The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, July 24, 1872, Image 1

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aiunaml Lis fervid eyes
IVrms otv Publication.;
Ths S:asrsst Herald-
r-rT I1BH11-
.-deeerr WJa-!aj M Tciae a:
paid ia a-twacr; ftarrwinr ;
i.: ha. rhimL
" rah-ripo JlFOfntitcf! axii! all
r ' , oe I.e IB. to aa
. , ,v, aaioe rf the rw--"r at
fiber ihooij riv
wrl at thiw ' "r""
- . . : .li
1 lie
i i. " -
Somerset Printing Company,
Jnll I. S-l LU
Bu.-iDe Manairrr.
J..inf.n Owl -
1v' p. M hlM!EL ml mtam to jnntrr
. to ta ni,u d S-froen-H aad wirr-aiKUM
,au!rr Ota" a I""-
tFth Ukkals
(IltTFtlX Er4TiE.
a. a. LoaraaaT
. a.
..illllV H ViaiXTZ. ATTt'HNEY
i... crt r.. -"
bet E-'lut '
IV i-tL
J:sa F.
lia reopened lus ftore a
- .' . ? i r. 7 : - v: ..i; . - - . .
i i, Few Ofldrt Abort the Old Stand, i
" Fsj oat Is the Exst
j n (nrrlirtt (itlh Bmbi
K'n ft ay lite a war aj the Birat B4 itir. :
Aa.1 fMbtc aad dual
j Sku&e tbc ttar la the amvou,
Wlu.-a hfnkU the birJi aaJ l&e euaing 4 Jr
( Beloar. u tac aj ;
j Aad Nrti.l ral7.
TV BU.-4. like a billow; ea cumiiu; (,
f Kolted hUhrr aad Ihllber
I - LUa vifM of the veeaa.
1 As thvh H WfTrlaJ fJt tfet euBiiaif Jn.
And wn ft'er the hills
I 1 f tht ( Meat. rirtM.
Liirt in tl bur tf l.ui
Uior, ch"erfu!ly.
M name is WLiti n ;
-vr" c;,M tLe' no rfason whv wesliouldhcwciies.'.-.f J;;tict:(tD. Eliza Ls j.Lua, l.uttjrlia nl nut .tiuii.iit .f-ar.-.tnr.
i iiirt irr wLn the war i ir. found, an-1 Ella t!'D-i-r ftL of i corners d:d n t --ct well witlisn. in
wLite Wrfh. ea
) trade. I wurked at a rard
jGrwniicint, U fre the war."
Ion" and ' "TLe SuutL will t-rubraf-e the "ortL, Iaada now o.raed Lj my friend. Cul-wer'fi-d
t.i'ln p'3s nd exxl-wiil n-in evcrj- ria Goddird, fLi. I vi-ittd tie old
und one ( f1' " Bv what mean tLLi -peace , rLU-f Ia!..-It, ad ab-jre Lis monl ier-
-,11 ! aad
J-win" sre
l.a: t,.ar i I.Vc ant. I doEl kmw ciartlr hfc'v wbjt tbe naxue iLiiUitt.
it 1.. .1 . : - ; ; - . t LAmwxl 4.1. nu, tht I : V -T InJ U ?il- k ii f Ifc 1 !. U f Ill 2
. a na 4 1 rniiri r nsaii mi nuuir 1 1 ,t inn il w - v - - -
i T;.i-irt im'' wnllwl 1 1 Mifrbt t sboolder a niB.-Lt and I rouianee and the id-al. he -found on
the oldier -I in a shinwri-ht t.r iisrtit 't mv. coveniKK-nt, so I u-ihouid sue to E.-therr who will p.-r-, three quarter of an im-h
if I tn-Jt ti Virginia- I ! most consent iou of Lastkew-i. ! the waiting ti L Touci
A f hrJl scream nnjjin? out on tue letter rctruiiinj jiuo s mi a y-- v. . l . ; ; - , .nrin the uti .aav i. Tu,i-,f-vi Lv
stui even ins air iira.iu me nxa-ifiiTj -"""iu""i". r- - . - - .. . . : .i,,, r.I.i..vf..l
. 1 I.. . f ..-I. T. -...1 a . . IklP kim l.f BTflll.I U-I7f fbn.1 Vf ATT ' iUC liJ itUJ
, tion of the tao. to a man, mea ner ieu-r mn? ajwuuuuui. rj.a tu - "--- , " , 1 -rt
t l be scream came uui a woman 'coniion w ui.-. mni .... r ,
ins. write irom ner Dfru iua, iuh iiu .vijunn, - - ... , ... . t-.
'"tT" . . ! . . . ... . . ' ..J . t .t.:.: i k U'l it ir,. r.,..,i.r rK t) . of liL'ht on tfcji sul'jert. 1 he Ie!u-
I la enwi-inff ln.adwav tlie woman suud-n, aart wnnoui any rea.nta, m-r , m tuii , aj.u au nwwu mauu-, v v..... . , : - , ,
; n-irh indlimation. were fixed on ra
, - John." .-aid be. "ya -a'i ks'
'what yya are doinr Vou if rv-iath"'-
''"Vil, rx-r ! r tcu Vrjrx
that I am a! In daft ? If I ih-vil Id
; If-efuie azain tb'' "aiat? c'ut.rijj't'i'
wretch your father rai-!!!'" bh
have IV-en. John, never train wL;!'
1 j you lire ttsupt a niaa to break a ?ood
! rejIuU'jn.r'
S':ra.e' nerT uttered a more t!
!nalIe recept. D raos'J.enes could
; not have pi ten it with more wlen.n
! el.u.-n'-e. I was thund-r-truck
- J.Mj pareatA . rr'' at-t-i
1 They k-. k d at uu: and th n turneS
NO. .J. their yaze upon, the TenTable ehief
Uin with awe asdrc-pect They af-
;terward freqncntly reminded n.c rf
wiui i ta ru.B. it.f wpne. aal cLarra me ccver i '
; ! f jrzet it.
Ikniocratic Iii-ra2iie. stoh- !o-- h; lis buri'd in the r.val buria!
tVI ll.Ut,.l- f.f l.n Iin-r thf!l t- 1 1.1 :l -1 1' i
!a rx.Iftnr of smooth Ma k larTi wa ;Su'-nt 01 " lLe u.i, m.:n - place of tLe tr.r- near tn ra;
,-. uLirt l'w thf ut :-a: 01 i re.-Ment urant. ia.:s of the 1 antH", xa .orw!'n
t r-e broustt remains r'T avd to niT-ar-lf tee in-
et:n.a'c le'Hja.
e past. .
of XM in
llonre W kit a Moratr .rf ley.
n the Stale of Louisiana afonL a deam
: had been knxked down by an otnni-; letters stopf-d.
t txis and had fallen riht
I wrote three time
in fr..rit ,.f : lnr u. srnwrf ear.i. Then we adriiicrMui .rem r..-aven t tiu-t-Larre iier
-the horse.
vaneel, and in a F-kirrai.-h I was
V 1
. J. c
K lav., sa. rjvt. . t'Oure in rv irof- uf
Ad-1 "(tVr m W rt. b i a4" a full line
at the rrrj ft fTfra.
Hardware of Every Description.
vl to a4 t.i.a.5- a:rmtnl
F1 a
a -- wiiti
tuff. TI'J.
U' J. a. H. L. BAKE. ATT"fc.XEYS AT
. LAW. .umi, ha.. wiJ j-a-inifr it
.1 aiw ad'...n enn.f. Ail nf;as! en
:.-t.':m w ukis am U fmuv a:'. u.i- t...
aaj(. U Iy.
I ir - (fttir in :3 Irt imf. .
(14XIN. I t-VTIST. sTrt.
a Lr rac a: ai: iiaart rr. vu ai.
a'l k.a- "f fk. af tiurf. r,ulcr. i
ajLar. fci A-iiDci Vf-LC o; ati aad
ti tt: u-'.e'-- ii.-r..x:. All jr4aa war-sai-.e-l.
' ;uac T. T i.
.4.7 CLASS,'
txlea li rt r All Hind.i
ratrofvl t M-.ify lTirrvl io i ntrftl
.Ail. i- Tj.
tt M
KOier?!. ra,. w:j a::f"Tl'i to a.I i-u;n en
1 Ui Li carr u. xnifrf-t aso a fm pr .;-in-?fr a-w n if:v.
H -fu.
(UAL "fL laAM I'iV .1 f
i 'V. r ml -in
al t. uWT aa l P-wfM. An. N.iwr-l
ra. LitlfT in li. Cirt liu.-. jan. il-iX
fivfth-j U the lisp irale.
The fan ia ha f(4nkkjr Wfi-tol futth the ucrne, ,
; Aad bmt aad BseaJow
Smiled a.T at hi omn.
' Kffitynlna the half of his Iwrr aai fteen.
i "
. Bat the laune tea afaUft
Aj IT rtaag to weiane
' The nr-e of the KjrSt and the tin oTlh Jat.
, (Hthend cp in hite Ud
i L-k aa mrsrj with haanen .
And (7JtUtl!j aad !iies:'T raauhed aay .
Now all the War die
i Xia tan Klannatheirfecw.l
Lttaa ar the 1.1am- aifvlan tf ivrarfn Ike
I tee the Mte rl .la
Lihe the teau ot the Ana-eta
. E-fU ap til ir bright Hit aa-1 1 niij 1
j I iactan. la laar.
The bury eacainaetit.
; f n lwaotu. beiir called utT air,
Whime Bia5ie ne'er eatch-
i The avt af por axTa!
Ttr thrin it tbe hi off hart, wearL-vjoae acre. -
I But here aeaih the eocL
i Shady area of the i-t.
Ail rwsl with Btie when brichi waters l-Uf.
The iu4I it bra
F-an the loll aad the rrow
Tlut rorjenf wiih la!- the kin; manner
t:nn:erais wantcti
HIAs thev ould nut outvote tie l.e-
a " . w. a. 1 -11 .!
dutr to s;-;.tr. IsaU-Ila ehould I-?' would then take it and Kt with Lia; p'i''ii.:aa. tteyi.;torra:ne.itoK;ii mmi
oa. now well triT sueree'iea mav
In-fore he could decide abjut it.
; ' - . . . .. .ii ,i. ... , t t . i: r r i : . 1
.. - i, . , j.i . K , a. . i..-i.. . n in,i an. . .'.'.r i 7.. i Ni:ir tit r s .in 1 11 iv " i zit-i in it
yuittl.T toe. eoi.ner ana biuod oni n. v-.i - e- , . , . - ?rT: - . ; tV be l.-amed fr.m tier.-tort cf the com-
luckilrfert-d and came oat, I met a friend ' lie v. .-s and woundia? with I'anhian : --wallow it by a desrate effort;' app.,ti.te.t X, inve.-t..c uc to her a.-?irtance.
The omnious unvcr caa
i pulled hw hors.- up upon perc-eivinj ! from York, and kamcd from him that arrows her well-gruardcd heart. Julia j There w no
jthewomaain front of him, so that ' vnx A sue had rearrietl Bill BaHye. , has a tend ncy to be ialove with h r-.or the reul
t would have Ix-en. the ,
i lTnd the bruits caused by her fall.
fhe had esrapel injury.
f".:. T ha i I tot i-!f iin.'i.ruri jhJ fir rival Sho a dinner-Bell 115? iS the lOl.-t d.san- IW0 I'J"a
aj.'r, ueLi i ii- .... .ii n - . . - --. - - --- - - . .. . ; . . .
ii i r. i ..I ;l l t ,i: I.,-. :n i:un,.F iL. ..tV..-.-j Cin ' rwtrMi iml Kr lh f nw nf fh mffil . " ou J'H u b'i
i il'jyl a arru cnni i.a." a vnii'i. x imu t. ... .v. . ,r- v -.v : . -, . - - -
A. Ilora." White of tLe Chicar-j
Trib,'.n'l w now on of the principal
rnpport'r3 of Mr. Jree!y fr pTesi-d'-Lt.
it may be intr -wr to rcea.'l
Mr. WLite' epinfr.a of hi friend, a.-
pul.!ih'-l in 1J:
H.Ta-e GreeW i not now, aa i
never hi ben, a r.i3n who onrfct t
be tra-ted with an ofSeial position re-
oiL.crwi-tr i:i.'i:r'i
i - mi . -ii r i- j i . i . i.' . .1 i i.a inar..jip. huuiu i t Bi,ti?iT'.'r
The two men a8L1ed the woman ! want to live 1 wactea to me. mew ui.-o er, anu ter iiiwa-proeiiuniea . fww ia ui uvir. . .u t ; - - . , , . .v . .,
-whtt,thou?hciad ia wretchclrar-j nest fi-ht I went into. I foa-tt like , riLtcra-ne w but a of hr-r(apiar for f.ur day, in his tacaa? . ;'-t r'lV r7 Vn
i.;-. i... t t.,......Tr .t... w i; anrf ft..-., Tt U t.i I K.-.!-,l T.-r.t . the Mate was overrun f. iv.enee ,
i the sidewalk. ' " ' bullet wasn't east that wan to kill me., lot k of aj.prc-cktion. for she wear well, but there mii'ht have 1- en ni?ht-s ruMii. ra.u-. s. r . ... r ,
; "Are vou hurt, ma'am r the i -So thines went on till '&. I had , her jewi Is cut of ht, and is con- mare. , ''f ,rT ..T'v.n"
hvidier me-er Ue-pnli-ted and was a veteran. Ia. tent to U tuUandemuod wLrn ua-; -T3!lt 'f 1 , .tL lP;
, -.othankTou;onlva Ji-rLt bruise.' 'the ftm-le at Peter.ur-. after W j dcrstandin dcman.Is any Utrayal of e-' ' -rendered ad ciav and th.n e
replied the woman in a low. sweet 'had made that attack ra the niirlt, hvr.-, if. In seat imental wees Leonora ; Th( , , ; r , .ai'n a C - 1 1 tJl"
voiee "I was more fri 'hunt-d than : and been repald juntas -ve were , is ever buund ; U most happy wheal, . ' .' - ' , , , . , V r. -
I wIshnrL- - ' falling hsckfwith the Confed. rieht moat distressed. Lise Lai ,pice I ?"r lllJl f ' f lD n'rt " tf
Amesstaneti with surj.ri a, theon top of o,, 10 ' blie.t
nan ppokie, ana anxiou-iv ue ixjk- w.juiineo man. t mito nm, uo aju .-. i.uiit :i w t- rl.. r iW , , , i ;.,ttt ,i o r,-' '--x
hW. i to mvatoni-bment it waaEIUBaT-lve. Readmits to the sanctnarv of hc-r i :,14 'a7! J L.l.Lt, noU on recr.rd, i.i Lch the Kua.ui
. .... - . . fr-t . - , : ik.-rijriiM'r n v,7 ir iirtf-iPV
t 1 . W - - . AT - t irriiHO r. V I t . 1 1 : ,l ft. s . 11 a1.,1 inA - " " - - - - - - - -
lie cf:vl Ul as- Jasi a. i reoirnizru uimt a ! risu c;i.iwa.ut. tAnnz: vi Ji-r .ivi.iii.-
e,t;mony Miows tta. over. - rr3f.tic4i Jom, or.iinarv
and p-r-..2s were fci.d. aLip. or m, coa.-i.eni ac
tion. For twenty-Sve years he ha
been a tnarj.'lot ia eouaeil. an nnreii
ab coniraaader in action, a misaa-
iorv, ar
tru-test conrenuon-
he is a well-bred automaton ; i
,.i,nMr t..-!-. r. certain, a!
Mvaiiita am 'i , v-aava aa J I mX I c 3iTi T
The BT-Je-jra-: r;-fr-t.''u'.:r ::. rza tic im
Trat he hat tti w-rU o !i .-i ic tlie
F- r"i- ( mr-N't. 1 i i m:-ti:; c t. ki-(
i: :ri a Tle wnirn he wn eive iau-rtj.i fe.
a.. wtK- Dial U"-T li.a: a.:t :iAir rut.-oi
Apri: ri John kill.-
1 merfr. Pa.. ;il :e iT'-n. anrfiiUu
af: Kar.nfr entrurel T. ti nrr ui s-iirret and
a : . at.a-ia::e. "rs-e liu-c ;rr--L -i-j-.e
tje rciarat wf 1. 1 j.. . -u.
DU. AO MI LEE B. aVr twelve;
Tfar' a--tie prarii in S-Lar.Vrr:.. haf '
d- fmiaaB:.5" l-wraiii at V4iK-rri ir t r.f j-ra---:
.- . nai ii'u- aal ienirr t. .r..iT-.fEiai
t lb ti.e tin Hirt f.fTiT ifll
a. :i. :u -. wiirre be can -u-u.:
afN.taV. a. j r aif.u2 ai-rwrV
i t. U. Ti-ty.
A B ui
K ii i
i-l l-n'. ..U'".l-IHiV t i
a! aii iipk-p.
uuI Tor la
The tas.e fra D3T fraimat
Cim. earliax wrwrarl.
Seem. with fcirtat that wit fanrj
A tbe ni-mptf and the Cain.-
Of rweet ancietit ttorr
Were w.atto tnfts'T Hie WT..V and the leTc.
I dreaa uf the tiae
Whea the strife aa-i ocltaxka
That r-l. the w.ld w Uh mk h Kainre,
hall eev
Aa-f m't ia Se hfarf
la the araui afth ana
Save only the beavny icatic of pesee.
Bill Kaplve the man who had raar-1 flection of her surroundings, ljecause ! ,
ried the rirl I had loved at the eo.-c s-he Las u-A eaSck-at force to vary j 4 '
r . t i . I. : .: l. . ... I.., ...i.t.,n " j 10 til'
ed i
. i,-,ni.hnunt ' the oemv rhafired nin us : I aw a . is Lown in the
! "What?'' exclaimed the woman alre unified. to cot Baplye down. I : ality.
i . . i i . . , - . 1 .. . . ..... . .... .aa.1i .1 V, .,1 tw . 1 1 r. .
m a to. i i'i. roil i T ! t . .1 f " I i irfw ut 'in aim. it . ' . t 'j L I : - . o 1 v ---- -- . j -j. . i . ,
' - ... . .. ' . 1 " - . i .t ri c i i.r n.;.v . ; - . - i . . u.
'liiieTm .irwt lioiKTi .lines : erii on hit utisi saycn nt ine 01 1 it wh-iu.ui.. . 17, 1,1 nr-i
the soldier said. a s-liirht Luskine
- wrcertf i!J? in his Voice.
You Robert Ames?" the woman of mv ritrht arm. In the kinnUh : l"rm her pattern.
Exclaimed, as if unable to believe U that followed f-M- a party of oar Maud effect Tennyson and tears.
K..irin.r ItoTs rallied to EOT re--'re I lost siffht ; niuslia of the whitest aad iiiVfierv of
. . - . Ti . . 1 . . r ' ri , 1 L .
1 1 es, 1 am tue iauoeri .vmes iiiai 01 liapiyr. auu uav nr er i-eea u:m
1 yoa once knew," the Soldier said. T ' from that time ti'l my eye fell upon
have chanired a great deal since 'CI, - Lira to-niekt."'
' bat you have chaared more than I.' "Ames, many a man has Urn ca'.i
. Sad'was the tone of the speaker. ' eJ a hero f -r doinf less than you hare
"Oh! I have had s: much troub!.." : .-r;e. HLstTr ha wriftTi tbe d-t!s
the woman cried. deviairinirV. ' My 1 cf our rrtat men. bnt the unwritten
md a riotous dis-
orzaaizcr in defeat lie has a. way-b..-en
faaaucal ia his demands f r the
eitremest nieasures, and when the
party ha reached the eve of triumph,
he invariably thru.-ts hinl forward
as a aesrotiator of terms of surrtad-T
to the t nemv. llis eouTre diriii the
wr was bu: a refit tition of his course
in p- uitics. Ia I';0, Le was aa cpen
defender of secession : he chaared to
1 7?,. 07 T a vi-u- champion of the war. and
ue.Jred Kpublicaa. .a two uavs. A tWif: r wasforertr mkleiv mak-
Cotivcatlon he deemed pile of tweaty-Sve U dlcs of the vic
. James C. Svlvis. Trei- tims were fjuiei hif buried ia the
in iroj?aIs f-.r
; cf the Iabor Union of IVria-vl- wooL-. TLe Kuklux ca;,tu:
vama, in
!e-.-;v withdrawiaT the
and as
. 1 ..1 " 1 .1 .1 . . . 1 .1.1 r.i l.i . , t
a luij;.;uvu u tuc ma. iujr . leili uau.n:? 'ji - . . r i-
i"i..i.'...i,i, f'rk:i.
"...1 rt,..", n ,! -,V.- - I 1 "
of Mars, and nectiaun.'
or, takes exception ' red flannel, ear
tae advi.t- of tae irttiuu, aa-l. in marched them to the, aii.t ma..
the event of there bein no Lab.T Be- theai vote the Ik-moTatic ticket "
feno candidates to I voted f..r, ihe This is not S.ti-.a, but words
. . T - T . t 1 . ... . r-1
tL blackest sort SLei, a di.tiliation i sl , ' 'x-eea uraat aaa , mitn irom aa ia:rart:ai rfrt ih
n. ;i!r-,-- .,.1 , jreeier,ijetra.res i nu'ijatica.iv tLat ne is "the Deace aad eoo1-wl: wa:ca
-l-il" 7liu.a' - . aaA-a liUlilTULall ' . - -
i.-m. Miriam, I'enelope, Cordelia, t
and Bachxl, nel to 1 stately, calm, i
, -th.
is i jt urant lie savs : wonM t. iiow tac u
What Las Greeley ever done for Grant : these are th
us? Take his financial views, can we which would be
ead"r-e them ? And vet this is the citizen.
and self-eu.-uined admired Lv manv
esteemed by all. and le'oved l.v on
I'hoelje and Phiiiis are not urbane ia
ea; cf Pr-idet
"Liberal". rights
lor iwt-ntv Tears he Laa been an
uei niprcmi.-inj advocate for a souar
, f -'Lt with th pro--'av?ry party, an i
' when thai kind of a S-Lt forced
1 wa, it.- t - . t.
up,a tL'1 l.ep'io-car.s, ia l-jj. Le wa.
here ia Chl-ZT. votinr not f.r Un
allowed the love
-band now is Ivinjr oa liis death : deeds cf onr privates shame many on , mind or manners. They are prorai-
KNEPPEE. PhTi.-ian aa.1 1 A '
Ps. ir'U!.: a'T.loC t. i r-- 1
mrl tr rare. nf-,.- av tt---. -4 tne 1 H i?e. fcaaie a -.--i-td tcrrr J..rt y
- p t.Siirr.
AN a. Se LaJfiu-S.
11 , al Law ha. fl-IMfj. t-iii-
.;i'-iirtf aiid ; ui lua.iv aru-tnl-
lICKF.n7II.I.. LYONS & (
Pi i.' 1XVIN LIN Ll kETTLLS. li.
T nriurr wuh aiaaf ank-ii? two can. -us to
in an a.lvct-.riurct. lie i etrnuuied to
in- ai The rerr l..w-; fi:m a caiL
June li Ti
For Business vJMen.
Chaieaax ea Eiae !
C'hatea ax eft Eepane !
W tut fanrifci airmt d. the dreaaselvid
They're hathed In the fire-h.
nv!.ha-ht af the an-nlax.
. I-ied. have Iheertmcx. aad J.1. V
1 They rise, Kke the Lark.
Ia the bricat, dray wjomln.
, 1 v "a a- the trmjig Ftar ia the we;
AJ faDf-y. Lhe tlril
n the w in-, erer acairiut.
1 Hat Tlrat at hapfiinrta. qm.i t aad M.
vita! question -of our d :.-. nee frwra
all parties. Vote f .r Greei y ! i-cr
a him
friends f..r a sM,taaev. BoUrt!" ex-'stars. Bat vou have no ideti whv ; feraw aad farti-Loases. aad c mmend ' t;iu"r'a S
i.Umi,.,! ilo u-.,mn looklne- into h: ' r!,"s rwraved von ?" : ihems-dves warmlv to the swaia cre-;ir'"i'- . ..z.l"c''-. "ie. 3 "--
e . -.i i - -v ... T... . .l. i" n i.i inti.,-. t. i-i;r ir..t .i.-wi el.-. prctenucU .r.tnus or tlie Laior le-,Gr
lice W:in lier s-"jll ijlie n I?. uu .iuae IB lue irsM, iufnri wr , .v".- iu . vUi. . 'uu, u . ?i -r . ,, , , , c
... , . - . -, , ... .. r , . c-, ...;.. ,.,.v. i . i , f. . i lurmers, (-I'ei.iiiiv k ie ii-t n'e
ou i-jTst't tue pa.-t ano ai. i me n-iw in i;ea ran s:ow iv. -Tin mjr. 1 e e-t soj-iru .u--, -u-i ic u.;-i cm : -. . ,,
mv hour or trouble 7" that I love her now, tiKmzli Tears '--"-J- toe tan 01 pi.ianiry Qoes ; - , -:,v ...
'Willin-lvr crie.1 the soldier, im- have pa.ed. a well a I ever did."" not throb at mention of Susannah, . uo lu'' ;"; e "V- '"k
pul.-ivelv '-WLat do vou wi-h me A moan from the ?ek man attract-i who rises t0 the fancy with milk and preie .jea-pL - owttev i.ave a
to do'" ed the attention of the two. The v - water eye uai-Lapelv month, aad an rare t-aw u -ow ue.r -r.. n-..T-:p.
... .... 4., ii.;,.; - .il'-attin-rwnrbnt -it Uar.-wil.llr ted seeure a ?Wious victory by it
V. juix: will - . ' ua-iru'. ui- . , ( . f..t,. ...r..n. n
t'rs of these terriMe crimes are ia fa
vor of Horace Grcel-r. Thi- one fact
should "pen the eyes of the people to
the full meaning of tnis deserate
eobcbiaauon of -iaavtLia ti bt-at
Defeat Grant, and the I- ya!
f the S...utL are "in:-e more at
;v of the rel.d bldLomds.
who only need hi.- defeat to f n;.-h
their work of blood. Defeat Grant,
and universal riooru will settle over
tL South, and ob-rire forever the
coin. r.'T f.r Chase, but for old Ed
ward Bates, cf Missouri, one of the
fos-ii- of the clave panv. He wis
asciatJ and co-lal;orer of
and aartlia-
ia: ot
the Li"
Sn utJir no nte
(f the wift tri&z axttttf.
I pef le with beitcn the -eattiet uf air."
Aad dremA of the r
Ani ii.-rk far are.
In Tii i.. of teauty. ty &1 cunpare.
home and see if anything canbedone ' The glared eyes of be dyini
! to aid hit husband," the woman r1- stared fixedlv at the faee of the
di r messenger.
: "-B Anir taTirmurtxl the
es, 1 u ?o on at once.
man , to ilc sweet syuaoies 01 1 loia s name,
s,,. and awaits with eatr expectaacy the
, rejral presence of Zenobia, too lofty to
r-ick l-e lightly loved.
Fiae Mantle etvi Pitr L.4:rirTaf an
Pirture Fmmo a S;naii:y.
.J WerSTEEETriTTE.Vf.aH 1 A.
hlir II
W eixht fttawl Ajea.
;omel:M.iy who has b.-en 'stadyinr
weights" rep.rts that "upon aa
Let them co:i.e torwara anl ta
i Iavis and Parker at Baltimore.
may then pardon their shameful treat
j ment of us ia thLs State, aad help
them to elect their State ti kew But
on no othT condition will I vote with
them or for them : and moi , I hold it
to he the duty, ia the vent of the en
' dorsenieat at of Greelev.
-e ! suashiae of Lbtnv which
ii . .-I
ii e . jr-jiaiE? to Lizai ur its once tie
lields. Defeat Grant, aad civil."
is retarded at lean a centirv.
; ;e
late itioa
A n. w - rr-i-iT-isi b- W u kindr iat irt ai. I -l t-a.iJ tmm ni.f..
f ASHAXrilHiOl. ;
Ev-iraliy in 1 a- 11:14-
"-The Ilosc-rve Fund Pobcy."
ll EUfcl THE
llere-aitarT Imflaewee-a.
distinct! v asfertedbv I'r:f-.r;
Lucas, and ajroed t bv others, that
."dispositioa to any f-.n:i of disease.
lie the Blair fatally. The
otiatry at this time wants no iasp-r-ed
harlequins in theaationai cocacls.
Still le-iioes it waat men with state
man-Lip so nacrosopic that they can
see aoiLiajr in pablic business but the
mileare and p-r di m of their fellow
rn-mrjers. If Mr. Greeiey is not sat
isfied witk Lis position as a journal
ist a position Lich ouzhi i -e
ejuai ia pir.t of in-uence, pwer. an i
di.-nlty tothat of six average Sena-
'UT: and if the Rcpublicaas of New
York want to do Svmethin? for Liai,
jlet them make him Sute Iri.-H.-a Ia-
. sr?ctor, or even Governor : aav.hir.j'
I that wi
not make tte outs
-onsibie for Lis f.'il
W here tm Eiaal it.
' I il with vou : exclaime.i the man m a ha.-kr broken voi--,
major, perct ivins there was some my s- jriad yen are here. 1 wan't yr.n to
tery connected with the woman and fvnrive me before I die. I stole the
soldier roes-eager's relations in the h-ttera you wrote to Ajnes forged
....... : V...... v....t Uit
1 t, - t .1 , t u,ki .-" i a--I. ... v. ar rage-, bovs at birth wei-rh a Lttie and the declination of Davis and pre
.' , . ... , , ,i i . , . r ' i - t iii.i-D,w an-lir-nsa Ltt'e less, than six Parker and the failure of our partv to 'or anv malf-rmatioa. miv l.e-jme an ' A friLier cmr!oveI a an
.ti t . . , caJeil -rnes Ivar-Ive led tte jv, u-tterlook 1 . .aaivthcr b)er. Her;, .. i . . i" r . ., - - , ti 1- " , , , .-,
Here, Red capr cried a ia.L well the one armed Yat a-d the nr de h-rt -he aceer-t.-l me I o!e 1 1 na1 an l ta' Fcr t!ie firit tw " make 0,!"r 'mn"--s. 1 inheritance. Tim disea--e cf tLe from the Enwra.d fce on sprmr to
bull:, standing on the step - (oli0wed.' ' " . vour wf'e and t-jti saved mv life Viv yea-5 the two sexes continue nearly hj f-.r Cra-f. ; heart is hereditary ; so are tubercles take care of his grounds. Uewasex-
ofthe Metrohtaa hotel, one fine .Lc Voman-r girl rather, fr life since that lime, has bvea a he'. ;e:i,ia- 13 weight, but "eyond thattime : "The l-t way to secure the repeal . in the lungs; also are diseases of . cvedingly green, but he was simply
Ma v tvenaiir ia the year 1 sC9. ' e t w TOU.a aa i aT v fMYC meorar f T me : ma"-' ac,F 1 decided preponder- of a bad L w is to enfor ,-e it. and the the brain, of the brer, and of the kid- to ooey lastntcucas. and w.-r-iinc:?
The maa addressed a.? 'Redcap. , , .r ,--"-.- ! ' 1 ;,..'i' .i..,.vi-.. in. ant"? itU:S young men or twentv aver- i bst wav u open taf- eves or tte peo- nev ; s-j are d:-H-a.-e- or tte eve and he caie evtrv memm to receive or-
"ILc woman or g-.ri
she seems to be quite yot
..1.1'ntlni-l. t.f v.-.lirc
; His garb of faded blJeLis red cap. iJO ..y! ;k.d Amc5 . .-;n
ana tne empty ngu eeveoi is coat aIini,n h.Ae mv Loart. anJ
told that he was a disabled Soldier.
One who had fought for Uncle S a al
and k-ft his tru'-ty right ana on some
southern battle StdA And now, the
the ma-, I'm a miserable drutkeu Least. Oh!
t me rev. mercv !"'
'$2 she . And with this last de-r-palring cry
ia "oo the soul of Ba:lve fiv d to answer to
aegonehundredand forty-three pounds , pie t c ur existence as a party, and of the ear. General maladies
her husband cost me mv riirht arm. its Jud-re.
Through Lim aad her my whole life; Agnes n-tarning
has been rumt-d.
twt-Lty pounds,
heaviest bulk a
The major stared
ir. fjTL acv-.h-ns
.e. AU kjrit A wvt d-e U.
Tier" jt Knpt:y!.
j ii.y ai n 1 j -
ill J i3 Es..
Ve-ryrr-. Saa-cial Irt-ctia U
Is a- w .r jArtJ Ui aanttiaoiun: l.'A uf
N tee bet the EES T JCATEXIALwIil Sr a sol.
AJ wjrk "iie ia the ii.n ul tl. jj.;-T'veJ
-;Vi. at tbe
S.-!bTar-t. Xlfib fJh.
FmwberwV'f Of'i-w?
ffaiihjiia. lie c-trc.'tf .. l:y
. n.r the reauine.
Neaie sevaml T'TVXnliy.
-liM Iwxzare ta.-Tww. Ware-
wse ln k. Lxie-T-! M -v lsawes. a-.
Xar2T ivi eouat Arecae. Iltti4 .
earning a scanty subsistence a a "Sol
( dier Messengt t" a carrier of letters
, aad parcels, eager to do any errand to
, gain him bread.
; . . , . ! Thev sav that Republics are un-
iiVerV rOllCV HOlaer. "fal- that the Soldier Mcssensreri
1 l . L . 1 i 1 it
soiaierwnocauiomarcnTotnequicE- 8i these strange words fcP. upon his
Mp of the L mon and sealed h:s Joy-
alty with his blood, was "reduced to . w tb -,v t.-, r.-n...
X U T Uauaai 1VU -m ' aa a r mm a,", u
ment house in Mulberry street
The house was situated in the rear
and was one of the worst of its class.
The stairs and c-ntrv wavs were ret k-
, husband was
a-.oa;r.aicui ; ae could n
was freedom
the patient, uncomjilniaing slave of a
lirunkew bim. " now tr.e
r and forty-nine pounds. Taking men ',
J T i ,,V i-WM-. I, c.w aiwi war- aaa Is aV
tcrs wTre fcrnhen w tj f r-e once;, . - . .
; full growth averages ab.;.rjt twenty ,
ni,,r" . . ! times as heaTv as thev were on the
TK. !ii. .r iii-r-w- Ari.-s r.i Side I - . i
- . rrsr i iiv c : rr.rir i-v m-nit
. i-i-. . i -1 i -i . -- ... ... - - - - .
e are iwxj u.i uuiiv oius. ur
drrs what to do for the dav. His r-t
young wome n of the righteousness e.f enr principle, is equally iaherltaLie, as goat and mad- order was to spread a bean cf cas-
Luntlred and to give tt- m f.jur i-ore v-ars of Oraat aes. Lonzevnv on tte one hand, and nre.
by 1 "An" what"! I do that fur, sir ?"
"Why," said his employer, "we
spread it so that the roots will and it"
"An they will And it by spriding ?""
"Yes," was the reply.
Out went Patrick and commenced
f his labor. The manure was heavv.
and bv-aad-bv beia to wear ur:a
Men reach their rule. I:, he event of the above coa- premature death on the other, zo
.fi.u. in. i l -u c. , liJll w it uirU;l 111431 a liius. '.r?ir:. i.- ii u lyii-.'.ri friass
far beioud eartini uiu. : , . . - - . , . . . , ... , . . , , ,
f - i r . i.t, and stitr-two ponads; but women friend of our candor . onsnn than toese-. we sha.1 stud and
iot "e-P, for uis ueaoi . . . - . , , , , -, .... . , , ,
t h r he had 1 ea 5i0TT" "crease ia weirht until fiftv, compels me sav I am for Grant. the law of inaenianee to ho d 20od.
ui u vxn-ii airu; is uuuureu , i i .a. uiuruiu susc I'uui.ii lucuu.a.'Wii!
Halrriar llwraea I
II wt Vt rather.
ere is a warm controversv com-
' disoa.-e, or to the pjisonons effect
1 opium, or of calomel, and an aversion
! to the taste of meat, are all found to
ews o:
Abont aj-:n
lag up in regard to the watering of t inheriteil. So is craving for drink, his empJovcr went cut to see ho w he
Men Bvr's :a w:irw weavter. At present . or fr gamUing. strong-sexual pa.-sioa . got alwn;. and found Lira swear.n?
eijrhtv. ;
,orp exist, proves the
: sariaz.
truth of the
I f a- ?1 r-aa t ii i; iv ,u ir liii.w !,a Vi a .t I l. 1- - . - . a w a
- t , a 1 f - - " ' -ar,,fii Tr.-m . r. ,nn. J ,.T tirr ttl CI l. 3-? aCat'UU U'J i-Ll ' i TVri ti'l 1 ViTV Till 1 1 II: Ttf'T''. Tll Til Pr"i,-5 TT! T w. f T" 111 fil'l ? rhJTaw4n
ingwita tutn. tontagion lurhct . said, putting tbe wnlracts iaw the ; J--undre, nwonten from-than a man's hand: but we are ; J violence, and to'crimes of fraud. iVTXr Vald
' . , .Vr-- , , lu tlnLtv-eistt to two hundred anj.dlv mt.takea if it do not come to There are certain marked of! nLat plants would find the can are ?
aueouiau.euuietoiou .e.ounai tus man. ana ttat uuS poor - - The actual wei-ht of . be one of the most stirring questions character jastTv associated with mark
at tae verv iop oi uie iiouse. e-'l Las a accent nome. Ames lanii
; plat;
Ye, of conre. they
rill tad it'
Ir-r .wr.. t.. are titrtrave year. The soldier turned at the elL, and : ,ntVa 1 tas a accent nome a-n, i .ni ,1..jiitaa Ejuu of of the day; one ia the face cf which edtvx-es of feature and cf tempera-! -Well then, Wdad." said the per-
i 'tZ l "at'- advanced to the man oa the steps. , On dirty mat extendrd on tL , g.Mn? to lend von five bunded donars . .,s j coa(i;:-ESaoJj: cftr even -Drilling i;er,-,s Hilling Corn.". meat We hold, axiomatical!, that spiring Irishman, whipin- his bVad
I tLnx -a iav. y. s year, ad i In person, the soldier was a good La fi,f.,a-T m eJY 3" ' W -voa 13 basme5 W? ,-vo.u taker, tailors maidens, bovs f& i Howing." or any c ther illus-; the latter .re inherited ( the case be- oa his sheeve. -woulda't it be Utter
. 3 t re,-t win inntre j i yr, i looking fellow of, perhaps, five and f' Ja;b; Jff, J f' p1.1"1-: ' ' l'ut,da0! , and babies, all included verv trlons subject of the past, wiH ra!e. , Lag too notorious aad too consistent ; to leave i: ia tie stable, rlr. an' let
'.niida twentv; with a frank, honest face, j VtatT I i f ny Jt ' nearlv one hundred r-mnds These! Several writer:-have of late sa-; with the aaalorr afforded bv brute them fad it there ? I; would save
ZXZr--' -iThe short bbek hair-moustache of much to do with the advent : of iL Kr tJI vears IVeUato.- e r:a i avoirdur'' that ii. watering horses -wbile ' 4nle to ren-iW arirunient ieoessa-mncb hard work; do voa -ef sir ?
'Ji l79tm wia 'the same hue. and certain indeed-: ihe -PereL who eien now was for t,rt loan that saved my he. and -u hut ajr.x-at of lLU.: they are warn" ia summer is a very rv). and we tte re? re infer the same! '
.a,i ..a hu. y. isy-rar, . ent carriaire of the bead bard to de-! 1'$' ? cv . tbat I ve fvund Luii Im . f. ' . pi,: 4 bad thing; others sav that "more -uf- of the former. For instance, the face ' ...i.itutniem?
. scTibe, but ence seen not easilv forsrot-
ten told plainly that he wa a New
TT-LsPrDtec fwrnie
fifth avenue? asked the gentleman,
: on the steps, as the soldier eaaie up to ,
"Yes. sir." repli-I the "oldier ia a,
, fu!L maalv voice. ;
Tte stran,
-1 " T T . . L'i.
tae aeatn MXiesea man. . to --Low mv srautud-j a 1 can. - - - . .-f..r a- ir-inr.-..? -f.-.r .-. nf .v i...... :.
rt .i i , . ., , , i Die; "j.Li u in.ruciaCinZ Ite mie taai I v ui me couiim.aiit i-5 wjarr. rearH", j
The major hough u.-d o . The open-hearted major would no ! J Trv we "h ! water ia summer than from too much ; sad heavilv jawed. It differs from
f i.tlLwi.l'tL.!: ac "no lDd "lj"t -like other jewels-'and m-ea avoir-f The great centre of attack ia , that of the ascetic, the volup-.
xstiicie.u, .,1 "o- .Eie- accepiea iue auau o-er. ..i,, tvI, t ,t., .-..i . this new line of thou-ht is net Josei-h rrtarw tk At tbrbarT-trr,
And is eit-rfst-y rtated n ee! Piiiry.
Within six months Agnes
: f the one-armed
ier ;
This it u eenifr tl
set late hc-hasd. Inr.iel a
man, eagerly.
The major shook his head. the wife
I will not attempt to deceive you. the old love wj- srill stron!T vvithin
be said slowly. "I do not think he her heart
will live an hour." I3 a snu? little shop on Fifth ave-
Oh. if he would bat speak before nnf-. Ames does a thriving besines-s,
i uujk;s.
Vutinj nic-n
of twenty, one htijdred i "arr.s, atbougn te is but one or sev
eral wao tias taten ia taa i tte reior-
K Tb.-cnf... wit Wl Wert-""" L-6e cpon VJ tar
Icj-n.-a-k-e .te;t. PittfSeid. Stxtr . !.:.. i r
Iwm:T lwa. t-rii. pr-icinra jariMc --in. tO the Other S
r - - - - - i j- r. .u :r . j - n ..
tbe tones of tbe soldier's voice ft-H , "T' x w-. ami lew woim regnize in ta- nap-.
Earcrlv he looked ia- -- -' "- "i" "- py ioOKiag r.-upie tne woman no
'It-rin"f I m.t
ten me oeiore tnis ar.acK; Stiffnlii jA'mal.
"'Then he has not sitokcn since ?" I
"Possiblv pome brandv misl.t re-
soaiettmg that concerns mv happi- was dra"tr-d InTieath the horse's hoof.
t-.f.-.rA t-.'BC5f?- 90 II- " about to ' or Red can the soldier me-?er.
' Sat'TiIci
t- J
V moment the soldier looked at
UTrtTt gentleman befor re-;
N. t W Ha
) l-,..;c St. t'harl. li i
e ' " I
41 W.-.D STRrFT. PlTTsblEOII. IA !
l-biirter .f OaeeaMrare and XaBufar-
-" .
taiw-r wf Ma-wtwaf-.
Foat twv Mtaanae were made ap to June lv-h.
that he Ujpd rU l'a. fufsx Bxatht a.".-
fae fa.inl to ataae hj pa--o-pt. asked quii ldv.
-ci;aT. avt tlie foil anvnt at t & puiicy. kro
oae (w
I . ....... . ir" tj . , k.. AffUM . la- MT-if4v. limn I. l,... 1-a. .1
er. waLia s-,. ' "( V, r.V:-t v. M:i ...i vive him so that he can speak.
7 .JTD. t - i- A Ut A O-l J J ir .w . - - - - - -
W. H. Oreene. Use New Y.-rh. torared a tew , thoDjrh VOUT face (!! Seem familiar
tun ..are in tlie iBerk.-h.ra Lite Inf-uraar-e t'.en- - -
... . . i 1 i . 'i
f -iw. T kit a-. amr Dai nut lu Bii--vfnmwe in . -f 1 . - - - , . . , , , ,
!--' wat anatie to aui any payment to ta. j , f..:- TT1 f .1 tnd qn'.CklV ftie departed.
The Ied cap gazed Ion.
Still more stromr'v marked than
and lurtv-three r3unds ; voun- vo- uu ua taacuiu a,un me reu-r- ttese are tae tiT-ical leatures aaa
moa of twea'v, one hundred and sixtv I atin of horse manners and customs characters of different races of men.
pounds. " io reference to drink. ! The MongoHaas, Jews. Negroes.
i ! The theory of horsemen in graeral ; Gypsies and American Indians se-
Taiew r TwfjMia. I is that it L an evil to perspire freely ' verallv propagate their kinds; and
dawarra weather, and that if little each kind differing la character and
Geo. M. Mead states his experience ! water le given, they caa perspire but iatellect as well as ia color and shape
with toads in the Ohio Fsrmfr. Un-!l'tie. "Themore water we give them form a class cf instances worthr cf
less their skin is broken they are per- tLe more they sweat,
fectlv harmless. Thev will eat anv hand the Iaboriair ms
h4 ,TUer. ia In a Name.
Out of the itfteen cases of defalca
tion ia the custom revenue service,
only two of the offcials were appoin
ted by President Graat The foikiw
ing list will s-how where the a-era!
responsibility rests:
Ni of A-as:
Caret. Iflr'-.T-.:.
Ar-5-itird ty Parbanaa 1 i i :i
L.D" Jl 4 IT - 9
- J..rua.a 1 i.tzi '.j
Oriat.... l?.-'i "
If the Tribune would publish a few
of these interestinz facts it might do
the pen: pie a favor. Eat
1 vou tro for some ?"
The major gave her a gree
1 ..uin.T danntf . rrar ajM fiTfr WMaitzU CrHfT to '
l.j d-aee. 1 hare' taut day jmi lattheNew tV-ninth.
1 ft v(Sseof tyomair. TT1 Hmajway. tx-rarr
haBKN-r mrrei .. tdree t r-oao. tw- ksndrad j
as ir K;i
On the other d,,- iavestivation, ia which pecUI..cexj to a oran. and pared
man ia the open iarlties of character are lavariablv --irb n,,i-Vpr tri rii 1 1-) t-
bngbn: the potato bog. In Kits-; fields tells ua he is never so comfor-1 transmitted from the parents to the ; Toct the repetition of old times. '
field, .Mass., I Lad aa uncle, one of the j table at wor as when he i perspir-' offspring Fraud Galtcn. i The a- w.noni.m ofro.'-v
' finest eardenersin tbe town, and he. sing Sreelv. and be take hu glass of. " . i ' i'i .v...v; ,i :.
I i , r..; . -.... ... . ... , - ,' - U'j.wi i-va iii lur.u..-: i.a.
.u cm"j- iuim.-iK3iuci'.iw- t.-t the no iirt a mnr.imt .,f fr. n. a , rooa rinr water as o:ien as ce . . . . ,
. . -t-- - - - . r .p. i cave teea icrreiea oui
, , , , , , ; Grant's term. Morethaa three-
. i , ' . , . i . Li.c U'.'A' .... '.T i . a.
jAivtr. . - . . nice fat one, cam them Ldi;e aad ' -or tte oeasL l emaps so. iwtenabnv re-idcj wit a Lis father. vv .
Tki a " m if r-lflfl gf m Try ia li . . i , . . T- . . . . . . . ! ir . . l -r. , ,, i - . , - '
-' . i v. ti;it tricni in t.i. i irnen t. ffl-rr. Tr,p tt e suoiajse lOitr itulu i.r uiiuaai inivpnfir at i.:ai r-:.'i-i
. i iag disquisitioa, whether original or a-d to iick np these venomous toads : pleases- The argument from this is'
ahHrt-; stolen, it does not say probably the ;n h;s iUt whenever he could find 1 that what is good for the man is good 1
al it
dr Jctasoa.
would be to have
r i ----
IIoTr verv I;b
nni :im- i rw a- cm i r i-tfiro m Mmw iwi ii.a ai . . i . i v .v.. . . u j ... : i : -t' i tt - t t
1 . - fan aaha . au - I. IT I 1 I F . 1 I M I . ' wa r, i rm T . k aU i- V T nil T7 -4A I 1 I I l Jtr II til li 1 , T"" UliU tt I ' I a T.- JB ww a- a w-T-. ni r.n 1 4. T W, J Ta ' . . 1-
T1 J T " 1 1 I ' l T- a f I bit Ti aA f T .1 i . ' t . . . T-, 4 n . w- a an a r.l& da j r aT.1 ATT .(.iruin.'tn ..-. w - . ... 1 .t ..... . .
ine soiaier tonciK-a las. cap, re-.t".' v a,.j....-3 Uu.;.in1i,ca3uiivuu.-, UIU5 wu : uar; an! worms, lie saul to mc one oetween tnese ot-posiag iorcts. At m Lebanon. ConnH.ucut In the . .m v,
fc ? . itvlaa. Uaf Vft-rta 1 aaaasM . SItfu11r. at tl., uf - "a OU know Lim . asked the nil 'or. j COaditlOaS tOO delicate tl be defaced. '.!..-. "TT,r nl-.,-A 1 anv rsr tK aiin.i.-.n m-Pil .t-. n.-. '..;.,l.T -,V. -.1 , r.i Tf . 1 . XI . . " . . ' .
Uat. n.aLaTueMa aw-ltae iwy ' f , - "" " , , - , r - .V .-t v .V - u. i i " - " .- - -o"1"- -"" - , . , . . ' . auioW tLeiT CoCstitlieata tO EUOW Mao
Bu'-1 aba !UnH. . lue OLuei a raua. w- " v . . . , " . . wianaiares imi " u-igL u. lie .i nirv
New Y r Man-h Uta,
Ta. suinntendfBt.
I don't remembt r the came.
I the Bed cap said. .
if von rw't rf.m a TTr-Ti " I tbiiirht '- hairni to the rxla'ir ddtTib bea.-ts intfr-i ftnrirr.rifit r.f tbii rsiI- u . l,r.'t ' - . i .
l.-.r f.f tl. n-nmn b: tn- Lit . ...!:.., .rfM..'..;n. rl,'.,l, ' . ." T . I . w -1 . . . . '. . il is liii.
sir, vi " J"--- MU-1" vawuuu auLu taat a iittie singular but concluued toiesteo. unr own experience tas Deea . tarv ia the of tte celebrated
a w IT T 7" 1 .11 ' . . 1 k 1 W 1 t lv .
,Kcad tbe FwiIUiiiaitr
"What retrinieat were you ia ?"
"lb. hftT-Lrst .w lork."
us. Apes, the soldier said. "llis: translates them to the nund in not.trrit When 1 went Lome I found j adverse to excessive watering.
name is u uaam i.apiye. lie ana l materially uiSerent Hues and forms. 0a0 the she.1 close to the kitchen in the harvest field we think
wys together li id aa the same NoImJt roaaders Jerushafasxrinating' nj commenced. At Crt I can-ht a ationisadvisaUe. German.':
Even ; Uncas. Amongthe heirs of the chief- i Teesx :5 a deaI of ;n the f-!-
made bv
cw-wr-lfTf ! " twv--4 at maaaai-rare 3
New TJTt rttr
.a..,, i.
, irTrriK aM-Wll
TIN AND SHEET IBX WABE. r. n. c. iupe New y-t dry .,. p...
i Bniit tfrerdue 4 aktht and i Uai. f
1 .Mr O. i1-- Hare Chieaaru. LU. ai.aua, paraacwi i
'- ormlae T avtAt and 14 dayt.
1 s.'-ii-ir ua tao.1 a r.n-lr uf e..;ar atw Inty i H- 1 M.mre. buMn. Hat, fivMa. ymeBt
aru.t-r inu iii and aii a jij kf ' oeerdae 1 akctht aad 14 day. .
Jaawre H. Adair. lew jaay-ruie. ui. aaaa. '
; parwieat oer.iae J wKntht atkl " dayt. ,
bemari ' rra.r. Ia-ircdt. Slirh . 4.66, jy.
' Et-nt .Perdue 1 Tear. W .i:bt and 11 cay.
JBf-t I. iMAtnu. Kio-bbarc. Mate.. tU-Uwfc. I
peraveot fteerdae 3 Tear. 1 asoBLa aad 1 day.
ITZtZJnZ lmTJZj'ZJ('-U( , ' O'-CHILl.. A 11 A i-s HALL. '
lii.. .,AMCA5.EfcEE2.-l- J"- - - - w"" '
IIaijiaaa l urviUhiiit; CaXMl
Produce Commission Merchants.!
' no i r.irr en street. I
B.iiri.noitK. jivJ
act- r . Li.c ico-JTii a trite can isa aa rr!;: ,.i.'..i..n c . I . .-
-Do you remember, at Fredericks- street-went to the same school, and or Mabel repuhave. Sibyl suggests , hlls cr flr a:id ,fK),i a, fir off i ; e.;ra;. - exce'eM huat. wa as drunken and ' PoiTin &.i , ' e-vi
burg, a captaia of the sixth Maine,! then, when we became men catered i s-iftness aad kadness. arvit Angelina! TOuIJ and drr.ppe-d it down in front of i worthless an Indian as could be found. T CM-e t'Vl'V,-
shot through the Moulder and lying ; Jh nve shipyard and worked side . mawkish sentiment. Blood and;rnrrvn. I did n.t hare ton; to wait , rirruy. ,Bvtbe death of intervenin? Leir. Tnt-e t"n Ta -Cco"
berpless on the field, when the signal , br de. He was handsome fellow breeding seem to lie ia Edith, and in-, f .f the btr had tardlv dnTrd till it j Zacharv found him-clf entitled to the t-;
of retreat was given ?" ; you wouldn t think it to look at bim elegance and rusucity ia lrL-cilla. - disappeared. ' Each dav I went ta see ! The It-arih and U.n.e talks thus to ' roval power. Ia this moment the bet- ' ' ..V ' Al the tate w:'i
"Yes, sir," replied the soldier. T fi wotn -Jaril tanfni ; and feed him. and wen't np closer, ua-1 bovs : j tef eenious ef Zacharv assumed swav v,! A ta T&L iL nat
-Yoa took tLe helpless man ia your drink and devilment and I see it Las in many tongues, has host such savor til he got so tame that be- would at -Fair plav in plav is the foundation ' and Le reSeeitl seriou-lv. -How , , V iV. tV", , 7 r.u -u
arm? and carrie.! him to the rear proved the rum of him ; not .only his as she might have bad from excess of nT time take a bugor fiv out of mvfor fair plav in life." To plav unfair! v : can such a drunkca wretch as I as- ; t ,1 tve ch'd cf eVerv
placed bim ia an ambulance and thus 'in, but hers too the prl I. major. ; handbag. ie tlunx of hr now in f,. I then beiraa to handle him, ! is to steal. " Bv the rules of 'the game, ' pire to be chief of this noble tril-e ? V . 'eommun:V a-J
saved Lis life." I ?nee loved better than did any-, coanectba with almost anythinr else 1 an,j ;f I chanced to move him from ' vou Lave certain ri-hts aad tout op- How shall the shades of mv s-iou A ir-.itT 'cf L-A ,
'Yes. I remember.' said the s.I- tLing else ia the wor.d. HI tell tom than grace and LiTehaess. Xihte i'y3 nice little corner be wonM go back' p.ment la. rirhts. Th riAts. like ancestors look down indicant upon .-'a"'1 to'kara a trade and ia
dier. rather astrnished at the knowb; whole rtory-tbat ts. if you d like laterestiae, though she conveys ; there and seem to wait forme to come all rights, are of the nature of proper-1 such a suecessc.r? Ave-drink no ffV la- ve4r of h"s ar--L
edge of the other. -I only did what bear it certain impress.on l of wiidaess ap-t an(1 m hinL . - tr. If vou take the sliirhtcst advan-' more 1" And be demnlv rcsolve-l' r.V.o.M c-t" his bvin-or.t'of
was right nothing more. J5ut V -twtamly; I feel quite a cur:- prsW , Pauline is p.. Harris said twentv vears' a?o t'a-e to "which vou ar.not entitled, that be would drink nothing stron-ef We have hi- ero eWaed the tM
fbn't im.t.rct.n.i k- ; I ositT. la-ta.TT,icT r.refen!u-ni tnil tbl..w .t.. . . . . j -tl .: .t ...... . , . . , - N e .. c ui.u r.. ia.e tra.j
taaa water, ana tc tep: lis rts-n- ..r, W(? ;tarTC,j e tctt feet Tie
await i v.r.uvi. uu i. 13 u.i. .ma .- at '--. u;ai iic spjHj--ij ;in. cQor oi ine vuu are io xaai exrenr well, in ff is
Tile I 111 prOYeCi . Ld-jW the areniastancesofthe affair.",' -While Bill Raplve and I were Batk i. fiiai(le. geDauao, w ucax full cqnash bnj- (mri Trifti would a hard wonl to be. But I will" let
u on.
1 That U raiir4?xplainei. I itd tic worldnirsWebv ridein tt toad: and to te?t frou oranTotLr.nsoIcntiMi hvr fay ! ZarLarv
. a.,, aa. w- Y. . 1 i i. . . 1 WlL - 1- . Ta.lL a. flA 1 .'w .rl T J , c-VaJlwaw- ! .t. a . . 1 ' . . .
r- tTT- rTtTTi r a rririT . ". . 1 - . . - . i ai w . - I - - ? -
tLLirilt itlflU MAtniir-imaa wnose lav yon saved. Ite. we bota got acquaiated wita Agaes. i me core, au ana iaa sbw gentle- rjic matter he offered one to grave- what one is who takes that which ' h"s tribe.
'ilaine captain Know a Major in thete was aa orphan, without a rela- ness wnaoui strengtn, ana delicaey i !ootlng Bufo nndef.a cabbare. He 1 does not belonr to him, and thus ia- ' ernor to attend the annual flection ia . .:., :.
jreguiar army, l knew your voice Uve m the world, and worked in a;ratber man uiseernment Alice is; it eagcrrv, it out in-frin?es on the ftzhU of another. Hartford, and it was customarT for ;.i.,.,,:- .j,: " u .
'or r:?f- rn-.'T .--.
.t sj.r,,! a;ar.i. m f ;rea
P.ew Draw Feed,
- - s,- ! LOCK STITCH.
; the moment you spoke. Give us your millinery store on Davison street,! """bat circumstances may raako her j crantlv, reared 'tip oa his hind lers t
I hand, comrade.' She boarded fast two doors from mv; pretty aad spoiled, needing trial fr j and put his front feet on the top of I
i -i ii" t i : i T. - ,1. .i. ...jr.i .3 l . . . J : . r . i . . r.... . ' 1
' school a-vstem of tivilav d.Ks n.if Cf.a-
sUcceeUt .I to li.e r.lie 01 : ; te-mr.lare the fi.-t of a man bavin
It was usual for the Gov-;a st0Liacn to be able to
into it The
monster; it
l X-.T A l . Merert UUI.
l-wr. M.
e-Laaay RnaAa. Weetera Na
tM&ai liaaia ut banaura.
a-m ii Ti-iva
I There are arftae.ieuU la a Sewinjr Karhiae that
i lalM deaaraaw b. tanun, atMua Laae tow cvev , t . J.,-;' i
1 nJeratjuo. monety: . . "
Lirhtaeflt e raonlca'.
Lae t4 Maaaa-eaoeat.
The soldk-T hesitated. house.
Why, major, 1 'ni only a poor worth-' just before
. Well, Agnes-thL was in Cf, ' development adversity fco- elevation. ! LU head for an instant, as if ia pain, not like to sav that thebov who plavs Go
efore the war was as pretty a;Amy is a child always, even after 'and thon disappeared across the gar-funfairlv will "grow to be a'rogue. But'wa
. . . 1 . 1.1. . ! m iLfnifff . ,wi TT11 . t. l . i , V 1M : , . . . . 4.-... . . . . I
! The boy who plays fairly Is sure to ; the Moheiraa chief alstj t Jinend. and ; j3 aTmov- ,a,i
mate an nonoTabSe man. I should on his way to st.-p aaa aane wita tae;eja
vcrnor. Juhn. the Governor's son,
as but a bov, aad on cne of these ! tv. -
as that of the lower
scs m t.n?!ana. waotnowotiv
to use- a spade or watch a spin-
lijartii u AvjTtj. Wort Repaired.
t reeatawa rriea . aad
oa ljarulty U pK Mat ef Order.
-.1 . . t 1 . 1.1.'.. ,' rr iLmifff . w1 mltnrZt-wr . i ..V In :. . ..... I ... . . i . i - . , . : U.t.
. I r I n . IT1-, "1 mill .a . 1 ,il I 1 .Ik.. . T ...... I Ull , . . .. . ul 11 I . ..... mtluill ' ' ..m , . r-. t w. - ... . w a . . ... ... . . . . . ii . . p. U n . .f.. . . . . , . . . . . ... T.lHTI.n , .. . rt 1 r . .
. r- - - -' . - - rf ; uvu 111 a sit.MT- ji tut- ivaiesi leatr a a ui sa mai uic wi a ui i.ars oa- WTt-riou?, -- ' -' - , v -
... . . . . T ... . . . 1 1 .1 .-a. .. . - I . . .
, -1 be badge or yoar wc-rtn is Uerc, and sbe was as goCKi. toj, as sbe was't-an renaer ner omerwiee. Hness, j to3.j evcr made. Perhaps the bur' fair advantase ia a game shows weak cured a scene, which I will riveia1 V Il-'e waif was picked np on the
my friend, and the major laid bis. pretty: Both Bin Raplye aad myself' Mf-consoioasness an-1 an?ularity ; tit the biter. Not sansSed wifh this, moral nature" aad caaaot be depended! Trumbulis own words : : street this mornis?. On bein? a-kci
v e--v -ir ' j,- .ti. .a . , T, .aaa .u.a vow tir.4 atli At ; - ji. Quaicu up aaoi ar loao, w men 'qq m piiica. t vuc ua uat- 11 uirv oils iuiuj:i.r, if he tad a mot ner ne aa-fwereu :
"The aew FVau- Jt3 he.h the m-jt of Ua
OLD "iriLL."
rtaha that the IXPRllVED T I TfTTf j
p mtn,t i ad thee autata. aad that at ia
tv sleeve, "and it is a black spot cpon the same time.
our Lonor as a nation, that w e let our best although Bill
disabled soldiers almost starve In the ' lockin,; fellow than I. WeH, at last air might surround Blanche - and
. She liked me the ; should be consequential and inflated 'r Livei under the piarzs, and alwavs
'ill was a much better ! witboat desert A certain bot-house ; ganncd himself in one' place in the
streets, whUe we waste millions on Agnes gave me her promise to be mv j Bertha, and they should be kept there
f a mule :h of SaeerM
4 raxt razAmc. It aaa aii Um
aai lawiarranlad
io.lif.rj-. an.I Mrtb.fin lr&ai li tf.fa erirw i Trifi. TtanlvA trw-.b tbi mirrm. i . i if it be desirable to nrpicrre lh-ir
! of new territorv. ' good natured wav. He said 'It's been ' freshness and their fragraace.
av i- -ar.,f
Now ManiifactTJxecL
: And w ricu a .iai . I uuTS is a uijT countrv. major, tn- aiairceia no lavor. ana tne best! Clara not ta be he her-su-if abnnbi
!"S??.,h?ljaiLw-w- 'f-i)clc Sam has nrobiblr" forgotten ns man has won : and if she ioe. lil-e It r.n arTtt-mat. fViw,'
poor fellows, though we didat forget' yoa better than she does me, that's ' ing with her the form aad daintiness
lanot laoprwee-
J-lo ymA tur aii .:tv1 K r-aia.
liarral termt.
1 LAIX fcitUS, 1 Fith Art .ntLalwJTh. Pa.
j . struck me to try the sincerity of the ', r duaao ; but I guess not for
Quite recentlT an enthusiastic old maa's temperance. The family whcn I ran awav this morning the
grass, and offered Lim a squata bug, j Georgian chanired the name of bis no-j were seatea at earner, and taere wai 0d uns was a qnarua,' and father fcad
which be tX'k and swallowed, wink- teL m Dalton, from the Georgia noose exeehant Lome-brewed teer on tae ta- a hatchet
rag ra a verv satisfied manner. ' to the Greelev House.
Twenty other fine bugs followed the
first, in a few moments, with no diffi
culty or hesitation in the taking or
the swallowing, though from the wrig-
A week after
it was struck with lightning. The
owner is considering the propriety
of ruing Mr. Greeley for consequential
hie. I addressed the old chief : I
'Zacharv, the beer is very fine, will , A young lady who was recently dy
yoa not taste it ? The" old maa iag from having worn corset3 saag, -I
4rnrtrid V.?a Irn ii.l bninr for- would Tint liTP al war I wish not tO
' ward with a stem intensity cf exjTes- J stay."