form-5 oi j Ti; Ssrsst Hsrald TTf'n-!T M-wab-ig tCe Jred .p. r- name lb MB" Of IM lormee I Ine MO SU Will K BVI . -Tiber W the prterat Somerset 0L ic o H ST; RLIS TIED, 1 8 Q 7. 53tners;t Printing Company. john l srnx Bnsineas V.anasrr. r ..... v h 1 ... - cirset. P. ! cit. B Lw - i ... -re IB 1 iBU) rBM r '-V:' K ; 11. Bf ft V. u VOL. XXI. SOMERSET, PA., WEDNESDAY. 0CT015E1. -23. 187-2. XO. H. Hardware. viVVEL will contitioe so practice . an-i letters his protfWeiol Beret - - .- . .11 urruaaaina' I" . Tl :e H : rmvTZ. ATTORNEY AT . ciTt. i-. ' - i"7; . ... IB sBer HARDWAKE. MLxrllanfouA. something ITto a ewooai from Lis sued'., required some Lundreds of , bad gone sooth of the city, rid we stairs into Mr. Will ws chain? rtT. TOnX D I BERT Jt CO., )0 rot bim uo stairs to our own room 1 me Harrr, roa haven't kis- NO. 210 MAIN STREET, JOHNSTOWN, P E X N' A where f :r some davs he lav ia a state . :f feebleness, which seemed t.uie ii i vv s m4"' profreaMmal '.. . S.1BWW end WTCltt- """ """ ' j 'ii M io. WrSt - e.-e '- yut. 51. .t. J:bx P. Blynyer Hi rr-ojtiM Lai rum in th Kw i olfce. Few Doors Above the Old Stand,. Annuntpcijon Tin Dodu. I The ntk t the eoa.'At. uv! wbrr I but kesr ! To glBd erf of rtAorr, eiwer apen eber 4 Let mt Le J-.WB. j Like the tnspcat we chsrr-J. ia U triamli to . j (Jure; W. Prrtt nfriible ia !l parts of the T"ni- (x . . , , lm ,,,, boy Orxd. Cuapiao aad IriiTrmmrtil Boo-l t W u lb tuc main Cut u! oar t it; crxr bea.! ; 1 hitet aurket pnm. Loaa BKme; on apffJ f Ob, it ni tma4 ! ' arrorrtT. Drafts aa4 Clwcks oa other basks each- , ed. li-jaej receired oaiepritnsraiie-ja ileauaj Weary ia-1 fmizt, Prune 00 the a.l lirr'f c-ja.b. h. kow eaa I ; jHierej a me raze or ztxper mit w-r with tais !ha;urr'i bea.j oj hr-oi-i-i . awar ; but wvona tn:s, ne pave no 1 over it :a baste JJi.-;rt treast? ; si?ni of wiiat he had rasd thnii?h. piimi' :nii Miv." I. '-.It- a-a a 1 a. -js a . a 1 . 1 . ' T I. I II .IT 7 . : T" L Let me iiewx caaT. ;ientiT' or wita wttiut we ! doliars, so we laa not aarea ! ffive : i'utia ttiore, as tou mat" bui to-ttaj. . i u un ort-3 riu in. 1 a.-a jji)iiTt jab-ra.lcwithetmii.!eJ itra,whTalmiy aratLi-rtd about hini, while civ wife it another thought; ami uv at la.-t, ; ihenlr land.carH? near us which ha. I wmt ha.-tiiy unv:i t tr.e hp. f,I- brought a jn3ow and sorji; water, . what were we to do ? j '') it sfimethinjr j'iit it own, and hiweu by iijy w,.- and th- lad. On aud srave b:a drink. At lost wc " Do !" faid Mar, " Whv IJattlssi wh:eb i- not eWwLere t- he -e-n opu"n?tte d-x-r. tie rt tbln w Lk-t .t mepinee; near to anr rrvat r:ty in all onr ti-oaa Mrurk uc nasiL. iue ci k- " tre; l.-ir ss th-r wfre aid thon"b countrr. It r.a.a tn-,iv'i to out' siint, n.i 1 Ci-a ti.-.r ac-u.stonjeUt -..t yar, t-tJted. it was otlv too evident tLat nivp)edt of aute4 a iron r, tnlr by. niorphino, in"l ; and her lody finally brcamr a mi- of rTnir inCi'-tH by tii- f the injtor It m I'ho irts'- baud wbirh rare the k-.--r ja-n t riiU tL jrrratrr tor turv Crave in ber duty, he would jn. ih eru'-l pr"bf- into tb 4;rink in. Si-b ; tad th?n, when skep lowed, rhe would 'toal away to L r , own room to ob Ler own rjerre into "jbjection. "Irath 'a!iir at lat! How rr-at a rt-iiff it was t the .-cy. rrr cannot be exprt""d in w:rrrf To I'h'fl it wn a rai jor -r hf-r beloved one, aftr o ion? a.r my, had reiK. i l!ut who can ?ay what lcselincfj wa.i in Ijt heart ? That Vaotifo! K-ttoo, so fai! of a.-?fM;iati'n.-j of tL b"jw ineipresiJy sad ma-t -have b'n :ti very atmorL' e ! Lt ft to herself courting; no conipj:D;orji"j;p even with hr wt i-timat friend ;e -4-ttx.I to dwell wltL the I- I. Earth, aril TV and fr:en. -re t.j von came :n. I kL-.-ed hr ratLtr dulefu'.iv I fear. ! or two Iand--am br Dntrb ar:;.t, tiekin; This once, fjr v.r" stranye ia one i a little' while before j vi.iroua but : " e can t live on t;.-r e aid I. j which w;d k-teh a rt-at prf if ever ; had not been wo'iad up oa atapjay Oa the next "Not as a steadv diet,"' fhe replied.) wv heirs shail the Spanish eat!e. ! n:?ht, as was the tl-k-raaki-r's n I k (uLrKX. ATTORNKYS AT V nn. J'a- in rioPe of .rL U"I?- A ad bflr to bis rastnavrt and frim.1i a faQ line oi g '! at the rery Wwtai (.'ftoea, Ilardware of Every Description, CVnari'tcf, at rfl-ca;i. when I shall be m?M. ETerrtMM to the Baokinc Line reeeires oor , 1 1 1 fc"tt- ptvmpt sUeniJba. WoajfieJ aaJ fsiut. Thaakfai to oar friends and ia4iien fur 4heir ! ..... , , ; pa painmace. we aolim a aa inaaive ( the ! t)h- -u urt chir;- aaate. aad write others who hare banaeai la ear Eiht throarhfJie dread he!I are of thjmd an 1 i morning aftiT his attack, he showed ; iang-hin. "iVrhaps this mar hive,. Wide, levtd, raay meadows, habit. I turned to b' v.ork-U-neb. 1 me uneasiness, find was enabled to . evme gooa new f r u., and so sy-, bounded bv two noble rivers, kept ' He was aeated m froct oi it, bte h'-tid bid us take down the painted arms: ia? .'hf han le l in a !-iter. j back by nriW of dykes ; fnnal little on his hands, watt-LInj the pt-nd. over the fire place and bide the:ai I attent-d it ab.M-ntlv and irlaneed ! canals, which replace the fences, nd'lu:ns of his niachiV-, which werr! r.cs aerer leave an open view of lowm? cattie ; uk rr:Iy. '.Ir. v u.'ow, Ion? lines of tufted Tollard Wilb-ws : ' raid I. plac:n? a nand on his shou!-: wa:t, f r, ere i.x nt f-Kiw her sirter hiwl D'it 1 jC? to CIlanpa ! bustlers. - v-:xt H AY. ATTCKNKT AT LAW si .-ia tval estate. 5i.eret. fa will " ' enirusted to his rare with ilitk aag. U-ly. t LITl. BAEK. ATTORNEYS AT t Sjmenet. Ka, wij jffxwla saa Zi aJ:'ac aue. AU trt- v .iM jir.-niptiy atveon w. line to rire as a trial avartns; .L that we shall at i aii tiaie do aa we eaa to t eatir Mtista-KaL To a Te JOHN IjIBULT a CXk XAILS V. M. BE-CIILY'S, CELEBRATED Iblood PURGE ! I'riD!? cliij- thn5h wUh ; Wl. COLLINS. I-ENTIST S.mere-t . iu tne Jrt P u ia-1. T . ' tib a: ail uoies ;-e I-r-lrrd to do .... ' w.ra. rarh a BUi. rttauna-. -. ai-- Ar:;Jtaai tmh oi aU kni. and a. shell. Throturh witbnat fV jeU; Eiajht la their audM. In the tnTTa. 1! a3l floors. Likt aeroes we dashed at the auadate ot &.hd '. Oh, thit Ust eluqr : Itwas:aiy! Saae things are wunJUsfi, aa.i sjcm ot.Vn That natfoc who hoy them pay only in lh-l : Far Freedoai acJ I'niiia earh nun om and bv slow decrees got back aaini "No, mv d:;;ii:i? i very nearly bis wonted habits and j laurliia? ; "th'-v ni raode of life. . , red people, to make I need scarcely say that so sirauge ; aad boys, I sap'fj- " .r'it r.iii cl hartllv t.'?fc f in I . j ' v i j i 'iour little LuuMrbuId without awaken-, it I lie rir.iiH" of two answered, I shock-headed, sturdv fellows; and der, "are yon 5:ck ?" IIo made Ir. Ff.lton, writiaj from Daln- y cone to mar theni s oi ?irls here and there a low walled cottage. with jrleamin? milk cans on the' answer. Wfcv What is it you I white waahed garden pailiajr; and be-' with don't Le i-real : lfj2 tei.MI f,!minci.j t vml tv nriiiij tilling sails of hidden : lie scared lace., will never request and the like, while ( . too. , distance tall pnowr AXD G LA SS, .' This RrmrJf has been la ase ower ravay oeara. and has eared ih.eBC of eases eunsi-iereo lnca : rahte by the rofnwK. It has not faitvd la a nn- tVoodCD YVare of All Kinds, f' " otenare.y rare. AM here I raiyKy share, all waruifr..uir hear: ! dunctainu; j Dy:asat last: t KL. ATTORN EY AT L A W. SOW I i a u t r.r.p. :uai u all Hiae !T . ! a- Muuev a.iTn-e.i oo fo.iecUjn r . . , pfe,iiani. tat Alain SLreeL :n o XMEL. ATTOENLY AT LAW. i . axtad to all business ea- J ears in Swteeret and ai winmr maa. j rjoti'Mcss ana adeuiy. I'Cee in CVmrt let. 1. "TO-lJ- v: T V S." II ELL ATTOKNEY AT LAW. ; ' V. it;i aifl r' Aj'inL Sneret, TTi .u . :.'t i..r. H.jase. Jan. 11-tf. I V . - repertfn:iT inf-ncs the pob- . a .""t f-i kJK huel J the r- " . i , hi. mtMtkji to keep , a.- " " . . 7.-.. ' r.,' .;,ieareof La. Sali. iJ- e uu VUi U , . lie B.1- aii tntir eujit ni. J.ti. Kill- COAL OIL LAMPS. COAL OIL. CHIMNEYS. And ererrthinc be'.ocflns; to the Lamp traue. WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, VARNISHES, BKVS3ES, PAINTS IN OIL AND DBY. AXD jrrcniny old ntan " I read it alou-L It was a ... i. i . i . . ,, -, . ri. t . i ti. .i iii"ii r. nriti rarncr riii"-, t,-i,i iirfln Tft I cniivv eii u million t r"ri i .Trt tjT ij ii T,i r i jvoun'aad rcaiantic as May and I 'from a bachelor co;:sia, to return him : hulks of shirw and schooner more storv. On inouirv I f.mnd indeeo, l "Teatir tear itai iLe mue : a eina.i sum wu:cn ne r.a lent ussiowlv to and fro om If un-een ran?er tiad leit tbe rrie 1. He had met! rivers. : maat which made it j Charmin? we found it. with a low-; after low ia s roundabout war ; bat the lad j needful tbat he should be repaid at , land beauty, all its own, lackinz but ' was plainer enougti scriooled to si- once. ! a windmill here and there to make it ' Pn- I ! 1 V . .1.. , 1... t. i. a . . 1 . II t w I e .-. .i - i i cii'i uu uiic Ji.ij ,u iwa si .uy ill lie leLierx, .'i av ; eaiO 1 WT.eci 01 IIS kino. .Alony ITS ceapeil up roads we wandered all that surn ame . sa;d .-be. "Let ns nier afternoon, until the level fin j so far ykkied to the inipul-s of j when we were man s),.x as erca to taestica youn Wil-.with certain lo.-.s R!ljadea to his paier. tLe ba.t:more An.ervij. Vive a ylance at the siil .May, ; 2-amfn? tables, as follows: . I spent several hours yesterday ia peak a'u:ri. lay !., T:;r.;tT (.f tve ainbLnz table-., I replied, -"lie is !ead . n.i r,t:.u.! tf. -r.. er verr ei.-s :v. .:v were that the proSt1 of each of the; No clai-if.jur tab!s were not ks than Eve thousand dollars f.-r the dar, or s .-.niri' thst tb- the play- . arid so, icd Mr. j his square, strongly built chin to learn ruefully, i how hopeless it would be to urge himi - "Nonsea: i ...t r . -. r. 7 . . 'i . .. ' i i. ... SICK HEADACHE. PALPITA TI0X sir mother, dear mother, wuh m-ek. tearful erei, when ouce his raihd ' was awade up. , think about it to-morrow." OF THE EE ART. LIVER COSfPLAIXT. RUEVXATISV, SKIS DISK A SES, LASG UID CIECCLAT10X, ic ht an FsrewrU '. ant QjA Wea Juo torertfr aa 1 a ye '. i O. ahat I bow lay on y.,or pllLrwlej ttvast, , iX e? a ma;1 wuUJ j,arc li freatoe icy last ma on arst yrrr.i; tHingatlasC , - , """) aM it il aZ'iiiL'aa a.r ' T O T tl ' 71 Illir nif TIA niiT r j .VII . j J a, v Ji a. aa a .viaxsu Ltai, aa. a. plea me. 1 yellow on the lor.? wavside sk-epin? on it ' ditches, with their armies of cat-tails and to-day ynnz Tres.-;!in I-e in a' I tie only sin.iou ana put ine question i t liat goxi wi tone, and; do:' l repoe.i. im voa expect ! and spatterdocks and tin v duckweetl ; before us, at leat, neither father or , to dream a fortune ? 1 and at last the fros-s came out. botb i cam fr our nosey a little, bavin ' bo Willow in the old Swede- cL:.reh-' yard, we went away with his sn to! the We.-t. The lal told u. then ! that it was, Lis father's de-ire. thatoa his death Le Lja!J take his tr:;e name. An evil Lite wen; wita i:. 00-J lie Wboie. change that is ? .n a; ti con.-tant Irises of eai-ft are comparativ. !y l'.'ht, an i that the Luzuber of piayers ai eaoh table djriag the day is probably sev eral hundred. Everv moment one craws an ,S !. ITe s i. );..-, ..t.. . t .v .tt .. . . .-mi-i n U4.iif-ir-i urate. Le:;-au lii--f ni';nev a.f !T'ne, eailarnrirj'T to CI giant shadows of Look -ut .Mountain CCiii the cha-ria which is to., appar- on more aweet and honest life fr lent to one who watches their eouo the lani he had learned to l,ve and i tenanct. His plaee is immediately h, n' T- taken by ar. ,th-r, who in b tarn i I eiearx-d cut an-t d"p2rts. j-due .i j the player brln brcre araonnr of (lerhar-lt was a German .-hen'.,..-1 -'old w-t a them and piay heavy. U-t- froni Eftv to a buuerea djiar7 with his iroiI nianv,'' -! large and ma!l and said or sun? odd .....,U 1 - " .1 .. . : j.n . iir. . .i , i-l- Bau tiota, a a tfarer. There's ooe thj becias, i '"l :1 sue rtu, .11 in time, uu'i ail lor t ou. oils 01 nail DUmin language WOlen I am n tain!. -Oar Father, I have dreamed a im icllow I in but deracrenent of the Slaotf u list sure aad Soremf turn, j ril try to r-reat fe, sad ylll lay amen: In tbort. It heisf a Krmrif nir.g thrmrh the ! j rirraluoa tar a'jooe' ea all the intprnaat or gans aad emaoctones of the body. It wiil care ai ; aiuat any curable disease. 1 For sale by MEYERS a ANAWALT. Ber'.ia. ry I 1 t . 1 1 r 1 ani then says Furrre us ir i 1 ne pieasant, iiazy ito enioer uay ;you ungraiciui ins;" i came and went, and one evening oa pose. " twt forget that pan. say that dtDcs:?. aaj thta ' niv rc.tI2ni home I learned that Mr. j 44 Well. HIPI.O i Willow Lad suJcreJ.from a second cns.-I v. ; attack of faintnos, and from my wife ; Support i I heard that the lad bad let fall that we two lau Pa and by deaixrs in Fntiiy Jteilictnes erery. anere. ja:y71 I Ah. I'm ne saint : ILirk I tLere'i a .h.;at ! Raise me sp. onmraue: We hare o;ii-rf knw : t'p, up on my feet, with my txoe u te f e ' Ah. Caj; with its .'iir-ncrl -Cf YEliS. ATTOKNEY AT LAW. j !-.. -in r i-i . p a t vtfkn bnnns in ci-nkkai.. G EISER'S PATENT SELF-KEG CLATINC there Cirs tbe ' triirat. j The pr mips of eVry. the symbed of riirht '. Weil may they s hoat ! i I'm mastered oat ! ; his grandfather had calletl once more, ; and that the two men bad had anoth er brief and bitter meeting. Tne fol lowing looming, as I went to my ; work. I raw tie stranger walking to aud fro on the far side of the street- ow sup-' pleased the little woman to convert ' in a'inrd pieces of advice to doleful w hat,' said I ! voung folk such as we. She wnl l I have me paue and listen to one sok sLe returned, "suppose ' enia old fellow, who said I am sore, alitile. "Goo.llu. k! rood luck !" and to The laitbfal kkephrrd Bay. iiiai woman wou.a nave laugntu. another sturdr brown uaeted preaeh at anything, or with anybody. ; er. who ba-Ie ns -Keep up ! k- ep n: !" V"I caa'i laugh, May,".-a:J I. " We ; with a grim solemn n ess of pur-'pse are ia rather a series eerape, . I as-, most comfortin? to hear. Thea we sure you." Scrape !" said Le. bov ; and a noble' fellow be wa. too although he was verv. verv ('ae dav as he wa wat' hiaxhi: p0r,f j on a deal u lie ca: C'-k f w Let!. The.? I ck carl seT- r tira cf tL which wasf-eding in the valk-v wj'-" tne fa-t gold com part. .-ome. p-n: a-- ; o God of war lathers, our free-loo prclo. ; - CUiing cou.o oe ourc piuaoie iuau ; a VJxtll II Occbl atlAJl) ;.adta.idiwnrebain.o,pressiv-i ani wrjhis whole look and bearing, beeau-e g EV LPPF.E. Phmeian ani Ien'tt. IWlin. ; yt w ii prtnpt atten lun u ail ease ; . cts'-are. t:ce MFwmw ( . H a-?." sa-se as ocenj ied heretolore ty J A large stock ot Titble Knlren and Forks, CLE.1NER & BAGGER, And Irnprfjred I o lanl ot eartn s a-pe, on toy o:.ii-ri'ipni i I die fv.r the Nailun. the rnk. and 01 T 1 I'm memered oat: -topped at a e-ittaie and saw the " O.d ase iu eiiws milked, which seemed so like Nothing could be more pitiable than , a scrape, but at twenty-two ail the home that the tears ram into nv eves; and at last we had a bwi of out of the wod and a-kd : ,-eiid f:- 'Hiw far It was to tne neare-t vil- witLu.-e ha: us us : Le two -AG. MILLER, after twelve; , . aci: pra"K la Shaoksilie. has 1 -mtt-.:. l.-:ed at Somerset fir the prae-; I -.. -c r...te of Soroerset and iieoiity. a - "-. 000 formerly oreai?ed hy t '. A. . esr-t b emo he runealied at all umea. a. 4-.iaipli, rocKET KNITES, TiiplE Gaid HORSE POWER.; THE JfYSTEKIOrS CIFT. la.-t the watcbraaker pause go-u Uiins of Lite are lie j nothing is sadder to see man a man ana ana U jH, my, ! of jentle breeding so worn with some ', not been verv, vt-rr good t-: ; rreat sorrow as to bare become shab-. sparrows ?" i bv from mere neglect of himself. lie! " Hut, Mar." said I, 'it is not mr- ; peered across the street, looked up at ; self I ibiuk of, it i sweet smelling milk, an.l then tarned homeward airain, the smoke of ray I I' l1' e'-iiLi'ic nt'naiu in tne .-I,..;, en'Ji evening air. It was long reached home. iatre . "Six mile-, sir," r '"bat the road i n!r and easilv inised." The haaterg'a.iced a; track and then said : "Mr !ai. I am Lan-rrr. e L 'V. .lied tl a sheep-tra.-k. ero-ked mre. . a-.-u: aonei,a:ant a.r. aire pen tab but mi.-; f them iin a tareie-s and As I j.a-eI around 1 it freouentlr bap- d that :'careelr one who wa piaymr. a had nour previous rema.n ei. but their place were El'ed by Lew aspirants fr fortuae"? favors. aiiswered. F H P"STI I . Sa I Ir r,.ni.J TLETH W AITE. ATTORNEY -ret. Pa. r-ToI-afiuaai iri'.e4 and pajetaa-iy aitena- '.-Sf.R. ArTOENEY AT LAW. PoKCELArN ToceLher wli U. ia aa a-lern cil at tne eery yane 11- 7i ,r.,ti At seme of the t-ab; mother. and atter aara" wnen we.... - T v - the ,iar.2rer wer r. arin?' s e bv At U.-t the watcLfuaker paused 1 lki window a ana at iuv tnop, ana at .ne. 1 sappo.-e me. i"i oa know reacned nome. a? we wcr.t up the ' i '-. . ,j .u. - T ' . l.U t nths bn' a.1 .-&. r,.? SPUO!'- ' ' tKwr.. aeaieav I fro!n Lis task and called us to look at j last walked feebly away, with now . how r:.-h I am. Hurry ? It seems to side stairs which op.-ned on the street 1 A' nj chow' i-e the war ' l w;:' lover and Utrotb.-.L It was curious HF4M : liSTaOT 5 STSnratw , iL It wa some kind of .entering and then a wishful lovk back again-; me I nev.r can U- .ir. There's hy a d-v of its own. I pat head j n ' " 1 to watch their rL-ing and f.ilia,- f.r- ;i.a?wo for thecal surver-a.such fi Ix-ka-s I once sw ia my , Ur.-t your Iove-tbttis twenty thou-, into tb? .bopaml bade MrWillow,' c mr rn sir - tu,s. I., nuerou. iiatan-As I ANOgcisoES ;---." 'patent on which Le greatly prided , m the great eyes of a huge watch-dog, sand d; then tnere is that dear good nizht He was seat? 1 at his : a:(1 Girvfl.t .t.; witnt-se i wives en I zvr.s to draw i r-Tvmf PjATinml7-M. himself. Seven or tiht pendulums . whom we left 'on the prairie beside j dear old bearded face cf yours that ; 1-t-nch studyinr the stransre swinz of , : tU r',l their basband-s awar front the tallesr x lined kettles. Ae, fce 1 WGaL XjCUHOJJUZGT, ! arranged in sacb a maaaer tbat .' the lonely grave of bi tuasUT. is ten thousand more; then there t , tbe pendulum? of bt-t new instrument. wo;ree 0r s-Jen lv e robl-e's '" but the ctiou.-tte cf 'the -rainbiiaz sa- ' a eaa he sabsiantiated by thotuaocs who a.w ' their number corrected the sirigle er- j Frm this time oaward, all through all the rest of you that's ever so . but in place of the pleased kL which - Wc what o' t"--a- ' eue:reY the ha required that it sh-uld be uW h amnT angles too aameroas u am-1 "."'Vfl "-p"-1"- , t ror tf each escaovmcnL Further I a tevere winter, Le hauated the neigh- mucn more ; and then thre are mv the view of his complete I ta-k n-ual- i, ,.Ti. 1 .. V ' bv -' ,- r;-U-r ii, btr w.,r.;- I" 'eiVheta4 !. A..tLEANLKuust.otheTldor.ot remtmWr, but only recalled j borh.x.(L once again,, and only once Spaai,h catles ' : ly brought upon bis face, it was sad : not be 'muck to' rolr mal f- ne ca-e the wii sd'by with trem ' iTU .t- -,'t. .v- .a.. k how we marvelled at the ocautitul 1 venturing to speaa u tue ciocauiaaer, .. -nay, sam s. n ca-L.e- in ; aaa weary, ana ne mereiv turned ms anA n, - .1 ' b in? Ii.s art I ,aw her infua?.-.! LIFE INSURANCE ! rioa. thuraagnly thresh aad 1 1 grain at turn '-1 steadiness of the movement, and how j to whom bis constant presence, w here .paia wouid aid us. 1 would giadiy j head a moment to answer mr f e. mr wife clapped her hands jo vou.-'y j he could bardly fail to see him at : enough help you to build them; but! On the stairs we met Phi-be. .'KEIISGILL, LYONS & Co.; IkNt FAiTi REiwa iealees in j For Business Men. ! bOEESTG GLASSES, i- v.p.-l. tad er Looktarairasesaaa rv.tre Frames a Speciality. 1 STKEET. riTTS Bl'Btl H, TA. KEIX a HAT. ETkti'k. Sveret Co, Pa, are the sos area's, ana aat 1 sluer at aac. "The Beserve Fund Policy." SI JUST i 1 r ISSCEDBY THE KECEIYEDt at the end of so much tod and thouziiL times, became a torture which w as for my part " ! " It "is done " said the watchmaker, ' plaidr wearini bis life away. Twice, i " For nir part," Lo br jk- ia. "cas- riirlLg, Let US see BOW liie niimi j io ue ajmao to iimt wo, u.j uurx.u"' in u- ui.j. uiv. x . ueip urged hins to take a litt.'e package me t-o get over tne sniM.i; oi this hor which Le supposed might -bare been! rid bother, and to gain a little time money. At last my anxiety, became Unsteady my seif. Indeed. I think if I so great that I spoke to bim myself, were to draw a h check on the but was met so coldir, ret with so wotnscnuas at ttis verv no ; goes for it was a constant custom tt M Kl'.sKT PLAN IN U-M 1 L I ; I I ! )00D &. JONES, k u ;.;ir-! u- so ati kinds of planicx Bad -.Lr:4 u( taiin maienais. . Ely i. tr!.ATnFE-'AEPINa, S ASH ANI IX)RS. WINIKjW L POOH FBAXES, VENETIAN SHCTTEKS. BKACEETS. ax. l- ra.--a.;e aea ia bovk ai- a t . fc.&.i. t a a-.Be u. order, a -.tT . : ..,i UiJt.o a jua rj. -r- - T iMK ITGII. I J.V STREET, SOMERSET, PA. j BERKSHIRE LIFE mSURANCE CO., INCOEPOHATED IA5L Srraren Special Pmteetiaa U Every Policy Holder. ! 01 AT j w itb bim always before going to bed to stand at tbe door for a little w hue looking up into the heavens, ne said it was well to tell wbattbe weather would l)e, a matter in which Legreat- 1 S !v concerned himself, keeping a ther Who ! J w as rreat'r troubled, and told nsthat a little while before dusk, Mr. Wiliow : r. j . . t . .t ' aaa n:s san oemg ur. ine siranirer t tt l . 1 ..n. 1 J l- r - r ,11. lie p. uaa cai.eo. ana asaicir lor my w ne fr tbe little ladr, as he called her.- mometer in the garden, and Doting with M KNEPPER'Sl 2sIlJ W 4 ; rr jred v, manahtctare an kiii VAGONS, SLEIGHS, Ac. K wl:: ali jvnmptly artd to 93 fi O you ever earned in a who vear.' ha.-.. -an 1 i 'T cannot go." rejoined Gerhardti verv Ermiv. or mv time. Furexamr4et Sqjm,. yna are thirty Ore years of a and take a -Resrrre Faad Pviiry" at er dinarr Lfe rates. t me anneal pa event will msare yow S years and S dan. Two annwal payments will insure yo 4 years 1 and 12 days. j Three aannal paTmests win sneer, yea f yean Fire aannal payments wOl aware yea 19 yean I ao4 ae ears. : the BUST MATERIAL will he esed. A!.L WORK WAItRASTED. -k done ia the latest ani a at aptrmd a: the aEST possible prices. k U Xarrh fch. Six ancaal and 11 Says. payntenut wm lnearc yoa 1J years i This Protection Applies to any Age, Aad Is expressly stated la eeery Pol?. ''J' ""Aisu. Hacxare liarn.wa. Ware- Fairiei's SLii&i Of aU kinds. Be earefal to bay :v tbe a-enaine. Squire repaired Jnnss4,y. i. ll Irr:e-d M drawers, kr. sAikli INK'S Mi'liSE a tn, 1C -mi Arenae, iTrmrf C I " NM N iTl IA ?i THE ADT A NTAQ E OF Sl'CH PEOTECTION. KE.M PS NURSERY, HYiriAN AND SUItGEOX. LAYANSVILLE. PA. in. " 1 VNoLlS. STEEN A CO , ' "l jKit St. Charie Hotel) ! S TEC FT, PlTTSBlRoH, Pa., rter f (-rcwre a4 BaJiufae- tsren f ('lakswarr. warE tivj la irrjared te ausalaetBr all Th! if to rertifv that mrr late hastavad. Daniel ' E. TtKar.p!. was inrorej m the iviktitre Life ; Insurant tympany, Pittslieid. -Slaes.. fcrai.taa. i IweemhcTisth. lTu. premiam payaMe qaarteny. i I That two parmen'S were made Bp te Jane lath. I isn. that be died tirtober lAh, four month after ' be tailed to make h payment. TIm m.l r .m at. af iim! h mm tw aaidd to tW t OnipacT. and the tall a of the pwiey. leas j lie that he u Octixioc his enure ume w his i the two qaarter.y pa .meats dee at the time of his j aaath. was paid Ui m b. their General Aent hi ! Philadelphia. W. H. tHaeee. at their oSee, S. W. ! corner t hestnat and E)e-ai h Stie- rs. I X'rned) MrrmE THOMPSON. W. H. trreene. bite of New York, inswred a Jew . nn sraee ia the Berkshire Life Insnraaee Com- '. pared U famlsii prunpUy ail kaxe : pany turfO.- awt vwus; to sunwraai m own Bees was aaatSe to attke tie aa mi ut to the t utarasT eirsx on vear and free months prior te : his ilonse. I hare thai day raid tat the New j York ocVe of the tympany. TTI Broadway, corner j of fhamrer street), tnree thoaaaad two handred i and ninetTne dollars, this beina- the fell aasoant ae io in wtaow. arter aeiiactisg the eeeruae pay arents aad iatnrwt. J H. rRANCISCCS. New York, March lllh, T- &aperiateadcait. leverrdar its eccentricities S! interest whitb no one but mr wife im to the open door, where leaning aramstthe side post. , O ' looking steadily at the s-kr. The air I ; was crisp and cold, and overhead, ! 5t5 : thick as snow Cakes, the stars twin ! O f kled as if ther were keenic? time to ' J?tthe ticking clocks. Presently my !- d fN '2 wife comes out and laying a hand on .IjTWWXra a ,his arm, stood beside Lim and drank 1 i P I in the delicious calm of the autumn 3 night, w hile the lad fidgeted ender OT I ON S ' j bis tween them,"" and got hi ' ! Q share of tbe starlight and the quiet, j t j "It seems hard to thick they are f U ii nPTJ TP O moving Prever and ever, said SvJJiUUJjJilljij.oiihe Ikiv. T wonder if thev are S. wound up as oiten as tur tiut as, O . father ?" p "It is only a great clock, after all," e..I.l Will. ,ti- .:,1 n-.ii-t ctin t n r,f . . . I L . 1 1 - , W V. ... ... . . . ' - " " these days, 1 suppose. lid you everj thiua of that blue summer : " Will last cur time," said n.y wife. " Your time 1" returned the clock- p maker. "Your time is furever, little m woman ; you may live ia the days 2 : nt,t cf tlrs world, to see the old w..n- ! der of it all fade out and perh-b." O Just then a man stopped ia front Vrf us and said, "d--es Mr. Willow live F0 , here ?" j "Yes," said I; aad as he came to- j ward us r.e cat-rally gave way, ' thiakin? bun Kime belated customer. much eourtesv, that I felt little in-'meat t lined to make the attempt airain. would I learned with no great troub.e tl.d not par it." sreat hotels, that be seemed to be a! .ow, llarrv. .My ma.-ter pays me and he trusts me with If I were to sell rou mv , time, which does not belong to rne. n. 1 t'na cKfifrn cV., ,r'.l ew-.v e..J .1 had pushed by the maid and gone up; jngt fce tbe a, tf , , , "V.'cn," said the hunter, "will von stairs, savin? that he would wait to; see bt r. Phftlje, alarmed at bis wild 1 W Li . . i ... . . v.a ajk vua run ii n i i i.if rim it would ease me a hit. it manner, had kept watch at our door r - . ... ' . ... ... " . TO to the VuaTe and T-t s,ir:ie i rt Tnia fiiil . -r- it-n if lh.r . nnft ti.. rr. nm r... I ..... - 'I 1 r. - - -k , .. . v . i . i vuv . i " . i" i i Laiu fc'v iv. iuru. r.. I ...i i.:.i. i - . she bad heard in our room, where the - ..b , .i r that he lived quedy at one of our "May, May !" said I, reproachfully, i soo and father met. fierce andanirry; Tu rr,h- ' f i . . i i u t a . r : t i . i i i l - n . f janil 4hnt Kij i n r, A ea- ft ' iVf. f rr. It t lit' rY. m . y .k th w- t . .wa i rfnA SB ew-n - r A 4 m. .l..l-ml-na Vrw' aiJallJ UI UiCJU? Oai'l 1 11 l i 3 Ua.UC w (aV I ka , A ai " k whiA'di ai I C til La'li" ' L. y l VJ AO dl ak U la.'T IJI1 &IIiaall UB! r h. iif I aTi T rat lra-Vsl K a. chs-krh .11! that n r- a - : n rw r--- ivu ; t t. in a r as -r - -1 . a. i a a, a a a i v .1 1 ii . 1 ..a-., a. Y.- TV Ir krt ......l-w..- - . 9 . . II rressiliian. but ijeyond this 1 knew i-case out. Let us have a - 11 . 1 t-. . 1 . u ,1 , - . ; no more, ne came, ai last, 10 oe a nsia. im io-iii'i:ron 13. a urr tui. m e t ia tne uirani-ij to oar rmi ; .. 1 .1 , s wen known nure iu our ueitioor- uuuu.r. t c suoii ine to aiui"iif. iuiok.ui 11 dim n"i to uiMuri) ; r .. i 1 u . - , 1 , ...i.e.- t i w ,-,, 1 . . , , . a-'O 1 iocs hood, as ne wandered saaiy aiwut tne iu.-s we cave raaue aooui il j-oj.Mr. mow and his lad. w&o were r amocg prters and draymen and the change your coat and come with nieij themselves in the shop. About ten bUfT-bustle of trade. His visits to I was ju.-t dressing to go cut to meet j the boy came on, bade us rood-night. our house and Lis questions about you. 'and soon after we ourselves Mr. Willow, were added sources of " ell. May," I said "If only " t somewhat tired, to bed. annoyance to the latter, who rarely 11 caoietticts . sne cried put-: 1 he next day was undar, and as failed to look gloomily up and down ! tiag her hand over u.y mouth and iisual we slept rather later than com-: . 1 . . . . 1 7. . 1 . . 1 ' . . ' .. ... ,. .. .. .- . . 1 r . ..... .! 4 r. j - r - - . . 1. . tue street to make sure c 1 ui aor'uee, j"i"ii nun, ir uejiuii. .tun lircMin; 1 si em into tee ; r..n. . c t y, r . a . ... r 1 1 . 1 ft " " I 1 t i . C5 W-Iore r.e ventured out oi uoors. ruau oe ic.i. naca room. ana. inrowmg up tne win- m,n -, Under this system of watching and I don't often resist the little lady, jdow, stem.! still to breathe the freh-: tLena jrladlr worrying. Mr. Willow's attacks grew and so I went as she bid me, and by- ness ef the time. The pigeons were .... ,n 1.1. at last m The "do not know roar v.ce, and Gerhard: stopped soeak- Can't vu'i trust me? ot ixdi like a L;.-hone-t maa: asked the hunter angrilv. "Sir." aid the bor slow! v. "tou -' tried to make nie false to my trust, w'at' and wantei me to break my word to mv ma.-tcr. now uo 1 know you would keep your word to me ? Gerhard! now offered the humble FLOUR tc. Be sore te call aad see, aad he eusrrias-' ed. as there are bw many anirles kept Jor e3 crip to the hungry j coarse as thev were, ate I'resentlr bis attend ants came up, aad then Gerhard:, to se. found that the hunter l a Lan't'ui ot goid com. aatil the last one Lad Iipped through Lis finsrers. He then rose, and ther walked qnieL'y away ana in arm. In about ten minutes they returned, and the husband took his seat a: the table with about thirty gold coins ia Lis Land. He played wildly ; laying down from three to five eoins at each bet, and when b would win Le would leave tne whole amoai.t on the number. ' Finally tiey were all gone but three, and both now seemed in distress. The wife leaned over his shoulder, whi.-pered some thing ia her husband's ear, when Le haaied Ler the three coins and k-:t. she taking Lis seat. She p!aye.i caa tious'r and graduallr won. Lavlar. 'when I last saw her, ai?ut for.r Napoleons ia her Land. The siira of sorrow ea Lcr countenance had de parted, and ?Le was locking around for the return cf Lt hu-Laml. Whether she withdrew before her luck changed I do not know, but an hour after w hen I returned to the ta ble, neither husband r wife were visible. The young maa whom I left at the table on the previous niLt with Lis ore frequent, and as the and-br coming back, tLere was Mar, J roqueting on the opp site trables and ; iurpr: Pg came oa m, g-eJU oe oecame, . - ' "1-- '; was tie grand duke, who owned all pockets full of sold that be tad won -. e-k . : ,1 - -r- ...4 ran .-. 4-kea4 A ,w-e-... 1" W Ti ' T f Kit t.f li4TWiP . Tl t r.a ata-;l- I f ' ffan t Kaa w - KpaoTna trhoiri K .1 .1 I a-a . C f Y , 1 1, V 11 K , V i , -' - rr-' the couutr round. The duke was to I was not to be seen about the salens that sLe at last made u? her feminine fore her I leaned over her sLouW tbetr war ,n the city were w:ngtng r,,..;ed with Le t.,netr that toIar. Whether Le cont.aued to , , , a. . . , luw .. j----" ' -T , ' he nt fur tim short! v after, and had rar and let, or w bother Le rtLred till their miazied odors made rich the ; a .i,,-,,. 1 t ;, , ! t;.,-.! t-..- - r 7 , . , . " ' u.l.h. a u A.IY.I . rai? v. t: I - - itu ujj . luu.u.". a '.7 i. u . a'J , mind, and so one fine mornin? sallied and said, " hat is it out. and bad her talk with the cause ' " Riches," said she OPPtlSITE SOMERSET IIOISK, Sokes srr, Tx. Jaly IT A. W. KNEPPEK. ! cf our troubles. I think that the good little woman i reconcile the father and son. came to me ia the evening a gciotl dial crestfallen, and a lib very little of the blessedness of the peacemaker in her face. While Mr. Willow was out she had sent bis son. who wa keeielny mard in tbe slw.p, on aa er rand, and brought the youseuse sa. , ra..rn.D3- a r hardt became a verr rich aad power- " V. hat a relapse ! cried the wife. uddenir I beard a cry of surprise. fal C3.a . bul te rea:tca toa 1 s ' 1 T - i - . V k. TV ) 1 t T f . i V .-t-n f?.iin T f iP ruri TT" Vi 7a- : A n t TTaw ria-if k a w. -nr ira V f vy .-in a. LIXT a uai'v wa.u uviu4 ivi iwu n ua ; wu" ' aa-v a luau ho " s w--c a AJ T. k U V. . ; - Her face was " Jying day. Y-jtinj P'.l- been idiinsr in the next i white Dornin;-drpss. ' ' fall cf wonder, and -he held in hen Aiietewy. . for; hand the paper we had left on the- . , ., " was table the night before. , TL:s a-ttful tr.bnt? to the raemo- ! "What is now. Mar." said I. . ry of a gifted woman, whose sweet She gave me the paper, and I read ; "Look P she said" holding up Ler aQii u'aa-'r -traace3 wul long live then sbe bad actuallrju.-t this i.rettr stnT; . draft on the bank of Spain. . . mtr nea.w o, m jropie, we iaa.e . r, I . I . 1. - .,. - - ... stranger into the house,; it-e oauk oi cpa.a,. p.eait: par t-j; iKn a:n u was written m a oold you have ro..m. "ALat is it?" said I. laTigbina not to lauzh when the lauirhed simply out of the question. when refusing to sit down, he had Learer (who tne benevoteut bank an J flowing hand. "Paid Ir the Dank wandered to aad fro. talking half co- should know, is out of p'a.-e and out! of Spain," and pinned fast to the pa- ' hcrently at ttues. and at last urging . ! her to induce his son to . speak with A to their caue of i.-eUi tse tfintiitin L man : "Considering the multitude of her literary engagements, and the quan titr ot verse which she trave to the but as it was near the closing fcour the latter was the mc st LWy The woman who retrieved her fortune by f allowing and imitating bis bets was, however, early on Land yesterday morning, and was very S-j.-h. I passed the table sev ral times during the aftcmo3. an 1 she was layi.n.r: but on returning af;er tea, she wa sitting en of the se.'as. Ler tenan ce ji.a.n i Iv ii-'kiting t i tut spare aac !ca a cold-beaded cane o: humor, and owes money not of , per was a bank note for Iculdhard Spain) One thou-aud" dollars. i ly credit my eyes cne thousand dok Sl.Oyd. Till IiEST OF IVFS " liars. e at nns sn.ither fnr We left tbe order and the wretched : a moment, sneecbless. Then Mar w bicb she must Lave pt rfvrmed was in- I.-tlpr Ijn tK.' iti.-V nnil tr.r. m.rr!lri!,nr.l int.i l.ri an.l 1-iI.J U, I.., I . deed great. ....... . . . -. . . - . - ' ' - . . . .uv. , .7 M -1 . Mtr, u,i 14. a. a VU and he entered the lighted shop. HAK.NEDSVILLE. SOMERSET CO.. PA Then Wilb.w lurried snia. ami the her to inuuee UiS !t-i riien e.niie fucc to fare The 1 hilii "UCv more. The snbi-a-ioer informs Lis frien-i. and the P' f 1 '.. t louarrel he Was silent. "A kielr. a 1 f I lio.l -.1.1 n. in ' Si :.1 Itir X." 1 7a II a uencatf. ne icaneu i . -".. . '. , . , v . - ; 7 r . re. i; .!.,. k.a - k. v.. ti.n.-.-.Ko ! said he would knee to- bis bov. if own stairs, mil once more ot nope,oiv snoiiider. 1 cannot UndiTtaad i ' . . -" . 1 "vu ,vl press during the twenty yiars of her career, the amount of mental labor And ''et, busr as was her i lee Id r. and The Irst one rrer Raned in the rosst FRUIT AND i ceen-e.l me a wwm of ! that would do frood, bat to g- a war, and faith, comforted somehow br si ; whr she cried, butthatwas just what 'r'tuu-eeeming greauy to enjoy 1 J r)Diewnw e am-ii - ,!.:.,. ti-.;- u-ne f l..: i i .1.1 ir.ri.. v v.i : these breaks ia her workmg boars: o' ' ! "v er was the eae and erace of ! eould not do-that be would not : de as I renu-mW a feeble effort 1 and laughed br turns, and would not whiV to tbe applicant for.advce or t... a. a i. r . I im u-mi .1 iii.-i h.-r ne w.i .aire io oe uiud a raf ne trriOiS. oui t oe stiiieti. savin ' "ua. iiirtv. don t . "-'- - v - " "-"ss i manner. The moment j eieyaucr Ol ... j . " -. - - - i i - - - . - . r 7 ' . - : - ,. . . - Wllow tiand m:-ht he kiss Ler hand? and so i mr Mar rattle J on so cbeerfullr, and ! rou see I was right ? G a1 has Wen- , reataiae jttpatbj . -A ,ilt 443 IV 4 ilarTJ W Vim VI . Lsalf I iiiTV i f u' v T" i i tp l. l i. r . tt... k- i i i i uinf i x v t irtri rrrrt n7-irri i: pn i.uxu auu luc mumc w ri v aK uii- ir-Jtm u us mis kaiLiusi a niurn n?. i reeleda moment and catching at a ! but wiiful to keep Lis purpose. ; est and wholesome, that good bamorl At last I tok Iter in air arm, atxi j V. at .uaaS tbe last years of Ler Vines and Plants. HIS CClN.VIiTlUN WITH Head the FaUowlac Liat Claims Paid. J KNOX'S PITTSBURG NURSERY i i Jaates JUoe. New Trk CUy, M, aaeaMot eeeruae awatha. F. H. C Has pa. lVew Tarh City, ai aaa ,. iaat eeeruae 4 aswatae ana .a Mrs. O. ct Hart. Cairaa, Iu, i,OSa, paymeat enmai 7 annLe aad lkdava. , . H. F. Moore, laweaoa, MaaL, IXAoa, paymeat ansaadikmusof oeerdae mamas and M aa.fc I Jamea H. Adav. Mew keysrtUa. Imi, aa.Ma, pavmint eeerewe I m-aitkt aaa 7 days. j beraard O'tirady. aietrett, Miea taMO, pay. i aarat eeerda 2 yemra. Io nauai aad 11 aaya ! Junes II. Estaarwoe. sueabarx. Masa. I,0BO. , payaMnt eeerdae J years. 1 meats asm 1 day a j " OonPTHILD a MARSHALL. Aents. jane H-T1. hvm.i hi. Pa AM' SHEET IRON WARE.) 3one I nrniahlne Goexla -r NOAHCASEBEEK. .chair, led against the tail clock over which be had set tbe figure of time. : "What has brought you here ?' be cried hoarsely. My son, mr boy," said tbe elder man in voiee shaken br its Tassion i bo lanresa idi bxk ebinpte-a m ue iiuteai e . . .. State. enaWes him to gTtaranltee to hia rasuaners ! of tendemeSS, "can VOU never, never tbeehuieeet eanetiee aad thriftiest rrowth. His for-et?" rieee are lower than ever bevw. liis resaiee at. e .... . . , not to be aatdoae by anr ia the State n prire or J "t Orget 1 SA A the other. "I had These words wU be made .' He arm imt( ,n ,k . ., n.mU. miLU.jr t irmt t" ui.l. "u ... i:..i- ing anewt how ran I ever forgive ? Go," lie cried fiercelv, darting for- ward on a sudden and opening the Perhaps my wife's talk mar have J aaa! lie. These worn wi.i be made r4: prraueaEy Bale It crSrrs that fail, bat orders sd eraeerw aa abvoe wikl be prumptiy attended to. and them la early. HABKISON H. KEStPH. gOL UHL, could not fail to grow in their com-! tried to make her see that the moner iite .e tHcaiue. 1J a cincdential way, bad its effect, because for a month or j pany than a rose refuse to prosper ia I was not ours, but then tbe little ladr l"e Psct t i aia, encouragement two he was absent. Thea be camejtiie warm, sweet suns cf June. I was outraged. She called Phoebe, ; aad adke to aa extent whicti even and ked at the door for Willow, who have loved that woman lonsr and; and Questioned her and voun? Willow i oer ut'1 fra-Js could hardly reahae vt as was out ; aad for a while he haunted greatly. Jored her afresh for the good I in va:a. Neither knew anything of j ljr uicasure. iiu it a woiaaa ouk oi the street, until late in the spring, j an J teatler things I have seen her do ; j the matter, and uiy own notion as to i placed work in the when we saw him no loatrer. but it w as on tbe summer evening of j its having been a freak of the English j 'n? Lands, as it a sick family Meanwhile WiikiW had W-ome I our trouble I first learned that I could stranger be utterlr refused to listen i ia neei1 0 or ttndaace T Abee i w as tne good morefecbk', and a new trouble bad Jove her more, and that truly to love) to. come to our own nodet door. is but to grow in ad knowledge of Many years hare sinew gone by, j such courage and w inning sweetness, and happier fortunes bare been ours j gallant, cheery endurance a she brave sons and fair daughters, and 1 showed me thea ; ju-t as it were for a angel who I rought It w as vat wealth to us needy j rac 1010 fcad room- u young people, this thousand dollars, j jwuag- girl going astray ? Alice, the aad as it lar there on the table, it;ocnllt'. sympatnizing sistar, w on the seemed to me at times unreal or as if, waaucnuT iecb.jjuo aootr patns. WITH v G'M)I( ri'ICIAX tt SCXGEOX, MIMIIRSCT. IA- r 'ti' 1 a Vail S:im . lat inhucements. W u:m. ftt-rflA-m Vmit Tnaaa w't h K hlMZPj HAH NEDS V I LLE, j , t M UtMm H yum-er rirw ihmw oc , M CO. ew" .a. The Improved II1IPTIC SEWING MACHIN'L New Draw Feed, ! LOCK STITCH. ! There are aaaae putnls tn a Sewlcc Machine that ladiee desirtns; te parchaae, ih.iaio take tale aua , avoeratVat, ammeiy: Lisrhtaras ef reaatnat. Eaae W Maaaaeaan lE XEW FLOUR MILL. T rar Kill bailt ia the ku te the 0LD -DEXSISOX MILL.- aiiL. f Bl the iauet impruee the heat kmdefwark r.t tea aU ef rram. TALLNllNK iaAY. Canaeuy u aa tae Work Keeairad, 1 reeuua from Noose, aad Ktavijabtlity h (et eat ef Order. We claim that the lit PROVED ELLIPTIC pianeaBM aJ these potata. aad that a la THE TEBT BEST Now Manufactured. Ad we aaUeit aa eraajhaathm ef It, Areata waat ed at ewery eswaty, k whom we wiU s-ise abe auat LheraJtaraw IA TOW aUtOcv. M Pita AeaPtuabnrs;a, Pm. A. H. Franciscus & Co. tBTiwarrawa asD reatras ib COTTON YARNS, BATTS, WICK, j pointing to the door. I Then mr wife ran forward. Twine and Ropes, Wooden and Willow Ware, 4c. aaTFkCTrmna axd joasxaa or - "Lt-ave us," sbe said, "whoever you are. You see bow ill be is. You looking 6LASSES, clocks, faxct BASKETS can do bim bo good. Come again if , you will but go away now." j Tbe stranger hesitated and looked in bewilderment from one to another. CARPETING, I while the lad, till then silent opened fort tbat luckless evening. a dream, soon to vanish Mr wife must also have I , . s, - .1 'i , r.i. ..f ik. ..rl,r. m:ril,o.. ' I'tt'o 'YTT,TrJ ..ftfl rT.-!.MIi l:irrJ It U ll n J.....lfl f,,!;'.: , .f 1 it a UisaDtMji U ttti aUUlVf WOO t GiOr. tfO tielore X IK maanesS vi v, iv. o v u mau l-l-j ...... r. I - - j " nuiui imuiiuiui ui ! . . , . . ' w mM iimin m n It.l linfuPr. I .ieu. you." Thea be reeled again, and growing j w bite, fell into a chair, and, as if ' choked with emotion,' stayed, rigidly baps is good for us to leave them , ness cf this amaiing blessing which but this day I rememljt-r with diseom- w bich bal fallen into my poor lap bast- i an' t.aiimeoi Oi : - - rr -- nl be gone, j catn t0 te'' ber atorr of disapp-jlnted bad some I bopes ? Alice, from out of the stores such faacr. for she was all tb time i ' her own experience, drew lessons running backward and forward, now I wbicn comforted and encouraged ened Louie with the news to two; Tbat warm June afternoon was trustfui vounir f.ilks who had num'Ml i CUcd fell forme cf those delightful! handing- the nte and now tumin. to i She was, indeed, a very Ss.ster ol against the wiil of their elder, and 1 pictures which I have told voa hare err out her rrratitude and thankful-! ilercr, and whea she died, tears were had seen, as. vet, no cause to regret! ibung, with others more or k-ss faded, I ness upon mr breast - shed for her at many a fire-side, iu their . i in the rrea.t irallerr of art wki.-hl Tn f Kra iir r V-romr nr.l w i.. i miD V a IOUe chamber, where her "Mar"" said I and I can recall ' a,1,-,ra niJ" Spanb-h cas3tle. There are ! it came, but'as Willow's father w asjmfmor7 bow is something rery sa- bow full'my throat felt as I spoke j bits by a rare artist of the long-gone! plaiulr a man of wealth, and as be j crei sweeL" "May, I I am throw a out of work, i ?aWe! ani biivroofs and half doors, had spokea in words of ftraage feel- Referring to Ler death, the writer The comnanr is lessening iu ptaff j wbich used to make Swansea street ling to my wife of tbe little service she adds : and I ani'ia "leave to-morrow " ' ; picturesque. There is one little group 1 had tried to render bim, I came at "In life, the sisters were insepara- " 1 , .. - ... .. I I L I 1 I . . I T . I .1 1- i . . ot oo s just, looseu iromscuuoi, ruuay "" "jand jolly, around a peanut stand. I thought the little woman wc OIL CL0T03, MATTING. rXCS, ic. ' please you to go, grandpapa U3 Market Street and U Caauieree Philadelphia. Jaaele-tt Street, 1 (i i iaii. . , i auia iviis, aiuuu-i a tsrattut Maxiu. the door and said gently "Will it j erned, but, rathe contra- alike ea and penniless, while be! i..t... ... .. ... . i....... s- ' rv it ui I writ Meant t.- .vn.ri,s . . . . t . ; hind them my .May (reckless, impu dent May), holding up a dime to the old woman, and laughing at tbe last to believe that the Their love for each ether was r STOYSTOWN. rr, it was I, who meant to comfort ber, who was the beaten one. Well, Harrr, said she,. in a The adersie-ned. nrvrrietar of the Diamond Boael. oa the soatheaat corner ef the Diamond, be te- ladweed be hat many meads. woeJd aay to tbe J traeeima; pablie that he la Bow prepared to leielic ! aad BoeptieMy entertain ail wse call. Mat Bowse wui DC enter ead fernieh Bae " My boy bis boy I" exclaimed j tbe new comer. Dattin? bis curlri bead. "Now am I indeed punit-bed."") tlieerr way. "I did not suppose it : areedr jor that is coming oa a sud- Le added, fur the lad shrunk back j ouii last. denoTertbe urchia3 faces, as the) night with a look of horror quite strange ou j Maa though I wa., I sat down and' nuts become a possible possession. i While we were still talking, of the a nana w"i ea w.a. 1 - c were great walkers m. those strange gift, young Willow suddenly davs, and as we walked, and the! returned, and, after waiting a moment, bouses and poor subjects were left! found a chance to tell us that bis fa rm was his. t ote. At all events we beard no more of the j Terr beautiful to behold. Unlike ia river, whoever be inav have been. I many respects they were alike ia af- trust tbat he Las beea" the better and ' fection ; and whea Alice fell sick, with bappkr for ail the kind aad pleasant j her last lingering and intensely pain- thiairs mr wife has said t him, and I "laess, rmi&f was aim-.t nr sole e. " . , 77 . . ' I r.. w-i.- ior tne earnest prayer otic haid tnat a face so young; and suddenly cover-: covered my face w ith my bands. We ing his face with both hands, tbe tkj were very young, and very, very poor, der man went br bim and passed outj I bad been offered not long before, a stSTie test ' 'Bt0 Stre' without a word. Thea j place in tbe West, but ourlittie treas-i behind, and we gained tbeopa roads; tber's room was empty, and to ask if I the boy nastily shut the door, and we ury was rery low, and to secure the j which run wddlr crocked aeross the1 we knew where be could be. I felt companion watched and carefully . Pa AprQ lrlht BriL Cl TZS turned to Willow, who bad fallen in I position with a probable future of jN'eck, it was pleasant to tell tbat we at once a sense of alarm, aad ran npj apart Relief was obtained, ia the comforter. She througb. davs, weeks, months, of such, su3ring as, Ppfji it b not often our lot to witness. The disease at Erst assum ed the form of inflammatory rheuma tism ; thea developed into sciatica, which gradually drew tbe hip-socket resu.l of tor day venture. cveral times she held np her fan before ber face to conceal the act of wiping awav her tears, and this was but one of several similar instances that pas-.d under my cb.-ervatiun. Several old men, bent and decrep't with ag", main tained their scats nearly ail day. They never bet more than cce dollar and their lo-es were coLseqneDtly light ; I saw them frequently Land ia notes to be change .1. Independent of those who would sit down regularly to play, there was a constant throng of men and women standing two or three deep, w ho would occasionally renture a dollar, and losing two or three would depart wi.-.-r if nt wealthier. In all games of chance, th'-se who are looking on can generally see more of tbe game than the player. Those who are playing and basing doubtless thought that other around them were winning, but I feel coaSJeat' that not a man or a woman of the thousands venturing en those tables yesterday who did not 1-ave with less money than they brought with them. Men who win money at gambling" never stop playing ; those who lost? all must stop. Several times I picked out a player who bad a large sum cf money piled np before birn, and watch.-d his varying fortunes and bis pile. Invariably the pi!e decreased and the plaver retired. TLe women seem to te tbe most persistent, and several times I observed them return with raore money to endeavor t re cover their losses. Still all was quiet as death in the La" and around tie table, not a word being cttered ex cept tbe announcement cf the games. A Russian farmer owns 5(rO,Ot0 Merino shefip. Snow has already fallen oa the Union Pacific R- R west of Cheyenne. Texas has found a cave contaiaiag an immense quantity of the best guano. 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