The Somerset Herald. wtiiNESKAY AnorsT.a in. " KIT ALHPl'BUCAS TICKET." FOB PRESIDENT, ULYSSES S. GRANT, OF ILLINOIS. TOR VICE-TEE SIPEXT, HENRY W. WILSON, OF MASSACHUSETTS. rPrBMCAX KTATB-TICKET. EAKXIU IT PAY. Laboring to fulfill Horace Grot-ley's part of the bargain and sale oonsuma tcd at the Baltimore Convention, the Tribune does not scruple to crossly defame General IIakt&anft while it 'proclaims Bickalew "a man of stain j less private and public character." j Lot us see ! While in Congress Mr. j Bickalew voted against the Fif teenth Amendment to the Constitu tion of the United States ; against the FOR GOVERNOR, J.F. HARTRANFT, of Montgomery FOR SUPREME JUDGE, ULYSSES MERCUK, of Bradford. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, HARRISON ALLEN, of Wirrcu, FOR CONGRESSMEN AT LARUE, J. GILLINGIIAM FELT. Phila. GEN. HARRYWHITE, Indiana. GEN. WM. LILLY. Carbon. L. BARTHOLOMEW, Schuvlkill. H. X. M'ALLISTER, Center. WILLIAM DAVIS, Monroe. JAMES REYNOLDS, Lancaster. SAMMUEL F. DIMMICK, Wayne. GEO. V. LAWRENCE. Washington. DAVID X. WHITE, Allegheny. W. H. AIKEN, Lohitrh. JOHN H. WALK Eli, Erie. ! XTV SOMIJIATIOXH. J E FOR SENATE, E. D. YUTZY, Lower Turkeyfoot. (Subject tuthedecl'kmol the District Coolerenoe.) FOR DELEGATES TO THE CONVENTION HON. S. L. RUSSELL, of Bedford, J. W. CURRY, of Blair. FOR LEGISLATURE, R. McMILLEN, of Middlcerook. FOR PROTII0NOTART, M. SCHROCK, of Stonyorook. FOR SHERIFF, OLIVER KNEPTER, of Somerset. FOR REGISTER &. RECORDER, J. ROBERT WALTER, of Milford. FOR COMMISS10.VER, VAL. MILLER, of Queniahoning. FOR POOR HOUSE DIRECTOR, JOHN H. SNYDER, of Stonvcrock. FOR AUDITOR, JACOB SPEICHER, of Stonycieek. A t'OlPLE OfTHEJL To refute all the falsehoods which are manufactured in the interests of the '-Greeley, what-is-it ticket n in ref erence to the coure of many of the public men of the country, would oc cupy all the space of most country journals. For instance it has been al leged and circulated by our neighbor, the Jk nun rat, that Hon. E. II. Rol lins, late Commissioner of Internal Revenue, has declared for Greeley. Well, this is the way Mr. Rollins talk ed for Mr. Greeley at a late mass meeting in Portsmouth, X. H. : "Thank God, there if nodaiverofGn-e-li-y'i election. Such a. result in my judg ment would be a national calamity. What could the business interests of the country depend on in case of hi election T Gree ley, the fa her of protection, who was tna-. eeutre figure in the Democratic free trade caricature, scattered broadcast about this State only a few months ago, is now their nominee "for the lresidcncy, and receiving the support of these free trade Democrats. It is said he waives his free trade opinions. He would prolmbly waive all the rest of his Republican principles after his election. What can you expert of such a man, and hat reliance can tie placed in a man who will waive his principles for a Presidential nomination T " Again, it has been claimed that ox Governor Goodwin, of New Hamp shire, had abandoned the Republican ranks to enlist under Greeley. In a published letter the Governor denies the charge and closes his statement as follows : " Regarding the Greeley movement as a coalition of the worst men of liotli great political jiarties, I cannot but look wrth dismay upon a successful issue of an alli ance which would throw our Government into the hands ot it late enemies, the reb els of the Smth. In 1SW, Horace Gree ley, even then unreliable, attempted to de feat the re-election of President Lincoln a man whose sagacity w clearly demon strated in his selection of the general who was destined to give the final blow to the rebellion, and who, aa our honored Presi dent for the last four yean, has so faithful ly administered the great trust reposed in lit hands. Under the lianner of Great and Wilson, and only under its folds, can the country look for prosperity and reat nes. " . repeal of the infamous Fugitive Slave i law ; against establishing the Frecd I men's Bureau ; against a Civil Rights j bill, which secured equality before the j law to all men cf every color, and he voted for a constitutional amendment prohibiting negroes from becoming citizens of the I nited States. Jle vo ted against paving liouutiesto voluu- GLENI W. SCHOFIELD, t.f Erie. I t.-ers ; against giving black w.ldiers CHARLES ALBRIGHT, of Carbon, j the same pay as white soldiers; ! against the conscription law ; against DELEGATES AT LARGE TO THE C0N,TI-!1(avlm,ut ..ergcucy men" TUTIONAL CONVENTION, i cai.d out to defend his OH II State, " : i . MEREDITH, Philadelphia. I , . vn( , navin!r kHk-1 Slave- ! owners for slaves drafted or received into the armies of the United States. .i x- . : i i t .. lie opposcu me auouai imuaiug nci, ! and the adoption of a uniform system of bankruptcy, He voted against the reconstruction acts and the supple ments thereto ; against the resolution excluding from the Electoral College the vote of the relel States not yet organized, and against a resolution providing that neither House of Con gress fchould admit Senators or Rep resentatives from the rebel States un til Congress should have declared such State entitled to representation. I In the State Senate, of which he is still a member, he has shown himself 'the most hide-bound of partisans, nev ' or having failed in a single instance L . . r. . V ..,.., 10 VOte lor pun meur-ui en uuiiiin iniquitous, and as late as the two lat sessions of the Legislature, has shown his utter lack of honesty, by assist ing to deprive two Republican Sena tors of their seats by decisions utterly inconsistent with each other, and ir reconcilable with the law. This is the "stainless public charac ter" which the Tribune now lauds. And be it remembered that Mr. Bick alew has given no sign of the least change in his sentiments, but dogged- i .i ...i.:t tf I iy maintains ineui, wuiie -ur. unti I ley or the Tribune, or loth that so vehemently antagonized him in every stop of Ins C ongressional career, now without his over having done any thing loyal, or noble, or calculated to benefit his State or country duringthc rebellion, or haviug retracted a single word uttered, or abated a tingle opin ion held, urges him upon the support of the people of the State for Govern or, while he "villianously lies" about the gallant Hartranft who was in accord with every loyal sentiment of the country during the war, and proved his devotion to it and to prin ciple, on he most bloody of its fields of battle. There is not living in Pennsylvania to-day, a politician with a worse pub lic character than Charles R. Buck. ALEW,and the Tribune' fulsome laud ation of him is simply a fulfillment of the corrupt contract made between his friends and those of Horace Greeley, whereby it is hoped to give them both the vote of Pennsylvania. .ttIATIOX OF VKSEBAL DIX. The New York Republican State Convention has nominated General John A. Dix as its candidate for Governor, and placed Frederick, Douglass on its electoral ticket. j Gen. Dix is known evervwhere as a New Orleans "If any man pulls down the American flag, shoot him on the spot" electrified the heart of the country in the early days of the wax. He is a man of stainless repu tation, has Ken and still is a strenu ous advocate of reform, has undoubt ed capacity and integrity, and for the last dozen years has held aloof from the corruptionists who Lave run his party, under the lead of Tammany. He w ill undoubtedly draw away from Greeley, all the liest elements of the Democratic party in New York, and the Tribune evinces its fears on that bv 'Major General Couch, in a letter dated September 2tt. 18C5. reolvineUiChuries It liuckalew, who was earnestly defending me r winng t,recK itetxiiion, says : "I fully agree with vou that no fortiflca tions were erected by the 'insurgents, ' but Gen. Cadwalladcr, who made a close ex amination of the country, is satisfied that they had osk, probably two riECES of artillery : that there was an organiza tion to resist the draft, the members of which were armed ; and 1 have other in formation to the same effect" " And this is the record of the candi- cate whom the loyal people of TenD svlvania arc ursred to suptort for . O a a Governor in preference to Hartranft, as gallant a soldier, as true a man as the Commonwealth sent forth to bat tle against the traitors and rebels, with whom the former sympathized and consorted. TOT TOM HE LITEST ELECTIOI ANOTHER GKEELEY REVERSE. Twenty-one Counties Give 3,800 Majority for Jacobs, inde pendent Candidate for Governor. THE RECEDING TIDE. The Constitution Probably Defeated. Wheeling, W. Ya., Augusta Returns from twenty-one counties give the following majorities : Jacobs, indopcudant candidate for Governor, about 3,800 ; against the new consti tution about 2,800. It will be some days yet before the official vote can be given. Green Brier, White Sulphur Springs, August 24. Green Brier of ficial vote : For constitution 751 ma jority; Camden 4ol majority; -Mat thews, Attorney General, nOO major ity. New Richmond township, Sum mers county, official returns give CO majority for the constitution and 7 majority for Jacob. But is thought that Summers county has gone for Camden and the constitution. Private dispatches from Richmond township, Raleigh county, says that this township gave majorities against the constitution and Camden, but Democratic majorities in evhything else. Raleigh township, Raleigh county, gives 107 majority for the constitution. OUR WASHINGTON LETTER. Washinton D. C, Aug. 22d. DEMOCRACY STILL THE SAME. The election in W. Ya. to-day will doubtless lie very close, and it is jks sible that the Republicans may win the day. The new Constitution pre pared by a Democratic Convention contains provisions that none but white citizens shall be elected or ap pointed to office, that white and color ed persons shall not be taught in the same schools, that voting shall not be by ballot, but rira voce, and that no registry law shall ever be enacted by the Legislature. Fearing to take the responsibility of their own sentiments thus put into the form of fundamental law, the Convention, bv a close vote, determined to submit these three propositions to a vote of the eople the colored population, which is chiefly interested, being so proportion ately small as to be unable to protect itself at the polls. The election to day will determine the issue' and whether the Constitution bo adopted or rejected, the fact that a solemn con vention of the Democracy has pre sented such a bold front in opposition to the liberal and free tendencies of the oge should be sufficient to con vince any sane jtorson that Democra cy, however it may connect itself with Groolcyism, is the same to-day, yesterday and forever. Here is a sparsely settled country where public schools cannot le established save at distant points, and yet Democracy proposes to maintain the ignorance of the colored race, by keeping colored children out of the only schools that arc practicable. No colored man shall i . . . ... ... War Democrat, whose message to bold omce, ana no protection to tne uauoi-oox snail ue jhtiiiuicu o a registration of voters. Can the Con federate Cror-s Roads go farther ? Yet nearly every Democrat in that State , will be found to vote for all these special restrictions on the right of( the people, and only the overthrow of the entire Constitution will prevent the entailment of these evils on that the State for an indefinite period of 3-ears. Nothing but the shrewdness, energy and porscvcrancc of Senator Borcman, ex-Governor Stevenson and other true and tried Republicans who have organized the Republican party ujon principles, not men, will save the state from thcobloquy which has hitherto attached to Kentucky and The Trlaaae Alarmed afcrleka fr Help "We are Likely Beae, Dalai-. " The Tribune of Saturday has an article shrieking for help, which un mistakably is from Mr. Greeley's own pen. No one can read it without iwreoivinir that the writer was ready to give all as lost, and that to prevent Grant's election was next to impossi ble. It is the cry of despair. We quote: There arc no uouut Liiuerai ana Democrats enough in the United States to elect Mr. Greeley President in November. Whether they will do it or not is another question, the an swer to which depends almost as much upon the manner in which they conduct the campaign as upon their numerical strength. It is certain that the Liberals and Conservatives, for instance, have a large majority iu North Carolina ; but their opponents there were admirably organized, and brought their whole strength to boar so ollectively that if they could imt secure a genuine victory, they at least saved themselves from rout Else where the preparations of the admin istration party have been equally thorough,and they have the great ad vantage of controlling all the patron age and other influence of the govern ment On our side too much trust has been placed upon the "popular uprising" and "enthusiasm" for Gree ley, and the "generous impulse for peace and fraternity," and "revolt" against rings and corruption ; and our friends seem to imagine that they can sit still and Let the Liberal movement sweep tho country. They must un derstand that the administration is not going to be changed by earth quake. They must work for success. It is in politics as in war ; tho battle is not always to the biggest army, but rather to the best drilled. Our campaign is too short and sharp, and we arc likely to be beaten unless we do more than we arc doing now to get out men into the field and secure recruits from among the wavering and dissatisfied. The remainder of the article is de voted to pointing out how. things ought to be done, which, if not done, the article concludes by saying, the "prize will be snatched from our fineers." have become so common that wc nat orally look at the morning pajiors for Ku-klux outrages on loyal citizens. A bright day is dawning however, The good people of the State arc be coming alarmed, and when the ihH- tical tattoo is sounded on the 5th of next November, Brown, Schurz, Blair and their Ku-Klux allies will sleep forever in the grave of oblivion. Missouri is not rightly understood by our sister States in regard to her Re publican strength. In the bolt of 1870 forty-three Republican papers in the State advocated the election of Brown. Now forty-two are, support ing Grant anil Wilson, and only one, tho- Wentleivne Pout (Schurz's paper) stands recreant. Tho so-called Lib erals of this State at present do not amount to ono per cent, of the party. They arc not a drop in the bucket of Ku-KIux Democrats, amU scarcely (five coloring to the old lioast. The Republican party is more firmly uni ted thi.J day in Missouri than for twelve years, and we expect to biuy the Democracy beneath a majority of 20,000 in the coming fight. A Iteuiorratic V lrtarjr. f'OBXEK 191 CIIK'AUO. Toe t'hlraa-a Ural a Dralera ExHtr4. i t-i.tkt a .lifiiiiil.iiriiftl rif-oi'i nf the changes in the successive an nouncements of the result of the North Carolina election, as made by the Democratic press. The table is complied from the New York Tribune and will be a valuable addition to Greeley's Almanac for 1872. It is as follows : MAJOR1TV. Aug. 2. Glorious and over whelming Demo cratic victory 20,000 Aug. 3. Clean sweep the administration re buked. 10,000 Aug. f The whole Demo cratic ticket tri umphantly elected 8,000 Atig. G. Democratic victo ry sure 4,000 Aug. 7. Democratic victory no doubt 3,000 Aug. 8. Democratic victory 800 A tig. '.. Democratic v ictory returns muddled 00 Aug. 10. Radical majority S00 Aug. 12. Radical majority 1,000 Aug. 13. FRAUD! " 2,000 A Terrible Affair. POLITICAL. Kpeerh of Judge Headier at Avoadale, Okie. Chicago, August 19. The grain buyers arc all greatly excited this evening over what is considered the breaking up of the great corner in wheat, which has existed for some wocks. Wheat dropped from $1.56 in the morning to $1.30 at open board at six o'clock in the evening. The amount held by the corner, some 4,000,000 bushels, has entailed a loss during the day of $1,000,000. Thirty-five thousand bushels were receiv ed, here to-day by water and 540 cars by rail. Wheat is Itcing shipped from St. Paul in large quantities, and a cargo of 25,000 bushels is expected from Buffalo. A most extraordinary state of things has been caused by the onyrorness of dealers to break the ring. The corner has completely paralyzed the milling interests of the northwest by raising prices so the far mers were eager to ship to Chicago. The ring coiirfitits of only alxMit a half dozen men, who, it is thought, will le ruined if the corner has broken. made several effort during ths day to fire buildings, and some of the rioters were caught in the act In every street there arc evidences of the tcr riffic character of the conflict that has been raging the past few days. The government of the city is temporarily vested in four magistrates witn ample military reserves. Belfast, August 20. Evening. The disturbances were continued throughout the day and extended to all quarters of the cify. Several col lisions occurcd between the rioters and the special constables sworn in by the mayor and shots were to be heard firing in nil directions. In conse quence of the threatening aspect of af fairs this afternoon strong bodies of troops patrolled the streets with load ed muskets and used bayonets. The military reinforcements requested by the niayorandmngistratesarriveddur ing the day, and it js believed that tho strong military force now in the city will be sufficient to fuppress the riots. ! an tr Awaaalaated la aearl. Sr. Louis, August 29. Advices from Southeastern Missouri say that Marion Weeks, postmaster at Rice Hill, Reynolds county, was shot and killed by an unknown party on Satur day Jat, while watering his horse in j Black River, the assassin being con cealed in the brush on the river bank. ! It is another alleged Ku-Klux case, it ueiujf asc nei mat -cks was mur dered because he had given informa tion to United States Commissioner Stewart, at Ironton, regarding certain persons implicated in the whipping Xim . i-lin rfitrmrnf Agents Wanted '!: the TEKKIBLE ft'LOOU. he UK EAT BANK KOBBERT. The Owen (Ky.) Neios has the fol lowing particulars of a dreadful catas trophe : "On Sunday, August 11, a cloud burst on the upper waters of a branch of Lick Creek, a small stream near the pike iu Caroll county, and the waters came rushing down in a volume four or five feet deep, taking all the rails, logs and rtibish in its way. At the forks of Lick Creek a strong frame Baptist meeting-house was filled with people, during the fall of rain, to hear the Rev. James Y. Riley preach. The meeting was dismissed about 12 is always indisposed w h in r gets within range of u buttle. !! is iinli.-posed to h ave it. ' l'hiU-. The Democratic stiiiniii'i!i- i-nnliu. i Third National bank, on South street, ! u,.rt. The straiirhtouts are oriraniziiiir oeineen second ami Liomiiaru streets, 1 II over country. From Baltimore, August 19. The of tin1 weeks made. t.V II it II ikev. .ir. t aiiutian, ago. No arrests have I'OLirit .tL 1 1 I.MS. some Veil Elmiru, Now York, has a Dein cratie Grant Club of 1 10 members. Gratz Brownha.ibeon "indispo J Florence SEWING MACHD$ Wlwn-vr 0:b FLMENf'K Machine h, Intn.liirr'l. It hn m-t Kh tho iin It I ttieirfiiy m.M-Mne ninkinie Ur iif,tJh e. mi. I having itic l;-vrriMe Tli " cry U irti-rt. an. tlio motion pwtin, liuM, iin-l vt-rv f:.t, ami wwin.,,. TI.e IK-oraw-r will turn wb , ' h-m: an. IHI Ix-nutllnllr. All ait-i.L with tin. miu'hin". ' "., K'-r inloriiuattiiri apl'ly i" or a!'!ri at agaiu ; this time in Kentucky. Grata lun,! '-' HECKERT& McKAIN. Xo. S Sixth Kr.-t. PITTS tii:i:iJI in the very heart or the city, was en-j pearaiiees the Louisvilh tered ami robbed by burglars last which meets September Ulglll. The loss of the bank and of indi viduals who had private boxes depos ited in the vault has not yet boon as certained, but the bank officers place their loss inside of one hundred thou sand dollars. The footing up is now going on. An entrance was made by the burglars from a room in an ad joining building owned ami formerly occupied by John S. Gitting banking house. The entire lower floor of this present:iK , Con volition : :M, will bo a' grand success. ; Frank Blair says it would make Gratz Brown drunk "to sit down on a a rotten apple." But Brown is not ' such a fool us to spoil his pautaloous by sitting down on rotten apples, ; when he can get four-lingers of' whisky for ten cents P YATCH JEElftYbSILV thos.m?faddek. 4I.5APITTS25 sale of Valuable Rea ESTATE! pc at w: to Buckah-w is a free trader, ami ('en. a a 1 Hartranft is in favor of protection to the groat interests of the State and mild- country. The workingmon, whose l!y irlm- of an or l r of tho f' . Soimwt i-ouiity, l'i.. I will npw I., -i,, i In-cut. r.v. i ll tin- .r. ini.-iv. th (...witx r ' KhuI M.tati-. Uln His iroj rty ol i,,r.(. i!r.-a.-il. ;u Southampton tnwnhij.. O.V SATT'KUA Y. ATfifST ; ft. I- M., and part of the congregation dis- ing was rented iu June by a party prosperity and welfare depend upon persed for home ; the preacher came j giving the name of Stabler, professing! proper protection, should remember to New Libert v to dinner : but as the ; to be a commission merchant From i these facts when they vote in October. ram was not over in the direction of the north, aliout fifty persons still re mained in the church to await the passing over of the cloud, but alas ! in a few minutes after dismission, the waters came Mown in a volume of sev al foot deep and struck the meeting house, which was in the bottom, with a depth of water four or five feet deep, with such force as to burst off one side of the frame and move the meeting-house from its foundation. "A Mrs. Knox, in her scare, jumped out of the window with her boy, four years old, in her arms; the child fell from her embrace into the surging waters and was drowned, and she A Terrible Aflwlr. A iitrust 21. An one o'clock Thursday morning a large !atrocioU;j ,uurjt.r wa! brought to crowd of men broke open thejail took , ,i?ht vestcr,jav by the arrest of a man White out and hung him to a tree in j naiuc;i Osborno at Claremont. a small the L ourt House yard. Row Brlwf the Dmorrat And Liberal la Ohio. Toledo, 0., August 21. The Lib- Sr. Louis, August 21. A speeial from Olney, III., savs that on Satur day last two men, named Jefferson i White and Hooltz, had some words i while working at a threshing machine : I " - , i .1 r . ! near that place. White went to his : was uarciy saveu irom me same oue Cincinnati, August 23 Judge house and got a gun and returned and ; hy help. It is believed the remainder George Hoadlev, of this citv, one of j shot and killed Houltz. Houltz's ; of the crowd wore only saved by the the original movers in the Liberal ! wife was so terribly shocked at the j tearing up of the old house ; other Republican movement, and member j event that she gave premature birth ! wise the force of waters would have of the Committee on Resolutions of j to dead twins and died herself Mon-j rushed it along in the mad current, the Cincinnati Convention, addressed ! day night. White gave himself up and no doubt, drowned many." a meeting ot his iciiow-ciiizens 10-; ,aiuruay evening, intense cxeue night, in Avondale. lie said : I nient prevailed in the neighborhood have been announced to spoaK on tne on cunuay ana juonuay, ami aoout ; m4Rville , r if . . .!..!. Tl 1 I - question oi uraiu ut uia.n i, nmui uueuuwi niuiai 1,mH e , atrocious iiiurucr was I should have lieen glad to have avoided. The choice is lctwoen those two candidates. Believing as I do the Cincinnati platform contains a reasonable statement of the just dissatisfsction with the administra tion of General Grant, I would have preferred, had the privclege lecn al lowed me, to have voted for Mr. Ad ams, or Judge Trumbull, or Gov. Cox, or Chief Justice Chase, had cither of them received the nomina tion of the Cincinnati Convention. Recognizing that a vote in the minor ity is sometimes more emphatic as a protest against misgovernmcnt than participation in a victory, I could cordially have supported Mr. G roes beck, notwithstanding the certainty of defeat, although it is but fair to say that the use of my name as chairman of the executive committee by his friends was without my knowledge. But the choice is between Grant and Greeley, and I cannot support Mr. Greeley. Neither his opinions, his character, the manner of his nomina tion, nor his surrouudings entitle him support The administraton of Grant is at least cntilted to the credit the rear room an entrance was easi ly made by removing a thin brick wall and cutting a plate of shoot-iron half an inch thick directly into the vault of the Third National bank. The bricks and debris from the wall wore put into the vault of j Gitting's building. The burglars seem to have operated at leisure, and enjoyed themselves, as they left an ample lunch of cold chicken and bot tles of wine in Gitting's vault. In the vault of the bank wcro two large safes. They were cut into and rifled. A third safe was not entered. It is now stated that between twenty and twenty-five depositor's boxes were robla-d, and the wildest state ments are current on the streets that the losses of the depositors in money, bonds, and securities, reach half a million. Among the bonds certainly stolon are $75,000 in city of Louisville water loan coupon bonds. Among the losses to the Third Na tional bank $75,000 Louisville water bonds and S,000 Northern Central gold C's. The public is cautioned against negotiating any of these se curities. Numbers and further nar- i ticulars will lie furnished town two miles north-west or here. ., , ur, jj-ri i lie. Horrible .H order on a Wenterw Meaner. Congressional Convention for the Sixth district was hold here to-day. A conference committee was appoint ed but couldn't agree upon a candi date, and the committee adjourned until evening with a view to harmony. The Lilierals offered by resolution to go into joint convention provided a candidate of Republican antecedents could be nominated. The Democrats declined the proposition and nomin ated Hon. F. H. Kurd, of Lucas county, for Congressman by acclama tion, and Hiram Freeze, Liberal, of Henry county, for Presidential elec tor. The latter subsequently declin ed, and the Lilieral convention after passing a resolution unqualifiedly re pudiating the nomination of Mr. Hurd, adjourned without making a nomination. The prohibitionists also hold a convention and nominated It appears that Osborne was travel-) ing with a team and covered wagon, j He stopped for some purpose when J some men wore attracieti to ine , 20. Earl v ViHin examination five bodies were morning a fisherman discovered . . . i 1 . . 1 T T 1 The Democracy oppose Grant, and. their candidate, Greeley, is the great, advocate of the one term principle,' yet here iu lYuiisylvania they sot up a man for Governor who has done; nothing but hold office all his life. Hon. (Jeo. A. IJuigley, a prominent ', Democrat from Philadelphia, and a Democratic memlM-r of the Lcgi.-la-j ture in 1871, is outspoken against ; Greeley, and challenges any Demo cratic (ireclcy man to meet luni on the stump to discuss the questions of the day. The Jleacer County Coiivrrafire,' the only Democratic paper in that! county, has hauled down the names ' of Groiley and Brown, and awaits the action of the Louisville conven tion, intending to support the ticket that will lie nominated there. Its ex ample will be followed by thousands of Democrats in IYimsvlvauiu. A mrtain farm or jwrf i l of tan.!, i-onvu,. : .. in-r.j.-. uh .re or lei. ui!oininir l:m.- .( .i.'..,.' - r. Jol.ii Zuf-.ll, Solomon li :i!. A. Wiii. ,.' " Thirty uv wrvn ure rli'iind an l in lion; ril.i'n rifn-y in f y-f llput ifi:ilow. Tli.Tf arv em-teil Un.n tlii; prcmi'- . r Story U..u.-e. a larue S(;il.k fflacli'mi- V, , othtr l.ioMiiiif". The farm if wll wit.' ': known a.1 tin- "l'lta'ant I'nion" Tavern s ' TKKMr--Ten pi-r.-eut. of the imp'tia-? 'Lr I M when th property ii m.l.l: ow-tw thu li.-i l:i rx-e In thrte iijual annual fMynwi.', ilay of jtili'. iTurt"l l.y jiLiirtwnt on f'h pr wln'ii tin- 'IrKi nr.. jii I. on., tlnr.l of the u, it any, to n tii.iin a lira on the prvmiM. in. , '-! of wlil -h shall imi't annually to tin- at lii-r ili ath the prtn-iiKil to lie to tht e-orro Trcsh-r. .1.hi.:i.iI. JONATHAN J. UlTTXKii An. 7. Actinia-.- oral Republican and Democratic wagon by a stench proceeding from it. -' f.mphis A ngust A Falsehood Sailed, OSE IT XE. Th- Greeley Democracy have rais ed so loud a cackle over the accession of Sumner, Scih rz and TarMBt LL to their ranks, that they apparently overlook the falling away of more, journals and members of their own party, than will make good tha defec tion from the Republican ranks more than three-fold. Here arc a few f the late come-outers : NEW TORK STATE IOU UBAXT. most encouraging news comes . . . . . i ...ill j. i no nn'arn nr v tin irairi inn nnmw ru . . . I . 'V .l. 1. 1.1 V. Hb 111. 11 .l iv-...' v. point by vigorously attacking him jthe fovI),.niomtCV. Let us hone that with the weapon of ridicule and cal-i their efforts many lie crowned with umnv. " I success, despite the seven thousand General Dix will undoubtedly ruu ' majority upon which the Democratic i . . i r ! party stood at the last general tlec- a very large vote, supported as he1' , . 4l . , J , . ,. , I tion after the accession of the Rebel will lie by all true Republicans and ; vo(e all honest Democrats, and his nomin-i ation has stricken terror into the j -pj)(1 hearts of the GREELEV-Tammany co-; from the State of New York in regard alitionists. j to the prospect of carrying it for (irant ' IThe nomination yesterday of (Jen. The Hon. Robert C. Wii.throy. ofj The result of the North Carolina 'John A. Dix for Governor ,t is Mas., an uld line Whitr. who has I flection evidently took .Mr. Gree- .ost ......, .t -. I r.r Ka I'nnnl. iabii tiaMP at lAth tiA once upon a time, the thun-State anJ nationa, j. Thp i ncr took a colored front Ionian a i.r. ,r .t. : .ti . . , e it . . . , .-I i c illinium- ui wits i-uuti-uiiuii io inn- that he nrefers Ilrnnt to l.roelev. .. . ..... . . . . . - . T1n , . , - i little unawar," and accordingly it sent worded, and has the ring or the true .. .... --J .,.. i ... , J .1. lini. , n ivolo in ita horf nir. Greeley's success, and "shrinks l"c r - "r J.'C.JZ-T" . r.I." t iMnirl. Mo no twl 4 hn olhi.r 1IHTA WM-Ul ittlllUMlo ua.lUBucu x. . , . . . . . innumerable honest Iemocrats, and .,c,u..u,. Ug w u-u tne a(.knowledired use of the same a few votes at the fast-coming elec-! corrupt men and means by the Grec tions by his personal presence and po-1 ley party has sent off many thousands litioal speeches. We presume that nt ranksorthe Republicans who the dignified sctacle of a Presidcn- le loion the Tammany rings and . , e .. , 1 . , , . I purified the New lork bench from tial candidate roaming through the, corruptions wLich havo Uthcrto madc country button-holing the voters, is jthe state a stench in the nostrils of the I . J . . I I T.itii. fu.r.ia nf 4lilj elt- for I on. name with one of. the greatest achiev-j '"'"J - - - nmnfa nf tha fwntnrv. the adontion of i T"!'- the Fifteenth amendment, which has given the right of suffrage to every black man in the nation. It has kept universal peace with foreign govern ments. It has faithfully applied the revenues to tho payment of the debt From an administration directed by Horace Greelev. suooorted bv John Cochrane and Kenton in New York, McClure in Pennsylvania, Gratz Brown in Missouri, Warmouth in Louisiana, Read in Klorida, we have the right to augur nothing but disor der. An alliance between Tammauy and Greeley, with Frank Blair as high priest, conducting the ceremonies, means a greedy scramble after office and a rapid depiction of all the re sources of tho nation. SOUTH CAKOMXA. Ca -r-. j ia inn ; " boon voting the Democratic ticket of let like, one late year, has written a letter declar-j rteT too a in tireeley f success, from helping to overturn the coach merely to get a new driver, and cer tainly a far less competent one. This is a hard dig at Horace. Two more Democratic paors have hauled down the mongrel ticket and declared for Grant and Wilson : The Brooklyn (N. Y.) Democrat, and the Buffalo (N. Y.) Evening PoM, both Democratic of long standing. one of the "reforms" to be introduced The next is S. Q. McKee, Alliance, j by Mr. Greeley and his friends O., and editor of the Telegraph. Af- j when thev euccecd in lifting the coun ter twenty-four years' consistent Democracy "wrdded and bound to the party through principle I have nothing to bind me to that organiza tion any longer, and shall cast my vote for General Grant" try from the degradation into whicl it has fallen under Gen. Grant's ad ministration. Bitkalew's complicity with the . rebels, and his visit to Canada and interview with Jake Thompson and others who were plotting the burning nf Vorfliern cities, has been fully es- i THE irtiKIHTm. It looks as if the Louisville Con vention of straight-out Democrats who repudiate the ale of their party j tablisbed by the rebel archives lately to Greelit, was going to be a sue-j purchased by the government The cess, and the Tribune and the other j fact that he was active in the foul Democratic journals arc becoming rabid in their denunciation of the men who are at the head of the movement " " It is almost certain that that eminent lawyer, Charles O'Connor, of New York, will be ita nominee for Presi dent, in which event Greelit's Democratic followers will dwindle d-n to the Oakit Hall, Boss TwcED, Bill McMcllen crew who thrive by theft and office-jobbery. plot to organize armed resistance to the draft in this State, and that fifteen hundred armed insurgent were en camped and drilled for that purpose in his own county, who only dispers ed when General Cadwllader sent a body of troops to Bloomsburg to cap ture them, baa been faintly denied. But the Bloomsburg Republican, published in the town where Mr. Bickalew lives, makes the following bold charges against him : community. Those discriminating political thinkers who, some time since, wore willing to accord New York to Greeley, now take a different, view of the matter, and while they admit that numerous disaffected sore head Republicans have joined the enemy, yet the additions of the honest men of the Democratic party will, in their opinion, more than counterbal ance the loss, and give the State to the Republican party by a very handsome majority. CM. A Terrible IIrrleae. Kingston, X. Y., August 20. A terrific hurricane swept over a portion of the town of Wanarsing Friday af ternoon, takinsr a narrow strip near Lackawack. It moved down all be fore it, trees, fences and buildings be ing taken up and carried awar like feathers. The barn of W. II. Wager was struck and completely demolish ed. Three boys were taken shelter from the storm in it at the time, and one named John Core was killed by a falling building. Other very exten sive damage was done, barns and onthonses being blown over and many tons of hay and grain destroyed. The question of the late election in North Carolina is now definitely set tled. The official returns, complete, show the following result: Caldwell (Rep.), 94,5C5; Merrimon (Dem.), t) 1,862, showing the election of Cald well by 2,703 majority. The Repub licans also elect three Congressmen, a gain of one raemlier over the present delegation in that body. Judge Set tle is also elected, but defrauded out of his certificate. He will contest the seat and prove beyond a doubt the fraud. . The Democrats had a majority in the Legislature of fort3--five last year, this year it is reduced to about fifteen. The Republicans will carry the State for Grant by at least ten thousand majority. , HIHSOl'BI. A Tletla of the Ka-Iilax-Xarder foaatjr. Boston, August 21. The Boston Journal to-morrow will publish thu following letter from Senator Wilson: Natick, August 21, 1872. Rev. C. W. Dennison Shi : I have just road in tho Springfield Re publican of this date your letter on the drinking habits of General Grant. I am astonished at seeing myself quoted as saying to you in a conven tion last winter, "President Grant drinks too much ; I have told him so." Senator Wilson, you say, will not deny this. I do deny in the most emphatic language that 1 ever said anything of the kind to you, or any thing that rftsembled it. Your state ment is unqualifiedly fase. During the last nine years I have seen General Grant hundreds of times. I have seen him in his camp, in his family, at his own table, at the table of others, at home and abroad, and I have never seen him under the influence of intoxicating liquors. Respectfully yours, Henry Wilson. found. He confessed at the end of a rope that the murders were commit ted by one Williams, near Holton, Kansas, and that he (Osborne) was employed to put the bodies out of the way. He confessed to having travel ed with this terrible load five days. From a memoramdum found on the body of one of the victims, it is in ferred they were a party of movers, consisting of a Mr. Oms, wife and two children, and a young man by uame of Dickinson, supposed to be a brother of Mrs. Oms. . They had traveled from Minnesota to Southern Kansas, and were probably on their wav to Nebraska. Chester and Bucks counties, in this State, in lioth of which it was supposed there would be a Iirgenum-: bor of Greeley Republicans, have ' scarcely any followers of Horace., The vote for Hartranft and Grant in these counties will Is; much larger! ! than usual. ; j The Bloomsburg Rcjiublirait says 1 j that for every "Liberal" Republican I that will vote for Greeley in Columbia 1 i county, fiftv Democrats will not! WZLLS' CAETCLI5 7SLIZ For COUGHS, COLDS & HOARSENESi TliCi'o Tilhtt present the Aii! in V m'1 with ihcr rtt"iint rt-meilii. Iu s imj.-iia-..Z the mrv of all Thneit an I Inr Ji.--i..r fi v ni-! mii1 PlctT.itii.n of the Tiirmt ar uurn- ly p'iir-vM. anl jt:itpm-nt an pri-,i:ir:'.T t -nt t thw j-n iritir f rvliet in .; ttirf1nlrif!i of rear tJtniHn:r. i 'auti"n. ii-nt lfiYmi hv w rtU- ? ti'.n ft mly W.'iv OirWii? TuN-r. '? ic ir Nt. Sfirl for t-ir-ular. JiHiN 4. KKLLiMr. H H.rt St.. T A MONTH eHviu!-"wito W mi'l Kt-v-4 hrklii.. jMrirx - ami Sami'lf!'. irtt. S. M. Siener, Iira;;c.- C- tirm lor-.UH MUr. . A.r.T! Itrani.Mn in Aoi-r.-a. J. M. STollAKT fc CO.. Put'lL-her. p-.. 350. DariB- Kneape of roar Criminal front Jail. Ilorane Greelejr'a Bargala. St. Locis, Aug. 20. Special to the X. Y. Time. Another victim has fallen in Reynolds county by the murderous bullets of Ku-Klux as sassins. Last Saturday, Marion Weeks, an estimable young man, 22 years of age, the only snpjKirt of an aged mother, was shot near Ccntre ville, bv a band of assassins lodged in the underbrush on the banks of Black River. Mr. Weeks was water ing a horse at the ford, in company with a young man named Davis, when a bullet sped from a rifle into the heart of the man whose enly crime had been loyalty to the old flag and the Republican party. Some weeks since, Rev. Thomas Callahan was whipped in the same locality, and driven from the country by the rebel authorities. Young Weeks gave evidence lately, it seems, against the cowards who scourged Callahan, and now, poor boy, he Bleeps beneath the sod for his testimony in behalf of justice. Thus one by one is threatened, whipped and killed under the State laws of Missouri, while our so-called Liberal Governor proclaims "Peace, peace," when there is no peace. Mis souri baa suffered more humiliating outrages 6ince the inauguration of Gratz Brown than ever fell to her lot before. Theft, arson and murder At a GreHcy meeting held in Lou isville, Ky.; on the 2d ultimo. Gen. Hodge, Democratic Elector for the State-at-larjre, spok as follows : "I have devoted a lifetime to the principles of the Democratic party. I have grown gray in the advocacy of these printiples, and each year the conviction has grown deeper that its fundamental principles are the true foundation stones of this government I have seen upon the battle-field thou sands throw awav their lives in de fense of these principles. The graves of the gallant Southern dead who sleep upon every hillside in the South, over whos graves the night winds sign, are reminders to . me or the love for these jrinciples which still lingers in my heart Tho second passage in Mr. Greelev'8 letter means that John C. BrcckcDridge and other chivalrous sons of the South shall be restored to their formtr positions of power and influence. Looking back upon the once shattered and fruitless hopes of the South, I now see that the equal rights and sovereignty of States shall be restored, and my comrades of the lost cause have not died in vain. This will lie a victory for that for which they fou ght. Mr. Greeley prom ised to do all he could to aid us when we have a majority in Congress. I ob ject to Grant because he is a Republi can ; because he is a member of that party which waged successfully . the contest against my brethern of the South, whose orators kept the fire burning that filled the Federal ranks with soldiers. I have heard it said by some that the Democratic party shall have no part with Mr. Greeley in the conquest, but I feel that they will not be neglected. Not only will Greeley not forget who has helped him to his position, but pledges di rect pledges have been given us by him that we shall not be forgotten in case of success." Chicago, August 20. A daring escape was made from the county jail between eleven and twelve o'clock last night, by four young men confin ed therein. Throe ofthom were await ing trial for robbery, and the other one was serving out a two years' term for attemitiuir to kill a police man. The prisoners had been sup plied by a friend outside with revolv ers, and one of them who was allow ed the privclege of the corridors ob tained the cell keys while the deputy jailor in charge was sittiug outside the jail, and liberated his friends. Upon the jailor entering be was con-! A lotttor from Ked Bird, a small fronted by the ruffians, each of whom j town in Monroe county, Illinois, gives pointed cocked revolvers at his head, ; a thrilling account of the esaape from while the leader demanded the key or the outer door. Resistance was use- this the Kllln H...m... ir.,1.... T....1. . a l! down the stream, near the head of Cheek's Shute, some ten miles above here, and apparently aliondoned. He rowed out to the steamer and made a line fast, and pulled her towards the bank, but before reaching it he saw a negro, in & fitting posture asleep on the deck, who, as soon as the boat struck the bank, started up, leaped asnore and ran into the woods. rr t r i . . . ine iisnerman men boarded the j date, steamer, and found traces of a desper-1 i,unt. ate struggle, the deck being wet with j ), Honest (?) 1 blood. He then ennm fn nitr and reported what he had done and! ,. John; K 1iIar,tranft " "t Au seon. Subsequently the steamer ,lltor teueral, t,f 1 enylvama who Grand Tower, from St Louis, ar. ! ls'od himself sufficiently m the in rived here hrinmir a mnnw frnm ; terest of the people, as to recommend the mayistrate at Bradley's Landing I the repeal of a siecitic tax levy. Every eighteen miles above here, statin? ! ovrner of a T:iVa' aml of a that the crew of the Helen Brooks i ows 1110 "T oi tne Mate .iii: rs WAvrcn for Prof. FOWLER'S GREAT :? n M ANH'Mr. WoM.VXHimn. an.! : ?.Iu:u:il Inrr.rl:iti..n : I.v. !tKiw.. y t S-n-l t.rpvinipn T:iy:inl 'itTTiiiir'.w.:' .. Mr. N ation al pi 'ulishinoc PinlaiUlitu.:- 'pi.:., i....i-..i.' . k. i it .1.,. not speak very encouragingly for his prospects in (Ktolier. On the 10th of May, IsTl. the New York Tribune said : "It is certainly true that we are not sot-king the re election of General Grant as Presi dent. Should he lie the Republican candidate, we shall of course support , Rare ChanCO for Age him to the best of our abditv." Gen- oral (irant is the Republican candi- How is the New York Iri redeemim.' its pledged word T Horace Greeley ? ill! iuLhl iLILjJi iiLUii Kro Lewis' nm .m-l -m-titf t wnrk ! an ic-.u.t-,'.s. l.irli t!i.uan.l in jn-.. a.-ti- r.l an I -.iniii!r m.rr. AOKNTS WANTt-i-rvwl.rrr. i Ki . Si t XKAN. PiiKi-h--7J Sansum St., PtiliJn A EXTS, we will tnr Ton 40 per wwli- if vt.u vnjime with u ut .t-e. l!verytlj:i, e -Ai-.d i.m ti-l' joi-t. A-Wrr V. A. ULS ., fharl. trc i: : i I ' I'VTC wantcl i .r ; U.y l if l,ri I II I' nell I.ivn i.f UKKHI.EY X HKiUVN.j i-t an. I l"! : nl.. Ju.le Ku-fir -Iiir -I HY W1LSU.V " "lUy n-rm-t e-liti-n .r.. Popular prictt? Shntcf agents wiii1 ih ta.- nl btrrini a hnok for eocft Prti. Sri rit.-rv at an I m'n'V A l'!r JWlI.NM.iX. I'ul.lif her. T'W Arch St..!'!..: : . and the proprietors and families of a trading boat, which the Brooks had towed up there, had been murdered and tho boat plundered. Assistance was at once dispatched on the steam er John Overton. The report is that Capt. William Pott and his brother, proprietors of the trading boat, to gether with their wives and two daughters, were all murdered, and their bodies thrown into the river. Two Sea Hilled by a hlaeeerea. less, and tho jailor gave up the; dar ing prisoners unlocked the door and walked out. All are known to the police, aud they will probably soon be recaptured. The Belfaat Biota More ExeKInc Re porta The Military Charge the Klot era t'oatlanaf loa of the hoii;-e. tax on real estate-to fiartrantt s direct in fluence, because he recommended and personally urged its repeal in the Legislature. The telegraph brings the informa tion that Horschol V. Johnson, a prominent Democrat of Georgia, de clines to support Greeley and that if he must support a Republican he pre fers one who unities magnaminity as a soldier to moderation as a states man. It is also stated that Mr. Johnson may head the Republican State ticket in Georgia. Mr. John son was the candidate for A'ice Presi dent on the ticket with Stophan A. Agents, Look Here W i. v n.'t !! a U.k that evtrt fcer.i: -. will r"rvnt -l-iitT n TI1K NK'.V IL. TK.VTLI) 1'IKKSIPE EDITION OF ROBINSON CRUSOE JrT An cKi;..nt artvo. bi '' htI iilii"tnri'Nii, ttnteti ptipwr.ttoptrwj---. im.v i ii. I'M' thii't nnt u j ' in print. Is a sre;t hit. Will ?it lvkc 1:W h t ' ' aki. Iu!:t. fin-uUr tt-re. A-.Ttif piwki't '''Mt:ini.tT. iii.-t.lf4 lr--lMKh !'.!, S.. ru!tl..":ier!t, TJJ :u r cei de i jua Sta 1 lop pie' C ney trip C ily on . 1: na- aft A beei Cou r letJ Dm knot a ' T n vert Ti Row Scull ere t Ti kind Feed CT06S 111 chaw It P of d Dian Pa pot a bees stanti Koo Lr tb8. new chine: thrafll what. Con eery i Mhum feed, i syrup co, ci A' selves Trill n immei tlence D. 1 coostr ideuce it rig his iu comfoi .Taj remarl he sail grea but tin kicktl V 1 J w . i a i . a its keepers of the rhinoceros belong-. 1 10UZ1 Iur 1 resiuent, m isoo. ; ing to arner & Co.'s menagerie and $100,000 is the sum which Charles circus, on the occasion of its beinir R. Buckalew Lis drawn from the! brought into the ring for the first pockets of the people during tho pa.-t; 11 r1,-r,if whi','h mnT .-zi ltrW. . rri l ii ,i - !, . . 1 lirl 'in the .iiil.r'r L.rihe tirt lw ..v. 1.0 . time. I lie showmen had Dreoared i twenty-five years in the wav of sala-!ir,.m.,.tin.i.ine!rinits fu nn.i the animal lor the exhibition in the A Lf ring by attaching to a ring in its nose two strong wire ropes, and twenty-four men were deemed suffi cient to control tho beast, which sub mitted quietly to lx-ing led from the the cage, but on entering the arena suddenly threw up his head, ami plunging madly to the right and loft, broke loose from the men and dashed forward through the tent. Its first victim was John Gillom, a canvass- who was knocked down, and the beast trampling upon his breast, him in the stomach and ripping out his bowels, killing him. It next made a dash in the direction of the seats, which by this time were clear ed by the frightened spectators, and knocked down nearly all the seats on Belfast, August 19. The excite ment and disorder occasioned by the celebration by the Roman Catholics or the repeal of the party procession act still continues, and the rioting be- tween the Catholics and Orangemen n,an low Keen kent nn almost incessantly ulneo Ti.iirlnr. Thus fur s vtv.sev. "O Was klllCtl UlSiamiV. oil persons have ln-en wounded, many of them seriously. Several houses have been wrecked by the mob. Yes terday the contending parties re sumed their rioting, aud the police were obliged to fire upon tho crowd and several persons wore wounded, but as far as ascertained no one was killed. A strong force of military has lieen called out, and it is expected or der will be preserved Second Dispatch. London, Aug 19. Advices from Belfast state.shots continuo to be exchanged in the streets, though it is not known that rioters havo concentrated in large numbers at any point A telegram from Lur gan, Province of Ulster, on the Bel fast and' Ulster railway, says that se rious disturbances are occurring there, and that the authorities of the town have Called on the military for troops to aid them in restoring order. . Third Dispatch. London Aug 194 P M. A later telegram from Belfast says, reports arc current there that the city is about to be placed un der martial law. The same telegram nays the military are now charging the rioters in the centre of the town. London, August 20 5 P. ii. A dispatch from Belfast this afternoon says the sole object of the rioters in renewing the disorders in that city ! to-day was plunder. Reinforcements for the troops now in Belfast continue to arrive, but the railway facilities are insufficient to convey all destined for the city. It is the intention of the military authorities to resort to ex treme measures to suppress the dis orders. Several houses have been attacked to-day and wrecked. Later. A dispatch from Belfast, dated half past three o'clock in the af ternoon, says at that hour the city was comparatively quiet Tho mob ripa in kiv nnthi"ni rf the "nJi'linirj-' ' t.ii'l w.-:i kiinie the idvuu.i. b -r riCS, 10 say notning OI ine -pnkinis j ,i,..,r,M i.ii..r. wlu. h. un.ltrthe p. tm!:.rrar in office, such as $500 at one haul last ; --Wttew." i xtwivir iwiiami a i t .' . ,f ... ,, . . , lie aftsmvervixii rrmfliw. t-ut it is Hft'iif winter in the Me-CIure-Grav contest, j izrrtfirc!.i.!:.f - V. 1....1-.1..- ; Pi1f..i-i,i..r - nml m..liral HUthi.rit-..f L..l.m n.I I'm-. a. I aJFlllIktait-ta ") to in lonm it t.....e hr tha vw.rtil.ii t.hvji .i ,1 st i- i i- .... .. . WilflTs trt Im liOVTIHr. t'rii im iw- I fMiiuri'- wnn w.noTiin rwmirii n-'f alow la an honorable" man ! I I...f ill ni.t "ohci't Vnfliri Jit tit OOIllJnhinir ? A ith all his trrasoaa- ami murt be tatcn . a ponuanfiit cuninv k ble associations clustered about him 1 rl&'Z&&t&S "Thick as loaves in A allambrosa's hv.irii-tere.ius jn-Tvii.'. i.riu. inz r -vale," he comes before the people of ft.' "btt FlW l,u':'""' Pennsylvania and asks them to olc-', Jy Kt bkba wcieanw.rtir::: m . .-. ., e lP . . . , I tin- vituileil lilii.l t.i ht-althv u.-li -n. vate huu to the first omce in their he-! hw yt ifp-piic sibmach t t o;. -stowal. Modest Buckalew, what , Kffip ' " Would lle not take, SO that money l.-il TfHlenrv. tK-neni wekne I-.-:;'5 ; It next ran its nose against Martin might come into "mine pocket ?" : wmrVuVi, u VZxlT -- Rcadv, another canvass-man, striking) . . . ! , ." kH?""S '"""V'.l 1 ill? luuiir jtn-iiiu, oi ii rri -- . v .i I, i , i t i t a:iinnmll..n of the lloweK Chester, declares that a careuu can-1 Take it to aiuv irritati..o, an i wuri vass of Chester county develops the ; 'CrL,, ,ri . Tact that there are less than one hun dred and fifty "Liberals" in the entire county. It is also confident that one side of the tent, dislocating the 1 w porn-ci y sausnen tne shoulder of one of the employees ; ,ate u?ivt that u w, Pvn ami breakinir the arm of one of the ! Hartranft a majority of 2,200 in Oe- spectators tober. The Greeley pooph It then ran into the menagerie tent "tl ith. confnleiu- ami imui.1 f, VAroi1no.K'u ,ifitlie disaffection of Chester. performing animals, after which it Tribune has a very large circulation struck the centre pole with its head, t,u'ro' aiul 11 t,nw 1,11,1 mm'Xl ?"f n'- bringing itdown with a crash upon the ! 15ut l,ffurt t0 po'n the minds of; cages ot the tiger and leopard, but I "n -" '.-" -; r"- "--i have j iiion ' The I Oiifim' Y"U mM pru-ure ln:ant tn'- are liable to ufleriii'j. w.irv th.oi .L'jth. Take it t.i Jireuirthen orifann- wiakaf ' henm" a bunleii. rin:illy, it Ahuulil be fre-iuently tak.n M- y.tem In iM-rt'n-t health. r J.i re .16'' ureut tinnier uf uulariai, uiia.-uiulK' "r iliw:l-. JOHN tt. KKLIJ KH. IFI;itt St.. 5f , Sole Aent l..r the I 1 Price. One Dollar wr Ifcitllc. Si-n.l h ' AV 'ANTED. to yell I'M L '' : not breaking them so as to allow the animals to escape. '. Dashing into the museum tent, it broke all the curiosi ties, stampeding all the people in the neighborhood, and rushed out throagh the side of the canvass into the street, finally bringing up in a vacant house, the door of which stood open, and here the men succeeded in capturing the animal and getting it into the cage. The damage to the show was about $3,000. . Xarth Carallaa EleCtlaa. The official return of North Caro lina, in eighty-nine out of nine-two counties in the State, gives Caldwell (Republican) 91,830 votes, and Mer rimon (Democrat) 95,157 rotes, or a majority foe Caldwell of 2.G73 votes The three counties from which official returns havo not been received, it is estimated, will give Merrimon 4C5 majority, so that Caldwell is elected by a majority of 2,200, Warren, Ohio, has 8T Democrats who will Tote for Grant and Wilson. have been unavailing, and the county will certainly range herself in Octo ber and November, as heretofore, on the side of justice, decency and true Republicanism. The examination of reliol archives at Washington (savs the Pittsburg limn! AiftMiM everywhere nintr New Improved Banner SbnttJe Mi Simple. Duntl.le. Snttftanllat. The ef"-' Iu the m.irk.-t. Prlee .mlv rt liUYANr M.ilAW x TO.. Ifc-n ' No. 1 Sixth llate SL t'in ' , . eiti.-l'unc- aun '21. Next term willotwn W Kl rlW 11th. For eataloiriir an.l iwrtif'ilar'. Kiev. JAMKS IIL Vt'K. 1 '', , 1 Ri s-riat!!. .lame uwinun. w i Ju.lireJ. P. Siem-t. Kl M. !.. Kev. S. r. -'"'":, t I anl. D. 1. J-ik. Kin Pennsylvania Female ColW XF-1R PITTSBl'BtiH' p- lellirlit(illT lomteil on tllece H ill-aTj, . - .,, . J! . ..I 1. r . . I. a .1 . - I ..i . 1... ...,., .i.lirA. wi'3 uuzeiiet uiscio-tes me iacv inai tiuriiiir .." y .'"""-. i, i i . 1 U-m-hina ami eoniinmi--n manai- ine war imtsaiew was sonicimng more than a reliol symjiathizer he was an active aider and abettor of the Southern reliels. Whatever the ne. - - ; .' i.-. nui, .it. I iwt. -. - i cumulation of evidence may le, noth- i wu.n. d d n. Kiert '"Jfj k . A. . . . . ' Jeoll. 1. Win. Makewell. -' ii uvviu luu.uuitn bum luau iiiit Hea.l, uvv. jolin r. nruwu, "camp meeting" of deserters and!" ' draft resisters, that was held by him. T ()CAL AGL He sent his private carnage to have ! -rrtX yn,ii them brought in, and such as had: "W" -A- 2ST JJ been imprisoned at ort Milliin for ' American Button-Hole an particularly rabid secession were giv- ..wnr vmixu i-omplete .1 I I ..- .A .1 en ine piaees oi nonor. Alter tne burning els, and Tbi Lkkfn UtMt 1 pleaU ready I Uth; thoagh CAt Dr. .: bears. BROS prirah no oth tation. cnatomt been str repairs, Bia tli Would keep a 1 hand. ' i Cou. purpoe Jcc., c (former of thu miner fi out, am beautifti slate d the Fi Fast theFeei huildinr Street, s store. : feed, ft. ceries. j s Tnl in cobtc ted the t A .wen bor.; ft town be Sonieia, P. of M of Bait Kaoada. Rovkly, Xireel.. tor OH i l rec prepared bK per and mo i aoMaot places of honor. After the ! tttT nw dolitrhtful it will anopfvr i,t . uurc B. Cen'l Ag burg, how delightful it will appear to have a person who sympathized with tun iirwis n uu . inuiu iu uuru mm slaughter, made State! -This will bloody chasm with Governor of bo bridging a the the Stomach "wip a Minerals, Nothing leep, sr "d teet r met th. IK - , v; "ys. IVnnsjlvania anJ E - be with01 JAMES ESPY, Cen For Western Office U$ Liberty St., Piltrf' Liberal Inducement .HereJ W "" A rent i.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers