UL i The Somerset Herald. VP il.I MP.V. Novem'ter , 172. S,CZ0 KECS Of Butter Wanted. y. a-. it vat;! of Glad- Ilutte-r to sup . , ,. t. mai.ds of our i:n:n-sIiaU- trade, !V: !;',;' i.,n:it:rv!wi:! k!p to us. we "r',; ..';... csrlr stiles ut t7""d prices. ',. ,n. -r. thanks f.r lornu-r I alrou.::-, " 'i.-:t vottr li-nt! k!uit.i-Ss. v , rv H'uiiy, &c, 3.BS00KE KYCE&CO., r, SOUTH STREET, EALTIMOKU, Ml). . . . ;t - viuvi-irat Dsvia & Brc. Ibvi-i rn- .. ,.v.:.;.a-5 fr rash, at Cook & IJeer "... i ,-. S iiii-rM.-t, l'a. . ... ,.k:: bcv eiiher a thnw-hcr or horse ',r 1 ':! ly at liic SmicTM-t Foundry. .. ,. ,r,;..s u:ul Dye-SiuJT, got. MiSier "a Those in want 01 coal lor any. can rroctUifiu the cuke to 10 shinned to SeTiT-1Vn.sT Railway. The track in rtCJ'.lil pner.itir.-r. bine imrnill .the East and SoUlll. On the lands of this l:ti.l. r, ml tin. r-n-nnea nre running on i r-tipplied l AU-X htutzmin'8 ' Co:naav are established lar-re. work fur ! this nil .limit tw-n mite fmr-.i tlie. inter. (tortm-riy tnejoiiii .sow hhhk, eo.nn-tv.si - me maniil.icture of lire-brickf. for w hich , Fret ion of Jack ' Bun. Wire it not for of t.n lioroii.mi. -nr. r-.iii.-r fro'i .lohr.stown .', a!i 1:10 I'lawii.ia i now xtn-.ii v. itn jioiii'z.ii & Mockin?, Iiavc already e.v ; Joniiei.svilie" iv-atti.tut i.o.ii buu jj-Kfi in ., is coai. .,o , p-jiuje-J over tinny tiioussml dollars in state i"T i-i'.iui. l.tttve jour orders at : pr.-parin; to m-iuiifacture nre-bnei the I ..-iu!r.-. AVw Aevcrt i.-cmcntx. . Davis, a pnietica! I suitable clav is found in rrl abundance. tl. ilifl) nlti-..f miitiin-ttot !. ir . -V- ,,.!.! Var-i I ml i I i . loes ttio briiitr'n;;: Those cnterprisint: rentlemen. Messrs. J have Im en biid I'V litis tini? hull' wav t. . I!e WILLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS on a ' On l-a TlmrsJav wm!:ie, tiiflKur iu l.i-.l of laru.- scale. IVir kilus are ulrt adv hi:;'L tlie Stcsm Mill Ulonin to Adam Bair. nd tvo m:.rc w ill be t-roc tcd without cie-. at,tllL' fAf the hill, on .Main strtt-t, l.un.;- :is thev lake thtir! lav. hnni'iiia the concern to a capacity of f". one pari papsing cnuwihe tl!rou;;li tUe t hz will, KUtn MH', li liiUJ OIHH.U' UcaWa, wVhoiit whu U nothing is worth : dav. Tiirv nre now niouUlniir twelve ; cn?cns ad anovUcr portion Utmolislnii? ... . a.'.. . .I.uamIi h. 1.....-. 1 I. . 1 t ::ie iiavuvi; a i? alwavs apprecia!sl at ita tliouwtnd bricks a !jr. Jn qualttr these 1 -M,"y .gi.w au uic .wmu emi lr:.c v.iliis a'l. r it w I.kj. Ii.h rr i ll.-n. ' bricks are eoual it not'snrwrior to liie U t ' of he mill. The l.oilcr was carried about l.i ve l -roperi i not !;!"! and corret j English brick ever ir.iiK)ned into America, liihiiviits before ihev NfMiuc .'a!eJ. For A short time Bincc nine cars, laden with disease cf the liver. kidnevF. skill, stom- j forty-five thousand of these bricks, were in h, and all sris;n;r from impure or feeble sent to Pittsburgh in the same train. Thev blofKl, Ir. Valkera vaiiionna Mnepir : fiii reaitily there at liih priccc. Iliiters r.re a s::re and Kvcdv renieilv. It has never vet l:i:h-d in a sinjrle instau'v. (Jiia.s, Io;,'t Talk lano. don't talk s'.'.nT ! If it is ncccssar; . anv one of t!-r l'i:ni!v should do that be vo;:r bis brother, though we would vise hici cot to use "pigeon Fnirlish" when ' there is an eleirant, sysioinied language tli-the csuju.--t us will us;-. But don't . vou dj it, Vou can have no idea how it This Company will complete within the next thirty dins their threc-fixit gauge railroad, five nib-sand a half in length. A iris small engine, named the " Kevstone," i built exi-nx-lv for this road. U alreadv U t it ; runniai on ilie tinisbed fart. It draws ad-i fitly t us ur) the heavy crude on Fhuiirh- trty l reek. 11 is a urst-cuss Little i.int. " Here a'. ztc fourid la inexhaustible o,iihntities a wjurior fiivs sand and lime stone. Kre kns these aluable materials. Z id l;-iv'- a fai'RU- j which sh ;.:,reo i cigar?. ; p ; n- on hand a large supply ,- r.r.d jisdgtr.ent notes. j sounds to ear uzius-'d or averse to it, to h '.;r a young lady w hen she is asked if she ' hidden f long in the lxisom of Mother v. i:l pi si.:.;-,-place with you answer, "no! 1 1-arili, w ill be- brought forth for the uses much :" or, it requcsicd to do soinethinz' nuturo intended them, thereby irivinc em- d xs n:t wihh, tJ sav, "ran t Ox Thursday k-t Jhn J, Murphy, tner :.mt of this city, received a w:i)ed cnvel- ployment to thousands of the sturdy arti sans Hiid l.ilion-rs of the land. Throuch the kindness of Mr. Brace, the Migiaccr who has charge of the construc tion of the milrtmd, a few persons were n:r barrels for sile at the ! i' ire of t'ook tV Bcerits, ., rvir.u rs.-t. Pa., ,nvi P-"V'-ry , Pr-.!g N-' r.-jin t- go t- Hie n-.v for an? ihing they :er. ; I usi! :u v i ;. -ir,5 have !e n for s-mie days ' i.:.-t:nl cn the foundation of ..'T-: church. :,;, :!!( iif Mr. Cyrus Meyers and 'a I-tr.., are now ready for o; o pet;. marked (. aiiulen. . J., enclosing i taken Ironi 15uH-hle srille to tlie briek a snmlier or.e aud within the latter he found j works on the narrow -gauge. If any ?;!) ."id On the back of the doted rnvel-1 doubts ore entertained uiiout the value of a pe ws writien "jiy wile stole f ;t tiiree-toot gauze nuiroad in a mountain country, let the doubter Lake a ride on this r.etd, with Mr. Anderson as conductor, and that r--ni;d geatb.-mnn, the Ixrd Chief Justice of Dale City the '-daddy" of all the 'sipi'ires in the resion round about 'Sf;uire Mider ; then if this road is not pro n:)iaiccJ a tucce&s and the very thing, we wiil never prophesy again. Vismin. j frcni you in 1. God forcivc her." On '.iie louowin-r iav, .nr. panics .nurpnv. 'r..:u .,eu:s of butter are slill veryi f.,:,v to fifty kegs ere sliipjfil ! f clothing dealer m Clinton street, received la siniiiar letter, containing thirty-seven 'dollars, and Mr. John Gets one enc'osintr i some f.ir.y dollars. These were also niail i ed at Cuiiideii.. 'either of tlie three gen- tU-men named have any recollection ol los- ing any money at the time mentioned nnd ! we have no doubt hut that they would be 1 p- rIVetiy s;itisiied to receive yuch favors : ircotr'utlv. Er!(, John:o n. I ..ut vi.a t.i: 1 anv oeou. ri c.-liil at once. cx-intine thei U not Tit-i r title Tiled, i . n.'itr. core ir.-ak -ats. chop, ; ...'. '. .i.ii 1 r -.:.-hoiily at Cock & . C..:.T ::uA u-.-i! store. . ....,.,;,. Itruj Store," and -e ;. - .rtti.i t;t of Pit ki't Books IVr- i ii 1 N'otior. of all Uiads, Station-', y(;.-.Ac. tonnnuAiioss. Stantcx's Mi i.i.s. NovemUr 1st, 1M72. ) Dear Editor: Sometime at:o 1 wrote "Can't ro Withoitit." This is i hat ; a comntunicatioi:, desci ibinu Stanton's the stride and horse car compMtics, liverv-1 town, tivir.g the nundKT of its inhabitants suMe k cpers. luemN-rs of the t :rf, and Vc. I'll now give the reader sonic idea of rd ercom and trainers say ol Mitang the morality ul this town. It is perhaps Liniment. Thi v "can't do without it." j the most peaceable town in the C.ountv of And why T Because it iutahiiily reduces Somerset The reader will at once agree the external swcl'inL'K, Ac, which, tinder with me, tliat a place where there is no n hundred f'.M:t into Mr. Biter's garden. Fortunately u cue was near the engine house, when the occurence took place, ami Itenoe no one was hurt. By the energy and promptness of Mr. Iku-r and those in the immediate vicinity of the mill, a de structive lire was avoided. A young nmu named Frank Holey, a painter by occupation, vn la Friday, fell through the hatchway, from the third story of Dr. Iyimison's new brick building, in which the Kefiubliean and Democrat is ; published, to the basement, breaking one of his legs and spraining tlie other. The woncier is that uc was not killed, lie was handling the large rope or cable and was bantered by some of the boys w ho were at the bottom, to slide down the r;i-e. He concluded to try it, not knowing that the rope was loose at the top. The result was as aliove suited. "Hoi, ling on u the ropes" that lime was not a success. Two persons were killed oa the railroad this Tuusday, Oct. ttth i mcrning, one east of ltodebnngh's tunnel, and one near Carr's tunnel. The names of the persons killed we did not learn, nor the circumstan ces attending their death. It is astonish ing that people will walk oa the railroad track w here the danger attending it is so well known. Caution, Kvorv g-enr.ine box of Dr. Mc LANE'S "LIVER PILLS bears the signature of FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgh, Pa., and their private United States Stamp. "Take no other. "The market is full of imitation. various names, impair the, usctalnc-s and nuaiTciiiitr, no rthling, no lav value of the king of quadntpeds. i:nd also horse trader, no cheating of an-. alls and because, tor sprains strains, gaits and oili er injuiies to w hich lmrx.- iksh is liable, it i the m:..-t trustworthy preparation in the market. Yet tin sc n-eommrndi.tions com juisennly a portion of i!3 claims t public conlidence. During a pcri'vl of lv.on- lhau M.!e-n years, it has N-en recognized as a spceitic for many ol the mit agonising Suits, no kind lie- teen neighbors, in short, w here every body sticks to the eleventh commandment to the letter, viz: Evcryliody minds their own business and lets others do the same, that such a place is like a heaven on earth, no one w ill deny. All this may be owing to a good school house near this town, and a first -class teacher. 1 elo not mean one that t a largest .'.bums; these ii'li-.ims at :ght to this market, h, a! "People's PrugSt e the ' such Sold re." disorders which atiiiet the human family I holds a first-class certificate, but one who s rheumatism, gout, neuralgia, luni- understands how to teach a school moral hago. tie-doloreux. sore thr.tat, earache, ly as well as mentally from A to 3. I'p to toothache : and likewise as a peerless an- the pre-scnt school te-rui, the directors in ;, -TVI TTKtl WtX!.KN Crl!)S Pl.AY- A'.', v 1 -homo m:iib" cass'ir.( res ! . i i t :.p-r than ever W fore, at , I'aHorv. tt!ier woolen ol -nr:. ;ts. Fpwar.is of r. Th j-.,tJ d Cerent studei.ts have th.' I a t "r.y College, Pi'.tsburh. i". No u'.'.c-r bu-iness t.'oi!e in -v ; it: rlrov su h a record. three story hx Main str;tt and the ti to tl.- svar--. A e.in; -ation for cuts, bruises, burns and scalds, charge of this school have nlwavs leen very strict to have the school kept accord - Till: Novrm'KT mttiibcr of the I-if.le ing to law : in fact, a few years ago, w hen rporal. fully su-tains the reputation id- j they hired a teacher for this school, they a civ won bv this eA.'e Dent .Magazine. It ; aske-d of him to obligate himself not to use opens w ith a Thanksgiving story, by Lucia ! any profane language during tiie term, t has? Bell, followed by an instaliiu -nt of ! which he promised and also kept, and says, Vnra, llelen C, Veeks' Mipular s-.x-i.il ; hud the scluxil term lcn longer, it would "Aunt t-ilva's Bro-vsing." one of a scrii s j have e-ure-d him altogether from swearing, 'f inimitable sketches e' Sjutliern lite ;the I!ut the prese nt board e,f directors l ave U vj ry best summary ye-t published of the, kn a eliiTe rent step; instead tf keeping work of th ycur since the gj'-at lire, by .1. 1 1' ve inouihs, they ha e unanimously agree-d B. T. Marsh": and the Ilrst chapters of a t to teach only four miilhs, and thus openly new scrialcnfitled. "L ncle Dick's Lcgncv." I violate the iiw of the State. What there in g w e ither v. ill i'.nJ it 1 Tl. !ia- : hv Ve editor. Emily IIuntit;g'!on Miller.': few-: Tiic illtirtrati.ins arc choice and profuse. I it w ill be, is r re-dieted i many. Sr::"TA7-: :t.l-,ofthe "Feoj '.c-'sDrug i.c authorized agent for the sale it's an 1 Dr. .tayne s l.imi'.y medicines ; r.t for all the popular IV.rnt Meiii in th; United States. publisher announces tt-.at all new sun- ;; ri''ers for next year, beginning now, w ill receive the !;;.-t two rrc.inlK-rs of this yearn-", together w r.h the beautiful chronio, Cherries are Kiie. Terms, ! (' a venr, Repablirna Jlrfllntii. "r. Ucrnll: The meeting at V na on Tlmrlav, October Gist, was called Ailire-s (hi. 11 go. ll'- to order bv Dennis Meyers, t liairman ol E. Mll.l. i.n Little Corjra!, ! the County Cmiinittce, at half just ine ! o'clock P. . The following being the of- - - I 0wr eV-vsen vi? - ird ! President Alexander Ilanna, H-'.., of r cr.l ;!." be t and cheat K'st rrcx-erics, eon- :i::ii, nit ions, stationery, tolwcos. i in . tiasswaro, stoneware, womler.v.are, canned fruits, c-rackers. cheese, Ac. Ti;;; f.-rmal opening of the IIc'.im-, at I .-sina. on l::st Weilnesi'ay even- of real merriment i-.tid Lowe r Turker i'oot tp. was a tin Vice PresYu-iits Thomas Kvler, e f Ad- ; much g nuine pleasure. Atoi.l two hu.i- disi n, Noah l'.rd. of Ad'bson, tt. A. isiiuth. i'.red persons wen- present and artiepat.-d . .f CptxT Turkey foot, V. II. Berger, Ur i ia the festivities of the H.csio;i. (uile a ' sina lor., Thou-ns Ib-at.-i, of Lower Tur I iiuiiiIkt v.i-re in litteiii'.aiii-e-from Cumber-, keyf-M.t, Frederick Duil, of Lower Tur ! land. Conni-lUvillo, Mt. Pleasant, Somcr-1 key!.xt. i set and the fctirroundintr countrv and Ml- Seeretr.rtc- lsr.tt -1 lthoarts, Lnwer l ur- lages. i kevfixrt, William iialina, of Milford, I-cvi l It is cuile a f, -aiher in !li hit of L ri- 1 Snyder, of Middlecn-ck, Hiram loun':in, ' na to s-tv that the Bedford H.iii-i.1 r.mlts 1 of Fpptr Turkevfoot. ; among tlie ln-st l.oti :s iti tne ciiiiniy. w lieu ; Aiile auun-sscs were inane iy i.on. Ji. n that mii cat hay has m-t yet j it is known wli.it a reputation this county I B. Burner F. J. Ivser, Es.p, and Hoc. 1. 1 ut one that can cat rye straw, J has for public houses. As was shown by ! W. II. Kexntz. dcifort.-ible houscnot many miles j the handsome manner in which the guests j The Mt. Pleasaiit Comet Band dlscours- : :w n. li1- jias ceen know n to ; v. ere cntenaine.i. ;ir. rei).i jiusn, me cu s-. iei nr.isic tor me iniasion ti c rroci-ry of Cooi A Sciiix'i. Books ! Si tiool. Books I ' :. i ss,rtnitnt ut Miller's Dntg A Book . : AlsoBilTe-s Hymn Books nd all . s.f Illatik BiKiks." ,r a i".m rr lr! Airmis wnl ! Ail !' O'' clHfn ef wurklnir ivi4r. of i-Ii hr S!-. V'mnff r ll. ma k" nirf utitnt jr st work I fur u In thilr finire m i!l ratl the lime Iban lecrlvH. tut (jt fonirln. r-.l-:. tv.rc tttrxtt. . at mivtliltar elw. P.irii ulin tree-. AJitrctsO. lnifricr.e-! aaJ Uubcbial dittimlUcs, w only I STINsJON CO., FurtlanJ, Statue. WorlM-5 Imliatt-jni are '.m the mtirkel. hit the only peieiiiiti? nrifirnll'iQ tf t tarlmlic Ari l ler Fvitt f!i-rk nml ll-km.-!W. ll.OULLlil.NO MltAM, 12uUal IS. 1. J nir-nlniit nn .-jrn nt iif. ll k m.-!W, I..:.... ... o.i.., ,i.,..,-ii -i,i..i i,k i 'li s .t i..rt.iu.ii oiltT we!l kmmu n-inItr, at in thme Tntite-li. i ami all j-ariit-s nre rAalJiLej ugi.iiit uini uriy ot her. la alt Fjm-i if ln-il.tll "liof Ihc maf-rm nitnetTaiie thrne Tahlein iboul.l It Irct ly uvil. thrirclrau inir aihl lu rilintf frp ri- art nsuMmi. lie w:trrl. nt-v-r D''tclect a eol.l. it ii enffilr rnr e1 in in iuripient Malr, mlicii it beTiimn chrtiic the mre li neeeillnKly difficult, nso Welti' Car hclie TaWiu ai a tnieifle. i JOHN O.. KtLX.Ot. 1$ Tlatt St,. X. Y. Sulo aic-nt Fr the it. S. Trii-e S5 eents a box. Send for circular. lil'SSIAN MIS- r THE WOUKISO LSS. male or female. 1 a week imaratitee!. Hi icetnhle emplcty. nent at homo, ilay or eTentn mi capital re-quirci: full iaitmetUmi aii.l ralunhle packaie" uf icn-ii tu start wlih. lent frre 1-jr mall. Ail'ln-m, Willi Occat return scamp, M. YOCNU k CO.. 1 CounltlanJl StM New York. lent. twuliri,l t r,-,M-ii,l f t. W. HtlOlAN T. I hl KAI. i'F, Kaul'.cg, Pa. AEenis WantsJ Eveipln T' le!l the belt h.w-iTir.l I'cirn Miiil-r ever jmt ene1. L-t Ir-.rmen and evcr!W who hasorn tn thetl ir-int fer circular t i A-SlILY COKX SHiXLUW CO.," Aarri-Lur(f, l'a- 1 4 I XAKItIEI. B LACK LO i I It. October 21th, lTi. at the residence of the bride's father, by Bev. J. P.. Biicker. Mr. Franklin Bli-.tk, of Bedford county Pa., to Miss Barbara I.idir, tif Shade township, Somerset Co. Pa. I.OIIB fPAXGLEIi. On the 31st ins!., bv Bev. John Tomiison, Mr. E. l.ohr to Miss B. county. toiell Protean button liele Cotter. 2icn'. Hiiiton 11. ile worker. SO cti. : Nee.Uo Tlirumlinir Thtmhlt!. ttt cue: Morocco Nc.-dle book. 60 cel.. (4 larvre, ami paper tmall N'cc-llcj. ii per day lure: israpl, free to any one at ariove price. C. THOUXTON t CO., OM Broadway. X. Y". THEA-SECTAR. Fare Chlnewe Ten. fhc BEST TEA Imported W arrantcd to init all Init-i. Put uii in our tra-ln mark Half 1'iuixl an.l Pound I'n. knifi l on ly. SO and t Pound Ilexes. Kor isle at whole mile ontv hr TheOreat Allaniic and Pacific Ti-a Co., P O Hot. 5409. N. York. EPS-!. A GREAT OFFER fnXT will .li-iwol lot) PIANOS, .MEUOIiKONS, and t (KUANS, of aixtinit elans m:i ken. Inclmlinir W a tem, at very low price! for eaih. or part caili. and t-.ilanc iu liuntl monthly Installmcnri, New-7-oc-tve nrntctnis Piini'-i, modern iiniipivcTnnti. for l-.Ts oisli. Now ready a CONCERTO PAKEOK OHO AN. the mot beautiful Kyle and iiert-ct time ever made. Illustrated ratal. .guo mailed. Sheet muitie and music merchandiie. U' 1' V'l'ti w'-nted for the (treat worker TJii J. the year, by the author ot 'el in lllstery ;" handaomelr Illustrated by tiuit tnvo Here, Nasi of llarjM-r'i W eekly, ami others ;nd'inei1 bv eidlee preildenri and eminent ili vinei. Itin'lle and eintenti will eniure for it lliou wnidi of readers why ? JJeaue nothintc like it hai ever tecn putiliine!. For proof of thi". lend t'aiirp and loe rin-ulrs nnd term! before ena-atrinz eitewher:. K li. TKEAT, Pub. SOi U way. .V. Y. FUEE to ijook agents. A!t El.BOaHTLV BOIHD CAVA3I!0 Hkk fur the bct and cheaeit Family Bible ever pub lished, will be lent tree of charge to anv hook nit't. It eiiutulni nearly too tine. .Scripiuro ihustratiuiii, and arenli aremeetinKwitbunpreeeilenteiiiucee-i. Addrem, ratinz experirtiee. etc., and we will eliow v.. n what iurairenti are deinz. N ATIONAL. f t UElSIUNel CO., rhllad'a Pa. A. Spaiigle r, Imth ef Somerse-t DIED. BOSIL Mr. "William Bosh, near Stoys town, aged Si rears, 8 moniiisand 17 days. " BF.NTOX. Imle -Benton, son cf J. S.nno A.rNTS.WATri AT ONCE for turni-w luk. tlie life ol the treat Explorer, LIVINGSTONE, . And his KESCKKECTION rroraalivins death bv Knr foil deserliitlon an 1 terms addmi Immedi ately HCKBAKU B!OS., Publishers, 1'lnU.or lljfton. Agents It Sells Quick i. both II. Snyder, aued 3 years, 0 months and t Amor. all claries o:.l people, tb-mid.lle-arc l'J davs tlne who aro just enteriint lite, and youlh of bol ; r. A.-o uu nu, l . n.i wiiii iitr Kirj.cri iiuiii. MY JOLLY FEIENirS The lore of miy henna li clc : The Yi'ui of many cyn ; U!i little rjee cn er.rth Is ma ; His home beyond the skh-s. rcliert w.ii hii lufTerln tiia: And womirous hi nwarl ; His Soul Iias gone fustaine l by criiu -To at jn j liefure the Ird. ! SECRET, I'l'i LEWIS' lust and best book. It i meeiimt wiih ihe sreateit taceem: and there'! .MONEY' in it. Send for our circnlars, etc.. wbieh are lent fre. U E . -M AC'LEA N, Phila. f " REAT CURIOSITY! A 5.Mairiiiine of I tin hln.l ordi:r l.-r el. A scut wanted in ev ery town, on a jierpetunl lnmie. Send l(i". lor ilN imen to "Smith' Vol'.cr Mayan'.,'' 11 Liber ty it reel. .V Y". .HimiPFT 1873 OF THE Xeiv York Observer, Tlie licit rtl!j:!oui and aemlar Fanilly N'ewsjoptr, A3 a Year with the JUBILEE YEA It BOOK. SIDNEY r. JIOIISC A CO.. 37 Park no, Jm Tork. SEND FOIl A SAMPLE COPT. Xcw Ad 'rrli 1 A' !' Adft'rl s.r,nrotjim 1 J A T1 0 M D & RUBY FU RM AGES. I'OVTEKFULan I ECONOMICAL II FATE US, Janti-a A. LtMiiin. Ptcr;-!', FULLER. WAKKKN 4. CO., Z.A "v r :., X. Y. nOKIENTt"X (X. J.) FE..I ALE C'lf, L.lAtV Tli'ri.ti '!i li..lrn. tl ,n. I! -Lhrul and iautiitil fc.ilixn. On of the in- st e;ir iiil'y eontlucUi and b:il iu.-l:iiiK. 1 ii:M iisii' iii I'-u St Ate. 'T te-rn., et. a l'ir. J.cv. Jil 11. JIKAKELEY'.I h. 1). THE GRAND EST STOCK o Pi ir Adrrrirm'nf4. anos ana urgans ! w Ever Esliibited in this City. V GENTS Wanted For Harriet Ileerlter Silone'n campaign tmuk, with live! ol the e.inlldates and leailiiir men of all paniei.. gi) Steel Purtmlia. $6 to f ji a day rapidly and eaiily made. Write an-le. P.irei.-utiirs free. WOUTII INO TON. VI Ml IN X 1 l).. HarlC r I.Ct. Good. Coilry Hluhest r,rle pel l 'ir rci" T-i di'y by L. 51. r.LKlN'TON". So-'p.ifl l Can-lie Manufacturer. ll Murzamtta St., Pl:il.ideiibi.', Ii ucnirpaise I as Promoter of the Growth of the Hair and Whiskers. It 1 neither atii-ky nor Kreesy. yet it euflena and imoiithei the Hair fur U tter and mora permanently than any Oil or Po made. Cied aa a Hair Uressing. It pnxlucrs the mit lioautitul and luslniuszlois. Varrante-l per Icetly harmh'f. In exiiuiaiu;jirfumeis iUite un rivaled, belli;? liitill'-.l pm the wiirtd-rennwued lioseiuf Calitnere. L-irje Ixit'les enly So cent?. Address ASCI1EN BACH h. ;.I1LLEK. Vm S. 3d St., Philadelpiiia, Pa. A WISE AT JiiVJKXTI AVe have dnrlded tod t.poie oT our immense itork of ltilli,irl Tnblee at pri--ea a liilie atniv cont. First-rlaiaSxlu New Tabb s, cinpli te. .(oo Se,n 1 hand tutih-i made over new. $Joy. if-fy. 4te. A pent variety to suit ail buyera.' S.nd for Cat a h'litio. KAYANAun & nr.i kix. Cor. Canal nod Center Ms.. Si. T. Area:, T.anleil for Coibln'n ' Child's Commentator; Oo trie BICI.R lor Ihe nolE CIRCLE, j 2V) i:..-ni lnj. Th 'onenteri.rtce , a- it.e t-e-.r l.ir nr;..irn. I.v rv lir.illy will Ha-; I'. Xoilil.r like fl now l uMi-be.!. V..r eln nl ir" ad- dreis li. s. uixisp:i:iae.o.. hi:iiavk .ow FALL O; OX HANI OLU STOCK 1 4 il il si CE?Tn 1TA?ITF.I F- Sltiwe'i eniotriiim 1mm k. with in' di dales and !:d!n- men f all p:irtte. u s: I ! I"i.rtrai;i. (it.ailr r.- l.liv and e it m.vte. Wriieuni e. rar.i.j.'irs iree. WOiU'lIlN'-. TON, M ST1.V a C.. Hurtf.-r!, Ct. I r.ir i-in utii- ;-'- m .37 Park, Uuw, N. Y. j g rIUrriet Hrc-heri )fi p fjl with lives of Hie can-1 Jt.'l.S tl I J Bonds. and Oruans, coMruisaxi; the Greatest Variety o;f Styles and Make 2 I'l vable la New York t"ty, f.r !..!e at pries ttiat 1 i will pnv iver 12 per cent, on th? lTiviitmeut. ML NIC 1 PAL ItoNbS of Ibi hib'i irn le at- We do Dotcoc&uc ourjetvs to .-.ny ijie-cUI br.m is, I bat xep a (r-;at a'Sirlnv-nt In tail ai,taeei an I ways en h ire!. TH' IS. V. ELLIS i. CiI, Ii .t.k- rne-ir.-. j eri, 14 Pir.e ttreet, N"w Y rk. ! Wo warrant our I'teno an I f irz.ms to be ;-m! , t any In the tn-rk-t, ai rnanntee ear Price ; ly-wi-r m..n ar.y uan-r n-iu.- in itiu niy. j Ii yon wiut'to irv newv nn-l zet the heft in I'.rintint e!l on ns. JI.atMy payai'ita taken, j S n I fur Cir -ular and Price Lien. i SIM 111! ran &F mm sihbs if mm &iako SStove Gloss ! Unparalleled Success! MELLOR 53 A ND HOENE, A11D 0;HQAN PALACE, FIFTH A VEX ! UE, PITTSBURGH. Over twenty-fonr Tlnm-nnl Gr.s 11 In lysi Than Nine Mmithn. Ii LidicS i Si2?j Sills. Lii SsriLvavJ dx iUKKIFF'ri SAI.K.- I ASIC Y'Ol-Il STilliBICKF.PF.n FOB IT. I.. . ... ... . .. ! If he (.on t have it. z. to the Bex, store: but , nau rirri l arlat ....j t,rBr, yaria, m r ! i.n i i-e uuiiiiiu.-, iniu i.u.i.ij Keniri i the Court of Common Plcwi of s.,m.rs.-t Count v, the old riolwlM'S when you ran gv. j pa., and t.i mo direeti.-d. 1 will exj.. to !.il by i n jf n j ! pw.iie uu ry. at tin; "icis tiouse. ' In VSTIIMAt Cpham'i Asthn.a Cure relieves ' the uhisI violent pnroxlsiniiiiilive ininutei and 1 e-iieirti a speedy core. 7 c-ns a N..T. bv niail. t'in-nlari tree. Address S. C. CPHAM.'lS Svuth Ehrhth Sireit, l'UUlelphui, l'a. S-.ll ly all PruzgiKti. At te Snrr.e Price. Every Jubl.er arvl Betiill Deab.r iu the t'r,i;e ! Suites has or will have It fur tile. E. i BAETLUT h CO., rmr. wELPiii . v.. ASTHMA. rnbieri'vers are .Munur-etneiT's W. lb-ad' eebbntel ASTHM A horb: cureii ty a limple renieilv. i fri-e. to uli alllii-td. I'rawer 17", Syracuse, X. Y imenet. SCiinlav. tl ta-ldav o Ni.veril- r. l7i ; 1 o'rloek. r. ji.. tbe loliowinz r al estate, vii: All the right, title, interest and ehiitn of Hiram I FindUy. ot, iu and to tj following den-.Ti.'nd ral ' t scite, vu: No. 1. A e rtair. trv-t of Lmd Includinr the de- i findnnt'i h-rtnested birni and aw-mili traet of! l.ind. fituate ia Elkli'-k and tiri-i nvliic townMiips. ! Simer.-'t ei.unty Pa., ci.ntaining.lT- aort'S. mi-n or , less: of whi'-b there are at.xii lJtl ami cleareit. I and at.itii ljaeres in ni'-flow. with one fr.imed well- ' in- t:..n. one be .Iw-llinz-h. use. mf frame barn. , TBAiPAIlF.CICS A5D DA55EES, s:.,i.le and iw-uiill tbreon er.-ete.l; adjoinin: I binds of Stu:zm:iu's h"irs. Pe:. r 51 vers' h-irs, ' With Portraits or any device for all paniei. and what is kuowu aa the Grandman iro--t. wi:h ! Sittr Buntinir an 1 51u.-ilri Tt.-nr of all size, on Airents f.,r ! appurte: ;,i;im. 1 hand it made to order. 4 bine.- Lanterns of all U.Ir.:-'. c-r-rein inej m nn. smu- in . u-n- files and slyles : P.iir Kil-j.n. Fire Wur. . Politscai Campaign l-70. Grant & Wilson Greeley & Brown, CAiiPAiarr CAPS, Cap--? and Torche, Ol 7 I I i H I I: star.t rcii, t zu.ir.ntecd er pur'bjse m .n. y ret'uiel- i ' "' ' f h tnere nre s.i-.ut lw , Kates at "m-"'" - i ti. i... .. -wfti-e.. elenreif . .in. I nr,,;it -Ji In mfoiow .:h ' , , ..... , . , , , en. l lie mojn itie is Tine up in t nree mz-.. w mi'-u ! - I suffered wuh i a'arru thirty years, mil m . .taji K j ,,i i. persons remitting price a two-en ry ! sr d-.f Ilin-hvu) an I tsoik brirn j in -H-ii.r rr-.-eiiit. iiosx- ot;:i ,t.. M..t;Mn f... or-ri-'n er,,,.'.i r-iini!' ii:n:s oi .i ntorot tven- KEV. T. J. SIHAU. j. litaiMmtiiM aUit ire tn'anv wiv, ,te'ip. i "!. 11. T. Weld, Aden Sior.x and others, with tlie nov. a. V.niiMtitiK. Ti i.r. i; .t i-i u.mi v v I'lTTsnritoii 4t Coxxin.T.sv:r.i.i! I. K. Co.. OlMK.M. OKF1I F, I'lTTSBriUJH.Oct. ttJ.1 "V'ollce 1 Stoekholilcrs The stock Trena il ler hooks of the Pittsburgh h. ttonnel'sville Knilnad Company will tie elowd on the liihof X'vetntier n-xt, and so r 'main until after the an nual meetilllf of Slirf-Ltiotders in Ilis-enitwr n, rt lor ' tbe eleetb-n of Iiireeti rs ef s:iid C mtiarv forttie enminkT year. CUAS. I-ti.NNELLY. n.iv. C. Se-c'y an 1 Treasurer. CAJ ' Cod tjrant that thia vreciout took may fir.d Ut I I a-y to f re rv fa rally ia inriand. says a pmiiiint;nt ; n lorin'-r. of 1 . -S. Arthi a e last ureal work. rMr.tii:T n tsiitr. Cornvtcl weekly by A. J. Caslbumx i. Co. a as sever; 1 hundred weight of ! jiroirietor, well knows how to conduct a ' '':!. I-XI'l.osIo.NS. "iO to . . mV il?i and htiy a hoy. of Pnor. s - rios-Kxri."ivE L.sMr Pew . I; i the wonder ol the world 1 It I-'.:ivt-ly jirevent yeur l.uiijis fma i . g .-.ti 1 yo.tr l:'.m; c hiinneys from .':'. The met t'ng w.is held in the ojx-n air, in i hotel tiutvessfitlly after lii'ulcrn ideas. front of that well known hotel, the Jien I Mr. lie-sh lktiii-y, of Berlin, nnd several j ford House, and was well attended and en- lt.eiulicrs of the Ml. 1'icas.iul Bind, fur- ; thudastic. W. nished most delight fid music, and till cn-1 j joye-d the daib-e until an curly hour tu Uic i morning. i Locke f tlie Toi.?:i) m: i-litest sights of this season v -ir a youn r lii'in who 1i:l wait- '. I.- tiic church of an e vening until tt- iscliiii.-d through, only to ace lii " vith shiiip r.-.scal ho has i:'. the time roasting his si. ins ; :irl lK-cn .t the sv j.; r-ns in need of Pure 'White :. Y:. ec.l Oil. raw and hoiled.. Col I'Jnts of all kiniis. Paint Brushes. i faVtor lit raid : The nieeting at Ber- lin. on Saturday November 2d, was re- - I cede .1 hv the raising of a very handsome s iVii.r.AR MoNTm.y Mc-sr-. ; rant and Wilson polo, f..r which the Pe Jone. Tohilo, oiiio, Puhii-hcrs i m,i,ii,ur.s (f JWlin and vicinity deserve in mi- mi.fiKi j.i. aim. .ilu ,11.1. n ! great cretin. i ue nieeiing w as iieni iu me ; r AitM J-irsNAi, atiiiounce licit nicy win r,.:ir ,,f the hlklior.i liote!, ami was a very j i tic. .November is, tu initial n -tiii . m r ot a it--.v Literary Magazine to lie cali'd j Ioche-'s I)..r.ar Monthly, with Mr. I). B. I Locke. . Xi ) us editor. The new i Monthiv w ill U- in character i:; to the . stanaani oi lUc u t-.aroiiur apu.n.s ; rnsidei,:-E.Iwaid I , an lwcl contain forty- i J. lit jiages. 1 t.rsvdlcv oitjcct istoji tiie-ix-si i.i,-ra..ire :.t m ii ,- irosi.l,.n!KraI1iii11 Korn.-v. of Berlin. Jacob P. HiJi-gr.s, of Allegheny, Jesse Slick, ef Shade. S-crt tar'us John II. Knrt'ier, of BeT ; lin, Jose-iih StulL' of Stonycieek, John Sli der, ot Ilrothcrsviill'-y. ! Inter, s'.ing stieee lies wire made hv lion. large and enthusiastic one. 1 ne nie-eting was organized ly the selection of the fol io a ing cliieers, on motion ot Dennis Mev- ery, th viz : irinan tf the totuitv tiir.niif.ee. iiiiu-.ell, of Bi'oth- h rales that it will rc:i ii every I.nnilv. 1 uc : , !;r-t ntinil-cr w id contain a ivkiii. "lil i 71," I v Mr. D. B. In k-, n-scmlilin-r in j w liich t ;.Tir,i"irf.i1 in Ihirr.rr ' Vri !,'irrit, rw' T.i-.ti.ri'il if iitl Li'lil U ill I !,v.-,ie.,t "I.it.li.'slr i-'t..rc " ULaracte-r the poem -Hminah Jane '..ure-lusinz Isewhere. ' W? 'n X'"''" lartMh,-r. ' i lie wnl also w rite mr the Magazine eharac in of the shavings inene oi" toe rooms ', M:itiiinotli liuihiing were discovered ; c ;-i..t Wednesday of hist week. Two j tin :i were tassiiig l.y s.iw tlie lire. a it out. thus saving the destruction i- "k.rge,t an. I weed costly or.'tljitig i s'.nv the lire. Mr. J.iscph Vthroek has retired fr. m 'Mansion Boit--," New Ccntrevi.L-, ! 1 I.t 'iMml Fcrrcl. cstj.. siic-e.-d him. l.-n. Fi-rn I. iantllord, is tis nint h of a : ' s.s as I n. Fi-rrel. Macksmith. tlie j M.it-ii.a" will ! jircsitied ovr ly one; lit, )-,'. s ho. to keen hotel." ! !ini.li..-..miiMs.,ll.Mi.u,.rn, ! ,, m, i- i Kiis-r. t-i.. Dr. S. ;ti. s., and the list authors in the (vtintry s (U) an(, j,,,,, xv j, Kotmi7L win contriout- t-ss:iy.s, sett .ies. stones, i T,.c II( r,;n i:ra?!l u.ma enlivened the pociits. i:r lh - Magazine will he a(t ,.,.( Ik.Ilt luu. 'Tlsic, aii 1 they well de-served the hetirty I cheers '.he audience gave them. Alter three roiif ing cheers for Grant and Wilson, ' the meeting adjourned, t This was the first Hc;ulilioan meeting I held in Berlin since 1W04. und from itsin-r- lect meet ss we think 1'eriin will not be int.iled to Hihscril.crs ;.t One Dollar annum. All whose names are received hi fore N;vetul:i r lolh will i-cccae the Mag.i.lne for two ye-ars for the one dollar. Locke V Jones, 1'i.l.lishers. Apj-bn. drietl. ft Appb-imOi-r. (rsl Putter. t1 Hu. kwlii aU Jt bushel Itecswax. fi B. Uncoil, saolildera, 1 Si fides. " ban-is. P:.rn. f t-usticl Corn meal V Call skim. V y.SKf. V dot , Flour. bid Fiaxsel 'j! bu., it t ) Lir l. V S Leattier. re-i sole. 5 upper " kip. f):os. fl bit Potatoes, V hu Peaches, dried, V & I. vc jl till K.-tss. V Salt, No. 1, Vl bl - tbu " Ablon. " Supnr, yellow p I, white ' Tallow, t ft Wbeet, V' bu Wool. -1 a e ! ...tl 00 : Throe YcarB in n Jfan-Trnp. j tVow!ihf1andirp its Immense sale, we desire loex ; tend bs Influence ftrill funlM-r. and call for more ' aid to Introduce It to every corner of our land. It t. lustily cndi rsed by-Judire Hla.-k. F. It. Orne, Nc:il Dow and others. Will do more trood than ': : eny jrdiibiiion law ever framed. It sells iH-yond i o- ,,,rull..l Av.'l ti.r. n ra. .1. in,i e. I ' .1 11. wi'ih'it I to. baa ..lj'Tioln.,,1.: 1 1. . Oooo-.XviK)o C'K hiz to iis irreat EUieesji we are enabled to otter e .he , iM-iaiiy i .rue discounts. Send for illustrated cir cular an-' wnus. an;l enter Into fi pn-at wor at nice. J. 31. STOHI) A RT te CO.. Phila. OiHi.iiH.jeo(e;..4hi.l.x-je.i,si,.ir).Ki.-...HoriO'io 0n0tlOl.S.(MVII'..lU.WO0'O0-s-WOOO(.....l,.,iiJ,. OH . .liKr It . s - s . n m WI..-0..1OOUl i... . M . tt. X10000U (nV.M.Ks.iorrHvio,iO''ie.i.-..iini.Mii-viM(mrmooi.., ooOOOOOr L f PB,BZ W "rtT-J'"";'JU""t' ooooooosKio ixsioooo oii:i-v.ioiKeincxiriivooooooivf.iexiio.x.io.ssKS) "Yill be more Crntifvins; to tho o Youno; Gentlemen of our City oo ARE YOU GOIXC TO PAINT? HIE Averill ChemicalPaint II-is rj& i'pirlf to t?.' HANRSOAIKST AI MOST IfK.VBLi;jEX TKRIOIZ PAiNT K.V-'WN. Sjtt; c-.ir I of beautiful ! r an I r 't'.i:ir.j n ! atrtiH ir ia t xsn r ul trie Un-t ty1 i. :; .' ia t'ic AvraiLL riiE.i:uu, iv.ixti".. S'k X A -rain tnnt nf lan I itaitc in S- nh- W at-Tt.. iin-rr: or Itr. of whi'-a tl.cre are amt ii i arfv i-lcar. an-1 aUxit 4 arr- in mcu!ow, tth a SEXD FOIi CIRCULAn or.? unJ at h-ilt-at'trv iKue anJ ' am tti'-rvcn ! T m . VIZI. P. ECHELBLE S PAWN DErOT. Third street Philadelphia. ...lael tl OU ; 1 fit) M 1 Oi l-V 3t'i-:4c 7'JC so.- .'iOe Nc IV 1 oO lie n 7s t 1 00 ....l-.'l.Vl ....15i!Sc IOC TOO Mi'iioc : Airentl v. ' tl, a nted to canvass for the iTi-eat coaihina- ! TO-DAY. j fhc irreat lllqiinitnl Pcide't Wreitlv. the best and meatiest mpcr puMisbcd. HUILM', IS and j .IMOaoi lill J"i,UIIM .O.UOI3 Will- i. 1,1-1, ,1 for it. We K'vea copy of the unparalleled ehroino, just io nion, To Tfrv pubsrrilrfr. Aitrcns tak fpimtwimT ftvr t thirty nam? a day. IVo lu?int pays like rh!?. Sim.Iit ti'rro?; aut rWirure terriiorj- lor t-a.s irreBt cut cn Tit1' at om. JHA('LKA. STODDARD k Sanifm Street, Jr'hiladeli.iii.u uoxmMnft'MHmjjmHvuyiiQ ) Mill htm of yiir? an-I 'M yto o Learn that Elsnor Phillips are w nun rnijvivinu ernrmnuf.insi.'ai w rricntscf Rautifi.i Kv Stvlp t t ly fi;niMim ! and Cvercots for Fall oo nnd Wintor oo lMWlOUOfOl0'JO W - fj H Of H VW H M K ) t 1 - n uV 4 KRU It Ot M X JO V XX if MlOVfcXt.O-l00ji) "Thon ce!! at youroarliert ccnvo- tncu on rcr-U't. a-1j'in:r:ir l-in.! of rnry Manz, Dack-1 ! 4. A:i tl.? ir mi irm on. Iiin m . rm-t ani o; ii r mirural- art-i min Ttl rt i h w Hh'i hi iux cmior. o; n. or r"fitjirie-.l within i all th-jt I'iiN-e or ul "iturire in S.afh- j 8tn;.i..n tnwM-iiij. S raerft tvtinty. Pa.. w.i rh i ! lii'.ri.' luliy tiU'i punicniriy ieni-t'i by mcfrsan-l i lMiin ;!, cmrs5 an! ;i.?T,inr' in a !?, fnn V.'m. j Tr ut:xt:;n aii.l wile tfatei l-'xh Juiy. 1k5. o"-nfa:n- in? u"rn m-jrv vr l-. a-ijoii.;;. Uixicf lhn ' ! i Kom. Ya."n.:v ly pi.y. S..tn-r-t t'Kil na 1 i Ir:i ( an l otlitrn with tu; iipturti.anf:. No. 5. Aii tli iron or. ina"Nn-. f ! nH::ils. an; ! !y:n aati tK'iiii? unier. oj u or rtit;iirHff within i aU tinit jii.'-n or par vl oi laa-t icui;e in S-'u;li-! rtiiit.in t-mnj-hip, S'tiifnM.ti ft.. . which i. mt 'TV icily an-l -trti-uUr?y 'IcTiNl try ru-tps t. rturl .l.iilv with .li-rrt-t Shjum'-i.. f;l -!.' 'Vn l r-'""':'1- r.ui-r3 n-i ;i-taprvMn a .pr l fr m arhf. i..;iLi:jtu.n.iii.iin. fsmur,-i ?. rw tn.-ru'v, ' rutw.U n . m- n? -r i s-. a-! joining ian'r 1v.iet-(;S.:.c..tarTl!.rh?unnr :.-;n.nurj!iri.i. -rr.ivfl. ! i,lt A''um u ?,Ur lJaWl-i an la.., wi:h Wt'JI IT tioii-k' Ol.n! iii- I. ill HI I" .V.' 1 1. r . 1 ' r 1 1 .11 a. T "I'l'"'1 n.aa.i ' Death! Bad Breathf Purchasing Agency We will purchase an 1 forwarl any ankle KAMTAtTlRFI) U OLl la th." ei: j at i? e lowest rtei. Parses in the O-un-ry wt.ntnjr to por-hae Pi anos. eraans, Sewitia- Mai-toinea. .runs, H'-volvers. Nurs.-rv Si'.-k. Jweiri- Furniture. Mh.uk rv. otti.r niinerats and mioerHl suf-stunees Har.iwur. I'rurfi ot-r.s. Bo..as.s,rih-..-ry. Sij- t iv. I i . ' T. ..J, r. A l ' 3 ""ir, av .. . will UU vw " . I t' tt u. Ail itr will O rN-'jrVrn with a tipw to e"ononjy. as w-H artasi-j an-J flT3(-t3. and N-x- or pi-kaca lorwarlfl my t.zr?9 toanrpar-jf (ho -t uiitry. All ri-r- pronitlT aitcnli tu, to i mrliOMttN PAi'KAOUS. Ncv.-r I N"i. 6. A tnain trart c.f Ian ! i:oito in Milf t 1 I-ITTSm RH srrPLT to. scp. is. I'lTTSnUP.GI I. I'A. ir.f Pt4L Di.Tfc.Ti;- your ca?. Cir- ct.raiiinuT 'Jiju vrrttt i BARLOW'S luDiGQ BLUE Xew Ad iv'?'i'ctf ';it'n. DUTY OFF TEAS! j 1 IIEURE.IT AM EMC AN TEA COMPANY Have business connections with all the principal j jk i-ts nt 4 'bina and J:iian. and import their Teal ! oireet Iroin place of srrowih. thus itivintr thecon ; sutni r from 4 U 8 probii. It if now abe ul 1J yirs I linee the Company wasorirwuized an.1 li has been ! a splendid su.-oe.-s from the very first. I bis was I due to the fact that we imported and Sold only TtESTru ANNOSHOHX "1 Xo. 71. Xovcm by her nexi lrieul, A. Z CK, i 1st T.. lsTi A I. vs. (stub, lor liiv.iroe. W e command' you that all manner of business j TIlC BCSt 311(1 PHTCSt GO0(IS, and excuse le. ina let aside you be and anin-ar In ! . ,, vour i.r.per r.n before our J adct at S..tners t I "' istn.utr incnito our -usenmen in ai pan. 1'leas, tiierr iu "" ' " " 1 "-' ... at oiirtitua1 y ('nurt ( IVninmn h-M tm the 4:h Mutvlay of NttTombtr m-xt, to frhuw riuw. if any a have, why your wile, H'S trr Amu MciM'niniK'Ull ml e "tiv.rre-i intu ll.e U;i ir t.f m iriin ny. Shrrifll!ir. .TOSIAH SHAFKR Nfiv. . 172. SlttTiif. Swnucl 15. R ;il.trle i K.-pJ-irlf. $ w-pu the la-intwtraiifl the ln-c-ou?uni r. We oriuinatcJ the rjwem of fupplyinc: nnf-umrr in 'H.-iant iarts of" the ttitry Wi h Tcaa at New Ynrk fri.f, "on th Club plan. And fiwe we al-ptfsl thU plan we have nnvcd ihf jfjple of ilia1 country tnilli-m! of dollnrs annually iu the i.r f this article ot prime neerity. Sni l rlui Tirrular, which foiiUins full di- rxU'-.n. prrntiunn. a,r. niK OHKAT A 31 ERICA X TEA CO., CI an'153 Ve v r.ft, P. f). CjAZ. New Vorii Ci:y, j Xo. "0 N'-vcni'ierTi-rm, lnTi Ai. Sa!. t-r Di- .I.;rj:iret Ann K'-plirlt. J vnrr. H e v muiunil m u llwt all manner of itiiMncf-! an! txrue l.iiK It It ariiir. yu h antl apjM-nr in v.ur pr-it'r i rs.a I'M'forv ur J if lift s at Siut rtt at i.urf dity C urt t-t CtUiinon Pivati, .here to he ; EXQUISITE AIDS tO render STILL iic,-i on tut 41 a Monday oi .oviiiivr n- xt, iu i-lw.w :iaf If any vou li.tve. why y-ur hui.l, Sjtnu'.'l II. Ropliflo. rii'.ul.i nt e.i;'i.n-'.i In-tn th Utn-Is uf un-trim ov which he hath eintr.uu i with ron thtj nai l .Marjm't Ann Km1 irle atrre.- al'Iv to the travcr of the ttiiti.n an-l liin.-! fj.lif.t- i;e t c:iin-t yi'U lu'li-r- -ur stl. I'l-un; an i thi. vn ptuilf in Tio wi?? emit at vmir pf-ril. oo 1 anl V. iit tx-y 'eo'KrOO.rtyX'CK jKA, , -1 rv iW'Otx o j a,t W ill berrr P Jti FUIi EMPORIUM. no i Pnvrie w,,,.wipp,.rr,,.uviiii.w i. ...m.hiim.iomuikI ZCor. 5th Ave. and Wood St.' OW-OtiiXMXX'IOO.i p ITTSBUUCH "'f 0-tilOi HlOOfllfO (KM X A KK.'K m t xjt-hv Mmn k.. h I towns. hi" SHifrt "o- Pa . j m- rt t of which ;!n-re iri.U-ut j art ?-ieiir- I ECELSIOn , a-Ij-'irtirz Iau-tT uf R .trt I-nt;tmr.a. Amhviiy ' tir-'WiU au-l others, with tho at. pur. liamv. " i N. 7. A rrrtnin.t of srounl citmte in Sal is-1 t ury Nt.. Somerset Co.. Pa., e-'nt-iir.inif -; an. I ... .... , nwreor Iw. with a larir? two -h-tv frame dwell-I an ' hrM ar.i-.e in f e mir -t f r I iUiS h-w. -tV h an-l othr outhaildin- th're--n ? K''nr.;rp has N.in rrl iw s -. ..t.., kn..r. th -...-e-. i -.i . ,.r i I rifr T P Tl ime on ihe la',-!, rn i iB r,:i: ur ; i... v "i i . - e,-1 . I lot No. xs n the east, ani rtn-t on the m-nii an-l i ) Vj"J.-JN J. V JL J X X" on uc Mdui. an i i-j Liii ik oi iUi;z-T tfaT.wi;a . J". ISAACS, "rcCKSSOB TO For Mk ny store. ?.i. N -rti S'-e- j i. s. w ii. n:i. in iKK. irej-isirf arvl eirocirry. ! G KNTS WA NTED.A tr e n t j TOuk more money at work for us th:m at' ;,mnniiniioDini life, tiusini imrtt r.n.l t- niriri! nr. ; oorio J KKCH AN"! T. 1 1.( )1 lS.ooi.io j Partknlan tree. tl. STIXSOX it e: ., Fine Art ' 00IMMSlllM.HS.MM1.HNK..KWll10n00lK0oo.l..ill0.l00lOi0 OIXOoflOOflCltlOl0001lCl.KIOUIMMlUl.S.SS rf00l.10..)l.l0 1XOTI .... H AKIOHWJOt..XOl . Hi OuOOOo, .X. S lO'OO- IOO0 Nov 8. Publishers, Portland. Jlaine. LMPOKTEB AXI M AXX'FACTUHER OF r-r f-. T?nise rri TTholcsalc and EetaiL s ff-nt ' ir fr im ; CJIA Ml: E 11 L A IX AXU FEMALE COLLEC Rnntlolpb, Cntlarau The new llnartin-.'-ball. foroccujianev. Thin lloardinrr-fchool lorl.ithsex has nn ample endowm-nt. fp.i' iijns build iiks. ex tensive ifn.unds, and abtindunt s-h'd apparatus. The Winter Term opens 1'. i Catali gun tent free on a.p!ic:iti -n to KKV.J5. T. EDWAMiS. A. 31.. Xov. fl. 1'ria -a. 713 Arch Street, mid-lie ef tb P.t 'k. between 7;h Xo. a . Three certain Iuts of arronn-i titnate in I 6B'' a Streets, b-uth Ski. PhiilelphU, s,;i,i.-;.ury tier.. ss.mTset Co.. l'a., con- ;i:ur.z 1 ; I i a re e? h. more or less, and Known on the lieneral plan oi siiri i.iwu a. ion, .-sos. ami wV. a'T-i LCt""? Frr T"t Tise 511 joiniTi-j lot .o. 4j on tne ni.rrn. riirer i.ine on toe j .i - erft. tlnia l lane on the south, and Niduii's avenue I on tlie wes-. with the appurteniiuees. 1 Xo. . A certain lot of irronnd situate in F.tktli-k Tlavlr.ir Imr.-rte'l verr larire and .lendid a- towr.stiip. Soim-rset county. Ph.. n-utainlnir 1 aere. sortme-nt d ail the different kinds of tl Rs fr in m- re t lest, adjoininat hinds of He-try Oiotfelty first hand in Furi-pe. would r-spectfnllv invite the an i Abratiam P. Hea-bv. with tbe atil.nrtenwn.-s. l ri-ndera r.f this ir.i-.r to !! in.l,.,mln,ih,.L '.. fi.ua- i SeiZ'st and taleeii in eveention fl. tli,. i,,in, ..f ..ennt At V.nn- I nrt 1 . m ..- ... .. ,i Hir.itn Flridiay at the suit id J. C. Uaeberer. j the lowest Casii price. All Furs warranted. . . ALSO Xo Misrepresentaticnt to etfeet tales. .-in tner;:riii. line, interest anncieiTT u: c. tieei-h- FIP AITVRrn tttnBrPltsrn er W..H. John J. sk-hell and J.Kii. Keed. asiime..i t! . AS " K EPA IKED. tenants in ounu. n with lohn w-Kememocr tno istr re, 7is Ann street, r-tiii- an I to all the eonL iron-ore. lime- I -t-.; ma. oct. nis and other minenls and mir.. ; : emlsui.sMn-esiyinaad tviag under, upon, oreon-j S500 OQO TTsT T? J 1STT-C ' tainelwitiitn-allthntriiei-e orinnlol ln.l .;.. s5vJW,U XiM i31LJl : at.- In tsnmmit township. S im- rset Ci ur-v Pa.. I . , -. . - r . . , PnlrrSliT'"RG 7 A I rteb U m-re lolly an-l Varti. ui-trly .teserfile.! br Q RS D GIFT CONCERT. J- L -- J-Jl)L.lkU,l V. m.-teS3ndl.,u'H!.,srA.Jan.l.iist:in.--iindeed V 1 XX l.V.ltliill ' I rmm W ilmitn l lli.rnf i v.l " . t . vi a k; nAfii . agkxts ff.vr:;ti.-s,a efUUIt lreo l y mail, teii ii terms to c o bi ftto iif r iLiv. Tw e ttiri-i v eevr -irii JS TJTL TL :- -r. A l.Ir-ss X. li. vViurE. Xcwark. COLLEGE, 1 -, ,- er Wolf. .Tot'm J. S iffnti l onnty, K. Y. t I !PTT.Tn P7 tZVCtt, h OC! of Win. P. Si hell. . (w. rtl, is readv XJ1 1 ' , . K.b:- of. in an .ii ..V....I ,h stone, f-tls. m.-tal Xo. lSrCSaiKhneM ytrrif. IVIOSE BEAUTIFUL Lovely Woman. Xi w and Inijiortan i Invvntioni. S-dety for LaiiKt Sii.-riti's o.ii.tf. I Xm-. , ls7i JU.slAll SllAFF.K. Stieriir. If UT1CE. I be tnit-Iic are heretiv c:.ntr ne I not to r.-eeive a note against me Ik 1 1 by iliijin Uerkey. in hii-h In mi I Ilcrxev Is lull, as 1 wul not iwy l.'ie note Ulliesscolnj.-lled to Co to by Ihw. IioV. . 11 t.X U . lir.i. a, t. 1 . writ ixmx rirMMr.r;. i nr- ir-m ... 5 .i, ,.,..,.,... .,.. o. .,.,. i,':i t-i.r it lufnrc the pe-ojile tb it at Ana ' i. li-i'.'iirr'r is the i lutt- tu lttiv '.'ixkIs "ts. T!:cv have ju-1 n-ocive-d the tl.ird ' - .1..' lit ul' I.:i,','n ' dn ss piiKl-i fi.r tlie--"is.,'1. an i as tlieir nmtto is "iinick Kilf -ti-ishon .MJiis,' he jK-oji'.f will do wi ll '' i-i! sisiii anel rxntiiino tin-ir .-!";. 'uiiirli -tr cii::iili-tc. prixltfe t '.'.i n ia t x ' -V: f. r L'lx.is. I! .vn. l'a., Nov. 0, 4t. : nii triilcoif f ii-ns, Kivs tlie Ne w Vork li-r- ' .t in 1'n ate-ilia! t are fiiteritii up in tin j lirii-t; luit e iitiriuiiiir. w ason uf lii'liau Sutn j lii r. lt;riu its c.in'.inuaf.e-t-, tlie- U atiti f.;l i.Iiae.f thi? .H t of i Winter iin. riiiz iu the l ip cf M.iy ; is itsu.i'.Jy tran.'j (!. aibl liavo May ! stniliii "i:i tin- t-iiilirt t-o;' Winter. In tin- i 1'nite.i State-s tlii1 iwuliiiri liniatc ji!i-tiniti-j W;i8 an exce-ili-nt one, as may If int'e-rreel ; cnnri 1"r.- i tn-rit! v ln-trins aftt-r tin- mieMiet of fr,,ia tiic f.u t th.it we-saw o:tof tin1 "Sm- ii toU r iiti l last?: se'vcr-il wt-i ks. Its well-. crst.-t t-rwd" cut nt-iiily two ide we-el tr'uick- known e liariflcri-tit-s a t-tltn. full and : t.n. several l.irire if"-i of Turkey, mid a liay alniiv ;l:e-r. nil titit.-el t-kii-s, luihl e-,.n(.rotii HirtioiMd tlif otnt-r viands tin tlie wild pninl ti in x r.it ure and aliseuce l'j .-ll ille-l lmard. and lie claiim-d to U" on- ' licavy rains, drv fos. wiKiky and dust la-: v "an oruinarv (titer" at tliat. U'e are- OLUTIOX. in lt tin- Ititnl iiiart-lied down street to tlie- j iirallii r IIu--. wke-re t!n-y were t'leasant . ly and Losjiitalily onte-rtained l.y tlie lililiuiii? l;t, Jlr. llrallicr. I Your firrcsjionde'iit had tlie jilcasur o!' j dininz at tbe Klkliorn Hotel, ki .t l.y ti.a! ' t! -rvi-tlly jm!ar lainllord, J t'tir kite !e-l- low e-itizcii. Sanittel Ferrel. The dinne-r i lie mr!::: r-: ': .. t.-i-i. re exuttax m-tween . J. .Milb-r and . W. Cii. under tne name and nm of S. J. Miih r At Co.. as taiiners.at Hale City, is ibis .lav, bv inuiu.il eotiseut. die-dved. The In.iks are "in the hands of S.imael J. .Miller ! r col lect i .ti. here ell int -rested nre now invite-J to rail hiu al tl:.- t ill tannery, t l ..i-City, eir at bis houj.- oue mi.- uu. !.... .r..m Hole t ity. S. J. MILLER. ct. i9, "72. U- W. CASH X. is. The tsnninr buiii M herealier will be carried on bv Michael H i.lyr.t tt-.e-ol I t.and.whcre ail Interu-'d arj heartily Invited, at he will ia:ike spe-eial t tlorll to pleate all. "V. . JJEOISTEH'S notici:. .-- -'! VS-' 3L.'. tui. V S 77 1. .-sib; i i iiTi-isr, is . an nr., and is ii:e " of tlie rt of nullify makintr. Sue-iaiivt-rtis'Ts tiiilii-sitati.TL'ly and srta'c-'1'il.tri- that thf.v eiwe the Uo-innir.-; r jiros-icrily and foundation.!!' wialtli ii ral and judkioiis use of jritit-r' 'li::1 itii-cnuitr ilifjikiyed liy some '.:'.: !:i-l adveili.iers makes i.dveni--'i"-t a !':ne art. The se shrewd men -" to laake- the Must untaillilit: read .'.itimiients. I ereiiil.iv itiloriued tiiat the dinner at the X. en air anil the sun. shorn ol inn Ik-uius, risititrand sedtins like a lull of lire are ; r.r.dn V House- wa.; tviuallv its ikkI. MiinetitiKS prolonged far into Ie-etiiber. j - '- This d. li iouh i-:is.ii in found in our imuii- V J. (.;; tl(; f.,yMwhi , AVeMiiiorelittid try u. lar nt.rth r.- Lake Mtin-rior ll is j ;.(..jS fro ie T(rt!fM. uiort' uiarKruiiiiii ttiiinin.ui-.i! 1:1 ivans-is and Missouri, jireiails iu tlie Northw t-st aibl even tr.msfu-e s its ex'juisite love lititss mid tui-Uowucst- iiit the Canadaf, l.ut, stranire to wy, is alintst unknown in the South ern St.i'e-s. The Indian Stiiii-.ner, aliliou'li not -on- t.t-T if si-asonnMc joexUnt I5!ymyer's ' r.. N. .-.-. The U--t Mint 't'lt'ters - ''i:M. Sat;.sace Stutli rs, Coal I'ttck rv low, I Citil Shiveis, i'orks, r Knive-. Maw ':trr. Horse : - --. S of I -idles, Sleiuh lk-lis Al-.'-' ':t Mo;, and lirusli Holder-. Snip "'r iliirktts and Tul's. Torn lain '-.. Iron Smnds. tune r-ledns. Wire ' ' - ill' s. Ikiskets Step Ladder- in ' vmi tni.t iiinti.irt-; at all in the '-re-line, jru to L!-. uivcr'e Store l.:r fille-d to the- l idled f-tatt S,- but frt'tpielltly ' o'-.-crv" 1 in Central Kunijiet, w here it lias: ion;: heert.kiiown under the time-konored i : iiaiiies of '.. John's" and ''."-t. Martin's" i Stimiuer, has attracted but little attention 1 from scientist, and its pliiliji!iv has yet 1 to Ik- explained. As the t.ile ed" the earth! in titht r lieinic-i'iliire is turn-il wny Iroin t-finij tt-teel, t-p.t no niatter wnai peculiar 1 tiie mn after the Autumnal erjuiiiox the ' notini- any may liiive i.Utit tku ni-sity j Xi.tl.-e is her. oy (riven to all jiersv.ns eoneemed as le"-jteei. creditors or other is.-, that the tol lo w linr accounts have jass.-d rei-ister. nnd I li-i t the i;iine will tie pre-Seiitcl (or continual b-n and allow ance at an Orphans' C -irt. to iw hel l ut Somerset, in and (or S tners.-t county. Pa., ou Tiiurs l.ty. the J: li dy if .NeivcmlK-r, ls7i: First an 1 haul account of Jacob M. IVultrr. nd mbtistnitor ot S.imuel P. Koiiit. tleo'd. T7 First an I final ae-c't of Henry H iy, K0'1""" -f Alvin K Wlikev. minor. First arMl linal 'l of John It. and Ibuilv-l S. II -ti. adtn'rs of Henry Iletx, dee'.l. First and html acc'l of Willi 1111 S -eitt. sdm'r t.r Xaney S.t'11. eli-c'.l. On Tiu sil i- n- 1.1 n e, !-n Utile L-irl of I-ir-t and final ace t of 11 -nry L. Miy,icr. guard till liuselj., ). l..st vieeb a luiie .in 01 an r j,m,.. snb.-r. minor. Si-r.itlel 'iirM-l!ter. n-xie!lll.ir-in Salelll town- j ina acc'l id .M.i A. liof.-. aum'r of Horace while assisliii-- in prindinj: apples, Lidim-t. ;lc-'l , , ha.i her hand and aim .-au,ht iu the mill ; JXJl!JVx?X. the hand was badly Irtee-rat.'el, two of the Unal ot John Hidiuian, a.im"r f Isaac bom s in the hand broken, and Kith Ikiih-s L.b'na". ..,. , , , , e 1 . ! ' . 1...: .. 1 Final re t ef P.. S. Fleek and Daniel Fircre, ex- of th- arm Iraetur.-el : a. , brtibon? and rt ot Adm l.i -. deed, injuring tlie ellMiw. Dr. 1- niton, ol Del- Aceonnt of .lnuuihun liittncr, adm'r of teor--.j rib'lit, assisted by Dr. McNeil, reduced the Tres-br. dee'-l. . r , 1 , 1 ... ,, i - AceiMtnt of John E. Scete, adm r of JiMeph H. f.-aotinvs and tlresst-d the w e-unds. "A e jjcri,,,. jeeM. learn that the t hiid isd'iinas well a. c-juld Accx'.unt of joiiah Siibaugli. a-lm'rof JohnOow 1. f-viu-eti-il ; er. dee'd. IM 1 . Aee,.;i,;i of John r.i-seck- r, Trcstee of Henry The new Mtifonic Hail ia now altout t Heir, rti-c'd. A.1- .U11I nf Peter Err.n-'h. jrn .r tlan 01 Annie 1-Ih-iilonl. minor. Ac-jiitit id Ja-eh JI. Waber. ndtn'r of I).diiI 3 THE ATMOSPHERIC liCSTLE, the only complete tie. Pcrlcciion in imjiartLri-r a styliib and attraenive appen ranee u. the dress and form of everv la-l.ionil le ladv. Priee onlv -J. THE PALl'ITAT'lXej K1IKAS1' P.rS, a counterfeit d "Xature't Oi-atest Charms.'' iu piump ami rou ruled beauty, irraceful undulating iiioti.!u. aud contour of bust in all its loveline-ten. On be elevclopcd to any extent kt will of wearer. I'rb-e or.lv $d THE L PEELE. Xo lady can do without It. Ask to see it. Price onlv 2. THE MOTHER'S DKtSS PllOTElTOH, Oiv.s ieneet. ie-uriiy while atrai-hel. .Mother an- drlii-hted with our Invention. Price only 1. Any of the aUive articles tent tin recc'ipt of prn', or sampiet en an sein on reeeipt 01 vv e want r.Iilliuers. Hressmaker-- Kec.-rs ot Fancy Storei. and Airintt in -".iier.il to introduce our eelel.r.tte.1. justly pojiubiT. and fast-seilin? inven tions. In addition tothealiove we manufacture the Child's Hit. Drift Shield. KuMht Olovcs. Curlers. Crimi-ers. Garters, and all rublier fancy art it-1.-), for Lidii s and Children' wear exclu sively. An extra liberal discount to the Trade. Send' for lllusirattcd CalaUifue. ApkfortheL Perl.- Co.'t voods,and take uo others. See that our trade-mark is stainped oa all (roods aon uihere are ireriuine. -LA PEELE" M F C t O.. tu Chamliem Str.et. X. V. i-i v imi ClFTl - : - I; 1 1! vl s i .5 ;.naf.ictur-r of Tin. C 'i-ir nl Sli.ot Irm j ware, denier in S:or-. Cl--fh- Wrii:--rri. t 'u i lt-ry. l.riiannia an i hlik Tin "VVare, Iln:i;nri't ( Ho! low Van-. Kvlrij-rraiort. I e Ch j CmrliT?. If Crenw Preeirrs. hn ; Steves, nnd )hu Pumi.h::;r (io-ni- r w!:o!-r;ti..-ar I rvtail. 1'r r.v.nr? f i! i;iie 1 June. i4. enTair;rnr VM ar--. aijuin- 1 tiin lau'tf ii kNiiuuri j. niMT. j"ua- .i iiitT an-l Postponed to December 7th, 1373. I THE SECOND GHAXD GIFT CONCERT Patent AslaS Stove . 1 1 laai-lnf the Pntdie IJhrarr cit Kraruvi-kv an. ,'..;. '.j I Takes in ex.-.u-.i..n a, tho pmr-ertv off. P--ec,rr ?"UIK'' f,,I S'i.',tmhr h bn potP"wl U no-i'v 1 W.dl. John J. S hell aa.1 J J-.i.'n.-e !. 9 si'.. ..f ! I? "ri 3'?th? -! !" .n.....y. ( K. Sehelk b-nams in common wit it .1.. mil ' '?v liV t'f-,f;7 the drawn. m.-ue it Phy . It .! !v. at tne rait of Samu.l A. M ius;. Lx xu-r ! y ,m,-'ltAe. , n'1 Inm "hout . -Ij s' 1 . ,1 j ' r del iv. and as a short r.isToor.em..nt wis ineviLahie. : 01 I.H.11U .it. ill . . 'i -e!;is- 1 1 Vt WW 1 ; use fill iv..nii n ut i i I Tin m I t- r St. ,:r' worl.I-rcn-twn ! n e r! ii'-tmnyr S lc 1 T in Ti.u:'.'Car'-n i A Co..!!;i ! t!'- toTr 15 lh- wop ! rof the i.:y ' ticl-'vi th kin i tl.At wi.i ivj i tac i it. .1 ir'. und tli-fitly r-1 y -u tiiurv tutii-; The onty Ki 11 iT.lc Gi.t PLstrit ntien in the country! 1 I II I I INVALUABLE GIFTS! TO HE DISTR iBI'TED IX Is. id. sxev; lMth P.EGl LAR MOXTULY GIFT ENTERPRISE, To 1 drawn Monday. X'ovembcr 2itb. 1572. TWO GRAND CAPITALS OF $5,000 each iiKircenlKicks! Grocers Gcoti3 a Specialty, evt. 2. Iron 'cl.li f H." A, a-! Lnr1- I w I "I I iJ w;Is:r iulnit-ii( (-s t.aiiv tleerease, utui ihe- i ptieli nn ortler, vet ail liiusi annul mat : ilartm.tn, de.-.l. art a -r ixdar re-rritreration, with ever-wid- the luiibiioT is an e'lrnamenttoGreinsburir. ! a"rl"t "f Hcn-T Itiu h. Trustee of TrcJ. 1 - ....... ..... . . . ) i,,i.-L- 1 .w j. i-l-i-r. itii.. ,1. 1'. J. t,'.;:7a a Milthittr? for ,-.i?'or Oil , .' -:' v, iiieli d s not diet r ss orprip.-. . ftite to ojieralc in due lime, anilall 1 ' i t.'ii utly rely upon the Castoria -clie, 'Constipation, Fk.tu Crun;., Worms, I'ik-s or de- ' Liter. It enuiains neither Miner-; "i ii.Me. j:ii:m nor Alohtd, but W Ve.-. tiil.le JTrparation, perleetiV . atid i'.ive all. ph-asatr. lo take. T.a wsithsac'l liuiefs 1 lie svMctu. , natural flei-p. It is a won- ' to iii to assimilate the fixnl of ehil- ; i ' prevent tliem from ervin?. A! n. i.rttie nilliki the work lor a f-v.' HiHnvdoctoo' liills. entn p ritdicrr. makes itseii ie-il in the 1 here is not a ix tier imiPitn 01 us nze, in ; hih laiiludes." The kameiifc liUiation of. the SUtc of I'ctinsvhani.i. nor one iK-tter 1 latent beat v Lich now occurs duriii" the adal ted for tiie pur, tost s l'..r whicil it bis forir.titton of new ice, nn.l the Oimlensa.ion - been luu,t. S -T.-.et, Pa., Nov. , Ti IIOKXER. licirldi-r. ef viist ejtiar.ti'.ies of vajnr lr.ins;ortcd northwa.-d by "the wiiitb ol Suii.ineT." ; w ill probably explain the pheneiminal in terval of l"ue and (tiiiaralivc!y warm weather Rei j:r:tleliil te every Ixniy. 1 be sifitnilar facts that the Indian Summer is peculiar in both Hemisphere to tbe middle and higher latitudes, and that in this cuiia- : try it is wore marked and lovely in the far Northwest, r.p'K-ar to esUil.lisii the t urrect ue of the above view. It is cotnpl.-tcly fire proof un j lis internal arrangements are e-omtil. te. Th? Hall on the i.iini- For the llerul t. The Key atone t oiopcnj. Mar.v tif the n ailers of the lUruld may the ou'side. prar.d and third story wa elulv elcPwaled or the )l"li- cers of the (rand aAp, n last Thursday. , A Uir-f iKiibliert'f the fraternity from dif ferent s'-ctions were present cn the oeca- -o .n "l'1n .Ti.n-i.j: n-i.m c-itil 1t inter. estint: nnd impressive. There is one of the j . , City Cun W01"3. '. ... . ,', r . . ... 1 Just (n'.trjrei! and re-ined with a nrwan.t supe- t.tiest, it Hot tU finest, S.ore rot.UiS on the ri,,r,k & Ot XS, Call or lend f .ra prfc-elist. fl.t iliKT .f this building, thM tan be : Simrle Sbd tiua.. 3 to ;Jei: Itnuhle Barrel Shot l'oi:nd ia the StaU outride our lar'-e cities. I "" -s 7i HTrh Ji"''!'!' ? '"'4u' 11U , . , lit-i W to ili: Uevuliers, t to tx. Addre... Abrake-smnn on a frei:lit train on the j H. H. schclte. rennsvivaida lUilroad. named John Dooly. Llrty ttreet, Pii!ibunh. Pa. wrte found bv Mr. Alb-house, the watch- i ' '""' 8' " -if 1 1 7 . 1 1 1 l:u u, oa last M inncwiay uioruiiis, tne .on -rrn (-VTi.ittt C 0 iiisL, lvin' fleaa lietwecn me nona ana . vn vw. . .vaam xnith tracks about one htm ired yards east I ,. 't not be "aware of the exi.-tein-e i-f the alajve- ,. 11 "t. At ( it, i vt J in Mou.l iv lust it ' i. irin.d f 'nMium. in Monierset Colin! v. It "r Jv-ih I ;,. i,,,,... !.., .' ,.r .1. r 1 1... iir 1 !:.,.. rc .i,,l l ,l,,r ,.t 1I10 tunnel lirtween (irevlisiiurs and , ---,..io, ni, i.uf'i,,.... jt nir w tia i 11 nil .1 li. tj . J .e i, -1. inm ..mj... ........ ....... - - - ( - :;' '. wliot npttred in r'lupliniorpiish 'Alexander Stutman, in connection with F.odolmutih'a etalionR. One oi bis le.irs was , '"'-'"'itill.cCj.ndjria fi.'.in .the engine Kaste-ru csioituli&ts. The lands owned by completely cut oir r.nd the other terribly: ' - -li. lm-.l tnobl ol ll,.l Imm iImTi,!,, ifl.lW ,;ii. li. ll,. LmnJiiiic e.i.oieleil Tt IS KttnOOSld til.lt lie WHS a.slCCI ; and ati.ounl tt ant! 1.11 irom me piaiioou en mc -o, u.... , V HOLF-tALE DEALL1.S IX' TOBACCO. I , itte m ftmn w ith tbe cars at which of 1 -ILlie-t and bumiiilt. --oifcing. 1 be jar ticntMoliea Hy m vera! thousand a res. llius met a liorriuie tieani. i.c wu '"' ' kflll lindert?. oo.. Iintlnin aiol i Tli,J,Iirf In fmi. tlMtfunmBvl'iH I..- i mltlstHollS- Iin l t'XCIUI l.irV VOUlltr ;. """'! lassed over bis left b cruehing to mine the stitntndoas beams of coal' that , inan, whose jiure.-.ts (lied when he wtu a : i, ..Z '"rr"hii-manner. The Doe-tors Low- have U-en found in the Likliek and 'mere child, and who was raised by bis un-1 i ia. ;iuimonr-d. an finding that am-! Meyers' Miils tnal Irnsin. The ksr-est teiu !e. Jaui s Uka. of I'nily Uiwnship. He j in vm ihe only means bv w hit li his in 'this liasin varies from fourteen to !t:d been br. a short time on the reiad as a :.-! V "("rea, ampulnted the limb ei'-liletn I.et m thickness, with an umler- lirakeuian. Ilie train jssti ain-ic I r A I TIMADT Rl r -lediedafew hour after-' Ivin? vein raniring from ei-;lit lo Un let-t in : was found about two o'cWk iu the nuirn- - A VHJrt., Ill U. , .wul em eara in. u.iiira i t iiiei. ness. riie imniireii eoLejivens urs i tin mnivi e uuu laiu iiwui It Is r. d a phytic which may arlve temporary re !i"f to the sutlerer hir the first few doses, but which from rtntinucd use brinirt Pile and kindred ilit easettoaid iu weakening Ihe invalid, nor u it s ib'-tored liijunr, whirh. under the popular nnnieol "Hitters," is so extensively (ultre.1 H on the pub lie s!i ".ivereisra rotnwlies. but it is a hum jtovtrful I I oitic end Aurrativf. pronounced so ry the leading: medleiil ainhfirith ! ol London and Paris, end has i lecn bm? u-ed by tlie rctrular phvsiciani ol other eontiiri.-s with wonderful reinediiil results. II FELLS' EXTUET fiJ Mill I retains all lite me-ob-al virtuee pe-ullar tothe plant and must lie taken ai a permanent curative auent. it Ihrrt treat of ttiion in your Lirrand Splern t Cnlesi relieved at once, the blood becomes Impure by dcl'-tcreous secretions, produeinir terofulous or skin di-eusc, Hlotchce, FeVini, Pusiules, Canker. I l'linpb s. ke.. .c. 1 u ke j t m u r.ii a to cieansc. parity and reitora the vitiated blood to healthy action. ilre you m Dytpeptie Stomach t Cnlcsa diiret lion is promptly aided, the tytlera Is itebtlitnted with loss of vital loree. poverty of the Ilhs.l. Hrop-fb-al Tendency, Ueneral wtakncsi or Lassitude. Take it to assist Dureition without reactli. It will inijeirt youthful vifor to the weary sulferer. Hart you veefcaest of the alci.'taf Vou are In danjrt r ed Chronic Inarrbeea, or to dreadful In fiairimation of the Howels. Take It to allay irritation, an J war! off ten lency to Intlammations. I Hore you vtakntf cf the I ttrine er I'rinarj I Organit Vou roust procure imtant reliefer yon 9 ' are liable totufierini; worse than deal... I Take it to frcugihen organ!-: wcakuert, or life I bee-imi s bonlcn. j Fiualty, it should lie frequently taken to keep the svstcin lii iM-rfect health, or vou are otherwise. In i irreat danger of malarial, miasmatic or contairiunt JOUX q. KELLOGG. IS Piatt St., New Vork. Sole Aijeut for tbe Culled State. Price, One Iollar per Hottie. Send for Circular 330 Baltimore bt.5!AVANTKI) IVLAUun(UAX V TITIES, FOR CASH, LOCUST PINS It ojSJ U.he-1 long am! 1' to 2' inebcr .Uarj. KceocJ Door West of Howard, 'efru!. !lo be put uposfcooa as men a ml money before be was found. I nor. 8. ik.v. 41 m. VT. A. LEVER IXO. Callowhiil SU harf, 1'tiia. Two rrlirs . Five friars. Ten Prlaes.. ..at.OCO riwli ... HiiMl each ...IOO e-m-h IN GREENBACKS! 1 Horse and huiriry. with silver mounled harn."ss. worth des): on tnie'-toneil Kis-w...l Fi.ino. worth $.'iou; ten Familv Scwinir Mae-liines, worth loei e;u h: rive 1 Watelu-s and Chains, worth itloO eaeb; five (told Amene-an Hnntinx Watchc. w. r.h tdttj eaeb; u-n I-tdie.' tioid llnatini; Watehes. worth i'i each: Gold and Silver Lever Hunt ing Watche. (in all.) worth Irom fjl loAAio e-.wli; tiold Cbainit. Silver Ware, Je-weiry. &c Whole number gifts, 6,500. Tickets limited to 60,000. AtiF.XTS W4XTLI) TO S F.I.I. TICKETS to tttiom Liberal premiums will be rnftl. Single Tlcket3, SI; Six Tickets SE; Twclwo Tickets SI 0; Twsnty- Flva Tlciirta t;n. Cin-ul.irs eontalnins a lull list of prltes. a de- i vriptloii of the manner ot drawinv, mid other in- i formation In rch-ren-e to the His-ribiiii'in. will lie j tent to any onj or.lt-riu tiie-tu. All lette rs must be t addn-ssci to 1 MAIN OFFICE. L. I. SI XI'. Ilex ss. led W. Fiilh Si. Cinvuiuati. tt. i nov. 8. j The fanre.t Metal Frii-e Curreiit in the World Is Hie Irma tVaritl ana .vf aav n.'nrlur. r. Aei llte l-i.o;::Iii n. ami - r-t.-rls f sale, of liioowan- ami Me la's In rit!'!irrli, N. w Vol(. lies:, n, -fi a. li lt hla. t in- einiutl. st. I.oois Ctev-TTl'i. II -.lOino--,, Tnt-.tt!ie, Mrafri etc. Forelon ni-.-til m.itet. re o.-ti-.l. Ae I m.v iedic-d st:ind.:il joitnal er tli - m--t:,l ttail-. All the sti-to treoU.ei-t-i ar eoii-rlooTer-'. 1 onrains rl.olce sel.--tiotis rrom th- :ifc-iu ii,. n,i:.P p. and M lentitic piililieation. o' t. is lo riiiiv and Euiotie. Lives luotatioe and sir,;.m t.t. oi cai ai the lomin. ut etl eeiitr-. i, i ..i,v Hnnerlal aiiiei. a-ol ri-i.irts:f raTniii an,! minintt storks. OutyM.OO r.r year. Xo Inulwar." iVa'er csn rtfo d to ,iu without If. Eveiy niuliinivt and m-t.tl worker shotiM tatc it. F.ro v ei:-l n.ll.loir rotiij.ai.v. mil roal ofii. ui -r t.a Vhoi.ii r Hill tin. I it :iii.i:n:il.le. titvea IHu'tratlertis of n-'W-mat blnerv. Inventor. Hwnld have Ir. sent lour week! oil tnal for S3 rem-. ostat:e raid. A.I ln- iaix iv on i.n rt iii.i.iii; o Irom, H'orlti iwidiuy. iitrc,i, .. ALo A'l the rii-'ht. ti.;.-. iuten-st and elaini of Adam Fi -le. ol. in and to the loll, win-r resi etate. vu: t A e-eTtaia loi oi trr-iand situatein Elkiii-k u.wnsliip. ! S. tne-rvt cunty. Pa., near the b-nmtrh of Suli. i t and nariv.ilei nir.t.nt- ! bury. l.un.:. ..n the tutti by Meettaaic str-.-t. ! nriiiu f-r ll.e : Don a r.y lot .-i. wot t.y alley. etty .Treet. I .ti v -. This l;r- with "ti-" an I n h-.if story dwelling iii nse the reoa t cre. ie-1 ! left ly-JSte-. ;. wnn trie aj-j uri nano ... S ,T"-I an i tMt- n ui exeeu.i. n as r;.- prirx-rry if Adam totiie al the son ot s.. sj. Huit Li.. : I " ALSO j All tiie ri-tit. title", interest :n 1 claim of S ima-1 ; .1. Mi-Ki-uif... of. in and tothe following de r;tied I i real estate, viz: Twocertain bns o gri.ua l situate ! at Hale Citv. Somerset eeuntv. p... and known . n 1 I the senil piaa ef laid town as Xo. V.1 and I l-il. east of e-i-nter si-u trt". with a two story uwell- Hii re.uso inereon eree-u-1. navrng a Irmt of tbir j ty-six feet, and a depth of sixteen feet, ami a one j and a halt storv tai-k btiilJuit; thirty-six feet deep by twentv b-t bread, with tbe aM.urtenances. Seized and t-ik-n in cxeenti. n as the prot-r"y of : ts.iuiut i j. .iiertenzie, at tne suis ol laniel Miullt. ! ALs.it All the riaht. title, intenst ani cl.ilm of Auzust ; Frii key. ol. in and to tbe following des.rilie.1 n-al ; estate, vii : A ecrtuin tract ol lan.! situate in Elk I lick township. Somerset conntv. Pa., containing n.i j acres, more or less, of win, b tiiere are atnt 80 acres cleared and Insert in meadow, with one ' and a hall story lraine dwelliait reuse and barn i there-on ereeted. a.ij iiniti? Ltuis of Wm. Vonicht. lr.-nre Hair, lleu.-y Marker. S. lmon Wlltrout. ! J .hu Shan and others, witii tlie antiurtenAm-es. Seiie t and taken In execution as ilie property of .-iuiu.-i i ri.-ai-v, at tno suit oi .tle.se Kneaev. niter. JOSI VII SHAFF.R. -Mi.niiLicturiT. I ue ol Christian Mink- , SuEitt rr's OFitea. t Iki. M. I57i ) "stieciiT. AMERICAN Working People. 1'a 1 V ' i-ljJ SSfif DITOH'S NOTICK rtrnn Work in tr ' ' kv BeOpl is ll ol ( :- r2j tilt n:if-tt ti il.U.M-1 . w-f. Iloni In toe world. VrftX- C eolnmri. r !- iNW' htemntter.d-iirii.-.l .A.-." itit.-rests of unrklmrincn. Fh.o llttistnttoa in eirti .ue. Xnnii.va fwm Fnt-crtbers. and 'I to (KM ri-ad -is. , ,..v r ar, or on tri.ll tiirew iooh.'m for bi rr.lK Wilt., vonr name, town, rni.it; , and siu- ( .an. y.ei.c.i-so the nioa.y. and aadrea ua.v wobi.u ft Bi.iNtuxt- o Iron H orif Untitling. VuttAurgh, P. .'.An Arent wanted In every eitv. town, and vlnaa iu in l iilon to ranvass for tliia valuable month'v. cotter the finest premlams. and alto ay a caufi comml-au n to lUose who preter It. : J7XLXUTOK S NOTICE. lactic of V.'UIiam Imhoff. late of Berlin Is. r.. ugh, de.-easc-tl. Letters testame-ntary on ihe alsive estate havimf K-en trranted to the uiidersizned by the proper au thority, uesk-e ii hereby irtven w tleise iudeotrl to It to make Immediate payment, and thic havins; rlaims atralnst it to present them dulvauthtuii- cited le.r settlement al the re-sideBceor Daniel J. i Ilnibaker. In Hnithersralley township, on Satur dav, the 7,li day o! lK-cenibcr, lstTt. DANIEL .1. liKT'HA KF.R. J JOSEPH IMHUFF. ; oct SO. Executors. L'i ST OF CAUSES PUT DOWN or trial nt Xovemt er Term. l7'i ec mmeiie- ih Xovetutier, l.i mtiT WE'Jkt. Walter A. W. vs Sliulli Gcnr C. tt nx. I Wei. I Tbomtta Henry vs Xert Johu e: al. i Mi stoller Har.iel v. Casetr llarrtson. Rius ber John vs Triiupe leiii kk. ; State- Hank vs lnQeld jolin. i II II in I John v Jones. Shanley at Cn, j Schell ft Kimmrl vs Clayc nib iienry. Sav. ler Samuel p. vs Le-op I i JtHres. H-rkey lhtmel v Hash Joseph, j Xttii Gc-re vt .Morgan Wi.uaui. sie-oSD wtrt. Speedily Cured. Ilartnir beap!nte.l 1 y tbe Orphans' Court of j S. merset tiunty au.iitor to make an 1 report a dis- i tribullon of tne It: ml in the leindr of .Im-'ph Hun-' ter. eAeeuior oi .iesan.ier i.unier. rr.. oeteas:i. j loand ami.nr those b-e-.llv enti bsi ih. ret. I will , All forms cf V tneriil. Private an 1 Xcrrons ills. atienl to tno tiutleo! luv appoint merit nt mi of. I ease, at the old rw.iMishe-.l Oirard Mclb-ul ln-ll- i Mi t arthy William vs Keiliy at Herriuicttn. fice in S,imer.-t. on Fribiv, tin- lith dav ot'Xo- , lul. 17'-' Sc.ond av.-nue. Itwein Smitbaeid , Slialler Adam vs Same. vemts-r. l:TJ. at lo o'rloek a. m.. whea iui tli. re ' an'' "rant streets. I'lttsi n j Stone r John O. v Stoner Charie's assorts. Kiir.m.d James vt Mi itollrr l'aniet. i Wadsw.n-th Joseph vs Stahl an.1 Wile. . Se;hirer Aeiam vs K'.idy s Fiudlay. I Same vs Same, i Enierick Jonathan vi Same. Hiinmt-1 Etward't use vs Snii'h John M. it was determined to deter it to a time that would make lull drawuij ture by the sale of ail tne thkets. The money neeessary to pay in full all theofT-red eiits is n 'w up.n iep. iit in the Farmers' and Dpt- vers ecnli. at win lie -en tiy the fulk wisj eer.tn ettte of the Cashier: Ftsnrss' ad Duovttus" BattK. ) Loe isviLL, Kr.. s- iit-SO. "72. , Th! j. to cenify that there it now on deooslr hi this I auk ov.-r halt a million of l-.llars totLecrciil of th- Girt Coneert tuud. V0 "f whieh is held by thi, t ank as Treasurer of the l'nblic Library of kenta. ty to pay ,U ail tjiff s to be awarded at th drawing. ii. S. VEACH, Caihier. LOO i Priie-s. amonntliiK to $000,000 IN CASH. Will It awarded, the richest prize being: .biO.Oes). -0.im. --.s.0ie and down in reealar a-radation to ti". win. h It the lowest. The etrawintr will p.-?ltively and tmeinivoca'ty take place Ieeembr J. A cents are peremntoniy rc.uire.l to cb.se laic and make return Xovem ber'iV in onier ti. j-ive ample time for the hoal arrangements, t "r-lers for tiekeia or ajipiit-atu ns lortire-a Ltrs hoold le addressi to G-v.THOS. E. UK AM LETT F. Axent Pujlle Library of Kentox ky. f let- 1. L..uisvtlle, Ky. PITTSBURCH, PA. An Institnti. nforthe thorough practical clev-tai.-n of younir and middle aied men lor all depantueut of Commercial life. The oldest, larie-st. ami most complete practi.-al Pu.incss Coileire in Atoerica. and the oolyone bav in": c.ine"tel with it an At-rraL Bi ixx9 department- conducted on a veritable money baii Patmnizcl by the sons of Merchant. Banker". Fanners. Meehanbi an I Business Men, Irom ail parti of the Vmte.1 Stale. Student rata Enter at aar Time. -For larire descriptive Circular, givlns; fa II pan ie-ulars, aa.inss (MM J. C. SMITH, A. Principal. h. Pa. Sullivan Michael vs Same. all persons iiutres ed may nlt.-u !. WM. H. EOONTZ. oct. 13. Aulior, UIUTOK'S NOTICE. 1 lie nmiersiune I ncr-ny jrives notice that nar- Si(ie Jucoti't nie v k Inline 1 Singleton. 1,1 a:nuol t use vt iumer L-wn A. Trent Wliliam vs Dunham at Fox. Senit Iywis a Co v raver Jaeol.'t jraraLsheet. Getty Sarah A. et al. vs Hr. wn Jamea ii. i s. pump. ej. wiinra. t,eei, rttneiure. . ip-iu: i. I Hernia, aud nil I riti.try eiseas-t areiuresl jn the ' ihwest nes.-ilde time that will Insure ticrman'-nt : re-llef. Sie-rmjtU.rrhta. or Semhial weakness or 1 liniKiteney. as the resnit of s.df al use In v..uth r j exerts lu malurer years, and whb-h pn.lu v mine i Prevere Jacon vs Hoblltieil W ill mm. ; id the loUowini; tllm-u, st emissions, blotchis. de- ; Same vs Hotlitz-11 il.uee ' bilttv. .tirrinesy. nerviino.s. ilimness i.l srr'-.r i taA-VTi Mrvri'c mi; neen ap.iuitei anuitor lo ..istn; ute tbe lund ! couch. Irnlnrestion. const iiatii si. desi. ndetw-v. cmi- oct. 3d. 7i 1'nKbon itai-v. In the han.li of the Sheriff, arlsintr from the tale of ' fusion of i leas, aversion to mcieiv. loss of memorv I tlte real estate id' A. tr. Shradrr. he will sit tor the ' and sexnal power, and which nn'ms tbe vl -tim for pun se d bis epp .tin: m-.-nt at the tVmrt House in lsines er marrlaiio. and ultunali ly causimr itj. t yp "Ti" J )T H'K saniiy ana f-ottsu!iijiiion. are trton.uoiiiy an.1 l.-r- I s - - Soaienei ttoroati, ou Tucsdny. Xovemlter li 17 joa.s U. tPlt. oel.ta. Au.liuir. i m.,ni.ntlY enis.1 M...t.-in mtii.liA.1 .1 ,l.l..-rt : tute. A mclb-al pamphlet n-laiinv to private oi. t-ite John Uam-lt. I ite or ip inersvaurj tp-, ! ease. ent In scaled envelope for two stamp. decease.!. AUDITOR'S N'OTICt' i No matter how ditrieult or lomr stand intr Tour I- Letters U-stamentry on Ihe above fttale having ... suv.. ease mav lie. Ifcnrabl-, att-r a uersmal exuuiitia-1 been arnnie.i to the underslzne.1 by the pnrau- 11 olnir been .nn,.lnie,l .n tit. h, th o., 1 .n-. 1 ti,m- ,nv iU fakl tell you. Keir.emlwrthev j thority. notkv I hereby Btten to these lndel.te.1 to o. il . n.',,t"r ,b-T the Oqilitwa t baTe d , , , b , : , nukt ilnIn,autc paymeut. am! these havlmt Court id "Mtmerset County tn make an.1 r.-.rt a f ,iln. ' . ' ""rI u. , -Lllm, .,, i. will iirese-nt them to the uuder- distnbutl. of the ruod In the handt e.f the Irut-j j.,,,, treat,,. y r mall or cxpee. I n where tinued lor settlement at the late residence of said j I " . "iT".r Lh" IT' Tl' ll ry. i " l-fsf I l tl?it tbo eh, L.C:'iT. draeJ,on Friday. the.h dav ,.f ri.e...,." 1 .in T., .1 ar,i...:.?.. ;y- ; aitation",orautire ment at my offl.-e In Isnmertet. on Tbunoay, the 14th day ot November, tsTi. when uml where all j Tiic "Christian (Jraces." A new -Jul iitnr of rarpa.fine: Gnww an-i Beaut; 6trra Air ay to each t?ut suTilK-r U Alto's He HapzlUB lor 1813 ! A Mazaiine Ut culture! home. A Matrasine al wat s up to thca,vaiK-inirih.,uiiht.siK-ial pnirress atvi siirtt of the time. A Maiotxinc in wliieu the lot liter literature of the peno.1 i made the vetil eleof pure and noble scntimrct. "THE FAITH, CHRISTIAN HOPE, GRACES." CHARITY. "And nowal Ideth Faith. Hope, aod CTtarttr; the to threte, Lut the gTcati st ul uieee la Chancy. 7 It IX TALI E FOB J . it Is a Ion a- time since anvthina- hat appeared tn Christian art lo lovely and to ex iuisit In detixn an t execution aa this lanr ami re-irtn. line ami ttiide steel enirravin. --ihe Chnstutn li.ace,', size 21x17 inches. The irroupinit of the Ct-ure 1 icraretnl be v., ml eoneepli.41. and th uec of inch rare and heavenly u'j; that It teems as if the t artist must have seen them tn a vision. Every suiw I -.tilier to -Arthur' Illustrated Horn Magazine" for 1"7S will reiive a ciy of thi splendid ta pie ' tre rancR, Iriceof Horn Maa-atlne. (tl t a year, j Specituen Copy of Ma-ur.e, u ernta. IlK tL tri.tT tTATri everywhere 1 to -! sabseriber ft r onr beaatitnl Mairaiine. to i well known lor the last twenty years, and to ttreat I a tavorite with the people. Intellivent men ami women can make lance commits it 41. Send Kr atri-uls cunO'lentlal e-ireular. Vou can hardly show -The Christian Orace" tnanv pens of taste and tin religious teelimts. without trettltic a mbtstriber. Xo disappointment about pn-mpt iiviivery of pic ture, at we have nt ie ample arraaitemenu Kr their ripid product ion. T. S. AltTHTR fc SOX. "0 ami 811 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Octoln-r win. ierrjoi Jatcr.ite.1 ir.ay attend. Girard Medical Institute, ! oct. CO. HEXliV KAl'CH AAKOX F. B1TTXE3. Exeentor. oct. a. J. O. K DIM EL. A a litor. ! Ho. 172 Socond Avenue, PITTSBURGn, PA. Oe-Lta IRIVATE SALE. AS E DM I MSTIlATOirS N 0TICE. itateof Ahrahanultartlav. late of S-4acrct Tp.: Letters of Administration on the a'stre estate havina len issued lo Ihe unaersiifned. by the llay- Ister ol laid eouniy. I hereby i;ive uo(i.-e that 1 w.il j attend at mv retidence. on Sat unlay. thell day 1 are reo netted to make pavmen. attl the iwvinir I Improved, I'arlalrl and I'oeejwitlerl elalmi aa-ainst aakl estate will protent tli fc.rnt i - Tilirna SltT fiiZO COftl (SlTCLAIM AGENCY Old ia tbo Wale. B. F.BROWN A CO., ! 116 Srcithflold St, Pittsburgh, Pa. j Collect Pensions, IV unties. Priie Money. j Special attenilon paKl to suspended and rejeete.1 rniima. Application by mall attended to a it I made in person. tea. W. elffeeder tewart 1 i'hrrts will he 1-41 at jfriratftale a traet of bnJ ; ' ilTiaTa It "-I lit. .ft r.iB-ntb n swu.-.. 1 t advolninw Unds of Jaceib L. Miiier. Ji.huCuui- IVllf f 0 Ililt.S Mli TaiUlPrS. , .. j lettlemeut. Oct 18. BAktCEL BAKCLAV, Administrator. : mills. Jeremiah S bulla. Jejet.h Sityior aud other. I , eontainin? one hun-.ired and ft-rty acres, tnor or i less. Al.stt i hundred acres clear and the bal. ' ' ance well tiintiertM. Plenty of ifood lime stone : and eon I nn the larro. IK..1 water and iwo dwelb .. ki hoose. Any perse or person wish inir any ' Itilormatii neau It bv aibln sslntr Jeiah eirue i bciore ihe lith uy of IXovember. 172. t JUS1AU GKOSS. n'IXEIkVr'ABKEX.COSWaterSt.X.T. j oct.30. IVprletor. j urner ATTEXTIOXf W will supply Campakm Oteds of all kinds at , lower raut tlutn yea ran obtaia them eitewnere. CLCBSJLXD DEALEKSSl PPLIED. Add rev. C tmr a'trn Supply Co., Pittsburjh, P ; I i - t ? . i I : 'vl V. ? i