ArijaMmrat or flows. TIio rormt adjustment of a plow Is -lint I will not try to explain. It is ono thinp to liavo a pood implement and another to run it. When the different parts of ji plow arc inrreetly mink', and the team is hitched to the implement with a correct lonjrth of draft chain, it will pido iIoii;r in smooth pround (if clear of rooks, etc.) independent of any interforonoo on tlio part of the plowman. There is nearlv as much science in the eorreet .irHiuff a Ktnrt ta Life. It will not be lon before wheat sowing time comcB round, and in view of the rather meajrre crop whioli our eastern States have yielded or late years, it inaj lie worth while to ro iled whether something illicit iot lie done to mend our ways in this pur Miit of wheat-raisin;'. Surely no one will admit that it is impossible for our land to yield more than ton or fifteen bushels of wheat to the itcre ; i : c 1 . , i nun u h can rive us more, wnv uu we understanding of the principles of not pet it ? draft when hitching a team to a plow There will always lie locul causes as tin-re is inmiviiratinga ship. When j influencing success, which no reneral a plowman is required to exert much rules will lc able to counteract ; strength to keep his plow in proper there is oik matter w hich pome wheat position to cut a furrow sliee of the growers arc opt to forgot, and that is le.;jvd width and depth, it is a oer- the importance of giving the young tain indication that there is some- olant a srood earlv start in life. a il...... u-ii. .ha in !.. HiAi.liAnijiii . .f ,t,,l 1 .1 ?. ... ..-..11 11 tl iloTCt I Mill ' tiling tii iu t uv un v tiaitiiiA I Lliu : Kl IllTUi lUlli It ! w ..,- . - rrJl ltiiiu or nun mi! irsu"ts fomoii'Tron t iuitmrr nuiT oc miciaiii and clevis are not proporly adjusted. iu order to pot a good wheat-erop, but manv persons plow it under, and it is not imtil the plant ha sent its roots; .1...... A..wn into I lie soil that it derive i The draft ought always coincide wiih a plane passing through the middle of the nlow lMnm f iiTiilino- in .,,...,. . .. i j suoii a position with regard to the j much benefit from tne iooh " land slide, that the roar end of the it. If the manure is so placed that iani slide will not press harder against i the young rootlet como y i "h. , (f the unplowed ground than the for- into it on germination, u woum giii ward end .r o.iint itne M-rimis dif- Ln ci.rlv titart on its vital course j marked "Cincinnati," fairly forcin it down him. - The victim htidderd ex he swalleroil it, cz if it was his last and final shudder. "Yoo'vc killed him ?" shrieked the Goddess. "We bleefe! wr; hev, madam !'' shouted the fellows in kormC-pulliii off their masks, "and you'll folierhim within a yeer." "Kill her now !" yelled ouc ot em, who wuz evidently from Gcory,"rlH ain't got her champion to save herthis time." Vnd thev seozed her and gapgeil and lKund iier, with frightful yells And in their jov they exeeooted a most demoniac war dance alx.ut the corpse, in which 1 jined, with an ajilitv r didn't know I wuz possessed. Rut jist ez our exhultation w uz at its highest the eorpse pave a fearful a convui-snen. uv ten noss r a .1 1 power, llo nz up iron tne eouen, asoomed a sittin position, his face uv a deathly paleness, and with a rotoh that shook the buildin, vomited ez I never saw a human loin vomit "Good Heavens. 1" shreckod Tweed; "We've given liiiu too much the pizon and it s actin ez an emetic." 1 1IC ICO, arc ..L lii.ili irtil-A'A llltfr CILn ... I, , .. . I ...... V- ..... heulty m tin) way of adjusting a plow Inch would am u moriaw ugaoisi iu th(j nv 1(i wIljpl so that it w ill run without holding is anv future unfavorable influences. U pct;j I S1UV (Jroolev (IraU in using a Joublotnc several inches Few persons have any idea of how ,Jr Scbure, Cox and a Vcore iir lonper than it should lie. A double- manure operates in making roots. , If . , . wti, hoavo landed tree is apt to 1m too long, and may be too hhort, although it is unusual to so one too short. Whi-n a double tree is too long, the centre of draft le twoon the animals will lie too far from the furrow on the side of the unplowed ground, which will cause the plow to cut a furrow sliee so wide that the mold Iniard will not turn it projK'rly. The plowman is forced therefore, to adjust the clevis so that we bury a siiovoi-iuii oi manure a longdistance from a thifty tree in earlv spring, and examine it again the ...w. f..ll .-,. r.,.,1 !.; limm of duno. n I " h ". v ....v. .... , 7 the euuerer trom complete mass oi roots, wnno me earth iu other parts contiguous has but a few straggling ones. Some people think that the roots are at tracted to the spot by the manure. Hut it is not so. They are aclually ereatod bv the manure. A h ading the implement will incline towards! root stuck into the rich mass, and the furrow. Suck an adjustment of! findinff nlontv to eat, at once sets to the clevis causes the implement to run so naturally, that the moment the plowman loes not hold the plow up to the desired position, it will turn up the ground and fall over on the side. The lieani often stands so far to the right beyond the true line, that the plow tanuot Ite adjusted to run satisfactorily when a strong plow man does not hold it with a firm hand. If such should be the case, unscrew and take out the rear Indt, bore a hole to the left of the one in the beam, chisel out lM-tweon the two holes, and then it can lc adjusted to a fraction by inclining the beam to the left. One serious fault to most plows is the proper dip to the point It is hard to loll on paper how to run a plow, yet it is easy for an rx jMTioncod plowman, even when blind folded, to toll by the touch when the plow runs right or wronj, and what should lie done to make it run with out holding. The draft chains must le neither too long nor to short. The clevis must be correctly adjusted. The doubletree mus tlie neither too long nor too short. The leam must stand in proper line with the face of land slide the dip of point must be just right, and everv part must lie eorreet lv balanced, and then a boy will lie ;ible to plow about as well as a man at least my boys can. Defective plowing is generally caused not from want of muscle, but want of knowl edge how to adjust the implement Ohio Fanner. T Make raws iir Milk. A writer who says his cows gives all the milk that is wanted in a family of eight persons and from which was made two hundred and sixty pounds of butter thisyear gives the following as his treatment. He nays : "If you desire to pot a large yield of rich milk give your eow every day water slightly warm, slightly salted, in which bran has boon stirred at the rate of one ouart to two gallons of water. You will find if you have not tried this daily practicethat j our cow v. ill give twenty-five per cent, more milk immediately under the effects of it and she will become so attached to the diet as to refuse to drink clear water uuless very thirsty ; but this she w ill drink almost any time and ask for more. The amount of this drink is an or dinary water pailful each time, morn ing, noon and night Four hundred pounds of butter are often obtained from good stock, aud instances are mentioned whore the yield was even at a higher figure. Kprka la Baltrr. work to increase and multiolv. Con tact with the manure, therefore, makes roots ; and the principle in suc cessful w heat-culture should be to place the grain and its food as close together as possible, if wo would en courage it to root out well, and got a good start. In corn-culture this seems to be un derstood. We dropped into one of j our first-class farms recently, whcroi the corn '(July 20th) was five, feet high. This in itself was nothing ex traordinary, but says the owner "it was not planted till the first week - in Juno. The ground was intended for other purjioses which conld not lie ac complished." The soil was good enough for a first-class corn-crop; but as it was so late I put a little phos phate in the lull in order to force it up quick, and thus as you sec it is as good now as that other lot planted two-weeks liefore." lut others ln-fore our friend have found the lieiiofits of "putting a little something in the hill" as well as hav ing the ground generally pood ; and even many wheat-growers follow the practice of putting the manure on the surface and harrowing it in, not withstanding the greater lalwr of hauling it over the loose surface of the plowed land. W do not imagine that we have suggested anything new in regard to occasional practices in this line, but what we wish to insist on is the im portance to success in all culture of giving the plant a good start early in j life. (ierihatitmcn J eHyropfi. Schurz and (iratz Drown on the floor, a little bigger one throw out Fenton and a gigantic one, wieh convulsed centre to circum ference, lasted out Greeley. lut, once over, it wuz a tremenjus relief to the sick individooal. Iminejitly a great change come over him. The moment they wuz off his htuniiek the palenes disappeared a healthy color camo to his cheeks and his we'aknis all left" hint. Glarin alout furiously, he put one foot on Greeley and Drown and their mizable companions, ez a man crushes bee tles, with the ether ho kicked the jug out uv the winder, w hich jug wuz follow ed by Tweed aud his friends, who wont through the same aportoor, pro-jK-Iled by the same motive power. He cut the bonds off the goddess, tore off her niournin, and wuz in the act uv embracing uv her when 1 awoke. I lav four hours cogitatin over this dream. Wuz it prophecy or Idled pork? That's the conundrum. Is it a warnin uv judgment to come, or is it a disordered stumiok? Hev we dosed the Depublikin party too freely with Cincinnati, and hez wat we fondly hoped wood be pizon enuff to kill our groat enemy, goin to be an emetic wieh w ill rid him uv the dis turbin humors wieh wuz a destroyin uv him, and make him stronger than ever." xatiosal n an What a Ucpiibliraa AliuiniNlrnlioa kin Dane Deduction ot Tilln K. Ml net ion af Oflirrr. -Irry Sally, ant Uaod." Mr. Stewart said 1m fore the New York Farmers' Club that specks iu butter may le occasioned ' by permit ting the cream to lioconie too sour, end so allow the curd and w hey to separate. Small portions of curd then leenie mixed in the butter, which no working or washing will p t rid of. This may be prevented by keeping the cream stirred once a dav- at least ; twice would lie liettor. Stks may also lie occasioned by the use of impure salt, which, if it con tains lime or free soda, will combine A Connecticut correspondent of the Williamsport CiozWe and Jiuiicm tolls a good mining story, applicable to the Democratic party in its preseut anomalous tiosUion. "Thev think Greeley is good," lie says ; and that reminds him of a story : A party of miners were digging for gold out West, and they made au. agreement between themselves that thev would draw lots to see who should officiate as cook and after that the one that grumbled first about the cooking would have to cook till an other complained, and So on. Dut the first cook found that all wore jkt fectlv satisfied with his table, aiml none disposed to find fault So he grew more careless, and yet no one complained. An idea struck Lim, which he had no doubt !c siicccssfid in making some one prowl For breakfast, one morning, he mixed up dough for biscuit and put in aWit as much salt as flour, saying to himself that some one would grum ble now. The biscuit came on the table steaming, and all hands ruiulo a grab, cook looking c.n with exultant eves. After the first taste, they all laid them on the table losido their plates, f-aying not a word, excepting one droll chap, who held his in his hand and studied it witlj'a prolonged gaze. Finally, he broke out wnh : , "What in thunder ' "He stopped, looked at it again, took a mouthful, and with a desperate effort to swallow it, exclaimed : "It's p-p-protty, salty, Wi-but it's g-good.' : ' j ! ' "And that's what Democrats who Greelev think about him. Office. Washington, July 10, 1872. ) Hon Z. Chandler; Sir: In accordance with yonr verbal request I Lave given below a brief history of the reduction of tax ation and officers under the internal revenue system during tho present administration. UKtn tho ' appoint ment of Hon. C. Delano as Commis sioner, in March, 18(50, the first aud then pressing duty was to recover the collection districts from tho terrible demoralization into which they had fallen. Commissioner Dollius had liecn unable to turn out some unfaith ful officers on the one hand, and to secure the appointment on the other hand, of faithful officers in many casta of vacancy. To review and correct the list of ofliovrs, to secure the spoedv and sure collection taxes, and to reduce the expenses of the entire svstent were the chief ob jects to lie attained. To this end Mr. Delano addressed himself with en ergy and zeal. In this laudable work he had the heart v co-operation of the President arid Secretary of the Treas ury. The result was that m six months from January, 1800, the revcv nu from the same sources of taxa tion as compared with the same months of the preceding year, was increased upward of twiily-tic million of dollar. KEDfCTrON OF TA X ES. The aggregates of certificates of deposit received at this, office were for the Bscal year cauling June 30: to the government, making a total saving per annum of about f 100,000. There were also, at the same date, 2 746 assistant assessors in the sorv- with a salary oi j o. i ncre now but I,:02, and 171 of this number are "specials. 1 liese spec ials are employed for sixty or ninety days during the early summer months in assessing the income tax, or dur ing the latter summer months, as the work requires in connection with fruit distilling. Estimating the work ing days in the year at 200, and the pav at $." per day. we have a saving in this item of at least $2,000,000 per annum. On the 31st of December last the entire body of surveyors of distiller ies, numbering some .'5C7, who were employed on an average of about thirteen days each during the year at a salary of $5 per day with trav eling expenses, weie discharged. This duty has since been performed by the assistant assessors, without increased salary. The saving' by this reduc tion is estimated at $itl,00() for the current year. On the 1st of August next a reduc tion in the corps of supervisors from twenty-five to ten will lie made, un der the act of June (5, '72, and by an order issued from this office, a month or two since, all clerks especially ein ployiil by siqwrvisors in taking tran sc rfpts from the books of leaf tobacco dealers, were discharged on tho 1st of j the present month. These reductions will save during the year not loss than $100,000. ' Uv the same act of June 6, '72, the "collection districts of the whole! country will be reduced by consoli dation on or before the 1st of Jan., 1 '72, from 131 to 80. There being one ' collector and assessor in each district, j the whole reduction by this forthcom ing process will Ik 302. Estimating the saving at $.1,000, in the case of each officer of this class, as alnive given, the probable total saving in this instance will be at least $1,5 10, 000 per annum. . Under the same act the sources of revenue are reduced to five in num ber, and but two of these, liquors and tolmcco, require much attention. It is considered that this fact will admit of the further reduction of the force of assistant assessors to about ouo half its present number say CO. Calculating then, a discharge during the present year of some 700 as sistant assosssors, wo have a saving iter annum of $1,000,000 more. In this office the clerical force has Won reduced thirty in numWr, saving $30,000 yearly. The number of of lieers will W so reduced, and the re sources of revenue so limited, that revenue officers will rarely be soon in many Congressional districts through out the United States. Aggregating the above reductions, prosjMctivc and accomplished, we have funr and a half million saved each year to the eopIe (au amount nearly equal to the interest on one hundred millions of the national debt) in the matter of salaries and expenses in the internal revenue service. IlesjK'Ctfiilly, J. W. Doiulass, ' That General Gjant has committed mistakes his most sincere friends ad mit. But if bis errors had been four-! fold more numerous he would, in my opinion, W a much better Chief Mag istrate than Mr. Greeley. He has in that capacity done mucji for which he deserves the thanks of the country. Above all, he has kept it at peace. notwithstanding the efforts of sonsa- Muccllaacoti. R. Ra' Ra RADWAY'S READY "RELIEF CCKES TUB WORST PAINS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR nfUr ttatiiiir tbla ativertiMfncnt nerd ur one huKFKK WITH 1'AIN. BADWAT-S RF.LIEF IS A CURB FOB f.vt.iir I A1.. It wu the flrnt and t tion journals and popularit v-seeking j iw Vtiy a the . Xt lol.ticians to provoke host.l.ties with n" iir ZZ'ST'L A I. and ibauia :ain on the oucstioii of with Great ISritaiu on tin claims and the fisheries. j If, regardless of these titles to the! approval of his Allow citizens, mid of j his invaluable services during thei late war, they should sot him aside . for Mr. Gi clev; if the latter, a more ! erralie ooliiician, untried in imv im portant public trust, should In elevat ed to the Chief Magistracy of the I'liii'ii a Union which would not now exist if his counsels had Wen followed and if the man who, ..full others, has done the most to pre serve it should W discarded for a suc cessor so ill qualified and so unscru pulously nominated and sustained. ;auiple would bo unw-t deplora ble in its influence on all hitrh motives to political action, and justify the most painful forebodings as to the future. I am respectfully yours. John A. Dix. A. It. Connrell, lla, , L; X. V. lalialwlionM of lMtkl. IN FKoil ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES, nutter huir Ttokfit ttr virticialrig th bum tha i;iim:IATIC. lll rm.lfn, innrm, crippled, liarou Urn. John A Dix'a Bfwn port I imc rant. Com. for Sup- 1STI. iura ....1-U.967.4.-3 4 Dmoaw 13.9M.W9 35 The falling off , in the receipts of 1872 is due' to legislation approved July 14, 1870, w hi:h entirely relieved from further taxation that year (1872) several sources of revenue which were taxable during a part of the preceding year, some of the more im portant of which are the following: Gross receipts of lotteries, theaters, operas, circusei, Ac"; of express, in surance, and telegraph companies; of railroads. stcamWats, shiis, barges. i. 111. it.n lt4 fjtf 1 1A 1(1 dill) (1 WililTI in HU lilt fFLAtl If MIIU fWMir au I 4 spots whore particles oi the salt may , ,.0miilain. and while it Utace-eoachcs, vc; auction sales and ,., , . , .. .. , . .r.. ..,:... - ,icsiorate struirrIo to swal- only the very Wst dairy Unondiijsa or rvraousc. or the uni ted A si on salt, or carefully crushing i Mplrplnr tbe B,,,obiira ;iaat-A the salt, mixing it well with the out-j abj- tor, and, after letting it stand twenty- n r "?i requires a desperate struggle to swa salt from thpvlnU him j,(,o.l." , , the minor- - . -, four hours, again working and mixiiig will prevent it Dut it is safest to use only pure salt. Another cause is frightful dreams, which he commuui " - a t 1 II .t I ' 1 ft I . 1 . Ill 1 . churuin?too raiuiiiv, ov wiihii aiiine cates to tne jwrao i.iaao irom tha Our old friend. Petroleum V. Xasby has cxicr;enoed another series of 'nv'lojMs of the liutter glohules are not broken, and the casein of which thev consist remain in the butter. Ovf.iu5U.own Hotis. There is not one rfnglc" advantage to W claimed in favor of big hogs. There was never a monster hog w hich did not make the man who raised him pay for every iKund he weighed. Thev i t liot furnish an ounce of moat gratis, Lut -charge full price for very atom of their carcass. When flaiiglitrred, it takes a long time to get one cool to the marrow in the Wne, and then when the hams are put in salt, it is . troublesome to finish them to the centre. Four hun dred pounds lire weight is as large as hogs should he, iu order to make good bacon. llcyond this izc there is a loss somewhere. Either th fi-odor, hutch-or-or eonetimcr is cheated, and as a general thiug every one who has any thing to do with the big hog will find, if he observes closely, that they arc not so profitable as the smooth, nice hogs of only 250poiuids weight. A small head, with liulo, upright ears, and legs and eyes delicate to perfection, are marks which indicate the greatest amount of food consum ed ; and will always draw more read ily the attention of the butcher. Any man may W his own master; but no woman can be her own mis tress. A lady who asserts that her opin ion is based upon a close observance for years of the female, says that men, as a rule, regard their wives as atifela for just two months, namely, a month Wfore marrying her, and a month after burying her. Confederate X Iloads on June 22. ; After relating several dreams of a minor political and domestic nature he proceeds at length to describe an attempt to poisOu the Jiepuhlican giant. He says; Methawt 1 wuz in a Ijildin, where I coodent make out. Stretched out onto a couch and kivcred with a flag, wuz the Wdy uv an enormous giant the most huge and comprehensive giant I had ever seen, even in droenis. His logs wuz like pillars, his amis wuz like Warns, and his Jinuds spread out like the map uv our wunst happy but now opprest country, ncpeeniod to Win the last stages uv a fearful Pl, Potic. Ac, and on II l..i .: t .. i . mc-micm. hi; i u uiu, in ins uav, a giant uv immense strength and wuz even in his illness ez handsome a hu man Win ez I ever setc3-es onto. Dut it wuz evident that he w uz going Jast. Hedrawdhis breath painfullyand from ugly wounds on his body blood oozed slowly but doplctinly. "Who is he " I asked uv the God dess uv LiWrty, which sot at his head in deep mouruin aud weop'n violently. "That's Uopublioanisiii," die an swered, "the only actooal, ginuine friend J ever hed the only one who reely stood by me. Dut. they arc killi'n him. That gash in his back Chase gave him ; that stab in the side was inflicted by Ilandall ; the itch wieh o irritates him he caught from the Blaira, andgood Heaven ! here comes another squad uv his enemies ! I looked, andlol Dosses Tweed, , Hoffman, Seymour, Hendricks, and a dozan uv my pertikeler friends were coming in. That had maris on their1 faces made of Xoo 'York Triltoont, but I knowed 'em for that. Huffman scezed the head uv the prOstralt giant, while Tweed poured down his throat a nausous flooid from a jug West Hampton, July 27. '72. Sir: Your letter of tho 13th inst., asking my aid to procure a speaker for a Greeley mooting at Hancock, was sent to me while I was in .ew J-.ngiann, anu i nave neon un til now unable to acknowledge its reception. I do not understand on wnat ground voti considered yourself au thorized to address such a request to me. If you had Won familiar with the course of my public life, and enuallv so with Mr. Greeley's, you ail . - I 1 .! .. il IV. - t advucattnr ins election 10 me ouict; oi President of the United States with out imputing to me the utter aban donment of all political principle. 1 ant opposed to Mr. Greeley: Firt lloeause I Wlievc him to W as "unstable as water," orpetnal!y floundering (to carry out the script ural figure) amid the surges of opin ion, and deficient in all the requisites essential to a firm, steady and con sistent administration of the govern ment Second Decause he has usually Wen found among the most extreme ultraistson the great questions of po-j Iitical and social duty which have Wen brought under public discussion during the last quarter of a century. Third Because he has lieen the advocate (and in this instance persist ently) of that most unjust and un oqnal commercial system whioli is de stroying onr mercantile and shipping interests and heaping enormous accu mulations of wealth in the hands of the protected classes, to the oppres sion and impoverishment of others. Fourth Decause he is associated in relations more or less intimate, with sonic of the chief plunderers of IN. Y. city, justly warranting the aj prehension that through his complici ty or his facile disposition the same system of fraud and corruption which has disgraced the municipal govern ment of this city may W carried to more infamous extremes in the ad ministration of the Federal Govern- nient; and. Fifth Because in the darkest hour of the country's peril,' when a traitor ous combination had Wen formed to overthrow the government, he open ly counselled the cowardly policy of non-resistance, and an acquiescence iu the dissolution of the Union, w hen ever the Cotton States should make up their minds to go. The coalition which ha Wen form ed to promote his election is one of the most extraordinary in the history rf noit!na in vti vi4 lutili t tliik lio I , - f 1 f- 111 a r'l' V ""Mil W .n. uimHuunii. cordant elomonU and the surrender of principals it involves. The Cincinnati ' Convention, called to bring Wfore the people important measures of reform, nominated him, greatly to the surprise of the whole country, knowing him, in regard to ono of those measures, to W an im placable opponent nominated him, too, against the wishes and judgment of the chief promoters of the move ment, who accepted him, either with an avowed or an ill-concealed disgust, which would W far more creditable to their feelings if the act of acceptance were not utterly irreconcilable with their principles. The Democratic Convention at Bal timore endorsed and commended him to the support of their party not as the exponent of any principles they have professed, or any measure they have advocated, but as a known and outer opponent oi Doth the man who, perhaps, of all others has Wen most malignant of the Democracy, impeaching its integrity, traducing its motives and vilifying its character. The adoption of such a man as their candidate for the Chief Magis trate of the L nion is the most con spicuous abandonment of political principles known to party contests. It remains to W seen whether the great body of the Democratic voters, and the true friends of reform, can be made parties to this unscrupulous co alition Wtween political leaders. The injurious effect of exposure to, the dust of various maiiufaeturing es-: tablishineiits has not unfreiiueiitl v : boon dwelt upon with more or less force; but we are hardly prepared for , the restdt of certain speeilie investi-1 gations on this subject. It hashing boon a disputed point whether the. particles of iron, silica, etc.. merely, lodge within the air-cells of the lungs, ' or penetrate through their walls into, the tissue Wtween them. Dut Professor Zeuoker informs us that, on examining tho lungs of a . woman who had long been expo.-ed to ; the dust of iron oxide, used in pro-1 paring books of gold leuf, he found j the powder in the tissue between the! air-cells and in their walls, as well as : in their cavities. From loss than two ounces of this lung over twelvegrains of iron oxide were obtained by chom-! ical methods; so that, if equally dis-l tributed through both lungs, there; niu.-t have Won at least three quarters j of an ounce inhaled. In another' case that of a workman exposed to I the dust of a mixture used in prpar-j j ing ultramarine substance he found i i a quantity estimated at fully an ounce, j J One of thk Caxihhatf.s. A gen-; leeinan traveling tnrougti Indiana in; the early days of that now Mwerful and vigorously growing State, stop ped at a log cabin and asked ahd oli-1 taincd entertainment for a man and horse. During the conversation after i supper the stranger said : j "I am traveling through your, country to obtain information about I its resources and j trod nets." j "Well, stranger," observed the host i ;"you have stopped at the right place. ; 1 am a candidate for the Legislature, I and I reckon I know as much as the next man." j "Ah, indeed! Well, I am fortiui-j ate. v hut is the population or your county ? " "Corn, wheat, oats, and such like truck." You misunderstand me. I want to know the population of the county." "Oh, to bo sure, I did misunder stand. Well, there's oak, dogwood, and some elms, mo.-tly with vines running up." ivvuiaJg w. prostrated witL dimii mmj auffer, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. INFLAMMATION OK THE KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OF THK BLADDER. INFLAMMATION OK THK IIOWK.LS. CONfiKSTfo." OK THE LCNGS. EOUE Tlir.OAT, MFFICITi.T BKCATIIINU. eAI.I'lTATION OK TUfi HEART. HYSTERICS. CUOLT. Wl'HTUKItlA. CATAKUU. lNFLfESZA. UEADACIIE, TOOTnAOUK, ! NKUKALfil A, RIIECMATISJf. llll.U CHILLS, AliUK I IIILIA Tiie ..hraiivn of Uic Rrady Krliof to the putt tr p-iru wbiMV Ui fuia or diiliuulty tiiu will kilord com uui comfort. Twenty urotw In half & tumbler rf water will In ft fair irmoi-ntK euro CKAMOS. SPASMS. SOUK STOMACH, IlKAKTIIUIty, KICK HKAOACIIt:, W1AKKIIKA, ItYsKNTKKY, COLIC. Wl.I IN TUB lRiWELS, WHtall INTKKNAL FAINS. . Travclrn ntioulii Always carry atortte of RitJwav'n Itad Itelirf with thrm. A fvwdrorsln waive will tirvcot kickriet or polna from clianr of water, il la eLUr Uukto ft reoca Brandy or Bitters as a f FEVER AMD ACIE. FEVER AN AOUfi cored fflr fifty cents. There la ft'it a remedial afeut In tills world thut will euro Fever a -d A". andall other Malarious. Itilloos, Scarlet, Tv fiMid, Yellow, and other Severn (aided by KAh WAY'S l'II.U so quUx as ICADYVAY'S 1(EAIX HtLlEF. Fifty cunts per bottle. Sold by llrugguU. HEALTH fBEAUTY I ! sthono and rrm? rh-ii w,oon-iNcnEASi5 OK FI.F.tll ANO W EKIIIT-eLKAR SKIN ANU LEAL T;H L COM 11. EX ION bEUUUUiTOALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT Hi MADE THE MUST ASTONISHING CCUES; S OI i k Xr I.AI'ID ARK THE ClfANOKS tmk itoiu' t XDr;i:;ons. unikii thk i HJ-ENCK K Till: TUl'LY WONUUttTL iiuaeisc, that Every Day an Increase In Flesh :.nd IVoight is Seen and Felt THE CHEAT GLOOD PURIFIER. !'vwt lrir. cf tlx SA iiA KAKILL1A N RE.HOLV V.S'i' ctm-miiiiTttn ft:nMifli Ui DIimkI, Uweat, Urin, uti'i A)ier Umi.U au )tiH, ih the T8trm the vim of life. fr U it pait Hi wuii" ft ti e Uxly with dw on4 mtia ii:itri;U. iST-.fiila. hMJiilu, 4orruinrtko, Olandular liljUr, I'lori Mi lilt Tlifaf, Mmitk, TonHtrs, Notles ia 1 1 4il;UHU nid oilti r f:ui i-f tlie systvDia iSora Kvf. Ki'utnouf Dlcli-ur-s frm tli Enr and the rrt fwiiini "t Skin iiiMsi-( Krtiptioi , Kerer tvtrva, IScnld lff.'wl. H'n W'M-iit. S.iU Krfuiii, Krynipclas, Acn, Blarfc Nf'iK Wrini in thr Ttimora, Caiicen in the vVtiii.t-, ami nil vtnk-hiitic kikI painful discharges, Nijttjt hwrats, lrrt of jiMTtTt( stiti nil wiMpd of tbc (ire priii cl !!, Mf wit dm lk curative rruie f tbu wonder of 34jI rrn rhettiUiry, nnti a (,-w i;.n um will prove to any h.i-n utiic it fctr riihcr of thee fonui vf diMue iu j, .: -nt piiwiT In curt? lii m. If the jiaitfiit, dally it rluccd by the wastn a' tl lttiHiiM!iiitn that i i-otitimiaily brofrrviuiine'. me iv Is iii :irrKtliiC tlu' wa?Men, and rriuurs tlie lutiie with mjl'-Hl mnAc frrtii lirtilthr blood -aiul this the U- IAl:M,MA will una .I aeciire. .Not ii'tly U--n the SitB.rArULi.fAX RteoLTCTT eTel 'I aIl.wii rfiiM' nfrui In t cure of Chrmilc, Scrafu ; , iM.intlMml, lUiii Mvlu tii-caits ; LutUU teouly -i ii cure fur v!!ucy V ICInddor Complaints, i n .. i. ' -1 W"fiih liiiwiiH, (iravel, Iiaii-t, Drnpy, . n i-f f WattT. l;icnilit'br ttt I'rine. ltriitht'i is k. Al:',.iiitliitir:j. and in all rtvt n where ihere are brick ,. r the water U tJitck, elomly. mixod with i'.o V.k the v. hi' f un cf, or thriale like white . '- tti.T- ia tr ))'!, tf trt, t'iliotu aptrarunrr, and : !. .iM-ii:st dt-r-fitu, and wLon there n a prkkiiiK. ir ,t'im whrM i';i(it wtittr, nnd p:iln la U; t:i ' tin it h aud aU-ti lwtui. 1'hcc, itxn. ' 0 W3 Tli l.nowii acd euro Remedy . r ..(,. ... 'i', ttc, '-.ntiiP of V2 Yea pi- Growth t i5 y I5;iduay-H I.colvciit r.iu.Y. )Jl. July I, S9. T: :. ntTTT I fcv MtH Orrua Tumor 1m tKvawlM and I w I . All lit lh.r tlitrc wat w hlp for It." I tn4 r llimr ttl wu r-tntsira4t-e' ; kul aothinf alpl bm. I .-. x-r Utoaaftt. mini tb-r!tl I "l-t try U f eit bad so fallh I I ?t, t- -mt aaJ Miifrjai Itr Iwelre vcara. 1 took mi bottUt ! i if llfv.4v.iit, Afttl b of KrulurK'. 1111, aad two ant i ! - f y.rtir Rs-vir l:-lif ; and tbrr U ' a tt-a of tumor to be ffi hltf ad 1 frl a-tlr, amartcr, an si ba)rf-ir Uiaa I hate kit! jfrmn. Tbe wnnl tux wt ta to Ivft tui U ih 4r-fis iii 1 writ this to jwe, fur la WaiU af vlUvi. Vj vaa vulfltoh It if v caon. HANNAH F. KKAPP. DR. RADWAY'S PHKFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, rf-ettr f?rt-leii, rW'jjntitlr frtiatwl with ewl rim. 1 .i.;:-. r-euUte, j-urtfv, cit-msf, an-1 atrpntnhen. li&tU a v IMLi, lor ti.e cure of all lixrdcif tlie Stomach. I. vi-r. Ikwi-ia, Kidin-j-, lil.ul(ler, Nervous DLseaaea, il-.U'hi-, 'oiintipa:ilji, I'oMiTeneea. Indifertiotu; si., r. lHnis;fe );liouj Fever, Inflammation of 1 c riltA,ind all iMrraiicmeritsi.fUie Internal Via- -- mnted tnrlTrrtap(Hiiivecure. Purely Vceta ..., iMlmne no merrurr, mineral, rdeleiertoujdni, . OiMh-rre the fotlow'.n? symptoai rauiUnf fruoi It virtifiHof the lieiivc Oraua: r.r, ;,...;-.. Inward IM, teilsfta ct the filrv la U Hd, !. i -f Strtma.!, arat llarthni, iMarn-t of Fond, ' m U'filt tn tin Slomet-t, Soar Er-jctauoa, fttaklae; of !,; i tK pu nf lh tstomarb, Rwlmwiiar of th Hdf . . xt u i ..ti ItH ult brtataiar, Hutwriff at ta Heart, Cbokiar v:i(,i nf vVilk wha ia a Lvtrjf Pustwrv, ImiaM of V -I Itvfa Wajin Mt ta 8bt, Fcrrr aad Dell Iaia ta 'I U. WVlMi-y M frrfiiralioA. YwIIowbmi af the SUa - l t Vtm .a tS s, CbeU. UiuU, and ataldwa Flaalsat of JJooU and fihoe$. jy jots a x i s 1 1 c ks! II:trrj' C. 'ltvt'i'lts C. . HHOAMI. 'J'lIP: LIVEfiUOCEKv Refiwotlull) Infcnnstlie rltitciis of S.iiwrmtt aixl i llm uliic j(t:iii rail, ihul lie baa ju r.l. nii-liwl hla I XKW SUOII STOKK, j In the New Building en Main Cross I Street, WITH A " : SPLENDID STOCK OF GOODS i Vlmrarmr Blttrra are nnt a Tile Fancy brink, i made of Poor Rom, Whiskey, Proof Spirit and Keftiie ! m'riHB tlie KuHlcru-i!i il the Umt-nrh tliliijf pertaining to bis Uim of tmnnrm, AT VKKV I.IHV Men i;s. C. F. II IK) A DS .i, Liquora, dictored, apiced, and sweetened to pleaae the taste, caJlM ionics. Appetizers, " Kestnrera, j ftc, that lead the tippler on to rlrunkenaeu and rain, but are a true Medicine, made from the native roots 1 and herb of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. 1 They are the Great Wood Purifier and a Life-giving Principle, a Perfect Renovator and Invigorate of the System, carrying off ail poisonous nutter and restoring I the blood to a healthy condition, enriclucffit, refreshing J and invigorating both mind and body. They are eay j of administration, prompt ia tbetr action, certain in their ! resn its, safe and reliable in all forms of disease. j No Person can take these liittere accord ing to directions, and remain long nnwe't, provided ' their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other j means, and the vital organs wasted beyond tlie pom! j of repair. j IjraDpla or IncUtrcaf ion HeaJjche, Pain in tlie Shoulders, Coughs, 'l ightness of the 1et, Dia- siness. Sour Eructations of the Stomacli, bad Taste f in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Pilpiutioo of the i Heart, Inflammation of the Iung, Pain in the regions of , the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. In these complaints j it has no equal, and one bottle will prove a better auarr I autre of its merit than a I en c thy adrertisement. ' For Female Complaint tn youn of old, j married or single, at the d.iwn of wotrniiliood, or the i turn of life, these Tonic Kilters d?&ptay so decided an f influence that a marked iisprovemcnt ia soon perceptible. t or Inflammatory and C'hroulc fine latlent and Goat. Drspemiaor Inditresiion. liiJicas. t H emu tent and Intermittent Fevers, iWases of the j Blood. Liver. Kidneys and Cladder. these Kilters have been mot successful, buch Iiseases are caused by Vitiated blond, which is generally produced by derange ment oi me isigesnvc vrgans. r o 1 a It a sales oi iirokors, (lcaicrs, nianuiuc turw, ie. ; lcc-ftcii nnd snccRions, papitKirtK, furriaPr, goll watcbes, and gold and silver plate kept for use; Fjrceial taxes of auctioneers, lrokers, dealers, jK-ddlers. lnaiiufarturerr!, law yers, jdivsieiaiis, Ac. . Tlie total estimated annual reduc tion of revenue, by aet of July 14, ISiO, which repealed the a!ove and thejr taxes. vtK liftyvjve millions of dollars. The nunilx-r of articles on the tax-list was still further reduced by aet of June fi, '12. The tax on ga i.i r ealed Oetobor 1. '72. Tobacco is relieved froni tax i to the estimated amount of over six and thrcc-quartcr millions of dollars per annum. of the duties arising from the f ale of adhesive stamps will also Ik alrolish ed by the same aet, the principal tax es left Win? the 2 cent stamp on bank chock, draft ori order, and stamps on medicinal preparations, friction matches and plavinj? cards. y the raising of the exemption on sums deposited in savings banks in the name of one jx-rson from $500 to $2,000 nearly all this sjieeuui of revc iruoi isill In re lieved from farther tax ation. Tho income tax having expired by limitation, there are only five princi pal tiources of revenue subject to tax under act of June 6, 1872, viz: rpir ittt, lidtaeco, fermented liquor, bank and banler, and adhesive stamps. The revenue realized for the last fis cal year, from three of the above sources' ' will, as' already wen,1 he greatly reduced during the ensuing year, so that few, if any, -taxes now left on the statute liook are justly chargeable ith byiog burdensome or oppressive. i ; 1 1M i ; ; Bo:cTiojs 0r-;oKrjCi3ts. I j j i 1 On the first of March, 18C9, there 1 wore 240 Dllectof ad assessors re pjHJctlvcly. The number in each in manee has lieen reduced to 231 Thene redact iwis were tle results of cooBoldatin,j and it h-estimated at this office that in each case of re duction some $3,000 or mon is saved M'tifel htneoit. JAN PS A X 1 1 1 1!U J I LDl X (; LOT.S" Ilullillni; bits la I he Borough of Somerset, lCl:t-illy 'Itiutinl, anil Ml Mineral an! Mr Ms In various "cotl.m? til S..mer?Ht o.uiitv, f..r Kale OX ACCOMMOIUTIXG TEKMS. A portion of tlie lartl are Improved Farms, Other ire unluipruvcl. LIME-STONE, FIRE-t'I.Y, IHONOKEan.l STONE40AL, Are bUQi n wiine i.f llirm. of fair quality and quantity, t'ur tvrui, kr rail on r Klilim ' I. WKY AN II. Anfrast ST. Tl-tr. huuicrwt, 18. jQIloT-TKTsFlR RS, Mtiiitifiiclurvrsof all grades of CIGARS, BEDFORD, TA. At tenth) iiarth-ularlr askisl of JMilr. V-Onlers nulk-iit-tl by K 11. Slarhail.ilniK Sumvrtxrt, l'a. niy. B. BOVAR Carpets, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, Stair Rods, &c, &c. Full and Can-riillv Slecti'l Snuk. UOVA1U), HOSE & CO., mm HADE of H All WATS ril.LS will Irn lb sr- the aMirr-nrtiri-J rtlnnlr. Itws, as ccuta ".! I-.V )Ui:iiiilSTS. KIK ANO TKi:E." R-ml M IHtw f!.V AV 4 -0.. Nn. J Mantra Line. N.w T.t.iititibu Wi.rti. ilMMisands wkl tsst ybtt. PnCTTT TWTTrrsSSA Knives and Forks, A 1 I AXES. SHOVELS. LOCKS. Hinges, Nails, Files, etc. Carpenter's, Blacksmith's, and a nnmi ii Tim i rM r w nunlLUL I UnnL IUULO, W i (ilVStftltftAU II . Cr. l.iluv A Birth I QAHr.KTT Lumber Company, OARKKTT, SOMERSET .0., PA. Earnest, Oelp &. Camp, I'KOrKIETOKS. WHITE 1'IN'E. YIJJJHV FINE, OAK, IIRMMK7E, AND ('II EST NIT MM HER. S E D A X I S 11 A V E D S 1 1 1 N( ; L ES , AN D i'LASI EU1NU LATH. Building .Lumber 'Cut to a bill'' at short notli-c. ir.lvr" frmn lutntur lfler promptly tlllo.1 at lwU-rale prieic. au. "'J, 'Ti t!. QIRARD IIOl'SE, CoRsca Nixm asDrHESTxtT Street. r H I L A I) E L P II I A . II. W II AX AG A, Feb" 14 71 rpirictor. Thr re a UcutU Pnrjrallr mn well m Tonic possessing also ttte cctiiiar merit of action as a powerful aent in relierinj Onestion or Inflam j matioo of the Liver and Visceral Organ, and ia HiJtous Pi ceases- For Skin Dlsrnsrs, Enn-tioni. Tetter. Salt- Rhtwm. Blotches, Soots. Pimi-'es. Pustules. BoUs. Car- ! huncies, Kin-woriM, Sea Id-Head, Sre Kye, Ery- ' tipelas, ltcb, benrts, Wtcoi orations ot tlw Skin, Humors and Diseases of (he Slcm, of whatever name or nature, an literally dujc op and carried onl of tlie system in a short time br the use of these Hitters. One boitle m such cases wtU cooviucc the most incredulous oi Uteir coratire effects. Cleanao the VlilaleI 1)1 nod whenever too find its impurities bursting through the ski in Pimples. Eruptions, or Sores; cieanse it wlien yon find it ob structed and sluggish tn the veins ; cleanse it when it fa f hi! ; your feelings will tell voa when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of tlie system will tUow. Cirateful thonaaml proclaim Vinegar Bit tcks the most wonderful Inv!gjrant that ever sustained the sinking system. flu lope aad oilier n ornm, htrkme to the system of so manv thousand, are etTectaaliy de stroyed and removed. Says a distinguished physiol ogist: There is scarcely an individual upon the face oV the earth whose body is exempt from the presence of worms. It is not upon the hejhy elements of the body that worms exist, but nnon the diseased humors and slimy deposits that breed these living monsters cf disease. Mo system ot .Medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelmm it ics. Will free the system from worms like these bitters. Mechanical Diseases. Persons enzazed in Paints and MtneraK such as Plumbers. Tvue-etters. Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, will be subject to paralvi of the Bowels. To guard against this take a dose o( Walks' Vinsgak 1ittks once or twice a week, as a Preventive. illliocte. Kemittcat. ana Intermittent PeTcrs which are so prevalent in t!ie valleys of our great rivers throughout tle United States, especially tliose of the MissiM)ti, OU'y Missouri, Illinois, Ten nessee, Cumberland, Arkaiisj, Red, Colorado, Brazos, k:o Grande, I'earl, Alabama, Mobile. Savannali, Roan oke. James, and many others, with their vast tributa ries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during seasons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive derangements of tlie stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. There are always more or less obstructions of the liver, a weakness and irritable state of the stomach, and great torpor of the bowels, being clogged up with vitiated accumulations. In their treat ment, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence upon these various orpins, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Da. J. AValki's Vinegar Hitters they will speedily remove the dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions ot the liver, and generally restoring the healthy functions of tlie digestive organs. Scrofula or Klib Evil, White Swellings, Ulcers, Lrysipetas, Sweiied Neck, Goiter, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Af fections, Old Sores Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eves, etc, etc In these, as in all other constitutional Dis eases, Wat kbVs Vinsg Bitters have shown their great curative powers in tlie most obstinate and intract able cav. Ir. Walker's California TInegar Bitters act on all these cases in a simiiar manner. By purifying tlie Blood they remove the cause, and by resolving away the effects of the inflammation (the tubercular deposits) the aiTected pans receive health, and a permanent cure is effected. The procrtle of Dr. Walkfr's Viwwca Bittrrs are Aperient, Diaphoretic and Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant, Sudorific, Alterative, and Anti-Bilious. The Aperient and mild Laxative properties of Da. Walkbr's Vihkgar Bittrrs are the best safe guard in all cases of eruptions and malignant severs, their balsamic, healing, and soothing properties protect ths humors of the duces- Their Sedative properties allay pain in the nervous system, stomach, and bowels, eitlier from inflammation, wind, colic cramps, etc Their Counter-irritant influence extends throughout the system. Their Diuretic properties act on the Kid neys, correcting and regulating the flow of urine. Their Anti-Bilious properties stimulate the liver, in the secre tion of bile, and its discharges through tlie biliary ducts, and are superior to all remedial agents, for the cure ot Bilious Fever, Fever and Agne. etc Fortify the body against disease by puri fying ail its fluids wnh Vim hoar Bittcrs. No eni. demtc can take hold of a system thus tbrearmed. The liver, the stnmacli, the bowels, the k'dneys, and the nerves are rendered disease-proof by this great invig orant Directions. Take of the Bitters on going to bed at night from a half to one and one-half wioe-gi ass full 1 Kit good nourishing tood, sucn as Deei steaa, muuon i chop, venison, roast beef, and vegetables, and take f out-door esarcise. They are composed of pureiy veret- able ingredients, and contain no spirit, t J.WALKER, Prop'r. U.H. MeDOJf AI-D -, Druggists and Gen. Agts San Francisco, Cal., I and cor. ot Washington and Charlton Sis., New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. lie will keep distantly - I.ji.J UJ , K,.Hir. ed to tuake u or.lvr on sfwrt uaU -r, j BOOTS I SHOES j Men, Women and Children, 1 .. . i.i..i.r.i.-in-..v.rr II,- ..f lir-t i Biil ' 7,.:"""''l. '"' l.nv -11,., r t..1l.e SLIPPERS, (J.VITKIIS, liooiv;, j ual.mdp.alJ M'SKl.V OK VMA I -MOIM'.OCCO. KII ! AM LASTl.Vi, MATKKlAI.S.'l Kespeetrullj anitonnrc w, the ia!, opjned their grwtrj in the l-in.M ,( i linn lne lately ownikxl bj W. j j Walilngtmi IIiHel, aixl are n,,w Treih sujipllrs of rryttiino; In th- I jGHOCEKY AND t'ONFKi T; j Hue. HIt B5 a rail. lur lr t he! iUjliljr. We will eo-lean,r l., t ' krr all Ihe Ix-st bnirxls ur i I lU'LK A.M'.MK L. j CUll'KE, TEA, SHlAK,.ki t v I MOLASSES, HAKIM, i j WASHINO POWDEK.S, i son A, I.DIOO, SAPtLIO, AU. KIMXS bfi.ii. EX. UiflHi,,,, EX. ri.ff; 1 :. Au.i r tilt lu.r-i r.,,u: mi. . JJEMP'S XURSEUV, HARXEUSVILLE. SOMERSET VO., PA., The snhferiher Inr.imia Ms frierms anj Ihe imb He (hat he I" now Ut-vutiiig bis entire time to hi KTJBSBRY, The first one fTcrtartiM in tlieei'nn'T, ami i? pro- iiareil tu lumlsn ruiiily ail ktml.l FRUIT AND ORNAM EXTAL TREES, Vines and Plants. HIS I'OXXEVTION WITH kxox'S riTTSDuras nursery lie will in,ure a l,t , ! , :,iU. ti- t i all l.liouu)' (five liiiuaeall j .I'' W"'1 " "rui-h lHiUakeni wiih ! SOLE LEATHER. KIP AND .VORROCCO. CALF, AI.W), Lasts and Shoe Findings .ri"?'3' kI"'1 w,'i')'iil 'M.Utlhet.werteai.b Mi"iA'.' k!n,,J "f rI",i'in!C "loneim -hort wrtl.-e. dJ. 1,1. ,r.irM I""'' iwice.. an.1 l. (air Intra ol i,ul,j,. 1LC BKERITS. a iiiirrsii T. a. ;e-tt W. DAVIS & BRO'S TOBACi (, t'KJARS, s.vtrr, I'AXXED FKL'ITS AM VEGETABLES, ALL KINDS I)RIED FRUITS AXD JELLIES, STOVE Pf -LI-SHOE-E V E.M;. BSl'SHES. LTtKETS, TfB.1, BASKETS, ropi; CHEAP Grocery and Confectionery, SOMERSET, PA. nilr that e hnrr i ur. h;.l i ,r ( . t ljr7TrJor"- F-KdhMht. t,.. ..,.,.-, ,t,e i.!?? i T- Uv um,i' aiu.thle a.Mitb.iw FIIfK, AM MEAL, ioefei; TEAS, XIIiARS, RH'i; SYKI PS, .MOLASSES, FISH, SALT, SPlfES, APPLES. FLAVORING EXTRACTS. IRIF.I AXnr.VNNED FRUITS. ALSO, t'OAL OIL, TOBAC I'O, CIOARS, SNIFF. BRotl.MS. BlfKETS. TVIlS,.c. All lin.i" Fkiw b anil -iuui.n L'AXMES, NITS, t'RAtKEKS. FAXl'Y I'AKLS, PERFl JIEIiV. AN I TOILET ARTICLES. io.m r.s, r.iirsiiEs. soap, k.-. Alxu an a.-HTtment of T. Ae., f..r iw i.ttle Il tio wimt anyihlns la Ihe Una-err 3njf.. lei-th'Uery line call at Davis' Cheap Grocery, PI1 S1TE THE I? A R X ET Uol'sK. mir. Uv. J FISH, OIL, SALi. FREXC'H k nMMn C I ) I ; XUTS, ALL K1S !:, ci:a L'KKIIS, fhuitlis( in- SUGAR JUL SPIL ED J I MILL GIXCEJ2SXAI PERFUMERY, Met ana Fancy Articles G-:r IllfCIlU THK PLti I IX BASEMENT OF THE LATE ILL- -W. J. BAER, ESl ! X..v. 1'.. Tl-lv. ! I THE HIGHEST MARKET PR'C ! I i A LL KIXDS Of CO IS TK Y HX 3. O. KKIM. W. W. KSABI.t KEIM & CO. The larj-ert nnrl mort eniilcte in the I'niteJ Statpa, enables him toKUArnnlpe. U. hi rutmtr the olmlii'Pt vurietl.-s uih! thrill lent imwtb. His , : prices are lower than ever before. Hi.' re.lve l I ?. not to lie mitilnne by an, in the Slate in l.rBWor tiuulttr. These wunii will lie nialexi).rf! lie will ! lierwmallv soiieit orlem til IK lull, but or.lers al- Prr.r.s wnntlnz firt-clj.v Fruit Tree?, Vines i ilrerseit as nlmve will Iw inntly ml. n.lej t.i. an.. Plants shnu.,1 !!.. . j Sen.l Ihem in er.y. HAI;RI;.nX KKMHII TT "FT K wlVLl? J - 7 QREAT INDUCE.M EN 1IARNEDSVILLE, Somerset Couuly. Pj. iS0L U1IL, WITH mZP$."Ua"n".'A H. Franciscus & Co., 21 FIFTH AVEXI'F, 1ITTBITRG1I, june 12-TZ 1M. JJAXKINO HOUSE OF JamssT. Brady & Co., Coma' of rami Litm ail Wood Street, PITTSBTJRaH, PA. WE BUT AND SELL SSVIUMT SECBBITIES. G0LD.SILVER&C0UP0NS On Liberal Term. WE ALLOW Six nr (rut. Interpfit on Dt'pusHs. AfXXIUXTS OF MERCHANTS AND INDIVIDUALS SOLICITED. James T. Brady & Co. Jnly S-Tl yARMCASTLE k MOORE'S FATORITE CRACKERS, SOLD BY ALL 0 ROGERS. Manufactory, 29 & 01 Soventh St, u7 lm PITTHBl'RUir. FA. ' mum mm - i:u"'M:.n:tM: iris tarporatei ly Act of Lejislte j lPOi:TKl!S AND IlKALKU 13 I COTTON" YARNS, 1JATTS. WICK. Twine and Ropes, ! I.fKIKIXil CjlLASSEK, ri.CK kS, FASfT BASair.T Wooden and Willow Ware, &c, I jiAsrrArTcr.ERa asd joanrn or i OIL C LOTHS. MATTING, RUGS. &.. 513 Market Street anil J10 Comnieree Street. . iPhiladolpliia. June 10-If. Boots and. Slioe HATS AND CAPS, Leather and Shoe Findings. J. H. ' Zimmerman I SrcfESSI RS T STl 1 IM AN j In ths somerset Foro: 9 : Be leave to wr to It Pair n' Jt i J they will rtintinne to supply wUatew j their line by Fanner. ttuU.ler. K j t'aneuer. lilaekrnith.: Wmer. ' i beruien au.l Aiauul:K-turer jrmra!l.v Takes i.Ieanre in eallinic the attention of theelt lieusof Somerset ami tk-initT to Hie t .. t ih.i h STOVE: FOR COOKING AND I IF. has nienel a el.. re in his rr.i.lrn.-. where th.-re will always be kept on hand a onv plete areoriment of Bootsand Shoes, Of Eastern anil home raauufariure. m Ursean. well amrted stork of or th.. nk..i , le kinil" wki. h hav ! ret. faileil M xive entire jii'.ae(iuo. kept on tianl. I PLOWS, An.1 a icrrat variety uf leather iiikI Shoe riutlinH Of all kinds. There L a!.-H attached to the store a Of the vriou patterns het ailaal J of onr Farmers, warranted to k-1'". ' TJje LiR;e number already in n'etsr'v and the adjoining; ronndes. and a n ! inir denuinl, aru a snftKient pt.TC merit". CAR WHEE1 iForMininic, I.nnilerinx. Railrtil i made ti or ler on short notiie. CAPITAL, .. PRIVILEGE, $100,000 $500,000 o JN 8 STOVSTOWX. Depositors secured by Heal Estate investments exclusively. Six Per Cent. Interest Paid to depositors o tho compounding principle. MWMttHl inn directed f fie liberal pro riiiouM for trilhdrmirlnj snoney ttepoUtn It rum he dam lit tmall mmuutUn, WITIW Vl XVTICH IKOM TIIE DEl'USITOR. All romtHHuiealivHt trill rwsin promj JAMES T. BRADY, PntidrnL . :,. DAVID CAMPBELL, Treasurer. The nmleriiirneil, proirietor of the Diamond Hotel, on the soiit heat comer of the I Hanioixl. Iie Init lrxluee.1 bv his in:iny Inencls. would s:iy to the traveling )nbiie that he Is now renared to receive and hosidiubly entertain all who uiav tlve him a call. His house will Iw condueted with the Iwst order and fumi.hline aeeoniinialalions. SAMI IX, Ct'STER, Stoystown, Pa., April Ktli, Wi. G.RAIX CRADLES. The umW siarned Is now eniraitcd In makinK oiwanls ot '.DO liruln frailles, of an Improved pattern, us ing the sharp irround Cllpier Si-ythe. whieh U the best iniiuuliiclured. The emtlleit will le distribu ted through the eounty between the 1st and 'AHh of June next. Persons "wishing to purchase will find theui for sale at all the prlneipal business plaees In theniuntv. A la ore number are made readv al the nianuiartorr at Berlin. Pri . apr.17. OEO. P. 11 AY, Berlin, Pa. b. c. kbimT-- . i. Livaxooon. KIM k LIVENGOOP, Iv1 O. sAiisnunr. elklick, p. SosimfiKTCorsTV, PKxa'a. Drafts honirfit ant sold, and rolrectlon made on all parts of the country. Interest allowed on ilme deposits. Sieeial arrauitnieuls with Guardians and others who hold moneys In trust. Jan 17 Tl J O. HARVEY k CO., BITTER COMMISSION MEKCttASTS 67 EXCHANGE PLACE, BALTIMORE. Liberal rash advances a consignment1 tnd re'.nrus promiitly made, urns mnicuT. JOHN DIRERT Jfc CO-, XO. 240 MAIN STREET, J O II X S T O W X , P E X X A . We sell Drafts nerotiable In all part of the Vnl ted States aud Canada, ami In Foreign countries. Hny frold. Coupons anl (hnrernmeiit Homls at bin best market prteea. In asotveT oa approved security. Drafts and (Cheeks on other hanks cash ed. Money received on deposit payable on deuund IniereM at the rate of Six per cent, per A unum paid on Tune DepoiU. Everythm- In the Banking Line receives oar prompt attention. Thankful to our friends and customer for their past patronaire, we solicit a continuance of the same, and Invite ether who have basineas In our line M itiv na a trial, assuring all. that we shall at all times do all we can to iflve entire satisfaction. Ftfb217o JOHN DIBERT k Ct. (5RIST AND SAW MILL! SHAFTING, PULLEYS, HANGERS, BEVEL-V:- -MILL-SPI( DLES. s.t 'l0 CUSTOM-MA I) ltHflT t Simi' ""I"."! appr.!ve.Ottern,1n.l f DEPARTMENT, Viih X. H. SNYDEU as cutter an.1 titter, which alone Is a iirtlrl.-nt ituarantee that all work mie up in the hopwill not onlv nt the feet of custom em but that only the best material will be u-ed and the Kest Work in on Will be employe.1. The public are rvsia-vtlullv Invited to call aud examine his Mock. '!., 71. pORSALEAT S7,000 OO, FAYABLK .MiOI-'l OeliH-r. Uri'VM) 1st .1 inuarv. 1ST 1, fVX) It Airil. IsTi, au.1 iMOU a year thervart'er, WITHOUT INTEREST, A Farm of 229 Acres, Having two New Hiaisea, New Bank Barn, jcmal Or.-ban I ami Sil-ar t 'smi. well timbered an.1 well Improved, withiu hall mile of N.irtb Fork liail rl. Posse SKUm 1st April, 173. iool mprrwill be Ukea Rr the first two pay ments. Pisrsesskm for rutting timber irlven a soon as tl.UUO Is pa 1.1. . ., W. J. 11AEK. Somerset, Jlay S, 7i AXTIFKICTION RVlXl'1' v wtty.- wa. ww - j k"V I r V lri'. HAlLlU, H.I1A i'-' -f TT 1 ,1 Ta-slrtTj 1 W1I1UUVY UUU Ayxyv- The -Kose' Direct, and Ihe Water-Wheel. HOLLOW -WARE, sr. 1 PLOW-CAS TIN''? For all the different PWw i Wr are the anthoriied ai w lh SPEAKS AXTIPVST PAEU In this nnty. We sell, at aaajiuCaeturerV THESPKAUl'E MOWER, THE RVSSEL REAPER iX1' THE BEST STEEL W THE BF.ST lU'BSK K1 And Agricultural Implemenl U We hope to iwrltatlaoane so Htwrally elea,led to lhl wl Our price will be Mr "' SKll" Jan. 1. Tl.