The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, November 20, 1872, Image 3

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    Two njutiai-t
I ki f in a tarsi--r
ll-i' ! -"'l-h: in:
B ttlR'Vt.
.sitae tuotitL
i trial Ui n a
,iO 'M
rdiu-t i-.teh
Lvd Case op Dhows ixc On Jlondtir
It U ouite natural to .appose that the j
Era. jotic''
ortwnc other unavoidable!
S'cir J to rti ;b?'.
rpvs Somerset iieraia.
nmniinz Ur, the wi.'e of Mr. Joux S.
I e mriox r-idla2 03 the Clarion river, at
horse disease, lliat has l.-cca m prevalent iu 1 eansu b as Intervened, preventing the p-1
iat of osr lares cities; will sootur or la-; cal doi'iv appearance at this place, of the) AP VWT4?
ter CaJ is war r omntrr dL-tricts : Vs-rn M.uJ Line." :au"ua
.Vr-v? AlfieMtntf.
! A RAHE CHANCE I S5 to :42rt r i
o h-
all "
! h hive
-.. a arr.-
h 2-t th
d, arid adl in , -he iiunr.ria3 Mills
.? fieit'-nth'rr. j drowned ia the river.
ww aicblentlr
. . iY. - "
She hail volua- land f the benefit fl' theraiiny persons in :
'; tecred to br'.rir tiro Jew pediihT arms; till couniv, owoir.r bi-r.-e, we p.thliib the T.,
: - t ., ..-..- ,..11 t.. ..t rv... .. it. P. -lalaiiae
2,000 KEGS
rCr. ,. ,.,
. t IT
.r. 1 -':
-r I . . ,7.. .i-.b. , ..,.1-. r' .... 1 . . 1 oaS.tu of aiil tiio.t.i.paiI on plt-as.iLtlv
u-rv. !
'.i"f;.-"; r,,":;.ir;"",,r,rV . . ax.r.nt of th2 inclement weather, the tarn
?f Batter Wantea.
fro' ic III -ili-m tB S.rtm-:.
r -
"sJjX ii l'Ci. u CO.,
IT 1 1
. .if.-;.. .i. .1 ... ' : TLe wr.-tch.-. a human form. h we ... i-'. . - "! ... .1" : fc ITl rr.rTC.rVL... Tw - M'IMj i.E a.m. ia.-i x. v. " ouiu-uuiu ,n? -'.- -?. it- ,
1 - - , .... r;i .i,, w i.:r.. u-. r.v""7:" ' : rr . tw. j- wtaecon, ot ueraa, -v,;r:,v. r: . .n T. -.v.rr:!-..:, ..afi.-.t.i.:h. '' :-" ' .!
tU f tVr .if Vic"i: i evcri:i!-il-,a-lilcBar-l:'sof whxu w ar frrO ' uiuiner would have ai&ka ;hcm a fine ' lZh- i." ITj t 11 ft fl -.-,- .U Pl., " ln 'M ' !" ' ' ' .:-ci-u. !7 u,,hij ..
-;;.!.:rvv ! ir'a!- l;lt.5 .y W V "til lull PJidlllilj -j-p-ij--
r,: .tie and trviair wither ;an.l it is Wr fi CAVTlox -Ererv genuiue box .-f i VT' ! g, r"" KtTmV.' "" w bt.v'' PU'i
. ' presume that tea Uwes more hr- wJJ le. ....!:. f.SZ?.. LI Lf mflPE3Ja 11 Ula.IIfl.lSn s,ItI1'tfclw -w"rw-ur- j.h.x o kii.ri; i r:... - .ita:ji.uiM(;r:M,rn ,n
..T. IV ' 1 " - . . , . , . . ,, . ' t inf'.n-r.I iiain ll.-in tir I t.rnl i Ut'ar-; tilt' i:!rnature of F I.K All Cl t 1m.. f n,. I I IB. t i .1. J-rt,lu.:..lm. .r)-.jr;.!llI. -l-i.lru-TiUr . ,a
rt a
. .. . i ... ... i...! r.e f.., amnuU wiil recover i:n;n ci;.tc:.. without s;to .t.i.I iti.rr. v v ' i 1 - rir3;-i-i. h.i --.r.v. . TV --."- r"1' it as.y.
Tl.'S o3n;.T!' was nt
A.e dv'aj- i f xce -.'i-iclr resa:!'
?r r.t T-iir- M-...a f the vcar.
lunch, tut i I-V'ii fc I!-aJj Mr. Iloi'Crt CioldUfic, ;
Tv.i: r," sr.l OoJ T.irr Oil :
' ITfl?sH r rrfir?. nn-'p r.a tlic i
V-tre. frr.t", frt-'i. 5 l-'1-v! Hrers lv Ca-
v i1', 'T .-'r' t Co.. Ne w Y.rk. It is a
"..rt-lv ; ,-'' r.Dl -.
'"it iniv i-iVa i; nn-f- r i
p;,retr:..n j-r? 1cr; lol it
i f il.e nVfri! in rAsvt.
!.c wi 11-kn.iun r,!:;;i!t an;! tinrhcr.
iwiil lci.iKlucteaia a real! ialetiinleitt : prospects ; itttit i btt 1
, lauant-r. The preat numV-r conuias 1 he nwjoity of taia. bh
; "V.'ill it ie to u'xc a MuU! Paper: '
ltifli.inl Vv"a-3er iltriv Vfri.'." i!v
i DO Other.
h-aving anv weaknes aiont titem,
tin ir nvnrri ii:iv fimniniLiW! th-milvps '
run no;lIlWH-
nnre than .
nciitil irp irl'l t- m.'iiiir... T-h iri :
ciav r aian a :Jil- 1, an fnm death ' 5.h7 '.?. fcwttfra. !
' The markrt is full of im:-rP1? bM-'''i-: hih-mark-i itt.KroS
.-rvOB Debility.
Pu;i-n who
to all r!,:-r.
.r.- ri -r t tar
'O'lirn linrtcnso and I'ttrtitr.l
u.-it'm. etc. Therr are t!in-e Dew pieces
f niisir. all y Ilr. GcUU-ck : Jj'.n,
'The C ol ;" tK-ii . S'itiTatioa ;' J..iiin
nic:nne. "AiscBct'." t he niusHil rt-ad-
1 ;it
P..Vf"!"v -nf h.i nr.,:n Tx'n
? the -aof j Mjrnnlim. Ito:iir:
r- ti.'s tlwe tin irnrrovrninnt ia evrr
v n t:e :ni inl n'iniVr. Tin' pu!!h-snnv-,n.
iisf it s to hr a penti.inrnt
'.i.-n. a fvei! Cft. Vr cVa-V.v wv!.
-e tli's n-w nrp-r into 'J:c ymm xV.'C
i-H the ni.Mi-'ir pr'vri'r ut
and nuny a to the owner' pocket, j tThm. ik twir. oiiy hei. Ui mm
therein rn-T'entin!: a material rise ia the i ry. ai thrrateDe-i iir.Kiroo n.i iatrt!iiT. end
1 T ..:,' ..( .... t...,.. ! reisra cure in Hamphr-yt' Huaieu&a:bic
7 ' c ZT ,7 7 1 1 Z . ti.-u,.. J jliae inry-J!iu Uitil , it ! u.u uuioii.r ;aUri-i..kJ. Allien L .N. l.ic
vuiijuui-Jic !ia.;. ; T.:ij i-nwu i tiqaM5 Kui'l sail puirm I'uratirw. they j r.ia iCo., jlss.v :l S:. L..ii, Mx.
the avrrt l;nir of overw
. . . 1 . Tl .
jtat and thle critical review sof new music. aueru-a, appiv aire :
ea-l to Riert 4il-k, C'l.icajn, lli. Btonr fc irs.i.s y.-u v-r.u-l In?
ai ' j liorsi-3 'i onto til" .
1 lilXMI Utel. Slid : " l "reiww w iik usurr. I. w up illf
. ... . I mrrm' th. .vt..n. - n. 1 . . I
It'ork Oljsrri'cr-
It UiUostnUel by THOMAS XAST. Jhe pr-at-' 3 1 Ar ;th tb Jt B1LKKYEAR IfiOK.
el o( Am.'n,iiB ir.lMi. aau o.n;iu u uilriao ; KIUSCT C MOR1E Jl CO..
ii-n hy H.m. t trl- Siainn-r. A-iut amtyt t-T i - - w
1 tiO-7
IPflfrfi iPiim V Mflchv
, u n: mi 0-m. Uay o 7cr.!r.x m ;.i.i rv'a:r.-.i
1 riirt Him. rn! its ny b-i:!. v,h tM
YOt ' A 1 11..
. til a r "1 : .l.m-n i-i.j ..f J m:asii &
'oj Etu T. A.ia. s.artj il utafn. waiter
ib:3 .:-si;-
X'. J. A r;;a trs.rt r( Ui '. . ait la Sri-)i.
ms..Ti i"in.(ii ..Ifa-r rany. P..wnliiiflir.
I Al lt S n-l Ot-XTtEMEV. uel 2J!L71' ,,'T- .'- ."" w ''
;r t-... ,u,a i,o.w a Jinry Jti.-.j, Jaai 1
st I J Airn mull i !JJ? i'pr.-!iaicl.
nri-T it K l-nBriiw inf i.rv. i m . . .. k-. ' , V , !"v- "'
. r pim-i ki urn niu: in Suti-
4 Hi.:- l'j
1 1iimMc. i"rt.: M.r-j-o X--il
i r. a ?-.
c. i r:i.. i $
IIrr-t B--r h t
n-iiif-tr aai iiir-i li a of a J par.i.
S:erl Ponraii!!. iito-J)' i say rai iiy i t ji!y
ni.i- . : !rr alia rri.-uwr IT
:-''n to.:r.d rj
..-r! .T..l,3 I). Il-1
n tnwBvhiri. C.irl f-td
.r-e Ai'in';?ii
i-': n of a r-1
f7 -s :oTi :.i
vr :n "n v;tv !jnf ir"a
he Lini's Th'".
i". i'l S.iit'iMn;'!-
lif.:T.l in
Y'c l :ive it. on tT:enf"r
a'' T" n'l rr"-.n. that if the
Faixp i. Ac:ir.xT. On Thursiby af-t-"rnona
j! weeU l..ritf Keysrr r.i'v-t
w'.th a very K-ri'ins and pti:nf"!l nfx-W.-cL
The Siifriif w:i3 i'U Li way h:u:c, ia a
siiK-y, and when U.-tweut FetterV arid
McLhmi-1-'. on C lear lJidtre, in "vVestProv-hK-oce.
Lis torse stuniMed and li 11. throw
ice hiiii I' rw.r.l on tbo aaiuul. Thi
fr! h!L'n-1 thr h irw and ea:JM-d him to mn
aviav. iiz. Ker&.T wis thrown to
roui.d arid dra:-d a coatt raide dl
.jiice, suJ u;lv rtdieved when the
"Who Pays the Co.-ts At every term j
of Court pecnl:iliin is indulged " ho j
ihv the netj" in aitiona at law. The li I !
t u. rim uijiauiuiii wo. rn.iin
p rluref 6n al a ttrtrs ajveti. wb b is T3 to JiO p-r mi c;h. trrry-xl'T-. m :k ao4 fr
vry rl" nam to vt'iruixr or ill rain, tr i prr ' W inri"r tV? ISKXI 1XK IWf'KiED
?l!.Zi.' Mill Pf HI JiUftuu, . m w r.l .-ioih.hi Jl.t.; lltltT'lIWlTClV III TI' til) Hi."
,..i. ,1..- ..t -..I 1.ijJ.uiiiuijuim.'.I'III'I' Tl.i. m.if.l.-. mi'. t.L9.-t l,.-, v.;l ""M'tlJUl".!. UIMI.HI II.IUT
SPECIFIC iiOAihiiPATUlO JlLljlCIN L ith, j qatlu torU bia-U jn l rai.r-.Hti In ov '
n..wjv. Xe York. m,T. 13. ' JUji-ri" r mar.n r. pr:re onir ! . t nilj lirrcjci i AeM Wanted for t'obbls
X-p'For wk-by E. U. Manhn. Somerict. Pa. j an-t wamoiwl S ftreyear. w iy l.uuO i i
HnMMnflWHMHHHMMHBMM fr'T a07 tHrOe tll t Will ' A 1 rUTiT. DHlftf
beaa-.tiul. or mur.-ei:!v.i ?i-uiii h n fur. It atae
jj i- APrrBianTra.
U arra--)!'; to n;t ail u't-i.
