JUL 1 1- 1 I V W lj 1 I Conns of PubUcation.; . (? -4 TTf 14 a.riic a: t " . taA r '" tT, m U m-nx rf tbe t.rnrr ine Somerset liefaW ESTABLISHED, 1827. Pririing Company. JtKX L SCIIA. Jc;rlJ KaotfTT. VOL. XXI. SOMERSET, PA., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27. 1872. Si ). '1 . Jlardirsr". !5 AID Mll.lt.tU ,jc. a. Ti- HARDWARE. oh t:Er. jcbi b xaaxrra. j TOIIN IHBEKT 4 CO., ATT-fEM-Y AT la Lit "are IB a" JJ- -tl & "r ?T'"ii-!,L' . .. ..-..! Sw4cTM atM '. " .'-,4 u " tir' P. Djri r J' M , .sans. itT. tl s-Kasaxi mfdera-xi i Ya 4rdiE hit ia iw JuS-r't raj-: , Ske a-iJ lxi sad timid -San Fiv." : I'ni Tiukpd at ir rcM tt- irH rjr i Ax? tb t&c luolud t: a dr iriicwi. J O II A MO H A , I E A . xraeeBbek&4 is K-r lr;t. r&d the vlttvd cbc ted f b&nizr; ts rti-ea-l. XO. 2M IA1X STREET, ' iaH ptkt. Lt&a ri5rM : KrwitT. uit k 'jf bu-ki eutt- Few Doors Abcve the Old Stand. A IK Ilru'X.re cf Evtry Dcscrrptica, J.V .vn at m- f r v' M- AT LAV". ILAMT. j- J. - . !L. Air " 1 . 1 . I. l a.r;i t kT flarf or All liind UL OIL KAMI'S. COAL IL, CHIMNEYS, -.rEITr LL.AP, So Flj mjtfct frit U m Gnnu head. Ei BnaAr m rick, wi n fcwea dulu. Had cad 1&D.I&. ml ft bsnrl of gulj; Hr nlkd.-ipt I t ber dout, sad mkt I T-t-' jrr to; Ibr li-LbT.r I .ine rxiru r t . , . .t ivit aT'.n:i:. j IvCHrV jcrl liw tit 1 1 facrvr ".rt!.t 7 iciffcj u. &r tr oac i m tbtir A ritr I ho4 ta hie, I tflii." .uat. c; it r V t o ksr l-nvjffii sc 'rr u: u. r 'r a trU f:i'J t.: . I 4 a-iu-!j Ututis t.t. tin v felt .c ca t1 r. ttrrr c ! Jla& Lirl a ftx&, bxd ariU ii. hxw : JOHN j.ItiLJI t XA j Vi u, Ikx aD dc irit an4 rand arbuuv: La Vaius Park 14 trife aH tar. t'oi hrr rrmiar r tat 4t Msy." pT'P C i T" Hac Erii irt. &. W: EiicWr rrrr. Ti.rf K "wi'f h It b..- vrt tmp yrmr. j l"a-S a tf ta hiaarlf as n Talked a)-f . jdrcpj-wl from tbe roll of society. iloik ; lin Ler jesdrtx-pa. tad wilt tm u?ufd mltb U-Are, :L j uaskr ik rir-iia::C--as ; L j r-N"o-r, Miss Beatrice EisiMHid, t;nf ' rnew pale as death. Iligit cf a true lote ead tra?t sLIii'i;,? : miued t sit uierif ihaa uj'f-fLt. :a:j-c"ed ibreto br a rery fwnia'De LaHra." ta!d fc. esrLavep9- 'thriMzii tbcm; tten ri-ilDf sbe placed ;3Jr LiIJ jtc", lt ?:-.-."" tij. s.n curiosity to a.Ttaia bow the fimily e-i sieee I lart sp-jie wtd f kve cr j bcr fcaad ia hit; and, una Leirt .' Esrl'aL n.-iLr, anJ i'f:?.r v:L- ; toti their taddea fall frota rithe ft I of luyw-If to yea."' I lave tried to te : t'x fall fr apeetb, they eti siatir io g ii - uapmt a hr pi. ical comparatire poverty. cIk?d opon ; failLfol t lay part, and yoa hare no- j gating cat oftr iLe Ciue WAter. cf .deeIopxiiat. E. ery tLitvv' tt caa ,'lbem, met Sir Rupert there, aad karn-j Lly dose your doty. I; ba seemed the ia. Iv ae-ilrcd iaur " ed that be Lad betas, eonrfaat Tis'tor ; aa c-tcnuty J tonoeat t-j me; sad l TbeT had beta troa 'eaat t Aa Lad-ih cfcsid r.?e t erttu. - . . . - . . ... . . T I ..... . o-ct pa:a tnt-ia aay panieuar ayentKa : tiara u jits tsea apoa yc-a, icy iari- ward or i&eir netwr. wbf u tLev were "up' in the world, ic?." " j - tod a vLLcTwr West arr.cti tf at t It is diu;'J-a wltbfa t.'i r-c-.er-lloa cfrasny ia th' r'.r tLat ia th ycsrl'24 C:arAi Lar.yett cade S saci OTstlja ss olerai. perhaps, ! the graaisst pecte3 cf a as &' ; tribute to s hero tis iror' I 1 rr sea P;rr j bis tn-. ''.r a rirft f rrr"t-'a?a :a thr ?:: rf Teaaee. 1 ff-UTi! ra rara tericaa'y rbtd of I s B-atcL. a rai "iied K-areta-, uliu tsd Uc. pr--scfitt-il tlai. ia ty GtLer! GeotT V7iiL'ag-:.,a t Js-2,cCw" rat: at .ace tie a?s.r:cji r!ari kLUL t iitrJ ltve-o tifn ai l L: ra'iL&Kl i-T at i-j? vf Virl- -traryV f r Jir-r!--; 5t.-!;et'; it. I:rct!y nr 1 tiv rMry 1 2,:: bavwa. tj'j rnrou-.'ii rrta were ca!fvr ;t rcicry. bat. upu ti- fact lLat 0tri-je vf leia ti:rc ciStrd a iVi?j f : ;L.a sAii Ji.'ari f,.r Ia i-.i.rj. .fc-t tL .-i'rltt-st tr.- t-f It t, tLert a'-r obta-reJ. a-.d Lafarette was ereateaLr r-airiUTi io rtt-a-a to His low, stvttt rciee liagtrrtd ear- j ca. aii at uiik? v'dott tt Frante, reva-rd u ti-c tbvabt that UasD t-Vtlre Years wf are ihtv it- pr-:ui b'a ar fritnd 'esiBy apen tite last words, A&d j AX AtBtLAI .pa! Sir Kopert was "odd." ' Society frowned npoa Kb pro-:eat a tLrul vf luve, lfpe, ajd de- " rwi aWaata OaKaain u Lacr.' iit. work aTjiuss, uui iu-Tiuc v obit in n-,hj:ir iL.'aiLrLrinii in a lisicrtfr. ( r..:!) ar sUKTane fc-et apoa hiza, for Sara. iea fcaat was , Me w ar;a tie f;-:d pale face of iJwtoiK-a Willi tttat f.-ur IJ-e var pjri--J o - , Ler JJR. V. M. BEACIILY'S. ! CELEraATLH 1.14 V-. I.aWK VI ' - ,. , . , -., , . y. ..... 1 . l . . .... . . l I . : . . . ( . I L 3' " ' v wi M'. v -" , . r . i ! ihe txk biia to tai for hi fatailiari-! asia LI piLawaste reproaches : she ' TtiC CuBrese f the United Sutes 1 nit?"bf-r f. r. T ! ty with Lsoe, he lr MnHed is s pe-! saw Lira loetrag st het Lot. the tears '. hs caacted that the eoxa,p!tioa (is fre.h aa j l!ooa.ia t-a .-.. ! collar war, aad made eoae remarks' ?treiulB frvci IU e-; tbea the tLe 0ac Handredtk Ytar of A mri-' ht fp aad imln ; alwat s Lerke t she d-ttat kaow what i saw hzm erect. naUr nifa!u? tbe i csa ladepeBdcaee shall be celebrsted 1 an.l r.r." it-r f, tc trcaiit, but taocat ce wu ih4 ! tery complimentary to fcer, to y ! the least. rl5-?e of herself the Lad cHered to lT aJ Interaational Exhlbiuoa ofaa mule; aad the rc-iia swaai b fore berj tie Art- Jlaanfacture, and Pro-' aai fcr Lair i i . . . .j ..... :i j : . i re ibt-y eriiUT f-aTt i.f lb laT iu ii.e Vii- ii-er lapse atea s reeyiiWioaj oi t&e fciaidt-n &fje3 'cireniastsate faded asray. Lafav- paTata at :?iiteea ' ene diel ia liCI. aui f .r a fjite f fvny-:gbt ytir tu- -t-.-Ira ':ci ir-r- a ustiys-a L"-t.ry. At tie en 4 t'f thai tiia. b4t a f"-w day? ir . a rfctVisaa rIiar in tb:j city, wiiiie rWtitir Ix.-n:ivi:tT attended aa a.it-Joa sail at a ju&k sbp,'whtre, stranr-- to relate, be f un i itx-ag the artic'f's .SVred a watch which. cr-.a !ay L"r j? rieu tau; E-l a' e. s'h . Will! I with JU'-it ifj teeth. lUEdaau .... v. , 1 . . - . T H ' 1TT t I ' - . fna? Adolpbtts i.saqsecbeqss Joe.y aa atSKins Mlence fell npoa aH , auauejpiua w i;. v, ana tsssp-; vial t didsTS the fine falbess ,4 her eximi3St!a, be dtcorered to b the iHettiuncDecaT.cTonteTO'eei,eacort-J. .t Kar?n aoucea tfce ind-ien ? t-;n. i"1 wUM?uiif w contour. L.jna tKS9ece sAAe kmjr-I w&fb :f Lafarit. ; in? Miss KInj'bome. aad earryiajr s Jnes5,!d the iaaeetuniedepc-m tbem: reprewntativrs from each State aad u,ai4.a -l-rie-of s-t a 1 "-eas- ATTfLNrT AT I.ATT. cre ia N Tut T--! aa s tai len'iw UT'.-n. : .:rs-i t- ali -.- f r ! t , e'hi irr. :... .rT t-j TAiJflSELS- rzrsni-s. TAIXTS I" C-tt. AM- LET, iM) PAINTERS' GOODS IN GENERAL U i.i 2 i- t5w hi r bt ij omi4 1 1 . rr ir t rnif t" aa ra'. ; He'd Xiikrrr a pai aul liu of cit 5 tit Ti rir'bt off bul fcrT tar ' Yui mxirird a xau ial t'J rrjr ; K a., l,a; aB is raia. Iut ht va frte sjutt ara IV f rat a aiOcm o i Yti liitol 3Sir ia urr bwr taticoi. i PijT Xio 1! it jnarrisv a iuab "itiL-jB! xjii.;'" potsirr u. ircu.it i. ii a irr tcJ yrrr-r,s fci-lIWln Jra Jx:.rT rra aiiarra csnx-. f iy. ; Hat rs jtt liai to raf atiiXAdtT anc Ia Viru it winj a Cruris a-ttng lir mga t Vni ivlita ujm ca deans tij ctce, Oftis'iir ' Itf ..4 t.; :lir iir:..r-jiti; tr-; . . .v . ... - t w..,v.. aaxjf aa- ei'iu 5 irjrf ft: t? f.t. ij rarr a-: ... ur.i tj,t ccrahit Zimik. - tiatt rf Jtr cit Itftas cs-lri lirr -St wrtr. Ti t V ET LES fc AN AW AI.T. Sw-ia. 1 1's5 aei bT f. a Einw rf Iw- ittaally earryicg' aand with a hirj.r that wa allloi idway ! Of course. he rtt-an.-d her t the j-rf nt, a re Territory, to coadaet the re lebratk a. j ar,.5 of archim-ture, Ut vTtj.tiii:':K 1 .'. A" HEAT ACT! E. PA LPITA TIQX OF THE HEART. J.IYEh C0XPLA1XT. LIIEl'MA T!'3f, .KIX DlsAE. LAX GUM Cincri.ATIQX. Orijriaatinar oader tit snrIe- of 'the auonal Lejislatare. cuiitn!kd ! oa fiMtftera-; wgaed as it is to H'oniaK a Ttte the firt Century cf our exoteric, by aa i i Exbibitioa of the Natural resources ; of th Coarrtrr and their dereb-paieiit. i acd of ot lrfOCTess ia tbsc Arts' c; i.'T.t t-nsiiiiV earthiy U-aaty. iusy ie witaed afitr S-aadav at tt- I'vaadiin? cue tte its s zXiH lcar ous ia Hyde i'ark rt-a iiirrruy pia j taz. STVK? -i-il il-T.ita! ' imndie for her.- .: iioso'cdcwa Lroadway I Of course,' he rtt-an.-d her t lie j-r 'st, aud : Ad i-iihus on!r uodde j4iwrcilkcY: : taTfj Ler froia fatins-." While thev . Lat wbt-n, ca hoar after, he iact Sir! had la stsadTa iL re, liiiieedfiil of i Ilup rt ia the clab. acd icke ta hiia ererythicg lat their kre and s-.rrow, ' njt.et rratiously, Sir Bspert luked j a aessener bad arrived ia Li-ie, and him fairly ia the face, ith eyea that ; iLeir b-ess bd -ciiini:wd could be hard and tmel opoa ocea-! from -the iv-iia. -. . 4 ... - . ... m- hr.ri t f.. - . ... . ... . .. . I . .t . . a ii ii I M iwr i .ri.irrp.w it in.itf i nj i 1 . 7-,ur-, ui t - -v.. ... j . iu.uw.j iirc .wrtiij--- . . . . . . . xTtTsi fcua-ureu ca.i.irt-n ra r-rt'- or nod. ;IHked at one auciLt-r in -jt-nce and! r'l'uefctMBfc1B "mPr'n Jfrom fire to th'rtta Te-s of ae of -Cut rue dead, by Jupiirt T said f-.-rgot to daaee ; theu Mrs. Yancer- h of,ldr Nwious," it is to ,h. tt aui jw. s;J,;; little BiaBqatfheqae. his Toice ex- j dec-ken w;.e calM sz.d s Larrk-d cca-' ,L Jpl t larffe that the Con!n.:s-j jr teWsld-ria U'aatT tres.ce tae irreaiest surprise: ana . ist:va loos t.aie. .v seeae 02 ua-: m ' ' lw u reeea-: t--, .f ... . ,Tr the ladie?. to whom he related the ia- ! pc-adlne' troablc made itself apia rent; r.T t( oakethe Ceaiennial Celebration ; 0f Y.ar-.jr are the thlldrra , e;cenc wonaerea aia. : . ' ; tiea a a:?per passei araa taa: n :"!-. lur -r"J : lacd and the 5,;trs t f ' e.-red Ten r;;:Lt MtJ Aioert j was a ea. Hayes, with a jm-wL Arery, with stjj-d traasai.t u t tie Lafayette, Evw re- V-rV a:ner cas- frosa tie dviu-; the nia:e : to i. s:ti's f Ljr- rr: -i fr..-u 'i.K? to FT an i B aStr d"t ei.