JThe Somerset HerddjH Si'iit'-miHT n. iTi fvu;l..llY- ,VK'M.t vim-rutlX.vis&ni. I'll IT UtC iAIUl llT MIC A ... i. inhvurc store. , ,it..n or run;:". itniMH.o. ,.l j, ,,.' ;il M'"-:-:'" i Fin torv. ;.lm-kcts rojM' &c. Piivi-iX i ..-..ii,mr..n-I.ii'.-.lil for sale at y,1.icVlni?fi" i Km iT:m.1 fr.iH . J rtisr rii nit j..t- :il C. F. Kli'iiuls iV t r i- AM- ii'"'V ' ... I p,,... s i"" " ; . . n l..i .l.i.r l.irji. ! Vol r:ill iniv cniui iniii.i.-iii j sc:iraiely at the Smier-sct Foundry. ,rr i . t i.r.nvi f ,r -ii Peot.h- s ' KM"' u",ur '"r K,U " ' 1 j ' '. C. (Ji;its. oat meal and racked wheat i i m i." - ( , srU''C SKia Water, only live tin- Live iinri). , . t. !.... .. t,.l..n. .li t reeeiveii ai I'ininu. i. MiN-k ol tol'-treo ciifars. I , i,,i,l .i l ir.r.. Kiiiiiile of Wi line Malik-ami juugiiiciii mncs. One "f the I I'M stoks of 1 lu; ill the . ,. at FcoplcV Drug Wore. 11 .1...... I'll Sll liious. waier ineiions ami came at Khoads Hro.s'. .KINC. ToklCCO, I UK 1' Chew iicj To B,l the l-st quality, for sale at Fco llrilir Slore. ruors -ut saws, mill saw t and ciicular w.hkI. ii wale, l.rushes. and every ar , I, I., pi in hardware stoics at Ulynn cr's. . ., . ,,,v ,i . ul i ii uiinli',1 .il Um Faiu- ;riN.rv l-el More of Cook .V liociils ii M.niii' ( rss Miecl. jA.vcV nN, I'crfiimery, Notions, Toi ,1 Articles in fri neral, lor side at Feople's I: m More. h 1's.ilis sliouKi cxaiiiui!? iiieir line ,i . . - .i . :.l iiier-. allil II HieV llllil any tieeiis inai uir .i.le.l. should fi t them rcconhil at ,.l ii ,ui want ai" t made to lit your .'i.l the lu st quality and colors, send orders t. Morgan's Factory. A large aU'.avs on hand. i ..l i ... i...:- H I'sOllS SUOIIIU ( aillllll- I 111 II lllie aiul if 1 in-y lind any di-edsthat are irded. should ;pcl tin III recoliliil at K i-uii . should examine their title ami n lin y i:mi anj llli-us uiai an l.l.d. should gel them IM-olded at Ail 1" should xalnillr their title id if tln v lind anv diiils that are . 1 fee di d. thev should tret thi lll rei-old :it ii I'i.K White Lead. Colored House Paints. lit-he. OiK J My I'silils, ltrilshes and rwhiug in the paint line, go to J!h mv iianlward stole, lie always has a full !., k at the very lowest prices. Tin; hijliest cash pl'h-e paid hr all' ml- '.'rain, at the Family tJroccrv and k i Store ol Cook A: Bcertis on lain In el. Somerset. Pelin'a. H i. are requested to announce that St. Iili - IMormed Church, at Centlev ille.ill 1 iiuity w ill In- consecrated on the fust jmnlav in October next (litbt. Srvins f I! commence on Friday the 4th. First: .i-s pulpit olHlols Will Im- pl(-elit oil till' i-isimi. Ik you want a thrashing maehiug go to e Somerset Foundry and s'et one of their i v ami nuproveil i illuming snail ma JiiUes. jiievarc warr.intcii in run easy. "U-li clean, w nsle no grain, and are just ,.it our farmers want. I iitManliv on hand at the 1 aniily ro- i It V & 1 eeil store ol l ook ftinl lieeritstili ai nr Cross Street, flour, oats, corn, mill ;i l. brand, bacon, salt, li.-h. lard, vincgar- - f nip-, sugar, colli-e, c; j cirar-. ic., iV.c, 'alllied liiulh. toliac. J -.- - ! j Mi -siis. l'.eilv iV Walker, the famous j Vltilie luasiilis ol this lilacc. have ills! taken tk einitraet for the si work on Mr. H. f Al l. L-r, k! ri-ii I A i.l. f..nv.i, Ae. Ii llaei -Imil. lint' on Main sin-el, opHisile the grainiest drives on the continent, the 0t n -iil. iice i.l lr. Uruliaker. Mr. Itaer : new Nicholson pavement lo Fast Liberty, 1.k - to complete his house the i omiiig l being the large-Ht stretch of wooden jwve A'l j meiit in America. Il is certainly a lnagni I ; ticeiit drive, and these beautiful evenings. f li i.ii want to hear a Dcinm rat fracture I ol the 1eii -oiniiiau'lmeuts nil to bits i t a-k li i ti how aliout the "first gun lrom rlh Carulina." It is a subject he doesn't ov u -. ni uliout discussing and any ul Sl -ion to it sun o' sours his disposition, and Is linn to irive utterance to ciL'ht cor A ie.l - wear words. I C o rio.i:vi- rv geliiiino lio ol tr. Mel,. S l.lli; 111. 1..S ar- tin- si-uature ..f I'LKMlN'tJ U(tS. I'itlslnirgh, l'a., ami tluir nited States Stamp. "Take "Tin- luarlvct is full f iini- ivatc I oilier. lion. ' om.. Those iii want of coal for tiny i'"se, steam generating, lime burning nu lie suppliiil at Alex Slutziiiaii s niierlv the John Nelfl bank, south-east tlii- lloroiii'li. Mr. Davis, a pnu-tical in r from Johnslow ii. dK-s the bringing '. and the platform is now tilled with nitiliil lump and good ronrh cual. No .ic diiir clean. lave jour orders at foundry. To iiiK Pi isi.ic. The undersigned hav ; determined to leave Somerset, w ill, for nM HUeeu days, offer his entire stock H:ii. ln-s, Clock's Fancy Ooods Jlc,, at ' Tin- reiaired watches which have ii on hand over four months.w iljbe Nild ml.lie sale on Saturday, the Slst inst., t (tilled for before "the time. Those in-r other Mcctiunts w ill please call and le. Ke-'M-cttully, K. V. CiNUM iiis.n. AMii.vtiKiMKliV. C,n,k and Beerits ol 1'ei d Store, have opened out iu the new ldingon llugus' coi tier on Maine Cross i t. alsii iK ciipied by II. C. Bii rits' shin " In addition to Hour grain and mill I. they have, a lull assortment of vro provisions, t..haccos Ac. fresh from ity. at reasonable prices. li erv 1hI v and see tr yourselves. iuiii ks F. Wai.kku wishes to engage ( iihIk r of girnd agents to sell out the rc niiitr iin-old tcrrilorv liir his horse ' It is in places well introduced and "I reputation cstablLsln-d usthesini l, i hesiH-st and niost efficient rake. or address him at Fricdcns, Sim iinty. Fa., f..i terms and iarli ii I' ii im:s brighten as they take their The chief of blessings is good witlmul which nothing is worth lolli I. ' iwiil'; it is always iiniir.i iated at its value alb-r il is lost. but. toooflen. Ix '"re. Live nromrlv. and rornvl Ills befure they Ihh-oiiic seated. For se- of t. Li, r, kidneys skin, stom iuid all arising from iiiinure or ti-l.le Walker's California Vinegar ei. area mre und speedy li im .lv. It "ever yet faded in a single instance. 11 AyiNti disKimtl of mv entire stock of ; . Notions and liriki rics to Win. 1 ''' A Kro., I would retiiniiiiend them Ii a nds and patrons, und alter the Kith of S. ptemlx r, my ' Will lie left lor collection withG. '. '-'" I. at the Bunking Houk- of Si hell & Persons know ing the uincIyi-s in 'd. will ph ase :t n.l s-ltle their ac ' "s uainedititely by cn-h or note, and ' tr.iut.i,.. " ; ,v Pakkk.r. imvss thare w ith horses the bcncfils l"hle from the world renownet! Mexican I.linineiit. The mi4 irrefragable HI (TIM HI' lUillmM ...I Mil and olM.r ailmenUof the horse r-iuire outward treatment. It is lim i f r'"iOSt ,'"',''u"11 'Xtcrnal fcii-k . MUM"' K"u. silliness i ii. I l., h ""re '"!, swe hips,' "d '''Uts of ull kinds. '"' csiai,iilesU,t. riict that this won '1 "-'Im exerts the same soothing and 's uilhi. m Mi.n applied to the hu . 1. 'at il do,-s i-s of spavin, no real medicine ever trained Niiilaiiiy wuh-Ii Cattona lias 1 w-i3 relates iiieircxH'ricnee ii its maul elllfts 10 anuuicr. u u u-- eluble preparation, jiorlectly harmless, ' pleasant to take; does not distress or grijx?, hut regulates the system, and is sure to op ' rate lien all other remedies have failed. Any person who has ever used Castoria, j for Stomach Ache, Constipation, Croup, , Flatulency, AYornis, Files, or dcranjred I.ivcr, w ill never acainusc natiHciiting Oil, , Hitter Fill or Narcotic Symin. The Cas toria contains neither Minerals, Morphine j nor Alcohol. By its soothing, quieting cf- feet it produce natural deep, and is jar jticnlarlv adapted to crvinjr, and teething ! children. It costs but 'itf mils, and one Untie will save nianv dollars in doctor's j hills. Jovki i. Joi itNEY. The way of life, al- ; thovtsrh cheipicred over with pain and suf- ..r n iu irrt'Di r mure 4 hi-il over l)V a rarrrili Htteiition to the health of the IkkIv. p(1 no i,.t Jiscase fasten on the strongholds .... , 1 .. . .I.: . c.. Vlr 0 me iH'iore you no wMiieiuui 11. SM.ili4 more particularly of those chronic maladies which cling 10 us lor years r nu told miscrv, not had enough to make us ImiI sick, lmt still full of suilertne and anx- Among these lincerinp ailments are muse l tne ninsrs anu pulmonary nrpaus for which iK,.pk tor which jntipie have iieen made to iieiievc re. Do not m-lieve it, lmt Kcvser'a I.nnT Cure. It - .. " . ..... , , renew tno nericies 01 me anu mane i)s machinery roll w iih evenneioand har- inonv. JNot only in lung diseases is lr. Kcyser's Lung Cure of value, but in all those morbid states of the system where energy is wanting and where dullness altouuds. Sild at KiT Lilierty street, l'itlsburg, at $1 ."ill jut lKittle, or 4 for If-i. 4'ommim atiosn. I'itt.siu:koh, Ff.xs'a. ) August, '-27; Wi. ) Dim: Hkhai ii It is again my pleas tire to write roil a letter, and if 1 but knew that it wotilii lie received with the same kindlv spirit that I write il, I fear that I would be overiowered with delight. I w as glad to sn-e so many of your worthy citizens in our city last week. It was real ly a great pleasure for me to see so many friendly faces from my dear old mountain home. The 7iarty was a jolly one, and was headed with twoof your most worthy citi zens. Col. llugus "and Maj. Wntzuiati. Among the nuinlx-r were also found Dr. Joseph File, ol' Mineral Point, E. II. Mar shall, your enterprising druggist. Lieut. Alex oVle. (Jeo. Taxman. Wilson Sanner, and John I. Scull, one of the publishers of that staunch old Kepuhlican sheet, the Suncrsct Hkrai.d. whose weekly nunilx-rs are welcomed and cherished as an old friend. The doctor, this licing his lirst visit to our cily, had many sights to see, and as they were show n to him one by one, he w as thrown into an ever sum-eding and increasing ecstacy of delight. I am told that the doctor is' strongly of the opinion if ithe Smierset & Johnstown ltail ItoaU is j Imilt, that he w ill erect a hotel at the Point ! after the exact pattern and model of the i Monomralu la House. He thinks it is the best tavern be ever stopjied at. Political opinion in this place is gradually tending one way ; every day witnesses the change of some tJieeleyites to the other side, while the State ticket "is gradually and certainly "ainini strength. The old feeling of boh . . . .' . . . i i i ing the ticket lias entirely laucu away ami there is no lomrer a doubt but that Allen and Hartranft will I11 the entire vote, llinkalcw stock is most certainly In-low jmr ; his connection with the deserters' camp meeting and his alliance with the reliefs in Canada has done him great harm. The Sildicrs' and Sailors' Convention to be held in this place, on the seventeenth of this month, promises to liconeot tlie grand est and largest imlitical demonstrations of : - .... .. ... til l... till' camiialgll. J-.xcuisioii ucucts nni oe issued on ail the rail roads leading into the city. A large and enthusiastic crowd of the Frosty Sons of Thunder are exjiected to make their al-arance and lend them selves lo swell the mighty column of the brave Uivs in blue, who art- not now will ing to hand over the reins of (lOveniliient to a t.H.li.