of Publication. Ths Somerset Herald .! lavans laras." arcp.il 3 . hf-n In iivl.iy Morning at " advan-c: othetwise e w allar . '.ulicl every ..num. if P' ;v I char-ici. I. M -ill IX- .li-MlllililU'-l U""1 Mid 5. Postmasters ihz ..,-. - ' . . ...i .it their . Inn mitiseTl'lCrS 11" B' I held UX.I K-1. the- ,ulTipll..n. !"r'" , 1M. ,,s..fflcctonn- Ml,,s-ril rem-uni lr........K- Ui I lie name "i j tti.-c. A.i.in-.-f. .iH-r shoui.i true f tlic present i' r i Somerset Printing Company, Tlhe Rc di i n i wsei I I o raid. . , KSTAliIiIBHED,llB37. - .. , ' . . ... . ., : , . ' , ., II- 1 .11 III I. si l.L, llii-inc.- Manner. VOL. XXI. someuskt, v. Wednesday, august X 1372 NO. 8. I.. ni- 4ai.ir. ' t lit lila.lc II' li'll.l.lA.M I.1W. Solll ,,rKV' Oltlf.' ! Hardware. KIM M EL will cmtlnue to practice ; .... u n.l tin lirr lint pr.itfwi'iuil scnl- I he .'Hums "I .S"llicrei alio rnri"" - , nt the old place, a lew .l.-TJ icast j t'ladc House. . I. KHIM Z. ATlxiUXKY AT j iiiktwM. I'll.. i" s if ""i" I the a.lj 'ti'ln r-xiiitH.'' ,1 Imi. 1JKVHAKKK t.H'li r M." pntuwi'inai tl.f .!II'lli "I .-"- HARDWARE. hl r.irt I" tllllt-i' ill ..mTt Hit- .la'! iv i-tt. II. l; tT i w t jnn. SI. .. "i K V1IXKK line jH-rniamntlv lmntnl iii rlin I.Tthf r:irti- t M' l.niU-.in. hiirl' s KrMiisf'-r f f.'-iv. , ) ly. O S.-t ii,. .1 ltl.V"'I 3 pr. ft NOTICK ALsxamJ. r II. Mh ha I . ,,..nmH tfif rTMrtirr ! law in S.mn rwt ami ' .,.iiii,'iinti. . .- in id'- lliwnlir'fiiltirt'. 1 I -1 mm t:i. John F. Blymyer Has r''K'nl IiIk ft ore I A OAXiEHOVS MAX. , k Hil.loliX. ATTOKXKYS AT S.nui r!" !. 1'a. i:lii Iu r'i'l-iioe il AW will all .ui-iiif9 tu:iu-lcil tu In. carv itu iAI'.l, Ii ' M.KNTIXK H AY. ATTi'KNKY AT L iin.l .!al'-riii rwil fiatr. S"iii r-t. l'a.. & "..-ti l t" ail I'UMiit'w viuruMvu i I ii.liic.- auJ ti.hlit.v. k' .1 k II U ltAKU. ATI 1 , ,KW. S.'im-r-t. l'a.. will ..I ;.li'i :nl!..illllt istllllli'". A !Few Doors Above the Old Stand, Anl t'fiiTf t hlf iimirn an I frhiMlK a full line ol ooilft at the very Inwtet pri'-es, Hardware of Every Description, a uk. 1- ly. III ATTl'liXLYS AT r'-'.T In Nt-ili 1 1,. 1 hmi hi 1 ! i.r.iiiiu:y aiuii.i' i i". u ly. 'Ik' i I I I' . i:lw-.. in I he In llt I'art ol jail. III. Main". nr. hcran ai iiiiihik "e '" (-j i. . - -m :i kiiKiriJ work. n'U lining. ruiiun;.ri. arunir. Xe. A rl iri.'l.n U'-Ml'" an Kui.i. hii.i oi 1,-t ir.nl.Tliil, HiK:n',l. All operai!.'. ar- UN ii. villi. atthkni:y a i lsw.m. r-i l'a w ill i.r.'ii"'(iv aiu-n.i i" an i"i!ni'-i". ;rai"l t "l'a. A!.4i'' i li ii.- adx'atie'l on i,.llecli.wi .ii Main sir.-et. in 4 ( ill l:t$ r.-'l li'IHV. on JMalli ir. I .: i,,N i. K1MM1J ATTOTCXKY il ATI.AIV. crs.'!. l'a.. wi" alleihl n. all 1'UMiiei.s en-i u .l !" hi e.ire ill Somerset ami 'l.i"iuitiif c.uii villi .r.'iiilitin saii.l li lelity. Ol 'ee in V.urt .... M. 11. TO ly. ! atti hm:y ati.aw, j I NKY K.Ki'HKl.T. II :iti 1 H'umv a ! l'eiii"ii Airent. Soiiiers-t. ! XAILS AXI CLASS, Mooiicn Marc of All liiinN, ('OAIi OIL LAMl'S, COALOIL, i j rillMXEYS, I I And twrylliins li'lonln Iu the I.tuip tr.ulc. I AV111TK I-KAII, ili v in ihefourt ll"Ue. jan. 11 tl. I.IXSKUXHI, ''. f The iiu.h r'iLTe.l n s-tluliy inform" the i.ul ' t ft -hat lie ha lea--l tl.i- w. II Vti-.wn li-'tel iu the r.mli "I Somerset. It If Mr intenli "I t' keep ! ji hi a i-ivle nhieh he lioien willirivr witirtaetiou to I a 1 olio inav lav..r him with their eiinti.m. I A j -r it ;i J"N hii.i- VAKMSlir.S. r.insiirs. taints in oik an d hky, and i 1 KNKIMM1K. lliiii..n an.l l.ntit llerlin. ; rAArvC 1M rrurn T ' la. Wiilai.e 'r...n,at,e.iil.'ntonllea-e. PAINTERS GOODS IN GENERAL; ( ru-tf.l t" hi eare. Mi e ioor wevi oi ine , i i:r.Ui.r Hrnif." hiiur B lyvmii J l;erti'!"le ly ' : It. I'. f.lMu- i.. I KI S MKYKKS. SoMierM't. l'a.. ill nil ejt n ee on I i S.UIL ii. MILI.Ei:. afttrtw.lvc S. ATlnUXtY ATI.AW, irive iniMiit uttenti'.n to lia-ines.-elilrilhteit to lilp ejtn-In S'tnerNel anil S .iinire.'umiei. i nuee on i moti tireci. o'o . ii,. r.si.li nee .(f YA. S.ulL jy. 6-ti. ; 0. a niuiin A laixe flock ol Table Itniv'N hikI Forks. I'lH KKT KN IV1-S, live l.raetii In Sll:.uk' ille. haf , nently loeatnl at Sotnerwt tor the .re- ; Heine, iiii'l teii.iepi iiia liroieiviiniii m-r-1 . M the eltileim ot Solllerset nihl ieitllly. I A , v in the tin .h"i formerly viii., hy t'. A. j j .i,;iii' l. !ier' he eall l' e..li-ul:e.! at all liiuec. j l . .. i ir .tei-mally eiiirneii. j Ttji-Nht ealls l'pmiiiily an-v.er!. i... .i-i. MlmXS. SHKAIiS AMI SCIS.HtiKS, ; j 11. I'l iSTI.nil W A 111- A'l li iliN KY at I.iw. S..i.MT-t t. la. rr-'ie?i'4ial lu."i--;f.tllll!y flieitttt anl J UlietuallJ atleu.1- KiKiSI H. ATTtHiXKY AT LAW. Souier.rt. I'euna. ! riM'Ki.iix i.ixhit kktti.es. ic., .c,, i I T'tretl.er with inanv artlelei too niimenn? to men tion in an advertisement. He is determined to! sell at the very lowest ri.vp. ' five hitu a ealU j junc 'T i The followlttir (rati tho Oalena (111 1 Gozrlle an luaeh Ix'tter than tlwordinanr run of taililleal camiwiKn pnetry. that we iiuhllsh It entire. It Is KihhI cuoukIi: Sir. Sumner rays (Irani in a UJ.I, had. damreroos man. brtctpoptr. "A 1nM, ha'd man Is General anuit," Said Floyd one aioomy nl?ht, As out from Doneleoo he cn'i't, And took hit hast; flight. Krou Pilluw'a tremhllng liju there came An echo Hounding much the same. And Huckner thoutrht his chief was riht. Nor lonfrer durst maintain the flirht ; And from the fort hung strljies and stars. "That Oram's a dangerous man," said they ; And doubtless think the same this day. "A lold, Iml man is General GnJiL," Said ISeaurrgarJ one morn, Anl fnm the naughty traitor's lnw The victor's wreath was torn ; And from the field his legions went, Hy orders General Grant had sent. Then Shiloh's field was ours again, Ihvjilte the host of rebel men, Whoeamcan army boasting loud. And went a janle-strieken cniwd; I'or lieauregard and all his men 1'erliaus thought Grant was dangerous then. "A laild, liad man man I? i Jenenil Grant," Said l'emlerton ooc day ; "Entreaties are ol no avail, lie will not go away. A stuhoorn, mulish, dangerous man! He wants our rebel hides to tan." And still Grant's cannon raked the town, l ull! tlie rebel Hags came down; And then our banners, rent and toru, AVcrc through the streets of Vlekfhnrg la.rne, Tlie "Ik.1.1. twd man," that gkirhias "Fourth," Sent guulsoine tidings to the North. "A ldd, liad man is Oencral Grant !" And poor Vragg's eyes were dim With tears; said he, "1 know, 'Tis useless fighting him." And soon the cheers of Grant's brave men (hi Lookout's crest told where and when The rebel general hail to run, And what that "bold, liad man" had done. "That Qrant'-f a dnnxcrocs man!" he said. As from the field his army fled. "A I old, tad man isGcneralGraiit." Said Lee, "that's plain to see; He must be very bold. Indeed, To think of whipping me." Then Tetershurg and Richmond fell; And Apjiomatox may be well, At last our hero's work was dour; The final victory waa won. I'erhaps the jieoplc may lorget These things, but then they haven't ycL Thcy needed then such "dangerous" men. And think, ierhap, they may again. "A bold, bad man Is General Grant !' Jell Davis tliought the same, When running off In crinoline, He to the "last ditch" came. A Ku-klux gentle voice was heard. And "Grant is dangerous," avored. It needs must l-e that this is so, For all these rclicls ought to know. Then Hall and Tweed irood, hest men Say "(Irani Is hold and bad," and when Such men declare it, Uioa. forboolk, -Folks knuw that Sumner tells the truth. public praco mcotinprs were made . I ono at Peoria, one at Springfield, and one ai inicago. n ine iiin ine first one was at Peoria, and to make it a success I agTced that so much money as was necessary would Ik? furnished hy me. It was held, and was a decided success. The vast multitudes who attended seemed to lie swayed hy one leading iden-peaee. The frimds were encouraged and strenjrtbt ned, and seemed anxious for the day when they would do something to hasten the great goal of peace. About this time that correspond ence between our friends and Horace Greeley made its appearance. Lin coln's manifesto shocked the country. The belief prevailed over the Xorth that the South would agree to a re construction; and tho politicians, es pecially the leading ones, conceived ! the idea that on such an issue Lin- coin could be lieaten at the ballot-box. i At nil events, thev argued, the trial '..f ll... I... 11.. I Il.,..,l.l 1... ...O.I.. 1.... via UK j'itinHi-PJ'V'.. rnuuiM v Jiuti "V- foro a resort was made to force, al ways a dernier retort. The Spring Geld meeting came off, but it was aji parent that the fue exhibited at Pe oria had already diminished. The whole tone of the speakers was that the people must rely on the ballot-box for redress of grievances. The nerves of the leaders of the order be- jgan to relax. A hunt tins time a j large lot of arms were purchased and jscnt to Indinapolis, which was dis covered, and some of the leading men were charged with the design to arm the members of the order for treasonable purposes. Treachery showed itself at Louisville. Judge! ilJullet and Dr. Kaffus were arrested my duty to remain from Detroit ' to Sahdaf,fcy,; ho went on his way toward JohnsonV IshiDd. Havinx landed at Middle Bar Island to secure a supplr f' wood, the steamer Island Queen; 'trjth n large number of passengers and thirty-two soldiers, camo alongside, and lashed herself to tho ParsonK" Art httank was at ' onco ' rosolvttr 1 npori.' The nassencrer and soldiers - were -soon made prisoners, and tlic-boat deliver- . . n. L u; ' eu up to our men.' ineBoiuiers were regularly paroled. Tb pawiongers were left on tho island,: having given- their promise not to le8e for twenty- four hours, and the ooat was towed out into the lake and Funk. '. ' The Parsons was' then started di rectly for the Bar . ofiSandusky.- Here the men, for certain reasons not altogether satisfactory,' "but possiWy fortunately, refused to make the at tack on the Michigan1. ftorr"Tcturn- ed ami landed at SandVich, C. V., and the men scattered through the country. Most of .them have return ed to the Confederate-. .States, but a few days since Acting Master J'.euiict G. Hurley was arrested, jind the trial is now going on for his delivery un der the extradition treaty. If - we had Cole's, Beall's, or hia own com mission, I should not feojt the result As it is they will have to, prove that they acted under my order, and that will in all probability secure hi re lease, but it may lead to xdy expulsion from the Provinces. A(:ieat I have it from a reliable source, tt this last proposition has been prysascd upon the Canadian authorities, i and they have considered it. Bhould the course of events take thus direction, unadvised by you, I shall consider it and sent to Mcniphi I where I am and huld prefer, if it nmliis. J lie dav on aoitie tne i.-sue which the irrcut movement was to be Ik possible, to have your , views on made became known to Mr. McDon- the subject Capt Cole . is stiU.a j aid, candidate for Governor of Indi- prisoner on Johnson's Island. . j ana, and lxlieving it would mar the J In obedience to your suggestion, as prospects for election unless prevent-! far as it was practical, soon after my ed, he threatened to cxposu all the j arrival here 1 urged the people of the ; parties engaged unless the project North to convert their paper money ! was abandoned. Thus the day pass- into gold and withdraw from the Jed by and nothing was done. The j market I am satisfied this policy Chicago Convention came. The j was adopted and carriett(,iutb effect crowd was immense. The feeling ; to some extent, but how extensively , was unanimously for peace. A gen- i I am unable to state. What effect it could be sent to convenient; portious for arminj such vwstscL. i as, could ,be seized for operations ojj the. lakes, I aided Dr.. James T. Uates, of Ken tucky, an old steamboat captain, in tho purchase of the steamer Georgiau. She had scarcely been transferred, when tho story went abroad, that she had been liurehasid and armed ,or tho purpose of sinking tho Michigan,- releasing tlie prisoner s on Jolinson s Island, and destroying the, shipping on the lakes, and tin; .cities on their margin. The wildcat consternation prevailed hi ull the l)ordcr cities. At Buffalo two tirs hud cattnou placed On board, live regiments of soldiers were sent there, two of them, repre sented to have been drawn" from the army:of Virginia. .Bells were 'rung at Detroit, and churches broken np on Sunday. " The trholc lake shore was a scene '.of wild excitement. Boats were sent out which boarded the Georgian and found nothing contra band on board, but still the people were credulous. ' ' ' 1 ' The bane and curse of carrying out anything in this country is the sur- villancc under which we act. Detec tives or those ready to give informa tion stand at every street corner. Two or three cannot interchange ideas without a reporter. , The Presidential, election . has so' (leiiiorauzea inc leaoers oi mo cons of Liberty that a new organization, under new leaders has become an ate solute necessity.. .This is now goiri forward with great vigor and success. The new order is styled "The Order of the Star." There is a general ex pectation that there will ooil be a new draft. It is pnrely luilitan-, and wholly independent of politics . and politicians. It is. given out among the members that Stonewall Jackson is thefonnder of the Order; and the name has its significance front the stars on the collars of Southern olli- Njrdnrjr Kmllh. cers. There is no reason to doubt that the mouses to a large extent of the North are brave and true and believe Lincoln a tyrant and usurper. ' Dur- inj my stay m Canada, .a great i amount of projiertv has been destroy :d bv burning. Tho infonnation . eral impression prevailed that a re-; had on the gold market it,, i iiupossi- j brought to mo an to the pcrjietrators. I consiruciion couki oc nan, aim mat it oie to esiiiuaic; out ceriafu u is, tuai j was necessary to so far pander to the gold continued ta appreciate until it A STOHV OF THE REBELLION. piCk'LT.SGII.L, LYONS tV Co. I f MANVFACTl itEITS i. WMLHiS IX 1 LOOKING. GLASSES, JI'.:.. Mantle an.1 l'l'T LklngGlaysis an.l l'i -tare Fr.nui-s a Sx-lality. : 4 : W il i H'K KET. 1 'I TTS I.'l'KCilL P.V. LIFE INSURANCE For Business Men. Jau ub lbuuiaen'a Kcport to Jadath 1. : Ilcnjaiuin The t'M f Burai Sorts), rrn t'llie. and Rrlrswe Bpbrl Prlaoa) rro-Attempt to Captarv a War Ventel. ''The TtcscrvcFund Policy.1 v M 1 : 1 1 S KT 1 ' L A N 1XG-MILL GOOD & JONES, w n.'W pr.-par.,! to do all kinds of j-laning and :.u'..-turio ol building materials, j I 1.' M 'i;lN"G. , U i;.THlUHi(i.Vl;lilNG, i SASIl AND lKMllIS, 1 WIN DOW t IMKili FIJAMlX, VEXETIAX sin 11 Kits. j I'.RACKETS. K". l uil.i-i 1SSI EDHY THE BERKSHIRE .i r:. iinvihina- generally nel In hou. : ;i kiil lr ! ..rk done toor.hr. ir.l.-p. I'p'iiil'tlv tilled. !uiv;i Gt m id & Jun es. AMKS PLC 11, i .v sti:i:j:t, somerset, pa. 1 tt -'A j.n ;i;tn''l t-t nianul.i' turt Kill'?.-of WAGON'S, SLKIGliS, A:c He Kill also promptly attend to .EIF-AJZZEIIsrG- .hut the HEST M ATi:i:i.AI.ill l-u-.-d. A I.I. WtUMC WAliliANTI-.n. rk d.iie in the latest nn-1 m-vt ai'prov.,1 .it the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. t. March Cth. Tlii-h ti illiiii'im i.3 nn nvoit frtV t if i iiv loiivniut; o till vA.ir v- i w the original report of Jacob Thomp son, secret agent of the late Confeuer jatc Government, stationed in Canada for the purpose of organizing an in surrection in the Northern states and burning the principal cities. The original paix-r is now in the hands of the government: ! Touoxto, C. W., Decemlier 3, 1SC4. : The lion. J. P. Benjamini. Secre- .tary of State Sir: Several times . ...sn,. -o ! 'vc I attempted to send you coniniu- Ll h UN w U iwAiN wiVl L;y.t'u,catlyns ,,ut 1 "ave 110 assurance j that any one of them has been receiv ed, i iiave rciaxeu no euori to carry cut the objects the government has in view in sending me here. I had hoped at different times to have ac complished more, but still I do not ' think that my mission has been alto- j jgether fruitless. At all events, we IT'-rTypTT "PnllPTT TTnrOT, i have afforded the Northwestern States I i v ei y roiiuy nuiuei . tLe aniplPrt oprortunit v t0 thr0w oo- j , tlie galling dynasty at AVashington, I ' nn.l r.iu.iilv 4ik tit- irk fi'i.r if are thirty-five years 1. ,J , . ... 1 Mate rights ana civil nocrtv. large IXCtilil'tiEATEDllil, Seciires Special Protection to For exainide: Suii.c run ol aire and take m -ltesene Fund ioli'y" at or dinary lile rati. nc annual payment w 111 Insure you 2 years and 3 .lavs. Two annual jiaymeuts will insure you 4 years ati'l 12 uavs. State rights and civil liberty, This fact must satisfy the class of discontents atT home, of the readiness and willingness of the ad- b ii-l 11 days. Fairtaffs StaiM I Three 'annual payments will Insure you e years mjnistration to avail itself of CVCTy Five annual lymcnts will Insure you 10 years I proffered assistance in our gTCat " s'laimual payments .ill Insure you 12 years struggle for illdelH'IldenCC. On my arrival iurc 1 heard there was such an organization as the "Or der of the sons of Liberty" in the Northern States, and my first efforts was to learn its strength, its princi ples, its objects, and if possible to put mvself in commu leading spirits. Th This Protection Applies to any Age, And Is expressly stated In every 1'oliey. went to 290. 1 he high price may have tempted many to change their policy, because gold soon .afterwards f.'H in tin. i.inrl-r trt l.ft-' WIi tin if linent mem- j was 1 SO, and exportation j( gold was i proof adduced the "Sons of ' so small that there appeared to beicoueerned ina' -1.1 l'.il 1 1 ,-'. ' T 1 Tli ( w military feeling as to take General MeClellan to insure certain success. This nomination, followed as it were by divers disclosures and arrests of persons who were prom liers, totally demoralized Liliertv." The feeling with the mas-1 little demand for it Mr..'John Tor es is as strong as ever. They are 1 terfield, formerly a' banker of Nush true and brave, and I believe are wil-! ville, but now a resident of Montreal ling, but they have no leaders. The! was furnished with $100,000 Bad. in- vigijance of the Administration, its large detective force, the large boun ties paisjafur treachery, and the re spectable tnen who have yielded to the temptation, added to the large military force stationed in these States, make organization aud Jrep aration almost impossible. A large sum of money has been ex pended in fostering and furthering these operations, and it now seems to have been to little proGt; but in re- viewiug the past 1 do not see how it could have been avoided, nor has it lscen spent altogether in vain. The apprehensions of the enemy have caused him to bring back and keep from the field in iront at least sixty thousand men to watch and brow beat the people at home. In this view of the subject tho same amount of money has effected ko much in no other quarter since the commence ment of the war. : In July last, Capt. Charles II. Cole, of Gen. Forrest's command, made his escape from prison. He represen ted to me that he had been appointed a lieutenant in our navy. I sent him around the lakes with instructions to go as a lower deck passenger, to fa miliarize himself with all the chanels and different approaches to the sever al harbors, the strength of each place, the depositaries of coal, ond es pecially to learn all that he could alnrnt the war steamer Michigan, and devise some plan for her capture or destruction. This duty he perform ed very satisfactorily. lie was then instructed to return aud put himself structed to proceed to New York to carry out a financial policy, of ,Lis own conception, which consisted in the purchase of gold anfr"exporting the same, selling it for sterling bills of i xchange, and then converting his exchange into gold. This process in volved a certain loss, the cost of trans shipment. . He was instructed by Mr. Clay aud myself to go on with his policy until he" had expended $25,000, with which he supposed he would ship directly $5,000,000 and induce others to ship much more; and then if the effect upon the gold market was not very perceptible, he was to desist and re turn to Canada and restore the mon ey unexpended. By his last report he had caused the shipment . of more than $2,000,000, at an expense of less than $10,000, but it seems that a Mr. Lyons, who had been a former part ner of Mr. Porterfield, was arrested by General Butler on the ground that he was exporting gold, and although Mr. Lyons had no connection w ith Mr. PortcrGcld in his transactions, yet he thought it prudent to return to Canada, and while he retains the un-j expended balance of the $25,000 to carry out his instructions, he has re-i stored $75,000. ' I must confess that is so conflicting and contradictory that I urn satisfied that nothing can be certainly known. : Should claims be presented at the war office for pay ment of this kind of work, not one dollar should be advanced on any until all the parties have, an opDortunity If.ir ni'il.-mnr iinf an.1 tiri.ctitin cr urnnf Several parties claim to have done the work at St Louis, New Orleans, Louisville, . Brooklyn,. , Philadelphia, and at, Cairo, within the last, few days. ' ' ,' . Dr. K. S. Stewart, of Virginia, has reached this place very mysteriously and informs me ho has a plan for the execution of something which has re ceived the sanction of the President. He is in want of money and states to mo that you have given him a draft on ine for $20,000 in gold, which has been lost on the vvay. He has sent back to Richmond for a renewal. He has rented a large house and moved his family into it. I cannot doubt his word, but of course, I do not feel au thorized to advance him money Avith out your authority or that of the President. I have however been constrained to advance him $500 in gold on Lis written statement that unless the money was placed in his hands,, the lives and liberty of high Confederate officers would be imperilled. Owing to the ill health of Mr. Clay we separated nt Halifax, and since then Ave have not lived together, though we hare lieen in consulting distance. As the money Avas all iu my name, which I supposed to be controlled by ns jointly, and as he desired to have a sum placed in ' his hands, ond at all times subject to his damage in tho .Federal finances if vigorously followed up, and if m un toward circumstances should interfere with the operation. -Soon after I reached Canada a Mr. mention with it 5n communication with the officers of j Minor Major visited me, and repre fbis Avas effected i t,,c i:uigan. aU(l feeling his way, sented himself as an accredited agent ! TH E A D Y A XTA ! E ( F St I'll iVK( (TEl TH IX. , O ull Lin. la J Lil0-:-llA , ..' This is to eertirv that my late nnsnan.i. naniei 5 t ' 3 "tL i ..., 1 H. Thompson, was insure,! ia the Herkshlre Lite , OHCl I A P! s-'.'es repaired promptly. iUMjnu4. ( ,,,, Mv. I'.ttsli. Id. .Mass.. lor I."U, j I J.'Vf'""" V:,re" Deccmtkrr lwh.ls.7ti, premium jnvahle quarterly. "S II I use 1 mNM "'ZtiZfTi tf- That two ,v,nent. were n.Je up to June l,h. 1 .rrca ' i t.r- nr. k ,1 ""-r-! 171. that he. led Kt.d-r 1:1th, four UH-athsaner I 1 lar S-K.1 Avenue. Il.tsl.unr. i he tajl, , U1.ke w, lmvnatC I Pl t t T - - , -T-. .. ,..... r !.AK.h, r..M r..nUl tn II,. "I 1 He carelul to buy ! without much difficulty or delay. I was received among tuem with cordi to endeavor to purchase tlie loat from its officers., lor a time he thought that mr late husband. Daniel 1 (TNNINGIIAM, i iivsK iAX .vn'J) .snu.r.ox. I.AYANSVII.I.E. PA. i:ynlds. stfkn & co ril s;: Si. tl.aihs H.i!) i W....I. Sriu iT, Pittsih "Btiii, Pa., iir1rr-i t.f (iiet u.arr and .Maiiufae inrcrs (f tilanarc. This is toeertlfv members was large, but not so great as Mr. Holt in his official re- reiiresents it to be. Its objects The usual pr.ts of .leath were lorwanien io tne , rmlitipiil" it nriiininlpa were , Coin pan v, and the lull amount of t he policy, less , " 1 i 1 1 " ! the two.'iuarterlv pavments.lue at the time of his I that the government AVaS based On j death, was pal. I to me by tUirdeneral Agent in : . . ,,..,., nf ., ,1Iir;a tn ;r . tint ! riiiiad. ii'iiia. w. h. Graves, at their ..me, s. av. j tne conj-eiit oi tne parties to it, mat . comer chestnut and t'eventh sirt t the States were the parties and were (Sizne.1) El TIE THOMPSON, AV. H. Greene, late ol New Y.irk. insured a lew ! Sovereign ; that there AVBS no author i years sinee In the Herkshlre Lite Insurance Com-; j, .i ,ronor mirernnisnt in on. panyl..Ue. but owinit to mislortune inbusi HI lUC general govt rnmeni 10 CO- ness was unai'le to make any payment io ine . erce a seceCOIIIg fMaie. 1 lie rt'SOlU- oi..piiy.luriiro..M. year aad five monthi .prior to , . - , . , WAP.K. A Mi I i..i.!ir.jna.l is pr. pari ! to manufacture all IN AND SlIKKT IP.ON WAItE. "':ui:ly m haiid a sui.ply of c.pjier and brass truil i.u.s and all kinds ol IIoux I'ii rn ili ins (.woiIm idly iejrt in his Hih. Shop iae d. west ol s'.-er s store. Alaiu Mr.,-!. SomerM. l'a. '" 1- 1- NOAH C'ASEHEEK. ( 1. 1:, i ;i t o k s" Vt'oT." roduce Commission Merchants, NO. 4 CAMDEN STH1.ET, SAI.TI.lIOItK. 311). fiot Specula- TO THE SALE OF BUTTEIt. i his .leo'-nar. 1 ,ve this ilav f id (at the New Aork ottiee ot tt t '.nny. "Ti rin.iw.v. corner ag iirc8enting the true theory , of the ! ( hainrs rs street ). tnree thousand two hundred 1 o ; i and i.iiiety-niiir,i,.ii,rs. this iH-inur the full amount government Its organization was nienJ's' Muetl u" iBl"e J"3" 1 essentially military. It had its eom- j. h. fhaxcisci s. Iniandersor divisions, of brigades, of regiments, of eompanie. l;.l- el ,i nlitv n,1 tl.o o-n.att .nfuW nt HC AVOU1U SUCCCCU 111 UIIS, II lie COU1U nri,wln,l Tl.n n n 1 .f Kl c inc guuruiiices oi iiaviueui OI U VAICIIUIU J IIIK. ll WUUi.'l VI I - - , , ll.l. tne sums supuiaicu, uui oy uegrecs the question was dropped. He asked jxrmission to organize a force to board and take her. This was done, and Acting Master John Y. Beall was sent to him to aid the organization and assist in carrying out the enterprise. Their plans were well conceived, and held out the promise of Fuccess. It had been previously ascertained from escaped prisoners from Johnson's island that an organization existed among the Xew York, March 11th, -.si. suiwrliiten.lcnL Itcatl I le Follow ing ( laiitiH Paid. List of pur-and James Joi.r. Ne overdue 4 months. F. H. C. Hanie. New York City. $1,000. jay liiesit overdue 4 months and a da vs. Mrs. (1. it. Hart, Chicago, 111, S.OOO, payment overdue 7 months and l&davs. H. F. Moore. Ho-ton. Mass.. 10.000, tiaymcnt 1 OTerdue & moiit hs aud lfl da vs. I James H. Adair, New Marsvllle, Ind 4CO0O, I iMvment ovenlue 2 mouths and T days. lumarrl ti'Grady. Iietn.it. Mleh.. sjfl.onO, pay- uieill utmiur . .nni. IV ni' . ir mm . uJ n- JitH- I. tal'rook. FitchlHinc Mia, tl.000, payment ovcnlue 3 years, 1 month and x days, (HHilx'HILD k MAIJSHAI.U Agents, junc lS-'TZ. Somerset, l'a. ' 'ur I.us1ih strictly Swial attentlo C..nmilsl.4l, i K'ven hr U. .T. M. n..l.I. rttim. S.ierse " .Messrs. M. D. Miller fc Co.. Mevers Mills. .M. rs. Meyers a A in. wilt. Ib-riln. Ciiautevy lln,.ks. fn-slileiit Western Na- , Uotml Hank ol llaitimore. '"It 13, 1 1 The Improved ELLIPTIC SEWING MACHINE New Draw Feed, LOGIC STITCH. i There are some piduts In a Sewing Machine that 1a.1i.-s d.'Sirtnfr to purchase. shouU take lnluci stderatioa, namely: ! Liifhtness of running. " oi Management. Capacity 0,lu ,ne Work KequlreJ, Freedom from Noise, and IV' Liability to iret out of Order. In the month of June last the uni versal feeling among the members, leaders, and privates, was that it was useless to hold a Presidential election. Lincoln had the poAver and would cer- York city, ti.ooo. payment 1 tainly elect himself, and there was no hope but in force. I lie bclier was entertained and freelev entertained and freely expressed that by a bold, vigorous, and concerted movement the three great Northwestern States of Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio could be seized and held. Thin being done the States of Kentucky and Missouril 1.1 1 l-r. . 1 I- .1 1 couiu iic euMiy iiucu irom tiieir pros trate condition and placed on their feet, and this in sixty days would end the war. AVhile everything was moving smoothly to a supjrosed successful consummation, the first interruption in the calculation was the postpone ment of the meeting of the Demo cratic Convention from the 4th of July to the 2'Jth of August, but the lireiiarations still went on, and in one a a - 'HE NEW FLOP It MILL. The at w Hour Mill built on tlie site of the JLI) -DENXISON MILL," firths of a mile aouth of Somerset is com :nt ITSlSfL.if'-r 'I' 'I-i;t lmprove- . .uoiue new cinq oi work. - 'ioukri prlca pd . .11 kinds of jrraln. fu VALENTINE JlAY. of the States the 20th of July Avas fixed as the day for the movement But before the day arrived a general council of the order from the differ ent States was called, and it was We claim that tlie IMPROVED ELLIPTIC l,-l.. .!. .!, OliK ,.T IIUaiHl tluUitis .iiiuufcui, lav auu..iuvuk a luv ""' ssses all tliese ,luts. THE VEBY UEST FAMI1,"?- MACHINE Now Manufactured. And we solicit an examination of It, A (rents want ed in .very county, to whom w. will give the Uoat liberal terms. EATON ttltOS., I Fltta ATPitubwrfh, Pa. July would be premature, and the ICtb of August was fixed on for a general uprising. This postpone ment was insisted upon on the ground that it was necessary to have a series of public meetings to prepare the public mind, and appointments for prisoners on the island for the pose of surprising'the ' guard capturing the Island. The presence of the steamer Michigan, Avhich car ried fourteen guns, was the only ob stacle. Secret communications were had, by which they were advised that on the night of the 19th of Sep tember an attempt to seize the Michi gan would be made. On that night Capt Cole, Avho had previously es tablished the friendliest relations with the officers of the steamer, Avas to have a "wine drinking" with them on board, and at a given hour Acting Master Beall was to appear on a boat, to be obtained for that purpose, Avith a sufficient body of Confederate sol diers, to board and take the steamer. Should they capture the steamer, a cannon shot sent through the officers' quarters on Johnson's Island Avas to signify to the prisoners that the hour for their release had come, Should they take the island, boats were to be improvised, and Sandusky vas to be attacked. If taken, the prisoners were to be mounted and make for Cleveland, the boats co-operating; and from Cleveland the prisoners were to make for Wheeling, and thence to Virginia. The kev to the whole movement Avas the . capture of tne Michigan. On the evening of the 19th, by some treachery, Cole was arrested, and the messenger Avho was to meet Acting Master Beall at Kelly's Island did not reach him. Disappointed, but nothing daunted, Acting Master Beall having possession of the Philo Par eons, a passenger steamer running the first shipment had a marked effect personal control, I transferred to him on the market I am inclined to the asS.Cll. for which I hold his receipt. belief this theory will , work great and for which he nroniises to account to tho proper authorities at home. In cluding the money turned over to Mr. Clay, all of which he has not yet ex pended, tlie entire expenditure as yet on all accounts is about $300,000." I still hold three drafts for $100,000 each, which have not been collected. Should yon think best for me to re turn,' I , would be glad to know in Avhat Avav you think I had best re turn Avith the funds remaining on hand. I infer from vour personal in the New York AVics, that it In your Avish that I should remain here for the present, and I shall obey your or ders.- Indeed, I have so many papers in my possession Avhich, in the hands of the enemy, would utterly ruin and destroy very manv of the prominent men of the North, that a due sense of my obligation to them Avill force on me . the extremest caution in my movements. . - , , ; . . , For tho future, discarding alii de pendence on tho organizations in the Northern States, our efforts in my judgment, should bo directed' to in ducing those Avho are in the North, and who utterly refuse to join the ar my to fight against ". the Confederate States, to mako their Avay South to join our service. ; it is believed by many that at least a nurobcrsufheient to mako a division may be secured in this way for our service liefore spring especially if our army opens up t road to the Ohio. Some are now on their Avay to Coriuth, . which at prescut is the point of rendezvous. Also, to operate on their rilroads and force tho enemy to keep up a guard on all the roads, which wil require a large standing arniv at home ; and to burn, Avhenover it Is practicable, and thus make men of property feel their insecurity and tire them out At ilk the war.- . , . , The attempt ou New York has pro duced a great panic which will uot subside at their bidding. . ;. This letter, though long, does not, I am aware, . report many , things of minor importance which have occurred durieg my sojourn in Canada, but I shall omit them at present. , Very re spectfully, your obedient servant , Signed J. Thompson. ' The original copy bears the follow, ing indorsement in the handwriting of J. P. Benjamin, Confederate Secrc ry of War .. - .' Received I3ta February, 18C5. . J. P. B. from the Confederal States to de stroy steamboats on the Mississippi river, and that his operations were suspended for want of means. I ad vanced to him $200 in federal currcn-i cy, and soon after several boats Avere burned in St. Louis, involving an im mense loss of property to the rnemy. Ho became suspected, as he represen ted to me of lieing the author of this burning, and from that time both he and his men have been hiding, and consequently haA-c done nothing. Money has been advanced to .Mr. Churchill, of Cincinnati, to organize a corps for the purpose of incendiar ism in that city. 1 consioer innl a true man, and "although as yet he has effected but little, 1 am in constant expectation of hearing of effective work in that quarter., -. . t ; Previous to the arrival of Lieuten ant ' Colonel Martin, . Lieutenant Headier brought an unsigned .letter from you. All the different places where our prisoners arc Camp Dou glas, ltock Island, Camp Morton, Camp Chase, and Elinira had been thoroughly examined, and' tho conclu sion was forced upon us that all efforts to release them without an outside co-operation would bring disaster upon the prisoners and result -in no good. AH projects of' that nrt were abandoned, except that at Camp Dou glas, Avhcrc Capt. Hines still believed he could affect their release. ' We yielded to his firmness,' zeal and per sistence, and his plans Avere " plausi ble ; but treachery defeated' him lie fore his well laid schemes were de veloped. ' ' " ' Having nothing else on hand Col. Martin expressed a wish to organize a corps to burn New York city. He was allowed to do so, and a most dar ing attempt was made to fire that city, but their reliance on the Greek fire has proved a misfortune. It can not be depended on as an agent in such work. I have no faith what ever in it, and no attempt shall hereaf ter bo made, under my general direc tions, Avith any such .materials. I knew nothing Avhatever of the raid on St. Alban's until after it trans pired. Desiring to have a boat on whose captain and crew reliance could be placed, and on which arms Call around and see us when you have time or otherwise. , 4 , ' ' Sydney Smiths conversation was the conversatiwnf TrritiTTnad- with spirits ; of a man, to use his own ex pression, , who must either talk, laugh or burst ; the conversation of a man whose intellect bred analogies and picturesque imagefy as the sun breeds cloud: Take hrrii Avhen or where yon might, you never tok him by surprise ; and most of the brighte.it illustrations of his wit, like Douglass Jcrold's were those that he struck out on tho spur of the moment. His re ply to 4hc Archbishop of York "II near, Alt. Smith, you do not. approve of much : riding for the clergy." t'Why, my Jord; perhaps there is not mien objection,, provided .they do not ride too well, and stick out their toes professionally" was very keen ; for Sydney Smith could never sit a horse, aud his diocesan Avas one of the finest horsemen in a province Avhere every boy wo born iu a saddle, and rides by Instinct , There was a touch of the courtier as well as of the wit in his reply to the lady who, arguing in a largo party that it wa always high tide at London Bridge at twelve o'clock, appealed to him with, "Now Mr. Smith, is it not so V "It used not to be so, I IK-Iieve, formerly, but perhaps the Lord Mayor, and Alder men have altered' it" lately." He traced out the analogies of things with marvelous quickness. A man at his side' reckons tho amount of his ground-rent at $5 a foot. "Ah, the price of a London footman six foot high, thirty guineas a year." Upon ! a couple of talkers, "there is the same difference between their tongues as betAveen the hour and the minute hand ; one goes tttt times a fat, and : the other signifies ten times as much." If you masthead a sailor for not do ing his duty, why should you not weathercock a parishioner for refus ing to pay tithes ?" Of a New Zeal and attorney "There is a New Zeal and attorney, just arrived in Loudon, with 6s. 8d. tattooed all over his face, and of illusions "We- naturally lose illusions as Ave get older, ! like teeth, but there is no Cartwrhcht to fix a new set into our understandings. I have, alas, only one illusion left, and that is the Archbiscop of Canterbury. Combining a vivid imagination with this brilliant gift of hitting upon an alogies, with these high spirits, and this remarkable fluency of expression, Sydney Smith Avas, as a talker, irre sistible ; and except Macaulay, he generally talked every guest at a table into silence. His habit wan, as he said, to fire right across the table, and to talk upon any subject that hapened to be started, rarely start ing anything of his own. Byron calls him, in Don Juan, ; "Tae loadast wit I '? wa deafened with." , and that i the geriWal testimony. His intellect was like an electric coil ; you touched it, and it flashed out in sparkling confiscations at the touch. The conversation at one of Rogers' breakfasts turns upon Ameri can birds. 1 My dear Rogers," say Smith, we should be tarred and feathered ; and, lovely as we are by nature, I should be an ostrich and you an emu." Sir Charles LyeU's book is brought on the carpet, and people Avonder Avhat sort of a spectacle our era will present to the Sir Charles Lyell of the next geological epoch. "Yes, imagine an excavation on the site of St Paul's : fancy a lecture, by the Owen of some future age, on the thigh bone of a Minor Canon, or the tooth of a Dean the form, qualities, knowledge, tastes, propensities, he would discover from them." Of art and polish, as art and polish were understood by Macaulay, you find no traces in Sydney Smith. His daughter calls him a sort of rough rider of subjects ; and the phrase is an apt one. He never troubled himself with the metaphysics of a question ; he never troubled himself with its trivialities. Taking up onlr those topics of talk that Avere of the dir- ectest personal interest ; those topics that were under discussion in the House of Commons, in Cathedral chapters and at every dinner table, Sydney Smith selected their most telling points and then sat down to work these up Avith his own vigorous understanding, from what I may call the common sense point of view. And his style is, in its way, perfect It is the exact mirror of his thought. He wrote as he talked: wrote, that is, with the dash of a man of keen wit and of high intelligence, rarely re vised his manuscript, and left most of his contributions to the Edinburgh Revtetc, to chance and Jeffrey. Gentleman's Magazine. that did honor to their sex. strategy, my boy !"euid thi youn man unto himself. ah, iiu: i resolute The tun- rarely' e-er gnaw down large trees, but lite upon tlie bark of tne smaller ones, willow and raspU-rry bushes, and upon different kinds of root-. '.nrh as tho poo'llily, iuj'1 tho rooM of I th coar.v gra u hi. Ii grow along th margins of the streams. Besides Cottonwood, they age tho bark of th; ' asien, yellow birch, and poplar. In I tins Winter, when their supply is 'scarce, they eat the wood alon. Some cottonwood trees 2) inches in diameter have lx-cn gnawed down by them and one authority, remarking ii'ron the tree-cuttings on the Yejlow- . stone River, stales that the lira vers committed great devastation among tho trees "one of which, three feet in diameter, had Vni gnaws-d through by them." MartranrtsM a CH OMcer. General Hartranft has bca Audi- nel we arc approaching the tnnnei. tor-General six rears. During that With good management I can do the time he has caused nearly one thous doed in the long tunnel just beyond j and suit to be brought by the At Sunol;"and w ith a . heavenly smile j toraey-Gtneral for taxes against de onhis manly features lie gracefully linqaent corporations, and the reve lifted his carpet bag from the floor, I nut of the State have been swelled unlocked it, and drew forth a snowy shirt, with a nice frilled bosom. Then from another recess drew he a packet containing a pair of handrouie sleeve-buttons and a pair of studs, which were quickly adjusted in their proper places. Casting a careful glance from the window, he saw that the train was not far from the tunnel where the hundreds of thousands of dollars from this source alone. It is the un iversal testimony of those who can speak understandinjly, that a more capable or inflexible incumbent of this office the State has never had. Says a cotemporary : . ' ; ' "His rule has been never to hesi tate in such matters. ; All accounts azainst corporations are made up ac- a metamorphosis was to take placc.and cording ft law and presented against so he turned his back on the other the parties for settlement If they passengers, and liegan to loosen sun-! refuse to call at the State Treasury, dry buttons in short, prepared to J and cash up, the next step was to or shuck himself. Presently the event- j der the bringing of suit, which Gen ful moment came. The iron horse ( cral Hartranft has done with a stern plunged into the dark recesses of the : impartiality, which has called bitter tunnel, and me car was snrouueu in but unavailing resistance during the impenetrable darkness. Presently a last six years from more than one ray of light gleanied in fantastic i powerful" deotor of tho Common shapes along the rugged wall of the j wealth. tunnel, and by its faint glimmer a j To the fidelity of General Hart struggling figure was discernible in ! ranft. Mr. F. B. Gowan, President of the direction of the young man's seat. 1 the Philadelphia and Reading Rail As the light became stronger, its gy-i road Company, and a political oppo ratious became more frantic. Its jnent. in his argument before the Sen great long arms, encased in white, ( ate Judiciary Committee, while re thrashed wildly aliout as though in ft rring to the charge that railroad agony of despair, and finally when J companies defrauded the State, testi- witn a shriclcoijoy tneengine nashed ; fied as follows : into the dazzling sunlight, it sank in to its seat, apparently crashed with mortification and chagrin. The ladies screamed with terror and hid their blushes at the unusual apparition. Strong men crushed their handkerchiefs into their months and nearly choked with emotion. The figure reclined motionless on the soft cushion, until sonie one Avith more i,.Wl Lnow )iinHhiny about thoe tv:o kind of person, natural and artificial; mjiwthing about men, mmethiitfj atut tor y rations. I L now that all int-n mnt die, and that in Penmnjlcania all -orpjration.i mut ay tlwir taxe; and & long an nnj friend. General Hartranft, m Auditor General of the Mate, J be lieve that the dixjM of the eorvora- couragc than the rpst aavanceu o tion m a.i meedable an the doom ot ascertain who and what it was. Fi- man, and upon this subject I iak nally the terrible truth was revealed, fwm jminful experience. The white cover was lifted, and from j The truth is, Owraj - Hartranft beneath appeared the features of our young friend, clothed with crimson's richest hue. The mystery was soon explained. He had gotten the Chevi ot off, but alas ! iu his hurry and ex citement he had forgotten to undo the collar fastening of the white frilled trout. Horror : it avouIu not go over his head ! will stand the test of honest scrutiny and command the support of those who arc disposed to act fairly. Reading Time. Haw Engllnh Lords Drm. " II t alary B.pata Ilaelf. It is a singular thing that there is j no place so good as the House of j Lords,- or perhaps, the House of Commons to see genuine curiosities of ! old-fashioned costumes. There are a Sand- t plenty of men in either house who some j n-eni to have permanently adopted The followinar I find in wich Island, painr - ..which friend has sent me from that tranquil j 6(imc favorite fashion of their youth, The coincidence be- experience and that far-off retreat. tween mv own here set down by the late Mr. Ben ton is so remarkable, that I cannot forlsear publishing and commenting upon the . paragraph. 1 he Sand wich. Island paper says: ' How touching is this tribute of the late Hon. T. II. Benton to hi? motner'a influence. My mother ask ed me never to use tobacco ; I have never touched it from that time to the present dav. She asked me not to MitiMs nnil T tinvp never caniriled f we Avere both in America, . teir who is ,osi in -ames that are being played. A Clean Skirt. A - good story came in with the overland train on Monday night. Among the passengers Avas a young man possessed of a judicious spirit of economy and a pardonable share of vanity. The judicious economy was made manifest to the other occupants of the car by the fact that the young man wore plain clothing aud a single cheviot shirt all the way from Chica go, and for the pardonable vanity well, how that became apparent is Avhere the joke comes in. He had only been to the East on a visit, and the girl he had left behind him had been notified in advance of his ap proach, and, in company with a few other friends was to meet bun at Nilc9 station. . . Yiiiions of rapture floated through his brain, and seating himself in a se cluded corner of tho ear, he poured forth his spirit's gladness iu a gush of melody somewhat as thus : "Borne attain, home airaia, ! From a foh bob-reign shore : Ami oh t It fills my so-o-ul with joy To me-he-eat my friends one. more. Suddenly he hushed his notes of joy and reached for his carpet-bag. The appalling idea flashed across his mind that the shirt Avhich had done him so much good service which had clung to him during the toil some march across two thousand miles of mountain,' plain and desert was not exactly the. thing to appear In if one wished, to intensify an already good impression. ' It certainly wouldn't be tho clean thing he said to himself it wouldn't be justice to the shirt So he resolved to change it But how ? The car contained several lady passengers, and they watched everything that was going on around them with an assiduity She admon isheu me, too, against liquor drink ing, and whatever capacity for en durance I have at present, and what ever; usefulness I may have attained through life, I have attributed to having complied to her pious and correct wishes. When I was seven years of age she a.-ked me not to drink, and then I made a pled're of total abstinence ; and that 1 have ad hered to it through all time, I owe to my mother." I never saw anything so curious. It is almost an exact epitome of my own moral career after simply sub stituting a grandmother for a mother. How well I remember my grand mother s asking me not to use tobac co, good old soul ! She said : "You're at it again, are vou, you whelp ! Noav don't ever let me catch you chcAving tobacco before breakfast again, or 1 lay I'll blacksnake you within an inch of your life !' I have never touched it at that hour in the morning from that time to the present day. She asked me not to gamble. She whispered and said. "Put up those wicked cards this minute !-iwo pair and a Jack, vou numbskull, and the old fellow's got a flush P I hare never gambled from that day to this never once without a "cold deck" in my pocket I cannot tell Avho is going to lose in games that ar being played unless I deal myself. AVhen I was two years of age she asked me not to drink, ami then I made a resolution of total abstinence. That I have adhered to it and en joyed the beneficent effects of it through all time, I owe to my grand mother let these tears attest hit gratitude. I hare never drauk a drop from that day to this, of any kind ofAvater. Mart: Twain and clung to it fondly and faithfully through all times and changes as more romantic souls cling to the memory of a lost love. Stand any day about half-past four at the rear end of AVest rninstcr Hall and note some of the costumes that pass you ; the young men, of course, and many of the oldsters, arc made up to the hour by Poole, the fashionable tailor, who cuts the clothes and sometimes backs the bills of the aristocracy. But never mind these commonplace correct ones. Look at that old peer, the collar of Avhose coat comes up so far behind as almost to touch th curly brim of his high crowned hat The coat has a fur collar ; it is long in the waist and long in the skirts, plumped out in front like the breast of a pigeon or a pantonine prince. I suppose that coat was in fashion when George the Fourth was regent here. See here a tall old commoner in blue coat with guilt buttons, a buff waistcoat and tight, gray trousers. Look at an other, who Avears whito "duck," as used to lie called in the days our fa thers, tightly strapped down over the boots that man, I suppose, began to dress after the Duke of AVellingtcn, and has not noticed any change since then. Talk of the costume of Gree ley, why he would le a glass of fash ion and a mold of form when com pared with some of these legislative eccentricities. As a matter of fact, hardly any of our leading statesman ever dress well. Gladstone'? clothes seem to be thrown on with a pitch fork, as the old phrase was. Disraeli looks like an ancient picture of a bright dandy from a book of old fashions. Ltc at rirat Sight. Beaten. . A correspondent writing from Ida ho says that this Territory is certainly the home of the beavers, and I believe m all the world besides there are not so many lieavers as there are in Idaho. Every stream seems to swarm with them, and they may be seen frequently in the waters. The statement, often made, that they never show themselves, is all a mis take. I believe that every stream that empties into the Bear River is checked in its course by beaver dams, and those which are found near the Portneuf River, a tributary of the Snake River, are very remarkable. These dams are in Portneuf Canon, and are in a pctriged state. They are from 50 ta 60 feet in length, w itb a fall of Avater over two of them, at the centre, of from three to four feet, and over the third of aliout one foot They are not fully ami firmly petrifi ed, as that would involve the total change of all the woody fibre, to be replaced by earth substances, but are incrusted with lime, which has per meated tho substance of tho wood, and given to the whole a permanent and durable form. Nature has thus encased the works of the beaver in a covering which ia as singular as it is interesting. , Of late years the num bers of the beaver have increased wonderfully, owing td"the"fact that they are not as eagerly sought after as they were in former times. The bark of the cottonwood tree, particu larly the young and tender bark of the new twigs, is one of their favorite articles of food. In Summer, they Mrs. Fitch, that was, a daughter of England, is thirty years old, and is handsome and Avealthy. Mrs. Fitch has had three husbands, and all of them died. She.was a spiritualist and a mediun. and it was revealed to her that if she would come east from California she would find an other " man. On her journey she stopped at Omaha and was there ta k"n ill, and, calling ou Dr. Payn, she btcrii acquainted Avith the doctor's assistant named M. L. Stanton. Briefly, Mr. Stanton was that man. She had no sooner looked upon him than she knew that she haJ met her destiny for the fourth time." It was leap year. She proposed, after a brief courtship, and he, after thinking the matter over, accepted her. There was a large wedding, and the parties came onto New lork. "e com mend Mr. Stanton's example to the young men of Omaha," says the Oma ha JSee. Good ; but theni Mr. Stan ton may live some years, and it is a little rough to expect all the other fel lows to remain single during that pe riod. lalaeac ef Xewepaaer. A school teacher writes as follows: "I have found it to be the univer sal fact, without exception, that those scholars of both sexes, and of all ages, who have had access to news papers at home, when compared with those who have not, are better read ers, excelling in pronunciation, and consequently read more understand ing. Tbey are better spellers, and define word, with ease and accuracy. "They obtain a practical knowledge of geography in almost half the time it requires others, as the newspaper has made them familiar with the lo cation of the most important places, nations, their governments and do ings, on the globe. 1 " "They are better gramarians; for having "become so familiar with every variety of tho newspaper, from the common-place advertisement to the finished and daaaical oration of the statesman, they more readily com prehend the meaning of his text, and consequently analyze its construction. with accuracy.' J I ir
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers