of Publication. 1 The Somerset Herald M.irniug at $2 00 I h.t.rt.My ! r.inucd ..u .U t- , (Tiiccf are P -i" - " uwc out tlielr kr. will I Uble Postoffloc to an t,srrlbers rrtnlW Mth( former as v as the prrent office- Somerset Printing Company, JHHN I. STILL. Business Manager. Riminess Card .. ii KIMMEL wil ' fCVc."-n',"h . I M?.'!l Sin "I Somer 1 Sr.juJeH. t ivVbL will continue to praci. - . . i ,. .n.riiifiui s'ni- 1 icn.iei- "".. iTTirrxol lira r- .lace, m lew ai't" nm. c, ... , . & - i. i m i i i . r i ..... WOUXKV Al l 1 Law. "nrh 5", to 1.1" care Somerset , ouIh". omoe io the Jail kJMint. ....... 7 : -- - , :, . K i i) tenders hi? professional DH. H. " ait". .l S.,n.c"Jti.J vt. ii. ""Kt door west of the Hr- nutlb'U! Cll'l J...... . i..v.h.r 11. V.f1rtli I. a i-' M ' " fr.Vi ..I law In Somerset and I f-uuieo i- ,m. , lhe Ketvr.ler f oth.-e. . minx ' t iniUIIUVB. . - '-- , '70. ATTORNEYS AT flS';''", . '.mc in residence of I AW. rV'U:irH " t J. Colt'. ? aTkvtinlhay. attorney tw F Crueller in iltte. Somerset, Pa., will I Tt" all business entrusted to lii care with ,,!nVnd ndelity. u,LUly-. ti""t ft. M. U KR. ATTORNEYS AT A I IK S.mrret,la..willpra.;liin."i a. iidnlnrcounti. All LusineM ep I ,M them -ill 1 promptly attended to. , uiaterlal, lii!.rti.J. All operatt.wK war- 1 J. juue 4. "1 u v it Tm. attorney atlaw. som- i Tt Pa -U1 rrou'ptly alU-D.t to all busing , f ,.moe in hih n-Liem, on Main rtre-U ' Jlh. i. . ; 't.HVii KIMMKI ATTORNEY ATLAW, ! blipand fidelity. t :. "V... ..iiuvi ? . TTiiHXEYATLA1V, Vri I lty andPenl.. AKent S-et, omoe in the Court Honw. Jan. 11-U. AKNET HOt SE.- I,tht ii nf intention to keep i to fle whwi. he h.M-" willirive MtiJtaction to j , rm iy tav.. him with tbrJ. inI j i,rl attorney at law. ' r . .. i -iii ..i.. kriit(rf attfnti.A. to ll.a.me eutrurted to l.if care ... w-:. - r nUK'rM..l. fv. i-.'i- . iniiiif .N.uut.ef i imce rti ?uni..'r)"- r tlie residenoe of Ed. Scull. ii- . a-u. J KXEPPER. Phyi . Pa. Will ,'ive pr I V"'!-t to hip care, t aictanand Dentist. llerlilL, pronit attention to all caws otinw one liwi:!t of the ft dlier He. same a occupied heretofore by 1 ft 1". I'.Musm. 0 n. a. MILLKU, aftT twelve arrive tiractice In ShanknUle. ha i ft wrnionnitlv .ite.i at S..iuemt f.- the l.rac I a.ii uiclicliie." and tenders hi pnfei"ionHl ner t J. t" the eitiien? of Somerset and vieliiity. 4 1m, in the tin riuaji formerly occupied hy '. A. I .ineL wlicre he can be consulted at all time', pr.ii.i.mallv cniraaed. t-Nitht calls promptly anjwcred. 4- r. 12, 'Tl-ly. y" H. I ISTLETH W A ITH, ATTORNEY A . at I.sw. SnerM t. Pa. Pmteai'l.mal liuri t ft- rifiiei-ttully aolk-ited and puiK-tually attend- J. KottSEH. ATTORN EY AT LAW . Sneret. Penna. hll'KEKSGILL, LYONS & Co. MANVFACTt RERS ft. HEALERS IN Poking gusses, irine Mantle and Pier Looklnir OU-iw and Pietnrc Frame a Sieclallty 41 V(HH STREET. PITTS 11VROII, PA. Yarn ( M KKSET rLAMNG-M 1 LL GOOD & JONES. ' jrp ni.w preire. to do all kinds of plantnic and Miiiitaa-turint; ol liuildihK materials. FLOOR IN'l, W EATII ER-ItOARDINO, S ASH ANU IKHJRS, W IXOOW ft. DOOR-FRAMES. VENETIAN SHUTTERS, BRACKETS, ke. licrt. anyihlne (tcnemlly nscd in house build All kinds of w..rk done to order. rler pr.iEiifly tilled. ulv -Jb 71 tHKII) ft. JOXES. AMES PUGH, MX STREET, SOMERSET, PA. I' wm prepared to manufacture all kinds of WAGONS, SLEIGHS, Ac. He will also promptly attend to &:ETT?jkXT:nsr3- ' -me but the BEST MATERIAL will be used. ALL WORK WARRANTED. work done In the latest and most approved ;. at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PEICES. .roerspt. March 8th. FairWs Stauiarl SCALES, K all kinds, lie careful to buy iclv the stonuine. Hcalcs repaired promptly. --rAlau. liairraire liarrows. Ware- fcue Trueks. Improvel M.mev drawers, ftc : FAlKr.ANK'S MORSE ft. Ot.. EMar 27 10S Seeund Avenue. Plltsliunr. Y.,r NNINGH AM. 1 rilYSK IAN AND SUUUEOX. LAVANSVILLE. PA. ... Ii, '71-ein. IF.YXOLUS. STKEX & CO., (( tppnsite St. Charles Hotel.) Wn.li) Strcft, Pittsburgh", Pa., puborlers f Qucfnvarr- and Mauufkc- turn- of diasiiware. MX WAKE. 11 lie UTKleoIimMl I t.nf,!iMHt tn manufacture all !1N AND SHEET IRON WARE. nt.ailllv m lnd asunrjvnf AiditiAr and tirsM ules. iruK cans and all kinds of IIoim rum lull ine; Good fuaiiy Kept m his line. Shop one door west of 1 I"0 Ully. NOAHCASEBEEH, w- i F SUHV. M skin satraaaM r. imaraal sVaa t j (OLE, R110CKS k CO., .roduce Commission Merchants, I NO. 4 CAMDEN STREET, h-H.TIHOR. MD. iZrv" tvwimlsflon, not Speeula- TO THE SALE OF CUTTER. P'eMoJ.M. HMcrt-. . MZ 51 "' J,11l"'0.,MeyersMilla. 7'.k Analt. Berlin. 'T"-; 1". Pre-ldent U wtem Na- ta. Tl Baltimore. PHK NKW vi ni-ii ,,, t The aw Fl,i Mm . .. uu.il w iuc me Of tne OLU 'DEXX1SON JULL kieu' and th of Someraet is . "'. and uTw.rin.i1 J"? " tb '" improve liKLtn,.!. '"frted b.dothe best kind ofwurk. Jat, t "lo. paid f- all klnd.irTrS11 1 VALENTINE HAY. M 0U.IXS. HLXTIST N.inerwt, D 1 . tm In the tnt lrt of jail. !' ". V h, r-lu at all tm. I I"1 l'rrrel to do 'S'oTwork" Vuehaa fililK. retruralli.il. ,iUll.tf..t wra. loeln (t all kinda. and of If 1 00 VOL. XX J. Hardware. HARDWARE. John F. Blymyer Han rcH.ncd his More a Few Doors Above the Old Stand, And oners to hi customer and friends a full line ! P"uJ l ,ne vcr lowest .rices, Hardware of Every Description, 1I OX, XAILS A XI) GLASS, M'mmIoii lVjire of All Kindts COAL OIL LAMPS, COAL OIL, CHIMNEYS, And everything bel.aiin to the I.irop trade. VllITE I.EAI, I.IXSEEI1U VARNISHES, BRI.S11ES, PAINTS IX OIL AN D IRY, ANU PAINTERS' GOODS IN GENERAL. A lare rt.ick of Table JiiiIvcm ami I'orliK, riH'KI'.T KNIVES, SPOON'S. SHEARS AX I) SCISSORS, PORt'LLAIX L1XEH K ETTI. ES, ftf., fcc., T' other with many article; too numers to men. ti in an advrrtisuiuent. He 1 determine! to aril at the very lowest prices. Ulve him a call, juue 12-7. LIFE INSURANCE For Business Men. "The Reserro Fund Policy.1 ISSUED BY THE BERKSHIRE LIFE INSURANCE CO., IX(X)RPOR.TED ISil, Secures Spot-Ul Protection to Every Policy Holder. For example: Suppose you are thirty flee years of aire and take a "Reserve Fund Policy'' at or dinary lite rates. one aunual payment will insure yoa S year? and 3 rtavs. Two annual payment will Insure you 4 yean and 12 days. Three annual yments will Insure you 6 years and 27 days. Five annual payments will Insure you 10 years and M day. Six annual payments will insure you 12 year and 11 days. This Protection AppHestoanyAge, And Is exprewly stated In every Policy. THE ADVAXT AO EOFSl'CH PROTECTION" This is to certify that my late husband. Daniel B. TuomnMi. was lnsureii In the Berkshire Life Insurance Comjiany, Plttsncld, Mass., lortl.bUO, llMwtnhMtwh 1UTO nivmliim riMvmlilM miarlerlv That two pavment. were made up to June ltttb, 1X71. that he died lletoher 13th, four mouths after he failed to make his payment. The usual proofs of death were forwarded to the Oonipanv. and the full amount of the policy, less tne two quarterly payments aue ai me time oi n.s aeat n. was pam to me ny iiieirifenerai Apeni ir Phluuleh.hla. W. H. Ormves. at their offloe, t. W. death, was paid to me by their Oeneral Agent In 1 corner Chestnut and Eleventh Streets. I (Signed) NETTIE THOMPSON, I W. H. Oreene, late of New York, Insured a few years since in the Berkshire Life Insurance Com- pany Ior03.ao0; but owing to mi-fortune in busi ness was unable to snake any ymerit to the ! Company during one year and five UKntlts prsnr to m. urccaae. i nave uus aay paia (aliueixew x "eh orace ut the Viiauy, !I71 Broadway, corner of I hamcers street), three thousand two hundred and ninrty-tilne dollars, this being the full amount due to his widow, after deducting the overdue pay ments and Interest, J. II. FRANCISCT S. New ork, March 11th, '7u. bu)ierintendent Rend the Following i,t or ClaimH Paid. James Juice.' New York City, U,0M, payment overdue 4 months. F. H. (). Hampe, New York City, (1,000, pay. Dent overdue 4 months and ft davs. Mrs. (K B. Hart, Chicago, ill, AS.OOO, payment overdue 7 months and la days. H. F. Moore. liuatnn. M ass.. 42.000. payment orerdu. ft months and 14 days. James H. Adair, New MavrrOle, IndM (2,000, pa vment orerdue i months and 7 .lays. Bernard O'Orady, Itetrott, Mich, (S.000, pay ment overdue 2 yeap, 10 m.mths and 11 days. Jones 1. Ubru.k. Fitchburg, Mass.. 01.000, payment overdue I years, i month and X days. OOnrCHILI ft MARSHALL. Agents. June r':X twmerset. Pa, The Improved ELLIPTIC SEWING MACHINE New Draw Feed, LOCK STITCH. There are some points In a Sewing M achine that ladles desiring to purchase, should take intoeun stderatiuu, namely: Llghtaesis of running. Ease of Management. Capacity to do the Work Required, Freedom from Noise, and NuB-LiabUity to get out of Order. We claim that the IMPROVED FJA1PTIC nuasesae.aU the, point, and that Hh. THE VERY BEST FAMlXTr MACHINE Now Maniifactiired. And w solicit aa ciaalaatton of H. A rants waat ed In every county, to whom we will give Ih. snost liberal terms. EATON BROSM 19 FRh A.Te.,P1tUbnrB;h, Fa. I Miscellaneous. HEADS AND HEARTS; OR, My Brother's Keeper, BT SOL BLOtTV. AN EXCITING STORY, WILL HE FOUND IN THE AMERICAN YOLUITEEi A Fireside Journal. OUR PREMIUMS. EITRAORBINARY INDUCEMENTS. TWO BEAUTIFUL OHBOMOS FOE NOTHING! Now is the Time to Subscribe! We are preiwred to g;lve to everv yearly subscri ber A PAIR OF CUROMOS euliUcd "KvTir.Y groins'" AMI "THE YOUNG FORAGERS." These pictures are each 12xe4 Inches, upright OENU1XE CHROMOS. not cheap (viU.ro,! lliho STaphs. They are FIRST CLASS CHKOMOS, liusnted toour order, and will hear critical exam ination. Thev can n4 be bought slnvlv at the pic tore dealer's for loss than FIVE IM iLLARSeach. The pictures are mates. They will be sent post free to such as forward ns fts 00 for one year's sub acriilou, or either will be sent lor six months' sub scription. 1 60. Six m.mths subscribers will please Indicate their choice of ircmtums. In order that we may know which to forward. To such as prefer it, we a ill Rive. Instead of the Clirotuos, A Beautiful Steel Engraving, Entitled "The Wreath of Immortelles." This splendid picture, which represents two little rlrls tx-eiiarinir to decorate their father's grave, is M Inches. If is pronounced one of the finest en aravlnKS in the country a picture such as would grace any drawinii-room in the land. It can not be bought lu tiie stores for less than f2 0 r copy. Cash Premiums to Agents. Wo r rlTlair tb lavrreat CASH lr ailaias rver.nrrrd 1st bo rauafry. Send stamp for Information. a-Sinirle entries can be had or Newsdealers throughout the l ulled States. Hack numbers sup plied M-Sample Copies mailed to anr address on re- eei of si mi,. Address, 1. I.OWRY t Co. Lock Box -IM, PITTSBl'KUH, PA. Offlee: Xoll Smtthncld St.. (Frakkmk Block opposite New City Hall,) Third Story. CF.Xr.RAI. AO EXT I The Pittsburgh Book & News Company. aug 7, T2-lm. "ynOLESALB HAMWAUK AM CDTLERY. England & Bindley. 263 Liberty St., PITTSBURGH, Pa. A full and complete Stock of Axes, Shovels, . Hoes, Scythes, Snaths, Saws, Locks, Hin ges, Nails, and Blacksmiths' & Carpenters' Tools, Agents fir EAGLE FILE WORKS; Quality of Files UNSURPASSED. SEND SAMPLE ORDERS. OLD FILES RE-CUT. Jell U. M. BEACIILY'S, CELEBRATED BLOOD 1JURG35 This Urmriy has been in use over firmly years, and has cured thousands of ease considered incu rable by the profession. It baa not failed in a tin gle case to give relief if not entirely cure. It Is particularly recommended In tlie following uoiuplalnts; SICK HEADACHE. PALPITATION OF TIIE HEART. LIVER COMPLAINT, RIIE UMA TISM, fiKIN DISEASES, LANGUID CIRCULATION, fre.. in any derangement of the Blood. In all diseases lierullar to females it is a sure and Aoocrrioa Itria. In short, It beinr a Krmrdw act hi v thmnah lu rirrafottea of Ikt Blood on all the imnoruuit or gans and emunctories of the body. It will cure al most any curable disease. Forsaleby MEYERS A ANA WALT. Berlin, i .(Mi ny aeaiers in I amiiy Medicines every, where. July 4 71 QEIS LEISER'S PATENT SELF REOIXATINQ Grain Separator, CLEAXElt & BAGGER, And Improved Triple GeareJ HOUSE POUB. ..Atf "me like the preaent, when labor Is scare., It is Important that farmer, wh. are mtcreated should give attention to any improvement that will tend to their relief. In the (telsrr Separator the farmer will not only find a friendly labor-saving machine, but a Great Economizer. A eaa be substantiated by thousands who now have them In succraslul operation. Asa THRESHER, It Is equal to the best: Asa CLEAN EU. ILlasuueriurtoauY other ma. chine. It is the only machine that can. try owe nrx ra tio, thoroughly thresh and clean grain fit for mar ket KEIM ft. HAY, FJkllck, Somerset Co., Pa, are the ioU aaeais, and Sam'l Boger i a of. CAM0N2EOEG ACAMIY. For preparing young men foreollege and for the ed ucation of teacher, will commence It next term TTFJiDAY, Sept. 17th. No pains wUl be st red to render both departmenta. COaasieal and Normal, worthy of nubile petranag. Those purposing to attend, and estweialiv thoaa dMlrinw hiMftnw ai .iub rate., ar. requestod to rtva usaarlrnatiaaTFor further Information apply to Kir. war. Ewwo. or aojUlm Hey. W. r. BROWN. oilier I.ITF. AXD LET LITE, A TACM BALLAD. Well: Farmer Smith has lost his wheat, lib ulicds and mammoth bam ; His little boy, with one small match, burnt up the whole concern. I tell you, wife, ho' 11 feel it sore ; a man on money bent. Can't stand up under such a load, when not insur ed a cent. I don't know aa T pity him: I call It a great siu To hoard the harvest of three years In spacious barn and bin; I can't feel pity lor a man who double locks his door, And stops his ears to all the cries that come up from the poor. I like to see economy; I like to see men save. And lay up somethtnic f"T their klu, when they are in the grave ; But you and I know very well, from what we both hare seen, ' There Is a line which, when 'tis eross'd a man gets : to be mean. When wheat was sixteen shillings a price that paid us well Smith said, "I'll wait for twenty, I vow, before I'll sell;" Then, when it reached the flirure, hesaid fo nicono noon, "I guess I'll hold it longer,-, 'twill be three dollar soon." He held it, and be ran in debt for things to wear and oat; When merchants dunned hlio. bo would say, "wait till I sell my wheat;" Soon 'that old tune pot fiddled out. and men la.fr.in to sue. And lie began to borrow to pay accounts long due. When Smltth goes off to buy a thin:, he spins around the town, And tries with all his nilht and main the price to banter down ; When he has anything to sdl, 't Is prloeless in his eyes, And he must have the highest mirk the lowest when he buys. ' Live and let live,' 1 aro golden wor!s; this other motto too "Do unto others as you'd wi-h that they would do you; If Smith had done as they command, he would not A ...... The ashes ofthree harvest. to bed and drawatray. Wlfc: If you take a berry and dry It in the sun. Twill shrivel up till It takes two to make the i-lie of one: So may a man, In grasping guln, so shrivel up his soul. That It will ne'er expand again, while life's years o'er hita rulL, O.al bless the farmer" of our land ! Thcv are not all like him now ln Who walks around that smouldering pile. th. Iwill.hl llm Llvinon tKai'a br.d acres, their fouls expand v. ' and grow; Their ears are ever open to tales of want and woe. Uod bless tlie men, where'er they be, in country or in town, Wbodon.it think it life's great work to crowd their neighbors down ; This world would lie the liettcr, this life would pleasure give. If every man who toils to live, would let his bro ther live. Rorhnttr Democrat end i'hroniclt. TUE TAX-COLLECTOR'S wlt'K. The night shadows were bcjrinuinp; to settle down upon the earth. All day the rain had been falling, some times in heavy showers; the ro.-H-s and pinks in the garden had a sickly look, for the petals hung low and were heavy with water and nmd that had splashed upon them. The clouds were still dark and threatening, be speaking a stormy night. The little town of Ashton was unusually quiet. The streets were too inclement to en tice people from their homes. Only now and then a solitary traveller was to be seen. These business had driv en forth ; and they walked with raj id steps, anxious to again get under the shelter. In a vine-wreathed cottage on a flower-sprinked lawn, the supper had been waiting over an hour for the master of the house, whose business necessitated his being absent from home all day. Mr. Jacobs was the tax collector of the township, and con sequently could not await the return of pleasant weather before pursuing his journey. Therefore ho had equipped himself in his India robber over garments in the morning and had gone about his business, leaving his wife with the promise of an early re turn in the evening ; but supper had come and gone without him making an appearance. Mrs. Jacobs, howev er, was not anxious as yet. Such de lays were too frequent to cause this one to give her any uneasiness of mind. She flitted alwiit the house, busy with her evening duties, singing a gay song as she went. She was a bright little woman, with the word courage written in her dark, sparkling eyes, and on the firm red lips. . Anon she disrobed her two little ones and put them to bed, and when the night shadows turned into an inky blackness, she seated herself by the lamp and began to sew, still leaving the pupper-tablc spread, and the food on the stove keeping warm for the re turn of her husband. But the little clock on the mantle-shelf had told the hour often before his step was heard at the door. He camo hurriedly in, ana strode to a seat without remov ing his dripping outer garments or his muddy boots. "I must goto Winchester to night," he said, in answer to his wife's ques- iiomng ioor. "To Winchoster !" repeated his wife in dismav. "Twenty miles in the storm 1" He removed his hand from his pocket, took off his hat, and brushed back his fair hair, revealing the hand some face of a light complexioned middle aged man. He had large grey eyes, but they wore an anxious ex pression, and their glances wandered restlessly about the apartment. "J anc," he said, suddenly, again diving his hand into his troublesome pocket, "do you suppose yon could take care of a large sum of money till to-morrow ?'' ' hy, yes," she answered, looking up in surprise. "I have collected five thousand dol lars," he continued, "and it is too late to get into the bank, and I do not care to carry so much with me." "Well, you