-nrpb.ia. tier fe ha, t"lj J-. -IX ClbOCI Tlf." : Btli aj'iarto La.f ii. d-alr. aad tie srut-sta That thecQ!petKa of the e-a-y,a:5:. ,t .,..!r ali a:s faaJts, is tae t. tea4erert. . Knew tnst Mr. IlSaiaa bad a para-, iyrJ w eataee t-aMin 1 wars- f.arta 'owbre e!-e are f j. truest-tiesrteil niaa 1 erer knew, i lytic tr Se, anl tat tere no' UJ tu.io.a? oaioaMratsa tloomin maidens aad ehildr isa 1 eockt sst ttie ssme lor tcb 1 ' cor 01 n.s rc-eoTt-rr. tvain is a:, w.cr, pau-iouc .-a vi : FrU-.. if r.w. ........ . ... .. j.i . r . v t ,i t A.J tn ia4ies eonaemaea flis sween. : arna suvect st su tia,e; aaa it w l" " C'-umry. .v r JUST A la-rr- r.f-k ! TalIe KciTe and TerU-i. -EET iNTYXS. i MILLER, after twtive -. ...:rc ai S .Tm-mr; i.c ;u ji- f i In-tru ma. j.-.ivf oi S.a-rrt au rn-iiiity. !. 1 i.Tnrt-i wiiii' T'? A. i'T eiia r--inpaii.J a-i -.lifi-.. .0 O O oj o 1 Sir Cfiprt, tt Irrklm. - -. . - mm . . . -rz -r r .1 w . a - ' . and called t tie speafcer -tomd r ta: ratnor or CeatX ea-csls'un.? a'ooct i 1 w oe k nuen j trhat tie ear e tne i.te t- S-':1? a as -a i f -a y XI'-Lt ta It was no c&iumoa wllduc-s that ?a:nel hiu this title. lie was not a Ikv, just frcm college o? bore, sritr vz his t crop of wild oats, tat a aj6n of the Wt rld iad All ! No, there was cne, the fa'r- the bsll-rooax, w btch caused the sod-; has wisely decided that the da Si!ea.e whk-h Arery La 1 noticed. a.r 01 lt 'reat laepa:c What barrf ned afterward, neiihf r niost attinny erifbrat br t he n:r Laura eoaM eer rnueiuUr eral coi;etti.ft and di-i!y tiiftitaCtlY. ' Le was mbkf-d a war iropav- k ico-res- ira'D. ha A T lest, cart-Iris. O f he ruored wa; the nest faLi.naW 2. 'and exclave ia the rltr. S i ubt-r men of his s-t were not br i:raLs ANIS ,:1S.-IE5. 'H -Li' Ihilljl 1 Ult U C jW-sr 4 wulfj; 12. A I?: UXLIi EETTI i f-tSTT-IIMWAITE. : .3 f. Ft. tT- ATTVKN1 Y LsrT Airv'SNET AT LA . N..ni.n?,-i- tti :!KT I'LAMNO-M ILL- GOOD 6i JONES, . . , .r....i to At- a'J kin-'f rf J-ititrx a.l -.-.r. . ItiJi; CJiTl.- t. ' J v: ::.u-:'HKNJ- v ANI' lOfiLS. r ;v .w a laaK TI.AVES. VLXETtAN f IttTTELS. 1 F.. xrrs a. - . r r"T--'.v ' a I. si? ''" ' : u f,. j, 4. .t..ES .h r r rr.i.--. l.- tBtt 5... af. 1 :.r " 7 ,ifi j-: . 6iUliar LIFE INSURANCE For Business Men. BERKSHIRE GOOD; o 2 aid the anr hsved t 511 v. of the a f rid but tb-:r wavs ere a- tb- wars of roodness when eoiaj artd with his. They were not at allg-lreatJ wnt iaeat. ar.d nick iiaiiies were nukao'a auor.or them : but wl.cn J2r-rjran. the anlst, jointed Arthur Arery as Sir HuVrt, the nacic la-cncd itaeif t. Lin., aiidetcry t ne rccitrktol that the Las- an 1 the man wereia ptrfoct harai jlv. Tic were C:iar stt rirs tlJ iVt bia. aa j the iii.i'ri:y of iLcra. if a l j tx:'ly true, rdi-red so nearly cp'a usth as to aas-wcr the Miioe urp --. ! Tb" ti ld bow 1 Lad lost tho liaads 2. :-f d iHar ia one nifL;s play acd C j never chanr-d a feature: bow be bad p I br- k"n the Laxk three nr;bts :a tar r'' --iB. with the saaje rarcb-s-. ind'- kat .Ik njT'a hi face; h-.w be draLk U ti'e af:r f-ttle f iae, with out tt n.Iaz to feel aor effvet: hyw j2 '. a i .- j - ajiuj M Le jo-t-atpi woa fort tines at tie races. c-r-t of them a lady with a queenly . face aad manner. who. later sa the ert-nisr-. said, with a tremor ia her . voice: I tlauk yo-i. Mr. Ilsy -," Now, why should she d"2Vr fr-.m the utat-r And why did naves drcp bis iiffbt, genial society manner, and say, ia a d-p, earnest voice: 'They d m"t know blni as w-do,Mis. HtfiLan. WLy?" La .ra Ilcfuan. Ilirlrfrt Hats. and Mrs. Yandetki-cken knew. It wast'eoM, oid 4'ry. Avery and Lanrj bsd 1-en ia love with, aud ea- 1 to each other alnost from child- - z-i pliahfd; bat the fea,H,:e i-Lv, - rMf.,n r ,1 . ...... 1 j w v--.ii vi iur in rar ; caa ."a her eirnar; ted hf-. II-btIr:ff s cl- --2etl tj brit- t---f".b-r. with' rar, Ftrcll-d d?wn town v. j-Iay away tne n.-!.:. lit Lai a wonderful run of luck and wvs -testily, but fir.nd no reJIef, aad at last gTive it np: and with tie r'knt- a - - . ll )S Ut- i ;;rtf a. j ,hft r W.IllD .,t. I.- , .. i . - . 11 ! ! . ... f f. - , . ever a'Tooi Cil ed- arc- Ear'.I-h the liar- n rf ta ouiiiain? c-'veri;i ii.'ty rTc i lire i.-.ri riu l 'jo-- t; - jjf.; it h ":JT ,n -!- :? TI w.8;1 eM Li lireat Brltala la-ii. rens. s-tjiwris f everything that: oar TlJ.,-' ft - - t -1 l . l r . . S -i!T-nra rau jri.ru, arir:er ;r:a : v .r. r.v. f-ilthe brain w the han.! tf her ehU-' Thin. tbor. ab!y wra out and wretrie!. be west t.:. 1 :- r. i:.-, and. latr in th iuotu'ds. h lesvc hi- esrd at Laura's to cc-nifrt b.-r ia b-r tru- Lood. He throe jh Eur f'.se rejrTt f reijp Vel'e at ; aui L..- avay a f Lis narrisj to a was circulated. Ls :ra it, tiea likened t 1 b 1 '.41 k O 2. sGROCERIES.g ... I ' ftji S( fl '.T- v .;;.;.. r. mkli:t. i a . . i. saicer ai A- rf rA-.-'VS. SLEIGHS. Ac i- a. :rrH arrtS zipjajnEiiNra- 1 . - t tS Utt ftl ! B . W ftp ti.; ...ft, POScIET-B iVKICZS. HTM I' ". : Every Policy Holder. t'lt'-riL 0IIII.T IIOll- .'a j :- A W ftlXri-K- :oi. I'HL tni yet lt-ked . as uvo: . S : kr tbvuzh be bad L.'t pin a ,2 Jthe cid- za"nrt the fkid in thousand. eernedlr or taken it, thea believed it; and, uricken by an3-j:rb. and ovt-rV.rae by the eyti n.ati'n of be,- family, was married, with vut lore, to a naa old enough to 1 Ler father. Sir Rurt . returned fruta abroad r-till faithfuf to her. and was ei nfruated, upon his arriial, by the news of her marriage. He refus d to U'.icTeit; bat wh-a b;s old fri nd Hayes, with a sad lock uj; n, hit- band-t.me fare. atteaptinj: to ak to Llm. brvke down, and evuIJ r.!y wrlc.; bis band, be knew that it a- true. Then bis wrath ar.-e, and ' with a face as hlte and set as the f.ec cf a corpse, be called opjn the bride. lie had inteaded to be pitiless trt a. and tLus take eviot-nt t tLe world the adranoeroeit f mh?hs rc'.f roveraed poplf Ls capae. In ibis " CekurAt.j" a'd Laticn- id be invited to jrtk-ipate : its charaetrr bela international. Ea- frrj:t'or ir"'I,e dtspiay ber arts and mauii- Lanra Ilc.ffnian was a wi-L w. Lu.;ar- s, India Ler euricua fancies, ' 1 -T . a-. T How had it farl with L.r ! When : BfW I3" ,-L:a IWJ?a p.'mi-iftnni la.rer i.-.sn i-.,-.:.:.T..- ttr-!. i J-t a- J.y the wa- takf-a to It - f .:V sad -:tiaue cno'j jh One -f sixty tw of ant wn-f-e 'et a'. an il. Sa5'-e it to say that he eajrerly purchae.I it. zz.'l as qakkly farmed tn? re-OijTioa to Lntl'y cf General s:ii;n:r ia l'aris: ren-i 2; ;c traasniL-.-Ion. however, the fentlerni a has brought it tt hi? b n: and ha eoasc-ntr-d to its exhibition f--r a few lays at E. A. Tlrr"- we!ry .t .r-T on Canal s-etT. The watch is opea fictd, of g-.-Ii. with a doable ea-:, and may be re marked as of a pectiliar apr-earanc, V.-in? of only crdinary size, but nearly a5 thick t. it ii wi.ie. Tie outer ea-e bear jV'n:t-entire i ed f pires. in h-i r ."'". the picture of Mir Ttho ; cd by her en.llcmi, LI!e over al apj-ear the stera Impleiaent of war. fcni? h'jh cnt of rea-a. O3 the in ner case aj'p ars the y t tl-kf;y ib!? in-T;p:; ' G Wa-hTn- 'i T ''Jiiw-rt Mattier Lafat : .:-. L -r! C,.mwa!Ii" Ca "t;V". j Y-rkto-i i. ?. r IT. IT-. On the ci.v.ri'.- ,f tl. u ..-'a- i. --a the makt-r- r.ar. . f. Hal. 'at Lend n. i::,' ej-rescrt rr s rrro-vi- i-)ftarted eja s tur We. if posO-k-, ani knaw that h' tr.a!s were at a a end tLat bis bvi-os were srrrcarhinr the:r sbe left the tall, she was ro dared and bewildered by the vart' in z occurrences of the eveninr that she hardly knew if she war a ake or s-Wi. Tb car- oar -.ri dar.t and hsnd-Kme. ire k- everv tr -ub! reaeii the h.jL-t i auiy. s-. t o with tie Ea-Iisi arlrferary. Manv anist h- Lae piicriLa-.d i.f ever the world a--are as tLat tie daarhvr, ,f -. tohers ia perfect I-:-! of ph;i. Even in Eart je the wt&rc cf the be.-t cla.-s.s arc c t .-j Italihiy as the ffien. rxpt prha in Eca-'.an.L t rathokrica! t r.f cia ririlf '. e ti :! ;-n :'-. I:L it b -t rec- -necti-. a c!u-t- rlr we-1 frtcdti aivkrn a '.'h; ...f tV. r eal 2e-t:t-as. over the to the ti: S-neLT carrir.- rd carrr re- or Lf wi' n th friends ct th'Ir 1. - , ts-- I wLih t iiT si.: r;a was unrta rat;u.v tnrouza tne sei;t str-et. an.i drew cii at doer. She alighted and entered. The silence was eprres-Ire ; the lights burnt d dimly, and the watcher? spoke in whispers. The servants moved eantioa-'y about, anl one' of them, at a rest are frcm b-r, led her to the rov.ta where the strltkea maa lar. wiii lay bare tiie tr aiaries tn;;r la- r . . . - 1 1 wiau-ia. 1-enj.ie tmv u.fQ pt necun;. trr IVxtuTroies-.r x.acu una cou;:tic ;o renerous 1 t t- - ,r nva.ry f r the pa.m ,f superior eiceb! .Ts. .... & - - . L t - . . her F..-Tfta? every Xoae ; elLL Yet it isr). tht women w;u et.nir.ncie it traits ana ee- 1 ... . ... .i , 1.. :1- mu i lltl-T LlVr 111 !Le training, a strong as men. I ran r;Stl c rvrr ia . re.-? w.tn a J V- - U rr- :..a;Inati -a a eri.-.rv, -'a! tJi k ly s'J,. rai." ari l ,r - V. -r -" -c re tt.it niaa r i.-nc-. " To firs rrand paiherlnz tvery xae ;&cte it traits reals. IVo mineral shall lie wantlnir : f..r w hat the East lacks tic We?-! wiii snnt.-r. Under one roof w;.i tne Svuth diaplay in rich Inxurii.nce ber trrowinr cotton, and the North ia take this Po land, even w-; iva trj.j.V. I: tne tla-lvanta. Enu res c re, lie cea-Ies niachinrrv tf female dress, end where thi.Tphr.ieaJ edueatka. tLiuh sarn-rlor t-i that cf She entered, and at the r-isrht of the "r,l-4-l ,a,t4r , . 1 , f a .'. that of the maies. the w -rar head upon the flikw. her mem-: v' J-"-. u.vU V1 . ... be?t orv'returaci and with a jrrosn. .t'a .p tu tt, extuj .A l l AiV lFU-ir., i-A 4 k'UI i -A ATI 1 j anv otb-r con a trr Tic stce-i has lntt !en ic B.-:a a: Ita.-t.pAatreft9k.Ttry. Bat that is no rea.a why we rhoul i nt see whether the steaks? of the steed mizht n -1 have been pr-.