The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, November 20, 1872, Image 1
JUL I- i 0f Publication. VrtfV , CJ-i ci TT-T2M 4---c Welti 1it M-r-nin? at 2 i! real la a :TirK-r. nenriss V- a . i ' Will "-i-1',""TO " on Postmaster -'!"- "'..V-n sn --ribors Oo dm takeout their . v Bala S fia--tr. ravine ft,nP.f-ta- . ill ar- me natae of !'" Address erset Prialfcg Csrr.pany, JoliN L SCVLL, . . .,... tV:.', l ,1 LI- o.jnui.ue lo prac-.iee , ..-a :.-rs bis .cw:-M ervi ,.:; ., o ' is. -w i.t ai D'lT. . "71- K , KivrArT'KNET AT " pa 2ire prompt aJt?n- w . r 1 hi.- rare " - me" : 'c.,a:i ... ":!lcc " jv -iL 51 1 f-n 'rs bis pr.'ri"nl ' . '.. s r.ivrv.1 an 1 virin- ,"ne door wt-: of ib Har jao.21.TU. -t 1 -ttetl -u -e t ins 'PiM.- Xrsvr' 1 : "." .,! uiw in S,iiucrst aaJ . , .,;N. ATTORNEYS AT . ' , i in r- f lily. . : . a v Y. VTT"liXEY AT LW .uerH. Pa will rn'.ru?iei lo ai cure wita a .' .! U8. U-ly. U BUTtTEYS AT .ut- l a- l "-" -e la -. o ua n-s. A.l tnw w uLilN'S. DEXT1ST. S..mer..-t. . , i J-'ii. , i.lll i pp-pareu W do , as r-tu-i uiit. cx- . .:, . ; tee:aot all kl:. and d juur T. "T"i. :.' IT- .liNVY ATL VW. SO.M- -a.:. ! atienl u. ail l'ittf 'It .'i-i,v."'. n Maia f :n-.-t. 1. l. tt. knet AT LAW. ,;: j:.e!:J ! all ua-s- en- u'-iitv. 'ictj nit'.n "" ' " i- b. Is. T'J-ly. i Arr i -. L.iU?- i.'iXEY ATHW. i .Atf--n'. S -nirrt. j .a. li t:. ;-.V.:v iis"-ttr-.l;e fw i h m.euti a to L.t-p zf siirf'-a nUF.V AT LW. (..n .u S- taJutr-l an-i i I Hi a s:r.H-:.'lvjrt. ..nial D"-'.-'-r.'i a.i ti io ; i.t "if w.v i -U i".- i lit i'i re by ' T V MILLEll. a'tfT tWeiVC hansvi'.'ir. hi." .,m -rt '. r the ;.r--L15 iJ- 'i'-'-i -ii r r; una vi'-iin.y. -;v ik- -upit-d t-y A .'.ii.i' i -l tn. .. V I'l'ff l ; r ii... rHWAlTV- ATT ;;N EY -rt 1- it i--p:ii -n-i-i.d-1 ;-uai-itJ-i...v n: iS'r P. ,NLT AT L l S PIT 'PL A N I N ;-M 1 LL i GOOD 6l JOMES, t- do ail of pliinins and j .; bail; taiuenal. J ::::r.-i;AKiixo. S .SII AXD DOOSS. -.:x:iw k rnxin-FaAMts, VF.XETIAX SHVTTEKS, KAC-KET?. k . TIa:iv used in h-ase l uilJ- i -ivit-r. G D k JOXES. -.1. 7, .SOMERSET, PA. . - . - ;,;..-5 to au:iu!-Xidre all km.'. of 'rA;ON SLEIGHS, ic. '. . ::! m pr -ajpUy aU.'nJ to .- - nr.T MATERIAL wiU be used, .ii.!. '.VOI.IJ WARRANTED -.-j la t'.-c ".its. ac! ai approved l:Z3T POSSIBLE PHICES. ."1'NNINGIIAM. -:!V;i AND FlT.t.EO.V. LVVAXSVILLF-PA. !):.Y.v-I.p.S. STEEN i CO., r-.-::e M. harUw H'jt-iS.) : t:-.rrr,", Pa., l n. 1 r Cneecfware an4 JLtisnlie f ui'.-r nf .la-T.are. ' the lw .(uurtriy iymeni one at voe urae ot nw ! unth. was paid t me by tbeir (renral Amt in j Philadelphia. W. H. Graves, at their office, S. W. ii::i:t iron vtl. j n h .n-i a -,:.!- of e-fer and trass I 'iL- jiai! ivin's of ' How I'urnLliic Ceodr !in-. Sh"t onedi' st of ..uia a r-t. S.m.rt. Pa. NOAH CA.SEHEEIL 'iitI, 'I SO;i:i.M.T. IM. z ..I j.iB S.rwt, -AT I N I U C E M E N T S. Fruit Trees, Vinos 3L llFuhEJP, haiinedsville, S-4nerwt t".jun:y. Pa ' ' ar !.je iA Y.iat at V. mrr rt-s than ot r - NEW FLO UK MILL. ;" a a n mr Mil! bail ua toe site -f ihe -'bD "DENXISON MILL," w - "f a toile anu-.b nT S-Tn-T.- is a r3'i!ti. It has a.l toe l:i ioii.rre '"-rr-in;.! iod-iiie tt kind ot w.irfc : " -.:tv'1" 1'rt'T paid fi all kin is rraia. JlT VALENTINE HAY. K. iLLS ALE lit A LEES IX I m mi m mm. 330 Ealtimore St, ' Iur Weotof Kcwara, T I Hie VOI. XXI. Hardirare. ilAKJD V AltiS. Kaa re-oprnrJ hi More a Few Dcors Above the Old Stand, 'u!l Una AaJ olIiT to Li? cc;"mrrr ar.'l frln!s a ui rig at liir very i.w M j.ricca, Hjjrdware cf Every Description, XAILS AXD GLASS, V.'ooden lVaro of All Kinds, COAL OIL LAMPS, COAL OIL, CHIMNEYS, .".n i cviTyLiJnjr bkngicg to llie La nip trade. IITE LEAD, LINSEHI' DIL. YAEXISHES, EKVSHES. TAINTS IX t -iL AXD TKT, AXD P.yivTES' dOODS IN GENERAL j A lanje s:nrk ot Table Knives and Forks. i 'SET KXnES. SPuOX- SUEAES AXD I50K5. .LX LIXED KETTLES, kr, fcc. r if.:!irw;!b many anitlt-s -. rainr cs to TDro i m an aiv r .K-fiiiit. lie is d.-trnnined to r it the verv 1-iwt-st ir!i--s. Give t.a a call. LIFE INSURANCE IFor Business Men. "TI13 Reserve Ftad Policy.' LSStEDBYTHE BERKSHIRE ILIFE INSURANCE CO., rXCOEPf-'H ATED 14L Scares pciill Prottetiun to Every Policy Holder. rur rumple: Sapp-se y..o are tbir'y-flve year of -.rr aiKi take '-li.-rve Faoa l uin-y" ator- liaarv iife rate. kie anau.1 parment will insure ya S years aad Jlsrs, Two anaaaJ payment will insure yoa 4 year and 12 days. Thrre annnal payment will Insure you yar aa-1 2T da vs. live annual payDfnl will Insure yi.a 10 rears anl 6 da vs. F'.t annual paymen: will lasura you 12 year aad II day. Thi3 Protection AppIiestoanyAge, AaJ is ex;rtfss'.y s!jUh1 ia tvery Policy. TUEADVANTAGEOFSTCH PSOTECTIOX. This ioecnirr that my late hatband. Daniel B. Tbumpnn. wi in-nred in the Berkshire Lire Ineuranre t'tnpapv, Pl.l-a.-l.l. Mas.. -rI.i)u. lmcl('. lmmiom paylde qnart-r!y. That two narnen-s er made ap to Jnne 19th. 1X71. that be ilied Wooer IX a. tmr muntbs aftw he taiieii to make bis pavm-nt. The usual piwis of dealt, were firwarled to the Company, and tb lull anxiunt of the poUry. less W. H. Greene. Ute of ew i nrlt. tnsurwa a lew veara Knee in the Iierkbire Life Uisaraane t mn tan, f.TS.i": owina: to misfortune ia besl- orss wis unable to make any payment to the ' t v.mpanr dann: one var and five iwaiii! prior to j hi -3e. I have" this day paid (at the Xew j York omee of the (Vxnpany. 2T1 Broadway. mer of i Ijbitk sirren. tlirr thiasand two tuntM and ninny-nine dollars, this hriif the lull amount due to bis wi-iow. a:ter dedurUn the overuae pay menu and intirsu J. IL FH AXrtSt S. New York. March Il'.h. "7a. SiiiMrinlendent. Head the Following C1aim Paid. lt f Jamr Joice. Xcw Turk Clly, L0, payment overdue a rai n' hs. F. H. V. Hampe, Xew York Cly. atOofl. pay ment overdue 4 mtnth and a days. Sirs. ii. B. Hart. l'hi-o. LL 000. payment uvriue 7 mmtbs a n-i lb da vs. M. F. Mir., ltnn. Mm, SC-Ooa. paymeat averiae i months ami 1 days. Jam- H. Adair. Xew .Marrville. IixU tdaoo. r:a vm.