The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, August 28, 1872, Image 3

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1 B
sThe Somerset Herald.
1.1. rk irosrcssi-s.
mt Davis & Bros.
The niamnw'ili
I-i iiE ci.lrr vinrpi
I l.ll.l.lS.lKl-M'IN "
I cm kn""
, Da vis i Br.-
4,K) Gallons Turn Un
Clkak bwh' lbc rublii-ii from the strtft
anil ri.lcvrulk J'wr buil.lin are
ii. lt all kct p their iiniui.-s int; trnm
all 2isiM! ami death pencntiug tilth.
! II. w liili' lately "swevpns" over Ibe
1 Watt-of Now Hampshire, (Andy J. swung
i round the rirlc) f QuiKiuinuapeakesiis-
Ix-ad f'r Nile at !iia?n"g House," heard a thecr, and asked
! hat it meant. The Ennlish K "walk in,
i I. I. .....I -J
my now n your kii;iimm k.hiiu tune: iiui-t-uj;
''no??." He didnX for fear of dislocating
I his jaw.
1 Oil for sale at j m.m
1 Tin- 1 .n r r,f -rt T tt SVllll.
l .le's Drug More. , i.,pr nnl ! ersvt Tow nship, was struck ly lightning
Brick layinp
r.irtrotU'shl.-kou.Ma.n "'
i ,! iars at v . r . ui
FuriT and fruit J
! $ro.s'
4 Aixki
; 1 renpl"
kimM .. Brl if
lftl rn".
1 f
Fi: H lioile is miuii nu
readv lor the plasterers.
' on the morning of the 1st instant, and cn-
lirelv destroyed, together with all its om
j tents. It contained at the time almut 100
hushels ot w heat, 500 bushels of oats, some
for sale I hay and tlax, and a large lot ot tanning
I implement.
I l.1.. i Vk"
i . ' .llct.K'S.
r ' ... i is. Ile,
Ural v mil I n lUMum " .' ,
'nk night last week a Rid octi.mncc
t.u.k pl -e near Irishtown, Adams county.
A vi.Uw liulv named Small died, and in
the veiling after her death a lighted can-
as is customary, was placed in the
The latest P"'""" - room w here Uie cnnstiav.. iiw raiuur -nits. j was placed but a short distance from the
v either a thrasher or liorse-! ueaU laxly, and pomenow was aceioeniany
rm-t r ouiiurv. itirnetl, setting lire u uie eiuiuiug anu
burning it entirely off and burning the
corise consiileniMy. No in-rson was in
the room at the time.
v..i- n bli
1 .. ... ,.irn-iv at me mHiie
. u Store.
i' ;uits. oat n
t&llit Live l.rocci
TtjK Maysville .VniWlsavs a scoundrel
chilling lumself Ira IJrown, from Auburn,
.tw York, is traveline around the coun
try w ith a iwteiit cut bar for a reaper and
mower. Iicannomts aircnts in the tow n
ships and takes contract: with them, w hich
he cut in two. makine note ot tnem. i ne
farmers of this section should keep tht ir
eves open for ench swindler.' 1 hey are
li'idth' to receive a visit from some of them
aur ilav. " s "
! Tl,,. swallows are
al auderarl.ed wheat !
i:t on their
jtittn the martens.
an latelv fell heir
Xoticf.. All persons who subserilied to
me for any of the following books: 'Poly
glot Family Bible," "Spy and Nurse,""
.Three Years in Man Trap," Photograph
ic Albums, are hereby notified that I am
WaM m
. i i WinL-imsixTt hai km;
-1 . immi . i .. . .... .. . .... A
a l,irtune ol t11"'" J nn auie io fieiner iiirui ni juik'hi uii m-
i .:.. ci.. Wuii.r ,,iv rive ' count of pressure of business and lKxlilv
f Coi.p ir K ' , ." i intinnities, but w ill do so the beginning of
tiit-- a i. us!., . , . Sontemlicr. w hen thev w ill ereatlv oblige
.li st rect'ived at Davis & Bros, a splen- ( ,lu. j,y vK.jng ready to receive them.
! tk of tot laeco x cigars. jiehmax aimmkumax.
i i i i.. ..r '
Vi:have now on nanu a migu si'" i
I.lanks ana juogmeni nou-s. i
me of the liest slin ks of Drugs in the
,,,' at l'e-plc 'ii Drug Store.
ii ms. watermellons anil canle-
nt Khoads Bro.s".
mokin Tobacco, Pijies, Chewing To-
i',nif the ln-st quality, fr s:ile at Peo-:
Dni; Store. !
( 1 Thomas A. Scott and John W. For
voirled afewdavsagoforatwomonths
h, tn the Pacific eosist.
.1 ... .i... r
THY produce wanien jii nic i-m-
(lr.n i rv V Iiil More oi iiv iv .
Maine i'ross Stn-et.
lilvtnver has a large ioi o, inm.umi
. Oi U..vk al GO cents eac 11. v an soon.
I lie liarowaie mi..
Bi.r.sstf;s brighten as they take their
(light. The chief of blessings is good
health, without which nothing is worth
the having; it is always appreciated at its
true value after it is lost, but, toooflcn,
not lie fore. - Live projwrly, and correct
ailments In-fore tliey Imtoiiic seatiil. For
disexsecof the Liver, kidneys, skin, stom
ach, and all arising from impure or feeble
blood, Dr. Walker's California Vinegar
Hitters are a sure and sjieedy remedy. It
ha never vet failed in a simile instance.
tip M tl
t'ayrtt Cuntj Hem.
Sheriff Messmore'a boarders pave him
much trouble a few nights since. Two
young larks eluded the turnkey bj liiding
in the wash-room; their chums rexirtcd all
in their cells. In the night they climbed
to the top of the building and jcot ont on
the roof, and in their efforts to escape
frightened the Sheriff's daughter, who w as
sleeping in the tipper room of the adjoin
ing building. She hastily waked lier
brother, who in his haste pupjicsxl them
to be burglar trying the near wav into the
prison. He halted and ordered them to
surrender, and not lieing olieyed opened
lire on them. Alter firing two shots, lnith
of which took effect, they then yielded.
He then helied them into their quarters
and sent for a doctor to dress the wounds.
The time table of the railroad has been
changed so often that inibody knows w hen
the trains are due.
A bible reader has discovered und pub
lishes for the consolation of the mortified
Democracy, that in the Arbian desert, in
the case of Koran, there was a great ground
swell and a far more disastrous collapse
than the North Carolina election.
Steutz, of the Fayette Monitor, after ve
hemently protesting against Greeley for
a week, has taken to "boiled crow" and
praises it very much for its rich flavor; in
deed he loves it as a cat does cream, but he
mav exhaust all his eloquence to no pur
pose, for hundreds of our Democrats will
not eat "crow."
There is but one Civclcy licpuhlicMU in
Connellsville, and he, like'Nasby, has liecn
turned out of the xs!ofli-c dciiartinellt by
the tvrant (?) Grant, so he has donned a !
suit of white and goes nlxnit the streets
and nuirket places thinking that the sage
of Cliappaqtta will n-cogni.e him in his
old clothes.
A John Bull at the Springfield mines
jdoes not see why the jicopie want to ex-
the symmetrically fashioned binnra jtUtl
nilorn the day : then, the ircupiiie-Kliaicd
head and the old-fashioned shawl;
now, the licautifully-nrranged coiffure and
crinied chignon, and the light-brown col
ored talma, or cloak take the lead ; then, et
iquette and parlor deportment were the
same the world over; now, courtesy Is mis
tress, and the parlor is a seminary of eiln-
cation. Compare, il you please, the rulic
ulous Kinduct of the girl of Philadelphia,
when Benjamin Franklin walked its streets
with the lout under his arm, with a recep
tion of a man of knowledge, by a "girl of
the period, at the present time; who but
an ill-natured critic will not acknowledge,
that fashion is the source of refinement
and education, and is ln-licial in the world
around us. So, fashion rules the world,
while thousands are lwsking under her
shady canopy, thousands more arc wheel
ing into line; and the day is coming when
intelligence will lx-am in every eye, and
refinement and sociality will lie met w ith
in every parlor. 5Its. Disn.AY.
Uksina, Pa., Aug 24th,
UltOVE STATLEU. n the 11th of
August, by F. H. Itankin. Mr. George
Grove, of Stouycreek. to Miss Annie C.
Sutler, of Allegheny township.
DEITZ I.F.VAN On the lGth of Au
gust, bv J. G. Gall, Noah Deitz. former
ly of Somerset county, Pa., to Miss Har-
- riet Lcvan, of Jackson Co., 111.
IIORNEi: Near Meyers' Mills. f ty-
plioiJ fever, on the 10th insU, Mr. Win.
M. Horner, aied 47 years, 4 mouths and
DOM. At Wellersburg, on the 22d inst.,
Philip IJom, aged 70 years.
i.rrcetoa weekly ty A. J. CAStr.tKB & Co.
AlU'toii, ftritit. ?l fc...
Ajiplcliuttrr. jral....
Huttrr. tf) a
H.-k wheat. V builiul.
Hcc-wax. i t
liamn, fhouWrr. r;t .
Hik-s, " .
Com. 9 liulM-l
I'.irn iwnl t.
all fkln. y I,
Kirirs. V "
KUir, V bl l....
J ()
V1KV 1KW A C A I t.M Y . Ptrrmllt Slal ion,
ta. It. 11. t Fur Male and mar I'uiiilt.) Iiil?
r.-UlillFtiisi, thorough, miyiei'iilnl : lirallii lirallli
ful anil m-iHilr : c. liiinunll vw ial, moral ami re
lltfl'iur; liUlMiiiKB larf and owlly; full rrw.
al'lu tcarhcrs; muuntuin air. 'iire wali r. af- I'.illi-iiiL.-.
hue uLatinir: rimiliatirullr ft Home Sih..l.
W IhiIp ripourtclnr IIimmI. Tuituai, Kooiu, Kutlnii'l
aslllni (lor 40 WWfcHj, jhi ttun irununarn, oi
lllTt. VllltlTMill IM-Klnn So). .1. tS.Mi lifl'lr-
..iUr. WU-HON . 1'AlTKIiSllS, fort Jli-jml,
J uniaU Co., 1'a.
AVir Aih'rrtiiit'iiit'itl.
Presidents of Colleges, Ministers,
Tentiry to the many advantages of
Tuscarora Academy,
ACAUEM1A, Juniata Co., Fa.
Sk-ml for a Clrmlar anil TrMlmonUla.
I). I. Stunk, A.M., fh.l. J. J. PrTTKnaoa, A.M.
SteiitaiYille 0, Female Seminary.
Thle S?h'.xJ fl-'r.lfithiirimahChr!.-(ijii
educalimi. at et of little wont than 5 a
wrck: one fuurtk ojf fur rlrriramrn. Th( 671 h
iisn CM wi-oki.) oj.nSfit. lit fi. The aiMreMnf all
lormir tIN Is riHiuested. A eraml re-unl'in at
the ot the m-xt yc:ir. Sr?ml lor Kirllrulurr to
Kcv. CHAULKS C. HLAl I Y, 1. I. J.L. I).,
Suj. t.. or Rev. A. M. KEIl). I'h. !., 1'rlndiial.
1 LKO K Thorough Jiirtrui'tion. Ucallhlul
ami lieauliful loratloo. One of the luiwt carefully
eomluctiHl ami best rastuinisl lnftltutiunK In the
Sltile. Kor trrmi", ete., aiMren Kev. JOll.V 11.
liftAKELEY, fh. V.
Merrhnnlvllle. X. J..
Four miles tmm,
(formerly loeateil at frintetou. N. J.)
Kev. S. N. HOWU.U A. M., Printlial.
Forty-fouT.h Annual Term begins Sejit. luili.
Send for Circular.
X Academta, Juniata Co., fa.
i Cax not or will not something lie done
to save the shade trees in lront ot the pub
lic buildinirs from utter ruin by horses
hitched to them "I'is'a pity that those
tn-es, after havintr surviveil the attacks of
: lKirers and the scathinp ordeal of the late
: tire, should lie left to perish injuriously by
..... .. i- . ' f
10o0 dollars' worth of stik has, "e uhiu oi iiors. -s e si .lcm a
n V ken in the Hiimliert Mineral Spring , reniiihes. viz: The ubs;lute shuttini: down" ..... on tlii-ir iisn ns n liitelnnf nost: the rur-
iwmciliv at Mlllllllll -""is- . ' ... , . V- .i
Pu'l""- itionot railm? and txistf! tor the aefimimo-
B'ancy Gi1s. Perfumery. Notions, Toi- ,lation of the wjuinefs; if neither of the
Articles in general, nirsaicai i tuiuc aiKive an Ihi Iirougut uliout. the encasing
g Sinn'. ' of sjiid trees in an iron-ilad armor, or the
fWHKKK is the comet that was to have muzzling of the rodent animals Kcspcct-
i i .1.:. ..,ui. r,. of ours into iun mimiiiiiiih iuoui ui,i..-ii i nmnj.
ri Mil lin in".- - -I
change tirant tor tJreelcy; "tlmt tJrcclcy Ki.ixse.-d v l.u., M i.)
Fire Insurance.
The Mutual I'lan iruaranters to the mutually in-
red I he (freal est wcurity fi the least fiMe
eort. The premium note are the eaital. Ilntliiii
nodlvideii.iii are mild to the utoekholderti, but It in
fimiilv asMeed to jiay dedelenoie arininu: alterthe
i.nvment of locws and exiH'niM'ii. whieh in the Cli
the total years of Its existence, hureaveraxeit
but 61., HTo-iitiiiii uN.n the premium tKite, helnu:
h'Wer than the nites jmlil In th
Many a fatal case of dvscntcrv is caused
i . i i . .
i r Mu Kiti .
il' i..n i.f ull 111 U-!llt llf Stflllll
Jjlll. iiio... --. -- , , .-, . - .1..,
ncer i directed to the advert isemenl oi tue m m a -'i. . .-.. . ..
the new ad- or an extra niaiikci ni nigin. i ne mhuu-h
changes of temiKTature wuicli oeeural tins
! season of the year are very trying to the
; constitution. "People with weak lungs
quickly feel the tilecls of them, t re
IquentlV the .thermometer liills many de
grees within a tew hours. .v oniy tne
i fW-ble, but robust and strong persons sutler
! frr.m ni errat Tiiriations of teiiner.iture.
highest fash price paid liir a" I Wll(.n the weather grows cold rapidlv, the
!s nf grain, at the hamily t.rotx rv ami , Kir,.s ()f tlie ar(. su,lil,.nlv elosetl. and
i More of Cook A IJ-eriis on Main- ,1C resuit is a bad cold, w hich may hold on
is too eavyaliid; wages tire Igli mnl tne
ctituitrv projierotis and why not keep it
The young folks in this valley have re
cently "had the measles. Wonder if our
neighbors will get mad almut publishing
this? Vl.AT.
Kinuwood, August 22.
Y.D. Hr.RAI.n: I see a great many towns
Fokf n of in your wortliy iaix-r, but as
vet have wen no mention of Kingwood.
1 w ill try and shake the "know ledge Imix"
and give vou a few particulars jicrtainiiig,
to this place. KinnwiKid is the center,
round which all Hexilierger Mnverg-s,
but where HeniU-rger is we will not en-
l-anl. v ..
I-a; tier, reil anle, !.
iij.ier ' .
kiK ' " .
1 1 lain. 1' bu
j I'olifcloe. V' bu
IVaehes. dried, V
Kaiff. y
j Salt, No. 1, V l't
j " ' t'
" A'htim.
i Susrar, yellow f t
i white
Tallow, i B.
I Whert. f I'U
I Wool, yti ,
AV tc Adrcrisciiicnl..
Forsvlli Harrison, among
H hk slone wall lor "Printing House
w" is riiidv for the brick la vers. Messrs. and Kootitz lioie to have U tinished ;
tin- frosts of winter set in.
i street, Snnerset, Penn'a.
Hus. Win. Hefliey & Bro. have pur
i fc-i-il the ilry goods establishment of Geo.
', 1 Parker, and intend moving their stork
lotliiinr Ac. into the binding, on the
all w inter, and terminntc in a consumption
in fatal nttack if dysentery, or the fearful
j disease, typhoid fever.
Ciim;k ok Tive. The running hed
lile of the Pittsburgh, WahiiiLlon and
Baltimore luiilroad i Con .lellsville route.)
' was changed vesterdav. Hereafter Mssen-
assi:m;i:ki to and from the rail road de I jr,.r trains w ill leave CumWlaml for Pitts--iiiiiuw
walk dry-shod, there having ,lir;r, .,t tf.Vt a. m., and for Conlltienir.
n laid, w ithin the last lew weeks, a suli-! ((lliv at 4;r,o p. m. Arrivi lg from Pitts
itial stone and plank sidewalk from Mr. i ,r"ah at 1 AS p. in., and front Contluenif
.si r s comer to the platform. :lt y 4.-, tt. m. A train will leave Pittsburgh
tor CumltcrUinu nml the east at n. 111..
TrnlnoVvlfk "Dfkol "Pccfo ft
deavor to explain at this lime, but may in I V CllUOiUlU XLUCM. UOiaiU.
the future, just for the benefit of some of IIv virtue of the last will and testament of Sain
the w iirthv citizens ot Confluence and vi- 1 "''t Vcirr, late of st.myereek Towlis hip. Somewt
. .. ! t'omerin't 'oiintv. I'enn a. tln-easvil, 1 will exie
il VV
l a
1(1 M
1 7i
'A'H .Ac ;
' I
boe I
bv ;
i 00 !
3e i l?"s1 l !
w 00 i ,I1KXT
lil l I
tne j
'JOO !
SOvtiOoc A Sovrllu
Aliit w-Hii Historr of the Keiiuliliean ami is-m-
! nerat ie Hartiea: a mey sketeh oi the MMiilled IJIs
; enil lte.uhliraii Tarty: an iutide view of tho Cin
elnimti Omrention. The initKir tiikets or tide
t'iriti the ra mi m lira. The finest Illustrateil liook
j Ihibllsheil. A Ifciok wunie.1 by every American
i eitiien. To scenre territory at onee, send tl for out
; lit. CXlu.N 1'CIU.lSHlXi.r !., tJMeaua, III.,
j 1'hllad'a. I'a., or Siirinstield, Mass.
ie lieKt solvent stock
roniiianies dnrinir the same period of time. In In-
surtmc at stoi'k rates, the Insurixl atust Iironounee
to himself that he jkivs ever)- yearenoujrn 1st. To
IItui an atnimuuited fund fur emergencies: 'id. To
.ay hirtec divtdi-nds to the eapit:it invested in the
'otunany; Sd. Runs tho risk of a "t'hirau-o tire''
roinin aitd wljdn his ltniaiiy out of exi.stem-e.
In a Mutual C..iuiaiiy he keei bis own reserve iu
hamt until needed, ami pas no dividend to etipiu
alists. The mutually Insured, tieinv tlicmselvcs
the capitalists, look alter tho business, its charac
ter and lis aoiiU in all places, t!iupMtectliucai U
ot tier. Kor Insurances or A neneh s. address
S. V. FKKt'AVF, Seeretarj-.
( 'oluuihia, Iinranter County, I'a.
Wasted roll CtiAiBEiti.iji'a tlatiT
C'AJirAH;S ltlMIK. TUl
Struggle of 72 ;
I Sovflty in Foliiicat and Popular Literature.
The firm of Kregtir tfc (Serhard do a
large and nourishing trade iu the mercan
tile business.
On the morning of the 2M inst. Mr.
John Brougher's barn was struck by light
ning and entirely consumed. His loss is
heavy, as he had in the
all his new wheat, about fifty bushels of
old. aliout the same amount of oats and a
mower and threshing machine, .Vc. For
tunately no stock was in the barn.
Prof.' Polt man has a large and very in
teresting singing class. Hisfirst term clos-
to sale bv public outrrv. on the premises, the foKi
ln valuable real csUile, late the property l Kiid
ileceascd. on
I. lw..l,.nt.,l t..r nor 4 ';imill?m irols. Sell At
H'lfil. ray $1"U yrr irm. yivj,,. nn. I., lire tiinr.
Send at onee lor Uoserlptlvc Circulars and 1'rice
Lists of our Fine Steel tjiirraviuira of all the Cnu-
ilidates. t'amiiiurn Hi'raphies, t'harts, riioto-
At one is-liR'k. p. m.. a valuable farm caitaiiiin
More or less adiolnlnz lands of Jacob Welirle. Mat-
lwrn ill the time, i thins Walker, Jacob Snyder, Haniel Most.dlcr. and
oi item. . ni? iiuiitini iiu se. 1-111 -.1. .- niu .i.hi-
eil and in an elemnt state ot cultivation: thirty
acres are In splendid meadow; the tialanceol the
bind k well Umtiercd with white pine and oak.
There are erected on the premises
A larire Frame Bank Ibirn. over ono hundred feet
Ion if. and other out-huildimr. The In no is well
! a-ripln. Hadtfes, I'ins, Flaifs. and evorj'thinn suit
! ! to the times. Ten lloltars (.crday easily ma.le.
! Full sample sent for Address MMiliL 4t
; (i M ilrSJ'KUI. 37 I'ark K'W, New York.
Thirty new and beautiful
designs. Oet I'ric List of
T. C. HICH AKDS 4i 1
MTrs.47Muira.vSL, X.Y.
ed a lew (lavs ll-'O. but We hMll that the ! watere.1. and has .at It a larveorehanl id tine bear-
.bis inti.n.l "ii.T-.ri.m tin. I'm!' 's Ki-rvic-s : ina Iruit tr-es: also, a hue susMr-eamp. of aluita-t
for a second term. The Professor is a
yountr man of energy and fully competent
to till the ' bill.
We saw a notice in n firmer numlicr of
the Jlr.iiAl.ntUat " Hints of a ccrtuiu stamp
were below par." We would just savior
the siMK ial Item fit ol the writer that that
IF vou want a tnraslnng iiiiu lnnt: 1:0 to
Somerset Foundry and pet one "f their
and improved 1 umbling shaft 111a
fnes. They are warranted to run easy.
h clean, waste no gTain, ana are just
it our tanners want.
and Confluence for Cumlierland at i:iD a. 1
111. Arriving at Pittsburgh at .1 .Vi p. 111.
and Confluence at H:ir p. 111. All these
figures are Pittsburgh time, which is four
teen minutes slower than Baltimore t:ie,
used in this fit v.
' There is no change in the arrival nnd
utistantlv on nana at tne r amity uro- departures of the trains at this city. 1 lie
Ihrougli JIhiI train arrives at I'lUsimrgii
me hour earlier than fonnerly. Cumin r
hind A'ctr.
! kind nf merchandise has 'Tiz.'
seven hundred tre.-s. Possession Iven the hrst
of April. lsTX There will also be sold ou the same
d:iv. a tine lot of hay.
1 cuits: Ten per i-euL of tlie pundiase money to
Ite taid on day of sale: one-thin! ou the urstday ol
March. l-CX and the balance In four epual nnmial
Iiaynients. Iieitiunlnz on tlie tirst of March. 1SV4.
urchase money to l sinmitis! bv ju lament on tlie
premises. ULNhDlcT lol.LK.
AU!rust28. Kxerutor.
it Feed store ifCok and Bfritsin
tie Cross Street, flour, oats, corn, mill
ju. lirand. bacon, salt, hsh, lard, vmegar
jiijis. stipir. cotli-e, fanned f'ruith. totiac.
jars, ixc, Ac,
Utut tT. Persons knotting them-
l K'-s indebted to me fur ineilical services
t iniii li otilige mi- by making settlement
I au-diately. I wish" to rebuild my resi
& fv. oftiiv. ie, and must have money.
I . E. M. KimmkL
j. Wkva.vii. Yo.. has fommenced re-
Ciistrui ting the foundation of his late rcs
1 fnee on 1'ninn street and intends to push
iinpiusly. He will take possession of
Imiisc mi Main street, w hich has la-en rrtiaircd, this week.
hkkk is a great deal of aptness in the
Ii;trk recently made by a colored 111:111 ;
1 1 said: tireeli v and Sumner have given
ti at dealof UepublicHn milk in the past,
? itlievan- litli now doing their liest to
I ti. the bucket.
Tin; Tenacity or Tucth. When a
nation as clear-headed as the Americans
I once liecome convinced, lrom long cxkti
jence and observation, that an article ms
j sesses sujierior excellence as a medicine,
j not ull the prciostcroua clamor of all the
j worthless nostrum venders in the universe
! can sluike their U-lief in its cfiicicney.
i Truth is a very tenacious thing, as these
j winhie are U-ginning to discover. Plnn
i tation Bitters has too linn a hold upon the
jxipular esteem to lie in the slightest de
gree trifled by the fold water diatrila-s
which the advertisers of fermented slojis,
"without a particle of alcohol," arc so
fond of launching against all alcoholic
prejutrutions. The public know very
well that this xf rless renovant and tonic
dors contain spirits, but it also knows that
they are of the purest und most wholesome
description, viz: fine old St. Croix, the
most active and beneficial dilfuser of its rem
edial and invigorating projierties through
out the system which could Jiossilily lie
Stoystown. Aug. 20.
Ier Kihtob. It was my pleasure to
lie at the Harvest Home and Sunday School
Pic nic held in the beautiful prove on the
land of Hon. JommIi Maurer on Saturday,
August 17th. The prove has lieen lilted
up by our esteemed friend, the Hon. Jo
siah Maurcr, at a considerable exjiense,
with the intention of its lieing a eniia
nent place for holding the annual Harvest
Home and Sunday S-hf ad pic nic When
we arriv"d ut the grove we were surround
ed by the old and the voting, all looking
lorward to a pay time. The meeting was
culled to order. The choir sang a beauti
ful hymn; prayer by Kev. John Tonilin
son, after which the Rev. Whetstone was
introduced, who delivered an excellent ad
dress, taking for the foundation of his re
marks the jiassage of scripture found in
St. John, Kith chapter, 5th verse: '1 am
the vine; ye are the branches." His com-1
pttrisons were good, showing the anion of
the brandies to the vine the union 01
Christ with his children by the tiiith of
their parents by liaptism. ami the duty ,f
parents to train up their children in tlie
way they should go and w hen they get old
they would not dcart from it. In short,
the brother's address pleased nil. After the
address came the dinner. The bible was 1
Lrtuteuf William M. Horner, late of Summit Tp..
letters testamentary on the estate havim;
been araiitcd to the undersitrneit by tlie preiier au
thority, notice is hereby ttiven to those Indebted to
it to uiake Immediate imyment, and those having
claims naatnst tt will present them to the under
signed for setllcnienL at the lute rtdence ot said
deceased, on Satunlav. the illidayol Oetolvrnext.
SAJll 1.L A. MA Ol',
aiiff. 'i8 Fjteeutor.
, To the IaIic.
lilosM t Drake's
lm"-l l'at ut Self-Ueatlrw
The Cliemlstry of Iitune 1'rovMenee has never
produced a mineral water which combines in such
perfection theiualities of anti-bilious tonic and ca
thartic medicine, as that of the Seltier S: and
tlie artinclal equivalent of that great natural rein
ed v.
For anv ease or Itllnd. Itleedini;,
Itching or l leerated t'lle that
IikIIimi's Pilb Kexedy fails to cure. It Is prc-
)an'.l exprrsslv to cure the files, and nothing else.
Sold by ail druVicisU. Price l.
Kariow's Indigo Blue
T" t1tch;iiMr-t ami bet nrtlcle in the market Tor
iilunnq i tot net. l ir en nine na? ixhii nariow a
unl WilliMTifer'P Dam m th lu in I
Smoothing Irons, K"Si.5"
' arrhiea. I'lmlera
ladv friend of ours suggests that the
: thing to make line dean white clothes !
I vtc-h day, is to allow a fcwdrojmof er-
Iratioii. suncrinduml bv vigorous muscu-
.1.... ,1... ti...
........1, vo.m. uii, f iiifj iu... unions iii : , . , . . ... ., ......
rl..- she savs it lieats wasbin- imwders. ! an-v Mn.u 'ul? '? lamuy circle u oringa
lloMt and When disease if
Which is fas: bcemniivjauniversal favorite liir roll
out the country.
This Inn contribute tt lull share towards econ
omy in domestic life, and if well worth the atten
tion of even- hou?ekee'r. It Is heated simply by
a lire Inside, like an ordinary stove. They arc of
dltlerent sizes, weighing. Iroiu five to eight munds.
It saves one-third tlie time an ironing is ihaie with
much less fatigue no danger of smutting the
clot lies, and when innulc they have a much lietter
It lends to the lnner a great degree of comf rt.
since, bv tlie ue ol it. hot rooms are avoided, and
tire iwrsoa hi not au)i,tx-tod to the almost Insuffera
ble beat of a stove or furnace In warm weather.
A sufficient pnsd ol tlie satisfaction which It
gives, and the favor with which it Is received, is tlie
St.. Philadelphia. U.S. WILTKKKtlKK, iTV
I prietor. For sale by Druggists and Urucer.
ANDY. The Keliable Kaniily
ir the iiMtntit cure of Cholera. 1)1-
n tnfuotutu. Ilvsenterv. (ranilis.
Summer Cooitilaint. kc,. Janlella'sCouiriound Svr-
up ot Illaekiierry Kiait ami Khulrarti. an old and
well-tried rcmed'y. entirely vegvtable. (ilcasant to
take, ouiek and certain In elioct; can l depende.1
on in tlie most urgent cases: may tie Klven to the
youngest infant as well as to the agcl. It Is read
ilv taken by children. Keep it in the Imuse. ami
uie In lime. S..ld by Kruggtsts. 11ANSELL k
lil.Vt.. aoou Market Street, Philadelphia. Try It.
Tty vlrtuo of aundry writ of 'cnfliol Expo
, J irrt t'oi'iasand l.rvari f acias bu&l out ot
tho Court of Common Picas ol Somerset County.
Pa., ami lo mo direcusl. 1 will eajsise to Mil) by
iiiI.ii ncrv. ut tin. '-Li us ltousi'."ln Somerset,
i Satnnlay. the 7lh day or Seiitemlicr, tSiA t
1 o'clock, p. the lollowliig nul csiuk', vu:
Alltberighl, title, interest and claim ol F. IU
Ig, of, in and to tlie following, described real es
tate, vtx: Twocertain Iota of ground situate In Sew
'entervifle Horough, Somerset County, P., eon-tainlngiaie-hair-aere.
mora r less, with two-story
frame dwelllnK-house, shop, stable, and other out
buildings thereua erected; adjoinhia main front
street ou the soutli. alley on tlie east and west, and
Church street on the north, with the appurtenan
ces. Scried and taken in execution as the property
ut F. Ii. Long, at tba suit or Sauiuel lluntsvekcr.
A 11 the right, title. Interest ami claim of Samuel
Iiearl. of. In and to the following dcscrllied real eg.
tate, via: A certain lot of ground situate at Min
eral Point, Somerset County, Pa., known as Iu Xo.
21.1. with a two-story plank dwelling. house, ahont
thirty leet In front by twenly-live Icet in Ue4U
theruonertvted; adfi.iuiii lot No. 210 am the eat,
Market si rift on the west. Broadway onthe north,
and alley on the s..uth, with the appurtenances.
Seiicl' and taken in etiH iitfim an the property of
Samuel Heart, at the suit ot Win. Ii. H'inackcr ami
Samuel li. Camp.
All the rt'ht, title, Interest an I claim of Hiram
kiuible, ot, iu and to thu following described real
cjtale, vis:
A certain tract of laud, situate In Milforil town
ship, S.auerset County, Pa., containing 17 aires,
more or lesa, of which t tie re are about 13 aervs
cleured. and about 3 acres in meadow, with a one
and a hall story plank dwelling-house ami stihie
thereon erected; adioinuiir lands of Oevrge kirn
niel, Samuel A. Halns, Zoi-liariah Walker, and
others, with the appurtenances.
Seined and taken in execution as the pnijierty of
Hiram Knahte, at the suit of Simon Yought.
All the tight, title, interest and claim of ('. I (00c ti
er Woll. John J. Schell and Jacob Kcwl, assignees
of Wm. P. Si'liell, tenants in cominou with John
It. Koddy, of, in and to all tlie coal. Iron-ore, lime
stone, fossils, metals and oilier minerals and min
eral substances lying aud lieing under, upon, or con
tained within, all that piece or pan-el of land, situ
ate in Summit township, Somerset County Pa-,
which Is more lully and particularly described by
metes and bounds, courses and distances in a deed
from William M. Horner and Culharine his wife.
dated 'i'd June, 1MU. containing 11) acres, adjoin
ing lauds of Sauiuel . Walker, Jonas Miller und
others, with the appurtctiani-cs.
Taken in execution as the property of C licerhrr
Wolf. John J. .Schell and Jaoolj teed, assignees of
V in. P. Schell, tenants in common with John II.
lioddv, at the suit of William M. Horner.
All the right, title, int.ircsr claim of Jhn TV,
sart and John Auvh-v, of. In and to the following
real estate, via: A two-story dwelling; house, situ
ate in tlie town of Confluence. I.wer Turkeyloot
township. Siaucrset County, Pa., Is feet in width,
and 'S.i leet in depth, situate on lots Xos. IS and 17,
in block In said town.
Seixiil nnd taken iu Lernri Facial as the prop
erty of John Ikissnrt and John Auvlcy, at the suit
of Fletcher K. Ix-ighbin.
the right, title. Interet and claim of niram
Plndlay. of, in and to the following described real
estate, viz: .
No. I. A certain tract of land Including the de
fendant's homestead farm and saw-mill tract of
land, situate in Klkliek und Urcemille townships,
Somerset county Pa., containing 'silt acres, more or
less; of which there are about VM acres cleared,
and nlsiut 16acres in meadow, with one frame dwelling-house,
one Jog- dwelling-house, one frame liarn,
stable and saw-mill thereon erected: adjoining;
lands of Stutiman's heirs, Peter Meyers heirs,
lluvbl Ulotlelly. ami what is known aa the Grand,
limn tract, with the appurtifiances.
No. 'i A certain tract of land, situate in South
ampton township, Somerset count v. Pa., containing
X aTes. more or less, of which there are about M
acres cleared, and about 3i acres iu meadow, with
a two-story log dwelling - house and liank ham
thereon erected: ad)oining iandsof Jonathan Ken
nel. II. T. Weld, Adam SlUlU aud others, Willi the
No. i. A certain tra of land situate hi North
ampton towutdiip, Somerset oiiunty. Pa., contain.
1 Ing 111 acres, more or less. unlmpnven. anu known
I as the hsirge and Joseph Treswli.T tract of land,
I ud)oiuing Lneis of John 11. lbiddy. Jubn Mathias,
! and others, with the appurtenances.
1 No. 4. A certain trail ol land situate In South
ampton township, Somerset county. l'a.. containing
I HO acres, more or less, of which there are about Ut
. acres cleared nnd about 4 acres io meadow, with m
one and a half storr house and log liarn thereon
erected, adjoining lands of Henry Marti, llauiil
Koni and others, with tlie appurtenances.
No. ii. A certain tract or piece of land situate In
Southampton township, Somerset county, Pa
containing 9 acres, more or lesa, unimproved, ad
Joiniug tlie aUive described tract of land.
No. 0. A certain tract or piece of land situate In
Southatniti-n township, Somerset euunty. Pa., con
taining 4 acres, more or less, unimproved, ajjjn.
ing the alsive two tracts of laud.
No. 7. All tho coal ipin ore, limestone, fossils,
metulsand other minerals aud mineral substances
King and being under, upon, or contained within
all that piece or parcel of laud situate In South
ampton township, Somerset county. Pa., which Is
more fully and pnrticulnrlydescrilied by metes anil
nouniis. courses anu instances in a ncci from w in.
Tmutmun and wife dated 1.1th July, lso.1. eontain
! Ing oisj acres mere t less, adjolnh-.g lamtsif ln-
b-1 Kom, V alenttiie Lcpiey, s.merset I'oal and
lr-n Co.. and others with the appurtenances.
No. M. All the coal. Iron ore. limestone, fossils,
metals, and other minerals and mineral u I stance
1 ing and lK-ing under, upu or contulned witliin
a'll that piece or parcel of land situate in South
amiiton township, Sonienu:! Co.. I'a., which is
more futlv and particularly dcscrilied by metes
and IsiuiTds. courses ami distances in a deed from
ticorgu kennel and wile dated 30th March, lvii,
containing ilf acres, more or less, adjoining lands
ot Adam Lepley, Haniel Korn and others, with
tlie appurtenances.
No. v. A certain tract of land situate In Milforil
biwn.-hlp. Somerset l'o., I'a.. coulainiiig JoO acres
more or less, of which there are attout a acrcsclear-
e.1. adjoining lands of Robert Lintaman. Antliuny
Growall au.f uthers, with the appurtenances.
No. 10. A certain lot of grouutl situate in Salis
bury Iwr.. Somerset Co., Pa., containing yt acre,
more or less, with a large two story frame dwell
ing house, stable and other outbuildings thereon
erected, and known on tlie general plan of said
town as lot No. 34. adjoining lot No. 36 on the west
lot No. 33 on the east, and street on the north and
on the south, and by lands of liuluer W agner.
No. 11. Three certain lots of ground situate In
Salisbury lr., Somerset Vi., Pa., containing !i
acre each, more or less, and known on the general
plan of said town as lots No. 37. 3d and S8. ad-
aud is put up j Joining lot No. 4U on the north, Siiircr lane on the
North Second i east, broad lane on the south, and Smith's avenue
Lfjal Sol ice x.
A. J. Cotocra 1
. I , No. 1 February
Caroline Bevk and the whb.w V T-nn, ima.
arsl heirs ol Christian Lan-i Part II Ion Hoc.
dia, deceased.
To A. J. Oolbom,' Fsq., Caruline Heck, xivl tho
widow and helm of Christian Laada, decnuod:
Takk Nirrtra that an tnouest will be IvHd on the
premises. In the biwnshipof tUklick, in tlieeounly
of Somerset, on Thunnluy the M h day of Septem
ber Pi?, for the purpoae of making atrtitioB of the
following real estate to and amoui( tlie above n.
uied parties, vis: tract of lami contalnlnx 4
sens, situate in FJklick tuwBsbip, warrantcl iu
the name of Kalpo Chary, if the same can be done
without prejudice tnorsfwlllns; the whole: other
wise to value and appraise the same according to
law; at which time ami place you are requested to
attend if voa think proper.
31st July lS7i Sheriff.
No. 1 Febrnary
Partitki loc.
A. J. CollKirn
Ken hen Kretehman. Manas.
ses Kretc'.man, and t he wld
ow ami heir of Christina
I Amlia itwAflHed
To A. J. Colborn, Pcitf en Krctchmnn. Tifanns.-s
Kretchinan. ami the iiloWiUi.llieiisol Christian
Judii. deceased: .
Takk Notice that an Iwiuest will he held on the
nremises. tn tint towiohin of Klkluk. in the coauty
ol Siomsrsot, on Thursday the 5th day of Scptem-
ner. isri, Kir 1 no purpose ol maKimr paniipoM .u
follow Ing reel estate to ami among the alsivo nam
ed parties, vit: tract of land "containing W
acres, situate In Klkliek townshiis warranted in
the name of Tlaanas Chary, if the same can lie
done without prejudice ftr sjiollintr the whole:
otherwise tivalue are! a.aise the same according
to law. at which time and place you may attend if
yon think proper. .
Sheriff Office, i JOSIAH SIIAFER,
Somerset,31stJuly'72i Sheriff.
To t'yrns Rlngler. Susan Rash. B. L. Rlngler,
Kliia Uingler, U. H. Klngler. John Ringler.
Amanda, intermanieil with Wm. Hull, George
Kinglcr. and Mary Ellxaheth Kmgler:
Yoe are hereby notified to apiiear at an fr
phan's iurt, to beheld at Somerset on Monday the
Jth day of September next, to aocetit or refuse the
real estate of George Kinglerdec'd at the apprais
ed price, or show cause why the same slionld not be
Sold. .
Sheriffs Office. JOSIAH SIIAFF.R.
Somerset, July 31, 7X i Sheriff.
Nearly One Million Dollars
To Which is Added
A Fund of Fifty Thousand Dollars in Cash,
All to be divided amongst Shareholders as a majority may di
rect at a meeting to be held on the 21th, October, 17:?.
K-latcof John IJ. Wlrslng, late of Addison town
ship deceaseil.
Letters of administ ration on the atiovc estate ha
Ing been granted to the undersigned, notice is here
by given to those indebted tomakelmmediutepay
mcnt. and those having claims against It will pre
sent them, duly authenticated for settlement at the
late residence of said deeeaseil. In Pelerburg, on
Satunlav, Scptctr.licr 7th. 1ii72.
July SI. Administrator
le tters of Administration on the estate of Mary
Teilrow. bite of New t'eiitrevtlle lioioagh. Somer
set t'ounty, dceaseil. having been totted to the un
dersigned, by the Register of said county, I hereby
give notice that I will attend at Die residence of
Marv billable, iu said borough, ou Satunlav. the
With day nf September next, when those Indebted
to said estate are reiiuested to make payiui-nt, au.1
those having claims against said estate will pre
sent them for settlement.
August 27th, 1S72. Administrator.
At a jiultlit: nii'tin"; Li lil at the Court House, iu tlie lroruii";u of Souit rstt,
ou Friday, the lUth day of May, a. v., the undersigned were ftppsIiit
cd a committee to tiresent to the public a brief statement of the terrible dis
aster inflicted upon the town, by the recent destructive fire, and appeal for
aid in behalf of our suffering people. In discharging this duty, wo will en
deavor to convey a faint idea of the fearful calamity in a.s few word.s as pos
sible. About four o'clock p. m., on Thursday, ninth of May, a fire broke out
in the western part of the town ; a fierce wind was blowing at the time, and
all efforts to check the flames proved futile. In less than two hours this
once beautiful town was laid in ashes. The extent of ground over which
the destructive element raged is about thirty acres in the central part of the
town, including all the stores and hotels save one of eai-h ; all the banks
aud offices, including two printing offices, all places of business except pub
lic buildings. One-third iu area of the solidly built, and nearly the entire
business part of the town is in ruins, and certainly three-fourths of the
wealth of the place is utterly destroyed. The fire raged with such relentless
furv that the terror-stricken people had to Dee for their lives, and consequent
ly but little of personal property was saved. Indeed, many escaped with
no other clothing than ihat upon their person at the time. To a large num
ber of the sufferers it is a total loss of every thing they possessed, and they
are left houseless and homeless, without a thins in the world and deiH-ndent
j .. t t t i i - - i
iiiiiiltt in iiT-ri-MT em u ufiiii isttshii its mcTTnrii in 1 . .
legatees, creditors and others, that the t. liowimr i upon the public tor bread, uttiers, upon wtiout the calaiuitv is not so severe
"nV'Vilv?.'TfLli;tLTi ,1n3fI,ne fttm are grcatlv in need of aid to enable them to take another start in tho buttle
will he proaeuted foreonhmiati'in and allowance at I r. -,, , . . . . , , ,
nn Orphans' Court, to be held nt Somerset. In and ' Of lite. 1 he loss Will nut Fall far MlOrt of a 111 1 1 i I Oil of dollars, and till.' total
!Ii"tr'w""'"'-tta,ah'tay,,raiHouiit of insurance will not exceed one hundred thousand dollars,
i irst ami Anal aeconnt of wmiam Eicher, adiur ! (jenerous public, that in the past has responded so nobly to the crv for
of Albert Andrew, dee'd. iij. r i i ,i 1 , . ij
First and final a.roum of jacoh NetTand simon i help from foreign lands, and to the appeals of our own countrvnien w ho have
YFirSS'?iJ. adm rof suffered like direful calamities, we call upon you in behalf of this suffering
Levi now ser, dd. " but hopeful people FO It AID .SUBSTANTIAL AID. Your charities will
First and nartlnl account cf .Tnsctih Hnntpr ,r.
ecutor of Alex. Hunter, sr.. dee'd.
Final account of Jacob IJcrkcy, exce'r of Ales.
C Meyers, dee'd.
Final account of Wm. F. I "hi, adin'r of Claries
Vhl. deed.
Acriaint of Joseph awl Jonathan Cable, Trustees
of Jenry Cable, dee'd.
Account of Andrew Poorbangh, alra'rof Susan
na Foorbaugh. di'd.
Account of David Lehman, trustee Ac. id" Daniel
Miller, dee'd.
Account ot Anthony Fliekinger. aaini'rof Sain'l ,
Zeigler. dee'd.
Partial a.-cuunt of John S. HcfBey exee'r of
Samuel Hcttlev, ilec'd.
First acc't of John Griffith, adm'r of I. R. Lew
Is, di-c'd. .
First account of William bender, adm'r of John '
Shoemaker, dee'd.
First and final account of O. L. and Sallr Huech- j
ly. executors of Win. .If. HuerhlT deed, who was i
executor ol Abraham Uuo hlv. dec d.
K arm's orm-a. I. J. HORNER,
Somerset, I'a, Aug 21. Uegiater.
copelul IHJOpI
confer a lasting favor upon them, and we sincerely hope that iu the exercise
of yonr liberality anil generosiry.Jt will lie like the quality of mercy, ' not
strained, but twice blessed, blessing him that gives and him that takes."'
Michael A. Sanner, Esq., of Somerset, Pa., is the Treasurer of tho Relief
Committee, to whom contributions can lie sent.
WM. II. KOONTZ, - Committee.
The above are the appeals of a suffering community, and the Wellersburg
Coal, Iron, Timber ami Fire-Clay Company, of Wellersburg. Somerset Co.,
I'a., propose to deliver to the Belief Committee all the profits ari.-ing from
the sale of shares.
hull -nil with the choicest final ami mitten I
up in line tasre. it was uwi'eil jroiicn up , already large and still inureasing demand t..r it.
in the liest stvle of nnv Harvest 'Home or nd wliich tells how last it is cuiuing into general
Sunday hoT.1 picnicUie writer lias had ZV$fcthm'h, appro, dated
the pri Vlk'CC of Ik-III; at. AH Were well at home, but the true worth or it is l.ccoiiiiiigs.1 a
gatisfied. - After dinner tllin OilllC the ' parent every here, that thousands of them are now
ucing soii io various loreign countir
make more
WANTED. A trents
make more monev at work for us than at
auvlhing else. Jtusiness ligtit an.1 fieruianent.
1'articuiars m-c. i. i i.vw. & u ., r uie .in
Publishers. Portland. Maine.
ouia Ac , all lmlkiw.
lit Sulirburg 1 title j rult .t "ili"" ut
ImmIv thus "saixinistiaillv": "An Klk
k fanner, whis-lhriftiness isiiroverhtal.
1 hisewUle, liauliil several Isuds of up
besiilin Mindrj' other clumn, und was
ly l'nr i luirch iietnrc2r. m., husl Suis
se don't bniir liifii iiiiuh,
'avtion, Everv genuine Ikix f
rs the signature of FLEMINtJ
ft OS., ritt.-buro-h. I'a.. and their!
ate I'nited States Stamp. "Take
"iln r. "The market is full of imi-!
iiu Thiup sIowry wouhl inform his
pinners that his mill, in tvmers"t. li:u
ini-rlv the John Xelfl liaiik. south-east
I;is IbiroiiL'h. Mr. Iavis. a practical
r In mi Jiihnstown, ilix-s the lring:.nEC
Mnl the platform is now filled with
liiliil lunip and tinm1 rinifrh eiml. Xo
y-iliiir clean. Leave your orders al
uii happiness and t-nin
In the words Inline and lieal'.h are eni
lwdied neniinients of the liiirliest conoern
to all 1110 wish the greatest depree of en
joyment which this world allords. Wc
have MfD many a mle sitly frirl fading
away as thu frost incite N-lbre the kiss d'
the sunlicain, the pallor indicative of wan
ing health may be seen spreading; its touch
nl decay over beronce bt-aruing face; now
mutes the couph, the wast in e of the flesh,
the tremulous walk, the sunken eve, the
cxectonition of IiIikhI or matter which
1 mint oiTt that the luns arc failing in their
j ollice. Xow is the time to take a remedy,
! such n itic as Dr. Keyser's Ltin-; Cure,
I which will nut only improve the Miaul and
add lo its plastic jiowcr, but will aid the
. lymphatic and eliiiiiiiutinir orpins to re
move from the system the lurking jNiisons
which taint and vitiate the blood. It is all
ri.L'ht to wrup up in flunnels and to proted
the leet with shoes imiervious to the wet
jinny well know that sonielhinjr more is
neeiieil to pres;r-e the animal ortrfinism
swingini!;, young and old enjoying it well.
We separated at alniut four p. 111. We re
turn our tluinks to the pood jieople of
Fricdenslmrg for their kind husjiitalily,
and hope the giver of every good and per
fect gift may ever lie with them.
Yours truly,
Sunday School Teach tit.
ne,,ra.l i;.r.i... .1 . .. 1 me im u siiiies nil lervmus in iuc
en siniitieu lor Hie txtsi three inotiths for I i 1 . . .
.airs.'!,,,, tha, l! uiI ".'" n "",l,RiU but when Uie eotij
li the mill again in a few davs lle!f,,,."r' U? f, V''red Vf tl.'e "
1:11 also say that he will continue to j Tn ZZZt?11. f U,f, '
a large snjijily of Hour, feed, Jte., on
.m irom wreck and ultimate ruin. It is tise-
oai.. Those in want of e.d for any to tTy out when all the avenues of life
;kc. steam generating, line buniing ' have been forced, and when function after
-in lie Mtpplied at Alex Stutzmau s ' ,u"ion uas tuirremlereil to the enemy.
M. neyserg mnj l ure is tlie reinetiy
that ill cure tvnsumption as well as re
move thut i-aehertic atute of the system
tion which it depends. Send for laluiph
let. Sold at tf l 50 jut bottle or 4 for fi.
Lung examinations everv duv except Sun
day und Tui-sday. at 'M. LiU rty Ktreet,
I'lttsliurg, from 10 . ,. t l p. m., !ind
from ;t until G p. ni.
il.vGuoci:itT. Caik and Iki-rits ot
r'ced Store, liave otM-ned out in the new
p iiugon llugus' corner on Maine Cross
t, alvi ottnipiil by 11. V. Bi-erits' shoe
11 W. ;
V. nf AdtliMin tn
'"ley, if course, was "k allowed.
Ukuiw we give a few pertinent and
well timed remarks from our friends 1 i
In addition to flour irrain and mill ! I Iarvev & Co. Our dam nien n,l
I they have, full assonment of gro- j per of butter throughout tlie county will
imivisions, toluuttis Ac fresh from , do well to give this their earnest and care
1 ilv, at reasonable price. JiveryUnly ' ful consideration.
and se lor yourselvw. j The season is fast approaching for mov-
j ing the butter crop of the ti lades, and we
HE Democrats of Somerset (Vmut v nn ! take this omairtunitr lo advise our friends
t 'iiveinii.n on Momhiy last, and noiniua- to give Dairy .Marks and shiiucr's iianic
uie tiiiiowmg ticket : j on each kcir, and to advise tu by mail, at VV. K. I'hl, of Wellersburir Or U fore the time if shimnent. the ixt
1 MtliotniUrv Kre.1 ;n.f f St
K-jrifAr II. IleniUin Flirk.'of I dairv lmirks in full: lliitt will nal r.nlv t.n.
L f ll'lj i " -wswsss m timiir- I s.iil vwui univil, 17111, .lttl'lt. HP 1 IiaXCT It"
i , ,"'""r" 'p. ; Slierilf (ieorge eU r, turns more pronnrtlv.
'ait l It V lair.: I'. II. Dins-tor John f'rotn fill ttjwiiints the emn in tliA T'nit.
I Mia.le tl).; Auditor H illintn ' ni Klnt and Canada nill UrviAv svn.d
that ol List year, and as the reports from
abroad arc very favorable, price are likely
to ruic l low the average of hist season.
The weather is yet very warm, and no
Glades of any consequent lias been re
ceived, but as soon as it will permit, would
advise the tdiipmeiit of a few dairies to test
the nuirket fSeluctcd kes would now
bring full prices, but si rait: lit dairies, un
less line all through, would not command
over 20 cent. The sales are mostly West
ern, with sales of pi aid to prime at 18 to
20c; a lew lkncy jmckages sell in a jobbing
way at 24 to 22c; interior goods are dull
and nominal.
With the assurance that the same atten
tion and promptness that have character
ized our effort for the past twenty years,
shall lie accorded to all consignments en
trusted to our we, we are.
Yours faithfully,
J. O. IIauvet fc Co.
Cards can lie bad at any of the principal
stores, or cither of the printing offices.
Uksixa, Pa., August 24Ui, '72.
Mn. Euitor: In view of the approach
ing storms of wind and rain which are the
forerunners of a coming winter, wc again
npeal to the charitably inclined jxirtion of
the larnung community of Lower lurkcy
foot Township, asking them ns a favor, to
bring in a few loads of 'liuckw heat straw,"
for the purpose of forming a mantle.of pro
tection to that "same old shed," which is
lieing used by the 1. U. &, AY. I tail way
Comjiany as a detail at Vrsina.
True, there has lieen ltimlier, already
fremiti, and ready fur the erection of a res
cctali!c building, but the jKinderotis minds
of said Company are seemingly unable to
decide where said building is to Is; located.
This Hindi, we siipjxwi., they have deci
ded : 1st. That the building is to lie located
somewhere between Urook Tunnel and
Confluence; 2d. Said binding is to tie com
pleted within six mouths after the election
of (Jreeley to the presidency. AVe recom
mend the present deHit building to the
school directors of Lower Turkeyloot Tp.,
tielieving tliat the said building might lie
purchased from the Coniimny on reasona
ble terms, and that it might form quite an
acceptable protection to the rising genera
tion of Confluence as they are leaving their
idi-ns trained "how to shoot " Mac. .
rri HrM'K lhe ,M'"',' tann"t ,:,ke to
''i from its terrible nauseating tate
rt'il in the throat. The v..rl
B ared by I)r. pitcher is nurelv viM.,.i.
Pt rfeitly barniUtw, pleasant to take,
inure effective than ('a slur Oil
not distrrsic
f m. and oa,ratc nhen all other reme-
t uve tailed. It tuts like magic for
PWU Ache. ttVnudinutb.n fl...
. ' j ...... A uuuicui
f l ana Worms. It ..,.; n..iii...r
r rabi, Monihine nor ll.lml I fa
-s. yuieung eflit proilucM natural
ana p&nicularly adapts il to crying
nt!'? ,:hilureo- 3" rtM le lias
C'C- """"iuahflcd endorsement by
otie s, jjiuer nils.
thout h never
Use HeneOta of Fnsbion.
The world moves and w are moving
with it. The natural principle of the laws
of nature is progress, and while men have
sought out many inventions iu the arts and
sciences to assist this great .movement.
Fashion, as she leads the van, acknowl
eilires herself the queen of the universe,
while she holds out the lnagniticc nt em
blems of her profession. As much as
critics now -a days ridicule and aluise fash
ion, yet her banner is flying and the na
tions of tlie earth are com tngunder her
standard. Behold Iter rta nli Kit nn the
diamond colored, gold bedecked throne of
the universe, embroidered with line Lice
and flowing riblwna, whose beautiful form
is clothed with gorgeous apparel, and
wiiose nrow is crowned -with the eerns of
i ojmz. juouui tuai iieui-stui and wita ner
view the mighty court. AYhat a scene
meets your eyes? The wealthy and hon
orable of the land are at her footstool, and
in their countenances you can seethe bright
light of intelligence ticaming and the spark
ling of wit and humor flashing from their
eves. n the one band sits rennctnent and
taste, while contentment leads the guests
into their lighted and gorgeously decorat
ed parlors; while on theothcr hand sit love
and sociability as they spread the cheering
banquet for the joy and pleasure ot na
tions. A bat a striking contrast with the
dark ages of the past T
1 hen iashion aud beauty were unknown;
the Leghorn bonnet and slab-bottom, heavy
leathered shoe were then esteemed a dain
ty; now, the elegant "Dolly Varden" hat
and the tidy, pliable and laccless morocco
gaiter charm the season ; then, the Loop
less, slouch y and skeleton -appearance spe
cimen of humanity; now, the exquisite
urocian Dcnu, the liowing jermoiine, and
Such is the confidence of Ibe manufacturers In
the excellency ot this ipin. that they say
nii-d a trial to tirovc itsell valuable to "everv
keeper, and we warmntthem to aivs satislae
the directions are fully observed.
Mm" So change of Iron it required! OXK twdntf j
all (list is necessary for a lamily. as it can be kept
rostantly lint while in use. and only repuiriuir
Oil. Celt's Wortli of Ctircoal for an Ironing.
'I would not be without this iron iorfc'O. if I could
not iret another." is the cxcluiuaticn ot those who
uc the lltele wonder.
tis y it: tky it:
Mi Ftl! tlirectiont encloted in each iron.
For sale by
Auitu.-t 2stU, lS?i Somerset, Pa.
1111 TI1K WtlKKIN'O CLASS, male or female.
A 0 a week ifnaranteed. Kesjieetalile einpioy
ineiit at home, day or eveninir no capital repiiiri'd ;
lull instructions and valuable package of goods to
start with, sent free by mnl!. Address, with (cent
return stump. M. YtU Nd tc
1 t'ourdtlandt St., New York.
on the west, with the appurtenances.
No. li A certain lot ol ground situate in FJklick
township, Somerset county. Pa., containinir 1 acre,
more or less, adjoining liindsof Henry IxloUelty
ami Abraham P. lleaehy. with tlie appurtenances.
No. 13. A certain tract of land situate in Kiklirk
towushim Somerset countr, I'a.. containing 75
arros. more or les. of which there are about 10
acres cleared and about la acres in meadow, with a
two story loir dwelling house, log burn, and other
out-buildings thervou encted. and known as the
Tride tract of bind, adjoining lands ot Samuel
Folk. Jonas Peachy. John P. .Miller and others,
with the apnirrtonarices.
Seized und taken In execution a? the property of
inruin rinniay at tne sun m j. y... ijonetwrgcr.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Hiram
Findlay and John I. Hoddy. ot; In and to the fol
lowing deacrfia-d estate, viz:
Sixteen certain lots of ground, situate nt tllcncoe.
Nnrthamiuin townsliip. Somerset Oounty. Pa., and
known on the general plan ot said town as tots nos.
j t 4. . 11). 1 1. 21. 24. ii. IT. 91. 35, So. 134. 135. 130 and
i 19;'s with the amiurtenitnces.
seiieii ami taken in execution as tne prnjierty or
Hiram Findlay and John I). Koddy, at tho suit of
liavfit nay.
Sheriffs office, , JOSIAH SHAFKR.
Aug. 14. 1S7Z. ( tshrriff.
pt ion if , i r
Grant Greeley
WTT OflM T)T)fiWiT "lii
II 1JJOU11 JJ JAU II Vi dinc
mtoirfsUpsiucs, Over 40 Bteol Portxaita,
worth twice the cost of the liool
where. Agents have wonderful
circular. Address ZIKOLLK a
61S Arch Street, Philadelphia. Pa.
sik. Wanted every- ! .J
I success. Send li.r DC
k Mct't'RIIY. i"
. 5
Areata Wtaatesl lor the Autoliingra'hy of
Horace Greeley,
The best and only Edition written by himself; and
for our l872l'AHPAlUXXA!(l'As.,abook
bf the times tor all parties. Illustrated, (hie agent
sold 80 in three davs. Also, fur "Hendley's IJie ol
President Grant, and Splendid Steel Portraits of
Candidates. .X)a monih made. E. B. TKKAT,
Publisher, 805 itnmdway. New York.
li'LOUIt &.
lie rure to call and see. and 1 ronvluc-
Vn7arren (o)anp
uu Flnt Premium U Uia.lsUS7l
IViuble Klevatcd Oven, Wanning t'loscf, Ilniillng
Iiir, Fender Onnnl. Humping a. Slinking Irate.
Iiircn Iirail. K1I.LKK. WAKIiKN .y t.,3.X
aler Street, New lork.
iin.u.Ei; ix
114 NiuitbOeld Ntree-t,
I.piite New City Hall, PITTSKl'KHH, PA.
luIS Send ft Illustrated Cntul.igue.
d. as there arc to" many articles kept for
so.mi:iisi:t iioi ni
July 17
SoMtnstT. r.
i A. W. KNEPPKll.
Tin's Cut illustrates the manner of Uiisr j'
Fonntain Xasal Injector,-..
. I j
b--iaie of Thomas Jcnninrs. late of Lower Ttrkcy
fiiot tp., dc-eascii :
letters of admlnistritlon mm tetlamrntoomnczo,
on the alsive estate luiving lieen granted the umler
signc.1. notice Is hereby given to those Indebted to
it to make immediate payment, and those havintr
claims against it will present them to the under
signed lor settlement, at his restdene. on the -Juth
day of Se4emlier, J. 11. J KNNIXl is,
ug 7. Administrator.
Somerset, Pa., Jnne 2")th, 1872.
Air. JAMES LE FEY RE, Secretary.
Dear Sie Your of the llth inst.
received. AiiuretTutini your kind regard for our sufferin? pt-ojile, we trrjte
fully accept your tender of donation of $7;,000 or more out of the proceeds
of the sale of vour Wtllersburtr or Somerset county fond:, for the benefit of
j the sufferers bv the late calamitous Cre that laid our town in ruins.
By order of the Relief Committee.
A. II. CorrROTii, Secretary. 1. AYEYAN'If, Chairman.
Wm. M. Schrock, Somerset, Fa., is the authorized asrent for Somerset Co.
aug. 21, 1372.
The partnership heretofore eiltlmr between the
nndersnrned in the mercantile business in New I'en
tervillc, tSomerset county. Pa., was dissolves! by
mutual consent on the ttrst day of May. IsTt The
tiuoks are in the hands ot Him.' Youicht tor collec
tion. All accounts must tie settle.! within 30 davs.
or they will be solleeted hr process nf law.
Aatrnst 17th, lWi
Havintr been annotated bv the Court of Common
Picas of Somerset County, auditor to distribute the
funds in the hands of the' Sheriff, made by the sale
ol the real estate of John Roberts, to and anion
thoe legally entitled thereto. I will attend to the
duties of said apjintment. at my office in Somer
set, on Tuesday tlie -7th day of August. A. II. l?i,
when and where all per ns intereste,! can attend.
Auir. 7. Auditor.
Instate of Samuel P. Bittncr, late of Summit Tp.
Letters of administration nn the above estate
havinir been trrantedthe uwlersiuTieil bv the proper
authority, notice is hereby given to those ln.lel.ted
to it to make immediate payment, and those har
ms; claims attain H to present them to the under
signed Mr sett leiiM-m and allowance, at the hue res
idence of said deceased, on Satunlav. September i
14th, 1872. JACOB S. BlTTNXK,
Aujr. 7. Administrators.
The part nershlpherctoforeeiistinz between John
Cover and Philip L. Wolterstieixer. doinn business
urnler the name and style of the "illa.le Lumber
Company." in the county of Somerset, is this day
dissolved by mutual consent. The hooks will re
main in the hands of the said Wolfersberrer. and
all penums knowing 1 1 icm selves imlebted to the
said firm will please make settlement with the said
Wolfershenrer. at Mineral Point.
lMnir business unirer the name of the
Aug. 7. 'lilade LuiubcrUotnpany."
Lstaie of Frederick Eichom. Lite of Elklick town
ship, deeeaseil:
Letters of administ rat bin on the above estate aar-
Inic been (framed the unilersficneil by the upipcr au
thority. Botu-e is hereby given to those irKebted hi
it to niake immediate payment, and those havlnir
claims against it to present them, duly authentica
te.!, for settlement tu the undersigned, at the late
residence of the deceased, on Saturday, the 'i:h
day of Septemtier. l7i
August 14. Administrator.
POSE KOSADALI3 are published on
every packairc, theretiire it is nor a secret
preparation consequently.
i It is a eertaln en re Sir Scrofula. Svpclll?
in all lis forms. Kliemuatism. Skin In
seases. I.iver Comi.lalnt and all diseasw
;of the lilood.
"C O W."
The Best Book for Airents. It tells how Ut rr.i!tr,
fn raise, to maimire and to breed to tlie mott pre Hi.
Price, il TS. Sold soly by subscription liberal
terms; circulars sent free: send P r them.
PORTKR . COATES. Publishers,
Aug 7-lm Phiiadelphia, I'a.
On Tnes.lar of Court, at the Court Tlotu fit one
.o dock, wtll he ottered at puldie auctHin. a mu-
CTS E3TTL2 Pf S52A5ATJi ment. stamllngll feet hiah. of tine Italian marbie.
, The work can be eiamine.1 at Mr. Jas. W..Ily s
sin .u. wi ... e .i . sli'ipon Turkepfims. SC. and anT trsmiries laser-
?vts!arriril ed-Tcrmsat'sale. KHlSHVNIi.
Syrups or Sarsajairilla. anitl'it E'rof B. W.llev's Et.
Tho Undersigned Physician JOHN WILSON & SON.
have used Knsadall in their practice for
the past three years, am! frcelT endorse
ii as a reliable Alterative aud lll.sal Pa
cifier. PR. T. C. Pl'OH. of Baltimore.
UK. R- W. L'AHK.
im. j. s. sras, oi . icnoiarvinc.
DR. " U M CARTIIY, Columbia, S.
riR. A. K NOBLES, Edgem N. C.
J. F- FRENCH k SONS. Fall River.
F. W. SMITH. Jaek'on. Mich.
A. F. WHEELER. Lima, Ohio.
B. HALL, Lima. Ohio.
CR AVEN a. CO.. troplonsrill Ya.
SAM'L . Mi FAPHEN, Murfreesbom,
I Our space will not allow of any extend
ed remarks In relation to the virtu -s of
Roeadalis. To the Medical Profession
we guarantee a Fluid Extract suiierior
to any they have ever used in the treat
ment of diseased Blood ; ami to the af
flicted we say. trv Kosadalis, and you
will be restored to health.
! Rnsndall l odd by all Pmjpkts.
Price SI 3 per bottle. Address
dr. nnmH & ro.,
' Jlanufacturinj Chemists,
237 Li'certy Street
june 20.JT-A
DALE CITY, Somerset Co., Pa.,
Artificial Teeth, warranted to be of fhc Vfryne't
quality. Life-like and Handsome. Inserted in the
beststyle. Particular attention paid lo tlie pres
ervation of the natural teeth. Thne wishing t.
tunsnlt me by letter, can do so by eociustDg stamp.
Address as aliove. j LiT'
Nf). 67 Wt H ill ST.. riTTSBCRtlll. PA.
July 10, -71. -
The undcrshnHNl ar.litor. duly apnoinleil br the
Orphans' tVairt i f Somerset county, to make an.1 j
rcjiort a distrilHitiuu ot the fund iu the bauds of i
I la n id llolfuian, sslmbiistrator of Peter and Pullr
Ifin-Lman .1m,I to an.1 Ulitainflr tlioae tcrnlle mill- I
tie. I thereto, hereby gives notice that he will attend
to the duties of hi apt.iutnient on 1'hurs.lay. the
'-il.lavof Auitnst. 1CS. at his otttce in Somerset
lairouirli. wheu and where all persons Interested
inay attend. H. L.BAKK.
aug. 7. Auditor.
25 Horse-Power,
With Two Boilers.
Aug. 28.
Cpmberland, XI tl.
be Regular Baptist Church of Turkryf.iot has
applied to the C.iurl of Common Pleas ol Somerset
Csmiity, for a sliaier of iuoorimration. and unless
sufficient cause a- shown to said Court. on Thorsdnv
Septemher the Kth. IVTi. the same will be granted
by said Court. DENNIS MEYERS,
augrA l -. Prothonotury.
('bamtsrraburs;. Pa.. .
With ample Grounds and eleirant Buildings, so fit
ted up as u tie homelike and attractive, am! well
euipirl for thorough educational work, will open
the nr Terra ol the next Academic year Septem
ber 4t h, 1172, For Circulars, apply to
Aug. 7. Kev. C. R. LANE.
hereby given, that on the 17tb day of Julv,
lHT2,the nieui tiers ofilomer's Evangelical Luth
cjanl'hnrrhof Somerset Co., Pa., made aptdica
tii to the Court of Common Pleas fcir a harterof
Incorporation, am! that unless sufficient reason is
shown to the contra rv. the same will be granted at
September Term, Itrf'JL
12th Autrast, 1872. Pruthoootary,
This Instrument Is especially designed for tba
perfect application of
It is the only form of Instrument yet lnrcntcd
with which fluid medicine can be carried high up
aud perfectly applied to all parts of the affected na
sal passages, and the chambers or cavities com
rjinnicatin; therewith, in which sores and ulcers
frequently exist, and from which the catarrhal d is
chartre generally proceeds. The want of success
in treating Catarrh heretofore has arisen largely
from the Impossibility of applying remedies to
. incse cavities ana cnamoers oy any oi me orat
I nary methods. This obstacle In tho way of ef
fect id z cares Is entirely overcome by the invention
! of the Douche. In using this instrument, the Fluid
It carried by Its own weight, (M snutRno. lotctng er
pumping being required,) up one nostril tn a full
eently liowing stream to the highest portion of tho
nasal passages, passes into and t boron Erbly cleans
es all the tubes and chambers connected therewith,
in d lows out o I ths opposite nostril. IUnscisplcss
aut, and so simple that a cliUd can understand
it. Fall and explicit directions) ac
company each instrument. When used with this
instrument. Dr. Sstre'e Catarrh Remedy cures re
cent attacks of "Cold in the Head" by
a few appiicttlons.
Kymptomsof Catarrh. Fretrncnt head
ache, discharge falling into throat, sometimes pro
fuse, watery, thick mucus, purulent,offensive, Ac.
In others a dryness, dry, watery, weak or inflamed
eves, stopping up or obstruction of nasal passages,
ringing In ears, deafness, hawking and couching
to clear throat, ulcerations, scabs from nJcors,
troico aitercd. ntssi twang, offensive breath, im
paired or total deprivation of sense Of smell and
taste, dizziness, mental depression, loss al appe
tite. Indigestion, enlarged tonsils, tickling cough,
Ac Only a few of these symptoms tue likely to
ij present in any case at one time.
Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedr, when
ascd with Dr. Pierce's Nasal Dotsche,
and accompanied with the constitutional treat
ment which is recommended in the pamphlet
that wraps each bottle of the Remedy, la a per.
feet specific for this loathsome disease, and the
proprietor offers, in good auth, f SOO reward
fig a case he can not cure. Tho Remedy is mild
and pleasant to usc,rcntaining no strongor caustic
drugs or poisons. , The Catarrh Remedy is sold at
M cents. Douche at GO cents, by all Drug-'
ft 1st a, or either will be mailed br proprietor on
receipt of 60 cent.. It. V.
Sole Proprietor, BUFFALO, N. V Z
whereas, the Higmrable Willi aw M. H ill.
President of the several Courts of Common Pleas
of the Counties conijiosing the sixteenth Judicial
IHstrict. and Justice of the Courts of Over and Ter-
miner and Oeneral Jail Helivery, ir the trial of
t nil ennltal and other offenders in the said IHstrict.
and Lewis A. Tcrxkr and Johias hlownr, Es
ouires. Judges nf the Courtsof Common Pleas, and
Justices of the Courtsof Oyer and Terminer, and
Oeneral Jail Delivery, fur the trial of all capital
and otherotienders In theCounty of Somerset, have
issued their precepts and to me directed, for hold
ing a Court of Common Pleas and Oeneral Quar
ter Sessions of the Peace, ami Oeneral Jail llellv.
cry and Uourts oi Oyer and Terminer, at Somerset,
OS Xwntlajr. Keptetnfcer Mb, l7'-li
NoTirg it hereof given to all the Justices of the
Peace, the Coroner ami Constables within the said
County of Somerset, that they be then aa! there in
their proper jiersous, with their rolls, reeonls. Inqui
sitions, examinations, and other remeurbrances. to
dothose things which to their offices and in that
behalf appertain to be done; and also, they who
will prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall
he in the jail of Somerset County, to be then and
there, to prosecute against them as shall he rust.
Shkkits s. Orncr. i JOSIAH SHAFEH.
Somerset, Aug. 14. Stierlff.
Has fur sale fur the season of mi
vitii on without :
Fertilizing Attachment,
Host PERFECT and Durable Prill
Now in the market
It will he to the Interest of Farmers to call and
see It at his urm-houso in Somerset, tiefor nor.
chasing any other. aug. 7.
Put down for trial at Soptemlier Term. lS7i com
mencing Mondav. September Wth :
WeM IL T. vs Coughenour Levi
same vsN'etf John et al.
Hlostoller Haniel vs Caaebeer Harrison.
Boucher John vs Trim(ie U.
' Sehlag Henry vsColhorn ft Faer
Koonts Frederick vs Shrader a liearL
State Hank vs lutield John.
Kanner 'harles vs S. a M. V. K. It. Co.
Kaker John II. vs saiue.
Connellv K S. ts Jenkins Isaac A.
Holland" John ts Jones Shaalcy a Cs.
lie woes Wm. IL rs-Shafer Josiah.
Sinner John . ts Stonert 'harles Assignees.
- Turner L. A.'s Asslguees vs Stockilale, Saiith ft
Co.. et al.
Same ts Slick ft niarkhura.
Same ts F.lhart, W its ft Co.
Same ts El hart, Lownsch ft Co.
Flick Samuel vs lleniord ft Co.
Seliell ft Kimmel vs Clayconib Henry,
Snyder S. P. ts Leopold ft Pro.
Neville Oeorge vs Morgan William-
Ilerkey Ilanlul ts Hosh Joseph.
Shank Henry ts Zimmerman A. L. et al.
Hover C.uiiissa vs Haer H. O. et al. ,
1owdermllk Thos. ts NcCleary WiUi&m et al.
Bayer Beni&niin ts Tressler Joseph.
KiiumelJamesTsN ostol ler lMnleL
- Hsrah W. S. vs Hweitier Simon et al.
Wasisworth Joseph vs Stohl John H. et nx.
Schirer Adam ts Hoddy ft Flndlav. '
Same's use ts same.
Sullivan Michael vs same. .,
Sipe Jaeob's use ts K Issmel Staglctonb - -'
Fox Samuel's use ts Turner L. A. '
Trent William ts Dunham ft Fox.
Sea ft Louis ft Co. ts C raver Jaeob's Oanlleaces.
Ludy Oeorge ts Keed John ft Margaret.
Prerere Jacob ts Hoblitsell WUltam.
Same ts Hoblitsell Bruoe.
Llchty Jonas ts Sal. ft Bait. K. K. Co.
Phllaon Samuel v Will SamneL
. Piitlson Samuel ft Co. ts same.
Hay Philip ts Koddy John V.
. Earnest ft Delp ts iiamrperger Solomon.
1), MEYEltS,
SonersetPa., Mth Asg. Tl Prolhoootarv.
tetiMofl of Penjliaiiii
Rewalatlaa PrwiMMtlntr an
titntiouor Pen
ew tins rut ta Ihet'em
He il Seselred sy Ike Senile and House of Rep
retentativet of the CommoniceallK of Penntytra
nio in General Attempt out. That the following
auien-lmeul of the Constitution of this t'omimev.
wealth tie proposed to the ieople for their adoption
or raieetkm. pursuant to the provisions of the tenth
article thereof to wit :
Strike out the sixth section of the sixth article
of the Constitution, and insert in lien thereof the
following: "A State Treasurer shall be chosen by
the qualified electors of the State, at such time.V
and for such terui of service as shall lie prescribed
Speaker of the House of RepresentatWes.
Speaker ut the Senate.
Armi'ven The twcntT-seeon.1 day of March,
Anno Ilomini one thousand el--bt hundred ami seventy-two.
l'Tcimreil and cert I he. I Sir publication pursuant
to the Tenth Article of the Constitution.
Secretary ot the Commonwealth.
Office Secretary ot the Commonwealth, f
Harristurg, Juaelh. W71 ( ju!3
Political Campaign
OF 1872.
a Grant & Wilson
i a. t-
7 I 4 TWltt fan,! Ximrs-UAs2
m Ari as aa va m v s ssii
With Poripiiis any device !br all parties.
Silk. Bunting and Muslin Flag of nil sijes on
band or made to onler. Chinese Lanterns of all
sines anti styles ; Paper ltakn. Fire Works, ftc..
kc. Campaign Cluhs ntteil out at the Lowest
Kates at
49 South Tbinl Strrrt riiilmlclpfcu.
July M, "7
lo Hannah. Intermarried with Michael Sheets, re
sblingat fronton. Law re ner county. Ohio, Elisa
beth, intermarried with Edward" Smoase, resi
ding In Preslon county. West Virginia. Marga
ret. Intermarried wit h Alex. Warner, Catharine.
intermarried with Smith, and Sarah Hrha-
ven. the last three heirs residing at Ironloat. Law
renew county, osilu;
You are berebr notilieil t annear at an Or
phans' Court to be held at Somerset, on Monday
the tab day of September next, lo accept ut refuse
the real estate uf Jacob Iehavea dee d at the ap
praised price, or show cause why the same should
not be sold.
Sheriffs Offlce,
Somerset, July St, Ti
ValnaWe Real Estate
In Conemaugh Tp.
John Kummeiy Estsitc.
Bv Tlrtne of an onler of the Or bans' Cnnrt of
Somerset County. Penn'a, I will ejtlwu ts sale by
public outcry, on the premises, the iollowlitx v.ilu.i
tde Heal Estate, late the pnitirrtT of J.jba Kuni
meLileeeased, in Conemaugh Township,
ON SATCBDAY, Al'Gl'ST 31H, isri
A valuable Farm eontnlntnx Two Htindre.! snd
Seren aerea. more or lesa. a.idning lands of Peier
Uindlespeixer, Haniel Blough. el L
One Hundred and Fifty Acres arc Uoaretl
And In good cultivation: Thirty Acres in splen
did meadow.
There are erected upon the premises
The r&nn ta well watered, ami has also en tt a
Targc Orchard
H line bearing fruit trees. Possession given on the
I will sell at publle sale, en SATl'RDAY. the
21st day of Selitemlwr ISTi the following tracts of
Und. situated V4 miles west of Shanksrille. fnSto-
Byersek lewnsniis anown as tne Barckley farms:
No. I. Containing 14& acres : miMt on .1
e.1 ; the balance well timbered: adminina: faster lrt of April, 1S73.
AcHar and others. Tmun: Ten percent, of the purchase muer b
vNH?L C'ooUiulnjtJO acres; ) acres cleareil, and be paid when tkw ivutHSty iaaullj one-third ."th
the balance nleely eovered with chslce timber, such purchase money to r-uia in a lien on the premises a
as viae, chestnut and white oak. a widow's dower: one-third to be paki aftertae sale
No. a. Containing about 70 acres; a seres clear- Is confirmed and deed made; awl onethsrl to he
d. and the balance well timbered. paid on the Rrst day of April, a. n. M74. with in-.
No. 4. Containing So acrts; SI acres cleared, and terest from the day of sale to be secured by jialg-
the balance also well timbered. ment bond. SILAS J. CO V EK.
The above tract are all under good cultivation, August 11. Aduuaist-aUir.
well watered, and nicely situatetl lor stock and hirat-
Ing purposes. They all adioln tract No. 1. Zw mi 7Z I "
PersoiiswIshinKtoiwiTl.uweaahaTetlmeanthe IlOlllUa JSUUrS CnlinarT
hand money by paying the interest. "
Terms made known oa day of sale. For Catalogue, terms, and references, address
-Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, r. w. RE.W XnsEPM WAt
sgM-flt DANIEL MOSTOLLEH. augl-lm HoUiitayburg Pa.