. he Somerset He' i B'Nr f 1IKHK .."i, r the ).'luU- U ''A ili. ( vurt Houm- - " ,. s.iinrdHV. Anew ; rtiuiuii.. ........ ... '!?V7 ti,i As i!"iTt i u. ,.reiit.-d a full at-! I.'"w .I . i.' is nuuerteJ. ih vvu Vkvkks , Chairman, c-wmiitii-e are as , Ti.c iii nil if tl.r t,.,.vi.rs.-.AH.-j:l.'l ,.hnlir..lV. B.-riinr- r.rHliervally -k:,:.. V.-v.-rs. r.tMllwucl. tp. i M. v. rs. liule f'ity lir. tin. .1 . .-hij.i tn I L I n lais. -'" -il V Vutvrnvilletl.. ' 1 ' . . l..V..rwin tn ,.nrv l'i'r. -"' ii:..- Jcnni-r ti. ntniuiu - M.iv. Jr.. l-arimvi N.an ir Nirklow, Ixiwer Turkey-' ru o. - -i . i;ll..r tilf.,r,l tn f l Kr.':'. -N't w tVntn-ille l'i 11 t ri htH 1.1. Northamjon I p. I p .1 t'uer. l'aint tp. ,n V umr, inMionini tp. i V bovi r. ah-l'ury r. i; lUnkin. MifK M' r.ui t SinirlT. SMiierset tp. TwruiEui'Tiik. S.u:lumipun tp. S I .niii l"" jT- ttnj"civvk t if-h i'-ixler. Hoystown lr. ' fr.illk H "'l. ru"" 'I Turke f4 H I'.ivi.-. I'oina lr. U. 1 "n-', ll. rl.iii U-r. ii-Tliosc lxrxKis haxiiiiT 1h jlii-li" names ,rv leeii.m. mere clutiii at the lat kj: cider lin ear at Davis & Er.. a !N.tulis. Junkets. b:-ket-. r aiA: lr-. ,, M. XfcKK li:u.lun.irUmlii r,i.l n.on M:.in .'r stnt-t. i (mi buy cither thrasher or liorse- ft, r s.'par.itcly at tlic- Somerset roun.irj. -t r.- ived at Davis & T.ros. a ;,k ilt"li:iin Sc itais. cplen- :j liaM ii 'W on hand a large supply -f 1 . " !.' ,ikv :OI(1 illdllH'llt IM4CS. ' . . . ! .? i r.r , Ml. ii. i l,a a l.ncK yar.i w nu ine : . ... ..tur.. IHHI I Ml I af'l Vf.tT 4. r, .nil"! MilT'J the oeiiianu. (;ntkv ir.lu.v wantel m me rum-. jj7 n" r- A- iV-ed store of Jf Beeriut Thf. Li..mt Ki xmno Ioi -tic Skw -a iiin t'r. Nrcet. iNi; MvcntNE. It has but wxty picccM, 1 , , ! itmntiiii every iai1 of machine and Maud. nin m;tu new i'u.r '-":" "i'l l It niiKes tjmit- an ime.- - Z&: iiiver li:l a lir: r w"l'U!--v- at ' e e lot ol" Iron Sw ivel ' nt is li. t'sll .-oi-n. at ran r- i -re. fi:.i.i ( ult l.v '.lie lmll'di i n or don n or l'.ro. 'tf to Mlit fv',;ti--' ( F.K i a. y T k on M. Kimmki. has comnieuced new residence on Main street, t' his former residence. i I.ivetir'Ktryisaiin tiillie wants ' r 1 iiMoliieri : a full line of chohx- ro rx t !--t l.rali.N of tolacm and i;7:.r ill X rt-T tjitdity of stipr sugars bv lb. cwt.. or k .! rlit-a; l.T cash tit tlie I lie Live i tro- re fy ,f IciK'tiit-nt of the r"sith-r.tv of W. ""lltN 51. lli-I.tl.l'.Al M. Kk., advert isets in Im r fi-ltimn for li lie is lit 1)0 y .r iuu riM. a celetiratiii sceu arm. 1 uct-nt. Faniu-rs look 4 Cbitantlv on hand at the Family t.ro - f Kenl store of t 'oi4i and llet-rits on I B ( ross Nri-et. flour, oats. corn, mill . i. .... s.uiu.v'c i..,uu. ic ni.u. no t .i.. .v..:....- .i. i ..-.I ...1,.1 " i.i.o''- I-"--- in uuii.iu. iM-riiev. azeti -j cars. o imiiiiiis aim ; acres, mor i..,-.,. .s.r.,... .s -i i-oin ..e i . imiuiis iuc ui. jinuaim . , , .....u ... ,..., i. ; : iw, i,.hn ZufalL Solonun Hi-aL A. W Umatn. el al. Z a titiMi.il It Will 1 tar superior to tlie coudilioliof the roots of the luir. which is " n7, , ;";.""' 1 7 . V' ' jThirtT-tire acre are cleared and in Rood cultlva- , .1 .iw- Mr. John Casclu-erV house, on ,,r, rniiiiiary to its wiuintr out. bv supply- son . l"c T. ""'lc "-v. tlic p XGI EU On the or.th Inst Ch irles ne acre. In excellent meadow. r . ii i i i . . ; 1 nmuil tlniiisi lv with a revolver ami a ' -V-vj-r.ik. -.'ii me iui nisi, v 11.11 in , . mw.t.i m.i the nmiliM a a-nd Two -.,.- Mr cel. is in- ng rai-mj ,.um. -u irf, tlH. ,ircl.la. pree ot m..isture reUt- , In.ing Sjwler, . of J. J. and A nun- st H.se. .Unre Staid, ilaeksmlth Shop an.1 I h .! completion by th. enterpriMiis si. , iu. nation In a healthy state. "C T " Z M? ' Slangier, ased 3 months and 2 .lavs, other building. Th farm to well watered. It to i men. tht Hustons. h is the only true dissolvent and evalo- f11 lUU-' " r.,,f TL' t'"H rJs l1 U. mnel I lltlle Pharlee -en. ' known a the "Pleant I ni.ni Tavern Stand. f -,- ' r ,,. ,,,1.... inii,nrirw .if I ,'"'tw'" l1" SlaU ps and her father. Mlss' -N more to little Charley aeen. Ttawa Ten per oenU .rf th pureha m.xey U 1 , T, ti i- ,f rant of dalidruti and idlitr impurities oi j vor sceinc Uiat tliere would le a tlirht To please hi parenff eye. . t paid when tbe pr,rtv to aold; ew-haJf eah : lu. who have used tlie Thrashimr Ma thelp. wh.e- presence is injurious to , .?. 1 lit- ifn 1 , c.i , . tut. Th tender idant ao freeli and irreen ; the l.Unc in thre el,ua annual payment. Irom e! . mauuta.-ttired at the S.iuerset Fom, the Lair'. As a lutitier of the head the 'f1 ''f "'' 'U Uian Tl tr ,dant ao freel. and A urrJ lt JO,lltwn ,he rty. -it inihehichcMtemikoftheiuaJl -1 K-ith-.iron lias no cumd It not only in- f,tauI- Waup told her to pet out of the Is In eternity. , when the. leM are j.id. otthlrt the t.lanc. t T.!'!'-lk 1,1 , C "i it mie . lur i ivatn.iinm ius no qu.o it not oniy in , . . enine' t o 1 ilow 1 icr dthpr's " - ' '" ' ' f ,w E. Sa which they do their work ETy!crt quantity of the hair, but im- J ' " "s P , fi.V. VLw i!ti. i aa.rnarr a..UFT ; t of which M.all h. paid miu. u. the wi.low: line is full V warranted. S-nd in your , pfnvc, its (,llttitv iuUl, ai.,,,. v. imiwrtin,: i'" v'" i "h vlr !jftl Z f. ' WMETA.KET. I a, ldcaih the -inclr-l tobepall totke beirxof pearly. " lustrons'aprance and iilkv iexture : r,&o.l Tui 1 rrected weekly byAJ. Casebeer k. Co. T- M .? ! av i i t 1. .w, . - Penti-I.urj: on Moixl.iv. August stli. t w6mii im w l.s. Tuition. SO to fC. G.T: IsiunliiiL' tan he obtained at reason aUf t..:, - F' r furth. r iufonnation a I dr I J Mii.i.rit. l r-uia. l a. -1 I l. T 1 1,. UillU-oi-nedat Fn.il east i. l, v,iTi. ti... Mb t.. cf.ntiiuiA in i 1 .t-ii. w.n d.lei.rice Tuition from 1 V. CtrtJX: V M sI'AN. 11R ' Teacher. ; to 1 : to a t'res. .f other work, the cn- trrisii.c youni: Iimi of N. (i. Kkim i Co, live We fcl.le to iiianuuidure but a ILj' -il numla-r of their celebrated thrash- r- w r'1 fr' isahiT 1 fruith tobac ' hUtl nit.il in the tl,r.L The fa.slorui j J:K,, Stolip thxa Glover attatked him ; ty.jj -. supir. o.ffee. tunm-d Iru.th. tol, . ,,y I)r piu.,M.r y ,,urt.,v ve-ta- j wlth a VU, and was beating him with it on ,c ar-. v . a.. ble. iertWlly harmless, pleasant to take. . uK.n A(-, t0H yuA lim Jle comphtined il Wha! "n u.-.i ill l .'lnedat!'n,, '"';. "Wl'IVC than v ast. ,r ( Hi. Itit oiover h;ul broken some of his ribs ' rMid h..r- power. Those wishing to ; ufactnred tolncco, snufi, or ctpirs, l- tic k will do w. ll toci.ll or ni! in theiror-. cUred h Ik? a dealer in manufactured to ff Is.,i) i ot .icd 1 NidillM. and tiiiNlel w liool for the re e at n of teui li.-rv i.n.t ..tlicr w ill In- c -ii at New t'etitrevilie Au-nist 5th. to mi.- ten xieli A e tl.n.w nin w u .- M !. inviting all of normal a;je to stortkn iers, hotels and salns. and man Tuition, from to ; v.uetur rs who sell frirtn their shops at re I. V. Will, Print ipal. itiiil. An assTsment of this spti ial tax a , , j w, ill le niiule iiimie-ili.it cly. datilin from Ju- . i., ..,.,: l , , ,r-lv 1, 172. for the fraction ot the year to AiTiox. Every pfnuine Ux of., -m, , I M cLANE'S L1VEH PILLS the sis-nature of l'LEMINti US . Pittsburgh, la . an.1 tix-ir at- United States Stan. p. "Take it her. 'The markt t i.- full of i in i Iitiii-as early in thes.s.iin i.s piilile. Fkf.. fiiioK, Tt-aHier. i I'tii kv XoKw al S. H.a.i.. This m win nc ojicneo. on Jionuay. July 1-72. and fnintinne iu esion ten fi.s. l'ositivcly no pupils of the pii ty irrade admitted. J.d lioardinir at ! dial tie rales. Tiiiti.ni ft and 7. IaH A. SkllTU, iv 27 lrint itwl. 11...,. S ( , . , 4k4i and Beerits of, Famii rGKocTkT l fed Mure, have oih i p .iijjon liufiis cimieron Jiaine f dsss ,.r. M..;n, : t. also tKi uiiied bv II. I', licenus shoe In addition to flour erain and mill ! tlit-y have, a full assortment d" rro- - - - t jinnisions. tolsKv-, ic. fresh from ;'v. at ti-asotialHe TirMfS Fvervlaalv f ud see fur yourselves. ' " " m t m M-.-Tl.osc in wai.t ..f (iwl f.n- auv ! tii lump aud pikh! riMirli roul N'o hip tlean. Iveave vkit erder at rotiiHlrv. ? ti,,, , ., ,. , .5 il l '"r UT?C "I win.1 for Murnn'i fkj-ti.n- kml is I sv making w ., V.' V . . . nruu a xi iri. . f J;1t be mav I eome time reat hine , r -. ,,u,Urn u may uenena on 1 : r- visit,,!. He carries a f. 11 ,,,.r,1 ..T . en c(k .i. c i ...i. ' . -is d;al! kinds. The best is : I!uv (roods that vuo know- I rtUhlc. om,' i. ,..;i ,.. wTT F'n, SuuiW. Mill. Fa w ill ' 1 ' I -I'll y tilled. ! 1 i w il .. K. V" un"""! num. j - - uiarmiiiT lis-ka l.i uImIU lmr F me borw Inu.lwn stoh n Jl hjs sort j t 'ioui m ver thinks about bodily health fc finiiKd ,. I? -"uueutHiiiiejot K Wi"rk;i:i tt.l,Jr.Un',y"r uiegnr ih j a . f '- , ilowii t on.e witli tlie stami. Mit it iul. not lie lound. 1 7 v "' ti ! T'ip jnrv on ,,lP influest rendered a ver- 't W , V ;,.,n x,, vv-v ... ll.ii , 1 dittthat Alphelis Ubivcr Ciiine to his death . ..ialN h.,l at StoystownM .il o,- non f" 'i'T, fi b - .lav. Aupi-T .Vh, and continue in ses of this jdaoe. was the n ner of a field of , , f(,r1v.seven vears of 1 i t n wlu, Tuition fr.d 4 to ?fl. wheat, w hi. 1. contained jixt six acres, and i Tife L7-7n4Td.U t i.l t.e.nVm rs. 1- 1...I in In. nr . l-.v !.l.,n.r the Frank in rr.ilrre., southeast i a-r' "aT7 a W lie antl SCU rai I IUI i .rn-t naMtn.uk.' rates, students will of town, and withi-, the l,rou,-h limits, j ,lr:;r.- 11 , A l Wn. t E .H- we Uieimtrun.eot la-inn in at- Ltms 1- lore the whea ritx n.il it was ad- . 1 h. a pn-at deal of excitement ere- S-a-.-rteam-p-neratinir. lime bumuia: 1 Z. ' t business, and we hope that the emuis l-tm he st.ppli.il at Alex ftnunmn'f , uttIMr. ?h Wr T- J, of ' enterpri-ing men may lie crown-(hik-rlv the John cf, . Ink, south-east n1 he kin,11. U,.,L.K lhef h, ! -l with sum-ssl - 'is .rot.ch. Mr. Davis, a practical wprown. thinking it mi?it l of inter-j l rfr..ii,j.J1,IKlWI1 U(M ,). t,rin' f-st fr use to the public. We do not per- e are pleased with a very enerpetic 1 and .i...r. ':. .-.n .i reive, however, that snec'utl care or suih;-i nian foratrent in our railroad office at this I U i-, J, , mm u uiterested in tbe matter that they in- imLTrnrthe tcM to Uv it carefully measured. We 1-t-iKtWu it H'rowrtoffi!-1'- lrhapa hould have auted at the proper 1 dfslL VV!1,t,'cant For ''-vg ! '!ut ,l,at wo whl w'ere tu-Tk ?'f ,1 n' vMM! W T IWUcjc jn the field, t' bUiodcdJu-l t,guiui vi-ilf any- one can cUiw , betxerykld tbra f Efq , has purclmw the j wnol liv loner liiiiit-y . i 'ouk if cumin: along finely on Kolifrt ! - mtu'litonV house, and ere the cold weath- . r wis in the Siuire w ill apiin lv in rom-! ri.rt.it'i,' iitwnci. ! Frank Kooseb, Kkq., lias liiii;-lieu the I foundation for his residence, and in few j Uavs hotx-s to have a lore? oi i.rick layers ut work. .. j I UEUluvf the old cenlord oirner has ' aeaio come into the possession of W. J. j i I'arr. and that he contemplates i-recting ! ! handsome three story liuil.linfr on the old ! cifnT. j A lakok bird was bin by Eli Bowman I liu-aMirin six itt-t nt-rvs the wings; its : nerk measured two feet lour inches, and its ' lcjrs four feet four inches. It was liclit in I Imdv. had a very large bill and was of a bhk'ish color. j a 1 Fkom the Cumln-rland Ci'ri'd we learn that a few car loads of coal havelnn ship- ped by the Consolidation Coal Company i over the lledrord i 15ndireort railroad ' ' and them to IlarrUburjr by the Pennsyl- vama cntr.il railroad. " Thf. fire brick works ol Messrs. Ibb-liti-ell Jc Co., nc-ar Iale Citv, is in finer.p- j enition, and an adilitional kiln is now le Siiiu r.ct . jn! constructed. The clav is said U lie of a very fine quality and the brick meet with a readv Rile. AVE learn from the Cumla-rland JVVw tuberculous dejiosils from settling in the that ( apt. Jack Weir, of the -lVlvidcre ; lungs, and even if they have ln gan to form I Milliard Temple," was accidentally shot a nucleus. Dr. Keyset's Lung Cure lis jbv 11. J. Delanv, of the Maryland Lifelu- solves and dUiites them und carries them I surancx' Company. The pistol bill parsed out of the tystem as so many noxious ele- through theC aptuiu k thigh. Uaiii'' a lU sh menis w men nave ni ousincss w nc mere. .rt:iidson.ethri-e im h-s in length. : The MmiJ is restonxl by Dr. Keyser's ai j Lune Cure to u newness of plastic ower, Mfaeiu. Mintrels cave a first tla-ss en-1 'eli. in its errand of reparation, it dis t. minment on last Thursday evening. ' "Lutes to every ,rt. making the w heels This was the first ever civen 'by that cele- f ''- to run w ith siu.thness and regu brate.1 troui in this place. The dancinc ! 1-inty. and a..rding to every fumlion the was simply elerrant. and the lailance of the j ''uties which nature has assigned it Dr; IK-rfonnaiK was .f the first order. The ; Kcyser s Lnng Cure $1 .0 per Untie, or 0 audience was so highly delnrhted that they have almost jru.d-d thetu to give umth er exliil.ition. Wf. have, for the past four week. Us n advertising the proposition of the Wellers burg Coal and Iron Company for the dis iuw .1 iS tlii'ir l:oids l.e Ihp A'ilp rif til ki-ts ja,l the appropriation 'of seventy five thou- Uan.l ,l.,IUra .if lli-it fnml 1. 1 1 li'o relief of 1, . ,.i i... - n-i i me sunerers nv me une lire. i ins mmr ment has Un generally endorsed by our ; i.,.lei!h the that it mav move a SIH fs. wh.le the Howe Mat bine ci.t-iin 244 .. . ... . tlf ;, i, I will do work, fine or course, that no other lna( lime w 111 utleliit. irom the IiUot (Tof ;tliier to filly thickm-r of dn-d liiu-lin ; il v ill Sew williotlt ihalli-'e ot net-die. threal or tension. All movable iartsute mail ins. f hanlent-d st.vl and burnished la-ar ' it tn ik ii. i ii..i leitever and I.i... ,.,.i.ri..i..n! i...r..!.v ,iT..r a r. u-.r.t .f one hundred dollars for any other lock tith machine that w ill run as li-Jiit. Agents of all other liitM liim-s dare not iro on trial with it. Nild on the mt reason able terms. Ibm't buy until yon e: ihe I JknueMii-.' or you w ill rerrvt it. It. . tea-hiian A- Co.'to neral A 'rents. ? J-ith 'fired. Pittsburgh. A Sao Fai.li.nc lt. It is indeed a kad fallini out when, after years of the closest intimacy, the hair pari coinpany w i;h the head. " Fortunately the lamenta ble sejiaration ni.iv lie easily prevented and the tw ain more cl.istly united tlian ever by a timely and systematic use of Lvou's 1 .1. : .V . . , ....,.., tn.-t ... . j.f ivaiuairon. ine iii.e.i " tm uiiiuuiaui ui ., , . i . . , , r :,a .. ,u the hair un-.l tiroiiioterot its irrowiu anti im. i.a.. " ' i ' r IH-ailll Kltow il 4 iii.nteiu I'uoi nun . o One -half the jieople cannot take C.i$ i t.mm J .7 .tit Ilia tu-t-i1 ,1. nanuMilin iT ttk;1k - - ----- - . ... . ., ' ,.' . n ...i... .. ! .- 1 - . . . I ;.lies hae laiii-d. H acts like nm'U! ! iStninaih Ache. t'on.-witMlitdi. Flatulency, f roup and Worms. It Pditains neither i Mineials. Morphine nor AUi.hol. Its soothint', .piietin j t thit pnahici-s natural , 1 . .-. 1 .I...!.. it .f. in. ;..,' v' -,,. ""'h " "- i PllVMlanR- Take no luore Bitter Fills ; Svrura, ripin? I ur,ru..r or "'"ofl'-M'lls. Ihe ii-1ori:l Co IS Idlt.tl -ts and when once tried yt will never ; m- ti nn out ii . . " 1'Md.K tlie amended Internal IU venue law of June Cih, 172, every la r-rfin 1hk btisinvss it is to st li. or oflcr lor sale, inan- lmeco, and is rcotiircd tomv a sim-ialtax 5 jx-r annum. The law as now amend docs not exempt from the payment of j this tax those w hose annual sales of these ani les is less than f 100, as hereUifore, but I aiiflu s lo evcrviaaiv w no oeais in iiiem ties interested need notlx- surprised, -there-1 fore, if waited on by the Assessor one of ' these line days, w ith an im itatn.n to "step j to the Ciiidain's ofliiv and settle their little l balance." They mtirht as well have it ready, ami, like Captain Scott's coon, come j miri-.l and s I neiphliorhot 'attnut more would have 1 s.n, I ....-!, r.o..1 ! I. ailLI W Hill lI 1U,I" Illantll 11 attention than it .dherw ise rcivl w-i till fpnfral in- ! f. rioritv of the wheat crop in this nciirli- lirliil. In due time it ripened in tier 1 feet order and was harvestiii. and on t lie 2nh in-taut Mr. IIuI.t had it threshiil in ' i r . ;,.! aieu ny una muriier in tue neiciitNiriHXHi 1-ohcn of as the b nest in the i , .. - . r - .. thetiel.l. tin Wednesday of hist Meek the : fi.ndilion even-thins looks as tliontrh it j wlieat was weighed in the presence of a ! meant business ainl we shouldn't wonder lUniU r of disinti-resled w itness4.-s when ! if it did. the yieMof the six a.n-s was astt-rtained j 0llr f.irUi,.ra fcrc ,:tk;n? cl use of ito I two hundred and tlurtvcKie andl.i c i a i o!i ...i . i . ... i i. . - - . ; hrce-cnlh bus hels a fraium more than - x ntisurtii i.usiiei wei?nel nixtv four aiiil ' a nan .tinus ami ine straw, wlix h is not ,,m rtoul "na wr""?- 'eld.J aUmt a umi aini a in t ii-. iii i.ir ti.:-. is undould- i edlv AJ - " ' .3 ' j.i.u.i w neat ht i 'ea.i'1' uuu me . i.if is ir-annu as a : peneral tailure. Indeed we would 1 sur-' prise! lo hear that it has lieen surrucd ; n-v u "Vf, ln lM. N,e- , " e m lore a uitie anxious w know coiiieinini; rior cultivation were exercised. Mr. Hn- , ber informed ns that the pround had pro ' duced a crop of corn and irtatoes last is -a - son. After they were removed it was stir- ;redwiUi a fdiovel tdow and harrowed. ! The wheat wa. drilled in, a buslK-1 and a , . .... .... . . 'U1U w n acre, atui tuei.iiuoi lr, A dn-ssing ot lrnvanl manure was applied bo the jiortion of the field plaiiled ............ ... .,- , " " ,uc ."mc. luci I,u""a-u, iiii no ieruii7r una oeen aouea since. ti.. .;i i. -. ;.k ti. . '"." t-'"'- . uiu variety, wnun was "1'r,Hlu''t,,,.,nU',,ils ""Shborhood last year. iielH-ve lias proved vcrysatislactory Ix reveJ- sown. There is no dotilit the ..!.! . , : r ii. i i .viiLauiB viiiv e.A v im jii. xiuut r, mu is one of our nMIKt reliable citizens, is Coufldent id it lint bid the nnxnlitv eliim. ed lo have been produced per acre should ! ue uouuuti, tuere are others w ho tcel so ol six acres this sem. e shall 1 phwl to announce it, but until it is done we present c iiamtiersburgasthe tianiicr w heat district of the State lUjotitory. Uokkmen have rotiiiuenci'U reniovinft ine inn irom .Mai. John KnaMe s ei-iiar. lie has contractt-d with Mest-rs. Pile and (Icxxl to build & new limn after the plan of the old one. i : 'Iri;;kd to Deatii. On Tuo.sdav . . . niornini Ll-4. a it ami aimm louneen veam a aon ol Mr. Michael Flaherty, of t'rottwet borrKisrh. met ulth a most terri ble death. Young Flaherty was employ - ed hv the Caiuhna Iron to. in the mines, and on that wonting he started with his mule Iroiik the stable at rrospect Hill to the pure where he was cmployeo, hut ai ter riding a t-hnrt distance the mule became fractious and threw the boy off. In fulling or of his fevt caucht in the truces of the harness, and the mule ran hock to the sta "Me. drajreiiiff the lmr ah in?, whose head was dahed apainst the stones, and the skull crushed until the brains oozed out The unfortunate victim of this sad acci- dent was ft bright intelligent boy. and the terrible manner of his taking off has in- tensified the grief of his parents. John- fotrn Echo. - Eveht ExrERiF.scE. If immediate at tent ion were paid to the first invasion of the throat and luntrs by diwase, there would liccomimratively few deaths from cousumn- lion, whilst, as it Ls now, and the health records conform us in the truth of what we write, nine out ot ten of those w ho die prematurely die U some disease of the lungs not consumption perhaps, at first, but gradually proceed to that stage, when it becomes aa fixed as liitc, and as fatal as the cholera. Dr. Keyset's Lung Cure is infallible in all such cases. It hinders the uoitics lor w. nr. iveyacr s privaie oflice for lung examinations, lfi7 Lilierty street, Pittsburgh, every day, exe'jt Sun day and Tuesday, fiom" 10 a. in. until 1 p. in , and from 3 until 6 p. m. MfUDFt IN THEMot XTAINS. IjistSilt- urdav our citizens Merc starthil with the announcement that two men had Iwn lire in jl.t down from the mountains and con in tl tiarrl with shootin? v. .- r: . ;"'J instantly killing Alpheus felovcr. ou i.eaver intk. in iienry iai ioumo(.. in I The names of the men charged with the i murder are Jacob Statii, aced almut tilly j years, and his son Henry, a-.'ed a!out sev j cliti-cii years. I The x-uf of the murder is in Henry (.'lay township, alioiit seventeen miles eact of i'niontown, and a Unit one and a half miles north of tlw National road, and near a little Mreaui that runs aero-.s the moun tain road a lurt ditamt- from Glover's hou-ie. ! n hearinirof thenmrder. 'Souire ISurke. witnueorje rMiinn, oi joeney aney. wuo was ot iiutizeu to luaKe iiicarresi, aim some iici;:h!ors, iToct--ded to Suiuo's house and 'arrested the parties. Directly after the miiiocr oeetirrtti, Willie in me ueiiiiairs a surrounueii iaup a House, id m- cut lus i cst-itic till thearn-st could Ik-made. Sitiire liurke and missc found old man istaup in j la d in his house, and IheUiy wns discov- j ert-d in the loft in the barn. The Siuire ! emjiaiiiicli-d a jury at (J lover's house, where the Uxlv had been conveyed by two of his mis. and proceeded to take the evidence of a daughter of Glover's, who was present and w itnessed the murder. Sll.u ul-.lll tivli.n v,.ur. f Q,r,. ail nr: that at almiit hall pist five o'ci.a k Friday I eveninsr. she and her father started down j the road to hunt for a cow and a calf. A; little doir followed them. They found the . .r . ... . . ., , . . y cow and calf in Mr. t lover s field adjoin- - ...... , . . . J ' ,,, taup fa nn. and near his Iwiuse. t r l 1. , ting. ; the pistol, although young istaup had his mn in nosition lo lire, but there xm onH-' Tmc sh fired. ti r-t-i i ' a ai i.T 4.- v mj a x. a nut vr t UV i a ' 'r"1' "'T ' i rtin2 was in self defence. When SlauD t was ai reded at his house, lie was in lied I ....I . l..;-.... i i. .. t.l ... ti, i mri . i nil iimi . " ui uuai'ir nm. plivsieian from Marklevsbure esaniineil lim WIt (,,uj Jinj - ,ri4,,,.n ribs or l.mis.si, , ux-u a hiuali one on his fore a a u1 . ... , . , .- c-iaup Uioveu on i tie uiuiut- aisura- Allepniy tiKintv. Man land. aUmt eicht ?r years a iro! He wa. a soldier in the 1 ,,, utlly ,urin2 ,Jie var 0n,l M:ls wn. jj,. a rather a.-accable man. tilover aii i,t itua um st-v, rai mwsuits ana were 1 not on m1 terms, taup had told siiiie ! of his li ieuds thai he would hare to sell land a'q nway, at. he emild not eet alon? v, ith tlie li lovers. K-Lt Sunday morning another post mor tem examination was held on the body at f.lovi r s lious.-, ty lr. Hill, of I-arminjr- . .. 1 li:ii ,cT ton. As the hall could not 1 extracted, the body was opened and the lill was found. It itf-ncUitU Ihe brk&bl alsHit one- half inch aliove the ri.'ht nipple, tiossed directly throuirh the risht lung, thep throutrh the tuipt-r lart of the heart, then through the hit lung:, strut k the third rih on Ihe h it side and broke it. ant lothed in the flesh under tlie left arm. Saturday morning Staup and his son were brought down to town in a wnpron antl committed to jail for trial. A bed was made in the wasron as St.tup complained of la-inu unahle to sit up. Staiip'a hoite was also searchul Staturday moruinir and three revolvers and two puns wera fwauad, and Mi. Staup said that there was a riot her gun a il mt . , mu ..'. "W") as tue aiu.nu-'y lor me bltlJiS. The case will he tried al Seplcui- h r CUturt. L'Moktoitn liudard. rawwe-lnwaa, 1 Iran. Thintrs around town are in a sphndid ine tew tn, ua , s w c na , c nau, aiiu wi c civ jn .ir .. w itu all r-ii(ie smj. Our prand old hills arc poing to show th people what they can do lor them in the ore biz pretty shortly, thanks to our cntcriTisinc friend Stutzman, from Smier- ur cmna tun nui " . iiimiuup u m'" n-t-iou iiu-uai wtKin: nu unu first rate. Si go in friend S. We wish you success. Our lumlw-r firm m doing qti'tte an exten- pbu-e. butwLy shouldn t he be energetic. genial. accoinnKUting, &c, when aliove his d-k in his office he hns quite a collec tion of pictures, and right handsome ones, too. ' j Broupher calioo is way lielow par at pre sent. Literary societh-s plow sliares steamlaMits, &.c. We'll bid 'em all adieu for the present, hoping calico. &c, will 1 on the advance soon. More anon. E5TTERPRISK. I'rnlaav Ilewnn. The llostetler (blind) family gave a eon cert to a crowded house on the eve of the lt inst. Messrs. Win. Hoblitzell and Dr. DcHass are making quite extensive itnprovenientaH ujKin their projierty near Brook tunneL We are inforuxxl that Mr. Hoblitzell in tends putting a steam saw niilL store, tic, at Fort Hill station. The new hotel seems to be quite a lively place. It also sports a new barber, just from the city, w ho is just the Imy to stTaj your countenance in three sheeps of a shakes taU, and do it nice too. Watermelon and frw4i jf-ai htw are in market in our town. . in uiuiiriKT, oinun imu ss..uiiil Barn Bcrnkd. The Itarn ot David Riimlnugh, alxmt two miles southwest of Adamsburg, was struck by lightning on Saturday tvening the 13th instant, and en tirely consumed. Mr. Kumbaugli hod a tlKiiiKand dollars insurance tt his lrn, in the Westmoreland County I'uion Mutiud Insurance company. Fortunately this fire occurred before the harvest had been gath ered. Grreiuburg Iltrakt. rXHixicATie!. Ed. Herald : A new version of uncle Horace's situation and the reason why the so called Itemovrftey endorse him, as given by good Democrat in trying to convince a young and somewhat dissatisfied Demo crat who does not like the situation and rather prefer Grant as the least of two evils. Said the old warrior : " Greeley lias led the ISepnblican party for forty years, juet as Mosea led the children of Is rael in the wilderness, but they murmured gainst him, neither would they hearken unto him, therefore they all perished in the wilderness save two, w ho were com manded to lead their children into the prom ised land. Now this same Horace afore spoken of, after leading the children of Is rael for forty years, desired to lie made chief captain ot the host, but they would not, neither- would they hearken unto his wie counsel, inert-tore Horace the w ise was wroth and said: not one of these shall inherit the land, but the Democrats, they shall p.sess the land. Now when the Democrats heard this that Horace the wise was willing to lead them into the prom ised land they arose up and communed among themselves, saying, is m this Horace the w ise? and "is he not great leader aiming the Israelites? Go to, now. let us make him our chief captain, so that he may lead us into the land and give it unto us and our children for an everlasting inheritance." This. then, is the reason w hy the Demo orotic party aecets the situation. AsMoses . . - imi .t . I : ... . . - was to lean tue cuuoreii 01 israr-i 11110 uic land of Canaan, so Horace is to lead them into the v nite House, nut we nnu ny perusing the "Holy 'Writ" that Moses saw the laud only with his eyes. "And the I-ord said unto him. this is the land w hich I sware unto Abraham, Isaac and Jacob saying, I will give u unio my seen; i Imvp iniisil thee to see it w ith thine eves. but thou shalt not co' over thither. So' MtM-s died and waa burieil in a valley over airainst Hclh I'eor. so that in continu ing tlie simile, we find that Horace the w isc Ik held the White House with his eyes from the hill of Ambition, but was not ier- mittcHl to enter in. o iiontct uici mere and was buried in the valley of Forcetful ness. S. K. . -- (it rrrts Eastlun Division p. W". ) & 15. It. 11, Amnist ?d. lsti. ) To our honored flin tutetiutdfritmi. M'. V. Piudkloii. Eq., late Sttriii1tnlhl Tdegruph. 11. Y. $ V. H. li : We. the undersigned, on Ik half (f the otK-rators of this division, dt-sire to extend to you our heartfelt thanks for the many kindnesses you have show n us, and also for the many t fforts you have made dur inj? your flay anions us to make our woik a jileasant one. e thai! miss you very mm n, ami rry unieeu are e 10 jnri wnu one w ho - snow ii un inui ii Kinu ncss. but lioiiU! the energy and business tact displayed by you has piiucd lor j ou mueii intriier siiioii, wrimi oiu muru, wisnine; you su-cess in uu your luttire uir dertakinirs. Your Ri-ctfully. Wii.l A. Case, A. J. WAI.TLItS. Committee. tf .lltRIKIK , nv " , . vv IIAMll.U'A JLMlA.Vtl ntheSOth of July, by Joseph Cuiiiiiiins. Kst.t Mr. Andrew F. Hamilton to Miss Julia M i liancy, both of Somerset. dii:i. Apple, dried, f ... Ajplebtr. aJ.... ..10e w lee KtklC V iiiei' X ..lVj 1 W ! Z 1 ' Own. bind '. J'? "Tji t -rw w a bv. w- aw ,, ae 1 1-Je 1 uo : .V ! at I mn, m. lie Fknir. t-td io to i 1 T i u'u ; W :nc ! j sue Sue - --i I 1 w 3c I ihiiH uu ! 1 f V I Leal her, red itde, ft,... kip. fat."bw v f.itaioe. w va Peache. drVsd. ) Eve ? bu. Rile m Salt. No. 1, f I'M bu " Aht(i. - Surar, yellow ft, white Talkiw. i I. Wbeet. V bu Wool. V a w w lililic IttIK lUi- SOU Socuuc AVir Alcerlitemi-)il?. I)lT0R7S NOTICE The utxleraiiracil an jitnr, duly appointed l.y the Oribans' fuuit i Somerset Auut.v, to make au.l rciort a ditrilutliin of the fund in the hands ..f I'aniel Holliaan, adinlnisiratorof Peter an.1 Polly Heckinan. dee d, to and amoCiK those U-rally enti tled tberetA. hereby t-ive notice that he willattetid to the dnlic of bis apiinlinent on TburMtay. tlie 2M day of August. IsTi at hi otbfc tn S.u-rset borough, w hru and where aU jr-r.s Interrsied may attend. If. UHA1.H. am. 7. Au.lit'-r. ! liMIxi.sfltATbil'S NOTICE ! K-UAie of Thin Jennlnsr- bte of I.wif Tlik. y- j BWW UU. IKVU . j u tlt tore r siMte bavuitc ka frnuit1 lite ui.1t- iinvwl. tM'ticr i trr-iy piven lo tlte ii)t Ue-I to 1 It to make iiooioiuite fyromt. a.uJ .h,. liaTin j filmed I. aeltlemrnl. at his residence, on the 'Jot u day of SeptemUr, 1ST J. It. JtXMXDS. au 7. Administrator. J)l 0LITI0N The partnership heretJireexl"tinB between the uietcrsiprned in ti.nuir.niit ilf Lu.-iih-ks in New t'en-U-rville. Somerstt e.uiitnPwv, wa dlssolveil bv mutual ciciit on the tirsfdaf of May. l7i Tlie I hook, are in the hauls ol Simon VoUL'ht lore-lice- ' tk-n. All account must be Fettled wit bin & days. thev will be collected by pr.-ess nf Uw. SIMtlX VlH'OHT. MAKTIX H. HAUTZ1.I.U August Kth, UTi DIT0US NOTICE. lUvtn rlnc Iwen apis-luted by the tVurt of IVwnmon I'lea ol someraet uoumy. auditor to distribute tue fund In tlie kirtid of th Slicrlfl. made by Ihe Kile of the real estate of John R.4ert. to and uiuu tb.e leirally entitled thereto, 1 will attend to the dutlet of naM apt4ulwwot, at my office In S aner set. on Tuesday the 27th day of Aiuust, A. I). 137'i. when and w Imu aU eron interested can attend. A. J. tXiLlwiK.N, Auir. 7. AuJlt..r. T M. IIOLI'EKHAU.M I Ha kr aalc f. the 9ea. of ls7, KELLER Seed - Drill, WITH Oil WITHOUT Fertiiizing 'Attachment, THE BEST, Most PERFECT and Durablo Drill Now la tb market. It will be to tb Interest of Farmer ts call and see it at hi farm bouse in Somerset, before wr enaelna; any other. aux 7. ErraaukHES t 183S. piiE LARGEST ANd"eEST STOCK OF FURNITURE Kf Ihe Mountain, Of oar own Manufacture, will b kund at the MAMMOTH ESTABLISHMENT ol C. O. HAMMER f SOS, Th newest and natast approerd vtyle of Fin and Medlnaa Fwrnluire. fas Urrerrartety than any other boose, at rery resaonabl price. Pcrwaw fumih Ina boose would do wU to writ for owr new circu lar, or whew tn Ptttuwrrn. wc reictfnllT aollcit a vwtl to our wareruoDi. IK, t loriret to plaon, . UAMtermth Aw., PiUakmraw. Pw. We rliallenr th world la price tut tb nam quality of material and workmanship of our Ruuda. aa7-Sm CUT THIS OCT. PITTSBlttU FEMALE COLLEUE. El.no xr BrrLttiWQu, well rnrniabed and tsr peted tkrouakowl. Tkorowxk eowrae of atudr. Tw'ENTT THREE TEACHERS. Srwra Dennrtmentm. Bnaelal teackers time la ,1 ':T I- loan mmj kwm .Hvninn wuju wuvwauMrce ant, ae rommoitatku. Fall term eommences SeptemlMtr loth. Sen to the Presutest, Her. L t Persblnr, It. li.. Piiuburb, Pa , lor a Catakrue. ni'ni-,'.' X"- . '. . f T . iir.iin. r. i . -enr riisiowii. .nr. jaioii a .in an tl.At...l.l l l 1 .. O .1.- 1 rt.l . uv. jaw. ANSI0X HOUSE, rFJtltKL, Proprietor. Tlilf i rat f the bent butrl in Smuwt euont r. Th latle will lwv he fa'4IH with UMrbnlr-rtan-lr the msrlct aitonU. ud the bar with the bint liquur. Hu.uV8tbleatUclicJ. 7-S 4 (JEXTS WAXTEI YOR ... A THE JF.KSEY, ALU EE NY aul Ut'EkNSEY "C O W." The IWst lVmk fi-r Aernl-. It tell bow to atilk. tu nine. i iiuiuire and U breed to tki wit pnjkl. I'ri-e. 1 Tb. OM uitjr b wilirrtrtk; (llirrml lenus; rlnular iwnt tree: tend ir then. IllKTER k IXIATtX. IliMWien, Aq:-1ui fhiUdeliihlm. Pa. "yrAKMCASTLE k MOORE'S FAYOMTE URACORS, SOLD BY ALL GROCERS. . Maivufiiotorv. !21 A" 31 Seventh St. lu'-lm PITTKBI HGII. PA. )U 15 LIC SALE OF te In Concmaugh Tp. John RumnuTs! Estate. Ity virtue of an order of the Orphana' Ouart ot Soiui-rwt I'ounty. Penn a, I will exe to rntie tiy uulilic oulrry. the iirruil-. tle killowtns ratua- ie i;eil t Mmvc. late in pnneny vi junn mit,deiaaed. In Oun uuuu Tuwnulp, t IN SATt HUAY. Al OUST JUt, HC . raiaal.lc Farm eitatnln Two llnn.lre.1 and Sfr,n acrea, nxire or le. aJji-inimt landj of Peter Ulmlle.penrer, Iiauiel Uk-ugh, et aL Oue IlamlrcJ and Firty Aerw are ( Ira red And in wl toltlt-atluB; Thirtj Aens In .len did meadow. There are e reeled uM tlie rt-mLe A tiOOl) TWO SToKY UM1 HI il'SE, BANK P.AKN, AXIl flTlIEIt Bl IHil.MlS. The farm Is well watered, and has also on It a -o Orcliarcl nvo Ta,1mx Po5jetii. Itifen on the Tti-.wx: Ten pern-nt. of the pun-hane money to be wid wlieo tin.- pr-HK-rty 19 jold; one -third ot the pur. hae monev to n-uiala a lien on tlieiiremieeaaa a UiiWf dower; one third to I paid uttertheaale Isemlirmed and dit made: and one third to ha paid the flrrt dav or April. A. l. 1S74. with in terest troui tl .lv o aale to lie swrure.! by ju.la;- Uictit Kki-I. SU.A.-S J. o r.K. AuiruH 1ft. Administrator. A 1 M I X I ST I : A TO US . OTIC K. Letateof S.imutl P. Bitlner, late of Sniumit Tp. letter of linliils1rIUi on the ale estate baiina- been rranted the underiKiH.-d by the iiroper autbontv. leili.-e H hereby a-tveu to those ludetKed to it to wake ImmediHlc paymrut, and 1!xw hav invelaima o-rninst it u prcio-nt them lo tlie under mined .a- m-tih uient and allowinee. at the late re idt-ncei raid le.-e.-sl. on Saturday. Septemlwr 14th IsTi JAfOB S. UlTTNLK, JU.NAS SAYLtiK, AU: j. AduiiiiL'tratore. JOTICK. Tiu. Mrnerskii.herfbrreexUinirN-tweea John 1 f 'over and Philip L. W.dlerf t-mer. d-iua; Iiu-iih-s t umler the name and le d the "Olade laiulwr tVutriv," In the eounty d Nwnerset. ts tin day di::s..lri-.l by mutual e.ic-nt. Tlie l.k will re in:! in In the hands ol the nam w onersoeryer, ami alt pern! kuowiuK themselve ludeUed tu the nid linn will please make aettlenicut with theaakl Wollcrslierarr. at Mineral Pidnt. tliVKK k W'l LFKKSBKi:tJ FJi, lViint- bnrlne uwler Ihe name of the Ad.'. T. -lilade lumber! 'uaaiany." ni'ULlC iALV OF JL Valuable Real ESTATE! 1 He virtue of an order of the Orphan' urt of ! Somerset eountv. l'a.. I will expoee to aale by b : lleouUTT. on lb premwra. the kJlowiuu valualde I K.-al K-iate. Inle the pr.perty ot Oeoiye Tressler ! deeesiped. In S.ithamptin townhl. I UN SATl'EDAY. AUGUST Slit, 1ST farm or parcel of land, eontalnlmr sixty e or les. a-1 Kiinlnz land a of Solomon Kel- WILSD3 COLLEGEFOB YDIIEL4DIES. 'nmnkrwairBT. f- With amide (Iround and eleuAnt KuildUi. sofit- led upas tk homelike and attractive, and well eiulpst for thorunich edumtkaval work, will --n th first Term ol the next Academic year Sopura- tier Al h. LSTi ForCimilnr. amW to Auj. " b. V. V. XL. L..V.I HEADS AND HEARTS; OR, My Brother's Keeper, RV BoL SL.S I M. AX EX('ITIX(J KT0KY, ' WII.I. HE Fdt'Sli IX ita AMERICAN VOLUNTEER A Fireside Journal. OUR PREMIUMS. fjX 1 KAUltiliN Ajl I INBDCKBENTS. TAVO BEAUTIFUL CHBOMOS FOR NOTHING! Now is the Time to Subscribe! . wwwnawaaawwnauwwaw Vekri,rc to irlr ry veiuly rubs.-rl trA PAIR k' t'HiiM(i ewtliwd . . . . - "EAIkLYMORN,' "THE YOUNG FC3A6ERS' Tlxsw Tdetare ar eack rnsS4 Incke. prurht. "EX1TIXE OHEOMflR. not ehean colored lilhw irraphs. Tfcer ar I1BST CLASS CHKOatfIS, lmp-ted to our order, and will hear critical exaaa iiutt low. Thev na wot br bornrkt "tmrlv t the pic lure dealer lor hvwthaa FIVE tkHJ.ABSra.il. The picture ar mate. They will be aent pnl free to wck forward n t k on ar' wis. script i.i. t rit lier will I sent irix m.mths- ub rrtpti.i. 1 SO. Six month sul'Wriber will please Indicate their choice of premiums In order that w nor know which t forward. - To such as rcfer it, we will Rive, instead of the Cliromo, A Beautiful Steel Engraving, Entitled "The Wreath of Immortelles." Thl plendld jilcture. which represent two Utile lrl reiarln- lo decorate their rattier' xrave. I 18x3 Inches. It I pnmounced on of the finest en aravlnir in theountrv a tdclur nch a w.aild irrac anv drawlnif-ro.'m hi the lan.1. It can n tie lnht In the etore furies thanks W per vr- ' Cash Premiums to Agents. : i ' are cirlwa- th larr i'AKII Pre awimaww ever aTrrrwl la Ck cwtwialrx. Send stamp He tnuirmatkm. 4Simle 0.c ran he had of Newsdealer thr.Airh.Mil the I'nlted State. Hack number sup-. iji-wi I"'"1 , .... , , ! y-Smi4e Cople mailed to any a.idre on n-1 eelpt of sump. Audrea. . j 1. MM1H1 d t o. Iyirk Box riTTSIU KUH. PA. ' Ofb'-e: Noll Smitbheid St, (Ku.wtus ItissE, op.-iie New City Hall.) Third St.-ry. CF.3KF.BAL AUEXTW t The Pittsburgh Book & ValuaDlB Heal Esta News Company. , 72-lni. aux New AJverl'ucifleiil. , J OCAL AGENTS WAITED! . i American Button-Hole and ovekseaminu cu.MrLrrrt SEWING MACHINE ! JAMES ESPY, Cen'l Agent Fur Western Peitb'ylrjiiU n4 Fa'ttra OhU. Office 1 IS Liberty ,Si.,J'ilt.-lnmji, I'd. Lil-er.it lB.!oeunliH i.lKrrti t eimntT n.t bal S. INTERVAL REVENUE. Collection of Aaaaml Tames for l7t. CoLLtx-roB's tmct 16th IMst.. Ta. Mera.rel.urK. Pa. 81st July, lSTi. Pursuant to the Internal JteTetioe Lar of tlie t'nltr.1 NUte. all perwiiu tn Snaienet eoantr. -owed en the Annual List of l7i fiT iSiieciid Ti .f.linMi iiflnAim re hetwhv AirfiHeil IhAi Tk-fi. I uty VIIerur. F.J. Komwr Ei.. of Sutnernet. will j be present, at hul otitic In Somerset, to receive the nhirr'KKi laxr. Mie van ami ixn aayi KUst, Iruia 4 a. lu. W p. nu. of liayr. NOTRE. Itr the Inlemal Revenne Law. aamenlet, fmr tles'liilllnx to iy at the time !M-einel aluve, will iixtir tba loll, iiik exienie :J0 eenu fur txlk-e, aikl 4 r-nl iter mile Ut aerviee of the Rune, an-t if i mUI within ten ilaya Irom senrlee of na I1 no lii. iirr centum vrnultv. an.t one iereentum t-r nxth alditin:tl. JOHN K Rrri'HKV, ( Elector lib Pa. Q1 f mxte frotn M r!. full at examine, or 12 tp A -r Sami'lm -nt (o.ta-je trtr) for ioela.. that retail quick l..rSlu. K. L. tUiUIITT, 11 fhat ham Square, New Y rK. , A;t..TS wanl-l f.ir fir mot at- 91VHJ:riive'-hKM.KY k BHtlWV tio-l MKA.ST fc. WILSii.N" t'araaUjrn t'harta. The bet one oni. S.nd b-e elri-ular. Immene n.ih-r. I jrze pr..ni. H AASIS a. Ll'RKD'HT, fjnpire Mnpaml Char I LttbiiLlient. lu; Liberty Street New York. T SYfH)M ANCY.or SfllLCH ARMINO" X How either srx may taactnat arel train the b.ve and atteeliond of any lerson they r.h'iow. In stantly. Tlii trimple meulal aequlreuient all enn poMewi, free, by mail. ! 'ii etr. ttirether with a marrtatte a-ulde. rjo ptlon (h-nele. liream. Hinta to Illea. ke. A oum-r. exrUinc tiouk. lno.uuuaol'l. Ad.lr.iw T. WILLIAM k. Ol., Pubs.. Philada. U KXTS WAITED FOR GOODSPEED S il LYLUY I.'ITIZLX WANTS IT. Also f.,r Caniiwlirn p.t. Addr.iM. f;KH SPKKUS LM11KK PTHI.lsiHIM't liolSt; lu; 1 jtjerty rirt-cl. New York; or, UM-lun.ii, I . WAKKEN RANGE. FIRST FUbMIl M AM. l.ST., Ih.ul. F.levle.lh-en. Warming fboet. Kndlintt lfc, Fend-r Otinl. Iiutupinir a Kh.-iLin trrate. Iliiw-t limit. VTI.I.KK. U A I; li fcN Water Street, New Vork. a Just 2 rS KECEIYED a in AT I n-V B If.KNEPPER'SI. ItfTETW Oi la lo i IGOODS, ' tn P P & Q -t o o a c to p NOTIONS, o Ps p. GROCERIES, c3 lie rare to call anil see. an 1 1 tiifivinc- e-l. a there are t.4 many artk-U-ki lx rasi enuui. ntl n. r ii OPPflSlTE soMi:itsirr iioi si: u s-l SMim:iai.-T. ra. July IT A. W. KM.PPFK. JVVNKINO llOl'SE OF James T. Brady & Co., Corasr of roErth Atciiij am Wi Slits!. PITTSBURGH; r WE lilT AND SFXL covEiiiUT mmnii GOLD.SILVER&COUPONS On Liberal Teriuw. WE AI.IJIW i Six per (Ykl. Interest h IVpusils. A tt'l XTSOF MKKCHAXTS AXIl lNIHVlI'1'AI.S'mi.lflTKn. James T. Brady & Co. July 3 72. ooo OOO Or SocarsCoated, CoaeentrateJ, Uoot and Herbal Jalee, Antl .. BllloaaCranwleas THE "LITTLE . GIANT" CATHARTIC! or nlfm ' la Parva Phyale. Tko novelty of modern Medical, Chemical ax4 FhannaceulH-a! Science. No as of any tooret takiDK the arc, rrpniai and nau eon ptlk. composed of cheap, trade, and bulky Ingredient, whoa w can by a careful application of chemical cienca, extract aU the catuartK and other medi cinal properties from the must valuable root and hern, aad eoneeairata them Into a xuiaat Graa K neareely larer than a aaaatara aed . that can be nudily awatlowetl by Uw of the most BcnmtiTe rtomacb and faetidioua taste. Bach Utile Patrcatlvw Pellet represent, tn a ntoat coocentniled form, as much cathartic power a la embodied la any of the lare piUa found kir Je ln the dru hop. From their wonderful ca thartic power, in pro-KMlioa to their tlx, peoplo who bar not tried taem are apt lo suppose that they are harstt or drastic in effort, but sock I not al all the caee, t:i dlfsrcnt activ medicinal prin ciple of whick thev are composed bein ao bar monixed and uodioed. oa by th other, aa to produce tt taowl nearchlnuT and tkr acta, yet Kcntly and kludly ape rati af ratbartlc, 5U0 lie ward U f.cy offered by tbo pro. prietor of the ' Pellet, to any chemist who, pou analytu. Will tod lit then any Calomel o other ijriua cf mcrvuiy or aur ether uiwnl polaoa Delaa eiitlrrlyTeretable.ao narular car i required while min them. They ope rate without diatarbanc to the ontitatioa, diet, or occupation. For JaaaaMee. Ucaulaehe, Constipation, Inipnro Hlotoa, Pal a In tke kkioalaoaw, Ttartftaoaa of tko Ckest, OlHluta. Sour JEi-aetatlona ot tko Moaiaea, Baa taata la xaonlka Bilious attack, Pala In refloH al Kldneva, lutcraal Fewer. Bloated foellutf aboat Monaaek. link of Blood to Head, niak Col. ored V rlas laaoclabllitr aad filooaiv t'orekodlafa, take Dr. Pirea Pleanaat Paraatlwa Pellet. In explanation of to rnwl ml power of xoy Pn. ruir Irclleu over to rreat a variety of diaeawes, wish ttay that tkelr aetloa w won tko aalatal economy lsnalerwlt not a 'f " 'e,,,f "' iiwa laaprwaaa. axw aowa not impair west their ivar-cUnr and beinj' wndoaed tn riaa hoHi- nmcm Udi rlftim niataliK) bi ur lenjtk of tin, iaany cUaate,o that they ara I- wart fresh and reliable, which ia not the rM with the pill found in tb intf rtore. pnt up ia Cheap wood or paste-board boxea. Recollect that for all dtce wber a Laxative, Altera tlva or Purgative, ia ladKaaed. tksa lltti Pellet will riv Um axa pcrfixl atlalaclka to all who ua tliem. Tkev are noli ky all eaterarlaluaT DaacgUts at ii eeota a aottle. I ' TWr. not allow anv draertat to Indue row to take anything ele thai fc mar r ia ut a rood aa my Pellet becaaaa k make a larrcr proflt on that wkKa a miianma. it your dragriat cannot (apply then, eneioa Si cent and receive tneta ry return mau irom - JS. F. J-fKBC, M, iytfr". TO aw am i StTFAiU V Y. NfW Aib'trlinehicnU. Agents Wanted for Life and Jimes of JAMES FISKJR. ('ntiln kk-ar.phlc "f Irrw. Vao hrl llt O-al-l. Tweed, fce,. with a Unanrlal hlvlory of thenmav try tor the lt three tear, and what tiniot knew ahont "RliM-k FrleSaiT.' Oier 500 paiiea. I'rWi i Addrew New York BOOK W. IU NatMa SC. New Yk. KANSAS REGISTERED BONDS. Safe ami Profit iMe Inrertuient P-mdj. Some of the wrahliL-t nmnties tn KANSAS Alh-n. Aa dernua. r rafltlln, Johi.,n and lfejaitlucoubde. Kritirtrred by the SUte of Rbt. luleret and irinriial aid by the State Treaenrer. The Hda pav J rceut. lnterexL, and are over three yean old-, the etiuna having been alwarn reirularly and promptly pahL 'or rttbtle and informatkai ad SreiwSAM L A. UAVU'UU ,'., :!3 WaU St., New York City. NO MORE RUBBING! STONE'S FOUNTAIN WASHERS. Ketaft Price. 1 60. STONE . FORD, aj Arch St., Philadelphia. Sen.1 fur Cux-uUr. REWARD For any eaae of rtlin.1, Itledinir, Itching or t'k-erated Pilei tlut likBixo'll Pitt Riwudt faltntoeare. It l nre. iare. expreMily toeure the Pile, and aotkloweiee. uy an anumuu. J'nre i. When tlie tdoiKt rnhe with rorket tik rb.lene to the head, causing hot tlufhee, vertiiroanddim nese of tiirht It U a certain rtm that a mild, aalu bri..u, eoollnK and eo,ualixiir laxative 1 reuuiml, and Ta I: oast's Lmcavta kxt .Skltzib Aruu x. r tliould he at once retorted t. SllLU BY ALL MiLUOLSTS. A, GENTS WANTED. A ec n t3 make more nvmey at w,-lt f.r than at auythlnif elm. ltastne Ihrht and permanent. r-artk-uiarf Ire. U. hll.0. . C I ., 1 lue Art Publisher. Portland, Maine. T T C! PI A Nf I til.. N. Y. PH It.'F. J . kj, NU AGENT: XS. CJreaUra fre.eiJU ARUAVH I.AWOFTIIE ki:xf V- X dtttons will. It Impair vitality pmdiiv and negative eleclririty proof that life la evolved without unkm etfwt of tohaeeo InHuene of hh an.1 phoepnorie diet nwrtern treatment of iwlrte i disease. Mricture and variemle. ant arrest of de- vekifKnent: ten lectures to hi private raivteal euae. by r.Liw AKU 11 lH.li.v. M. Dllulk Avenue. N. Y. : M pases, ti eent -Lvery line from the -n of lr. IHxon i"f rreat value to thewh.de human raee." Hurmct Crttrlry. 1KEAT MKK1CAL 1lK of naelul knowl- X I e.tireioail. Sent tree f. IV.. "tanii. Adlrt- 1)B. ItllNAPAKTE k t., Cincinnati. Ohio. THOSMerADDEIiJK. 4Lr?Ar.nSBURCH. 1.000 I 0 o'BOVARD, ROSE & CO., p' Carpets, OIL CLOTHS,! MATTINGS, Stair Rods, &c., &c. Full and f'artTullv Shi1iil Stoik. BOVAlil), HOSE wc CO., A 21 FIFTH A VEX IE, Will SHADES IXXSlIwjItCaill. I l.'tateresklenc of asM deceased, in Petei-fmrx. ' I satanlar. September Tth. 1"71 June WELLS' CA2E0LIC TAELETS Fcr COUGHS, COLDS 4 HOARSENESS. These Ttlltf present th Ackl in t'.mil.knatl.. with other ettv-iint remeilie. In a popular-,, for ' tn cure ol aU Throat and Luce biaewee. Hoarse- sea ami llcrration of the Throat are immediate-1 IV relieved, aiwl fttninl. mr ft,tnfl ljn ! sent to the proprietor of relief in cajea of Throat uiunyim-. in jrars FLBn'lina-. i i.ii"n. mviiiiTiim or w-.inniet i Imita Price tion. Oct only WelLs' CarWic Tablet. 2ic tier box. Sen.1 t rirsular. JOHN u. KtLUsl. is Platl SU. X. Y. Sole arent k.r the V. S. iit.lTTA A M'iiNfHea.ilvma.fe with Stnn.il an.1 K.eT4'heckIiea. Secure 1n-ular ! ! and Sample, Vrtt. S. M.Spencer, lirauleburo Vu fri:i:touook i(ii:Tx. i We will end a hanilmn Propectu of our Srm llluttrtttd f aniif bible, eontaininir ncarlv iuu floe ScriMur lllnstratk to any Ik A a-ent. free of rbante. Addres aTIo.l I'iblishisu fo., PhiLulrlphia, Pa. MY JOLLY FRIEND'S SECRET, 1 I.Kwia' new ami rreatest work I an fin mens Fuccrsk. .ut ilKusan.l in press. Axent dclixht e.1 and cuininir niieT. AGENTS WANT EL ev en here. ti El . M Al'LEAN, PoMi-lier. Til Sus4n St., I'biU.lelplita. Rare Chance for Agents. AGENTS, we will pay fie per week In cash. If you envatce with us al ooce. I.i cry lion iurui--k-ed aoJ ei nses pnt.l. Ad-ires F. A. LLLS a IX.. t'harkitt. .Mick. f I '11 IS IS Nil lll .MHt',1! QC i lij M-adinx uQ t'KNTS. with aire, heirhL c,l..r i.l eyes and luir. V will receive l.v rviurn mail, a eorrvet pklnre ut y. ur lu tare husfn.i or mite, with name uihI date'o, Mr riaire. Ad.lr.-sj V. 1'tiX. P. tl. Kniu.r. No-Jt. Ful Uuiiille, N. Y. A (.nnfo WANTEI Sir the Autobiography rtfeL-LllSot lioKAi'E UREELKY. A new lllu.-lrated clilkm. n..w ready. icl this the only e.litu written by himselli anl entkirse.1 bv lb Tribune. AL. the 1-ilc and Tillies ot ('. S. OKA NT. bv Hon. J. T. Headier; an.1 ir IfCi V AMPAluN al Ak I AL kr all oartles. just out, prk-e, t) Ju. One anent sold su in tUreedays. Spk-n-dui Steel purtraits of llreelry. also .d Uraut. frxw a n.intb made selllntr Ihe alsve. l U. TREAT, luili.her. soi liruadwry, N. Y. AGENTS ! AGENTS ! AGENTS I Stud iordeiTiptlTeeirriilaran. special term k i lie ureatesl caiupaiirn tss.k pubUsheil, j McClellaii's RepnlUcanisi in America I iwiur to the present political excitement, will aril I oriiie u.-xi six moouis uae una nre. 1st he m.st reliable tss.k in the market. J. M. STOUIIAHT kill., Put.llflilTs, Sunsuu SU, Phibklelpliia. laoyal Chance. An Army of Live A rents wanted to sell a new beautifully' Illustrated subscript!.! etlitka of one 4 tlie rk-hest rem in literaiure, of uvrfd xrlie lame and tnrytMting excellence, ICobiiiHOii' Cnisoo. . A splendid oetava over Sol) paire, cream tinted pnper. rleirant bind lor. only 1 te. A marvel uf eheaiiness! A mine of wealth! It is the most rare. IMpular. han.ls.4ne imt cheap book extant, and will outsell all others. For term. d.lre Hi huard Buiih.. Publisher, 7a Sanaoia St., Philadelphia. It If not a phytic which mav rive tetnpnrarr re lief to tb utft-rer for th first lew doves, but w'hk-h fMmenntlnued use brinsi Pile and kindred dis ease to aki in weakenina- the turaiid. aor il it a doctored Honor, which, under the popular name of "Bitter," U ao extensively palmed on oa th pub- lie aa tovereUa reuie.Hn, but It U a mof potter ful lonte ana Alterative, pronounced so bv the leading mclkal aulboritle or Ltmdon and Pari, and ha been long- used by the regular phvsk-iani of other Ciuntrte with womhrfnl rrmclinf result. iLMnimtTenimm retain all Ihe meslkwi virtue peculiar is. the plaut an.1 must be taken a a permanent curative a rent. J lAerr wwaf af attioa in your Ltrtr and Spietnt Vnles relieved at once, the bhl become Impure bv deleterenw secret lis, brodn. inr arrofulooa ur tin dlseaaet, Blou-hea, Felons, Pustule, Canker, Pimple, kc.. ke. Take JVKl BEBA to dean, parify aad rrKure th , lliated blood to healthy action, Har fan a Varprptit .Vc t fn! liire tk I promptly aided, th ryatem h, dtilitated with ks nf vita.1 krce. poverty of the Blmsl. Ilrop-ak-al Tendency. Oeneral weakness ur Laaaltnd. Take it to assist Ilireslion without reactkia. It wili impart youthfal vlrv to the weary mftrrer. Hare won weatnett af the Iwlraf iaet t Y.Hi ar ln lianrer of Chmnte I Hair bora, or the dreadful In flamauilka of the Bowel. Take it la allay lrri talks, aad ward off tendeary te Inflammatka. Here pan teakne$a af Ike Iter ine or I riaary Oraantf Yoa mast procure Instant relief or vou are liald to autferlnit worse than dent k. I . Taka it to Krenirtuea organic wewkae, or life j beeome a rmnlea. ! t many, u vnouia oe rreqikniuy lax en to aerp uw ystea in perfect health, or yoa are otherwise In rreat dasnier of malarial, miasmatic or emiatrkms ai; JOHN a KFJXOfrO, 1 Piatt SL. New Tort. S.4 Are.it for the Called Stale.. Price, One Dollar per IrUxtl. Send kf Cyciar A.I.I.MHUhlg Iv KNEPPEB, Phystrkuiaad lieatkit, Burtia, " , Pa. W.ll kIv wonjAs ttenlkl to all rases entrusted to hla care. Omc one door era of tk "Urailiet How." sain as oticidd heretofore by Dr. P. C.ituiser. Lf'jnl StJii e. 1 Iw I(.rlnned Aa llt'.r. duly n..lnif 1 l.y the ' rwr a ll.lrilmti'm nf Kie ruU lu the KaiwU ''f J.-nb H. an-l A. P. Hllb-aas a.tmr o P'"er K. llillrXa. ter-it, to awl lh.- ea:lly entt tlH therein, herel-y xtveilve that be will attend In tbedutk t i4 the aimve aiiintnient on Thurs day. Dm M riarof Aaa-aM grit, at kUnffke. when and where ail u ra iuUre.-trt may altr-iwl. II. L. BAKK. July lu Aiitr. A1" ITOIVS NOTICE. Al a Vurt "f C'l PteafS4BereteKmty, held tn Somerset Ike 1Mb day t Jaly ta;x the aav leraltrned were aptuinted audiur to take testimo ny, report the facta and an opinion on all mat tern tn utaputa la the matter of the aeroum ,t Lmanuel J. Merer and John L. Anawalt. ajwirnen of f'harlee Htoner. and to make a distribution of tbt I BX.UUU, with Ui Intereet thereon, to ani ainon thuw legally entitled thereto: A 11 wrani IntereMeil ara neret-y notified that we will attend to the dntiee of amid apiUitment at the Town Hall In Soweraet. Pa., on Mooday the lut b day of AuKUrt 1T2, at 10 ol-k, a. w. f aid day. SAM L OAITHtK, r. j. Ks-ti.. VAU HAY. July a. Anditor. A. J. Colburn I ra. I Xo. 1 February and ine Iteek ami the widow J. Term. ItTX and heiraof i.'hrb'tian In I rartltlin !. din. dereaswl. J Tu A. J. t'olti.n. Em.. (Uridine Berk, and the wklow and helm of t lirlin Un-l . ilaraaaeu : Take Nvtk i that an iuiue will be heht un th I ; . I. ik.if.Kiuhliii.f I'lL-IWIr In th Mritnta J rmuiim, in lwc .. ..... . . ... . ... .... - j i of aimeiBeu uw inurway oe a uj "m nvn-w ' lier Wt ft the purpaaw of makinir partition of the kdlowinir real etate to and nmmit th above na med parUea. Tlx: a tmet of Ul euotaioina- 4U3 ! aerea. mute In E1k!U-k towuhip. warrantol hi tlie name of Ralph Chary, if the ae can t .lone wilbout prejudk-e toor fpoillnK the whole; Mber I wlM to value ami appealce the ram aoror.llnr to j law : at whteb lime and plaec yoa are n-.Oeifted t i atten.1 If yoa think proper. Zls4 July lsTX i ShentL A. J. folhom Keutien Eretrhman. Vana. No. 1 Ferary Term M7'i Partition !. u(- I id- t ian 1 e Kretrhmaa. ami the w "W ami heir of t'hrutian Lamii. deeenanl. To A. J. IMhora. Reuben Kretrhmaa. M.iaae KreP-hman. an.1 the wklow and hem of t 'tiristun IaimU. deewaaed : Takx N.iTlrx that an Inquet will he held on the nretn!c. In the town'hip of Llkik k. In the eoanty j of Somerset, an Thursday tb Mh day of tsetKeu- t .-.in i .-. uti a uhiiwj im il u , .n . ber. 1X f.tbpuneof makimc t-rt.tl.. T". . ,huT' 4 tn aain- 1 pan lea. via: a tract of Und root amine VX kerea. rituate in Llklu-k townrhlu warranted in th name of Tboma Chary, if the earn ran be de without prejudice to or apoilina the wiwle: oikerwiM pAalue and apt .raise therameacrordir. Ui law. at which time and place yoa may attend il yon think pmiier. Sheriff- I tn. JfiSI AH SIJ AFKK. Somerset. Slit JulyTi i Mieritf. E to ACCEPT or RE FIVE. To Hannah. Intermarried wllh Miehael Sheet, re rtdfnir at lril.A. Lawrence counts-, tihki. Llixa- beih. intermarried with Edward Stnaf, rel dinif in Preti noonty. W est Yiryinia. Manra ret, lnlermarrie.1 with Alex. Warner. Cat ha nn. Intermarried with Smith, and Sarah lieha ven. the lat three heir rerklinic at lront.in, Law-l-nc eounty. Iihk; "i ov ar herely notltted to appear at an fir- phans CiHirt to lie held at Somerset, on M'Xhtay tb nth da v of Ketitenihernext. to accent or refuse 1 tike real enal of Jacob Iieharen iie.-'d at the ap- 1 1 .raised price, or rhuw cause wbr til aame bald ' I nd.L j ! Sheriff OhVe. ) JliSI All SHA FEB. IS.menet. JalySl. Ti Sheriff. Rr LE to ACCEIT or REFUSE. 1 , Cyrc Kinzkr. SiiMn Ba.ih. K L. R in trier. ! Flit Binder. H. H. Kimrler. J-dtn Kinuier. I Amanda, interraarrte.1 with Wm. Hull. tle.anr ) Klnitler. and .Mary Eliiatlh Bintrler: j Vor ar herebr notified to apuear at an fr-' i phan Court, to be held at Somerset on Monday Ihe ! utn .lay oi seinemrer next, to accept or refuse t Re ; real estate of Oem Kin r Icr deed at tb aprau-; e-l price, or show cause why the same should uot t i st pr n.l.l. i Sheritr Ofllo. ) Somerset. July 31. Ti i JOSIAH SHAFBIt. Sheriff. a upitors notice- i Harinc been antaiiotcl bv the Omhan' t'oart of , Snner--i county, au-flt. to examine tb excep- ! i tliai. state an account. If aeeeiwanr. ami make atwl , r. jsirt a ilistribut ion of ttie fun-Is la Ike lun.ls of i tlie executor of Jacob rlrvnlxer dei-'.l. to ami I among thtfe leirallTentitle.1 thereto. I will attetel i to the .lutie f iaI.1 aipointnenf. at mj office in ' : S.nere Pa., on Frklatr th 10th dar of Aairust i L17Z, at 10 oVkirk a. h. of aakl dar. at" whieh time i an.1 place all perms infrcstct are herehr not i del ' jtoatlen.1. SAM X OAlTHfcB. j juijai. Atbiitor. 4DMIXISTRAT0R-.S NOTICE, j e of John R. Wlnlnc, late of Ad-limn town- i j hlp. iles-ease. 1. j I Letter of administration on th above iwtate hav j Inn; been (ranted to the un.lerslirne.1. notice Is her by civen to those Indebted to make immediate pay I ment. and tboe harms; elaim aa-aln.n It will pr s"'iii mem, uuir auiuenucaieu h. aeitiement al tn SAMl IX, ErffJF.R. July SI. Adniiai.irat'jr. A.1 .'DITOU'S N0TICH. ! At.isilnte.1 au.lltor he th.rer.h.n.-fMrt ... .n ' ersel county, to make distribution of the fund in , t b hamls of Slmm Snyder. Adm'r of Catharine ' Kn. dee d, to aivl imuix tlka leirally entitled ' t hanHn f will stfwn.1 ,n ,K Antlmm ... . ment at th ofB of W. H. Koootx. ).. on Tarsi uay lae ain oar Ol AUXntSt. A. D. isra. W. H. POSTLETHtVA ITT. Audiu. Jaty 31. DMIMSTRATOU'S NOTICE F-ii.ieof DavM Bruirh. Uteof Somerset U rcuih. deceased. i letter, of a.Imlnistratk on the above estate j havinif been t-iwnted to tb under uroed. aic ia , kereiiy riven to those lndetted to it to make lmme- I dial oar ment. and those kavins elaim avabut il. I ? prent inem. uuir anineaticated lor etUemem. John '. K ImmeL Ei.. in t he ! - - ' " borough nt !kuerrt. on Fridav. the aad daruf A u-t. IsTi J. M. UOLDERBAVM. July 17. Administrator. I iill Ut I'AKIIIIU.N. . ( To Lydla Hoehstetler. (wklow.) Pathartne. Inter- i Court of Somerset County, to th anderiued di married with Sokmon ileal, resklinK in Sutner- reeled, t lor re will be lol to pul.br sale, on the set ronntv. Pa., fat har inc. who is also dead. ! premise. k-svincain children reawiinx; at Arcote. Don- On SATl'RDAY, tk Kth day of Al'Ql'ST, lsTi lis eouotr. Illinois. Susan, intermarried with Peter Shultx. of MonaxUinta-. Lauramr e.n- ty. Indiana, w Uluuu. resklina: in Somerset eoun ty. Pa., Barbara. Intermarried with Peter M. Saykir. resklinK in Somerset county. Pa., Levi. resklinK in Mooicoijuinotty, Laicrmnvero.. India na. Ly.lia. inunaarried with Joel M. Y'utiv. re SHliiiK in Somerset county. Pa.. Mary, intermar ned with Israel OlotfeltT of Alleuhrnr eountv, .M.I.. P. O EllUick. Somerset eounty. Pr, . I rt as. tlie petitnier. Somerset eounty. Pa.. Harriet, resklintr In S.eneret eounty. Pa.. Eliiaheth. In termarried with J.ieeph Sbultx, irsidinc in Sonv erset r.untv. Pa.. SaiuurL s,dQeistet siMintr !-- Sarah. S.Bcrset enunry. Pa., heir an.1 legal ! representative ol Samuel U-rhstetler. lata of j OreenvUle townfhli, s.nerset eountv, Pa., de cerned : Taa NuTin, that bj virtue of a writ of partition o valuation, issued out .rf tb Origans' 1'i urt ot S,4neret county. Pa., and to m directed. I will 14.1 animjuest. on the premise, in llfeenville, township, eounty an.1 Kate akiresnkl. on Thursdav. the Mk day ol Auuiut. IsTi a the purpoaa of ma- kiiut a.rtlli. ol th real estate of the deceased, to and aiaona- hla helm and Iriral represewlauves. If j the uate rau be done without prejudic to or mI- i In- ihe wb.4c. or t value an.1 iiini the samel aeudinir to law : at which time and dac y arc mursiei loaiieud. ii y..n iniux tr"pt-r. Sheritf omc. t JOSIAH SH AFEB. Jalj ad, liTX , Skeritt Aoiitvi-iren .n.,r... , . , i I'-M I.MT ll.VTO U A I.E. j j 11, virtue of an order of the Orphan- ITourt of : Si.DK-rset ifeontv. lo me direct.!, there will twex- stol to public iale in the town ol UarretL, On SATURDAY, AUQVST Kth, a. t. 17 At .ele o'rkck ln the afternoon, the K.lkiwinr real estate, lai the property of EliaaC. Camp, deed: j. A M of rroand situated in tb town of Oarrett. ! 1 fiety feet hvone bundreu ah.l twenty fret, adjoin- ' j in Ms of Frank Eno and other, bavtnic tberrsa 1 erecte.1 a two-storj dwelllrur-kvios, ! TKBWUI j Tea per rent, to be pakl bj oua aa Uw property ! I MKs i,e.i uowq, anu isn.in.-e on ennarnutiun ol aale. S AMI" EL IX VA M P, July 27. Adu.biinrwt.ir. A rPITOK'S NOTICE. Estate of Hiram R Ouahy. dee d. The uadersiimed Auditor, appointed by the JuJr; e of tk Orphan' tVart of Suserrt county, to mak dlstributioa of th fund In the hand of Uworo Oeirer. administrator of sakl decease. I. to and amoaic Ik. we lexrally entitled thereto, will meet th partie interested, for tk purpose of ki ap- Istlntancnt at bis iinVs In stuoserset. Ml Frialav Ihe al day of Aiaxwat. when and u here they e-.ia attend li mey arc proper. A. H. fOFFROTH. julylO Auditor, TTTKIT OF rAUTITION. ToCathartne Whlpkev. (widow.) Anne, lnterwiar ried with Jonas Hart sell, reaidlnw in Marskall cuntv. West Yirrtnia, Alexander, residing in Marshall eountv. Mm Vintlnia. A da line, inter nuvlTMsi with Jaeksoa Heinbanah, rwkllnu; In Somerset eounty, Pn.. Polly. Intermarried with J.athaa Sartor, reskllnx la CjUTiJI county, 111 nols, Henry, resklinr in s.4neret eounty. Pa.. Jo anna. Intermarried with Freeman May. rest.llnr In Favette eaainty. Pa., llllalstk. Intermarried with Jarka Hyatt, rrsitllnx in Fateite eiHintr. Pa., aad Mania, reatdlar la NbraVa, heir and leuwl represewtstivM M J.MXa Wklpker, Uteof 1'pper Tnrkrvfoot township, Somerset eounty, Pa deceased: Taxi Nonrm. that by virtue of a writ of par tit Im or valuatka lssus-1 oat of the trphans' Court uf riomersat Couatv, Pn., ami to m directed, I will hokl aa Inquest on Ihe premise in i pper i r- , key toot Wwasbip, eountv ass! state aforesaid, oa ; Saturday th lwh day of Auwst. 17. aw thy pur-, noa of mak lor partliioa of tn real estate of auk! ' deceased to and iuif hi heir and k-ral retire- i aentativea, if th am eaa b duo without prejo- ( dice to. or spotllnr tb whoie, to value and ap. ; praise th sum aeeonlinr to law: al whieh time t and place yoa are requeeu wanenu, ii yuwinuia isssr Sherltl-sOffie. I JOSIAH SHAFER. July Jd, 171 Sheriff. 0MERSET COUNTY, m. At an Orphan' Court bekl at SunerwM on the th day of Jaw. 173. Ia th bm.ii of Ik ac ount of Jacob Oorhani, Ext., a-lmmlstrat.' nf , John Whlpkey, deoeaaaed, ita kkKka of H. F. Scbeli. Mq., tk Court awadnt J. tk KhameL fe amtltor to mat aau report h ditnlwtk of tb . lh record, eeruned ! ftia.1 la the hand of the adBUuuuiwtor a bii'key. deeeasaa, wa aad ai Idtkal Vhereta, l.tlrsst Irom this JfUh J an. lsX. la pursuwnra of the above appointment, I will ! atleod at my ofbca, ia Koaterset boruuith. on Fri day, the xad day of Aunt. 17. to the duties i nbos niuiuei. J. Uk IMMEL. . Jttlytn. Auditor. 1 M'wllrmeou. IM!."VISTKATiRS 5rTI K Lett-re rn the e-late of Alexander Saykw. late of .V m eret twn.'hip. df-rea-etl, kavtux ten Tned to the an-W-izn-d. la kerer ir riven tn all fr- "" mterie-l Hi Mid r.'ate (hit I will attend, at tbenltle if Srhtt kimm'l m tmTrt fa . onSaiarHay. the lTtN day of Awariut. whn tk hatini; rlaima will prront them kr awttkment an-! th-je in-tet-tH will make povment. OUVLK KNTrPFB. Jnlyl", ;. Administrator. A UIHTUUS .NOTICE. Ik omtenlirne.!. who wa appolniel to make and report a il triltki of tka luadp In tka knd o Jamea M. N'eal. adm rof Sarak HrNl. .lee d. to and au.K tkvw Irrally entitled thereto, herehv Klves autlee tkat he will aada Met distribute wuW atat at hi otfl.-e In S.4eriet. Pa., on 1 kurtay tb l"t dae of Auku.4. IsTi Imi all partiej luter tmtelran attend JOHM 11 IH1. jnliu A. I If. KTIFICIAL TEETH!! .f . V. YITZY. P ENTIST, VALE CITY, Houurttt Co.. J'a., ArtibcUl Tth, warranted to I of tn very beet inallty. Lile-like an.1 HamlMcne, inarrteI In th beetmyle. Partienlar Mtentkn paid k to nre erratk of the natural teeth. Thoes wlfhlr. tu conmilt me by letter, can do by enrioelna Ma top Addrew a above. jeU-TX PrXIIAM. WITH .HOSKLKY. 9lirrZ.KK A CO., xiASrrACTTBcaA tiajuuiu n IJOOTS cfc SI-IOKS, X... 4.".; MAKKt.T .ST., PIIIL.liLLPIIlA. ALSO, N. T WtKiHST., PlTTSBt tlH. PA. July 10, Tl. CAPS,. CAPES AND TOKCIIE. Sew! f..r ILLI'STR ATKU f 'IKI't LAK ANI phi;e LIST. CUNNINGHAM & HILL, a A.irvACTTKn. No.ioftfHI kll STKLLT.PHlLAIiUJ'UIA. July lu. Ti Political Campaign Grant & Wilson Greeley it Brown, CAMPAIGN OsA.S, ( apes ao4 Tr?ae, TRAXSPAREC1I 1D BASS EES, Wlta Portraits or any devkw a all panic. ! Silk, Bvntlna: and Molln Flaw of ail iae on I haml or made to order. 'tunes Lantern .rf all j " i ' I Jate sixc-ian.1 Myle: Paper Ka.. I in w.. u .'awpaiicn Cluoe btted out at the Lonc-t at WM. P. SCnEIBLITS CAMPAIGN DEPtT, 49 Stinth Thirtl Sfwt Pkiladelplii.. SEND FtlK CIRCI LAK. July 10. Ti E 0SADALIS. 1 HE INVIREMENTSTHAT f)M PSE k.Al.ALXS ar paMiske.1 on every su kaire. Uierel.e it i aof a wrvt preparata eoiuenllr. rilYSKIAXS PRES1BE IT. It l a certain cure lor Scrofula. Svpkili in all its fimn.. Ktiruintisin. Skin ln aeaees. Liver tapLunt an.1 ail disease ot the licwl. CS E07TLS cf SCSAIALiS 0 S will du more K"sl thin ten bottles ot to Svrui of Sarsaparilla. i The Undersigned Physicians har nse.1 Boaasiallt la their practice the past three yean, and freely end.4 it a a reliable Alterative and bki purities- PB. T. V. Pt OH. of Baltimore. It. T. J. BOY KIN, HR.R. W.CAKR. I'K. F. O. IAN N ELLY - IK. J. S. fJPARkS. of Nk-hoUsvlll. DB. ' L. M CAETnf . Colombia, S. tNirolrna. VH. A. IL NOBLES, lgWHah, Jf. C. 17SED A5D odobsed by J. F- FRENCH k SfJSS. FaU Elver. A A ' Mas. F. W. SMITH. Jaek. Mich. A. F. Vi HEELEB. Lima, Ohio. H. H ALL, Lima, lihio. t'R AVEX a til., "cl-eicrir. Va. SAM L. MrFAHDEN, Murfireets4n. i Ten a. ! Our poe will not allow of anv extend ed remark in relatkin to the virtne f Rosadaii. To th Medical Pmfeeska we mtarantee a Fluid Extract superior to any they hare ever used in the treat ment of diseased Bkmd: aad tu th al auted w wit. trv R.-sadalis, and you will be restored to health. ' R.dali I W4.I by all IirwinrH. Price si per buttle. Addres DR. t'LESENTS CO., .Mjnuiactorina: t'hemlt.'. BALTIMORE, MD. L I rnirsTEKS ALE OF REAL J. F-STATE.- i:v virtue ot aa oricr L-xned out f the f k-t.kans At to cluck r. a.. Ike W4kwinw ilescribed real es tate, lmle tl"f prisrty id Henry hetx dec d. to wir r A certain tract of land ttuate la Jenner township. SiMuersct ,'motv. Pa.. adj.4blin( lan.lso( Jwtui '. Walter. Atmhaw bieserker. Beujuum klioe. Ell as Heiple. .iiliian Vi alley, and utbers,e44tfamim( 187 acre an.1 M pert-he. Mrk-t measure: ab.4it lj acre clear, aad about 'H acre an a-oud ueradow : with two dwelling houe. a k bam. and oths-r ont ballJinir thercn erected : there k also a nood snirar or.-hart, with pan. irrate. kc.. kc., ko the premise: sls. two apple ori-har.ls of rb.-e fruit, and other vurietieuf trait. TICJts: On third rub: one-thir.lto rraiaia a lies upua the lan-L th interest there. to be pat.! annuaity W the wklow of sakl deeeaaed darina kr lifetime. an.1 after ber death, the principal mi at to th heirs of said deceased: and tb balance ln thre eoual annual psvmenu withont interest, to be sreansl ky tutiicnient VsihIs. Pixsesska will he irtven oa Mon day the 21 Septemlwr. a. n. IsTX Twenty per rent, of the hand money must be pakl on the day nf sale. JtiliN BlESH KkR. J uly X. Trustew. SSIOXEE'S NOTICE I Au.lrew H.iUiday. of Iviwer Tarkeyk. u.wn shik ha,ln ma.1 a voluntary aseivnment for the ; beiM-nt f erciibv. lo tk audersurned. notice k : hereby xivea to tboe indebted to aaid asslmk- tu make immediate pavmcnt.asd th. has mi daiui ausint klm wlU present them to m fc aliowanre. at my residence in Addison townsuip, on toe It' h day of Ausut. l-7i w ILLI AM SILBAVUH, ju!y 10 Assixnee. i TUOrOjsEI AMEN l.M EXT CcbsMoii cf rteilTaiii Jwlwt Rewwlnflwa rraiMaalaa- aa A raaaaeat the watitaliaf Pe Aaw- J Ivwwlw: i He it Rcsocrcd y Ike Senate Jfar ; re.rulirc lVwaJ feaarvr- m in General AitemMf met. Tkat th dk.wmx ! amendment of tb Oiutiiutka of thu Uwawa- wealth be pr.(s-ed to the people k their a.k4Mfc4i I or reiertka. purwaat to th proileaeu at the tenia ' ankle thereof lowit: AMENDMENT: Strike out th aixth. anetka of th? tlx,k artk-l of the iTmstitutkw. and insert la Iks thereof tb vl" -A Stat Treasurer shall b eh.en i. ; the tUaUacd elector uf th Stale, at ruck tin i an.1 U-e swrk term of service a skail b presenb ; l. law." WILLIAM LLLiiri'T. at ruck lime ihe-l Speaker of the H.-use of Representative. JAMES S. BIT AN. Speaker f theSewate-. Arrrtvxiv-Th twruls-secw-l day of Marefc. Anno lkmi one tbousassl eurkt bundled an.1 sev enty Two. JNO. W.OEARY. Prepare.! am! certified ("C pablieatfca aarvwant Wtbe Tenth Ank4 rrtS.KIAX. Seeretary of th tXaunuawtaiih. Office Secret rr uf trieCnsn.awakh, 1 Harruount, Jane Mth, 1872. juts JOHN WILSON & SON, wiiolesai: GROCERS, 297 Liberty Street, June). Ti L.R. NORTON, usAUia t PIANOS, ASD STATE AGENT FOB TBB i CCLEBB4TE sX JEWETT A tOODM W saaw ama. aaaw a a. t Cj R G A IM V 1 Vw4 I 4 IIS HaaJtaStM UtreeC. Opposit Xea CltJ KalL UTTSBCRQ H. FA. nit3 Stead tnr rilurt rated Catakarae. ! i I ... . .
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