r Somerset Herald.! tP'.lt Scpti'tni ...r.lt I:ivis. t a-'i.ct.-. : Pros. rif Sx. i i 1 J jt week vi' wire o crowded with BiTTFn U lieiin shipta-d to the eastern I'rms a, Pa.( Sept. 10. Iiii5es mill nnr Iix'al ridtiiiin iiiieu ; cities tiy uie Aiums r-vpre ancni minis i iub ntn.ii.ii: ncimm a uput mm n'cwn" tli'it hall' was liTirottcn. It was our j place, ut tlie rate of one hundred kepi or j the kitchen breaks the silence, and Miss ;.,t.,.,'.;..n t.i return our thank. nmd heart aUut sixtv-f.ve hundred txiund per week, j Simplicity sticaks. She 19 aware, she says. 1 t, lt to the IVrliu liaml. for the dcliihtt'u. j '- that the world moves on, but as she h mov- i arren-iile 'mill t" tender Ilieill me inniiks , .scusnrr . etvisu m -.. ; iU m euou s sliui"'. mi iminrj i.it.i 1111- ..f the K. i-uliliean iniijr. fT the pxl um- irUr llltt a nmir of our citi ('. V. Kh'U.'f A 1' n (;i;lT-. o:it 1" I v.ni r . tii.-rit 1!ir.i-!:-rT Imr-c ti.SMerN.-t l'V.ui.iry. ii.l cr.ickiil heat f T ri- cl n. en Pui-i . .i.j.r.- ' a lar-i Br..-, a -pi . : I. ...I ... .1... it.i.itintt , T SC till V HO UlsIIC.I ill mi in- v....-, ".I .i' sr- ' day ni'dil ft i'iirt. Wk were the happy recipients, a few ' l:ii s air", of a larjre lm-ket filled w it It hc-ju-' ti''"il cake, from the p-ncmus hands of our friend Daniel Wcytind. Y.m.. his fair iiaiishtcr. Mis Matiie. havirts: lieen pven tnat tiiorninj in marriuu'e to our estimable, vounji frieml John F. Blymyer. The cil'ltrie party took the first train for the cM. ln te thi ycxptrt to sjicnd .-"ine time. hurt' supply of J X c,. .Hons and l.i.v wiililiii at me ram -tori' ot t o'S V lnvrils . sirivt. I . r i.,, I, at;T :" J. J,: 1 1,r', S NTI:V ,n.!u,v want ' f. : ''''. V nin-pirsey. '"' ' ' .i .. ... ... i Krpnbliean MrellDB. Kepulilican meetings w i!I ' hchl at the following places, viz. : At Contlucnee, Friilay, S-ptemlK-r 27th, ? I c C..!!i. vs. . II. IVxvec ... ;..i'..i... ..f Win p.lT-'. I'il I 11 1' '1 iil I' - ' ... . ,. ! W ' K tXllll I I 'I " ' 111 ' i i. .1 i.i'h II. Dewees. i ens contemplate atteniling the Johnstown r air next week. Mr. Levi Whitewl, of Kakcrsville, lias nurtliased the "Old Launtz Blacksmith Stand," nt thin place, and intends to move here and eomnu-nce business about the 1st of April next. Apple butter "bilings' and corn "liusk ings" are oinunencin to make their 4i n'ar.Dce in our vicinity. The new Jenncrlowu, rrcbyterian ( 'hiirch is under roof and rapidly appnxieh ing completion ; truly our neighljoring town can soon 1 called die city ol Churches. E. F. Earl, of the firm of Kiernan &. Earl, is now east purchasing their new stx'k of Fall and Winter g.xxk. Some of our fanners took advantage of cvrninsr. At ISukersville and Friiden.Lurg. Sulur duv. Srpt-iiilcr ith. t v-.H-liiirv Munilar. Sentemlier OOtli. At Meyers' Milk M-nih.y, S ptemlier the c1 weather f..r tle last few days, in so meagre and far in the dark ages of the past, that wc will not trouble ourselves to yo lock and meet her w hile the is urging her way to overtake the onward progress of human cultivation. Ve acknowledge that our "dandy brothers" do not make mr railroads or delve into the earth for minerals, nor do we wish them to entire ' ill tf ttirt llltal i Vti tKilua tt., tlx.t it would" "ilcgrade" them, (we beg Miss Sim plicity's loirdon), but would thwart the further development of science and educa tion, and, ali, would lie the occasion of bringing a host of Miss Simplicity 's tUn k to a state of poverty and mWry. Our na tional greatness has lx-en, and is still, aug mented by the efforts of men of knowl edge, who at the same time are the vota ries of fashion and command the nation's wealth. It is to them to whom honor is Tuesibv, ' shipng their butter. Those having re- let,)-. ccivcj returns troni their early shipments, n-iort them as very satisfactory. 1,; i,.-t -!-' I'riee p"'d "H I" 't, r ;e Family iroecrv and ''.'.f I'-" & l'rti n Main Siiin r-'t. lVnn'a. rfih. csening. At Siuthampton Mil' lvr 1st, evenitis. At shanksville. Thiirslay. October rd. jl0 new .-i,rist Ev. Lutheran Church" At Sioystown. Friday. tMoU-r 4ih. ,4- j,.nnertown will 1 consecrated on Sab At Dai.!sville, Friday 4i t)UT 4tU. ith. rtoer SOtti. 172. Able ministers from abroad are cxxften to be pn-sent to have li:ul more than one hundred thousand envelopes priuteil in the last year with the name of the firm and lnle City; these have all ln-en M iit broad cast over the land; U-sides, this is the choice of nine-tenths of all our citizens. N e are a regularly or ganized aud chartered corp'ralon accord ing to ail the acts mado and provided; we have complied with every request of the Court, and arc on the records of this Com monwealth as Dale City, and on this line we will fight it out. Whilst the citizens and businc men of Dale City are making laudable exertions to build up a city that shall lie a credit to Somerset county, a few citizens living out side the corporation have thus for succeed ed, by menus licst known to themselves, in preventing it. Thus we have been trip pled and oppressed until forbearance ccaac to be a virtue. We think we know where the shoe pinches, and we propose to apply the remedy. Sis months ago we succeed ed, by coaxing and otherwise, to have the I'ostofflee Deiartment to send a special agent to investigate our postomce trouiiles. given for the building of railroads and j We made him acquainted with our wants: erecting or manufactories by the submit-; that out of one hundred registered tetters ing of their wealth and taleut to adorn our homes with that which is not only useful At .New l cut re ill'-, atimlay, . tour ; in ,1,,. dedicatorr services. the8c;:' r-c: ewisi!.'! imi .. .....it n : 1 r:t- 1 1 1 n "" I-. I1H. :rv alio 'jei one 01 iiii ii 1 . I i:.. .1... I. ..... I rolril Illllioitio: 7-11. 111 in.i-i r arr m arr:iun o 10 1 mi -i.i . ttu-ti' no CTain. and are just Miers v:il)t- . ; la.w hiii o t- , ft.V:.ti t ( I--.."--: 1 I" 1 CO I ' I'll ft ' h t fr it f 1 tr f nc f,.: 1 J !! k i the t ca I E 1 h:i:id at the Falniiv iro ,rt ot 00k ano lern!s on j,w sm-rl. tl'ir.r. oats. rum. niiii 1 io'i!. :dt. lish. lard, vinesar ;;.:ir. C'llee. ealllieil lruilli. tobsie. -..v. -. Vc. ,K 1 in Sun lay evening laM. that ; lr::,!.-d servant of Col. Hul'US, ' committed Hik iile. Char ,n.i;i honest and faithful servant i-nr-inee ls."7. "Tissad tothink . . ,v lias lor so ir.aui. j.e;u-o.i il'e. should thus "tragii-ally end existence. rioN I'verv gcimifie box of ,1 VNK'S "i.iVKK I'JLI.S signature of FI.KMlXti I'it'.s'iurgli. I'a., aud tln-ir r'.itedstates Stai'.ijt. 'Take - Tin- market is full ..f iiui- ,:h. At .Tenner X Koads Saturday, Oeto 1 . r .".th. Tin1 liieeliiisat t'onflueliee, Meyers M ills. Southampton Mills and Jlaidsville, will be helil at tiio'ilmkin the evening, all the others at"! o'clmk r. m. lion. Joliu Ctssim will certainly address a large Nrtion of these meetings. I'romi neiit sjM'akers from abnRul will lieassigmtl by tiie Stale Ccutnl Committee. Dknms Meykiis. Chair. Co. Com. Wc would call the csjK-cial attention of our readers to the advert isenu nt of J. II. Hii;i. M.. wholesitle Isiot aud sIkk' dealer, .";! ami Z Woo.1 street, Pittsburgh, who hi-just received a veTy large and well se lectiil stmk of boots." shoes, gaiters and turns, for the fall and w inter trade, and of fers tliein as low h they can If liouglit for in New York or Iiston. He has a full line of Philadelphia city made goods, he w ill m il at the lowest manufacturer's prices; thus saving freight and extn-nse. All or ders trom country merchants tilled prompt ly, and satisfaction guaranteed, as he buys for cash. Send him an order when you ;;rc in want .f Units and shoes, or call and ve him when in the city and examine his stin k and price,, mid you w ill lie pleaMil. Eastern bills duplicated. New goods re e i c.' dailv. j In attempting to lay the timliers on the j new Heain Church, on Monday, the lGth , inst., an accident occurred that might have i resulted more seriously. A temjwrary plat tonn had been e rected' to place the timber j on until they could lie placed in position on the wall, w hen suddenly the platform gave ' way, precipitating its occupants ti the ' around, some titlecn or twenty feet lielow. 15en Enos, the contractor, had his foot ; liadly bruisetl ; a Mr. Jacob Sliaulis liad : his leg broken lielow the knee, and three : or four others were slightly injured. I'n- dcr tlie ircumstances 11 was consiu-en-d fortunate that no live were lost. Since the accident occurred, the timliers have leen placed in jtosilion and the work is progressing finely. ' but perfectly magnificent in its grandeur; ' tion. Said agent agreed and promised us vet because Miss Simplicity's brothers as sist in these works bv the use of their la lor, which are well recompensed out of the coffers of those ou whom they deienl ninety five were addressed to Dale City.and all other mail matter in the same propor if we got two-thirds of the business men receiving mail matter at our office to say that they preferred to have the name of the postoflice Dale t ity, fie wouiu so report to for their dailv subsistence, thev blubber i headquarters. In accordance with, this out theejaculation, "all this have trt done;" proixition, the agent drew up a paper which reminds me of an incident of an j specifyingtheahove tarts; thecitizens coiu aged couple who were living on the tron- plied fully with the agent's commands; we tier of one of the western States, w here they were, at times, unceremoniously vis ited by the rude iuhabitants of the forest. One day, while misting a piece of lamb, Mr. Bruin, attracted by the smell of the tempting morsel, paid the old couple a vis it, which affrighted the old man, who was. not only had two thirds ot the business men doing business at our office, but every prominent business man interested in our welfare. The agent signirii-d that he now had all that was necessary to make the change as required. Subsequently the asent fell in the hands of oureuemies, who "" AVw A'lwrtiiipnwnti'. 1872. Fall and Winter. 1872. BOOTS, SHOES, CA ITERS AND GUMS! .T. II. BO RLANJD, WANDrirnv PITTS IS II Has just ren-irisl one f.l the I.inrot. JVt Selert the eitr. Niotit ilimrt fntn .Mi?nit:M-try fur ml willhrm,i.lttlmvcrT UlW KSTNKW VoKK (r.bat Kaetnry l'riccs, thus Mving Irclnht ud New Goods R eceived Daily. Si-lul imtiKemcnti olferisl to or Shurt ilrrn tniin IVmntry Kervtiants fitlisl iir"n'J,'!y MOirk un l frice? whrn In tb city. Ki-mcmln-r the cr.s:. BOB 53 and 55 W FURNITURE. lemonTweise, Thi nl.l rni'l well km.wn firm of Iynvm it Wrl.-. of firrSBl KOH. fa., M:innratuiwol ' Cabinet Fnrnitare aid Chain. lL.vt. l;. iii.rtj t.i To. 1 I 1 Iinirth Ave, hi re thr nt iuuf ih lthv in '.- Ipratih?. OOD STTKFI i:w, ia cil n.f 'lefKt Sim-Iis ( fhx-lr evr Lnilit lu r'h in- '- Hi- l iTs in If'in y H M hii.I Siw". Aifi WlsTI. f'Kll'1-.N. l"tnt;iill-i.fc "ity ro:vclc Tlmr Ilirvrrs. Ka'.Vm Kills Ii.it:t.-t. AIHr atWairii'on rnar.uili-wl. foil n-l x:lnliie my Nuiulicr. Legal Adcrrtirrmentf- - tli i-r.in rirrlJn.I:rr nlwll .ii'fifi n In.-ipiv tur in hi !'i;uT: kikI W cji l - ri ! ri: l Ju-lit! fliiil ihi a! ri-n.l. t tho lu;fi.r who ri-ci.'etl the hizb t iiomif.il -mii a.i.!oi I s Ju-te In hi- (iiw e; i'i II any .-;nn-y til!s n i niiar iu thelnanl fi r the mr9 of iw b-mr ft.-r ! thn liran b"l ly law h r ih u(-Dinir -f lh -lw-j Iwo th. .ii..lili'v1 vrfrr r.f Iho ti.wiiliin. wart or I cl. imrut at the plum of lecOo. ' tuiil etwt one : vt their nnmlirr to fill h varawv. ! -It -hall In tboiluiy of th aeteml a-Mor re- lnivrf to aoen.1 at tlie pfcveof holilinx evry , KeiKrat. fpn ial town.'hi lertU, ilortna tlie i whole time aurh rUs-tion U ki?Jt "pen. for the ur ; pow of iritlnx ln:onniitiii to th Iniet ml ; J in I xe. wto-nealleil oti. in reUOoO to the rtirol tA j any p rrfi I l,T uu.m lo T,..je at 'tn h el-c- terfa. an.t on nu ll ither mititen tn n-lntlon to th ! ifwrinrat nt 'er, a the ni l Insmt.'r or . el'h-r of HiMn h.Tll In.m tim to fm n .jiiiri. I" -r-n ill he (jernntr..! 10 ki- a .my tlrrr lion a .tlorvsiul, th.ia a wlnor . itirn ..f ttt- .ii- '-t luiiiily-ofieor uvirir, whiiliail hnvn r.lTte. In this Soto at leai-t one year, awl Hi tlio el.H fH,n liatrirt I where he ofli:n to r'lte, ten it vh Itnui.-ll.i-.i ly j,rc- munx - in rifrmio, nn'i w iiinii j -ri yai'l a Stale ir wninty tax. which tiall hiive lic.-n a.-w-el at leart ti-n itay hefore the elwtli.n. HutaHt xin of the t'niteii Stnteiiwhn hum preTi:UI lieen a qoiilitpl roterul lh.ii Statean-I reiume! tli.TvCr.-m Wtifil.-UTT. 1st t'hit- A liri'-IK'nuofTlie lHu.Le"Srari.l anl Kilile. Coil Hlatrail.i. will lie enl tree t.i alt Umk azn'i. Scl V.m.r t name ant jWrwln U Klil.KK k ITU II IS KlV, il Arch Scfhil. to rwri-inn -i h .n r., iii-'itei an I U tjeinme.nal,fi. . T.- vfl.' Wi'Iciif .ti. in,. ti.-u4 t a.e, ca'T. ' t itr tlnii - lon-lii. ii i.t' rvn i4 it; aitl II Any mhr. i li or '.lil'-' r -i. lil r'-l'i- or knowingly ouiit to if iv 1'tti i i I to tiii -wo-iTi tm o.ll. l-.r ev-ry wh ol-h-nre fi.rVlt ainl imv th r.im.il he lnimlr.! l-l-kir to thi i-riw.n arif-v...! tlFMr. lo he reorer ! I.t ait a- ti-n in ilic a', wirn full -t n an.l wv h atl..walMe f r .uiil i-ei aa the e"Urt hII ili-i-in ju-t. an-1 uliail ali. lor every n-li olli n n. m iletm m xii-liyut a mi.meanT. an'l vlull.iinei.nYii-. Ii.n uiir'f. t.i hnl rv-t k" lhan nve hnn.lr.1 iloli.ir or lie liiiirwmii n U than one month ant n.t in. .re limn .me ye-ir, or lilh. at the 'iiwrr-li--n if the irvurr. Anil rUrrrm. It l-l.irv, t.y the ve.n.t v?,oi: of the txth artif-ie of the '.m'tittitlon of the I i,jr. e.i St:tte that -'thi'oriiititiitiim an'l the law-A the I nif! r.af'- whirh hail be niaijc in r.nr-n-aiK-e tl.tp'.f. hall he the oj;r-me law of the anvthinx tn the O n-:uijT.i or law ,1 any Sl-"te t-i Ih rt'ii'riry wwif li-t.inilniT. .1 iui vchlrrt . The l'Mlanire oi ' hi '..lllliK wealtb. on tliee'li !ay ol .ril, .. . IhT'i. .n-e.! an at "X lurthiT inij.ileui-ut to ;!te ai-t riatinx to elr.Ttii.nii in thin roiuiwnweaJth,'' the uoth Mo tion of whichj.n.vi.le x k.IIow Sa: W. Tlt-tt b:ucIi of every at ef Anrm t.ty n .ruTiilea that only whito freemen lia!l le entltle. to vote or he retriirfore.1 an T.ter or a ......in it inv rmnii or ftiieeinl eleery.n anil Mmi., ami who thall hare rel-leil In the f lhi, , ,,j,..,rwealth. I awl the iiwne tit hernl.y eliHLmiliatrietaw) pait taint lon-mbl. i"lniil l; i rrpal. .l: an I that h--realter all tre entltleil f ote alter rni.tin in lhl State l t il.-tinrt!.' oi ,. .hall tm enroilr.1 amlreu-biu.-i-ii Imontli. Frwidtd, That the white ireet-n.citl- I acrirf-l.na tohi- i.r vL-i..1 'f the nrt-eti.n ..f h ien of the Inlteil stat.. t:tw n the 3- ii ot . a,.t a(;.ror.! the ljth il.ir of April, liiiy. enfith iwentytne an l twenty-two yean wlio hare r.-"i.lsl . - vn fur.bi r a;i;.em-ital to the v t n-hirive i uy i-r win s. . ttm eK .1 'h.i ( .mmi.nweii th; ' in. 161 . wii-n .ith.-rwi.- (u.i!ihn urvler exmiinK liiw. re iuiii Lit. , i entiiii-.i to v.j.; at ail a.-ivral awi fLcUl el-cti' c 1 ... . . . I ...It. i.l 1U.I b:..v.. -ltt. : ...... , fly llie I. oi imvmiM'ij mi - " -- - tteiri'trr Ijw." it la prn l ll ut'll'"': 1. Wii-ikm offlrera are to i.en the filii hetween tlie hours ol nix ami cven A. .M.. o the .lay ot the eiei-i-on. Bi-fore ix o'clo-k in tke niomin? of on.1 TiK-lay Ji.-llier th- y m to p-ouve fn.ro thefoiintvl'oniiuiiojioner the K-l-'ereit I.it of ood Street. QlAm.v!it from Minn. 'all in-1 examine, or l. i in fh. rfrftr1et U a dan a at. n VAV .Sample -ai (i.?ta: tree) tor joeta.. that , ...i. u x,Ar alth- uirh thev -h ill tvt have reian ijukii i't i-r. i. i. bata Sijuare, New York I SY Ht VXn'. or SOI M'HAKtl fX- How either Hex may lawinate awl train the ov in. I atlevtion.' of any person they eh.e. In .h.i.in Thin nimt.le nii'tmil w-oniremrnl all ran unfim-ii. free, hy m il. lor aft ets, together with ft m.irru-'o um.l.., Kifvption tnn-le, in thu t'omne.nw-aiTh. An whrrtti. It a my e,ntitntiioaJ awl nfBcUl !u'y "t-i take i-are that the lawj lie laithtuilr exe ttiiui:'' awt it ha eon-.e u. my knowle-le tlm't "un .Irr aei.r awl r-ifi!-r ol -at have refti-! atul are ri'tri'inx to awl r-i-f.-r .livr e.4.,r- e.t maieeicixeni j( Liwtul ae. awl 'nerwie qoai- Votee. an.! all Decennary elei;;t- bUnk, awl Ihry iie4 a-i elet..i-4 are t, iwrrnit wi man to rote w!ne name t n-K on ' Sow. thrrr frrr. In eonjiileratk n of the premie. a4.l ll-t. nnliKH he shall tuak' pnmt oi his riifht to J then.unty i'.imiiiUni.jier' of .n l nnimv are hefv. ! followR by wititti-.l awl "lireete.1 to In'niet th "everal a'. 2. The person whone name Is not on the ti t, I a 4..,i an.l resri.t-r of voter tlx n-in to '- an.t e.liknuiii! the riht to role tiin'l ririlm-e a ii i.iilti.-.l I n.t.,, m l i the r .iiiin-mentt ol ai. er r.iHiili..n.it fn-ani. Hints toteril IIk illsuiet to iuir in a writ tea or prioti-'l , auien iment. awl law-: awl the Sherltf ..f :.i. i....i,1j j,e A nneer. exi-itiiu boa k. lno.ouO.il. I aru.lawt to the re-nlenee of the cl.tiniant in the .,,ii,u j. I.irel.r auti r.. . awl reomre.1 t.i pi- Aiiurea T. V 11-t.l A.U a t;ti., I ut!.. r -niiiwia. iiii-irn-x lor at iea ten oayn next preinr sairi . j m .,eii..n iiri iiimi:i..n i..ruin nei -n unfortunati-lj', of a very moan stuturc and were able lo niiikc him believe tlmt there ' strength ciiuared witli liis lovely sjmuse, was sut-k a tcrrilile outside influence against j j who rushed tip into the lott, ami to further ; us that his report was evidently ot uth x assure ins fatetv, uraeu me unmer aner . eiianu-ter that the iepaninent uiu not art. i huo, leaving hfs consort to tij:lit or retreat I A'e arc credibly intonm.tl tliat purt of this I as liest she could. All the chances lor re- j prtsisure was pot mini Mir would-tc pohti treat beinj' cloeetl, she fought and slew the . tal li.-aders at Soiuerset. -Wc will not and bear; after licintr, assured of Mr. liruin's ! cannot comprtmiLse this matter; nor even 'it ZJ. CAuri-rnxG. ,-ti.i v , ; u m i:i:v. Cmik atul Hi i iiis r.; r.'. l.uvi- I'lK ii' il in the new i n II". turner on Maine ( russ 1 bv II. C. lieents slim- .li t. tlnur imiin and tniil ... :i I'mII asirtmetit nt' cru ; .. t .l acr.is Arc. 1'rt-h tn'iii .Me pru-rs. j-.ver 'hiy r . ;ir-i-lvt'S. liir annual 1'iillim inir la ai- r. a-' Tii. -s.- ill want of coal for any t. o-ni-rutiivy. linn-lmrnin I sttppliiil nt Alex Stiiti-.ian's v ::ir.I.ihn Nttl'i Uink, MHiih-ea-t k i:..ri.!:;!i. Mr. Iavi. a priuliittl .li.hn-tnw n. lines the !ir:n;.n-i r plat form is nnw lillisl !i:p and iid roiiih nal. No t,: ilean. l.i ave ymtr t.rmr- ai TV. V. t he ty . Ro ed r. iiniidH-r of people wi-re in at Mr. Hetlley's IIore Fair, fully i.ir tart that a laTL'e crowd colli. I -. r "li the occasion of a ( oiin- j: At'a r a careful examination of t. pn-Httt.-il. the jirizes were award-11..- !'.;:. -uii: H.TsoIis : Joseph KitliT. i of; J: li:.:: Ft.vette county, was award edi I -r !-. a new saddle. Hetirv ' Rh i : s. !:ieret Tt.. the sifotid. an. Jar I K :' r. : I.u'onn-r. the .third. r '1c 1 1 wi rA. f l i- 7.1a it : IK (th: . ixi .t my entire stm-k ot Notions and ttroccries to Win. iV ilro.. 1 wiinid reci'liir.lend ihein Irtd and patrons. -, , , o ..',' i licence o! ..1 tie ii ii lor ci ii union wiaiu. i . '. at the liankiiifT House of S-hell i 1. Person knowing themselves in '. ple.-tm- call iind si-tlfc their tie ia.inr.'.i itelv liv cash r.r note, and ;. W. Pa t: kit:. Tim hkks' Kx.vminahox. eaniiiialion will lie held at th '. times and places, to wit : Salisbury, Thursilay tK-toln-r. :i. Hale t'iiy. Friday ,- 4. i;rlin. Saturilay " ". Nuncrsit, Monday " 7. Mo Mow n. Wednesday. letober H. .ienitcr X Hutiiis, '"hi:rsil:iy, etol-r 10. ft litreviHe. Fri. und Sat". Oct. 11-1 2. Petersburg. Monday, thiol H-r H. S"iiithaiuiton Milis. Wciint -slay. th-t. 15. Appl'utinls are rispiired to lie in atten dant by i o'cl'Xk A. M. ; those coming in at a later hour will not be admitted in the la-s that day. S uool directors and the ti n. of education are invited to attend. 1. W. Wil t., Co. Supt. Tm th ankPoktcy. Milton puts into the month ot Lucifer, iu 'Paradise Lsl," these memorable words "TO BF. W KAK IS MIsEKABI.E. " Nevi r was a truer sentence written limn tl.i tip.poeed to be from the Archfiend in his irnjmti nee and iimy. Kvery vic tim of nervoii- debility, or if that depress ing languor hi h is one ot tUe aceompan i'.ni'iits if lysjwjsia and billiou.-ness, t-an te-tity m tin- misery of mind und lmdy w hieii tiny involve. The motive ower of the sysietii L partially j.aralvzed ; the tii'.nd i- haunted by anxiety and tear : and .tm- sntienr l-i as incapable ot applyin . h.'.r.x l! cnenretietillv to anv kind 1 bu t nes- as if he wi re under tl atalei-sv. Thi and plivsieal i-omliiion neel Dot, however, ! endured ior torty-eiht hours liy any human iK-imr. Pi.amtatiox Hittkks is an absolute yacitic for nil tiie torments w iiieh a dcranircd Stonia h, a disonh retl liM-r. and shattered nerves. iiperindui'i. t'ajrttrt oanty Hrimi. The larjre oak that stood like a giant S n 1 tinel at the prave of General Braddock lias fallen ; soon there will be nothintr to mark the resting place of the ashes of that un Ibrtunate coinmaudt r. About a mile di- tant of the aUive named place, also sleeps i the chivalous and dashinjr l)e L Jumin , ville. the French ollicer w ho k-d the van of the French army, and was slain in Wash ington's first Iwttle prior to the siejre of ' Fort Necessity : all these are on the sum ! niit of Ijtitrel Hill. Dunliar's Camp, a' short distance from BraddiK-k's trrave, alfords one of the most majestic landscaiK" sceneries westw ard.that can lie found in the state. Almut five miles east of Laurel Hill, is the conical and lieautifiil Sugar lAmf moun tain, rear in? iu head hijih above his fil ; lows ; the .summit of this mountain ofTer I ed a grand and almost lioundless view i east ward across Scimersct county, the vi ' vim of the eye fading out in the hazsy dis ' tance of the blue Allegheny, j We have discovered another Kepiihlican who worshitis nt the shrine of ti retley. The poor fellow has drank so much at the i lalsc laith, as ' inn.lilv ivmil of inridelitv that he knows no I wiring tree," it higher power to swear by than Greeley, and supports him on religious principles. Yt AT. death lie ventured to descend to the field of kittle, where, upon viewing the dead hotly, he turned to his noble wile and very j encouragingly said : Polly, ain't we : brave." So when these great improvements have I been accomplished by the mind, htlior and shake hands with them over the chasm Greeleyites are few and far lietween in this part of the county. All sober, intel ligent and reflecting "Demix-rats will Tote for Grant. I heard a sound IK-inocrat re mark that he was ashamed of ex Senator Cowan's sickly and puerile aologv for the wealth of the fashionable, vet "these are j rebellion, the Kii-Klux party. Jetf Davis, our mighty works," says Mis Simplicity. Horace Greeley Jt Co. Wc wonder why From the" application w e drew of Miss ; the I)emi rats"do not trot ont our whilom Simplicity's arguments, w e opined that she state Senator. He would certainly com w as desirous ot bringiug our noble cstab lishments of fashionable education into dis repute and instituting the Tig leaf fash ion." Wc would X)int her to the inhabi tants of the Tuegi islands, who do not ex hibit the workmanship in their apparel, as that of Mother Eve, but adopt more of the character of innoccney," from which state our first parents fell ; but a few strands of lwpyrus ribbon constitute their apparel re favorably with Andy Johnson Cowan. What a lovely pair they would nutke! I have reasons to Iielieve that Hi nun is of tended at the way his admirers are treat ing him hercalioiifs. He has not showed his smiling lace to his admiring constitu ency for many long ami weary months. t Hiram, Hiram! why hast thou eone kick on us iu this style? What would in duce you to forsake vour seclusion? The iVsain. I would lead her to the caves of ' Democracy hercaliouts are laniruishing for old England and show her their inmates ; their Mwcs. Mr. Omnibus man, of the twelve hundred years ago; naked, filthy, j Ih rnofnit, ill not you inform us on this ignorant and uncivilized; they are our j subject? Please do, and oblige, original Englishmen, w honow move in the i Occasional. highest circles of six ietv and display such wonderful ixiwers of know ledire. Tin are facts, my dear sifter, and would ad monish you to let go the anchor of your you are lutrking up the you w ill allow me to Use irtciii.Asn Fakm, Sept. 14. ! F.DiToit Herald: I noticed a commtini- cation in your wht of a few weeks ago i in relation toa county fair this fall. While ' the writer makes an error or two in hisar- Henry McCallum, .7 Fifth Avenue, pitts nun a 11 pa. (L.ATK McCalixm Brim.) I keep on iiamlrf the largest a.-.sort- nirnt to le fotiml in any city, of CARPETS, A f.l. tiRAfiKS Oil Cloths, .Mattin-s. &o. 1 i Tlie smallest orders promptly at-1 temleil to. ; i Carpets, Ac, at Wholesale u tlie most j Peasoiiahle Terms. HKXUY JfrCALLl'M. FiniFrcno 'elis'tii.n, ilianluir eiearly wlo-ri tlu- ri-.-t.ii.ie--e of , jnx-i'reti..i the h-iM reeiti.-lrsHititiitli.naiatnenil- . tiie tuTsim waii. inert, act iit'.urt.'f. an. I a tnent. at-t ol otiare."?. an. I art ol tne Lit'-'ia'ar". 3. The warty elaimintr the riilit to rote ?ball aio ! to t.V er. l tliat tne same uir be k'lown. eieeme I - make an aiti iavit. iitatinsr to tiie fiit of hi kao-i-1 an.l oiiefc.l If all a-.r.. r if.-ter roter". ; cie anil twUef where an.t wht-n tie wa t.rrt. that j eliM-ri.in oiii.er aiei .t tiT. an I t::at tiie r.uhli ar. 1 he w a cltlz f fennjiTlvani: aa.l oi tiie I. Dit.Mi privil'-i-a 'iar:itirf'e-l ti.en:!!. tanf 1 seui-e-t t States, that he tiaa rejii-leil in the State one vear. j .i! the eitix..ii f li-c imh.l.iui:1i eiitiii'"l i t or. if formerly a n'jzen t herein an l ri-nnive.1 du re- the i.me. 1 tnim. that be'tu n?-uk-l tiien-in 'ix uimitl. r.-xt ; t. l iiivn amler bit haa.l ar.i tLc irreat je.J n, ni.t. vterate.1 frren TVarnitn t 'looet BnilirK ' pcwwtinit mM leerti. that h h. 4 Bnne-t tnf i t tl.e state, kt iianrisliar tue U n-l ir it P iionool f s Tkint in o7 i tJ-'h'tnit f.H-tliepurio of rutin therein, that , trt a!..V5 Kii.ten. If." ViTir i iT'w i Si' iil V si I h State orntyt.,, wiihin two year,. JOII.V W. GEARY. iins-t Kraft. fTI.I.Mt, WAKl.r.- " i,i,.h ,V.V, t Jeait ten tl it tuti re tne ! . . t . ,. . Water Street. New York. i. " " ? .T L i . i ii . T u i A"-i'tun . a -u cii.eif to the following J..in; ' - ete-taon an. the atn,lU .-h.il '' I;.,;,,... n ..I tin- Senate ami -I K.-i.rnt- At zr:lr::s;l ?r i--neyiv. ,. the 1. a,- ill ufH tua 1 :.l.,.i." tt. ,.,..i,.i-i'i.'-' I EXTRA INDUCEMENTS FOR CLUBS ! i MIND FOll NEW CLI'U CIIH.'t'IVU: ' Which erotainii full explanations of rrctuiuuiA A t j The Way to Ohtuiu Our (ioods ! j rcron livinit at a i!i,tan."o from New Yr.rk.ran i rlub t.i-i ther. ami ifet them at the mine price a we fell tin-in at our Wan-huusi-n in New l ork. in or.ler to et U( a c-lnh. let each ikth'.u wi-hin- to ! loin iay lnw ninch Tea he wants', an.l pi'li-.'t the j kinil ami price Iroto nur l"ri'-e Last, a nihli.-iiie.l In I oar circular. Write the name, kiivl' an.t am i oantu plainly on a lit, aiel when the rlub iseom ; tilcte jinil it to n by wall, n.l we will put em-h n;eK"inolie. ! 4. If Um applicant he a narnr.illze.1 citizen, h mu-t. la a-Hition to tlie f..n -I- Inz tate in I hi. alflilarlt whin, where, anl l.y wliat court Ii J I waii natur.kU.tei!. ami .relovc evrfla rate of tat- uraiUatioo. I S. Krery per claiming ti t'e a natumlie.! it Iien. whether the p-vietry h-t or iJ-iu' iuj j ilavit a at-Tesal.1. nhall l.e fiiil!re.l iv pruiu.-e hi naturaiizatein eeruBe-.Ue at tloi election i i. re rot in, exi-ept where lie ha.J lecn forten ycar e,.n-'e. uuveiy a roter In tlie ill.triet where he otters to vote: aa-l oo the vote of .uch p"-r.-"m ts-int rec-iv-eH. the rxvm ortlcer" are to write r H'amp the wort "Toteil' on h eertiAcate wit h the fu.io'.ii an.l I!i x M. New York City. T II O 31 S O X World Renowned Patt nt Sept. PennsylTania Military Acaieay. COtIMt.tTIOK. Cixcinsati. O., Septt iiiIkt 11. Dear Heu at.h: Aii-ortlin;jr to the prom ise made iu my la.-t letter, 1 arjain write von. Of the ioiirncv from Columhus to Cincinnati 1 can kiv little, a Ix autiful level country that one immense field of tine corn tic Miami Valley is certainly a fine farm- insr country, lieini: level and well watered ly the little river of the same name. The soil is very deep and immensely ferlile; such tieldotluurient clover can no where else I cen. The approach to Cincinnati hy tlie Little Miami road is lontr and wea- lie liomeiy expression. r"imce win not ai- j ;s ri.rllt u.Mm tht. in r r.irJ low me t. answer the clianres of -cat in.? lf) ,ie 111.c(.sit v tr a fllir. Jt XV!IS n,lt masnesia. "dnnkins vinegar, wearing : . .,, , .,.,;., i.i,i ; v.irktt,. huni." A-c., e desire, i ,-t mt rely to reormin- 'dnimethirv j hut will let a few comparisons sullice. w e ; conijiarc the -drometlarj' hum) to tne I forty pounds of woolen skirts and carjiet ! ras suspended from the waist; compare : the lovely chignon with our si.-ter s porcti- At Clienter. Delaware County. Pa. ( For Rrhient i 4l'let.4 only.) The elevenlti annual !"ioii ei-in-raenreii Veilne.ay. Sept rh. TtH.roairh In'true tUn in Ovil I-jixineeriR.j. the Mathetuatinil and Natural Science. The I l.isic au l I-j.Ii.-h iii lm- ... 1 M .. ,., n.l,,,l..j n.l ..lU.w.n.t. i.i- uiu .ir union i..i nit .iii j w.-i.i umti- t.ui pr.tc9iior!. i in-ninriiiav tieotii.iine. ot tainin? the practicahility of holding a fair i'"i- TH Eo. HYATT. Pn-t. P. M. .V this fall. The hoard of otliccrs elected at xnai rr MA Tc" I M TrfT ITP-" this meet in' apiMiinted an executive com-: LA I UN rLMALL INolllUIL. nuttee, ot Which 1 was made Chairman, ! hi Phila. anil Ilalt.f'entrot K. Ii..KennettS.iunre. arrangements i t'heeter Co., I'a., otters all the ui.tiiceme-ht; that III 1... ........... : eirtHtltute it iiotiie in eonneetion witn a morouzn in oe reniem- i..,.i.h k-.io.ri., . aia ,i.,i v-e x.... Z Vnc sh:,lw'! .?"").m.rc for the run-osc of makinir a it fa nnmrenrir ?f, .w,th NmP '"V 8 iXlfn"t; I if p.il.1'-. for a fair. It w rV. The I it 'Ul,,1:',"t "f ,,at'n" riw;,n,"-mS' ,s,,urkraUt i '"''ed that in a few davs atte. i-orn. i nc i.u and siiec: compare the fa.-hionahle -Sara- . . , .,f: ., ' ' i '--' 'vy K and much sufferin? u,ion ' 1 the people of the town, and also allectinir, : nuire of EV iiarty' :rnt In .p-.irate paekacH. ami mark the ; vear. an. no other vote ran t .-:it that "lay in vir- nauie npon them, with the eoet. f tnero nei-n I no , u. t ei i"l eenincate rin-it wh. re iui are enti ei.ntu'hai In ili'tril.ution each liurty aettlrir ex- ; p, V1B upon the natiirAazaUi u of Uicir iatt r. actly what heonlers. ami no more. The fuiel." to j a k the person elaimiinr P r ite L- nn rzi-.'.-r-pay for tfi"l or.li rel i-aa I iH-tit Ly ilraftaon Nw . ej ,),all make an at&ilavit that he h a n.iti . e t,.ni York. 1'onM tffli-e money or.lers. or l.y rTprei. i T. citizen ol the I niu-l state", or. it lorn elsewhere, we wilt, it itenireil. seu.l the Kiel hy exprtu. to ! hall prlu-e evliienee of hi natar.ilizatii.u. or '-c.in t on rfrirrry." : that he i entitle! to eitixen-hip ly tne rea.-.-n ol T,n I ..ri.it 1 mnr-ii'lTI Tlfl tf'ii ' hu father's nataralization. anl lurttier. that he i 1 lit III t ill 't llll I It till I I tl If ! .tt,,.noi an.1 -a years of aire. anl hae natilcl in ::i St .'ill r.SLi STKLr.l. ! tiie state one year, ami in Wi- elicti .n Uirtri-t ten i ilavii next j.rcceilinir the eh-etii.n. he -hurt le I oniillci to rote tboui(li he shall li hire pxi.t j tates. I -Every person qnalirieil an aforeai l. nn.t wh' : slLall ulke iae prool ii reiUireil ol his rem.icuce i an.1 iKivmcntol taxes alorei-.ii-l. shalj tw a.linltte.1 to vote in the township, warl or ili-tru t in which he "hall rcsi.le. If any person shall prevent or attempt to pre vent any otlu-er (if an election. nn!er tliie art lrom hoiilii: such election, or a-e or tiin ::.-n ar.v vi.i- I lctiee t-i any such nlh.-er. an.l shall iutermpt or tta ' i.r-.i-rlv iiiterlere with hint in the eaeeutio.i of hia I sucu a worl.lwiile popu- i ,iu.,- .iV.n hUmk nt or attempt to 1.1. .-k un the win- larity. The ilemauil lor ; ,i,,w or avcuue to aoy wui.iow where tiie uiiic may tnem it i -.n-tantly im-n as- j w holik-n.ur shall riotously disturb the peaee of la-x. ; u -h election, or eliall "e or prai-ttee ininu Lai-.n. THEY GIVE ; tlinats. f.ine or vii.ience, wim tiied-iu'n to ir.da- : ence umlulv or overawe anv el--tor. or j.rcvent hita LNIVERSALSATlSFACTiON Ir",n votinir. or U restrain the treetloin ol tboie. ' sui-h persons on convk-t ion shall lie ant-.: in any sum Are Han-lsome. ThiraM.". ' not exceeitins five hun.tre.1 dollars, lo I imprison ed. f.r any time niit Icsn than one a m.-nr than Economical and a ' twelve months, an-l if It sh iii iieehown to the ciirt , wliere the trial ot such olten.-e shall be I..ul. that T" i "TI i : tlie person si otlenliuir waa not a reli-nt id the rHf HI . I II !itv. warl ori'.istrUt where the snil.Beacc GlOYe-Fitting Corset. " Vo t 'or et has ever cn-oy- aint spec; comp toira" and lin lv "Lon:r ltranch" with lu-ri suck 1111111 parties and w ild iroose Then, to cap the climax ot her letter, she Ci'iects to fa-e the day when the elective franchise wiil be irntnted to ft males; here tofore she concealed her false niothstv, but r tliij Tlifsitmir i .m.....,., l... i.......ti' n I.. l r f.,Ji.. l.tln llierset entail I French. Irentmn. I'aintin to a certain extent, the people of the entire county. In the excitement aad confusion consequent iiain this sad calamity, it be- 'aintin-2 and Iirawinir. Kist- ern teachers, irrailuates ot our liest New EnLind .ecu i.riipl..viii for several vears. in AX T. SiV.VVNU SAIJ.IE V. SWAYXE, i'riueijul-. I committeil. awl not entitled to vote ther-in. oo eon- ! Ak for THOMPSON'S GENT INK OI.OVE- jr"""- h ''"i" v "',ea.l I., pay a nne n..t h -s F1TTINO: everv cwt U-init pratntl with the h "n huudrcl or more th in one thousand d-.l-1 name TH iMSi iN. and the trade-mark a Crown. I aa-l lmpnoned not than six mou.l . S..1.1 hy a!l First-Class Dealers. or.DFNTOVN (N. J.) FKMALF. COI, LU1K Thomuah luetniotion. Healthlul i,.mn e ntiiiti.in n-liottiip futr eiliilil 1m ' . Ill . II sill" --II'I"! 1 111" 111! lull III 1 11" lUlkl' nil : . ... y . riinio tlw wlwili river tiank for miles out ' t if ' Hule a success tills lull, in CXCIl.mpni: , o.niluctci ami nest iutalneil tntltntions In the ......... .... - - - - - - . .1 1 ii nil n. in hit "rne i-ihi iri lien' I rr I ii'h .. , ... i.k.-....- l- . . "ii - ' --------- views wit li nietuiiers oi me coniiuitiiH! ana . " ' " in this sin- !. ,,-., m.M.e,.lK. BKAKttK.. 1'h. l. "v ui, la. ii.inMotn-ol.l.. if ....ltil.l.. i i.l..; lI" "."'"7 r, " . ain-:ini in her yu colon. nvrv P L V in" ,4 lhccity U lI1?1!,ens;1- virtue i esp.iml t the wrM i l ; , in? aayhjrht train, to run u. aMn J ,KT ht Wh(hl nir m-'p? than tw vears. ! -If any irn r p-pmio. ?hall nuike Any K;t or i - - - - ' wavfer UU'I) lae reu:t oi an e.ici.n Kuiiiu tr.r v..p . j rTf av ff ' 1 '""onwt'aiTn. or.'liail ntlrr l uuit- :my ?nc.i m-t VMATI X. y uy wrutrn or printe'l uv-rti.-!ii:Tit, r invir ; u hrn uy. in anl -r the 13tn r!Ti of tLc at of aitv iTr.n t ptnnn to nw ?h lr r whzt. the (rnenl AsmMr I'cnnvlvflr.ia. ia3-ci : oj.;Xi iinvirtum U.erwrf he r they liall torttrii i-u-i J JIy i!. e;iti:loi "An mt nl;itinu' t tlie 5 thn.-e time the aiuunt M or uffvrl t. . tvj-i thi.Hiiiuin-4.Wf:iith." it 1 enjmrd n tUs , br. i NtotTirf of evrv ntuntv to ifire ntirr of ?och Iet- f An! th cletln lawi wi U10 t bscvOT' f B it rr.kltrd the Sen at and ffom of R'pr. J trntatice-i oj tht 'ufHonvaiJL of P'nruyicaata , in t'nral As wrtUjIy mrf.lh-.tt. Tho f.tl'w:nz ani , Tit!mr'nt ff tlm nir..'ttnri',n ;f thU efunrn'tnwe-iJtn m ritt:l t th-; l 'i: i-t liiir al'-ium or r ; i.:i-D. f.UPr.:int tn thr lr, i.-i'n-1 -f ttii trot h rf- 1 i'-U tlii.-r'jo!, ti wii: S:ri -ai th1- :x.ih rrtun ( i'i nx Ii ,iric!" f fh.-i-i,-ci;,ri'ti'ii; aifl in-rt in liru th'f th f-I : "A ''r-'a-'ifr -hjil U; t.i-n .-y r'. t iu.il;n"l ft't-ti-r --f the Me. t i'h um An-I fr '.VILLIA.Trt i.LLIoTt. S:i t of t!.; H-'ti f K-j.rt.-i;rai.!A. JAMES . KV I AN, ! Ai'PR' vr.n Th twentvein!l A-sj of Mar ii. : Ann' rx.tiitji, ..ne thviwaiiJ cij-i't h'tn'Tr-! aoI v ACT OF A.nVilLV. Vn;:r.o-. A !-uit r.uri-.n. pfpin a fr t:iin .nn-rM!in-nt tn lh- n.nnuation ,( this cxn ' ni"nvrf:iiM. .u ia azret.fi by a in;rit yof tli B.frn'f e!e-fl t, ci h h?!.-? of th; l"Jrt-latur'. :it two sH-ive nxrinn 4 the nni'.. th nrt i .4tn 'r-T:iiu n',;tu n tin tir Tu--iuv 1 January In the ymr of ur tm-vi "n th-u-au! eiht h jn-1-i r'l aui srwnfy mho. ,nl tho jwftto.i ;- -Un o iu uint .nz "M urjt Tuflay f .f..nii.irr. in th ' .-;u- of otir L-'rl ne tU..a.-au.i eizhc hunirvti an 1 A-i'i vhtTat. If I' prTi.!ft In th? tnfh rI'i frf the if ,-i:nn'n titiit any anien-iinnt. airr?,l I op-m. Jhail iV to th f fU in nh ioan- n r. an 2 At -a h tini". at at thr- mou'Ji t.r Iifctap- -hall ; r.-.T-.t-ff, urh ut;--r;pri..n U ft m ru.-i'i tr..innr uml f m th;: th j'-pte luJjTote ! r 1 or Jz:ii.-'t -i aiiriic'T.' ; Th-ni..r t S.T''Nl. H- it t" rtd &y fA Serial and ll'yiie of Uepreentufir t of tne r,"t noi-a'f t of fnn , yrjia it 'rer-il AMf,nt,'if tut. ii u by matUil ftr t' authority of the That ln" : th jarp-M: a-rr niiin the A th- pr- : . ol t'.i . c..:i:i:i'.riwi'-i,'h in r z tri "o ihv a!'-p!i"n r , r ift:'fn f i am-n!u5ci.'-. tne X''Ttn'r th e- n::u.i.w-al h .-h:;l ;--u a wrir m :MM-Ti-rC. 'lirc t-e-! rofrich nn! every Jhr:rf -f thi .mm i.weiti:. f Uiinunlinz th-m uzive nork-v in th.- u-ul ai.n : n-r. 111 n-t - thin tw ncwr'rH in ?;uh y anu c' nnry: if m:inv ar r-n'r"'li-hel therein. ail ; hy at lt-.i.-t tn j.nn:ei hun-ibiiii in each eie"'Tf.n jit ri t in every .-try an l c-unty whnnn no new--; pa-ri-1 i-tiMi-f.'K tht an ei.iTi. will hfll in i eueh f ti.' t'iTniiip4. N-rrjUzh;. war!?, r-rerin.t on i iiiftrn-tj Ttif r-.'iti. --n trie o-na iTtes'lay ot ' Ti'tT. in th vir of nur Lrl one thou-anti eixtit est. 11101 nule, unctiltirteil iiic;ilile churatlers di-sire this sutlrae. i Surely none else. The fn.-hionitlile liulies j who love motlestr und csteein virtue lo hold a ftir this full, or at least such one as would 1k a cretlit to the jicojile of the countv. I n"zret quite as much a. vour tf :,n ;i. i.'.'-ilt 1h 1'eM our fellow citi- . l! -: :!. r. on Friday evening of Mr II lin liccn for some time in inrryiiiii hrick on the Mum : aii.l on the evening atmvc .!. iiilc w :illvinz in front of the :i bri. k t'. ll from off the wall m -t.iry. :rikinz him on top of the , . :r-:n;a fnirlul pish. His wound ';'.'. iln--.-d l.y Dr. tiiimi. who .:!....- si-rimis t ill arise frmii hist ! ''i .: !. wW: lie iiNitu a.-.-iia tn far Sat Hi At Inf I' v g' :I Tt'T W AST of the pri x lit li.'f i i. ii.i :i. healthy and ioroiis .!..'i !.i"iy. The coulinued head -iikiie iiervousnestt. and vnn - :ieiir which arilict women arc p-n- v 4 'lie reuit of nuiK riix t action -ot the -ttot t 1 .ii-clotln r i'al orp.tn. Dr. Walk Ka'lf aiVolAit VlNEOAtt IJlTTEns. Iie ing !:'.tix-il i-!.t:!r!y of vep-tahle st'.li- fth. v in. 11.-. ii.c to California, may !. Uk'V1 I- K'.st s.i;. ;v liv ;he most "deli $1 ! :.n- m "in remedy, correcting nil T I .! :...i. hi:.; in u vior to the ContT I'nocKEriiM.s. St-ond week of Court D. Watson Kowe presided. The loll .uiui tui-s were tried : W". II. Dcwees vs. .I.iah S'u!Ti.r, ver-dii-t for detenditnt. I- A. Turner's, as-ir.i-es vs. St H'kdi.'ie, Smith i Co., et al.. venlict for iIaint'oT. Same I Tu k vs. Utiiliiril i Cl, erdict for phtintiir. for ?12' 71. Henry Shank vs. A. I.. Zimmerman, et al., er.liet in favor of plaintiff airainst de fendant A. I- ZlairiH riuauautl M. Mil.'lary. ' lor r. t';arris:i A. Dover vs. II. ',. r.aer. et. al.. veri'.ii t iirtiin-t defendant H. tJ. Uaer, for ?!,'. 10. Thos. I.aii.h ritiiik n. V. Mc lary.et al., verdict ill favor of plaintiff for ''.o:! upiifit ; A. L. Zimiiierman and IVtii. M1ary. " In the c-.i-c of W. S. Harrah vs. Simon Sweitzcr, et al.. the plaintitf took a non milt esteem oniicini,.., .,.,... f.ir ,,,, u l.ot.t not desire such a fpinchisc" that would ; for n fa n(lt a ,louU ,hat these nnnual ortnir iiieiu 111 tniiiaiuv 1111 tne oeiiniiieo cl.isses, nnd finally to ruin all that is beau tiful or to he admired in the nohle princi pies of woman. That degraded, ignorant and unprincipled class of women will al ways lie ready to sell their votes many times over to either or both parties, to the hltrhest bidder: in short, thev will sell exhibitions srive a preat imps-tun to the ng ricultuml nnd slock-misioii; interests, ol' the sections wherein they are held. " Peter Hf.ffi.et. A DVERTISINC i-JBL. Mi:. ers. " KntTOR: ' Tax-liaviT, Let us have pxnl olli in la.st week's issue of one linle children that can I seen in everv dinrlion w-ainiM-rin over the track. l'orkojioli. when if U reuchetl, is cer tainly a most licautiful city. Its stnt-ts, with the exception of a few near the river, are wide ami are lined from one end to the other with handsome buHil'mirs. The bu siiicf houses are iimon the largest and iuot elepint of the country. lne can tell at a jrlance that it is no slow old town, but that the amount of business done is sim plv immense. The Ohio U-in-4 navipible tiie whole year round at 1 his jxunt, is ot al- j ,m.jr ynXvs nw more re-ulilv" tlein thei,!"' Jutotrtit, hurls his thunderljoltA at i di. tales, I'amiisn Biir.iphie-, -h:trt. I'huto mcs.t in.-alc. liable value The wire stispen- (f A Thoy .j,, 'h()U h , some of the Uepublican nomin. bv howl- j iImH rSJmZu Mon l.n.I?e oyer the t hu ls said to I the , , uvi, y. Vt eV(. trfk. whu in- 'let us have food othcers." t xactly r"' K laret and lonpst sjein in the I nitetl j -j-1(,v ,. tM,fr vo, anv ,iav f,,r a V:iri . so. Mr. Tavpnycr! we are in favorof pxnl otjlsri-.r:l. s: Tari Kow. New Yurk. statm loat'astialolrytriti.).Kstot-nt. r;iI-in nf jewelry tinles i he v ! '1,K','rs- lTlhat reason wepn.p.e to ! Miiendsl several hundred feet above the , , virds or some more iewelrv ! support the Ih publican ticket from A to iz-1 Thev will vo'te over asain everv hour of i l'lo and we do n miw consiiU-r it ni-c.--1 the tlav if thev can ret su h pavwhenbv 1 sur.v,.,1" '" merits of any of the thev i-in niin hnse simie of this fashionable tilll'lHiates. IitlV lor tlie lieiu-Ilt ot lax-ray- a yorrlta in TZiHu alcnd Popular Lttmturt. nrirwrel v hieli Misn umiiru-itr invi ts vi rv ; T. 'w ho is evidentlv a son-head, rx'flliliw ! AUbaphu- History ol the Ki i.ut.liuiu nl iN-ra- beiirtiK- but her ine-nre state snd liniit.il oeteated CtUHllthltP, WC tm aulhorucd. to ! means w ill not allow her to possess, so that ! sa.v t,iat ' orire P. Kay. Kaq water. I could not ascertain tlie e-xatt Tll ..,;, .. n.,.lin ' iwlMr:. t ztird hciirht. but it Ls certainly so far distant from the water that it presents an immense at traction to thie' deluded ones who aresek iuir a place from which to hurl themselves to destruction. Some live or six have at tempted it but only one has thus far suc ceded. and he lit "fiat ou the water, split tine: his lmdy oien. 1 lie little t it v of i oviiiirton, on tlie Ken .11 LOW K ATES ! ! tar Hia per ineh per Month. we wilt insert nn ailMTtisement in l'Jf i'lrwt Um Papers tn Fenn. List sent on anfilii--tti OKU. KUWtLL it C't)., Ailvrrtislnir Agents, 41 rrk Koj. N. Y. CA5IPAIGN GOODS FOR 187Z Airent." wanted fur onr Caiunaiirn 'jrnoos. Sell et tight fai tluO prr cent, pro to. .Now is the time. Semi at onee for Ies.-riiitire fireular anl Frie List uf onr Fine Steel rjurraviiiifg d' nil the fan- Aiii:ts Wastro pott t'H AMnEitiJ-t'sj iIket 1'inr.Miu Uoi.k. thi: Struggle of 72; I yoveltu ii fZiiU aland Popular Lttemture ti'i t.r be lu:tl iii l t-uutut.T itt in U''h UitctiAt n---T! an to ch-t'i. In rtiruanf tbrrctf. I iJ riati ShafiT. hcrttrof th ci'Unty of SruiTet. ! &n tlittro iu.ike known n.l itTie this put lie no ; ti t tiif ri-'tiiT of pt.unty of S.rmirct. thai : a jt-'inTal thxtion wtil N htl.t ui'ait c.anty ua the ?'roii'l I'u-..i;iv. I he Wh iay if I ft-tokr nx'. at Ui eVTL-ral eirrfU'-n ii?Trirtj thTrin: at hit It time iiitri:t &ul tanty utticvi, ftd Ioiiw. arc to eir--tL to wir; OS h X for the otn-o of i,vtrnr of thj ConnnonwtMlth of l'nnivlv:inia. OXK PKKSO.V ffrtlie''ttu-i'.if Auditor General of the CamiuonwaUh ot Femisylvaniu. O.VK l'KKS f..r tit m ot .In.lre of the Sapwne CVert of tlie O-mraooweiilrh ot enn.-yl- TKRKK PKRSOX for 'ornm-tmen at Lirze kt the tir.nii'rweaJUi of Pennx lvuim. T W tNT V - tIG HTP KK MS lor I -!(Mr.W at Innre to the 4 'uiKltutiui i 'otivtntiwn of i'tai..-yt- UIRKK PKRSf.XS f : tionai ItmvrnUtw of th 4,o4.nniwr-alrh .H Feun ; yK;iniu. in i"njmt tiu mui the ii-mitn-s t K.air. litin'in-'i Tin-i -ovonrv.fo. f'-rthe Lorpo sf ii'uj-n the a't''pval jin.l r.itin aii n --r trjeoih n oi tne am' ii'!:uf n : w:nn tait e.rHii..n n.nt be ojiemNl. hi'l inl ei--sjl. up-n the tla.y la.t awiv ?:ti l. .it lite I'l.i.v il4 w;f.t.in the h-ur at ant w it hin wliir.h the jr-T-enl e!eai"fi5 of thi ommon wc iiih are iifj' t-! t- "pneil. ht!i an l : nl it the !u-y i.f the julr,,-'. m.-peef r" aa l rivrk f ea h of towu-hii-. Ur-uir'r.-. war l. ir-'jrj'"t anl rit.-. to r'ive at ta eThaXne eat"r,. Z, , 1;- -ito-n .a, pnly ?r inUs. I cot ,,c tuinwerea to them t-e any JmUe. Alilertuan . iVA'.lVIlPA"! WZ.ft?H Jostii-e of the Peaee: tmt ii no sti.-ti ni.iir:r:ite i pei-fent. one of the insetir of tbe el-vtion sliail a.lininiater the oath ur athnnuti.-n to the otaer ; ju.te. an.1 Insrieetor. ami then the ii!s"t..r so iguntitteil liiall asluiiuKter thu oath ur aOiruiuti. lo htm. "The irroieetof. jalse an-l eterkJ re.jnire.l hy Iw to hol.l Hie township aul icenernl elections, shall take ami suhserihe tlie several oattisor attirm- ations. reijnire.! hy tne Wtii. 'Aitli an l Ulet aeetioa I or the aet ol tne il oay ot July, is..o, eniitieij -An act relating to the elee'i.ms ot this '..minon- hi.-h ti- i-'s in:i he la'sM.e-l on tiie ixitsi.le -aaj- rn.inient ) tho e.nfitti"ll.', anl on the iasi-ie -tor tiie ani"ln.!nir.t"'.r "azfcinet iheameD-imenr." SErTio" X That the eleeti.m on the sui.l prop.ni-e-l ameixltuent snail. In ail respects, he ei.!uot.-4 as the .-nenil ele.ti..ns f this ei".ram..nweal:h are now eomlni-teil : an.t it shall be the .laty of the re turn ju-l'i-s. f the K-je-etlve ei.untie n! ilistn.t then-of. nrt having eiremUy aseertaine.1 the nuia herof t-hcs irWen l-.ror aicains6 saeh anten.iisent. a to mnKe i.ih .lai'ii'-aLi- r-mms iin-reii. eiuress-. in iwnrosat lenzm. an. i b in ciur-" uiii . uuif i si'.i;. The bid in. continued. thev f-.m more completely foil the devil and thereby covering a sepulcher that is i full of dead" "mens' bones," and corrupt - '. i in the nobj..' aud pure of society. And say that Oeorjre P. Kay, Ej., is enthusi astic in the supiort of tlie vhnle ticket National, State and County w ithout one scratch. We would further say tlmt Mr. Hav spurns the idta of lutvinir his name i f the caes oil the li-t were r k 1 k I i 1 I le 'A t I! ft ftc t 4 4 vitii.i Dp.oAn.-ThePiti.-l.ur-h '.'s;.iti- that the Ions ta'.ki-d of a "i he llemprield nil road to a 'ii " itii the Coniu-llsA ilk- Mttd has ' 'i.'i.'.er contract within the past :!! to lie viiorotis'y puhed for i iDtisiilerable amount of rollin"; itiL' In eti already ordered for its ps.int to l.e reached on the t'ou rnnil is prolmlily iayioii s Sta i'iiis "t ut oil" will very maaerially i. tlistance lie! ween W lieeliivj and re and will pass over much ea-'u r hi.n ihox-oii the j.reM-nt linenf the :-and Ohio road. It wi'l dotibt ': favorite route for through travtl r.al:;iiiore and the Wot. V.: n-Mi.-e in the lUr,Ud't li.-t of K.-puMiean li.eetin- t. ts- l.ei.l at t urious phi.-e? in the eouu ty that Siist.iiry u otmuieL '1 Uis i rat iier m..' . ular am! re-, air. a an q lannUai. If .aJ:.-hary an.1 K'lt Ij.-W art: to lie punishe.1 f..r ih.inz their ' own t t.uiWiiiif. I'T ffpi-iitif th-ir well iiiatun-.l e..tii.-ti..t,s ut the M.ils hoesi!-s .4" lh- lariy laeb it is ll to let the I. let tie known. 1'erhai the chairman ol the '..titity i 'ommutee lias I.Tir.ti-n the i-m-t licati..n .-I these .uu:r pretuicts. sinee h ae iaet a eMuH.iatc. The '.ini-si..n of Salishnry from the plait-s h..n , urci ly the niairtutes irfto run the party in the i-..iiuty. ir altui-et oonliinatory of ai impression of our e-opie titat we are lo lie puiiini.eil f.ir our (met tni-ui.-e.is i an.l are ouiy to tai receive.! iiuo lull 1 li lloartiip alter a season of ilirc trihulatiou. i Alinirtiti l ul we w..n t tril.ulate wortlia eoptier. lie Is leave to int.. rtti our Iri.-tels (who tin not npjH-ar to rei-eolln-t us. ) that as we furnishe.1 our .(ii..ta to the ia- war. kava paU Mir taxes. ttu ky side, which is joined to Ciueiuiiati i jjiin, this class of beings, in connection I us'' 'n connection with any coalition move-j ... .... ii-."" ......... ..n..,.-o..r i Witu M,asculine deln.ii:ostle, will cotnniand "r a"i oinerwai, sme umn uie place in which hltleor no business is tlone. i tlie av; thev wilt 'c there in scores, as ' ranks. of the irr.ind old KepuMicau party. .His-t ot n citizens tio i.usiness in . in in- , ... . ..ntovin? the in.oorti.nce '" " w marchiujon to new victories. nati. and simply live in I ovinton. ew- , . , , f Jn , FitH. Mr. Tax-payer, have you heard the news iiort is joined to t oyin-ton by a lieantiful I .,., of tl...t ..iasg wi!, at i,,.; r.(llltr,,i I from Maine? "Let us have piod officers." i two hundred votes. S j ou sec cheap rile ! HitDTiiKHsvALLEtr Tow.Nsinr. Iwn.s sham jewelry, and cheap votes will - """-"""' """""" Ik? exposed on the ilay of their cmancipa MARRIED. i tinn Mneli w.ml.l ij. tl... .l...re.,.l..tl.,i, . .f : - ptph; who do businesK across the river. i tU() ;iHUo:).t..rs of mother Eve if the desires ! OIN DLESIiKItUEH THOMAS St ot. ta-rttic Parties; a raey sketeli of the o-ealleI I.ih era I Itetainli.-an I'artv : an int. tit view of the lin- einnsti 'invention. The ciiuor tiekets or tirfe lAov-t of the enuipaiirn. Tlie finest Illustrate.! Haaik ; LnKI..!...! t 11..1. .nFA.l l.u ....ri..-,.. eitiien To .'--iire territorr at on.-e. ss li.l il for out- I Ii"?'.rll'r."'' "".'''' tit. I NIOX ft HLISHlMr ! .. Cliioups 111., i'hilaJ'a, t'a., or SprinxheM. Mass. tiXfcPEK.Xi.N K.'iir eiita: .ve in t ..mtrew In .njiuii-lion with the .tiutuie ol A-hitcs. Kr.iuk lin. Kulti an.1 Hwliopl. tiNE l'tK.-SU.V for tiie i tH.-ei .'Iei.il.er of the Hunseof H. resntatives of IVnr.ssr. ania. ti.NK PKKXiM in eonjniv-tmi ntU the count it- of ilt.nr. lultouau.1 l tU nl tor the itli'-c l Mate Senator. ).K PEK.SOX for the olfi -c ul Pr-t'i iiotary, Ae.. f.-r the eonn-of S lai-rset. I )N V. I'UKStlN f.T the oth.-eot Eeaisternf Wills. I the.oun:v..i ..nierset. tiK PKHSIi.V for the etlKe of SI-.enK the wealth." which oathior aifimiatiotia altalt k rre- pareil an l ailministere.1 la the manner pr -".-rii-eil in the isth an.i :SM serf ions of the se.i.1 act. ami In a.I.iition ui tiie power O'nlerreJ ly the ltth seeu. I of j.im act. tne ja.iice or ettner ot in insjiecrors Iieleiriites to f'onstitu- shail have power to ailminrner the ecoh preiTtl e-1 t.y said a.:l to any cierK ot a jrea. nu . r lownsnip . eie.-tH n. The following shall t the f.nn f the rjth or af nrmation to tie taken hy ea-hin-,iie.-t..r. vii: -I A. 11. ( do that 1 wiU daly attend to the ensuinz i elccti.41 tlarioz the euntinuance there.. I. us an in : spe.t. r an l that I will Dot reeeive any ti- ket ..r vote fmm any person, other than such as I "hall urra ; ly tiive l.i i. aoeorlim? to tbe pr.vi.-i. ns of the '. et.nstitntion an.t the laws of this I'otumonwenlfh. I en ntie. i to vote al stK-h eleetiuo. without re.,uinra su.-u evi.leni-e ..f the r.a-lit to vote as is .'.tni-tiM t.y law. nor will I TexatmoslT .lelay or n-tnse to re- hh-h retnrne. sonnuie. Lall ls ula-el in the pr-w '. th.-notarv's-.tS. e of rheei-nrt frfw'ttinnu pleas ot ' pr-per eiinuty. an-t the etner eale.t an l .iireti-.i b. the seurerary" ot the .i n-.iconwea.th. aQ.l l y ..iu? .i '. s.ti.1 tu.ies'.lp.'.site'l f..rthwi'h in the m.eT .nve. ni'-nt post offli-e. av n which p.tiwrj siiaii be yl at the e.Tjr.e. f tV:e pr..per ci-tmrv-. ! Seith.3. That it eh:iil be the Jury of the vr-- tarvof th." et tniaonw.-aith on the sec..n.l Tuesl:iy i .f J.-mnary. in the year of ..or Ls.rl .e thocsar..t ., eiht hnti-'ire-t anI serintry-three. at twelve o'el.s-k M . n that .iny. to iiiivr to the speaker of tLe 1 senate, or the "speaker .-f the h.se of reiresent i tives. Hie retards of tiie si.l eieeti.a Cr nn the nt 1 ervl .".unties of the oonnurnwealTh; aisl the time i shall, on the some .iay ai..l hour. heopeneH. atfl pah. lishe.1 in tue. i-rcseace if the members, ot the svr.are - ' an-1 h-.a-e -.f reprsenrarlves. an-1 the Tote sriren lor or airainst suid amendment iiail be eareiu.iy little suspensioQ bridge over the Licking river, the chief attraction licin the iarue (rsivcmmcnt liarnitks. There are also many tine resitlences here belonging to t POLITICAL il OODS etjiintv of Somer-et. j ONKFKKXA f..r tl:c t.g:oc uf (MinL-.-l ncr fr J;til eounTT. ! ONE i'hiS4)X tur .lie o.aof IV- r Iirttigr ! f.r ei'imtv. . - i...:i...- ' 5uniinet ur. ;ml a rtjinefi. aaa UTiiti-at cerr.n- to he enfitl.ii t vote as af.res..,i,. I that I will 1 theresatt shu.I h sf e.1 hy the speaa.-rs ! in all thin--, tralv. impartially and Uithluily per- , f .'. ,w,,,,bs: ,,nerof fT "'" j fonu n.v .U.ty therein, w the i-tt of mv ja l-afcnt T, the TUir ,"f vL''9 0"n'In,;'o,,1'th: I ..Li .i.-itioJ .0.1 ,h.t I am n. .tint rn, in.il- i who shall cause tho same b he retort.! 1 Bie m-tlv interested in any bet . r air-r ..n the n.--uil , ' hifl8ce. an.l the other of said ..-ertin.-ate sha.l issiue his nnieiamation. .teeUrinir t)KfLK.s. for tf:c oltue of founty Aaoitor f this election.'' 1 The fotlowinsr shn be the eath or affirmation of . tH ail Kinds, i FIKEWOBKS, IXAGS. I.AXTEKXS. i TOKflltX. BArx'tES. t NIFiHi.MS. Ac ' JOSFPII B.PI RDY. j MamlMMai.tenLane. i Kftat.Unhe.1 1SU, XKW VOIiK. h :her the said amendment has teo-n appp.ve.1 ana ra:me.i ny .t mai.ritv M the o'mIinnl r .ter" of the state rotinir theref. r: PrortJcJ. Thar if. for any cause, a qo. rum of eir her "house ef the leirilature shail n. t- present at the -lav aa.l hocr aiwwe mecti.ined. the said Totes shall Se orne.l in the presence of an.- fs n.. real medicine ever irjined ;; clarity which Cii'toria has i r.m relates their m rirnce d i-:r.-ci to another. It is a vec-fi-Iuiralion, jierfectly liariuli e. ' lake: does nt distn-seor ftriji", :ti the system, and is sv.re to op n all other reniedii s have failed, on tUio has ever used ( Vtoria niacn .vciie. i onsiimiimi. I roun ... :ev, onus, rue; i iii never ai'itin uc ..!- or Narcotic Svnni r.Tains neither Minerals. Mortihine Hy its southing, tjiiietiu j ( f -r.s'.!iee natural sleep, and i pur lelaptii! to (rvinz and tei-thin It ns-rs but '.iTi cents, and one 1 i -ae m.inv dollars in doctor's lu.l . have ii.j ho'B ullr.inLi-eJ we iU fneakina- or t.o in-:iki!iz -.t.- our sentiments on Tuesday, t fil-cr tiiti. and tiie record will tie plaiu. W'v are sorry that our brother of the In iU ..t i, th' tit has la-come so w rothy and work ed hiinselt' into such a state of excitement over so small an affair. The t hainnan of tie- ( otiiiiy Committee i entirely free from blame; the mistake was made by one of the leiys ill our elliec. The list was writ ten out in pencil and was not arranged in hr.T.oI.iiric-.'.l ord' r. but numVred. Tin iniftints ut Sali.-liury nnd Meyers' Mills K'currinj on the same day, were !th numliered o, and when the youn? penile-! man ii.ui one numiM-r .nn tvte. lie con Fountain square is one of the chief at- tractins of the (jueen City. An immense , bronze fountain has here lieen erected by l one of her munificent citizens, a Mr. la ;vis, who managed to amiinulate a preat deal of wealth, and in order to have his memory perpetuated left to the citizens this niiitiniricent bronze fountain. It is fully thirty feet hich. nnd is sunnountetl with ' an immense bronze female fitrure, with her i nnns extended and from out w hose hands 1 w-ntly falls theniin. Underneath are four la rpe life-sized bronze proups fiuinp north. east, southand west, representing how nec essary water is to our existence and how useful it is. Beneath these proups is an im mense lrnsin of water extendinp clear around the fountain, filhil with most licau tiful lish. There are also four beautiful bronze fiirurcs to which drinkinp cus are attachetl and out of which the water slow ly trickles. Durinp the warm weather the water is cooled with ice. The fountain; was erected exclusive of the cost of the I of Miss simplicity would take effect. V would have to put away our womanly dauphtcrs and hup and fondle our manly daughters. This essential difference lie tween the two sexes is a strikinp fact, yet i the advtH-ates of female si'.fl'rape write as if they had no existence. Wc now leave I this with you by makinp an application of! Miss Siiniilicitv's letter, that the whole ' tenor of it shows plainly her inclinations, which arc to coic with the ladies of fash ion to walk in the payest circles of society, to lie respected, but her education has been neglected by her stiicrstitious and doting parents, who are not sensible of the ines timable value and perfection of the fash ionable lady of to-day. Hoping to hear fur ther from Sliss Simplicity, I hid you a fund adieu fi.r the present. Yours lined, dispiayiiigly. Miss iilsfl.AY. D w.eCitv, Sept. 21. r Vo-in'-?.'i , ':1'(''1' n'"loll'rt' thatliothwerettp, hence !prjK.rt', the masonry, pliimbinp, ic, at I Mil. Kkitoi:. The pros(icets for the n-tu.-liin.' Oil 1 lL: l,li!i,:'kp- Wo wvvb' ourselves that ; a cot tif one hundrl-d and seventy-five j mat hine shops of the 1'. W. ic B. 11. It. ujis Tl . "( '' ""rs is n"t ""' f"'-v "fll(V in M ,,i l1 lllis-' thousand dollars. The whole thing" was : t-'o. fieing loeuted at our place are Civora ra'ls M..ri.hine "r ur- In 11,0 a'i""e article clipicd ' manufadurcd in Gennany. I hie. Whilst Cumlierland and Connells- Ai.iKiiixv Aukk i i.ti At. Kami.: roofli Annual Pair of the A'-'ri-' :o. 1 Mi-chanical S iety of AIlc nty iiiol W est Virginia and I'enn- ' i i- to lie held at the Sa iety's - i.'i the City of Cumlierland. tin the! :'-! iiinHth days of Octolx r 1T2. ."iiiiiiins offered by the S ii-ty ; to iin.re than ?:.Oil, and are ' the iine-t lilNTal in the country. ii iiKt'iiieiits are offered for" the '. I" "I gial horses too, as the pn-mi-1 a' trials oi ' speed amount toI.MDt. : - "" -t.-k will hv there. .J,:r,''"s M"'," promises to lie the ' iti the Mountain City, an.l we ' w-'ilU ninny t.f our laii.e will at tr.Hii the ruisiwi.drnt. the editor says : lirt.m is decid.-dlv the most lovely and we will vote our sentiments on Tuesilay. ; iKautiful stiot in America. It is some "three n ..iu, ami uie reconiwni ih- puin. ior four miles from the city, covennp -xiitinuns wi',1 eoini nine-on i utxiuy ti, Wh. ! trant mansions built in all styles of archi ! tecture with towers, terraces, Ac, but the I IIF. I.oYAL htmvir I'iivpivv ' l.. ..I.,I n-,.n.l..r. it,.. ,.lM,.f to our almanac. k-tolier l.tli w hole hill side, w here most of the wealthy on Sunday, and the elet tion j rw-oi.le live There .ire a irreat nianv ele- i lie annual mectinp of the shan holders t.f l. antv Ls the superb lawns, w ith their Ittx uie i.oyai ifisur.,n e ( ..mpanv was held in ' urh nt velvety appeArance. None of the I.!ver;a,i. England, on the Jd tilt. The crounds are fenced in. but allare surround i i-hairnian til the comrmny. C. Turner, I il with hek'-s. w hile the law ns are dot L! . M. ... presided on the. atusion. The tel here aud there with licautiful flowers annual report show, il that the recvipts of, and brilliant foliasre plants. No one can tire premiums for the year had nnMint.nl Sav they have seen the lieautiesof Cincin tl.!t..,2t.l 1?s 1,1 .f-f.4Vi.Wi.'., and the ; ,m'ti until ther nova visit tii Clitltin. .cs by tire, including hicago l.ses. to ! Sprinp tiro've Cemetery Ls another won iM.dM) ss. :,d. il,!.;!'"i. After pro- , .h rftillv la-autiful place, and is said by vuling for unexpired habihues etc., the t1(Wt. kn,-, to hare no equal in the wt profit for the year amounted to ;?.-, United States. It is filled with a great . i-is. ii .-... i. i lie nusiiMt-s oi nmtK.r f nionutmnts of Italian marble j the year showetl an increase of IKi.iij in standintr full twenty feet in the air, and nre prt-mjuine oioii i?:c,iz;i. a rerythen sunnounte.1 bv a life size bronze or large proportion of thts vast Increase ifmarUc ficure. A Irentlcman of the city ' M"-te.l tin,! (;v. Whvte will le- ajinuij uOi'ns, as he hjisctpres n'entHin i.ol.m,, vhm:M nothinroc- " v ii: i:. j-in:. I.iN.'.s.The imN.rtant !'-t these organs have io coiitiini :"'l.y cxistenif makes it ..!' jara. 'Is rtance tle.t ll.. v tl t.i i . . ' PlKTlll lit i bu.-iness, in one year, lias lieen produced ' iu the Lulled Slates, where the company ; is rapidly extending its business: and prow . ing daily in jmpular favor. The lire re ; M rt e fund of tlie Koval now- amounts lo 1N.4(W (2,442.:j:;o.." This places the ' company amongst the most secure and sol vent tire cimitnnics of the world. The to tal assets t.f the company an now 1,'Z'M,-! tention. luis er.-ctetl a lieouuful little jtray stone t haK l complete in all its appointments at a cost of sixty thousand tlollars. under which is a vault frr M.e interment of his dead. One of the ei.ief U auties of this cemetery is that it is not divided and fene- cdoff in little hits, but is all in one preat lot, anil all receives Uie name care and at- !e':i . Sd. til. 4.14 fil.1 and fire liabilities. to meet ita life t,, ., 1 . - ,. ,- "" ioi .in: .llliiliuio. Ill, e i " o tlL7'r,U na 'Jy si--'-, h movimr ihc adop 1, nMi. - t ""V Ul 'm ",,r " ll tlii' I'ro-rcss , l"'D''y"T ,U". '-'. Ameri In .y.lb"ieutS " sav -s .in.- liinir .,t tin I. ..!.. .1 . 1 - . s;iy s,,m,.ilijr at ti. i,unilrn!s which niiir us if our throats "I 111 ni tal tir brass, instead "' ''ssues w hich line not onl v our ut een ti. minutest ramificati.His '"ii'luaand lungs. There is not c,u ,!,at civsUi not niroj two days. l.yaiiiiH-lv applita ''Ut r.ni,,Vhulh ai itn Kkv nd ninnv of theni in Acrnw the Hhine as it is romantically The t hairinun in liis.j called, in reality iwniss the canal is w liere ption of the report,;! the (ierman population live, his German in its upticarance and all its asiects. The finest ami largest beer gardens in thiseoun of the conjjiauy iu utsrv terms, amit x presse.1 his belief that the i ample f the I lilted State Were iiatr.)niziiir that com I in trne Ceeiimn ate I." S.inu of them will any, and others from Great Britain, lie- seat five or six hundred persons. OnStitur a;ise th. r hml lieen found prompt in wt . thty and SumLiy nights they are filled with thug all tlaims ari.-ing from loss br lire ptmple. Whole fiiniilies come together. veu in Mi.h extensive loscs as the of, lathers, mothers, airier and brothers, and ha 3.1a. The entire rawiion of that twin- i s.it around the table drinkin? beer and hav pary places it in tlie front rank of Insur-; ing a socuble chat together, enjoying the anee organizations : and while the business ! sot iety tif ll.eir friends and the tine music il the vear lsTl i,, nut i, i, ;,ri,i :'. t : i..,.i .i u . - "- ... .... ......i "" f- iiidi uuiHiiis ill micuiuiuiv. in. p.iv li appearance and sliaken, simrkles like Little or no drunkenness can be . . -, . , " - . ' .. . III SI.I.IM SIV W.VOW ... 'I l- 1 . ' , oratiie I-osition in the nc xt annual report. lovers and tln ir sweet hearts to meet and make love on a sociable glass of beer. Itesiectfully, I Yabaw. vine are wrangling over the "none wc hope to secure it. When ropr.es fall out a ! honest men pet their dues, at least we hfitie this old saw will apply itself favorably to us. Omnibas of the Dtuwrrnt, feels very jubilant over the nomination of his dear Iriend Gewge. of this place, tor the Sheriffalty. We too think that the Demo cratic party for the once has acted consist ently in the nomination. Mr. Weber is a true blue representative of the unwashed and nnterritied Democracy, and should he lie so fortunate as to be elected to tlie jail honse, it wonld make it a glorious head quarters for his IVmocratic friends. So mote it be. Omnibus feels much elated over the nomination of Hon. John Cessna for Congress, claiming that our postoflice imbroglio has made him exceedingly un popular with the citizens of Dale City. Omnibas does not take into consideration the influence that Meyers Mills will bring to bear in Hon. John's election. The Mills liare a population tif seventy-five men, women and children, almut twenty voters, out ot which numlier we can count on three Cessna votes sure and two doubtful. But pray. Mr. Omnibus man, will you tell us how the election of Mr. Frank 11. Mey ers would or could help to rectify our troubles. The business men of Dale City arc certainly very sorely inconvenienced and annoyed by not having the name of tbe .toffice tlie stunc as that of the cor a .ration. We have the printing and pub lishing house of II. It Holsiuger here; his paper, the Chrirtiiui Family Con- Stb, by B. S. Fleck. Esq . Cyrus Gind h-siierger and Francis Thomas, Ik it h of j Simerset Co., I'a. j SXYDEK SI' LI. I VAX. SeptemU r 10, l.y Kev. .1. E. McClay. Mr. B. F. Sny der, of Cassellinan, l'a., and Miss M. A. . I. Sullivan, of St. Clairsville Ohio. S (BBF.B LAMBERT. Scptcmlicr 1.1. Mr. W. S. Sorber and Mir Annie Lam bert, lioth of Simerset Co., Pa. BAUXHART BASH. S-ptcmU-rHd.by Sttmuel Barnhart, Esq., Cvrns Barnluirt Miss Maggie Bash, both of" Simerset Co. BLYMYER WEYAXD Sept. 12th. at the residence of the bride's father, by Kev. Stewart. Mr. John F. Blymver and MLss Matiie Weyaiid. both of this place. mail. Address Ur. O. Phki.ps Iiitowx.. 'il i rrand Srand St-. Jersey I 'Ity. N. J. THOS.MTADDEWJs. 41.5.1 PITTSBURGH. 1IKD. SHAFFER. On the 7th inst., Lizzie Eva, laughter of Aaron Shaffer, aged S yearn, (i months and 2- days. fJARDXER. On tlie l"tli inst., Bertlia. daughter of Barbara A. Gardner, aged 2 years, " months and 1:1 days. .Yew AJwrliiH'iMnft. I EICHLER'S RECIPES for LIQUORS (Jontainthe latest lmpmve.1 ihstrnetions f.r miv l in Brandies. Whiskey. Kntns. Utns. Hitters. Faney t'onlials. Fruit Syrups. Ilay Uuui. 4ti'.. ke. I No nne eazaureil In the Liijuor Ilusincss ean altor.1 to he without tlieni. Ask Sir them an.l examine tliein at tlie Iwok-etonn. IK-lirere.1 by mail on re-ei-if.t of to. I.T AsenttKAi-H ai Mili.kr. N". VV. eor. 3.1 and Cailtiwhlil Sta.. Fliiladeli.l.ia. i'a. Index and snui.le sheets sent free. I KACIIKUS WANTED.. I he Seh.l lloapl of 'iMiemaui:hTuwnshiwL-h I tii employ ttr nuile leai'bera lor tlie eotuinir aebiM.I i U'rtn of hve m.aitha. j Waitea. nrst-elasa Thirty-fivedollaLW per omntli; see. aid eiaaa thirty ili41.tr. j An examinatiiHt will he held at Slatrer'i Sebool House, ua the XHIh inst.. wlien ami where ttw.se wu-luuK to en if a ire will .len." ap.ly. ' tir.i i It (Jr. M llliAHLti. eeretary. iviph iiiil rn. v.x- I . R I dil that I woi as for said county. . . t milire .lulv atten.i the ensuinir el.s-ti.n ilurin j tiie ' '' fr.liSON forthe otSee of I rniwr r..r sal.t a'tlntianeo thereof. anJ faithfully assist the in-; county. i si-eetors in carrvina; on the jam.-: tliat I wi.l not ; I als.. lien-hy make kn..wn an.l irive nv? th. ' eoiaient that anv rote or ticket shall be re- e taw "- " i ..- w.o m V . "''"u tt"m e-rsm "her than such as flruily , mernhrr n( hHl. , shall be pnvetit : an.1 !n la the several !mfc n;,t'? . 1' W':,"a tU j believe U) be a.,-oni.n; to the provisions of the ecu- ,4 X J .,, thv s;ker 'f either of said co ou. . . ..m,,..-, .c ' ': , '. ,,, ,rti. : stituu ai and laws ot mis i ooimonweriun. entiiie-i i D,);.s. ti.e o rr-.a -are slialt ls;CTe.t hv thesr-ai;-I he ele.t,sol the honmich and townsh pofSom-, tltmueM ,'eeti.Ha. without reijuinna such cv- . . tin.nr or ln ,, r1. f t..ne oib.su er-ettaimeetattheOmrt House, in sari b i!eI. u( lht nt tl) TO!e 4 l, ..ra.te.l by law. I'r-l-S eutefJlerk' ' ' Nt' h7oie: ii The electors of tin. t.nsh,p of Millor.1 t.i meet t , wiU n,e best endeav,, to prevent the?of th-rli ta the e-a of the ai-ec-e of ene M at the house lately occupied by ueonre kiiamil, m i a, HOT.jt w lllBrt i earn in u .o tne sauie , ,4,. said town-hip. , bv'eiiiiens: qualiae,! to vote, or others, and that I SEi-ti..vl "Pint the srreral duties re.inire-1 t i The eleetora of the Wonah of V t cntrenlle : u ke ,nd nM retsm ol tbe said eiee-! "rf.,rmi bV the .beritrs.eno,misl.i. erst. to meet at the sel. house u. sail n.uifh and will In all thiuir truly, imparr.ally anl f-'s ? , . ins,"toA "l ail other otfieer--har- T!ie eleet.iw of the township of t pn-r Turkey-, ....,,,,..,, ..,. -ti., the s.,r.i to 1 ' ,)"- X,. JZ. ' l"e "f J"" A' SUU"X m Vt -y Ji : t-'-t I j U,h.aYl bT,irSed hy in rtie eieetor 01 tne townsninoi 1 fst loiuc-tat the si tio.1 h. use iu t aid townsiiip. do that I will nnparual.y atel truly write dovvu , , .... .j.,.,i,,n. a theT w.'.ul.l f-r the ne--le,-t .,1 ii. the name of each elector who shall v..te at the en- ,i,ltT r the ."..maiis-i.fl of the Uxe otten.-e. at. in juini elei"tlm. whk-h shall be aiven me in eharre. 1 rr ai,t tlie .-nc-il ete.-ti.tL "f this irmon. and also the name of thetowouip, ward ..r .iistn.:t WPil;i, " WILJ.I t FXL.K ITT. wherein wh elector res1d'. and eurrfully end - ik.-r. f tiie Ii. mm- ,.f Ke; r-ent uives. tnily write down the numlr ol Tot.s that si. all ! : ' .IVMt.S S. Kt TAN. a-ive'n lor ea.-h .-an li.tate at the ele.-lton as ufk-n as " pea'.T of the enat.'. his name shall be read to me l y the ir.speetors rr-uvr r. TI e eleven' h .Ut .rf April. Ann., then-of an-1 in all thimrs tnily aiel taithiaiiy p.-r- : fi,.niir.i one thousaii.' ei!:t bnn-!rr! an I seeentT form mv du:v resptiui the s:ime to the t-st ... aiy JNn. VT. tiEAKY." . .'n . ...I .l,.!irv ...lth.t t .m p.. .1: !. .. .-... . ; .... r . .Z k i l 1 iTi ii. il.- ,Zh j indin-etly intereste.1 in acy 1s t or .iir.-r oa the rn-; ;he , .,s,.ini4v. approved Ami llth. laTi if the s.his.1 house in Pale I ity horoue- h. ' .nit ..f title eleetbm " '.1.1. . .. ....'.,,.. ...... :,n., . ....JT 7 . . . . I I ne nuuitue.1 e.ei.'rs w... utsr n-o ...i i n-j 101-. at the ii-haul house, in said boroitii. : lowtnir act of Assemhlv. approved IJ1I1 itu ,.r The electors of the township of t.reenvin-; to 1 M.(T,.h Art Ke-ulatina-the mo.le e( r.in'if at i meet at the house of M.-Kmzie. formerly oe- e):,1(lj tuc -,eral euuutiva oi thin l.m- : cupie.1 bv tJeont" I.n. in said township. : ie.Iili ' ' The electors of the laimtuth of w ollerslatr to. , . . Epilepsy, or Fits. A Sure tt'RE lor this istressinsf complaint fa ntw made known hi a Treatise (of v octavo paes) on Foreiirn an.l Native Hertal I'repanitions. puii liKheil hy Dr. O. I'HKLrsi Ititows. Tho prcsitrip tloo was'.liseovereil by him in sm-h pmvi.lential manner that lie cannot conscientiously refuse to make it known, as it ha cureil everylssly who has use.1 II rus. n.-e. na.ii.a ....". ".- , r ... , .,.. ,;. I..,..,.!..,,., i ... I case. The Inirreilients mav Iw n.taine.t tn.ni anv 1 .."-- v, - - .iruuxi.t. A copy iN-nl .free to all applicants hy i "'''. . ... f..jli; i.l.llewb to ' me-t at the house occupied l.y Aar -n Herklcr iu said townshiji. 1 Theeleetura of the t. wnship ot Elkli.-k to meet ; at the new house ln tne bocouith of Salis 1 burv. j The electors of the bor.uiih of Salisbury to meet at the n w school h. use In aai.l tint;i. The electorji of the township of Ad.lison to meet . oaui m aoi , Jhe (1, ju.lirment and al iliuci and Unit I . menwe-alth. shail be performed hy "uch otBi-ep. in . Tn,t . am not directly or indirectly interested in any liet a ut .,,., ;,, herein pp.vi.lcl f.n and all 1 rsio 1 i7n nvh w er nn the fwolt ef thi election. - persons, whet her otneera or otben.-shait he lialie I tsina borough ( rUP f..n,, in shall be the torta .. the .nth or af-, ., thesame punishment 5t ti.e ne-.-lct f anTdutv. 1,1 iis..n to meet ! flrtntton to be taken by each clerk, vii: "I (A. B. ) ,.r ttl, niisii. n of ar.v . It. ne- at. in cr about the Secti.ix 1. Be it enacfe.1 by the Senate an.1 1 House of Representatives, el the ( .411m .nweaith ot S.-pt 40, U'i. Johuetuwn I'a. id v 1,1 Tli.-tn if w.. ,t I . . i- . - uj ia nan 111 niiiuiwi : V"!'11v-,, w-;l,I,' 1 " L"""'te, agent.,., tli-emnny: j r, it is like .rnhre in ' "i to iiaut ' The rlr, -V i'"" ln the current champaiirn. "Little or no dn f '" finninj in "time .1 .1 ..Vf nd m -'n a nUUl more fav-: seen. The ganlens are fa- iriVr''eWIt shin." Joiix Hm k, Agent, romerset, I'cnn'a. try. re to he found here, and are kept p ion, hai a suWription list of In-tween four and five thousand, the subseritiers living in every State in the Union, thus necessi tating a wide and extended corrcsMnd enec and ier eonsetjueuee many luLsiiikes. Tlie tiusinesa through the pontollire of this puhlitthing house in at least ten times great er than any other firm in the county; lie oides we have three patent medicine firms having their headquarters at Dale City. These firms use at a moderate estimate lialf a million laU-U with the name of the firm and place of manufacturing. Dale City, on each label, 'besides do they advertise in some forty newspapers; our merchants and business mn of I)ale city all advertise: our banker has his checks and blanks all printed with Dale City at the head; we PAKM FOU SALE.- The anilcrsiicned will offer at public Pale, at puk lie outcry, on TUT Ti.SDA Y, the Wtb day ef UtTOBER, Wi at one o'clock p. m.. ua the premise a. In Ikme-ral ti.. Westmoreland eo., liai acres of land, tn.4 ur less, asljidnimr lands ot Itenry Hotield. Widow Perk, lands inrwerly of Jainca Jonea. known as "Jones' Mills," awl other, havtmr thereon ereet e.1 a Lirjr Uauk Barn, a Two-sturysV'rame Hwellina Honee, Tenant House. I sn-hant and other mijiro e ments. Ahuot one hamlred aast twenty acres are cleared, and ail the Ucl.ls are well watered; twen ty acre In meadow, awl the remaining timber very v.ssl. Tkumsi One-third cuh on rMinnnation of sale; one-third In iwie year, anil lata nee in two yean, ith interest fnan date of ecBBnaataon, te be ecu red by judimient bon.1. . . JtKEMIAH EEOVOHEE, Se2i. Truoew. JkOTICE TO TEACHERS. riie Itoanl ot Schia.l Pirerton of ronemanifh Township are deslnma of ema4oyhiir ten teachers for the schools of that townsnip. They will meet f4- the purpuae of eturairiagr teaehers.'at lwvids ville. m Satanlay. the lt day uf k ti4ier, when and where they will be pleaaed to meet all apll cants tur achuula In that towasbin. 1IAML1. WEAVER, J von Kua, hecy. aep'a rresrt.ieut. FOR SALE. A seeon.1- hand . , i i 15 -Horse Power Steam Engine AND BOILER, With JIDSOX trOVERNOR, t, all complete. Xatkinc like) It In medicine. A luiury to the palate, a painless evarnant. a irentle stimulant to the circulation, a perspiratory! prearalia, an anil bilious me. Heine, a stomaehic. a diuretic and an a.tmiralile ceneral alterative. Such are the ac knowledged awl daily proven pnipvnlea f Ta KOT'a F.KrKiiVKcicT Selttfr ArenirsT. S lL.L II V ALX. lilil'UtJISTS. meet In the ai.-b.il house in said tmriuh ... . . . .. ..nuKl.. 1. .. . . I. .. m t.1. .n I.-. me."t at the house of John Sturti in said towuelnp. t rennsj ,hiT 'n. ,,,, f , 7. . t " Theel.vu.rsof tlie township of .Northampton to hereby enacted hy the authority of the same. That meet at the nue of John I'Jrbauith la U-I lotn the .iuaiirted voter, o the soeral oun tes of this 1 t'ominonwealth at all ireneral. towTishtp. bop nirh The elector of the township of Larimer to meet ' and s-e.-uil ek-rtii na are hereby, hereafter. auth..r at tlie hooae formerly occupied by m. ilay, in awl re.tuire.l to v,4e. hv tickets, pnntc.l or said township ; written, or partly printed and partly written, sev- The elector." of the bomu;rh of Berlin to meet at ! erally classine.1 as Wloasi .me ti. ket sliail em the honse of Arehila.1.1 foiupton in sai l borouah. t-rasT the name, of all judurcs of court v.rte.1 for. Tlieele.-ton of the township of Br.thersvalleT ; an.1 to be labelled, outside --judiciary: ..ne ttcket to meet at Blttner school house In said township, '"all embrace the names of ail state ..ffl.-ers v,.t,Ml The electors of the town hip of SUivcretk to 1 f'T. "' "e labelled --Mate: one ticket shail em meet at the hoiw forraerlT t upie.1 hv Jacob Will. trace the name of all county ottk-crs T.4cl t. r. ln Jr.. and now by John .xiwiehcr in aai.i tnwiwhip. I ciu.linjr the otfl.-e of Senator, member and members The elector of theborouitti f St.vstowu u meet ! A seem bl v. if vot."d for. an. member of ton al the honse formerly occupied by Henry J. Millar. I Krcsa, " voied for. an.1 be labelled -c unty; - .,r tn anld boniuuh i ticket sliall embrace the name ot all township of- The electors of the township or ljuemamaitnic to ' ui-ers nsoi . .-c w.-.l-oh,; .me eet at the house of Jas4 faster, of Stoystown. i ticket shali embrace the names ..fail hor.uh of- meet The ele.-t.irs of the township of Alleatieny t m."et at the house of Uevnre A. Kimmel in ai.I township. I The elector of the township of I'oncmaush to I meet at the house of Peter Levy in said township. 1 The electors of the towualupof shade to meet at j the house of Jacb Hclnum iu said township. ! The electors of the township of I'aint to meet at ! the school house erected ou the lauds uf Henry llerkey. ln said township. t ne electors 01 tne tnwnsnipot j enner to meet lieer v.e.1 foe. an.1 be lai.eiled -ls.ri.oahi an l each clasa ahall be dciitcl in Si piirulc Uiii.,t- bo.xe. Sice. 2. That It nhall be the duty of the Sherttij in the several counties of this t'oniiuouweaith lo insert In their election proclamations hereafter is-, sued the hrst seeluai of thi.a.t. JAMES R. K F.I.I. EY-. Speaker of the Hou.e of Kei.resentative. 1 PAVIll rLEMMlNU, SieAbi-p of the Sf.n.iru ' Barlow'H Imliijo Hine s the cheapest and beet article in the market f..r ' n',U llufinq 7iaet. The n'liuuie has both Barlow's thwwauty at Die house of Tin .mas UaiUnlicr. at Jcnncr X I lton.iis in sai.t township. The elect. mi of the township of Jeffcrsou to meet at the houseof Siloujon Baker in aid township. The elector of tlie borough of I rsina will meet , at the stdHMil hi.use in aal.l boromth. The return ju.'.ire of the resjiectivr distrh-ts In j re reii uire.lt meet atthe court House: In the b.aroua:h ot Somerset, on Erldar. the llth 11- I.L...-. MnM ,m Ik Im lul -n.1 . Tint nn mine 'X StoTC. .1. -.111 cli.rt II Second nn? 01 ' ."-r. in m. 1. .ein mini imviv w ki 101 ui tin. at Wiltnenrer'f Druir t.. r-hiladelidiia. I. S. WILTBERilER. prietor. Fi sale by llruitilisu aud Uroi era. 1,000 REWARD For any ease of Blind. Bteedintr, Itching or I'U-erated Tile that 1 , r. 1. 1 .... n iili ncar-1.1 1 .. . : - ... . uit. . . 1. 1 . - i - - . .. . . . . ra.re.1 p.ressly , cure the Bile,, .ml nothtnKeUe. I .".""'.hla "or.ro Sold by all ii nmai.ua. I'laat tl- -A jftits Approved the 13th day of March. Ann.) Uumini one titousand eiifht hunnreil aud si.tiy si,. A. r. I I KTIX. Elect i.molflcer will take notice that tlieacteuti tle.1 "A Further Supplement to the Election I-aw ' n( thie t'omnajowealth." .U.s.italiryina- .leaertera i Irons the army of the l'nite.1 Statca tn.ni voting. has re.-ently been declared mnci.ntitatinal bv the : Supreme V ourt of Pennsylvania, la now null and void, and that all p. rsais f..ruierly li..tuli;ie,l th.-rean.ler are now lawlul voter. If otherwise i ttt ilined. 1 (e;4ct ony roaoaitiieaerj and Shtrif if the t'otiay tf Somrnel: ! H aereat, The Fifteenth Amendment of the Cn ' atltutk.n of the t'niteil State is aa follows: j Stn-rioa L Tho rittht ol riuiens of the Taited i. U.n.e .;,vv. That everv neraon States to Vote snail not lie .leilie.1 or atirl.llfe.1 t.y exeeptins Juatlceaol 'the Pence who shall hold any I the tnited States or by any Mite on ac,,unt ..f Sia X That t'onirresa shall have power lo cn- l.irated diatru-t, whether a eommu.sl..iied oitl.-er or 1 lree this article by appmprute lea-miata. otherwise, a subonlinate othi-er or audit who i or I A.ao wherka, 11m. laiiitwi otthn I ci .ed shixll he amulovetl ander the leirialalive. executive I states on me un .ray 01 ...uie... i.i-"'... l-pv duties enf.ine l ua tliem by law. , Where a Jiidire. by sicknesa or unavoidable acri- : dent, la unable tu atten.1 such meetinirof tadu-e. then thecertim-ate of return shall lie taaen cliarie nf bv one of the Inspector or clerks of the election ! of the district, who shail do and perform the duties i reunired ol uie jutlire nnal.le lo aticn.1. ti. n t- aiii.T.d the tf.aolituti. n of lb.. .-..raai'.r.-weaiih. as fi licwi Sin tio.- ?e if eaa-i. J. Ac. Tliar at ti.e jr.ae.r election to b. held on the second Taestiay of 1 1kt next, there saail tie elected by the qualii.l elector.1 of this e. tnnionwealth. UeiciMtes toi..f.. vcnii -n to revise and ameu.1 the ei.nstitatioa !!' this state; the said convent I. -n shad met of one hun. lre.l anl thirty-three memls-r. to l-e eleete.1 in tiie manner following : Tenty-eiht niemtr ther". shall be elected la the ft a: lance, as t..i!.,ws : Each voter of the Hale skaii vote tor not more than f.iurteon candidate, an.1 the tvren'Tiitlit highest in vote shall be declared elei-Te.! ; ninety nine dele irnte shail be aprnione.l to an.l eieete.1 fn-m ttie diHcrent senatorial distnet of the stare, three dc. eirafc to be elected f. rea.-h senator therelrom : an 1 in ctioosirnc all district deiiirate. each naier shall 1 entitle.1 to rote f..r not uk re than twr. of tna memliersvi be chosen fr.m hi district, and th three ran.li.late highest in vote shall be den-lare.! e!e."Ted. etcti in tne ..unty .-f Aiieirheny. li.rm inic the Twen'ty-thtr-1 senatorial distnet. where no voter shail vote for m.-re than six candidate, an.l the nine highest in vote shall lie elected, and in the counties ot Larcrne. .Monroeand Pike, ft.rmina-the Thirti-ettii scn.itonal district, where no v. iter shall vote for more than four candidate, an-1 the six hiirhcsi in vote shall be elected: and six additional doles-ate shail 1 chosen from the city ot Philadel phia, by a v-ite at lancsi in ai.l city.and in their eiei-tion no voter hal v.4e u.r more than three can dilate, an.l the six highest in vote shail be dacia re.1 elected. Sn-rtoai The follnwinat reicnlati. shall ai pty to the at'oresiiid elect ion to tc held -n the se.. u.1 Tuesday o! Uttober next, and to returns of tlie same : First. The ai.I election shall beheld and eon dueled hv the proper election oifi.-er.f the several election .rUtricts of the commonwealth, and shail he aovemeil and regulated in all respect hy the icrneral election I.iw af the ci uim.mweaith. so tar as the sme shall be arplii'able thereto, and not in-e.ai.-istcnt weh tiie pr isionaof thl act. Seeiaid. Thel l.-ket to he v -ted for memf.er it ianre of the convent hall have oa the outst.le the wonis. -nl. iesate at lance.'' and on the inaute the names of the candidate to be vieii t-r. not ex eecltnic tenrteen in number. Tliiril. The li. ket. to be voteltl.r dietret mem ber of the envention shall have on the outsi.te the w.wils. -lift net dele-ite." and on the inside the name or name of the cuultdate voted for. not ex. ceedinir the proper wmler limited aa aforesaid ; hut any ti.-k"t which sliall contain a zrearer nam-ts-ref name than the number for which the" voter shall be entitled t vole, shail be re'eeied : and in the case of the deleaate to lie ch.isen at lare in Philiulelphia. the wonls. "vity delevatee", shail be on I he ..ntsi.le of the t!.-L.."t la to rnf-mt tht rujMs of citi- Fourth, ln the .itv ..f Phil idnti.hia the return citv. or .if any tuinTated distrht. and also, that 1 f ' 1 " " "TTT'' jaditea shall meet at the state house, at ten o clock . J ...1 . .......... 1 ... . . . -C, 1m...h a mil f.r ofne Durnsllce: the . .... . u.. T... i.. ..1 1.. .... .h iii..w. An.i A i'PVTi W tYTfll i '..' . li.' .." ' ; or lu.liciurv di-imrtmeut of thia Slate, or ef any i act entitled I w BISkF wnr iimuc wk for u, i.tsu ml -j . i ; .. .. , ,, . . auvthinic else, llusines liiclit and M"nnaneut. Particulars tree. O. STIXSO.N A. tti Fine Art Publishers. Portland, Maine. t3i'llFAH Oil: OFFF.U.JU ' A BEAl TIFtX $5 Chromo for Nothing! -Earlf Mont" east "Th Young Forever,"' We will present one of the above beautiful Chro mo to each subscriber to either of the fc.llowlnic Papers' or Mairaxlnec Harper's Weekly, 4: Frank Lslle, 4 ; IIarper"i Ilaiar. At; Leslie's Ladle.- Mairaiine. 4; llarjier' Maxailne, Al; Moore's Rural New Yorker, 1- everv u.mLri'ul i'.mvresa an.1 ol the State L"via- I State of tht laia aaif for other purpotet;" th. i,.t., .0.1 of the seh-cfnr common eonncil of anv I firw an.1 sec.m.1 section ol which are a loiUiw: ! mil lie out the retums-for aid city, of the votes east city.orenmt9lnner.4 nv incorp.Tte.l distrkt. I "SB Tins L H 1 enacted y .Vasite a ail therein w.rdeleiratee at lance ail cur an.1 district Is by law liwniaible .4 boldlun or exercising at the Hon of kVjirewafaiec of trie I nited of 4ele-.iUr. to be memltr..t the envention: the re- time, the ntlh4 apnointmeut of Juilsfe. Ii.spert.ir ! sierfre a I oayress aMd. That nil ettUena tarn ju.lice.4 the seTeral electh .listrk-t withm .Herkwl aTeteoti.inofthUe.animwealth.an.l :"thel nludsitew dainty .4 the stale, ex.la.lina- Pauadel- that no Inspector. Judice or other mheerof such uualtrle.1 t" T.e at any el.t hy the people m phia. shall meet on the Friday next lo.lowluic the cievtiou shal be elutihle lobe then rot e.1 .r. any State, Territory. duRrtri. eonnty. city, parish, election, at the Bnal place for the meetmic .4 the Ami the said act .4 Assemblyentitled -an aet re- I t""n'l'lK;',r'','r u,lk;lll!t-r- '"ir wr- return iu.ia-es of their county, an.1 shad make out latin toelrctlonsof this t 'omm.ni wealth " Dussesl 1 rtt.aal snlllvi-u shall be entitled and allowed to fall a:I accurate returnt.ir theeounty. of the v.ne Jnlvi I, further privhlea aa fidlow, vix: i " ' " ,Ut'B u.eia witmiul dL.tinrtuai ol .Tko 11.. i,,s..'i..e .I...H m..t t race, col.w. ot previous eon.titi.n of serrun.'.e: anv any Slate or Terrluy or by or umler Its authority to the contrary wotwUhstandtnir. the respective place appomte.1 for holdina the electiou ha the district at which they roiiiveiy ! betonr. before 7 o'clock in the morning of the SKI -! tlSU lTFiSDAY UF IHTUBEK. and eswh raid 1 Inspector shall appoint one clerk, who shall be . Ad.lreas SeiA. 21. W. W. McKAIO It Son. tumlierland, ld.' Uennh and ll.ane, ii Godey's Lady's Book, ; unalincd voter of such .iistrtct. Sxc. X And ot it fnrtkrr enacted. That if bycr under the authority of tbe consul mum or Law's of any State, or the laws of any Terrttorr. any act i "Waverly Maicatlne. A5: New York Weekly. as New York Latdtcer. a; Fireei.le t'ompani.Ki i; Sat unlay Night, J; Pbrenolottical Journal, til: Am erican Volunteer, A3; Prairie Farmer. :i; Seiatylne American, ; Peterson s Maamaine, Ail.lresa all orders tn PITTSBt-'Kail St TPLY CO., PIttbarjh. Pa. In esse the person who shall have received the . or shall bo reietred to be d.ie aa a prerequisite nr blithest number of votes 'for Inspector shall nut attend on the itay of any eleetLax. then the per son who shall have received the second hlicheat , number of vote for Judire at the next preceedlnir I electiun shall aet a an Inspector In his place. And I in rase the person who shall have received the hUch I et number of votes lor Inspector shall not attend. nualidcatt-m for votinx. and by sitrh eaaistituiion or i laws persons or otfteers are or shall bechanced with ! the perliTinanoe of dutiee In flirniabmu; to citliena , an opportunitT to perform such prerequisites, or to become ouahiled to vote, it shail be the duty of evervjsucn penaw and uthueni to give all citin-na of the L nite.1 State the Mine and eo,mt opportunity east therein for member of the convention ami fur district member of the same: and the pm.eedici; of the return iudar of the uid eity of Phi; idel phia, ami of the several count lee uf the eu:...ou wealtn. In the making if their return. hall be tne same aa those prescribed tor return tusltree In the case of an election lor -overooc. except thai return. transmitted to the eeretary of the cnminon wealth, shail he a.t.tresed u that olfioer alone, and a-4 to the speaker of tbe senate. Given under my hand at my oJTice In Somerset, this llth day of September. In the year of our la.nl one thousand eiifht hundred and seventy-two. and in the ninetv-seven'h of the Independence of th Tailed State. . JoSLAli SUAFEK. Sherift.