The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, November 13, 1872, Image 1

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:ns of Publication.
From WUW s?Wt of tit Tia.-
bM riahiaa;.
" . .,-'
i- r;
-r i- t
-r.rr Weiae'isy
to. wiU b? rig-.ciii--
u; ; p.r- B5 tl-e ' fOa"a
.5.-. A-'-.w?
as"", all r-
B tkp t ijnir
S.I I,1 t
J Vi 3
Frir.tirg Ccmpny.
:;n t tvvlu
iu..ii.' SiaTiSpT.
NO. -2-2.
- . i i
' or went to the
, ,. c 1.;, I P i,t.i!i: .TV 1-
J.I7 ti in-os :u
' 1 -
. i'i "i.. Si" !'l
.Vtt ,n tn l,. e-r' w -aH-rwl
i Tie
ecp tender
I never as- vour letter!"
;vki .;:
r L-l irt'
tr-r, .T hi 1
: 5 Tiein-
;.. if uf Hie Bar-
V V4ii A a
t.- re.
Kn reojued ias Here &
of U la S iD- m-t cl
Few Doars Above the C'd Stand
i S AT
i jui ' j vi u iaviitv .aa weauiue ; gty mf, t,or Jaw onlT tor
! ,iw i.i,.t .iir-v.. , i eviuld make fan tou. little s!iU-r. isd ' mi.rf n.t iV,n ..r.-i. 1 i.;
firj; i w as yjsny wa iy conscni. cuii,i "Ktiith : ' be aid ia d
A ; i atwTOo-jtr wry ?ia ox esunrs, i it rt!i.!uea io ot a time ana tuna ait incs
Ukethir?.ithtmrrt--avendpii,i "vfcv net vou do as Charlie
Tieir dam wr BJ icoe. i tT and rtt married, and then let I n-
i.l.. T i . v - l 1 lin
, , , , ., . . A 1 1 jc ) suits r s ui iii u as uc uif a?ca.
4 jf. 4. f . - , ; For tbt men trftb East aad tie SliJCfesad H etrt, , j . . j-,1 ,-
i ihemtefj Ziijirrenl.ptr Wivh t w te bist, j "i don t know. We didnt. oa
id on Ti;i iMjuviU. J Kwe m t m ib!t fai,;nai eu, I snow me oiQ jaie pfiL, .name, mat
' E-rembisi ta the Dil-tir Lint rnoclTel ocr ' ,. , . . , t , . , . , I iiVM i
a , Uj ; i:w jit unjn tu i .
I Uni.t'ui to out fri"-ci oa twiiTSim ict innr Abu aniline pt rrrj. trcsic him wae CH&m;
fllsfre that be did not 'to the narrow lace lea J!n' t-j the fitnu ; look s-o kind of awful that the c-Lil-l
injet nie, aad tse tneto iiiarrr himj. In ft moment it would be at'dren eualdat Mand it b- way. She . . , v
iatonee. I lorldLhM.ttiebut , Sbe ,PraI!rT to her fc-et.and:w8, a!way, dropj,: it ont. UVndt'idltTlr Tk
i .... t . K. - . ' faced a tall hearslv Warded maa.wlt taniiii- n her old dead l;?ht on the V ' . , - , . "
i did not rsve iar.or ttasoaslt One i .i r., . i..i.ti. a,.J.,.... 1 if-,. . i the As-tor. I bare always made Jt ft rule
am iuw ; u uv 'uiivi fnLUA rn i . a
could tell wb:n it !tj-d out, Itein
blind oa that xde, v j -e.
; to bare the bet of erertb:n? even
if I am obii:red t i et trusted f .T it.
I hain't Wn at the A -tor but one
somebody would bare to bunch berj
i dav when the clerk Jiroajbt nie uiv
1 k!J Irft vr is m!l pr: of thr Tzu-
tii Sln". ? k.D i 1 dUik i&J In Furrum crotrtrifMi.
; Boy Oil l. n;- ti KwrnucrBt iifl at I
; irivw mrkl ruv. laa m-mrv 4m aiiprvmij f
IH-Miniy. ul ( a: U-r bull m?b-
rl 3iuorj r-.rJ tit iicjiI;HTsil;oB drama! 1
She was resting asraint bis breast, ' and sav, "Yfiar game crc bez fetched j
A untax j
" ' .u. i " i w . ii . ii . . i , !! ; i " . , 'v , . ....i i , auvi, uvm, null v ii. t
told bim how she had f iunl it jail of them would hare to sit and
''Mattie told me all," he said, "and j wait till s-he jammed in it ajrain j
1 came oa at once. On, Ld:th, it j wrong: side before as a general thing
seems to Ciu
yoa ttill flul
L bappiaers cow to End j and as a bird's eg?, being a ba-Lf al
!Iardri.r3 cf Every Description,
, i HiV. A
. i-u-
r'iii.M.Y AT LAW
S-.iik ---t. :!!
ur.i A u- c.!iv m:iJi
ATI- 'i.M-S A I
ii. i-r-i u x- ia S
; ii:i to civ B a triaL asHjriny all that nr riiali at
' ai) do ali we can l" rr itire Mifrliir..
i- Fia;e Jl'HX LiliiLfcl k. CXi.
hare t-n-ar ia r ! " "J ' " "J
! la trrariirnr cum; tiif atruitiu carwr.
ftiJl uir own."
Luarl:e a:J Aiatt;e were tuliy pre
pared f-.-r the return of the truants to
"Douglas and I used that a? a post-1 Newport aa 1 the autumn collected a
; office. We would slip the top back aj concourse vf dear friends to witness
little, and there was a space under it 'a grand wedding, few .suspecting the j front side, st which
aji Andy and T-ruaibtiii, anj b T;i anJ j where letters could be secured from j previous courtship of the handsome ; tamed it, it
i23LOOH) PUR G E ! ! AdJ lllt EU,j,r io 13,11 "e,t 1"113 to u,-ir
Arid acqse sat wurili rrec the vere there,
Wbotn a alry atabiUtm bad bliiid-d t risfat,
ttr ;iariic malice. r icrs.Diil fli.
,i : ?.. 1'h.NT-ST. S m?J!'U
. t ' :r. si ji;in ! rj' fv.:-s.
t i ji i r i-ar'O t Ov
i-u af Ii.:J: . r.xuiaunz. tl-
', -ii I"' t : aii kiii'-f. ! !
J ;.r;i- Aii .i-.r-ti-t r
jaiifT. Ta.
"ii iv..Tf'i ta i ';M"'i,in
l i A-BU-. f'-IH't. '
':l.L. ATTKNi Y ATLiW.
.ii r.;-l imilinvift'ii- ;
't re '- UTi
t-. is. T-j 2v.
i ,
Aa3 rowar Jeff. Ivxs. ant likrwi?- ii-j Bail,
.u- ti
iVcodeu IVare ef All liind.
Aji-i i'T?rr:j.;r.- 5 cs;iii- to tie LaB-p tra4e.
A2i I) O LA , .5, ! Tti Remrtit bmr SPii io n crer fwraj trr,
' atj-i mml thTam3lK;5 of ntM to;i Jrei U'TJ
:'k- In the jpdt'f'i. It ha on failfid is a ri-: But the mtn of trar arortli Willi oor migit; a-
gle ease lo pive reliei if n-jl tnurcly care. j earJ,
It If panica;TiT rewxaia'.n .lea ia the toJcwis
l or the he a nr, lives
coxrLAiyr, jwecxatisx,
tricmpli of truia to It?
Gave Uia&k ior Uic
Harritf r TrXBGarn.
After Lax; Yran,
ram r wma, or, wnai was more iui- j conpie
'portast, prviDj eres. Jnst at the 'rears.
!time I bad given mr promise V
; Douglas to be bis wife, facie James
was informed of oar meetings by
j some officious friend, and kept so
strict a watch over me that it was
' impossible for me to go to the village
at all. The old gate post became our
j only medium of communication, and
Dougla surged more earnestly to leave
! tLe farm and become bis wife. He
wrote me one dar he must soon leave
who were united after long' Old Miss Wagner
on a borrow, Le
lt ! Kids a t alt.
" Is it customarr,'' said I, ' to par
by the day ?" 1
" It is with nu n of your stamp,"
he reT.Iied. i
S "What kind of a stamp do rca '
I tike me for?" said I.
I " You look like a two c-ut
j Le replied, very iasultiag.
; either par the bid or so out.
i you 2-.t any rj-ney ?" said he.
.ny estimaw youn.jrrienx 1 re-
dida-t match i J. M I-ra-iy
was ensiderabie i 'n 1 raElK'!n- i"u? ueeeast d. 1 tat
" rK i-t. ! eminent t.Lrsiciau was at one time in
a r ai ij aui., -
I went bass Ling. Afr loog
' and patient waiting, incessant casting,
: full of danger to the eyes and ears of
! my neighWs, to say nothing of my
: own, I got a bite-a rigorous, ira
: petaous, onroistakable bass bite. I at
; once tried to recall the thousand aad
one rules of conduct for such occa
: sion? which S n bad instilled into
me. Iont give bim any fclack.'
j was the one that first occurrsd, and I
tried to put it. ia force, but to my
; utter consternation f? a yelled out,
I ' Let Lim run X&w this Vaa rery
; incouis;sr.t and contradictory, b3?
' obey orders if you break watrs was
my motto, so I did let him rua. That
is the Ia?-t news I hare of that .-b,
but I think it is likelr he is well and
if bis mouth has healed.
Howeter. a bite ii something, and
the eshilfratiniT t5et last for iurs.
Meaaw hi. ; a keejr hauling in
bass af- ha.-s with an f b ganee and
coolnes ibat are exasperating to
d a vi niy.-if. By-and-by
1 i-'ets a bi:J and kses'fcis .-h,
at which I am scn-tdr- t!eas-L but
cretur and easy sot tact before com
pany. But being the wrong side be
fore waru't much difference any way,
leeuz her own eye was sky blue,
and the irlass one was rallt-r on the
" You
ever side shej ..
r?at.-h n:,how. i l'i;
had a quilting or a Dorcas slety
3t;the proverb line, and did a very good
her bouse, she gen'ally borrowed Miss
Iligg!n3 wooden leg to stump around
shorter than
. i busines
on ; it was cons:aerab!r
cuz ther were so slow.
had company, and things had to be:
ii LU ATn -i.NI Y ATLWr. Hvsi' . J-a-
The following story told by John
Smith we will suppose his name to
lie .Smith and bis son Virgil, is said
to lie a "true bi'L" Smith had a rery
promising young jjor.-, now for the
first time in training for the track.
The other day Virgil, a bright little ; done, she wan'ed to get up and hump !
than some ten rears of acre, was herself. She was as bald as a jodze, !
f-fitjjll CM'? Y'ir'rpt Ijip trt lir;Ti nrwin ! ETuilV, tl n a,A.-.i ikA ,Ai.1- i .ml i.i k. J . i K. . -r- .!
, I " , ... . - A l ' i l 1 U i. V ' ' I 1 U . I lu 1 LUL Lld1.a-,.4UJ " ' .1 . i 1 1 ' 1 - V
jaslinthe time end place where I! aad was making the raa in gallant 'cob's -ig Miss Jact.b's was the eof-;
' It is the most absurd thing in tie j would meet him, and the train by jstyle, when the colt su l lenly shied ! fia pedlar wife a ratty old buzzard ;
world!" I which we should leave Seaton after ! aad threw the bor off. The cause of he was. that used ta" ir roost in?:
d 'around were people was sick, waiting!
to : for them; and tnerc tbat oiu np
e would sit all dar in the shade, oa a
said among
things that time was money. Now,
I havn't got any money, but as re-
? r mi '
the other pin, but much she mind.-d. '.me i am m aawa circnm
that. She said she couldn't abide r?.f,a(s-nd. lf-Tud ;di receipt that
crutches when she had companr, !-; !- 1 WU P" ufcctk ,as
oriu. iiiiiu e icne ceaiou aiier i ana tnrew tue is.'V on. l ne cause t
j Mattie Caldwell sp.,ke as if it was j I became his wife. 'Darling,' he wrote, this was a youag porker that ba.
p , as irritating as it was absurd, this , 'I am rich and Mattie shali come tons j stowed him If in some bru-h close t
j contretemps sbe was epostrepbiziag. ; as soon as you will. Tell me where j the track, a quiet spectator of tb
;w.-.i ka-iwc li.i iu t!e
,!i tut J rr Tr-
ic anv ic racji mm f the floei. In all !iiip
jieruiiar lo kaiaiv it ia a rcre aisl Sovereign Ee:
llVLiT' in fven aa itaitatioa of a Ot of, i man ready to make you my wif,
. tao any rent diew. i that Charlie Caldwell, her eiua!lv "Trust your lift lo me, Edith, aud rou
Fi sale l'y MEYF.ES a; AX A WALT. Ertlta. , ,.r i,mni.- A tin s'. m 1 t.i-.' A. t,; ' .V?1I -nt-vi-r r.crfif it f atria
i,a .T drxirr 12 F.niil t iriocl e'ftTT- 1 i 1. uuovm.., im v. -- u u ,0 -
throw you ia a couple of hours for
your trouble."
He maile uo reply, lut from the
fact of the porter's coming up imme
mediately afier, removing r..y trunk
to the sidewalk, arjd bu.-tling me after
it. I inferred that I wasn't consider d
a financial success.
I immediately ' called a backmaa.
aad told him to take me to a cheap
wiiK-inaa Rimed a -one tfcrwurh the i It was so novel a thing to see Mattie to meet rou, and I will bare a clergr-ccdt's wrforaiaaee, un'til the latter srotjcoaln, that he judged would fit theHUt re:"l't''a5jj'; hotel. "And the
c-:r vrtrtii ni.iii'.J -a t"
; 1.0-i
! C3 :
I newspaper to gaze at her
i amazement
"What is thematter?
ia sheer mm a t:m a letter, appointing a time
;and place of meeting. I went tlt-re.
i He did not come. Three davs I went
A Iarc- f :
' Edith. She Aren't go to Newport almost bourlr to the gate pest f-r
with us, and declares her intention of ome word of esidanation. X'one
gficg down to the Hill
and when next
iJouKlas Fish
heard from
e. i a:mosi oppsit' to mru wnen, nog-lite.
made a violent ru.-h, with the result
mentioned. By the time Lis anxious
father reached the ground the boy
was on his feet, uiihiitt. Said the
father :
"Virgil, you don't
ridf n psSt tn li t a lit?'
use! !-t!
s:ifiii t
"v. lila. .
Table HnivcK and Fork.
T.lLLlir.. af;ertwrlve:
r. -, , iT lu SSiatkiiii- ha i
..,1.' a s. -Tr;:-rv-t i f tirt- i-ru:--.ti
trs .-r I'n.'.-fSi-TJil '
9 S ;o--r ii-.; HJi i--iii!',y.
rj f. .mer'.y c; i. i ' A.
1;, r. c : e-Li"'. Jit en i:x2"
i:'t c-.r '-i' I.
H psTLLTnWiiTK ATT-'tiNt--!
ii L-. S CIT-it I 'a. i'r-f-s-i SjI
..1! ui.v a IritM ;i..i .ui.v i.-:c-j
E E C E I Y E D "'' f"";
. k j ''Of course you did," I
0! ",g ! impulsive little wife;
: h : 1
she and I bi
rannr and
d suffered
ru for the came;
1 Seaton
Why, I away."
' "Without writing
broke in bis' nbout one word. He bad writ-
rou thought tea that the letter I told roa of was
tr- Lis last af-peal, 1 tave urged vcu
rou do
I shall
Utile p;g
rou off.
candidate ; and if it was a slow
tomer and kind of uncertain,
fetch his rations and a blanket.
sleep in the cofSa nights. j
"He was anchored cut that war;
in frosty weather for about three;
know how to : weeks once, before old IV-bbia's idace. i
like that ; waiting for him; and after that, for;
I doa't . as much is two rars Jacobs was:
e ohl!
at the 11 ill ; so often,' he wrote, that if
make him throw
r bad gone want the colt spoiled ; I want him to not on speaking terras with the
go round the track, and I'll show rou i man, on account cf b:s disappi
! mat a i.ig can t prevent him.' iMm 1U r-.-.t n .f hU f-t frorp
"I'll bet you,' said Virgil, "he'll aad lost money too, becax oi l Rob-j
inmn r, ,V: ta-t-t. . ' -.T r, . . t. h-. meeting bOUsCs
uv wen. ice uei i:me ioooj:s sroi;
fann to make us hate the very name, icot reply favorab!jr to this.
ii V. !! T.
L- tt.-.v.t uri i t i' raifT' 1 bto
...vrr.i a.'--iit. He i detra-.iimi t
-.- l..-:f. jt.-.'.k Uive tint a tail.
; mucn Jes
the sight of it. I d
J-.Uitii- wants to go oa
::ni:y at la
v i m i; p. s ?IT I' L A X I X w-M 1 LI
tcr-: t;
. Ocali Ira:-ft 1
S .stl AND M&ZK
Vi "1NKJW a. IX''E-FE V'N:i'-:.
trs::ve--j ta - c-'J-
For Business Men.,
-Ti; He-serve Tinl Pojy.1
tay. Charlie; only for a J fully,
I know it is.eoquetrr, not lore, that
ck make- you smile upon me."
I --Coiuetrr !" said Mettle disdain-
"As if rou crer knew the mean-
ig of the word !"
a;n ."
TP. lew weeks. Charlie and Lere Mat-1 in
O tie drew over her pretty face a ma-k "P: obaUr he repented, Mattie, and
' Si' of solemn mystery io expression "I thought a poor country giil would
' 2 believe ia my Lean it is because not grace his city home. But what-
g ! Douglas is coming Lome." . ; ever his motive, he left me, and I con-
' C3 I "Do you? -I never cccld under- fess I shrink from meeting bim."
; I stand why he went away so sudden- V i'Certaialy you do. I will nut urge
!2'ly. So rou t Link it was Edith 1" iyou to fctay now, dear ; but after we
if-v "IU tell vou all I know about it " , rttura from Newport, where I sup-
; a said Mattte, perching herself on her ; jose Charhe will
lie nn tc cull aci see. aou t c-jcriac-
Before vou came to his-vuest, von wiU come borne again
bare Douglas
Let mc
G- n 1 . J!'Nls.
ILKJJT, tOMi:i;E7, FA.
INC'iErt .iltATEI Kl
. c
Secures Sp eial rruteetica ta
husband's knee.
Hill farm, Douglas bad been at Sea-! "We witf see, Mattie.
ton-for a summer." - 4n&wJ "e-.. .
. a ww w l r t 11-11
rjy "i Know tuaL lie sent me ttere.' 1 am airaia vou wui una 11.11 .arm
i O J "He met Edith at some village ' just as horrid as erer."