-ut overlue t m.4iths aad 7 day. Itemard Iietrolt. t irb 3.0TO. pay-m-nl ovrriue - vears. 10 months and II uaya. J.ju" D. r.tiaT-. Fitrhtnir;. V n- W.0OO. fTaymeiit ovrrlne 1 year. 1 oatli and t day. CKaoiTHILD A MAESHALL. Aunts. June 13-Ti. merBel, Pa. Th.e Improved ELLIPTIC SEWING MACHINE New Draw Feed, LOCK STITCH. There are some Dole is m a Sewini Xarbine that j ladies dennna- to pan-haae, (taoaid taka into aua i aaerauua, Btuaely: i Liirhtaess of running:. use of HaurrnaiL t ajrny to do the Work Required, f r r"eani front Nurse, and Nob Liability la gdt oat of Order. We etaim that the LKPKOVED ELLIPTIC puaat sua all the puiata. and that it ia THE VERY BEST FAMTL - g LIACHINE Now Maniifactured. snUrit aa czaafaiatjoa of It. A rest want. Itbrral 1 very auanty, to bob wa will nn Um aruat Itbrral term. LA loN bUOS-, 1 FUJI AvaPUiBDurgh, Pa. iliM'tUaneoui. JOBS Dl BEST. jobs ftosKsra. J J0H.V DIBERT CO., "R A TttgnEZE&S, XO. 240 MAIN STREET, . J O II N" S T O P F V V 1 1 " VT, aen Praftii aoiroUable In all nana of the Tni. ted Laie aoi i.anaiaa. aaj la rureisn wnntnrt. r (Vopiiaa ant Uarernmrnt li"tyll at Bar (Vnnml biirheM market urirea. ln mrT on appmred eroritr. Drafts aal l"beck( am other hankt cull. ed. aiuser receired andetKMitDaraMeoo demand Intercut at the rate of Sir per cent, per A nnum paid on Time Lh poiU. Ererythinc in lh Banking Line receive oar ' prompt atirniiai. j Thankml to oar frifnrf and emrtf-mera Ihr their pax pammavs. we ai.lirit a eontinaaara or the aama. and invite other who bare bomneaa in oar line to eiv a n trial, aflrarmc ail. that we shall at aJ! tine, do all w can to r:re entire mrirtaruon. Fek -X 7 JOU.X DIUEK T . CU . M. BEACITLY'S, CELEBRATED I3LOOD PURGE! Thla Ewv has been In as over heeav rr. and baa rami tnooaaada of eaaea considered inrn raliie t.y the protwion. Ii baa not tailed la a sm ' fin caaa lu give rulitri ii nut entirely care, i I! la partirabiiiy reeommended In the lMlowjn; I doDipiair.u; siCK HEADACHE. PALPITATION j OF THE HEART, LI YEP. f COlfPLAIXT. RHEUMATISM, j f-KIX DISEASES, LANGUID j CIRCULATION, i-r.. i is any doranzemetit nf the Blood. In all diseaae ' imailiar to trmales il it a sure and Somvtya lurm iw. j In aVirt. It hefnn; a Rtmrij artinr thr.wrh th I Ci-rmUilut o f the 8loo4 a all iheimntant or ' (tans and esBanrt.irir of the body. It will enre ai i ttht any enrabie diaeaac. ! For sale l.T MET EES k. AX A WALT. Berlin, i Pi., mni ty dealer in Fmily Medicine every- nhere. JUST -g; in RECEIYEDS: 09 o AT O' O iO GfOOT3S,S 15 NOTIONS, o O Pi' iO GEOCERIES,i KLOTJR etc. ! Be rare to &U and tee, sad be eooTise- i d, u Ukto are too man artirk kpt ur ecamcratiuo. OPPIISITE SOHEHSET IIOISF-, c ; 0B I j Somesject. rx. rM ! July n A. W. KXEFPEH. gOL UKL, WITH A. H. Francisciis & Co., ISfnKTtrj AUD BEALBSS IW COTTON YARNS, BATTS, WICK, Twine and Ropes, LOOSIXC CLASSES, CLOCK. FAXCT BASKETS Wooden and Willow Ware, Ic, iSTrrx-fraaa in joasrc or CMBPETIXG, OIL CLOTHS, MATTING, RUGS, 4c, H3 Xarket SLrrct aad &i0 Ounmcrca Street. X-'hiladelpliia. June 10-t Ist STOYSTOWN. rbe andersirne-t proprietor e.f the Diamond Hn-l oa the southeast ourner rt the I'iamoad. be- ioc indaeea bv bis many friends, w.mld ny to the travetina- pai'lic that he' is bow prepared to reneire and nostHLalily eutenain all woo mar aire mat alL His will )e oraMiueted witii the best orier and furnish hne aemtmoilatiima. SAM ILL CT.STEK, fWoyatewn, Pa April 17Uu lsrs. . WANTED. ON THE LINE OF THE & M. P. R R S. Fur particuiara, inquire of L Hcoca, Esq. Sept Ilia. X. O. KELM. FOR SALE. A seamd aaxkd 15 -Ike Power. Steam Engine AXD BOILER, With JfCSOX GOVEEXOH. hr aU oompleta Addicsa W. W. McK AIO f"a. SpL Si. Camberland. 31.1. FURNITURE. LEMON &WEISE, The nid aad writ knows Ira of Lrutoa a Wvise, of PITTS Bl UGH, Pa JUaafactarer of Have ScmuTad to N"o. Ill Fourth Ave, Opposite tbeir old stand, W here they ooulinse Ihe baf ines in all il branchca. arpt 2a. WM. BOOSE & Co, FODfflEBS & WMim, SALISBURY, : : PXVJ., XLaaafaexanir of all kisui af CASTINGS & MACHINERY Order by mail pronrpUy attended to. Address WM. BOUSE A CO., Salisbury, EUUiek P. U Soeoerart eav,Pa. Oca. la. 20.000 CROSS-TIES 8om AXXALS OF THE POOB. The spprtarb of a winter likely to be a severe one should ma.e all chanlah.e heart s sort to the at.neai in tht. r-nm .VMrh irrn tlie St. Lai -Repoiuioun.-' whence it is h're iimplielty wblch rearhea a true ariLnik? e THE ELEVENTH HOCIL WbiX. lr! Would re pLixe to rpeak ai ! Ana fii ye iiuwn leer vj inc uarp" j Sbe sleep, glr, Ui;M an-J so restles. i Sb fceara everr Kep on she flare. What aUs her? tiod knows! Sbe't been wrakly i t ... , , . , , . ., . Tit months, ud the heat drives her wild ; The maimer bus waited and wrcra her Till sbe's only tLx ;bot at a ebild. AD I have? Yes the is. an-1 G l help me ! I'd three little darlints beside, As party u iver ye see sir. Bnt was by wan dhronped like, an I .lie 1, What was it that tok them, ye 're asklmr'T Why, poverty, tare. nd no d-ct ; ! They perishet! for food and freeh air. sir. Like flowers dhried ap in a drought. It was dreadtnl to luse ibeia ? Ah was it ! It seemed like my heart-strine; wi.olJ break, Ent there's days when wid want an J wld surrow I'm thankful they're rnne. fx their sake. Their father? WelL sir. saints forgive me ! It's a SI tranrne that lowers its own; But what wid the sthrikc cl the liquor. Td better be a stniffsUn alone. Do I want to kape this wan? The Airilnt: The last and dearest of all ! Slinre yoa're nlrera father yourself, sir. Or yna wiuidn t be askin, at alL What is that r Milk and firnl fur the baby : A dortlier and midieiae free ! Toa'rc hnntin out all the sick ehildivn. An poor, toflia mothers, like me! i Go! hli-es you. and thim thst have sonl y ! j A new life yru've riven me. sol I Shore, sir, wont yoa look in the cradle j At the elen you've saved, "fore you ro? O. mother o' merde '. have pl;y ! O. darilnt. why colda't yuu waU? Dead! dead ! an the help la the darrwsy ! Too L:e ! O, my bay ! Too Hit '. I late ! Asxa L. ErTH. ASOIM GREAT rtTTip riiLc. Boston Mtcl Granite Palaces tTliniDIe Into Dnst. .bt. Boston, November 9. Midn The rrcatcst Ere ever known in New England is new raging large wLoksale store anion,; in the verv heart of the business portion of the citv, and it will not cea.