The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, November 27, 1872, Image 3

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    n ij'wa"'-
3,000 KECS
- -r- a. a. hi r nton
r . ;n , Gki- B-ttcr Jo sujv
'";'! iif our i:i;.;K-iha'.e traae.
" ."IT?, r. a ill to N
. t .. " . rt 4 (- -r r
. " -"' . ti.r iinTuer lvaUUb-e.
- : x.,r lurjuahvuiinis-
. 0X7X31
. La a'' all tiiC storts.
..i.-i; Li&tis k Bros.
'.JU.l'.N baskets, JVJ iC-.
n kvs in iht V.L na-
..r, j,ji:-,.-J 1 v i!arLaii .
vv.fiinj u--d fir rid-.
J,.v..-s'J t"t fj-iiiO-tic, to
tj m- rnet.:
,: r .- Co-k & Beer- '
jj try M TT.v-n :
jl v. i-ie s iluru.
3 r-; cure.
, ; have .ht cj''.z't
kj. 1 be t.jj.e i
iui .r
: iK-rs :
1 -r s.:
. IV.
-r.-r dir. ill f for the
m-- r V i.:
, ,- ..; thi.; r.
t:.ui 1 r
j v'-d- :
:e tbe.r i.i-e
; r e 'hoLtiV C'a
: -.he- pi
St.. vert.
e, -.Z i y.i
is a-i l
; ;e i.i .". i. u.t.r
..-- lli O'.il Wetiier. l.Lit?
j ur -'.re-i in ti-e iii irii-
il of 3); ir ti ter miy
i tti aiij t .eJ". ty ii'jwiij a j."
r i seed ail i t Wi jtuxl(-o! ri'
in of t'i;n :ui.n or 1
Ii thurth Ls a; T'ro! tii.i-ij
-ton f ::-?. -4.-), Uinj L'd.-
- if la.-t tear. Tne t;tai
- Hated for J urj-orff.
.tic, it -Sj'..4-0.
' .t e nraced in aJiiin ai.tith
el tae I'nxn leierr-h
.:.t'.t.r thr.ij.cli this plav.
a... ! w ire were rtvittd tt
it. '2 last w eek.
-'-- !--5 c-k- ':jr-T
a c rta: iioaaa, that can i ;
l.-.nai f-tt
. ; 1. -sJr.".s anl o".1k r wild
a -lii.ilr in a cun.:.-r
..r ;:-.rt to the horse mai-dy.
: -v- ii"..-.i-d have tliei while
oti-t are f ner-i'y lain'? ana
t C'l-urv-d.
- v f-i,ore 2trli it brsrziar
1 p. tine rirls of tiit Tidaro.
r .-tYta' Ie yottni: twa uh.
. A- . ;
. i It
r" ,
.'n ;
Co t . w. w.
tr. l i lv a ! x ft 1 UoF.
the won-k-T tit lh'r!
' ; prevent yr.i.r L-. j-s
a: i : ir.r 'i.n p .h::..n-. s
tn .
i ,
i. ii?-..u. a ri -(.iaiie
te 1 h'-alia wai,;t --irtA-
. with tire an JtUc 1-r.L ,? j
Nuie ti.e t r-e of Uar l a
.h:;.. Ii,-"-r nee iriti-n i:
:n.i;--vliati Iv t.. M.-re-t
if.-. Pa. ' it
roi-ui U-4 ! an
' -iLii bd t-i
The ' Bird ..f l'r.-r-v
ii firr. Win a we
f-rst '
jc r everylay in the VlafE j
T. .7 7
.e rrmt S -ath AiiKr
5 tf the bnad an 1
" a j.:
..... .
S-i to sr.-ii
ji i f U ..'ire
Tl,. ,U .
e.-lV- f 5
iiAM, l-'e. roucb sktn. t
rnv, aaVrbeuav. and hT oo-
a:..-,-.. ,jj r-urt-j. sr.j Lia made
- K-t.rh. I v tt-inr tle Jimpes
1 i? r. .A.. IT I a. I
- i o v r . i. aiaaiti a ca : a r
' ra UitraiatitpllwAi
" r-r-a' are L-atty wonh
j- - ju u-iio a common Lar.
idi -
) w
! are
f'ii' Ie c.jtSj Eiymyer's
liieUs. ?it t utit-rs
-usa;e S?uft-rx al Butk-j
. t.ial Mjiivtii Frks. ''
a .
-r- m -awr "fwtera. Horse-i
Ctirtera Horse- i
!- f Cs. Sk-iih B.1U Af :
7 r an. w .jj uj, Sap"
f ti.M, t!ij Tn'av Porre-hdn i
"7 -s Stiiida, Mooe ktir. W ire
, Siooe !!;. W ire
lat. or. S!i-r Lail k rs ia ;
-itit arythirr el all ia tbe
p to Bymycr" Stre for .
"1L" ia want f caJ for soy
c"''-Ui-ri-ri,.rt:ri t:--i tiiimi"
"i tie
t-T'tih'-J at Ala v. . n a
Join NetT. Ia.f.t athoji
a- Mr. IKvt. a TtarriI
'-ft. wiL ti-- tae l-rmp'cp
I'-tkra it rwiw flk-.! hh
rourh ocd. No te
-at-t ci,
your orderg at
. ? : .? a :Lrul.-er or h..e- ,
j v ;l. 'D;-.rtet i'o-ndry.
, ,. ".-ri- B:.. a m ien-
' -he L r ds-t -let .2c ':
: 1 eica.i
. :.LV ueeuj 1
ai ci'A-.
i a j
SrU.L Hi 'it " !
;:t at M..-r s 1'rrji
, . . i ' . . i ii
;-s. Hi ii.n aaa a-i
...t.a B4iS.
jo are a -ie to
cd. and make & sk
rt Li:, cf tit Bedrid Coun
- 2 a .;iited ! y t.- v. t.-iry
-t ..:.t Sixteenth D.vit....a
j : 1 er n-y.vama. tn
. - ; i- ', .r. Bia;r. Pi
" 'i
t Eiii-i-t on s-at ur.iay aiti-rr. n
: t.. the iieurt o; ttery te
ilet L it Was dl-..ver'-d
i r'.iuat-vi ia a na . -.- cj
.. ire any uama;.. lu.u Kx i ,
- all w re r-.k v,, a:, i ' ,
t oi.'.la "a:k a alit-1.
IK-n't lit votir rattle drink water
.:e v.-s-el voii w ater your rpiriolie horses
X7r. Lave tri d til kinds of liniment on
;-, aJ Morrba & Drj' linumnt
:.e t-"L lirocns'-u-'j pap-jrs. 2 t.
lk. Good informs u that Le onoC saw
a oIJ break both itrr ihi;h-bones
(:;.! Ii knecknj at cLurt h. and on rats- up her anubotit !j snapped.
T;:i:le art- 3.5 cot? wen in fall op- j
-a;: -n aloo; the line of tbe Pittsburgh A ;
. oanelkvulc Kail Hal. ja-.tdncia; noarly j
..r-.x- tul:Il '0 iii-orlj of coke per month, i
I win jay a reward f to set one j
.13 w..i n-i.m to me ay..un; i'nuvliecow
...; - , ,j condition, that anxri trm my f
-.vm.-.:1 in SotnerwE on uit uta insu ;
a. a i
Jkve i-iiDEi, lining near Mtrers" j
iv, frll inio tht .;i3,irer U':-p ut of lbt j
' C lUHtxaX dilaa k fcrtT fm,
; tadlr ii jun-d. tad llxKijili cliCstious !
-:.irt arc t-aurUiiiii i oi his n-covtrv. j
Mr. IlEyET VTagvee fl-ll oa Saturday
-.-r. in lrot tf tbe Lu:Ltra.n I'arsvin?..-. !
.1: 3 ir:;urrd b;ia-if s fTtty w to coa-!
T.t liim to hi UL f ytaitiibkc ct-t p-1
y iib Mr. Warner, nd hiij his recovery
y in- r..j Id. ti'4mf hit hit ul,
le- wir- ,,f
,1? - '
i4t,T naned 3Ir LInil
Linden. wj i.emed
.y in ber celinr hou', U-tween
i tni Lc; llun ?!s:i'-'3. on the t'n-
.e Ii.a
: .-en m;;es ,
:n I
". I. A.EALL aid ilVrt J.,a.VvC. cf
- on Lift Thursday md Fn day.
itb f-b (mn
iLi oian'.v,
Lunired aid
eiii t-ne rjuirr.L f";i 1
. k are ; ieavj-d to hum tba: our ttm-f-L
'rlcn J tii J f.nijir citizt n. John If.
v. Lsj., w bo ba f.r tttue time ja tvn
3!ri3? st vera.' from an aiiatk 1 ir.Sanji
try rbeuniS'ii-EQ hu lt eni'r'ieil o tuhke
jnurnt v lrom Pe r-burj tn hi b'.rae
i- l'cjn:.:.-n.
V.'sr:;;;!!! tri ikt-J t- hai be at
:n wted itb- rrcat (U'.fie-1 in li . be cahej
'z'y utri-.i, "To j-rln'.er' iLk.
-iLt ia;en;ve to i li'ierad adverdsias
I -Jid n.. n t-.n try eie. fJor-cd in
.--Ijes. The a.'e req:.::t ;L Ps.j'k-
v :be 7;h in-t., I'ruii Trent, L-; . of
r-e: t-.whlp, hh;jped iy AdiSiS.
. rss. eihtets ke.' o: bLtier l" Miw.-?.
!;:.-.. 'Nvce i t of !y
. on it w received on the ?.h. tnJ a
k r.:rii..d to Mr. Tr-nt the next
-. The butter i sl i at 27 ceav per
e i. Th:i''Ee Jhe nicy i.ivc-
f ril. C;.ia.
Ma XT of the r'2Iv
.: Ee!!i'b'Xi
ve ie!'.ved n -t i i v
ie L- c-- di-w- is
r un .t:rz oi;r tO n
;t t ur vii'uje while
r rii'n:. with the
e rb-ir h"rs wiU tht rVy tx-i;.
I h ;e wil dwt pr'.T? t futile a
herlhcd thecry id or villager, tnd
irucy cars p.iro'.:nJ th'-y esn exjieft to
.r tiivir bur.- stii c tubing and n..ioe
1 the u ! .
fii V Mi l.ti v-1 t
: " KZi ' ' n llS t iL" i
... . Lt iiiii 'L : the h
ovtr tb'-cout:-
.t-i fr..n one plit to i "?''- b:ne an-i Jsauta ltui!roii3 lom
at:n 1-" hi re. our tuple : "tn.r-" Theriain line ccn;ti-ncuii; at a
i-.. ive n the iiea tju r"-'ii a 'die Mary laud line, w here the tsdd
. . ' .".'. r 1 y tlie
. ;'..i---i :h.
