The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, August 21, 1872, Image 1

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.v.3a.u..- J? homo"
v M raa-r u .
i-:hirri -' I"
4 i ojk.1 !. r-
ti . tunr
. T V ft.- t "
,,. A- rv.
.... .f tr. --...,.,"
. . . V ; '
! foreheads, and very thick la i- .f
I hali th blacker thv ! ;n r, and the
i-rrr'T it i tr- birnr i;,1 s.'i.-.e:.!.
i-'-n ; iv!:lV paiiai- vr n- r.i. r- '
. ..M.-n. -r tf l.jlr T; S;'-;'-
i-trl- fancy litre, t, 4-n-fc r fig i
their wiu?ii ; the Italian-. :j i.v
roiitrarr. ar- f-il i-M i--,- l--
' i;iTft '-f !"!' in-! ft-nr
, t.l.i! tool Wc-u fL an-
Srrrrs:t Printing Company.
'-.ii-;n-- Miosjtt.
I plew? antipodes, a U the manvr in
whie L tlcy Liiurj-r-'. b auty, a-;.! Lit
relates to it. Tw Eatera women u -;
co-ri.f tic, wlile the French an 1 F.r.-
eJ!-L drtad that tin-- in their com-
I i. itii:i Ti.i' A.-.ii;.- " Leu T :
M with th-
1 T i-U.
r r.
"l-l-V. K pv it'.t l-Katci
Hjis rf-i- nJ Ki rum
Few Doers Above the Old Stand,-
. !iY. ATT
.- : t '.J .'-
.'. . ::-r-. I- J'... i
nardnrare cf Every Ik-scrlpnon,
TVj ay K fD! nnt thcr 4o?
' But w lix-jr frtnv the imt trw 7
Stti-k but ul tnA msabt
Bat mliae. rarr. vast of thosfat ;
Why orat thysrlf m-'t th "lbfj"
U'ha hir hat tV7 darf 4 fay?
Tbry Bay lt whj U tilt r Ix-ir-.
AaJ hlp wntat1k isanr vorse
X rjfci raa poajr uxra.
Fran UllOf stat laay be astror ;
Ab1 hi it nut a BwU Ua
Toiak f ail the best to. can?
Tb7 my veiL il it Ujvii be m.
Why txvJ rvm tell the late of jr T
Win k the W:tr n5 mlrrv
tr mitt (t of raw k ?
VTIi it U errta uor n
Hesrrtcth t " r and f ia
Tmt j-i.ii I ja as4 W k .it Ian!
See h 'w tl; heart indiort u u :
Watrh. left ia drk tesiaike't bcor
TV. too. ibfnkl fitk beneath rj pmr !
Put tot trail- weep e'er their UH.
Dot apeak f rood. r not at U '.
1 mkIc vf Lis bravtMuwlt aa-1 wll- i -nce f-r an oftcr, sor oltainic; it; This Lincoln tnew ani ws ever oa ojjqAV Tvi JLJ nMf hUW 'vr ?aV ,J, n;"U;-
i attt-d iart ia the Mexican war. His from Taiumanr Hall an J k-jin it ; his g-uard. This is noticeable ia the ; 1uaai:n,' . uj. ifrir ?t. 3ilo.- a aap was u.c tatur
j- TLT illiu.i. umA . -u'-v mat liT) iu'- ' .
; carttT in tie rtlxilivn Ls a thrkr-to!:l a'l through the exposure of Tweed Niarara
NO. 10. ! China r.TFx?MV
oii fin s'l l eh'H
, fa: no--, and
a:-l. d: 1 h- i--
.1 .... ..!...' . V
Tin- l fir st.l u Liw.iMv t:iit ti r.
eDCTtlojiediai', Noks of quotation and i and did not hesitate to make known ; not coin'.
Vhwical dietiunarieii. the tanner of : his di.-plcx-ure. Even Gretlev did war and jea
; Galena swei.t relx.l!kn from the' ret Fernple to ei.nntensnee his Woih- itoeeilile, and
1 the er-in-Iaw in obtainicpr tip raost Iuera-;rcU rJ:on was spoilt to coliapso, anajeanip.
d to ; tire Co!!eetor?h;p in the United States1 when ererrthi!i:r dr-jx adcnl un all the
M-en it. f;t-in U::t fjir-. u;-;-'-,n c-
.JTvup '.111:
ev-rv anT"'.
.'..1 U.-t iv e r-'-
sL?.::. d a i :ciurc r. a
Is t j Na;K.!.-o3, ia w Lici
v' 1 iH, were s
. . . . .. . -.i. r.TTT-.-.. 7ii...iii..w.Tn t- -Ti r-ttf urii r. : r i
.tale. AVLile Senators who now hawk : and the re?t. Sumner, with a i-rother- had ncen for ,T'r'i'"'n wLen .-eriou . advantare. . ... i wnnum - w...n.'. a-, u m. i 1 , , : , .
.. r.n ntJ.;,." n.l .rUwntin;-,!! was LiSueneed hv . Lis rcmorsl ' li-n latt!t- when the tinie w3 i tie trail was tlat wc knew iw men r without jliowintr "in, ' ith. r f an rM '
1I In turn . from our own train the reiir e-tlni. liait -uticn U attc. r r(trat .rRJ i - -" ' - .
Teace when each wa im- ana anotnT-r had "Tid-'en antad to. Lira.
and carlr in 164. wln-n the' the-ost th. plaee for nxt niL'Sj Tl;s. wa. t k ii c i n i r
iValk-v of the Mississippi, and the ! er-in-law in obtamicpr the most luera-, rclx -Hion was aftont to collapse, and jeamp. As tbey wauJ l be ix-fore spetat'r s s: sa.-.' n:.--3ne ,tt.j o. -.-
i. Kf- H. nj t.i ih Di. ' nor lias he hesitated to' nrye anrviint-' keetin the North eret wi'h a un'nejl : couiiter anv iranie ca the reytlanv. ; dart.
ijiartiaent of the Fototaac, that i meats clearly unfit otf tie ground of: and undaunted front. Greder fvll in- traveled track ; and for this reason we So. tx apjearcd the
. . : i - .. . . . t ... . ... ... . .-.. . nn"(.Kflf i. .n . . . .
; blamed our authorities ff not tmnj I llaTjoff asmided for a eonideraoie . couM ouserve that ana - - r -
JtA r.Vi. wm. Ti-, ,1-ta-i t,i riU i.listsne " without sec-ifi? anTthfosr- howed e retrtrnr. lie who . or ra:a-r, it taay t'-fr..-i u.,.
h' fit. fira T t- i.n - ait' . - ' 11 n 7 r - -
X ejIUIiieiC niy.e i I"
and now we
' tLat tLe ;ri:Ti-.n lactr is
wv a;pr : tat;:--:ecr.l i tr.'
an l tali wait , ij.-p.
' melted a war, where he measured no ; those he ursred.
' liackward step until he set his fixn
upon the scattered framentii of the
grcau-at military pwer and invading
: arinj- ever . cvtriLrowa. He st-lve.1
the prabieta wbich Lau bauled au
The detail of his I distance, withoct seeifi?
Xiairara' are given ; ?i" ;r r tfcr-a--ja-bird anion
Gortrnor HoiTaian, in ln., when 'to make 'wire.
.1. a . V'L ui . ' I ' A ai'iwjtuWU lilS lj I . 1 i.: . i ..L (...111 " ' . 1 . 1 . . 1 . 1 0 J ' . . . . " T . -
father-in-law, fctarkwcatLvr, Collector' showing, fu:1 Cokl:n, undeniably bushes, we carie out np-n a i.roj-fcajr u.ona, wiittier man tr awmai. wasj-;
oSce until Ju
:t J.f
was culled tv a sruir.
r I71, receiving as' shallow swindle; st-cnd, that he not , the kfi!e through which the trail that stood betwteu tw- r-.x-k-. as
1 others and Tireserved a nationality j compensatkia fC0,21. Anion? tie ; only Lit at the bait, but pressed tie ( parses. Put we saw aI.-o tl-ai a jammed there, ec u. ! r. .l 1 .-f t
after the world thought it had gone worthy and ny provided for by matter upon Lincoln in a manner . stetpj.-h el:T barred ouf :artijr jTO--earta. -ltwa- m Tr.zz.y, or
down. The Democrats souslt Lis Strakweather was Wjh. V. Tweed,' Fbowinr an intention to carp at Lira ! m forward ; and thst we would otJu-rwise, Imt a b-?p. 3 ereatur-. of
,beat hPEtcn or t. tob "Mi- consent to nominate Liin for the Pres- who received, for notLIc? " $101,578. j un!c?s he yielded to Lis views; third, j have to s back Aura the gore Li ;n.;Lfr wctid.
use.. ' idencr. without iJatform or i.ledie. Uut if Grant has djiie' wron the'that Lincoln itrceired the fraud at a order ta sret onre nivre utf3 the route ; TLc rciaatic xuyeury cfiL K'X-kr
1 1
v-. 1. km:
.1, ; ; t
Aroa t-':
.4 AT.
rr ::m y ati. w- . s.:
: ::i.
u j i.-v. M 11. -tin
1 1 ij.
::!.1J. ATl' i-M-Y 1.T1. .
.Y.l" ' but Le dedinetL He did not leconie
; A jrrat nieetin? of the friends Oi ; unfit for I 'resident until three vears'
U I 4,vf 5 IVc3viCr?vt"wis, Leld in Cot.'per i experience had ripened his knowledge.
Institute, ."Xcw' Tori, on Tuesday 'Hf did not beconte nn2t while the
, j evening, Jtly 23. The : Urge Hall patronage Leld out, and while on-! all connec
Wooden Mare 1,1 lna'-8 was dtW.y palled with prominent ; dean finrs were allowed to fumble I with hita .
men reprvsnun? the capital and bus-' it
, mess iLtcresis ot lae city. .nong me .vrruisti
ii.iLuii.A..iir. ; Vice Frcaidrnts the platform were : Mr C
v. .Moriran. it. i-rancis-
crimes of other9 cannot, help him. ! gla.nce, and yet Greeley did not seclofti
What did all these charges, of nepotism" it; fonrtn. that Greeley bnngled the; A
res;Jent Grant ;wlio:c
tea jtrsoas ia 1 yj'J
traveL .
'Mouiitalns the wi
ual ilaiTlnod Lr tie carried tt'-nce br
v.'tiird tal-s
crit!..?-t,-I f'T fcr la-.-:
:!of tfc'.-iii. has olt to emigrate
eounirr wi.tre L-r t- sty.-.' :
U-zzif is in v-zz. Ar.i--s tie rr-.-a:
alvantacs of im; roved trsr.l v."
r.isT xi.'.rf r rvcLvn tiie f r
w-; dcay tr;jj-Lat:ca."y tla: ur:
L . v. ; :.-n e:i-t anyn i.ere.
amount to? Since ' President Grant whole "tCair at ia.rara. cr tdse tur-: double disanw5iatmInt'we vce aSjut tranr-T. hn l riven t this region
came into oSce, bat setea KTson ia ' rr- violstcFtle rrtx'atei! instrueitjrniD? eur horV fexnd- down war L .a iarular. and . a tana evl'-brity.
cted in the remotest dSTee tion cf the Irvident; fifth, that Le :wLea a noi rtacid ts that SHxni' d :iyiut:udtfOi this -&3 aoi Vul: act
or Lis wife Lave Leld rol!ti- tsmrlr . fnbr.Hrtt d to the rtot un-tctme ut out ti-s UcSle. . - AVe 1 in' a tie spirit of I'.Kf County : f.-r.
ked over e t as if at..nt to retreat ' a- k u n
Blha)-. -N- by the Wy .
ca! eSice under the I. nJted States. Of- blnsajng'. e?ron'.rv. and i.t!joskion, pressed forward a pat-v -or t wo : and.. a:...-r Lnrjrthe U.r-t s.v.t. i.e apj??'-
ii so abtt c!!ft takixu. ' tbtse, two were apjKdatcd by Presi- fr-m tie Rebel? ; sixth, tlat Le ex-cra:iing out cur nets b.'ki
onllin ' next alluded to srift 1 ?-nt Johnson, fire tveeivod local ' of-" pressly adrnhfd snd slstcd that Lin-'the odre of the cliff. Sere
LK-.'. I "r.5ET:
In a Hv k h-i.-r:: rnv
f-r.:t!.-d. -!l-:;-:v I-n
tL' World."' r-rtT':ir" l
rir-r"- e
it T- 1 k . I .. . c .... ... ..... .., ... ..... - .... . .
110a. v. .wfrao. at. In aecertiri" it was not wroii"' u8 t w miuest or local represent- coin cad tieen tckie or tj&trutlilul, ttere vri wuiettiin j ikw t accouu oesa 01 tee air. caa-cn; a ci:ang- m
i,,ewr, iivBf. a-a.js f,r Grant as a g litral t o act pt Wa- taiives anu only two were ttireenr ap-' wtea te Knew tnat ce fcaa&ot; ana . Tor tLe nois a group erijenuy w- 1.1 !cc.a ; ai oao? ccariajf uj ii."
George Ojd,vle. Gt-n. V. H. Joae. ; n;cWI)t offerinrS' from tie afuaent 'minted by Irident Grant himself. that, finally, wlfn Lincoln sought to longing to the- wagr-n we Lfd pas-tl . mystiry and di-piliir.? tLe ar that
IVur Cooper. Jen. Lh-yd Aspiawa'L wtj 0?0 fortunes he Lad sav-d and ia'Asto the PresidcBtV 6p:K.ia:uicnts '' TindicafS fcimsi-lf lir malin? the'truth The central IsroroVaa a mas of the La 1 Inspired Lin. It wa- a i nr.
non. v m. i.-noii. ! givin? whkh thev but bdlowed the ' '"'m? partisan, the sjH-aker 'cited the public, tjreetey rtiSetl the truth by j purest "Pike cuuaty - type, snon-jo-.j iai o. tansr.t'-r. tro toim-s tas-
Senator Conkhng made the k-adiug . tA- ,r ri :.i,.rn cas.sof Mr. Adam, anxxdntc d Arbl-' threatening if it was told to nubUs-h waUrd.. tL'i.t-sIeercd. ' in? trt in it; whik Pimultar.cou.-lr
wa-oa. TLea a sound lfke the fj.l- Miller. T.uMIsL.-u ia I-Tl'. hv Wiiiia:
G irrei.a ' . a: I l. i i- :- h;3.
Pa , Gi!.-bur.-. I.L C-'-::-and
Xa-LrsIX Tnn.. I f-ni a:
' w in'"-t fi.iurian-'.
V.liIT Ll-Al',
(spt-tehofthe evening a TaagaiCet-at Wellington, Cromwril, Fairfax. CI.
eff-rt It xvas very elWate and fii!s.dcn ht Mct.jj4n sL.,rman,
from 12 tO lo Columns of tLe -NfW;s, Vrrt ur.-rA amiU,
tl.e r
of G
.teJ S:tcs rtf Arnerif
1: 1
1 c I..
; York papers. A brief summary is all
that we can give.
MienJan ana rarrairut were simi-ar
' recipients. The charge that it w
; wronc is an insult to the nation, who
uevshes. ! Mr. Coillintf commcneed bv sav- ceed
trator at t.enera, and Mr. Erart.. 'matters not warm- n the ca.e, Lut ; coat, .ddapidatt-d. wool . hat, and mni out trom ft-iurrua roeK two men,
who were not Lis partisans, and ; which would deeply wound the pul-'coarsek heavy iKKds, with tlf, trows-jL-j:a I an I lay companions reeosr
Messrs, Cu.-hing and Curtis, jol'tlcal; lie interest. Who, said Conkling. 'ers-tueled iato'thent.' 'He vas riii.n.'. r!rz-;I as the s.wtit who lad g in
' oppcBcnts, as cousmL The aiesker 1 cen woader that Stanton proposed a horse that in rouhsf of anxar-'advan'-e of ozr train. Ti.e whole
. 1 . . '1 . i 1 11 i t i .! ' f - . . . a !r I
men, reierrm? t- iiis .rt iauons wr.n tne arrest 01 ureeier i t cc-tam? ua-t aace quite eorTcpc-a-t.-a wau fcis n. ti::3 2"s. kot pvr.-Ti.? : trT?.--. anl te inexc
ind l.v'inons intercourse, The man was tad, Iucg-U-arui-u, r.iiu lfcy taa enwiacterHi the tar winSe . - ia tcYm'.I
:t-mv. . v.iie stack ovtweea Lis teeta. rtU&? tvga lie t-t.e. arw s-zt-cee-.- t;. a r.; --iv,e. Had Le wLc
. ii.n--.i c h done v. us as a
i'Ir. An au:2. :r ou.-l.t to
"nil." su. '.-ct f ::'-trn.Lr
.-"---- ' - . - . mD W . . t t 1 I " 1
WitacascJ &U4 -iii(iaiik-a the TTo- uoveroor .uorgaa, saia tney nal liecn . an;u.rzfu
t-dinra. Tli? chaw that Grant ac- !n the bert accord until the. advent of,. wi;u ic :
taints : u:l am- if.y. axu
r,r rrl n i
inr.- For twuitv years it Las been ' cepted an v jfjft after he In came Pros- Morgans succe--s-;r. ..dr. Conklin? nis
to aduress mv nei?U- Went or after Le wai nominated is men spoke gj L.samiL:s ccLeatrucsi
tS . 1 .
XCcKXTRfClTT. FICKLE.ness ami r-everai ieei
...-Vtot- barrel of a Ion- rustv rifle ? whil
(M:tween Lis teeta. nii&? tiv?a tie itt-t.e. ari s'tt-cee-.- r: .- rv. i!.:. ITt.?
r . : -i.i .1 . 1 ; . 1 ;. II ..,-. . . J ,' , ,
ia lrvr.i prc i; i-u ua. i;...- x.:s o-.' . c rr-.--T- n-.-- 1 w:
eiit rcf Tns Cnvn -rr Az-v-'r
7. 5
A lrrr rue it
Ta!Ic Hniie and I'orUs
v.k Kin tvmx.
: - f.-i v e
-. K.f
A. '
t !il-kS
a;-. i:-.-our.aa on tr.-:;r way, tL-y ta-i
.. a - t ! 1 - 1 . 7
s n:m political issues, and too. wbvllv lie Las accepted n&th- -r'J atutuce towara tte , lTsnlent,j- v. r ' - f 1 v . tJtau.i-!;ptn s-iaetW'i:a, ana ;av. res-.r-ea upoa u'i....c .aa n
-h arl -rhas wrist. W:i anion- in-of value since Lis first nomination ! and said it had been intimated that a: ,L.,,',?'7 ? . . .t ' ,r in- kxW. tu4 J-irso"s hps. wi-re a : PT- rtLis r-tT -;,.L.i
...... .-. t . . ... - -. -. 11 a.l.i T. ..:.t.. . . l'P"---r:g me icgai tenc. r act. men ia- -; . 1 . v,,m4 tr. W.t rn-M rr.t.
mv iaii..-, M'i en canvas lis ever uvi c:i a larritir- Ran iiorses. ciiiv ... .-. --i. . -.-1 ilciivswcw a' --. .-- .... . n 1 .1 .n.j iiiuii-j.--i-ii--n, trirnsi 1- 1 1 - -r .-..j.
stirr.-l iih so d.-cplv as this. No .lee- sthrve or at most four contributors to letter allndin-1 Lis own aspirations .? W-- -aarII-caa.--;doiuesu iraplernenis and uteasis, : a -iviag animal, bidin- th..-m-
tion Ltf hi-iakd stron-ivto mvtbc fund raised f.rf General Grant f-r the Presidency, an 1 orTcria- to l e I('7J?V'il.':'!, irff A car: dog. ta.ttia by the Lor-s -V.vcs bcL: I a -ould. r cf reek to
a.- cf fIr idav : no canvass within . have been vffered apwiatments, and withdraw and give the 'State of w t i'Ml'.i ' , ,! f' V . c. 1 formed a fccoad fiffurc ia the , er;y their jOi:.
jiav iiietiv Las ever lrea - fell of , it would seem to explain lerk to Lim provided agreeable un 1" - 1 .1, ' t V ; 'S-P- -Ucttaere were tjr other?: :ar .r.y La . - i--, ;, i fcr-
ful plav. and malice ; none the lectiva t-f tLrec for a reason an- derstan.rngs could 1 Lad c.-.necraia? '. T V,''"V ., t! - -Vf t aud it was these chic Sy claimed otl-- f--et:on. bartng:: i!I thc-r way;
i La ever more rtroBgly tested the plying to more than three handred patronage. :SncliS dwm''tl one who atIenl.i'ra- S to stare with and for a t:me tie el.ff r- --I- I
;o.mmon s-nse and geaeiwhj of the . subscribers wLo were nerer M-lected ! ti:e miutaki k:xm, ic. .1 1 1 '-ni i0' 't,T oid-' pTt ' a0"'-1'-' cyc- TL fonr were ail .Vii-' .i'1" laughter, ia whiea P.s
k ...... .....r.'. l .ru. i.. f... ..tT-.k.. . t . i ".i.r,- ..r t n r. . . . ffiiiiiren ir.coiiie-ii oi vr.K-h ."n.i a ii at.. i :i
ft -. I l mU l'fi -1-. Mm. 11 ,TA4?CX- 1V1 '.1.-. . . .ill. .-1..11. ' 1 1U1 . . ' , 1 ... . V . . w . . I. . 1 . " T -11 I .. - ' - '
i.. in Cnss, continued Mr. Conk.; auts fi:ad by the Presided. ,C Zf ' ! Z ZlT nr ! balT much over six yars of to . T t:f sk. oMLe
has m.k- me a cbt- olwrver of ; now o math decrit-d. were atthe',... .. .:.;. !,,,.' , iage. Iwo of ttieia the. Toansi-st cac. war w t..t-.: .tvi r. r.- tai
1 : L!
1 t
1 . Ir-
I.ilN LI.Mil KKTTL1. u fce.
I. w.
T r.-..- J.i-r irk nKT ( ijw Mf
tr e IX.!.
: Xi:i-.iIlL. LYONS i'v C.
! -
. v
AMi S lsjvoliS. lt!g.
jf-ur President, aad of public wen, i time wipp'rteil by tL Trd.nuf, and
and if anion- them a;I there is one liv-- riot only ili!-e of lione, Stewart and !
'inr or dead who never knowingly (JrinnelL These tjk-u were r-elected '
t me- fiioil in his duty, that one is Ulysses,- because they were not diticiac. In
aru W; Svdaer Grant. If tbere has lieea a tLe case of Mr. Stewart, when the
' high otHeigJ evt-r ready to admit and . President found that the law was
correct an error ; if there has leen one . against Lis apjintment he promptly ;
I w ho did wisely, firmly and well the wirw.-a-!T-r(v',eJg;c- his mis
Itlt" thinrs -iven Liki in eharj-e, that 'take. : Much ha been sai l abct'
tan- ring, Mr. Conklia- said: : fickleness are his traits. He Las
This sjhjt consist of three persons, bolted and advised bolting; has op
n Lv write for the IYesident without jK.sed the nomination cr election of
any exj nsc t the Treasury. As to ; every President who has been chosen
tLe I resident s loitering, ther were : f.r thirtv voar; Las onarrvlled with ,
T,"iS C 1 Ail
aj-- - ." x l
t . .irtr -. 1 ta.i.
. 1 1 . r , , - l - . . . .
oii. c-iifut uours mum i asina-toa, everr a!ministrati"n
and n-'tLicg caa occur demaadia- his ; he character of those
immediate attention without Lis being' from Lim wanton'v and sava-ely;
within immediate calL It was the : Las imputed corrut tija to others
practice of ruiac-rs ia ail coantries to nerelr for not v otin- cr thinking
r.v Xii- ant I'i-.-r L.U.'.s G'j
r -Tart Frao a Sf--!ui:r.
-:. . s rsLST. rnrsstT.0 j:. j-a.
v.: iHi?TRXMMM 1 ll.
For BllsineSS Men. ' 0a. "lVi"T ;L? TIot VT.?:? ! -T : " a Stance from their official ; he did. ' He soa-bt bv intrie the
, ollu .n a...., t...u-. u. u ..ut .uc uv kno u..u...c:re:Jcn(.e duriay 4 wnkw ef the! defrai of Lincoln ater he tad ben
t'sx. uraie mutt biihum, inu irovea ut . iiis.orv kuun iuii iut- vrrv ui-a do . .
nis transcendent deed? to u endowed are conmi:r:- tee iTesiJent warrniv
! nominated the seend time, anl
t-air were with the man nnon hre- kille.1 it wre pr -Hr;-
batk ; out-held on Lis lap, the other 'l'11 ,K'5n:r onh a -ood i innv d-1-seatcd
upon the croup, and claspin? ! things took a sudden cLanire.
on to Lis wai-r. The remainiar nalr.. tn'-I ? did tie co untenances of tLe
jy and girL had hold of the horsts jolly jokers, l-:h as.-imiii- s
as if endeavorm- -t dra- the st-ncus a:r. ine ..ii-sour:.ia L.j.1
animal backward. It was a tableau'111 frn U;i Lis gun.
of such a c. aiicul character th 'Li'e hb wa--.n lad meanwhile roll
more so being fecn ia such a remote , up drirea by a com punk a italwart
place that war companion atd mr-," himself to say notLLng of. the
K-lf were upon the point of breaking ; ho sw-.-md t.ush
out into a bur.-t t,f t.,tfctf-r w : as any of tie trio, ar.d In cs-e of a
-The Reserve Fund Policy."
LsLtI U Til.
1 x .1 '. cViwm ra.-. m'.l -v j j.m , r. .-. y- on
Mr r.n:r.. -,.Wi..i ... ..... ,r' were wilt restramea r-v t.v extreme :i.-... ---
i with -cuius, comtnon s-se. and rar- an-roved of the iv-rsoas named. ,.. : . . V V J " 1 lt " .'V "ti,l "miu ua,c iudicrousness of the iLm-: which f .r.ailly ugly customer.
...... . lOiciiu iR.nir 01 lue jumiiiisirauon. r-r.r-n. tn J:t.r t.i j..-,rfv-rT r,i(-?iiins t.- ... ' . .1 1 . .1
chaxt XoT ax office-seeker. applauded the sacetss of the Wash-' prevent In-s election. He tried 'tt out thir kaSs
, -" 1 - . . . . . .......
, alocalitks alenuate to the greatest
. i- . 1 - 1 air 1
aaairs ; tms 1:1 a a who savea ir.s coun-'
trv, under whose administration our Mr. Conkling denied that the Pres-c-Juiitrv
has nourished as no one blent had grown rich in office. He
-' dared 'ptvik-t ; t(J wtorn a uati.m's made an exhibit of the moderate
' gratitude and Wncdktioa are dae, i property now held by the President.
'made the mark for ribald jibes and snowm-that the little he Lad came to
ram st ca-
Pfore we Lad recovered from It, a
;.iied ii.e Ii.r
to skia it. tin y
than ssrrrL.-I
'tcn'c'.Tc me;., . 'r
c''v!at -!.
A a CLar..a b A:., r:.-:. i. - ci'I-u-AVinclrcariiz-.-ori
r-;- I;T
2"! "'-"7 '. r'l-;-". -i a'T. ' t:
r-J J'2"t -"ii. S.U i ii!-' r . '
us a lVr.o;:.!ia:;.,a filuj an-I
a.-a'a -TL" W-.-vt.r.r.ur:-a
CL ir:-L.-
WL.-rv- tl-? 3-:t!.-r :-r..tcn ;s t-, t
hi- i:if.rmati on I a: 1 una' to -.v.
but that Le Las :.jvs: -ro-siv
rc-st-nted u is i:a-"c stlv-u' iy tr-.--.
TLe I.'-rd, tL iiiis'ri -us'f .u.-i-I-'.
-amcl L:s Cr.-r.-h. Ho ?ays. --sy
C-rca. I suiiiV ca.i"d"TLe Ciur .1
cf God." 'Churcicof G-rL-CLreL-of
CLr:"-t. etc., ia tLe iivir.i' r; - ' -This
is tLo crJr naro tin I in
God's word f-.r the Chureb. Aa : i: Is
tie c uly Li'iie by wLieh we. as a1, --ly
' recognize ourselves and tvan.t t
reec-ira:ziL Tl L"r 1 nve the nir. -
Wc -:-eei: :l .A- suclsr ka:-wa. As
s-ch c-r.r E!'.-:rsLlrs are :ac-:rr-:ra- I
' aee-'-rdin- to the statutes pro v : :n
stieh c-i-c-s. We arcrt z-j :L-:r
- T .
sc-c-In? a brsci
rife 1 arrcls
fit.. I 11 r. u .i t H a n A ..........r. 1 .1 I. ..1 L . T . . 3
i : 1 .1 t ii1 . . movement on the rart of the r'an a'
m utcu iiiv sjHaker . Mioweu ativist-ii Lim to exclU'Ie Irom tils coun- . "J' J,' . ted unon themrr! enwr torach
eils men trained in pubjie affairs. , ...... , . - ui i. tr- i-i.iiv i,' (' n-oi v.- i -i
l . "... wis one that iRi):citft urn U.. Rtliouw idllif t. tiA- man iji-
t r tl : -
iiiiiC : an i u
to W ia a saiisfatorr condition.
Of Civil Service reform the Sea-
: .'.i.:-:x-s.
-am- -J.s.
:m- -v t ! k rn .vx:.
1 lt: x sHt "nri:s.
kfts. v
:. ;.:.t. somki:kt. pa.
I " . i 1 i.r-.T tf,T:r t r i'crn
UbrlUIIIIl- i " . : T . , , i iaia llir ifrcuC'Dl was Xa 101 for and iTisMriti'tl i:rxm t!w-;r Tv .7 ' . "!. t . i : i
' beeauso he Kaads ia the way if crevd the tenr.ia.tion of the war before hllivZ After endorsing and ;ap-;il; Lis - No yer doa't ! The skin o th
a . A UndambiUoue-fHitkians and Vhe- entered office. Every dollar seemed- to rntwte the' Eytaer.yete
PvTSlTjNCS CO !mers Manv m'a b-ia iathe crv or' ownel came from the services as open qt, and defter al b,-eu fd- pies. Le has struck at the rresat ; k f ftf h at tout pc-rr! r
iaNhUiUiUl, i0S aUon! Ther the day. and every month Lis TrnorT;s aCCUI,t f 1? A , wL nr th.n.Lt. a, we ! The old woman Lad by this tii
. - - ' are deceived bv the cloud of calumnV Presidency made Lim a rnr man.) V I"ri0w?5 I'.tb j.ny, afur n,anuvrc:ng- als- elaiv-ed aln-r tlK dCile. Sova out of the wan; c
ix.-n.EATEr.i:L - which darkens tLe lr, hut tic inren- A Grant wasno moner-makcr. m-ith-' I , v V , .-t r t DWU1B"lit,?-1 uwe chan-i it. at -ht of a fca-e : -.vieidm- a wo-.k! axe. s-..J dose T
'tors are men dlstenWd with rriofs. r was be aa offiee-sekcr, though, ' . JL uea took up he arogized for tne Tammany Nbte. , . nd- U-tvreen two ; hrnd her husband.
iie was mfon.i
.-rai-V ar.a-'ti,ir5ri.-e ar-
iv in nuti r I
fre- c .rCLur
;a-t :-!!. 1 ut 1.-.7-;-
d on
kw.n -:rr--s-j
m-Tr-ca I can:
r :t: to c- -i
. an 1
Si cures Siectal Prate etla
He said the
Horace Gree-
ir . ... i
..1 tl- t-.r.r.! .1 tr. rtv charired with insistin-on lx-in- a can- ;lM,l V1 u.uuu
,r.r i ' .y,-- r .i. i..-,-.i,.,. v.,. . . cry was a mere fetch.
1,..... J-..1.,.. .u-.-..v.i... . i. , ler and others wko most !,.iiiiv an- t,fl r.-.yv.n -..1 tni
:.k i tne Fpeauer s snowieuge caa ne ex- , , , T.r , V j--- . i v
:pressea me wtsii xo oe re-c:ectea- -",. t . : "- ,v,
. .1 . ... . . i.. . V . . ' . . . ... 1.....,. i i. ic i . l .i t m"
- . . ' .. v . l .. l L.iUll .U1L . 11 . .1 !' 1 ; 1 . 1 '.1 ilu ii n.
. 4
cu . gro?:n-s i f W3nt of ratter iaf-rmat: .2.
wLea tLe sa;j nas cist of a-'-vi-s.
iiliiC TT-i r.s,I, .r-i prnr;Vo -i 1 I :.-,. -
' ; a title ;ba; we have ax-eptei. a:. 1
s tiy wf.ea we wis a to t-e in.
i r''V , ; : ; ' ,- r quadruped standing Mvreen two ' Lusoan-L
lie Sought for t o vears J-efore tis,j. , . . , , "... t fr r.mmnion -
! , - . it. . rock-, its iwxlv f.Lm-up ne la'crvfa- -n. c-' ration a..
( open desertion to divide and destroy ; - - 1 . . .summit of the eliff. L
in- space.
"A -rizzir. bv St.
TEE K-laWE arTAChtS.
exciamatKn of my o-ftipanion,
d I. from the-
had a fu'.i view
v,f this singular ftec-uatvr. We;
could not onlr see tverv K;veriivrrt
-TLo CLurch
; 1-
liiriK tlrrk.
rrii-lar' i.i
- ::.'"v atti-al t-
. ii -
a - r tc-J
rr r-irtrV Ct:n?
I j 1 ala Uataa ) lj aaiM J
.--. jL.-i.rlr.- Ua-r -- Vire-
1 AtT-. i'lILr1-,
Every Policy
X irr Tr4 taae a -m .ti
4 Tie ..1 Jr.4t will
I T tmaal tasnacdr wl.l
an-- cut
re arrcJ Tfrwmtt wi
ta rr .a'-.
fir-msmI J-1M-
tlst 14 .1ar.
I ansa! Movent, .til
it.! Ii
i ..-1 Ai-fi-nA hrr.i1f Tfi fiPAnrit iic ' nCTt f
r hia .t.ti. r,-i.t it tii .v;r cinvca uLen courafre caa make a
.This ProtectlOB AppltestoaityAge, ' comwtitor, maaairiae Whind the cur- th.,1 ti,. la-o-l.ts the Iu-paU TLe Senator proceeded to examine; &jdc a .afe, tried' and stable Gov-1 wa-on as with Lis lelpless' Tie affair ended in the gniue and
- " - - ttaaaBewspapfrWai- wlJc-h he f'" 1" tLd,WT-r,rLo:Mr- Grwdey- iitne for the Ire?-1 tTOruent. iace with all nations aad : chicks around Lim we fancied he vi'mpanion rivmg in. and g ,mg
. ' , itendsto haven-tired. i free to deknd fc,a v6 fit nijU J to Utray it. are, Crst, ; denty, and claimed that the rcrytab' ; ri,v at loxae wi;n lysines j would have the tall, bearded ff U atf.-n.l .to .tieir prorerly ap-
Awxjra eJta err pry. himself Bd L? free t fiJI Lis l t iat lLo-v Urc tlt-aa and n-fonm-d ents Le has shown unfit him for the tOrlvii i- and debt and tax-s meltinsr individual showed not a s.m of back- po-ted Iaes. Had ti-y not do ne
in. His wa-oa was nret lasi'Tii. IJ " r-v .Jt. ...... .o...i
TTiEAiTAXTAiriVHi'Ki.-Ti.x.!hcKd in the hope of blackening a i csan-u ii acanuiuaie nas oeea uiameti w not, gratiiying conlomt-ratioa i
l came which is oue of the tw-aFurcs of ,wL 13 lL? wor,Ls fcf H,a :'-: -Mr. Greeley's ambition for oCce, but jjrapers and p
k.,r...;.,....iirUk v;iutu,;.iu iey.nccr las i.-a itcaten &rtn nerer tne mass 01 tue nanr. taou-u arTre- t.... J ... 1 rtt.--.-.: i wv.
ii i A 1 1 j I - iiis tt ' i;n. i. .iiuius. o-iiv r-u 1 ;-t , . . I . . .. . r . . ... ..T-r.- Jr r.Mw.i .
tbs euJiXEs QfAEliU i Lilu erratic, and not possessed cd" the ,i.eia tt, aSalrs' of the nation co These were Lis word tone, on Carried, tnj compaai. a aad I rotnrned -acrossjLe
ik.1 ... i!. -.m ?..jikih !u-j)i not disttsN Gnnt cr ttf JUOT.I Mr. Cnkliny proceeded t review ; l'r3lcal 14 L-MJ n.octTation,or ous- vj,. caa fa;hom. no lo-pbcev making his aeonaintaace afterwards. ; ti.e g--r e, an i ca.g g -i oach,
tVui?trS; i?ZJT .because the 'nation will resent it. ilr.ULe San I.iiaro Tn-atr affair, claim- a capacity to make tua a useful or ; na f.m.u.iL The result is vc-rr sat-
HOlQer.- TtePresidenCl. is fatally and .11 ; yUZZ lie l rnment. The real danger tade Missouri platforra, le turned of us equally f t 'otti. t ' audl b. -a"r
i nearly asnciaUJ-'-th lira hare been , .TS?' "-" a oame- , was fwn deeentral-Mtior, trM,-h Utc wt .tt.v.i n,r.,: 'the famed monarch of the Lcky :a.- - n-c'r as Ouo t tte,
il-renrj. an.) truth nii rf.n-v not coiim nt to stami a secona time- - - . - J. ' , . 1 i MomtaiB- and h.-.h alike tt.1 P stranrest scenes i nave wnncs-ea in,:"';'
lU-spoaerei aad truth and leceny ia.(. ,ba, lh r,arlTdemandcil I n-a3 Mates P.ijrhts in the secession jde or idea prom neat for the last tea - - ' v . .v , r tve Far Wes 1 Years are into a wbk- ---rr
j ttuftrawywi.; -"-.y "1 him as the onlr man who co-ild nr.t M A'"-enitraism we cave vears ci vc Licit Le La.l not before. . r , , , We Look no side in 'store ia i; -n. wi d a ta.I ma.--:-
t r 4-uirj i-iaadewnnorant and drcne who- hasir" 1110 i ?,an WIW c?u,a. no k ..ja tV. r, n.i t.,w. i t...t. .u. 1-erond the reach of our gnu? ; for to i . "e ao p,ue ,'a 1
'Wnnatoot-t-rert- Kii-l rtrtnat, ? beaten.-. Had not aspersions been ; r i t-7r "p"1iu:iuNu, ..nut iuc- uu - -n--hln shootin-dist.n. it we either fiT one partv or tic other. The 1 -ovmg maa, eiuea:i a
ta"i,',,,"MijK caa:tponWhe would wrsoaally , ?ad"kVhe .on 5tag.g-rs of faction the American ; lf Spirit of rartlL.Lip mi.Lt hare in- i ecier from s-'.me ba,kwc-.d towa in
fc"r4-" r:'.. J "iv: rladJr be mastered oul He Lad ex- ."TP1 1U ?3 f.T-v 10 ITny, pecplo are cLaL'enged to scan and dtsr... t u. 'clined us trr -ire assistance to our -Matae cr Aew Haa.:Lire. Aeo -
n?-: kl Hiprcs to the speaker Lis eaxacsv' d b ! cide upon tLrecord. Such coalitk. ' , V ; , f0fflra,: ti, of the first person Le raet; who L
. , ; , j " wish to be rebated from i.ubl;e tail ",4l,IU,e iv l-c aou.-n.fu iae9Wra-j ana sutu nomtcstzya mean cnaosaaa ,. , ... -. , , i.r nraT.ted t. stand a' T-i-eu to re t:.e r.. r h.;.;-. r. I.-
i hi Wn!tetm to waeaa nnbndkd ton-ue on .Wi-a .I0 oc reuasea irom pubnc toa . cered bv both Hon-es Le eaid.-,.!,, ' have been m the position of Pike "5 ?-3J prr-I ea to tjsa .t.j.. i
nritourirea foul pen. The President Lnl the Xouatr.- Perhaps! thought we, be "scorer ourselves asil-
r ,he !. r.f mntrr.Tetw - to rcnce. Grant -V.ltS.T!.r' tElh-3?; COXCLValo.x. I but t-xi willin- t erehac-e : spectators, so that neither cf the con- o a-,n t naat tJ i,:re a man :n
:ares well at all aad U never, j Mr. Cenklirg concluded: This is- i with us: Bat no. Instead of turning' t3- panics ksew ..-four U-iag .TC':V,rr; uJ'- . , .
iul o-'Juii'-A li.iuu'ail. j , , ...i i "i! t.i .v r. IMr "iu. sa.u i..r i-: l -. j .
now; what can v
"Po?" tl
JC-ss I
can turn mv Land to a. a;:
i l.i
What tio you wsnt
if I was ; Lire a
All this poHotkm will in
--rac onlv its authors ; it '
lets. or near: and if it Lad Ix-en. lvond erer Lare passed through that defile. , 4' '-.La: couid ut w.:,.. a
ret-SdouU. it would hare mad no'tfinVr- both laid theT bens ca tie st f :? m-iae.
rhaterence. "Ia Massonra he had fit bar 1 tere they had slain the grizzly. i;.- ---u1u-rr a ?ic . c..j-
. c. iw. ... :,,..,' As s-jo a we saw the n.jiat set-' 4-Ke ii-it (ne yotur ani carrv .:
C l" N N 1 N i i 1 1 A M .
l iivs-.t ; vn
AN I snt'.KoN.
I.'.T.l'-V:tLr. PA.
--.i t -. rw 't rrr ':r M-ian.l. ittciei - " l 1 ... ,. . - . - . . : i - . . . - ' L -. -,
- . . . . . . r . : .ti.i- I : - - . - n - a Li !p'. it:n.r i MsnTriP i r -3 .ri -., l . .... . . . . - i n : ti-n i TV- t r.f. rt - ? cr - 1 . v . - .
j; 1 ,. ti.;.. cro la w nnvure j cI nowcn;
lirlr " si.r.r. JU-i:Kl. Jtaf. !!.. . a-
Itui'.t la- !ra. taviuin. ncMt turr-rfT. tLe CTid M-!!
r'acI as we were, com
Tb ami W aia wrr tcwaarfed to the , .1 . -.- - 1 . , ,- . '.1 . tjif.' ,S'uMal His a!tiiiatons tt"ith i r. . ... r.t " ' l . ' I J, . - ' the S"PS tho cnMWr.t, ci UU.ryr.2-..
'.i.tnv Ai tw lu'l aaMciM t Wirr lew ewDaiiujr i.itr siauiiir lue .umuvii iBi tnat me part SCtea l-r me I 'rest-' r , ; 1-M.tausC' ii rests me saiur jtvut- '"r r idu.k w wmu; - ?-rv ,.rv;.t t .
. , i ; alien WLK-n was given or i rovmence. iut remain upon iiie ma ana .mru -r - . . - -
Limim ntjT. Tri trfl.! min Kv i . .1 , i r i -ir i.r. jm ........ . : T . anil t.:s s.i'iiil . uv 't trie' Hi? better. Lat V.
tu- . . to see tiiiou.a me. uarkaess c-i tne rr- mm. 1 c:s w c .i-u to our suij'.jsv x,--- i
siucc to mm like oaraarics. ana ms't. i .1 i. . .... .r i.-f.WiiMsni f. j. ti- friir aireauv sii-iPTd i-s st-n. jiore '""..i imna-i-u,. u'i
1 upoa the trail, ro-
management of every business, ex- f
iil.'N .;
O ';'.-!. TR T. PirrsLiK. H
ii- i. i f On'-f narr and 7? jiiirfie- N T- M- rwr.
tnrtr d laarc.
. ....... i i- - - -i . .
ine t...vunrr.i iDif aie .1 u t iiu iMuziuervu i arraigning me i rrgt luent was met ol an Lonest man
w. h. .iTa.e-. at thnr i. s. w. , idem x tgnorance. disboneHy and,wsHrsrrTrTthiyutltf the Const:
";"il'?'iu'-x,TZ?,vpi-e ! vicc pok f the selfonstitu'ed tion anJV.f Lis predecessors. As
w. ii. orirw. u:e Xe y . tont a'fcw i crowd at Cincinnati that ' niotler J the so-called remoral of Mr Sumner
'nlr' .".W.11!!! PTCiia. made ontvfa few . reMhectablV ' frnm !5n,t',,. p.-.,.
i.. aii t-.t v. u ,raen, who hare tine Tetodiated it.feiim Kelations, Le was Bever removed him wanting in Uisiaesa capacity. j
ri'CrVy.lad th M pieUW, 4iputaUe at all All Senate Committees aruVs aa e-iafor Le lacked the balance-;
cuiivvuuii fv ur wiajmi iriu cue ir u i-
y: a rr.n i
i i . ...
I.a-er cpn t. Itrw
i I .iv- .cm- .-mr. tl.
I. . ... ... . . 1 . T .. ' .
f J?. .-iv.l T.-.T n'rr t.:-f cr r.f ttan tlilS I LUiTC LTiskills of LiS fi-.f, 1 .1 l i' VO-i. .-a. I C L.c:..j
! us for the time could not comprehend. ' fitted over the recently kia-, J' u vri-1 saci 1 1
i Instead of retreat irt- the father of ; Hed fire. aroul which was the tjuar- -'e aa . curry it a. r--s tLe st :re tw
r.,. .ui. ii tt-tte of liit Tikes, remnlin- the - ana rerer lay it -lows, l w:.i fi:re -t
' 1VUI U IIUi u. a-vu - . . .
We had entered anion-the spurs ; th K.rp l roast with Luhctv dans.
Chaot r lrlaaly '
hfW. X . I . W 1W, J -1 " ' J j. ... . H . wik Hil I.OM1C V. 1 1U. lO T S 11 1 . . i
W r4 Broaii.aT. eurart ...llK..n ti 1 fr.n frnni tl. mit. ? 1 , r. Wfceed to keep LlDJ from ined!isisten-!
tnu taonanw. . j .- iv"T v.. --.m.- . . 11:, rt t i ! ...I-,- Ia.,...;.. 1 .. . . . .. . . .. ; if. tr l . . .... ...v...
ot the tu a-jOTt ters aad sewers of polities. TLe-se.eaeh s,'ssi:mi Th Cnninrrr. m. lu-m.ruu. ,u u.Ur. , u . inn.., .aia,u.., " "'the sriiii 'cr3tnre mat tiarrcl Lis. e ui.i uoi is onx a-fii. uai
Y i!i. i.- airrd!B-atixte..eTarI.r-. ,. . , i---..,,.; ,-j-,-. P '.:. ? .:..,- n . - overtures with Tweed, and tLe lend- ndin- through cue of their drlilts,-.,.i, '.,,! .tfrit J,;m t. n.n e hsa seen r.rc-feirin - to studv.
a.v. miM. . - ...,,r tvil-,-u .tiia4s in rimw xaoore niu-i . ... . .. . .v.. -'-... -:.. - ,t , . ""T 1 . -i . .. - ' . " t.t. . tfl..,nt -c-
rs.VKCiMn s. i nseit Starve. tauJ dutnilbo n xtr.imi ,.,-.1 r.rru. wl..i .nj.i.;i uisr ma naaw w xuru oattviiui vi , aim rusie-au v euu.rsoii wi Kxtxr,!on- u hn wittin tftr paces of tne ' mr- t.rarnre crea.are- at an, --. -
on T.lH-h Greeb-r. thinks l,e run-. consuli freelr with ti.e President. So-!""5
: ' ,.r w. ,. . i .t. - . , iC lath
, wu-. ... cw.c, aw uicir j.-i..-uills. .. , c , ..t I .;.l.-. . . . .. . .t..i.t.. t . .1. f.Wl.Utr! T.e-V.t r, ? tr.
THE seal is vE. Mr. Sumner's conduct and lan"ja-e t 1 w """ " KU' s a i o lm .-uui,..- ' i To our oarcfl. tt fun HtiueU ta lui' oca., or r r-"' -- -
i.i ..r..i .-..ii ti ia i straageiv uaeurxsiain aaa unormieti kino, ua a lattereu caneo "iui , have no effect The Vmiiet eenaialv truth ol wtkt tiaa oceurr-.L ; r.icui nn... aufi
f-r a year at iluo per m-nth.
. " Ik.a.-," -aid tl. straazer. an i 5 y
crcrv curk Lad ga:L-r- i
i ; in in
tie lan-L aralast the r.ian. Walk:r.r the lellttwitig IJ
( Inima Paw.
i nin.
jst eviaur-.! iiusoumi juujment. iiie: we saw siowit crawua- Dtiore us a .:ni!j i,rii l! Inn-. r'.. - f.V ita-e. u e exrtl K far a taie ci
itheti ami lilie-ls with which Lepur-. ve-Licle on four wheels awa-oa. It..:i, c...l - " . Uustcriia- and ln-arado. titlcr aV.nt up to the sak. he threw it arr Li
Ouotations were here made from ; public and iri rate
. T 1 i -T1.1 ' --.
i r- r i if trtnarM l.aii.V.Lr:i
Itbe Cincinnati platform and JoLa , impossible.
with a tattered calico tilt ' tav no .fct.
Yet 'this action' of the natBre- Truthful history will never j every timber giviag tongue -as it was, niU!it b,re Lit tie War. and ia
We were told neiiLer one cor the i it twice a
Jit J -e. yrm ai.iiku amut
. rxlue 4 Bth4.
V. H. hiK w Y.e City, aj.tub. car. ,
'.v..!. n.' emiminw 1 1. 4-fiate in man S'nn flrtil Yl-..I:t IB flr ftc
1,1 -n t- ...... v..-. . n r - --f , ,. ...... .1 ; i... ,i n . .1 .
n..,.t-t;. ie....-. ..- t-.,:ir:intt Ker i-KHi. .n.l ' sp.Ae Lie a.containe
schemins iaeraw wnen ne said: -i a emiu
t vn r-ir-r rrnvw HT
--' jL'-rTS1..'. .'resolation at Cincinnati as a mere thrust at the President, mLo had
' jr's;ii.Traod liita-a " 'iumWe and a shalloa- evasion and tLe , more to do with it than the Senate
- ' " . -; . . .. i ' imntT iMr.liifWm tviHhI'ms Lv-iLastouo Wltn ekCi.lin- Low Iiianv
nestr bill pasyi ! regttables the Pre side ut Las cn Li
::re. wen;
record that Horace Greeley wed the Jostled along the stony path. ihead forwesawa tuft of skin start,o!oor- ' Pike srnsply said as we quieuy to 3 larg" ho..-k wLich was
ig up to it we fVraad that it ... tvl(. ;.. ,.r.. .-..Jr-Tilhim "A bar I have shot hrar. Ef.fasicLc-d to tie wa.i an 1 txnnr.- it
d only a voniaa ; who, with , .jT vj. . .x. cracv "still tie lear ; T'd Lke to star a bit. e kin hef a up. turned to tie n:crclar.t and sai., :
ar the breast, was seated, ... i(, . rf. y gaskia.. Harned fine skin, ain't it!j . " TLire cow, it May ..angtucre
Jaaar. H. Ater. New Ma-rfile. lai. .. i ,
-rtantter. u 1 mim aMt aata. i , . , . . . ,
.. ... . , ., , jrani eckdr. itn. Mh-k. a oee. it- wet-ks ago, and Ciril Sernce rcforai i tSorf.
Ilutie I uriiUUine .oOihi ; am Hwi m mtatx u i.x 't Bti;... r.-, .1,0. iwm,.,.. 1. '
1 ! i s. m- if w- 1 ; w w w vuiuinni ana inaugursieu u, auti
. j.i-11 f .. ' i. s. T.---.. I 1HM xtxXUJ a. JIXLMtXl O. AxWl
ti U-Ti txiaiit. Fa.
"i-h.. l.j;tHlK i !.. -TUr mrta.MWAH "SCntS HOtb n- nf e..h.-t.n. n a-Kli-l, ! "e - ... ... 7-...., . -ft...
I ! 1 . . 1 ; .:.iriU.13UV(Uliiv ' Mt. iu.;f.l iMn in ..c.-.n
wiiriiistn t s iu uoi iar eiaui:ui?in . . , . . " i'---."
rm,ln.1 ?,ara it. and, Mr cmUifJ? akXt Mnie trt th,i Mr. Conkhng next came to Mr.j ja!irionslr pulling the rehi
iecla'S'w S'ffl to of-iV ?''1141 L1i As neither she nor Le to
iy aeciare Tor it. The coalitiofl preV .rir.vT.e . deeL are to be found in wrds aud i.. . ....
The Improved
: 1 : i a. v
nitHiKS i CO ,
Produce Commission lYercharrts
4cei:t r s-mrrT.
iriiFiJioitK. ?u.' New Draw Feed,
IGI WTimiT ni.1111; iki ius rm.L'ir.ijwuu 1 i.auuunuii u.a t mnvfn.put -.f mr krrut make' Iliv oiU txjuiaa S'laiiv
with the It. publican part r, and sar : wared tLe plenishin-of a kitchea. j .n liver Lor the balance of the
that oeir aeoMint.. are noVsettlod and ' A man. who might bo her husband .Pitte C ?.nt-T Mc,n f -aI!-v sUf; 5 Calif omr "
. " .4 f u(,u.i( , ... prused .with ursflves. We could . "-n-
. t frAr, .1,.. ; bear aa exclamation significant of,
iiV it
dun(, r ...v ..t': . ! fice, savin that the rueful reformers-' . , .
. m a-.- u v x i u . ij I k i Ik: miiavr cki a nil n - ca .itc t
k-udax ia wwrus anaii.,,.;w , r a . ,,,1..
nable.aad '
war toi What shall I ir-i b.'Ut Blister r Jus:
' give me plenty to do sa l p. r
i month, and it's all riiht
! The clerks bsf.-le into a Iau;"i. an 1
j tie n:ereLant. .discc-m'tied yet satisf-
Xew-York cw.ntemvorarv draws ed. k- ptto Us .greemcat. and to-day
he took irturo.i iXT,- i- i parafie. between American and tie greca coaatrvmaa U the senior
bowed PJ"-' ""T -. f ' , 1 EEstssb women, and Ira rerr easy : panne-r ia tLe tra aad is w r.L a
this: whHc Lis lock and attitude
clearly showed
for a moment did be remain thus.
1- rf.. 1 ' . r . ....
1 .11 OC . , , , ... . y-vl
rehicle aluag. S!0an - t -
'panics or individuals are divided ia
i : l tt- J t.t. rv- -.-.-.,t.
. j i took aim aau ureu niiii tike iesuii,r
and spurred oa . . x x.r. t t-.x . x ;L
Pb i..,v,.-:-i. .i.t.,.m j'ur.Uuaol i.iacca, wmca were reaau;n(-,t -ttK .-.;r!; nit tne war ; ana. ju as neioxe. im-. a f . Y.,t.,v
I , "1 V'lU. IMU-tX. 1. J . 'Ii 1 lit X 1 IT.U. 11 1 KliU . . . ., . , . , " ' - ...... . 1 . .11- I . . 1 - ... . f I. I "V . u v. u. ' V . . -
issaeis narrowed . - . . . tx sJj.hl- tie lncruHi seei-im it ,i . ,-..
1 . - 1 ' 1 "v. . r... vv. , . , .X. X,:.. t.tT.X T.J
ion this point. Schun iesse-d bis fcM.Ciec luo ,uu?;! ahead ; not without wonderia- at the i :V .T'V ".".V rj.; L?.k J-r the moi LeautifaL
lalivsin- ; . ' . J . . . .. . i
rjry i out causing the -animal-To stir I it;
vr " made no movement either of limb or !
-movai . . . , - . i viii n,u uuwiij,; xv x.
j w a single intrsiry-WLich L the aafr j ";iau,la f
i est. fittest man for the Pri.Wt- wbcn Trumbur.
i ' iTlaaftlatfonnand Mtaiaation ;i?Pft " "tatc-menU IaLing Lis';--"
. riiPlir xrI 1 1'lV'T I ...... , .'fitness. Sehn-ra tn n.t th! "".": : . . : i cnllJ : .'erta v enoua-n to excite
i .x w . j " j. a--x- -x. x.. i eippouenis (arat out ana rtaoance tne ? . . , , tiruTal Blair ia the Senate m - rr.ei. tV n vor af-r a ti .t'.wI
t iTL. 7- President for rcmovin- him. Trurn-' 7? . "e . mi . . L. ) our fcunTise and court conjecture. i -More tLaa ever were we pazz.ed,
l(.' TI1K SALE OF Ll'TTFU K !"to',M!pmr TLe lmriiVJ9 Vri arpoint-i tog tne 6ac cnarge . M. We wenr still sulating uja it. my companion and myscJ. Uewere
xr.i.. .j,,,,,, akwua tat. party. xLe ivmexracy eces,ses its' . , , . ..;'a to RicLmond articles of theL..t. . ,,i ' ,v.-, i t., n.'rT.lexed braa occurrence so incom-
''"f'00 ,'ber: netliTxc-xl it is W whh! were also quoted as the rn-.L-
ijwsiiMtmti . , ; . eeatBiT, aoa cieM-a na trrrora o. i-t. ' t r.' . camatiaa fcl.xtaaccit and follr wluca ' ..aJ-...,.. . .t ! tv..m;,j,,.;.. o.i,.,.i,
s -.ii :i.r.-..-. rim
ralitxrnia,iua:j'-:""w. ' " - ! tr raries so with cc-nntries aaJ cii-
1 IWU . OCT JiOiil II? W. l.uic Ml I . . h T1f
n uiuia Biiei - , . . . , - i tuaors,
iae of argament make out the f-r-
Oi course
! but then the standard of female beau-
that each natienality ccn-
ceirej l-eauty aeeoruin- Ut its own
t. M i,. n.rr k eu. .mV KUU. ! trt'tnew rtnitar.
x.-.-m a. Aur.iL it. r.m.
c iii.j.., I j-.-jtj. w run N.
i. Ii.
rpli: MW FLul'K MILL.
rv , r. er 5tU! liti:; f tUe r-e Ol the
OLD ' DENNIS-'- jriLL."
e;rTT to rio tin rfoft RrxjulroA.'
.a if iA tluur.Jliiji-Irr.Uist an.i in i me a rcsiuent uecausc ne remsea to" I r T, ,, ne to uex iaie irom mes iraii, jiisswuiixa htuiit. wfiiairsw
nJ'Zlm oSce' Jrfi we could hear
- laUU. xj : wtaiur, v.vl Jh,-
xiat.ettrftir4e lueivendenco.: Itcoauxiu iUeif to thei':,'
. . . ' . . " . r- x. t - . t .1...:. . iuree xjrouiers-ia-ia
" . ruma uxmi w ijiraiit e.9 .i-H t 1 7. ' 11 " tn mxux m uv is as M-cix xxix-xx ;
P wxi ail tbea (Mil. Uxmi U ia
lnrrr Tl IT. .i J
.kkrf.,y. a.u UlAiiXl luck; L liu tAX.
- iL, Ti'LPT-r ! a exa-Wtk. It. Imu .x.
j EAIU.N CtUS, 1 ru XTCFtaatttrsa, Tx.
VAUMixt hay.
i TiTwxt tit- - - rrt ntttMi s r.-int( t Inr ! e-rrinrla Imm hintfvrLftBiauons OI oe-
vr in T!ffiiP AA ni-.t fc.tlcrV Tt.r. ' ng, -Mr. Itrecey impnteei treason to i k. -X, aw-v -,-, ..-t.l rf,nA .VA i -.n-tpmnt s'-.o-Ktltr interlarded with
hnfll inM-n.tlnna !.r-t v.'iV;i,.i - General Scott, and after the defeat he j .rt j - . iAi,a it in Lis anln reload-
I Plied tfc President anil sWttt.r ,f coddled Bp to Seott, whom he had Tnmtt. inf.x twin. w. tnir LU Inn run and tirinr a
Statt to frir a niniUo ounu.I. t tried to dishonor Jess tliaa four weeks .,n..nml .n.n Wp r. ii-UW .t t?.A m-:nlr. This time Le Lad
Yiuieat aad ahusire opponent.
Mr. Cocklin- Proceeded to demon-!
, . c . ... ... iv ( . .
rtrate that Grant is not, aa some Gree- another son. and frequentlr avowed ! P0"
k-y oratrs,-ay, illiterate, quoting 'that the refusal was the cause of his' how ni hocjitjed lixcolx.
letters withia to his toother and j opposition. Featon saw no objection I Mr. Greeley, early ia Mr. Lincoln's
father 'when at TVest Point, and then j to giving his adopted son Lis infiu-! Adminlstratioa became his enemy.
le-ntly, ia hope of getting a shot.
The wild sheep sometimes, come
dowa iato these gorges to browse, or
drink from the streamlet that usuallr
dismounted, and stepped close op,
witLia twenty paces of the animal
He could not now be mistaken about
hitting it ; he knew himself to be too
million dollars.
All don: know that Unions sprink
led w ith loaf-sugar aim.--: completely
allay feveri-h tLirsL TL.y are ia-Talaab-e
ia the sick room. Invaii.'.s
affected with fevcrL-Lness caa safely
fashions. The Africans, of course, 'consume two cr three lemons a cay.
firJAT-ti'ack or bronze, j A lemon or two thus taiea at -tca-
wita swouen, lips, an-1, to make the j time" is recommended as aa entire
lower lip more beautiful, some tribes
ren.ler it yndukus. by attaehin
heary jewels or wei-hts to it through
artiScal holes. In Peru the longest
care are considered the ban Jsobk-si.
and as a -rvat mar cf lieautv in
llird females. Some ' people stain thoir
teeth Lxack. and some red, and ia
Basque the women do not consider
themselves fit for brides until they
Lare shared their heads dose to the
substitute for the ordinary supper of
summer, aad will often induce a com
fortable sleep through the ni-ht, an i
-ive a good appetite for breakfast.
There are SO.OOJ Lss cattle ia
Maiaeaow than tea year ago, caused
by a saccession of l:gbt hay crops
This year there Is a good crop ia that
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