-e until it reaches the wharves. There was hardly a breath of wiud stirring when the alarm was sounded, about bail past seven o cioclc, follow- ed bv a second, third aad fourth in rapid succes--Jon. But the first engine was hardlv on the ground w hen "the fire broke out from the fourth storv of; a Iare Tan:te store on the corner of; Summer and Kingston street, oecu-! pied ia the Grsttorv bv Tebbet i Baldwin and Davis, wholesale drT!M1,"'a 01 tneir lives, tne goods dealer. It had caught in the enziue room, and the flames snread with lightning rapidit v up the lare elevator and were first seen climbing! underneath the wood work of the roof The eneines were fairly at at work before any other store had caught The buildings in the vicinity were of granite, four stories high, and each surmounted with a Mansard roof, none of them being over five years old. Detached spiinteis flew read'dy, as the air was heated by the terrible heat and soon the flames i began licking the Mansard roof on the opposite side, far above the reach of the streams directed upon it from all quarters. The fire was constantly in the air, and oue building after an other caught on the roof and the flames skipped lightly along from one window to another, so that in less than thirty minutes every check was blanched, as it became evident that the whole city in one direction was at the mercy of the flame, which were lapping gaily from roof to roof and from one building to another. The second building to succumb was di rectly opposite to that in which the fire first broke out, and was occupied by MaSn, Mullen fc Elms. Harding Bros. & Co., Bo wen, Moore Co., George Lide, Carter k Co., and Conant Bros., ail wholesale dealers ia dry and fancy goods. This was at the corner of Otis place. The heat now became infernal. The streets ran rivers of water and every moment was heard the sound of granite blocks exploding and whole frames falling in the streets, making them impassable. The firemen were driven from cne station to another, and many an en gine was kept nobly at work, bile the hydrant was wet down by a hand hose, and the engineer could only hold his place while a ttreamof water was kept plavin; upon bun. Llock;- of granite weighingtons were split as if by powder aad burled across wide street?, and planks went flying through the air as rf they were feathers. The firemen erected barri cades and worked behind them, but they were burned almost f 3 soa as erected. An hour Lad hardly elapsed before it was evident that Beebe'a block, the finest business structure in the city, built of granite, five stories in height, with the cursed Mansard roof over all, must go. Wuhin thirty minutes the flames were coming out5 in fire billows from every window and up the stair-way leading to A. T. Stewart's rooms was a perfect column of Camcs. This building served but ah fuel for the flames. Pieces of dry goods went whistling across the square, lodging on window sills of magnificent stores on Devonshire street Becbe's block stood a solid wall of granite several minutes after the inside fell, but the beat warped it and $2,000,000 soon , laid a heap of stone, brick and mortar. A hurricane now raged, and owing to the intense heat aad perfect tleet of coals, drove everything before it. Every building was now heated as if ia a furnace,! and caught like tinder. Four Mory granite blocks seemed like shavings, and deafening explosions were con stantly beard. A new terror was; now added to the babel of confusion. The tenement houses at the upper end of Federal street were fast being: licked op by the flames, and women crazed and fainting were rushing to and fro, carrying children, crockery, j clocks and bedding in their hands. One ran screaming through the streets with a stove funnel in her hands,! while another was tugging a heavy chest which would have been a weight for a strong man. Now and then a few pieces of goods m!gbt be gaved by volunteers, who ran in and gpent five minutes daring which they ' could work in bringing out perhaps a j hundred pieces of cloth. One man, ' ESTABLISHED, 18 SOMERSET, PA., WEDNESDAY, Marshal Cotter, got out 125.000 worth of kid gloves and had them placed oa tt -r.,,.TI- in . i)iaw ..,.),',: ! the lleW alk ill a CaUiaged Condition He offered a ha. kman SjOO la va : ; 10 take IDe gOOUi 10 a place Ot Safet J. In less than an hour he had to fleeicau'rht Gre from for bis life and th flames were not again cheated of Jheir prey. The fire was now in Federal street, and the wool houses were going like oil factories. Thv could uever Lave been attacked at more dangerous time, crammed from cellar to garret. Hundreds cf thousands cf dollars worth were on band that might have ; been delivered to customers had it not j been for the horse disease. In one ; card-board. Huge masses of matcri I store alone there were $100,000 worth j al choked the street, and taking Ere j of wool stored which was awaiting ; created a solid body of fiarues. Fire delivery. Miner,, Leal & Hackett : engines were utterly useless, for do ; Had ttieir store packed full, having, human being could stand near enough j only put in the lor of their winter's ' to send etreams of water where they , stuck three hours before the lire tn-j were needed to do service. The Gre j veloiM-d it all. March Eros. & Pierce j men are utterly exhau-ted alreadv, j had just put their w inter goods in the ! and unless belp'speedily arrives they j cellar and scut their summer goods up will be compelled to desist We are i sUirs to be made kp. I expecting trains to arrive every mo- j TLe papers bonis came nest, and ! ment