The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, October 23, 1872, Image 3
u the Somerset Herald, f T Si l-7 -c, A. Xj u(!LL BE HELD AT iv T"'iiatr, October 31-t, ,A. 1- .-,1 E-VTK AT C'VtWK'K. P. 51 . i ,t t . 1 -p ,,islcri:h. arc ep-ctefi to i J '-.--s meet in . and other . . will 1 in a'cnktiec. will furnish music fr L, f GKAXT and WIL5' X. r .;i-J toachanre inonrpres aa 1 staVae monetary fvCi-ms, prf-s.-nt and hear the istuc ifk rdi, ia your, a i-.t. ".h, and let us have an D. METER C'Lirra Co. Cof.nii'.'.ff. 3,000 KECS I . . TIT j Jl Jf gutter w anLea. jr.: f 'vii-1 B.iv- r to :-r;p-, is of our inini"1.Ut trtde, VTf ho will t-L'.p to us, we ariv fa' ps at pJ priefs. :ks ;' t frmtT jw.ronaje, r.-ur l:'-rJ "Lij'tLnnts. !ul:v, ic, B.EROOKE NYCE&CO., k SOUTH STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. .- us 1 Lad at ail ti-eKore. e cmt vin-.rarat Pavis A. Er. jrkeys arc a. ready Jay airs. putting V. I tueb-.r.rLiv dys hive consc ! cvet ani f aiaz old pije. -v -x-t '. f-,r t-a. h. at C.k & Z ' - rv. S-merset. Pa. s';.j2 of our public Scb-'a ! V -r. ;v t nh r a thru:icr r trse ,.;."iy at the Somerset Foundry. ..-1 J;!s of last week was a ..a TLv.rdav night r t I a - 4 r ;st ye-ir e ovtrcouts, and buv a cew one. or, :; r'r:.- -ril Dye -Stti'Ts. g -to Mi'.'.'.-r's T : ;v,,l at Tar-jti Srs. a splea- : l.: t " ijixs 4 cigurs. ".. .-. e cow on hi.n l a large sur-p'y of .- ; iLks and jutigmt-nt notes. -t.ntv 2 .ur lairre'.s f t sri it the ;."feed fore of C-k & B-.-rit. CroM st.. S'taervt. Pa.. com mea x.'. chop. it Cv k 1 rn f c ind t'.-t- liriet is s iK sti'.it i verstockirl cb -ic ; at from I to :t r - '. '.- cow on the Maaim v. -"' '- t "s are a.! down aii.l the jv. c 'iaicaccd work. M Cakfiel.?. who Los l-ca coring - :' .- the d rTerent buildiccs tU'U . LaJ cae of his f ngers. VitUrn off by .write hurse Io':ly Vax itn." :e one prc.iii-u.-l a o-ld winter. le : '.! osix, he Las U-en examining and that ceee wali tide-way . tnj uils are full of burrs. -i. u nions ftaiioat-rv. tuWx, t " ,r. stoneware, woodenware. :.-ji-s. craikers. chw-s;-. Ac. i-f C ook S: Di-erte. JoLn-town Dfnocri : The .rtr.v i f workers on Monday, at the : : am ay the rabbish left by the t. :. ;.."iV. that the mechanics can . . r.f- to coimesce to rebuild. s o-.a of the year f res are u.-ual- -. .;n Teat uestrucuon ana are ..v. .: :rrea'. Peron csna't 1 ia t::eir t;-- vf stoves and other it M.lbr'sPrs: & TV s. Hvrun H-xiks and all t i V A - h. .ti.s in Mr. Alex Stu'.tnan's -1- s- uth of tow. n. caved in v Mr. stutrman iil W i r r- -al to his customers for the ?. 7- Ar.i.iTi.s C. iG. Holderbatim r e .--.i their full stock of p".ls l.r . i s-son. and wiii be pletu-ito have 'r'r. it r-.'i ir; 1 otamirre thenr nice :.. :.; f lrytoX Fur Clothing, ' f . iv .'', ice, Ac. :?' an i Children's Fancy Fur-, -t : r Fur Emporium, 71 Arth street, "; l.ia. Thest..k of Fancy Furs lies and ChiHlren is very larre. and in fall to l- suited. Rt-ad adv r- N. Y. Manufacturing Co I Street. Nem- York, hate t , ;i iai and male k .1 an ' Lmponum .ol ovt,t-s f-r e verv -dav use. Airents. wanted c-very w be ro; se-e :.t in another column. tne.r TT'iitio-js weather fr building 1 inwd rt". be -sir-l tttaa we are ! l prtnt. If it eon', in jes another .. mot of the btiiidisrs tll so ray. that they can be finished L-aa ot viealher. . notice th it several o: .iir through with their fall Urva work hauling tris-tU-s and ! the railrKiil. We i'.i notice 1 i ciis of h ip piles Wrn lie tLel I ' ' ' e station house-. V .ifEit- in the neihlKrh.l of Crsi i ,s ioji tyin; up their buckwheat V fr the iViaa market, as the Rail m . . , , , . -asa. ia tvmniencea work on a" ..a hous and it wnl no k.r.;:- 1 ary t cover it m itn ou kw ueat , r . .V r- n tniu.ur i-a m w . x--. w 1 f v t -t- ni.L.v tr.e s. nature (! il...i.mi v t .. t ; i , 1 .1 . i ix .. 1 u,fU, . o,ei i'o , c.. T. 1 ,. TLe r l n MM mm mm: ..... i,., f . - r" ' "V ,U ' .,, selman vallev col Isisia U the most ex niarkt t is fun .f rat,. that this renowned regetal. le reme-1 u.nire ww4Vf the Allecheny Mountains, t dy is the purest and stomach and j ,,,, n.nrY lo ,)tber M in in 2 districts, we 1 tbe finest alterative and rr-ruiatin? metli-1 1 . , . - , . ., .t . 1 U;t;i.U lare this season nf.. .v .."-r,T'rthy 0 l ? " - r ' "ti Ur;. nund pner for . ,. ' -, , . ..,-, ' t : - . jwt it. ycai?. a.. uiic m mtli at tlie stagnation of tlie wt.juru iu 1'iiev. aa . k- . . ... ... .1 ' , "., i .. - rx than stll theia at one j 'ni a half i-r Uml. This would - r.gui .aey wiih a rengeance. t- Those in want of cofcl for anT -teaai geiK-ra;:a. lime burninr -on 1 supplied at Alex mu'jiiuB s -r.y the John Neff . lauik. . Kith-east c , , . . . . uo -"m Joh'tstown. d-ies tbe brinrns. '. ' ti e ( V r ! he pvfunn t . V.a!l -'..u -ii. 1 ' .-v a i.raf.ifta and gil rough tinl. No! " ciean. Iysvr yer orders at 16 r. ... - w..a-n as tiiey take t lie ir .Lea. Cure i. fuUr ernlaiaed in Dr. Ker-. Its ri.u-l r 1 1.. M . . v 7. . - ' tivia -1.H.VI niiinc is won a 1 w after it Ls but, M0 often. 1 - - - " . -i 'i " -!". j 11. Ltve proper' r. and forrect fc.-L- - r- -v. ... . .u. "ire t i.r )v .. ...,.. a-.. . of tb. i i Tr . ' ' UJ L , . -- "-vi. !ji . : - -. r.oi. fenn- , a'' impure or feeble j -tasutt Zty Vinegar - a 1 VTaiy remedy. It Uill La a single instance 1 TaE lion -.bcnncrhoni says in the Inn Ci:y -nirse of instruction ('.Here. rin!"-irea. is a lortune to anv ii' man. It ho -roved j to tkousan-ls. " mm SrMiii s .ion: ana itrict Convinnoa ;i meet in the Li-utr ch'ir.b, Lv. A- ui'.i 'U . Mo!.t :ixu. St-rvHrs ra h c v, nii; - a ablfi the 1U v. 11. Dill. : from llociauJ. Ohio, will conduct the . sl-rvi.-e. All are invited to attend. j .a ! A lit of seasonable good at Blymyer's ' Hardware Swre. The best Meat 'Cutlers in the world, 5-u.-aie Stuflers. Coal Buck et, (very low,) Coal thirvels. Fork. 15 utcber Knives Slaw Cutter. Horse Blanket.. N't of Ladle. lv:ch Bells Al- i Patent Mop and Bruh Holders. 1.U'.-S 1IT 1U Ket Ufl IU' K ;t!e. Iron .'ao-i-. S-'oe iMJe. ire LiiKS. IU-ket.. rcp I-ai len in fict. if von watt anyihine at all in the Harlt arc line. z to B!yir.ycr Sore for It. t . . .. Crrv On Tli '1 ri. " T V-.c? A t?r', 'Oa. k tt-ar a et-en on the south side of the river, within a half mile of this place. I He bad evid. nt!r crosed the stream near i the mouth of Cove Creek, and when first j olrved. was wenJine his war acme the Hm-rdal.- farm, in the directi.'-n of Clear Kid-e. He within fifteen vards of Caji Tate s rwidenoe, and wassen bv all the menilrs of that gentleman tin'iilv. ! Several men acl bmw started in pursuit of: the monster, but be'was too quick on foot ut tue hunters, and esotea- vrJ Uii.v 1 retr. Tue Aittmsal EriNox. M st of our r.-adt-rs liave pa-fed. without knowing it. one the lan'lniarks in the journev b.i'.h the earth takes around the sim. '. wr on unday, the 2"2 J ultimo, that we Lai the autiiiunal equinox, during which, for a space, the poles of the eanh are ex artir lsa'an?r-d. and the mysterious line Lich ;'arar'- li jht from darkness lies in a meridian. Frm this time we shall turn. Los'.r by hour, away from the kindly orb whic h civt-s us our l:;h! and heat ; our cays siiall I trliorter, crow ft-.'adi'v l'arer. and our nirbts shall Mr. Pltt.b IlF.rrLEr. who has already ' r. r:tfd so mu h pnii-e for tlie great inter est he lias tken in the iuijruvemtnt f s:. k in this tv.anty, is aiia worthy of es-pr--ial pmLsc for his foresight and great judjiiient in procuring one of tb-e cele ! 'rated Fre-n b draft hors ca'U-d Percbe ron. Mr. H'-fley's burse i a Lcautifal gray, three years ol J and a perfect picture, lie "wi'.i no dfcl t bv a great favorite w i:h "..r tirm-r. A in we Bet. A few days 1 f re the election, last e .-k, one of our dealers in V. iUT. wines. i'C oifervJ to l-et a tiarrel -! lst wiiiky with another gentleman, a tr.r'ile cutter of this place, against the t"n.-t tombstone in Li i-taliisUment that Btukulew w..)u!J be our next governor, The wajer ws accepted, and the whisky rave ia" to the harder material. Grim Death has to do with lrth ankles, and it wi'Ui .1 have leen a tiitin? sc-pel to the triinwtion.fe.r the gravnli jeer of the cem-et'-ry t have Lekl the stakes. I'ulllt 'l R evprr-ss arent still continues to hare '.'. tuii. Over one hunireI kejs of 'utter jer day were shipped from this of-tic-e it an average, for the !a-t four weeks. Tt-ikinj a total of 34 ) kcr : averacicc k.r at oi pounds, we ill have a t- f eat hundred and Cftv-six thousand :al pottn is. scd at an avera-e pri of eirh- ttea ct ats p r f.unl. . we would have Twnty-eijht'thixjiaad and eighty dollars. ; We J'c'.ieve the express comiun'v pavs the 'ranch nal tfieea cf-nts jn-r" hundred for trans . ration : at this rate the Branch c. tiipa: s-'.iurcc. a'.l recti ve f.'t frc-tn tl C' A'Tor.iA a su'istitute f.T Castor Oil '.-a physic hiih does n.t distress orgri;e. i is sure to operate in due time, acl all may t- t-f.Ject'y rely cp-.n the Catoria in Aeh?. Constitution, FLitu leacy. (.'roup. Worms. Piles r de-rang--ii Liver. It cr.ntaics neither Mineral-. Morphine. pium nor Alcohol. I'Ut is pureiv a vt g.-tauie preparation, pertect.y . i.;irnii..-vi w.a iwr aii, icaam ioi.ia.e-. The Castoria s..ths and quiets the system, , and pr.iciuces natural s!c-ti. It is a won-' l derfui thing to assimilate the food of chil-1 i (itru aua ikiiiu iifui 11 ja. -a i i tnem irom emu:, a S Cent lajttle ill do the work for a ttmi- 1 inl save manr d-tors bills. v1 Jiofi.f") Reward. The alove sum will Works at eight o'clock this morning, foriT)FBLIC SALE . be psii i to an v person or pe-rs..ns who will j the ostensible purr of entovine an es I X , , jfive inhalation of the vt hereabouts of . enrsion over the Narrow Gnage Railroad . 'afhe . ileriry lleioj, a tierman ; aoout j leet on which the first locomotive was pUcetl of New Centrevtiie. on , y inches in height, dark complexion, an 1 on Monday last. Embarking on tbe cars' SATVEDAY, NOVEMBER sad, ls.71 . abo-Jt fj't years of age. who has lieen miss- j hich had" been prepared for the occasion, at io oVlodt ju m tbe f jCuwic dejrribed !oa ini l'r.jin his home in Ravs Cove, near , Uiev proceeded dom n the road to the end Me real eate. late the proj-Tiy Jaraea M. .hi.iy Rdn IMford f county. Pa., since 1 t.f ihe track, near Meyers' Mills, mhere, ' itnvtlSt . the ijth of Aant. It Dl-tng Ftispicloaed ! after musteriag all hands Mr. Jas. B. are erertod one new irame bnuee and rab.e. la- t hat he has made wsv witt himwifor been ' . , -,-.! . -t. . u' . that tbe a" ore rem arl win a'j) I r-aid f..r reooverv of his bxiv SiMOX SI.EXGHTE3. other paper will confer a fa ring to the sleve in their col Edit . vorl v unins. j ' M ni;y t- re MiPr. ad How. The : Pittsburgh Pex-jle's Monthly," a ln-auti-! ' f j! !' j:ire i'inf'rti t for h-'me. a!- j : solute'y c-i- away to each su!critr fjr j . . ..i-i . - r-v. . . . v. ii i 1 1' i. ...i jo- ( ' trittive thriOM) ia tfaet if varnished, . mounted n-ady for framing 25 ccn' more , or two t lioid; li"Ue engravmgs. 4W, or j a triil ot the paper tor hr-e ntoctha fa t twenty -five cents, which is Un tfuin tori. ', W hat "could be fairer? Tis a pure, bright fcd very popular patv r. likex! by all who s-e it. linivt-rsa.iy approve t y tlie press. ; and as the only umstrattil pap r of any sje ana pretensions in me est. it snou.a i- in tTtry vtiern fu.v. Ita House hold and "ijoys and Girle department are vr.lua.Me features. m'y one dollar and a ha!! for a year. iicx.i iirt A-jtr.U en Ug r-.-iniW(,v vir,'.d ir, errr;j f'i.T.'y. Ai - Jr.- I'l-ople.'sii.octhly," Pittsburgh, Pa. P,.i. -f Mr. and Mrs. Flayer, of Bran don. Mkhijan. have just 'nried a little boy tlir-e and a bait years old, vthose death j was caUM-d by ealing matches. He dimb- e-l np to the shtlf and ate the tips from nearlv hail a I;S. He hnr-red four davs an.j mas j-,ve Ji0urs dyinit. Many are n t aware that mati hes are I. parents 0Uv snj they are left lying lousxJr on our ta l les, niantle pieces and can .fit-sticks, and it is a wonder that more children are not destroyed by thf-m. Phosphorous, which is a prlnciril ingredient ot the tii cf n.a:cb-s. m hen taken internally is a violent poi."ua, and, in combinatioa w,tn other suiftances. is frequ,nt!y used for the de struction of nin an J vermin. Every match , , t, ,, f a"' J 'i-1 1 hor.U , le placed quite beyond the reach of chil drejg too yotrng to understand the danger of tampering ith their octntents. . . ,,. l " ." : A . hole People s Opimox hen , a nation of forty millions accepts and en- dor, as a standard n-atorau re an article t Uiat it has had the fullest oimortuaities of' u'ang during a w-riod of t i n . .,. ,,, - wenty years, j uusous as to , preparation ? . a,,u the no.lUn ,.r .v.. in--....; t:.. , 1 UUM.IOD u-aers nas rase3 tnrouirn tiiis ! ' ordeal and is .,- ti- m.,ri. ! w. . : ; 1 " r'v I fiarT nti (laeun iLefnn'in..rt it -mhi ... L j ,7: lv. wujwuy n uit eitbrT M a I v nJ the Pacific, or t-rner of Maine and 10 ox. not know, ""'"" .v ..--ov -" - tws. n trie nwineast ct ;f , . : . " - a cir.e at T.rrsent V-fre theworld. A. , 1 n .' r I r v rrevenuve ot and care for, diseases gener-. ated hr maiana. and at a eoecsoc fordra - . - , . I tl - 1 i " jirj'sia. iii.u.iiao-iii. ana &11 ucnuu. aiii 1 iin:ejv unstinnni-imi. r .n a-jon Diurr i - . , . . . Westera HemisTihere - " . . pLU! IRKRIrTIox.-Th( re is f.rm of Leal Iisease which 1 i r s i c-ured by a tifnelv resnrt to Dr. Kcvser Lun; t ure. is a siren narm. 1. -A -c , '1 Punfv and imt,nriii- cleanse the LIti o aii lmjiuntien. t It is simple an J plain in iu principles I oi actum, anil it bas rcsrae.1 mnv a an.t.-r- 1 iar iavaua Irt ticjiui of dnUi. I B msA a 1 rm. k.;as. rf Tkw. t w-." 1-' II' "aT V ' I i.'V. t 4WU '-! . II C "W I 0 , I - - ... . . . . . 1 reatu' c -n thronicLung Uieeanes, t on tucn wiU be sont free wherever it is or-: tin rri . r . 1 ) 1 "-i . i.n it ic .,,l f n tut Ih. ! .... ...v..,. 01 tne cocinty forraistn t . . , 1,naim.-i ouiIK t ard may be fainy pn-n.unce-l the I arorite j xu- our - fur Wi.i.i.l I T..i.. vr..l 1 1'i.Mf.r. ,.r 1!. 1 . . 11 U unoerstood tnat It ! 1 he laioring men anu outer partita lire-' shortest pusmble time that wul inrar permanent gthening and not a weaienim1 scted him with a fine gold watch. Mr. ViifL i-maorrea. or Seminal wrakness , that in no case of disease can rt Ga:thr, the advocate in Meyer Mills, I ,1(Us in maturer veara. ant wbKh umdnc. ,me Dr. Ker.r i v.nooea .11 l.;ln,'i.;.. ... innim..h.mnrl.ier1. . - - -- ..... - .. u v v-v u :iuic ueauaent wua ins Lung ounu. tne 1 , . - - periect instrument ever devised lor aus'Tjia.inj tie iuc. Price of Lunr Curt? flMn or; 50 per hail dcen, to be L lwtor'f store and private medki ! per bottle, is had at the ' nw.i rm .Tw . 1 n 197 Libenr street Pittfeburgh. 1 Mr. Jas. C. Postlethwaite, who up to the fire, was a tnemV'eT of the Somerset Pr inline Coinrnr, has conci tided to launch hi tot on other waters and earn bis bread , in other clime. In pursuance with this n irc, ne kit ins ns'ive Tuiaire on oioa- j u.iT BQornirtj Ut-'t, fnJ stsTtea on D way ; with the kindest and tiest wtM or a lui of friends. Ilia manr good qcalities were duly ajifrtrciated by afl hw friends and he was held in high esteem by bis late part- nera of ihe Somerset Printing Company. May suc-esa attend bis efforts i the wish of alL. rayetic Cevatj- I tew. As the hnnting sasna it at haod, iFpnttpfrifli frrm 1'i?KnrtTi liar manv .- I code :tueir rpranct to en-ige in rame- bot- in?. and they are generally fUfoeful in baccinz pi me. There are alst three lls-h-; weirs in the river, and a roodlr nnmtr oi the finny tribe are bcine captured. Tbc Kepublicans here are jubilant over 1 . the result of the eli-clion in Sprin gficli Tp. I ' e hare uoume cause of rejoicing as Uus im' im iu i.auii ia y tn i ibuot r . IkpubBcaa majority ; a gain of 49 on the : -ver elon. Greeley Rock is not worth a cent, and a ; wor detaoralized bot than the Democra- j cy wouKl be bar-J tonnd ; some are Ukine j c - nnfort in Lard swearing while others are ; financially ruined, having bet tbtir bottom j dollar on the result of the election j , t?P! zn aS, thowend on Forney; j lh t-er. the calumnutor ane vampire, i i '"".