can leave it here as well as not No one would think of my having such a sum of money." He drew a large wallet from his pocket and placed it in her hands. "It belongs to the government, and if you let it pasi from you, I am ru ined," he commented. " And lie arose as if to depart "You are going to eat some sup per ?" she enquired. "No, I have no time to lose. I must mako Winchester by midnight Oood by. Take good care of the money and fasten all the doors." He gave her a hurried kiss aud tho next moment he was gone. lSut the sound of his footsteps had scarcely died away before Mrs. Ja- , . . ....... - j - set ESTABLISHED, 1837. SdMERSET, PA , WEDNESDAY, cobs begnu to feel a strange fear creeping over ber. Why it was, the knew not. She had lived there seven years, and had blept there many a night without the doors even being shut. Now they were locked and bolted, she could not think of going to bed. She was too nervous for that She was likewise too nervous to work. She put the money in her dress pock et, and clasping both tfghtly in her hands, she sat very still,;gazing anx iously into nothingness, and listening so intensely that silence becamo a fearful mingling of discordant sounds in her ears. An hour passed. It had been an nge to her. , "I am glad that lam not rich," she whispered, as the clock struck eleven. "What a task it must bo to watch one's gold !" Presently she heard a sound. It was not the rain, for thero was a per fect lull in the storm. It could not be a neighbor, for she lived in the out skirts of the villinge, several blocks from any one, and she was not likely to be called in ease of sickness. Again she heard it. It seemed as if a window sash was leing slowly raised. Strango that eho could have forgotten to fasten them down. "Why didn't John leave me his re volver ?" she mused. "I have noth ing with which to protect myself in case I should be molested to-night. It was really an oversight in him." Again she heard tliej sound. It seemed to conic from her bed room. It was surely the raising of a sash. Then there was the sound of a move ment as though some one was enter ing that way. Fear nearly paralyzed her for a moment, but she quietly rallied, and lia-'ug "I i" wiuu pioicvu w u- n' i : vestigate the matter. She had scarce ly opened the bed room door when she staggered back with a half sup pressed scream. Two men in hide ous disguises were already in the room, and a third ruflian was in the act of crawling in through the win- i dow. Involuntary she clutched the i pocket which contained the money, I thinking in the meanwhile how she , , , . .1 . II I SIIOIUU proieci uerseu anu JU -Yias she had nothing but her own weak hands with which to light tho battle, and she well knew how powerless thcv were, compared with the strength of the enemy. - 'tWhat do you want here?'' she asked in a faltering voice. "We want the five thousand dol lars which jou have in keeping for your husband," said ono of them. They knew then that she had it in her possession. - ' " You can get no money from me," she said, decisively; "I have no money." "A pretty little fib," he responed with a laugh. Wre will look into your pocket and see.,' In her eaecrness to preserve her treasure, she clutched the pocket of her dress with both hands, thus un consciously betraying its wherea bouts. She turned pale when the knowl edge of her thoughtlessness was re vealed to her. "You can't have it! you shan't have it," she cried, knowing all the while they would have it in spite of her. "We will fee," exclaimed the man, grasping her arms. She struggled desperately, but was soon overpowered and the money tak en from her. Then, woman-like, she began to cry "Let us go now," said one of the robbers. " l ou take the money and I will fix her tongue in a way that it will remain quiet for an hour at least" Don t hurry, said another ; "I am hungry, and we can just as well take a bite here as not.'' The other demurred, but he contin ued : "Set fo work aud get some supper. lou'vc got a fire and some boilinar water, and we want some tea." Mrs. Jacobs kn.cw that a refusal would only subject her to more indig nity, and she arose to do their bid ding. She put some more plates on the ta ble, along with such food as she had cooked, and then proceeded to make the tea, wondering all the while if there was any way to gain possession of the money, and dreading her hus band's anger and dismty, on his re turn, should she fail to do so. As she took the tea canister from the pantry shelf she caught sight of a bottle labelled strichnu. Her hus band had purchased it on the preced ing day, in order to destroy the rats, which were becoming troublesome. but as yet she had used no portion of it Here was the chaa.ee of relief, and she seized it eagerly. Opening the bottle, she put a few grains into the tea-pot along w ith the tea, of which she gave a liberal ; quantity, in order to destroy the taste of tie poison. A few minutes later the roblers were sitting at the tabid unconscious ly sipping their death. "They may kill me," mused the faithful woman, "but the money will be found and my husband's honor saved." . ;):.. After a few minutes, oce by one the robliers complained of being sick. "I verily believe the jade has poi soned us," said one, and the next mo ment he fell with a deep groan on the floor. i "I know that she has poisoned us," cried another, "and her own life shall pay the forfeit" ; ' lie sprang from his seat and star ted toward her, revolver in hand, but he fell ere he had reached her. "Jane," exclaimed th third, "you have saved the money, but you have murdered mo!" ! How strangely familliar sounded the voice I Furgetting all her old fears in the new, Mrs. Jacobs sprang forward and knelt by tho side of the dying man. i ' She pulled tho disguise, a hidoous negro face with large grinning mouth, from tho face of the speaker. One look then came a scream which echo ed through the house like a peal of thunder. . The dying man was her own hus band, i . But little more remains to be told of tho sad story. The money was preserved, but the heroic woman is a maniac, raving in an asylum over the murder of her 'husband, imagining that her hands arc dyed red with his blood. AUGUST 28. 1872. Miret Iran C'nC Works. It will be remembered that some time since we noticed reportorially an invention of a young man residing in this city, which was termed the " Patent Sheet Iron Cat," and was designed especially for the destruction of the common feline serenaders which infest all settled communities and render life a bore, if not at times a positive torment. Little did the in ventor of the "Patent Cat" think, as he fastened the Inst rivet in tho tail of this remarkable conception, that he was confereing a benefit upon mankind of equal importance with those of the inventors of the velocipede, the Dolly Yarden, or the potato bug pul verizer. But such was the case, and the favorable manner in which the press of the country (who are slow to praise and quick to condemn fraud and worthless inventions) united in favorable notices of the "Patent Cat" proves that the latter has filled a va cancy in the Patent office reports that has long remained unfilled. From Boston to San Francisco come complimentary allusions to this invention, and scarcely a day passes that the inventor docs not receive let from men of note, men of note, from invalids and nerv ous people, from capitalists and oth ers, all seeking more detailed informa tion concerning the mechanical won der, and asking for samples, and ter ritory, state, or county rights to man ufacture and sell the same. We are requested by the patentee to state that, owing to tho rise in sheet-iron and the strike among the miners, he has not been able so far to supply the home demand for the "Iron Cat," and has utterly refused to export auy quantity until after the close of the present year. Arrange ments have been made with ono of our largest manufacturing establish- mcnts, by which one hundred cats per day can be turned ont by the first of May. Only three hundred of the "Patent Cats" have been sold up to the pres ent date, but in no eases have they failed to give complete satisfaction. We subjoin a few notices of the press and testimonials "We have been using for a week past a recent invention of a Cleve land mechanic, which is nothing more than a sheet-iron cat, with cylindrical attachment and steel claws and teeth. It is worked by clock work. A bel lows inside swells the tail at will to a belligerent size, and a tremulo attach ment causes at the same time the pat cut cat to emit all the noises of which the human cat is capable. When you wind up your eat and place him on the roof, every cat within a half mile hears him, girds on ' his armor and sallies forth. Frequently fifty or one hundred attack at once. No sooner does the patent cat feel the weight of an assailant than his teeth and claws work with lightning ra piditv. Adversaries within six feet of him are torn in shreds. Fresh battalions come on to meet a similar fate, and in an hour several bushels of hair, toe-nails, and fiddle-strings alone remain." Baltimore Sun. "No first-class printing office with a roof flat cnotagh to aflord a battle ground for infuriated felines should be without one. T. Tiltos. "It has saved more than a hundred thousand dollars" worth of boots- iacks in this citv alone, and a mince pie or can of preserves goes further in my family now than it did before the war. "J. M., Mayor of Chicago." "How any family can do without one any more than a 'Dolly Yarden,' is a wonder to me. E. Cady Stantox." "Send mo five hundred (500) at once C. O. D., with extra bellows and powerful tone, to participate in the jubilee. "P. Oilmore." i "The roof our office was covered with cats four ranks deep until we placed two of tho 'Iron Thomas Cats' in position. Not a cat has been seen since, and we have sold Bologna saus age meat enough to purchase three fonts of job type. Every young man going west should take a few of these cats with him." II. O., in Tribune Editorial. "I have used the Patent Cat with much success in my family. Mj mother-in-law has been visiting us for the past eight months. Night be fore last I wound up the 'Patent Cat, and set him under the bed. At his first howl, she leaped fram her couch and yelled 's'cat' and at the same time stabbing at him with an um brella. I can hardly writo for emo tion but my dear mother-in-law will not take her meals with us for six months to come. All there is left of her has been basted together, but her spirit is broken. Inclosed find the money for twenty-five more cats, and also send new claws for the old ono, as the old lady was tought "Briguam Yovjjo." We might extend the testimonial, but it is useless. The manufacture of cats will soon be cne of the most val uable additions to tho business inter est of our growing city. , In the meanwhile strangers passing through Cleveland, all who arc interested in the extermination of the cat tribe, arc invited'to examine into the merits of this great discovery. Cleveland Leader. A 'lirraia Colony. A newspaper correspondent gives us an interesting history of a Califor nia Colony, and its results. In 185 15 years ago several Germans proposed, in San Francisco, to some of their countrymen, to purchase, by a general effort, a piece of land, lay it out into individual farms, plant these with grapes for wine, and to do all this by one general head or mana ger, and in the cheapest and best manner possible. After some dis cussion 50 men joined to buy a tract of 11 Co acres of land southwest of Los Angclos, They paid for this $2 per acre, and took care to get for this price also a sufficient water right for irrigation.- The land was selected and bought by the leader in tho en terprise, Mr. Hansen of Los Angeles, a German who had long lived in Cal ifornia. The Anaheim Company con sisted, you must understand, of me chanics, in the main. There are sev eral carpenters, a gunsmith, an en graver, three watch-makers, four blacksmiths, a hewer, a teacher, a ilerak. hoe maker, a . miller, tcveral mer chants : bookbinder, a )MH;t (f course), four or fi v? musicians, a bat ter, eoino tcani-stors, a hotel-keeper, ami others ; not a farmer, among them all, pray notice. Moreover and this I say with a certain degree of hesitation there is some reason to believe that the members of the company wero not even eminently successful in their callings. They were not getting rich, in Sau Francis co, where most of them lived. Sev eral of them had money ahead, but most of them, I judge from wlmt I hear, were men ready enough to bet ter their fortunes, but to whom it would have been impossible to buy a ready made farm of even twenty aeres. Well, it was agreed to divide the 11,65 acres into 50 20 acre lots, and 50 house-lots in the village, leaving some lots for school houses and other public buildings, 14 in number. The first contribution or payment toward the common stock bought the land. Thereupon Mr. Hansen was, very wisely, chosen Resident Manager, and tho shareholders quietly went on with their pursuits in San Francisco, taking care only to pay up the calls on their stock as they became due. It was the manager's duty, meantime, to go on with the improvement of the lots. This he did with hired labor Indians and Californians. He dug a main ditch seven miles long, to lead the irrigating water over the whole area, and 450 miles of subsidiary flitches, and 25 miles of feeders to these. He planted on each 20 acre lot 8 acres in vines (8,000 vines) and some fruit trees. He fenced each lot with willows, making 5i miles of out - side and 35 miles inside fencing. These willows are now topped for firewood, and as they grow rapidly they give a very fresh and lovelv green to the aspect of Anaheim. This; j tjone ho continued to cultivate, prune and keep ui the whole place. At the end of three years, in 1860, all the assessments were paid ; each stock holder had paid $1,200, and a division of the lots was made. This was done by a kind of lottery. AH the j iotd wcre viewed, and assessed at their relative value, from $1,400 to $600, according to situation, ic. When a lot was drawn, if it was valued over $1,200 the drawer paid tho difference ; if less, he received the difference. Thus he who drew a $1,400 lot would pay $200 ; he who drew a $600 lot would receive $600 additional in cash. When all were drawn, there was a sale of the effects of the company tools, horses, Ac. : and on balancing tho books it was found that a sum remained on hand which sufficed for a dividend of over $100 to each share-holder. I be lieve the actual cost of the lots was but $1,080. For this each had 20 acres and a town lot 150x 200 feet, with 8,000 bearing grape vines and some fruit trees. Then the owners broke up at San Francisco and came down to take possession. Lumber for building was bought at wholesale ; for 50 families a school-house was quickiy errected ; shop-keepers flocked m and bought the town lots ; a newspajtcr was be gun ; mechanics of different kinds were attracted to the colonv ; and the coloniststhemselveshad at once about them all the conveniences for which, had they settled singly, they would have had to wait many years. Now, it must be remembered that these col onists were not even farmers or gar deners by trade. Only one had ever made wine. They began as green hands ; some of them borrowed money to make the improvement, and had to pay heavy interest. They had to build their houses, and make their gardens, and support their families. I want to give you briefly the results of the experiment : 1st There was a struggle for some years, but in this early time, everybody tells me, they all had enough to cat, a good school for their children, music and pleasant social amusements, and they were their own masters. 2. Only ono of the original settlers has moved away ; and the Sheriff has never issued an execution in Anaheim. 3. The prop erty which cost $1,080, is now worth from $5000, to $10,000, and I do not believe more than ono in ten of the colo'nists would have been worth to day, had they remained at their trades in ban rrancisco, any money at all. 4. There arc no poor in Ana heim. 5. It is the general testimony that the making of wine and brandy has not caused drunkenness among tho colonists. "When you sec a drunken man- in our town it will be an Indian or an Irishman," said sev eral people to me. b. 1 have not a doubt that the moral standard of the people has been greatly improved. Their children are well trained ; the men are masters of their own lives ; they have achieved independence, and what to an average New York me chanic would seem the ideal of a for- tunato existence. The average clear income from their vineyards, which now contain mostly sixteen acres, is about $1,000 per annum. . Some few fall below this, but most of them go above. They have besides this, of course, their gardens, which here yield vegetables all the year round ; their chickens in short the greater part of their living. They live well ; it is a land of plenty ; and to me, who remembered how painful and unpleas ant is the life of a mechanic or arti san in New 'York, it was a delight to sec here men and women who had re deemed themselves, by their own ef forts, from this drudgery And slavery. Tke dotation of Wouaea. : During the past year a committee of the alumni of Williams College have been considering the advisability of admitting women to that institu tion. The committee consisted of Professor John Bascom, David Dudley Field, Francis II. Dewey, Clement Hugh. Hill, and the Rev. Henry Hopkins. The committeee did not agree and submitted two re ports, both of which have been re cently published in the W uliams Yidette. , On both sides the question is discussed fully and ably. The report opposing tho admission of women is signed by three of the committee, Francis II. Dewey, Clem ent Hugh Hill, and Henry Hopkins. Constituting as they da a majority, their report cornea first in order. The logic of their report is based on NO. 11. a kind of optiuiinm t hat would let well enough alone, and would only chango when tho demand for such action is imperative and well nigh uni versal. Tho gentlemen ol the majori ty thoroughly represent the Conscrva- i tive clement in culture In conduct- ducting the discussion they enunciate three distinct propositions for consid eration. The first is that full provis ion for the highest and most conipre prehensivc education of women is re quired ; the second is that the joint education of the sexes in colleges and universities is desirable ; the third is that it is desirable to admit both sexes to Williams College. They admit the first pronortition without argument, and rejoice at the efforts which have been latelv put forth to j givo to women a broader, and more , liberal education in separate mstitu tions like Vassar aud other female colleges. In this wav thev affect to disnose of the just claims of women to the broadest culture, and proceed to dis cuss the feasibility of her admission to colleges and universities. They cannot well admit the second proposi tion without admitting the third, so the consideration of the second is evaded and tho whole question made to hinge on the unadvisibility of ad mitting women to Williams. This so narrows the discussion down that ad verse conclusion is reached by the mere force of local prejudices. The The reasoning is sometimes after this wise : Due weight is given to the suc cessful operation of co-education ; but it is claimed that there has not yet been sufficient experience to even ap proximately determine the ad visibility , of the svstem. They claim the que ; tion of co-education is vet as liable to be decided in the negntive as in the ; affirmative. Without considering at this stage of the argument the results of the practical application of the i uystem where it is ia operation, they , try to show the truth of the assertion that the chances of the success or failure of co-cducation are evenly balanced. Thev admit that the suc- cess of co-education in academies is i an argument as far as it goes, but claim that it does not go far enough to prove that more mature men and women would get along well under the ordinary discipline of tho college and university. Besides, the studies of the academy and the normal school are more elementary, and therefore ' (on predestination,) Cambridge Plat more essential to both men and wo- j form, Barnard's Sermons, Shepard's men than is the college course. They I Sound Believer, Janeway's Holy admit that Oberlin is a success, but j Life, American Preacher, Emmon's state in explanation of that success I Sermons. Of these works, several that very few women take up the regular college course, but confine themselves to the preparatory, which is about the same course as that pur sued in Eastern academies. Again, it is admitted that other colleges in the West according to their own showing, have received wo men on equal terms with men to ' the advantage of both the institutions and the new candidates. But thev reason that, while it may be expedient to educate the sexes together in the West, it does not follow on that ac count that it is expedient to educate them together in the East The col leges in the West succeeded under the new system because there was no other adequate provision '. for female education, except that offered by the colleges. The svstem is naturallv with tho growth of the country, while in tho East an entirely opposite state of things exists. While public opinion in the west is strongly in favor of it, in the East it is not so sufficiently decided to warrant its success. A few Eastern colleges are mentioned as of lato throwing open their doors to women, but the success of their venture has not been fully determined on account of the short time that has elapsed since tho trial began. From these considerations the majority conclude that there has been no such general practical dem onstration of the wisdom of co-cducation as would justify them in treating it as more than a mooted proposition which may be right and niav likewise be wrong. An argument against the admission of women to Williams is drawn from the fact that it was es tablished to educate young men, and as an institution for voung men it had received the many generous gifts of the commonwealth and of individuals. The majority concede that when it is generally admitted to be best that both sexes should be admitted as stu dents, the trustees ought to so modify tne statutes as to enable young wo men to enter, but until it is "so admitted the trustees would not bo justified in establishing a system not contempla ted by those who rounded the college. a . itmi .again, v imams college is in no sense a university; and, as tho exper- ? w . lence oi estern coueeres sro to show that very young women would nat urally pursue tho sanie,eourse marked out for young men, it is claimed that tne course at imams wonld be un fitted for young women, and that un less a separate course wcre establish- very few would avail themselves of the advantages of the college. The arguments, therefore, that apply to other colleges do not apply to Williams, limited as it is to one de partment of instruction. The divis ion of public opinion on the subject is urged as another reason for delaying the admission of women. The 'wo men themselves do not demand that the colleges bo thrown open to them. Should they claim that great injustice was done in excluding them from col- leges.it would be a good argument for opening the doors of institutions now exclusively occupied by men. The friends of the college as a majority do not desire it There are, it is said more mothers who would object to tho college because women wcre ad mitted as students, than there are mothers who would send their daugh ters there. Finally it is argued that there is no present necessity for open ing the college to women as the nu merous colleges for men already founded and in immediate prospects, provido sufficiently for higher educa tion of tho sex. The majority of the committee recommcnded,in considera tion of all tho arguments adduced that the further consideration of the subject be postponed another genera tion at least. A citizen of Terre Haute, Ind.,who was divorced from his wife three months ago, recently attended as a guest at her wedding with "another fellow." Dr. rnuahlla'a tin. The following appear in the Bo-ton filof) of Saturday: " Tho bequests of Dr. Franklin to the city of Boston, for the benefit of the public schools, and of th indu.T trious mechanics of this municipality are familiarly known. It is, pThapi, equally well understood that the doc tor presented tho town of Franklin, in this state, a library in acknowl edgement of the compliment of the adoption of the town name. The original correspondence in the matter appears to have been lost, or, at any rate, its whereabouts are not known to those who should be most conver sant with the history of the library the citizens of the town. The cor respondence, or at least the final part, in which the proffer of the looks wa. distinctly made, was with Rev. Na thaniel Emmons, D. D. The condi tion on which tho gift was made aj pcars to have been that the town should add to the library an equal numl-cr of volumes, the doctor con tributing one hundred and sixteen volumes. This was in the year 17J5, which is the date of the founding of the library, as is stated in the cata logue. " Rumor pleasantly relates that the original intimation of the inhabitants' or their committee to the doctor "aras their desire for a church bell, and in his reply he suggested that things of sense were more desirable than things of sound, and proposed a library. The living descendants of these peo ple do not take much stock in thirf story, and in the absence of the cor- j rcspondence perhaps it is quite as well j to consider the anecdote fabulous. At anv rate, if such an intimation was made the doctor apprehended the church going, and, perforce, theologi cal tendencies of tho people, and made up his mind to give an ample supply of sound theological reading. The catalogue as published contains only a list of the books of Frankln's contribution now remaining, eighty seven in number. Of ther-e, sixty two relate to theological and religious matters, leaving twenty-three secular works and two doubtful. The secular works include four vol umes of Locke and one of Sydney ; Montesquieu's Spirit of the Law ; Blackstone's Commentaries; Price on Liberty, on the American Revolution and on Morals; (Jordon'3 Tacitus ; Life of Braincrd ; Hemmingway vs. Hopkins, probably a law report; Life of Cromwell: Watt's Lojric ; History i of the Rebellion (English) ; Thomas' Laws of Massachusetts; American Constitution; Young's ight Thoughts; Pilgrim's Progress : Cheap Rejiository. As doubtfnl may lie classed Needham's Free State and Prideaux's Connections. "In theology we have Clark, Hoad lev, Barron. Watson, Newton, on the ; prophecies, Law, Priestley, Lyndsey, Duchaf. (sermons.) West and Little ton, (on the resurrection,) Stewart's Sermons,Addison's Evidences, Watt's Orthodoxy and Charity, Bellamy's True Religion and Permission of Sin, Doddridge, Hopkins, Edwards, Dick inson, (on tne nvc points,; cooper. consist of more than one volume, whereby the number of sixty two is made up. The twenty-nine volumes missing would probably exhibit an equal proportion of theology. Of the 116 volumes added in compliance twith the terms of tho gift, a good share appear to have been of a simi larly edifying oharacter. " Immediate action does not appear to have been taken by the town, but the town records of the year 1790 show that a formal acceptance of the gift was made, and the responsibility of the preservation of the library was assumed. Whatever may have been the ups and downs of fate in regard to it when next heard from by the record of history, so far as we have been able to ascertain, its situation was inglorious enough. In the year 1858 it, or what remained of it, was found stored in a barn by some enter prising antiquaries, who bethought themselves to hunt it up. Under the presidency of Dr. Oliver Dean, the founder of Dean Academy, an associ ation was formed and one thousand volumes added to the nucleus formed by the doctor and tho town, so that at the present time the citizens seem to be pretty well supplied with read ing matter. The theological draught prepared for the fathers has been lib erally and judiciously watered to suit the palates of their successors, and we find Mark Twain's "Innocents Abroad," Oliver Optic's stories, Mis Muhx'k's, Mrs. Stowe's, Mrs. Whit ney's anil other novels, modern biog raphies and tales of travel, Warner's "Summer in a garden," one book by Darwin, the naturalist, and two more by Bret Harte, among the thousands of new accessions. "The old books from the hand of Franklin are kept in the library room in a case by themselves, carefully locked up, and not likely to be fre quently called forth, from their quiet resting place by readers of this gen eration. They are in a good state of preservation, considering their age, which may be owing in part to the infrequent reading of them, and doubtless in good part, also, to the faithful work put into them by the English binders and publishers, from whose shops most of them came.'' Fruit in tin cans. The Boston Journal of Chemistry says "The impression prevails among those who use freely truits which are pdt up in tin cans, that they are injured there by, and this impression is in many cases correct We have long contend ed that all preserved fruits and vege tables should be stored in glass, anil that no metal of any kind should In' brought in contact with them. All fruits contain more or less of vegeta ble acids, and others that are highly corrosive, are often formed by fer mentation, and the metallic vessels are considerably acted upon. The cans aro held together by solder, an alloy into which lead enters largely. This metal is easily corroded by veg etable acids and poisonons salts are formed. Undoubtedly, many person are greatly injured bv eating toma toes, peaches, etc., which have been placed in tin cans, and we advise our friends who contemplate putting up fruits the present Summer to use onlv glass jars for the purpose." A farmer in Pcnnsvlvania who thoroughly underdrained his land says the money thus used paid him better than if he had invested in bonds or bank or railway stocks, as his capital is doubled every fifty years. A man who works for his living should marry a woman taller than himself. "The laborer is worthy of his higher." "Teeth extracted with great pains," is tho rather ambiguous advertise ment of a deutist Flash language telegrams.