The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, October 30, 1872, Image 1

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inns of i-'u DUCil
M-mint" at at: oo
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Uersel Priating Company,
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NO. 20.
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' I'ti ;-nuET.i:y 1 ..-ated
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joes n Boaters. .
CO., !
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Jn P. Blynygr
Hap rcint J Hi r.cre a
vfir.-.a fcaf
taw Li, .mtrfot
.Lit-'i.N. ATTt.SXtYS AT
.... I'j. itru.-e mr-H w
kiijt. lily.
a-.n.f a ruKol lo Li cart .'.u
ni-.j-.j. Ug. Urlj.
Few Doors Above the Old Stand,
A I ( fir? W ) if exmrnam ri1 IrlmJ 1 full li
Xlardware of Every Description,
IjOHNSTOWX, r E " X A . i
1 V, rll Dra ftf nre-AkXiit in T1 partf of tb I'cl- j
Sixt aryj I'tulw sad ia Furrgra on'Ha.
Hi:t (i. ( Viii as-i livrerntm-ot Ikxaif at i
hijrhrM u;rkt ke. tn wwj i iMmfft ,
Rrun'r. Iiraft aad iharkf m aihrr bankean- j
c4. M'tt rtceivej dciiunspayaUcua demni j
LiT(fl ct the ritt cf Six j-fr rent, j-tr
Annum iii on Time D'poil.
Vvtrrtbior in tba BasUag LifiC nrir cur :
Thankfvl to oor frt1 aixl tniumm f. tlieir ;
act utnmare. mr auliril a oa inaiiw of the i
umr. ami inm oib.ert a n hvr lnwmwi In (-or J
lir t. ri n a trial. nnr.c alL that we thall at i
a!l t:t- do aU vecu to r: en:re rjtii.i. i
Ik ox.
1L U 1JAV-K,
1. ll-ililf
celi;?-kated i
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ii a! a., t ! I'-"3" ir-!"". w do
' nit r-jru'in?. -
LiaJ tw.ii u: al. k.D if. aw !
Mootlen Ware of All
juue .
t.r YttoRNEY ATLAW.snM-
. ,.riu-:i aiuo-l to aii t oiiK-
: .i! Muury'w-iTap--i . -a.-.
'. rf r f t :etK. uc Main
'j-. w..l attend .lNi'itmwea-:
. "i, m.r ani Kf.winmg .nn-
let.. 1. T'J-lJ.
And ever; itiug luiOjriaj to tie Lamp !raJ.
: t
- ; . r- ur. i.e. ;an-
,.- ..-.'u'.".t in'orrt xbe
.(,' wnl ku-wn b-e in li"
-i. It v r if in'etui c I keep
r .jk .;: cie aaiiJ aoirjO u
.a lueir eot'ia.
Thtf Krmrit ha been ia u orcr :
and Baa eared thoa&andf ' ra.9e oi5i'lered inro- .
ril-le t y Utt j.n.(efia. 1: bar o taj.ed in a fin- ,
I inds. u' ftiVC M entirely cure. t
I l! I jarknlarie recmcmeoded is th f.4!w:rf
'; dutsjilaxii; j
' t
j 1
is arr deranrement of the Bootf. In all difeafe
IcB.ur to :eaai- it u a mre and Awrenrij a krwt
. tiy.
1 abort, it rinj a Rrmtii artinc tbnrh the
. CirruUJm far ickiJ mi all tti nj(i.ruuit c
1 can and emuatTief of tb Uiy. It Will cure al
most any curat. le difaar.
! Fyraaleby XEYEES a. AX AW ALT. Brrlin.
l'- anl by dealerf in Jamil Me.iirim? errr
wl.erc. ' JuljJTl"
, k-- wvn.S. ATT-IKXI Y AT LW.
' I .,.'"-; w;.l p:e K' T
!P - ,: -T;eu - toort ;cSm-tio.
s'.-n- (j-e "ti Vt:. rreet- 1
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L"PEK- ri..'-io anl Bir'.in.
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! ii S. tp( rw-; i T T r.e i-rae-
J I " j ,uii t: r.-a! ?-r-i
' '. -. ..f S tr-rftt an! vi-ie::t.
J ? . f-irmt-rlv onrcj-ied by '. A.
I L : - c-a 1 c'il,.t: a: urn.
f etr-i
r- .- -';r -asi-t.v atfwt ri-4.
J 1 '' ronrtLAi:
i . L nt-mt I'a. IT .Vi-ai ti-
. S. .- a.u.u:i au- juucia.v aiuttd- T-e!.erwf
f in an a
t 01
: U .
i o
Tbera wa ade
casux. as 1 lu awa:h wis
gaping wide; tbe
ruby wise ha 1
eJiNrl away
and left
ita ery
talnde; and tbe wind
went bamming,
op and
down tbe
ide it flew,
and throcjrh tbo
hullvw ce'k
tbe wil lrrt note it
bi?w. I plaeed it in tbe
winJuw, waer ; tbe blaat waf
blowing Iree, and Cincied that
lu pa tiiuulh aasg tbe qasercrt
:raxi tome: -They tU lae pony
e.Tnqoernrf ! that Plaa-n baa sin hi
ten, and war his hundred lhOT! of
the very bet of nam ; but -I'" "twai
tbe boU apoke "tu: I have e.quereJ
Bi'ire than all your fami.ni5 nonercrs. o
feared and tuned of yore. Then to me yon
yoBlh and mal S-ni eae drink fruQ
out my cop the bevrraire that dnl'n
the brain and buret tbe sj4riif ap.
and pot to fuianje thetvnUvror
that tlay their acoref belt-: f it
tbia baa (iolojr-l tniJliona
with the lava ti lc of woe.
Things in the ptb of
battle Sarke wavea of
bi J cay ruU. yet
while I killed tbe
b-.!T. I har
damsd tha
wry X "
Tie chol
era, the
ruin never
I. in minh.
ir mahee, a
tha laaucest
hart bright. And stilt 1
I -sal he ajwo t!.etn. sad they ftriiik
bef-re my breath : an-i year by year the
thrausda tread thi dLtiiil riiaJ to Ica'.h !"
In a word Rip was ready to atten.l ; fulJv in rnatfr' faf, and if a doj Rv degTees Rip's awe and ap-f-!to
anybody's taslness but his own ; lean fee! pity, I verily believe he re-; hension "ubsided. He evea ventured,
' but a3 to Join g family duty, and keep-' ciprocated tb sentiments with all bis j whf-n no eye was zed upon hirn, to
i in' bis farm in order; be Krund it im-' heart. !ia.tethc U-vera?e, which be found
i possible. ! Iaa!on ramble cf the kind on a fine, had inoch the flaror of exllent
j In fact be declared it was of no use j aatumnal day, Rip had unconscious-j Hollands. He was naturally a
j to work on his farm, it was the most j ly walked to" one of tbe highest points j thirsty soul, and was soon tempted to
pestilent little piece of ground in the j of the kaat.Mtiil mountains. He was ; repeat the araogtit. Une taste pro-j
i hoi., .'nnntrr ; everTthin!r ajout it after his laronte soort ot snuirrel vokea anoiuer, ana cc reiteratea nm
W'Kd-n building flood in its place.
with exeat iraoinir windows, some of
which were broken and mended with
old hats and petticoats, and over the
door was painted, "The Union Hotel.
hv Jonathan Doo'ittie." Instead of
the great tree that used to shelter the
quiet little Dutch inn of yore, there
was now reared a tall natcl pole,
!,. . ; L-r;nr,rii;m Ilia f.Ti- an,! K stil! .li)n(I,.4 rid visits t.- the flarron so often that at ! with soirsethin? on the tori that look-
!ces were continually falling: to pieces ;! echoed and re-echoed with the reports j length his senses were overpowered, e.1 like a red oirht-cap and from it
i his cow would either go "estray, r j of bis grin, rarstinir and fatigued, he his eye3 swam in his heal, and his' was fluttering a fla,r. on which was a
! t,if,n thf eabbaea : weeds were ! threw himself, late in the afternoon, i head "irradaallr declined, a I he fell ! sinsrular asemblae of stars and
j sure to grow faster in his Eelds than! on a gteen knoll, covered with ruoun
anywhere else ; the raia always niade ; tain herbage, that crowned the brow
into a deep sleep.
stripes all this was strange and in-
On wakinjr. he found himself on the : comprehensible. lie recognized on
tn nnrlr-F ir irvTrt Ta Tar B mv.
tbe old man of tbe g!en. lie ruoiiea Kinr t.eore un-ler wuieti he naa ment exrUiml: "Sure enoazh? it is
his eves it was a bright sunny morn- smoked so many a peaceful pipe ; but p- r. winkV -t U h:m- ' UVl.
i a tMint f sf-ttinrr in iust when he had 'of a rreein:ce. frpra a;i oneninz be-: rrreen knoll whence he had first seen the s:gn however, the rubv face of
t 1 CT - I I 1 1 . . . . ' . rt . . .
j some out door work W do; so that j tween the trees he couid overlook the
ithouirh his patrimonial estate had i lower eountrv f.r manv a mile of rich
dwindled away under Lis mana-e- j woodland. il saw at a distance the ; ing. The birds were bopping- and , even this wassiugulary metamorphos
i ruent, acre bv acre, until there was 'lordly Huds-in, far, far lefow him, twittering in the branches, and thejed. The redcoat was changed for
! little more left than a mere patch of ' moving on its silent but majestic eagle was breasting the pure iuoun-j one of Wue an I buff, a sword was
Indian corn and potatoes, yet it was course, with the re3eetion of a purple : tain breeze, 'sorely, thought l.ip, . hel-l in tfje nana insti aii ol a sceptre.
won't hurt you. The same of thu
child, the air of the mother, the tone
of fcer Toic?, a!! awakened a train of
recollections in his mind. "What is
Tour name, my good woman ? '-'asked
"Judith Gardenier."
"And your father's name?"
"Ah, poor man, Rip Van Winkle
was his name, but it's twenty years
since be went away from borne with
his gun, and'nerer has been heard of
since his do came Lome without
him, whehter he ?bot himself or was
carried away by the Indiana, no one
can telL I was then but a little girL"
Rip had bat one more qnection to
ask; but be put it with a faltering
Where's your mofher ?"
"Ob. she too bad did but a sh.rt
time since; ;e broke a blood ve.1
in a fit of passion with a New Eng
land pedier."
There was a drop of comfort at
least, in this intelligence. The hon
est man coul l contain himself no
longer. He caught hi3 daagister and
her child in his arms. "I am your
father:" cried he "Yion Rip Van
Winkle once old Rip Van Winkle
now; Poesnobodr know poor Rip
Van Winkle?
All stood amazed, until an old
woman, tottering out of the crowd,
put her hand to her brow, and peer-
it into bis face lor
the worst kept farm in the neighbor
hood. ,
His children, too, were as ragged
and wild as if they belonged to no
body. His son Rip, an urchin begot
ten in his own likeness, promised to
inherit the habits, as weli as the old
clothes of his father. lie was getier-
I aliy seen trooping; Lc a cou at ins
! mother's heels, equipped in a pair of
i his father's cast-off galligaskins, which
I he had as much ado to bold up with
j one band as a fine lady does her train
j in bad weather.
j Rip Van Winkle, however, was one
jof those happy mortals of foolish
i well oiled disposition, who take the
world easy, eat white bread or brown,
j whichever can be g-ot with the least
; thought or trouble, and would rather.
' starve on a penny than work for a ,
j pound. If left to himself, he would
jhave whistled life away in perfect
contentment; but hi wife kept con-
a, a am . 1 t 1B-I.B TT T - 1 1 J . 1 . . 1 . . 1 1
clou'l, or the sail of a la?2-m bars. l have not slept here ail nign. ne me neau was aecorateu wna a coca-1
here and there sleeping on its glassv I recacd the occurrences lfre Le f-l! J ed hat, and underneath
bosom, and at last losing itself in the asleen. The stranre man with the . in larjre characters, G
highlands. ; kejr of liouor the mountain ravine WASHINGTON.
was painted j . . , ,,,
come home again, old neighbor,
Why. where hare you been tees-'
twenty long years?"
Rip's storv was soon told, how the
I whole twentv reara bad been to hm
one nizti
bt. The nei.'hb-ir-
On the other side he looked down (the wild retreat among the rocks the There was as usuil, a crowd of
into a deep mountain glen, wild, lone-, wobegone party 8t nine-pms the I foik afout the door, but none that
Iy and shagged, the bottom filled with j flagon ' Oh ! that flagon ! that wick- j Rip reeoi'ected. The character of
frannents from the impending cliffs, ; ed flagon !' thought Rip 'what es-; tbe people seemed changed. There
and scarce: v lighted br the reflecting -ruse shall I make to Dame an V. 13-! was a bu-y, bustLng. disputatiou
stared when they heard it; some were
seen to wink at each other, and put
their tongues in their cheeks and the
self-important rnan in the cocked hat.
who, when the alarm was over, and
returned to the e!d, screwed down
'rths comers ot his mouth, and sLo.k
ns a
- . t . . . t- i i .1... :. : . i r . i .1.1
ray vi ine M-uing sua. rur wme , k.e ; , . , i l"7"'ul ,l- 01 . ''7"' his head upon which there wa
time Rsp lay musing on this scene;: He look"d f.r his gun, but ia place j and drowsy tranquility. He looked .., f . , v
eeaiug was irrauuanv auvaacicg; oi ice Clean, weu-oncu low iing-p;ece, no a;n lor tue ra.'e iccoia- euuer. i
owever, to take
ter Vanderdonk,
dvancing along
... - . . 1 . : J I t rt , O r U'iAil ! ' k
mountain ooiing i-rtn tne contents or an ancient i i . .
one of the earliest accounts of vhe
l'eter was most an-
the mountains began to throw their he found an old firelock Iving beside i with his broad face, double chin, andi , , , ,1
i ii... -t.. 7-". ft ii i : ' i.t. .. r..:- i : i i. r. i n w as ue.erm.neu a
1. . .1... 111.. J-.l. it .1. l-.l. in- . rr i .i. i. i . .. ' u- l r : J' . . . .t OpiniOa Ol Ol'l I C
uv saw iuai.iL nuau oc uui i)uz lue tailing vu aa'i lue tiita i uarm tuicte lumrau ui JU.e -ieeeue?; i ... . i.i .
i , , , - e, .,...!- ... , w bo wa ?eea nowiy a
oeiore tie couia reacn tne viiiage, anu worm-eaten, lie now supectea tnat or an iummei, me scnooimaster. 1 .1 1 r , .
heaved a heavr sigh when hethought ithe grave rovsters of the
of encountering the terrors of Dame 'Lad put a trick upon him. and having newspaper.
In place of these, a I
; dosed him with liquor, robbed him of: clean, billious lookin? feliw. with his j
to descend, he ', his gun. Wolf, too, disappeared, but j pockets full of handbilfs. was haracg- j t'JLV h'
Van Winkle.
As he was alout
heard a voice from the distance, hal-( he might have strayed away after a ' in g vehemently about the rights of,
lowing, ' Rip Van Winkle ! Rip Van squirrel or partridge. He whistled j citizens elections mem? rs of con-
Winkle!" lie looked around and after him. and shouted Lis came, but I press libertr Bunker's II ill- heroes
cient iaha'j;tar.t of the village, and
; tinuallv dinning in his' ears about h; ' its solitarv flight across the mountain
; idleness, his carelessness, aai the i He
ruin be was brinjrinr on his family.
could see nothing but a crow winging 1 all in vain ; the echoes repeated his jof eeventy-sii and other words
i whi
A large ftock of
Table KnfTe and
j j Whoever has made a voyage up
Tk t 1 n"PTTT PV' & ' HoJa i"0-1 rememler the Kats
TJ(J!j1 ili-U kill mountains. They are a di.-mem-
uereu urancu 01 iijc .-apjiaiai-uiau iam
ily, and are seen away to the west of
the river, swelling up to a noble
height and lording it over the coun
try. Evcrv change of season, every
ar.sre ol weather, indeed everv hour
the dav. produces some change in
! W
; in
h. trary arri' lef t'o nuTrer-jf U men-fr.iftr-T!t.
He ia deterxined to
" fU at te Trry i..w j.nref. G:ve Lid a eail.
jane 12-"71.
Morning, noon and night, her tongue
; was incessantly P0"1-. arjd every
i thing he said or did was sure to pro
duce a torrent of household eloquence.
; Rip had but one way of replying to
all lectures of this kind, and that, by
frequent use had grown into a habit
i He shrugged his shoulders, shook his
, head, cast up his eyes, but said noth
' ing. This, however.alwavs provoked
! a fros-L vollev from bis wife; so that
he was fain to draw off h
! take the out side of. the
istie and snout out no Q"g was to i wnicn were a penect iarvinnisn jar-! .- r.,., '
inoiigut u:? laacv mufi. uecen e , ijc seen. igoniotne oewiiijere-i an int:e. .v .-..,
. - . . L. 1 ....... . . - .1... ...V . - 1. L AUV- . . ' U V ' ' . . . . . . .,1 1
him, and turned
, of the last evening's gambol, and if . long, grizzled U.-ard. his ru?ty fowl-
when he heani the same cry nn
through the still evening a.r, K:p an , he met with any of the party, to !e-j mg-piece, his uncouth dress, and an
Winkle! Rip Van Winkle!" at the mand his dog and gun. As he rose i army of women and children at his
Same time Wolf bristled UD his back. . to walk he found himself fiiS' in lht I heels evvn arrrartr A 'fie sVcTifinn nf
and giving a low growl, skulked to joints and wanting- in his usual a'-tiv-1 the tavern politicians.
bis master s side, lookin
fearfully :
well versed in a.I womierful events
! and traditions of the n;gl.borhood.
' He reeollecte-l R;p at once, and cor-
roost sat-
Ile assured the
a fact handed
! down from his ancestor, tbe historian
that the Kaatkill mountains Lad al
ways been inhabited ly straige beings.
kept a
kind of vigil there for twentv years.
Half-moon: Le-
leuiion ci ti.. : . rm.t i ,.
ure toiling up the rocks, and bending With some difficulty he rt down into stapidi
' O
VjOD & JONES, For Business Men.,
r-! U' k kiD 1? of jlaiiinjr nJ
1 Thl i..;AliMXG,
a ;vp .w a I " R FKAV.I-.
..... . . jratiy n l la hM 1-
"Th3 Reserve Fund Policy.'
IH lit a J XES.
fl, nieo-i.-ol hnns find sV.iTws r,f thf-se f.nlr ci.ic nvbtch in truth. belon red to
j mountains, and they are regarded by : a hen-pecked hnsband.
fall jrood wives, far and near, as per-' Rip's sole domestic adherent was
feet barometers. When the weather Lis dog Wolf, who was s henpecked
is fair and settled, they are clothed in j as his master; for Dame Van Winkle
blue and purple, and print their bold ' regarded them as companions in idle-
outlines upon the clear evening skv ; i ness. and even looked upon Wolf
but sometimes, when the rest of the w ith an evil eye, as tha cause of his
landscape is cloudless;, they will rath- j master's going so often astray. True
cr a hood of prav vapors about their j it is, ia all points of f pirit beStting
(summits, which, in the last rays ; an honorable dog, be was as coura
of the setting sun, will plow and geous an animal as ever scoured the
light up like a crown of glory. j wood Hot what enrage taa wiih-
At the foot of thes fairy mountains . rtand the ever-during and all-beset-the
voyager may have descried the j ting terrors of a woman's tongue?
l'ght smoke curling up from a village, j The moment he entered the house
whose shingle-roofs gleam among the J his crest fell, his tail dropped to the
trees, just where the blue tints of the ; ground or curled between his legs, he
upland melt away into the fresh green j sneaked about with a gallows air,
of the uearer landscape. It is a little j casting many a sidelong glance at
village, of great antiquity, having j Dame Van Winkle, and at the least
J3 i J been founded by some Dutch colo-; flourish of the broomstick or ladle, he
S there are u mary article kj s.r j jiigts, in the early times of the prov-1 would fly to the door wkh yelping
Another short but busy
is forces, and i under the weight of something he the glen ; Le found the gullv un w fcich ! little fell ow pulled him bv the arm.
house the carried on Lis back. He was sar-, he and his Companion had ascended j and, rising on tiptoe, i
i i. t.r. . , - .. , - I . . . i t
e- ' ' , u
Be asre U aa'.l aal ec and le eocrine-j
TI ,
. t. I L . , ) . . j . ... . I . . . . j i . v : r -
ii. i uv.--r iu,iuij.a: :i inji uo u'Ji. , i'jjii'i liul riciiix iitu jrom araj ' ,ri.. . i .
1 .i t: . . t a ' i. t- j :, ..e .. r -- fx rrwmei.irr m rrou.jy
uuua luwiue gn-ii. . uu i. u a agree wan u!e. inougEt iup, ana ii j to loci wiin greai cunos.ty. i t.e ora-
.-. .... . ........I T . . . . . i ! 1: l. ...ii, " 1.. . I " l j
iijM'iruru.-i-u ruauu, vni iL;is lroiic euouiu lav iii? up v,m a in i tor uusueu up to uiui, aiiu urawing : t,;- , . ,f
v:;.i..i..i..j :, ,.. t . . i i ' t t ui . Ur i.'-j- , . r ! W.IU E;3 crew CI m?
ti:m ; ue iirjaeu auAiuu.-it iu tut.-same ; oi toe rueumausm, i snaii nave ajiiicipamy asiue mquireu, on wnscn r,crm"ted in th'" wav to rev'"
direction and perceived a strange fig- i blessed time with Dame Van Winkle, j side he voted ?' Rip stared in vacant ' Vp Lr-Yf H nem--U an !
a guardian eye upon tbe river and
tbe great city called by Lis name.
That his father had once seen thera
Dem?ratic ?" Rip was equally at a - . K,.rw ,r ,v -
it leaping from; loss to comprehend this qnwtion : taJ laad lhat hc hin5?eIf b,,, WrJ
Cling the glen j when a knowing, self-important old ' . .rCTO ,r A
tn iiaoi.iiitg murr.iurs. lie, nowe-i penueman, in a snarp cocsed nat i.n. rt.. .v
ver, made shift to scramble up its j made his way through the crowd.
Ii1e wortin- ri's to:!srimp rc.t v nnttin rr thfm trt Hfrrit T-V
though thickets cf birch, sassafras,
arm akimbo, the other resting on Lis-j Rf -s daajrhter tX(t him
cane, his keen eyes and sharp hat pen- home 1Ive hef: .he hix-
r-1" , r,u weuarn!sLcd house.
l.iai.Ui.ij, 1 Ll aa LA JT.T 1 TT 'JTT f W 11 A i
brought him to the election with a :
gun on bis shoulder and a mob at his
! heels, and whether he ment to breed
nou.'red in Lis.
prised to see anr human being in this the previous evening; but to his as-i ear, "Whether he was Federal or.
loneiy ana unirequentea place out. , tonishment a mountain stream was
supposing it to be some one of the ! now f jaming down
neighborhood in need of his assist-! rock to rock, and
anee, he hastened down to yield it ! w
On nearer approach, be was stil!
more surprised at the singularity of
the stranger's apjearance. He was a
short, square-built old fellow, with
thick bushv hair, and a grizzled beard.
ped or entangled by tbe wild grape
His dress was of tbe antique Dutch j vines that twisted their ceils or ten
fashion a cloth jerkin strapped j drils from tree to tree, and spread a
round the waist several pa:r3 of kind of net-work in his path,
breeches, the outer cne of ample vol- j At length he reached to where the
a me, decorated with rows of buttons j ravine had opened through tbe cliffs
down the sides and bunches at the j to the amphitheatre ; but no traces of
knees. He bore on his shoulder a such an opening remained. The
. - I l . jr. -.I 1 1 1 - al.T - in
stout hesr, mat secim-a iu.i oi iio,uor, , roci? presentea a nign impenetrable tieraen, cr;ea liip, somewhat dmav-
and made signs for Rip to approach wall, over which the torrent cameied, "I am a poor, quiet man. a native
of ti
balls, Lke the distant
wav ; putting them to right and left with i t . t
L 1 1 1 , , . i . " -
iiis ei uow s as ce pase'i. ana p actin , , . ,
. . J l'ali"u5 fomnanr bT.t nn and ri!:incil tn
a r.ot
in the village?" "Alas!
and assist him with the load. Though j
rather shy and distrustful of this new ;
acaaaintance. Rip complied with his
tumbling in a sheet of feathery foam,
and fell into a broad, deep basin,
black from the shadows of the sur-
i- IT. .II.
."A'iitVS. SLEIGHS, ic.
: 2 ;T MATERIAL wiU he B-eJ.
l.L '.v. ins VTAliUAXTED
s . r.. it :i.e la'.eft and m t a: ;-ve-l
S-enrr Special rrcttftin to
I t-
er. narration.
rVtr-CT. ra.
-- v V;.r t f;h.
.. "TI 31.
Every Policy Holder.)
Tea are thirv fire year I
-Ke-rve Fan J r"olify at or
inrure y1 o 2 year and
e j-ite St. C"tar';et K -tel.)
StT-CFT, I'lTTsEt Roll.
of OcMcwarr- and laiicfac
Ilh r T ('laware.
1 a ( ani l rav
r..t al 1 aii kiu.if of
IntiM' I'urnishing Cood
;ti i :f line. Sbnp no, -f Wvft .
" f f-. V. .in r.rr-l. S n-r.-t. Ia.
som:HMrr, xi.
t . itjir, jiTt. M"Ti
tvr exalrple- "07T
i-f ar and take a
ilinary ine raiea.
I Ti i i payment w
Two annual payoiesu wIU inrare yoa .years
an i 12 iiav.
Tliree annoal paytnea-a will isrere you S yeara
an 2T oaya.
Five ansaal ay3tecU Bill laure yu10yeart
an-1 j0 daa.
S i! payment! Bill liifare y -a Uyearr
and 11 ua a.
This Protection ApplicstoanyAge,
Aai is expTrtiy abated la every Policy.
j A. H. Franciscus & Co.,
M-aTtaa at Miuu la
Twine and Ropes,
Wooden and Willow Ware, &.C.,
BirrA(-rrEU axs wtuu or
I3 Market Street ani ilO Commerce S'jret,
trtUai Fruit Treea, Yiae
Snerm Ooiy. Fa.
it i c- iM; ,4 tint at V wtrr r-i:f thin o!
rlt:- FrtITi
-a the m:c f Hit
: i DENNISiN yn.L,"
a i!e h S.. h,
--.j.iag P lae all toe ib'e iaricve
rranted U o..tbe kit ut k
-TirI jid l.e all kin.., a-io.
'- U::u. Eiitali. iatmaame. wnh
,'.L'' '!4a- totermarraM wttk I nat.
r s. luuaw. Marr Ana HiitiM-r
,'nwt oiBBtr ra and I binm Hi.,
muoer. oereaaen :
V.;V!ll'T T1r" ""I pai''
'S' "! the tin-hanf t n o
trL"'.- I will bt4 as
Tr.if i toeer;:.'y that acv late bobanl. Daaiel
R 1 tinin. ai in-ortj ia the lrkil.ire Llie
lriurane '.tnv. I'i'.ffLrki. NIaML. fit l.Wu.
Iwiflnln link. IiTj, vni.Bai payable quarterly.
That two ;ivm.-L; were op to j one lir. k. Ire s-d uwer U, h.twLr BxjBLhf after
he (ailed to make hi. iiarnxriL
The Baal )iru.f. id oeath were forwarded to tbe
ftiai. and the fuil amoant of tbe puiry. Iras
be two aaru-r'.y uenia ooe at tbe use of bi
t-aTh. at, paid to Be ty tntir itenerai Agent ia
I'hiia'ilt.liia. W. II. mre. at laeir office. W
xyniT I uf :u: and Lef' k Strata.
Sined i N ETTI E Till rSOX.
W. H. tireene. late of New York, infiirej a iew
year i&r in tbe horkfhire Lite umiweCon
Mnr 1 tiiov; l ol bwir.B to auafortane in bar!
ort a uil.1, to make any payment to the
i '.iiai,y cantif one year and bve moothf pric to
hi. oi--i. 1 hart till, dav tAii latlbeXew
"k ofti-of the 'nciacr. 271 ttroadwar. '
4 i 'iiamnrr, ftreet). tiiree" tbouaand two band red
and ftin-ty-eioe wra. tha. beiBZ tbe lali amount
:e u in, wni.iv. aJ'r Jxuif tbe oeeniae pay
wUi tuft WTifL
Xew York. Xarcb lltb. tn. Sa-rmieKitlt.
Itoad the rollowinr;
C laiDiH Iald.
IJat of
Jaw Ji. New York City. l.Oot. pannent
wrr.iae 4
F. H Hampr. Xew York City. '. . pay
ami wrr:ee 4 iwon;rj inu cii
Mm. R Hart. -.Ka-n. Li. 0. payBteat
ji icwe 7 mtna a 3a .
H F. Mmr. U-nn. Maf.. .a0, payment
fren;ae matiiM am a.
J.m-f H. Adair. New MarrTCe.,
parment oreffne t monf he an 7 eaa.
IWnard traiT. Itrt. rm. Kian, lay
IB'1 orer j oe z veara. ia awiina ana 11 aaya.
Jik P. I.tahrik. Fitebborw. Maaaai.(na
payment orerdae X yean. I month aad 2 daya.
ine 13- T2. Soatret, Pi
rfwsifr. la Sctz:Bt and Iyr
r :! . r
I lvZL? 7' -teiKatiTef.
' P.'" '
ta "'S- "-a thir.kpe.-5e7
r"e.c,.J't.u.H uaek-
. October i. -.1 fcbertH,
The Improved
New Draw Feed,
lock: stitch
There are poiaia is a 5rw ir.jr XaeLlne thai
ladwa eeinti4r to parebaar, aboBM take low e.-
woeratiuai, namely:
Lit htnef nf rannlna-.
tae of MuBant.
aj.arity toto the W-k KeaireJ.
Ir i.-n; ferns X-4ae. and
Nob LtaliUn y to grt oat of Order.
We claim that tbe IMPROVED ELLIPTIC
I" all tbe pomta. sad that it la
Now Manufactured.
AndwaauUeitaaazamiaataac-K. Areata waat
d la era? avaaty, H ws (J ! aba atoat
liberal teram.
tATOK fcavOS, U Fit ATaPfeUbaarb, Fa.
rhe tsnierrned. TirraiTi'HiT of tt Pianvnd
Iifel. nn the a.:bean tt. r of tbe Inamond. 1-
tnj; lala'Tw by Li many fnen.. vooM aay to the
traveling fi'iie teat be" t ot-w prepared to reeeiee
and b-j.i!'ly ner-ain aU woo mar rive him a
aa.l. hia bae will he xlBcl wnh tbe t-at
oriar and ( fcne aonrmodatinoa
Sur x.wn. Pa-. Arril I, lrat
S. & M. P. R R
For par.iraLirn. inquire of L II rcca. Eaq.
S-ptIP- X.O. KEIM.
A aeoind- band
15 -Horse Power Steam Engine
With Jl ltsuX eompktc
Addrea, W. TT. MrKAIO A Sun.
Spt-. tumbeiiand, lid.
The J.1 and well known firm of Len a Weiae.
f PITTMil Kiili, Pa, Hanatartatrera ui
Have ReaoTed to
To. Ill Foiirtli -iVve..;
(pporiu their old ctaad,
Where they ettUlnse tbe bcflnet is I! hr braorheB. I
aept S.
mce,ju?t ab3Ut tbe beginning of tbe j precipitation.
c-overnment of the good Peter Stuy v-j Rut times grew worse with Rip
esant (may be rest in peace!) and ; Van Winkle as years of matrimony
there were some of the houses of the rolled on ; a tart temper never ruel
original settlers standing within a few jlows with age, ami a sharp tongue is
years, built of small yellow bricks j the only edged tool that grows keen,
brought from Holland, having latticed : with constant use. For a long while
windows and small gable fronts, sur- he used to console himself, when driv
raountcd with weathercocks. ; en away from home, by frequenting
In the same village, and in one of a'kind of perpetual club of the sages.
these very houses (which to tell tbe philosophers, and idle personages of
truth, was sadly time-worn and : the village ; which held its session on
weather-beaten), there lived many a bench before a small inn, designa
years ago, while the country was yet t ted by rubriennd portrait of His
a province of Great Rritain, a simple, ; majesty George the Third. Here
rood-natured fellow, of the name of j they used to sit in the shade through
Rip Van Winkle. He was a descend-, a long summer's day, talking listless
ant of tbe Van Winkles who figured i ly over village gossip, or telling end
so gallantly in the chivalrous days of ; less sleepy stories about nothing.
Peter Sutyvesant and accompanied , IJut it would have been worth any
him to the siege of Fort Christina. statesman's monev to have heard the
He inherited, however, but little of ( profound discussions that sometimes
the material character of his ances- took place, when by chance an old
tors. I have observed that he was a j newspaper fell into their hands from
simple, good-natured man ; he was, J a passing traveler. How solemnly
moreover, a kind neighbor and an ; they would listen Vi the contents, as
obedient hen-pecked husband. Ia-' drawled out by Derrick Van Bum-
deed to the latter circumstance might j mel, the schoolmaster, a dapper
he owing that meekness of spirit i learned little man, who was not to be
which gained him such universal pop- j dauuled by the most gigantic word
ularity ; for those men are apt to be j in the dictionary; and how sagely
obsequious and conciliating abroad, they would deliberate upon public
who are under the discipline of shrews, events some months after they had
at home. Their tempers, doubtless, taken place.
are rendered pliant and malleable in i Tbe opinions of the junto were
the fierv furnace of domestic tnbula-; completely
usual alacrity ; and mutually reiiev-1 rounding forest Here, then, jkxt
ing each other, they darabered up a j Rip was brought to a stand. He
narrow gully, apparently the dry bed j again called and whistled to his dor;
of a mountain torrent As they as-j he was only answered by the cawin?
cended. Rip every now and then 0f a flock of idle crows "sport :c:r h::rh
a dry tree that over-
prccipice: and wbo.
vine, or rather cleft, between lofty secure in their elevatif.n, seemed to
rocks, towards which their rugged : Jock down and scoff at the poor man's
. .1 jv 'i. ivi; j ...... ,j ! a un a vi 1 1 . . t v
heard long peals like distant thunder; in tbe air about a
that seemed to issue out of a deep ra-: hun? a sonny pr
ot tn.s piace ana a loyal subject of
the King. God bless him!'
Here a general shout from the by
standers "A torv ! a torv ! a spy '. a
refugee! hustle him away !'' It
with great dicu!tv that tbe man in
the cocked hat restored order: and :
having assumed a tenfold austerity of
brow, demanded of the unknown eul-1
prit what he came for and whom he ;
was set-king? The poor manassur-'
ed them teat he meant no harm, but
and a stout
cheerv farmer for a husband, whom
. ; Rip reeoilected as one of the urchins
that used to climb upon h:s back.
As to Rip's son and heir, who was
cn"ithe ditto of himself n leanir-
i against a tree, he was employed to
work on the farm; but evinced an
; hereditary disposition to attend to
' any thing else bat his bxsiness.
I Rip now resumed his old walk
1- " and habits: he soon fonnd manv r,f
WaS . t- e..- .. :, .1 - k .11
f ma i-jiuici ouuir?, iuuuu a.i ratiicr
the worse Lr the wear and tear cf
t:me; and preferred making friends
amog the iising generation, with
whom he soon grew into preat favor.
Having nothinsr to do at home,
and being arrived at that are when a
1 -1 - -. 1 - -.
nath conducted. He paused for an r.rr,W:;s tn.,t t. U mon.1r Mm In worrl, ,.f .f 1.: i usa caa w 'e '-a "-f-pun.iy, m
instant but sur-nosin- it to be the ! hp mV.mW rcs n:n- - r-.v a t nfJcKWs rh.- '.-sI t,. Ln ,,'tttoa his piace once more on the bench
instant but supposing it to be the
j muttering of one of those transient
the mora in? was passing away, and
neighbors, who used to keen about
the tavern.
"Well who ere
Rip bethought himself a moment,
and inquired, "Where's Nich jlas Ved-
controlled by Nicholas
tion, and a curtain lecture is worth j Vedder, a patriarch of the
all the sermons in thu world for teath-i and landlord of the inn, at the door
ing the virtues of patience and long-1 of which he took his seat from morn
su Serin g. A termagant w ife may ; ing till evening, just moving sullicieat
therefore, in some respects, le consid-'i Iy to avoid the sun and keep in the
ercd a tolerable blessing ; and if so, ! shade of a large tree ; so that the
Rip Van Winkle was thrice blessed, j neighbors could tell the Lours by his
Certain it ia that Rip was a great ! movements as accurately as by a sun
favorite among all the good wives of j dial It is true he was rarely heard
the village, who, as usual with that) to speak, bnt snijked his pipe inees
arciable sex, took bis part in all fami-, santly. His adherents, however (for
ly squabbles ; and never failed, when every great man Las his adherents),
they talked these matters over ia their j perfectly understood Lim, and knew
evening gossipings, to lav all the j how to gather his opinions. When
blame on Dame
children of the
Van Winkle. The anvthin? that was read or related dis-
village too, would pleased him, he was observed to
I shout forjoy whenever he approached. J smoke his pipe vehemently, and to
1 He assisted at their sports, made their j send forth short frequent and angry
playthings, taugnt theru to By kites : puns ; but when pleased, he would in
and shoot marbles, and told them j hale the smoke slowly and tranquilly,
long stories of ghosts, witches, and j and emit it in light and placid clouds;
Indians. Whenever be went dodg-j and, sometimes, taking the pipe from
ing about the village, Le was sur-! his mouth, and letting the vapor curl
rounded by a troop of them, hanging j about his nose, would gravely nod Lis
on his frkirts, clambering on bis baek, j bead in perfect approbation,
and playing a thousand tricks oa him j From even this strong-hold the un
with impunity; and not a dog would ; lucky Rip was at length routed by his
bark at him through the neighbor-! termagant wife, who would suddenly
hood. I break in upon the tranquility of the
The great error in Rip's compjsi- assemblage and call the members all
tion was an insuperable aversion to ) to naught ; nor was that august pcr
all kinds of profitable labor. It could j souage, Nicholas Vedder himself, sa
not be from the want of assiduity offered from the daring tongue of this
perseverance ; for he would fit on a J terrible virago, who charged him out
wet rock, with a rod as long and, right with encouraging ber . husband
heavy as a Tartan's lance, and fish i in habits of idleness,
all dav without a murmur, even Poor Rip was reduced at last re-
tbough he should not be encouraged i duced almost to despair ; and his on
by a single nibble. He would carry J ly alternative, to escape from the la
la fowling-piece on his s-houlder forjbors&f his farm and clamor of Lis
fYT BOOSE & OO ' ours together, trudging through j wife, was to take Lis gun in hand
"wVaj j -.wjj j cwamns. and un hill and : and stroll away into the wooils
Here he would sometimes seat hini-
Rip f-!t famished for want of his
thunder showers which often take place j breakfast. He grieved to give op
in mountain heights, he proceeded, i bis dog and gun ; hc dreaded to meet
Passing through the ravine, they j his wife : but it would not do to starve
came to a hollow, Lke a small ; amonz the mountains. Hc shock his
ampitheatre, surrounded by per- head, shouldered his rusty firelock. I der?"'
pellicular precipices, over the brinks ; aa,i wj,h a heart fall of trouble and There was silence for a little while,
of which impending trees shot their j anxiety, turned his steps home-ward, when an old man replied in a pipinr
Prancncs. so mat you oniy caujni
glimpses of the azure sky and the
bn?bt evenins: cloud. Ounng the .whom he knew, which some what sur-
whole time Rip and his companion prised him, for he had thought him
bad labored on in silence ; for though j ff acquainted with every one in tbe
the former marveled greatly what I country round. Their dress too. wa
could be the object of carrying a keg ' of different fashion from that to which
of liquor up this wild mountain, yet j he had been accustomed. They all
there was something -strange and in-: ared at him with equal surprise,
comprehensible about tbe unknown I and whenever they cast their eves
at the inn door, and was reverenced
; as one of tbe patriarchs of the villace,
n'e j and a chronicle of the olden time
"belure tte war. It was some time
before he could get into the regular
track of gossip, tr could be made to
comprehend the strange events that
had taken place during his torpor.
How that tLere had
v.. . t..
ii i.j .1. -11 , , x ' 1 ' . v- 11 , 1 , ' J a v w iii,i nine uau ircrj a ici oiu-
.t ue a 1 inuurj iue v uiare ce t"ur. .vnuoias euuer. but, ne is .1 .1 1 ,
V r ii. e1 1 1 a .t -i ,:tionarvwar thar the country had
met a number of people, but of , dead and gone there eighteen years! : .w. - rt v- . ,
, . ... 1, ,, . . and that instead of beinr a sul'-eet
luuiiu-wiuiufi use to tin ail aooui
him. but that's rotten and gone too.'"
nt, v t. .1 a ..1 ! Mates. i;p, in lact was no r-ii-
lln rp ti'nt riT t.v tr.A ,rmiJit tl-.A r
, . . . w " vu Mll.l' b I . J
lrf.inmn r.f iVa t, - . . c- r -. .- .. . I .
' . LliV. a. . . ' . i 1 T a , 1 '.11 . . ,
1 L , -ii , ... ' - ,-. , pires made tut little impression
he was killed at the storming of P"-nv v- . .
t. ,.,v.s ...i.. 1 1. Poa tira: but there was one species
uiui vim l 3 . lliak liv iisuiua u-; J - j 1 - . , , ,
vi '.i .".L.-.Ji uiiuri au:iu L;tr liau
groaned, and that was petticoat gov
j eminent Happily that was at an
end; Le had jrot his neck out of the
voke of matrimony, and could go in
of his Majesty George tbe Third. Le
was now a free citizen of the United
states. i;p, in tact was
tician; the changes of States andEm-
upon him, invariably stroked their! ed in a squall at tbe foot of Antony's
Le never came
that inspired awe and checked fa
miliarity. I chins. Tbe constant recurrence of! Nose. 1 do'nt know-
On entering the amphitheatre new j this gesture induced Rip, involur.iari-1 bac k again."
oojrvis 01 wuimvi iirrumi 1 1 v, io uo toe same, wdcu, to cis as-; w cere s an Hummc
selves. On a level spot in tbe. centre i tonishment, he found his beard Lad Piaster
was a company of odd-iookin; per-! grown a foot long!
sonages playing nine-pins. They" He cow entered the skirts of tht
were dressed in a quaint outlandish village. A troop of strand
fashion; wme wore short doublets, j ran at his heels, hooting after him. and ,
others jerkins, with knives in their i pointing to his gray beard. The dogs,
belts, and most of them bad enor-j too, not one of which hc recoenired
mous breeches of similar style with ' as aa old acauainfance. Larked at
1. tic
I 'lie weDt off to the wars too. was ! , .j j- ... 1 . " ,1'"
i . :l. - , ,. . outdreadingthetvrannvof DameA an
1 L.lcd. Lki.iina ;:rij i k ai. auu is uo lu ii-- , , ., .
that of the guide's. Their visages,
too, were peculiar : one had a large
head, broad face, and small piggish
eyes ; the face of another seemed to
consist entirely of a nose, and was
surmounted by a white sugar-loaf
hat set off with a little red cock's
taiL TLey all Lad beards, of various
shapes ami colors. There was one
who seemed to be the commander.
He was a stout old gentleman, with
a weather-beaten countenance; he
him as he passed. 1 be very village
was altered : it was larger and more
populous. There were rows of houses
which he Lad never seen before, and
those which had Wen his familiar
haunts had disappeared. Strange
names were over the doors stransre
f a f Ka o-iTwI.iw-a a r.,rl V 7 r. r. r-.
. w . j l..v. ....... v . ' i . iL: lug . t a r.
strange. His mind now misgave
him ; hc began to doubt whether Le
and the world around him were not
bewitched. Surely this was his na-
Rip's heart died away at bearing j
name was
mentioned. Lowever. Le shock his
2.-T k.t I it. -V...H .. i
of these changes in his friends and! ' T- " v r"u t
home, and finding himself thus alone I !?.L;S -Tf?? . wt,"h m:-bt-
ii-iiKttrjr rAorvs.-ion rci res.ruaiion to
tverr question puz- ,:. -' .- , ,- e
. . ;- 1 , , 1 ; his fate, or jov at Lis deliverance,
by treating of such caor-1 n. ... j.. mi- . .
nc uu w iru ui sior to trfr
in the world,
zled him, too.
mous lapses of time,
and of matters
Mac.'etarer of all kisda of
(Hen by mail promptly atteodad to.
Addreaa tl WJSE k OO
Sallabary, Okilcat P. tt Sonenet oiv, Fa. ,
Oct. 14.
; wood and swamps, and up bill and
j down dale, to shoot a few squirrels
J or wild pigeons. He would never re
I fuse to assist a neighbor even in the
, roughest toil, and was a foremost man
j at all the country frolics for hulking
Indian corn, or budding stone fences;
the women of the village, too, used
to employ Lim to ran errands, and do
such little odd jobs as their less oblig
ing husbands would not do for them. '
self at the foot of a tree, anj ghare
the contents of his wallet with Wolf,
with whom be sympathized as a fellow-sufferer
in persecution. "Poor
Wolf, he would Fay, "thy mistress
leads thee a dog's life of it ; bat never
mind, my lad, whilst I live thou shalt
never want a friend to stand by thee.'
Wolf would wag hia tail, look wist.
wore a laced doublet, broad belt and ; tive village, which he had left but the
hanger, high-crowned hat and feather, j day before. There stood tbe Kaats
red stockings, and high-heeled shoes kill mountain? there run the silver
with roses in them. The whole Hudson at a distance there was
ireiMin fumtn.To.l T?!n t.f ttl f rrtrcc In ' 1 r,l i J r - 1 . i ,
.w.,.i ...j. .. ' --ricn uui sua ua;e precisely as u naa
old Flemish painting, in the parlor of a'.wavs been Rip was sorelv per
Dominie Van Schaick, the village , rlCIed "that flagon last nVht
parson, anu wdk-u nau uee-u o.ougni ; thought be. "had addled
over from Holland at the time of the bead s.adlr!n "
which he could not understand
Congress Stony Point: he
no courage to ask
friends, but cried
"Does no bodv here know
'Oh, Rip Van Winkle!
i stranger that arrived at Mr. Doolittle's
1. He was observed, at first, to
vary on some points every time Le
; told it. wn:eh was doubtless, owing
; to Lis Laving so recently awaked. It
i at last settled down to precisely the
I?. .:tot
after any more !
out in dispair,
Rip Van
ta:e I tave related, and not a man,
woman or child in the neighborhood.
Tint tnf a- if l.v 1 a T-t -i. .r rt ,!.i
vonuer, leaning i
exclaimed '
my poor
AVhat seemed particularly odd to
Rip was, that though these people
were evidently amusing themselves,
they maintained the gravest faces,
the most mysterious silence, and
were, withal, the most melancholy
party of pleasure he Lad ever wit
nessed. Nothing interrupted the
stillness of the scene but the noise of
the balls, which, whenever they were
rolled, echoed along the mountains
like rambling peals of thunder.
As Rip and Lis companion ap
proached tLem, they suddenly desist
ed from their play, and stared at him
with such statue-like gaze, and such
strange, uncouth, lack-luster counte
nances,, that bis heart turned within
him, and Lis knees smote together.
His companion now emptied the con
tents of the keg into large flagons,
and made signs to him to wait upon
the company. He obeyed with fear
and trembling; they quaffed the li
quor in profound silence and then re
turned to their game.
It was with some difficulty that he
found his way to his own house, which
he approached with silent awe, ex
pecting every moment to hear the
thrill tones of Dame Van Winkle.
j He found the house gone to decay
the roof fallen in. the windows shat
tered, and the doors off their hinges.
two or three. '-Oh, to be sure ! that's
r : v-. ti-r.ii. i ,
jiil; , a ii ii ink e iiiniifr it-snintr- , , , , .
o nr1 . 1'fl I l-il Trt IfAllr t tf r :lv r.f if
-t,- , , , i i i 1 1 iL . and insisted that R.p Lad been out of
Kip looked, and beheld the exact i .t, - .
. , . i his head, and that this was tbe r"mt
counterpart of himse lf as he went up v- u , - , t. ti
' . , iipn which be remained flighty. The
the mountain, apparently as Iazv, and i i i n. u v u . . u
, 1 , T-i v ii ; 'd Dutch inhabitants, however, ai-
certamlv as ragged. The poor fe low ... ' . , ' ...
-, , ' , , i most universally cave it fad credit
was now compleuv conf unded. He r ,, s , .
, , , Even to this dav they never hear a
doubted Lis own identity, and wneth-'.u j . v ft
; , thunder-storm of a summer afternoon
it ii s uiuiseu or aaoiner man. in
the midst of his bewilderment, the
man in the cocked hat demanded who
he was and what was his name:
"God knows," exclaimed he. at Lis
A Laif starved dog that looked
Wolf, was skulking about it
about the Kaatskill. but tbey say
Hendrick Hudson and Lis crew are
at their game of nine-pins; and it is a
common wish of all henpecked hus-
- . .t . , - i I'Kiju? in ii uviiLwmuvu, aLtj
j ' 4 w? se" 1 1 life Langs heavy on their lands that
body tlse-thata me yonder-no ; tber mi?ht tavre a d fc
thats somebou-y else got into i"J . our0f Kip Vaa Winkle's flagon. "
shoes I was myself last night, but ! 6
I fell asleep on tbe mountain, and! A irrfcat Marater mt at Dmf.
they've changed mv gun. and every- Rostox, October 14. About half
called him by name, but the cur
Rip! and I can't tell wl
snarl- who I amT
like! thing's changed, and I'm changed, past eight o'clock last evening
hat's inv name, or , Charles Lane, a commission merchant
; doing business in this city, and resid
ed, showed Lis teeth, and passed on. j The by-stanJers began now to look ing in Dorchester, was called to the
This was an unkind cut indeed "my j at each other, wink significantly, and ! door of his residence br the ringing
very dog." sighed poor Rip, "ha. for-) tap their fingers against their fore-! of the door bell ; on opening the door
got ten me.'' heads. There was a whisper, also, j an unknown man, with an umbrella
He entered the house which to tell ' about securing the gun, and keeping J over his face, stood on the door steps
the truth Dame Van Wrinkle had ml-j the old fellow from doing mischief, ; and fired a pistol ball into Mr. Lane's
ways kept in neat order. It was-at the very suggestion of which the ' abdomen. The assassin then fled,
empty, forlorn and apparently aban-I self-important man in the cocked hat j Mr. Lane staggered back, exclaiming
doned. This desolateness overcame retired with some precipitation. At ! "I am shot !'' and fell to the floor -all
his connubial fears he called loud-j this critical moment a fresh, comely 'The family immediately came to bis
ly for Lis w ife and cLildren the lone-j woman pressed through the crowd to ' assistance, and a surgeon was at once
ly chambers rang for a moment with pet a peep at tbe gray bearded man. I summoned to the Louse. Bt the
his voice, then all was silence again. , She had a chubby child in her arms, - latest information from Mr. Lane's
He now hurried forth, and hasten-! which, frightened at his look, began ! residence, it is learned that the victim
j ed to his old resort, the village inn to cry. "nosh, R:p, cried the, was still aliTe, but there were no
j but it too was gone. A large rickety! "hush you little fool, the old man 1 Lopes entertained for Lis recovery.
4 1
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