-at op i:i ar trs u-.trk Half
Child's Commentator
...... p. .mti nn;. f 11
B!or !.i;.T an.! (ar-. -nuari l...-Ti ;.i ajei iivl
l.itir... Mim a 1 .!! tvv ir. a .ij frja, w ,
TpdIiuj-j nt i'.edaif S Jair.
ii. -J tt rn-ire or tri. !Mni5x laafaflMr.
i! V 1-. r ..... r f 1 . .. . . -
T ' : - ; in -u-, i "-n-ra wa ta ajpor-rnaarfj
y. aivl Puan.1 K.ari. . X i. A:l l.-iio ori UinTiTt r.
yin mjiv ry bwjIji. an.1 otScr SDim.raU 1 tninTal a.'attaB!Ti
Ten P O li l WJ!!. X. Vt
la the tiiUria ciws ia tsisinty i-' ' - - . -.r
cA liihJe to : " K('KSER SEIBERT. At the rwidenee
1. If the craad jury rvturn a Mil "i-'no- r- of the hride's father. Xovctuher 1 tlxTJ.
. l-.r-r
re: as tnev av'-r fn i ut. wai ;i ;j.jvc
in Hie r OiTvirl!.- v-1 or, :v.u r. uild lac
' '..irsf i-it ee-J-.-d ia tliffB racial Lix lf
i f rot it the iiisriii-s ttiiJ vehicle. When
unit lie was qmie
r:ictUM ia a cse other tliun l-lony. an l
.m-l.. tl.. tif. Midiit.r t.v rwiir tl.A Arit nr..) !
tt-Jt J-.'... "l-. l--T-, O.. J ,
i ii:c jiu?ci mvii ua ..1 . itu uriin-a ii '
i the cwr to pay them, is cmniitt',''?, and I
then distltamed accotdia to law, xt i-Loi;t j
' h:ivia paid thetu, the county i at l!ah!e
to c:s. i-
Julia KxiMT
t JIif Ania.ida M
ti.taLi...i. i . fa ;.....,- i ....... i in iiij 1 irrrniHi.MM -(
lean be cut. aiil thj rlodt ur.nt be t.aiir.1 ii. wiii v . . rrn.!Mi,
!awrtib.AP.tMri!lt. Wc nat ustrow b T . ' P-"- EiTrjnir. Ttw VitcnTi- -''' !;'-PIAM. .M Ely HH'iXS. io-l
juAier s4tB nul erriw. .'cri'ooimii5Ji"f hy"- Erry taaiiy wa bf it. A N x l sm ru . im krr. iwimi ,M W-
i avis wtu.-h tfr-e that art cti r:n be roie. A SttMng li b jaMi.h-M. FHMjr-sl.,'. s: tv.7 li 1 w !.. r - I. it - .;U.
!irc SEL'omh Swell li i.o. V j'f - Pifi ttrz are U- s- i'i'Pij4i i.t.'e..3; Park. X. Y. ""I'l in mml oi mti: ir;;tB.-nti. Xm-:.
I Pa, tiu u;. " i"J? Bl "''I i?;"-
; Cheao Farms! Frss Koni33. i u v-"-"Jj ajoiji nui.i,a. . .t b-.:. n,a-.n:r.ia', ai,.;....'.
Oa the lineoftb t. XIOX PM'IFIO RAII, K;.-t rf r tail St t.ri!e natpy t-y U fl
I ROtP. tAOuo.ow am a uf the tft Fanrtraa-t ! rTLKlXTOX. oit.a8,! :in J'.jr.ufijTtBrtr. l!a
Jiintral L,io iu Aiwn.v. j iUrgarstt Si, PUUlitbu,
I 3.m"ij.ij acrr Xcurcs. !o tii X'l;tte Ykll?-. 1 '
1 uiw lur auie.
U I.'V'IVV.taiH l-rihef
J i iltr J-r. IT tfi.
--at w r of
an'ii T 01
"iri ia" bn..,(oo:''ii-iimirait hr lia-
'-. r.-nr i .ml; i:t f-.r
a.i!xs, to l i T1.- u J thf
or.; rr
re dr
1 ; rOTL
i. l.l-.i'V Hit-1 .1
f'lni'd fr -rn a
h t
ii.Pi 3? t'
!;-i-T:Nr- 1 in l v.' v:ir
.! n Tl. Cr--n. -T i!sa
.va Wi'lVw. f th c'.'y.
;rer- ci' .::n' in the
Mr. Kel.-vs
-RTisl--r::.nd. T-rln-rinc
I m J lie htue of iir. J'hn
iii-al aid lVit Bloody Hun
Hiuilo-'n-M 1 1 lits relief, i or fevnni tit S
i; wjj i!e-;aired ot', tut hy skiiltul treat-;
nival he "i, at re. nt wniiaa. oa a fcur
way of recovery. Mr. Ki'y-r wa- u-rriUy
cut a -oct the he:uU !.: ? recei'.'l'tr sc-1
vtro ioieraal iajuri;-. The only wonder;
U tii it he was a it klli.d oiitri jht. In hU-i-r'.-M-nt
haprove-l coad-ttoa it will fid he
wine day lie fore he caa I reiuoit-d It- Lis
I S.rUU.eeountylh.i.letf.i.illt. MILD CLIMATE. FERTILE SOIL, MM Iff MmiM MiA UMh ' t
, louna a true auo 1 Jt cc.ia.L.ct uar 4JJtiirs, fa Oraia arowtex aitJ S:.k Ea.rtrur anurpc...ii , r. on-orna.-j-l Pjvxcr f th- Orth f t!;e i-iMfrf r-iera-whT ? . H.-a hi it
na 11 n tried and acj-.m e.1, and ordered autawc-ed 5' to '7 '.d"1 '""" ... Ilia-, aaVl tfar. It aether i.-kv r ha f r ,... of u.ul
; t.v the Ut jurv t.) pav them, and is cat- a, V, "u.u"a . el T KlUrtoieTjr'.u 2m. i"eaT la 1 "" t-VLrrMr ti-men. ! r-ay. yt it ,ff,4 aixf --a-u.-i th, f.r up an ! ,'.n.;.r un 1 -nu, tf. n- tu.-'
mUd and di W.-d aeiordta- to Utr, uly. tL luiwt'i'i;,,? ! ?Jrn",M- W tbD tbe'01kl ' r f I-rjnn.Iy .. any fh, . p.. ii.i'. E. U. TKEA r. Fno. If -ray. V. Y.
... -.. - w . . tlfwiit r? 1 U-'.ite. Iscl a Hair lirt ir i.n..ii.-. !..
ecoKTirunjaHL f 7j:;r FIIFV Tft ISOOV If.FVIX
2. N or it ttie deteadant w ac-iutrel and ! . V. .rZT.rt. ?! ri .fi "rrH. v ......... . ...... ..... . 1 tiW haimi. l'oi.:mi.ut ..rfna-.iauitf m. . i ULL. IU llUUA AliiiA 1.
- ----- - ------ . ifcuj, in.; im.itiwiH. vi Ul U. OS c:l 1 111 CCK I TH' 1 'O I.T I "!-Tlir-? "l-iHTS rQ'. .UC-I r . . . , " . , , tl
, the I;Or ordeit.1 Ls the r.-tu iurv to , . MeuaiUt . ircr be kao.n. mntua H..iMrf iUim. ! rt'"1"'- "'-r " !h "H1-m.! . - famr Brai .to K
;.v tl.e-n.-irt to fmy them. toeomiumedaoJ aaa AaMi.aUe trrraaa. lua-.-a Lh -n.i Si.J.k r-., ,.,h. i - Ftua.t'.i.-t.u. Pa- it t ..r.v nae v.:..arf i.. a.-,
i . , , r . , ,e . .
I tao.i fk f. P. n- R. f.C Utaat-u NVk ; .ft
ruV.-f t!; !r M- rr 1.1:t
.! vs. i r.v....c.f,;5 sa-1 2
':". t rp ! t.'. v. .i sirii x as
.t ia :":tc. The rd l and
tv.s v. re frar.T. srt.l ti ir '
dit harmed act-ordiiij u. Ua-, tiie cots l?
:n r uroiatd.
4. Vt l.i
-V UoucK kil l iUarpcucai UJje Oi cotfc.tli.-h. mil
rceervu uilo. 'tv u uu:y ccori.iiijr wui aa-
ier.aKi4jr, lo tikinu. iuiaii Liiawi! vi iu
e centhti--B are universal'
i t !r:r.i"rz e.-:;r: ii.s.
cf :rt ?. : r 1 t;n r;
( LAr-TRAi aso C'axt. Inviilid read
er, ii" you arc nnu Ue eno'.ih to pi:t your
self outride of anv et ihe nnrL tunic cttur-
s.i t. i al,-t.ti 1,, ci nuia aodirfasive Kiasulant,"
- ' r ' . I . i- I 'lers-anuunj. ut uiiiimnj vail ol tuc . -
L-ie A ot I Ci.nlit iCttu-twd Iifa IW B-, i,.4-aiv.rpv tu i-uaaa a $.uoi: aijiaai m '
r la 6 :tr.i:U'd l y the petit jury, tun tu inkiaifla tu luectrcr; ua iuui i
"i r.hlV !:H
raed d'-
1 (V::-T
I. . n-
1 ,
t u "if- l t.ii? r.
i v rr d f-r a 1- rt r i:i
; Idm !. a t-.irk pf th
l '. t".r ',:.
ou ail! incxitahlr iX'tae to criet. Ask
1 i-e cr.'as ; your ; ir. biclaa if tny liijaor preparatiiia.
lie Pexter ' .jv-jtute of .e'.Uuub'-.i. j-rcperti.-s. is"
Vr o !e it j ivi.nhy e.f the naate of a t titc. He wi'l
, tell y i no. Miua ail saii naiiseou cauHi
! l-ennies. I'l?.nta!iiiU Litter1, the M 4
I vht';etr:.e tavivtoraat ia the world, owe witu tt:e o's of tl.e priot;!i!:n.
the rariidltr with which it reiicves the dis t In tue foimwinj case the c
! oruered ai u as-I lui' saa.n rcU nc v.: i.a .e i" rv. uie c s :
1 t.i tiie ili.'. ive a.ent whiih dicveys its' 1. Wh.-re a defcn-.tanl is c .ar'ititl ly a
; laeditinal iucredietit-s t.ithe a-t of taLc-jia- 'jury sn 1 U l-jraHj tin har.-ed -.rithooi l" v-
' plaiii:. 1 Uat aeat tc tl.e spirit oi tltc su- ia io itie t-n.
Ynr Wen. T'3-hrs. I.i il-i-r Vfcu-cT.:
Aip-s.a fci- a fvr tu ue r r "The "m-
au.i tile iatr th- nit 5e;ertv.ine w hether t " "P"0 n Vi u u Uhb.u i : ple fctaiMtara nible." tin-: r.i i--.
,1 - J... .i ., .,.,.t . t I u. aa aaa. irfctuaatu BMut, Bi nua auuajlit i Eitra trn:. k'r-nanrf. t.i-s'rt A "nr.
the c-ji.nty, the prosM.ttito. ortheuct-th-mt Ui.jre WUii . to w B, r.,.u uoh.jbm taau u. uy. 2:ti;Jii.'.;;1.rii ia- i.M-..-. tv. -jo.
ot nioUVc, ufujllwutjtf oi purpuw cm. UiU. )
to tue prf:iotir ot itM (f'JUtui rui, -. Bato ...u- j
err u;u muiu uavc ovura uo uuLoyuo." be ttveO '
isu u;cii. Mini trwrfa U.C U:att u. Le Ivn4 liw; '
! rn:ii aii-i u.c .ii rvcviLuiJtul iiiua aa Lue l' : ..i i
. -.'.I . . . ' J .- inwii, i.iA . . M -u ut UW.1.; :
111 Ulll i. I. II I lit. I tic . 1 1 1 - V U.I.I. A ... 'I '
. 'i.ul t av ibecxFta ot PpiFecntion. as tuev
' are fciuir.xi t do ly the act of Sh of !)-c-m!x.-r,
14, tue o-: are B' to t-e piid
; i y the c-n:y.
5. Where an indict dent Las 1 e--a r.;-
iU:iT EVE5T!
1EV hctrt rf- ' ,et to-"f!f.C "S '.Zl'.T: r.i! .-.:fc
fcilliirt lj,iif at pni.f i a lu'k-a'-te ..
; r in-i-I - jxl) X..-W Tl i.-. c mpl-:r. t n.-n l
' fcin-i t. ep ii-i-r m-w. itj. tfjii. -.. .-. A
j xreit variety u uit a;i tovi w. s.i- i kr i.V.ia
. ii.-uc.
HAVAXAtiti a nrrui.n.
Cor. t'aaal a:U Oatir St.. X. T.
r. ..r.
:err ofi
r;:'r.:. 1
my rennt ent r n;lle preiUt it:i;)ut tlic i kiu-iutas oi titr. aw a-it-t prji-uy oi caarac
cv.naeat of the rotirt and char.-c the oimctv j i
. " ..V ... A l.'IH . .1. i V. 11 ix J,T.l. Ill
t KTIIW It T hanj- A-hm fi.
ibr b Ttktit rar"i:ta.- it-Cr? m.aatc
1 1. IDODWHi & MMtiSZM
u;:!v t
iTl '
. 1'. 1 -
i'l which he i::
e t
it: i.:s i. .i-i'
iai't-Va:-. 1
::t; . n ,;a.i
2 ti) :i t .-T'
:. t v
n 1.'
lit t.tim C
. of Tr.-:--
live ;o
f I'tli.f . and
t.-.-rr hint
r l titv. li'r
t !:"n--r.ii 1
c: nclit.'t-
ar CitK-, the nsiat aaintious a;:d a-rn rca
f a"! the varietii of uhi Itol. TU rt.ii-eiiii-i
iilr.-lieiitB of t!.o Litters, v liuai lc
tiny ar. uoti'd le co;u;' i-' tir.''
ie-.s wi h'lttt this lih-trihuutv l:uls. They
wiiui.l ti.rtjtr.t aad Mur. iHrv, as v-.j
ii.i.if. '. ir t..- ill ii it" l!'i:. Iii .r.-ii .!-iitii! n:n t
i-t re; IX
wlinl hatiil.'i.j .".re eaii-aria
m lien ia ci-is o. t:roty ino cits
th-1 poart fatects the county to pay tiie
i t'ad jraad jury ii;a re a l-i'.i
; aiid dirtc: the to'jrjty to I ay ths r'i. and
! h--n the fit iilarr a:"qutt tso tleifit.lust
; lie tit r--area an i .ucAtni ta V ul.inriaxai t -q v
n hu;i. o! U.C ime Sui:c una upiotiie un ycarot ' lrlT10Pt
: LU .IJl W Uic Ot Li LATUi. ia i
t lite cr li-o be ctut a- r.a m ptaiaa ta t alit..r- '
i tiia. Mfiii on lav l.a cay ot Jaii, iiwii. arnivii ac -
liiit..tfB. F-iwojcttia, wua euuiicTi. aocw.--?, t
; in.- io.i .i!j tun vjai.Mi ot a Biir.i-r iu it. at m iai- '
i iy u4 aid.nvar. ta Sierra cnuuty. (atiiui-4 itta. i
: he unieii Lit ai.tia..o toeatiic- r.tii:aaQii n ?t .en j
I .--r tu Nia -1-1.'. aau in lv4 atruvxi a. aire he ;
, iivc-a alii i:tt.-u, in lui.e, lulu. oix aa oia '
j aTjeaii..Q. in ci.aitny atut tita .-rot ln-.r J-a. j-u,
u.rfit-i.1 tui iLLit'i;tii.i.-Di caiunx of a t-.nni.-r ant
: i-tiii-- r.:-r. ia )(r tr. ii--i2jiii:r peui .
I ra.ti"fi.'lB-l cvitia-.y, i'ruil..
1 IrUlfiiit:
r-! i--ri
a ait
'. l':I.fl!l ill. .
l'PHA.W."3.nrh -
Pa. 1 1 !
Library. Chamber HOEBTBL ! T
CF EVEItY rtESCnilTJox. n !i4cl tfcfl larff-: rKi-rttn-iir i P!iTt
aril Fiit.ii n tl-. li.n.l'i:rv. ".i-h tli 7 a:U !! t
li w a any r).a' l- H-u.- m t. tr.aa -ay. '
aB'l thr ii t',ii-??ix VMf i;o.tri, at
I snffi rci! wf-b 'at--rra ?! r
' cirr! lit a lireitt r .-.:. v. isi
If free, to a!i atiu.-i j!. 8i.'
I-raw-r ITi Srwiiin, X. Y'.
":- rt"-
o-.v. i.
It' aaie at
t.T:'.... .t ' - - 1 ' 1. - 11 arkt tf.n nn.ii-r. r-.m .ir.i .
a.l t.Tat pi-? . r rar l of lao-i tita.'e in .n
lataptiB tijanotii. Smirm Pa., wth l
io.i- iuii aivi jxir:i.iiiar:T if --r-.'j-t f.T Ditt-.
afl r:!a. " art fi 1 it.atK- ia "Wl ir..
. ti-Ti fcenccl ao-i wife jte.t -iith Siareh. Iy..
n.c; Kic? -re. lct . a-tj-.-tDinir Lii. i
at A tact tti-y. trar.M-i av.TB and a- r.
Ci r.y artrriaai-tA.
!.. A frrtain tnct of !aa t f'laa' tl Vj;;,.r
I t'-T3?uiii. i!-ri.- Co.. Pa enntamisar 1A0 w r
m re -;r f bv-b thr ar a..i i -r-a-:-ar.
;.;. a),.. itiirx ii(.l of K. J-r! Lintasiaa. Anti..ET
. jr in ti js i oc Rr. wita Ux apparuvaarea.
X ". T. A wnm of2-ruji rj: m Sia
tar; t..T. S Kcwt I'd. pa eKtaininir a.-r -.
ta-ji- Usa. a:-a a ianr two or frame . iw-i:-
.-tca- nt3.e. :! ant wttv-r :l u-:itn tiH-r.n
errit.i. an I taviwa on the jwnl pua of h. 1
tan aa I X... ii. aiij..m:ii i a X .a the
I lot X'j. .sni tb- r::t. rl rv 00 th.- a.-!i an i
) ti .atn. aa.i by iaa.taof liaitat-r Vi airiK-r.aua
' tii" a.r rnri-rjnv-a.
Xn. . farra -riaa V.'a of rrvas-l i-are in
s-a-eury t-.. is.iB-rv. pa., eioruiica
a. re e-i.-li. m-r-..r tr.. ar.1 on tae z n-r 1
(.-an -i ni-i toB a I.vt X . 3T. aoi 3. .;
?Ac:r. i t X-i. k the ari. r Ln.-e.-ai lie
ei. p.r .i -a Ihe a h. sivt S,-a::b'j arcn-e
'sa l .e i'h the appurt. naiva.
X . 1 A raic M o: j- oa 1 ti:aa. la F.tkti. i
:ta ;i;i. SiIctm ivau?;. pa.. itaiDjsr l vt-.
iii.rre W. i!;-iaii:x iarvi.f Keary 'in.-iTy
' A'-n.eam P. ii.-r.y. art' 3 to ippon a:n--
S-iiiii iia i Li 11 in ki.vti... 3 a tj4 j.r, rr., ,,j
iltr.-'j r:r..lar at tHe uir .rf J. c il.iO-?3.r.--rl
! 'i'liaht ti le ia-.-rt aaieLtltaofC. P:-..
T rti. J- M J. s.-hell ami Jan.b Kfe-i. a;35e. 5
of M m. p. Si-h-rii. tman- 10 da-Due with J ba
Ii. E'.iiir. nr. in as 1 toaii tae r.i. ir &-on?.
:;!. iaea! a: raKr aairieri;!i at! aa..-..
erai !0;.inrti lyiutfaiyi tmtct arater. a-nw.or -tai-vi
w! tuat j..Rre 1 an-el . t" LibI. ..iu
a'e in Scmnut t. .wsnhijk. S--tar t ivtt
ariii-11 tC'irr :ni:y a&ti u.rTa.atar.T .t-o-nrl bt
B.etm.i N.ctv! -Kir-'. n-f ti-t in ;
!r.-niy.'.:,tnm it. Vi- raer at f a uiriiv Km ...'
i.i;! Jtil Jew. ioA ociamiLii l.u er. a.i.!a
C2 !aT-ij'f .T.iaa-! . XVa,f-r. J u .Vsii-r'ao-t
varTK t'-eitrr wi;a the i:t-iv.;;i3atoiir aiai
f BrTr:ar.--..
Ii-B In exe-3'i.ei . t!ie pr-r-r of C. Paw-!'T
'.., J.,t:o J. S-iv U aa.i J ao i.'fceeu. aiMiaew f
W m. P. S.-hi!. t -T-ir'i ia mmm wicii i .r.a P.
E-mi.". at th- in SaoiB-i A. Mim. lifrq;. T
vt Vi.lira 21. il .rrr. -.1.
-in t aj.i ar: Lcf u.i a. Llln;.nw.i-i--' il..-
A i -ii - i;-i:: -. ru-ni. eic as-i we w.i th.-!W
: c w' .1- :i.'- tv ?.-. t- i- -I
X ATloXAL PI PLASHlXii" ri Phitt-I a Ii. ai.i rs w tiin at oxt r TTr
".cr lie w i'vii. ii.e i::-; el tee ar?rat fcjtpiorrr.
Ar.! t i:i'.SVi;KLCII''Xii aili-IaJ ati'-r
'. : ; a aa-l t.-rs:.. a-L-t.-w lux. IS.
aiety ii f Ui i'i.i KU' P-ir-i.-h.-r'. I"j.g
Aleuts it St'Il uick
iltki. ot the horrioiecotnpouo Is rini t.trect tae O'JDty to pay tiie C'. j m-rru-i Bi ue anl reiartMcu u Ln- mine ia iu:ie
(:n- ir. a ? :,:e of f.rraeaV.:ic In Ci.a.- of ft l-jay, when the "rrand a--n alter .raiu.
ail.::-, c-ii.l.-au,rinr to foist ' jurv i-nore the U.L and hen the defend- f . mu-u b wa ue oai
91 99 531 101 m km
wr :iavt i-t
.'.t I- y.r, i.f
r: i.- ti,::!
...t::i,-ii the
1 1 i.i.'i. :. it v.
: Utaia ihe p ll'ia
I H.-I-PttT .f
1 .
t. n
;n;cri-'t Axa.l. mv
tii-i ttj'.j.'r
live j nj.iia ia atti-n I wi
' tnotth five tit'-re ttiti-rcd.
.hularaun list: iUu le-.ii"
c-Vt-rr tiiV. .ven re L-'en.::.l!i"e. tairrv
t'.ve. I'ttrirr the ttu t ttc vti;r ; o4 j
. Atoret.T. !.'ii 1 tw.':!!, honored us with!
, Wntt tutriv
Darinpr the ;
Of the 'f irty '
-fivir dlti-tli'iud i
- 1- !
Ba.Bre. i cree cailiirxc. imc ce-au aci taj i.. mrr.
I save been 1 tie froiiS o ta? mama 1-. K liv.i .1-
w.iyt aa at!eciiona:e tuatvacu am a kitxi a&.i in- :
r.-i- a t' nt I 'iUi.vlit LtliiiT. azi-1 tue wile of Ma b-j..a atet tiie
J'S ol pn si-c'Jtl.n or inve s-curity to eoinUin- iii aaiisoelv. i
isi" the f jrae within ten tlavs or ro to jail, j At the eli.t,B U-tFail Mr. Btit-tcr was eh.m-:
aa.i deteaibiM C-'K-s to jut! su.1 putne out I eo reeBiuss tbetMiatieaui lBAte.Pi.
ant is!iiitel by the petit Jary.
! ."j. In ail cas- whea the defen.hiat L
' fentaJ ituiltv aad Sk'CtcntXrd 10 pav a
- !ani
Oj-;-.ite Ii
11' T. C?.
lau A Wi.-:erh-Vt I'; '. -t' ;r.
sir. 1 i.Co-.SEiEj.f ii. H. I.
If) iinr. 1 19-rl. p
PlTTSBt EliS. I M. Sri. I.A )
iiee IB MofkhlJrr-T v a Trj-.- .
t.-r -.kJ of -i: i i'.i.-i-rh a. C nn- !t---.-i!i '
Paiipt-t fvapary wiU 1 : -l .a the U:h or
X-.-inbrr ar:, ao.1 r n: :r. 11' a -tier tti.- nr.
naai TO-.tD3 if .n Itb. l;-r :n I-t mir ti-.vt t-T
tbe e-eni-.a o L'lrtir'j ra '.f mH (' jrnr f. r tire
eati.r.T V'-T. t'LA. lA.'XX'EiXY.
no. . 'iai Tru'-j.rr. :
i-ir. -r: ' J.i t iiiA ll i ta't bj-!.:!'--ij-A.
