The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, October 02, 1872, Image 4
FortheHnuixr.. CjrEATIOXK IX BF.E CI LITHE ASAWEKED. BT IL H. FLICK. W'h&l ia the best artificial food for Loos? In what way fchall I foed my lees? When is the best time to feed ? These arc Questions in a numWr of communications received durinjr the j best adapted to his mode of treat last four weks, and to answer all pri- nienL. Ybvti he is prepared to give i i a . v - - 1; I . r 1 if Taiciy, would tasie up too mucu wwvt. For the benefit of all, In this article. I will answer The past season has been unprofi table in the extreme for natural swarms. The weak condition of the colonies at the approach of Spring, and the unusuaUV cold weather during the two first months of Spring, retard rd the rearing of brood to such an extent that, on an average, colonies lucin oiirsi mumuf! wi ""'bi were unable to tiirowoa but medium swarms by the 10th of June, Most swarms issued durintr the latter iart of June and beginning of July, at'er f.T publishing them. I am not which time, for about a f.irtuitrht, white clover wcreted honey in a bun - dance. Colonies tlrat were strong in mini- Iters at this time secured a full allow - ancc, whilst all weak and late ones failed to secure enough for a winter's campaign. Old colonies that have overswarm cd, had not enough working Ih-os left to gather supplies; such must le fed. All colonics that have plenty of comb and are 6trong in numbers should le fed. But such as has too few combs, or are deficient in !eos, or both, as is generally the case, must le united with some other colony. Tbe best food for lees is honey. If'trv, movable combs arc used, the honev can be equalized. There is always enough honey in an apiary to save all the loB if properly equalized. Be sides it is necessary to remove some full combs and givo empty ones for the bees to cluster so as to keep warm. Bees are just as safe in winter 1k tween sheets of ice as between sheets of sealed honey. In the absence of honev. we must substitute an artificial food adapted the best advantage, we need clean, rather than let a stitch of her fall in to the reqaireaments of the bees. An drv. hisrhlv cultivated land as pre- to such d d wreckers' hands. artificial bee feed, I have experiment-1 cd largely and have used various pre parations until I discovered the fol lowing: Sugar 10 pounds, water 4 pounds, corn starch 2 pounds, infusion slip pcry elm 1 ound, gum Arabic 4 oz., tartaric acid i ounce, common salt 1 ounce, essence peppermint 1 table-1 spoonful. j Dissolve the sugar in the water , over a slow nre. I uc corn starch must be of the consistency of molas-l should oe caretully collected and ro ses, (no thicker, or the mixture will j moved from the premises. At least become jelly like). For the infusion c half the fires which annually de of elm, pulverize two teaspoonsful of rtroy property and life are occasioned bark and add to one pint of water, by an accumulation of soot in the I'ul verize the gum Arabic and dissolve Move pipes, chimneys, Arc, Soot con- in one half pint water. .Mix all .-" a cunsiueiiioic .umu am wbile hot, let boil for a few minutes j monia. and on this account is very and remove the FCflm, when it will be j beneficial to nearly ail kinds of plants; readv for use. If too or three pounds j but it should be used with caution, as of honev arc added it will make it all ; it is jwwcrful for the tender leaves of the better. most plants, aud requires to lc com- The best wav of giving food to 'posted with ten times its bulk of bees and not attract robbers, is to j muck, ashes, Ac, cr diluted with a place a feeder above the cluster or, large quantity of water. Twelve boos and fill as often as emntied until quarts of soot dissolved in a hogs- enough has been carried down aud sealed over. A colony should have 25 pounds sealed at the beginning of overnber. Tbe best feeders are made of tin, having strips of tin sot in edgewise to support the bees. The feeder is cov ered with a wooden box, having a hole in the centre, through which the feed is introduced. I can furnish a few of these feeders with box ready for use. The time for feeding is in Septem ber or beginning of Octolor, so that tbe bee can carry down 'and seal up ere cold weather sots in. AU feed should bo made warm bees will take it up more readily. Feeding Itoes when in good condi tion is economy, for by giving 20 or 25 pounds of honey, this Fall, they may store 60 or 100 pounds surplus next season, besides a swarm. Thus saving two colonies and securing the honey for but little expense and trou ble. Heat K plater Trait Tiw. Among the insect enemies of the fruit-grower it is singular that noonc has referred much to the red spider. It is a small enemy to W sure, but one by no means to be despised. It makes up by its immense number, for its diminutive appearance. A horti- cultural friend who has just returned ; from a trip up the Hudson river, and j who is well acquainted with the devas-1 tations caused by the red spider in j green-bouse culture, tells us that many i The Judge remarked that the sugges orcbards in that reputable fruit re- tion occurred to him by instinct on gion have the foliage half destroyed seeing the young couple. A verdict by this little pest, without any on j was subsequently entered for plaintiff seeming to know that anything is the , on the condition of his promise to matter with the trees, except that marry defendant within two months, they exhibit an unaccountable rusti- a stay of execution leing put on the ness on tie upper surface. We find verdict till the marriage ceremony is that there is some of this insect rav- completed. The counsel gave the the orchards of our own dis- young lady such an uumerciful trict, as ur friend hands us some "thafiiing" on her consent, w hich apple leaves on which are scores. i They have to be examined with a j pood pocket lens in order to get a : pood impression of their activity and j destructiveness. They appear larcvr . , . , f , . - ' 1 , to roses lusciiiasanuotnerienuer iuams, but whether or not thfy are different r 1 J a I A. JJ 1 a. I feiH-eica iv wirm-, aic uautes t'j mi- soil. or are introductions from some I other parts, are. questions which may i perhaps interest the entomologist, but will hardly aid ia the destruction of the foe. We suppose on large trees the la bor would be too great to attempt means for their eradication, but for i voung trees w hich are easily reached. it might be well worth while to try to keep them down. The popular re ceipt in garden books is to mix flour of sulphur in greasy water and then syringe with it, of course keeping th mouth of the syringe near the surface of the water while drawing up the liquid, as the our and sulphury water floats only on the top, and is drawn into the syringe only in that way. This greasy liquid causes the sulphur to adhere to the leaves, and it is said the red spider abandons the leaves in disgust The hot, dry atmopbere of our country is peculiarly favorable to the existence of the red spider; and when we know how great a pest it is to fruit growers under glas3, it seema to us well worth looking after him when be undertakes to fasten on fruit trees in tbe open air. Gertnantou n Telegraph. Aron is not a profitable professor in Japan. Even the unfortunate er fcon upon whose premises a casual fien break out is regarded as an enemy of the State, and finished accord ingly. Tbe blossoms cannot tell what be comes of its odor, and no man can tell what becomes of his influence and example, that roll away from Lim, and go beyond his ken on their peri lous mission. i Wool ; rowing. My own opinion is that a farmer who has lioen accustomed to Merino sheen and who does not expect to raise more than peventr-fire Iambs! from one hundred ewe, had better have nothing to do with CotswolJ, Leicester or JSouth Iown phoep. The poorest Merino cheep he can find, inrnvidod thor arc healtby, will be ootier i'ou mm more cure nc kuouiu get soiue improved Merinos; and if 1 he keeps on nniiroving in his general system of management he will in time le prepared to keep a still more artifi cial breed of t-heep, and will at length succeed with Cots wolds or Lcicosters. Whether it will pay to keep sheep that rrauire M) muni mure tnrr uim niu require so much more care and better feed wjll depend entirely on the do - niand for mntton, lambs, etc. Some of the Cotswold breeders are j disposed to expel mc from the parly, if,irnori;ninriiflinntiiins or rat h I 'afrnid of the truth hii.tinir this splen-; 1 dj, breed .f r-heep. To me it is en- j eoiiraging rather tLo.ii otherwise (hat these high-bred sheep are not adapted j to "roughing it"' on cheap lands and j Va.t prairies and plains and mountain sioes of the tar wesi. ii sucn was the case, the best thing we could do would be to pull up stakes and take our Hocks out there. But depend upon it that Merino sheep w ill do bet ter in such sections. Our Merino wool will be raised on these" cheap lands, and the long combing wool, good mutton and early lambs will be raised in the better farmed and more 'highly cultivated parts of the eoun- In fact, I do not see how those of us who live in the old settled wheat growing sections of the conntrycan keep up the fertility of our farms with out kocj5nr more stock. And we have to decide between aairving or ten pounds. Twenty I'll give. Ihir lKef, pork or sheep growing. I think ty forty fifty fifty pounds to the we shall feel the cometition from the J feller who'll run us out of this cursed west in the production of pork, beef ; place. By Vi , I ltolicvc you are land fine wool, for some years, morel i than in earlv lambs, good mutton and j rombin? wool. To raise the latter to i ciselv what is needed to produce re- mdnerative crops of winter wheat The more mutton wc produce the more wheat shall we produce per acre. KMt 4 Frltlllcrr. Soot is nearly as valuable a manure as guano, bulk for bulk, and it costs nothing. It is, in fact, necessary to the safety of every house that it head of water makes an excellent li quid manure, which may be applied with excellent effect to all kinds of vegetables and flowers. It is liettcr to apply it to the soil about the roots than to the leaves or stems. E.r cJinngr. Katr4 tat Marriaj-r. A case recently tried before the CJonmel (Irish) Assizes, was brought to a singular and novel termination by the presiding Judge. The parties in the case were a young man and a young women, loth of whom claimed possession of a rural projerty, one by virtue of an ancient lease, and the other under a will. They were in court for the purpose of giving their testimony, when a bright idea struck the Judge, who interrupted the case to say : "It just strikes me that there is a very pleasant and easy way to termin ate this law snit. The plaintiff ap pears to lc a respectable young man, and this is a very nice young wo nmn. "Lauoditerl. Thev can both rct married and live happv on the farm. If thev go on with law pro- the lee of the schooner, watching with ceedin-s it will be frittered awav 1..! clenched teeth, two men struggling tween lawyers, who, I am sure" arelfr life or death, come to the bulwarks not ungaflant enough to wi.-h the'jst over the boat; she could hear marriare mav not come off." j The young lady on being interro gated, blushed and said that the was quite willing to marry the plaintiff.- The latter on being asked if he would niarrv the young woman gallantlv resitonded. "Most undoubtedly." ! many in court thought should have been first obtained from plaintiff, that she left the Court in tears, . To iairta4mrrira-rncianr rtj. araliaf Voir G ENEVA, Soptemlcr 14. There is L,ip Li ,lCht (ifk.-uj ftIItLoritv fur , . a: ,u:..i i. riat iim ui tiiai tiiv tiirwavt II li li tltiwir t .i ,t. f.. i. .t" . . r VSU I aJU UlU Ut lAJV: OJ A l VI 1 11 V American Tress association, stating that the total sum awarded by the court of arbitration to the United States government, in lieu of all claims for damages against Great Britain, ot $17,.r00,00(, is entirely correct. This is the exact amount agreed upon, and judgment fr the same will be signed at once by four members of the court as follows: The President, Count Sclopis, of Italy; Mr. Jacob Staempfli, of Switzerland, secretary of the board; Baron Itajuba, of Brazil, and Charles Francis Adams on the part of the United States: Sir Alexander Cockburn. the British member, refuses to concur in tho de cision of the arbitration and repudiates the award, except in the case of the Alabama. He is now preparing an elaborate aud exhaustive opinion on the subject of the claims, wherein he differs essentially from the judgment pronounced by the board. The only cases adjudicated by the I ward were those of the Florida and Shenandoah ; the others being exclud ed from the Arbitration. In the case of the Florida, after an extremely lenfftbv and leclialcul argument byMh ritlef, the arbitrators f 1'1 j four in favor of America to one in fa vor of Great Britain. The case of the Shenandoah waa the subject of a ft ill closer and more elaborate legal dirv cusfion, extending over several days, and the arbitrators after the argument Ftood three in favor of judgment for the Lnited Mates to two in favor of Great Britain. Maj. Gen. W. B. Franklin, an old line Democrat, declares for Ilartranft for Governor. Soldiers will all vote the way they fcbot. At dark Bessie Walters rail into (the cottage, rousing' her father with the news that the sinnrglora eehoon or was taking off Ansa Moll, and' Jim Iolton had g'one to prepare tnc men to be ready at the Mews. - - V1,a i-no n -cmwxv lift cnlinnnnr She was a -smart little schooner, drawing wonderfully little water. So, the wa being like glass, only throb bine with a ground swell.shc was tow ed up within a few hundred yards of the shore, and then the worn iegan . in earnest. "We've onU' but two hours safe to do it in," said the leading man; "when the tide turns the brecze'll get up and earrv offtbo fog; so push on lads, and show what Iorsct chaps can do." . . In mimlo of hours nearly half an - - - . . . the cargo was safe, each man "ork-j -big like two. The tea and tobacco stowed away in a snug cave, long used as abiding place; the kegs " siirits sent off to noighWing cellars, 'some of which were in the vanlts ofV)lss.j "i-himl Lim, i wpin-j like a the elmrclies. l?y this time the t? had covered the downs, and lay there as if resting. Suddenly through the mist and silence came the shriek of a seagull, then another and another. Every man stopped working. Every lace turned in me uirccuoiu ol ttie signal, for such it was; then down throiiffh the white cloud came a figure scrambling; jumping from rock to rock and Bessie Walters, her face flushed, her hair loose, breathless stood by the men. "Harrv's rotten back fro' Wey- mouth," she said, "tho revenue cnaps , ha' gotten word the cutter s com in , and l ue soiuiers 100 auu some vi um r 11. . 1 - II ... n 4l. JtAI'A ' OWIllolhS Iiae inunii im; .- t "Then it's all up," said the captain; i "so much for your d d Borset- ! shire. I'll give five pounds to the ! man who will take us out. I'll give all in the game, and orougut us nere to sell us. I'll cheat you j'ot. If I can't do better I'll burn the craft. Here, Charlie, pull off." As he spoke, a rocket whizzed up in the offing, and the cutter was with in a couple of miles coming with the predicted breeze. "It be bad-like to let the craft be taken." said a man who had Itecn watching the captain's boat. "I've a mind to go off with her fifty pounds' a tarriblc lot of mono v." . a,.u s 10 lie looked hard at Bessie, Bessie's cheeks grew redder, as said: "Sec be as you'll goo, Gargo, row vou off." l'lll There were no further words so- ken; the man walked down to the I lxat, followed by Bessie. "Mipposiu 1 get the money, sic?" asked George, as he looked around. Bessie bade him hold his tongue till he got it, and nodded him good-night as he scrambled up the schooner's side. Sullenly and desperately the smug gler held on her way. Suddenly the trumpet rang out: "Haul to, or we shall fire." "Fire away!'' shouted the captain of the schooner. A spur of tire sprang from the cut ter's side and a round shot crushed through the smugolcr'sjib.cutting half a dozen ropes in two. Still she held on. Swish came another shot, this time hitting the mainmast, and send ing out a shower of 'splinters. They were within two hundred ards of each other now. Tho cutter coming on, evidently with the intention of boarding. Bessie held her breath she was thinking of George Hatvel. The crafts were close together. Bes sie started up and flung her arms overhead, with a cry of dismay, for the revenue men were boarding the smugglers. The air was filled with firing, curses and shouts. A sudden thought flashed into the girl's bewil dered brain. She ran down to the shore, pushed off her boat, and jump ing in, rowed to the scene of action, never doubting she would see Gorge somehow, and bring him off the ship. The sailors were too busy to notice the boat glide up; so Bessie lay under their panting breath, then a pistol shot; and a body was hurled over the side; duelling dcscrately at the slip pery wood, grasping at the last mo ment a loose swung down al most touching the girl. At first she was to busy to notice i his face; but when the bandage was tied she looked at it, and saw his lips moving, though his voite was too faint to sound over the noise of the fight and roar of breaking waves. Her car almost touching his lips be fore she caught the words. "Bide me, hide me, and let me die in peace!" For a moment Bessie staring at the black rocks and thinking; then a Hirht crossed her eves. . She said to i herself: j "Wc may's well risk it. May ! there s no itoat about, and lie s a handsome young chap to le hanged. Gurgc maun look after himself, I allow." Excitement lent extra strength to her arms. Shooting through tho t , I'ureie nrcuway, sue ran me boat into the beach just in the quiet little nook behind the "Boor," where the projecting rocks made a perfect ha ven, dragging the boat up as far as she could. The man was moaning now, and as she couldn't lift him cut, the only alternative was to make him shift for himself. "You'll hev to land, young man. I allow it's difficult ; but yo'maun do it. Ther's a cave here vo'can lie in till the cutter's men and soldiers out of the wav." are j For answer he got up, and scram ! bled, with many groans, out of the jlioat, dropping upon the fchingle. I "You're a good lass, ami if you're as pretty as your voice is sweet, 111 have the liost of it hiding away here." "We'll see about that, my man. Yo'or all tarred with the same stick. The moor a woman does for a man the moor she'll hev to do. The ferst sarey word yo' says to I, my faytber he eooins tonusyo.' So yo' best keep a civil tongue." Tho natural result of this nursing was, that Bessie lost her heart pitv is, we know, near akin to love ; and so it was. By some menus or other. the irvcnue ofiicer, left to Li cn a look out at LiiilYvortti, began to get some inkling of the truth, and one day, meeting Kcssie, questioned her rather closely as to ber friend. But she was j too sharp to tell an ything, and the name he went by ("Kit Roberts") could give no clue- to Lis antecedents. That night, however, the officer came across Kit himself, and began chaff ing Lim about Bessie. Boasting a little widely of his knowledge on do mestic matters, there was a row. The officer threatened Kit retaliated. I Then some of the older men stepped in, and separated them before blows had actually been k truck. Henry Walters, however, came in time to hear his daughter's name bandied olkTkllf a 111 it Im-iiit rtiristmas Eve. it. o ..1.1 man u-at tint niTfit-t! v soImt. j y(J ho gave tl ; nijnj . ault y i. ' i . the officer a oit or Ins anninjr with the sub- ject, ended by threatening to pitch him over the cliff if he ever said a word against Bessie again. Then Kit, who had been standing by, got the old man away, ami for a few hours the latter was at rest. Next morning Bessie started for Kast Lulworth, to attend high mass. Returning, she went down tho long, steep path leading to the ruined chap el of Bindcn: suddeuly she stopped. Surely that was Kit, walking along the cliffs ves, going slowlv. as if iwau'lluiz or wauiuvi a uru hit lie stood croucujng down. There, within t a nun Jmj yarJ s wrapped in a night t.iuaj. um jlrto,i to keep off the keen ;oast wiud, st'od the revenue officer, i ,,..,.1;I1,r .. iili bis o-lass h Dassinir I nanther down the stcen cliff. was tut ( i0),orti, ; t a thousand Hiwrks seemed to I flawing before Bessie's eves, her lips OIH;Ucji sbe tried to scream, but her yoicc W4S pono; 6ho tried to start for- vnr i,i, .r knoes p-nve war. and ; filIin?i )ay j,iipclled by a horrible attraction of the murder to see her lover the man who, in a few weeks, was to be her husband, delib erately steal upon the officer, and with a sudden spring and blow, with his outstretched hands, strike him QVvr the rjiff yhe jH.arj tnp n,urii(.r. j0,i ,uaQ.g ticatb-yc-II, but no more ; a cold hand seemed laid npon her heart, and sense left her. When she recovered, Kit was sil ting by her. His face white, aud a terrible expression of fear and anger glaring out of his blood-shot eyes. "How did you come here ?" he ask ed, making no attempt to raise Bessie up, or excuse himself. Bessie told him ; his face grew wilder. Springing up he dragged her up too, almost crushing her wrists as he did so. "There's only two things to silence you and by Heaven you shall take the alternative follow him, or go with me to the priest at Dorchester, and I'll be safe both from them and you." Three days after, Bessie was a bride. The girl hardly knew how those days had parsed. She had been opt prisoner in a small room at the top of a house in some back street in Borchester. Meantime the IkmIv of the coast guard had been found. Harry Wal ter S threat was corroborated by a dozen voices, and the old man was iiuujvu uu tirjiaii. a uu uiug; naa m a ferment of wonder and excitement, for simultaneous with the murder was Bessie Walters' elopement with Kit Boln-rts. . The first news that met Bessie and her husband was that of her father's arrest Who can describe the girl's horror and misery, the crplexity which be set and crushed her on the one hand, to see her father hung for a crime of which her husband wasguiltv; and the other to denounce the true murderer, and save her father by the sacrifice of her husband. There was one thread of hope, the evidence against Henry Walters was merely circumstantial ; those who had heard him swear vengeance against the officer were now ready to swear he was drunk ; and that a more for giving, peaceable man never lived. Once Bessie saw her father. "Don't yo' fret, my darling. Yo' know I be innocent as an unborn babby," he said. A great and exceeding bitter cry burst from Bessie's lips. "Doant say that, oh ! fayther, yo'r killin' I I must tell yo' I maun tell', or my heart will break. . Kit did itfaythor " The old man sprang to his feet ; he had been kneeling lieside the seat site was on. "He did it, fayther ; I seed him !" and seizing the arm that, with hand clenched, hung by her, she told him the story of her husband's crime and her misery. When she was done he stood still, his hands clenched, his head droop ing: ; Suddenly be turned, and lifting ber up in his arms, held her to his heart as he had done when, as a motherless child, she had come to him for comfort in her childish trials. "Bessie, my darling, yc are done right in telling me. I can die happy when I know why I die. Xo, my dear, you've not to fret ; it is you I'm thinking for, not Kit. God'll have to think for him. It's yo' darling you'll find it hard to hold your tongue, but you must, dear. I'm your fayther, and God has given mc a right to com mand my child. My command is t'j'o goa back to Kit and help the Lord to make him a better man. I hadn't many years to live, Bessie, It's not much whether I go this year or five years later; and I allow I won't Ik? hardly judged in the other world for what I'm doing now." Kit was sitting at the table writing when she got out of bed. She went : over to him ami put her arms around him. He looked up in her face. God kuow8 what he saw there; perhaps the shadow of her doom on his. Whatever it was, it made him lay his bead upon the table, and sob in the very bitterness of a man's de spairing passion. Bessie did not try to comfort him. She had her work to do. Kit sohlred on ; then, turning, he came over to his wife and laid his hand on her shoulder. ; "Yon are right Bessie; only. you are not to do it I II do it myself." Bessie ran after him he was gone. Bushing back to ber room, she began dressing; life and death depended upon it ay, indeed, life and death; for even as she hurried down stairs, a crowd came to the door a crowd with white, frightened face ltearing in their midst a body ! Kit had shot himself. The paper he had been writing when Bessie gave him her last kiss was a full confession of the crime. Hurra Walters was released, but never showed his face in Lnl worth. When Bessie was able to move they emigrated, and no tiding of them, weal or woe, has ever reached their old borne. A candidate for a situation as school teacher in Florida, being ask ed the sLape of the earth, replied: "Well, some folks likes it round and some likes it flat, and I've jinnerly teat lied it both ways.". . It Las been found that in nearly every civilized country the tree that bears the most fruit for market U the axle-tree. j Railroads. Lave three guagc at broad guage, a narrow guage and a mortgage. About tha commonest social rice, and the one which is most abhorred, is advice. MuM-cUuneous. ESTABI.lBIIK.ri IS lfclll. rjtlK LA HO EST ANtTbEST KTOCK OF FURNITURE tt'est of Ike Mountoin; Of cur own Manufacture, will he fjund ut tbe MAMMOTH ESrAlLlSUMENTol V. G. HAM MRU P SOXS, The newest a n l most nppnm-4 style of 'lu and Medium furniture, la UriforYarictythajiaiiy other house, at very reasmntMe price. Persons fumhdi. Ing turns. would Un well to write for our nrwctivu. lar. or when lu Pittsburgh, wr rcittullir aiiliclt m vijlC touur warvruKuiM. Juu't furet the flau, 4. 4SCoNeveatai A., Fit(knra;li. Pa. WccbUpnr the worlil In prlorii for the rime quality ot nmterlal ami wurkinttnMili f our juuda. au74m Cl'T THIS OCT. PITTSBl Utill FKMALK (MLEt.'K. Kltoakt nriMMWA, wrll (tamlrhKit an I car tttfl tlinniicbnat. TIpiU);h court) ut TWENTY-THRKK TEACH KlfS. Srpcn Draarntrsft. Kpoeliil tw-hr fuur in I Mu.'ic ftr tarli rl the tirnioni'iiinl tintnrhr. Nft. j live tracker of l"rprh au'l l-rui.tD. t'hiir;'a leaa I than any M1011I aft T I in njiul alraiit:ecanlav cotnmo'laltiitii'. Kail trui tauunriK-vii Si't:cinlvr Kith. ScihI to Ilia llrv. i. t. Per'liiu;.', I. !.. tlilt.Mrgli, l'.i.. l-r u t'at:il.;u.'. I aiiK. Jw. . I A x s-n7x'"ii orsK,"" ivi:ki.its, IA, j SAJI'l. ri.ltlti:u I'roin-ili . ! Tl'ld 1.4 aaftr r t laa fa-I latltflal ill X. Jlltr?t a-alllkl V t The tuMtm will ni Ire u',. Hi: I Hit choir- -:i i:iiiib lac iiKtmn it M'truf, uu i uix'tntr mm mo bent Uiiuora. li'Mmy HUllr:utUi(-lieil. . au,-3 QASSKL.MAX PLANING MILL!! . lint ri.'nwitriii.'i.'n ZL'FALIa, PlIILLII'PItVto Arc row pr'irv.l to Jo nil kin ! uf -Uinini( aiil niannraoturiua; I BUILDING i i MATERIALS, FLOOBIITG, MTHEEBOAEDING, SASH AXI) DOOKS, WMowJ Door Frames, Oranrthlna;iuel In buiMlnff. We are ali pre pared Ut aaw FRAMlvTLM I5EK, BOARDS, And any thlnp In that Hue of buoinexs. I All klmla of work done to order. ! t rlera promptly tilled. j WOLFKKS 11 K K t Kit. j . zi kai.l a riui.Lirri, Caaaelrnan, Somerset en., Pa.. July 27, l7i j rJIiK lTsFrulT : j IN THE WORLD! ! THE AM Eli IC AX SIBMF.KGKO j DouMc-Aetlng, Xon-Frec alnaT FOKCE PUKP! I The Simple!. Mint I'oirrrfnl, KITeetire. Iura- I hie. tt:Huhle and I'lieapvtit I'ump lu une. I It la made all of Iron, and of a tew aiuiple parta. j It will nit Freeze, ni no wat-r r. in-ln in the i plie whea not In aetiiwu j It liaa nc IcathT or mim fading, aa the aacker : and ralvea are all ol iron. . It aeldom. If ever, rt'ta out of order. It will (Tee water frim 40 to SO fart In the air, l y ' attarbina; a few feet of h aje. j It la good for washing r.u,;ifl.a, Window a, water -Inn Uardena, kc. It fumi'be the tnireat aadel.lrat water, b. cause i Ij la placed in the bottom of the well. 1 Txa : ' Inch Pump. 15: lw, V " ! 1 ' is; tie. ' Larger aizet Ui pMrtion. WET AND A PI.ATT. Sole Afrenta tor Sotncraot IHiunty. Romerset, I"a., aiay 1st, IH72. Sun CI RVEYIXO. CONVEY AX 1X(1, tt-JLLlXTIXO At. JAS. II. UAITlir.It, DALE C1TV, : : : MEYEKS' DAEL P.O. All huninma cnlni'te.1 tn hl. en re will lie prompt ly attended to. Tbe Airi-ney fcr the purchaaeur aale of all kinde of rval eatale Uken on mlerata terms. lulvll) AXDS AXI KUILDI.NU LOTS. Iluildins lots ia the Borough of Somerset, Hlilily aituate l, aud Faiiii Mineral and Mer LiJs In r.irloUa lectiufis of SomcriH-t ciwntr, f.r title OX ACCOMMODATING TERMS. A port Inn if the are Improved Farms, Others are unimproved. I.lH&STtiXE, FIBE-CLAY, 1KOX (IRK. and STOXE-WAL, Are fonnd annie nf thran. of fair qaalltjr and unantitr. For tcrui, ke., caJl on or addreaa 1. WEYAND. Atttrnat 3?, Tl tf. Somerset, l'a. c HOUSE & S1IIHES, Mnnufiirturt'raof all jrnules of CIGARS, BEDFORD, PA. Attention par'.lrularly aked of Jobhr. a)aOrdeni Solirited by E. 11. Manliall,drul4, Soaierset, I'a. my. a. BOVARD, ROSE & CO., Carpets OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, Stair Rods, &c, &c. A Fill! n.l Carcfuilv Si-lt-rttil Sioi'. I50VA1U), HOSE & CO., 21 FIFTH AVESIT, PITTS Kl7itC.lI, June 12-Ti IaA. JJAXKIXG HOUSE OK James T. Brady & Co., Conur of roarta knm nl Wool Street, PITTSBTJBGII, jP-A- WE BUY AND SELL GOLD. SI LVER&GOU PONS On Liberal Tonnsu WE MAJDVt Six per Cent. Iutcrest on DeMsItK. AdXiUNTSOr MF.HCHAXTS ASB IXDIVIIlCAI SOLICITED. James T. Brady & Co. July a-Tl i "yARM CASTLE & MOORES FAYORIH CEACIEBS, SOLD BT ALL OROCEI1S. WINDOW SHADES Miiccllamovi. R R R RADVAY'S READY "RELIEF Ct'RES TUB WORST PAINS In from Ono to Twenty Mlnutos. NOT ONE HOUR Tier mdmi thk itrcrtvrant l any ana sfJFFER WITH FAIN. BAD WAT'S KKAPV RKLIET U A CURE FOR It ni tb (ln anil' ! Tli Only laln Itomcdy that lartantfy atopa th tnoH racrtiriatlnc pata. ail art nlliuaniaUoua, and curat CofireUiori, wfai,Utr of tua .iiata, Siomacb, ilowcla, or ouicr ulaula or arjoiia, by vum ai-Dlh-atWifi. IN KKOM OTTE TO TWEXTT WXVTT., fe matter how Tlolatit or irruclattac tia l;HtLUATl(l BrJ rUJru Indrai. Criunlnl. t p.1 , 2 tiurallc or proatrattd with diaraae aiay niter, RADWAY'8 READY RELIEF WILL AFFORI INSTANT CASK. liTLAJIMATION or TH B Kll'NEVS. INFLAMMATION OK THE BLADDER. INFLAMMATION OK THK-BOWEL. CONOESTIOM or THB I.CX08. SOUS THROAT, DlFFU.'fLT BRSATHINO. PALIUTATIO OK TU HKART. HYSTERICS. CHoUr, KII'llTHKRlA. nKADACUK. TOOTHACHE COM) CTrTLiA AOUK CHILIS. Taa apHlntloa of Ua Bea Urllef lathe part nr fina wbera tha pala w iLiLcuitjr tiiiu will affnd caaa ai.ri anmfnrt. Twratv amp In half a tnmblrr of watrr will laafrf rfmiit enra CRAMPS, SPASMS, FOB It f"TnMAl-l, HEAKTBPKM, SleK HEADACHE, ktlAKKHF.A. lV.sK.VTF.ItV, OOLIO, WLNi IX TBa; UottaXS, and all INTERNAL 1'AtNS. TraTelm ahoula aiwaya tatnr a bottle c.f Raitwat'a ItraJy Itrllrf arlth them. A few Urol la alar !II i.tritail aicknaaa or palna from rhaage bf watrr. li la be lr Uoa Frooca IftraaUy or Itiuera aa a atuualaot. FETOR AND AGUE. FEVER AND AOUK cured fir anyeaota. There la nut a remedial arent la world Ut-At will cam Fercr a h! Afue, and all othT Malarioaa, HllkHM, SrarM, Tv-, Iellow. anaotaer rrretaiaiarii vj RAfn A I n ll.USl an qiikk aa KAIIWAV'S ItKADK KEL1EF. KutcMUpcr lwtti. Bum ay uracauaa HEALTH ! BEAUTY ! ! ' strono and rrm? nieit mKin-rNcnEASK OK FI.F.KH AMI WFIOflT-l'I.EAK HKS A .NO LEAL IUL'L;oMl'l.kl().N TO ALU DR. RAD WAY'S CDCDDII I UfJ DCCni tCMT onuoni nniLLinn ni.ov1.1 uu 1 HH MADE TI1K WiHT ASTONISHINO CfRFe ; t (JIICK, H l:l-ll) A UK rilK t'HANUKS TilK Hcllr r.NHKI;;F-i VKPKR thk in FLTFNi'K tiK 11113 TKULY WoN'LtiCFLL WL1.1C1NK, lilAf Every Day an (ncroaso In Flech and Weight is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. -rr lrr.p of I be PAKSAPARH.LIAX RESnLV ENT conimtttilfstM throurli the Blood. 8weat, t'rin-. auU miter BuUla and juuxa of U.a aratenkttia rlfor of if. for It ri'pini the a.-tMi :t Hie lKly with new ana amiiiil lnat!rial. Nj"i(iiia, MUiit, , i'unituniritbiii. OlftlMhilar dbH-ac, TT!crn in tli ThrfSt. Mittitli, 1 umorft, Nmtoi lu t (ilaUrdt, nJ ottK-r t-rt. if ttm yit-oi, rxn -, Ftruiimua Ticl wrg- fnn;i lh Knrw, ad lire wt.r-4 (.not of ftkin dim.-, fcnij tkmn. Fever &ntv hr4 HviAtl. itit.r Vt'urrn, hll KiifMin, trylD.a, Acise.liUci. Stwii. Worms in the HtU, Tnrnnra, CMiers in ti a A Hint, md all eakt'..inat t,l painful dwcltanr-". Ni;lit SaVfAtaa, I of ,SpTtll. UIhI tall WBaIIHI Of tit life I t'll (.1- 4e, rv within lb et.rativ rref UiU wonder of MJ era C'lieniUirr, ami f'-w t. hwvIII .nve Ia or r.n u-tnjt It f x c'MiT i f liicsc fwrtaaS of UUta: us jjfrimt power to cure tin tu. If the fafliicut, iiAlY lv-oilnr rfrtneed hj tfce wntri t'.rl itccftiiiiMittion tliat is riit.l.iitially lrfKnlrlt. "c crjafUt la ftm-Htaiix tfasjwt wsctctt, antl rciiwni tlie M e itli i.-," r&itierUl tnatle frmn lie.iathv thxnUfLud Ue . RSATAHIIXIAN mill arni tU rure. V Otllv 41I tl)0 SKAalIl-LJAI K CMOlTtTT f ! n'l kif'WTi rem'ilUI arril in the eur of 'hrirtv.r, ffcr-fi .;-, 1 fMltttlt'ithHtial, aMtti faaiU 4llBv-aV but tt k liaa? VI! i M.iecui fur iiirncj" & HIadScr Complaints - inrr. id Wvnb ! O rr, PUtha-te. !!'. I ;i-re nf Htafr, Itrcttiiiirev 4 I. flii-. lritffat'a - e, A'itmtuuni4, mt.d In 'l tas-. wberr iWrr art Lrlcl: . ii Utm wntvr U thick, HttdT. n.ixcd mitli a i! .ixirr liKts Uie wliiie if au (-,- tiireiMla Une rj thrre h ntorM'!, dsrk. aparairre,aul -'.lie .otar-diint drfrsiUtaVi rui wbrn there U a pfitkirtf, virnt atifu laUr-ri Ur.iiil Do. in lit H.J . , m' "f ir li-trW and mlotii ttic Isku. I'ricr, t.on. VOrfMS." TSt only kiKwn sad mm lUmciTy ftr of 4 j Jape, tic. f 12 Ycr.rO SronCi C'urcil by tadvuy' tSfolvrnt. at., Jvly 18, lC. Tt. IttwT T Oisria.ii TdH'i in cvsriM w4 I. All the Ika-rtori tai I fire m tm fcrlj. fur tt." I tricJ '.iiiiik U)l wm rtminmniliai Irl iM-tii,i-r la-! . I VrMr Hf evat. Iwx-Tkt -. -ry it ; Ut ha, a hu' U ,i Daa-aa- I kavt aawWrW t I !. ,rin. I took kwttraX f ;fM Kaajrlvnt, MhI S tUdwrtaV S PllU. anal tW Uw- tltt of Ttraw KarvJr HriM ; Mai I Kama m r a aim M iaaw W be wr" Ml, aftd I f-l lUr, MnarUr. anal aa rier taa I rrtrlv yu Tl wmtU tmmor m la ta ln aMef Ui lwls ,w" I- crwia. I wrila lh to je luf iae aWaatLI at DR. RADWAY'S FtRFECT PURGATIVE FILLS, f tf-ftlT tvWiw, eyTt'r fmtH w!h ewprt rim, 1 i-tirif,'. rrriilite. tiBriff. cwne an' utrtTirtlM'n. IIjvI- P'lt. fr ll.e mre tf t rt:onl. r of tit t"iniarQ, Ia!-er. B.wln, kidnern. li!Uier, prvou IHenaia. H MI;ie, VntJ al.o;i. i stiv. -ha, ln!itTelion, Iti? T-M.iMlnr-rW. TlilKma Ftver, Iiftatr,ml inn tf the lwe!. ItleavU'd atl Ih-raitrfnieiit--f l IfrteniaJ Via-e-ra. Warranted to effect f-sillve cure. l:r-ly Veceta ,it tliimj tu tnereurr, nili.ersl-..ri-Jt-rfOnlr:i;f 2 r oiraTve the folio-... ayniiaAaaa tno.Utvi trvoi li.rdTnf Uie l.etlv Or-ruia: (' tt(.tftlfi. Inward Pile, r IU- nf if Ji!W la tke r'aM, A ilitr uf the Humara, 7tw, IU unburn, htrpuat vf I'aaxl, r ilWeti r Wanftit la the StoNUKh. Sr fcrw-talioa. laltinc r lulaVtHiLf at Uw Pit of Ue Si".a--k. SwiMra.. f Uk lluirnt mni IriArall laWaiaiaf;, Mltawrir at iWHaart, ("twain or -aliiwT aWni-ilUiw alwa In a I xi'tt fualvr. Ihtuiaam. .( .--. 1M or M'tM Mum Uw Hhrht. Prr aa4 Patl fi ia lha 11.1. IkrtWaa-a' of lai. l Ml, Va-tt tM taa In Shut 1.4 hrra, ISM a taW tla-wl, l-Ut U, Maafeltt FiaM W ' t. bjruiiMt in tfcr Hah. Afrwd-of RADWATS rTM.S m fh the iT- t-;n fr-:n !): -' rd '-.ia.r. 1'tKe, S cvuta . s!a? MY Tnr.5lT. HEAP KM." K AM) TIU'E. Pond o l.-tf.-r-KA1VAY A- CO., Mttkafi. !je, N.-- .aa. ilif ff .'UlfH WWlia. lirUtUftUMia i'.i ( SLbl vu. , IlTJFICiATi TEETH!! of . V. YIITZV. DENTIST, DALE CITT, Svmerftt Co., I'a., Teeth, warranted to he nf the vi-rr tiest quality. Ufe-llke and Hiindnne, lnaertel In the beststyle. PnKlrular attention paid to the pres ervation of the natural teeth. Thoee wlrhlna; to eon suit me by letter, can do so by enclosing stamp. Address as atwre. JelJ Ti g S. (iOOD, PHYSIC I A2i SURGEON SOMERSET, r.4. 4aT-Lrriri on Ma in Street. se4 T- Q.AHIIETT Lumber Company,' U A1IRETT, SOMEHSET CO., PA. j Earnest, Delp &. Camp, PROPRIETORS, WHITE PIXF, VELLOWriXE, OA K, HEMLOCK, AXI) CHESTXl'T M'MDER. MAWKIl AXDSH W F.l S1IIXGLIS, AND 1'LASTEUIXO LATH. Building Lumber "Cut to a bill-' at short notlea. Orders fnam lumber dealers promptly Ullexl at wholesale prices. au. V, 'n if. QIKARD HOUSE, . Coaseti Xistu axDCuiSTXCT Strklts, PHILADELPHIA. IL W II AX AO A, ' Feb It 71 Proprietor. G HEAT IXDUCEMEXTS. Persons waniln? ft rut -class Fruit Trees, Vines and Plants should call on ZEE. EC IFTTTlVrF, HATtXEPSTILLE, Somerset County, Pa. You can purcliaso of him at kiwer rates thn ol any other party. Feb. 28-TA fiicflrporati ly Act of Ilm CAPITAL, . PRIVILEGE, $100,000 $500,000 Depositors secured by Ileal Estate iBTes.ftents exclusively. Six Per Cent. Interest raid to depositor on the compoundinj principle. jr.l.'(eni.m ii aft'rwferf fa f. ISioral pro tUiaMS fur vUhdrmirimg mutMg dtpotUod. Prmnbo dotu tn aamtfl atrumKfa, IT IT II O CI yoTics ntox the depositor. Jilt romatHa IratiomM tr-Ut rarwica anMasjaf Trply. - - JAMES T. BRADY, DAVID CAMPBELL, Trtamrer. mm MifiwllaneoM. Nat Peraoa can take tbeae Bitter accord- tlwirbonca are aotdeuroyedbT mineral poiaon or other n to directiona. and remain Irmg unwell, provided I rneana, and tlio Tiul orgaoa waatcd bcyood ilia poiul ' of repair. nyapepala or Iaeliajeatlon. Headache, Pin j in tlie Shoulder. Contlia, 1 ithine of the Cheat. li ! aioeaa, Siur Krucuiiona of the SUmarh, had 1'ie j in tlie Moutli, ISilinus Altack Palpitation of I lie I Heart, Intlaniaution of the Lunga, Paia in 'he regiona ; of the Kidnera, aud a hundred other painful ayirpmma, ! are the offspringa of Lrpepaia- ia lhe coniplamta ! it haa no equal, and raw bottle will prove a Letter giur ! antn iif it merila a lenclhv advertisement. ...... ,1,. .J nnu urJ Lc.nxlllui ncuul Far Female t'ontplatata, in young or oM. married or aingle, M the dawa of womaubood, or tlie turn of life, tlxaa Ionic Bitter display ao decided an iullucnce llut a auikcd uiiprovemeut i toon percep tible. Fair laflammatory and Chroaie Rhea ntallaiaa and tiout, liilioua, Keonittent and luler nutlent r evcre, Diseaaea of tlie Ii'.ood, l.irer. Kidneys and Bladder, these Hitlers bare no equal. Such Dis eases are caused br Vitiated Blond, which ia reneraily produced br dcrancentent of tlie Iieeuire Organ. They are a Gentle PararaliT aa well aa a Toale, poaaesaing also the peculiar men! of acinic as a powerl'id a cent in reiievinc Conarestion or mauuo of the Liver and Vuccral Organs, and in liilious lteasea. For Rlieuni fikln IMfteasc, Erontioni, Tcct, S.It .isiotclies. Spoti, ftmpfei, lustii, Botiat, ( ar- k.IU5"w7m.- d Hesw .fc": Kry- bunclea. aipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discoiorationa of the SUin, Itunaura and Uiaeasea ol the bkin, ot wuatever name or naiure, are UleralJr due up and carried out of the system in a abort time by the use of these Bitters firatcfal Thaaiaaila proclaim Vinegab Hit Taas the moat wonderful Iuvigoiaut ihat ever autaiocd the tinkinr system. ' J WALKtR. PropV. R.H. WrDOX ILD ii. C O., Druggists and Gen. Arta, San Francisco, Cal.. and cor. of Washington and Charlton Sta., New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND 1-EALi.RS. size or PELLETS, o o o Or Sagar-CoatriJ, Coner nlratf 1, liloot aud Herbal Jalce, Aiili UIMcnsCraiittlciu THE " tlTTtn CZA.Vr" C.iTIS.nTIC, or iliallana in a'arro I'hraSc. Tnt tinrr-iry of modrru jrtiliraU Chcmlcnl and Pha. in'..iitir:ttl bcti-tiee. No nse of any longer taking ttie tari, repulsive and nauitins piili, co up- 1 of r:u:-i. ci-iidc. and hnluy in'ri-flu-nts, wlwu we caii by a ca.-eful uppUr-auoii ot cheniieal scieiire, extra -t ad liie raionrtic and otiit-r medi cinal pmrtie. Inxn tni; bio.-t ainuid'r root) and luiroa, a id coiiruuTrtt! tlivui it:tu a luimiie (irttii n'.e, e.rr ly lura-i thati n tiurtartl a. -.-d , tuat ra t U- rx-Jilr ewadou-d hy thoee of th :n.-tiM:i'ilirM rinhi.-irii4 an-t laetuiioua taetc-s. Kac.ilitiie luranlio -rll- n-prnrMe. in a lU'Mt M'H'i'nir .tti; 1 .ir.:t. a t.ini-h ralhanic power a ia e ii'iieln- i In a'iy i.f tii aarsw pills SitiiiU !' eale in thf dni r r.. a their wmidertul ra lhai t:: v.-i I p .iortioi In tin-ir eize. pMi l9 iv ,m Iurn t td liiu am B,H In rn.rfi-e H at lU.-v a-. hir:i or (l-ati-: 1 1 rlf.n-t, hut euch i not at all 1 c a'. t.ic ditfionl arnvn nie.tiril,al pnn t:ii'il sv.i'tu titer nrj conifseI lin so liar-irtmir-d an I no-lido I. n hy tie ofhrr. a- tti ,i' lii ii a-xrrliiti!( ami Ihor i 5 v t ut-m IJ aud kiudliroyeratiug!iai'i,i', in ;:''waH i 1 ere' y tiffi-rc! hy t!ic pro ii i.I.ii ni I'n-i-a I'eii'.t. to a y rhMn:t v.ln, u;fui n-iii tf. wi'l fl'id in l!ir:n aiy t'alomr-l or nihci t-.r.d .f xuercury cr a..y other ia;n.l pclle.ill Mi ! n ir i 1 1 rc -I y TPsrrlalIc. no p. .tcnlnr eare w rotpnred while? uiii- tlo-iit. 'l'lny ; e ritc with-mt diatnrbnnce ti th;eaiiHitniiiiii. tlii-t, ix l.-cui: nn. For J anil'1. Ice. li radar liet Cti:lintloti, I injure e.;u, fain ill lite slimil.l?r) ' 1s7:im-sj o( lic Client, Ulzziiia. tir tiuctiuiuna of ? Mniiint IJ.i'l t.ic In nuntli, ttiliou-a ntt irk. I'ufn lu r' (! ol tiliSnrj liitrrar! Irrr r, flloat-e;l furling u'xxit Miinilirh, Uuia Rlooii f Ilc-nd. Ilicia Col. I rim. ( nuciubility and Gloomy larrbo lliua, take Ur. ftrrre'n Pic iaul I'lirsjMtlwv Hell.-ts. Inexlan i ion -f Uu rimodiul p wrt of my i'nr--ativd I cik- s over ro preot a varii-ty of dicmrs. I wWiIiimyI ui t'i'lr rMioa upon the uulmal i ronnuiT nulvrra .1, not a liliiuJ or liuue tiit-ir annas Iru.r. e. A;o dura not lu:ir them: their su:r r'-rm.iinr aiid beicr enc!od tn ia,a b. iulr p t? ervo their virtues aniin;iciri-(l l:r anv lenih of l'uir lit tiny climate, so Uiat th.y aro al wsv frin'i and r liahle. hich la not the ea-e w ith t j ; ''' I ni,d in the druc stun s, pi-.t tip in cist's? wo -1 rr iaTe-loard boies. fi-cui'i-rt tit f.irsil ''. !- w'"-re a Laxntlsr, AlirT tire) or fu"aliv Is IndieaKtl, th-e l:u!c I'c-il-ta v i five IM utor-t perfect ral.i-lu-it u to all who u.: l-tui. Tliry rrj roll b7 all ritl'rrrlaiu; Dougisis ut areuUu botilc. Po rr-t a'low siy t'nrpr'.st to infnee e-a to take anjihiiu eVo t':at ia may si y is Jut a p-Mi-l as tuy re!l"ts lirauie he makes a I pn1t en tut h r-.-enaimi iics If j -nr ern -t ran--t them, euch to 1 c.n s sjil r..:c:te fitn I r retnrti mail from j:. V VI JSCJS, M. D , Pr-p'r. E ECONOMY IS WEALTH. To the I-Jidicf. TRY OXE OF j Uless fc Drake's j i Improveil Pati-nt Sclf-Hcnlini? j Smoothing Irons, j AVl.h h Is Cist aunlrerralfimiritetl.rooirh-' i out the country. ! ! This Iron ecmtril utes its full share eon-1 ' omy In domestic lite, and Is well worth the alL-ii- I I tion of every housekeeper. It is heeled simply by : I a tire insi.le, like an ordinary stove. They are of ! 1 dlll.-rrnt sizes, weixhinir from live to eiicht pounls. j ! It snvis one-third the time -an Ironlnir is dune with i mm h less fatixue no danxer of sinnttin the 1 ebithes, ami when irocle they have a much better nui.-ti. It to the Inner a (treat deirree of comfort, since, hy the use ol IL hot roimi are av.ddel. and the person is not subjeoled to the almost inMUtluro tlc ficat of a stove it Ittniace in warm weath-r. A sutlteirnt proof of the s:ttifactlon which It ivcs. and the favor with which It Is received, is the already larire and still Incrcasin demand lir it. and which tells how fast it la coming into peDerul usk thromrhout the conntry. Not onlv are the virtues "of the p.n aptireclated at home, fut the true worth of it is bcconiitnrso ap parent everyhere. that thousands of them are now licin sold to rar inns f.rrclpn countries. Such Is the oaitidunce of the manufacturers Id the excellency of this iron, that tlicy say it only needs a trial to prove itself valuable to evefy house keeper, and wewarrantthem to ive satislisctiou if the directions are tuny ol'served. 4-.Vo raaaoe of Iron it required! OXEbein all that is necessary for a family, as tt can tie kept j costantly hot while In use, and old rcpuiring I Om Cdnrs Wort, of Cteal for an IromiLS. j I '-IwculJ n.H be without this Iron firW. If leould , I not tret another." is the exrlainatirn ol those who use the litele wonder. I TRY IT! TRY IT! j J-fu.7 direcliot encloted ia each iron. For sale hy FRANK II. SVFALL, Auicust IS'.h, lSTi SrucrM. Pa. a. r. KKlat. J. tl. I.IVKMKMIII. JEIM & LIVEXGOOD, I3AaVKi:ilK, SALISfiUIlY' ELK LICK, I'. 0. Son cbs lt Cor.tTV, PaNS'a. Drafts th.uifht ami a:M, and colrcctl-ms made on ; all parts of the countrv. I interest allowed on time dc;aisits. Sierial arranirnients wiih Ouanllnns ami obcrs who hidd moneys iu trust. Jan 17 Ti Jii. itiuu.1 a v ".. BITTER COMMISSIOX XF.BCII1TS EXCHANGE PLACE. HALTIMOUE. Utieral cash advances na returns initurtly nude. jtnmentf aud J. it: LYSIXGER, WITH SCHMERTZ cf- CO.,! 'Wholesale Manufacturers and Dealers In BOOTS & SHOES, .V31 Fifth Avenue, Bock Block, riTTsnunair, pa. W. C 8CIIUECTZ, T. A. KAJtMERKa, . v. MM.Yi.ia. MannfuctunTS of Ladles Misses and fhildrcns' Sewed Shoes; also, Aarrnts for tbe sale of YYai.k kk's Boots. S-it4-iil T M. tl HOLDERRAUM Has for sale for the season of IST'J, : WITH OH WITHOUT Fertilizing Attachment, THE BEST, Host PERFECT and Durable Drill Nuw In the tnarkot. It will I to tha Interest of Farmers) to call ami see It at his fana-bous In Somerset, before pur chasing any other. aosf.7. Hollidaysburs, Seminary. For Patalogups. terms, and references, address HEV. JOSKFH WAl'UH, auirU Ira Ilollidayslmrg, l'a. i srTaaVi try 4 atZ KELLER Seed DM Loot and Short. JJOOTH AXI) SHOES. Harry C l?orii'i Rpaprt folly InriTTiir tlie elt!m of '..Hvrael aivl tha politic generally, that he liaa jnt n-pleniatietl hi NEW SHOE STOP.K, In the New Building on Main Cross Street, W ITlt A SI'LENDID STOCK OF (iOODS Bonicht In the Kraiem elth aat tb h.w rh Trlrr. anil i.pfMkr.nwt ! liimitl. il..i:Ji...;k.r... ! "J1 u fnM';,rr1 lumiah the tt.Uie wiih err- "-IHK lwria.lllll l 111 III M U'llia.i. AT VLKY l,llV 1'KJf LS He will ki-ep cototaiii'y on hnn.l aud ir prepar ed to make to ordt r on abort nutirr, BOOTS SHOES Men, Worncn and Children, Vfrtwime t-Vf-rv Hue r Fr-t rl.w if.,'- in n rial an. w.rkm;MinhtA. ir.m th- iji.v -'i -t u l"".- lreu.1 hnatf iii. i .f - w.ii i; fun cl with ruir-b SLIl'I'EKS, UAITEKS. HOOTS, HAL.VOHAL, Hl'SKIX OF CALF. MOUHOCCO. KID AXI) LASTIXO MATERIALS.' And of the mrwt f i?hi inatilc ty! . if '"""f Bt " 1 'Ve MtkHilrtloB to all who may irive him a rail. He Is ale., prepare-! to lurni-li h.Hu,rk-r- wl-h a eouilete ai-sor: im-nt of SOLE LEAT1JEK, KIT, CALF, AXI) MOKHOCCO. AI.Sf, Lasts and Shoe Findings prhVs1'0 ki"' r'Ul' h I'""1'Ut the IuW' .-lh j sr All kinds of n-iatirinr di.neon sl.i.rt notiee. Me hois l.y kctpluif a larire aixl ir.d stoek. l.v I ell Ins; at the low.-st p.nil,Ie prW,, and bv Ui'r ! dealmir- and strl.-t attei.ii.Hi to hasinr, to reV-eive ' alitierslahareot )ublie lettn nac. I apr. 8, ;.j-tf. u c KEi;K1Ts. TV. V. DAVIS A HKOS CHEAP Grocery and Confectionery, somerset, pa. -ulti1'."' i"r,,rrn ih" I-d of this rommu Blty that we have pttrt-hasnl the tlr.-rv and Cm- tj , . ' "" aPIr. I.-,.. . i..,.iie the Harriet H.,u nnd hare made Taiiml Av addithma to the already fin,, storkof .is. U t sell all the I best brands of FLOIK, AXI SEAL CWFFEE, I TEAS. ! SIOAKS, ! K1CE, S VII ITS, ! MOLASSES, ! FISH. SALT. ! APILES. FLAOKlXU EXTRACTS. 1'IIIKD AXI) CAXXI.D FKl ITS. ALSO. f'OALOII TOBACt'O, CitlAKS. SX IFF. BROOMS. BI't.'K ETS, TrilS.Ssci All kinds Frem h and rutnuu n CAXDIrS, XT TS. CRAt'KEES. j FATt Y CAKES, PERFOIEKV, j AXI) TOILET ARTICLES. ! C )M I!S, I! H I S II ES, Sf ) A P, y. j Also an assortment of Toys, ax., St the Utile ! folks. j It you want anytiiht In the f!ncrran.I Coo- i (ccli-UK ry liue call at " Davis' Cheap Grocery, j OPPOSITE THE I1ARXET HOl sn. nv. lr. 33oots and Shoes. HATS AND CAPS, Leather and Shoe Findings. J. jsf. aZiiiaUicnaau Takes plrasnre la callinir the attention of therit- ' iaensol S.nuers:t ami vicinity to the fact that he ' has opened a store In his rcileni'en I iiUmi street. ! where I It- re will always be kct on hand a com plete aesortment of ' Boots and Shoes, Of Eastern and home manufacture, well assorted stick of i a lare ami HATS CAPS, And a Krcal variety of Lentil or am! Shoo Finding? Of afl kinds. There is also attached to the store a CUSTOM-MADK BOOT , BKr.VBTMEXT, SIIOK With X. B. SXY DF.R as culler an I fitter which ; akaie is a suthcirnt xuarxnti that nil work made ' U iu tlie shop will not uily tit the lect of cu. - tum - , ers t'Ut that only the bvt will be usnl i una tne ISckI XVorkitioii i W ill b euitdove.1. The iul.lh) are resoectfullv I tnviird to end and exumine his stwk. '' , s-i., Tl. " j OR SALE AT S7,000 OO, ratARLS t'sailst flct..)ier. ISTi uJ0 1st Januarr, 1S7J, )lVX) i 1st April, li:x aud .VJ a year tht-realtt-r, I W1TIIOUT INTEREST, A Farm of 229 Acres, Haclnir two Xcw Houses. Jcw Hank Barn, nl lirrhanl and Siiarar t "amn, well tlmherr.1 and well hnnniCMl. within hilf MiilM ij ,.th V...k l?.ll. riaid. I'tscsslon 1st April, 1STX Oood paper will ) taken for the first two pay ments. I'osscsskiti for euttina; Haulier given as soon as (l.tiou Is puiil. W. J. BAKR. Somerset, May g, Ti JOMJ DIBKST. ob r auBxa-rs. CO., J' OHX DIBERT BAlsTKEBS, XO. 2 W 5LVLX STKEET, JOHNSTOWN, PEXXA. We sell Drafts ncirotlable In all parts oMhe fnl tcl States ami Oatudas, ami In Foreign countries. Huy t..ld. t'oup.His and Uoverutucnt lhawls at highest market prices. Lnaa money on approved security. Urafts ami I 'berks iwi other hanks cash- i e.1. Money rceeKed on deposit patahleou demaul ! Intered at the rate of Six per tent, per A nnum paid on Time DejWfits. i Everything In tha Banking Una receives our j 1 prompt attention. I Thankful to our friends and customers for their past patmnaKa, w. solicit a auntlonanew of th. ; same, and Invite others who have business In oar Una to give us a trial, assuring all. that we shall at all times do all wa can to give entire satisfaction. I'eb n T JOHN D1BKU T a iXA i -I Misrtllimuni. r. r. anuAiK. JTMIK MVKUUOCEUY. V. V. II IIOAI..S k Keapoctfully announce U, the fqi.n, ( Of. their arruea-rjr lu th h.,Bt , . Hag hoaae ld Ijr oerajiieil , w WaIiliit-t4i 4rl, an-t an fraah raj'.lea of erythlnv In u Ul! GIHK'EKY AND 'XFKr-T,,,,., lAur fHre up a r. - ' ,rurj j hurt quali.T. V.'e iriil Imr.-r t kry JI tbe Ik -it br.Jtfls of i'OVr TtA, SfUAK, RlrK j MOLVS5LH, IIAKIVi li, j SUVA, !MiOo. j AIXKJ.MS.SIU I) e-s eu of I vi ti.a. BO! bail D uy. set I) Dtfl. at L adj" X suet proo ersl trwa! au I) whet allk tract the ' rtuUi t) a entn aa. jaa J trust tlesi Uool ir l'a. lie th Korrx II In a allwl Apt all bo adjotr ftletl i j ! , ' ALI.klN-TOUAo-i,, sxrr-, AX.E1 riiLlTS ANI VKUtTALLKS, A LI. KIXDS i'UinrkiiTs Atl) JELLIEK, STOVE PULL-,;; SHOEEH LAUp : BR'X'ilS, BKISULS. IH CKETS. Tt I,S. KASKirrs. ICHPr FISH, OIL, SALT. FKEXl'H a. ft i.M.Md.N C . I ) j j ; - Vf'TV AT 1 IT1XTK ' -H -ki. Jt a: a ckeiis, FL'CIT IUaCTITS. SCO AH JCULLi SVlCEDJUilLLLi. CIXGERSXAl'S, I'EHFUXEhY, iToMcfiJFascjMclesEi i CL'KEMBKa THZ TL K IX 1! AS EM EXT t IF Til E LATE 1 :Ei;inr - . ii. LO V. J. BAER. ESQ. Xot. 15. Tl It. Fii 141 Mar Ci TUT HIGHEST MARKET Pkl E Ti:. ALL KISDS OF COISTRY fHJr; KEIM k CO., Sl tX ESSl IKS Tt) STVTZM IN A Zl Are i n.anati FL In the SOMERSET POUSE In shor iuit. A Ordei July Kelt lt-itv.' t.i s.iy to ill an-i ti.. Pi -' they will cotirlii'ne to !npply wha!ev.-r v their line by Farmer. Builders. ll,.iiris 'arjienlcrs. I!lj ksmiths. Aliuers. Iteriatu aud Manuiacturcrs arenerully. HAL it & STOVES FOK COOKIXO AXD IIE.C TV. Of the Bi.t desirable kinds, whk h haver yet. failed to cive entire sat is tact Ion, art Wept on hand. Xone I .A AU wot atyle,a LOU Scatter PLOWS H the ViirUm pxttrnu- N?t i.bpte-1 to fi I of our FnmT!t. warn-nted U ir.vr futi' j The Urtff &umier a 1 rri y in ttiru'i--! ami the -v-lt- hiHi crun and a : .: iujf lU-rminJ, aro a fui&unt " ttirrit.'1. CAR WHEEIi t Fur llininjr. I.utulicrinir. Railroad Ho:! i j at the most aiipvel)ttrm. aud It?-. ' I made to order on abort notice. i (J BIST VX1 S VU MILL H' 1 SIIAFTIXO, Sen 1 41 We Import ri'LLEYS,' IIANCEKS, IiEVKI.-WHH JIILLSPl.NIlLrJi, SAW MA IX ANTI FKICTION KKLIXK."1 Tha ur kinkj of IRlX RAILl.N'i, BALfOXlKS. Hf 4" -c TLX I window and Door. rorirtaot kettles, f I The ! I Direct, and the -rarker v Water-Wheels, IU anally 1 tjseliewr .sa Proda! HOLLOW WARE, ST.- rLOW-CASTINCiS For all tha different Flows uad in tl"-' '1 We an th. authorised agents Rr Sl'EAK'ai ANTI-Ul'ST PAKU'R In this county. Wa sell, at manufacturers" prir. Til E STRAOVE MOWER. THE KISSEL REArEK AM5" THE BEST STEEL rUV THEBISTHOltfEKlKE1 And Agricultural Iraplanaeats gao'1' Wa hope to merit a eunttauanes "V TO; Refer to. i wu kll'CI nil I EauuMw - ,WS Tkrme' Our prices w ill be fair and our terra. - flr' ..-a-' "".- aril it'1 igha a 13, - 'T ' " 6 Jan. 10, Tl. y wit