-h and demented old man, kicked up by an army of reluls and their sympa thizers, but who mean to vote as they shot, and follow the man who so successfully lead them on to victory w bile struggling for the nation's life in the field of battle. Be sure and brine a hirire delegation to meet your old comrade? in anus and have a general rejoicing. Allegheny isas sound and strong as ever, and is as sure to roll up an old lime majority. All are con-rraliilating themselves that the Warm weather is about over. It has i Im-cii ipiilc- pleasant for the past few days, j and one has Iieen cnaliled to again enjoy a good night's rest. Mosquitoes still fuz.en i around and have not yet forgotten their fa miliar wajs. I heir time is slow ly nut certainly I'niiing : a lew nlJ days w ill send them to their last long home. ( Mir city now reioii-es in having oue of lovers in their mMinlirht dnvi-s enjoy it to the lullcst extent. Proiiertv ha rapid ly iucrexsed in value all along the line of the drive. At the extreme end, live miles from the heart of the city, projierty iiniiu proved sells at $15,(100 an acre. I have just concluded that I won't buy more than four or live acres: at least, not at present. Bets are this morning freely offered at filly to ten, that Hartranft w ill have ten thousand majority, but the Orecley men are very -.low to lake them up. Kcspi-ct fully, J A M KM. DALE ClTV, Sept. 7, '72. Mn. KitiTou ; Noticing that you have corresiiondcuce from nearly all imrts of the county, excepting our lixtality, I will, if vou deem the matter worthy a plat iu your pajicr, furnish you the main stems of news, improvements, Ac. The most iinMirtmt improvement, now rapidly approaching completion, is our Narrow Gauge Bail Itoad, lielongiug to the Keystone Company. The length of this branch road is aliout five miles, starting lrom the company mines by an incline of several hundred feet in length. From here the mad follows the base of the Allegheny Mountain north and east until by an easy grade and lx-aiililul curves it reaches the P. W. & B. It. II. at HobliUcl & Co.'s fire brick works, nhoul two miles East of Dak City. The Keystone Co. will lie ready iu a short time toship coal. They have their rails, cross -ties and rolling stock all ready, and when the grading is completed it will take them only a few days to be ready to ship coal, winch they expect to do in vast quantities. Their coal has established quite a enviable reputation for manufacturing purjo.scs, coke Ac. The company also propose putting up live hundred coke ovens on the line of their road. The Keystone Coke has lately U-en tested by steel man ufacturers and other eXK.-rt.s, and has prov ed suK-rior to the Pittsburgh or Connells ville coke. After lliese works are running at their full caiutcity they will employ from eight to twelve hundred men. and Ihus dis burse lor labor from lorlv to fifty thousand dollars iieriimuth. The dejxit for this road and comiiany is hunted iu Dale Cily, on what is known as the Beachley 's Survey. The suN-riuteiident, II. T. Weld, Mr. Brace, chief engineer, and the iwymaslcr have their oftiivs iu the coriMiraiion. near the station. This w ill give the merchants and mechanics of Dale City, the first chance to sell their goods and wares to the miners. Many of these industrious min ers of the better class, have already pur. chaseil lots near the station, and along the line of the road. Next in imiNirtaucc is the Fire TtrUk Tortl, n short distance from the suburlm ol' the corjsiralion. Messrs lloblilzel & Co., the proprietors of this establishment have thus far cxiN-nded in putting up buildings, and prosiccting lor clay, over fifty thou sand dollars. They have now three kilns in blast and the fourth one in grogress; one has a capacity liir fifty thousand brick. Size of Kilns C'O x 34 feet, the main build ing or dry house is G'J x 1&! feel, the en gine house 40 x 41) feet; the press rooms, office, iMiarding bouse iVc, are all conveni ently located. The tremenduous crusher w ith w 'hit-It the tire ( lay is ground to pow der is quite a feature. The machinery is all of the latest and most approved styles proiicUcd by a sixty horse iower engine. The clay is abundant and similar to thai used by the M L Savage lire brick comtwn v. The company have leased sufficient clay to last tin-in a century, t-oul and lumber are right at hand. The company mys twenty -live cents a ton lorlhcirclay, which makes it as valuable to the parties that have it to kcii as il it w ere iron tire. I he capacity ol this establishment is to be tw enty thousand hl'iek iter diem I heir brick have been thoroughly L-su-d in rittshurgh and in the hastern eilies, HUJ l,aVe tn-en proved to lie fully -iual to the ML Savage brick, conse-(jtiL-ntly have no mjierior in the world. An enterj.rise of this kind will prove im iiiensely advantageous to our community. The coininy is now working between six ty and sevcuty hands, paying out 8t the rate of two hundred dollars per clay, and by next Spring they will iUubletheir force. The company have orders ahead for more brick than they are able to furnish In the next six months. They have built over two huudn-d rods of tram road from the mines to the factory, a twitch or side track from the main road, running dose enough to their works so that they can pitch the brick out of the kiln on to the cars. In a subsequent article I will give our further improvements and prospects. Two other coal companies are getting ready to ship coal by next Spring. The Salis bury and Baltimore road for some cause unknown has come to a dead halt, but I have every assurance that the enterprising men at the head of this company will push their road to completion in the next few months. There is nothing wanted now but the Iron and rolling stock. The president of tins road, John Ansbach and 15. I . W u son superintendent and chief engineer, arc the right men In the right place. I have lately learned from a reliable source that the Pcnna. It. Ii. Co. is making an effort to obtain control of this branch. This should not be so. This branch should by all means U lone to the P. W. & U. Co. If the Pcnna. Co. gels this road it would cut off an Important feeder to our roau. The P. W. & B. Co. are at present looking out a location for machine.shops, &c. The citizens of Dale Citv have offered all and anv cround thev may need for this purpose anil we arc informed from headquarters Uiat the company is pleased with our offer and location and more than iiKciy win com mence putting up their buildings this com inz Winter. As an evidence of the growth and prosperity of our young City, I would state tliat wc put up some forty buildings in the last six months, and that our rost master now receives a salary of four hun dred and fitly dollars. Six months ago ue only received one hundred and ninety dol lars. The salary is determined from the amount of stum j sold. Our postmaster in forms us that il his salary had been deter mined four months later, it would have amounted to over six hundred dollars. Town lots are being sold every day and buildings will goon throughout the winter. Occasional. Uhsina, Pa., Sept. 7th, 1S72. Kill. Herald : We were just thinking what a similarity or coincidence there is lictween p-eat events of the past and pres ent day. The Devil left Heaven in order to be the "biggest toad" in the lower re gions. Greeley left the Kepublican arty. Solomon built the Jew ish Temple, and the P. W. A- B. H. H. Co. w ill build a depot at Ursina. The world rolls on through siace as it lias done for thousands of years ; and the cars rolled to and from the Ursiua depot for the last year and a half, and the dejiot building is not yet. Dr. Livingstone, after his long silence to the outer world, is alive and well. He still goes tm w ith the great object of his life that of exploring the African Conti nentand the K. R. Co. have explored, and intend to continue doing so, the ground lietwccn Brook tunnel and Coniiuenea, un til thev decide where the deot shall be erected. The locomotive clindis Hie Ilocky Moun tains drawing its train laden Willi travel lers and merchandise from all parts of the world. MUsing through the snow sheds in order to uikke their way through the mountains : and travelers on this line are (Implied off at that same little shed nt l"r sins. The bridge across "Old M'iddy" (the Mississippi) is being erected, and ue hoe the I rsina depot will lie erected. Wc advise all travelers who may cull at Ursina, to never look for the deiot, but take a lice line for the "Benford House," where he may fare sumptuously every day. The citizens of our town and vicinity are blest with good health at present, al though wc have an undertaker Mr, Zim merman who keeps a supply of fine cof fins on hand at low prices. Wc advise Mr. Zimmerman to advertise in the Hekai.d, and injure him success in the business un less icople khould cease to die. As time and ideas are alike a scarcity with us, we will close. Yours Ac., MAC, Our Aitrlrullarnl Society. Eiiitous Herald : The time for hold ing our County Fair is rapidly approach ing nud as yet no programme is laid before the people" The burning ol Somerset seems to lie a drawback with some. In our opinion this should be a strong reason for holding a Fair this Fall, as it will certainly bring money UiUiwu and givethe people in attendance a chance to exhibit their lilierality. Several weeks ago yopr well informed columns assured us that am ide accomodation can lie obtained, and cer tainly all in attendance w ill lie accomoda ted temporarily and otherwise. The general inquiry throughout the county is : why don't the officers tell us w hat to do ami we w ill take care of the balance. Now all that is necessary. Is !ir those in authority to meet, lay plans, make out a programme and then let all go to work and who will doubt its success or the liene licial influence exerted. I'ulcss a rejxirt is soon given, those in authority may expect the severest censure from I he people. Vou;? for a good cause, Livk Yankee. MilClt'lII), MF.YEKS LONU. On the first day of SeptemlM-r, 172. by the Kev. Samuel Iiwry. at the residence of the same, Mr. John Meyers, ol Allegheny town ship, and Miss Elizabeth Long, of the same place. RHODES SAYLOIL On the 1st inst., at Siiesville, by Kev. H. F. Keener, Mr. Jos. F. Rhodes and Miss Mary A. Savior, both of Somerset Tp., nii:i. HECKEKT. On the 7th of September, Alice Juisa, infant daughter of J. A. and M. A. Hi'k.-rl, PgeM 2 months and 2- days. FOLLMEIt. On the 18th ult., Mrs. ta rah Folliner, of Coiiematigh Tp. aged 72 years. 4 months and 11 days. SWANK. On the 27th ult.. Esther Cath arine, daughter of Noah Swank, nged 6 months and 9 days. KONTRKET MARKET. t "unreeled weekly !- A. J. Caskbhcb k Co. Apple, dried. I. Aili-lulU-r. 4 teal lliui.T. Y Itui-kwheat, f l.ii-hil Hi- al. ( I, He 4iMli54 , loe t) ( auc He ; sc 1; tl UO 3e iii a& Ine 10 11 l 74 Jl-M-rtC TUc Sue 40C We lie 1 UO 3c w n tl SB tfl UU I'AlU IMalSe loe Jlanm, fl...ul.lt rs, f 1. pities Iiams " C.m, V I.usIm I i'urn meal V ('mil klm. V. Yvu. V J-'l.-ur. l.l. Kl.iiA-e.1 fl Im., (J lo.... Ijr.l. I. Ix allur, reil w.le, l . uiiier " " k'lN Otitn. Im Putnl.K-s V 'U Hearlim. .Irk-.l, y 1. Itye l l.u KaifK, V SalU N. 1, IM " tll.u " Ashton, " Snimr, yellow V Ii while " Tall. iw. V ... W liettt. il l.u. Wunl, y B Xew Advertisement. KP1IANS' C llv virtue if an order OUKT SALE. lssulnirout of theOndinns Curt nt Somerset eountv. Pa... to me directed. I ill sell at public sale on line premises, on SATURDAY, OCTOIJEK 19, 1874, at one o'clock, the following Real Estate to wit : A trai t ot land situated in Paint township. In said c.unty late the home of Barbara lllough, ad join lint lands of Benjamin Wilier, Olllian )ase, W idi.w I lie and otliera, eonUlnlng one hundred and elewn acres ami seventy 4 wo perches. The Im provement are about any acre cleared, and In a good state ol cultivation, alsait eight acres In mead ow, and a one ami a half story log house, log barn, and a siH-iug.uouse thereon erected ; an apple orch. ar.1 is growing thereon, and a spring of giwd water is convenient to the dwelling. iV uuimjiMved land Is well timticrod with oak, chestnut and other flin tier. Terms: Odc third In hand, and the balance In two equal annual yments. on the first April. 1874 and 1H75. with Interest. Possession to be given 1st April 1X73. Twenty Hrceut. of hand money u be id when sale is made, and the balance or hand money uu the first of April 1H73. DAVID J.LEHMAN, Sit 11. Trustee. WANTED. THE LINE OF THE S. & M. P. R E. For particulars, Inquire of I. Hcut a, Esq. Se4 11th. N. (i. KEIM. 2010 CROSS-TIES ox Netv Advertisement. i 1 EXKtt, J LAM AT W hrrens In i 1 KX Kit AI ELECTION' riUK'- ATIUN. unit lir the 1.1th seet Inn i.l Ilie a-t ol the tieneral Aiuetulily of l'ennsylvaiila, pasneil July -il, 1K3S, enutled "An art reiaiinir to me eiec tliu ol thlt Cumnmowealtli," it In enjoined on t lie Slierllf of every county to pive notice of puch eloc tlon to he held and enumerate in micU noli'-e what oftieem are to tie elected. In uruanee thereof, 1 Josiah Shnfer. Shrritl of the county of Konieiwl, do therrtore make known and arivo tlileiuliiic no tice to the elector of oaid wsinty of Somerset, that a Konera! elwtlon will he held lu nail) county on the Mivond TneiMtay, the nth day of llctoocr next, at the several election dintricts t'lieretn; at which tliue district and county officer, aa loiiuwa, are to be eleiel, to wit: ON E PEKSON for the office of Governor of the Commonwealth of Pcnnnvlrania. UN E PERSON for the office of Auditor Qcncral of the (loiunumwcatih of Pennsylvania. ONE PEUSON lor the ottte of Judte of the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania. THKEE PERSONS for Concreanmcn at largo for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. TWENTY-EItiHT PERSONS fur lKhate at larite to the CoiuitltuUonnI (Jotivenlion ot rennyi vanta. THREE PERSONS for Dcleiraten to tvmftitu tional Convention of the Commonwealth of Penn- .lvanla, in conjunction with the counllt-e ol liiitir, Fulton and Hi-dl.ird. ONEPHK.SON for Keiircwntiitlveln;oriKreffl In eonjunetlon witn tne cnunticn ui aoauii, r ran a lin. l'ulton and ltedlord. ONE PERSON lor the office of Member of the House of KeiireeenUMivee of Pc-nnKvlvania. ONE PERSON in conjunction with the counties of Ulair, Fulton and Rcdlord lor the office of State aenator. ON E PERSON for the office of Prothonotary, tor the eountr of Somerset. ON E PERSON for the office of Renter of Wills, Recorder of lloeds. ItC,. of the nmuty of oinerw-t. ONE PER.StlN tor the office ol Shcrill ol the eminlv of Somerset. ONE PERSON lor the office of Commissioner fur raid eountT. ONE PERSON for the office of Poor Director for Bald eountv ON E PERSON f. the office of County Auditor lor saia conntv. ON E PERSON for the office of Coroner for faid eountv. 1 also herehy make known and uMve notice that the )iutce of holdliiK theatorcsaid Keneral election in the several boroUKlia and Uiwnnliiiu within the county of SonM-racl, are as loiiows, to ii: . The electors. H the norouvh and townsliin of Som erset to meet at the Court llouse in said liorouiih. The electors of the towni'liili or AlillWnl to inert at the house lately occupied by Ueorge Kimiiiel, iu sal. i uiwusiiip. The electors of the b.rouah of New ('i-ntrevllle to meet at tlie school house in said ImrutiKh. The electors of the townnhipof I .n-r Turkey foot U) meet at the hou?e ol John A. Shullf lu said townahip. The electors of the township of Lower Turkey foot to meet at the scliool bouse iu I rsiua lioniuith in said tiwnship. 1 lie electors ..I the township of Addison to meet at the house of Isel I lean, lu l'elir.-lurK. In said township. The electors of the township of Mldilloereek to meet at the house occupied by Aaron Heckler In said township. Theelectors of the township of Elkllck to meet nt the new school house in the borough of Salis bury. Tne ejectors of the horouich of Salisbury to meet at the new school house in said horoui;h. The electors of the township of Summit to meet at the school house in Hale City borough. The electors ol the borouxh of llaiu City to meet St the school house, In said borough. The electors of the toMiiship ot tirecnville to UK-el at the house of Mckinzie, lonuirlv oc cupied by Oeora-e Ik. in said township, l lie eli-etors ol the borouin ol w eili.-rsliur to meet in the school houe iu said horouuh. The elective ot the tou'iudiip ot Soulhamptin to meet at the house ot John Slurti in said tovinlilp. The ele:tors of the towuship of Norllmuilitou to meet at the house ot Joint Poorbauli In said tMU- Hlllll. The electors of t he township of I-arlmer to meet at the house loruit-rly occupied by Wuu.May, iu said township. i ne electors oi tne norourn in riin to meet at the house of Archibald t'onipton in said lioroiitch. 1 lie elei'tors ol tne townsliin ol iiroi nersva I lev to iwect t Ultlner's sehiul house in said townsliin. The electors of the township of Slonycreck lo meet at the house kiruierly occupied by Jacob Will, Jr.. and now by John tiiieleher m said township. The electors iS. the l.nii-'li of Sitoystown to iiiei t at the house formerly occupied by Hl-ury J, Wilier, in saiu noniuu. The eld-tors of the township of (lueinahonlnif to meet at Ilia house of Jacob Custer, ol Stovstown. The electors of the township of Allegheny to meet at the house of Oeonte A. Kiuiuiel In said Uiwnship. The electors of the township of Conemnnirh to meet at the house of Peter Ivy in said township. The electors of the township of Shade to luecl at the house ot Jacob Heiman In sni.t township. The electors of the township of Paint to meet at the school house erected on the lauds of Heury Rerkey, in said tiwiuiifu. Tlie' electors ot the townilitp of Jenncr to meet at the house ol Thomas tiallavher, at .1 Minor X Ronds in said township. The electors of t he township of Jcflcr.-on to meet at tlie houseof Solomon linker )n said tovn..lu'p. The elector ol the borough of I rsiua will nieet at t lie school house in said toroui(h. The return judges ol the reie-tlve districts In this comity are required to meet atllio Court llouse in the ImroUKb ot Somerset, on Pri.lay. tlielith day of I letober, 1S72. then and there to perioral the duties enjoined oil them by law. Where a judt(e, by sickuess or unavoidable acci dent, is unable to attend such meetinir of ju.ixes, then the certificate ot return shall he taken cliarue of by one ot the lnsiectors or clerks of tlie election of tlie district, who shall do and ierlorm tlie duties rcipiired of tlie judve unable to attend. Mom t is IIkuebv Oivkx, That every ts-rson ei.'cptlng Ji) slices ol the Peace who shall hold any otllce or up)siiiitment ot )imlit or trust under I lie I'nlted Stales, or ol this State, or any city or cor iorated district, whether a commissioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or s''n' who is or shall lie employed under the legislative, executive or judiciary department of this Slate, or of any city, or of any incorporated district, and also, that every member of Congress and ot tbe State legis lature, and of the select or common oouiu-il ot any city, or commh"iioners of any incorporated district, is by law IncnpaUe of holding or exenlsing at tlie time, the office or apiolntiurut of Judge, Inspector or Clerk ot any election ot this comiuonn calih. ami that no lnsjiector. Judge or other officer o! su.lj election shall be eligible to be then voted lor. And the said act ot Assembly-entitled "an act re lating toelections of this toniiiionwealth.'1 passed July 2, IMS, further provide as Inflows. vi: "That the Inspector and Judges shajl meet at the respective places anuointed tor ho). Una the election in the district at which they nxqwctlvely lielong. belore 7 u'ciiN-k in the morning ot the SEt;- ONUTl EtellAY ti lATOllEK. and each sai. insjiector shall a..int one uierk, Wlio shall he a uuaiiuea voter oi u n District. "In case the person who ahull have received the hlglioat numbur of Votes lor inspector shall not aiieu.i oo tne uny ol any election, then the tier son who cliall have received tile second highest miuilier of votes lor Judgo at the next proceeding e ni l l.m snail act as an Inspector in Ins place, An.l in ease the person who shall have received tlie high est number of votes lor inspector shall not attend. the iierson elected Judge shall apioUit an Insjiec tor lu his place; and in case the iM.