..t it j-i?; i:a .-Oi. a.--, iui ii.:.':i iii .a
.- ' rrv T1 ; "--tit wi' Jl ' r T - - -t li'
UIU LE'VIS' ltt ami !. -tS.ic. Ir !tt i.-:
ii tae i-at'T5t Mrwe anl soere'a ituXEY ia
ii. a.; ! r 1 cr i.r- ti. a ar- ett
fr--. tiU MAC LEAX. P. lia.
under the l.nJ act. the cou.ttv it l:a'tle.
1 iHaaaji-l I i-r. n. i l. arnica in l te Lit E.-i;itia-
lare ta D-U a auatterof hinury. X. aa a-! aa
, 1
1 .
:.t i .
11 ui-v-
'.. th-.:
I his p- ---!'
( tir I;
U'.-l - a Ix
' '.til v. !
! !''.' r-..T it-, with aa ad
:'. i f -u.X'Urai.:eat wit
a t '. tea her T ii j: K.
.-: : !-tn tori ttt
t. -i to I c a;-; r. i.
: cor-
:;n: a
.ut th
- ;:..:. n-t.
at Miil.-r'f.
- '; ii.rt :
;7 si--:-.
r the sii.i
A I.i csiv r.s. :sv; :ir. I.'u.'Li. ia-:
cirt.'-T. w-! th-? ni!v pcr-iin on either Jk-o- '
a;cirt-e v. iiii h coi.i itij i-a ihe Huatiardots ,
.iiwi Lraui Tot) rtt.irirul who ci.-.!p-d in-1
ji-r... He mi the i-s.-i r ia tittie r:n.! 1
jutiit' d i-..t of the- er.-r'tce w todow. Lad in 2 '
.-..! -!y -a th -rriv-nd l! the territie ;
diiiUirns. Ii iis;;;.n w.i jui h a to caa-5
1 ie L;:a t- k-j the i; pmaihirj trin l-: tl- '
h:s cti-.ii; J. -. Thi- i.s the fee. r.d time ia :
.Mr. i!.:.i, -' r.iil tsj -rJi.-e that h-'
let ui.v'e a !;;r! read' h cs.-ire froa
;o th li iler of hi-
ar.ii 17i v. la: iai iato a nnov.- I ank
l.i.-1.! t . -H? IJiiZt '-. .
Vi ..I.-.
.1 it :i-. c; o ;.iei- '
a . j-a, :irii !vr- and i'rh ails are 2
. ; .:i.::'r tavttr-l t-, t tjit -er f-h ''i
uat ol 1 ut t tli a n:tru-i,. " e a.-;ii a'A-- ?
:,t t cii-iae th- ir potuinc v.itii 4faa4.r. Oa
! Vr'. t-t i-.-rf.n -iv -"lKr-r --? 1 1. n.ili-
!i-tK fnvi-rl t.,r.t na in fair &i iumi-mom The circtiiitfl Aaia s ajtJtr hk'h Li" W:..s
Elfreisrs toconviaecre ;:t 2 P. M.
Es-tvls:..-r lt.-t for She i: n"h t nlic X
vcraltT l"th.
iiie, Boi 1 rule ifivrn Uit. irai reeeiveil lite eia- '
, . . . T- j ptuoic ai ..fuval ot aii Lia eoaKJiaea-y. au.1 il ever
AD IK t rttBtKi cr-ilAX Kh.LF.P- Mc ic.j U,B Ui.hmi aervani. wai Joe t any !
Conneih-httr was the t-'i-tje, Tlie'LiV I . to hi 1 u is pre-e mi irmly srvctietl. VVBoacaiii
liLLt, the -".th hint., of the s.t;' ev.-t.t, I ' "f!" aj toe Bt-i-ratior aa4 i.llf acrru.:?,
I -:!:, which tvtrtc-.s plane sa the Uni-! u aiu a!j t aiit aaj u aa 't-umm aaa ui:t-
iisot our ouBtv. iifr-e i. tverti-r, oi eu.i uti.
HOLTZffl S fllEEMOIfli
Ata.-.i-;cr ra of nai IA!r ia
i:t.oe lavviOentiy a hi
' . tieraliy liti-v.-li ni i killed Il-efrt
' VTeicU. of D::r:if fa'-tas. who waa vot:it
1 . . ... . ... .. e . ... " ..
f ! i.ill il '111 I . 1!.' V .1 t ..; S I'l a.l , - Ul
i : iinv.u n e.clt, r.n:i)..rne0. ana'.- es
tccin -d ui the totaninnttv in whtcli he
; ktned, sis related to n., are ttiese :
. j (.'apt. Geo, W. Skinner wssrenssired in
j prtnvcr-a-ion, ia the r ria of F.-her'
F.obcrt Ilohi-.-ts, ?ue is he'!, Deeiae Er
er, Mamie Lvier an-1 Mvra S hell.
jllTtrl, with a prntifaran fmra Phlla-U-1-
Xcl'ie t ',
Srhe!'. Lttcv T.d-!
t!ive f.v
A f -c M,
-TV f. ,
Pie I'.'.-.
T ...... '
: -r.t at ..arret:,
in 'elf i'v-vr!.
'' ;
;r .ut t;
his j 1. 7
A v
.1 1.1
. -
:ty a 1.
. r ! ti 1
tit v..-:r
.0 t 1
v i f
V. W.
L .
? IV. w.
;.i of ;
' - h. '
ori.1 1 1 '
:- ' .' ; ri-'.'i.t j ; t: of :--!.!
t- :ti i,!:... I!,- :i.-..Lr'-s i: ;hr 5!ow
, that ia v. ;i.t- shiny years a.-:i, aad that it L-t;-.i.;-
r c-. a '.ij.Ji l.r the i.-.-.-!r.e a-;, ittci.
ttt-.l t i.'.-t vo a htr cf ruts, tv in r.i.'.nv
1 rti.-. th- ii!t.i t"i..t th; re s-itotild be 1
. rev -riai 'c 'J p.:ioT in L.o'.$ ' i-rintia 1 '.
! wit the t- !irs. Oae'.htar w Lica csp..--
' ci..!iv tr a-- ; lt'.s wrath i ihe war in which pan at tre f. '! to teach their
'',.p-c'.iil.'.iir.. itt'rtT tl.o tin?
1. v. h'.i h they c.. t h.J the next
' raert-Ir to retitc. II.j thntt-rs, an:1.
phia and one or two others. A numl er of
person were in the room at the time,
artionc whera were EcrjaiT and
, Welch, the pnaniau actor ia lUt ts J
it'Srcdy. TlhKtta Haniill, Joha Mme-er,
PrtJi. Iyra-iicirge Kitti-L Williara Fisher and Joha
e it'iyrm.'aa. j Peters, were of the party. Thtnv Haniill
j was heard, while the Captain was talking,
j t ) throw out aevrl canters to fight, ia-
En;l.-ler r.rt'l Aa-; tended for him. The latter made bodi rc-
j mark adiaocUhinz Haniill to keep quiet
k:toi:t. land then tnrnel toward Mr. Fieher, pro-
! prietor of the htrtel, aad oiale a reply to a
.taraie ; remark of hL jut a he finished hit h,
j he was rrack a hove the rt.rht eve near the
, centre of the forehead witli a farre stone.
throw a at him hy Haraill ttad knockei
ba -k acainsi the cottnter. A vcrv urlv-
j ftsh was made by the stoae. Hataiil fled
i and Kerrer tsecinz him retreated uo the
lamte ll.ter. r.-rkt-r Kittimel ; raurs, aa.l ociictus? titat ne lea almost ; a-r. r
anl John hlaahlc. j murdered tiie Captain, who U, by affiaitr, 1 r.7ow i, "
1 . 1 1 - ; . 1 r ' "i. I ... . ' " ' " " "
The list fi.r thht month itt Dot ooite com- ni-j'tiew, ureo pisioi ai unit, u;eu neru f ta ...
. . . . t v :t . .:..!:. 1 .... .1 1 n.
; uuiiiettitiy euijuieu lis einiieijLa tiiiotiie iij4r-! " r
; head ol Ir. Vi'clch w ho instantly fell to j
.cr anl
(.1 .iarn. Atccltte k
C'.ive Cotrri.tia.
Jlaitti - S-uli. Ltt'ty Ea 1-i- y
C-;t a;; 2: a a.
S -e Schell, Mamie IJ.ier. P.-
;1 Vi:'i.;
..iav Uoil. in ti ioaaite aaer-r, sir to ui atvb.
fr r-::i r 1.' 1 t;t.a- .'liili i-ixil u.i-an oi tae
1 .Lu.-r.Le-l lii-.t.i. We anew ti tin -" tew o-aerf itatw
him : a frint xzi b.ioc -rvani.fBlly n-et-amizaia
ot ail Hi inotiTea a 11-1 ana to ali rafiiteti. n.l we
J. iit.t to iita jaaare aaa rerert-Bee. ami avBiyaiay tor tbutie wara to-cn. till
cur f.ean W i.a overttowicff. anrl Uie only wi.rt of
rwmi-rrt we run otter ia. that Be has )t wbere
jufi are Btaite rn'rfeet."
. X.irtfcora Eaterjrnare. f aUiorcia.
V -j.Tc;-d aret-k'y ty A. J. Caebixs A Co.
Apple, V I....
Applebatter. a gal
butter. t
Lui kwht-a. aa lw?bel,.,
Iiet-iiwax. t1
iiAti-o. a'Kiui trr. J . .,
" n-iea, ...
hams. - ...
Cm. fl t.ubel
LVrrn Btcal x
faif iiiiBKa
KT-a, ft .ii-i
Ft -nr. V M
Flaxt-t.-ti V: Ul, (j i....
Lani. a a
beatber. re-l tit.
apper - ...
" kia,
Potatoe. ? b
Peat-hea. ilruit, a
Kve y ha
Kaca. f b
Sail, X L il 1x4
- " ?!
...AOrtji I
1 00 1 'TP
Furnilttre Ifralcr tnjj !ifj at Lci
I ' v- w-r-j-.-" aj m---rwmwm-r ajua
Nn 100 Tliird Avp Kism-r a Phillips
XV V -A- AAAA CA A. f Via :o'iiA.xaioi-o.y-jt. o.-x
),0By W aBiaa,xirfB-tXVAaraf-jafc
K"MHVWwaJi"l OX! -V at Bat w--.--
ia " . . ja--'-ii i.-. .a ..e ...
VVfll be more Crattfyirte to the-
o" 1 ouiut otruemen ot er-i r 1.1 ty 11
and Elscvvhero than
' '.a.aMaAJt-v.iJulh-1. . .aa t. . . . .a.. ..x..a...
. tlootijtjiaa.:uo.i.i TaA -:a.a.xi. .j.rt..-io
00.aii.lO')tiraXr."-- A " P .w. i. ..ji.rf-- .T. rfw.jj
4..JtRW.aa..iO'aTi', '
: t Learn that Eisner A. Philiips are- j
: bo povw reccMne enorrrous instal- -
rnentsof Seautifui New Stales ;
Dress and Businoss Suits " .
; and OvercontJ for Fall .
; and W titter ;
1 incvilvTi-.........-,....i.avt.-if.inf.i..
j i--.aa..aro " ft ut.T.aar..., !
. 0o.Ha..aa"i.aii -aA- B.B,.''a.a-r '
I antvimXVXVxyWfWlQIAjijM!.! . r
;f-Then CH at your earliest eonve-"1)'
, enc o-- on :
j Oi"-a.XJ-OX-0 ....a.n-t.i-.v .aa.i .
O '
-" '
J . oofruAaXaxifiea.ojf:-je. o.-iet.ia.a.aajo i
jCor. 5th Ave. and Vood 5jt.;
I CnXafJ;4a1Va' -w.,l r.m)t-fWXHjLA'-XH
Frci.oTe Wre- oor,M f :f JCI IAN'I T. II I IS.- i
tViT. "-lX I )wBJr.a)jOOa-alJarutBara'BiI XM'MMa - Ofjaall 1ar-aaitl '
" - '" ' UaXaWa-BWaJajajauii j
:!f! Prospectus for 1373-Sixth Year.--''-"'"---''--.----j
e rhi. tu'?. iat.-r t aa-! e Liia .f A 'i
a .-. .f. ia n-i the t-Ml'rw;:ix n-ai ratc. Tit :
A errt tin la i ar-niaii ..'ca-i-ia Eiktik 'j w v r unty. Pa., n-ar th fc n.B:r! of SaiV
C ?ranf wf Mit rfrit -i ott cjf.t4 ;; '-err. - x-vt.-i 03 tr.e fc.cii ry M"-bax.ic r-r.
