The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, September 18, 1872, Image 3

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scptraaUr 1R, is"- j
l' K-p I u " "
!.. W liitc Lean lr niic
,j.U'" J'n'r !
... mid rliis rut to any .
('IAea oi ao r..- , ... (
hardware store.
... liU n-vrr s
rough, iiiiiKirtrd
I v.. ...Jv. ctv.tfU "r
i u n-j"ai Mr?n s 8,","rv-
i rur km, tub Ict-acts. mr 3tc.. 1
a lavii li-
4,X,Gall..,,rUrcI.m--ll U sale
a.....'.. 'a l)nii'"rt'
al C. F. llU-nuI ii !
i-t it and fruit J"
. . , iind (" Brushes, &c, lor sale ,
p.iie e lug pt-re. j
..;il.r tliriiikliiT or luirw can i'u " ,
- nrte!v at the SHm-ruet Foundry.
jCOoO Choi. C igars tor sale at I eople s j
riif Ni're.
s C. cJkits, oat meal and cracked heal j
ilie Live uroccrj.
r-LKiKr S.Li Water, onlv Lve
'r.-T receivi-d at Davis A: Urfte. a sj.k-a-,
,1 ;.k of to1. w cigars.
1 YE Lave now on hand a large up ly of
3. , ....i.. vn.l tndjnient notes. !
Uanks and judgment notes.
" , , - .1
I One of the stor ks oi wrup, in lue
1 jKEn lt mm. uut mi-ilons anil tunic- j
JSuli"'" .
oSi l"lfo. j ij mui; "
fc,nui uir it-si
, t Vrui More. I
- j
i j-,. rUt tsws, mill saws and circular j
k, M in hardware stores at Blvmvcr s.
' i
i . , v
i oi mm pn.luce wanti-d a He Fam-
(Trrry A : frt-d store of C.kJ: IWnts
t Maine C'phs Mrect. j
... .
t Got Js Perfumery. Notions
. Ar.irles in
r;,' ure.
, neral, lor saie at i eoplc
,u waul carpel maue i m ;
the let quality n
nd colors, cc-nd !
r ..r rs to Morgan's Factory. A large
k tiwavs on hand.
Yd White Lead. Colored House Paints,
i. i'.s, lry Paints, llru.-ln-s and
rvthin? in the jint line, go to Blymy
iiari ard store. He always has a full
k at the very lowest prices.
Kvt l.-arn from the Bedford
ford Inquirer;
W: a Mr. John Kensingf
k n, wli.t w:king on me
N itn. was run overan'i
a fn:u-!.t train.
fl'iiL l.i;!i'-t cash price paid lor all ;
P- . . . September 1R, IS
I- of .-rain, at the I aim! v Ij r.werv and j r.nd removed irom me sys.eui ny me na
,1 Store of Cook i B"rtis on Main-: tural duets and excretory orcuns of the
.i. -...- -w.niirspt Ptnn'a 1 liod". The tens of thuUNiniLs of luncs
If vou want a thrashing luaching go to .
s i.w rset Foundry and ret one of their
ad improved Tumbling shall nia-
,a lucvare warranttii i run casv.
r v-h clean, waste no grain, find are just
,t i.-ir fanners want.
iy on
liandat t.ieam!,y C.n - -
-.I tore
U'V" il"u V" I
ncfr Nreet. null j
bruIM. WKio, Mill, uu, utru, ines:ar- '
f.jT.r. rvtffee, canned fruiih. tolaac.
iK'atTiox. hvcrv genuine lx 1
,':. signature of FLEMING
i:i'S, Titt-burgh, l'a., and their
.ate United State Stain). "Take
"tiivr. "The inarkt t is full of imi-
niLLoirerat public sale, on the dia
:id. on Saturday the 21rt in?.. ut 2 r.
4.j yards of Brussels earjiet. 4i artiS
lUg'l'arpet. one IJieSfing Bureau, one
Ved Wasdi Stand, one Show Case, one
t .nter, 3 new t. locks, one Mngie .iat
. one llegulator, several second Hand
ibvlir. and other things. Terms six
Lf ith g'nl R-c-untv.
E. V. ;oiK'Hii.r,
.uMvi.cra v l ook and lieents ol
I Feed Store, liave oj ned out in the new
tidicion llui'Uf' curner on Maine Cross
k-et, n'.rs, nCfupiii! by II. C. Beerii shie
In addition to llour grain and mill '
lli. Y have, a lull assortment of pro- :
fi- s. j riivMi.n- ti.iii-os oLc, ircsn irom
( t city, al'r;a!'le prices. EVeryUnly
X Jt iind see Iir yourselves.
r of good a;i nts to sell out the re-
ir.; ittiiid
territory for his horse
tf -It is lD'..u
i I 1 ri jiUoitinn
" ', I-'. fl,ef.jt an
'uvs well iotroduccd and
eslabludied as tlie fini-
d riiost ( fficieiit rake.
n "r aiidre. him at I riedens. Sni
couiity, l'a.. l'.ir terms and jiarticu-
r. er.- pri-senu-d
a few
days aro bv
John Toinlinson. wiihaverv us ful
i i
. lLin.wie book entiiled "Night Sccm-s
he Bible." It is handsomely Iirinted 1
- - -t
luiied pnj r and elegantly illutratetl '
lu.te a numlierol lieauiiuil steel en
ii." The author. lU-v. Daniel March. :
. . .
1 , has earned quite an c ktensive n p-
.-!' a. ii t t
h m his work "aiks and Homes .
-1-. A.l who can spare the money H. and is, withal, a raoet courteotis and on. vs. K. W. Scott larceny on infor
1 provide themselves w ith a copy. i poiisheil gentleman. The time of the niation of P. S. nay.
'Court as, therefore, both atrreeablT and! . r, j,tiin s.'..i.n- ,;a
u.vsivr.,. brighter, as they take their j
i. inr- intn n iiit--incTi ik ,
.ii. wiLuout wiuen nnuin: is wonu,
Laing; it is always appreciated at its '
value after it is lost, but, too often. I
i-1ire. Live properly,-and corn-ct
ntsbfirethew l-conie Fori
w- of tlie Liver, kidneys, skin. Mom !
and all arising from impure or feeble ;
lr. i alter s California inegar
Vt-re are sure and spectiy remc-dy. It
never v-t foiled in a single instance.
AIi. HjcrwMitfl tif mv Ti1 iri t).v-t i.f .
, , - . -
L, . ?. "' vwrut, i . in. ,
icy i Kro., I would reooiidiieiul them
j Int nds and patrons.
i hud after the 10th of Septcinl-r. inv
will W h-ft for collection w ith (. W.
uiel, at the Banking Hon- of S hell Jl
ffiel. Persons knowing theni lves in--l.
will phakc call and aeule their ac
its imiiu-dLitelv bv ca-h or nole and
O. W. Pakkeii.
. ' CUUg marneu f
! E!ut twenty-one years ot ace. and' i
f J..
In 1 in,. ;n r pi, " , i
tin .t.aniiier, x.mj., waa axv'Mii-n-
1 1 . i t "'"c v, aim 'm '.. -u uav 01 .tmru- oncur. rnmjnuni ui pwy ousts.
! wrtlv ev!nil .f li . Ui XT Mhm-in Mr. Fuller put" seven more j Com vs. John F. Maliknev, A & B. on
i ' t- 1 1 . . fcVZL ? U on . in M ThUe bass were all information of Henry V. Churching. Proa
iioer ha been a brxatemen oa tlie c on-' ,,.....i r,,.. , -1 11 o ,. . . . J e
ville rimit .ln. it nnr.tJ.-ti.aa How i
Killed is not vet known, but it is
yet known, but it
.'Li that tide nmnins alontr tlie top
. . ... . ,
i,.ni . ir 1 .:.i. . 1
Slum ,..,,.;-i:.. : .J .n-iv..
SaTiSSanm P S
; " . i
" !
krham na real medicine ever twined
. .1 r- 111- iu, i 111 11 eii: 111 1 71 ( s tail : popularity w hich CasU.ria has alx-ut st ven hours.' When the fish were ! verdict not guilty, defendant and prwecu
- t ine rsun relates their upcric me put inU the river dam they immediately ! tor each to jy half costs. r
good effects to another. It is a veg . swam out into deep water and disappeared, Wm. Yinke, Ail!, verdict guilty de-
i -.puauiiu, iniruii uiriuirm,
frii.t tn take; doc-s not distress or grie,
I ' uie system, and is sure U (in-1
p oKaiuouirr remedies nare lalle.1.
person who has ever tisod Casioria
- " -Tveue, v.onsiiiion. irmr.
Ituieai y, Wurma. Piles, or d.-nmuril
r, wi;l never a'min nat-nansz-ntinir Oil
r Piilsof Narcotic Svrur Thr- Cx. 1
con taint nether Minrrals, 3Iorrdiine j
I Alioh(J. By its iyaithing, quieting ef- j
I it prndux natural kie. iL and ia nur-
pri.RlU.X'S natural aleetL and is ru,r. t
ii-4 .i. j . 1
- .m 11-11 111
o CTVini? and tettliinfrl
. . .-, . - 4 j o 1
on. It cocts but wnn nn.1 im l.;,!...,.-, ni n ; ,1..,, 1
ill save many dollars in donor's i
at I We&k BEAi-rirtx!
1. . , - - - iv t
ten Wb-h of thousands of w...ns 1.. 1
-m cature has denied ihe charm of a ! -
. ; w
. Lresa, tranajiarent conipk-xtion. To'
iy tins wteh Hagak s Mao.oi.ia ;
a IBtmdniwI Th. orn,,; ..r
iv i.. j r. " 01 . v
ia."TrIwt t!i I,won,., by ,
J'm .t:.. , . .
77 ""puisoea cnemists, and it wM . is
iwaOlhilU-.,, olT.m.f.i.11. ...i.J...
er tl. ..i , , i
'luiefcaou a well In lr. ru ll.- i
krtiai -J .i-
m mi inn u&ini a nn i
"oral prenarali. in r-ii 11 r !i
P"Uit-ir fJ- i
the ailrnt . r . i 7 , u ,- ?""-t"--y, louinia-
r- . "Teiu ofa healthful. herbal!heLi ami fin., rtr- ti. .ii.ii, .t,. t.,i.'.-
ii'hrie aiwiT; iL . . i wwn W1'b whkh to st.Kk the Ilcof prosa-cniiors- - j
i-ioetrL TfliiteM rftvcn- . j Com. vaitdinOConnar, surety, on oath
at it ww -... "' rTT . ' . ! .
fcjaaii u I " U14U" lul sun,
fSi PProacJiable. I n
U n;,, ti-... L1A, .A1" !
Kry. " ui me jn-esetn ou
,i i
rictxttkal Fair. The Fifth An-
Fthitftina of tht rranmin county
Acricultural Society will t held at Cham-
Ih-rsl urc. cnuinK'ncwig on 1 uestfar me 1st
' tlay of Vtolier next, ana win conunue lour
i dais. The Fair prounds of this society
! .re the best arranged and most convenient
in this sectioh of the country, and the in-
(livmont to exhiliitors are such as can on-
hrbc offered by a first claa society. The
Premium List ic. ran e had by apiilvine
. ,, . -
10 i. Jj. .usurrr, v-ir. r-cvrt-iurv, v. u ttu -
; bcrslmrg. Pa.
To the Pitbi.ic. The unJersirned hav-
me u'icnuineu 10 leave noinemn,
only six d:ivs more offer his entire sunk of
Watches, Clinks, Fko"toUJcc., at oust.
The n'Kiiri-d watches, "which have been on
! hand over f.Hir months, will uc sm ai puo-
lie s.ile on Saturday, tue sim insi., n not
cfore tkat time, i use lnueui-
!ed tome mn! come and settle or the ae-
u will cf other hands for col
lection. Ifcarctfoiiv,
, " -
1Vpn,iiftin mw.ting, wm hM at the
following Jtlafx-s. viz :
At (-ongUtnce( Fri.Uy, SciitcmWr 2Tth,
I . 11 1 !! . 1 T" 1 1 ,
.i naKersviiie ana I ri'iuenaiur,
, Salur-
dav, S-ptenilT 2ili.
At Meyers Mills,, evehinr.
Monday, S pteuilK-r ,
j At Soutluimriton Mills, Tuelar,
Ixr 1st, evc-aing. '
At I-Lauksville. TLurvlay. OctoU-r 3rd. ;
.i riovsiown. r rm:iv
tctoU-r 4th.
A I)avi1,vmo
Frulav October
4th. i
Centrevillc, Saturday, Octolier
At Jenner X Rood.
Saturday, Octo-
ihcmeetinratt.onuuence, .Meyers.iiius, !
Southampton Mills and lavidville, will
he held at fJ o'clock in the evening, all)
th others at 10 o'clock a. ji. I
a Urcc jortion of these meincs. Promi-
1 , y ,...i..:in : !
Si,, - ,i,-tu- Outrun ommittee
i ihc Mhu Central ' n1 ;
r VJ. r., '..,,, :
' ' " :
rixnvBim Kivnsrn Wnnt of the (
" - c , , ,,, nM:.:
, . . - ,. ' , . the
. more mtMlerate walks of life, mar be an
I exruse for neelmin a disease vhkh. like
,rsiim,lt;n hai nftn ;,; n, hh h
, . ,i.
j ties of nature, -which ought to tind man ; and most enthusiastic une uiai lias taaen j g,.Tel,y eighty feet above the river. The
I to his own. overleap all these liarriers in place for many years. Isaac KaiuTraan, i lWn CT w7uich the bridge is named is a
jthe estimation of right-thinking people, i Esq., of Coccniaugh tp., was onanhnously j ;Vfly place of about sixteen thousand in
nnd when we see a medicine like Dr. ; elected President of the meeting, as were jyj, For from fifteen to twenty miles
j Khtser's Lrxo CrnE. curlnir hundreds the following gentlemen. ice I residents U. jteubenville you pass throuch an
of people all arii:nd us. w e fet-1 it not only and Secretaries: John V idler, of Milford, j un;ntcrestin!: countn:. when vou suddenly
a pleasure, but a duty to iint out V) our t
r.3i1n; ciu-li a vlll:ilile m-nlliellion ti
- ,
icai knowledffe. In the earlier stasres of
iUng disease Du. Ketseb s Lrso Cirf. U
r, of Moners-; a SJ ific. Tlie cough and chill the spit- Vice Presidents. C. H. Kauti, of Jenner.
"switch Iwk" i tie streaked with Mood, all give place to Wm. II. Welfley. of Somerset John Fade
instant ly kill-! -hat bealthv equilibrium of the circulation lv. of Lower Turkevfoot, Georse W. Bral-
1 , i r - . i i . . ii is . e I :l IT T' f n..l
I w uxii is uiuucen iiy iiiai an jumcrmi rem
ity, and every tit o! peocant and dinorga
r.i7.:nj material is exjH-ned irom tue moon.
clogged w ith mucus and seething witli cor-
m!i.,ti ran ru. i-imui tit ru-rTt.mi tii fir,
oi resi'iranoii o n uuirit ux- i'i i-r.. si
ru's Lrxo Ci'RE. OfJicc and store.
Liliertr street. Pittsbtirsh. '
Tekiubi.e Accident. On Weilm-sday j
morning la't. l-twcenf.-ieaud six o'clock.
fr Wm Siiii!iliin''i" nrr of llip li'm.U !
:iiIUIl - (,veJ by Mr arbaugh in threshing ;
.-rain on the fMrni of Mr. W eager. ; Uv m.-t with
a ineiittul ;
acciuent. 1 he jiarticulars as furnished us
are as li.ilow : Mr. Stumfaiuh pnxetl-
I...;. ,i. ; i i ,,, i: ,
ed to l:x the bu k m Inch tlie tumbling
hait runs, SO that il could not fail dow n, ;
v.-hilst the power to which eidit horse j
were auuiciicti a.s in iuii Mxtni, ueti ins
-tt left fit sleeve caught in the shafting '
N-tw ecu the elbow and wriM. which car
; riiil him down, and under the tumbling
haft. ('iK-ckine the hotvs. He then called
, :'nmiicaily to the other hands for help, who
; prompt! v came to his relief. It was with
! a great deal of difficulty that they succeed
ed in extricating him from his jx rilous jre
', diamicnt. He was removed to his home.
- al 'Ut one mile dislunt. and Dr.
Orrstown. was summoned.
, found to he dL-located, and liad
'in v-ii-w,ii ivf.i nr.! It! f en ,n.l 1 n i . T
I were also badlv 'bruised and a large cut i
i r 11 i e i , 1. 1 i - i
I was found lack of his ear. Although in ;
a rather crituul condition, he is doing as !
w ell as the nature ot his injuries will al-
Mow, and uniess hurt internally it IS ,
luoucui uiai ne w 1.1 recover, lie is a ia-
iK.nng man liaving a tamily and children
to supiiort. Ujmmvh.
Honor J udge Row e w as List wet k
ea'k'd urrnn to preside over the Court of
Quarter Sessions at Vork. ow in? to the ill -
. nefa of Judge Fisher. The Trut I'rino-
crnt pays him the following deserved coin
' pliment :
"Hon. I). Wtitn Rov. In couse-
cpience of the illness of the Hon. IJoliert J.
Fisher. Judge Howe of the Franklin I)i
trict. presided, during our Court of Quar
ter S-sjioiis. List wet k. ' The business of
the term was large ; quite a number of old
se remaining to 1 disposed of and a niiinif nv nr. e reiving U-n return- I
el. for the action of the Grand Jury His;
Honor j,i H..WP however w .nal
to the emcrgercr and cW-d the cT.un on
Sjiturday, with a clear docket. During;
hi - brief stay ainonr-t us. he won golden
nnlninns fnnm tln i.ti) ra ff lnr:tnil'.
... . . v .
others having business in ( ourt. He is
'comparatively voting, in vear. but thor-
onirhllv conversant m ith the duties of his
r- - - .
rrofesion : 1-issi.ini abilities of a Lil'Ii
. . . . . . : t
ordLr. a mind tnlareed and well dwcinhn-
profitably Fj-nt and c-vtrj thing 1-d f.
to the saU.-l tion ot persons interestHl. j
1 Me lion. Itoliert ! isiier. we are told, is
crailually rnverin'z from his rt-cent ill-
nese aiid'a ill oon l abie to resume his
thee in the Conn."
A Tew Item abaat Blark Ita..
Since the introduction of bUek bass in
, to Uiu l otomac river at I. utul rlticd our
j jieople have manifested considerable in- j
I terest in the ruattcr, and several attempts
' lie. luw.n iii.i,l, In- fi..,ti t.i intrhlti,4 1 1, 1
..... . - .... . .. .1
. i 14 mfi "4i , cu i. an.-- in luii- M ii v. ptiriiu-
in or,,,,,, Bmor,? the most iccec-ful
u:.i... . e
of w hi h has U-en made in the Casscllman a true bilL"
river at a jHiint near tirantsville, in this ' C ,m. vs. James U. Sipe, false pretense,
county. To show how many fish and how on information of Lorren Morrell. Conn
lontr a time it recjniren to stock a stream i ty lo pay costs.
with them, we give the follow inc facts ; j Com. vs. W. II. Sanner. F & B, on in
On the 2d day of June. Ih07, 'Messrs. j formation of E. Ankeny. Prosecutrix to
hli-lia t uiicr and (ieorge L hnrlcs put Uiree
: live lmss in the Casw-llman river in the
1 dam of Little Crossings, one mile east of
ii h . . 1-.1. ..r .i.
rriontli Mr nir.r!f nut ,-liJven'morp TiMllnr
i.- .,' . :" . I
Hjoaui n oues, i.i ine same stream, at me ,
..... . i . 1 . .11 x-
;r - " - - vu.uu,-,ia,.u, oj .uiiue. s-uuiati. .
I LrSU.. &QU "fn rfitirrMl .- tlkA re..n! 1... T
(.,.; "ifS, '' .5 . "I.
" - . iMvuiiiMii';! in eirii.- in iiii.'-i.i
it,t -i, f,t. , 1
" iawr, w nicu was re new -
; ed eight or ten time on the
"""""""i uie way ouring
trai'""i"n T1 atonr. the fish were I
taken by carriage over ihe mountainous
National nia.1 was twenty five miles, and
the time rfto aired to m r- tiw. t.. . .. !
inn nuuiiiiit u aou B or seen 01 Un-m .
until hu-t Summer, when seven lvw, as t
linr a a ntiri a liand vm iwnrlit at l.f. 1
terent jomts in Uie stream below Jjttle ;
iYoin'S, fa Uie ritiry ciC fcliebury and
iiarnecnriiie. irom sir to Twelve miirs
fmra tLp Cimor iilan Ikurinir tli nn.
lent siiimiiu-r . in tl.,.
i - ircr iliniil III-n.lte;il im Mit alum.
dance, and recent -letters irom parties at
that place inform us that a ereat many of
tlm rikli im iM-inir ,iii,li tlii'M m-itK l.M.L-
and Jim- anil tliat Tishprman arp .n1.iein !
. . e r
The bass now canght in the Casseilman j
nvcr arc of a unilorm size, measuring !
. aiiout tliirteen indue in k-nglb. evakntlv
,.C . I . I. I . '
t 1 ui 111 -i -1 ii iijvRii, aiio 1 111 ii luocox !
..-..1;-. i
umic .iinimv. . . .
From mciitatitfns it irri xr ilmt the ba
are grailuallv working down stream, aa
few only have been captured alwve Litil
- -. ...
rosbinCTtaiiuougu uie stream is nc-any as
large 6b- a few mil. that ioint as it i
at Salislairv and Harncdsvill.-
ti... IT,. .1 . l i r
ii. .. . .
"" euoie eiiecies luar, to uihi uifii i
. . i-n '.. '
" " r. HMKtw uie aireaiu (Krai tiniil .
- 7 miA , . . . Ai . . . i . m, . i
. ---- -..j vun, mcuuri
me nreaiu worn widen me nrst Uaas
, muVv w 111 w n that a , ot
oozen or iea oi vigorous bass placed in a
good stream of walr are cabbie of stk
iaf the with their numer-
progeny in the course of fire years.
buwrsMi trar.
' Co At? Those In want of coal for any
purpose, steam peneratinjr. lime burning
&c., can be supplied at Alex fctutzman's
(formerly the John XcfT) bank, south-east
of this ftorottfth. Mr. Daris, a practical
miner from Johnstown, diicg tlie brinjrine
out, and the platform is bow filled with
beautiful lump and pood rough crl. No
alate due dean. Lrave your Tilers at
the Foundry. . J r.
IsctsDiARrsit. A nefarious ; attempt
was made one night a few weeks since, to
fire the store of Lodge & Connelly, at Em
ma vi lie, Fulton county. A hole was bored
through tine dwelling in the neighborhood
of a lot of combustible poods, and a train
of candle wick, saturated with oil insert
ed. A bundle of matches was then igni
ted, but from some cause or other, the wick
failed to catch, and the villiaa was thwart
ed in Lis plans to destroy a neighbor's
prupcrty.iJet.yiri Couutf Prtu.
TTe Lave beca rurnished by Hon. Ed
ward McPherson a copy of liis "Iland
Book of Politics" for 1872, of which the
New York Tribune savs: All parties will
find the "Hand-Book of Politics for 1872."
which the Hon. Edward McPherson has
just issued, a convenient and conipendi ous
collection of indispensable tlata lor tlie ais
cuions of the campaign. Nowhere else
can so many of the political documents in
volved in the present contest be found so
p,,,; have long been a politi
cal necesMtr, and this is eoual to tue best
' of them in its collection of what illustrates
the extraordinary movemenU of politics in
. . :,s
Teaciiers Examixatiox. Our annual
examination will be held at the following
times and places, to wit :
Salisbury, Thursday October, 3.
Dale City, Friday " 4.
Berlin, Saturday " 5.
Somerset, Monday " 7.
Jenner X Roads," Tuesday Ortoler 8.
fclovstown. Wed. and Thurs. Oct. 9-10.
C'eritreville. Fri. and Sat Oct. 11-12.
i ewrsourg. jinu a; W
Soiiilianniion Mills. Wednestlav. Oct, 10.
Applicants are required to be in attcn-
Oma by 9 o'clock a. M. ; those'eoming in
at a late'r hour will not be admitted in the
class that day. School directors and the
. . . . . ,. ..
IncnOs ol education are invneii io menu.
I. WT. W li.i..
C o. bupt
TiKriBi.jCAX Meetis.0 The jolitical
meeting 1
held in the Court House on 1 ues-
day eveninc
of last wee k was the lateest
John Mong. of Qnemabomnir, O. .
crol balisliury . i-K-iniier, i i mi- j
. , r., .
na. John Infield, of Lower! urkeyfoot and
Wm. Elder of Southampton, were the
lier. of Berlin, and Gill H. alter, of Dale
C'itv. were the Secretaries.
. . , , .
Ll.wuent sjwehes were made by Hon.
John Scott, our present I. S. Senator, by
Hon. John Cena, our candnLite for ( on -
gress. and by CoL tlark M Carr. of Illin-
ois. Senator -sott s s-icech was well n--
ceived bv all, many persons declaring that
gress. and by C oL tlark M Carr. of Illin-
ois. enator fcolt s spcecu was wen n-
r - pn - fd lie an. Tiianv oersons tieemnnu umi
'tw - political speec h they had
'heard for years. It was certainly a very
.11 , r - nrs.l Mold .Ilia Ctnl IflT ltll. I
v.lline one, and made some striking ini-
pr-ssions in the rizht direction.
F. J. Kouser, Esq., of Somerset, Dennis
Cook, of Southampton, Samuel Low nr, of
Salithnrv Jol Milli-r of K'.klil k John
F.-uVly, of Lower T urkeyfoot and M. V
Sirl - er. of S
lutions, reported tue loiiowing:
Tluit wlii'.rt with i-rWe wo kx-k back
over the eiorioiu record of uur farty In it j.n in
the irupi.rci-fion of the rcl!'.iin. th n-toratlon of
x-,n uJ the carr.n.hif.-mcnt of the cl.ed
mce.aiKilheesul'.ihUK-nt o( theeyttalityofallmen
be tie Uw: in the maintenance of the rih'
. , f. ... th, IUre muni to
render more complete the hannmy of the States,
jie. rneviui mat tae pnncii w wjowii i i
in ex. t am rUnce with the ivntitnn of onr
fHtherR. and we brely ri:W 00 r plcize of ac
tive and icil uriiort of these prlocipl.'. lo the
end. that, with rictury to b. our iroTenimect may
be aiainiainr.1. Krenrtheneil anJ rTTetaa'.ei.
iuvrd. That in I'retiJent U. S. Grant we have
found a faiihfuL honest and emclent ijecndTe
one who in aruverned this conntry to the befl In
reu of it people, who ha giWtiy reduced our !
AiT..m?r .iril nthiw, nl&tiM himiwrkMr.
a Mf
vemiarr next.
uttotrti. That in Oen. John T. Hartranft w
have a cantWate wbo ha won theeneem and the
fj) :lJtJyi I'l t'
bw hoorst saanoffiMrofSute la tneadminlvtra-
iuanairpoi uie aihuui iKwmi 1 tout
aDI wt bimeelf far above the (landers of hi
mieft. and u him and lo bi a.wocbite on the Slate
t uctn .m. 1
I lUtolrtc, 1 bat in Hm. John leiwna tnU dljrnct i
i...,. j. ii- ,w !
ru (.J hij mntitnent. and seaion fur the welfare ,
ol the party, and hereby expreM our approval
' of the aetl of the litrict Ooference in I
; lcctinz htm our candidate - CVinirre, ami
f.lciiire him our entire uiport. and that with onr
canity ticketfrom im ulat, we are cell aatiih
eil and an-ure it a rvueing majority.
fnriiT PrvrrTiivr.ii
rmri r-illl on
Mon.lAv m the renal Wr Hon W M i
Hall presided durine the week. Dennis
Ci.k, Efj., of Southampton, was designa-1
IMt a Fon-man nf ttw nran.t Jnrr In !
the follow in ssi ti.,. f:rn,i j.irv ctnrn. i
nt trno lit 11 " ti - 1
Com John o'Conner and oth.r '
r 1 i'?'. .Jl' .S"" . 't"- 1
Tn ? .? "uu'ulr" -
Com. vs W. II. Dewess ct al.
,m inf..rmtL.i. ,s r, n,...
i:n: -
v oui. s. ii ilium iviwman. resisting
ofliec - r. on intormauon of Wm. Diwcs.
(;.. Ta um YinL-r. n.l
:.. : ini.'ii,:n..
-oil lui'niiuiuiii oi noun .Illlitloer.
v.,n , c i,.i,n e,i,.- c..i..
V ". si. villi a, vnunu a , Ml. I'll it.UI'C .
:.,f..,.i l. ,.r u-.n:. 4
,hief, on information of J.H Miller.
vs. supervisors of Milford. not
I opening a read, on information of Jesse
Com. vs. Worth J. Picking, sed. for. &
has. on information of Dorolha FleL-hon.
Com. vs. Amos Fritr, asst. and lmt. on
inforiiiation of H. II.' Miller.
Com. vs. John Miller, larceny, on infor
mation of Franv Custer-
Cirn. vs. John Burly, false pretense, on
information of Fxlward Keiin.
1'im V.lvinl tim ..llin K....n
v 'in- , u- lAinani nriui. w llillll oil uoi i
on Sunday, on information of John Burly. I
.. . . .
In Uie follow in - caw-s thev nturncil 'nc4
pay costs.
Com. vs. ReU-cta Coleman, A & B on
information of IVira Brickev. Prosecutrix
. - . . . v. R,Im. fnUn e-UIn li.i.
, . ; ..
uor on runuav, tin luiormaiion oi uora
1 . . .
ecmn 10 jmy runts.
Com. vs. Lvons. Barns & Sweitzer, rcia-
dt meaner, on information of W. II. Pole-
man. Prosecutor to i-ay costs. ?
1 ne louow in e cases were inea ovrfury:
Com. vs. John O'Conner. for. entry and
detainer, verdict guilty, defendant stnUnc-
ed to pav $1 tine and costs. ;
c..,.. -. uv r?. t.-ftr. -
i- . - , ,
t..n, .ni
sen U need to lay flJ fine , and
- osts.
vs. John J. Spangler, false pre-
tense, verdict not imiltv defendant to nar
.t-osta " . "j 3 "j
- Cool. ra R. W. ScotL 'laTWrreV defen
dant plead guilt-, sentenced to one year in
Com. vs. Job a Summv, malicious mis
chief, verdict not guilty ."defendant to pay
Com. vs. SupervWs of Milford Td..
vrtli. md (rniltir 1,.v,a..ih'.
O j m . n ii,,, in w i
r.r 1;. -
Com. vs. Amos Frite, A & B. verdirt
not guilty, d ti-ndant and prosecutrix each
to iy bail the costs. 1 .
1. ... I 1 f:ll. 1 . - . . .
v 01 11 . - a. .uiiu iiiiri, larcrny, verdict
.1.,1 .:i. ... ... 1 . -
'ii-wi Kuiiii, uiu nmruim w laTinnii rx
f 1 and impru-omoent m the county Jail for
W days, i ' ' r : : ? t t
lu ihc tl lowing cases the District At
torney entered S A t Iroi.
Cow. w. D,niel Beal, F & R . on in for
niation of Ilusana Itamsbenrer
t . ii . .
coin. a. jnantn rrinuir, turciv, vu
iormauon oi joun uuriey.
v usu. t. -lunai a. a, (niuioriua-
. v.:ti , , : i
. - . t . k. v . r - ..
i' niamun. ---
I be following caaea were aismisseU at
John crorie.
Com. va John Croyle rt aL surety on
oath of John O'Conner.
In the following case the recognizances
r A r i . i i , i ,
iiiAici, oi , i" a iKKixi ut ik. nuuiaKeu our miiAirm w our conn: i , : . i ,,. , ri r , r 41 r
Ills arm was i jfi l boon-, and maUitalned our bomr i """ f "c "'7.
, , I - aiinuuw in new ui uim jrreiLwnHT w ma ; iue uuu in'iueieu n 1111 blinds n iiii i"i
1 V IirUISCd . Mutntrr in lhe ti. i.l an.1 Ki t-l.l and ealahlilihed : 1 1 1 ..C :. . A .. ..1 !
j ueieueuuu ana xits surety were aociarea
Com; vs. Ramncl IT. 'Weimer, burglary,
on information of Alex Walter.
Com. vs. John Burley, false pretense.on
information of Edward Keim.
Com. vs. Edward Keim, selling liquor
on Sunday, on information of John Bur
ley. The balance of the cases on the list were
settled or continued. Owing to the larjre
amount of criminal business, there was
only one rival case tried viz : Frederick
Koontz vs. Schrader & Bearl : rerdict for
defendant for f 17 Hi. The balance of the
cases on the civil list were continued.
The following named aliend were natur
alized. John Sandrock, Conrad I label.
John A. 8nydcr, Rinehart Reich, Henry
Henencamrt. Chas. F. Biimer. C. G. Ed
ward Koepoe, Chas. Smith. Win. Holden
and Hen rr Roseman. -
The court ordered an adjourned court
lor Momlar. October 14. 1872. lion. it.
Watson Rowe will preside during the 2d
week ot the term.
COLtTMBl S, O., Sep. C, 1872.
Dkar Herald: Below I give you a
few notes of my journey through part of
the old Buckeye Mate. Columbus is dis
tant from Pittsburgh, over the Pittsburgh,
Cincinnati & St Louis Railroad, (Panhan
dle route) one hundred and ninety two
miles. If you succeed in getting on a fast
train, as I did. you will find the journey a
short one. The Panhandle, under its pre
sent management, is not as of yore, but is
now one of the best railroads in the coun
try. It is no longer necessary to leave
your measure with the undertaker and pur-
. . ...: .1 -
caase an lasunuioe ucsxi utiore uuuog tue
train, as the road is now in as perfect order
as the best railroad in the land. The bu
siness done by this company is simply im
mense. All along the line can be seen
gangs of" men busy at work digging down
the bills and building bridges. &e., for an
other track. On leaving Pittsburgh by
this route you pass through a long tunnel
about a half mile in length right under the
vctt city itself, then you strike a long
britigc over the Monongahcla with a great
curve in it, and from thence along the hill
on the other side of the river running over
the tops of houses, turn aces, rolling mills,
Are, and at one place over a trestle work
at least fifty feet Lich. The first few miles
of this road is an ever succeeding scene of
the triumphs of engineering, r rom Pitts
burgh to the Sleubenville bridge you en
counter five tunnels, all the while traveling
through a wild and uninteresting country.
The Steuben ville bridge is an immense
iron structure across the Ohio river, near
three quarters of a mile in length and from
""y-iginke a beautiful little vall'ev. and from
Umt ,inie on cmil ycm .j, clumhus the
UJUL 1 UULli 1 UU I IStll VWIUll
j. ..,;r,;i t;.i nf
f tl.pnver endinfrfiehls of corn I
of the never ending fields of corn that line
the rood on cither side and are continually
in view. It would seem to a man from
Somerset county, w ho is more accustomed
to look upon a field of buckwheat than
IK'lll. U1U1 1111 UU1C V U ' ' 11 l
Muskin?ura ra, alime to gupplv
j o th(, witn bl
. arn whLskcy for -,he ncIt five i
M k the vTket weU gup
,be wuik. wUh wrn M j.
Tf Ic ., . : .,.. ,;.i
corn, that tliev Lave enouch corn in tue
the lal
bread and
k th n)arkpt weU g.-pplied all
It is about a nine hours' ride from Pitts
b h w Co-umbus M i Jcft the former
d u1k,, eleven o'clk in themorning,
. . .
it was after dark when I arrived at the lat
tcr place. We, for I was accompanied by
a good friend, were met at the depot by
one of our friends, when we were escort
ed to comfortable quarters, where we were pleasantly and hospitably entertained.
On the morrow we started out to "do up
the town," see the sights, fcc. Ol course
the first place of interest and importance
was the capitol. The Columbus State House
is certainly a grand and imposing structure.
It is said' to 1 the finest in the country.
Built in a massive style of architecture, of
. i.lnUi. i. ,la !n il, contro
nf . , f tn-riri
unmuiurui w tue uuciami m nc ( i "
0f the Buckeye State, and trom its dome a
perfect view "of this beautiful city and its
environs can )e had. Columbus, like all
j State capitols is dead as far as business is
i concerned, although the iron interest prom
I ises ere lens to be very larse in this vicin-
jlv more beautiful town can hardly be
clesrance of its pn
ings it can scarcely be surpassed. The as
syluins for the insane, blind, dumb, &c
are all handsome buildings and lasting mon
uments to the high minded generosity of
the iieoplc of Ohio. The population is
largely mingled with the German element.
consequently lieer saloons are large and
numerous, and the lieer is of a superior
qua tv, havng a world-wide repuution.
; , , , .,
Mr letter is airesly too lonir. I close
Dromisinz vou another" letter from Cincin
t Dale Citt, Sep. 14
1 Dear Herald: In mv communication
last week I mentioned that the citizens of
Iaie City and Meyers Mills had some pros-
I - 1 f having the rolling niill, machine
sboIw. factories, &c.; of the I. . 4
B. It R. 1UM at our place. If this can
W accomplished it will make this place the
AllOOUa aiOBg me line OI UllS rtwd. trur
entorPriBJ? citizens are making a united
elfortin the way of offering land and mon-
eyas bonus to Jnduce the company to take
our place into consideration for the loca
tion of their shops. We have as the re-
.1. . c i- . 1. ' 1. . . .1 . 1. ..
sun oi our iiii, inn s inn ki ouri iiic
company twelve acres of land and over
twenty-five thousand dollars in money.
We have the assurance from headquarters
that they appreciate our efforts. But in
this enterprise, w hich would so largely ben
efit the south of the county, and more or
less the whole county, we too have some
lame docks, drones and parasites, if by a
great deal of coaxing and persuasion you
can get them to sulscribc, the amount is
so niggardly and stingy that it does more
injury than good. It were lucky if the
world were rid c f them. In all improve
ments for the public good, whether for a
meeliug house, school house, or otherwise,
where the public is generally interested, it
is a christian duty for every man to do his
sliare. We intend publishing the names
of all our citizens that have subscribed and
those that have not, so as to let the neigh
bors see what we are. These do nothing.
iv ..i . .
fVK f the U .Ver' ".'rae ,n
for the lion's share; their contracted, ava-
jricious souls w ill not be satisfied on tliis
, side ihc smoky phux More anon.
Ursixa, September T.
Dear Editor: We notice in the Her
ald of August 28th an article on the ben
efits of fashion, written by Miss Display,
who. we acknowledge, displays a talent
worthy of a better caue. We arc aware
that the world moves on, and that the ball
of modern improvement rolls cm. How
ever, we opine this ball Isn't propelled by
the votaries of fashion. It is nt Miss Dis
play dandy brothers or foppish cousins
who hnikl railroads, delve into the earth
after th mineral and hidden treasures.
No, Miss Display don't wish her brothers
to degrade themselves by being engineers,
machinists, farmers, merchants, mechanics
or editors not they; her brothers moat be
gentlemen of leisure." They most wear the
Latest cut of the season, -whether it is con-
f i.etcnt with health or comfort. - We would
remind Miss Display that fashion, as re
gards wearing ariparel, dates its origin lack
to the day that our forefathers ate the for
bidden fruit. Hence the first wearing ap
jiarel was brought into use by Mother Eve,
who, w e are informed, sewed fig leaves to
gether to form a garment or ajiron. She
did'nt get the milliner or dress maker to
do it. We would remind Miss Display
that fashion is simply ' handed down to us
as a memento of our fall from innocency.
And now in the face of all this Miss Dis
play comes out in glowing colors in behalf
of the latest falftot, the immense pannier,
resembling a dromedary's bump, and the
immense chignon which takes the place of
some more needful possession not supposed
to be possessed by the wearer of chignons.
We aVk Miss Display to pause amid her
enthusiasm and remember tlie "Kg leaf
aprons, and then ask herself the question,
was'nt fashion conceived in sin and brought
forth in iniquity? Yet notwithstanding all
the array of facts which can be brought to
: bear against fashion, she will undoubtedly
go on teaching her votaries that there is ex
uuisite beauty in a lady's small waisL and
in her delicate health; and while she doe
"w mi;i luiivnri- will lunjumMiavij wu
j tinue to lay a little health (daily or nightly)
as a cneenui swcrince UlHn uie aiiar. no
L.. : -wi -!.i L.n, j .i-.i
i ...
- - uiHue an isrspiay will lUUUBtriousiy
eat magnesia and drink Tinegar and use
what strength she has in drawing her cor-
set strings tighter for fear that an extra
ounce or neali will take up up iu abode be-
tween her half developed bones and the
surface. We are glad that the domestic
women are not all dead yet, and that the
female sex have not all "gone to Saratoga
or seaside, '' and that they don't all talk
unun uiu i ii i: am it in iui inoiiicyimr
"Long Branch. They are not atl pretty
faced invalids who can only thump lightly
I on the piano and recline in the elegant par
lors spoken of by Miss Display, w e hope
the day will soon come when the wisdom,
the intellect and wealth of the earth may
be employed in obviating, as far as practic
hle, the evils entailed upon as by the fall
ot our fore parents, and of curing the bad
habits and usages caused by the abuse of
the luxuries of refinement and civilization,
and may the wealthy and fashionable be
come wise and good enough to obey the
laws of their being. We sometimes think
that the devil Las instituted a kind of pat
ent office where premiums are awarded to
the patentee who originates the most effec
tual method of destroying the intelligent,
the wealthy and refined.. And ,. we are
sorry to say that he, the devil, seems to
have made alarming progress in that di
rection: one has only to be acquainted with
the secret vices and practices of many of
the wealthy of oar cities and towns; wben
the wealth and intellect of the world is
employed In improving the minds of its
inhabitants instead of being used to grat
ify the passions and -fashions of the world,
then we will have fewer drunkards, idiots,
or insane persona; in short, the many evils
which now are legion, will be things of
the past.
We expect to see the day when the
right of franchise will be granted to the la
dies even now is the dawn of that event
ful day at hand, although ru history is yet
in the future. That day will decade that
practical, working, thinking women (not
mere butterflies of fashion or putty laced
invalids) will arise in their might and as
sist in the overthrow of many of the evils
which are but the bastard offspring of a
shoddy refinement or second fiddler to civ
ilization. We would love to write more
on this important subject would time per
mit. Expecting to hear again from, chit
cousin Miss Display, for the present our
ink must cease to now, and into the kitchen
we must go. . .,
Yours domestically,
. Misa SnipuciTT.
The Somerset County District Conven
tion, I. U. O. T., met at BerUn in tha lleth
odist Church, Ang. 29th, and was called
to order by P. M. Fisher. . - , ,
After the usual opening ceremonies W.
H. Kupple was called to the Chair pro
lem , and the Convention proceeded to the
election of officers with the following re
suit: - W. C. T.P. M. Fisher ; W. C. T. Cla
ra Heffley ; W. 8. Eohert Koonta ; W. F.
S. George Brollier ; W. T. Lou. Henta ;
W. C J. K. Ana wait ; W. M. Charles
Raymond; D. M. Ella Koontz; I. G.
Dora Fisher : O. G. Henry Stoner : A. S.
Alice Yorty ; E. H. 8. Charles Stoner :
L. H . 8. Sanaa ilosholjer ; V. W. C. T
Alexander Nicola.
Upon takina- the Chair, the W. C. T
elect delivered an address of welcome, ex
pressing the Hope tnat all might be deeply
impressed with the magnitude of the work,
and. that amidst these trying times the
good reform might not, through idle labor
ers, be delayed.
The following committees, anionic otb.
era, were then appointed : On State of the
Order J. O. Stoner, A. Nicola, K. II.
Koontz, W. If. Knpple ; Resolutions V.
H. Itapple. J. L. Ana wait, Albert Graves.
On motion, Convention adjourned to meet
Friday morning at 9 o clock.
A public meeting was held in the even
ing, addressed by Key. H. K. Holaiuger,
of Dale City. The Church was filled with
an intelligent audience, and tlie the speak
er, first giving the position of the Church
he represented, upon Temperance, in a
bold, forcible address, urged upon all the
doty of taking a decided stand ia favor,
not only of total abstinence for themselves
as individuals, hut for prohibition for the
general good.
CoL. Sam net W. Pearson, of Somerset
Lodge, followed in a short address marked
with the earnestness so characteristic of a
life worker in the cause.
Friday morning and afternoon, both in
teresting sessions, were taken up in the
discussion of Committee reports. It hav
ing been announced that the Key. Stuart,
of Stoyestown, would speak in tbajevening,
the house was filled at an early hour.
After prayer by Rev. Strauss, and kinging
of a Temperance ode, the speaker was in
troduced by the W. C. T., and for an hour
the andience was held as one man, by the
magic influence of earnest convincing elo
quence. He felt deeply in the subject and
that feelinc seemed to he communicated
to every heart. Local Option, or the pnv 1 , f vAlinff ' t t i-n 11 " up nn liinai '
was especially dwelt upon, and he prayed
that all power religious, moral, social,
aud patriotic, might be brought to bear
against the odious liquor traffic to prohibit
it. -
After the public meeting the Convention
wei.t into session and adopted the follow
ing resolutions :
Whereas, In the ISth plank of the
platform of the Republican Convention
held at Philadelphia, we find by the ad
mission of its author a direct assault upon
Temperance and the observance of the Kab
bath day. And irAerra, In the Liberal
Republican Democratic Convention, we
find a plain refusal to entertain the subject
of Temperance, therefore,
Ramhxd, That principle being dearer to
aa than party, and our allegiance' to the
cause of prohibition more binding than
the claims of any political organiza
tion, we will give our support to no party
that does not fairly indorse prohibitory
measures. ;
lietolved. That we regard the odious li
cense system of Pennsylvania as a stigma
upon our Commonwealth, and that toe ef
forts of all persons in favor of a higher
standard of mortality, are demanded for
repeal of all laws regulating the liquor
iVesofced, That the thanks of the Good
Templars in attendance at this Conven
tion be, and are hereby tendered to Key.
Holsinger, of Dale City, and Rev. Stuart,
of Stojestown, for the able and eloquent
addresses delivered by them at the public
meetings of the Convention.
Ketoirtd, That the thanks of this Con
vention are due and are hereby tendered
to Capt. Albert Heffley, for the use of bis
organ ; and to the members of the 31. K.
Church, for the use of their building.
The Committee on time and place of
holding next Convention, reported CON
FLCLNCE, the 12th and 13th of Decem
ber nea t.
The Chair appointed J. L. Ana wait, R.
Koontz and P. M. Fisher, aa a Committee
on Publication.
On motion, Convention adjourned to
meet al Confluence, on Thursday, Decem
ber 12th, at S o'clock P. M.
P. M. Fisher,
MOWKY. In Quemahoming township,
September 7th, Mrs. Alary Mowry, aged
7 years and 1 months. . .
GEP.BE1L August 31st. 1872. in Eden
tow nship. Lagrange county, of dropsy,
Mr. David tierber, aged 71 years. 3
months, and 28 days. - ---iT
Mr. Gerber was one of the oldest and
most respected citizens of Lagrange coun
ty. He was born in Somerset county,
Pennsylvania, in the year ItiOl, aad with
his father, in 1812. moved to Stark county,
Ohio, at that day a wilderness ; he resided
there until the year 1855 when he remov
ed to this State, and settled in the Haw
patch on the farm on which he resided at
the time of his decease." He was the last
surviving member of a family of ten per
sons, six brothers and four sisters, all of
whom lived to an old age. He raised a
large family, six tons and tour daughters,
nine of w horn are still living, and a hose
mother, though of advanced years, sur
vives her husband.
The deceased was buried on his farm in
the MeCoancH burial ground, ou Monday,
Setember 2d ; the funeral was attended by
a large number of relations and friends.
The funeral services were preached in
English by Rev. Truley, and in German
by lie v. Isaac Smoker. Lionitt, Indi
ana, Saiionul banner. .,
-Vetc Adcertisementi.
kjMA of Sanaaei Kahlmaa. late of Milferd Unra
abip. deeeaaeil.
C aiimiiiuLnUiuw wo in abM-e rotate ha r
Ing been (ranted to the aade-Vlgned, aotVeteliere
by (iva to laeee iadeMed to aaake Irami illin pay
aseul, ami thus havin: elahns against it wUI pre
ent ibem, dal; antheatkated fur euLtment at the
late residence of said deceased, in iterstnug, a
Satnrdaj, Oevuber Sta. 1I7S- - - j- .. .
SepLU i 51. ; - ' sVliainiaumtar. -
Purchasing Agency
W will purchas and brwaril any article
In U- elt7 at the tuweat rate.
Pardee la the Ooontry wuhtn; ts pnreba Pi.
aau, Uriran, bcwln; alaeblaea, Unnt, KeioiTer,
Nararry tkiirk, Jewelry, Faraitar. Millinery,
Hardware, Drugf Notkna. booU,Statieaenr, Sad
dlery. Carpeting, lhrOowl. uv,a&, will do well
la send to a. Ail gnud wlllb cbceea with a view
to eeoDuaay, s wU atate aad ataean, and base
or pckirr airwarded my lpree to any part of
th euwniry. AU order proenpuy attended to, aad
atiiUctiua rnaraatoed. Adaretw,
PITTSBURGH srppty co
P- M- PITTSni.TROII. P,- .
New Adcerlisements.
iIt rirta of an order of Ml rrntt Mr tha Or.
phuM" Coart of Smavrsot ouanty. tin Bnienlgned
wui oner air aue am in prouiara.
at one o'rkrk p. m., tho ml nrtaU of Honry
iubK, of S unmet township, dxeesMd. euntalo
Ing UT amssad So pcirbea. with loo arm dear,
Vt orraa la Bimiow, with doom, barn ana other
improvement thereon erected, with aa orchard of
eioeiient mm trees oa tba premises, Kijommf
lands of Wm. H. Frits, Joeepa Hunter, Benedict
Toiler and other.
Team a.uo la hand 1st April, 18TX ooe-third
of Um remainder to remain a lien, the tntereet
thereof to be pakl to the wMcw of atd deeeaard
durtmr her Ilia, and at her death tha principal to
lam cuiki oi w uecraeeu: imianre in two eqaai
uumal parmenta, wltnoat mtereat, to be tctmd
bj nturtgaxo and jaiiirment,
LEVI J. LfiXO, '
Sep IS. Admhiiatrator.
I'D nodeniirBed Administrators of John Bark
man, deoeaied, by direction of tha Orphana' Coart
of Bomermt eoanty, will offer for aalo on the prem-
uea, in suiora uvnaaip, aomeraet eocuuy, oa
at 1 o'clock p. bl, the farm of th said deceased,
containing 43 sere and 133 pe rebec, Krict meaa-
urc. with a aweuine; aoa, bam. and other twua
injri thereon erected, with an orchard of choice
fruit, 10 acre of meadow, tt acre clear land, bal
ance la timber: excellent water on the premise:
adjoining land of Wm. Irall, John Chorpenlng'l
heir. Junatnan w alkrr, widow trail and othera.
Tcawa One-third, after parment of expense of
partition and aala. to remain a lien, the IntereM
uiereoi u ne paid t Keglne liarkman, wklow or
aid deceased, annnallr ii urine her life, and at her
oestn i principal to ne
John Barkman. deoeaaed ; one-third la hand 1st
April. 1st 3, balance In two eqnal aanoal MTmenta
withont hi tercet. Deferred parmenu and dower to
be nMured on th pre in uk a.
Sep. 18.
Mv Tirtoe of an or ler of the Cirt of Common
Plea of Sianerwt Count, to me ill reeled, a Com
mit lee of hjrlreter A. Topper, a lunatic, there will
De exposed to puniic Kile, ua
A 1 10 o'clock a. m. of tabl dav. In the town of Kew
Ilaltimore. In said eonntr, all the nnht. tide, inter
est, projiertT and elaim of mid Srlrerter A. Top.
per. belnjr th andhrMed one-half part or interest,
oC In and to lb fulluwina; real estate, vis:
Ifa 1. A tract of land t-ltnated In AUreheny tp.,
in aald eonnty, enntainina: furty-nlne acre and on
hue-ired and twrntTeren perebe. adjoinlne lands
of Lewi N. Fto, Wm. Wabb. John (Joakie and
other; about tweuty-hr arm of which re clear
eil and tn a irood tat of cnltlTatiun. with a one
ttory U notue and stable thereon erected ; there
la also a guud apple orchard on this tract.
No. 2. A tract of land rituated la the lowtuhip
aSjresaM. adjeinin; no. 1. lanls ef Adam tteorjre.
r'. A. LAcken and other, eontalnina; one hundred
and eighteen and one-lbnrth acre; about MTentT.
Ore of w hich are cleared aad in a (rood etat of ci
tl ration; there re a larx iwostury kxc dwell In.
hou.e. a large bank bam. and ether out-bulldlngi
tbereoa erected ; there 1 also an apple orchard on
mi uaci. -
. 3. A tract of land a1joln!n; no. I. binds ef
nenry ajrnusner am other, cotainina; twenty
two acre: about twenty arret of which are cleared
and In a axul mat of raltiralion : on which 1
erected a larw and eompletedlstillery. In euanplet
running order, with all the neeeMarr fixture and
appliance for diatlllioa; bqnurs.
Trs19b S of the purchase money of no. I
to remain a lien, to be secured bT mortir&Ke on no.
L the IntereM to be paid annually to Wm. Weber
dannir life, and at hi death the principal sum to
be pawl lo th lcrl heir and representatire of
Peter A. Toraier. dee'd: one-third of the balance
In hand, and the remainder in two equal anpWW
payment, without interest.
a41 e of the purchase money of no. 2 to remain
a hen on the laul. the interest to be paid annuailr
to Mary Topper, widow of Peter A. T.-pper. dee d,
durins; ber lucume. and at her death the principal
sum to be paid to the beirs and leiral reprrenta
tive of said Peter A. Topper, dee d : one-third ef
balance in hand, ami remainder in two euuai an
nual parment, without Interest.
I me-third of purchase money of no. S In hand.
and balance In two equal annual pav menu, with
oat Intemt : all deferred pajmenu to t ecred
by judirmenl bunds. Ten per cent, of hand money
to be paid a sorm as prnjiertle are knocked down.
Sept 18. Committee.
ttr Tirtoe of an order ofdale mnted br the Ornh.
an Court of Somerset Countr. I'a.. the'uDdersiirs.
ed will otter for aaie on the premise, on
At one o'clock n. ra.. the real esute of John R.
Wlrsias. late of Addison towubip, S me net eonn
ty. Pa., deed. Tit:
Two bit in the tnwn of Peterbarir. adyimlnir
land of W. VT. UarUell, kits of Samuel Wright
and William Hileman. no Main street, harins;
thcreifl erected a new store house, dwelling boose,
a rood stable, and other eat bunding.
Term:' rwenty-nv per cent, ol tne porch
Bfeatey la hand, n-lfl he lance atdellTerr of deed.
Sept. 18. Adm'r and Trustee.
No. t A tract of land adjoining lan-ls of Sam'l
3. and Juoathan Rhuads. Samudl Uerker. Iiarid
Ah and oiher. near Miller tannery, (formerly
Rhode'.) containing 1J acre, with a new bank
barn Jxi feet, a large frame house, with a kitch
en, wash-house, snd other out-buildings attached ;
two thriving apple orchards and other fruit; thirty
acre in meadow, ten acre well timbered, and tbe
remainder well watered and limed .ouw btuhel
of lime pal on it within tbe last four veers; coal
and ii rata tone convenient, and probably on it.
No. a Within oil rris of no. L ail well timbered,
ennislning 16' acres.
Convenient to saw and grist millr schools, and O.
Baptist Entberan, Reformed, and Er. Asraeiatkm
Improvement Injured at .000.
For litrtber part leal m. applr tii or aiblres
SepL Ii SipesTille. Somerset CO.. Pa.
lic sale:
tir Tirtue of aa order of sale made by the Orph
ans Court of Somerset county fa., to us directed,
we will expose to sale by public outcry, on the pre
mise, the following valuable real estate, late the
property of Benjamin Fnedllae, dec'iL, lying In
Somerset and Je tie rsun townships, on
A certain farm, containing a acre, more or less,
adjoining lands of Jacob Maust, Autrust Kum.
Etui. Fricdhne. Eil Adams, John Bowman. Noah
Miller. Josiaa Ankeny and otbers. of which ITi
acre are cleared and 40 la mea-lvw ; on frame
Barn 110 feet long, and twe goed Ig Stable, a
Ixar Hons and oilier out-buildings. Also, two ap
ple on-hanls of 1(1 sboice fruit trees In each, and a
Sugar Camp. Also aa abundance of Elmesusse on
tbe premise.
This farm is well watered, snd is known as one
of the best hrai In tbe county, and is six miles
north of Somerset.
Tkaas: (4.000 cash, 10 per cent, ef which shall
be paid on day of (ale. and the balance of the 84.
OOv on confirmation of sale. The balance In four
equal annual payments, to be secured by ludgment
on tbe premises, line-third after the debts and ex
penses sre paid shall remain a lien on asid farm,
the Interest of which shall be paid to tbe widow of
the decedent during her life, and at her death the
principal to be paid to tbe heir and legal represeo
latires of the dee d.
Sept. 13, 1372. Adm'r. and Trustee.
Morgan Blanket.
The owner thereof should remember when they
purchase a new rupplr that M IKO AN S
BLANKETS are the best la
the market.
He has also a very large aaenrtmcnt of
In short, any kind ef WOOLEN GOOIS that
may be wanted.
Prices low and all goods warranted to be made la
the best manner and frum pure stuck.
Examine his goods before purchasing your Win
ter Clothing.
Add reus
STa arrow' Mills. Pa.
(Place of buslneas 1 mile west.) Sept. M, U
Oletewt la ta State.
B. F. BROWN et CO.,
116 Smithfleld St Pittsburgh, Pa.
Colleet Penslana, Boa n lire, rrit Monev. he
Stiecial attentioa pakl to suntieniled and rejected
claim. Application by mail attended to a if
made in person. a.p. Is.
walnut case okoan. with umt
slop, perfectly new. Factory pnee. tl'i. Alee a
number of Second-hand Meiudeans aad organ,
ranging in price from fcU and upwanis, or fur rent
at moderate priee. Call aad examine at the ma
fic ruum of .
No. U Sixth Avenue. Pituborg Pa.
Sole Agent tut Prinee a Co.' Organs.
White Hats and Tanners,
We will op!y Csaipalrs Ooods at all kinds at
lower rates tana you eaa ebtaia them else here.
Campaign Supply Oa- Pittsburgh, Pa.
Pennsylvania Female College,
Deliv-hUuUy located oa College HULaway bum the
city (moke and Boise, provide Firat-tles su-
reiieaet suMMaee tur yuang ladle, wit ameat
teaching aad eoouana-sense manaoemenL
Next term will open W EDN ES DAY, September
uia. r or oaiaiogiM ana parurstars, anarcn
Ry. JAMES BLACK. D. I)., Pres't
Tarrracs. James Lsaehltm. Rev. W. 1. How
ard, It. 1- Jadge J. P. hornet. Rev. W. J. Reld,
Ja. Ring. M. II- Rev. S. F. Swell, Rev. S. J.
Wil, It. It., H1 Robert Mctnigfct, Rev. M. W.
Jacobus, 1). 1 Wm. Bakewell, lion. J. K. More
head, Rev. John (. Brown, D. It. aag xl lm
of Frederick Eirhorm. lata ef ETklick towa-
hln, neeeased :
Letter of admlaismxiofi oa the abov ntaU hav
ing been granted the undersigned by the proper au
thority, notice I hereby gtvea to tho fesdebted to
It to mak immediate usrment. aad those having
claim against a to preeest thea. duly authentica
ted, for eUieaant to in uwraigaeu, at in late
ieldenee ef tbe deceased, oa Saturday, th ana
day ef September, MTX.
August 1. Administrator.
New Advertisement.
fX THE WORKINO CIMSS, male or female.
X 0 a week ruarantead. KeiuectaMe employ,
ment st home, day er even ins; ne capital repaired ;
full Instructions and valuable psekaire of rr-1. to
start wlta. cent free by mall. AdrfreM, with cent
return stamp, M. YOt'NO a O .,
U l SC. Kw Y irk.
AOK9T8 WAJfTUD ike U ef
Grant Greeley
MtfaUfaraea, Orm 40 Mwl JPactnlta,
worth twice the suet ef toe book. Wanted every
where. Aront have wonderful anrcen. Send tur
(irvalar. Addren ZIKULKR a M.VI'RUY,
U Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Aa-eata Waxitc fur the Aatobkiraphy of
Horace Greeley,
The best and enty Edition written try himself; and
Ibreur I B72 CAMP Ali M A I AU a two
of the times Kir all parties. Illustrated. One agent
old 0 In three day. Also, for Headier' Lite of
Problem tirant. and SDlendid Steel Portralu of
Candidate. x a month mad. E. B. TREAT,
Pabllaher, u Broadway, New York.
UU niarmisall liiAlrram
Tkiabls Elersted Oen. Warm in Closet, Bruillrtf
rxr. Fender Uuard, liumping k Shln Irate,
Direct Draft. PTLLF.R, WARRtM k. CO., nA
Water Street, New York.
11 SaaitaaeM Htreet.
Oppoalte New City Hall, PITTSBUROH, PA.
loll Send for Illustrated Catalogue.
OCAL agents
American Button-Hole and
JAMES ESPY, Cen'l Agent
For Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio.
Office 178 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Liberal Inducement offered to county aad local
Agents. Ang. T-3m
A 1
Estate of Thomas J ermines, lat of Lower Tlrkey.
foot tp- deceased :
Letters of administration mm lrttawulotnnrTo,
on the above estate having been granted the under,
signed, notice is hereby given to tboee indebted to
It to mak immediate parment, and tan having
claims against it will present them to the uader
sltroed for settlement, at hi residence, on the auth
day of September, J. B. JENNINGS,
aag . Adminitratur.
Estate of Samuel P. Btttner, Ute of Summit Tp.
Letter of administration on the above estate
having beea granted the undersigned by the proper
authority, notice Is hereby given to those tnd)ted
to K to mak Immediate payaient, aad tho bar.
Ing claims against it to present them to the under
signed for settlement and allowance, at the lat res
idence of said deceased, on Katurdar. September
14th, Itn. JACOB S. BlTTVER,
Aug. T. Administrator.
LAMATION, here, la and by the 13th aertloB of the actjf
the General Assembly of Pennsvlvania, passed
July ad. 1830. entitled "An act relatiac to tbe elec
tions of this Commonwealth." It la enjoined on the
Sheriff of every county to give notice of uch elec
tion to he beVI aad enumerate la such notice what
omcers are to be elected. In pursuance thereof. I
JottaB Sbafer. Sheriff of the county of Somerset,
do therefore mak knvwa aad give this public no
tice to tbe elector of said county of Somerset, that
a general election will be held ia (aid county on Ihe
ei-uod Tuesday, tb Mh day of October next, at
the several election districts therein: at which time
district and county etacere, a follows, are to be
elected, to wit
ON E PERSON for tbe office ef Governor of the
Commonwealth nf Pennsylvania.
ON E PERSON for tbe offlc of A ad I tor General
of tbe Commonwealth ef Pennsvlvania.
ONE PERSON for tbe ocv-e of Judge of the
Supreme Court of the Cununouweaita of Pennsyl
vania. THREE PERSONS for CVingrmea at large
for tbe Commonwealth of Pennsvlvania.
I ENTY EIGHT PERSONS for belentes at
large to the Constitutional Convention of Pennsyl
vania. THREE PERSONS tur Delegates to Constitu
tional Conveatioa of the tjtnmonwelth of Pena
Tlvania. ia conjunction with th count it-s of Biair,
jultou and Bedford.
ONE PERSON for Representative la Congress
la conjunction with tbe counties of Adams, Frank
lin. Fulton and Bedford.
ON E PERSON for th office of Member of the
House of Representatives of Pennsvlvania.
ONE PERSON tn conjunct Ion with the counties
of Blair, Fulton and Bedford for the ebce of Slate
ONE PERSON for the offlc of Pruthoaotary,
fcc. for the county of Somerset.
ON E PERSON for tb office of Register of Wills,
Recorder of Deed, he- ef tbe county of Somerset.
ONE PERSON for tbe offlc ot Sheriff of the
county of Somerset.
ONE PERSON for the office of Commissioner
for said county.
ONE PERSON for the office of Poor Director
for said county.
ON E PERSON for the office ef County Auditor
for said count v.
ON E PERSON fur th office ef Coroner for said
1 also hereby make known anJ give not ice that
the places of holding the aforesaid general election
ia the several borough aad township within th
county of Somerset, are a follows, to wit:
Tb elector of the borough and township of Som
erset to meet at tbe Court House In said borough.
The electors of the townsbrp ef Milford to meet
at tb house lately occupied by George K unmet, in
said township.
Th electors of the berouch of New CeatrevOl
to meet at the school hoes tn said borough.
Tb electors of th township of Upper Turkey-
foot to meet at th house of John A. bnails in
Th elector ef the township of Lower Turkey
foot to meet at the school house la L rsina borough
in said township.
The electors of the township of Adduna to meet
at the house of Levi Dean, in Petersburg, tn said
The elector of the township of Middleereek to
meet at the bouse occupied by Aaron Heckler la
aid township.
T lie electors of th township of Elklick to meet
at the new school bouse In lb borough of Salis
bury. Tn electors of the borough of Salisbury to meet
at tbe new school bouse la said borough.
The elector of tb township of Summit to meet
at the school bouse ia Dal City borough.
Tbe electors ef tb borough of Dale City to meet
at the school house, la said borough.
The elector of th town ship of Greenville to
st me i I I I tn icainsie, ruvwvri w
eupled by George Long, tn (aid township.
The elector of the borough ef WeUersburg to
meet la the school house la ad borough.
Th elector of th township of Southampton to
meet at th boom of Jos a Starts in said township.
The elector of the township of Northampton to
meet at the house of John Pourbaugb la aald town
ship. The elector! of the township of I .a rimer to meet
at the house formerly eorapted by W as. May, la
aid township.
Tb elector of th borough ef Berlin to meet at
the aou of Archibald Comptoa In said borough.
The electors of the township of Brutbersvaliey
to meet at Bittner's school nous ia asid township.
Th elector of th township ef Stonyereek to
meet at the house formerly occupied by Jacob WUI,
Jr.. aad bow by John Spelcher In laid township.
Th electors of the borough of Stoystowa to meet
at the house formerly occupied by Henry J. Miller,
ia (aid borough.
Tb electors of th township of Quemahonlng to
meet at tbe bouse of Jacob Custer, of Stovttowa.
The elector of the township ef Allegheny to
meet at the house of Ueorg A. Kiauael la aid
The elector of th township of Conemsugh to
meet at the bouse of Peter Levy ra aald township.
Tb electors of the township f shad to asset at
the house of Jeesb Helaua la said township.
Tbe electors ef tbe township ef Paint to asset at
tbe school house erected ou lb leads of Henry
Berkey, ia said township.
Th electors ef th township of Jenner to meet
at the house of Thomas Uailagbcr, at Jeuner X
Roads la aald township.
The elector of tb township ef Jefferson to meet
at th boos of Solomon Baker la said township.
Tb elector ef the borough r Urataa will meet
at the arbool boas la aid borough.
The return judge of tb respective district la
this county are reiiairedto asset at the Court House
la the borough of Somerset, oa Friday, tbe Ilia
day of October, UTS. thea and there to perform th
duties enjjMned oa them by law.
W here a judge, by aiekneo or unavoidable acci
dent. I aaaM to attend such meeting of jw-isea,
the th orrtineata of mara shall be takea eharge
of by one of the Inspector or clerk ef the election
ef the district, who shall no aad perform tbe duties
required of the judge unable to sliced.
Notk-b ia Haaaay Otvuv, That every person
excepting Justices of the Peace wbo shall hold any
otftc or appuiatmeat of profft or trust under tb
United Stale, er of tbia State, or aay eity er cor
porate district, whether a eommlMkmed officer or
otherwise, a sutxwdtaete efBeer e ageat who I er
shall be employed under the legislative, xrutiv
or lodlciarv denaruaeut ef tale State, or of any
ellv, or of aay iaoorpuratod district, aad also, thai
every member ef Congress and f the Stale Legis
lature, aad of the selector common oaaeil of aay
eity, or commissioner of any Incorporated dldnct,
I by law lacapabl of holding er exercising at the
time, the eoVe or appotaowetil of Judge, lasneetor
or Clerk of aay election of lata eoaaaagowealih, aad
that ao Inspector. Jadgw or other emeerof such
election snail no eiunote t no taea votea Mr.
Aad tbe said act ul AasetnMv entitled "aa act re
lating lo elect loos of this CoasnoawaUh.n fMil
July X, lasa, further prevkie n follow, via:
-That th inspector aad Jadsw shall meet at
Ihe respective place appointed for hurdina; the
sleetion la the district at whk-a the, respoeUvelr
belong, before T o'clock la the morning ef the SEO
mapeetur ahail appoint oa clerk, waeehaU be a
qua lined rotor of each district.
-la aa the persoa wae ahail have received the
highest number ef vote for Inspector shall net
attend ea the day f aay etoeUua, than the per
aon who (hall have received the (oad highest
aim her of vote for Judge at the next precosJlag
lection shall aotas aa laspector la ail piece. Aad
ia case th persoa who shall eav received the blgh
t aamber ef vote for Inspector shall not allcud.
New A d vertr'etn ev tit.
the per elected Judge shall appoint Iniiee.
Vir n hi Place; and In cane the perm elected a
Jo-lire ahail not atteml, then Uie ln.peuir who
receired the Blsrbest number of yiKe naail smuHot
a Jsdir in hi place; aad If any ramncy shall -m-tinue
ia the buard fur the space of her after
the time fixed by law fur the mining of the eiee
Uon the qeallaed tnaers nf the tnwnsuip. warl nr
district fur which such oWcerntaall he leen elert,
oil. prearnt at the plw-e ef elert tun. shall elnct on
M l heir aamber to fill men vacancy.
-ii inaii he theduty of the arterni awrs re
speetlrely to aUemt at the place of hold Ins every
R-weral, peeial or township lectiun, durms; tlie
wb4 time euek election 1 kept open, for th pur-
ef clrtc; mtunnala-jw to the laspectur sad
Jedfe, when sailed uo. Q reUtiue to the riant of
"T perwin sawmill by tacte to rote at stsrb elee
tlosu and on such other matters m relatiun to the
assesnoent of niter, aa th. .-.i i tnsrnm
either of them shall bum tune to tune rwieire.
-.Vo person hall be permitted to . at any elee
tlon as afureaal-1, than a whl-ecltiien of tfce lire of
tweaty-eneorasore, whoana.l haT n-ted In this
Stat at least one year, and In tbe elect) district
where a offer to vote, tea davs Immniiai.i.
ceding such eieetfon. and within two years psM a
State or county tax. which snail have been esr
d at least ten days before tbe election. Rut a eu
aea of tha United Stateswho has prev loosly been a
qualified voter of this State and remove.! therefrom
and returned, and who snail have resided tn the
lection district and paid taxes s foresaid, snail be
entitled to vote alter residing In thi State six
month. Provides. That the white Ireemoa. cltl
sen of th United States, between the sg--s of
twenty-one aad twenty-two year wbo hav resaled
la the elect mo district ten days as aforesaid siiall
be entitled to Tut, although they shall net have
paid tax.
By the act of Assembly of 19. kiywn as the
-Registry Law." It la provided as loiluwr
L Elect loo officers are to open tbe polls between
the hours of six and seven A. M.. on the dav of tbe
election. Before ix o'clock la the morning of sec
ond Tuesday of Ocpiber they are to receive from
the County Commissioner lite Ree-tseered List of
oters aau ail necessary election titans, ami tney
are to permit ao man to vote w hose name is not on
' aaM list, unless he shall make proof of his right to
vote as RltHlws;
Z The persfia whose name Is not en the llt.
claiming tb right to vote must pes line a qualin-d
voter of the district to swear in a written or printed
aradavlt to the residence of the claimant in the
district for at least tea davs next preceding said
election, defining clearly where tbe residence of
tbe persoa was.
A Tbe party claiming th right to vote shsil also
make an am.favit. staling to the best of his knowl
edge aad belief where ami when he was born, that
ne is a eittxen or Pennsylvania and ol the United
Siate. that h ha resided la th State one rear,
or. If formerly a eilixen therein and removed there
from, that be ha resided therein six months next
preceding said election, that be has not moved into
tbe district for tbs purpose of votln g therein, that
be ha paid a Stat er county tax within two years,
which was assessed at least tea days before the
election, and the affidavit shall stale when and
where the tax was assessed and pal. I. and the tax
receipt must be produced unless the affiant shall
state that U has been lost or destrrjed, or that he
received anse.
4. If th applicant be a natura'iixed citlxen. he
must, fa additfoa to the fomr-lng prnnls. state in
his affidavit when, where, end by what court be
was naturalized, aad produce. Lis r? Ilk-ale ot nat
BTallanUon. . Every persoa claiming to be a naturalised cit
lxen. whether on tbe rerlsirv lUt or tiryiacin? srrl-
davlts as aforesaid. ihaQ be required b predat- his
naturalization oertlbeate at tbs election bei .re vot
ing, except where be has been for ten years erm.Mvi.
s lively a voter in the district where he offers to
rot; and on the vote of such oerv-o beta? receiv
ed, the elect low officers are to write or stamp tbe
word -voted" oa his certiorate wa the mentb and
year, and no other vute can be ca that day tn vir
tu of aald eertiBcate exertit where cons are enti
tled to vote upon the naturalixauoa of their lather.
t. If the person claiming to vote is nit ririter
ed shall make an affidavit that be Is a native born
citlxen ef the Called States, nr. if born elsewhere,
shall produce evideooe of hi naturalization, or
that he I sail lied to eiUxenahlp by Uia reason of
his father' I naturalization, and mrther. that he is
between 21 and 22 year of age. and has resided tn
tbe State one rear, and ia the election dtsi net ten
days next preceding tbe election, be thail be
an tilled to rota though he shall nut hare paid
-Every persoa onallfled as aforesaid, and who
hall make due pruof if required of bis resilience
and payment of taxes aforesaid, shall be admitted
to vote in tbe township, ward or district ia which
ne snau resiue.
If any perwm shall prevent er attempt to pre
vent any officer of an election, under this act tp m
holding such election, or U4e or threaten any vio
lence to anr such officer. i shall Interrupt or im
properly tnterlere with him in tbe execution ef his
duty, shall block up or attempt to bt'k up the win
dow or avenue to any window where tbe same may
be holden. or a aau noloasly disturb the paee or
such election, er shall use er practice Intimidation,
threat, force or violence, wun thedesimi to influ
ence unduly or overawe any elector, or prevent him
from voting, or to restrain tbe freedom of choice,
such person on convict loo shall be Bneaim any sum
am exceeding hve hundred dollars, to be imprison
ed for aay lime not lea than one nor more than
twelve months, and if it thail be abown to the court
where tbe trial ef such offence shall be had. that
tbe person ao offending was not a resident of tbe
eity. war! or district where the mid offence wai
committed, and not entitled to voce therein, on bid-
vict loo. he shad be cntenced to pay a line not lees
thea one hundred or more than one thousand dol
lars, and be Imprisoned not less thaa six months
nor more than two years.
-If any persoa or person shall maka any bet or
wager upon tb result of an election, witiun the
ComDsonwIthTor.rllnffertomake.nv such bet
or wager, either by verbal proclamation thereof or
by any written or printed advertisement, or invite
any person or persons to nut sura net or wager,
upon eunvietioB thereof he or they shall forieit and
pay three times the amount au bet or offered to be (
And the election laws of the Commonwealth fur
ther provide that -The Inspectors. Jwlg-s and i
clerks snail, before entering oa the duties of their
orficos. severally take and sulcri! the oath or al-
armaifoa hereinafter directed, which shall be ad
ministered to them by any Jo lcc A Merman cr
Justice of the Peace; but if no sucn magistrate be
peeeent, one of the inspectors of the elect ion shall
administer tbe oath vr aHii-mais to the other
judge, ami inspect, and then the inspector so
quaiineu nail administer the oau or amrmauon
to him.
The tasrssetor. rarjsss and clerks rtunired bv
. ...... -
law u nou tne towusuip ami gmerai tiexinn.',
hall take and rubecrit-e tue several oaths or aftinc
ations, rsjuii-e-i bv th 13th. 'ioth sn-1 ilst sections
of the aet ol the ii day of Juiy, Itni. enutlwi -An
act relating to the elerti-c,s of this Cc-moo-
CaiUat W fUCIl IssVUU tjaj si Ii l I B 1 gl Hf w TlUlil LSST uir
pared aad administered ln the manner present!
in the 18th aad ii sections of tbe said act, awl In
addition to the power eonterred by th l-h secti--n 1
of said act. thijudge or either ef the in-p-Ktors
shall hav power to administer th oaths presrrib-
ed by aaid act to any cierk et a general or township
sifetia-L a r'
Tbefolfowlnhallbetae form of the oath oraf-
armatioa to be lakes by each inspector, viz. -I ( A.
B.) do that I will duly attend the ensuing
election during the eontinuance thereof, as an In-
spector aad that I will nH receive anv ti. ket -r
vote rnm any penottotner mil tucn at i nau arm-
ly believe to be. recording to tbe prwiiii of tbe
eunstitutioa and th Uws of this funmrcsnllb.
snUUed to vote at such election, without requiring
such cvtdence of tbe right to vote as is directed t-y
law. nor will I vexatfously delay er refuse to re
ceive any vote from any persoa wno I shall believe
to be entitled to vote as aior-sai.1. nut irmi i win
in all thing, truly. Impartially and faithfully per
form my duty therein, to the best of my judgment
and abilities, and that I am not directly or indi
rectly Interested ia any bet orwager on the result
of this election.''
The following shall be the oath or aStmatlcsi of
each lodge; viz; -I (A. H.) do that 1 will as
jade-e duiy attend the ensuing election during the
continuance thereof, and faithfully assist tn in
spector la carrying ea to same: tnat 1 win not
give my consent thai any vote or ticket shall he ris
er tved from any persoa other thaa saeh a 1 firmly
believe to be aceuruing to tne provisions ot tne con
stitution and laws of this Commonwealth, entitled
to vat at each election, without requiring such ev-
. V . , '
and that I will use my best endeavors to prevent
any fraud, deceit or abuse ia carrying oa Uie tame
by citizens quaiineu to vote, or otner ami inat 1
will mak a true and uermot return ot the said etec-
twn. and wiU in all thing truly, impartially and
falthfuny perform my uuty respecting tne same to j mf m (n1 mb,wt tbe rMnJ clcetiisif of this ea
the best of my nxdraent and abilities, and that I mnwealth. hU be performed bv such otBrer tn
am not direcliv or indirectly lntereste.1 la any bet .. . -v . .v. .l-oJ. w. i . mmA .l
or wager on the result of this election.' .
Th following shAUb ia form of tne "am cr ar -
flrmau-a to be taken br each clerk, viz: -1 1 A
de that I will impartially aad truly write dowa
the name of each elector who shall vote at th n-j
suing election, which shall be riven me tn chars-.
and also th name of thetownskip, wanl or district
"u,,l'u - -. - , :- ,iZ
truly write dowa lb number of vote that shall be
arlven for each canlhlate at the election, as ulten ss
his name shall be read to me by the inspectors
thereof aod is all things truly and faithfully per -
form mv duty respectins: the same to the best ol my
jadgment and ability, aad that Iiasl dirictly or
indirectly mterestea ia aay net or wager ou ine re
tail of this eleetfoa.'
The qualified electors will take a s; ice of the fol
lowing act of Assembly, approved Kh day of
March. An Act Regulating tn moil of voting at
all election jia tbe several counties of this Cow
naoawealih. Sarao 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and
Hon ot Kepreeentauves o, i me lunmtaweaitn of
Pennsylvania ia Creneral Assembly met, and it is
hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That dml an, thirty-three members, to be .kseted ra the
the qualified rotors of lb aevcral counties of this nanaer following: T went v -eight member thereof
Commonwealth at aU general, township, borough , .hall be elected la the stale at large, a follows
and special tlectloris ar hereby, herearter. auto.- T,?r of the state shall vote for not mors thaa
iaed aad required to vote, by tickets, printed or foarteen ean-ikiates. and the twenty-eight highest
written, or partly prated and partly written scv- , . hall p, declared elected : ainety-Blne dte
erally clasaihed aa follow: One ticket shall eta-, lhaU be aptsmfooed to aad elected from the
b,mc lb nJBoJof I1JUJM CWr T' t,r ' different senatorial distnet of th stale, three del
and to be labelled, owtsld ju.lletary:" one ti ket ' eirMM to b. elected foreach senator therefrom ; aad
snaR mbrac th names of aU Slate officers voted in MMsxtnv all district delesrate. each voter shall
for. aad b U belled "State: one ticket ahail em-
brace tbe w a terse ailauai at estlevrs voted for. ia-
eluding tbe office of Seoatut, member and members
of Assembly, ir votea tor. ami member of Con-! elected, except tn the county of Allegheny, form
rress. If voted for. anil he labelled -county:" one i hrg tbe Tweutv third smatorial district, wan ao
ticket shall embrace the names of all township of-. t.ktt shall vote for more thaa atx caodkiatea. ami
ficer voted fc. and be labelled -township:" one ' the nine hi chest in vote shall be elected, and z th
ticket shall embrace the Bam ef all borough of-, eoonties of Lutera. Monro and Pike, forming th
aeer voted for. and be labelled -borouirh; isl , TinrtMi)i Mn,t.viml HieiM shmiiavrasff ihsil
each ebu shaU be aepneited ha eparate ballot -
boxe. ...... .
Sac. 1 That it shall he the duty nf the Sheriff.
m the several eoaaUea f this CozumtweaUh to phia. bv a vote at large ia said eitv. aad as their
Insert in their election proclamations herealter is- i eleetfoa no voter shall vote for more" thaa thiwaeaa
tued the first sectioa of 'this act. 1 cil.litc. snd the nx biifhest m rot shaU b decla-
, .J.fMtSc-1; KE"Ez. ired.lecte.1.
Speaker of tbe House of Ret.rvscntativ. So-tmvl The fotViwing regulations hall ap
DAslD FLEMwl.Ni. plv te the aforewtid eleetfoa to be held oa tha ee
. . . Speaker of the Senate. , oa.1 Tucedav ef Or-ober aext, aad te retaras of the
Approved the 13th day of March. Anno Domini ' ame-
ic uuBSBBd ight hundred aad sixty-six. 1 F:rst. The said eteetfoa shall b held and ov
A. O-. CI RTINt j ducted bv tbe proper eieetas officers of la several
Election ofCcers wfll takenotic tbt the act entl- .l-ction .tiatrtcts of tbe commonwealth, aad ahail
tied -A Further Supplement to the UeeOoa Law
of this Commonwealth,' disqualifying deserters
from the army of the I nlted State Irons rot in, j as tbe same shall be epplicabi therete, aad Bat ta
bs recently beea declared uneocutitutioaal bv the i i-h the nrovislon of thi aaa.
Supram I Vurt ef Penasvtvania. Is new null and
vaad, aad that ail persoos loemeriy nisqualibci
thereunder are bow lawiul voters. If utberwise
qualined. -
To the C'eaaff Csststitiwacrl aa Sbrf tht
Ceuaty Maierser.'
TTarrrsa. The Flfteroth Amesalmcnt of tb Con -
sttiutauc of the I nlted Sute is as follows:
Samoa L The right of citizens ef the United tans or names of the eandidate roted tor. aoc ex
State tavut shaU not be denied er abridged by jeeediag the proper aamber limited a aforesaid ;
th Untied Slate or by any State no account of ' but any ticket which shall eontala a greater asm
race, rotor, or previous condition of servitude. I her of names thaa the aamber for which the voter
Sac. V That I'ongres shall have power to ea- , shaii be entitled to vote, shall be rejected : aad ha
force tat article by appropriat legislation. the case of the delegmtes to be thasia al large bx
Axn waxaaAB. Tha Ctmgres ef the United j Philadelphia, the words, -city delegate", ahail ba
State oa the Slat day of March. 1T0. passed an j on the outrkle of the ticket.
aet entitled -Aa cf to wer rvoAis rwi-1 Fneuth. ln lb rltv el PhOa-ielrhia the return
sea (a I a Or SUM to oote is 1 arrrrai 1 juslge shall meet at the state house, at tea o'ckiek
Stout of ts l aiea omdor other prooertf the on the Thursday next folfowmg th iaUea. aad
first aad ssaossi seetfoasef which sre aa follows; ! make oat the mama for said cil v. ef the vete east
-Samoa L Ho i rcic fjk' Vae sa tnerem lor dclorates al larve and eity aod dtstrv
Hews Befrtotnlotireo of tht LnUrd S-ln of ' Sclernus. to be members ef the eotrveotlou : U rw
iatvvt la teeeress srzlw. That all citizens j tarn judge f tbe several eleotfoa district withia
of the United State wbo ar or shall be otherwise leach et-untv of the state, exdading Phllartol
Bualined to vote at any election by the people in j phis, shall meet aa la Friday aext follow tag lb
any Stat. Territory, district, eotinlv, city, parish, ; slxiioa. at the usual place for the msstlag of th
township, srboel district, municipality, or other tcr- ( recti rn ja-lge of their county, aad ahail make eat
rltorzal sabdiviaioa shall be entitled aad allowed to fall and accurate reiarnsftv the county, ef the vote
sot at all each elections without du'lricooo ol t cjH therein H r menjVrs of the eisarratioa aad for
rae. coIit. or previous covelltloa of ervitode: anr ! district members of the same ; aad the protssdmrs
OBS-Ratsora, law emstova, usage or irgwlaIioa of , of tb return italge of th aald city ef phllayiel
aay Stat or Territorv or by or ander iu authority phla. and of the several count lee ef tb aomsaoa
to the eoatrary autwlthstaasllng. j wealth, ia the making ef their returns, a hall be the
Sac a ass me W further tntted. That if bv or asm as those prescribed for ratara judge ha th
under the authority of the coostitutfoa er law's ef rase ef a dectioB for governor, exeapt laatmuraa
aay State, or the law ef aay Territory, any act I i transmitted to the secretary f the common wealth,
or shall b required to be dune as a prerequisite or ; shall be a.ldressed to that ottorr a km, aad But to
9 sail Beat ion for voting, and bv such eooMitutioa or ' the speaker of the senate.
laws persoa or officers ar or shall beehargedwith 0:vn under my hand at my scne m SjmiriaC
lb performaac of dutiea in furnUhing to citizens this nth day of September, ia tha yearef out isanl
aa opportanitv to perform saeh prerequisite, or to ! oa thousand eight hundred aad Mventy-tw. aad
become qualified to vote, it shall be the duty of : In the ninety-seventh of the Independence of l
nerv'sacbpeTmsaiidooVnnto JOSIAH SHAFtR,
the t alced state tlza snaxw aad equal opportunity Sac riff.
Nev A dvertvurmenU. 1
to perform such j'nrrwnlaftrs and tobecriraequsllll-e-l
to vote wi. tioKt iIuk uartloa of T ace. color, or pre
vfcruseowltiinri of servitude; ami tf any such per-
or officer snail refuse or knowindy omit to gr
rull effort tn this section be shall, tor every aueb of
fence forielt aad pay tbe sum of Bvebuadred d4
Ur to :tie rso aggrieved tnerel-v, to be reeueer-e-i
by n scshm la the ease, with foil cost ssl su-a
sllov.nn.-c tr enuasrl fees ss the court shall deem
)ti. sn1 shall slni. for every inch offac. bedeem
I K'llity of a aiisd'-meaoor. ami shall, ea eunvis.
tioti vixrvtst, lie bned not less thaa five bun.lre4
lollars or be Imprisoned not Va thaa o moath
aad ant more thaa so year, or both, at the discre
tion of the court,
jtee a-Aerres. It Is lee la red by the second asrtioa
of the sixth erticie of th Cuistltutfoa of the l alt
I Sratcs that -Tht Omstliutlua aad the laws of
tlie I aired State which (hail be mad in purra-so--e
thereof, aball b the rapreme law of tn taa-1,
anything in tbe ;oostUtfoa r laws of any
Stat to the eoatrary, mawltaetaading.
And vhrrri. The Legislature of thi Coeamoa.
wealta. ea theftcb day of April. A. D. 179, passed
an act, -A farther sux-plemen to tbe act relating
tn elect inns tn this Common wealth," th toath ec
tlon of which prevail aa follow:
-Ssr. l. That mt much of every act ef Assem
bly as provide that oaly whit frssmua hall be
entitled to vote or bo reritend a voter or a
claimln to vote st any gs-neraj or special eleetfoa
ef this ta rnon wealth, be aad the Sanaa is aerwby
repeaie,;: sn-i that hereafter all freemen, without
distinct km nf color. shaR be enrolled aad registered
aeeorillng to the protrisinasef the first seek a of th
act approved tbe lath dy of April. lsm. Kitld
'Aa a-t fiirther supplemental to tbe act relative te
the election of this C'lcnmoawalth:', and shall,
when otherwise q ratified under etlstrng law, be
entitled to vute at all general eat! special atufona
in this C'imininwraith."
A ad e-acre. It is my eociatrtational and official
duty -to take care that the law be faith folly ex.
MiluN1 . r. .1 I, k.. mtjnm ' k . .
- ' ' w; anowiecge taat sun
dry asses-nrs and regiater of voter bar refused
and are refusing to asses and register divers color
sd male dtlxens of lawful age, aad etberwi rual
ifie.1 as electors
.Voir, thtreart. In eoostileratloe. of the premise,
tbe coonty t ommtsc loners of ask! county are here
by aotiaed and dlreete-1 to met met the several asv and registers of vacr therein to obey aad
eon Conn to the requiremeota of aald eunst national
amewtmenu and laws; awl tho S hen It ef aald
county is hereby authorised and required to puo
lish In his etectioa pruclamatloa for the next onsa
ingelcction tbe herein reel ted coastltutkiaal amend
ment, aet wf Coorress. aad act of th Legislature,
to Ihe end that the aam may be knowa. exerated
and ftbeye.t by ail assessors, regiater ef voter,
election officers aad othera and that the right and
privileges guaranteed therein may be secured to
all the citizens of the Commonwealth entitled to
the same.
t.s..l Given nn-ler mr hand and the great seal
of tri state, at Haxritoarg, th day aad year
fir above wraten.
Attention Is also railed to tho following Joist
Rcaoiutiouot the Senate and Hons of Reprwaaot
atlves of Pennsylvania, and th follow teg AM of
Assembly, vis:
ht it rrtoivrd hf th Sceaf ! Kowss Jtrsv
trmJaHvew of Ike C'estaaeaareeifh PrwasyiMuta
1 Oeaerai aarsaMy met. That tbe following ans
endment of the coostitatlou of this commonwealth
be pmp,ed to the pe pie for their adopUoa or rv
leetixi. pursuant to tb provision of the tenth art-k-le
therrtf, to wit :
Strike out the sixth sectioa of tb lixth aniei of
the countilutioo: and Insert in lieu thereof the fol
lowing : -A siat etreasurer shall be chosen by tha
qtu!;6eI elect. s of the state, at each times and for
such term of service as snail be prescribed by law."
STieakcr cf the House of Repreatntntirea,
Speaker of tbe Senate.
AmoTtn Th twenty second day of March.
Anno Ismml on thousand eight both red aad v.
enty-twu. JNO. W. OEART.
sct or aserjf str.
yVHEaxus. A joint reoiutir. proposing a r
tatn amendment to the ennHitatioa of this am.
nkoweaith. has been erreed to by a majority of the
mcmien elected to each hcas of th legislature,
at two succesmv session of tbe earn, the first -si-si
commencing on the nrst Tuesday of January,
in tbe year of our Lord one thousand eight aam-'i-red
and seventy- e, and th seoood session com
mencing on tbe first Tuesday of January, la tb
year ef our Lord one thousand eight handled aad
seven tv-two:
And where. It is provided m tbe tenth article
of theeoot:tuti-a that any amendment, a agreed
upon, shall be submitted to the people in such mea
ner, and at such times, at least three month after
beiasr so agreed to by the two house, as th Legis
lature shall prescribe, such svbeerrptioa to be tn
such manner and form that the people may vote for
or airainst such amendment ; therefore,
Ss-rio-n V. He U raacfeal y tas Smale sst Hem
fo-presratotees las tosMzrua Praa
tyirsnia tu Genera! Jtsrssbiy ssrf. asl it is ar
frv tnscted sy Ike autaeru'ir of tho same. That for
the purpose of ascertaining the sens of th people
of this summonwealth ia regard to the adoptfoa or
reectaiB of said amendment, th governor of the
onunonweaUh shall issue a writ of election, direct
ed tn each and every sheriff of this common wealth,
eumman-iing them to gtv notice la th usual man
ner, in not less than two newspapers In each city
and county: if so many ar pur. lis bed therein, and
by at least two printed handbill ra each ieeUoB
district m every city aad eounty wherein no news
paper is published, that aa election will b aeid ia
ea.h of the bwnehips. boroughs, warns, precinct
and district therein, oa the eeoad Tuesday ef Oc
tober, in tue year of our Ltsjd one thoaaand eight
hundred and seventy-two. for the purpose of decid
ing upi the approval aad ratlficataaa or rejeetioa
i ?f ln sl amctximentjwhich aald election shaU
be opened, held and closed, upon the day last afore
said, at the piace azsi withia tha hour at aad
within which tbe a-eneral elections of this onrnatcev
weslth are directed to be opened, held aad ckaed ;
and it shall be tbe duty of the jadge. Inspector
an-1 clerks of each of said township, boroughs,
wards, precinrts aad districts, to receive at the
said elect i. tickets, either written or printed, or
parti written and partly printed, from each of tb
i loaluied voters of this state, who jsr the
sani. and to deiiosit them in a box or boxes to be.
for the poTpose. provided bv the proper officer:
which tkkets sbail be labelled on the outside -amendment
to the constitution. asd oa th Instiie
-f.T the anscn-lment 'or -as-ainst the ajneo-lment-"
Sdtio-i X That the election on the said propos
ed a met 1 ment shall, in all respect, be conducted
as the general elect Kts or tnis enaaoasssits are
nf'w ou-lofW-J : .ami rt shall be the duty of the ra.
, m ln., tram. III Mxnd m M.Unl 1. ttlWI niSTSIS
turn jo-igesef the respective aounlied and district
thereof, hrst having carefully ascertained the num
ber of votes iwti for er arainst such amendment.
to make cut duplicate returns thereof, expressed In
worlsat leng-.h. aa l not in figures oofy: on of
which rerums. so made, a hall b fodgeu la the pro.
: - - -, - - .
i thoootary V.tfice of t he court of eornmoa pleasjn'lh
i prol-er cumy. ami the other sealed end directed to
1 ne secretanr tt isommonweaita .zmr, one oi
judgesdepoaited forthwtth m the moeteonve-
ment post office upon which postage Sbsui b paid
the expenseof the prripweounty.
sti -rtov i. That it shall be the duty of the sere-
tT ei ine com-n.iweaii.e ou tne sisw lewai
j f Jary. in the year et ear limuwasi
'ifht nonared and ievTOty-three. at twelve e clock
i " that day. to deliver to the speaker of the
i eeaate. or the speaker of the house of repressnta-
--. -" - - - -
eral oountics of to commonwealth; aod -.he same
i ?hati. on the same aay ami nour. neopeuea aau puo-
lished in the presence of the members of the senate
and house of representatives, aad the vote gtvea
fororazairist said amendment shall b care rally
rammed up and ascertained, aad duplicate eerua
eates of the result shaii be signed by the speaker
of the two house ; oae of aaal certiorate ahail b
delivered to tb secretary ef the commonwealth,
who sbail cause the same to be reeo-ded and filed
ia bis office, aod the other of (aid ertlaeata ahail
be delivered to tbe governor, wbo ball forthwith
issue his proelamau'-m. declaring whether the mid
amendment ha been approved aad ratified by a
majoritv of tbe qualified voter of the date voting
therefor: Fronded. That if. for any caase. a quo
rum of either house of tbe legislature shall not b
present at the day ami hour above mentioned, th
aid votes shall be opened m tbe at of each
members of said hoojes as shall b present: aad la
case nf the absence of tbe speaker of either of aaid
houses, th cert: heat shall be signed by the speak-
VTrmn, or i ,ne case of the absence of both
speakers, bv tne chief clerks Ol ooca nouses: or el
71.. ,v,m ,,. cS ihs aheenew of one of
j ficrks.
, Sarriosj 4 That tbe several datie required to
k. . k. .i-.n-r, -.mimm.
HeVludires. Inspectors, and' ail other officer wuat-
' ncrsrns. whether officers or others, ahail be liabi
, tn-nm. poni,hment for theaegbset of aay duty,
the commission of any offence at. la or about the
nk tierti,10. as thev would fortbe nex'ect f Uke
datT or the commission of the Uke offence, at, la
or th general elections of thi eomiaoB-
I speaker Oi in noes oi jiaii uisuiva
i Speaker of the Senate,
: ArraoyiD The eleventh day of April. Anao
1 Tnminl one thousand eisrht hand' red and aweaty.
two. ju. w.uzvaatx.
Attention is also called to sectfoes one and two ef
the art of Assemble, approved April Ilia. laTl,
entitled -An Art to" provide for calling aenavea
tion to amerxl the constitution' of this nonia
wealth, a follow:
Starnog Be it matted. -c That at th reaera
election to be held on the second Tuesday of Octo
ber next, there (hall be elected by the qualified
electors of this commonwealth, delegate te a
i Tm,um , rre,-- and amend the eoastitutaoa of thi
: .... . i .i.-. .k.n me . k.
he entitled to vote for not more thaa twe of the
mh ,n k. wa fnM hie district, asd tha
, three candidate highest ba vet shall be aerlarad
, vote for more than four eaadklate. aad tb si
highest in vote shall be elected; aad six additional
! .) ..!,.,, .k.ii k ,h.m from the eitv ef PhUadeJ.
i he evweraed ami rewulaied ia all respect by th
general eieetfoa law a of th eiimmoawealta, ss tar
' See. ml. Tbe tickets tc be voted for aa Hainan at
', lanre of the cmveatioa shall hav ea the eataid
: the worls. -lielegates at large.' and ea th inaade
tbe names of the candidate to b voted for, not a-
'. eeclmg fourteen In number.
1 Thirl. Tb Mckrt to be voted for district mem-
1 hers ( the rocveuiioa shall hav on th aatsid th
w.nJs. -district delegate.' aad ea th tnetde the
, I