U :i-
.. pt:re in tu: elevati-.l r.-K-n
-a-c wa n t llk'V 10 1- lame
-! rt-. z.-s. This tlelirhtfjl the
s J ''.--..ini to Uiaay. Uis
u- a iturlay and
-.n::r.; c-ite a nu'ti't-r .f the
csr -i!;sir were t' unj t- have
ptots of the j
eviiilni dl i-.
t iut eilZ'fc
All ov. n-.-r are : a- b.y
i th-.r un; -rttaSau- -tiirn-iit.
ik-.-.o:r is Coal. An eicha
Le tti l pru'.tatal sujj'-stin
li;,wie I .-
' warJ eooi.niy of c d. seems to tlie u.--i'f
stii,l In. tiitris in f;re prates. It L; as rt
! 3. an J indet-1 proved, that in any f re
' plac not t xivrsitt :y sniall. a plole of iron
; ;..-! u;.n the grate will save the con
su,; :ia of trtih reduce the s:n ke acd
: k-ave a cheer4 id. free bumin; Ire. Cuhe
! si;t"5cicnt atr enters tLroah the lars no
; p kin i it n't-scv.ry , and uie ure never -x-s
' out ti.l the co-It ire tiL-iin-d. Any
: Li -use hoi 3t r csa try thi' eiperinn nt. aad
: recar h'.s oml bt.L ay thirty
the v- tr." a t-hilli:'.
r c rt.. at
Tee i'it ral La rtvlJ fci- i
ti, L J &
u'd rriia rir le l-Ltrvi. HeT-er ad!
sh matter ti".v be smt Iv m -li at the j A Feast. St.-nK-tUns Tyt-3 the or
rate 1 1" tne cut for oat h two uc-s. and ; dla-ry m.-srse of event ccrurretl in our
:n ks -:. t wii.hnr!' than .'urpe'rids. ;q-Vt h"'e towa on last Priday evea
I; will tar recKt'al Tea that the t.rarfr dt -! hcnn joslah Miafer rave an
tL-i..n wa t ii the t.fitt thit art puMitsitiots ' th-rrant oysu-r spptr to the meaitT? of
wtr D-it "jirist'-J milter" sithin the itiviitij f-wlakh i Ltid ontheFri-j
nk&nir : of tiv f a'tae. The reversal of , day 16 te each quarterly eoort i, the rf5-:
tie former t;ic.i n mi rnxure-J it the
joint ': r.i of the an-tiealers
of Bit-ton,
New Vori
,ar,J' j his : 1 ut the lar;-
Unebtwiil I r.-3t-d ly
i est share of the
I . t'i.'.Tt i!.-ji( altA ir.t, r
bv niait, an-
tin: thousaads of cowBtrv p
trt-hasers w bo
snathe Same
rcrrive p jlar art pt:1 !br.';
i war.
EfEr;ri toT'eath. On Tucdsvevtn
r. h..t. a little t Uld of Mr. J- La II Jweatli.
f Ctcrr.iii! twnsh"p, was burned to
ath uai. r thefili"wuir circunisianccs :
artx-ars tir.t on tle cvtnin
d there
j weft none o
me aami.r at u- une
. tbe mother aad tbe child.
he Uioth
1 e-L la the course- (.f tbe evtrtinr
er went out to a:.K te ('.. v
b avic; the i
.1 atiice in u.; DTise.
iJin-cJy she
en rt5r;Lr
b'-ard the cilM Si'r"um. an 1
t s the b fuad the Ir.Oe
vriopd ia a sh:-t t of firmcs-
ir..v-ct to-1
be immetl j
lv cxtir.ri-iel M- t
the choi si
(iiiUuEf was
pcrsv.ri. and i
tiurne.J in a
rx-e KiJt f.r.
licifit ail burn-.-d from
he fie-h in Uiacy j laces w as
cri-pt. A jhttkian was at
but while h" Was 'ti-"ir.
f worr.'s. tltnth f '..tirt.e'i the
n r
liif.a Xvner, Yr. Kj.a.
E.!-ivvs:r.N at a FrfcSAtE. Shonly ; rerani a littlein kinl It affords me er
fiire tw elve o'ckk ytterilav a terribie : tt-euln; t leasure Vi see wi macr of mv fel
explosion otftirred at tnt toooms I urtate
I ia thi rlaee when Uit c-f the workmen
i . - r, , -, r I-
'ere servuiy m;urto. t.r
in; of ore of the pirders by whirh it was
i suprxTted. and the oc-arin; steam bk-w
ut the sttrronndini masa work, caasin;
i jtttml alarm and ofu.-j.n. ne of the
Iworkuxa Henry Able. ar.njck by the
! fyir.c Iriii.s. ixxiiT-Z severe f'tts and
! n-it--. w i ik- tatlc2 Li dlrnt-r. LVlaard
; W a". ii-iD. a lay of aioul 13 yeais of arc
; r.-l 'In; ia -uJ ' "j;a st.-iit. j s-1. - i -
th' fa'v. bri.t and arme ; I
H i
v . r.-. of Xi.rri-ioa n. larins at trie ie-
h'.nk-" ilottl. ia tu -i-a s'reet bum.-d
t L R'-ck arid arui, ani ctht-ns ise iriur
A lire alarm i Souci-d tj tb time
. cr. w.l of tars r.s fr..':i toww
;-:--tj to the sotne rf tl
True IU t-ri'.
i '
,':ETrT Fikes. The f.rc ce-
partment of ta eastcra city suVmitethe lol-
m; su;retKins fjr the prevention cf
fdrcs. and a tht v are wonhv of ctnsjJera
tion we repuMi-h them f r the bencut of
our readers :
Eeep mau-bes in metal licxc-s ia-i out of
the reach of children.
Wai riatch'-s are riank-clarT datt- rr-us.
aad should le kpt out of the way tf rats
.1 II. -e.
JPIIl fiuld or campbene Lim; onlv bv
vlirht and never near a fire or li;hL .
1 j not drta-Ml coal or w ood a?b in
oudfn vest. 1 anrl le sure buralcc cind rs if
xtin rui.-bed i f- -re d ptjfellic.
Never place a !:;ht or a! es cck-r a ,
ta:rcase. 1
Never take liit 10 examine a pts meter j
or tras i:;x ia a btjihiin?. 1
lie tar
lie ar fal never to t lane ra or other ;
liAu ne
near c:i ruins, 1
lfc n.)
ever take a li -hi into a closift.
w rea.1 in bed I v eaxulie or Lmp !
1I;1.L i rla. 4tadrs over cas lirhta ia ' r.e
show win Jots s, and Co ti-Jl crcwd oodj '
near tin m. j
No sm-4.1.1 tVuM lie litrmltted ia ware-
nouses, ranx-ularly w here pxtai- are statA- bodr, and, wbea tbe t-aia h-ft tbe trestJe
ed or couon Koredl w ork. be saw her coollr rise, walk off the
t here 1 urnact-s -e ma.-d tbe principal i
rrz.n auima oc ut-j open. ;
Store 1 if alaouid be at k-ASt f.tor indies '
from Urd work and jruarded ly tia. j
Ali Laichw ays or ooeainza in liie Soors ,
stores, factories or w art h'.-us.-a should j
; jl ... ;-,!. . I
closed at night
Ail iron door, baweea ctorta shiuld U
closed at t:jl.t when sot ia use.
TTixa tn-ir rrt likck. uiJ euu ft II dnc,
Tit fctr: tiin"i inot grcir luos aad Liae;
liis atro wtrt Ui44 lbnti;ti tiar i'.it,
Wiii rtwrtCis. lalJfi. all la tigkl.
At ia; fcu toil Us aW
-Jile Bp si f ct ini j bed, 1
JSjrf r row PH, isl oJ pes.
i3llT UW WTi axt tJi wt
iaj u four u aJ dftkus. ij;
My pTMA Ikcr Kill msk.
Ttiu cacatiAQ icf beitr Uxj c"
lie ilM U( " WjTMd,
Aal tft tbc pafK jTr
1 fvw A uc sJ tunztii uf all Le lul,
lit 'U verr u dretou xx glkJ.
Abil be bell Tom. v 111 car,
Hbw wcU il j ituner f iok rrjm
He kM bl jlo a Llyit wujt.
Urw Sit ai vtlk pfcw'i Srk.
AiMdcT la a lce a tigio
lx.latd ri Uie tree sujzif
H ui I1. let U)t c.i&: kavv,
OX utiai bt L-4 uf ut W gj.
Hi uran da al acre c-4 jiiil.
A Irrj vs la p v-ls iraf tnadc,
Tbe aurt vat ciuaed coi Uk aaue,
Aai lur autaa iia be valla jail.
A ttttkrcj auw, vUtiuit a eect,
At iciaiuc itt ess dcf repeat
Tutt toe ai tuwiaa aai uivue,
Ai did hl lrrr: ax!Tenie.
Tfl Po&niaXtr ireneral has ruled tluat
'ktiers detowted in a postohice preiiJ
cce lull rac Uirve cnu, but rtxjuinng two
or niore rair, tbail be iumarued with tbe
un;siid r"jeSa:e ciiargd at dotit the pre-
juj iaic, io oc uu un uruitn. isuui
er woris. a irltcr weithinj over half an
x-cuct, and less than an ounce, and pre
iaid ty a three cii,l Rainp oal.v, cuuat be
kriiirjei, turttxl -iue mi ariiu."
H jc k i Miixt, Mimon. Arabic and
'i Met hsnicsl let:U.ts, having permanently
located in thia phu. and litttxl up A very
ajTo4"at ruoui in the MauiUKiltt lui)J
in;, the l'hUHnd. on tLe
Kxvii &ur, Lrs dia. lo the left, are now
; preyed and will pntn;'lly attend to the
unites ot their pn.itijn in all it various
t.r-ncie. All work pnrranteed to pve
ctitirc ftaU.-tciiijin, an J charges tuodtrate.
t , i .
I A ctSTLi-SLax who has jost returned
' frcai a tiwr bant on the frontier, brings
cttt o! an etidunic j.revaiiics anifni
j theee aninj-U w hith threatens to eriouly
adix i the tUj !y ot veniatA. ilefcav
htras w ere ireutnUy seen in w hieh there
, w oul j l-e dftens acameiy able to triveh
and that Ltrse ol dead and dyin;
i u-.-er w trt lannd in Uie wjods. Tue'tii-
i ".M-nj. to refH;. ie in its f niU-His the
; h.irv dba.- w hUh U now creating so
tnuik tri.-Uoie in the e-t-
i A T;:iALor50 YE4.n. The New York
. Or.-EEVEK hs fiad thr.u;h the ordead,
and jnoulne on iheseoon J riHyyear
; i:h a bit jer ii-d of readers and more'nam-
er .us friends than ever. S-uch a fcUy
eo irx: of prtf;erily is MelalM'led. Vnii
ir.-pirt trnSuenee. We beartily rtjok
, iu the greut Lett-si of a pfe.'cr w hich bis
i ai ava advted U sind jrinripJe
; tbit un del lie the foundations of txieTy
aid g'jd foverLWenl. .'nhiiiwX in the
hirrett sense. lh in C hurt b and State, il
inSat-ace b si ways so-l We see it? pub
. h.l.r. pro;ie to give to every t.jlMriber
I br an ajpr ipruteiy embellishej Jui
iU- Ii-xr-UMi:. Thx whysutjsrri! will
have n J tali-- to n CM the step. 3 a year.
MdnT K Iine v lo., ;:7 Park Kow,
; New Vori.
Nitr Pi.ii. Hoad. Pr in the Shippcns
ir Jtt we k-rn thai a new r.broad
I'r".' - c". is ;r'ist-d, under the ciat of the
une cruse- Lk-kin: 1 reek, in the S.mth
wist c m'.-r of Franklin cointy. and by
a ay of soil Lkkinv Cretk Yaiity. and lite
extfr.'-ii .a of the Siid main line ea1araly
through the covint es of II jniinv lon. Pul
un. i-'rantlin. Aiaxs. York. Lancaster.
C hi-tfr. Delaware. M :nr-tLerv. I rrr of
Ph.lae.piiia. ami iUvi- county, at a pot
: the !j;1 wascrl- i on le lA-aasrr nit:, si or near .iinra
v Imi ni-de its an-! viile, in iatd county, in lecr.h alnt one
hua.ireJ and &ine;v-.:ht n....-s. as now lo-
catij i'V
the Company. hip; n.-bcr if
said to t a jv.jst uf th: r..i Lnpneers t
are air. dy survey ins the route eastward J
lritn hipptnst.urr. The line will run in;
in oisv.-rly coorse from Shippeasbtirg i
Uuc,:a Pine orove to lork. It is the ;
pun't or tbe lompany to oonstmcl a
dou'.ic track, canxiw ruiirt- f3 fett; rail
ruud irona the bituminous dalbclds in tNtta-
er-t county, and the Knii-bhtiniinotis coal
reruns kno-ra as Broad Top" in llunt
j in.'doa, B-'-dford and PuiUa cxKiaties. to
! the l itv of Philadelphia. The main line.
with iit bran bes. will k aliout two hun
dred anil twen'y -five niih-s in knrth- Tbe
f jii.jecy txpvxf to build the rad cnaloan
ti! 4,wJ.('. setand bv first and onlv
tn'in rure at the rate of seven per cent, per
f3 - .1 - ? ia c-.d
firs a.j tf April naJ I
cersct uie coart, the mctat-ers ot tbe bar.
T! latere nuniler of pcrBal fnetvis.
More tlian cne hundred pt rccis jiartocik
bounteous rappiy of luscious bivalve
; o:
and the s- ttin ct of tbe troesta was uni
versal that no scch treiU had ever l f're
l n provided for the dehxtaiioa of the
Pnisty S.ns tif Thunder."
After the chthhad beea removed CoL
ficel John Ik Edie, w ho had lcn sekctcd
by the citizen present as their stokesman,
ajidressri the Shc-ritT about aa Jblkws :
MmtrrF Chafes : Your treat Las da ne
us ffnod. :n-h rrnnions are becoming
UDpirasiantly infrequent of late years. Yoa
have happily reina unrated a system that
was lcctm'!ritr honored in the
breath." In the historv of ttimenet
Count v vou are the ftrvt man who has
jeverUtn twk tktted to the thackkts
raisitjiin of the sberifialty. This, of itself,
j w ould lie suMkient crinxndtion, but I
am c ar.ic to k-t tbis occasv pa w itnout
a-turin r y mi tf lie respect t-f our citizens
to yoa ss a neiihbor, ChrL-tiaa. and j-ea-tietiin.
heri:T Shaier rt-spoa led :
(' EtiiE and Genti.fxen ; I Lave
en k-avored to do my duty. Since I Itave
beta ra; yoa, Ea,' Uiwnsmem I have
l-a well treated ; so that I bad of need to
low Citirns ititovintr themselves-
must pard- me fnm an altemj to make
a sth. This is the ZtA time I ever
sp"k.ein pulJic.
The sTwtle remarks if lch groflemca
were wtll reoeiveiL "aid tbe party Ii-s-.-Ived
in the let-artiust g-ajd humor.
A B:ate Woman. Oa Wedn&lay,tJie
oCih ulL. trala 17. acctranxaiatkia on tbe
O.i t r k i Allegheny river rwi:ay, W.
T. Tok-s, n;iner. pulk-d out of L'nioa on
rv- -t A .e t:n.e- L- ttiis l.iint. A ft w mllns
. , 1, , r fi i i...i . tl ,m m-i?K
j a heavy ,k-.wn fradi-, aai this side of tbe
! curve a hi;h. narrow trestle-work. The
I train came rapidly down oa its war, with
I s.ii-m sii'it oil turned tbe rarxe and Ftrcrk
thetnuoi tne trestle w Lea a nair-raisin?
fi;ht met ti tcrineer's evei. In the knn
of a youn; lady w alkicg ia tbe midst of
tbe treswd. To stop the train was impossa
Ide, fc her to jump down the ravine seem
ed certain death, and she certainly coold
not stay on the side f tbe trestle "and let
the train paiis her. Of course he w hirded
down brake and reversed hi encine, but
the r;l'y oovinj ra9 was thta only It.'
feet from Ler.
The brill call r brakes was her first
warnin of danr. the burned, at a
fiance saw the aitiiatioa and accepted it.
And tlie enpnetr, watching her every mo
tion with eye Ifp:nr a-ainst h--pe, wil-
L-essec a setae of Lrmne and ad! piases
-ia s-kkea if ever seen before
ia the siicredness ot her ow a chamber,
she laid down between the raiia. on the
phu.k ictended fc-r the watchmaa. So rt. I
waa she, tbat a ptm 01 wtaa tarmg blown
her skirts oa the ri!, the stretched Ler
hand carefuI'T and calmlT down, without
raisin: her arms, and drvw Lcr rnrmenu
awav. that tbev m;pht cot be caught by
the tossnr traia.
It was the work of a moment, and as the
Lurre l a-ritrytlvr nasfd over bT, the en-ri-
- r liioUnr down, saw Almost a smile on
Ler face a calm kai. he aays, which will
never fade fr oca memory.
Car after car pasted over the prostrate
trestle and diaappcar. The enpintier has
tot been able W learn c-TeB ine laty a name
n i residence.
T-kea adtotker. tbe art of self preacr-
va'.ion and the unexcitedexit uf the heroine
from the jaws of death, it if one of the
. , , , . . r -r
nof rcmarkabie iristatyvw of presence of
mind and r.Iauk we evtr heard of. Oi.
Ci'g Itcrriek.
!FirE tto PjirtE. It is -ll wcna
biV t fare vour home rir anil hve it
a r JL. ;m .. .. i. .
j ilJ 1. d KM t19 HiiJ iUAAl ii - (X lAi- ' I
! snstnirtire sniltE'-ria;iiin rlauie i!ut
!nini,i All tin- of ;v"ia.
lion Bake it Bant a fc'srt-ay of yoar
cit aixl I rural. r.:ix. dtps. lurt.s. are
n.anrH-r. OrtrT it yon cry tl jour
nawaki-rt, luagh at your S4in-s. and rti!-t
inartrirw 4 tht gsopa that have" k-J
you to prof t-rily. Ii recurds the h;orv
tf a town. Licb la !;t aa ep-tuine vt cia-
rirstJ ia.-torT.
A SsUExs Tetth. Ir. K.-i t's L
Cur. niililb Dlir's iu-Jnwi u ji
j often cored vra? rf tbf most 1kx-1- ca
of matn.)inKn. Itts ho action h Jullv j
explained in an rfcay of iiinrtno it, j
wlurii can br Lid ty avldrr-asin;; the lXc-1
t. at 167 LiJxrtr. or 120 rean ret,
Plltibureh. la. itisnotin Inn; cla;!
abne thai thi preat rtmevlr is effective ,
The Bnmrhia Crstarrh, Afthiaa, Lirer ard i
Kidney DhM art e-juallv wiibin iu i
rtach. In tuX. la aar chronic disease
where the Wood i uchealthv, it will act i
with a pow-eraad em rry thai is truly w on
derfoL Price il 50 w IwUJe. or"T Vi
ixr half dcAen.
EcxECTic MA6A2ist-Tlie Dbttl." f
nuniberof tlibrinsBto a worhr
cle one the roost attractive volcnie of
tbifrtceriins perkxiicaL Afteran esiatence
of twenty -tight years, a nuzine has kit
but little tor the critic to y of it, but we
nay mention atnons the increased attrac
tions fir the comfn; year that the Editor
ial Uf-pArtmeni's indudia? Lit'jrary X- a.
ht-me and fijrek'n. id be falier ami more
omprtbensive than ever lfrre. Increns
eti attention will abo t? paid to -enre.
and the Editor announce that be hsa fa
cilities 6r cnricc the best paj-rf fntu the
alde4 rilie.-i in iaais buMnanl eld. Es
says. Reviewa, Sketch S-rial and Short
Mories, and Petnr will alio receive due
attention. Readers who seek culture as
well a auiiiri-tnent in their monthly reatl
in ftfLid tron:ze the Isltrtie, and the
pr:t i a tavoraJ-le tine to RitTi!e.
The Iece!ii?er ncmbtr ba? a co;iious
and Taried table of titent. and L eia
lie'.lished with a portrait of the late Lr.
Xontian McLeod.
PBUirfiedby E. R. Pext..?:. Fulton
street, w York. TcniiS, y a year : two
c.ijiica. f 3. iajle ncnilwr, 45 cutM.
Tee IlrtaAS Kor axa it Tsathisg.
iriheiaanleserrwellofhcoanirTwho!llv :nU-d .Mr. i,. 1Vjx
miies two blades oi a.rass prow here on-1 Aoanva in t-arntL A rery judi
lr one crew before. sreW he who product I eletiitai. Mr. Pope is a geatletsaa
V! w'f OS A b-iroa a comparative- Heat bosiaess capacttr aadtraiaia?.
Iv tarren sralp d.-st-rve tii heartr thinks ' e predict wiii in tune beotme a jKp
flf the twrtr. Ail b-.nor ilr-. i Okr as hi predefess-ir.
i re. to 1 rof. I . T. Lvon, for. un iuestion
ably, hs renowned Kathairon acro.f.p'.i.-h-e
lids i.iiject. tit n'denien wh-ise w hiier
are ihy of m.ikin thvJr spearacce in
frce, tr the Cit-rs of whcie EieHi--tscbt
discs se tho "iiiariScxr.t dl-iincxs" f r
which Wgi-bininoii lN:ty w t.nce 1a
motii. w-'J rlnl this Hair Perstuder the
wonuerfal i-nc'Aiaii-r tif tlbrou dc-vevejo;iu-nt
that his ever yet lie-n in
vented. lkth -ses are advi-d ? us- ii,
a. by all oi,i. h i the lust article for im
prorin th? rxiw'Ji and txaiity o! the hair,
kwpin; il fn-e from sct:rf s.nd GaJruT,
preventing it fni;i lie-vuiini: 1... dry
and eray tini it a rich srs an i -adoi-.
inz it w i. h firxibility tht Ts-iirt i. hrrais
trv has ever evolved from the revels.' k
ain:docn. The te.i!idays are !?wly and fradaii'Iy
an'Totxita;. (htryouapr people are w-b-t-fjliy
ki.a)g an.iund U.T nice prcs-nis V
rive their friends, w hili.- kind ti'hers ad
riKuhers, k ar uncles acd snots are woa-
dertnj w Lai thev thtll l ur t-r their dt'r ,
children and
swe-t little net-hews and
It is time ottr dcilr-rs in h'ily
ITjods sbtK.kl make kxHmn what ihey ha' e
in f r these jrj poplf, lest in their
anxiety they send of to the neirL burin;
citie and make their purchases. Por years
bark, and it is yearly zrow inz worse, luacy
of our pe7'3e have leen senil'nj away for
the very articles that could 1 j-nbised
at hiWtie fr the fume ci.ey that they p-y
abr ai all because our tradesmen ne j'eet
! to sp; rir.etheia of the ftci.
t Vi'e hi -ne that this rear our dulers wi"
aclrertise their xL ia advance. tb-t
this proStaUle trile Biat 1 kept at Bad.
that the purchasers niv be saved much
r-iatious trouble and inore follr realh-e
ile fact tlaal their botue market i the best
after aik Bat if you do Dot let the peo- J
pie Know mat vom laave saico eK-sant r:s
how can you tipcet to sell then.?
Ta tbe Teavrbera. acaMl Pire-rtara. aa4
frleaa. af Edaratioa ia Sumtnet
Ceaaty t
The iVwiirrset CrtmT Teachers Iasi
rjic rfi irti, ill i. -i'a lli v.ruil;
House, in SttKrseu commenciai ib-n lay, i
tbe 'A of Ilt-cc-mUT at 2 o'cijci and clais !
I... f... i .t.l : ,i... rf-
int Friiav, 27ih. at II a. m.
These r-itn; are n. w r.t V ,
tablisiied by law. for the purpose of aiord- i
ms ttaar hers an opportunity of reeeivia; ;
instruction and manifestin" their teal in '
the nrufeatk.n. All the ar'tiia teacher of :
the Countr should be present, w hether ;
the- axe rfaated the time or mt- It is I
su2iree that ia the future, that the tin -i
spent at the Countr Institute. !v t acht-rs. j
be taitai into consaJeratJoo in makms ctr-
tiScattS ia the Prlk-e and Thrr ofi'diev hoptd to avid paint, wiadow shades
LA, kin - Ati stvt ml other comforts whkh Lie rootn
.. . . . . . . .
cboot tiirerttfs. laau&ciacli as Jhe cvm-
pec sat ion paid to our teachers is noteouiv-J
paid to our teaclierv, is notequiv-!
ia! raid I v our nei;hboric; coun-f
.a... :j :-.-: "
tic do grant Jtttr leacbers the week or at
least a oortkinof the time; thev wiil return i
to Lutir laUr KunulatoJ anj enKiarart-J,
and w Ul do you hcUer s rvice.
C'rsnlziliaa ; election of ofUcers ; ad
dress f wtlccmc L. C. Collorn ; re
sponse by members of the Institute.
The atiilowini; teachers will prt jare re-
pona oa Fulfjectiof their own tek-rtion :
E. J. Milier. ieo. Ctiuntrv man. W. 11.
:Rink, J. O. UriSth, Jonn M. We-kiand. i
IL k. Mussc r, I). A. Berke-r, J. S. Snv
der, F. K. OJljorn, A. F. Swank, F. i.
Br-Kkman, J. C. Keaihti Frank K.Ltz.
J. E. Mason, WQIiani Infithi C. B. Cxi
Decatur Vtl3ev.
The ftillowinzlady teachers are appoint-
ed essayists. sekiug their own subjects :
Emma i. Either, Mrv SchtlL Annie j
v-U r v-,..
-- i.j.., .iui iiiimuLii, oiu.c . . r-
er, Ellen Snyder. Tula B-yd, Orcelia Fer
ner, Ibjse. HurJon. Binaie S-im:.ra, Kate
Snvder, Kate Shomber.
The following: assimneats are made :
OnhoCTaphy in cur Common sch'U
tliark-s El rick.
l r.. r-1 a.V.-u.l V. flrt.f '
Incitement of carkisity as a means of cd
ucation J. I). Meese.
t nconsoous teachin; J. B. Whipkty. of Ssanerset, to Mrs. Sarah blact.
ViP?0-HP- l?1111 ' ! 0S5 I0KTMAX. At the residence of
Lroie Tliina -P. S. Fisher. I c sUfi on the 2ist inst., bv P.ev. B.
The teachers dady preparat -J. C. j Kneiptr, Mr. IMvit ass. from Marr
tetler. land miacs, to Miss Martha Montujia, of
W e reap what we w-Jac. D Zlr. AvaUr?, Pa.
How teachers nav ht lp eaih otner W . !
bat are me ai-o of fa.
13 leacian;T optm-.J t.y ti. J. loi.-r.
Liow taH we best secure parental tx
eration? Normaa Muaelmaa.
flow can our s.:hooi3 be Liade more iS '
ciectr W. II. BarnharL ;
Should a teacher keep a ti.- reecd ? !
J. E. Hcrr. j
How shali we u-ach Ulstorj-? IUxij ;
m . AJciiir. j
-. j .v... ,r u.-o. u .
may 1 tbcuss-d, if presented by tlie Ex
ecutive Commiitee.
The fjlloainz namod kx-Junrs aad in ?
Rrnctors are invited to be present t !
Pre C. L, EhreDf.ld, of California j
. V.. 111. 1 . . iMM, , 1! llMUi t
Prof. II. L Gourlev, of I-jitbcrrh. .V.i" 1
IL Fisher, Sup. Bedford Co., Ik v. R. j nORXFJL Oa the 3ih ineL, Itr. Sukicacn
Smith, Dr. D. P. Webdrv, au3 rchcrs. 5 P- Horner, of Jenner tp., a jed SI years.
Miss Rose A. MeUearr, of Pitbursh,
wUl give daily itaructios ia EWO
and leading. She will also give a public
entertainment on Wednesday evening.
The Somerset Academy 'Glee CluVj
will ftirnish music tor the Inf.itute.
Mis LiI5e Stutxtnaa will rive a public
class drill ia Calisthenics, on Thttrsdav
evening preps red ftt the occasion. Tea th ! wi.a Us rtny attendant. k rfirJta.
crs w id profit by attendin' j -" ffJttSlItJfKnM'
' J s . j urraMKa. kw t pwr. wmy bead, ana M aaeaav
tIKECTOg' CAT. I tj. aad tbrealewid tnpeare aad tfB .ocxluy. bad
. , , T.. . , . . i a aiaetaija rare hi Hwnjjiirryi' H9eotabie
nm.. uw tiutvto.B uaj.tLuu mv
jeCU Of interest to them will b discussed,
OT QUrtliora reralalic: to their datks aa- '
umiMIVM (llMaaaatl . IV tAlU . UA14,9 aAA- '
tuereO. i
er. ihool orncera. and the fiends of edn-1
cation in every part of the CocntJ to U ;
creaent ana nt.n anve ine wneti oi pro -
lL. l) w vcnI
Ghbde, Pa. Not. RL
CV. SapL
PEX3friTjixtA'Ti:EtTsE. Tie .'- j
; imilihl in rivncutJi. Lijxritc, !
' v. r J ' t r . ... . 7 ! . 1
'H r I J- iwijii, i i i - . s ic i i L i. ..i
siivtr IvvlUt n tli-wvejtsl in I'nuaii trn -
s,!iin is'icvfl HcBHjf-k'a rtM-t anil Siiif":.
fIaey, and in oiuntisy t fay fur tuininr,
was rctvirta r;u:ru)e iv tnsnv. as it
' val sbciijU no other itmer.ii t Kmnd.
. Th 3iuUiB ones U-gia to rub tb-ir
eye bdw when the we is pruducrti 'a
; -I'luntiiy s.uStient t suthf'y anyone tbit it
is rtaUv ob'-aiotrd un the t-rt indinitod and
io really of'tained on the tjiot indicated and
: w hi-nher find that the olboers of the Uci -
: w bi-n Jber find that the omtrrs of the 1 m-
: ted Mate. Mint at 11iiUit:!jhi have prf- j L.Ur, rvi tie, f'i'ZZZZ
al,'nounced their mineral to 1 wtver. To! V'? Z
jj 'iatWy the stejtirail, a Un of the qilaHz 'oa:. p im'Z
' 'a t-ct to lb mint and rtdemi, and
IUTe aetn Urf k-twr ira .sr. UnnAi, tie
rtdiictTand refiner, in wbkh he say that
tLe tt'a qnrtz yielded ftwrteen hundrpd
kSii J-e d-jJlart and ninety icbt cent
onliof silrerandrcOd (the pM of course,
C-'mdng a aaudl proponi- of the TJa-).
" fc known that the pentlenu-a
nit-din the eiikrauon haTe divcorer-
i-recious nit tal t-yond the fcltadow
cocjjny i. to be formed, and
niachinery for crushing and reKnio the
be placed in puitiun at no diatani
. i ue cenucmen oonoernea in tne en-
The Gin-eft Literary and vx-isl Club
tiieets every Thvirviay evening in the town
2ia:i a oarren.
The reidcnoc of VT. B. ShiiT; r w cp and j
un.h-j louf, und will, when cocipH-ted. be I
one of the finest structures in the couniy. I
We have not had within the recrdiertion '
of the oldest inhabitant, a larser crop of
apple ia this section, and witn the abun- J
di.nce, the quality seems to tic-el anything j
for past yetrs. " " !
uieruje .uucai eac.ieiueni cas ata-
Vwl, the jur'ij Oe are inclined to turn their at-
tent Kin
to fiiOjethtn' else. AsxK'lliluntl
snd niechinltid
r. i , i. .
The averace amount of InniU-r ahItHd
frow ihi station is alut S..Mi fet
OBV. 1 he Jlimtcr ts btpted to ell points
alothe P. W. & ii. HaHroU it and
l"rv T -1 tVat la. . fltt A burA '
v.-T . .
ioa;ied as hi.h sstwcnty-tive cars.
The P. W. 4 II. liailruad autioritit
l.'.v tnnrjMI ! r it .j
Mr. Wil.iatn 31easer, IIsv's MiiL the
other wet k tojk unto iriinjtif a wrfe. Miss
Jetr.irLia lkiker, ff Smer?et township. Mr.
M. has the -.rood w :?!- of ail ti;e eniploy
ees of llaj's !--ata Saw Milk "Lon.; may
the;,- lire aad enjoy iacx:re,-iL).e hippi-nt-s.""
I)Ei.n Hejiald. I will. i;h your i.r-mbv-i.n.
give ytm a finad sketth of Chest
nut IIilJ. or Thoioasiow-B, a il issmne
tinies called. It is snoatetl ntr the cen
tre of hadc toWBshtp, .NuEserscl CJiiinty,
and is made up ot ue Saniily, one store,
jwotoiUce, one twjt-r thoji, ne alint
Uio.kershop, anJ a butcher shop. t"'ee are
pondttcted by dlffi rent tat n. We have a
daily 4nail; the iack on the mail route be
tween Berlin and Johnstown changes
horses here, and as there are two torses
stx.niiici here ail the time, we have a mar
Let at Lome lor otir oats and hay. Locat
ed as this pL.ce i:. the denlz-ns havi- i.ti
titcjtave vk w of the surrounding CiUtrr
h tbe ATk-ibenv aad Laurel ii:ll
l.a-iminr cp in ail their majesty. This t-ju a
is nit eqtsillod by any in the country ia
the- way ot" niorajity and re serai quietness.
The OLit.aa.nis " twr rHanionA Mills
c.rre-j'C dence on that town, will exactly
apply to '.ni placet "Yoawid agrve wr.U
me ai or.1? tlxat wht-re there is b j qtnrr.-l-ms.
no nbtiL;. no hwsu:'s no hone
trading, 20 cheating of anv kind between ; Tin tre r i.aav ar-r H-l-r. lor tie
nciiLUi: , in short, ' where tverv person l. . ti . -s. tieaaat-y hen ta
stick to ihe eleventh cotiunanument lo tne j.rr-jiai-. ta-T uutai t.
letter, such a place must be lic heaven. j tee niit rUrjr'j rt.zjr If y m:r a
This UlUt be on account of our having year, aiiiea. a.asi . at lit : ettW-Tiatt t jt;
ffoud K'V.KiaS acd pxai teacherft, who on- i UAKPEK A fctOTi:riI15. New York.
tiertnd bow to teach a school m'.irailv as
w eii us tuentallr from A to 2. ' Up to this
tin our school are all supplied with;
leathers xtf jit one. The tdmaor wA
tein2 able to find one to suit tbenv, that I
school is w ith-tu
a UMcher lhavmanl
" , , . . i
; ail tbe la-nooU ta lun :
mtcrcs in see in
blast, would siav that if there is a cowl I
. . - , j i ..... ,i.
K-r yet uxf-taplored w ho wants to teach !
d, uk-t, orde-riT sch.l, ia a pood '
jieatiie. t et utieizijiOTtxi w oo asLOii to leacu ,
! a
i - i . i i t v ; r i
neirui.ruoiAi, lex tun our Ka:u noi.
j 1 a bt-st haird ran be bad, cvnvt meat to ,
the Sthtl b.'iuse, at a low Entire. aes
tbbtraL A Lutheran Chureii lSlhKbv;:
i'-eS t-ttr,
I! iP-v-
SCaElET, Pi-, V.T. SX
. Dea IIekaeo. Anmnw the rteaani
lacheunts ot iit wet. was a Titii to tne
h:h acbool of this place. The exercises ,
were more tank-u!arlv litcrarv than ri-:
tative. and tiid much credit to their teacher, j
-Mis Liiiie Stnuanaa. a your; lady of rare 1
administraUve abilittt aad trreat eaerrr.
Through that enerry they had just Cntsh-
eu ttt'trin; me ttanaai rai. ana toia us ,
J neeus. misx mere mey rect-iveti ,
amidst clapping of hands and shouts of the j
amidst clapping of hands and shouts of the j
pupil an orvan lor the school, w hich ad-is J
, ;:.. ..nt.l K. ..I u visU
gn-atly to the practice of CfetsUtetuc and
vocal mutic, two quite important fta-lures
now ia our public schools,
cidedl v the school a credit t
We think de-'
i . I,t. t;...,,t Al
hope ere kn;r the directors wiii ace the fad
lacy of each year ecra;in; new teachers. '
i ia preference to rt-Uiininir those who are
i CiUif ctent to 11 the pot-iiiou and have now j
tie respect Lid caade5ce of their scholars, i
1 Yisitok. I
Ttf .1 R It 1 LID.
- n-rra-1 r
Cn the 21st day
tif November, bv Iiev. A. L Skrau
Mr. Eiliah Shotky to Mi- Alanr Ellen !
M;stT, Uxh of Somerset Co., Ia-
dar of Xovembc-r. bv Josiah Gerhard,
E.-IJ , Mr. Aastss ritinms to Miss Di-
annah I'k-tcher, It-th of Nunersct .'.,
,. ,T, r, r . . .-
M'-Xilix- hAN-aA. Oa the 5th of -
vcmlier. at Cosccllsriile. Pa., by Ikrv.
T. II. Wilkinson, Mr. Philip jloore. of
Waihinton county, C'hiit, to Mrs. Jo-
j anna C. Hanna, of Turkeyh.4 township,
1 Somtrsrt county, Pa.
' PE.UkMJX ELAC1L Oa Taei.iiy even-
a - t ar.w . l a . a"
tin tri4e, in Ba-l.i4own. by Iler. Fraa-
dav. Novem'r 17th. at Jhe Lutheraa
1 "tirsonAtre, Yt'CI's Creek, Eedfcrd Co.,
I'a., ly tbe Rev. J. A. Nun 5y. Mr. Wm.
f ou;heio-iir to Miss Mjtt A. Faraer,
l. th of S-:imer?i Co.. I'z. "
On ike 14th of
NorcmU-r, by Kev. IL F. Keener, Mr.
V1' maa Glesiner l- Xiss Mary Wiani,
Utk if Jtnncr tps
stjij - FER WIXTERS. Oa the 17th
.inst., br tbe same, Mr. Oliver Shafler, of i
s,-Iw.r t townsliin. to JliSS Soi.liia K.
j W LabtTB. of Qncmabtcing tp.
i SMITH MILLER. By the tnme. Mr.
? Jonathan Smith to Miss Elizabeth Mil-
kr, both of luemabocin; township.
; i j montns ana ts cays.
j . . .
CAtjEi-err frcnuuie box of
J bears tLe fi-raatiire of FLEMING
j BUOS., I'ittsburtrh, Pa., tai thfir
private Uthfrd states Stamp. ' Tak?
nooihcr. "The market is full of imi-
Senau DeaiUlx.
stpeeiae Na. Iweoty-Kirt. p.aed of lb. '
at ralwaMe aafid aad potett t arauras. tbey j
" (r "T?" """f1-
. . . -. -. .i - '
r 7aav, wrr Aanr laiaw aani aw javt a, a 1X''BI
a.&4 X7. tile i HA.iiv w ib e.irt BLkva.
rinrle box. Soid by aai IVarrirtA and m: ty
1 "aai ea rw; oi vnre. Aiart, u t xrw aiti s
ia Hr taiway. New V-x"k. aoe. 10.
or sale i y A- n. Aianeau. bwwt, Pa.
, OHEKET .f tBKlT.
CrrerteJ -Uy t t A. J. t'Assena A Co.
' Apt r
' Ajt'fc-tt- V S3-'
. .3i!T
M l
I Boiiwhemt. 1
. r'"1'"- r
j - hm,
jj!"- V '.'""'tj
: -T? "-'
j ixn. w
i i t-W-
! ?!?
i , Ta 1
' Putau. ft....
! "nM-
j KaK t""." Z'.'.'.
Sai;, Sa. l f t-:4
. "
Sa.T Vrn.-wy
1 - iHe -
j o. V a.
j WcuL
j yt-ir Advert ismetiU
' " '
Tn" t V "v 7tTi7
J7- JLh'
i r ?j te hare ten I t a ' The oiraer i ir;oir- i
j txi turjar lurward. mti jirnr. aor dnnft.
! atvi lake il ay. r it w:L tc 4pcl A acourvi-
. U.X M la
: -a. i w
aleac Pietrial HMary atthe
a I . ' "ID oeat. eaeapeat, avawi
at aarercaatiil I avawlty Csper la tk
Harper's Weekly.
5 of u.r pTnt.
Tbe'WeeaMr ia tite js . s as-l m:: powerful !-1
j:T.i..lrfiKaJ ral In U.J. tau-r.
eaiiona J are .ij-ij aad tu,i ii;-ii.j. aai carry !
mai0 "ejarau rj iiia..raujD n carrcat im
are iui ut-i ire?ia. ai art jirtjarc-3 i i ,r f y
i: . , . ,Z-i'. " -
. nr-j m & i .r m . a ii .a ... i ... utju. i , m-k-
i rata , j a. Kao a BUi.ii-si pc-rj.ifi. UN
i;' loliiM. Tll:a "i'""" fctuBtriy
; ZZ
auril jaUwrauL Ltntnbt Lvvner-Jtmnua.
j sUBSCHHiby S.-1ST3.
Ilarr-f Wa'r. -of year... W
. Aatx ra r.j vl eiit-r u.e Sl.aaws. Weaiy.
; laar wui M; t.i -ra.m hcorryciabU
: are Fa : Ti er at t-i ij eat iu m on vf
aoucr!Lasi Uj iiarjrer Jinirajie. Wei:y. ; Ai ir A 'HKSBit li A iiJU-EK. S. H
aj lie nr. ii iise jmw ! yrar. iiSJ ir. ! St.. Pl.iiaieif Lia. Pa.
tat of Hrjr-r PerVAra5, lo tke a'Sorr kir tfe -
year. T ou. t a f'IFT rT ,'Y'''rF1
xSa.a aaaj -rri e rc;;5 ai sty tiro. I VlV i. JTa V A.-"- - av
loe aciajl t.ia at Hrtr a' ert.r. ia ' . . ,
-aeat ea iik s-.t,i Vv IrVe .-f , f1 1' --7' ? 'eraasa-nw f.k
exja. ior a; tw eLlu A e-iie k. e-as i rM-ii-. Tat4- at .r!- a L:oe ar--re
nr.-i voica-a. i-jii .a rrUl; i U tc uise! Pu-e- --H9 -New Tar.i.. scmj.Kte. .t
ra:e i t-.r evlasot, Ircrtt at eir.t U wsr- j ' ae. tea . ver . jaj. .i. - t.y A
.j ' ! ni rmrtT ui soil .: tvjtTa. swfTlsb-
line j.:t2 on ILarjxr' Wtti:y it 2 o-tj a ! "1:e-yt-ar.
iiit-u atu--t te at tbe u r.!'i j, j la AV lN ACJI aV PKKIS,
ne- Aiurtt a-A. Bnii rHiv t(, w w
HAEI'E- a liiiVirHEiiS. T .ts.
Repoaitsrjr f I athita
anil laati-urtion.1
Harper's Bazar.
.V (.- Of U.t P.-ft.
Tij iiUxar S friil s t,T;; a;i a u.-t
: Uie jtattwi i s iter orafjua U-t
I&e toir ca.aAH-iAii jtK-ll t err m'r -
lL AHiiAii t Ujc ci.ii-re I v v.r-i atij frei;y
. iiiittr.'vii c r-f-ui. -k j as. iu i&c reAXaj buu
Ttr wi Ui; raur UiiAii.ra. y ; errti c-i,n -jra-i. t-I.' 11-1.1 La JaST-S. . 1 . i..tSli; iOAi.
EjrrT" Butr, itt 4 W
Aa eaira -y ot ei.r tlie Mazariar, "Wttitiy
re i.3i.xf au oe -i J irrai ; .r ttrry ci of
ETe ta'.a.-n'.'rrf it 4 . eaca. in -ii.- r T.... : j
atx c- ttc s-i u. wi.aucii extra tr .
.-a.:rijKia iu Harj iai.-ir. ti e-a'y.
aba i&zar. Vj ee an..ri-?e 1.C ytar. fI-j ir.
i A barftr't Pcruwarais, to oca: im-Tirs ior &e
lc n. 'r. r-nn be nteIit ai are T
t aweatloaably tbe brt aastafaed
rfc ar tae kiaai la tarid
, t 1 mm
H S X D G T S VtQSti Z inCa
4 '
Xodcti cf the P-rsa.
. J
Tbt erer-torreaKrrirxlvtfcin '. t-: ex.vI3'ct
aarauiir ue. -etw it ox. i.or : a in i-iu a x i .f
d - - . .,1 ,M ihim-.o
D. w m.r oorcTii n in:ra;c errrr BaxisiM. f
mutt ftni-Kirt' u .vt coe - tirf eOi-Lja jl wtii a
uantT hx, .. Kvpii jo.
CKrar;tiTfitts. isi.a Oiie.
lae eaarater nca iat a.aiTae PT1
The etara-lrr w kf.a tti .Viriraf r-
. a varl". ecterfiae. aritf:e aeaiia. aani utera
rr eai'.sre liat la Lryt fiat ir.h. ii i: La' l ,tj
i tae tiBJt. ottl-J ta otr e.etar-.r , rea-i.r.1 i: i
wita jvtiaate ncic; ojvtjk-t. ii a.yo coj: i m
to a imea: elaiat tt j-a: lit E-mTi-.oe. Tiit
Um:x ba S'jr.e rxd aai A evi .l Loecar. i
AaTtorarr 1 tVfiWl
T. ly.B-iarwLa be f5nwrf rraua a evert Clab ;
..iot ve FtrnT at t4 it., eaciu in tee r-aiirai-ci ;
1 ir Fii -i-t s-t aja oo. wtta-i txwtr. j
SDii.-,i.i xo Hanrr iiai.-r.nae. vfwl!r.
aa-i Barar. i w aiitt r. tr wietrir.J! ?.-. lr. j
."!' eiKaA w e au.r t.e .
year. : . '.
ViKti -BB!w mWnt pJM at aar time.
A oajwMol Earner ilii.t-iot. fcwwa-1
iniic a. t o.nt. ia ot-at ea,s n
. will be '
) I? erf. irtz in at ol pir,i;asi-r.
Jn, ,.T ..Ci&r. sar voimnK a, i j aaaai.
p:pai.i. ts oo. Ci.-ti casa, s r taaiiijjs. is mis.
-'-TJ mlL I'1-.
"" i -----.---..--,
iv-t ircrt t-e tiiil at !in:ir
BOT it
HAErES a r.r.'iTHErs. n. y.
Cougli S jnip
- K t OCit ar.K.t.aST I OB IT.
?X?aiO CX1T XT
P ttsburh. Pa.
?a3 irLZrr; nj-wari oi Tjh ca:a: a to!) p-ge sa
rraTinr. "-Jes the t k t."r irteiliatT-t" mral
bowjes."1 Tte crawiara are fai'.hfal rtreta'j
tj -s of Ir.eet a? 1 1 iaau" Mlinnar.
A-Hrraa tio-ri Ert. ts. Ii4 Nirta svexeeta
PEUaueihia. " EXT aT
E.-a.i f tViuinn l!5iK-E. la-e tf Crlla Tit cgh
LcT" ttsffi'l5i-v ia liie a'tirr eLaie bavirx
1 Ne traiited to tte nn.i'-nr.! t-r tse an-
ta:irity. aatk i beretiy ( tisiae ia-icWeti to
it Vi imse-:.ale )ii3.-iit. aai th..e Ekvic?
rlaiats ajrto it to j-e-teat Itieta da'y an-.Atsii-eaor.i
fee aettieiweot al tbe reieref Ltaattl J.
Bratiaker. ia tiriibeirvaitey t.-witffcip. ca Satar
dar. tae T-i aav of Iwbm. 1-Ti
IiAMIX J. Eitt rtAKEE.
JtttsEini IMH'lFF.
"Njtk 1 kertliy r!vw lilt
if aar persa per-;
ara fcaul away er ia asrwiae rrt&ove ar.r 4 tfce i
on ma-lie a or tbe rate of the SSaiisi ery a j
wilt he kU wi i - rdir.f In tbe ;riis kttercf .
tbe law.
F.T. VIL50N.
Fx i- ti Saf.eriatrijdei!.
Salistwrr. Nar. IA
J. . I00BIELL & SDB3,
AtrrTAr-rTanaox 1
Parlor, Library.
fhn-rr VioF1
mid Dinine Boom
Tv U 1 1" INT I T TJ la E , !
Have ea bant tbe larre ' aretraeM f Plaia .
ttl FMLint..i- frri!a. wbi; trv wiii !1
u ,ET re! Kie ia tbe euantry. Cail :
ad tnttUa eau.Bi are atixaas, at .
87. 83 sii 101 m A
lUkatJ, '
tXpaf.l Baitcua A tTiederliUils rpbs.ry. (
awr. 38. 1
Airrs-f una4 ! AU !
(if 'kli.l people.
ST1NSOX !lia-t.taa.
H.tiut.a.ll'vi liJUSf, l.cfiai-. A. 1.
iibt! W -I "-; CVa 5!iWmfl -
Ixt lrarrl al a "i?
- -i . i . - i i,tdhFtvn.r eiiici.
.Umi!ri i-a.
lie tzRirirjt K n- Aa-euit m mn-
il Ljbrr-
i !
IZVctv York Ob?crver,
. ., '
j l ue w h n-ixt.vt ax. fjxiir r ac;.j .vt wr;a;-r.
I 3 a Teat mlih JT BILEK V t. E 1X:K.
SIDEV E. ?I0R.E at CO..
S7 Park E. 5rw Tark.
J ;K."STS Wia'eJ F' r Harriet Beerkfr
' (atawv'a iotwa Ushl. nt Lie M tke
t i-i!i)iir- 31 lntut Ufa 4 d j-r:i. l. S)
f SieW f'r.TiK u. jstJa !iy raf5!r mn eaoily
marie. Y n' : . rrtMUri tr-e.
: v uiTKJNaToX, 1.1T1N A CX.,KiT.ftiCt. ,
Areata Waalei ferUkaia't
Child's Commentator
CmUT ffin Hitel
1 1
I HirV-at irirm paJ vV-e iime ?uaUTT Vy L. M.
. .... ... . - . .. . . . .
lt. 5-!. so l t juh':..ti. iin
s., pi ial.;,.Lia.
ILJltL III tiUudaLiU iLilil XIjJIU
' L Br-strjia""-1 a a Pronx-ier '.
- " -c
K.V rir
Jtr aa4 r uvarta. f "-- - -
ray. yet il a-.ntii axJ MCi.rtH.-a IX Hair lar
':et:.-r asi jienrtftntsitiy tliU3 any tfii urr 1'se.j u a llair 1itt!z. it pr1 at trie
ju- heatui'alaoil !arvo tin. WajTac'e.! -rr-
f -.!y htnzU-sK 1 a3i- perfatne quire aa-
riralwj. Winx tiiyvilioi tia ihe woril-rrt'ia-M.i
! -
a a.TtflWai t ,.i.-T. aHi ( ar rr . .ir-f-a
y x nj.i Tj-.t-t r i.-ir.?:Let ri-i-a- oi
t -Tj- a n-ety car-. Ti tt-n' a k- tptu.
. I ! tree. Krri s. I I'iiA. i. ii S f.h
I"..2i:-b S-rset. Ffci,-Ml;aa. f j-
; " 1 ' 1 1 1 ' I I
- . - V -
.Wi;i be mors Cratifyine to th ,
Your? Cemiemen of cur City
and Elsewhere than -
-y7H- -"-.. ,ioiv. V ;
oorx.iiptiitMioor T"! .iyu'A.ocio j
oo.Vi(iii'ia'wMaii a. nA.iraoitiittti,uo
irvTroriiw tie. , vm., iit.nri
Learn that Eisrr 4. Phillips are
now rceiingrofTrousir!Stal
m?rtsof Beautiful New Stlt
i Cress and Business Sj'ts
and Overcoats for Fail
and Winter
.x,.'ftiiiii(iii'..iM" i 'riir,-tftrx-(
wwwr a T" 7 o ' w.
AJI.a-aa(vAX'j -am m. uur.w.auat c
r 'F afajt a K ViCaTai jtjffc Vj aVr lAa
6Then calf at your earliest cone-
' ence on - 00
, a a aia.w. a a..
u w itirvciil luoiv t i lrr Hit ur- aari; U aclj.K A'1l
a . JT - A- Tl A . U.mMC. A aw
Oatae BIBLE f.rtae HO ECIKCEE. j VPLI I YkviTV
iTi.yrrfT.. Er,rry fai'y w.-l - Terr L rata, wj-on e,4aaJ ' per av-aU aa4
aroMH-. (iisrm.iOi. larjuaww, - tare tra-ei Pia. axem la-jeB . J. flres. . ij a e . ix .
5-,iiIlnr A' rlli!l in t"r' " EV"fl I"Ptt-'r write eaiiasie:y!
otIIal 1 AW. t 111111(11.,, kr 1 ot a et-y a: ta BrpanL- ctr..-. '
rvY' Vt- O rrv, -,,.rfv,.., ,j.-jO J L S SO r j f frTT 1
TXot. 5th Ave. and Wood, ,T.. vTr.-..!
o.rajjc...ppXTSBURCH,' a.wiu'v
"M Kl K?H VI T I L( )1 ts
: fft-.-..oo.'H-..'..-MW'e
' trttatttK'o.jociiuijitcjr'...t
y g.
i .k, ( ,iiar.a l.ut,.
J ft a-1 .t.z L:l iTiri fcv.y: i
X. T.
. .
Wwm:sn. TiJi B.atilm;V.J (ie (i:b i !
bajaaatse enawicezM. ;-v tiii.-ai. ti-
Ttri-ire zTi-nn . aai atia-i-iatt s.-s-.-i aT;iarac. i
Uf iDtrr i rn et-a s. tiai -iratt seat
tree ca ajii -ra. 'q v
KEV. S. T. EIW.l PI S t. M,
'-. A PriK-:;vL
IjinTjnfl QTlfj rfTQTlQ
f I rt II j f 1 1 ' I I I I JJ It 1 1 ll
I iUliUtJ UilU. UX&UlIUi
! -
. Oii
:he celebrated ,
AH 3
B-V. 3.
N.tite i btT't y irereo t all jitrsiss e.yeraJ
af lf-itek eritv ittcrwise. tttt !ie a' w
tt iarfzsit hare r-ffLter. anl that tae
itatae a Hi prtsK-i- i T r cunr.a' t nl w
aace at aa Oriitiane Cair!. u t be; 1 at -.tE r t-
!n aai fcc S-merHtt o-nte. Psu, f Tfiorttisy. ihe
aV!i day Of-Noee-r. Iti: ) s;;on-s. anJ Arii la I -at rai to tcrraiate oar
First a!l fisal aeo..:n of Jaf E t"il:. r. a i- oeietnted. jusiy pftiiar. ai1 laM-er..u.i iavea
tcitnttraucof Saxtiwel 1. K-"eti. dte'i i tkeii. In aii..n'i; totbeave we manafs-rrare
First ant final a-'t trf Hsnry li.y. aariUa of ihe Cfciii s Bih. iTesa Sbiei-i. EtWer OVee.
Alvia E. WLkey. tBiT. I Ca."ir. t-nrDiTa. Oartera. ai ail nt.Vt atvry
Fir an-3 tiial awe't hf Jl a R IaiiiH S. ! artv lt. Sr Lk-iirt' aad C"t.ii-lre'i war eie!
B":r. a4ia'r.Jt Henry itin. at'i nreir. Aa tAtra liberal iir aai to tse Tra le.
Ftrst anil trsal a-'t f Wiiun S-ct, ata'r af S-1 t ID mrn: ted Caialirot. Ask f tae La
N anrr Soiu ae- a.
Firrt anJ fcnal ate"! fif Itxrj L. Say-itr. jaar 1-
iaa '4 J o.-t Snsler. cbkir.
Fmal aec't ot K jees A. Eaf s aatc'r of H jrat
Lir.r'tL dec d.
Final atet f J in H.iraia aa i NeI MrNeaL j
a-ira'rs 4 Ejw;riii,a MeN-ai. .Icc'd. j
Final aoe't J. aa Hcaaaa, a tm'r of Itaae f
Lekflaaa. a I
Fiaai a't f R S. Flei k aa.i I-aaid Fi??t, ei- ?
eeet-q-t Alan Eke. dte -1.
Anooonl ef J.iu'.hta Enmer. a.irm'r of CJctnre
Ttr-fltier dte"!.
Attiaict -f Jala E. Sj-c, als'r of Jiaej.-Ji H.
j Strfcrr. dee-3.
; A i-i j .-iai SiJta;a. ala"r'-f JeLa&sw-
er. dee'd.
j Kirr-cni of Jjiai Ek-:krr. Tr-:et cf Emrr
, Eeix. d'd.
' ixjcn of Petrr Cranh. pair liaa of Atinie E.
i IWteri. iomT.
Aenniat of J ect L Trailer. tia'I cf Lasiel
; Knrsu.a, de--!.
. S-i itt a tof K try F.aa h. Trctee of Fr--5-:
trkk B-tKTfT. oc d."
,' A-Bt of Sureatl J. MTa-r. e of tte retir
i lax xerctiT ei BtrtieT. !.
1. J. htiiNlX.
I S "mrret Pa-, Nor, S, Ti Eea-MT.
At Private Sale.
Tfce ms'-reiycfl t.ffTl i at rriratesale.
i;a:ed (bar an! - aenbeet vt Li-auet. ia Lia-
j(nteiiiing 108 Acres,
I A ilt 75 aere eleare-'. SS ttt is e-i cri Vw,
aU well wateroi aaj Eal tbe ai af tia.r a IU
i iT fertier parti-nl.trii tali a tVA. MelarlaaL
1 Lar.!r"T. or the oierersel & the rrttt.i-.
j aa-t-Zaa. laAis JU-J a. &a. s.
wtTTw ar.f rrita TTI tTStrra f rTT
i e 1 1 r 1 1 ill i i :i u a i i ii 1 1 v
niLijJ lUilLUa I til I -1 3 Lli! 113,
ra.mti i
TTitb anrpJe Grmd ia.1 Eiat Ftao liorn. ar.t -
i aeti ipvuM avaaeiuie aan acraetare. aa-i w a
j Viai;i-i ftlbiriirhoaati2al w-el will upea
tbe bt Tens tbt aen AeadefQle vear Sepimv
Itt?' 1 " UaSOiia- c. LA we.
! w
avicz tbis txj m 1 the to-Ca iii a k rm BssJ
at tbe camiVt.rr. kwa a taw Jaba
maaniaeUTT. ta U. . Hormrr. IM aim' u ttJ cay
traterTBj to bias.
ao. IA
Ail pciaau arw eerroy siian a u. bajvt
a. w alter Kmtz. sell Estb anyitiag oa ty
Kamtt. aa I aul au te reypnesi'-ie.
JWir -Atirerlirwpi .
Vjarwan a4 tevwltl .jarlUa, aat uaiy
taiiatk ire va be marktt. Vat the
vr. -
J ia 1 ritar -4 ijTltai...f ;l t.a-u TO!'ra t
ta Tavi-'-a ff;t t rrr.v a-i. tiitir'.'u- j
I to aav btra.iii- pr-n ar 'aic
!Mj; fs Sorfj-wxt xa! taii 4ir -trrciei
i tbrr ia twuii-'t cianit. m- u . nu. I
I....T.H.... . . .
Pri; f ct.j 1 11. : il t r ::TrCi,.
T THE ttt'OBEITO "LSS. rcaie fre.,;..
f a werk ruarr,-f. ;-TiN'.e etc;.'T.
m-rit at ha. daf rttiinaj w (4Lal r-j.i-wirrd
I ran vitA. atcj r by tnatl.
j rrtiro aua.
it. Tot i a
19Coartjaalt SL,
t awis
Ttutt4i. 3 ct.: I-jc w 7f-d - k- 3 M.
! lara-. acrf i impm aaaa'J 5iit ". pffili;
. aar--: ascriiJ frrr t arrow ai ; tm.
i r.uiun aj'' s jiarr. v . . a j ' v i a
C IHUi.MOS A C. s trjatwsr, J. T.
A Pare f ataeie Tea.
TEA iTtfioru 1
Warraei.fcl O wrt ail I
"nt sp is mr tra-ie marc &'J
aat p"r,l Pa- go-
y. aa-J pfitiod 1 xrt
F -r ftie a! wbeiie oti
rheOrvat Atlairie an 1 Pv-ifcc
Tea Cn, P IJ 1 I X. V r
i ixLtiAX. Lbe ZQijet beavuiai Kvle aal erf-l vw
evxBaJe. I;iu:rii.i ca"jii-.-tfT2e KiuK i. saect
! aauot arni sane BaertJia2iae.
j 4 "I"V,'TI J-a-tbe (rreat w-rk f
lire yar. hr tte is'.yt (l
tare N:ist fi Kir;rt WecsJr. aoJ ulier. :
aiads ff reulm trhT
B-aBe aitiia'a' Lie H
i haa ever een patiti.
! r,j.r,.Ti fvi - rTii
: RjitcT, aavl se eamia iu t-naa t Bsrit
: istKatrt. E. B. 1KEAT. Pali. ii B waj. . V.
. ,
' tti fT? np 1 IJlilT 1 ( ' TT!
r lt, 1 U liUUia. .VLllja. AO.
As ti.5ca.iTLT t tT!Mi
-k-,,, r., :, Ki-lt er-e ie.
llLed. w J t (M . thinrt la tnl Ml
It ou;aicii owlr y trt .r :iar uarn'aoti
ini aar-ctf artiaettie -HnanT..rte;tar.eJ wt. ;
Aticrt. tx-ntkte. tu: atri e iu tw
V- a wriat -cr a-r r.'. ar 1? i'Z. I
NATIONAL. irLfcLoililN.J CJ r iXaa aPa.'l WtVIID ITOVtE -e
ct.r UovA. tt i-le t-t ue arry Exa'jf.r. j
AJ tif 2EST2EECTl'i:;:r a htiriit 4e;ht
F fT f-:T1 if-? n;-rj.o a ! Ttrr. a I -rr-
i:r lie
IS. -t'.
I Ei,'S.. l i
Azentsit Sells Quick
: ATDtiCir aul l -' T-". tir bi
: r wiltfiTA I
I A. Jl ikl X. Jt L .' U a,JUL.i. I
i irtt.
' Oa e-af faf tin rriaaa t-t wury f.d ill j
r .aan
T. Aetsco trat rt
rnrfp a ear in n Tlan- I ran.
X otir;;ia iirx iu iaattJt auJt. e rStyirt t ea-
iZi-cu-coe atui toncer. asvi cali 4. more
ai : t intr'.ia. i; U. t-r ci'T of c-cr '. li i
i birhiy eDt esel by Jo rt Blare, f. H- rnte.
N-a.1 lt..w atri tiiers. tv.. uo rsee s tfea !
acx ;,r Li:-ri-in law eveT frame 1. 1: e.? rttT-ixi
Faraii-L Ai
uui.T wi:fc ul
n tare li cit aa-1 are -i- j Fi.;a-
Ce iais cter t.jTr. tw-f
r:r it rrtait -eet? we art etta-! T--. o't t
aaiiy iarrt .iiu:a. . iv i i e l..u-'r:ei ir-c-iilr
aji tt.-2-. aaJ riT :co e-at w.-i al
J. li. ST(.llAatr A CtJ Piaa.
Aer-. wsite-2 to can
a fcr tit rrtat tifls'.iaa-
n rreat iliDSirate4 pxijilr 's We-s. T4t tt j
aa-3 ci-art tiaie tcti?bt--t. I'fi LLTVI?? tod 1
itf f uier ataf a 4it. No I ain-" u
, iii. Siiil iriKrci: aaa aeeura temrj lti' j
trt a i tzti-rj-ntt a? 't. i
jau;an. SaYirrAF.p ktru j
, saiiH-iB rttrt-U Piuje.aia.
Haeel!?" wneerinn wrrh all the prifT!
-r.!. of C'iiiiia aa-1 J aria a. ai, 1 itzijte-i tWtr Te5
ilirert Iria r-late f er-.-anx ti:uf aaetria :hf?3.
aer fivia i u. pr b'JL It D- w aw at ii yean
Eoe ;Iie C-s:pai.y wa .axajii aa.1 it l beea
a..eri. j tvwt iimcj tne t c-t i : .t w
Tlie Best and Purest Good
i Aty! ditir-atl taetg t Mtr av",,wr la ai
of i be I'tufii Sta;e. se ae srrau i-r itiii. be- l
I :wm tbe Tta-crt-wer arxj lie Tea-e..n5ittr. We i
i oriinnated tbe rteia ot wu.iT-rrr t. cw-iiaK-t ia
iiKaiX fiant oi tbe eBtry ariia Traa at New
Ye-S r. m the Cab f ijn. Aoi ?i we j
I iS4eii tlna i-iaa we have aared lit ! &t '
j this ci'OTtrr to.iKu of iila.r jaroalv ji tie j
; ef t tni anr of f.ritBaiee:ty.
exa e e lao c;treaiar, a iu a eAjc.ia.iie la-i ui-
! P. O. EcxCSi
21 acS X V' t rsf.
New Y ts t'i:y.
j N-.-w asi In;;. r"ULiii laeecti ic. S 'ir.r fcr L.c.Jr5'
lux. Ai-HioPHEEIC ECSTLE. tie !y
,!;tle nae. Perleru-.a ia i3ir.u.r a ftyasi
ana atTTative a.j-raie Ui le t aai Sjna 4
cvt-r-, ti. i.t'Ci' f i:t. Priee i. a-i
xnsitrf. :i vi -Natare' Greatest Caara." ia
p. an.? aa-x r.iaiea riaT. y-a-t-:ui azxiaiaiiaz
t rxt a. aa-1 ot l-at la ai! rs 1. t artt.
j C aa be to any ezlea: at w J of wearer.
Prvc- SI
THE La PEELE. la-'Ttaa de. wiib(i
! it. Ask t see iu pre i
j(3ive ptr'eet a-ri?y wtifie aitarbed. M.etiers
are Otl.irtta wiia oar anv---iv iTve only 1
I Any ot tAe attire ar"4ei ata? t:h tf
! DTire." f t aaeir-iea of all ml reeei of ' We
' wast 3ai.:.a-r. Iftfaiaatr. Kee;r ii Fajry
P?rie Co. in.tis. arri take B- wkers. See that
Ler? art cttiaic.
S fijjir r S 1 t. N. Y.
I: kj a r-tivie wbx-k aaav rive uarserarr re-
Set Votbe auif-nTfiT tbe fir: few S..te trntwairh
tr.ia weatraed car Ituitl Vilit aai aaocrtH r.a-
ease Vo ai I ia weakis tbe iaraliE ave is St a
S-t.-rt-l ti-ra'T, w Latb. ataier tbe j.'tiUr waise
-tiiiera. it ao extensively taume-i us ia im pot
1 aa a x r-r-1 s-n t.T.lir. Val it is a mAat airerai
r.BM- wd A-'et-alire. rironoaaeed w. bv tie lea-llrw I
BKii.-ai aatbnriUet of L. aai Paru. aai baa
beta to try tb reaaiar bysiriaa 1 otber
n r I y- r- r , Ti ;
-at.'. C
" i .
7icrv- wtb wTfyiTni rrna.i jrTj-.
. . . . . . . a 1 . . .,.1.
CKMn wi-ft w-Ttyiri rt g.iiiai yee-t.
Mja a;i Lie tse-lacal jae w:ar v ; be f amt J tit rtcee ;S wavstr tae cay. and tbe on ax
aad Best tw taAea a a femtmt i-arati-re aarat. ! U kaad tbat will we Ttat aauec aaiia-
t taere a-af . atiaa rwr Iireraad sieeaf : iaetaaa.
t"tlea reiSeeed at aBee. tae aa4 bemoaiea nspare i m,m
ty iaeirtere.4as secTetauca. prrtw-szic -raaji or .
Via diseases, lilmehe. Fikas, Fat:alea, Canktr. j
Pirnpita. At.. a. I
Take Jl Et'BEBA taeat. partfy aalreue 1
tbe Titiate-i bkni ao blThy art! -a. j
ifart Dnrrmte ateaaer I t"a 1
tl"W is pfrrptly aie-l. tbe ryet is SeKi::a4ed
ark Va f rtial Vwew. areny i tbe Bl.i.1. Iwr.
o-ai Tnsary. (ieseral eeatarw nt Laaeiiaoe.
Take it te ai-fiy' I--T-"i. wnb.t rearxa. a !
will iwmaj-I T-m: kfal rie-w tw tbe weary wiatTeT. I
I baaiik ef tbe H. weU.
! Ti tt a ; jj ur.taiaa, ai wan a vwiear
rVtZTrXJiZ. tZT'.' ?, r"7
1 Otf"" ' Y w m pneare tamaai r:itf or yoa
are baNe toaimri wrae lean aeai
: Tate it w Krtnr.aea r$aiuc weakaeas. cr life
. tf. gyi a er.iea.
I Fitaalte. it bidbe (VeoarBtir takea ts keen tbe
' r-ntw ta perttrt b!:a, w f ire Vri. n
j CIT1 "Urkai' ilie
JOHN Q. XrXLflGO. 1 PUtt Su. N-w T-rt.
Swe Arent VJt lAa 1 need :a-.
Price, One Dollar aei Bottle, Stnd lor Cirraiar
' 14 inrbea 1 j aai l1, to Z tarber ajaare.
CaUwwbill Su Wbari. Ptaia.
awr. Al aa.
W will fnj t!1 itrra- ao pr wtk ia i-a.-Kt
ij cbr.rt ajti ni t. tttthw taraxaft'
I 4 a3K! A4.?r?a
1 TCHf'M A XCT. W ' LrHt EH !"''
Li . am. mA' Aaava aU hafftnala A Ky a., aar. k.
i"r " afl U any j-rma liey etw.
i Hauui. inifl UTS nr.Ai , ii : I . fTt X. B . rai
: it. z,y woo. T -j kil wciuer .i a
I i.wmx" fan, iyyit.m Itrarira. mM H ism
lo Lau-. a. A atT. H'i'!i t-A. !'.. iiaut.i.
xrw r.wii4jutu,i'aii,rM.a.
Wmm lame
UU rlLall UiiiaLa2
i I. FtT r4. T'wwjtrf a .a:!a r!.
I-.rM tTaiC t tLLI M. W1UL', a t tj., 2.
, W aurr Sjwn, Sew Vara.
151 v. m a''i3xbwA to tae aartrt !a Oa rraa:-
SiPeiiolen I Mi
It iT:r;l Vr THOMAS th rat-
e Jwiw arif, as4 CAtaias aa
; by H.. CUanea saaaiwr. Areata waatfi Sx
; tin ajl tr ivea.rlM,a, Alirww A . HifO-
- . ww a t. ryu m. Jiawi, aai st. Lxtu. Ji
per BnctA. iwie. ai ai f
!- Lbe (iLiLM i-.f-h.r Ll
ia.. to tntrva-a
CHIN E. Thi aaaeaae wUi Bitrti. bm. tej. tara.
! qaut. err-i. tiat, raj4 ael rmr v-r a a mt
: aaa aarracied t ve yean. ( jt
j r aay aaaetiae Utat "ill arw a atnta-r. avT
faanirhi. e meia- a- anav . nu wra. v sip
Cheap Farms! Free Hoaies!
On tie Uneoftbe T71X PCTFIO SLtll,
E b. t2-'M.9 a-re o tbe W:x f aralr j atl
Mtae-aJ La. aa Aarri-a.
2 . aret Jk rLT-eta, is tAe Plaua TaJ,
av..-w aaue.
f .r Grain rrt:n and Stork E.itj asWTaaaisei
CtiLattrr in Pno. ttj-:rt fsrT'rs.,. te c srvra.
and BviTP ouavtUKSt W Tflxar.-1 Utaa e.n rt lusixl
' Free- llaetettca fr A rtaal Wettlera
Th Vjra-jm ff Ciotits S-Hier ettitieJ
U a li 't&ee-j M az-ri-a.
"D-' 1 Ew . T "-t-e-,.
! e" Pta;j.
:it,t ta EtaElisa. OetTaBia. Sart,--
ita atri IaaitB. aa-ie-i are eTeryTrhere.
AMjw. -'. F U1T.
Iusi C-jca'r C. P- S- it. Cl, Oautia. Neb.
Vaaat .lea, TtarbeT". Ladies te Mnri'-T !
Aartat aciM iatTt pia"y t-r Ta rf
tlr-a taaUar4 Blkle." itlaaiea au.
ura'Tiaa. Pr-p.ta" free. 2irrW A 3i" ar
Jj. 3iais 5t Sij rlngtseiu. Xate. tt". 32-
LVpciiiors secured tr Eexl Estate
LaTtsidafi:? eidailfelj.
Six Per Cent. Interest
Paid to depotritora on lha oasronndisx
rr-AtUmtirm is dirtm to tl. Uarl y-e-eiwawa
for- ariiarfrwai tiaf ataaiey atpmitwL
17 earn at w ia aaaaU naxab, W1TSO CT
.aaoativauf ard waii
CIO. A. PatlNCX at .. AWW,
Tie tare be aavJ nrt jr.pCir I'-ti uuirctj aaw
ia the siara-l. (xa. aad Pnew LaAAena-tain-ir.g
foii panaraiara. siaiie-1 to asy aii-aresa.
fniELOTTE BtrHE 1 lxta Ave-,
cte. 2S.
alasafaetiiptrf of aai IValers ia
Furniture lrtUr Supph't-i al Lov-
No. 100 Third Ave.,
vTo-weH's Faraittire W arr
aoT. as.
Laa of Jca Eaar!i. lata t-f Br.bXTraIy tp
Letter riaaeiitrT m tae aVrre estate aaaira
lea rrntei u the aoderersed ey tte jiieraa-th-iritt.
tMjee is herehy rraew lo tAuae ijeeJ to
' uaiaefliat aayaaeu. aaa taoae aaritt
KSrd a settlenwat at tbe tate raieaf Mu4 Fncay. lbeS:a daT t Ieemtr. WTX
HENkY KAt l"H.
AAEON F. Bil l N EH,
trt. tXi. EmaiL
jDemmler Brothers,
5o. If $ StaitiCehl Street,
Mialetrer of Tia. Ciy-r ard Sbeet Ia
ware, dears ia St.ive. Cehea WiaaiiL l
lerr. BnTaania aad K-rk Tia Ware. Eaaaxaaa
! H.-ii'.-w Ware. Seinrrau-a. Jte t bea. a ater
M -trs. lev raa Freerera. K:ri l ap ceaa
Stoeta, aad Kowat FsrouiuEa- ljodi -'-, aau m.a.i. Prjpnesra of usa
i . . ..4 . . , ,s-
j 1 1, , , ; .
rlie nl H-auna- Sf-eea. atta f tba
jaa TanBb ia.".a tai t oas .e. I aia i.
Grocers' Goods a Specialty.
ee. A
I Aa taautalxa lor tbe tboxb waetioal adaetaSa
i r.te aai antin acal aa at aa iej
i j 4 .i i,t
! aaJ ---
I Baunrat toitere a ta.rva aa-1 omiy one bae-
jifaaMrtei aaifTraiiiK''""r
; awt. a:riX a a weniasie aaoney bn
i Pjcn! ry tbe aiu o .wert-caaia. naa.rr-s
I Fanaera. Mbaaa-a aad Kaaaeaa Jtea. thai ai
um U 1st luud staid
j at.deat. eaa later at aay Tlaaa.
Mi-T larre deaatpOa Clrrmlara, rtt aj fa
Oet 1 J- C. SXITH, A. H, PrtacipaL
OI4et ia taa Rtaae.
B. F. BROWN dk CO.,
116 Smialifield St, Piltsbnrgli, P.
CoUeet PewMcaa. fVaatiea. Prtaw Sfoary. at
Snal alieatica paid to meyeavjea aad rtecteat
r 'fa-ma Apa CTta.ra aaaai attanrtad
Baaaa aa pnaoa.
tea. U.