-aj Id 'ry .5-aitj i llti-laiiA"" a ;w-.n.ictnt I 1' w"" i' a!iT. -iat hr .irtc".
r- i aii r. i. i. S. iirjii 1 u.-t areat a a. wt:a a n a.i 1 a ba.f H.n i;iteiliii2 bi-a-e tirn" a
Ttree Yrara in a Mau-Trap.:'.-
...:w i: li-:.n- ir-z i iriix-T.-. ic. we -!- -!rv viei- ! A t ty. . at tii suit --i S. 5. lru.-?t a Ir..
t. -i i ir.ttuota.-e a'.ii tttrt -. a.-?. -.:! tor it. ,r S I.--
: i 0? iii.r a.a -c t v evry c rr,. r i-f mr Ua-i it i AH ' '-e rlztt. till?. tn'er- ae-l i-iaira of S.imI
" '.;.".!: tu l-.ri-l by Jj;- Lla. k. F. H. it Be, ' J- -MrR'ait-. i. is aai K tte foil .waiz de n'-t-t
Xttai li w aai vtlvra. xVtll ! m. r taaa i "tate. ria: TwoetrTtain lot. ot a-ain-i -.-ua e
any pr rii-o w evrr fraiii-.-. i . i:. lron-j at Ira. i aaaeriei roaaty. Pa. aM aar-aa ra
pin!:-1. Aw har ii-n- an.1 .ns r.-a- tke le'WMl jJaa of aaM twii aa X. la as t
ti-iir with iu a.e oa . 1 1 irtti ; i-. 1 iw. i i e-"t 1 ister aiiBare. wirb a two atory .iw.ii
oi lii l;a r-;t ttk-rx- i; art t aa Me-l to iif'.-r 1 af Sa-o tht-re-.a frt?te-i. bavisa; a fr.-ciof th.r.
rvelatty ifiaoaa-A S-n-1 r ii!irnu-! cir-1 ty-sis feet, aivi a der-th of ia:een feet, ac ia-n.i-caiar
-a.i ..rau. ana en:e ,ril. it., irri-at aa.'. a baii at- rr baKk busi-imar tbirtT-atx iaet 4e
j . - L 1 i v 1 .. 1 :
Aiieut- "-ii.-:U toeua"-i.-tii.n
ire zT-a: il'Kr-iti-ii Pi- tl 'a W-.ijtT. .h-v-t
itvi caiajift p-ajiir ,u' .1'. In 1 EEV. is ic.i
a ft 'Tr aj.-e alar ati'o wri-f tr-'t-'tretv
1-ri . V.'e j-;ve"a o ty of The u:iMr.;;.;;-i -f
tcst so rnGn,
r tT-ry f-ai er.'er. As--rt' t-:
.f. e to r-iTct a -lay. i s-in-;-a;
:ti. tltiiti a trrcn: an-t --tire territ.-r-i i-r
-ii'jt - n - r, -: at i-i e.
.AAfL.r-x. sTrr da r.r u
Ta S.ri-eU PaUa-teipl.ta.
he J. W. Woottw -li-a
UsT .-sir. : ivti-tlic w'-h a't the pr-ln-itul
p.rtof C Liat atvi Javm. an.; itap. n tatr Teaa
liui-i'l trra jiat of rrowh. IL?: tki?u:z fie cvm-
.yi-T urii a 1.. 9 r"l.T.. 11 t. -W a." " 1 '
in?e 1 u nprny waeofirnnraeu aot a i l.i n I
a ;-!-o-ii.I .n.-ia-ej fn.m tbe Terysr.t. lr..aarajt
iiae to tiio ia-t rial we mijartei azaJ -r! ociy ;
or tw -nty feet rr-avi. with lue at L-arteBanea.
' tv-ae-l aol ' tkeo in exeeu:.-ti as ir.e prt-n '
:.e irr.aL f -3i.:r.a- ?ia 1 j. .u:aroii. a: me nut ti Hauri statu
A:I S3? riiht. title, iatareia: atI eteitB 'imt
Fm-k-ty. ot ta aaJ u inn foUowina- iea,-r,h.i r-U
-:i'e. th : A eertain tract rf lar.-l ;ta:ite io ti
ii. it taiirb.f, tarwi -i nnty. Pa euBiaiatnn :
aer;, or p -. ot whi-a there are ar.,ut
a--r- -le-iri aa-i H3a.-r-hi mea.u.w. wi-b a
ac i a a-.;i K -ry frame iiwei..cj iu3 hra
tiem-3 -r-teii. a-iMnirtz laa-i '4 Wa. 'n -
. trRf liair. II Tiry JiarWer. S k-tBoo Wtitri.u.-,
; J-ilin att aa i -bi r. wnb tne a: par-eaat-r.
ra lW"TltT- 1 S.t, iiKtm.a . . . . .
"t jAaira- t Fn.-ssy. at tti ion of Mure iiati-e,
tiie ot Ct-n-'tiaa JIUiAeicKr.
j - us i
i ATi !ie rtaitit. tit te. iiii n- an l ttiisi lit Vt-.
I tia t-"a.:le. of. hi ami the fi.IL.wicx rat
inr A eertaia tw-t at'iry h. Siiaaie aWe-t
' Saii'f.ary. S. n. r-t etntaty. Pa., oa ka- tra a.
i iot Xo. tae npnerai piaa f w eat Sai
j i-ory. aii tira; K-ry-ix feet frost, wna
! tj wiir. tt.e i-t-e beir.f ft ny fert atal tbe other
j thirty teeu Tika ia eieeati. it aa lae pr.peri f
jlarr.r Wn-'!e at lie cit of s. S. Iurt ao-t EJ-
1; e.-ara ' . . -'- mnmnafi ira.:iB2 aa-:er tee Enn A
... inirs m nrK
SHK.-T'(.int-i.l Ji.tsiaH SHAFEK
Oct. 30. uri , taerir.
The Let and Purest Good
i 03
i a
9 i
... 10
. . -SPiJ iC j
Toe I
aoe i
ana I
I Aa.! i!LT
j of tLe '
-. T " T 'T ill- - 1 T t ' .- TiT'-T T..-TT--
;i ' 1. J 1 r. 1 l I A'U .X
An I"sitrata4 ont!y Iott.T.1;, ta'aertally ai xitts J . Randolph. 'atlaranraa t .uuty. X
ts bs the hi.idiorest renoa cai m tne world.
'c:-! tbem to-nr.T:.-tOTiBa:i !Mrj feT trial at S.-mber fersa. lTi .s
"T ! y-,?-! aiiit a Xwaicber, IsTi
A Rprtsentitie anJ Chairp 01 of
Ai?e-icas Taste.
'OTt.t in
filai mt TWrrt CaJ I Kaa ritlirv mi-t Taaa a Via I
York pri.-1-a. on the C'.ai. plaa. Aa! auv-e we ' J!,.CI. w- T s-Blti Oeorre r et ux.
a.!.-t-Je-i thia fJm we have th- pee.t of! abomaa Henry ri XeB J-iiiB et ai.
T. , una cooatrr miiiaiia oftt-Mltr' annuaiiv ia tae Mio.-iler lMiuel r faaeiafr Him,
The tvw Bnartiec-hatl. fw.irrh .'A.n) i ! ". f this artK "f pritae a .-s.-itr. , B"c'cr J,-Bn " rmr iVttwia.
eccapaai y. Tbis Butti-'iashot-i l.'h m-i i SI firt'tah I'tr-aiir. wLtra eoatiiaj fiji di- !
ti. an aiaie ec-Iowmt-nt. I'l-ai- bui;-:;az.ev I ro -r.a. pr-tr.:i.--.. a..-.
tenaiee zriata!-. aai abau-iaat at h4 arirata.. i THE CrKEAT AMFKICAVTKt(T).
a a, . nj aa i a. a -t rei-T.
41 , Ifct for Sale in Book or IMcxs Stores.
"." i THE A LD.VE. wLit? ia'awetl witu ail the nmi-
1 'A ' lartte. baan-.ue .f the teai;..nry or tim. ty inier-
t! ao j eat ciiaraa-tenttc uf or.iiBary pr-rfc.atiijaia. "it is an
liai lie elt-ant Bii.--.iaoy oi pare, c.lit, awl K,-a.t:fui
......iiajlse I liieratare: aa.1 a etiire-ioii of 1 1 -t irt . the nr.-t
l t i aperimiJ ot ar. iaiic la'.li, is iriaa-k an-i wbtte. Ai-
. 'Aai tbiih eaefi tc-reEttir-i naailjer ati- r! a frvnb
j Tae W inter Term upcoa Ircc A C
! fie on ap'-li-ntl. n to
i P. O. E-.v J&iS.
Xcw Y-kf ity.
j MORE BEAUTIFUL Lovely Woman. s-.-r J iim r. r strawr fiire, arf2-er-.
--eia i.ii irii -c in - iaT-Miir.. ,kiT I. r a.i-:-aa iv.iiiiei jixt. s i.-9rn-i
I) r
f rsL
: r.trr-'
. ti t.
ly i:
'1 5:
. :t f. -:r: ;
11: i raliv
ttr 1 f..r if.
. tl:t thl-
:. te. i he ttt-'at ot j'tilinz nhtcu pitpds
.-i.-i-il.-il in jiri:Iiiiia-!it- reuitiii'--i.n.1 !'ir!.m
wastx. tiitikulL We hope next month to lllc fllW WBtonswou", in whkh condition
pn--cttt a full r.-rcrt in all the trances ?:ttd-; refined until 7 o'clock on Wednes-lay
iej. on iatu lift are n-A in " -" --.
Harltw Pen appoint,..! pT the flrr atu" nrt f
S etanty aa.ioT to Xak? aatt r p-.rt a i.i.
T-irtrrii-n ni tne rua-i 13 tn-5 riq.'.i i-t j.:.-i-r.a iia.v
l.: at:-1 cr'id.-'.T'
avs, othi r who ari-
it i ;;i,t alone fr rtu ' mt es.--!', the nani'-s of pupils Cirther sd-
; vnreI ta their studje-, ct:t the pantes of
. iu : r. t r a a c e -ta .'. s
aWic Adi'rrti.eTnciix.
Pf.,'"aJ rV5aC?,a,''.4'.,be f" y "' u:r- of AieiaBUer Ma.-a-r. Sr.. tfUawl.
aaaaaaaaa I ' HL-S L J ', M-"f ;.," wan I aa iho le-4B etnuk-1 ther.--.. i wi i
lha.eeenh-.uotapattiii-ci.wol tbe year. V!,.l. ,ljpn., x rtatiaaT,r ape-na'4e3t a! it
, . ...a. i." r .tirii.-4.3..!li m si-rarrfvU on Fri t
I Y.T i".rl'i B'-anvai-f ol a Rienar rUa. flit ; Tem-r. at 13 oVi.-x.-k
I oi
.h t;
: t !
r i' l-
a- :!. ro
r. to
V V:
i- Jr Mrt.!:
ih.r.l a'.
r. t l.fJ;.
r.r a. r:'i-
tr c-ti.a, r-ar?n! ::re c-ti;r laintr-r
' itt?.-!- of t;..j rtutlyiai at Loiae t hich
'.h ii i;i!..':'-.'i :ire lom-d on f 'la t Jaiiiai
' -e-li .w tin ir tl..-.--. . No li'.'ur v.-tcts to
t.Miti-h-.-ldtirirtr i'l his h :-::re h-it::-::iu
U" I iiii-1 ale tild I f I oaipcllcd ti v.;i-n.i
: rt.ttLh r.i'thc dr.y in I r.t'n uwtlu Ft-wt-r
rt't.'U-s f.ii-1 Ftrl -t e'.i- ij line in ihe h.l?
! vio::!J t.rn..'5'.-r.t tiase f-r taeni'iriia;
1 -.-..- : U the il.-k. It if the irn-tt
t'..uii of ocr w-hooi eya-tYta it dt-Ui :t)i'.s
thai !.i-.Utd oatt;-r tl. j-.;i-itii
, ihia-e ret tutu are ia-st Citniu..y
pn'paivHl. The thanks of the princtrial aad
of her f. llo .T .eth-'cl mate, are tendered ta
Carhrtta N-u'J for the pains t-he has taken
to Kiake The Academy Gazette a suc
ct s:-. I! '-T hth ir ia copy In z carelessly a rit
len cnia.-lt.-a. and the time t-he has devoted
I i r.-i.'ir- liii-tn fl re a r -rirfV-i-itri.1 litrall w-li.i
know L.v well she h- i'.U'kar2ed the tiu-1 flhwin5 Captain Skinner a rr,ua-l
wh'-n he died.
Tiu. rl. -.t-tr, . 5..,- a l.-n !
...i.- """".' ...a.-ui.-aauop, .V.r'n! hT r!t. n Ihtt It inr .rar.
ZitX.ta Over oar town. 3Ir. Kerpi-r & iiorc- j a.!" basl away or In anywi-e any of the
Iv aad du-ply crit Ve.l at it, and noone here ' -r.--tiea oa i aioo; the rate of tbe 3!i.f)nry A
li.1 w i . fct-i;. ..e VT - vci..!. - a i Hattinanre Railroaj A foal fotnpasy. he i-r they
...v. .... be.-cj-. wi-.h aaw-riia to Ute -c-irt icltrroi'
ii.. -aa.i-. ia. i tae law.
The alfilctod fricn.'..-. of the deceased have . T. T. VlLSt ix.
the heartfelt fvinp-athy of cur w hole eota-1
K'litior ears tlaat Hataiil an-1 vvtral ih
Satitlary. Xt.v. ti.
Eo. an 1 Sirptriitti9ktriiC
tae:-1 f l: r o'Tut euitn-sav.
lrint ijKih
town d;inn2 the eventni, witu a
I bea'inz Idui. Fallon lemornt.
view t
If "-
Til A Y.
. i
,1 U'.'
i 1 1
;.t on.
v nt.
:iti I
l ....
1 iv
ii tin
.-r;.. e..t:t:;L;i Uitt'v.oci-..
.to, Prt'lti'f t:I:r T
r..: .it 2r-".ttt i . . t. : J. i r
-Th'"it Mtr.l ii::'.!-
.. ". St: tl- rs, ct.l L.:i k-
r-hove'aS. i'(f..y.
Slw .'utttr, I'or"
U. '.'-.?. Si. I A: Ii- 11. -VI-
2:.-..j.1i IIold.-r. S-a;.
' - and Tu!. Porit-laia
V. i. t:e Vt ir'
l.i :,. St.-p I...1 U: in
an tj.ici at a'! .a the '
t- L'vrf-cr'e t t--rc tor
t..M r. 1
Of ihe-
"IT'fir A III a T.I ;.-
r. I::tf AVe cau.-.- it to p. ---i.n
tty f-otii(- f.irN ti,.:c:il:!2 li.e 1 he ot
ke in tLU cottntr, a !.:.r tin..
The ctnttrr.staar-: a zf f .i;..t :
h-w-t 1. .Ml liailh.! of Ne-r.h tx-uiiklev
t!,i'tv, wrtts
I itt
r en-
K!.i-f!'.T -f the fai-in S h-.l f -rlhef tt
OMirith ei.ilin2 Nove::iltr 1 , 17?.
' hoie nuiuber of pit iiai eti-oik-I durin;
ti e month. Vl:.
1 otal a-.vr.i2e ia daily attendance. 10.1.
Tot.d p-r cent, of atiendnoi e, - - 8-
Wh'-lc ntiia!T of pttj ih that attended
t-kerv tlav, ..... 1.
Hi"; vrt of l't Gral? S.h.l, L. C. (ol
1.. rn, t.a. her:
-:. s :;-,:. .ie p.rfaV.. rOll
i a elia- c rt ili-Mp K- or2n.
' ; i.t clue time. tin. tail
rt !y i.-.n the C;.tora
'ori-t:r r-tii-n. Flat a -1
1...-. i'th-S nr Ce
lt c.;.:. .1.1. na i:l.i.-r Miaf-r-
i .ra nr .VoM. i-tt i
' :'. j rr;;i-a-i..c, prf"ctly ,
..,vt ill, pl.-ai-aiit to take. ;
" It- tind o-:it t the y :i-ra.
-e ''t-r.-;5 rtptiit fclnmt '' ais
ari. The make enx k Lira in the l-jr.
;.. ar ii.- ankle, lie P'.::i"en-d n:ti: h p-iin
'rn a s.'.'.' rw.-iroX an i it : renr-rally U
li '' t'ci' he w:-.l I die fro:a th? i.7Va.t ol
the woriii. He lived l;-iwever. hut for a : Aterae tlailv
cr. -. t ir. -r.y afti rwanls hi let: wot.d ' Perc-Dta2e of
.-u pp! La- C
it a tit!.--,
leave th.- In-
rttl. TLse altcrnatiotis wint i-a , W hoie No. ot" m cf tarui
ttr.til :.!.i.! two jear ll' Lis death.! net,
w.itrj t-rck piate s-mie -ijhte-n months i
cr Tw.j yetra lit. ire Le died all truces'
1 the bite cL-appfare-l tn-m his 1. 2 ; bet it j
uSv. f.c Jhortlv after thi he tra'i.U I ' 't f Whole No. ofpipna in atten
l-.k ft -iiii.2iy ull orer, aad naretiy cvt.r
1 -ft it ayr:in fc.r t-.vo yar, at shicii time
iletath eal.d his it or IV rtz.T ofsu r-rir..
Le.i"r Arjut.
W he le No. i f t ttpils car 'lie I
1 d.irini the r.i .nth, - - -
Whole No. ta attendance. -
e cr fix titai s tf-.f h year, and he Wh'-le No. that attcatled
.:r;t-l ti f.:s toue f .T weei evtryttay, . - - - -Th-
.v the aailli'ii wouid . Whole" No." f pupils liaTinT
' r-.tvj .Mr. M. would '? about i tn-rtcct rctiti.ti.ics. - -
Kev. lie Edoar, whohaa'.K-en ?pend
ia2 a few thiy? ia our tow a, wa cmeil on
lai lion-lay morninj, ia a manner tlut
its moft ntrrevaiiU. He was iavitcd to
the i-)rof the "Barriet IIou?," where a
jt'iooly nnmlx-r of hU fi k-n-la ire ia a ait
in ; after t-xcliaagia;! a few cuiraiula
tions. be wan presented with a beautiful
(iold Iiesi Jul Cane ; it beinz the one Toted
for at the fair and festival held ly the
Presbyterian church during la.-t holidays.
"FT l ne preseniatton was maete rv ior. jaa.t-s
n. r".(". woo, ia prcseuiiai; u t iiiini, sai.j:
t - - r i i... : i
'I "0 4liw r-o-rar, i iiave tuc pierstin; oi pre-
4 l'J 4:1 1 semia 10 u la iciiui ot uie gooa ctu
oj j.) 39 ' rens ot' this cmnmuaity, this cane as a to
ll 1 C.1 'eR f ' c?T(m 8n'' regard they have for
jyoa a a man, and rtainUter of the Gucpc-L
6 9 j -j la presenting it to yoa I but express the
i desire of your roany 'rlenda here, when
ii io 2i ' '3-v TOU n" to frnjy ' s
"" I euptiort iu vour Ueclinsrinj vears, and when
A Hack :er. whith a white belly, ri-jht ear eat
j ofi ac i a Bote ia the lett. came ireaapaviiir ..a the
prmiei-a an tne earaimiaer in innraet T.-wnsuip
abaast the B?t -tile of Jane. The owner will pleaae
rotne fcTwarl. rat ehitnea. rmive Dn-aer.T an-1
J take tiat away, or he wiii be a--i.t aecon.inz P law.
nor. a. JOIl.X JI. KIAiJiEla.
laay. the Ua i::y ot X -
Btioe aoJ oritrUai e.,neepcP i j lyr -) t.:ta -a7l.
iyWk.ia.-Bi.earB).! i ,i ii T-i,v-r-
TierlrL ri in t.n. .. .r ...-, t Th. .. . . .. r . .. a I . - "'
eofB-ete Toinms eaao-t. atoplirate the i,xm:!tT of , " ' '
hoc paa r an-t et.zra: ins ta aiij i4r.---r -a?: l
JtfrJA ii in
aiDe sua oa-ajicja. u t li w u,
aamtajr of r .inairi i -r Pu iitn $ :
tiitre are the ebr tBiT, beafctee !
: jn'.U.v-a
iivTeaa Pi tht
:iiiii a-' 0 irj mo-i :a mt Kan-'.: tn - Tni
! tn far the of tbe real mtate of Hrriam jf U
an,. aa..-. t. i-. fill aar I . A Anft.1. !
aaie.i a pr--nt eei-ie rrirty. nh t aa.t BMs-sta. aal ataco- tb. lcst.ty er.uuei
uttive eharacur. tiie Miaa wa m .rv thai, doob- tU'retn. I wnl attec t t- the doties .f ciy a;.p in:
ktl dnrinir the Dan vear: t.rTuur ttiat the Aneri- . " "-y ctweB IB iym-nt. ob Thurvlay. the
ran paMic aptrreciate. an 1 wii! -uj.irt. a aineire
i Wad-wortA J' ei b vnStani aa.i Wue.
j S-hirer Aiiaaa ra K-aiiiy a Fuxilay.
I aiT.e va r-auie.
Emen k J aatbin Tarne.
EiaiHiet iaiwar-i'a a.e tj Smith Joha 21.
M..-far.hT W il,iaai tj KtiUj h, Kirmiifii a.
Sbatf .-r A-iam va Sa-re.
uiiiraB Mieiiaei ii an:e.
Site Jar-Kj's v akimtaei aiictetiina
Fa-a Sataol'a B-e t Tara-.r Erj A.
Trent W utiaia r liaaiwia a, Fox.
entt Lewia A C t t nw Jarob'a 2-.rai-lart.
' teuy Saraa A. et ai. t ifr.n Jasaea ii.
Prevere Ja-. tj H.-t-i:eli W iiiutas.
Same vj Uubiittatii fcraee
oer. 7A Prota
14th ilar of XoT'-ntK'T. 1"
F perarB'i inteTa yte.1 may at:
w hen an i w h.-re a .1
ort. 23.
J. IA KniMEIa,
Au ii:. r.
eliort u tne c-tae ot Art. 1 be t ab!!jr.era. anl
rfu to jimify the reaiy cr-au-i..-n thus uenviB. j
atrateO. have exencti th-Btaetvc9 to the Bimrat to i
OeTekrpami improve the work; aa.1 tbe pUnaRrl
the e minx year, aa auf. 1-le-i by the im -a :.'.; u- I
ani-a. will aa.iiai5h an-i ileiizbt even thr caafft aua- !
amine tri i.s '4 Hit ALbl.. I
Tbe pBMLlnTJ are!i!rl to acwaa-e .ie- j Eiieof A'jraiara.Bjrv. late of S.iari.-
aiima irB OiOiiT ol tLa tu. a tauamt a n.a: at' ! a . .. r a i : . .. . : -
.-ampler t. Frferti.. I iiarmnui ffjlita
THE iMiUPITAf iXi HRKAsF PAW. a j cf J TLirh. fate of Xh-walit- j tp
ruuiuiTii i "aiiuir iiir:t:trt niran in. -
plan.: boI r-BTi'.-i t--iar. rr-n-ful on-'eifitir. ' .
mttn.aQ cvtur oi Lti m &il r K vrijn-fc. i
m ai veu -pr-i ta :.y extent xLi .( wearer.
Pri- eclv si.
THE LA FEKLE. X'. Iviyraa oi with, at
it. A -li to are. ir. rri-e nr.tT ai
TiiE MOTHER'S lrrtivS PKiiTFjfTfiB.
Giie ptarieet oranii aai.e a-.ia-be-.t. At -hen
t ar .!etiria:a. ai'hcurintni'ifu I'riee iite at.
Any o. the ata.Te ank-tea aeat ob re-ipt of
pri.-e. r tjajt.ies if aii cat on r ?eit-t of f-x We
Lett era feataaientarr on tbe abrre eafate aaTica-
oe.-n arranre-i to tbe BUtoterataTieil r.y the prpera
ihomy. Boti.-e ia heret-y aiaea to thae in.ieMe.1 l-a
it to ni ii." immeiiiate payvnf. aa.1 thfae hai:r:ar
fiaiaij azainn a wi-1 ( re-rot them to the arvl. r
ined ii-r aetTietaent a: the late rr-ioteiire of
ieceaierl. hi inuar. tbetn ifaa of IreeemVr. ISTA
t. . I set ataii-a.
Ai! pen L' are here) y i tineat c l to hartxa- tct ,
n. al:i-r b. c;a. r aeai him anything oa aiy
a-et-aint. . a l wiii nt tie r -h'i r t.
bot. S.'. llEXKY KOCtXTZ,
Ttt" f.-ilow in; st-aW! le rem-irk.- L 'X.
;he CloiUiail ia Ut.-a'd we onatnend to the
nttmcrw: ytUi thronpl.e-at the coucty
rr.any iA w hotu are e.tctiiituiiy cAaX-piaiaiiiz
of the 1. .n j evea:ri2s and n-rthic2 to ilo : i
I iiuo;.i -tedly the lot time l-rbcifim !
I rovi-iiietii cotm-s to t. in m:r voulii. Life
e - ,. a ! vour miai.-rtnr cn earth w ended mav vott
i 1 . r .. ,
i l.-rn the r ','i;-in. r.t ri r-.-i v -
Pa ;rt of Cd Ode, Iht,ich: r: t crowa of ?i,jry a2tj entering into the
Va hole 27 x of ; L;'!li tnrtl- -1 joys of ottr Savhittr there to cajoy an end-
1.-1, - - - - r.i .j l f'J , le?s eternity.
j Mr. Ed2ar ia rectivia the cane, tltaak-;
Caace, - - - - - - - -v jo . ea tee cituten tor tuts markt ol tiicir es-j
Avirac ilaily ia ai'en-iance, - -1) H-1! 4S .'teem, and said his prayers slwuld lie that !
I'rrcentace of atti-ndaiicc. - - T'J So SI their kindcest would be' in hear- j
Whole No. that attended . ' en, when he hoped that one and all of Uie I
every day, 2 14 19 ! kiaJ uoaors would i-hiae aa stars ia the!
Ih-prrt if 2d liraa? ?ch-vl, Pir.a'e i fennanent of heavan. The otttL-ion wasj
tsjaiiBon backer t. - - - ....... tone of the mon pleasant and pasawil offj
1 a.- II a.W". 1
r4 C ' '
IXvi," "SPK1NO FLOW Eir5." an-i
-St "MM Kit FITEF.S."
with the ECL.Ei.TltJ WEEKLY aad
(f-tijiijatf!). for3 iu.
Theae fhrocuia are ahrat tbe sire
of -Wi.!e Awake an.1 Faat AtWti."
Satweribera fnrnifhei AT OX( ' k '
with their cur-Bio-.
can Blake better termf
with aa than with any
other ptai.i.aaera.
IT Beekmaa
'. Y.
o. of pttj :! caroII'?tI
... j-opi!" in attend-
Wh it N
Average thiily in Uiendance.
Percent2c of iau.o.aaocc.
: l i--ilt iia
I-- -' r- it., :r,
1 Lie
It i
u i-
i- fo fhort I.
d vi;h.i-;l
nt but attle can beaccTtphiih-! Y h:'Ie No. or pnpiU that at
a c-art 1 u! Lular.drT cf whatj tended every da v. - - -
"3 41 04 ' J earner X ataatwla I leaai a.
tit o4 TA Cardisear-ss on oar part is the cause ot
S7 S.5 85 no report to the Herald, of the ptassui;r
J eTjnts of our qniet little village for the
H IS S3 : pert several week?. Cut with Uea. Grant,
there w of it. 1 wo Lou.-a in the iiaci.i12. I rjeport of 4th Gride Sebocl, E'!-n Snv- i &nd a new ka.e of jower t.r four years
arid lo ht the trta:n2- deviAed tail- to ; tcat-Ler : ''"," more, tad the gljriouB anticipation of pros-
' ft C:.' 1 .!.. . .... -i:. i-ae vauae io..c.ii..c iu a , V, jjole X.) of prpil-enoltM fH ntl 4 I"005 ) w .v tu urar msii
f f.t it at . ..' a.-.-' .. .1.. Averaffe ui-l!' in atterMiaDf. - 2i 2h oil The batchennz season baA eommenced ,
. i..i.l:u ca.atc.iT wan but ra ini:i Uia -. - r ,, -i c . . , ... i
te !.t;rr.:iir ,. -, ;.. ' r r ,;- ' . 5 ; . : l'cr cvntase of, - - SI So S. , in piod earnest, Lutaar attempt on our
.- iiii.i.i.1.. ...aa i.u.-.,n.te5. -t-T cvta i-..icfe , . . .... ,t . : . . . .... : .a.. .t.- i
r. t i - . . . i ti no e .T... ot iiui..- iii.aa t..- tan t:i n-ia-n taic wciirua ri aittr ajenriiaa .
Pianos anil Organs,
eao.jcaaa ana. oi , La-tt'r" cf A.i ajiaia'ntti. B tt.o !. ! eatite
I Kre. iuni.1 ... ll. -p K. il. I .
in ilia, jidij t. win repr-ia-eex- , iater aajrl coatT. I herei.T eive :a-e tUt Iwiit ( want Hiihaera. Ire-makrn. Kea-t-r Faaer
amaeBf UifKS .rtuA.Baaaurr-. avMst.Ui4 wttk I streaat at at reai'tenee. Gn'SasiUT. the .! iia Si..-. s.n-1 A-at in aeceral to ic:riar car
aTiewtothebtzheJtar.istiir raref-?. ani irrvates; ! jreoiher. In.wbi-B tioae ia.jete-i ta.aai.i e-iate 1 rele) ratr-l. jn- It p. j-itar. aai f...t-c!Ucz inveB-
. -. jait m,ina.c-i innoat i..ii-.ii.. ti.-i iu-" , itt i-a a- ! i . a 11 wiie - .1 a., u a. . lire riri Va.,1.1 rriritrn a tnrf at Sal
ciuiar, tureugi. laaocisraj-t,, r c, : a o, lelarm. atwtot wE! t .h. , j the f hiLr, btK l -Ka! OU.TelA ?zt"V'2l2Z.
7r . a-. . . , . .,. 1 let Heme at SA ilf A. BAite LA a . (. a.-l-r-. fnrc-!-r. I jrrt". a.rt i rabr fsner I r i a. r m ,. r .t" -1 Z"
Iheaartealyttoteal tite fr Wi. wiii repro- (-,w. Ad-a ,-.-.. .,rt.KSr lL" aai fbit-irena wear or:.'. ! Te'--Sa '-iba TJ.etth Tbi ihSra"
esee h.ur of Jonn S. lian-i cbui-l . in :t- 'v,.i ,-:... ... ,i... T i. i aiiM. jer. .io riia..i, r-ayi. ana otner.
.. . ... . . . . - .' .":- i coaiikiiiinx cue t.aa.ire.1 an.1 u -r. a aarrea. rr -re i.r
x-a.1 i.t itmnraateri t atatneae. A?k 'TthaU i. ASlwt . kn-atre.f aemrit.or..N.L
a - lie ' '-- a khi.!, Mta-a 1.1 li" "H , -"i e 1 11 J( well It,,. w.1 PW. "f ..i
piatea.ajiwaxiiir tn the iaeJ d.r Janoary, ApnE ITIEGISTKK'S NOTICE. I
Jaly aa-l t fc-toter. w.,oil Le aiotw wjrih iac J rice J J. V . 1
.if a year's aa'-acriptiija. x-itiee ij bererr xiren t alt e.:.n.fmo.: i
The popuiar le .ture (4 a e" ii asly iim rated legatees. ere.iita.T5 r otfcTw:. that the foil-nr--fhristoiaa'BBmlierwiill
naitir.oe.. fcwiiu hare pavxea narisicr. an-i that the i
To Ha-reaa aach a Talaaoie epiaaae of the art t nae will be prejente.1 lir tBBnaari.-B an-l alpiw-1
worl.i. ata ct a-t trifiin-.--. will comma-!.! the ub- j a.-e at an Urphana. foart, to be be.-i at !--tet-et. '
BtnWtoea of th- nsaaata in erery wtti. of tae hi atvl fc-r S..-mert oofi t. Pa a Thaitraav. the .
rtiBntry: lit. aa the Baefnint-aia ami attrartitaia of . -jiah daT of Xwrember. lata: 1
'"1 atlilXt eaa De entianertl. la pron-niaa to 1 rir. ami final'- oi Jirtih V. TYat-er. a.!- I
be enhance.!, ia tota-rtioa to l
. . - . . . . . , f. .... . . V ( u
l.Lera pt-'pi.e to raaaa -ataaraBa.-w tioBi4erure,
t.y tbe biiivwuj f acaraLrie-i otter ot
ETery so!jTibrr to THE ALVtSE. who payj In
aalTare tor the year l'lT.A wiii reeeire. with..-u: aii
di:itai chance, a pair of beau'.cai nl raansoe.
after J. J. hiil, tr.e eminent Eoiitih painter.
The pit-tare. en;i;!l -The Viiiaate Peile."aB
-fr attjnj; th Muor.1 a.-e 1ATJU u.-iaU arc print
ed fr-nn atltf-r.-rt platea, r.icirir.-t 25 itapre.
aon aa-l Uati to periea-t each pietaro- The aasie are B-i-1 1 fta per i-uar la tne art store.
A a It is the eiertEitnta' of i'ji eoBiiact.n-? ti". keep
THE A Lb Si E oat of tbe reach of coinuetitie in
erery department, the chroma witi be ti tiD-ii-or-reapaiodiBcly
airea I of any that ean be oSerrai by
other peruaikBA. Eatry u;ievrii-r wiii recr-ire a
eertilaeaf. wr the aimaiora cf th? put-.lisaern,
raaraBtretD; thai, the ebnim-e 'leiivereai attali he
eaiaal Ui the aantpat-a fnrtnueii tbe aa;ej;t, i r the
tBooey Willi refas-'eil. The aifritB.viB of ptft
tares of I hi 2Taie. tree to the suuecrihers tn a BT
dollar perioaik-al, will tpurk an epxii. in ihe- hita
ry ei Art; ana. eucmi-rraz ii:e Btipreee-teate-t
mtaLarratrrof Sansnei li. f-crntz. dee'd.
cbeaptat as of ti prte f r TiiE ALUISE itiii. i ISa-oiir.i. taicr.
V.rr an. 1 nal arti of Tl rrt tt-ae. vtiiar.:.aB ..r .
Ale ia E. WiiieT, aitnor. )
Firrt an-t finat are t f John it. an I I).inie! S ,
Beta, aaim'ra of Henry Beta, .lee ii. j
Firt an.1 final aec't. of tVitliant S-itt. alai'r f
XaB-y Sctt. dec'ii. !
First an-1 Uivii ai-c'l of Hi-nrj L. Snyder, guar!- j
isn of Jim! Sni-ier. min-T. j
Final ai-r t ot Aloaa A. ii. aa. aiitn'r of Ucrai-e '
La tinjrUi. ee'd.
Final Bf-t of John ari r.I'Teah !
a.i.a raof L-ncM:a :t.:.Xel. .ice ii. t
t :a.1 Bert tt J-.tiB-aa tiartn. a 'ut r v.: Iao
L-It man.
I iBal ace t r.f K. S. Ftt-rk an i paaiil Fii-e. u
erutiTJ of A fare Pii-e. rtT .E
Arenas? of J-atnB Hit jkt, a.'3"r of Gcorze
Tpr. dee'-i.
A x-oezit of J ha F. St", a-tta'r M J-na-r-b II.
liericy. dec'ii.
Aer- -nnt cf J .'ia a SUi auvh. a tra'a e J .hn e. tr
er, dec'it
Ana;ont cf Jaha IHi-sciL-r, Trzzi? if ilcn.-y
Eetx. ilec'.L
Areauai uf Peter firvogii. araarala of Ascie E.
i-rie Ca.'a iroia.a,aBi take no othera.
tn !e mark ia ttatc I oa a.l ; n .&
r are x-.-raice.
-IaV PI31LE- HTU f )..
ai fhatai.T S-reet. X. Y.
11 iliiiaW:
anre weil tiiu.-ir-l. PteBtr of stood lime atune
atari dial oa tr.e Carm. tt-aaal Talrtanl twaitw.IL
I iria b..itaej. Any per- or perrons wiabina ant
I iniormatHiacaa t at by aaiairejmj:- Jiiah Ctn a
' btfere the loth war of Sutr. 1J.
j oat. ax Pnpnea..r.
I the marrd fails fiiile abort of a mi.-n.-lf, evea to ! Aerajant of Jaecb X
lUtiB best ay)aaiuici with th-r BattieTciiieBts (4 i Hartiaaa, dec'ii.
! inTentive arnius an-i intpn.Te-1 mecbacicaiappii-1 Secaw-I aec't ftf Henry Eia
! aneea. tti it!atritaotu of tha-a- rtazviBue;. Kee : ertea luereeiaPr. are .
Walter, a-trn'r liiciel
a, T.-a.-t s; of FreiJ-
i-3 v.i-.t
r-a.-ra'.ir. 2. ii
, :. -j t All I
-ii Net!" Luck,
Mr. i'ratls, a prvtia;
- ti, .i-fts the i r:D-iii2
:iii i now illli-d ai;h
-'1 f'.-i : -;-.;h ii-:d. No
- I.' ti ar c-r-li-rs at
h.-'-i or
i tiiatava a
a they tac their
hii-.-ia.s iia 2'.1
i a it ' 2 L- vorth
.ret Laud at its
anav lii- cvrntr.cs. i te can 7 riiornin2. . . . . ... . i . ... . :. e .v
hours toe far,.r.iie f, adr. Ut arv j --aa cv7 . 7 ' ' cs. , ltt
o,.n; man ad.t the Pn:Wtwohotirs! In rbtn tLK rttr furt month, re- bt:ntr ktmi. oa!J -
'scaiaiaac ret;ir:- Ix fore brcak-Vt, f,,r rt. we hive tvH seea Dt to disclo tbe J"' I con-iwtl tlU we can j
fix tt.otiths of the rear, tmd he will' End camtsofthc puj tUa Loha.eatu odi?Jeviry t r2e pt .
thaht-h3iaf:paia:d ia that lime knoal- ltai jrl trex-iiations.btiton . Divine ten ias mav be eipcctcd at ihis!
til.-e vbifh he would r.a part with Cranr lj the c auiU-r,bt.t wiii U- publiehed ia oa 1 banksi-tTin-r dav. (rhuriay
price. a.eihiu2 ait-pofct-iTa-e, for ia"---r next. The pcpi.8 have notoniy been .XoTenihvrt.!!rih) by Rer. Cbappeil, at 10
t-tance, or a i-iecc of bnad and buttt-r, ; rerBlar na I r"cipt in mur auenoancc . o'clock a. m ia the Lnitol B-elhn.n!
shtiuki ala.'a.beuLfca U&are 1-e-inninx hut they have taken an ittercst in their , Cliurth. I
ii ii i 1 1 1 ti iiii
Xovembtr iajueul JUL ALDISE.)
wmeontiaae an-ler the tare of Mr. KlfHAED
HEXKY STOL'UAKH. assJted t the iret wru-f
era aa-l paaeu or ine -iay. ati will r.nve to haae
tiie aiieraiareof THE AAHiAEaiwcra ia keeping
with inarti'.icaf.raeiioiif.
: fi per anoinB, la adTacee, with Ol! f ar&tncs free, j
f THE A LPr.vr wiUheretir. -r. be DlnaiuMo only j
J hy SBbaeripaiaaa. There wiii he bo reaiare.i r etuii I
i raM cash t aatTiptiotu attut be s-Bt tu the j
j pabtishers diret-t. or banded to the loralazent,
wiinow rejp-cjii.i,i:y to toe pac-iiBCT, except ta
! cases wbcra tbe ctr.ifi ate is (to -n. tstrit. the
r fiKseisitte sisraaturi of Jacr a Saitoa A fi.
Accaint of Samuel J. M:tli.r. .ti- of the mrriv-
IC5 exijcot-.i-a rf I'cer 3. rk r-r. c--' i I.
I. J. ItdttXER.
. S ta-arJtt, Ta, X-jt, TA Kegi'tcr.
At Private Sale.
It !. n-.t a phyair wbi'h mar sire teBiporarr re
iief to the raarrer f.r the firt kw dtw. bat wAif a
f r to enu:inaei Bje briner Ptiea a ret kiB-imi .lia
aes to aH in wenkenina: tv.e in.-a;i.l. ni.r ta it a
ii)eiiel liqa- r, which. Bmr the pot atar naaar ot
'-hiiterv" it r eTUaivrly palnif-l a. a ea the pub
tif as snTii-eia-n but it a a aorerai
raaic eaat i.ttealiw, peianceii ay a,T Jat .i-T3-.ii.-aI
aa.Vr!:iea..f L,aj.i.aj an ! Panii. sn-l has
beta h-na- B.d he the rfiraiar pbraieiaas f other
f- -'lti'.ri' . a:.h w-itvterinl rrm-iisi rean-;
retains aii me rae-iia-ai Tirtoes p-raiiar . tbe pwaot
an ! mot be takes as a permanent raraitre a (-cat.
li tkrrt sranf of tc! io ia yoar I ierr d Spltrtt
t oii-sra reiR-Ted at on.-, the btoi become impnre
by -!e!reon. eerrtia oa. pr.aia.irs i-r.iin:i.ea er
tain disease. EKXebin, Fclxis. Patn;.. fatikrT,
1 imt.-tc-i. Ac.. Ae.
T i ke 1 1 Ef t EBA to r!f. rri'j aa.! re;, r
ih- ritiate.1 bio.i to healthy acti o.
Hare Mat a rt-.-rbasfii. IL-nmau-a I I'titea .Iteaa.
! tl n ti pruepi It aided, the srateai i dejai:iiaiel 1
i with he ot iltaU xrree. Bnrerty oi the Bi."i. Irr- i
j i 1 Trn-icney. (Jennii weakne -.r Laaaittale.
Take a to ala.: Iitife-i-o wit hem t reaa-t a-u. It
wai tatpart y-mibiai rsrt to the wearr aatferer. 1
t tr . . . . . - t.i... . t v t
i ia .tanxer of I' hnnie I'ta.-rha-a, or the dread IB I la- !
v B of the Ib-we:.
j Demmler Brothers,
j . 1 f 6 SmithfieM Strret,
Manafjetarers uf Tna. f ofper an! Sheet Ira
ware. 'l-atcr in St-.aea, i i.ibcli Wrinx-re f ot
lery. Eritannia an-i liiork Tin Ware. Eaataeleal
H-iiiow Ware. Eetrui rata. ! Abe!.. Water
f.joicr. lee frram Freeiera, pird fa. ciaa
S:.rre. aad H.wie Furnuaiinar iJ-wt aBeratly,
wholesale and rciiui. PrtTieiurs of lb
Milt AtaS Sots SMts,
The acoa; n.v-!oi Birrntaoa of the aire. Si.te asnt
5 r S;-eax wtrl.i-ra. Bai n-i BariTBie.1 anthra
cite cal Jie::ni- Stree Sde SHieats r the
Tots Thanib f arotB iJi fikinic StoTe. This lii
l!e !Vrr if tbe w.mder of the day. ami the on.y ar
ticle oi toe kuaii that wiii citc yoa eaaare sa'.ia
fia ta...n.
Groce.-s' Goods a Specialty.
t. A
j Any pfmn wiahiaa bi ar-t prrraaBeotlT an a lo
SEXD FOR lXLl'STHATED CATALOOl" F- : aavfa. will rwrnt faU aoJ (mnp iiiPm.v.t.
It 1-
-'.-. Aidne
i -".-ili
--i i .1 i ii it,. .re... i-e
and -pc'-dv retacdv.
tor;a.l. Stud,- itT.ia an entirely cainy ' studies, and liave made raiddaiiTanocmcnL
sfvaaeh is t. hau,.ja to the bf siem - The interest of tl.e tchooi miht be jrrcatl, . f? THa U,C rewifccJ-J.
Trvthe tijc-iaent of Wr ia" wiuler ' increaiica -t twonal Taiu iron, the ii- of the HiUet-tinliahitaat, a larr crop cf
an-Uta-iroa-n-aroA-U-f.; br.-akf' .n j ! retHars. irVnu and atLef. AUmho fk-I j PP ' ns tUon, and with the abun
yoa wiii never w.h pve it Cp. ThU " inte-n-st in our Lool., are cordially ia- rncc' lU W! Kins eicl anytiiins
it. ail hnn-rr.-ti-.r-t 1.1 tmr. r, -u. br-aa. I vited ut vL-it tis and 2ivc 13 a word of ail-1 P ages.
iy iijuis
l t:t. t a ,:.. c,
a-i cjrrcci
t Seized. I T
K savin. Kt-an,- Vil.ta. are n-'ft ret f.rf-m.l ir .;!t .u . tr.oniti.m. nirriH tion cr cnan:ra2cuu.-nL I Cni. tVi nolitL-ul nriii,i ban ahatawf
fr.n iit.pure or Lchie wide ditit-rece'e u them in the de?rte ofi Vic will try to make all och visits inter- the rjeoxleare Incliaed to turn thir atten.
;.r intelligence which thry whi tasi.-, and i tUn and pmStable. ujn to aoinething else. Agricultural and
it ia Ihe characti rand frundin? a hi. h they : Lizzie KoiwrR, L. C. Coi.borx. ! mechanical winter fireside disctisa-ions will
; wti! arrjiitre ia t!i comniunitT. ; AeiLant
in it sicjli. inetntaoc.
PrinctpaL ! now be ia order.
The three brat atvt bv at porm'iar Iaalrameaits Boar
la the market, fjaiaiottae aad Priee ijfia, eotv I uii particniara, maileai to any address,
rDABLOTTE BlfXE, 19 Stxtb Ave
j JAS. SUTTON L CO., Publishera.
5S Maiden Lane, Ntrar Yor.
BOT. B. '
iiaaiDZ this day si-U tk tvx.4 aa i aa k oa ha&J
In the earriaifs farua-y, knr.wa as the Joha Koba-rvS
t . -f." . .ai. .... , , I Aa aBKitatina the taainwak -araeTkai AaetsA-a
i Tske a to silay Lntatton. anJ war na-teai-ncr JMZ iryI B,i;,;U J.a j-prtmeaaa
( to initammatkia. . . ! I ooTmerciai te.
j Hart J' ''' 'fj I !r.r? Irt-otry; The oMcat, ianteac aad aaost craiplef praetieaJ
, Orfauf ...a ai- priteBrt InriUct relief or yon j Ru,1Qe- Cn.eir- in Aiier.o, aa-l tneoeila ob-bbt.
' ir.".'1, '," ""'T!9 't-e than dial a. ) ias seeo-l with rt aa AiTratKriEakj Jerte
v." . a a ---aae-av, or u;0 , n-nt. maklBarled on a Teraacte aauoey cauHs.
-t aV-i' 1 -ar-a a i .2?. . ... Patronu-d ba the sob of Merrhanta. rlankers.
VAJUUil-LLLLlg 1UO iVCreo, ''l-Jll 'J: T" aken to the ' Farmera. M-eaaaa-T aa-l Baneas 3te, &, o aii
- ..n. - ....ui ,r jua an 3erwi in partsof the t't
in. ..laica ua - in ia. m.i i e aai,.M i
The o!er!inei.l off.-rahis tirtn at private atite.
attested four allies rtheaat of Liznm r, in Lair
iier towEuahifi,!an ! Ut. Pa..
Aboat TO acres clearer!. 25 acre in "! Bi.M.tow.
all weli watcrel and ha the Ust of iiii-er a it-Fi-r
farther pariieniarJ eaii ob t4. SleFriaaJ,
lAiOBicT. or the an tt'i lgTa at the wraar-a.
ovi. tS-Sai. Tuti-MA JlcJIXKLXlS.
parts of the I oiied statea.
ScaaWats e Eater aA aaay Tia
Jt'H.N d. XTtJjrmn. t PSu St. X'r-. T,rk. I -Fe larsre deicr.?UTe CTrealaia, inic4 fo.
, S.iAam:tla.rtaiel.B:tedijiu. po--ticaiar,aj.:rtaa
rriee. One J .Uar p- r Uotile. Send Ut L tronlar UW I J- f - SilITU, A. X, Fttneipal,
rasa toiiiEfTaii!.iiiiis,
t luaaasrerTbarx:, Pat..
Thh aiapte frroanats sad eartrant KntMInrS. snBt.
eed na a to be Baieaehke and attract ire, an 1 w-ji U tuitiaahcai aad 1'4 l-itT iaxkcT stiaare.
a-ja i J V".-! eir luotvunia e.1 li a'.eaiai ta.iria. wilt opea i
?? TITIES.Fl B CASH. &-!.
aaaAafaetiiry, to l. J. li.Ttier. tae a use is this day j tbe on Term of the next Aea lemK year SerateaB
iranatemsd to htm. AV. J. IJAEIl. I ber t h. t-Ti For f ireatar. a:piT to
BV.IA. I AaaT. ksr. IE C I-AXE.
BilT. fel 13.
CattowBail St. '.Vbart; Phiia.
Iale a tat Scat.
: 118 Siru:Jaeld St, Plttstttrgh, Fa.
! Colleet Pentiums. B.-aaties. rrtre Moaey. Ac.
. Special atteati pari to ssKreadeai aad rejecte.1
I CaaiEiS. App:iCTtt alS bT Btail BttatBtaeal to BS if
aiaaie bi perVn. sen. is.