i S. ' gathering, and certainlv was pleased ! Just as horrid as erer Edith con-
j with her. Yoa know it was not rery J eluded it was, after a week's sojourn
; jeasy to court anybody at Hill farm." at the dismal farm she bad called hon:e
4' "I should sar not." said Charlie. ! during her erirlbood. Her Uncle did
ts ti there Sre t manr .nia kept fcr' j 'iih a WTT j t1"1 domineer quite so much orer the
: ffF 1- 1. V li. tflljir? : . n . i v ' ' . J - ia i. 1 11 . uiuiucu rkaiuj(i jaui , " uiv luun, . iti
p j Ms duty to Edith and me, after poor i Eve years of city life, to replace the
I o i mamma died, to keep us hard at ' unformed girl who had left him, but
C J work, and certainly to allow no male be was morose and ill tempered as
so i visitors." . j ever, aad the dreary house bad no
i - j "How many times did be set the added charm. Edith found there
! Go" j dogs on me!"' j'were servants to do the churning,
j j "I don't know; but he treated j baking aud house work she bad shared
i Djuglas after the same fashion. Still, ' with Mattie, and rambled about the
I Edith sometimes saw him, and certain-! place, wondering a little bow many
- . i f 11 V.-f.n t Td.I - Vi." -.i n rrf.i '1 T I- a.' . J . - 1. . . . , - n i
ia the bush there, and when I ride; Mm n.1 ,mkb nr th same o!d ; 1)e coatrU'
T.:,.. ...i n --, . ; .',.,,.,' ...... , . . i ue swore at me aw. u
i.mii.iiu.ijvu i.iiiaui o t'i,. fro Tin S-Ti 1 1 ii aion? wiinn
is d i ne, '
1 11 slow you tow ;t is d one, sa:d ; be had him in. and "neared to berow-
the elder Smith. ! erfa Weak ; be bought the coSa for
Arcorumgiy tue coil was caagnt ; tea dollars, and Jacobs was to par it;
and m -unted by the elder Smith, the ; hark and twrntr.Gre more brides if!
ctearer it is. 1 a Med. '"tie more r
he'd i ?;ret"'3u'e I shall cousidcr it.
lie drove me to the hxet-'sior
House and I told blni I ivas under a
great many obligations to Lim and if
at any time I could do him a faror, I
should feel griered if he didn't speak
to me about it, for my proud spirit
spurns an obligatb-a.
"If yoa doa't fork over them fifty
cents sir," said he, "there'll be a fu
neral ia your family, aad it won't be
vour wife nor none of roar children."
"Bat I'm bu.-ted," said I. "If
were selling two for
I could not bur even
tion box.'
II v. and said
m ; ; l . ,ij l .... . r " . 1.
- : lie ouju uaie u out oi mv ituuil, so
' he burst it open.
! Bat the rontVnts nf that trorit are
far from valuable, for I carrr it filled
the iaa-
!xy in the meantime Laving taken ; rtobhin didn't "lite th roff-n aftpr!
his position in tfce bu.-h to play theibe'd tried it. And then Bobbins'
role of the pig, in which he succeeded died, md at the funeral be burstedj
to perfection, for when the sire, after ;0sr the lid and riz cp fa bis shroud !
a rattling run, had reached the proper and told the r arsoti to let up oa tie
.1.-. 1 i 1 1:l ! : 1 . . 1 .. 1
ite tiaiteu iie ouuggriiy, performances, been he could not
with saw-dust. It looks ja.-t as re-
i speciaoie, ana ia aa emergencr oi
this kind is invaluable.
(t f IJila(.
I met Tim Jones the other dar.
pu.Micy condole with h;ra, and sug
gest that iM Jt time Le give the -h
"ti i slack."
All of a suddea a treme nduoos
jerk and whiz take me all aback, al
though I have been waiting ' r that
event. The fi-h pulls like a hor-e,
the rod bends, the reel whizzes.
G d dances round like a madman ;
the chamaic-r gral s his gsff arid dan
ces around too : S a sh ut out
wc tlozea or Cftef a diiTer'-ut ulre-e-ti'ins
als-ut "slack," -let him run."
"ci etk him," told your rd up,"
"run back," and also gallops round in
a frantic mannr. I came back
! without any ho:'k. and they told me it
i was all my faait. They told me I
turned as white as a sheet when that
miscreant Isass got away, and I be
lieve it. The wonder is I didn t turn
blue. . , .
The worst of the j.ieis, thatS a
caught that very same ba.s after
wards, with my Lo"k in his ra' inh.
and six feet of line dangling after him
It's lad enough to Lave another man
eat' h y-ur -h, but when Le comes to
cat'. Ling your tsckle for you, to, it's
too aggravating for endurance, I tLea
res-.Ived to give bo further heed to
anything oq land, to evolve out of mv
owa inner coa.iciou-cess a means t f
per-uading my C.-h to ccn.e ashore,
to pay strict, attention to baa.-, and
not to bstea to S a cr anvb"'v
el.-e. ii d respired s?. t-o. and
got a ?L close ia to the surf, but ia
aa unguarded niment he answered
S a with "Who is bossing this
here bass 7" and avay went the lib
erated bass exulting.
I was now prepared to comjuer. atjd
did. A smart pull co rr.r line was
niet with e-x l resistance enough to fix
the L'xdc Away went the bass
seaward, with no great straia on the
line, and l-efore he had gone one hun
dred feet the eeret c f playing him
had dawned cpon me. Gently bat
firmly I theiked his fun. and to mv
intense grati5catioa he stepped some
distance north ef the Bermudas.
Meantime the shouting, the capering,
and the adriee-giving was going oa
behind me ; but I resolutely shut mv
ears and kept my eyes on my line aad
the erect dor-al a the fi?h ; sonje
times he would stop quite still. This
was rery trying, as I feared he was
t'lanning &ome new trick which I
and tearing out of the bush, caused , gtand such a cofEa a that. Yon see' who is a well-to-do young farmer, ia-, dila't know how to meet Th
C3 i
Jaty 17 A- W. KNEFFES.
.. r: ;,e TEST " ATiini AL wi3 I vci.
a i.b v."t?.K vat;ra:.ted
... - -k o ia tue itrK aa" a;;.rire1
-:. ----- Sari
Every Policy Holder J
A. H. Franciscus & Co.,
t. a are ti-iv-fre year
--rve Fuiii IVj t"k-
! iriire yv
tax axd rn;Eox.
: i ,.- Si. Cliirtr E -ifi.)
1 -?r tiir.;-ie: Sc;-7"
f ai-e ai-i t tr a "ik
3:ari' !i:e rar.
ii tiitiLLil jm ymsn!
ariccil lajM'j wiJ hiftrre too t yr
ar.-l li'.:.'!-.
Ti tnitm.1 will iirare tub year
" li MY
K.vetc- aul loyDfnu at! hutre yo 19 ycaif IXK'KISC CLASSES, XOCK. FANCT BASKETS
aO'1 a ddia. i
s:i mUiil wi.tocbu ia lawT y Uyan ft esden SP.d Willow Ware.
Twine and Ropes,
1 i: -
This Prctsciion Applies to any Age
An k erjr.n'r is emy Pulley.
asTrAtrrruiES ait joexx or
tf 0c:-t c-Srt acu
i.n.r f (!iit(src
;.r-;j.rt'J 1 .. cai-t-UCT-e at!
iT- !.Rt,t a TTi-
Motive I'nrr-iiiiug GoJ
i i ii.-M-. Si 't 'tj?- -.-"ir ti
v..-iu r -.- S-.TO-ryl I'a.
N i.Ui 1EBEEE.