from Portland and Springfield I with thw end of Federal street went j with more assistance, though thev the majority of tli .large city deal- cannot safely run up to the city, as , crs. It had been loped that the Ere the depots are in danger. It is a ter : could be stopped jtburt of Franklin ; rible Sabbath, that is dvvrawning for i streets, but the stores there Tere as ; Boston, and we cannot tell when or vulnerable as any fcf tne others. The j Freeman's National Bank went at ; ; ten o'clock, and aa Lour later the Na-- tional Bank of North America wa.sin ; as bad a condition The only place j where limits of th fire were reached ; is on Summer street, where the fire j began. It swept ia a nonLeasterly j direction from there and I cannot tell here it will stop j TLe 1m of course U - 1 r . IS uevonu Coll) nutation. There mu.t ' . , . '"e" mr u."ict scert uisurance com- ; reporter nas just returned frcin j the scene of the fire and savs the , ' -sou a.-uinoa : sireei cave gone, engines nave been 'sent for to Rcadin?. Lawrence Lowed. i?aiem and Lynn. All ia the i immediate vicinity are already here. ; Tn Cice has just gme and the jtlOld South Church is ia imminent danger. Part of the Western Union ! w'SvS are aiready down, and every : now an1 theD anolher gives cut. The j'0 'H be nearly $1,000,000 before j tke Src ,!i estinguikbed. 6 A. "f. Buildings are being blown "I' v" V ju;-lra irct.ia. I 1 De '--toaiee on tnat street will pro - ! P0. w'itb most of that street ! ,ar'n from the Navy Yard are ou -ut-v m tDe "trects. A- M- The fire Las reached di - c',?i"is that simply defy description, an' tne pepie f Boston find them - ! I0!'3 01 Elu? an! otner property fcc - i ln? novt -arcely thought of. Every f5'1 ln tD,? neighborhood of the fire 1:5 tbrongetl hy people. all endeavoring t0 save a 'evv valuaJea as they flee toward Tremont and Court streets, where the fire is supposed to be una ble to reach. But there is-no telling! rear of the lower stories of the build where this awful torrent of heat and ing, and ia less than twenty minutes flames will stop, as the wind has al-i the whole broad-paced buildinr, ex- ready risen to a gale, and it seems to nave do positive direction cr current. As the flames increase in intensity and power, the very atmosphere lends additional force to the wind, which rises as it were in our midst and goes rolling over tte track of the fire, hurl - ing dense showers of fiery sparks into the air only to send them over that portion of the city still untouched. The rumbling noise of the torrent of flame is now and then relieved by the detonation of masses of euapowder which have been placed in untouched edifices in the apparent track of the! fire, and the awful scene is rendered more fearful aad appalling by the ap pearance of tee fragments ot these demolished honses as they fly upward into the air. The note of preparation for the worst has been sounded everywhere, consequently the aggregate loss will be greatly lessened by the prompt removal of all portable goods. The greatest diSeulty, however, is exper ienced by merchants in procuring the necessary means of transportation, as the horses are nearly all ii! with the disease that has so afflicted the larger cities of the union. Fabulous prices are being paid for such services, and yet the demand is far greater than the supply. ' How will it end?'' every one is asking, though I hardlv j care to put tne question to my.-eii It seems to me if it caaaot be con quered now there is no reason to think that it will be uutil it reaches the water, ia which case it will sweep through the Dock Square taking in Faueuil Hall and tjnincy market, thence continuing its way toward the shipping at Commercial and Loomis wharfs, and so on up the harbor. I am sorry to say that Boston is no better than other cities, for in the midst of the terror that exists iq our streets thieves are busy at work, and frequent arrests are !ing made. In deed it is difficult to tell friends from foes, and many owners are compelled to sec tbeir valuables carried off by unknown desperadoes without ven turing to remonstrate or stop the lawless proceedings. The police do ail they can to protect property, but the multidude prevent their doing much, and so they content themselves with making the arrests possible. Nearly two hundred men and boys have been already locked up, and also several women. All of these prison ers are of the lowest cla3., and come from the purlieus of the city. The firemen from Newburyport, Lowell, Chelsea, Cambridge, Charles town, New Bedford, ami other places, promptly responded to the call for aid made by our city authorities, and dis patches are constantly coming in an nouncing their departure by special trains that have been started over the various lines by the railroads. But before they can arrive, the greater part of the business section of the city will be destroyed, together with immense stores of valuable goods. The fire has been so little depend ent upon wind that I cannot call any place ua the city safe. It has not got above Tremont street, however, or gone toward the west or sooth ends; but when one has seen, as I have, stone buildings that we called wholly fire-proof go down before the flames like tinder-boxes, be cannot say that any part of the town will resist the fiery element The scene at the corner of Milk and Devonshire streets, down toward Federal and op in the direction of ID 3 7. NOVEMBER 20. 1S72. Washington street, was a terrible one. Nobody could stand within three block of the burning', so the n I Sre h'Aii full WllD:n lt.4 gTa.-p. A3 each edili; it neiirbbors the flames seemed to derour the contents ia a s:ujr;e tu'jiueni, anuso tae icrrenii cf 3 line frrew in gtrt-ng-th nd power! Daruercll occupvin? the chair. Oa with terrible velocitj. Falling roofs ! motion of Gen. Wm. L. Burt, a de were sinkin? everv moment and car-1 tail of citizens was authorized to take ried down with thciii the floors oae'eharcre of all the streets leadin? ! by one until the wall became isolated directlv to the fire and hare : and also fell with a cra-h. Whole ; blocks of buildings disappear in this ( manner, crumbtinsr up like so much : where the work of tle.-tructii.n will cease. It is sa.e to siv tuat tne are dtv ha will nt be checketi nntd tLe I far advanced. even if eSirt. be suc- ' ce:-sful then. It is impossible to give : yoa any details relative ttbe .losses "that have been su.-tained. ; Since the list sent you a few hours : ago was made up pcop!e u;k of losses ' in miin.ins as readily now as thev d'd v, l.,..u.luu,jUl. of t!i.inaiw! at n.Miiivbt j .'.m .uusuuii,.. jwiiui me city came trom ttieir Homes to see lucmc, i.-Hi to;.ic iwuru :uv ; viciaity the confusion that existed ia ! all of the leading streets save them ;aa impression 01 terror lew wul ever ! forget. It was ! scene for those inaeeu a tartlin; who arrived on the ground after midnight, for new I comers hail no preparation and were ! utterly bewildered by the en noise and distraction that exists 'eniocg those who, having lanre inter- ests at stake, had been present it tlie fire frnni an early hour, ' Bostox, NovemVr 10, 7 a. m. The fire which commenced at half- ' past seven last night continues its de- i aianon, nun uow vork:ng 1 way through the large block between j Devonshire and Congress streets, j north of Water street The fire first : broke out of the rear end of the lare i five story granite building. Nos. 57, j 6 aad CI Summer street, directly on i the corner or Kingston street. This bu.niing was surmoantetl witn a nigti j .Mansard roor, over-topping i buildin;. ia that Immediate all other vicinitv. Iirectly as the names began to spread through the story eneath tms njf, and before an engine or hose carriage was cn the irround. a "Teat volume of Same suddenly burst out from the j tending fully one hundred feet along Kingston street, was one sheet of flame, as was also at the same time the Summer street front, the heat j being so intense as to force the firemen away from that immediate vicinitv. 1 By this time a strong wind bud ' sprung up, the flames began to sweep ! over Summer and Kingston street i aad despite all the exertions of the firemen in cverr branch of the de- partraent the fire was communicated to the building oa the opposite corner of Kingston and Summer streets, as well as to the irreat block oa the cor ner of Summer aud Otis streets, and in less than half an hour there after the flames were bursting cut of the roofs and all up and down both sides cf the immense structures. By this time the wind had increased to nearly a jra'e, ami the flames bavin; entire mastery ef everything, swept from store to etore, from roof to roof, from block to block, and from corner to corner, driving the firemen from every vantaire ground they could secure, and rendering all their exertions use less and futile. Wherever the flames reached they rapidly consumed every thing of a combustible character. About eleven o'clock the scene in Lincoln, Essex, ?outh, Federal and other streets in that immediate neigh- iKri30i od was one of the saddest sights of the night Hundreds of men, women and children were hur rying along laden with every variety of household goods, behind them the waving flames lapping up their houses before they could gi t half or a quarter of their good into the street The fire entered on both sides of Lincoln street. On Russia wharf all.the buildings, mostly used by rag, paper and junk merchants, were destroyed There were no vessels lying at this wharf. At Bobbins wharf a schooner was destroyed, as were coal sheds and a large quantity of lumber on the pier. The wharf of the nartford and Erie Railroad Company was burned, and the passenger station of the corpora tion on Broad street at the foot of Summer street, was destroyed. A hasty viit to the neighborhood of the southern boundary of the fire reveals the fact that the flames had not extended lar up King-ton, Colum bia and Lincoln streets ia a southerly direction, but had burned along the ends of those streets, making prc gress over Broad street to the water front. AH through South Lane Dis trict, where wooden buildings are numberless, there were in action nu merous steamers to prevent the spread of the fire sideways and keep it out of a thickly populated district. The The United Suites Hotel was the nearest puMic building ia the line of the fire spreading sideways, and ma ny of the guests cr occupants were active in moving their trunks and oth er small baggage to a place more se cure. A visit to Summer street showed the fire to have advanced on the south side as far as Haney's dry good store, the upper portion . of which building was then on fire. After repeated solicitations on the part of business men, owners of real estate and others. Chief Engineer Danierell, just before two o'clock, gave orders to rope off the streets leading into Milk street preparatory to blowing np buildings on the south side of the street A body of United States marines from the navy-yard j marched up Washington street about j three o'clock, and tendered their ser - vices fir police dutv, which were in two o'cloi k a niectin-jr -f citizens a.s i held in the Marrs narlor. in the j Citjr Ha!!, hi.- honT. Mav r Gaston i.ein? prc-M'lil. an l t-n:cl cDyEfT exclusive control of them with the j assistance of the police, with anthori- tr to take anr action ther miirht see fit in the emergency. The detail con sisted of General Burt, Alderman Jenk., Col. Shepard and other well known citizens, and each one has con trol of intersecting streets, with the full lilierty to use powder in the st p page of the devouring element, ia cii.-e they should deem it expedient, and with the consent of the chief engineer of the Gre department- It was also authorized that in case of necessity the military should be called out The Transcript building caught Ereju.t before four o'clock, the flames bursting into the rear and spreading with such rapidity that all hopes of savin? ii were a once oispeiietL, At four o'c! this morning the fire extendi.' irom Wa.-hingtou street mom failed to make the desired im on the wr to the wharves on the j preioo. Nearly every bank build east, iiid from milk street on the north ' in of the State street front between to the Hartford aad Erie railroad bridge on the south, the area of the burnt district being roughlv estimated at two hundred acre, of a well known real The estimate estate man is that the loss on l.uildiaus will aver-; street, readv to read tiicui to pieces. . i i r r .'....-" . , ..... ' age twelve uoiiars per 1001 .or iuia irw, uii wertiore e uix e a jrrauu total loss in buHiLnzs alone of upward j oi one nunureo minion uouars. g. fierce is the march of the flames, and so irresistibV that the roen haats on Oliver street, when they Erst ; were made aware of the danger es- sayea to move tueir goovts but could not oa account of the heat, aud tbere tue nre soutnwam nas rx-en ctecKea, and also ia great measure toward the s jutfaeast, the entire limit of devasta - . . tiou in tnat Uirecuon being tte ttart - loru ana tne iiaiiroaj uept, extean- lag however out oa burning the bridge, along Broad street to .e road ana ; Then it runs S India, taking! ; all the intermediate wuarves ana ae - strovin a few essels. lne are has worked around the new post Cuiee building and reached the northerly side of Water street. The large building en the corner of Congress' aad Water street, is iu flames and . will have to go. Engines No. 1 aad j aim .o. ui i roiueuce iii c nacneu 1 X m - r 1 1 . 1 i. . . .. U 1 . ... c . the scene of the fire, and tnere are nnrttproc-t hand-entFineS) nresent from towns in this State. Lynn has sent two steamers aad a ho.-e carriage. No one branch of business su'Jers so extensively as the bo ot and shoe and hide and leather trades. The loss nere mus4 eieeeu a uue sustained by the dry goo-Ii jcobers. In the early uours of the morning the pmndering by the thieves became general, and firms who had removed l . l . T . . . . their stock to places of supposed se curity out of doors, were victims of these predatory rascals. Arrests by the police became so numerous that it was found impossible to accomo impossible date all the Drisoners and thev were therefore discharged from custody, af - ter making restitution cf ths stolen property. t , .1 , , . , , .- it..- .-ai lii'.K. r : re fore thev burned where thev were. ; of Oliver, on both sides, aad is verv .,.. ,i v , , ... - illseu t o purlr hiinr i'i the ftfn nnlir . -in.r!.. jtvi: 1.1. ..f . . . . -. - , -:r 7 - , , , 7 '-' sT-' tf.eirvaa.t-. Ihe Mr. the State printing ouce was de- builolintrs oetween it aad Broad. - , tim,,-it.-i , .,1 t- stroved. ; I.i.'ht ia the viciaitr are maav larire ;, ,.t . .1-1 .t r 1 - . . - , - ets bans saveo c,",-t oi tbeir val-ia- 12 M. at this hour the progress of stores, filled with on, paiats or ha- Contrary to previous reports, all , ia the space of fifteen hours destroyed the dwellings en Kingston street are j hundreds of the costliest ami most saved. substantial warehouses in the coun- The same is fortunately the case try, and temporarily paralyzed three on Lincoln streew All the residences ! of the leading mercanule interests on the Fort Hill section, so-called, in-the shoe and leather, wool and dry clading Gaidley, High and Broad fcoods trades. It is said that there is street have been destroyed, reader- i EOt one wholesale shoe and leather ing hundreds s of families homeless and destitute. On Washington street the fire was checked by five o'clock this morning. Ia a southern direction it had no; reached beyond Summer street Several of the attempts to blow up buildings met with the ill success that attended the experiment at the corner of Milt- and Washington streets, windows only being shat tered. A visit to the North end of the lire at seven o'clock showed that it was not progressing with anything like the previous rapidity, having ad vanced not more thaa a hundred feet into Congaess street, between Water aad State streets, during the preced ing hour and a half. The heat had none nf that fierce, terrible intensity which had been devouring buildings so rapidly. The same state of affairs was found to exist on Milk street The buildings on the southern side of the street below Pearl street, which had caught as early as half past five o'clock, were burning slowly in com parison witn tne way tneir near neighbors went, ana tneir walls were all intact. An immense number of streams of water were being poured on the fire from every possible point an engine from some other city cr town being seen at every corner, and these seem to be having a good effect It was rumored about six o'clock that Old South church had been mined, in readiness to blow op, but on inqniry it was found that those in charge had resolved to risk the matter on that corner and look to the protection of the heavy walls of the Trantrript ' ed by Mayor Kingsbury, and proffer office opposite. The proprietors of ed every ai l in their power, the Tra-m'ii did not Tetnove any of! 10:30 p.m. The fire was trot un- .l - . i t . , ...t-n.i k., tiie.r Uliltclisu. 11 n J J -i i. 1 1 . u. i tuiiviui m iilliv auri 1 1. . - ever and lowered into the cellar, and has not extended since. The follow some of it may be saved from de-j ing are the general boundaries of the struction. The Post building will be j conflagration: The whole length and nearly destroyed, although the wails 'both sides of Summer street, across may remain standing. Federal and nearly down to Drake's .i .i n-l,.rf .n,1 itiKiiw in nearly a dirjM-t ir i:ai rwi-ri lnnonnrpii wmi ins nr.i- gross of the fire was enfrelv stopped 'ne to i ort iiuL aiong iiam.iion ana j tt) after the thousands ct sewing fn a southeasterly direction," and there j Battery march t Kiiby street, as far j gtfa thrown out of employment, is no more danger of its spreading: i Lindell and Central street, andr Propositions are being urged for northward on Broad and Purchase j from Milk to Summer on ashington j making of new street lines ia the streets. All efforts at estimating the ! street W ithin these boundaries, an : burnt district, and also for the erec losses and insurance are futile at this! rea of seventy acres, nearly every ; tjon 0f merchant's exchange build time. Having given the march ofi building is consumed. jjDg. A committee has been appoint- the fire fiend, most readers will readi ly recall the names of a great majori ty of business firms on the prominent steeets through which it passed. We hope to be enabled to give a list as soon it is possible to obtain it, of the suffer ers, the losses, insurance, Ac The flames are progressing with unabated fury certainly toward State ! street j o'clock At a fjuartcr before nine it raa reacce-i m nearly a straight line fror.i Congress street Kiiby street and LiUrty Square, both sides ij:i:ig .Ire. The rear of the IVrtouice i;. , ,: ; " . , . . T. unaau sireei is ourmu. i; i.a.mj a t,roJ,j r 2JriiP become necessary to biow op the ! One ga.s exp!.I.a f.,;i.iWcd aaoth bu:ld;n?s on the corner of Congre.-str a rdj,;, mxa s..r,j .j. street aad Congress Niuare, a kh',!;,,,,,,,.!,, ,..,, miued and exploded shortly before ILelar-e granite iroot at ; named Martha E.,,, id the northwest corner of Linoa al ; from a cond strr window to the Kiiby streets, occupied by in-x-nt &. paTenicat and wasWiou,lv injired Hutchins, insurance brokers, J-j and her recoverv is considered d..ubtl Y iley, Ldmunds ami several other, ' fuj was also blown up at nir.e o'clock," Th; traIa frora Manchester parcntly of no materia! advantage. The inside wa.s sbattere.I, but toe walls aad iuucbof the woxlw"rk were' left standing, the latter ia acondi-i tion to accelerate rutLer thaa retard the progress of the fire. The flames are making their way with gains cer-: tainlv toward the comer of Broad ! and State street. It will in all prob- ability stake State street near the cor ner of tk'.Iby street, it being onsy three d r distaot At nine o'clock an eJjrt s being male to arrest it nrosres bv blowing up the brick buildin? which is the third from the 'State street front, and three exr!o- Congress and Bruad has a'readv been ruined, while kegs of p.jwler, wita matcaes in readiness to iiutin?, are placed under a larae number of j buildings ia the vicinitv of Broad : iu;te a a-taace oi tte Jvjiuv street ( iroat. next to Ctate street, w tere tLe fire is the hottest, is of verv heavv : srranite, witn out l.ttie ornauientai ! granite, with but l.ttie i work to catch the fianies : but next i ; to it is a verv hih rranite b uiiii.a? belonging to the Shoe and Leather : Exchan're. and is onlv M-narated Trooi ; the raging fire by it Oa Muk street u-jts, ana H tnese are caaght there j seems to be no possible way to st,p ' the prosresa of the flames before thev i - .... - l reach the water in this mere is yet a sma.i cnance fctate street bv feirlessness and promptness. Ia "the square fonaed by Doane, state, kiiby and Broa.; ; streets, at nine o clocK. there was oa - Iv one bundm; on fire, and that had JUs t commenced, at the ccrner of Kil - bv aad Doaae streets. Ia other quarters the fire secies to have somewhat subs.ded, or at least I CV UTX 1U3 CAu liililU X I IUC flames are not stopped by some super- t or I - i ., . unman pn.irx in sviinv srri-et ii-f i . , . . - , : lowing banks wiU have to succumb to ; 1 1 h fir. fii-ntl - TK ItUntie t-nn.' tae-reuenu: me ahum -ynon, - me ure uas uaaseu ueiow me corner : 1 .1 . r-- i , V &UOarv "J c- li0D, are ia the nei-hUrhood cf Ure hun and the Shoe and Leather NatioaaL : lIre,, ta.3tt5aa.j dAlw , two or three iuere are aisw iar;e nuai'jers oi in- j suraaee companies in the same street threatened with the same disaster. T-1 r . , T- I i ; lue ercnaaia txcnaiige inciuuiag j the PostofSce, has gone. The mails, ( hovever, have been saved The : PostofEce will open in Faacuil Hall . to-morrow at eight o clock. The fire is sweeping up Devonshire street, Congress and W ater street, and the Merchants Exchange on state street is threatened. Eleven o'clock.!! is believed that the fire is now so far under control 1 that it will not cross State street j The conflagration was got under ! coatrol at about one o'Iclock. bavin; i estaousnmeat lett to toston. ice wool trade has suffered in an equal degree, aad the drygoods jobbing houses left are few and far between. The Ninth regiment, with detach ments from other regiments, amount ing to twelve hundred men, are on tilttaT V. . r t Viii naAtoiiti, . f r.:rui-rr v.-.., .- Fiwiura ui r""i-".' .and tnirtr. lne numoer oi aweiiing-s aad the preservation of order. j aaj lodging houses sixty four. A meeting of prominent citizens! The insurance cSces report losses was held in City Hall this afternoon, j as follows: presided over by Mayor Gx-ton. at 1 Firemen's Fund, of CaL - $123,000 which encouraging speeches were j Commerce, of Albany, - - 45,000 made and energetic action urged, in i Queen, of London, net. - - 100,000 order to alleviate the fufferirgs of the '-Etna, of Ilardfort. - - - 600.000 needy as well as for rebuilding thej These offices will pay in full. The burnt district. A numerous relief j North British, Hardfort, riicenix and committee was appointed of which Wm. Grav is chairman. The commit mittee will hold daily sessions. A bureau of relief was a!o organize-b of which ex-Mayor Norcross is treas urer. The new PostofSce and Sub-Treasury building was for a long time ex posed to the fierce flames and smoke, but was scarcely scorched. This massic fire-proof structure saved the Boston Morning Po.f building direct ly opposite and helped greatly in pre venting the fire from reaching State steeet The old South Church also escaped, though several times given np for lost The costly and beautiful Tranwrifi building, and Currier i Trate's jewelry establishment on the upper comer of Milk street, were burned. The Eastern Express office was saved, though reproted at one time as burned. Two steam fire en gines came from Portland, with four ; hundred of her leading citizens, head 1 j .- i .r.. l .e- 1 .uii. . . . . . . UOSTQX, November U, 4:30 A. M. The fire broke out with renewed vigor .... . . . at about midnight m Almost tne same spot where it first originated. It was! of enlarging that building, and also caused bv explosions of gas in the j to request Massachusetts Senators buHding'occupied by Wm. Ii. Storms j and Representatives in Congress to & Co., in Summer street The front ; secure the passage of aa act of Con wall of the building was blown intojgress, allowing the same drawback on the 9tret and set fire to a store which 1 ( Continutdon fourth pj.) - extended back into Central court Owing to the freriuent gas explosions the firemen were for some minutes j deterred from going ia too close prox j imity to the burning building, but de I spite tie danger, the firemen soon had streams playing oa the burning bui'.I ! Fmm Storm's e-tabli.-hment ' the flames rapidly eom.iiunicated to the extensive bnildinr on the comer I ! of Summer and Washington streets. jocrtipied oa th? ground floor by Messrs. SLrcre, Crump Ji Lowe, jevr- e'ers and dealers ia elegant ga fi- tnrc The npper stories were occu- pied by the Wheeb-r & Wilson sewing . jyjj-jj ware roms, Lowell & Brtt "VQ , engravers, and by t.vo or three cis- . torn tailor. aasasBsasaanwaBi '; EJrtS tO Stay the pr.gre. of the : a . i i t ' : uaiaes were unava iaiie an-i in i.-s .. , ., . i uiju ui.i a uour i:ie inaniucea . block oa the corner of Summer and Washington streets were Iomed. The Barnes !eap?! fr-m t window and c::ried thems,-! .es ab.ut the c.r- j on i oa I , mcr, ,m lM 7&j:t .Hie wa 3. j vtraJ severelr injureiL A w- man : 0-.; o clock, brought two steam en:n s from the Amkeag work., and a h jse carriage, with mea enouirh to rua all three. Oae steamer Is a scif-pr.-.pi.i-ler. and worked very handily. The mea were freh aad went to work with great zeal. It was fortunate at this critical juncture that the steamers i . , - - jtij .ere oa nana, lor tte water force at he hydrants was very small, hardlv enough to force a stream to the sec ond story window. Anion; tl ar rivals was an enz'ine compa.iv of .-treaty-five men frni Biddeford Mc. Had the proper authorities shut r,S the gas from tLe who'e buried dis trict early on Sanliy m-'min?. the present dreadful vi.-itation wouil have Lc-en avoidf.L All theproiiertr 7 'aloe:? the l:n of W.i.-K-n -rr,. .tr. ; wh;c'h has now lea d.-tr..r(F r.r i in iriiminestdangT. would "have Icn saved, ha.l not ex;!o-ions -iven t'-" '. ' " T! "e.f." . , i j a. - l lie ms I.? now rt-ii; ""ri rw rir.ont t j.e u,7.,r ,ro, ,i . . . , a very strong win-1 shouM -prin ' an no mure fresh res are arrr'-hende-L 10 A. H. J.Tijan and Ma-h" st re was saved, though at one time de clared a hopeless case. San-eve, Crump & Low were burned gml Only ihi'te of the .-even bank l 1 r -T l . ... , otirneu out iauea to settle at tt e;ear- The luorain? papers are almost ex clusively filled with detail of th-? uirecton, Out ; catis the loss at S-O.OoO.O'.-o, sad ince to savei.i,,- p,..j .t t. i ' qc,o (y-0 ; fbe 01 train fr.ra New York. , f.., tVj ..,' ' .-,u ,-..,! . i ... .t . -i.,, -i .L :,,,,.. - -ni U, n-,r .,,-,.w. . The Boston insurance companies , t(, aUe t0 aa rf . C - r . . 1 - t, , j c. 4are ccaf fv tuCir n.-a.s. ta so -. . - , any wnn oners oi ranri ttiat tnere i t of their . 0Q r r. . ; ont aaj8peMion. There arerage bH ,u a lars. The savings banks are aJI se- cure. A fca:ti;:ua of cavaliv has beea , a Jded t0 m-1;tarv - f(i of the . hyiT; zct .which now numbers ; fiftepn hanJre j mea. AII attempis at ; robberT and incendiarism win Tk- nrn. ! mariv-a!t wItL The streets are aIm05-, impilS5aUe from the er-di in r:.,;n-iv ft Washi!';tox November 1 1. The j Secretary of the" Treasury this morn ing received a telegram from the President of the Merchants" Bank. Boston, saying. "There Is co reason for a panic, if the banks stands firm. The loss is largt?, but it falls on per sons who are generally able to stand it" Another telegram to the Secretary, dated at New York this raoniisg.ays, "The disposition to create a panic is abated," and the writer gratuitously suggests that there is no need for the Secretary to do anything financially. Information is received that he Treasury has sustained no losses by the fire, the fund and boots being uninjured. The number of firms and business houses burned cut is nine hundred I a - a a a National report that aii tne!r-policies will be paid m fu;l. aad they wid con tinue business. A general visit to the Boston insurance offices this morn ing reveals the fact that they have been hardly able to do anything to dy toward estimating and determin ing future steps. The fire is now confined to the ra ins, and no fears are felt of a new outbreak. A large number of steam ers continue to work, reliefs of fire men taking turns. The Saturday Eceniq Gaztt't' was among the papers burned out James Tuilev was arrested by a ; soldier early this morning while ' ticg fire to a building on Milk st set- treet It is impossible to give anything like an accurate or even approximate retort of the insurance. Some of the largest firms have had no time to lock over their policies. At an informal ! meeting of leading insurance officers to-day a statement was made that the losses would be nearly all paid ia full. At a meeting of the Citizens' Re lief Committee to-day Mayor Gastca received, telegrams from Governor Geary, cf Fenn-vlvsnia. the Mayors of Cincinnati, Chicago, Indianapolis, Providence, and other cities, tender ing sympathy and aiL A committee of ladies has been formed especially ;ea to ass tne frenerat gnirrnmeBnu ; purchase the burned over lot adjoin- !f .i r r . , ing tne new posiomce, ior tne purpose If