The Somerset Herald WEDNESDAY, - - ScrmtBni IS, MTX a 4TION At. atEFlBLICAN TICKET. FOR rBKSlDHST, ULYSSES S. GRANT, OF ILLINOIS. FOtt VICE PRESIDENT, HENUY W. WILSON, OF MASSACHUSETTS. REft'DLIC AX KTATE TICKET. FOB GOVERNOR, J. Y. IIAUTKAXFT, of Montgomery FOB PUPBEME JUDGE, ULYSSES MEUCUR, of Bradford. FOB AVPITOR GENERAL, HARRISON ALLEN, of Warren. FOB CONGRESSMEN AT LARGE, GLENI V. SCHOFIELD, of Erie. CHARLES ALBRIGHT, of Carbon. TELEOATES AT LABGE TO THE CONSTI TUTIONAL CONVENTION, YYM. M. MEREDITH, Philadelphia. J. GILL1NGHAM FELT, Phil. GEN. HARRY WHITE, Indiana. GEN. WM. LILLY. Carbon. I j. BARTHOLOMEW, Schuylkill. II. X. M'ALLISTER, Center. WILLIAM DAVIS, Monroe. JAMES REYNOLDS. Lancaster. SAMMUEL F. DIMMICK, Wayne. ; EO. V. LAWRENCE, Washington. DAVID X. WHITE, Allegheny. W. H. AIKEN, Leiiipii. JOHN II. WALKER, Erie. COfSTY NOMINATIONS. FOB CONGBESS, HON. JOHN CESSNA, of Bedford. FOR SENATE, E. D. YUTZY, Lower Turkeyfoot. Subject to the decision of the District Cuofcrence.) FOB TELEiiATES TO TIIE CONVENTION HON. S. L. RUSSELL, of Bedford, J. W. CURRY, of Blair. FOR LEGISLATURE, J. R. McMILLEX, of Middleereek. FOR r-ROTHOXOTABT, E. M. SCH ROCK, of Stonyereek FOB SHERIFF, OLIVER KNEPPER. of Somerset r FOR REGISTER & BttOKKlK, J. ROBERT WALTER, of Milford. FOR COMMISSIONER, VAL. MILLER, of Quemahoning. FOB POOR IIOVSE DIBF.CTOB, JOHN 11. SNYDER, of Stonyereek. FOB AUDITOR, JACOB SPEICHEU, of Stonycieek. DISAPPOINTED HOPES. It is absolutely laughable to look back upon the hopes of the Greeley itt s anterior to the late elections. Re publicans never doubted that they would carry Vermont, but the most janguinc of them had not hoped for fo sweeping a victory. Twenty-six thousand of a majority over the com bined Democratic and sorehead vote being a gain of seven thousand on our majority of 170 every Senator and every member of tha House, ex cept six, is a result that has astonish ed Republicans and Democrats alike. So with Maine. Wc have swept the State like a tornado, and have nearly seventeen thousand of a ma jority where last year wc Lad but ten thousand. i e Lave carried ev ery Congressional district, and every county ii the State, secured the Sen ate unanimously, and have nearly every member of tL House. Before the flection in thoc States both were relied upon to break the Republican column; Greeley made a Hpecial pilgrimage through them, and nil the be.-t speaking talent of the opposition was gathered from distant parts of the Union and stumped them thoroughly. The Tribune Mowed and blutered, end lied, and confi dently predicted such gains on the vote for Governor and Congressmen as would prove that the "reaction had pet in," and on the respective days of the election claimed a large nerccntajre of train in both States. But so clean lias been the sweep, tliat he Tribune' best arithmeticians can not cipher a gleam of hope from the results, and its dupes and followers, who thoiigLt it was a power, espec ially in the New England States, glare in blank, stupid astonishment at the tell-tnlc figures, it is compelled to lay lx Turc them. The "ground swell," the "undercurrent," the "up-rising of the,"' the "Sumner-Gbekley-Sciivrz intellectual combination" and all that kind of ihing, of which wc have heard so much from the Dcm Libn. of late, has spent its force. We hope the result is satisfactory to them. These September Imttles clearly indi ente tbe final result in owmier. HON. JOHN F.fchNA. In relation to the nomination of r. Public Opinion, published t ChaiuWrsburg says : Mr. Cessna has received the nom ination of the Congressional Confer ence, and is, according to the usages of the party, the Candidate for Con gress. Of the five counties, as will Ijc elsewhere observed, the delegates rif three only met, Adams and Frank lin refusing to go into the Conference. Adams, through her conferees and county committee,has since concurred in the nomination, and the conferees of our own county will, we nnder Ftand, take similar action to-day. Wc have therefore hoisted Mr. Cess na's name and will give him an earn est support Hon. John Cessna is known to the people of this Cong. District as an able, energetic and ernest man. Fer ability he has few sutx-riors in a House of Representatives composed of such men as Davis, Butler, Blaine, Garfield, Scofield, Keller, and Merenr.! Wc must again elect Lim that thia district may not be tilent when the interests of the country and especially of our own people are being canvassed in Congress. Myers was the only out and out Free" Trader in the Pensylvania dele gation in Congress last winter. Even Sam Randall was in favor of protect ing tho interest of our own people. Can the laWing men of the district afford to have a representative who thus votes to take their employment from, and cut down wages to the low prices of Lurope; We Bay emphatically No! and for this reason, if for no other, Mr. Cess na bhould receive the hearty support of all our people. ?",junBuBeu Glorious Nevs From Maine!!! Republican Major.. l,OOOI Every Republican Elected. . Congressman EVERY COUNTY CARRIED. ruilMM BMtea ftraat. "Oh have yn hcarJ tb new. frim; Main. Mala. Maine, All honest and true. F.a" trm'ernor Kent, ait thousand fain, Fir Tipranoe and Trior ton. (Campaign Soot; oi 1M0.) The election in Maine on last Mon day, following on the heels of the victory, ia Vermont, practically set tled the Presidential question. The heavy gains in both these States show that Greeleyism has scarcely made an impression on the solid ranks of the Republican party, and that the coalition makes a poorer fight than the Democracy alone.when standing on a straight-out platform, and by an ultra Democratic ticket The canvass in Maine was a bril liant one; both parties put their best foot foremost, and the issues were thoroughly discussed by the ablest speakers of the country. The Grec- leyites counted confidently on reduc- a . a Si ingour last year s majority oi iu, C31 fully one half, and on electing two if not three of the Congressmen. But we have 6wept the State, carry ing everything before us like a whirl wind. The following telegram from Speaker Blaine to the President on the day after the election briefly tells the tale : To the President of the United States: Wc have carried the State for Gov- ernor Perham by more than 15,000 majority, a net pain of 5,000 on last year's vote. We have carried all the Congressional districts, me ciosesi by well nigh 2,000 majority. We have carried every county in the State, something we never achieved but once before. We have elected every Senator, and chosen more than four-fifths of the House of Represent atives. Our victory is complete and overwhelming at all points, and in sures you more than 25,000 majority in November, J. G. BLAINE. A SNEAK. That Buckai.ew is an unmitigated sneak, is proven not only by the fact that he sneaked over to Canada to counsel with the rebel leaders during the rebellion, but that while Greeley is fighting for him through the Tri bune, he is afraid to fulfill his part of the bargain and cienly support Gree ley, but is sneakingly trying to- de ceive those Democrats who arc hos tile to his bargain with Greeley, into his support. Old Fagin's favorite pupil the Artful Dodger was not a more cowardly sneak than is the man who is trvinar to sneak into the Gu bernatorial chair of this State by means of a truck and dicker bargain with Alex. McClure, on behalf of Gbeeley, which he is afraid openly to avow. NOW FOB WORK I Only a few weeks remaiu for work during the present canvass. We urge upon every Republican the ne cessity of doing within this time all he can for the success of the candi dates. Do not rely upon the preva lent exjteetation of a signal triumph. The omens are, indeed, full of en couragement ; but this fact should onlv stimulate to fresh exertions. If j it shall be accepted as a reason for supineness, the consequences may prove disastrous.' But if it shall be received as an incentive to additional labor, there can be no difficulty in de ciding Ix-forehand that Habtranft, Allen and Mercer will be elected, and Republican majorities in both branches of thr legislature. We make these suggestions only to induce all our friends to omit no proper ef forts to secure a new lease of Repub lican ascendency in this common wealth. It is of high moment that the verdict of the jeople be rendered in terms so unqualified and manda tory as to leave no doubt as to the mcanin; CilTE IT I P. We have it on undoubted author ity, that a proposition has been made by the Democrats to a prominent Re publican of this county, to lecome the Democratic and Sorehead candi date for Congress against Hon. John Cessna, with the assurance that Hon. B. F. Meyers would not only stand aside, but would support the candi date. Of course no such arrange ment can be consummated, but the fact that such a proosition was made is on admission thai the Demo crat hare no hoju'of electing Mr. ! Meteks, who, although not yet form ally nominated, has had all the con ferees in the district instructed for him. THE COCNTT TICKET. We have hitherto devoted no space in this journal to the advocacy of the ticket, because we deemed that it needed none. The members of it were chosen by the voters thcimfclvcs and of course will 1 voted for and elected at the coming election. We have heard of. no hostility to it, and therefore deeming its election cer tain, have devoted ourselves mainly to the issues of the State canvass. But we take this occasion to nrge up on all Republicans that they rote the clean ticket from top to bottom. Or ganization can only be kept cp by standing to regular nominations; and without organization, no party can hope to retain power. A full, clean rote is a sign of rigorous political health, which we hope to sec the Re publican party of this county cxl!hit at the coming election. . No sooner is Mr. Cessna nomina ted than the Bedford Gazette com mences throwing mud at him. If in return stones arc hurled at its editori al candidate, wc hope be will not com plain as be did in the last canvas. See that yon are registered. Sat urday the 28th of September is the last day on which you can be legally registered or assessed. i i i . . i woim. w www i t ifrt i THE MEETINt. TnE meeting held by the Republi cans of this county in this borough on Tuesday evening of last week, indica ted the spirit that is abroad. It was one of the largest and most enthusi astic assemblages we have had for years. The masterly speech of U. S. Senator Scott held the compact mass as if spell lnmnd for nearly two hours, and although he was followed at some length by Hon. John Cessna and Col. Cabb ortllinoia, the crowd showed no signs of uneasiness and like Oliver Twist asked for more. . The workingmcn from all parts of the county were present, and depart ed highly delighted, and determined that old Somerset shall if possible roll a larger than her usual majority. THE ELECTION LAWS OF PENNSYL VANIA, Mr. Benj. Singebly has now in press and will issue in two weeks, a revised edition of the election lawa cf Pennsylvania, carefully collated by Hon. Frank Jordan, Secretary of the Commonwealth ; to which has been added the forms of application for and of naturalization papers, the de cisions of the Supreme Court, &c, thus making the volume complete in all respects as a work of legal ref erence. In the Gettysburg Star d- Sunti nal we find the following: A CARD. Messrs. Editors: In view of the fact, announced in your last issue, that the Adams Count y Congression- al Conferees were not present in the Conference when Hon. JonN Cessna was renominated for Congress on Tuesday the 3rd inst., a few words may be due to ourselves as well as to the" Republicans of Adams countv. The facts arc simply these. Bed ford and Fulton county had instruct ed for Mr. Cessna, and Franklin for Mai. Rowe. Somerset had instruct ed for Gen. Koontz, but the latter de clined to be a candidate, leaving the Conferees from Somerset to act as they thought best. The Adams county Conferees were instructed, out the judgment of this county was un derstood to be adverse to Mr. Cessna s re-nomination for prudential reasons. There was a difference of opinion as to the time for holding the Conference-Mr. Cessna naming Tuesday the 3d, and Maj. Rowe Wendesday the 4th. At a preliminary meeting in Bedford on the 3d, the fact was de veloped that Somerset county favored the re-nomination of Mr. Cessna, which practically settled the question. This being ascertainea, our onlv ob ject was to promote harmony, and we favored the demand of i rankhn that the Conference go over to Wednes day, when we expected a full Confer ence. YA e supposed that this propo sition would be acceded to. The Conferees of Bedford, Somerset and Fulton, however, assumed the re sponsibility of going into Conference on Tuesday evening, and made the nomination in the absence of Franklin and Adams. This was unexpected to us, as wc supposed the Conference would adjourn over to Wednesday. Such adjournment would not have changed the result While preferring another nominee, we concede the right of a majority of the counties to designate the candidate, and shall give to Mr. Cessna our support We give this explanation simply to relieve ourselves and the County we repre sent from any charge of factiousness. E. G. Faiinestock, Robert Bell Charles G. MILLER. (Jetty .-burg, Pa., Sept 10, 1872. The nomination of Mr. Cessna be ing thus concurred in by the counties whose conferees did not participate in the Convention, the hope of the Democrats that a row would ensue has been summarily dissipated. All that remains to be done therefore, is to giae Mr. Cessna a full Republican vote and he will lie elected by a rous ing majority. And of this result we entertain no doubts. The Democratic newspapers are still wriggling over the Evans swin dle and endeavoring to connect IIart raxft, the man who hunted down and imprisoned Evans, with the in iquity. When the vacancy in the office of Auditor General, caused by the death of Dr. Stanton, came to be provided for by legislation a bill was introduced in the House of Represen tatives designating Gen. nARTRASFT to fill the office until next November. Every Democrat and every Republi can in the House voted for it. Every Democrat in the Senate voted for it, and the Democratic leaders in giving their reasons for their votes freely avowed their fuith in Hartranft'b integrity, and their respect for his personal character, r Xot a syllable of complaint of their action fell from the Democratic press, though at this time the Evans investigation had devel oped all the facts that are now knpwn, and the scandalous attacks of the w York Sun and Tribune upon IIart- raxft had already been given to the public. It was not until his nomina tion as the Republican candidate for Governor was almost assured that Democrats began to eat their endorse ments of Hartranft : and when he shall have been triumphantly elected their leaders will lie found at Harris- burg loudly disclaiming any agecny in the slanders. Mr. Greeley despairs of Demo cratic victory in Pennsylvania in Oc tober, and the Tribune to pave the way for as easy a fall as possible, as signs as a reason for the defeat it sniffs in the air, that negroes are to be brought from Virginia in numbers sufficient to carry the State for Hart ranft. This Tribune lie, was a God-send to Hon. Sam'l J. Randall Chairman of the Democratic State Central Committee, and accordingly he has issued an address to the vot ers in which he re-itcrabs tbe fake hood. So bald and small an inven tion on which to base a campaign ad dress, shows tho tlesperate shifts to which the Democrats are drives to ac count for the defeat they know is hanging over them. ITartrantts election settles Greeley's hash for November, and the Tribune's weak be. and Randall a address are. sim ply a confession of defeat, in advance. A Wlaraaala Judge Hough, of Prescott. District Attornev for Pierce county, furnishes us the following particulars of several terrible cases of poisoning in Trim belle, Pierce county : . ' The person charged with the crime is Mrs. Charlotte Lamb, and the his tory of her alleged operation we give as accurately as possible. In Sep tember, 1871. Mrs. Lamb's husband was taken violently sick, complaining of severe pains in his stomach, and in half an hour was dead. It is now stated by those who saw him before bis death, that he showed symptons of having been poisoned, but nothing was said about it, and the matter dropped. la May of thia year, a son of Mrs Lamb, aged ten years, was taken sick in a manner similar to his father, and in less than an hour was dead. In June, a daughter of Mrs. Lamb, eight years of age, died very soddenly, and with symptoms resem bling those of her father and brother. Last month Mrs. Jane Ottman, a neighbor living near Mrs. Lamb, went over to Mrs. Lamb's house to get a pail of water. On her rctun she com plained of violent pains in her stom ach. She vomited free, and felt some what relieved, but her husband, being alarmed, sent to Prescott for Dr. Cot ton. The doctor went out and made a prescription, leaving a couple of powders, to be taken under certain circumstances. After the doctor left, Mrs. Lamb, who was at Mrs. Ott man's, assisting in caring for her, sug gested that one of the powders be ad ministered and Mrs, Ottman acqui escing, Mrs. Lamb, went into the pantry and prepared it, and it was ta ken. Immediately Mrs. Ottman com plained of violent pain again, such as those complained of before, and in a few minutes was dead. Last week. Royal Garland, also a neighbor of Mrs. Lamb's, died under circumstances alike suspicious with the deaths mentioned. Mrs. Lamb was there as usual. There was a large crew of harvest hands. At dinner Mrs. Lamb waited upon the table. During the meal she said "Why, Royal, I forgot to give you any tea." She went into the pantry, were she remained a short time, brought out a cup and died it with tea from the teapot which was standing on the stove. Mr. Garland drank the tea, and shortly complained of severe pains in the stomach. However, he went to the field with the other men, but was so sick that he was taken im mediately to the house, and in a tew minutes was dead. Such an array of suspicious circum stances caused the arrest of the wo man. She is now confined in jail at Ellsworth, and is to be examined at River Falls. The stomach was taken out of the bodv of Mr. Garland, and sent to Dr. Houte, of this city to be analyzed. We learn that the doctor has found poi son in the stomach. The bodies of the other victims have been disin terred the stomachs taken out, and are now in Dr. Hovt's hands for analysis. After Mrs. Lamb was arrested her honse was searched. In a bureau a bottle was found said to contain strychnine, and a paper said to con tain arsenic. As to the motives that actuated this woman to her terrible crimes, we are left only to conjecture. Of course all sorts or rumors are afloat It is said, but we do not know with how much truth, that Mrs. Lamb has repeatedly expressed a de sire and intention to get title to the farm on which she lived, and that by poisoning her husband and children she hoped to do so. It is also said that she has expressed her strong dis like to Mrs. Ottman. Wc have heard of no reason being assigned for poi soning Mr. Garland. A rhanp Ileart. The Democratic partv now pro fesses to have met with a change of heart : to be born again. (Laughter. It now asks us to receive them into full communion with the political saints. (Lauxhter.) Well, for mr part I distrust that conversion. know human nature well enough to know that people who have bten thinking and acting in any one direc tion, as the Democratic party has been thinking and acting, cannot eas ily be changed in an instant I know there have been instances of instan taneous conversions, and I believe in them in some cases. We read of one which was quite instantaneous in the Scriptures the story of caul who was converted and the great light that prevailed was visible to his at tendants; but 1 dona know about this conversion of the Democratic party, or that they have seen any such light I am afraid the light that has dawned ppon the Democratic party didn't come from above. (Laughter). There is a voice and there is a light no doubt, and a good deal of it, but I doubt where it came from. I want to know how the Democratic party came to its change. Our good friend Charles Sumner, whose name should only be mention ed with respect for the past, believes that party has been converted ; but I want to see the Democratic party on its knees liefore I shall trust it When one has experienced a religious con version he is ready to come on board the Gospel ship and act in. tho most humble capacity, but the Democrats want to man the ship, take the helm nd seiae the cargo. I want to put them on probation for six months, so as to have a little more time to ex amine the evidence. - The Democratic party of late has become very Scrip tural, and preaches the doctrine of forgiveness. 