-ron elected a Judge shall not attend, then the Inspector who received ine nigiiesi nuinner ol voles snail apisilnt a Judge in his idacc: ami il anv vacancy shall con tinue in the I siar. I for the spare of one hour alter ine time nxexi ny law lor the opening ol the elec lion tne quaiiuen voters oi the township, want or district for which such oHtcershaU have Iieen elect ed, present at tlie plaiy) of election, euall elect one of their number to lilt men taenuoy. "It shall be thediit'v of the several assessors sc spectively to attend at the place ol holding eiery general, special i township election, during the whole time such election is kept o-n, lor the pur pose of giving Inloruiation to the Inspector and Judge, when called on, n relation to tjie rig lit ol any person assessed by them to vote at such elec tion, and on such other matters in relation to the assessment of voters, as tlie said lnsiector9 or euner oi mem snail lrom tune to ume require. "No iieraon shall be norm 1 1 ted to vote at anv elec- tlon asatoresaid, than a while cllln-n of the age of twenty-one or more, who shall have resided in this Stale at lent-ue year, and In the election district where he otters to vote, ten days immediately pre ceding such election, and within two years paid a Slate or county tax. which shall have been asscss- ea at least ten nays neiore tne election. But a ill ten of the fulled Stutcswho has previously been a iuaiiniMi voicroi iius nuiieamt reuioveu tnerctmin and returned, and who shall have resided in the elect inn district and mid taxes aforesaid, shall lie entit'cu to vote alter resi.ung in this state six U..,1. , 'UI ..'"I. M I.U. ,11,7 11,1 V II (-Vllll-U. 1 111- reiis of the Tufted btatrs, lietween the ages of twenty-one and lenty-tYo years it ho have relded II. a n.-,..i...l I'l... ,.. ....:.. 1 .. In the c ccllnn district ten (liivs as uloreaa I.l I'hal lie entitled to vote, although they shall not have (ml. I tax. Ity the ai t of Assembly of 1S60, known as the negisiry ijiw, it is proypitHi as lollowi: 1. KltK-tlon officers are to opun tlia polls between the hours of six and aeven A. M.. on the dav of the election. JSelore six o'clock in the morning ot sec ond i ucsuav Ol ucuincr tnev are to monlca nun the Couuty Commissioner the Registered List of oters anu ail necessary election blanks, and thev arc to permit no man to vote wliose name is not on said list, unless be shall make proof of his rlirht to loie us ioiiows; X The nerson whose name la not on the list. clpluiing the right to vote must prisluce a ipialilied voter oi me district to swear in a written or limited affidavit to t)e resUlece the claimant in the district for at least ten dars nest nrecollnir said election, denning cleaiiy where the resilience of tne person was. s. The party claiming the right to rote shall also mam an atn.iavit, lating to the best of his know! It. l edge and belief where and when he was born, that ne is a cituen of Pennsylvania and of the Uuitod States, UuU h has resided hi the State one year, or, if f'nnaerly a cjtlxen therein and reiiiove.1 there lrom, that be has resided therein six mouths next preceding aaM elestion, that he ha not moved Into Hie district for the purpose of voting therein, that ne naa para a bums or oounty lax within two yea rs, which was assessed at leant ton day before tbe election, ud the affidavit aboil state when and where the tax was assessed and paid, and the tax receipt mast be produced unless the affiant shall state that It ha been lost or destroyed, or that he rvcviveu none, - 4. If the applicant be naturalized eititen, he must, u audition to the lisregolng timors, state in his affidavit when, where, and by what court he was natuniliic.1, and produce Ins ecrtiheate of nat ural ixat ion. 6. Every person claiming to I a naturalitcd rlt Ixen, whether on the reirlsirv list or iiPMlucinir affi davits as aliiresaid. shall lie required to pnstuce his naturalization cert locate at the election iielore vot ing, exwpt where he has Iieen tor ten years consec utively a voter in the district where he otters to Vote: and on tlie vote or such person being receiv ed, the election officers are to write or stamp the w.ird "voted'' on his certificate with the month and year, awl no other vote ran lie cast that day in vir tue of said certificate excel where sons are enti tled to vote Usin the naturalization of their father. t. If the person claiming to vote is not register ed shall make an affidavit that he Is a native born citizen of the I'nlted States, or. If born elsewhere, shall iirodnee evidence of his naturalization, or that he Is entitled to cUUeushlp by the reason of his father' naturalization, and lurther, that he is lietween 21 and '1 year or age, and has resided In the Slate one year, ami In the election district ten days next preceding the election, he ehull lie Milled to vote tluiugh he shall not have pald taxes. "Every person qualified as aforesaid, and who shall iiuiko due proof II required of his residence and iayincnt of taxes aforesaid, shiil be admitted to vole in the township, ward or district lu which he shall reside. "If any ierson shall fire vent nr attempt to pre vent any officer of an election, under this act lrom Molding such election, or use or threaten any vio lence to any such officer, ami shall Interrupt or Im properly intcrlere with hi in lu the execution of his duly, shall block up or attempt to block up the win dow or avenue to any window where the same may lie hidden, or shall riotously disturb the peace ol such election, or shall use or practice intimidation, threats, force or violence, with the design to influ ence unduly or overawe any elector, or prevent him Ikiim voting, or to restrain the freedom ol choice, such persons on conviction shall be hned in any sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, to lie Imprison ed for any time not lesa than one nor more than twelve inont hs. ami If It shall be shown to the court where the trial of snch otfenee shall be had, that the person so offending was not a resident of the city, ward or district where the said otlence was oouimttted, and not entitled tovote therein, on con viction, be shall be sentenced to pay a fine not less than one hundred or more than one thousand dol lar, and be imprisoned not less than six month nor more than two year. -II any person or person shall-make any bet or iVcio AJcertiemeutf: wager Um the result (if an ilecllon within the Commonwealth, or shall oiler to make any such bet or wager, either by verlail proclamation thereol or by any written or pruned anveniscmeiit, or invite any ierson or persons to make such bet or wager, upon convl.f I.hi thereof lie or they shall Inrfcit and jwjjr thtce time the amount so bet or olicred to bo And the election laws of the Commonwealth fur ther nrovide that "lhe lnsncctora. Judges and clerks shall, liclore entering on tlie duties of their offices, severally take and auhscrilie the oath or at ttrmution hereiimller directed, which shall lie ad ministered to them by any Judge, Alderman or Justice or the Peace; but It no such magistrate be oecsent. one of the Inspectors ol the election lliall oilininister the oath or affirmation to the other judge, and iusiector. and then tlie inspector so ualilted shall administer the oath or atliruiatloo to hi m. "The Inspectors, judge and clerks required by law to hold the township and general elections. shall take and subscribe tne several oat ns or affirm- at Ions, required by the lWth, 'Aitta and 21st section of the act of the -id day of July, 1MB, entitled "An act relatimr to the elections of this Common. wealth," which oat ha or affirmations shalllior.ro iiured ami asiministerod in the manner lueacruied hi the Uth and 'Ad section of the said act, and lu addition to the uowereonlerred by tbe 18th section of .said act, the Judge or either of the lnsioctora shall have power to administer tne oains prescrib ed by aaid out toany clerk of a general or township election. The following shall he tbe form of the oath or af Armatioa to he taken by each inswctor, vli: "I (A. ii.) do that I will duly attend to the ensuing election during the continuance thereof, as an In siicctor and Unit I will not receive any ticket or vote from any person, other than such as 1 shall llmi ly liclieve to lie, according to the provisions of the constitution and the laws of this Commonwealth, entitled to vote at such election, without requiring such evidence nf the right to vote as is directed by law, nor will I vcxatioualy delay or refuse to re ceive any vole from any wrson who I shall liclieve to lie entitled to vote as atoresald, but that 1 will in all things, truly, impartially and laithlully per form my duty therein, to the best of my judgment and abilities, and that 1 am not directly or indl rectly interested in any bet or wager on the result of tills election.1 The following shall lie the oath or affirmation of each judge; vis: "I fA. a.) uu that 1 will as judge duly attend tho ensuing election during the continuance thereof, and laithlully assist the in siectors In carrying on the same; that I will not give my consent that any vote or ticket shall be re ceived lrom any iieraon other than such as I firmly lK-lieve to lie accorumgio tne provisions oi tne con stitution and laws of tills Commonwealth, entitled tovote ut such election, without requiring such ev idence ot the right to vote as is directed by law, and that I will use my licst endeavors to prevent any fraud, deceit or abuse in carrying on tlie same l.y It liens quinine.! u rat, or outers, ami mat 1 will make a true andriect return ol the suld elec tion, and will In ull thing truly. Impartially an.l laithlully jierlorra my duly resiectlng the same to the best ol my judgment anu anilities, anu mat 1 am not directly or indirectly Interested in any bet or wager on the result of this election." The following shall be the orm of the oath or af firmation to lie taken by each clerg, irije. l (A. B.) do that I will impartially and truly writ down tlie name of each elector who shall vote at the en suing election, which shall be given me in charge, and also the name of tlietowndiip, ward or district wherein such elector resides, and carefully and irulv write down the number of votes that shall be given for each cap'l.lati- at tho election as often as his tiams shall lt read to ue by the Inspectors thereol anu lu all tilings truly and iatiilully per Inrm my duty resiieetiiigthe same to the best ufny judgment and ability, and that I aw not dirlotly or indirectly Interested ill any but or wager on tlie re sult ol this election." The uua Illicit electors will take notice of the fol lowing a.-t of Assembly, approved liith day of March. An Act Regulating the nmde of votlinr at all elections ill tlie several counties of this Com monwealth. SUTH 1. He It enacted by the Senate and House ol Rcnresentatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania In ifeiicral Assembly met, and it Is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the qua Idled voters ol the several counties of this Commonwealth at all general, townsliin. bornuirh and sjieclal elections are nen-oy, nereaitcr, author Ized and required to vote, by tickets, printed or writ ten, or partly printed and partly written, sev erally classiiled as follow: Uiie ticket ahull em brace the name of all judge of court voted liir, and to 1 lalicllcd, outside "judiciary;" one ticket shall embrace the name of nil Statu officers voted for. and he labelled "SUito;" one ticket shall em- race the names of all county officer voted for. in cluding t he office of Senator, member and memls-rs ol Assembly, it voted lor, and member of Con gress, il voted for, and lie labelled "county;" one ticket shall embrace tne names oi ail township of -tl.-er voted lor, and lie lalicllcd "township:" one ticket shall embrace the names of all Isiroughof beers voted lor. and lie labelled "borough;" and each class shall be dejiogiied lu scpurale ballot- ImxeS. See. 3. That It shall bo the dnty of the Sheriffs In ll:e scu ral counties nf this Commonwealth to insert in their election pmclamatl.ms hereafter is sued the first section of this act. JAMES R. KELEEV, Siieakerof the House of Reiircsentative. DAVID FLEMMINO, Sieakcr of tho Senate. Approved the 1.1th day of March, Anno DouiIdI one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six. A. (1. Cl'RTIN. E)eclj..n officers will take not ice that the act cut I Ih-d --A Kurt her Supplement to the Election 1-aws of Ibis Commonwealth," disqualifying deserters In in the army ol the l ulled States lrom voting, has recently l.i n declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court ol Pennsylvania, Is now null and void, and that all Jiersous formerly disqualified tlnT. un.lcr are now hiwlul voters, II otherwise quallhcd. l o Iht ( outiy CummllMioncrl and Sheriff oj Ike ounfy of Sumertii: II 7. (-no i. The Fifteenth Amendment orthc Con stitution of tlie I 'nlted States is as follows: SiceTioa 1. The right ot citizens of the t 'nited State's to vote shall not lie denied or abridged by the I uitcd States or by any Slate on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. Ski-. 3. That CsHigrcs shall have Imwertocn-fon-e this article by appropriate legislal inn. Ami whkrmcah, '1 he Congress of the I'nlted Slates oil the ?lrt dav of Slarch, 1S70. passed an act entitled '--In art fi tnfore th( rW o ciii rcn of Ike Inttid Mures to vole in Iht several Stale of Ike I aion and for otker purpoter." the first and second section of which are as follows: "Swtiom 1. be il enacted by Ike Senate and lluuse of Rrpreirnlalivet of Ike I nited Slaletof Ameriiain t'onorcss attenbled. That all citizens ot the I'nitcU States who are or shall he otherwise qualified tovote at any election by the ieoplc in any State, Territory, district, county, city, jiarish, township, schisil district, municipality, or other ter ritorial svilllyl-ion shall tie entitled and allowed to vote at all tucli elections without distinction ol nice, color, or previous condition of servitude; any consiltutlun, law custom, usage or regulation of anv State or Tcrrttoiy or by or under its authority to the contrary notwithstanding. Ski', i And be il furlkcr enacted. That f by or under the authority ol the oonstitutfori or laws of ufiv fcitatf, or the laws ol any Territory, any act Is nr "shall lie required to be dnne as a prerequisite or qualih.-ali.4i l"T voting, und by such oonjtjtuilon or laws persons or officers are or shall be charged with the M.rlnrmance ol duties ill furnishing to citizens an importunity to perlnrm such pn-requlslu-s. or to become qualitied tovote, it shall be the duty of cveryfsucb jicmons ami officow to give all citizens of the ( nited States the same and equal opjmrtunltv to perlnrm such prerequisite audtobecoiuequallrf ed to vote without distinction ol race, color, or pre vious condition of servitude; and If any such jier son or officer shall refuse or knowingly omit to give full cftect to this section he shall, lor every such of fence forfeit and Jiay the sum of five hundred dol lars to the jierson aggrieved thereby, to lie recover ed by an action In the case, with lull costs and such allowance for counsel fees as the court shall deem gust, and shall also, forevcry siu-h otlence, he deem ed guilty of misdemeanor, and shall, en convic tion thefeof. Le hned tt less than live hundred dollar or be imprisoned not less than one month and not more than one year, or both, at. the discre tion of the court. A nd vkereat. It Is declared by the second section of the sixth article ol the Constitution ol the Unit ed t.ite that "This Constitution and the laws of the Cnited attate which shall be mode In pursu ance thereof shall lie the supreme law of the land, anything in the Constitution or laws of any Stat to the contrary, notwithstanding. And vhtrtat. The legislature ol this Common, wealth, on the Dili day of April. A. I. 1870, jiassed an in t. "A lurther supplement to the act relating to elections In this Couiuttfflwealth," the tenth sec tion or which provide as follows: So-. 10. That so much of every act nf Assem bly as provide that only while freemen shall lie entitled to vote or be registered as voters or as claiming lo vote at any general or special election of this Commonwealth, be and the same Is hereby repealed; and that hereafter all freemen, without distinct Inn of color, shall be enrolled and registered according to the provisions of the first section of the Oct approved the luth day of Airll, lMo. entitled "An act further supplemcuuil to the act relative to the elections ol tin Commonwealth!" and shall, when otherwise qualified under eijtlnj; la,js, tie entitled to Vole at all general and iieciarelection ill this Commonwealth. " And vhtrtat. It Is uiy constitutlimal and official duty "to take care thai the laws lie t:it lititlly exe cuted;" and t ha come to u.y knowledge that sun dry assessor and register of voter have refused and ore refusing to assess and register divers color ed male citizens of lawful age, and otherwise qual ified a elector A'oie, Ikerefore, Tn consideration of the premises, the county Commissioners of said county are here by notined and directed to instruct the several as sessors and registers of voters therein to obey and conform to the requirements of said constitutional amendments and laws: and the Sheriff of said eountv Is hereby authorized and required to pub lish In his election proclamation tor the next ensu ing election t,o licrclp recli-dcoisttutonalaliieiJ-uient, act oi Congress, and act of the legislature, to I he end that the same may be known, executed and otieycd by all assessors, registers of voters, election officers and others, and that the rights and privileges guaranteed therein may be aecared lo all the rilizciis nl the Commonwealth entitled to the same. i. h,1 (liven umh-rmy h.in.l am the great seal of the State, at llanlsburu, the day ami year nrst almvc written. JOHN W. GEARY. Attention Is also called to the following Joint Resolution ol the Senate and House of Rcnresent atives of Pennsylvania, and the following Act of Asseminy, viz: He it reiolved by Ike Senate and Uoute of Rrpre tentativet of Ike Commonweallk of Fenntylvania in Ueneral Aitembly met. That the followinir am endment of the constitution of this commonwealth be proimscd to the people lor the ir adoption or re- jccll.m. pursuant to tho irovisianof the tenth art icle thereof, to wit: AMrsnxKST. Strike nut the sixth section of the sixth article of the constitution; ami insert In lieu thereol the fol lowing: "A slat etressurer shall lie chosen hv the qualitied electors of the state, at such times and I.W such term of service as shall be prrscrilied by law." WILLIAM ELLIOTT, . Sie:ikcrof tlie House of Representatives. - - - JAMES B.RCTAN, -' Sieakerof the Senate. Arpnnvwi The twenty-second dav of March. Anno Ik. mini one thousand eight hundred ami sev enty-two. JNO. W. UEARY. ACT OF ASSEKSLT. . . Whkrka. A loint resolution, nronoslna- a cer tain amendment to the constitution of this et.in UHjnwuailli, has been agreed to by a majority of the meniliers elected to each house of the legislature. at t wo successive sessions of t he some, the Urst ses sion commencing on tlie first Tuesday of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hund red and seventy-one, and the second session com mencing on the first Tuesday of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two: Ana whereat, it is provides! m the tenth article of the constitution that any amendment, so agreed uion. suaii oe sumnitieu 10 me ieojite In such man ner, and at such times, at least three months alter being so agreed to by the two houses, as the legis lature shall nrcscrliic, such subscription to lie In such manner and form that the people may vote for or against such amendment ; therefore. Su TKiN 1. he it enaded by the Senate and tioute of Representatives of the 'ommonwealtk of I'm sylvania in Ueneral Assembly met, and it is here by enacted by the authority of the same. That for the purpose of ascertaining the sense of the people ot this eonnnonweallh in regard to the adoption or rejection of said amendment, the governor of tlie commonwealth shall issue a writ ol election, direct ed to each ami every sheriff of this common wealth eouuiamling them to give notice in the usual man ner. In not less than two newspajiers In each city and county; If so many are published therein, and by at least two printed handbills in each election district In every city and county wherein no news- par 1 published, that an election will be held In each id the townsnlD. boroughs, wards, urwinsu and districts therein, on the second Tuesday of tic- toner, in me year im our unu one lIM.UMtlld eight hundred and seventy-two, for the purpose of decid ing upon the approval and rallhiallou or rejection New AJcertiwhuiil. of the tali amendment; which ul eloclion , shall be opened, held ami closed, upon the day lasts Dire said, at the places ami within tho hour at and within which the general elections nf this conn noo wealth are directed to be opened, held ami do ed; and II shall lie the duly of tho judges, Insjiet tor and clerks nf each of said townships. Impai) ;hs, wards, precincts and district, to receive at the said election tickets, either written or printed , or jiartlv written and partly printed, from each of the qualified voters of this state, who may oiler tho suine, and to dejKisit them in a box or boxes to he, lor the purpose, provided by tluj proper officers); which tickets shall tic labelled on the outside "awn endment to the constitution," and on the Insiilo "for the amendment" or "against the amendment Setiok That the election on the said propos es amendment shall. In all resneets. be conducted a the general election of this commonwealth are now conducted ; and It shall he the duty of the re turn judges of the reiectlve counties and district thereol, nrst navingcarciuny ascertained tne num ber of votes given for or against such amendment. to make out duplicate returns thereof, expressed in words at length, ami not In figures only; one of which returns, so made, shall he lodged In the pro thonotarv'solflceof tho court of common pleas of the proicr county, and the otiier sealed ami directed to tne secretary Ol tne eviDiinonwumim, Mm iij oue oi said judge deposited lonnwun in me most eoave nient fiost office, upon which postage shall be paid t tho expense oi tne proper county. SECTioa 3. That It shall be the dnty of the seere- tary of the commonwealth on the second Tuesday of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand einht hundred and seventy-three, at twelve o'clock M., on that day, to deliver to the Ssaker of tho senate, or tho speaker of the house of reiircsenta tive, the returns of the said election from the sev eral counties of the commonwealth; and the same shall, on the same day and hour, beopened and pubv fished in the presence of the members of the senate and house of representatives, and the votes given for or against said amendment shall lie carefully summed up and ascertained, and duplicate certifi cates ol the result shall he signed by the sjieakcrs of the two houses; one of suld certificates shall lie delivered to the secretary of the commonwealth, who shall cause the same to be rooonted and hied In his otllce, and the other of said certificates shall tie delivered to the governor, who shall forthwith Issue his proclamation, declaring whether the said amendment has been approved and ratified by a majority of the qualified voters of the state voting therefor; Provided. That if, for any cause a quo rum of either house of the legislature shall not lie present at the day and hour above mentioned, the suld votes shall lie oionod In the presence of such members of said house as shall lie present i and in case of the absence ol tho saiaker ot either of said bouses, the cei-titicntc shall Is sinned by the speak er present, or In the nose id tho abseuoe ol both siwukers, by tho chief clerk of both liousesi or ei ther of them, In the ease of the absence of one of said clerk. Sa-TK.j 4. That the several dutlc required to he ieriiirmed by the sheriff, commissi. mers. consta bles, Judges, lnsKMitors, and all other officers what ever In and about the general elections of this com monwealth, shall beperlbrmed by such officers In and about the election herein provided for; and all persons, whether officers or others, shall be liable to theTsame punishment for the neglect of anv duty. or the commission of any offence at, in nr aliout the said eieotion. aa they would lor tne neglect of like duly, or the eowiulssion uf tlie like oflepoe, at, in nr about the general elections of this common weal in. W 1UL.1A.11 &I4L.IO1T, Siieukcr of the House of Representatives. JAMES S. Rf'TAN, Speaker of the Senate. Areiiovtn The eleventh day of April. Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy two. JNO, W, UEARY. Attention is also called to tactions one and two of the act of Assembly, aiifisoved April nth, uvi. entitled "An Ant to provide lo calling o conven tion to amend the oonstltutlou ol tliisoumwon. wealth, a lollow: SKitiom He it enacted, l e.. That at the ireneral election to l held on the second Tuesday of f k-to. ber next, there shall lie elected hv the oualltted electors of this commonwealth, delegate to a con vention to revise ami amend the constitution of this state; the suld convention shall consist of one hun dred and thtrtr.thrc niemlmra. to lu, 1111 In tt. manner following: Twenty-eight members thereof snail ne erected in tne state at large, as iniiows: been voter of the state shall vote lor not more than fourteen candidate, and the twenty-eight highest In vote shall bo declared elected 1 ninoty-nine dele gates shall be apportioned to and ciecUd ttoui the dlUeront senatorial districts of the state, three del egate to tie elootod loreunh senator therefrom t and In choosing all district delegates, each voter shall he entitlod to vole for not more than two of the member tn lie hoen from his district, and the three candidate highest in vole shall be declared elected, ex.tpt In tlie county nf Allegheny, form ing tne 1 wcnty-tnird senatorial district, where no Voter shall vote for more than six candidates, and the nine highest In vote shall be elected, and in the counties of Luzerne. Monroe an.l Pike, forming the 1 hirteentn senatorial district, where no voter shall vote fur more than four eandldates, ami the six highest In vote shall be elected ; and sle additional delegates shall be chosen from the city of Phil.idcl. phla. by s vote at large in said city, and In their election no voter shall vote for more thanthree can didates, and the six highest in vote sliall lie decla red elected. Swtiom 2. Tho following regulations shall ap ply to the alorcsatd election to be held on the sec ond Tuesday ol Octotwr next, and to returns of the ame: First. The said election shall be held ami con ducted hv the iroier election ottii-ers ol the several election districts of the commonwealth, and sliail tie gnvernisl and regulated tn all rei-ets ny the general electinn laws nl the couiuumweAtth, so tar as the same shall be applii-abte thereto, and not in consistent w ith the pmvisiiais of this act. Second. The ticket to lie voted for members at large o the convention shall have on the outside the words, "dulegate at largo," and un the Inside the names of the candidates to be voted tor, not ex ceeding fourteen In uumlr. Thirl. The tickets to tie voted for district mem liers ot the convention shall have on the outside the words, "district delegates," ami on the inside the name or names of the candidates voted for. not ex. ceding the priqier number limited as aforesaid ; but any ticket which shall contain 0 greater num ber of names than the number for which the voter shall be entitled to vote, shall be rejected: and In the case of the delegate to be chosen at large In Philadelphia, the words, '-cily delegates", shall lie on the outside of the ticket. FoHtth. In the cily i.l Phlhulelphja the return Judges shall meet at the state house, at ten o'clock on the Thursday next following the election, and make out the return tor said city, of the votes cast therein for delegates at large and city and district delegates, to lie members of the convention ; the re turn judges of the several election districts within each county of the state, excluding Philadel phia, shall meet on the Friday next following the election, at the usual place for the meeting of the return judges of their county, and shall make out full and accurate returns tor tneoountv. ut the votes cast therein lor meinlier of the convention and for district members of tlie same; and the proceedings of the return fudges of the said city of Philadel phia, and of the several counties ot the common. wcaiui, 111 the making o their return, sliall lie the same as those nrescrilieil lor return ludu-es in thu case of an electVm for governor, eucpt that returns transmitted to tlie secretary of the eoiiimooscalth. shall be addressed to that officer alulie, nud not to the ieaker of the sonata. (liven under my hand at uiy ortioe in Somerset, this 11th day of September, in the yearol our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, and in the ninety-seventh of the Imteienilence of the l lined Biate. JU5IAI1 riri.lt EK. Sheriff. ctttst o U 0 o u a 8 02 HECEIVEP AT Iff. KIPPER'S GOODS, NOTIONS, s ft S'aEOCERIES. M i He sure to call uud see, and lie convinc ed, as tliefe are t.-o uuny articles kept Cr. ri enumer.ition. e9 rM ufrosiTi: smi:usi:t iioisi:, StlXKUHET, PA. JulylT " A. W. KNKFPEK. N OTICE. The Regular Baptist Church of Tarkeyfoot ha apjdled to the Court of Common Pleas ol "Somerset County, for a charter of incorporation, and unless sultlcient cause is shown to said Court, on Thursday Scitemliertlie rAh, 1ST-', the same will lie granted bysaldOmrt. liK.NMS MKVKRS, aug-.'l r'roihonotary. J01LV WILSON & SOX, 1V1IOLKS.1LK f;itOCKItS, 207 Liberty Street. PITTSBUKGH. june.-Jo, 'Tit "yy ANTED. (Rssl Agent ererywlicre, to sell the Light Run ning; New Iinprured ! Banner Stottle Seiini Machine. Simple, Durable, Substantial. The easiest to sell lu t he market. Price only -t5. HKYANT MKHW at CO.. fleni Agents, No. 1 Sixth (Uite St. Clair) SL, nug 21, I'ittsburgh, Pa. JM. LVSIXOEIl, WITH Tr. E. SCUMERTZ & CO., Wholesale Manufacturers ami Dealer In BOOTS & SHOES, As 31 Fifth Avenue, Bock Block, ri TTSU UllGH, PA. W. K. BCBMUBTZ, T. A. EAMMgBKU, . V. bl HM1NO. Manufacturer!) of Ladles' Mtsfea and Children' Seweil Shoes; also, Agent lor the sale of Walk er's Roots. Beptf ll h Leijttl Nittivet. DM I X I STItA TO IIS X OT I CE. IiCtteTS of Administration on the estate of Mary Tedmw, late of New i entrevlllo Isimugh, Somer set County, deceased, having been bucd n, il, dcrsigned, by the Register or said county, I hereby give notice that I will attend at the residence of Mary? Knable, In said borough, on Sal unlay, the jBiiinayni ociKcmocr next, wnen tuose imi,.trf.i to said estate arc requested to make paymnit, ami those having claims against ouid estato will ore. sent them lor settlement. JONAS TEDROW. August 27th, l7i Aduilnlstrabir. JXKCU ute of Will TOll'S NOTICE.- I'llllam M. Horner, late of Summit Tp., Letters testamentary on the above estate having been grunted to the undersigned by the proper au thority, notice is hereby given to those indebted to it to make immediate jiayment, and those having claims against It will present them hi the under signed for settlement, at tbe late residence of said deceased, on Saturday, the IVthdayoriictohcrnext. SAM L' EL A". MAI'ST, oug. 28 Executor. ISTER'S NOTICE. Notice I hereby irtven to all ncrsona concerned as legatees, creditors und others, that -the following acmunts have .:isse.l Register, and that the same will be prescutcd for continuation and allowance at an nimns' !urt, to lie held at Somerset, in ami for Somerset 'ounty, on Thursday, the K'tii day of September, IHVi : ' First and final account nf William El. hcr adnTr ef Albert Andrews, dee'd. First and final ai-count or Jacob Neff and Simon Young, exce'rs of Jacob Ynung, dcc. First and final account ol C. A. Stoy, adm'rof Levi Bowser, dee'd. First and partial account nr Joseph Iluuter ex ecutor ol Alex. Hunter, sr., dee'd. ' Final account of Jacob licrkev. exce'r or Al,. C. Meyers, dee'd. Final account of Wm. F. I'hl, adnTr of Charles Did, dee'd. Account ol Joseph and Jonathan Cable, Trustees of Jcnry Cable, dee'd. Account of Andrew Poorbaugh, adm'rof Susan na Poorbaugh, dec'. I. Account of David Lc hinan, trustee Ate. of Daniel Miller, dee'd, . Account of Anthony Flickinger, adm rof Saini Zelgler. dee'd. Partial account of John Samuel Heltk-v, dee'd. First ace'tol John Orlffith. Hilm-r or r r.. Is, due'd. First account of Wlllltim P,.n.i..r .!.., ,.r 1. 1.., Shoemaker, dee'd. First and tln.il account of li I. nmlSulw l'..u.h ly. executors of Wm. M. lluechly deed, who was executor of Abraham Huei-hly. dee'd. nuiisiKiisiirril'K, I 11, J. UOKKEK, Somerset, Pa., Aug Jfl. ( Register. An, Esttta o( PMIXISTRATOU'S X0TICE. Thotoai Jennings, late of Lower Ttrkcy- iooi in., ucceaseu : letters of administration cum (oms7ifniinnsTij on the above estate having been grunted the under signed, notice Is hereby given to those Imlel.teil to It to make immediate navment. and tli.mn l.ivi,, clulms against it will jm-sent them to the under signed for settlement, at his residence, on the "Alto day of Sqitemlier, 1372, J, y, JK.NMNUS. U4 7. Administrator. A DM I NISTHATO K'S X OTI CE. Estate of Samuel P. Ilittner, late or Summit Tp. Letters of administration on the above estate having Iieen granted the undersigned by the mier authority, notice is hereby given to those indebted to it to make immediate payment, and those hav ing claims against it to .resrnt them to the under signed for settlement and allowance, at the late res idence nf sui.l deceased, nn Saturday. Nci.lcml.er Uth, Wi. JAtf ill S. HiTTNKR, JO.NAS SAYLilR. Aug. 1. Administrator. I 1ST Of C ut down for trial a at Seiitemlier'Tcrm. 1st , com. mencing iHomtay, riejitemlier nth : Weld II. T. vsCouirhenour Levi. same y Neff John et al. Mostoller Ilanlel vs Casebeer Harrison. Hoaeher John vs Trliujie I). Sehlag Henry vsC'ollmrn Si Roer. K.s.nll Frederick vs Shruder Ut ite irl. State Rank vs Intield Ji.hn. Siinner t:imrles vs s. ai M. P. R. R. '. Raker Juhn II. v same. 'onnelly E. i. vs Jenkins Isaac A. Holland John vs Jones Sliiinley Sl i'o. FECfiMI WKKK. Pewees Wm. H. vs Shafer Jo-lah. Stoner John t . vs StonerCharles' Assignees. Turner L. A.'s Assignees vs st. k.i:ilc smith h Co., et nl. Same v Slick & Rlackbnrn. Same vs Klhart, Wit ti c:o. Same vs Klhart, Is.wnch St fvt Hi k Samuel vs Renioid !),. Sehell k Klmniel vs t.hiyrt.mb Henrv, hny.ler H. V. v Leopold l!ro. Nevilie f leorge vs Morgan Willlam- llerkey Ilanlel vs Hosh Joseph. Shank Henry v Zimmerman A. K et aL Hoyer Clarissa v Haer 11. II. et 11 1. Iiwdermllk Tin, vs M.-t ienry William et al. Hoyer Renjamin V9 Tressler Joseph. Klmmel James vs Mostoiler lhiuiel. Hamh W. S. v Sweiticr Simon et al. Wwlsworth Josejih vs Staid John 11. et ux. Schlrer Adam vs K.sl.ly a. Kiiwliuv. Same's use vs same. Sullivan Michael vs same. Sljic Jacob's ne vs Kimmel Singleton. Knx Samuel's use vs Turner L A. Trent William vs Dunham Sl Fox. Senrt lyiuls l Co. vs t 'raver Jacnh's (l:iml lno; I.udy I leorge vs Reed Juhn Mnrgarut I'rcvere Jacob vs Hohltie Wllliuui, Same v HoMitiell liruce. I Ic.hty Jnna v Sal. k Halt. R. R. f... Ilnlsnn Samuel vs Wilt Samuel. I'hilson Samuel tt Co. vs same. Hay Philip vs Ii..ly J,,hn 1. Kiniest d lKIp vs Kam-iH.-nr.-r Solnmon. 11. M KV KRS. Somerset, Pa., Uth Aug. '7'i I'ruthnw.iarr. "poll SALE A STEAM ENGINE, 25 Horse-Power, With Two Boilers. Address J. Forsyth haki:isox, A ug. -:s. 4 n iiilx-rlnrxl. Mil. J M. IIOLDEHIUUM Has for sale for the reason of lsT J W (Til J)K N 1HIOI T Fertilizing Attachment, THE BEST, Most PERFECT and Durable Drill Now In the market. It will be to the Interest of Farmers to call and seo It at his la nn-house In Somerset, before pur chasing any ol her. uir.;. JR0r0SEI) AM EX DM EXT to ms Constitution tfPeisjlyaiiii Joint Rraolntiai Pronnwlnsr nn Am rmliuent la I lie 4 uumilulioiiwr Praa wylvrtnln: f tt hesoh'ed by the Senate and llonie of Rrp risentalives of Ike I'ommonweallh of Pennsylva nia in General Assembly met. That the loll. .wing amendment of the Constitution of this Common wealth lie proposed to the people for their adoption or rejection, pursuant to tlie proy isious ol the tenth article thereof to wit: AMENDMENT: Strike ont the sixth section of the sixth article of the Constitution, and iusert in lieu thereof t lie folluwing: "A State Treasurer shall be chosen by the qualified electors of the State, at such times and lor such term of service as shall lie prescribed bylaw." WILLIAM ELLIOTT, Sienkerof the Hnuse of Representatives. JAMES S. RUT AN, Speaker of the Senate. Arpitovm The twenty-second day of March, Anno Domini oue thousami eight hundred and sev-euly-two. JNO. W. UEARY. Prepared ami certllicd fur publication pursuant to the lentil Article ol the Cnstitution. KKANCl.N JORDAN. Secretary of the Commonwealth. Office Secretary ol the Commonwealth, ) Harrisburg, June Mlh, 1M7Z JU13 MS FOll SALE. 1 will sell at nubile sale, on SATURDAY, the 21st day of Seplemlier IsTi, the tollowing tracts nl land, situated IS mile west of Shanksville. In Sto nycreek townshiji, known as the Rarckley lanns : No. I. Containing Ui acres: aliout 90 acres clear ed: the balance well timbered; adjoining Casper Kelhir ami others. No. -J. CouUlnlng w acres: 40 acres cleared, and the balance nicely corered with choice timlier, such as pine, chestnut and while oak. No. 3. Containing aN.ut TO acres; 2! acre clear ed, and the balance well timbered. No, 4. Containing Ml acres; XI acres cleared, and the balance also well timbered. The above tracts are all under good cultivation, well watered, and nicely situated lor stock and farm ing purpose. They all ad join tract No. 1. Persons wishing to purchase can have time on th band money by paying the interest. Terms made known on day or sale. AaV-Sule to eommence at 1 o'clock, p. v. iug U-et DANIEL MOS TOLLER. T7XECUTOIVS SALE ll OF Valuable Real Estate. Iiy virtue of the last will and testament of Sam uel Voder, late of Stonvcrcek Towhshiii, Somerset Comcrset County. Penn'a, deceased, I will expose to sale by public outcry, un tne premises, the loi low ing valuable real estate, late the property ol said deceased, on SATURDAYEPTEMRERM, 1872, At one oclock, p. m a valuable farm containing TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY ACRES, More or less adjoining lands of Jacob Welgle, Mat thias Walker. Jacob Snyder, Daniel Mostoiler. ami others. One hundred and seventy live are clear ed ami In an elegant state of cultivation; thirty acre are In splendid meadow: the balance of the land Is well tiintiered with white pine and oak. There are erected on the premises TWO TWO-STORY LOO HOUSES, A large Frame Bank 11am, over one hundred feet king, and other out-buildings. The farm is well watered, anil ha on It a lanre orchard of line bear ing fruit tree; also, a tine sugar-camp, of almost even hundred trees. Possession given the nrst of April. 1873. There will also be told on the same day, a nne lot of hay. mugs): Ten percent. 01 tne purcnase money to be paid on day of sale: one-third on the first day of March, 1HT3, ami the balance tn four epiul annual Kyments, beginning on the Nrst of March, 1ST, ireliase money to be secured by judgment on (he premises. RENED1CT1 VODER, August 28. Executor. I KELLER Seed - Drill, SOMERSET WELLERSBURG COAL, IU0X, FIRE-CLAY AND TIMHKR LAXD COMPANY. Nearly One Million Dollars ix first-class property IN SHARES OF TWO DOLLARS EACH. To Which is Added A Fund of Fifty Thousand Dollars in Cash, All to be divided amongst Shareholders as a majority may di rect at a meeting to be held on the 24th October, 1872. TO THE IFTTBXjIC : At a itil)Iie nifctiup- Iit-M at tins Court House, in the borough of Sont r-it, on Friday, the 10th day of May, a. d., 172, the undersignt-d wire apitoint- eti a committee to present to the puMic a brief .statement of the terrible dis aster inflicted upon the town, by the recent destructive fire, and apiei fcr aid in In-half of our suiTerin-' jn'ople. In dischanrinf? th?3 duty, we will en deavor to convey a faint idea of the fearful calamity in as few words as pos sible. About four o'clock P. m., on Thursday, ninth of May, a fire broke out in the western part of the town ; a fierce wind was blowing; at the time, and all efforts to check the flames proved futile. In less than two hours thi.s efhee beautiful town was laid in ashes. The extent of ground over which the destructive element rajyed is about thirty acres in the central part of the town, including all the .stores and hotels save one of each ; all the banks and oflices, including two printing offices, all places of business except pub lic buildings. One-third in area of the solidly built, and nearly the entire business part of the town is in ruins, and certainly three-fourths of the wealth of the place is utterly destroyed. Tbe fire raped with such relentless fury that the terror-stricken people had tt flee for their lives, and consequent ly but little of personal protK-rtv was saved. Indeed, many escaped with no other clothing than that ujion their person at the time. To a large initii-lx-r of the sufferers it is a total loss of every thing they possessed, aiid thev are left houseless and homeless, without a thing in the" world and deieiiil-ut ujion the public for bread. Others, ujion w hom the calamity is not so severe, are greatly in need of aid to enable them to take another "start in the battle of life. The loss w ill not fall far short of a million of dollars, and the total amount of insurance will not exceed one hundred thousand dollars. Generous public, that in the past has responded so nobly to the cry for help from foreign lands, and to the appeals of our own countrymen who have suffered like direful calamities, we call upon you in behalf of this sufferinf but hopeful people FOU AID SUBSTANTIAL AID. Your charities will confer a lasting favor upon them, and we sincerely hope that in the exercise of your liberality and generosity it will be like tie quality of mercy, "not strained, but twice blessed, blessing him that gives and him" that takes." Miehael A. Sanner, Esq., of Somerset, l'a., is the Treasurer of the Relief Committee, to whom cintribiition-s can be sent. LI) WAKI) SCULL,) AVM. II. KOONTZ, J- Committee. ISAAC IIUGUS, ) The above are the appeals of a miTering community, and the Wtlk-rsburg Coal, Iron, Timber and Fire-Clay Company, of Wellersburg. Somerset Co., l'a., propose to deliver to the Belief Committee all the profits arising from the sale tif shares. Somerset, T.v., June 2nth, 1ST2. Mr. JAMES LE FEY BE, Secretary. Dear Sir Your of the 11th in.-t. received. Appreciating your kind regards for our suffering people, we grate fully accept your tender of douation of 175,000 or more out of the proceeds of the sale of your Wellersburg or Somerset county lands, for the benefit of the sufferers by the late calamitous fire that laid our town in ruins. By order of the Belief Committee. A. II. Coffroth, Secretary. D. TVEYAXD, Chairman. Win. M. Schrock, Somerset, Pa., is the authorized agent for Somer-t t Co. a tig. 21, 1812. iilillilliiM :.,y s' In the wonderful medicine to which the afflict ed are above pointed fo relief, the discoverer believes be has combined in harmony more ol Nature' moet sovereign curative properties, which God has instilled into the vegetable king dom for healing the (ick, than were ever before combined In one medicine. The evidence of this fact Is found In tbe treat variety of most obsti nate diseases which tt has been found to conquer. Io tbe core of Bronehltfs, Severe Coafha, and the early stages of Conaoanp tlon, it bos astonished the medical (acuity, and eminent physician aronoitnce It the greatest medicaj dlcovery q the ago. While it cure the Mverest Coughs, it strengthen tbe system and parities) the fclood. By its great and tbor n.L'ti blood purifying properties. It cures all llumors, front the worst Scrotals to common Blotch, Pimple, or Eruption. Mercurial disease. Mineral poison, and their effects, are eradicated, and vigorons health and a snund constitution established. Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, lever "lores, Scaly or Hough MkUu, In short, ail the aumerou dis eases caused by bad blood, are conquered by thia powerful purifying and invigorating medicine. U vou feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, have ea low color of skin, or yellowish brown spot on face or body, frequent headache or dissiness, bad uste tn mouta. internal neat or com, alternated with hot flushes, low spirits, and gloomy fore bodias9, irregular appetite, and tongue coated, you are suSerin? front Torpid I.lver or "Biliousness." In many case of "Liver Complaint" only part ol these symptoms sre experienced. Aa a remedy for all such cases. Dr. Pierce's Ooldeu Medical Discovery has no equal, a it effects perfect cures, leaving the liv er strengthened and healthy. For tbe care ol Habitual Constipation of the bowels It is a never tailing remedy, and those who have used it for this purpose are load in Its praise. Tbe proprietor offers ft ,000 reward lur a medi cine that will squal it for Uw cure of ail tbe dis ease for which it ts reeommeniled. Hold by drutrgists at 1 per bottle. Prepared by R V. Pierce, H. D., Sobs Proprietor, at hia Chemi cal laboratory, 133 Seneca street. Budalo, N. K. bad your address tor a pamphlet UTIFICIAL TEETH!! J. V. YI TZY. DENTIST, DALE CITY, Somerset i'o., TV, Artificial Teeth, warranted to be of the very best quality. Laic like and Handsome, Inserted III tlie lieststyle. Particular altentinu wild to the pres ervation of the natural teeth. Those wishing to consult me hy letter, can do so Iiy enclosing slump. Address a above. jeliT J JOCAL AGENTS American Button-IIolo and OVERS EAMINO COMPLETE SEWING MACHINE ! JAMES ESPY, Cen'l Agent For Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio. Offiee 178 Lilx rti St., PitUburyh, Ta. Liberal Inducement ottered to county and local Agent. Auk. 1 3m Pennsylvania Female College, SEAR PITTSBllltiU, PA., Delightfully located on College Hill, away from the clty- smoke and noise, provides KiriMVuiy Ids- rational Advantages tor young ladies, with earnest teaching and common-sense management. Next terra willopea WEDNESDAY. September Utb. For catalogue and particulars, address Rav. JAM F.H BLACK, D. D, Pres't Tarm-EiM. Jauie Laughlln. Rev. W. D. How- srd, D. D., Judge J. P. Sterret, Rev. W. J. Rekl, Jas. King, M. D., Rev. S. F. Scovell, Rev. S. J. Wilson, li. IK. Hon Hubert Mcknight. Rev. M. W. Jacobus, D. II.. Wm. Bukewell, lion. J. K. More head, Rev. John II. Brown, D. D. augSl lu RELIEF FUND. rp THE WORKIXt) CLASS, male or female. .A too a week guaranteed. Respectable employ ment at home, day or evening no capital repaired : full Instructions and valuable package of g.sals to start with, sent free by mail. Address, with o cent return stamp, M. YOUN fc CO.. W Courdtlandt St., New .rk. AQ&NT3 VTAJTrED for the lives of Grant Greeley WILS01T BROWN nwoafaupwtie, Over 40 Steel Portrait. worth twice the cost of the book. Warned every where. Agents have wonderful success. S.-n l l.'.r circular. Address ZIEtiLER & MiVl'RIIY. lr Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. I Ajrlw Wanted for tho Autobiography nf -Horace Greeley, Tne het and only Edition written hv himself: ami foroor 1872 1'AMrAItiX LAS It I., a hook of the times lor all parties. Migrated, t me agent sold W in three days. Also, for Heodley g Uie of President Orant. and Splendid Steel Portrait Candidates. a mnnth niade. E.B. TKtAT. Publisher. S0 Broadway. New York. nntFnaiaali Uii.lut.ie7i Double Elevated Oven. Warming Closet. Iip.lling Door. Fender Ouard. lumping a Sh.-iking 1 8rat. Direct Dratt. FTLLER, WARREN kLU.aa Water Street, New York. L. R. NORTON, DEALER IS PIA.JSTO; STATE AGENT JKWETT sk C;001.UA ORGAN, 118 Smithaeld Street, Oliposite NewClty Uall, PITTS BVRO II, PA. luI3 Send for Illustrated Catalogue. JCOXOMY IS WEALTH To the Isalic. TRY ONE OF I31ess fc Drake's Improved Patent SelMIoatlng Smoothing Irons, Which is fa st becoming universal favorite through out the country. Thl Iron eontrtbute It full share inwards ecii ouiy in domestic life, ami is well worth the atten tion of every hnuckeeier. It is heated sini.y hv a tire inside, like aa ordinary stove. They are .if dltterent sites, weighing Iroiu five to eight j.un.ts. it saves one-thtnl ine time an ironing Is done with mwh less fatigue no danger of smutting tlie clothes, and when lruude they have a much better finish. It lends to the ironor a great degree of comfort, since, by the use of It, hot rooms ro ar dded. and the person is not subjected to the almost insulleru ble beat of a stove or furnoee in warm weather. A sufficient proof of the sntisioction whk-h It give, and the Cayor with which it is received, is the already large ami still Increasing demiml f,.r it. and which tell how last it i coming; into general ase throughout the country. Not only are the virtues of the Iron appreciate! at home, tut the true worth of it is becoming so ap parent evervhere. that thousands of them are now being add to various foreign countries. Such is the cunndence of the manufacturers in the excellency of this Iron, that they say it only needs a trial to prove Itsetl valuable to every house keeper, and we warrant them to give satutacUun il the direct! m are fully observed. SW.Vo rasae of Iron is required .'-ONE being all that is necessary for a family, as it can be kept cuMantly hot while in use, and only repairing One Celt's Warm of Cteal lor aa Ira. "I would not be without this Iron fnrfcw. tf I could not get another," Is tbe exeluuiatwu of those who. use the litele wonder. TRY IT! TRY IT- ttTFult directions enclosed in each iron. For sale by FRANK. II. St'FALU August th, 18TA Somerset, Pa. PMIXISTKATOII S NOTICE. i Estate of Frederick Elchorn. late of Elkllck town- snijl. ueceosni; Letter of administration on the above estate hav ing been granted the undersigned hy the jimper au thority, notice i hereby giveu to those indented tn b i...n.A.II,klrt tuivmenf at.) tK.M h..rini caims against it to present them, duly authemira- tai) ter Kttlement to the umlersigneil. at the bite residence of the deceased, on Saturday, the isth j r September, 187Z ' WILLIAM BENDER. August 14. Adnihiistrator. iii. i i. .....- J1U111UU VSUllrZ KMTUtlliarj . For Catalogue, term, ami refrrenccs. oiUrcss KLi. Jlr.rn niitwii, aagVt Im Holliduysl.ur,;, Ft. I I !l 5 J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers