The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, November 06, 1872, Image 1

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. 0f publication.!
Xh2 S:m:r::t Herald
ir. r
, pi1 t.;
r M irni.iZ at w
i-: : bitwise
Mil I 'I
e f'.ir.
. .n .11 l" .II--..."'
,il op. I.;mi:er nesiwUmj lo
. - ir i
wt; f r o n v v -
uuel na-JI H r-
I II t3
Tf imr from one IW6V to
t-.-m -vim; n"- .
e M the Dine of the former as
' g
Printing Company.
K S T .A B IiISIIED, 1 8 ii
jyHX L SCl'O,
L'usincas Manager.
", .V- 'and ten.ter hi .r. sMil ';"
' . ,.... ..I Si.1 an t
., " at tne ol 1 pl-iet. a !
j . Sivus?. '
Hardware. riM
a. TL
!f OTHER'S Roni.U OLD.
j yoiix
co., !
L'W. ki r ia f rocriK"
W" 'T,t' . .... . I.
. amies, in
the Jail
.). !- i
i;KKK ten lers his prof"'l'n .1 ;
"" nniens t s 'iii'Tf 'l n ' :"in-
' -- ucr. ..u imr wen "f ine
' ' Jin. tl. "TO- ,
li.-.rl- Kriwinf r'
H'Hl;-xsn'l-r H. vtir.h
n ' j rx- i ut liw ill nJ
MI.!:..1N. ATroI.NKYS AT
ng. lily.
Jchn P. Blvmvsr
! J O II X S T 0 W X, T E X X A .
! We fnll Praflu nesnt-UMe In H prt of the I'ni
tri St' an.l t'aniuUA. anl in trVwvi-n cttonthrm.
! Hi:y J l:l. "iti!f. mn 1 0vernmcnt Homl at
; tiiirtwr tmarktH ri. Ijn nooy un approved
pts-unty. lraft ani Chai-ki m fHli-r tatiks caii
ci. ilinf y roelT-l on J"i;itpayaMcoa ilinuia 1
! lutrrc.t at tle rclr of Six fer cent, fr
Few Doors Above the Old Stand, .UHumuUnTiit,.
I tf K.s III? rtry I-
n.-r an l trk-n.U a full line
naidwure of Every
iVr i:i rfiil r:".te. 'iuifrnit. l'a.. wiil
,'.,'- i !imii"?s cntruJtci tv hl care with
' ... an 1 tiOi-iltv. ? 13-ly. ,
j trt-rytliinar In tte Itankio? Une reacivrs our
, riMnpt Mttinii.n.
t T!iar.k(ul to uur frirn'lf anl rastitncrs for tV.i"lT
) jjftft ialrair. we uH-it a conttnoaiK of :e
i . ime. aul invite unfre wna nave liujtintw ia our
Ti-cirirrin " to ive u a triaL avurinK all. thai we ulinll at
avCb-lit-UAi, mU tjmrn i)ml weeaI1 ,eivr entire fwlnla-t.fl.
,Dn. r. m
i . S .mrixt. i'a.. will .rai-.l- In -na- .
., , ".nniiiK. Ail hu-ini- en
' i. thvtn will i Mn.;ly at:en.le.i to.
';. ly.
i in uie In-n: part t jxiU up stairs.
. ,-.n tt all lliar " l""nJ frrliarwl to do
..i ,r.. ru n as u'.imi. r.-ttuiatu.t. i
Ar.lii' ll ti-tUl li am .. au.l !
liL Ail .-iM-raiKoa war- r
juni: 7, "70. '
, si t iilJattokney ATLAW.S(M-
: i i.r atten.l t. all t.uFitiess ,
" ,., .,:n. M .!jne.1 ellecti-u ;
, m lni r-;u!cnci'. n Main fwt.
Ware of All HimN.
ii Kl'lVll. ATTiiKNKY ATI.AW,
Tri-- ia.. will atti-n l t all hu'inw eu-
, t ;' r irr In s..mT.-t an 1 a ij'.iuniir win-
..r ,;.i.'.:if aii'J li.i
in "tin i
Is. "jo-ly.
, v inC I i wi"H svu . i-i.i:i- l.
..'C.jun K"0. jan. 11-11.
' sll
-ie-i rf?It'u'!v luf'.nr the ! '
.wl tin w.-U kn-wn h ifl in Uie
i. r-ct. 1 i Mi" intcuti i t kwp
. !, in- h"!"- w:ll trive Miisfartivn tu
..-him with their en'''.
An ! every thing 1 l aiging to the Lamp tra.!e.
Thi Rrmriiy has heen In ne over Iventf fart, j
i au.l has cured thio.iuiif "f esses ennsi'lereil lno- j
i rahle hy the pnil'i senin. It has not failed in a sin- j
' &rl- ease to icive relief if not entirely cure. i
I It Is i.artictiiar'.v rcbiamcnJcil in the following :
! J.'nip'.alnts: ;
4 .1
, circulation; i--. j
. in any ilcraniictnent of the blocd. In all 0i'ssca !
; pi-culiurto frinalct it If a sure an.l Sorereiya Afia- j
; riijf. i
I III short. It helnj a Rmrif acting through the j
i Circulation of Ike Blood on all the important or-,
! mns and emunn..ri s of the LoJy. 1: will care al-'
i uki any curable disease.
! For sale l.y MEYERS fc AXAWALT. Ilerlin,
i Pa and I r dealer? la Family Aleiiieinra every-
I'AIXTS IX IL AMI pky. axp
;.' ; ; I Y Li:. ATTlinXEY" AT LW.
'v t-'-i. l'a-. will t:ve fcr -inpt au.n'i-nio
... .i-.(ru.e '. t- lii- can- ii Nmi.-rJ-.'t nn-1 .
.unttrf. u:fiep ..n fni. tixeet. rpv '
-t ." i' ncc of td. SeuiU J'- -11' ,
iVLrrr.Il. rhvi-l.m ani Pentift. lier'.in.
l.i. Will t;:vc pr . .nipt a'tena.'ii to all cai-s
J - - " hi e; i i:r.-v "Tie .l.-.r w i i it.e
i II u-f." as ocL'ui-ied herctciorc ly
A lar,re stock of
Tablr KnieH and Forkf,
G. MILLET., afu-rnvflvt-
i- iv riTaetiee In Shnr.kri!lc, lias ;
::'. .ntKl a: Somerset f-T the prac- i
.."an 1 tenders pr.f.--i 'iial S.T
r: .tens ol S. irerstt and viciuiiy. ;
'.in hcp i .niier.y .-ei'pii :
1 n
I oi
5t-t :
o i
co !
t !
Her atep la alow and weary.
Her band unsteady n..w,
And paler stiii, an 1 deeper
The linos upon her Itow.
Her meek blue eya has faded,
Her hair has kwt its afol 1,
Her once firm roice now falters.
My Mother's growing old.
H-r days of strenarth are over.
Her earthly j iyi depar t,
Bui peace and holy beauty
Are shlninsr In her heart ;
The link that hind her spirit,
Relax theirtrembUng bold.
Soon she will he an aneU
Sw?et Mothsr'i growing old.
My thoughts flow baok to ehildlo"l,
When fondled on her knee.
I poured out all my sorrows.
Or lispe-1 my sonir of flee :
r.ut now u; mrle.iniiii;
S.i wearily and cold.
"With Irtnbllnr I!ps she niur.nurs,
Pear child, I'm trrowini id 1."
I think of all her counsels.
So precious to my youlh.
How faithfully she taught me.
Gal's sacred words of truth :
How tenderly she ltd me
To Jesns' blesse-1 fold,
YVbere she will so.t be welcome 1,
Xo fcjnper bowed and old.
The path of daily ilnty.
Va erer her dclicht.
She walked by Faith and Patience,
And trusted God farsight.
Her hands with oscful lahor.
Esch day their misflon tolJ,
Herdee.1s like hcav'nly roses.
Still Mwm though she la old.
Alas! those hands so skillfnl.
YVhieh toiled with loving Saee,
To make me Mcss'd with emfort.
And home a happy place;
Thofedcar hands pale and wrinkled.
Are now by time eontndl'd.
They rest in praeryful quiet.
Pear Mother's prcwlra; old.
Yet. thoneh her early temple
Fast faileth day by day,
Her soul with faith increasinir.
Pursues its heavenward way :
And when the mi.U of Jordan
Shall from her siirht b? rolled.
She'll shine in youth and lieauty.
YVber" sjdrits ne'er ;rrjw old.
0 Mother, fond and faithful.
Thou truest earthly friend.
May I be near to soothe thee.
Till all thy sTnirirles end.
Anl while with sad heart yearning.
Thy form my arms enfold,
1 pray in eace to meet thee.
Where saints no more grow old.
Xow, I made this appeal at a very j !- Adoiph nier.
unfortunate time. Bridget had left :
the day before in a ra-e occasioned j Anion- the most prominent Euro
bv Tom having wound up a huS list ! P"an , 'p't:M
ohHeution8bvchasin-herwitha!AJ,'!l',ll'?, Tbu-rs, I'resident of the
irn'Ke .aa i,f. , I French Uenublic. He is now in hi
l Jtt l IValiall. ill.VVIJV s iwa7 kilt. 1 L ijl V :
unusually burdened with work, and
at this partidular moment she was
3 i tit in,irinTiTJnfi c
Hi. H.MlfirrMa:5
he can eot:niie.1 at &i en;
..5 IPsWl
i times.
Iv aiiswered.
AXP 5iC'I!SOr.S.
TUlf AD I.
i.1 Liw. S .in-rwt. Pa. l"nrfeM -oal s- lK-ite.1 and I uuctually attend-
J. ki.(t iSEIl.
Sfiaersct. I eaita.
., ?.wt r.;.ar".l toilo ail kind of planing and :
i..... :r::J "1 buiidinj maierlalt ;
VHTiiE::-l!OAF.LlXa, i
Jlil At'KETS. Ac.
- -. . !.::,.' 2-nem!'y used in houfe build- :
rk -i' tie to erd r.
. t.lied. :
.-..-i ' GKii JOXLS.
pot;-ulaix LixEp kctilix a., a-., i
, T-ffp'hoT wi1 h msry trtidc too r.umn-n to rem-, 2
;i-'Ti in an 'irrr: lament. Hf t dTnninM to;
!ell at th rTT It.wtPt prici-. Gits him a call. ;
;une 12--TI. ' ,
For Business Men. ii
Tom was my brother, and ho was
abov! Tomv ears, that tells the
j whole story ; but for the ?ati.faetion
Tl r-nA7" ! those hapjilcr and lesi experienced
,0 ; than myself, fur the enlifrhtenmcnt, in
particular, ol that friend who main
g v v- r . 2 j tains the superiority if masculine to
A TV J V J I 7k7. rn feminine juveniles, I shall crivc a brief
'The Ecserve Fund Policy.'
sketch of the tribulations of niv child
JQ'Y'lQJg jpj; I don't suppose Tom was much
(-j ; ct , ui m- iijuu itioM iieaiuiy, active ixivs,
a i -t and I know he Avasn't a bit better.
S'n T) nriTlT) TTl CI I g I He was a terrible little tyrant, but
25 U'iUUXjIlilIjOtO tyranny is inherent in this masculine
waa4 'l LJ I ..1.- A Ti l' O
(3 '
; c3 there are too m.i::y artUIet kept fjr
FLOUT? etc.
j -tJ character, I believe. Some
1 o"j "The bov is father to the i
one says.
man. ' I
! j don't believe it. If I did. 1 would
i aB. j--- -aa lllllHI, "ll'.l U 11V It'lt-t U,
jaltobe an old maid to the end of my
! idays. I?utthen. there's John nev-
l!e sure to sa.l and (.-e. and be conrlnc- j ' , . i t . .1 . T i
i J er mind abiiut that ! I don t suppose
:.lohn rnnlii hfiv. luf n hta ritl t.r li.iv-a
.ViKs it;ii,
; v stukkt, somi:i:sj:t. ia.
:. w ; r- 1 to ma!) nfa etc re all kin!s of
V..- v .:i . j,r- mi:l' attoJ t
i -.: . I.I"T MATERIAL will be ccd.
.;.:. v. r.r.i: avaiikaxted
r- . ia the latest and m st nipn.ved
lXt'uKPdUATr.P lsil.
1 c3
so.MKKsirr iioisi
S-ii:rr. r.
Securrs So cial Trott ct'oa'to
Every Policy Holder.
OL niL
t. M .n h th.
( i .nTn;iiam.
iiVMi and sur.:.i:?x.
I ,
! I "i- r-uir. ie: Suj'pi yi n ar tliir'y-fivi yenrs
I aire and take "Jiesi'rve Fund Policy" at or-
I'ini.ry li;e rati-s. ;
Hie p:ivuien. ill insure v.iu 2 vears and .'
'Z.i.-.vs. I
Two onrnal payments will Insure ym 4 years)
and 12 dajs. " i
Three auiiual payinecta will insure you t years ,
and J7 days. " I
Five annua! parnv tits wi'.I li.sure you 10 years
' and 56 ds. j
Su payments will insure you 12 years j
, and 11 day. ' !
Hj though that's just w hat Marion
p i ard shinks of our Tom now.
O I Tom and I were provokintrly near
j an f?e, and to make matters worse, I
was the older; not much over a year,
s-jijto be sure, but of course I felt na tur
pi"; 1 superiority on that frround. w hich
I made Tom's tyranny all the harder to
bear. i ou see, in the very nature of
things, my rights must have Iteen
trampled on at an early age. V.'hen
I had arrived at the mattiritv of 1 .r-
. tx . 0 i teea months, I was forced to vacate
a. -la. r raiICxiCUJ Co O., tbe cradle, and my mother's arms and
; breast were opened to receive the in-
; vader while I Avas consigned to the
(tt uuer mercies of a frowzy-headed
! nurse-girl, Avho consoled me w ith su
Jgar until my stomach, if nut my tem
Jper, aviis jermanentlv suiired. Of
looking classes, clik'kj, faxct caskets I course I do not remember all this, but
suusequent inA'estigation has taught
riif the pteci.-e state of aSTirs at the
Twine and Ropes,
This Protection Appliesto any Age, !
Wooden and VViilcw Ware, &.C.,
asc TAi-rr KEiia aD jenntuor
early jicriod of which I Avrite. Thev! in his favor.
bending over jhe stove, in all the heat
and hurry if baking day, frying
doughnuts. I suppose the hot lard
spattered on tp her hands as she fish
ed up the brofn takes. I have since
had certain experience of my own ia
frying doughrtiits thats lead me to re
gard my mother's impatience on this
occasion with preat charity. She did
not answer mj question, and to at
tract her attention I gently pulled her
the skirt of iLer dress, repeating.
"Mother, niotber, ain't I two years
older than Tom!"
" Xo, she ain't, is she, mother ? She
thinks 'cause if s her birthday she can
cheat me. and do all sorts of things,"
roared Tom from the other room.
Intent on gaining my point, I
twitched mother's dress again, re
peating. "Ain't I mother? Ma,
ain't I "
Mother turned upon me suddenly,
her face flushed with heat and vexa
tion. "Helen. You are always
quarrelling with Tom. Of course you
are not two yerrs the oldest ; you act
as if you was not half as old. Xow
go up to the nursery and don't come
doAvn till I give you leave."
A bitter sense of injustice rankled
in my breast as I turned a'.vay and
walked sIoaaIv from the kitchen to the
room Avhere Tom sat, having it all
his own way with the checkers.
When he saw me he cried out in ma
licious triumph, "Good for you!
Pays you for cheating! Xow you
won't get any hot doughnuts, and I'll
eat all the turnovers !"
That Avas too much. I turned
around and cried out passionately ;
"Tom. you're an awful, wicked, story,
rv-teliing liar! I hate you, and I
Avish you AA'crc dead ! I do !"'
I AAas horror-Btrickcu the moment
I had uttered these Avords, but Ufure
I could get breath to retract aa hat I
had said, Tom rushed into the kitch
en, crying "Mother, mother !"
Of course I was inarched up stairs
double quick, mother's hand pinching
my ana aAvfully all the way, and re
mained a nursery prisoner, living on
bread and water for the rest of the
dav, lcside9 set to learn a hymn on
brotherly love. I never hear that
bvmn noAV without a vision of the
nursery that hot summer day, myself
sitting in the window with my hymn
book, Avatching Tom, who had sta
tioned himself under a cherry tree op
posite and sat munching my birth
dav turn-over, favoring me with oc
casional observations regarding the
hi''h state of felicity he was enjoying
cuiunared Avith mv miserable condi
tion. .1 fully mae up my minu mat
I would never go to heaven, never!
if I had to love Tom. I persevered
in this determination until I had gone
to bed and the light was put out
Then I had such awful visions of
eternal punishment that I was Aviiling
to accept salvation on any terms, and
screamed for mother, begging when
she came, to see Tom and a?k for
giveness. I was alloAved the privi
lege(?)and humbly entreated the lit
tle monster to pardon me, which he
graciously consented to do, on condi
tion that I "wouldn't never do so no
more." I promised, ia fear and trem
bling, and Tom aaxs commended for
his magnanimity.
This is a specimen of our daily life
and experience. If I urged my superi
or age in requesting a privilege, I
Avas told that made no difference, I
was very little older. If we quar
relled (which I regret to say was the
case most of the time), I was told
that it Avas my fault ; I was the old
est, and ought to be ashamed to tease
mv little brother so. Tom's invaria
ble plea, aa her. a doubtful case was
pending at the bar of mother's judg
ment Avas, "Well, she teased me ;"
and that generally led to a decision
in that town durin? the Rcvolutiona-J that place
ry war. It has been my privilege to j present the boys
be acquainted with several
Within the last fiftv vears, who, i.i
their vomit, ktiew Mil or Andre a hen Vermont stripling,
,irtikrif.rii:, AVhirh i a '!.Va:.i pii!
to i-tii.n. Arc not si in' r.;rn r'
aa nlki-rs al! tlicie div-. po'tiri',- t!
dp-an: i:it.i tlun '. Tin- r-- ri"f
'!'!';mi tin 'i. i- tiiir !ijrr-s rv:
At Ii: ' h an: on!".' idai!v j.-vreived v.
in the inijid arc rlit.d fcs l av
'ltuard x:jit'!t e. And la t!:'.- .
r:.-r;i!i!-t c--i acc of tho thirg. i:i !!.!
outermost cJor r f the pL-r.i' a.
U ULit our whole life full of dream '.
Parcal ifiiprt-s.-ivf ly -k in w ;'
those pregnant paragraph- which
ten fill from his jm ii. ' If Ave v. cr;: -'i-itary
when awake, but drem.wj ;.,
company, and our dreams a corded
with each other, Atho don Us that am
should lj-lievc matters reversed? I;i
fine as we frciuent!v dream thit w-
'mmmmmmmmm j dream, piling one dream upon another.
i Jit is quit? possible that this life is
f ,r W 11 1I1W 1 IL II ...
NO. 21.
he was a pri-ont-r in Carlisle.
! . . . .. , onivaureara. on wtnii otiiers are
ana gins were v , , - ,. , .
,.. ,., . i a leu. iriiiii n u l ii r- u ar-
icrsoiis, i ten: m one apartment, oniv iLe nn:-! . ' , , . ... , ,
I . . I . . . . . - . .. ueatb. arifi i nri.Tf s urn we iiatc tf.e
i tile a;s!e parte! them. Une Usv this:..- , . , . n ... i
who bad leni , '7.: V , ".
hflrung one of the girls through .i , . . , '.
. 1 t . t , , 'I I. 1 . . : I : :
Jiator .YFiOre anil oilier lrtlu uaru sum hp w at acute in n inierintr oni .t , . .
, - . IAJ "J V U & V w .
seventA'-fifth vear. let he bears a ,y,r.. ....... j -"onicers were caiituredat l.conlero?a. ' tnonsrnt it not more man lair inai i , . , , . ... .
miir it reasonab .T ai.nal a voun?erl: J,.i..r... i .i.:t. .i i. ..i.i ...n r... i,.t "K I' "re ideaitics destined never to
Man .l u ili Fit Ti! i kiutJ 111 lltO Will' (if i ."...... . . i t .i . 'J-
lilikll. U4va WA-A-viiiirnaJiivo it a.a . " I n ' a I..uir-r.r . I'hp i'n I . ar 1 ..innw.i I ' k'nu'i riC AO,ri ItrffT f,. TfirOU' r' J ' .
public duty and private intellectual; claIr wLo d:ci aiK)l,t Gftv vears ! stalwart arm aroundthe rosv damsel
occupation an amount of labor of ! m hh fiirm ntar (JrnsWrJ and iravc her a s!a-, rousing smack
wnioh few at any age are capao.e. j,a Caris!c .;, west of the Sus-1 which startled the whole asemb! v.
Similar evidences of intellectual activ-' .!,., ...... )t,.;(if.rf.i ,ilf. Mifo, e t,.,,(. ,:. K Tn(.r nr., i' ..P r
long Ii'acs, as ! i .t . )riiJorif.I. 'reared the nrecetiror
BetAveen the vears l'.iO and IStOthe! The deliaonent apiiearcd, his facei
writer had repeated conversations ! glowing wit b blushes like a red-hot I
with a person who was born ia Car-' warming pan and lonk:ng as s!v as j
; lisle in 17.10. and lived ab-ut tv.cnty a ninny.
i years in a house but lately taken "Mold out your hand sir," said the
! down. Bdjoininir the present jail-vard. pedagogue. "I'll teach von :i"t to'
This jKTson, who was a near relative : act thtis in this institution.''' i
of Colonel George Gibson, the father; The huge paw was extended to a
of the late Chief Justice Gibson, said horizontal line towards the instructor.
that Major Andre and the other pris-! who surveved its broad surface with
oners Avere put under tin; command a mathematical eve-
of Colonel George Gibson, and.lieing manv strokes of his
on their parole, were allowed to visit ' would take to cover the large number ,
tue town ; tnat .Aiajor Andre was an : oi square incnes it contained. Dew mark.
itv, protracted through
in the cast; of Brougham and Seward,
and many other distinguished men,
seem to prove that the habit of intel
lectual activity confers on the aged
intellect the facility of well-trained
r.i.nttio It u- k s:iiil nf Thiers itibis
Youth by a contemporary, "He medi
tates without effort, he marches with
out fatigue, and he is the most rapid
thinker of whom I have knowledge."
French biographical notices have a
flavor oftwo-sidedness in them, esjec
ialv the notices written for the peri
odical press. They seldom praise
without a sneer, or blame- Avithout a
t - - . r 'I-1 . 7 t ..
quai.ticauoii i e ttw. i fine musician, a pot t and
amused at the followiug passage from j an(, maJ L:mscf vprv fl
A ..,.tdi.-..iti..ri in I SKI ivb.'ii I iiiir . ...
Vi,.,.,..u. - : the voung people of the town : that
was an opposition orator: ; Col.mei (Jibson, after the prisoners
"Go int.. tue chamber some day , hat 1( thtre a length of time, took
Wlicn mere ts a jrriwm pa. .amcntur thcm (,own an,,
toumanieni. firm iuur ee.-5 tij-1
ward the narrow cage bordered w ith
marble, which serves for a tribune for
haranguing deputies. Behold in it a
little man Avhose head alone is visi-;
ble, so diminutive ishis stature. That
head is adorned Avith a passably ugly ;
face, somewhat monkeyish ia sooth, J
but quick, vivacious, expressive, orig-.
inal. Avhich seems to be hanging from
an enormous pair of spectacles. .
any part oftt.e veritable world : It
is one of the deep utterances of old
Herac'iitus that "thev who are awake
: have a Avorld in common among them:
j but they who sleep are -etired each to
j his own private world."' Xevenl.e-
less, literal and large as the tnth ia
th;s inaAim is still with reference to
our moral experience an inverse state
ment; fr the f-frmer cause if it
would express a graver truth, n:. i
one with a more comprehensive in
ference. Consider it thus. Oi-.r'-;...
mon wakinj life is like a dream, be.
cause in it each man lives a special
exnerience within a world speeiailv
a'i r.iiuaiT v itij ; ti i , ,
... , shaped and colored bv his doraiaa:,
-calculating how . . . ,- . ,
it r i ldosvncrasies. Dublin I nt-r.tti
small feme it' ,r -,
, , Jlnnaziiir.
lie Ia.rf' ritiniher ; J
aceoniplisaerl gentleman
be Avas a
a painter,
reeable to
some i
time were taken from there to Lan
caster, Avhere they were exchanged.
Col. Gilpin was afterward kiilol ia
St. Clair's t'efcat, in Ohio, ia 17-1.
When Major Andre avus executed as
a spy, it became, months after
ward, the- main topic of conversation
throughout the Avho'e CumVrlan-J
Jedeliah,'at length he said, "this!
is the lir.-t timeyoa hare Ieea called
upon for any delinquency ; now, sir, ;
if A'uii Aviil say that vuur are srrv
for Avhat you have dofie, I will let
yoa off this til. ie Avithout punishment.
"Sorrv " exclaimed the voung.-ter.
The visit of the Princess of Wah s
to her old home in Denmark and cere-
. t . . .
monies thereon attestant,
correspondents of the LoaL a
an opportunity to ruak i'enmaric
an I the Danes known to the Engii.-'i
people. The P.-inee-s of Wal-s is a
re sr.
great favorite
1 j people most affect
Denmark and
ionatelv claim
striking aa attitude of pre-iadigna
tioa: "sorry ! no sir ! I am not. And
a mil ii'i ji.-.-i ru aaiu 11 i UU'.!; ILif ! , I,,.:- I : , t . T
li.mi'o S,, u, .I.I ..IT..,,- n . . . ....
' ' V - - , i l-niueh struck with the countrv w
you nke. lv the jtimfttn' r.L. t- ... .. .1 '
... , , ii. 1 ""uiei i.iij-.;j, iv no aie n.
a .-lain i.j , ltl , I,M,, I.,,rl.
hard as
you lick m
I'd be f.rrv
tiil kingdom
at that bv
umter, I'
Practical Jofcinsr.
While our 'honorables are empl.oved ;
in hushing their school-boy buZZ"cx. The poet CoAvper, although consid
amine the capricious contour of those iered by robust young men ia foil tneerir.g I:t.-. on Avhich is ever health as rather a -miik-and-water
pluving the most minute, sarcastic, parsonage, had some ideas, the gon
inquisitorial of smiles. At length si-"r-" adoption of Avhich avouM. carry
lence is established, the orator is ! out tIie Unions motto, "Let ui have
about to speak. Listen; or if vour i peace." He hated rudeness and
organization is at all delicate or" nm- rough play, and deprecated the laying
lieo-in bv stopping vour ears and asitlc of the forms of p-diteness. even
i .. a:.-! 'i j ii . .
the Avomea ia their quaint bonnet-",
consi.-ting of a ha;e fitting ti'Ltiv
! over their heads, dov.-ii as far ss ti. -j
fear, and aboiit Cre inches broad.
j iromi.ig tne oase wors with, ovi r tr. -
Every woman with arv romance j an'l attached to it, a white l.arcik. r
or magnanimity has, so f ir as she chief or square of muslin or lace, t- r
coatemplates marriage for herself i mmating ia a tioint behind trianguitis
merely ia the abstract, an ideal, or j fashioa. look very Lice, and thev a.-e vague assembla ge of high quali- never tired of looking at ail ar:d evrrv
ties Avhich stands fir sueh. She can I thing; and Avhat is more, tli.v are
AT o m c ii aaU ft .rriae.
only sujipose hers. If voluntarily link- honest enough to show that they
ing her fate Avita another, if that ' Phaser uje servants are clan,
other is mm exeeprionallv ecod or' hright and attentive. TLe pe.-e,J.;a,-e
noble, or at least di-tingnished among a'J devoted to cleanliness. Among
his fellows. At ail events he must i a'l classes soap and water, bru.-h and
be s,.l,lctbIro-r ,tr nSnrp rlio .Anininn ' comb, are the rule ftn n;1f ff.,-. ....
s. on tne i run of men about her. 1 he typical : tion, an.j appear to he u.-cd ia plcntv
I'. L'-n iifil reiai.l Find llnj ,.'.i-il .n.l L..n an. Wrth V;.iif tfi..-- I".-, , ..
ttll'4.JI.LI " ' ' i , . - . 1 ' .1 i - It! i-
Opening tticm ly Itegrees, lor the a,u"".? muiuaii; unnus. i u.iv uie
voice you are going to hear is one of! affecting of overpowering etiquette is
f''.ll screeching. Tiiercino-voices undoubtedlv absurd and ridiculous
which would make Uubina shiverand I lI;e neglect of true counes-.
"ive Liblache a Gt. It is anomalous i other band, intoicrah.e. ' taking ;onl maid has had this ideal.
amohibious. neither masculine nor liberties"' is ahvavs an unpleasant, faituful to it ; it fair l;e f r Avant of tion ia tne Avav ot washing, and mi
feminine and strongly favored, more- an'l not "infrequently proves a dan-' adequate temptaii ia to inconstancy, j be well tfopted at home by our laur.-
nver Avith a provincial accent. Yet ' geroiis proceeding. The rude joser ; Some women the charming ay omen i dresses and
tliij little man without anrearanee : cannot lie sure that his victim
Some women the charming ay omen i dresses and wa.her-Av omen. TLe
is In for example have not been allowed j Danes pride themselves on this ;,a;
jirc- to keep their ideal. They have lost aot even ia Paris is such washing :;
cares sight of it in hnthng themselves the r,c procured.
r . I I , '....I- - - ...,--1 . ... 11 I... r ..... . . . -, . t T . . , . I T . r t,mn . I . . , I . . : 1, 1 -1 h , . -i ... fr I. .. . I
ne-oU'l'rCS OI lue eti'.'CU, an'l One Ol I'liii-a ii iw.i.ivi, iiui miui ui sjiuv un- vi.H-. vyui ivoicRi . " i' - . luci aic u;i.-r! tx.-e;i,
the most powerful orators of the ratner ropes mat tne indignation or . vesiai Las never ocea a charming wo-: JU'i ses an examtue to ail the wc
Chamber. Those shrill lun
sounds almost always listener
without dignity, and without rhetori- j humor for fun. But often a
cal voice, is one of the most eminent lical humorist neither knows m.r t
S 01 tne ' 1 1 ii . uwi iut. uiui.urfi.uii iiirimi La in; in ui.tu a tuai llilii v ij- . . n atn inc an tutr w 'jri'i.
ags emit j person chosen ss the butt Avi'l add i man, though she may have manv ex- j If you enter a shop and buv aa arti
d to Avith point to the jest. Such practical jok-! cellent gifts and graces. Women aret cle, you cannot speak to them, but
favor and often applauded Avith i ,n? aJ3 l"c miaoeipnia l-vjr, is so maue, nappiiy ior men, tnat gTati-:uu Pul own your money ana you
nhrenzied enthusiasm. From that tne ca;lc ,n 5:01110 ca' s ot tnt" cs tu.Je, pity
nasal throat issues a flow-
transparent as crystal
thought, substantial and coiupai
meditation itself." noAV
Contrast Avith this the Thiers of CIt.v-
ww - I.I 1 I.-.I
1S70, as described by lr. . II. Lus- uroppeu a naau.ui
. .,'1 li-SIln the ne-'otiati-ins Avith (ler. doAVU the back of
m. ii, " m"" o -
many Avere in progress. ; IIe has, at
Versailles, a large sitting-room, ia an
hotel, which is like a Prussian bar
rack. The tables are covered with pa-
lhcre tie repairs as soon as
me c.qiii.-iie pleasure oi l'".' i iuc price, anu your pro-
tall a cab,
dollar in the
is six nierks
awaits judicial action in this notion) altogether obscure and coo- his fare 13 two he returns f.-ur, takes
One lad ia a shoe factorv I fuse the judgment. Thev either for-! his cap, bows, and off he ges
mm that lne cause in some cas s 01 tne es(tuie, pity, tne exquisite pleasure ct Pa.y eiacny tne price, a
of words i trangement of friends, and in others pleasing, the swtet surprise of Ending per chance is given,
rapid as ' ' bloAvs, and even of assaults Avith j themselves necessary to another's drive anywhere, pav a
)iupact as! mnrdcroiis weapons. A recent case happiness (or being flattered into the ! driver's "hand, which is
of leather chips, get their ideal altogether, or think ouite contented, and if yon give Lim
another. Words ', thev have found it ia the verr com-: another for himself, is delighted be-
followed, and a quarrel resulted, in ' moa place mortal who is their choicc. iyond measure, and thinks you & jr.I'v
which the "knife" was used. Serious J But to some women this docs not j srt of customer. I saw "a cab set
injury is the conscq-ienee of this ; happen. The natural instiaet to; down a lady and gentleman; thev
'joke, to say nothing of proNahie is not strong m them. Thev i passed ana Avere almost out of right
imprisonment for "assault to k:l!." only care to please ubcr
taste! the lady Lad dropped her gloves wit
I .!..
IU.N 1 nrre lie rc itnrs as soon as "1-- - ...... . .. iU, .,
it is davlight this aged, infirm and Een death and punishni' nt f.-r iuur- and judgment approve, and their : out missing them ; the cabbv discov
toil Avorn man, filled Avith cares and. d'T ,na.r fol.ow it. manner is cold and indifferent ia gen-ered them and rushed franticallv after
torrili'o anxieties ami writes for' a nre an om i-irv a a ncnnaa erai socit-iv. i Here u a t rencii pro- er. ua nar, oowea poiitPlv, ana
1. Go
on, or
There is an old storv of a German eral socittv. There is a French pro- her.
a. . . - . ......... . ....... .. ........ ..-1... II. .... I I . ...... . . . . I I r . . , ..... I . I . I I I
hour-1 assisted ia his taithtul secrete- P! n i"i'"-"ciii una n;e reauer , ci o couipouiiucu 01 rc.-iguaiioa ana j iut- gio. es, ana rcturne
rv lie utTers from severe palpita- i lna.r have seer.. It can be TcpeateJ. ivorldly policy Avhich represents the , into a cafe; if music is going
of the heart, aggravated bv his , noAvever, as a sample j"Ke ot the . suiniissiuii ana destiny or attrac- singing, one or the performers wi;!
f - T '
e ;-is;:c St. Cliar!rs Hetcl.)
And is eipresutr s'a'.i.'d In ct. st F.diev.
thk Ai'VAX7A;i; rnoxuTiox.
m market Street and U0 Conimcrua Street,
June 10 tr.
tc.lmemy father Avas disappointed
; because I Avas not a boy, and I have
; never c
r! r5 i,I (cet rsware and Hainifar
tisrvrw f .'Iaswarr.
." Vi'AP.E.
- nr,.; r-iim. d is pr ,..-ire.l to naiu fixture all
Sometimes, it is true, Tom commit
ted sucn glaring atrocities that CA-erA'-
nte recovered fr. 1.1 the feelingl lodv said he was in tault. then
humiliation with Avhich I first mother would say, "For shame, Hel-
rdofit. A remorseful conscious- en to lie so impatient! Tom is a
ness of having committed an irrepar- bov, and you must put tip Avith his
ever: iitiic iau.L-v
"A boy!" I would exclaim, with
doa t 1 SnoAv he s
reeeut travel, and speaks as if he , nil mu. me prince, a iau, waiv-;Uve woman. Mie ufs not want to rouna wnri a maii plate, ir you put
1.. wa nor o 1 u-i Y, h Lis tutor. ?:iw a ltanTootcJ ! I'lease out of Ler pale of svmnnthiV t in a ir.crk. 4U1. ?d of it U rmm.'.
I 'r it in.": vi'" "y.i i.Aui at iiauu. , a a - i -------w..
n - . 11 1 !.. . M f 1.1.l. I . m
'If I fail noAV, I shall retire to n,v i d man Avorking 111 a neui.
f.;u- and await the end. which con-: leather lie hat le.t h:s shoe
To save , and the alternative has no, terror for; you are not expected to give more,
under a ! her. Ia fact, she has foreseen that a Politeness is the rule, and the mi;
f ir distant.' Before dinner be ; 'usa. 1 he lad stud it Avouid lie good
sinks into his chair, or lies down and : fun v ,,;I,; the laborer's shoos and
sleeps fur an hour or two. Hoav mar-i wait anJ hl an?ir 8I'11 In,1( x;"
'vilouslv he wields the onlv tongue he t.v- The tutor suggcted that it
kuows everv sentence poiished like wou1,1 be a lK'ttr J"ke - I"!t a
i. .nrnted rem of oratorv The 'I'-rm the toe of each. The prince
Germans seared v no: ice him, and the ; f,'l in witn tu0 l'1:it' aa,l tue two ''d witching qualities may repel admi-, shop Wy.
i;l tn bU ulaln black chit h.... ! themselves aad watched the event. 'ration bv indifference, and live to each ; it
i,v. ' ' 1 ?. .1. ., e . .1 . ,
single life is her probable destiny. It tiplicity of bows is quite discouraging
is not at all necessary that this unat- to hats. In every street and ever",
tractiveness should have to d with a place of amusement you see hats
conscious Avant of beauty. A beau-: widely extended in the air, the dames
tiful Avomaa, as cdor and outline con-j appearing to lx' most particular in the
in he-'AvaA 01 saluting eacu other. 1 tv
meet, off comes the hat of
is held a!niost at arm's
stitute beautv but failin;
TMs is t
I .. 1 lietlll
eertifr thRt rov Ute hnshnnd. Palel
n, w;,s tiiMin'.i In the l-t.-rkftiire Lale
aoie oiunuer lias nauntca me
STOYSTOWX. .since.
W e'.I. Tom nml I nrrntv in dnlnm 1 fr-ora in r.iv eves
die un dersfpTirtl r.r,,ri,.,i.,. Tlf.i..n ' , o I " .
H-jOd. on the sontbeat-t eornerof the Iiiamond. tw ; ail- ,jUr UO!Se
increased. It has al-
a bov ? You might as well tell me I
b.arii.-e(', littfrield. ?.lnr.. I. r tl.oou. ' Indoeew hr his many friends, would :S.t.t to the vvaVS been an lino!ved problem to ' AVaS b ind if 1IIT CVCS Were put OUt ! I
-i::-rr. li. l?i'. premium juvaile .iii.rterlv. , trivelins pa'.'.ic that lie Is ww -.are.i to reei-ire . - . . l'J "-,,,!.', . u .1:
Tl.t two jwvtr.en: were in ie u. to June 1j:!i. ' and li..!.ital.Iy cnier.ain all whoniay irire him a 1 foe V hA I AVas IliVariablT compelled I AVlsll there AVerC no SUC.1 as
1-71. that he die i ( HtotH-r l:ih. four mondia after ,:' .""f? "wlu-ted with the kl ' tO Yield evervth'il" to Tom becatls,. br.vs'''
he ulclt.. make his iavn:rtit. , order and furnish a-wmraMsti.s. 10 . a.u ioruu.il3 ID LII! w UUH ; IK'T.-.
The usual i.psits of death were forwarded to the 1 MJll UtlSfLK,
, Omtiane. and the full amount of the ndiey. l.-s i Moystown. I'a.. April 17th, l7i
the two uartcr!y payments due at the time of bis ,'
i 'ivh. w:is pal ! t me ty itieiriienerst Ajrent in .
en hand a sur-j ly o!
: cane au.l all kiie.s i
N I Sl'KIIT l!.(l U'.U'.P ' 1'hlla.lelpi.ia. AV. II. ilmres. at their offlee, S. AV. I
' e-Ttier t:liesoiut and Lleven'h MtwtS.
A. II. (Ireene. la'eot Xew Y'Tk. in"nre.i a lew i
yenr iu-e in the Kerkl.irc Ufe Insunne t ..m-;
pany f ir (Ciov? t.ut owir.c to nisti nane In l ow- j
!.". was uualde to make any pay men l to me ,
t'.mi; any ilurit.jr one year and ove nvmtl:s pri"r Ui
lus deease. I hare this dny paid (at the Xew .
i A ..rk i.fhee of the tXrapacy, '.71 Itnwdway, w-nier ;
ef t'haiD'-rs street), three' thousand two hundred j
l f nnd Mnety-nin dollars, this l-las the lull amount
due to his wid..w. after diNlm-ir.jf the orerdae pay-
i meti:s and interest.
J. H. FR AXTIsn s. i
- : Xew York. SIjrcL 11'h. 70. MuiKrintendetiL. I
i!mo I'urnKIiing (.oocIk
1.;? I;o. Sii' p ne o..r west
, Eiiti s:r.-t. ?ti,m. r't. I'a.
Nil A II C'ASl.Iil.LR.
1,000 CROSS
& M. R E.
he Avas the vounger. and whv I neA--
' ar received ar.A- of t lie corresponding
j privileges that are usually accorded
to the e!dc!
uysiciax cf- sui:(u:ox, iti the i'oiioWi,,e or!
For partlm'. irs. Inquire of I. Hrcrs, T.j.
Sept 11th. X.O. KEIM.
so.ii:itsirr, im.
n-:i r ..n y.Aiu Street. r- 4Ti
' wan'irnt frt-'-l iw Fruit Trcct. Viars
i'. (. if.;,i p.i.i wo
31. EI. KEMP,
S smfn-'i t'vuatr, I'a.
James .Ti dee. Xew York Cily. ,1.000. payment 1
trt-erdiie 4 m.-nths. " i
K. 11 f. Hamie. Xew York City, pay-!
' nient orerdue 4 months and adavs. j
I Mrs. (1. 11. Hart. 1'l.ieajro. IIL .'i,000. payment !
overdue 7 mitlif and l.A days.
I 11. V. h-riftu las 2.000, jnymeot
i & mjMitli iil) la.i.vs
J.m. 11. Adair. Xrw Wavsrnie. Ind.. t2.000. !
A second -hand
15 -Horse Power Steam Engine j
Wi h JITiSi X GOYERXOR. kc, all eouiplv
1 .-! ;-ur.-h
' r ;r.y.
of hiin at l-.wer rites !
Kel.. a
I n-1.. w Fl.r .V!ll I'tiilt cn the site ..f tte
'itei.s f a ui), ,u;h nf s.nrrs -t is tn
'ii 1 ranting, it haa all the l.,:rt iuiK',Te
:i 1 .'wan-jnte,! t.n!..;lir i--,t i1IK lt mtji
e-'!aa-kH prte paid f. all kn.'r ,4 rm:n.
IUT (MnlIiTlTloX ""j
paymemt overdue 2 months ani 7 days.
llernarl txlrsdy., l!ieh p.O00. pay
metil overdue 2 vears, lo m.inths ami 11 diiys.
Jones 1. I-'tat'rook. Fltehlwnr. M as., f 1.000,
pay meet overdue S years, 1 month and 2 days.
j-Jae ltl-'72- S-jtaenset, l'a.
s. pt. ai.
AA". W. McK AIO A Son.
Cnmlrland, Md.
The Improved
PJew Draw Feed,
r.ocjv stitch.
Tht-r are pome p-tfiiT in a S'iny M vh!o that,ij. ." 'aniline.' iniermamei 1 lni-. di.wins; t. purelmae, kId Uke lutowon
V " tatmname.1 with I Tut, "Un,l"n- '-nely:
i. N.ataei s. iditner. Marv Ann Hiitoer. Liirtdnes of ranntnir.
nwnty. I'a.. and t'liaunerv HI:;, j Isiw i4 Manarettirut.
ui J ;-r n.autr. ! ... heirs and leiriil n p. t 'iqianity tu.lo tti AVork Required,
'-iiWol .iou.-l r. iuxier. : ree-i.n Imm Xoise, ami
o-1 that l rirtu- of a writ f i.riitL Noo-LAil,Uit lo frl .t of Order.
'" """I '-ut ol the tm.l,ns' t ',Brt ot
The MM nd well knuwn firm of Leci A Wiise,
of MTTSIlVatiH, i'a., Manufacturers of
CalJinet FimiltTire ani Chairs.
Hire Removed to
To. I ll Fourth .Ave,,
f!rpos!le their old stand,
V'l:ere theT eontinae tht bosinr inal! it hranches;.
.pt 2i
! I AVe elatm that the IMPROVED ELLIITIC
dirtrt!. I will bold an j i.irseaei ii tbeW puinis. ami lliat It if
v.", ;: ! .e' .".i.T. . fr..i.T: I THE VERY BEST
.;. ". :'r " "" real estate of tl dued I T"JXGTUSr vIC-IT:
., , '" " irs and hnril rt i-ntat ires,
Un"! """out prejodHM- to or
-.wSeS io .tV!,'"u ".VJH kTn.tle1," ! AnJ wt " "--'"tion of it. Aent. -ant-
v JUMA It SH-iV-R.1 ! fll V."" D''- -- wiU fc-i.e the m.t
" ' -e. Oetobei . j.. -.. strHT l'""l terms.
bharlT. , tATOX I1ROS., 19 Flth AT..nttrt-rf;b, P
Now Manufactiired.
founders & wmm,
Mannfiteturers of all kinds of
(rrdent by mail promptly attended lo.
Addreu WB. BOUSE A CO.,
Salutary, Elk lick P. O. Sumeraet x, P-
Oet. It.
U'cause there was so lit
m our ages that the
most Ave shared eqtsa"v. The onlv
solution I ever found Avas ia the fact
so constantly set before me that "Tom
was a hoy."
I AA'cll remember a game of check-
Rlers plaved by Tom and I on my
1. uui I'niiui.i ,. iuiii Huuiu oe uiue
in a few months, and we were dole
fully ignorant of arithmetic, having
sjiont most of our valuable time in the
pursuit of pleasure, both in the school
room and elsewhere. Tom made a
careless move, which gave me an op-
; portunity to jump three of his men. I
improved it eagerlv. That a girl
'should gain such an advantage over
J him was too much for Tom's temper.
so he roared out. " That ain t fair."
" Yes, it is," I replied? "don't you
rcmcmlx r you did it yesterday ?'
' Don't care if I did, 'taint fair,
and you shan't do it," was the replv,
with a hateful emphasis on the term
" " Hut, Tom," I urged mildly, try
ing hard to retain m dignity, "I am
two vears the oldest, and I ought to
knoAA-." j
"Xoyou ain't two years the old
est," was the response.
"Ain't I ten ?" I urged.
" Yes."
"And you eight ?"
" Yes."
" Well, triumphantly, "don't eight
from ten leave two ?"
" You ain't tAVo years the oldest
anyhow, and you shan't jump me,"
persisted Tom, .
I shall ask mother," I cried, cer-
Then mother ivouid look at me in
such a hopeless Avar that I would re
lent and ask her forgiveness ; and the
next day or perhaps that afternoon,
the scene would be repeated.
I know I was to blame in all this.
A woman ought to lie a very saint to
get along Avith a boy from eight to
twenty it is her duty to be a saint,
and I "was very far from it a quick
tempered, impulsive girl, with a
strong love ol justice and an inborn
sentiment of rebellion against tvranny.
I could multiply instances innumer
able to illustrate the injustice prac
ticed all through my childhood,
and in a dillcrent Ionn through my
girlhood, by bcth my parents ; and
yet I love my parents. He is now a
steady, well-to-do man; I am sure they
meant to to be perfectly just. It was
only because Tom was a "boy !" He
was a great source of anxiety to my
parents until he was twenty-two. He
spent money, contracted debts, and
acted pretty much as the "Prodigal
Son" in the Bible did ; aad finally, af
ter almost ruining father, and run
ning away to sea, he came liack bum
ble and penitent, and was joyfully re
ceived. The joy and and pride of my
ather and mother, admired and
sought after in society, and a general
favorite everyAvhere, with me a3 well
as the rest And yet I must confess
I have a sort of "fellow feelings" for
the elder brother in the parable before
alluded to. Xot that I would detract
oe grain from my brother's prosper
ity ; but when I realize myself to be
a plain, common person oftwcnty-si.x,
so decidedly second to Tom in the
hearts of our parents, I sigh a little,
and think the "fatted calf does look
more tempting than the "all that I
chimnev-pot hat. gold spectacles, pass-! I unncctS53rj" t0 sa.v' that the glorify the sisterhood to which her length, and with a sweep replaced, t
in"- through the groups of great uui-; pleased atonisbment of the po .r old '. manner devotes her ; but it is the wo-j be probably o5f again in a few m in
formed Teutons, is a curious represent It Avasjman of commonplace exterior and utes, and so on as long as a frier. 1 or
,; 0f that Avarlike race whos.. fun all around. Whereas the victim sensitive mind that is most eommonlv i acquaintance 'is in sight, whether on
"m . .. . ' .1 i: :i i..t. . r .'I.e. r... t : t. ti- "..i.--, e.i
militarv passion he has rtoae so much oiu;iiaii. itii.s u.i.ieciauuu oi a , f.i uietjc kuu i;er iuei. e oeneve ; mis siue or tne street or on the ctLcr.
.-. nv.-iti and glorifA"."
Hut M. Thiers did net fail. To ! a common expression, had no difaeul
him more than to anv other man
trick, the old man, in this case, to u.-e that almost anv woman Avho is not If you enter a sh
. 1 tv ia seeing "Avhere the laugh came
'TV off er.f s
mav i hat. or vou are considered a boi
hem !
the world's unfavorable view of -officers
X ifhlfuare aad Dreams.
ml diflicnlt
tain that my statement must be up-1 have," which was the just reward ot
I. ..1.1 In 1 . n ...... , . ... I nnvlnr. milnlt '
ULIU IU lUtfl OUdl 111, OllU LSIIU IllUlll
more for the superior age than the
checkers. I ojiened the kitchen door
and rushed out. "Mother!" I cried
Mother, ain't I tAvo years older than
Tom ?
dutv to the cider son.
However, there is John, and I
shan't complain so long as Lc thinks
me the most beautiful, lovely, and cc
accomplishcd of women.
Vrsnee owes tne renair ol tier ciisas.
ters, so far as thev have been repair-1 lt is sometimes the ca-e that an
i..l ' Ho is a man" of the ieon!c. and '. eccentric or broken down, or imWile
whatever have been his political chaa- porson. becomes the constant object of
pes he has preserved the character of the rud(? 3r,(l "feeling jokes andper
a patriot; and those Avho denounce ' secu''ons of the boy3 and vouag men
him one dav, trust him the next ; r.nd of a neighborhood. What may 1 e ,
those who "sutirise him evcrv dav ' tho consequence of such unkindnc
have ahvavs confidence iu Lis "capacl-' shown ii a recent case given in the ;
tA. Thev'may not like his measures, Letljrr. A half-witted man in Loa
but his results are usuallv fortunate, j don actually committed suicide to cs
That he is capable of "a degree of ; l'aP" his tormentors. The remorse
fiaessc and management riobodr i wh'cl1 ever? wne of ihc l,f,7 ,dU:it '
denies. An amusing anecdote of his j J01 w nenever lie tninks or n:3 share
btuhoiMl shows that their accomplish-, - .otisc.urticc. i, ;in, cramped, opnressive attitude
ment is not entirely the fruit of his po-,l t-off agiinst any rude laugh 3re tL? from indigestion t'
w ii it ii iniii- I'm iittt uavc tit'il
These remarks may seem to many
persons mere truisms. And others
thmk the subject below the
value of a notice. Hut all civiliza-.
Avhat is called "particular"'
marry if she chooses ; that is if she' hem: an Englishman. Sold
docs not speculate crxin herself, or i are most particular in sahitin t)..-
whether non-coniralssioot
her personal pre ton
r.s JIaiiazir.e.
H'nrl--'. or not. and as particular are the of
! ficers in returning it. no edds h iw
great the distance and !.n-o the
The AA'cmca are tall, and both il.i-v
1 and the men are fast walkers. Tii
There is one curious
ini.iiirv tt vvht.-l. t.-. .itf.i..i...T......I
"'I"" " " ... . mi. iu'. iui , h im i ; , ,
has vet been riven. It is in regard to ?wn tV.m"k" wht n .T'ian--nd
the horrible phenomena of nightmare ' k,Cep , u '? are ?cI(iori ' "A i:l
Whv is it that our dreams when we thc ,retts' II!?nmalHietd.-.l l.-, :
s!ee"p in na easv position and the or- j "c ,linost B?known- I;''-'?ars and
innism n In UUr ..o,,, i... drunken people are scarce. Thej-.-o-
- m . Tk?I IFa itriilnnt
litical experience. A bile a student
at Aix, in IS 15, he played the part
of a leader among his fellow students,
and harangued them against the gov
ernment of thc restoration, was dis-ima7
liked by the professors, execrated by
thc Commissary of Police and adored
by his comrades. A prize Avas of
fered at the Academy of Aix for a
treatise on a. given subject, the au
thors, all save the succosful one to be
unknown. Thiers sent in his manu
script The authorship was suspect
ed or by some means became known
to the judges. Though the essay
was preeminently excellent, rather
than give the prize to the "little Jac
obin." the Judges deferred their de-
tiful and agreeable ; but when we sleep
i : i . .... , 1
ion, thev
are invariably of a frightful character,
full of deformity or danger, causing
pain ami terror? Of this abstruse and
interesting problem the following sol
ution is suggested a solution w hu b.
pie are evidently we!!-to-d . n
are comfonablr and well clad.
all the Avomen well and neativ
" ' J it is believed, wiil be acceptable and
which polite j ,.ij; .,
, e .1 , - , .uaim.-nc l' lin.c ltiltltliir ilil tup
I i ' " - ...... v.... . 1 1 1 . . 11 11 V .
!oa e !.
The streets are wide the ho:;es high,
with lofty rooms. The living ia
flats, as in Edinburgh, is the custom.
They are evidently very particular
about keeping their town clean, a H i
a particle of dirt is permitted to re
main in the streets, which are kci t
tion is a compromise, m
ssi i, :, e i contiauailv swept, and the long hies
to the h9mine,r,ffr,..rT.,na .r,l ' .H.-c.pirs ti. pn a snuogtcai ..;, , . .. ,7. ....
1" 3.r: f ,7 1 f T. "'land psvchological science. Uglvand ' ;JiTOM' :-
them. The foundation of this foni-itmioatarJ phenomena report- ,Tb. streets are rery slippery and
promise is courtesy; the true courtesy' , in , ' r .JiT. 1 . "npleasant to walk in on account of
may exist between people in everv J ' , !.. X . tu . . .
. . 1 it'Li m 11 n n l inp pt i-sner rn. .1 c- ... .. .
possible situation in life. To violate
this courtesy, or in any way, nd
especially for a joke, to" disturb the
self-respect of others, is a dangerous
liberty. The laugh Avhich follows the
e 1. 11 . 1 . - 1 .
iiriis'iiaiinii 01 a oral) i aims insult r ., , .,,;.,.; , . ...
o i niurv." Xo n atter bow -,,.! a ' , taken to imply the pre
the exigeacv re
j quires of the organism, produce" dis
turbing and violent reaction in vari
i ous nerve-centres. These reactions,
! reporting themselves in the brain, are
there, by the inverse action of the law
s- i
seven inches souarc. bcth
walks and center of streets.
on sivlc-
rvi .
c.sion lor a year liners again seat in :',"-'' "". -j ence, as outward causes
nis paper loriy.iqicinioti. .u,.anw mie , , V a,ul terrible phenomena of which
. ,,.;..,. Ko.I enmii fee,.,, !,., ! subject of it: and to lie lan-dio.l at is' . . . f . uiiu
. uvuuwiiv vu.v , ,: --.uievnaa oerore heen eoneouenoes
.( n..:., l.;i, .- ,.l.,.,.l.. l ti ' to most pontile a mortification v,,rsi . - . . . . L. . 111 1 -
oiian.-, "uii-u ...miioui iwicuii - -i- i - . ii a niece ot fotiteh h.rf
that had been otlorc.l, aud the delight- l,!a ' r31"- 11 ,s pi'-asaut to nouce
ed Judges eave it the crown at once. that the authorities in
They then accorue.l to the paper sus- j tm srt . , . cJ frim .ULo.t ,)y a niurderi,s dm,
pecteuto be Avntten by l iners, the j ."""..v o""is i. me i-u.-ium .u u- or g jj from
lg mav ea-
l ins
a cruel and sometimes ruSanlv
of tormenting
honor of the second place. Upon
unsealing thc names, ooi Avere found i " 11 i"run-tiiin5 rw comers ia ; of
to be his. 1 be "Utile Jaeocia" had ?- un'- think its subjective intcnrctatioa of If1 ? 'VT i
paused the last written essav tr 1m ! versallr practiced. The extent to.t,.. r i , ' : . ; by a force of d00 Amazo
- - - j i.ttt mi t lU4- 11,1 mi r :i ii - c VAiFrr.tril-t; P i -1- .i -
copied in another hand and forward- w hu'h tl,!S reprehensible course has'.j . . t - ' from infancy to the use of
efl from l'ans. P.ula. LcJncr. i w" rar,llu cuiisuiuieu u an evu oi
At'itj- wf ttuwfn.
In the central part of the
city of Handkok, in iani,
nKiiiTt nnt. thi'.n.cnit n-Amnn
oi tue tigiv .(,,,, , K,. f K VT
" UOIll 11 a vm- k AJ 1 1 J
ter. The inhabitants of this inner
it . n . I n-. . . e . I .
n oeef m the stomach .." 1 1,, i , .... , .
'"ce , ,.,- fr;1, .:.k: . , "V fouie eigm mousana
colleges and i " " : ul." " " " ; more, who are soldiers, artificers, and
..I.... j.iviui oai.-iii a.-, n oe ca:i- t..ra tk t:,i. t i . i ...
- m -I ..ih.vr HUtm 1 U .1 ' 1 UT
i women as magistrates whi a.lminis., is it not er the nf tha
,fja- p J t wiulioui. A l V 1 '
should 'S n- "PP'1 from tne!r decisions. If
uu-iui uaiiitj ari.-'s, it, is pprcs.-eu
ons. trained
the sword
land spear. .Meanwhile the slave
is it not
quite natural that the mind, deprived
its usual verifying tests.
Major Aadr m lrler mt Oavrliale.
Many have expressed doubts as to
the authenticity of the statementibat
Major Andre was a prisoner at Car
lisle. A correspondent of the Pres
byterian, from Harrisburg, seems to
settle this matter. He sava :
"Your paper of the 1st of August
contains a letter from Carlisle, Pa., in
which the writer mentions the fact of
The commonest mistake in regard
such magnitude that the intervention t ,,rean u he , , ;f ... women carry on a variety of niaau
oi antnonty to suppress it became an , TO:,t . , ,,-v, , lacturcs, or go outs.ue the wabs to
... i . . . i tiil the C
..u. , uui i.ciuiuus tnougnt.
poet says
absolute necessity.
boys," says the old proverb,
thev need not be bears.
will be
AnjtfclBK EI bat Srr.
. ""Sleep in traitor.
: Who Oils the poor drfeaevlvss eyes with black
I That he may let in dream.
Once upon a time, a big, strapping,
awkward youth, fresh from Vermont,
entered the Dunbar Academy at
Bvfield, Mass., for a little erudition.
which is doled out at this Temple of
?Jajor Andre having been a prisoner I Minerva at economical prices. At
The women of higher
j birth are "sealed" to the king; the
; slave women may marry, but their
! husbands dwell outside the wails,
j The children if boys, are banished
i from the city of women at six vears
T.l . nnleltiA r.' -T , ! . 1
"in, ein; mv jiuia rvuiitlj. .Ml lt,t
That hemay let iu dreams."
i hey are evoked, not introduced. . oriental distinctions of rank are scmp
When the inner play becomes, as it ' ulously observed within this strange
sometimes dots, so exciting and pow-: realm, except thai the magistrates are
crful as to strings of violation, and chosen for personal character and
thus move the muscles, we have torn- wisdom.
i. '
. i