1 don t know but that! am prepared to act on the principle inculculated by the parable of tbe Prodigal Son. The prodigal said he had sinned, and asked to be taken back as a hired servant The father received him as a son ; but the spirit of the prodigal was that of great humility. He did not ask to get pos session of tbe farm, as did the Demo cratic party. Aawther Terrtflc Twnailex. New Albant, Ind., September 10. A most terrible tornado passed over this city last night doing consid able damage. Parts of the roofs of the ' Opera house, Woodward hall, and s number of dwelling houses were blown off. The lightning struck the residence of Graham .Tufts, on Cherry street, knocking . down a chimney and demolishing the kitchen. The paint shop of tbe Louisville, New Albany, and Chicago railway, a building one hundred and fifty feet long and fifty feet wide, was carried from its foundation five feet west ward. Two hundred square feet of the depot building roof, together with with tbe rafters was carried off. Trees, fences and out buildings were blown down in every direction. Two barges building here were blown up tho river and across to Portland. The stern lines of tbe Morning Star and the wharf boat parted, blowing them out into the middle of , the stream, but doing no other damage to the shipping. aa.i..... OIR WA.KIIINUTON LETTCB. f UUI Mr. ornwppr. .......... , Jc Washington, Sept. 12, 1372. TIIE MAINE DECISION. Maine has spoken. Her voice in fa vor of Grant and Wilson will re-echo from Maine to California, from Indi ana to the Gulf States, and the cause of Greeley will have been doeided in the negative long before a vote has been cast for the electoral ticket of the Presidency. The strongest men of the opposition were in the field and the, most herculean i OHorls were made on their behalf in Maine, and yet the army of the Republican party remains intact, with a large .accession to tho majority which has dwindled since 1C8 from 20,000 to 10,000 in 1871. Following the victory in Xorth Carolina and Vermont, and the clear intimations of Graut's success point ed out bv the late election in West Virginia, this unexpected victory in Maine must prove the death knell of Greeley Democracy. It shows clear ly the frauds and misstating their in fluence and streugth, on the one hand, while on the other, it proves that in the agricultural districts which the Liberals chiefly relied on, the Demo crats deserted the motley Hag, and failed to abide by the fraudulent coal ition. What confidence can either party have in the sincerity oi meouier: The cohesion of public plunder, which was the only binding element of the Liberal Democracy, has thus been advertised as a vain hope. Those who left the powerful Republican party and joined their relentless foes. as most of tho late Kepubiicans mil, for the sake of getting place and in fluence which they had failed to se cure among their former confreres, are boiling over with inward regrets. They have hitherto la-en sick at the stomach, but now they are seeking every private opportunity to vomit forth their discontent. Soon they will openly denounce the source of their undoing, and then gradually fall back upon the Republican presli'je, and claim to be the very icst auvo- catcs for Grant and Wilson of all the active workers in the campaign. Where oh where, will be found the valiant Gen. Banks, the saintly Gen. Farnsworth who is proved to have taken $1500. as a bribe from a Rail road Company. Where arc Scliurz and Sumner and r enton and T ipton ; Alas "where the woodbine twinetb. Their personal importance is rapidly diminishing. Their personal spite will soon bring its reward a perma nent retirement to the shades of pri vate life. Requietcat in pace. MISCELLANEOUS. A. R. Shcpard, Vice President of our Board of Public orks, some time since wrote two letters to the proprietors of the Washington rat riot, the Greeley organ, calling upon them to furnish proof of a slanderous statement contained in that sheet. No answer was received for some weeks, but a day or two since Louis Bagger wrote to Mr. Shcpard that he was in charge of the paper at the time, and was responsible for the ar ticle complained of, at the same time stating that he would lie at the Eutaw House Baltimore on the 10th inst No harsh words were used but alluding to the discussion he states that it is desirable that it should be brought to a close. Some of the papers think this means pistols and coffee, or some other physical encounter on the part of Bagger. The lie was so palpable, that the jeers of the press made the slanderer wince, but it is a mystery what Bagger means by his silly invitation to the libelled party to meet him in a distant city to consider a libel pulr lished here. The ,V. '. ITeralJanil the Tribuhe virtually throw up the Greeley sponge. $fi0,000 at last was spent by the coalition on the N. Carolina elec tion and perhaps a greater sum in Ver mont and Maine, but with the cer tainty of a dead loss, it is difficult to see where money can be raised to continue a campaign, so utterly hope less. N. York state is now consider ed safe for Grant, and the State Com mittee are arranging to make it sure by the use of the best speakers, and the fullest supplv of Iirht on all the topics of political difference. WITTICISM. The last Sunday Capital contains one dozen articles, two of which arc each a column in length, showing why its editor's head should not lie Dented for an acknowledged libel. He apologizes for not publishing the Court proceedings showing provoca tion for the Denting process. In the same issue he withdraws the charge that the "Dental Brothere-in-law" of the President are thieves and bravely lectures them for not writing him and informing him they arc honest men and not thieves as ho alleged them to be, instead of getting offended. This is humor of first-water brilliancy, and will make a capital reputation for the paper. C -M. A Terrikl Hartrr. New Haven, September 8. The man named Thilip Scheneaur, who attempted the murder of his wife and child died at the hospital about six o'clock on Saturday morning. The child died about one o'clock the same morning. Mrs. Scheneaur will likely recover. Her account of the affair shows that it was one of the most cold blooded butcheries that ever oc- cured in this section. After cutting her forehead and knocking her down he threatened the child but walked out the room without harming it, but looked back and observed his wife ris ing from tho floor ; he immediately returned and dealt her two more blows on the head and in his efforts to kill himself be produced two frac tures of the skull.cut his throat opened the veins in both wrists and made twenty-five wounds on his head with an axe. The testimony before the Coroner's jury leads to the belief that the detid was premeditated and care fully planned. I" atria Fr Vlr. Qeorpe Willam Curtis, a member of the Civil Service Commission, and who knows whereof he writes, says: Under General Grant the practical reform in the honesty and economy of ad mm miration haB been enormous. The ratio of loss direct or indirect, has been conspicuously diminished After a reduction in the tarifT of nearly 130,000,000 a year, Grant's first two years showed a gain of $55,000,000 over the last two years of Johnson The airirrpe-ato anual reduction of taxes under Grant has been $135,000, 000 or 14C.000.000, yet his adminis tration last year paid into the Treasure $35,000,000 more than was paid in tho last year of Johnson'. Johnson.s administration paid about $13,000, 000 of tbe public debt Grant's had paid on the 1st of July, 1872, $324, 000,000. It has reduced the debt at the rate of $3,349,424 per month. Such facts prove beyond dispute the honesty and economy of tho Cnacial administration of Gen. Grant. Carlisle, Pa., September 7. The Court room in which the trial of Dr. Scha'ppe for tho murder of Miss Steiniiecke has leen in progress for the past nine days was crowded this morning to bear Judge Jenkins' charge, to the jury. The judge in his charge after defining the law relating to homicide, discussed tho evidence at length. He showed in an able and conclusive address that the adminis tration of prussic aeid was improba ble, and ruled out the theories of morphia and combined poisoning as altogether uiisiist'iined by the testi mony j In concluding his charge to the jury, Judge Jenkins said : "We think under the whole facts of the case that it is your duty to acquit the defendant"" The jury then retired but returned in fifteen minutes, and, amid profound silence, announced a verdict of not guilty. Tho jury was! then dismissed, and the prisoner dis charged. A I lay o I Eicblceu CatTlr(r4 af Har der. PoTTsviLLf, Pa., Sept. 7. This morning, in the Criminal Court of Schuylkill county, the trial of Joseph Brown, a lwy eighteen years of age, for a murder committed in Washing ton township, this county, in Februa ry hist, was concluded. The victim was Daniel A. Kreamer, a weathy farmer, and his aged wife. After hearing the evidence the jury brought in a verdict of murder. iu the first de gree. The trial commenced on Tues day of last week and consumed ten days, during which a voluminous mass of evidence of a circumstantial character was introduced. The evi dence, generally.wasof so straightfor ward and connected a nature that the jury required but little time in mak- j ing up their minds. I bey were ah- Mate to aid in fraudulently carrying sent only fifteen minutes, when they the State for the Democrats 1 Did returned with the verdict. The pris-; he not decide in favor of the State in oner's counsel has applied for a new j the Credit Mobilier case, and thereaf trial. iter in the same case, decide against . . , . jthe State, losing our Common wealth Itrbrlltoa and Loyalty ItlenCiral. J , n The only provision in tho constitu tion tliat makes the debt on which we raise money to pay the bounties of Union soldiers a sacred obligation, is found in the last clause of the XIV Amendment, in the sitme clauso is found the only legal prohibition agaiust paying rebel soldiers pensions, and iiaviiii; the rebel debt. Jcrrv Black declares tliat this whole amend- meidU "A Fhald"' ai "null," Jerry Black supports Greelev, so doe3 Buck- alew. Greeley, Buckalew and Jerry Black went to Canada to patch up a compromise with the South just before the -confederacy" tumbled to pieces, One of their propOitlu)U Was to put ..i . ...... . ... , - lot taxpayers, 400,000,000 deejx-r in debt than you are, by Borrowing this AMOUNT AND PAYINU IT TO TIIE SLAVE HOLDERS rou the loss or THEIR slaves! Greeley in Memphis said: "I hope the time is not far distant when the American jwople will hold in EyUAL honor and Ari'ECTiON the soldiers who fought under Lee and Stonewall Jackson, and the soldiers who fought under Graut and Sher man." Will a man capable of these words hesitate to pay equal pensions to Rebel soldiers, to pay slaveholders, to pay the Rebel debt? Our only safety is iu beating the whole crew now! There is no fact more solidlv estab lished than that every vote pained by the Democracy through the mule coalition has driven off two from their old etrenffth. North Carolina. West Virginia and Vermont prove this. It is not less astonishing than gratifying that the Republican party presents an unbroken front in the face of the treachery of so many con spicuous leaders and newspapers. Sumner, Banks, Trumbull, Schurz, the New York Tribune, the Spring field Republican, and a considerable number of small fry of men ami news- i.ii i uii v uii.-iiiuiei n il lis itiiuui I -i i i irk :.t...i takmrr anv Ktrenprtti trom us. I there not Koinethintr in n. mirtv thnt i-aii win ill the fuee of such detection : Fir at Wawhlntrtaa Ioi 1 0.01)0 or Vl'i.OOO., Ia., SeptemlH-r 12. At a quarter past twelve this morn in the alarm oflice aroused our eo ple, who gatheredjtheir huckets and rushed to the end, where the En terprise planing mill, owned hy Hen ry ( Savers, was discovered to he on fire. It was found impossible to save the mill, and the eopIe turned their attention toward saving as much IuiiiIkt in the yard as possible, and cutting off the fire from the town. IJurning fragments were carried over the town by the air, and some houses caught fire.but were promptly attended to. At one time the whole town wad expected to hum, hut providentially es caped. 1 he mill with much fine mac hinery and twenty-five thousand feet of lumlier, was entirely destroyed, the loss amounting to $10,000 or $12,000, with no insurance. The Ore is supposed to be incendiary work. A Deliberate Art. . Dayton, Ohio, September 7. A voting Uerman girl, eighteen years old, named Elizabeth Dunst arrived in this country three weeks ago, since which tunc she has been very home sick and despondent. Since her ar rival here she has her home with her uncle Gabriel Dunst, Xo. 40 May street. This morning at the usual hour, five o'clock, she got up, sharp ened a butcher knife, went to her room aud delilierately cut her throat, severing the wind pipe and dying in stantly. (irant aud Wilson. The free StaUw of old, States north of Mason and IHxon's line, might of themselves give tho titk- et votes enonirh to make the elei tigii sure. The movement in Missouri has simply sent lilair to the Senate ; the same movement, if successful in the United States, wonhl call to power the worst elements of passion. Yours, very truly, Georoe Bancroft. Berlin, A up. 17, '72. An Attempt tm LvbcIb at Xarderer, then set aire to the Tew at. and Ciiicac.o, Sep. 1. On Thursday night C. J. Dieffenbacher, shot and killed a man named Melsted, at Vir ginia,, Cass county. Last night a mob attacked the jail in Beardstown, where Dieffenbacher was confined, with the avowed purpose of hanging him. The jail was well guarded, and the mob was repulsed, and forrevengc the outlaws set fire to the town, and before the flames could be extinguish ed, an entire block of the best build ings in the place was destroyed. The e'xeitemcnt in tho village is intense and more trouble anticipated. A letter frena Hon. Oeorge Baarroft. Hon. George Bancroft, United States Minister to Prussia, writes from Berlin to Gov. Morgan, Chair man of tho National Republican Com mittee aa follows : I hope my dear Sir, that our State of New York will give its vote for It was General Ilartranft who, as Auditor-Geueral, recommended the repeal of taxes on real estate for State purposes. Every farmer and every man who owns a house in Pennsyl vania, is indebted to t General Ilart ranft f ir his not lieing compelled to pay State taxes on his real estate. In IS;; U Mr. Greeley wrote the fol lowing paragraph: "You must stop electing to the Legislature such men asMattoon, Aiken, Bemus and three dozen more Mich, or corruption can never be vanquished. If you lie down with such dogs you will get up with fleas." These three men are now for Greeley. How about the fleas ? The Louisville Commercial men tions the receipt by a gentleman of that city of a letter from a friend in Auglaize Co., O., informing him that in that county, which usually gives a Democratic majority of 2,900, there are 00 Deniocra who refuse to vote for Greeley,7 and .will vote for Grant, and there is not a single Republican in the country who will vote for Greeley. The gentle man who writes the letter has been a resident of that county for thirty vears. llie l.eimiioa courier pUM a lew the cure or all Thr.l an.1 Luiir lilstaaea. Hoane niiestiiin wliii li it u inil.l liln tn l.n vs ' '"Irr""'n of the Throat are linmnliate- qticsiions whiu it woui i like to iia e . y .,, , nmman0j wg answered by some of the friends ofi"nt '" 'he proprietor r reiiviin caof rimt J, rri . i r . i diftlruitlep of vtara atandinif. udge Thompson, the Democratic I fnii., t-de.ive,i PT w Tth!-imit.v candidate for Supreme Judge. Dur-! .M ,mJr iim. fri. . ' n i 2' :i-r UiT. Nfnd for rlr.'alnr iug the war did he not declare the law to raise money to pay our armies to be illegal ? During the same time did he not declare the law to raise men for our armies to be illegal ? Was he not on the bench when the - i, , , , ,, ' n of 1 rothonotary of the Court sed to manufacture fraudulent positu was use naturalization papers to send over the How significant are these sentences from a letter bv Horace Greclcv. pub lished in the Tribune. June 8th. 171. ! - t i , i. ,. ......... ....... .,.1. nirvH'i n3u:ill.n Southern tour last year: j 'That those who struggled and' fiught for secession grucraliy be-1 Iievotliey were right in so doing, l! cannot doubt Rut while ! theV still ailirm the right ofsecess-i ion, I am satisfied that the majority of them believe that its practical asser - ! ti..n was unwlso and inexpedient. j They hold that they should bavi - ; made their late struggle in the Union, j not against it-under the flag of our fathers, Hot that of the Stars and t a ., . , f - , bars in ostensible defense of the j federal constitution, not in resistance to its authority. They propose to renew the fight, but not'with gua and sabre. Thev expect to renin as ,. ..ii i I'eniocrfltS, IliPXlgh elections, the power they lost as rebels throii"-h 1 ,, mi uj.h War. iai i Xew Adeerlist-ineitt. A D.M IXISTKATORS NOTICE. IeiU-rof Aclaiiniftratkin on the ertate of Mar ? Tedrow. Lite of New IVatrerille borough. S-.mer-1 n-t Countv. dreenaed. Iiavlni; been iwued to tbe nn- ! deridirned. by the Keu-iterof eakd ecuntT. I brrel.r I sire notice thai 1 will attend at the residence of Jlarr" Knable. In .aid l,r.,nh .u. K.t.e.1.. th. tb da jnf September neil. when tlHwe Indebted U .aid eetate are rene.ted to make partnent. and those hat lug rlalina aiciut laid t-uim will ure eut theui f.,r settlement. JONAS TEIHJOW. Anenrt i.7lh, l7i .Vluiiui.tratr. KCUTOK'S NOTICE. hrtateof William M. Ilomrr. late of Tj., .i.veueeM. Iy..tter tejrtamentarr on the atve estate Tiatinit been rranted K the imderlirted bv the proper au tlioriiy. noliee 1. hereby jrnrea to th.e Indebted to It to make Immediate payment, and th. havinir elaim. ajfnlnt it will preaent them to the ander .iinied for aetllement. at the late rrtidenee of raid dHTacd, on Saturday, the St h day of I atoher celt. SA.HCtX A. MACST. 'JJ KI'IIAXS' CO l!y rirtw of an order i UUT SALK. ijtuiriir cmti.f the On.liAnn 7","r,,",".'r lo e irw.ti. i -A ,.r aJ 1.. i . . . . will fell at pai.iie .ale on the premi... on ! al SATl'KDAY. OCTOKKR W. 1S72, aie o'eh.-k. the following Ileal Ertate to wit: A trot of land .itnnled in Paint townaliin. In .aid entity, late the borne of Kartwra lllouirli. ad joiiiinir land. of lii-niamin .Miller, tiillian Lrtie, Widow l'lle and other., eonlalnins one hnn.ire.1 and eleven acre, and serent.v-two p. rrhrn. The im provement are. alaial titty ih'r'. clenre.1. and in a it.xl slate of onltivation.aU.ut eiirht aerr. lnmea.1 u. and a one and a half aii.ry Ir. houne. lrn. and a Jprimr h"Ue thereon erwtil ; an apple nreh ard i. crowing thereon, and a "prinir . good water i.ronvenient to the dwelling. The unimproved bind i. well timbered with oak, dicatuut aud other tim ber. TKRua; One-lhlnrl in hand, and the balance la :.i 1,71 , ri,h i in r : ; April 1,73. Twenty jer cent, of hnn-1 inoury to be p.dd when atili li in:olc, and the balance ' hand money on the first of A pril 1HTS. or IJA V1U J. Lr.HM AN', Truatce. S.-qt 11. 1 7011 SALE- A STEAM ENGINE, 25 Horse-Power, With Two Eoilers. Address FOKSYTH HARRISON, Cumberland. Hd. WANTED. 11 OX TI1K LINK OF T1IK S. & M. P. E. E. Fur partkulars, iiKjalre of I. Sept lltk. Itfot a, . X. O. KEIM. ipilOroSKD AMENDMENT TO TIIE Constitntion. tfJjlYaiiii j Joint Beaolntie-n Frontal s an Am endment, to tbe ('nstitattonef Peu aylvantau be it Kctolrei tjr the Senate and Home of Rep resentative! of the CommontFeollh of Praa,r aia ia Oeneril A$emtlf met. That the Mlowlnjr amendment of the Cinatitution of this Common wealth he rnnoed to the people for their adoption or rejection, pursuant to the prorudou of the tenth artkle thereof to wit: AMENDMF.NT: Strike oat the filth aectiofi of the lith arllele of the Constitution, and inaert In lieu thereof the following: "A Slate treasurer shall he chosen hy the qualified electors of the State, at sorb times and for nurh term of s-rrle as shall be prescribed hylaw." WILLIAM IXLIOTT, Speaker of the Honse of Representatives. -JAMFS S. RUT AN, Speaker of tha Senate. - ArrRoran The twentr-second day ef March, Anno Domini one lhousau.1 eivht hnndred ami se-euty-lwo. JNO. W.OEAKY. Prepared and certified for publication pursuant to the Tenth Artkle af the tAinstitutlon. Francis Jordan. Secretary of tbe Commonwealth. Office Seerrtir of the Cummonwcaltb, 1 liamsl.urjc, June 29th, 1872. ( ju!3 ARMS FOi; SALE. n ... .,.w nni. . OI, . " . . V . . . . . . . . V 21st da of September 1S72. the Ibllowlng tracts of land, situated 1' mile west of Shanksville, In Sto nyereek township, known a the liarrktcy toirma: No, L Containing 145 acres : about 90 acres dear ed : tha balance wall timbered-; adjoining Caswr Krllaran.1 other. No. 1 tVaitainingaOacn1: fl acres cleared, and the balance nliely covered with choice timber, such as nine, chestnut and while oak. - No. 3. timtalnhig about 70 acre; a acre clear ed, and the balance well Umbered. No. 4. Contalulng (0 acres; 33 acres cleared, and th balance also well Umbered. Th above tracts ar all under rood cultivation, well waiercl, andnlcelvaltiiated for stork and tann ing purpose. Tby all adjoin tract No. 1. pens ai wishing to purchase can have lime on tb hand money hy paving the interest. Term made known on day of sale. - ae-Sale to Commence at 1 o'clock, r. w. aiigl4 9t DAMKL MOSTOLLKR. I Will Wit l M.1.HA tal. u GITITPTUV l.n JOHN WILSON & SOX, wiiolf.sai.i: c.Roi:ns, 9Q7 T.ilWfrr Ctv ..t PITTSBTJRaH. June 28, TL 20.000 GROSS-TIES AeeerlinfmenU. CAfflOKSBDEG ACABIIY. For ttrccArfao; roana; men ftirrtdrire an 1 fcr tlia e!- ,r teiMtnuns will mmanew I'd wit Ira render lilh lrirtmeoi. ialnl au-l Normal, worthr of public ratroniiro. Th"e i tn"liia; l atl, nl reeUll7 thijM trtiina; lurltnK at rlnb rare, are riienlel la glv aeai I;- ii-iUi. F ir furthnr Inlnnnntion at.plr u, KT. WM. EWIMt.or anrllla kar. W. F. HUlWX. "he Rrinilar Itaptlat Cliun h f Turk aiiliei l the 'imrt of I 'mmm 11. f Soiiktw I iiunir, fur a ehartwr f liK.rp.nitli.n, arc I mileaa umMni ninar n nwn ui;ii.i :.rart.'.n ThurwluT S.tmU r the latl, 1HT2. Ih iniwlll hr granted by all l.'ourf. DKNN IS .M EV Kits. atiKl trithoiMrtrr. y.TED.- inff New lmtroii tu Kit th. Light Bud- Baier SMtfe Seiii MacMne. Dtiral lr. SutatantUI. Tha ra.lost t acll la thf marki-t. rnx only i.s. BUY ANT MAW i O-nl Aenti, Nu. 1 .sixth (late St Clair) St.. buk21. flttuburKh, Ta. AUENTK WATE I OR Prot FOWLER'S GREAT WORK MAMUXm. WOMAXHKjI. and their loter.n'lsiliona: l.rp. ttnljwg. I' .wrr. Jir. S'nd forsiierlmen mffiinlirrulitr. withtrnna, A.IiIitm XATKlNALnHMSHIMlt'd. rhUadrlpU, 1'a. vrrr r 11 ttidi 3CLIC TABLETS For COUGHS, COLDS 4 HOARSENESS. Th-re TabUli rreDt tho ArM In (Vint (nation with ntlirrenVliiit remollen. In a popular r.nn. for JOHN Q. Ktl.UHJ. 1, 1'latt St.. N. Y. Sole agent r.r tiia I'. S. k"5K A MONTH fanny mh l:h St. m il 7'-' and Kit I "heck Men. Seeurof'ln-ular ami Samples frrt. S. M. Sje nir. Hraitlct.r VL 1 "a ''"Y '" Ajienl selliiur fanipaiicn Ha-Iifee V I for Ijtdle!! and tenta as brat h. s.Tirt Pin. i eod pUtrd with p!int of Pn-eidenT '.itfil.lateii. j sample mailed rw f.,r aieeniK. ju K.ivaai., I L'l'jT:. V"rk' HORACE CREELEY and FAMILY. An eleium (jiKr.nIiot. perlert likeiiew... In. aent ! mail tl; alf-'-t 'ampale-n 0'J3. Silk i rrant jtwifre nii'i i pi uea . sample uteat tjle W ed- ver, lvj l;roa4iwa. N. Y. .-. ..m. ., ,'i.jiauu-'.. uur MY JOLLY HIEND'S SECRET. 1 Dm I.kwis' new ami irrentent work I an immense ! Sll-en. 1.1th thousand in pre. Aiferif delight-! edan l roluia? uiouev. A,KNTS WANTLIief ! ery where. UKO. to At "LEAN, PuMi-d rr. j a J r'V T ren. lor cm-mar an I njieelal a w ij.i a tenii" or"Me iellcn'il l'.e,ut- Alii:Tl Ihaiusiu in America." Tne . btMU'rtl aeillnir mik out. 1 J. M. STtlLlI) A U T CO., Puldiihcre, I'hiUd a. IA1Y10ND & RUBY FURNACES. rowriin l m i k ovomitTi 11 1 Jam a. patentee, ! Lr,XtK' WA.KKkN t". w,erSL jFUEE TO HOOK AGENTS, ! a i'.ir..Ti.r ii-xrCA!YA:! hik , Im'M S.S: Z" $t 1 It eonialiu. nearly iuO line Senplure ii:umratkia. ' and nirentti arvni.'etinif withoni'reefdenteijpuerese. j Addr.-.-,. natimr rjperi.-nee. eu-.. and wc win thuw To what aizentit are itolnsf. L. PI KLISHINli CO.. Philad a Ta. NATIONAL j AGENTS tO the ReSCUe! : troth mtz in peutife. kichakp- SON'S l'KKSONAL H1STOHY OK OKAXT tell more tmth about the man than ail the paper ? ""' w"rl'l- "tv"u ",l.n,'.t"w ''rumi.athief. ii,,,., r drunkard, read this book. Aieni can mlt- J larife wa-'ed f..r the next few m..nU.-;;m it. aa It : wanted, an I we jrlve orerwhe'.mina: trniiiiiua. Addrer AM rule AN PC HI.1SH IN( j I '(). Hartford. C.nn. AGENTS ) CAMPAIGN HAND-BCCI ',VrM.IK i A Political CvmpeDu. for reerf of all partitt. Live, of tbe President.. aiulthepreM.utCaB.lldatr. Constitution of the V. S., and Iwvlaratloouf lniie- 1 pendenee. Convention, ami Platform., kdeetkm re. ! inir.wwiaa irani.. r-aeju cjummair. made. ForCirrolsr addreu freee l ; aelli at ilicht: lu lo fca a day easily M'KFUXU AMl.MfcAD, Publisher, PhilaU'a. iimntu T nL- lfiwrf There i. .a.,1 in.-? uuua line. GREAT RUSH -For the New Sn.EtiiLT Illustrated ilitkuol DnDIMCflM ODIIOnr nUDlaluUfl UnUtJaJta " WllWWVbJ Ileo-uo'e It i the m. d.; fuKlnatlnif and popuIarhc.k I. all In al elean. and low . m a . ea. A rinfu.1 rui taia .i . v a 4F yi In print, and ex.vl prirr.. Jutout. 'J paitinted rmper. oniv 25l, ea.y worth 3 40. 1. a irreat hit.Mdl.quiekand fan. Term, of this and our new Bible., amenta' Pocket IViiniaRi.m fret. Write b Mubtrl Kna., Pub lisher., Tli Street, Philadelphia. ( JFNTS W TVIl'::r-ve,,uutT - - -. r j . - - - iu wu our uew work on oar idorioiu country. Jt la I year labor, by Jame I McCane, Jr. tr.1 writer, and i. entitled Jl la tne reeuu oi tbe rek-l-ra- The Great Republic. It contain more information than a doiea rye lope dla: illutnie-l wltborer.'AiO ut,'rb enraviuir.. 1 ailapted U the cowilna aoUtk-al eanii inipaixn, and j 11. better than .hould tx owned by every voter. It Hell. any other l.k. and pay. better to hand!-. Kr term, and territory, apply at onee to W 1IJ.IAM R. KV ASS a. CO., Puuludiei ra, Philadelphia. Q elffeeder AS E DlewartJJurner lanpreveti. t arivatled anal l'nealed. Hums any size eoal. maa k. wakken & co.. s wat st. n.y It lsn.da phrsic which mar irive tetnpr.rarr re- lief to the siillvrer Tor the lir-t lew dos.-s. I.utwhieh froin eontiiiaed use brinRS 1'lles and Utairol dis- do-toml li.iuor. which under Ihe not.iil.r n,..n. "Hitters. " is so extensirely palmed off on the pub- lie as Sovereign remedies, "but it Is a amr paver ful ,.l,....l ....fh..rf,0....r I. .... I 1..- an. I h.a ' iontcaad Alterative, prnoonnceii so by the leailm been Lata: usihI by the reirular physicians of other r--,i in r l" - n 1 1 1 1 w. I'l. T hi i .- t i i , i p. IS. WILLS EITSltT OF jniKU retains all llie mc.lii al virtues pceuliar to the plant and must be taken as a permanent curative arent. t. . U.M I nt Ml-iiM im .n..r I I- a .V CJdn, t'nlet rcllcveil at once, the Mood becomes Impure bv deletereous secrethms. nnslncing. serofnlou" or r . .. ........ sttin niseasea, itiotenes, reums, msinies, . anaer, Ilmidcs. c. tir. Take Jl'KUKRRA loclennse. purify and restore the Tttlutcl bloo to healthy ai-tion. fare u Dytprptie Stomach t Unless diircs- I tlon - pn.mptly aided, the system Is debilitated i with Vft of vital force, poverty f the Bloo.1. Uron- steal Tenilcncv, Ocnenu weakness or Lasstlnde. ' Take it to a.'Sist Diircstion without reaction. It will impart youthful vigor lo the wenrv su Merer. Hare yew -fteI o f the lntettine't I You are In danger of Chronic Diarrhoea, or th dreadful In Bnmmtlnof the Bowel. Take It to allay Irritation, and ward elf tendency to lituamraaiions. I Jar yau iceaknett of the llrrine or Vrinarm You must procure Instant relief or vou r . X' . . . . . ,, , n nlT.H.,. k.. J Take It to strengthen organic weakness, or becmes a burden. Finally, it should bo fminrntlv taken lo keen the system in perfect health, or you are otherwise iu sreat danger of maUriat, mlasmatie or eontucioiu itiseasi's. JOHN Q. KF.LUKIO. 18 Plait St.. New York, Sole Agent for the Unite.1 States. : Prior, (km DoUar per BiHtle. Send ft Circular. JOTICE ' I hereby give notice that I have appointed Wed- neaday. the lath day of September, (second week Court) to award the premiums offered by me for the three best eolts by my Imported Fjiglish limit ll.irse. t request every person owninjr colts by bursa to hare them on the Fair (irounda. In erset lairnugh, at 2 o'clock p. mn on the day sfllil this i Sim' wen I uone.1, 1 further glrenidlce that partlc having engag - e.1 Cdswold Lambs, can procure them at any time I stIU have a few iir unsold, ami any per. on desiring to purchase ran have an '.ni.tunity on that day. FETfcB HKFFLEY 'ttl. TOTICE.- The public? are hereby notified not to uun-hase anv of mv note that 1 gave to Hiram Vindlav, F., falling due on the lt April, H7X lHitand ls7i,of Four Iluadrew and Furty li.ur Dollars each; that the name tbrtheee note said litram Kind lay agree.1 to pay upiai 'certain mortgages an.IJu.lg ment upon th records of Somerset counlv, with tiie three uarmcnU paid him. each of the amount ot 444; that he has not applied th pay ments to satisfy the liens as he agreed to do: there to re, 1 shall not pay any of th payments or Dotes yet uapahL until ha IU rsdes and pavs alf th Uena as he ha agreed and la bound to do. unless com h V" oj iaw w nund II a H up.ll. t U.UmImm nm.l OS I.M u. ( kamkerskarf. Pa., With ample O rounds and elegant Tlulldiogs, ao fit ted up a to b homelike and attractive, and well equlpiied tot thorough dutional work, will open th first Term of the next Academic year Septcm- oerwn, 13, i, or ircuiars, apply to Aug. I. Hot. V. , H. L-VNF, N OT1CE "a heroby given, that on the lTth.lavof Jul, l7l the nieuilr of.llorner'( Evangelical Luth eran Church of So me rent Co., Pm aixl applica tion to the Court of t)omran Plea for a charter of Ineorporalioo, and that uuleaa suttlcient reason I shown to the oootrary, tb tarn will b (ranted at September Term, 1STA DENNIS ME.TERS. 13th Aarart, im. Frothoooury, iVw Adrertitemrr.l Agents Wanted FUR Til t Florence SEWING MACHINE tVnerwri-r t!i FLORKNO: vi.,.. . tntrtueel. me.1. It baa met with the ,, J, """'. It la theonlr mx-hine mull ln- four lin.. ea, and having the Kererjilii K.e.1 t5""! .y erjt la perfect, and Um m.4l.4,.. iikiii, an.i Terr WM. and a-w nrar, "1 tu rn. '1'he Ht-mnn-r will turn w,' hma. and fella txrautiluliy. All ai with the mwliine. '-,, Fur biloruiatloii apply to or . HECKERT& McKAlN, PJTTSJIURob Jane 12 TZ. " TH0S.MeFADD IAwaPITTSS! Political Campaig. Grant 4 Wilso, Greeley & Br CAMPAIGN Tapes and Torrfc, TRA NNF.4 K E CI ES A.D B.t.Vfrs. With Fortr.iitu or any device for all -,r Silt, litinlinif ami Mtulln FIai tf u hand or made to order. Chinese Ijre , riiet ami tve ; Paper Haloun. Fire ' -u ' fce. rampnliro t int fitted oat at tu U. t Kate at I WM. P. SCTIEIBLE'S CAMPAIGN DEPOT. Sntli Tulnl Street Thiladf; -ft SKNI) FOR CIRCULAR. Ju!r in, Ti A DUNHAM, WITH JIOSKI.EY, MKTZGEK Afl HATirrArTraxES ji jobbkes or HOOTS fc SIIOK- Nu. 4ZS MARKET ST., PHILAliKUH; no. er wood st- PirrsisriiOH. ?: July 10, IKY VltW AC A EKM V ffrrv-u1. fm. ft. M. For Malt nd t'ematt ro.U : ?-tnht.jhtl, thonaih. ut-crsttfnt: ful and R4witk: rumauiir -UL Hi-r Hifiou?: Imil.iii.iarn la r ire urM ct!y ; aMe t?achrH; mountain uir. pure wat r m inif. !ins tkUnt: rmphti-aUy a H o , Wh.'I ipivMar Ilartird. Tuiti', R .n: F. Wa.hina (for 4u we.. U$ than turo fir. tfitrr pi.n tH-ifin S-tc 3. S"vr cuiarN. WILSON & PaTTKUx .Y P r. i the new chii -tan Whi C een Mai feed iyri co, ( Dr. bea BR prii no Juniata Co., fa. I Presidents of Colleges. Minist? i , ,. , Sill LSSFl L blSlMS'r VT. Testify t the many advanta j Tuscarora Acadec AC A DEM IA, Juuiata Co.. Pi Sen.1 for a Clrrnlar and Tctimor.iil. ST. .mil A.M.. Ph. I. J. J. Pnriuu. j I' nxn J..' of It unci Com trew Wai mon 1 I. II CVnnhnTiTnnfi fl Prrmnin Cmt? ' uiouhMiiiiou.,iGiiioiGixi Tui. widely knoWT.h.I a ffirdJtliorncr. J tLn e.lucation. at a e.t of little nun. fi,m :M wk) uih. Tii .li :r- , b,nuk r ( 'roeM.',!. A icrai..! r 1 theeloaeof tneneit rear, sn i ..r par Kev. fll A f. HKATl V. I. P. Sup'L. or K. v. A. M. Kr'.lli. Ph. K. Vn IViKlirr" I. hi IK KNTOWX .V. J ) FEMALE- the 1 built Sow Mor feed, cerk the ( caUi I and 1-antlH.l l.-.tlon. me of the m'.-t rnndartel and b'.t mliwl lie. .a-a, 4 , s,. Voe temu ete . ; Kii 1.-1. i.vv l a.k.re9e Jtev. J ii. .TKJEHILX. .MILITARY M'lK L f rrrhnnlTille. X. J.. F..ur mile, iroin Phdad-if..Mi. I formerly l.niteil at Prin.vt..D. 1 lie. S. N. HiiWlXL. A. M . Ptom Forty-fourth Annual Term beuu;? Vpi Send tor Circular. Ci a an. main . 1 V S4 AKORA ICn tl E M l 111) " Aittdrmtti Juniata i o., tt fagoi pleat Call erset lan. MUTUAI Fire Insurance w Iter, aad survd t he irreatest security for tbe Inf. r ..w"1 tcoet. The preminm maes are the '-awt nodiri.len.tH are paid to the storkhoMi- i I simply assessci to pay deneieneie n?;ni'.r i pament oi .r-e nn-i ex-iie. whi h -;Lt.MHl.V l.NM KANCE COMfAXVJ j the total li', year of Its existenee. hav, I but perceuium npm tile pn-miuoi iv ( ' lower ilisn the r.ltes paid in the Nest tr! on tu with nlMtit: of J IcompauH'S tiuru.- tne Mim- pfni ... j I stirm at st"ca rites, tne in?umi b.-- e I to lnms.-ir thai he rT eery yearen-autl1- l .. ....n,,l'.f...l l..r I'mrr'riutf - Bn IU. ill Alt .... u..:u... ' - , I pay lan:c dimlend' to the capital uivesia r x -fit 1 Cnpan : l. Kuns the r.?U of a "Chic Jfjj I In a Mutual Company ne i- ni-"- ; I '"nd until nee.le.1. au-l pays "M"J';: . alists. The mutually itMjr .. "e. ', - theft; true , not b ailrojei diaeaa .arh, HbIod, ; BiUci ' hastM ,.f ter and its aL'ellts in all places, thus pP I other, r . r lu-iininces or Aaenrtes. a S. V. FKKI'AFF. S.vrc:r I oluuitiia, Lanca.-lf r ( Anksta WTEi ra Cnannau-J' i - mmn Caatraios lVaiit. tki ! ?tgg'e . 'i ; a orc: in l otuical and lot , A Ouariiir History of the KcpuMirwi i I.Ttl ll' Ft,rtteft a FaCT Sketch of t b OH Ha DrrG eral Kepulilican Party: nn i aside ricwt i cinnatl Coorention. The minor tictfi4 f- I.. l , nr... - . ,r..nj. i iso oi ins nnnpuica. inrnnc - v , 1 1'ublishcl. A Book wante.1 b rrj l; poona ; citiicn. To secure territory at once. ' Khtllll tit. UNION UCBLlSHlM CO. l" Jf- m I'hilad a. Fa., or 8 print held. Mas. - . CAHPAIGN GOOIB FOB I eorjnts veti I Airents wanted tor onr Campaign Ln.-! . siyaf. Paa (lull per cent, prajit. - i Send at once for Descriptive Cin-ur"' I Lists of onr Fine Steel Lnurarincs of dldates, Cnmpaiirn BhitraphhS t'asf i irranba. Ia.iirea. Hns. Flax, and every- Cba m o ion of taltyk on Th AJtmU nelkri he wa thoogi of th over himaj P the ra done,? of ita j etabt ' rl to the times. Ten Dollars prr 'Jar 'u11 samples sent for a. A'!'.'""1'..-. - . ..II . I I il K II IS i' K H . 37 Prt KuS. ' ' life . - ' m. . i I t Af Is t Thirty new designs. '"'V. T C. KICH8 MTra.tTNarn.'' ! I i ! 1MDGES! i ! but ; nnalueed a anneral water wh'-0,;w,"?2, fcr fl ' lrrtUl thequalitie of anil Mlk . 1 .uiieiic. as that of the i-t"'f J I Tamist's KrrKRVitai T SutTisa1' Liver v si .1.. j'niTiJfncr the artitk-btl aouivalcut of tlUt arts"1 Ri. ! edy. SOLD BY ALL PKI U" I 1I -r All For any of Btiaf- ' Chiljt lu hlng or I icrra"- honJe parcl espresal to cure the Pile, aa"" Sidd by ail dnimfista. Price T I , . w . . ' . v.... falSU)1 ... Indlso J5 tUie4 Wt t .IW", f BiUi th tUy aUotw - Barlow's U. . I, the cheapest and best HIMCias llothet. . aa-l w iltherrer's aame on the I"y , .. I ne genu. - I al Wlltlvrgcr Dm Store. r rJT. St.. Philadelphia. I. . " '"V.;nnP prietor. Fursatoby Dnnrgisuawl"1 K. ModMn w th Vr.npt ""'1 yj,- HANDY. -Tb arraom, "'""'Vi li.stv1' v..n.meranolaint. c Jrlella t. : . . ,r 1, 1 up of IJlackberrv U. and K,lU" K well trbMl remedv. entirely yt".' r- . take, quick and certain iacAc-i: ft v i in iIm m.Mrt uent eases: ata.r as mom urrni -7 - ' t voumrcst intani as well . r lly taken by children. Keep am mM In rant as well as . . ---- . . " ... ,he i. use in time. ?ii ny ""tr:.i.ip BKO., 20UU Market Street, pUllar 4 CENTS WANTED -V een; .! a, XI. make more money at " . . . (-id IftrhC iiythlng lse. BriMr.NTO"- . r Particular free. IK TI .nd,M Tl'StN Publishers, Portland, aluo. '71 44 i I iifflj n ! . kin era 1.000 1 I t - I de j" St J ba tic ( ay on J let Vt roi - 1 Va r 'a 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers