The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, September 04, 1872, Image 1

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f Publication
Terms o
I The Somerset Herald
4 , . ylnesday MoratnE at ta
,!! invariably -U tiI1Ma until .11 r
s .ur,r.l. "1 " to
Eraser are paid Tm
,r 1" bt W " r.snofflo to an-
fr.ub.criber. r-w bJ rf th. fcrmer a.
irll mi the prnt oflK-
Icmprset Printing Company, :
Business Manager.
.. M "kimMEL wlUnimtinuetoprnetlee
K anl'tcnders bid servi-
M? ; f Snem nd surrounding
'". .. th. aid lew doors
Hotry. v r. '
nov. , L
-T- - ".ToT it k Kit tenders Jils pvofrmlunal
rK. n ciiitens "I Somerset ana vwm
V "1, door west of the Bar-
if. office iu residence, jan.11,'7".
l .
- TTMllX.liK has permaueutlv located
"I Yo trn tVr.rtl of bit pn-f.lou.-;
S Vurlv. Eh-lnger . Mure.
J." .
' 4 1 urulM M
ruined tii
""r .. -. i. lftM In nmideno of
fMIUH-lwi. - ,
77.nvviiiv ATTOKNKY AT LJ
n'.i drth'r tn rail el. riomerwt, will
. ,u btnm ntrnited to hlere with
ptut-ft nd ttJrllty.
UK. U lv.
i W. Somen, P.. will pmrtice In Son
H. '! them will l .mily ttnl to.
pan- 1-j . . . . -
H WM CHlLLlNS. ItENTIST, S.inenwt,
.' ' .t .11 timet be lound preiwrfd to do
lii-rc "r h .. ftlltnir.
if .r .7."" ii ...i nf
i 'l"l nmUrtai. Iiicerted.
Arunruti wiuwi " -
june 7, "70.
A ...t .i l,im.
"" i... ri.,iM. on Maiu streeU
IIU. " ,7 v -
n. 1. T.
(Pill!'- I" " '
a. "TIV lUVl'V tTl.l W
.T; e. oill attend to all bnsino en-
. b'i.hT tohu'rare In enwtand a.hoiuing cnun
? :';bhpr!n.,ne.d6del.ty. of .In Court
. " . ntn'TV A T ft Mf
.n.l KntT an nwioo airi,
.V . A
t iltlt in th Cuart How. jaa. mi.
The nn.1criirocd reTOeetfttlly Informs in
L. ii fcTiSid tbl well Vnown hotel In the
athof Snnenet. It It hit Intenti. i to keep
I . .ivk. i...-h I h.'l willKlve tBtitlaction U.
. 4,
. h mv t.vor nun inn ini-ir
4,.rl7 U
( siu. n't. I'a.. will k' promi attention to
, i usinew entnmuxl to bincare In Somertet ana
h..II UK OOUIlliea. tmo-wou im-. i -n
F . -i ..f v.i iv. til.
I h lie n niJi'iiuc of
f . I'a. Will Eiv.
jy. i t
, I'byaii'Un and llentlrt, Brlln.
ve i,nHiiK attention to ii ram
feler Hooiw." nn at oeenpled lieretolore ly
41' t . Muwr.
futfj to hiteare. omre one oowwrnm
A. (i.
ytr?" artife
. if riMnently lo
' miilruic. an1
MILLER, after twelve
nraetire la KhankIIle. hat
rated at Somenwt lor the urae-
Hi nii-licuii-. and teoiiert u roieii.ii
( H- In the tin !i(n lortnerly orenplea by
a to the rmu-ns 01 somenw.
. A
I meL u liere be ran oe cmsuueo i
I atalltltnes.
l a pn-trjuii mallv eniraffed.
0-ii;ht rallt jironnitly anrwere.!.
i . "My.
I .mi. Smnerwt. Pa. Pnrfmw tonal bnsl-
K-rtinlly nollHtea ao.1 punetaally atteud-
i Btuiut CanU,
Somertot, Penna.
i 4
LYONS &. Co.
l.Nl T.WT1 lit
iS k UEALtiiS IX
... . C.i.. i !
lr 15
Mr nw .rriare.l to do all klndt of i.Unlnn and
BMaauiMi'turiiit: ot liuiidinx mau-rials,
IlkACKETS, ke.
I'irt. inTtbini cpoerally nvd In houe build
hr. All kliul f ...rkiioiie loonier.
irr" irot
Valval 71
iirr" ipnptly tilled.
-4 - -
rMEs rroii,
now rired to maaufartare all kind of
He will alw jiromptly attend to
kelutthe BEST MATERIAL will Uated.
k rk done la the lateft and iwwt aj(roved
If at the
p-erv-t March th.
FairW's Stanflani
S C A. L K B ,
OT all kind, lie careful to boy
mly the genuine.
Scalet repaired promptly.
-Ainu. HairEai-e Harrows, Ware
i mrka, Impruvd Muiiey drawert, Ac.
lux Surond Avenue, PiltnlwrK.
c r n n i nTj li am ,
HVSK'IAN and surgeon.
1 i U, 14in.
( "pl'O'lte St. Charles Hotel.)
iilt StRCFT, I'lTTSBl ROH, Pa.,
yi1 r uf (uccDwar and Xaiinfae
tnrer of ('Uwirare.
uu-lrlgnrd It prejiared to manuutcture all
ai.tlr on hand a tuiiply of roatr and brass
mil can. ana au auaitof
liept In his ttnr Khon me d.air wert of
rtl! ' u,u Mtrwrt. Soenrnt, Pa.
uce Commission Merchants,
C.",,'!T ,rtrt'r Vamliislon, not Specula-f-l-eclal
atteatioa givaa
Y I M. HollMt... G . -
ij"' "" Co., M evert Mills.
?ult?M'2" "walt, Herlla.
, . , - . - , mem .
1 w Flow MiU ballt on the sit. t
f f Romenwt It turn-
rk2T dotb. hrm. kind ofVurk.
a f uaw ior all kinds of rraln.
' mc iiae MAT.
I he
Jobi P. Blymyer
Has re-oH'iiel bit (lore a
Few Doors Above the Old Stand,
And often to Ml ruHtomrrf and frlcndu a Tull Una
of good at Tery lowest r'CFS
Hardware of Every Description,
lVooden Hare of AH Kindt,
And everything bekmglnif to the I Jimp tnul.
A larve Mock ol
Table KnlveM and ForUw,
Together with many article, too numerous to men
tion In an advertlaement. lie hi determined to
tell at the very lowest rk-e. Olve him a rail.
June 11.1. -
For Business Men.
"The Reserve Fund Policy.'
Secures Sieeial PretertioH
Every Policy Holder.
For example: Supptxie yoa are thirty Be year,
of aire and take a ' Reserve Fund Policy " at or
dinary lile rate..
One annual payment will iucure you 2 ycarf and
Two annual uavaient. will insure you I year.
and 12 day.
1 nree annual paymenti will inrore job yean
and 27 daya.
li annual payment win inrare job iu year.
and M daya.
Six annual payment, will innir you lzyean
and 11 daya.
This Protection Applies to any Age,
And It exnv!.ly Mated In every PolUy.
This it UeertlfT that my late hutband,
R. Thomntnn. was inmred tn th. Herktbire Life
Insurance i Vnnlianr, Pitttfieid. Mast.
lieecuner lwtn, 1S7U, premium payaoie quaneny.
That two payments were made ap to June lvth.
1K71, that h. died October 1 St h, four mouths after
he failed to make hit paymcnt.
Tbe usual proolt of death were forwarded to the
Company, and the full amount of the policy, leas
the two quarterly payments due at the time of his
neat, was paid to m. uy tneir trenerai Agent in
Philadelphia, W. H. Ira vet. at their office, S. W.
corner Chettuut and Eleventh Streets.
W. II. Greene late of New York, Inmred a lew
year, since in the Berkshire Life Insurance Com
pany lor aa.buu: but owing to misfortune In bual
nem wat unable to make any paymeat to the
Company during oae year and five months prior to
hit deeeaae. 1 hav. this day paid (at the New
ork olhec of the t 'impany. 271 liruadway, corner
of Chancers street), three thousand two hundred
and ninety-nine aMlart. tbit being the full amount
due to hi. widow, alter deducting the overdue par
meats and luurest.
..... . J. H. FRANCISCl S,
New Y irt, March 11th, "7U. Suvrlotendent.
Head the Following
Claims Paid.
I.Ut of
James Joie. New York City, 11,000, payment
overdue 4 months.
F. H. C. Hampe, New York City, l,Mu, pay
ment averdue 4 months and t da vs.
Mrs. O. B. Hart, Cblrago, 1(1, AS,000, payment
overdue 7 months and 14 dava.
H. F. Moore, Huston, Mass., $2,000, aiynMnt
overdue months and 14 dava.
James H. Adair, New Mavtvllle, Ind., 12,000,
pavment overdue 2 months and 7 days.
Hernard tl'Orady, Detroit. Mich., 3.000, pay
tent overdue t years, 10 months and 11 days.
Jones I). EMabrook. Fitchliorg, Man., 1,000,
payment overdue I years, 1 month and 2 daya.
june 11-T2. Somerset, Pa.
The Improved
New Draw Feed,
There are some mints la a ftewlnr Machine thai
ladle, desiring to rchaee, ahoald taka Intoeon-
wwrauua, nasnely:
Lightness of running.
uaa aaa
Mapacily to d the Work Required,
Freedom fn Noise, and
Nun-LsaUlity to get oat of Order.
W. dalm that the IMPROVED ELLIPTIC
poetesses all these points, and that It is
Now Manufactiired.
And ws solicit an cxamlnaUon of It. Agents want
dto every eoaotr, to whom wa wiU gi,. tna aaost
liberal tarms.
EAION BROS., la Ftth Av.,P1tUiUlrgh, Pa.
My Brother's Keeper,
!tV L SLOCt'lf.
Fireside Journal.
Now is the Time to Subscribe!
We are preiHired to Eive to everr yearly VubteTi
ber A PAIR OF CHROMOS cntitfe.1
Thete picture, are each IZmVU Inrhea. uprixht,
OENl'INE CHROMOS. n eheap eolore.1 lltho
rrapha. They are FIRST CLASS CHROMOS,
un)iorted ti our onler. and will l r rritieal exam
ination. Ther ean not lie bnoEht alnirlT at the pic
ture dealer's (or le than FIVE I MILLARS each.
The picture, are mates. They will be tent pott
free to tuch at forward nt 1 00 for one year t tuh
teriptbio, or either will be tent lor tlx months' suh
trrlptbin. 1 SO. Six month, rohtcribera will pTeate
llnllcate their choice of premiuoit, la order that we
mftv know which to forward.
To tueh at irefer It, we will tflve. Inrtead of the
A Beautiful Steel Engraving,
"The Wreath of Immortelles."
Thl. S.lcn.ll.I picture, which represent, two little
Kirlt treiarinE to deeocate their father's (rrare. It
lHxal Inehna. It la pronounoeil one of the nnetten
EravltiEt In the country a picture such at would
Kraee any drawlnE-room la the land. It ean aot lie
ImUEht tu the .tores for less than 2 W per cojiy.
Cash Premiums to
Agents. .
We are riving the largeat CASH Pre
sniama vr ffirrrd im lte roantrjr.
Send stamp for information.
i-Slnle Coplet ran l had of Newsdealers
throughout the L nlted States. Hack numbers tup
plied MlaT-Samplc Copies mailed to any address on re
ceipt of rtinp. Address,
Ollut: Nolle Snrithneld SL. (Faam.ii. Hlw k,
opporile New City Halt.) Third Htorr.
tr.Xr.Rll ACiF-XTS t
The Pittsburgh Book &
News Company.
aug T, '72-lm.
England & Bindley,
263 Liberty St., PITTSBURGH, Pa.
A fall and complete Stock of Axes. Shovels,
Hues, Scythes, Snaths. Saws, Locks, Hin
ges, Nails, and
Blacksmirhs' & Carpeniers' Tools,
Agents for
Quality of Files UNSURPASSED.
This Knardv has lieen In use over fteeau vrari
and has cured thousands of cases eontidered incu
rable by the profession. It hat not failed in a sin
gle ease to give relief if not entirely cure.
It It particularly recommended In tb. following
dom plaints;
In any derangement of the Blood. In all diseases
pet ulmr lo females it is a cure and Wtrnoa krm-
In l hurt. It being a Kcmrjf acting through the
CirrW.fiea lac blood ua all the Important or
gant and emunctorie. of the body. It wiU cure al
most any curable disease.
Fur sale by MEY ERS fc ANAWALT, Berlin.'
Pa., aud by dealers In- Family Madlcinei every
where. July a 71 J
Grain Separator,
And Improved ,. ,
Tnjle Geared HORSE POWER
At a time like the present, when labor Is ecaree.
R ts lmiortant that farmer, who are Interested
should give attention to any improvement that will
tend to their relief. In the (reiser Separator tha
farmer will not only find a friendly labor-sariar
machine, but a
Great Economizer,
At can be substantiated by thousands who now
nave them In tueecttfut operation.
As a THRESH EK. H Isaqaal to tha best:
A. a CLEAN t-R. k a. suuarkort. any ether ma-
It Is the only machine that can, by oxe ope.
Tiojt, thuruugnl thresh and clean grain tat air mar
KETM It HAT. Klkllck. RomenetCo,. Pa., are
tlx sol aavnlt, and Saa'l Buger I not.
For preparing young men forooRegB and for tha ed
ucation of teachers, will commence lit next term
TUESDAY, Kept. 17th. No pains will be snared!
render both departments. Classical and Normal,
worthv of public patronage. Those purposing to
a Ua ml, and esMcialir thoa. detlrtaE boardinar at
elub ratoa. are requested to give ussarly notlc. Fur
tart her information apply to
stav. w m.
anglilm Hkt. W. F. BROWN.
irauci cabet.
When winds amona; the bllKhted bowers
Befran of eomlOE snows to talk,
I found a patch of golden flowers
Ono morning In my woodland walk ;
And all that day my heart was UkM,
For a soft whisper said to me,
Will not the love that keepeth briKbt
These little ooea, provide for thee?
Once when the eioads were full of ralu, ' '
And dark to deeper darkness grew,
A wild bird fluttered at my pane
And tone to me the long night through ;
Forgetting how the sky was blurred
With rainy shadows cold and gray,
1 sat and listened to my bird.
Till the broad east grew white with day.
In a lone desert plaea I tat
The earth was hot, and hot the air:
Far as the aye could reach, one flat.
Low reach or dry sands everywhere,
lint when my strength was alnxwt spent.
And sight to wavering darkness fell,
Lo the cool shadow of a tent.
And the soft murmur of a well.
Then said L looking back on all
My fears, be still, my heart, be still !
The evil hour eon Id never tail
Were there no power beyond the 111 !
My foolish fears within me died.
The clouds were lit with raintww gleams,
And the hot desert, far and wide,
L-vy like a garden tn my dreamt.
Tliere was a grand time over Buck
Fanshaw when he died. He was a
representative citizen. He had "kill
ed his man" not in his own quarrel,
it is true but in defense of a stran
ger, lieset by numbers. He had kept
a sumptuous saloon. He had leen
the proprietor of a dashing helpmate,
whom he could have discarded with
out the formalityof divorce. He had
held a high position in the fire depart
ment, and had been n very Warwick
in politics. When he died, there was
great lamentation throughout the
town, but especially in the vast Init
toni stratum of society.
On the inquest it was shown that
Buck Fanshaw, in the delirium ol a
wasting typhoid fever, had taken ar
senic, shot himself through the body,
cut his throat, and jumped out of a
four story window and broke his
neck : and after due delilieration, the
jury sad and tearful, but with intelli
gence unblinded by their sorrow, hro t
in a vefdict of death "by the visita
tion of God." What could the world
In witlinnt iurics t
' ' " . .
IVodigous preparations were made
for the funeral. All the vehicles in
the town were hired, all the saloons
were put in mourning, all the munici
pal and fire company flags were hung
at half-mast, and all the firemen or
dered to wear their uniform, and
bring their machinery duly draped in
Regretful resolutions were passed
and various committees appointed
anion a- others, a committee ot one
was appointed to call on a minister-
a fragile, gentle, spiritual new fledg
ling from an eastern theological semin
ary, and as yet unacquainted witn
the wavs of the mines. 1 lie commit
teem an. "Scottv Briere ." made his
Being admitted to his presence, he
sat down before the clergyman,
placed his hat upon an unfinished
manuscript sermon under the minis
ter's nose, took from it a red silk hand
kerchief, wiped his nose and heaved a
sigh of dismal impressivcness explan
atory of his business. lie cnoccu,
and even shed tears, but with an ef
fort he mastered his voice, and said,
in a lugubrious tone :
"Are you the duck that runs the
gospel-mill next door : '
"Am I the pardon me, I believe I
do not understand."
With another sigh and a half sob
Scottv rejoined:
"Whv vou see. we are in a bit of
trouble, and the boys thought may be
you'd give us a lift, if we'd tackle to
vou. that is, if I've got tne ngnt ol it
you are the head clerk of the doxolo-
gy works next door. '
"The which ?"
"The spiritual advisor of the little
company of believers, whose sanctua
ry adjoins these premises."
Scottv scratched his head, reflected
a moment, and then said :
"You rather hold over me, pard. I
call the card. Ante and pass the
"How ! I beg your pardon. What
did I understand you to say ?"
"Well, you've rather got the bulge
of me. Or may be we've both got
the bulffe somehow. You don't
smoke me and I don't smoke you.
You see one of the boys has passed
in his checks, and we want to give
him a good send, and so the thing
I'm on now is to rout out somebody
to jerk a little chin music for us, and
waltz him through handsome."
"My friend, I seem to grow more
bewildered, lour observations are
verv incomprehensible to me. Can
vou not simplify them some way ?
At first I thought perhaps I under
stood you. but now I grope. YY ould
it not expedite matters if you restrict
ed yourself to categorical accumula
tions of metaphor and allegory J ' .
Another pause and reflection. Then
Scotty said :
"I'll have to pass, I Judge."
"How ?"
"You've raised me out, pard."
"1 still fail to comprehend your
"Why that last lead of yourn is too
I many for me that's the idea. I can't
j neither trump nor follow suit"
The elenrvman sank back iu his
chair perplexed. Scotty leaned his
head on his hand, and (rave himself
up to reflection. Presently his face
came up sorrowful but coefident
"I've got it now, so you can savvy,"
said he. "What we want is a gospel-sharp.
See J"'
"A what ?" .
''Gospel-sharp, parson." .
"O ! why did not you say so be
before f I am a clergyman a
parson." .
"Xoxc you talk ! You see my blind,
and straddle , it like a man ! Put it
there !" extending s brawny paw,
which closed over the minister's small
hand and gave it a shake indicative
of fraternal sympathy and fervent
. ; "Now we're all right, pard. Let's
start fresh don't you mind me snuf
fling a little, becuz we're in a power
ful trouble. You sec one of the boys
has gone up the flume "
"Gone where ?" s
"Up the flume throwed up the
sponge, you know ?";
"Thrown up the sponge ?"
"Yes k'eked the bucket." !
l I
EST A B LI SIT ED, .18 2
' i.n-l.J L
"Ah has departed to myste
rious country from whose, bourne no
traveler returns." -1 .
"Return ? Well, I reckon not Why,
pard, he's dead." , J ' '
"Yes, I understand." '. '
"Oh you do ? Well, ;T thought
may be you might be getting tangled
once more. Yes, you see he's dead
again." - J.
"Again ! Why, lias he ever been
dead before ?"
"Dead before ? No. Do you reck
on a man has got as many lives as a
eat ? But, you bet, he's awful dead
now, poor old boy and I "wish I'd
never seen tbis day. I don't know a
better friend than Buck Fanshaw. I
knowed him by the back, and when I
know a man like him, I freeze to him
you hear me. Take hini all around
pard, there never was" a bullier
man in the mines. No 'man ever
knowed Buck Fanshaw to go back
on a friend. But it3 all up, vou know,
its all up. It ain't no use, , They've
scooped him !" V
"Scooped him
"Yes death has. Well, well,
We've got to give him up. Yes, in
deed. It's a kind of hard world, ar-
ter all, ain't it ? Rut, pard, he's a
rustler. You ought to see him start
ed once. He was a bully boy with a
glass eye. Just spit in his face, and
give hini room according to his
strength, and it was jest beautiful to
see him peel and go in. He was the
worst son of a thief that ever drawed
breath. Pard, he was on it, bigger
than an Injun !'' 1
"On it T On what?"' 1
"On the shoot. On the shoulder.
on the fight Understand f He didn't
give a continental for anybody. Beg
your pardon, friend, for coming so
near saying a cuss word But you
see I'm on an awful strain on his pal
aver, on account of having to cram
down and take every thing so mild.
But we've got to give him up. There
ain't any getting around that, I don't
reckon. Now, if we can get you to
help plant hini "
"Preach the funeral discourse ? As
sist at the obsequies ?"
"Obs'quies is good. Yes. That's
it ; that's our little game. We're go
ing to get up the thing regardless, you
know. He was always nifty himself,
and you bet his funeral ain't going to
be no :douch solid silver door-plate
on his coffin, six plumes on the hearse,
and a nigger on the box, with a biled
shirt and a plug hat how's that for;
high 7 We'll fix you all right. There
will lie a karfidge for you, and what
ever vou want, you just 'scape out
and we'll tend to it We've got a
shebang fixed up in No. l's house for
you to stand behind, and don't you
lie afraid. Just go in and toot your
horn, if you don't sell a clam. Put
Buck through as bully as you can,
pard, for anybody that knowed him,
will tell you that he was one of the
whitest men that ever was in the
mines. You can't draw it too strong.
He never could stand it to Bee things
going wrong, lie's done more to
make this town peaceable, than any
man in it I've seen him lick four
Greasers in eleven minutes myself.
If a thing wanted regulating, he
warn't a man to go browsing around
after somebody to do it, but he would J
prance right in and regulate it him
self, lie warn t a Catholic but it
didn't make no difference about that.
when it came down to what a man s
rights was and so, when some roughs
jumped the Catholic bone-yard, and
started to stake out town lots in it, he
went for 'em, and cleaned 'em too ! I
was there and seen it all myself,"
"That was very well, indeed at
least the impulse was whether the
act was strictly defensible or not.
Had deccacd any religious convic
tions 7 that is to say did he feel a
dependence upon, or acknowledge al
legiance to a higher power ?" More
"I reckon you've stumiied me again,
pard. Could j'ou say it over once
more, and sav it slow."
'Well, to simplify it somewhat,
was he, or had he ever been connect
ed with any organization sequestered
from secular concerns, and devoted to
self-sacrifice in the interests of moral
ity ?
"AH down but nine set 'em up on
the other alley, pard."
"What-did I understand von to
r V
"Whv. vou're most too many for
me, you know. nen yon get in
with your left, I hunt grass every
time. Every tunc you draw, you fill,
but I don't seem to have any luck.
Let's havd a new deal."
"How ? Begin again ?"
"That's it."
"Very well. Was he a good man,
"There I see that don't put up
another chip till I look at my hand.
A good man says you ? Pard, it
ain't no name for it. He was the best
man that ever pard, you would have
doted on that man. He could lam
any galoot of his inches in America.
It was him that put down the riot,
last election, before it got a start ; and
every body said that he was the only
man that could have done it He
waltzed in with a trumpet in one
hand and a spanner in the other, sent
fourteen men home on a shutter in
less three minutes. He had the riot
all broke np, and prevented, nice, be
fore anyliody got a chance to strike a
blow. lie was always for peace, and
he would have peace, and he wo'd
A art- peace he could not stand dis
turbances. : Pard, he was a great
loss to this town. It would please
the boys if you'd chip in something
like that, and do him justice. Here,
once when the Micks got to throwing
stones thro' the Mcthodis' Sunday
school windows, Buck Fanshaw all of
his own notion, shut up his saloon and
took a couple of six-shooters and
mounted guard over the Sunday
school. Says he 'No Irish need ap-
ply P and they didnt He wa9 the
bulliest man in the mountains, pard ;
he could run faster, jump higher, hit
harder, and hold more tangle foot
whisky, without spilling than any
man in seventeen counties. Put that
in, pard, it'll please the boys more
than anything yon can say. And you
can say, pard, that he never shook his
mother ?"
"Never shook his mother ?"
"That's it any of the boys will
toll you bo."
"Well, but why rhuuld he shake
her ?
SEPTEMBER .4, ''1S72.
"That's what I say, but Borne peo
ple does."
"Not people of any repute ?"
."Well. some that average pretty
"In my opinion, a man that would
offer personal violence to his mother,
ought to " -
"Cheese it, pard you've banked
your, ball clean outside the string.
What I was a drivin' at, was that he
never throxced off his mother don't
you see ? No, iudeedy ! He gave her
a house to live in, and town lots, and
plenty of money, and he looked after
and took care of her all the time ; and
when she was down with the small
pox, I'm d d if he didu't set up
nights, and miss her . himself ! Beg
your pardon for saying it, hopped out
too quick for yours truly You've
treated me like a gentleman, and I
ain't the man to hurt your feelings in
tentional. I think you're ' white. I
think your a square man, pard. I
like you, and I'll lick any man that
don't. I'll lick him till he can't tell
himself from a last year's corpso ! Put
it there I" Another fraternal hand
shake and exit
The obsequies were all the boys
could desire. Such a marvel of fu
neral pomp had never been seen in
Virginia. The plumed hearse, the
dirge beating brass bands, the closed
marts of business, the flags drooping
at half-mast, the long plodding pro
cession of uniformed secret societies,
military battallions, and fire compan
ies, draped engines, carriages of of
ficials, and citizens in vehicles and on
foot, attracted multitudes of specta-i
tors to the sidewalks, roofs and win
dows ; and for years afterward, the J
degree of grandeur, attained by any
civic display in Virginia was deter-j
mined by Buck Fanshaw's funeral, j
A Slaw Osvrk.
When the Patent Screw and Augur
line of railway from Porkopolis ter
minated at Muddlcburgb, O., it has
since come to he
thoroughfare the
a great national
unhappy passen -
gers were carried to all parts of the cipal stations as with us. The stands
civilized world as well as to New a termed "buffet" Females preside
Jersey by the old fashioned stages. 1 tl'm. always young and hand
These stages ran crowded and there , sorn
was generally a contest for seats, i
Governor Thomas Corwin was to leave f
Muddk-burgh at midnight for the
State capital in a stage. To secure
the best seat this humorist sat up all
night. He was not alone, for he had
a bottle of choice old whiskey, to keep
him company. He tried his whiskey,
he said, plain. He then had it made
into a mint julep, after which he dis
cussed it in the shape of a smash.
about eleven o'clock he thought a
cocktail would add variety to this
spice of life. This he washed down
with a hot punch, and then, at mid
night, just as he heard the stage rat
tle in, - he took all that was left
Seizing his carpet sack an overcoat,
he rushed ouWo find a crowd around
the stage, and w ithout sayings, word,
but in a great hurry, bolted in and
ensconced himself in a corner upon
a back seat. He fell asleep congrat
ulating himself on having been so for
tunate, and had a dim, dreamy con
sciousness of tho stage roiling away.
When he again wakened, the stage
was at a standstill : the curtains were
all down, the windows up; but enough
daylight got in to satisfy him that
that institution had "done broke"
sometime since. He hastily started
up, and dropping one of the windows
was perfectly amazed to find himself
in the wagon yard of a hotel. Two
hogs were getting their breakfast out
of a manure heap, while a melancholy
cow stood chewing her cud while
working her tail to keep it in practice
for flytime. A lazy hostler was en
tertaining himself with a pitchfork,
a further note of the surrondings sat
isfied Governor Corwin that he was
in the rear of Muddleburgh hotel, and
that he had been there from twelve
o'clock of the night before. Corwin
was a man of genius, and it did not
take him long to discover the cause !
of this extraordinary result. He had !
got into a stage that had come in, in
stead of one going out The people
about this leathern conveyance, when
he ensconced himself, thought, as he
learned afterwards, that he was a pas
senger in search of an umberella, or
some other article, left behind
The Governor opened the door of!
the stage very softly. He crept out
trying to feel so small that, as he
said subsequently, his skin hung loose
on him. He could not escape, how
ever, the eyes of the hostler, who ex
claimed in some astonishment : "Hello,
Governor, did dey forgit and leave
you in de stage?"
"There, there, my man," answered
Corwin, giving him a silver dollar.
"You keep your fly trap shut, or
there'll be a sudden death in vour fam
ily." "Fore God," exclaimed the hostler,
aa Corwin walked away, "dat's most
'stronary ; the Governor of Ohio done
forgot in a stage coach.
Corwin w alked into tie hotel, de
posited his carpet sack and coat be
hind the first door he encountered,
and then sauntered iuto the breakfast
room, trying to assume an air of a
man who had not slept in a wagon
yard all night. While discussing the
oiled sole-leather and muddy coffee,
for which the American people pay
hotel prices, a friend on the other side
of the table looking up suddenly, ex
claimed: "Why, Governor, I thought
you left for the capital last night."
"Well, exclaimed Corwin, with one
of tho whimsical looks with which he
was wont to set the table in a roar,
"I was under that impression myself."
"Got left, did you?"
"Yes, I believe I was a good deal
left" " "
"How was that, Governor?"
"See here, my friend," exclaimed
Corwin, carefully depositing his knife
and fork on each side of his plate as
ir they were articles or value. "If you
will consent not to press a further in
vestigation upon that subject, I will
present your wife with a bonnet more
like a coal scuttle than any now in
market If you don't consent" he
continued with wild energy, seizing
his fork, "I'll murder you."
The story, however, was too good
for Tom to keep to himself, and for
years after he was in the habit of tel
ling how he slept in a stable yard, and
attributed it all to some very, bad
whiskey that the Hon. Salmon P.
Chase had given him. Donn Piatt.
j1 l .JUL. -LL VLyVL'JLL.
aJIrwBMla la Easrlaiatl.
The railways within London run
run right over the housetops. For
miles one looks down chimney-pots
and into garret windows. It requires
half an hour to get fairly clear of the
city from Charing Cross station.
Very many people travel third-class,
They sink style in consideration of the
expense. "What's the odds, so long
as you're happy ?" Third-class cars
have generally three or four compart
ments, each furnished with two un
cushioned scats. : The partitions be
tween each compartment are only
breast high. The windows are small
and without blind or rurtin. Third
class cars go nearest the engine, so
that in case of a smash-up your turn
comes first AH railway carriages
are painted in the dingiest fancy.
There arc no finnifications of brass or
gilt about the engines, and nothing
like the amount of machinery external
ly displayed as with ours. They are,
in appearance, sober, ponderous, din
gy, powerful and rejoice not in name,
but numbers. There is no "cab."
On some is a sort of shield with two
lookout holes. The carriages have
no such complicated trucks as ours.
The car wheels seem much lighter.
The trucks are kept in perfection of
order, r rom end to end none nut
employees are allowed upon them.
There is no walking the track for rec
reation here. The embankments are
finely sodded and in many places
utilized for cabbage aud potato patch
es. Many of the country stations arc
surrounded with flower gardens, and
at some I noticed the name of the
station grown upon the bank in white
and yellow flowers, the letters being
nearly two feet in height At others
it was similarly marked, or rather laid
with white chalk-stone. The book,
orange, apple, peanut, fig and prize
candy peddling curse, peculiar to our
railroad system, devised and carried
on by precocious boys for the purpose
of promoting indigestion and torturing
j travelers, l nave not yet encountered.
! lietresnmcnts are served at the pnn
Tfce Lntn ar imi.
Snnnose Charles R llurlalew- bad
Governor of Pennsylvania when
Abraham Lincoln called for seventy-1 very low voice, to me, of course, un-! I she! go mad."
five-thousand volunteers to queU the j intelligible, and, indeed, scarcely and- j And the old saint, who was afflict-slave-holders'
insurrection, does any ible ; but they seemed to fall upon the j ed with a mind which wuzn't calkela
man doubt that he would have caused ! quick cars of the culprit like bolts of , ted to grasp the sutt'eties of modern
the good old Commonwealth to make
a very different history for herself
than that she caused to be recorded
under the administration of Andrew
G. Curtin ? That appeal, remember
was made to the States as States. It
so happened that nearly every free
State was officered by Republicans.
We all remember how nobly the free
states responded. It was, and con
tinues yet to be, cause of pride aud
gratulation that the Governor of Penn
sylvania was so prompt and sagacious
that the reaction of Bull Run was
stayed thereby. Does any man be
lieve that the famous Pennsylvania
Reserve Corps would have had an
existence had Charles R. Bucka
lew been the Governor to whom the
President's appeal was made ?
We have only to regard the re
sponses to that appeal made by Dem
ocratic Governors in the border and
Southwestern States, and we are suf-
fipientlv anawnriwl "Tho militia tf
i lrginia win not ue lurmsnea to tne
powers at Washington," replied Gov
ernor Letcher. "I can be no party
to this wicked violation of the laws
of the country," replied Governor El
lis, of North Carolina. " Tennessee
will not furnish a single man for co
ercion, but fifty thousand, if neces
sary, for the defence of our rights
and those of our brethren," replied
Isham G. Harris. "I say emphatical- J
-- -1. .m m , . ..
iv mat Kentucky will lurnisn no
troops for the wicked purpose of sub
duing her sister Southern States,"
replied determined Governor Magoffin.
"The President's call is illegal, un
constitutional, revolutionary, inhuman
diabolical, and cannot be complied
with," replied Governor Jackson, of
Missouri. "The laws of the State do
not confer upon the Executive any
authority allowing him to comply
with such a requisition," replied Gov
ernor Burton, of Delaware. "I will
suffer my rif,nt arm to torn from
my body before I will raise it to strike
a sister State," said the Governor of
Maryland. Is it necessary to go
further in these quotations, to show
the action of nearly every State un
der Democratic control iu that hour
of great peril ?
To know what Mr. Buckalew would
have done had he been Governor of i
Pennsylvania in that emergency, we
have only to note what he did do as
a citizen and as a Senator. Neither
as citizen nor as Senator did he at
tempt to strengthen the hands of the
State or Federal government during
the four years of war for national
M:r.. n it. ...... i -4. r. . u
tuu. aiv v aa uic aptjitsfieib lur tut?
southern wing of the Democratic
party in arms against the Union, and
the willing defender of men who
strove to embarrass the government
by discouraging enlistments and re
sisting the drafts. Had he been in a
position to split hairs touching the
right of armed regiments from other
States to pass through Pennsylvania
to the defence of the capital, who can
say that he would not have submit
ted six columns of protest to the in
vasion of Pennsylvania? He was in
perfect political accord with such
Democrats as Mayor Brown and
Marshal Kane, of Baltimore. So late
as 13C4 he was in secret communica
tion with rebel emissaries, though at
the time a Senator of the United
States. ,
No roan who was against us, or
who occupied a doubtful position dur
ing the rebellion, can be trusted with
the control of State affairs. Nor is
this harsh judgment The tories were
never admitted to positions of trust
and honor after the Revolution. Mor
ally and practically Mr Buckalew's
attitude toward the government from
1861 to 1865 did not differ essentially
from that of the tories toward the
confederation. If it be said that no
emergency like that of 1861 iwill
again arise in national affairs, we re
ply that no man can forereach time
and decide that No Bach emergen
cy was believed likely to arise when
in 1860 Andrew Q. Curtin was elect
ed Governor. And so the people of
X( ) 12
this Commonwealth wrought wiser
than they knew, and prepared the'
State for a glorious page in history. j
As citizens, having the honor of j
Pennsylvania in keeping, we are rail-1
ed upon to act np to the highest wis- j
dom of to-day, and the highest wis-1
doni of this day is the average ex-)
perience of the last twenty years
brought to bear upon present jwilitical j
action. '
We all know that General Hart
ranft never betrayed a trust reposed
in him. We know that he would rise
to the level of any emergency that
has arisen or many arise. Never for
a moment was his position doubtful
during the war. As an executive of
ficer he ranked high among generals.
As a cool, determined, brave man his
record is without spot or dimness.
Twice the people of the State elected
him to the second highest place in
their gift, and he has proved entirely
worthy of their confidence. He is no
new man, no stranger, offered for the
suffrage of Republicans. To bestow
upon him the high trust for which he
is named is not so easy an experiment.
The experiment of trusting General
Hartranft has been tried, and he has
not been found wanting. To labor
for his preferment is an agreeable duty
and to congratulate him in the hour
of victory will be the pride of true
patriots. Xorih American
Tkc Tarklak Bstalnua4.
I had heard much of the bastinado,
a punishment existing only in the
East, but I had never seen it inflicted
before, and I fervently hope I never
shall see it again. I found the little
Governor standing atone end of the
large hall of entrance, munching and
trying causes. A crowd was gather
ed around, and before him was a poor
Arab, pleading and beseeching most
piteously, while the big tears were
rolling down his cheeks. Near him
was a man, whose resolute and some-
what angry expression marked him as i uv Ins tune spellin out articles in an
the accuser seeking vengeance rather old copy uv the Tribune.
than justice. "I'm a Dimocrat," sed he, sadly,
Suddenly the Governor made a j with a puzzled look, "and I find,
gentle movement with his hand; all jakording to my candidate fur Presi
noisc ceased ; all stretched their necks J dent, that I'm a hoss thief, a liar, a
and turned their eager eyes toward j perjerd villin, a slum, a harlot, apd
him : the accused cut short his cryin?, , and that I'm bought with British
and stood with his mouth wide open,
' and his eves fixed upon the Governor,
' The latter spoke a few words in a
thunder. The agony of suspense was
over, and, without a word or look, he
laid himself down on his face at the
feet of the Governor. A space was
immediately cleared around, a man on
each side took him by the hand, and,
stretching out his hands, kneeled upon
and held them down, while another
seated himself across his neck and
shoulders. Thus nailed to the ground,
the poor fellow, knowing now that
there was no possible chance of es
cape, threw up his feet from the knee
joint, so as to present the soles in a
horizontal position. Two men came
forward with a pair of long, stout
bars of wood attached together by a
piece of cord, between which they
placed the feet drawing them togeth
er with the cord, to fix them in their
horizontal position, and leave the
whole flat surface exposed to the full
force of the blow. In the meantime
two strong Turks were standing
ready, one at each side, armed with
long whips, much resembling our
common cow skin, but longer and
thicker, and made of the thick hide of
the hippopotamus. While the occu
pation of the Judge was suspended
by these preparations, the janizary
had presented the American Consul's
My sensibilities are not particularly
acute, but they yielded in this in
stance. I had watched all the pre.
liminary arrangements, nerving my
self for what was to come; but,
when I heard the scourge whizzing
through the air, and when the first
blow fell upon the naked feet, saw the
convulsive movements of the IhmIv,
and heard the first, loud, piercing
shriek, I could stand it no longer ; I
broke through the crowd, forgetting
the Governor and everything else.j
except the agonizing sounds from ,
which I was escaping; but the janiza-
ry followed close at mv heels, and
laying his hand upon my arm hauled
me back to the Governor to be a wit
ness of the administration of Turkish
justice. If I had consulted merely
the impulse of feeling, I should have
consigned him and the Governor and
the whole nation of Turks to the
lower. But it was all-importaut not
to offend this summary disposer of!
justice ; and I never made a greater
OAiM!firlA rt fnnlinia Oa A.i,ol!..n.... il..
,u,mi twiiug iu;Y muni
when I re-entered his presence. The!
shrieks of the unhappy criminal were
ringing through the chamber, but the
Governor received me with as calm a
smile as if he had been sitting on his
own divan, listening only to the strains
of some pleasant music, w hile I stood
with my teeth clinched, and felt the
hot breath of the victim, anil heard
the whizzing of the accursed whip as
it fell again and again upon his bleed
ing feet 1 have heard men cry out
in agony when the sea was raging
and the drowning roan, for the last
time, upon the mountain waves,
turned his imploring look toward us,
and, with his dying breath, called in
vain for help but I never heard such ! aiii,z fatal, wood redoose our partv to
heartrending sounds as those from the ( a nothin, noomericallr.
poor bastinadoed wretch before me. j ivtLiu Pogram and I are adminis
I thought the Governor would j trators uv his estate. Ez Bascom
never make an end of reading the let-j ht-z a mortgage on the farm for all it
ter when the scribe handed it to him , ; worth, our dooties will lie Iio-ht.
for his signature, although it contain
ed but half a dozen lines ; he fumbled
in his pocket for his seal, and dipped
it in the ink ; the impression did not
suit him, and he made another ; and,
after a delay that seemed to me eter
nal employed in folding it, handed it
to me with a most gracious smile. I
am sure I grinned horribly in return
and, almost snatching the letter, just
as the last blow fell, I turned to has
ten from the scene.
The poor scourged wretch was
silent lie had found relief in happy
insensibility. I cast one look upon
the senseless body, and saw the feet
laid open in gashes and the blood
streaming down the legs. At that
moment the bars were taken away,
and tho mangled feet fell like lead
upon the floor.
I had to work my way through the
crowd, and, before I could escape, I
3aw the poor fellow revive, and, by
the first natural impulse, rise upon bis
feet, but full again as if he had step
ped upon red-hot Iron. He crawled
upon his hands and knees to the door
of the hall, and here I rejoiced to pee
that miserable, and poor, and degra
ded a.- he was he yet bad friends
whose heart yearned toward him.
They took hini in their arms and car
ried him awav.
.Such is the bastinado. And of the
intenseness of the agony which it
infliction produces, one has only to'
think of the congeries or plexus of
delicate nerves which have their ter-
minus in the feet. Even "tickling"'
e so'os '" tne a3 ftpa produc-
ed death ; what, then, must be the ex-
cruciatmt? pain when cruel violence h
hen cruel violence i
done to these most sensitive members I
. . .
A Ireaaacrat tivneElder Prttnl
harker's Daatat What KIlIcO Ulm
Coxfeiirite X Roads, J
(with is in the State uv
Kentucky,) July 20,1372. i
We hcv ben smittenn ! Death's icy
hand hez removed frum our midst one
who wuz towunst an ornament and a
piller. Elkanah Pennibacker is no
Elder Pennibacker wuz a native uv
Kentucky, indeed no other State cood
hev perdoost sich a man. He waz
born in the very house in wich he
died, or rather he died in wat wuz
left uv it. It hed bin a large house
wunst, but when Linkin emansipated
the niggers, and the Elder and his six
sons wuz deprived uv labor, they
found it impossible to git firewood.
After the rail fences wuz gone they
commenced on the house, and hed
yoosed it all up but for rooms.
The death uv this good man is d0
to the Greeley movement. He never
wuz capable uv understanding it, and
at first rcfoozed to yield to it. He
refoozed to buy one uv the white hats
which I brot back from Cincinnati
and Bascum wuz forst to take stern
measures with him. "Narv drink.
U., ti h ,dertLit hat!
That fetched him, he put it on.
"Wat do wc want to take up Gree
ley for ?'' he asked.
"To beat Grant with !" I ansered.
'Why not take up Grant to beat
Greeley with ?" replied this honest,
tho obtoose old man, to wich I didn't
say a word, fiudin an anser some
what difficult
however, tho it wuz mostly becoz we
insistid on it ; but he did it in a dazed
sort uv a way and wuz never himself
afterward. He deliberately cut down
two hickories which he had in front
uv his house, and he spent the most
j gold.
I ain't a harlot and never wuz
and if I've been bought with British
j gold, where 's the gold? Good He vins!
poliux, would rush out of his house
j into the field, ond calm hisself by
communin with nacbnr.
Last Toosday we ratified. He
j kerred a torch and hed on a white
hat, but he actid in a very eccentric
raanner. lie uidn t keep in line, and
was constantly murmurin to hissclf,
"I ain't a harlot. I ain't a harlot, and
I never wuz." He went home with
out takin nothin at Bascom's, and
then I knowed suthin wuz wron.
No Kcntuckian kin survive his loss ov
It wuz ez I feared. Wednesday
mornin he wuz unable to rise from his
bed, and I went to see him. His
mind wuz wanderin. In his delirium
he asked me to pay him nine dollars
and a half wich I borrowed uv him
five years ago. I was satisfied from
this that he wuz failin. I gave him a
little likker in a spoon, wich brot him
to hisself.
I left him, but returned in the af
ternoon. I found him worse than
ever. He had deliberately gone to
his closet and taken out a banner
which he hed proudly carried the
year afore, wich represented Greeley
enibracin a nigger womans wich
weighed 200 lbs., and hed torn that
banner from the supportin frame, and
wrapped hisself into it He hed de
stroyed all the mottoes wich we yoos
ed to carry, such ez "No nigger
supremacy," "White men shel rool
Ameriky," and sich, remarkin, ez he
regarded the wreck uv em, "I shel
die, parson, but I thot best to leave
nothin behind that wood embarrass
tjM. I took occasion to hint that he
hed better add that note nv hand uv
mine to the rooins, and he sed sadly
that it wood be ez well. "It ain't
wuth no more than the rest," be re
markt. He got into bed agin, and sunk in-
!t0 troubled slumber. In about an
nour he awoke, when his uimed eve
happened to rest onto the bed-post.
He riz up in bed, holdin his hands
afore his eyes ez if to shet out some
horrid vision, and shreekin violently,
sunk back a corpse.
Thus died Elder Pennibacker, one
uv my first friends at the Corners.
He wuz
stanch axi stoopid.
! w mm .
ne Was a bieevcr in Mates rites, in
ixam and IIa?cr, am! in Democracy.
He died from a severe attack of sup-
posin Horris Greeley to be ez honest
ez he wuz himself. He waodent
turn Ablishnist for no offis, and he
spozed that Horris was still the same
old heathen that he alluz wuz. He
blecved that Horris had swallowed
the Democratic party, and do wat I
cood, I cood not make him under
stand that the Democratic party bad
slavered Horris over with the Presi
dency, and swallered him. Poor old
man! He don't understand sich
politishens ez I do, or he wood hev
knowd better and lived. He died uv
stooniditv. a disease wich. if it wuz
There ain't bwen a crop raised on the
place sence the emancipation uv the
niggers, and Bascom hez furnish t him
and his sons his likker ever sence on
tick. Most uv the property in this
visinity is in the same fix. Mine
wood le, bnt fortunately I haven't
Petroleum V. Nasby,
(Wich wui Postmaster.)
A Chicago dry goods dealer adver
tises "The most alarming sacrifices
since the days of Abraham and
A two-legged goat perambulate
An Iowa boy turned a double som
ersault down a well forty-six feet deep
and was hauled out uninjured. Smart
boy, that.