The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, October 16, 1872, Image 1

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fern 01 " i
rfi3S:asisst Herald ;
.lt. . h,y Mornin? at3
'" ' -t'il'in adranee; otherwise C
, .TtfU.vj jtinmsl until ail ar-
' ' iT".P'l .u-ri!ri Jo not take out tfcetr J
"'l ,,,1 . u ,Me fcr the awbtertptl.'-.
-s"-"1' -1 ,,.. m one ToWofflfw to an-
r .i os t"1
S ' ., Address,
T j I-
1 11 "11 tlUR
LL o
ctune of the forme r M ,
E S T A H L I S II E D, 1 8 3 7;
printing Company,
Uu-ioess Manager.
NO. 18.
Hard ware.
1 t
. l- t y I EL wi'l continue lo praeure
.:. V : teivlers hn isr.rfeser.mal -rl-.
.;,!' t m pu. ' "
Q T. I, 1
.C h 1-
"' .f v W ST
, Lt. I'.. wul aire pr.-n.tH attrn
V. .-.unties. Uttce la tJll
Saved By a Hair.
by a skillful detective, and sometimes siasni that the people went so far as
:VK1-U ten-let b.; professbmal
. .,,, ol S-mn-rsei o-1 Tli-io-'"v'c
mt.!oor wcst.f tneHar
jn. -I. .0.
'U.Kiihas jwrmmentiy locates
raeliee ot hi proU-Mon.
.imri't t su-rc
H. Cnfiroth has
in Somerset and
J..te in tne Kenirlcr'i ottee.
.Hit. l-i-'J'
A vcrj little thin will soruetiuies
I save a man's life, as the following
storv will show. While readint' the
evening paper, I noticed pomethinir i :
j which interested nn; at once, 'What's
j this ?' I said, &3 iuy eres lighted un
j a startling paragraph :
'MrsTFRirn's MrHrrn.I. II an.
J Cbl F. ElynVur 1 263 Liberty St., PITTSBURGH, Pa. ! ?h' one of ,.ur oU. an:!
. . ; t-it'zens. w-a this morninir found dead
in his room, having been murdered
during the n:rht. Edffar Morton, a
s employ, and who, report
soon to bo niarrieJ t his
daughter, has been arresteil for the ; ,:
murder, and circumstances are caid
I to be strongly against hiiu.'
Xow, although I am usually aaiong
HaJ re'pened hi. tlor. a
England & Bindley,
A foil romplete Stnck of Ac. Sh-el,
H , Sorihr. Sn'hK. Lioctf. M:a-
fvt, Nailn, and
Few Doors Above the Old Stand
, : BSacksmirhs' & Carpenters' Tools,
AnJ cff rf to hi ruxtooM-ra anI frttnd" a full
of n-iurli at t he rery luweel jtri-n:,
- Ilardwaro cf Every Description,
;m;HY. ATTOHXl-.Y " "
'. r m v.i rtt. Smcmi. Pa-. iH
' i en-.nuted to hi. care nh : -) -jCi
u,;tluv. aua. lly- !
Nmctwt. t'a wiu ,
: ..i .,1IC criUUM Ail tincM o-,
ns iU u prouiirt ly alien Ji t-k.
Agnu lor
i Qal!ty of Filo. rXSCBPASSEO.
A nib 'w
jxp a LASS,
Wootlrn Ware of All Kind,
, 1 iv 1.KXT1ST,
t all lime l I -unu v. -- --- .
run r.L'.itiir. n .ui...Mi..
teeth M all'! auti "i i
Aii eraUun war- j
June 1. .0. i ir t 4 nL
( the first to Lear of criminal news,
1 from the nature of my business, this
j was the first intimation I had receiv-
ed that such a murder had been coin
I mitted, having been out of town dur
I ing the day. As I had been on the
1 best of terms with Mr. Randolph and
This Brmrdf ha Kn in use ow kv: yrart, UlS Whole tamiJT, lt OCCUrrCU to me at
re.1 ln-a- .t.. u i. , u
ral.le ty the pr.rei,.D. It hax D.X failed In a a- l"a" " v "
anJ has cureif thousands of raaes rcmsi'!erei lni
gleease to (rive relief if not "entirely cure. , 'And SO tlllS is the Way that Edgar
it it r-rticuunyi-cntmnen,! m ia, "'n? ; Morton repars his benefactor and the
father of his afhanccd bride! let
no ! it cannot be. I will stake my
1L. Vnt'iiM-A
. r--i leai-i. on Main street. j
i V..T V '
'1 . 11 attend w ail bus meM en-1
' .wT-t and a'ljmninii !
snti n-l'lit-. ore. in Von;
: ' leb. IS. Tu-ly. ;
, ,nl'.iw. Apt. S.mri,
. t . iirt Uuuse. Jan. U-tt.
An-l .verylLlns; belunein to the luimn traJa.
1 -
:E. ;
n.f.wtfu!'.v informs the pun-
''i this wrll Vn.'rn hotel In the ;
r- 1 is his intention to Weep
i.;."n. ;,.- will sTive sitisliu-tion to .
ura a'.in their 7"""-.... T
ittoBVET AT LAW. '
tr? m UJ"B irrv. 'Tl-.
; tlompltUDCs;
j in any ieranrement of the Blood. In all Jicae
j peeniiar to females it Is a sure and Sovereign Hem-
j "iy-
1 In short. It heint: a Kemerff artins; thronih the
j rrruatioa . the bio4 oo all the important or
i frans ani emanrtories of the boiy. It will cure al
1 most any enrabla disease.
I Forsaleby MEYERS It ANAW ALT. Ferlin,
; Pa., and by dealers in Family Jleilijines erery
! where. July i Tl
of IA. Si-ui
JJ. -tf.
"PER. PhvieUn aa.l Dentist. Berlin, j
"Wii; .five pr.,mtl attention to all rasrt
hi- ire. I -,-e one ..l.-.r west of the
ii a-." aotnc as oc. ut.ied horctclore by
Tabic KniTC and l orks,
I f ,-:re rraetiee hi ShanasTiUe.
- 1 - i --a;ed at S. mersei ir iw l"
1 I t.-no-rs his prifesei.aial s
L ,.r ,:?.-. of Siwnrt at Tteimty
i , : - t i ?:i.ip foraerlToei-uMed ly O.
J w'L..'he ran be eimsulted at au t:ui
raffi- !
v eniraired.
t-r-jinuy anwered-
Grain Separator,
! And ImpmTeJ
'fm Oasii HORSE POWER.
i At a time Ilite he present. a.-n labor Is nsree.
I It is icnpiTtact that UrTrn-n wbo are lnterestel
1 siunld jtive attenilua t ary imprvenient that will
I teii to their reiieL la tha i-:ieer tM'imraU-T th
; farmer will zhi oo'y find a friendly Lahor-sarin
maciitns, tut a
jlifeonthat young man's innocence,
i As I spoke, there came a gentle
; tap at the door, followed almost ira
i mediately by the entrance of a lady,
1 deeply veiled, who at once threw
' aside her vail, disclosing the face of
I my deceased friend's daughter, Ceclle
, Randolph.
I "Excuse me, Mr. Ferguson, for en
; tering uninvited ; but urgent business
' impels me."
1 "Re seated Miss Randolph," I said,
rising and handing her a chair,
i "O, Mr. Ferguson!" she sobbed
; forth, hurrying her face in her hands,
constitute most damning evidence of
guilt In this case, however, every
thing had been done in the most fkill-
ful manner, and I could not succeed
in making anv discoveries." ;
"I was about to leave the room in
despair, wrfcenr gianrin toward the
led, I noticed what appeared to be a
light scratch on the neck of the mur
dered man, just above-the gaping
wound which had so cruelly let out his
life's blood. On examination, I found
it to be nothing more than a hair,
which had in some manner become
loosened from the head oC the assas-
n, and had settled on the neck of
the victim, where it'now lay, a silent
yet truthful witness, pointing out the
iruilty wretch to the eye of justice, j
The hair was of a deep red color, j
which was totally unlike that of any,
of the household. It was, indeed,
the same color and shade, as that of!
Conrad Smithley. ,i
I placed it carefully in .my pocket
book, and, saying nothing to any one
of my discovery, started for the resi
dence of Smithley, intent on doing a
little acting. I found him, , as his at
tendant said, ill in bed, and on no ac
count must he be disturbed. "Only
a ruse," I thought, "to divert suspi
cion." Mating to the wpman that 1
wanted to see him but for a few mo
ments on the most urgent business,
she finally reluctantly consented to
my entrance. I found hiia lying upon
a bed apparently in great pain,. In
my youth I had studied midicine-, and
was consequently well informed on
such matters, and I saw it once, with
a quick glace, that he wafl only feign
ing sickness. He started up some
what angrily as I entered, but I si
lenced him with a motion of my
"Conrad Smithley, this is adesper-
to select them for arbiters in public
matters. This temporary excitement
aberration, we were going to say
soon died away.
The first converts to Christianity,
being still imbued with their pagan
customs, introduced dancing into their
uew- form of worship. Large com
panies . of men and women were in
the habit of poiug out into the des
erts to participate in religious eere
monies, which niaiuly consisted of
wild fantastic dances. These having!
in time become rather too licentious,
were prohibited by the ecclesiastical j nothing new under the san.
Not a few of the modern dance a were
first brought out on the stage.
The cotillion introduced here un
der the name of The German is a
very old dance, which Las been but
slightly modified, for most of ita fig
ure were well known more than one
hundred years agr in everal of the
ancient provinces of I ranee. The
boTiquet, mirror and butterfly figures,
for instance, were quite popular, and
it mainfv consisted, and does now, of
round dances. Then, as now, it re
quired some talent to be a good lead
er or the cotillion. enir, mere is
'That I should ever be obliged to ! ate irame vou are plavinfir. but it will
! come on such an errana as this.'"
I endeavored to quiet her, and par
: tiallp succeeded, when I drew from
: her what few particulars she knew.
regarding her father's death.
"He retired last night, at his usual
hour, apparently in good spirits, and
no sound was heard during the night
to cause alarm. In the morning as
he failed to appear at breakfast, a
servant was dispatched to summon
him. Knocking at the door, and rc-
1 I
H iirLKTH All t aooa-"'
v l..w --uirset. Pa. Pmlessiotiai basi
- soli-lteu and puneiuallj allend-
Great Economizer,
jiuni'.rset. Pennv
Toiether with many anMes too snmerrns to men
tion in an adveniaement- He i determined to
sell at the Tery lowest prices. Give htm a ea!L
June 12-Ti
: ceiving no answer, he hnally opened
j it and advanced into the room. What
a sight did he then behold ! My
1 poor father lay upon his bed, with his
! throat cut from ear to ear : Peath
must have come to him smldeniv so
t As can be substantiated by thousands who Dow
hare tbetn in soeeesstul operatioa.
AsaTHl.'ESIIEK. lt is eiinal to the best:
Asa CLEAN l.K. it Is superior Co any other ma- .
ius the only mehine that ran. hy . cntaa-! suddenly as to prevent any ontcry
tiov, thoroughly thresh and tleaa grain fit formr.r-; and the Unknown OSSassin had no
'hi Era k hay. Eikiiek. somerset Co.. Pa., ar ! trouble in making his escape."
the ioU ajeats, and Saia l Bojer is aef. , "But," I Said, "I Can't SCC wh V anr
avail you nothing."
"What do you mean?" he exclaim
ed springing to his feet, bis sickness
a'.l gone. .
"I mean that the game is up, and
the murderer of John Randolph is
As I Lad anticipated, he sank into
a chair, and burymir bis face in his
authorities, and dancuiT once more
fell into disrepute.
The exact date of its revival is not
known, but it seemed to have come
into favor at the time of the mar
riage of Isabel of Arragon to Ga-
leazzo, the Duke of Milan. Cather
ine dc . Medici was the first to brinj?
ballets and balls into fashion, and
thenceforth their popularity steadily
increased, and dancing became a re
fined pastime. In 1661, Louis XIV
founded an academy of dancing, the
members of which, thirteen in num
ber, were selected from among the
best dancers in the kingdom. Until
the year 1772, ballet dancers never
appeared en the stage without being
masked. After leave had been given
them once or twice to appear on spe
cial occasions without their masks,
they were finally allowed to discard
them entirely. In connection with
this, it may not be amiss to state that
women were, for a long while, exclud
ed from the ballet, and the first who
ventured upon the stage in the ca
pacity of dancers, were regarded with
The dances of the various nations
of the civilized world are generally
tvpical of the predominant traits ef
The Orientals are very fond of wit
ncssing ballets and intricate pas-seul,
but they never dance themselves.
The dames of the Bayaderes and
almces are true pantamimes, though
not alwiys very delicate or graceful
The Moorish ladies of rank, who
spend their days in trimming garlands
of jessamine, and in smoking long
chibouk, sometimes vary the monot
ony of their existence by a little dance
in their secluded apartments.
One of their number performs a
rather mournful tune on a guitar or
tamborine, while another woman,
clad in a loose and transparent gown,
with long, flowing sleeves, rises and
begins a series of contortions and
swaying motions, until, utterly ex
hausted, she gives up the place to a
third one, who goes through the same
performance with evident pleasure.
and not unfrequently with a sort of
Frenzv, as if overpowered by her
But all public dancing is done by
paid bayaderes, who, though well
treated, much admired and highly
praised, are regarded as outcasts from
society, and unworthy of respect.
Their fantastic dances are, however.
a prominent feature at every festival
:.i nf.-j art '. Pier Lukinir Glasses and
r;.-tur frtimes a Speciality.
For Business Men.!
"The Reserve Fund Tolicy.'
; one should suspect Edgar of the mur
m i:
r . ire.- o do ail kinds of pUninj? and j
:r;i.'oi M.i.titx materials. !
. k .7T'i;::-Bi iaeping.
'.Ml AND IKioE.S.
v:T-nw i. POOH FRAMES.
I I o
Id. . r
as- if i
t to -
i I-
-n-raoy used In house build
's d- oe to order.
'-n i-.trod to manufacture all kin-Isof
Ie w.H ils j r".uiptly ait.'tvi to
Secnres Special If otcctlon t
Every Policy Holder.!
'u i
s- UI'.ST MATEKIAJ-wiU be used.
, .lone la the latest and m t aj.proved
For eximph-t Supi.s T.m are thirty-Arc years
f asre and Ulce a -Ue9ure Kan Polfc y" at or
dinary life rates.
i me annual pavment will Insure yn 2 years and
3 i 'ays.
Two annual payments will insure yon 4 years
and VI days.
Thn-e annual payments will insure yon 4 years
and T. davs.
Fleeaauaal pay men u TJ Iasur yon 10 years
and M days.
Six annual payments will msarw yom 12 years
and 11 days.
:s? rcssiBLE prices.
. r ir-h th.
This Protection Appliesto any Age, i c3 ,
FLOUR etc.
lie sure to call and scs. ami be rooTinc-
C5 wL as there are too many arUrk-s kept for
AnJ is expressly stated la every PuUfjr.
FaiM's StaiM
i C L, i : S
so.MKKsirr iiorsi
Soncnsrr, fa.
July 17 A. W. KNETPEE.
Of aU k!r!s. He ean-rul U buy j Tlj(, t, toeertiry that tnr lte husband. Daniel
ii iv I lie ir-Duine. j jj TlM.mrwm. was Insured In the HTk shire Lile
n. . Im-.r. vi-i M n drawers. A.
Hll!tNK"S MnKSE A IU..
luU S"-.nd Avenue, l'itubunf
fx-aies r.-iaired prumptly.
?Aiso. KiirzHS;-! Harrows. W
:VH-IAX AND Ulf'.KoN".
1 " ;- ; e St. Charles Hotel.)
t. Str.iTT, I'lTTSI IRlJH,
" r .f Oneensware and Kannfac
tnn'rs of (ilastsware.
Insurant 'omiMnT. fituhehh Mass., rl.uoo,
lee,-m. r l'Jth. l7u. premiam payable guarterlr.
That two tavm.-nis were maile up to June lvth.
' 171. that be Ui.t.1 1 k-toix-r l:uh, four months aRo-r
j he faiie.1 to make his payment.
The usual proofs of death wera forwanled to the
1 Company, au.1 the full amount of the poller, less
the two quarterly payments da at the time ot nis
death, was paid "to me br ihetrGenerai A(rnt in
Phila.!lj.tiia. W. H. Graves, at their ufflue, S. W.
; corner t ncytuul and xJeventh Mreeis.
! (Siined) NETTIE TlKtMPSON.
I W. H. Greene. late of New York. Insured a few
years smee in tue Herasnire uie inenranee an-
muy SCJoU; bat owint; to misfortune In busi-
, oen was unable to maa any aymem to me :
; '.npan during one rear and hre months prbYto I
' Ins dnease. 1 hare' this day paid (at toe New
I V.irk othoe of the Company. -.Tl Broadway, corner .
j ot t tiameers street . three' thooeand Ure hundred ,
; and ninety-nine ooliars. this lieins; the full amoant
1 due to his wi.low. atter deduetins; the orerdue par- j
1 am I merits and Interest. j
New York. Mareh 11th. To s.uirinteniietit. !
The sutiseriher Informs his friends and the poh.
11c mat ne is mw cerotuis; uia eiHtre time hi las
hand a supply of copper and brass
u, ad all fclads of
' line.
1 t.-re. Slam street. Pa.
KoatI the Following
C lairu raid.
List of.
The first one ever start"d In theenuntr. and is pre
pared to furnish promptly all kinds of
Vines and Plants.
T.n.. T..l. ..rk f-ttr at imn rm.-.
orerdue 4 m.-alhs. 1 1"aiy-
H. C. liampa. New 1 ork City, .hoa. Pay-
S-nd them In early.
The Unrest and most complete In the I'nlted
Siales. roal l.-s him to rnaraotee to his rnstom.Ts
therhoieeet Varied ami ttirtrtiest srruwtx
pnoes are lower than erer betire. His resolre is
aot to be wstdoo l.r anr la tne tale in prv-e or
r u ! lln.. K,w Vork Cltr. il ia n... pers.maiir soneii orifn mis lau. oui onien, .ireeeot as a bore
Mrs. G. B. Hart, Chieairo, llh ki.000, payment 1
ererdue T months ami Is davs.
H. F. Maore. li-Mon. Maftu, fS-flOO, payment ;
orerdae ft menths and lt dars. !
James H. Adair, New Vaerrfne. Iml-12,000,
I parmcot orerilue 2 months and 7 day.
Live l lirnisJlin;: OOOtl i meat orerlue 1 yeara, U months and 11 days.
I Jinei It. Itahrook. Fiu-hburs:. Mass.. 11.000,
1 ts line Shoo one dT west of payment urerdae S ycara. I moata aaa t aaya.
June lis-TA - - Kmservst. Pa.
These wonis will be made urdl
iis fall, hut e
be promptly attended to.
1 .
A. H. Franciscus Ss Co
isroxniu an dkalxus t
"This is the most mysterious part
of the sad affair. When Edgar was
told of the murder, he turned very
pale, reeled, and would have fallen
to the ground had not support been
given him. Some of the ignorant be
holders of this scene thought his ac
tions denoted guilt, and an officer was
summoned, who at.once insisted on
searching his room. A razor, on
which were several spots of blood,
was found concealed under the car
pet, together with an old suit of
clothes belonging to Edgar, which
were bespattered with blood. This
was considered sufficient evidence to
warrant his arrest, and he now lies
in jail, charged with the awful crime
of murder. Oh, Mr. Furgnson! if
you can do anything to save him, and
at the same time bring the guilty per
petrator of this deed to justice, I will
amply reward you."
'Do you know any enemies of your
father, or of Edgar, who would be
likely to commit such a crime either
for money or revenge ?" I asked.
"Oh, sir," she replied, "it was not
done for robbery, as everything in the
room was as father left it the night
before. His watch, and pocket-book,
the latter containing quite a sum of
mc.ney, were found under his pillow,
where he always placed them, so that
the crime must have been committed
to cratifv a fiendi.-h thirst for re
"Now, then, who of all your ac
qua ntauces could do such a thing ?"
"I cannot possibly say. Father
Lad not an enemv in the world to mr
ja I knowledge, or Edgar either, unless,
iierhaps, it nnsht be Conrad Smith-
lev, mv poor father's book-keeper and
trusty clerk ; but it would be impos
sible for nim lo do such a deeiL"
"What reason hare you to suspect
that he is not Edgar's friend ?"
"Onlv this: Sonic time niro, Con-
I rad, whom we have always regarded
I as one of the family proposed for my
band, and I told him it was not mine
1 to give. 'I suspected a3 much,' he
j muttered ; and then, whilst his face
j grew dark, and nis fcotrrres assumed
1 an appearance perfectly fearful, he
continued, "but you sball never be
come the wife of Edgar Morton while
I have life to prevent it." He then
wheeled about, and abruptly left my
presence. I wes considerably alarm
ed, and thought of speaking to father
about it : but during the forenoon be
returned and begged my forgiveness
for the words he had used, and made
His i such professions of sorrow ia regard
to them that I freely forgave him, and
have since thought no more of the
"The fact is quite clear to me," I
said, "I know this fellow well, and
the sort cf company he keeps, and I
should not be surprised to find that
htirul snliliod o:ir "Lost ! lost I"
' ' . , t te -. j
'Do you couH.-ss the murder then?" towna nas us locslna iavonie nance.
Recovering himself a little, he! In Catalonia and Arragon, it is the
rrasned. "What nroofs have vou ?" ! jota; in Andalusia, a lively and
"Enough to han? vou, and" nothins sprightly dance, called the Andalu-
" O ' O I . aft 1 .? . a sr
but a confession can procure you a g,an- -oraova, u is a son or .uoor
lighter punishment." I then rapidly '"D dance, than which nothing can be
detailed to him the circumstances more praceful, performed as it is in
which led me to the conviction that the midst of luxuriant proves of lau
he was John Randolph's murderer rrf 1,11,1 orange trees. The national
his threats, his motives, and finally dince f sPain is however, the fan
the unmistakable evidence, he had left, Ingo, which is, in a measure, a eom
of his r.resence at the murdered man's Ihination of all the others. Atone
bpilsl.le The last link in th rhin trme, a consistory of the Church of
completely overwhelmed, himi U Rome had assembled with the inten-
was not an experienced crfmlhal, and tfon of prohibiting and censuring this
he saw no hope for escape. dance, but the clerical gentlemen ap-
"I confess," he said, "now that pointed as judges and arbiters were
concealment is no longer of use."
I took him at once into custody,
and soon had the satisfaction of see
ing him change places with Edgar
Morton, who was overjoyed at his
Conrad Smithley was tried for
murder, and, knowing that any de
fense would be useless after his con
fession to me, pleaded guilty and
threw himself upon the mercy of the
Court, which sentenced him to im
prisonment for life.
About a year after, I received an
envelope containing an invitation to
the wedding of Cecile Randolph and
Edgar Morton, who lived long and
happily together, and never ceased
thanking me that Edgar was saved
bv a hair.
cuarscier inn ciuoiiuuai uiiposinond t .t .1 . ,-
... 1 , , . or gathering, whether public or pn-
rJt lh nstirsg cr Tart Milnrltr ia ! 0 . s' . ' . r".
i . , , ' - " ' - vate, and excite the greatest enthusi-
tha noticeable in wutbern countries. which finds rQt jn loud
where pantomime .s so frequently the and ghoutg of deligbtf in a pro.
eWient language of the P s- fusiorj cf ifl3 showeresd
In Spain the dances are both spirited J bewitchi.f? dancer-, and in the burn
and voluptuous; they are seldom sub- - - .,, ,: ,
a l tj j I ' V UVIIUIULO AAAV4 ttA 'J IXi KklU KUUUa,
jeneu i w. ruie o. vur art, m are , . . npart:r. op nf
dancing seems to be inherent to man-
more impuL-ive than studied. Each
province, we might almost sav each
Dasicina t Dancea.
However much people may differ
regarding the propriety of dancing,
there can be no dispnte as to its an
tiquity. In fact it is a matter of his
tory that the earliest people of whom
we have an v record are known to have
resorted to dancing as a means of
pleasure, and in some instances, de
voutly tripped the light fantastic toe in
their religious worship. The most
popular dances of the present day,
in many instances, had origin years
ago, with some half civilized or bar-:
barous people. i
Originally dancing was hardly more
than a saltatory or swaying motion,
a sort of cadence promenade, which
was introduced into every religious
Among the Hebrews, the Levites
so fascinated ana eiectnncd oy the
various figures, that they uncon
sciously began to dance themselvei,
and were therefore onable to pro
nounce against it Dancing is no
less popular it Italy. The celebrated
tarantella is essentially Neapolitan,
and its name was derived, is is said,
from the tarantula, the people gener
ally believing that the venomous
sting oT this spider was cured by this
livelv dance. Thesaltarello and Sicil
ian predominate in the environs of
! Warm climates seem to be natural
ly productive of and the most favor
able to the best singers and dancers.
There alone can be found that glow
and vivaeity, that impetnousness and
enthusiasm which can hardly ever be
equalled in northern climes. In Rus
sia, for instance, dancing is quite as
common a pastime as in either Spain
or Italy. But how vast the differ
ence! The Russian peasant's dance
is heavv. listless, and oftentimes de
void of gracefulness. He merely
swavs to and fro to the monotonous
music of the balaleica, a long guitar,
whos? note3 are frequently drowned
bv the shouts and sonirs of the bv-
standers. The dance of the Cos
sacks is nothing but a noisy tramp,
or condensed stamping of the feet,
dignified with the euphonious names
of koppak, tropak and kastaehok.
Bat the court dance is the polonaise,
of Polish origin, as indicated by its
name. ' It is merely a measured prom
enade or march, affording the very
best opportunity for conversation, and
is at once graceful and unconstrained,
while the strictest etiquette may be
maintained. The redowa, mazourka
tj . t .
Ainu, ior it nas existed irom time im
memorial among all the nations and
people of the globe, regardless cf col
or, race, religion or habits.
Tk Dviell la Cklask
were divided into two bands or com-
. . ' It - t 1
panics, ono ot singers ana the other j ana varsoviana are an i onsn aances.
Great Britain, trance and ber-
of dancers, and when rejoicings were
held in honor of any important event,
the priests performed solemn dances,
in token of their joy and gratitude.
Frequent allusions are made in Da
vid's Psalms to this mode of thanks
giving. .
In Eirvpt. the priests of the eod
The latest mails from China give a
glowing account of the Christian ex
ample which civilized and enlightened
diplomats at Hong-Kong give to the
Celestial empire. Having quarrelled
over cards, the Peruvian Consul at
Macaco, Torrebuno, sent a challenge
to Leon Checa, the Spanish Consul
It Hong-Kong, and that gentleman
chose a rapier, of which weapon he
had the best command. Torrebuno
objected to this, as his right arm was
too weak for sword play, and pistols
were substituted. I he appointed
time and the parties came together,
the ground was measured off, and the
Peruvian Consul won the toss for the
first shot, at twenty-five paces. At
the signal he fired and m'ssed. Checa
then fired at twenty-two paces, and
likewise missed. Torrebuno then
fired his second shot, at nineteen
paces, and again failed to hit, as did
also Checa, at sixteen paces. Torre
buno's third shot, at thirteen paces,
was very close, almost grazing Che
ca's nose. Checa then exclaimed,
" You see, gentlemen, that he intends
to kill me. He is aiming at my head.
I would gladly fire into the air but I
dare not, as he would shoot me like
a dog at seven paces, so I must stop
his pistol practice for the future."
The next shot Checa fired was aimed
at his opponent's arm, but it took ef
fect just inside Torrebuno's collar
bone, and he fell. One of the seconds
hnrst into tears and another went to
the assistance of the wounded man,
who finally revived enough to walk
to the Spanish nian-of- war Patino.
solemnly retreat to his butler's pan
try before allowing himself the lur
ry of a amOe or a cough, made one
quite ashamed to indalg ia sacb
demonstrations. He scarcely ever
poke ; bat whea ha did ao. it was to
exDresa some decided conviction as
to tbo inevitable destiny of his race
in this world and the next
"It's no use to tell me," he would
jerk out in short sentences, "that
white folks and niggas are going to
the same place in heaven. Sure as
as your born,- there'll be a quarter
built off for as to live in. And they'll
have something for us to do; why,
theyll set ns to pushing along the
clouds, if they can't find anything
The PaO. Mall Gazette says : Lady
Franklin, it appears, has received no
tice to quit her honse at Kening3ton
gore, and a letter appeared ia tha
Timt, ytrdy, aig-aad "Oaa .f
the Public," expresaing indignation,
nd, among other niaturs, apoka of
Lady Fran kiin'a "straightened meana.
Lady Franklin ha., ia coowsquencs?,
written the letter which follows:
'I am deeply touched" by the yra- -pathy
of your correspondent ia my
behalf, knowing aj I read that it ex
presses the feeling cf many whose af
fectionate solicitnde mast be the pride '
and joy of my remaining years. Bat
I beg your permission to clear up one
point cn which there may be misap
prehension. My income, secured to
me for lifo upon entailed property, in
sufficient for my principal wants and
very quiet style of livinj, and I de
sire to acknowledge gratefully the
fact when three years ago I received
an addition to it which, as in dutv
boand, I represented to the Lordj
Commissioners of the Admiralty,
they conferred npon me, nevertheless,
the boon of confirming my Admiral's
widow", pension. The low rent and
peculiar character of the modest home
I am now summoned to qnit permit
me the otherwise unattainable advan
tage to my health of spending the
worst months of the year is warm
climates, from which I return only
the more eagerly to a home on Thich
a have spent all I could snare to make
Before the war, there lived oa a i it habitable and convenient Bat the
plantation near Lynchbnrjr an old indulgence sought for me must be
colored preacher, whoso sermons
where truly remarkable. One day
his master, who happened to be pass
ing, paused to listen as he discoursed
to his fellow-servants. His subject
was hell and its horrors: which he
described in terrible term.-, declaring
that there was "whipping and whal
ing and snatching out of teeth, lie
tben proceeded, with a touch of Dan-
tesoue vizor, to tell his hearers that
hell was a region of fearful cold,
where ice and snow covered all
things, and where freezing was the
favorite punishment
"Why, Caesar," said his master the
next time they met curious to learn
why the preacher differed so strongly
from the usually accepted theory of
the infernal regions, "what makes
yoa tell my servants that hell is a
cold place 7"
Law, Msssa. I dont dare to tell
them people nothing else I Why, if I
was to say that hell was warm, some
of them rheumatic niggas would be
wanting to start down thar the very
first frost" Jfr. Sr.em.ulcr, in Old
and aVtftr for September.
Tka morally t eel Bsaile.
Beware of man or woman with a
fixed smile. Trust the most hideous
scowler before the being who goes
about with an angelic grin care full v
exibited to all eyes under any and
every circumstance. It is not natural
to smile perpetually, and no one ever
assumes a mask without beinir con
scious of a necessity for concealment
Dona nusunderstad me, there are
young women, and a rew old men,
who break oat into a smile whenever !
they speak. These are not the peo
ple I mean. The oie of which I
warned yoa is a motionless, hypo
critical, fixed expression which I
have seen worn during a silent three
hours' journey by rail, without the
slightest alteration that sort of smile
which most misguided lady artists
founded rather upon consideration for
my increasing infirmities than upon
the exigencies of a poverty from
which 1 am happily prerwrvei
A man was picked up recently by
the New York police, who seemed to
be suffering from mental aberration,
but on recovery, gave thU accoant of
himself :
When he left his happy home,
early in the morning, his wife kissed
him good-bye, as was her custom
when she wanted any errand per
formed, and then asked him to "go
to the dressmaker, and tell her that
she (his wife) had changed her
mind, and would have the watered
silk made cp instead of the poplin ;
"and be sure to tell her, dear," said
his wife, "that if she thinks it would
look better with ten bias flounces
without puffing, box-pleated below the
equator, which should be gathered ia
bem-stitched gadgeous op and down
the seams, with a gusset stitch be
tween, she can make it up in that
way, instead of fluting the bobinettc
insertion, and piercing out with point
applique, as I suggested yesterday."
Reaped for We
"Bat," you say, "Americans are
celebrated the world over, for their
respect for women." No, they are
not Americans are famous for their
respect for ladies, but not for women.
If there comes into the cabin a very
sweet and comelv vounz" ladv, well
dressed, there are a dozen persons
who are more than willing to offer
her a seat If the car is crowded,
and a state! v maiden comes in and
walks through, a great many men
feel called to offer her a seat, because?
she is a lady. Bat whea a poor Irish
woman, poorly clad and weary walks
through the car or cabin, nobody
cares for her, because she is only a
woman. If it were a ladv, a seat
Near Trmite.
I be wav in which evil is some
times suggested to the immature
minds of servants and children,
cusing them on speculation of some
fancied wrong-doing, the manner in
which they are thus shown the prac
ticability of acts which they would
otherwise suppose impossible for
them to accomplish, has seldom been
better illustrated than in a story
which stills circulates in Virginia,
concerning a negro bov "which his
would be offered her at once. Now.
present upon their canvass When they J I say that you ought to respect wo
delineate martyrs saints, and angels. njnnoo. matter now womau
The portrait of a ladv has a different looks she is of the same sex as your
smil! the fashronlplate simper mother, as your sister, as your wife,
which though semi-idotic, is not dan-i 7oa are married, and as your
e-erona- Persons of no nenetratmn ! daughter, if VOU have children. I
allude to the chronic smile as -so ! feel to the very depths of my being,
sweet;" and any one capable of hold- j womanhood itself, without re
in the muscles of the under con-! eWd to the frivolltv of some and
trol, is generally able to squall sweet
ly, to move quietly and to use choice
language, measured tones, in mo
ments of the greatest excitement and
so can always place a better man or
woman at a great disadvantage, and
appear injured and innocent when
actually most guilty. .
Tern Good Be
of quite a number of special or fancy
dances, but at the present day there
is reatlv no national dan cine, and the
same Etvle prevails in all countries,
at least in good society. The jig and
countrv dance are purelv English,
Osiris performed astronomical dances, while the reel is unmistakably of
symbolical of the motions of the heav- Scotch origin. The minuet so call
enlv bodies, and which were quite ! ed because of the short step (menus
nania it was' Iill. He was owned
manv have each been the birth-place j by an eccentric old lady, whose sus-
e Commission Merchants,
nrVtlT OsmnasffiisjCL. tout Krttx-til..-
M. Hoi.lrrt.aum. Somerset.
I u. Ji.ller A Co., Meeers Mills.
M. vers A Allaeall Mwtin
""" r..a. l'resl.ient
Tl li'i'' u( "itinwre.
ew Flour Km tulit on the site of the
"e snath of Somerset Is
! tf a i
The Improved
New Draw Feed,
; he had committed the murder. His
i plan included Morton's execution as
j the murderer, the possession of your
; hand and the estate, so there was no
i lliuuic 104 ruiau iuuuii t si jtrusi,
! COTTON YARNS. BATTS WICK. I thls w mJ reading of the. case. Now,
K-t;.. ' h a'l the iaf-M ImproTe.
...V"?,"'1 "''"'he best kind of work,
i. '".'Itepaii t..n k.r..!s of rram.
There are snc points In a Sewtnp; Maeblne that
ladies desirins; to purchase, should take lntoeon
sideraiiun, namely:
Lifitnens nf runnrnst, ,
Ease of Management.
Cti parity to do the Work Required,
1 nUm from Notae. and
Non-Liability to tel out of Order.
We elaha that the IMPROVED ELLIPTIC L
puweeses au uiese points, and that U Is
Now Manufactiired.
And we solicit aa cxasalaaiiea of It. Aratswant-
ui r,rr. WWII, HI wnom we win give the
EATON iikoS., IS Flu ArePltUlrifh, Pa.
Twine and Ropes,
Wooden and Willow Ware, &c,
iixtncmni ajtd joibxuov
513 Xsrket Struct and NS Cummerea Street,
Jane 1 If.
then, I want to see the body of your
father and the room in which the
deed was done."
"Well, sir," she said, rising and
preparing to accompany me, "you
) will find everything as it was when
i first discovered ; the officers conclud
ed not to disturb anything until after
the inquest, which takes place to
morrow forenoon!"
j "Wrapping myself in my great
coat, we set out, and, after a brisk
walk of ten minutes, reached the pa
latial residence of my companion. I
was at once shown to the room of
the murdered man, and then began
making such an examination as only
a detective knows how to make. Cir
cumstances of the most trival charac-
The underslsmcL proprietor of the Diamond
Hotel, oa the southeast corner of the IMasoond. be
ing Induced by his many friends, would say to the
trareltair oublie that he I prepared to'rereire
and hospitably entertain all who may rlre him a I
Mil 1. i. ktjiM mill h. Mnadn with thm twat 1
order and furnish nne acenmmodatiim. iter, which would be overlooked by an
suiystown. Pa, April i7tkt wri"' clsTEK' ignorant person, are often seized upon
similar to those instituted by the
Chinese and Hindoos in honor of
their gods.
The ancient Greeks almost invaria
bly combined dancing with masic in
the worship of their numerous divin
ities. One of the most celebrated of
these was the (jaossian, said to have
Wen imported from the island of Crete
by Theseus. It was a circular dance,
like most of those performed around
the sacrificial altars.
With the exception of the dance of
Bacchus, nearly all the sacred dances
were rather simple. The Phrygian
dance of the Corybantcs was, how
ever, somewhat ferocious and wild in
its character, the dancers being all
armed with lances and shields, and
displaying a warrior-like spirit in the
principal figures. Gradually, and al
most imperceptibly, the nature of all
these dances was modified and became
more theatrical.
The Romans performed only sa
cred dances, at first, and regarded all
others as degrading. Romulus is
said to have invented the first war
dance, and Numa instituted the or
der of the Salii, whose occupation
it was to dance around the altara of
the god Mars. A time came, how
ever, when the Romans departed
from their primitive rigorousness, and
running into the other extreme, they
honored dancing aa one of the most
ennobling arts; they even treated fa
vorite public dancers in a manner be
fitting great men or sovereigns only.
Two mimic dancers, Pylades and
Bathyllus, created so great an enthu-
pas) taken in the different figures
originated in the old French province
of Poiton, and was afterwards intro
duced by the Marquis de Flanmarens
into England, where it long remain
ed in great favor, and deservedly, for
it was a dignified and graceful dance.
The garotte, which has recently come
into fashion here as a fancy dance,
was tripped centuries ago, by the
peasant girls, in the gavats' country,
a small, mountainous locality in the
neighborhood of Gap, in the south of
I ranee.
The ever delightful waltz, contrary
to general belief is not of German
origan. It was extremely popular in
France toward the thirteenth and
fourteenth centuries, ., and bcame
known in Germany -only after that
period. Its popularity was soon es
tablished in all countries, despite of
the prejudices and objections raised
against it The polka was brought
from the forests of Hungary in 1840,
and created quite a sensation. Every
thing was done in polka fashion.
There were polka hats and dress
goods, polka jewelry and polka trim
mings. Shortly after the polka be
came popular here, or about the same
time Mr. Tolk was elected to the
Presidency of the United States, and
owing to this somewhat singular co
incidence many persons supposed that
the new dance had been named after
him, or in his honor. The schottlsche
and mazurka next came in vogue, and
from that time fancy dances multipli
ed rapidly, many of them going out
of fashion before the end of a month.
picious temper made life a burden to
herself and every one around her.
One day she sent Bill down into the
cellar to draw cider for dinner. The
cellar contained also some fresh but
ter : and. as the boy failed to reap
pear within a reasonable time, she be
gan to fear for its safety. Going to
the hall of the stairway she called to
"Bill, what are you doing down
there ? I know you are stealing that
"Law, missis," replied the boy ;
"how could I steal the butter ? Whar
is I got to put it ?"
ny you could hide it in your
shirt-bosom," she incautiously re
" Bless your heart, Massa John
said the grinning negro, as he after
wards told the story to my grandfath
er, "1 never wanted for butter from
that day V
The real, though perhaps uncon
scious, creed of a vast number of per
sons, is well expressed in the advice
given by an old black man to a wild
young Virginian:
Massa Richard," said this hoary
evil-doer, solemnly lifting op his hand
to emphasize his admonition, "if there
is a hereafter, dont carry on bat,"
he added, suddenly breaking out into
enthusiasm and a broad grin, "if
there ain't no hereafter, carrv on powerful!"
I am sorrv to say that the voung
gentleman in question adopted the
latter half of his sable mentor's in
struction with a readiness with
which advice is seldom received, er,
at least, acted upon.
Talking of a future existence re
calls the opinion pronounced upon his
own prospects, and those of his race,
by an elderlymnlatto man, the dining
room servant in a house on the bank
of the Rappahannock. He was over
whelmingly genteel ; and to see him
without regard to age. is essentially
to be respected, and that a man is
less than a man who doeS not feel
the instinct and the sentiment and
does not act according to it" IL W.
An Arkansas local soliloquizes
thusly : "Some of our exchanges are
publishing as a curious item a state
ment to the effect that 'a horse in
Iowa pulled the plug oat cf the bung
hole of a barreL' We do not see
anything extraordinary in the occur
rence. Now, if the horse had pulled
gnole and
1t?aaaa,v UIJ aMI ICD " lia A. AJV LflUK, VI It
. .1 1 . aa
tne oarrei naa puiieu tne oungboie or
the plug and slaked its thrist with the
horse, or if the plug had pulled the
horse out of the barrel and slaked its
thirst with the bunghole. or if the
bunghole had pulled the thirst out cf
the horse and slaked the plug with the
barrel, or if the barrel had palled the
horse out of the bunghole and plug
ged its thirst with a slake, it might te
worth while to make some fuss over
First He has shown by his past
record that he is a true friend of the
cfroou. ixc uu nrrer a u used a t tne barrel out of a
trust, and has no poliey to enforce j slaked his thrist with the
against the will of the people.
Third. He has enforced honesty
and introduced economy in all branch
es of the Government
Fourth. By a wise financial policy
he has reduced the public debt up
ward of three hundred and thirty-four
millions of dollars.
Fifth. He has enforced the laws
of the nation justly, impartially and
Mxtn. lie has extended the pro
tection of the Government to Ameri
can citizens at home and abroad.
Seventh. He has shown an earn
est desire to promote tranqillity
throughout the South, and has done
everything within his power to ad
vance its prosperity.
Eighth. He has niantained peace
with all nations, and by his wise pol
icy has preserved the most friendly
and cordial relations with the leading
Powers of Europe.
Ninth, ne has given practical ev
idence of his sympathy and friend
ship for the working men of America,
and has neglected no opportunity to
advance their intrests.
Tenth. He has proven as great in
peace as he was in war; wise and
magnanimous as a statesman as he
was skillful and just as a soldier.
Tb Asjtaor er Ec-r Has
Prot Seeley, author of "Ecce Ho
mo," is a smooth-faced, flaxen-haired,
boyish man, of small figure, bnt with
a scholarly manner and a charming
power cf expression. At a meeting
of Mrs. nowe's Peace Congress he
made an admirable speech, but was
repeatedly interrupted by a hunch
back in the an die nee who cried
"Time," merely because he wanted
to hear the women. Prof. Seeley
was finally so much embarrassed
that he eat down. He spoke about
half an hour without moving his
left arm once, or raising his knuckles
from the table on which he had
planted them to support his leaning
body. He emphasized occasionally
by a slight forward jerk of the head.
In fact, he spoke very much like a
talking pillar, without movement of
anv kind from head to foot
Lisson in Natcral Histobt.
What is the wisest bird f
A sage hen.
The most ecclesiastical animal?
A monk ey.
An arithmetical reptile?
The adder.
Scholastic animals?
Whales, because they are found iu
schools, and the schoolmaster raises
An argnmentative auimal ?
The goat, because he has a "but"
for everything.
Theatre-rroing animals ?
alwavs found in the dress
Sombbodt having applied to an
editor for a method by which he could
care his daaghter of her partiality for
young men, is kindly informed that
there are several methods of reform.
One way is to skra the young person;
another is to pot her into a well and
drop a few loads of gravel on her
head ; another is to bind her ankles
to an anvil and upset her out of a
An eld fanner said ef his clergy
man, whose sermon lacked point;
"Ah I yea ; he's a good man, but he
will ra'ke with the teeth upwards."
A Torso man asked a yeang lady
her age, and she replied: "Six
times seven and seven times three
added to my age will exceed six
times nine and four, as double my age
exceed twenty. the young man
said he thought she looked much
A Dolub Vabdin Pib Take
about four yards of light dough,
gather it up in tucks and flounces,
crimp the edges, and fill up with fruit,
then lay on the overskirt. fasten it
with buttons of dough, connected
with frills of the same, and yoa will
have a tasteful and elegant pie, only
you must eat it, not wear it
An Indiana man recently had a
monstrous saw log drawn clear across
his body by a yoke of oxen. It
didn't hart him any, bat he ebjects on
the whole to going into the corduroy
business with his good clothes on.
Thb following, from a village
church-yard in Georgia, is ton thing:
"Open year syes.
For here Uew
All that oaa rot.
Ri(hl were she sot,
W bjea she was happr.
Oar Elisa Jane.
Called noma ecala.
To join her pappy.1
You will alwus notisone thing, the
devil never offers to go into partner
ship with a bizzy man ; but yu will
often see him offer to jine the laiy,
and furnish all the capital Jm
A little girl wanting a fan, bat aot
being able to remember the word,
said she, "wanted, a thing to brush,
off the warmth with."
V- i