The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, July 31, 1872, Image 1

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    , ILK
of Publication.
The Somerset Herald
i.,.u!4il.(Jcvrr- Wr ln'-y M-ri.lng at V j
LI .nimiu. pa n"" aB j
mil InvarUS-ly rl.anre.1. .
v.. -uiHPrii.ii' will te Nse..ntinueJ until all "
i-.'r ores reuai,l "P. neuleeline to
;, ;;r u, ... Un. .... . t.kt tr
- in i-. u.i le.l.le l..rtlic sutwerlptlon.
''Uul.-ril removing fr-m one P,.ce to an
. . . - .... ..,w .i the former as
..ilicr shoul.l pive n
m-ll as til present offlee. A.Mress,
Somerset Printing Company.
liUrim'tu. M.UUi' T.
Dij M KIMMllI. will conlliiuc j.nwth'
M.- li. nl K-nili r? lit j.n.l.'i-ii 'l '"e
. li, ilic t-iiircii it S..mcti-t aii.l cbitwiikIiih
" u.l-oi.i !':.';'"
, ., i u ; ln.le H.mse.
. . .n'lTiM II kimiM.. ATi'uKNKY AT
Smiihtim-i. !.. will Kiv l'"""1
t,..n li. I.usinenii utruK-i i" """""
and tlie 'ljlninif cuuut-.
(litliV ill
the Jail J
j- i-tt
I H. H.
m:r It A K KK t.n.Nrf Mr .r..ffssi"nl
wn !( i.i II"" lii-'w
I s.iiT-t ml vii iii- i
tl v. Mini' iu nni-n't
iu'tliH.r wfrtol tlie liar-
m l Hull".
M1I.I.KU Um iH-rnianwitly lomtod j
l.r t ! .r:i-ti l l'i imilwiuii.
I ) iii l(.Tlin I.T tin1
j.r. m IU-U.
I AW MtTH'K AlfxniHleT II. """in
. p-umr.l tl"- Ta.ii.f ! lw iu S.-im-rm-t nn.l
a n..iniiiis muiitiw. tilhcc in tlie Kirdir nltu.
.iii ....
l. h. i. .a.
IV LAW. h..iucnit. !'. mire in !
a. j. t viiru. uuit. w iy.
hii.1 .lial.T ill rval ciliilc. S..mrrwt, Willi
atten.l to nil l.usini-sn cmruitcd to liif care Willi
,.r..i,ii.tni.W Mnd tldclilv. UOX. Vi lv. I
ii' J. & H. K HA Kit,
11. LAW. Somerset.
will iffj. ti'v In Norn
!iu Iwl U) tViu will le .rni.lly HU.-n.led I...
i i ... I u.l mir rotiiitii'S. A" i'"-iiit .ii-
u. li-ly.
1 K VM.0 ILLIN'S. HKXT1ST. S-.m.-rx t,
lira im-in the Imnt irt l jail, up air,
ii-r.J heeae l nil times' lw lound riuiv.l to do
all kiudKot work. uoh as liUiug. n-uulatiiiic. fx-
lr, A.1V Arlin. lill Ul-lll Ol llllkllKlR. BU.I til
Hie Ik "i inatn-ul, Uisurte.l. All oKTaU mr war
ranted, juae
t r-ei, l'a will .roiiiiUy attend to all lupiue
.itnitcj to hllB. .M..H.T a.ivail'l'.i .m i.nerii.qi
.y.'. t ime in lil re-i.ieniv
on .Main street.
jan. 1, 'Tu. i
Soinersai. 1'a., will attend to all busiuefx ii-;
ii. with!-i and ftdelity.
Irulrd to Mr eare in jv.merriei auu anjoiuiiiic r..un.
oi k in i ..uri
let.. IS. 'TO-lv. j
11. .use
I 1 and lioiinty and reunion Aaeiit. Somers.-t
I 'a. i mice iu the Court llou!. Jan. 1 HI.
1 KXET 11XVS1-
Tl. nn.lrlnTinl rCIXVt fllll V Inforillf t lie Mill
lie that he has leasod ll'if well known hotel in the j
l:.T,all5h ot Soinerw t. It IS his to
it in a ft vie which he ho)ei willnive atislaetimi tu
all who may tavor l.iui with their eni..iu. I
Aj.r 17 7 JOHXH1I.U ,
all business entrutv to hif ean- in Somerset ami
ailluiuiiieeouniw. oitire on I street. opo-
.-ite tlie retidenot ol t.d. Seittl. jy
. Ml.
A. ft. MILLEP. after twelve
iN-ruianl-lillv loralni at Solners.-! ..r the prae-
Years" v nraetiee in nanksviue. iiaa
ueool inr-iirliie. nn tenner nis pnnef "lonai -r-;
. the riti-ns ol Soitif-raet and i.-iiilt.
otti.-c in the tin shop formerly by I '. A.
kiiaiiiel. where he ean I chi-uIIi ! al nil times,
unli-s linitessnaially lliiraiced.
-.iKl't ealli-pr.-iiiptly answered,
.lee. bi. '71-1 v. j
I' KXK.ri'KR. I'hysieian and m-ntlst. Herlin. !
' . 1'a. Will (rive prompt attention to all eases
. iiiriiste.1 to his care. Ortiee one li.rwestol t lie j
'liraiiior H..u," rxme as tarupii-d hen-t.-lorc by
lr. 1". I'.Mu.-ser. .
11 .lit Iav. Solllf-rs t. I'll. rrotei!M.llnl bus
nesf resm-tlullv Dolirited aud jiuiK-tually aileiid
..1 1...
SHmrsjt, lVima.
V'ii.c Mantle and Pier Looklmr CI lasses and
1'ietnre Frames a Seialily.
Ill WOOD STBF.KT, riTTSIiVliHII, TA. j 13 j
Are nnw eiaro.l to ilo all kinds of pl.i.ilnir and
.uaaiilaeiurinK ol loiiMuii.' ui. aerials.
W 1XIM IW l 1M H lit -Fil AM US.
Kit AC'KETS, k.e.
In .- Ii.irt. aiivtliinK cenerally use.1 in Imufe buil l
1 m;5. All kiiuls ol work toor.U r.
r.ler pri.inptlv hlieil.
July au 71 tlliop l JOXKS.
James rn.ii,
I-n.w .r'iairi tu mnnuluclure all ktnly(
He will also promptly attend to but the UKST M ATKHI AL will Ik- used.
All work done In the latest and most appmred
ivies, at the
s..inT"ot. M.-ireh dth.
FairM's Stanflarfl
Of all klnflfi. He eareful to buy
lily the jreriulne.
Soale repaired pn.mptlv.
'Alivi. Haeiraire Harrows. Ware-
h.mse 1 ru.-lia. Impn.ved M..nev drawers. c.
f.vikIiank s .m6i:sk k en..
Mar 27 liSi-eoiid Avenue, I'ittsbnrjr.
LWANsVUJ.i; 1'
N.n-. Ii, "Km'
(OpsMe St. l'l.rU- Ib l.)
SI Wix.p Stkcft, PiTTsiaKi;ii, Pa.,
liiiMii t-rs if (JiKCiivwtre and JLiimfac
tiircni of (ilashwarc.
The tifcJL-f-Iitnoil it irr tifir'4 t ituimr.iture all
'..n'tantir on band a suind? irf eopFr and brass
k. iile, iruil eans and all LiuUf ol
Hoiiho Fii rn ioliing Ca'oodx
unlly kept in his line. Klh.p one do. r west ol
'asclwrr s su.rt. Main aireeu S.mierset. 1'a.
auitK ly. NIIA li t'ASKHKF.R.
COLE. UOOKs"& CO., "
Produce Commission Merchants,
Itar Imsiness strietly (Vinimissi., ik Sienja
live. Sjas-ial attention given
Ili-I.T to J. M. Holderhanm. Somerm-t.
-Vewrs. M. I. Miller k ).., Merer Mills
Messrs. Meyers fc Herlin.
t'hauneey Hrookn. I'nfl.ient Western Na-
w """al lhU'k .rf llaltiaa!).
auu II. 1I-ly
The new Flour Mill built on the rite of the
it!'' ""l8 ,"utb of KnersH it com-
M?';."?'"''TMle,1 "tli lt kind of work.
j -v rket l,rlc ld "f Kraln.
m - W
f7 V! T S 1 ' ' wwi-,' J.V,'.;..: IV TT '. Tl "T
1 lie somerset lieralo
.!. :.; . . - . i ' , . . ... . ' ; ' ; : ' ' ' . 1 ' ' ' ;, " . " ; " ' ' ' . '
' ". ! "-' , , ESTABLISHED, 1 3 7- . '
J lord iran:
John F. Blymyer
Han iv-niu nr.! Ills olorr a
Few Doors Above the Old Stand,
i An.l ..ff..r fa. 1.1. .ivli.nim t.n.1 . full lin
!l K.jst tlie vi-ry l..wi-ft .ii.- I
j -1
Hardware or Every Description, I
, 11 OOtK'll
A Nit (,'LASS,
tt aie l' All liimU. '
And everything hriimtflntr to the liinp trade.
V. 111TK I.KA1I,
it 1: 1 SUES.
A lanre sliM-k ol
I'mIiIc Iiiiiiw iiikI I'iIs.
l' a K 11' K.M YKS.
sii h xs.
AMisi issoijs 1
'1--MX I.IXKP , KLTTLKs, kc.,
Ttift't lit-r ii 11 niiiiir art i ! t i-at iiuini-rttiifi t, mn.
f'ii at tim vt'rj- iiiwtHt iiri-'.". itivc lata ucull
For Business Men.
"The Reserve Fund roliey."
Secure SMcial Protection to
Every Policy Holder.
For example: Supise you are thirty five years
ol ave and take a '-Kcscrve Fuu.i Poliey" al r-t!inar-
lite rales.
( hie auiiuij iyuicnt will ili.-ure VuU 2 years aud
3 days.
Two annual paymcnls will insure yon 4 years
and 12 dayii.
Three annual jisyments will InMire yo years
and 27 day.
Five annual payments will insure you 10 years
and 00 days.
Six annual payments will insure you 12 years
and 11 days.
This Protection Appliesto any Age,
And is expressly stated in every IVliey.
This intoeertify that mv late husband. Daniel
H. l'tioinp.n. was inureif in the HerkMiire IJI'e
Insurance I '..iiiiianv. l'illnHel.l. AlaFOt.. forl.(KMI.
I lee,-nil-r ltffli. IHTti, premium lnyablequarterlv.
i That two wvmeuts wi-re made up to June pith.
llfTl.that heiiied a-tol-r i:ith, four mouths alter
! lie tailed to make his payment.
I The usual prools of death were forwarded to the
j tVmimny, and the full amount ot the policy, lem.
' the iwoi'iuarterly iaymeiits due atthetimeof his
i death, wmh laid to ine l.v theirtleneral Afent in
I 1'hila.b ltdiia. W. H. raves. at t heir office, S. W.
I -.niTt'liestnut and Kleventh Streets.
W. H. tlreene, late ot New York, insureil a lew
years slnee in the Herkshire IJfe Insuranee Urn-
: I..I.V It.r i:l Tririi l.nt ftuinv t.. mil fortune in l.ul-
i m-ss was unable to make any mvnient to the I
I'ominnv durinjc one year and liv. naaiths prior to ! .
Ms le-.-ase. 1 have this Iht 1
York olhi-e of the tomiianv. '71 fina.lwav, eorner
ie.-e.ise. i nave tins nay pai-i lai ine Aew
jot :h.uieers street ). three thousand two huudred ;
j and ninety Hilno dollar, this lieiii' the full amouut j
; flue t. hi a i.l..w. alter deducting the overdue pay-.
uienty and Interest. I
New Y
rk. Man-h 11th, 'TO. Suerliitenlt.nt.
IJl of i
ICcad Hie I'ollowiug
C lalniH Paid.
James Joiee. New Y"k City, tl.ou). payaicnt
overdue 4 months.
F. 11. ( Hampe. New York City, l.ouo, pay.
Lieut overdue i months and a days.
Mrs.'I. 11. Hart, Chieairo, III, f.'. 000, payment
tn erdue 7 mont Iu and 16 da vs.
1L F. Moore, lltiston. Mars S2.0O0, l.aymeut
overdue months and 1 da vs.
James H. Adair. New Marsville. Ind., fc!.OO0,
iavment nverilue 1 months and 7 davs.
iieraanl O'Orady, Ketroit. lhlu-1... 3.000, pay
ment overlue 2 vea'rs. Iu iiKmths and 1 1 davs.
.line 1). F-rtahrook. Fllehburn, Mas.. fl.OUO,
payment overdue 3 years, 1 month and t days.
june la-'Ti Sionerset, 1'a.
The Improved
New Draw Feed,
jx)ck: stitch.
There are some points la a Sewinir MaeWne that
Ih.II. deririnx to purchase, sbould lake IiiUj con
sideration, namely:
Lightness of running.
Ease of Management,
t(iaclty to du the Work Required,
1 reedom from Noiae. and
Nuo-Lialdlity u, fn OBt of Order.
We eJatm that tha IMPROVED UXIHTIC
uriM aU these points, and Utat it la
F-A.3wrijL.-5r MACHINE
Now Manufactured.
And w solicit an examination of It. A (rents want-1
ed In every oounty, to whom we will give the moat
II Sera I terms.
EATON UKOS., Fith Ar.,Iliuburgu, Pa.
Jliiiinjf au.1 1 ire U '.
Ncrcr tirol ut it, ruin or shine.
Jiiuuiy w!i! six tlie last birth. lnv,
While I wm? only ixly-ntne !
Ho liule Ma-itcr Comuiooxene
Clvos liimdelf nu)erior airs,
41 al.l Iiik niy lnex(erleDce
Ky tlie wl-.lom mi.Ur his Own white hairs.
Sometimes it happens the hoary sajjre
(h-er-anxious for Number! He ; 1 ' '
Turns to account my tender ra,
And I am most atr wionel) doue,'',.
Xo matter how it may clianee to W,
Jimmy's arrument never tails:
Tlie eopir is always WMnit for Die, ,
And Jimmy is winner, heads or tail?.
Well, 1 have lived to be boy and man,
Pad and trrandad, and yet, I vow,
Never was I in my thn-esvoro and ten
Half so sharp as Jimmy is now !
And sadly the u,ucxtln bothers mc, .
As I slop in my play to look at Mm
What will the Twentieth Century bo.
If the Nineteenth's youmrs ters arc aH like
Jim? - ' - -
K ate I'i tnam tiwHvm, rn llaijter't Mayazint
fur Anyuit.
linNVSTIt.lTKUV. .
A Mry of Tnlifornin I.llr.
Majies was chivalrous by nature ;
lie liclievcd in "m.-eking the bauble
reputation, even in the cannon's
mouth." His enthusiasm Svasaroused
bv the recital of t-tories of deeds of
desiwrate darinsr: while he had
i nothing but contempt for even suc
(.'111 M N K YS, ; cess w on by crooked anil indifferent
' means. Timms, on the contrary, 1"'-
lieved there was policy in war, and
! that the end justified the means, par
ticularly if the end was attained.
' Companions from infanc;
i had beeu spent
; scholastic and sue
the locality afford
meiitarv break in their mend
now, in early manhood.they struggh-d
for a prize of incalcuable value, with
an aruor that tlireateneu a complete
rupture of friendly relations. The
lit a i l oil .1 jjiiuu ui 1j i i f. iiii p, iui.
neighborhood lielle, were to be won ;
and to these none others might aspire
I - .l I. ..,,.1 ,.r I. K-, l...
in the lace ot such lormiuatiie eoiupc-!
titiou as that of Mapes and Timms.
lhey alone each by virtue of his
J ,. t . . i ,
own personality and position had
. . r 1 , . -i
' T lu.'V, rv. l . .
lhot i-n i-iri I .Ii. lrrtto 1,1.. itkiioiriiinc
beauty, and for mouths the strife be-!
mini im iii imu uouc on. l.ian vnv
, , n , . T 11 1 .
taiioti ,ut.o plav all his personal
I aim social resources; Jor ine local so
i cietv had taken such an interest that
... 1 ,
it was divided into two factions,
as the! Mapesites and ' the
! Timnisites. And yet Miss : Eliza
: could not ho brought to express a
'preference. If she rode with one to-
' day, she was careful to walk with the
! rival tomorrow.
Coquetry is delicious to a woman;
'isnd J-Jiza would not have lieen femi
; nine had she lieen in haste to have
made the e lection. Nevertheless, she
' diil not intend to miss her opportnni-
ty. She knew well the war could
! not always last, and feared that when
lone of the aspirants for her favor
! withdrew from the contest, the love
! of the other, wanting the stimulus of
j competition, would grow cold ; hence
J she had made up her mind, that, upon
' the first favorable opportunity, she
j would signify to Mapes that his suit,
! so often pressed, was at last accepted.
I The opportunity, it seemed, was not
! long wanting; for invitations were
I given out for an apple-bcc in the
. neighborhood, and Eliza found means
'to convey an intimation to Mapes
! that she expected to meet him there,
! and counted on his escort home at the
conclusion of the frolic.
The appointed evening looked for
with such nervous anticipation by
MaiM-s, came at last. He felt that it
was the most important moment of
hif life, and arrayed himself as only
a rustic dandy can. His way lay
across a meadow, through which ran,
or rather loitered, a deep, but narrow
stream, spanned by a single log. It
was so dark when he reached this
piimitivc bridge that he was compel
led to feel his way slowly across. As
he progressed it commenced to swing
lightly something very unusual
until he reached the centre, when, to
his utter confusion, it gave way, and
he was launched into the water. He
scrambled out, thcu suddenly the
night became luminous with the lurid
light to which people refer when they
say, in speaking of some profane
wretch, "He swore until all was
blue." Whatever illuminating tpiali
ties this lurid liiht possessed, it had
j no drying oiieti,' and Mapes -was forc
jed to bid adieu for the night to all
hones of liliirhtinir his troth to his he-
! loved Eliza.
I . . t . ,i .
I in me rurai lusiricis I'own j'.asi,
j in early times, the good pcoplo had
j such habits of' industry and rigitl
: economy that they seldom gave tir.
attended narties. unless such as wiri
, , .... , .. , . .
... iir.i.iK,
quillings huskings, or apple-bees;
thus, the apple-bee, fraught with mo
mentous conscouences to Manes and
rimms, was but a social liartv in (lis-
I guise a few apples being pared,
quartered, cored, , and strung iu the
ar'-v 'v',,'"f merely for appearance
ke. . 1
As usual, Eliza was the belle of
the occasion-. Jood looks, entire
self possession, and a keen, satirical
wit always assurred her that position;
and this night she shone with unusu
al brilliancy, until, as the hours wore
away, and Mapes came not, she be
gan to lose herself in w ondering why
and at length she inquired of Timms:
''Is your friend Mapes ailing "
"I guess not," replied Timms; "I
saw him to-day. He was not com-1
"He denies himself much pleasure
in not coming here to-night, for this
is the place where we always have a
good time. -Mint Judy knows how
to give an applc-lice. "
"Vou let Majies alone," answered
l minis; ne Knows wiiat lie is
""AVliat doj ou mean ?,fSl a.-ked
Eliza. ... . r
"Oh, I mean," replied Timms,
.1 vi.. : . : r i
I inui .uujn n is uiu in in w ui f;oou
i :..... .
iciiows, aim gets invitations wncre
the rest of us don't." '.
"Where is Majies to-night?" asked
Eliza, now fully aroused.
"I don't know for sure," answered
Timms. "He told me to-day there
were special reasons for his coming
here, but that he had an invitation to
the rich and aristocratic Squire Hun
toon's who is celebrating his daugh
ter's birthdaj', and that he didn't
h other honors as "V,,,, sa wed the log." said Mapes. - of earprntcr work; and' that I mean j i ' " ,..J !ZZ 'i
eu, without a mo- "What lou-? " askinl Timms. - to nav. Cm m with moJV He tookl', , n , , 7,"J 1 n
know which war he would fro;" and
Timms turned uwav to talk to the
next prettiest fcirl in "the room.
Petted vounir women are Hldom
logical or patient. When the party
broke up, Kliza accepted Tinnns' es-
onrt n Imr Iimim niul ttiPV nr -
rived there, she had consented to be-
-oiiia wrtli iho I.vist unssil.le il. lnv
Mrs. Timms. The next inornimr the
.tin.nrr.inont u ni n iiTiniuii' mill
v'"0"ftv " "'J ...... v.. ..x..., .....
preparations for the wedding com -
iiicneed. Timms was exultant hap -
py J minis.
For a few days Timms was not
much seen in public perhaps for
want of courage to wear his blushing
honors openly ; perhaps for want of'vou, and of inv oath ,to you ; and
courage to meet other contingencies jhow I have borne blows', and lieeii
who knows? But a man cannot quiet how I have been called brute,
make arrangements for his own wed- fool, and kept silent how I have en
ding from a fixed standpoint, ami he dtired taunts and sneers, and hunger
was compelled to venture out. In a ' and discomfort, without a' ,vonl of
quiet and secluded by-way he met reproach yo'ii wrtnld forgivw me:
Mapes.. The meeting to him was a you wouldn't harlipf IqMg)ds of re
surjirise; he smiled feebly, and ex-'venge."
tended his hand. Put Miijies, intent "Thoughts of VJ-vonge! " answered
on business, . strode squarely iqi t!MaK S. "IhI u.s demount, and have
Timms and planted a vigorous blow a settlement; for J.tite my ehanee has
on one of his eyes, which causetl the come at last."- . ;1 , i ' -.1
irentleman to measure his lensrth in I "Manes, would you take the life of
ithedust. Timms sjirang t his feet,
j and showed fight; but another blow
ion trie other evt; sent him nirain to.
grass, where he continued to lie.
"(Jet up." said Manes.
"You'll knock mo down again,"
said I limns.
l es, I w illy' returned Mapes.
"Then I won't get up," said Timms.
" 1 ou re an
infernal scoundrel,'
said Ma pes.
.Mapes, advancing a step.
j -Ves stop, I sawed the log," said
neetlu't thiuk," said '
i Ma ics,
tliat after
your marriage
go i n
to tell
tliiit. Ki.irv mill
- i n - - - - " -.
make me a laughing stock."
' .ycr
speak of it," whined
. , . , ,. ., 1
Periiaim vou won t, said Mapes,
,.i . T. ' . , .... i r.
but 1 in going to swear you before
I get througl,.:.There's another thing; '
.'- . . . - 7
, .. 1,.. ,.. ir;r.tP1.
1" 1 1 1 : a.. i 1 .
aim j. m;ow 11 iri 111 on 10 uousc ner :
' '
. ..., -;.,.. ....... .. 4
so I m going to swear vou to
, . :..i ,?
1 Jt
her kindly.
"I'll swear," said Timms. 1
"Hold ii your hand," said Mapes.
Timms held up his hand.
"Now, reiieat after lue : 'I, Silas !
Tiiimis si.iIi iiiii v swenr 1 1 n t I will
. .T 1 I i
never i.rnig 10 u.e vnowieuge oi any
human lK.iiiff that I sawed the log
wiiereiiv laniel snipes leu into u:e
..' ... " '
eri-ek and lost a wife: and. further .
that, I will, she coiisentino-. marrv
Ki;y !'.rf.l inui Hlii-m- tr. iit l..r
kindly i so help nie (Jotl.'" '
T nnins repeated the oath vrrboliM.
"Now get up and go home,'.' said
Mapes. : "I don't think you'll be
married till
y, their lives. "I can't help vou're saving so." an-, one of LTatitude. for the inestimable I ' , . '.,.,' !i ;'
in competition for) fWl.n,i Timms." . ; s-rvice you did mc by that littiejobi A .' t.' i ... !'' r V
ship. JJut ! . . .lYou aw.l the W" reoeated Ti, ,. ns' horse bv tl,o bridle, turned t """" u" l- i'-l.'r - m
vour ni'Aa irnr fm, tr. .... . a t ....... ....... i ... -- u n.,.i .... . t ,
.v... ...... .i. v .... i - , ., . .1.. . . i . 1 i 1 oi' uu ami in ii it ilium, aim i i- rt Yiif.irtiu.r4 lrifiiiin n r mi irr. nni .... .. . i. ...:ii
g, anil i iv mai time i 11 oe .... , . ... . t crv .Democrat tor dree lev. U looks i ..;...,...,- at .1 r, 1 i .1
i ... .- .... . i;rn e. in a tone i nai was ramer louu. -1 r . .. : ... . t ; vuc lUaw ui
.,., i. int j.t ,i,;i. ' u s me, my own uhckv, near; i - .., , . - T .-n iuu i rcsiueuuai e.i
T"g.: A J; .... .-r !".k I have come," answered Mr Chrisn-, (tu ,1Ke lie 'i ruiuuug imo Attilt.a,t pcp?k, of the Legisla- ber. not only in this
low .-iii.iv oi luu, nun , ....... ,..i , wav ccyiuour uui. . i he iicopieiire . ... . :.,. 1 . t;..
. I.-, .....mi r ...,,: wbikiiik liuw me roniii linn iiosr-iiini ,. -. , ,-. ,., , . , , inui; u ioiiiuiiih-it .- ui'poiiiiiu u i. iiani.
i ee i i uiu uaui noun r-i-v in... , -, ... , ., , ,. ,. . ,-. iiiviueii nisi iikc i iicv were 11IC11. Oil V . ... ... .. -r .1 . i l. i..
r.... ,i. ...., i i l. tlie ale nottie. wnne ne ngnteii ins i : " - .....j uivrsngaie me ciet-iion oi t.ray ami i paruiiuu ami neariv
off the dnst. und walked awav : but'l'1!"
i iiii.i iii i j.--l; n uui nn l'mmiiiii.ihmik . in 1 1 1 ) T' rn xivniiinp iirno iv nn; i . . , - .
w hen he had secured n safe distance
he shouted back cxultingly:
... "Mapes, she's an angel."
In twenty years PanicI Mapes had
learned many things, and among
them this: Life Is very much as w e
make it. In other woruV, the. world
is like a mirror, and looks at us w ith
. 1 . r a T . . . , i
tie .acu h preseUl ii returns sco.l)erv0Uf.m,3s thfl t f th(, foluao
echoes our sobs and Our laughter. To
thc cold, it is as as icy as thc north-;
ern seas; to the loving it is as balmy
as tlie isles of the tropics. He had
learned a still harder .lesson ; which
was to forget the griefs, the sorrows,
the wrongs, and the hates of the pasi.
Thc effect of this lesson was to make
it appear that the lines to him, had
fallen in pleasant places. His rotund
form and linn muscle, bespoke a good
digestion, while a cheerful
nance told of mental peace. A fair
woman called him husband, ami i
children called him father. A beauti
ful home in the Santa Clara Valley
. , t i 1 u
..An.f livri...! n ..p. . i . . . In.... n . . ...ll n .
ma., v oiuu.i m un 01 4.11111, art 111.1 ,in
many head of stock running nearly
wild iu the counties of Monterey and
San Luis Obispo.
Once in a year the cattle that graze
on California s thousand hills are
gathered in bands at convenient
places to be claimed and branded by
their owners such assemblages bc-
called rodeo Majies had been down
across the Salinas J lams, in attend-
anee upon a rodeo ; and being on his I
return, jogging along on his mustang, ,
ne , ...r in ti.e tiisianee, out, near-, j ,imu u at finding his
ing him, an ftjually lone traveller.- .Jt t u ,m
Slowly the distance between them'. an.ii,.' n.aiih,.i fi.i.
decreased; and as thev approached,
Mapes-witrr California" prudence
slimied his-Tevdrer mJi the Mt
slipped Iiis-TevHrer hikiii
which sustained it, from hi? back
round to his left side, brinjring the
hilt under the shadow of his bridle
arm, ana witnin easv reacn or ins
right hand. ' A hear look' assurred
Mapes that he had no occasion for
weapons: the coming man was of
middle age, bnt his look Avas worn,
wean-, dejected, and hopeless in lo
cal phrase, Ins manner was that of a
person who has "lost his grip ;" and
those who have met that terrible mis
fortune arc never highway roblicrs
"grip" being the very quality wanted
in that hazardous pursuit.
The travelers met, w ith a long, in
quiring gaze, when from their lips; si
multaneously burst the words, "Mapes
'111111115." After a moment of muto
surprise, Mapes, spurring his inus.
tang, drew nearer Timms. ' a
".Scb we meet at last. I have been
wauting to see you this many a
year." .. . '.
Thc mtixemcut ecmed. ominous to
Tiinins,, and vc . fvried out; ,"Ioii't
don't shoot ! I have no weapons.
llesides, I have kept :iiiy oath at
least,, as well a I could. . I never
told the reason why you didn't; at
tend the apple-bec, nor even breathed
a ey liable about the sawed log upon
my, solemn oath!" .
"I wasn't thinking of the ducking,"
said Mapes. ,
' "Don't come any nearer," returned
Timms. have always tried to use
that women well; but she wouldn't
be used well. I have done my best
to treat her kindly ; but she wouldn't
lie treated kindly."
'Its no use ti fro tiver1 the rrounds!
to me, Timms." '' ;" '. '
"ISut," rqlleI Timms, "V'u have
no idea what that women' is; you
wouldn't blame me if you only knew,
She's brow-lieot me till I ain't half a
'mnrt" '
"So I see." said Mflpes. , .'
! "No vou don't see." renlied Tirnnis.
! "You don't see half ' Look at this!
t ir'fir ' tnklnn' off his 'hat. and ish'ow-
. , n . , -t
'a long seam an The scalp;" that wa's
, done with tlie iskillet.
"You have" suffered,;' said 'Mapes.
"Suffered!" returned Timms,' '" You
ought to have pworn her too. If you
oniv knew how I haviV thought of
an unarmed man ?" , i ! . .
"Timms, you're crazy !. Let me
explain. I have no wrongs to avenge.
: It isn't for yengeanee that I have
! wanted to see vou. I have heard
( about you often, know 'all your life
land experiences; and 1 have on
wanted to meet you to oner vou
; home and friendship, employment am
iior PWIl, tt
F . . .
1 owe-1 vo,u 110 ,11001, 11 mi
! they
about without remonstrance, and j
traveletl on in silence.
After a w hile, I minis raised his
eves 'timidlv 'from the gr:und, and
. said :
"Mapes, she's
the devil V'Orrr-
A Itlirul IlrlUes.-ooni.
The MenipLis Jivflif7n? savs
i.l... fy.n.w.... .,f vattttnl'ie
, , ,
: nn account of tlie marriage
of Mr
lllnm - in. Cliristv -find Miss Fan II V" I
; j . , .,
. 1 a t . e .... r .i. t 1
: I'liane, ihhu 01 w iioiu .uri: oriL'iii. auu
i shininr lights of tho variety stage.-
i The nuptials were of a decided "urn-
.... ...
ni.-h" nature, as will be remembered, 1
...i .I,,.- i,i;,ii
ii ul n iii.ii u ti ii w juituv i
tour to a hotel lint- the L, hner
House, i.s incorrectly stated. ' ' 1U-!
I iiennii. Ce.,,!! tlii'l-l. 4.. ltt. r.o.lll r.f
r . ,
Madam lam., the happy couple ep-H
,"""""" 1 ""f
l,,;i i vu.,r nn, a,
I affect ion. ljiat liight nbout
witcliiug hour of twelve the happy
bridegroom returned, only to find t he
4 1 . h ji. rv r lu ariin'j Aohi Liaa.iti ial." I r I " '
ed. A few rentle r:m 'ft'ith an
1 bottle which he was carrying to
home, and the door opened.
"Who are vou?" inouircd
"ion get out of here, you nasty
tl.Itifp " ?j ii -rti tlm mmii tittiiiKtii tn o
...,:li?i:i.i, 4i.n4i.w 3 i.iiii V...,.,
, UtlT. llllillUl, ffUU I Milieu I11.I1IIT
a bureau drawer a mammoth six
Mr. George Christy,' the bain'oFst,
"got-". Pefore he got down stairs,
however, his loving wife of eight'
hours shot three times at him. A
f.l ,..i ,i. ..;i;i.. d.e .1... l.:.i !
isuouus., tu. H. ... o. wu ........
i rrnifini n u inn i.rnvm iii.i in i hiu'iik iv '
f t'intvention of thc coroner
........., m..... ... v . . .... . .... ..... . .
Notwithstanding his rather warm
reception, Mr. Christy again visited
his charming bride yesterday morning.
She saw him coming up stairs, and
sent down her cord in the shape of a
skillet, to let him know that she was
not in. . '
Last evening Mr. Christy w as in
consolable also very drunk. Mr.
Christy was resolute and anxious for
a fight - '
At a late hour he embarked on a
'1 Z T. f , !
K iuls cnchantuiont to tJio v:ovf fo
far as his bride is concerned.
Wliy People Mprp Iu ( hiiri-h.
a iurmcr ana uousckecper
wonders why it Is tlmt they must
ne eds take a. nap. ( very Sunday in
.......... ....... .. .. i, " v" f
I comfortably mto the second or third
! ,14'a.,! of,li,s 'l'-'"--, and his congrc -
;(io' to j;stf.n, v(.nt(.
0 st(.a, OV(,r th,.ir facuUit.s land "th
fro Kin ll?1V'i' SiPTIJUd IIIIll Till fnTOUt
hom tf
. .i.t-ti, a ,,,.:., Jni Tra
o'clock in-themorauig, and, the
of business would consider his sanity
or common-sen satilv ,;r ouIhmI ,: in.
question should a fiicml ,-pi-tippse a
halC-hotir's: nni ,at tlmt hviir of the
dayi. Nevertheless, they. .both, sleep
like kittens In their, Tiews,. ami;, logic,
rhetoric, eloquence, are nUky.; wasted
iu the vain attempt to tg rasq their
sluggish souls. The question ,of the
jKiet, fo' ofteu wing in ur. atisemUies--
"My drowsy s.wt-rs, wiiy sleep ye soT"
Is exactly in point, and .avc jiropose
as , an answer, j!eeftusc',(we, are
breathing Cjarbvuic acid gas deadly
poisou; i because ,tie chaj.cPkceper
didn't let the foul air of last $,uu'dayV
I "IVI.,1 vmit'l ianiaml th .. uu-.tii-Jif i e. u usi iouk u.iw u is ; IU-l
t 1 1 1 . 1 1 - 4. at' I I . "" ' , ' . I 1 tl fit U lill'll WlIU
congregation out of tho, doors, andtnatiuus owe aoiueiiiiug to the Italian
windows, and the fresh, pure air, in." i --France, thi tenchiugof St Thomas'
Look round at die widiencc; hat fi-lfr Iit-r philo.-iopheM alwl. iofCcUiui for
vcrish flush bu the face is'nt heat, it! her artists; (Jenuany . tlie thought of
is poison, l he liiciy nodding over j
there, her wosc aud chocks likia scar
letros i not too, warm, or, the ther
mometer doesn't slarjd over, 'over , 70
degree ; .she is ; partially .. su flfocatcd ;
what isbe w;aits in. fresh air. . The
hard working mechanic dcesn't sleep
heeaastv be Watched with, a siclc K'hild
last night, but simply for want of ox
ygen to kwp Uio flame of intellectual
and physical activity- brightly i bunk
ing: 'Nobody jan rise ob wings of
faitln in a poisonous 'stmosphere. ' Ox
ygen arid religion cannot he separated
1 this unrighteous manner.: We can
not live in conformity - to spiritual
laws whilo in ;pcn violation ot the
physical. I.-4 'yonr ehapol-keeper a
man of intelligence sufficient to un
derstand the necessity and reason of
vcntUlatioti ? Hoed he know that
31, 187-2.
every human bein.? vitiates at'the
least estimate, four etibic feet of air
every minute? l.intrer : when the
ronvTCjration leaves, and fee if he
(-huts every door and w indow to keep
in all the heat till evening service.
Then HCO llOW dilllU' tllO hllllpS burn
in the vitiated. air, how hard tho min
Ister tries to raise himself and his
listeners to thii height of some greAt
nothing but ltod uir.' Xow'for the Itarch. ,. There is in Lhem the tame ! WMJray (salary) fl.000; seven el
reniedyj Avhieh cost labor and money ; sacrifice of private to public virtues, ! ators, comprising the committee, at
t.ntk ; .. .,;..i, ,rl tlf ...ii.ii.iici. to emintrv. (.'onsiiiracv $."() euch. Srt.riM: total, t2tJU II.
'"'Ill, I'M ,, III I III I I'l II 1.. .. .I'l. .1.''.. . ' .
shillings and pence. Saturday too
chapel-keeper should le instructed
to f-jM'n oil the doors and window., to
let out .ill the dead and foul air, and
let in'iMich us U' 'fresh It takes no
more coal on Sobbath morning to
heat tho plaTo to it) degree liecausc
of this purification.-' Sunday noon
let the! vmenings of the chapel bo
atrain thrown wide warmth and bad
air will nlik disappear, wnd thoujrli
extra-coal may Ite required U' raiso executioner' of despots. Tyrannicide ordered to be paid, it made no diflcr
the temperature, the minister will becomes, a dogma. There is no code, : euce about the amount; and M'Clure
preach so much better in consequence human, hor' divine,' for these classic I served eiirlitecn or twenty days, and
iiiullbn henrera u-iirii.4len with. Aueli ' tribune which could Protect A wretch they paid him his salary for the
increased relish to the Sacred Word,
that the loss of the pocket will lie in-
finitely compensated by the
of the soul. Sfturffi'on.'-
irain of
' '
i 1 "i
Ik t.reclry n Deniosrat;
Tl ' ! .'.. .. '..'.' .'. 1..Z . ;.t;
ifof xw V i , " Ts 1 V. l7!n.ocracv vou will encounter mai
iy!f ivr:rf.ul ;r.vt pi''vtoo k j wli. ha-vc-tall.n for tll,r lllml,l t,
aj? mtervu-w Lis VMr1nJutMr.t-JoIiB- f.u.nt lrieian tIl0 descendant
,(s,ng chose to do the mtervievvig , a,M,,isLcJ tIl(. monarcllV
I iillll.-CII. -
, 1(Wkt i;. tji(! Iam
' , '
Ol toill Oil
"Xo, it's a (Ireeley paper.
I ."Oh, I thought
ican." ' , ;,
i " So it is."
11 : ' :
' r, i, .- own nic on max i
11 )vasar"',ul'!Hof inwl
' I of seeing liberty
i "What? Ilepublitaa and for Giee-
" Certainly." . j
. " It supported Seymour, didn't it'"'
j' "Xot at all." ' '-. ;:
' ...."That sounds curious to nie. JIu.w
' , 1 1 . c
iCoum a paiicr ne agauisr, r-ciuiour
..u.l r.. I :r....l,.-
1 d
liecausc r-cymour
was a Th-mo-
. t iui.
. .,.,,,-
' dl " 9 '" ...
,, aZ 'tc:n j Orf.-Toy is a
I nlttllil I in fl ' '
v V , , , , ' lr
My barber : looked amazed. He
t it' i .t 1 i
hw eyes to near tlie size of oM
", , . - '
. i inui i tUHicrsiaiiii il, t can l see
, Kt.pUblicttn can be running on
. , .
There is some-
I""' IUiAlHl.llimi
thing loose: somewhere."
' ,. i r . ; . . : ... f
Jie lr 'lot llllllllll ou.iJ l'tuin-
.! erat ic ticket. .
l fllnii i 1 1 1 tai ;w ii r-i t nrii i.i I rrl it tl v
! fooled, fur they think he is.
.'No, indeed' they dou't
"Put they arc all going for. bun
don't know anything
about the platform, as they call it; I
1 look fit the- thiii" uiA as it U IxToro
. . '
liil VkOilJ
i 1 . .
i ' ' .
i tu KyirUf mifau. ratriotuu..
France exerts a powerful influence
over the peoples of the two peninsu
la? beyond the Alps and the Pyrenees
ill 4l. .umnba T'V.,,.,.!.
- " 1" '!'" , ai.n.n,
,n., s.,anishar(; nniwl ;u tllt.;r ,u.
( manitarian spirit by contiguity of ter
j ritorv, and are one in the Latin race
and blood. Consequently one ideas
are analogous, --our movements sim
ultaneous, ovr revolutions mutually
contagions Put the spirit of all Ital
ian policy In thc present century, and,
especially the impulses of Republi
canism, are invariably connected with
that cause which tills with enthusi
asm the hearts of all the inhabitants
of the peninsula the cause of inde
jKiideiicc. The Croats on tho fertile
plains of Lombardy and the beauti
' oa, of Venice, their guns
mountetl on the tortresso.s of such ia-
triotie cities as Veromi, Mantua, and
Pescliiera, their lieutenants command
ing iu Moilena,in Parma, even iu the
Attic Florence; the genius of tho
1 15ourlxus, inherited from the ancient
jSinisli dominatibn, converting into
I prisons, those sunny regions bathed
bv the classic waves of the Tirrhcno,
) and ilUiiiimateti lv tho inspiring sun
Lf Stvt:ia: ihe pontificate in
j R whic, tliroUiru its universal
inhiistry ami its cosmopolitan author
i ity, is always bringing foreign inter
vention: to Itarv all these historic
misfortunes filled the Italians with a
despairw hose echoes are felt in the
X? V,'
tc?'1 vr niu.-it, timj
sta,nzas of her poetry aud the caden-
ged with feueh a
seem to hear in
out. 1
mailljl. ,.. ., . :,. i,n lnmi.ul9tinii of llin
r l;i!ti sob of an entil.e w.e
it i A lmfnte of Italy has iiiterer,u.'d us
alwavs, and always 'will interce-t us,
like our own fate. . From the soil of
Italy our own lioncs are made. From
the tables of the; prctors comes our
law ; and.; the, .language w hich wo
speak is; the sonorous; echo of that
which resounded Ifttjbe tribune of the
C'ostra.:.iThe templo in -which i pur
first prayc-r.s ascend is a shadow, of
the univi rsal catholic, spirit of lioaie.
Our jioetry w a suckled at the. breast
of Italy, and our artspf coloiing and
design . sprang, like Venus from her
schcU, fi0ni the. Italian iialetto. AH
tiioxuuao Jruuo, wno apjHvrs HKe. an
anticipation oi tlie (ieriiian geinns;
Spain, the iusjiiration of Christopher
Colmnbus, who created a world,1ik
the IKivine word.) Nf Vrrthehisa, .a)
nations haVe oppressed, htuv. forced
her to adorn our palaras, to tin(rvour
rftbosi with" Jlirr. colors, ,td delight us
witin her song; aud have compelled
thc divinity of her farts to do u ser
vice, as if the Italians had always, to
jilay in the modern-wwrld thi? part of
tho 'Greeks' in the' ancient imperial
world our masters, ; but still our
slaves.'. ; '.. :. 1. ,', -
But Italy; I nevcrthcles. did. not
lose her great spirit and her dignity
of mind and heart. - All the revela
tions of her nature, music, sculpture,
letters, philosophy, and law, were
consecrated to the vindication of her
personality and independence. Her
politics Jiiore than anything -Ise W as ! cut for )J.r w itncss.v :nud by com-tinpi-d
by this universal aspiration, imittce, ?1,402 M; re.-'pond..-nt f-r
and estieciiillv her rennblican policy. ! .serving subpo nas, $ I ."? 1 ; printing
A people who has lived so long and
with such glory' as Italy never re -
n, ita Tr,liti,.tw " Ttif - refon -
l-ltaliun:rL'pnblicanii--inha.s something spoiitlent, $U""; - K- M'Clure (ex
s'1 of the ancient savor, semething of . traoniinary e.)enses) $2,.riOO; If. Y.
fthc classic spirit.
Its men have been
1 l.v the men of l'ln.f
. . ' - ........... ...... vv... - j - , .
appears 10 uieni uie permaiu nt
of the mind while tyranny continues
Their own individualiiy disapx-ars
for the advantage of general liberties.
The secret society takes potion of
the. man, accompanies him through
...... ,l ... .1
life, ' commands him throughout tlie
world.und demands of ttin even the
alienation of his conscieiu.e, and, if
it is necessary, death. K very repub -
iliean imagine.s himself the judge and
capable of subjugatim
iting hid country,
uracstic ' hearth; of
ily, of taking from
of invading the tlonw
persecuting the family
the eves of the people the light
their native heaven, and of attack
like hvena.s. the remains of past
generations. ' Thus in the Italian de -
encounter Inanv
1. ., ,. - i i .....
, UT oi vbssiii.", us: uu-fMiiu ... u w,
, . l..,.--1.n,..l r.t r.M., a
'stndent of the Platoiiie dialogues
ihich breathe the M-ntiment of in.-
mortality, discreet in. , his language
solute in- hid actions, capable of
in- hw actions, capable of
killm? a tvrant even though he were
his own benefactor, and of takin? his
own life on that clear and starry night
h icli he lost -the horiCiber of the whole comnuttcc, for ho ,
once more in Koine,
I do not think that' IJrtitus exceeded
in stoiei.-m the Italian patriots who,
blinded hv their love of the republic,
. . . 'lV . . 1 M.L . 1 .........
WCIll .ID 1 ariS UIMI UliaCM-U Hie fill-
pcror, 'and then died cheerfully, in -
voking the name of their country, as
if the guillotine w ere the altar where
.. .ii-. .r... t'
they wedded immortality. Emilto
CasTKI.AR, in llnrjn rt Mmjiizine
fourikt harley Itnrkalew.
The particular friends of Mr. Puck
alew boast that he is an honest man.
deny the a
lertion, and can prove
him to h' one of the most shameful j Governor of this State, independent'
and daring public plunderers inthej0f re,t.i propensities during thei
State, and we challenge any person j rebellion. JiWV Journal. i
i A ....- i
Iff Of 11 111. j
We have :.'J Senators, and we find,
by the report of the Auditor (Jcncral
that for the vear ending Tovemler
30th, 100, w hen that Imdy had a
majority ot J.epuWieftns, the pay of
tht Senators for a whole session of
fu,,. Legislature, including the mileage
and stationery, was tis loliows:
four Iienuxrats
cans. Of this
lluekalcw was
and thrw? Iteiiub!i -
committhe Senator'
cliairmun, and had
,1... .... 'nt Tliij in ill. in
llll VU.-llll .1'.,. tUlt.llllllll
lid not set, including ail the sessions,
more than live coittinuous days, it
was held, hi Ihiladelpijia. Ail the
nicniliers' had free tti ki-ts hv rail, tu
travel tiattw ards and torwards. AH
Vat OVIull Jl.J fi aP laa.niil O n . 1 I . i Mfirj
Ac. were Paid bv the State for this
comniittee of seven, at the Washing- of the oppositions, so curiously fra
tou House. They made the State ! ternizing at Ualtiniore. are bound un
pay a bill for their Ixwd and nse of ; der a compact that aid for l.uckalew
a committee room, of $2,3i)4 :.5, equal 1 in October shall be rapaid by help for
to $342 for each memlier. All their ; Greeley in November. Principles,
assistants were j.aid heavily also,as'' facts, hopes and needs -were never
the itemsof -tin-shameful bill will more strongly with the Itepubliean
show. ' ; . : party than to-day, ami "if the work
The members of the committee
were paid $1,000 for their services as' this and October, our banners w ill be
Senators. As Senators they made m0TP brightly blazoned than ever,
this investigation, and all extra ex- i The one supreme need is judicious,
penses they had charged to the State rational and persistent work.
yet this committee, of which Mr. 1 1
Bm kalew was chairman, voted them- Xorih rriin.
selves $5(10 each out of the State1
Treasury iu addition to their salary. ! A campaign of unusual interest is
The taking of this $500 additional in progress in the State of. North
out of the Treasury was absolute i Carolina. This w ill be the first State
stealing. ; But Mr. i'.uckalew took it election of the canvass, and both par
aud mtutioned il. It amounted to ; ties are straining every nerve- to se
about $75 pay for each mcmlicr, for cure a victory. North Corolina was
each meeting they held, which was j always sincerely attached to the
open robbery they stole it because i Union. Her people had no stomach
thev had theuower to take it. iust as! for a fiirht against the old flair. Clav
a robber does w hen he has tho power.
-.. . .. .
JUb IUI 18 WJl aiil lUt'V MUIV lUU
II..1 il . '. a. 1 1 il. .... , 1.. r.
all their friend- thousands of dollars.
, , . . . .
aim rilll .lip a UUI ll tllC amount Ol
no less than $2o,0fj5 1 1 for this in-
. : . . .- . . ...1 . t .......... 1 . .
v esiiiristivMi. wui-ii in." aiiuai VAiiviist's
newdPuot have txceeded$r,00tNand
would uot have exceeded it if con-:
ducted honestly. We , here assert .patriotic as the Whig, and the Ivkpub
that convicted roblicrs, who are now litan party inherits this spirit,
serving out their time in the pentten-" At the last election in the State it
tiaries of the State, are not as guilty ws carried by the Republican?,. after
as this compiittee, bec&uso theso per-, a hard struggle, though it was a cun
30ns , were public officers, sworu to test upon a question of calling a con
prottsct theij interests of the people! vention to revise the State constitu-
u-hnni thev renresi.nt.'il niiil tl... Viuir.
man who approved of and sanctioned'
such wholesale thieving, is the. most ;
crimlual of. the whole lot. .
-X t. .... M.l.1.1.1 , 1 . n Bill. UllVILS Jlld 1
sanction such .conduct and pronoun
it lwnest, liecausc tliesc men had the
power to steal , in i their public i-apac-
i..i.iu ,i.,.. n.ifti ,,-
power to steal . 111 1 their public capac-
.tv tinf mi hr.m.ut' mm. m ssrn tint.
to what partv ' li mav lielong, can example wfll long be felt through-it
sanction snch conduct, much less sup-l thc sout"- lor -N onh
port such a man for Govcnor of thei JarSp prop'rance of white popu
State, whiMWould thtw us., his posi-i:1''"n over the colored, and therefore
tiort to steal the public funds for hinw i ,Hr eL'ar,ltlon 111 favor gf the Le
wlf and those nr-.und him. We de- P"'' iean cause now wonl.l be an uiir
nounce the lUpublicaii members of, Amlited Verdut of their acceptance
that committee just as much aH wc j of aecoiui.l.shed results. T he New
do the DenitH'ratU; members; hutthe,V.'rk lnL"'"' " ? """i!- Z
Democrats bad the controlling power, 1 tu" Paioie..t1f J.ep.ibhcaii w hich
an.l thev had tho power to'check it. j Wrt,vu. ui's aU . w hom
if even one of tho members-desired " "".v 'f'n.nTrlLli
to do so-bntthey did not, and thej names and , -ote the le.,.ocrat.c ticket
chiiirmrft of tho committeo unoroiTd -gfa'g"t- -!
olfit ' ' I' ' w"
1 tr' ' f ,.r The Gcrniantowri Telegraph, a
ilHli HIC H V t.T ri .ii'i-i;tr vi
that swindling committee, -whien is
unparalleled in the history of the
State:- For Teporters and their' as
sistants, fcj.SoT-50; for printing evi-;
denee, 600 eopies, $1,103 ail; George
J. Bolton's bill (Washington House)
$2,391 35; sergeant-at-ami and as-sistant.$850;-erfii4-and
ger's -service for ' committee, $S00;
John A- Lochridger,r rrothonotary,
$45; contestant for 1,049 .witnesses
in attendance, $1,573 50; contestant
N ). 7.
for rui.po nas, -risi); respoml-
subpa na cards, $i'.4; making election j
! boxes, express chaaf-s and miscella- j
' neons. $12.i: unpaid w itnc.;ses of re-;
: (rav (cxtraortlin:iryexienscs)?3,oiH;
A. K. M Clure fsalarv) $1,000; II.
'I'l.T. :, ..f,. tl A'I 11 IV. :.: Fln
, -
. .. .....j ...
, the pay of the Senators for a w hole
Lw ssion, including mih aL-e and sta -
' tionery, i.i iSli'J. Header, did you
ever h c Mich itenu of expenses for a
, committee sitting altogether only
. aoout live conunuous nays. .oi
j one-fourth of thest
witnesses were
examined. " TTvery swindling charge
' that was present ad by both parties
- w as.accepted by this committee and
' whole session, and paid him and ( Jray
also extraoi'dinary cxjienses, eacli 2, -
,iQ. Now recollect, reader, that
,.c ,.oi,ii,iifo,i on.i j.T,..Tfi.rin '
the controlling vote, and he could
' have checked this infamous stealing
: 01 the pumic money, it
.clioe, :
by refusing to sanction it;
lid h
do it?
An honest chairman would have
:i , ... i. .......1.1 , ..
. -
1 tir.Ti C11.I1 t-li. .!. 1 lit if llio
: public funds of the State ; and if that
would not have been sufficient, he
have been sufficient, he'.
would have refused to serve m that
Would have refused to serve in that
position. Put did he do it: If he
'did ve never heard of it before; and, i
therefore, of coure, he sanctioned it.
i aud thcrcfoic, is the most guilty rob
professes to be, and his friends sav he
is. an honest man. e dr-nv it. and
.we have adduced the proof iu the
' above
' :
.wmulmg bill of an inve, -
noil rlllllNiin- 'l l,uil III- n a.- u
committee of which he was a
' member, in ses-ion only a f r-w days,
' and w hich, we re,H,at is unparalleled
in stealings by members ot the Leg -
:. t-
After such u bill sanctioned by
Puckalew. can any man sav
that he is an honest man. and ought
to be elected (Jovi-rnor of Pcnnsvlvu-1
nia ' j
We pronounce Mr. Puckalew a dis-j
honest and corrunt Legislator, and :
. l...rfcf1,rt. too dishonest to lie elected
Snt rt im Oetober.
The Philadelphia North Anu'r!
wisely urges the importance of a
i publican victory in lVnasrlvauia in
; i .
tlmt. (Jem-ml Hurtrtinft nmv come out
of the contest with a rom-in- maiori -
ultimately decide
lection in Govern-1
SCtotA loir in tl... I
Iu callino. fur tLoroua-b me-
labor to secure
position. Juttii.i heitoit: niio.,.,, , . ,.,;,,, .,,,,
composed ot:the Mate election, the .Wito Amen-
; ai claim w ith truth that it derotr-
ates nothing from the zeal that should
be oestoweil ii'mui tlie national eon
! loat Tbft ..l.ii.t I.-.,, ..r Ilarfeniff in I
I. ft...- ...--..I..,.. 4. u, .,...!,.
t Octolier carries the State for Grant in
.ovcmoer, utterly regardless ot any
; combinations that may be achiered.
And. siireailinD" from our State lines !
it will cneonraire the Kepuiilicans iu
' ftlillr' " -J tltiS Ill'A k 1 . W . . TtMTt nn
'The time to work is not lomr. IJoth
that may he is well done octweeu
.1- , .
and Webster were their intense ad-1
iiii.lii.ri n r. ( t I.i 1 1 tw ra nt m T ftoln
- w. .. umi tmu u 11 titui r 14 i, zr-
man, Mangum, kept them always on
4i. ..-..l, ,.;.. Ti.:,.,iMvi:.i
-.1.1 snn-. hum , mi; icai en
still works there as it does in so many
..i. ,..,..1 ..r .1... . r w . ....
vuu . ici w v. , .mmv. . , i . -i u rui-
ty ever flourished in the Republic
that was so intensely national 8nd
tion. But n 111 nest v has admitted many I
of the disfranchised to Hwir forfeited
rights and it is now difficult, to pre -
clit t the-rrwlt -with any certainty,
i nouni ine Mate erection TUis-rear oe
! - .
carrio1(l hY tho l P'li'-aus .the pol.ti-
, f aI ? ratter of the State jwty lie
i considered as settled for many years
anil doubtless the influence of uch an
V - 1 1 a. t. t 1
t binml ini(Atnf.ifnnr - nlifliiiai
Iilc-h toned independent
inal deprecates the personal attacks
now being made on Gen. Cameron,
and declares that thc more they are
persisted in by his personal enemies,
tho stronger it w ill make him with
the people.
1 If a constant supply of radishes is
wanted, sow every week, and keep
clear of weeds ; when insects appear,
dust with air-slacked lime.
Iljrlla .Ha.trpl.
! renicniU-r, years airo, ol Iniviri
heard the following .ms-eiMe of
t'Jirth, ari'l !! it will ln'.ir
rf prf.itin Th ( -i li-lirafi nrti.-f wa.
oin - aplii l t ' liy aa xwiiy
j walttiy, Init very y-wirt'tw M n
I lilriiiun, f' paint tho main ha!! ''fa
ri'W iiinii.-inri with a nistori'-ai '.w
a ftylt; of tiii'xlli.hiiW'nt much in
vo'iur nrnonj? tJio ari.-tocracr of the
jxTioil. ' ' IFojmrth wa.-4 pn to t!i-)rnjKt.-iti'n,
nrnl won akfil what h'
would 'hnr? t mint upon th: wall s
f th tmll . rqirientJUioa of th
I'a.sar of the Children of Ijrat!
across tins IScl .Sea, pursued )y
J'haraoh and hi hofL The paintT
viewed the hall, and replied thHt he
would do it fr one? hundred jr'iin'-aj.
Th tnirterlr old nall turned i his
uos iii iiniii.ciiH iit at tb' ciiormou
'har.;. Jin, would pi ve tv.cnty
giiini us f..r the work ; and that wa-
more than he deemed it worth.
Hogarth, as may well b siif posed
was lxth vfsed and mortified by thi'd
e.stimat; of the value of LU labor ;
but he nodded, and held back hi
temper, and finally i-aid, if the bum
were paid to him in advance, he
; would undi rtako the job. The elofc-
fi.-ted iKbIeman consented t this ar-
. . . .
a ,.ljU,.k, 4,f inward satisfaction in
, vi(.w f h?3 Jtl ,mrj?ain a y, itl
; ((V(.r thft nion,.r Hogarth rKeketed
i tho twenty ld piece? and promised
! tbat he wo'i, commence the work on
tf nWrrow-
Pris-ht and early on the following
...:.. .t. : . ....i ,t.
Ill'Jl 1J III i; ll UIVI.. UJ'n Wl'l Ul illTT
mansion, accompained by a etont as
sistant who bore a huge bucket of
common red paint, and at once they
proceeded to d.rnb the walls of the
hall, and tlie panels and the
liberally w ith the glaring pigment.
Vn h"ir In-fore noon, just as the no-
; ,,jp'man wa, .cttino.
' i.o-arth knocked,"
; nimlcin., when tht
g np from his bed.
at his door, an-
the host appeared.
"Well, sir, is done."
i "Pone : cried the astonished ans
: tocrat. "What is done '"
"Why, the painting of your hall,
ir. '
Unable what to make of this mar-
i .-..IT...... IK,. .bl I-r. T I .
., ... i . .
f brow on r.t nrpcin ivn anil npnt
- - c v "
..l.oru Ami Ui inntcrnnf inn fan l
. iH...'ima:nUl.n '.rMu..! .mm,
: , )rr - nntrfic' fln1
- jj . hlle that rovf.r(.(i
. .. M.l.T V , . . . 1 '. U .! I .1 IUVVI.
"What, in the name of wonder, is
: this V he tried,' rubbing his eyes, and
' cazing from the danb to the dauler.
That, sir," replied Hogarth, with
a low bow, and with a serious look,
is the n d S' tr
-.TT... T....T e,. r T.. t... ! .
, . ' ,.,lnrflr,h flni1
, ,.-, .. .. ,,
, ...i-i ., ,MH .l,,,...l
: rr..,i;c,i "jjoo-arth
j '..VcII '.j wj,cre aro thc children
1 r , , ,
"l i-raii.
"They'" said the painter, with an
assuring nod, "have all crossed over
i "'i
die other side !"
The old u i ""frartl found it in vain to
complain; and for producing the
hosts of Kgypt and the Israelites Ho
"arth finally received his hundred
School tUirl DrfFwsirw.
i The following comninnication ap
jiears in the Cincinnati Commercial:
j I was at Pike's, and was entertained
j by the closing exercises of the high
school. Cut, alas ! for mv recollec
tion of "school girls." At the ap
pointed hour a procession appeared
! "P"" tf,e sta?
which conveyed the
l "Vinton that a convention ol trag-
i-" m. v.
gramme, unc alter anotner inese
white-robecl damisels stalked in with
i "'"J' .ul : " ' an"
O ! were they
! not fearfully and wonderfully fixed I
The fleecy niualins swept the floor in
continuous yards of puffiin and
I rufin?-ana iUav,0n ? -V
' it ti .
oiner tieviccs oi icminine lntrcnuuv.
renderin; it necessary that each one
. .. ,. , .a
f M1""M' J11, ."7 I,rt,lt'c'
t'ssor ample
ivi.iii yj i u. . aioui; i.itr
j amount of dr- goods that encnmlxred
her lovely person. One actually sank
11 ..vl, 1 . el tt "
i ix'neain xne w eigni oi ner nnery or
! some one else's I don't know w hich.
An uated balloon is a feeble i lus-
trntion of the extent to w hich these
lasses, who have thus far been devo
ting their minds to the acquirement of
useful know ledge, had expanded their
garments. Each one seemed greater
than the former, and I began to won
der "vhere on earth they would find
room for the paniers, and how thev
could be all safely stowed away in
the seats till the time should come to
exhibit them again to the admiring
audience. It was a feat certainly re
quiring Tadroit engineering on the
part of the young ladies who thus
martyrized themselves for the amuse
ment of the looker-on. A simple
school girl, modestly and becomingly
clad, svems to lie an obsolete thing
in the.-e days of furbelows and tog
gery. Indeed, there were only fire
or six young ladies among the gradu
ating class that were dressed with
taste considering that they were
school girls, and not actresses and
those few were truly refreshing, and.
as might be expected, anion? the
brightest and most interesting of the
I r.
1 . XT't - ai-i ,
" r" "
I w ill all this insanity in regard to dress
j i
I end ; Heaven only knows. It ctr-
tainl v is a dreadful out-look if we have
. , . ,. ,
i ni' TTZ
oon expect a reactionary mov.emeiK
A complimentary Ohio editor no
tices that "last evening the beruitifui
daughter of Mr. Lovepuflf, the ac
complished and gentlemanly wagoiw
maker of this vicinity, w as united in
wedlock to George Ueerstat. the tal
ented artist, whose charmin? Iand-
! scapes are upon the dashboard of
iT ever turned out of his
j father-in-law's shop, and who at
; 'i""s """"f " i
( 1-
i "vmg sin
A w esi
since Buhens died."
tern fanner put-
lished the followiug charge: "I w ill
bet $12 2. that my hired mau can
take longer go to the harvest Geld,
tret back to dinner quicker, eat more,
d. less, and bear down harder on a
pannel of fence than any other hired
man within fifteen mi!s of the flasr
staffin Jefferson.
Compositors in the New Vork TW
bime office are fined ten cents for each
profane word uttered on the premises,
the money i gathered- and given to
the poor.. One unfortuuate chap, a
new hand, lost nearly a week's wages
one night, over a bit of Greeley's
The "Jubilee City" is what the
rest of Massachusetts calls Boston.
Said a friend to a merchant who
was trying to collect some outstand
ing bills, "you have a good deal of
money coming to yon, havent you?"
"Yes." replied the merchant "and I
can't help wondering why I have to
run so often after what is coming to
me." . , -