The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, October 02, 1872, Image 1

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Vorrn- ot 1 u
Vein-!. M.wiiins. atl
a.: ram: otherwise t-
heJ every
if naid ,n
inn"- - -
, ,Drana!0 ' , ..wttawJ antl!
, h-Tip !' ' f ,Im4.prl lectin to
- " tak' '
h:.-ntn 1 MInt a the fonnersi
VM the !'
" T
b5 voraa into con-
I somerset Printing Company,
Eb1- Manager.
i, if
KIVMH. will witne to practice
,n I tender hi prolrsecsul -rrt-
u -.. n"T-
lilae re-.-
. ,,.v illktiiVTZ. ATTORNEY AT
,it. U.
It u-.
.1 K.
ra.-e-i to bt or lu
KktK tender hi pr.b-l'wial ;
ui Nonicret nod vicin-
i'.i a.. -f the Mar. :
r jan. -.1. TO.
v 'LL.KK ha permanently located :
. r iU, ,'.rcu-e f bl pn-".
Char!'- Kn.-iwt' '
England & Bindley,
nr.c TBADr.
Han. B. ". Jlejcrr.
!! rc-opcn-sl hi tnre a
Tl K.-M.
zander H. '..Until ha
et iaw in ncret ana
thee ta the Recorder' ittiee.
iv i ... l . mtiee in r.-sliwe wl
.uiei . - , 1 ,.
Few Doors Above the Old Stand
I A:hI . (!-!' ii mnnaen n-i frU&li a full line
. ol u'ls at tht vtrj' i.-wrt irirra.
illardware of Every Description,
A full aal rooiplrU Stork of Ale. ShnreK
Iliica, Scythe. SIlth Sawa, Mm
, "ailA, ami
J Elacksmlrhs' & Carpenters' Tools,
YlWtink h ay. attoknky at law ;
itf" ... i I'a will
r III ri-.i . -
!.u.iu" euiru:et to car wr.fc ,
auc. la-iy. ,
.11.! d"ll.'
i a. i
. 3. nij'i oii-iity.
t i s. tnrvt- Pa- will 'rarti In
'jTu i:.jtunc oo!. All MnM"
itirui M I prumi'tly asunJeJ to.
Tbe opinions of our people on this
J' "n . .subject arc so conipictr Iv farnuM, end
CI1I1 . ablVmy.r 1 263 Liberty St PITTSBURfiHr Pa. th(ir conrirtions m deep -ated, that
wf do not proptije to discnssorariie
the matter. We shall not attempt to
set forth the opinions nd acts of
Mr. Meyers on th!s great and vital
topic. A nr attempt to d. this in a
heated campaign, would be charged
upon us as an effort to make political
capital. We therefore propose to call
Mr. Meyers himself as a witness and
earnestlr invite the people of the dis
trict to Lear what he says,
In the Harrisliurjr Patriot of March
20th 1871, he uses the following1 lan
guage :
he discourses as follow., on ihe same
" Tho decisive vote ia favor of
' This gentleman is again a eaudi-! " r'Pal f then: uutm provw that
'date for Confess in thelCth District ! U u f Kepreseutative m the
; of our Stated The District is decpl v lorty-econd I onjrrew i.s cvnpletely
! concerned. W reason of its coal, irt.n, i ""omitted to a reform of the tar.IT.
mnr other "interests of protection. I r or twenty years the protectionists
lounu tnemseives in s ucn a
The onlv obstacle to a
A;"tJ fnr
QaaMtr of Fil IXSfKPASSEU.
15L0033 PURGE!
1 i'a.
M. 0LLI.VS. LtXTIST. Nwrn-rM-t,
In the lr-t r-" J". P-""
at ail unci t-e K'ttaJ ,-reiwiv.l t.. Jo
.. . -. n-fruiMitnu-. ex-
I..- teei'u.n all au.l .f
? 'V.-; milerial. iwrrtxl. All ...Krai;. war-
.4 TTi IKX EY AT LA W. S iM-
j.r .mii atuind tu all l,sin-Mi
M jo. v a IvanreJ o eltiuo
11 VHL.
... . K?m-
".'.'-i in Lu- r'len.-e. Sn Xain rt.
k.-.a. 1. .
.. .n - . . 1 ia a hnhiiiMi rn.
i fiiuri
71 y.
r K un-v anl Pennna Axent. S,nerw-t,
i'i - , .n ta' t -.rt H.nwe. Jsn-11 ,r-
I! f- w,u 1,,, '""
L Hi'" car. In mer-t and a.!j.-nin
L. T:!! i r .a;..Ui. uil Odtlny. t je m
yH:lvt Mare of All Kind,
Aii'l evcryiUn tel ujiiii to the Lamp trtilc.
Thi Bemtdy ha hcea In use orer (irmy yrcrt.
: ami haa rtirvU tnoagaikia of eaaea cwlUensl inra
. mile by the rutesk. It haj oot failed in a Mn
' pic caae tu (five relief If Dt entirely care.
It if particularly reaminen'led la the follow U.g
, dmi plain l;
During the last campaign the Dem
ocratic press of Pennsylvania uttered
no uncertain roice concerning the in
iquities of that legislation which im
poses heavy duties on the necessaries
of life, and taxes the many for the
Ltnefit of the few. We oh.-erve now
j with pleasure that the Democratic
i newspapers in al! portions of Pennsyl
I vania heartily commend the course
; of these Democratic memlx-rs of the
! delegation in congress who voted for
in ail j !.- i a repeal of the duties on salt an 1 coal.
taken from
! in anr rferamretnent of the BlooJ.
; Kvuliar to female it ! a rare and Surrrri; Htm-
I la rbnru it heinc a Brmtim art in thruoch tin , the editorial column of that able and
i irrviAUto. . r moo oo ail luc iinMirtJUit or-
! The following article
HKMI H- -1 E.-
It wiU cure ai-
ifnllc inrrmthe pa?-
7,;,, -,,,! thi well kn.wn b.Ar In the
S lEcr-eu It l in itr.eniim iu
t;.XB he Ivpe wiliirive tutuliwtiua Ij j
..i t him with their rn"t..m.
JtiliN IiILL. i
ran an.l emanctories uf the buiiy.
UKt any caratiie .wtit.
For mile by MEYEHS fc AN A WALT. Berlin. !
Pa.. aal hy Jeaieri in Family Medk-iDea eery-
where. July i 71 i
; r-W. i'a.. will eive rrii'.r
.- eu;ruteil to hi care in Somerset an.1
..unit". itne . niu ti.. -ti
ucnoe of Ld. ScuiL jy. -0-
kN'EPPEK. PhTsician aal Iientlrt. lfc-rlin.
i i WiU sive prci; aiienti'in t U
, i to hi ear. 'l'" west i.f the
,.-r Hooe." lint a orcoi! henstiiiure hy
f p. c lucr.
vu A. C,. MILL Ell. after twelve
J v -- K -ive prartire In StiankTilie. ha
, ...nti.-nt;v l.icnted at Sotnervet f-rthe pro
' .i .nr.'aiid teivier hi pr.tiional -r-,.".?
tu oir.trn ot STOTet an l vicinity.
l-c :n the ::n n.i!y orrupicd hy
I -n 1. JfP- he can ue ciiumieu 41 an
,.r f.v;.cllv cniracca.
A lare tot k of
Table Knive. and Fork.
Tl ly
a; Liw. S.nTet. Pa. J-rotpen.oai ini.-i
c-.i-aliy K.lid'.ot nJ ;-anualiy atteml-
Ki-EK. . ...
S.mcret. r-nna.
T.itrctlier wiih manv an irk- t t.umerott to tuti.
ti-in in an alvt'rtieinfnt- lie i detenu Uicl to
sound democratic Journal, the Lan
caster Iiiltlli'itfiictr :
Ia the house of representatives on
Mondav resolutions repealing tbe du
, ty on salt, coal, tea and cone were
; tiromptlv passed, ibe vote lor re-
j iealing the dutv on salt was yea?
;148, navs 46: on coal veas 130,
I nays 4. Seven Democrats voted to
retain the dutv on salt and eleven to
retain the tariff on coaL
The following is the anal vsis of the
' vote of Pennsvivania delegation :
For repealing the duty on salt
Yeas Messrs. A Ler, (ietz Utt-
i At a time like the prenrnt. when labor U wrre. : (ItUtal M?lHVand Storm Lh'MO-
It i Important that farmer! who are tnterrated j rrdtil 5
h-Hild rive attcntloo to anr Imnrorrmcnt that will .
tend to their relief. In the li. ier Separator the ; AYS Messrs. CreeleV, DlCKCV,
tanner will not only nn.1 a friendly latMavmc . (Irilhlh llarnu r kVH. V
; Killinger Jl'L'kllaud M'Junkin, Mey
icrs, Packer, liandall, Scofield, Shoe-
. m.i I .ii- Vtjjr anil Tiiirniinil lit
. . . . ( . , . . . . . . 41 V 1 , 1 f'- ' V . u.ul. v.
' H I 7 PyiWUBlWim I ' lFIMLa 1W BOW . -
have tliem In racrewtnl irau . DcIUOCralS, 4 KadiCaLs, 1 1.
.1 U'. L U t ' ' - . ' ' - - . . - -
painters' goods in general; Grain Separator,
AnJ Improved
Triple Gearei HORSE POWER!
machine. 1-nt a
Great Economizer,
ell at the very kvtrt prii-c.
jane I Ti
Give him a c&il.
A a (.'LEA NEK. It to ruperior to any other mv
! chine. j
ty.CKERSWILL. hUt.s i
I Fine MaoJe and Pier luic utww i
Pic-ur Frame a Speciality.
For Business Men.
"Tho Reserve Fund Folicy."
I Ia Anl 1. 1 n. .I... 1. av m . .
, tlmrvUKliiy thresh and clean (train nt tor rear- it-ttis, s,.
and Shertcmxl 3. Democrats 1, rad-
1 act.
K EIM fc H A Y. Ktkllck. S-menet Co., Pa., are
; the Wr aoeaie. and Sam'l Boxer I ar.
For abolishing, the tariff ou coal
Yeat Messrs. Ici'er, Jlaldfman,
1 Meuer. and btorm 4. AH lK-nio-
I i erats.
' A'otf." Messrs. Crcelev, Dickev,
a i FwJtr. GHz. Griffith, liaruier, Kil-
iiriLiiger, Kelley M Clellaad, M'Junkin,
O Mevers, 1 'acker, .'anJabhoemaker,
bconeld, Sneer, and lownscnd 17.
t Democrats, 6 ; Republicans, 1 1
' u
' Oi
.' PI
n. ; r.;rl t- do all kind "f l4anlnc and
r j;jturit-j ot luu-llii maicriain,
s!I AND In n iKS.
r . m. ii.ii.i ceerny mt& la h. baiM-
it w.ra d'-nc to oriicr.
I M K it R A T Eli 11 .1,
Secarps Spf ial Protection t
! o:
(H D k. JuXI-S.
VMK it;il
mssji:i:i:t, somkuset, pa.
u. I riar"l to mannfactare at kind of
Vi A;0N, SLEIGHS, .Vc.
He w;'.l a'.o ir.nij'tly attend to
l. i i i a -i i3 i r.TTi.
x .u: the I1EST MATERIAL wit 1 ncd. i
.irk dce la the laten and nvt api.r.iveti
at tbe
Every Policy Holder, j
! CC!
o ;
Co Abtnw Messrs
i 55 ; and Slttrxcood 3
I I The Democrats who voted to re-
i peal duties on the necessaries of life,
are in accord witn tbe sentiment oi
artv throughout the countrv
tax was put on salt for the benefit
of a few monopolists, and evcrr Dem
ocratic newspaper in Pennsylvania
has denounced it as a gross outrage.
The people of the L'uited States use
40,OOO.wn) bushels of salt a year, aud
the tax at fifteen cents a bushel
amounts to $6,000,000. That much
i is annually taken directly from the
; pockets of the people, and only $1,
Firtxuniifht Supj" ? are thirty nve year
of are ami take a -lCeiJerva Fund Policy" at or- !
dinarv liie rate.
t ne annual payment will iuure yoa 2 year and
3 day. " !
Two anna&l payment! wiU 1 oca re you t years
and 12 day.
Three annual payments will inare yoa yean
an-1 '.T day.
Five aauual psynKUt will Inure y 10 year (
and a day.
Six annaal nsynenU will iliure yoa 12 year!
and 11 -lay.
lit are to call and ace. and be euBvsor-j
- f
C3 iL ai there are too many article kept fic
, . . . .... i enumerati".
This Protection Appliesto any Age, j
Au l i exprcMly slated In every Polk-y.
FalrMs MsA
i !
C A L J Z S ,
Of all km.'.- Be canfulto bar
. lr the sreoaine.
Saie. rcMlred in'irp'-ly.
--A1.. lUtrraire rmw- are-
Iru-'k. ItniToved Motlev drawer, fce,
r AlkhKS MOUSE It ..
r 1 Second Avenue. Ptt?!'Ors;.
SoacasET. pa.
Jaly 17 A. W. KXEPPFJt.
i Thi I tnecriifv thai mv late hnhand. Ian
j R wj infnml in the Kerkhire Ijle
i inxarauce ( 'iimpany. Pitleheld. Ala., ficai.sin.
. IicwrulirT l:h. lvu. irewtuta payaMe uttarteriv. ;
That two paytneui acre triple up to June 1 a.
1 -Tl. that heiile.1 ietder llth, fut mouths after
: be tailed to make hi payment. ;
The uual prools of death were- ftirwanled to the !
fiuipany. ami tlie fail amount ol the policy. le i
' the two quarterly payaient due at the time of hi
death, wa paid to me bv their tieneral A rent in
Phiiailelpliu. W. H. rave. at their otBce. S. W. j
corner 4 'Lc-iituut and Eleventh Street.
W. H. Greene, kite ol New York. inurei a lew
year ince in the Berkshire Life Ineuraace t aa
ptinr fi-i: but cwina; to aii1oriune la bui-im-c
unable to auae any payment to tbe
t 'oiRanv liurinr ue year and live aauath prhw to
l.i deeraiv. 1 have" thi uay paid (at tbe New
, V.irk urhee of tbe 1 'oenpany. 271 Broadway, comer
"f t't.amcer utreetl. three' ttioaaand two handnsd
, ami ninety-nine ib-iiara. thi brina; the lull amount
due U. hi wid rw. alter deduct in the overdue pay-
) an-nt and intetvn.
;rter f tnev n w a rr ana Manufae. . M-n n nth. '7. sapermteodeBt.
tarrp f (;loirwiarp. !
iel , JEM P S XUltSEUY,
i ti.pvi:e St. t'harlc HoteL)
Wh.d SmtFT. PirrsEiniiii, Pa.,
The sutMcriber Id S inns bi friend and the pub
Uc that he I duw Jeviauif bi entire time ta hut
Head (lie Following
talma Paid,
I.Ut of
The fir ne ever trte.l in theenanty. ami t pra
pared to rural h prutnjitly all kind of
Vines and Plants.
BtalerMi-ned It prepared to Bunufartnre all
Jamc Juice. Nca
j ov.niue 4 mitfitha.
! F. H. '. Hamie.
j snent overdue 4 anaith and
.Mm . B. Hart. Chkmrti. UL 5.uQ. pavmeat
ovi-rdue 7 month and U dav.
i H. '. altae. Ki.tiL Mm. rJ-OUu. tainneM
"Il'ly 'dJi'ir aod bns overdue a mositas aa.t 14 da vs.
U klbdsot , i.m4 Vew St.nrflU. Ia.) suaaa
; pa v merit overdae X awth and" 7 da vs.
Beraanl O'arady. iMtnai. .Mirk, (2.400. pay-
iVDaf I UrultkUlnr l.MMl4 . ment overdue 1 y ws. iu moat n aJM 1 1 uay.
Tbe Ursest sn-1 most completa la the United
Slate, enables him u raaraaiea to his eastotners
; the cboieet varieties and thriftiest growth. Hi
j price are lower than ever belore. HI resolve is
York CUv.4i.Ouo na-ment ' lo ' ""' by any in the State ia price or
1 -iqualuy. Tbea wonl. will be auvleawod: He will
New York City, ai.uoo M.. ! IeniOally solicit arriers this fail, but order ad-
1 dreeaed as abova w
Seid them la early.
ill a promptly aUeied to.
awiv ub hand anMi!
irun can
.. sj.ouo, A TT -t7Uw.c...n rs
payment oveniue 2 years. 1 axoth and z days. ! X X 0X11.10 US Ob JKJ.j
. kf In .. 1LU Clw mw. A... ..r
-w ore, M.ia tri. srrM Pa ' O" tDCHILD k SI ARSH ALL. A rent.
12 It. NOAHt:ASEHEER ! Jn U-"7X
cole, r rooks i co., j The Improved
oduce Commission Merchants,! ELLIPTIC SEWING MACHINE
V Iwlnes strV.lT rvaiiuL .- ,
fpeeuU aaeouoa aivea
'I .H.AW... L .
tJ""- 2 Mdler a. tv. Meyers aula.
Meyers a, Anawalt. Berlin.
kauu.,, hr4.a. l-rwudeat esu-ra Na
.i nana t4 Jialtimora.
New Draw Feed,
lock: stitch.
Floar MIU baUt oa ths site of the I
J ! raa, :.'.. Somerset .
j There are aorne poiats ia a Sewinr Machine thai
bvOe. defirinr lo iareBase, shiaiid take mtonar
sideratbai, aaiueiy:
; Lirhtaesa of ranalnjf.
I LaM of MaaareaMBt.
'Ioty UiwUm Wia-k Repaired,
j t renhaa fnHa Nosae, and
Noa-Liabiuty ta ret oot of Order.
i W claim that tbe IMPROVED KLLIPT1C
. uee all these points, and that at is
rnmted u.
cd paid
Now Manufactured.
,!iLt.b!ii7,.'mw-' And we solicit an exammati,. of bv lt.
.wast 1- r!-r.ri'- -
Twine and Ropes.
Wooden and Willow Ware, &c,
aaxcrarreKEaa a Joanna oa
H3 ilarkrt Street al S10 Ooouaerra Street,
Jaa r-tl
liberal terms.
LATUX BROS, II FUh Arenttabarfh, Pa.
he oailersismeaL proprietor of the Inamoad
Hotol. ua the suatheast corner of tbe lwanaaxl. bs
UmC uadacad by his ma ay friend t, would say ta the
traveling- puMie that aa ia aow prapaiad to receive
and apiily caiertaia ail who may rive aim a
11. mis aoaa win ba sun acted wu. um beat
urdar aad famiaa hue aaromatniatinBa.
Stoyttowa, Pa., Xprfl nth, 1TX
liM.UOO of it jro into the national
treasury. All the rest is transferred
to the coffers of a few men who have
a monojHily ol salt boiling. We are at
a loss to conceive how any Con
gressman can frame a decent excuse
for having voted to retain the duty
on salt
The tax on coal only yielded the
sum of $519,000 to the treasury last
year. It is a useless and au unnec
essary imposition. Our anthracite
has no rival in the world. The tax
may aid the railroad corporations
which are now engaged in an odious
conspiracy to prevent the production
of anthracite, but that is a strong ar
gument in favor of its speedy repeal.
The owners and workers of our vast
fields of bituminous coal do not need
protection. They have no reason to
! fear competition from the ioor article
wnicli is iroduced in Nova eotia.
Theonly persons in Pennsylvania who
are deeply interested in sustaining
the duty on bituminous coal are ct r-j
tain Trentlemen, most of them inti
mately connected with the Pennsyl
vania railroad, who have a mouopoly
in the business of furnishing Y cst
moreland coal to the gas companies
! of different cities, to far as the tax
j on coal helps them it injures the com
munity by increasing tbe price both
of fuel and light li coal cannot be
dug from our mines and taken to
market without the help of tariff du
ties, it would le impossible to con
ceive of industry which does not
stand in need of protection. The
idea of protecting such a commodity
by means of a tariff seems to be sim
ply preposterous. ' '" x
The only reason why certain Dem
ocratic Congressmen voted to retain
the duties on fait and coal, is that
they fear any break which may !e
made in the chains that monopolists
Lave fastened upon the iimls ot in
dustry. If the existing tariff is tam
pered with it is deemed probable that
tax on iron may ue materially less
ened. The Democrats from Pennsyl
vania who voted for dear salt and
dear coal did so at the direction of
the iron-masters of the State. That
the step was an unwise one we are
fatly convinced. Extreme votes of
that character must lessen the influ
ence of the Pennsylvania delegation,
instead of increasing it. Members
from other States who might be dis
posed to allow a moderate tariff on
iron, will be set against it by this ac
tion of our members. Tbe assaults
of all the Free Trade newspapers in
the country will be. directed airainst
the duty on iron, to preserve which a j
' I I ft lt tint
great and beiiiftcent reformation is the
Senate. It remains: to be seen how
long that body will resist the emphat
ic demand of the people expressed
through their Representatives.
Those Democrats from Pennsylva
nia who voted against the mouoio-
lies iu two prime necessaries of life,
coal and salt, are not merely in ac
cord with the great Democratic par
ty of the country, as tho vote attests,
but they express, the will of nineteen
out of twenty Democrats in the
State of Pennsylvania. The repeal
of the duty is demanded alike by the
consumer and the toiler in the mine.
At this very hour the duty on Nova
Scotia coal is an important auxiliary
of the railroad monopolists in the
warfare which they . arc waging
against the people. They have loud
ly protested, through their organs,
that the free admission of Pietou coal
would give them no concern. This
veto of the Pennsylvania delegation
in Congress proves now lively are
their fears. Rut for the duty on coal
the present 'corner in anthracite
could never have been accomplished."
In the Bedford Gazette of Aprd 20,
1871, Mr. Meyers resumes the argu
ment and ys :
Mr. W. M. .Jrosvtjrnor, of the St
Louis Denifxrat, the organ of the
Missouri Radicals) who was formerly
one of the most fiat-footed of squarc
t.rt il ' protectionists," has turned from
the error of his wavs, and in a ImhA
called " Due proeciiun protect"
shows the manufactuers and laborers
of this country how they deceive them
selves and how thev are deceived bv
the philosophy and i philosophers of
the vrcc!ev school.- The editor of
the Inquirer should buy a copy of this
iKok, read it, put a lump of ice on
his head, and iuit living, if he wouM
be relieved of the terrible pressure on
his brain produced by the tariff hum
A week later April 2", the
same pajter in the Bedford Gaztttn in
replying to an artical of the "Bedford
Inquirer," in favor of protection, Mr.
Meyers makes the following very em
phatic asweli as polite, declarations :
Says the Inquirer, of lost week,
"the Difference (with a big D) be
tween tho free traders who try to
palm themselves off on the country as
Revenue Reformers and the Repub
licans is a very plain one." Here is
richness for you ! Tke difference be
tween the "free traders" and "Repub-j
licans," forsooth! If no "Republi-j
cans" are "free traders," then therw
are but fortv "Reunblicans'' in Con
gress, for that is just about the num
ber that party could muster against
free coal and free salt Out of 12C
so-called ' Republicans" in'Congress,
onlv nlioiit one third belon? to the
Inquirer's pimon pnr. Why is it
that our neighbor insists on making
himself ridiculous ? Does he imag
ine that his readers are not aware
that two-thirds of his partv in Con
gress spit upon the "protection plank
which Oreelev would insert in the
Radical platform? Whv, if the com
inz Radical National Convention
dare to hint at "protection" in the
platform, two thirds of the party will
refuse to stand upon it and will delio
eratelv vote against tbe nominees.
We ask no better opportunity for
Democratic success in 1S72, than
would le afforded bv such a platform.
But the Radical leaders will not com
mit so suicidal on act. Thev will put
Revenue Reform (or as the Inquirer
delights to style it. "free trade") m
their platform, and our neighbor will
stand on it and halloo as loudlr for
it as if he had not wasted gallons of
ink in vain attempts to write it down
The Radical party dares not ignore
the wishes of the farming communi
ties of the West, from which it has
heretofore drawn its chief support at
the nolK and. therefore, will favor
free trade, or doge tbe tariff ques
tion altogether."
In order that there mav be no pos
sible misapprebention or mistake
aliout his exact position we append
the following remarkable letter penned
by himself, and published in his own
paper the Patriot of Jnly 7th. 1871.
The following letter in regard to
the progress of free trade principles,
from B. F. Meyers, member of Con
gress from tbe sixteenth district of
this state is taken from the Free Trad
er for July :
Bedford, Pa., June 17, 1871
Mahlon Sand. -. Dear Sir:
Yours of the 5th inst, inquiring as
to the progress of free trade ideas in
this part of the country, is received.
My reply has Iieen unavoidably de
layed, but I now take pleasure in giv
ing yoa an answer.
I. The pres of the Republican
party in this state is, generally speak
ing, in the "Protectionist" interest I
know but a single republican newspa
per in the entire commonwealth which
has favored a tariff for revenue, simp
ly and solely, in preference to "protec
tive" duties. That paper is printed
at Lancaster, and is called the Ex
press, it is edited witn considerable
ability. The democratic press of the
Plate is, I belter.- onitedlv in favor
of "a revision of the present tariff."
cunistances. There is, however,
goodly huhiIht of ouL-hikeii revenue
reform democratic newspapers in the
state, and much good has been aeeom
plishcd by their boldness and consistency.
ale do yon boy of him a day?"
" Not more than three on the
II. The pettple of the s.tate are at
allxmring the relation t- it that yon
did ? There reriainlv is no evidence
extant that the two houses of Con- age."'
gross were 'bribed, or that an v mei.i-? " We'll call it three, then, at ten
ber of .;tber botise was moved to cents a g!a. It amounts to just-
' vote fur tr.e lue T.c imnrnner consid-" thirtv ceut. Y..:i get yonr cigar-i
J eratioirs. Xoood r. to tav knowledge.
present in favor of moderate "protec
tive" duties on coal, pig metal and
the various manufactures of iron. I
mean a majority of the people of the
state. Salt, hciup, wool, woolen and
cotten manufactures, and other arti
cles which are not extensively pro-
, land frigBtenin' thj
! vulsions.
Once he grew impatient at the iong
j delay in lashing his freight to his tail,
(and started prr maturely, running a
hundred yard.- rt a slapping pace
ore he discovered that he was flying
; igbt. He" sneaked back, looking
' sheepishly apologetic.bat ked up aga-ri,
i waited until a bunch of tin clipping-
;as securely fastened. By-and-by
; these dog-races became an old thing
j with us boys, but the appetite grew
upon Knave until be didn't feel ia
i good health if Le mied his dianial
: j "sport" Then begot to collecting all
! the tinware he found lying arounT
Q Jooe, and storing it up for future u?
I If by any rha.ncf, we forgot to exer
'. cisc hiai, be would go to his tin pile.
j i-eiect a promising oyster can, or sec
tion of stovepipe, carry it in his mouth
to one of his biped friends, and beg
piteuusly to have it tied on. Knav.-'.-enthusiasm
fur the turf finally led
him on t hi.-, death. A he grew
' lodcr hi tasjc rr'w more fastidious.
I rr.. . .. . .
-Not more than a couple, and ten ' "e. ,l" r". M '
centonesat that" , that which was Urnishe.1 by atmos-
-That makes fiftv cents. Fiftv I'r,c x.dauou. and. having Ltt.e
three dollars lrH,',r, ...
sioie nourmsuiiy irni me village
shop. Finally, an apprentice detected
,him getting off with a string of pint
' . , r., .1 i.;k .
It- 11 I 1 t . i - j ., I'UI'tt urau I1UUI luim, nmiui.BUT-
ii til, i ut-c arc ; a uiuu i ui'i"" ,, . , . . t - .. k, .
it . . l i .t . f 1 j i ' ed him to vkM up his frosty ghost
will. lU'U U 1 U (. 11 HIM. . . ... 1 -
there, I believe. How manv a day ?"
cents a dav amounts to
a week, and three dollars a week, to
on hundred and fifty-six dollars a
We buried him on tie bid with a
I "hie jacet" headboard, bearing an in
i seritition t the effect that we con! I
has averred that the claimant himself
did anything worse than present his
petition, accompanied with the evi
dence which snowed it to be true.
Congress must have lielieved the evi
dence, or else the law could not ios
sibly have passed. Was the evidence
duced here, they would nreferto have term Some of it consisted of public
lightlv taxed. Thev are not "Drotec-! rpenrds. which are conclusive. it would
tionists" from priuciple, but from what; Other facts rested on thcworn state-' I hilikins, a little soberly.
thev conceive t ) 1 their interest ments of witnesses who professed to j " Yoa foregot that it is the dime
ine exnoriiitaiu an.i prc-mDitorv rate; ' know whereor thev affirmed ine "" "7 ""r""u ; l, snaro,? better dog
r.yy 'If0,ue t.l K.l r .... : . r .1 .1.: . fH ; showinc. what vou have stient for the i "a r r . . "
w.i i" in- i fii, i.wn.vt, ui . JH'riCtTL JUT-lllr Ol l lie I Tl 1SI ill 41.11J - - I " -"
tiirned tlie stomachs of many an ar- made out unless these witnesses were j last ten year, for ale and cigars, if
dent advocate of high tariff. The i guilty of willful and deliberate per. I't at interest, would not only have
dose is a little too strong, and pro-(jury ." But no attempt has been made! enabled you - to buy the Carleton;
duces nausea. J t0 contradict them, or to cost a shade j I'l-ce, but left you quite a surplus 1-1
I have no doubt that, if a proper 0f doubt upon their veracity. They J ' No v, do you suppose what
effort were made to educate the pop- are indorsed by their neighbors a's .vou nve drank and smoked has done.
n!ar mind in this State on the subject i men of unimpeachable character. ! you anJ frood ?"
Having for many years ived in the tmnK rt'ne ra :
- t i a . I i Kami
same town witn several oi mem. t
whose aEGdavits are most important, I i
If any one doubts the truth of tha
story, I can show hira the place wher
Knave is buried.
Xasiatctar mt Cawelp.
of tariff reform the present "Protec
tionist majority might soon be turn
ed into a minority. The pamphleteer
is the missionary needed in Pennsyl
vania. Facts, figures, statisticts, put
up in brief form and attractive style,
are wanted iu every household. The
field is open fur cultivation. The
ground is fallow. It needs but a dil-
One of the iut interesting n:e
chanical novelties to be seen at th?
International Exhibition in London,
is the cnvelotie machine of Fenner &
Now, don't you feel that spending; Co., of that citv. Ail the mauiil la-
know that their oaths are entitled to
confidence as full and as implicit as
theoathsof any men in America.
Soch is the case as it appears to me. 1
There may be some wrong or wicked
ness about it that I never saw ori
an amount oi money HKe tunt, on
what you tiiVol does you no harm,
and what vou i noir has done yoa no
good, is paying rather dear for yonr, veiopes blanks, and the occasionarre
bor, that is refjuired in
! the machine is limited
plv from time to time of a pile of en-
attrndicg to
to the sup-
whistle "
i moving and banding of the finished
igent sowing of the seed to cause tha heard of. I did not see the joint res-1 ulantly, flinging the sti
is in it nntil c,?r -oss me roan, -w
,, reioneui uiiiK.fl-j.pii- eavtiopS. Inns tLe entire and va-
tump of bis
ouldn t vou
body have seme pleasures ?"
"Most certainly; but I would have
them of the rational and enduring
nous processes, oi ieeding, gumniicg,
stamping, folding, delivery and collec
tion, are performed automatically by
a series of mechanical operations (-
vised with the utmost ingt-nuirv and
harvest to spring up in abundance. niminn n lnnr what m
III. 77ir voldician are ilescrilieit ' i .a. ci.e.nAnl T ! nave a
1 1 1 1 i ' ' aittl 1 1 u. i 1 . " i. ij , ii.i ,
in the first paragraph in reference to wa3 asked to give, and did" give, a
the pre.. Thev are under the donii-l nrnni.m nnAn tha Tir! p.-in-
nation of the monopolists. So far as ! otructton of it, which was laid before i ,ntl auch.M J0,Jr wife and Turn-! carr'ed out in perfection ; the machine
the tariff is concerned thev dare not j you Still later, vou and I had some I cttn rarteiPa,e ia- Now, you j withal leing execssireiv compact aa 1
call their souls their own." Lo.A at j conversation about the points of law i were t,,I!in? the othcr day that t well arranged,
the platforms adopted by the recent involved. It was perfectly man ife3l'-vou touMn't afford to take one good;
TLe pil of envelope blanks lx-ing
conventions of the two political par-' t0 me that you were giving the ben-' fmil.r P-P01"- Why, the amount you placed in position on a plate at or;.
ties, and you will see the subser-!efit of every doubt to the Govern-! sI-nd every week, for what does you . end of the machine, which may 1
viency on the one hand and timidity I ment, and were determined to make niore karra lan g'd would pay for I done either at rest or ia motion," tl.e
on the other. Educate the popIe, j TOUT 'calculations as strongly against i tbc subscription a whole year." i filing process is effeeted by the siia
and the politicians will learn quick j tlje claimant as you possibly 'could ''True enough. Mary has be en pjc a;d fJf intermittent suction. An
enough. ruirv t!io fio-nrca Frprr : teasing me to subscribe for the vil-i elastic tulje has a trumpet-shaped
on me note, me sentiment of tbe done and every
people of this state, in referent e t r-nn in mw nrsnr
conscientiously devo-' Dat n?ht do J!u den-T her such an i ni0Bt of contact the air is exansted by
and labor to the ter-1 muoceni ana rational pleasure, uue i a strike of the air-pump, when tl
free trade doctrines, is much improved I that voa "were
since last year. A few vcars ago. i t;no. nnr t!m
word spoken by ' Ia?e paper for the last six months. ; bras mouthpiece which descends on
tended ta show' 1 u. v i me uppermosi oiana, anu ai me
rora ; formince of an onerous duty, from J0U expend a hundred fold what it : m0uth-piece rues with the blank at-
an avowed Free-Trad'r was a
ail is a this section. Now he is to i - bteb , c,.!.1 nnt ,r ' would cost for your own se!5sh grati-
lie found here, there and every where. trat-In-e ku1 fbn much let me do : fication ? Now, Philikins take ni
His voice is a little subdued as yet, ! myself the justice to add that I am d,r!ce, and subscribe for it toe tirst'arm and grlppers, rapidly projected
but it will ere Iong lie heard from "t he j not never was and never will be, a' tnic!f T0U do nJ hereafter let; from the other side of the machine,
'"jtached, the suction Leing maintalat-d
T just sufficiently long to c-cable the
Delaware to tho Ohio.
I am, vours verv rei.ctfully,
Bedford Inquirer.
The 4'horpMlns; laiaa.
believer in this mode of setling dif-l'10111 "" hls own nouses. to seize the blank, when the moutL
' Terences between the United States j Let tne next Ruse you build be for , pit.ce ceases and the arm shoot back,
land a citizen. Though the legisla-1 yonrstlfj drawing the blank intd position over
Stive decree mode by Congress in this' There is a nseful lesson to be drawn ;tDe folding box and there rapidiv re
i case was, to the best of civ knowl-! fnra tDe foregoing conversation, andtea?;HS. fL At this moment," the
i edge and belief, founded in truth and i which is of actual occurrence. j stamping is effected by the action of a
justice, and though it be supported by j
I am speaking te you, sir not to. hammer and die, and" the gum is ap-
i j :. tt.i.i.. ' Tour next ooor neto-fioor tnoiifrn tier- t:i ,t, tt, ,.r
t- ... j .. nnmerous preceuenut, jei u in nauiCiJ . . o- r-- , imtu.i uuc l-iic ou mjcj ui ura
neiL .Tl . P to objection on general principles, A aP tciax apply equally as well to . side flaps, whereupon a plunger head,
pre- has been teeming with charges h to e8Ub,isheiil br cvi. him. of the rectangular forni T and size of
against I ostmaster General C ress- dcn o len ff ,ut h-t j iK,n't deny your families the sira- tbe envelope, descend.--, carrying the
well, of criminal misconduct m the!. ' 1 ; I nle and innocent pleasures that make Ki.nt : j. k r..i,i;n"'r-.v - v.,
a i wim v w u au,v ivi'AUik, .44V
1 an aiiraaive ana nappy , flap3 thus rai.-ed into a vertical pcr-i-poll
down the rof.f over tjon, are then enclosed and folded
d to build houses for down In nrcDcr seouence bv slides
fluenccs, inaccessible to private olici- other people. ; working in the thickness of the foll-
tation, and without a lobby to black-? -mr rirrrt if Halt moo j. j ing box ; anl finally the bottom of
mail the petitioner. But if Congress j ! the box rises and completes the ope r-
,A m , I - , , . li, 1. 1 VJ.-o aiuiuaovu , ' i ' . lb vunt ;
Mw Clf I iHlrffn I nniiTiniiii"a .Imm .-
"V Al V-v. , , 5 ? be passed upon by an impartial and I u''n,e SUCB
against the I nited Mates. . Anucipa- , 1 . ., v , - , nlace or
. i e.. ? i honest tribunal, composed of compe-i Placp or
-.reprouuciionoiiyBorpenning . , nn-wed' br TMDUr :Q l yonr own bea
uazetie articles, against .Mr. Cena,
and, as it is always ready to swear
bv Jerrv, we publish Mr. Black's
letter in vindication of the Postmas
er fleneral. It gives a full history
of the case and shows the malice of
the accusations.
York, August 27. 1372. t
Mv Dear Sir: Your letter of,
yesterday's date informs me that you
have been charged with criminal mis-;
conduct in the case of (Jeo. Cborpen-1
ning's claim against the United States
undertook to exercise the judicial; jr. Stevens, a French phvsician i aioa by pressing tbe sades so mat
function, decided the facts, declared , nnd mrreon aw a bntcber kiHino- a the edges are made sharp and the ad-
I the law. and directed you to execute! pjg. oWrved that he stirred the jhesioa is effected and secured. Tl.e
their judgment, you are surely not j bloodofthe animal, and added a hand-' i';Jc are thfn withdrawn, and t':..-
; ful of common salt to it while siirring, i hortoni of the folding lox drops, ai-
which immediately made it crimson, I lowing the envelope to drop ia a ver
and if stirring lie discontinued, the til-'Ie position into the delivery trough
'Mood remained fluid. The ehange cf underneath, running across the ma-
! the color of the bluod awakened Lis cnine, w Herein, hy a simple eontri-
euriositv. The
to blame for doing o.
I am most truly yours. Ac,
J. S. Black.
! vance ank combination of gnides. hi. '-
, curiosity, ine iuteiier wouia give
"l declare: i m almost aiscoarag- j Bd t.XPianatioa of the ex- "er. and pressers, the envelopes as
ami you a.-k me to say whether I , ed I" groaned Philikins to his t friend tTpt tiiat jt tept t from jellying an-1 ; they drop from the folding b.x are
know of any grounds for ladicvingj Smith. "It's nothing but dig. dig. ! irHJ;j;D;r pr sitprens seized" a vessel, j successively, uniformly, and regiilar
that you acted improrn rlv or corrupt-, from morning till night, week in ami ; rapo-r.t'"m,rH blood and made several ' Iv arranged, and worked along the
!y in that business. I do not hesitate ; week out. and nothing gained r.y it. , exneriments bv mmin- salt in it and trough ready f.-r removal and
to reply as fully as I can. You are " You don't mean to say. with your ( follad that the" blackest blood was im- ng up by the attendant,
right in supposing that our adverse i wages, that yoa d-.ii't lay by any-, Biediatelv chanred into a bright ver-i These 'manifold operations are
political sentiments will not influence .thing?'
me in a matter like this. Besides, it; " Yes, I do. I think mv.lf lucky i .hrp j. at .j.-t. '
million by salt. "Oh,"
the vear is up, if I'm clear of!
saitl Iie,!ee!'Ivt''v' an'l successfully wrought
lead to a with such speed, and almost siraaita-
practical rule." He had" observed in neity, that the finished envelopes are
, ! cases of yellow fever in the armv that turned cut complete at tbe rate of.'"
nun ate or 3.H") er h ur.
does not appear as 1 see it. to
any connection with politics.
aaa .a . w w - . a
t Hat particular act or corruption 'ny you ve wen working fiugooiithe blod drawn was verv black and ; P'
are you charged with ? You mention j pay for more than fifteen year-! Yt.u j fluid anJ on t(ding salt' it 1-ecame '
none in your letter to me, ami I have, j ought to have a snug little homestead j venuillion, and retained its freshness, j
up to this time, seen no speci fication ! by this time." whereas rrutriditv of the blood is one I
. . AT . . 1 . rr mt . i la It T V I -..! . T ; . . I
o your supposed onence. ine gen- iui mteu i, ' of the characteristics of yellow fever.
eral assertion against a public ofiiceri never expect to have. 1 bear that ir., th-..r. ,.i,n,in,i tl.. na,i there was once a gwxi om ia.:v
t i i-a,j-a! mviliyiv Wiia-JUVlH. lilt. UCUUJ . - . i
that he has acted dishouestly is easily ; Jones has bought the widow C arle-j moUe of tre.atin!r it, and gave bif pa- w",os at a?e ba,i aff' cU U Der la
ma le and impossible to ansvverbut by ! ton's place." j tjents a mixture c f various salts, and ! ve s laa DiecJ"rJ'- tad
a general denial. You have made vour i- " Yes. and he's got it at a bargain. ' : . . i i i. ' " i forgotten nearly al! her I'ast life and
(. ' i u .ft . ei , e ui 'l L Liiiir iihuitu L lie uitir- i . . - .
Fr-m the Xieoart DctcotraL
.1 BMf weawry.
There was once a good old la.
he )
a a . a ... J . w .1 1 . . .
denial in very emphatic terms, and ' too. iv itn w na; improvements
every iust man in the countrv will i can make, at odd hours, it will
say that under these circumstances ; worth double what he paid."
you are entitled to a triumphant ac-j "For my part, I don't see how he
ouital. Such, I do not doubt, will be 'did it; heearns no more than I. and
the popular judgment i he has a larger family."
;tlif- nf f.Tr in thf Wit
from one in five to one in fiftv.
Tfc Bisrraifkjr mt Df.
could not remember the names of l.r
nearest relation. But she never fr-
j got how liable she was to forget, an I
i being very sensitive one the point,
j she endeavored iu all sorts of craity
He ' wavs to conceal her weakness in tL's
The writer once owned a do-;
But von have the advanta" of 1m-- i "Ah. mv frienL but it isn't bv what was a spurious pointer, which a wick- respect. One dav ancld friend called
iug able to show that you executed ', he earns, but by what lie saves! j ed wag palmed off upon me as a full : on her. and in the coarse of conver
your duty in the case referred to with j " Well. I wouldn't be so mean and blooded and-well-bred descendant of ; sation a Mr. Jacob Peters was mm
lalwirious Gilelity, and with the strict-'close fisted a he is. to own a dozen t a well-known hnnter. notetl for his-tioned. The old lady pricked up Lt-r
est regard to the supreme I iw of the ! houses. Only lost week I asked him : intelligence and his discriminating tars and tried to Iok knowing. T
land. (to join our excursion which would, nose. I colled him Pon to in puppy- save her life she could not rennv.i'r
(ieorge Chorjienning, a mail eon-j.only cost liim a dollar and he said hood ; but, as he grew older, and the f who Mr. Peters was.
tractor, alleged that he bad, without he couldn't afford it For a man that fraud developed. 1 changed his nnme ' "Yes. ves." said she running'.v.
anv fault of his own. suffered severe ! can buv a fifteen hundred dollar house, ' to Knave. He was a good hunter i Jacob Peters ! Certainly, certain! v.
njnrv bv the
the Pi st Office
suffered severe can buv a fifteen hundred dollar house, ' to Knave. He was a good hunter j Jacob Peters !
; that is putting it rather strong. I f for sheep but bis nose could not be j I remember him.
' should sav." t depended on for feathered came. He ! demand each other.
nulawlal action of
l'epartment au m-
But just let's ci:-
Feoi.Ie do make
the proofs and affidavits on file..
Nothing ever came under my obser
vation, nor did I ever bear anything
to justify a doubt that the doty thus
cast upon you was most conscien
tiously and uprightly performed.
Tbe law under which you acted,
I know of but one avowed "protec- and which vou were bound to take a
ionist" journal, which is otherwise "guide to yonr path and a tamp to
iurv which sweot awav from him- all "That's jut the wav he d-es it" i would come to a dead point on a suth mistakes, voa know, when thov
the previous earnings of an industn-! "What: by saving thefxpenseof grasshopper, and run headlong over a ' don t nx things all straight at first.
ousiife and reduced him to utter pov-ithe excursion?" j covey of quail the next moment. 'Now tell me eiactly which Jacob
ertv. Me repeatedly applied to the iv saving that one dollar and a Knave s nest holt, however, was in 1 eters vou mr an.
Department for reparation, bat was igood many more, that, with you go; the circus line. He had a very ex-j "Why don't you remember Jacub 1
told he could not have it without the! the same way." j tensive circle of low-bred acquain-: cried the visitor. "Jacob Tt-ters wa-
special authority of Congress. He! "A man must have some pleasure."! tames, and wa ringmaster of a 'your fir-t husband."
went to Congress as a petitioner for) 'Yes, but was it such? By your j caniue hippodrome, which met every j The old lady mused. "Jacob
the redress of his grievances, and j own account, you were tired to death; j night in the flower garden. Knave : Peters," said she. '.Why. yes. I he
filed the "proofs of his claim in the j more so thou if you had been work-, had been having a deal of fun at my j lieve he was my husband, or some
House of Representative, where they j ing. . You not only lost that day, but ! expense, so one day I concluded to. thing of that kind."
remained open to the scrutiny of every J was not fit for much the day follow- j have a little fun at his. I took hira j
member for many months. Then Con-' ing. As for Jones being mean and I out about half a mile away from' Is Horace fireeley on record as
gress passed a solemn law, which i close I can't agree with yon. His : home, tied an oyster can to his tail, favoring the right of secession ? Yes.
directed you. the Postmaster General, J wife and children are always well gave him a simulating kick, and j Net only did he assent to secession in
t ascertain thr amount which the 'dressed and cared for; and I have no-: turned him adrift I never suspected! the Tribune before the war. but Le
claimant-had suffered according toiticed that his house is well supplied I the speed there was in that dog. He, transferred his utterance to his Ilis-
., . , v i ., mi ,.V I 1 1 ,l'i t " . lir 1 f, m . l . tf iJA
democratic, the" Columbia Herald, vour feet," did not direct
There is, however, ranch timidtv' more than ascertain bv
witn txHits and newspapers. And ; looked like a white and Iivered-eolor-, torv of the American toncict alter
w hen Lawrence was burned out, and ed comet whizzing through space. I ' the war, ami there leaves it as a mon
a subscription was got up for his ben-1 have observed that nothing encour-f nment of his folly. Ia the first vol
efit, he put down five dollars. But ages a dog so much, or tends more to i nme of the American Conflict, page
where are you going now ?" j tbe development of his speed, than to j 356, Le copies approvingly an article
"Only in Blatherem's a moment, : make him a medium for the transit of .'which he published in the Tribune of
just to get a glass of ale. You walk 'tinware between points. Knave November 9, I SbO, one passage from
along; I'll overtake you." ( having yielded such splendid sport, I ! which reads as follows: .-In if trh-'v-
In a few minutes Philikins rejoined i tried him again and again and again. ' eivr a rvntideroble teetion of our
and thev walked along to until he began to take an interest in . Union hall deliberately rezolre io co
He would bark and out ve thail retiit all coercive, i. t-
ments were furnished and the basis his vest pocket, but said nothing. , plebeian tail, and then at the word lie Art old Iadv not a thousand niue
prescribed. 'Your function was like! Soon they came in front of a fine j would start at his highest speed as if ; from Lowell died at an almost eenren
that of a master in chancery who is ' looking building, evidently just com-shot fron a cannon. His affecattion of . arian age a few days ago. Before her
ordered to make up an account froru Iplcted. j fright was the best piece of acting j death she gave minute directions for
certain materials which tbe court has Philikins surveyed it with an envi-;evcr I saw, and he quickly seized the i her funeral. Among other things she
decreed to be authentic and legal. iouslook. opportunities of adding to the sensa- said she wanted to be "laid ou'." in
You could not get behind the act of! "That's Blatherem's new house," , tional features of the display. His-her black silk gown, and they mast
Congress. You were Uund to obey he said, biting off the end of his cigar, favorite run of a Saturday afternoon f not take ont the back breadth as they
it, even if yoa had believed it to be as "Yes; and you've helped ta build! was round the circular track surround-(did when Sally Smith was laid out.
prodigal a fraud as the bonus to the jit." 'n? the Court House grounds, to. "For" said the old lady, deprecatingiy
Union Pacific railroad, or as corruptly ; Thilikins started at his friend for a i which from one to two hundred roral j but seriously. what a figger Saily
partisan in its object as tbe recon-j moment without speaking. (horses were generally tied, all of i will cut at the resurrection without
"I: How do yoo make that out:" which would take fright, break their any back in her gown v
"Why, you patronize him, donl halters and start for home at a lively j -
u?" canter. That noble dog also delight-1 II. 0. will need a new and inirrov-
von to do j Smith,
calculation ! frether. the proceedings.
among democratic editors on the sub- the gross amount of- tb claimant's- The latter noticed the ends of two .stand quietly while the ovster can, tures designed lo keep them in it.
ject of the tariff. The vast bounties' losses, and of that calculation the ele- cigars that Philikins had thrust into ; was being attached to his thick
derived from the government, throngh
high protective duties, by the capital
ists of Pennsylvania engaged in coal
speculations and iron and other manu
factures, diffuse an influence which is
not easily resisted. The workmen in
the coal mines and furnaces and fac
tories are either made to believe that
few Democratic Congressmen seemed I fa;r watreS depend on a high tariff, or
to aeem it necessary xnai iney ,f knowing better, are coerced bv their
should cast votes which are tomplete-lpmpiorers to vote for "protection"
ly indefensible. Unless we are great-! candidates. Hence, tbe democratic
ly mistaken, the iron-masters of Penn-J pr(.rta( fearing to imperil the success struction act of 187
syivania will nave cause to regret 0f other principles, held dearer, per-! Bat was there anything corrupt
that a majority of the Congress-! haps, than the principle of a strictly about this claim ? Has anv fact been
men from this State voted against ! revenue tariff, fails to speak in as de-1 made to appear which should have
free salt an d'free coal. cided tones in advocacy of tbe latter aroused a suspicion against it ia the
In another issue of the same paper 1 as ft would under more favorable cir-l mind of the most vigilant officer
"Oh, my patronage don't amount to. ed in .scudding down a sidewalk ed set of blasphemies if these fall
much. (crowded with people, upsetting the Selections do not quit running in favor
" Doa't it. How many glasses of i men by running between their legs, ' of the Republican party.