Improve! Mrthada la lrnilc Tojrnintl.0 niastrrvovcriiatiiro, ihoroM-ii Know ( .i m laws ni union ir. iiim n-ium ii. Tin- knowlcilp is -aiii'ii whmico . . . ' .1 . r a nam. Uiai jars u -mi ,.. .ui.-. .m those w lm are aiTii.-toined to a.-soei-ate with it all that H dry, alistruse and worthless in the ran,; f human aeouirements. When understood aritrht, this prej-1 udiee is disM-lled, and we learn that i nothing more a'.traetivc or efficient can le found to furnish food for1 thought, to diseiiline the mind and rive a fund of useful information that J will Ih highly prized for its intrinsic value in th . practical pursuits of: life. i ti i ..r !,. l:ius nfi life, the growth of plants and aid - liials. with their complex relations and mutual dependence, the actions and re-ac;i.uis that arc constaatlvtak- ing place in the mineral and organic kiugdniiis, are subject ia h'n h the firmer cannot fail to fee! an interest, v. hen ihe ini-aim of training : in h know ledire are jdaced within his iviirh. The iiiforioMtioii gained in this lis- us ion of the- and kindred topics, cannot fall to be of constant use in the profession, liesides furnishing an inexhaustible source of intellectual i enjoyment. I In advocating the claims of science as a means of advancing the interest i of Agriculture, a word of caution is; perhaps advisable, lest a misappr--: hension in regard to its practical uses i rives rise to a false iiiiprcs.-ioii. i w. ..."rirr f lit Til vat irif i1! irmr, 111 iiiii"i' ... ....... . of nature. Mns to light manvof thel laws ihat underlie and explain the rules of practice that CAiH-rienee J,M ........riLJ f,,r ni.r (ruLlfini.!. mot tmi witleuiug the field ot knowledge. points out new subjects for exiM-ri-i , ti-ations mav be made with a pros- i.ect of -sucicssrul results. It thus ! iKriorma srvicc the i.nirtance of j which can hardlv 1m overestimated, i Abandon the idea that abstract in-ve.-tigations in science arcof t hem- Ives, sullicient to revolutionize our practice and bring about an agricul tural milhiiium, aud the true road to progress will ie reauity gauieu. ... i ; i... ..... .... ..... .... ., ...l . loiiui.-iji, il lias iioi US M l I1USS.-U 1 . ' r - r i 1 tne siage .u iinuiicv. i or a time stationary, if not on the retro trade, it is but tiuite recentlv that a Tu ir start has in-cii gamca mihe wav ... .1 . . . . . ' J. r . . . , .. . ... .... . I In l.f.iofiii.liM tiiirit i.i lint Oo-.k v ii cu iu tne past icw years n is given ,t ",i i 7 . l : oj.ii.emo! tne u.eciauicai :iris u. uu etent that ehalleiiL'es our admiration , K iinvi- liv .1 ir.r-f oio iMf.r.ifi .i.l nHi'n. . - - ; """" lion to improvements 111 agriculture, ! a sure foundation for its con- tinned advancement, bv developing . . , l - 1 1 i the pnncplcs on which it is based, , and thus liisuring greater ccrtaintv 111 its result i ron. pres.-ui .uu cauous . , reasonably expee . at no distant pen- i i- . . . ... ! . 1 '. . . ? . id, to see agriculture, from the ikt- feclion of its processes, enabled to as sume that high jtosition among the industrial arts which is juUy claim ed for it on the ground of its pre-eminence as a means of national pros perity. To attain this "consummation' so "dci out! v to lie wished, ... IHTsisteiit c..ort earnest, united and on the part o! agriculturists. .... - 1.... 11 I lie exiK-ricnee ami .leiaiieil o.iser- ic rxix rii ncc ami tn iancu ihhkt- vatimisof all who are enaed in ru-; ral pursuits, if cart lully recor.leil, ' with a full statement of the particu-j lr t ircunistanccs that mi-ht have an iuflu.-nce in varying the results, would ; c.Tistitute a valuahle addition to the ciniiioii fund of know lege, and aid niiiteriully in imrovinr our iracticc. l'n . il. Mn'1., iif MU hi'ian Ag-. l ii nlinnif Ciilh'iji .' iiartfrrfd. i ,, , ! l or liorne fi-ed Indiana corn os- ses-ies all the elements of warmth and nutritition, and is well calculated . i to supply the wear and tear of the system o the hardest worked horse, and keep him in a Iiealthy condition without any assistance from oats; but ihe iiMial addition of hay should lie allowed to horses, whatever be the, a irrvaii-r coiit-t'iiLraiiioii ol nulritivc inatttT; or in oilu-r words, mll the t-orii niati-riuls that do not t-oiitain. ir nt lcat. Init in a small lrrrer, tlioso .... I ...1 .. .i.ft A .a1 4 . a t 1.1 J .- .11.1.-1. ,-..U , ...... . nr will rTiiiiii:i'til that uu- corn ih in iiiiniit.' ilivisi.jn, or frroiin J into ini al. to insure a cn-atr r diffusion in thi' Moiuai'li, and los concontration than would result ly f--r1iiir it whole , and not mixnl with rxtraiirons liiut l.T, as ut hay, or huff arid a litth l.raii. Tin' Itran is to jin-vt iit, tir at l-ast niodifv, the eostivf or Itindin O I and licatin? UVi ts of tL corn, tL ic l it I . ... ....n:.. ; I man nriiia.1 i o """'"i bulk to the Iced, llicreby keeping the ; ImiwcIh moist and the meal from con-1 trai-tion. At the Kline tiiiK'the horse has n f.t-d hi in, of which he , can eat ins Ml witnoiii Itrwiucinsr cramp or colic, uiiicn oiten results from finding corn hole in a meal, without a MilUciciil nii.vture or bulk 1 1 n. 1 . Ih'hi jr jriven it. It i.s the want of tl'M ledp-, M-ithor with the extra ; know trouble in cutting hav and niixiii!r nuch a feed, that forms the chief aru nic nt of Hiine stablemen against feed intr with corn, and in favor of oaLsJ mental investigation thai may inir",li' r iT i their turn develop additional rules ol j With warm showers there will he a practical value. I wth almost siirpn.-ing. It w ..1 be So far, then, as improvement i , dense, fine stemmed aud of fair .cngth. : agriculture are concerned, science, in i depending somexvhat on the season, its present development, is men lv i I'M this w hen it U-g,ns to lodge, su..4-slive it cannot furnish rules i, which will be about the time when ruide onr practice it ran only .int i U V, wul out the direction in hich new inves- avoided all rot or unl.iew consequent In speaking, then, of imjirovea , , ;Illri;rl.e with the Democrats. ' ' h P'"p!' ill not listen to that old ' . . .,... . . ,, itnj.roved methods, hotter mjll La". n,y,r r,;r3(.tl.,i ,iiC di;li.?0 and shameful s ..ry of treason ,o the ' - - sysin.sof pract.-e etc.,I would be; , K.v to favor ,jK, mou. lie had Mtor spare h,s lungs 'aml,," ,,. unal(. tL;nuide understood to indicate modes of prac-; , . . if w an, accept the inevitable. ; J . 7 vhiel. he Z - t.ce that have Uh-ii tested by the ex-; h;,uUW ,.ro.i(lt.llt V it ,. un,,,: : , ,, r. ; ; i ,t" u V inrut'd M-nenceof li.tclligciit, practi.-al men, ,,.,...., . ., Tnesd-iv urinted the ". o ; ,r ,,mI or for ml, hnll ; ,lu"1( u,,lar-0,,li'b "c iiiuruu .....I ii.-...nun t . lu. li.ttrr th-i ii tl,.. ' ',",,,,r:"-- "!l l,-"'l print. l '. -,, , . count threw the lo.x and dice in the ami tuns snow n to u iK'tter luan ."c,,,, ,-, nu. Mr. Htn-Lali-ir ynvnl , , ,. , , , ,. i methods now more gen. rallyia i ? 7..v- ;,;;!.; ',,di,l,l,' 1"', ''- Worr Ihe ,,!,' f''f Mother soldier. . Agriculture has lvn called the ! Ac vl.J Jnml fA ntleman present was.,,, mother of art. but. in point of real do-! , VI . : ' V.V: . ..V " , ' ,.,1.,-r .