOy atu-n-l to .-.:.. r.EM MATERIAL wiU he aw! ALL '.Viir.K AVAUHANTED s &i rbuawnstitan. LIFE INSURANCE CO., s; lXtHKIUKATEDlsil. Si chit Special Protection U rS1 P4 OI'ltiSITE so.MKK.sirr iioisk, SoaECKirr. rx. Jaly 17 A. W. KNEI'PER. IP ' a a jO 1. i oa ALASKA INLAND BoLND.VilES, Every Policy Holder.; 'S"''u HL, WITH A. H. Franciscus & Co., ,be Uten aaJ a ! Z&2?SJX, are thlrtv fire year : kribfte Fna.1 rutit-r" at ur- mrucTni t ttLBio ia :tist possible pkices. ' t I NMNGHAM, !V-I lN AND SUB;EX. LWANSVILLV. PA. '71 iui. VN-iLHS. .TEEX k CO., tfinjarr lilt rale. t I me Wuuaal payment -ill Uire yw 2 year, al COTTON YA HXS, BATTS, WICK, l.lav. Two annul payment will inare yuw year ; mm m ''Tbree'aiioaal paymctiu will Inmre yoa yean I WIIIC 3 HQ KOpCS, anl -J7 data. i ie animal paymrnu will inaare jam 10 yean ; LOOKING CI.ASSL, CLOCKS, PASCT BASKETS aa-l Oar. Six annual paTmeaU will iarare yu Ujcarf, and 1. day. i' teitt, I'lurtrt li'ltel.) PiTTsmuiiii, Pa., rtr nf GjiTwarr- and Maunfac tnn r f (;laare. ViAui:. " ::ki; ifi-iafiHl t Hi.ittilrc ill AM' i I K ET IP.OX WARE. SOM 1 i ! ur.t a fiii'iil:" of c-1'!T and ira '!. -n i all Varlf ot Ioum- rurilivllillar CiOOtlt '. Yaothee tbe funnany. 71 This Protection AppHestoanyAge, j And if exinr"!y ate4 is erery Puta-y. i I THE ADVANTAOEOFSri'H PliilT IXTI" IN. i Tbin b taeenify that air late baataad. IfenH . j H. 1 huuift. waa nre.i tn the Ifcrk'bire Ijle i Inrarmnrr IVxnfanr. Plto.ftW.1. Maaau . , ' lrr.-oil r lwh. 17. vmium iyal4e nairt.-rlv. i Thil two ne,nMH were wa.fe apw Janelvtb. ; 1:L that be died Mber 13th, aair iauaUiaan-r . be failed t. make bin payment. Tbe a-aal jmmt f .irt h were furwarded tn tbe ; Vmpanr. and thmMull iwaiK id the aula-y. k-M . IIk tauwartrriy peymeMnda at the time of bi ' death. ai paid to me l.y their 'eneral Arent in Philadelphia. W. H. irraie. at tbeironlce, S. W. etirm-rt 'bemiiul and Eleienih sire. i iSine.!! NinT IE THOMPSON. W. H. Ureene. t-ife erf New York. biMired a tew j oar ainee In tbe Berkshire Life lnlraDxjtn-! jam fr 3- lot cwiet t aiil.taoe In l.ual- i D.-- met snat.le to mvke any layment to te , '.! I .r )orrt!S w yearan.1 ire nvaitha prl. tu j r.m aweaae." 1 tare imp cit r iitr .-ew Wooden and Willow Ware, &c, aaxtrarrt kiccs axo jiibbkk or AItlCTIai.9 OIL CLOTHS. MATTING. P.UGS, &c, J13 Market Street and HO Cowmanvc Street, Ihiladelphia. Jane 10-tr. roil Sale. A aeomd- band 15 -Horse Pom Steam E BOILBB, With JfliSON OOVEKNOK. Keall eumpUle AddreM W. W. Mi K'AJ a Sun. Set(. SK Camlieruuid, M.L FURNITURE. Mates Tribunal rf ttu TirrtiVlin tea nf the Arbi- i j trators ; the arguments or the counsel t.T Iwatli r.nrrnnunt4 ! the award of . . , the tribunal, and oicnions snven by i the the several arbitrators, is transmit-j After the occupation of the territo tetl herewith. ' ry, and its settlement by those owing thanks to the arbitrators. j allegiance to the respective Govern I have caused to be communicated ' nt-s it points to the importance of to the heads of the three friendly J establi.-hiug. by natural objects or Powers, who complied with the joint other monuments, the actual line be request made to T them under thc ; tween the territory acquired by pur treatv. the thanks of this Government chase from Russia and the adjoining for the anointment of arbitrators ! !sses.-ons of Her Lnttanic Majesty. n...ii.i.rtk.Marti1r and The region is now so sparsely occu mv thanks to the eminent personages , pil that no contacting interests of in na'med bv them ; and mv approbation , dividuals, or of jarisd.ction are IikeW of the dijnitv. patience,' impartialitv. to interfere to the delay or embarrass and great abilitv with which thev dis-j i'nt of the actual location of the charged their arduous and high func-1 , mcreaseu popu.auou snat tions. Her Majestv's Government ', er anu occupy the territory, trivial has communicated to me its armnvia- contests of neigbuora may again ar ..- r. iT- r .:....- nni . .i.tiwe- an.i i rav the two Governments in antago- indrtiMti.t indnstrv disolaved bvin'- I. therefore, recommend the on ! apiKiintnient of a CojiiniiSAibn t .Hi. ..uiiiii mi. aatu.a.w.vm ........ - : ... ... . . ritam, ,.r.l..hn-K..ni TFilMIr nnTtPW th 1 10 UeiermiUO me line ueiwevu our Her Maiestv in this appreciation. It 1 territory of Alaska and the co-termin- oiutmcut of extra lieutenants to 9erve as Adjutants and Ojuartenuas ters; thc adoption of a code provid ing sjiecific peualties for well-defiucd r.ti ....... . t . -, al.-. : .. T : .. r fi(, r-o ..- i T,.,1 v " inc iiiciiuam. ui . w ' a.t . . . iuu uui; ii ucwL.fljj.ji r.-uii.i;i. i V14I a ... eonsjuorauon, anJ rccomiucna tiiat witu sutimittcu. it h U'roca that i,;. - .... i i : t . sentences aujiidoii iv court-martial T.... lw-O Hi.l-r.1'1--. ",JJ a"Jni - . . ' . ' ' 1 Of aoi-nilllL' llliil.'r a, l.n h f-Tiia.n.Iif nroi 'IV.fal xlsn fll- T.:l IT. i 7 1- are made as a rx 94- in the absence of auv apiiropriation, ; ducted under thc auspices of this there is danger that the imiiortant ' Government, between Spain on the 1 f . .1-1 .1. - -r t . i . , ,,- i ,,- oenenis wuicu me occasion oucrs , one nan anu me auieu liepuoncs on ; . . , jji,,.-.,. .... i , , . . ,. i.i I, -,. . - ... uiiuiii oil luc uuoiic urui, r-iw..wj,. will, in a largo degree, be lost to the the Pacific on the other, providing' CQ- &, , ' . ' ciuzhwKs of the t nitetl Matr-. I coin- for an armistice h& lKen exchantMj t , M r - 0 .... m. . 1 - r 111 LI t IUI9 f A l 1 h SLi KJkl- IV ' IIU ! UUta B '!' V VI UC I llKt 1J 19 UVT 1 T f a t i . i . i , r. I! i t . V v' i 7.j.v ou. ujuoJ'-c a av4. U4a,. II "l'1 itlivil v tiitltlt. . aa -j aa i jr msx. vtivawa.u a I iuii ui for the purjHjse. To fnrthty aid . peace with the same parties. Americau exhibitors at the Vienna t The difference? which at one time Exposition, 1 would recommend, in j threatened the maintenance of peace THE pi'BLlc debt. addition to an aivprooriation of mon- betweei Brazil and the Arjrentine Be-. From the fore'ruin? statement it ey, that the Secretary of the Xavy be public, it is hoped, are in the way of j appears that the net reduction of the ! Antonio, the title to the site being authorized to lit up two naval vessels ; satisfactory adjustment with these ; principal of the debt during the fiscal ! uow completed ; a special act placing to tran.-port, between our Atlantic ; States; as with the Republics of Cen-1 year which ended June 3)th, 1S72, ! the cemetery at the City of Mexico cities and Trieste, or the most conven- j tral ami South America, we continue j Was $99,960,250 54. The source of on the same basis as other national ient port to Vienna and back, their ; to remain on the most friendly rela-' this redaction is as follo-vs: Net or-cemeteries; authority to purchase articles for exhibition. tions. Itis with regret, however, I an-jdinarv receipts duringthe year $364.-i sites for military posts in Texas; the THE Rto urande RUDs-TUE mexic in ' nounce that the government of Venc-j 694.229 91. Xet ordinary expend.--appointnientof commissary sergeants j zueia uas inane uv suriner pa meuis tures, lncluamg interest on the public ' irom non-com missioneu ouicers as a ! of the awards under thc Convention ! debt, $270,559, 696 91. Total $94,- j measure for securing the better care . of the 25th of April, 1S66. That Re-1 134 534 00. Add amount received and protection of supplies; an appro- 1 . t . 1. w i. tt: ipuoiieis un-iersioou i ue now ai- from premium on sales or sroUl in priauou ior me puDiicauon 01 the . . . . : ruitsi 1 nor. finite trannmiiren irn measure of economy; au appropriation of the money for the construction of a depot at San border commission. Since vour last session the Presi- guished bv his character his and bv his services to his countrv His temporarv successor has now been elected with great unanimity by the people a proof of confidence on their part in his patriotism and wis dom, which, it is believed, will be confirmed by the results of his ad ministration. It is particular! v desi- r. a" -d-.j hoped, therefore, that it will loose f 's iC ' ; time in providing for the unpaid I no provunng lor the unpaid bal- I ance of its debt to the United States, j which, having originated in injuries to our citizens, bv Venzeuelan ! authorities, and having been acknowl edged pursuant to a treaty in the most solemn form kuown among na. tions, would seem to deserve a pref erence over debts of a different origin and contracted" In a different manner. This subject is again recommended to the attention of Congress f.r sneh action ks may be deemed proper. Ar.l.l AND C.llNA. . - , source of this reduction is as follows: r relations with Japan re- Reduction in principal account, $99, inged. An imposing em- 9o0,003 54; reduction in unpaid in that interesting and pro- J teref?t accoaD;f 3,330,952 96; total ion visited this country , ini io ; -.n undone bT"Thf"GorPTnraerittf fit her Republic to strengthen their rela tion as neighbors and friends. It is much to be regretted that manv law less acts continue to disturb the quiet j of the settlements on the border be- j tween our territory ana that 01 Jiexi-1 Qur treatv relation co, and that complaints of wrongs to ; niaa uiK-hun American citizens in various parts of j bassv from the country arc maite. the revoiu-i jrreive nation visited tionarv condition in whieb the neigh boring Republic has so long been in- excess of the premium paid on bonds : catalogue and tables of the anatomi purchased $245,437,0,9 ; add the 'cal section of the army medical niu amouut of the reduction of the cashiseum; a reappropriation of the balance at the close of the year ac- j amount for the manuficture of breech companied with same at the com-! loading arms, should the selection be . mencement of the year, $337,134,65 j so delayed by the board of officers as 00 ; total, $99,660,253 54. This j to leave the former appropriation un stateraent treats solely of the princi-1 expended at the close of the fiscal pal of the public debt " By the month- year ; the sale of such arsenals east ly statement of the public debt, which j of the Mississippi as can be spared, adds together thc principal and inter- and the proceeds applied to the es est due and unpaid, and interest ac- tabltshment of one large arsenal of crued to date, not due, and deducts ' construction aud depot, upon the At the cash in the treasurv, as ascer-! lantic coast, and purchase ofasuita- j tained on the day of publication, the ' tie site for a proving and experimen ; reduction was $100,544,491 23. The tal ground for heavy ordnance, the source of this reduction is as follows: adoption of laws which deprive in ventors in the L nited States service -' from deriviuj; any benefit from their total-1 inventions ; the repeal of the law pro gressive nation visited this country j $103,290,596 50 ; reduction in cash ! habiting pro-notions in the statf; a during the year that is passing, but :, i,arwi ?ik ia tf.t.i !iui 'onntiniiinr. rf ,k0 .n,t , the part of this Govemment.during the t jointly with the one that may bi protracted inquiries and discussions : pointed on.the part of Great br Bm. m i.m line. Sliip if rniii Main at-f. Pa. X'AHCASEIiEER. Iwar. corner .rf Cbameen Kreet). tliree' thtmaaod tw. bandred , and niaety-cine .i.-tlarn. tliia irutt the fall amuant . doe tj biwl.i.. after deducting th. ewenlue pay- i Kent and intereau I 1 J. H. rUAXCIWT'S. New York. March 11th. Tu. Sawrluteadent. I M 1, v.i.Vtt- sciweox.''1 Ih '""'TI Ml RSirr.l.l. Claim. Pa d. .Mam Sirvet. -4 Ti AT lXHUCEMEXTf -::.. ft r -!:. Krttit Tww, Vlurt : tii j HAUNKDSVILLE. S .merMt Cuun'y. Pa. ' Mia at ' r.T ratre t!an td LEMON & WEISE, Tl-.e oi.l and well km wn firm of Letmifi a. Welse, ' PITTS Hl'KUll. I'a., Mannfartnreri of Calimet Fmitiire aM Clairs. j Hare Renwred to lu or. To. Ill Fourth Ave., UppuMte tbeiroM aal, , Where they ctatlnae the bwinca tnallita braaebe. pt -ii. WM. BOOSE & Co., nmm & mcmsts, Manofx-tr.rr of al! kla.! or CASTL(.S & MACHINERY is due to the agent oi me inucu States lieforc the tribunal to record my. high appreciation of thc marked ability, unwearied patience, and the prudence and discretion with which he Las conducted the very responsi ble and delicate duties him. as it is also due to and eminent counsel who attended i al possessions of Great Britain. THE FISHERIES. the tribunal on the part of this Oo-jS; ernment, to express mv sense of the : , u . i " t - i at I North mencan possess! talents and wisdom which they -"rlu i brought to bear in the attainment of thc resnlt so happily reached. DISTRIBUTION OF THE AWARD TO CLAIMANTS. It will lie the province of Congress to provide for the distribution among those who may lie entitled to it of their respective shares of the money to lie paid. Although the sum awar ded is not payable until a year from the date of the award, it is d.-emed advisable that no time be lost in making a proper examination of the several cases in which indemnification In mv last annual message, I re commended thc legislation neccessary on the part of the Un'tcd States to . . '. i l.rin.T into oiM-mtioii the articles of the committed to; ... ,. . -- 0li the learned rfai-v ? ." '"-:i""f " 15 1 1, relating IO tuc uein-ni-s, anu lo other matters touching the relations of ard the British sessions, to be- i ,.ma nwMiiro n soon as the uroner I -..-v-- . . legiMation should be hail on thc part of Great Britain and its possessions. That legislation on the part oi Great Britain and its possessions had not then been had ; and during the session of Congress a question was raised, which, "for a time, raised a doubt whether any action by Congress in the direction indicated would become important. This question has since been disposed of, and I have received notice that the Imperial Parliament and other legislatures of the provin cial government have passed laws to Jamea J.dee. New Y.tk City. l,l. payment . vemlae 4 m-tha. K. H. t Hamne. New York City. Lwaa. pay ment wrenJoe 4 muotb aad idaya. Ur. . R Man. Cblrairo, Ui, iiMMK payjneat mrune T avmtb. and la dara. H. K. Muore. It-tuw. Ma- fcLtuu. paymeat Mr.-rlaeamr.:baand ldaya I ... Jamea H. Adair. New Narprfuc IaI,A.! SALISBURY. mtwiiI mrenlse X m.th and 7 dayi. lV-rnar-l O iirady. Iieln it. Mirh 3.M, pay ment anrerlae t rear. 10 m:h and 11 day. J.anw ll. It!aheeda. llrhtur. Mw.tlM paymettt urepiae I year. 1 muotb and Ida a OiMim UILDa. MALSHALL, Aaentf. jaue la-It h-TOcm-l. Pa. . . . , . 1 ., r . i. . ma v lie due I consequently reeom-; carrv me provisions oi iuc imij ou mend the creation of a Board of. the matters referred to into operation. I therefore recommend to you the same action as neccessary on the part Commissioners for the purpose. PAN JCAN BOVNPART DECISION. Bv the of this Government thirtv-fourth article of the j The Joint Commission for deter- Treaty of Washington the respective i mining the boundary line between tbe KV F LOU If MILL. a r..r VI :U bo lit i tbe l:e i-f tbe " I'ENN!SN MILL." ' Hi: . a iti . :b f S.aeTct la ea 1 J. It ba. mil tbe Latr-M immt - 1T: e i. i.r al! kind. iA mln. ALEX 1 IN E HAY. P-U. Coil roth A C'o The Improved ELLIPTIC SEWING MACHINE New Draw Feed, LOCK STITCH. tl-t. 18. United States and British possessions between the Lake of the oods and the Rockv Mountains has organized and entered upon ils work. It is de sirable that the force be increased, in order that the completion of thc sur- Scient ap- ANI ' U.SLE IH ALKUS IN SfU CURTAIN GOODS, is, Ml m H5MS. fO Baltimore St., siN,1-!iri, fLTlMORE, IVID.i' There are oe pinta m a Sewir.)C Machine that laltc dmring; to 4trrhaM, liuald uke into coo- i iieraii.m, waaaely: J Llr btnaar "f rtrnnlnc. ! Laae vf Maaaarwient. j t anaetty tu'tutne wars Keqnireu, j tt-'l- rfiwor. ! Furnitur.- Ih al-r Suj-plir-J at Iaac w. euim that th. ixpROTEU lxjjptic IVhohtale Hate. pufKaaa- aU tbcae pointa. aad that it ia THE VERY BEST claims of the Uuited States and Great Britain in their construction of the treaty of the 15th of Juue, 1346, de fining the liouadary line between their respective territories, were sul mitted to thc arbitration and award f.u-riy manpromt!y.ttcn.'.e.ita. wf His Majestv, the Luijieror of Ger- vev and determination of the line Addiraw wm. HuoftE a. CO- i manyi t decide which of these claims ' ,na"v be the sooner attained. To thi .ll.r.n.., a-. a . -u-. .i. . , . .,.,,ll.,n Wllh t .a ma ' i . l.U.a. ... 15 UlVl. Ill aiiuiuaun ivm aan- it aic . CnU, 1 reCOmiUCHII IUUI B Interpretation of tbe Treaty- of 1$G4. j propriation be made. His Majestv, thc fcmperor or Ger-i . manv. having been pleased to undor-f ma "- I take the arbitration, has the. earnest I With France, our earliest ally; thanks of this Government and of the j Russia, the constant and steadv people of the United States for the i friend of the United States; Germa labor, pains and care which he has f ny. with whose Government and peo devoted to the consideration of this ; pie we have so many causes of friend long pending difference. I have j ship, and so many common sympa caused an expression of my thanks to : thies ; and thewother powers of Eu be communicated to His Majesty, j rope ocr relations are maintained on Mr. Bancroft, the representative of, the most friendly terms. Since my this Government at Berlin, conducted ! last annual message the exchange has I rui.r iinnrilviilt.! trtt n n.nrpr t. .r t h . a. r . , .! , . , .... ' '".-i . .... ..... . . ... , . . . Bv. : l a i I in r na i.a.t j i.j r na I -i r i t-i nuiiinaAa tiia rono i a-.r rim .nr. t, ..thU J?r TnU i . ?ntion in th coun-.tobI the8Utment3 thoW a enth section of July 13, 1SC6, taking bmaS!h.ttTl.Tt i,d m tr-''n0 TC.,UT'. V th:tlJirect,on tion of the public debt from thc 1st from the engineers and soldiers th? M i throat the P nuMV whh h of Mrch' 0' the time- deim grantetl to the other troops ; n J, Z tflrlt'nt ' tbu" u tbe, ,n,tcrtltlan?e i .ViaMD j as follows : From March 1st, I -69, to j a limitation of time for the presenU ? L, e T? ut d. f" f tK- ! 1"ch t0k P -w,d7r,n? tl"''r 7 ,n LMarch 1st, 1S70,$S7,134,72 S4 ; m tion of thc old war claims for sub- r.V.. . :.,r::T,, " I irX:ara! w,,u ' March 1st. 1670. to March 1st ISTI 'bistence and supplii July 4th, 164, and a modification the mode of the re-election of cadets ; for the Military Academy, in order enhance the usefulness of the Academy, which is inspired by rea- 1 sou of the large amount ef time nec- With the great reduction of Uxationiessaruy expended in giving new ca- c a a. a m aa aaaa w.i4 twUr-n aa- T a .i I T . J -k;..k iii.u;.,,.,! :n ...... , . a ... ., . ... . i ov acts oi Loo cress at its last session, uew a morouu auowieuge oi uie r.u.vu. .v .-, ...,aU, t.. 1 na anil 10 iunoer am in retaining i .- .. , - ' , t , i, r t , eesfuL The Commission appointed j the good op-mioa of thos j the expenditure of the government in , f tVZ nnrsuant to the joint resolution f'.tne- t tK- 1n,tA St4tM :(J ruurcuuz lueroeuue iuucu "s, Uv,u.1u..s complaint is made will cease, the ; preciation of the interests which niav ; c i9Bi0 . fron. M4rh Uta proceedings of the Commission, under j promotetl, when the revision Jfj ,--J ' tA ,; ti, r-..nrn;n w.;h f hLi. ... 1 i . i i i81. to Alarm 1st, is. 2, 7J4jo,-.in ... . v ....... ...-. - me ca.isT.iug treat y suaii oe uuuenaa- oia qi. fr,-im Marrh lt m- t.- 1 ith of Julv.lS6S. on thc sebiect oft a.a..; J4' trm -Mj?cb ' lS,-.to ei;nw k;.. nf.,rt.,nata.lv I r " U- ""......r ... i November 1st, 18,2, (eight months), -U ' r i rt-ui-M 1111 it-niiuiiii-iiuauuii ui uih-i i.-i ai- j-- i . '..o run r.i i checked bv an obstacle, for tbe measure: taken bv the two Governments, i matte relations with Jaoan ami Phi- re- rear m that to trive initio rtanee and , ... nt.i.-n I ..f . - V-. i . . 1 1 Tiiii-unrj k, rd liatn ' , i". . 1 rt e , , lOl. """" nimu uni ' "" IO dll Mine PlalCienCV OIOUT II 11 111 I- Congress on the 7th of Mav last, to inquire into the depredations on the Texan frontier have diligently made investigation in that quarter. Their report upon thc subject will be com municated to you. Their researches wer necessarily incomplete, partly on account of tbe limited appropria tion made by Congress. Mexico, on the part of that Government, has ap pointed a similar commission, to in vestigate these outrages. It is not announced officially, but the press of j ted, our representatives in Japan and its share of the commerce tbat is des tined to flow between those nations and tbe balance of the commercial world, an appropriation should be made to support at least four Ameri can youths in each of these countries to serve as part of the official family of our Ministers there. Our repre sentatives would not even then be placed upon an equality with tbe rep resentation of Great Britain and of some other powers. As now situa- interpret- the country states tbat the ruliest in- China have to depend for vestigation is desired, and that the 'era arui translators noon thc natives co-operation of all parties concerned j 0f those "countries, who know cur is invited to secure that end. I there- lanamaLee imnerfeetlv. or nrocure for o c- . ' a the occasion thc scp ices of employ fore recommend that a special appro priation lie made at the earliest day practicable to euable thc commission ers on the part of the United States' ters. . ...i i, i to return to ineir laoors. ees of foreign business houses or the interpreters to other foreign minis- i THE TERRITORIES. TnE cuban sTRitir.LE. ! renew the recommendation, made It is not without regret that I have j to a previous occasion, of the trans- again to announce a continuance of thc disturbed condition of thc island of Cuba. Xo advance toward tbe pacification of the discontented part fer to the Department of the Interior, to which they seem more appropri ately te belong, of all the powers and duties in relation to the Territories- has been made, while the insurrecsion witn which the Department of State " !? .1 a is now charged by law or by cus tom A RELIEF rCXD FOR DISTRESSED ZENS ABROAD. CTTI- HOLTZMAN & WEIDEEHOLD,! Manalartan-r of and Dealer in Now Manufactured. And we a ! I. It an rxamtnatii of it Aarnt want- la every cutraty. to wbuta wa will give th. a. eral ti:ma. EATON KKHS..W FKh ArtPHtarrh, Pa. No. 100 Third Ave., PITTSBURGH, FA. trrirjaita J. room. WIwell( Fnsltar Wars nor. 3U. the case and prepared the statement on the part of the United States, with the ability tbat his past services justi- ; tied the public in expecting at his j hands. As a member of thc Cabinet ! at tbe date of the treaty, which has given rise to the discussion between i thc two Governments ; as the Minis- been made of tbe ratification of a treaty with the Austrian-Hungarian empire relating to naturalization ; al so of a treaty with the German em pire respecting consuls and trade marks ; also, of a treaty with Swe den and Xorway relating to naturali zation, all of which treaties have has gained no advantages and exhib its no more of the element of power, or of the prospectsof ultimate success, than were exhibited a year ago. Snain. on the other hand, has not i succeeded in its suppression, and the Congress, from tbe begining of the parties stand apparentlv in the same Government, has wisely made pro- relative attitude that tbev have pied for a long time past Th however. test has lasted not more than four i ltuliar provision at a distance i hitherto I from our neighborhood, although hu- seamer. It is manitv could not be unmoved bv ma-itomary with other governments to reduced for the next fiscalvear. It 'entering the academy; also, an ap is very doubtful, however, whether ' propriation for a philosophical ap any further reduction of so vexatious ! par at us, and an increase in the num a burden upoa any people will be - bers and pay of the Military A cade practicable for the present At all 'my Band. events as a measure of justice to the j CBEAI tf.Aw5p,,btat,on to tue sea holders of the nation's certificates ofj boird indebtedness, I would recommend; that no more legislation be had on ! The attention of Congress will be this subject, unless it be to correct er-: called during the present session to rors of omission or commission in the j various enterprises for the more cer- prescnt laws, until sufficient time has j tain and cheaper transportation of elapsed to prove that it can be done, : the constantly increasing surplus of and still have sufficient revenue to ; the Western and Southern products meet thc current expenses of the gov-' to the Atlantic seaboard. The sub- ernment, pay interest on the public ' ject is one that will force itself on debt, and provide for the sinkinif fund i the legislative branch of the Govern- . established by law. Tbe preserva- J mcnt sooner or later, and I suggest of our national credit is of tbe high-! therefore that immediate steps be est importance. . Xext in importance taken to gain all available informa- to this comes a solem duty to provide j tion to insure equal and just kgisla- a national currency of fixed unvary- j tion. A route to connect the ing value, as compared with gold, ' Mississippi Valley with the Atlantic, and as soon as practicable, having 1 at Charleston, South Carolina, and due regard for the interest of thc 1 Savannah, Georgia, by water, by the debtor class and the vicissitudes of j way of the Ohio and Tennessee riv- trade and commerce, convertible in- ers, and canals and slack water navi- to gold at par. , gation to the Savannah and Octnul- tbb armt. ' gee rivers has been surveyed, and a , , o . , - i report made bv an accomplished en- The report ef the Secretary of W ar r officef A shows the "Futures of the ar td a third new r(mte Department for the fi. i year end-!cJ for consUleraUoil of Congress, ingJufle30,l471,t?be $3o,.99,991 , p an extention tftheKa- - . .... James river canal to the the extension of the hesapeake and Ohio canaL I am menu what the these or other en- 1 83, and for the fiscal year ending 30, it, 11372, to be $35,371,157 20, showing' "Jo andby ' a reduction in favor of the last fiscal t f.. 0l.i. e occu- j vision for the relief of the distressed I year of $427,834 62. The estimates not pred to recom is con-1 seamen foreign countries. Xo for military appropriations for the j Goernmentdid forthi I a. a? 1 W aY .1 ' naa ; next: nscai year, enu.ng . one ao, I . ri untl. U U 1,- ghoan that . a. .a a. a - ik. i . ar ara -.- an i . as . aa i r a Afi- - ..... vears. were it seen at a distance uuuo oeeu uiaue ior iuc rvuei ui v "-" the v are not onlv of national interest : -. - r . . l I . a .... i m u k. i . . ,.r w an . - ... d, we might be citizens in uisixe aoroaa, omer man " of a value commemorate with their mates of the Chief of Engineers are j ,Mt1iAt when completed thev will h in,t;tT..r.r,t t.n ta r.inlt althmio-b h n. ! seamen. It is understood to be cuM sn"i seperaieiy ior the loruaca- . .rtmiT,a4me..t .;tk ti.-e uon oi river ana Daroor t be unmoved bv ma-itomary with nvof its incidents wherever thev : authorize Locsuls to extend such re lief to their might occur. It is, however, at our door. I cannot doubt mat tbe contin ued maintenance of slavery in Cuba is among tbe strongest inducements to the continuance ot this strife. A terrible wrong is the natural cause of a terrible evil. Tbe abolition of sia- citizens or subjects in certain cases. , A similar authority, and an appropriation to carry it into effect, are commended in the case of citizens of the United States destitute or sick under such circumstances. It is well-known that such citizens re- very and the introduction of other re- jPrt to foreign consuls, and in great forms in the administration of the! nQ,u bers, and though most of them government in Cuba could not fail to j re au,e to bear the expenses incident . wv ..... v . . a I l advance tbe restoration of iace and! to locomotion, there are some who.fproperxy prior w ia.i nave oeen ex-)8Ur(Test that a commiioa beauthor- buiiuvu iuu uausuiiui-u tu uic Areas i ;-, ,.:.J-- ,ia mrhnta niuut ah order. It is greatly to be hoped that j trough accident, or otherwise be- thc present Liberal government m Spain will voluntarily adopt this view. The law of emancipation, which was passed more than two rears since, has remained inopera tive in the absence of regulations for its enforcement It was a feeble step toward emancipation, but it was thc come penniless, and have no friends at home able to succor them. Per sons in this situation must either per ish or cast themselves upon the char ity of foreigners or be releived by the private charity of our own oCicers who usually, even with the most be nevolent disposition, have nothing to improve-: --.a Tlit nrr!iitirm SnrecM,aaa mnr ments for public . buildings and idl thau lhc of tran9por. grounds, and the ahmgton aeque- ( our bai tfeni- .: , . , . ionatrated by past experience, aad The affairs of theFreedmen s Lu-ju, tUe precetlented growth ia reau have ah been transferred to the j lation Jj proilucU cf the whole J ar Department, and requ.tions , mm adllitional have been put into ; "ect.on for the j itJ , c, f OM, for more speedy payment of the boanty. pay,: artide9-of commrce to reach &c. due the colored sold.ers prorly - mJ a market u dc. commg under that head. , tn tlu, future. u eouallv demonstrated. I would therefore All war accounts for monev and i . . .. 1 a.rai.Le tliia wrhnlo nriAfitir.11 ury Department for final setUeraent , , to Congress at some During the fiscal year there has been , future d for iu m S?1 n-T .a rii,r0,uL$ legislating un this important sub $1,3000,000, of which, $S0O,757 was 1 over tbe Pacific railroads. For trans- , ., .... , portationbv water, $92,373 52; by! The railroads of the country have stage, $43,675 84 ; for the purpose of, been rapidly extending during the transportation of animals, wagons, j (continued on fourth page.) 1 ' .I' . If
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