The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, August 21, 1872, Image 3

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Tlie Somerset HeJw,... a,.,, o;. ,
A aires! a. 1
irnt Iavin; Ems.
l,w K Tnrr
Ia.. tr salo at i
k:.k Is. tI-
.inr.nH.' Lin-
(, d il f"r ' !
. (. p. llhmds iV;
FiifiT and fruit jrr
-!-', A. .. ir sale
x- .... ItltV
111 . . ..
, i.:-.
Univ ""v-
( . .h;t. niriil :tiiil raiKtu w neat
Live n-
la AVaUT. iIlU ti'.e I
:,! list-
n II
.. . I . 1 - . ...
T v t reeeivetl
t lat'n-i lln
a sj
i i i r -mtii U-of
YVk La'e now on ' ' - 'j
in-' H:ink and jmi-niicm ik u-.
,.f the li"4 st'ks t.t Jn:p in iiie ;
t ir.e
reoj lc i l'rug rwre.
ri:in leiiii.ns. atenut lions and cuite-
cm,,k,m. T.'U,eco. 1'ijtes t.iiewmtr 1 o-1,-uv.kJ
'tlie N-'t i";ilitv. for Kile at IVo
X Ih'.r: t"re.
( ,.i vti:V prnluee ant-d at the Fam
t .r. Kvrv A; I'.inl store of l'nk & UeeriU
Maine i'r.- street.
l;H-myer has a Itre lot of lr -n Swivel
II ,v I'ullevs at nts ea h.- all soon.
A tin -kir.luare More.
i i. -r. V ..: T..S
1 AM V c,.u.. ., . us . .
' . l t-iii-i.- il " il ii riit- ill i it. lilt ?
I' l .1. I""" C - - ,
i .,'
1 ' ,
I.i ir t 'hie tortois.- shell tan. Tiie f.nd- ;
. r In- rewarded bv leavin? tlie s.nne at
,l,i- i
,. , . , . ;i j-. ,.t,
1 11 R lill'lierl tlsu I nice jsini ni uii
kinJf of irrain. at the Family tJroccry and
Feci tre of Cook A: iic-ertis on
r, slm-t, Somerset, Penn'a.
.ione t-verv dav. Hence the lollv of!
tirrliaitis without looLinz at the 4-J)o-
Ijir-llC. 1 ou t aiiiii'i juiif;e iiunu ir-uv.-i
without K-eincthe -DoiiitViie."
Ik yi'U want a thnishin? maehimr p to
the Si.ier-el Fotindrj- and pet one of their
ii. ;iiul improved Tumbling shalt ina-thiin-s.
They are warranted to run easy.
Uir;ili ileaii.'waMe n o irraiii, and are ju-t
hat "iir tanners want.
the n une of the liopular ;
i.. ve s.11 It is the -Do- '
ill Wl Mil. Ill" I"'
1!i:mt vr.r.R
ein; Maeil
lii-tie " We
l;i..n ;'.r: :
I...11 -hine sei. :
an put
to work several
id reliable canvassers. No
j iit.-Ciy alid jrives Mich sul-
Ai.lvIio have used the Thrashing Ma"
hiues niiinufaetured at the Suiers-l Foun
dry sjiejk iu the highest terms of ihe inan
ji.'rin which they do their work. Every
m:i. Line is fully warranted. Send in your
.r!'-r- carlv.
Constantly on hand at the Family Gro
("y A; Feitl store of Cook and Ik-erits on
M ilne Cross Street, flour, oats, corn, mill
in !, brand, liacon. salt, tih. lanl. vinegar-vn;;i-.
sugar, coll'ee. canned fniith, tiibae,
i ..., Ac. Ac,
Tnr. r.-a-m whvcvervlmdv that tries the
lioiii-tie" Swing Machine is pleased
wiih it. i'
aetion. arnl
lic-MUe it is direct nnd easv in
t itches evervthim from possa-
nier t
Co.. .
s.iie leather. 15. W. Steadman A;
neral A rents, 20 Sixth street, l'itts-
ti ing to a pr-of other work, the en
t'Tprising young firm of N. G. Kkim A:
Co. have lin able to manulailure but a
mited numlx r of their celebrated thrash
ers and horse iowers. Thise wishing to
'uv will do veil to call or send in their or-
l. Hen.
(irstii At. (Jiiant. Horace G ret ley, Vic-;
tor Emanuel and George Washington are
name of note. But the name of the Com- :
incSewine Machine" is the "Domestic." j
U. W. Sleailnian A Co., General Agents.
2n Sixth -treet, Piltburg.
Tin Templars' Convention nii-cts
in B' r'.in A'.iu-t -".itli and :Wfih. Lmlges'
will retneu.Vr thi. and send full delega- '
I'mllv The ( Veilings will licdoxi.ted toad-dri'-M-s
tn the puMie. '
M. Fisiiui. R. Sxiith,
Se, retarv. W. C. T.
CaITIov. Kverv freililinc l.ov .f
l i,rs the si-nature of FLEMINiJ 1
ei'o.. nr.. t ,. tv. l !...:-
ii'il.-iuigii, 1 a., mm men .
private l"nii. d Slates Sump. "Take
iiOi.;lnr. "The market is full nf imi-
Mi: Philip Mowin would infurm his
fustniiiers t'.iat his mill, in Somerset. h:is
lrii st.'iiisl fur the past three months for .
repairs.. l.:t that he w i'.l commence run-1
iiiii.' tlie iiilll HL'ain in a few day, lie j
would iiis.i stiy that he w ill eontiniic to
keep !:irj-e t:jply of flour, feed. Ae
h:o!. .
1 mmm :
Famii.y;i:ik euv. C'sk and DeiTiis of 1
t.'ii Feed Store, have mn niHl out in the new j
t.iiiKiincon Huinis' corncron Maine Cross .
Mntt, also oti-iipicd hy II. C. Uei-rits' shfie
b'r In mlitiiKin to liour nrain nnd null
li-eil. they have, a lull assortment of pro-'the
ni provisions, toltaccos if ., tn-sh lnini Imiidinp. The next train fmm lJedforil to
tin iiv. at reasonable prirt-s. EveryWnly ; connect with the Baltimore ii Ohio Itail-i-iil
and - for yourselves. 1 road, contained fix or seven passengers
It is a mark of ihe unsuccessful man,
that he invariably locks his stable d.ior
v, In n the horse has Ixin stolen. Thuort
wiMlom never thinksalKHit Imdilv health it is pone, urn just as mucn as any ,
u.-w-hi UiKiine seated, thejsiwero the I
s..-k- 1 Am fbe.n- ,t,itt to ii-il-i.ii. '
td. hence time i all important. For dys
'!ia. all (iiseii--s of the liver, stomach,
viti and kidneys, and a!l that lieirin in vi
tiated bhsid. do not wait until thetrntible
b- eoiilirmed. lait attack it ly a timely tie
'f Dr. Walker's California" Yinepar Hit
ters Ckitu isinc NtwsrAPEKs. It is a vcrv i
eaey inuller toeritieise a newsjiHjMT. but to ln-fore the meeting. The toniniittee then
publish one. so as to interest, amuse and proceeded to nominate Congressional Con-in-truct
the public is no small undertakins. firecs. Mr. Meyers nominating Ed. Kier
Tiiose w ho are so prone to find fault with i nan, M. A. 1W and John K. Brinham,
every little item which does not suit their, Esgs. Joseph Miller, of Milford, then
er;;i-al and exalted ideas should buy type. 1 nominated Ed. F. Earl, Daniel Augustine
ii.k and ian r and publish an organ of ! and John Enable, Esijs., when Mr. Mev
tbeir own. Ixt them try it for three ers nriK- nn.1 in iimns tprnit it ennnnm.1
months only, and if it don't pivc them
some new ideas of the new spaper business I
tin n we are 110 judge of human nature.
.... .".oxn suuiii 1 uaui ...ii o. is. u 1
11.iiv1.muis so quick iv mat nicy wouu ,
l.-.r, t- I n , .u l...t . ...ute .111
.... o . - "u. - ...r ...a... . ....
tin in. or whelherthey stood on their heads
ONE-n.u.K the people cannot take C. -
f-r Oil from its terrible nauseatine taste,
nnd ni-oil in the throat. The Casioria
prepared bv Dr. Pitcher is purely vegeu-
r !" v if.""1':-..i"t I?,,-.
-M niir 'iiiiir i Hit ii v umoi ra. il
il . n distrt-s or rriK'. hut rcrulatcs the 1
'ysteni, bfid oin-rates when U 4tlii'r reme-
have laliM. Jt WtS lliiP mainCfori
;i'.iiiu u a,!,,., tonst ii ration, t latuw-DCV, ,
' lllI nnd Unrou I: onl-iitu ni.iilur :
ml. Momhine l or Al7hol Ila ;
. ... .
--iiiih;l, iiuieunz I Hill IifinlUlvS natural
. 7, V ' , P"n.M? l t to Tj'ing
. . . Vu,n7 ,1"'lr,.": -0. "'? ha ;
' e V 'i "r1 . in',u'nJ,,r,iun' n' . 'J'K'.
-- - .. . ... ,all. t ahr u,, iiitiir iiiiier j ills,
.-ariiitic Svrui. fjritiin? Pu
"'s'"" i
COSlS llUto.) :
Mekcninis mis Tl.
ivlili. anil w. iinev. t:.ut ...... .-.
. . .. . .. v
of 1! In Ul it.
von w in never
T . ...
''lll.l I U.LOrill ll Tl- I ml it if
jjm i w.Hiid have Inauty l,y the Isrttle fuU.
... " . ...
.iou iiavp to do it Ul purchase Ilagan'a ,
MaviHilia pilm.
That ini-rli-nsU-autifier;
OI Ihe iii.n ml oiilv l,.-i,.l.i..n. ...
ural ilmruis leal renders e'ven the plainest
f'liiitetianiieextiiilinplv attractive. It re
ills m-ihe tallid chet-k the rosy tinj of
width, remove pimph-s blotches, routrh
p' kVilownesa aD(i rtj1(.r ijeniihlie. and
unban to the skin a moat delicate fairness
"!" 'ftn''- It wninith the furrows t.tuv
-y time or itre, and pives face, neck
. kniis the plump and enpi-rin aptiear-
efmt"v'f,'Vu"lful U?- AU liis iac
ij. ihed by the most natural means,
the.' r''",,-v au1 naturally rtimulating
wri ureuiatjiin in the capillary blood ves-
to um. , Ui"K "v ff--ual aid
u'j know n to nwdern science.
niliMv iiufoiimtl fust tie!
ire meet-
ntori -rise
liv w liit li llio fiincn rs uy ur Tex-eiu pn-ai
ill revive fT"i.O(.. Our tsirlcMiBx-
look forward to its complete Micces,
as the money will bring great relief.
! What hf l-ccinc l the Salisbury lajjcpradrar?
I Rawrr are rile that It liar ruiMidc-l publication.
U f rr In. Imi'-I in believe It, a no of that
mc"I lis." r. mi tiu n i.! laet ia'ia.H
rtwrir( herald.
I are .rvy tiit we lire compelled, it tin
licati.m In our neirhbiM-' columns, to rclute Bn Idle
rum. Industriousiv circulate!, we susi-eet. by to- j
' I' inie. e uj mj. un t., '-
tlixMluiM is anvwiMTe la the bear lutuiv, we I' T
know It. Wchaveu'tthe remotest Idea ol givuw i awiwiri puj vuue a. ioa, ruuiuura utc ui
u. Ilw kIkvU u4 r BKsurr ir IrK-nJ' tlil Urn: . )orilir UaraCTapllS:
i. . . v j .... i.. aikh W lwua .
r.r.-'L'r-i ."trb'tr;
. ilfl In rmntUtltur.
i i,r irt .t ni'iT f ;.lN?E':KsnEfT I
rr.liiri.lmincJ. II tbe limit ill exainim- liw
ex-liatiirr lie IM Bn.l that tnr cinit iifm u:r
t v4 ilf li -. ii J)'.v II"' Hi red liaviuK
ri-.i. h- tin' 111 tht i: nr mvnlht.
N'oiliinc alfril- u creatcr pleasure than
M pnlli.-li the alfive. from the &-
ent, for we are certainly pleased to learn
iiuuiiMiuiji iiiuuiciuu,
hoj it will continue so. We have since ;
,.sam:npj our liviiing list, and find that
ttirousn some inaiivt ncnee, xne name oi
tue juafjtfMfht uroppea imm our ex-; perlormin.z manual labor, but not so much
t hanjc list. It has been added, and we j as to require constant personal aid and at
dculit not that our intercourse will ! as ' tention. shall be entitled to a pension of t'24
ji'n i?ant and arreeable as heretofore.
!n.Trrfi. Oisrr.Tisos. The heart that
.ui, r jo,.,- u. a , u.,Hu...v.u
joy the siek man wno J twtwi .
, to neanii leeis in uuiri haiiii wuii tinu
tude in the renewal of lhat life, and he be-
stows his pratelul feelinirs upon thos- who
have Ut-ii instrumental in tlie work of res
toration. We ask those who have leen
ix neimeu oy vr. m stihuusvuiv u.
SIH-llk its
h gnj ,ou , ntn (.verT faffl.Ter
? .
in the land has heard of its extraordinary j
There is no use ,n disputing its . th I10r .m any aorneyship be rc
Ils cures, its principles of action . w.,nizjj u mcL
itsscientinc combination, at once w t
to fliclit nil biased and merc-enarv- opposi
tion.' The cures it has made, the Ion? ex
w . : i t
jK-ncnceci Jr. iv yser ,n ine -
in- of mchnne. his success as a pracu-,
tt..n -r in MtniT it i 1 1 Ki,mn it ha & nv I
! liao and extraordinary medicine, wboe
. .. ' , i. i. f ;
numeroes ana rename, um
more value to the consump, ve than aU
tins is the ho, and proet of a cure uf-
terallthe "7 n ,C
Tryl)r.Keys r S I un? Cure4 .ld at 1C,
LiU-rty street. Pittsbur-h, at (I o0 jwrbtit-
tie, or 4 V, 1'rivate oflk-e Uu-k of the from 10 a. m. to 1 p. m., and from ;
:5 to ii p. in., except
Sumlay and 1 ueUty.
F.Ktiw w e pivc a few jH-rtineut and j
w ell timed remarks from our friends J. u.
H.irver A: t'o. .ur dairynieii and ship-1
. . . :,i !
crs oi nuuer tnrouiruiHii iiie rounir w m .
. do well to trive this theirtarnest antl oire- w ell arranged taiju-s nail neon erenea anu
f.:l lonsidemtion. 'a frame buildins put up in which were
; The siasonL-fast ai'proaehiiipforinoving j kejt the commissary stores or the parties.
' the Butter crop of the U lades, and w e hike There was on tlie pround anelecant spring
ithis opKirtunity to advise our friends to ' of srood water and all the convenien-s U
. pivc Iairv Mark and shipjier'B name on i make it an enjoyable uffair. The sjieaker's
each ker.'and to advise us by mail, at or stand was beautifully decorated with pines
, lieforc the time of shipment, the post oTie ; and wreatlis of flowers, and throughout
: address, nir.nlier of keirs w ut, w ith dairy , the prove there had been many sw inps
! marks in full ; this wjll not only prevent . put up, on which the children passed the
: confusion, but enable us to make returns hours pleasantly. The schools met in the
! more promptly. 'church al Friiilensl.urg aliout 10 o'clock
I From all nxxunt. the crop in the United a. in., and were formed in a procession
States ami Canada will largely exceed that ' and thence preceded to the prove. After
: of last year, and as the rcxrls from abroad arriving at the prove the following pro
Sire very fa vorabie, prices are likely to rule , pramme was carried out: A hymn was
1 In-low "the average .of last season. The sane by the choir-members of the Frcid
i weather is yet very warm, and no Glades ' en.-burg church, (and w hich by the way is
of any consequence has lieen received, but t one of the liest 1 ever heard); a prayer by
as soon as it will permit, would atlvisc the !
fi.!ment of a f i-w dairies U test the mar-
ket. S lectcd kess would now brine full
prills, bi-t straiirht dairies, unless fine all j
tliror.rh. would not command over .'ii cents,
. The sab s are mostly Western, with sales
of pood to prime at IS to 20c; a few fancy
packngi- sell in a jobbing way at 21 to 22c;
inferior goods are dull and nominal. j
j With the assurance that the same alien-
tion and promptness that have characteri- j
: ml our efforts for the past twenty vears,
shall la? accorded to all consignments en
misted to ov.r care, w e are.
Yours faithfullv.
J. G. Harvet A Co.
Cards can lie had at any of the principal
tores, or either of the printing oftice. :
are inhumed
A Nkw Discoveuv. We
that sevend dsvs aso
a part) of stramrers .
s to,,,.,,!,' at one of the l.inung h.mes jik ! . diaxtA in the enjovment of all
at thespringsi w jui.-t promenading through riI;r n. . .
the Spring's lawns and iewing the lieauly . ' , , ,
' of the water flowins from the side of the ! t1ik following is a lUt of jurors drawn
mountain, discovered a small sin-am of . to ut the September Term, 1M72 :
t water coiuinz trom the lnnk on the west '
side of Shover's creek, not a great distance t .....
from the Sulphur Spring. The water ex-j Addison Hiram Willy, Joseph Hile
: haled a vcrv stronn inlor. and this UM our . nan.
roniMiitic isirtv V) investirate the matter. !
Ti,r itunimliafelv lK frati urosiKflin?. Af -i
ter thorouirhly testing it by tastini it time '
?nJ ?ain- '.'"T fanK" o the conclusion tliat
n was a w une suipnur spring, one oi tue (
.,-i,.,il,1rH. vi 1. . Ulirin" nn
(1(.r a linmic ,4 l,,ng HaBding. and
liuvins creiit faith in the eftieacv of gul-
jilmrmis waters drank very heartily, and
as far as hoard from slept tranquilly that
nijrht. Tin- Ixile pjjiy tlrack lreefy and
went In une hizhly elated at their success
hut they keit the little secret to themselves,
The fillirwrng' day they apiin visited the
new spring and dnmk oi" the ucaliu-pving
water, the utit day tuo. but on the tourth
day,' thchf Anlii-im" got tie lattliT of their
seliishiiess, so with their hearts tswelling
and their hofmis heavin? with emotion,
insptrexl by'the hope that their names
would po down to jmsterity as renowned
diseovirers tiny let the rat out tf thcliac.
Uim examination it was found that the
new siinns was eauKtl hv the burstine ot
k-it which leads "from the Cottage
;who wirn't on tlie waybills they were
jcUstchtd ji'iOti' tla' ronJ-. Inquirer.
itrmtn e. fVirvTr f...,,r'io u i-.ll of '1I.0 n.-len... ,.".iw,
Count v OnumiUee. a meetinw wait held in !
Jbe Court H.,usf- on Saturday afternoon of
, .. - I
last week fr ihe pur of appointine '
Congressional Conferees, as Gt u. Koontz )
had suppested in his letter of several weeks
previous. Aisiut twenty memlKTs were
present. In accordance w ith a suirroslion
of the (')iainnan, ,1 motion was made and
adopted tliat Gen. Koontz lie invited to ad
dress the meeting. The General, followed
by O. W. Bover, one of the committee.
and the Chairman, discussed the ouestion
the latter nominal ion. sarin r that it w an a i
fraud unci act up job, and that if they w ere ;
iinniinted there would lie trouble in enmn. I
aun luisiiuit a lieaicu aiscussion tollow- 1
en, wncn it was moved tv one of the nK-m-1
t.e i. :.. . . ft 1
, .7- ... oir .inilllll'.Kr lllhl i. Ol. I. It. 1 UtZV
: In-allowed to make a few remarks before
i 'bein. This w as agreed to and the Col.
j culled in. when quite an exciting de-
mte ll"ed.- It w, tin agreed that
lanotlur nouurwtirm sImiuM 1 made, when
j ,1,e f"H ing names were presented and
j nominated: Ed. kiernan, Daniel Augus-
zm,:: x, i
- ..iiiit:
. tlia-a i.iii.iintl.di ailldirnki
'he coiuniitti-e adjourned.
t-r a-uin.Wnrs iei Uav1ti.l..t
i i ' -- . -
: f ut ws-L tn vMl .t fiir-lki,..!
. r . . it .
. """Z "r" ""rZ T. :
. i . aiiiiiuu iuiz kmu hi. t. cn hi. uui
,:...,. :t ..i - 1 I
, minmlient pic nic at that t.lace. Mr. Lv-
ns, the t-stimable President of the P. U.
C. & I. Co., was instrumental In adding
' largely to the pleasure of the occasion, bv
liav in? one or the comimny cars (tmiKirt
1,1- tilli-l i,n w ith u-uls anil Inl ine- Ibf
taking the
irty several mile?) up the road tnto the
lieart of the JlexeU'rver rerkm. Tlie ride
wa cniyed by all. Some of Ae party,
h.d rfis..... ce . -PA
am. rw TkJ an tJ ri .. "IIV PU. I'l i .1 al Lll. ,
re urpnil at the ,
hi - ieht iitet nrMirHtonuss of the liills, and !
ailer walkiinr ricbt utraiirht an m hilL at an j
ane - ic rn-ater than fortv-livc ileirrees, wiih;
a imth only wide enough for one tienum to
walk coml.nall v, they tionclutled Uiat trav-j
elers over the Aljis and Appcnines can find
little pleasure in it, Ilut w hen we arrived '
at tue puai, tne house or Mr. James Lyon,
we were so amuiy receivea aim liofjuiauiy
lutertaineil, that the long; walk was soon
Jiirpotten, all enjoyinp the dance as thouch
they had Dot w alked a Btpuare, The festiv
ities w ere kept up until an early hour in
the moruinp, w hen all returned to Ureina
to find tliat the night had rwsscd away and
that the bright light of another day had
broken upon us. If this is the way tliat all
entertain in Ilexcbcrgcr, it must be glori
ous to live there.
Coal. Tlmse in want of coal for any
j iuqmse, fleam evneralin?, Iiinc liurniug
j Jl.. can lie tmiitilitsl at Alt-x Stutznian's
. (.i.inwriv luc juiin isen ) nanK, tsoum mst
of this fcorouch. Mr. liavia, a practical
- miner I mm Johnstown, daw wo onnpng
nut, and the platform is now tilled with
; beautiful lump and pod rouph coal. No
slute cln?r ckmn. Leave your orders at
the Fpundrt.
Imphbtakt to Iensio5ERs. A tirru
lar fnmi the Deparuncnt of the Interior.
Pension Office, dated June 20, 1872, enti-
tlesl " A act Increasing UlO fates of pen-
sit .as to certain perstms therein described,
, . . . ,,
xiiat all iwrsona enUtled U law to a
: r . i -:..i
une f duty. .k,n haW
oth hand, or chaU have lost both feet, or
leen licnnaiiently and totally disabled in
the kiuic or trtherwLxc fo periuaaently and
totally disahh-d as to render thru utterly
heirless, or to nearlv fo as to retiuire the
conistaut w rsoiial aii and attention ol an-
other person, shall be entitled to a pension
0f f31 25 per month, and all persons who.
uduit like circuuiswnees, Miau nave i
one hand and one foot, or been totally and
permanently disabled in the same or other-
j wuse so disabled a to be incapacitated from
ier lnotith and all licrson uniler like cir
euiustances,who shall have lost one hand, or
one foot, or lieen tobklly and penuaneutly
I disabled in the same, or otherwise so tlisa-
. , , incaroeitv to perform
iJuJ equivalent to U,e loss of a
hand or fm, shall lie entitled to a ensiin
of flS ht laontli, from and after the 4th
day of July. 1ST2.
Persons who arc already pensioned un
der the former act, at cither of the rates of
,.. .v .., -. , .t t il,.
ed mtes provided by the latter act, and may
. ...... u.. n' H.KnKil allili.
,, ,,, :.,.. tl, int..rvention of an
, , , nsliuu.r ( wnsioned
as aliove) addressed to this office, inclosing
ill orcscut iieuaiou itiuihi mu uiuik
his nkV; a(,d lK.a6umcienl
4ntation of L5 caim for the increase...
. r, !" M r. .
el. - n last S.iturday. the 17th inst.
there was a larce buntlay scliool ceielira
,. ,. - tlw, v,tic i ..r jHo
, , - .
Mil!er Hoystown and
present from
.,.t' raAr ', (l,i,..r , -iuv.u Th
; uatine ushers, sjectators and
mT-.,. ,,MM,T ' ,inn(lri
T - h was ht.,d k ,
niticent one, anl irreat interest was niani-
fitted for the pleasure of the particiauts
by the manner in which it had been htted
up for the occasion; it had been neatly
l.f.n f.n 1 , A
i leaneuoi an imiiu n vsuuu luiuviniiuu.
Her. lomluison, a lenpthv and eloquent
address bv Rev. Whetstone, of Somerset:
simrins bv the choir;
a short and appro
Good, of Somerset;
priate address by Dr.
latter which, the tables having been pre-
pared in the meantime, they were soon
tilled by the scholars, and the good things
rapidly disappeared under their onslaught
The afternoon was spent in sw inging,
promenading, conversation, etc., very
pleasant to all. About 4 o'clock r. M.
the schools were again called to topethcr.
j and the choir sang a hymn ; and after a
closing prayer by Rev. "Tnixei, of rVmer
set. the celebration broke np, and the par-
', ticiixuits proceeded to their homes, all hich-
ly delighted and pleased with the day's
The people of the Friedenthurg com-
muuitv, and their emcient pastor, ltev.
, , ' ....
,,.,, n- .,.
Allegheny Jesse Long, Jacob t air, Ja:
cob andmugh.
("onoiuauph Toliias Miller.
ireenvill Silonion M. Honsel.
Jenner Vm. Gilbert, Jonathan Shunk.
Iower TurkeyCiot John A. Jenkins.
Middlecrcek-CasaraiT Cramer.
Paint Samuel Layman, Noah D. Hol
Nipble, Jacob Berkey, Jr.
Quemahoning AVm. Demjwy.
Nimerset bor. John Xeffi. "
Smierset Jacob Counlnmian.
Siuthampton Herman Enieriik, Dennis
Cook, Wm Elder.
Stonycreck AVm. Sjiencer.
Summit John Klinpaman.
Upper TurkevfiKit Benjamin Snyder,
John S. Cramer.
Addison Wilson "W. llartzell, Judson
Allegheny John Decter, John Luman.
Berlin lior. Clement Engle, Albert
Conemaugh Josejih Hoffman, John
Elklkk Samuel Maust, Samuel Comp
ton. ' :
Jenner Richard O'Conncr. Philip Cole
man, William Apple, Henry Mourer.
Lower Turkcytijot Thomas B. Frantz,
Henry Zimmernian, David Ankeny.
Middlecreck Closes Snvder.
New Centreville bor. Joeiah Miller.
Quemahonintr Jonathan Lohr, Jawib J.
Ziimnerman, "Willutm C. Horner.
Milford Jacob Critchfield.
Shade M. V. Sorber.
Somerset Imr. Charles Tarson, Jeremiah
Woy, Francis E. Weimer.
Sijinerset Ephraim Puph, Samuel Sny
der, Samuel J. Khoad".
Stonycreck John Weiple, EJ. Mum
mau. Stoystown bor. Norman B. Penrod,
John A. Young.
SouLliamiiton James Lancaster, George
Martz. George Kennel.
Wellersburg bor. John Winpert.
Allegheny Daniel II. Coughenour,-""'
Brothersvalley Wm. Sutler, Henry Alt
father. Dennis Hav.
Concmaagli Jacob Swank, Isimc To-
Dale City bor. Gabriel Licbty, Prank-
j;n Krillin- Daniel Buischlev
vin!,.i..mi i; f-
A-.rv.iv ,.-.. .... . ,
Jefferson John Baker.'
Jenner John 11. Stahl, Ilrrmaa Vm
Lerirer, Emanuel Cever, John Brookv
Iarimer Henry Knepp, Jolm Knrpp.
Lower Win. Critchfield.
Middlecreck Charles Cramer, John In
field. Milford Allen 8. Will
. i-amt-Ti,omaS K. j
r . ,
Qucuuihoniii2 Benj. Gardner Wtndle
Somerset bur. John M. Holderliouiu.
Somerset Philip II. Walker, Con nul i
c. ,. ..t. .-: !
ftZT" "
buihi I i iv, i . j
Sl..i., o....l- T ,,,..t.rt T ii-i It; via. I
Shade John Wagner of J., Henry Pen
rod. Wm. Johnson.
Summit Cornelius Suoeuiaker;
Fayette raatw Itrwaa.
A fond between Mr. Anheus Glover and
Jacob Staub renjlttit in t; lover being aliot
land Instantly killed on hi own premises
and In the presence of his daughter. StAub
and his son are tinder arrest and do "not de-
nr the slumtine. hot claim to have acted
in aclf defence : tliat Glover was tieatinf
the- elder htaub with a club and kad broken
hia ril and otherwise bruised him, but
the doctors cannot find any bruises on him.
Mian Glover testified that "the slwoting w as
done deliberately,
Many solid Democrats In this county re
pudiate Greeley and the Baltimore sw indle
and are in open rebellion, and will not
boko lunula over th fireelev "'cliftsm."
The Htetler (Uind) family pave one of p.?)
their best Concerts here and had a full Send at one IieripUve Circulars and Price
l,n,,ar. I Ut of our Fine Steel Enaravlnfrs id all tbe Can-
UOUMt ' ldidates, Campabru Blowraphiea, Charts. Pbout-
A car at tbe Springfield mines slipped , umpba. Badrea, Pins. FUfrs. and everything suit
the ) cubic and made good speed down the t" iXir TZZtl.
mcline into the river. . I UOOltoPLEI), SI Park Bow, New York.
Anoiher railntad disaster octurred on
the ML Pleasant braneh. A loeomotive
attached to a freight train lccainc unman
ageable and dushed olT at lightning speed,
in spite of the frantic clforts of the brake
men, and dashed herself to piece, killing
the engineer.
KUHXS t'lIRISE On the 11th of Au
frust, by C. H. Berkey. Esq., Mr. Henry
Kuhns to Miss Mary C. Chrlsc, lioth of
this county.
STUTZMAN Near Middlcbnry. Elkhart
county, Ind., August 7th, Jacob Stuiz
man, formerly of BroUiersvulley town
ship, Somerset Co., Pa., aged 57 years,
1 month and 25 days.
HERRING TON. On the 15th dav ot
August last, at her residence in Xcw
Lexington, of cholera morbus, Mrs. Jane
llerrincton. wife of Joseph W. Ilerring
ton, aged 47 years, 5 months and 4 days.
The illness of the deceased was of short
duration, less than two days intervening
from the attack until death claimed her as
his victim, the was in all resect an ex
emplary woman ; a most devoted wife and
affectionate mother. Having attached her
self to the Christian church many years
a so. she lived a pious and happv life, and
died in that laith which robs the grave of
its victory and takes the sting from death.
At Centreville. on Friday last, at three
o'clock p. m., attended by her disconsolate
husband, and only living child, and a large
concourse of weeping relatives and friends,
all that was mortal of Jane Herrington
was committed to the silent tomb.
A funeral discourse was delivered from
Reviiations, 21st chapter, and part of tlie
0th and 7th veises, ' I will give unto him
that is at hirst of the fountain of the water
of life freely. He that ovcrcomcth shall
inherit all things, and I will lie his God."
At the conclusion of the exercises, and as
thcVongregation was dispersing, we looked
abroad over the green earth with its great
wealth of verdant foliage, crowned trees,
rich grasses, and full blown flowers, all
ch'-ercd with the sweetest melody, and
thought of those sad but lieautiful lines by
Mrs. Ilemans
Leaves have their Umo to tall.
And flowers to wither at the north wind's breath.
And Stan to set bat ail,
Thonliact all seaouai fur tbtoe own, O Death r
Corrected weekly by A. J. CASKnrxii A Co.
Aii1rs, driwl. V
Applebutter. r1 I"1
Dutter. a B,
Kurkwheat. bnfhcl
Heewax. 1
liacun, shoulderr,
" sides,
Corn. bushel
t Vim meal V I,
C"aJf skins. V
Yjw, V do
Fltr. V Wd
flaxseed V bu., (j ,)....
Lard. 1 .
Leather, red fl
Oats, f bn
Potatoes. bn
Peaches, dried, il t
Kye VI
Hairs, f 1.
Sail, No. t V I4d
" l bn
" AshtoD,
Sugar, yellow )) 1,
- white
Talbiw, I.
Wheat, i bn
WoU. V
5u 70e
lie I
$1 l I
, 3nc 1
I'Ka I
1 U0
1 '3
10 is!
, 1 74
3ei 3e
, sue
, oc
, 4IC
1 OU
. t 00 1
1 I
liilic !
lilc i
, so&aoe !
Aeic Adi'ertizemoii.-i. ,
Notice Is heretiy (riven to all persons concerned as
leiratees, ereditors are I others, that the fi Uowimr
acenonts have passed Kerister. anil that the same
will lie presented lor ermnnnation and allowance at
an tnihans1 Court, to be held at Somerset, In anil
for Somerset County, on Thursday, the 1-th day of
September. 172:
First and final account of William Either, adin'r
of Albert Andrews, dee d.
First and nnat account of Jacob NctT and Simon
Toana, exec"rs of Jaruii Youne, dec'd.J
First and final account of C A. Stoy, adm'r of
Levi Bowser, dee'd.
First and partial aeeonnt of Joseph Hunter, ex
ecutor of Alex. Hunter, sr.. dee'd.
Final account of Jacob Berkey, exec'r of Alex.
C. Meyera, dee'd.
Fina'l account of Wn. F. VW, adm'r of Ciiarlcs
IhU deed.
Account of Joseih and Jonathan Cable, Trnstees
of Jenry Cable, dee d.
Account of Andrew Poorbaufrh, adm'r of Susan
na Poorbaasrh. dee'd.
Account of David Lehman, trustee Ac of Daniel
Miller, dee'd.
Arwoantof Anthony FUckimrer, adm'r of Sam'l
Zclader. dee'd.
Partial account of John S, HeOcy exec'r of
Samnel Heffley. dee'd.
First acc'tof John Orbit h, aslm'r of D. K. Lew
is, deed.
First account of Winiam Bender, adm'r of John
Shoemaker, dee'd.
First and final account of O. L ami Sally Itnecb
ly. executors of Wm. W. Buechly deed, who was
exsxutoT of Abraham Buerhlv. dee'd.
UaxiiiTER'a Urrirc. i IK J. HORNER.
Somerset. Pa-, Auk 21. i Kcjister.
Letters of Administration on the estate of Mary
Ted row. late of New OentrevUle horonirh. Somer
set Count y, deceased, having- been issued to tbe un
dersUcned. by the Register of said county. I hereby
rive wot Ice tliat I will attend at the residence of
MaryJ Knable, in said bocxiutrh. on Saturday, the
'th"ifaynf September next, when those indebted
to said estate are request ad to make payment, and
ttKe havlnir claims aralnst aaid estate will pre
sent them lor settlement.
Aufrust 27th, 1772. Administrator.
"Tbe Reirntar Baptist Church of has
applied to the Court of C.nmon Pleas of "Somerset
ituunty. Sir a charter of ineicporatlon, and unless
uth. leut eanse is slniwn to said Court, on Thursday
SeMenbcr the Uth, lST"i the same will lie rranted
by said Court. DtNNIS MEYKKS.
aujrttl Protlunotary.
VIRY VIEW AC A OEM Y- PcrryriHs Marion,
Pa. IL at. ( Far Malt and Ftmale Papiis.) Lsrne
established, thoroasb. sueeesslnl : location health
ful and accessible: community s-lal, moral arsl re
llvloas: buildinirs lanre and eostly : afuUeorpaof
able teachers: mountain air. pure water, safe bath
lntr, fine skatinc; emphatically a Home School.
Whole expense for Itoard, Tuition. Room, Fuel and
Wasblni (fur 40 weeks), less than two hundrrd dol
Imrt. W"mtr sessiiai lie-ins S-pt. A Send f.sflNr
eulars. WILSON 4t PA1TERSON, Port Royal,
Juniata Jo Pa.
Presidents of Colleges, Ministers,
Testify to the many advantages of
Tuscarora Academy,
ACADEM IA, Juniata Co., Pa.
Send for a Circular and Testimonials,
P. D. Stohb. A.M., Ph. U. J. J. Prrrawo!!. A.M.
Mmk OJrialfiMnaii
This widely-known School arTordsthoronirhChrls
tian education, at a cost of little more than i a
week: on fourth ojf for clrrgymtn. The sTth ses
sion (20 weekB) opens Sept. 11 ih. Tbe addressof aU
former pnpils Is requested. A arrand re-uni-m at
the dose of the next year. Send for particulars to
Sup't. or Kev. A. M. Kt.ll), Ph. It., Princijal.
A LfcUfc. inoroujjn lnstrucutoi. Healthful
and lieautiful l ration. One of the most carefully
conducted and best sustained Institutions in the
State. For terms, etc., address Ber. JOHN H.
erekanatTlI1e, IT. J..
Fwir miles from Philadelphia,
(formerly lorated at Princeton, N. J.)
Ber. 8. K. HOWELL, A. al.. Prinril.
Fortr-fcwtxt Annual Term besrint Sept. luih.
Send for ClrcuUr.
AraaVmta, Jtsaiafa Ce., Pa.
Fire Insurance.
Tbe Mutual Plan imaranteet to the mutually In
sured the greatest security for the least possible
cost. The premium notes are the capital. On this
no dividends are paid to the stockholders, but it Is
simply assessed to y deficiencies arisins: a Iter the
iiavment of hisses ami expenses, which In the CO
tbe total 12S year of Its existence, have averaired
but tU per centum upon tlie premium note, bcinc
lower than the rates paid in
me nest solvent stock
entnnanles durlnv tbe same period of time. In In-
k Pronounce
iu miuacu losi n. iny every eareuouica iw X o
form an av-umalaled fund lor emenreticlesr i To
pay lartre dividends to the capital invested in tbe
Company; Sd. Hans tbe risk of a "Chicago fire"
eomioc and wiping bis Company out of existence.
In a Mutual Company be keea, bis own reserve in
band until weed e.1. and pays no dividend to capit
alists. Tbe mutually insured, belntr themselves
the eapltalista. look after tbe business, lit eharae
ter and Its arents In all placet, thus protecting each
other. Fur Insurances or Aftencies. address
H. F. FKEl'AFF, Secretary,
Columbia, Lancaster County, Pa.
Aoicxts Wastib fob CaaatBtCBXls's Ubeat
Caatrama Book. th
Struggle of 72 ;
A A'eaeffy Political mni Popular Liter alurt.
AObaphic History of tbe Keiublican and Iiem
eeralle Parties; a racy sketch of tbe so-called Utt
ers! Kepublieao Party : aa instate view of tbe Cin
cinnati Convention. The minor tickets or lid
saosstortheeampalirn. Thennest Illustrated Hook
Published. A Book wanted by every American
ehiten. Te secure territory at once, send tl for out
ftt. VISION PtRLISHINO tXI., Cbkaro, I1L,
Pbilad a, Pa., or SprincneU, Mass.
At'ir Ailrertiruifnt:
Thirty new an. I hrantilut
eln. tlet fricw Unl ol
T. KK'HKISkl(l..
MTrs.47 Warraj St N. V.
The t'hemlMrr or lnnne IVnvWenee han never
irwtuml a mineral water which eomliines In f u. h
iertrttiiQ the qualities of anti-hilinas tuck ri.l ca
thartic niedlrfue, a." that of the Seiner Spa; ami
Taekaxt's trrEBvascKT Seltzeb Apkuiknt is
the artinclal equivalent nf that s;rcat natnral retn-
F'rr any enw of Itlin1. Rl"eillnz. or ( l-frited Files that
eBio rtts! KEMnnr fails to cure. It i ire-
p.irl eipreiwtj to cure Ihe riles, anl D"liirtu il.o.
SoMbyaUdruiiijbU. Trice l.
iiarlow's Imliso lHuc
Is thecheatan1 hest article in the market for
blurina ( lolhei. The genuine has llh lUrluw a
ami Wiltbenrer's name on the taln-I, and is put np
at Wllllicncer's l)ru Store. No. -JS3 North Second
St.. Philadelphia. 1. S. WILTUKKtJEK. Pro.
Iirietor. t'uc sale tiy DniKists and Uroccrs.
KKKP IT HANDY. Tbe KellaWe larntiy
Medk-ine lor tbe nnirf cureol 4'tw.lera, I'l
arrhwa. I'luilera lufuutuiu. Dysentery. Cram),
Suininer'itiiltaliit, lu-., J3r(k'lla'i.,i,ii1j,u,i fiyr.
up ot Illiu kU try lUn and hkulorti, an old ami
well-tried remedy, entirely Teireublo, plraiunt to
take, oniric and cortain In eflei t; can be dejiendcd
on In the mixit nnrait cases: may be given to the
youngest Infant as well as to tlie aired. It Is rcad
ilv taken by children. Keep It In the honse. and
use in tlino. tl by lirntirlsts. HANSKLL fc.
UKU., suuu Market Street, PhUadelphia. Try It.
make more money at work for ns than at
unvtliinir else, liusiness llirht and permnnent.
Particulars tree, 11. ST1NSU.N fc ct I., Fine Art
Publishers, Portland, Maine.
lioi.l Avents even s here, to sell the Light liua-
ninir New Improved
Banner Shnttle Sewli Made;
Simple, Durable. Substantial. The easiest to sell
in t he market. Price only H.
UKYANT MrtlAW tr. l.. Oenl Airents,
No. 1 Sixth (late St. Clairi Su,
anx Zt 1 lUsbunrh, Ta.
Pennsylvania Female College,
Delightfully located on College Hlll.away from the !
eltys smoke ami noise, provides ir.f-(7.s Um- j
clonal Atoveg,. for youn ladies, with earncn !
tea nina-anaeouimon-w-cse ,nana;inieiii. ,
Next term will open WEDNLSliAY. SeUemljCr
lltb. For eataloitue and tmrtlculars, sjldresa
Kxv. JAMKS BLACK. D. D.. Pn-s't.
TnrSTKta. James LauKblin. Kev. W. D. How
ard. D. D., Judire J. P. Sterret, Kev. W. J. Held,
-las. Kins, M. D.. Ker. S. F. Scovell. Uev. S. J.
Wilson. D. D., Hon KotertMeKnlht, Kev. M. W.
Jacobus, D. It. XVrn. Itii kernel I. linn. J. K. More
head, lier. John 11. llrown, D. 1. nun '.'l lm
American Button-TIolo nnd
JAMES ESPY, Cen'l Agent
For Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio.
W A.
i enntnmliiZ acres, more or le.s, nniinprvved. ad
Office ITS LlU'rly bt., I'lHtburiJl, Pa. j jvinloz the above. tteserUied trct of land.
Lit-enil lnduceuitnts ottered to county and local
Ajjenta. Aug. 7-3m
Ol f made from So ets. Call and examine, or 12
?AV Samples sent Osistaire I reel for aocts.. that
retail quick lor Mo. K. L WULCOTT, lsl Chat
ham Siuare, New Y'ork.
r,iTf AGENTS wanted for our ro'ot f
OmjU raetive'llKEELKY' k. Bill iVY"
and "liKA-ST H. WlLsuN"' CamaiOT Charts.
The best ones out. Send for clrcnlar. Immense
sales. Lance pn.hts, 11 AAS1S A LUBKECHT.
Empire Map and Chart Establishment, 1U7 Liberty
Street New York.
A How either sex may fascinate and irain the
love ami aflections of any person t uey clwsise. In
ftantly. This simpla mental acjuireini nt all can
iesess. free, by mail, fur 'JA cts, tiiethcr with a
marria ce irulde, Eirjption Tacle, lireams. Hints
to La.ll. Ac. A queer, exeitina book. Imuxsisidd.
Address T. WILLI A3I fcCU., Pubs 1'liilaiU.
" '
f..r rsimralim ir.ols Addroes. OiMiK-;
Ilnt'SI '
107 Lilserty street, New York; or, Cincinnati. O.
F1I1M PKEMll M AM. INST., 1S71. j
lvible Elevateil Oven. Warminir Closet. Proiline ;
Ioor, Keieler llnar.1. Inimpine k Shaking Urate. ,
Hirert Iiraiu tiU.tK, AUKr... & v w., -o
Water Street, New York. j
BamaBaMMMnMBaaaanaaaaaHaaaaaM j
I - -tr av-V T "T"W o
He sure to call and see, and be convine-
53 led, as there are too many artl li s ked for
. i
sr enumeration.
komi:si:t iioisi;
SoMicnsrr, rn.
July 17
In Conemaugh Tp.
11 i i eTes.stoppimup or obstruction ot nassj passasea,
John Rummels- Est.itc.r
Bv virtue f.r an order of the Orphans' Court of ! voice altered, nasal twanrr, offensive breath im
Soraerset C.nintv. Penn'a. I will expose tu sale by paired ort:ital deprivation of sense of imeU and
' TT'I i .t- i..: .rrineu mental denrcssion. loss of antic.
public outcrv, on the premises, the following vnl lia
ble Real Estate, late the pnitierty of John lium
meLileeeased. In Cineniaugh Towiuibip,
ON SATCBDAY", Al'Ql'ST 31st, 1S7J.
A valuable Farm containing Two Hundred and
Seven acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Peter
Olndlesiieryer, Dank-l Blough, et al.
One Hundred and Fifly Acres are Cleared
And in good cultivation ; Thirty Acres lu splen
did meadow.
There are erected upon the premises
The farm Is well watered, and ha also on It a
Largo Orchard
Of fine hearing fruit trees. Possession given on tne
1st of April, 1S73.
Tkttwss Ten ier dent, of the purchase moncv to
be paid when the prujierty is sold; one-third of "the
purchase money to remain a lien on the premises a
a willow' dower; one-third to be iaid afterthesnle
is confirmed and deed made; and one third to be
paid on the first day ot April, a. o. 1S74. witb In
terest from tbe day ol sale to ne secured by
ment bond. SILAS J. COVER.
August 14. Administrator.
Cauunberabarc. Ps.,
With ample Orouixls and elegant Buildings, so fit
ted up as to be homelike and attractive, ami well
equipped for thorough educational work, wilt open
the nrst Term of the next Academic year Septem
ber 4th, 1ST, Fur Circulars, apply to
Aug. T. Rev. C. B. LAKE.
Xi'H- AtlrrrttM un uf.:
fr virtuo of rendry writs of Ytniiiioni hrpo-
a. f ieri I'ccits an t 7-crarf facial ivfacl out of
the tVnrt of Onnvm leas of SKnerset Itoonty,
Pa., ocd to mc dirTtwI. 1 will c.vpiwo to salo by
public oiilerY, t the '-ICuss lbxi:." in SWiiiem-i,
n Sa4iird.iT. I lie Tlh'dsy of S-ptcmbcr, lTJ, at
I oVi k, .' m., the kilf"ini: real e.-utr. viz:
All Ihe nirht. title, lnter-l an t el.iira of V. II.
L"nc. of, in sml to llw Ml"wil den ttts resl es
tate, vii: Twnerrtain liitsul i:roul'ttiule in New
(Vnienlllo IVimush, Somerset ' Vmnty, Pa., m
taitiins one liall-acrc, ni"re or less, with a two-story
frame dwd!ina-buuc. sli t. stable, and other out
Iiuiidinzs thereon erorusl; siljolniiu main frout
sitet uu the SliuHi, allev r,n the ea't and west, and
t'hun-h street on tl north, with tho sppurtenan-ei-s.
Seised and taken la exerution as the prnerty
ot F. B. Lmi;, at tbe suit of Samuel lluulsevker.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Samnel
BcaiL of, iu ami to the Sdlowins dcsr-rilnsl real es
tate, vii: A certs in bit of srr"uad situate at Min
eral Piiiiit, Somerset l'unly. Pa.. kmwn as lo No.
21&. with a twotory plank dwel Unit-house, alsiut
thirty feet In fnmt by twenty Ove leet in d-pth
Ihereou eri-ete.l: i',li.!n at N". 'Jl on the m-t.
Market street on the wei. Itroadway on t he mn-l h,
and alley ou the fjulli, with l lie appurte.naneei'.
Seiie.f nn. I t.Tken In exeeu'i"n s H pofierfyf
.s.inoiel llearl, at the ruit "I Wni. II. IV n e-ker n 1
Samuel II. t'.iinp.
.Ml the riht, titlo, Inierest and claim of lliMm
KmiMe. of. iu and t the following dc-eribH
elate, rht:
A certain tr.Kl rt lan't it u.le In Millurd town
ship, Siimerset I ttuiitv, Pa., cnljininij 17 acres,
m-Te or less, of which there are almt 13 aires
cleared, and about a acres in mealow, with a one
arid a half story plank lwellin lmnsc and stable
thereon erocteil; advininz Innds of lleorne Kiln
in el, Samuel A., Zaehajiah Wnlk'.T, and
others, with theappartenanot-s.
Neiiod ami taken In exeintK as the pr"irty of
lliram Knable, al the suiti-f Siimin ouuht.
All theriitht. title, interest nndrJaliuof t l!('h
er Woli. John .1. Keln-11 :nl lieeil, assiimes
d Win. P. Si-hell, lennnts In .nmi.i with John
D. Koddy. ul, in and to ull the enril, ip.o-on'. lline
stone, fossils, uietuls and other uiineruls and roio
eml sultanL'es lyinarand tminv under. up:n. or con
tained within, aU that piece or ,iruel of land, situ
ate In Summit tewwliip. Somerset 'Viunty Pa.,
whleh'is more lully and jiartirulsrly deseTiticd by
nietes'snd imH!tt curses and ilistam-es in a dee j
tpjm William M. lb.nir an-l I'alharine, his wile,
d.itel 'jai June. lso. cn'.ainini; lau acres, mljuln
inz Una of Siiuuel (. V.'alkir, J.inas MiUer and
others, with the appurtenances.
T.nken in execution as the property of C Iteecher
Wolf. John J. Sehell and Jacob Keeil. 8iifnii'S of
XV iu. P. Schc.Il, tenants in common with John D.
K eidy. at the fuit of Willinin -M. Horner.
AU the rixbt. title, lntoresl claim of John Dos-
sart and Joim Auvley, of. tu and to tlie l-dlowin
real estate, vis: A two-story dwelling Ei.nse. situ
ate in the town ol Contlui-nce. Lmer Tarkcrlisit
township. Somerset County. P., is f.-et in width,
and 3V leet iu depth, situate on lota Noa. 16 and 17,
in bluek 9 in siiid town.
Seised and taken In Lrrari Farias as the prop
crtyjd John .Uossart and John Auvlcv, at the suit
of Fletcher K. Lcii-hton.
All the rtlit. title, inures: an 1 c'alm of Hirim
I Find lay. of, in an I to the following uVscriln-d real
C31.IIC. V1X .
No. 1. A certain tr;o-t of land Including the de-
Sl'mlsnt's lumiesteiul farm ninl cw.Mnll 1 r .-r ,,f
? "l aut 1 's Lt m, lir, .V'" 7 !
.n3,hm,.. one 1,h- .!weiiln.h f, i
suoie and saw-mill thoreon eroi-tivi- a.!,r.iiiiyig.
lands of s heirs. Peter Meyrrs' lieirs.
lavlil (lloileity. ana what Is known as the
man tnu-t, with the appurtenances.
No. 2. A certain trai l of bind, situate In South
ampton township. Somer't o.uiiiy. Pa.,c.intalnin
o-T sen s, more nr leps. of which tiiere are about lflo
acres cieartl. and als.nt Mrures in meadow, with
a two-story 1 itweliinir houo ami bank Imrn
tberisin erected: adioinloi lanils ol Jonatlian Ken
nel. H. T. Weld, A 'lam rente's aul others, with the
No. 3. A certain tract of land siinn'c in North
ampton township. S' raerset ei-nuty. P.I.. cmtain.
inu 111 acres, un,ri' or lees, uniippp.-ved. and known
as tue iTtorae amt .Krsept, lTcsir tract ot lanil
adjoiriinif lands of John D. li.sldy. John Jlathias, i
and olhers. with the appurtcunees.
No. 4. A certain tract ol Liii.i -incite In Se.uth
nmpton town-hip. Soaierset eounty, l'a..onUininK:
s3 a-res. more or less. l which there are ats.ut iu
: acres cleared and ahat 4 acres in niemiow. with a
i one and a hall-story house and k bam tlK-reon
j erected, a.lj ininif lands of Henry 3Ijrtx, Duiiiel
Korn and others, with tbe appurtenancit.
No. 5. A certain tract or pieoe of land si'uate in
i Siuthamptr-n ti.wnshiri, Si-mersot countv. Pa.,
Suutliampton township, s-.uiersi.-t countv. i'a.. con-
tainini? 4 acres, more or bs. uriiuij-roved, a.ijoin
inx the above two tracts 4 land.
No. 7. All the- ooal iron ore. limestone, fofsils.
metals an-1 other minerals and niinrnil substances
lyina and In-mil under, upon, or eiTalned within
all tliat piece pireel ot laml riluato in South
ampton township. Somerset county. Pa., which is
more luliy and panku'i.iriy desenlii-d by metes and
Isiunil. course; and distances in a deed from Win,
Troutman awl wile dated lain Jul v. 1S65, eon tain-
ins Cut; acres more or less, a.ljoiniuj lands i f Inn-1
lei Korn. Valentine Jypley. soinersi-t Coal anl
Iron Co., and others with' the'S.
N i. 8. All thseoal. Iron ere. limestone, fossils,
metals, and other minerals and mineral sulistAnees
lyius ami lieinv uniier. Us.n or contained within
all tliat piece or parcel ol lan l situate inS.iuth-
ampton ,ownli:p. Mmerset tu. r wuien is
more fully sail imrtieuUrlv deseriliod by metes
and hounds, curses and distances in a deed fmm
licorice Kennel and wile, dated "jth March. y6b. I
cntainmi; v.14 acres, more or less, adjoining lands
ol Adam Leptey. Daniel Korn and others, with
the appurtenances.
No. a. A certain tract of land siiuate In Milfnnl
township. Somerset Co.. Pa., containinir an acres
1 more or less, of which there are alsiut 6 acres i-lear-
e.1 udioinie.r Innils of koltfrt IJoramsn. Anrhonr
' (irowail and others, with the appurtenances.
No. 10. Aei rtainlot of around siluato In Salis
bury bor.. Somerset 'o.. Pa., containime acre,
more or less, with a larire two story trame dwcll
! injr house, stable and ..titer outbuildinars there.
! ereete.1, and known on the general plan o! said
i town as lot No. 34. adjoininii lot No. 3b on the west,
I Pa No. 33 on the east, and street on t be north and
un the south, and bv lands of Laluer Waimer.
No. 11. Three certain lots of cround situate
Salisliury bor.. Somerset Co., Pa..
ontainins; l
acre each, more or less, and known on tlie ne neral i
ad- 1
plan ot saet town as n ts -os. ,rr. 35 anu ss. a.i- i
joiuini. K .o. 40on tbe n.rtn, rnirer lane ou the 1
east. Kr . Line on the s..uth. and Smilh'e avenua
or. l.e rest, with the appnrtenances. (
s k 1-. a certain lot 01 trrotUHi situate in rakiica :
I. ;ti. Somerset countv. Pa. cnlainililF 1 acre.
ui'.re or' less, ndjoininif uinilsid Henry llkitteity
arel Abraham P. lieachy, with the appurtenances.
No. IS. A certain tract of land situate in Elkliek
township. Somerset eountv. Pa., enntainimi 7a
a:iuix ,d
about 4u
w. with a I
ni other i
acres, more or less, of hi.-h there are
acres cleared and alsiut ii acres In meadow.
, ,,.,i ,i.. . ...,.,! ,.,.,1 i.,.. ,k.
Tride tnu-t of land, adioinimi latwls of Samuel
polk. Jonas KeOs-hy. John I. MUlcr and otli'.TS,
wi,h the appurtenances.
I Seized nnd taken In execution as the property of
j Hiram Pindlay at tu suit of J. C. IJouebcrifrr.
-su-s ' i
All th rL'Ut. title. Interest and claim of Hiram ;
X-i.lTnv mnA Tl l.' l.l n ,t.l li.lh. ClJ
lowinic uesenoe.1 real estate, vii
Sixteen certain lots of eround. situate at O'cncoe.
Northanipt in township, (somerset County. Pa., ami
known on the reneral )dua of suid town as lots nos.
2. 4. ft. M. 11. '. -it. So. T.. Si. 34, VU, lii, 13U and
15. with the appurtenances.
Seized nnd taken In execution as the property of
Hiram Pindlay and John II. Koddy, at the suit of
lmvid Hav.
Sheriff's' office,) JliSIAH SHAFEK.
Aui. 14. ISTi s SberUI.
Tills Ct i"as'!n fh ffiitWf Of Vt'.Xg I
This Insrrement ts efpeciaCy de!ljned for lie
perfect application of
It is tbe only form of Instrument yet Invented
with which fluid medicine ran be carried Air4 tip
and perfectly applied to all parts of tbe affected na
sal passatres. and the chambers or cavities com
mnnicatln therewith, tn which sores and ulcers
frequently exist, and from which tne catarrhal dis
charge generally proceeds. Tbe want of success
in treating Catarrh heretofore has arisen larpely
from tbe impossibility of applying remedies to
these cavities and chambers by any of the ordi
nary methods. This obstacle in tie way of ef
feet ini cores is entirely overcome by tbe invent ion
af tbeDonche. In usins this instrument, the Fluid
b) carried by its awn weight, (no snuCng, forcing er
pumping being required.) up one nostra in a full
irenUy flowing stream to the highest portion of the
nasal passage, passes into ana thoronchly cleans
es all the tubes and chambers connected therewith,
uidaoeSOiitolUteopBotiteilostrii. Iu use Is pleas
ant, and so simple that a child can understand
it. Foil and explicit directions ac
company each instrument. When used with this
instrument. Dr. Safe's Catarrh Remedy cure re-
cent attacks or "tLOlu in lae aacaa " oy
i a few applications.
Symptom of Catarrh. Freqrioat head
I ache, discbarge faUint; into throat, somettmes pro
fuse, waters, thick nincus. purtUent,offenstve, Ac
I In others adryness. dry, watery, weak or inflamed
i.tnTlndiestioti. enlarged tonsils, tickling couch.
A-c Only a few of these symptoms are likely to
present in any case at ono time.
Dr. saee'e Catarrh Remedy, when
jed with Dr. Pierce's Nanal Donehe
nd accompanied with the eonsUtational treat
ment which ls recommended la tbe pamphlet
that wraps each botUa of the Remedy, is a per.
feet specific for this loathsome disease, and tbe
proprietor oners. In rood faith, f r00 reward
for a case be can not enre. Tbe Remedy is mild
and pleasant touse.containintrno strongorcanstie
dras or poisons. The C aiarrh Remedy is sold at
SO cents. Douche at 60 cents, by all Dru
wlata, or either will be mailed br proprietor on
receipt of till rents. It. V. PIF.UCE, M. D
Sole Proprietor, BUFFALO, N. Y.
Ha fT sabs for the season of IST'A
KELLER Seed -Drill,
with on w nuuu i
fiFertilizing Attachment,
Most PEBFECT and Durable Drill
Now In the market.
It wilt be to the Interest of Farmers to rail and
see u at bis fa no-house in Somerset, pur
chasing any otner. aug.7,
I O , '
i q Fountain .asal Injector, f Jk
r3 H' t
!fD0UCHE.f i
2. i-
Lrijal Xvtirc.1.
A. J. 4dlrn
I Na i KiLrn try
Canillnc fle k and the wi.low V Term, J7i
and heirs of Christian Lan- j Part II km loc.
tliii, flei-eosil. j
To A. J. ftolbtsm. i., Caroline Desk, and tlie
wrtow and heirs oj Christian Lands, .biased :
Task Notice that an uxpiet will I helj n it,,,
premiws. In the township of Klklirk. la the county
i Sums'!, ou 1 hureday the Mh day of Sejitrm
bcr HC'i for the purfswe of makinx partltiim i, tbe
Mtowinc; real eslatx to and amoiikt the abovo na
nie.1 parties, viz: a tr4i-x of larvl containing 4'C
acres, situate In Klkllck biwnshlp, warrantrvl in
the name of Jtalph Chary, It the same can be done
without prejtvlice to or inn U' whole: ether
wise u value and atipraiso the same aeoonlina to
law ; at which time and place you are reijutsted to
attend If von think pppcr.
. lift July 1173L Sherilf.
A. J. tViUwra
ISn. 2 Fehmary
Term Kl
ParritHin Imp.
Rcotin Kretohman. Manas-
inn J
n-f Kretef.nuin, and the w
ns and heirs of Christian
I; ilwint
T.t A I l'.,l,H,m l,,.iln tv'rfl, hi. i in M ail.l f. S
Kretchmn. and Ihe wrd"ir ;ind heir.-l I'hri-lmn j
l-sndi. deeeaseil : i
Take NimcKlhat an inioet will t-hrl Ion the !
pninises, in the townbip 'd l.lklirk. in Ihe ounly
H Somerset, on Thursday the Mh dav of Septem- j
ber. lt;i fiir the purport of makinz tut rt I lion of the i
lollowmi real estate to and anvnz the atv nam-
e-l trtles, vis: a tract of lanl containing 4.; !
acres, situate in KIklirk townshi, warrantl In I
"w nmr oi i nomas -iury, II me same can oe
done wltlK.n prein.ljee to or f(iillnir the whole:
otherwise t'value an 1 sritirise the same aeoirilint-
to la
wliich time and place von bmt attend if
you think proper.
Sheriffs Offl?e. )
Somerset, Slst J uly '7S ,
T" Cyrus Klntrlcr. Sn'sn I5ah, D. L Kinuler,
Klira Kinirler, II. H. Kini.-ler. John Kinkier.
Amnnila, intermarriisl with Win. Hull, tKi,r-e
Kinder, and .Mary Fliznheih KlnaUr:
Vol' are hereby not i Hoi to appear at an Or
phan's Court, to lie held at s imeret on Monday t he
ih day of Septemlser next, to accept or refuse the
real estate of Ueonre Kinirler dec'J at the apprais
ed price, or show ea use why the same should not I
Sberiirs Office, JtlSIAII SHAFFR,
Somerset, July 31, "72. Sberilf.
EsUie of John Ii.
Wirsdnir. late of Addison town-
shii. ileceaseil.
letters of admlnistratiia no the above estate ha
insr lecn erinted to theunilersineil, iiiKicelshere
by iriven to those lndebtd to make initnedutte. pay
ment. anil thoee havinir claims airainst It will pre
sent them, duly authenticated Sir settlement at the
late residence of snid deeeaseil, la Petersburg, on
Saturday, September 7th. lTti.
July 31. Adaiinistratur.
L-iate of David Ernsh, late of Somerset Uurough,
Letters of administration on the alsve estate
haviuic been eranteil to the oreiersiimed. notice Is
hereby if iven to those indebted to it to make imme
diate payment, and tboee having claims airainst it.
to prestnt them, duly amhentii-ateil h r seiilement,
to me at the offcee ol John I. kimmel. t.j.. in the
borouirh ot SoDiersot. on Friday. thel ilarof Aa-iro-t.
liT-i J. 31. HoLUFHHAt M.
July 17. Adiuinl-1mtr.r.
Atnn f Irrihar.s fonrt bel.l nt .mNnl ..n ,m
' 26lh day of June. H72. In the matter of the ac
i count of Jacob (Krhard. Es.)., adminlstnit. of
j John Wblpkey. ileeeasse.1, iiu'ii of H. F.
Sehell. esq., the Court aHdnt J. KimineL es.)..
I auditor to ueike and n-port a distribution ol the
I bind In the hands.of the administrator ol John
W hlr.kcr. ileeacl. to and am. til' thtse le-'ullren-
tit leu tnereto.
Extract trim the reoor.l. eertincil
tids aSth June. IsTi
in iui ?u.iii.-r oi me bhivc a,,ment. l win
attend at my oltlee, in Somerset 1-Mnn!i. on Fri
day, the 'ill day of Auiru't. l7X to the duties
above enincd. J. o. KIM M EL
Jul.v.K. Auditor.
The nndersiimeil auditor, duly appointed by the
Orphans' Court of Somerset eoiintv, to make and
report a di-lribution of the fund in the hands of
ltaniel Hoffman, administrator of Peter and Pollv
Heckman. dee d, to ami amonir th leirally enti
tled tliereto. hereby aives notice that he will attend
to the duties of bis ! imment on Thuru!ay. ti e
2Jd day of Auitust. l7i at his offlco in Somerset
horouirh. whm and where all jierjiwis interested
may attend. ILLBAEI!.
UR-"- Auditor.
LsUite of Thomas Jcnrdncs. late of Lower Ttrkcy.
iisa ip., ueoeaseu :
Letters of administration cvmtritanrntoanneio.
on the above estate bavin- been nrantod the nmler.
sismed. notice is hereby niven to those indebted to ;
ii tomaac immediate payment, and those having- i
. -....... . . . . . . niriu li." ii. miner- 1
siimed for sett ii mint, at his residence, on the -juth i
1 '
- '
Administ rab'ir.
- j
I )' s
1 he partnership heretofore cxistirz between the
nndersiinred in the mercantile business in New Cen
terville. Somerset county. I'a., was dissolved bv
mutual consent the tirst day of Mav. lsti The
books are in the hands of Sim'm Vouirht for cllec
ti.m. All aeciKtnts mnt be settlct within Jodavs,
or they will be collected bv process of law.
SIMI iS" VI it lJHT.
Augu.-t ITih, ISTi
llnvmir been atipofnte.1 bv the Court of f mtnn I
Pleas of S-merset County, auditor to dl.strit-utethe 1
fleas 01 smerset County, au.ll,..'
funds in the hamls of the" Sheritt
funds in the hands of the Sheritt. mule bv the sale
of the real estate of Juiin K"trts. to and amor,
th.; lezally entiile.1 thereto. I will attend to the
duties of ai'.l aptintpient, at my office in S-nner-
fet. on I lies, nv Iiie 'JTtli dv of An oit A ti
wnen an-i wtu re all persons lutere-te.1 can attend.
ciatc 01 uuibci i . dinner, uie oi ummit ip. ;
Letters of aslmlnlstration on the above estate j
hai init been irrantedthenn,lersiirned by the l.r.T I
authority, notice is hereby iriven o th.ise indebted !
to il to make immediate payment, and th.ise hav- j
inir claims airainst it to present tliem to the under- i
iicncu ur settlement and allowance, at the late res- j
idenee of Eaii deceased, on Saturdav. Septemlier
IHh 1 S I ll V .11 W IliTTVll) I
The partnershipheretoforeexistinzlietween John 1
Cover and 1'hilip L Wollersbenrer. doinir business ;
umler the name and style of the "laie Lumber
Comtiany." in the comity of Somerset, is this day j
dissolved by mutual consent. The Ns.ks will re- j
main in the hands of the said Wolfersherjer. and j
ail persons knowing themselves mdebtea to the I
saw firm will please make settlement with the said i
Wolfershereer. at Mineral Point.
Doinir business unler tlie name of the
Aus. 7. "Glade LuuuberCompany."
L.-Ui,e of Frederick Eiehorn. late of Elklit k town
ship, deceased :
Let t e rs ofadministrationoothe aNivc estate ha v.
inir lecn irrante.1 the undersiirne.1 by the projsr au
thority, notice Is hereby ftiven to those Indebted to
it to niake immediate yment. and those having
claims a;rainst It to present them, dnlv authentica
ted, for settlement to the undersigned, at the late
residence of the deceased, on Saturday, the 'Js'.h
j day of September. lt
1. 'I.I.I ' o OlT.ll..
Aai-urt 14. Administrator.
VHtnsF..i, the Honorable WitMAW M. HiLt.
President of tlie Several Courts ol O.mmon Pleas i
of the Counties eominwinic the sixteenth Judicial ,
District and Justice of the Courts of Oyer and Ter- !
miner and Oeneral Jail Delivery, for the trial of
all capital and other offenders in the said District, j
and Lkwis A. TrnxKB. and Jomiah Jlowav. Es- j
.luires. Judi'es of the Court of Cotnmon Pleas, and I
Justices of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and j
Oeneral Jail Deliverr, for the trial of all capital ;
and other offenders In the County of Somerset, have j
Issued t heir precepts and to me'direeted. frr bold-
lnz a Court of Common Pleas, and Oeneral Qnar-;
ter Sessions of the Peace, and Oeneral Jail Deliv
ery and Courts ol Ov er and Terminer, al Somerset,
On Monday, September 9th, 1S72:
NoTtrE il hrrtbf circa to all the Justices of the
Peace, the Coroner and Constables within the said
O-untvof Somerset, that they be then and therein
their proper jiersons. with Iheirroll. records. Irxiul- examinations, ami other remembrances, to 1
do those thine which to their otflees ami la that ,
behalf appertain to he done; and also, they wlio
win prosecute strains! tne prisoners iiuu areorsnan
be tn the jail of S-unerset County, to be then and
there, to prosecute against them "as shall be )ust.
Somerset, Aug. 14. S hen if.
Put down r trial at Sentember Term, lsri com
mencing Monday. Seitemtrer tub : e
W eld H. 1. vs I'outienour Levi.
same vs N'etf Jolm et al.
Mostoller Daniel vs Casrheer Harrison.
Boucher John vs Trimpe D.
Schlag Henry vsColborn tr. Baer.
Koonti Freilerick vs Shradcr A BcarL
State Bank vs lntield John.
Sanner Charles vs S. k M. P. R. E. Cut
Haker John D. vs same.
I 'oiinellr E. S. vs Jenkins Isaac A.
Utliand John vs Jones Shanley fc Co.
Dewees Wm. H. vs Sharer JSsiah.
SUiner John O. vs SumerCharles' Asshrnee.
Turner L A,'s Assignees vs Sbs-k.lale. Smith A
Co.. et aL
Same vs Slick A Blackburn.
Same vs Klhart. Win A Co.
Same v Eihart. Iiwnsach A Cv.
Flick Ssjnuel v Kenford A Co.
Sehell A Kimmel v Clavcomb Henrv.
Snyder S. P. vs Leopold' rln
Neville ( leonre vs (irgan Willlam-
Berkey Imnlel vs Hush J.iseph.
Shank Henry vs Zimmerman A. L et ill.
Hover Clarissa vs Baer H. . et al.
Liwdermilk Thos. vs Mi-Cleary William et al.
Hover Keniamln vs Tressler Joseph.
Kiinroel James va M.toller DauleL
llarah W. S. vs Sweitxer Sinxo et aL
Wailsworth Joseph vs Stahl John H. et ux.
Schirer Adam vs Roddy A Findlay.
Same's use vs same.
Sullivan M tchael vs same.
Sipc (Jacob's use vs Kimmel Slnirlebur
Fox Samuel' use vs Turner L A.
Trent William vs Ihinham A Fox.
Senfl Louis A Co. vs Craver Jacob's Oarnlsliee.
Ludv Oeorge v Reed John A Manrarel,
Prcvere Jacob vs Hobllttell William.
Same vs HoWltiell Bruce.
IJchty Jonas v, SaL k Halt. K. R. Co,
Phllson Samuel vs Wilt SamueL
Philson Samuel A Co. vs same.
Hav Philip vs Roddy John D.
Earnest A Delp v Ramsiieraer Solomon.
Somerset Pa 14th Ang. ProUKmotary,
Hollitlaysbiirg Seminary.
For Catatotrncs. terms, and reference, address
auglt-lm Hollldaysburg, Ps.
Nearly One Million Dollars
ix i insr-cLAss rnopKUTY
To Which is Added
A Fund of Fifty Thousand Dollars in Cash,
All to 1m? fliuMcfl aniont Sliarcholders as a majority may di
rect at a nieetino; to be hcM ou the 2 Jth Octolor, 1H72.
At a public liioetino; lu-M at the Court Hou.-jo, in the borough of Somerst t,
on FriJuy, the 10th da of Mav, a. d., 1872, the undersifmeil were appohit-
pl a rommittec to present to tbe public
aster inflicted upon the town, by the
aid in l)ehalf of our suffering people-.
deavor to convey a faint idea of the fearful calamity in as few words a3 pos
sible. About four o'clock r. M., on Thursday, ninth of May, a fire broke out
in the western part of the town ; a fierce wind was blowing at the time, and
all effort. to check the names proved futile. In less than two houra this
once beautiful town was laid in ashes. The extent of f.Tound over which
the destructive c lement ra.ired is about thirty acres in the central part of the
town, including all the stores and hotels save one of each ; all the banks
and office?, including two printing offices, all places of business except pub
lic buildings. One-third in area of the solidly built, and nearly the entire
business part of the town, is iu ruins, and certainly three-fourths of the
wealth of the place is utter!' destroyed. The fire raged with such relentless
fury that the terror-stricken people had to flee for their lives, and consequent
ly but little of personal property was saved. Indeed, many escaped with
no other clothing than that upou their person at the time. To a large num
ber of the sufferers it is a total loss of every thing they possessed, and they
are left houseless and homeless, without a thing in the world and dependent
upon the public for bread. Others, upon whom the calamity is not so severe,
are greatly in need of aid to enable them to take another start in the battle
of life. The loss will not fall far short of a million of dollars, and the total
amount of insurance will not exceed one hundred thousand dollars.
Generous public, that in tie pat Las responded so nobly to the try fur
help from foreign lands, and to the appeals of our own countrymen who Lave
suffered like direful calamities, we call upon you in behalf of tLis suffering
but hopeful people FOU AID SUBSTANTIAL AID. Your charities will
confer a lasting favor upon them, and we sincerely hope that in the exercise
of your lilerality and generosity ,it will be like the quality of mercy, "not
etrained, but twice blessed, blessing Lira that gives and him that takes."
Michael A. Sanner, Esq., of Somerset, Ta., is the Treasurer of the Relief
Committee, to whom contributions can be sent.
WM. II. K00NTZ, v Committee.
The above are the appeals of a suffering community, and the Wellersburg
Coal, Iron, TimWr and Fire-Clay Company, of Wellerburg, Somerset Co.,
I'a., propose to deliver to the Relief
the sale of shares.
Mr. JAMES LE FEVRE, Secretary.
. , . .. ...
receivea. Appreciating vour kin'l regards lor our suHenng people, we gratc-
-"-'J" acCf l,t 70aT tender of donation of
of the sale of your Wellersburg or Somerset county lands, for the benefit of
the sufferers by the late calamitous fire that laid our town in rums.
" Bv order of the Relief Committee.
A. II. CorrROTir, Secretary. D. WEYAND, Chairman.
Wm. M. Schrock, Somerset, Pa., is the authorized airent for Somerset Co.
nug. 21, 1372.
POSE KOSADAL1S are published on
every (m-kane. therefore it Ls not a secret
preparation consequently.
It is a certain enre fur Scrifula. Syphilis
'in all its forms. Kheumatism. Skin Di
seases. Liver Consplulnt and all diseases
of the Biuud.
012 SSTTT.2 f 4 AT :J
U.lXi J i.viA-.Aiui
, , . ,.v.
will do moreiror.l than ten bottles of the
syrup, of sarsapanUa.
The Undersigned Physicians
have nse.1 Kosadalis in their practice for
the ast three years, and freelv enlore
it as a reliable Alterative and Bloud Iu-
PK. T. C. PVGH. of Baltimore.
Dr. T. J. BOY K IX,
I . R. F. . D A X X K1.LY -
DK. J. S. SPARKS, ef Nk-helasville,
DK. i. L M CAKTHY, Columbia, S.
DR, A. B. XOBLES, Eilgccomh. X. C.
A SOXS, Fall Elver,
F. W. SMITH. Jackson. Mich.
A. F. AV HEELER. Lima, Ohio.
H. HALL Lima. Ohio.
CRAVEN fc tH.. OonlonsvAleVa.
SAM'L l. Mi FADDEX. Murfreestwris
I Our space will not allow of any extend
ed remarks in relation to the vlrtnes of
Rosadalis. To the Medical Profession
we iruarantee a Fluid Extract superior
to any they have ever used In the treat,
ment of diseased BloM : ami to the af
flicted we say. try Kosadalis, and you
will be restored to health.
; KossdaHs is sold by all Th-uirnists.
Price I 30) per bottle. Address
Manuiacturiag Chemists,
CciisMcn tf tajtaiii
Jolnt ReaolntloM
PropstHtlnz nn
r nil ment h 'nnatitntionof Penn-
y I van in:
Be il Reiolrrd fcy the Senate and Haute of AVs
re teaat i ret of the Commonwealth of Penntulra
nia in General Atoemblu met. That the following
amernlment of tbe of this Commoo
wealth be iironnsed to the people for their adotitkm
or reieetton. tmrsuant to the ivvisbms uf the tenth
article thereof to wit:
Strike out the sixth section of the sixth artiele
of the Constitution, ami insert tn lieu thereof the
follow in if : -A State Treasurer shall be chv.sen by
Ihe qualified electors of trie State, at such times
and tor such term of service as shall be prescribed
Sieaker of the House of Representatives.
Speaker of the Senate.
' Arraovrn The twentv-seeood day of March,
Anno Domini one thousand' eight hundred and sev-eniy-two.
Prepared ami certified St publication pursuant
to the Tenth Ankle of the fmstiiutki.
Secretary of tbe Commoaweap:h.
Office Secretarv of tbe Commonwealth. ) " Jane 'JMh. 1-CA ( Jul3
lo Hannah. Intermarried with Michael Sheets, re
siding at trouble. Lawrence esmnty. Ohio. Elisa
leth. uilermarrled with Edward Smouse. resi
sliDg in Preaioa eounty. West Mrginia. Marga
ret. Intermarried with'Alex. Wagner. Catharine.
Intermarried with Smith, ami Sarah Deha-
ven. the last three heirs residing at Iron too. Law
rence eountv. Ohio:
You are hereby notified to appear t an or
phans' Crt to be held at Somerset, on Monday
the trth dav of September next, to ceei or refuse
the real estate of Jacob Dehavea dee d at the ap
praised price, or show cause why the same should
' Sheri'lTs Office. JOSIAH SHAFFR.
Somerset, July 31, T2 Sberilf.
I will sell at public ale, on SATURDAY, the
Ust day of l7 the following tracts of
land, situated 14 miles west of Shanksville. In Suv
nyereek township, known as the Barekley farms :
No. 1. Containing 145 acres; about 90 acres clear
ed: the balance well timbered; adjoining Casper
Kellar and olhers.
No. A Containing 90 acres: 40 acres cleared, ami
i tbe balance nicely covered with choice timber, such
as pine, enestnut ana wnite uea.
No, A Containing about TO acres; St acre dear
est, aad the balance well timbered.
No. A Containing SO acres : St acres cleared, and
the balance also well timbered.
The above tracts are all under good cultivation,
well watered, and nlcclT situated forMock and funn
ing purposes. They all adjoin tract No. 1.
Person wishing to purchase can have time on th
hand money by paving tbe Interest,'
Term made known on day of sale.
J-Sale lo commence at fo'ckick. r. w. e
a brief statement of the terrible dis
recent destructive ere, and appeal for
Iu dischanrinir this dutr, we will en
Committee all the profits arisins
Somerset, I'a., June 20th, 1S72.
Dear Sir Your of the 11th inst.
$75,000 or more out of the proceeds
"C O W."
Tlie Best Bok for Asents. It tells h..w to milk,
to raise, to matuire and to breed to tkt moa front.
Price. 4 75. SnlJ only by subseTtptlun; litml
terms: cirenisr sent free: send for them.
POKTEK A COATLS. Publishers.
A a a; Mm Philadelphia, Pa.
m Tnealay of Curt, at the Court House, at one
o'clock, will be offered at public auction, a monn-
"ent, standinx-ll feet hinh. of fine Italian marble.
Theworkean beexamuW at iir. J. Woniley's
sbopon Turkepf.ot St, and anv tnoulrie answer-
cijenasxt aale. D.HCSBAXD.
anglSt Ex r of B. Wooiley E.
ITi Licerty Strsst,
jane 25. Ti
"X- DUlLXB is
1 1
11 Smltkneld Street.
Opposite New City Hall, PITT9BUEaU. P.V.
iu!3 Send for Illustrated Catakrae.
DALE CITY, Somerset Co., Fa.,
Artificial Teeth, warranted to be of the very best
quality. Life like and Handme. Inserted in tbe
beststvle. Particular attention paid to tbe pres
ervatiou of the natural teeth. Those wishing to
consult me by letter, ran do So by enclosing stamp.
Address as above. - jeliTi
urr acrr kiss asd jobuiss or
July 10, TL
cuntjtngham; & hill,
Political Campaign
OF 172.
A a Grant &. Wilson
"rV!z3 rV Greelev & Browti.
Capes and Torches
. With PortralU or any device Lr aU parties.
Silk, Bunting and Muslin Flags of all sixes on
hand or made to on ler. Chinese Lanterns ol ail
site and styles ; Paper Itahious. Fire Works, Ac..
Ac. Campaign Clul htted vut at tbe Liwrst
Rates at
49 South Third Street Philadelphia.
July 10, TX
"li hereby given, that ea tbe 17th dar of Jwlv.
lSTAthe members ofHomer' Evangelical Lutb
ejan Church of Somerset Co.. Pa., made applica
tk to the Court ot tmmon Pleas for a charter uf
tacurpuratka, and that unless MfBcieiit reason W
shown to the contra rr, the same wlil be granted at
September Term, ISTi
lah Aogtist, 1!CX Prulhuoutary,
t .'X . s.l
i.' ,