-,,, ,au LarrM n.i.l wX 1 an.azeinent, and- waited, almost j feed that is rinse. 1 v reference to . ,..V.,. ... . ,.. . . ,1 , f r, , , ' 'i" ion pieu-, on iwn ji;in, ior taps at ten. When the lights are lri tlieaiahMs ,.f corn, t ,I1 1- ol- .j in.i(,Ils. ,mti on , con1rur-, I. ,; ;,,.,,. This compris,; the ro- M-,v ' 1 87 ' sen ed that there is little loss from Vrtljr CTa,;ons P constrnciivelv and ,ilK. ., .uU.V M. 1 . , s'7 ! woody fibre or other inert substance. f;liriv considered us pleas of 'gniltv. i ' 1 v- ' It is this principle eonu.ned in corn ..c xl,a, Voiir iidv.K-.icv of the r.-;v.osic.b, .t.en.ri tr.nt. iJ ' that w to Ih tin n! died and corrected I i . .., i August, i?u, . , i i i a. , . l ilT'Hoi M-ressioii, our in oiiosui u in - , 1 as a feed, and not to Ih added to bv ."L .1 j. r ' .1 . 1 , . i 1 his man. who was a radnate of Pimoir, 1 . 11 . . i 'l. l.l v. ii."".". ..I". i. v.... .... . . .x earr.a-e or Paddle !.ore, tiscd for;shmvri ( , n,v OII ,;s i,.lu.ri, shopping or afiernoon ridett or drives, can It Kept ill excellent condition w ith six jh.uihIs of coru iin al. threi iMiiind of cut hay, two quarts of wheat hra n, and t. trasoonful of salt, mixed with warm water in winter, and cold in summer, the water to I jut tnoii-'h barely to iuoirt n the nicsw and not to make soft fi-ed slop, tlisturb the ltowcls vl the horse, ami unnt linn for exertion. Hie aiwve named mess is to Ik? divided into three i.nis lormornsn", noon and evening. , An addition of nix to ciht pounds of ; bay must also ie trivcn to the rack, i lliesc quantities, However, are merely j tj approximate, lor Hie old horPC aildjlicau Vote?. lie, und all his friends .t I.. ...:n i . , ... i i we oi iniui i ui um, io seen liimiKiiuw tins, auu ii is oeeausc tnev tin in pood condition.requirc an addition. " T and younr animals of less work will uot require so much. Draft and hard w orked horses should be fed more I fifWn n' KixUien ikhiihIs nf iinal with nit to lirht j ,()lin,is of out jiaVi i,a!f a of i ,,r an(1 ., (.x(ra al(.wan).c f li:iv ijn ra(,j. ;t nijrht. 1 his nniount of j feed 1 saddle and rairia;re horses, 1;...1i,.t ,., ,,,,.. r.rtv luisli.-U .,f jcorn, nliout two tons of hay, and ttwcutv-fiv Imsliclsof hran pT vi ar, 1 aud for draft iioiws 100 Imslit-U of - i and corn, about two tons if hav pi i iiinetv-onc . bushels of bran. MvCbnu' Stalde Gfule. -, Wo are afraid of clover. We are gviicroiisl v, f ay afrai.1 to raise it largely; afraid t.i:, J , u-. n..,(ir()T fr feed it evtens.vely as a - ( h WJlt.n ll0 v main feed, and afraid to plow it in. j)av m. aair,. f ,! enroll 1 lus is wnuiz. vitv wfoinr. we are 1 i'tantly losing by not growing ! "'' !ver; losing in many rcsiHrts. ! er, if we eould only impres tin fiM t g'trai n tue general larmer, is m nlaut that draws from the atinos- jpheresiud emichs the laud. Other I plants do this, but clover more, it ha ;t d. with the (uost ital and import ;aut element in iiiiinme, niirop n, the v ry thiiu' that is the rarest thing (to obtain. It improves the :.d by jits roots alone, if the crop is um-1 f.,r 'other this ven if a M-ed ''r,P taken. How muni more oeneui ihi-ii if a w hole crop is turned down containing s) much nitrogen? and von have the manure without woik- nig lor it. I lie piani worKs ior it self aud for vou. Wc iret its streiifth from a free soiirc', the atmosphere, the great store-house that gathers from all (sources, but most from the energetic tanner. . t . And you can make tins p.ant work ! you on a poor so. I. A little ma- ; nure apj'lied on the ! this; and if plenty Htrfacc will do of se'd is sown " ? " needs but a chance wiUi the atmos- i i mil l. ;iiir u l a ii rri-:i ir. "lM'!1 long, aud coarse lod ring, ami ;the viehl will suriiri.-e vou two and o v'lI will surpr..-e you a half or three tons, and siu-h hay is ""I made from any other plant. And j the M'coiul crop will in' nearly or i r haps ijiiite as good as the first. Tbe Kt'tM-l l'-na.ion. The ringiiaiuto:i llrjuililii iin, hicli the first newsiiapcr to , I- Soldier lias never Ik .en met '.v vou : by denial or exiilanatioii. It was not : among the formal charges of the i?;.,,,i .... .(.,. .i ,-..i,. A'lll.lll. Hll.itl Jli "M' "il ..i.i.i. ...... . , , . ... 1 . 1 iirised the leading and essential facts of vour intrigue and coiispiracv in tl,.. . i support, lwere'nom- Cincinnati, itiir,., .;!iri- Fal. of s.2 fur ,,.niOCrat,f. i .. i - 1 :...... through which, in part, on '"',i rr IV..S, ,.nt at , 4,irj.mfP,1 1ir..nrr. tlfr(.,l l;!ltl. . 'port receiveii the i.emocraue nom- : .... ination at lialtimore. Tne matter of ,ki, nsions B,,,M.ari., u, . )(f m&ny ' s if (i(' 1 rIu.; aI ,.ll9rLr(.. . . 4 . 1. : 1 1 ins journal na 111 ;t rin-viui .i1(r(,,rll inv(.,,iL,ati(,n Vour r ... . . ,' ,1 . ,.' , ,1.,. . la.iun- ii .it 111 1111- ruin 1 111.. ss .'i in. 1 rt'lM'l pension proof, is ln'cause that . in ft ,.u, lirf(.mU frm tl)ilI, ,iat fa w,i;.h ;, nm uU true. Your attention is Invited : -ii Hie uivt iii-wsiiHiier to eiose , "v ' .... i... i r.. .... ..ini....... , . . ireain ess v. ior tne inomeui vvneii tne . tho follpwiiiir points, wliKli tlio,,,! xv;,j, mhi-iituns aflir' tat.s" wln-ii'"Mv tlcar De Mt-ric, I forsrivt- vou, if Jlepiilliran t arefiillvniiikcson its own account, ami iiTfsicclivo of any oilier proofs: "1. That you held a correspondence j ahout the Tresideney for yourself, j with a man notedly and avowedly in T;lVor oi rcitei pensions. ...2 That he frave his vi. ws to you , freelv in -. a letter in j III I llitl, lit in l an u i, , i. i,rnrMsil vou kIiohI. Im a candidate cf the Democrats' and (,t1Prs ajraiust the Republican party. yhat vou acknowledged the re- ct.vt 0f that letter;that vou exprcfised yourselt nfiirniatively nnd not olher- v;..c oonc.minn;. your eorreppondent's v;cw.s; an,i j language which as an- SVT 1(, a ,,r0K)w'tion for rebel pen- was undeniably an assent, nnd was so accepted nnd reirarded. "4. That -ulisepiently you 'invited that correspondent t come to New York; that vou discussed with him ..t i ,.... t. . ,,-hI. III. . .r.... 17 .. 111. the Nmth on the liasts ol the procrtl-! in;r correspondence; and agreed (then i iinu uucrwanij 10 ic me canunuiie , a. 1.j. . 1 1 i fur tlu tlmt von nnw nre ' ,t. juat you nave fain i That by authorization' in the Trihanr, or ; at Portland and ihe Tribune has said nothing, wtuareiy mioiisistent , tho South, your haste to hail the relel ; I'lili.f v.itir itililu nf t.rn r.'1-itin to llcVqual honor in whid, Xorthern iiind Soutlifm .soldiers should Lc held. . 1..4 t .... , i . aw... Kirmi.1 , Muv , lli(.aj ssM.,alit,I, and relations, make 1 1 1 r 1 in u rifin:ii mr i nc si:ii r in i rr a vublie reeord. in addition to vourlr '"' PMU n'v vietories or '"'i'"r private record, for relxl M'iisions and P 've said, he is not a gemim ; ( -Uarcli ,II, for other rebel indemnities. hhat he has no : that he is not , -Mni, ii , "Th lii'i.iiUn-fin asks for a direct t an ,,,, ' ''tl i'' ". was the -' . IS a!.sw.Ttoihe.cLarres,aIii..1Uif.he.l.i"':"' ' '" ('"" "" victories, 0s August, 11, and it demands that Mr. (ireelev shall ar- 1,s "' l,,,ar "'.v ntiworthy , T"'"""t,r. sav. if it is tine, that he is opposed to vm, t'- As a" chM 5 as ""- NoVl'",l"'r' l" relM'l JMMlSiOTjs. 11 IS (lllltC I lH-nsIoits. It is iiuitc Uillili'' i:lt AIT t. IVC ! ililll . I l-S4-IIIM IV 11 .i......:.. ... .i... :r i ...i " (l,.s nt at the same time d.-iiv what -. (ri)lf ltf t.von jf j,4. ,(.ioti a j;,,,. t'iat is'trtl(. . j.,,,, j. desires, for the r..,i;t ..f ....IoIaj tlmt ti. . r.l-1 UP K, lM. taken out nf' :i, ,..,. u-. "Hut the JlrmUiriin jrivcs notice1 that on the main liar7e, of Demo- j cratie nitritie. tbrouli winch was ,.oncni,unfl)r,j ti(. political treason 0fi""itry, the jieople pave him out of Vr (Jn.,.i,.v, he is not iK-rmitted to ! "''".ndaiit hearts, substantial tokens of! caji That char-'e does in no r; - j Jcct tlej ,i i .... .i i.i :. OI'IH IKI UU lll ICIM'I IICIISIOI1 l.- t. ?.... i.... r. .u sue ; UJI.l ..II. .11 n H i , Hill, f-.iu , ,-.-. ' on tlif original indidment, will 1h alone, w hether he ....lit. I.-, IMIOIIMU-.'- llll'lll Ol 1 ! - . ,- , , j i.ot.' a corruj't man. Neither you norl!1 I Mr. CharVs I. JJuckalew 5s just ! would possibly have been the wiser of i ' x''" now cxiMTicnciny the iiains whichit. Thev trait him present of PomeM'". overtake him w ho makes u a had i record. Were mlv Heniocrals to itudy his career as Senator the case i would U dirTetcnt. Hut Mr. Uucka- lew knows that were everv Democrat in l ennsylrnma to v.rie for him, and the voting in his Ix-half to mop there, be could not lie elected. To beat : ' en, llartrault he must have Kcpul-! .1 r r i .. . that he is ju.-t now trying to exnlaiu ' his past course. Uut Mr. lluikalew had often w aruinjr that he and his Democratic fri.mds were making re- ronls they would nftorwanl n-nthli- ate. Ho va told that pvinimthv witli treason and Lorilinjr wftli trait- ' or.s would onu dav like the chiekeus ; of tradition, come home in the iruise to roost. Mr. Iiuckalew'd chickens are now coming home, much j to liisi discoinfitiin'. It is unplcaraut, : but as lie dt'lilx ratilv niado his IkhI witli traitors, lie must lie iiion it witli n uu lluiiOl. Ill- iiiiim in- lll.uiiii "iiii . i an rood irraee as he can command. i lint if Mr. JJuckalew has had a bad riwurit it 1of iii it fiiltriW that he is i '. 1 i .. i. : . ,. ,.f caucu upon to explain h. it " - - thos' things which explain tncm - selves. There is nothing ill the least about it. comiuicat i the roted ........l.nvna.w tjj n IJH 1111 OIUlVIll m't In meant t Iiiimut uouTu- . i . his rebel frieudV. When he voted nay, on the passage of the bill to equalize the pay of lion soldiers, he meant to distoiir- the enlistment of colored troops, l limn in i . i . . i .i .i liell lie voieo to SO ailienil Hie inir- mimiiuum, .......... . 'f SIO IHM'F t.eiith article of aiiiei.dment 1o the!we'p fr a thousand years over '"'IjJ t'oii-titution as to prevent colored mistake. It will be u mistake. We; i I T I . men l ling citizens of the United miir t l-careful about this great man ; , 1 A , .1.. ... i f .1-1....:... I'Mlfflfll Iiikiit'liil4ki states, he meant to keep the colored j ini u down. lien he voted na on :the resolution providing payment fr ; volunteers called out in euiergeiicic ; for less than three months, he meant : to disable the border States from de j fending themselves against the incur- siotis ol his rcocl ii ienus. nen lie : voted against the repeal of the fugi- tive slave law, he meant to preserve the defences of slavery. W lieu he w-i i. voted against tne oin to e.-iauu.-ii iue FreedmenV lbiroau. he only testified his unqualified hostility to any meas ure calculated to protect the colored people doomed to poverty by two cen turies of slavery. Winn Ac rolnlnai oi fin' liassagt' f lln' cii'il riiiifti bill, In' im oiit In drill tin' iniihr I In' riril Inn-. i 1 ....I VI 111 II IK 1 'I uav on the passage ol the mil n.r tne, J . 1 11 Ii 1 1 temporary reli.T of the colored people of the District of Columbia, he o nee more meant to testify Ins unhaltiiig allegiance to the Democratic party. ii- i . i. ..ll:M... lien lie voieit yea till tne oin to hi- ; crease ins saiarv, lie again lesuiieu his adhesion to I hat rule of Dem- oeracv -Ki-r tliy linll f-t whii Invr tho jhwit. til l Olv M,.,i, n i, nniii.ui. 4 , , , ... , .... i.i .1 . cc lent liurgumlv, repaired to a neigh- hen ie Voted liav on the iiassage of . . .' ' ,. " , ..-.I lMirmg hotel, ami engaged in game the several reconstruction acts, he i , . , ' f, , v , ii-i i.' i : of backgammon. fortune declared meant to consult, and did consult the:, ? , ... , . , , iii . herself m favor of the marquis; he wishes of unreconciled and tinrcpent- ,. .i ,: , , i. . i r r ,i won everv game, and m the thouglit- a nt rebels, hut w hv siK-cifv further ?: . , ' . , , , 'V, - , . .. less glee of the moment, laughed with Mr. Huckalew can onlv cxiilain his ,f .. ... t i i i , , i .i ' , exultation at his unusual good luck, record bv reproducing the arguments .. ., ... . e , ... ,. 1 , T . .? 1 he count lost his temper aud once or rii nt i:m ii'ini. ii inn i nfinitum ini i lift lir i(i;r i. III lull ill If, Pllll ririllll.-'l rid,' mi -Lie hi'iuiu.M' In- Kitml il. In stead o putting clean straw in his 71 .1 Jl - J . .1 -l I 1 . i '"' gathered thistles, and it is not nv nnv means nianiv in inm now to 'complain that the spines murder his " 1' P- IVrhaps the lesson may I'?.,,'',1' Iost lll" him, since, like many an- , "ther man, he is appar.-ntiv past: other ...... . . 1 . . aiipareiitlv past: .... :.i.r 11 1 ty : hut tin- iiim mi mr 11 !! the "" .- " ".' I .. - '.. . f ... 7 . ' -;""'" a mon -hi.t h hi inn, ami rr . 1.:, it.-Snrfl, Anwrira,,. 1 1 United l lir l I'etnl Mlrt. The lite of a cadet States Militarv Scho at tin .1, West Point. ; is not a monotonous one 'means, for he has a dailv bv nnv round of changing duties and recreation ! ini with ml wnf nr. nflfr t -i n si iii I i i j, ;s ..tfii iallv a-siiinisl thai every stii-! ,ior,t js jn I,."-,!. H,. is arniist'r from ' a soiiiul hlcip ut live o'clock hv the . morning jruii, and t he reveille suiiminn- jn:I. ,;m t., nrlv r.ll-call. He inii-t ' ,(. , t. r.uits ... (t.vv miniites later. : At half liast tive Iu ,., ; ,,ri..r. ,. must nave in.s not allowed a u'uitr. In ir or diH". nnd iiinsl nrrforiii ! ill the sweeping, folding of bedding dusting and work of that kind him self. This done, he proceeds to stud v until the drum taps for breakfast roil-. call at seven o'clock. Then lie j marchi with a platoon to the mess- hall, where he is allowed lo remain twentv-five minute-:. Then he has half an hour for recreation during truard-mouiiting, when at eight o'clock tbe bugle calls ''to quarters,". which' means five hours ofrecreation, ; I class tvo i parades, etc. From one to j ,,,., ,lu. Stat0 Treasury of giv. the time allowed for dinner.:,,,. ....ti.i,. o!.,,,, ,.r u .ui.i and recreation. At four o'clock the:,; , ...,..,. vti.mi Work of ihe Acad . . I mv IS t.ver. Drill occiinies an Imur and n I 1 i" I in i wiion ' a w n t rcfrcation !nilws,ftnd tliiMiun. .i.,.. .a.r. i 1 I lit llal II I III "I?-1 I. II illil' lllkl-. ill I sunset. Siiiim r over, he has timtv jt,.rt f,,r recreation, when the J,,,,. (.ais j,m, to ipiarters and study. Tattoo lx ats at half-oast nine and U '.-t I ciiit. wlio had iiffii t 11 vcalrf, ", ," ". In o'lsi-u-!c'v,'n',,'r' ls'0' 1 111 tin- regular arinv. lit in. i ri,-v ' u,' 'Jril!inoi, ;,t (Jalena, !'"""' oi,t H'"1 ?r, w ""l'1 - toml a ::llit above lis all. l oil Iiave ;- ...... '"" """' " S.1 iii'- "'" -"'a"'""- a ; -i aim. h'nie.-t at lii art as our own T0iit. I "" - .".ill .11 .ll Jiruii Lincoln : who never in his life took a . r ...i :. iri .. , Jai iiiiu oi.-iioncMiy ironi any man; : who was commander in the army and ! 'ii!d have sold cotton balca by- the . ! millions, and have siirretititioiislr ! m - ' a fortune never dihoneslly t'M.k one cent, lie came back with June iuone savci ironi ln salary, as "'. l'".v was comparatively 1.1 Hi Tl small for what he had done for our mcir ii"rmii. iicii uu loot, inecoin- , - . ... . . ... ,. . . i iiiuiui ironi me at t airo in ini i. he . - - . - was so noor inai il was iiireu tiiontlm ..... . . . . i - iM iiiri. iu v:is fiiiic to imr m iiniiiirm ... . smtaMe to hie rank fin a llrhradicr- ticnerai. l ch. . tlio jvneron iitoiiie ' ll"'' jravc him presents jrave him I (ID,- j (0, I tielicvc, w ho could have rohWd ! lllie countrv oi luiKiotis, hail he been horse? aiid line cattle: he accented. just as Shernian nnd Sheridan did , iust os most of them did. Didhei do it hidinirlv : Didn'the do it oiieii-, lv In-fore the world 1 made un tin-: mind not to make any about it as luiir ns I was not giving- a picayune I if tlie moiiev. 1 he truth about it is, v.ui are not mad at him at all von I don't core one cent vou are. illv an. . ' ' . . " I Mtgh to go nroiind and make believe tiicre is something the matter. Does! Iht I, 1872. The debt will then Rtand anybody to-day regret that George j about $27,000,000, w ith the certainty Washington was elected twice. Does , ahead that it will be easily extinguish anybody regret thatThomas JeOtrson led in a yery few years. was elected twice f that James Madi son was ? that James Monrofl wan ? or that Andrew Jackson was elected twice? Jack-son was a great man, iH.ld and deliant a a lion who now ivrris hi re-election ? The time came round when Abraham Lincoln j r,.J l... t. d Now. wln-rc is there a voice to call back that act. Wasll- intrton was ImhIi a general and civilian. mpi - -o i-i ....... I ....L ni mi.iilu.r mil l n rv . 1 hen came Ja kson. iioiiit r mumm man, wlio Had loiigni mr n:s counirv . . . t. t . at 1 w 1 I I I hen riinn- Aiiruiiiuii liineom, m ie mi.lj of war. of whom tho American , -- . - - -- - - j peopit siiki m isuuw wn j warrior. Jicre IS anoiuer in;oi " .lea our armies triunipnanuy on in - victor v.-' American citixcns, 1 ask. i vou every where if it is not entirely, t " ...,.. .1. A i-ih ill.UOh 111 J ln II Hill :l 11 j f tnilJiUllMJV IVII J"- ' v I .1 . i. ........ u-ittt t n M'.' nianiv, unman uariiii, niui ... I idence of things, that that man should 'have his eight years Hp is the hist : man we Lave in the category. It tue j American people shall cnd (Jeiieral j (Jraut into private life, defeated, and .1: 1 1 ( .1.. iii. .in l.itnl'V u ill tins true deieniier oi our iiihtio.'s. Take the verdict of Lviuan Trumhnll, , rr ii- i who was drawn to delelid llllll last 1 ...!.... I... 1. 1-.. ii. .mi. I. ini ii lilrill ini umh i t' i v.... ...... ...... .- , without guilt ; a man of sincerity ol heart, of incorruptible integrity True llrroUm. : j T,R. fiowing anecdote, extracted ; , llllltl)i(islni memoirs of a French .... , , mav. it is honed. j nobleman, may, it is hojH d, serve as 'an example, well worthy of licing j imitated by all w ho desire to be I thought truly brave and courageous. It records an instance of a victory gained by a mail over his own passion victory more glorious, more hon- . ii-ililii 1 li'iti nnv tlmt bus ever been '"'.''" ''7""'''.'!..,.r..,.w,..l u-ifh firi ; nnd swiird with i""' " V . . devastation and bloodshed. T. ....i.i..,,,..,, it,,. Muronis .1.. Va,aiao nl(1 t)lP CollIlt dtf yU.IlCt !,.,,,..,! mler the wiiiie masters, and . W.r0 rc;,ar,u.d bv all who knew them 1 1 orti c of fri..ii.lsl.ii, honor uti.I K.nsil,;lit.v l ears succeeded v ears, and no (piarred had ever disgraced their attachment, when one uufortuu ate evening, the two friends, having; i indulged rather freelv in some ex-i mar.juis would sheath his sword in the liosom of the now repentant count. "Gentlemen," said the manpiis, ' I am a Frenchman, a soldier, and a friend. I have re.-eived a blow from Vciu hinau, a soldier, and a friend. ow and acknowledge the laws of I. a...l ..-111 ilium 1.'-.iii- uuiioi aii.i oi ..v. . .... .... .HOI .. 1 ,.,.1 .1 man 11 iiij m-us ijic nuimtie u a uiii . . . .. - ,.,..1.. ll" IJ 11 I 111 .ISllIII ..111. . . ,. ... ... author of my disgrace. Hut, gentle men, the heart of that man is entwin ed with m- own ; our education was ;the same, our principles are alike, ; and our friendship dates from our ! earliest years. Uut, Frenchman, I will obey the laws of honor and of France : I will Mab him to the heart." I'pon this, he threw his arms it run ml I04 tinliMHTiv fr! flint snid f ' " I iv ' " vnu will forgive mo f..r the irritation I have oi casioncd in a wnsiWe mind, Iv the It vit V of nt v own. And now I'litlenien," added the inarrjtiis, ' tlioiih I have interpreted the laws of honor in inv own wav. if there re- iiiuiiis in thii rotna one t nMielmian who dares to douht mv resolution to n-u-nt fven nn iiiiiirrnwr eniili" nt nn my fwuru is hy my sale to uinisii an all'ront, but not to murder a friend, for whom I would die, and who sits there a monument of contrition and bravery, ready with me to challenge the rest of the room to deadly combat if any man dare to think amiss of this transaction. KKIX't'IXU Til V. NTATE DKBT. The Work of Urn. ll.rtr.nrt. . 1K7, ..... W I IT l VII' - ituuilMV aV aVW a, I U tl i (Jovcrnnicitt. Here are the monthlv i i rPiiiifTimm effected since December 1, - .... . a.,, m I nillfaar atMH. TKI 1H7A DcecmW, 1 si, $21,104 :! 10S.H2S l 10,849 21 14,070 0(1 ;,:i.iO 00 4i;i;,s.'j2 70 . 1S5,20( on January, 18T0, Fcbrna'rv, 170,. March, IslO, :i.2 10 ;"4,41I0 0 lOIl.O.-d) ()() :;.sr2 37 Total, $1,102,879 0.' Veiar Kndinit- Xriulr JO, 1H7I. I liicfliiber. l.STd 14,400 5,4(18 llVioi; - , ' 49,400 00 1 114.7C2 92 104,100 8.-! 254,050 21 , , toiai, 2,131,.V.iO 17 t '""'J' . . r .Nttvran- ' iM-rsoiii.ii.73. Ilcccmhcr, 1S71, January, 172, February. 172. $42,400 20 42.12 50 1.-18,128 10 148.7C5 3G 228,154 4G 213,480 00 March, ls72, A nr I 1872. .May, 1872, Total, 8 13,540 fi: Na,nnar, .rKntrmpiuiiM fyM IKItale Ofltf i v.. i i i..i.t . i ;,... it.. wisuui- nr. creased hv war loan. Iwl'.) 520,392 2,i;l7 04 11(1,91)2 84 1,003,345 88 1,854,205 110 . ; Xothinr. 4,5I7,4r,3 C4 472.40C 18 1,703,879 05 2,I3I,5'J0 17 j"- ' 1804. )J.- ,Mi' 1 -. ' ,s" - - (l",rt 0 813,540 C2 It will lie seen that the reduction L is regular, steady and Mire. Over two millions went tiuid In I71 and i .nearly a million up to July 1. 1872: and the. Commissioners of tbt: SSiuk- ing Fund havinj? tailed in all Uia loaiiR now due .interest on which will cense Octolu.r 1 nevt it is t.robnble nnothi.r T..T .' . " " " " . million w ill lie paid off before Decem- Mi.iCI IliUiriM:!. linn. JHE LAHOKST AXlTllKST STIK'K OF FURNITURE H l e Ihe MoHHtnnt, I il Mir nwn Mamifeot nrr will rm ti'Mtl't lit the i M AMMOTH KKT A HUM! M KN'T irf . (1. JfAMMEU ll .SO.V.V, i ... .. a ... i. . ..r im... .....I i The nrwert Mil m.u.1 appruve.1 tyl " of I Hi m ; Mn,lin inmiiur. in luiua.- l vrrv iva-MiitiMr irt-lw. rrrMin Hlnil"H Hlsf lni IhMmn w.'ml. ! wrll writ f our miwrln-n. lM- wflTOltlFl.,,HlrB,l miiTH,.!, : ''it louurwun-nwuin. Id ii't lurjfel Hit I'ln'T. M nslvemli Av l'ltl.bMrh. P. i Werlmllcnicn Ibe wurlil In ricr fr tlr Mine ; quality ol niaurml mi l wikuuiuiiiiit iHirKi. ; - n7n m " iiTTSH vt:u h;milk (Ol.LKtiK. .,, .... 1 M.mirtAI Itl U.lliIM'l., "cii nil tn.m - . I I I t Tl I. ...-a ..I ""iwuini-iiinui. a'Tnn " " tw y tv.tii i n i fi r,a?- Srrr Urmailmfxti. Sun-Ul tinrhrni l.iar In li,.l.i f . .V ...... k ..I I .m ..i....iti.l l.m rw-luiN W tlvrKiu-lu-mnl Kn-wli u.HhTiiwn. I 'haw li-iw nni,ii j J' ; j. tliail miv i'Ihi tlnriius-MUl 'Hnimrli-- m. tail o-nn mwttii-iw r-jrnim-r to lli I'rmiiUiil. Ktr. 1. 1. IVivlniiir. ItinlMincli, !'.. I. !Hi.ilue. ; " ... . . Thi i.,n..f h- i,.rtri in t n inny Tlwul.H will iIwuv-Ik niilir I nli ll H-l- jthrt Vlaii.l Hie m.irk.-t all..r.:t .nii.lllii-tiarwliliilic lH-yt K .lin .-Ml.l.s illjn lu-.l an; ;i , "1ASSKLMAX c PLANING MILL! 7XTXI.U IIIIM.IIll4VC'o., Arr imar irvmml I muiulaittiirliia; load kitHtpiif imiiImk :iii I BUILDING MATERIALS, FLOOBIITG, WEATHERBOABDING, , S, s 1 1 .M DOOliS, Window and Door Fmuies, ltKVCnv KTS, cV:c, I r anytliiiiK u-. iu tmil.tiitx. We ur Ui rc Kirvi tu fiaw t l-UAMlvJ'lMHKR, liOAUDS, Ami any tiling In that line uf Im-im-iM. All kiiitli. nl wurk ilmitf lu crilt-r. Or.lcramHiiiilly flllnl. WOLFKKSiSKKOKH. Zl Al.I. A I'llll.l.ll l I. fa lm:in, S.iuiirl .. !'., July T.. ls-i rjiiiE ..est rr.Mi I IN THE WORLD! TIIK AMK1IIC.VX SVli.MKIHlKK i H.uM.-Ai.tlii. Xim-FnviInK Th SimiT.Mt, M.t ront rfnt. KlTn'the. Imim Mf. KrliaUie xA I'lM-ajK-ft Tuuip in um. It if mail? all of Inm, sithI of a few !iml rs. ?. It will iit Freeze. n iu wtT room inn iu the . piMf llCU 0(4 111 At'tkitl. i It h9 nr lmrliTr jihtu yai iing. a the MHker ! au l vjilveff arc all of inn. It oldom, if evvr, uctauut il ontir. It will foive water fr-wn Hi to i fatt ;i the a Jr. hy Httat'hiny ft few fwt of hotM, It Id tt fur wanltitu IiUiTKi-i, W:iter-.' iiitf lnrleni, It fumubeo Uie turett uu)..U'-t wutur. 1k- ju-' ' il If tj4rU iu the Luaoiu ut the weii. TKCMfl: s. Inch ruin. fl: Ile, &t y fot4. 1 " " IS; fJ.V. " Kirjer -lie, in pMj-ortlon. WKVAXU h. TI-ATT, Souiennrl, Pa., Ma lt, U72. S1'.' HVKYINK, CO X V K V A X- JAS. it. itiii:ic, IAI-KriTV, : : : MKYKK.S'AKL P.O. All hutiiK! eutrti.ttl to hi en re will !- r-niit-ly atti'iill to. Th Aiiiry r the 'Ln-hafH or Fn loot all kiinl ot n-:l ttMte takcu on uiiMU-mte leniii. ml) It L ANUS AM Ill'Il.DINtl LOTS. Iluil.liuz 1i4h in tlic Borough of Somerset, Kllxilil)' iUul, ,l, an.) FarmiDi Mineral aal limber Ws Iu VKriuna SiHuersvt miuit v. fur mt ON ACCOMMODATINti TKHMS. A of tbr Un.l an Improved Farms, Otlirrn ara ajiilnipnivv.1. I.lMESTOXt; IKELAV. IKoX OKKan.l STONE t'OAI Arr fMiul on a,mu rf tl.rni. .if fulr ijnallty an. I iiaBllty. trno, ki- rail in r aililn-w 1. WKYAXIf. Aaioit 3?, Tl if. Snuifrsft, fa. OUSK & SHIRKS, MitnufiicturrTsof all jrades of C I G- A. S , HKHKOKI', PA. Attntlini fnrllpiilarlT kM nf Julilwr!". 4H inlrn. a.,ll.-iteil hy K H. It nr.liall. ilml-t, Smnrravl, Fa, my. H. BOVARD, ROSE & CO., Carpets, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, SHADES, Stair Rods, &c, &c. A Full nnd Careftillv Seliilnl;. UOVAIM), ROSE & CO., 21 FIFTH AVEXfE, PlTTWBUROIf, . jniiel2--7X PA. AX KINO HOUSE OF James T. Brady & Co., Carasr or ronrtli Araat ail Wooi Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. VTE BUY AND SJL. EOVHIHEIT SECSBITIES. GOLD, SIL VERS COUPONS Ou IJheral Term. wi: aijv Six it Cent. Interest u Deposits. ACtNlt'NTS flF M EUCH ANTS AND IXI'IVII.fAI.S WiLIt'ITEI. James T. Brady & Co. j July S-Ti yARMCASTI.K k MOOItKS FAVORITE CRACKERS, . SOLD BY ALL QBtM'EUS. Mamifuclonr, a .11 Sventb St, PITTNBI KUII. FA. WIHOOf MlM-rlluttritiL' R R R RADVAY'S READY "RELIEF Ct'KES THE WORST PAINH In from On to Twenty Minutos. NOT ONE HOUR after reatiitic thto Bdvrtifnnt nnrtl any ftiwi bVYFKH Willi TAIN. BAUWAY'S KA!T RKL1KF Li A CUKE FOli II was th flr4 an4 l Tl Only ln in Hcraody thai instnirtlr fltofMi ih matt rtrrncAxtinm pini, all ATI l'lllammatioua, aud wirea Otmrc-tltiia uvtkr nf U14 Lutit, tlmiach, iowca or oilier Kiuua or organa, by IT inatK, ONE TO TWESTT MHSCTES. mattiT how Tldlpnt op rxrructallnff th rain Iho un KHKl'MATlO, Bwl-rliWiT, InBrm, CrtpjilKl, ft ITOUIS Ieurtlglc Mr proitraWd wttft 4iniao nay uffr, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF Wll.l, AFFORn INHTAKT EASE. 1XFLAMMATIOM K TIIK HUXKVH. INFLAMMATION or THB 1ILADDEH. IXFLAMMATION OK THB HOWKLS. CONOKSTIO.t OK THE LCXC3. 6011 E THROAT. DIKKICCLT DKEA1 HINO. "ALPITATIo-J OK TUK UK ART. nrsTERics, cuotr, uii-htiimha. CATAKKH. lXFLtEXZA. HEADACHE. TOOTlTACIir, MccKAir.tA. nnETsiATisii. COT.D cniLl AOUF. OIllLl.s. Tli iiIIouIuh of Um llraily Hrlint InlhBpwtnr ptru wfivre Ut puui or duUvully juu d ill ttHufJ tM Mini onmrurt. Twrnlr droiM In half a InroMer of wVrr wITI In f"W tnnnifiit run CUAMP!", SPAS VS. fofe'It 8TOWAOIL IIKAKTHCliN, 8ICK IIKAIlACUK, aUAKKIIKA. liTSK.NTEKf, COLIC. WlKli IS iUH UoMfcL, nd all INTKRNAL PAI.NS. Travlrra alimilii alwaya nrry of Ita4wa' It rm4 y Relief wiUi llii-m. A fnwilrtla jU-i .i.l alckima or ialna fmm rltanrce tf malvr. ll ia Lv tot thou Fratira Hrautlr or Bitter us a atluivliait. VEVEII An AGl'E. TEVElt AN'I AUl.'E lurril fur nnyevnta. Tlirrr la ra a reottilial arcul la ttiiwiiflit Hint will can t rvt-r a ..I A(-u, aoitull bOii-r Matajwm llllioua, ficarM. Tv il... m, Yrlloar, aud trim lalilnl ky RAIWAV'S I H I S) ai, qqk aa KAIi WAV'S KKAlsK HtLItF. r illy cMa aar UiUae. bwld by Uiu(fl. HEALTH llEAUTY!! 6Tt:oxo Ar rcnE t;ich BixwrtifcnKAWf: OK H.K.SII .Dill U'FIOilT-Ct.KAK SKIM AND siCUKLUIUALU DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT II AS MADE TIIK lnST ASTiMfIIINO CURES (jl'ifK, It.V -1 1 AKK TPIK 4'ilANUKlS T IE UtliY I N K :iOI.S I NL-KIC THE IX WfclR'IE, Til A r Tvcry Day an Increase In Flesh and Weight is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. T.vwy ,1r.if of lr.e (.IKXW'ARHXIAN RF.SI,V t. T om.iituniatr t.r..:ili tUm Hlood, ISwrmi. Trin, tiil t-tlirr ttuh! -u.I hi'u-t .f yirtt'm tit Ttror of lift, f'T it rriMUi liir vai.-i. t-f lmy Kb hew iuh! -uiiil Mi-il.-riaf. N-'f'ili. I"" 4'ttittunii.itii, dl-c. ('leva in tii TiKt'.ii. Mouth, lunmrt, Ntxi. in t (ttuJiti ru.2 H iter t nrij f the nyntfjii, Ur Eye. 8(tnniU9 fniiu the Kan, fcflti the WnN trfii nf Si-Hi Ktitf4ion Fever IValJ lit-;fl, Itlnf V. '.rtii. s.ii! Kf-uin KrTlU-, Acne, Hiarlc U'ikrii h: IIij Ir loii, fuDHir, imncmn lit the U t.Mil, vtd all vt-ttkei mikI (.tiiirul diKLarire Mut t Sirai!t, lw of NH-rni. iwi'l !1 atn of the life priiici jiv, .rv wiMiiu tho ftir.ttnr r gr f thU woiniT nf MxJ rrn lnWnr, a f 1 n ' nf will pmr to any f-rfi utts it fr fit'fr o( tiii-Mi forHU of dieeaM lU ttt ntWt-r l cttnr IIm m. Ii tU ii-utcni. ujii't lirvuihif rviiicet by tht wutM a- il l.-iHtiHflt)i) thbt Ir (i.i.M:ti:ily jmireiiiiir, h-ht-rrl m arntlug v.-.ivtiM. :uid rvintin Ui hn Willi ' lirtris frm-.t (n-tllhy tt!MitUji1 IhtS the IKS '.ltl. I . w.ll eoirr. it it.t iUv ihm tkrHH u.i Kiwor.TcxT erl iifwn riM'-li:U ;ijfrt' in i In- run; of t'ltromc, Kt-rufn- i , : Hitltit!nnial, at. 4 Ma. iu uiHctwfs i tut it ia the wily ,.-! 'M r'lrc (tie .iMi')' Al ISIa-ililcr omlnin(9 i..rr, v-A V. '-nili 1 !. 4, firawl. IUti-tM, Ih-rwy, . l ift-f W.ttt-r, liiothllittiiic f 1 T 1 1 n. lirlclit'i Iht . .vi'tiiiriluwri:. Mt in i1! wmi" wltt f ttirn: re brkk ,!. i, -ii-. .tr tii w:itt-r L- ll.N k. vl"ly, iniTtst with - ! tin ff a'i tit, r liii-wi like whlU " Im ,-;' I t in-trl.i l, 1-tr';. t-ili"ti npv-unuKc, and .. Ut-.-4i tl.-Mil, w whn lKre H a mlfUt'j;. . .-.. - i T,-it ) I'r- :itt r, unit p:,fn in the -4 0.?MS.TT e of.Ir I .-n anl euro lUctcJy if, i ;u. Tipt- !:. . u;r at V2 YcatV routIi 1 .11.1 ly ItAutmj'x KcMilvcnt. RMi r. M.' Jf IS, ' i. i : I ''. k.J ( 'kor4h Tj m ti tric anJ --- IJ Ik-U. .! h. 1p . lUM r-rt I'-miK tlil wm r.fttinitVd ; !! r.-tUnr htpei m. I .-, K iltn1, nitil tla nnrl I ".iW trv U; mnt b4 feitla w.i I bd utWa t- nsta, I Uok r4x WttUi f i.l om bi f JU-t.iT filU, two bt- l j y.-ur h!i-l : m.4 itr ii t i a lx o( tuawr to ta -pk 'ir n fi-rl Wttrrt wtiirtvr. rttl haf lr thin I kv t tt-J-tf r-ar. l it r Idtmar in tb left i of tk. v.. ,ls.t irr-M. I writ. LMa H Jun Ifc teMtit af klat ft, mm I .'" la it if Mt ctWre. Ii A NX A II F. JC.VAPr. DR. RADWAY'S PiRrEOT PURGATIVE PILLS, rf.rtlv tv-t!t, atii.T eofi!M w:tn mrret ni m. ir -, ttiI Ate. i-urifi. ru-ant-. an I trtnirth,n. liad- r K. f' tit rura cf titl liiMnlrr of tha Mmach r. It iwcin, Kti'.tw-r, ItlaliifT, Nrrvoun IlUeaaca. I t'.atctitf, ( 'fm-ii.rU.ioti. 4'iMT'vfnew. Iniijrt4taU, 'r!- Kliou.iriri, I'tiluu- Fever, InSammmiion of . it,-i. i'iitnhd ll iK-mrtr'ttifntinfft!.? JritcmaJ Vi. f .. U trruitw! to -iTK-t a jMHnrtvecur?. Furely cta . I'm ti if no mtrrwnr, n.herah,tr dirtfrtousdn;. Ir" trv the fitiiawinir rtviu(.Uiaia muitinc froia ''.v.f-irif tit lMft.tltt Ofinuta: r .-t-ti,ti.. 1 1 ward pil. f tl L& ta tb HmJ, . : l;i v i the Stmtu.-h, lluiM, IlMrlliani. Itrut 4 FuoJ, -I if W-it'i m th StnttaWtS, Hnnr Fjth" tmtion, ?iuiiof of . f-Mi.- V 'h- Pit nf tt titauKaW'b, tCwttnmifMT f ta H4, ! .rr-a w4 tHb-ni tVMiiibtofr, ft IMIrtBr art tHwt. ClMtkit ' - ai M1"4 Wt m a i-n Ftnuw. lttBMSOt I.-t .r MV Ufnr th Shl, Fvt Mtal 1U I'kta w - ItU. ft Pf.'mlrf, Yrl!onw T iht bkla ( ' I'aXt IS CW.I, Lim.U, mmI tuikWa Fluk'V Oaf Ktrtns i . .1 f It AUV. A X' FILLS wHJ frea th m- wi tl- a rr-i.;.-.i rfipWn. afnve, 3S ccuta . . .!.:. i v M:L'iiiHTH. ; r. Vl A.r IKI K" Fn4 one lte l:AI'WlV 1. No. MVaio Lai.. Nw I T. uctk iLiMuoiiti wUl he aent you. ' V Knives and Forks, dvS L.J BFOQKS. BCISSUUS, V Taxes, shovels. locke.X " , . . 11.. Hinges, Nails, Files, etc. I at I f i j. di..i ni.i. -.J I j!l VHipc'HCI ft, DUM.UIIII1II l allulQ .1 irn rt 1 t oil mm c t ri 1 nuniVUL 1 unnt ivvlo, Mil rrr. T.lluirt A Sirth t ir: ifa.V Btneti. q ai: i: ini Lumber Company, OAKKKTT. Stl.MKr.SETt t)., PA. Earnest, Delp & Camp, rKOPKIETOKS, WHITE PINE. VOUlW PINE, OAK. IIEMIJMJK. AMI t'HESTNl'T M'MKKK. SAW Ell AMI MIA V El SII1NULKS. AN'U PLAbfEKlNO I.ATll. . Building Lumber "Cut to a bill" at Jhort notice. Or.lom fmm Iuui'imt ilialcr" irmrlly filial at wliuW .nile price". u. 'Tl-tf. IRAKI) Htil SE, I'onxKR Ninth xd ('HKHTjirT Strkkt. r ii 1 1. a i) e i. r ii i a II. W II AN AO A, Keli 14 Tl rn..rirti.r. G 1 UK AT IN'Dl'CK.MKNTS. Pi-rnrfia w:iiitin! Umt-taM Fruit Tree", Vlne ami 1'litiilK uliuulil cull on H. J. KEMP, 1 1 A UN EPS VI LLK, Sotnerwt Ciiunly, Yi.u cun imn iiii.-'i' of Mm t lower ratet oi ny uthvr Kirty. leb. U-'7i y3(!D m Incorporated ly Act of Lsjislatnre. CAPITAL, . PRIVILEGE, $100,000 $500,000 Depositor- secured by Real Elalc iBTesfmenls exrluivelf. Six Per Cent. Interest Paid to depositor cm tho compoundinx priooipla. ttt-MleullvH it dinrted lo tin liberal pr tlrtuHt for tritkdr9urig uxantj deposited. Jl rami don in tmall atnoumln, WlTUOl'l tiOTICS I'll 1 1 31 TUX DEPOSITOR. Ml roinmUHlratUiM m-UI rwrwlrv prompt rrptg. JAMES T. BRADY, DAVID CAMPBELL, Trtaturer. Jl i-wllii )irnu. Vlnrcr Hlttrr nro n! vil rtnf i.i.i, made oi Fror Kim. WhUkrr, I'riiof Mjiirit mimI k'(t Liquor dcacloreH, apicil, ini itveiciiil in tl4-l lut. cailrd l.itiic. ApjwtiMfV " Hmwttnett," ftc.. tlut lead (lie lijler mi t-i ilrunkctMicM tj rum, but nre true Medicine, nude from th nttiv and herbt of California, free ftntn all Atci-ixtlic Stimulaitlc They are Ute Gteat UiKxt Punlicr auJ 4 Lji giving Principle, a Perfert K-novjtof and fuvior-ttar oC ili Srstem, ctrrying; off all poiwmmM matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition, enriching it, nrfrnluin and invigorating both mind and bdy. i Uty are eay of admin 1 stratum, prompt iu their action, cerUm m tUeii : ffrntt, ale and reliable in all Unm A diwav, I No I "era 011 cat 11 lak Ihetc lilttere arcord- 1 iiik to direcliou, and rnna.n lon nnweil, pmvidcd ; ttieir bone are nt df'tioytd by nnorril (xji-ou ui oilier mean and the vital orgao waited beyond Ibc wiut j of rrpAir. j lyepHl or Iiidljreiillou. Heatluhe, tn la the hhouiders, Concli i ichtne- of the CheM. l)if ! tine, Sour Krurtations of 9 StontifK, Had 'late ' in tbe Mouth, l' Attack, PalpiUtion of Ut j Heart, I ntlammaturti of the, Pain in the region ol the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptom, are tlie bttsptinrn of JJpepwa, lit the compiainta it ho no equal, and one bottle will prove a better guar- mofe of in merit than a lengthy advertisement. For Female Cornilntnti in young or eld, married or twrijrle, at the dawn of wotnanhood. or the ( turn of life, thee Tonic Bitten ditplar o decided aa influence that a marked imnrnwm.ii ima twrrn. ' - r r- For InflimmitAry and C'ltroMlo Rhea maliiBi and GfKtt, Iiyieptia or Indesiuxi, bilious, K em it tent and Intermittent Keven. iiseaee of the Blood. Liver. Kidneve .md Bladder, these Bitters have Drew ntrt ihcwwiui. own jiseasei are causea oy Vitiated lUood, which is generally produced by derange- ; me nt of the IligeMire Organ. They ore a entle Pnr(;aHve ae well ae , Tonic, nnMensmi alvt tbe peenlur merit of acting j as a powerful aent in rciievmt; t on inn or fnflam- , rnalion of the Liver and Visceral i)rn and in Ilaious Diseases. For Skin Oiecaari, F.ruptiont, Te'ter, Salt Rheum, Plotches, Spots, Pnnp!c PiMtules, Boils, Car- ' btmciea, Kin-worm. Scald-Head, Sore kye. Ery- si pel a. Itch, Scurfs, Dicnlor-tionsoi'the Skin, Humors , aud Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, ' are literacy uo up ana earned mil 01 tlie system in a short time bv the of these Bittern. One bottle in such cases will convince the matt iucrcdulous of their curative effect. leautfo the Vitiated Itlood Iienever vou find us impurities bursting through the skin m Pimples, j Eruption, or Sores; cleanse it when yon find it ob- j strutted and sluzziili in the veius : cleanse it when it is i foul : your feelings will tell yrn when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the ysten will fr&nw. Uralefal thonismls proclaim Vinkga BtT- TWtt the most wonderful Invor-uit that ever wisUmed the iukin system. fin. Taps, anil other Worms. lurking in the svstem of so many diouiandv are effectually de stroyed and removed. Says a distinguished phyioL ogist: There ii scarcely an individual ujon the face of the It is not upon the he.ijliy elements of the body that worms exist, but uikki the diseased humors and slimy deposits tluit hed these Uvmg monsters cf disease. No system of Medicine, no vermifuges, no amhe'min itics, witi free the system fiom wurius like these Bit ter. Mechanical DUeaeri. Persons engaged in paints and Mineral, such as Pi umbers, Tvpe-setter, liold beaters, and Miners, as tltey advance in life, will be subiect to para'vt; of the Bowels. To guard against this take a doe of Wat. kkr's Vimiar Hitter once or twtoe a week, as a Preventive. IXllioux. llemUtont ami Intermittent 1 Fever, which are so prevalent in the vaileys of our : great rivers thrmihout the United States, especially j those cf the Mi.sipr, 0!ii Miw'tri, II;ir.ot, Ten- t nesee. Cm norland, Arkansas. Red, Colorado, Brazos, : Kio C'rrimle, Pe tri, Alabama, Mohiie, Savannah, Koan oke, Jame and many others, with their vast tributa ries, throughout our entire country during tlte Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during seasons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and ' other athiominai viscera. There are always more or leu ' obstructions ol the liver, a weakness and irritable state of the stomach, nnd great torpor of the bowels, being closed up with Titiaurd accumulations. In their treat ment, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence upon these vaiiou organs, is esMutially necessary. There rs r... .1.. . 1 . Tt 1 ur. . iNat'i a e as they will speedt.y remove the rurk-coioreci visoa matter wuii wincn tlie txrweis are loaded, at the same time stimulating the accretions of j the liver, and generally restoring the hcaUhy fuuclious j of the di??-tire orrin. Scrofula, or Ktis Rrll, Wlute Swellings, i ITlcers, Erysipelas Swc.ied Keck, Goiter, Scrofuum j nflamnAilnr.s. indolent I nil Animations Mercunil At- feet: on O'.d Sore Ernpiioni of the Skin, Sore Evef, ! etc. etc. In these, as in ail other constitutional !'- : eases, Walker's Vinrga Cittkm Iiave shown their i Rreat curjtive powers in the most ousiiuaie and m tract- Dr. Walker California Tluegar Bitter act on all these caes in a umiuir maaner. ly rmnfyinft ; the HUtod they remove the ejusr, and byresomnj; away i the effects of the inflammition (the tubercular deyosit. . the atTrcted paru receive hea'tli, xiid a pennancut cure ' is effrcted. ; Tk prvrtl of Dr. Wai.kii' Vimbcab : Hitters are Aperieof. Dialioretic and Canninative, : Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Couuter-Irn- j Unt, Sudorific, Alterative, aud Anti-ltiiions. The Aperient and mild Laiative properti oi Dk. WALkik i Vinrgar liiTTRirs at the best safe- gu.ud in ail cases of eruptions aud malignant fevers, their balsamic, healing, and soothinp properlies protect ihs humors of tlie fauces. Tbe.r Sedative properties aliav ram in the nervous system, ttcmach. and bowei either front indamnutian, wind, Coiic, cramps, etc. 1 heir CQiinteT-Irritant infloenco extends throushout th svsiem. Their Diuretic nronnies act on the ICid- nev cirrwins ana rcu;aung ue now m uiine. aneir, Anti-B'Uoua projieniaa atirauiaie tlie liver, in the accre- . ton f bile, and iti discharges thrntiRh the biliary ducts, and are nuperior to all remedial agents, lor the cure oi liilion Fever. Kever and Ajue. etc Fortify tbe boiljr anal mat disease br pari- . fvins all its floids witli Vixfca Bittem. No et.i. i deniic can taae hold of a system thus (wearmti The j hver. the stoaiach. tbe boaeis. the kidneys, anil tlie ; nerves arc rendered diseaM-proof by Una rcat invi- '. onnt. Osreedons. Take of the Bitten on (coin to bed ! at night Itnm a h.ilf lo on and one haif wine-giasstuii. j at gnod nntirisliinjE fond, such as beef steak, mutton ; chop, venison, roast beef, and vegetables, and take on:-door exercise. The are composed oi purely rcg el- able ingredients, and conuin no spine j J WALKER, Prop'r. R.II. Mc DONALD Sb CUt lruciists and (en. Ats., San f rancisco, Cal.. and cor. 11I Waslunaton and Charlton Sts., New York. SOLD BY ALL DKUCKHSIS AND UEALtRS. KK MI'S NI K.SEHY, HARNEIISVILLI SI i.MEESET CO., PA., 1 1 Thr rnWrilH-r Inl.inn-" lii lrirn! .ind the puh-' IU- tlut he t now lievntin;; lii fin Ire time I.i hli ! The lirt one ever t:irtiM In IhrxMtinty. a I i pre- j Mtroil to lurnl-h pn inpllv all ul ! FHUIT AM - j OKXAMEXTAIi TP. KKS, Vines and Plants. II IS 4 INN IX 'TU N W 1T11 KNOX S PITT SIU'IMS XriSSKKY The lari'rt ami mort'lvtc in ihe Cni'cil ; Stall's. riuil-lt'S liilll to llarmlre. t.i Ilii. t'U"tillliry i the I'linim-st vurivii. !. tiii'l t britl i"?t jrmwi It. Iii." rtiv nre liwir tb;n tvir lustre. Tli n--lve l i ih1 to be nuultirut Imr anv lit tUo Htt in prU-e r quality. Th?e wurd; will W lit- will ; M rsa.ii:iI'.v it-.rll.-lt tnlr thi.4 f.iil. Int r!is ;t drpfl j nb.v will he irvi:i'lty nttt-ii.ti-.i u. ' SvnJ lli in in fiiriv. 1IAKKISUN IE K EM EH. s J(Mi t ill AVIT1I A. H. Franciscus & Co., mrnttriii: axo iu:.lki:h fx COTTON YAH NS, ISATTS, WICK, Twine and Ropes, LOOKING (II.ASSKS. CI.IK KS, FANCY PAKKF-TS Wooden and Willow Ware, &c, im r.v iruBH ami ini:;-tns I.F (AltPKTIXdl, OIL CLOTHS. MATTIXC. Ul'OS, .V-.. 013 3Iarkvt Sirpvt an.l ilO (.'.iruuii'm.- Str-rl. lliilfulelpliia, June I CUf. JX ST TOYSTOWX. Thr nmlorjiarnnl, rmiprirlur iliitri. ihi tnr anutin-ai't mrnor inv iiiilmssl hv hl ntanr frlrn.trf. ln.rlin.r tn.l.lli. . K . h.i 1. n..a lB..,.J .'..l.- 1 ami hivinuil'lv .utrrtala nil lw duiv Kiv l.lin a : cull. If ir lu.iiiw Kill Im ruu.lui-tr.1 Witb the l?t I nl. rail luniL-b Uiwoiiioin.i.ialiiiB.. s t u r I'l. plVTi'U I Sliij.iti.KO, I'a.. April Kill. IHVJL f i ItAix" CUADLES. Thi uii.l.'r- X hrn1 la now cnirairoil In nmkln npwnnln ' oi awwrmn iniiiirs, 01 an mipnivtHl pattim. us Inir thr rlmrp jrrounit I'llpjirr S.-vthr. wlik-h l the bert niiinuraituml. The rmillca will I ilintrihu tnl throi;li thr mum hrtwrrn thr l!t and 2th of Jiini.ti. it. 1'iTwma 'wlrliintr t" pun-haws will ttml thrtn liir auli at all the irini'iial huiiir? plnrr In t ho nmnl v. A lanrr nunilirr are ninilr at thr manu'iufnrT at rtrrlln. Price 1. apr. 17. f OKt. I. HAY, Berlin, Pa. a. r. kkim. J. n. uvK.Miiii. JaEIM tt LIYKXfiOOI), ItAXKERiS, SAiisnvnv elkuck, v. h. ' SuMKiwarr I'oiiNTf, Pcji'.: ftrnfla Umilit nn.1 anij, mul rolni'tloiw lsihle nn all parlant tlweiiumry. - - liitt rif t allnwril on time .lc jti Sin-liil arraairrm-nta with tliLir.liam ami othern who hoi. I ya iu tnut. Jun t; Ti T . 1I.VKVEY . IflJ tJ. - - -- HITTER COMMISSIOX .VERC11AXTS C7 EXCHANGE PLACE, BALTIMORE. rru riTJ ,r.?.f. . 1- ' 'f n-l I rcltirna iiminptly ma.le, Hunt and Shun. .. . . JOOT.S AND SIIOKS Harry Ut'orH Rki- (nillj ininrmn tilto i!i-n .! :.i'i r- -nA thr fitihuv n, r,,v . ),,. hu jn.l r-l li liiliwl bta ' XF.W .UOF. STOHK. In the New Building on Main Cross Street, WITH A wll i.MUli TO( K -OF i.ooDs l K,,l,t 1,1 On- r' . il. .,il li.wrroh m-,t. nn'i 1- ,M1,,.. I,,,,,!,!, ,,,1(;, ,.,,.rc. ...iiik i,.ll,il!4 in I,, ,,. vi w.kv i.uu riaci s. II kffit tin:ui.t fv ..t. ..M.i it .... Il EOCTS s:hco:es Fen, Women and Children. K:.;.ri. very iino of firrt b.- ri .1 a.. 1 ... . 11 r' tf1" ' ! ".kii..imi,.,. Ir,.tit U(, ,l;V iii.M-r l.ilhi' 1 nl wi;t. J t S Iii PPr' ll Il.r Iu. l. Kill I..- luriu-h ijoots. i;.i.voi:.i.r i:i skin nr imlf AM) I,SilM; -UATKISIAI.s! Arwf .il sin. in,.! !.i(,ir,;.i,i,; 1if rIMl!iMir..sltit :i.!-nr all aim mi v irr hi:i a ; llr- uht pr. irrtl to hinti-h -h. a " -1 tc Uf-a.rr.hH nt i iri wii b 'tn.i: KM' . . , ' ( . I , I 1 VIi liii i 1 - - P M.llilJlirO j Lasts and Shoo Findings ; prj," ' hiit , M -ill l i lM ...(at !- (mr. I rjrll hellnir .11 I l,r ,,.. 01 ,.vf j, II. r .l il.arr i, .u..i- Kilnnii.... V"-"- ii -. i:i:i iu rs. i W. Ia Vis .v i:ii s Grocery and Confectionery. so.ii:i:.j;t. j Wei;n. to nil.. ii.i r I, .iv ir. rm ii- i,f t,i i-..miiiu- iir.'lmivl il.p (i,wrv 1 ..p. i.iiini.ry ..I II. I. K.i-i.iT. : Hnrni-t llni.i.. ,,i lum- . i Iji.. iijiiH.-irr iIih iiii:ii !. .-.i.,: i..ri! In lll alrriulv lino a. ' t.-t lirau-lf of : YlJiX , EE. TEAS. M"i.WS. ek e, vki i s. Molasses, fish. salt. SPICKS. AEEL1-S I LAYtfiCINi EXTKAt IS, JiKiEf) AM( A..EI EE f ITS. A J Jit . Ili.VLi'li. VOliA. VO. ( i.i vLS. j ; ... ! j ! sNirr. All ttes. n.l- Er-ru !i ;.r.l .-..r.i.,, n NMS. rllAt ki.;;s. VKKS. EEKH ."MEKY. ; i M 11 W- S. ; . ', x .1 At I t VMllillI FT ......... . 1 -' I- I 'I .I I.S, I: l; I S!ll. si l'. -"" "" a'frln'. i:i nf T 4.,... '' 11 u arunt cnTiMtiK in t.'.ei;,-.;. f" ' 1 ''' n line- nil at r :i.i li: Davis' Cheap Gtroceiy, II rusiTK TI1L l. A l:ET m. i" lv. Hi SK. Boots and Shoes, HATS AND CAPS, Leather and Shoe Findings. 12." Zimiiirriimi T.ik. i. iilr.iMirc in railing the atl. n:;..n i.f the 1 ir. I larna ,. .s.,ii-rs.a sn.l i. iiiitr tu thr t:-t thu he ' I li:n rK'nf.i a xi.r.- in his rrM,i.-n,vim I nl..n r.vl ' lli.-rr lli.-re will uiHiiya U- kt i.t ,.1, l.aml a ..rtii- I I'lne .t!.irinif nt nt j Boots and Shoes, j nr Kd-Jirrrt ami borne iii-iuitri.-tnrt. !i I ir t .in.' HATS AND CAPS, Ami 11 xTv:it vsri'-ty i f I.oalher ami Shoo FiiiiliuH OI nil kinu.. ; i i.trt' aijau all ai mu to !. .1 icrsToM-.MAiii: i.oot shok nKI'Ar.T.MKXT, ilia N. II SN YIiKIS auruiu-r mi l liit. r. whi. h al..iir i u iirli, l. 11! tru ir .m.-.- ti,;it nil ,nk uiaile tip in Ihe -li.iji will n..t imlv tit Ihi K-.'t i.r rrs Imi that t.niy the l-.-i mati ri il ill l ti... nil. I Hie Jivst WorhuMMi Will ! .mjilnAisl. Tin- nihil :1rv t.nii Hi i I',, hi... (,, j, " I'. 6. '71. r. -ivtii.i!v j;)K SAI.K AT S7,000 OO, rAVABLK , j "ii lit K-tLU-r. l;: ' l"t .Liiuurc, lST k m ' I in Aiiril. 1t:l nn.l a ula .-ar th.-rranVr. WITIIOI T 'XTKIIKST. nHSSSjA Farm of 229 Acres, Havlnir twu rw Himwa. Nrw r. tnk Turn. K""l ! ',r, '"'r' " Si:r 'mi. wi-ll tiinU rr,! ami wrll ! Iui.r,.l, kiiIuh li;iii auile .. .r:h KurS Kail-j M:nl. iwrwmii .... .iiril. Ii.l, i .! w r Kill l. .ikon f..r tlio lip.( tw.. nuv Di.-nt. , r."pwl.iri f..r cutting timUr jih tl.uuu in puM. W. J. H. KM. buiiKTA-1, Miiy 8, r- - ; ibi nmiiBT. Jiiiii o Kim kit ri. ; J"ohx Dim:r.T .t co NO. 210 MAIN STHF.ET, JOHXST O W X . P E X X AVr I Irrn nrirnllalilo In all irt nfthr Vnt Inl Statii. ami an:tiU ami in V.rviun ciunlrira. Hut lol.l. l'iium uii.l Irovrrnmi-nt IkMhla at IiIkIm'ki markot priroa. Iyn tuom v i.n apprnvrj re. urliy. I'rjn-ii I ( h, ,-k-. un ntlu r liankn .'ah. miHiry iwe.ii,n.irjaitpaval.eouUiiuan.l Interest at the rule of .SV.rjirr cent, yer All Hltm mid OH TilUf DniOtih. Kvrrytlilnir In the Eanklnj IJne receives uur : Tiromrrt attention. 1 Thankl'ul to our frien-'j anj tustomm ftr their I pat patn.nae, we aollelt a cuutinoauce of ihe ; same, ami invite ntliera win. him in .mr . me,.n.i inv .11 limes .lo oil we can to .rivr entire tiaeti..n. KeulilTe JOHN 1IB KKT k IH. I iHflHliroilr t'. r. KMiiAI'X. ilii: UVK GUOCKUV. : V. I U II O A D t If p'tfullv -innoiim-f to fti ptli II' II,. o m-l th-lr ir-ry IntU- l.;i,U(, hl lillJt tn.llM Lt't ir-upi.t by j ; rtlt.n;afi and ar n-.w .juj fr h 'itpillfof i-r iiiin in (h ' HIT U -r ifiuiiit. V ai:i kii i all Tl;i In m !iraii.; ii I.-!-. 1., j,; if H.O! 11 A.Ml.viKtl, I l U K TU. Slli Ml. ., t Wil.A.str.. H.tkl; w 1,1 I---, SOIi.V. l.NliiOO. Alil,li A 1.1. kl.MiSSii . i t:x. umwi,nl, run,., v 'MU.; i.i..:,. Sl-K I. AI.I. KIM.n Tii;iii 1 IO M.S. xi rr. A .N N KIi Kit I 'ITS KJKTAM.f.s. AJ.I. KI.M.s 1' Hit 'ITS A.M. J s. MOVE I'liI.lMI rtllOK -111. .11 ;.. A.NIH.l.. fA.Niit I.AMC ,, , i:ki h .M-i. Bia.siitjj II 1 KK1S. 11 liS. ll'.SKKTS. l:i U tl.MI. I1U s w.r. i ll K.i "II Js. 'ii.;.ii. c a x i) i i: s. M TS. ALL h i M.s. I'll A CA'AV.'.s'. I'lil'lT Hlsi I'll, sraAi: JCWf.ih riCEIJUMHI.t. aixur.i; x.v.i.s. 'A.77Vi.v:r, crcr-i itKurv'tr: tiik rt i a. IN HAS 1.11 i:.T Til E LATE 1;KM: , V.". .1. liA EI. KSvJ. N n". i i. Ti ly. mi: iin.iirsr m tkm r ri irr r . All. klls ,,r fi,i I HY (;-! KKIM A CO.. sl l f .ssi.iSTii STl T.M N . ki ln tin- SOMERSET FOUNI'ST. ! ln-v ft iii ftrhi iitiir t. u-j.Iy h t'tA ' r tlicir liiH Lv Kirhivr-. iiuiuit-r. H i ':iri.Mii. r-. Vlni-k-fiilM . .Mii!. r., Mi Uiimo Miiiiiil.i-Tiir.'n' v'uinlli. STOYES Fill: COOKI.Nf. .1X1" IIK.ATIN' If Ihr tfi'Mj .ti yrt. failnl 1.1 ; ki'. nn I1.11W. kiti- I-, vk; ill-!..-. PLOWS O: th T iri. !! iatlfrn U't .iiUrfts t.. . ; '.iruitT'. rr;iittJ to iv.u-: l'lt i.rt' miniU-r :ilrt-.iiy ia tiM'tdr :i. ,tr.l tCt riitfi'iiilni ei.tiiUN . an l a rr;i. iiix ! r.:in.l, arv a ntU ieui :i;ir..i : ni rii-. CAE WHEELS. r'nr li:ilr.''. l.timlM-rin. Iiiir":..! i'u.i- I tli.- iiiiim a'.iiin.vciluitti ri:.'' mul U i u:ail.' to i.r.!vr mi '.iirt iw.ti v. (MUST AX1 SAW Ml I.I. H'.cV sua 1 tim;. rri.i.Kvs. haxm:ks. IIF.YI.L-Wili: MlI.I.SFIMiLKS. SAW M N i'i r " AMI FKItTloX li.iI.LIU IUO.S 1 Vll.lNU. BAUHXIIX UK A. kl- Window and Door-Sill Tho K..r' I.irrot, anl tho "I'ark.-r" K Watcr-Wheels, Hul.lJlW AKL, Mi 'A 1 1 ri.OW-CASTlNti- . Fur all the iliifi rent Plow o-.l hi tlif '" an" We are the autln rilist airont f.'r thi' " si'vxn w ivti nixT ii:um !H U' I In thi- cnuiity. i J We sell, at manufacturers' i.riv. THF.SI'KAtU K MOW UK, TIIK KISKLKF.APKK AM'1"1111 . IIIK r.IT STEKl. I'U'AVK the hkst litiusK kak- i Ami ArUtilmml Im.lrmrnla arrnePJl'.' We b.. t.. merit a of tllr'pt , ao llU r i lv eAUn.U-U to UiiJ rstabll.-hn1"- I ur prk-rj will be fair auJ .mr term h'"' Nil. KF.1M'" jan. 10. "71. tw s TO KatavU T31 iiri