The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, October 02, 1872, Image 3

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    I The Somerset Herald.
rr - inn.
3.000 KECS
Of Butter Wanted.-
. ,,1.I.-P.lvrl.i suit-
Ve an tn V- , 7,. i,
,hr ij(-iiin.l!' of our'mm,M ,,t L 1
u i. f
a.l i1 "' . , i
sales at pond rricr-
' .,r,.mie early
I ao I -
- thank WT wniri
i:h r ay. " r lilral.hipmentt.
BALTlMUtt-L., mu.
. rn 1 Lad t ail the ston-s.
rtxe ci'i r vinopirit Davir 4 Bro.
r.,,Tv tu'. nipe 4c,
, h anied f- .r cash, at C i A Beer- j
f 'L. iici.T. Sancmi Pa. !
Fi:t" fruit jn at C F.
t-K..ti A
cm buv either a tura'.iier or uorse-
;;t the Somerset r ounurj .
r,l:!T. '
; nieal anl cracked heut
.? the Live wr.rv
ci at Davis & L.ns. a sjuen-:
.'.ceco 4 cigar. j
J; -T r-cr:'
- 1 - 1 ..f
n ' on umui a i;tit;e ruk'y-
!.l;ii:k anJ judgment notes.
Fif' ""'"I;5- aier meiioii aim eauie- :
Illi Ki 1 liro.ii .
irr.r'v fiur barrels for sale at the
rv and frtsl st're of Cotik & Deerits,
Smierset, ra..
f!.-k of Gent's undershirts, draw
will !e oH'ned at Mrs. James B.
i tlii.s week.
family flour, com meal. oats, chop,
iiiil "corn 1'ir ca.-h only at t'ck Jc
t' mr and feet! store.
new lot
i arri v
l.i!e-1 styles ladies' leather
this eek at Mrs. James li.
:!.. ; st and grx-r;-s. con
. ri'-. no; ions. stati ini ry. tolaiccos,
ci;.snare. stone ware. woo.!enware,
raaned fniits. crai kers. t h-ese. 4c,
rv of t ook 4 Beerits.
Yr. J -"""S B. Trcdweil has again to rt-j,-.;
- i !i of her customers as owe her
. ( r :v days standing to make :m-
'..y.i ;-.i:.(r.t.
r.t a thrashing maching go to
t Foundry and cet one of their ;
i.proted Tumbting shait ma-
. v are warranted to run easy,
a-te no grain, and are jut ; sumptHn could t greatly lessened by ar
r : "r.i rs want. ' ly attention and the ue of Dr. Keyser's
- . . - ; Lung Cure can hardly lie questioned, when
k- of Geo. R. Parker are now j we l.k at the imfiortant cures of p.-rsns
:.". fr collection. AU pt-rs-ns w ho live under our immediate ohsert ation.
!i:v hes in'!ebtel to him will
it the fankir.j bouse of rv-hell
nd settle immeiliatelr. ;
ti. V. KI M MEL.
r lii-t.tiblican meet:n2 held at Confiu-
n Friduy ereninff of last week was ;
iVfndfd A larcre crowd was present ;
.aa anu tue turrouniiini countr;. .
his were made ly Mr. White,
r. hr.d H"n. John C'era. of Utl-
:. t. Notice i hereby piven that I
aicunta in the hands of E. II.
. : rHiierv't. I a., f'.r cr.ii"cti..n.
r- m-.vl to (VinneKsviile, Pa.
t U- paid within two weeks or
! t'Ut in the lian.l of nn'.ctT
K. V. G m UK HILD.
' uturday aftern- last a lare crowd
aM'iubt-d at Krieder.chur to Jiear
issues of the camitirn discussed, ( v
- Meyers. Ksrj.. made a short but stir-
Z sj-ech, foliowej by Mr. White, t.f
r. r. in an eloquent and convinc inj
j-Uient ot s .me k nrth.
f '.0 Rlward. Lcs-t. cn Friday, S-pt.
L .A. :s.. Lieiweea rvj. Lauiiuu s new
kr.J the planing mill, fViO in live
u-n uu.uiT Luis, w rapfied up in a piece
-r. ihe ncder will receive reward by returning the same
I'. sa:iiri-n. residence opposite
tr..r-1 House."
tli :
( AtTT'-s. Kvery cenuine lox of
f T Vf i irrn PI t t ' .iiipiiiuuwi-
-Vb LA. t hi th i lLL,. fon vention shall be voted fur on a sep--s
:Le sirnature of FLEMING ' arate tkket, bavin? on the outside the
Cs ritt-burg-h I'a., and their ! words "IH-Icates at Ijirge," and that can
at. United States Sump. "Take f"T 5 lif-u w said cun-
r. The markt t i foil of inn-
L V. ic.icnii.D.
who has Wen j
t.ii.e pa.-t tnpigeJ m the jew- : al tL place, has concluded '.
n-j lor. jer amoni us. On Mon- i
;"r:..Lj '.a..t he started for Con nells- ;
he intends to n Zaire in the!
V- a s Mr. G. was esteemed by J
-; . a-1 -..nLy citizen ana a pooa i
i .
1. ".:. Th- in want of coal for any
stem jreneratinz. lime burning
W .eaa ;e supplied at Alex Stutzman
I T.-r'y the John SeS bank, south-east
t :.. ! r'M:c-h. Mr. Davis, a practical
r .r.ra jui.nsiown. ooes ine i.ringmg ; 3. .ne headed t ounty, containin;
ir.i the pUtf .rra is now filled ith j the names of ail candidate, for county ot
lump and rotI rouph coal. No: ficea. together w itb those ibr Senator, mera-
clean. Leave your orders at j btrs of Assembly, and members of Con
l MiiOry. ; rress t large and district member" of Con-
.tvtsc. deposed of my entire of ilOne beaded "Dele:ratt at lartre."
;..k' Notions and Groceries to Win. j containing ther.amesof candidate for lel
'.y iBro., I would recommend them egales at ko-ge to the constitutional con-
inemis and patrons.
5 and after the ICth .f rVptwnl-r. my ;
n ill 1 left for collection with G. .
r.,-. at theBankin; House of St hell &
r... i. Persons knoa icg themselves in-'-d.
aid p!eax call and settle their ac by cash or note, and
tro'l'.e. " " G. W. PaBECK.
Int. Ki.h' Ex amixation. Our annual
T...-.., i .n wi'l be held at the follow in?
-id piser. to wit t
vi.hlHiry. Thursday ctoher, 3.
ity, Friday " 4.
-run. turiiy " 5.
citrsi t, Monday ' 7.
..lown. Wedn.-day. October 9.
nner X Roads, Thursday, Ototier 10.
n!rev;!',e. Fri r.d SaL V-L 11-12.
rsburg, Monday. Octo'.ier 14
hampton Mills. WedneUy, Oct. 16. j
oiaiiie aic inuum in Lie in atu.'n
.. V... O ' - ' . i. . u . . 1 . : -
.' . ' f " -, '7.ig m
-iter hour mil not be admitted in the
. .. .., ,i., t,.i,.i .-4 .v
. .tl Vaa . AJJ" 'S VlllVt K'l Tt aa.Al lilfT
-. t.f are invited to attend. ' 7 xt - .. 5 i .u:f?.'?,
I) W Will, Co sUpt - , Alr " 'lanibert, at Summit Mills,
... " ' i lliri "'lies west of Dale City, with ail its :
,n nT TKE Toilet Everv Udv's ! nU;M' rs and machinery wa
1 km'.s that the bewitching Wiiips I ,,,7, .WheiJ first a " 11 1
v. Heir triumphant war with con-1 ;I, u T' ) V
r-d htans, resard a splendid bead of anvthin T.'.e """ V
as the nvw4 etf,ive all womanly 'it.xT rf ' ' ,
... . J t ufj know n. uul more than l l- . 1 u-.e r ?- i
iatitins. Thev helit-ve. and thev are
, " "oa. many oeaux ;
t -,,.f .J:
t , . .:
lhP '
and with their ;
1" rrUons f"r
. as imr can "kill
f ''i.i.icp eves. Hence
- ainong themselves and with their
-i-icte. the merits of j
1-i.rare tree-iv canvaed and ihe lat- ... 1... it. t
et.a of th diccu, :mi to he the l-i,- by Mr. un
- ui. ... , auiesu. oi i.yon s htiii- father iarid La van. LVq.
I - " r'clr. tUT d?1Twl 3X,r3lI The building had bee n much eniarr.
vof w . 7-7 .L',..ribJ:itUte r- d engine
ureuie worm. 1 hev sav that a. ith
JT.uting the skin of the head it erad-
- (li."!4!-f i ., . , , ia
UA..arun. ana that it wnc r.i,-
surhK to the rout of the hair, i
Er" them nith new life and vijir.
! Mr.
, to
.f.LiMoc. PtRvicr-.. The servic-s
with the eonseenaion of bt
- ilormed t hurth. at Centrev:lh- i
tcimen wi Ti vlrt T;'lCr I
-a-mence onl hursday eveninc. Get
; of
'be tUioaing is the progranune :
777 ereoinc'. farewell acrviee in
i ftieo
" iwiiTB. DT uif numr II. t r I
1 i"
LiaI rA' .r71 a-:'- "- on
u x nvty rven in e. first Sen u .,
-.e new chprr-h v, it.. ,. - - - iuc prane oi inc. an orr.nan. rus latner ana ;
.! .I -T ?; "' J-! mother havinr died ei it nr ton vsara awn. !
--..444; nntar niUMHkriAp i r .kn..L .
k c v i . T r iic
r -a . iiii. i - on rViTiir.iu w niAM H. ;
.-rA- .." v.. i7: o friends to mourn bis early death.
v. A. B Kot.iin"; on Sufii-YijT.i
L a-n-i i. i r . . , -
1 r. i "''ner ; on anOay ! - o-u axiu i.-.u our Bciuoorius ;
r-cctotirrraiorv Wvi n, i' towns, met to or ran i? and to dedicate ' .
Prudent of XcZ :
S - S
are cC. , "T1 ,a" 1M5-T '"iday 27 th) the westward
rU4''-v un,ed to be j bound train brought Hon. John Cesar to ;
K:iPmedU therWrwDr
fit m V" I CXitifluer where "Su S
! 5
Mr. James, B. Trrtlweil win rcc-ciye
k a new l w ladies ana can
on poods, ladies tons, nuiius,
&. children WisH jacket, homl. caps
Waits, Ac.
The new C hri.t Er. Lutheran Church j rwst-sar the vinr and vim of a roan pi
of Jt-nn-rtown is to 1 consecrated on the ' ant. This linc his first visit to Dak City,
,':h intd., in 'ace of the 2iHh, as our Jen- j he expreswd himself much delighted with
ntrc."rr-i-i-u!cnt MJiL
uw - --- - '.
! ivrsons atsmt visiting I'ltWwrvr. should
n failm visit the extensive I'bouraphic
. u.iorn. I 1. II. 1 saiitis, 411 auU ria;n
Street, Itvpiion and Show H-m on the
iT'Mtnil Cm-r.
Mr. reputation as an Art:t and
rhotocritpher i second to none in the
world, and his Pictures have always given
f-ntin. satisfaction: one of the niot import
aut parts in a pood picture, is the p:tion,
and in that. Mr. D. excels, and has the
hannv facultv of making every one good-
looking and yet making a perfect likene?. j
Do not fail to call on him, if only to see the
preat improvements ia 1'botorapliy.
Bepablleaa xieeUaca.
licpublican meetings mil he neia at tue
following place, viz :
At Shanksvflle. Thurstlav. CVtoler Srd.
-i STivsTown, rnuav, jow;r 4U.
! At Davidsville, Frulav (Vtuber
. . t-v .1-11 r . i -,
i At New Centrc-ville, Satnrlay, O-tolx-r
j oih. '
! At Jcnner X Iwu:s Pat unlay, eto-
ibcr.iili. "
Tlie mee ting at Confluence, Meyers Mills,
Siuthampton Mills and Davidsville, will
v nt.j,j at o'chwk in the evening, all
the others at 1 o clock r. m.
Hon. John Cessna will certainly adlrcss
a hr:rc portion of these meeting. Promt-'
ncnt spejikers trom aircma win ocassignea
by tue Mate central (.ommittee.
Densis Meyers,
Chair. Co. Com.
Mortal Maladies. The spark that J
! kinlli-s a conflagration would do
i but little mischief if attended to on itsfirt
' aritarance. so it is n ith consumption,
which has nearly always U-en looked upon
i as a mortal disease. " It never would lie-
come so if heeded at its first approaches.
t 'f the whole catalogue of diseases, nearly
, every one ot tnem can le cured by care
and attention. Dr. Keyser lu-is published
' a pamphlet of thirty-two pages, in hich
; he shows conclusively the curabi'itv f
' pulmonary consumption by mean of his
! reat Lung Cure, now wild by mot re
: -pectable uruggista. The pamphlet will
; l-sent to anv addres, tree of cust, mn
app'.i',ation, or will ! given to any one at
tlie D-ictor's medical jft:ce, i' LiU-rty
street, Pittsburgh. It contains the main
points of treatment t.ursiied bv the loc-
tor in his management of lung and other
chronic dise-s, with certificates of some
very extraordinary cures in this immediate
Thousands of witnewn can testifv to
the value of Di. Keyser's Lung Cure, not
only in the incipient or forming stagc-s of
lung diseases, but even in Ion z standing
hnmic ca?-s. That the mortality of con -
and who walk our reets daily in good
health, rescued through its virtues.
Dr. Keyser's oflice. 1C,T Litw-rty street.
Pirtstmrgh". where eaamination for lung ,
and other chronic diseases are made daily
trom 10 s. m. until 1 p. m. and from -i tin-
til ti p. m. .Saturday nijrkt
TlcLeta ( a 1 wtcel at
Ike Orlak.r
By the laws of this Commonwealth, in
tlioM.1 counties where several candidates
are voted on one piece or slip of apcr.
ail candidates tor State offitt-sare to 1 vot
ed f..r on one ticket w ith the word ' State"
on the tM-.tsidV. A'l candidstes for county
orUct-s. includicz State Senator tnd mc-m-V-rs
f AeemMy, and niember f Cn
crts. iacluclini; those 8t lare. on one
ticket, with the word County" on the
oi:tide; and all candidates for judicial ot"-rii-es
.n one ticket, with the word "Judi
ciary" on the outide.
In accordance with these prorifiuns. the
names of the candi.iatei tor tiovernor and
Auditor General will be printed on the
ticket beaded "State;" the names of the
candidates for Judjre ot the Suj reme
Court, t wed as those tor JuJes of the
Court of Common Pleaa. District Court,
and Associate, on a ticket w ith the
word Judiciary" on the outside; ami the
names ot all candidates for Senator, Kejv
. i . r i . -
', V- .i. . .
liuumi; iiiiec ai iar;e. jaou lor an county
. .,1 . , . .7
oiuit - s kultui juuiiuitv, e'D a
IICKPl W 1111
, the word "County."
j In addition to these three tickets, the act
ft innl 11 1&1 -.M., l:.l
f, ,,,.,.,,.....,...
k( Uvin on thp oataJde lh Vord i
"DUtrict Dele "ate."
Bv another act of A mblv. am.roved i
Apr:! 11, 1-72. an additional ticket will j
have to be voted for or apainst the prujwis- j
eu amendment touie con-tnution, wi.11 lUe
words on the outsi.l" "amendment to the
There wiU ccaa.tteatly be sit tickets to
I printed I
1. One head-d "Slate,
names of candidates for
' containing the I .
Governor and !
a ui ur "enerai.
i. One-headed vludicunr contaimnj
the names of candidates for J ndre of the
supreme onrt. and ad other judicial of
4 .- 1 : . ,
Sees to be filled in each county at this f lee
5. .ne headed "District IV lcrratet,"
containinc the names of candidates for del-
pate, from each Senatorial distrit t to the
CODtltUtlonal Convention.
stitution." containinz the
vou-s for or !
. against the propoMl amendment ti tue
; ctinstitution, relative to the eiect.oaof SUte
I1 ri.'luftr" .
, These regutions do not apply to the
. c rn :i . 1. 1.1 .
w. , . uinuv.pu. nor to . ,ew count .-s
... -mm rax-iai prov1S,,n IS t.y
law. but to ail other counties, and we have
c - : lu "P""-'?, u.rc
- i
both parties
S iMTEi. J. Randall,
Chairman Democratic State Committee.
Rt-J,1T1 I V" D T' I TT
Chairman Republican State CommiuV.
Dle ctty Ilea...
n ., , c . c- i
the n:?ht of Sept. 23d. the
1 t , ' . , , - . , , . I
,i " Z i .1. 1
lora rimau tt between ei
Sht and ten
thousand dollars, paniv insured in the Ly- ,
wJiajr Co. Part of tins buiWinS and rua- l
cbinery wss put up seme fiftv virs ao
bv m-X jllhD iint.r yU
cards used were brmicht b this mimir I .
I l
w ith the latest improvements added ; in
short, it was fitted up as a first clafs manu
wi l , tuu u Kiui, a u uilll emu lux
. ....
Humbert, but to our entire commu
nitv. We hope the neighbors will Ait
Humbert liberally so as to enable
him !
rebuild at once.
Til r TV If f!r..nt.r . .n O t 1.
!-.'. & , 1 I I V . IW XV.U
in.. Ainert O. llav, w rmroerxl countv
"7 ,
tin not aeqnainted with the particulars
c n ... .... .. : .i..
his f icineM, but it is report rd that he
from cocsiimptKin. liis eorrse was
i....h i i :. i .. tt. . i i. iTrith harrt'l hcails. orvmea ready na
vvij: ui uri ct ail Vi luiri ini ti iiti imuivu M
:r . ti
the t.llL Albert was a roung man in
. 7... .
. 1 .
I,ve & lurrri- rirr cf tvLntir- and
n - - - - i
On Thursday, the 2Cth tft. the I. O O.
! F. of our town and from our neighboring J.
h This Ixslge will be known a. '
- Iw
ne remained trom noon until
..i 1 - i . v
titprpi ,i I in sviumt a
ma.ti.TVli. ! meeting to-night Mr. Cessna is doing j
yeomin crrioe in This eampaiira, making ' Lyons preferred, hotrevrT. to confine lnra
oce tod two srveciKf every dy. He is brr. and let the "wiyirtrd brothers" go
one of the host lawyers In the State, and m and in no more until the nest time,
rnnn that will do credit to anv conmitnenry i An enthusiastic newspaper cnrrcsiKind-
tliat in.iy haTe tlte honor to send him to
1 1 onpresa. Although- over niitiuie ace, ne
l the out-lnoK. lie mien icweu oar ciuzena
and kit a very lavorauie inipremwm ; ai
' least twoet our prominent uemocrata stg
I nifr that they will vote for Mr. Cessna,
"Mricr: ius j " ' v- inn m KwuiiwKc.
e are aorrr that he could n remain to
addrr ss our meeting on the 30th.
Mr. Daniel Buechlev. better know Lere -
ahouusa;randpap," left one of bis fine
apples at Dr. Masters drugstore, which
weighs ISoz. and measures tfteen inches in
circumference. It is to be sent to the Her-
ald office
bv the next through freiizht
A tsnrvry or the pronnd on w hich to
'erect the V. W. & B. K. R. Co. 's machine
I and car thips. will be made in a few days,
i uk) if found suitable, the Company will go
j ul w LUt" """e3-
j Tlie Ke sro Gauge Railroad
i will le formallv onenel October 23d. A
iree amner ana nae wiu oe me oruer oi
tue uav,
This enterprising and wealthy company
1 own some of the finest enal property in
j wei-tern Pennsylvania. Thev have their
j headquarters in" Dale Ciry. They propose
'shipping their coal to 'Philatlefphia via
Bridgeport and the P. C. R. R. This com
pany have a very superior coat ana nave
orders in advance for all they can turmn.
ThL company propose putting up several
. hundrel eke ovens within the next six
months. Their coke has been thoroughly
t-MeU ami is pnnouncea superior to me
t onnellsviiie coke.
! rBSijr.
r Ilalel-DnertsXt f the Twai
wBinfrtaHiir-HlnerwU Indit 14
nal r.BlrrpriM, rte.
Benfokd HorsE, Ursisa, Pa.
September 3d. )
Editor MtKEEsroBT Times -Sir.
You have undoubtetlly heard frequently,
as your correspondent regrets, that in this
defightful mcrtiutain ngion, there were no
hotels or public resorts, w here a man in
search of health, more than pleasure, could
1 projicrlr accommodated. It affords us
pleasure to lie able to assure you that this
ereat desideratum has been reached.
That there is really and truly a good.eheer
ful. well kept, spring, summer, fall and
w inter resort established here, kept by a
man who, knowing the wants of the trav
eling public, dares maintain them. (The
dare applies to the exjiecse.)
This place from which we w rite is new.
from turret to foundation stone," and was
i . . , t i IT r..c.l C -1.. . F
..ui.toy ji.un it "'". " .t.-:
.v fiiit-'rw'i Lai iiit-T-L a lit- i i r da l aa aai k ui tuu
c,.mm!;nity. our friend W inslow. now of:
t'ri-.;i wns ttip mm on -'in.Hiir intend-
r r . t
td '"to run the machine," and everybody
knows he would have run it well, if he
" e - j - -
had run it r.t all. The community were
fortunate, however, in securintc an excel
lent man in his place, Mr. sScott Rush, a
native of the county, but one who ha had
a larje experience in hotels especially
railmail house in Ohio. Mr. Uu.h has
U-en tij'iaily f.irtunate in sectirincr Mr.
Harvey Jones, one of the nv wt accommo-
tiatirie men in trie onsinew.
r,..f. rftainstentTiekt rooms for raests ti, .rr.Ar rd" Firu mt AVcv. ;
and avenue, near the o'J county bridge,
and directly in fnmt of the station.
llefore w e come down
to more senous ;
matters, let me say that there is abundance :
of frame on the surrounding bills sijuir-'
rc!.s pheasants, ic.-while the Youghio- j
and other streams near here abound i
', ia f sh.
The n.ost soucht after is the black
b-is. a most delicious fish, only a short
time planted in these waters, and already
! ' infinitely abounding." Since we came
here we have seen a numler of men
1 w hom bass fishin" is entirely new, brinK-
, in? in of an evenins from ten to twenty-)
five pounds of fish. We have licen too weak,
jor perhaps t.xi Liry, to try our luck, but i
' everybody, even the little boys, come home
I lieuied w ith fish. j
1 Yesterday, at the Confluence Station, we j
', had the pleasure of meeting one t.f the firm -t.f
A. ti. Mctirew A; Co.. of Pittsbursrh, !
who seems to lie a warm friend of the Mc-K-esport
Times, and anxious tliat its mer
its should h kcown. When be beard we
were on our way to Ursina, be called us to
one side to tell us to stop at the new hotel
near the bridge, as that youn fellow was
a man of enterprise, and knew how to keep
a hotel. This we endorse. We found an
Jeiepant new house, not richly, bet very
1 comfortably furnished. Every parlor, bed
room in the house lias a high ceiling, well
ventilated (from three sides;, and are very
; cheerful. The kitchen department is pre
! sided over by one who hail a hijih reputa-
tion in the days when the National road
i was the great thoroughfare.
Another very important feature i a (rood
UrU r hV. P"Jed over by one
first artists trom the C entml Hotel.
ot the
"t n,Jl JT trDe' uul
drauchtsmim of comaueraUe merit.
i Is one of those surprises that meet the
' traveler all over the great American rail-
on Vhich it is hled' was known as the
hVtin Farm." one of the irost nrndue-
tivc in the country. When the comple
tion of the Conncllsville Railroad was no
, r . of don ,
Somerset. pnrchasel the fn
lnen r(.Mrded , Tery Li?h
llie i" ij "
er a matter of doubt, IVm. J. Baer, of
farm at what was
h price. He had
l lie "bottom" land kid ont in town lots.
1 and number were readily sold at good
i figures.. Then the wonderful energy
:of Mr. Baer came into play, and with
' out resorting 10 any "tricks of the trade,"
I or making any noise, be succeeded in sell
j ing over six thousand acres of very good
j Umd for agricultural purposes, and Incal-
culably rich in timber and minerals, to a
i company of capitalists, principally Pitts
j burgers, which was organired under the
; name of the "Pittsburgh. Baltimore and
AT, 1 II
u rerv venmtnX, a
u.t earnpst wor. a man of great ad-
' :; . '
' fidence in all w ho annrnach him on hnsi-
..i 1... 1 ',.. a.
UnM This is not a puff, but the well
ounawi opialAS of who has had ser-
eral Tears in which to learn and estimate
I th
. l"e Ulan.
w,,at fae L ;Q ,he qu:etcs.t
the quietest and most
..noi - ntatin,,. mr.n,r vwnnlihw! her
seems almost incredible. In the face of
diiaeulties. of which we will not speak
present, but which would have materially
delayed, if they hid not totally discourse
ed ninety-nine men out of a hundred, he
has built a railroad from the Pittsburgh,
Washinfrton and Baltimore ruul to the
coal lieUls of Hexabereer, over four miles
in length, and a good, substantial road,
! equal to the best main lines of the country.
1 he orth t ork. or Laurel Hdl Creek is
rrossed several times on good, substaaital
hridrcs, the luraljer for which was got out
at their own mill, besides doing an im-
mense amount of work for other parties.
To pive you an idea, they have been, and
re now, supplyin- the Pittsburgh and
McKeesport t ar Cfwtpany w.Ui vast
amounuoi lumUT. -varjing inlenSth from
&A .1 . r i 4. : .
eir - iu v iuin irrx. cy ,v isu iuiuii.u
ing a superior article ot cry lumber lor car
fluorin?. Thev have on the ways tome
very larpe logs, mod of them fifty feet in
length, tor a new turn table at I niontown.
I hev have changed the Baer saw mill
to a steam mill, and run it at nisbt with
the jiower that wouidbe wasted otherwise.
he pump near br throws from the old
mill racA nme kit l.iin4reH otlLwta I. P
hour, supplying the big boilers with abun
dance of water. Thce are flue boilers,
forty -four inches in diameter and thirty
feet in length, of great capacity, as they
run all the machinery near them, and are
designed to run additional, hereafter to be
Has proved a great success, and is taxed to
its utmost capacity to supply the demand.
The work turned out is acknowledged to
lie superior to the old hand made barrels.
Two men in the cooper shop turn out dai
ly twentr-five barrels. These are tilard
' j
: i . r
" "arrtm arc, wt twur,
a auprrnir
. e,;r cvtw
id atten-
J"" -h"- - "
tion. -They are aS tUOCh BUpenor to th
Ther are as much superior to the
- . a
CiUtUST C3U DXUTfru oi iu-wjwiimM a
weii-niaae unn of me present cay is
. ,. . . a
the illhaped clumsy bfofthe pwst
TJ 11
out i thrrfid dressed stATes. ready
. ouluI itsana aresseosiavea, reacy
- aa SSdlet'rV
lumber, stronger than a jail, and when
opened hot as h can be. and you have
tWiat fclea oi this mooster ooncern. It was
wanted by the newly -elected borough aa-
. : - i : . i v . "1 .i..
luoruiea, last spring, asa weaup, uuui iuc i
company would be ready to use it. Mr. I
wit for one of the Pittsburgh dailies, who
, Lad a natural antipathy 10 clooe quarters.
urged the citizens to celebrate it comple
tion by pving a grand ball inside of its
iron walls, to ornament its cold, repulsive
looking aides with spring flowers, and add
ffTV mnA IwMiitv in fbi. ft lmlw ftp t ! crbf ami'
. 'J . " -
warmtn. where DeauUIul women and
brave men might meet to chase the clow-
t nwu w t.u u y usg icm, unwc ti m own
; sh-r tank. It would have
ster tank. It would have beaten tha
I Dutchman's Ball on the great wine cask
1 of "Ib"r .. ". V1
PVi i r T.V i i "
it have been deliehtful eirls?
But now to be practical. It is wonder-1
fully interesting to one who has but little J
of the practical in himself, to watch the
process of turning these huge logs, fresh
from the forest, into barrels and kegs as if i
by magic A log is brought down by the
train, or drawn by their sturdy oxen to the
mills. It is seized, sawed, barked, bucked,
rived, equalized, dried, and "presto, fly,
chance, come along." Here comes forth
a new, tight, compact, well -seasoned and
smoothly dressed barrel.
the brick takjd
is also worthy of attention. The company
only intended to make brick for their own
use! When the first kilns were burned
they bad to bring their coal from Connells
ville, as their own road was not finished to
the mines, and the labor of hauling with
teams would have been attended w ith too
much expense. The main line, from a
deficiency of cars or some other cause not
profitable to inquire into, failed to keep the
supplies, and it was with great difficulty j
that the kilns were saved trom total ruin.
The excellent quality of the clay in this
entire valley, and the success so far attained
in the manufacture of the common brick
will, we hope, induce them to manufacture
both common and fire brick for shipment
The yards are admirably located, both f r j
receiving tlie crude material and for ship- I
ping the manufactured article. The fur-!
naces are well built and combine all the
late improvements, w im convenience oi
location ana sucsiantitu wort. ;
fire crick. I
Are turned out at the rate of four thousand j
per day, and the works are so arranged I
that they can be enlarged, or rather added I
to, to an almost unlimited extent. 1 tie
Mirinn usl in ?rindLnz unthe flint like
clay can furnish power for a lare numUn
of mills, and the grounds around are a.1-1
mirablv adapted to extensiim. fire brick
makinjt so far is onlv an incident in what is
dtfsiiTned as the preat business of the town!
n.l n I he nuintrr
au n iuc i ui . ,
, I'll.. 1
Is what the company des,?ned making a :
Speciality; thentilroad, mills ic, except
! the barrel and keg factories, were only re-;
nnled as adiuueu to thU great and won
. .
tiAi-tii rnkncir rvtwi np i n nven
in pificef of erection by the com
, . . .
mnr aro nn an lmnroretl man. 1 neir lo-
i .- . , t , i- i.i
cation rf an admirable one, on a slightly :
descenain2 pade. x-noucu Slope is given
to enable them to dump the entire car load
into the oven at one time, anil in one mo-
lion the ovens are emptied and the cars on :
a lower track In runnins. say a:
thousand ovens the immense saving of
time and lalior over the old system of!
'drawin." will reailily be seen. The I
wort on tlie nvrna is nrnHrcuted nnder the
r,t ci,n..r5r,tr..l..n. nnlv theh I
SJtV i 7
care, skill, and hljeral yet judu lous
' outlay can do, is done toward matin z
j entire work first class in every respect.
T ,; .... c .
M LXEIt-FRITZ.-Onthe 24th SV-ptem-
, ' - .. .. . , t.
-tiiiier lo jiisei raiiianuia j. r tua, ix..u
ot Nnnerset county.
SeptemlxT, bv Rer. J. E. McClar,
J. A. Crawford, of Uniontown. ra.. to
Miss Jennie Clark, of Confluence, Pa.
S ntemlier 2trih. at J. J. Hohlitzell's & !
Co.'s Kire Uriek Works, by G. . Case.
Esq., Mr. Jacob Libereer to Miss Sarah
Younkin, both of Summit tp.
LOWRY. On the 21st inst., at his resi
dence in Greenville tp.. Benjamin Low
ry, Esq., aged 56 years, C months and 8
Currwted weekly by A. J. Camcagu A Co.
Apf.los, dried. f ...
Applebatter. ft gal
Butter, ft
..tyu tt ii
... 1 00
... tl S
... 1 H
.. 10 W
... 1 ai
... 12 V
... ft SO
... l
... 2 0
. r2tUe
Buckwheat, hostel.
Bacon, ihoaldert, s.
tiaea. - ...
" hams, ...
Corn, 8 bathe!
Cirn meal f)
(talf tkina, y a
Kjnrs. V dot
Flour. V bbl
Flaxseed ? ha., (M )..
Lard, m
I Leather, red a.le, f
1 - apper
! " kip.
tiais. T oa
Potatoes. V ba
reaches, dried,
Rre yiba
Ragt. h
Salt, No. 1, bM. -
- ba
AthUav -
Sugar, yellow I.
Tallow. a
Wheat. i ba
Wool. V ft
Xexc Adcertinements.
To Jacob S- Blttaer, Etisabeth, rntermanied with
'Hrret Foresprmg. Caroline, Intermarried with
Jonas Savior, Julian, tatermamad with t'rlah
Bxwman. Samael S. Ill liner, Marr Ann Bittner,
all of Somerset ooanty. Pa., aad t'haaneey Bitt
ner. of Jasper eoanty. Iowa, neirt and legal rep
rescntativts of Samael P. rlltlner, deceased :
Take notj-e, that by vtrtae of a writ of partition
or valuation. Istaed oat of the Orphans' Coart of
Sinnersel cmnty. and to me directed, I will hold aa
iaqnest oa the premises, ha Summit and Larmier
towntbips. UKun'.y and Mat. aforeaaid, oa Friday,
the 9th day .! Nuri-mtv-r lTi iur the parpose of
making partlun of the real estate of the oecesaed
to and among hit heirs and lent rrnresrntalirea.
if the tame eaa be dao. without prejadic. to or
spoiling the whole; or to ralae ami appraiae'th.
same aocoriing lo law; at which time aad place
juw arc ratacaiou w aiicoa. li yoa ulna proper.
SherifTt ofB-e, October 20. 72 Sheriff.
Estate of Jacob A. Viller, lata af MUdlecreek Tp.
Letter, of administration oa th. shore estate
having bees granted the andenigned by the proper
aaiowruy, Kurt is uercoy girea vo tnvwe laueuled
to it to make immediate payment, aad thoa. hav.
Ing claims arainet It te present tnem to the ander
sitraed for tcutement aad allowance, at the late res.
Ideae. of laid deceased, oa Saturday. Norember
aid. lSTi JAWH Ht.NKl.
Oct 2. Administrator.
EsUteof Michael Mowrr, laU af Soatienet Tp.
Lettert of admin 1st ration rwei frsreavwf.aaaeew,
on the abort estate having hewn rraated the aader.
sigaad, aotica tt hereby givea to those Indebted to
K to aaac. lomeanu. paynteat, and those having
elaiiBt against H will present tbeat to tha aader
signed lor Battlement, at ta. residence of Jaatah
Mowry. ia Somerset towathlp.oa Satanlay, the th
day at November WTl.
Oct,. EzeraUaf.
Haring been appointed by the Orphans" Coart of
somerwn ntair, tauuoru aarertainavtraneeaieBt t
aad make and report a dlttribauoa of the fnnd In
tb. handt of Jacob L. Miller, Eiecator of Michael
Patnua. deceased, to and among those legally en
titled thereto, I will attend to the outlet of my ap.
Dotataaeet at the omce of Baer a Baer, la Somer
set, ta Thanday. the KlA day of October aezt, at
tea .'dork, a. m.
Oct. 1 Auditor.
Having been aPTudated aadltor by the tVart af
Common pleas M Somerset eoaaty. to diatnbate
the fand la the nan.. a of Thomas Lee, eommitlee
of Joseph Caster, a lnnatle, 1 wiu attend to the
duties of my apTJuhrtmeat, at the alBee of A. J.
CoJhot-n. esq.' oa Friday, the lata day of October
aext, at tea o'clock, a. m.
Oct. I Aadltor.
By virtue of aa order Isaaed aat af the Orphan.'
Cioart of Somerset eoaaty, to the aadersigaed dir.
acted, there will be espuwd to public sale, oa the
At 1 .'Hack. p. m.. the Mlawlag described rala
abi. real estate, late the properly of Jacob beha
ves), dee d, vis:
Sttaato la the towa af Mineral Point, aa the Pltts
bargh a. OuBaellvriil. aad Soasertet aad Mineral
Point Kali Boada. kaowa aa the general nlaa ef
at Id towa. as kxa Sot. a, , t, to aad law.
No. s i. to feet la front, aad ITS fee la depth.
Nat la at - - lit'-
Noa. s. W and lli are M (set In Croat, aad ISO ft.
m depth each.
larta Noa. S aad f are enclosed wltk a good board
seaea. aad ea Aua. f aad 1. there It rreued a eae
stcry aoaae.
1 1 awe : Ooe-third cash, aad the balance hi two
equal asavaal payments, wltaoat Interest, to be sa
enred by Judgment boada. Pnatmlun will be glr
ea aa the am day of January, a. a. lira. Tea per
eeat. of the purchase aauaer must be paid oa oay
ot aaje. juii.-t w
Oct. A
AVir Adcertitementi.
Cook & Beerits'
Flour and Feed
W W'mld Btit TtmtfMfW annowire to w
: friend! al Uw pablio ienmllj, la th towa and
virion j of anmtrmx, im Bar opeaed aai n
oar 'cw Sun oa
Ao4 la additkai to fall line of toe brst
Cod rrr1Incries Xetlon,,
Tobacco, Cigar,
We will wslrtmr, at all tlmw. la turner our cws-
wara vua um
oats i cony cno'p,
AaJ ererj-thinir prrtalnlDg to the Fel Impart
nwnt, at lh
Aim, a veil artorted tork of
GUwwire; Stweware. Woodenware, Brosbet of
al kinda, and
Which w win sell u cheap at the cheapen
Please rail, examine ear gondtof nil kind, and
he aatietied from roar own judgment.
Dun't furget where we stay
n M ATX CEtiSS Street, Sonierfet, Pa.
Oct. 2, 1S72. I
j A , , t
! I I14 liA-5 t-ULUi SALh.
a m
; the premiaoe on
SATCRDAT. the 2J day of NOVEMBER. l.Tl
At one o'ctork. p. m.. the real estate of WUltaa
Braet. deeeawd. a plantation or tract of land, nitn-
ate ln Brotherrrallrr Uiwn'hlp. adj.ining iand of
Alrew Hoorer, Adam darker. John Waiter",
Earnest a Delp. Aaron V. Bittncr and other, eon-
u, ao. baodred ao.1 thirtrwo arret aud one
hBn.Ired and eight perehea. t'txty aeretnf whlrh
lJie: ..Jl " 'JT0;
, running prtnirt aa the tame. The ancleared land j
. ...
I Tx.:-oe-third. after dednetrng debt, and
.u,. . . n ,k ,.t.. i
u weii iimDMM wua niia ou aMkii rBMinnt
re--. -
tcrwn Uieraot lo tie pal to trie widow of WlllUm
Brant. decesscL annually, dartcg her life, and at
ner aeam. tne principal to ne mm to thechiLlren
out Interret, to be teennvl on the premise.
ANUKKW Hf njvkr.
Notice it hereby glren that the firm of S. hcII a
OimdchiM it di.Jvf
ved. The bra-lu are in the bandt
Iennit Mejcrs Somerseu.I'a.. Uwukarak
V. V.iMJI'HlU.
Somerset, Pa., October 1 1372.
Demmler Brothers,
Xa. 126 SmithCelJ Street,
I Manaractarert of Tin. Copper an I Sheet Iron
i ware, dealers In Stores. CM net Wringers. Cot
2i",t h ! rr. Britannia and Block Tin Ware. Lnameied
M j Hollow Ware, Kefrigeratora, ice chests. W ater
Stores, and Hie FurnihlDg (Hiodt geaerailr.
wholesale aad retail. ProprteU! of tha
Patent Miiis Store Mes,
The mot useful in rent ion of the tire. SoleagenU
M1 Spear't world-renowned and auriraled ar.ihra-
eit. eoal Heating Stores. Sole agents th. 1
Tom Thamb Carbua Oil Cooking Store. Thlt lit
tle More Is the woadcr of the day. and the oniy ar
ticle of the kind that will giro yoa eai ire satis
faction. Grocers' Goods a Specialty.
oct I
1 be School Board of Coaemaajrh Townthlnwlsb
to employ fir. male teachers Iur the coming school
term of nr. months.
Wages, nrateiaiw Tnlrty-fire doUart per month;
second elast thirty dollars.
An examination will be held at Singer's School
Hoase. oa tha lath insu. when aad where those
withlag to engage will please aprdr.
GKOitGE St HKAl.tR. Secretarr.
S pt Zi, un. Johnstown Fa.
Th. Board of School THrrctert of CVmemaagh
mahip are denroat of employing tea teachers
fur the schnola of that township. 1 ner will meet
for the parpose of engaging teachers, at Darlda
rille, on Satanlay. the Wih day of (Jetober, when
aad where they will be pleased' to meet all apli
cantt for whoou tn that township.
Jacob ah a. IIA.Mhi. WEAVER,
Sat'y. tryi . frealdent.
A second-head
15-Horse Power Steam Engine
With JVDSOX GOTEKNOR, kc all complete.
Address W. W. McK AIO It Son.
Sept. 2&. Camberlaad, Md.
VT. have opened for the FALLTRAIiF, the lar
gest aad best assorted Stock of
PhilMelphia Carpets,
Table. Stair aad Floor Oil Ctotha.
Window Shade, and Paper. Carpet Chain.
Cot tow Yam, Batting. Wadding, Twioes. Wicks,
("locks. linking Glaasra, Fancy Backets, Brooms.
Baskets, B-Jctet", Brushes. Clothes Wringers.
Wooden and Willow Ware,
Onr larg. lacrease la betine. eaablea as to tell
allow prirea, aad iaraiah the best quality wl (ioovla.
- Celebrated American Washer.
The Biost Per Sect aad Sarcea.'at Washer ever
WASHER, In aU faKi ot the State.
Sept. a.
By virtue of aa order of tale granted by the Or
phans' Court of Somerset county, the andenigned
will offer Iur sale oa tha premiaia,
at one o'clock p. m the real estate of Hears
Via haw. of Somerset township, deceased, contain
ing 137 acre, and 6 perehea. with 1IM arret clear.
U acre, la meadow, with hoase, burn and other
Frttl- J"?n HunUr- litodict j
rZLZi. hand 1st Anrll. !
.,.. i . , .' . " . ' ,
thereof to be paid to the widow ef said deceased
d tiring her Ule, and at her death the principal to !
th cKlM f mmLA Am-mmmmA. h.1.... 1- . Tl . . I
annaal payments, wltaoat interest, to be secured '
oy aaongage ana augment.
"ibe aadertigaed Administrator, of Joka TUrh.
ta. dereaaed, by direct mw of tne Orphaot' Court
of tlomerset eoaaty, will offer for tale oa the Derm
ises, ha MiUors towaahia, Wi orau owaaty, eeV
at 1 .'dock n. aa. the mna of the aakf
ountaising 43 acre, aad US perches, strict meas
ure, wiui a inng aoaae. Bare, gad other build
ag. thereon erected, with aa ere hard of choice
Iran, 10 acre, of meadow, so acres clear land, bal
ance la Umber; excellent water aa the premises:
adjoining laadt of Wm. Dull. Joha ClMrpeaing '.
heirs. Joaathaa Walker, widow trail and others?
Txaua One-third, afier payment of expense of
partitiai aad Bale, to remain a lien, th interest
thereof to a naid to Renina Bariwta suae r
said deceased, aaaaaliy during her life, aad at her
death Ibe principal to bo paid to the children of
John Bar It maw, deceased ; oae-third la haad 1st
April, lsTA balance ia two equal aaaaal paymeau
witaoat interest. Deferred payment, aaddower to
be secured oa the premises.
vp-la, A dm in is ira tors.
Estate of Samael Kahlmaa, late of MUforl towa
thip. deceased.
Letter of admiaistratioa oa the abort estate ha.
ag aeea graated to the aadersigaed, aetice hi her.
by girrw to those indebted lo make Immediate pay
stent- aad taoat Basing dalm. against It will pet
rat them, daly authenticated for settlement at tae
lau residence ef aaid deceased, la Patorabarg. ea
Salarday, October atth. 1173-
Sept. U Administrator.
AVtcr Adcerliicmenlt.
Fall and
J. H. BO
53 AXD 55 AV
Hap jot reerired nr tha Iirest, Beat Slert
tha ckT. bought dlraet fmai The Maoufaetorr iiir
and willheaol.1 at thurery U W EST stw YORK
Owl at Faetory Piiem, that taring freight aad
New Goods E
Sprial li!niM'ins edere-l to "ah rr Stmft
dn fiun I Vault ry LrrrhaiHa Ailed pfTmptlT. and
St'k n 1 rtlrrt vtKD la lite cli j- fie member tha
63 and 55 W
The old and veil known Una of 1bbuo fc Wci
1'lTTSBl KG 11. t' MaDiKalluxrs ot
Have Rrmred to
ZSTo. Ill Fourth Ave.,
t Ippuaite their old KjukI,
Where they the bnninrt iu all it hranehea.
ept 2j.
; Henry McCallum,
SI fifth Aremw,
(Late MiCaixrv Bk'M.)
I keep on hands he largest as.ort-
10 f"""'1 ln an.v "V f
Oil tlotlis, 3Ialtin-s, &c.
Tb Finallest crden promptlv at-
lea to.
I . . . , , , , , .
I Carpets " at Bolesale en the most
reasonable Terms.
Sejit. 2S.
PeimsylTaiiia Military Acafemy.
j At Chester. Delaware Connty. Pa. ( Foe Besfclent
t'a.tett .ly. Tha .terenth annaal tcsja evm
i mences Weinelar. Sept 4th. Thiih tnstrac
Itiun int'ivH hagineering. the Maibetuatical and
: Natural Science. The I iaeu-i and Knitiish it im
parted by Vk eet Point gradaatet and other a.'mie
I lent profeirs. I ircuiarp mar 1 obtain! of
foi THtU. HYATT. Prest. P. M. A.
On Phlla. and Bait. Central R E-. Kenaett Sraare.
Chester Co.. Pa., oflrrs all the in-incemente that
i emstitate a in ciwnccti a wi;n a tnoronga
I Jjiglijh Edoeatttio. at per choU rear. Noex-
trat exorpt f. instruct i. lu Wax. Maic, Latin.
French, German. Palmira- and Iirawtng. Fjtst-
ern teachers, aradnates ol enr best New Blaod
S" hare ln emp!-T-eJ f- r tph! rear. In- j
quire of EVAN T. SWAYNr, SALLJE W. !
AYNE. Principals. )'
I k r' . Tn.k i. ..t . U let, fm. 1
A W aav a a a uwi 1 uv 1 iimiuiui
an.1 beautirul katl. tme of the tot carefully
cxlB-tct awl best sanaiaed lattitattnne tn the 1
rT ra, wire jun.i n.
AI WW ! 1
far mer lath pr aesth, '
we will ro-crt an a.!ertirmcnt in ltw Irwt- j
i pert
tion i Ei I.
F.LL A t , A.iveri'lng Agents.
41 Fark Roa. N. Y.
Agents wanted fi r ear Campaign 'gooda Sttl af
if U. Ptf 1 00 ser ccaf. Now it the time.
Send at once lor IescrtrjT. Circular! and Price
Lists of oor Fine Steel Lnrraringt of all th. Can
didates, lampaign Biographies, Charts, Photo,
graphs. Badrea, Hint. Flags, and everything rait,
ed to the times. Ten Dollars per day eauilr made.
Fall samples sent for X Addres MOOKE a
tKHJIiSFEED, ST Park Row, New Y'ara.
AoaST Wasted ma Ctmmut'l GsgaT J
CaarAios Book. ti
Struggle of 72 ;
A nvL'f t rZiu ical end Ptrpultr Litrrtlnre.
A UiAPflic Htftarr of th Krvob.iiraa and Irm-
eianatl Coarentioa. Th. minor tickets or tide
taaw-rof the campaign. The finest Illustrated Book
Pardiened. A Iwok wanted by every American
eilixen. To secure territorr at once, send 1 for aat-
fit. CNH' FVHLISHINO CO-, Chicago. 1JL,
1 Pnilad a. Pa., or SpnngneH, Mass.
? Of all Kuvit.
joErn b. rtiDT,
33 and 34 Maiden Lane,
Estoblished 1H3. N E1V TORE.
Epilepsy, or Fits.
A Sore CL'RE kit tin distresstrg eomniaint is
now made known ln a Treatise fof 4a irtavo pages)
j on Foreign and Native Herbal Preparations, put-
iisnea fuaxrs riaowy. i ne prcsertp
tlon waa discovered by brra m tach a providential
manner that ae cannot eoasctentioasiy refttse to
make it known, as it hat cared everybody who hat
used it fur Fits, aeser having failed la a thurle
ease. The Ingredients may be attained from any
drnggttt. A eopr sent free to ail applicants br
mad. Addrre lr. O. hittM B.wsil ttranil
SranJ St., Jersey City, N. J.
Contain the latest Improved Instruction fnr mix
ing Brandies. Wbinaryt, Rams, time, BiUert,
Fancy ConliaLv Fruit Svrnp, Bay Rom. at. Ac.
Ne one engaged in the Ltqnur Hnslnes. can afford
to be without them. Aak kr them aad examine
tnem at the book-storea, Iieltvered by mail oa re-
eeipt of SX by Assmirt kMilxu. N. W.eor.
; 1 and Callow hi II Sta.. Philadelphia, Pa. ladex
and sample theett sent free.
Tfwtklag Ilk it m medicine. A Inxnrr to
a.U,bilk. meJicir.r. AoohK-'. oluret tnd
' f "'."A fL. L f.f
ovw icjithi an.1 iiaii, proren pcoie-nies OI ill
stiLl BV ALL l.kl tlillsTS.
Harlow's Imlizo Blue
Is the cheapest and best article in the market for !
I aVwctae Oalaea.
1 ne graaine Bas both Barlow 1 j
: east w nuierger t name oa the laoet, aad at pat ap 1
at Wlltherwers lruir Ta Ten ttorsh .
I SC. FBibtoeiphia. I.. S. WILTTERdERT Pr
prletor. i tale Ijy ITUiig-.tU and Oroorrs.
TJ "T7I lir a T w-k
For aay ease of RUimL vrieeillne. I
itehlng or I Ice rated Pile, that I
DaBiao'g Pit-X Erwrrrr milt to rare. It la ore.
pared expressly to rare the Piles, aad nod. ing rite.
Sold by ail druggists. Price kL
AGENTS WANTED. A ren ts!saaJLbeeardiyadaBdrtBo tegutauve, twiUn
asake more mooer at work a. thaa at ' or J"drry deparlmeat of Uua State, er ef aay
aay thing else. Baltw liarmg aad nermaneat. vtty. arof aay iacorporatod district, and alav that
PanicaUr. tree. G. STIXSO.N" A COl. Ftae Art ' TW7 ember of Oongrea aad ef th. Stat. Legis
Pablitaera, JAa-Jaad, Malae. , j attare. aad of the select or ooauana eooncll of aay
. 1 city, or coauaiastotters of aay arteurpotated dlstrlrt,
X3TKKA D O VR OFFER.S1 ! by law IncapaMe ef holding or txercMing at taa
- -s
155 Chromo for Nothing!
"Ear.'f Jfara" aad' -Tee- Feaaf Fsraeera,"
VT will present owe of the above beautiful Chro
ma to each su bomber to either of the follow lag
Paper, or Magaain.: . .
Harper't Weekly, fA; Frank Lralie, at ; Harper "l
Baxar, ; Leslie t Ladles Magatine, at; Harper't
Magaitne, H: Moon's Rural JT.w Terker, tt
Hearth aad Home, Hi Oodey'i Lady'i Book. (3;
Waverly Magaxiaa. New Yeck Week It. (o:
New York Ledger, al; Ftreevie Cernpanloa fO; Sat
urday Xight. 93; Phfssaelotrtral JoarnaL Vs Am
erieaa Volunteer, (3: Prairie Ft rater. 3; SrietKine
ABiericaa, .s; Petorsoa'. Magaxiae, .
Addrea. all order, to
FrTTSBt'RGII SUPPLY CO, Pltttltjrgh, Pa.
AVt AdrertUcmenli.
d aal Cheapest Storkf of Omt.a erer brMiirht ta
Cash "trtre the deeiloe in Heavy JV- anil
aad WJMTON FltM.KS. fhliadelphU City ata.1
eceived Daily.
Time Bayers. Intern hi'.' IhiilK-il.
nlfUcil-a piuraulc!. l it a-el w
N oraltr.
All r-in-
ood Street.
Q f Tna-te rnm SO eta. Call and eTamlne, or 12
Vl-W Sample m-nt epoeUga free;) lf 0 ela.. that
retail ijnii-ki'ir M", K. 1. ttOU OTT. 1SI Chat,
bam Sqaare, New York
A prTieetBt of the Pruple'f Stand
ard Uthie. sou lllnxratluna. will be
IU lent free to ail hook aa-enta.
1 nnntL, I name an.1 a-l.irraato ZltJiVt.H at
A", ClllS McCl. ttDV.iat ArehSL.l'hUn.
X How either iex may liurinata aad gain tha
lore and artectiont of any pertua they ebuuae, la
mantly. This rimple mental anjotremeat all eaa
poaaeoa. free, by mail. St X eu. tuarether with a
marriage guide, lTptluei Oraela, iJreama. Hiau
toLadiee. a'. A queer, exciting Doric. n.w auto.
Addreaa T. WILLIAM . CO., "uo., i'hllaiia.
w Mm
Uli ruspra U LIixIluti
Doable Elerate Oven. Wanning ftoaet. Broiling
Ioor. Frnder Unard. Tramping . Shaking trrate.
Mrect Kraft. FTLLER, WARBfc.N a CO., 23
Water Street, New York.
I W hirk atainj fall explanatiuni of Premituaa, he
j The Vtj U Oblain Our rods !
I Prrm Iirlcg at a distance from New Tork,eaa
( elub tr-th-r. and rt them at the mme prW at
we tell them at oar W'arenuuset m New Vurk. la
' order to gt up a ciah. let earh prrs wiehing to
I join nay buw mwh Tea he waatt. and teloet tha
; kind ami price mm our Price La-t, at paUiahad la
: oar eirrular. Write the name. kii:f an l anv
oontt plainly on a lift, awl when the rlah It tm-
tltetend u to at tr mail. ani we w:ll pat each
t liartr't goi in separate packages, and mark tha
i nam. opua tnem. with the cost, ao there need be no i yr, and ao other rota can be east that day ia rir
,cifujii.i In di:rit u;o each party getting ax- "ld eertiflemte except waere pods are enti-
actly what be orders, aad ao avre. The fnit to
; pay iur g.s.ds oriered eaa be teat by drafts a New
I York. rt -t ' ifllce nKey (icirr. or rr exprewi. Or,
we wilL U delret. tend th. good, by express, to
i Toifrcf sa sViircry."
The Great Anu'riean Tea Co
I P. O. B x New York City.
T II O 31 S O X
TVwrld EeBowne4 Patent
No tVjrset hat erer enjor-
'ed pach a woriil wsie p.po-
". . W'
ice uemana nr
- .
them It conanily lucreaa-
Art Handsome, Dnrahle. 1
Ecun B:ia! and a !
Perfect Fit!
! VJw3"iflL
I Vf' PoTTOnt VlT
x 1 1,1 AC,Vj l 1 IL,
FITTINU: erenr osrt beina ttamped with the
name THUMStj.V. and tha trade-mark a Crown.
S.dd by all Ftrst-Clasj Dealers.
-T . ..... .
rnox proc-
h-reas. in and br the I2!h section of the act of
the trneral Awemblr of Penntvirania. parted
jiy aj. enUtied "An act relating to the elee-
ti.ait ot mil i Xtfnmvnweaitn. It It enjmned on the
her i If of every cuanty to give notice of tach eiec.
ti a u be held tnd enumerate in turn notice what
I officers are to he elected. In pafuanc thereof, I
Jueuh nhaler. henn of the coanty of Somerset,
do therefore make known an.1 sire thit oat.lic no.
tice to the electiirt of tail cwnty of Somerset, that
a rnrl .1 m : 1m K . ( .1 tn 1. 1 mnnl rv. rh.
eoci TaclaT. the th dar of (Mober neit. at
the ereral eiectkAdittricta therein: at which time
district an-i county officers, at follow, an to ba
elected, to wtt:
ON E PEKSON for the office of Governor of th.
Comm' wealth of Penntrlvaiiia.
tlNE PEJtSON liirthe'oaceof A B.!itor General
of the ComnKweaiih of Pecnuylrama.
ONE PEhSUN k the onV. of Jtidire of th.
Supreme Oiart oi the Commonwealth of Penary
THREE PERSONS lor Congreancen at mrg.
for T he Vimnien wealth of Penim tracia.
TW EN r Y EIGHT PERSONS fcr IMerate. at
large to the Cocstitutiooai Ccnvrnuun of Penntyl
ratua. THREE PERSONS f, Delegate, to Constito
tlooal Cvnrention of the CommunweaitA of Pena
Fviracia. in cm' tract ion with the canuet of Biair.
Fn!tun ami Bedford.
ON E PEkStN for Rrnresentauv. In Oogresi
hi em.nnctx with the counties of Adama, Frank
lin. Fulton and Bedford.
O.N E PERSON .r the office of Member of the
Hviase of Representative, of Penney lrania.
O.N E PEKSON ia eonjancthei with tne roontie.
of Blair, Fulton and Bcufuri fvr the ofhee of State
US E PERSON fcr the ofilew of PruUMBotary.
Ac. f'.r the ccantr of Sxnerjet.
ON E PERSON . theofiiceof Reritterof WUift.
Recorder of Ac. of the rvantr ol Somerset.
ONE PERSON for the office ot' Sheriff ef the
eoanty of Somerset.
ON E PEKSON fur the office ef CommisikiDeT
for said rcuntr.
ti.N'E PEKSON for the office of Pg Director
Sir tai.1 enontr.
ON E PEKSON fur the office of Connty Aadltor
for taid er-UBtr.
ON' E PEKSON fvr the office of Coroner for taid
I aito hereby make known and give notice that
tne placet ot aotaing tne aivreeaid ireoerai eiectioa
la the sereral bvrought aal tuwnetiipa within the
eoonty of Somerset, are as follows, to wit:
T be electortof tike bnroas:h ami township of Som
erset to meet at the Court House in aeid b4Tags.
The elector of the kwnehip of Miiford to meet
at the bonte lately occapievl by Qeorge a.lnuai, la
sani tcwathip.
The electors of the boron ith of New Centreville
to meet at the seh4 hoase in taid boroagh.
The electurs of the town-'bip of t'fier Tarkey
tnt to meet at the hoase of Juha A. faults in said
Too electors of the tewcthip of Lower Turkey,
foot to meet at the atv4 hoase ia I nine buroega
la said township.
Tbo electors of the towcthip of Addisoa to meet
at the tivose of Levi Dean, in I'eterbarg, in said
The electors of the township of Middleereek to
meet at the hoase occupied by Aarun Heckler ta
said township.
The electors of th. township of Elklick to meet
at the new school boose la tue boroagh of Sant
bory. The electcrt of the boroagh of Salisbury to meet
at the new school hoat. ta aud boroagh.
The eleetort of th. towntnip of summit to meet
at the school hoase ia liaie City boroagh.
The electors of the boroagh of Lmle City to meet
at the tebool hoase, tn taid boroagh.
The elector of the townhtp of Greenville to
meet at the avate of Mr kin tie. turner ly oc
cur jed by George Lung, tn taid tewnthip.
The elector, of the ooroaga of Wellrsbarg to
meet ia the school hoase la said boroagh.
The electors ef the towntnip of Soul Hampton to
meet at the hoase of Joha Starts in taid uwaship.
The electors of the township of Northamptua to
meet at the hvase of Joha Poorbaagh m said towa
thip. The electors of the town? hip of Larimer to meet
at the boas, formerly occupied by W m. May, hi
said township.
The elector of the boroagh of Berlin to meet at
Ihe hoase of Archibald Comptua ia said borough.
The elector, of th. townthip of Brotbertvailey
to meet at Blttaer t school hoase in said township.
The electors of the townthip of Stonyereek to
meet at the hoase formerly occupied by Jacob Will,
J r.. and bow by Joha Spek-ber in taid townthip.
The electors of theburuagh of Stoyatowa la meet
at C e hoase formerly occupied by Henry J. Miiler,
ia taid boroagh.
The electors of the township of Qaemahoniag to
meet at the house of Jaeob Caster, of Stoyatowa.
The electors of the township of Allegheny to
meet at the boas, of George A. Kimmcl la said
The electors of the townthip of Conemaagh to
meet at the boose of Peter Levy In aaid township.
The elector of the townshio of Shade to meet al
tne nouse ot J acD neimaa In lata townthip.
The electors of the townshio ef Paint to meet at ,
the school bouse erected an the lands of Bleary I
Berkey, ta said township.
I M elector, of tha townthip of Jeaner to meet
at the boose of Thomas Gallagher, at Jeaner X I
R wdt in aaid towathip. j
The eleetort of tn. township of Jefferson to meet I
at the hoase of Solomon Baker in said townshin. 1
I Tb. etoctort of the Borough of I rsina will meet ;
: n lbs vhaJ k in Biii t
Tae retura jadge. of tha resMctire districts in !
this eoaaty are reu aired to meet at the Cosset Hoase !
eoaaty are rasuired to meet at the Ouart Hoase '
ic borough of Somerset, oa Friday, the 11th
la the
- t , - .. . .
T.uZ en theTbr ITw " P'"H
Where a ra-lge, by ttrkncM or anavesdable aeci-
a cot. una Die to attead tach meetlag or mdgea,
thea the orrtincate of retura thall be taken charge
lot by oae of tae taspeetort er rierksof taeeleetioa
lirfthdisrlt hall A. . mm im.i. mt tmm mmtimm
minj rj . Km ,.i . .-.m. , .....i
Nirrica is Haaaav Givga. That everv
rv pel ssi
hold any
excepting Justices ef the Pasco who shall
I omea or appointment et pront or trast amler tae
I I m ted Stated or of this Statu, or aay city or eur
i porated district, w aether a eommawn, atil omcer or
otnerwias, a taoneuiaate omcer or ageal .tt It er
tiaae-taoooeeorapeonKaaentor Jadg laspeetur
Ul - Wt f ui.lMnil,M.x.i,r.-i
that ao Inepector, Jadge or other oeVerof sack
elect tow thall be eligible to be tbea voted for.
Aad the said act of Assembly entitled -aa art re
lating teetertion. of that Ouamoawealth.n nam il
J uly3, la3a, fartaer provide, a. followa, via:
That tbo Inspartur aad Jadge. ahail meet at
the respecliTe plaor. apftolated for baMiag the
elecuoa ta the district at which they rcspeetrrely
belong, be sirs 7 .'rlork la the morning of the SEC
inspector thall appoint ana clerk, who .hail bo a
qualified voter ef twek diatnet.
la eaa. tae norsua who thai! ear. race it ed tne
aigoee. auatoer J vct:.o, mam ao,
" ta "V ai any eteoiauav. utea tae per. I
bub who .ball hare roretvod tho wound
awmoer of vote, aw joug. at la. next proceed lug
elecuoa tnall acta aa inspector m ais piace. Aad i
la ease the peraoa who thad bar. received the blab-!
est Buuvcf vs! vvstet kg iaayeaaag laaU aot attaad, 1
ifc-FlDi Corset
Le'jal AlrerttMmrnf.
Xh peram aleetad Jlra hall aeuint aa Intee.
ik. hi-h-a M ..,Tl,i "LT.!Ir
a Jadna in hl t-lae: al If .or Tram .b.'fen
' 1. ptAent at tha Di
! nf ,1... . . m l k. ... ...
! "ft 'hjm ha tha dat, jf tha .ral
hola tlina mrh eleeti, to In oprn. it Ih.
poaa of aiTtaa tntbrnatVia In tha ln.nertor and
Jadge, ajhaaeailad oa. la rehutuO to tka right f
aoy perai UMwd hy them t T at Orh el-
an raeh ather matter in relttioa tu tha
MKMiatut of Totera, aa tha aaid lcnierturt or
either uf them hail froea tint to time reair.
peraoa hall h permitted to rota at any eJee
tloa aa abiraaaiti. than a araiie ettixen of the age of
twenty-no or Bxrra. who thai I hare reeHed in this
Stuaat leat oaa year, and m tha eieetl. dwtrirt
whera be ofTm to rote, ten dart iiRmediatelr pre
ceding aorh aleetwn. and wtthta two voan tul a
:a orroonty tax. hieh ehall hare u..-n ... u
I .mm n ls I ..f , - . ... 1 , .
r-i ai twm ten nar Dettira tna 9ircvm.
d ratwmad. aad -ho thall bar, resided In tS
i tMKt district ami paid use aloreaaid. thaj ha
, entitled to r-a a(W re-WUig ln thlt Stata x
monthe. Trvndrt, That tha whita fr-emen. -!-
sens of tha Vmtd tat. oat.eea tha a- t
twentrmaaad twentr-two rear- who hart r-Ml
la tha election dlrt ten dayt at arewH , hall tlT, . V.VT . . ? reiame
kmI'U l .ltk..k t,...''" e-a -f thi i ottrweaith:- an-l .s..
MM tax. ' '
Hr the act of 1. of taoa lt-- ..
' x - - w :77. ,i"
lWl officer. Jr. to open the Hl bet.r-n
th. boor, of aix aad aT K day of the
ood Taetdar of Otutier they are to reoeir. fpjtn
.taC-UriaWi.r.l7lieri,w Li of
atert aal all ameaanry .Mctfia otaaxs, ana tney
are to permit ao man to rota whose aama is at oa
aid lift. ante, ba ft ha 11 make prjf of bit nji.! to
euia at aiiow;
X Tha peraua who. Bam. w not oo th. IK.
elaiming the right to Ce mast prodaca a qaaliad
roter of the district to swear la a written vr printed
affidarlt to th. rowdenrw of th. claimant in toe
district for at least ten dart next preceding taid
eleetkA. dchning clearly where the residence of
tne peraua waa.
. Tha party rlalmrngth. right to Tote ihall alto
make an afSdarit. ttating to the het of hi ko--wl-eiiire
and belief where al when he wit Nun. that
he it a cititea of Peannlruia aivl ot the I oiled
States, that h. hat resided ra the Suite fie rear,
or. ti formerly a citlxen therein and renxred there
fnm. that he has resided therein nx ovuth." next
preceding laid elect . that he has not nvrred mti
loedirtrx-t fur tha parpoa. of roting therein, that
ha has paid a State or eoonty tax wumn two rears,
which was assewsd at least tea dart tf.."re the
election, aad th. aAdarlt thall ttata whea and
where the tax was anewed and paid, an-l the tax
receipt matt ba prMoced anieaa the a.tlant thall
state that It hat been lust or destroyed, vr that he
receired aoae.
. If tne applicant b. a natnralixed citlxen. he
mutt, ln addition to the foregoing proof, ttate in
hit affidavit whea. where, and by wat enort he
was aaturalixed, aad Druuare bis omiacatc uf nat-
K Erery peraoo elaiming Co be a naturalised cit
lxen. whether on tha registry IK or pr-aiocta a;t3-
darlti aa atiresaid. ha.i be required tn prxluce his
riatarai.zattoa eeniftcate at the electttm hePjre r -:
tng, exivpt where he hat been tor ten years einisec-
itivelr a roter ia th. district where he offers to
rote: and oa tha re of -h perm being recejr-
ad. the election officer are to write x ramp the i
word -ruled" on his eenlncat. with the m -oth ami
w .-wm hmv uk DMimiiHiiin oi wieir saner.
S. If the person claiming to rote 1 oo register
ed shall make an aiBdarU that he is a native born
einiea of taa l aited States, or If bora elsewhere.
rnail prodac. ertiienc. of hit aatarallxati-jo.
that he It entitled t ettlsenf h!p by the reaxai of
his latber't natnraiixatiuo. aai lurtber. that he it
between a and 23 yeart of in, and haj resliieii in
the State oa. year, aad la the election diftrvt ten
dayt next preceding the elect i.i. he hall he
antitlcl to rot. thuagh be tha.'l nut hare pai.i
-Lrery penoa qaaii&ed as aXoreaAt. aad who
thall make daw proof If reairfd of hit residence
and payment of tales aforesaid. thal be aiimitted
to rote In the township, ward or dutrict in wcarh
be thail resale.
"li any person hall prevent or attctrr-t to rro-
rent any otieer of as electkm. aa-ler thin act friai
t holding tach .lection, or aee or threaten any riu- j
leac bi any tarn officer, and ihad mterrapt r Im
i properly Interfere with him In the execwti'jn of hit
I obit, toail biurk bd or attempt to block ao the win -
.. . . t , . '
1 u.j w v. . . uwv m, krfj.j -ir vtic note ma
tBiU notoetlT disturb the oeace Jf
roch eiecUuo. or thall as. or practice lnuaiioatFti. . ia 6. ml Awm&tj att and u n kr.
threata fore orrjoience, with thedetiiro to infio- eaatted tytit n'Wilj tar se-we. T st : r
ence andoly ororerawe any elector. prevent tura j p0" a-rainina the en ot the pji.u
from rotug. or to restrain the treedm ot cbuce. i "f 5-' :Tn.wealrh in reirar-1 to the y,i n '
such persona oa eon rtctWya shall be finei in anr am j reicctn of ai i atnervinsent. th. rrens.r M 1:
aot exceeding av haadred duilars. to be imprison- eonan-n w-.-a ith -ha.i i-a a writ ot e.-ii-n. 1:.-:-el
f any t;av n.x let. than one nor than "J u-ea-h tu 1 "r-ry rri3 of this 'mwer.: l.
tweir. months, and if it thall bethown tothe eoort I wnaiaiJU tti-tn u ft autic. ra tn. otuxi m . -
where tha tnai of tach oifence thaU he ha-t. that
' the P"1" oUrocltDg wat not a rc-ident of toe
out, warn or omnn mh taw saw ocmce was
ennmitted. acl not entitle-i to rote therein, on coo-
1 rtcuoa. he thaU be ten te Bred to pay a line let
: than one kanared or more than one tind d-
I i"- d be imprifaoned not lets than ix ictitci
Bor more than two years.
"If any peraoa or persona thaU make acy bet or
wager upon the result of aa electi; within the
Cummnoweaith, or thall offer to make any tach bet
or wager, either by rerbal proclamatieo thereof or
by any written or priated advertisement, or invite
any person or persons to malt tach bet or wager,
upon ronvictkia thereof he or tney thall forfeit and
pay three lime, the amount tw bet or offered to be
And the election lawt of the Commonwealth fur
ther provide that -The Inspectors. Jikigr. and
elerki thall. before entering on the duties of their
office, teveraily take aad tabecribe the oath or at
hnnation be re waiter directed, which fhail be ad
ministered to them by any Jnda-e. A Merman or
Justice of the Peace: bat If no tarn magistrate be
present, one of tae inspectors of the electHja taail i
aominutjrr the oath or i3irmau. to the other I
judge, aad tntpectr. and then the inspector t
qualified thaU administer the oath or aturmalion
to him.
-The rntpeetors. judge ami derkt required by
law to hoia the tow a. nip and general eiectis.
thall lake and tabembe the several .jathtor arm
atlona. required bv the 19th, Sfch and -1t tectvns
of the act ol the ii day of July, l. entiilci -An
act relating to the electixit of thlt I'mnne
wealth." wiuca. oataa or afBrmationt thall be pre
pared aad administered ta the manner presenbed
In the 1Mb and 2a! aactMcia of the said act. and in
addition to the power conferred by the lath eectioa
of taid act, the judge or either of the inspectors
thall have power to administer the oatht pretcritv
ed by aud act teaay clerk of a general vr township
e ledum.
The following than be the form of the oaUt or af
firmation to be taken by eaehiaapecUe-. Tlx: -I ( A.
B ) do that 1 will daly attend to the entnmg
elecuoa during the continuance thereof, at aa ia
tpeetor aad that I wid not receire any ticket or
vote from any person, other than wea aai thaii firm
ly believe to he. aocorvllag to tne provuiotis trf the
eunttitatioa and the lawt of this Comaeoowcikh.
entitled to rot. at rach election, without re.iu.nng
such evidence of the right to rote at is vitrected by ! T r,l,ji,!v Am. . V m i m am t mZ i
eeive any Me from any peraoa wtto I thall believe
to be entitled to vote as aloresavl. bat that I will
la all thinws. trulr. lmnartiailw aad iaithfni:T nee.
form my auty therein, to the best of my jaiament
aad aiiilruet. aad that I am
aot airectlr or nvn -
recti y interested ia aay bet or wager oa the result
of this election.
The following than be tb oath or affinnatiog of
each judge; via: "1 I A. B.1 do that 1 w
judge da.y attend the ensamg election durinir
eonuoaaaee therect, bm laitniauy a-fi-t the in
tpectort la earrying oa tae tame: that I will not
giro my ccoarat that any rot. or ticket thall be re
ceived from aay pertua other thaa tnrh as I firmly
believe to b. according to th. prcvlsiont of the ron
mtution and laws of this Comavmwealtb. entitled
to tom at sack elecuoa, witaoat reqairicK tach ev.
idence of tbo right to vote as is directed by law.
and that I will use my best endeavors to prevent
any fraad. deceit or aoaae ia earrying oa the tarn,
by eluxecs qualified to vote, or others, and that I
will mage a trae and pertert return ol the taid etee
tMO, and will la all thing traiy, impartially and
faithfully perform my fiuty respecting the tame to
the beat ot my jadgmeat and aoiluiea. and that I
am out dlrectiy or indirectly interested in aay bet
or wager ea the result of this ejeeuoa."
The following shall be the form of the oath or af
firmation to be takea by each clerk, viz: ! i A. B. i
do that I will Impartially aad truly write down
the name of each elector w ho shall rule at the en
suing election, wbjrh thall be girea me tn charge.
anu also tae naate et inciownaaip, want or district
wnerein sucn iimur re?iora. tai careiu:y a 3-1
truly write down the nam her of vote, that thall o
giTea lor eacn ousutit at tae etecxk as uen at
am aarnw ,"" "J ia-mf-ram
thereof and la all things tra.y and fai'.hfauy per-
form mv dutv repectu.g the tame lo the itol mv
judgaw'nt and ability aad that i am dirictly V
incirectly lateretteata any tiet or wagvr on toe re
tult of Uitt eleelkai.
The nuaitfted electors wi3 toke notice -f the IJ-
lowing act of Asarmtly. approre.1 lsa day d
all electheis -tm the several counties of thie Com-
Sbttiott L Be It enacted by the Senate and
Hoase of Representatives ol the Commeiweaith of
Pennsylrania la General Awemblr met. and it is
hereby enacted bv the aatbonty of the same. That
the qua lined voters of the teveral counties of thit
Commonwealth at all general, township, boroajh
and special eleetiua. are hereby, herealler. aataor
ited aad required to vote, by tickets, printed or
written, eg partly printed aad partly written, tev
eraily classified as follows: One ticket taail em.
brace the name, ef all judge, of court vote.1 for.
and to be ktbelleil. eattide "judiciary:" one ticket
.oaii emorwe. uw a. vs .-stis oiaccn vote-l
iur. ana ow naoeiiea -e: one ueaei t nail em- b, entiti to vote fr I nan two of t -brw
the aame. of all eoaaty etCeert rutwi fc-. ln-! m,r,,h, r to he cN-wn fr-m hi distrr. t--clavling
the office of Senator, member and members , vi.i... 1 .t,.n .
ef Assembly, If vwtad for. and member of Cob -
greta, U voted for, and b. laoelled -rx-untv :" one
uwrauirainws iB. , V . "wntnipot-,
. . "oeiieu -wwasoip; one
ticket thall embrace tho name, of ail borourh of-
ncert vote. tar. aaa 00 aoeimi -Bunwiir tnl
each das. thai! ba deposited ta separate baikg-
Sac T That It .ball b. the duty of the SherifTt
la the sr cecal eoaatle. of thai Commoawea.U to
Insert ia their elenam prodamauec hereafter is-
I ,mmi " arm teetiua of this act.
Mpeaaeroi tae mm "'pr-tative. 1
UiUU IttMalM,, I
. P"er or tlie Senate. ;
Approved the 13th day of March. Anno Domini 1
oae lAuosaad tight kaaorod aad tUty-six. j
A. t. CI RTTV.
Election efficert add takeastic that the act enti-1
t!e. " A Farther Supplement to the Election Lawt
af thia Camsaaawealth. dlsanaiirsiiiw Amm.,,,
from the army of tbo laited States trom rotlrnr. I
hat recently beea declared aaesmetitational bv the ,
Supreme Court of Peeasylvaaia. Is now nail and i
has reeemlT seen ecctared anewawJtational bv the .
vokL ami that all pertuaa formerly disuaiihed :
theTraader ar. Bow lawTal voters. If otherwise
aualined. . . !
Te ta Ceaa Csmis.sncrt caet SktriJ ef th '
Cewai, e Sowvcrtet
prarreaa. Tho Ftrteentn ABwadmcnt of the Ctav .
atitatioa of tae l sited State, la as follows: word. -dUitriet delegates.- aad ea the tnsvie tr
Sarriua 1. Tae right of ei: liens of the I'nited I aame or names of the caadldates voted Sw not ex
I State, to vote tea II ao he denied er abridged by ceedlsg the pr -per number limited as atUewud -
tho Caned State, or by aay Stat, oa sec. wat of bet any ticket which fhall eontaln a greater aura-
raw. cusiw. prsxae wiune oT. ,
Sac. A That Ooagreta tha.l have power to en- ;
wrra this article by tPVCoprvats legiajaism.
asw W M a um v'W(m w. v Wl '
State ea tne 31st aay ef Marra, ISTU. passed aa
art entitled -Aa erf lo eaerve las rsatt eWi- I
sew. ra lasted State, (e wets ta fae arreral '
Alois ef IA. l utea a ader tkrr Bresr:" tha :
BMoad teetiua o wnica are as follows:
A He at raaeteg t fae Senate ewd
Hswat MrpmrmtmttM e me t atTed States e
ianvt fa t ewrrceat atsrmbir That all ertisrri .
ef tho l aited State who ar. ar toail be otherwise ;
awaliaed to vote at aay electioa bv the Mm,! m
aay Sstat. 1"y,rZ:nrl- eownty. etty. parish. I
towMhlp. orbujotrwxmaniclpaliiy. ar other tor- i
ntorial tabdrrlslna thai! be entitled aad allowed to
at au aa ea eteetam without dlatwcuoa ot east therein for memner of tb eooTctnt.ii al f r
rlr'rlL.ffT"w"'11'''" "vt' aay district mmbe-sof the same: aad the pewnnx
es-Mltaxtoo. w cwseoea. usage or regulation uf of the warn -udt of the aaid eitv of Phila iri
any State or Territory er by or aader kt authority : phia. wi of the sereraJ cowatlce of the co-nov-e.
to the eoatrary Batwuhatandisg. j wealth, in t a makmr -4 their ratru shall be t he
Sac. t, Aad br if wrrArr raacfrf. That If by or tame as tn. te iw-scribed f retara jarfiree m t;e
UOAler the authority of lae aoaautatfoa or "lawt of case ot aa tw.n iuc goeeranr. except that retarrt
aay State, or the lawt of aay Territory, anr act 1 ' transmitted to The secretary of th wnm.wea!- t.
or thall be required u ba aoae a a prvrrouislt. or : ' ad.!reed to that wBcwr al-aie, aad aot to
0,UaiiaCSliOB V TVitlng. aad 6T UK"!) lltl,ll B OT
law. maul or enVrert are or thaU be chanted with
tae perwrataaea Of outlet m raraiatiing to cKUetst ,
aa opportaaltv to perfona tach prereuuisites. or to
heoamo aoaliaed to ttu. tt aball be tbo aotv of
usiilaii twnuBa aaa araesre ta wiwm all citiamt of
UM Vailed Siaua the auae aad auoal ofpuruinity
Is-'jif Advrrirmrvt.
. , . ,
l'eor.iflf of vrrrrade: iM If airr wh vr.
i " "r .t:n rfnr ksctr.aly rlt io
tH ereri uLaA rj
ra - ; ulJ.
milixiemji,r. ud iu. (. on -nrv.
ftntM m Im than
pur - j f?l 7 ' ' th J
J nd rkrrw. It la .leelared hy tha wyxl r.i! n
of ttie rtx'h ar iele of tha oawitatxio of t n:
ed St.iu tfcit -Th! ,'it:tatlo and tha jn ,4
the t nuerl :fe whlrh ehaii ba in pcru-
ne therf. pr ail he The tapi'iaa law of tr.e Ian.!.
anrtliuu In tha lDCltutfr.a or imws tnr
State to the onitrarr, not :t&ataallcc
A rf rkfrta i. Tha Lea"! Bra of tr,i C" mnv-fi-wealih.
on the Hh 4ay ot AprtL, A. I. UTO. arnl
aa n. "A fnrher rapplentent to the art tU:.t-x
toelerKti in ihit i "HnnswweaHh." the li.: a
tK-a f whkhj-piiik aa VAVm-
". Vt T'lat tatachufevaryaetnf
My a prate that oajy vhita treeaieii retail
n mt x b tnwH m..m
, 5,D? " T" JJ T"'3
1 'ro -ca.he aad theaatsa is ber..y
j 7T.l 't' .','D?,- "'7
. ? 1
T.V.1. K7ZfJS": &T7 ZZ."" "
MT',rM :r" ? of A pr.L 1W. nt: .-1
I WM! hr-1- amltsod ander f Hariri
to. 'l.,.1!1.t', T'KK " --orai aad tperta; .
tpertai elert
4f wrl'blt' tf iT, ?a,';,,
j JKiu, thl.
i .'i ..., , " ,. ' "v , ' u,
LSSSwn? ? -ITi aalrJ!:
', - '
.vw, tXtrrfort. In enaaJeratir f the trmie.
tha cvantr Citmi-itisaiera of tawl eonntr are b-r-vy
notifle.1 anl directed to tnstrart tneVrs) .
ieriand rr flert of roters Utereia toor n t
rrmUirm to the reomreownts of aaM conitn k-ntl
ameTKlmen's nd lawt: ani th. Sheriff f taid
oimnty it hcrer r aothorlso aad require-l tnpu'
!ih in hlnelecK pro-iamatioa fir the next enfi
iageloctlun the herein recitadcusstitnfknai anvr
mcnt, act of i-nzrew. aad act of !M Lrgij.atnr-.
to t he eml ttist tlie tarn, may he known, eic:tci
tnd otieyd by a!l ajeira. rg. cr of Mr-r.
el.-eti.ei offtcen. anl others. ani that the mr.u sn-i
prirticee iramnted therein may be -i--;
ail tbo ci'iun-s of the Couuaucwcsith ea:jl ; ' j
Uie um.
f.L.x.1 Olrrn mvlcr my hand and the giit -iI
of tiie S-are. at Karrisourg, the day and j;ir
hrt wnttcn.
Arenti. is a!" .-Ued to tha Mlowlng J ;r-t 'ne Senate and HiJO-eof Rfj.r:f.
:ivet of i'liin-ylTaoia. and tha followm, Art A
AetEbiy. th .
Be if ritoir-t y lc Scw.' .aa" Bfmtr of R'pr'
$enltirrt of l i anoae-esira denary 'rai.-l
ia Grurrt: AwmJh' wt. That the f.dl.wng a: i
endmcnt uf the 9etutUbCi of thlt eominonwi.:a
oe pr.;ied to : ae tic ia t r their or r---tvi.
pnrua-t Ui the prj of the t3h art
icle tci-rsi V: ait:
Strike "at th,. sjj-h rtKn of the ix:h r v f
the C"natiin:i'n: ami inert ia liw thre-.f the ! i
t..rir;r: -A .m etrn-nrer ihall ratlluirii or t -
! 1a-'-i"l eiect..r "( the at. at each time ind f. r
i "n t " sirrice 'ha be preTi.l hj urn.
W ILL: AM i.i " .T-f
f the H-e 4 lT'ferat:r.
;aierof the S.T.e.
Arra.ivrr.-Tn. twnty-areond day of Jtar- ii.
Auxi ln.iiiUii -iIa :hwii;aa.i eir.: haou'i-! an i -.
en;v-tw.. JS . W.iiAkV
acr nw aasKaiLT.
"Hzas.i. A ykD.t remKuitfi. pr:p'ir.g a r
taia amtii. iner t t.i the CMitti:a:I( of tr.i .tr,.
nv nweaitn. na- tea arel to or a air.!! f t.vj
rncmfr" ele-te 1 to h iv.aee of the '.iri-iat-jr-.
at two RKreor tei'jn of the lama, the H7t .
i' e.maen.:urg llrst Tai ..f Jjana-.-.
in the yer' . 'ir Iri nae thuasan.1 etg!, ha.v'.
nsl and teTen' sni the fc-ti.i v-.-i .:. .
mencir.K 4i lac hnt Taesiiar of Janoarr. .n rr..
year-t frr Lri "at thotuand eigat tiy:rr.i i.-. ;
Jed acrca. It if prori.Ied in th- tet:f i .ri' i.
't toe .nitati ei that any ametaiment. arc;
oj-n. ! ,ur.tri!t:ed t. the perpie in
ner. an.1 at -!- time. at teast thre :' .. -btiuz
annaal w ty tiie tw aoases. as -.he I-r:-latare
ha pr-tcnl. vh tubrrtp:Ko to i-c :-i
tat-'h manner frjrru that ta. penla mar r t t.-r
! " Jfiiii. -u. h iir n.:ricrt ; thcreie.
i i i. .... ... t..-.. ..v 17... ..
i .... r- ' 1 1 ' -.
! c temt rr of tit I weaatswwr aU 0 -!-.-
t her. in i- aan t j new.papert 11: a n - -.
! 1 cniy: if . many are rat'lubed therein.
1 . " J - - t'- iu.n.ii
eacn e.ect n
net ta erer"- c:tT an 1 clntT W3ertn in d
paper t ;-ui i:.: -i. that an electiun will be h?;.; ::.
each -.1 te t.-wn-hip. b'roazh, war:, pr-.n.
a&l di?Tn'.-ts Th-re:a. cn the second Taeniae '..f t -tifer.
in Uie ye..rof r Lei one th-eati ei - -.
hna.:red ta l tt-enty-iw. fcr the lurpre- of 4 :
inirupf'n t:.e atT'r.wal and ratitlratiiici or re'ecti. n
t tne aid itu- j.:mctit: which taid eiect:. 1
be '.pene-l. be!.: an-l closed, npon the iy la-t t. r
ai !. at the ant within the bocrt at as i
within wMch t.,e ycr.erU electiriis of this -?nir.iD';. are dire te.1 to be opened, held and :
and it .iia.l be the duty of tho jix, msr-ect r
and clcrSit f-f sen of taid towruiiiip. .pmhi.
ward, precjsc- and distrlctt. to receive at ti
tan el-cti .n ti.-ket. er-her written or f rtn'e.1. . r
partly w-itten r.a.1 pariy printe.1. Hi each f t:i
vjualihed voter-, of thi.i Rata, who may offer t'i
aa. tn.i v. deposit thm la a box or bt x to t.
fir the purpose. pr.Tiei by the proper f.rftcer-
which tk-X't? sLail te labeiied aa the oa:.e "an;
etsimeTit to the crflfitntioB.'' ami on the icn :
"for the aroen-l-ncnfor -agaiatt lhea3Kniuet:t.''
Sbltius 2. Tiiat the election on the tai-l pr f..
ed amendment lialt. in all respecta. be e.-n:a-te.i
as the amoral e,ecti.t of thlt eommoaweait h are
now c.rtv.iTicie-1 : an.1 It hail be the duty of The re.
torn judges f :he retpeetire oanntle. and ditti .
therev f. hrt ha-icz eirefnily asrertaine.1 the num
ber of votes i:r n I'.ror arslntt inch atneo.-.xn:.
to make ont do- iinte retamt IhersoC expresei i:i
writ at IEir ii. ai not in fimreton.: e . f
which mm'. o made, ihad be Indgwl in tfc pr -tboourr'
it f of tne aoan of -3omm. pies oi t
proper o-nnty. and the xher teaied and iirer:ei to
the secretary of tbe fnmmonweaiji, aad by ..-3e . t
taid lodges'!!-s-.ed t-r-.hwith in the m tt trr--nient
p.t orS.-e. upen wMcb postal. thaU be ju !
at t he expente f the prier eoaaty.
SftTii s 3. That it t.a!l bo thednfrcf ti tecTc.
tarrof the ennf-joriwealth oa the secend Tnes!.iy
of Jannary. in tb. year of our lard one th.aa:. I
isrht fcTO"!re-i ind jevenrr-three. at tweive o'- !.-s
M.. on that day. to deliver to the fpeak-r of th-.-mate,
or the --.cater of the house of rerrrn-.i-tive.
the rnr' of the taid eiecilnB fern t-e ti
eral "ountiet of the " irr wealth : a the earn
ha;U -1 the tame day ind h.iur. bepene-! tn i ;-o -la.fte.1
m the prsnce vf the members M the wna-e
ifri h'O-.f re :ecnui rives, an.1 the v Hct rr'-n
Rriri.i: amen-latent tha.l he rare:7j..v
inaw-1 aa.'. .-ertice.l and dopiira'.e ft:.-.
r:" ' ' tDerti:t hal! he .fgaed by the
i " 'he tw. h ncs : one of aud eert Jtrntr r a.:
I 1'Il"'ir"'.1, tL" f"7 tb
1 : " ' "
rec.r:-l tn I t-
ia his oBc . and the otfter of taid eeraeTe
be'lclTvered tn :he g wemor. weo thad f-.rhwi- :
h; rroeiaTnati.. deeiartsg whether the . :
, amen.! x ent has heen apprure-l and rxtiSei br a
: majority of the inali-Vd ner tf the state voting
! thcref.-.r: Pmr- lrd. Ttat tt fcr anv eaat. a q.i
rum of either k u'-f the lea-1 La: are tbaj t
prnt at theiv atl hour above mention-!. Tl
said h.iii 1 opene.1 ia the presence id tu -1
member of ; 1 hv u.- at ha:l be prent: ir. i :-,
cae of the ib nee of The sneaker of either f a. 1
house, the cer.u--a:e thau te s-.iraed by the !
present, or :i th of the aac :! : i
peakes. by tk" chief clerks of bntn hane: t r:
thr.f toeui. Li the case v the alai-e ol ot.e I
mi l eirk.
Sar-no A That the w "lal dtitie re;Ti:r-l t .
b perform-! vv tee h,'ri!I.cmmiiitieir-v. -n.-.-bies.
jadx. inniectocs. aad atl t her orhcer wr.f
ever in ar 1 ab. .it the xaeral eiectioc d :h.t mi -morwaih.
shiil te pt-r'.irmed hy nh o:3 --r :i
and ab-at the eie.-ti.m Tiers in proi-ided f-r: an! 1
rr--c. wb: h-'rrfticers or naer. taaj be :. -to
the tame pa.ibmc: for taeneici .if tn." 'i:J'T.
or the' .it" ary offence at. in or al tit t
said ei-J fl. a- tlicy w-kiI I sethe n::ect ! 1;.
duty, ir tne :n:nisi. n of the like or?ace. at. n
.r .-'U ui? Deni .tics cf tr.: iimou-
i weai'b
Spvtcr jf the H-e f Repr-icnta-iTes.
JAMES S. Kl l.N.
; Steakr of the nate
. A,Wv:.r.-TX .'-reu h viav .4 Apnl. A?"
j yv mir.i . ce Th nstn 1 uSI bu-vfl acl r .
: 1 -v, vx- ,-vv'
Attcr.t:..n i- tttso eUe4 to tecriont one ail tw-'.
! the act ot -mKv. arnrrfd A i ll:h. 1-
1 entitled -An Act to pwsie cailicz a Min
tll, ,., ,11 c.i.tun' cf th.- -vxai. n
j weal'.h. at ftl. w:
Swttov Be if esarfcf. r That at tb enr
elcctso to he t. -ld . n the n-l Ta.ty ,4 01
ber a Tt. thr shall be electe-l by the i)nal: -1
eiect'trs of thi. eoutny awesi'.h. del-T:ct i.' a -
venti. n rTt-an-l istnl the c'nt.,aTi- t. l-:
state; the tail .-irventkin shall oatst of cn hun
dred .3d th.rry-tbr remlrs. to be -lccTe-l ln t '
maimer f. :!ow- g: Tw-nry-eigbt TBrn!e-s 'hrv. r
shall be eiecte-i in the state at iarvr. a ioii- w
lach voter of r '-v state shA'.l rce 'r Ti"ce !
vr.een can-1 i iates. an I the rwnry-etrht tihc-t
in vote shaii be -leciareii e.cted : ninety mne lie! -gs'cs
shali be srn,l toal elcrel tn a tr
ditlerent distnctt of the state, the: !.
ega: ti. t c!-te.1 fc-reach senator uieretr ni : acl
ra all litrict deiejate, each v er
I .i.t r,-.t m th. n,nr-r of llehcr . ;.,,
( tag the T went .-third enatr-ai district. Where iy
T-itcrsoall ri.e ti.r more thaa six
. an-l
the nine hiirh- !n vf .had be elected, uv! in :
ennntieof Lu.erne. Jiceiroe and Pike. fnrniiDa t
1 tv,..: h h,. -k . ,
i T ara than ar rencidote, and th- .it
t highest in Tut shall he eleecl: aaa sir ,t,lir,.e .1
:,. .hall he ch,. fc th. cirr i ph.-.i.i.
; phia. by a v.e at larrs ta said eitv. and ia the r
: Z,mm. . .k ,:i ..... r. . ...k
1 dklates. an.1 the six highest la rote thaU be oeU-
i red elected.
STn, j. The f. n. wlng regulation, thall
plv to th aforesaid elect ioa te bo held oa the sr.-.
on.1 Tacs,ia oi uetooer atlt. aad to returns of tte
First. The elee-iow tha i be heU at enn .
ducted br the proper"! 10a olBcersof the several
.iw A ,-J-..f ,v. ,.w.1to .. 1
he foremen- an.i reculated m aU respects bv th e
, .mm -
at the tame h':i be ar taxable thereto, and a.a
..:ii .ch :he nn,.uajnaof this act.
coniseiu wi:
Sv-eond. T
T'l .'.m'm rt h Wnt,l l m.M.m. V
mrreef thceoeveats shall kar. ea the cwT.'i.
the word. .ie -cates at large. " and ea the in.n:
the names of the candidate, to b. toted for. not ex-
reding f- orteen in number.
Third. The tickets to be voted lbr district m-i-
Sees of ibtmnniin shall a... .k.o. ... .
wr ot namet i&aa tha namiwr for which the voter
shall be entitled to vote, tha.1 be rerrted and i
the esse of the delera.-e. to he ebosea at iarr- :i
:it-bia. the ww.. "eitv delrraie. ". tnaU !
on the ..f tbe ticket.
Fourth, ln the city of Phlladerplila tho rerrtm
ta-lire-i all meet at the rate hoase. at tea 'cb-g
oa the Thnrwlay next foiiewnng the elect a. an-l
make cat t he tvturns H r said etty. of the rote - t
therein for -le legate at larc aad city aa.l.distri'-t
delegTatr. to be members uf the oarenta : the r.
tam ju-ire of the several tleetioa distnc withia
each eeantv cf the sta 'a. .xdaiiiag Philmiei.
phla. thail meet oa the Friday aext folk-wing tha
elect km. at the atual placw the meeting of the
retara ja Ires of their eowatv. aad thail make oat
full are) aorura:e return hr theroanty. of te. ,,r-
Oivn tm-ier mv kaml at w.s ofu h. l.vo-.
this litn .lay cf
Scweinoer. h the rear of nar Lord
one thousand eight hun-lred an-l, a-id
in th mtierv-ev.veotli of the Inder-ea ierice of tia
Vnitei Sxates. Ji.'blAB SHAFFK.