JU! f I i Is t as : 1- t - s - - Iii f; tfr: 'I 1 I' trJ :r' The Somerset Herald. wi;nEI'AV. - Xjt,VtU. ISTi ' 3,000 KEC! , Of Butter Wantea. V.c arc in want of Gladi DuiS.r to su'. , .t,r lieiiiand of oar itnni-rdiio'e trade, saJ ; all kmier? w ho w ill ship to us, wt r t.rni:.i.se earlv tvl;;S at ro-jJ r :kvs. c i.iir.v th.ink for f.-nier jtatr, .lire, v :;' aiiii'ti yur li'.vrsl sbipiues.. Very K-;Htfii;v, Ate., C. BROOKE KYCE & CO., r,i SOUTH S1P.EET, BALTIMORE, MD. ihe stores. :-;,v,.- .1' I.'.i. ... ., a l-rr' i 'r.- ;.t :.t r ,rt-rf .r T si (.!' fink A f-- t. I'a.. a t-. ' 1 .r : MT! aii'i .::r I:; at Sue i:.-i rits in.' :! i .;.!: .:( i ;.i-.r title C k . t .j le's 1 r'j-r t re." t-.fi i set i;( TjT t f ki t I.x-ks. I'i-r- CS sic. j.:i kinds titi.ti.-n- :.ev (..-. e 1 a l;ir-e ,- k of Hardwig'f k Ai'.'ur.iS; thesi- a'.l'-n.s are tiie l- .i.jht to this market. Sold rciisk. t.t "Pe DniL-Store." ."7 "tVt.i ili'.n C'.vin.- Flat ' h ..-t.:e ra-le c-is.-inieres N'iM, r.r.twi-; :. t Iavisi Bro.. anl bur a - f Fi:-f. ; 1I;to.n".s Xox-EsPLtVnE La vp Fow. ; T-Ei.a. It j the wonder of the W'irii ! It j ta:.; i!.:tive!v t rerf tit vour !aiL.;s fn-jn , s.t 1 .'.inc. a i; 1 v:i ;r la-ap cl.iiar.eys fro: Ant tirs,rs in r.e.-d of F .:r- "Whiie .' IT:.x St-i il. rtw an.! Uii!l. ol- Faint, of ail kit; Is. Faint I5n :- ; iwir.tt-rs' TT'at, ril of nil kinds, v. i'l r. -.'. ! v e.,'.:;n; at "Ft t ie's Irj; Store," : " j i reha.-ia; el--w here. ii: - r it l- io:e the ,;;e ihat ut Aa . ;t A Urallier's is Ihe t-k-.ee t- btty Th- v have ju-t rvied the thirJ - . :; rt V I-i,'.i.-s' drt-s i.-,-ls for the ."saa a their lnotio is ' j'la k sah s . -.. '7! j'rof.is.' the le w iil do well .-.ii - r, an-! cxsiiiiae theirt.ick. whieh :. -a o ;;.;-'.vte. Fr,-laee ttik-n ia ti-,:;-fT7..k : IV. Nov. . '7 it. i'-To; s. astiaabie rr a 1m ..Te t-Ce. The bct i;i-t:v,r-s .-.t i:-'-rs e w..r.l Saus.cc Sn crv low. i 4 K.l '..-r Knives. r-;aw t-. ts of Ii lies, rt M'-; an-i In;r - 1 .7 liUikels and if. r-. ("i-r.d F'Jek- Sa.-iils. Fnrki. Cutlers Korse r-1, -;h Ik-ib Al ii Holders. Sf.j Tu'-. F.- Ttt l.ai ne rrh-ii.'os. Wire I . I.-:.n t;,r..ls. : Lill'-S. La-ki ts. ::' joti v, ant an;, l! . r an iine, pt to 1 Neti I. m the for ia s:t fd! in 1 Hirer's r- re r':, I, v. 1.1 . s 1. -:c- t i t.jT.ite in .tl.ii t: " r i f., s .' h Aej.-e. Cn:..'' ' Vi'oit . .. It t-.-nt.;:r: i. a-' 7'ai :. i'Lt-. or tie -r Miner- - i.'ii . ! "i-luai nor Al-'h I t ut is . . ." .a'ei- j-n-j ;-. Ti'eftly - . , . a'aive ail. J e-sa'it to Like. .; :ij s .ths an ! q'liets the ft st: m, i - s . i.t;:ral slot ;.. It is aw- n- : t i as-iii:;late the bid of chii- A i- vent ti: ni JTi m t -r ii;cr ! i tt:- V S.elo e liiarit ,.,' die work : i. -rs'lills. a f.iiii- Those in want al f.r any i,e 1 urninc NCtzinan's s."-ilh-esist ste.,ri tr'-n'-ratinr. li;: '..n c s ;: ;iiii-l at Alel t :..:-iv t John NefT: la-.i.k. "f '... lc- iif,":i ln.!a.T...L i. Mr. I'av'is. a j.ratii-ai 3.-V r, n. docs the brinjilisir it'.ria is now filled with irt lro-il r-".-h f-ml. No '. ail i tiie '.tlful iu;ii',i . ' da tr l.-a Fottndrv. Inv;- jour tirders at lit : :n.".."- briab'ts us they uke their '- ' '.. Tiie t !.i t of Hi-smuts is p.ivel ka ia wi.li.io: whkh r.othiii; i wi.nk hj'ir.;. it is a'wais av'-ret iate-l at its rJ-ie z'-.f-t i: i l-et.'bKt. ii ..ften. t t ' f ri'. Ive i ioj-i-rly, ani enrrt-i-t - rit- i- ;..re they l-c4!e waled. For - -s of the liver, kidnet. skin, s-.om- -. a;. 1 ali r.rie'.iii si!'i iri); ure or feehle lr. V.'u'U-rV California Vin'-rtr ' rs are a s-;re aai fiKttlr r.-tnody. It : v, r yet t.!2-d in a 'li-'ii iastanee. T.tE Vin:--erk.l and fuaday Sdi-d. :.e r ; l,rirt Convt-ntl-n, Llvan.atli oa. A iati r, et.nven'-l aeei r iinrto pre v - arrarre'i'-rr.s. in the I.k utv tuurch, '' 172. Ii. v. J. L. AV. S il-ert -"ktt. J j.re.i.1 nt : Ib-v. i. A. Dur.lap. "i T- a.ry. The r-z ;kir tsex-i' m w ere con I ar LiV. Vari iuf qtn.-stions of vi 'a. i;.ranfT. were 5ira-ed. ilreaysand on (iltTerent rooRil and rvlicio'is - .'"--wire rervl and nharj-ly criticised, j itter-s; -a ih. OLscc.st.it wa i:iali--lv chari'y. si thst all passe, i )imz '--"-iy ar;,l j.k-4x.atir. n r-ah!ath '"t-r. iU v. 14. I);:!.. "fr;a t lerelan,!, , ! :..-i the ti'.i si 'i.ary s win : the con- "..u- f-y ileripti'n an.! ea-h. exreeJ '' bat Ike tk and !.i-crl sua tif in I ' ;' t-Liii. ox a IhK a 1 TLe'lLet;irii;i; T., v-";rT"r5 who bat e front ti:: to time a-brv t-l run tlieir wor.hk- jnnions '' I'Take's I'iaut.aJion Fitters, tett -i. 'b y e.inni cn lervusd what a lo:m I a i-e tj.-re is f it arr.irin; i"ijmlaritr. i; ai-ia'.i in is situ' le ts,.'h. The ") a the w crrl.1 r- now ntsl tonic is "d t.i.a a r-at-k. the Iiock of Exj-4-ri-A.i i' inaT-t'iien:s sre rure and t.v. H.-iw. ;h.n. c.11 tr.. ksters. ri'tr, to ritr.l il snii ciu- "t -l, t -t . c.-ip. and n-.'U'e li'jtjor. - tra-h ia a state of aexlous i.'riork -u'ti-4tiii-5"r tf cotinse the tL.-.ria'-in.". ait, r, ot a to pief. Their liule cam e lias s- l L-:r titctecttit fir the sa aa ity of V 1 U1:;!y ba irra tllT Jiuni-lieir - 'fi t..e lljntation lidters it-em io lie iB i ;-, ,S li.n....". . I t'ea;uaviUiK-rs-j;rrererr .-tr toeuicaj iirrparatioa iu. lOiktl is M ' L-1 T - :! ' 'oBf. Ia etcrr tate - i'..!i.,ryof the 1'ai.dj it Ls, r-vAsv, - - -t;ilWl t . ... l.-s-"t c.T'-al i,., r.r : a. v A4a BL1 it. a II . M. Tti.1 1 l-ZIU IlTT ,;: rr.n tic nux :.l 3. , ,.r .id. r . 'iica'ar st I Wis i Rr . ,.!;;. 1 lis, l.JH-k-iO.-tS. r, &c, . TM! i- i : .1.-ca, li. ui (,'uwk A. lW-r- '. .; ts l'a. 1 t ":'. r a thrasher or horse - -;-.,r.t -t'ly ''k . t.t-'rs.t 1 ...:;lry. : :. r.-'j.. sorted fx I!.-,r:N-; M- n t:r.;rniriir. t to take :., 1 n:.l C onv r.'i'-n. v fli-: v-i lu u.-rdtr 'i -t. -. - I'T A.. . 7. : V ilit :;: r t'a.nn cter before, at v --j- . i'ai t"rr. 4 nli-.-r wot-'len v.. -.ii riot. il. II. V.tr: n.4i.:.oftho "Fe .;-".-.--Iru!r ,; . ' ;. :. aUth.irijM i azet-t f. r t':e sale . t,-.. -'- ir. '. Pr. .Tavni-'f t'..i;,ilv i:iidur.-.-t. -t-."-. it f-rull the ji-ul-r latent .M-.-Ji- , - - f-.iifl '.. 1' li-.-t tjjj c!.'.t;i-st irn-cf-flif. eon- : riis:. c tions, tjtl.-cery, i'ltct'v?, r-. -.i. -i-v. j--. Koiiewfire. v.k-iiw ure. ' . ian.-d fr.:i:s. crack'. thee--. Ac.. . :l -r..(- ry of Cook A r.i.ritr-. .- it. i-t. r'K-1 ; Sci?i..i:. D.icK- '. '. i ...ii ..Minci tt at Mllkr's lrr A YUi. I - - . Ai-iiii'es. liyiiin V. -ks i.n! til : kir-.l.- of il'.-iik !. Vji. olvicg a Ueiickwj uf makinj: it tao Hork-s, would be required. . : Take twenty -f mr feet frotn tbt lower story 'J-'wtr. OfBelal Erlnrsta ef SuorKrl (en Xaseruaer CtH, ITC j S i! I MSTEKTS. - : ! : : :t-t A J lien ira i 07-1 Alinta-ny ; -i W ! b"t un tr j 33 j as j ll)jiiiTT!l-y ! l i C--0'-:nUirti... K4 Si . Ijit'i: tT ' j t . as : i;.kii-k 94 T- ' rm i. It ! '. J f T- -l - V "i i Aj . .icr.ncr ' . 2 i & Leaner ' t ' l.-,w-rTarkt.. J'-'1 44 i : i u t--r. k ti ; ' V ;.i..r I lis ' V ' .tC.T.:r-.).!(l"f 1 ' in i V rtfcttaipt'T or ' 6.1 . P.-at: ' ' 143 ' il;. ,hjN .uic.' ; l 44 err in.r : ; St. tee 14T ' 4' ' S.iw!Ut .145 11 ! NiCier; ! .- 114 1 S.;hjU.J.; o 67 :u SUtvrrrv ti ' IT1! ' 4 ' :;jM.iiil"T 1 ' :rj : uTnn'.i li f- X I tT Turii".. i4 ' 3 ; : 1") t ri. I- t M 24 ' WtlMKiii- U. T ;jl ' U'. !'M ; A Cbf.atei Ki eli ar. Yi-stt-riiy i:nT.!n ti b:tr jl-.r tn'iltii an entrant in - t" .': 1...UM- f Mr. J.ihn y. S! ". !?ry on iVati . .. in tu-- ct;y. sjii k .- & itiJ in th: f iiv. 'v .5 'II in ' .'. Tiio Lurj! Tip tKti ;.rii I s V. I; .( '. Lmiki-r- hit is. e riU'in or a li-ntue r. in thi NrT-". ; ik li Ls- Jtij-osc-i w.7e s. ! ut Ui i; Vtcn-rv.il-to vvrv H"vr l-a! ';-s. tL-Si.- --sin?ia n us ti, V-jf.-f. As tln.-v l.-d ii it cone .-Vh " it ias'i f-. :c lh:it waii, and :li-tiiii-t i:;s s-iOie- ii ushsm his if.;kt l.sn !kt-r- . were-l.-rt in ih- jurl. Thi - - ..-. ....... . ... . U . ... "All is rift t.-' l ih:- r!i:ter." JVf.i - . . . Ti:k Si,;r.l..rar.rst ! at wtrk a!-i:ir t!ie : T-e i f ili? t.r.n;-!2M il'c Vi Lit tliev ,ci l a t: ........ .. TI ., r.t:ir....td. Nijl it to Y.s-elhiia?.. :r. lM,i::i:V r;: . 1 t 11;- 1 11, ...1 i". :j-r' v. ... :?i: cnlere 1. ta silver watvb .:r d vv. i lve d 1'i.iis 5n t--li s:..icn tberefrons. They next lip ike into J--: h llartrii.m's ki'U.v- sr.d it Is a Bt w julr of K'tst!..U be l. ; 1 revt-r worn. Tl;e r.-.-'ul-" ".t thi'n" to - t i.:'.;;7 u.-v- : tl.t r in.; 1 drk 1 n'om5 of 1 1 : -rti ! ly cit;ii; i-Tthe ieet sn.I iilc the le.'s. t'.ie lez was f j'.ir.d with a candle in it." They -. into 3 third b.itise. b'.it were heard, uai e;i:i s: :e f the in mules luak- ii: - ti,, ;ieii.ar!:i. !: v !lt-l. It v.-as disc-ivercd the preniis-s wbere the :. lh:it th" thieves were !'. its-'i rinis i n cnvjn'i Wii. s-ift. luref-ait. No arre C;rr!.;:,!f .Yctr. s have 'fen insde. AfX II.EST AT IMF-lil-M-TNG M':LL TuO ' tt 1 T t 1Ti-ir-n A". 1 'o - . ; n f - . . . ' .If 1. I . -. . . . I.. . V ' . w ' , ' ' . 1 3 oTlxk a fri.'ht'u! tcx-M.-at oe furred at :he Kr,l!in- Mill in ihi-chv. TI., nv. n at one of the furnaces Lad about f.n-i-heJ their day 's work, the Li.t "beat" was throttzh. ii3 1 tlieywerc cleaninr out the fiirnu; of dr or t itriricd cinders. These tsLiih are ciiii::i -nly -lled s!..rs whin of ar.y size are pluetd in the iron trucks Ukea 1 .its: ie t;,e rji.I r J il irjlva. 1 he pud lier 1 Mr. JtiK-s Ori r. i and Lis le 'ii" Mr. IViir S:ri;.;l-.i'-k : riiieJ atr.uk with -i.:7s uv.i were I1.ck.c7 it out. as iscti;-w-ury, w hen s . tne wait r was thr.wa v.;.in . tie of she Ur. -st eLi.-s wei.'bin. p-. rbaps 4 'i iiis. The CMllse j tt LC W:s aa t-Sjik-s'-ia SiterriTlo ts Ui shake the Hiiil and i::ar.y of the Lous-.s in she rc:.:liV rh'ud. 'ri.V was kninked down by the tlyi.i; fric ir.en's .if oia-b-r. hi f.; n:t in s veral ;!:..' and wis :i' s.l'.el very severely ia the fv. nef k. atd art!i. Strlcziifk was i aill jrfttUed in the Lv aai amis, ; his eves s'.tiTerin j the w,r. In a q-.arter in b --r atler the a.fi -.t he w tone i :tn.l ! itt 1 t. r in l'.e . t 'V l),e cii-i'.in,- In... c..tae s na'-what reiittf.i! and he could see a littif. T"vo tther ciitl.yc-s of the. u.l'.l. t h-. were in the vl init v cf tlie es-j-Visi. werem-aldtsl sli.-btly." I'r. Mi-iii! w.us at ,'Hif s-nt f ,r, and iij-.-Jl;'-! relief al-ford-d the surli rers j r-.-ar,.;!..-. As tvvn as I seihle thi' two youn; r:ea wire t-invey-; .-J to their Lories, tirier is a voun; in-: ! n..ti:iei ::i.-.ii . . ...ii .e r. i. ism i.te.tiie : aire, and has a tatailv. The I 't.r thinks ihi-t notwithstanding their severe injurk-s j tJetieml Meade, and directing Jen will ?.t wciL if iTor tare is lak. n t.r-l Mcl.uw. 11, at Xcw York, to make , .ia 1 attenn ,n is j:o. taeiii. ! . , - . 1; is 'there was a dt-P crevice ! -rTM-CCivatS for tLe faueral , in the slaz, into wl.deh the water f-ii. and '! dirt-tt'n? that at ad ic.itary jttist on the stejr.i s s idilt-niy ere: ted rar.ed the ; tlat day Sa.rs be d's Idyed at Lalf ts; 1 s- a. t o.. ; mast tad minu:e sruns fired, and tLat j oSeers wear the usual badge of raourn- A S.-.n Case. M.ire than a year ajojin?. Pr. IL !!. Fatl.s ra, t-i this tow'a. a L:,le. , u:ider.tood thit c-itLer GetKT be,rty fne I. .lyar. L.is-.aie man. well ; a- A A Tt.rrv. now coiuniandin? the !u.. In. ili S.S lt-rr LB lieiht. Ce7:t.t tiian- . t c t V i c It in mariners asd anpearaDee.atKl on a rreat 'i-j'-artliierit or the S jutb, or fc. U. . ii.any s-j) jei-;s t.-.,v than ordiuarlly intelii-1 Cani.y. C"i).r.iar.d:rjrr the I 'cpartriicnt rrent. IK-(-iiL,e bore t r the p;:rrse of of tLe Columbia, will be appointed ierturin ' c;,n "Ti.e Il-'rse." Le Jiavias I taviae itiiitia a ii eiiiir 'ii liir c a - j '.i v. t i.ii at Ii- i ;.,.:i-,l on sale in the lic-k store, w a ai-': ' the Ver.d C of one of the W-t h i7s ;h,s f. , r ltia le. He bad ii:r.'ir..enl le a; t'arat- u- in the v.-ay f ill-stnti.e 1 riviles bits, iiri-s. tra;-s. shot . te.. wbkb he 0 J in ; hi- b-etartT, an-1 seemed to ! a H-riil '. iiaaster of LLs ; rot't-s-joa. lie raet with slice- and Wiisfast CTowinr in the ":;- i Kiao. n oi ail w tio w ere ii!t',or--eta in that i rK'.,e r.n:i:ial. the Lorse. '!Via in . , re-r.rd to the di-'' -.' 1 e v iiiar.v Kmm of their burses, and fr..ia one of , ilo-se c-a.-1-s he reci ived his dca'.h lie was i i. d lltto-a LV 3 lunit -r to tiUtke a .. -T...i..:r.at: .n : a Iii; tlait Lai i. lily, w liieh w as done, i nd it was ,1 that ih'- lior- Lid die-! t-f that C: --..- -. the : Un it rs The day -i-e'v warm whea tiie elrunina ' . I '5 1 4t is s i; r..i ;, H-. i.'h thL iie-tiiiui of lae iiiii.'-in t.if i.is .;-, eir-.:ii.hd frot:i!l.e heat. ' died S di.-i'T. terrii 'e v. t y. l,r'.. on a' s r!tl 'Le .; Ily iri fr.H.i the animal. I'cv.-. sn..: ailed tM iinliie.llattiy, I ;n ' di.e tin-.e !--taa to fori t! atl'itt o;' the ls m in hi- s. -tern, v.Lieh in '"t-t" set to ' s ich an etw-at lliat liiuillv Le a- T tiL l-.l !!, '..-.:r.,-. ... 1.,.:r l...- . t m t tk-M.t..t"ii l ti.-t , . lit . i i ' I. til . '. t . lie ri- at atti r,;. aasi ii. l it. such ii t ne - 1 . - t . - j.. -. -t- ..nut . , . .. . . -i- - cfii - -,...,. , SPWlFlCliOME.PATHlCilEMCiXEi 0 -. a.-: t art of ii,e -unntu r. he rallied ec-ak r, Xew Y-.-rk. nov. li to ;r.:t L.hi la walk ,at oerstsionaliy. I a-E.-s.ic t-r K. H. Marshall. S iaaers--t. Pa. Uttt w aat sn a-.i'oarane Lad cuaie over : tne sia.wan man : ne was a skeleton, ai- iit-ist, dnioj.injr and sad Arrtiin. be was i . iiken w.tii at d .u - .... ..i.- ... i .it i i int. r t .i i i lie ioUr i.f the 1 r. ::ae ilLseasi-. and not wishinT to T-e a burden t'm any. ti'k rcfitre at! the Allies iltjsa. Here he lingered until J a week or ten day sk-e. whtn d-ath came ; to Lis relief. At one tiriie iuin;er.ae ulcers ' " ... t ...1 .rt .""te.t...,,, ,.,r.l,-i. r.t i,:. I., v ! ten strjip-e to say, ; Lis ctiOition thev Lin a ehiirt time of i liail IksL-iI Tip ont-! ward, iae Lad the service r.f three or He Lad th. 1 fmr of our N-st 'hvslciariS and the atiec- tioa of a ri jniUr oi" oar citizens. ! ut w ith- i r of oar citizens. ! ut w 1th- i Lis death bi, f-5R,-rjl s- r-! ntut-ti-J it- Kev. tt alter ont atsik and at 1 : vict s were con ;yii;i:el. rcd'ir of Sl John's E3-is..;al f Lurch of this lace, and he was I.uried in '.he ravevard of thai clttm h. The cr- '. rui-s(,.f ill the iiverr etal le kee; rs I- i .. .1 ... . t . . . . .i r -mm- tiiie-r sis o.ners. wire '.acxii at uv , a-Uisee1 ? bm ). t rviet. r.f thus;' w hi superintended the tslt- i U-iri. V s-iuies, r.r. J quite a minder of jerin at-: A.-wtner. red sole, y a., t-n.::-.:. Th- nr-st sin.-ular rrt of this' Z l Z " sad a'iiiir i tlad no one in this vitinity iOata. T ba..! '.. knows where ha ct.ine from, as be la-. n - '-. V ' ---- --- c,.t:.mrinkated u-.m tfc-.t ,..tr,t ....r Y.'-"n- f - : ... ... .v. .A :' v- . i miu u- iiau leit-.itt- in nentutsv, otit t'hst he did not wi-h to tr ici.le lhei:i w i;h know icd re of Lis r.isf irttines. Dct-, the wtn.e tune ft Lis m.Ter.n. h are S tid to 1 intense, to word of ootnpiaint wa n; t red. l-arin; all wiih a b ,n M u-ae jrcci". l-vcir.l exjircssii -7V' A Sana 1 1 Caeeae I'ac-try. follow inz ankle we ti:p from The follow in z ankle we ci:p from the ' riaLiiiKire Anic.'.'.ir.. anti etnuriit nd it to th' careful rerasii! t.f or.r niany rtaders. In the different oouritie in New York, w here the celeh.-atetl Ckedien butter is uwie there are great nuniU-rs uf Unu larrrt and tduall cbeese faslvries aod this clierse Las even a rr eater rer'Jtati. n tlian tbe I'Utter. lathe Western lleserve district ia Ohio. rreal onantitim of chetaeareiaiaiit.sTadii is i . it .t . .t . aareCM 4-n ad skiea Ijat the rnaaantet jre of cii-e-e LsDVrel'roTltahietlain that of tuitor. ! TLere is 4xrainlv no i rea n w Jit la thi .... A .. - , ,, , crtaa oiiia r iaiiriii c suihoj oh itbec. laclurc tii.l sh:p as man v rsitintls of cheese lnr to the eastern taairket a we now tlo btauc-r, ! and ttiet teir ;n Tease tae income o; our farr.iers. Mr. J. H. IL-irt ey, who is Iar;e!y inter-cs'-.I in the traile. will no doui-t with i let-tire ft.ra'L-L ail tbe infortuatioa desired j Iit tzT n-Mj or rtrso Ta whomav ai ii - " a to i-r?ue to the business.. i All I At a ria ol rrtic-aun'; w La: we la::T Lave heretfare BabJ, as v thd CkU-Cse of es-a!d:ii;n; tL eese Lacturr. we cite the fiUowir. ir.' eriiuiate td i!r esl M' a si nail f-liees : !.r- at !i t i Lrrrtirreonld erect slLine or sn !i s r,,' -it f-tiii.'i.! be evtrai l".-.i iier, ttruiis a joint a ctipsrtht f;:r w furiiVuiatr the m tatit;?Ei. - :of tbes.Uk.k: . a a - ..a.. k ' rwracnaAi(w. aLuiaJ n? I K( Tt TT I I-? V I, a.- a-'.j, E.aaa w :t. ran, ' i'r a "make rinm," k"vin tle remauidpr .arJ the tipp- t.-rr for curin roDms." ' Tl . 1 t 11 - . i u- ujijitT twjr Mi Kiiu peniiKuoJ tue ' 'same a tic I.wtr. Tbe twenly-foar forx I . - - - . ...... ' j i i 1.1 w 1 r- ; I dcpenin opon ilic pricf of ltmitr and la-j 1 Jr, nebk U differ in localities. A roceh , uhstantial building. n-Ltch anw?r in r every rt-sitct in most kxlhie would ont SI lfnnicli.t n.;t. l l 9.'... ! j It mld be furtiUhod with rat tank, prcsces. .. j boor, ftralos, etc. for fiJTO, makinc ia all 5 tl.W fiirrrm.eh tmilJine and fl.mo for the finished one. Tor two hundred cow, .. the same sizrd building wockl antwer. -j ror rat and fiitcrt making in all' 'i $l,r,fn fjr roc-h and tr 'tinihel . . ) liil.lijs?. Thi i the wze of ajny tbut j v. , r? biii'.t ia thU Sl.itc Vi;is ycti.oin. ' ' i ck fmifiauit are lornn-d iy in-: .. i t rvs-i trikiu? np -r r.:urr har, wiiif h j j mIAJ 1 f V) of $ Ii c.ti. b. A c. t:uu:ife L J .. (chosen by Xlw timrt lididors bo 6iiicrLn- ju-n l the lm:M:n-f the Ciiiory, hiring fj '.help, etc A dairy of ne hundred ewr1 -- jvith aiili'ic-r. tl b-!j. ncho could bt-hirt-dat - , t wo tu thre- dollar. r day itn J Kurd. ! . I i rirto hcadrd os be n-tu!d nv33t nn , -- add;t!0Sal bind, nrh:cl niibt K- a wmun t and iacsjxTii-nnfd. 1 j The titu-i.tj.J3 was often a-ked : II-j- ! ; r.iar.y c-w s :i.u-t a fat-torr nainlier to jar ? i '. For en iadivKiual u Uoild a fatlorv to w.rk j 1 qj tniik f r iniK-m. at ir hunilrk t Lirh is the common nrif-e of iiiakiiir and ) , fartut:.4 tjf chew il 1 xtd and read 5r i i"'ir ti.:irkt't. he w-ti! 1 Ur,t three Itundrt-J r -tvs or more ! tsiskf rt a p- in-j lii:sii?(--s. t AsViiL un iiioivkluid : iih a m--k c ni v.ny. t' i:i:.ke :hc t;k j.y t.ifd divi-1 dend. By the jilaa pven." the firnit-ra i build the llutorr lucijisi'IrcR for the tnjr- j i jviseof workiui up their own milk, which U a jrrvat w-ln to Jhcia over the H way, . Uth ia eiiier.M- -nd quality of chees'j. Ifj ( n,v j.( ,1 c u.u--'i n . i; v.;i t cKi ' invrpet a h jurt tr the eklnldT," the ' jirice J liiakicr fLoul.l lie stdvanced. A the jxi'r.ms urr she own.Ts cf the liirtt.rv. !!:'.y can always tx a price t!:at will do ju:;.e to ill p.iriic-?." Tayetfe f'eeinlj Xtetaa. J On thi- riL'hi of the th ult. the sTeaia sawmill (tf t'ol. A. Stewart, at Stewarton, was destno el ly t re. A roal-pit in close trosimity imi;x! a Urre u'1-.nnty of eoH wik an f before, it v.i-.s tllser.vercd. La! i-.tineil such hea.lw.iv t?ut it cm! 1 not l.el extiniruisheik thourb tlc cioa valuaMe portien of the machinery was saved. A C.l J kerosene dlsij-ter rwxatly befell John (."ktrk. Kq., toco a resident of this oi.tiiniuitiiv, but lateiv (if Bridiiei-ijrt, n.nr j Mi. I'ivsJnt, Fa. Mr. Cbrk undertook I Lil a lunip w hile burning t. l.kh ca'tis-d an i'spkion ; the conK-ijuence was, he wus liurned to death, and wrk.'Usly burning another cf his faniilv. Dii'theria Las made its sj-riearunee, Mr. ! 31. Cramer l"st two children by. that ci ' s-.-ase. j The RepuMicsna of Springfield U)wn ship fsve Gen. ir:int 70 of .1 mnjority. : How is thai for US'" hioh 5reeley pot a hi trier 1 vet iiat; thi. time than be ever raiseil at Chpi-aqui ; be it now oa the "lion.e -stntcb" i.eri, and will lie placed on thi" re i; red list. Si'iiic -f the Henmerats wailins is de- I l .irable, indeed, and are caotiirh to enlist lae sya:; r tlitrs s.i thir-s of the uios: olxiurat-?, while it is n il their funeral. VlAT. tES. VI Ii IDE. r flair IK; ilLAI tLI iii A, IVtivt-mlxT ere tt Lu'f cia.-toa tLe. The Custom i.-eaiid l ulilie buiidin?, in rospect to t!.e tiiotiHry oftLelatefJca. Mead. At a ineetic? cf iLe CoKiiiicrcial irxi-lace to-daj aj-iirojiriatc res..!u tt'ji: were passed relative to the death of General Meatle. TLe May or uba.ItteJ a nios.-a,: to Councils ri C'.daniiT.d'.nr that ajjir(piate action bn taken. WisTirv;iTov 11 f Vovetiilir-r T ; 'jenerai SLerman Las issued a pen 1 erd! order, revieuinjr id feclinrr lan 1 jTiiae the life and services of the late Malc-r f;.n-r.il ?a t.Liee ,,f Cenerf.l MaVr fler.era! Meade, Iett-a.eL JciT. Iav:s La I one vote ca.-t for Lii,i i:i Iiaurdiin county f.-r President whh Horace Gne'cy for Vice Presi dent. Cavtiox. II J-.vcrv rn riujif Ijox ol re f.l ivrv T l IMI I i 11. .'1 VI k.tl. .... A.I t i.l. A 11. 1 . . ar ,t!e ra.tire i f ILLMIXx I' nUN I ittsbsirh, la., and tue;r private I. niled State taui!). '"Take r. . . 1 ..TI c, ! I 1st. on. Xerveu Debliity. i i tv i a i . ? -tHiTTiT ..t'-n-ianis. k.w ft tiepr e ; lisa iov iu.-i:ary eti);---i?. i ss tl e ixi-n. i-pr:ua- ! ti.Trba-i. 1 . it ji-w.-r. oixry hi-a:i. 1- s- t-i uMLa.t- ry. aii 1 iLn-aUTii. 1 i-r.,n-ten'-e uni iirt'ic- iii y. ;:d1 a piT-r-: ii.-i cur-- io Uarfipbreis' li -i-i-ti.iia.ta.: ; )tef.6c Xi i am j-EiLt. Oa.ic-si vl tbe' in t vaiua. ic mtiti to-: ptmi t era . 1 1 1-. th-y einke st ire at tlier ol tbemrter. t.-ce tip tne rcr.eai. an tit the di hanres. aa i iiepart viz.r ' aal eacr-rr, hie snd Tii.iKy to the entire tnaa. ! Eliy ban- eortil tln-asanis-d cas.s. Price. IO j.--r ! jnCa - IiffP 1 hVC nt'Jk a als'l lar.'P V. iai. M il''Q If " - t . . , T t 3 . . It T . Fiiiiir i-a. . u -i u. an l i it. z i W - : t . . . . I- i .. . ..' . i.Lth... .1 1 Vl S- Ii I. O ' . 7X.1RKIKU. ot I rT i'I"V."' MAKTIXA. NoveraiVr Sd, at New Centreville, l.v Rev. A. K. Tnii- al. Mr. John A. IVarl to ML- lb:-bccca Maniua, both of Soinerset township. SOWEBXCT .l iBKFT. Crreeied wc-k'j 1-y A. J. Ca.srrrr.2 a Co. . , . . ' '. a I Ll.iTA.. .17a,,t ' l u.nr. v ai ..." Eo' kwh-at ft ln-hei anii- f iU? - sides. - He c iac ...ai ou V hams. Ci-rn. V lm-h-1 4's-n rr, -al y caui rkms. r a . Ijrs. j lins ...1 3 lici ...aiu ao : ... 1 w j li;-e i Ksir. r' i"i wac i j c ' .' 1 -t i Bsas. 5 Vifc :SaU.XE?-M... - eCi-a ... - Ahba. - ... 5utr.r, y-;-iw f- a. - w!.ite r- . Tatti w. a , Vtiirct, f b i -fa ..'..rr.J- ! at! iSMt-kie i I' 3't'ir Ad crr'.ifcmcntf. i ICE.- .l KaTirsr tH dr s ! the to. !s sa l stick rn baa-1 , la to cwrriare teto-y. ka- wa as !'J.': kninrts , tnsfrolaet'-ry. to H. J.'lloraer. the st-rae is tiiis day irai.ie-Tel'u) bim. W. J. iiAEK. tKT. 12. I'l-rra :;iaili'oiuij.tiuii:. E I'c. r I'trrat a -a, Xicmier a 1S72. ( xcitice r srncK h lpees. irr" , . . .... ... i iiiraimu, i.t-t-in , t it . . . . tn -t ..... ut 1 11 . . ri,:,.r?k i eo- iisrtiie Eaiini Comint. wiil be be'hi at tbe iiaeof tbe Ctirnpary. in Ine; "7 :BTTh 'f10-? lr?1 1 das) of Ln-ur-.tiiir n-.it. .: 13 'rl.-k a. t i-r tiie ,Mnm, f eirninz iwclee lere-titr-i f ; the year. . 1 i" X ELL Y. - Secretary. JOR SALE. Cue I and 4t fO Hare Entice, : j ! - as - T? 1 1 1 T n 1"- Taninl- AaVf If'L" An ! ie avsiav s.-itasatv . aaavsa .... i . - . a a. a A u. I fwJtnjrir?. . UTp r C CaU. .Xaarmrw t W. TT. 5irKAIO k SOX. j WiT. IS, "72 tt. r . A' I 1'ITOIl NOTICE. . iniBw water: .is, swartent w.t-r power br saw I i Hatinr been appointed 1 the ftrt haiw' C.wrti of saacrset CMWOtr. ao-tit to aaikc aai report a : rfiertiaittia of ibe'ratsrs ia the hands of V ll'.ijra lienor, administrators John Shoemaker. 'd.. - i . .i nUr. iitttM L.ea!lr miitlerf lavoMii I wiil . aiurai to tfce doties i tcy .(iiiointmeat at lay of-, al fttiiuurf.L9iMte7rtXt&i safT 11 ' tat Iti r-wolf ft IH W atrat fttaI aTtltfl i k(Xvtz. I a iadace. j L 1 Xcw AdccrtiemenU. Pi os. 13 and 3S. FTVTTJA SDQLIEIS dTRASTUE. HtUFHEETS' nOHEOPATIIIC SPECIFICS HAVE PEOTD. FROM THE MOST AMPLE expcrtaawcaii entire ranw: fctreple Prnmpt IMriaA aad BrtUble. I hrr art tbc oclj lledi rines perftanly adapted to popaUr ar to timpie that nitttake caa not be Bade ia ana them ; ao luraileot u to be ttrt from oarrT, d4 eo efljeient a to be ahriTt reUabie. They hare rawed the hitfft-' eat eoauaeooatioa fnua aJ, sc4 wiil alwaja ira der aauaiacttfja. FeTertv.Cnri-Tt!"fl. Irflsmmartot!. js Weirota, Worm Fever. Worm Colic. S5 " C ry lua-OBlie or Ttsrthine of Inlmt. its " Durriura, of Children or Adolt.... SO " IreBterr. Gri4in. Bilirai Coiic H hoicra-Mortm. Votniling St fotisrln, Coil. ltroDcaitifi f " M 9ienUata Tooritarbe. Faceacbe... tS ilradiube, P;rt Ueadacbe.Vcrtiso 25 " Irspepta. liilioo fto!!ifh Snpprtf J. r.r Painful Perioda... . 8T - M'hltea, too Profuse period 45 " C rooii, Cooffh. I:flimlt Breathinr... 5 Halt Khram. Errrrpelap. Ernptkttia 5 " Kbraaitiua, Ixoeinnatic Paio... S3 " Fereraarf AKmeXttUiFeverrABea M " Pllea. blind or biredin; SO - Ophthaloir. and Sore orWeak Erea 50 atarrn.arnteorehro(iie.laaeiiEa. 50 'kMptBfr-Cah.viilttiteoDgba U litkra, oppreaoed Breaibinr U " l-r IMackkrae. impaired hearing. SO - P-cf ofni. enlftrred flaad. &welliaga SO " faraaIebiiity.i'CTcaiWeakiicsa SO Unpmy and acaaty becretion SO " teaiekiaa. tjckoee from riding 68 " Ki4Ber.lMarae. GrareL 69 " Servooa Oebjlltr. Semlaal EmiaahiBa, icioiszitarjr Ii- cire 1 00 Five Boxea, with oae ti vial of Powder, Tcry cecemary in serious ea S (O " Korv Month. Cacker. M Trlaary WkacM.itIiii;tieil. SO Painful Periods, ariia SpuutS ... SO Si. Si. sa. 4, s 7. . !. it. " aflrrtns;s at change of lif I 00 Kpilesair-pamii.b'.Vitos'Dtaoe..l CO " IMpatntrim, okerated sore throat.. 50 TAMILT CASES Of 33 large vials, eoctainine a rpeeiS: fur e-ery ordinary direase a fastily is feb- (ect to. with bock of directions $10 n't vlais, with book. !iroo C-e. 6 Veterinarx 8jeclnc (flaidl. for core of dieases of all Uonirstlc Animals, with direction 1 Taaipleta Case, with lartre Miaul. 10 Larve Rasrvraod Case of 611 -rials, coti'.ainiii all ocr Speriftcs, inrituilae Vet erisary and others not esomerated aove.. 3 POVFT" EITHiCT Cares Barns. Braises. Laaieaess. Sare Bess, Sore Throat. Kpraia. Tsstksche, Esrsrhe, Xearalcla. Kheasnatlsm, Laasirs, Piles, Bella, Mlaajs, aora Kye. Bleediac t the Langs. Xose, " Momarh, ar of Piles; Coras, llctrs. " Old sores. Prter, 6 50 cts. Pints, $1 Qaarts, 1 1.7 3. tW Tbeee RttEedi-s. exeept POND'S EX TRACT, and sirsrle vial of Veterinary Medkine. arc sent by the ca-e or sickle box. to any pan of the coaotrj, free oi charge, on rectipt of the price. Addrese, Homphreys Specific Homeopathic Medicine Co. Ofi-e aad Depot. No. S61 BaoapwaT. Xxw Tokk. Far Sale by aU Dreg gists. Mi-Tur I t E. H. 5!srhaU. S. taersct. Pa. HFSTEK AXXtiSB'tRX br b-r next friend. A. Zl'CK. 1 No. TI. XTcra- ber T-. t7i AL j Suh. fcr iiiTuree. : ELIAS OSBOBX. i - We eitoimnd voa that ail wun-t'rof btifincts , tjeoeral Jad lielivery. dr the mil ef .11 capital andexewse beica' set sn.le too be an-1 r"TJ-r ia i J hertHcnJem in theOunty e-i S-anerset. Lai, e ti pr rper prso befirre oor Jo-iiris at Somerset j bwued their precepts aai to nie direcul. f,r hfld al lmt count c C urt of t'oainK-n Pi-. there to le I a t-nn of I'Msrsa Piees. and (ieaeral uuar heid a the 4:h M-avisT of Xevcmber next, to i b Iscx-os of ttie Peace, srei iJer.eral Jad lieiir- showeaa-ar. if at,v t.o hi,e. wbv Tr wife. H-v ur Ann 4fn. n.ni3 nut I dicuretd !na the bvjo'ls ttf matrim'tOT. S.1-ri8 '.. JOSIAH fHAFKR Xtrr. e,lrT j Sthenir. Ssmael R Kc;.Il?!e 1 X..- 0 X'Trni':r Terra. TS. Margaret Ana K?f lnt'c. b, r AL Sab. tt Li - We e'4!imart'l yin that ali mTtin-rof l-a.inrss and ex,-ae tin? lrfl atide. you lie anil spjvar in ; Tur prvT'cr f'rt.-n l-f-re ,-ur" J i: at s-.jaeret i at c.oxe-4iity C'-ort f Fie. there to i : ht'1.1 on ihe Miay t.f Xvcmiier n XL to . srHwrnnie. if any i'.i tav?. w hv j,ur hu-r-aii-'. j s: .mnel R. Kii-i.tffi. sh-ci 1 tu A i dirt-ceod tnitn ' the twit ef iaLri!ii iy mbich b Ls'.h oir.:rcted with y.u tee sail Jlsnra.-vt Ana R-;l. Trie saree - j al ly to the prayer of the ftiii and iriel eahib- ited arums: von oei.tre t-or sai l CotirL and this ! y-o ftsM in n wis- emit st t -nr o-r.!. Shtr:2"sora.v. J' il AIt M4AFF.R. Xtfr. 4, W. J. i Sber.lL JJISOLU Tiox. 1 ti par:n-r-hit) fcen-b.fjre cxlstini between S. J. M:.iir an-! O. AV. Cas--, utler tae r.ara anj fim of S. J. Will-r a Co.. a tanner, at Lisle Ci:j. is tais day. by muloal pos-nt. ditTd. llie ! boeks are "in tile hao-i of Samuel J. Iidi-r frcJ- j Icli -.to. where ail iciereftei are a-.w iiivito-i to call on huu at tne ! 1 tanucrr. at Iac 'ity. ,.r at h'j j K nu m. rttV ,tn'hv.t, ir.m 1 1 ' . I ' i " r 1 S. J. MlLi.EE, Cirt.tS.2. U- W- 4."AF H. The ta-isiriit bn."iins here. iter will be earri-l ito by Micliiiii H:yat tiieiid stand. w acre a-'i i-itrr,--:ei ar? hrartiiy laeiieti, ai he wiii make fcia! eCjrl to j lease ail. Bjt. a. It EGISTEICS NOTICE.- iTTjf awciiit limTe fifM r-.j'U.'r. wJ that lix ftiin ill l-f fiiv-iitnl i-JT fjaLrTD'.i an 1 i,oir. jt- it - rrj'fsAii' . urt. t i- btrl-i &( taiTs t, Kir? aai t;n-il a"t:T,t of Jx- b 31. TT-Jter. JU t Firn m&i flnai mxk'i of Henry I-ar, paariUn of ( First b4 CU3. rr"t of J.ha B. aoi Iteclrl S. Firt i5 t-il i t cf Wklliiim S -.rt. a-iin'r f 7 inf . Srwtt. t-W-'i. I ir: and nnal aer't f Hrrarr I ?3TJcr. gTiari iin A Jamei Sail-r. iirliiur. FidaI nev't 3Ii.4. A. Iv. xIm't vC !lce Fini af't of Jha Itir-n art.1 Nal aM :Xeul mm'r. I-injfhiin MrNraL 4--:J. Final cc't v( Ji.hD 1 t'uiaii. a-:to r or Isaac I ..l. I Final sec t of B. S. FWk st! Ilaciel FViT. X- I ecntiTsof Aiara l.ice.d-d. I A-,cnt trf J.oa.han Eittucr. sdni'r ef Gp,r:; i Tn-rer. dec'-E AcciKitit of J 'tn E. Seese. atai'r of Joseph IE IV'rk"T. tity'.i. At-.io"tof J.jsL,L Siitan.da aim'r'.if J.iLaGw-1 er. dee d. Aeo.nt of Jvan Lieseck' Beta, dee'd. A-ont of Peter Pr u: poariiaa of Anni; E. IlcTi tr L min r. Am-i-oat ef J.-vA X. Wal-.tr. aiia'r ,f liatau-l Hart Qiao, tltx-'d. nl..-,? lUrt n.nrt Tni'nt ..f Frv.' en k fciewker. -v d.' aaira w s.!biim j. j;i,,w.ih uttiuoii- tcr LWrkiey. 'it.-t-.tt!. li. J. liul.X ER. Sjiaers--- . Ps X jr. . Ti liCirh-T'-r. ROIL City Cun Works. T . , , . snt-e- i ri rr sara oi til XS. Call r sea 1 . r a pri,-e !i-t. . . , . . . . S3 Us tsai; I.n,- Iat.-rvlSh - in .t . " - v iu:i. a to STi. itrtca lyia-brs. Ksi to ..: Eh -S 412 to Ti; Uevotrers, a to aA- A !tlrr. IE li. sa HI LTE. S30 Ljitcrty s rect Pitts! anrh. Pi. Xov. 6. e VALUABLE FARM At Private Sale. Th? tsa imumed '-ff.-rsbi Crm at ; rirate sle. simated ftcrmii-" nnbea-; oi Lioier. ic Lhr- ier ttwc?hip. Vt'cs.m .relaal o ti v j, J'a,, Contemn 103 Acres, Ata TO acres etearetL Ca arcs In rn.J rocitrw, .11 well watered .ml has the iwrt timit-r oa it. F"tT further jankeolars rail on t"A McFariand. LjtieT. s-the Tmierrir-ied "n the piretni. ort. iaVim. THtiMAS MiJIXKlXK. UIILIC SALE ;CantT. I wiil sc!! nt the prcmi-.. ia the b. rar h J ; ot .m-s t ctitmiiie. rn : SATX'KPAT.XOTEIIEFE IjTi at lOo'ct i p. nt tie TA si-i i!cs-ri'-; rals t- We rsd es a:e. jte the pr-perty of James M. ! jsivi:. rtfcntr '.. rz'. line ia a rrttai i-intaiin- i - . fir-T-ildit le-rlies ocriet n.:acrvi on whi. h ' I .... Ti.re,mi eu,- iratoe b. use aad siaidr. sua- ; W! aid the s o;h si !e of Main s,.rert. a-H-iainc ! ....' WJ rf Xr)L i-be! Waiter. Siasn Y.m -hi and I ...! l J,.a SWL ka wn t-lsa of joA ' T ran mile kn wa t d.T of sale 1 ' ' li 4' STfrrT ! a a ;i ,. . ,-' . . 1 . T7XEcrT()i:-s notice.- 1J EeW.c of Wiiiiaa Iinb-.IT. he of Betiia tor arX , den-weed. j Lt-tfers tetaincntiirT oe the arr estaae harmz ; heea (-ranted to tbe aadersiined by tbe mtieT aa- V ti:t It .l-.i I -1 . utl i ' t iiit iinttTi . is herebr srir,. to th-e hrlefted to 1 - aoiiite paymmt. aai tL hariaa; ' taiTity. aotit-e li to make trame.: i claims iriint it toprcstct rhcai Only aathcnti eateil tt settlcsaesjt a; tbe residence of Iianiel J Brniaker. ra itrnth' !l-y town-dan, i Sainr- . 4.t. taeTtk-iatoi" ln.en'cr. lTi IHXIE1. J.PK. HAi-E2. ' l JliSEl li 1MHOFF. ' oct fci- Executor. .Ik'TT; c .". I Jb Is salt. .N.lLt J. . . .... ' , . .. Iir dirretpTi cf the Ort.ha'.s" Vert ef Stire-wt ' e ir.tT. tt. t tc , i air! of Samuel al.t,iicr"s j ctii irra. will seii, i the jirt-ffiiscs. oa ; SATrEIAT.XOVEMI5EK2l!.lsTl At o'ektrk. p. tra, the t.Uewiiur real estate: j M A ptanLitl -n and tract of land sitaate in i S'fTCTk t-wniip. eotitauana ii aerr-r a'st ' Its) acres clear. an-rcs in swi... with avae j i bara lacrear; cm-its;: uiere are on ire prraa- : aa orchard of IKarnie tr.-es. a raw orchard ! Wiwa t,, ait caiapand krufes w i-nk-r aar : '..a t L. . aa-.saa - - - t CUain - i s(ar aa , sli., s rf i ai-a-, u -sa;-:. " 4J vtjt: A.tv ; - . . . asm in arfVaw. wita 1-uc--- wi-.- tt vtuzmr ; a a i tl . 1 mill or eardinx aaartine. with Henry of Hastier. t Ttraas 4ite thir-C after oe-'.ac.iriT exivi.-s af S ; i lie ' ' i sale, to remain a lien. I be interest thereof to h lull ancwaiiy to the w clow, and at ber death, the innctial b t uiiiln-n of deceased: oce-thirl LaauL Anril 1st. l;i: balanee in three eoaal .ana-; payitsrata. aitb ul ialertat, w t sheared ca tbe J WILLUM RI EI. ort a. EHWAKIi liLLASSXEB, IB, f i. ' Gaariiaas. YVPITOR'S NOTICE. livlnr fxB ai-p 4ni I aa-lit.-T 1-t th t v.nrt to triot the furvtl in the swrifT liao. ariij.r 4 j frca thr !-f lite xaii tUl of Mary A. Mirt-! i ft n1 S. Mrrltoaal aroor.a thjse'le-iliT eo- j ttllel tberrki. I will aiten-1 to this date at nirof. br la twwiwrs-t. ra. ca tveiiaesJaT. tbe uth day I .be-SKhdjy ef Norembt-r. 1X71. at 10 o rkica a. in., iut.ll au-i j where ail par.ie iulerenuxl ran altenc'. i DMI.NISTUATOHS NOTICE. LatAi it of Jfwlih lvarr, lite of Berlin BT Dah. Letlers of a-iatisKratlVin oa the alxe rrale ha-rina 10 priated to toe aaderrijrDed. notK ! hrtvlir riven to t!xe la lc4-J to It tu auke iciuie rtrve jtsjmrnt. an1 tirade havm? claim ae-.iir if. ti.rr"Mt thet;i.;lT BB'liatkwK-d fr iiIvoipnt. Im' the 1 in r-i I it: 14. f i l-irtr;-!.ini s.j;nr 1st. ii. J. I.KI !;;;kh .-.a:iii;.:riw. ' 1 A K It'll P t Nmil" MtLlli ! S(ot. tierfe-rtl aew. I'attbjrr vra-e. UTS. Aij j number of IStrou&J-UaB-l ilri.irti.j kui oran. : nuarir.ff la unr-irca s.i ami u;ri. t..rrfiit: 1 . i f&iai.. r-i --.'I ..4 . . -; t. .. . t.. .i ; si; rvMi vt CHARLOTTE ELV31E. ) No. 1: Sixto Avtmne. Pi'.Uiurg l'a. ! Sole i jetrt for Prince a cs"s Or.-u. BUG SALE.s l"h nu .Vrhro-l e.nci.lre ef La wU k Frti J- line, irf jTt!ct4i ttensiij, will .fir ir sle on j SATt.'RlAT.thei day of )T f.M BEIt, Ti The a-Kirjrei Ucl if well 1131 .rr l. T.-rn.. r-n. s-xin-ie. JUtlXFKlIZ. j ml 3D. CH-icajKK-e. )UULIC SALU- I berc aid I a-M at puMie faie at the rr. 'ewe f.r Jt-ha Itaoch. lite 01 irj.hrrnrilli,y u,wutiii. oetStrtl. OX THi ESUAT aod FK1DAT tha Kih and ith of tiVEKBEH, IV.Z. thefi-tk.Win properly, vix: 11 n't. e...i;s. eo. j jtai collie, bvgi. wa jut, lityr.i k.w. t.irru!.. I lU-umiT. cay rase, oira-i.ii. hisetiioe. rrxprr au-1 mower, csithyr bur. burse gears, labiutig ttiiil. oe fc-t ot blarfc-uiiib t,.-i, han.erM. aea;. r oa.t and evn i-y tbc burfctt. bar by tie p.tw. I ta ttie frcn.i. A bsi. tsi. nr..,i,f. tatirs. : U.ain, sntce. np;rtl. t arenas. t:M an ! clucks. eaqi. ru-.klo-f and h-adr suites aai , pipe. ana l"xi ktkiies. bee-. a larir ra- ; rir'.r -t una itni.lejieais. a-j2eat.l.i aoi kuchrn lumitare too naiuemas to aeii:iin. aisle lue i-Mk-f st 10o'ci k on tfcs U'.h aa 1 to e. r,iino- lr.n day to day ttntll ad is M 1. ixis at- 1 U nla:, si4 s reasba-ie ere lit wiil t eirea by i HEXKT HA ft "It. ( as'jx r. errrxEB. tt jvu.i a. ti j 1. 1 Htuu.n. ! Ja;'es ot the tv.ar.sof uyer aul Terminer. srl ery and Courts of Cij er anj Tcrxiner, at SjmerU On JlsmUy, Xatrmber ath, 1173 T.mra krrety yrea to al! the Jaii-e of the ! peace, the t'-irvaer sad Cosaldes within the said t'ocnty of Si.njerec that they he then anltheretn J their prater persuns, with their iviU. retrdf. irjai- , . exati.jnatitrf. sol other rcEeraLiranci.i to ; doth-.e thtcsn whk-h to their offl'es and in that behalf .pp-r-atn to he it(e: SD-t th;y wfco will pnfv.ate sruinstlbe priMuen: that are ,,rf hall lie in the jail ol Siraeret (Vvaaty. to tie th-o and there, t-.i w-i--!e axrainst tle-ta ls riail h it.-u tjrr (irnri!. i JMS1AH SiiAFKH. siuiaere'-, tert. ;-). ( her.2L !.., . . : V U I J l i, I.N I'ltUIiCE. i I w Tfcs n3.rf:ed duly a;...i'iteJ I t tie C-tin d (V iii ci. a fi-JiJ S.imenrt 4"actT.ia to take , ii;e icim.viy. rept.rt ttie tacts islin.nitsia ; the matter of the ; p!i,-aii. of He:cr Ann 4ts i l-irae by her next fnea-1. A. Zu'-fc. vs. Ldiis M. 41 a ; bt me. f-r a diicrse. h-.-n.d-y races n itic-r thit be wiil. oa Sarorlay. the 14ih!ay of XeTi-aatter. lETi J at bis otUoe in &"Oa?rsrt, diyl-hirire liie ttuti.a id I bis ai pt.e .OMBt. when and where ail pcrstts ia i tt rtjted i a aiuni. ! K. L. F.AFR. oct. 35. Oinai.c- r. I: 1 IN I STi: A TO RS N0TIC E. Esawof Bcnjamla Lwry.tale of GreenritJ? tp tfeT.e L Letterf jf adisinisiratuaontbe.beTecs'.&ieliaT fc been rranted theaa-iersirie.! by the pr-wrac-tbvritr. notice Is hereby giTtn to tb'jse in-ieMe 1 to it to make imtniiate payment, an-1 tlae kacui claim a?amM It to present them, dalr au:l.-en:i--ted. bir settieiucct to the rjn-lrr?ined. ai the late rei-Hience ot the eeceasel, on ?ltiay, the lsih day oi XcTetur. IsTa. OF.OTilEiyiWET, JUHX Ii. UlWRV. Oct. 9. Admiidsiraturf. 7 CLE TO ACCEPT OK KE- Ft SE.- loLy-Ua Hod tetkr. wldiw. 1st. Catharine. 1. tcrararricl with S- lfOS--n HcaL al. AViiiiam. 31, I liarearr;. inarmameuwrtfii'i tcr.M. Say!.r.4'k i.iata. luicnaamM Wiin Joel yt. u:tT. ib. I'rias. fch. HTirv-t. Tta. Elixabrtb. stk, SanueL . "t'. i-r.-i. r...iu. ii-.ii. .tn. loe tn t i 'Ur njimeti are miners- .11 lae stx-re named heirs .reof Xtaer.t aaty. p.lJih.ttrariio, aiw i' de-vi. M.Tinrnitfechicircn. reitaisr in lou? las nun;;. liiiiKi, li.a. !-a5aa, i3:t-nnarn-l wi:h l'clt-r Shui'.r. t-f M-ntr.ja..cr La tr,Be ennaty. iMtiisaa. 14th. Le-ri. rci ::t, z to .Merur;Bcnr.liiir. La Oraaire co i,J li.h. jia- : ry. laicruian-.n w.:a i-ra i if !,re!!y. el Ai,e. .any cont.T.iLarTLicl. P. t. Eiiaii;k.'s mt rsi-t cocoiT, p.: re appear jt an O-.h- ' L"or -: ! s' -ars-t. on .M !ay. the 2" ,i.T f -N ir'" ." to acct-r or rc.'aec the 1 real esaate ot' Sanrad Hoetsteiier. deseti. at : the spprais-d price, tr sb-w cactMr wbr the sace Iui i ot be -.li. JtiMAli SUAf EK. ... . Naenff. SherilTi fiif cc. ie;.Jr l;b, li : to ACCEPT or KEFCSE. i-j i '.t'aanae Vt tii; key. wii'-w. Annie, io'ermar ne-t wi'a James lisrtzcL livir s In Marshal! co.. t, i-zmia. -iH-aaDt.tr. nviiij ia :araaii enoritT. West Virriaai. Aiisiioe. ititcnna fried with .Tack.in Hcis'Bh. H'-arv, Iliialt. in- tcrrjftarTied with Jacks-a lliatt. the lir. thrve nj ic is S Tarr-t i !i:y IJa. Pi-iiy inTcrmar- t ri - J wih J-4irithaB S-tyt.-r. lisir-ir in i"'arr.4l i 'ou, I lil Jionna. iiunnirri,.: si u iiwaan Mar. : li i-j in Faysite in. l'a Mania, iivir.s in Xri-rika. Vor .re hr " y a jTirit; ie :.prtnr at sn frj h.ns iltir.. to be iK-l 1 iii S iie.;...i. i:a Mtalay tbe i'4h Uya'Xv a : cr :e a t . se.f ;: .j-r. ii'tlxnal e a-e : J.m.u iVlik,y Wei., at tbe a i,-a,su jtrti-..'. ttri.s ;atti - wit the ane e- i at.; te sol I. J t rS 1 4 1 i li A I" -IK. .-.. ritT. Sbcrii"s iHLM.lKX;'.'.z 15t!i, t?TA. A CTPTJT'Q f"OMETITlXiX;W.aia-1-V-TXjI.V A 173 ;, i, .r;!... f u at shritt. atah ST'ti .a l nrie siBipt1 ... . iiroe. X. r. V-x.. il WAN I tLI. CVarthad St X. Y". I . f H AMI STAMPS !, rar!ii'. .rriili7t tw. A art, wxasted. W. H. H. 1&t1 k lirs.. TV NaLia f;ivet, . V. 71 J "st'1 stamp fir 1 nPfC .Hailiiirn. A. J. I!l"d 43takae ee. L'f. kneil a In, aT 1U1U. u .rrea SL. X. Y. i THLS IS XO HfilBt ar 35 I 1 Uy sew'inz Ja TEXTS : j wr.b kt. L. izht. o lr of eyes and Imir. y. a wiil i receiie .r retttm rs. ih a ei.rrset pirtard'of voar j fntore ba!anl or wi, wiih Bins snd datecf Msrrirstre. Adin-ss W. FOX. P. O. Lirawcr Xo. J liz, Faiiunriiie. X. YA WASHIN GTOIT ITITIVEILSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL, ! Baltimore, ZMd., Aow Open : STX DEXTS t'AX IAXTFJI AT AXY TIME. i Tbe Clinical advantaircs of the Seno4 sre answr- i passed. V-v. nw-laiitur IiissectK ai.l Huwial I Tickets. 1 ! Ir Caul cm eoitalnirr foil parti-ulan ,p. j iiaitim-re. 3.L , J.'Xm JfAiw X? Ti AiJtsij). T5 to -"aV per tr- aih. t Terra here, male and fe ' tcaie. tn iiitniti-e the trEXCIXE lPKiVF.U it..t..,iiv . . V" l." null r . t t -. - it . at the R - Haas, in fv.4Bra banb. at o 1 ' r-. I ante :-r . Harrio ntvrarr oftr2 w mt - - j . : . i a. etaae a ctr.utia a. wi;n tiv. 3 i tit . m " ' - 1 i-.t v. 11.-1 n . . tnin 'jc:t Ban- ; .. i.... ... , , , .. J ., . jdrei sal mi? acres. About 30 sriwclrr.sud i . " V . . V : .. v' " J " i.Vut 4 aires 1. mit.. a.th fc le 1 T""- rM, sr.; e'r I I therein creeled, ajctauar lno 'rof John R-biw-k. ! w.'.'STt , M' rf L-V. ! f I';.'riT". -- ' J.tba K.mm'iL Giiliar. Litt. .i.. rn I !jrr. ! : - -- krtrtiit.i. rTTac.ii. o-'in? i.i-'iu-. irn w.-r.-i-rii'-wTiei - - - :., - ,esrai.,i.: j Aostatoeer. oef. A - ,.f 'l.rii-r. l.irz- .tti-.. ;t ,ena. ; t'! r?.-l cbc-ipe F .mJy la: ,e ecr pah. . Vix , A trirt ,.r L.a l ,'1- .-- i A iv. ANliLVEAi It .iiJLd.I.i.'jX.l ; !' t m-r a rwr u- iet j 1. j , h b.jmr.r..l tarsa sa-1 saw.mi'.'trart it Q0UI1T riiOCLAMATIOX. i.-.-Uu. iv. X ; Present if the ajveral 4 rf tVm-. PhS F1 ' J V Iii. VcULWOr. Philai'aPa. V?1?:? .f tie Ctuticf eoeupteic tne ssxteen'tt Jo-li-ia! v. are .;. i ! t. ';- s--,r , o-'-tTe-as- rr-k 1 ", T' iT - - 1 ,', " " Mrs- ! Iiiriet.sn1 Ju--u.-e ef tiiet -.r:r ol Oyer aai Ter- f Kijil Ta-b at j H a li-'ie a'-e e. . 3.0sw .-E.TS WiMEB AT OX E s 'fia, hJ'T' ""-'MJL'-' f' ii5 ; amner ao-i Oeneral Ji livtisery. k tha trial of Fir-:la. SiPi New Ta !. t..j.leie. tsvo.S-.. B S tar new book, the Ufc oTtne mil kajdorer. aai'wnatV Ij, a ile'i-a' -n'i- Vri aU capital and other oflt-aJers m the said lnrtnct. j kaa I t-l k tde ovr 1.. w. stas. cija. . A -1- wrmvs mmae-s-s ,,7i -..r"? -"..a-Jt., -rt" anH I.rttTS A. Tmf FT tn, t4:tn H.,,tt f. .. . . ,t . ... , I 1 I 1 VHIIlin I I L . - It 1 tiuirea. Jadrc! uf tteCVrtf of tXaiccn Pleas.. d Wvsr i Jll V 111 VJO 1 Ull Jj. .,'r.TT j ""!.U&J- "' ln S :!CKIXIA Thii machine w:U stit-h. hcta. ftU. to-k. I , t - - -i l i . ... - u .1 n , i. 1. t 1 - 1 .H T- u .w i;r ao-l tmwirr mi mj! ; XSXZSSSRw hreTJ?. u7 -fi? ,,JT ! J1 warraatssl W n.ve. U e aid pay W.isial , any Biachina that wul sew a f.-Ftaa-r. o; re ; ?'i-"1- 'r .1,e.,!l,.' 1'.lot' cla a- lu lh caanot t rallied aprtwlthontte.ria;it. We pay .zenls frvm T i ; totaVO ts-r tauath sa.d rijunses. or a commissi n , , .I'm .linn m.1 . m aa n invit. ti- . i . . ui'iiitj ll i Ol li. . . . vt . . . ii...t. : i l'a.. C'Ltcia-i. EE. r M. Loais. Uo. Cheap Farms! Frea Homes! i the line of tbe CXIOX PlCiriC" EA1 Hi. K.t.ss acres of tt best Farming a , . , . . - ta iTal Latris te America -'.' rres ta Stir, ska, in the PUue Tail HlI.lsJ-I.nl ITF. ITTtTn rif11I . A . . ' ' sno-ina . sa-a uimng aa-aT'-ssa fJ,!r " SUS1 JTi. ... . l 5"t ' hTvablct termj aiceii. , wiaa i-oa o. sti.iiM , eisewbera ( a a..i The best bjrali.a fr C-4-dcs S iifft. euti.led I ta a ltcmenead of tSv' aeresL isi firtb? st Ucscriflre Pamj!e. with new siat s. pa'dahed ia fciiiirh. Grrmaa. Swed ish ani 1 lax. if a, mailed Ire cTerrwhere. Aldresa. 4i. F. DAVIS. Iamd Ua'i I. P. K- . Co Umaha. Xcb. J,Jr 'fai!lr .H V0"5 hakiaa Onue. I HTf Tw-a.fi' V I I.I.I- H U ft 1? P t V 1- 111 '-Al Vatcr StToet. ifcew iork. W11SSI HUEUE HI YSJI5 1AIHS. i CfaauBbrraaarsr, Pa Wpfc ample Gr-cirls aiyl etr jant Baihiin?!. s-jfit-: .ti ted p as tn be hots?! ike aa1 attrsrtrce. aad well ; X,: rqwiTfjed for taoroajta rdacational srork. will opea ' an Wpfc ample Gr-cn-!t and etr jant Baibilu?!. s-jfit-: tru up a to t w in -t : .tt ao i mrtc. itr. aasx wcii the fcrst Term of t c next Aeadeaue year Ssrpust-1 ber 4th. l7i, Fur Cirroiars, tppir to f An. I. iiir. K. C. LAXE. ' XfW Aiii'tTfiemenin. S- ;Oil I Azen'J wanted J All; , If clasnf f wwiiin pe4-le. of; eita"-r ex. yxtsi !!. wak at work I t a to tlirir "lore m-anrr.li ur U t!ie tmie ttija ' at rtt.irx !. Ir; i-lr tn-e. A-kir-(.!. j b n.NSt iX tt t. O.. i'onlAO-i. Jiatue. j IWtf iL-l-l-L-CTVi I a . r- Krfnr rl-rk iin.l i ,hlM t , B-k iDi tied, f XL Ul il LllXii ISityAXT, HodaKK. V Rt'SSHX jj TAhli. w iMt:ule tola- ofi n-ti hit 'A 1. r T. V. HFB.X . 1 1.1 Lit IT, Keafllna. r: A8n's aa InmM T"-li Ih-st-rrt l;-frWJ rrn SMWeTrTpat rtjctJ. Lrf-l lanuer in 1 ererrrWT who h ti. .h-.il .-.-it tr-eif-fcur u. -' AMILV i'tiliX MI!.Lt.i.i: in..- A -rri t arr. ! . . or at C'JSOSIT-l :-A V: . v.- , - .. .r - r - - ..,.i i , 'Vi, -auiT-S''iJ'Ve'-l'5il,il i - ' j . " 47i as a a-w rmr i l in.'.l .IIIKM r t- f i.3 4. aw w av B aa aai aai t if THE j The Itrit. r:iik-U5 aii! ntiti-.r F ' - "Pl'r'- i-l a Ye-T a.th the JVBlLEi: TEAK lMK. MDn,rT r. .a A t.. I 37 I'nrk Coar. .Ten Terk. iEEUD FOR A SAiTPLU COPZ. . ' Aseals Ti o-ie.1 for t'obMn'a i Child's Commentator On the BK'.I.r fortlte IIOIE CIKCEE. !.SW pr-. sVi tetrrtnzK Tie bel e-)trrpri of tlreveirtirs -r. .. Kerr l.:Ei:v wid base it. :lii:.; i;." i'. car c' .ii-fi. i. i.r r!r IiLit s r rL S. 1 .-:. a i. ' j.JT Psri. Iti.w. X. Ctitrj Mo? ant3i H!Tlt price psi 1 tj- jfirae oail:; 1t I t. riAlMnV. Sa.,S i iVntiie ia niit-i-.urrr. 11 AiarnSrcila i-. 1'tiiaJeiTl.i.i. BS?r Til? F ! "HMfB? IT I IB ?lTn I- ar.arp.-t 1 a Printer ofth- Or-wth t.f ifce Hatr aai AVi.:sk-r. Ii la neither siSckr n -r trreasv. vet it airtets au-t si.Us the Hiir far ie. tsr-i a a i ..- I :--.-. ci.- , ; : r -ia-9 li:c 1-n.i.aUa.i ia, W.irrar; -I rr- !c h5rnil. 1 . . 1 : la tVAX ACi; : DI t KI K Cor. Canal and Center Ms.. X. T ., - , t HTHJiA!-lilmo A . t ttUwi a ?j'-::t cure. Ti crtr a U x. 1;, ruaii. irmlrti ir-r. A-i-sri" S. I MIA Al . S ath KiLth Sir.