The Somerset Herald. WEDNESDAY, - . October 18, 1TZ &ATIOX 1L KEPrBLICAX TICKET. FOR PRESIDENT, . ULYSSES S. GRANT, OF ILLINOIS. FOR VICE PRE8IDENT, IIEXRY W. WILSON, OF MASSACHUSETTS. ELECTORS. Adolj.h E. Bone. Leander M. Mortoa, John M. Thompson, Theodore Strung. William D. Forum, John Pajwmore. Joaepo A. Jlonham, Wiliam J. Oolcgwe, Marcos A. Daria, Jesse M prill. Oeonre Morrison Ooatca, HenrrOrtady, Henry liomm. Kobert Hell. Theodore M. Wilson, Jas;er M. Thomson, John M. Hrootnall, ln Frsrer. Francis Shroder, (feorge M. Andrews, Mark H. Richards, Henrr Llord, Kdward H. Ureen, John J. olllesple, Dartd K. Shoemaker. Jtmn Patterson, Daniel K. Miller. John W. Wallace. Chariot a Boyd. THE CHEAT VICTOR V. TnE magnificent victory won ly the Republicans of Pennsylrania on Tuesday of last week was a perfect Appomattox to tbe enemy. The bat tle was fierce and prolonged, stoutly fought and superbly won. Pennsyl vania Republicans have good cause to be proud of their great achievnient. Well and thoroughly did they wagcj the contest, while the Union locked on with bated breath, hopeful but doubtful of the result. Never in all our annals, was so desperate, so for midable, so mad an assault made up on the leader of oar forces. Truth, decency, and every instinct of man hood were abandoned by the enemy, who swept down upon our standard bearer with a torrent of vile calumny and ribald abuse, unequalled in its savage recklessness, in the political contests of the country. Led by con spicuous deserters from our own ranks, the hosts of corruption and fraad used every means, fair audfoul, to wrest victory from our grasp. AYith sublime courage, manfully, and quietly, confident in his own in tegrity, General Hartkaxft con fronted the enemy. Nobly did the people rally to his defense, and sig nal has been the triumph, A ma jority of Thirty-five thousand in the State, a Governor, Auditor General, Judge of the Supreme Court, Twcn-tv-two out of twentv-seven members of Congress, a majority of two in the Senate, and twenty in the House, the certaintv of electing a United States Senator and State Treasurer are the fruits of our victory. Add to this the certain fact of a greater triumph in November which the result of this .contest has assured and the Republicans may well feel proud of success in a battle so hotly contested, and 60 magniGcently won. All honor to the good and true men throughout the State, who by their energy, labor and zeal assisted to bring about this glorious consummation. VTaiLE the Greeleyites in. "Wash ington city abandon all hope of suc cess in November, and Tammany j gives it up, and is concentrating all jits efforts to save the Democratic State ticket in New York, the Tri- bune is lustily shouting fraud ' over the Pennsylvania and Indiana elec tions, and trying to persuade its dupes ' . . ... 1 1 . 1 .. T , tnat HORACE can ci ui'virciru., lis readers however remember that after Greeley's return from this State it confidently predicted Bltkalew's election by a large majority, claiming over twenty thousand majority for him outside of Philadelphia. So no torious has that journal become for I iU foul &busc of Republicans who op pose Greelet, and so mendacious its statements, that it has no longer influence with men of sense. It is evidently only "whistling to keep its courage up." BEDEE.HED. Wc have redeemed our Congress ional and Senatorial districts, lost hitherto through the folly of our own political friends. Wc have not the official returns from all the counties. The Democracy abandoned the. Sena torial fight previous to the election, failing to induco any of their men to encounter assured defeat by running against Col. Lemon. Telegrams from Bedford announce Hon. John Cessna's official majority in the district as 133G. We presume that under the circum stances both gentlemen will be ac corded their seats without a contest. The popularity of a man in his own immediate neighborhood is good evi dence as to his worth. John F. Ilar tranft, the Governor elect, lives in Montgomery county, which is usually good for one thousand Democratic majority. His friends and neighbors reversed theordcr of things, and gave him onemajority. Charles R. Bucka lew, the Democratic candidate for Governor, lives in Columbia county, which usually gives from eighteen hundred to two thousand Democratic majority, but on Tuesday last it fell short of the lowest figure some two hundred. orn CHEAT VICTOBT. The great victory won by the Rep ublicans of Pennsylvania on the 8th inst. may lc summed np as follows: President of the United states. Governor. Auditor Gsxeral. Legislature. Judge of Supreme Court. Majority in the Constitutional Convention. Twenty two (possibly twenty three) Members of Congress, United States Senator. And ovlr thirty-fiyf-thousand majority on the popular, vote. A greater triumph never crowned the efforts of any party. Commrecinl. HOXEBSET COfSTT-OFHCIAL BETCHVB OT TUB ELECTION HELD OCTOBEB S, M73. DISTRICTS. Oov. AuJ. O. S. Judge Dirtrirt Dejemi tl ft ? t Si t l t Si l! Fi ll STi fi ?l ff, ! 1 I S 31 : II a D g I 31 a 9 El II - A.l.lis.m Allegheny Merlin lr Brothrrsrailey.... .. C"ncmaugh Ihile i t v lor Klklick Urecnvllle Jefferson .lenner Larimer Lower Tarkeyfuot... Middlecreck Mil ford New Centrcville bur. Northampton l'uint tumahoning ' Salisbury bor Shade Somerset bor Somerset Southampton Stonycroek... SStoystown bor Summit Upper Turkeylout . . . , WeUerrtiurs bor Vrslna bur Total 124 74 35: lo i;o j 9-1 M Wi SKI 6 I 120, an! 2--! M in! 1K7' i l&a 139 SW4 6i 340 26 W. 143 IV 43 142 113; 103! 100 i 31 "l w Ml m; 70 1 44; 70 211 r 14 7a! is 6.V ! It 142 74! 113, Si I 103 1 100 171 1 Ml 2S21 2oll 22, 611 l.SSj lN7i 671 ei loo. V. 371 61 1 42 Wl 40, 31 240, 62j 31 42! va 3Ji M 70 44 iol 61 7& 17s 8.S r, 67i (.0 Lis, 37 61 41 1 27 40 33 124 7'i ii 170; 631 M 6-V 92 61 11N 7I 61 1 im! 1k; LS&I 144 37i 66 1 23M 2S 09 1 146! 1X1 Ml 142 114 1(3 W 31 91 32 63 6H 42 71. 20' 46 13; 7i et 43 64 H6 132; ?7.i su 4o tut, m 5! S tf! a D S, 3. ISenl AM'bly I! i 126 l'J 711 71' SO I 36 167; 167 ! i7il nil 2 2 031 03 66 66 3i l; 2K3! 2k:i 6fl! 66 1 122' 122' uu vn 19, 23 67 103! 1S31 M 153 1431 37 l 239: l V6 146 ll 631 1W as! 61, 163 183 681 163 143 141 lllj s; 31 1 421 M 82 64 64 41 6U 20 46 11 ! 74! 18! 66 431 70 84 370, 132 66' 37 Zsal 28 1 4; 146 1 62 124 71 87 174 KW 66 m, 281 66 12l! w S 162: 181! M 16s ' 1.19 36 661 62 218 38' 24' tl 26 142; stt! 22 1 31! 601 124 70 86 174 172 6ij 41 66 V3 282' 67 1 11 V7i 20i 23' 611 IM' 186 M 166 124 70 36 174 s 3 2 22 67 67 68 IB 68 14 W 20 67 42' 69 81' 147 147: 3M 37 66 68; 241 43! 31 ! 100 26 146! 37; 19! 32 61 l! 97 205! 23. 6l 164' 186 M 166 146 3U8 66 241 31 1O0 146 1! 62 119 W7I 2o5 23' 61 1 164' 186! 68' 166 140; sun; 61 241! 31j 100! 146 19 62 142 113 103 98 2; 43) 911 32 69 ' 43 71 20 49, . 13 71 18 66 43 71 84 113 37 60 38 W, 24 40 32 142 113 103 98, 29! 4.1: 1 32j 66; 69 43: 20 49' 13 7! 1. 66' 43! 7li 84' 133 37 1 60, stt: 97 24 40 1 Si. 142 113 103. 98 , Si 82 661 69i "! 20 49. .13 7i 18 6 71 84 126 70 39 174 172, 66j 94 l 93 28'i 67 120 97. 2o6 23 61 164 186 68 166 146, 133, 3u6 37 66 60, 41 38 31 97 1 104 24; 146 40! 19 32! 63! 126 70 S8. 174 172 1 67 i 94. 66' 2, 281 1 69 103l l6; . 29 1641 186 M 168 143' 396 3' 240, 31: 100 147 16 64 B 5: " 141 113 10 98 to 41 1 I S3 , 69; 41 1 67 12 48 7: 76; 18 66 43 69 84 130 39 60 38! 971 18 42 81 126 73 3 172 l9 65 91 1 65 1 92; 20 j 66 118 92' 205 22' 61 1 161; Ml 167 132 386, 6 1 262 1 18 w: 142 18 621 141 : 126 110 70 Kl 41 ; mi 29; 171 421 62 91 93 32 65 66, 94 69 281 44' 66 71! "i 48 Mi 18, 78 43' 70 84 133 87 1 34 60 7 24 40 32 118 97 204 27' 61 i 164' 186 65 156' 16t), 4tl 5; 231' 32 79! 143 21 61 2430 1802 3438 4798 S437 1771 3420 9419 178 337 1843 309 3468 3468 1778:1778 1778 3472 3476 1747 S397 1782 3431 142 113 104 98 S 67 1 32 641 6B i! a 3 I P. H. I. ! A nJIIr.l!ir. U 14 .! S! S - a 1 r: 1J6 70 39 174. 172 Ml 94 66 j Wj 582 67 120 100 SU 32 61 154 186 68 16i 145 3981 51 2421 32; 100 144 19 64 1411 1251 113 70, 104 39 98 174; 3. fi 1790 3514 29 4o; 91 82 66 69l 4-1 70 17 20 4 75: 18 65' 43 72 85 131; 37 49 38; 971 24! 40! 3lj 1 65 94 5 91 ( 281 60 1181 ! 14: 611 151 lh.V 60 1M. 1431 S!2: 64 lt)6 26 100 146 19 62 142 113 105 98 V.I 42 91 32 66 69 4T 72 19 89 Wi 18 64 43 126 7') 40, 174, 172 6-j 94 65 ! I: 282; 67 1 119 97 2031 23 1 61 164 184, 68, 142 113, 106; 98 126 70 40 178! 29, 172, 43 e.i 911 94 2 ".! 65, 91! 69, 282: 43 fi7 71 119 20 9tf) 48 au 142 113 104 97 29 43; 91! 32; 12. 70 40 174 172 64 92 TO 68 162 80 1 148' 134 395! 37. 65 65 250 41 at! 97 100 24 146 40; IV j 32; 2 12 76 18! 66 43! 86 1 l:i3 37 St. 38' 97 24! 40 32 23 14 186: ' 1 .1 147) 392 ! 242 - 81 1 loo 14. 1 19, Ml 91 282 7 117 97 202 23 ',1 1 4 186 C9 4:1 71 21 48 12 18 61 41' 71 IV. 8". 149 132 4o3 37. 6i 4. 240 38 29 97 100 24! 14. 40; 19 32 2, 1731 335611846 3473 1769 3460 1770 346 ixm.iXA iiEABornox. POLITICAL BIOT. RepnbliraBs Elc th Mhole Baal- Except the Governor. Collision Between Irlata Greeleyites and Colored People nt Cincinnati. Indianapolis, October 10. Offi cial returns from eighty counties, re ported majorities from nine counties and estimated majorities in three counties not heard from, elect Hen dricks (Pern.) for Governor by 200 to 500. The balance of the State ticket is probably Republican. Mr Hen dricks runs ahead of his ticket in" al most every county. The Republicans have a majority of fivo in the Senate and eight in the House of Representatives certain, with a prospect of ten majority in the lower House. Later reports from the Xiuth Con--rrcssional district elect Shanks (Rep.), this will give the Republicans a net gain of two Congressmen and fair prospects of electing both Congress men at large. The counties not heard from arc Dubois, Perry and Stark, all Democratic. LATER. Eleven O'clock. Kcports eon- Cincinnati, October 7. A riot oc curred here to night about ten o'clock, at the corner of Fifth and Broadway, between the Fourth ward Greeley torchlight procession and some col ored people in which fifty or seventy five shots were fired. Several per sons were wounded, but none, so far as heard of, killed. Accounts of the affair by eye witnesses are conflicting, and it is also impossible to obtain re liable particulars. The Greeley club was from a ward in which the popu lation is largely Irish, and the locali ty of the riot is one thickly settled with colored people. During the day the colored people say word was sent them that they would be attacked this evening. The news came also to tho police, and officers of the dis trict feared a riot The colored men laid in a stock of amunition. The col ored women of Allen chapel, which is at the corner of Sixth street and Rroadway, were holding a fair for the benefit of the church, and they thinking it would relievo his breath ing, lie was at his own desiro placed upon a lounge and bolstered up and moved from his adjoining bed-room into his study, where in the midst of his books and his literary and other papers, and surrounded by his rela tives and a few friends, and all his devoted dependents, he breathed his last. For the last hour of his life, as the powers of nature were giving way, his condition became easy, and he spent the time in affectionate leave takings of his relatives aud depend ents, and finally sank quietly to his last rest as if going to sleep. A DESERTED VESSEL. A Khlp Tenanted Only by Mouldering Skeleton Starvation on theoeean East Dettpalrlar Pray era for Help. cede the election of Heudricks by five jia(j a coiore(j jjrass band playing for hundred majority, but claim the Con- gressmen-at-large, Lieutenant gov ernor and the rest of the State ticket bv from four to six hundred majority. Xiblack's majority in the lirst Congressional district is one liunureu and twenty-five. Hunter's (Republi can) majority over Voorhees in the Sixth district, is six Lunarea anuuc. The Republicans have advertised a . . r. .- mass meeting lo-murron uigui, i"i congratulation, w,th doveruor .Mor ton," General Rrowne and others as speakers. Republicans claim senators u 23 Democrats, and 55 Representatives jto 45 Democrats m the House, giving jthem a majority of U on joint ballot, j . Cambria Iron Work on Fire. I B COrXTT. j We point with pride to the official i returns frflra this countr, as evidence i of what the "Frosty sons of Thunder") can do when thoroughly aroused, j Previously to he l?olkB,4he enemy counted confidently upon reducingthe j majority of IlAnTitAxrr and Cessna j below a thousand, and quietly but energetically worked for that end. Iiehold ! how they reckoned without the host. The 1.C2S for ITahtraxft, and 1,532 for Cessna, the objects of their special assaults, tell of their mor tifying and w'gnal failure? The elec tion of the county ticket was conceded and therefore no ppecial effort was made against it. Republicans of Somerset county! we congratulate you. You have done nobly. But you can do better. There is not a township that cannot increase its majoritj- if you will but work for it. In the Presidential con test of next month, we win have the fsilent, if not active aid, of the honest Democrats who cannot lie Fold to Greelet. Somerrt emmty can yivc two thousand majority fr Grant. Work ion it. Fornet, the chief of Governor Hartranft's slanderers, caves thusly: "Bv a very large vote, the people of Pennsylvania have elected the en tire Republican State ticket and a de cisive majority in both branches of the State Legislature. It would be folly to allege that the great majority for Hartranft is the offspring of fraud. Wc believe it to be a legitimate ma jority the growth of several causes. General Grant pulled the ticket through, Ac., ic." The" charges of fraud made by the beaten and infuriated Democrats are not worthy of serious attention. It is the only way in which the enemy can account for Lis defeat, unless he admits that the mans of the people arc against him ; and that of course he will not do. A fairer election was never held in this State, and no such majority was ever rolled up by fraud. A PIBiriED PABTY. Not the least gratifying of the re sults of our glorious victory, is the purification of the party, by the trans fer to the unfortunate Democracy, of McCLrRE, Forney, Clrtin and their squad of bummers. These men who had enjoyed the honor and emolu ments of the party, had come to think that they were the party, and that without them the party was not. Like the ass spoken of in the scrip- buna, . uv j r avu ii auiA tvvu Noted corruptionists, all three, under the rogue's cry of "Reform," they transferred themselves and . their small following of soreheads and dis appointed office-holders to the enemy, and great was the joy of the Democ racy, as they clasped these political saints to their congenial bosoms.. As did the traitors at the Mart of the rebellion, they clung to their po sitions of profit, until they-thought the time Lad come when their going would most injure us, and then, with their stolen honors and goods, they withdrew to the enemy. The result, of the election proves Low utterly powerless is the notable trio, and Is another eminent example of the idiotic vanity of a certain class Hon. C. L. Pershing, of Cambria county, was elected Judge in Schuyl kill county, by 2,500 majority. Mr. pERsmxa ran as a candidate on tbe invitation of men of all parties, inde pendent of all political questions. We have carried the First Senator ial district (in Philadelphia) and the Clarion district, thus assuring a Re publican maioritv of two in the Sen ate, counting McClcre with the Democrats. JonxsTOWN, Pa., October 13, 1S72. The rolling mill building of the Cambria works, covering about live acres of ground, was discovered to be on fire at midnight Saturday night, and although the firemen, workmen and citizens made prompt and cour ageous efforts, only a part of the main building and the west wing were sa-ved in a damaged condition. The hcavv machinery of the mill is but them on the street in front of the church. This drew a large crowd of people. A speech was called for, and a colored man made them a political speech on the street. While he was speaking the proeepsion of Greeley men marching on Fif.h street toward Broadway, came into the lUer street and turned to go over?.ard Fourth. This wa one square distant from where the speaking was, at the col ored church on Sixth and Broadway, marching away from the crowd at the church. Here and at this time the firing commenced. No two stories quite agree. One account is that a lot of colored children rushed down to the corner to see it go by, and hur rahed for Grant, and that the torch light bearers in he procession beat them and drove them away, and at tempted to drive a gigantic colored man away by beating him, and that he drew a pistol and fired at them. Others M ho were not near by, but who saw the beginning, say that four shots were fired first by the procession, and that the colored men fired back. The preponderance of the testimony is, that tbe firing was commenced by one very large colored man, who was f fVAl i standmsr at the corner oi a uiu anu Broadway, on the sidewalk, yesterday can bo reversed in Novem- effusion from the lungs to-day, and bcr. A gigantic piece of trickery has been killed outright in one day, and nothing remains for tho Democrats but to abandon Greeley at once, and save what shred of credit they can. The Democrats will begin to learn to-day the folly of their bargain with Horace Greeley. There can be no doubt there never has been any doubt that they would have had a better chance of success, and stood much more favorably before the peo ple, had they nominated a good man from their own party, instead of tak ing a turncoat from ours. They have forfeited their principles and consist ency, and placed themselves under the leadership of one who has for years been their bitterest enemy and for what? Simply that they might be beaten more ignominiously than ever before. The truth is that these journalists and politicians altogether excluded from their calculations the only in vincible power in the country the power of public opinion. They met together in a room, and fancied they could govern the country. They forgot that the people had to be con sulted on the subject. In the State elections which took place yesterday, the conditions were notoriously fa vorable to the coalition. Many of our Republican friends were dissatisfied with the local candidates, and avowed their intention of voting against them, while supporting Grant for the Presidency. Hence the Greeleyites were confident of success in at least two States out of three. Mr. Gree ley's wire-pullers here wrote boasting despatches to all their friends. Their papers fully counted upon Pennsyl vania They have been keeping their hungry followers on empty promises for weeks together, and now, at their very first decisive contact with the people, the imposture is swept aside. It will be observed that we have trained in almost every direction. A passenger just arrived in New York on the schooner Lancaster from Cape Breton, tells a grim and horri ble story of the scenes on the dis mantled English brig Glenalvon, which was encountered Sept. 19. On boarding it, a dismal sight presented itself. Beneath a heap of motley rigging a skeleton was discovered. The skull and ribs had been crushed almost level with the deck. Shreds of canvass trowsers and a guernsey frock were found among and near the bones. Further search revealed five other skeletons. A slight covering of crisped fleh remained on four, showing that those had died more re cently than the ether two. Not a particle of food was found on board, so that death was no doubt caused by starvation. In the forecastle, which was almost filled with water, a most unearthly stench was discover ed, and only two men could be found to enter and remain long enough in side to report on what they bad seen there. There were two corpses on the floor, and one stretched across a bunk. Enteriii!? the cabin, a fnint The Republican strength exhibited is 0jor was discovered, but not startling, even to those who most enough to forbid a thorough fully believed in its existence. Wc prepared our readers yesterday for moderate majorities in the three chief States which were contested. They have given us majorities -vhich scarcely our most sanguine friends dared to hope for. The people are intense the cabin a gation. towards the end steps leading down to the fetid pool of water was seen, and the men had to wade through it in order to reach every portion of the cabin Between a stationary table and a couch, tho head of a corpse protrud- not thought to be much injured, the light machinery is greatly dam- , , , . f . members of the procession then start- HAETUAxrT.s majority iu State foots up, thus far, 35,889. will give the official returns in the We our next ; also, the vote fur Governor at the election in 1SC9. BAI.TinOBE. Theatre Klrnek by I.lchtnlnc Train Tkma From to 'I rack Indieted forXurdcr. Baltimore, October 8. Yester day afternoon the Front StreetTheatre was struck by lightning during the re hearsal of the "French Spy." The roof was torn into fragments, and the lightning passed down the gas pip into the building, and flashed along the foot-lights. Several actors on the stage were stunned, but not se riously injured. -train throws from the track. , An express train on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad from the" west, due in this city at 9:15 last night, was thrown from the track a abort distance this side of the Relay House. The engine, tender nd baggage car were thrown down an embankment. The engine was badly damaged, and the baggage car smashed. Tbe i fire man was the only person hurt The accident is said to have been caused by the withdrawal of the key from : a switch. v aired or destroyed At a meeting of tbe foremen, at which Mr. George Fritz, Chief Engi neer presided, resolutions were passed expressing their sympathy with the company and showing their devotion to its interests by proposing that the men connected with the works should contribute a day's and the foremen a week's labor and a large force will be at work on Monday morning clearing away the ruins to hasten repairs. The delay in filling orders will be but brief, as it is expected that a por tion of the machinery will be running nuder temporary shelter in about two weeks, and the "remainder soon after. The mill will be constructed of fire proof materials! The steel works, shops, furnaces are safe and in oper ation as usual. The amount of loss, which is heavy and partially covered with insurance, cannot be estimated now. The cause of the fire is not known, but is be lieved to be accidental. Several fire men were seriously injured, but fotru nately no lives lost. Mifflin, Pa., Oct.. 13. Mr. Paul Stackhouse, Assistant Superintcnd ant of the Cambria Iron Company, reports that their loss by fire is less severe than at first supposed, and will not exceed four hundred thousand dollars, less ono hundred thousand dollars insurance. The principal roll ing stock, more especially ail the val uable engines, which were shielded by previous precautions, and the per sistent efforts of a well regulated fire ed to run, but afterwards rallied. 1 he colored men, such as had pistols, seemed to be using them and retiring north on Broadway. Unarmed col ored men ran to their armory on New street, and got about twenty muskets to reinforce their friends. They suc ceeded in driving back and dispersing the members of the procession. They then rushed to their armory, where about one hundred and fifty or two . pirc State in November by the largest hundred are underarms. Tbey have all approaches to the armory guarded. One of the leaders inside made them a speech, in which he said: "This attack to-night was organized to in timidate you from voting to-morrow. Now, I want to say to you, let every man of you go to the polls and vote if II. Seward died at his residence in nt the cost of vour lives." this speech was received with deafening shouts. When the riot was in pro gress the riot alarm was turned on the lire bells, and the whole police force was called to the scene. The Mayor, Chief of Police and the whole force were soon on the spot The police formed across the street in platoons, and drove the mad crowd from the vicinity of the strife. They then made such disposition of their forces as prevented the renewal of the con flict un to the present writing. To- ahead of the politicians, as usual, and e(i from a tth jn the wall, and when brought on deck it was found to be in a state of decay. A buttoned jacket of good material, blue pantoloons, a flannel shirt marked "T. .," and one boot covered the corpse. The chro nometer in the cabin pointed to 4:30 o'clock, and on the stationary table was an open bible turned downward. A revolver with two chambers load ed, and a bottle containing a piece of paper, upon which was written, "Jes us guide this to soinc helper. Merci lul God, don't let us perish." The words were detached, and a hiatus occurred between every two or three of them, which showed that the wri ter must have been either in the low est stage of debility, or driven to madness by hunger. In the captain's stateroom his corpse was found lying bent on the floor, where he had fallen from weakness, while struggling with a faint hope to save himself aud men. On his bed a letter apparently to his intended wife, was found dated Mar they have disposed of the unprinci- The I'lcd gang which had enrolled under Tbe Greeley's flag in their own effectual way. The purification of politics which this immense victory will cause is incalculable. Think of the miserable set in this State who are comfortably put under the sod. Fenton and all his gang, big and little, the Tammany crowd, the schemers who have been the curse of New York for years they are all buried beyond hope of resurrection. Wc shall undoubtedly carry the Em- OI B WAMIIIXUTO! LETTER. majority ever polled for the Republi cans and already the Presidential victory is won. Xeio York Times. eath or William II. Seward Brier Sketch of his Life. Auburn, N. Y., October 10. Win. Auburn at C:15 this afternoon. Auburn, Oct. 10. The sudden an nouncement of the death of William H. Seward caused profound sensation here. It was entirely unexpected, and has produced wide spread regret. MR. SEWARD'S SICKNESS AND DEATH. Aubcrn, October 10. Mr. Seward having taken cold, had been some what unwell for a day or two, was on the evening of Saturday, the 5th, seized with a severe chill, and his physician was summoned to him. He had been, durins the summer, in his tinique, May 30, 1872, commencing "Dear Kate," and signed "R. C. Hart." The skeletons were wrapped in canvas, the funeral service was read, and they were consigned to the sea. Ship Lost at Sea SnSerlna; or the Crew. night great crowds of jwople are now ord;nary g00d health, suffering only congregated on Main street, near Sixth, just outside of the lines of tho police, and three squares from the ar mory, where tho colored men arc un der arms. The jrreatcst excitement department remain comparatively un- prevails, and serious fears arc enter- harmed, inasmuch as oy me erection tamed in the locality ot the conuicL of temporary coverings work will lc 7ne danger will not be past forscver resumcd within two weeks. Tbe al days.-" The general belief of wit works will soon lie even more sub- ncsscs is that after the riot began both stantialy rebuilt almost exclusively of gjes participated to their utmost in iron. Only the rolling mill proper is tjie urjng. There are no reliable ac damaged. " Owing to the amity of COunts of the colored men being shot, feeling between the management and iJUt witnesses say several colored men Hloaz City. Sioi'X City, Iowa, October 10. At C:50 yesterday, this city and vicin ity were visited oy quuo a severe shock of earthquake .1 eojile rushed out of doors, and considerable cx workingmen, the latter have volun teered their services gratis to remove the debris, which will be accomplished within two days. These works were destroyed in 1846. The managers arc already en route to Philadelphia to complete the necessary arrange ments for resumption. The cause of the fire is unknown. IIow Georgia waa Stolen. of politicians whose egotism leads citemcnt prevailed for a brief period ahem to believe they own the llepub- j Iicau Jarty We are aorry to note the defeat of Hon. A. A. Barker for Congress In tie Cambria district, caused solely by the defection of the Republicans in Cambria and Huntingdon. This is the second time the district has been thrown away by our own party friends. The shock only lasted about a minute and a half, but duriner that "time crockery, and bottles were thrown down and buildings protty well shak en up. No serious damage to prop erty is reported. At Fort Randall, Dakota, the shock waa severe and great excitement prevailed.. At Yancton the shock was faint, but dis tinctly felt, doing, jio .damage. Re ports from other portions of Dakota show that none of the principal points escaped entirely. , , , Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 7. Samuel Wells was tried to day before United States Commissioner Conley for vio lation of the Enforcement Act at the election here on the 2d inst Win. Butts, one of the election managers, swore that while he and the other managers were receiving votes in the afternoon the ballot-box which had liccu used in the forenoon was stuffed by some persons unknown, and that all the tickets thus fraudulently plac ed in the ballot-box were Democratic. Mr. Butts is himself a Democrat, a Justice of the Peace, and Lis testi-' mony corroborates the sworn state ments of other parties. Robert S. Waters,, another manager, also a Democrat, corroborated Judge Butt's testimony.. He swore that he him self took 100 votes from the Democra tic side aud did not credit them to any other party. The reason he alleged was that the votes overrun the tally list, and he thought tbe 100 votes would equalize things. The regular , clerks were employed as sworn, nevertheless at least a dozen perocs were going in and out of the tolling-room during the balloting, and ad access to the. stuffed ballot-box. wcro knocicea uown in me uirceis. The seriously wounded are James Smith, wounded in the fleshy part of the thigh, and Thomas Warrington, also in the thigh. Smith was in the proces-ssion and Warington, was standing on the sidewalk where the firing commenced. One man was shot though the toe, another grazed across the thigh, another through the another in the left thumb, while arm, several had their clothing cut by bul lets. . 1:30 a. M. At this hour quiet appears to have been completely re stored. The crowds have dispersed from the streets, and the colored men have lett their armory and gone to their homes. The streets In the vi cinity of the riot are entirely deserted, with the exception of a few police who are visible. ; A large force of police are understood to be in the vi cinity ready for an emergency, but matters look now as if no further trouble would occur to-night ! from tho inconvenience of muscular palsy of his arms, and had been en gaged in preparing for the press his account of his recent journey around the world. The chill was that of an ordinary tertian ague, accompanied by a har assing catarrhal cough. It was fol lowed by fever and delirium, which lasted till late in the night on Sunday. He was up in the afternoon, took his dinner and passed a comfortable night. On Monday, with tho exception of his cough and catarrh, be was com, fortable, and dictated as usual to his assistants in completing his book. He played whist Monday evening, but at 10 p. m. a slight chill occurred, followed by delirium and fever, with aggravated catarrhal disturbance of the chest, which lasted nearly all night. Tuesday morning, after some sleep, he was again better, and DROVE OUT IN TnE AFTERNOON, but fever, delirium and restlessness returned with the cough Tuesday night On Wednesday he drove out for two hours, and dictated to his Boston, October 8. A letter re ceived here states that the ship Gol den Hind, of this city, was lost, June 24th, about ten miles east of Cape Gloucester, Charles Island. The crew took to boats in charge of the caprain and two mates. The boat in charge of tho second mate and six seamen has not been heard from since, and it is supposed she swamped soon after leaving the ship. The captain's boat was capsized and the compass and all provisions and clothing lost. They finally landed on a desolate island, about sixty miles from Sandy Point, where five of the crew died from starvation, and from which the remainder were rescued, on the 18th of August, by the schooner Eagle, of Falkland Islands. When taken off they were in a very weak state, hardly able to stand. Railroad Caanaltj Won Inl Eaeape orPnaaeng-ers on the F.xprewa Train. Washington, October 10, 1372. VICTORY T-EACE PROSPERITY". Pennsylvania and Ohio have spoken decisively as anticipated. There is no uncertain sound. It is the voice of victory and the song of peace with which the air is filled. Indiana has in part at least taken up the refrain of the song of victory and peace aad Nebraska carries it on towards the grand Pacific, and the words of the great warrior-President are echoed back from tho golden shore. "Let us have peace" has hitherto been the language of appeal, hereafter it should be the language of authority. The Golden rule that all American citizens shall do unto others as they would naturally wish others to do unto them will be the rule of administration, faith and prac tice. Equal civil rights and reciprocal duties are again required by a opu lar verdict from which it is to be hoped there will hereafter lie no ap peal. The arbitrary despotic rule of the strong over the weak in any part of this free land must be abandoned wherever it is set up, or the unright eous must be brought to that punish ment which the law assigns. The recent exultation of the Democratic Liberal press over the forcible dis franchisement of colored voters in Georgia and the later attempt to override Jthe authority of the U. S. Courts in'that State has been signally rebuked. The duty of the. adminis tration to sustain the rights of freed men to the ballot in the Southern States under the laws and constitu tion of the country is more clcarlv than ever pointed out by the increased HEW JEBftET. Nrw Aflrertinemenl Large Bepnbllcan Uaina at (barter; Election. Nlwark, N. J., October 8. The! Newark charter elections reported in , ovi-r 2 000 Renublican majority, being! a gain of nearly 1,000 over last year's charter elections, and more than 3,000 over Governor Parker's ma jority last November. The Repub licans carried 13 out of 15 wards, and elect twelve aldermen; the new coun cil will stand 20 Republican to 10 Democrats. White Hats and Tann 2 A TTF.NTIQX' W will mij.plyrnmpnlimOw!. . Ixwtr rtM than v.u en otif,iln ti, ' " ... wtr riln ttiao yu can obtain t)iin' ':. CLI US A.N l V KALKHS s I 1'1'U"' Political Campab' or mm. EBB AS 1(1. U'.cinv'T,iv t r Oct iiImt 3. 1 H72 Senator Hitchcock telegraph tho j (r PrcdinVnt that Nebraska has doubtless . gone Republican. Omaha, OetoU-r 8. The election passed off quietly. A full vote was polled and the Republican State and Congressional ticket elected by about 5,000. This, Douglas, county which may be considered the Liberal strong hold, gives an average Republican majority of about one hundred. Diatrlrt or Colombia. Washington, October X. The election in tho District of Columbia to-day was attended with bat few dis turbances, General N. P. Chipman (Republican) and the present dele gate in Congress were re-elected by 5,000 majority. Republican also elected I'J out of 22 delegates to the legislative assembly. Dakota Election. Yancton, October D.-The delegate election yesterday in this Territory onal contest. The Rcpub- support which it measures have just ! was a Ia' , 1 "e urPu- received from the people of the!ll,:ai?. V,U' lv..led between two North and West. Defiance of the i candidates .Judge Brooking and Col. Moodv. Return received up to eight o'clock to-night insure the flec tion of Armstrong, Democrat, by a small plurality. Being personally popular he has received the votes of many Republicans. The combined Republican vote would have beaten him nearly two to one. A Philadelphia Polleeman Shot lillled. and law and of the rights of loyal citizen by these who pretend to offer recon ciliation across a bloody chasm for the purpose of practically opening new chasms must be firmly met and the law vindicated. The verdict of the national jury ha been plainly in timated, and it only remains for the Judges at the November election to announce the verdict and to pas judgment upon an unhallowed condi tion which sought by fraud and false hood to wrest from the Government through the ballot that power which it failed t secure by thesword. Peace and quiet within our borders, justice and right, prosperity and happiness in all section of our common country are now assured. Only continue everywhere along the line to "push thing'' in accordance with the laconic order of Grant to Sherman, and the November Anoomattox i surely our again, with a result equal-. ;rwnsvii.le, Texas, October 10. Iv ben.ficent to all the people of this ! For seroral davs past a heavy rain progressive land. !stornl has prevailed here. ' The O'Connor's acceptance. country in many places is inundated ; Charles O'Connor in a fresh letter ' road are impassable. Brazos Island published on Wednesday sav of 'i completely submerged. The in Horace Greeley: "The" long" and j habitants aud custom official were disastrous war "that filled his "bloody j taken off by a steamer without loss chasm'' with fratricidal slaughter, j of life. There i the highest water and involved the whole country iu j known here for year, debt and demoralization, is due to ' the uncqualod energy, continued with j the folly, of this one exceedingly ! - able, exceedingly amiable and Philadelphia, October ". Offi cer McGonigle quarreled with John O'Brvan yesterday. They met to-day and the olucer beat O'Brvan, who took refuge in a saloon. McGonigle following, O'Brvan seized a revolver lying on a shelf behind the bar and fired two shot, one of which took effect behind McGonigle ear, killing him instantly. -14 Mil f Grant & Wii53j Greeley & Bf: ca.:p8 fape an, WE o fl and rn Wit wa t TRASSPAKE.MIHS Wl) im ronraiia or any derica fr Silk. linntlnif aixl Mmlin TU. rf'"" ban. I or to orlr. 4'hiiwm. " . ixra aixl mrit ; l-r, , ,Sn' he. t.'ampaiKn Out n:t.l out at t Katea at L, TO. P. SCHEIELirs CAMPAIGN DEPOT, 40 South Third Street Phifc. S END FOB CI RCt LA R July W, 72. 4 DUNHAM, WITH jiosi:Li:Y, jii;TZ(,i:n 4(. MAS rrAOTt-REK8 ASD JfXJKtEt, BOOTS fc SI I OK No. 5 MAKKET ST., PHILAIIx;V July 10, TL Pi rANTKD. " Kh1 Aiffnta everywhere, to tt'.l tht l. dIdkNcw Jiui. roved Banner Sittle Sew Mi- Simple. Durable. Substantial. Tti in th" mrkf. Priit nn!y 41. lilt A NT MfiAW h. .. On'! Nu. 1 Sixth (late St. ClHirj s, auK tl. tuttfv Tbe ol.Icrt an! most reliable Ins.i'a: tuininir a Mercantile Klu.ation. Practical business men as inTni'- K'.r information, write fjr acirruiar 1-, Si Si NS, Pittsburgh, Fa. oct i The "Christian Um Otoem A n ay totM'h sut.-rilfcr to Aritart Home Maiaztue ir i A M:iifi2ine for culture ! homes. A wavs up to the ailvancinmhouirbt. ."'-, an.1 spirit of the times. A M;iv .izin. m w lighter liierature of the ieri.. i au. cle of pare anil noble sentiment. Texas. "THE CHRISTIAN GRACES." FAITP HOPE : CHAEIT' Mitrrflaneoii!'. An I'nexnannleat Victory. Washington, Oct. 8. The St. Louis express train on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, due in Baltimore last night at 9:30 met with a fearful accident between the Relay House and Baltimore. By some cause not ascertained tho locomotive, tender, baggage, express, mail, and several passenger cars jumped the track, and amanuensis as usual, though harassed plunged down a declivity, the cars all day with his cough and catarrhal rolling over several times before reach effusion in the chest, in? the bottom. The shrieks of the Wednesday evening his cough aba- affrighted passengers suggested to ted for a while, and then the cough those persona not excited a scene of returned at bed-time. Hcwasnearly fearful slaughter, but when the pas- sleenless until 5 o'clock in the morn- sengers had been removed from the ing. At 4 A. M.. to relieve that tcdi- wreck it was ascertajmcd that, al- um of lying sleepless ho had his son, xnougn many nau ncen wounued, no William, read the New York Times one had been killed or that any bones to him of Wednesday mornins. He bad been broken, beveral of the ex ceedingly mischievous man. He states his willingness to'offcr himself as a sacrifice "to save the country from impending evil." This is plain ly intended to favor the Louisville movement and from his standpoint is as near an acceptance of the Presi dential candidacy of the Democratic party as any man ought to make who cannot conscientiously "solicit sup port for office." THE NEW WASHINGTON. Our Dihtrict election resulted in a complete Republican victory. Gen. Chipman Delegate to Congress is elected by a majority of (5,650, and nineteen out of the twenty two Dele gates to the Legislature are Repub licans. An issue was made with the Board of Public Works as adminis tration appointments and the resuli sustains the Board. The comprehen sive system of city improvements will therefore go furward without further obstruction it is hoped. These improvements are now so far advanc ed that a glimpse of the new Wash ington of the future may be readily conceived. It will doubtless be su persior to anything in this country, so far as the grades, sewerage, side walks and carriageways are concern ed, and the stimulus to enterprise in building will soon make it one of the most delightful places of residence for the wealthy and refined who nat urally seek the nation's capital as a centre, when it affords attractions equal to those of the best. The National Legislature, public archives of the nation and its grand edifices. Libraries and collections of the arts and ingenuity of the people cannot fail to make it a Mecca for the wealthy, especially in the winter sea son, lor wnicn its lovely climate is well adapted. CATITAL ITEMS. A prominent officer of the t'overn ment has just returned here from an extended tour through the States. He says the (Jrecley bubble has ex ploded and that not one of the orig inal free States will be carried by him in November ; that the business men, the soldiers and workingmen are all against him. Vincent Colyer has just presented to the Smithsonian Institution a sin gular Indian figure carved in wood. It is shaped like an eagle, and Indian tradition pronounces it to be the sacred bird which brought their an cestors to America. Twenty three cases of small-pox have been reported here within seven days, three of which proved fatal. C. M. PHILADELPHIA. Cook & Beerits' FAMILY GROCERY, Flour and Feed "Ami nowabideth Faith. Hope. 1 ( h.:r. -tbrCT.-, but the greatest of these is Charv - 87 SO I V I LIE FOR 82 .',0. It U a Ionsr time sine anything hj? a: v.-. Christina an so lovely an.'l ei-i'ii.-i:V-au.l execution as this lanre an i eia.u;: -stipple ateel enifruvin. -The Chri-'ua 'r. siie nil7 inches. The irrouplns ,,f the g-racetul beyon. conception. n.i th t.i-." nre anl heavenly beauty; that it seem-. 1, ani"t must have seen them in a rii. n. K-. -. scribcr 10 -Arthur's Iilusrntte.1 Vu. for It'i will reeeiTe a copy of this, :. .V ture rut. Price of Home Mair-ium-. . ;.. . Specimen copy of .Maicitinc, li cents. I.trCAI. Ki T.MTH WASTED trr toit subscribers for our beautilul M f:i well known for the last twentv Tear, an-i - a favorite with Xhi people. Intelligent it ! Women can fn:.lf l.mM omm i.o, .... aunts' conti.lential cip'ular. You can h.v; The Christ i:in Graces" to any person u. fine reliitiousteellnirs. without "xettinv n -No disappointment about prompt .bjiiv-rr ture. as we have ni.t.le ample arrann:L their rapid production. T. S. AKTHt-R o9 and Ml Chestnut Sireet, Fhiia. October 9th. S4 C Pi Ci at V o ita' t Fi Brai Tc powt t To Drnj 9. atthi Jci dedi T day t vri jtwtit Fa lopes IOC on H Brf and si Beeri Iro nmn ' thi tical to rea Foi fectioi cigar gpiec go the PLi p1atei ing to Mat for tb Millis open 1 rem" moth Me in anoi new g All of make 1 A full 1 Store, kinds The in nay knowii plenaei & Kim A EI coverir or five trees hi by tiw j their bi Mr. . on my ! and sizt and roe -w -aTmr-,-.---T" w- . """ We would nvst respectfully announce la our j -L J- .1 L I U JL U, 1 z ot mint friends and the public ireneraliv. In the town and j DemmlerBrothe: No. 126 Smitiifleld Street, viuin.tyof Somerset, thai we have turned tut in our ew More on MAIK CROSS STREET, And In addition too full line or the best ('nfeotioncrie, "Votlons,, Tobaccos, Olsnr, lc, We will endeavor, at all times, to tnpp'j cor cus tomers with the B EST QUALITY OF FAMILY FLOUE, CORX-MEAL, OATS' SHELLED CURS, oats tt cony chop, BRAN, MIDDLINGS, Manufacturers of Tin. Copper an l S--e. : ware. d.-uUrs in Stoves. t'l.thcs t"rin Icry. Hri annia and k Tin Vr. L. Hollow Ware. Refrigerators. W rin-i . .. t'.jolers, l.e Cream Kreeiers. Kird t"..'-t Stoves, and House Furnishing .,: wholesale an.1 retail. Froprieiurs ul I'm Patent ASjnst Stove S The n.t useful invention of the aire. S cr for Star's world-renowned and uunvai: m cite cirfil Heatinir Ntoves. Sole aTii: Tom Thumb Carbon Oil Cooking S;, re. 7:.' tie stove is the wonder of the dav. an 1 thf 1 tide ol the kind that will give tiu ei.:.-r f.ictiou. Grocers' Goods a Specialty oct. 2. And even-thing pertaining meut, at the to tht! Feed Impart LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. ion CASH ONLY. Also, well selected stock of Glassware; Stoneware. Weodenware, Itrushea of al kinds, an4 STATIONERY Which we will fell as cheap aa the cheapest. Flense call, examine our froodtof all kinds, and 1 be aattstted trout your own judgment. i Don"t forget where we itoy On M A IN CIM SS Street. Somerset, V. j Oct. 2, l7i I Ilnrtranrt'a Majority, S0.437. Wc have never had a greater tri umph to rccod rthan that which we announce this morning. In aconteet, admitted by our opponents to be a final test of strength, we have con quered, and that signally and deci sively. We have unquestionably pained all the three States which Mr. Greeley declared would rote for his supporters. Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana have all pronounced for us. Nebraska has also given ns 5, 000 majority. Tho people have at tested once more their attachment to slept after 5 a. m., pretty well till 11 a. m., of to-day, though hi3 fever kept up without any real remission. At half-past ono he was seized with crcat difficulty of brcathincr. caused by a sudden catarrhal effusion into here safely, the lungs, commencing with the right long, and Boon involving tbe left ono also, which occasioned his death in about two hours. ITe entertained no apprehension but that he should recover from the cars and tho locomotive were badly broken, and it is a great wonder that a number of lives were not lost. The Western car for Washington had been detached from the train and arrived DISTRICT OF COLl'MBIA. Complete Republican Victory. Washington, October 8. The election in the District of Columbia um oi me calami, nBu wu .aSl t(M,ay wag attended w ith but few dis turbances. General N. P. Chipman. Republican, and present delegate in- This' helps to account for the increas- the Republican party, and no sensible ed Democratic majorities in this city, man can deny that the Presidential Tho cases of fraud in other districts contest is virtually over. It cannot were even irore marked than in this, be' supposed, even by tho wildest Ar. y. Times. dreamer, that the decision pronounced night. DEATII BIDDEN AND UNEXPECTED. II is dissolution was sudden and unorpected. Mr. Scward'a intellec tual faculties were clear and vigorous to tho last, save when disturbed by paroxysms of fever. J ast after an Congress, was re-elected by 5.G00 majority. The Republican's also elected nineteen out of twenty-two Delegates to the Legislative Assembly. Philadelphia, October 10. Hart ranft's official majority in Philadel phia is now stated at 20,337. He rnns largely ahead of the remainder cf tho State ticket in this city. NOT ONE LEFT TO TELL THE TALE. The Liberal Republican headquar ters in this city was closed up to-day, the furniture and transparencies have been removed and the place is entire ly abandoned. L R. NORTON in PIAjtOS state agen JI'WETT A (.001)71.1' ORGAN Au tendant of the l Churcli About ( to the raised o Itw that Wi tbe first splendk the Hig few day along si Woodvi Nw Baker's era that of tail a pared tc they rut can be 1 Cait Dr. 2 bears t BROS, private no othe tation. T "MIE SOMERSET FIRE OIIIOEI.F.CTION. The Mate Republic by at 20,000 Majority. Least Columbus, Ohio, October 10. Sixty-four counties give a Republican majority of 22, 95G. Tho remaining counties gave, last year, 5,050 Dem ocratic majority, which deducted from above, would leave 17,900 a the Republican majority iu the State. But the probabilities are that the Re publicans have gained more in un reported counties than the Democrats have. Hence tho Executive Com mitted think the majority may run up to within a few hundred of twenty thousand. The breeching of the Greeley ness is badly broken in New Ens har- ngland. DESTROYED MANY OF Icrgair ISImikots. The owners thereof shonM remember when they purchase a new supply that MUW1AS S bLAN h K1S are tbe best in tbe market. He has also a Tery lanre assortment of FI ASS ELS, SA TtSETS, CASS1MERES, STOCKING FJK.V, CARPETS, COVERLIDS, In short, any kin.l of WOOLEX GOODS that may be wauuxl. Prirea low anil all r.wls warranted to be mail in the best manner anU from pur atock. Kxnmine hi? goods before purchasing your Win ter 1'iothing. Addresa WM.S. MORGAN. Stastos" Mills, Pa. (l-btce of business 1 mile west.) Sept. tt. T3 jgAXKING HOUSE OF Janes T. Brady & Co., CaniffofPuiirtSAysiueaiWocl Strat, . rPITTSBTTIRQ-K, PA. WE BUT AND 8FXX. COAL. purpose, &c, ca (formerl' of thia I miner fit out, and bearrtiful slate dn readerst OV EES EA M IXQ COM PLUTE anie ol4 , friends KiJ-I II XXI A X1XXLUXXU - 114 Smithdrld Street. Xew City Hall, PITTS 111" E'.' ju!3 Sen I f. r Illustrated Catalogue. jTTcAL AGENTS w American Button-Hole JAMES ESPY, Cen'l Ags For Western rennsylvania ami Enters ' Office 173 Liberty St., nttsbnrr- May wa com pe lie, doubt, en Coon Het Liberal inducements ofTere.1 to c-on'T c Agents. A- J OIIN WILSON & SON lVIIOLllSALi: 237 Liberty Sscft PITTSBUBG: Ocm ba a nice cle they raist teen cent. long that time to e Mtne mo june 26, "71 G0LD.8ILVER&C0UP0NS On Liberal Term. WE ALUJW Six per Cent. Interekt on Deposits. ACCOUNTS OF MEECH ANTS AND INDIVIDUALS SOLICITED. James T. Brady & Co. July S-71 yy-AUMCASTIE k MOORE'S FAVORITE CRACKERS, SOLD BT ALL GROCER . E3TCLAIM AC.EXCVj Oldeat la the Mate. B. F.BROWN 1 CO. 116 Smithfield St, Pittsburgh Colleet Pensi-irs. H.nnlleS. Priie.'' Mention paid to susM-noe---Ippliratioo ty mail alif" Stwial claims. A made in person. J;l.)- F"R RICH FANHJv T I -' WALNUT CASE U ;., . stops, perfectly new. Factory pnee.f- number of Seeond-hand Melodcaa aft- , ranctns In price from '5 and apwin s. ' at numerate prices. Call and exaalne sic rooms of . ,ii CHARLOTTE W- . No. 1 Sixth ATrnu'. PM'M Solo Agent for Prince Co."s thrrans. I H, FRANCiSCUS fi 5ia MARKET STCEtf PHILADELPHIA. We have opened fi r the FALLTKAi nest and best asaorled Slovk id PhUadelphia Apple tr frolics now, and them to tl son will b is to be ru feshicned of their o er depar now by ir Blkmi: flight, ,T health, w the haTin, true ralut ' befcrr arfmeata b diaeaaeaof ch, and a blood. Dr Bitters arc has never Claw 1. nd buy a nd be con heat wash Table, Stair and r'",l,Uy andheav?,! form to a Window Shades Cotti.n Yarn, Ilatting. w " jf Chirk. Looking Gla. Fancy B- Buskets. Buckets, Brushes. ('W"' Wooden and Willow W u m csitius"' Our larae increase In at low price, and furnish tbebet SOLE AOENTSFOKTHS Celebrated American Was I'RICE, Tbe most Perfect and Suooe1 made. ful " .. . THE AGENTS WiMli' 'v ;ib4a WASHER, in all P1 01 " Sept. 2S. A-W.Kr... gent for s T tal krock ha enin iw !?- It, f'-Schroc waster to i Th-hoio,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers