The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, October 02, 1872, Image 2
I: j V I The Somerset Herald. WED5ESDAT, October ltn ATIO!CAL at EPrBLICAS TICKET. roa PRESIDENT, ULYSSES S. GRANT, OF ILLINOIS. FOB VIC PRESIDENT, HENRY W. WILSON, Or SI APSACnUSETTS. BEPTBLirAS STATE TICKET. FOR GOVERNOR, J. F. HARTRANFT, of Montmorr FOR SUPREME JIPOE, ULYSSES MERCUR, of Bradford. FOR AVPITOR GENERAL, HARRISON ALLEN, of Warren. FOR CONGRESSMEN AT LARUE, Gen. LEMUEL TODD, Cumberland. ULENI W. SCHOFIELD, of Eric. CHARLES ALRRIGIIT.of Carbon. DELEGATES AT LARGE TO THE CONFTI TITIOXAL CONVENTION, WM. M. MEREDITH. Philadelphia. J. GILLINGHAM FELT, Thila. GEN. IIARRYWIIITE, Indiana. GEN. WM. LILLY, Carbon. L. BARTHOLOMEW, Schuylkill. II. N. M'ALLISTER, Center. W. II. ARMSTRONG, of Lvcominf. WILLIAM DAVIS, Monroe. JAMES REYNOLDS, Lancaster. SAMMUEL F. DIMMICK, Wayne. GEO. V. LAWRENCE, Washington. DAVID N. WHITE, Allegheny. W. II. AIKEN, Lehiffh. JOHN 11. WALKER, Erie. An immense meeting was held in Thiladclphia on Thursday evening last in pursuance of a call issued by several hundred of the leading and most influential merchants and bank ers of that city. The call published by these gentlemen set forth that " We have faith and confidence in the ability, integrity and honesty of Gen. John F. Hartraxft, and believe that his election w ill be for the best interests of Pennsylvania" and there fore invite the people to assemble to take measures to secure his success. In connection with the proceedings the city papers publish the following letter from that eminent merchant and gentleman George H. Stuart : " Philadelphia, Sept 23, 1872 Edilot Evening Bulletin : I observe bv the morninr papers a call for a meeting of "Business Men"' who arc favorable to the election of General Hartranft I regret that I have not had the opportunity of signing it, and, if not too late, will be glad to have vou add my name to your list. " After a thorough "investigation of the case. I have been convinced that the charges against General Hartranft are totally unfounded, ana that it is the dutv of every loyal citizen and friend of General Grant and his Ad ministration, to support General Hart ranft as Governor of this State." " Yours, respectfully, "Geo. II. Stuart." CorSTT 3IOXISATIOXN. FOR congress, HON. JOHN CESSNA, of Bedford. FOR SENATE, E. D. YUTZY, Lower Turkeyfoot. Subject tothe decision of the District Conference. FOR DELEGATES TO THE CONVENTION HON. S. L. RUSSELL, of Bedford, J. W. CURRY, of Blair. FOR LEGISLATURE, J. R. McMILLEN, of MiddleereeL FOR PROTHONOTART, E. M. SCHROCK, of Stonycreek. FOR SHERIFF, OLIVER KNEITER, of Somerset FOR REGISTER & RECORDER, J. ROBERT WALTER, of Milford. FOR COMMISSIONER, VAL. MILLER, of Quemahoning. FOR POOR nOUSE DIRECTOR, JOHN H. SNYDER, of Stonycreek. FOR AUDITOR, JACOB SPEICHER, of Stonycretk. Rememdfb that the repeal of the state tax on real estate was a practi cal relief that camo instantly home to every owner ol a house or farm in the commonwealth. It was recom mended by General Jons F. Hart ranft, Auditor General of the State; and not content with advocating a measure of general utility that, be cause it had no particular body of ad vocates, had been neglected by his predecessors. General Hartranft personally urged the wisdom of his policy upon the Legislature. He did so as a matter of expedient legisla tion for the whole state, and with such ability that his recommendation was adopted. He was the first in his office who worked to repeal the spe cific tax levy. For such action that benefitted every one but himself, he is the creditor of every taxpayer. Is there anything in Bickai.ew's record, on etato politics, at all comparable with this ? Republicans of Somerset county the preliminary work of the canvass is now nearly over, and it is time for individual exertion. There is scarce ly one of you who cannot make, or save a vote for the party if you will. Let every man feel that it is his duty to be at the polls early on the 8th day of October, and to see that his neigh bor is there. Vote early, and then devote yourself to getting out and vot ing, every Republican in your district In not a single township of the coun ty lias our full vote been polled nincc the war. This was not because of disaffection, but simply through care lessness caused by a full assurance of victory. Now, it is important that ev ery vote should be polled. Traitors and apostates in our ranks have shook hands with our ancient foes, and un tier the shallow pretext of reforming the partv, are laboring for its over throw. Some good men, blinded by their own egotism, and mislead by their ambition have deserted our ranks, but a vast proportion of the recalci trants v crc mere bummers, and camp- followers who preyed upon the party, and subsisted upon their filchings. These men good, bad, and indifferent, all combined cannot carry from our ranks as many voters in the State, as we yearly fail to poll through inat tention and want of proper activity. A full turn out will show no appreci able loss in our ranks. Like an ad vancing column, the enemy's pickets may bring down an occasional man, but our line closes up and we go for ward to certain victory, scarcely not ing the life of those who have fallen by the way. We want a full vote, to prove to these bolters their utter in significance as men, when weighed In the balance against principles. Penn sylvania is the battle field of the cam paign, and her vote on Tuesday next will determine in advance the result if the Presidential coqtest The late elections have broken the backbone of Greeleyism through out the country, and the sole remain ing hope of the Democratic party and its Liberal allies, is to carry Pennsyl vania. If they can beat Hartranft next week, they hope to carry the State for Greelet in November, and "Anything to beat Habtranft" is now their battle cry. Never in all history has any candidate been so vilely, so monstrously slandered, with out the shadow of cause, but solely that by his destruction Greelet might succeed. But the game will not win ; Hartranft will be elected as surely as he Uvea until the Sth day of October. Intelligent Republicans all over the State scout the lies of the thieves, forgerers, and villains who have assaulted his integrity, and will work only the more tenaciously to vindicate his fame by his triumphant election Republicans of Somerset county we call upon every man of you to do your share of the good work. Andrew G. Curtin, under the manipulation of Alex McClure, has written a letter announcing that he has gone over to the enemy and will vote for Buckalew. This is no sur prise to us. We have known since the day of the passage of the ' bill commuting the tonnage tax," that McClure owned Curtin and -yielded him at his will, and when the question was first mooted as to where Cubtin would stand in this contest we proclaimed in these columns that McClure carried him in his breeches pocket, and the result proves that we were not mistaken. It is but the loss of a singleVoter, by suicide; Cur- j tain will find as Sumner did, that he will sink into utter oblivion. When a man plays false to principles, and dc-st-rU the party that made him, be be comes an object of disgust and scorn, harmless for good or evil. The people of this county are just on the eve of realizing the hopes of long years, in the development of their coal and iron ores. Railroads have been built and are building, and others arc contemplated in the near future, for the purpose of reaching our coal and iron fields. Our poy ulation and wealth ere increasing, our mines are commencing to be worked, and every thing looks fair for our future prosper ity. This is the result of Protection to American industry, whereby skilled labor receives remunerative wages, and in return demands the product of the mines for its consumption. The ! " 1 ? . 1 Tf man who votes for B. F. Meyers for !en """u msp.reu ... uie u.rec- tion it now takes, l ou cannot get During the progress of the war of the rebellion, Mr. Justice Thompson of the Supreme Court of this State, now a candidute for re-election, deci ded that the act of Congress provid ing for the forcible enrollment of troops was unconstitutional ; that the act of the Legislature authorizing bounties to volunteers was unconsti tutional, and tried to make every measure needed for putting down the rebellion unconstitutional. The effect of this rulinar would have been to have made the rebellion against the country and its Constitution constitu tional and valid by preventing a sin gle measure in defence. The consti tution and laws of other States are very similar to those of Pennsylvania upon these points, but the Judges of Massachusetts and Ohio did not find the same acts unconstitutional when they were indispensable to save the nation. TnE most amusingly impudent thing we have seen for a long time, is Alex. Coffroth's spread-eagle hand bills, announcing that Andrew G. Curtin, Tom Marshall and Alex McClure will address a Dem ocratic meeting at Dale City, on the 2d inst Coffrotii knew very well that not one of those speakers would be present, but with the hope that he could then get together a crowd that would be compelled to listen to him, he put forth the ' flaunting lie." This buncomb announcement is on a par with similar announcements made throughout the county that a number of ' leading" Republicans in this place were for Greelet, and opposed to Hartranft and Allen. The Philadelphia Press is fight ing our State ticket with a frantic earnestness that would be admirable, were it otherwise devoted, or were Congress, knowingly votes for an arowed Free Trader, and against the interests and prosperity of the coun try, for without protection our manu facturers and mechanics cannot com pete with the cheap panper lalior of Europe. The Republicans of Blair county are making a noble struggle, with the certainty of success, to redeem their Congressional district, and send Hon. A. A. Barker to Congress in place of their present Democratic member Speer. In this.good work our candi date Col. Jonx A. Lemon is taking an active and useful part, entrusting his canvass in this county entirely to his party friends. We hope therefore, that every Republican voter will con sider it his especial duty to see that helofes nothing by this sacrifice of his own personal interests to those of his party. Republicans 1 go to the polls and vote a clean ticket Vote for every candidate of your party. It is a safe rule to assume that they are in every respect more worthy than their com petitors. Vole forprinciples.notmcn. All personal likes and dislikes should be sunk, for the sake of principles and party. Remember that the Demo cratic candidates who are now seek ing your votes, would see you see in Tophet before they would vote for one of you. Stick to the ticket. the Forneys, while bitterly denounc ing Hartraxft, to remember that they, by their own confessions, have $G,000 of the State's money, and by Paine's declaration, that they have $50,000 of the State's money in their possession. Tkey do not pretend to return this ill-gotten gain. Yet these are the people who plead for virtue in politics. About the time Gen. Hartraxft stormed the bridge across Antietam Creek with his gallant command, and held his position on the other side, Buckakew was holding his in the entrenched camp of deserters and traitors on Fishing Creek, in the mountains of Columbia county. Which one of these distinguished soldiers do the people of Pennsylva nia propose to make their Governor, Gen. Hartranft or Gen. (?) Buckalew. Don't vote for a Democratic candi date simply because he is a clever fel low. Every Democratic candidate is by force of party association a free trader, and as such is opposed to the best interests of our county. Every vote for a Democratic candidate is. a vote for free trade. Vote for protec tion by voting the whole Republican ticket. CTBTTX AT HAVE rTLFRFS BREECHES pock et. Bellefonte, Sept 25. Editor of the Evening liulletin : A Republi can mass-meeting was held in this town on Tuesday evening last, Sep tember -24. Over three hundred Wide-awakes paraded the streets. Generals C. E. Carr and Lemuel Todd were the speakers from abroad. While Gen. Todd was speaking, pos itive knowledge was received or Governor A. G. Curtin's acceptance of the Liberal nomination and his de claration for Buckalew. When the speaker concluded, Col. W. W. Brown editor of the Bellefonte Republican, a prominent politician and popular stump speaker, was loudly called for. A letter had just been read from Hon. Samuel Linn, late President Judgo of the district, denying the slander that he had declared for Buckalew, and when Col. Brown came to the plat form he was loudly importuned to refer to Curtin's actions. After re ferring briefly to some of the issues at stake in the campaign, Col. Brown spoke as follows : "I am proud to sec so many of Centre county's voters here to-night here, where we twice met to ratify the nomination of our own fellow-townsman for Gover nor of this great Commonwealth. Here we met and planned and work ed for his success. Here we celebra ted the victory of our party in his election the party that always stood by him, and made him what he in the party that gave him fame and wealth. But I am here to 6ay to night that Andrew Gregg Curtin, our Andt, our boyhood's friend, our townsman, our great War Governor, has sold himself to our enemy, has nullified the principles he was once so proud to declare, sundered the tics of a life-long friendship, and has gone, begging to the Mongrel party for of fice. Alexander McClure carries him in his breeches' pocket ! And I say here to-night say it reluctantly and with tears in my eyes, that in this act Andrew G. Curtin has damned, yes, doubly damned the hon orable record which the Republican party gave him. Applause. And let the memory of him who has thus betrayed and basely insulted the party that gave him place and power be hereafter and forever damned, damned, damned!" Immense ap plause. Col. Brown Bcemed to express the sentiments of every Republican in the audience. Curtin's brothers and other relatives are indignant at his course, but they say not one of their name will vote with him. His influence will amount to simply nothing in this county on the day of the election. Sept 25, 18T2. is an independent, self-exalted man, having faith in the principles and or ganization of the party itself, and de termined to maintain its integrity. Because, in this respect, he repre sented a large and increasing body of men who arc resolutely bent on put ting the party itself above all factions. Because he belongs to no ring, per sonal or political, and was nominated solely on account of his force of char acter, his eminent services, and his marked ability. Because his opponent is a man who held traitorous conference with the rebel commissioners in Canada during the civil war, as is proven by the offi cial report of J acob Thompson to the Confederate authorities at Richmond, now in possession of the Government Because he represents the heroic achievments and grand revolutionary changes of the civil war and recon struction, which reactionary dema gogues and incendiary leaders are now seeking ro overthrow, by return ing to power the incapahles who al lowed the war to be organized by the enemy. Because his election would be Trlbntw to Ifartntnft. Keio Advertixements. In the course of a splendid speech recently delivered by State Senator Strang, he made the following con vincing defence of John F. Hartranft, while alluding to the aspersion of his character in connection with the Evansinvestigation. Senator Strang is a bold and outspoken man, who would not say what he did not think to please the dearest friend he has on earth, and therefore what ho do- , ... . of l.ewls IN. t ran, H in. alsh, John luii ciares as loiiows ot llartranrt mar he , others,- u-u twcnty-nre acres r which arericar- Confident I V nrwntoil ni l,ia mwitivo I nJ ,,"te of enltlvntion. with a (me lunuiitnm nce pit a as ins posiu.e,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ulll() lerc,w erected ; there pUBLIC SALE. i!y virtue of an order of tli Court of Common Pica or SomeriK't County, to me directed, an t 'otn-) mlttee of Sylvester A. Topper, a lunatic, there will ; be exposed to puhllc sale, on SATUKDAY, OCTOBER S!h, 173, A 1 10 o'clock a. in. of n il 1 day. in I he town of New lialtim-ire. In said county, all the right, title, inter est, projierty and claim of said Sylvester A. Top per, being the undivided one-bait part or tntorest, of. in a ii' I to the billowing real estate, vi: ' No. 1. A tract of land situated In Allegheny tp.. In said county, containing forty-nine acrca and one hundred ami twenty seven iierciies. adjoining lands At' to Aeverlivmcnt.. ' ffloiil '"liar For preparing yuan? men fi.reullege and for the ed ucation of teachers, will e.inicn.e It next tern death-blow to the prosjiects of the Greeleyite coalition, and render the re-election of Grant certain. Because he is a friend of the protec tion of home industry against the ru inous competition of foreign pauper la bor and capitalists monopoly, while his opponent is a free-trader. Because he is in favor of measures for securing to the valuable home market, by the creation of manufac turing concerns all over tue country. Because his election would intro duce the civil service rcfom into Penn sylvania, by promoting to the chief magistracy the officer who has r;iith fully fulfilled for six years the duties of the next highest and most impor tant office. Becaase Pennsylvania has need, in the ensuing three years, of her best practical talent in the office of Govern or of talent trained in her own ser vice and familiar with her affairs, in order to keep up with the spirit of the times in the fierce competition to which she is subjected by other States. Because his election would take the office of Governor, for one term at lc ast,out of the sphere of mere person al and political ambition ; prevent its being used to makeoT unmake Sen ators or Judges or Congressmen, and devote it to its proper sphere of use fulness, as was the case with the Au ditor General during his six years service. Because his stern integrity as Au ditor General furnishes assurance that as Governor he would be above re proach, and would bring to the per-1 formance of his duties a knowledge of j affairs sufficient to enable him to keep ; at bay the corruptionists, and defeat i many nefarious schemes. Because he is identified with the j conviction In consequence of the death of Dr. Stanton after his election last fall as Auditor General, a vacancy would have occurred in the office on the ex piration of General Hartranft's term, which it was necessary should be filled. The people could not elect an other officer In-fore the term would expire, and there was some discussion about the Governor's power and right to ujipoint a person to fill the vaeauoy. A proposition was offered which seemed to meet everybody's approval, to continue Gen. Hartranft in office until tho next election. On the 18th of March I called up a reso lution which had been offered for that end. There was some doubt whether Governor Geary or the Legislature should appoint, and there was some debate on the resolution. Some prominent Democrats made remarks on it. Remember that at this time these charges against Hartranft had been made. There i3 no charge now brought agaiust him that was not well understood at that time. Yet upon this question of continuing hinij in ofhec every single Democrat in the Senate of Pennsylvania voted aye. Senator Dill said he thought .it wan proper to vote for that bill, and every Democrat did vote for it. I submit to you voters of Tioga county, who are to be so soon called upon to say whether this gallant soldier and faithful officer shall be Governor of the Commonwealth, if within the range of your political experience there has ever come to your knowl edge a case where a man holding for six years an office likely to call down on him the maledictions of the pow erful has been so triumphantly en dorsed, sustained and vindicated as has John F. Hartranft. I predict that when, on the second Tuesday of next January, he takes his seat as Governor of this grand old Common wealth, the people of the whole State will rest secure that their financial policy and material prosperty will be as safe under his care as Governor as they have been under his control in a subordinate capacity. Durning his term there will be no Evans swindles render lth departments. t xi, I worthy of public pafronngre. Tie I iir:" to to pal CI.1" piM rM to ,i.r?n.l. ricir to nnl cfun-clrtijy fh'Mt ilcfiiriiix l-'a.'Mlli al elu.i rn'ci. arc reusate to give uaenr'y n-iik-c. K'r ur.ncr nil. rumtloo apply l ID anjcll-im VTOTICK. WM. KWI'. or W. K. Ulto W S. V Ml I. rjpilK .-:o.IK!tSKTVn:.; DLSTKOYEfj J! vv . . 1 tic owner I hereof niKwM r, l-U,c,"!,7 IT." "'I 'l'1' '"at .M.,w . liI.ANkKT.Sarethii" :. The Krirular llaptl chun-h of Turkey. haa j jrl,;i4 hit; i wun M 1 iuni"n I OI ineriCl County, for a charter of l!c.ri..r.,tlo-i. nn-l unlet dilfi.-i-nt catiie shown toniliti 'ourt.oi, Thnrn Iny Neptctnlwr the Mih, H7J. the unwaiu I. rnnu-.l by Ml'l Court. KhN.N IS I K V I.kS, auiftf I-rotii-.i.t.,ry. "lirAXTKD. iil Asrcn tar New Im Banner Hie Sewinr Me. tloM Aarrnta everywhere, to the L'ht lion- nlnar New Iminnrel He hat al) a very larjf ; . flASSKLH, SATIS T1, CJHSIMEKKS, sro KISl. I In hor, any kiwi of Woor r.- ,., ' may he wjnil. ' ''' ; la afau a C"1 apple on-hard on this tract. Nv X A trait of liin'l iltaMrd In the township aforeaiiM, adjoining no. 1, l.imli of Adum (Iconic. F. A. I.u kona ami other, containing hunlre! and eighteen an l nne-tourth acres; aliout acventy nveoi which are cleared and in a nl atate of cul tivation; there are a large tw.-t.,ry log Uwelllno; hoiiM, a large bank barn, and other oul-lmildinica t hereon erecied ; there it almi an applo orcharl on thin tract. No. 3. A tract of land adjoining no. 1, land o 1. "". 0tl"'" "''?' twenty. I sim,,0. Durable. Substantial. The i-jM.t to sell ! and in a g.-J state of cultivation: on which la! itayANT MiOAW k Tt.. Oen 1 Agm:, erected a Urge and eomple.edls;il. ry In complete j " VJ,!. 1 Sixth (late St. t ir'irj I?" ruuuiiig unirr, wiiu un ine neecssury nziures and ui I'lii-I ur-h Va appliances lor distilling liqwirs. " !" TrRvs; alOfl M of the purchase money of no. 1 AUF.MTH tVtVill) loll to remain a lien, to tie secured by mortgage on no. n r r-miii r-r.o r. rvr- i- iimnu 1. the Interest to be paid annually to Win. Weber I rUnLLnd UnCH I nUrr!- r.Ui?i"."'.Bhn'1Sthl"i,,l?th "? Prlnr,Pai !nm ! MAXWHiH. WOM AMU N !. an.l their I CLAIM AGFVfV ?.,Bil'i ,3.tbo k'K1 .5elr" B ,TP'etativ fi Mutual Inter n lations: Ive. iml.i. ! .ncr.fcc. ! " l Jr'-M-l ? nd lrpcclmcnpiicnndclr.-iil;ir.rl:hicrui. i """ In f he? "Im. - SA1H.AL1'L itl.ISIU.Mi ( t.. i B. F. BROWU i .' I l lillitll ! II, 1'a. Ilia fimf,l,l.M o. -r, . .. w v. wid iumo njumrj ui nu. i w remain , wuaaliluvxu ot., i-t -u ) , a len on th Inml t I,, r... ....... I n: . . . I ' "UIUU to Mary Toptier. widow of Peter A. T,,ni.r. .iw-.f i W LliLw CAIk Jw.w i.A2. during her Iilclime. and at her. leath the r.rhMiil , , . ; I .To. . , " " i fuiuiu or uHin ouin neirs ani ieg:ii repreacnta-I j. um,i- i ' uvea oi Siild Peter A. loper. deed; one-third of j There TabMt pr.-set the A- Id In (Vi i! inallon balance in hand, and remainder in two juol an-1 with other etll -ilot remedies, in a . mi !or j nuiil iHivments, without interest. the cure ot all llir-nt and I.nug me third of purchase money or no. 3 In hand. ! ness and I'l.-eralt. n of the 1 lir nt in lin-ne.ll .tc- i and balance in two eual annual payments, with- j ly relieved, and statement, an- c..ii. n -ly ldng ...,...., ...,m, nt,uicms io le sccureu ; sent m ma proprietor of reiiel in eases ol i j iKwawiiHi, j en per cent, oi nan'l moiirv uimciiitlea of vc.irs stnnnimr. Peter A. Topper, dee'd : one-third of tho balance in nnnn, ani tne remain ivr payments, without interest. . II, ow .Will Bll LT-MM.I, Wirr . . the best w inn-rand from pan s'., ' Kumlne his ,,'oods before r ar-hi. ter Clothing. l-rcl!)it;v Address WM t, '"''AS Stavtov, ' (Pbce of ba'inrfu I miio wnt.i '? lhtlL i oiic-i i-rnsions. Itountbs Prize Special attention imil n, . - jc..luis. Applications by niaii uutoc in pcron. J?I- wi..m-t sr. ,i-,i ' lu "op. ncTfcrtly new. y. i;., n . number ol S.on l-b.,n. .M, .ioi J.l '. to be puiii Sept. 18. as KK-n as r Ui riles are knocked down. AM IS TOPPKH. t'oniinittee. lUDLIC SALE. JL. . ! ltit4"A !tTII uy virtue man onicrnfsale granted by theOrtdi. i ul,, Kevd'h Caution. Iiont be ilecvhcd bv w rb!i s invita tions, (let only Wells' Carbolic Titdi :. Price i':pert.T. Send f. r clr ul ir. J'fll.V t. Ktl.UNi. II pi,tt s;.. X. Y. Sole agent for ti e U. S. " " ... i an au 1 sic room ol .X.UIOI.- Sde Al iHHu,nr.r:- No. 1 Sixth Av-nu- p,,," "tit for l'riu-e l o. j i,ri(llt, ' Wlihe Hat s and Tai,.: .1 TTEXTIOX.' We will supply Catnpulgn ';,.,. , , lower rates you can obtain tti i 'PL?; Canipaign Supply Co.. pjv en.'ily mad'. Kin, Stencil wL lii.., i i...i... ans' Court of Somerset County. Pa., the'uo l.-r-ii-n. ' o,t sunn. I.-, i s; m ,.,.i . ,:. ed will otter for s lie on the premises, on I - . ' . " " ..... SATlTtDAY, OLTOUKK l.h. 172, i 41 "i " ,,HT '" Agents selling Camp-iigti ihi.lgrs At one o'clock n. m.. the real estate or John If. ' ' ,.' '"''l " an, K" ? hr ,rl ""' tv PaTd:;.! 'r- Iowns"lP' Samples mailed fr-e for , .Mr K V 7',.: ! I'LI RSAXI) IiKALKKSSI Two bits in t lie town of Ivtcr.l. .,ti,,ii., l e.lar S reet, ew ork. Address, lands of W. W. Haritell, lots r Samuel right ' ZTidiVWi-r, - . - . .... and William Hticman . u.i. i.. ,....! HORACE CREELEY and FAMILY. thereon a ih-w store house, dwelliRg house. An eb-gani llngnu mg -rl.Tt iik o -..,, in. Pftrnvlvinifl Fprmla f-n a g.KMi stable, and .Aher out buihiings " sent by mnil ! : .N..C:,mpai-.-n-..-.. S, ktir.nt ' rWHSJtVMld remai3 C T...:-'rw,,.aT. per rent, o, pun-b, ! or",' 1 ""t Bf.lI. Pt ' money in hand, an 'fjf "'' ,!. ver, m. iiroaoway. .. Y. - , a MMiM,t onrtjUp ' Sep,.lc. ' Adi'r.ndlruitec. " IJV If f t Y TZ IVVVr! P r PC fT ! ZtiXrX1 Hl. ' I iVUUl 1 UU.11U UUltUil, ' t.-aehiii-rn.l - ' " ... no noil' i i i. :.. '. muz anl cf.Tniion-epjr mana-'ec UK lTiliAIh SALE. Utris new and zrettri w. rk Is an i!.itcn ' Ne.t term willoien WFIi r, sui v . i. , n tnousan i in pre... Age,,., deiigbt. . tun. orc-ta,n(iiean. tortb oUr. ' X...1. A tract of land adiolnin? lands of S.m'I !rl 1 r,',m:,T.'.'"''.' A' '.f'.' " N ' fl' ev- Kkv. .1 AM IS iif.ACK. I, I. J. and Jonathan Rhoads. s'amudl lierkey. David j 'r " '"'r''- " r' . " '-t- " ! ,r- . Ibcteis-.i,,,,,,., tciughlin. Kcv. V. ami ojners. near .viuier a tanncrv. (lonuerlv ' "," 'i . '' " -"o-..- j. r. .-.icrrei. k-t 1. A tract of land adjoining l.i I Jonathan Rhoads. Samudl H ind oihers. near Miller's tanne KIhsIcs'.) coutainlmr acres, with'a new bunt barn uxso feet, a large frame house, with a kitch en, wash-house, au l oihtr out-buildings attached ; two thriving apple orchards and other fruit; thiv acres In meadow, ten acres well tlmis rci, and the remainder well waterol and liineil .uuj bushels of lime put ou it within the last four years; coal and limestone convenient, and probablv on it. No. i Wuhln 80 rodsoi no. 1, ail well timbered, containing 10)4 acres. ; t 'nivciilent to saw and grist mills schools, and . i linptist Lutheran, Itelorined, and Kv. Association Churches. Improvements Insured at tti.ono. , For lurther particulars, apply to or address i NtiAll S. M1I.LKK. ' Sept. IS. Sijieavilie, Somerset co.. Pa. A(iEXTS!s,;nr SM'f e l an I coining inon-v. A' ; K.N'TS W A i'Kli ev- 1 ery where. iK'. l cI.;a. I'ii .-:, r. mI San-on, St., .11-. King. M. II.. Ili-v S V a.- f' r cir ui .r an I srmdal ! W llson. I. !.. Hon Kolwrt MrCm. term" lor "Met "it-1 i a'i's K.t.u'i. ' Jacobin. II. Ii . u , n..u..-7n '.' : At.t NTS! li.-anism in Atne, i";..." T!ie ' head. Her. John . Brown, D I 11 fastest selling Iks. k out. ' J. M. STODDAHT et Cf.. P.iiili.-hcr-", I'bilad'a. iAMONbi LR-NORTON & RUBY FURNACES. POWER FIT., enl I'.f t XOM It 'A L HKATKUS. , Janice A. I.'iwson Pati-ntec. I)UBLIC SALE 1 FtXLElt, WAUKLX fcl' Wat. rSt. X. Y. l-"'lL,t.' rn nam' i runTrt i jiy yinueor anorder ofsnlcmadeby the thpl,-. 1 1UUIV .HI,.ll. ib i ouri io roii,-rsci fuuiliy t .. Io us mrectiil. J f'F.ALER IX Lc.jN"0? STATE ACES Ji:wirrr A i.ooion, ! u, tin in ' a t r r, : . ... ... n . . . . a. we will exnoae ta sale hv nutiib onrcrv ih. c- ,o "..'. i ; i- - .... . : M " B SS i m , for anvbodv tO be mixed Up With, or j " the following valuable real estate, line the : lish-l. will Iw snt five ol eharire to'anv l.Tk ' fl 5 h"T H X ll t.i...j ..ii. procrty of Beniamin Friedline. d.-e'd.. lyina in i It c mains nei.rlv ,.,.: irl, ,.. ;. I.' B H O U B r l S,.iuer.-t and Jetlerson tuwnshii. on , mnd ageu's are meeting wPhuni,rece.ten;e.i siVwil i 'all nil liMiAt , iHTIUlItK 3, lhTi a. litre-s. stating exs rti ncc. en-., ami A certain farm, containing acres, more or less, i 'ic'iV ITiv'Vl' pri i IiI'vT i adioiiiinir binds of Jxul. M.n.r A v.... ! R Al ION AL. PI I.LISH 1X K f .. iui. rneonnc, r.a A.iams, John Bowman. No for anybody to talk about. niaatras Fir. n,ri t,ivn n ' t, I Mm. i,.K'ii.Vw .' ., " r . ";'." advancing progress of the Kepubli- Xorthlrn ollio Lunatic A,vIuil) situ- tSIXftia St,. can party as represented m the tenets j a.e(I gt New, ohi fieVen miles ! i- o.-Vj &?JlAUiJX ofthc I hiladelph.a Convention, and,from cit h hl Crc at one' lJi hiselection would be an indorsement! .... , . -i;? the premi.s. - ' 1 . . 1 "is tann Is wuirwatcrcd. and is known as one a Small fumace Used l)V men in tlIl-!of the lcl farms In the county, and is six miles a ' , c .i ; north ol Somerset. uuijf me rooi near me tioinc oi uie : Tkr.s: 4.uuo,ai,i io HARTRANFT VINDICATED. To(lmony or One who Knows George W. Brewer, Esq., one of the most prominent members of the j Chambersburg Bar, former State Sena- Uut of Ins own mouth we have tor, a life-long Democrat and culturea shown that Hon. B. V. Meters is a speaker, has taken the stump in Free Trader, and deliberately voted Franklin county, against the election against the coal interests of our peo- of B. F. Meters to Congress aud in pie, and afterwards boasted of his treachery. The development of our coal, by the building of the Connells- ville and other railroads, insures wealth and prosperity to the county. Our people should not forget these important facts and vote for Hon. Jonx Cessna, who has steadily stood bv our interests. Hartley, the Democratic candi date for Auditor-General, remained at home during the war, abused the Government, and denounced the sol diers of Pennsylvania as Lincols hirelings. General Allen, on the other hand, was at the front with his life in his Lands, in defence of the Union, and the firesides of Pennsyl vania. Voters, choose between these two men. W ask every respectable man in the county, to remember the Senatori al disgrace we have endured for the last three years, and then lend his aid to retrieve our good name by voting for Col. Lemon. Evert man who wants to see our protection policy preserved, will vote for Cessna, Lemon and, Cessna will vote if returned to Con gress, in favor of Protection to our domestic industry, while Lemon and McMillen will have a voice in choos ing a XT. S. Senator who will also vote against Free Trade. The name of ex-Governor Bioler is taken off the Democratic ticket, and that of ex-Governor Curtin has been put on. Think of Curtin, the "great war Governor," being on a "Copperhead" ticket, surrounded by "Copperheads" who formerly delight ed in calling him the "great shoddy Governor." 1 Let every Republican examine his ticket before he votes. Look out for "stickers" and spurious tickets. Ile memberbow the voters of Concmaugh township were swindled three years since with mixed tickets. Be certain that you have a full, clear ticket be fore you vote. "I know. General JIartranft tee, both at a public officer and a man. At Auditor General he showed him tdf a mott faithful, upright, efficient and accommodating officer. "- Chas. R. Buckalew. r support of Hon. John Cessna. He will lie followed by hundreds of Dem ocrats who can't swallow Meyers. Every man who wants protection to Pennsylvania interests will vote for the Republican Congressional Candidates at large. Republican as cendency in Congress alone will pre serve the protective policy under which we are now making such won derful progress. Remember, that unless we have a Republican majority in the next Leg islature, a Free Trade U. S. Senator will be elected to succeed General Cameron, and the coal and iron inter ests of this county as well as of the State, will 6ufTer, perhaps lie prostra ted forever. Buckalew was a traitor and a rebel during the war. His conduct and that of men of his stamp cost us oceans of blood and millions of treas ure. Is he to be rewarded with the the beet office of the Commonwealth ? "For General JIartranft we have nothing but praise. He was a gal lant soldier, and he has been a faith- f ul official lie is a Radical Repub lican, and would make a good Gov ernor." Joun W. Forney. Piardaa f Yerkea md Marer b7 Gt rar wearr-RarinaR Tlnwletd rraa all tk rtutrce. Mava ky the FaJieEta.aa-f'e)rBejr dla. Philadelphia, September 27. Governor Geary to-day pardoned the banker, Charles T. Yerkes, Jr., and City Treasurer Joseph Marcer, confined in the Eastern Penitentiary. The pardons were delivered by the Governor's private secretary. One of the first things that Yerkes did after being liberated, was to make afull vindication of Hartranft from all charges made by the Paine-Evans-Forney clique. He made a sworn statement before Mayor Stokely, es tablishing First That the affidavits photo graphed and sent broadcast over the State purporting to be made by him before Alderman Dougherty were forgeries ; that he never made or signed them. Second That the account of Hartranft with him was a perfectly legitimate account, having no connec tion whatever with the funds of the State, and that in no way, shape or form did Hartranft through him derive any use, benefit or advantage of any State funds. Third That Dr. Faine, represent ing himself as, an attorney of one of the creditors, obtained access to Yerkes' office and purloined there from his private papers, among them some letters of Hartranft's, which have been used to give credence to the false charges circulated. Yerkes' statement is supported by other strong evidence. OE.N. JOUN r. IIARTKASfT. of these principles by the freemen of Pennsylvania. Because he has no sympathy with the pernicious doctrines of the State rights school of politics, and would not array Pennsylvania against the National Government, as his oppo nent certainly would if in power. Because he is friendly to all well regulated corporations for the devel opment of the resources of the State, and would favor an intelligent system of State banks, as well as a well or ganized insuraace system, and ample facilities for the creation of railroads, and the proggrcss of externel and in ternal commerce, while his opponent represents the narrow-minded preju dices against corporations that have marked the whole career of the Demo cratic party, of which he has been a life long member. A Bloody Blot. we is. 1 1 1 show PI.!I id'a Pa. ! AGENTS to the Rescue! Skitter truth' among the l.'K II lili SH.NS PhiiS AL HlSTOkY fir ti HAN'T tells more truth al..ut the man than sli th- p:icrs In the w..rld. II you want toknow if 'inn: is a thief, liar or drunkard, read this l'k. Azi,ic:.n un;k larue wLres fi r the next w months selling it. a it is w;:nte.. an I w L'iv "rerw helming.- tm..ii-ins. Ad.:n.- AlUJ-lHIf.YX J'l. ItLlSii IN( i I u. . ii irtl -r 1. 1 'onn. 12S KiuilhSelfi Street. 'tpposlte New City Hall. PITTSEfE S n 1 for Illustrate lCarar-gv. ul.J JJJL'AL AGE.VT.S WAISTTEI American Button-Hole a:: percent, of whk-li shall building, and the llaiues spread so ZTL'? i.and the balance ot the rt-PKrma ViVpTfrw Viimn'r"rT LnK.iuyn comi-leu ii . i .i ii . tJ0 on cmirmation of sale. The h.i .inee i;i (our j A GiliNTS I CAiSFrIG I H A .iTl - Pnrirf rapidly that the Whole Structure Was, e.1Ual auuual payments, to be secured l.v mdgment I - t,, , . ? ( baJiInlU,t na.U r.WJ. QTTTTTTTVT"! It JC i nTTT"' on fire before the engines, which bad! ( citizkv s .manual. OL VY UN Kj iYJAUllL) been telegraphed for to this city, could j &u;ri JAWES ESPYt Cen Acc arrive and stay the progress of the WinciiiaitiieMMth , uen i Twemty-oe Besaaona Wkr llefthoald k Elected Governor of Peoaajl-vaau. Every man, who wants the coal and iron interests of our county pro tected, and our abundant mineral re sources developed, will vote for Hon. John Cessna. Make no other calculation than to vote the whole Republican ticket Every man on it, from Governor to Auditor, is worthy of your undivided, hearty, zealous support. Because he fought through the whole four years of the war, and was in every action of the Virginia cam paign, distinguishing himself on all occasions by the greatest trallantry. and winning the high approval of his commanding superiors. Because he has served six years in the important civil office of Auditor General of Pennsylvania, performing its duties with rare administrative ability, and so restraining outlays from the Treasury as to render prac ticable the abolition of the State tax on real estate, and also the continued large reduction of the State debt, the surplus in the Treasury constantly accumulating. Because he has been, throughout the whole of his administration of the office, most vigilant and faithful sen tinel at the door of the Treasury, and he saved large sums to the State in consequence thereof. Because six years' experience in the management of the finances of the Commonwealth has eminently quali fied him for the performance of the du ties of Governor, whoso most impor tant functions relate to the fiscal man agement of the State. Because he is an educated lawyer, and in consequence of his recent train ing, much more familiar with the cur rent laws of the Commonwealth and their practical application than is his opponent Because he is opposed to the con version of the securities in the Sinking Fund for any other purpose than those designated by law and in accordance with the provisions of the constitu tion. Because be belongs to none of the factions in the Republican party, but New York, September 25. The Sun publishes the details of an affrav at Hunterton, New Jersey. One hundred and fifty blacks, mostly from irginia, and over three hundred whites, were at work on a tunnel on the new railway from Perth Aiuboy to the coal mines. Saturday night the party of whites, who had been drinking, assailed the party of neg roes, who had been out serenading, and were repulsed. They procured reinforcements and resumed the attack, only to be repuls ed the second time. About midnight the whites rallied in considerable numbers and attacked the negroes and burned their buildings. Both sides were armed with pickaxes and other implements. Charles Coll, white laborer was killed during the fight. The overseer quelled the riot, but most of the negroes fled in terror. The whites then, to seek vengeance for the death of one or their number, made an organized attack on the neg roes, and butchered three of them in a most horrible manner. The people of Huntingdon county are greatly excited The murderers of their fellow workmen have banded themselves together resolved to resist all attempts to arrest them, while the Sheriffseems undecided iu his opera tions. Many of the negroes have fled the place. A C hlrairo Printer Knot and Hilled. CuiCAfio, September 24. Last night about half-past eleven o'clock, James Mc Williams and M. A. Moore, two compositors employed in the Times office, were walking along Clinton street, near Adams, when their attention was attracted by one of four men, sitting on a fence in front of a house, falling backward off the fence. The young men crossed the street to ascertain the trouble, and after exchanging a few words with the four men, started on their way np street. They had only gone a few steps when one of the men drew a pistol and fired at them, the shot tak ing effect in McWilliams' head. He never spoke afterwards, and died in a few minutes. The assassin and com- E anions ran off, and up to an early our this morning had escaped identi fication or arrest McWilliams was quite a civil boy of eighteen, and the murder was entirely unprovoked. Aeeldent to a Beanalieaa Caadldate. flames. By four o'clock the main or old portion of the building was complete ly destroyed, nothing being left ex cept the walls, some of which have already fallen. There were about six hundred inmates in the building at the time of the fire, all of whom are said to be safe. A number of these have escaped and are now at large. All those who could be secured were locked up in churches and other places in Xewbtirg until better accom modation could lie provided, which is now being done by placing as mani as possible in the house of correction, city prison, infirmary and jail of this city. Perhaps four hundred will be furnished tcmponry quarters in this way. Casualties are confined to attaches of the asylum and citizens of New- burg. Miss Walker, seamstress of the institution, was roasted alive al most within reach of friends who could render her no assistance on ac count of the heat and want of proper facilities. Benj. Burgess, who went into the building to bring out a rela tive, has not been heard of, but it is hoped he is still safe. A boy, name unknown, had his leg broken and was otherwise injured. He will probably die: Several others were badly burned. It is believed three or four are lying in the debris, which is fif teen feet deep, and it will require time to get the bodies out, if any. The extreme east and west wings of tho asylum are not entirely des troyed, the walls being in good con dition. They can and will be built speedily. The culinary department, laundry, dining-halls.andengine-room, mostly new, arc not damaged. The loss is not known, but will approxi mate to three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. There is said to be no insurance. . Pual tallvcs of the dee'd. Sept. 13, ISTi JOHN KI.TNE. FRANK KKIKI.LINK. Adm'ra. and Trustees. Yi,mixti:atoivs NOTICE. Ksute of Frederick F.lehom, late of Illklick town ship, deceased: Letters of adtn inis; ration on t he above estate hav. ing been granted the undersigned hv the proiier au thority, notice is hereby given to indebted to ii io maae immediate payment, and those having ienicn-. ( Vnycniions and Ptattonr.s. I. lection re- f t Western Pennsylvania and Ea- imiiMuriiHii -si raires: .s r.nnravuiirs i Prctl&; sella at fiitht; lu to 3uy easily i O 'Tire 11 T ilrrhi Kt ,' made. FoM'ircuHr a!dres 1 1 jJ" e 1 1 ''"- -'J I tU0 1H IHU.D ASHMKAU, PuMihrr, Philid a. K irnnfu T Hf Thrls "i-V' tJ"un- 6REAT RUSH For the N ew Splenditly Ilia-dinted hditiuot ROBINSON CRUSOE, i i ..... . - . . . . ' ." " " tM-'-t i.ininiiunz xrri rn"iu:;ir n..- "L -T ; - . n.r one , prices, just out. am nazes. tinted p easy worth 3 SO. Is a great hit. sell It Agents. In.r-ni n.'s otfere.l to coun'v 13. A-;' residence of the deceased, on Saturday, the th lay 01 oopiemDcr, lsri W II. LI AM BEX PER. August H. Administrator. I ) M I N I ST II A TO R'S NOTICE. Letters of Administration on the estate of Mint Teclrow. late of New Centreville borough, Somer set County, deceased, having been Issued to the un dersigned, by the Register of said county. I herebv i Purchasing Agent We wid purchase and forw.irl any ir..- SIAM FAfTl REI. OK In th.s city at the lowest Parties in the t'ounfry w:tim to j'tr-: ati'is, I irgar.s. Sewing .Machines. 1 inr... I: Nursery Sus-k. Jewelry. Eamitur-. ll.ird ire. lliii- N'rf,;s. Ii.. ks.S-jt: - every county 1 dierv. 'rp-iiiz-.. lirv r .is. a,-., a,- w. Si' 11 olir ttW l..&.ull...., A : 1 t I . ' ; .. -I, ..1. j - . T. , . . . . - - -. . . -. rtri w 10 oe ci:-wn s. ij ji.,.o.-......rT ju me result 01 a to ec.,noinv, as wel as taste an I fi-;ies ic jrejra bl-ur. Ly Jam Is MeCai, Jr, the celehra- ' .r packagl. f r.r-k-d ev vtZ' tes! writer, au. lis entitled ' the country. All oMers proml.Jiv af..t.e. ' Hie G-rnat Rfrmn7ir ! Mtisuwttoo guaranteed. Ad in'-s, Itccause it i the m .t f.isclnatfngs! pepu!arhooi 111 p. 1111, arm excels an in BK.lL ctegauee atel low pru ts. Just out. SI'S p-iges.tmted piper, r.nlv fiM. easy worth 3 50. Is a sreat hit.acl!auuiek an 1 f.,st T-nnsof this and our new Bibles, agents" Pis-ket ( 'ominion frtt. Write to llut.hari Hr.;a., Pub lisher, 'Si Sansom Street, Philadelphia. AGENTS WANTED,,?: aryalTln U,tn' ' PITTKRVRCall SI PPI V f s.p. h; iiTTsnri:r.!!.r JOHN WILSON ii S( ).. ith day nf Scitemhr neit, when those iudubte.1 to said estate are requested to make aymeiit, and inose navingciairaa against saw estate will pre- , anv other ts.,k. ncl,. l-ir.. 1.. i, ..ii, scut them for settle m-nt. August 2Tth, 187'i JOXAS TEHRnW. AdmitiistriU.r. Ifiaauttroa Fire. Erik September, 20. At 4 p. m. yesterday Gen. Allen, our candidate for Auditor General, while stepping on the cars at the de pot to go to his home in Warren, missed his footing, on account of the pressure of the crowd on the plat form, and fell under. One of his feet was crushed, but how badly we could not learn. The General was taken to a private house, where be received surgical at tendance. He left for home on the p. M. train, in care of a number of friends. We trust the injury may not be serious, though it will proba bly keep him on crutches for some time, as his services are too valuable in the campaign for him to be cooped up t home. Ilia many warm friends will not permit his interests to suf fer while he is temporarily a prisoner at his residence. Yesterday morning a fire broke out in Monongahela City, which sproved to be the most disastrous conflagra tion ever known in that city. At one time it was feared that the entire city would be consumed, and but for the strenuous and untiring exertions of the citizens and firemen such would undoubtedly have been the result As it was, an entire square front, with the exception of one house, was destroyed. The loss will amount to aoout $70,000, $32,000 of which is covered by insurance, in what offices could not be ascertained. The cau.-e of the fire is unknown. Kbarp t'lfka With Indiana. Sax Francisco, Sept. 20. A dispatch from San Piego reports a fight between the command of Gen eral Crook and the Indians of the Pate Creek reservation. It appears that a party of Apache braves were discovered on the war path. Gen eral Crook with a guard attempted their arrest Four or Gve hundred Indians fired on the guard, killing one soldier. The fire was retuned by a company of cavalry, killing thirty Indians, when the remainder of the savages broke and fled to the mount ains, and were pursued by two com panies of cavalry. Fearful Blot. Jersey Citv, Sept 25. A des perate riot between colored and white laborers occurred on Sunday, near Patenburg villa-ge, Union township. A majority had been drinking and fought some time with spades, pick axes, clubs and a few having guns. One white man was killed and many hurt. The whites afterwards gutted the negro huts, plundered their satchels, and fired their buildings. One negro was shot, another brained and another stabbed. The negroes have left the vicinity. Ureat excite ment was caused by tho affair. TTOH S NOTICE.- rb enteral-im. I isa.tapteu lor the coming political campaign, and . should I owned by every voter. It sell better ilmn I any other tss.k. and pay better to handle. For lerm awl icmtorv. applv at on-e to WILLI VM ! j B. F.VAXS ntts.. Publishers, Philadelphia Ci elffeederTTt, A S E Lslute of William M. Homer, late of Summit Tp., letters testamentary on the above estate having been granted to the undersigned by the proper au thority, notice la hereby given to those indebted to it to make immediate payment, and those having claims against it will present them to the under signed fur settlement, al the late residence of said deceased, on Saturday, the 5th day of October next SSAMI KL A. MA t 'ST. aug. 28 Executor. TV Dtewartljurner Improved, I nrlvaled and I aequalrd. Burns any size coal. FT LI. Fit. WARBES fc t'O., SM Water St. X. Y. jUl'IlANS' c By virtue of an order OUUT SALE. issuing out of the Orphans' Court of Somerset county. Pa., to me directed, I win sen at puniic sate on tnejircmises, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1S72, at one o'clock, the following Real Estate to wit : A tract of land situated In Paint township, in said county, late the home of Harbara Klougb. ad joining lands of llenjamin Miller, (iilllan Lease. Widow Pile and others, containing one hundred and elev.ii acres awl seventy-two perches. The im provements are, about fifty acres cleared, and in a good state of cult ivat ion. about eight acres in mead ow, and a one ami a half story log house, log barn, and a spring-house thereon erected ; an apple orch arl Is growing thereon, and a spring of gd water is convenient to the dwelling. The unimproved land Is well timbered with oak, chestnut and other tim ber. Terms: One-third in hand, and the balance In two equal annnal payments, on the first April, 1X74 and 176, with Interest. Piwscssion to be given 1st April 1x73. Twenty !er cent, of hand mouev to be paid when sale Is made, and the balance ot hand money on the first of April itf7:i. DAVIU J. LE1IMAV. Scqt 11. Trustee. WANTED. ii CROSS-TIES OX THE LINE OF THE S. & M. P. E. E. Fur particulars, inquira of L llcora, Y. Sept 11th. X.O. KEIM. "pROPOSED AMENDMENT TO TBI Constitnlion tfjtajlraa Joint Keaolntinn Ir nosing an Am endment thetnnktitalionof Penn sylvania: s if Retolved the Senatt mnd fomc of Rep. rrttniativt f Ike CswIU of Prnmytva niain General Atxtmbly wtrt. That the following amendment of the Institution of thin Common wealth lie proposed to the people for their adoption or rejection, pursuant to the provisions of the tenth article thereof to wit: AMENDMENT: Strike oat the sixth section of the sixth article nf the Constitution, and Insert In lieu thereof the following: "A State Treasurer shall be chosen by the qualified electors of the Slate, at such times ami for such term of service as shall be prescribed bylaw." WILLIAM ELLlorr, Speaker of the House of Representatives. JAM IS S. RUTAN, Speaker of the Senate. ArenoviEn The twenty-second day of March, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two. JNO. W.UEAKY. ? Prepared and certified Ibr pnblfcatlna pursuant to the Tenth Article of the Constitution. FHANC1S JOKDAN. Secretary of the Commonwealth. Office Secretary ot the Commonwealth, I liarrisburg, June 2sih, 1H7X ja!3 FOR SALE, , The undersigned will offer at public sale, at pub lic outcry, on THURSDAY, tho 10th day of OCT03ER, 172, at one o'clock p. m., on tha premise. In Donegal tp., Westmoreland eo 14i : acre of land, more or less, adjoining lands of Henry Hoticld. Widow Peck, lands formerly nf James Jones, known as "Jones' .M Ilia," ami others, having thereon erect, ed a Log Hank Harn, Two-story Frame Dwelling House, Tenant House, fire hard and other Improve ments. About one hundred and twenty acres are cleared, and all the fields are weU watered ; twen ty acres In meadow, and the remaining timber very good. 1 krms: One-third, 'cash on confirmation of sale; one-third In one year, and balance in two yearn. wun interrn rrom oaie oi eonnrmauon, u be roa oy juugmem nnn'i. JEREMIAH BROVQHER. Sept 25. Trustee, B1niMildil:.I.Tatl lwwMwJnkdfcnwawiM lviioi.r.s.ii.i: t. not ir. PITT33XJEG?. June S3. 'Ti A STEAM ENGD' 25 Horse-Power With Two Boilers. A.ldrc-a J. FORSYTH HARRIS.. Aug. iH. Cnnineriant 'WIl' Of V' & can With we si 54 ,1 Cai - Pl'l Cm at P Onti It' fc Fki Bl" ' Yoi power 8. C at Ibc dednti We juatire pKE lopes a 100 OA -ti-1 A fin Treil! Best and sh Beerits A n belts to Tmi Fort fecti'du cijpr'si picn, t go the ; Mrs. quest s bill, "f mediutc Ir yo the S'ini new an chines, thrash t whstnu The i in m y h knryviint please c-.t A Kimrr The T. ence n weQ aitei from t'rv " Stirrinfr of Mt rff ford. Notic haTe lefl 31arsliall, as I hare They rati they will of the lat Ox Sut WM assei the issues xna Jleyt ring spee Mercer, i argnnient $10 Ri 27th, 137: honae am and ten d. of newjp the above F. C. s, - "Somerse Cauti Dr. '.Mc bears th BROS., private I ' no other, tation. Mb. E. for aotue t elrp busini to remain day inorni Tille, wht same busi oor peoph workman. COAI purpose, fee, can ; (formerly l of this iio miner from out, and tt beautil'iil k slat (lu; the Found i It Is not a phyic which may give temrr.iry re- lief to the suM.-rer for the firt few d.H'S, hut which irom continued use hringa Piles and kindred dis eases to aid In weakening the invalid, nor Is it a d.s-t.iriNl liquor, which, under the spular name of liuer," is so extensively palmcl oil on the pub- ; He as soverciirn rcmeillcs.'hul It Is a mott potrrrful I T oaic and Alterative, pronounced sn hy the leading mclical authorities of and Pari.', an.1 has leen long use.1 by the regular physicinns ol other , c un'.ri.'s with Wiin leritl reme.ii :il rcsttlf Agents Wantec igl. UefBi v & I! FtRTHK tomytrient On and a books will 1 Kimniel. at Kimniel. 1 debted, will wj Ms imm save trouble Florence 11 WELLS" EXTRACT if JIIIEU SEWING MACHD rt'tnin! liii the meiiitMi wnu pciii:tr ! Ihv pi tnt i and must be taken as a permanent curative agent when-vcr the FLORENCE I, there want of ,t ,n your L.rer mnd V"""' ; intr-sin.-e,!. it l,:is met with the gr-atcs f nh-ss relieved at once, the blond becomes impure It ,.,..hT.. .i :.l vZJr. i hy deletcreons s-H-retKs. pnsiucing a-rofnlojs or nd " .m thJ hUmMA tV Kmrr,i2,Hel,M' PU"U""' C"n"l'r- ! '".sfeeaud"; TakeJI lit Hr:nAtle.nse.pnriry,u!rcstre!r'- ".' ',7JZr wd! v the vitiate.1 bhs.l to healthv action. ' h.ef 'V. m?,Z, T, - f- - Hoveyoum Dyneptie Xtomaeh I t'nless di.res. I !i . :,,lni r''1 benlu"y. Ail a.u-.- tion is promptly aided, the system is debilitated ' i"' Zf 'rZ ",!. - - - , with K-ss.d vital force, poverty of the KI.whI, Ir.i- sicni icmiency, iicnerai weakness or LASsltn.le. Take it to assist Digcstkai without reaction, it will iniiart youthful vigor to the weary sultcrer. . Hate you wrakneit of the Intettinei I You are in danger of Chronic Diarrhoea, or thc.drci.llul In- . Uammatlon of the Bowels. : Take it to allay irritation, and ward otf tendency ' to InUammations. Hat OM teeaknett of the Vterine or Vrinmry' Organ tf You must pp.ieure Instant relief or vou i are liable to sutlering worse than death. ' Take It to strengthen organic weakness, or lire ! becomes a burden. j Finally, it should be frequently taken to keep the : system In perfect health, or you are otherwise In i great danger of malarial, miasmatic or contagious I JOHN Q. KF.LLOOO, 18 Tlatt St., New York. Sole Agent for the t'nited States. I Price, One Dollar per Buttle, Send for Circular. ; apply to or &.M:v HECKERT& McKAIN. Xo.S Sixth Slrff riTTiEUfc 12 ;j. Tkacher " examintitior tije-aand p iJisbury, Dale C ity Berlin, s Somers-t, Stoystown Jenner X Centrevill Petersbur; Soot hump Applicant: dance by 9 c at a later ho class that da friends of e "VOTICR I hereby give not Political Campai OF lM7v. v. a Grant Greeley t ted Wel- -nd week Capo" and IP- Talk at maid know who pave th fleered hear aairaathe i fesciaations. rif ht' that t With t. l.. . c ea-iA a v , cj'.r"ivn fj a. x- ti- - uieirru-nm n ilce that I have appoin ncsday. the 1st h day of Sei.tcmber. (sec Court i to award the premiums oliered bv me three b-st colts bv mv imported Fnirllsh Draft Horse. 1 request every person owning cits by this j horse to have them on the Fair Orounda. In Ntjn I erset borough, at 2o'ckK-k p. m., on the day men TILVNSPAKOCIES iioniHi. ....... , , , . 1 lurther give notice that parties having engsg- w "h ortraits or any device f. r . ed Cotswold li mto. can pnicure them at anv ! Silk, Hunting and Muslin FLit" time. I still have a few pairs unsold, and anv per- ' hand or made t" order. Chine son desiring to purchase can have an onnortnuitv sixes and stvlcs : Pamr Ital.i-ii. r'-f" ontnataay. i tit.K iii.tiLLl N OTICE.- A Camiiaign Club uiU " liates at The nnlilin are hereto- notified not to rnrch:ise any of mv notes that I gave to Hiram tn.ll.iy, I Fs.., falling due on the 1st April. ls;:t, 174 aie I j IH7. of Four Hundred ami Forty four Dollars each: that the money tor those notes said Hiram Findlay agreed to pay upon certain mortgages an-l ju-lg- j nii-nis uniii mo records oi oouiersi-L oouniy, wun i the three payments alniasly pal I him. each of tho amount ot 6444; that he has not applied the pay ments to satisly the liens as he agree,! to do: there- j furet I shall nut pay any of the payments or notes yet anpaid, until he satisfies and pays off the liens as be has agreed and is bound todo. unless compell ed by law solo do. A HKAUAM tJF.TZ. V ellersburg, August 2S. 1ST3. septi-3t- iiiSliSFffliI Chnmbensbun;, Psu. With ample Oruunds and elegant Ruildlnga, a. fit ted np as m be homelike and attractive, and well equipped for thorough educatkal work, will open the hrst Term of the next Academic year Septem ber U h. l7i For Circulars, apidv to Kev. C. it. LANE. 7M. F. SCnELBLlTS CAMPAION PKPT. 4!) South Third Stmt rhi'3 SF.NP FOR Cir.l" LtB. . July M, TA Aug. J. TOTICE hereliT riven, that on the lTih dav of .Tulv. 1S72, the nicmlcrs oftllomer't Kvangidli-al Lntb eran Church of Somerset Co,, pa., made applica tion to the Court of Common Pleas for a charter of Incorporation, and that unless sufficient reason is shown to the eontrnrv, the aauio will be granted at September Term, U1Z DEXNI8 MF.TF.RS, 12th Aogtut, 1S71 Prothonotanr, i Pl'XIIAM. WITH ,( MOSFXi:Y, 1IKTZG1 BOOTS SXfpS No. 43S MARKET Sl' n'iLU N0.6Twm.i)ST.,prrrsiii-1111 July 10, 7L 1a a- a aim attendant t hair are . rsauii of o-t univei as an "wtlie jew Cionr of Wo at before tl put irritating tea tlundru tlie surl endowing the RrLioiors tcaaectcd w ut'l Kefor ; ommenf The r.A -umlav 1 churcl J ; on f new ch durinj; ainly 1 ITatiirv s ? v. A. I "ft -erviee b- Kfe Coii Jf 9 i t'unimu wT'iV?- T T.V'Higbee U t; Ill