- showered on J. AV. Forney and bis Phila-; " r They can now start for the happy hunticr ; pr-mds to the tune iat. D People RfadAevtetisemests There is now and then a persna eo stupid : as to believe that advertisements in the i newspapers are not generally read, and ; that money exriendt-d in adverti-inr is 1 pracTieally wasted. Even such will con ' evue that if a hundred men of polite al dres. of Client speech and readv wit wtre V u V" or wa uj-.u , u- !red whers and cet the ears of eaui lone enough to say Jnx .rnitb, or Jones, or f Thonitron at such a place, has seen and ' such goods at sw h pric-es. or would seil a farm, vr house and lot. or had h4 a horse : or pocket-book, or would loan money, etc.. ! we say such men will concede that the wrvijvs ot tns one nun area men woum oe of creat value to Smith or Jones, and in s.tne meas-ure advantaceous to the party to whom this statement was made. This hundred men could not 1 employed to go from door to door to make this statement to ten thousand people at less than a cost of several hundred dollars each trip. All this is done by the newspapers at a cost of a fe-v shillings or a few dollars at most, and the visits are niade week after week. dav after dav. The messenger who trav- els' addresses LiciK-lf to the ear and takes the party aidreseAl wben he may have is thoughts alsorbed in business or other matters; but the newspaper reaches tlie partr s-vtght through the eve, when the reader has bis thoughts solefv xed upon the paper before him. But thtise who affect to believe that there is little use ia advertising urge as an ob jection that advertisements are not read. They can be easily convinced of their er ror in this respect ty making inquiry. Let them insert an advertisement offering to ; archase some article that is tolerably plenty in the market, and they will 1 Si-deJ with offers to sell before th ink of the a.!vertis-ment ls dry. An ecterpriMEg weekly that has a circulation of one, two or three tlsousand cpi is m a position to do the ri'.lLige merchant great good, and for which, aa a mlc, the publisher doe no: get one-fourth of hat he justly deserves, In its sphere the wee k! v b of (juite as mwh service to the advertiser as is the daily. is anu oiienumes it enjoys me privilege oi t being the exduive lamily visitor, a privi lege the daily seldom his Ui.ior. auS Al ! ttr'.ivr, ll-KKttttr, S. Y. METxr.' Mzus. Pa., CM. 16, 1T2. Editoks Dailt Nw : Mr. William Bra-e. the popular and efficient tutrin- tn.:ent of the Kevstoce toal and Mminz C'ornrcnr. - was the subject of a pleaSitnt surjT.S nere Tills niormns Minf made the recipient of a mazniScient gold watch aa-1 chain, which were r resented to him i tr ibe emplovees on the Narrow tiuaee ! vjai i r cut . an i a ir w f I n lU'rvm ii ripniiB in Mevers' Mills. I I A number cf rentlemen from 3Ievers' i i i:iis asscmriieo at iioii.itre:i fre Hnct ' IJaiiher advaruYi t the front and address. uz Mr. I5rnr, romplirnented him on the :.. - i. t . i: j .i - , progress of the work, and on the c-nvuble J jvisitioa bis gentlemanly conduct had won ! t for L;m m Mevers Mills, and on the high nrrard in whw-h he was Lld bv his em- i ird in which he was held bv his em plovers, and which a;l desired to rntke mae ; known in a substantial manner. Mr. Gaither then produced the watch and chain and concluded as follows : -Asthe repre-1 -ntative. therefore, of yotir frirn'Ls in i Meyers' Mills and of the employees of the I Keystone Company, I have the honor to ! jiaec i-i y wiii nauuj una aiiiu ami maniiia- . . n 1 . S cent t.-sinie.nLal of the hi;h rvsKf t rn'RHlli PT Vf which they hold you rsocally. and the just appreciation Ihey have of the energy ! and devotion yon have shown in the pros- i ecution of this work." i j Mr. Brace, although comt letelv uken I v S surprise and for the moment almost speech- less viilh astonishmoct. soon mastered the ' situation, and in a few happy and pertinent remarks thanked the donors for the verv i ; costly manner ia which they had seen pro- , to compliment him, and hoped by strict attention to duty and the wcllare and ' pleasure of his friends and employees to ' prove himself worthtr of tbe hiih" honor jth' - r ha 1 r .inferred u'pon him. Ketstose. COimrNICATIONK. Dale Citt, fct. 19. 171. Editor lit raid. Since the ek-ctioa. the Isemorrats and Liberals are as quiet as mire ahr-n tbe pst is aronnd lhr-v ywi1i! . i m,re dctTr:ii7j.i a ly,t.iKi.l,i.ll ...a ..i La. Tl i.b ; i..).- .... i. na'n ic. ; Cf iavtrous, smeilsaiiv, aoU Jetl blue, tuer . see tbe handwriting on the wall, and Bel- . ... .. . .I ., ! fiiazzar use, tney are smote wnn tne trem-1 ble-s. 'tmnibcs" of tbe "TemMrrat" had , nrpilJcez-t tbs? W.-twr an i Mcver. srntilil . ' ,' . .. , .-. , ; l elected a SiiCii as grease ; they were : ! to stay at their Old vacation. On T'u'-siav la our friends at Garrett rtKd a fine jole and flag Cr Grant and : niHM a line isjie anu ua if wnuii who - viJson ; to-dar. tbe bovs of lHle Citv will J do likewise, lend that the Uys are ce u-rmiaed to largely increase the majority for Grant and Wilson, of that over the Siate election. So mote it 1. Thig j, lwa a Twk- of aet-jjent ,Bd jnf.i.i,.nts in our Ticinhv. ti,. v.m,. f.,,, li n ;s now in nm. ninr order from the junction at the Fire : i. f .vi ,-.,t., ' ion at t ue r ire t TJnt k Yard to Iale Citr. and bv the 23J ! w fished to the Mines. tl t-. ... ;-i 1. A 1 ue iv. . ""r" ' -o. no... .1 - !,.,. .1,,. to ,,, 1 r"T. Vf". " " ' V" "T ",""': ! via : inar!"ri, nuauijri n ana r. .a ... . - . 1 c I in w j i i i inn z ou t vi ininuvis com in : direct cotjetitbin witb the antnracite coal; j ft t itamn!ous ccl for generatiaggas, jjjj f(ir other purposc-s is cheai:r . ,n1 rreft.raMe to the hard c-iaL The Cas- dipect wniTioa with the anthracite vxil nil rre ef m 01 uiao, lar j iroairein. iron ore. tire ciav. aspaanum, lw on the other hand we have .,,. ... ,. a-. .-.. .t. ...,. - ...Jl , i i. t.l I U111 1 1 ' . Ill .11' ' .... whiiht as an agricultaral drrict tliis part -rand rrfcetion of ? ana pcnccrion 01 i . . , exceeoea any w nere. uus our section ia Cestmea soon 10 oe i.oiii.4i vi mr mji irm'oriam iiiiuiii. taod manufacturing listricts in Western 1'ennsvivania. Mr. Brace the enterprising and ctntle- ntanlr ennneer of the Narrow Guace road j was a'greeably sarprised one day this week. ) ..ii-i, .....r i 1 made the presentation speech. Those for- 01 the fellows elects, as hism-to. msacIm. s tunate emsh to hear it pronounced it a 1 bnl,T diixiaes. Bervoune. dtmness of stjtht. . . . j ni 1 h ersnruiM. .sntcnrv. coo. fort - naic c -Sort that could not nave been produced anrwhere else outside of Mev-i - Mil . 1 Mr. Geo. MtKenzi. vox on tie rvr-; l.nMi L Tf Ka.l m itarms Jtfir-nnA ! OH UAUtlC ik. A . UflU Mil -" ."f'V frimi l-in-crushed to death h'-t njin , . . . . . . a truck car 1 j , ,l. I. I Le tnppetl at tne le- ; lunginz to the engi engine, and in trvinz V. liimlf from tillintr under the wheels ' h - t snaif feAm 1 . . 1 .. " . .. i' 1 - j 1 inz iron wmen laceratea ana lore tne mus- - ... . . cles of hi arm in a shocking manner, ana , olherwiae he was badiv bruised : his case not considered dangerous. On the same dar, a Mr. Baker at Gar - tt l.j.1 til arm -- we.1 nrT On the came dar. eet of Sand Patch TtinneL Mr. Dan- iel Shoemaker had loili his less crashed ander the wheel of a hearr lumber wa gon. On the follow ins dav, lr. Jacob! Hoyle had his fool smashed io a coal lank. Thus our aurgoot, are kept busy. wL:Ut i wun a r.iut more can, runy f these ac- kiei:t covM be avowed. HARRIED. CAMPBELL SXYDEli. On the Sd in?., Mr. John F. Campbell, of bpricg CelJ, Fayette county, to Miss Eliza border, ot Connelhwiile. MSEKET MARKET. CutTt.:;OiJ TV!j tj A. J. Ci5EIEC2 k Co. ?&cJ7gx!L "". hmtrr. y ft I Jr''" w- f to" ; - wi, - " J4?"3 ... ft 00 JfK . .. V 13r ... 1 ) Sc ...41 lir ...! 0 ... 1 l-i ... ,12'f ;uc we toe iie lie ....11 u Sr ... t-Ti tl Ii 2 . l illic I ... J 1 - 10 v i u mw. r a ri f bi (ij ').. Lart . Y Lr, rHle, f ;"" o,ta. ? ba. P5& Kv. v bn .7?.....".::" Bun. 9 ... -N,t f j " antc. - Sagar. ytii. y . T.!k.. V vi tA a A1 DITUK'S X0TICE.- di5tnlauoa oi tb fnn'l? ia tbe hniof William lien.ivr. almicitrmt' uf John StKrniA'r, 2c'i.. w aod r Uirfi WitiiT emitied tbrrvto. 1 wal atttm-i to the 2otl4 ol . i a;uictimrnt at mr af- Dec ia Sni'rwt. on Satnrlv. the lth dar of N- j Ten: Ix-T. lsTi. at 1 a. m., xliti aii tm I ail interested ma; s;trn-t. I v. At. H. KUtjNTZ. ort. . AJ::'ji UPITOR'S X0TICF j ' ' HiTtaw.rp.it4t.Ttiie.haM-c.rtcf ssrjnKrwtojontT o !iut w mk aa-1 rrvn s !i- j triLnu-ju i.f the and In the ba&if ot Jueeph Ban ter, exemtur of Alexander Hunter. Sr- dcveaaeU. tuand uaar UMiee IriraliT entitled thereto, t will atKl to the daiieiuf mj ptfntment at m j oi are in S-tneret. on i n lav, ibe laih day of N wm.'er, lTi at lu v'cijck ai m. when and w hero aii tr:rjjj iatertei laar !!-&-!. WJt. K. KOoXTZ. Oct. 33. AnuiUf. A1 DIT0U S NOTICE. 1 i.c an -terriaTied hereby ir;re n"tl- tbst hv- Inc beea afpolated o iiu r to cir.t ote the fun-i io the baiMi ot the Sue nil. an.iijir In'm tbe ftate vf the real eUite of A. ti. s-Lra-ier. ue wiii fit K-r the jori'et hi xpr-iaT!neot at tietmrt H--ue in tKimerwt bvrvcsn, on Tnt-sdar. N vrniher VZ. Ki JulI.N E- tniE. ocl.3. Au-iitor. A U1IT0K .S NOTICE. lii-icz been a'pointei! auditor hr tbe Or; taa' i Ocrt of Somerset o-anty to make and report a ) Llstrrt'Bltua tf i-e land "tn the han-i of the irn-, tee I. tlie uuevt the real enate ol Henry Cable. 1 defeated, to and anhxif those lea-a.iy eDiiti-! j thereto. I U1 attend to tbe dotiet M my at-i'int- j tuent atcy .3.-e in S merset. rin Thursday, tbe ! 14:hday ol N'.'vember. wben and where a:l persutu mtereUsi may alu-tii. O. KIMMIX. Auditor. tct. : OTICE IN MVORCE.- Tbe uner?i2Ted du!r apr.imle-l tv tbe Court ; of fiQS'jE Plea ol Stners tvcry. Pv. to take : tbe tetiaot..T. rtpurt the faeu an-l aniii.i in I the matter of tbe ari? liatioc f Heier Anr. ts- ' borne t.y her next friend. A. Zo. k. ra. till M. tf bme, f' a diroree. hereby pieee notiee that be will, an Saturday, tbe IStb day of N-jvember. 172. i at Lj eifif-e in Somerset, discbarze the dui:e of fci ai-)e4n;iDeot. when an-i where ail persotJ ia- : tereated can attend. II. L. BAER. j oct. H CV'imniseiooer. VALUABLE FARM At Private Sale. Tbe undefined o?T!ti farm at f-rrvate itnate.l Mrmun n.:oheast of Lizucier. ta Liz omer township, w eiunortiaad e.-aaty, i'a.. COHteillillg 108 Acres, A TO ArT rlirei an .c .mfw m.u i uas 11 ol iimr-r-r u it. Tf 'aber partimlar eaU tU MeF.rUnd, oct.i3-3na, - 1 Ho ALAS At. JlxaU.vs. tnih fi i of Main Mreet. adriawt; Iki f Mr-. I W V alter. Siaa-e t occbt an xs 'f Str. I'aef Waiter. Mate toctM am Joseph Srhrxk, known on plan of said l-roozh a numtT 19. Tend made ka: wa oc ciav -J ort. St. A Juunistrau r. A fVTVQ. SOMETHINQ NEW.S saia- : AljAJlX 1 O able anicles. seU at siatt.- ! Caial'rie aa.1 one sample WANTED. lire. N. Y. MTj C" a Cirtiand Su N. . -HAND ST A3t PS" ail varieties. Cir-n!r free. I Arts, wanted. V. li. IL Lavis A Co., Atirs-, V ' ISanun ttn-et. . 1 . i isuLi. an ' Sen.1 staaip for Il'.'d A. J. rii.kxieil a Co. arrea St N. Y. 1'HIS IS NO UIMPCO ! Or By sendi-.x OO CENTS i wr.h ae. height. e'-l.T of eyes and hair. y. wnl rerire by return mail, a 'crreet pictmre of yr future Lusbanl wife, with un ani date of j Mamaz. Address VT. FOX, P. O. 1rawcr No. nnnmiie. . WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL, 13altimore, IMd., Aow Open ! STCIiENTS CAN ENTEE AT ANY TIME. The ClicKal a.iecr'-s of the School are nnur rnsse'). Fees, ltx itt iinz IiL-eUon and H'.;ital 1 1- lit:?. ii. F. Catal-ru'i c nuiriir fall rc.r'icn'ars ap V .c H ANCELLOli. lean. Baltimore. Md. IW to Prui-C llaS. AtilaTTK 1VAXTJGI. - to fer tnoo-.h. .TTTJ" JT- msie. to intr.:-e tbe OEM l.NE IMPKO KI tnaie. to intr.:.-e tbe OEM I.NE IMl'K'M EI 1s'-. ?f. 'f miM. i his machine wni stitch, trm. leii, taek. quilt, puim. t-in-t, MtiW an 1 embr-Mrrin a nxjst an'r. Price only J-li Fully licefiseJ I ani warranto! lor eve years. W e will pav 1. ,nT machine that wiii sew a strrairer. m. re beaautnl, or mureeiaatic seam than ours. It makes ' lL Eiastie L--k Stitch.- Every secofyi stitch ( can be rat. ami still tbe e.oth cannot be p.iie-1 ,,ar; w!th.t tearina- it. We pay airents from 7i to fc-O per awsath and expanses, or s eommissi.ia "-iV. cH'?::i- pa..cbicaa - . Iiu, or su I-q. Mo. ' ' " Cheap Farms! Frea Harnes! ! On the lineof the UNION PACIFIC HAIL RlJKli. L.iwu,ju acres of th. bvat i atulu. aol Mineral Lands la A meriea. ! Aouo.'s acres in NetTiska, iotbe Pbitt Valley, Dow fur sale I MILD C LIMATE, FEBTIL E SOIL, tram rwtna M!si. Kalnaj nnsurpassej n m io. i uued state a Cheaper in Pnee. m t favorable terms riven. ' ,JH 10 'n M kBJ '.aMDrn t.,j c ai at.ti. - Tk. best locatiou Olea-Soadi.ri enUUed to a Homestead of ISO acres. 2ynd lot the dcw iK-acrinUve PampaJet, with 1 . .. . .. t t-. . . k - c 1 U. ... J-- 'I.- 1-. . U .l.l-M. ' I ' I II I . 1 1 . .W- leb and Iam.b, mailed free evervwhere. Address. o. F. 1AY IS. Land OmT V. P. B- B. Co., Omaha. Neb. rKnhle Elevated Oven. Warminr Broliina; iKsir. Fender Gnarl. I.mpinr a Sbakinr Grate. "trert Krart. llLLbK, AiK- klV-sa WltT SlrpeU Sew v t Speedily Cured. AH f.TUis of VeneTTat. Private ant Nerr-cs dis eases, at the eld etabbed tiirard Medical Insti- tae. No. 173 Seeund .venae, between bnulalieid 1 GnDl "reet. Htubnnth, Pa. lvr.rv0d Stricture. Orchitis. are cured in tne rlrrtt is maturer veara. ant w nun prw (., i.,n. .w.,'. .a n'w- and sexual poww. ad which unnts tb. vtctun . ""r"" T .-- u- .1 ; UWDtiV mri. w-iiciDe it.pimi ax tbe ffts - a A aHl Msahkhw a nMnta iia war. -a a w a (i.iun aw " a - w uaw "" er,er.5. t ..aiat. --" -.tcx ipi-. ... 111. v - iu.cK.uuuK . ' ease may be. if after a prrwaal exaKvaa- f iron, tney wiu rrankly tell you. Kememoar ttiey 1 cv"'Tj "J rve up by otberpkyni-1 i"J!, . , ..mi.. imMv i .u w 1 1 ... w un 1 r - 'iwii..i uamjujitrMiutu. nT',.i.. ..t.-. Girard Medical Institute, Kb. 172 Second ATenue, - PITTSBURGH, PA. AVtc Adrertiemcni4. THEGILiXDlEST STOCK o Pianos an Ever Exhibite WE HAVE 0W OX HAND on: . FAJLuLj stock Pianos aiild Oraans COMPRIS IXG THE Greatest Variety o!f Styles and Makes j EVER O H do not confine oorsetrestaajspeclaJ breads, W wairast oar Fiaooc anl Omu u be cqoat Iwrr tbaa nt other bw io ttw ci:. If xm wiot'to maotr and get the bcrt in Sn"i fvr Circular anJ l'r- Liii. MELL0R A IPIANO AND O 53 FIFTH A VEN rm X-JLL.ijOi-Uxi FUP. ESaTBmM.j J. ISAACS, erccrsaoato TrlT-TVT TT A T?"VTT? ! rUina atalart it will fluent thrtn w tbe nnder '' WAA X X.lialiUV rtne.1 fr re'tl-m.-aL at tfce nin of J.iah r.s Ar-h Street, middle of the Kxk. ttwe-n T'b M'-wry ia So merset I.mnlBccSa-ariaT,theth and sth Strvtrt. Suoth Side, Phiutdeit'bia, I IMPORTEE AND 34AXVFACTVRER OF ' . , , ., , , J ;Rrj Hii tr Luis' 121 CSilira, Wizr.j i Wholesale and BetaiL i II i A 1, 11 I ! tia in K iwiwicu m hi.' , i K -1 1 I 1 1 J a-v ' Krtment of ail the different kicdf nf FVK.S ff tn : bmt haiatf tn Ear fe. wooid repoeUtttlT invite the i rvailer o! tni vrer la eau and eaamxe tbe : n naient of Faney Fur. 1 am determined to aeii at tiie lfiwet tSxh pru-e. All Fan warraott-1. ! XiM irrepreen:ationj to effeet sales. j FE ES ALTERED AND REPAIRED. j fa-Remember the Siore, T1S Arch Street. Phil- J STCC2. FALL T2AI3, 72-73 ' T7.2S. Ciasli, kTiirj el czii EXCLUSIVELY WHOLESALE. G. It. BARRETT CO., A. 60 FIFTH A r . Puitiurfk. Pn. Iron Av'ciia v.A 3.1iiiiubiitturcr. The 'arr-t Ma! Fnrl unrtt In th WrMaal Mia. irtrr. Actc- -rca t.ti Mr- tia. i-. I'm i.rt:ix, S-w Vo-k. lu'.ir.. r:zim; sr. Lmtit t:t1 Bi'timTT. I-t!itit. 4 hi-r. r!r. -r-irn na-tai ra r -ts if , .-r t- t. Aav --!jrJ t!.a'J ttattmft- f -It KHriktl tikW. Ai: ? xl r'C'i t i:!iti.-f lt inmt ih- -rrn-w-rlnr. hiirU g. j-nt:fi' f2'.itjt.:4L " : i aia tuj tiitt-n .lcriit- 1 iAjiiS .Mb U: 4w:l et ZIrl sv;atrt. mi'nr. 1 unc'fcr M.O V-r )r-xx. N lvarvi irw iear ran i(id l uo vitlvit it. ETf-rr 14' liint TrJ cit-tal w.KVt-r TaK iu .Every rwi ;',eicc ron;a. r, nui- ;rw i:iami,i"r-of Hw-v Krl.iOvrT. Iiiwwrorwi Kii.J hT ir. wi fa r o.-av (ji tnau lor f- IKO.t WORLD HI riJHI!y (Om r H'-.'riti 2Hildug. Piztr-urjiu P u AMERICAN AVorking People. SXT Tni al ttmsr !aurt ; lis rr 3k a r-B r. T 'if tu- a.i-r-tt p4itir- ff--' IH la thrr m7.i. v:ti,t -11" t r - fc Nuni'-; OS ftM . MTji-r, and 1M COOT -.Jt. wir,"r M.T (-t vw-ar. cr on Trial i-ft i. f.i rrnia, W ii;? y'r babe. u. tT, at. I tTr J. tlti J . IDOta-J, -, a-i-ir-a world prcuiniG oM - li'-.rfd LnUing. FinnirmryK, Pa. n Ar ' "rxm-J in rrerr city. town, an-i la ri.:-n ! riovi f'- this fi,us BrtiUi jr. u frflf ue fln-; j-rmininiL. Mii a. Demmler Brothers, 3Co. 1 2G mithfield Street, ManBfaetwrers of Tin. Coeee and Sheet Iron ware, dealers ia Su-ves. Cwxbes Wrina-ers. Cnt- Jerr. Briann!a and Bloek Tin W are. Enameled H.iii.w Ware. Retrureraters. Ic Chests, Water Cx.lers, l'-e Cream Freejer. Bird Caifes. 5-as . Stores, and Fwraihlnt: tionds re De rally. wbt4eeaue and retail. I'rvrietun oi the Patent Mjiistatile Sloie Ms, I Tbe tnct nsefni Inventim 4 tbe aee. Sole aants : i i.T Spear's w.iri 1-renowned an.i nunraied antbra- j j eite coal Heatinc St'-ees. agents for tbe J i T'.m Thumb Cartt f ril Cmkinat St.,Te. This lit- j ' tie store is tbe wnoier of the day. and the only ar- ) title of tbe kind that will civ yr. entire satis-. . taction. ) Grocers' Goods a Specialty. pUB BLIC SALE. There will be sold at the late residence of AtTa- bam barday, deensed, near Laaaasriile, on TUESDAY. OCTOBEB ath 1S72, i J""' ! "'n ! proved s:o. t wheat, rve. oats and t-Aatoes by tbe Lit. - ! h. k. ,k. .. two w..a t.oriirrf hay-ladders, one reaper and mower, one train drill, one tannine- mill, one horse-rake, piows. harrow, cultivator, burse-xear. bairzy and harness, stores and pipe, beostewis and idlma-, and hotwehotd fumitare too numerous to mention. Sale to eonimence at 9 o'clock, a. as, of Mid day. A reasonable crodil will be riven. S AMI' EL BAKCLAT. Oct. 14. Admbaistratr'T. lLMINTSTRATOR S NOTICE. Csiaie of Jiah Dosarr, late of Berlia Boreitga. Letters of ailminitration a the above elate j ha tin. been rranred t. tbe and ersi rued. Botir. is : hereby risen to those iadeted to it to make name- ; diate pavment. and those bavin? claims arainst it, 1 to present them, duly authenticated fur setUement, ! at the late reskletK. of said deceased, on SViturday, Xwesnher -L ls7i V. J.KtlHAk t-H. Ort It. Administrator. ULE to ACCEPT or REFUSE. lo athartne ITMptev, widow. Annie, intermar- j rare and beavealy beamy: that It seems a If tb. ried witb James HartxeL livtor In Marshal co I artist must have seen them iu a vision. Every sub. Wttt Yirtnaia. Alexamier, Uviay to Marshal ' scritr to -ArJhur's Illustrate.1 Home Mairarine eountv. West Yirrinia. Adaiiae, intermarried i lor S7 will receive a copy of this splendid ti pie with 'Jarksua Heinbuueh. Henry. Elitabeth. la- i tare rut. Price of H'Ute Mazaxine. fl ayar. termamci with Jacks.! Hyatt, tbe last three . Sfiecunen copy t Ataraxine. li cents. resile in Somerset County Pa.. Polly intermar-j LOCAL ACENTH WANTED evervwhere rel with jncalban Saviur. iiving in Uarrull Co to t t'ulcnt-rs fcr our bnautiiul Maniina. ao l.L. juannv iniermarr-.ea wun rreeman May. ! livins in Fayette Co Pa, Martin, Urine in ; Nebra-iia. Toe are hereby notified to appear at an Orphans' I Coon tn he held al Somerset, on Momv the "V- h ! dav f November next, to accept or refuse the real I estate of John Wbii-kry Iec-i at the appraised Nodisappt.intment tt proaip Uelivwry ot pic prKw, ( afaow cause why th. aoa sbonid But be tare, as we have made ample arranemtuts lor awii., . , JUtS-AH SHAPES. their rapH prstuctiiu. - - - f.ri. T. S. AETHC H A SON. SberifTs trffice. fArtobeT Wth, 1S75. S09 and Fit Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. SS0LUTI0N. CKi MMHfcln K. ..If,fl'il . v 1 l . V a . . f o, ... . a i-v. k.. t V-. . a . 1. I e . . . - . 1 . . ..-.v.- . . - -..!. WVITI .l.C e. bv mutual eWiaenl, Andrew Lvrs retirinr. f BOTtSkCO. 1 Urslna, Pa, Oct. 5th. ISTi-oct 1. The Interest of Andrew Lynns. Yb tbe Srta of Ibcrts A Co.. barter been peer based bv Frank Ifciyls. tbe business will fcecarrMd ow als hwlo-f-jfe, under tbe ana uama of ; BOYTS A OO- s elffeeder'7) A S E tewartDurner IuwprovrA. CartTmled aa4 raetulri, Barns any siae coaL FTLLEK. VTA KEEN h CXX 7JS3 AT aid St N.T. WIL.uI CGLIE.E FGS Yfl IS LADIES. iiai atopic WT-JBXKU anu rirraai isaiioccn. soul- led up as l be kutBeiike mad attractive and weU eniMi e.juillt.1 S-c Uwrourh educatiuBal work, will opea tbe nrst i erm of tae next aeaoemie rear seeteaa- ttrK,s:2' F Circwian, w ht to it. CB. LANE. JXUJ. . I AwiE-TTS WASTED FOB FOWLER'S GREAT WORK Prof. On MANHOOD, WOMANHOOD, and their Mutual Inler-relalkioa : Love. Its lot wst Power. Ac tsead fcT. luira pares a1 rlrcaiars. with terms. Addres. J. A11..N ALPCBLLSHINO CO. Philadelphia, Pa. Xmv Aezcrtuxi'icntt. d d in Organs this City. FFERED. tot kep a grfat an.ftaMnt to suit a!l tafte and W any la taa nurac u i gainsieeoori nwi atramrct call oa of. Slonthly piTaenta Uta. ND II0ENE, EGAIST PALACE, UE, FITTSBURfill. - - XKCUTOnv XOTICE- i ltate of Michael Movry. iate of Somrrt Tp. t ltleT ot adminanratVjo raa Uttzmn!avx, ! on the afjre estate hryr,z been granted the ander I irTie-i. wtine i bere y (riven to lb irjdeied to ' ,i i . . n . k 1 1 n 1 1 1. .' i r TdrnvnL in! tK.c having day ol .-etnir ls. , ,,,r.r JW1X WLl jLL. tirt.2. Exeeu,n 11 - -r, z UOOK 05 5eeritS i FAMILY GROCERY, Flour and Feed - ! friwii and th ptitiic roerliy. la ite tD ail j Tk-ijjiTT of SoZDtrrct, Ua-tl e iiave i4KnJ tal in cur New Surt kd ! 2IAIX CROSS STREET. I I Aa-1 ia addition to o fall line of the ben C'onfeclionorie, olion,. Tobaccos, CUarsAo We wiH etidav, at ail t: b-tacrs w;:h the to rat r -y ccr cos- i BEST QUALITY OF j FAMILY FLOUEj CORSMEAL, 1 OATS' SHELLED COfiX, oats & coi:X cnor, nr. AX, MIDDLIXGS. .Km4 every! hit j per.ainir.g to tbe Feel LK-jiart mea, at the lowest mm mm FOR Ab a well selected Koek of ;otaware; Sbnewar-. TfomJeoware. Prahe tf i al kinds, an-1 J I ,rrt . rnT-v-V'rTTr ' PVXIOIN Eli i ' WLkb we will sell as cheap as the cheapest. I Please eaU. exaaaine onr poods of all kinda. and be sal. f Bed frt4n j xir cwa juixnt. Ifca't foryst where we suy (an M AIN CROSS Street. Svtcrsc-t, Pa. 0..-L -Z. I7S. -pnE I5EST PUMP IN THE WORLD! THE All EE IC AN SCBMEKGED Pou'-wo-Aetii;?. Nt-FreeiiE? FORCE POIP! The Sinrnlest. M.t Powerful. EJ-etire, Lara- I tie. Keiiabte and CVeapeft Poaip In use. "j It is made all f Imsa. and of a few simple par., i in depth esrh. II win not Frss-j. a no nier remains la tbe Im! s S and are rn-l.e-.-d with a r1 board lpc when not in aetXJO. ' fenee. and Na. and 10 there is e reeled a oxte- It ha. nc leatheror mm ftxtif. as the sucker ! .'S.s-Vin.-thir.l eab. aa-i the b.lao- ia tw asM va.ves are an of iron. . -aai aamni paymeuts. witr.xit interest, to be se ll seldom, if ever. -"ts oot of order. enrol by judgment ben-is. P.jcwq. wij t eiT It will (to siutlnasiupia-: in the air. It : en i the irst day January, a. t. 1-75. T.n ;r atLachina a few fcet f h.4e. onl- of I"irchae ns-y nsnst be j: oa day .., . ,. . . ; o sale. JOU.X tV t . r . V H It i r'-i for wa.-tua Bairies. WinJ.w. water- j M 7'rus-ee inar Gardens. Ar. ' ' It ftrraisbes the rarest and njdest water, because il i4 iaeed tn the buttutn of the wtlL TEsaa: 1 Inch Pomp, pipe, Sk. ) foot. I " - Is; - tx. Larjrr sires m prnjmrtion. WEYAND A PLATT. S-jle Areata U SutaerseLat 'tia'.J. S-oerset. Pa.. May 1st. l7i J Th. olJcst and roost reliable Institution f.ob- j tain'ns a Mercantile Edueation. I rPrctcal basinets men as instruct rs. ' Ksr ias-rroalni. wnte fr acir.-nlar t.P. DVtF ) A SfXS. Pitisburab. Pa. oct 1 The ''Christian liraces. A new Ai picture of surpassing Once an-1 Beauty Gtrca Swy to each sabscr.ber to MIT's Home iliaztiia for 1313 ! A Mapatfae Sweultnre.! hotses. A Mseaiice ai wass np to tbe advancinr iboneht. social pnsrres and spirit of tlie times. A Masaiine m which tbe lighter literature of the period is mad. tb Tebi cie of we and n- -i. lc sentiment. TITE CHRISTIAN GRACES." HOP'S, CHA KIT?. -And ntwabideth Faith. aoi Charitv; these three, but the rrtatest of these is Charity.- 17 SO IX TaTuE FOB tl 50. It 5s a km; time since anyttica has appeared in Christian art so lovely and Is desizn and executxsi as this larire and eieant line and stipple steel eerravirr. -The Christian Graces.-' siae 1 il7 iaaes. Tne rroutHBs: of the finrure is J rracetu! beron-l eonceiii.jn. and the faces of such weii know 11 S-tbe law twentv veara. and snrreat a iavt.u with the people. lntetUrent men and wrien can make lanre 4ntnisi.iS. Scn.1 for a rents' emfi-benttal ein-ular. You caa hard'y lb.-w The Christian Oraces-' to anv jiera ol taste and fine reliiious feehii, wit boo' rcttin a snt-STTiber. October '. TOIIN WILSON i SON. I . . TiriIOLlSAI.E GROCT-RS, 237 LTcertj S'set. PITTSBTJRaH. juncS. ' ("CLAIM -AGEXCT. Oldest Is tb State. B. F. BROWN A. CO., 116 Smithfield St, Pittsbtirgh, Pa. Collect Pensi-m-. Bounties. Priie Money. Ac i " Sneeial artetrtiae Mid to waspeDded and reteeted C-aiflrs. Apfiicaia,a by mail alletaied to as If made ia penuo. tcp. 19. &ti-FOR A RICH PANELED SOLID VlmO WaLNUT CSE ORiJA-Nwith lour op. prrt-ctly new. Factor? pnee. tlta. Also a ! nnmrier ot -CMOOdarvl atekeons al orTaaa. j raoritir in price from t-6 and upwanla or A seat at awttrtlc pneea. Call and exaaoiac at the mu- CTIARLOTTE PLUM E. Xo. H Piath Avenue. Piusturs Pa. Sole Agent itt Prtoc. A Co. f Oryans. -a.- , w w . . m ' .time iiais ana ianncrs,iEi.f,teafM-idiTeekTp. Letters of ailminisrratkm oa tbe above estat. ATTEXTIOX! bavtrl been rranled tbe uoderired by tbe pe.?eT I authority, aotaa. i. bspaby . those indebted We will snppiv Campaign Goods of aU kin If at ! ' make immediate payment, aad tbos. har lower rate, tiin' you caa obtain them etsewhere. P"" h under- ... . i-t,-t ,r,. rrn Wi Im- settlemest an-1 auvwance. at the Iat. res. . .e v r,i iiafti-iji a a i,i r ir. Ad-lrcss- Campalra Supply Cflv, PHtihurja, Pa. Xeie Atl'-'frttM-mnti. Political Campaign Grant L Wi!son .rr j Greeley & Brown, V&M5W campaign I twM anil TinfaM. TEAySPAIlOriES A5D B15XEKS ' Wlta Portraii or any drrk-e H i-uttr-. ' S'lk. vjantiTiT n t Molm Tilt o nV. tlir 1 111 ml mr taa-le to rdw. I Jr-rr. of aii a t'aimiiii.-Tl Citts ftltt-J -nt at the lit .. RaJ- at WM. P. SCHEIBLE S "A3irAIG?t PFTOT, t :49 Soata Third street Philadelphia, St FOB CiaCt "LAH. Jul 10, Ti. " A. H, FRASCiSCUS & IT 513 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, I We hr np-nri f--r th FALX.TS.rE. th Isr- i fuM. aai brK aw rtnl Stuck ot 1 T5iilQr1rl-rii f7Tr(otc! Table. Stair an i FI-xt Oil Clch. Window PhaJrt an-1 Pir. farpM t'taia. j t'utlrn Tim. BaltiEif. Waddin;. Twin-, Wick. ! Clor k". I.kic Glaes. Fiacy Ba ke'K. Erooic. I Bjt"t. Bwki.t. Bnsbrs. Oothf Wrtcjrr?. WooJa aad Tllkw Wr, ' IX TBE rSTTEB BTaTBS. mr larre !i 1 1 ks ia t.nins saM" o t :i j at fcw j'rtees, and lomiih lMlx qaaiHjofOjuca i fXLE AGENTS FOB THE ! Celebrated American Washer. PRICE, as K. Tb; taot Perfect and Swral Wjfher ever ' m!e. AGEXTS WASTLI) IXR THE AMELICAX ' WASHER, in tU jari of the State. Sept. 3. ! Purchasing Agency We will parnr aa-1 trwari aay arJc MAMFAtTlBED OR SOLI Ia th-f eity at tbe Vwet ratc. .. Par.ies in tbe Cncntry wr-.?hn!r to pai-ba.e Pt- IJrzan.. '.-W3 Macainen. cum. K irera. uren- ?si--k. J-weirr. tomi'are. 3:iJ:oery. I Hardware. Inir" VOti H-kJ. Sia;on-rT. SaJ i diery. Carpeuiiz"j. I'r;. ' iuu. a.. wiii oo w-li to fei to us. Ail s."""ii wiilbe eh"-n with a view : to ee-momy. tr well state and etnew. an-1 txe t-r ytjLAa-t h.rwaried xy Expre." to any jn of the oin!ry. Al! order" pr'unptiy at;-cJe'l to, anl i aU? lacuna rtiaraatee-l. A iire,- f . riTTSBl KLill SIPPLY (O i p.M. I'lTTSUniOH, PA. OCAL AGENTS American Button-Hole and OVERSEA3ILVI COMPLETE CtrWTTVTn IT A H iTTrtTP. ' WJ-I T I .0.0. 1 u q.lkfiWlMk 1 -i JAMES ESPY, Cen l Agent F..r tVea-.era Pery!rsaia an-i Eajiern OLio. Ofice ITS LiZerij St., PiiUlur-jh, ra. liberal trjiiaetmeBtJ bSere-l to ea:y and local Axecta. Ax;. 7 -3m A rHITOIl'S NOTICE.- having been aprnte.l t tbe O-t hacs" C.rt of Sucncrst county, a a.:tor to a scenaji a-iTanemcnt a&i make ao-1 r--in a .ii:n'ai'i of the tif3d ia tbe hands of Jaeub L. MiUer. Exe-otor of X ichael Pnttsaa. deeease!. t.. ar.d hm- r e tbe ieytiily en titled tberev. I will attery? to the dnties : my ap pintaient a: the c ffise of Ba-r h. Baer. ia Si.-iber- ; set. in TburAiay. the 17ch dj of Oclot-er next, at i tea d a. a. m. j W. IL POSTLETHTAITE. i Ort. 2. A a liter. DITOR a NOTICE Harinr beea a ppr inte-1 ae litor by the Cotrrt of i C.Vtcmin Pieas ol S"meret oonntT. Lu distribute. i the fun-! in the han-ts of T nias Lee aomt ' J"! Ctwer. a lunatic I wLl attend to the j duties i my app-.inttnent. at tbe oitiee .jf A. J. ' C .lboTO. ei.- -o Fri'iaT. the lv.h day of Oetoher lnexx.attenocVoeta.iB. j W. 11. POSTLETHtVAITE. 1 Oct. Z. An-iitT. irpRU-STEES j L ESTAT E- itALE OF REAL Kt rime of an or ier iasoed ont of the Orphans' Oart of Sneret eict. to tbe nndersfirned d:r ected. there woi be exposed to i-ctlie sale, oa the ; premises, on j S ATVEDAT. the -.h day of NOYEMEEH. in I At 1 o'd.-iett. p. tr.. the -!crw1nr devritd raia - abie r-ral estau:, iaoe tix H(crt of Jie. b Isrha . ven. dee'd. vii : j FIVE VALUABLE LOTS, . Sitaate in the t wn frf Mineral Point, oa the Pi-.ts-I turzh A C"nneI!vJ!e and Stnret and Mineral Point stall Bonds, known on la x-eneral piaa if , said t-.-wn. as ks Nns. UlU and lsa. 1 No. S is do feet in front, ami -123 Swt ai depth. 9. 10 and ls5 are 30 feet la frnnr. aad 130 ft. SOLUTION. I Notiee Is hereby c:ren that the fina rf SVbell k i Os.icbiid is diwuvrd. Tbe U..ts are la t ie hands tf leEEiS Mevers. 5tneret. Pa.. l r ::rn'-nt. E. A". 'MJVlHJUilA). Somerset, Pa, Ortoter i Isri 'RIT OE PARTITION. Ti Jacob S- Biitacr. Eli-aheth. intermarriel with Oarret F.-resmr. Car.iine, mtermarrie- with Sayiur. Julian, intermame! witb t'naa IS. wtnan. Satnoel S. Hittner. MaryAan Bittrer. a J of SmerM ooenty. Pa. and C hauney Bitt. ner. of Jasper cvtwly. I 11 heirs and leeal rep resentatives of Samnei P. Bittiier. deceased: Take that by virtue of a writ of panit.w or ramat- -n. issued out of tbe crT-hars i vurt of S-imerset county, an-1 to me direete.1, I will hoid aa inquest on tbe premises, in Summit and Iiri-r tt.wnfbips. cimntv ani state aivresai.!. ao Fri.lay. the ih day of November lsTi Sr the parpuse 4 mt.-X part 10a of the real estate of lb. -deceased to an-i among fc: heirs and legal representatives, if tbe same can be done with. -at prejudice to or SfsiiiiriK the whole: or to value an-i appraise the same aceociicr to Uw: at whr-h time ami place vou are requested to attend, if vou t bink tHrvper. JOSIAH SHAFER. SherilTf office. October ai. i Saerir. JUBLIC"SALE Hydireetiuof the Orjhass" Coart of Somerset county, I will sell on " SATUEPAT NOYEMBES 9. l7i ) At the hotel or Jowpb SruIL ia Shanksviiie. at 1 o'clock r. M.. tbe Ileal Estate of Mary Saaistnan. btir ao-i lcral retiresentatrre of Polly Zeiirier. dee d, sitaate In fneyereek township, S"ieret ciointy. Pecn'a. a.i.xnnr lan-is of Jcha l&mirt. M.w Lambert anl t iters, erntaininr S7 acres, more or less, nearly all clear, with a house sad sta ble thereon erected, and an apple orchard of jrood fruit trees on tbe saxue; li acres of which are ia meadew. Terms: Ore-tbird in band on the lt cf April. ls-73. balitw-e in tw qmil annual payment wall- out interest to be swunsi on t he i.r :r.:se. DANIEL KLMMEL. CjuanlaBv A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Lruoc of Eetjircit Ia wry, te of Greetville ;p, oeceaseil. Letters of admicistratw en tbe abeve estate har inr been rranUd tbe uadersijened bv tbe prooer is. th"rity. nutice is hereby riven to tiree ialefe.l to H to moke immediate payment, and lbjse havinc claims against it to rresent them, dn.v anrhenii tcL settb-aeiit to the ucdersizne-i. ax th. late resuicnce 01 tee ce-eased, ua Muoday, tbe lsth ua 01 .-.-reinoer. is.3. GEORGE LOWRY, JOtl- U. 1IW Kt. A liaiai?'. raters. Oct. 1. A UDITOR'S NOTICE. llavtnr been aprn inte.! auditcr bv the 0-T.hs.ns' Cut of Sunseix.-t v-.aiy to ascertain biraace ments and make oct and report a distribution of tbe funds ia tb. baa. is of Jacob NeST aad Sin. 4 Yocmt. executors if Jacob Younr. dee d, to and am. ur thje leraily eotrl'ed thereto, I will attcn-1 at my oBSc. inSmersc bor.zh. Thursday.! he 7th day of November. lTi toperf-m tt.. duties enyHnei by s.1 ipriatraec:. d whk-h all persons iaurrrKud will uicaM lake HENRY F. SCHELL. October t. TL Aa-itor. C: UTI0N. All nersi'as are berei.r eautked arainet trust- I az ImtiM My alt. ,ir any other persuo ae her. Ml acnnt. as I will be re st-it le i.-r no debts vf her ouotractiait. MAR CTT.T.l S PHILLirPL OTICE. An elect i. will he heT I at the H-wse of Mrs. FJ:aa Flick. m Monday. Nor. tib. 1T. ki elect a President and Maaarers of th. Waiicraburx A West Newton PUnk Euad C.n;EV WM.H. tICEING. Somerset. Oct. 7, ISTi I'nskicat. A DMINISTRATOR S NOTICE. i r Hence of said Ueceased. a Satuniar. N.rvember S-h-ltCi JACOB HENkT. Oct 2. Adminiiivrator. I FURNITURE. LEMON & WEISE, ' T FITTSBt-'K'iH. i- . .Mca'-rta. n -A j Bte Mtoaai (Mil j IUt to To.lll Fourth Ave., fl-ptSt thrlr-H j 'St'b'r thT ?r.iti".:iiw th u':tw i' r nrThe. ' ft Z. CAitTi;nNf;. ! Henry McCallum, SI Fifth Artittiff j PITTSBURGH, PA. (Lin Mc.tLr B.-o.) I keep on hanl tL? largest a.-:s..rt- ;: Bient to lx? fonnd in nnv c?tj. nf ; CARPETS, ' AI.L CHAT-E ! Oil Cloths. Mattings, &c. TLc Mi.aHt.-t orders t.-rKot!y at tended to. (arpet Ac, at Vihol.-xale t I'm n.o CeaBabIe Tenns. HENRY M.CALLIM. h -pt. -A. IDOILSPT K dereire.1. Tjct Ir eoot. h iary-bex aaJ br-ncloai e..t. a'.r? thrTA 11: 4. Use T.:y HELLS' CAEEOLIC TABLES j Won hl-i imi-ti-1 xre c the mirtt. r tb I only srientiSc: preprati- arbo!:- Avi f-r iMLd diwi i wtien ebeaiijatiy w.;i : otbr w;i kn- w-a rem-' ;. s te tb- Tb:e-. i an-i ail irti a.-e caa -d aaiast aaizai-y otter. la a!! ense of IrritatV-nof the ttei iritiet rtc , tht-e Tablet am.-i t-? ir::y s-l ti.eir cai-ma- an 1 heatica prKr.: are a- ni-tins. i i Be warned, nerer nerleet a e-ki. it i ea!y rsr-e-1 in in incipient stale, when it be .-a-i i r.e : th rnre i --Sicz!y diiea!t. u Wilis' Car- bi.'iie XaMetf as a peci.V. JUllX U.. KhLSJ i. H Plitt Sr.. X. T. I S-.-ie ant r tbe t.'. S. rr;Uo:!btx Jead t..r cirtaj.r. My Jolly Friend's Secret. A Kem.-iri.iHs IV' Is '.! sr-nt ---. . t:h FiiTi- Bow AGE TS. N'thlsz iys GU . MACLEAN. Pa1;.. San. to ft Ph:ta. AuE.m WASTED LOOK HEBE!! The Xsw SriX5T;r'tT Illustrated Eliti o 'A ROBINSON CRUSOE, i Ja?t oit. Is tbe nvt p..Q3arb--A in r.rint. 5CS : -ages. tin'..l t5r. f.y - jw- eay w r.h 3 5". I S'il ctr-k and last. P;;rr to :i a w-ic j Term? 'if thi an-1 onr a--w h.i r.'-z'. tree. a. tl'i Ar'oii' H'"-it Ocrani t. HiC 'ir! Ir.. Pub-luaerx. 73 San.m Street. PhiLieipio. I --AiVTED. Eijjerie i i ixi'i d ' mr(ii"i. in ail wn . tbe t.'. S. to s-li . THE MEMOIR OF R' iER BKt KETAN EY. (. hi-i Justxeof tbe Ssir-rne C-r: tie I . S. a-N r.w k beret.-f-.Te ptil :i5bd in Tbi fmntry. ' tr.n-ws . smrh iiicht npa or Csi-a.'eial an-i p. liTK-a! HK- -ry.' It a a w--rkof ex:r. i-linary irterei aa-i of permanent vajae to tbe Hist-f-raa. the Lawrr. tbe Statesman, tbe and everr flaa of inteil-ct reader. -Sli ty Snii-r!utmn only Ex.-iuir Terr.tory eiTen. arF term, "fr tb: ani vtter j. pa.r w rk. now at once, MVWHV A CO.. PttUishtra. i AGENTS WANTED FOR LIFE IN UTAH, FtFINt. AW ItPE f the. Ft BET EIIF.H 4k "IMIBIH t Iora4aHwiav. With a fall an-ijantbeo-iehistorr if PI LY'i.AMY. ty J. IL LLaI'LL, Ed-ter ol the Sol; Loa.i Ke KTter. Airents are saeerica with urt.rwden!ed raw'. le ret.rrs lse ab'-nrr in t- nr -iaT. ac.'tber 71 in two'dars. Send T Cirmiar an-1 see wbat tbe t.r iciv's ..f the w.rk. lAlw, NaII'.'NAL PI BLISUINOCOl. PblU.. Pa. . - God rrr : :k:t p-frvoai w i-4 itt my to erey rsnaiiy fse says a f.r 4nineit reirtncj.ul t. aV. AaTBta alaet ariat wrk. (Three Years in a Man-Trap. NotwithstADdin: its immerse saii.we dfsire to ex trad it irSoenre Itll mr.ber. and rail s Tat. tt aid to introdare It to every romer A onr land, ll if Lish.y e&bjrse.l by Ju.ize hia- - F. h fne. Vpal I V ar.'f other. Will .Jo n re 2r...Itbaa any pr 'hU'itsun law ever franie-L It se.. beycnl purs.leL Agents have d.tseaDd arc -t. ir, 5; 1-n-dfcilywtthit. One has soi-i over sou e t ies. lw inx ht its arat suv-eess we are enac-ied to efer es trtaily lara-e disenats. Vn-l tv illostra;! t-lr-caiar and terms, aa-1 eatT raio tb J treat w rk ai once. J. iL STUiibAET A CO I iola. It is not a physic wbs-b nuy rive tercrrTary re lief to th sajcrer . -r the trsi lew rot w'tw-a fp-m ctt:ueti use Pile an-i kCrei d eases to aid in weak-mine tb. invaiU. zur is it a dxictred laru.'T. which, uaocr tbe t..-alar Hi me of "Bitters.-" is .i extccs.rely palmc vn ca tbe pub lic as sovereiirn reuiecie. but rt is a orf porerfitl Tonic ad Acrsixrc. pr ..n.toe.i sx- by the icaiij: mciial an:hjt-ties of Lad- an-1 Pans, an-1 bos beta loo; usei by the reruiar hysicians of other er it7i with w.-e.'r--i! re-n-inf rc-5 DR. TILLS' IITRIET GF JUEIBEBA RU1B1 felt I U? mc-aAia.-ma VaT'tUcrfl prCU-aJtr U lii stAUt a-t man b Lakrn hjp a rn-ij-Dt mrative a-c:. It tXrr cf ectutL tn four Littr cud SpUtni T'oitfftf reiieTr?d ycr-. tie tll Le'o9 imj are fia Hlwicl-rea. leiuns. Vu-muts, CajaJc-er, Fimrif.. krf.. kr. Tke Jt Et'BEBA tH?Ti.rtxrifvijvirure Uke ti;1M t4-i Ut brathr ci 1 jcu Hare fo-w m Vyrpptic Vaswc i V .? iic?' tkn itfjiriBiptlT ib ryztm l- fMIjT.rl irnh iB-f viuU purer t itk KI -i. Irr.p- T&ku to ammiA LuretPD wicho&i mc,y -b. it wiii iir.jia-n yoaihfui t; t to the wary Ir?r. Hire ycru tytnt 9 the Intettxi f V. a srt '.n dAxayr of 1 UrcnK- VIattlh:. ur tke vtre-.o la Iummj.tiTQ of the H wt'. Tike- it to ftlUj imimi. ai trrd c-S tcnlttTj tO ixiitE-BAU'C-?'. tixrr fo ri fi of tk Ttr-niie VriiMry Org t Yo Ba4 pr-rnre m-Aiit relief or t- Arr iii-le W fttrftrnr.z w.r ;baa -iv-ath, Tk it to wmKpheB otjcaijc wcaka or life becrrnjsrf a bur itrn. FiaUj. it hiililS- fT-TTirTT tj"t-a tot pro th fri-tew m perfect i-alttu or too are cthervJw ia JUHX KTLUTJGO. I Plait ew YriL- Sua Ant t r ue I nire-J S:. Price, One Dcllar per Boti. S&l U Cir.-cljir EACUERS WANTED 1 be S.-bool IdreeUrt of Jenncr township wish to empi. y biteen teacbers. at 1 o ci- k r. n. ;i 'Jut l:h day of t ictuber next, at Jencer X Ttie sal aries are as follows: rrsKias. twentyirbt .J. U lars per uvsiih : ser..ilas. twc'y-x .i--iirs per UKth. an-1 third-ciass. twcnry-fviir dvllors p.r BkAU. liv oruer el t tie ivr t. JEREMltH MArRFTt. Sec. II EN JAM IN ENtiS. Prrs't, tREAD OVR OrFER.2 A BEAUTIFUL S5 Chromo for NotMng! Esr.'j Jf iCM- t4 - Tie Toun; Eers-srcs.'' We will pit sent me of tbc above teaa;ifl (Ttm mi to each subscriber to either of tbe feiivwinj Papers or Maaxwes: Harper'a Weekly. H: Fratk Leslie, tl : Harper s Boxar. tl: L-l:s Iaklies' Mazaxine. M; Harper's Haraiine. H: llisrt'i Rural New Yorker. t: Heanh an-1 Home, Ik G-ey'i Lady's li.-k, (S; Waverly Mafajlae. J: New Trk Weekly. fr.: New York Ledser. Fireside Compni ii: .Sat urday Niiht. a;: Phr-n.-t.ical Journal. ..: Am encaa Volunteer, t-: Prune Farmer. 3; ScK-ntiiiC American, t; Peter -n a Matraime. i Address atl orler to PITTS EURGH SUPPLY CO., rittst-ur5. Pa. JUBLIC SALE 15y direelksi of the Or;ar:s- C. ort of S rcc-rwt cubit, we. tbe Guardians of Sam-ei Mostoller I cbadj-n, wil SclU oo tee j-rexc-. oa SATUEDAY, NOVEMBER ai 1ST?, At !.-k. p. a., the f ii-wirm real ette: j No. 1. A piantatk-i and tract of land sttuite in Stouvoreek township. tnif S2 acres: abeut 1j aV-rea clear. Si acres in aualus, with house ' and bam tberow erected: there are on tbe prenv ' asrs an orchard of Ka apj4e tree, a surar orchard of J.'" trees, with eap aai kettle in onier (r urakiar suar; als, a spriny buase. with alerant J water. . N.x i. A plantation sirtrate m Stonvt-reek fp ' na-taiaicr 2o acrr about M acres clear, ataau i acres ia meadow, with k'.se. stable and sarar ' orrbar-l. Tbe premises are well watered with run-. Birit water: aiso, sufficient water jswer fr aaw ; mi.l oreatMina: machine, with plen-y of timber, -i Trasia ie third, after dedactiia. expenses of sale, to retnata a Ken. tbe mterest thereof to he paid annually to tbe widow, and at her deal b. the pnwipal to the rbitdrea of reseu. .ae-tbiri ia ' hand. April 1st. 173: bavaaee m three equal annu al payments. wttiK-ut interest, to be secured oa tbe cnatlara. WILLI VM REEL. 1'W AKK GLE&SNEK. PUXLli' LING. ' uct. a Gtsanliaas. 1 ! iS-Horse Poier Sisam Ehpi AXI BOILER, Wltb JVDSO.X OOVEKJfOE, .,a rt:-: A1iT- W. W. MeKAI a IVb. Se. ii. Ca&oeriuki. Erf- 0 r.rilANS COURT ALE. li dirw-!ii W lie f hr.baa rt SchM tfcp jmisrt n SATI BDAT. !Ujlort JOt UHS. ;-:r. At '43e k. p. m.. ta real etat 'jt VtiLi'7'. Frit. !-3ef. a piuaorn 'ir tr -f ta &t. i a atc In Br"heiTi.-y Mwblp. !n.Bf k' -f A ri-tr-w H'er. Adsm M-kr. Mi,'i'i" EamrC a Ai T. B'rnr and XbT. " n- um:n cu holrl mA tanty tw tt ac-i c hrKl r1 arl ! pCT-b. ry rrA bK ra 'innA. 4!t acr tn . wits a )-. tm. nmr offcari. fran rhrd and a aoro--r f mr r ; "fir.z" no b Tbe anrM laTl a eu umbrrvd witb pine, at asd rfeeatsiM. Tiaas: e-tb:r4. afirr diaetia Mai ar ! f irT,. v rnuia a Hen ' the prraii. fi" la trrno Uirf tti be pevl w tbe J"W Wiiai Hro:. 'trcr.l. aruiaalir. durin fcer Lfe. ! at brd-at.i. the re-iaritml io be nM to tbe-h:t r-a a M dveaM.!: wfw-tkml ia badl A:!. l-:i: rmiin'ir ; :i twtjeimal aaaoal iatiiir.ttA, wiia oot interest, to be rT3f-i n the preare. AS UU.iL'X H'VE-O-ll A45nictra,"T. QRI MIAN'S' COURT SALE. I i.r rir o at aa 'der Ueanz owt r, the trr-trr' . Wr. d Siwret "r.noiT. Pa t. sae I : wi.i rli at public ml on ibe peeai, m j MATfRDAT. OCTOBER . lCi i at oa o'ci-k. tbe S iiiaa Real Luu to wu ; A tra of laai r.'ux'&i !a Paxr la sii u3 r. late s t ilarra frtmfu . I y :z.u.z iaiu "i BeB'saua Xiiier. juiia Lee. :. and eleven vT't anti eeen:y-tw irea-. The m ; frTrOMCt! ar. ai'nt fifty acre, rieajr.l. aii at x-nod Kate of caitirntlcw. abotrt ebt aer. :a awal I .t. an i a one aai a haf Kury i" a-jne. h.n Lin. i aol a t-rtriz-'j-oe thereto erected : an a;.:e .r'a I apt ii rrwMir therecn. and a prraa of rl a'er : Tsiit t" tae .ntxr. The aa.mjr-nred -ril i la wi: timi'-re-i w:th oaa. eaeni an i br t.ii : ber. ! Tc::as- fv-' ?.:r! in kan4. at ie talan 'i ! t- rr i,l areaal parrarrT. en th. flrt Arll. 1-74 a! 1Tj. wi;!i murrc't- Porjesaion t be :ea :t I Ap-: j.-.v Trc,t percent, of hand ?B"cy u, i- pa.d wben i:e i- nade. at ta Uuum ol tai k. - iLe i.rt 'S. ALrri lTa. ! iavii j. LEaatv Se-t IE . Iraet ie. WANTED. ON THE LINE OF THE S. & M. P. E. E. Frjir s:;:rh. . k-iireof L Hr&cs. Ei. 5. G. jlli: NOTICE TO TEACHERS ' Trir-viiT ar ,iT a of ernr.jiEi- ten t-ht r i f-r ir -fi M.j rf tik IovcaL:p. Tbey w. 1 ss ! Tiile. -n Sa'nr1a". t lih day of 0-r. win car.: - f t I La that v -:fr:T. Jal-o Ka.. IVaMtLWETIR. A I .M I N I STRATOR'S NOTI C Stnti KaMraaa. late of K.'-ri t.w-j. f s.:t. ceeased. Letvrs of a'aiim: rati oa tb above estate b. t n- fa z-. - tbeanders:xne-i. D-Aie - -r bVjfiTti t- :bjae in.1eted to make itnne3ive jy ment. ar-d T.ce hariii cloiiRS airaia-t it ... j t-s-:t :b a. ou t;riated f'T e-.".enir.: a - -.e iate r-f-.- - of ai-i deeaed. in PeterKir. u -.a.'-. . i.:.-.-7 J. t"ti- S-pt. IS i: 187. mm tiiu I v, Manatacareri aa.1 J.-t r BenaelaTrimmiagsyeck k Sash Eibbn-. Velvet RiblMnsi, 3Teck Tie. Boaatt Silkw. SXisi,Tel A Crape. Samw Dr. Dei." al Ladies vad Cl Hi"-. TaiHTTCSATD nTBJW2TX Amd in ( 0x1 meet iat al Watrrw4iD. Hhite Good-s Linen-s lunbreideries, Lsa, 5-3. CZn. Scttx, Ei!riii Telling, Head tt, le le.. Nos. 237 and 239 Baitimsre St., BALTIMORE, MD., Tb?i r.'-! arl mai:c5a-rare.I ly a c r i1-,-JoeCisa directly fr-m vne Eafjaa aa-i Ao.- rt ean MaruiscTar-T. ernbraetDX aJ tbe late 3- v; cities, ui-f loai-i ia ranety and cheagoess ia market. i rier 35 lis i with ear?. prTtr-e arI l-r: . Oct. i. T'.ULE TO ACCEPT OR RE- JA FUSE.- io Lyiia H -Lnet!"r. C-arie. :n-tri:.rr-.e.l w-.-.h Son EUaL V W.l.larr:- i:. Barbara, t-tertnarrted wtthPer M. S-itc. - . Lv ::. !n;c-ar-ie-l w::h J.-wi M. Va:". i :.. t . S'.h. Hi--'. Trh. Eiitaoeth. ah. -.. Joe.... loib. &!w-j. nth. araa. tbe ,i-: t tir are :!-:-. al' the lV-V" rin;e.i - are '.f Sraicret eii:r. Fa., iia. C racliss. w-.., is -leL ieavtr.r ne cti-iren. res-i.r.g la I o. Lis r-asty. L.ia-s. l-.h. Sasaa. irerirr. i wi-: peter cal:x. of MsotT-aecatrK. Li 'intB canty. i-Harv lv.h. Lc-i. rei :.z.z :a -i-:. ;:---.--- Ia Grare co.. I-v1 . j- V ' r. int--riam-i w;h Lrael G:-,iv. ,-t A -. nnv -n-.T.Marylajii p. o. I.ick. S Errv. eeuniy. Pa: Tor are hereby n-xiflod to appear at aa Or an' Court. t. f be! 1 a: SvOerse'- JI a -ay. i... i-?h 'lay '-f N-vmt'eT ar. t- accept rv:.--t :: real erate f Samuel Kocbstetief. d-ceae.t. at tbe aptn-sol pnee, or w case wr,v sae.a a-yt Seid. J."SLAH SHAEER. Sacr.-T. Ser:T. O-Jjfe. Ortober lf'.h. T1CBLIC SALE. 1 : tiy rirtae ofsn -.r!r of sale zr-sited by tbe c- V J ans' Court of Somerset County. Pas. tbe tJer..-i- e-i w.l otfer f f sale tbe -remsc. SATURDAY. OCTOBEE 19th. Tsfi . At "ne o!ik p. ra.. tbe ra! estate of Jobs JL ' Wir-.:2. la-e .A Addison township. Sjawrse; a.. n- U. ra.. i. vti: I i I ts in tbe town of PeteT.urr'. ad'. iri.rz Ll if W. W. -Lartxeli. lots of Satnatl 'an-i William H.marj. on Mia trt. bai r-t there-a ere--tei a new store axj-v,. iw-...ii; . a if jixi s.a-ie. ao-i hr ou: tttilc:. ' Ttvi Tw:r -ve per cent, ot tae pnr:-. rnei in hon-i. an bein at-ie-crv .- .i...-.;. SAJiiCEL kIN if K. i S-j."L AinrtiTw-. j S500-000 XNT S-S-C-LC. GRAM) GM COXCEKT. 'Postponed to December 7th, 1872. TEE SECOND GRAND GIFT (riXfir.T in ail of the Publif Library ol Eectaeky. a j n. trt-'el f-T S-fra'cr S. baj been p -:! - j Iecemoer 7. l7i beeasse tae accumciat-oa -A or der tbe few av if -re the -iraw:r male r. p'-.ys- y-liy impossible to .1 tbem wttb--at a few 4ays : delay. ani as a sh.rt tsetpcoenvjet was merita:o-.. i it w- v;etcr::ae.i to defer rt to a time that w.u. i i Bvake a luU ilrawmz sure by the kale ol aj :n t--u. I Ts.e money neeesarv to pay in fun all :be.-ff-r-l ; rift :s o- w api-n .ipi-sit la the Fanner' and It-v. i rets' Rink, as will seen by tbe foLwwa-z cer..a i caie 1 toe Ca.oer: i Faewse- avt Daovaxs" ' LuctsvtLXJt, Et. Sept. 'JB. T2. , Tbi is to certify that there is b w oa det-dt ia tb ba r. k ivr balit a . w 4 -Vuiiar to u.e ere : of th- Gift C.y rt fund. kitS.Oi of wbirb i b-; ) by ibis bank as Treasurer of the Pui-iic Libr-ry f Kent.-ky lu par oil all sr.fts to be iri st lb. drswirr. ' R. S. TEACH. CV-ru- r. EOO) Prises, aawjaatinar to SSOO.OOO IN CASH. . W ill be awarded, the hir best prtxes w!t i.'"" 1 :"'.iMi. an-i oy.wa ia n latloo. to ; tl"- wb-cb the lowest. ' Tbe iraw.iia- w:il positively and UDCuiv -ry ! lake piac. Iieeemner 7. Arents are peretcptortly ; reQirevl to close aaie. anu mats returns Svv.ta ( ber ii. in orfer to rtve ampie time feirthe fnai ' arra-izetneti-jk (srders for tiefceu or Sir cr.-u iar sbouM be a-i iressed to Gov. TH' -S. K BRAMLCTTF, I Arvat patuc Library of Ker.turav. Oct. 14. LouiTule, ir. I W1VL BOOSE &Co., ; wssm k mmm, SALISBURY. : : PESETA.. -laouroctureri of aU klo is of CASTINGS & MA.Cn I XERY flriers by 2 promptly atteaied Ui. Address WM. BOOSE A CO- Silisbcry. ELkiick P. a Smeret cjv. Pa. 201 GROSS-TIES PITTSBURCH, PA. Aa !.ti:ntii n r the thorough practical ZvjL u of ynr al at Kid at aed UMufcraUdepartBien'-i of ( rm, r-iol lite. Tb i. larrrst. an.) tart e!Tlete prvtl-sal Busmesa Coilcire ia America, aad the enryn bas in ounn-ctcd with il aa AerraL Best ski drpart meat. -uatiocte-l a veritable mcnev bav. Patr.wire.1 by the sons of Merchants. Bankers. Farmers. Mechanics aad Basiaes Ales, fruu ad part, of the Cnited State tm4eatu ems Eater mt awy Tiwae. "F "r larsre descriptive Clrcalarv g iriai full partaruian, addres. Ort IS J. C. SMITH, A. JI. Pr Jx-i-al. t i ; 1 1 1 :1 l ir