-et. I't. li-l I'. it l.r ail l'rui-'Kii-.s. I raSereii with f'sisrrh tMrrr yin .ml was cured t t . iTrj 'r f -ir.r. V. ill .-ri-t n--i iM. t. ,-t- j aae t -. ail frl:-te"'. IltV. X. J. iKl. I Iirjwtr ITS. S; racaa X. Y. 7.T. . PiTTSSi Biia kt'.T-E.jjiViLtx E. K. C- dean ii7r;i vl . r:T7see.a.' ict. Iii lTti. j alter tn Stork holrfrra-Tbe k Trans - br 1.. as ol the r i'iMxirrri-. a, 4.'.neli-Ule Eailr'n l HaiiasT i.I cl-,l -n the lith of XTt-ixittcr n'-xt. sni St r-m.nr. uudi afi-M-tiie an - r.uai nicrii.ia- ot -u Kh.4t.r !n Iicrmt-r next br the elect Kn el l:rcc:-.r -," i-l t-nr-ta.-iT firtirf ensint- year. Cits. Ik ' S'LLaVY. noi'. -" st.-'y aai Tr -ij-arer. OWs-Vs k .s H.. f t -s t a t s .s .'as rh s i Vi T yj f' w"a ra aif arf"savsvwsiiiBtsarl( WVe . lea grai.fj WarsXajQ "!XJXi,jsOt" BiXsl' sjasijf J"'CXiaAff P.iCXJ'jO fA.sl,. si.a sri. . asf w a . J ni. .H sf Tm0 jtXKt imnff tUtt sea o sjf . RSI aaj Tj7 f YZS T 4 -WS(AXwia Ma 4 ialS -t- a V - fasyHXA"Jlj- a t.'a - W.sta a a --TXar s sTsTa ar Wil! bo more Cratifyins; to .the w icunz ueniiemen or our uir (aw axasJ rianaa.Ue.a. (r.a.M -a f iu 1 1 sow here than s.i. A'ajktas'lsVOsrs'4Vir l.a.-.sf a J sr V st alVa" "-"O 'T'rt 'aa'4.-a.iaVsft.;alfiItff -. A vj (Ki wa sKsf anrsi-stsO Of sfaf st t a at a .H. a 4Va.s e'lL-.wii.'saT,Wa-sfBj,jfj(aTk - Loam that Eisner &. Phillies are-" oa new recoivira enormous instal- oo! b mentSOf Beautiful New Stles on uress ana ousincss b jtts o- f nrl iiwarfsn -e frr KT s It twi ! and Winter oo J r TO ait vyxf a. .-- JTV if r.j& i rxv-cic:iywif-xrt "1T ft "f o..Ma-Ks--j ftbasfrW"iO"sil W -li.tL .4 tp&rp-XMmjfHX) ! Osa-t w-rjt iruf tt av g st"str mjl -rw vr rv.- at j "t-Thcn call at your eariiost conve- "o e-nco cn -'" X aTa.stJ- a .j,. a-sr aaT. ,r-w-W( wLYaUQ I tEafsnor t.J.! r ' -l ) oooi4riiX'.'r'a..-n.Xfci'.ioc frrf-rtoooCrtif..iXX ; , r -. i , . , ... I 0T. -U11 .VC. ailU 04X1 4t. ,K( j wio:miioi lw,Kiir.i, wo'iotw swuoooo PITTS3URCH.-'-'oworwo j (-t... ...... . . - ,.,,t. ....... ...... on j -.ir.i:CHNTT.IL( i:s.b M".ssias,A,(iKaaa.fla mjl! .a if a a slatrsO ra-jfsa asla-asfajt )Sy.fy 4i.l a, Ci tW KJ r aKXX a JCaH-K WW s(asf-ilstT4r-'ri a ' Hitas-itaaaast, av MAX Xor . ciiAU!:i;r.LMX IXSTITUTE axi FEMALE COLLECS, naadalpb. f'attaraasa 4'sa.ly X. T. The new I!. in r .rUrut-ha.L w,th y.0,s.j i- ready j This l-oart.ia-rie.4 wr -;7h sexes j ft ic-urnn ass aa aa-it. n-Ii u. nt. sica.-K 1 aa .inif . ex i trjiSiei- -rrea;T!i. an-1 sd..'an..ant s.-t-.oi ai.;iaratBS. I The W later Term iTas !. 5. talaii jnKS s:-i.t : free oa a;p'.ir-al- n ti atl.S. T. E1V. iiil S. A. M.. Irinrijiai. Xor. . NTERPfilSE The 'ciy EeiS i! Ic Gi.l l is rfl o Sea in Iht conritrT: I $60,000 00 ; IN VALUABLE GIFTS ! i j TO BE nisTEIEl'TED IX j ala. 1?. lr"a!aiaH 1 h EKt LlE i'jXTIILY" GIFT ENTERPRISE, To I drawn M n !it. "Sr cr 173. TwV O GRAID CAPITAIS CP MQ each in Greenbacks! ! 5 j Ta a Priiet ! Five Prise 1 Tea Priara... al.ooo each ... H-o each ..MOO racn IN GREIMBACKS! "' 11 .' i oi. .i,. fcTe VaP b,- and t 1 Il-Te aa-1 IttuTTT. wiih .. i t r m .c -! t pti hamcs wool Pianu. wor:h i achuacs, worth i,ir bait, w.irth . ea' h: fcT tftil-I Am ri -a. licatier atebes. w-ca i 1J each: tea Li.iies" CKii i Hiti;irir UiuhiS. wor.h st: each: tss O 3d aad Si.ri-r lA.-T-cr Uant- Ina- W aiebes. f ia .1L i w r;h ir.m aai to i-SM each; Civil Chaitv iifir Ware. Jewelry. i , i -, r r t . .. . . ..n i iiwrj,i,wj. i,csjuiiceicaraw,wu. j Abl.I!( tMllilOMlLTIlhlTS l"m Li!rral Preuiiaui. .ill be i j '- CleI.Tiel, et. 8, Ti.t-.t. est.1 Twelve Tickets S !C; Twenty - Five Tickets 520. . ... v .... . . .... ........ .... .. . . , ... . . .-- r .: L m it lii t , m i.. r ,.f . : v ' t , . , K.. Uniiati-i in rctereaee to t'nt I'i-Ti: alien, wiii be ..nt to any uee "risr-aig taita. A U letters re est be titir'"i : ! UAlXtiFFirV. LI'.S!VF.E,iH I 11 W. Fi.'.h Sa i'i.taia-.i, C COT. . , t UD1T0ICS NOTICI al i i . Harlnr bera sproiated by the rs-,,han.' Ceart M . .crtAciflniy an f. r b. make at-l r.ari e.is- j - 'i'of thefnodiatbr ham is if J.ph Han- ter. eatc u,,ai aowxinw l-.-ri:? tc.i:rc-; thereto. 1 will . 9tra4 la toe amies of dI apf-iafmeBt at atv ofr Bra in s..r.-.r..t ri.r 'o . i s f"v. ' i Temltcr. lra at 10 o'-iv.k a. m.. w iim :a i wucre ali pcr i ia".? a je-1 BLav attn-L ' W ai. il. EtXiXTZ. Atr.;:r. art. a 1)11 OU NOTICE. , ; , . . . ... i . , , i , . Coort ol Sirii c.it to make .al reil a ! ! airil'l. oi U-s la-Ki in ti baa is of Ike tnis- : te-s 4- the S.U-. t the rci . state d ItecryCalde. ! 'oereased. to aai aratcir tii -s- b Es en.tJai i thereto I will at en 1 to the cati- s of my a; p. Ut- i eaer.t al me ot- tn S .t:. t Thar laT. tiw ' i .vrTTTrrrm 0IFT t :7 "Z "uS-i . Kl.MMF.L. -.. Sa An.a-. , APXIIXISTHATOR'S NOTICE.'- ' :1TTANTEI. IN LARGE OUAX - Esvie of Abrahani.Ia.r -tar, lite if S-anrrs t Tre: 1 Let: rs of AdslaistratLa eo the '-ve etat iviriz been iTt-r.-;! to the nndcrsunied. bv the Ker. i isier ot aaM csmnty. 1 ncretiy ire n .tier ttrat I a ill atiea! at my resi icn-e. oa S;arjy. theS.1 day , iioreia - ier, i?. a w . u r i - n 1 t . t i-: ' . . ic are reqncs:ed to make p-ijaim'. al thoe kaiit; eiaims scttiew 4jet 1 aaiiai ..id estate si l prt-s.-tit tos tuna arttietBecU SAMl EL UAEt LAY. ' 14. Administraiur. AVw Al'',r1iiutnri,tti. i JDOIST'T iWELL? CAEEOLIC TABLE! ' ' '. Wi.li!- laiiaHnn ar i t'.i tsnrktt. tal the I jjioaly niiior. prrjiaratiioi irf fartolir Ari-1 t I o.i-r w.il krx.wa rene-'i'. n in tin e TM-l. n I ail j'Sj-.i' are natkol siciic.n aisa'aaT ioth-r. It a't rjL if irri'ti-ai-f the Rst aiTvf-rri-? f thrso TaM-'A wai l t irrely t!. ir cleann. L-nr ao-t aaii9 fnprt- are 3v n.-l.iur. j lie wcrrv-l. n-t rr trir le-i e4 1. it 1 easily rwr- fe-lia i; iin-ii-i-t mi?, !-n tt l-mmi rhr air !tter-tr i n!crlT '.iH'Tti:. twWflU't'ar : t"li ' T.i- ! wii. ; jit.-lN i. Kl.l.LmJ. Ii riU S;.. V. T SkiJIHtf iiwf.. I'lrtAnSI'tlsl. fw Wi t V. ITiBiJr. rP' THE 'i:KlX. tLSS. 'eute w'fcmak j 1 ai--nt at har. -Iut a rat4;al riir.iref: 1 ' i' n-kKe a ! t i won T AlJlf S hi! t::..TI.K.!KN". Ar-uiii wml : H::..r. it"- wo. -r. j" - Xsii Tbrv.lns Tt.iin-l. Ci.-t.; M-T--rti X-c t;- tc. j . t4 Unre. i. i i rn iaaii Xe- i . per day Sr: :- !-.t- '1!K uii - -t .ti- ei". t'. TH'JLiV nN a.) n.. :; Wrm ,y. .V. T. TiiEA-NKlTAF. Pur I liinpar Tea. l A'T"" KT TEA Irnj-r.i gfcitfXA V.' jrriu'ei ;o !: s!lta;-. iot n;j ia er tn.e 01, r Half Ptiiin 1 -in-! J, an ! Pa. kio eo- ij. 3" aa1 l V F..r-'leat oL'tiinii iit't y Th tirei! A'lHotie arj-f P..if; Tti I -j P t 1 x ia4. X. Virs. : " UllLnl UrLn! 4l Hiwisjr. , ! J. l" i" " 1 a ' ,:' -MEW'I''NS. an-l r J . ! ix3ti class makers. Jaeitaslaa: V. a- t-r. . st Ti rv 1 .w iirv-'- f.-r rh. r itn 1 1-ali.n ia -ifiaii tr.i.i.iy liiraiifj-ni. Nrw : tavr trii . ia 1'ik!4. 10 m m iini riT. uii-o . r l4cTi::,. Novim.'f a 4 1 iX ' El'.T' PA hIJK J Ol.i i AX. tae ux n WnntttrA yle a 1 pcrfn-t t. j ever nude, lliatrstt-l estah-zae saaileL Sheet ' Hi 11 -ir arvl rr a-c- niT-rchantiie. ictr I if r The rrreat w rk f , a 1 s j a oe Tear, i.t (e an.3i.r 01 i -1t tu ii:-...r : tubd oieiv iiiast ratal t-r Uaa- ; Iwr- ' .r f JriM-r-4 Veekly. aa-1 ottcr. eiii'-r.-- i-reiicfm' arl ennneiitdi- 1 'jii i T-rr?n!' w iii eti-'crr-11: ijien- . i"1 uf rsa-'el iWe 4bmT like it ; 'xr -fi :!... r pr-.i oltui -od ! ! TJ?!"'.. .'T' i T tf I ' ..",".-. . 7 i t- If I- III I.l!!5k M.KXIS ' l l,r,,Tt,r U.t 1 . 1 as : l. lit.t uKM.iioMr'.B a r.titx A - ! . . Ii 4 il Ti T' eTTll l f nr.m s'', ir l. J sa. aaLa. J .Msl A t , liofloa, I . . .. ... . . Agents it Sells (uick Aavezall cafe's, thd ins-t.le. tae mH ilv-sse-l. th, .e w! re ;as. e.-it.-ri: e 1,'ic. an-1 y- u'.h cf t-th seats tor ar,d .-ea.1 wiih lae irrfcsiisi'jruu:. I- KT JGLLY niEKIi'S UZtil. ; Mo LKWIS-rt ai tM--t rwa.k. It i rji-in ir. 5-o-! Kt -ar -i-irmtar. --e.. wbs-h ar. ? o ihel IKu ri-.eioas ttxie fftcjr.jCqi ut ! 'SVJ-i'S"! '""r- " i " t - -"i- ! TlirJ Yaarii in It ?nn.Trsn. i .t.i . ... . , . . . . . . . l .. .i ir. , . t i, r iu.iv wf . . r 9 . i II- teiid its isaueijv- o.i lurtatr. ao-l eaii ! savre 1 1 to ir:r!o-e i! in eTcrr c-icr r e! eur in-l. I: LiL-hiy rokw! t-T Ju '-r- liajK-fe. F. H. trae. i act j.riKir.iti. a Itw erT fr .liI. It j-it itTTfjl' i;h i;." i.m-i kit i I ivr- r i": m .j, rw-J in if to Z7 nK-t-9 we tr .n-i J Tot'tT-rit- ' ji-rriaiir Unfv ei?"CD!S. -- j f- r iiia;:r-ir l rir- I fai r his i trni--. r-i -n"r i.:" j--at Tt a4 ' Wi:. J. 31. H;)IAi.l sV I tkia. Atr-. I: ft m:i-aa- TODAY. fbe irrrat iiia-rraiel lV-W's Wrtkiv. Th- bt t c'.;t irr jnn.-tr-i. iiiu lew i and it n p..ar aothtr w:ir- ex.ta-i-.-c!T kr i:. We eiTea cty of theanparaei.-i rur mx. JUST EO HIGH, cTt-rr sni-m-rilT O. k fit r r v . ice pi thirty names a day. tu.-iiie pas iie tr.is. r-trr;.i r icras: iul s t are terriltrrr lur this pr-at tatenrt-. at etce. iA XtiAS. ST.'.DPARri k 4V.. Tii AiA.a Street, Phiiadelj.hii. La W I l-rr I saMW a t i til j : i it- i v i tt ii- t v . lULUflLAl A .ti t.niv.a.1 TFA CtjMPlY Have t wines eisinectiens . ., .. ,1 pns-'f CMaa uwi Japan.- aa-1 import thtirTea j .1 an mt t. lut-iiMi - mpirt tht ir Trw , ;rw uiioc u inula. i..ia- hiuij ,.ic CB- I i-iaee w jrn-wia. i.-a. sa riair i .-ve c , i-r ir.n.1 u.;r-at.. It i? rs.w fjstB years ; r "-; - - -. . i - J- i-t- '.fX 1 ."LT, r' 'aLT',"7!:'r-i, " : doc u tb-7 UC1 that we imp-sTt- atl 1 1 oc.j Tiie Ucst and 1'nrot Goods.1 An 1 diitrit a?i-I them to cor snst. mm in all parts ! - I et the l aitl Sutes. ir ice raia,! prv fit tjr. . I r ' ... . r 1 ... 1 twee?: t::e Tc.-im.wer ssd toe Ttvii-asomcr. We , I ottk imitetl the ytcm i suppl.Tit-r -,e."ainer ia ; i distant para ot tbe mantry wr.u Teas at Xew i j Yerk price, oa the C'iub plan. Ani iitae we 1 i aiit'pte.1 this plaa we bar- rursti tbe pe-pie of wh- 0 ani.- of priim- ts-cWi! . Send lert htb tlrealar. wl.i,-h ei.'a tr.:s ciTinirr millions ei 'ittoars aiir.aai . m Lae taiu fali dbi j THE OhEAT AMEKIi-AX TEA .. ! i il au i ii Vc i s- reec I I P. O. U X 93. Xew Yerk l ilt. j " I ! ryft'lHITt; air-.C evil I i ttl O S E BEAUTIFUL Lovely Woman, i X 'W an i liojiri in I lnTtn:i..: it r Iai-it ; ' ta . . " .-e-"5 LVJk'? J-'!-r-i VSl-iV 1 - eW-Jia-cta THE Arui SPKEEV I-I STI.'a. the nttlr I I .tumpiete one. l crlr:4a tn Heparin. a styhsii I I an-1 attractive at oearaut-e tj the nres aai It na of j i trrerv Ushbst i'eia.:r. Prb-e t!t i I TIIE PALPITaTIXi KEEASf PAI'S. a i c-naieritit vi -Xatere's Oreatcs: i'hara;. " ti i piamp ao-1 r un :cu beaaty. irraceful anuaiarizis I j m-jtK.11. anti traugr of ta-t ia ail its k-lin-. , ) t . a,"-, iki-1 'JTl-JAt Si-w sw .at v - f i VS.'twSr' "' "a3 THF. I.t rrr.I.t li'r nn .! w-h, nt I it. A'ktsit. Priee crlr s-d." I THE SIOTllEK'S LiKE;si PKtiTFJTOX Gives perfect trrsnn while .itache-!. MtAbers ! i .re delighted witaiarbvrntts. Price cniy 1. 1 iuf .a th. e,..m . i i ..1.,. . ,i im nt price, or samjdes t.f 'd ant oa tcei;4 of ti. We ! want .Millinen. Lirvaaakers. Keepers of Fant-r I Stores, and Az-ais in aenerai tu m'r.lu-e oiir ! i eeiimfeti iR.:)r la.Tltr ana f t - ! ' t- ttirn. ( tks. In altiitK-n lotae abtTe we maiaar-nre ! tbe Child's l.il. Irr-ss Sbi-i-i. I.ub?r (i'r.te. t 4'nriers. CrimjienL IHr.crs. ar-i .ii rn'rrbtr laaey ar.tclei, h Ln hi sua c tin ir.-n wear exvia- TTie. An exrra llt-crI t.i.-o n:,t to the Irate. Send ft lUnsiratted Cabsroe. Afk drtheLa Pcrlcto. trsis. anil lake no others. See that r tra-le-mark is stamped oa ail f ooas Onoe others sre jr-.tnine. -LA rF.ELE" MT1 CO.. to Cbamtwrs S'reet. X. T. It is not a phrs.e which mar srirt tcmrrT re- lief to ihe sun-rer Tthe Srsi few d.acs. l-atw'birh : out kii .ntti tn-, eases to .id ta WiakenuiC tbe inTalxl. a-r ts It a dtfrd litjat.r, which. an.ier tbe pioiar same of -lattcrs." i ii cxtensiTeiy palmed id oa the I eb- I lit as stiTcreiira rvawaiia tat it is sa 7trerd i ro.ir ana .t.trr-j.'irc. rrtonceu so by the leaOEag . medical .aibriiies of L-arinB ani Pari .sei has bem Lr ased tn, tbe remilar fT.trfcans of other ; Cttitri wi'b WtWfl-rNl P-m-.i-.( rcsl's , T.IiII- wit. wtta-i-TTji n-m .i-.i resne.. , a,, li-iEiinimiTiFisraoj'S ... - .... ,.,... , .,... . , 8,iii.i,i.wikiniJ... ilacTw.ai.f.o...rtirer...5p.'Ml" vvv.es. i Talc relieved a.1 the bi.l bennaea imparw i - "-". rairtu reiiero.1 ti iiire. the bi,l berotaes imrjarw . i by deieterwts s-rriyii". tirjdai ir. scrai'ainus or ' be .Icie-.er;. -ittii. ta. ir. scra;.;.a or ' - kia di-ases. LU.vhes. FeW Fwetales. Caaker. ' ata itv.ses. liitf-ses. leiusts. twetaies. caaker, Pimples, ke.. Ac. j Take Jl LtEEBA toctear.iTirifjLailrrstora ! ' y. i(.y.cp.'ic Saavsca fciess dice. ia is hJUbmIv ii.'i7. tha svs-s. I. dltr .t-rf with Pes of vital hiree. per.T ol the Bl.wti Iirop. ' sie-d Tcat'.eecT. General weakne- or Lawi!a.ie. i f Tike rt to Hia' -stin wSNal seaetlea. It ! t' i , . . . i - , ... .. .... . j ! 7 .-i.'.i i r ..'" TA . oiiA.i ,Z!7 : wai iauart y;k al mrr t tae n'in sarfcrer. Hare rvsiam or tae lAJriti t Y'na sre h dansn-r of Chr. sjlc ldarrhra, cr the dreadful la- aammatK sf the Howel. Take It to atlay irritatijtt, and ward off tea-Jener i. i. .. w mn.nftiiit.w. fJZ T t'.Tr.-.ATI -Lr!i f2 f'L.. vlf ie!T.I it" J T f " ""r".'!' " "Tj AA IT.- Hf. . Je.,'.t'Z'?t,,t'ia weakxc. cr life rT. k. ,,t , k.0 .v.! "'t-T' " ("'u'lin .-,,.! , x-.- T .i a. t A,t77', k..7" i less. Aba: ona fcamtr.-d acres rkar srsithe bab p. ff.'iSlii7a Sdtici.,f" u 'beral. Ficnty of trd litac swae FTire, Cioe Ir per Uotl.e. Send k 4 irralar . , . . iv waacean.! twadweil. f TIT! ESt. FX'B CASH, ! LOCUST PINS m w. W. A. LEVEBIX.F. I'a'iLrwhiU St. Wkarl Plui. aor. S-t ta. .Vw A'lcrrliiv-Uirnl. THE (Jit AM) o an Ever Exhibite Pianos WE llXV. NOV.'j ON HANI) OI K J .1 , ; STOCK OK lanos ana Orcans. ! CO.MPIIIS Greatest Variety o KVEII O Y 4o a-l r-l'-- u saj , i .1' i rs ni ;, We w irran-. rar Pi in an I fmn to be njail L. r liiaa D7 titier h..u- in ti." fi. t. ir t -.ii w-u ,r m tii-r a:ni a-: the f-rl N 1. 1 fcrt'ir-tiUr ni Pr-e Lirf. MELL0R AXD II0EXE, PIANO AlwD O BQAN PALACE, 5:5 FIFTH A VEX FE. PUTS IJUKf ill. y-, ri r- r--- 4 T t V'"-"" t .1 o.l l.r. ' O nn$, f rt Fri0 irri Vriet i-.u-J t ui -rf f pslJL.';Kf pol-it" tiiTT, at ttie "it.ir. It-iw.." ia -Tjii-rvrt. Sitsr-'it. the 1 lay .f Tra.'-r. 1-71. a: ' 1 ri'ic . St.. (lie .mi-t r- a e' !..-. Til : Ail 1 he n-ht. ti-:-. Fit ty. .4. la a;? i u, inier t si 1 cUioi of Hinci - f ..i-ntinr dest-rtred real ' witl Hfm. JZt.r2 LiT It -il o: W r;i -h f i..T am ,1. r 1 't . . : ' ciTrt-;. an.1 aa. ot iw ac-res 13 mea-liw. wjm 1 ja tw irjr awriiios - imi; srl rank It.itj: i uier .w rr-vr-i; a-:i-ta:iiat i iJS ot JtiBatllall ks- ' j Z. A eertaia tre-t -f iiu siiaa' la Swih- i J - m;-u m ii-nij-. - acwr 1 v. f -v-r i -irrr.: sal t'uot 4 rr ia wA.-i--w.ih f-ie a.) ! a hx',l-:ttri to rav? mn-i 1 ar tt,m tr,,r-B frv-:ei. mt'.ytmziX t.a..s of JInrr MarJL ItAXiitf 4. Ail ti.? r-il ir & li-j-vTir-'. rsri!. metisisarri bersii-reri ari zomenl u.- -cv SyitMf ah-i tttina; lulcr. n;n. or cnlaiced within : ail that ;"e -jt pjr 1 t lal seane in Sri.' nTre fal,7od' KnbxT.riviea i;, i l.tan-iA. r i I p.:iiian an-1 wie .lated lJtn Ja:r. . c T. in- . i t-i w.. vf,M T.,a- t ! X-..S. All thecL ira ore'.' ;imest.e. : m-tais. an-i nther sn.nerai an., mineral , -airv-t-, . 1; itx arl iM aa-ltr. .a nr nataige wuhia ..it -i. i j . r , tajT-ri vt ;iii , -I. U . (C m 1. T,- j an.pun town.h:i. meret t'.i.. 1'a wLn-h i ; , mi-re m:trai! pirv-Tiiiry a&i trs:s. car-1 . 'Tinre Kf titrl aDii s. r- r -v. a ij a Uii-ts ' j rt .laoi i-j tcT. anici a-.ra ai 1 tiicr.i, ' ; the aprtarteaan-t s. X-. 4- A ceruio trs.rt cf facl sirnate !n smf'-T-i I I i.twn-ui;,. -iiners-i i v c;ii:nir ir a us -r- i r nr . . ir rricr are i: at.resciea.r- ; ed. a-lr-iEirii aml of E .rt Laatra-ia. Amavjov ; ur w .u araa j.tHTT. wi-a.;a- ai wpikc. Xo. barr Uir.. S-nn-T-rt .. ........ vi t - - f. . i in . i . '-. I . e.:a:r.it2- . aer-. mure or less, w r. h . lanr? t4 rt.-rr fram. tiwi-li-iv. z b- nse. s:ai4e aai otnr ic'ltoai iin th-reiB ens-te-i. an-1 km n -n tttr as-riritl r ian of jiaid P.wr a M X-i. ii. a: ii,i2 ta X ;. il'tie ;he west. k X-x. 33m the eit. an 1 -:r-: . ' w crli i&! on the r-Bth. al by Uni .' Baiticr V: Hm-T.mia Il.e .i.Tor.-.. 1 Xo. s . Three certain tots of arrr.Tand ina tn : S a ! . i -T t. r -. I I.. .. i a re en-fa snure or U-i. arvi k-wrn oa ;he sreneral J t pain os sal i town ss i-xs us. ST. je ami ia. ad ;j-4Btrar M X sa the B-nth. Shirer Uce on the teast. bn4 laaeon the a a-h. 1 Sraitl.'. av.aae j as tBe wee', with the t;tirtfase!. , 'Z. '" i' ?" i.ii.e ;a jaiaaaca , , 1 - - - : ..i. i r-. it t nrn. .ij.-.aiai iaa:fii ia-nry iiicii:y I iJiii sitjitlt. w:.n lae ajijarrcnaacc. i c:ie-i aj i uat-1 tnex"ro!i i as tte pr.rrtT tjf ......ra 11" L.Ta: t cn.t ..C I 1' U . .. i jj. s, " " ATI the ria-bt. titie. mreivst sal c!si-n t fC. Beech- 1 Woit J.,Ln J. Scbeli and Jacob i-sl. aaioecs . ot v sa. f. 5caeia tan: in o srii tj wi;h J--ha l'- R"'T-i- r'J the eaaL ire-ore. Ume- R.nM vi:i.ireiii'irie,:M minerals and min- t-rai ?-twrr. . . uiif aa i reiu aa !-r. n:rio. or cttrj. laiaea ai: aa a.i iat i a nh is. ail ta! piece pare 1 ct ian i. sita, Saaiuiit tiiwn-hip. S- tne--t t jjcniy p3 W"CB "f. , - " par.moany .ii-ril.t by mete, an-l tair.iS-ci-or. .t. ; . .ii ln.-m Wiliiam M. li 7jer aai t'atha:u;e hj wire, dalci iii Jare. lo4 cn-.-ani:r, IA) acres, aiyvn inr iaais -A Sarracl ii. Wa:k.-r. J tias Xiii. r and otners. Kireiher w::b the bcretiitameciis and ap-l-arretsanrrs. Taken ia eiecntkfl as the it -nertr ef C. lieh-r Tt- :i.i.i. ti.. ws J'"" j-isuitii i JJfja !. an-raeesof :h Jt an V. JT " "H 01 - ,- " " " l" " , , Tf AEi i Ail the rta-ht. th-. otcresT. and claim of A ia-a F c. et in nti to the diiiissjTnl oua.rii: 4nerrt a.nntv. P., near tiie l.'ra-h of ssii-.W i i-arr. t..wn ie.i tas i ,r stiotn ey jie-aic- sirv-L. t. n nn ty st Jt. west t-y any. esK ry strse; wita a titae aAa a cail sarv a ni r-iiiaa b.'e th-risi k :i-:af.nr-..ui.! as ps c .-T t.f I ' cr"-;td 1 icet by ft-c. wiifc I . 1. 1 ..-11 . ' J I . r-.-l n n . I T.-t A lain F at ite Jail ' . S. Imv. t. ' AL. ' ; Ai; i J. M, tbi r ziit. ..i i.-. niu-r . s' .-n 1 .-iiinj of S aa-i 1 iiiu-. -f. ia t-t t.. ;.-.r f lasi.-. t -' i t t- i.-.e ! ;.i,-..'.:--!T.,! -rr.sin i d irTtfln l i--:aTe i.-otsay. I da. aa I k-iwn a lit IJ : U -.i rTu.. ij; a;; : ! real vs a.c. T,r: Xw. ; at li-Ii Li.y. sail h - ir-o- ri pi in it s W 1 Jlltf . i ae- a rr : 4 ttiaj- .-v;-t-i f.. aa i a . n.- .a n ha!. -rr i a ;.-jih t. a :i ir ; -s.x . tip r t:y f.-.-t le1. w. h - apt afrtia-tss. S-li-t 1 takn ia execa-a-a i's the i.-.ict t.t Si-a;Bel J. M :a. ari". a; :he v! Liaai. i a.i.a;ix. lat i All the riiht. diie. !utr-si aai claim of Angrtst Frr.ar. . ia aaai to the foiii wonr defrr.'ieti real escate. tia : A certain tr--t ol lawi sit sale in Eik UJt Wwuhip. Sv rt .utkt, pa., cnaiiciiiir i acres. n re or Ices, otsti a ta-re are at-ot ou acr, sclcare-1 an-', la acres In mcaiiow. wiih a oae hail staifj Ira Me owtiur-ar b n- aiad lara tnereim rreewj. aJjttrLtcs lanis ol m. t inxfit. ; rre taair. Hcnrr J4ar&cr. W iltroai. I John aau arl others w lift tne atitairttnancf a ' Seiaeil and lakea in eaorarion . ihe prufpcrtT of j Asarttft Frickry. at the suit of 31' a kacay. 1 ol Lan.-iiaa Mmktrnoer. ALsaa Ail tbe riaht. tiilc. iatercsi and claim of Mar tin Werattlc. if. in si i 'o the ddiuwicz real estate. " " ''- i- in i 1 'o tae ttii.ttwinz ml estate. tu: A certain two c.ry bt-o.-e siioiate in W est Salts-'ary. S.iaerset ciuniy. Pa.. n lot kn-'wa as lt-t Xo. 2-tin the renenl pi.ia of sail West Sail, bary. sail noase t-jnar smy-srx Ieet frmt. with tw.j winas. the roe brtaat T feet ni the other tr irtr iet. Taken hi esea'r"a ss tiie prny of -i i . .u i, eaeie aa me wit t-l s. . l tu r -i ni warl Iurt. iamliermcx tra 'iar umier the firm f . ?. liars; a bn !,aaairr'slmc,) JiiIAH 5HAFEE. -t- . lTi j Mitr.SA T 'ST T OF CAUSES PUT DOWN Li f- trial at .Wremter Tena.-l"Ti ctaitacnc iaj ilii'.h X'..Temle-r. lKTi. est wris. Waiter A. W. t Shaltt fr-orx-- C rt ol. Weid TbAitnas Henry as XctI Jota et .L Mtutlier liaxdei t V'srlieer H...m.-si. Mt W-fcer John ts Tnmtte Iieurak. I Siatc Bank ts Lnfirid jt.iin. ) Hi li ind J ian ts J.a. Stain'TT a C.i ! f-heil fc kiurmel TsCUyn mu H.nry. i ny.t,ramoel P. ts Ei. d! a iir . I P-crkr-T liaxaeirs Itah J wph. XctiI eirwrre vs ilti.-.'ia W uiiam. saotca wxzs. Sttner Jahn O. vt Scer Chart' a"i?aoe. kuramd James ts Ut j-.-..;ii r Lanel. 11 . ,-..-l. I . a., t. .,,.) ... 11 .li. secirer Alam rs B -utT a tu:iar. Same ts Same Faaeri-k Jv.than Same. Kimmel E.iwaM s ase ts Smith Jha M. Met 'art bv W illiam ts EeUiv k Hcrrinsu n. sb.lfer A lam vs Same. SaUiTaa V h-fael ts Same Sip JacoS, s ae rs Kinase! Sinir'etoo. a... Satoae!'. mam rm Turmer 1. . I rent V, uiaim ts Uenhaas. A F a. 5-caft Lewis k f ts CraTer J ar. b' aarri-hecs. vtti.t eina A. er . l. t , i.r- jim a. . . aa.i " - . - i ' - iw,ar... T IV FCl'TOtl" NOTICE M. .tUllt-t. is ,T. . , , . M-JA";-Ai " '" - ' . 1 '""y? ?T'kL K io sua? I Letters testaareBtary iu ine iwhk aarmz : ntcd to I ft Bftj-r-incl by tne tpera.- ; -tat-w a orrW-y aoea to las-e indentea to M to make Immet.Lite payment., aaj te haTir.a j culms aannast tt w dl present tbea to the aauer . SiX-arti hr seu'eisHnl at the late n ic! ot sovl , i drre.se ton FrvbiT. tbe9h ,Ut of liccimber. Ti. HEXKY K.tl CH. I A A Li iX F. B1TTXEK, act. 3. tacrotttrs. -' ipiuv ATE SALE. ' " win ? M at prlratelsal? a tract of land t SrniA2eld8a, Piglw Pa- coBiaieiiiC tae baastt-st aaa kny aarcs. saurs v !b.ba. Anr penwi or ptrsct. w-stma any !,e'"rB',fc"1t'? a.ldreiB? J.iaatira We the lath tut ef tTrmber. 1-' JUalAM liKl. -.rDtewart-aDurner Vatttatnl .ra asW I a.,.a.ea. atCXk I T)OEPSXT.WT (X j 4 1 LEU fc. I arcstc - .-vl im ..La'al loratara. teoariacte.1 and best swsia.-ed aatiiia4 is i tha i State. F'r term t-lc, addreM ate. JuHX H. ; I B&AXEJZTi l'a. D. i Ae Adrrrtirinrnf. EST STOCK d Organs d in this City. ) s IXG THE f Styles and Makes FFERED. l ot t: ; a r ifv-i-c: ren;, 4j -ists sal to any ia thv -airk-f. sa! -rrwaatee -rar PrVrcs ' '.rx---Tit cili 'rz as. I jn:L!y p-r-n-'s. 1 Lk"t. 'Purchasing Agency We pa.-chase aa-1 Jjrwirl inr ari ie 01: SOLD In tii.f eiij al ti-e t rafs. Par.cia the r.T5u:iry w runs far-!3.- Pi ary. ' T.-i-i -w'.-x vi'i.tTfc-s. tiTji,.. ft.r iTi-r. Xur ry J-weiry. Forniior. rKuo-rr. iiir si-f. Iir-i.-i X iiSea; xvrt . Sn- tilr. r;,:i;i . lnj'm'. k-sc.w,:i '.,. J hi - a-i to as. Ail X'jia iitli.ni:htls p tn r- kit. . wed and h-nn ar-t i p-iar-s rwaried ry 1:: nt vi are fta.-t f the c 5:i:.-r. A.! ..ricrn p,-". a:iea..oi t-j. aol sti5'-.-:jrn irna ran A ldrts. piTTsnrniiii sitplt c o -t - I'ITTSfiCI;GiI. I'A. -; EXCELSIOR FUR EJIPORItTlI. J. ISJCS. sr.rtsAjB to ;'TOHX FAREITSA Ar-h S-r: . aii-tiil-of th Rt.i. l,-,-a;-j IMPOETtS AXD 3tAXt"FA!; EH CF : Iltaif FaT5 tr ial Ciillrs'j 73. Wto!ea!c and EetaiL ' "T.' aT1 J I?? ? - t-!-rs ti tLi r&I-r t-j eoi a3-ira-c.ne . -e il - "-ti " ar. a an ieT-rrr iae-1 r., ea rv-swta.iis to effort sa.es. ( 1 ' f ALT EE ED AXD EEPAIEEii. i taE'ra-taVr te S'ct", Tt Ares S' rt. Phil- ' l It !ie. 126 Sciithfieldtrrrt, PITTSBUItG, PA. ttai'ir, r tt C'fr-r an! Sheet I--n : ware. .--, . i . ,M I 1. t-t- iin:xLnas ar. i Kirk T-n U" I i, . i rt'jurw vi ar. Ki-:.--.'rar.r. 1. f heuj. Wi'-r "'.iier. Ice fream Freetr. jyird 4'ar-s. as V.-ir.-s. am II FamiSLiT x-ne-a .t wbe:,.a an-i reta:i. Pr pri-ar -f lie iidjauU.Jaij Uiliiu "The n . fol icTcrtin ef tbe aire. S , art; -r -ipear woe! i-retK-wne,i r-i mt-ixvrZ eita HvTsSZ. reaV ,4. I T'i Tstrab Car. nl Cookinc Sis-re." fijlr- j i;e si.e is trie innj: 'he day. ani tbe it'.- ar- trir.ii me kaj iaai sal rue j Ian' a. Grccsrs Cwd$ a Specialty. ort. 2. I A M O N D r & RUBY FURNACES. POWEEITXaad EtXiXOSICAI. HEAIEES. Jaaa-a A. Lawsua. P.irctee. n. I.;.T"Ti. W AEKEX A CIJ.. 2M VTa-.cr st X. Y. Speedily Cured. AU Sirrosof Venereal. Prrtate .! Xerr.a? i-'ts-eases. at tie Ud emabihea tiu-ar-i Jlciical lasti tate. X-x irj s-. il a-. suae. Itrtweea sin:'. . U: i-i an-1 Urant streets. Pittahwrzh. Pa. SeT,ai. It. Ij- n- rra. tsiewt. TJTi-Tre fwKlt,. ! H-ni.v an ! ail I'rtriary dlse.sr are cri in tbe I saorti'i rit ie time that wiil mesre w-rmanent I ,"" - 1S 7- tn i .te n. t r .nil w-aant-ss . r tiibc repair ef s. if a.-c-e in o-:a or iae - i iri malun-r ytirs. a an waa pr.oe . frte ' . - if-wtar c3-.. a rea. U-;o. .i... "'"-i1- iness. n-nt av.-.. .ir,a..-. cib-. rts'- l.ia-u.. - ast:;atita. dar-f..- y. r re j '.. u.c 'i.a. - o-4: fa-Kic -l i.t-a-. aT-rOjtt j ao.i e ia, pi w.-r. aa . ai-i-TT. of x-rr i-b n ii Ti.-.iai .'r i i nil a-ua-.i- fT ia- it sn- r- raiiai.' r,.j? tt - . .a.tr.i' .o i w-- A Br 't ; ttitI -i r a C.--- a. I ? t-:la4; T la (. V Dsiirr .iiit-.i ir a ri-.T It--. r c&rar-i-. a.Trr ; t-t-XL tiT WiU friik v trll v. 7 Ti-v;e .a r n-: , k znz ' a-a llsT? J- -ii- Jjrt-r -taali f lat-aTJ.ILa- t. a.-ft-intr;ir-T (r riT2 miCT cri4 r.TtTi Ufcty tlif J ; Fa trpiT-i .rr B5.iU sjr i; irs. rat wLi-re pi., it ip r-rt w nit tse etj W j:rxii e--r-cL-.'.Ki: ocaJurs Girard tfedfcal Institute. No. 172 Second AveiiTie, PITTSBUSGII, PA. 4.S 5500,000 UST BANK. (.BAND GIFT C0NCEBT. Postponed to December 7th, 1872. PIE SEtOXD GRAND GIFT foXCEST in d ot tbe Pat-iic IdTrary ot Kentat-ky. is. n. uir-e-1 fcr St-r-teiz::e-r its. bas' been pos."i.r.l to lr-cem:vrT. IsTi bet-aae the aramutit.a of or der the few day beinre the uraw-.na mavieit pi.y bliy im;.isFi' ie to a.l them witinot a lew dais Jr-lay. and a . shvt .stiaaicma&t w.s ineiitaeic, il was tietcrmiacd at dcief it to a time that w.toid make . fad drawicg a sre by the aai of aa tne l-ttc:a Tbe aasicy necessary te pay ia fall .'! tfceoff-red -rifts is n.-w :a depiisit in the Farmers' ami It-w rcrs" Ku.k. as will b seem by the kiti,v;iig cvrA caie ol tae Cashier: FaairEiia" aan Pat.Ttii' Bail. I LortaTina. ki. Sept. at, Ti J This is to certify tkat thera ia ra w depcait in this tank "Ter half a miirita of d-Hi.rs tntarCTT-iii of the Iii ft Concert faad. tafsun ,.f whK-h is held by this tank as Tresisw-rr A the PWiilie La, rary t-l Kentra ky to pay tfl ad rifs to be swanii-d at the lira.avjf. k. s. V EACH, Cactier. E0v Prircsv aoountic to 1500,000 IN CASH. WEI he aw ir led. the hiarbes prlies beinc a;.u.. isi.msj. tat&Lui. aad k wa a rrymar arrwtaataua tu a'esi. wfcit h is tbe - west. j Tbedrwwmar wiil piatrTety aad wnetrai-rocany j take pia.-te Lier-cmber 1- Arents are perempwrtiy i retnireI to c!- -e and make reiarcs XoTcm ber t. in orier to rir ample tiaaa lr tbe anal ! arrmnzemsota. Ortler ft. kickers or appimtii i J.-circa lars bcasl te sublretwet t- ti-T. THI rS. E. Hht-ATttLETTE. A -feat Pwaiie Li Arary of KentnkT. I (let. IA " Ls-nasraiie. Vt. cJrr,y?i&rj-'-:. DITTCSIIBSU na '. . .." n r m' . . A"''""T. ." r?!" .'": j';' "-.irTiu.. ThUs .al -e awr'e.- r-i r-J. . TTTh . Jl , ;'?i. "AkTri .iti ,.. . Tir.TV.T.w ier-e. wee;.l with it a. ki-rrat. P.t aiTaMderart- mcnt. n n-odt-i oa a sentafi' mtey ras Patrre-ae-i I t the s os of iw-rrhan:. Kiak-rs. Farmers, itleriianirs aai Ba-iness Men. fr.m ail pans of the I ailed Slates. ttBaeata raa Eater a aay Ticaa. a-F-r lanre dcsrriiTa Clrcclara, arrrin; fa pan K-niars. aadnss tart M J C. SJIIT1L A. Pnaripji. CLAIM AGENCY OlJrat la ta Staar. B. F. BROWN Jl CO.. Coiiect Prrt-sais. Bearitv. sso. W aea, ac. 5pec'al atteitfcia pal t sastieadeda'ai seyrTed riaims. ApaocsaaAa by aai attawa to as if atjc ia perssa. at-p. la. wPteifreederTTfc ASE liuraa ut sir eo&L niJf'w'ASai-aCAi'S WatrrS-X.T. i-S r i - . 1 it 1 i. ' s f !a- t ! i ' '