-venw-d by the f.njfk- erpeiient t4 k'-epinz- the stAliie-.Iv3r rhut. That th- stabi-dx-r was aot siaut apj-ears ckariy La these foLats f.'Iiow- sti.i inf-r.or to ru'-n of the ' cla-es a:rar f te a str..r.' as the men of tie same rar.k. f..r we must not comnaje the women of one wh Ifk. we cite to-dav roerelr br in 2 way of memoranJua. takinjr them wherever we ne them ia our owa corrc.oadeftK-e and that cf -other j .umais of character : Firtt. The lire might have btea WITli A. H. Frartciscus Sc 1 j rarf l-iMtpr- jb i trart ax .a lamtre ; a 4 J rr? T' I N M;il AM. LiYATSTILLE. PA STEEN A CO.. as I; I Lt ft: Lf. 1 J jtbtt;: a- IT irft. aa.1 11 "ijv This Prottctian Appliesta any Age. A? ts;eiT OU-I it t-vrrj P-'jrr. rlr Eii-.ti,) COTT 'N YA HNS. BATTS. WICK. Twine and Ropes, U" INO C-LAS-ES. CijCA. T ANCT E ASSET Wcoden zni Will aw Ware. Lc. . m TTTan i ur a&u or OIL (LOTUS, MATTING. TXGS. it. ! 513 NUrkrt Srrri! aj4 e Caacar-rw Sirrrt. I3liilalelpliia. w ftr . i .. - a ... . . . 3 . . . v i i . . . . - , . . . ... , rr. . .1 in i.' i w i i i Hi. i-. ji ,i: ihmii inu.i.r-; . - , . . PiaTketreve aSJ ,kh "' 't ? ' t Z"; " P"1 ' ndLhaI0aT fly,shepkaandre?ardin? "T -5i t'i Tl" ' L .be LTa rt j .ad 03 r : hey were not oa the prouad half aa neither the smik nor the frowa of the d.-wa h s rc-iutiva a.d the tron? uttered ar-cse-d her. aud he bent . ?V" , .; J incomjarable w-raen Vom . LotL- earlier is ei'ued br the wes " world. ( man wept .ke a ehdd. Iler arony ; over hiru. J S'oSsnTand I n L, ILc!' WJoa of tve ptnmenl hoSi 1 r'4 "4 tLr"ra COt fT" I'enS she'tne ht a' d ' tL" ,Jf i Iercre llS n?anSj " - j All the other hs ia Boston, which . . . ! myeTt!s wrdoi. ?he cffSJd to ; liTbu the,.rstion of the d i grated aaiy with rv' -otso. tor eniij. inere are out ., , . "V4V" w iiieorije of tie wnoic euntrr Tie ...- u. iu n;e are cei-wnmens were oa C-Vew actions which eanre a tusn's ex-'iTh- A?sin he tried ta, tfutes Centennial CommiJ , -t r . i heir kc and at wl,k .gala. puki-.a from the ebarmcirckcT,;" bl3.kfti has receivc-d no Government, id. such is to eort-mpiate an- Sv,,i The re was commnnka- ktr. and. as it hapwns, disHtioa n i ' " , c.eavc to him ; a whl(h he rtl,5 u Le to he-World" !? eM ad I,ar'' existence ted from blck to block with anex- . -' . , L. ' bet be rent'v out ber from L:m. 1 ; ,,. , , 1,.;,. i;m ...t . , ti-0.Ji "nautu yt tt. nona. roi.ion Tr.nrb rft.nTW -.a -. lis n.'t one 01 ttem. mere arc sever-! -iV ' ft...-- "T"- iiir, and xrsace to Ler Universal r . - ' : , 4;earap:a;iT, clause me rrati:te, al n as. ns w by he was net condemn- I ta;uT A f . , ! ? ben she broa-ht them, he . Ex Ttt tie LW d ous opjnamtswitn no ob;ect in bandings over which it rsjed were ed. The men admired him and eop-i He loved as few men love sal ; wrote, shwly and witn mach e!T ;t : ; :,T 5 - ,j ;Le c ..-. jnt 1 ke a aL;p under fuJ ss.1; tapped with flims-v Frenc rhoofs, : ied hi Ores, his carriages, and. as wondrous nobility of sonl.and : -1 bare known all on.y a t-w cay. : a t 5a exlh of tb. ' d maned. but no rudder, only ea.led "Mansard.- "bfcsnse Mrt i far a thev could. Li, life. The ma- I'er bora of his true love, he rt-, Yoa are an anl! Teil Avery I mnikiaz It y, Tmat,l tL J rnuna; ro:n? w ith the tide, or per-j who balk Veraiik, an 1 Marie, bulk U.,...-.".j.,.i,.;.i,r.i.;, , fused to ali:w a breath of scaadiftl to, t-ald. G.-d bless hiiii r : nr. ..t .1 n r. a . . r I Lap wit a worfcn? rudder, bat ! aimllaF m.'. ". i as th.;h be bad ficrht!...? ,i ,1,:,. -,. 1 .... V..,. no I,rt Ti0W". y sa:i;n? yon mean Sim-v. Had Maaaart bail i ift.", uu . C -a - Jin it ( - . . Then. but there was Dot one matron amen r , . ..... them all who wcuid not have beea hcT ati:1 wt nI oul ,alJ lue AS.', ... atl !.:,. i.'.tnJar W i alone. sionatekiss of reaoaeiation, be Lft oJ onlr to leave t world- 1 "t"' .c-.i, ana tnis snm (.onm-ss Las prc-:-saff. ; r;Je.j bv st-xk sebsorir.tion aa.l thai n v r mere . tje ecp!e shall have the opportanity tf suWribinr in proportion to tbe Mate b sack back insensible t-Treccrer in this life. can-e bis fortune was immense and j A3 ths Lad taken p.ae years be-j ThraiU the ion? Lours tahiea fol-; population of their respetive his Ft Tie irrejaxchabk. The youn?, f. -re, and since that time they Lsre ! icwe. fbe Mt br tbe Ix-dsfdc, tllent ! and Teiritorie. ladles adored b'ta ; to them his word met as fnencs on.y. 1 bear Jove had ; gaj inujovable llrin? over araia ia ! The Commissioa looks the un-i , as ia; u nc liijir. , i . 1 1 n . ---ni. - -. trjouTt, Tears tnsi Lai ps-sea ; litiiia? patnotism 01 tne pec-pie 01 er- no p'rt a View, kn-w not where. Have sa aim in life, and a noble one. Aim h.krh, an-1 you will hit si.meihk?. Are v.,n a .. ...... e, j stuuent; ! through your studies ut studv hard to 1 - the roofs which Ik-ston miscalled by his name, they would have brn as slow to trasniit the fame a tfce frst fi..r or the baen:ent. Tf.ird. When the enria'"? rcach- y se or iecitati.ii. rni your teaeber. : ed the scene it was found that th to st-fiUit Tocrelf ieould not arre-i the Caroes beeac . V7i.--T, rjTTSiirtir.n. i'a. ;TKEAi.TAXTAGEf.rsrtur2CD.-n"X. ; j spfftesrsnee irrectson. His mons. : tbeir eyes met tnat tne AanrT vk i iCT marr a- t the man who erv section, to se that each conirb-l , ,' , , t c.-ee,'.tney coma not tnrow a stream Lirn :TN STO"iTOWN. jtaeLe wastU wonder and eavv of, left them and they became bright. iV .f Ler The nl ht i-ass-'ute It share to the expend and rej '-s " tb M'-vel, but walk, yf ma Jeaoujh to reach the fame. Had r. f Oa Beware sac Saaafae- u.e t,., r,,, i-.zw. rf :w the on-a. and the deli-ht of the ladies; ! I aura acknowledged the wonderful ; tLt. diT dawned, and still Le t ! eeives Its share cf the Unerts 1 'JVP thf Ta t,',3f j th " ho ffia' lLe a?Bes consider- tsnra ofCTawware. ?- was wunder-.j ty of a love which could volua-i in Lerbadres .sc-min-lv impaive, jof an entenri, ia whi.hall areir .?r Ar -Tva, K;d what the enrtnes were made for it - ; r-.ri-l; lamina; and bis dark, lan-,tiJypat sway the ake ofjthoo;rh hi.r Ltad -h aad Ler tow dplr' iatcre-ted. It would ! tha:t U ? ,-ra -v':?r tra-o- well. J -j, :ha; American iarennity IV.MIII : ?" T-r---;; "r": ii : 11 b iTiS bei ' W. whb their weary. Ion-; bonor. and sbe loved him tbe more ; wL-rkd with the irel-ht of thoarht! further tarne,t!v nr-e the f-r j tl1'1 eut ? "cr"--f w : .'fZin;?Lt have e.-nrrieed ecrines the iLifciTWiaikr ." ' t Ji. t Bj-i;! j crv lo, k, cuuld speak as could no oth- f -r this nobdity of souL Jn -Mr?.; The k-uj bvttr dra?.-ed .-lowlv on. i taatioa in each State and TerriMTT of , ' raian. ...u -..ire to; streams or winch w.-ud r.r a Lifts :,,anKJ s,-. r. As it T "eyes in their set. His taannt-rs i Vandc-r ken's were s, : tlie dW.-ud to ouW Ur. whfcout . centennial araizatk.B. wLIeh shall j 05 T l'4 , w . w. .vi.--r-.r n..... .: .i ti t.mr rf ti - n-.-.-. rf.f r. I; .r.ii m w in. ii h in r oiuoarod w.ih the Itea 11 1 t of i, - . -. . t. . ... i i -i.ii .T;.-.n;n t... .....:..;..n. w,r'3' m niina tne .ri4 a-iatre, , J-.ri?:. The a!r e5-;ent ehivk i i f-ftav a, ..w - " " - 1 . r ur?-T"?' 1 !.- an t J Aaavaar 11 aft . L -A ' 'Jar , au A 1 Lii. i-wt a. AJ aA A t'LlftAL 1 i.riJ- I'Y I akftJI' ' ftftj- I I' sllEET IRON WARE. ' ' t K. r t a re;.!5rf e- aad ti t.- 10 Aiaicft rf MBe I orna5liias CmkI n. i '.nr . ht rf NOAH CASEtEIJi. nfti i ti w 'cT liK-ir fca-rrT.i A r-Tt rn i 'l.i...'-'-:.i.iA. W. R ri.i-. at Uifin-ffift. S. W. j W. H. Orrrw. l1r ! N'nr Vt ttorrd 1w ' ! rrr n hf lu-rtxirr L-ir lnrni ;b. wcjac ti iitr aiJ.r.if ka t;a- j I - . ckibt a.'- au a?r TEBt ft ur ; : -;irTftT . ecru r .nr ftJi . 1-rr nilif jr-l-r Ut ! t :. ia 1 fc.r' Uitf lftT .J'J ' ft! Uir Nrw j t r-. nSit rf tfce 1 .isirr!.. IT 1 Iir rWT - j rf ii-r. irrr-r- ziisvt' tiw-oftao'! tr iitiswrr-l i i and B-o . . T.- is r. :., rw-iiir tie It T aixrn: i cur to Aj '.,-r ctvar jii it .Aer-a- ' aarotr aa i in:rrw ; J H. TE ANrisCT s. ; Nw Tort 5ar-Y 11; A. Tw. nr-r-iirofit. j '5 ON WA NTEI). CROSS-TIES 0.000 tan that it disarmed the strictest be- j bis art Albert Hayes, alone of all ) jv 4t n.-.r aU( trhisTerel that unless are formed, so that when the natinns I Lever ia tne aoctnaes 01 propriety; me men. anew , , irray sci.tb were done, sbe would ro are satbered t.tretber m 1?T each andeven Mrs. aBderdeckca who ! heart Lis friend canned ; and bewas;,ilaj. rdt unmindful of everything' Commonwealth can view with pride jthcurht danciajr sinful, and the thea-: quick to resent a sneer or insult di- nasin s- aboat ber she sat razlnj'siloaf-'the eontribenion she has made to the 'What is wt-rth d..Inr at ai doioj weib" I veto 1 n- t a : THE LINE OF TnE S. & M. P. E E -r.aj.v ct scnoEOX, oniiRsirr, pa. ' t Xii ir. atTI r::lAT IM-UCEMENTS. 7 7---r f-.-rIu Fruit Tr, Viis liARNEI'SVILLE, S eVauTi. Ta. ire tne frateway 10 peranwa wanis rectea iji.nn u-ui. tjv cion tbe features f tbe cicajl, nn- national g-iorr. r:,..J. ...J ..r.i: f . V.', i f- Ilr.'Tm.nl -it.at r.lo-tit at Vlrc;.--. . . . . ... ...(iL.it. I . .1 i.i jiin-ii'j, iuu u.u uju" iv;ii; .-. u.u...fti-. .-.1., . - ' i;j jvr err s CTiTa was urvciu; wwr.! A-ODauenuy reiym? on tue zeai aaa j cpB many occasions. ! Yiea Sant's grand ball a!d j gratt-' j;, tt.ars Xo if.T r-T:ti, and, patriotism ever displayed bv car peo Thus, you see, he had the men. the ! folly : "I thank yoa Mr. Hayes.- j ftnlinjr Bpon ifT tnees by the U-d-' pie "m every national oodertakin?. we matrons and tic maids all upon nis: $ be sptike, Avery entered the . side, she thanked God that she had ; pledge and propheer. that the Centea- j -Ihiw er. Firt have aa o''j :hen EealoulY 2lr bis Wurtn ' -riven to the Came was sriren be thf a leader, ' extk-H.a?. which crne-i sr-aces to lirad llie Ffellcwiiis Claims Paid. M-t cf 1 Fur jiM-jrxlars. la-,K;r? rf L KrcrA I X. G. KEI3C s:oe, 8 , cietr. v 1- ' kia at V cr rvi- li-.t ai -- NEW I Lon; MILL. a.- r.TT ,: iia . 'Jt t. r i- -.ijf ' IEXNISON KILL." ll It all ftjr lr ia-nri-r if U-".-It hue. ftiBfl of wurk in JiftjJ al: e rrnm. V ALEM1NE HAY. n.C'o.TrothcVC.. in mm pO Ealtiniore St, rLTlMORE, MD. Jo J w. f Yirk CSry. i.auis. cj-mr F. K. '. Htt?r. tr Tnrk Oty. tt.(. ;at K91 urrruar 4 w-iit and a diiP. Xm. . K Karu f.i-ftta. lii. Si.:e ntyraml f.-rar T Trx.;ii. ftx. j 1 U ft. H r. Kir. fcotna. 'aft, !.!. fiaraent ..rt-ro ft mortn asd ' Janjr, H. Aitir. f karrnVe. lol2.tfft. frajt rr w I o-.jr' b aiw 7 taya. 1-tftri 'lrajr. ltrjir SvL 4T..W.. pay. awt orn-tar 2 ! m-ii::ti. ftixl 1 vara. J.w LrifttinA. f i-tr-an. Xw.llWl JJTiat wtt k I jrarft. 1 ttjtr.l. and S --CK"TT-HtLD A KAI.SH ALL. Arrotft. rtcat li TI Sv ja twv 1'ft- The Improved EiilPTIC SEWIKG MACHINE New Draw Feed, I.OClv stitch. I Tim arr ruts ta a S1 Mactin tkat j tax tric u jArrUtfv, fSiiii tak uu r 1 iaa, t . i--'.r: j Lirtaarar rf numtac. i Law ij( KftaaxrOK9lt. j tftlatiii u oo ihr Wark ftrquirrd, ) F rrd sa '. a4 N(aeLi;iftU:i- a a-t t rf iej-T. j W clftm tfcal tk XXPECiYLT ELLIPTIC j a.t ail ta (-.ii. ut iLin c a. lat . tjt 1 bit A awjad-liaaid 15-KGne Power Steam Engine AND BOILER, Wi h Jl"ISON GOTEiLNOE. Ar aa Mt-;1-V A'.lrr W.W.SrUWIrV S. j- A. Vmaaiui, III FURNITURE. LEMON & WEBB, TlJ- asd .HI k-T tn rf Lrwa A Wi u! FITTSWK-Jll, I-, Ji scalar-, nr. ti rf ,d had DotLmjr to fear irom so-, roxiia. He Lad leen Eore than nsu-. lea enabled to her dutv t the laL i nial Cek-L-ration will w.-rtbHr thr.w ally reckless that day. It wa thei A vear pa-sod. Lenra Hoffman ! how greatness, wealth and intelli- wi?ie rr tne names eai,v to overiear. cL aim hi-b. j Had the streets and -piare of BostJn to aret-mpir.-h ! provided tbf sTaee it would not your obket; success is snre to follow, bare la neresrr to bl -w ct earnr-st, nnei-astn? toIL The c: n-' Lenses in order to make thea. U-.-tanLin the I.-thmian rit.-e had! Fifth M..r tbati a ilozen nlm- bk t"re aad ether baildinrs were darusired In vain br oiumsv atterr;.t an object in vkw, and t very nerve w as bent to obtain thf cHect- It dissipated 1 anniversarr of his return home, aad , and Sir Ra;ert were well ni-'h for-, renee, can t f rstred br snch iasti- with women were i tbe oid lonrin? bad come back cjoa ; rotten bv ocietv. anl we Hart EcIB3rJ t To. Ill Kourtli Ave., 0iTftr!tf their M Kaal, V brrr t"-T efjjnx li ia- in ftl it (rraarfc. Notwithstanding Lis l r. 1.:. LllO.l., n A W M14U m Vftu 1. V 1 1. . above reproach. He never flirted ; : him stronger than ever. no maiden-heart was broken through i b ss, wearv fault of Lis; and no woman Lad ever; risible upon lost Lor rood tame and staad.ng ia i derdeckea society tLrc-urh his instrumentality. ! as she retnraed his salutation. What ii was that made him so defer- j "Mr porf por lcy V she said, estial to, and careful of, the sex, was j It is nothinz," he answered; a fruitful t( f.ic of conversatioii, aad j am used to iL Is Laura here th no one as vet had nnra veiled the nirs-; evenln? T" tery. There was a vague story of an j - Yes," eariy lore affa:r wLisjierea about Lere she but it was so indistinct a minor that j iTsre.- no one could discover whether it Lad j sl;r i;Qpert k-ked s cross the room or had not any foundation ia fact. . aaj i.4W kor. jjis eyelids trembled. Not one could remember the name of taij jaeihia? suspiciousJr like a tear jthe lady; no one Lsd any distinct j ft.;i cpoa fcls Coatleeve as Le turned j rc-collec-tka of aay circumstaLce , 1?.aia la jrs. Yaaderdeckea, and j connected with tic affair; tad, ifid ;a a tone of voice so. utter! v MrsYanderdet-ken know or it,a many weary and hopeless thar it etankd sasjiectea, ene neia ner peace ana re-; ,eT . re tie . . ... 1 lire eroa at ii.f n.j 01 ine race. ; to t.jow Hie mast e.tner run or t.w trod ien ! jkts-i were pnt ia charre -f this e never tutions as tiose which have f ..r one '7' . . . . . '"-''rl,,r"l-u's' tU!.- jiau me crcc-.pa.i- -u, wuLiu-i ifj. iim.. wmau. ct ue-1 meat or isoston oeen cemmanUr-J tr them nr rere rnt I h lirtriA. . H.mul i..wril a ith niii-."fi.in a t i 1 nnnnrii t-m lilosrwl t..i rwwr.'n S i look was more plainir their whereabonts. No one could ; tbe United States. i " "' ..." - . . t i a I'''115 wno onuerstoou tne oe o; Lis face, aad Mrs. Yan- tell what had bwonw of them; but; Jos. R. Hawlet. I-'"1" J 1 ; funpowder and tbe lawsct itsexpio- . . .1 . . - . . t n.l TLua u-f.A f!i!.r w ti ... . . 1 - . - 1 . . l.n I: as-ith riitrirnitTSlir.e.1 i,i),"im rm iSm eit :n i fsri.I ntr ; IVu.r,t - - - --- u.-i : mob. not oniT miE-ui itiex- Du.itiii."-, j i : T , , f V. ureatu.iv paiiuir upua i-t in; vi -'""j pies, a handsome maa and fair lady, i 1 1 evidentlv bat reeeatlv married. Trie! Lewis W. Skith, Term Secret r v. ! Reader, have a aobl II fall at last or seme of them, hare been man's eyes tad lost their weary, baa- j ictv expressku, and the ladv's lLfckd 1 replied Mrs. Yaaderkeck.-B;,4eetly solemn ia tbe twi!:?Lt. e stands Ulkin? to Mr i Ther Lad beta ta'kin? of the j Fa; link raiMrra. and th-a with a'.! S forward uctul you reach it ar.d i vonrs. ted. ecV.?etin new. !h-jt Trw?;c t me also, and mane rocr ruijrht rressl.rtV.r p-.aasri of rrornT Iot It the s if precious time. Fr-m aH which fire texts one it i'ik WM. BOOSE & Co., Emm & HACMISiS, ani a the saa sank hash al down, and the; with a hard The new-born horhsb aristocrat s.rceeire as soon as bora a Lttie bed; t matiress. From its j taken, warmlv wrap-! Cincinnati. NovemUr t-rh air After tte'pet t. Marys, which las-t wnttca message of a iivin? mm: : g-r-t vear its meals are reduced to . liraidrwine Bend Tell A Terr I said. Godbk-sshlmr' tbre and tbis ru?e is so nncban?ea- . alxve se-rmc-a Is preached the ct-r-tll lush of the cc mla? evenin? fell njon earliest aje it is'tak Jl thiasrs, she placed In his hands the ped. iato the frerl nameiT. sand general curednes of j tbe prevalent American, teadeaey to j ll,? k t tting-s take care of themselves ; to sunk at , put eheapness for economy, to eavploy twentv-rc mile seconu'-rate lastead cf trst-rate m- lt is fire rears to ti?ht! I mast : speak with her." fused to sjett It was a recoznlzed fact that Sir Banert w as a rerr wicked man ; aad j 'Five rears! So it is," feaid Mrs. cme day it began to be noised about t Yaaderdeckea ; "how Ion?, a time." that he was also "odd." How, frj "Time!" Le answered; it Las example. Lad be treated yoang- Lane' seemed eteraity . 1 nen, witi a pow- Memphis last nilt. had 3io jtcott wiesever inteLeot is needed ; Tears came Into the man" c res as KV tbat . eKIU tbtrA r.f n-tiur.r.- talc of cotton. K"0 bale r f rar. 50 1 to exact or no man. in whatever cau- heread these words, and his wife j snrthin? mere ; and from this time tons old iron and sundrk. The boat i r station of life, the best he can trembkd with emotion as he turned , h"foo4 "is of rich milk, and bread and ' Ties strairht andean 1 raiei No do; and to make no dismraraauon. Ka-an.-f a t-t- ' t... 3 . r. i v ' i;ra l.-t tK..n-K tb ni iiicn-1 in rerard or :a reward, ia tavor 01 , . " Laura, we should thank l.ud that ; we were gien the strength to fuIEHn oar dutr without laltenn?; tbat . afternon is passed through ns no cloud fell upon the life earliest childhood the childrea of the J the boat was eadeavorlnr to land for j of this noble maa. The war was longMaristocTaev wear short e-leeves. and i wood while tb w iad wa Wowsn? a ; and the nlght dark, but joy has come ; tfien the kaee is left bare, thouzb the Flp- j MaaoTow.x Ohio. Norember 13 IA most coid-bloc!ea murder wu fast, it remaia several boors ia the pers spent the night oa tlie bar, with j the bet a-- against tbe secord-lst. - .rn air, and then sleeps. The w hole blw inrand the mercury about bu b w iJ do 1-r to-day.. vw jore ontside From,-"- At tbe time or sir king tne sns?; u"r t- . isALisnrnv, : Xtauilerxm rf aC liosJ rf Lane had fallen into disgrace, through jfsl effect, Le "mastered Lis emotion, i with the morning. doubly sweet lor , extremities are cJotbed in the warmest 1 do fault of Lis own ; aad A rerr, be-, and moved across tbe room with care- j tne saBenng; we Lave ensured, ana, manner. At fire years cf are tney fore the rerr face of the leader of his less ta--e. Hares saw Lima coming anditbis message coaip.etes my tiappy-, bena to dance. Never are Lngibi . . i . - . . - t r i .i . i. . . ieiire us. vr& iik L'i.a .vi 1 -k-Vij,. Vr Vw-n Kant t.ail tKat en him : !n:npd eaic:!r Aside, aad two ! iri.TTr l.T- .1. L.nit Kail Hrir.n lnn.ri vm .S. mt.-inp r-TACimCE ' .- Ar - V... i-..uv;ncm.. - t ar ;-i,-. NOW ManilfaCtlired. l-"1U":' --kVlli-Ar.Ik A of feorsei Aad LoW Le treated i under voice. itri-Tt hf aiii prtnuri-Jj ftiiiird w. ! Kin? King, Ute banker I jlr. Kin?) the bad cot seen oim ester, aad ness. a thi i Jktri v MdSt aa s&lsaaB rf tc Az-ta .ul. e la rrr atmir, ic m ar Ji girt ta j Irrirft I LAT OX AftkOS Fitk Are-TJrTaHirtk. Pa. AednNW WJi. BCK1SE A CO, Silislr, Eklr-k P. O. Simem KuTft ! K? failf-i in hnsinc-is and. as this is I tbe snrnrise was too irreaL Sbe star-i his blessing." . lone of the unpardonable sins, was 'ted, rave Llm one long, passioaatef The lady looked at him a I j-TirLia. tn. 4 ftuuw ..-.lift, ftjji? t . Wia. Steren-a. a Lard-wot kin; nirhL on the person of aa old 1a- dren inL-asted to the care of a! lalorer ia New Orleans, raised su5-. cT named Betser LiadseT, ared 64 new life ; touched by the rays of the j yoan? nursery maid, but to aa dderly j eient funds to pnreba-e a cart and J years, who k-T the last two years has moralnjsan. no t-iadows lark there t'exrterlenced xiersoa. oader whose mule. Goin? to his stab oie mora-; u-rn Iivia? alone ia a heme oa the and, thank God! haad la Land we j ectioa they eoastantly are. As soon ! ? recently, Le found the male dead, j ftna cf James Baker. There is no can now walk it ia hoaor and with ! the roan"" ariri roes to school, thei d instaatlT went and drowsed him-;cBe to the murderer aad bo reason Tiage of the bead and shoulders ! !- Mh aSVcticn for a damn aar-'pan t assigned for the committal or ieamaze moment j becomes aa obiect of attention, aad j m6 i toaehing. the deed. Jt. -1 ; i , i 'l