The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, October 09, 1872, Image 1

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    of Fnblicntion.
Th3 Somerset Herald
lay M-nilo' ta
,-ni-.i -. . .
if mill in
advau'-e: otherwise -
;1''',..i..-1 charged
i.ntinucd unlil all ar-j
,uh. r.;.i' ..,,.-,.-- neglecting
are I
m no. . .. t
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... ii-n '"-
..' ... fr the subscription.
U , ill be "" ' (piW we itflBce t
......n.-ra rem."'"
nntnt 11 I. IV l"' " "
. I, .ml, I 1! I v
rset Printing Company,
liii-iius Manager.
. . M. klMul.
will continue to practice
Vl.-'ii-'":-. .'.i'nncnwl and surrounding
" . --
,, "k, K I.VTZ. ATI K X V. AT
',, ,.,,ners hi. l.n.t. fsl.m"
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.illUIL' fUlitiW.
" ,mk!:ll tenders his profess lonal J
Kn ,., tl - "Lc door west of t .tar. j
a (lllice w ' Jan. it,
' r'n-'actice 'f Vis l-wl'""----
i -A .M'i" ' ,,, , i..w n Sonn-rivt and
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i x H U. llAl'.lt, ATTdliXKYS AT
-VM.V- .... i
i Li,,,,. Hud of
i material.
. june i , ,u. i
v ii rill. ATTtHJNKY AT LAW . SOM- I
lN-' !, " Ul i,r,.iiil.tlv ei..l to all l.ui-iness ,
', -W m Monev advanced on collection ;
'i in hi residence, on Mai" "-
1. T". . -
'Vlr I', ill attend to all l.uide en-1
""' . ..,.n.i nif c.uii-
Ins car m 7:v " .r. ....
Lltli ur.inj.tins
Uli. IS, '70-ly
to tal-rrtUse. Janll-t
' .-nlru.-le.
Lxur U"ii- :
t.. u-,ier-l!medresiC.riilly Informs tl.e I
F-; l"" .'" l.-l th s well known hotel in tl.e i
E I ' ,1 s-.inVrs.-t. ltis 1,1s intention to keep
t ; i ! to- lioi iinve sat.slaet.on to
ir p-siJeue of IaI. SoulU
mff c-'iilities.
tillice on I ni.i sirc-t.
tMwk 1-hrsli-ian and HentisU IUrlin.
l- Will Kivc i.roniH aiteuti.m to all caws ,
i 1.. his care. Otlioo one ,..r west .l t lie
i.-r lluuc.
1'. Mu-ser.
' same as oe-u.ii-u iu-ri-i-...o.i ,- ,
;. MILLEK, after twHv'
... li.. 1
v.--,r." rtive i.raciii-e in .-iiii... ... - i
.'riiiiiiMitlv 1-K-aled at Somerset tor the prac- I
ww-iclii-." and tenders bis professional ser-1
' tl..- ciiir.-i.s of Somerset and vicinity. i
in the tin f lion formerly ocem.lod by . A.
,1. u, r,- he can In- coiifullc! at all tunes, j
i j,r.ffffci"in.nv erurnfred. '
Cur lit "all promptly answered.
it S-merw-t i'a. rrol.-ssioiiul i.usi-1
:.. .. I ,.lll,ll' fltfl.llll-
.H-'-iiany h-.iicueu uu. - -
Somerset, Fenna.
..- Mantle an 1 Pier Looking Glasses and j
l'i -turc Frames a Smm lulity. j
4,1.". I
!m i nsrr planing-m i ll
00D & JONES,
ik w .rep:ire.l to .In al! kln.ts ot planing ana
:i. -turliig ul buililintf materials,
. unMhinir trenerallv used In house l.uilj-
I All km.! ..I work done to order.
i- iT'-nii-fii l.ile.l.
. Tl
;u: rn;n,
'stiu:i:t, somerset, pa.
... T.'i lired lo manufaeture all kin-Jf of
iVA(.(NS, SLEIOIIS, &.c.
11 also promptly attend to
In: the EICST MATERIAL will 1 used. '
rk done in t'.sc latest and m.iFt approved
:.t tl.e
p.-t. March 6th.
S C A. Jj JZ S
ruckp. IiitpruvpH Muim-v ilrawen. &:
T Hr SccmiiI Aveuuc, l'itteunr.
IIVi( IAN AND Sin.'.DiX. pa.
u :i eui.
(i p.i!e St. Clturles Hotel.)
... I. StiuTT, PlTTSlll T.Olf, Pa.,
irii i-k of (ucciinvare and Slui.ufac
tiircrs T (;la--wi;re.
m. i. rsuf-l ir )dv.ai1 to n.nulJturell
"tly Land
a f c.i.per and brass
hull .mis and
all kinds of
Hiim' I'iiruisliiiiK .ooIm
V'l't in Ids line. Sluin one d.r west ol
' store, sum street. Somerset. Ta.
Puce Commission Merchants.
0lW-, lrii-,lr ... I. ...J w. . ,
si"fialatu-i.ii;i,eB '
1 Til K SALE 01-' RUTTER.
M. lioMerhanm. K.nrnw-t.
il ,';.,'-r k Berlin.
ut.,.y ro,4 r.rMrttt Western Na
li utl IWok ol Kal: it...
Ekii 1U1 built oa 11 sit t! !
cm -nnxxisox mill,"
"- .'dotW Im Mod u VZk.
; t W pstd (. .11 ,.,, lf rm,
M to ins care in !"""" i - --
j no
John P. Blymyer
Hat rei?iid Ms "tore a
Few Doors Above the Old Stand,
Ami tinciT t hie cufti.imr" aii.l Irien.l a full 1
ol K'MMlf at the very U.wcst Jirl'-c",
aus. us-iy. iiardWare
of Every Description,
. .... , j i, y
-I' (i ljAt!i,
ootU'ii Ware of All Kinds
andndelity. H ce intVurt And evtrjtUliij; ln-longlng to tlie Lamp trade.
i.l s - aiti-nthHi III r-t ii'-rrnp. rtrtr.r- ItT rTl T"T. I F
i.i'a.. wm ne r""'i" i A N KK liUUU l UE.WE.nAL.
A lxre st.K-k ol
Table Knives and Forks
Together i Ii ni -.ny arli.-lts t. tnimcrms to men
tion in an advertisement, lie is determined to
sell at the very lowest prices. Gie him a call.
June 12-'7i
For Business Men.
The Reserve Fund Policy."
Secures SiK-cial I'mtectittn to
Every Policy Holder.
For example: Suppose you are thirty-five year
of aire and take a "Reserve Fund Policy" utor
.linarv lile rates.
ne annual payment will Inf urc you 2 years and
1 3oy.
' Two annual payments' will Infuro you i years
i and 12 .iavs.
I Three annual payments will Insure you S years
L Hi r A 1 rT r"CnFiT annual payments will insure you 10 years
alio ao oavs.
Six annual payments w ill Insure you 12 years
and 11 .lays.
This Protection AppIiestoanyAge,
And is expressly stated In every Policy.
Of all kinds. Be earciul to buy j Th;. , t(lf.r.I(v (i,at ,rv hnsban I. Daniel
lily the genuine. j, 1-.,11pm. H insure! In the Berkshire Lite
f-ti . p li vt- Insurance I ..nipany, i-ittsiieiii, is i.ri.wj.
tf.iii.-n. l t-.,irf.r lot it. lsTii. inii.iiiiit ciuarx.Tiv.
j IrftrilllKT I'JIU. ln(U, pirilllUin jtfiviiu
That two privments ere tns.le up to June loth.
laTl. that he tiied h-tober lllth, lour mouths alter
i he tailed to make his payment.
I The usual prol or death were forwarded to the ,
! Company, and the full amount ol the .licy. less
ttie lw.Miuarteriy payiiieins oue at me tune 01 ins
1 death, was paid 'to utei br thelrtieneral Agent In
Philadelphia, W. II. Graves, at their office, S. W.
' corner t 'lii-slnut and ElcTetilh Slr-ts.
I (Siifiir.1) - NETTIE THOMPSON.
W. II. Greene, late ol New York. Insured a f. w
vears since in Hie Iterkshiro Ule Insurance Com-
. iiv 1r i.lwo: but ow ing to inislortune in bust-1
im-ss' was ublc to make any wytnent to the J
( '.uiiianv tlurinv one year and live ui.iths prior to 1
bis ilm-iR, 1 have this day iiaid (at the New
I V.srk oKi.vor tlieConiutny. I Iinmdway. corner
i of CI.Mioccr stn-etl. tiiree' thousand two hundred
j and nliH-ty-nlnr dollars, this being the full amount
i tine i ins wi.iov. .iter iletlui-tlng llie overuur jiay-
uieiiis tun
New Y-;k. March 11th, -Tu. Sui-rinU-ii.l. iit.
ICcad tlio Follow lug
Msit of
.lames Joie. New York City, fcl.oou. rmcnt
overdue 4 nuaiths.
F. It. C. liHiupe. New York City, 1,000, pay.
incut overdue 4 mouths ami da vs.
Mrs. G. B. Hart. Chicago, ill, 5,000, payment
overdue 1 months and 14 da vs.
II. F. Moore, Boston, Mass., 2,000, payment
overdue 6 menths and 16 da vs.
James H. Adair, New fclavsvllle. In.!., 2,000,
vment overdue 2 months and 7 days.
Bernard O'Gnidy, Detroit. Mich., 0110, pay
ment overdue 2 years. 10 moid hs and 1 1 days.
J.sjies I). Estabrook. Fltehburg. Mass.. $1,000,
payment overdue 3 years, 1 month and 2 days.
june 12-Somerset, I'a.
The Improved
New Draw Feed,
There are s..u.e a.iiits In a Sewing Machine that
ladies ilesiring it purchase, should take Inlocifii
I', namely:
Llzhtnc if running.
of Management,
t 'spM-it? to do the Work Require!,
1'r.tsloni from Noise, and
Kon Lutlality to get out of Order.
MNM-r ail tueiw points, and that it is
Now Manufactured.
.li-ft an examination of tt. Agents want
pry osanty, U whom we will give the moat
ed in ererv
lllw-ral terms.
1 Fltb AreMimslsarnh, Pa.
Enilani& BMley,
263 Liberty St., PITTSBURGH, Pa.
A ftiH an.l (orojilpte Stock of A xe, Stwivcl,
lints, Si-tlir, SiixtliK. Sawn, l:k, His
Nall, and
Blacksmirhs' & Carpenters' Tools,
Agents for
(Quality or Flics UXSVKPASSEl.
S E X I S A M I L E O It D E II S.
I TM Rnnfdy lias Iwn In nse over wvnjr art,
i an.) lias run-d tliouiuinds of cases ennsiilerud Inco-
I ralde rr the t.nlesHion.
lt lias not railed In a f in-
gle case u re reiiei it not entirely cure.
It Is iiartlculurly recommended In the following
j In any derangement of tlieB(ood. In all diseases
! Kimliar to females it is a sure and Sovtrrign Hrn
Crfy. j In short. It Mng a Kc incdy acting thronich the
Circulation of iht Wood on all the !mKrlitnt Or
leans and emunctories of the body. It will cure al-
! most any curable disease.
For sale l.y MEYERS k ANAWALT. Berlin,
i Ia and ly dealers in Family Jledlt lncs everj--where.
July 6 71
j Grain Separator,
J And Improved
mmMn f'nnnnrl ITnDCiP TjnWPT)
up; ucaici nunoii runjiiiL
At a time like the present, when labor Is scarce.
It is iiniortant that fanners who are interested
sliould giv attention to nny Improvement that will
i.-iiu lu ii.rir rcnci. in lite ist-iser , jnirautr ino i
fanner will n t only Bml a friendly lalwr-saviiig
niachiiic, but a
Great Economizer,
As can he substantiated ry thousands who now
Lave them In sucit-ssful oeratioa.
As a Til RESH KK. It is equal to the best :
As a CLEANER, It is suiN-riorto any other ma
chine. Ii is the only machine that enn, by osa opera
tion, thoroughly thresh and clean grain tit for mar
ket. KEIM t HAY, Elkllck. Somerset Co., Pa., are
tht.- iuJr atjruti. and Sam'l linger Is not.
i i r v "w- t- r n
f J AJ Uli cC.
lie sure to call and see, and be convinc
ed, as there arc too many artielcs kept for
so.ui:ksi:t noixr, V
SoM F.BSCT, ri.
July IT
The s.j)Tl!cr Informs his friends and the rub- i
jt. tiun be is now d. Totlii
his eutire time to
The first .me ever stand In b county, and is pre- j
ared to (mulsh pr.mipUy all kinds ol
Vines and Plants.
The largest and mt complete In the T'nlted
Stall s, enables him to guarunU-e to his customers
the choicest varieties and thriftiest growth. His
prices are lower than ever Isidore. His resolve is
not to be outdone by any in the State In price or
quality. These words will ls ma.leg.mdl He will
personally solicit orders this fall, but orders ad
dressed lis alaive will be promptly attended to.
Seud them ill early.
A. H. Franciscus & Co.,
Twine and Ropes,
Wooden and Willow Ware, &c,
XASl-rACTCKgaa AID jobbebs or
613 Market Street and U0 OummerM Street,
June 10 If.
The nderslirned. Droprietor of the Diamond
Hotel, on the southeast comer of the Diamond, lw
tng lmlut by his many friends, would lay to the
traveling public that be is now prepared to receive
and hospitably entertain all who may give him a
call. His house will be conducted with the best
order and furnish fine aooommodallons.
Stoyftown, Pa., April 17th, IS 72.
When this old hat was new, my tioys,
The Democrats swore freely,
And day and night, with great delight.
They damned Horace Oroelcy.
But now a change has o'er them come.
The like I never saw, .
They now are wearing Greeley hats.
And shouting Chapiwqua.
Charles Sumner's now a patriot,
A " statesman trlod and true,"
But Bully Brooks broke Sumner's head.
When this old hat was new.
The Democrats all cried well done,
And said he'd ftot his due.
And swore they'd hang old Greeley ucxt.
When this Old Hat was new.
When this Old Hat was new, my boys,
Dan Voorhees was the man.
Whose tall proud form to victory led
The Democratic clan.
Hut now they have ruled Daniel out,
They any bo will not do,
Because he stands right where he stnnd
, When this old hat was new.
But Daniel will not stand the storm ;
He soon will come to "taw,"
He yet will sing the sweetest strain.'.
The song of C'happaoua.
When this Old Hat was new, my boys.
The very air was rent .
With shouts from Democratic throats.
For a "white man's guv-er-mcnt."
But now tbey are for equal rights.
To every race and hue.
They turned their backs on all they said.
When this Old Hat was new.
But still it does seem strange to me,
'Tis hard to think so really,
That Hendricks should be shoved aside,
For nigger-loving Greeley,
For Hendricks was a Democrat
To his party always true,
And Greeley was Its direst foe,
When this Old Hat was new.
But let us take oar dish of dirt,
And try and put it through.
And turn our backs upon the past,
When this Old Hat was new.
And when we get old Greeley in,
We'll scud him to that shore.
Where Harrison, Taylor and Lincoln's gone
And then with Grats and cou-in Frank,
And all of the Blair crew.
We'll soon restore the days of yore.
When this Old Hat was new.
The F.nrtasinted Mantle.
Once there was an island, separat
ed from the rest of the world bv a
creat ocean flowinir illimitablv around
r - . . r .
t. Here dwelt a mother and her two
., .. , . , , ,
Children, a gll'l and & UOX
She lov-
,iu.m rvccedinffl v. and
thev re-1
linp trtT' niwl t krn 1 1 im 1 iav
I was older and stronger than his sister
he took care of and protected her;
and she, being delicate and fuir, con
fided in and looked up to him. And
it was always summer around them;
ever since the boy and girl could re
memlspr it had been warm and pleas
ant, with sunshine and soft winds.
Rut one day the mother called her
son to her, as she sat in tho shadow
of the cottage porch looking out to
sea. The sun was resting on a fleecy
heap of golden clouds above the wa
ter's edge, and the boy saw that long
golden lines seemed to stretch from
him to them.
" Lionel," said the mother, " it is a
law of this island that no one can re
main here after reaching a certain
age. My time has come, and I must
leave you, to return no more; but
hereafter, when your age is fulfilled,
you will follow me. Now, when I
am gone, you will find the summer
likewise has departed, and instead
there will be cold winds and snow,
and clouds will gather before the sun.
In those days j'ou will wish to wrap
yourself up warmly, and sit before a
fire, where the cold and darkness can
not reach you. Rut you must never
forget to care first for your little sis
ter; the cold and the darkness will
be harder for her to bear than for
you, and you must keep her always
warm and cheerful until she comes to
my arms again."
Lionel looked in his mother's eyes
but said nothing. Something filled
his heart so very full that he could
not speak.
His mother gazed a while in silence
over the sea, and the shadow of the
cottage porch grew darker around
her, so thut Lionel began to fear lest
she should vanish altogether; but the
brightness of the setting sun had so
dazzled his eves that he could not sec
plainly. At last his mother spoke
again :
"After I am gone you will find in
my room a long dark mantel which
your father lift me when, many
years ago, lie reached his allotted
age and departed from us.
iiiantic is encuameu, ami when you
sec it you will very much wish to
wear it; and if you should do so you
j n uwui uc viiaittvu in siu mi; nui'll! 1
jam gone. Notwithstanding, you
I must never yield to this desire until
i vour sister Rose shall have ceased to
require from J OU any further protect
ing care ami labor; for as long as
you wear the mantle you will be
I powerless to give her any assistance
in time of need, or keep her warm
and cheerful in the winter weather:
and though you would be able to see
me, I should look pale and ' sad, and
the cold winds anil dullness would
increase around you. Rut if you
have strength to resist the spell of the
enchanted mantle until your whole
duty to your sister is performed, you
may then wear it without fear, and I
shall appear bright and smiling to
you, even more so than you have
known me here."
As his mother ceased stM-aking, the
shadow of the cottage porch became
so deep that Lionel could scarcely
see her where she sat. Nevertheless,
it seemed to him that she bent over
him and kissed his forehead and his
eyes ; and when he opened his eyes
again sue was gone. Rut looking
across the sea, where the last glimpse
of the sun was just sinking beneath
it, he noticed a bright path, extending
thenco to the Island shore; and at
the further end of the path, where it
was merged in the sun, he thought he
saw his mother standing with a glory
all about her. Then something so
dimmed his eyes that he could hardly
distinguish her; yet it seemed to him
that just before she vanished she
looked at him and Biniled. He stood
gazing until the sea had become dark
and gray, the golden path had van
ished, and a cold wind, which came
sighing from the cast, had begun to
drive the breakers into foam against
the shore. Then he withdrew, with
a shiver, into the cottage, and lit a
candle, and entered his mother's
room. v
Ry the light of the candle, as he
looked around the chamber, he saw a
Jong, dusky cloak, or mantle, throw u
over tho t hair on which hi inoliirr
uscd to sit. It hung in gombfo folds,
unrelieved by any bright embroidery
or triniminjr." As ho gazed npon it
wonderingly for ho never remem
bered to have Been it before he was
conscious of a strange and almost ir
resistible longing to put iton. It
seemed to him that it would protect
him, as nothing else could, from the
chill of the east wind which was al
ready beginning to whistle- around
the cottage. 11c evrn felt; as if it
would in BOine way bring bak to him
the comfort of his mother's Jjpresencc
and love. Ho he approaeaed and
lifted the heavy mantle fjtom the
chair. As he did so a dreftaiy, ener
vating sensation began to steal over
him; his strength and vigor .seemed
to ebb away, and tho noise f the son
waves on tne sitorc sounaeti in ins
ears like the voice of one sobbing in
her sleep like tin voice of his own
I5ut ere the dusky cloak 'could do
scend over him he heard bis sister
Rose calling to him loudly : Lio
nel ! brother Lionel ! where are you ?"
Lionel started, and let ' the cloak
full back upon the chair. In a mo
ment all his mother had said to him
rushed over him. This, then, was
the enchanted mantle of which she
had spoken this the effect of tho
spell it had already begun to cast
over him. Even now ;ho could
scarcely shake it off; but sammoning
all his strength lie rushed i from tho
room, and ran to find his sister, who
sat shivering on the door ?step; and
for there were tears in lieflevcs. In
his anxiety to cheer and comfort Rose
Lionel forgot all about the dusky
. "What makes the sea so gray and
angry?" asked Rose tearfully ; "why
is the wind so colli: ana whore is
'our mother gone?
I "The Inst I saw of her,", roplie
Lionel, "she was standing on the
' furthest edge of the sea, close by the
sun ; and I think she must be gone to
i him. so that whenever ho shines we
I mav know that she is smiling npon
us. And then we shall not mind any
' more about the cold winds and the
angry sea."
T- ii. i Lr.t i.i.
L-ionci iook nis moo sister uuck
into the eoltajrc, ana wouarht woou
and built a warm fire in the fireplace
and the light danced and flickered
about the room, playing all sorts of
pranks with the chairs and tables and
the ornaments on the mantlepieeo
and Rose and Lionel sat looking into
the fire, her little hand resting m his,
It seemed almost as if tho sunshine
had come back to them. At last Lio
nel cried out:
"See, Rose, in that red-hot coal is a
perfect picture of the sea, and sun
resting on it; and in the sun can vou
not see our mother's face pmilinjr on
"Yes! Yes!" cried Rose, elappin
her little hands for jov; "and now
we need never fear the cold and
darkness out of doors, for we can al
ways have our mother's sunshine in
the cottage!" So that night thev
both slept soundlv, and Rose dream
ed that the warm weather and soft
winds had come back, all the more
delightful for having been lost. Rut
Lionel thought he was standing by
his mother s chair, on which hun
the enchanted mantle, and wonder
ing if the time hail not yet come when
he might put it on. Then he heard a
voice calling him, and awakened
with a start; he saw Rose standing
over him, looking scared and puzzled.
The ground, she said, had become all
white and soft, and oh ! so very cold;
and the water had turned into a hard
transparent stone, and the air was
full of little cold white feathers,
which were blown about so thickly
that one could hardly see across the
So Lionel gave up al!" thought of
the mantle for that day, and, spring
ing out of bed, he kissed his sister
good morning, and set to work to
make things warm and pleasant for
her m-doors. hen ho had kindled
another roaring fire on the hearth,
he put on his tallest boots and his
warmest coat, and plunged boldly
forth into the cold, white snow-storm
He gathered together all the sticks of
wood he could find in the neighboring
forest, brought them in great armfuls
to the house, and piled them up un
der the shed, until there was enough
to last for many days to come. Then
he took the spade and shoveled path
wavs all around the house, and out
to the barn, for Rose to walk on, so
that when the evcuing came around
acaiu, everything about the cottage
was quite comfortable and cheerful,
and Rose declared she was almost as
happy as before the winter began.
And again that night the children sat
hand in hand before the blazing,
crackling fire; and as it fell gradual
ly into glowing embers they fancied
from time to time, they caught the
glimpses of their mother's smile. At
last, when the fire had died out, and
Rose was sleeping quietly, '.Lionel
stepped on tiptoe to his mother's
room, opened the door, and looked in
at the dusky mantle hanging on the
"Perhaps," he whispered to him
self, "I may be allowed to wear it to
morrow." Rut even as he spoke he
heard Rose turn uneasily in her bed,
and thought . she murmured some--thing
in her sleep. So he closed the
door with half a sigh, because he
felt that he must wait yet longer ere
the time should come.
The snow lasted a long, long while
until the children almost believed
that the summer had been a dream,
and there never had been anything
else than ice and snow, lhc sky
was almost always covered with
gray, heavy clouds, which hid the
sun; but in timo tho children grew
fond even of the clouds, they looked
down upon them so softly and tender
ly, and piled themselves into such
strange, fantastic shapes. And once
in a while, when tho day closed and
the sun sank below the ocean, the
clouds would gather round him, all
dressed in the magnificent robes of
crimson, gold and purple, and stood
waiting in solemn and superb an ay
until he had disappeared, and the
gorgeous vestments vanished with
him. At such times Lionel's mind
would revert, he knew not why, to
tho enchanted mantle in his mother's
room, and he wondered whether it
would be transformed into splendid
colors like the gloomy clouds. And
OCTORER 9. 1872.
sometime; he marveled that the sun
should make those very clouds that
strove to obscure his beauty the
means of making that beauty more
grand and magnificent than it could
otherwise have been. Then he would
ask himself whether l.c sliould be
able so to glorify the magic mantle
when the time for him to wear it ar
rived. And often it would seem to
him he could no longer wait, he so
longed to cover himself with the
dark folds, mid feel again the drowsy
inflornco of the spell, ami look once
more iipuu his mother's face. Rut
whenever the bulging was most irre
sistible the voice of his si.- ter Rose
would come to him, and something
in his heart would whisper that his
duty was not yet accomplished, and
the mysterious mantle must still re
main hanging ou his mother's chair.
So the days went by, and the
months, and gradually the years, and
still the children lived together in the
cottatre. In their outward guise, to
be sure, they were children no longer,
for Lionel was tall, strong and state
ly, with deep, tender eyes, and grave,
determined lips; and Rose was love
ly and graceful, with sweet, confid
ing eves and soft brown hair. Rut
ell this was outside; there was noth
ing old about their hearts, and in
each other's eyes they were children
still. Rose always looked up to and
trusted in her brother, as in the sum
merdavs so long ago; and Lionel
protected anil cared for his little sis
ter just as lovingly and tenderly as
when they were first left alone to
gether. And because the time had
never once conic, in all these years,
when he could say, "Now all is done
for her that I can do, and there is
nothing to prevent my giving myself
up to the spell of the enchanted man
tle," therefore it still remained undis
turbed in his mother's room, and
many years had passed since he had
even opened the door to look at it.
Rut once in a while there would be a
whisper in his heart, "The time is
coming, Lionel, wait and be patient!"
It seemed to hun like Ins mother's
voice, and he would enter with re
newed hope and courage upon anoth-
dav and year.
Still the time went on and on ; and
now the winter, which had seemed
so Jong, hegan to gramiaily pass
away. I he winds grew wanner and
gentler; the heavy clouds broke up
and floated about i ' Titanic forms;
the sun came forth again, more glori
ous than of yore, and soon all the
snow had vanished, except that a lit
tle of the purest and whitest always
rested on the heads of tho boy, Lio
nel and his sister Rose, as a memento
of the long winter they had spent to
gether in the cottage. As the sum
mer came on, the evenings grew long
er and more beautiful, nd the chil
dren, instead of sitting in-doors by
the fire, spent much of their time in
the porch of the cottage, looking out
to the sea. Every evening there was
a wonderful sunset, each more per
fect than the last ; every evening, al
so, appeared the vision of the golden
path, extending from the island shore
to the utmost brink of the sea; and
when the sun sank down and rested
amoment, all glowing, on the water's
edge, tho children would gaze and
wonder whether they should not now
sec their mother's face looking at
At last, one evening, there had
been the most glorious sunset of all
The loveliest clouds in the heavens
had collected together to see it, and
each reflected and multiplied the
splendor. The sea was calm, and
painted the wondrous picture on its
bosom so marvelous! v well that it
was hard to decide whether the reali
ty or the copy were the better. The
souls of the children wcro filled with
joy and love, and for a long time they
had been sitting bcsulc each other,
very silent, but hand in hand as
So long did the silence last that fin
ally Lionel roused himself from his
reverie and pressed his sister's hand.
hen she did not return the pressure
or move, he thought she must be
asleep, and spoke to her gently, fear
ing to waken her too suddenly. Rut
she slept on, and did not answer him.
Then he looked in her face ; it was
all rosy and glorified with the part
ing splendor of the sun, and in the
ting light a sweet ami happy
smile seemed to play about her mouth.
A great and solemn awe fell upon Li
onel's heart, for he knew that the
beautiful and reverend figure in the
chair was nothing but the image of
the sister he had loved so long and
faithfully. Rut turning his head, he
gazed at the brightness across tho
sea; and m the best of it he saw his
mother's face, and beside it another,
which was Rose's, only fairer and
lovelier than it had ever been before.
They both smile dradiantly on him,
and so' faded imperceptibly away..'
So thereafter Lionel lived alone in
the cottage. Tho hours passed slow
lv now, for he had no longer anv sis
ter to labor for and protect, and the
purpose of his life seemed to have
departed with her. He sat often in
the shadow of the cottage porch,
where the sea-breeze lifted his . long
white hair, and looked wistfully out
across the mighty sea.
One day as he was sitting, his
head resting on his hand, and lost in
thought, he was conscious once more
of the mysterious whisper in his
icart; but now instead of bidding
wait and be patient, it repeated, soft
ly, over and over again "The time
has come, Lionel! the time has
come! " And he knew that now, at
last, it was permitted him to put on
the enchanted mantle. .lie felt, too,
that never in all his life had ho need
ed it so much as now. Faithfully
had he fulfilled the task w hich had
been given him to do. He had re
sisted to the end tho selfish fascina
tion of the spell ; he had grown weak
and weary with the lapse of years ;
and what now remained but to wrap
the dark, inscrutable mantle around
him and satisfy the lifu-long yearning
of his soul ? The long-delayed prom
ise of his mother would bo at last
fulfilled; he would see her bright aud
smiling, in the place whither she had
gone ; and surely Rose, his sweet
and gentle sister, would be with her
So he went to the long-closed door
and threw it open. Involuntarily he
shaded his eyes with his hand, so
penetrating was the soft radiance that
filled the chamber. There lay the
magic mantle, but dusky and sad no
longer. It was all one glory of rainbow-tinted
stars that shone and twink
led with a tender luster. As Lionel's
eyes bocaine accustomed to their
light he saw that every star contain
ed a picture in its heart, and that it
was the picture which gave the
brightness to the star. And every
jHcturo represented some occasion in
his life when he had conquered his
desire of wearing the mantle that he
might give some help or encourage
ment to his little sister. It was his
own life, weary and cold though he
had sometimes thought it, which had
so transGgured and illuminated tho
enchanted mantle as to dazzle even
Lionel himself.
He approached, lifted it from the
chair, and drf w it around his majes
tic figure. As he did so a peace and
happiness of purity and depth un
speakable seemed to well up from
within and reinvigorate his soul. A
joyful light was in his eyes as he
stepped forth for the last time on to
the cottage porch. Ho beheld the
sun once again stooping to the sea,
which lay breathlessly awaiting him,
and across its bosom he saw the gol
den path which seemed to invite him
onward. And onward he went, with
a great hope increasing in his heart.
And now he descried two shining
figures advancing down the dazzling
way to meet him. Nearer and nearer
they canio, growing more marvelously
beautiful at every step ; but, in spite
of the brightness, Lionel needed not
to shade his eyes, for he himself was
well-nigh as resplendent as they. As
they approached they held out to him
their beautiful w hite hands, and each
took one of his, and kissed him on
tho forehead and the eyes. So they
all three went up the golden road to
gether his mother and his sister on
either side, and Lionel between them,
and as they drew near the end of the
pathway Lionel heard a grand and
mighty sound 6f music and singing,
which seemed to come from afar be
yond the sea. Then he stood upon
the uttermost brink and looked for
ward ; and the glorv of the vision
was unutterable ; but what the vision ;
was no living man can tell.
A Silent Jinn.
Extract from a speech delivered by
Judge William Johnson, of Ohio:
"As to Ulysses S. Grant through
all his brilliant career, he has betray -
ed less of ambition than anv public
man I ever knew. When tlic attempt
was made by armed force to sub
vert tho Republic and erect on its
ruins "an empire with slavery for its
corner stone," this xflent man was
tanning and selling leather in the
town of Galena. He had been edu
cated for a soldier, at the National
.Military Academy, ana liad seen
some service in Mexico; and thought
it was his duty to offer his services in
defence of the Republic. Whether he
was conscious of his own power it is
uncertain; but certain it is that he
made no pretensions. Without any
commission, he raised a company and
marched to the capital of Illinois,
and offered his services to Governor
Yates in any capacity. He was ask
ed to take a place in the Adjutant
General's office of that State, where
he brought order out of confusion ia
so short a time that Governor Yates
thought he might command a regi
ment, and commissioned him Colonel
of the First Illinois.
Here this silcut man comment cd the
most arduous, most brilliant, most
successful career ever crowded into
four years of human life. Pelted by
the storms, drenched by the rains,
chilled by the frosts of winter, scorch
ed by the suns of summer, with a
patience that never complained, a
constancy that never wavered, a cour
age that never, quailed, a modesty
that never boasted
"Cannon to the right of him.
Cannon to the lell of him.
Cannon in front of him"
on he marched, conquering and to
conquer, from Springfield to Cairo,
from Cairo to Relmont, from Rel-
niont to Fort Henry, from Fort Hen
ry to Fort Donelson, from Fort Pon-
clson to Shiloh, from Shiloh to Cor
inth, fronm Corinth to Fort Gibson,
from Fort Gibson to Jackson, from
Jackson to Champion Hill, from
Champion Hill to Rig RIack, from
Rig RIack to Vicksburg, from Yicks
burg to Chattanooga, from Chatta
nooga to the v nuemess, from the
Wilderness to Spottsylvania, from
Spottsvlvania to i redencksburg, from
Fredericksburg to North Anna, form
North Anna to Cold Harbor, from
Cold Harborto Chiekahominy, from
Chiekahominv to Hatcher's Run,
from Hatcher's Run to Fort Stead
man, front Fort Steadman to Five
Forks, from Five Forks to Peters
burg, from Petersburg to Appomattox,
from Appomattox to Richmond.
Meanwhile this silent man asked
for nothing. Without solicitation, he
was promoted from the ranks of a
privatc to the rank of Colonel. With
out solicitation he was promoted from
the rank of Colonel to the rank of
Rrigadier General. Without solici
tation he was promoted from the rank
of Rrigadier (fcnrral to the ' rank of
Major General. ' 'Without solicitation
he was- promoted from the rank of I
Lieutenant General to the higher rank
of General. And now, having con
quered rebellion, conquered war and
conquered peace, this rilent man
stands in the Capital of rebellion side
by side with Abraham Lincoln, the
two most unpretending men that ever
lived, and still ho axled nothing for
himself. "'
! For his country, for law and order
and liberty he 8kcd for everything,
and never asked in vain. He asked
General Buckner for Fort Donelson,
and received the strongest fortifica
tion in the West, 15,000 prisoners of
war, sixty-five cannon, and 20,000
small arms. He asked for Champion
Hill, and received 3,000 . prisoners of
war, thirty pieces of artillery. He
asked General Pcnihcrton for Vicks
burg, and received the Gibraltar of
the Mississippi, 31,153 officers, fifteen
Generals, 172 cannon, and small arms
without number. ' nc asked General
Bragg for Chattanooga, and in the
thunder and lightning aud earthquake
of battle on Lookout Mountain and
Missionary Ridge above the clouds
and below the clouds drove tho dar
ing rebel and his embattled hosts
from the stronghold of the West. He
NO. 17.
axled General Lee for Spottsylvania,
and the old lion, covered with gore,
sullenly withdrew from his intrench
mcnts, leavingtwo (iencrals and 8.000
men prisoners of war, eighteen guns
and twenty-two battle flags. He
axled for Five Forks, and took the
field and over 5,000 prisoners of war.
He axled for Petersburg, and received
it. At Appomattox Court House he
axled General Lee for what remained
of his veteran army, and received 27,
805 prisoners of war, with all their
warlike material.
How did this yoiin Ca-ear behave
himself in this supreme triumph?
what is the testimony of Colonel Mos
by, that daring guerilla chief? Sure
ly, he says, "no conqucrer ever bore
himself more magnanimously to a
vanquished foe than did Grant when
he returned lus sword to Lee ana
bade him go in jieace. The cove
nant made that day has lwen sacredly
kept. For him there was no triumph
al procession, chanting pauaus of vic
tory, to humble his conquered foe.
He" was no Achilles, to drag the body
of his enemy around the walls of the
conquered city- Suffice it for him to
know that his work, in which he had
thrown his whole soul, was accom
plished, and he was willing to drop
the curtain on the scene."
There was another passage between
these great chiefs grander still. Lee
informed Grant that his cavalrymen
had furnished their own horses.
Grant replied: "Let them keep their
horses; they will need them to till
their fields." It was a simple and
sublime prophecy of a future and en
during peace: "General Lee, the war
is over. Let us beat our swords in
to plowshares, and our spears into
pruning-hooks, ami learn war no more,
and let these soldiers till their fields."
This is the Cesar of Mr. Sumner's
gloomy and disordered imagination.
The Emperor William.
A Dresden letter to tho New York
Poxt says :
The Emperor of United Germany
lost his stick the other day, ami ad
vertised for it in the daily newspapers,
as any old burgher might do ; a tri
fling fact, which indicates the finest
trait of the German character per
fect simplicity. The old sovereign
had attached himself to that stick,
I which was given him by an Alsatian
peasant on his return from the war.
rn j)is privatc room mav be seen many
such tributes of affection, carcfnllv
j preserved ; among ethers, a little
; wEjte silk flag which once decorated
a mighty cake presented to the Em
peror by an old woman. That heart
must be genial which he can open to
small things like these ; he that holds
the baton of a mighty empire is all
the higher for esteeming the gift of a
peasant's walking-stick.
The Emperor William may not be
made of that stern stuff of which his
ancestor was made who went about
Berlin, ratan in hand, frightening the
apple-women at the street corners
and rebuking lazy workmen ; but to
his energy and pertinacity of purpose
Germany owes her present greatness.
There was but one voice throughout
Europe when, after Sedan, he pushed
forward to besiege Paris men cried
out that it was a mistake. Germans,
proud of their national victories, now
shook their heads, convinced that
this was a false move ; but the King
never flinched ; and there, on the con
secrated soil of France, he was pro
claimed the Imperial Cxsar of a re
vived Gcrmani empire.
A curious fact, aprviws of the
present subject, was related to me by
a gentleman who visited
during its occupation by the Ger
mans. Most of the great marshals
of France are represented at the
chateau by marble statues. In his
wanderings alwut the buildings look
ing at these, my informant descended
at last to a ground floor, where, in an
obscure corner, he discovered a statue
of Frederick the Great "Old Fritz''
stands there still, I believe, but I
wonder the Emperor of Germany did
not insist upon the return of the
hero's sword, which the first Napo
leon stole from offliis tomb at Pots
Washington, Oct. I, 1372.
A desperate effort is being mad.
here to bolster up the waning cause
of Greeley by counting largely on the
defection of ex-Governor Curtin and
his letter in favor of the Democratic
candidate for Governor of Pa. A fig
ure in the calculations is missed when
they count upon his declarations in
favor of a Democrat. His greatest
influence arose from favors shown to
the soldiers as a Republican Govern
or. The soldiers having alreatly
spoken at Pittsburgh with no uncer
tain voice; his sickly souring on his
party friends at the eleventh hour of
the campaigu will not affect fifty votes
at the election on Tuesday ofnexr
week. He will have some sympathy
as a physical and political invalid,
but, as to changing the tide which has
? i r ,77' ' ,
Gen. Hartranft, the thing is absurd.
. , ' . e.t
Among the knowing onesoftheoppo-l
position wno aucci to Hike a grain oi
comfort from his letter, it is acknowl
edged as too late a conversion for
any practical utility in October.
Besides his withholding his support
ot either Presidential candidate shows
such a pitiable weakness of the head,
that his letter fulls dead upon all ears,
and so must all utterances from him,
under such constraint as that nice non
committal poise he proposes.
Carl Schurz, that one priced orator,
is not attracting so much attention
hero as he formerly did. His engage
ment in tho campaign of Pennsylva
nia is chronicled, together with the
rednetion of $1 00 on his previous terms,
of the $250, paid him for a political
speech just prior to the Maine election.
$150. is quite as much as the Pa.
Liberals can afford to pay. But se
riously, and aside from partisan feel
ing, can there be anything so humilia
ting to American sentiment as the spec
tacle of a U. S. Senator hired to ex
press his political- vujwa for so much
per hour ? Tho purchaso of Hassurek
in tho lumps is more preferable. No
confidence can be reposed in theso
Eaid expressions, and henco we find
im in Philadelphia pleading for the
election of Buckalew on the ground
that this will insure the election of
Greeley in November ;" asserting that
the Republican party La? compelled
the colored men of tho South to voto
for eertain persona under duress, When
every intelligent person knows and
Mr. Shurz himself reported on the con
dition of tho South that their late
masters, the opponents of the Kepulj
lican party, were the sole opponents
of frte voting on the part of the peo
ple of color killing and maiming
thousands of them for tho express
purpose of preventing a vote of their
real sentiments. He also had the cool
assurance to refer to his infamously
groundless charge of a sale of arms
to France in violation of neutrality
laws which was proved before two
committees of Congress to have been a
contemptible conspiracy with a
French Viscount who admitted under
oath that he had sent fur and consult
ed with several irresponsible rumor
mongers, in order lo ascertain what
he could xwenr to ugainat our Govern
ment to justify the disgraceful charge !
He further charged upon his former
party of which, at the time, he was a
leader and fully as responsible as any
other, if any responsibility exists,
therefor, the sins of the state govern
ments in the South, denouncing car
pet baggers, of which in Missouri he
is the chief, and showing how abject
a demagogue he is, by pretending
that the success of the Democratic
party, under which the Sonth refused
to pay her trade debts to the North,
will open that country as a market for
the manufactures of Pennsylvania.
The usual what ails him ? which
is applicable to men occupying his
position is answered by the ' Liberal
Ciixinnali Commercial wherein it
lately said: "We have knowledge
that those most disgusted with tlie
office-seeker rampancy of Mr. Schnrz
arc Germans, who regard hia course
as reflecting discredit upon them."
"It was humiliating to listen
to the general derision of the persist
ency with which he thrust himself
upon the President two or three times
a day." Ho was therefore very ap
propriately snubbed by the President.
One hundred applications for clerk
ships in the Treasury Department
are already filled, and double that
number arc expected in time for the
next competitive examination, about
the 15th of next month.
Forty-one vacancies of first clerk
ships in the Treasury Department are
to be filled by competitive examina
tions in October.
Secretary Robeson returned to this
city last Tuesday. The President
and family will be detained from the
the White House until Friday, by the
non-completion of repairs to tho
The increase in the postal railway
service f.jr the year ending June 3'),
1873 will te 10,000 miles against
about 8,000 for the last fiscal year.
Route agents and - postal railway
clerks will be increased ia proportion.
Judge Humphreys has just denied
an injunction against tho Board of
Tublic Works, on the ground of pub
lic inconvenience. The petitioners
wished to stop the improvement of
streets now in progress.
Hon. A. Hariner of the Fifth Pa.
district has been spending a few days
in Washington. He has made many
warm friends here who arc glad to learn
that hi3 prospects for an easy election
and a large majority are now quite
flattering. " C. M.
A Model Lawyer.
Squire Johnson was a model law
yer, as the following will show: rushed into the Squire's of
fice in a great passion the other dav.
; and said:
" That infernal scoundrel of a cob
bler, Smith, has sued me for five dol
lars I owe him for a pair of boots."
"Then you owe him five dollars?"
To be sure I do, but he's gone
and sued me suea me!"
"Then why don't you pay him, if
you owe him 7"
" Because he's sued me, and v. hen
a man does that 111 never pay him
till it costs him more than he gets. I
want you to make it cost him all you
"Rut it will cot you soiucthing.too."
"I don't care "for that Wlat do
you charge to begin with?"
"Ten dollars, anil mure if tln-reV
I nuirh ertri,!.. '
" All right ! There's the X. Now
go ahead."
No sooner was his client gone than
Squire Johnson stepped across to hi
neighbor Smith, and offered to pay
the bill on condition that the suit
should be withdrawn. Tin; Shoema
ker gladly acceded; all he wanted
was his pay. The lawyer retained
the other five for his fee, and as tho
case was not troublesome ho made
no "demand upon his client
Ten days after, Jones came to see
how his case was getting on.
" All right," said the lawyer ; "you
won't have any trouble about that. I
put it to Smith so strongly that he
was glad to withdraw the suit alto
gether." "Capital!" cried the exultant Jones.
"You've done it up brown ! Ye shall
have all my business hereafter."
wapplafr, Horaea.
A Kentuckian and a Yankee were
once riding through the woods, the
former on a fine black horse, and the
Yankee on an inferior animaL The
latter wanted to make a "swop," but
he did not see how he was to do it.
At last he thought of a plan. His
horse had been taught to sit down
like a dog whenever he was touched
by the spurs. Seeing a wild turkey,
the Yankee made his horse perform
the trick, and asserted that he was
pointing his game, as was his cus
tom. The Kentuckian rode in the
direction indicated bv his horse's
r A:n A tl .1 11 VAJU m . l- .t m- Tl.
j settled the matter; the trad.
.,! ..(...ii.,, ' i i .
made, and saddles ana nurses
h l
After a time they came to a deep
and rapid stream, over which tho
black horse carried the rider with
ease. But the b Kentuckian, on the
Yankee's old beast, found great diffi
culty in getting over, and when he
had reached the middle of the stream,
he was afraid the horse rrould allow
himself to be carried away, and so
endeavored to spur him up to more
vigorous action. Down sa't tho horse
on his haunches.
"Look a here!" shouted the en
raged and partially submerged Ken
tuckian to the Yankee on the other
side of the stream, "what docs this
mean ?"
"I want you to know, stranger,"
cried the Yankee, preparing to ride
away, "that there hoss will pint fish
just as well as he will fowL"
A Victim. A Paris journalist tells
of a man, recently arrived in that
city who is the victim of a steam
boiler explosion to such an extent as
to make neccessary the following ad
ditions to what was left of nature's
handiwork after the accident : One
wooden arm and two wooden legs, a
glass eye, a nose made from the skin
of the forehead, a silver jaw, a palate
composed of caoutchouc, and a
stomach consisting of a sort of truss.