, Ttiif i toerr.i'r tkat tst lie l.u-'o1. T).ilel '
' I! Ti. ii i -a. iii-urii ta the I-rk?t.ire Ljle
i iniiiran-T f.-n jucr. JtrifV-i-t. Mw- l'.r 1.C.
! I fiL'KT y.u. 1-Tj. t4rsiiina riayai.e coartTiy.
: Ti-:;t i'i fpi3i' ii' i?:i:'- t( u June Ifcih. 1
1T1. that L- Ifl fi"T IS t- t.air iifttr
i jf ;jiii. i !--. mrikc iiic jtyiETO!. j
1 Tbt:nsil j-rt.-ff yf cath re furwarvie totbe
"iiti!UiV. aci t fu-i aiD'HEiif th- i.i. y. i I
!it i,--ar: riv at; lot at the lime f hi? :
m:li. vaf jiai-l'u- tie t-y trt-ir ('rtwni Armi as ;
! l'talaii-.'tiikia. W. li rT. at tiir iffic. S. W.
' rp'T-tifrEot arid Es-wr- S.n-r-e. 1
s irt ) NETTIE TliMMrsON. !
W. li. Greene. l i:e Ntwl c-rk. h-.arH a fr 1
; Tt-xrf r,i in tlie U;-ri:!.ire Life In-awe CVua- i
jiir t-a t buJ r.te u. l-csi- j
itij nai i? to m-ae any jiaTnBt to the i
'. V. ciiaity i n.-iriz 'e xr rnj eve tn ai'.t irv M j
; t.n tifr. 1 bset ttiif 1t jaii fat the New
k rk f:.i"e of the Cin!t::y. VI footway, nirner
! i lifcHii-t-rv jerr-: (; liiree' ttt-.iti 1 iwo fcua-Jre-J .
. bi:l iun?-iM'ioUra. tti t-ing tberoU atsneot
, .o I-. lii,'wi j. w. alitT&e-Jurtir ileer-cy- i
f 3. H. FE iNr-ISCVS. !
I Neat York. Xir'i Uik. Ta. hiicriau.-oiiit- j
Iv receired letters from him. One; weeks of it would suffice to fit her for
morning she came to my room with j a lunatic asylum,
the last happy face I ever saw'berj Ia one of these rambles, two weeks
wear, and asked me if I could endure j after ber arrival, the came upon a
the Lard life alone a little while only j group of men who were repairing the
a little while, and thea she would send ! tumble down fences and rickety gates
for me to join her in her new home, j about the place. They were at work
She would say do more ; but the next upoa the old gate pest she bad turn
day, with a white se t face she told me ! ed iato a post-cfSce, and she stood list
to forget her foolish words, and later jlessly watching tbera as they loosen
I knew that Douglas Fisher bad sud- i ed the earth around it, to lift the rot
denlv left Seatoa." j tea woodwork from its place. The
"He came, Mattie, and told me of , loose top M as gene, and there were
; the farm aad of Edith. Certainly he ; wide cracks in the wooden slab nader
j lored her, bat I inferred from his half it, where the lore letters of fire rears
j conSdence that his affectioa was not .ago bad lain for eager bands and
returned. He spoke of some sudden; eyes.
nitanM 5ts in, .nil 1 1 .1 i. t, rijir: T ( f ,t " 1 ii f.Af V V C KtfiatOl'r f 1 't
SIS ;jrket S-jeet aol MO Co-Bmerce Saw. -"B"t , ."- " i, :" 7 " "
iti heard be was preparing to go to Lur-j her eyes filling with tears, as blow
J- lilladelplna. jope. He bad writtea to me from Sea- i after blow fell upoa the hollow post,
Jane it ti 1 ton, and the next summer I too visi-U-rat-kicg. bending it, till it fell to the
I X STOYSTOWX ; ted the little village. I confess to ground, just as the noon day bell call-
1 vou I wondered bow Edith's cold, cd the men to diuner.
H.2t .tiSSSrSei . .mp ty t.-.M attract so j When the curious eyes that might
u; uf!B.-ei rn- btf many inend. uejd my to tbe ' suunr a nature as Douglas had, es-J hare seen her were safelr in doors.
sister ! ctmtemplating meat aud and regeta
; Ues. Edith weut close to the old pest
j "But, Charlie, she was not cold and , cad locked 'nto the hole where it bad
iimpassire them. There was not a ; stood for so many years. In the
brighter, llrelier girl ia Seatoa thaa damp dark earth she saw a folded
j Edith, before Douglas Usher left ber J paper, evidently shakea from the bol-
so unaccountably." low jtost by the recent blows. A
i You think she loved him I'" ; strange suffocating feebag held ber
j "I am sure of it." i fast for a moment, thea she stoojed,
I "Aad I am sure he loved ber. And reached orer and secured the letter.
now, after five years of separation, j It was not a daiaty missire, such as
rou think she is running a war Weause she sent to Newport, for i; was not
my cousin Douglas is coming home ?" ' easy for Lcr to ad scented paper aad
tbe pame-stneken co.'t to pitch Lis , fee bad beea ia a trance onee before,
rider ingloriously ia the dirt. Gatb-i whea be was rouag. aad be took the
enng himself up Le said savagely chances oa another, callating that if
bat did rou Co tuat for . I told be made the trip it was moner ia bis
yoa to grunt like a pig, and not like pocket, and if be mis sed fire
a blasted old bog. hp e.mT
Tbe bors used to tell tne I oa
to get one Jim Blaine to tell me the
stirring story of bis grandfather's old
ram; but tbey always added that I
mu?t not mentioa the matter unless
Jim was drunk at the time- ju.-t com
fortably aad sociably drunk. They
kept this up until my curiosity was
on the ratk to hear the story. I got
to haunting Blaioe ; but it was no
use. He was often moderately, but
ncTer satisfactorilr drunk. I nerer
watched a maa's cond'tioa with sneh
af-si-'i i,ioj imnfM, ram auiifusssiu
ir .... 1. . T ,i ; Her
iiciiuue; i uM er pmeu to set-a in;m
uncompromisiagly drunk before. At
last one erening I hurried to his cab
in, for I learned that tiais time his sit
uation was such that evea the most
fastidious could Sad ao fault with it
dat lose a cent And
bv George, Le sued Jacobs for the
Rhiao, and got judgmeat, and be set
up the coSEa ia his back parlor aad
said Le lewed to take his time now.
It was always aa aggraration to Ja
cobs, the way that miserable old
thing acted.
"He moved back to Indiaay pret
tr soob weat to Welksrille
i WellesrUIe was the place the Hoga
Idoms was from. Mightr ae fami
ly. Old Marrland stock. Old
Squire Hogadom. could carry around
thaa m
secoad wife was the Widder Billings
she tbat was Beekv Martia ; ber
dam was Deacoa Donlap's first wife.
oldest cLild. Maria, married a
missionary aad died in grace et up
bv savages. Thev et Arm too, poor
fellow biJed him. It wasat the cus
tom, so they say, but they explained
to frieads of bis'n that went dowa
ea otr
dustrious, ecoaomical, but not peau-'be would dart toward a rock, or up
rious. the beach, or ia shore, or straight eat
"Why don't you get married. Tirn ?" . First it seemed as if he was flaviag
"That's a direct question," was the , me; thea he began to act as if he was
reply, "and I am willing to answer it a little tired, until at last the delicious
directlr. I doa't dare do it"
"Why not?"
'.'Because I canaot find a girl who ;
will have me aad whom I caa love,
whose education and habits at home !
reality became appareat that I was
playing him. le Gods! what a
happy moment ! How I thrilled with
fear of loosing him ks he came float
ing ia on a top wave, locking as if Le
fitted Lcr to become a wife, would sar. --Please le-t me co i:,it.
mother, and the economical aad wise ; this once ; I nerer, Dever will steal
manager of household affairs. I j your meahadea again" with pitv as
want to marry ; would be glad to ; the gaff pierced bis silvery side, "aad
marry, aad would try to make tbe j with exultation as Le lav" gasping oa
womaa Lappy whom I should ask j the saad eighteen pouads c f good,
and who would consent to b. come solid, genuine, striped bass.
i my wife. lut there is such a state j We Lad a week of such sport as
vi uuit.-i wuk iiii-u -t-m-u iiiiH ia (i sietnan ni srrtn' n?n a
e Jiogauoui. couiu earrv around . . u. .u mjtuuijj "
mixed Iieker, and cmU betttrj Uietude' deFire for mhing that j thirtr-two-pounder. and thus we both
tnost anv maa I erer see. Hisj th? naTe Eot-to ? where they are became experienced bass fishermaa.
TT . -11 , . 1 .1 1 1- I V' trill
He was tranquil! v, screnelr, srmimt-Li . ,t - .
. , ,1 - ' , . - ' - i ther d tried
ncatir uruua noi a cicxuw io mar
his voice, not a cloud
thick enough to obscure hi:
there to bring away his thing, that
missionaries ererr other
not to see w hat they see not to be
what they are cot and cannot be, to
lire in a strle thev canaot afford, to
It is not aecessarr to state bow maav
bass we took, nor to gire the weights
of all. SaEce it tosav that S 1 a
lead artificial aad superficial lives, to ! caught six to our one, and how he did
upoa his
. . war aad never could get anv good
'i3 J
ir.vciiur j:jik inai ire O'w jirejnrea i receive - ,, , , , ,
an-t b-j.iLi.iy entn-.aia U a b. aaay trire bin a peciaby Ti 1th Lr pretty sailCV
a;L E.f ktiuse U 1 can4one4 wui ibe be jjear it"
SAW 1 EL tl iTTEE.
Sun-rcwn. Pa-, Alil ITLh. leT2.
TVT P T? T?.
WW aTa athW aaftW a. VW aBaWf
I'jirsicAx j- sriiGEOx
so.fiiiiiMrr, pa.
'.-r-iToa Xaiti Strset.
tbe I"o!IowiDr
C laims Paid.
Lis of
deacoa Baptist and Le was a rust
ler, too ; a maa had to get up rather
earlv to get the start of old Thankful
"I think so; and as she has no ! tinted eaYelopes at Hill farm. It was j Yates; it was him thai put the Greens
As I entered, he was sitting upoa aa
empty powder teg. with a clay
ia one Land and the other raised
command silence. His face wasi
roand, red, and rerr serious; h
out of 'em and so it aaaoyed all bis
relations to fiad that maa's life was
fooled away just out of a denied ex-
1 rrjmfint en tn crwAr TtntTntnd T-r.n
to ; . i ,. n i" . .
iiiti c aiu a an luiuj; trrr reaii t iosi ;
erervthin? that neonle can't under-
u - - i -
's .1 j ,! ,,. ,v . . r j
, v 1 i - i , i .-t-iuu ju uou i wn: iue iiawu oi uoirs
see and be seen, to dress aad bedizea
themselves with fol-de-rols that I caa
not furnish from my resources, that I
despair of marrying. I tell you the
whole Americaa system of education,
both of boys aad girls, needs remod
eling, or iacreased celibacy aad fearful
licentiousness will be the result"
"But there are some sensible girls
"Perhaps ; and doubtless as many
as there are sensible bors ; but ther are
far too rare. If I find one she is!
without Lealth ; or she has a 'missioa' !
it is more than I caa say. One day,
howerer, I got the adrantage of him.
After fishing all the afternoon I got
the only fish, and because it only
weighed eight and a half pouads Le
called it a "sand-digger," aad said it
was no bass at all, shouldn't count it
etc. He also m anted to go Lome.
Will Mr. Geaio Scott please explain
what a "sand-digger" is, and why
people who don't catch them want to
go home.
ia geaeral appearance and costume be
was a stalwart miner of the period.
Oa the pine table stood a candle, and
its dim light revealed "the boys" sit
ting here aad there on bunks, caadle-
i i-".. - i .1 . Ti... .:s.
Z cir ti ' V . v - 3 t . ! that took a
if . i! . , . (Xothiagerer
luiuuinjte. i louu'i a seal ai ciice
and Jim began :
A Tale f ETe.
trt riltfttl nf .- ilnTit w.iit to !:ro An :
kaows noth-I une quiet uay ia ieair j one, whea
a fair shake; Providence doa't fire no Ln? larm uc; or-we tue i , T l tZ
t i..i. :j. x Tt.i ii I fact is. I ran t find one who will ac- i lovers waiked beneath the moc.n. The
oiaua c: ii lu'-er, wis. auai mere ' . . , . r -l - i .v
R,!;n.,r'. ..Lu, iw eept a man for what Le is and adapt ; n.gbt as fa.r, so was the maid ; tbey
utnn-niA i,;m,.if ,..-i I herself to his condition and circum-j
D.i i. !- 'r .v.' stances, unless he
good, if vou onlv hold on and give it! 'am ' uoe3 no1 iise or Kno'
: walked and talked beneath the shade.
chance at the barbecue. ;
i rich as Crasus.'
to le as
i with Ecne to harm nor make afraid.
Her name was Sal aad Lis was Jim.
" I don't reckoa them times will
fvr-r fftmi snm. I ner ncter was i
a more bullier old ram thaa he was, ! " ben my
Grandfather fetched him from IUI-j 1:-e UP ?n
nois :
fetched them but tbat
Don't tell me it was aa accident that
he was biled. There ain't no such ' .
thing as aa accident
facie Lcm was leaa
seaffold once, sick or
got him of a maa named Yates -riirik. or sathin', an Irishmaa with
T j -- , a 1 It r t. - 1 a 1-1 a ftiliU Vi J-a-U V rUC X1A 3 IV I UIV.
-BUI Yates-may be you might j of l'r' f out of ( Xrc u , drt,rr Tdnd f t
cave ncaru ci una ; uisiaiaer was a " - " , -V- ; but I know that
"Well, w hat are vou g ing to do "'J fc was fat and she was sl.m ; Le
about it?" " jt'xk to her aad she to k to him.
"I am eoiDT to Lire some old- fash- "-ays Jim to Ml : ir a.l the snakes
a - 1
ioned housekeeper to take charge of -hat squim
!mv household affairs; and whether j brakes, I love
. she stars with me will deriend uivtn wheat cakes.
j her economv, coed sense, aad the ;
kiad or home she makes tor me.-
among the brush and
rou bctter'n buck-
s i T i -
-. v.
rii rrait Trsr. Vinrt j
Far jianirckrs. taairt L Krcra, Exq.
Svejft nta. N. O. EEIM.
Toil SALE.
A aspaiJ-lan-l
5-Horse PowEr to Enrinef0.
i thing t
A -" if
h:. h.
j J-.m'e J j Ntw York Ci;y. tLWO. jiayn.-nt
I orrr ie 4 nifuitl..
j y. Ii. r. H-iio;. Nvw Yk n;y. LO,3, jjsy
; ta tit over :ne eim-.lJ and cr.ys.
Kn. il. It. Hart. tiiirA. i.l payaw-nt
oi--n n. 7 end; iif 2(2 1 Cz i ft.
y UK yr-TD T:rVi,lM'a " Witt JELSON GOTEKNOK. tt,a o-atptel
iS P ! ' Jiian IS. A i.:r. Ne Mver21e- lalta.wa. j Ad.iraw W. W. MiKAIG k S .
umroi onrr me z am i ,-(t. "a. t. "utnenMi, so.
II RXFDVII I E lii-riurd oGra-iv. Itrvjt. its.- (fi-OX-. pay-
HAI..Mii.. I ."s aad 11 laya. ETI IC7FJ1TI PP
Soe-MCn'i.I'a ( Jh 1'- iJrai-n.-k. Fit-btaire. J!. j rUlllll I WfwEwS
!u,vtni! uTi-r.Ja i 1-ei.rt 1 amnlli aad 2 cava.
'Z ": Ua "T,'" '"' I ' O' .T.lI!Ll! a rCAESltALL. Ar-wt.
' juw Ii-Ti
home but this since we were married, j a sheet of coarse letter paper, folded.
of course she Las no place to go ex-! sealed and stamped with a thimble
ccpting to Hill farm." j top, directed in a round, girli.-b Land
"Mattie, trv to find out ber side of j to Douglas Fisher; tbe letter she had
the storr. I am sure there is some 1 written to appoint time aad place for
! mystery about it and we may be able 1 an elopement the letter be had ner
'to set it right vet" " ! cr seen that ia ber hurry aad agita-
Charlie, I would give aav- jtioa she must have clipped through
to have Edith married as bap-1 one of the wide cracks down into the
iT'dvas we are. Miserv likes
pany : she auded saucily, and
on. i
She was not a
fc-Kn-.-ecl. Pa.
I U a,-w r crStn! ticiit i U t.te of ti
The Improved
i :'mTTan:t ?t- t, fciirl nt rrk
MACHINE (teiiu4l
Tlw til au3 well "tnows Cnn -rf LeiacQ k Weiss,
ii PITTS bl' KG H. l'a KaeaUr.nrtrt id
New Draw Feed,
Hive Eimwl ta
N"o. Ill Fourth Ave,
tti'a.R. 'ofrrcl!i & to-
ISitl Sim Ml ElEllil
330 Baltimore St, I
Sva iK-.r vi ettfef n-arL
i T-T- ee ar n-ern a S-wirp Jflariaie t-iai (
i la'w d-nrMZ i irckae, abuaiJ uke ruw t--; .
tnli-ratioD, taieeir: i
Lirbtare. f nnictn";.
i mi , It cTuiir-ndi'-
t tia-ir; . .Hi tit. Wrk tjoireii, j
Fr'-riiim tr"OS Ne. wl I
rii-Lt:iiii;y w net oat 4 Order. ' j
We riiija thai tl IMPEOVET IOJ.1PTIC
pfej.a ii! liirse jKsista. and t-bat C ia i
i Now Manufactured, i
0TKtl"lietroJ i vtaaJ,
Wbere rter siti-hitif 'JjelitiHJii iaaJI iii Imacbec
rj.t 24.
ArxJ e aclirtt aa exantaati w f H. A r-u' want- i
d ia rery auaaiy. ut (bw we wiU (ire tbe BKl j
lli-eral imri j
EATtiA Eii-csi. li Fni ATe.-Pliaanrb. Pa. I
WM. BOOSE & Co.,
MaDnlirtBTTT" of aa kiwlf of
Crdf-n by iaail pro-optly auesdei to.
Saiiabaxy, I-klifk P. X Sau-m-t eo. Pa.
u. ia
com-; hoilow post
a ; She opened it carefully, her .heart
j pitving even then the simple girl who
very skillful diplom-' opened her whole loving soul to ber
atist, aad fiuding tditu sitting rather -lorer. l he rery words were so dit
forloraly alone, plunged headlong in-j ferent from those she would use now.
to ber subject m j Xo polished courtesy of address, no
"Edith, why are you running away i polite evasion of the tender questions,
from Douglas Fisher r" j but a frank, girlish outpouring of ber
Tbe pale, stately girl looked at berj hspjiy consent to leare ber bard, bit-
bngbt young sister moment in
haughty amazement but reading tru
ly the lore and pity in the fair face,
answered :
"I bad rather not meet him, Mat
tie." "But why f" persisted ber sister.
"He is Charlie's cousin, and I kaow
tbey are like brothers, so you see be
will be here constantly. Mattie, I
could not bear it ! 1 could not meet
him here day after day, and know him
so false a? be has been. Let me go,
dear. I am a woman now, aad Uncle
James cannot tread me down as be
did when we were mere children."
"But Edi,b, bow was be false ?"
You know, darling, bow bard oar
life was; bow any change seemed
like sunshine; aad you know bow
Douglas tried to win my love. I cer-
ter life, and accept the sunny future
ap to jining teams with mv grand
father wl en be mored West Seth
Green was probably the pick of the
flock. He married a Wilkersoa
Sarah Wiikersoa good cretur she
was one of the likeliest heifers that
erer was raised ia old Stoddard, er
err bodv said that knowed her. She ;
could heft a bar'l of 8 jnr as easv as I
caa flirt a flap-jack. Aad
neck ia two places. People said it i
was aa accident Much accideut,
there was about that He dida't
kaow what be was there for, but he !
was there ftr a good object If Le
hadn't beea thcrethe Irishman would1
hare been killed. Xobody can erer
make me Jbeliere anything different
from that Utcle Lem's dog was
there. Wlir dida't the Irishman fall !
oa the dog ? Becuz the dog
a seen bim coming and stood
exist as long as I will it shalb
I know several
Sural Xew Tvrler.
uch relation will
Tim Joneses.
Sars she to Jim: "Since vcu're be
gun it and beea and gone and done
it, I love you next to a new bonnet"
Says Jim to Sal: My Lean you're
busted, but I bare always gals mistrusted."
j Says Sal to Jim : "I will I true ; if
T .. Tr 1 L
j you love me a a lore you, no tane
Piter the Great The boat of can cut our lore in two."
Peter the Great, which is regarded! Says Jim to Sal: "Through thick
as a sacred relic in Russia, and was ! and thin, for vour true lore count me
carried at the head of the recent gala ' in, 111 court no other gal agin."
procession in St Petersburg, is orer! Jim leaned to Sal, Sal leaned to
twn hundred vfri old haririf lai-n ; Jim bis r.fii iust touched aliove her
Would ! n ,,!, ria l w-hpri I Vtpr was a WtY- I f bin fottr litis m t went ilicm
from 1 1 U atiH veil nresf-rvpd It is a nvis- f ahem! And then and then and then
under. That'3 tbe reason tbe dog ; terpieee in its war, snd a toleraWv and then. Oh. girls beware of men in
weren't appinted. A dog can't l-e i good siecimen of badiwork. Being! June, and underneath the silrerv
Don't mention it ! Whea Sile Haw-j depended oa to carry oat a special; jn a felate 0f dilapidation when it was! mn, when frogs aad June bugs are
kins came a browsing round her, she j providence. Mark my words, it was j discovered lving under aa old shed, j ia tune, lest you get your name3 ia the
left him kaow that for all his tin he j P-up thing. Accidents don't bap-: peter undertook to repair it and it j paper soon.
couldn't trot ia harness alongside of Ptn Uncle Lem's dog I wish Wa3 tLas his shin-building pronenslt-! -
her. You see, Sile Hawkins no, it 'J00 eo;Jd that do?- w3 ie. began to. manifest themselves. f, A Californiaa, whose poultry fold
nau suuereu trotn repeated incursions
of the heathen Chinese, shut up a
William goat in his chicken-bouse.
Late at night fearful yells, mixed ap
worn't Slie Hawkias, after all; it i a regular scepnera or ratcer ne was
wasagalcK;tbrthename of Fi!kias;Prt,'lftnJPartsupPherdPlondid, A Trie Picture. How many
I disremembtT bis first name but I -muiaL belonged to a Parsoa Hagar : men there are w ho bare ground and
he was a trump come Into pra'r I before Uucle Leni got him. igrouad to make moaey, that tbey
meeting drank one night hooraringi Parsoa Hagar belonging to the ' might be happr br-and-by, but who,
.r lovfr tiromlsed her. Fdith was ; for Xixon becuz he thought it was a i Western Reserve Ilairars irim ; when thev baTe got to t-e hlty or six-
cold, impassive and stately in the! primary; and old Deacon Ferguson 'family ; bis mother was a Weston ;? ty years old, have used cp all tbe en
dars whea she shared ber sister's ! up and scooted bim through the win- 'oae of bis sisters married r Wheeler; joy able nerve that was in tbem!
dow, and be lit oa old Misa Jeffer-l they settled in Morgan county, and! During their eany life thev carried
son's bead poor old filly. She was ! be got nipped by the machinery of a toil and economy and frugality to the
a good soul had a glass eve, and j carpet laetory aaa weat through ia 1 excess oi suumr-ss, auu ncn uie
It was a rare event to
emotioa ia aav wav,
happy home.
see ber show
and Charlie bad wondered more than
once at bis cousin's admiratioa of ber
statuesque beauty.
But as she read now the secret of
ber lover's apparent fickleaess, the re
cord of ber owa youag heart, the
tears fell fast upon the yellow, staiaed
sheet, and sobs shook ber whole fona.
There was no one to see her, and she
knelt down by the faUen gate post,
and wept for ber own lost youth and
broken hopes.
She was still kneeling there, the
open letter ia her baad, when she
beard footsteps turn from the road in-
used to lend it to Miss Wagner, thai
hadn't any, to receive company in.
It warn't big enough, and when Miss that bad bis remains wove ia, and
Wagner wara't noticing, it would get people came a hundred miles to 'tend
twisted around in the socket, and look
less than a quarter of a minute. His j time came that they expected joy,
widder bought the piece of carpet j there was no joy for them. Beer ker.
up, maybe, or out to oae side and ev
ery which way, while t'other was
looking as straight as a spy-glass.
Grown people didn't mind it, but it
most always made tbe children cry,
it was so sort of scary. She tried
packing it ia raw cotton, but it
wouldn't work, somehow ; the cotton
would get loose and stick out, aad i i-am W-b-e "
ritb frantic cries and awful curses ia
bad English, were beard, and upon
going to the scene, a sprawling Mon
golian was found "with a head on
him," while William, with ereeted
bristles, stood over him. occasionally
putting in a "one," 'two" on his nob.
Thcs far during tbe present year
52),000.000 postage stamps hare
been completed, those made ia Janu
ary numbering 76,000,000. Thirty
eight and a half millions baTe been
completed in a week, and thirteen
planted one ead and let bim stand up, ! logue, said to bare recently occurred ; milltoas in a single day. Three times
same as a moaumeat And thev! bet ween a custnmor and the propriet- las many three cent stamps are used
nailed a sign en it sacred to the or : "Haow's trade, Squire ?"" Wa'al, J as of all denominations combined ;
m-e-m-o-r-v- of fourteen v-a-r-d-s of cash trade's kinder dull now Major, j after tbem come the one cent and
tbree-tilv car pet containing all ! Betsev Nitner has bort an etrr s; then the two and six cent
that was m-o-r-t-a-1 of of W-i-1-1-1 worth of tea. and irot trusted for it
- - - ; t c
Tni Credit System. Tbe credit
the funeral, and they had to let one system has been carried to a rery fine
end of the coffin stick out of the win-1 point in some of the rural districts, if
dow. Ther didn't burr bmi thev we mar judge from the following dia
I till her speckled pullet lays.'
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